Reverend J. W. Lowery


Methodist Minister, Winfield.
Note: It appears that the early newspapers were quite confused relative to the spelling of the last name of Capt. John Lowry and Rev. J. W. Lowery, Pastor of the M. E. Church in Winfield. Quite often the good Captain was called Lowrey as was the Pastor. I have proceeded to make changes in the newspapers for both the Captain and the Reverend. MAW 12/28/2002
From notes made by RKW comes the following...
Methodist Society Organized in 1870 in Winfield.
The Methodist society at Winfield was organized in May, 1870, by Rev. B. C. Swarts with three members, two full members and one probationer. This was the first organiza­tion in the county. In September following the membership having increased to ten, the construction of a house of worship was decided upon. In May, 1871, a church building was completed. In March of 1871, the Kansas M. E. conference appointed Rev. L. A. Smith to fill the charge. Rev. Wm. Armstrong succeeded him; and in Aug. 1872 Rev. Williams took charge; and following him was Rev. J. W. Lowery in March, 1873. In March 1874, Rev. J. McQuiston was placed in charge, and finally in September, 1875, Winfield became a station with Rev. J. C. Adams as pastor.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 10, 1873.
RECAP: Grand march at 11 a.m., with at least 2,500 in march to the speakers’ stand. Rev. Lowery invoked blessing; Byron A. Snow read Declaration of American Independence; John B. Fairbank, Esq., delivered oration. After lunch: address by D. C. Scull, speech by Hon. James McDermott, benediction by Rev. J. B. Parmelee. March again taken up. Late in the evening a balloon ascension took place. Funny thing: fireworks not mentioned.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 30, 1873.
The members of the Fraternity of Odd Fellows will give a Sociable on Wednesday evening, November 5th, in the large room at the Courthouse. Evening entertainments will be of a social character. Supper will be provided at an early hour.
SOLICITING COMMITTEE: Mrs. M. L. Mullen, Mrs. J. J. Todd, Mrs. S. W. Greer, Mrs. Braidwood, Miss J. Stewart, Mrs. J. Bullene, Mrs. Jeffreys, L. J. Webb, T. A. Blanchard, A. S. Williams, G. W. Martin, Mrs. Fannie V. Curns, A. G. Jackson.
COMMITTEE ON PREPARING AND DECORATING THE ROOM: P. M. Shell, J. W. Curns, A. J. Thompson, Miss Ada Millington, Miss Quarles, Mrs. McMasters.
COMMITTEE ON KITCHEN: J. J. Williams, P. M. Sholl, F. D. Davis.
COMMITTEE ON MUSIC: Miss Lewelia Blandin, Miss Kate Lowery, Miss Kate Porter, Miss Braidwood, J. Swain.
COMMITTEE ON RECEPTION: Mrs. Flint, Miss J. Stewart, Mrs. Capt. Davis, J. J. Wil­liams, J. Swain, Dr. Houx.
By order of the general Committee.

Winfield Courier, November 27, 1873.
Donation party at Rev. Mr. Lowery’s last night.
Winfield Courier, December 4, 1873.
Some parties, on the evening of Nov. 26th, enticed the Pastor of the M. E. church and his family away from home and in their absence took entire possession of the parsonage, talking, laughing, singing, eating cake, apples, etc., to the comfort of said parties and numerous others, all of which was a “surprise” to the said minister and family. Then on leaving, these parties failed to take with them numerous sacks of flour, potatoes, with groceries, dry goods, and greenbacks, supplementing the whole with a copy of Lange’s Commentary, which they had brought, to the amount of $75.00. Dear friends, you didn’t spite us. Come again—always welcome. The latch string is out. Accept the thanks of self and family for these tokens of regard and kindness. J. W. and J. A. LOWERY.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.
MARRIED. CURE - MONFORTE. On March 4th at the residence of the bride’s father on Dutch Creek, by the Rev. J. W. Lowery, Mr. M. S. Cure to Miss Julia M. Monforte, all of Winfield Township.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.
Resolution of Respect.
The undersigned Sunday School Class at a recent meeting passed the following resolutions.
WHEREAS, It has pleased our Heavenly Father to take from us our much loved and valuable friend and teacher, Dr. D. N. Egbert; and
WHEREAS, We, as a class, wish to express our deep sorrow at the loss we have sustained in the removal of so worthy a teacher; therefore,
Be it Resolved, That we tender to the mother and other relatives of the deceased our sincere sympathy in their and our loss, praying that our Father in Heaven will keep us unto that glorious day when we shall sing with our departed friend the songs of the redeemed.
Luella Blandin and Annie Newman, Organists.
Hortie Holmes, Inez Griswold, Callie Blandin, Ella Freeland, Eugenie Holmes, Dora Higginbottom, Josie McMasters, Maggie Dever, Ida McMillen, Laura McMillen, Ettie Johnston, Alice Johnston, Ora Lowery, Plesie Johnston, Emma Howland
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.
MARRIED. ELLIS - LOWERY. On March 4th, 1874, at the M. E. Parsonage, in this city, by the Rev. J. W. Lowery, assisted by Rev. J. B. Parmelee of the Congregational church, Mr. James J. Ellis to Miss Kate A. Lowery.
The happy couple immediately started on their wedding tour to St. Louis, via Wichita and Kansas City, and will return by way of Ft. Scott and Independence, visiting numerous friends and relatives at different places along the route. We wish them a pleasant journey and a safe return.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

Our people will be pleased to learn that Rev. J. W. Lowery has been returned to the Winfield charge by the M. E. Conference lately held at Ft. Scott.
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1874.
Marriage Licenses.
The following is a list of the marriage licenses issued by the Probate Judge for the month of March.
J. J. Ellis to Kate Lowery.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1874.
Programme of the Literary and Musical Entertainment to be given at the Courthouse in Winfield, in connection with the Teacher’s Institute, for the benefit of the Public School Organ fund, on Wednesday evening, October 7th, 1874.
Listing participants only.
Prof. E. J. Hoyt, leader, orchestra; Glee club; poem by W. W. Walton, essay by Miss Melville of the Emporia State Normal School, song by Mrs. Russell of Wichita and Prof. E. W. Hulse, essay by Miss Jennie Greenlee, duet and chorus by Mrs. Kelly and Mrs. T. A. Wilkinson, instrumental music by Miss Ora Lowery and T. A. Wilkinson.
A farce in one act, “Specter Bridegroom, or a Ghost in Spite of Himself,” was put on by T. A. Wilkinson, James Kelly, W. W. Walton, V. B. Beckett, A. H. Hane, Fred C. Hunt, Mrs. James Kelly, Mrs. Flint.
Single tickets 50 cents; 75 cents for gent and lady. Children half price.
Ora Lowery...
Winfield Courier, February 4, 1875.
Grammar Department.
Delhe Kennedy, Eddie Whitehead, Frank Howard, Holiday Menor, Addison Powers, Thos. Cochran, Robert Dever, Rolly Millspaugh, Frank Howland, Harry McMillen, Robert Deming, Isaac Johnson, Fred Hunt, Thos. Lowry, Wm. Hudson, Harvey Thomas, Willie McClellan, Harold Mansfield, Eddie Likowski, Ora Lowery, Ella Freeland, Nettie Quarles, Belle Galbraith, Inez Griswold, Ella Manly, Kate Johnson, Jennie Hane, Jennie Lowry, Mary Cochran, Ida McMillen, Mary Hudson, Nellie Powers, Nellie Barnard, Cora Andrews, Bertha Lamb, Eugenie Holmes, Laura McMillen, Pella Bradish, Jessie Millington, Hortense Holmes, Mattie Minnihan, Maggie Dever, Lillie Ford.
Fred Hunt, Miss Jennie Hane, and Miss Ella Freeland are graduates in spelling, each having spelled 400 words in regular recitation without missing one.
We wish those interested would freely visit our schools and remark about anything either satis­factory or unsatisfactory.