James and Nate Lundy
The Tisdale Township census of 1873 lists J. A. Lundy, age 30, who is single.
The Tisdale Township census of 1874 lists J. Lundy, age 30, single, and B. F. Lundy, age 32, single.
The Liberty Township census of 1875-75 lists J. Lundy and no age.
The Liberty Township census of 1875-76-77 lists Z. F. Lundy and no age.
The Liberty Township census of 1878 lists Z. F. Lundy, age 37, with an address of Tisdale.
The Winfield census of 1880 lists: W. J. Lundy, 39, and Nettie J. Lundy, 33.
The Liberty Township census of 1882 lists Zebeder Lundy, age 42 and not married.
Winfield Courier, October 18, 1877.
Mrs. Nettie Lundy and her son, from Carrol City, Iowa, are visiting her mother, Mrs. Buell, and other relatives in Winfield. She is a niece of the senior editor.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers.
John A. Buell to Nettie J. Lundy, ne. 28-33-3; 40 acres, $400.
[Note to File: I checked through 1879 and the above two items were the only ones that I could find relative to “Lundy.” Evidently this family kept out of the newspapers. I have no idea why RKW was so interested in tracking them down. MAW 6/2/2003]