J. B. Lynn
Kansas 1875 Census, Winfield Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
J. B. Lynn 36 m w Tennessee Illinois
Laura Lynn 24 f w Ohio Ohio
Ward Lynn 2 m w Kansas
Lynn & French, dry goods, 723 Main, res 302 w 7th
Lynn J B, dry goods, 723 Main, res 302 w 7th
J. B. Lynn, 34; spouse, Laura, 24.
J. B. Lynn, 38; spouse, Laura, 27.
J. B. Lynn, 40; spouse, Laura, 29.
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1874.
Mr. Lynn, of Johnson County, has rented the building formerly occupied by Close & Greer as a furniture store, and is going to put into it a big stock of dry goods and groceries. Mr. Lynn comes well recommended, and will be quite an addition to our city. Winfield is under obligation to the enterprising young firm of Curns & Manser, Real Estate Agents, for advertising our city and county so extensively.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.
J. B. Lynn, formerly of Olathe, Johnson County, this state, has opened out a splendid stock of Dry goods and Groceries in the building formerly occupied by Close & Greer, opposite the Lagonda House. The store has lately been remodeled and repainted, and presents a very neat appearance. Mr. Lynn seems to be a gentleman of enterprise who we have no doubt will do a good business. We welcome him to our midst.
[Years later the Winfield Courier printed the following items. They do not correspond with the earliest issues of newspaper.]
Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.
Echoes From the Past.
We have before us bound files of the COURIER from the first copy, issued ten years ago. They contain an ever-varying panorama of the life and growth of Cowley and her people, of peculiar interest to the old residents, and replete with incidents and anecdotes of early life for the new-comers.
April 8, 1874, “C. G. Grady’s mammoth circus” exhibited. This was Winfield’s first circus. In the same issue, “J. B. Lynn, formerly of Olathe, has opened out a stock of dry-goods and groceries.”
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.
Below we give the names of our businessmen who advertised in the “COURIER EXTRA” this week. Our readers may rest assured that men who advertise liberally will deal liberally.
Ellis & Black, W. L. Mullen, Darrah & Doty, O. N. Morris & Bro., T. E. Gilleland, George Miller, Maris, Carson & Baldwin, J. C. Weathers and Co., C. A. Bliss & Co., Hitchcock & Boyle, W. M. Boyer, Lagonda House, Banking Houses of M. L. Read and J. C. Fuller, J. B. Lynn, N. Roberson, M. Miller, Frank Williams, Geo. W. Martin, and the Arkansas City Traveler.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.
500 YARDS OF PRINTS AT 10 CENTS PER YARD at J. B. Lynn & Co., opposite the Lagonda House.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.
EVERYBODY COME and get a pound of 60 cent tea at J. B. Lynn & Co.’s new store.
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1874.
Dr. Graham has moved into his new office next door to Lynn’s store.
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.
J. B. Lynn & Co., have a new advertisement in this issue, to which we would call attention. This firm is good and reliable, keep a large stock of dry goods and groceries, which they wish to sell at reasonable rates; call and see them.
AD: J. B. LYNN & CO., DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, And a splendid assortment of YANKEE NOTIONS, Also a Full Line of Groceries and Provisions, Which they will sell at veto prices. Call and see them and save your money by purchasing a good article at low figures.
Winfield Courier, September 4, 1874.
Lynn has lengthened out his store thirty feet. Business compelled it. His store is now seventy feet deep.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.
Mr. J. B. Lynn, of the firm of J. B. Lynn & Co., has just returned from the east where he has been purchasing a large stock of fall and winter goods which he offers for sale for cash or produce at bottom prices.
Winfield Courier, October 29, 1874.
THE BEST SEA ISLAND Muslin a yard wide at 10 cts. per yard at J. B. Lynn & Co.’s.
Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.
Advertisements in this Issue
J. B. Lynn & Co., Dealers in dry goods and groceries, advertise extensively in the local columns. This is a good firm to trade with, and their stock is new and complete.
Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.
J. B. LYNN & CO.
DEALER IN Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats, Caps, Queensware, etc. Store West side of Main street corner of Eighth Avenue.
Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.
Winfield Wholesale & Retail Market.
(Corrected weekly by J. B. Lynn & Co.)
Standard prints 10c
Wamsutta 8 1/3
Standard sheeting 12 ½
Bleached muslin 5 @ 18
Fine unbleached 12 ½ @ 18
Denims and shirting stripe 18 @ 25
Delaines—all wool 45c
Flannels—all wool 40 @ 75
Flannels—opera 75c
Factory jeans 25 @ 1.00
Domestic gingham 15c
Cottonade 25 @ 45
Young Hyson tea $1.00 @ 1.50
Imperial tea .60 @ 1.40
Gunpowder tea .90 @ 1.65
Oolong & Japan tea .65 @ 1.50
Rio coffee—choice 28c
Lagvira coffee 30 @ 33
Refined sugar 13 ½ @ 15
Crushed sugar 14 @ 16
Rice 12 1/2c
Common and fancy candy 20 @ 40
Sorghum molasses 65 @ 80
Sugar House molasses 80 @ 1.00
Silver Drip syrup 1.00 @ 1.25
Cider vinegar—pure .40 @ .50
Dried apples 10c
Dried peaches12 1/2c
Currants and blackberries 12 ½ @ 20
Raisins per lb. 20 @ 25
Canned peaches 25 @ 30
Strawberries & cherries per can 30c
Oysters per can 15 @ 30
Cheese per lb. 20 @ 25
Butter per lb. 20 @ 25
Eggs per doz. 20c
Lard per lb. 15 @ 20
Salt per lb. 2c
Green apples per bu. 1.25 @ 1.50
Hams per lb. 12 @ 18
Shoulders per lb. 10 @ 15
Clear sides 16 @ 18
Family soap 6 ½ @ 10
Flour, best No. 1. per cwt. 3.00 @ 3.25
Corn meal per cwt. 2.50
Potatoes per bu. 1.25 @ 1.75
Tobacco, Dark Navy, per lb. 60 @ 80
Tobacco, Best Navy, per lb. 75 @ 90
Tobacco, Narragansett, per lb. 80 @ 90
Tobacco, Va. Natural Leaf, per lb. 1.00 @ 1.20
Tobacco, Fine Cut, per lb. 1.20 @ 1.40
Tobacco, O. S. smoking, per lb. 40c
Coal oil per gallon 40c
Mackerel per lb. 10 @ 12 ½
White fish per lb.10 @ 12 ½
Codfish per lb. 12 ½ @ 10
Fall wheat per bu. .85 @ 1.00
Spring wheat per bu. .65 @ 85
Corn per bu. 1.00 @ 1.25
Oats per bu. .65 @ 75
Beefsteak per lb. 8 @ 10
Roast per lb. 6 & 10
Fresh pork per lb. 6 @ 9
Venison per lb. 6 @ 12
Chickens per lb. 8 @ 10
Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.
Attention, Everybody!
The bottom has fallen out on the following named goods for the next 30 days.
The largest stock of dress goods in town at prime cost.
4,000 yards prints, 8 cents per yard, 1,000 yards standard muslin, yard wide, 12 ½ cents per yard.
20 yards bleached muslin for $1.00.
Red Bank Lindseys, 12 ½ cents per yard.
Union Flannels, 6 yards for $1.00, former price 25 cents per yard.
12 pair men’s half hose, $1.00 - Good ones.
800 yards cheviot shirtings at panic prices.
Yard wide bleached muslin, 11 cents.
We can save you 20 per cent on Boots and Shoes for the next thirty days; hand made and warranted. Call and see for yourselves.
We will sell brown sugar 9 lbs. for $1.00.
Light brown sugar, 8 lbs. for $1.00.
4 ½ lbs. of Rio coffee for $1.00.
Matches 5 cents a box, or 6 boxes for 25 cents.
16 bars standard soap, for $1.00.
Dried apples 8 ½ cents per lb. by the sack.
The celebrated cream mustard for 35 cents per pound.
Now, we mean business and will do just as we advertise. Call and see us before purchasing elsewhere. S/ J. B. Lynn & Co.
Winfield Courier, December 31, 1874.
Mr. J. H. Bilsing and P. W. Smith of Ninnescah Township were in town yesterday purchasing provisions of J. B. Lynn, for the relief of the destitute in their township. In their capacity as Ninnescah Township Relief Committee, they have just received $75 from Sandusky, Crawford County, Ohio, which they invested in flour, beans, coffee, and prints. Beans takes the place of wheat.
Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.
Lynn & Co. have issued an advertising paper.
Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.
FOLLOW THE CROWD to J. B. Lynn & Co.’s for Black Alpacas and summer dress goods.
Winfield Courier, July 29, 1875.
A little child of J. B. Lynn’s was bitten by a copper-head snake last Sunday.
Winfield Courier, August 26, 1875.
Take Notice.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to J. B. Lynn & Co. are requested to call and settle before September 5th. A word to the wise is sufficient. J. B. LYNN & CO.
Winfield Courier, October 7, 1875.
With pleasure we chronicle the fact that J. B. Lynn, Esq., is at last recovering from the spell of sickness which has prostrated him for the last two weeks.
Winfield Courier, January 6, 1876.
Our “Courier” Patrons.
In beginning the “Centennial year,” with an enterprise like the one we have engaged in this week, it is but right and proper that we make honorable mention of the men who, by giving us their patronage, have greatly helped us in the “financial” part thereof.
LYNN, J. B. & Co., one of the leading houses in the county; is progressive and liberal. Hurrah for Lynn!
Winfield Courier, January 6, 1876.
Fourteen yards of the best Prints for One Dollar, and all other goods in proportion, at J. B. Lynn & Co.’s. All woolen goods down to bed rock prices for the next 60 days at J. B. Lynn & Co.’s. Come one, come all!
Winfield Courier, March 2, 1876.
FOR SALE, to the highest bidder, 15 Store Accounts, on Saturday, March 25th, 1876. All businessmen are requested to attend sale. J. B. LYNN & CO.
Winfield Courier, March 9, 1876.
J. B. Lynn has gone east after goods.
Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.
Those fifteen old store accounts that Lynn advertised for sale at auction are about all sold at private sale.
Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.
J. B. LYNN & CO., DEALER IN DRY GOODS. Groceries, Hats, Caps, Queensware, etc. Store West side of Main street corner of Eighth Avenue.
Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.
J. B. LYNN & CO,
Are now receiving the Largest Stock of Dry Goods, Groceries and Queensware Ever brought in to this Valley. Also a full line of Carpets.
The finest Stock and Largest Assortment of Tobacco ever brought into the market. Also the Long John Cigar, three for 25 cents, the cheapest cigar in town.
And a New Device in
Shirt Fronts
Now is the time for anything in this line.
We Can’t be Undersold.
Goods Delivered in Any Part of the City Free of Charge.
Winfield Courier, April 27, 1876.
On April 21 articles of incorporation were filed in the office of the Secretary of State for the Ft. Scott, Winfield and Western railroad. J. B. Lynn and M. L. Robinson, of Winfield, are on the board of directors.
Winfield Courier, May 18, 1876.
What might have proved a serious accident, but fortunately did not, happened last night to J. B. Lynn, of this city, and Dick Wilson and Mr. Huffman, two well-known “drummers,” as they were crossing the Walnut on their return from Arkansas City. It seems that the west side of the ford is in a bad condition, having been washed out by the late flood, and in the effort to avoid the bad place, they drove into a worse, upsetting the buggy right on top of the pony, in some three feet of water. There was no help near, and but for the fact that the current was strong and swift, our friends must surely have drowned; but the force of the water turned the buggy off of them and they scrambled out, little the worse for their narrow escape.
Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.
MR. J. B. LYNN informs us that his six thousand bushels of corn standing in the crib has received great damage by the recent heavy rains.
Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.
It is said that our young friend, Ed. Holloway, besides being an active clerk in the great Dry Goods store of J. B. Lynn & Co., is engaged in Horticultural pursuits. If he is as successful in this enterprise as his employers are in theirs, it won’t be long until we’ll expect an invitation to visit his several Homes.
Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.
Last Saturday, pursuant to call, the citizens of Winfield met at the Courthouse and organized a meeting by calling D. A. Millington to the chair and electing C. M. McIntire secretary.
After deliberation as to what steps should be taken to appropriately celebrate the 4th of July of the Centennial year, the following committee was appointed to draft a plan of procedure and report to a meeting of citizens last night: James Kelly, J. P. Short, C. M. McIntire, W. B. Gibbs, and W. C. Robinson.
At the appointed hour, Wednesday evening, the meeting assembled at the Courthouse and organized by selecting C. A. Bliss, chairman, and J. E. Allen as secretary. The committee made a report which, after some amendments made by the meeting, was finally adopted.
General Superintendent: Prof. A. B. Lemmon.
County Historian: W. W. Walton.
Committee of Arrangements: C. M. Wood, M. L. Bangs, W. B. Vandeventer, John Lowry, J. D. Cochran.
Committee on Programme: H. D. Gans, E. P. Kinne, James Kelly, B. F. Baldwin, W. M. Allison.
Committee on Speakers: E. C. Manning, L. J. Webb, Chas. McIntire.
Committee on Finance: W. C. Robinson, W. P. Hackney, O. F. Boyle, M. G. Troup, J. C. Fuller.
Committee on Music: J. D. Pryor, Mrs. W. D. Roberts, Miss Mollie Bryant.
Committee on Toasts: A. J. Pyburn, J. E. Allen, J. P. Short, Dr. J. Hedrick.
Committee on Stand: W. E. Tansey, T. B. Myers, W. B. Gibbs.
Committee on Decoration: Frank Gallotti, John Swain, I. Randall, Mary Stewart, Jennie Greenlee, Ada Millington, Mrs. Rigby, Mrs. Mansfield.
Committee on Invitation: D. A. Millington, L. C. Harter, J. B. Lynn, C. A. Bliss, J. P. McMillen, H. S. Silver, A. H. Green, S. S. Majors, C. M. Scott, T. B. McIntire, R. C. Haywood, J. L. Abbott, John Blevins, T. R. Bryan, H. C. McDorman, Mc. D. Stapleton, S. M. Fall, J. Stalter, Wm. White, S. S. Moore, Jno. McGuire, H. P. Heath, J. O. Van Orsdol, G. B. Green, W. B. Skinner, J. W. Millspaugh.
Committee on Fireworks: G. S. Manser, T. K. Johnson, C. C. Haskins.
Meeting adjourned to meet at the call of the General Superintendent.
Winfield Courier, August 3, 1876.
J. B. LYNN has purchased nine acres of land adjoining town, with a view of engaging extensively in the hog business.
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.
The Baldwin Bro.’s of Omnia Township will have some extra fine sorghum molasses to sell at Lynn’s store next Saturday. Price 50 cents per gallon, in quantities to suit the purchaser.
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.
The City Hotel has a new register and blotter. The blotter contains the advertising cards of Messrs. Webb & Torrance, Wm. and Geo. Hudson, M. L. Read, J. D. Pryor, John Nichols, W. G. Graham, J. M. Reed, A. G. Wilson, B. F. Baldwin, Joe Likowski, Henry Jochems, J. B. Lynn, W. B. Gibbs, McGuire & Midkiff, and Hill & Christie. It the neatest register in the valley. Mr. Hudson is starting off on the right foot this time.
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.
J. B. LYNN & Co. report over five hundred dollars as their cash trade last Saturday.
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to J. B. Lynn & Co., whose bills are due, are requested to call and settle immediately.
Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876. Editorial Page.
The committee on credentials reported the following as delegates.
Winfield: J. W. McDonald, J. B. Lynn, J. D. Cochran, J. W. Curns, N. W. Holmes, C. C. Black, A. J. Thompson, Wm. Dunn, T. B. Ross, G. W. Yount.
Mr. Lynn nominated J. O. Houx for District Clerk. He was chosen by acclamation.
Judge McDonald moved that a county central committee be appointed consisting of one from each township and also a campaign committee consisting of five members who should be centrally located. The following gentlemen comprise the central committee: T. McIntire, W. D. Lester, N. J. Thompson, W. R. Bedell, J. P. Eckels, Wm. Moon, Adam Walk, Jos. Howard, C. C. Krow, J. B. Lynn, K. McClung, J. W. Ledlie, P. W. Smith, Wm. Morrow, Jno. Smiley, Geo. Harris, Jno. McAllister, Wm. Grow, Jno. Bobbitt, Dennis Harkins, and Wm. Anderson.
Winfield Courier, October 19, 1876.
E. S. C.,
Which means “Evening Star Club.”
The above named social organization is just making its debut in Winfield’s fashionable “upper-ten” society. The need of a similar association has long been felt in this community. “Hoodlum dances” have become the rule instead of the exception and are growing very monotonous. Social lines are now to be drawn, and a new order of things will soon take the place of the old breeches-in-boots regime. “Hoe-downs” and their concomitant evils will pass into oblivion, and the big nosed “caller” who used to sing out, as he buckled on to the red-haired girl himself, “Grab pardners for a quadrille!” will be a thing of the past. Kid gloves and waxed moustaches are not to take the place of all these old frontier familiarities, but a jolly, fun loving, respectable class of our citizens who have been reared in the higher walks of life, resume their position in the social scale, and propose to conduct these entertainments in a manner that will reflect credit upon the management and the city at large. The world moves and we must keep pace with the hour, socially, morally, and otherwise.
The charter members, so to speak, of the Club are Messrs. Frank Gallotti, Esq. Boyer, E. W. Holloway, T. K. Johnston, R. L. Walker, J. B. Lynn, W. P. Hackney, C. C. Black, J. O. Houx, and A. E. Baird, as they were its organizers. At their meeting on the 17th instant, the following constitution was read and adopted.
Constitution of the Evening Star Club
of the City of Winfield.
Art. 1. An association is constituted in the City of Winfield, Kansas, under the name of “The Evening Star Club.”
Art. 2. The object of the Club is to give a series of Social Dances, and other entertainments as may be decided by the same.
Art. 3. The Club will have a regular meeting every fortnight, and a special meeting whenever deemed necessary by a majority of the board of trustees.
Art. 4. All business of the Club must be transacted at the regular meetings.
Art. 5. The administration of this Club will be conducted by a board of trustees, composed of a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and three directors, to be elected by its members at a regular meeting.
Art. 6. A person wishing to become a member of this club must have his or her name proposed by one of the members at a regular meeting.
Art. 7. Every petitioner for membership shall be balloted for at a regular meeting.
Art. 8. To become a member of this Club, the petitioner must receive the unanimous vote of the members present at the balloting, must sign the constitution, and pay an admission fee of Two dollars, and a monthly fee in advance of one dollar.
Art. 9. A member in arrear of one month fee will have no voice in the regular or special meetings, and if in arrear of two month’s fees, will lose his membership.
Art. 10. The duties of the officers of this Club, and the order of business to be transacted by the same, shall be regulated by bylaws drawn as soon as the club is constituted.
Art. 11. None but the members of the club will be admitted at the regular Dances given by the same unless non-resident.
Art. 12. A non-resident shall be admitted at the dances of this club only when supplied with an invitation.
Art. 13. All invitations must be signed by the board of Trustees.
Art. 14. This Club will be considered constituted when the constitution is signed by ten persons who will be charter members.
The election of officers following, W. P. Hackney was chosen president; J. B. Lynn vice president; A. E. Baird, treasurer; J. O. Houx, secretary, and T. K. Johnston, C. C. Black, and
F. Gallotti as directors.
Frank Gallotti was appointed a committee of one on bylaws. Balloting was then had on the following candidates, resulting in their election to full membership: J. Wade McDonald, James Hill, Bert Crapster, Wilbur Dever, O. M. Seward, Fred Hunt, and Chas. Harter. The Club met last evening but we have not learned what additional business it transacted. We wish the association unlimited success, in its hitherto unoccupied field.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1876.
It is Allen versus Lynn now. We’re glad to have a respite for a week at least.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1876.
For the Real Estate and Personal Property Sale can be purchased at the Post office, Baldwin’s Drug Store, Myton’s Hardware Store, and at Gilleland’s Boot & Shoe Establishment.
The following described property will be sold and delivered to the parties who hold sale tickets, signed by the Secretary, on Monday the 1st day of January, 1877.
$10,000 WORTH OF PROPERTY will be distributed upon the sale of 10,000 Tickets at $1.00 each.
In case the whole number of tickets should not be sold, then the value of those unsold tickets will be taken from the personal property at the schedule price, and in case there should not be a sufficient number of tickets sold to justify a sale of the Real Estate, then the money arising from the sale of the tickets, after deducting the expenses that have accrued (not exceeding 20 percent), WILL BE REFUNDED TO THE HOLDERS OF TICKETS upon presentation of the same to the Treasurer.
We, the undersigned, having considered the within proposition, and being well acquainted with the Trustees and Managers thereof, would cheerfully recommend it to the patronage of the public, believing that the management thereof will be impartial, faithful, and honest. November 14th, 1876.
A. H. MYTON, Merchant, Winfield.
C. A. BLISS, Merchant, Winfield.
R. E. BROOKING, Mechanic, Winfield.
J. D. COCHRAN, Farmer, Winfield.
B. F. BALDWIN, Merchant, Winfield.
T. E. GILLELAND, Merchant, Winfield.
J. B. LYNN, Merchant, Winfield.
CHAS. C. BLACK, Capitalist, Winfield.
Winfield Courier, February 15, 1877.
The taxpayers of Winfield Township are requested to meet at the Courthouse in Winfield on Saturday, February 17th, at 2 o’clock, p.m., to discuss and vote upon the following resolution.
Resolved, That the taxpayers of Winfield Township who are in the meeting assembled, request the members of the State Legislature from this county to use all honorable means to so amend Section 5, of Chapter 107, of the laws of 1876, that counties having no railroad indebtedness may avail themselves of the provisions of that act by a majority vote.
Also, to take such other action to promote the railroad interests of this county as the meeting shall deem advisable.
Members of Railroad Committee.
Winfield Courier, February 22, 1877. Editorial Page.
The taxpayers and farmers of Winfield Township are grievously disappointed at the action of Saturday’s meeting. They are no more so than the same class of men all over the county. It is a common cause. That our readers may see that our conclusions are justified, we give the names of the following heaviest taxpayers in town, who were in favor of a change of the law, and who have so expressed themselves: C. A. Bliss, C. C. Black, Dr. W. R. Davis, Col. J. M. Alexander, J. C. Fuller, J. B. Lynn, Dr. W. Q. Mansfield, B. F. Baldwin, D. A. Millington, Rev. J. E. Platter, J. P. Short, S. H. Myton, E. C. Manning, R. Hudson, W. L. Mullen, Wm. Rodgers, Max Shoeb, Ira Moore, J. P. McMillen, J. M. Bair, J. S. Hunt.
Besides these gentlemen there is a large class of smaller taxpayers in town of the same mind. Outside of the city limits four-fifths of the farmers are in favor of a change in the law.
Winfield Courier, February 22, 1877.
J. B. Lynn is doing a big business. We are glad to know that he has purchased property and is going to make this his permanent home.
Winfield Courier, March 22, 1877.
J. B. Lynn & Co. have received a part of their extensive spring stock of goods.
Winfield Courier, April 5, 1877.
Batchelder, who has been in the employ of J. B. Lynn & Co., of this city for a long time, is now making his headquarters at Wellington. He will hereafter deal out to the people of Wellington and vicinity the extensive stock of dry goods and groceries which were moved from Elk Falls to that place last week.
Winfield Courier, April 5, 1877.
Jim Holloway last Monday took the place of Batchelder in Lynn’s store. Jim is a jolly, good, and sociable fellow, and we cannot help but think that Mr. Lynn could not have made a better selection.
Winfield Courier, April 12, 1877.
Jim Holloway, Lynn’s chief clerk, is living in the residence on 8th Avenue, east of Main street, formerly occupied by Mr. Batchelder.
Winfield Courier, April 19, 1877.
Tommy Dryden, Lynn’s clerk, will soon be able to attend to business again, as he is recovering from his severe attack of the measles.
Winfield Courier, April 19, 1877.
J. B. Lynn & Co.: $6.75.
Jurors—[Each paid $1.00.]
G. Black, R. B. Pratt, A. G. Wilson, C. M. Wood, J. B. Lynn, J. F. Walker.
Winfield Courier, April 26, 1877.
Seward’ Lumber Yard has made large sales recently. He has the furnishing of the pine lumber for both churches now being constructed in Winfield. When you want lumber at low rates and of first quality, go to Seward’s yard.
[Lumber yard Office located one door North of J. B. Lynn & Co.’s store.]
Winfield Courier, July 19, 1877.
All parties knowing themselves indebted to J. B. Lynn & Co., are requested to call and settle, for we are hard up for money.
Winfield Courier, July 19, 1877.
For the next thirty days we will discount all bills over one dollar five percent cash.
J. B. LYNN & CO.
Winfield Courier, July 19, 1877.
Go to Lynn’s and buy a Fine Shirt formerly sold at $2.00 for $1.00 in case.
Change in firm: Now “Lynn & Gillelen” [J. B. Lynn and Warren Gillelen]...
Winfield Courier, August 2, 1877.
See in another column, the new ad. of Lynn & Gillelen, which speaks for itself.
than any other House in Cowley Co.
Winfield Courier, August 2, 1877.
We have this day (August 1st, 1877) associated with us as a partner, Mr. Warren Gillelen. All persons owing the firm previous to this new connection are requested to settle as speedily as possible. J. B. LYNN & CO.
Winfield Courier, August 16, 1877.
The big stone store is fast approaching completion for J. B. Lynn & Co.
Winfield Courier, August 23, 1877.
A Word to the Wise.
All parties knowing themselves indebted to the firm will call and make a settlement by September 1st. We start east then to buy goods and want our money. LYNN & GILLELEN.
Winfield, August 21, 1877.
Winfield Courier, September 6, 1877.
The bright, smiling countenance of John Batchelder is again behind the counters of Lynn & Gillelen’s store.
Winfield Courier, September 6, 1877.
Tommy Dryden, who has been clerking in J. B. Lynn & Co.’s store for something over a year, left Winfield yesterday morning for Kansas City. During his stay in our midst and his experience in the employ of Lynn & Co., he has proven to be an amiable, straight-forward young man and a good salesman.
Winfield Courier, September 20, 1877.
Messrs. Lynn & Gillelen will move their goods into Maris’ new building next Monday.
Winfield Courier, September 27, 1877.
We understand that a gentleman by the name of S. Suss will put in a stock of dry goods and clothing in the building lately vacated by Lynn & Gillelen.
Winfield Courier, September 27, 1877.
Messrs. Lynn & Gillelen have moved into Maris’ new building. They have more room for their immense stock of goods than any other house in the border tier.
LYNN & GILLELEN moved into their new quarters last Monday. They have the best storeroom in town, and their goods are well displayed and arranged, presenting a very attractive appearance.
Winfield Courier, September 27, 1877.
While in Lynn & Gillelen’s new store last Tuesday morning, Mrs. Swain had her pocket book, containing about $15 in greenbacks and currency, and Black Hills gold to the amount of $7.50, stolen. The supposed thief, Merc. Young, of Eldorado, was immediately arrested, searched, and put in the “cooler” until the property was returned. He was released on condition that he would leave the county within a given time.
Winfield Courier, October 4, 1877.
Bottom Prices!
CLOTHING, Hats and Caps,
Gent’s Furnishing Goods, and STAPLE DRY GOODS.
The undersigned desires to inform the People of Cowley County that he has brought to WINFIELD the largest and best selected stock of the above named goods ever seen in SOUTHERN KANSAS, and is determined to sell them at prices which Defy Competition. Give Him a Call and be Convinced. Fair Treatment Guaranteed to all.
At Lynn & Gillelen’s old stand.
Winfield Courier, October 18, 1877.
J. B. Lynn is building a residence in the northwest part of town.
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1877.
J. B. Lynn’s new house presents a fine appearance. It is enclosed and will be completed soon.
Winfield Courier, November 8, 1877.
[From the Kansas City Journal of Commerce.]
This is one of the few towns in Kansas that manage to keep its streets cumbered with building material the year round. Since I was here in the summer, two dozen houses have been built, and fifty are now under way. The principle ones of the former are Lynn & Gillelen’s two story cut stone, 25 x 100 feet, and a brick hotel at the south end of town.
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1877.
BIRTH. J. B. Lynn is not to be beat in anything. Last week he became the happy father of a nice girl.
Winfield Courier, December 6, 1877.
J. B. Lynn’s new residence building, upon the lots on the northwest corner of Seventh Avenue and Manning streets, will be completed by the last of next week. It is a large and commodious building.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
Monday, the 14th. New board: R. F. Burden, chairman; W. M. Sleeth and G. L. Gale. Appointed John B. Lynn and Frank Williams to assist Judge Gans in counting the county funds; appointed Jas. L. Huey trustee of Creswell Township, vice Leonard, resigned; let the pauper contract to Butterfield, of Silverdale Township; let the medical attendance to Dr. Shepard, of Arkansas City.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
We are Closing Out Dry Goods, Hats & Caps,
And Boots & Shoes
For next 27 Days
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
Wm. Atkinson has just received samples of Woolen Cloths and Diagonals. Call and examine them at his shop over Lynn & Gillelen’s store.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
John B. Lynn returned last Saturday evening from his trip to buy goods. He reports that business generally, except coming to Kansas, is remarkably dull.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
J. W. HAMILTON T. F. ROBINSON, Notary Public.
Buy and Sell Land, Locate Claims, Pay Taxes,
Negotiate Loans and Make Abstracts of Title.
Can suit anybody who desires to purchase with reference to the size, locality, and improvements of a farm.
Now is the time to purchase a home cheap. Call and see us at
(Over Lynn & Gillelen’s store.)
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878. Back Page.
A number of the prominent businessmen of Winfield made a flying visit to our city last Friday. Among the number we observed the pleasant countenance of W. C. Root, proprietor of the principal boot and shoe store of that city; Gillelen, of the celebrated dry goods firm of Lynn and Gillelen, and well known throughout the valley, Walker, the popular groceryman; and Suss, the man who cannot be beat selling dry goods and clothing—all pleasant gentlemen representing the best business houses of that city. The irrepressible By Terrill, with one of those first-class turnouts from his livery, had the entire company in charge, himself holding the ribbons and engineering the whole train. The boys were apparently enjoying the trip hugely, and we highly appreciated the visit. Call again gents—we’re always glad to see you. Wellington press.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
Sparr Bros., from Wellington, are about to open a grocery and feed store in the building south of Lynn & Gillelen’s, lately occupied as a meat shop.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers.
W. Tannehill and wife to Lynn & Gillelen, s. e. 26 31 7, 160 acres, $800.00.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
City Election.
The city election last Monday excited great interest. Two tickets were in the field. One was made by the Murphy temperance men and headed City ticket, the other by the workingmen, but the issues were not very definitely made up; in fact, the candidates on both sides professed to favor the same policy. But some opposed one or other of the tickets on account of prejudice against the source, or for choice of candidates, or for other reasons, and there was a very lively and excited canvass; but it was conducted in an orderly manner, without quarrels or other disturbance. The result was an overwhelming victory for the workingmen’s ticket. The following is the vote cast for each candidate.
Mayor J. B. Lynn, 224.
Police Judge. W. M. Boyer, 219.
Councilmen: C. M. Wood, 225; H. Jochems, 230; E. C. Manning, 227; T. C. Robinson, 220; G. W. Gully, 217.
Mayor. A. B. Green, 101.
Police Judge. G. H. Buckman, 126.
Councilmen: T. B. Myers, 122; H. Brotherton, 118; Lewis Stevens, 124; J. W. Curns, 117; Dan Maier, 116.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
C. C. Harris v. J. B. Lynn.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
The new city council met on the 3rd inst., and organized. Hon. J. B. Lynn, mayor, in the chair; present councilmen, T. C. Robinson, G. W. Gully, H. Jochems, C. M. Wood, and E. C. Manning. C. M. Wood was chosen president pro tem; J. P. Short, clerk; J. C. McMullen, treasurer; and N. C. Coldwell, attorney. The following committees were constituted: Streets and alleys, Messrs. Wood, Robinson, and Manning; Finance, Manning, Gully, and Wood; fire department, Jochems, Gully, and Robinson.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
H. D. Gans, examining Co. treasury; J. B. Lynn, examining Co. treasury; F. Williams, examining Co. treasury.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Cowley County Fair.
A public meeting will be held at the courthouse in Winfield on the 11th day of May, 1878, at 2 o’clock p.m., for the purpose of organizing an agricultural society, and to take into consideration the propriety of holding a Fair during the coming fall. All are invited to attend, and it is hoped that all interests appropriately connected with the enterprise will be represented.
J. E. Platter, B. B. Vandeventer, J. B. Lynn, T. B. Bryan, C. A. Bliss, E. P. Kinne, H. D. Gans, E. E. Bacon, Winfield; J. B. Holmes, W. White, W. J. Funk, Rock; S. M. Fall, R. F. Burden, Windsor; N. J. Larkin, A. Kelly, Richland; Charles A. McClung, J. S. Wooley, Vernon; Dr. Holland, G. Teeter, Beaver; W. B. Norman, Adam Walck, Maple; Dr. A. S. Capper, Ninnescah; Ira How, Liberty; Wm. J. Hodges, C. G. Handy, Tisdale; J. B. Callison, Spring Creek; D. W. Wiley, Cedar; E. Shriver, Sheridan; Jonas Messenger, Omnia; J. A. Bryan, Dexter; R. Stratton, Harvey; S. B. Adams, Creswell; J. M. Sample, D. P. Marshall, Bolton; G. W. Herbert, Silverdale; D. B. McCollum, S. Watt, Pleasant Valley.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Buy and Sell Land, Locate Claims, Pay Taxes,
Negotiate Loans and Make Abstracts of Title.
Can suit anybody who desires to purchase with reference to the size, locality, and improvements of a farm.
North Kansas and Texas lands; 1800 acres of Missouri land.
City property in Indianapolis, Indiana, Chicago, Illinois, and Kansas City to trade for Cowley Co. property. Now is the time to purchase a home cheap.
(Over Lynn & Gillelen’s store.)
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 25, 1878.
[Special Correspondence Kansas City Times.]
A large number of good business houses have been built since my last visit here, among which is the fine two-story store by W. H. H. Maris, and occupied by the leading dry goods house of Winfield, Lynn & Gillelen.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Notice is hereby given that the ordinance in regard to nuisances and hog pens in the City of Winfield will be strictly enforced. J. B. LYNN, Mayor.
District Court Proceedings.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
C. C. Harris vs. J. B. Lynn, set for trial Tuesday next.
Real Estate Transfers.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
J. B. Lynn and wife to W H. Foults, lot 5, block 118, Winfield, $35.00.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
[Published in the Winfield Courier May 23, 1878.]
An Ordinance Relating to Hawkers and Peddlers.
Be it ordained by the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Winfield:
SECTION 1. That before any hawker or peddler shall sell, or offer to sell, on any street or alley, or upon any sidewalk, public square, or area within the limits of the City of Winfield, any goods, wares, or merchandise, except the same be of his own manufacture or production, he shall make written application to the mayor for a license to pursue his occupation, in which he shall state the time for which said license is desired and the purpose of the same; and if the mayor approve the application, he shall endorse his approval upon, whereupon, after the payment to the treasurer of the license tax hereinafter required, such peddler or hawker shall receive a license signed by the mayor and countersigned by the clerk authorizing him to pursue his occupation for the time therein stated.
SECTION 2. A license may issue to any hawker or peddler for any time not exceeding one year, and such hawker or peddler shall pay to the city treasurer a sum not exceeding ten dollars in the discretion of the mayor for every day he desires to pursue his occupation in this city: Provided, That upon compliance with the provisions of the preceding section and payment to the treasurer of the city a sum not less than ten or more than one hundred dollars, in the discretion of the mayor, such hawker or peddler may receive a license for one year.
SECTION 3. Any hawker or peddler who shall pursue his occupation within the limits of this city without having first procured a license as required by this ordinance shall be fined in a sum not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars.
SECTION 4. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be and are hereby repealed.
SECTION 5. This ordinance shall take effect from and after its publication once in the Winfield Courier and Cowley County Telegram. J. B. LYNN, Mayor.
Attest: J. P. SHORT, City Clerk.
Winfield Courier, May 30, 1878.
For the week ending May 27, 1878.
J. B. Lynn and wife and W. Gillelen to D. Weaverling, se. 26-31-7; 160 acres, $700.00.
Railroad Meeting.
Winfield Courier, June 13, 1878.
The meeting last Saturday at the Courthouse was attended by Judge Coldwell, C. M. Wood, and A. A. Jackson, of the Winfield committee, and by gentlemen from several other townships in the county.
Judge Coldwell was chosen chairman, and C. M. Wood, secretary. The chairman explained the action of the Winfield committee, stating that the A. T. & S. F. railroad company had indicated a desire to build a railroad through this county, either from El Dorado or Wichita; and if they could get sufficient aid and encouragement, would agree to complete it as far as Winfield by August 1, 1879. The company desired a proposition from the citizens of this county in relation to the matter, which they would consider, and suggest such changes as they would require.
It was voted that the Winfield committee, consisting of Messrs. Coldwell, Wood, Jackson, M. L. Robinson, and J. B. Lynn, be members of a general county committee to which was added Judge James Christian, of Creswell, and John B. Holmes, of Rock Township.
Resolutions were adopted to propose to vote to the railroad company $4,000 per mile, limited to $140,000 in the aggregate, if the company would build within one year from August 1st next, through Cowley County via Winfield and Arkansas City. The committee were to confer with the company on this basis.
The meeting adjourned to meet at call of the chairman.
The committee have since sent their proposition to the company and expect a reply in a reasonable time, which they will communicate through the newspapers.
Council Proceedings.
Winfield Courier, June 13, 1878.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, June 3rd, 1878.
Council met in council chamber. J. B. Lynn, mayor, and G. W. Gully, E. C. Manning, and C. M. Wood, councilmen, present.
Special Meeting Winfield City Council.
Winfield Courier, June 13, 1878.
J. B. Lynn, mayor, and all councilmen present.
Contract with W. D. Anderson for laying sidewalk in front of lots 5 and 6, in block 87. Approved. Ordinance No. 80 read by sections and unanimously passed.
Millington & Lemmon, and W. M. Allison, presented bids for the City printing. On motion the contract was ordered to the former and the Winfield COURIER made the official paper for the coming year. On motion the clerk was ordered to furnish official paper with proceedings of council.
The following action was taken on bills.
Lynn & Gillelen, merchandise for pest house: $26.65.
Winfield Courier, June 13, 1878.
[Published in the Winfield Courier June 13, 1878.]
An Ordinance Providing for the Construction of Certain Sidewalks.
Be it ordained by the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Winfield.
SECTION 1. That a sidewalk of an uniform width of four feet be constructed within the limits of the City of Winfield, beginning at Main Street on the south side of Tenth Avenue; thence west on south side of Tenth Avenue to west side of Manning Street; thence south on the west side of Manning Street to the south side of Twelfth Avenue; thence along the south side of Twelfth Avenue to the west side of Menor Street; thence south along the west side of Menor Street to the south side of Court House Street.
SECTION 2. That a sidewalk of an uniform width of eight feet with a substantial curb-stone be constructed along the north side of Ninth Avenue, between Main Street and Millington Street.
SECTION 3. Said sidewalks shall be constructed of the stone commonly called flagstone, and no stone used in the construction of the same shall be of a less than two feet square nor less than three nor more than six inches in thickness, and the grading must be done and the stones laid so as to make a smooth and uniform surface.
SECTION 4. Unless the sidewalks for the construction of which provision is made by the first section of this ordinance shall be completed within sixty days after the passage of this ordinance by the owners of abutting lots, and unless the sidewalks required by the second section of this ordinance be completed within ninety days from its passage, then, and in that case, said sidewalks shall be built by the city, and the lots or pieces of ground abutting upon them shall be assessed for the payment of all expenditures according to the front foot abutting on the sidewalk constructed.
SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in force from and after its publication once in the Winfield Courier. J. B. LYNN, Mayor.
Attest: J. P. SHORT, City Clerk.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
A Threatened Famine.
C. A. Bliss, G. S. Manser, A. B. Lemmon, E. P. Kinne, J. C. Fuller, M. L. Read, T. R. Bryan, W. M. Allison, J. W. Curns, C. C. Black, D. A. Millington, E. S. Bliss, E. S. Torrance, A. E. Baird, J. B. Lynn, M. G. Troup, M. L. Robinson, J. C. McMullen, E. C. Manning, and probably many others, all with their wives, will make a raid upon Arkansas City, the steam boats, and Newman’s dam on the Fourth. They will seize all the provisions they can find in the city, capture both the “Aunt Sally” and the—the—well, Amos’ steamship, will rip out Newman’s dam, and steam up the Walnut to Winfield, driving a large herd of catfish. Bliss and Harter & Harris will load the steamers with flour at their mills. The party will start at about 9 o’clock a.m.
Real Estate Transfers.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
C. L. Harter, sheriff, to John B. Lynn, ½ of lot 6, block 87, Winfield, $234.00.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
Council Proceedings.
Council met in council chamber. J. B. Lynn, mayor, and all councilmen present except C. M. Wood.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
Council Proceedings.
Council met in council chamber in regular session: J. B. Lynn, mayor, and all councilmen present.
On motion of Mr. Robinson, the mayor was instructed to inquire into the title of lots that were unoccupied at the time of the survey. Adjourned. J. B. LYNN, Mayor.
Attest: J. P. SHORT, City Clerk.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
Trial List.
The following is a list of cases that will stand for trial at the August A. D. 1878 term of the District Court of Cowley County, and have been placed on the Trial Docket in the following order.
Christopher C. Harris vs. J. B. Lynn. Hackney & McDonald for plaintiff; J. E. Allen and E. S. Torrance for defendant.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
Council Proceedings.
Council met in council chamber. J. B. Lynn, mayor, and councilmen Gully, Robinson, and Wood present.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
The finance committee were instructed to ascertain what amount could be realized for the pest house.
Action was taken on the following bills [showing Amount Allowed].
C. C. Stevens, marshal: $40.00
Lynn & Gillelen, merchandise: $8.50
A. T. Shenneman, horse hire. [Claimed $2.00.] Referred to finance committee.
Bill of J. H. O’Brien for laying walk, $11.54, allowed, and sidewalk certificate ordered issued. Adjourned. J. B. LYNN, Mayor.
Attest: J. P. SHORT, CLERK.
August 20, 1878.
J. B. Lynn, mayor, and all councilmen present except H. Jochems.
Ordinance No. 82, in relation to levying tax for payment and of walks constructed passed.
Ordinance No. 83, in relation to retailing fruit on streets, held on table.
The following resolution was read and passed.
Resolved, That the city limits of the city of Winfield are hereby extended to embrace and include that portion of the southeast quarter of section 28, township 32, south of range 4 east, known, platted, and recorded as the Loomis addition to the city of Winfield. Adjourned.
J. B. LYNN, Mayor.
Attest: J. P. SHORT, Clerk.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
To The People Of Cowley County.
The committee appointed in this city at a railroad meeting held on the 10th of June, 1878, to conduct all correspondence with the President of the A. T. & S. F. Co. in relation to the extension of a branch road through this county, in obedience to their instructions respectfully submit the following report.
Under date of Aug. 20th the president of the Santa Fe Co. writes us that his company are now engaged in negotiation with the people of Sedgwick County for an extension of that branch down the Arkansas Valley to this point and thence on to the southern boundary of this county via Arkansas City. The Santa Fe Co. also contemplate at no distant day to form a connection with the Fort Smith & Little Rock Co., and thus give us a southern connection. If the pending negotiations with Sedgwick County fail, then the Santa Fe Co. propose to extend the El Dorado branch of their road down the Walnut Valley, and on south as before indicated. In either event the people of this county will be benefited by the extension. We must bear in mind, however, that our present efforts depend largely upon the success of President Nickerson’s negotiations with the people of Sedgwick or Butler counties, and if they should obstinately refuse to cooperate and furnish the requisite aid, our failure to secure a branch road can in no wise be attributed to the disinclination of the Santa Fe Co. to help us.
Pres. Nickerson is of the opinion, that if his present efforts are crowned with success, he will be able to complete the road to this point during the coming year; nevertheless, he calls our attention to some obstacles which he can neither foresee or control. Among these are “strikes,” stringency of the money markets, difficulties of obtaining “ties.”
We felt authorized to assure Pres. Nickerson that our people would cordially cooperate with his company, whether the extension came from Wichita or El Dorado; that you would subscribe to the extent of $4,000 per mile for each mile of completed road; and as to time, interest on bonds, and all matters of mere detail that you would deal with a liberal and considerate spirit.
We deem it not improper to add that the Santa Fe Co. is now building a western extension to the Rio Grande, at or near Albuquerque, and so soon as the Southern Pacific is extended east from Yuma, they propose to form a junction, and thus give to the people of Kansas an outlet to the Pacific and the rapidly developing great west for their surplus.
The most casual observer, therefore, cannot fail to realize that if the national objects of the Santa Fe Co. can be carried out the people of this county, by a subscription to one road, will secure three outlets east, west, and south.
Trusting that our action thus far may meet your approbation, we respectfully suggest that each of the township trustees, and other representative men of the county, will meet in this city on Thursday, the 5th of September, 1878, and take such further action as may be deemed requisite.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
Democratic Convention.
The delegates to the Democratic County Convention met according to call at the courthouse in Winfield on Saturday, August 24th, at 2 o’clock p.m., and the meeting was called to order by Hon. A. J. Pyburn.
The veteran, Judge T. B. Ross, was chosen permanent chairman, and J. S. Allen secretary. There were twenty-five delegates present and, on motion, the call of the delegates was dispensed with and the meeting resolved itself into a mass convention.
The following named gentlemen were chosen delegates and alternates to the state convention, which meets at Leavenworth on Wednesday, September 4th, 1878, viz:
Delegates: A. J. Pyburn, J. B. Lynn, T. B. Ross, A. Walton, W. D. Lester, J. B. Adams.
Alternates: C. C. Black, R. B. Pratt, J. F. Miller, Ed. Green, J. Christian, T. McIntire.
It was voted that the delegates chosen have power to fill vacancies.
Convention adjourned.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
Lynn & Gillelen.
We would call special attention to the splendid advertisement of this firm. Mr. J. B. Lynn has just returned from the east where he has purchased the heaviest stock of goods ever brought to Winfield, or southwest Kansas, for that matter, while Warren Gillelen has been clearing out the old stock and making room for the new goods. They occupy the largest storeroom in the city, it being 25 by 140 feet; with a basement under nearly the whole building. The basement will be crammed full of the more cumbersome and less showy goods, a back room kept up neatly will be used for groceries, and the main room will be completely filled with dry goods, fancy goods, boots, shoes, and almost every variety of substantial and showy goods of the season. Their stock will be marvelous, not only in amount, but in beauty and durability. They have a corps of salesmen . . . .
And to all the members of the family
“The Girl I left Behind Me,”
And to all the people in all the country round about—
tell them that
Large and Complete Stock
Notions, Furnishing Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, etc., ALL BOUGHT FOR CASH. Remember, Largest Stock, Latest Styles, AND Lowest Prices. Come and See us at the Cowley Co. Store.
WE WILL TAKE Wheat, Corn, Hogs, and Cattle ON Accounts and for Goods.
Winfield, September 25, 1878.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
We have to call attention to the notice of Mullen, Wood, Lynn, and Waite in regard to trespasses on their feed lots. These gentlemen say that they have had quite a number of hogs shot and killed by some malicious or careless persons. They intend that if there is a law in this country for the protection of stock to enforce it.
All persons are forbidden from entering our feed lots or traversing the Walnut River between them with or without fire-arms of any kind. Any such trespassers will be dealt with according to law. MULLEN & WOOD, J. B. LYNN, R. B. WAITE.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
Lynn & Gillelen received last week TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND POUNDS of dry goods. This is the largest amount of goods ever brought to southern Kansas at one invoice, and fills their large storeroom from top to bottom.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
Mrs. J. B. Lynn, who has been away for some time, returned last week, bringing with her Miss Lynn, who is a sister of J. B. Lynn.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
Warren Gillelen is one of the best businessmen in Winfield. Active, sagacious, and prudent, he turns many things to small profit that are a loss to others, and by this means Lynn & Gillelen are able to sustain the reputation they have for selling at uniform low prices. For the past week there has been one continual rush of customers to their store and their trade has been immense. See their big “ad.” in this issue.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
Council Proceedings.
City Council met in council chamber Monday evening, October 7, 1878. Present: J. B. Lynn, mayor, and Councilmen Gulley, Manning, Robinson, and Wood; N. C. Coldwell, city attorney; and J. P. Short, clerk.
A committee of three, consisting of Messrs. Wood, Robinson, and Manning, was appointed to confer with the Board of County Commissioners in relation to deeding the county jail building and the county purchasing balance of block on which the courthouse stands and improving the same.
Winfield Courier, October 24, 1878.
Office of the Secretary of the Walnut Valley Fair Association.
WINFIELD, KANS., Oct. 18, 1878.
To the officers, stockholders, and patrons of the above named association: I have the honor to submit herewith a detailed statement of the receipts and disbursements of the association from its organization to the present time, as per order of the Executive Board dated Oct. 17th, 1878.
Received from sale of stock: $57.40
Received from sales of tickets: $567.25
Received from entry fees: $42.00
Eugene E. Bacon, Secretary.
[Interesting with regard to people named under disbursements.]
A. Brown, work on grounds; F. M. Freeland, work on grounds; J. Mentch, work on grounds; H. Whistler, work on grounds; W. C. Hayden, work on grounds; P. Gardner, work on grounds; M. W. Brown, work; Mrs. Andrews, rent of ground; Sam’l. Trowbridge, race track; Jas. Benson, race track; Jas. M. Riser, police; Isaac Davis, police; J. W. Beal, police; C. C. Cruck, police; W. R. Sears, police work; J. E. Bates, police; A. W. Jones, police; Geo. Klaus; J. C. McCollum, police; Cyrus Walker, police; E. S. Eades, police; Perry Martin, police; J. W. Beal, work on track; J. F. Force, gate keeper; John Snyder, police; H. Grommes, police; Bert Crapster, chief police; D. A. Millington, printing; J. H. Raney, clerk; W. O. Lipscomb, clerk; Baird Bros., merchandise; S. M. Jarvis, asst. marshal; H. Jochems, nails, etc.; J. VanDoren, police; Brown & Glass, stationery; S. H. Myton, hardware; F. M. Freeland, hay; D. F. Jones, premium; Jas. Benson, premium; A. Brown, premium; S. G. Miles [? Mills ?], premium; Wm. Allison, premium; W. Ensign, entrance money forfeited; W. C. Hayden, police; McCommon & Harter, books; W. C. Hayden, work on grounds; Ed. Nicholson, police; Wallis & Wallis, goods; L. C. Hyde, carpenter work; John Reynolds, hauling; W. C. Hayden, work on grounds; Lynn & Gillelen, goods; John Moffitt, lumber; Geo. H. Crippen use of band; John Moffitt, fencing; Will Allison, diploma.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Prompt attention given to all calls in the city and adjacent country. Chronic and Nervous diseases specially treated.
Office over Lynn & Gillelen’s store. Residence west on 11th ave.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
A Mammoth Stock.
Messrs. Lynn & Gillelen, at the Cowley County Store, display one of the grandest stocks of goods in Southern Kansas. Scarcely anything that is wanted in general merchandise is absent from their stock. The people of this county may well be happy and proud that an establishment is in their midst capable of competing with the largest retail houses of the large cities of the West.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
Opening Benefit.
The citizens of Winfield and vicinity purpose giving an entertainment benefit on
at Manning’s Opera House, to show their appreciation of the enterprise of a citizen who has erected a magnificent hall in our city.
Winfield—J. B. Lynn and O. M. Seward.
Arkansas City—C. M. Scott.
Dexter—Dr. Wagner.
Lazette—Mc. D. Stapleton.
Douglas—Neil Wilkie.
Oxford—Dr. Maggard.
Doors thrown open at 7 o’clock.
Opening overture (orchestra) 7:30.
Social intercourse and vocal and instrumental music from 7:30 to 8:30.
Address (welcome and congratulatory), J. W. McDonald, 8:30.
Banquet and Toasts, 9 o’clock.
Dancing to commence promptly at 10:30.
Tickets to social entertainment and supper, per couple, $1.50.
Dance, per couple, $1.50.
Tickets sold separately, so that only those who wish to remain and take part in the dancing need purchase dancing tickets.
A general invitation is extended to the public to participate in this entertainment.
E. P. KINNE, Chairman, Committee of General Arrangements.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
City Council Proceedings.
Present: J. B. Lynn, Mayor; Councilmen Gully, Manning, and Wood. Councilman Jochems, having moved outside the city limits, his name was dropped.
The case of Mrs. Fox applying for aid from the city was discussed. On motion of Mr. Wood, the mayor was directed to take such action as the law and the necessity of the case required. Action was then had on the following bills:
Lynn & Gillelen, wood, etc.: $3.00.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
EDITOR COURIER: Noticing in a late issue of your paper a few words concerning the auctioneers taking possession of the streets on Saturdays, at the corner of Main street and Ninth avenue, we have often wondered why the city authorities did not take the matter in hand and in issuing the license to the auctioneers give each a particular locality in which to vend his wares. For instance, locate one in the vicinity of Lynn & Gillelen’s store on that crossing, one at the crossing of Main street and Ninth avenue, and one a block lower opposite the Williams House.
Such an arrangement exists in Wichita and many other towns and has given perfect satisfaction.
By making such distribution the usual jam and crowd blockading the sidewalk and street at any one point would be avoided and pedestrians would have an opportunity to get from one part of town to the other. CITIZEN.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
City Council Proceedings.
Present: J. B. Lynn, mayor; and Councilmen Gully, Manning and Wood; Absent, T. C. Robinson.
The following resolution was introduced, read, and unanimously adopted:
Resolved, That that portion of the southeast quarter of section 28, township 32 south, of range 4 east, known, platted, and filed for record as Fuller’s second addition to the city of Winfield be, and the same is hereby declared to be within the incorporated limits of the city of Winfield.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
All parties owing us will call and settle by first of January. We must have a settlement. Call and see us. LYNN & GILLELEN. Winfield, Dec. 13, 1878.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 2, 1879.
The following is a list of new buildings erected in the city of Winfield since January 1, 1878, with the name of owner and cost of building.
Lynn & Gillelen, store room, stone granary, frame: $250.00.
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
Listed as a Courier Advertiser:
LYNN & GILLELEN have one of the great general stocks of goods which are sometimes found in larger cities, and they are dispensing them in large quantities. John B. Lynn is the mayor of this city and is an able and genial business man. Warren Gillelen is a careful, active manager and skillful accountant. They are assisted by a corps of attentive and gentlemanly salesmen, among who are Batchelder, Shields, Carr, and Rowland. Everything wanted is quickly found in that long store.
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
Mayor.—J. B. Lynn.
Police Judge.—W. M. Boyer.
Members of the Council.—T. C. Robinson, G. W. Gully, H. C. Manning, H. Jochems, C. M. Wood.
Clerk.—J. P. Short.
Treasurer.—J. C. McMullen.
City Attorney.—N. C. Coldwell.
Marshal.—C. C. Stevens.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
WINFIELD, KANS., Feb. 3, 1879.
Council met at the usual place and hour. Mayor Lynn in chair; Councilmen Gully, Jochems, Manning, and Wood, and J. P. Short, clerk, present.
J. P. Short, appointed to take the census of the city, reported that he had finished the same, and found 2011 inhabitants within the corporate limits of the city. Report accepted and ordered filed.
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1879.
WINFIELD, KANS., Feb. 16, 1879.
Council met at the usual place and hour. Mayor Lynn in chair; Councilmen Gully, Jochems, and Wood, and J. P. Short, clerk, present.
Petition of Capt. Sanford in relation to moving billiard table was granted on payment of five dollars to city treasurer.
The Mayor was instructed to use his discretion in regard to giving N. Fisher privilege of selling confectionery, etc., on the streets.
John Hoenscheidt, city engineer, was instructed to report at next meeting a description of the metes and bounds of the city and its additions.
Petition of D. A. Millington et al. for sidewalk on Ninth avenue presented and read; and on motion, same was granted and ordinance ordered drawn.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
WINFIELD, KANS., Feb. 16, 1879.
Mr. Wood offered a resolution incorporating within the city limits the platted additions of Read and McMullen. Adopted.
The city attorney presented a resolution to the organization of a city of the second class, accompanying which was the proper survey of limits by John Hoenscheidt. Adopted.
The city attorney presented an ordinance providing for a sidewalk on Ninth Avenue, as prayed for in petition of last meeting. Adopted.
Lynn & Gillelen, maintenance of Mrs. Fox, pauper, $12.00. Allowed.
Lynn & Gillelen, supplies for paupers. Refused.
John Hoenscheidt, survey of city, $15.00. Allowed.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
J. B. Lynn has the largest corn crib in the county. It is 20 x 40 and will hold 5,000 bushels.
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1879.
Lynn & Gillelen are making arrangements to bring on another immense stock of goods this spring. J. B. Lynn is now in Chicago, buying goods, and when they open the people may expect some rare bargains. These gentlemen never do things by halves, and besides having the largest store room in southern Kansas, they generally carry a stock that would do credit to Kansas City or Atchison.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1879.
Council met at usual time and place, Mayor Lynn in chair. Present, councilmen Jochems, Manning, and Wood.
Sidewalk contract of Fortner & Cady approved. Treasurer made statement and Clerk instructed to examine same and vouchers, certify to its correctness, and have same published.
The following bills were allowed and ordered paid.
Lynn & Gillelen, mdse. for Mrs. Fox, $2.75.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1879.
The following is a list of the principal business firms of Winfield.
Lynn & Gillelen.
Baird Bros.
Bliss & Co.
T. M. McGuire.
Winfield Courier, April 3, 1879.
The election last Tuesday was very warm and excited, but everything went off pleasantly. The result was:
1st w. 2nd w.
John B. Lynn ... 169 124
T. B. Myers ... 94 117
The majorities stand as follows: Lynn, 82.
Winfield Courier, April 17, 1879.
Mayor Lynn in his inaugural address recommends that the minimum of fines for violating a city ordinance shall be raised from $1 to $5, and that the minimum for the offenses mentioned in section 50 of the act in relation to cities of the second class be $10, that dram shop license be raised to $400 or $500 and that druggists be charged $50 license for selling liquor on physician’s prescription, all of which we approve.
Winfield Courier, May 22, 1879.
Mrs. J. B. Lynn has the finest looking garden in the city.
Winfield Courier, May 29, 1879.
Last Monday a young girl, who gave her name as Jennie Slate, presented an order purporting to be from Frank Williams to J. B. Lynn for $80 worth of goods. Mr. Lynn, not liking the looks of the order, put it in his pocket and told her to “call again and he would see about it.” The girl went out and fixed up another order on Mrs. Whitehead for $25, on the strength of which she began to buy hats, ribbons, and millinery “truck” indiscriminately. When the order was presented, Mrs. Whitehead thought something was wrong and dispatched one of the ladies of the establishment to Mr. Williams with it, and it was found that he had no knowledge of the matter whatever. The girl, it seems, had hired at the Williams House some time last fall, but Mrs. Williams not liking her actions, had discharged her. She says that she has been stopping at different places in this county for some time, and that the orders were given to her by a Miss Graham, who has been working at this place for some time. The girl appears to be between 17 and 18 years old, and not seeming to understand the nature of the crime she had committed, she was given some good, wholesome advice and told to “go her way and sin no more.”
Winfield Courier, June 12, 1879.
Mr. Jochems is moving his store building to the vacant lot north of Lynn & Gillelen’s, to give place for his new brick building.
Winfield Courier, June 12, 1879.
The store room and hardware stock of H. Jochems has been removed to the Kirk lot, just north of Lynn and Gillelen’s store, where his many customers will find him until the completion of his new building.
Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.
Lynn & Gillelen advertise their goods at cost for the next thirty days. There will be a change in the firm after that time. They mean business, so look out for choice bargains.
Winfield Courier, August 14, 1879.
Lynn & Gillelen have closed to invoice their stock, when the firm will be dissolved and one of them will retire. During the last two years this firm has been known far and wide, and have perhaps sold more goods than any firm, with the exception of Baird Bros., in the southwest.
Lynn continues dry goods business. Gillelen leaves...
Winfield Courier, August 21, 1879.
The firm of Lynn & Gillelen has been dissolved, Mr. Lynn continuing the business. This firm has been one of the soundest and most substantial in the country and have built up an immense trade.
Winfield Courier, September 4, 1879.
J. B. Lynn comes out this week with a brand new delivery wagon.
Winfield Courier, September 11, 1879.
Mayor Lynn is still in Chicago trying to buy out Field, Leiter & Co. for the Cowley County Store.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1879.
J. B. Lynn received 3,500 pounds of flour from Wichita Monday morning, and by noon had sold every sack.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1879.
Among the staunch businessmen of southern Kansas, none are more widely known or more highly respected than the subject of this sketch. Five years ago he came to Winfield and established himself in business in a small wooden building on north Main street. Today he controls perhaps the largest establishment south of Topeka, and numbers among his customers a large majority of the best farmers in this and adjoining counties. Mr. Lynn’s success is due largely to his liberality in advertising and in giving his customers the benefit of close buying and low margins.
Winfield Courier, November 6, 1879.
Messrs. Ticer and Clayton have formed a copartnership in the loan business. Their office is over Lynn’s store.
Winfield Courier, November 27, 1879.
J. B. Lynn has purchased the Kirk lot, on the corner of Main and Eighth avenue, for $10,000.
Winfield Courier, December 4, 1879.
J. B. Lynn is making arrangements to erect a substantial building on his corner. He will build two stories high, with good basement, and will occupy the first floor with his own stock.
Winfield Courier, January 8, 1880.
Swain & Watkins have completed plans in detail for J. B. Lynn’s new business building. They are first-class and reflect credit on the architects.
Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.
One of the most important property exchanges we have yet chronicled was made last week. Mr. Chas. C. Black purchased from W. H. H. Maris the building now being occupied by J. H. Lynn’s store, the one occupied by W. C. Root & Co.’s boot and shoe store, and his residence on Elm Row, for $12,000. Mr. Maris receives in part payment the J. G. Titus farm of 640 acres, southeast of town, and the balance, $5,000, in cash.
Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.
The spirit of improvement seems to be general on north main street. Besides the three new store buildings now being completed, Mayor Lynn has let the contract for the excavation and stone work on his building, and will push it forward as rapidly as possible. The excavation for Col. Alexander’s building is being done by the L. L. & G. Railroad, and the dirt is being used in filling up around their depot grounds. We also hear rumors of a new brick to be built on the corner north of the American House.
Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.
A meeting was held at Manning’s Hall last Wednesday evening to consider a memorial to Congress asking that a right of way for a railroad be granted through the Indian Territory from Arkansas City to Fort Smith.
Mayor Lynn was called to chair and J. E. Conklin chosen secretary.
A committee, consisting of C. C. Black, C. Coldwell, W. R. Davis, J. L. Horning, and M. L. Robinson, was appointed to prepare a memorial.
Senator Hewson, of Memphis, addressed the meeting, stating the advantages and importance to this section of the country of such a road.
The committee reported a memorial as follows, which was adopted, and the committee instructed to procure signatures and forward.
“The undersigned citizens of Cowley County, in the state of Kansas, would respectfully represent, that this county and the adjacent counties of Kansas are producers of corn, wheat, oats, hay, hogs, and cattle; and that they have large quantities of the commodities named, over and above their own requirements for market; but on account of the present condition of things they are cut off and deprived of their proper and legitimate markets, which should be Memphis, Tennessee; New Orleans, Louisiana; and Little Rock, Arkansas; and the cities and country adjacent to said city. We would further show that our country is almost wholly destitute of timber, while in the state of Arkansas, only a short distance away, there is a superabundance wasting for want of transportation.
We would further show that by building a line of railroad from the line of Kansas at or near Arkansas City, to Fort Smith in the state of Arkansas, relief from all difficulties stated would be obviated.
We would further show that on the 17th day of Dec., 1879, the Hon. H. C. Young of Tennessee, introduced House bill 3032, in which the right of way and charter for said railroad is asked and provided for, and we respectfully request the said bill be enacted into a law and the company or body corporate thereby created be authorized to build a line of railroad and telegraph upon such terms and limitations as Congress may in its wisdom provide.
And we especially solicit and request the support and influence of the Representatives and Senators from the state of Kansas and our sister states, in perfecting and passing this bill.
All of which is most respectfully submitted.”
Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.
The new Odd Fellows Hall over Lynn’s store is being furnished in fine style. The O. F’s seem determined to outdo all rival societies in the matter of fixing up.
Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.
The call for a schoolhouse bond election by the Board of Education, is as follows.
To: J. B. Lynn, Mayor of the City of Winfield, Kansas.
SIR: You are hereby, by the Board of Education of the said city, requested, in accordance with Section 173, Chapter 92, Dassler’s Compiled Laws of Kansas, to call an election for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of said city, the proposition of issuing Twelve Thousand ($12,000) Dollars worth of bonds, for the character and denomination, and for the purposes hereinafter set forth, as follows.
Said bonds are to be of the denomination of Five Hundred Dollars each, and to run Twenty years at the rate of six percent, per annum; the interest payable semi-annually on the first days of January and July of each year, and the principal payable at the end of Twenty years from the date thereof. Both principal and interest payable to the Commissioners of the Permanent School Fund at the office of State Treasurer of the State of Kansas. Said bonds to be sold at not less than 100 cents on the dollar, and the proceeds thereof used by the Board of Education of said city in purchasing a suitable site, and erecting a suitable ward schoolhouse, containing four school rooms, centrally located, in the second ward of said city of Winfield; and further, in erecting such an addition to, and making such alterations in, the present stone school building now located in the first ward of said city of Winfield, as will make said building a convenient and suitable schoolhouse, containing six (6) school rooms for said first ward. And still further, if said proceeds be not all exhausted in the purchase of said site, and the erection of said buildings, in fencing and ornamenting the grounds of said ward school buildings.
Done by order of the Board of Education of the city of Winfield, this 19th day of January, A. D. 1880. F. S. JENNINGS, President of the Board.
Attest: FRED C. HUNT, Clerk of said Board.
Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.
J. B. Lynn takes on a new partner.
[Note: First item shows that the name of new partner is “J. S. Luce.” This is later changed to “Loose” in subsequent articles.]
Winfield Courier, March 11, 1880.
J. B. Lynn has associated with him in business Mr. J. S. Luce [Loose], of Illinois. Mr. Luce [Loose] brings a large amount of capital, has had a large business experience, and has selected Winfield as the best place for the investment of his capital and energies. He and Mr. Lynn were old classmates and worked for years in the same store. Arrangements are being made by the new firm to finish the building projected by Mr. Lynn on a larger scale than has before been attempted in our city. They will build one hundred and forty feet deep by twenty-five feet wide, two-stories and basement, and occupy the whole themselves. This will give us one of the largest stores in Kansas and will only be equaled in size and amount of stock carried by the great supply depots of New Mexico. This is one of the biggest “booms” yet started here. Messrs. Lynn & Luce [Loose] are now in the east purchasing a spring stock.
Winfield Courier, March 18, 1880.
The remnant of the Suss stock was disposed of to Lynn & Loose. This lets E. C. Seward out of a job for the present.
Winfield Courier, April 1, 1880.
Our young friend, Forest Rowland, still manipulates the sugar scoop, etc., with Lynn & Loose. Forest is a good clerk and a reliable young man.
Winfield Courier, April 8, 1880.
Mr. Freeland has the contract for excavating the cellar of the Lynn & Loose building. He commenced work Monday.
Winfield Courier, April 8, 1880.
Messrs. Pryor & Kinne completed the sale of the store room and lot next to Lynn’s store, last Thursday, for $2,200. Martin West, the south end grocer, is the purchaser. This is one of the best business locations in the city.
Winfield Courier, April 22, 1880.
The Lynn & Loose store building is to be completed as soon as possible. The foundation stones are now being laid.
Winfield Courier, May 6, 1880.
Winfield Courier, June 10, 1880.
There is a young son and heir at Mayor Lynn’s.
Winfield Courier, June 17, 1880.
Lynn & Loose’s new building is progressing rapidly. The workmen are now on the second story.
Winfield Courier, July 8, 1880.
The Peabody “Mechanics Band,” left for their homes on Tuesday afternoon. Before leaving they serenaded Mayor Lynn and the houses of several prominent citizens. The band, aside from being one of the best in Kansas, is composed of gentlemen of culture and intelligence, and it has been a pleasure to our citizens to entertain them.
Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.
The Lynn & Loose building at the corner of Main and Eighth, has its magnificent cornice completed and presents an imposing appearance.
Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.
The Lynn & Loose building is the finest business building in Southwestern Kansas.
Winfield Courier, September 2, 1880.
The large and beautiful commercial building of Lynn & Loose is nearly completed. It will soon be filled with a heavy stock of goods.
Winfield Courier, September 9, 1880.
Winfield is to have another first-class dry goods store. Wood, Jettinger & Co. have rented the building now occupied by Lynn & Loose, and will put in a twenty-five thousand dollar stock of dry goods as soon as they get possession, which will be about Oct. 1. They have secured the services of Mr. Will Hyden; formerly with M. Hahn & Co., as head clerk. Will is a popular salesman, and his acquaintance with the people will make his services doubly valuable. Messrs. Wood, Jettinger & Co. are making large investments in Winfield and are valuable citizens.
Winfield Courier, September 16, 1880.
The Lynn & Loose building is almost finished and will be occupied next week.
Winfield Courier, September 23, 1880.
Lynn & Loose have moved into their new store building, the most magnificent one in the state.
Winfield Courier, September 23, 1880.
Last Tuesday Messrs. Lynn & Loose moved into the magnificent new store room on the corner of Main street and Eighth avenue. This is perhaps as fine a business house as can be found in the State. It is 140 feet deep, by 25 feet wide, two stories and a basement. Two thirds of the basement, all of the first story, and one-third of the second story will be occupied by the firm; the balance has been divided into offices and will be rented. John Allen will occupy the two front rooms. One hundred feet of the first floor will be used by the dry goods department. The grocery and butter and egg business will be carried on in the rear forty feet, fronting on Eighth avenue. An elevator connects this floor with the basement and upper story. The whole is lighted by forty gas jets, which make a brilliant illumination. The front is of the finest quality of French plate glass, two of the panes being six feet wide, fourteen feet high, and three-quarters of an inch thick. The glass for the front alone cost over $300. The shelving is elaborate, and although it has been put in as economically as possible, the firm is troubled about finding room for their immense stock. The energy and enterprise displayed by Messrs. Lynn & Loose in erecting this magnificent building will draw to them crowds of customers. It shows that they are here to stay and have an abiding faith in the future prosperity of our city and of Cowley County. They have too many interests at stake to deal otherwise than fairly, and the people know it. If the extra pains taken to make this building a model one, and the $10,000 spent in erecting it does not prove to be a capital investment, then we miss our guess.
Winfield Courier, September 30, 1880.
It has been suggested that the young ladies who have been practicing archery in Mr. Rowland’s front yard, have a target painted on the back of Lynn & Loose’s store. This will give a target 35 feet in diameter, and they perhaps could hit it if not too long a shot, say 25 feet or so.
Winfield Courier, October 21, 1880.
Messrs. William & Jettinger, the new firm which recently opened for business in the old Lynn & Loose stand, say their opening say in this issue. Their store is full of nice, clean new goods. Give them a call.
Are receiving and have on hand a large stock of
Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps and Groceries.
They must be sold. Give us a trial.
Winfield Courier, November 11, 1880 - Front Page.
[From Correspondent, Leavenworth Times.]
The new store, 140 feet deep, by Lynn & Loose has just been occupied by them and is filled with as fine a stock of dry goods and carpets as can be found in the metropolis of Kansas. The second floor has fourteen large offices, with outside entrances onto a fine iron verandah. The building is certainly an ornament to the city. These with two brick blocks, three rooms each, which are just ready for occupancy, are all on Main street.
Winfield Courier, November 11, 1880.
Thousands Witness the Payment of Election Wagers.
Mayor Lynn Goes In With a Load of Rock.
The COURIER Always Ahead.
The most fantastic and humorous performance that this city has ever witnessed took place last Saturday, at 2 o’clock p.m. The crowd of people assembled on the sidewalks, in the streets, in the windows of adjacent buildings, and on the awnings, was simply immense and the enthusiasm displayed was indescribable.
The procession was formed at the Brettun house in the following order:
1st. The Winfield Cornet Band.
2nd. The St. John Battery.
3rd. Hon. O. M. Seward, Chairman of the Republican Committee, on a fiery steed that looked as though he had just had a race of a hundred miles and distanced his competitor, bearing the legend: “This is the Maud S. that won the race;” and Hon. S. L. Gilbert, chair-man of the Democratic Committee, on a used up mule labeled, “This is the mule that beat us.”
4th. Hon. J. B. Lynn, Mayor of Winfield, bare-headed, in overalls and flannel shirt, wheeling a large load of rock.
5th. Hon. C. C. Black, editor of the Telegram, wheeling the editor of the COURIER.
6th. The working men on the Brettun House building, forty strong, with their trowels, hammers, saws, hods, and other implements of labor.
7th. The COURIER force with plug hats and canes, headed by Ed. P. Greer, each bearing an appropriate motto.
8th. Charles Kelly, representing the postal service, with the motto: “A clean sweep. No post-offices for rent.”
9th. The Telegram force, mounted on a huge dray with a large job press printing Telegram extras and passing them out to the crowd.
Arriving at the COURIER office, the procession halted, and D. A. Millington mounted the chair on the wheelbarrow and addressed the crowd . . . .
Charles C. Black then mounted the chair and addressed the people . . . .
The procession then moved on to the Williams House, halted, and Mr. Lafe Pence delivered a short and patriotic address, which we presume was on behalf of Mayor Lynn; after which the procession moved forward another block, counter marched, and dispersed.
Winfield Courier, November 11, 1880.
One of Lynn & Loose’s clerks is bound to be a bachelor all his life. You see that is his name. Telegram.
He is not a bachelor, has been married many years, and his name is not bachelor, but Batchelder.
Winfield Courier, November 25, 1880.
While in Winfield last Friday evening, we enjoyed the hospitality and friendship of Messrs. Lynn & Loose, at their elegant and spacious store room for a half hour very pleasantly.
The firm of Lynn & Loose is perhaps one of the oldest in Cowley County: at least the senior member has been engaged in active business at Winfield for the past eight years. A country or town is judged by the inhabitants. The city of Winfield, the most beautiful town in all Kansas, or we may say the west, has a warm place in the affections of all who visit and view her beautiful streets, fine buildings, and become acquainted with her live enterprising people. Men build towns, and LIVE men build good substantial towns. J. B. Lynn, the mayor of the city, is one of the class that believe in enterprise, progress, advancement, and improvement. He is a man of high character, honor, and integrity, and the magnificent building which he has recently erected in Winfield, at a cost of many thousand dollars, will stand as a monument to his energy, enterprise, and progress of spirit. It is a credit not only to Winfield but to Cowley County.
No town in Kansas can present such a fine store room, as well arranged for a general merchandising house as that of Lynn & Loose. It is 25 x 140 feet, two stories with a basement underneath: full length. One hundred and ten feet in front is the dry goods department, and a better displayed stock of goods cannot be found in the State. Thirty feet in the rear is cut off for the grocery department, where everything is kept in a clean and neat manner.
The cellar is filled with heavy articles, such as sugars, coffees, queensware, crockery, salt, provisions, etc. The first one hundred feet in the front, on the second floor, is divided into seven suits of rooms, suitable for law offices. In the rear is a large carpet and clothing room, filled to its fullest capacity. In front of the basement is a fine room which is to be used by a tonsorial artist. A large elevator is erected in the rear of the building, so that heavy goods can be raised from the cellar or lowered from the second story. Altogether, this store is better arranged than any one in Southern Kansas. It is lighted by gas. From what we observed in looking through this fine business room, we judge it contains about $40,000 worth of merchandise. All credit is due to these enterprising men for their energy and push, and the people of Cowley County may well be proud of such substantial men. They are men of worth to any community and are just such as build cities like Winfield. Their fine stone store room would do credit to our large cities. We thank Mr. Lynn for his kindness in showing us through his building. Burden New Enterprise.
Winfield Courier, November 25, 1880.
We regret that we have to record the failure of the dry goods and grocery firm of Williams & Jettinger, who have occupied the building vacated by Lynn & Loose. They opened up about three months ago, and were apparently doing a good business until Monday morning, when the goods were turned over to Mr. E. P. Kinne on behalf of the creditors. Mr. Jettinger is also partner in the old Bliss mill. The liabilities of the firm, we understand, were very heavy. It is not yet known what effect this break will have upon the mill firm. Mr. Kinne still has charge of the stock, amounting to about ten or twelve thousand dollars, and will dispose of it to the best advantage for the creditors.
Winfield Courier, December 9, 1880.
Mayor Lynn, R. D. Jillson, and C. C. Black called at this office last Monday to consider measures for the relief of the poor and destitute in our midst. After consideration, it was decided to call a meeting of the citizens to be held at the city council rooms, on this Thursday evening at 7 o’clock, to take steps in the matter, appoint committees to canvass the city and find out who are in need, to collect money and supplies, and to properly distribute them. The commissioners have a place for the county’s poor and require that they shall be moved to that place or not receive aid from the county. There are many in our city who are in need, but temporary assistance would help them through, to whom a removal to the poor house would be disastrous. Let us find and help them. Please turn out to the meeting.
Winfield Courier, December 16, 1880.
Mr. Lynn has discovered a thin layer of coal west of town near the west bridge. It is not probable that coal can be found in paying quantities less than 300 feet deep in this vicinity.
Winfield Courier, December 16, 1880.
A meeting was held in the council rooms last Thursday evening to consider means for temporary assistance to those in want in our city.
John B. Lynn was made chairman, and James Kelly, secretary.
By a vote of the meeting the city was divided into four wards by Main street and Ninth avenue, and committees were constituted as follows.
Northeast ward: Mesdames T. R. Bryan, Dr. Graham, and Rev. J. Cairns.
Northwest ward: Mesdames McDonald, McMullen, and Miss Service.
Southwest ward: Mesdames Spotswood and Jillson, and Miss Mary R. Stewart.
Southeast ward: Mesdames Hickok, Silver, and Swain.
Committees to solicit contributions were appointed as follows.
Northeast: Mesdames Holloway, Linticum, and Troup.
Northwest: Mesdames Short and Dr. Davis and Mayor Lynn.
Southwest: Mesdames Earnest and Landers, and Mr. R. D. Jillson.
Southeast: Mrs. Rigby, Miss L. Graham, and Mr. W. A. Freeman.
Lynn & Loose tendered their front basement for a storage room for the committees.
The committees were requested to meet in the council rooms on Tuesday, Dec. 14, at 2:30 p.m. to form plans of operation.
Winfield Courier, January 6, 1881.
A. H. Green has moved his stock of merchandise to Winfield and is selling it at the old Lynn & Loose stand.
Winfield Courier, January 6, 1881.
Col. McMullen and lady entertained a number of friends at their home last week. The elegant parlors were comfortably filled, and we, at least, passed a pleasant evening. Those present were: Mayor and Mrs. Lynn, Rev. and Mrs. N. L. Rigby, Prof. and Mrs. Hickok, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. Loose, Mr. and Mrs. John Pryor, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Carruthers, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Scovill, Mr. and Mrs. H. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Kretsinger, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. Wallis, Mr. and Mrs. Mann, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Green, Mr. and Mrs. Black, Mr. and Mrs. Kinne, Mrs. Buck and son, of Emporia, and Mr. Harris, of Bushnell, Illinois.
Winfield Courier, January 20, 1881.
On Wednesday night there was a meeting held at council rooms, embracing a number of our prominent citizens, to secure, if possible, one of the two roads that Gould proposes building. All the gentlemen present were in favor of doing what was possible to secure this end. W. H. Smith, Col. Alexander, J. L. Horning, T. K. Johnson, Mayor Lynn, and M. L. Robinson were appointed as a committee to confer with the managers, and obtain from them, if possible, a proposition. Messrs. Myres, Read, and Seward were appointed a committee to defray expenses.
Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.
MARRIED. The marriage of Mr. Joe E. Conklin and Mrs. L. A. Linticum was celebrated Tuesday, February 8th, at three o’clock p.m., at the residence of the bride’s mother, Mrs. Warnock, on North Millington street, Rev. J. A. Hyden, assisted by Rev. J. Cairns, officiating. This wedding had been kept so quiet by the high contracting parties, that it was not until the deed was done and the cards announcing the same had been received that the rumor was credited. The ceremony was performed in the presence of Mr. and Mrs. Fahnestock, Dr. and Mrs. Mendenhall, Rev. and Mrs. Hyden, J. B. Lynn, W. C. Robinson and R. R. Conklin. The bride was attired in a handsome wine colored traveling dress, her trousseau containing many elegant costumes. The bridal party left on the 4:35 train for Chicago and other places in Illinois, the former homes of both bride and groom. They will be at home after March 1st. Our hearty congratulations are extended to them, with a wish that their marriage may bring them the happiness they merit.
Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.
A man applied to Mayor Lynn for aid Monday, stating that he lived on East 8th avenue. The Mayor referred him to Councilman Hodges, and he was afterward furnished with provisions by Councilman Freeman. Marshal Stevens investigated the matter and found that he did not reside in the city at all but lived off Mr. Service’s place east of town. It was also discovered that he was the possessor of a team and had an able-bodied son twenty years old; that they had twice been offered work with their team at $2.50 per day but had refused the job, preferring to live by charity. From what we saw of the man, he seemed as able to work as hundreds of others who make their living by honest labor. There are dozens of widows in Winfield with large families to support who struggle along without asking charity, but who are more entitled to it than this applicant.
Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.
Mr. T. R. Bryan has opened a loan office in the Lynn & Loose building. Eastern capitalists have for some time been soliciting Mr. Bryan to place investments for them in this county, and have offered him money at rates that enable him to offer a very low rate of interest. Borrowers would do well to call on him before making their loans. His card appears in another column.
Winfield Courier, March 31, 1881.
J. P. Baden is removing into the building vacated by Lynn & Loose.
Winfield Courier, March 31, 1881.
The “corners” stairway has been besieged by broken-down politicians and sore-heads for the past few evenings. They converse in mysterious whispers and seem trying to settle on an “opposition ticket.” Stray rumors are afloat which indicate that Lynn is to be put up for reelection. We thought they looked disconsolate, but did not dream that it was as bad as this.
Winfield Courier, April 7, 1881.
A great many Republicans were not satisfied with the Republican nominations for city officers, and joined with the Democrats to nominate a citizens’ ticket. They met at the opera house on last Saturday evening and put in nomination J. B. Lynn for mayor, O. M. Seward for city attorney, T. R. Bryan for city treasurer, J. D. Pryor for treasurer of the board of education, W. E. Tansey for justice of the peace and police judge, John Moffitt and A. H. Doane for councilmen, N. L. Rigby and E. P. Kinne for members of the school board, and J. T. Quarles and B. McFadden for constables. Mr. Bryan was not present at the meeting, but it was understood that he would support the straight Republican ticket, having already accepted the nomination for city treasurer tendered him by the Republicans.
Mr. Tansey had been nominated by the Republicans for justice of the peace, but made a speech accepting the nomination of the Citizens, and enlisting to support the whole ticket, going back on the Republicans. Of course, it was inconsistent for the Republicans to keep on their ticket a candidate who was fighting the balance of the ticket, so the Republican committee met and struck off his name and placed the name of J. H. Kinney in his stead, which was eminently proper and right. E. P. Kinne was not present at the time of the Citizens meeting nor on the day of the election, but we understood him before he went that he would not accept a nomination on the Citizens ticket. N. L. Rigby positively declined to be a candidate.
J. T. Hackney withdrew his name from the Republican ticket, and James Kelly was put upon the ticket for police judge in his stead. This made up the issues: as to candidates.
On Monday evening the supporters of both tickets held meetings, and speakers harangued the people. The Citizens held their meeting in the street, and used the stone steps of the Winfield Bank for a rostrum.
We did not get a report of the speakers, for we were in the other meeting: that of the republicans in the opera house. Of this meeting Col. C. M. Wood was chairman, and made a stirring address, which was followed by strong and pungent speeches from H. E. Asp, M. G. Troup, W. P. Hackney, and T. H. Soward.
The scathing that Mayor Lynn and Marshal Stevens got at their hands was terrible and cruel to the victims. Their administration was shown up in no enviable light, and the speakers demanded a change.
Winfield Courier, April 7, 1881.
The election of last Tuesday was one of the hottest little elections we ever had. The interest taken was intense, and the friends of each ticket worked with a will, but with good humor, and we think there was no bad blood stirred up. Neither party can crow much over the election. On the Republican ticket only four candidates were elected, while the citizens elected nine of their candidates, if we count Bryan, on both tickets. But the Republicans carried the head of the ticket and that may serve as a set off to several of the subordinates. There are some things, however, that this election has demonstrated. One is that the disaffection among Republicans with the Republican ticket, whether reasonable or not, was very wide and serious; and another is, that the people were widely dissatisfied with the late administration of the city, particularly in the matter of punishing for offenses. Personally, John B. Lynn is every whit as popular as his successful opponent. Everybody likes him as an intelligent, large-hearted, energetic businessman, but many believed that he had not enforced the laws as he should in relation to gambling, liquor selling, and vice, and the desire for a change in the executive head, and in the police, was all that prevented the citizens from electing their whole ticket by sweeping majorities. The dissatisfaction with the head of their ticket of course affected, to a large extent, their whole ticket, for many will reject the whole if feeling opposed to the leading candidate.
There are some things that might be learned from this election. First, that in our local matters it is very difficult to run an election on party lines.
There must necessarily be conflicting interests of north end and south end, or some other end; or differences of opinion in the management of schools, or business rivalries and jealousies, or differences of opinion on particular matters of policy for local government, either of which may be strong enough to override party lines, and no amount of bulldozing or party coercion will keep a man within his party when its candidates do not suit him in the particular matters in which he is most interested. There is only one possible way to make a party ticket succeed in these elections, and that is to make a fair division of the offices among the leading conflicting interests. If that cannot be done, then the only way is to let the voters divide on the local issues most prominent at the time being, as they will be sure to do. There must be mutual concessions, and a general understanding, or men will not “take their medicine.”
Winfield Courier, April 7, 1881.
The result of the city election of last Tuesday is given in the table below. Names of candidates on the Republican ticket are in Roman, Citizens ticket in small caps, and on both in caps.
Winfield Courier, April 14, 1881.
See the ad. of Lynn & Loose in this issue. Their goods are mostly all in, and their magnificent store room is full to overflowing.
We have now on exhibition one of the BEST SELECTED STOCKS OF GOODS EVER BROUGHT TO WINFIELD. We have made the wants of the public our study and we now offer NEW AND DESIRABLE GOODS At very low prices. We wish to call special attention to our magnificent stock of NOTIONS, DRESS BUTTONS, TRUNKS AND VALISES, HAMBURG EMBROIDERIES, LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S HOSE, MEN’S AND BOYS’ CLOTHING, LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S MEDIUM AND FINE SHOES. CALL AND SEE US AND GET A SQUARE DEAL. LYNN & LOOSE.
Winfield Courier, April 14, 1881.
Mr. Loose, of the firm of Lynn & Loose, returned from the east last week. He purchased a magnificent line of goods, which are being opened up this week.
Winfield Courier, April 28, 1881.
John B. Lynn vs. S K & W R R Co.
Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.
Below are statements of businessmen and leading citizens of this city and county.
General merchandise. Our business is about the same as it was last year. We had reason to apprehend it would be less on account of the bad season last year. Cannot explain why business has kept up so well. Produce is bringing a better price, though there is much less of it, a considerable stock is being handled, and a considerable amount of eggs, butter, etc., is being sold. We do not observe that the prohibitory law has affected our business in any way. There are less people on the streets than a year ago, but more and better buyers in proportion to the crowd than last year. It is rather wonderful how our trade keeps up under the circumstances. As partly accounting for it, we have more goods, a larger, better, and more convenient room, and better facilities for showing goods. Our sale room is 25 x 140, well filled with goods, with basement same size for storage, a large carpet room in the second story, and an elevator from the basement to the second story. French plate glass front and lighted with gas throughout.
Winfield Courier, June 16, 1881.
A considerable number of the citizens of Winfield met on Monday evening on the steps of the Winfield Bank to provide for raising funds for the immediate relief of the sufferers caused by the cyclone Sunday evening. Mr. Crippen called the people together by music from the band.
Rev. J. E. Platter was chosen chairman and made one of his neat and impressive speeches followed by Messrs. Hackney, Troup, Beach, and others.
A committee of ten gentlemen was appointed by the chair to canvass for subscriptions, consisting of Messrs. C. C. Black, J. S. Hunt, J. B. Lynn, M. G. Troup, D. A. Millington, D. L. Kretsinger, J. P. Short, R. E. Wallis, W. H. Smith, and H. D. Gans.
A committee of ladies was appointed to canvass for clothing, bedding, etc., consisting of Mrs. Mansfield, Mrs. J. D. Pryor, Mrs. Earnest, Mrs. Jewell, Mrs. Van Doren, Mrs. Horning, Mrs. Albro, Mrs. Spotswood, Miss Nellie Cole, and Miss Mary Steward.
During the day the canvass of the city resulted in the following cash subscriptions.
Lynn & Loose $20.00.
Winfield Courier, July 7, 1881.
The report was current Monday evening that Mr. J. B. Lynn was fatally injured on the road to Kansas City. He makes as lively a corpse as they have ever had on the road.
Winfield Courier, August 25, 1881.
The meeting at Manning’s hall on Saturday, August 20th, was well attended by the old soldiers. Capt. Haight with a section of his battery, put in a number of shots that sounded like old times to the boys. Messrs. Pixley, Requa, Woodruff, Roseberry, and others furnished old time martial music. At 11 a.m., the meeting was called to order with C. M. Wood in the chair, and Jake Nixon, secretary.
Your committee on permanent organization beg to submit the following.
For President: Col. J. C. McMullen, of Winfield; for Vice Presidents, we would recommend one from each township to be named by this meeting, and one from the city of Winfield. We submit the name of T. H. Soward. For recording secretary, Jake Nixon, of Vernon; corresponding secretary, A. H. Green, Winfield; treasurer, J. B. Lynn, Winfield.
Finance Committee: J. B. Lynn, Capt. Siverd, Capt. Myers, James Kelly, and Judge Bard.
Winfield Courier, November 10, 1881.
A trial of speed between Lou Harter’s trotter and J. B. Lynn’s buggy horse took place at the fair ground Friday. Mr. Harter’s horse won the race: time 6:59-3/4. Mr. J. E. Allen says he “bet on Lynn & Loose—d.”
Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.
DISSOLUTION -OF- CO-PARTNERSHIP (BY LIMITATION) OF THE FIRM OF LYNN & LOOSE. Will take place on the 6th day of March, 1882. Our doors will be closed for inventory about February 1st. Preparatory thereto, we will offer our ENTIRE STOCK OF GOODS -AT- COST FOR CASH ONLY! for the next 60 days. Now is the time to get BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, QUEENSWARE, AND GROCERIES.
We wish to be distinctly understood that we will not sell to anyone goods at cost except for cash. Where time is given they will be charged at our regular prices. We have $25,000 WORTH OF GOODS—WHICH WE WISH TO CONVERT INTO CASH—and for that purpose we offer them to our trade and the public at COST FOR CASH! Hoping to see all our old customers and as many new ones that wish to buy goods cheap, we remain, respectfully, LYNN & LOOSE.
Winfield Courier, January 5, 1882.
J. B. Lynn is home again after a short sojourn in old Missouri. It will take him some time to re-accustom himself to our prohibitory ways.
Winfield Courier, January 12, 1882.
Messrs. Lynn & Loose are putting their goods down to cost, wishing to reduce their stock preparatory to the dissolution of partnership, which takes place February 1st. Their price list, published in another column, shows just what bargains they propose to give.
Winfield Courier, January 12, 1882.
The Businessmen Talk, Eat, and Prepare to Harvest Unpaid Bills.
Last Saturday evening a large number of the businessmen of Winfield met at the Brettun House and organized an association that will be of more practical benefit to businessmen and the trading public generally then anything that has yet been proposed. The matter has been talked of for some time, but recent events brought it to a focus, of which the “Merchants” and Business Men’s Protective Association” is the outcome. The following gentlemen were present and assisted in the organization.
A. H. Doane, R. E. Wallis, J. A. McGuire, Will Hudson, A. E. Baird, W. J. Hodges, H. Brotherton, J. M. Dever, J. P. Baden, J. L. Hodges, R. E. Sydall, Lou Harter, Ed. P. Greer, J. B. Lynn, A. B. Steinberger, C. A. Bliss, D. L. Kretsinger, A. T. Spotswood, S. W. Hughes, J. S. Mann, W. B. Pixley, W. R. McDonald, A. D. Hendricks, Col. Wm. Whiting, J. G. Shrieves, J. W. Batchelder, J. L. Horning, T. R. Timme, J. L. Rinker, J. P. Short, B. F. Wood, J. A. Cooper.
After the adjournment of the meeting all repaired to the dining room of the Brettun and ate oysters and celery, drank coffee and cream, told vigorous stories of dead-beats and bill-jumpers, and treated each other to little bits of business experience that furnished points for future action. The supper was nicely served and thirty-nine sat down to the long table and took two or more dishes of “Oysters-loony style,” with fruit and lighter refreshments thrown in. One of the most unfortunate features of the supper was that there were no toasts. Nothing is so delightful after a nice supper as to sit back in your chair and note the writhings of the poor mortal who has been selected to tell about “The great American eagle, who laves his bill in the Atlantic and dips his tail in the Pacific,” and to see him squirm when he finds that he has forgotten the piece and got the proud bird’s tail in the wrong pond. We were very anxious to see this duty performed and had about concluded to call out J. L. Horning or A. T. Spotswood, with W. J. Hodges and R. E. Wallis as possible substitutes, when the thought struck us that it might prove a boomerang and our desire for toasts immediately expired.
Among the ladies who graced the occasion were Mrs. W. R. McDonald, Mrs. J. L. Rinker, Mrs. J. B. Lynn, Miss Sadie French, Mrs. W. J. Hodges, Mrs. S. W. Hughes, Mrs. J. A. Cooper, and Mrs. W. B. Pixley.
Cowley County Courant, February 2, 1882.
J. B. Lynn has opened up his store and is running under a full head of steam. J. B. will not let things rust around him.
Winfield Courier, February 16, 1882.
Our merchant prince and ex-Mayor, J. B. Lynn, is out again today in this paper with a new ad., calling attention to his new stock of goods and new prices in his magnificent new building, which is indeed so well known as to be called his old stand. Few merchants have had the fortune to gain the confidence and good will of any community so fully as has J. B. Lynn and few have so well deserved a wide popularity.
Winfield Courier, February 23, 1882.
WINFIELD, KANSAS. Has opened up a new stock of goods at new prices, which cannot fail to give satisfaction. HIS STOCK OF DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CLOTHING, ETC., IS THE MOST COMPLETE IN THE CITY.
He invites his old friends and the people generally to call and see.
Winfield Courier, February 23, 1882.
The Catholic Fair.
“A little fun now and then is relished by the best of men.” The Catholic Fair, which closed Friday evening, Feb. 10, was the source of much amusement to the people of Winfield. Everything in the way of pleasure was there, and the citizens did not fail to patronize the good work. The businessmen when called upon for contributions responded liberally, as did the ladies, in donating the various articles for a supper and refreshment tables. The fancy articles which were donated were duly appreciated, and served to decorate the booths nicely.
The china set of one hundred and fifty seven pieces was won by Mr. J. B. Lynn, who afterwards presented it to Father Kelly, occupied a prominent position on one of the tables.
Cowley County Courant, March 2, 1882.
We call the attention of our citizens to the communication from Mr. Thorpe in this issue, and we are glad to see them investigating the matter. The prospect of such a manufactory is decidedly pleasant to us, and we would like to see the matter given full attention. We don’t think there is any danger of Winfield becoming a “way station,” but we would not lose an opportunity to build up this city or advance her interests. Winfield is flourishing now, and we want it to continue in so doing and we think all our businessmen are with us in that desire.
EDITOR COURANT: I find that there are some people who feel rather dubious as to the success of the enterprise which I suggested in the COURANT the other day. To these people I would kindly offer this explanation of the “modus operandi” of such an enterprise. All of the eastern manufactories of a like nature have to buy their leather, paying four profits for it, namely, the manufacturers, commissioners, wholesalers, and retailers. Now in my suggestion I propose manufacturing my own leather, and thereby combining all of the aforesaid profits with the profits derived from the manufacture of boots and shoes.
In regard to competition, we invite it, for in a country like this, where there is always a plentiful supply of hides at lower rates than can be procured at any point in the east; we candidly say we invite and defy competition.
The town of Winfield has about reached its limits as regards the population, and is allowing other adjacent towns, much smaller than she is, to out-rival her by the intrepidity of their citizens. What will be the consequences? The result will be that she will awake one day to find that during her slumber she has allowed her once inferior neighboring towns to become large manufacturing cities, while she receives the flattering title of a “way station.” Now the question is, are the citizens of Winfield going to allow this opportunity to pass by without the slightest effort on their part to save it from the four winds. I for one, am willing to risk all I have towards the furtherance of such an enterprise. Most every man, woman, and child in Kansas wears boots or shoes at some period of the year, and as Kansas gives great encouragement to home industry, the chances of disposing of goods would be great. I am speaking of Kansas as the home market. Such an enterprise would not alone fill the pockets of the stock holders, but would give employment to many men and women.
The following are some of the well known citizens who fully endorse my proposition and who also agree to take shares in the corporation.
J. C. McMullen, J. C. Fuller, Messrs. S. D. Pryor & Bro., J. P. Baden, J. S. Mann, Messrs. Hendricks & Wilson, W. H. Albro, M. L. Read, C. C. Black, J. B. Lynn, J. A. Earnest, Messrs. Hughes & Cooper, Quincy A. Glass, Messrs. Smith & Bro., A. H. Doane & Co., C. A. Bliss, Messrs. Johnston & Hill, A. T. Spotswood, James E. Platter, J. H. Bullen, J. L. Horning.
Trusting that others as well as the above citizens will endorse and subscribe to it, I remain
Respectfully Yours, EDWARD E. THORPE, Winfield, February 2, 1882.
Cowley County Courant, March 16, 1882.
Mr. J. S. Loose, formerly of the firm of Loose & Lynn, of Winfield, Kansas, spent a few days in town the latter part of last week visiting with his brother, Mr. J. L. Loose, and left Monday night for Kansas City. Chetopah Advance.
Cowley County Courant, April 13, 1882.
A claim of Lynn & Loose against the estate of Sarah D. Johnson, deceased, has been allowed in Probate Court.
Cowley County Courant, April 13, 1882.
George T. Wilson has moved his stock next door to J. B. Lynn’s store room.
Cowley County Courant, May 11, 1882.
J. B. Lynn is naturally one of the most modest men we ever knew to engage in the dry goods business. He was almost disabled for a whole day recently when a young lady, who wanted a pair of garters addressed him thusly.
“It is my desire to obtain a pair of circular elastic appendages, capable of being contracted or expanded by means of oscillated burnished steel appliances, that sparkle like particles of gold leaf set with Alaska diamonds, and which are utilized for retaining in proper position the habiliments of the lower extremities, which innate delicacy forbids me to mention.”
Winfield Courier, May 18, 1882.
BIRTHS. Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lynn, a daughter. Also to Mr. and Mrs. Q. A. Glass, a son.
Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.
On Tuesday evening the citizens met at the Opera House to hear the report of the executive committee on 4th of July celebration. The committee reported as follows.
On Finance: M. L. Robinson, J. B. Lynn, J. P. Baden, S. H. Myton, J. C. McMullen.
On Speakers and Invitation: J. C. Fuller, D. A. Millington, A. B. Steinberger, M. G. Troup, and J. Wade McDonald.
On Grounds and seats: A. T. Spotswood, Jas. H. Bullen, A. Wilson, S. C. Smith, W. O. Johnson, and H. Brotherton.
On Police Regulations and personal comfort: D. L. Kretsinger, R. E. Wallis, H. S. Silver, J. H. Kinney, and A. T. Shenneman.
On Music: J. P. Short, E. H. Blair, G. H. Buckman, H. E. Silliman, and R. C. Bowles.
On Old Soldiers: Col. McMullen, Adjt. Wells, Judge Bard, Capt. Steuven, and Capt. Haight.
On Representation of 13 Original States: Mrs. H. P. Mansfield, Mrs. Caton, Mrs. Carruthers.
On Floral Decoration: Mrs. Kretsinger, Misses Jessie Millington, Amy Scothorn, Jennie Hane, Mrs. J. L. Horning, and Mrs. G. S. Manser.
Speeches were made by Judge J. Wade McDonald, Judge Soward, Mayor Troup, D. A. Millington, Capt. Hunt, and D. L. Kretsinger. The City is enthusiastic on the subject and are bound to make this a big Fourth. The committee on speakers will secure the attendance of some of our State’s best talent. Let everyone prepare to come, bring their lunch baskets, and enjoy themselves in the finest park in the State.
Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.
The Storm.
On Monday evening this vicinity was visited by the worst storm of the season. About four o’clock the clouds began to roll up in the southwest in a most threatening manner and soon the wind went up, driving great sheets of rain before it and dashing the dampness about in a most exasperating manner. The wind blew terrifically for half an hour and did considerable damage.
The tin roof on J. B. Lynn’s store was torn up for a distance of fifteen feet on the west end, and the water went through the upper ceiling, damaging the plaster. Two small stables in the west part of town were blown down, and a chimney taken off the Courthouse. This seemed to be a sort of “commemorative blow” as Monday was the anniversary of the Floral cyclone, which came on the same day and almost the same hour.
Cowley County Courant, June 15, 1882.
General Shields now claims the care and attention of a physician, being very ill at his rooms over Lynn’s store. We wish the General a speedy recovery.
Cowley County Courant, June 15, 1882.
Monday evening, just one year to the hour from the time of the fatal Floral cyclone, which brought death and destruction to our neighbors a few miles northeast, Winfield was visited with one of the hardest blows ever witnessed here. A heavy cloud approached from the southwest and the dark green spurs of surging elements could be seen dashing in every direction. At about six o’clock the force of the storm reached our city, and for half an hour the entire heavens looked frightful, and the earth seemed to writhe in fear, as it were. Many were fearful that the town would be swept away, some going into their caves, and the number was small that remained indoors until after the first of the furious storm had passed. Much damage was done, considering the ugliness of the storm. So far we have heard of no damage being done in the country, but here in the city much damage was done to the trees, limbs being blown off in almost every orchard, and in many instances large trees were broken down.
The stables of David Frew and Mrs. Brennan, in the southeast part of town, were demolished, and the roof and cornice of J. B. Lynn’s large store building was torn off from the rear of the building some fifty or sixty feet toward the front, causing an expense of perhaps $200.00 to put it back in good shape. Two cars were blown from the K. C., L. & S. track, but not damaged to amount to much. Taking into consideration the force of the storm and the weakness of many of the small buildings in the city, we think the damage done was miraculously small.
Cowley County Courant, June 29, 1882.
It is possible, of course, that we are mistaken, once in a thousand times we are, no doubt, but we will tell it just as it was given to us, and as we ourselves saw it. He is an old horse, claimed by our J. B. Lynn, a gentleman formerly from New Jersey. When he (the horse) was fifteen years younger, he was said to be what was then called, a seven nine horse. Since that time, the horse had a leg broken; and of course, it can’t make as good time as it once did. The old fellow is of so sad a turned style that he is sometimes used by the hotel men to haul the swill away on a sled, made out of a forked stick, and called a lizard by old timers. The poor old fellow has been rather down in the mouth for a year, until today. He had been fed two bites of new oats, and then the trouble began. The old fellow was detailed to the Brettun House to haul away the accumulated swill, and attached to his favorite lizard. But behold the oats had done the work. No sooner had that old horse been hitched up and the swill loaded, then he took to the woods, with lizard attachment trailing at his heels. He ran, of course he did, just as fast as he could. But before running more than six miles, Tony mounted his favorite goat, overtook the jaded steed, and brought him back.
Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.
Forest Rowland has exchanged his position as delivery clerk in the post office for one in J. B. Lynn’s store. Forest has been one of the most popular and efficient clerks who ever presided over the post office delivery window. He is succeeded by Will McClellan.
Winfield Courier, August 31, 1882.
Minutes of the Meeting of Citizens on the Glucose Works.
A number of the businessmen of the city convened at Doane & Kretsinger’s office Monday evening to consider the proposition of Messrs. Morse, Scott & Harris for building a glucose factory at Winfield.
On motion, Mayor M. G. Troup was called to the chair and J. W. Curns elected secretary.
Mr. M. L. Robinson being called upon stated that the object of the meeting was to consider the matter of building said factory and discussing the propriety of giving aid by subscription to the institution and taking stock in return.
Messrs. Harris and Kirby, representing the company, were present, and were called upon to state to the meeting their proposition and plans for carrying into effect the construction of said factory. Mr. Harris then submitted his proposition, in substance as follows.
That the citizens of Winfield raise the sum of $30,000 and they put in $50,000, and capitalize the institution so as to have a capital stock of $150,000. The factory to have a capacity of using 2,000 bushels of corn per day, and probable cost of the building and works would be from $60,000 to $75,000; that the institution would employ at least 5 skilled workmen at from $100 to $125 per month, and 45 laborers, and 2 of the officers of the company should be in Winfield. In return for the $30,000 put in by citizens they would get $50,000 in stock, and Messrs. Morse, Scott & Harris were to have $100,000 of stock.
Messrs. Harris and Kirby then retired for a few minutes to give the meeting time to discuss the proposition and arrive at some definite conclusion. After mature deliberation the following conclusion was unanimously adopted.
It is the sense of this meeting that we, the citizens of Winfield, will undertake to raise the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars toward the erection of glucose works at Winfield, Kansas; Messrs. Morse, Scott & Harris shall furnish fifty thousand dollars and an expert under contract for five years to manage the manufactories of the institution out of this $75,000. The said Morse, Scott & Harris shall purchase the grounds suitable for said manufactory, and erect same according to specifications, fully equipped for business, with capacity of consuming two thousand bushels of corn per day of twenty-four hours, and converting same into syrup and sugar; said grounds, buildings, and equipments when completed shall ordinarily be considered of the value of $65,000, and furnish out of this amount $10,000 temporary working capital; said property shall be capitalized in the sum of $150,000, non-assessable stock.
The Citizens of Winfield to be entitled to Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) of the said stock and said Harris, Morse & Scott to have One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) of stock. The Citizens of Winfield to be entitled to 3 directors and the other parties 4 directors and the Citizens of Winfield to have the secretary, treasurer, and vice-president of the organization.
After Messrs. Harris & Kirby returned, the above proposition was read to them and after considerable discussion they accepted the proposition. On motion a committee of five consisting of M. L. Robinson, J. B. Lynn, J. C. McMullen, A. T. Spotswood, and J. P. Short was appointed for the purpose of raising the ($25,000) and putting the matter in shape.
On motion G. S. Manser, M. G. Troup, and D. L. Kretsinger were appointed a committee to draw up articles of incorporation and file with Secretary of State and procure a charter and M. G. Troup, J. P. Short, J. W. McDonald, and J. W. Curns were appointed a committee to make contract for the carrying into effect the proposition.
On motion adjourned. M. G. TROUP, President.
J. W. CURNS, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, August 31, 1882.
The Largest Glucose Manufactory in the West to be Located at Winfield.
Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars to be Expended at Once in its Erection.
Winfield “Takes the Cake.”
A meeting was held on Monday evening at A. H. Doane & Co.’s office for the purpose of considering a proposition for erecting a glucose factory in this city. About thirty of our leading businessmen were present. M. G. Troup was made chairman and J. W. Curns Secretary. M. L. Robinson stated the object of the meeting, setting forth clearly and concisely the advantages to be derived from the establishment.
Mr. Harris, representing eastern capitalists, was present, and made a proposition. Another proposition was made by citizens, to organize a joint stock corporation and erect a building and works to cost $75,000, of which $25,000 should be furnished by citizens and $50,000 by the eastern capitalists; the building to be 175 by 225 feet, four stories high, with a capacity for using 2,000 bushels of corn per day; and to be called the Winfield Syrup and Sugar Refinery. The proposition was accepted.
Committees were appointed as follows.
On soliciting subscription to the capital stock: M. L. Robinson, J. C. McMullen, A. T. Spotswood, J. B. Lynn, J. P. Short.
On incorporation: G. S. Manser, M. G. Troup, D. L. Kretsinger.
On contract: M. G. Troup, J. P. Short, J. Wade McDonald, J. W. Curns.
We regard the success of this enterprise as of the most vital importance to the interests of this city and county. We believe in home manufactures, which will make a market for home productions. A factory in this county which would make a market for 2,000 bushels of corn a day, 700,000 bushels a year, would be of immense value to the farming community. Besides it would furnish employment for a large number of workmen and operatives and add very largely to the general prosperity and wealth. At the same time, the stock would doubtless be a splendid investment for capital, paying large dividends.
We hope our enterprising citizens will come forward with their subscriptions at once, and have the building under process of erection as soon as possible.
When completed the Glucose Works will furnish a cash market for all the surplus corn raised in the county. Not a bushel of it will have to be shipped out of the county except in the way of syrup. It will, in reality, make a Kansas City market at home for our corn.
The Glucose Works will be one of the largest buildings in the state. It will have a frontage but little less than one of our blocks and will cover just half a square, being a story higher than the Brettun House.
Wichita will feel sore over the loss of her Glucose Works. We would like to sympathize with her if we didn’t have a finger in the pie ourselves. It’s unfortunate for Wichita that it is located so near Winfield.
Winfield Courier, August 31, 1882.
J. B. Lynn has his store as nicely and conveniently arranged as any in Southern Kansas. Each branch of the trade is by itself and has a certain clerk in charge of it. Every department of trade usually represented in a general store is now carried. In the back room the large and new stock of groceries is all opened out and Forest Rowland and Perry Tucker put them up for the public in a creditable manner. Upstairs only the carpets, mattings, oil cloths, etc., are kept, presided over by Mr. Howie. The clothing, which was formerly kept upstairs, has been moved to a room nicely prepared and well lighted, in the basement, and together with the trunks and gents furnishing goods, are handled by Mr. Al Carr. The dry goods room presents as business like an appearance as ever, and Mr. Shields, Miss French, and Miss Aldrich wait on the customers in that department. Mr. Lynn just returned from the east last week, where he purchased a large and well selected stock for every department. This store would do credit to any of our large cities.
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1882.
Miss Lydia Lynn, from Nevada, Missouri, is clerking for her brother, J. B. Lynn. J. B. now has three lady clerks.
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1882.
D. F. Best has moved his stock of sewing machines and musical instruments to the Kirk building, one door north of Lynn’s.
Winfield Courier, October 12, 1882.
John B. Lynn is one of the enterprising and successful merchants of this city. He carries a very heavy stock of well selected goods, just what is wanted, and keeps a corps of salesmen who know how to please his customers. He has by years of work and enterprise established an enviable reputation in this city.
Winfield Courier, October 19, 1882.
T. R. Bryan has bought the lot just north of Lynn’s store and will proceed to build a large fine business house thereon.
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1882.
Sporting News. The Grand Annual hunt of the Winfield Sportsmen’s Club took place last Thursday. The club met at the Brettun House Monday evening and elected J. N. Harter and Fred Whitney captains. Each hunter, with the advice of his captain, selected his route, and most of them went out to the field the evening before. The following is the score.
J. N. Harter, Capt., 2,700; Jas. Vance, 1,400; Frank Clark, 1,140; Frank Manny, 200; Jacob Nixon, 1,780; Ezra Meech, 620; Sol Burkhalter, 610; Dr. Davis, 310; C. Trump, 150; Ed. P. Greer, 160; E. C. Stewart, 120; G. L. Rinker, 360. TOTAL: 9,550.
Fred Whitney, Capt., 110; G. W. Prater, 290; J. S. Hunt, 1,130; C. C. Black, 1,070; Jas. McLain, 1,000; A. S. Davis, 100; H. Saunders, 130; Q. A. Glass, 240; A. D. Speed, 240; Dr. Emerson, 190; J. S. Mann, 100; J. B. Lynn, 000. TOTAL: 4,660.
The gold medal was won by Mr. Harter. The tin medal will be won by J. B. Lynn. On next Wednesday evening the nimrods will banquet at the Brettun, at the expense of the losing side. The score made by Mr. Harter has never been equaled in this county.
There were three “Lynn” children at this party: Gertie, Effie, and Charlie. Not known if they were the children of J. B. Lynn...
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1882.
Little Folks’ Party.
A large number of little folks gathered together at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Pryor Monday afternoon to celebrate with little Mamie her third birthday. The crowd was the jolliest and liveliest we have seen and each of the little folks seemed to take in the full measure of enjoyment. A splendid repast was set for them which they attacked with a relish. Little Mamie received a large number of elegant presents from her young friends. The following is a list of the presents and of those present: 1 silver set knife, fork, and spoon; 2 Majolica plates; 2 gold sash pins; 1 gold ring; 1 child’s decorated china wash stand set; 1 child’s dinner castor; 1 hand painted mug; 1 porte-monnaie; 5 China cups and saucers; 2 China mugs; 1 glass mug; 1 doll’s parlor suite; 1 autograph album; 1 photograph album; 1 wood tea set combination table and cupboard; 1 Brittania tea set; 2 child’s glass sets; sugar bowl; butter dish, etc.; 3 dolls; 2 doll’s canopy top phaetons; 1 doll and carriage; 2 picture books; 1 flat iron and stand; 1 bell cart and span of goats; 1 bouquet; 1 basket of flowers; 1 satin puff box; 1 panorama egg; 6 elegant birthday cards; 1 little brown jug; 1 necklace of pearl beads; 1 shell box; 1 photograph with frame; 2 China match safes; 2 bottles perfumery; 1 card receiver (Kalo Meda); 2 handkerchiefs (embroidered); 1 collar; 1 tooth-pick holder.
Present: Misses Birdie Wright, Edna Glass, Blanche Bliss, Blanche Troup, Stella Buckman, Mamie Black, Frankie Black, Mary Spotswood, Maggie Pryor, Edna Pryor, Muriel Covert, Annie McDonald, Clara Austin, Pearl E. Snyder, Maggie Johnson, Emma Johnson, Bernice Bullen, Beryl Johnston, Nina Nelson, Nona Nelson, Lube Myton, Josie Myton, Ethel Carruthers, Mary Brotherton, Bell Brotherton, Nina Harter, May Harter, Maud Miller, Gertie Lynn, Effie Lynn, Edna Short, Alma Miller, Mollie Trezise, Lillie Trezise, Fannie Bryan, Flossie Bullen, Ollie Newcomb, Edna Fitch, Maud Cooper, Daisy Clark.
Masters Eddie Greer, Eddie Thorp, Ralph Brown, Roy Robinson, Bertie Silliman, Vere Hollenbeck, Charles F. Green, Charlie Sydal, Henrion McDonald, Dolphi Green, Clare Bullen, Bruce Carruthers, Edgar Powers, Charlie Lynn, Paul Bedilion, Codie Waite, Zack Miller, Willie Trezise, Carl Farringer, Walter Baird, and Willis Young.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
Listen, ladies, and I’ll tell you
By the powers of my art,
Of the lovely silks and satins,
Just the darlings of your heart.
Just the sweetest, just the cheapest, that
Were ever seen in town;
Just what you have been desiring for that
Beautiful new gown.
Every shade and tint and color
That “La Mode” decrees the style,
You will find, and oh! Such prices will
Surprise you all the while.
Cloaks and Dolmans of the neatest fit
Latest style and lowest Prices at J. R. Lynn’s.
The lady who feels so sorely grieved because
Her new, beautiful, all-wool carpet turns
Out to be half cotton, says she
Did not get it at Lynn’s.
MORAL. Always buy your carpets
And all other goods of J. B. Lynn
Who does not misrepresent them.
Ohio has gone Democratic, but the
People go to Lynn’s because, in so
Doing, they are sure of getting good
Goods and saving money.
The business men, farmers and laborers
Of this city and county can save
From 12 to 25 per cent, by buying
Their overcoats of J. B. Lynn.
Ladies of Winfield! Are you aware
That Lynn has the most complete
Stock of Dry Goods and Notions
Ever brought to this county.
An elegant line of Carpets, ranging in price
From the Hemp, at 25 cents a yard to the
Best Boaz Brussels; nothing like it ever
Presented to the people of Winfield.
Beautiful Plush and Velvet. You will find it at Lynn’s.
Blankets here so soft and white,
Blankets flaming warm and red,
Blankets for a wintry night;
You should have them for your bed.
Blankets larger than the longest,
Sure to cover toes and head;
For the aged, for the youngest;
Come and get them for your bed.
If our blankets you but purchase
You may laugh at Winter’s dread;
Nestled closely ’neath the surface
Of those blankets on your bed. J. B. LYNN
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
Mr. T. R. Bryan is excavating for the foundation of his new building next to Lynn’s store. It will be seventy-five feet deep and one story high, of stone.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
Mr. Kirk is fitting up the old building removed from his Main street lot for a grist mill. He is putting in a large engine and several runs of burrs for grinding corn, exclusively. The building has been placed on the lot just back of Lynn’s store.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
The Sad Demise of a Venerable Resident.
Last Tuesday morning Winfield was the scene of one of those sad occurrences, which have made our capital City of Topeka so notorious of late—a suicide. The affair is all the more sad and serious because the victim was an old resident of our city, well up in years, and whose meek and gentle character has been the wonderful admiration of all. After plodding through a long and eventful career, seeming perfectly satisfied with his surroundings, no one could suspect that he was meditating such a deed. The City Council was convened in special session and the following we clip from its proceedings.
“The clerk is hereby instructed to have the body of H. B. Lacy’s mule removed from the tree in J. B. Lynn’s yard, in which he now hangs, to some suitable place for interment, and fail not hereof, under penalty of the law.”
Yes, Lacy’s mule is gone. Monday night he released himself from his stall, meandered into J. B. Lynn’s yard, stuck his head between the forks of a peach tree, and deliberately “pulled back,” and choked himself to death. The post mortem examination, held by Drs. Lacy and Lynn, seemed to indicate that he had got his ears entangled in a tree on the next lot, and that death resulted accidentally; but to us it seems clear that the act was voluntary and premeditated. However that may be, let his ashes rest in peace and the bone-yard. He fulfilled his mission in life faithfully and well, ever hearkening to duty and his master’s call. For years he propelled the swill-cart through the alleys of our city as proudly and faithfully as though it had been the car of a conqueror, never kicking when his stay-chain was shortened, or his rations reduced to a watermelon rind and four cucumbers. He was alike patient and serene mid sunshine or storm, and cheerfully assisted his master, whether in the slums of politics or the broader and nobler work of garbage collecting. Only once did he allow the lion in his nature to be aroused. After the arduous campaign of 1880 when he had traveled miles and miles and had double the pledges necessary to elect him Probate Judge, and was ignominiously defeated, he is said to have cried aloud that the people would yet regret the day they cast him aside for his handsomer competitor. From this on he relapsed into a kind of prop-me-up-with-a-pole condition, from which he never recovered, and which certainly produced the state of mind that courted death rather than political dishonor. Mr. Lacy and the swill-cart are sadly bereft, and we tender our sympathy and fifty cents to buy a new mule.
After careful investigation into the charges made by Mr. Lacy, that Judge Gans and Mr. Lynn had conspired together to hang the mule, we have come to the conclusion that although the circumstances are strong against them, there is a reasonable doubt in their favor.
Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.
The following bills were approved and recommended to the County Commissioners for payment.
J. B. Lynn, goods for city poor: $15.00.
J. B. Lynn, goods for city poor: $10.00.
Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.
Messrs. Robinson, Horning, Kretsinger, Conklin, Wood, Myton, Lynn, Moore, and others went up to Topeka Tuesday afternoon.
Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.
J. B. Lynn presented us last Monday with a handsome picture of all the prominent editors in the country, each picture nicely set in the center of the front page of their paper which they edited. After looking it over carefully, we fail to find the Telegram editor’s kindly face. It is a New Years gift which we highly appreciate.
Effie and Gertrude Lynn, Charles Lynn, children of (?) Lynn...
Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.
Minnie and Goldie Sykes gave a dinner New Years to a number of their acquaintances. Everything was gotten up in miniature style—children’s dishes, pies, etc., and to say they had a “large time” wouldn’t half express it. Among those present we noticed the Misses Lulu and Josie Myton, Effie and Gertrude Lynn, Bertha and Clara Wells, Blanche Wood, Hattie Trump, Edna Short, Stella Pixley, May Stuckup, and Masters Guy Wood and Charles Lynn.
Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.
The following petition was circulated last week by Frank Manny, taken to Topeka, and presented by him to Senator Hackney.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, January 23, 1883.
HON. W. P. HACKNEY, State Senator, Topeka, Kansas.
Inasmuch as the Prohibition Amendment, as enforced, has always resulted in injury to the material development of our town—it having signally failed to accomplish the object sought, the suppression of the sale and use of intoxicating drinks—we would respectfully urge upon you the necessity of so providing for the enforcement of the law that its application shall be uniform throughout the State. If this is impossible, don’t sacrifice our town on the altar of inordinate devotion to an impracticable principle.
J. B. Lynn was one of those who signed petition.
J. B. Lynn one of those who participated in 99 year water lease. The others were Frank Barclay, J. L. Horning, J. Wade McDonald, W. C. Robinson, W. P. Hackney, and M. L. Robinson.
Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.
SECTION 1. That the right of way along the streets and alleys, and the privilege to construct, operate, and maintain a system of Water Works within the corporate limits of the City of Winfield, for supplying the City and citizens with water for domestic, sanitary, and other purposes, as well as for the better protection of the City against disaster from fires, be and is hereby granted to Frank Barclay, J. L. Horning, J. Wade McDonald, W. C. Robinson, J. B. Lynn, W. P. Hackney, and M. L. Robinson, of the City of Winfield, Cowley County and State of Kansas, their successors and assigns for the term of ninety-nine (99) years from the passage of this ordinance.
SECTION 2. That the right of way as held by the City of Winfield be granted to said Frank Barclay, J. L. Horning, J. Wade McDonald, W. C. Robinson, J. B. Lynn, W. P. Hackney, and M. L. Robinson and their successors and assigns for the term of ninety-nine (99) years to lay pipes in any and all streets, lanes, alleys, roads, or other public places within the corporate limits of said City, and to extend the pipes, and to place, construct, and erect hydrants, fountains, conduits or such other useful and ornamental structures as may be necessary for the successful operation of the said water works.
Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.
The different departments of J. B. Lynn’s store covers more space than any establishment south or west of Topeka. The amount of business done by him during the last six months would make the common country merchants’ eyes bug out to contemplate.
Lynn’s grocery stock goes into Bryan’s new building...
Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.
Mr. T. R. Bryan’s new building is finished and on Monday J. B. Lynn’s grocery stock was moved into it. The business will be under the management of Mr. Bryan and the firm will be Bryan & Lynn. A very heavy stock has been put in. With Tom Bryan at the helm and Lynn as first lieutenant, we may look for a booming business.
Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.
Everything good to eat at Bryan & Lynn’s.
Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.
The new grocery house of Bryan & Lynn starts off with a grand flourish and is already one of the most popular in the city. Mr. Bryan’s multitude of old friends together with the customers that J. B. Lynn has gathered around him make a big crowd.
Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.
WINFIELD CORN MEAL & FEED MILL is now running, and farmers can get their corn ground either into meal or feed at very reasonable rates.
Our Choice Graham Flour and Corn Meal can be had of all grocers in the city.
Winfield Corn & Feed Mills,
JAMES KIRK, Proprietor.
West of Lynn’s store, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, March 22, 1883.
J. B. Lynn returned from Chicago Saturday. He purchased a mammoth stock, which will soon be ready for spring business.
Winfield Courier, March 22, 1883.
California Prunelles at Bryan & Lynn’s.
California Dried Peaches at Bryan & Lynn’s.
California Honey in the comb at Bryan & Lynn’s.
Fresh Dates, very elegant, at Bryan & Lynn’s.
Winfield, Courier, April 19, 1883.
Program of the Kansas Press Association at Winfield, May 9th and 10th.
1. Wednesday, May 9th, 11:30 a.m. Meeting at Santa Fe depot with band and carriages. Guests carried to the places assigned to them.
2. 2 o’clock p.m. Meeting at the Opera House. Song by the Arion Quartette. Address of welcome by M. G. Troup. Response. Business of the Association.
3. 8 p.m. Ball at the Opera House.
4. Thursday 9 a.m. Excursion in carriages to parks, quarries, factories, and other places of supposed interest in and about Winfield.
5. 2 o’clock. Meeting at Opera House. Song. Business of the Association.
6. 8 o’clock p.m. Meeting at the Opera House. Song. Business of the Association. Addresses, toasts, etc.
Reception: Mayor, Geo. Emerson; Ex-Mayor, M. G. Troup; C. C. Black; Ed. P. Greer; Geo. Rembaugh; D. A. Millington.
Entertainment: J. P. Short, C. E. Fuller, S. L. Gilbert, R. C. Story, W. C. Robinson.
Excursion: H. E. Asp, P. H. Albright, J. B. Lynn, A. T. Spotswood.
Winfield Courier, April 26, 1883.
The bond of L. L. Beck as Police Judge with C. L. Harter, J. M. Keck, H. S. Silver, and J. B Lynn as sureties, was presented and approved.
Winfield Courier, May 3, 1883.
Senator Hackney, J. B. Lynn, J. L. Horning, and A. T. Spotswood, committee on finance for the entertainment of our visitors on the 9th, interviewed our citizens Monday and secured over three hundred dollars.
Winfield Courier, May 3, 1883.
Two large panes of glass were broken to smash in J. B. Lynn’s clothing department, Tuesday, by an unknown party. This is an indication that John E. Allen is still in the city.
Winfield Courier, May 10, 1883.
The following accounts were approved and recommended to the county commissioners for payment.
J. B. Lynn, goods for city poor: $25.00.
J. B. Lynn, goods for city poor: $55.00.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1883.
We desire to specially notice the splendid day’s work put in by Messrs. W. P. Hackney, J. L. Horning, J. B. Lynn, and A. T. Spotswood in canvassing the city for money to pay the expenses of the affair. They raised the munificent sum of $265, a sum more than ample for all the expenses incurred. Each of them was enthusiastic and ready to help in any other way. Mr. Horning was situated so that he became an almost invaluable help in every way.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1883.
Where the Money Came From.
The following are the cash contributions to the general editorial entertainment fund. More was raised than was used and those who subscribed first took more than their share, so that others had to be somewhat limited in their contributions to give others a chance.
Cash Contribution from J. B. Lynn: $5.00.
Cash Contribution from Bryan & Lynn: $5.00.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
Mr. Ed. Whitman, one of J. B. Lynn’s clerks, was the victim of a serious accident Tuesday evening. He was riding a bicycle and when turning a corner, one of the foot rests broke, throwing him forward about twenty feet into the street, striking on his head. He was senseless when picked up, and terribly bruised. Physicians were called and he was removed to the residence of Mrs. Aldrich, where he boards. Up to this time he is partially conscious, but friends fear that he will be permanently disabled. Mr. Whitman is a stranger here, having come from Boston some months ago. He is a faithful, diligent young man, and is well liked.
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1883.
On invitation from the mayor and council of Wichita, Mayor Emerson, Councilmen McMullen, McGuire, and Wilson, and citizens Lynn and Bryan, went up to Wichita last Thursday to witness the formal test of their waterworks. The party express themselves as well pleased with the test and that the works are a success. They are especially pleased with the hospitality shown them by the officers and citizens of that place.
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1883.
An Enthusiastic Meeting and Gratifying Results.
By virtue of a previous call, the citizens met to devise ways and means for a 4th of July celebration at Winfield. Capt. J. S. Hunt was elected President, and O. M. Seward, Secretary.
Hon. C. C. Black stated the object of the meeting, and Col. Whiting moved to celebrate. Carried.
On motion Mayor Emerson was elected President of the day, and Col. Whiting, Marshal, with power to select his own aids, and have general charge of programme for the day.
On motion the following committees were appointed.
Finance: J. P. Baden, J. B. Lynn, M. L. Robinson.
Grounds: S. C. Smith, D. L. Kretsinger, E. P. Greer.
Programme: J. C. McMullen, J. L. Horning, H. D. Gans.
Committee on Indians: W. J. Hodges, N. C. Myers, Col. Whiting.
Special Trains: Kennedy, Branham, H. E. Asp.
Amusements: C. C. Black, T. M. McGuire, John Keck, Jas. Vance, A. T. Spotswood, and J. Wade McDonald.
Fire Works: Henry Goldsmith, J. P. Baden, M. O’Hara.
Music: Crippen, Buckman, Snow.
Military Display: Capt. Haight, Dr. Wells, Col. Whiting.
Speakers: Rembaugh, Millington, Hackney.
On motion the meeting adjourned to meet at call of president, or chairman of committees.
J. S. HUNT, President.
O. M. SEWARD, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, June 14, 1883.
Several of the merchants having declined to close up at eight o’clock in the evening, the whole business is “busted,” and the tired and weary clerks will still be compelled to put in eighteen hours a day during the hot summer months. Some of the merchants are exasperated at the failure of the movement, of which J. B. Lynn is one as will be seen by reading his nine o’clock proclamation in another column.
Winfield Courier, June 14, 1883.
To the trade of Winfield and Cowley Co.
ATTENTION: I wish to say to the trade that from this date I will keep my store open until twelve o’clock every night except on Sunday. I will give a ten percent discount on all Cash Bills sold after nine o’clock p.m., and will take it as a favor if my City trade will postpone buying until after nine o’clock, thereby securing the discount. I mean just what I say. June 13th, 1883. J. B. LYNN.
Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.
J. B. Lynn starts for Colorado with his wife and babies this week. His folks will spend the summer there.
Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.
J. B. Lynn has purchased the Wells property, just north of his residence, for nine hundred dollars.
Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.
J. B. Lynn returned from Colorado Springs Tuesday, having left his wife there for the summer. He says the Springs make the most delightful summer resort imaginable.
Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.
For Rent. 1½ story frame house, 5 rooms, 1 block east of Main Street in north part of city; a desirable location. Inquire at J. B. Lynn’s store.
Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.
Under the efficient business management of Mr. T. R. Bryan, the Grocery house of Bryan & Lynn is forging to the front rapidly. The coffee sacks and sugar barrels piled around the store make it look like a wholesale establishment.
Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.
To All Concerned. Parties owing me accounts and notes that are due are requested to call and settle at once, and save costs of suit, for I must have my money. Respectfully,
Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.
Democratic Convention.
The Democratic Convention of Cowley County was held at the Courthouse last Saturday the 25th inst. Amos Walton was chairman and Jos. O’Hare secretary. The following nominations were made.
For Sheriff: S. G. Gary of Winfield.
For Treasurer: J. B. Lynn of Winfield.
For Coroner: W. I. Shotwell of Winfield.
For County Clerk: John Hanlen of Rock.
For Register of Deeds: Geo. Eaton of Silverdale.
For Surveyor: Alex Cairns of Tisdale.
3. We are in favor of a tariff for revenue only, limited to the necessities of the government, economically administered.
4. We censure the republican congress for reducing the tariff on wool and at the same time increasing it on woolen goods already highly protected, thus discriminating against the agricultural interests of the country and in favor of monopoly.
5. We favor a more rigid economy in the administration of county affairs, and a reduction of the fees and salaries of county officers to a point not in excess of the ordinary profits of legitimate business.
6. We are opposed to the prohibitory amendment and the law enacted thereunder, and denounce the policy of prohibition as an utter and entire failure, injurious and detrimental to the best interests of the state and county and contrary to the sentiment of the people and the spirit of our institutions. It has not lessened the liquor traffic nor reduced drunkenness. It has produced ill feeling, malice, and hatred among the people and fostered secret drinking to an alarming extent, and we hereby demand the repeal of the present prohibitory liquor law, and the resubmission of the question of prohibition to another vote of the people in shape of a proposed constitutional amendment, and would recommend a judicious system of high license and local option in place thereof.
In No. 7 they carried on about distrust of railroad companies, wanting the state to control railroads instead of railroads controlling the state.
Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.
Mrs. J. B. Lynn will return on Friday next from her Colorado sojourn.
Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.
Wanted. A girl to do general housework. Will pay good wages. Inquire at J. B. Lynn’s store.
Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.
Mrs. J. B. Lynn returned last week from Colorado after two months’ absence, looking much better and having enjoyed the vacation immensely.
Winfield Courier, October 11, 1883.
Peas! Peas!! Peas!!! Official count of Peas. A Jar Contains the Peas. Guess how many there are. Bryan & Lynn have the jar. BRYAN & LYNN, GROCERS, NORTH MAIN STREET. Have something new to offer. They have a glass jar that contains thousands, yet “there are millions in it”—peas they mean. Go and see it and make a guess how many there are.
Each one buying one dollar’s worth of goods, or more, and paying cash therefor, will be entitled to a guess. The one coming nearest to the number will be presented with a handsome bed-room set. The jar and set now on exhibition at their place of business, North Main Street, Winfield, Kansas. Official count to take place November 29th, 1883, at 7 P. M.
Committee to make count: C. C. BLACK, E. P. GREER, W. A. TIPTON.
Winfield Courier, October 11, 1883.
Bryan & Lynn’s grand Pea guessing match promises to be the sensation of the hour. They have the peas put up in a curiously shaped glass jar and everyone who guesses will have to do pure guess work.
Winfield Courier, October 18, 1883.
A “Bread and Butter” Outfit.
The Democratic campaign this fall from the start has been a triangular one: and each corner of this triangle rests on a loaf of bread, so to speak, with a roll of butter in the center. At one corner stands the Telegram, with its little mouth wide open and its tail feathers “quivering in thin air.” It is hungry nigh unto dissolution, and the case is a desperate one. At the next corner stands its main hope and stay, Mr. Gary. What matters it that he is a renegade Republican, a renegade Greenbacker, and will, if history repeats itself, be a renegade Democrat if he is treated as he has been by every other political party now in existence, namely, kicked out of office. It is the only chance it ever had, and around him clings a faint odor of public patronage which its sharpened appetite is eager to follow. At the other corner stands the Democratic nominee for commissioner. Upon him its longing gaze is occasionally turned with an expression which says: “If both YEOW! YEOW!! If either, which? If neither, ___?___? In the center is the fellow who is furnishing the butter for this delightful trio, and his name is Lynn. He carries the banner on which is emblazoned, “Vote for the grand old principles of Democracy.” His blood is thick and sluggish with the stagnant poison of Democracy, and the chickens go to roost whenever he crosses the border of a township. He furnishes the “sinews of war,” and holds the “old liners” straight while Gary skirmishes for stragglers. He don’t need bread. He only wants the office as a kind of side issue to his dry-goods store.
This is a faithful picture of the present so-called democratic campaign, and it will be so recognized by every impartial voter. It rests upon no principle and fights for nothing but safe and easy access to the public treasury. The central figure is the candidate for Sheriff, Mr. Gary. For years, in another state, he was a republican, was elected to office on the republican ticket, ran again, was defeated, and immediately left the party for a place in the ranks of greenbackism, which was then carrying all before it in that state. He immediately became a candidate for office. If his ambitions were realized, we have not now the evidence at hand, but the fact that the decline of that party’s prestige found him in the Democratic ranks is proof that its power for satisfying his greed had waned, or its suffrages been refused. Next we find him in Cowley County—an office-holder in the third part of his adoption—filling the shoes of our murdered sheriff before the last clod had ceased to rattle above his coffin-lid; and placed there through an agency most humiliating. Under such circumstances one might have expected that at least the work mapped out by his efficient predecessor would be accomplished. But this work necessitated tireless energy, courage, and the exposure which a strict performance of duty in that responsible position always entails. It is needless to say that it was not done. The unfinished work was left where the master-hand had placed it, until one who thinks more of duty than of inclination is found to take it up. And this has been his record all through the term he is now serving. He is notified from Arkansas City that horses have been stolen and the thieves are traveling north. He happens to see a farmer on the street, tells him about it, and goes off to talk politics while the farmer goes out and brings in the property and thieves. But while the commissioners are in session allowing bills, his is the first presented and most energetically pressed.
Such democracy and such efficiency are not wanted in Cowley County, and he has gained nothing in removing from Iowa.
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.
C. C. Harris came in from a visit to his parents in Georgia, Tuesday. He says Georgia is still Democratic, with Mississippi and Kentucky following suit. This news will be cheering to Mr. Lynn.
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.
A Change of Heart.
Of the Democrats in Cowley County who have been most active and loudest in the denunciations of republicans and the republican party, J. B. Lynn has been preeminently the leader. He has lost no occasion to indulge in his favorite pastime. Since his nomination he has experienced a wonderful change of heart toward republicans, occasioned, no doubt, by the knowledge that his political salvation must come through them. Republicans are quietly smiling in their sleeves, and only those with strong stomachs and short memories will touch him with a twenty foot pole. Mr. Lynn will have need of a “cave of gloom” badly.
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.
Winfield Gas Company.
Last Thursday afternoon the “Winfield Gas Company” was formed. It will build the Gas Works under the franchises granted by the City to Col. Whiting. The incorporators of the company are J. C. Fuller, Col. Wm. Whiting, J. B. Lynn, Ed. P. Greer, and Frank Barclay. The officers of the Company are J. C. Fuller, President; Wm. Whiting, Vice President; Ed. P. Greer, Secretary; J. B. Lynn, Treasurer. Steps were taken to push the work through as rapidly as the material can be laid on the ground. The works will be first-class in every respect, and will be built on a scale that will supply the city should it grow to four times its proportions. The cost of the Works when completed will be between forty and fifty thousand dollars.
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.
After Election. “Where are those blank Republicans who were going to vote for me so blank lively? The blank fools never could be trusted anyway. I ought to have known better than to have thought that a blank lot of thieves who stole the presidency from honest Sammy Tilden would ever do a decent thing! I wonder if there is a political opening in Missouri?
Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.
J. B. LYNN has just returned from the East with the largest, best selected, and most judiciously bought stock of goods he ever offered to the people of Cowley County. My DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT is simply complete, and consists of SILKS, SATINS, CASHMERES, VELVETS, BROCADES, etc.
MY NOTION DEPARTMENT is just immense, and the goods in this department were bought with special care. I have made a specialty of Ladies’ Hose, Ladies’ Underwear, and Ladies’ Neckwear. In this department we have almost everything a lady could ask for and at prices that will defy competition. I have a complete line of the celebrated
Cassimeres, Jeans, and Flannels; also a big line of the
the best fitting garments in the world I have a big line of
that I bought to sell, and I propose to make the prices sell the goods.
For Dress Goods, Notions, Flannels, Jeans, Cassimeres, Shirtings, Cloaks, Cloakings, Muslins, Prints, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Carpets, Trunks, Valises, Oil Cloths, and in fact everything, come to us and we will do you good.
N. B. Wheat, Oats, Corn, and Wood taken in exchange for goods or on account.
Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.
Dexter’s Political Pot.
Dexter has once more taken up the line of march. It makes the citizens of Dexter and vicinity feel good to see the way the busy workmen are rearing up the many substantial buildings that add so much to the appearance of our little village. We welcome the strangers to stay with us and help us to improve and build here in the Grouse Valley, a flourishing town.
Now that the election is drawing near, candidates are becoming numerous. Last Friday and Saturday we were honored with about all the lofty politicians of the day. First came J. B. Lynn, Democratic candidate for Treasurer, who did his electioneering in a quiet way among his friends. Then on Saturday came the squad of Republican candidates, arriving early, to hold a Republican rally as per advertisement. Though the weather was very unfavorable, they were not without a splendid audience; for at half past seven o’clock when the ring of the bell and music of our excellent band told the citizens that there was something rich for them at the schoolhouse that night, the masses poured into the house in a short time, would have told a stranger that there was a wide awake set of Republicans there and that some good speeches were anticipated. The meeting being called to order by H. C. McDorman, Chairman T. H. Soward was introduced and spoke for an hour and a half, making an able and eloquent speech, which was alike interesting to all classes and parties.
Our old friend, Booth, from Rock Township, then attempted a reply and in his comical way, gave the boys plenty of fun, and during his remarks gave the audience some instructions as to the way the knowing ones in Winfield get their drinks, since prohibition closed the saloons.
The band then struck up one of their favorite national tunes, and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and to leave well satisfied with their entertainment. J. B. Nipp and George McIntire each in a short speech asked the votes of the people, and Capt. Siverd followed in a humorous speech making some good points and plenty of fun. In short, everything done seemed the right thing for the occasion, and all the Republicans went home feeling that on the 6th of November next, Dexter Township would roll up a good round majority for every candidate on the Republican ticket. A. REPUBLICAN.
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.
The most persistent attempts were made to bribe, hire, cajole, and induce the colored men of this city to vote the whole or part of democratic ticket at the late election. No means were left untried to corrupt them, and it was boasted that some of them at least would vote that ticket by platoons. But the only effect they had was to get one colored vote for their whole ticket, one other for Lynn, and keeping still another from voting at all, on the most frivolous excuse, while all the rest came up nobly and voted their principles and the straight Republican ticket. If the white voters had averaged up anywhere near as well as the colored men, there would have been a great deal less corruption. The colored men have won the admiration and respect of Republicans and fair minded Democrats.
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.
Recap: Official vote of Cowley County, Kansas, November 6, 1883.
For Treasurer: J. B. Nipp, R, 2275. Plurality 516.
J. B. Lynn, D, 1759.
A. Walck, G, 193.
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.
Bridge Meeting.
For some time the iron bridge west of town has been in a bad condition, and last week the authorities of Vernon Township closed it until the necessary repairs could be made. Many of the people of Vernon objected strongly to the township having to stand all the expense of keeping it in repair, and presented a petition, largely signed, to the trustee asking him to do nothing more with the bridge. Hearing of this, the businessmen of the city had a meeting Friday evening to devise ways and means for assisting Vernon to repair it. The meeting was largely attended and organized by electing A. T. Spotswood, chairman, and D. L. Kretsinger, secretary. Messrs. J. B. Lynn, J. P. Baden, and S. P. Davis were appointed as finance committee and S. H. Myton, A. D. Hendricks, and Ed. P. Greer as a committee to confer with the officers of Vernon Township and see whether an equitable arrangement could not be made whereby both parties could unite in keeping the bridge up. The finance committee secured subscriptions to the amount of , which amount was placed with the treasurer, W. C. Robinson. The conference committee met H. H. Martin, trustee, and P. B. Lee, clerk, of Vernon Township, on Saturday and made an arrangement with them whereby the citizens of Winfield should pay for the lumber necessary to floor the bridge, and Vernon would put it down, build an abutment under the west end, tighten up the iron work, and fence the approaches. This will put the bridge in first-class shape for a year to come, after which some new arrangement will have to be made for taking care of it. This bridge is used more than any other in the county, and the repair bills are necessarily very heavy. Vernon spent $300 on the west approach last summer and the present work will cost upwards of $600.
At the Friday evening meeting a small fund was raised for temporary repairs, which was placed in the hands of Mr. Kretsinger, and by noon on Saturday he had the bridge in shape for travel.
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.
One gentleman from Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, has sent in his guess and proposes to have that Chamber Set at Bryan & Lynn’s.
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.
Splendid assortment of decorated dinner tea and chamber sets, all of which must be sold before the official count of Peas November 29, at Bryan & Lynn’s.
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.
Our assortment of Holiday goods will be complete in a few days and everyone ought to purchase now and secure a guess in the Peas at Bryan & Lynn’s.
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.
Catholic Fair.
The Catholic Fair to be held November 27, 28, and 29 promises to be a grand success. Several articles of use, ornament, and value to be disposed of during the three days. Some of the articles are for raffle and some are to be voted to prominent citizens of Winfield. Among the many things to be disposed of is a pair of Piebald ponies which will be raffled off at $2 a chance, or number. A lady’s fine gold watch worth $150, beautifully and richly set with rubies, in fact the finest lady’s watch ever brought to Winfield by Hudson Bros., the part donors thereof. The watch is to be voted for the contestants or candidates, being A. E. Baird’s charming little daughter, and D. R. Green’s charming Lucy. A $40 gold headed cane is to be voted to the gentleman of Winfield receiving the most votes. The candidates as far as ascertained are A. T. Spotswood, D. L. Kretsinger, J. B. Lynn, Jim Hill, Cal. Ferguson, Charlie Harter, and Charlie Black, gentlemen well known to the people of Winfield and county; and also a neat and handsome office chair is to be voted for, the contestants being Fred C. Hunt and Will T. Madden; and a pair of lady’s gold bracelets to Jessie Smedley or Dora McRorey, whichever receives the most votes; also a fine wax doll to be voted to Mr. Hendrick’s little daughter or Mable Siverd. A handsome gold ring donated by our genial jeweler, Mr. Ramsey, will be baked in a handsome cake, and disposed of at 10 cents a piece, one of which pieces will contain the ring. Some of the articles for raffle are a handsome rug donated by J. B. Lynn, a handsome easy chair donated by Frank Berkey, a fine silver castor donated by our young jeweler, Bobby Hudson, and many other articles of ornament and use too numerous to mention, donated by Jim Hill, Mr. Arment, and other parties whose names will be mentioned hereafter. The Thanksgiving dinner spoken of will be the finest ever served in Winfield, and it is to be hoped that all will avail themselves of a delicious meal. The Fair will close by a grand ball on Thanksgiving evening, giving the young folks a chance to enjoy the day wisely set apart by our President for amusement and social recreation.
Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.
The official count of the peas at Bryan and Lynn’s will take place this Thursday evening, commencing at 7 o’clock precisely.
Winfield Courier, December 6, 1883.
J. B. Lynn is making a big clearance sale at actual cost: and when Lynn talks about “cost,” he means just what the goods cost him laid down in the store. He will give the public some rare bargains during the next few weeks and the sooner they are taken advantage of, the better for the purchaser.
Winfield Courier, December 6, 1883.
Number of peas in jar 13,242. Prize awarded to Mr. John Shields, of New Salem, his guess being 13,247.
Ten next nearest guesses are:
Mrs. Cal Ferguson: 13,275
J. R. Taylor: 13,283
Sam Slate: 13,331
F. M. Freeland: 13,333
J. F. Miller: 13,333
Mrs. Van Way: 13,333
D. L. Kretsinger: 13,333
W. M. Palmer: 13,160
C. W. Saunders: 13,400
J. A. Patterson: 13,407
Total number guesses: 901. Highest guess: 5,000,000. Lowest guess: 700.
We, the undersigned, certify that we have counted the contents of the glass jar in Bryan & Lynn’s window, personally and carefully, and find the number of peas to be 13,242.
Winfield Courier, December 13, 1883.
Ed. Freeman was arrested Tuesday on complaint of J. B. Lynn for taking an overcoat from a rack in front of his store. He was sentenced by Justice Buckman to 30 days in the county jail and to pay costs of the prosecution.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1884.
The Masquerade.
The members of the Pleasant Hour Club have made the winter thus far very pleasant in a social way. Their hops have been well attended, and the utmost good feeling and harmony has prevailed. Their masquerade ball last Thursday evening was the happiest hit of the season. The floor was crowded with maskers and the raised platforms filled with spectators. At nine o’clock the “grand march” was called, and the mixture of grotesque, historical, mythological, and fairy figures was most attractive and amusing. Then, when the quadrilles were called, the effect of the clown dancing with a grave and sedate nun, and Romeo swinging a pop-corn girl, was, as one of the ladies expressed it, “just too cute.”
The following is the list of names of those in masque, together with a brief description of costume or character represented.
J. B. Lynn represented the fallacy of a protective tariff, and made a good hit.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1884.
J. B. Lynn’s representation of Free Trade at the Pleasant Hour masquerade was one of the best hits we have ever seen. It was elaborate and every point suggestive. We should like to give a detailed description of it, did space permit.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1884.
On Monday afternoon the stockholders of the Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association met in the Opera House for the purpose of re-organizing the Board of Directors for the year 1884, and receiving reports of the condition and doings of the Association for the year. About seventy-five stockholders, representing nearly all of the subscribed stock, were present.
J. B. Lynn was a stockholder of two shares in Association.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1884.
Attention! All persons owing me are requested to settle their accounts by Feb. 1st, 1884. Every account on my books remaining on my books unpaid at that time will positively be placed in the hands of an officer for collection. I mean just what I say. Call and save costs.
J. B. Lynn.
[Portion of City Council Meeting Minutes.]
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1884.
The following resolution, accepting the Water-works system, was presented by J. Wade McDonald, attorney of the Water-works Company, and passed by the Council after considerable discussion.
Be it resolved, by the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Winfield, That the system of Water-works constructed in and adjacent to the city, by the Winfield Water Company, in pursuance with provisions of Ordinance No. 167, be, and the same are, hereby accepted; and the contract embodied in said Ordinance is hereby ratified and confirmed unto the said Winfield Water Company as the successor in interest and assignee of the rights of Frank Barclay, J. L. Horning, W. P. Hackney, J. B. Lynn, W. C. Robinson, J. Wade McDonald, and M. L. Robinson, the grantees named in and by said Ordinance No. 167 of the said city; and that the hydrant rentals mentioned and provided for in and by said Ordinance shall accrue from said city to said Water Company from and after the 17th day of December, A. D., 1883. This acceptance is subject to all the requirements on the part of said Water Company, in said Ordinance contained.
The city attorney was instructed to submit a written opinion as to the liability of the city under such acceptance, and the city clerk was instructed to spread the same upon the minutes of the meeting.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1884.
Following is the full text of the decision of Judge Torrance in the water works case, in which Bliss & Wood are plaintiffs, and the Winfield Water Company is defendant.
The decision of this case arises upon a general demurrer interposed by the plaintiffs to the defendant’s answer. The petition in the case, in substance, alleges that the plaintiffs are owners of a mill pond on the Walnut River, in this county, and of lands adjacent thereto, upon which they have constructed a valuable flouring and grist mill, which they are operating by means of the water power furnished by said mill pond; that the defendant is a private corporation created under the laws of this State, and that it has constructed and is operating a system of water works in the city of Winfield, for the purpose of supplying said city with water, and for that purpose is diverting large quantities of water from the plaintiffs’ said mill pond. The petition prays for a perpetual injunction. By way of defense to the cause of action stated in plaintiffs’ petition, the defendant in its answer, alleges that it is a private corporation, duly incorporated under the laws of this State, for the purpose of constructing and maintaining, adjacent to and within the city of Winfield, a system of water works for the purpose of supplying said city with water; that said city of Winfield is a city of the second class, duly incorporated as such under the laws of this State; that the Mayor and Councilmen of said city duly passed an ordinance granting to Frank Barclay, J. L. Horning, J. Wade McDonald, W. C. Robinson, J. B. Lynn, W. P. Hackney, and M. L. Robinson, and their assigns, the privilege of constructing, operating, and maintaining, for the period of ninety-nine years, a system of water works within the corporate limits of said city, for the purpose of supplying its inhabitants with water, and for the better protection of said city against disaster from fires. This ordinance invests the grantees named therein with full power, for the period of ninety-nine years, to lay pipes in the streets, alleys, and other public places within said city, and to extend such pipes, and to erect hydrants, fountains, conduits, or such other useful and ornamental structures as may be necessary for the successful operation of such works. The ordinance further provides that at the expiration of certain specified periods, after the completion of the works, the city shall have the right to purchase the works from the grantees named in the ordinance, or their assigns, upon terms and conditions expressed in the ordinance. The ordinance in terms provides that it shall constitute a contract between the city and the grantees named therein, and their assigns, and shall be binding on all parties upon the acceptance of its provisions by the grantees named therein, or their assigns. In section 14 of the ordinance, the city expressly agrees as a part of the franchise and contract embraced in the ordinance, that it will, upon the request in writing of the grantees named therein, or their assigns, proceed without delay to exercise its right of eminent domain in the condemnation of any lots, parcels, or pieces of ground, or of water or any water privilege, that may be necessary to the proper and convenient construction and maintenance of the system of water works provided for in the ordinance, provided the said grantees, or their assigns, shall pay all costs and expenses incident to such condemnation proceedings, including the cost of all property so condemned. This section also provides that the right to the free and exclusive use and enjoyment of all property so condemned shall vest and remain in said grantees, and their assigns, so long as the franchise and contract provided for in the ordinance shall remain in force and effect. The answer of the defendant further alleges that, after the passage, and due publication of said ordinance, the grantees therein named duly assigned to the defendant corporation all the right, title, and interest granted to and vested in them, under the provisions of said ordinance; that afterwards the defendant notified said city of the fact of such assignment, and that as such assignee it accepted the franchise and contract granted by and embodied in said ordinance, and that the city of Winfield thereupon assented to such assignment, and accepted the defendant in the place and stead of the original grantees named in the ordinance; that afterwards, and in pursuance of section 14 of said ordinance, the City Council of said city proceeded to condemn, and did condemn in its own name, the right to forever divert from the said mill pond of the plaintiffs, sufficient quantities of water to operate and maintain a system of water works, and to supply the inhabitants of the city of Winfield with water therefrom. These condemnation proceedings were had under the provisions of an act of the Legislature of the State entitled, “An act authorizing cities to construct water works,” approved February 27th, 1872, and a subsequent act of the Legislature, amendatory thereof, approved March 8, 1883, and the proceedings seem upon their face to be regular and valid. The answer further alleges that the defendant corporation afterwards constructed the system of water works provided for in said ordinance, and that it is now operating the same, and is diverting from the plaintiffs’ mill pond, by virtue of such condemnation proceedings, only such quantities of water as are necessary for the operation of its works in the supplying of the city of Winfield with water.
The power of eminent domain, or the right of the public to appropriate private property to public uses, is one of the attributes of political sovereignty. This power remains dormant, and is unavailable even to the State itself, until legislative action is had, pointing out the occasions, the modes, and conditions under which it may be exercised. The Legislature may at once by direct legislative enactment, appropriate property; or it may delegate such authority to some public or private agency to be exercised by it upon the occasions, and in the mode and under the conditions specified in the act conferring the right. But no person nor corporation, either public or private, however pressing may be the public necessity therefor, is competent to employ the power of eminent domain unless such power has been expressly vested in said person or corporation by an act of the Legislature; and then only in the mode and under the conditions and for the uses expressed in the act. This legislative delegation of the right of eminent domain partakes of the nature of a personal appointment or trust, and the authority thus conferred cannot be delegated to another, or in any manner transferred or assigned, by the person or corporation clothed with the power by the act of the legislature. It seems to me that the principles of law thus far stated are clearly supported by the text writers upon the subject, and by the adjudged cases. The question now arises whether a city of the second class, empowered to exercise this right by the act of the legislature above referred to, for the purpose of supplying its inhabitants with water, has the power to contract with a private corporation, organized under the laws of this state for the purpose of supplying such city with water, to condemn the necessary lands and water privileges to enable such private corporation to construct and operate its waterworks, and in pursuance of such contract lawfully condemn the lands or water privileges of third persons for the benefit of such private corporation. It seems to me that this is a correct statement of the question of law raised by the demurrer to the defendant’s answer. It is true the city of Winfield may in one sense be benefitted by the use of the water proposed to be furnished by the defendant corporation. It is also true that when a private corporation is duly empowered by the legislature to take private property for the construction of works of public utility, the fact that it has a pecuniary interest in the construction of such works does not preclude it from being regarded as a proper agency in respect to the public good which is sought to be promoted. Under our statutes, however, a private water corporation has no authority delegated to it by the legislature to exercise the right of eminent domain. So it seems to me that the contract of the city of Winfield to secure the necessary condemnation proceedings was primarily, and in the just sense of the term, for the benefit of the defendant corporation. The ordinance itself provides that the exclusive use and enjoyment of the property condemned by the city shall vest and remain in the grantees therein named, and their assigns. The act of our legislature under which the condemnation proceedings were had in this case is entitled, “An act authorizing cities to construct waterworks.” This act grants to cities of the second class full power and authority, on behalf of such cities, to contract for and procure the construction of waterworks for the purpose of supplying the inhabitants of such cities with water for domestic use, the extinguishment of fires, and for manufacturing and other purposes. It provides that the city council shall have power and authority to condemn and appropriate, in the name and for the use of the city, any such lands or water privileges, located in or out of the corporate limits thereof, as may be necessary for the construction and operation of such waterworks. It further provides that when the council shall determine to condemn any land or water privilege for the purpose aforesaid, it shall cause a petition to be presented in the name of the city to the judge of the district court of the county in which said city is situated, setting forth the necessity of the appropriation of lands or water privileges for the erection and operation of waterworks, and requesting the appointment of three commissioners to lay off and condemn such lands or water privileges as may be necessary for such purpose, and to make an appraisement and assessment of damages. The act provides that the subsequent proceedings shall be governed by the provisions of the statute relative to the condemnation of lands by railroad corporations (with but one exception), so far as the same are applicable. It also provides that upon the completion of the condemnation proceedings the city shall be vested with the right to perpetually use the property condemned for the purpose of such water works. The act also empowers the council to issue the bonds of the city to defray the cost of such water works, after the question of their issue has been determined in the affirmative by a majority of the electors of such city. The act further empowers and makes it the duty of the council to fix the rate of water rents to be paid by consumers, and to ordain such rules and regulations, with appropriate penalties for the violation of the same, as the council may deem proper for the regulation and protection of such water works, and, lastly, the act authorizes the council to appoint such engineers and other officers to superintend and operate such water works, both during and after the construction of the same, as may be necessary, and to do all acts and things for the erection, operation, alteration, and repair of such water works as may from time to time, in the judgment of the council, be necessary. It is evident, both from the title and body of this act, that it was the intention of the legislature to empower cities of the second class to construct water works for their own benefit and at their own expense, and to have the exclusive control and management of the same. And to this end the act authorizes the city council to exercise the right of eminent domain in the condemnation and appropriation of such lands and water privileges as may be necessary for that purpose, in the name and for the perpetual use of the city in the maintenance and operation of such water works. The only warrant which the city has is to be found in this act; and the only authority conferred by the act is the appropriation of property for the benefit of the city alone. When the property of an individual is sought to be divested against his will by authority of law, courts should not permit the authority conferred to be extended by intendment beyond the fair import of the language used, and should require a strict compliance with the provisions of the law by which the authority is delegated. If the legislature had intended that the power of eminent domain should be invoked in aid of water works to be constructed by private water corporations, it would have delegated the right to exercise such power to such corporations themselves, or to some other agency empowered to act on their behalf. The fact that the legislature has omitted to do so is satisfactory evidence to my mind that it did not intend to delegate the power in such cases. I have had but little time to examine the law bearing upon the point involved in this demurrer, and I would be very loth to thus hastily decide this case if I thought there was any probability that my decision would finally determine the rights of the parties. I thought it proper however, as the matter to be determined was of some general interest to the citizens of this city, to reduce the reasons for my decision to writing. In my present view of the law I am of the opinion the demurrer should be sustained, and it is so ordered.
E. S. TORRANCE, Judge.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1884.
More Fires.
Again, on Sunday evening, an attempt was made to set fire to property in the city. A lot of hay was stuffed under the rear end of Hendricks & Wilson’s hardware store and ignited. It was done about half past seven o’clock in the evening. Mr. James McLain, who has been acting as night watchman, first discovered and put it out. Shortly before, when walking across Manning Street and Tenth Avenue, he passed a man who was walking hurriedly. As soon as he passed, the man broke into a run, and a moment after McLain discovered the fire. When he turned, the man had disappeared in the darkness. What the object of these incendiaries is cannot be defined. The fire in the Hodges barn could have injured but little business property if successful. The fire started in the Shenneman barn, immediately after, when the hose was handy and hundreds of people standing around to use it, could not have been set with a very villainous intent to destroy, as the destroyer might have known it would be put out in a minute. The setting of the Sunday evening fire early in the evening, when everyone was about, showed a lack of deep intent to do great injury. However, our people have resolved to put a stop to it, and to that end the following paper has been prepared and duly signed, and the total sum of $222.50 goes to the person who runs the fire-bugs in.
We, the undersigned, promise to pay the sum set against our respective names as a reward for the apprehension and conviction of any person or persons engaged in setting any incendiary fire in the city of Winfield, either heretofore or hereafter.
S. C. Smith, T. K. Johnston, Horning & Whitney, Wm. Newton, Hudson Bros., McGuire Bros., J. B. Lynn, Geo. Emerson, COURIER Co., Ella C. Shenneman, W. S. Mendenhall, Winfield Bank, M. L. Read’s Bank, Rinker & Cochran, Miller & Dawson, H. Beard, Whiting Bros., Hendricks & Wilson, A. E. Bard, Johnston & Hill, J. N. Harter, Farmers Bank, Wallis & Wallis, F. V. Rowland, J. S. Mann, Hughes & Cooper, A. B. Arment, Quincy A. Glass, W. L. Morehouse, McDonald & Miner, Curns & Manser, J. D. Pryor, M. Hahn & Co., O’Meara & Randolph, S. H. Myton, J. P. Baden, Telegram, Scofield & Keck, Henry Goldsmith.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1884.
Perry Tucker, one of Bryan & Lynn’s steady clerks, recently spent a week with Kansas City relatives.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1884.
Go to Lynn’s in two weeks and you can see the only true Narrow Gauge Railroad system in operation in Southern Kansas, and it will be built without bonds.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1884.
Apples by the barrel at Bryan and Lynn’s.
Something new in queensware at Bryan & Lynn’s.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1884.
The Courier Surmises
That J. B. Lynn’s store looks more “cityfied” than any in this section since he had it frescoed, and that it will be more so still when he gets in his Elevated Railway Cash System.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1884.
Go to Lynn’s for the best fifty cent overalls in the world.
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1884.
J. B. Lynn returned Monday night from the east, where he has spent several weeks purchasing a spring stock for his establishment.
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1884.
A New Convenience.
J. B. Lynn has this week put in his elevated railway cash system. It is the best thing we have yet seen in that line, and will prove a great convenience. A platform about five feet high at the rear of the store, fenced in, is occupied by the genial Shields, who receives all money and makes change. Two miniature tracks are suspended from the ceiling over the entire length of both counters, and the clerks communicate with the cashier by means of hollow balls, capable of containing twenty silver dollars. One track has a two feet incline from and the other the same incline to the cashier. There are three stations to each counter in the dry goods department and one station in the clothing room. Should you tender a five dollar bill in exchange for three dollars in goods, the clerk will place the bill and a slip designating the amount of your purchase in the hollow ball, put it in the elevator to a station, shoot it up to the track, and away it goes to the cashier, who sends it back with the right change. Each station has its own ball and it will stop at no other place. Should a bill be charged, an itemized slip with the name of the customer will be placed in the ball and sent to the desk. Change can thus be made very quickly and without any danger of mistakes. Every large establishment should have this system, and although it is now a new thing, in a little while it will be in general use everywhere.
J. B. now has a very “citified” establishment.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1884.
Go to Lynn’s for your Ginghams.
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1884.
The following bills were ordered paid.
Bill of Bryan & Lynn, $15.00.
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1884.
In turning the corner back of Lynn’s store, the first thing which met our gaze was a lawn sprinkler throwing the silver-sprayed water from our water works system on the beautiful blue grass in the grounds of J. P. Baden’s residence. Mr. Baden’s home and surroundings are being made very attractive—in fact, that whole street north is noted for its neat homes. The grounds of D. Berkey, H. Brotherton, J. Wade McDonald, and others exhibit taste rarely excelled.
S. H. Myton will commence, as soon as men can be got to do it, the excavation for a large two story brick and stone business house for his own use, on his corner opposite Lynn’s store. The plans indicate that this is to be one of the best buildings in the city.
Mr. James Kirk has been putting another story on his grist mill back of Lynn’s and is putting in machinery by which he can grind wheat as well as corn. Heretofore he has been grinding corn exclusively.
Winfield Courier, April 17, 1884.
BIRTH. J. B. Lynn is always getting something new. The novelty of his elevated railway cash system had hardly worn off before he got a new girl. She is young, only born last Thursday, but is of that lively disposition which just suits J. B., and he anticipates a picnic in scrambling for the paregoric bottle in the midnight darkness.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1884.
S. H. Myton has commenced the excavation for his new block on the corner opposite Lynn’s. The plans, just turned out by Architect Cook, indicate that this is to be one of the finest business buildings in the city. It will be entirely of cut stone, 75 x 90, two stories. The first story will contain two rooms, one 25 feet wide, and the other 50, the first to be occupied by Mr. Myton’s general hardware stock and the second by his agricultural implements. Jim Conner has the stone work contract and agrees to finish it in ninety days. The building will cost about twenty thousand dollars.
Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.
Bill of J. B. Lynn, goods furnished pauper, recommended to County Commissioners for payment.
Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.
UNTIL JUNE 15 I WILL GIVE A DISCOUNT OF 10 PERCENT ON ALL BILLS BOUGHT FOR CASH AMOUNTING TO $1.00 and upwards. This offer extends only to persons paying CASH. Winfield, May 13, 1884.
Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.
MARRIED. J. W. Tyree, one of the popular young clerks of J. B. Lynn’s dry goods establishment, left Tuesday for Wichita, where he lead to the matrimonial altar yesterday, Miss S. B. Fleshman, late of Virginia. James has succeeded in keeping this thing extremely quiet, as no one even suspected him of such intentions. He is one of our best young men and will receive the hearty congratulations of a large circle of friends.
Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.
Democratic Convention.
The Democrats met in convention Saturday at the office of S. L. Gilbert, in this city. The delegates elected to the State convention were S. L. Gilbert, C. C. Black, J. B. Lynn, T. McIntire, A. A. Jackson, H. S. Libby, and J. Vawter. The sense of the meeting was that Gov. Glick should lead the delegation to Chicago. They also passed a strong resolution in favor of the “Old Ticket,” Tilden and Hendricks. The delegates were instructed to vote for and use all honorable means to secure the election of Chas. C. Black as a delegate to the National convention. A strong “Tariff for Revenue Only,” was passed.
Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.
M. B. Shields, J. B. Lynn’s chief clerk, is in Chicago this week assisting in the manipulation of the National nominating machine.
Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.
Another Step in the Progress of Winfield Which Makes her a Modern City in Every Way.
From month to month and from year to year during the last twelve years, the COURIER has chronicled as faithfully as it could the growth and advancement of Winfield. Beginning with the erection of the first brick building in a column and a half article under a screaming eagle and a booming cannon, it has come down through the successive steps of the first railroad, the second railroad, then the water works, coupled with so many enterprises on every hand that it has grown to accept these steps in the city’s advancement as a matter of course, and things that, in its early history, would have resurrected every old wood cut in the office, now pass with a five line notice. As it is with the COURIER, so it is with our people. For the past three months the Winfield Gas Company has been piling up brick, mortar, and stone, laying mains and erecting machinery without creating any particular sensation, and at eleven o’clock Saturday evening, President Fuller and Superintendent Whiting threw into the furnaces the first shovels-full of coal that set the works going for all time to come.
The ordinances granting the rights and franchises to Col. Wm. Whiting were passed by the city council last September. Soon after the Winfield Gas Company was organized and chartered. In the organization Mr. J. C. Fuller was chosen President; J. B. Lynn, Treasurer; and Ed. P. Greer, Secretary. To this company was assigned the franchises given by the city to Mr. Whiting. In the month of March the task of erecting the works was begun. The completed works will cost about forty thousand dollars. They are first-class throughout and have a capacity sufficient to supply the city until it contains twenty thousand inhabitants.
From the time the first charge was put into the retorts Saturday evening until the present writing, not a leak has been found, nor mistake in arrangement or the placing of complicated machinery detected. This is a record heretofore unknown and due to the mechanical skill and high honor and ability of Mr. John Maxwell, under whose direction every section of pipe and every piece of machinery was placed. Of Mr. Maxwell’s ability as a workman and integrity as a contractor, we cannot speak too highly. Suffice it to say that both the Winfield Gas Company and the Winfield Water Company (whose works he also put in) will back him “to the uttermost ends of the earth.” He is one of the few men we have met thus far who fulfill the spirit as well as the letter of his contracts.
About forty connections to stores, offices, and residences have been made, in addition to the sixty street lamps, and most every business house and a large number of private residences will be connected as soon as the plumbers can get to them. The consumption guaranteed the Gas Company insures the financial success from the start.
The gas will probably be turned on next Friday.
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.
Mr. J. O’Meara, W. H. Dawson, S. L. Gilbert, C. C. Black, J. B. Lynn, and H. L. Wilson are among the revelers in the Democratic, two act farce at Chicago; and not a solitary Republican along to protect them from the wiles of that wicked city! Tearfully is asked the solemn question: Will they ever return, or will they all be swallowed up in the inevitable vortex of Democracy?
Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.
J. B. Lynn is overflowing with enthusiasm over the National Democratic Convention.
Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.
J. B. Lynn comes forward in this issue of the COURIER with a big announcement of slaughtered prices. J. B. came home with a determination to “make Rome howl,” and is starting out in a way to suit everybody—though the profit to himself is sacrificed.
[Did not copy ad.]
Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.
We have just made a purchase of the new style white granite ware, and we will sell our present stock at cost for cash. Bryan & Lynn.
Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.
PAUPER CLAIMS. Houghton & Kirkpatrick, Jas. Armstrong, Ware & Pickering, H. R. Rude, M. N. Sinnott, Richard Courtright, Samuel Thompson, J. N. Harter, T. W. Wood, Emily Wooden, L. S. Downs, S. B. Gailey, J. H. Sparrow, J. B. Lynn, S. B. Park, J. W. Jenkins, McGuire Bros., C. H. Staten, R. H. Moore.
Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.
All persons indebted to me are requested to call at my store and settle either by cash or note. J. B. Lynn.
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.
One of the stockholders: J. B. Lynn.
Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.
J. B. Lynn comes to the front with a column this week. He has had the sidewalks around his store obstructed with boxes of goods arriving for some days past and will have a genuine “grand opening” soon. Lynn is always up with the times.
Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.
The ladies of the Christian Church have secured Dining Hall privilege on the Fair ground which will be run in first class style. All members and friends are solicited to donate as liberal as possible in the good work, and can leave donations at Bryan & Lynn’s Grocery Store or will be kindly received at the Dining Hall at any time during the fair.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.
Mr. John Long, a prominent banker of Carrollton, Illinois, and an old friend of J. B. Lynn and the family of Dr. J. Headrick, spent a few days of this week in our city.
Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.
Having bought an extensive stock of canned goods, we will close out our present stock of fruit at cost. Bryan & Lynn.
Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.
We must reduce our stock to make room for our new goods which are now arriving daily: hence the cost counter. Bryan & Lynn.
Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.
J. B. Lynn, the Merchant Price, comes before the people of Cowley through the COURIER, this week, in an advertisement which should be carefully read and heeded by every citizen of the county. No retail dry goods establishment this side of Chicago can outdo J. B. for immensity of stock and lowness of prices.
Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.
Ohio and West Virginia Returns are all In!
AND THE PROFITS ON GOODS AT J. B. LYNN’S Have GONE into the POCKETS of His Customers! I have waited in vain for Fall Trade to begin. My store if full of Goods, bought on a LOW MARKET, and I am determined that they SHALL MOVE. This will be no 59 cent sale, neither is there any gift enterprise connected with it. But there is A Gift of My Entire Profit Directly to the Consumer From Oct. 23rd for 30 days.
I will sell everything in My House at PRIME COST FOR CASH!
This will be the Grandest sale ever made in Cowley County. GRAND in every sense of the word.
You know that my house if full to the overflow. Everything will be placed in this sale, no reservation made. From Cellar to Garret. EVERYTHING GOES, for 30 Days AT COST FOR THE MONEY.
Orders from Grocery houses will be taken and 10 percent added upon cost price. Corn and wheat taken same as cash at market price, either for goods or on account. It is not necessary for me to say more. You know I mean just what I say, so remember that on October 23rd I will begin this Grand Sale and will continue it 30 days. You can get more goods in this sale for 59 cents or $1.09 than you ever bought before in your life.
Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.
Call and see Bryan & Lynn’s cost counter.
California canned fruit at cost. Bryan & Lynn.
Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.
McGuire Bros., A. T. Spotswood, W. F. Wilkinson, Bryan & Lynn, J. C. Long, A. Davis & Co., Rinker & Cochran have just received a lot of the celebrated “Jayhawker, Smoking Tobacco.” It will not bite your tongue nor make your mouth sore. Try it.
Winfield Courier, November 6, 1884.
The COURIER office was jammed with eager faces at an early hour Tuesday evening to catch the first bulletins that came in. Anxiety, deep and searching, was depicted in every visage. The first dispatches were meager, but along toward midnight the news began to come from all quarters, fluctuating in the interests of both parties. The crowd overwhelmed all bulletin board space and the Opera House was secured. About this time dispatches giving New York, Indiana, and other strongholds to the Democrats began to come in. These engulfed the Democrats in wildest hilarity. Democratic throats that hadn’t yelled for twenty years were seen to oil up and fairly paralyze the air with hurrahs. The Republicans were feeling a little blue, which feeling was borne out by the dispatches until yesterday afternoon, when the tables turned and Republicans began to yell. The COURIER office was densely packed in the evening, and every dispatch as it noted increased Republican gains everywhere, received with triumphant shouts. When New York was conceded, enthusiasm knew no bounds. Men marched by hundreds up and down Main Street fairly renting the air with hurrahs. Headed by the Juvenile Band, they paraded the streets until a late hour. When the crowd left the COURIER Sanctum at one o’clock, it was to sleep in sweet consciousness of a grand Republican victory—in the sweet assurance of prosperous times and happy people for another four years.
The visages of J. B. Lynn, Ben Cox, and Sam Gilbert are perfect pictures of despair: at least they were the last seen of them early yesterday evening.
O, where! O, where! is G. Washington Glick and his red-nosed followers? In their caves of gloom never to come forth triumphantly again.
Judge Torrance and Prof. Limerick, with no opposition, captured almost the entire vote of the county—a meritable compliment indeed.
L. P. King got there, Eli, for the legislature in the 67th district, with a good majority.
Winfield Courier, November 13, 1884.
Notwithstanding the intense excitement caused by the Presidential uncertainty, Winfield was free from dangerous passions and fatal results until Saturday night, when the deadly revolver, in the reckless hand, took the life of Charlie Fletcher (colored) and gave Sandy Burge (white) a death wound. Excitement had been at a fever heat during the evening, but had vented itself up to eleven o’clock only in civil hilarity, playing of bands, and other harmless modes of jollification. But at that hour the celebrating portion of the crowd had mostly exhausted all enthusiasm and departed to their homes, leaving the ground in charge of the more boisterous. The Democrats had been celebrating during the evening the supposed elevation of Cleveland; and though loud denunciation of disciples of both parties had been indulged in, this sad ending is thought by all to have no political significance, but merely the result of whiskey and undue recklessness. However, we present the evidence at the Coroner’s inquest, from which all can draw their conclusions. The affair is very much deplored by members of both parties, as anything but an honor to our civilization and the good name of our city.
Fletcher died within an hour after the bullet had passed through his abdomen, and was buried Monday afternoon from the colored M. E. Church, of this city, a large concourse of white and colored citizens following the remains to South Cemetery.
Burge walked, after being shot, in company with the marshal, to Smith’s lunch-room, sat down, and soon fainted away. He was taken to the Ninth Avenue Hotel, where doctors were summoned and where he remained till Sunday morning, when he was removed to his home and family in the east part of the city. He was shot with a thirty-two bullet, which entered just below the fifth rib on the right side and passed through the right lung and came very nearly out at the back. As we go to press he still lies in a critical condition, though the physicians give him the possibility of recovering. But little change has been noted in his condition since Sunday.
Coroner H. W. Marsh was summoned, impaneled a jury Sunday afternoon, and held an inquest on the body of young Fletcher.
The jury was composed of Messrs. John McGuire, J. B. Lynn, George Emerson, T. H. Soward, W. J. Hodges, and James Bethel, who brought in a verdict that Fletcher came to his death by a pistol shot from the hand of Sandy Burge.
Winfield Courier, December 11, 1884.
The American Eagle has downed the British Lion on decorated hand painted queensware. Bryan & Lynn have fourteen different designs of this ware, anyone of which either as a tea set, dinner set, or toilet set would make an elegant and useful Christmas present.
Winfield Courier, December 11, 1884.
A set of Luster band ware would make joy in the household if you would make your wife a Christmas present of it. You can find it at Bryan & Lynn’s.
Lynn organizes Fowler Town Co. in Ford County...
Winfield Courier, December 11, 1884.
J. B. Lynn took in the western counties recently and came home with the fever. He has organized the Fowler Town Co., composed of himself, J. B. Fowler, John Keck, Sol. Burkhalter, T. F. Axtel, and others. The town is located in western Ford County. Winfield men agree with the idea that the star of empire shall continue to westward take its way and are doing much for the development of that new country.
Winfield Courier, December 18, 1884.
The following pauper bills were recommended to County Commissioners for payment:
J. B. Lynn, dry goods, etc., $10.27.
J. B. Lynn. The Pioneer Merchant.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.
Almost before the howling coyote and the festive buffalo had departed from the plains of Cowley, J. B. Lynn was dispensing merchandise to the denizens of our county. Magical has been the development of Cowley, but equally magical has been the spread of Mr. Lynn’s business. Commencing in a small frame building with but a few wagon loads of goods, he now has a stock unequaled in size, variety, and popularity, occupying his own building and employing corps of clerks equal to that employed by many of the large eastern establishments. The first goods, fancy goods, and boots and shoes in attractive array; the back room, 25 x 36 is occupied by a large and well-selected clothing stock; a good-sized basement contains trunks, valises, etc., while the large, well-lighted room upstairs contains a splendid stock of carpets and oil cloths. Mr. Lynn’s judgment and experience in the mercantile business is at once apparent on entering his store. Everything is selected with especial adaption to the trade and he never carries over any goods to become rusty and out of style and which must be palmed off on an unsuspecting public. Mr. Lynn’s long residence here has acquainted him with everybody in the county, and his prominence in matters of public interest have made him one of our most valuable citizens, aside from his qualities as a merchant. In addition to his dry goods and clothing business, he is a partner in the grocery firm of Bryan & Lynn. His store building is one of the largest, most substantial, and attractive of the city, and a big ornament to North Main. An unique feature of Mr. Lynn’s splendid store is the elevated cash railway, the most convenient cashier system ever invented.
Bryan & Lynn. The North Main Grocers.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.
It is a pleasure to do business with a firm where you can step in, make an order, and have it delivered to your home if needs be, without personal inspection, and be assured that it is filled with the freshest and best quality of goods; especially is this so with the purchaser of groceries. A little over a year ago the grocery establishment of Messrs. Bryan & Lynn was opened. Mr. Bryan had become well-known all over the county through his association as County Treasurer and otherwise, while Mr. Lynn’s long mercantile career had made him equally as well known. So the firm soon had a large patronage and is now one of our most prominent groceries. Through the characteristic honor, enterprise, and ability of Mr. Bryan, as manager of the business, their grocery has a reputation unexcelled. They handle a very large stock of staple and fancy groceries, queensware, etc. Everything to delicately tickle the palate is always in stock, and their staple groceries are freshest and best, and all are sold at prices in harmony with these tough times.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.
The grocery firm of Bryan & Lynn gives notice of dissolution.
Notice of Dissolution.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.
NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership now existing between the undersigned will be dissolved on or before the first day of March 1885, and all persons knowing themselves indebted to us on account must come in and settle before that time. In the meantime we offer our entire stock of groceries, queensware, Glassware and notions at greatly reduced prices for cash. We mean just what we say. BRYAN & LYNN.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.
Mr. E. E. Trego, for some months past with J. B. Lynn, left Sunday for Wier City, this State, to take charge of a mining store there. He gained friends and popularity here and we regret his departure. Mrs. Trego will follow in a few weeks.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.
Russel True, representing himself to be “wild and wooly and full of fleas,” raised a disturbance on Lynn’s corner, Saturday, and after flourishing his revolver around awhile, paid his “full” respects to Mr. T. R. Bryan in a way that prompted Marshal Harrod’s custody. He wanted to “take the store” because the glare ice on the step gave him a fall.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.
From this date and until after our dissolution, we will positively sell goods only for cash. All accounts now on our books must be settled up either by payment or note. To accomplish our purpose we must reduce our stock and now will sell our goods at cash. Come and convince yourselves that such is the fact.
Winfield, Kansas, January 21, 1885. Bryan & Lynn.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.
E. E. Trego, formerly with J. B. Lynn, came in from Wier City last Friday and returned Saturday with his wife and boy.
The Queen City of Southern Kansas to Make Still Greater Strides
in Material Advancement—The D. M. & A. and K. C. & S. Are Coming.
Other New Enterprises.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.
That Winfield and Cowley County are bound to march onward and upward during 1886, and even outdistance her former successes, was splendidly evidence in the rousing meeting of prominent businessmen at the Court House Thursday evening last. It showed that our citizens are on the alert and ready to embrace anything that will conduce to the prosperity of our city, and make her the metropolis that situation and natural advantages insure, if concerted action is brought to bear. The Court House was “chock full” and an interest shown in harmony with the energetic, rustling character of our businessmen.
Judge T. H. Soward called the meeting to order in a brief outline of its import—to stimulate immigration and public improvements, and to formulate plans for the general advancement of the Queen City and Cowley County.
D. L. Kretsinger, always prominent on such occasions, was made chairman, and George C. Rembaugh, the fat man of the Telegram, was chosen secretary. J. C. Long, A. T. Spotswood, H. B. Schuler, M. L. Robinson, and Col. Whiting were appointed a committee on plan of action, and after consideration they recommended that a permanent organization be formed to be known as the “Winfield Enterprise Association,” and that a committee of seven be appointed to draft by-laws, rules, etc., and report to a meeting at the Court House on this (Thursday) evening. The gentlemen composing the temporary committee were continued, with the addition of J. B. Lynn and M. G. Troup.
Chas. C. Black, secretary of the Denver, Memphis & Atlantic Railway Company, then addressed the meeting on the prospects of that line. He explained that the road would have reached Winfield ere this if the financial panic, beginning with May last, hadn’t made progress impossible. With the loosening of the money market, he said the road would be pushed right through. The company have decided to make it a broad gauge, connecting at Baxter Springs with the Fort Scott & Gulf railroad. The contract for twenty-five miles of track has been let to John Fitzgerald, of Lincoln, Nebraska, a contractor of reliability and capital of half a million, who will begin to throw dirt as soon as the frost is out of the ground. With the twenty-five miles begun on the east end, the company will re-solicit aid along the proposed line (the bonds formerly voted being all void, owing to the road’s procrastination). The proposition having carried by so small a majority before in this county, Mr. Black thought it likely that aid would be asked by townships, Winfield being solicited for $40,000. M. L. Robinson also spoke flattering of the prospects for the D. M. & A., as well as the Kansas City and Southwestern, together with other projects conducive to Winfield’s prosperity. There seems no doubt that both these roads will be traversing the fair fields of Cowley before this year is ended. The officers of the K. C. & S. have everything arranged to commence operations as soon as the money market will permit. The meeting, by a unanimous vote, signified its willingness to vote forty thousand dollars to the D. M. & A., and, if needs be, vote the same amount again to the K. C. & W.
John C. Long, Col. Whiting, and others spoke enthusiastically of Winfield’s prospects, and urged the necessity for concerted action. Mr. Long said that the Street Railway Company would build its line, and not a dollar’s worth of aid would be asked. Our street railway will make us metropolitan indeed.
Spencer Bliss suggested the feasibility and possibility of offering sufficient inducements to the A., T. & S. F. and S. K. railroads to build a union depot and joint shops in this city, and stated that the prospect of navigating the Arkansas river, and other influences, pointed forcibly to the necessity of the Santa Fe moving through the Territory soon, to a southern market, in which case they must have shops about this location. Winfield being ninety-five miles from Cherryvale and about the same distance from Newton, offers a very advantageous situation for joint shops and a round house, and if our businessmen push the feasibility of the matter, there seems no doubt that this result can be obtained. When the D. M. & A. and K. C. & S. strike us, now anticipated before the summer rolls by, this scheme will be all the more probable. With four railroads radiating from Winfield, with their shops here, we will have a town that will lay all others in Kansas in the shade—hardly excepting the State Capital.
This was the most enthusiastic meeting our city has witnessed in many a day, and shows a determination on the part of everybody to make the Queen City “git up and dust.” With the advent of spring, immigration will pour in from the panic-stricken east—immigration of a substantial character, men seeking profitable investment for capital, and with unison of effort, the extensive advertisement we are getting, etc., Winfield and Cowley County will get a large share. This organization is what is needed. New enterprises will be sprung and an era of prosperity dawn that will surprise “old-timers.” With the prettiest city, the best county, and the best people on the globe, Winfield’s beacon light will be followed by many an easterner in quest of a pleasant home and safe investment. Let us all put our shoulders to the wheel and keep our city in the first ranks of leading, prosperous cities—where her natural advantages entitle her. Every businessman in the city should give the meeting tonight his presence. What we need is a hard pull, a strong pull, and a pull altogether.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.
During hard times it is but the part of wisdom to buy goods where they are sold the cheapest, therefore take the clearance suit of Bryan & Lynn.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.
The following pauper bills were referred to the County Commissioners for payment.
Claims of J. P. Baden, amounting to $76.65; A. H. Doane & Co., coal, $161.40; J. N. Harter, medicines, $8.20; Bryan & Lynn, groceries, etc., $20.25; Rinker & Cochran, groceries, etc., $5; M. M. Finch, rent of house for Hiram Anderson, $8.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.
T. R. Bryan last week sold his interest in the grocery establishment of Bryan & Lynn to his partner, J. B. Lynn, who continues it in connection with his dry goods business. Mr. Bryan is now a “gentleman of leisure,” but of course has an eye on some new enterprise in the Queen City that will soon make him as busy as ever. T. R. is one of Winfield’s most influential and valued permanencies.
A Third Enthusiastic Meeting and a Board of Directors Elected.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.
The Winfield Enterprise Association is now thoroughly organized and is bringing its power to bear on various schemes whose success will set Winfield several rounds up the ladder of prosperity. Its third meeting was held on Thursday evening last, when the membership was found to have reached over two hundred of our prominent businessmen, most of whom were present and have since put two dollars each into a sinking fund. J. C. Long was chosen chairman and D. L. Kretsinger secretary. A committee consisting of G. H. Allen, T. H. Soward, Walter Denning, C. M. Leavitt, and Frank H. Greer was appointed to report a list of names for directors of the Association. The following were reported and unanimously elected: Wm. Whiting, J. B. Lynn, M. L. Robinson, J. C. Long. H. B. Schuler, J. L. Horning, D. A. Millington, T. H. Soward, A. H. Doane, W. P. Hackney, J. E. Conklin, J. P. Baden, and W. G. Graham. No better men could have been chosen as directors. They are all men of enterprise and energy: men who have the interests of our city and county at heart and the necessary nerve and ability to secure every enterprise possible for our advancement.
J. B. Lynn becomes officer of “Winfield Bank.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.
CAPITAL $50,000.00
RESERVE FUND $50,000.00
Oldest Bank in the County. Established 1871.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.
Abstract of the monthly report of the County Auditor of Cowley County, Kansas, of claims certified to the County Clerk, on the First Monday of March, 1885.
J. B. Lynn pauper claim: $7.00; $19.44; $1.35; $20.09; $15.85.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.
J. B. Lynn has received an immense stock of embroidery direct from Saint Gall, Switzerland.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.
200 pieces of embroidery, best styles and lowest prices, just opened at J. B. Lynn’s.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.
W. G. Graham, T. R. Bryan, S. H. Myton, A. B. Graham, H. D. Gans, H. B. Schuler, J. B. Lynn, and Wm. Newton have purchased the Vandeventer land lying in the northeastern part of the city, abutting the mounds and containing one hundred and forty-six acres, for the neat sum of $11,744. It is being platted this week for an addition to the city and the lots will be put in the market. It is all choice residence property and will very soon be covered with handsome houses. The gentlemen have formed themselves into the “Highland Park Company,” and intend to park a broad avenue through the property and make it the prettiest piece of land in the city, which can be easily done with its natural advantages.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 2, 1885.
The City election will be held next Tuesday, and as yet no tickets are in the field. For mayor the names of D. L. Kretsinger, Dr. Graham, W. R. McDonald, and Mr. Ordway are prominently mentioned. Any one of these gentlemen are thoroughly competent, and would give the city an active and energetic administration. James Connor is mentioned for the council in the First ward. He is one of our best men, and should go in without opposition. Among others mentioned for the council in their respective wards are Arthur Bangs, Ed. Bedilion, A. H. Doane, J. B. Lynn, H. Brotherton, and W. A. Smith. All are good men, and would give us a clean and effective government. Let every citizen without regard to party or creed make himself a committee of one to go to any and all meetings or caucuses for the nomination of tickets, and see that first class men only are put on ground. There is much of weal or woe, depending on the class of persons selected to govern the city during the next two years.
Note: First reference to Lynn & French Grocery Store given below...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 2, 1885.
I have just received from Saint Gall, Switzerland, an immense stock of
Hamburg Edgings, Insertions,
and “All Over” Edging, which I am prepared to offer to the trade at greatly reduced prices. I bought these goods from 25 to 30 percent cheaper than I could buy the same goods this side of the water; and that enables me to sell them very low.
Call and see them before buying.
Consider well this opportunity.
It may never come again.
I will also add that I have made up my mind to go out of the Clothing business. Anyone wanting a Suit, Pair of Pants, Coat or Vest will save from 25 to 50 percent by buying them of me. I have the goods and
I will say in conclusion that I have just returned from the East, where I found and bought the handsomest and cheapest stock of DRY GOODS ever brought to Winfield by any merchant. I earnestly invite one and all to call and inspect and price my goods, and if they don’t agree with me they are at liberty to call me a fool for selling off my old stock at 90 cents on the dollar last winter. Respectfully,
First door South of Lynn & French’s Grocery Store.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 2, 1885.
Wellingtonian: “Mr. D. A. Carr, who for the past seven years, held the position of salesman with J. B. Lynn & Co., of Winfield, has accepted a similar position with the famous one price clothing and boot and shoe house, to be opened in a few days in this city. Mr. Carr is a good salesman and if he proves as popular with Wellington buyers as he was with those of Winfield, his employers will find him a valuable assistant.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 9, 1885.
The festive burglar has again crawled from his little den and endeavored to make a haul. Burglars are about the only ones generally unsuccessful in Winfield. Our people don’t leave much cash lying around loose—we have two good banks for that. They would rather lay it up where moths do not corrupt nor thieves break in and steal. The stores of Lynn & French and W. B. Pixley were entered by the back doors, Monday night, through the services of a chisel and hammer—but the thieves cared only for money and got only about eight dollars which had been left in the tills. No merchandise was disturbed.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 16, 1885.
Pesky burglars are getting too numerous in Winfield. They were again out on a forage Saturday night, this time entering the back window of Cooper & Taylor’s grocery. They didn’t find a fortune. Only about eight dollars were awaiting them in the money drawer. To this they added some of the best cutlery from the cutlery case and a Colts revolver in scabbard and belt—about twenty-five dollars in money and valuables. The mode of procedure shows these burglars to be the same ones who entered the store of Lynn & French and W. B. Pixley, last week. They are evidently amateurs. It is much better to stop their downward incline now than to let them get hardened to sin. Our officials have the scent and they must be collared.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 30, 1885.
Desires the COURIER to say the following in large type, which cannot be misunderstood, which same is hereby said.
On Any Line of Goods
Offered for Sale in Winfield.
This is to stand until every person tests the truth of his statement by visiting his store. When the last person is satisfied he or she will please report at this office and the notice will be dropped.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 14, 1885.
I have opened a new Hair Dressing establishment over Lynn’s store. Hair dressed and arranged in all the latest styles. The ladies of the city are invited to call and examine work and prices. MRS. A. C. BERRY.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 21, 1885.
Mr. S. H. Bowman, wife and three children, arrived Thursday from Jerseyville, Illinois. Mr. Bowman is an old friend and schoolmate of Mr. J. B. Lynn. He is an experienced banker of large means and looks for a western location. He will remain here for some time, and probably make Winfield his home.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 4, 1885.
Sheriff’s Sale. J. B. Lynn, plaintiff, vs. James Wilson, defendant. Sale of real estate taken as the property of James Wilson. Sale: July 6, 1885. G. H. McIntire, Sheriff.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 18, 1885.
Hon. George M. Shelley, ex-Mayor of Kansas City, and one of that city’s large wholesale dry goods dealers, is in the city, the guest of his old friend, J. B. Lynn.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 18, 1885.
We are in receipt of a handsome circular announcing the change of the Winfield Bank to the Winfield National Bank, with a paid in capital of one hundred thousand dollars, and an authorized capital of five hundred thousand dollars. H. B. Schuler is president and E. T. Schuler, cashier. The directors are H. B. Schuler, J. B. Lynn, C. Perry, Dr. Geo. Emerson, Arthur M. Green, of Pleasant Valley; H. R. Branson, of Dexter; and George H. Williams, of Rock. The new National opens up under the most favorable auspices. Mr. Schuler is a banker of long experience and is conservative and careful as a manager. The directors are among our best businessmen and capitalists. The old Winfield Bank has long enjoyed the confidence and a large share of the business of our people and THE COURIER predicts for the Winfield National, into which it has merged, long continued success and prosperity.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 18, 1885.
WANTED. A half dozen nests of young mocking birds. Will take them as soon as they get their eyes open. Mrs. E. J. Fitch, over Lynn’s store.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 25, 1885.
J. B. Lynn has had a railroad smash up and all trains are stopped, causing much inconvenience. The stove pipe did it. It fell on the elevated cash railway and broke its back-bone. The patentee’s manipulator will be on in a day or so to repair it.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 25, 1885.
Mr. Vandever, a farmer of this county, was one of the causes of quite a mishap Friday evening. Mr. Vandever was crossing from S. H. Myton’s hardware store to J. B. Lynn’s, when a small dog took umbrage at him. Mr. Vandever made several attempts to drive the dog off, and finally picked up a small stone about as large as an egg and threw it at the canine. As usual in such cases, he missed the dog but hit the elegant plate glass window in S. H. Myton’s store, smashing it up so that a new one will have to be put in. The value of such a glass is about $65. This is very bad luck to both Mr. Myton and Mr. Vandever.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 9, 1885.
The rulers of the city held their regular commune Monday night, with Mayor Graham and Councilmen Connor, McDonald, Myers, Crippen, Harter, and Baden present.
A resolution was adopted widening Fifth St., to include lots 4, 5, 6, and 7; and J. B. Lynn, S. H. Myton, and A. T. Spotswood were appointed to appraise the damages.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 16, 1885.
The demand of J. B. Lynn for $25.64 against estate of Jesse Hatfield was allowed.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 30, 1885.
J. B. Story, of Lynn & French, carries his arm in a sling, caused by an enormous boil.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 30, 1885.
J. B. Lynn opens up the fun, in THE WEEKLY COURIER, this week. He announces a determination to sell his $35,000 stock of merchandise at ninety cents on the dollar. When J. B. unfurls such an ad., it is never questioned. It means that Mr. Lynn is bound to run off his stock and reach out for broadened trade. And he’ll do it, you bet.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 30, 1885.
For 30 days I will sell my entire stock of merchandise at 90 cents on the dollar. My stock contains everything usually kept in a first-class Dry Goods Store, and everything, from cellar to garret, will be sold at 90 cents on the dollar for cash and CASH ONLY. I have about $35,000 worth of goods in my store, and everything will be sold at the above figures for 30 days. We will have a large corps of clerks to wait on the trade. This sale will begin July 30th, and continue until August 30th. I will just add that I am not going out of business, neither am I going west to grow up the country, but I am here to stay and make music for the “boys,” business for the newspapers, and glory for myself. Remember the time and place—at 6 a.m. Thursday music by the band will begin and continue every day until 8 p.m. for 30 days. This is the grandest opportunity and the biggest slaughter ever made in the State by any merchant, but the goods must go. No goods sold on credit at these prices. Don’t ask for credit, for you will be refused. Orders will be taken at a discount of 10 per cent.
Respectfully, J. B. LYNN.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
The rulers of the city met Monday in regular semi-monthly commune. Present: Mayor Graham and Councilmen McDonald, Connor, Myers, Crippen, and Harter. Absent: Councilmen Jennings, Baden, and Hodges.
The Commissioners, A. T. Spotswood, J. B. Lynn, and S. H. Myton appointed to assess damages caused by widening 5th avenue, between Main and Andrews street, reported damages of $525, to out lots 4, 5, 6, and 7. The report was received and further action postponed. These lots belong to J. C. Fuller and Judge Torrance, who kick on the amount of damages, claiming three times what the commissioners allowed.
[Note: Amount in last paragraph hard to read. Could be $325. MAW]
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 20, 1885.
After a long and tough wrestle, the city “dads” have fixed railroad matters up. Council met in special session Thursday night. The room was crowded with interested property owners. Everything passed off smoothly. The following is a copy of sec. 1 of the ordinance passed last evening. “There is hereby granted to the Kansas City & Southwestern railroad company the right of way to construct and operate and maintain the main line of their road and all necessary side tracks, across the following streets, avenues, and alleys in said city, to-wit: Loomis street, north of Fourth avenue, and Millington street, north of Fifth avenue; Fourth avenue, west of Loomis street; Main street, north of Fifth avenue; Fifth avenue, west of Main street; Manning and Menor streets, north of Sixth avenue; Sixth avenue, west of Menor street; Eighth and Ninth avenues, west of Walton street and through the alleys in blocks 105, 85, 65, and 8 in said city.” As far as we have heard, this gives a general satisfaction to the public. The following is about the projected line as near as we are able to ascertain: Crossing Timber creek north of Andrews’ addition, through this addition just north of Mrs. Andrews’ house, thence running along the line of the S. K. railroad through R. B. Waite and J. B. Lynn’s six acre tract, northwest of Sam Myton’s residence, through the Water Company’s grounds near the pump house, across the west end of Mrs. Manning’s lots just north of J. C. McMullen, and thence west of south in the direction of the Kickapoo corral. We are glad this matter is settled and we hope, satisfactory to all.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 20, 1885.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to me, either on account or by note, are requested to settle by September 1st, 1885. I must have money by that time, and any one failing to settle then must not grumble if they have costs of suit added. It is utterly impossible for me to run my store on promises. Persons owing me must heed this notice, as I mean business. J. B. LYNN.
An Enterprise Sprung of Vast Import to Winfield and Cowley County.
The Safest of All.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 27, 1885.
Mr. A. H. Jennings spent July and part of August in Ohio. While absent, always having an eye peeled for the advancement of his home, he had an interview with the hosiery manufacturing firm of J. B. Mercer & Co., Zanesville, Ohio, whose desire for a more expansive location had slyly reached his ears. He found this to be one of the busiest manufactories he was ever in, but running on a smaller scale than the firm’s trade demanded and the proprietors were able to carry. They employ about two hundred hands, some sixty-five of them women, and turn out two or three hundred dozen hose daily, woolen and cotton. The articles were of the very best and had big sales, the cotton goods largely in the west and south and the woolen in the north and west. Their orders were then two hundred behind. The firm buys its cotton in St. Louis and its wool all over the country. Wool costs them 29 to 35 cents per pound—here it would cost only 15 to 20 cents, and cotton can be shipped from St. Louis here just as cheaply as to Zanesville, and our railway export facilities will be equal to Zanesville with our two new lines. This firm is composed of three practical workmen. They are desirous of moving their factory where facilities for extending it to the manufacture of all kinds of goods are better. The first point in their eye was Kansas City. Mr. Jennings laid the superior advantages of Winfield before them, situated in a great wool-growing country, a good stream for dyeing purposes, no competition in the section, with a broad, fruitful territory for their wares. To work up this matter among our businessmen, a meeting of the Enterprise Association was held at the Court House last night. Dr. C. Perry presided, and H. G. Norton recorded. Mr. Jennings laid this enterprise before the meeting—its great importance to our industrial welfare and the substantiality of our county, with the certainties of success. The probable subsidy needed is between five and ten thousand dollars. The matter was received favorably by our businessmen, and A. H. Jennings, B. F. Wood, J. P. Baden, Col. Whiting, and J. B. Lynn were appointed a committee of correspondence and further investigation, said committee to confer with Frank Manny regarding the purchase of his brewery building for this manufactory. W. W. Andrews offered to donate grounds for a factory building. The committee will pass one of this woolen mill firm to Winfield that he may look over the ground. We have now struck an enterprise that means big benefits. Let us all brace up. A little of the zeal and public spirit displayed in gaining enterprises in the past few months will secure this one. Make a strong pull, a big pull, and pull altogether. Barring the twenty experts Mercer & Co. must bring with them, this mill insures labor for 200 or more persons and a big enhancement of our wool industry.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 17, 1885.
J. B. Lynn is home from Chicago, carrying a metropolitan air very becoming to a city like Winfield—a Chicago number two. His fall stock will roll in a day or two.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 17, 1885.
A meeting of Vernon and Winfield citizens was held in this city Monday to arrange for a new bridge on the old piers on the Walnut at Bliss & Wood’s mill. Chas. C. Black was president of the meeting and G. H. Crippen secretary. It was determined to erect a six thousand dollar bridge. Senator Jennings, J. B. Lynn, S. H. Myton, J. W. Millspaugh, Billy Moore, S. W. Schwantes, B. F. Wood, and J. F. Martin were appointed as committeemen to boost the matter through. It is proposed to erect a $6,000 bridge on private subscription. Twenty-two hundred dollars were subscribed in this meeting, the largest amount, $800, by Bliss & Wood. The road, as condemned and paid for years ago, leading from Vernon to this bridge, runs along the north bank of the river until it strikes the bluff, where it comes out on the section line. Another meeting will be held on the 28th to perfect matters.
The Mammoth Dry Goods Emporium of J. B. Lynn—Chock Full.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 17, 1885.
When you touch a man’s pocket book, you touch him all over. If you can convince him that he can get more and better goods for his money at once place than another, he is not very long in embracing the fact. That J. B. Lynn’s dry goods emporium will give you better bargains, with a better stock to select from than any other house in Cowley County, Mr. Lynn is prepared to prove. He has just shelved a magnificent stock of everything in his line, fresh from the eastern markets—personally purchased at bargains which will greatly enhance his customer’s pockets. J. B. is one of Cowley’s pioneer merchants, and the people have long since learned that he always backs up, to the letter, everything he advertises. His dry goods, notion, carpet, clothing, gent’s furnishing goods, and other departments are complete, with attentive salesmen, assuring most agreeable treatment to all. Embracing the low ebb of the wholesale market, and in anticipation of buoyant times this fall, Mr. Lynn has filled his store from cellar to garret. The city trade will find his fine goods department unexcelled, while in anything he will discount all competition, in both selection and price. Consult your best interests and visit J. B. Lynn’s dry goods house, corner 8th avenue and Main. Once there, you will readily be convinced of the fact here chronicled.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
Winfield National Bank.
NO. 3351.
CAPITAL, $100,000.
President: H. B. Schuler
Cashier: E. T. Schuler
C. Perry, H. B. Schuler, Geo. H. Williams, J. B. Lynn, A. H. Green, Geo. Emerson,
H. R. Braum.
The Last Day of The Cowley County Fair.—A Grand Success.
The Possibilities of Cowley County Shown in all Their Glory.—Various Fairisms.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.
Of course, J. B. Lynn, the pioneer merchant, had a representation at the fair grounds. His dry goods business is just like an open book in Cowley, so he took a special turn, and made a mammoth display entirely of carpets. Every conceivable pattern, Brussels, Ingrains, mats, rugs, and stair patters. It is a very fine exhibit and the subject of much favorable comment.
The China Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Shearer.
An Unique Occasion.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.
The presents were handsome and valuable, the most prominent being an exquisitely painted china dinner set. It embraced a hundred and twenty-five pieces—the handsomest thing obtainable in china ware. It was a token from the following persons: Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Reider, Rev. and Mrs. B. Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Soward, Dr. and Mrs. F. M. Pickens, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Dalton, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Bliss, Mrs. R. B. Waite and Mrs. Hartwell, Mrs. E. M. Albright and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Silliman, Col. and Mrs. Wm. Whiting, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Nelson, Prof. and Mrs. I. N. Inskeep, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Burnett, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Arment, Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Wells, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Whiting, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mann, Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Finch, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. D. Taylor and Miss Minnie, Mr. and Mrs. A. Herpich, Mr. and Mrs. L. Conrad, Mrs. A. Silliman and Miss Lola, Mrs. C. Strong and Miss Emma, Mrs. Dr. Bailey, Misses Fannie, Jessie, and Louie Stretch, Miss March, Misses Mattie and Mary Gibson, Nettie and Anna McCoy, Lydia Tyner, Maggie Herpich, Maude Kelly, Ida Johnston, and Maude Pickens, Mr. and Mrs. C. Collins, and Miss Lena Walrath. Among the other presents were:
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lynn, fruit plate.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 8, 1885.
The Democrats of Cowley County met at the Courthouse Saturday to go through the same old farce of nominating a county ticket to be easily defeated by the Republicans: a sequel inevitable in grand old Republican Cowley. About fifty delegates were present, with a small audience of visitors. J. L. Andrews, of Maple City, was chosen chairman and Ed Gage secretary. Everything was as tranquil as a May morning. The office went round hunting its man, as usual in Democratic conventions in Cowley. Nobody could smell meat, and didn’t care to sacrifice themselves on the party altar. The convention was exceedingly tame—no opposition whatever. The following nominations were unanimously made.
The Democratic County Central Committee for the coming year stands as follows.
Winfield: Capt. Gary, H. S. Silvers, Geo. Crippen, and J. B. Lynn.
A Woman From Udall Passes a $50 Counterfeit Bill at J. B. Lynn’s.
Pleads Innocense.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 15, 1885.
Thursday a tall, comely woman about thirty years old, with black hair, dark blue eyes, and a lame foot went into J. B. Lynn’s dry goods establishment and purchased twenty-five dollars worth of goods, among them a suit of clothes, which she said was for her husband. She tendered the clerk a fifty dollar bill. It was put on the elevated railway and sent to the cashier, who promptly sent back the twenty-five dollars in change, and the woman left with her bundle, saying her wagon was only a block away and thanked the clerk for his declined offer to carry her bundles. At night when the cash was made up the bill was found to be the worst kind of a counterfeit—an old Missouri defense bond, issued in 1862, promising that Missouri would pay its State militia so much after such date. The Missouri militia “licked” by the blue coats and the union restored, these “defense bonds” were repudiated—became perfectly worthless. Mr. Lynn, as soon as the counterfeit was discovered, set about to find the passer. Sheriff McIntire soon got the scent, learned that she had gone to Udall on the day before on the train, and with Mr. Lynn, went after her. She was found in a neat rented house and was shocked at the charge that she had passed a bad bill. She said when herself and husband left Indiana, she took possession of the money received for their household goods. This was the largest bill among it and she had saved it, disliking to break it till the last alternative, which came Thursday. She didn’t know from whom she got the bill. Her husband is an itinerant insurance man. They have no children. He came down to Winfield, horseback, the day she bought the suit for him. She claims that the reason he didn’t go with her to get the suit was because of his shabby appearance. They have only been at Udall a week. She told a very straight story, which coupled with her appearance in the matter, convinced Mr. Lynn and the sheriff that she passed the bill innocently. It has little resemblance to a genuine bill. It is worn till the print is scarcely discernible. The woman gave her name as Nannie Brown and returned the goods and twenty dollars in money, all the money she had, and promised to bring or send the other five dollars down next Tuesday. No prosecution was made. The clerks of Lynn’s establishment will have “a hy like a heagle” in taking in wealth hereafter.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 15, 1885.
And still the Queen City continues to spread! The latest addition is the B. B. Vandeventer tract, just north of the city, which has been purchased by H. G. Fuller, C. E. Fuller, C. C. Black, and J. B. Lynn, and will be platted at once. It is a very pretty body of land. It lies just to the left of the section line joining north Main, takes in nearly all of Island Park and all that land lying in the bend of Timber creek north of the S. K. track. The tract contains one hundred and forty acres and was bought for seventy-five dollars per acre: $10,500.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.
There will be an adjourned term of court on November 9th, of one day. The following suits were filed last Saturday.
J. B. Lynn vs. K. C. & S. W. R. R. Co., appeal from Co. Com. award of $425 as damages.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.
Messrs. Harris & Clark, of the South Western Land Office, Saturday closed the sale of one-half interest in the Lynn & Bryan building, consideration $3,000.00.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
T R Bryan et ux to J B Lynn and A B French, hf lot 11, blk 7, Winfield: $3,000.00.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.
On Carpets, Oil Cloths, Rugs, Mats
Remember the place and the line of goods. I have put the knife in. It will pay all persons not supplied with these goods to look through and buy without delay, for this cut is for BLOOD. Respectfully,
Corner 8th and Main Streets.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 5, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
Barnett B Vandeventer et ux to J B Lynn, C C Black, H G Fuller and C E Fuller, 147 acres in sw qr 21-31-4e: $11,032.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 12, 1885.
J. B. Lynn’s ranting Democracy crops out all over him. The little slate of New York brought out his white hat, adorned all over with roosters and pay-cards, “Damnmugwump.” Several very sick roosters represent defeat in Cowley.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 12, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
J W Clifford et ux to J B Lynn, lots 10 and 11, blk 10, Grand Summit: $900.00.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 19, 1885.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.
J. B. Lynn’s dry goods establishment came near having a bad fire today. Gailard Stafford, the errand boy, went to the basement to get some cotton batting and in lighting the gas jet, set the cotton on fire. The fifteen hundred pounds was a mass of blaze in an instant, and it was with great difficulty and much damage to boots, shoes, and everything in the basement that it was smothered down with rags, water, etc. It created a big excitement in the store, pretty near smoking them out. It was a narrow escape.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.
M. B. Shields, with J. B. Lynn, has been down with fever for several days, but now is better.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.
The rope-walker, in his pink tights and great air of superiority, was on deck between Myton and Lynn’s stores this afternoon, raking in some eight dollars, stray sheckles. He had two legs and a superior mustache, and wasn’t as big a circus as Barnum’s.
Winfield Courier, December 3, 1885.
Last Friday J. B. Lynn came very near having a disastrous fire, but by prompt action it was put out and he notified the agents of the different companies that he was insured in. This morning W. J. Wilson, agent of the Lancashire Insurance Co. of England, paid his company’s portion of the loss. It was the first company to pay.
The Grist in Waiting for the December, 1885, Term of the District Court,
Beginning Tuesday, the 15th.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 10, 1885.
J B Lynn vs K C & S W R R Co. McDonald & Webb pros; Hackney & Asp defense.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 17, 1885.
The Rulers of the city met in regular semi-monthly conclave Monday night. Present: Mayor Graham and Councilmen Connor, Jennings, Myers, Crippen, Hodges, Baden, and Harter; absent, Councilman McDonald.
Petition of the Winfield Water Company, J. B. Lynn, Bliss & Wood, L. W. Kimball, J. W. Sickles, Blanche M. Sickles, C. J. Moore, J. Stretch, and R. B. Waite to have certain territory brought into the city, was granted.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 31, 1885.
Don’t you forget that J. B. Lynn will offer his mammoth stock of goods at cost for the next 30 days. We must reduce our stock and the goods must go. We mean just what we say. If you want to get more goods for 100 cents than you ever did before, come and see me. See my special inducements next week.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 7, 1886.
To the People of Cowley County:
January 1st, 1886, I will offer my entire stock of General Merchandise at Cost for Cash. This sale will continue just thirty days. I have $35,000 worth of goods to dispose of, and they have got to go if cost will move them. My stock consists of a complete line of Dress Goods, Silks, Satins, Sateens, Cashmere, Alpacas, Tricots, etc. I have also a full and complete line of Flannels, Table Linens, Napkins, Towels, Cassimere Jeans, Cloakings, Cottonade Shirting, Tickings, Canton Flannel, Muslins, Yarns, Shirts, Shawls, Blankets, Comforters, Hoods, Shawls, Blankets, Comforters, Hoods, Scarfs, Knit Sacques, etc. I would call especial attention to my large stock of Ladies’ Cloaks. These goods will be sold at a great sacrifice. I would also call attention to my Carpet Department. Goods in this department will be sold at UNHEARD OF LOW PRICES.
In my Notion Department I have everything in Ladies’ Neckwear, Laces, Embroideries, Collars and Cuffs, Trimmings, etc. I have Valises in endless variety. My stock of Boots and Shoes is complete. My stock of Clothing is all fresh and new, having all been bought last fall. I would especially call attention to my Blanket Department. I will sell these goods at prices that will cause my competitors to open their eyes. I don’t advertise any especial line of goods on any especial day or week, but will sell my entire stock at cost for cash for thirty days. This is no “Cheap John” or “catch penny” advertisement, but actual facts. Everybody knows when I advertise to sell at cost, I DO IT. Remember from January 1st to February 1st, 1886, is the time and at J. B. Lynn’s Mammoth Dry Goods House is the place to get big bargains in Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Rugs, Mats, and in fact everything in the Dry Goods line. Come early before the stock is broken and secure the best bargains. Come one, come all, and bring your pocket books with you, as no goods will be sold at cost on credit. All orders will be taken at a discount of ten per cent. Respectfully.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 7, 1886.
Mrs. Shelton and daughter and J. A. Rucker were in the city recently shopping, but think they will have to go again as J. B. Lynn is offering better bargains this month.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 14, 1886.
The agreeable home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Miller was a lively scene Tuesday evening. It was the occasion of the twentieth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Miller, which fact was unknown to the guests until their arrival, making the event all the more appropriate and lively. It was one of the jolliest gatherings of married people, old and young, composed as follows, as near as we can recall: Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Millington, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hackney, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harter, Dr. and Mrs. T. B. Tandy, Dr. and Mrs. Geo. Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Pryor, Col. and Mrs. Wm. Whiting, Mr. and Mrs. Ed G. Cole, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Doane, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Balliet, Mr. and Mrs. Handy, Mr. and Mrs. O. Branham, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Carson, Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Jennings, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McMullen, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Wallis, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Greer, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lynn, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Stone, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Buford, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Warner, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Baird, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Albro, Mrs. Alice Bishop, Mrs. Scothorn, Mrs. R. B. Waite, Mrs. Hartwell, Mrs. A. T. Spotswood, Mr. Wm. Whiting, Mr. J. R. Brooks, and Mr. D. Taylor. The warm-hearted hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Miller was at its best, and their admirable entertainment made the freest and heartiest enjoyment. The collation was exceptionally excellent. In the folding doors was a handsome banner inscribed 1866-1886, indicative of the anniversary. Not till after twelve o’clock did the guests depart, in the realization of having spent one of the happiest evenings of the winter.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 21, 1886.
A meeting of the stockholders of the Winfield National Bank was held Tuesday, Jan. 12th, 1886. C. Perry, Arthur H. Green, Geo. Emerson, J. B. Lynn, Geo. H. Williams, Henry R. Branson, and H. B. Schuler were elected directors. The officers elected are H. B. Schuler, President; Everett Schuler, cashier; and Geo. H. Schuler, assistant cashier.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.
Thanking all for their very liberal patronage through my clearance sale, I wish to say that instead of closing it the last of January, I will run another week, as I have more goods than I care to invoice. So come right along until Saturday, Feb. 6, 1886, When the Great Bargain Sale will close. In conclusion I will say that I have no factory. Neither has my father any large double stores in Illinois. I have always sold goods too close to accumulate money fast.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
The committee appointed to confer as to the character of the new Walnut bridges, which committee is composed of Councilmen Connor, Harter, and Jennings, and Messrs. M. L. Robinson, J. B. Lynn, Marsh Howard, and C. A. Bliss, met Wednesday afternoon and again this afternoon. J. G. Bullene, representing the Leavenworth Bridge Company, Mr. Allen, agent of a Kansas City Company, and Col. McGraw, of a Leavenworth Company, were present with plans. The committee have not yet determined on which company’s bridge or the kind most appropriate within our means. Both bridges, however, will be very fine iron ones, with a foot walk on the Ninth avenue bridge. The council at its adjourned meeting Monday evening next, will determine on the style. The contract for constructing the city building will also be let then.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.
J. B. Lynn has had another counterfeit experience. Friday last a young man about twenty-three, went into Lynn’s sore, bought a $2.50 hat of Jim Tyree and tendered a check for fifteen dollars, appearing to be drawn all right by T. J. Stinson, residing near Maple City, and well known as “good” all over the county. The check was on the Winfield National Bank and was cashed and the remaining $12.50 turned over. After the boy went out, the clerks got to speculating on his actions and thought them a little suspicious. The next day, Stinson was in the city and Mr. Lynn spoke to him about the check. Stinson at once pronounced it a forgery, drawn on a different colored check and a poor imitation at signature. Sheriff McIntire was put on and soon traced the boy up. He was found at Arkansas City and now languishes in the bastille. His name is Chas. Swift and during the winter he worked a month for Mr. Stinson. He denies any knowledge whatever of the transaction. Three of Lynn’s clerks identified him as the fellow who presented the check and bought the hat, which was on his head when McIntire took him in. It now comes to light that this same youth tried to sell a $100 note at the Winfield National Bank, several days ago, having the signatures of T. J. Stinson and J. M. Stinson. The note looked all right and ran a year at 12 per cent.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.
The Island Park Place will be re-platted and put on the market to catch the spring boom. This tract contains about 140 acres, lying across the S. K. railroad and running down to Timber creek. It is owned by J. B. Lynn, president of the company; W. L. Mullen, vice-president; C. E. Fuller, secretary; H. G. Fuller, treasurer; and C. C. Black, one of the board. 1886 will fill it largely with residences.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 25, 1886.
The new editor of the Burden Enterprise, Joe H. Briggs, visited Winfield Saturday for the first time, and like everybody else was completely “struck” by its metropolitan air. Hear him. “We took in the metropolis last Saturday and were astounded at the noise and bustle in all parts of the now big city. On getting off the train at the depot, we thought we had suddenly run into Chicago, by the multitude that thronged the platforms. We proceeded up the street and found four and five story handsome stone business blocks going up, and the streets were filled with people. We called at the mammoth dry goods house of J. B. Lynn, where his courteous clerks were busy waiting on customers.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds yesterday.
John B Lynn, C C Black et al to Island Park Land Company, tract in sw qr 25-32-4e: $25,000.00.
Highland Park Town Co to J B Lynn, lots 1, 2, 3, 10, 11 & 12, blk 20, H P’s ad to Winfield: $1,050.00.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
The preliminary examination of young Swift, the young man from near Maple City, who forged a check of $15.00 on J. T. Stinson, on the 10th of February, and presented it at J. B. Lynn’s in payment for a $2.75 hat, was brought up Friday before Judge Buckman and ground all afternoon, about fifteen or twenty witnesses being put on the stand. Swift was bound over to next term of the District court with bond at $500, which he failed to get, and now languishes in durance vile.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
J. B. Lynn took in the village of Wellington Wednesday.
Arkansas City Republican, January 1, 1887.
DIED. Mrs. J. B. Lynn, the wife of one of Winfield’s most prominent merchants, died yesterday.