Mantor Family


S. J. Mantor.
Emporia News, January 1, 1869.
Some improvements listed in Emporia during 1868.
S. J. Mantor, addition to frame residence, $300.
Emporia News, February 5, 1869.
   Instruments Recorded During the Week Ending Feb. 4, 1869.
Reported from E. P. Bancroft’s Real Estate and Abstract Office.
Thomas L. Mantor to O. Y. Hart, warranty deed.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 6, 1876.
A splendid brick church, the best edifice of the kind in the country, a substantial frame church, a cut stone bank (J. C. McMullen’s), the City Hotel, a three-story structure, kept by Mantor & Son, the Central Avenue, a commodious two-story build­ing, Houghton & McLaughlin, immense dry goods store, J. H. Sherburne & Co.’s two-story business house, J. C. McMullen’s elegant private residence constructed of brick with cut stone trimmings, costing $6,000, are among the most prominent and expensive of the buildings upon the town site. It contains about 550 population.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 15, 1876.
RETIRED. Mr. Mantor retired from the duties of landlord of the City Hotel, last Monday, to the enjoyment of private life. During the year’s time he had control of the hotel, he made many friends, and established a good reputation for the house. The Central Avenue is now the only regular hotel in this place, as the City will be rented to private families.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 22, 1876.
A. A. NEWMAN purchased the entire stock of Sherburne & Stubbs last week, and moved all but the groceries to his store room. We learn that R. A. Houghton purchased the groceries of Mr. Newman and intends keeping a grocery store. He has engaged Mr. S. J. Mantor to take charge of the groceries.
Excerpted from article involving Newman, McLaughlin, Houghton, others...
Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.
Mrs. A. A. Newman, Mrs. C. R. Sipes. Mrs. J. I. Mitchell, Mrs. Wm. Newton, Mrs. Wm. Benedict.
Mrs. C. R. Sipes, Mrs. Dr. Shepard, Mrs. J. Breene, Mrs. R. A. Houghton, Mrs. T. Mantor, Miss M. Thompson, Mrs. L. McLaughlin, Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. T. R. Houghton, Miss F. Skinner, Mrs. S. P. Channell, W. H. Gray, Mrs. T. H. McLaughlin, Al Mowry, Mrs. James Benedict, L. C. Norton, I. H. Bonsall.
Mrs. E. D. Eddy, Mrs. Wm. Newton, Miss M. Greene, Miss A. Mantor, Miss Delia DeMott.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 20, 1876.
Festival to be held at Newman’s new building, on Christmas night, Monday, December 25, 1876. Everybody and his wife are expected, and cordially invited to come. Besides the Christmas tree, there will be a charade acted by the ladies and gentlemen of Arkansas City; a Yankee kitchen in “ye olden style” with pumpkin pies and baked beans one hundred years old, fresh and nice, and a supper of modern times, with all the luxuries of the season. Fresh fish from the fish pond, caught on the spot, to order, and oysters from the Walnut. Now, young ladies, remember leap year is drawing to a close, and only a few days are left, and you should not lose the last chance you may have for four years to come. Who knows what fate may have in store for you, or what the fish pond may produce? And everybody should remember that but few of us will be on hand to attend the next Centennial festival, and make the most of this opportunity.
Come, everybody, and have a good time. The Christmas tree will be decorated in the afternoon, and persons wishing to have gifts put on the tree will please hand them to someone of the committee before 4 p.m., as there will be too much to attend to in decorating the hall to receive packages after that hour.
The committee appointed to decorate the tree is as follows:
Ladies—Mrs. Sipes, Mrs. Breene, Mrs. T. Mantor, Mrs. T. H. McLaughlin, Mrs. T. R. Houghton, Mrs. Dr. Hughes, Mrs. Dr. Shepard, Mrs. R. A. Houghton, Miss Mattie Thompson, Miss Kennedy, Miss F. Skinner.
Gentlemen—S. P. Channell, W. H. Gray, James Benedict, I. H. Bonsall, L. McLaughlin, Al. Mowry, L. C. Norton.
Anything left at Bonsall’s photograph gallery before the 25th will be taken care of and put on the tree by the committee.
Excerpted from following article...
Arkansas City Traveler, December 20, 1876.
Mr. & Mrs. Porter, Mrs. Alexander, Mrs. Fitch, Charles Swarts, Harvey Grimes, Mrs. McMullen, Mrs. Wood, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Hoffmaster, Mrs. Endicott, Mrs. Collins, Mrs. Lizzie Mitchell, Wm. Gray, Mr. & Mrs. Ward, Mr. & Mrs. Godehard, Mr. & Mrs. Purdy, Mr. & Mrs. T. Mantor, Mrs. Morgan.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 17, 1877.
JUDGE CHRISTIAN and Mr. Mantor have been confined to their houses for several weeks.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 21, 1877.
MR. MANTOR is on his feet again, and enjoying the fresh air.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 5, 1877.
CHANGE. R. A. HOUGHTON sold his interest in the grocery store to M. E. Welch last week. The firm will be Mantor & Welch, who will continue to give bargains in groceries, queensware, etc. R. A. Houghton will open a clothing house in the two-story building recently moved to Summit street opposite the Traveler office in the spring.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 3, 1877.
O. P. Houghton, Tyler McLaughlin, M. S. Faris, W. J. Mowry, and S. J. Mantor have all been sick within the past ten days.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 10, 1877.
JUST RECEIVED. 1,000 pounds of Side and Breakfast bacon, at Mantor & Welch’s.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 17, 1877.
This space reserved for Mantor & Welch,
successors to R. A. Houghton & Co.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1877.
This new firm has on hand a large and fresh supply of sugars, coffee, teas, spices, and all kinds of table articles of the best quality. The best of tobaccos and finest of cigars. Syrups and molasses, canned fruits, bacon, hams, and side meat, crackers, cheese, and in fact everything needed in the provision line.
Excerpted from following article...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1877.
W. D. Mowry, J. C. Topliff, J. Sherburne, W. Stewart, Dr. Williams, Miss Pickett, Kate Hawkins, Angie Mantor, Dora Dixon, Mowry Bowers.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 21, 1877.
We invite the attention of all to our large stock of Grocer­ies, etc. We keep always on hand everything in our line, and shall continue to sell at prices that will defy competition.
Our goods are fresh, and carefully selected from the very best market, and seldom fail to give satisfaction both in quality and price.
We would also call the attention of smokers to our large and well selected stock of Cigars and Tobacco. Remember the place—one door north of the Post Office.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 5, 1877.
A lamp burst in Mantor & Welsh’s grocery last week and made a commotion among those present. No serious damage was done.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.
MR. MANTOR sold his interest in the grocery store to Mr. Pierce, late of Maine, last week. Mr. Pierce is at home in a grocery and will please all who patronize him. The firm is now PIERCE & WELSH.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.
THOMAS MANTOR has charge of R. A. Houghton’s clothing store while Rube is absent in the country.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

THOMAS MANTOR went to the woods a week ago after young trees, and was working among what he supposed to be a lot of young oaks. They proved to be the poison oak, and he has been suffering from the effects of it ever since. His limbs are swollen and look as though they had been scalded.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.
The friends of Thomas Mantor will be glad to hear that he is again in business, and will hunt him up to trade with him again. He can be found at the new grocery store of Houghton & Mantor.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.
NEW GROCERY. RUBE HOUGHTON and THOMAS MANTOR, under the firm name of Houghton & Mantor, have opened a new grocery in the second building south of E. D. Eddy’s, and are offering goods cheaper than can be bought in any adjoining town in the South­west. They have a fine lot of teas and coffee, and sugar that can’t be beat in quality or price. Both are energetic men, and won’t let you go off without a bargain.
For several months past we have turned our attention exclu­sively to the clothing trade. We now take this method of inform­ing the public that WE WANT THEM TO UNDERSTAND That in addition to our stock of Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, and Shoes, we intend to sell GROCERIES! Cheaper than ever sold in Arkansas City before. We can do it, for cash, and make a fair profit. We ask all of our former customers and as many more who want bargains to try us once.
Our stock of Clothing is new, having been received only last week, and our groceries can’t be beat. We offer you
Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.
FIVE WAGONS loaded with salt from East Saginaw, Michigan, drove up to Schiffbauer’s grocery last Sunday, and we have noticed equal amounts left at H. Godehard’s, Pierce & McLaughlin’s, Hoyt & Speers’, and Houghton & Mantor will soon have a like amount—and this, too, when salt just as good can be manufactured at Salt City, within nine miles of this place. Someone should engage in the business, as it would surely pay.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.
HOUGHTON & MANTOR will not be undersold by Winfield or any other town—don’t forget it.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.
Houghton & Mantor’s is the only place where you can get 8 lbs. white “A” sugar, 4 lbs. best coffee, and 4-1/2 lbs. good coffee for one dollar.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.
HOUGHTON & MANTOR, the new cheap grocery and clothing firm, have a new awning over their windows and door, and a rack to tie to, for the accommodation of all.
The Daily Winfield Courier, Saturday Morning, May 11, 1878.
  Arkansas City Items.
Houghton & Mantor keep a good line of Groceries, Hats, Caps, Boots, and Shoes.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.
New turnips, radishes, and lettuce at Houghton & Mantor’s.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.
HOUGHTON & MANTOR are selling 10 lbs. good N. O. Sugar and 8 lbs. A Sugar, and 4 lbs. best Coffee and 4-3/4 lbs. good Coffee for $1.00; best 60 cents. Japan tea for 50 cents, and good Japan tea for 49 cents.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.
GENTLEMEN, we will sell you the best all wool flannel suits for $10.50, and all wool blue flannel suits for $9.00. Don’t fail to call and see our stock of Clothing which is all new and twenty percent lower then ever. HOUGHTON & MANTOR.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.
Houghton & Mantor, Groceries and Clothing.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.
Houghton & Mantor tell the people this week that they have a new lot of clothing of the latest and best styles. Clothe yourselves for the winter.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.
Mr. Thomas Mantor returned from El Dorado with his wife, last Saturday.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.
Now is the time to buy your Clothing cheap. Houghton & Mantor have just received a large stock of Fall Clothing cheaper than ever has been offered in Cowley Co. before. Good suits from $6.50 to $7.50 and $8.00. Do not fail to call and see them before you purchase.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.
NEW GOODS. Houghton & Mantor blockaded the sidewalk Monday with their late arrival of new groceries, clothing, boots, and shoes. The boys are doing a lively trade.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.
As I have bought the accounts of Mantor & Welsh and Pierce & Welsh, they can be settled with me at the old stand, before the 1st of November; after that date they will be left with an attorney for collection. L. McLAUGHLIN.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

Some thieves came into town Monday night and stole one pair of boots, one pair of shoes, and a box of sweet potatoes from Houghton & Mantor, and relieved Lafe McLaughlin of a can of oysters and three pair of gloves. They then adjourned to Frank Schiffbauer’s and helped themselves to a set of harness, curry comb, and brush. The men were seen in the early part of the evening, and will probably be identified.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 15, 1879.
We called on Houghton & Mantor the other day and found their store crowded with people purchasing dry goods and groceries. The boys are doing a good trade, and are very attentive to business. The store will soon be moved into C. M. Scott’s building, formerly occupied by the Post Office. Give them a call.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 15, 1879.
SPECIAL NOTICE. All accounts due us must be settled within the next thirty days. Do not forget it HOUGHTON & MANTOR.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 22, 1879.
The following were duly installed as officers of the Knights of Honor for the ensuing six months on the first Tuesday in January, 1879.
James Benedict, P. D.
S. P. Channell, D.
I. H. Bonsall, V. D.
Thos. L. Mantor, A. D.
O. P. Houghton, Chaplain.
T. H. McLaughlin, F. R.
E. R. Thompson, R.
Manson Rexford, Steward.
I. M. Ware, Guardian.
G. Mott, Sentinel.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 29, 1879.
Mr. Blakeney, from Grand Rapids, Michigan, will open a stock of groceries in the building formerly occupied by Houghton & Mantor in a few days.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 29, 1879.
C. M. Scott is fitting up the old Post Office building, which will be occupied by Houghton & Mantor.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 5, 1879.
Steamboat load of boots have just arrived at Houghton & Mantor’s which they are selling at Bed Rock prices. Lower than have ever been sold in Southern Kansas. Call and see them.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 12, 1879.
Mantor and Blakeney have formed a partnership and intend to keep a full stock of groceries, which they will sell cheap at any house in the Southwest for cash.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 19, 1879.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 19, 1879.
We call the attention of our readers to the new “ad” of Speers & Mantor in this number. They are both polite salesmen, and will be found at the old Post Office stand ready to sell you the best in the market. Try them.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 19, 1879.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
Quite a number of changes during the past week.
Tom Mantor and Rube Houghton have dissolved partnership. Rube and Joseph  Sherburne will now devote all their time, talent, and energy to the “noble red man,” being traders at the Ponca Agency. Tom Mantor and Frank Speer have united their forces and will sell boots, shoes, clothing, and groceries at bottom prices at the old post office.
Old man S. J. Mantor and a young man from Michigan, W. M. Blakeney, have formed a partnership in the sale of groceries and feed.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 16, 1879.
The party at Mr. J. S. Mantor’s last week was a pleasant and agreeable affair. Those present speak highly of the good social time spent at that pleasant household.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 16, 1879.
A militia company of cavalry will be organized at this place, consisting of sixty men, to be armed by the State. The company will remain at home, and drill once a month, unless ordered to take the field by the Governor, which is hardly probable will be done. As soon as the list is completed, steps will be taken to elect officers and make it a permanent organization. The roll can be seen at Mantor & Speer’s Grocery.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 7, 1879.
Mr. Mantor, the father of the big boy, Tom, has moved onto East Summit street. We miss the old gentleman very much as he was a near neighbor and a good one.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 28, 1879.
New Goods expected at MANTOR & BLAKENEY’S.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 18, 1879.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 18, 1879.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 23, 1879.
While the shades of night were falling fast last Thursday, the sign on Patterson’s saloon was transferred to Mantor & Blakeney’s store. The depravity of some people is startling.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 20, 1879.
The election of delegates to the county convention passed off quietly last Saturday, there being but one ticket in the field. The following are the delegates and alternates.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 27, 1879.
Frank and Tom (i.e., Speers & Mantor) don’t want anybody fooling around there for a week, so they can get that pile of goods laid out in shape. It came in last night.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 8, 1879.
John Sheldon, of Altered, is in the city on a visit to his sister, Mrs. Thos. Mantor. We have known John for several years as an active, wide-awake young man.
Excerpts from article re church festival...
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 10, 1879.
COMMITTEE ON ARRANGEMENTS: Mrs. N. B. Hughes, Mrs. Huey, Mrs. A. A. Newman, Mrs. McClung, Mrs. James Benedict.
DECORATING TREE: Mr. and Mrs. Bonsall, Mr. and Mrs. Scott, Miss Eva Swarts, Hattie Houghton, Flora Finley, Angie Mantor, Ella Grimes, Mattie Mitchell, Kate Hawkins, Alma Dixon, Blanche Marshall, Emma Hunt, Susie Hunt, Mr. B. Matlack, F. Farrar, W. Gooch, Mr. Rose, G. Howard, B. Maxwell, W. D. Mowry, F. Hutchison, E. LeClare, L. Norton, Mr. B. Parker, C. McIntire.
OYSTER TABLE: Mrs. Sipes, Mrs. W. Benedict, Mrs. T. C. Bird, Mrs. T. Mantor, Mrs. J. H. Sherburne, Mrs. C. Parker, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Watson, Mrs. Anna Patterson.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 17, 1879.
Miss Angie Mantor has returned from the Territory, where she has been passing a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. R. A. Houghton.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1880.
Railroad, railroad. The best invoice of teas ever in this city and prices that defy competition can be found at Mantor & Blakeney.
Have no idea who “L. A. Mantor” is...

Arkansas City Traveler, March 10, 1880.
L. A. Mantor is building a neat addition to his dwelling.
[Perhaps paper was referring to Thomas Mantor.]
Arkansas City Traveler, March 24, 1880.
   June 3, 1879: Speers & Mantor, rope for Walker’s well: $.60
Sept. 19, 1879: Mantor & Blakeney: $.30
Oct. 14, 1879: Speers & Mantor, groceries for Mrs. Tush: $1.00
Arkansas City Traveler, April 14, 1880.
Blakeney has disposed of his interest in the Grocery house of Mantor & Blakeney to his partner.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1880.
Mr. Blakeney having withdrawn from the firm of Mantor & Blakeney, does not intend leaving us, but will soon open up in the grocery business for himself. He has ordered an entirely fresh stock from Kansas City, and with the advantage of the recent cut in freights, he claims he can and will give good bargains. He can be found in the Benedict building, corner of Summit street and Central Avenue.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1880.
I HAVE bought the entire interest of Wm. Blakeney, of the firm of Mantor & Blakeney. All accounts due the firm are to be paid to me. Please pay prompt as short settlements make long friends. Thanking you for past patronage, I can assure you I will furnish you groceries as cheap as the cheapest. S. J. MANTOR.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1880.
A Notice Worth Reading.
On and after May 1st, S. J. Mantor will be found at the store vacated by McLaughlin Bros. His numerous friends and customers will make a note of this, as he has a rich treat in store for them, in Choice Groceries at the lowest living rates.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 5, 1880.
S. J. Mantor at 333.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 5, 1880.
Mr. S. J. Mantor, late of the firm of Mantor & Blakeney, can now be found in the room formerly occupied by McLaughlin Bros., where he will furnish you anything in the grocery line at low figures, and with that genial affability that has won him so many friends.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 5, 1880.
A fearful tragedy was enacted yesterday in the business portion of our city in which several of our most prominent businessmen took an active part. Full particulars of the same can be obtained from a careful perusal of the new advertisements which appear in this issue of the TRAVELER.
   S. J. MANTOR,

Late Mantor & Blakeney,
Has a Large and well selected Stock of
Provisions, Tobacco, and Cigars, and everything else kept in a first-class General Store, at Bed Rock Prices. Give me a call.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 5, 1880.
Groceries to suit close buyers at MANTOR’S, 333.
Ad below indicates Thomas Mantor is no longer in partnership with Frank Speers...
Arkansas City Traveler, May 5, 1880.
Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, and Gents’ Furnishing Goods of every description. A LARGE ASSORTMENT of the latest and MOST FASHIONABLE goods in each department just received. Call and see our new SUMMER STYLES in Clothing, Hats, etc. We have a full line of BOYS’ CLOTHING.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 16, 1880.
The following are the delegates and alternates to the county convention to be held at Winfield next Saturday, for the purpose of electing six delegates to the Congressional convention and nominating a candidate for State Senator for this district.
DELEGATES: W. D. Mowry, J. C. Topliff, Ed. G. Gray, Geo. H. McIntire, Dr. A. J. Chapel, C. R. Mitchell, Tom Mantor, J. Ridenour.
ALTERNATES: H. D. Kellogg, Cal Swarts, R. J. Maxwell, M. Rexford, A. C. Williams, M. Stanton, D. B. Hartsock, Frank Speers.
The above is the best ticket that can be put before our people. Look to the interests of our county, and send these delegates to Winfield.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 30, 1880.
The following was handed to us for insertion last week, but was overlooked.
Arkansas City, June 19th, 1880.
Arkansas City Lodge No. 480, K. of H. The following is a correct list of officers elected June 15th, for one term ending December 31st, 1880: R. C. Haywood, Dictator; J. M. Ware, Vice Dictator; Gardner Mott, Assistant Dictator; M. Rexford, Reporter; James Benedict, Financial Reporter; H. P. Farrar, Treasurer; C. Dolsberry, Chaplain; J. R. Rogers, Guide; G. W. Ford, Guardian; T. L. Mantor, Sentinel. R. C. HAYWOOD, Vice Dictator.
M. REXFORD, Reporter.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 14, 1880.
Mr. Berkey, of Salt City, was in town last Friday. He purchased the counters and shelves in Mantor’s former store room for his store at the famed Geuda Springs.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 22, 1880.
Choice Cranberries at S. J. Mantor’s.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 13, 1880.

Judge Christian has moved his office back into his old quarters, over Mantor’s grocery, where he can be found during the day. Parties wishing any kind of deeds or papers drawn up should give the Judge a fair share of their business. His age and affliction constitute a double claim upon our people, and it can be met with no extra cost to our citizens but a little thought­fulness when needing anything in his line.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 20, 1880.
The building formerly occupied by Mantor & Blakeney is being fitted up and will be opened this week as a saloon by Frank Knisely, who invites his friends and the public to call upon him next Saturday and participate in his free opening.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 20, 1880.
The city council met last Monday evening and passed an ordinance levying a tax for the payment of sidewalks. The ordinance will be published in our next issue. The council also granted Frank Knisely permission to open a saloon in the building north of Mantor’s grocery for the term of his unexpired license.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1880.
S. J. MANTOR, at the well known 333 grocery store, delivers goods free to all parts of the city.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 15, 1880.
The names of the various committees having in charge the Christmas tree festivities to be held at the Presbyterian church, were handed in last week, but were unavoidably crowded out, and are presented in this issue, as follows.
Committee on Procuring Tree: Messrs. John Walker, M. B. Vawter, S. B. Reed, A. Gardner, R. Hutchison, C. L. Swarts.
Committee on Receiving Presents: Misses Clara Finley, Alma Dixon, Kate Hawkins, May Roland, May Benedict, Lizzie Guthrie, Mary Thomas, and Messrs. F. W. Farrar, C. M. Swarts, Dr. Vawter, Robert Maxwell.
Decorating Committee: Mr. and Mrs. Searing, Mr. and Mrs. Matlack, Mrs. Haywood, Mrs. Shepard, Mrs. Cypher, Misses Mary Parker, Angie Mantor, Carrie Benedict, Annie Norton, Mattie Mitchell, Linnie Peed, Flora Finley, Albertine Maxwell, Sadie Thomas, Linda Christian, Annie Hutchison, Mary Theaker, Emma and Susie Hunt, Ada Easterday; Messrs. E. G. Gray, W. D. Mowry, John Kroenert, J. D. Houston, George Howard, D. Cunningham, James Leonard, Will Peed, J. C. Topliff, Dick Chamberlain, Irving French.
Distributing Committee: Mr. and Mrs. Standley, Mr. and Mrs. Bonsall, Mr. and Mrs. Gooch, Mr. and Mrs. Sleeth, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mantor.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 22, 1880.
S. J. Mantor, the “333" grocery man, is suffering from an attack of erysipelas to the face. We trust he will soon be around again.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 5, 1881.
A Mr. Reiter, of Kansas City, has just opened a tailor shop in the room over Mantor’s store. See his special.
AD: FRANK REITER, the Tailor, is here from Kansas City, and has opened a shop over Mantor’s Store. A perfect fitting garment guaranteed. Remember the place—over Mantor’s Store. Respectfully, FRANK REITER.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1881.
The following was the ticket put in nomination at the Republican township caucus held last Saturday in this city.
Trustee: Uriah Spray.
Treasurer: William Sleeth.
Clerk: W. D. Mowry.
Justice of the Peace: S. J. Mantor.
Constables: G. H. McIntire, E. M. Bird.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 20, 1881.
S. J. Mantor’s residence caught fire one day last week, but luckily the flames were subdued before any damage, to speak of, was done.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 4, 1881.
Mrs. Sheldon, of Chelsea, Butler Co., Kansas, is in town visiting her daughter, Mrs. T. L. Mantor.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 18, 1881.
A monster leaf of pie plant was laid upon our table last week by Mr. S. J. Mantor, nearly covering up the same, its dimensions being 3 feet and 1 inch across the widest part of the leaf, and 3 feet and 6 inches from the stem to the upper tip of the leaf. We believe it was raised by Mr. C. Rambo, on his farm north of town.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 25, 1881.
That for Groceries, first-class in quality, fair prices and variety of stock, McLaughlin Bros., Wyckoff & Son, S. J. Mantor, S. Matlack, Schiffbauer Bros., H. Godehard, Benedict & Kimmel, the renowned Diamond Front, and Ware & Blakeney’s cannot be beat anywhere in the southwest.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 31, 1881.
3 3 3
S. J. Mantor,
Has a Large and Well Selected Stock of
Provisions, Tobacco and Cigars, and Everything else kept in a first-class General Store, at Bed Rock Prices. Give us a call. 3 3 3
Arkansas City Traveler, August 31, 1881.
Mr. S. J. Mantor his removed from east Central Avenue to a house in the northeast part of town.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 14, 1881.
Judge Christian and family have removed to the rooms over Mr. Mantor’s grocery.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 28, 1881.
Geo. Allen and wife will occupy rooms over S. J. Mantor’s store this winter.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 7, 1881.

We call attention to the grocery firm of Mantor & Bradley, whose card appears in this issue. Mr. S. J. Mantor has been in the grocery business for some time while Mr. Bradley is just from Missouri. Both are thorough businessmen, and being such we recommend our patrons to give them a call.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 4, 1882.
A little social gathering was held at the residence of W. E. Gooch, Saturday evening, Dec. 24th, the prominent feature of course, being a Christmas Tree, which was generously loaded with costly and elegant, as well as worthless, yet comical, presents for the assembled guests. Wyard E. Gooch received a handsome gold watch, as also did Tom Mantor. Miss Alma Dixon packed an elegant celluloid toilet set home, while Sara Reed rejoiced in a beautiful Atlas, and John Gooch in an unabridged Webster’s dictionary, all of which were the Christmas gifts of A. A. Newman, by his agent, Santa Claus, Esq. Through the same medium Mrs. R. C. Haywood received a very elegant pair of diamond set earrings, and Mrs. A. A. Newman a beautifully set diamond ring and brooch. Mr. A. A. Newman was jubilant in the acquisi­tion of a neatly packed parcel, which, upon examination, revealed the well picked back bone of a turkey, an evident recognition of his love for the bird. His exuberant joy, however, was somewhat modified upon Santa Claus handing him an elegant walnut paper and magazine stand. Many other choice presents were donated by Santa Claus, who being present, had the pleasure of presiding at one of the most eminently social gatherings of the Holiday season.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 4, 1882.
The social event of the Holiday week was the masquerade party held at the residence of Mr. James L. Huey on Friday evening, December 30th. A large number of invitations had been sent out, which were almost universally responded to, thus making the party a glorious success. The residence of Mr. Huey is one of the largest, and most commodious, in town; and as the merry throng of maskers promenaded the handsomely appointed salons of the mansion their costumes showed, to perfection, in the bril­liant light of the glittering chandeliers. The guests were received by Mrs. James L. Huey, the hostess, assisted by her sister, Mrs. Fred Farrar, and it is needless to say, that under their hospitable care, every attention was shown “the motley crew” that claimed their cares. Refreshments in the shape of many tempting kinds of cake, sandwiches, teas, and coffee were liberally provided. Music lent its aid to the other enjoyments which coupled with the many unique costumes, and the cheering hum of voices lent a charm never to be forgotten by those who were fortunate enough to take part in the festivities.
Present: Angie Mantor, Fat Woman; Mrs. T. Mantor, Mask; T. Mantor, Mask.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 25, 1882.
Mr. A. A. Newman was the recipient of a very handsome birthday present last Thursday, consisting of an elegant silver mounted dressing case, replete with every article that the most fastidious exquisite could desire in making his toilet. The gift was presented to Mr. Newman by Messrs. W. E. Gooch, T. L. Mantor, John Gooch, and Sam Reed, as a token of respect and esteem.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 12, 1882.

S. J. Mantor has charge of Bradley & Co.’s grocery—failed.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1882.
Read L. Small’s “ad.” He keeps nothing but the best goods and a prices to suit all.
AD: 333
And Still the Truth I’ll Tell.
That at L. Small’s grocery you can get 3 lb. cans of apples for 15 cents; Lincoln Tomatoes 20 cents; pears 20 cents; Red egg plums 30 cents; peaches 25 cents; cherries 20 cents; Sugar corn 15 @ 20 cents; Salmon 20 cents a can; Blackberries 20 cents; Lima beans 20 cents; string beans 15 cents; Corn beef 40 cents a can; dried peaches 12-1/2 cents per pound; dried apples 12-1/2 @ 15 cents per pound; currants 10 cents per pound; Teas 40, 60, 80, and 90 cents per pound; Coffee 5 and 6 pounds for $1; Sugars 7-1/2, 8, and 9 pounds for $1. Don’t forget the place, at Mantor’s old stand, and there you will be kindly waited upon by the ever obliging clerk, J. B. Curry. 333
Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1882.
John Kroenert, of the Diamond Front, has secured the servic­es of S. J. Mantor as clerk.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 28, 1882.
Wednesday evening, June 21st, at the residence of Dr. J. T. Shepard, by the Rev. S. B. Fleming, Mr. M. B. Vawter and Miss Alma Dixon.
The wedding was decidedly a grand success. The pleasant and orderly manner in which everything was conducted was the subject of general remark. The spacious parlors of Dr. Shepard were filled to overflowing with the admiring friends of the young couple. Great credit is due Messrs. Maxwell and Kroenert for the gentlemanly and gallant manner with which they waited upon the invited guests. Acknowledgments are due Mrs. Bonsall, Mrs. Searing, Mrs. Chapel, Mrs. Ingersoll, Mrs. Bishop, Mrs. Alexan­der, and Mrs. Wilson for flowers. The decorations were beauti­fully and tastefully arranged. On the south wall of the parlor was a large festoon of evergreen, with the letters V. and D. skillfully worked in the center. From the ceiling hung a large marriage bell made of evergreen, sprinkled with white flowers, with a large white calla lily suspended from the center. Shortly before 10 o’clock a grand wedding march pealed forth from the organ so ably presided over by Miss Bell Cassell. At a given signal the attendants, Miss Clara Finley and J. O. Campbell, Miss Maggie Gardiner and Mr. J. C. Topliff, followed by the Bride and Groom, marched to the music down the broad stairway and into the parlor. When the last notes died away from the organ, Rev. Fleming performed the ceremony in solemn, touching simplicity, and pronounced them man and wife. After the usual hearty saluta­tions and good wishes, a sumptuous feast was served in fine style; Mrs. Dr. Shepard presiding with her usual grace and affability. Quite an enjoyable time was had in cutting and serving the very handsome bride’s cake, to see who would be fortunate enough to secure the ring it contained. Mr. E. O. Stevenson proved to be the lucky fellow. After an hour or so spent in social enjoyment, everyone departed, wishing the happy pair as happy and cheerful a life as their wedding seemed to promise.
The presents were numerous and handsome.
Marble Top Center Table. The Father and Brother of the bride.
Silver Coffee Pot. Dr. and Mrs. Shepard.

Silver Tea Service. H. H. Davidson and wife.
Handsome Center Table. Mr. W. J. Stewart and wife.
A beautiful Horseshoe made of Colorado Minerals. Ben Dixon.
Elegant Silver Water Service. A. A. Newman and wife, W. E. Gooch and wife, T. Mantor and wife, Jerry Adams, and Sam Reed.
A Lovely Basket with artistic design of sea weed and sea shell in the center. Mrs. L. McLaughlin.
A Lady’s elegant Dressing Case. J. C. Topliff.
Lace Scarf. Miss Etta Maxwell, Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Silver Butter Knife. Willie and Jamie Fleming.
Silver Call Bell. Freddie McLaughlin.
A very handsome Sofa upholstered in raw silk, with Patent Rockers to match, together with a large Rattan Easy Chair. By the many young friends of the Bride and Groom.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 12, 1882.
Mr. U. Spray resigned his position as Trustee of Creswell Township and the Board of County Commissioners appointed S. J. Mantor to fill the vacancy.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 19, 1882.
Miss Angie Mantor came home Saturday from a stay of several days at Ponca Agency, Indian Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 16, 1882. Editorial Page.
Representative Convention.
Pursuant to call therefore the delegates to the 67th Repre­sentative District Convention met in McLaughlin’s Hall in Arkan­sas City, Kans. Convention was called to order by J. B. Nipp. On motion, J. R. Sumpter, of Beaver, and R. J. Maxwell, of Creswell, were elected respectively Chairman and Secretary.
The committee on credentials reported that the following named delegates were entitled to seats in convention, viz.:
Creswell Township: G. H. McIntire, R. J. Maxwell, O. S. Rarick, J. A. Smalley, S. J. Mantor, J. B. Nipp, and Jas. Ridenour.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 13, 1882.
Miss Angie Mantor left last week for the Territory to take the position of seamstress at Otoe Agency.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 4, 1883.
Mr. Tom Mantor has greatly improved the appearance and convenience of his residence by erecting a kitchen to the back end of it.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 25, 1883.
Miss Mary Meigs, who has been visiting Miss Angie Mantor the past week, started yesterday for her home in Anthony, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 1, 1883.
Mr. Tom Mantor has been down sick for several days, but we were glad to see him on the streets again yesterday.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 5, 1883.

Miss Campbell and Mrs. Arnold, of Topeka, spent several days of the past week visiting with Mrs. T. L. Mantor. Miss Campbell is connected with the State Historical Society at the capital.
Arkansas City Republican, October 25, 1884.
Mrs. J. C. Lambdin, of Caldwell, is visiting at the residence of T. L. Mantor this week. Mrs. Lambdin is the wife of Judge Lambdin. She purchased several bills of goods during her stay in our city.
Arkansas City Republican, November 22, 1884.
DIED. Samuel J. Mantor, who has been sick for such a long time, died yesterday morning. Mr. Mantor is the father of T. L. Mantor and Mrs. R. A. Houghton. At the time of his death, Mr. Mantor was 66 years old. He was a member of the Masonic order and by them will be buried in the Arkansas City cemetery today. Funeral services will occur at the residence of Mr. R. A. Houghton, at 2 p.m., conducted by Rev. S. B. Fleming.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 26, 1884.
Our Baptist friends will occupy their new church next Sabbath day. On account of Mr. Mantor’s funeral, they had no meeting last Sabbath.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 26, 1884.
OBITUARY. Died, at his residence, in this city, on Friday, November 21, 1884, after a long and severe illness, Samuel J. Mantor, in the 66th year of his age. The funeral services were held at the home on Sunday morning by Rev. S. B. Fleming and the remains were escorted to the Riverview Cemetery by the members of the Crescent Lodge, A. F. & A. M., of which fraternity the deceased was a member.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.
The men of this community are taking steps to form an organization, looking not to the perpetuity of their elegant shapes so much as to having a good time. We opine that this club will produce and enjoy more fun and laughter at their meetings than would be possible for any other band. It seems to be a fact that “laugh and grow fat” has been the motto of their lives; the latter we have ocular proof of, and of the former auricular (copy wrighted). A more jolly fun loving and laughter enjoying crowd could not be scared up in any community. The following persons are eligible to membership, each being over 200 pounds in weight.
C. Atwood; J. L. Howard; Mr. Richardson; H. H. Perry; A. A. Davis; A. W. Patterson; R. Hubbard; A. J. Pyburn; E. B. Multer; D. P. Marshal; T. V. McConn, J. W. Hutchison; L. E. Woodin; Chas. Bryant; Mr. Robinson; M. S. Hasie; S. B. Fleming; T. L. Mantor; H. B. Calef.
Arkansas City Republican, April 4, 1885.
Judge Pyburn for Mayor.
The following is explanatory within itself.
HON. A. J. PYBURN, We, the undersigned, citizens of Arkansas City, Kansas, herein respectfully request and urge the use of your name as a candidate for the office of mayor and pledge you our best support.

T. H. McLaughlin, C. A. Howard, John Landes, J. P. Musselman, S. Matlack, J. W. Sparks, A. D. Prescott, Thos. Van Fleet, T. R. Houghton, T. Kimmel, Jas. Ridenour, S. P. Gould, W. S. Thompson, M. S. Hasie, Geo. E. Hasie, H. C. Nicholson, F. K. Grosscup, J. R. L. Adams, T. L. Mantor, S. B. Reed, E. M. Multer, G. W. Cunningham, P. Pearson, J. M. Collins, Archie Dunn, S. B. Adams, Frank J. Hess, Ira Barnett, Wm. M. Jenkins, Uriah Spray, Wm. R. Smith, J. L. Henry, W. E. Gooch, N. S. Snyder, A. P. Hutchinson, R. P. Hutchison, Frank D. Austin, G. W. Miller, C. C. Sollitt, F. W. Farrar, O. G. Shelden, J. L. Howard, H. H. Perry, J. D. Hill, F. B. Hutchinson, E. L. McDowell, A. W. Alexander, P. Wyckoff, L. McLaughlin, E. E. Eddy, Geo. H. Heitkam, S. F. George, O. P. Houghton, O. Ingersoll.
Our space being limited, we are unable to publish a full list of the petitioners, but there were about 360 more names appended to the different petitions circulated in all.
Arkansas City Republican, October 24, 1885.
Last Sunday was the 17th anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Mantor. Seventeen years ago they were united in marriage, the ceremony being performed on Sunday. Last Sunday was the first Sunday on which an anniversary of their marriage occurred during the 17 years of their wedded bliss.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 5, 1885.
In accordance with a notice to that effect, a meeting was held in Masonic Hall Wednesday evening for the purpose of instituting a Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star, Past Grand Master, Wm. Cowgill, presiding. Mrs. Linnie A. Thompson was chosen Worthy Matron; Jas. Ridenour, Worthy Patron; Mrs. Matilda Bird, Worthy Associate Matron; Mrs. Mary Hess, Secretary; and Mrs. Hattie Gooch, Treasurer. After several votes on a name, it was decided to call it “Myrtle Chapter.”
The Worthy Matron then appointed the following officers.
Conductor, Cornelius Chapel.
Associate Conductor, Etta Kingsbury.
Warden, Minnie Huey.
Laura Chinn, Adah.
Olive Mantor, Ruth.
Eva Woodin, Esther.
May Newman, Martha.
Elected, Maggie Pickering.
Sentinel, H. Endicott.
On motion it was decided to hold the regular meetings of this chapter on the second Wednesday of each month. There were 62 charter members. After remarks by Bros. Cowgill and Bonsall, the chapter was closed to meet on Wednesday.
Arkansas City Republican, December 5, 1885.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Mantor went up to El Dorado and spent last week in visiting relatives.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 12, 1885.

Last Tuesday rain fell and during the day the weather changed, getting very cold; consequently, the ground became quite slippery. Walking was a difficulty. Several parties received falls, but Mrs. Elizabeth Mantor was the only person who was in any wise injured. Mrs. Mantor went out in the yard on an errand, and when she was but a short distance from the door, her feet slipped from under her. She fell and struck the back of her head on the frozen ground. She was knocked senseless and remained unconscious about 30 minutes. No men folks were at home in the neighborhood and, as soon as the women folks discovered the unfortunate lady, they carried her in the house and summoned Dr. Chapel. At last report Mrs. Mantor was recovering, and in a few days will be around alright.
Arkansas City Republican, December 26, 1885.
MARRIED. Last Thursday evening at the residence of R. A. Houghton, Miss Angie R. Mantor was united in marriage to Lorenzo Goff. Rev. S. B. Fleming performed the ceremony. The wedding was a quiet one, none but relatives being in attendance. Miss Mantor is one of Arkansas City’s most estimable, and christian ladies. Mr. Goff is a well-to-do farmer residing four miles northeast of town. As soon as married, the couple departed for the home of Mr. Goff and the future home of Mrs. Goff. The REPUBLICAN congratulates this most worthy couple and hopes their married life will be nothing but pleasure and joy.
Arkansas City Republican, January 16, 1886.
Mrs. Elizabeth Mantor has moved to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Angie Goff, three and a half miles in the country.
Arkansas City Republican, April 3, 1886.
Mrs. Marian Shelden, of El Dorado, is visiting in the city, a guest at the home of T. L. Mantor. Mrs. Shelden, after visiting in the city, will go to Ness City, where her husband has lately located.
Arkansas City Republican, May 15, 1886.
The Land Slides of the Week.
T. L. Mantor sold four vacant lots Tuesday to Judge W. D. Kreamer for $1,000.
Arkansas City Republican, May 22, 1886.
Real Estate Transfers of Monday and Tuesday.
W. S. Rhoades to T. L. Mantor, 2 lots, $300.
J. Hill to T. L. Mantor, 2 lots, $800.
Arkansas City Republican, June 5, 1886.
Republican Primaries.
The Republican primaries of the city were held Thursday evening.
In the 1st ward the meeting was held in the office of G. B. Shaw & Co. Jacob Hight was chosen as chairman and R. C. Howard as secretary. By motion the rules were suspended and the nomination of delegates proceeded by acclamation, as follows: A. E. Kirkpatrick, Jas. Ridenour, W. D. Kreamer, Judge Bryant. Alternates: A. D. Hawk, John Lewis, Thos. Mantor, R. C. Howard. On motion the meeting adjourned.
Arkansas City Republican, June 19, 1886.

A sad story is that told of Pierson Brazier, wife and family, now living in the First ward. They are staying in the small shanty on the lots W. D. Kreamer purchased from T. L. Mantor. Three months ago, Mr. Brazier and wife came to this vicinity from out west. They were then in straightened circumstances, and the husband being a stranger, was unable to procure work. The wife was sickly, and per the generosity of Dr. C. S. Acker, received medical attention. Finally the Doctor went to Chicago, and the woman went rapidly down then because of a lack of medicine. Last week she gave birth to a babe unattended by anyone, her husband being away, we are informed, seeking work. Nothing at all was done for her until starvation caused her to send one of her little children out to intercept a passer-by and ask for something to eat. As good fortune would have it, the first person happening to pass was A. C. Gould. Listening to the little girl’s story, Mr. Gould hurried home and informed his wife of the state of affairs. She, in company with Mrs. Pitts Ellis and another lady, went to the rescue of the unfortunate and poverty stricken family. They found the woman in a serious condition, and did what was in their power to alleviate her sufferings and fed the hungry children. Wednesday Brazier returned and procured work. Mrs. Brazier is improving some and may live. Her babe has been taken by one of the ladies, mentioned above, and will be attended to until she recovers. It does seem strange that in a city where there is as much work doing as in Arkansas City, it is useless for a man to allow his family to get in such a condition. Yet it does happen, and it is most fortunate that the little girl’s appeal happened to be made to a generous hearted citizen, as well as a Christian gentleman, for it might have been said that a woman died from starvation and lack of attention in bringing another soul into this world, while but a few rods distant their neighbors had plenty. The angels of Heaven have entered one more good deed upon their records for the Christian ladies who lent a helping hand and are still doing what they can for the sufferer.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 25, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Alvah Shelden, the astute and portly editor of the Walnut Valley Times, came in from El Dorado last evening to visit his sister, Mrs. T. L. Mantor.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 29, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
Mrs. John Shelden is visiting in the city from El Dorado. She is the guest of Mrs. Thos. Mantor.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 12, 1887.

The First Ward had a genuine sensation yesterday afternoon between four and five o’clock. John Angle, a youth yet in his teens, appeared at the residence of T. L. Mantor and asked and received something to eat. Going out of the side gate, he crossed the alley and entered a small house, on A. A. Newman’s lots, which is used by employees of Mr. Newman. He entered the house, it is alleged, and went through the trunk of Tommie Tyler, taking a watch chain, valued at $8, a pair of pants, and some other clothing. When Tyler returned to his room, he discovered that his clothes were gone. He began immediate search for the individual who had been at Mr. Mantor’s residence. Some children in playing in the barn of R. A. Houghton heard a noise in the hay mow and as Tyler happened along at this time, they asked him to learn what caused it. He climbed the ladder and discovered Angle covered up in the hay. Drawing his revolver Tyler ordered him to get down, which he did. It was then discovered that the prisoner had on the missing pants. Tyler covered him again with his revolver and marched him uptown and turned him over to Marshal Gray. He was put in the calaboose overnight. This morning in Judge Kreamer’s court he was bound over in the sum of $300 to appear for trial at the district court. At our press time he had not secured the necessary bondsmen. Angle claimed he bought the pants of a railroader for 75 cents. The watch chain and other clothing was not found. He says he is innocent.