Mark Family
John M. Mark.
[1870.] PAGE 371.
JOHN M. MARK, the oldest settler living in Liberty Township, Cowley County, Kansas, left Illinois December 12, 1869, to make his home in Bourbon County, Kansas. He remained in that county for a few days, and then started, January 7, 1870, for Lyon County, Kansas, where he visited two cousins, and was joined at El Dorado by his father and his father’s brother, James Mark, all of whom then set out for Dickinson County. In the party were also Fin Graham, Joe Van Horn, and Henry Smith. They traveled in two wagons, one of which belonged to John M. Mark. As Mr. Graham was destined for Cowley County, they journeyed the same way, and camped on Timber Creek, north of the present location of Burden, January 20, 1870. The next day, they drove south to Silver Creek, and camped on section 36, township 32, range 6 east. Breaking camp early the next morning, they drove south, and Mr. Graham took up land, which was later included in the farm of Gilbert T. Thompson, in section 27, township 33, range 5 east. Mr. Mark’s uncle, James, took the southwest quarter of section 23, township 33, range 5 east, later owned by D. B. McCollum, and Samuel Mark, father of John Mark, took the northwest quarter of the same section. All but a fractional 26-acre piece of this land later belonged to D. R. Grose. Henry Smith took the northeast quarter of section 14, of the same township, and John M. Mark selected for his home the southeast quarter of section 4, township 33, range 5 east.
Eight hundred Osage Indians, who were in the neighborhood, watched him as he staked out his claim; and their chief, Nepperalla, ate many meals at his house in after days. Mr. Mark broke two acres, planted sod corn, and by June 1 had erected a shanty sufficing for temporary shelter. As the Indians would not permit the cutting of much timber until the signing of the formal treaty, the building of a log house was a difficult undertaking. It was finally accomplished, and made a much needed home for its honest and hard-working occupants. The Indian chief, mentioned above, before his final removal from the country, presented Mr. Mark with a buffalo lariat, 60 feet long, as a mark of his appreciation. He always rode a white pony and wore a white scarf. After the settlers came into undisturbed possession of the country, they cut down much of the larger timber for lumber, but Mr. Mark still had about 50 acres of bluff, and 60 acres of timber. The remainder constituted a very fertile farm. His family had their home in his hewed-log house until 1875, when it was sold to Mr. Bishop, and the logs were still on the farm, owned by Mr. Winters.
The first frame house was erected in 1878, when Mr. Mark was married. Before his marriage, he had lived with his father. This house was carried away by a tornado in 1892, and it was at once replaced by a new and more commodious dwelling.
As a farmer Mr. Mark devoted his attention to corn until 1876, when he directed his efforts more toward raising wheat. In 1899 he finally returned to corn planting. Besides his own land he cultivated a half section of leased land, on which he raised oats, millet, and cane, and also handled hogs and cattle.
Previous to 1874 Liberty Township formed a part of Dexter and Tisdale Townships. Mr. Marks circulated the petitions, and was instrumental in effecting a division of the territory, and the organization of Liberty Township, with J. A. Hill as its first trustee; James F. Conrad, treasurer; and D. Terry, clerk.
John M. Mark was born in Washington County, Indiana, July 17, 1842, a son of Samuel and Sarah E. (Crow) Mark. His father was born in Powell’s Valley, Lee County, Virginia, January 12, 1810, and died in Cowley County, Kansas, January 24, 1885. In 1820 Mark accompanied his father to Indiana, and then to Illinois, in 1854, whence they started for Kansas, in 1869. Sarah E. Crow Mark, his mother, was born in Washington County, Indiana, in 1819, a daughter of Lewis and Elisabeth Crow, both natives of Virginia. She died March 13, 1886, in Cowley County. Samuel Crow served in the war of 1812. Samuel Mark and his wife were the parents of 10 children.
1. John M. Mark.
2. Eliza E., the first wife of David R. Grose.
3. Anna A., the second wife of David R. Grose.
4. Samuel L. Mark, who died in the army.
5. Mary L. (Mrs. Page), who died shortly before 1901.
6. David E. Mark, who resided four miles west of John M. Mark.
7. Robert Mark, who was accidentally killed.
8. Hugh Mark.
9 and 10. Died in infancy.
John M. Mark was reared in Warren County, Indiana, where he attended the public schools. August 16, 1861, when weighing but 100 pounds, he enlisted in Company I (“the blind half hundred”), 50th Reg., Ill. Vol. If. The regiment was put under the command of Gen. Prentice, and its first battle was at the taking of Fort Donelson. From that important event the regiment fought its way to Shiloh, where it was attached to Baldwin’s brigade, McClernand’s division. Later it became a part of the 16th Army Corps, under the command of Gen. Davis, and still later it was part of the Second Division of the left wing of the 16th Army Corps, under Gen. Dodge. After Vicksburg it was a part of the 15th Army Corps, Fourth Division, under Gen. Corse. This army corps was under the command of Gen. Logan, who is remembered as the greatest volunteer officer of the Civil War. Mr. Mark was mustered out under Gen. Corse. He took part in the battles of Fort Donelson, Fort McHenry, Pittsburg Landing, and in the siege of Corinth, and was engaged in the last fight at Corinth against Gen. Price. The bloodiest battle in which he participated was at Allatoona Pass, where the 7th and 50th Illinois Regiments, with the 39th Iowa Regiment—1,800 men in all—lost one-third of their number.
At the close of the war, Mr. Mark went back to his Illinois home, where he lived until his removal to Kansas. He ran a threshing machine, worked hard, and was known throughout the township as an honorable and industrious man. On December 8, 1878, Mr. Mark married Decta Seacat, who was born in Harrison County, Indiana, and was one of ten children resulting from the union of Peter and Catherine Seacat, the others being:
Charles, Hardin, and Penelope (Devore), who died in Cowley County.
Thornton Seacat, deceased.
Porter Seacat, who lived in Clark County, Kansas.
Fountain Seacat, who resided in Canadian County, Oklahoma.
Blanche (Mosler), who lived in Cowley County.
Florence (Vandevar), whose home was near Medford, in the Cherokee strip.
Mr. Seacat settled in Cowley County in 1872, and bought land in Pleasant Valley Township. Both Mr. and Mrs. Seacat were dead before 1901.
To Mr. and Mrs. John M. Mark were born the following children, all but two of whom were living in 1901.
Cora (Beach), who married, lived in Cowley County, and had one child--Edward R. Beach.
Edward R. Mark.
Florence Mark, who was living at home.
Prentice Mark, who was at school.
Logan Mark, deceased.
Blanche and John Mark, who attended school.
Otis Mark, deceased.
Mary Mark, who was living at home.
Mr. Mark always worked with the Republican party, and was a justice of the peace, and in former days was successively treasurer of Tisdale and Liberty Townships. He took part in the working of Siverd Post, No. 85, Grand Army of the Republic, and felt a pride in his military record. It is a story of honorable and faithful service, and bespeaks the hero and the patriot.
Tisdale Township 1873:
D. E. Mark, 21. No spouse listed.
J. M. Mark, 30; spouse, E. E., 25.
Samuel Mark, 64; spouse, Sarah, 55. Also listed: Anna Mark, 23.
Tisdale Township 1874:
S. Mark, 64; spouse, Sarah, 49.
J. Mark, 30; spouse, Ann Amelia Mark, 28.
Liberty Township 1875-1876:
D. E. Mark.
J. M. Mark.
Sam Mark.
Liberty Township 1875-1877.
Samuel Mark, 65; spouse, S., 55.
J. Mark, 30; spouse, A., 25.
E. Mark, 20.
R. T. Mark, 18.
H. Mark, 13.
Liberty Township 1878.
Samuel Mark, 68; spouse, Sarah, 60. P. O. Address: Tisdale.
J. M. Mark, 30. P. O. Address: Tisdale.
Liberty Township 1881.
J. M. Mark, 38; spouse, Dector, 27.
Samuel Mark, 71; spouse, Sarah, 62.
D. E. Mark, age not given.
Liberty Township 1882:
D. E. Mark, 27. No spouse listed.
John M. Mark, 39; spouse, D., 28.
Samuel Mark, 72; spouse, Sarah, 64.
[Note: The early newspapers really goofed up on the name of “Mark.” Quite often newspaper articles referred to them as “Marks.” MAW]
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1874.
Marriage License The following is a list of the marriage licenses issued by the Probate Judge for the month of March. D. R. Gross to Eliza E. Mark.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.
Election Judge: J. M. Mark, $2.00.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 10, 1874. Front Page.
“Mr. Scott, at the Independent convention held at Tisdale, stated to Ed. Millard, secretary of the convention, in the hearing of John Mark and Justus Fisher, that C. R. Mitchell was an Independent man, and insisted on them giving him the nomination; stating that Pyburn would not accept, as he had too good a thing already. We all know now that he did accept, and gained his election by the unprinciples of C. M. Scott.”
Winfield Courier, April 19, 1877.
Road Viewer: J. M. Mark, $2.00.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.
List of the petit jurors for the May term of the District Court.
J. M. Mark, Liberty township.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878. Editorial Page.
The following is the regular jury for May term of the District Court: G. W. Martin, James Jackson, R. S. Thompson, John Harden, S. P. Channell, John M. Gates, J. M. Mark, Thessius McGinnis, B. B. Vandeventer, J. H. Mounts, Stephen Elkins, Abijah Howard.
The Daily Winfield Courier, Saturday Morning, May 11, 1878.
State vs. William H. Bilson; called and trial proceeded. Offense grand larceny. Jury empaneled as follows: J. M. Mark, B. B. Vandeventer, James Jackson, W. S. Gilman, M. A. Kelsey, J. W. Miller, John M. Gates, S. Elkins, J. H. Mounts, Abijah Howard, D. A. Byers, S. Martin. County Attorney appeared in behalf of the state and E. S. Torrance, H. Asp, and Amos Walton for the defendant. This case occupied the whole day and will come up again this morning.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
State vs. Frank G. Cody called for trial.
Jurymen empaneled were: J. M. Mark, J. B. Vandeventer, Lewis Stevens, W. L. Gilman, W. C. Davis, W. W. Thomas, S. Martin, James Byers, H. C. Catlin, C. Northrup, H. L. Barker, and W. E. Tansey. The prisoner is charged with mayhem in biting off the finger of a Mr. Roberts. James McDermott, attorney for the state. Hackney and McDonald for the defendant. The trial terminated in a verdict of acquittal by the jury.
State vs. Bilson. Trial continued. This was on the charge of burglary instead of grand larceny, as stated yesterday. The case was argued by counsel and submitted at about noon, when the jury retired and court adjourned for all purposes except to receive the verdict, to Monday morning at 8 o’clock. At about 11 o’clock on Saturday evening the jury returned a verdict of burglary in the second degree.
State vs. Wm. Steadman, grand larceny. County Attorney James McDermott appeared for the state and E. S. Torrance and Henry Asp for Defendant. The following are the names of the jurors sworn to try the case, after which the court adjourned till eight o’clock this morning, when it will proceed to trial. Jurors: J. M. Mark, B. B. Vandeventer, S. Elkins, J. Jackson, John M. Gates, T. McGinnis, J. H. Mounts, A. Howard, D. A. Byers, H. C. Catlin, H. C. McDorman, S. Martin, W. W. Thomas, J. W. Miller, A. C. Davis, and W. S. Gilman.
Tuesday, May 14. State vs. W. H. Bilson. Motion for a new trial heard and overruled. Notice of a motion in arrest of judgment.
State vs. William Steadman. Trial concluded. The jury brought in a verdict of guilty of grand larceny.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
County Commissioners: Allowed the following Jurors’ fees. J. M. Mark, $24.00.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
In the storm on the 12th inst., Mr. Hammond, on Silver Creek, lost 16 acres of wheat, some hogs, and all his hens; Levi Wiemer, 4 acres of wheat, corn badly damaged; James Greenshield, 10 acres of wheat; John Mark, 4 acres of wheat, corn badly damaged; J. Fisher, 20 acres of wheat, 18 acres of corn nearly ruined; Geo. Thompson, 10 acres of wheat; Isaac Stell, 18 acres of wheat; Mr. Collier, 10 acres of wheat; Sam’l. Alexander, 17 acres of wheat. Mr. Collier’s whole farm was submerged, and if it had not been for the timely assistance of neighbors, the family would no doubt all have perished.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
MARRIED. MARK - SEACAT. On the 8th inst., at the residence of the bride’s father, by the same, Mr. John M. Mark and Decta Seacat, all of Cowley County.
Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.
Quite a contest was had before the Board Tuesday over the petition for the John Mark road in Liberty township. The commissioners decided to locate the road providing the parties on either side of the disputed crossing should make the county a quit claim deed to that part of the road running along their lines.
Winfield Courier, January 20, 1881.
Casualty. On Tuesday evening Bob Mark, as he is known, living on Silver Creek, having been in town drinking, started for home racing his team and whooping. In the east part of town he drove over a stone pile, which threw him out on the ground with such force as to kill him. He was a bright, active young man and were it not for liquor would have been a valuable citizen.
Winfield Courier, January 27, 1881.
Since the catastrophe of last week which ended the life of young Mark, the feeling against the liquor traffic has been running high. At a mass meeting a resolution was passed to do away with liquor and the sale of liquor. Mr. Jarvis offered a resolution asking the Council to annul the licenses and pass an ordinance prohibiting the sale of liquor within the limits of the city. After remarks pro and con the resolution was passed.
Winfield Courier, January 27, 1881.
Another Temperance Lecture: On Tuesday of this week, Robert Mark, a young man most respectably connected, started from town with his team for his home in Liberty township; and having imbibed too freely of the “necessary evil” at the necessary (?) saloons in town, his spirited team got the advantage of him and threw him out of the wagon on east 10th avenue on some rock, from which fall he died the next morning without having recovered consciousness. His aged parents, brother, and sisters, came in to escort his remains to the quiet little graveyard near his home: a sad procession that ought to fill the hearts of anti-temperance people with joy. Every lover of humanity in this community sympathizes with the family of the deceased, and will pray for the passage of the Hackney bill on the amendment in the legislature.
Winfield Courier, February 3, 1881.
J. M. Mark of Liberty made us a pleasant call on Monday.
Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.
Committee on credentials reported the following named delegates and alternates for their respective townships.
LIBERTY: J. A. Cochran, J. M. Mark, W. S. Williamson.
Alternates: D. Mounts, W. S. Miller, S. G. Castor.
Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.
The report of the committee on credentials was read and adopted.
LIBERTY. Delegates: J. A. Cochran, J. M. Mark, C. M. Boyd. Alternates: None.
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.
Where the Teachers of Cowley Teach this Winter.
Their Names and the Salaries They Get.
Rose Valley, Liberty Township, Anna Mark, $40.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.
Liberty: J. A. Cochran, trustee; M. M. Manahan, clerk; J. M. Mark, treasurer; C. M. Boyd and Alex Hoel, constables.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.
Recap: Notice by Land Office at Wichita, R. L. Walker, Register, re notice by settler.
Proof to be made before Ed Pate, District Clerk at Winfield, Kansas, on April 4, 1885. Settler: William J. Davis, of Winfield P. O., Kansas. Witnesses: John Mark, David Mark, Mary Page, and Charles Norton, all of Winfield P. O., Kansas.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 23, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers for the past week, as taken from the official records, and furnished the COURIER by the real estate firm of Harris & Clark.
H. E. Mark to D. R. Grasse, nw qr 24, 33, 5. $400.00.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
Committee on credentials reported the following names of delegates entitled to seats in this convention.
Delegates: J. L. H. Darnell, I. N. Darnell, P. B. Griffith, J. M. Mark.
Alternates: H. C. Castor, J. Cochrane, G. W. Stover, J. C. Castor.