Dr. H. W. Marsh
Unknown if the first entry refers to the above “Dr. H. W. Marsh.”
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
Dr. H. W. Marsh, of Elmwood, Illinois, is in this county taking subscriptions for the most complete and valuable book for everybody we have ever seen. It should be in the hands of every man, woman, and child that can read. It is Hill’s Manual of Social and Business Forms and Guide to Correct Writing. Do not fail to see Dr. Marsh and subscribe.
Winfield Courier, October 9, 1879.
Last Saturday ended the most successful fair ever held in Cowley County. The display, especially of blooded stock, was large, and shows that our people are awake to the advantage of well-bred over common scrub stock. We hope this may result in rooting out the old scrubby breeds that are so numerous at present.
The department allotted to THOROUGHBRED CATTLE was well filled. The thoroughbred Devonshire bull, “Red Bird,” owned by Mr. James W. Hunt, attracted much attention, and was truly a fine animal. He carried several premiums, for best thoroughbred bull and sweepstakes. Mr. Ezra Meech’s herd of thoroughbred Jerseys were admired by all. They were the only ones of that breed on the ground, and were not entered.
Marsh & Lee’s herd of thoroughbreds received much notice and were decorated with both red and blue ribbons. These gentlemen are old stock men and are bound to raise good stock or none at all.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 30, 1880.
A Sabbath school basket meeting will be held at Dr. Marsh’s grove, three miles northwest of town, on Sunday, July 4, commencing at 9:30 o’clock a.m. A cordial invitation is extended to all.
Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.
Dr. McCormick, brother of Will McCormick, late of Indiana, has located at Salt City.
Dr. Marsh is seen making calls toward Salt City. He runs a branch office there.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 5, 1881.
The Cowley County Horticultural Society will hold a regular meeting in Arkansas City on the first Thursday in November, at 10½ o’clock. Two lectures will be delivered, one at 2 o’clock p.m., and one in the evening at 7 p.m.
Fellow citizens, this is your opportunity for a great rally. Farmers, don’t fail to come, your interests are deeply involved; let all who love the beautiful and useful come. The local committee on arrangements and entertainment will consist of Rev. L. F. Laverty, Rev. S. B. Fleming, Dr. Reed, Dr. Griffith, and Dr. Marsh. J. CAIRNS, Co. V. P. for the State.
Cowley County Courant, November 17, 1881.
Dr. Marsh has bought the Dr. Holland place at Tannehill, and will hereafter hold forth in that burg.
Cowley County Courant, December 22, 1881.
Mrs. Joel Mason, of Pleasant Valley Township, received a paralytic stroke last week, paralyzing one entire side of the body. Dr. Marsh is attending her, but her recovery is hardly looked for.
Winfield Courier, January 19, 1882.
Dr. Marsh, of Tannehill, called in Tuesday. The Doctor is as jolly and genial as ever, and is enjoying a lucrative practice. Beaver is fortunate in getting such an excellent physician and citizen.
Winfield Courier, February 9, 1882.
The Sabbath school at Beaver Center promises to be one of the most interesting in the county. Dr. Marsh is its Superintendent. He never fails to make his schools successful. He is surely the right man in the right place. GRANGER.
Winfield Courier, March 2, 1882.
The Sabbath school, superintended by Dr. Marsh, is still growing in interest, the prayer meetings and Bible readings every Sunday evening are also well attended, and great interest seems to be manifested. Dr. Marsh is one of the most energetic workers in Southern Kansas.
Cowley County Courant, March 16, 1882.
On Monday evening last Mr. H. Mayer returned from Winfield with a man giving his name as S. T. King, who is charged with stealing harness from Marsh, Winnie, and others. We understand that the harness were found in his possession, together with considerable valuable jewelry.
Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.
Dr. Marsh is still running the Sabbath schools at Beaver Center at half past 9 o’clock a.m., and at the Enterprise at 2 o’clock p.m. Both schools are growing in interest, especially at Beaver Center. We have few such Sabbath school workers as the Doctor.
Winfield Courier, May 4, 1882.
Successful and interesting Sabbath schools are in progress in districts 116 and 93. Mr. George Teter superintends the former and Dr. Marsh the latter. The simple fact that these gentlemen are at the helms is sufficient assurance of a pleasant and profitable time.
Cowley County Courant, July 6, 1882.
Dr. Marsh is still successful in the Sabbath school work. He is also having considerable practice as a physician in the country.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 16, 1882. Editorial Page.
Representative Convention.
Pursuant to call therefore the delegates to the 67th Representative District Convention met in McLaughlin’s Hall in Arkansas City, Kansas. Convention was called to order by J. B. Nipp. On motion, J. R. Sumpter, of Beaver, and R. J. Maxwell, of Creswell, were elected respectively Chairman and Secretary.
On motion the following committees were appointed, to-wit.
ON CREDENTIALS: L. Darnell, J. B. Nipp, N. W. Dressie, and H. W. Marsh.
ON RESOLUTIONS: H. C. Williams, G. H. McIntire, and S. H. Sparks.
The committee on credentials reported that the following named delegates were entitled to seats in convention, viz.:
Bolton Township: P. A. Lorry, A. C. Williams, and P. B. Andrews.
Beaver Township: J. M. Jarvis, J. R. Sumpter, and H. W. Marsh.
Cedar Township: N. W. Dressie, Joseph Reid.
Creswell Township: G. H. McIntire, R. J. Maxwell, O. S. Rarick, J. A. Smalley, S. J. Mantor, J. B. Nipp, and Jas. Ridenour.
Pleasant Valley Township: S. Johnson, W. A. Ela, S. Watts, S. H. Sparks.
Liberty Township: John Mark, J. A. Cochrane, and Joab Darnell.
Silverdale Township: L. J. Darnell, W. G. Herbert, and S. H. Splawn.
The committee reported further that as no delegates were present from Spring Creek township, Cyrus Wilson should be permitted to cast the vote of that township. The report was then adopted.
The committee on resolutions then reported resolution endorsing those passed by the State Convention at Topeka, also reported, and be it further resolved that we instruct our Representative to the Legislature of this State to use all honorable means to pass such laws as will more equally distribute the railroad taxes among the school districts of the State.
The Convention then, on motion, proceeded to nominate a candidate for Representative from this district. A motion prevailed that the manner of voting be: that the roll of delegates be called, and each respond orally naming his choice.
Mr. Samuel Caster, of Liberty, was then nominated by Mr. J. A. Cochrane, seconded by Mr. Herbert, of Silverdale. C. R. Mitchell, of Bolton, was placed on nomination by A. C. Williams, seconded by H. W. Marsh, of Beaver. The vote then proceeded and stood: Caster, 6; Mitchell, 21. The Chairman then declared Mr. Mitchell to be the nominee. On motion of J. A. Cochrane, of Liberty, the nomination was made unanimous.
Mr. Mitchell then addressed the meeting briefly, promising to speak in each of the townships in the district. Mr. Caster also made an interesting address, concisely stating his views on the political situation, and heartily endorsing the action of the Convention.
The following named delegates were selected as a Central Committee: Beaver, H. W. Marsh; Bolton, P. A. Lorry; Creswell, Jas. Ridenour; Cedar, N. W. Dressie; Pleasant Valley, M. S. Roseberry; Silverdale, J. P. Musselman; Liberty, J. A. Cochrane; Spring Creek, Cyrus Wilson.
On motion Convention adjourned. J. R. SUMPTER, Chairman
R. J. MAXWELL, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, August 24, 1882.
General Order No. 10. The following old soldiers are appointed on the regimental staff of Cowley County Veterans: H. W. Marsh, Surgeon; J. E. Snow, Quartermaster Sergeant; J. A. Hurst, Chief Bugler. By order. T. H. SOWARD, Col. Com’d. H. L. WELLS, Adj’t.
Winfield Courier, August 31, 1882.
Special Horticultural Meeting. August 26th, 1882.
Society called to order by President Martin. Minutes of last meeting passed. President Martin introduced Prof. E. A. Popenoe, of Riley County, to the members present, who stated that he was on a professional tour through the eastern and southern counties of the state, collecting entomological information for the State Agricultural College, and found the orchards laden with fruit; pears very fine in the southern counties—pear blight and other causes producing a failure on the Kaw river. He hoped to meet the members of the society at the State Fair, with a display worthy of our county’s orchards. . . .
President appointed Dr. H. W. Marsh, A. J. Burrell, and T. A. Blanchard committee to report on fruit on table.
Winfield Courier, August 31, 1882.
M. G. I. Brown, on Silver Creek, sent us last Saturday by Dr. Marsh four ears of corn ranging from 12 to 13½ inches long, and carrying 1300 grains to the ear. It was the large yellow and white dent corn.
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1882.
Horticultural Meeting. Special meeting of the Society held at the Courthouse in Winfield, on Saturday, Sept. 9th, 1882. Present: J. F. Martin, President; G. W. Robertson, Treasurer; the Secretary being absent, T. A. Blanchard was elected Secretary pro tem.
Mr. Blanchard, the committee appointed at last meeting to solicit subscriptions for the purpose of defraying expense in making collections of horticultural products for display at state and county fair, reported $17.00 collected and $3.00 subscribed and not yet paid, and upon motion of S. E. Burger, was directed to turn the same over to the Treasurer. The committee was then discharged.
Dr. Marsh made a partial report of the committee on fruit collection, and was requested to prepare a full report for publication, which he consented to do.
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1882.
GENTLEMEN: Your committee, appointed to collect fruits for display at the State Fair from the southwest part of the county, reports that he visited the orchard of Capt. Frank Lowry, of West Bolton. He has a large young orchard just coming into bearing, from which I selected the following apples: Milam, Missouri Pippin, and one unknown.
I visited several other orchards, but found nothing of note until I came to W. F. Dickenson, in East Bolton, who has the finest and best kept orchard I have seen in the county. Here I obtained specimens that I feel confident cannot be excelled in the State of the following named apples: Northern Spy, Milam, Rambo, Missouri Pippin, Vandever, Jonathan, Roman Stem, Unknown, Dominic, Kentucky Red, Wagner, and Clyde Beauty; also some fine specimens of Heath’s Cling and Late Crawford peaches.
From the orchard of J. H. Watts, of Beaver, I obtained fine specimens of Dominic, Janet, Ortey, Wine Sap, and McAfee’s Nonsuch apples.
From Isaac Beach, of Beaver, who has an excellent old orchard in full bearing, very fine samples of Maiden’s Blush, Rome Beauty, Pennsylvania Red Streak, Missouri Pippin, Yellow Bellflower, Buckingham, Kansas Keeper, Dominic, and one unknown, apples, and one Duchess pear.
Many orchards are sadly neglected, and the owners of such are sure that fruit raising in Kansas is a failure; but care and attention will bring as good returns in fruit growing in Cowley County, as has so often been demonstrated, as in any other place on this green earth.
Respectfully submitted. H. W. MARSH.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 27, 1882. Editorial.
67th Dist. Republican Central Committee.
The Republican Central Committee of the 67th Representative district are requested to meet at McLaughlin’s Hall in Arkansas City on Monday, Oct. 2nd, 1882, at 1 o’clock p.m. Important business will be before the Committee and all are expected to be present.
H. W. MARSH, Chairman. P. A. LORRY, Secretary.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1882.
Joint Discussion. H. D. Kellogg and C. R. Mitchell will hold a joint discussion on the political issues of the day, at McLaughlin’s Hall, in Arkansas City, Saturday, October 28th, 1882, at 7 o’clock p.m. Turn out and hear them. The ladies are especially invited.
H. W. MARSH, Chairman, Rep. Committee.
Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.
Treasurer made his annual report. Balance in treasury, $2.15. Receipt accepted. J. F. Martin re-elected President, A. R. Gillette Vice President, Jacob Nixon, Secretary. Dr. Marsh, Mr. S. E. Maxwell, and Mr. Mentch elected trustees, who were instructed to procure charter for Society. Mr. S. G. Phillips and Mr. Kirkpatrick from Creswell Township enrolled as members of Society. Adjourned to first Saturday in February.
Winfield Courier, May 10, 1883.
Fair Meeting. A mass meeting of farmers was held in the Opera House Saturday afternoon to consider the Fair question. A goodly number of farmers from every part of the county were present. W. J. Millspaugh, of Vernon, was elected chairman and S. P. Strong, of Rock, secretary. The report of the committee on soliciting subscriptions to the stock reported four thousand eight hundred dollars taken. The committee was then increased by the following additions, one in each township.
Maple: W. B. Norman; Ninnescah: W. B. Norman; Vernon: W. J. Millspaugh; Beaver: Dr. Marsh; Beaver: S. D. Jones; Creswell: Capt. Nipp; Bolton: J. D. Guthrie; Rock Creek: Geo. L. Gale; Fairview: Cleve Page; Walnut: T. A. Blanchard; Pleasant Valley: Henry Harbaugh; Richland: Sam Phoenix; Tisdale: J. S. Baker; Liberty: Justice Fisher; Silverdale: L. J. Darnell; Omnia: Wm. Gilliard; Silver Creek: Harvey Smith; Sheridan: Barney Shriver; Spring Creek: J. S. Andrews; Harvey: Sam Rash; Windsor: S. M. Fall; Dexter: John Wallace;
Cedar: Jas. Utt; Otter: T. H. Aley.
[W. B. Norman represented both Maple and Ninnescah townships.]
The Secretary was instructed to prepare and forward to each of the township committee blank subscription lists, with the request that they circulate them at once. This committee was instructed to report with the lists at a public meeting in the Hall at 2 o’clock, May 19, when all who have subscribed to the stock are requested to be present and form a permanent organization.
Short speeches were then made by Senator Hackney, Jas. F. Martin, S. P. Strong, S. S. Lynn, Henry Harbaugh, F. W. Schwantes, John C. Roberts, D. L. Kretsinger, and others. After the meeting many new names were added and the list now foots up over five thousand dollars.
Great interest was manifested by all the farmers present for the success of the enterprise. Over half the capital stock is already taken and it looks as if we were at last going to have an institution that will be a credit and an honor to the county. Winfield has responded nobly in this matter, and it now remains for the farmers to do their share, which they will undoubtedly accomplish.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
Dr. Marsh has painted his house white and enclosed his yard in a new wire fence.
Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.
Candidates for nomination to the various county offices are not like angels’ visits, but their smiling faces are very pleasant to behold, and one feels certain that the last one is the right man. Poor fellows! You cannot all succeed, and yet the people wish you well.
The Democrats held their primary in the schoolhouse here last Saturday. A small turn out, but enough probably to get delegates. A screech owl was found in the schoolhouse next morning, and the words, “The democrats are bound to take this country,” was found written on the blackboard. Do you think the presence of the owl accounted for the wisdom of the above statement?
Tannehill, like other rural points, is too often visited by “tramp” preachers who imagine their messages are of far more importance to the people than the regular Christian work, and get greatly incensed if everything is not put away for their accommodation. Some of these fellows are very aptly described by the “Bigelow Papers.”
“But they do preach, I swan to man, its put’kly indiscrib’le!
They go it like an Ericsson’s ten-hoss-power coleric ingine.”
Such an one came to us last Sabbath, and as there was to be a children’s meeting in the evening and he could not have the house, he denounced the community as a “lot of China-men, Mexicans, savages, and idiots engaged in idol worship.” I say “community” because nearly all the community were participants to the exercises, and he denounced such. The truth is that the officers and teachers of our Sabbath school are among the best of our citizens, and much farther removed from idolatry than the fanatics who denounce them.
But the funny part of the performance was that Dr. Marsh and J. W. Browning could not stand the fire, but left the house. The Dr. justifies his course and says he wanted to show his want of respect for the speaker. But the meeting in the evening was a splendid success. About thirty children took part and acquitted themselves creditably. The Bible reading in concert was well done and the music and singing was excellent. Mr. Sherman Albert of Victor, and Miss Clara Hammond of Tannehill presided at the organ, and G. W. Anderson, our chorister, conducted the song service. At the close a vote was taken on the choice of an organ for the Sunday School, and the Mason & Hamlin was selected. A lawn social was appointed at Bradbury’s grove for Thursday evening this week, and a general invitation extended. W.
Unknown whether or not this was a reference to Dr. Marsh or his son???...
Arkansas City Traveler, August 29, 1883.
Mr. Marsh has the thanks of the TRAVELER office for a luscious watermelon presented to the boys.
Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.
AUG. 18TH, 1883.
Society called to order by President; minutes of special meeting read and approved. Society requested Mr. N. G. Davis to publish his essay on “Onion Culture and Varieties.” President appointed as a Committee to collect and exhibit fruit at the County Fair (not to compete for premium as a society) by consent of Society, Jacob Nixon, S. H. Jennings, Dr. Marsh. S. E. Maxwell, A. J. Burrell, N. J. Larkin, R. L. Hogue, A. R. Gillett.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, September 5, 1883. Editorial Page.
Hard to read. Some items partially ripped!
Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.
Dr. Marsh as coroner will make a first class officer in that or any other place within the gift of the people of this county for that matter.
Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.
For County Treasurer: Capt. J. B. Nipp.
For Sheriff: Geo. H. McIntire.
For Register of Deeds: T. H. Soward.
For County Clerk: J. S. Hunt.
For Surveyor: N. A. Haight.
For Coroner: Dr. H. W. Marsh.
For Commissioner 3rd District: J. A. Irwin.
Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.
M. J. Stimson has just sold a splendid Mason & Hamlin organ to Mr. Smith, Udall; Messrs. Crawford & Herrion, Cambridge; Mr. John Boner, Pleasant Valley; and Beaver Center Sunday school, Dr. Marsh superintendent. If you wish a first class organ in every particular, give Mr. Stimson a call.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, September 12, 1883.
Our townsman, J. B. Nipp, who received the nomination for treasurer, is a genial, energetic, and withal a first-class businessman, and will make one of the best treasurers that ever served in that capacity. The captain is a pioneer in the county and has lots of friends wherever known.
George H. McIntire, the nominee for sheriff, has had several years’ experience as deputy sheriff, during which he has proved himself a quiet but determined and efficient officer, having placed a large number of criminals in durance vile as the result of his labors.
T. H. Soward, of Winfield, who is to be the next register of deeds, is a gentleman well known all over the county, and one for whom every true Republican can safely cast his ballot. His nomination was a just recognition of his services and adds materially to the strength of the ticket.
Capt. J. S. Hunt, the nominee for county clerk, which office he has filled for the past four years with credit for himself and profit to the county, has made so popular an officer that his reelection is assured.
N. A. Haight, the present surveyor, was renominated for that office, and he is too well and favorably known to need commendation at our hands. He is eminently qualified and will be reelected.
Dr. H. W. Marsh, of Beaver, the nominee for coroner, is a gentleman every way fitted for the office and will make an efficient officer.
We predict for this ticket the support of the Republicans of Cowley County, which will ensure its election by a telling majority.
Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.
Sumdimes de beoples get sick. Misthur Stoddard und his frow be sick ven I rites dis. Alas Shon Rupps oldest child. Misthur Abrams, Misthur Davis, George Easterly, Misthur Stevens, und Misthur Bohnart, all have some sickness un der families, but Doctor Marsh he yust pies two leetle puggies und some hosses und rides around day und night und de beoples shust get vill so far he shust dells his frow dot he buise nineteen acres uv land und somedimes sdakes um off into down lots and makes de beeples move here some more, und den his poys can raise lots uv voter mellons und ven de beobles get sick und lay der hands ober der preast und asks de doctor vot ish de matter, den he vinks dot von eye and says I tole you so, und de beeples gets vell, und de docthur ish happy.
Winfield Courier, October 18, 1883.
Two weeks from next Tuesday is Election day and every man should be prepared to turn out to the polls and vote. It is noted that when there is deep interest felt in the election and everybody turns out, we always elect good officers, but when there is little interest in the matter we are liable to have the other kind of officers foisted upon us. It is also noted that Democrats almost always turn out and vote and that when there is a short vote on account of little interest in the matter, it is Republican voters who stay at home. Men who consider themselves good and patriotic citizens, men who are otherwise moral, intelligent, and valuable citizens, often neglect this important duty, while every vicious, drinking, ignorant, dishonest, or law breaking man in the community is sure to be at the polls and vote and influence votes. Such in large cities are usually the ruling class and in all communities often control the results of the elections. It is the plain duty of every man who has an interest in good government, good laws, and good morals to always be at the polls with his vote and influence and no man who habitually neglects his duty is entitled to the credit of being a good or patriotic citizen.
Republicans above all others should never neglect this duty. We urge each and everyone of them to make such arrangements beforehand that nothing will prevent them from discharging this duty. Go to the polls early and vote and work for the straight Republican ticket. There is no good reason why any Republican should fail to vote for every candidate on their ticket. There are two other tickets in the field; one of which is the straight Democratic ticket, and the other is self styled “Anti-Monopoly,” but is intended only as a decoy for the Democrats, to lure Republicans from voting their own tickets while Democrats, whatever they pretend, will vote the straight Democratic ticket. No candidate on either ticket is the peer of his Republican opponent.
T. H. Soward, the nominee for Register, is the “plumed knight” of the ticket, being one of the finest orators of the state, a gallant soldier, a true gentleman, a man with a great warm heart and generous impulses, a citizen without a fault. He has freely given his time and talents in the service of his country and later in the service of this county and community, and is always kindly, obliging, and courteous to all. He is poor and crippled and the office will set him on his feet. No man is better qualified for its duties and his nomination was only a just recognition of his services. It would seem that he should poll much more than the full strength of his party.
Capt. Nipp, the candidate for Treasurer, is a large hearted, generous, energetic businessman, farmer, and stock grower. He is capable and well fitted for the office in every way. His nomination is a compliment to the farmers of this county and he should have the solid support of the bone and sinew of our county.
Capt. Hunt, the candidate for clerk, is one of the most popular men in the county. His four years of service in that office have convinced the electors that he is just the man for the place and that the people will be much better served by him than by anyone else.
Geo. H. McIntire, the nominee for Sheriff, has proved his value, fitness, and efficiency, by years of successful service in this county and elsewhere. He is a quiet, unassuming gentleman, makes no bluster, but when it comes to catching a criminal or performing any other duty, he is there, and has no superior in this part of the “moral vineyard.”
Capt. Haight, has by years of service, proved his ability as a surveyor and as he is the only candidate of known qualification for that office, he will get there of course.
No better man could have been nominated for coroner than Dr. H. W. Marsh. He is a gentleman and a scholar and the right man for the place.
J. A. Irwin, the candidate for commissioner of the third district, is one of the best men in the county, of sound judgment, wide intelligence, and great popularity, and just the man whom the people of the county can trust implicitly.
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.
Recap: Official vote of Cowley County, Kansas, November 6, 1883.
For Sheriff: G. H. McIntire, R, 2309. Plurality: 594.
S. G. Gary, C, 1715.
J. F. Teter, G, 270.
For Register: T. H. Soward, R, 2199. Plurality: 426.
Geo. Eaton, D, 1773.
H. J. Sandfort, G, 258.
For Treasurer: J. B. Nipp, R, 2275. Plurality 516.
J. B. Lynn, D, 1759.
A. Walck, G, 193.
For Clerk: J. S. Hunt, R, 2524. Plurality 1020.
J. W. Hanlen, D, 1504.
C. C. Krow, G, 217.
For Surveyor: N. A. Haight, R, 2419. Plurality 603.
Ed Millard, D, 1810.
For Coroner: H. W. Marsh, R, 2365. Plurality 792.
W. I. Shotwell, D, 1573.
J. H. Land, G, 277.
For Commissioner: J. A. Irwin, R, 708. Plurality 282.
E. Haines, D, 426.
R. Stevens, G, 100.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1884.
Regular Meeting of Cowley County Horticultural Society, Jan. 5, 1884.
Society called to order by the President. Minutes of Dec. meeting read and approved. Treas. reported 77 members on roll, with 11 paying members, as per notice. Motion made by G. W. Robertson to make annual dues $1 per year in our constitution—carried by two-thirds vote of members present. Mr. Geo. Ordway of the city enrolled as a member. Interesting remarks by Pres. Martin and Elder Cairns on Horticultural work and reports. Circular No. 6 report to State Secretary referred by Society to R. I. Hogue and Nixon, Secretary. On motion the following officers were elected for 1884: J. F. Martin, President; Dr. Marsh, Vice President; Jacob Nixon, Secretary; G. W. Robertson, Treasurer. On motion R. I. Hogue elected Vice President of this society as member of the State Board for 1884. On motion Elder Jas. Cairns was elected an honorary member of this Society. Elder Cairns returned his thanks to the Society for the honor conferred and pledged his continued cooperation and assistance in horticultural work in our beautiful country. General discussion on the Red Cedar, and the suggestion to make arrangements to secure cooperation in securing Red Cedar seedlings. On motion Treasurer instructed to pay $6.25 as one-half of delegate’s expenses at Ottawa Dec. 6 and 7. On motion adjourned to meet first Saturday in February.
JACOB NIXON, Secretary. J. F. MARTIN, President.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1884.
Prohibition. Citizens interested in having prohibition prohibit, please give attention. The following comparative exhibit is copied from the medical prescription record of Messrs. Kellogg & Mowry, representing the sales from January 15 to January 25, 1884. Said record is kept open for public inspection as by law required. They are prescriptions for pure whiskey and brandy (mostly pints), given as follows: By Dr. Kellogg, 7; Dr. Reed, 1; Dr. Chapel, 5; Dr. Shepard, 1; Dr. Vawter, 5; Dr. Marsh, 1; Dr. Baker, 100; Mr. Thompson, 1.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1884.
Sum vone dat ish smarter dan me says it ish better to go to Bliss & Wood’s mioll dan to go for Doctor Marsh. I specks his reesin fur dot konkiesion ish dot de Doctur mite pe avay at Sunday school und de feller pe vell veh he gits dere. But dis ish only an old dutchman’s guess, und dot ish not vorth much.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1884.
The Republican convention of Cowley County met according to call at the Opera House in Winfield on Saturday, April 19, 1884, at 11 o’clock a.m.
Delegates from Beaver Township: J. B. Sumpter, H. W. Marsh, Jno. Green.
Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.
BEAVER. Delegates: George Easley, J. R. Sumpter, Dr. Marsh. Alternates: None.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 13, 1884.
District Convention. The Republican voters of the sixty-seventh representative district are hereby notified that a delegate convention will be held in Arkansas City on Saturday, August 30, in the office of I. H. Bonsall, at 2 p.m. It is requested that the respective townships elect their delegates on Saturday, August 16. Townships are entitled to the same representation as in the county convention. H. W. MARSH, Chairman.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 3, 1884.
The Representative Convention. The district convention met in Highland Hall last Saturday, August 30, at 2 p.m., and was called to order by Dr. H. W. Marsh, chairman of the district committee, who was also elected temporary chairman. L. J. Darnell and D. P. Marshall were elected secretaries.
On motion of J. D. Guthrie the following committee on credentials was appointed: J. D. Guthrie, J. N. Fleharty, and M. Croco.
On motion of J. R. Sumpter, a committee of one from each township was appointed on resolutions as follows: J. R. Sumpter, R. L. Balyeat, E. G. Gray, J. A. Cochran, A. H. Broadwell, H. N. Chancey, T. S. Parvin, and Robert Wamsley.
On motion of E. G. Gray, a committee on permanent organization and order of business was appointed as follows: Henry Harbaugh, F. M. Vaughn, and Joseph Reid.
The convention then adjourned for thirty minutes.
On reassembling the report of the committee on order of business and permanent organization was read, and adopted. The temporary organization was retained.
The committee on credentials reported the following delegates or proxies present and entitled to seats.
Beaver: H. W. Marsh, J. R. Sumpter, M. Croco.
Bolton: D. P. Marshall, J. D. Guthrie, P. B. Andrews, Al. Mowry, R. L. Balyeat.
Cedar: Louis Funk, J. Reid, R. Wamsley.
Creswell: A. E. Kirkpatrick, C. W. Burt, Bowen Lewis, S. C. Murphy, T. H. McLaughlin,
E. G. Gray, J. L. Huey, D. G. Lewis, F. M. Vaughn, J. W. Warren.
Liberty: J. A. Cochran, J. Fisher, J. Darnell.
Pleasant Valley: A. H. Broadwell, H. Harbaugh, M. Markcum.
[Note: This township is entitled to four votes.]
Silverdale: L. J. Darnell, H. V. Chancey, J. N. Fleharty.
Spring Creek: T. S. Parvin, H. Mead.
The committee on resolutions submitted the following, which were adopted.
We heartily endorse the three following resolutions, adopted by the county convention.
Resolved, That we hereby approve of both the national and the Kansas State Republican platforms and will give them our unqualified support.
Resolved, That the nomination of James G. Blaine and John A. Logan is the best and grandest ticket that could have been made, that we will give it our hearty support and expect to see it elected by the greatest majority since 1872.
Resolved, That the Republican state ticket, headed by John A. Martin, the noble soldier, statesman, and friend of Kansas and her people, meets and shall receive our unqualified support.
Resolved, That in Hon. John J. Ingalls we recognize the brightest intellect of Kansas, a senator of whom any state might well be proud; that we unanimously favor his reelection to the United States Senate, and that the nominee of this convention is hereby instructed to go into a Republican cause for the selection of such United States senator.
Resolved, That the Hon. C. R. Mitchell has for the past six years represented this district in the legislature with ability, fidelity, and success; has redeemed every pledge, and that he now retires from the office by his own choice, and with our hearty good will and approval.
WHEREAS, We feel that the railroad commissioners have failed to meet the entire wishes of the people, in regard to securing the required reduction of the railroad tariff; and
WHEREAS, We consider that the present tariff is oppressive to the people, and detrimental to the growth and development of Kansas; therefore be it
Resolved, That our representative to the legislature be instructed to do all in his power, as a legislator, to secure a reasonable freight tariff.
Nominations then being in order, J. R. Sumpter presented the name of L. P. King. On behalf of Bolton Township, R. L. Balyeat placed Dr. Z. Carlisle in nomination. Bowen Lewis, of Creswell, offered the name of J. R. Tucker, and J. A. Cochran nominated S. G. Castor, of Liberty.
The first ballot resulted as follows: King, 7; Carlisle, 8; Tucker, 10; Castor, 8.
The balloting proceeded with little change until Tucker withdrew on the seventy-second ballot.
The seventy-third ballot stood: King 13; Carlisle, 14; Castor, 6.
Castor withdrew on the eighty-eighth ballot, and the eighty-ninth resulted in the nomination of King by a vote of 19 to 14. Mr. King’s nomination was then made unanimous.
The following district committee was then elected.
Adjourned. H. W. MARSH, Chairman.
L. J. DARNELL, D. P. MARSHALL, Secretaries.
Arkansas City Republican, September 6, 1884.
Proceedings of the 67th Representative District Convention.
Pursuant to call the delegates of the 67th representative district convention met in Highland Hall, Saturday afternoon, at 2 p.m. The convention was called to order by Dr. H. W. Marsh, who was chosen temporary chairman; L. J. Darnell and D. P. Marshall were selected as secretaries.
Arkansas City Republican, September 6, 1884.
Our Representative. Last Saturday afternoon, as we announced, the nomination for representative occurred in Highland Hall. Each township in the 67th district had her entire representation there. Four candidates were placed before the convention, as follows: J. B. Tucker, of Creswell; Dr. Z. Carlisle, of Bolton; L. P. King, of Beaver; and S. T. Castor, of Silverdale Township. The delegates of each candidate came to the convention prepared to stand by their man to the last. A good-natured determination was displayed all through the convention. Although the workings was long and tedious, the utmost good feeling prevailed; 89 ballots were taken before a choice could be made, and resulting in the nomination of L. P. King, of Beaver Township. On the 68th ballot, Creswell’s choice arose and withdrew his name from before the convention in a neat speech. Mr. Tucker’s action created a number of warm friends for him, and undoubtedly they will remember him in the future. When he made his withdrawal, Mr. Tucker still had his entire representation. They stayed with him until he refused to accept, and even then he headed the list of the candidates with the largest number of votes. Mr. Tucker saw that a deadlock had been formed and unless something was done, the delegates might yet be sitting there balloting and Dr. Marsh informed them “no election had occurred.”
Bolton Township never wavered from Dr. Carlisle, nor Silverdale from S. T. Castor; until the nomination was made, when Mr. Castor withdrew.
All the candidates were good men. The writer having but a slight acquaintance with the four gentlemen, we could hardly say which would have been our choice.
Mr. King, the nominee, is a young man of considerable ability. He has been a resident of Kansas for over 30 years, and in Beaver Township about half of that period. By occupation, he is a farmer, although having employed a great deal of his time in teaching. A sterling Republican all of his life. From a mere boy up to the maturer years of manhood his name has been enlisted in the cause of Republicanism, and as such a disciple he is entitled to the suffrage of every Republican voter in the 67th district. On the temperance question, he is perfectly sound. Not fanatical, but with clear and concise judgment, he advocates the great cause of temperance. His ambitions are not selfish. He desires to serve the poor in this capacity and will do so honestly and faithfully if elected. His record in public life he has yet to make, but his title to an honest man is clearly depicted on his countenance. As such a man the REPUBLICAN accepts him as its candidate, and will gladly tender Mr. King our hearty support, which we would have given for Creswell’s fair son, if he had received the nomination, or to either of the other candidates.
Arkansas City Republican, October 11, 1884.
R. A. Clark has been quite ill, but through the efficacy of Dr. H. W. Marsh, he is convalescent.
Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.
Miss Bertha Teter is on the sick list. Dr. Marsh is attending her.
Winfield Courier, November 13, 1884.
DEADLY BULLETS! Saturday Night’s Excitement has a Sequel in the Murder of a Colored Man and the FATAL SHOOTING of a White! General Recklessness and Bad Whiskey the Cause. FLETCHER AND BURGE THE VICTIMS.
Notwithstanding the intense excitement caused by the Presidential uncertainty, Winfield was free from dangerous passions and fatal results until Saturday night, when the deadly revolver, in the reckless hand, took the life of Charlie Fletcher (colored) and gave Sandy Burge (white) a death wound. Excitement had been at a fever heat during the evening, but had vented itself up to eleven o’clock only in civil hilarity, playing of bands, and other harmless modes of jollification. But at that hour the celebrating portion of the crowd had mostly exhausted all enthusiasm and departed to their homes, leaving the ground in charge of the more boisterous. The Democrats had been celebrating during the evening the supposed elevation of Cleveland; and though loud denunciation of disciples of both parties had been indulged in, this sad ending is thought by all to have no political significance, but merely the result of whiskey and undue recklessness. However, we present the evidence at the Coroner’s inquest, from which all can draw their conclusions. The affair is very much deplored by members of both parties, as anything but an honor to our civilization and the good name of our city.
Fletcher died within an hour after the bullet had passed through his abdomen, and was buried Monday afternoon from the colored M. E. Church, of this city, a large concourse of white and colored citizens following the remains to South Cemetery.
Burge walked, after being shot, in company with the marshal, to Smith’s lunch-room, sat down, and soon fainted away. He was taken to the Ninth Avenue Hotel, where doctors were summoned and where he remained till Sunday morning, when he was removed to his home and family in the east part of the city. He was shot with a thirty-two bullet, which entered just below the fifth rib on the right side and passed through the right lung and came very nearly out at the back. As we go to press he still lies in a critical condition, though the physicians give him the possibility of recovering. But little change has been noted in his condition since Sunday.
Coroner H. W. Marsh was summoned, impaneled a jury Sunday afternoon, and held an inquest on the body of young Fletcher.
The jury was composed of Messrs. John McGuire, J. B. Lynn, George Emerson, T. H. Soward, W. J. Hodges, and James Bethel, who brought in a verdict that Fletcher came to his death by a pistol shot from the hand of Sandy Burge.
A synopsis of the evidence is given herewith, which fully explains the whole affair.
The first witness called up was Andrew Shaw, colored. He said: “I saw Charlie Fletcher on the corner of Ninth and Main on Saturday night, at what hour I don’t know. I saw no one shoot, nor did I see anyone with a pistol or other weapon in hand. I saw Fletcher fall. Before this I told him to have no row. When I heard the first shot, Charlie whirled around and fired. I saw the flash of a gun from the direction where Sandy Burge was standing. I also saw Mr. Lacy there with a star on.”
Dan’l D. Miller was next called. He said: “I saw a difficulty last evening at the corner of Ninth Avenue and Main Street about 11 o’clock. I was standing on the curb-stone near the hydrant when Henry Franklin, colored, came and spoke to me. He told me he understood the white boys were making up a mob to drive the darkies out of town and if they were, they would have a good time doing it. I told him I had heard nothing of the kind and thought everything would be all right if they behaved themselves. While we were talking, Lewis Bell was also talking. A. A. Thomas, standing near, said: ‘Democrat, Republican, or any G__d d___m man that jumps on me during this campaign will carry his guts off in his hand.’ Bell said: ‘I am a Democrat and if you jump on me, I’ll see that you jump off.’ Thomas replied, ‘the hell you say.’ Thomas then left and Bell was talking about the G__d d___m niggers or coons. Franklin, colored, went to Bell and Bell knocked him down. Just at that time Sandy Burge drew his revolver. I was about two feet from him. I advanced, grabbed him by the right shoulder, and whirled him around facing south and told him to put up his gun. He replied: ‘I won’t fight a G__d d___m nigger a fist fight.’ Some man then hollowed to turn his G__d d__m gun loose or put it up. He tore loose from me and whirled round facing northeast; his pistol in hand, and immediately there was a flash of a pistol about 10 or 12 feet east of where Burge stood. At this time Burge threw his hand up, made a slight noise, and as his hand came down, his pistol fired. I saw the colored man fall and he fired his pistol as he fell. The colored man was standing 10 or 12 feet nearly north of Burge—12 feet from where the first shot was fired. The next moment Burge fired his pistol again in the same direction. I don’t know who fired the first shot. I think the first shot struck Burge. I also think the shot fired by Burge struck Fletcher and I don’t think it was Fletcher’s shot that struck Burge. There were two shots fired from down the street east of us, after Burge and Fletcher shot. The first shot of the last two burned my face and made me dodge. The second one struck the lamp post. Don’t know who fired them. Then I shot around the corner.”
Henry Franklin, colored, was then called, who testified: “I saw Charlie Fletcher at McGuire’s corner about 11 o’clock. I was standing near the lamp-post, and after Bell struck me, Fletcher passed by me. Burge was standing east of me 5 or 6 feet, on the sidewalk. I can’t tell who fired the first shot. It came from about where Burge stood. I think Burge shot twice. My opinion is that Burge shot Fletcher and Fletcher shot Burge.”
James H. Finch then took the stand: “As I stood on McGuire’s corner last night about 11 o’clock, I saw a colored man come along. He stopped just off the curb-stone and some man spoke to him. The colored man said, ‘I don’t want any trouble,’ and laughed. Somebody at this time pitched in for a squabble and then the colored man fell to the sidewalk. Someone said, ‘Give it to the son of a b___.’ Just at that time Burge put his hand to his hip pocket to draw a revolver and began backing off from where he stood, in rather a stooping position. I watched him because I had a conversation with him about an hour before and he was drinking and I thought there might be some trouble. I thought in his condition if there was trouble, he would be in it. I was some 20 feet from him when he started to draw his revolver and made toward him, thinking I could knock his revolver out of his hand or his arm up so he would not shoot into the crowd. Before I got to him he fired two shots and snapped the revolver once. He shot a little northwest. Saw the man who was shot as he commenced falling. He was 12 or 15 feet northwest of Burge. He was a colored man. Burge shot the first shot and the darky shot about the same time. I should say four or five shots were fired. The colored man was falling when he shot, and I can’t tell where the other shots came from. I thought Burge’s second shot went some other way than toward the colored man. The darky said, when I went to him, that Sandy Burge shot him.”
The next witness was Alex. Franklin, colored: “I knew Charlie Fletcher and was on McGuire’s corner about 11 o’clock last night. The first thing I saw, old man Franklin was pulling Henry Franklin off the ground. I then saw Sandy Burge’s revolver; then the reports and the blaze of it; the reports were about together, and then Charlie Fletcher fell. Charlie fired one shot and Sandy the other. I heard four shots. A stone Mason, unknown to me, shot two shots! Sandy then snapped his revolver again and walked off. Don’t know whether he shot twice or not. Charlie told me when we took him home that Sandy shot him and he shot Sandy.”
Frank A. Smith was then introduced: “I came up the sidewalk from Jim Smith’s lunch room last night about 11 o’clock. There was a crowd on McGuire’s corner. I heard a blow struck and soon after saw Sandy Burge walking backward and pulling a revolver. I told him to put up his gun. He then shot. I believe he shot down within five feet of his own feet. The next shot he fired so as to range about a person’s breast. As he shot the second shot, the colored man said, ‘I am shot!’ and fell. Fletcher told me after he was down that Sandy Burge shot him. There were from five to eight shots fired.”
Capt. J. B. Nipp testified: “I heard a fuss on McGuire’s corner last night, about 11 o’clock, and went over there. I saw Sandy Burge draw his revolver and back up. Heard several say ‘Put up your gun!’ and heard five shots fired. Saw the blaze of the pistol from where Sandy stood; think Burge did a part of the shooting and don’t know who did the rest. The time was very short between the knock-down and the shooting; the time between the first three shots was not long enough for a man to draw his revolver; about time for pulling a trigger.”
John W. Dix said: “I saw a crowd on McGuire’s corner last night a little after 11 o’clock and ran over there. I heard a blow when nearly there and on getting to the crowd saw Sandy Burger with his revolver drawn down by his side. Someone told him to put it up or turn it loose. Then they began to rush toward him and he backed up, telling them to stand back; but they kept telling him to put it up. The words were repeated a number of times, when he backed off the crossing east a few paces and told them not to crowd him or he would shoot and started to raise his pistol; before he got it up, the colored man shot him. The flash of the colored man’s pistol was not gone before Sandy’s flashed. Sandy and the colored man shot at each other.”
A. A. Thomas next testified: “I heard there was going to be a fight and went over to McGuire’s corner. There I saw Henry Franklin, colored, staggering through the crowd. They said he had been hit. Saw Sandy Burge with his revolver out and Charlie Fletcher had his in his coat pocket with his hand on it. Sandy started off the gutter-stone and said, ‘That won’t do.’ I told Fletcher to keep his pistol in his pocket, that Sandy was bluffing. Fletcher and I walked 10 or 12 feet toward the crossing. Then Sandy shot downward into the ground. I then moved southward and heard two shots. The smoke came from both the colored fellow and Sandy and I don’t know which shot first. It seemed that Fletcher shot as he was falling.”
The testimony of Marshal Harrod was introduced, as follows. “I took a pistol away from Sandy Burge last night just after the shooting and took one from the hands of the colored man while he yet lay in the street. (Here the balls from the wounds and the pistols of Fletcher and Burge were produced in evidence, the balls fitting exactly their respective pistols.) There was two shots out of Burge’s pistol and one out of Fletcher’s when I got them.”
Said John Easton: “I met Sandy Burge yesterday morning between 7 and 8 o’clock and in a conversation with him he said, ‘I will kill the first d___n nigger that steps in my way.’”
James McLain testified: “I heard Fletcher say that Bell couldn’t get to him; he could reach him first. I searched him about fifteen minutes after and found no pistol. Bell was cursing and swearing and had two or three rackets.”
Dr. C. C. Green testified to having found Fletcher lying in the street in a dying condition and gave location of wound, which passed through the abdomen. The bullet was a forty-five caliber.
Arkansas City Republican, November 15, 1884.
Notwithstanding the intense excitement caused by the Presidential uncertainty, Winfield was free from dangerous passions and fatal results until Saturday night, when the deadly revolver, in the reckless hand, took the life of Charlie Fletcher (colored) and gave Sandy Burge (white) a death wound. Excitement had been at fever heat during the evening, but had vented itself up till eleven o’clock, only in civil hilarity, playing of bands, and other harmless modes of jollification. But at that hour the celebrating part of the crowd had mostly exhausted all enthusiasm and had departed to their homes, leaving the grounds in charge of the more boisterous. The Democrats had been celebrating during the evening the supposed elevation of Cleveland; and though loud denunciations of disciples of both parties had been indulged in, this sad ending is thought by all to have no political significance, but merely the result of whiskey and undue recklessness. The affair is very much deplored by members of both parties, as anything but an honor to our civilization and the good name of our city.
Fletcher died within an hour after the bullet had passed through his abdomen, and was buried Monday afternoon from the colored M. E. Church of this city, a large concourse of white and colored citizens following the remains to South Cemetery.
Burge walked, after being shot, in company with the marshal, to Smith’s lunch room, sat down, and soon fainted away. He was taken to Ninth Avenue Hotel, where doctors were summoned and where he remained till Sunday morning, when he was removed to his home and family in the east part of the city. He was shot with a thirty-two bullet, which entered just below the fifth rib on the right side and passed through the right lung and came very nearly out at the back. He still lies in a critical condition, though the physicians give him the possibility of recovering. But little change has been noted in his condition since Sunday.
Coroner H. W. Marsh impaneled a jury Sunday afternoon and held an inquest on the body of young Fletcher. Winfield Courier.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.
The following is an abstract of the report of the claims allowed by the County Auditor for the month of November, A. D., 1884.
H. W. Marsh. Coroner’s fees.
Tom Herrod et al. Coroner’s fee bill.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.
ANOTHER SUDDEN DEATH! Mr. C. E. McClaren, of West Fairview, is Found Dead Under Sad Circumstances.
West Fairview had its equilibrium disturbed last Friday morning by the finding of the dead body, near his home, of Mr. C. E. McClaren, who was a tenant on James Jordan’s farm, about six miles northeast of this city. About 10 o’clock last Thursday morning, Mr. McClaren went to his work, trimming hedge, in apparently good health. The family were in the habit of having dinner at 3 o’clock, and as the father failed to put in an appearance, the wife, not knowing where he had gone, made a fruitless search for him around the premises; night come on and still no return, and the wife became very uneasy. Chas. H. Snyder, a neighbor, came over to see Mr. McClaren, and learning the wife’s uneasiness, visited the different neighbors; he also went to the river, where Mr. McClaren had recently been cutting timber on the ice, but got no trace. Mr. Snyder returned the next morning, hitched up the team, and started for the home of Mr. McClaren’s father, a few miles off, the wife supposing that he might have been hastily summoned there without time to notify her. As Mr. Snyder turned the corner of the hedge, he spied a coat, a hat, gloves, and a hedge-ax. On further investigation he found the body of the unfortunate man lying on its face in a deep double-furrow, in several inches of water and ice, frozen stiff and stark. Coroner H. W. Marsh was summoned and inquest held Friday night. At the inquest the fact was developed that the deceased, when about twenty years old, had an epileptic fit, and another a year ago. The physicians advised him, if ever again threatened with one of these fits, to lie down flat on his back. The supposition is that, while trimming hedge, he realized the approach of a fit, lay down on his back very near this ditch, and in the paroxysm rolled in. Being perfectly helpless, and on his face, he soon drowned. The verdict of the coroner’s jury was death from natural causes. By request of the family, no autopsy was made. The deceased was thirty-one years old, a sober, industrious man, and leaves a wife and six children. He came here from Illinois in 1870, living on Grouse creek until August last, when he moved on to Mr. Jordan’s place. He was not blessed with a great amount of worldly goods. His sad demise is greatly regretted by all who knew him.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.
Mr. Louis King and Mr. Warren Wood were baptized into the Christian church on Monday of last week by Rev. Frazee; also Mrs. Dr. Marsh united with the same by letter on the following evening.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.
M. H. Keever, who has been under Dr. Marsh’s care for some time, is now convalescent.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.
A FATAL ACCIDENT! From the Sleep That Invigorates to That of Eternity.
Thomas Welch, an Old Soldier and a Pioneer of Cowley, Instantly Killed in his Bed by the Accidental Discharge of a Six-Shooter in the Hands of Chas. F. Skinner.
The tranquility of last Sunday morning was broken by an accident that ushered the soul of Thos. Welch, with scarcely a moment’s warning, into that undiscovered country from whence no traveler returns. The victim of this unfortunate accident, with Charles Skinner, William Kelly, and Frank Harrod, occupied a room over Hudson Bros. Jewelry Store. They retired on Saturday night, leaving two large six-shooters, which had been in the room for several weeks, on a box in the center of the room. In the southeast corner of the room was a bed on which Welch and Kelly slept, and in the northeast corner one on which Skinner and Harrod slept. Skinner arose first, about 8 o’clock Sunday morning, and began to clean up the room. Harrod soon followed and while putting on his clothes, with his back to Skinner, the latter picked up the revolvers to move them onto another box against the wall. As he raised the one in his right hand, a huge 44-calibre, it mysteriously discharged, and simultaneous with the report, Welch, who was still in bed, though supposed to be awake, threw the cover off his head and exclaimed, “My God, you have shot me through the heart! I am killed!!” Skinner dropped both revolvers to the floor, turned white as a sheet, and advanced to the bedside of Welch. Kelly, who was lying on the back of the bed in a sleepy stupor, raised up and looking Welch in the face said, “You’re not shot, are you Tom!” but the lips were speechless and the spirit had flown. Skinner seemed terribly grief-stricken over the awful accident and gave himself into official custody. Coroner H. W. Marsh was summoned, a jury empaneled composed of Messrs. T. H. Soward, J. W. Arrowsmith, F. M. Pickens, C. M. Leavitt, A. B. Taylor and O. M. Seward, and an inquest held, developing the facts as given above and resulting in a verdict of accidental death. Drs. W. S. Mendenhall and S. R. Marsh examined the body and ascertained that the bullet entered the left side between the fourth and fifth ribs, severed several arteries just above the heart, crashed through the breast to the collar bone, and lodged in the base of the brain. It was one of the wickedest wounds, splintered the bones terribly, and it is supposed that the victim hardly realized what had struck him before life was extinct. The evidence as drawn from the witnesses by County Attorney Asp indicated that the revolver was laid on the box cocked, as neither was a self-actor and could not have discharged without the trigger drawn; but neither of the remaining occupants of the room could testify to having cocked it. Skinner and Welch ran the Palace lunch room, on West Main, for about two months; but about a month ago, they sold out to Kelly, though both still remained around the place as occasional assistants. No witness testified to knowledge of other than amicable feelings having ever existed between any of these parties.
Thomas Welch was born in Morgan County, Ohio, and he was in his forty-second year. In 1869 he was married at Olathe, Kansas, to Adell T. Hoyt, who died six years ago near Arkansas City, leaving a girl, who is now nine years old and living in Pratt County. He served three years in the 13th Kansas Volunteer Infantry and was in several of the hardest Southern battles. He was a member of Winfield Post of the Grand Army of the Republic, whose members took charge of the body and conducted the funeral. He was also a member of our battery. Mr. L. F. Blodget, who married a sister to the unfortunate man’s wife, was summoned from Wellington. The deceased came to Cowley in 1871 and settled on Grouse creek. He was honorable, affable, and highly esteemed, and his sad death causes much regret, especially among his old comrades-in-arms.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.
While attending the inquest upon the body of Thomas Welch, the victim of the sad accident in Winfield on Sunday last, in which one man was in a moment ushered into the unseen, and another must carry to the grave the sad thought that in some way he was responsible, although conscious that he had committed no crime, there was much speculation as to how it could have happened without intention, and there are some who will affect to believe, or who are so constituted that they cannot help but believe that the shot was intentional, and that the jury did not do their duty in deciding it an accident. In fact, one of the prominent citizens of the city told me he was not satisfied with the investigation, unless some vague rumors of a quarrel between the men were examined into.
The testimony was skillfully handled by our acute prosecuting attorney, upon the theory that a terrible crime had been committed, and yet all who heard the testimony through were thoroughly satisfied that by some means the revolver was left with the hammer raised, and that Skinner did not notice it, and accidentally pressed the trigger when he lifted the pistol from the box. Col. Soward asked Skinner if he did not put his finger on the trigger? And he answered: “I must have, but I didn’t know it.”
The idea seems to prevail that fire-arms will not go off unless the lock is tampered with, and that a loaded gun with the hammer down is as safe as a stick of wood. It is also well known that the majority of accidents happen by pointing guns at others, with “I didn’t know it was loaded.”
An accident that happened to me today causes me to write this letter.
I have been familiar with the use—and danger—of fire-arms for forty years, and only from the fact of my carefully noting all the facts as I give them, and coming so soon after the inquest as above, am I impelled to give my experience to the public, hoping it will throw light upon some points in other cases.
I took up a double-barreled gun today and carried it across the room. I observed the lock and saw the cap was on the left side and the hammer down; the right-hand barrel was empty. I set the gun down carefully, and got out the ammunition, poured some powder in my hand, and proceeded to load the empty barrel. I set the gun before me in the room, with the locks from me, looked carefully to see that I was correct, and poured the powder into the right-hand barrel. I had just taken away my hand when there was a deafening explosion. For a moment I was confused, my forehead felt numb, my face smarted, and I put up my hand to see if the top of my head was safe. I found the only damage I had sustained was the burning of part of the eye-lashes of my left eye, and slight singeing of my hair, but there was a hole in the chamber floor over my head that I could put three fingers through, and the left-hand barrel was empty.
I know I did not hit the lock against anything, and the concussion of setting the gun on the floor did not set it off, as I put it down carefully, and it stood several seconds before it exploded, and I presume that if my head had been torn to pieces I should have been called a suicide, or very careless.
I never met with such an accident before, but it explains to my mind several mysterious accidents in the past, notably the one cited above, and the shooting, by himself, of C. L. Vallandingham several years ago. I think probably the motion in moving the gun disturbed some electrical condition obtained by decomposition of chemicals in the powder and compound in the cap. I cannot rationally make any other explanation, and I do not remember of ever seeing such a case as mine in print; but accidental explosions with fire-arms are common, and they are almost invariably attributed to carelessness, which is probably often the fact.
To my extreme caution in keeping my face from before the gun in this instance I owe my life; yet had the explosion been a few seconds later, I must have had my hand torn to pieces while loading. I think I may say I will not again attempt to load a gun with a cap on, especially of it has been loaded some time, and will continue, as in the past, to be very careful that the muzzle of the gun I may have in hand shall never, for an instant, be pointed at any person.
Fire-arms at best are dangerous, and the habit of having them lying around carelessly should not be indulged. H. W. MARSH, M. D., Coroner.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.
Abstract of the monthly report of the County Auditor of Cowley County, Kansas, of claims certified to the County Clerk, on the First Monday of March, 1885.
H. W. Marsh, coroner’s fees: $10.00
S. R. Marsh, medical expert’s fee: $7.00
H. W. Marsh, coroner’s fees: $6.00
S. R. Marsh, medical expert’s fees: $1.00
W. S. Mendenhall, medical expert’s fees: $10.00
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 9, 1885.
Last Friday evening a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Simeon Beach. Dr. H. W. Marsh was master of ceremonies. The sexes are now represented in this happy household.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 16, 1885.
Dr. H. W. Marsh and family were in the metropolis from Tannehill Saturday. He reports wheat showing up better in that vicinity than was expected.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 30, 1885.
The case of sudden death referred to yesterday proves to have been suicide, and Mrs. Lida Trickey was the victim. She was living with her son-in-law. Her husband left her two thousand dollars, which she gave to the son-in-law under contract that he should keep her during her natural life. Some time ago they had some trouble and the old lady demanded her money. The son could not give it to her as he had it tied up in land. This seems to have made Mrs. Trickey despondent, which finally resulted in her taking her own life.
A special reporter of THE COURIER attended the inquest and furnishes the following synopsis of the testimony. The following jury was impaneled by Coroner Marsh: P. W. Smith, W. B. Norman, Jas. Napier, W. H. Gray, C. N. Abbott, and A. J. Werden, who proceeded to the house of E. L. Young, one mile north of Udall, where the inquest was held. Dr. Geo. Knickerbocker testified that he was called early on the morning of the 28th inst., but found Mrs. Trickey dead when he reached the house. No signs of vomit or spasms. Saw no poison on or about her bed or person. Mrs. F. A. Powers was sworn and said she arrived about the same time that Dr. Knickerbocker did—helped remove the body down stairs and while disrobing it a package of small pieces of bread fell from among her clothing, [witness here produced the same] which was covered, or partly so by a bluish substance and looked as though it had been partly eaten or gnawed off.
Harry Trickey testified as follows: “Am 10 years old; slept in the same bed with my mother, Mrs. Linda Trickey. She made no noise after about 12 o’clock. Before or about that time she tried to vomit and appeared sick. She gave me her purse, which laid on the bureau. Said she would not need it any more. She told me about a month ago she expected to die soon, and then gave me her bed and bedding. She purchased a box of ‘Rough on Rats’ about a month ago. She vomited in the wash bowl.”
Mrs. Jas. Huff testified finding something in wash bowl that looked like vomit from the slimy appearance and color. Corroborated the finding of the piece of bread. Did not consider of sound mind. Mrs. Ruth Richards testified that she did not consider her rational at all times. D. D. Kellogg testified that he considered her of an eccentric disposition. Mrs. Young said that Mrs. Linda Trickey is my mother. Did not hear any noise in her room at night. Did not know she was sick till Harry came down in the morning. Went to her room and found her unconscious and died in about one hour. Have considered her of unsound mind for the past two years. E. L. Young’s testimony was simply corroborative of the above. Dr. S. R. Marsh, assisted by Dr. Knickerbocker, then made a post mortem examination and found the stomach in a high state of inflammation, produced by some kind of poison, supposed to be “Rough on Rats,” and bread crumbs, coated with the same green colored substance as the pieces found in the bed. The jury returned a verdict that “deceased came to her death by poison administered voluntarily by her own hands with suicidal intent.” The sad occurrence has been taken much to heart by the people of Ninnescah, and has cast a gloom over the whole community.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 11, 1885.
MURDER MOST FOUL! Mrs. White’s Skull Crushed in by a Flat-Iron or Ax While Lying in Bed! THE DEMON UNKNOWN! A Parallel to the Quarles Tragedy, With Results More Deep and Despicable.
Monday night between one and two o’clock, a tragedy was enacted almost the simile of the one in which Mrs. Anna Quarles was the victim, a few months ago. But its results are even more mysterious and horrible! In company with Dr. Emerson, a COURIER reporter visited the scene at eight o’clock this morning. On the bank of Timber creek, just north of Tom Johnson’s residence and near Frank Manny’s Brewery, is a little box house, 10 x 12, with pasteboard roof, papered cracks, and no windows. On entering this crude house a sickening sight met our gaze. Lying on a hay bed, and surrounded by circumstances indicating almost poverty, was the victim of this tragedy. The face, neck, hair, and bed clothing were covered, and the throat and lungs filled, with blood. The whole skull over her right eye was crushed in, exposing the brain and presenting a terrible sight. Mrs. R. H. White was only mechanically breathing, expected to pass unconsciously away at any moment. Just back of her lay the baby, a nice looking little girl of two years, calmly sleeping. The other child, a little girl of five, had been taken to Mrs. Tom Johnson’s. At the foot of the bed stood the husband, and around the house was a crowd, anxious to learn the particulars. Starting at the fountain head,
MR. WHITE SAID: “My wife and I were married in 1880, in Johnson County, Illinois, where most of our relatives live. Last fall we came west, to take a claim. When we reached Winfield, I thought it would be better to stop here, work at my trade, painting, until spring and then go out west. But I was unable to obtain much work, rents were high, and we had a hard time to get along. Last April I got permission of T. J. Johnson to build this shanty, to save rent, and here we have since lived. We rented a garden patch, my wife tended it while I painted, and we were getting along well. In Illinois I was once in the edge of a fearful cyclone, one that tore up everything in its track, and I have since been deathly afraid of storms. My wife wasn’t afraid, and so since living here I have been in the habit of going down into the lime kiln (on the creek’s bank, in the edge of the timber about a hundred feet from the house), and staying there till the storm was over. Last night, about 12 o’clock, it looked like a cyclone, and leaving the babies asleep and my wife lying on the side of the bed with only her shoes off, went down to the kiln, thinking to prepare it for the wife and babies; but on reaching there, I covered my head with an oil cloth and stayed probably an hour and a half, not considering it worthwhile to get the folks. It quit raining and calmed down and I went to the house. Before I got there a flash of lightning showed the door to be ajar and it looked like the light was out. On getting there I found the door partly open, but the light burning all right. My wife was lying as I had left her excepting her head was hanging over the edge of the bed and her face was covered with blood. I thought she had fallen, hurt herself, and fainted; and I ran for Mr. Mann and Mrs. J. R. Scott (both living only a little way) and got some camphor. She was unconscious and her hair had fallen down over the awful gash covering it so that I didn’t know how bad she was hurt until somebody brought Doctors Emerson and Graham. Then it dawned upon me that some devil had come into the house while I was out and dealt the awful blow. My wife or I hadn’t an enemy in the world that we knew of; have always got along well and were as happy as our poor circumstances would admit. I don’t have the least idea who could have done the deed. I heard no screams and had suspicioned no one or any such harm. She is my first wife and we only have these two children. She is twenty-four years old and I am thirty-six. She weighed about one hundred and fifty pounds, was unusually healthy and always light-hearted. Her folks are well off in Illinois, and we have both seen better days. I have been painting for twelve years. I took much pride in landscape and sketch painting, and hope to make a fine artist.” Several sketches of Winfield residences and scenery were lying around the house, among them sketches of the homes of W. J. Wilson and Dr. C. Perry, painted for practice.
THE PREMISES. The furniture in the house is in harmony with the shell containing it. It is very meager, consisting of a small cooking stove, three wooden bottom chairs, a few dishes, mostly tin, a rude bedstead, with hay tick and pillows, and a small home-made table. No signs of a struggle were visible, excepting the print of a bloody hand on the round of chair that sat just under her head, as she was found. Sheriff McIntire and Marshal McFadden were early on the ground, and found suspicious footprints. They indicated a number nine boot or shoe and that the party had come up from the west and had looked through a large knot hole in the wall, supposedly to see who was in the room. This was the only trace that could be found. The blow was undoubtedly struck with a flat iron or an ax. The gap commences in the middle of the right forehead and runs diamond shape above the temple and into the hair. The skull bone was broken into splinters and taken out piece by piece by Drs. Graham and Emerson, who at once pronounced the injury fatal. The bones removed, a ghastly sight was revealed in the deep cavity: a mixture of blood and brain.
THE VICTIM. The victim was still breathing at three o’clock this afternoon, though life was almost extinct. To one beholding the awful cavity in her head, the wonder is forcible that she lived a moment after the blow. This is probably accounted for by her wonderfully robust constitution. She is of compact build, good nerve, and has suffered little from sickness. She has never uttered a word or groan since the blow—merely breathes.
Coroner Marsh, of Tannehill, was sent for and will take charge of the body and hold an inquest as soon as life ceases.
At five o’clock last evening the victim of Tuesday night’s terrible tragedy, Mrs. R. H. White, succumbed to the inevitable. The husband was taken into custody by Sheriff McIntire and lodged in jail, without a warrant, to avoid any injury that might possibly be done to him. Coroner H. W. Marsh was in the city and immediately impaneled the following jury and began the inquest: E. D. Taylor, Henry Brown, J. C. Curry, W. A. Freeman, E. S. Bedilion, and Dick Gates. Drs. Emerson and S. R. Marsh examined the body and found no evidences of violence excepting the crash in the skull. After examining the premises, the jury separated and the inquest was adjourned to the Court House at 8 o’clock this morning.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 13, 1885.
A Horrible Murder at Winfield. Last Tuesday morning the denizens of Winfield learned that a horrible tragedy has been enacted on the previous night. During the storm which raged Monday night, some unknown fiend entered the house of Robt. White, who resides on Timber Creek near Frank Manny’s brewery, and murdered his wife.
It was a brutal murder; and if the citizens of the county seat had discovered the perpetrator of the horrible deed on Tuesday morning, he would have most likely attended a hemp neck-tie party. But the whole affair is enshrouded in mystery. Some were prone to lay the deed at the hands of the murdered woman’s husband, who is regarded with suspicion. The story he tells does not make him entirely blameless and is as follows.
It seems that White has a fear of cyclones, and on Monday night at about 12 o’clock, as it looked as if a cyclone was coming up, he took some cover and went out to a lime kiln nearby to protect himself. Mrs. White and the two children remained in the house. White remained in the kiln about two hours; and when he returned to the house, he found his wife’s head hanging over the edge of the bed with her face covered with blood.
Neighbors and physicians were summoned. White at first supposed that his wife had fallen and hurt herself, but soon ascertained that the injuries were very severe. The woman died Tuesday evening. The attending physician removed a piece of the skull bone almost as large as a dollar.
White takes the matter very calmly and almost coolly, and this is one reason suspicion was aroused against him.
White is a painter, and industrious, and no family quarrel is known to have occurred between husband and wife. The two children who were in the bed with their mother are aged two and five years. The family was very poor and lived in a hovel. They came to Winfield about three months ago from Illinois.
LATER. Dr. Marsh was summoned and held an inquest. The jury’s verdict was that the deceased came to her death by a blow from a flat iron in the hands of her husband. White has been arrested.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 18, 1885.
Coroner’s fees, H W Marsh: $7.10.
Medical witness, S R Marsh: $20.00.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 18, 1885.
CHAPTER FIRST!! In the Horrible White Tragedy Closes. Making the Husband the Murderer. An Affectionate Prayer and Speech is Delivered by White over the Open Coffin of his Wife. THE TOUCHING FUNERAL. THE CORONER’S VERDICT, EVIDENCE, THEORIES, ETC.
The first chapter in the most horrible tragedy ever enacted in this section ended Wednesday of last week, by the jury in the inquest on the body of Mrs. Julia Ann White, bringing in a verdict finding the husband to be the murderer. The interest taken in this homicide has been intense, from the start. From the morning of its announcement, little knots of men have constantly stood here and there developing theories as to the object of the foul deed and its perpetrator. But the mystery is yet unfathomable. Public opinion is wonderfully divided, but if more weighty on one side than another, the greatest sympathy is with the husband. All day Wednesday the Court Room was crowded to suffocation by anxious listeners to the testimony, and the Court House yard was filled with knots of men. But the best of order was maintained throughout.
The evidence introduced after that reported in THE COURIER was meager in development. Levi Hayes and T. J. Johnson were the only remaining neighborhood witnesses and their testimony was principally the same as that given by other neighbors preceding them.
Testified: “I saw the tracks by the house. They were eleven inches long and four inches wide. I measured White’s shoes. They were one-fourth inch shorter and perhaps not that much wider. I think his shoes could have made the track.” The next witness was
who said: “I was sent for Tuesday morning, with the information that a murder had been committed. I went to the place immediately.” (Here the Sheriff related the story of White, about as given in all previous testimony.) “I found Mrs. White’s shoes under the table. They were bloody, as if taken off by bloody hands. I also found a flat-iron with blood on it. It was lying near the stove. There was blood on the wall above the head-board, for a space of two feet; looked as though it had been spurted there in a fine spray from a broken artery.”
said: “I was called for Tuesday morning about 5 o’clock, and on reaching there found Dr. Graham, J. R. Scott, T. J. Johnson, and others there. I made a post mortem examination of the body with Dr. S. R. Marsh. The wound must have been made by a heavy blunt instrument and with great force. The flat-iron was tried in the wound and presume the wound was given by it. We also examined and found human blood on the flat-iron. From our critical examination of the body, I do not think there could have been any sexual intercourse for at least twenty-four or thirty-six hours before death. I think the woman was probably lying down on her left side when the blow was given, though the blow might have been made when the woman was standing, but she must have been instantly placed on the bed to have spattered the wall above the head board with blood.”
testified: “I held, in connection with Dr. Emerson, a post mortem examination on the body of Mrs. Julia Ann White. I have heard Dr. Emerson’s testimony and I fully concur therein.”
This concluded the testimony, the throng was asked to retire and the jury went out. After twenty minutes deliberation the jury returned their
The verdict was sealed, and owing to the excitement among our people, it has been made known only to the officials and the reporter and its appearance in THE COURIER will be the first knowledge the public will have of the jury’s decision. “An inquisition holden in the city of Winfield in Cowley County, Kansas, on the 9th and 10th days of June, 1885, before me, H. W. Marsh, Coroner of said County, on the body of Mrs. Julia Ann White by the jurors whose names are hereunto subscribed, the said jurors, do say, that the said Julia Ann White came to her death on the 9th day of June, 1885, from a blow received from a blunt instrument (probably the flat iron shown to the jury), crushing the skull, said instrument in the hands of Robert H. White, husband of the said Julia Ann White, with murderous intent. In testimony the said jurors have hereunto set their hands this 10th day of June, 1885.—Henry Brown, J. C. Curry, W. A. Freeman, E. S. Bedilion, E. D. Taylor, and D. R. Gates. Attest: H. W. Marsh, Coroner Cowley County.”
The funeral was held Wednesday at 5 o’clock, just as THE COURIER went to press, and of course it was impossible to get a correct report of it. White did not ask to be permitted to attend the funeral but when Sheriff McIntire went into the jail and offered to take him out, he said he would like to go. He was taken out, in the Sheriff’s buggy, by John Evans. A large number of neighbors and citizens were gathered around the little shanty when White got there. Mr. A. B. Arment took charge of the funeral, on behalf of the county officials, and the ceremonies were conducted by Rev. J. H. Reider, of the First Baptist church. White and his wife were members of the Methodist church at their old Illinois home. The body had been nicely dressed and was in a neat coffin. It was taken from the house and placed upon some chairs in the yard and White got out of the buggy, and taking his little five-year-old girl, Bertha, by the hand, he stood at the foot of the coffin. Rev. Reider read a passage of scripture whose prominent precept was that we must answer before God, at the judgment bar, for the sins done in the body. Then he made a touching and forcible prayer, alluding eloquently to the brutal murder of the wife and mother and the terrible pall hanging over the husband, and praying that the perpetrator of the terrible deed be brought to light. He prayed for the orphan children and the accused husband, and at the end of this prayer, White was in a tremor of grief. The stolid indifference he had exhibited from the first was broken and the first tears shed during the entire affair began to stream down over his cheeks. Advancing to the side of the open coffin, he bent over the body of his wife, lifting the little one up to get a view, and his frame shook with low-toned grief as he exclaimed, “Oh, Julia, could your voice rise from that dead body, then could you tell my innocence! Oh, Julia! Julia!” It was some minutes before he looked up, when he looked at those before him and said:
“Kind friends, I would like to say a few words. I know I am in a close place. I know the outward circumstances of this case are against me. But while my body is in prison, I know my heart is free. We were poor; we hadn’t much, but while our circumstances were such as to keep us from church, there was hardly an evening that we did not read our bible and lift our voices to God. My wife was always a christian. This is a sad thing for me. I love my wife and children and to think that the children, whom I love to caress on my knee, should be scattered, and my wife so foully murdered with me to carry the stain in the eyes of the public, is more than I can bear. Here before you, my kind friends, before God, and beside the body of my dead wife, I am (holding up his right hand) an innocent man. I never laid the weight of my hand upon my wife in a harmful way. Perhaps I have not lived of late as I should, but I challenge anyone, in any place we have ever lived, to find ought against the character of myself or wife.” Here he seemed to break down and remained silent so long that Rev. Reider was about to proceed with the funeral, when Mr. White raised his hand, and said, “Let us pray.” He knelt over the open coffin and lifting his face to Heaven and holding the hand of his little girl, he melted every heart present with an eloquent prayer—one whose feeling seemed unassumed, and convinced all present of its genuineness.
“O, Lord, we come before thee with a very heavy heart. Thou knowest that I am a prisoner in the hands of men, but my heart, Oh, Lord, thou knowest is free. Oh, Lord, protect these, my little orphan children, and may they be brought up to love and fear Thee, as their parents before them, and our parents before us. May Thy kind hand lead them through this world of sorrow, and Oh, Lord, may the one, as has been said, who murdered my dear wife, Julia, be discovered and justice meted out to him. Sustain me, Oh, God, by thy hand in this sore affliction, and may not the foul stain of murder rest upon my character. (Here he paused some moments seeming to be overcome.) Oh, Lord, may my little children have good homes. Forgive us all our sins, and when we come to die, may we all be joined with our mother in Heaven, for Jesus sake, Amen.”
When White raised from his knees, there wasn’t a dry eye in the assembly—strong men were crying like children and a more touching scene couldn’t be imagined. The coffin was closed, placed in the hearse, and the cortege moved to the potter’s field in Union Cemetery. White took his little girl in the buggy with him. At the grave, Rev. Reider again prayed; among other things, that the perpetrator of the crime might be detected and brought to justice, to which White said “Amen! Amen!”
The little girl rode home with Mr. Reider, and her answers to his questions convinced the Reverend more than ever of the father’s innocence. The thought being suggested, probably by hearing Mr. Reider pray, she voluntarily said: “Papa and mamma pray.” Being questioned regarding affairs at the home before and after the affair, she said, in gist: “Papa and mamma didn’t have any harsh words; papa went to the dugout and left mamma on the bed with her clothes on. Before he went he moved the baby over on the back of the bed to make room for me. Papa and mamma never quarreled at any time. When I woke up, mamma’s face was covered with blood and papa said she had fell and hurt her head. I think she fell on the chair.”
The first signs of fear made by White were made Wednesday when he wanted to be taken away from Winfield. County Attorney Asp issued a warrant Thursday, arresting White on charge of murder in the first degree. The prisoner waived preliminary examination, Thursday, before Justice Buckman, and was again placed in jail, where he will await the District Court, in September. Of course, many theories are being advanced in trying to solve the deep and despicable mystery. Many seem convinced of White’s guilt, and some go so far as to talk of lynch law. But no sober, sensible man would think for a moment of bringing such a disgrace and crime upon our city. The evidence is purely circumstantial and very meager against White. He looks far from being capable of such a crime. Of course, his stolid actions before the funeral and during the trial militated against him, but his inward grief, like that of many people, may refuse to come to the surface. There are many inconsistencies in his story, and some theories have been advanced which seem to fit his tale exactly and point concisely to his guilt. THE COURIER, to satisfy a morbid public, might here give some of the theories, but it prefers to give the bare facts and let the public draw its own conclusion—explain the mysteries to suit its own curiosity. The inquest has been held and the man is in the hands of the law. Cowley’s people are too sensible and law-abiding to want to take the law in their own hands in a case so unfathomable as this. The actions of White over the coffin of his wife have changed public opinion great