Dr. S. R. Marsh


Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Rev. P. B. Lee, family and nephew (S. Marsh) came from Illinois and have settled among us. GRAPE-VINE TELEGRAPH.
Winfield Courier, April 17, 1879.
At a meeting of the stockholders held in this city on the 14th inst. the following were elected officers of the Walnut Valley Fair Association.
R. F. Burden, President; E. P. Kinne, Vice President; J. M. Alexander, Treasurer; E. E. Bacon, Secretary.
Directors: W. J. Hodges; A. A. Wiley; S. R. Marsh; John Stalter; R. B. Pratt.
Chief Marshal: P. M. Wait.
Chief Police: Jno. C. Roberts.
E. E. BACON, Sec.
Winfield Courier, September 11, 1879.
The Cowley County Republican convention met on Saturday, Sept. 6th, at 11 o’clock a.m., at Manning’s Hall, in Winfield.
Committee on credentials reported the following named delegates entitled to vote in this convention; which report was adopted.
Vernon: J. McMahon, O. Wooley, S. R. Marsh, Marshal Allen,  J. B. Evans.
Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.
The prospects for corn and wheat never were better in this part of the county.
Stephen Marsh has returned from Illinois. He says things have a much fairer prospect here than there, and that he was really glad to get back to Kansas.
Winfield Courier, July 28, 1881.
Stephen Marsh has accepted a position at Schiffbauer Bro., Arkansas City.
Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.
FOR SALE. Thorough bred bull FLOTILLA’S DON 26573. Also a few cows; 5½ miles northwest of Winfield. S. R. MARSH.
Winfield Courier, June 14, 1883.
Mr. Stephen Marsh returned from Cincinnati last week, where he has been attending medical college. He is now about prepared to attach “M. D.” to his name.
Unknown if this was a reference to Stephen Marsh or his father???...
Arkansas City Traveler, August 29, 1883.
Mr. Marsh has the thanks of the TRAVELER office for a luscious watermelon presented to the boys.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.
Mr. S. R. Marsh, a son of Dr. Marsh of Tannehill, returned last week from completing his medical course in Cincinnati. He will shortly locate with us and begin practice in Winfield. His office will be over the post office, in the two front rooms.
Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.
The card of Dr. S. R. Marsh appears in this issue. He has taken rooms over the post office and located permanently in Winfield. He is a graduate of an Eastern Eclectic Medical College and thoroughly versed in everything pertaining to his profession.
OFFERS his professional services to the citizens of Winfield and vicinity in the practice of medicine and surgery. Office over the P. O. where he may be found at all hours day or night when not professionally engaged.
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.
Between 60 and 70 acres of wheat land within two miles of the city for rent. Inquire of Dr. Marsh over the post office.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.
S. R. MARSH, M. D. Offers his professional services to the citizens of Winfield and vicinity in the practice of medicine and surgery. Office over the P. O. where he may be found at all hours day or night when not professionally engaged.
Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.
Mr. Cayton, the gentleman who was injured in the runaway Monday was removed to his home Tuesday. Dr. Marsh, who attended him, reports no bones broken and no serious injuries sustained.
Winfield Courier, November 13, 1884.
Accompanied by the genial Dr. S. R. Marsh, we took a spin through the lovely country between this city and Tannehill, Monday. No better farms can be found under the blue vault of heaven than in this section—all adorned with handsome residences, fruit, and forest trees; good fences through which can be seen fine hogs, fat cattle, sleek horses, and wavy green wheat in entrancing variety. And the bins are all full and the sturdy owners of these farms have plethoric pocket books and broad smiles. Such a trip relieves the dull monotony of city life and shows up a convincing share of the vast resources and prosperity of our County.
Arkansas City Republican, March 14, 1885.
Dr. S. R. Marsh, of Winfield, was in the city Wednesday.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 18, 1885.
Dr. Marsh, of Winfield, an old citizen of Arkansas City, called on us Thursday. He reports good success in his practice and is accordingly happy.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.
Abstract of the monthly report of the County Auditor of Cowley County, Kansas, of claims certified to the County Clerk, on the First Monday of March, 1885.
H. W. Marsh, coroner’s fees: $10.00
S. R. Marsh, medical expert’s fee: $7.00
H. W. Marsh, coroner’s fees: $6.00

S. R. Marsh, medical expert’s fees: $1.00
W. S. Mendenhall, medical expert’s fees: $10.00
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.
Mr. and Mrs. Gus. Huff, of East Winfield, are the happy parents of a bouncing baby girl, which appeared Sunday morning. Dr. Marsh reports the household rapidly recovering.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Thompson, of south Walnut township, were made the happy parents of a bouncing girl prattler Monday. Dr. Marsh thinks with careful nursing, the old gentleman will pull through.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 30, 1885.
Dr. Marsh received a letter at noon from Prof. R. B. Moore, stating that he was at Ashland, had taken a claim, and was putting up his “shanty.” The Doctor telegraphed Rev. P. B. Lee, who started this morning to resurrect the Professor from the debris of the Lodge flood, at Attica. He will return this evening.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 30, 1885.
Dr. S. R. Marsh is coming right forward among the physicians of our city. His practice is becoming extensive and his success noticeable. He is a thorough student—masters everything he touches. Of bright intellect, much energy, and ambition, he is bound to rank high. THE DAILY COURIER delights in encouraging young men who show essential ability and pluck.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 21, 1885.
Through the courtesy of Dr. S. R. Marsh, our scribe crawled out of his den and took a spin around the city Tuesday evening—an eye opener as to the present beauty and improvement of the Queen City of Southern Kansas. A drive along our principal boulevards, flanked on either side by leafy verdure, lovely lawns, pretty fences, handsome residences, and a general air of thrift and enterprise, thrills the soul with renewed admiration. Even a prejudiced stranger could not take such a drive without pronouncing Winfield without a peer, for beauty, in all the fair west. The faber is too feeble to describe the view presented, at this season, from the mound at the head of east Ninth avenue. A lovely valley stretches before you, clothed in velvety luxuriance, skirted by the meandering forestry of Timber creek and the Walnut river, and dotted with beautiful homes, lovely drives, and suggestive church spires, as charming as the “Garden of the Gods.” Stop for an hour, fellow citizen, in your race for the almighty dollar, get your frame into a vehicle and realize the attractions of the city of your adoption—feast the eyes, exhilarate the soul—feed the aesthetic in your nature. Selah!
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 28, 1885.
Dr. S. R. Marsh has rented the Schofield office on 10th avenue, and will move next Monday.
Both H. W. Marsh and his son, S. R. Marsh, were involved with the “White” case...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 18, 1885.

CHAPTER FIRST!! In the Horrible White Tragedy Closes. Making the Husband the Murderer. An Affectionate Prayer and Speech is Delivered by White over the Open Coffin of his Wife. THE TOUCHING FUNERAL. THE CORONER’S VERDICT, EVIDENCE, THEORIES, ETC.
The first chapter in the most horrible tragedy ever enacted in this section ended Wednesday of last week, by the jury in the inquest on the body of Mrs. Julia Ann White, bringing in a verdict finding the husband to be the murderer. The interest taken in this homicide has been intense, from the start. From the morning of its announcement, little knots of men have constantly stood here and there developing theories as to the object of the foul deed and its perpetrator. But the mystery is yet unfathomable. Public opinion is wonderfully divided, but if more weighty on one side than another, the greatest sympathy is with the husband. All day Wednesday the Court Room was crowded to suffocation by anxious listeners to the testimony, and the Court House yard was filled with knots of men. But the best of order was maintained throughout.
The evidence introduced after that reported in THE COURIER was meager in development. Levi Hayes and T. J. Johnson were the only remaining neighborhood witnesses  and their testimony was principally the same as that given by other neighbors preceding them.
Testified: “I saw the tracks by the house. They were eleven inches long and four inches wide. I measured White’s shoes. They were one-fourth inch shorter and perhaps not that much wider. I think his shoes could have made the track.” The next witness was
who said: “I was sent for Tuesday morning, with the information that a murder had been committed. I went to the place immediately.” (Here the Sheriff related the story of White, about as given in all previous testimony.) “I found Mrs. White’s shoes under the table. They were bloody, as if taken off by bloody hands. I also found a flat-iron with blood on it. It was lying near the stove. There was blood on the wall above the head-board, for a space of two feet; looked as though it had been spurted there in a fine spray from a broken artery.”
said: “I was called for Tuesday morning about 5 o’clock, and on reaching there found Dr. Graham, J. R. Scott, T. J. Johnson, and others there. I made a post mortem examination of the body with Dr. S. R. Marsh. The wound must have been made by a heavy blunt instrument and with great force. The flat-iron was tried in the wound and presume the wound was given by it. We also examined and found human blood on the flat-iron. From our critical examination of the body, I do not think there could have been any sexual intercourse for at least twenty-four or thirty-six hours before death. I think the woman was probably lying down on her left side when the blow was given, though the blow might have been made when the woman was standing, but she must have been instantly placed on the bed to have spattered the wall above the head board with blood.”
  DR. S. R. MARSH,
testified: “I held, in connection with Dr. Emerson, a post mortem examination on the body of Mrs. Julia Ann White. I have heard Dr. Emerson’s testimony and I fully concur therein.”
This concluded the testimony, the throng was asked to retire and the jury went out. After twenty minutes deliberation the jury returned their

The verdict was sealed, and owing to the excitement among our people, it has been made known only to the officials and the reporter and its appearance in THE COURIER will be the first knowledge the public will have of the jury’s decision. “An inquisition holden in the city of Winfield in Cowley County, Kansas, on the 9th and 10th days of June, 1885, before me, H. W. Marsh, Coroner of said County, on the body of Mrs. Julia Ann White by the jurors whose names are hereunto subscribed, the said jurors, do say, that the said Julia Ann White came to her death on the 9th day of June, 1885, from a blow received from a blunt instrument (probably the flat iron shown to the jury), crushing the skull, said instrument in the hands of Robert H. White, husband of the said Julia Ann White, with murderous intent. In testimony the said jurors have hereunto set their hands this 10th day of June, 1885.—Henry Brown, J. C. Curry, W. A. Freeman, E. S. Bedilion, E. D. Taylor, and D. R. Gates. Attest: H. W. Marsh, Coroner Cowley County.”
The funeral was held Wednesday at 5 o’clock, just as THE COURIER went to press, and of course it was impossible to get a correct report of it. White did not ask to be permitted to attend the funeral but when Sheriff McIntire went into the jail and offered to take him out, he said he would like to go. He was taken out, in the Sheriff’s buggy, by John Evans. A large number of neighbors and citizens were gathered around the little shanty when White got there. Mr. A. B. Arment took charge of the funeral, on behalf of the county officials, and the ceremonies were conducted by Rev. J. H. Reider, of the First Baptist church. White and his wife were members of the Methodist church at their old Illinois home. The body had been nicely dressed and was in a neat coffin. It was taken from the house and placed upon some chairs in the yard and White got out of the buggy, and taking his little five-year-old girl, Bertha, by the hand, he stood at the foot of the coffin. Rev. Reider read a passage of scripture whose prominent precept was that we must answer before God, at the judgment bar, for the sins done in the body. Then he made a touching and forcible prayer, alluding eloquently to the brutal murder of the wife and mother and the terrible pall hanging over the husband, and praying that the perpetrator of the terrible deed be brought to light. He prayed for the orphan children and the accused husband, and at the end of this prayer, White was in a tremor of grief. The stolid indifference he had exhibited from the first was broken and the first tears shed during the entire affair began to stream down over his cheeks. Advancing to the side of the open coffin, he bent over the body of his wife, lifting the little one up to get a view, and his frame shook with low-toned grief as he exclaimed, “Oh, Julia, could your voice rise from that dead body, then could you tell my innocence! Oh, Julia! Julia!” It was some minutes before he looked up, when he looked at those before him and said:

“Kind friends, I would like to say a few words. I know I am in a close place. I know the outward circumstances of this case are against me. But while my body is in prison, I know my heart is free. We were poor; we hadn’t much, but while our circumstances were such as to keep us from church, there was hardly an evening that we did not read our bible and lift our voices to God. My wife was always a christian. This is a sad thing for me. I love my wife and children and to think that the children, whom I love to caress on my knee, should be scattered, and my wife so foully murdered with me to carry the stain in the eyes of the public, is more than I can bear. Here before you, my kind friends, before God, and beside the body of my dead wife, I am (holding up his right hand) an innocent man. I never laid the weight of my hand upon my wife in a harmful way. Perhaps I have not lived of late as I should, but I challenge anyone, in any place we have ever lived, to find ought against the character of myself or wife.” Here he seemed to break down and remained silent so long that Rev. Reider was about to proceed with the funeral, when Mr. White raised his hand, and said, “Let us pray.” He knelt over the open coffin and lifting his face to Heaven and holding the hand of his little girl, he melted every heart present with an eloquent prayer—one whose feeling seemed unassumed, and convinced all present of its genuineness.
“O, Lord, we come before thee with a very heavy heart. Thou knowest that I am a prisoner in the hands of men, but my heart, Oh, Lord, thou knowest is free. Oh, Lord, protect these, my little orphan children, and may they be brought up to love and fear Thee, as their parents before them, and our parents before us. May Thy kind hand lead them through this world of sorrow, and Oh, Lord, may the one, as has been said, who murdered my dear wife, Julia, be discovered and justice meted out to him. Sustain me, Oh, God, by thy hand in this sore affliction, and may not the foul stain of murder rest upon my character. (Here he paused some moments seeming to be overcome.) Oh, Lord, may my little children have good homes. Forgive us all our sins, and when we come to die, may we all be joined with our mother in Heaven, for Jesus sake, Amen.”
When White raised from his knees, there wasn’t a dry eye in the assembly—strong men were crying like children and a more touching scene couldn’t be imagined. The coffin was closed, placed in the hearse, and the cortege moved to the potter’s field in Union Cemetery. White took his little girl in the buggy with him. At the grave, Rev. Reider again prayed; among other things, that the perpetrator of the crime might be detected and brought to justice, to which White said “Amen! Amen!”
The little girl rode home with Mr. Reider, and her answers to his questions convinced the Reverend more than ever of the father’s innocence. The thought being suggested, probably by hearing Mr. Reider pray, she voluntarily said: “Papa and mamma pray.” Being questioned regarding affairs at the home before and after the affair, she said, in gist: “Papa and mamma didn’t have any harsh words; papa went to the dugout and left mamma on the bed with her clothes on. Before he went he moved the baby over on the back of the bed to make room for me. Papa and mamma never quarreled at any time. When I woke up, mamma’s face was covered with blood and papa said she had fell and hurt her head. I think she fell on the chair.”

The first signs of fear made by White were made Wednesday when he wanted to be taken away from Winfield. County Attorney Asp issued a warrant Thursday, arresting White on charge of murder in the first degree. The prisoner waived preliminary examination, Thursday, before Justice Buckman, and was again placed in jail, where he will await the District Court, in September. Of course, many theories are being advanced in trying to solve the deep and despicable mystery. Many seem convinced of White’s guilt, and some go so far as to talk of lynch law. But no sober, sensible man would think for a moment of bringing such a disgrace and crime upon our city. The evidence is purely circumstantial and very meager against White. He looks far from being capable of such a crime. Of course, his stolid actions before the funeral and during the trial militated against him, but his inward grief, like that of many people, may refuse to come to the surface. There are many inconsistencies in his story, and some theories have been advanced which seem to fit his tale exactly and point concisely to his guilt. THE COURIER, to satisfy a morbid public, might here give some of the theories, but it prefers to give the bare facts and let the public draw its own conclusion—explain the mysteries to suit its own curiosity. The inquest has been held and the man is in the hands of the law. Cowley’s people are too sensible and law-abiding to want to take the law in their own hands in a case so unfathomable as this. The actions of White over the coffin of his wife have changed public opinion greatly in his favor. None who saw him could believe his feelings to be put on—are absolutely convinced of his innocence. His actions clear through, his story and all, show him to be an intelligent, cool, deep-thinking man. The little girl is an unusually bright, pretty child. The crime itself, taking all outward circumstances into account, is one of the most damnable—without a parallel for heinousness. The murderer, who ever he was, has lifted the flat iron and with one awful blow crushed in the skull of a wife and mother whose character and disposition, from all evidence obtainable, was beyond reproach. And considering that the victim’s sweet little children were lying beside her and that she was surrounded by almost abject poverty, in the poorest hovel in the city—placed there by no fault of hers—the deed becomes simply hellish. But the law will uproot the perpetrator, if he can be found. In this country law is king. Let it do its perfect work in this case. The eye of Mrs. White was photographed, and the opthalmoscope will likely reveal the demon when the evidence is needed in the District Court. Many cases are on record where murderers have been detected in this way. The perfect picture of the last person coming before the eye in consciousness, as has been proven, is stamped upon the eye, delible only by returning consciousness. When transferred to a photograph taken by a microscopic lens, the apthalmoscope will reveal the murderer.
[Last part of this article is rather puzzling and also the use of the following word: first spelled “opthalmoscope” and then “apthalmoscope” in article. The correct spelling is “ophthalmoscope,” which is an instrument consisting of a concave mirror with a small hole in the center; the mirror serving to illuminate, by the reflection of a light behind the patient, the fundus of the eye, which the examiner observes through the central hole. I have heard of the theory that a camera could take a picture of the eye of a deceased person and be able to detect what was last seen by the deceased. Evidently the Courier reporter was making reference to this in his article. MAW]
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 18, 1885.
The Citizens of Winfield Gather En Masse to Welcome the College Committee.
WINFIELD LEADS THEM ALL. Honor to Whom Honor is Due—Some Happy and Forcible Speeches. A BIG TIME AND GLORIOUS ENTHUSIASM.

Thursday was the occasion of much joy to the people of Winfield and vicinity. The Opera House was filled with rejoicing people. Early in the evening the House commenced to fill, and impatiently waited for the gentlemen to put in an appearance for whom they had gathered to welcome. The Courier Cornet Band discoursed sweet music, sufficient to charm a God of olden times. Everybody felt happy. On motion of W. C. Robinson, John C. Long was unanimously elected chairman of the meeting. Mr. Long was heartily cheered upon taking the platform. The following is in substance Mr. Long’s address.
Fellow Citizens: We do not meet here tonight to raise funds, but to jollify over what has been accomplished. (Cheers.) For the past three months we have been successful in every enterprise undertaken. (Cheers.) Through the noble leadership of a gentleman, who is in our presence, and his assistants, we have been successful. (Cheers.) We have a gentleman in our midst earnest in the cause in which he is enlisted, of serving the Lord. A gentleman who has just put forth his best endeavors and zeal in working up this enterprise. A gentleman without whose aid, I believe, we would have failed. The Conference at first had engrafted in the articles determining to erect this college, that it be centrally located. This gentleman advocated the partiality of this clause, and the men composing the conference, in their fair-mindedness and good judgment, made the location at any place of easy access. The seven members of this committee were from other towns, yet they at once saw the superior offers and natural advantages of Winfield and through the efforts of this gentleman, of whom I have been speaking, and his co-worker, we have gained the victory. Fellow citizens, I refer to Rev. B. Kelly and Judge T. H. Soward.”
Cheer upon cheer and cries of “Bro. Kelly!” nearly lifted the roof off the house, which were only quieted by he gentleman coming forward and, though tired, made a happy speech to his admiring listeners, substantially as follows.
Dear Friends: I hesitated about coming here at all tonight. I was about ready to go to bed when I was urged to come up here awhile. I do not take any credit in performing my duty in regard to this college. I believe we have an excellent people. They know what we wanted and had the grit to go and capture it. (Cheers.) I think we have the most beautiful city in Kansas and among the most intelligent people in Kansas. We are on the eve of great prosperity. I don’t know whether we have railroads enough or not; if we haven’t, let us get some more. (Cheers.) I believe we can make ourselves second to no place in Kansas if we can get two more railroads and a few other things, we can soon be first in Kansas. We can get there, my friends. (Cheers.) We had a good committee at Wichita. Some of our sister cities underrated us. I don’t think Wellington did. Every fellow from Hutchinson that was at Wichita was a real estate man, with the exception of two or three Methodists. All of our sister cities had many representatives. My friends, your representative went in alone, and, in a five minutes speech, which was one of the most concise and business like speeches ever put before a committee, captured this college. (Cheers.) The committee saw at once that your representative, Judge T. H. Soward, (Cheers.) knew what he was talking about and had that something ready and willing to offer. We offered the committee everything they wanted. We forgot one thing—our sand. (Laughter.) We have many good things in Winfield. We have the grandest band I ever heard. My friends, I’m too tired to say much tonight. I wish to say right here, we are entitled to all we have and we expect to get more. (Cheers.) I have been a Methodist minister for eighteen years. I never have gone into any speculations, but I know of no people I would help quicker than the people of Winfield. God bless you.

At the close of Bro. Kelly’s speech, he was cheered time after time, when cries of “Soward” filled the room. Finally Judge Soward made his appearance and after some little time contrived to gain a hearing, and in his usual happy vein spoke substantially as follows.

Fellow Citizens: In 1879 Kansas was pretty dry in more ways than one. About this time I landed in your city and took a drive out east; coming back I strayed into the Presbyterian Sunday School. I made up my mind if the Lord did not make this city and country for the blessed and happy, I couldn’t tell where I could find that country. I have been working pretty hard for the past few days and feel too tired tonight to say much. When I came back from Wichita the other day, and before I left, Bro. Kelly was of the opinion we had the college; I felt assured it would be so. I came home and would have slept in peace, but my baby had the colic. (Laughter.) This county is the most beautiful county that God’s sun shines upon. I took some of my Kentucky friends out yesterday down about Arkansas City and Geuda Springs, and every place they come by they would say, “I’m going to have that place!” They are coming here to locate; they have capital, and many more will follow. (Cheers.) I have been proud of Cowley ever since I came here. We have the most enterprising people on the face of the globe. My expectations have been fully realized within the last three or four weeks. My friends, taking into consideration the hard times of the past winter, it is wonderful, the success that has been accomplished in raising funds for this College and other enterprises. It shows the enterprise of the people of Winfield. But, my friends, we want more projects. These railroads and College won’t make our city alone; we must encourage manufactories and men of capital to come here. We can get them. We want the Orphan’s Home for the soldiers. I believe Cowley County can capture it. (Cheers.) By all means we want to locate individuals, and are going to do it. (Cheers.) We must not stop; there is no stopping place in this country. We want a little more smoke from manufactories, no matter if it does cause us to paint our houses a little oftener. But a short time ago, a friend of mine, traveling through California, the so-called garden spot of the world, said he believed Southern Kansas was destined to be the center of the horticultural district. We want men here with enterprise enough to scrape the hair off and cut the throats of our hogs instead of shipping them to Kansas City. (Cheers.) I would like to see a big pork-packing establishment—not too close to town, but just a little ways off, you know. (Laughter.) I wouldn’t give this M. E. college for sixteen imbecile colleges. I would like for this to be a city of colleges. (Cheers.) I would like to see that old Baptist college at Ottawa move down here and fired up with our enterprise. (Cheers.) I would like to see other denominations establish colleges here. Now my friends, we are not through with our work, or you won’t do what I said you would. There are some men here that have not given as much as they ought to do. They will have to give more. Next Tuesday the committee will be here. We want all the pretty girls and pretty wives to turn out and welcome this committee and completely capture them. The gentleman sitting over there with white hair (Mr. Kelly) engineered this through. I would have been like a drop of water in the ocean without him with me at Wichita. We owe it all to him—to his zeal and work in the cause. God bless him and the men and women of this town who have worked for this college, that my little boy and yours may grow up under the shadow of its influence and grow up a good man. I would almost as soon trust a boy to an army as to trust a boy away from home’s protecting influence. Already applications are coming in for homes here. Men are crying I am coming to a town where I can educate my boy and my girl and watch over them. I am going to pitch my tent under the shadow of this college. My friends, do your own work. Do it well, but give a little thought to the future of this country.
At the conclusion of the Judge’s speech, he was applauded again and again.
A vote of thanks was given to Bro. Kelly and Judge Soward for the noble work they have done. Long may the people of Winfield remember them. After the Courier Band had rendered several pieces, the meeting adjourned to dream of Winfield’s future prosperity.
Among the more potent factors in obtaining this great enterprise for Winfield were the soliciting committees who circulated the sub-papers with wonderful energy and success. They raised nearly twenty thousand dollars in this way—almost every man, young and old, in the city made good subscriptions, with many donations from the ladies. Nothing could more plainly demonstrate the great liberality and public spirit of our citizens. There is no doubt that without such assiduous labor on the part of these soliciting committees, Winfield would never have got the college. The committee for Winfield city were: Capt. J. B. Nipp, Judge T. H. Soward, Judge H. D. Gans, Capt. T. B. Myers, Prof. A. Gridley, J. E. Conklin, Frank Bowen, and J. E. Farnsworth. Those soliciting in adjacent territory, as near as we can ascertain, were: Rev. B. Kelly, Col. Wm. Whiting, Rev. S. S. Holloway, Rev. J. H. Snyder, A. H. Limerick, J. A. Rinker, T. J. Johnson, Dr. S. R. Marsh, J. W. Browning, J. A. McGuire, George Gale, D. W. P. Rothrock, D. A. Sherrard, D. Gramme, W. E. Martin, A. Staggers, W. D. Roberts, E. M. Reynolds, J. C. Roberts, and C. Hewitt.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 18, 1885.
AN UNATTRACTIVE JOB. Owing to lack of care in taking, it was found that the photograph of Mrs. Julia Ann White’s eye before burial was imperfect and incapable of proper development. Our officials were determined, if possible, to get a clue to the murderer, and yesterday afternoon, Sheriff McIntire, Dr. S. R. Marsh, and Photographer Rodocker went out to the graveyard, exhumed the body, took it from the coffin, stood it up against a board, reflected light on the eye, and with an extension lens got a perfect photograph. It is several inches in diameter, and is developing splendidly. Indications are strong that when fully developed it will reveal the perpetrator of the awful deed. It took some grit to go through this process of obtaining it, but our officials are abashed at nothing that seems in the line of duty. The body gave sickening evidence of decomposition. The photograph is taken on the established theory that the last person appearing before the vision in consciousness remains a perfect picture on the eye, and when the eye is photographed can be drawn out, as plainly as life, by the ophthalmoscope. The photograph will be sent east for enlargement and proper scientific treatment.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 18, 1885.
Coroner’s fees, H W Marsh: $7.10.
Medical witness, S R Marsh: $20.00.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 23, 1885.

GO IN PEACE! Robert H. White, Charged With The Murder of His Wife, Bids the Bastille Adieu. NO CONVICTING EVIDENCE. Judge Snow’s Decision in Full, With Other Facts of the Preliminary. THE DESPICABLE TRAGEDY ENDS IN DARKNESS.
What seems to be the last chapter in the deepest and most damnable murder that ever stained the history of any community closed Thursday. Robert H. White, charged with the awful crime of having crushed in the skull of his wife with a flat iron or other instrument, languished in the county jail until ten days ago, undecided as to whether he would waive preliminary examination or not. His brother came out from Illinois and proffered $250 or more to his brother’s defense. Jennings & Troup and McDermott & Johnson were secured as counsel and Tuesday afternoon the preliminary trial began. County Attorney Asp conducted the prosecution and Senator Jennings and A. P. Johnson the defense. The evidence presented was a repetition of that given at the coroner’s inquest, which appeared in full in THE COURIER, and is perfectly known to all. The only new witnesses of importance were W. C. Allen, legislative representative of Johnson County, Illinois, who has been visiting friends in this county. He knew White and his family in Illinois, and testified to their good character. The evidence of J. H. Rendleman, father of Mrs. White, corroborated the statements as to the perfect felicity always existing between White and wife, and that White always had a terror for storms. He said that, on his place in Illinois, White had a cave where he always went in times of storm. His wife seldom went with him. Doctors Graham, Emerson, and Marsh differed as to the flat iron being the instrument of murder. Dr. Graham claimed it very improbable that the iron made the wound, while Doctors Emerson and Marsh were positive that it was used. Witnesses were also introduced to show that the blood on the victim’s shoes was caused by one of the children’s straw hats being picked up from the pool of blood at the head of the bed and thrown back under the table, lodging on the shoes. But Sheriff McIntire, Dr. Marsh, and others who examined the shoes the morning of the murder still maintained that the blood on the heel of each shoe was the print of a hand. The evidence clear through was the same as before, when summed up, and so well known that a resume is unnecessary. County Attorney Asp’s opening and closing arguments occupied an hour and showed a careful study of the case. Every bearing was dwelt upon with ability and zeal. A. P. Johnson’s speech occupied forty minutes and Senator Jennings spoke an hour and ten minutes. He brought out the theory that the simple lunatic who was found in that neighborhood a day or so afterward was the murderer. His own vicious habits had made him an imbecile and the likelihood of an attempt at outrage by him, as he passed by the door coming from the woods, was shown probable. But County Attorney Asp, in his closing argument, showed by the evidence of the shoe tracks around the house and the fact that no clue was found on her person by the physicians that would lead to the belief that any outrage had been attempted, was uncircumstantial. At the conclusion of Mr. Asp’s closing argument, the court proceeded to sum up the case and render his judgment, as follows.

“This case, which has taken so long to investigate, has undoubtedly caused more interest than any other ever tried in Cowley County, at least since I have been a resident of Winfield, as is shown by the crowds who have attended this examination. Murder is defined as the unlawful killing of one human being by another and is always more or less revolting in its details, but this particular case is especially so. Indeed, the testimony as given by the witnesses has been of such a character as to cause everyone who has heard it to be horrified. The public have discussed it in all its features, and different opinions have been expressed. But with public opinion I, as an officer of this county under my oath, have nothing to do. I have only my duty to perform. That Julia Ann White, wife of the defendant, was, on or about the 9th day of June, 1885, foully murdered, there can be no doubt. With the question as to who committed this deed I have nothing to do, unless I believe from the evidence the defendant did the deed. The evidence in this case has all been circumstantial; this class of evidence is considered the very strongest from the fact that circumstances are usually unerring and point directly to the guilty party with perhaps more certainty than that which is usually called positive evidence. Circumstances seldom mislead; but in order to make circumstantial evidence conclusive, I believe the correct rule is to the effect that the chain of circumstances should be unbroken—or at least if broken—it should be shown that the missing link cannot be supplied upon any other theory than that the defendant is guilty. The officers of the law, as shown by the evidence, have only done their duty. The county attorney has prosecuted this case with his usual zeal, but I am fully justified that he has only done his duty, as under his oath he is bound to do. The sheriff has only resorted to the usual methods of securing the conviction of the person in his custody charged with committing a crime against the laws of the land, and should not be blamed. As I have before remarked, I believe that no sane man or woman ever committed the crime of murder without a reason or a supposed reason. I only have to find that there are reasonable grounds to believe the defendant guilty as charged in the complaint, and not, as some suppose, to find him guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. I have examined this case with much care and attempted to bring every particle of evidence to bear upon the case in its proper light and it would be useless at this time for me to go through with a rehearsal of the testimony. If then it be true that no sane man would commit murder without some cause, it would devolve upon the state to show in this case some incentive. Has it been done? The previous good character of the defendant may count nothing, for a man may have always borne a good reputation, and fall at last, and that may have been his first wrongful act so far as the world may know. The theory that this deed may have been done by a tramp or a lunatic, I think, amounts to nothing. I cannot go outside of the evidence to find a basis for my judgment, but must be confined strictly to what has been proven in the case. I do not believe the evidence warrants me in holding the defendant to answer this charge. It is therefore the judgment of the court that the defendant, Robt. H. White, be, and is hereby, discharged and permitted to go hence without delay.”
White sat, almost expressionless, until the decision in his favor. His face was then like a sunbeam, and the audience gave slight applause. After some congratulations, White accompanied his brother to the residence of A. White, a distant relative, where they are now boarding. White was around on the streets Thursday, talking to different parties he met, apparently perfectly free and unembarrassed.

Of course, public opinion is yet greatly divided as to the innocence or guilt of White. Many aver that their mind can never be ridded of its belief in his guilt until someone else is proven to be the murderer, while others as strenuously declare his innocence. But all concede the righteousness of Judge Snow’s decision. There were a great many inconsistencies in White’s story. But there was no positive evidence or clue to a cause which could ever have convicted him. The deed was done in the dark, with no human eye but the perpetrator to tell the tale, and it will remain sealed. That such a heinous crime should go unpunished is a terrible thing, but it would be equally terrible to punish an innocent man. Our officials have done all in their power to work this case to a convicting point. No clue, other than the one seeming to be presented in White, has ever presented itself. Many have been sprung, but when run down, dwindled into the thin air. The story that a darkey came home at twelve o’clock on the night of the murder, covered with blood, and told his wife he had combat with a certain white man, is now being worked on. It is said that this darkey left suddenly the day the victim’s eye was photographed. People generally seem to think this story a ruse. The death bed of the murderer will likely give up the secret. The present certainty indicates a blank.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 20, 1885.
Even the dogs’ poor little hearts are filled with terror at sight of our mighty fighting editor—alias fat man. He is becoming well and widely known even among the canine tribe. Sunday as he was passing Dr. Marsh’s office, a dog belonging to one of the Doctor’s customers who had called on him, was standing in the street when he spied the fat man’s portly avoirdupois waddling in his direction. No sooner did he see him than he rushed frantically into the Doctor’s office, tail between his legs, and barricaded himself behind the door and not until he was sure that the apparition was at a safe distance from him could he be persuaded to leave his retreat, and then it was with the utmost precaution that he slyly peeped around the door frame at the retreating figure of our fat man. Bring on another dog.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
James P. Gardner, who started with J. O. Taylor Thursday for the west, was taken very sick when they reached Geuda Springs. Dr. S. R. Marsh was sent for and reports him out of danger.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 8, 1885.
And still they marry. Cupid’s latest disciples are Mr. P. H. Marsh and Miss Luella Bonnewell, who were united in marriage Sunday, at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bonnewell, in Beaver township, by Rev. P. B. Lee, D. D. The ceremony was witnessed by some thirty relatives and friends, and the occasion was one of the pleasantest. THE COURIER was favored with samples of the magnificent spread, in wedding cake most delicious. These young folks are among the staunchest of Beaver township. The groom is a son of Dr. H. W. Marsh, of Tannehill, and a brother of Dr. S. R. Marsh, of our city. He is a bright and substantial young man, with the ambition that augurs nothing but success. His bride is possessed of sterling qualities—winsome, intelligent, and frugal. THE COURIER throws its old shoe of good luck after Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Marsh with a vim, wishing a long and prosperous career in the double harness they have so early and auspiciously taken on.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
W L Sumner et ux to Stephen R Marsh, lot 5, blk 93, Menors ad to Winfield: $800.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 29, 1885.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hunt were recipients of a son last Saturday night of the regulation size and weight, and are happy beyond comparison. Dr. Marsh is responsible for this item and we have not smoked.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 31, 1885.
At the Christmas dinner at Rev. J. H. Snyder’s, all had a chance to sample a watermelon, which was furnished by P. H. Marsh, a brother of Dr. Marsh, of this city. He waxed the stem and saved it from last fair time especially for Christmas. It was a great luxury, in harmony with the weather.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
S. R. MARSH, M. D. Offers his professional services to the citizens of Winfield and vicinity in the practice of medicine and surgery. Office on 10th Avenue, west of McDonald’s store, where he may be found at all hours day or night when not professionally engaged.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 25, 1886.
Dr. Marsh is very sick with fever. He will be removed to Rev. Snyder’s residence today.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
Dr. S. R. Marsh has a severe attack of pneumonia, and won’t get out for a week or more. He is being cared for at Rev. Snyder’s house.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886.
Dr. S. R. Marsh got out Tuesday for the first time, after a two weeks’ pneumonia siege, and will soon be on the turf again.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 11, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Dr. Marsh was down to Arkansas City yesterday. He says he saw more drunk men there in two hours than he has seen since the prohibitory law went into effect. A. C. is evidently getting badly decayed. Winfield Courier.
How shocking! Poor Dr. Marsh! How sadly his nerves must be affected. We sincerely hope he will recover. But, did it never occur to you, Mr. Courier, that your friend, the Doctor, might have been one of those men he spoke of above, and therefore he was incapable of judging what he saw and especially the number.