J. P. Marshall
Brainard Goff and J. P. Marshall, partners, salt springs...
Winfield Courier, May 15, 1873.
We clip the following local items from the Arkansas City Traveler.
Last week we saw some of the best salt we have seen in this State, manufactured by Goff & Marshall, of Salt Springs, this county. These gentlemen have their vats in working order, from which they manufacture thirty barrels of salt per week, by evaporation only. As many more vats are being made, and they will soon be able to turn out twice as much salt as at present.
Mr. Goff brought into this market yesterday 1,000 pounds of beautiful crystallized salt. All the salt needed in this locality will be furnished from the Salt Springs.
Note: J. P. Marshall returns for a visit from Leavenworth years later:
Arkansas City Traveler, September 17, 1879.
J. P. Marshall, one of the old settlers in these parts, but for the past five years a resident of Leavenworth, paid his old friends a visit last week. He is interested in the salt springs at Salt City, and had been over there viewing his possessions.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 11, 1882.
Geuda Gossip.
J. P. Marshall intends to build a business house and put in a hardware store, and our friend, Johnnie Houston, will run it.
Cowley County Courant, April 6, 1882.
A Geuda correspondent of the Arkansas City Democrat ventilates himself to no small extent, and winds up his letter with the information
That Mr. Marshall, of Leavenworth, and one of the Geuda Springs Town Company members, proposes to build a summer residence at Geuda Springs.
[Above was last item found on J. P. Marshall. MAW]