Martindale Family
M. N. Martindale.
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[1869] PAGE 102.
M. N. MARTINDALE, an old and highly respected pioneer of Cowley County, located within its borders in July, 1869. He possessed many sterling qualities, was honest and upright, and always strived for the welfare of his adopted community. He was born in Wayne County, Indiana, August 4, 1820, a son of Jesse Martindale.
Moses Martindale, grandfather of M. N., was born in South Carolina, where the family resided many years. In 1849, M. N. Martindale made his great-grandfather, William Martindale, a pair of slippers. Jesse Martindale was also born in South Carolina, but the greater part of his years was spent in Indiana, where he followed farming and stock raising. He married Barbara Chenoweth, a native of Virginia, and they reared a family of children, of who several died in infancy. Those living in 1901 were: Benjamin G., William C., George B., and Hannah, all living in Indiana; Lucy; and M. N., the only one who lived in Kansas.
M. N. Martindale remained at home until he was 27 years of age, and his life was devoted to farming. He located in Cowley County in July 1869, and took up 80 acres of the northwest quarter of section 19, Rock Township, and 80 acres of the southwest quarter of section 18, in the same township. There were but few white settlers in the county and Mr. Martindale's nearest neighbor resided about four miles distant, but the Indians were then very numerous, although not troublesome. Mr. Martindale spoke of many interesting tales of early life in Kansas, and of the hardships endured by the pioneers. On the farm taken up by him a cabin was needed, and this was ready for occupancy about Christmas, 1869. His brothers-in-law, S. N. and J. D. Cady, accompanied Mr. Martindale to Cowley County, and with them brought about 300 Texas cattle. In 1870, Mr. Martindale broke 15 acres, which he put into corn. He made improvements upon the place, until it stood second to none in the county. He was an extensive raiser of grain and livestock, but in later years rented all but 80 acres of his farm to his son-in-law, and spent his time looking after his small tract of land.
Mr. Martindale was married in October 1847 to Polly Cady, of Cincinnati, Ohio, who was born August 17, 1821, and died April 16, 1899. They had six children: Catherine, deceased; C. H. and J. W., who were stock raisers, residing in the northwestern part of Texas; Clara B., who was the wife of G. W. Kimsey, of Maple Township; J. C., who went to the Klondike in 1898; and Lydia M., who was the wife of Albert Brookshire, a young farmer of Maple Township.
Mr. Martindale served with distinction in the Confederate army, as captain of a company of infantry, under Gen. McCullough. He was a member of the Christian Church of Rock, of which his wife was also a member.
Walnut Valley Times, April 18, 1873.
MARRIED. At the residence of the bride's father in Cowley County, Kansas, on Sunday, April 13th, 1873, by Rev. L. S. Friend of Eldorado, MR. J. H. WHITTLESLEY, of El Dorado, and MISS CATHARINE EFFIE MARTINDALE, of Antelope Springs, Cowley County.
Mr. Whittlesley set the first column of type for the first issue of the TIMES, over three years ago, and has been with us as foreman of the TIMES office nearly the entire intervening time. He has at all times been faithful in the discharge of his duties. We extend to him and his fair bride our warmest congratulations and hope they may live long to enjoy the pleasures and happiness in store for them.