Stacy Matlack


Arkansas City Traveler, October 4, 1876.
S. Matlack reports one half of the Pawnee tribe now sick.  Indian Herald.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.
It has been deemed best for the Indian service that the license of Stacy Matlack as trader at Pawnee Agency be revoked, and the order has been complied with.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.
Stacy Matlack has opened a new store in the room lately occupied by Mr. M. S. Faris.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.
Notice to the Public. I have opened out, in the building formerly occupied by M. S. Faris the largest stock of General Merchandise in Cowley County, consisting in part of Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods, Groceries, Glass & Queensware, Hardware, etc., and in fact anything and everything you want, which I will sell at Wholesale and Retail.  My stock of Groceries is full and complete, and selected with the greatest of care.  They are fresh and pure, and I guarantee satisfaction in all cases.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.
The advertisement of Stacy Matlack, late of Pawnee Agency, appears in large letters this week. Mr. Matlack is a genial gentleman to deal with and can sell you anything you want from a pegging awl to a fine dress.  He has saddles, and bridles, and prints, and muslins piled mountain high. Give him a call and see if there is anything you want that he has in stock.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 4, 1878.
The Steamer, CHEROKEE, will leave her moorings below the Arkansas City Bridge on Tuesday next, loaded with freight for Ft. Smith, but S. MATLACK will remain and continue to supply the trade at lowest prices on Prints, Sheeting, Duckings, Jeans, Doeskins, Waterproofs, Ginghams, Alpacas, Flannels, Nubias, Scarfs, Hosiery, and No­tions, Boots and Shoes, and Rubber Goods; Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Spices, Canned Goods, Crosse & Black-well's Pickles, Bott's Nabob Sauce and Ketchup, Raisins, Currants, Prunes, Apples, and Peach­es; New York and Salt City Salt, No. 1 Bay Mackerel and White Fish, Sauer Kraut, and other articles too numerous to mention.  A fresh supply of Butter and Eggs always on hand.  I will be found ready at all times to duplicate Winfield prices on any goods in Stock, and let it be understood I will not be undersold. Respectfully, S. MATLACK.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 4, 1878.
Ad.  BUFFALO ROBES going off rapidly, call early and secure one from S. Matlack. Ad. Attention Ladies! The finest assortment of Shears and Scissors in town at S. MATLACK’S. Go to S. Matlack’s for Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, etc., where you will find goods marked at just what they are sold—will receive lowest prices and always polite attention.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 6, 1879.
Men are at work preparing to move the old Mitchell building from the corner where it has stood for more than nine years, to make room for Matlack’s new brick.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 8, 1879.

We welcome the return of Mr. Matlack and family to our midst.  Mr. Matlack has on hand a large stock of goods, and those who call on him will find a pleasnt and agreeable gentleman. Mr. Bishop and Mr. Fred Farrar are his salesmen, and this is all that is essential to a successful business.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 22, 1879.
Wanted: 10,000 bushels of wheat. S. Matlack.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 6, 1879.
Men are at work preparing to move the old Mitchell Building from the corner where it has stood for more than nine years, to make room for Matlack’s new brick.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 13, 1879.
Mr. S. Matlack has a splendid stock of general merchandise, is driving a heavy retail trade with the surrounding country, and is jobbing largely to the merchants of the Territory.  Mr. Matlack came here during the last year from New Jersey, is backed by ample capital, is a gentleman of superior mercantile knowledge and discipline, genial social nature, and fine executive talent; is in the best sense a royal merchant and man, and a capital acquisition to the social and business life of the Walnut and Arkansas valleys.
The Howard boys have concluded to put up a brick store room adjoining Mr. Matlack’s. Work on both these buildings will commence immediately.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 27, 1879.
The old Jim Mitchell building, that has weathered the elements for so many years, is now no more, having been torn down last Monday to make room for Matlack’s two-story brick.  In this house Cresswell Grote was born: the first child born on the townsite of Arkansas City.  Another item of interest connected with this structure is the manner in which a perpendicular was determined. Instead of using a plumb-line for this purpose, the carpenter spit to the ground, which explains ­why the building always leaned to the north.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 27, 1879.
A brother of Mr. Matlack arrived last Saturday evening from Iowa, and will take a position in the store.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 15, 1879.
Messrs. Matlack and Endicott are showing their faith in the future of the city by the commencement of another kiln of brick to the tune of 150,000 and the best of all, parties are ready to take them off their hands, lay them up, and put a stock of goods in the buildings.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 26, 1879.
We call special attention of mechanics to Stacy Matlack’s advertisement for sealed proposals. The design of Mr. Matlack’s building we have examined at the office of S. W. Scott, and it is very handsome. For the good of the town and good of Mr. Matlack as well, we hope to see the building completed at an early day. It is to be erected on the corner of Summit Street and Fifth Avenue, two of the most popular business streets in town.
Ad. Sealed Proposals will be received at my store in Arkansas City, Kansas, for the erection and completion of a two-story brick business building in accordance with plans and specifications to be seen at the office of S. W. Scott, in the old McMullen Bank Building.  Bids will be opened on Friday, the 5th of December, at 2 o’clock p.m. The contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible Bidder. I hereby reserve the right to reject any or all bids. S. MATLACK.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1880.
Mr. Matlack’s new brick building is pushing upwards, and the indications are that it will be the boss building in Cowley County.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 3, 1880.
The brick work on Matlack’s new business house on Summit Street is about completed, and the carpenters will soon put on the inside finish. When completed, this will be one among the neatest business houses in the city.
[Matlack maintained his dry goods and grocery store on the first floor. Doctors Vawter and Loomis had their dental offices over the store.]
Arkansas City Traveler, June 15, 1881.
Mr. Stacy Matlack, of this city, has received a license as government trader at the Pawnee Agency, Indian Territory, and we understand will put in a stock of goods shortly. Mr. Matlack was formerly trader at this agency, and was deservedly popular among the Indians.
[C. M. Scott’s Diary on March 14, 1891, reported that S. Matlack leased one half of the Otoe Indian Reservation (50,000 acres). The cost was about 8 cents per acre per year.]