Matlack Families
Stacy Matlack.
Ben Matlack.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 4, 1876.
S. Matlack reports one half of the Pawnee tribe now sick. Indian Herald.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1877.
For the benefit of the citizens of Arkansas City and vicinity, I hereby give the information that the laws regulating Indian trade prohibit any person or persons whosoever, without a license granted by the Indian Department, from trading with Indians in the Indian country, and any person violating the law at this Agency will be speedily punished.
S. MATLACK, Trader.
I have read the above notice, and believe the trader is justified to protecting his guaranteed right under the law. W. BURGESS, U. S. Indian Agent.
Dec. 21st, 1876.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 21, 1877.
MR. S. MATLACK, of Pawnee Agency, paid us a call this week. Mr. Matlack has been with the Pawnees seven years, and for three years last past a trader among them. See his notice in another column relative to whites trading with the Indians. [Appeared earlier.]
Arkansas City Traveler, August 22, 1877. Front Page.
Scalp Raising.
Dr. W. McKay Dougan:
I found so much work awaiting me here, that it has been impossible to fulfill my promise sooner. However, the facts connected with the meeting of Alexander, Broome, and Walton, with a party of Osages, on Gray Horse Creek, June 19th, are as follows.
Upon approaching the creek, they were startled by yells and running horses from the rear, and were at once surrounded by a dozen Indians, who were mounted, armed, and painted.
They produced a trade dollar of Dunlap & Florer’s, and from signs made the whites understood that they wanted to trade it for hair. It was thought best to comply, under the circumstances, and Harry Broome, for and in consideration of the dollar check, allowed them to cut from his head a lock of hair.
The Indians were now satisfied and left while the whites crossed the creek and stopped for dinner. While in camp they discovered an Indian on a bluff in the distance, who seemed to be signaling someone on the opposite side of the stream, and as they were about resuming their journey, they were again approached by Indians; this time three in number. This party was unarmed, and one of the number spoke tolerable good English. They were talkative and said a large party of Osages were mourning the death of a chief. They also stated that they were poor and had no money, but that they, too, wanted some hair, so that they could have a dance that evening. Broome was asked to furnish the article.
They objected to Alexander’s hair upon the ground that it bore too close a resemblance to the hair of the horse and Walton was in no trouble as his hair was too short to admit of a close cut. I have written a faithful account of the affair as detailed to me by one of the party, in whose word I place implicit confidence. Very cordially, S. MATLACK.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 22, 1877.
[From Vinita Herald.]
Indians have sins enough of their own to answer for without being with those committed by the whites. The border white man, or plainsman, knows better than to receive money from Indians as an excuse for supplying them with hair and getting an opportunity to make impressions that are both false and damaging.
On his return to Pawnee, Harry Broome stated that he had been scalped by a mourning party of Osages, and then to put it beyond question, he exhibited the localities which had been shorn in accordance with his own will, at his own instance, for pay, and also for the vile purpose of setting a mark of disgrace upon the very people whose friendship he covets.
Old Mrs. Gossip was among the first to see how the young man’s head had been skinned, and heard him say (as she went off into an hysterical tantrum) that it was done by a murderous band of mourning Osages, and the world was then on wheels. Broome went to Canaville, Kansas, and made a similar statement of his hairbreadth escape from death at the hands of Indians on the warpath. Old men who had been neighbors with Indians for half a century, and must soon go to their graves, leaving behind them no prospect of sensational inscriptions for their funeral monuments, felt aggrieved to think that the obscurity of their lives had been the decree of fate; yet, everybody pitied poor Broome, and were full of doubt and curiosity as to how he felt as he set under the scalping knife of a wild Osage.
And as we have seen him passing each week, carrying the U. S. mail over the same route, nobody knows how we have wished we could have been brave and distinguished like him. We have admired the manner in which people approach and address him; we have courted and even stared at him until now, Stacy Matlack, the Pawnee (Indian) trader, says that Broome sold his hair to the Indians, and we learn that he was never scalped at all!
Two or three times a year we read of brutal murders and robberies of white settlers on the frontier by the Indians. And until the present Indian policy is perfected (instead of being abolished) and a provision is made for the care of the reckless whites, will the loss of life and the destruction of property in the future as in the past occasionally be cut. In nature prone to evil the hot blood of overbearing whites will continue to boil over in the way long familiar to the Indians.
Whites have taken but little pains to instill into the hearts of the Indians a feeling of confidence, but on the contrary, they have always tried to perpetuate the feeling of bitterness and distrust that exists between the two races.
There are now about two hundred and fifty thousand Indians in the territory of the United States, and they know and keenly feel their inability to cope with a nation numbering more than forty millions in the struggle for existence.
This emboldens bad white men to the commission of murder, treachery, and theft upon the persons and property of Indians. How then can it be wondered at that they do sometimes retaliate? They are not, today, accountable for the many blood conflicts that grew out of encroachment upon the rights of their ancestors by whites in years long gone by; nor are they answerable for the insatiable desire of the whites to pervert their innocent, devout, and ancient ceremonies into acts of bloodshed and rapine.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.
Agent Searing, Stacey Matlack, trader at Pawnee Agency; Mr. Manington, the hotel man; and King Berry were are all here last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.
It has been deemed best for the Indian service that the license of Stacy Matlack as trader at Pawnee Agency be revoked, and the order has been complied with.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.
The advertisement of Stacy Matlack, late of Pawnee Agency, appears in large letters this week. Mr. Matlack is a genial gentleman to deal with and can sell you anything you want from a pegging awl to a fine dress. He has saddles, and bridles, and prints, and muslins piled mountain high. Give him a call and see if there is anything you want that he has in stock.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.
To the Public:
I have opened out, in the building formerly occupied by M. S. Faris, the largest stock of General Merchandise in Cowley County, consisting in part of
and in fact anything and everything you want,
which I will sell at
Wholesale and Retail.
My stock of
is full and complete, and selected with the greatest of care.
They are fresh and pure, and
in all cases.
I have a large stock of
and the largest and best assortment of PRINTS in Arkansas City. Come in and see them before purchasing elsewhere.
will be sold at prices that defy competition.
Respectfully, S. MATLACK.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.
Mr. Matlack has a variety of goods in his new store room.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 4, 1878.
The Steamer, CHEROKEE, will leave her moorings below the Arkansas City Bridge on Tuesday next, loaded with freight for Ft. Smith, but S. MATLACK will remain and continue to supply the trade at lowest prices on Prints, Sheeting, Duckings, Jeans, Doeskins, Waterproofs, Ginghams, Alpacas, Flannels, Nubias, Scarfs, Hosiery, and Notions, Boots and Shoes, and Rubber Goods; Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Spices, Canned Goods, Crosse & Black-well's Pickles, Bott's Nabob Sauce and Ketchup, Raisins, Currants, Prunes, Apples, and Peaches; New York and Salt City Salt, No. 1 Bay Mackerel and White Fish, Sauer Kraut, and other articles too numerous to mention. A fresh supply of Butter and Eggs always on hand. I will be found ready at all times to duplicate Winfield prices on any goods in Stock, and let it be understood I will not be undersold. Respectfully, S. MATLACK.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 4, 1878.
Ad. BUFFALO ROBES going off rapidly, call early and secure one from S. Matlack. Ad. Attention Ladies! The finest assortment of Shears and Scissors in town at S. MATLACK’S. Go to S. Matlack’s for Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, etc., where you will find goods marked at just what they are sold—will receive lowest prices and always polite attention.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.
A Flannel shirt for $1.00 at S. Matlack’s, Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 8, 1879.
We welcome the return of Mr. Matlack and family to our midst. Mr. Matlack has on hand a large stock of goods, and those who call on him will find a pleasant and agreeable gentleman. Mr. Bishop and Mr. Fred Farrar are his salesmen, and this is all that is essential to a successful business.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 22, 1879.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 22, 1879.
Hosiery, Gloves, and Ladies’ Underwear at very low prices at S. MATLACK’S.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 22, 1879.
A Fine assortment of Pocket Cutlery at S. Matlacks.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 22, 1879.
Pecan nuts at S. Matlacks 7 cts. per pound.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 5, 1879.
Mr. Matlack started East Saturday morning.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 12, 1879.
Call at S. Matlack’s and get samples of Mohair Alpacas and Cashmeres.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 5, 1879.
Our enterprising townsman, Mr. Matlack, has purchased and shipped in five thousand two bushel sacks to fill with the best wheat.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 19, 1879.
Stacy Matlack has purchased of Edwin Thompson twelve lots in the northwest part of town, and will erect a residence.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 19, 1879.
Pecan nuts at S. Matlacks 7 cts. per pound.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 16, 1879.
C. R. Mitchell, Agent Williams, and Mr. Matlack are at Topeka attending the Federal Court.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 16, 1879
Rushings, Embroideries, and Insertions at Matlack’s.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 23, 1879
Lafe McLaughlin is building a room between Matlack’s and Channell & McLaughlin’s office.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 11, 1879.
Mr. Matlack has sold his large supply of wheat that he purchased of the farmers to A. A. Newman.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 18, 1879.
A fine assortment of goods in all departments.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 18, 1879.
Good Dried Apples, 5c. per pound. S. MATLACK.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 2, 1879.
The Mitchell corner on Summit street has been sold for $800 to Mr. Matlack, and a new brick will go up on that corner.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 9, 1879.
Messrs. Matlack and Bishop started for Pawnee Agency Saturday afternoon.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 9, 1879.
The committee on arrangements hereby tender their thanks to Lieutenant Cushman for his kind service at the celebration on the Fourth of July. S. MATLACK, Chairman.
I. H. BONSALL, Secretary.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 6, 1879.
Men are at work preparing to move the old Mitchell building from the corner where it has stood for more than nine years, to make room for Matlack’s new brick.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 13, 1879.
Mr. S. Matlack has a splendid stock of general merchandise, is driving a heavy retail trade with the surrounding country, and is jobbing largely to the merchants of the Territory. Mr. Matlack came here during the last year from New Jersey, is backed by ample capital, is a gentleman of superior mercantile knowledge and discipline, genial social nature, and fine executive talent; is in the best sense a royal merchant and man, and a capital acquisition to the social and business life of the Walnut and Arkansas valleys.
The Howard boys have concluded to put up a brick store room adjoining Mr. Matlack’s. Work on both these buildings will commence immediately.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 27, 1879.
The old Jim Mitchell building, that has weathered the elements for so many years, is now no more, having been torn down last Monday to make room for Matlack’s two-story brick. In this house Cresswell Grote was born: the first child born on the townsite of Arkansas City. Another item of interest connected with this structure is the manner in which a perpendicular was determined. Instead of using a plumb-line for this purpose, the carpenter spit to the ground, which explains why the building always leaned to the north.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 27, 1879.
A brother of Mr. Matlack arrived last Saturday evening from Iowa, and will take a position in the store.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 15, 1879.
Messrs. Matlack and Endicott are showing their faith in the future of the city by the commencement of another kiln of brick to the tune of 150,000 and the best of all, parties are ready to take them off their hands, lay them up, and put a stock of goods in the buildings.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 12, 1879.
Mr. Matlack has gone to Webber Falls.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 19, 1879.
We are informed that Mr. Ben Matlack is confined to his bed with pneumonia. Several attacks of this disease are reported in our community and some of a serious character.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 26, 1879.
We call special attention of mechanics to Stacy Matlack’s advertisement for sealed proposals. The design of Mr. Matlack’s building we have examined at the office of S. W. Scott, and it is very handsome. For the good of the town and good of Mr. Matlack as well, we hope to see the building completed at an early day. It is to be erected on the corner of Summit Street and Fifth Avenue, two of the most popular business streets in town.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 26, 1879.
Sealed proposals will be received at my store in Arkansas City, Kas., for the erection and completion of a two story brick business building in accordance with plans and specifications to be seen at the office of S. W. Scott, in the old McMullen Bank Building. Bids will be opened on Friday the 5th of December, at 2 o’clock p.m. The contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. I hereby reserve the right to reject any or all bids. S. MATLACK.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 3, 1879.
We call special attention of mechanics to Stacy Matlack’s advertisement for sealed proposals. The design of Mr. Matlack’s building we have examined at the office of S. W. Scott, and it is very handsome. For the good of the town and the good of Mr. Matlack as well, we hope to see the building completed at an early day. It is to be erected on the corner of Summit street and Fifth Avenue, two of the most popular business streets in town.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 10, 1879.
A fine assortment of goods in all departments. S. MATLACK
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 10, 1879.
COMMITTEE ON ARRANGEMENTS: Mrs. N. B. Hughes, Mrs. Huey, Mrs. A. A. Newman, Mrs. McClung, Mrs. James Benedict.
SOLICITING: East side of city: Mrs. W. Benedict and Mrs. C. R. Sipes. West side of city: Mrs. Hutchison, Mrs. J. T. Shepard. East Bolton: Mrs. Denton, Mrs. Dr. Carlisle. West Bolton: Mrs. Guthrie, Mrs. Marshall. East of Walnut: Mrs. E. Parker and Mrs. N. Kimmell.
FANCY TABLE: Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. L. McLaughlin, Mrs. Berger, Miss Annie Norton, May Benedict, Linnie Peed, Carrie Benedict, Annie Hutchinson, Mary Theaker.
SUPPER TABLE: Mrs. J. I. Mitchell, Mrs. R. C. Haywood, Mrs. Dr. Chapel, Mrs. S. P. Channell, Mrs. C. Schiffbauer, Mrs. Matlack, Mrs. Howard, Mrs. E. B. Kager, Mrs. Dr. Kellogg, Mrs. T. H. McLaughlin, Mrs. J. T. Shepard.
PROCURING TREE: Mr. W. D. Mowry, C. H. Sylvester, F. Farrar, Charles Swarts.
RECEIVING PRESENTS: Mrs. I. H. Bonsall, Miss Clara Finley, Mr. Cal. Swarts, C. H. Sylvester.
DECORATING TREE: Mr. and Mrs. Bonsall, Mr. and Mrs. Scott, Miss Eva Swarts, Hattie Houghton, Flora Finley, Angie Mantor, Ella Grimes, Mattie Mitchell, Kate Hawkins, Alma Dixon, Blanche Marshall, Emma Hunt, Susie Hunt, Mr. B. Matlack, F. Farrar, W. Gooch, Mr. Rose, G. Howard, B. Maxwell, W. D. Mowry, F. Hutchison, E. LeClare, L. Norton, Mr. B. Parker, C. McIntire.
PROCURING STOVES: C. R. Sipes and James Benedict.
PROCURING LIGHTS: Dr. Shepard and Dr. Loomis.
COLLECTING DONATIONS: Mr. Hutchison and J. J. Breene.
TEA AND COFFEE: Mrs. Coombs and Mrs. Norton.
OYSTER TABLE: Mrs. Sipes, Mrs. W. Benedict, Mrs. T. C. Bird, Mrs. T. Mantor, Mrs. J. D. Sherburne, Mrs. C. Parker, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Watson, Mrs. Anna Patterson.
PROCURING DISHES AND TABLES: Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Houghton, Mr. and Mrs. Lafe McLaughlin, Mrs. Sipes, Mr. J. C. Topliff.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1880.
Mr. Matlack’s new brick building is pushing upwards, and the indications are that it will be the boss building in Cowley County.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 3, 1880.
The brick work on Matlack’s new business house on Summit Street is about completed, and the carpenters will soon put on the inside finish. When completed, this will be one among the neatest business houses in the city.
[Matlack maintained his dry goods and grocery store on the first floor. Doctors Vawter and Loomis had their dental offices over the store.]
Arkansas City Traveler, March 30, 1881.
Stacy Matlack is reasonable: he says he will take $100,000 for his interest in the canal gold mines.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 30, 1881.
Stacy Matlack purchased one of the finest otter skins we ever saw from an Indian last week. It measured five feet and six inches from tip to tip, and was two feet wide, and was perfect in every respect.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 6, 1881.
We were gladdened by a sight of Ben Matlack’s smiling face the other day. Ben has been in New Mexico and claims to have seen all of the elephant he wants to.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 27, 1881.
There are few things more conducive to the well-being of a community than a plentiful supply of pure water, for domestic and public use, as well as for the protection afforded against the spreading of destructive fires. Situated as we have hitherto been, dependent for our supply of this necessity of life upon several deep wells, which, although fully adequate for all ordinary wants were of necessity almost useless as a protection to property from fire, made the urgency of our need for something more effective than the existing supply more and more apparent each day.
But the old has given place to the new, and today Arkansas City can boast the possession of as fine and effective a system of water works as can, of the like caliber, be found anywhere. It is now scarcely a year since the project of supplying the city with water was first broached, yet that short time has sufficed, thanks to the energy and public spirit of the ex-Mayor and City Council, in conferring upon the city the inestimable advantages of an unlimited supply of pure spring water. The works, of which a short description is herein given, were put in at a total cost to the city of about $1,700, counting in the $300 expended on the well. This outlay will be far more than recompensed in the event of its preventing one destructive fire, let alone the advantages daily conferred upon our citizens.
The machinery necessary to the pumping of the water into the tank consists of an “Eclipse Windmill,” supplied by the Fairbanks Co. This windmill, which is run by a wheel 14 feet in diameter, is automatic in its action, and therefore needs no attention or regulation other than to be started and stopped.
This part of the works is located near W. H. Speers’ mill, and the supply of water is furnished from a spring that has never, in the past twelve years, been known to fail. It may be well to mention, that though the pumps were kept constantly going last week, no visible effect was observed in the level of the water of the spring.
The tank, or reservoir, is located on South Summit Street, and has a capacity of 993 barrels. It is constructed substantially of pine, is fourteen feet in height, well painted and mounted upon a stone foundation, also fourteen feet in height. It is estimated that the level of the water is forty feet above the road level at the fire plug on Matlack’s corner. There are three fire plugs on Summit street, at the intersection of Central, Fifth, and Sixth Avenues, with three family hydrants between them.
Messrs. O. P. Houghton, W. E. Gooch, and Maj. Sleeth have already laid the water into their residences, and as soon as the pipes are laid on other thoroughfares, a matter now under consideration, we think the expense of running the works will be more than covered by the amount paid for this privilege alone.
At this writing the tank, which has been gradually soaking, is full to its utmost capacity, in which condition it will in the future be kept.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 27, 1881.
Miss Lucy Walton, of West Liberty, Iowa, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Matlack, and will probably stay all summer.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 4, 1881.
Stacy Matlack’s new awning is the first evidence of the sunny season we have yet noticed. It is a first-class affair, and harmonizes well with the goodly store building it adorns.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 18, 1881.
Messrs. Houghton & Speers, last week, took a stock of clothing and gents furnishing goods to their store at Hunnewell, for the coming season’s trade. Mr. Ben Matlack has charge of the establishment.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 25, 1881.
That the stocks of Dry Goods, Clothing, etc., to be found at the store of A. A. Newman & Co., Houghton & Speers, O. P. Houghton, and Stacy Matlack cannot be equaled elsewhere in the county.
That for Groceries, first-class in quality, fair prices and variety of stock, McLaughlin Bros., Wyckoff & Son, S. J. Mantor, S. Matlack, Schiffbauer Bros., H. Godehard, Benedict & Kimmel, the renowned Diamond Front, and Ware & Blakeney’s cannot be beat anywhere in the southwest.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 1, 1881.
Drs. Vawter and Loomis have again entered into partnership, and their friends and patrons are invited to call upon them at their dental rooms over Matlack’s store.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 15, 1881.
Messrs. Searing and Matlack started for Pawnee Agency last Monday afternoon.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 15, 1881.
Drs. Shepard & Vawter have dissolved their professional relations for the practice of medicine. Read the latter gentleman’s card in this issue.
Late Asst. Surgeon to the Louisville Eye and Ear Infirmary.
TENDERS his professional service to the citizens of Arkansas City and vicinity. Surgical dressings, and diseases of the eye, ear, throat and nose (nasal catarrh), a specialty. Office in Matlack’s brick.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 15, 1881.
Stacy Matlack returned from a trip to Nebraska, whither he went on business. The general prospects away from Cowley are not very flattering, we presume, for Mr. Matlack made the remark that he would not give an acre of Cowley County for any two acres he had seen in his travels. “There is no place like home.”
Arkansas City Traveler, June 15, 1881.
Mr. Stacy Matlack, of this city, has received a license as government trader at the Pawnee Agency, Indian Territory, and we understand will put in a stock of goods shortly. Mr. Matlack was formerly trader at this agency, and was deservedly popular among the Indians.
[C. M. Scott’s Diary on March 14, 1891, reported that S. Matlack leased one half of the Otoe Indian Reservation (50,000 acres). The cost was about 8 cents per acre per year.]
Arkansas City Traveler, July 13, 1881.
Ben Matlack, of Hunnewell, paid the city a visit last Sunday. Ben reports business as picking up at that place.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 27, 1881.
Mr. Ben Matlack, of Hunnewell, favored the city with his presence last Sunday.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 3, 1881.
Stacy Matlack goes to New York this week to purchase his fall stock of goods.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 10, 1881.
Editor Traveler:
Dear Sir: We are still right side up with care. There is quite a crowd in town today—comprising citizens of Wellington, Winfield, and Wichita, besides a large delegation from the Terminus, who came over to take a bath to rouse their systems from the nervous prostration caused by the excessive heat.
Mr. Resch returned from Colorado yesterday evening, and we understand he intends to remove thither shortly, provided he can dispose of his property here satisfactorily.
Dr. Collins has been quite busy the past few days.
DIED. The funeral of the infant daughter of Mr. Chas. Willard will take place this morning at 9 o’clock.
Mr. Dix, who came here a few weeks ago, unable to turn himself in bed, is getting along finely.
Salt City wants a $10,000 [? $19,000 ?] hotel to accommodate those who are daily visiting Geuda Springs for their health.
Q. M. Bixler and his father returned from a trip to Chautauqua County yesterday evening. They report the discovery of a mineral spring in that locality, also of rich lead mines.
Q. M. hastened home lest Julius, “the son of Thomas of the House of Royal,” should prevail with Ida “of the house of the Amalekites,” and she should hearken unto him.
The following is a list of the visitors at the Geuda Springs Bath House for the week ending August 7, 1881:
A. A. Jackson and family, Seeley.
A. M. Sherp, Kansas City, Mo.
A. E. Kelley and lady, Cowley County.
B. C. Swarts, Arkansas City, Kansas.
M. Stanton, Arkansas City, Kansas.
C. R. Mitchell, Arkansas City, Kansas.
J. M. Hoyland, Cowley County.
H. O. Vigus, Wichita.
C. E. Decker, Eureka.
G. S. Simpson, Kansas City.
Mrs. M. E. Roberts, Kansas City.
J. E. Platter and family, Winfield.
Miss Ella Johnson, Winfield.
Miss Ida Steward, Winfield.
Miss S. W. Bowman, Winfield.
Mrs. E. H. Matlack, Arkansas City.
Miss Mary Matlack, Arkansas City.
Miss Lucy Walton, Arkansas City.
Mrs. A. A. Newman, Arkansas City.
Mrs. W. Gooch, Arkansas City.
Mrs. R. C. Haywood, Arkansas City.
Mrs. J. H. Searing, Arkansas City.
J. H. Folks, Wellington.
___ Blodgett and family, Wellington.
Mrs. Parmenter, Arkansas City.
F. C. Nomnsen, Winfield.
H. Endicott and wife, Arkansas City.
P. Endicott, Arkansas City.
Mrs. Tyner, Arkansas City.
G. C. Cleveland, Indiana.
L. Calvert, Indiana.
A. N. Maher, Wichita.
M. French, Wichita.
J. Kelly, Arkansas City.
Mrs. G. Miller, Salt City.
S. D. Palmer, Chicago.
N. Bowman, Chicago.
C. C. Harris, Winfield.
Mrs. G. L. Horning, Winfield.
Mrs. G. S. Loose, Winfield.
O. M. Reynolds and family, Winfield.
A. G. Wilson and family, Winfield.
A. W. Davis and wife, Winfield.
E. P. Young and wife, Winfield.
W. T. Grey and family, Winfield.
W. C. Grey and family, Winfield.
Miss Allen, Winfield.
Mrs. H. P. Farrar, Arkansas City.
Mrs. C. A. Howard, Arkansas City.
W. Wentworth, Sumner Co.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 31, 1881.
Mr. S. Matlack returned from New York on Saturday last, having, during his absence, made one of the largest purchases of dry goods and groceries ever brought to the city. The following speaks so truthfully of this gentleman’s stock and business enterprise, that we could say nothing more to the point, so simply reproduce the words of one of our exchanges.
“Mr. S. Matlack, of Arkansas City, Kansas, is receiving an immense stock of dry goods and groceries, which he recently purchased in New York. Mr. Matlack has a large and complete stock of general merchandise, and if bed rock prices, square dealing, and courteous treatment will win the Territory trade, he is bound to have it. He has a large and very complete line of hats and caps and boots and shoes, especially adapted to the wants of the people in the Territory. He has also the largest stock of clothing in the city, which he will sell during the fall and winter regardless of cost.
“Mr. Matlack asks the cattle men and others to call and examine his immense stock, assuring them that he will show them goods of such quality and offer them at such prices that they will be benefitted by trading with him. He gives special attention to the Territory trade, and orders by mail will be promptly filled, and at lowest prices.”
Arkansas City Traveler, September 7, 1881.
Miss Lucy Walton, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Matlack, for several months past, returns to her home, in the East, tomorrow. During her sojourn in the city, Miss Walton has made many friends by her genial and engaging manners, and her return will leave a gap in the social circle of our city.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 7, 1881.
A dance was held at the Central Avenue Hotel last Friday evening in honor of Miss Julia Deming, of Wichita, who is now in the city, a guest of Miss Mattie Mitchell. Among the happy throng we noticed the following ladies and gentlemen.
Misses Julia Deming, Mattie Mitchell, Kate Hawkins, Lucy Walton, Mary Parker, Belle Cassell, Lizzie Wyckoff, Susey Hunt, Alma Dixon, Lilly Chamberlain, Ella Bowers, ___ Wouzo, Effie Tate, Mrs. R. A. Houghton, Mrs. C. R. Sipes, Messrs. S. D. Longsdorff, W. Cline, R. P. Hutchins, Chas. Hutchins, C. Swarts, ___ Ellis, A. H. Fitch, M. B. Vawter, C. C. France, C. Holland, C. M. Swarts, Chas. Swarts, C. R. Sipes, R. A. Houghton, J. Vawter, Ollie Stevenson, F. Farrar, and J. Kroenert, who merrily chased old Father Time till past the midnight hour.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 14, 1881.
The farewell party, given by Miss Lillie Chamberlain at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schiffbauer, on Tuesday evening of last week, was one of the grandest events of the season. The full moon shown down like an immense headlight, viewing apparently, with the many Chinese lanterns that were pendant from the surrounding trees, making the scene resemble that of fairy land rather than reality.
After some time spent in promenading through the beautiful grove of fruit and forest trees, the party’s attention was directed to an immense platform prepared for the occasion, where Prof. Farringer, with the string band of Winfield, had taken position, and in a few moments it was filled with youth and beauty gliding through the graceful movements of the easy quadrille and mazy waltz. A gorgeous repast followed, then with spirits overjoyed, each of the party instituted all manner of fun and mirth, which had to be seen to be appreciated. Mr. Matlack produced a novel figure in the terpsichorean art that few ever witnessed before, while Cal. Swarts furnished the music. To say it was an enjoyable affair don’t half express it, and for one, we hope to have the pleasure of again meeting Miss Chamberlain and her many friends under like circumstances. The Cornet Band did their best and filled the night air with delightful sounds for which the hostess came forward, and in the most charming manner, expressed her appreciation and thanked them for their kindness.
The following ladies and gentlemen participated.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schiffbauer.
Mr. and Mrs. James I. Huey.
Mr. and Mrs. Mead.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Matlack.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Farrar.
Mr. and Mrs. Capt. O. Ingersoll.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Houghton.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Sherburne.
Mr. and Mrs. Wyard E. Gooch.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Grubbs.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Speers.
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Benedict.
Mr. and Mrs. James Benedict.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Schiffbauer.
Mrs. James Wilson.
Mrs. Alexander.
Mrs. C. R. Sipes.
Mary Parker.
Susie L. Hunt.
Anna Belle Cassell.
Lizzie Wyckoff.
Mattie F. Mitchell.
Julia Deming.
Lucy Walton.
May Benedict.
Kathleen Hawkins.
Annie Norton.
Grace Gardner.
Mabel Ayres.
M. B. Vawter.
Dr. Jamison Vawter.
J. D. C. O’Grady.
C. L. Swarts.
Charles M. Swarts.
Fred W. Farrar.
Joseph D. Houston.
John Kroenert.
Charles U. France.
Showman D. Longsdorff.
James C. Topliff.
William D. Mowry.
Cyrus M. Scott.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 12, 1881.
Ben Matlack of Hunnewell, came over to church last Sunday, and of course shook his many friends all round.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 1, 1882.
H. P. Standley, Editor and Proprietor, together with Stacy Matlack, C. F. France and Capt. Evins, of the “gun boat Wichita,” are in the Territory hunting. We’ve engaged the dears. The other animals are as yet unengaged.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 1, 1882.
Stacy Matlack went skating on the raging canal the other day. He broke through the ice, and as the silvery waves kissed his suspender buttons, front and rear, he gently murmured
o-o-oh-Oh-OH! May b-be you don’t think this is cold.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 8, 1882.
Messrs. S. Matlack, C. Mead, C. L. France, of Toledo, Ohio, and ye editor returned to the city on Sunday last from their trip to the Territory and the Snag Boat “Wichita” after having had a most delightful week’s recreation. The members of the party are under obligation to Capt. Evins, of the Wichita, the first mate, Mr. Treline, and the engineer, Mr. Matthews, for the courtesies extended to them while on their vessel, which were duly appreciated and would be gladly reciprocated should occasion offer.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 8, 1882.
A. O. U. W.
A Lodge of A. O. U. W., consisting of forty members, was organized last week in this city by J. F. McMullen and B. M. Legg, of Winfield. The following officers were elected.
Past M. W.: James Benedict.
M. N.: Capt. O. S. Rarick.
Foreman: Archie Dunn.
Overseer: J. G. Sheldon.
Financier: W. M. Blakeney.
Receiver: W. E. Chenoweth.
Recorder: B. W. Matlack.
O. G.: H. R. Robinson.
I. G.: G. H. McIntire.
Guide: A. W. Patterson.
Trustees: A. A. Davis, J. C. Pickering, and C. R. Sipes.
Medical Examiners: H. D. Kellogg, J. T. Shepard.
Meets every Friday evening, at the Masonic Hall, until further arrangements.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 22, 1882.
J. L. Huey and wife, Mr. Ordway and wife, Wm. McConn and lady, Stacy Matlack, Major Searing, Mr. Ingersoll, Conductor James Miller, Samuel Hoyt, Michael Harkins, H. P. Farrar, C. M. Scott, H. Godehard, Wm. Speers, Mr. Roberts, Chas. Hutchins, Chas. Howard, W. Wolfe, S. Longsdorff, Herman Wyckoff, Pink Fouts, Mr. Abbott, Chas. Holloway, and J. M. Bell, were among the number who braved the storm and went to Winfield on the special train to hear the Governor lecture on temperance last Sunday.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1882.
Stacy Matlack is absent in Colorado on business connected with the shipment of produce to that State.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 8, 1882.
Mr. Stacy Matlack expects to leave today for the East, whither he goes to purchase a stock of the latest style goods in the line of Dry Goods, Clothing, etc.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 8, 1882.
S. Matlack returned from Colorado last Saturday. He was considerably tanned up, but reports having had a jolly time all the same. J. I. Mitchell’s bonanza is not quite up to the expectations at first entertained.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 15, 1882.
Atkinson, the tailor, has arrived, and invites all to call and inspect his goods, at his shop, over Matlack’s store.
Matlack’s Store.
Arkansas City, Kans.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 15, 1882.
Last Thursday witnessed the departure of Messrs. Newman and Matlack for the East. Both gentlemen will purchase their spring stocks before returning, and the advent of their purchases will be anxiously looked for by their fair patrons.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 15, 1882.
Mr. Wm. Atkinson and wife arrived in the city last Saturday, and are now residing in rooms over Matlack’s store. Mr. Atkinson will follow the business of a tailor, and we hope our citizens will extend him their patronage. A good tailor establishment is what we have needed lo these many days.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 5, 1882.
Mr. Stacy Matlack, accompanied by wife and daughter, returned to their home in this city last week. Mr. Matlack has been in the East making his purchases for the spring trade. Mrs. Matlack has been absent for several months visiting friends in Philadelphia, Maryland, Iowa, Virginia, and other States.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1882.
The Democrat says: “We now have our office connected with Vawter & Loomis, in Matlack’s block.”
We infer telephone connection is meant; but in any case, Vawter & Loomis have the sympathy of the community.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1882.
Several Lies Nailed.
CRESWELL TOWNSHIP, May 20th, 1882.
Ed. Traveler:
Permit me space in your paper to reply to an article which appeared in last week’s Democrat. It is so evidently the work of spleen, and comes so near to downright intentional lying that I do not feel it right to let it pass. The article referred to is headed “A Pretty Kettle of Fish,” but it is too wordy for reproduction here.
In the first place the issue was not Hackney, or anti-Hackney, but Whiskey, or anti-Whiskey—such issue being made secretly by a few persons; and some good temperance men put on the ticket to give it tone, and the Democrat know such to be the case.
Secondly—Creswell Township was represented in the Convention by the ticket elected with the exceptions shown below, the reason of which exceptions will be seen by the following extracts from the report of the Committee on Credentials.
Creswell Township: Delegates—G. S. Rarick, W. M. Sleeth, T. Fairclo, R. H. Reed, U. Spray, W. H. Speers, S. Matlack. Alternates—A. Dunn, A. J. Pickering, I. Barnett, R. J. Maxwell, Chas. France, J. L. Huey, John Williams.
We further recommend that J. B. Nipp cast the vote for R. H. Reed, that C. M. Scott cast the vote for U. Spray, and Calvin Swarts cast the vote for W. H. Speers for Creswell Township in this convention, those delegates and their alternates being absent.
Why the Democrat is so worked up on a Republican issue, and goes for Mr. Bonsall by name, is more than we can tell, unless it is on account of its editor being so badly scooped by the people when he ran against Bonsall for Police Judge a few weeks since.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1882.
Stacy Matlack has dispatched several loads of lumber to the Pawnee Agency, where he intends to open up a trading store, to do which he is licensed by the U. S. Department of the Interior. This will give Pawnee Agency two traders, Mr. T. E. Berry and Mr. S. Matlack.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 21, 1882.
Stacy Matlack visited Pawnee Agency during the past week.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 21, 1882.
Our old friend, J. E. Miller, conductor on the Arkansas City branch, accompanied by his wife and a party of friends, came down Tuesday, and spent the time between trains in looking over the Queen of the Border. The party was composed of Mr. C. Ingersoll and wife, of the Beloit (Wisconsin) Free Press; Mrs. Matlack; and Mr. and Mrs. O. Ingersoll, of Arkansas City. The gentlemen of the party made this office a very pleasant call.
Caldwell Post.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 12, 1882.
Mr. A. D. Hawk, of New York City, is now clerking in Mr. Matlack’s dry goods and grocery establishment.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 12, 1882.
Frank Swarts has secured a position with Mr. Matlack in the trader’s store at Pawnee Agency, and left for that place yesterday.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 19, 1882.
Stacy Matlack was down to Pawnee Agency last week looking after his interests there as U. S. Indian trader.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 19, 1882.
Messrs. Vawter & Loomis have dissolved partnership, and each one now has separate dental rooms. Dr. J. C. Loomis retains the room occupied by the late firm, and M. B. Vawter has fitted up an office further back over Matlack’s store.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 26, 1882.
S. Matlack goes East on business next week.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 26, 1882.
Stacy Matlack has purchased the residence and lots now occupied by Dr. Kellogg on the corner of Ninth Street and Fifth Avenue. It is a very desirable location.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 2, 1882.
Ben Matlack, who has been under the weather at Pawnee Agency, is now around in his usual good shape.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 2, 1882.
Men not afraid of work can get employment building wire fence by calling upon S. Matlack.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 16, 1882.
Dr. J. A. Loomis is now prepared to administer nitrous oxide or laughing gas to patients at his dentist rooms over Matlack’s store. This is one of the best anaesthetics now in use.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 16, 1882.
Atkinson, the Tailor, comes to the front this week with a new “ad,” in which he announces the receipt of his fall goods. Mr. Atkinson has a first-class assortment of the latest styles in the best quality goods, and if you want a well-fitting and elegant suit of clothes, Atkinson can fill the bill for you.
Matlack’s Store,
Repairing Promptly Attended to.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 16, 1882.
We call attention to the card of Mr. J. H. Trask, architect and builder, which appears in this issue of the TRAVELER. Mr. Trask is a first-class mechanic and thoroughly understands all branches of the profession from making plans and specifications to work at the bench. Mr. Trask superintended the work upon S. Matlack’s store building in this city, which is a guarantee of the quality of his work.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 16, 1882.
M. B. Vawter, Dentist, has removed his office to 2nd door in Matlack’s block.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 30, 1882.
Stacy Matlack returned from the East last week, where he had been laying in the necessary supplies to fill the ever increasing demands of his business in Dry Goods, Groceries, etc. Mr. Matlack has received a splendidly assorted stock of Dry Goods in the latest styles, colors, patterns, etc., and from the pyramids of boxes that are daily landing at his store, we predict a glorious time in store for his fair patrons in looking over his stock of novelties.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 13, 1882.
Mrs. Matlack, Mrs. C. H. Searing, and Mrs. Bishop left for Geuda Springs yesterday for a short sojourn in the vicinity of the healing waters.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 13, 1882.
Mr. Stacy Matlack has added to his force of clerks Mr. Crooksford, whom we understand has had a life’s experience in the dry goods business in old England.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 20, 1882.
Ben Matlack came up from Pawnee Agency last Saturday to make a short visit and will probably return about Friday next.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 20, 1882.
A lively race for life and property took place on Summit St. last Thursday, that created considerable amusement among spectators. A team with the running gear of a wagon attached, tore down Summit street, ran close to the sidewalk near Shepard & Maxwell’s drug store; there struck a large stone which overturned the wagon, and continued but a few feet when one hind wheel came off, and the team came to a halt. In the meantime Mr. Fairclo was exercising his team, and had to lay on the whip and run at a lively gait to keep the runaways from catching him. Hardly had the excitement incident to the above subsided when a terrible racket was heard coming from the west part of town and a pair of mulish runaways with Burroughs’ dray loaded with water loomed into sight near Matlack’s store; whether in consequence of the size of the load or the mules having had enough of running, they were easily captured before doing any damage.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 20, 1882.
We call attention to the card of Dr. J. M. Wright, which appears in this issue. The Dr. is an experienced physician and invites the patronage of our people. Office in Matlack’s block upstairs.
NOTICE. J. M. WRIGHT, Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention given to the treatment of CHRONIC DISEASES.
Office in Matlack’s block, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Residence in Northwest part of Town.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 27, 1882.
Mollie Christian is acting as cashier for Matlack.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 27, 1882.
Ben Matlack returned to Pawnee Agency last Friday, after a several day’s visit to our city.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 4, 1882.
Read the card of Wm. Atkinson, the Tailor, in this issue, and if you need a good fitting suit of clothes, remember to give him a call.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1882.
The property lately purchased by S. Matlack from Dr. Kellogg is being fixed up and the former gentleman expects to occupy the same as a residence in the course of a week or ten days.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1882.
Special hosiery sale at S. Matlack’s next Saturday.
AD: Special Sale! Special Prices! I shall offer my entire stock; Men’s, Women’s, Misses’ and Children’s HOSIERY -ON- SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28TH, At special low prices; THE SPECIAL PRICES for this day only.
This is an opportunity to secure bargains in Hosiery never before offered in this city.
S. MATLACK, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1882.
Stacy Matlack is now occupying the residence he purchased from Dr. Kellogg. The property has been thoroughly overhauled and repainted, and now has the appearance of being as cosy a little home as heart could wish.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1882.
Mrs. Matlack and daughter, Mrs. Clevenger, arrived in our city from Tiffin, Ohio, on Saturday of last week and will make Arkansas City their future home. These ladies are mother and sister of our esteemed townsman, Stacy Matlack, and it is with pleasure we welcome them to our social circle.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1882.
Mr. S. Matlack is now occupying his residence on ninth street.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1882.
Mr. S. Matlack is absent in the Territory on a hunting expedition.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1882.
Messrs. F. E. Rogers, Metcalf, Rogers, and Shultz, from the Eastern States, were in our city last week visiting friends. In company with Stacy Matlack, they started out for the land of “Lo” on Thursday last, and from the display of dogs, guns, etc., we predict hard times for the game in the vicinity.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1882.
Our old friend, Ben Matlack, was in the city last week from Pawnee Agency, shaking hands with his many friends.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1882.
Special Clothing Sale is now on hand at S. Matlack’s; over $8,000 worth of clothing at cost.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 27, 1882.
WANTED. An experienced Dry Goods Salesman. S. Matlack. Arkansas City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1883.
J. M. Wright, Physician and Surgeon. Special attention given to the treatment of Chronic Diseases. Office in Matlack’s Block, Arkansas City, Kansas. Residence in northwest part of town.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1883.
Irving French is now with S. Matlack.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1883.
Miss Maxwell now occupies the cashier’s desk at S. Matlack’s.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 10, 1883.
The Sheet and Pillow Case Party of last Friday evening, given to surprise Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Chapel, was one of the grandest affairs the people have enjoyed for some time. Major Searing and Mr. Matlack have the credit of conducting the amusement so successfully, and we hope they will try it again ere long.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 17, 1883.
Mrs. Walton, of West Liberty, Iowa, arrived in the city on Saturday last and will remain for several weeks visiting her daughter, Mrs. S. Matlack.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 24, 1883.
Mr. S. Matlack left for the Territory last Saturday morning on business connected with his trader’s store at Pawnee Agency.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 31, 1883.
Mr. S. Matlack returned from his trip to the Pawnee Agency last Saturday night after an absence of ten days.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 7, 1883.
CLOTHING SALE still continued at COST. Sweeping Reductions IN Flannels, Blankets, Comfortables, Dolmans, Cloaks, Dress Goods, Yarns, Underwear, etc. I AM OFFERING SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS IN ALL WINTER GOODS, in order to make room for spring stock. S. MATLACK.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 7, 1883.
Messrs. Schiffbauer Bros. have purchased the grocery stock of S. Matlack, who in future will confine himself to the Dry Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, and Clothing departments.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 7, 1883.
Stacy Matlack left on Monday’s train for the East. Mr. Matlack intends to keep up with the times and this step is taken for the purpose of laying in a stock of the very latest styles of dress goods, clothing, etc. Mr. Matlack will probably be absent about three weeks.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 14, 1883.
S. Matlack has opened a nice line of Ladies’, Misses’, and Children’s shoes, low shoes and slippers, which will be sold at close figures.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 14, 1883.
Come and see the latest shape in hats at S. Matlack’s. A full line at bottom prices.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 21, 1883.
A. A. Newman and S. Matlack are expected home from the East the end of this week.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 21, 1883.
Ben Matlack, of Pawnee Agency, is in the city, and will probably remain ‘till the first of next week. Before returning he will visit his Winfield and Wichita friends.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 28, 1883.
Read S. Matlack’s new “ad” and specials in this issue.
Ad. Jerseys in desirable colors at Matlack’s.
Ad. Undressed real Kid Gloves for Ladies’ wear at Matlack’s.
Ad. The latest novelties in Veilings among which will be found some big bargains at Matlack’s.
Ad. Newest shades in Dress Goods, Dress Trimmings, and Ribbons at Matlack’s.
Main Ad. TO MY PATRONS. Have just returned from the East where I have purchased a large and complete stock of the latest Novelties in Dress Goods and Trimmings, Spring and Summer Specialties in Dry Goods, Notions, etc. I have also one of the Largest and most Fashionable Stocks of Clothing ever brought to the city, which must be seen to be appreciated. Full line of NEW GOODS in every department of Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, etc., to which attention is invited. Thanking you for past favors, I solicit your patronage in the future. Respectfully, S. MATLACK.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 4, 1883.
A brand new awning adorns the front of S. Matlack’s store.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 11, 1883.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 11, 1883.
LADIES. One of S. Matlack’s special sales, which were all the rage last fall, comes off today and tomorrow. Bargains in hosiery will be the attraction.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 11, 1883.
John Howard Payne’s remains have recently been brought to this country for interment. He is famous for the authorship of “Home Sweet Home,” and were he alive now, would say don’t fail to attend S. Matlack’s special sale of hosiery, Wednesday and Thursday of this week.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 11, 1883.
“Antoine Guinet’s” Black Dress Silks are the purest, richest, and most durable manufactured. A nice line of them on sale at S. Matlack’s.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 11, 1883.
Jerseys in desirable colors at Matlack’s.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 11, 1883.
Irish Point Embroidering in White and colors suitable for trimming chambrays, zephyr cloths, etc., also cashmere and satin embroideries for black goods may be had at Matlack’s.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 11, 1883.
Undressed real Kid Gloves for Ladies’ wear at Matlack’s.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 11, 1883.
WALKER BOOTS. I have just received 21 cases more of these, “The best Boots in America.” Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. S. Matlack.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 18, 1883.
BIRTH. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Matlack, of this city, on Tuesday, April 17th, 1883, a son.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 18, 1883.
My Motto is to “Defy competition, give honest quantity, and the best quality for the least money.” S. Matlack.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 9, 1883.
Mr. S. Matlack and W. D. Bishop left for the Pawnee Agency last week. The latter gentleman will take charge of the trader’s store at the above named place.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 6, 1883.
We had the pleasure of meeting last week Messrs. E. H. Ross, of Kansas City, and W. A. Kennedy, of New Brighton, Pennsylvania, while visiting their friend, S. Matlack. The gentlemen were looking over the land with a view to investing in stock, and expressed themselves charmed with Cowley County and Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 6, 1883.
Indian School.
Last week in company with Messrs. Ross, Kennedy, and Matlack, we took in the above school building now in course of erection by Schiffbauer Bros. We found Frank head over heels in business bossing the job, but he nevertheless took time to show us around and do the honors in his usual genial style. The following will give some idea of this building to those who have not been able to visit the site.
The building will front to the east and will be in the form below and of the following dimensions.
No. 1 shows the main part of the building, which will front to the east and be 76 x 26 feet.
No. 2 and 3 represent the north and south wings, each of which will be 40 x 20 feet, and three and one-half stories in height.
No. 4 will be 88 feet in length by 28 in width, but will only be 3 stories high.
No. 5 represents a porch that will extend along the main building from No. 2 to 3.
The walls are all of rubble work with sills and caps of dressed stone, and when completed this building will be one of noble proportions and afford all the conveniences possible in a structure of its kind. Other buildings for laundry purposes and detached shops will be put up at a future day. Messrs. Schiffbauer Bros. have four months in which to complete the main building above described.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 4, 1883.
Mr. Alfred Hawk, who has been in the employ of Stacy Matlack, started East last Monday on a visit to his home.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 4, 1883.
Mr. S. Matlack returned to the city Sunday from the Territory, where he had been on matters connected with the tradership at the Pawnee Agency and the quarterly payment.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 18, 1883.
1. Speers’ Mill.
2. Hilliard & Co. Livery Stable.
3. A T & S F depot.
4. V. M. Ayres—Canal Mills.
5. Geuda.
6. Searing & Mead’s Mill.
7. A. A. Newman’s store.
8. Winfield.
9. Leland Hotel.
10. Cunningham & Ayres.
12. Capt. Nipp, livery stable.
13. I. H. Bonsall’s office.
14. H. P. Standley, residence.
15. Creswell Bank.
16. Democrat Office.
17. A. A. Newman, residence.
18. James Miller, residence.
19. Cowley County Bank.
20. Matlack, store.
21. Kellogg & Mowry.
22. J. L. Huey, residence.
23. H. P. Farrar, residence.
24. Traveler office.
25. Public telephone office.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 25, 1883.
Frank Swarts came up from Pawnee Agency last night, where he has been clerking for several months in the trading store of Mr. S. Matlack. He expects to return in a short time and open up a hog ranch.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 1, 1883.
Mr. A. Hawk has resumed his position in Matlack’s store after a month’s absence at his home in Pennsylvania.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 1, 1883.
Mr. Stacy Matlack starts for the East today, where he goes to purchase his fall stock of dry goods, clothing, etc. He will be accompanied by Mrs. Matlack and children, who will visit relatives in Iowa.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 22, 1883.
Read S. Matlack’s specials in this issue. He talks about several novelties in his line.
CLOTHING. At S. Matlack’s can be found the finest line of boys’ and youths’ clothing ever brought to Arkansas City.
HATS & CAPS. New and Nobby hats at S. Matlack’s.
WALKER BOOTS. Twenty-four cases more of the celebrated Walker boots received last week at Matlack’s.
Children’s Shoes. Don’t buy your children’s shoes until you have seen those kept by S. Matlack. He has the best in the market.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 5, 1883.
Do not forget to read the adv. and notices of new goods, etc., which are now to be found at S. Matlack’s. There is specially good news for the ladies therein.
I have just received the most complete stock of Dress goods and dress trimmings ever offered for the inspection of my patrons. S. Matlack.
WALKER BOOTS. Fifty cases of these celebrated boots now on sale. Every pair warranted and satisfaction guaranteed. S. Matlack.
CLOTHING. At S. Matlack’s can be found the finest line of boys’ and youths’ clothing ever brought to Arkansas City.
CLOTHING. Men’s, youths’, and boys’ latest styles and first-class quality at prices to suit all at S. Matlack’s.
Ladies’ 8 button Kid Gloves with Foster’s new patent fastening; this fastening is entirely new and decidedly the best in use. S. Matlack.
An all-wool Cashmere 46 inches wide worth $1.25 for $1.00 at Matlack’s.
Drap D. Alma cloths in navy blue, plain, and bronze worth $1.75, which I shall sell at $1.35. S. Matlack.
A full line of colors in velvets and velveteens and velvet ribbons at S. Matlack’s.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 5, 1883.
Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Matlack returned to the city from their eastern trip last Wednesday. They were accompanied by Miss Walton, a sister of Mrs. Matlack, who has accepted a position as teacher in our high school.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 19, 1883.
Mr. S. Matlack, one of our oldest and largest dry goods and clothing merchants, appears with a new ad this week, and we advise all parties to read it. For some of the special bar-gains Mr. Matlack offers, see the special columns in this issue. It will pay you to look up the matter.
Indigo Blue Prints at 10 cents a yard.
Ginghams 8-1/3 to 15 cents a yard.
Brown Muslin 5 to 10 cents a yard.
Bleached Muslin 7-1/2 to 15 cents a yard.
Everything in Dry Goods at Bottom prices.
CLOTHING. Men’s, youths’, and boys’ latest styles and first-class-quality at prices to suit all at S. Matlack’s.
A full line of colors in velvets and velveteens and velvet ribbons at S. Matlack’s.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 26, 1883.
Miss Mariana Burgess, of the Carlisle Indian training school, was in the city last Friday and spent several days visiting her friends, Mr. and Mrs. S. Matlack. The lady started for the Territory Monday morning, whither she goes for the purpose of selecting some of the Indian scholars for transfer to the Carlisle school.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 10, 1883.
Grand Opening of the New Opera House.
For many years the need of a public hall large enough to accommodate the rapidly growing population of our city, and to serve as an inducement to the best class of opera and theatrical entertainments traveling through this state, has constantly presented itself to our citizens, and many have been the suggestions pointing toward securing such an institution. It was not until the latter part of May, 1882, however, that the movements began to assume tangible shape, when a stock company of nearly all our businessmen was organized with an authorized capital of $10,000, for the purpose of erecting and furnishing a first-class opera house. H. P. Farrar, to whom probably more than any other one man, is due especial credit for the admirable manner in which the work has been carried on, was chosen as secretary and treasurer, the multitudinous cares of which office he has conducted with signal ability. The contract for building the hall was let to Sargent & Smith, of Topeka, for the sum of $12,400, which figures included but the building and stage. To this expense has been added that of such necessaries as chairs, scenery, gas machinery, piping, fixtures, etc., for the hall upstairs, and the expense of fitting out the three large store rooms underneath, with their excavations, basements, counters, sidewalks, awnings, plate glass, and the countless items contingent upon such a structure, until now the entire cost of our beautiful hall foots up the neat little sum of $19,700. For this amount our citizens have the finest opera house outside of Emporia or Topeka, with a stage large enough to accommodate the largest troupes traveling, the finest and most elaborate scenery, acoustic properties second to none in the country, and an auditorium capable of comfortably seating 700 people.
The stock in the Highland Hall company, which was at first held by nearly all our businessmen, is now owned by some twelve or fifteen parties; the heavier owners being Messrs. J. L. Huey, H. P. Farrar, T. H. McLaughlin, W. M. Sleeth, Stacy Matlack, O. P. Houghton, J. B. Nipp, Schiffbauer Bros., and J. T. Shepard. The other stockholders, and the citizens in general, have never let their interest flag in this enterprise from the first up to last Saturday night, when the opera house was thrown open for its initial entertainment, and the pride and joy in this valuable acquisition to our city is universal.
Though the gas machine, chairs, and reflector for the ceiling have not yet arrived, the chance for opening the hall with a good entertainment, so opportunely presented by the Union Square Theater company, was accepted, and every effort made to supply all deficiencies. The result was all that could have been wished. Though the afternoon was rainy, and darkness ushered in a terrific storm, the hall was filled last Saturday night to witness the excellent presentation of “Uncle Reuben Lowder” by the Union Square Theater company, whose performance was a credit to themselves, to the large and fashionable audience, and to the signal event of opening such a house. Monday night was a repeater in the way of attendance and satisfaction, when the ever ready “French Spy” was admirably placed before our people, preceded by the laughable farce, “Barnaby Bibbs.” Last night was given up to the enjoyment of “Widow Bedott,” and followed by a grand ball. Tonight we will have “Rip Van Winkle,” a play that always holds a strong place in the hearts of Americans, and in which Mr. Jay Carner unquestionably rivals the renowned Jefferson. Let the attendance tonight equal that of the three preceding nights, and let the opening of our magnificent hall end as it began—in a blaze of light and glory.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 17, 1883.
Miss Maggie Sample is now occupying a position of sales lady in the dry goods establishment of Mr. S. Matlack.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1883.
The new “ad” of S. Matlack appears in this issue. The establishment has one of the largest and best selected stocks of dry goods, clothing, boots, shoes, hats, caps, and notions in the city, and all parties in need of such merchandise will make money by calling and getting prices. For quality of goods and low prices combined, Mr. Matlack has justly earned a wide reputation which he will spare no effort to maintain.
AD. S. MATLACK WILL SELL SIXTY MEN’S SUITS FOR $5 A SUIT! Original Price $10 and $12. I have a Complete stock of Men’s, Youth’s, and boys’ suits and Over-coats. See my stock before buying. S. MATLACK.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 7, 1883.
Phantom Party. In answer to a knock at the door Monday night, Miss Virginia Walton was very much surprised to see a troop of white-robed bundles of humanity waiting admittance. The surprise soon gave way to a generous welcome, and the next few hours proved the admirable entertaining qualities of the inmates of the house of Matlack, besides attesting the superiority of their cuisine. About midnight the sheets and pillowcases were reluctantly transferred to where they could do more good, the happy company dispersing with the best of wishes for their charming hostess.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 28, 1883.
BIRTH. Dr. Kellogg was called away from the phantom party at Matlack’s last Monday night to attend another sheet and pillow-case party, which brought joy and a son to Mr. J. A. Stafford, living west of this city.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 28, 1883.
Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Matlack were most agreeably and completely surprised last Monday night; quite a group of the married portion of our society waiting upon them in shroud and mask. We never (or hardly ever) hankered after a partner to our tribulations as much as when we learned that only the wedded were to enjoy the hospitality of the genial Mr. and Mrs. Matlack.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 2, 1884.
JAMISON VAWTER, M. D. (Late of the Louisville, Ky., Eye and Ear Infirmary) Physician and Surgeon. Special attention given to diseases of the Eye, Ear, Throat, and Nose (nasal catarrh). Office in Matlack’s building, upstairs, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1884.
Prize Drawing.
The drawing of the prizes at S. Matlack’s dry goods establishment in this city took place at the store in the morning of January 1, 1884, in the presence of a large number of interested parties. Mr. H. P. Farrar officiated as drawer, and the result will be seen below.
First prize: A handsome bedroom suite of walnut furniture, was gained by ticket 9,606, held by J. F. Hoffman, of this city.
Second prize: An elegant decorated China dinner service, was drawn by ticket No. 499, held by Geo. Sifford.
Third prize: A choice oil painting, was taken by ticket No. 5,673, held by W. R. Boone, of Grouse Creek.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1884.
Our friend, Stacy Matlack, seems to think we are to have no more winter, and this week calls the public’s attention to the fact that he is almost giving away everything in the cold weather line. There are some rare bargains offered in this store now—in fact, you can almost set your own price.
BIG AD. MATLACK’S MARKED DOWN SALE. 100 Ladies’ and Misses’ Cloaks, 100 Mens’ and Boys’ Overcoats, which will be sold regardless of value for The Next Sixty Days. Call in and take advantage of PRICES DOWNED AGAIN. I mean what I say! S. MATLACK.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1884.
We call attention to the Walker boot special of S. Matlack in this issue.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1884.
Dr. Kellogg has associated B. W. Matlack with him in the real estate business. These gentlemen have a complete set of abstract books for this county, which have been procured at considerable outlay, and which will prove a very valuable adjunct to their business. We doubt not these gentlemen will soon build up the trade in which their merit as businessmen entitles them.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 16, 1884.
Her Facilities for Manufactures and Inducements to Capitalists.
Her Live Businessmen.
Between the confluence of the Walnut and Arkansas Rivers, in the southern part of Cowley County, Kansas, and possessing about three thousand inhabitants, lies Arkansas City, destined at no very future day to be the city of distribution for the great southwest. It is no idle saying which causes this to be asserted. Her natural advantages are equaled by no other city in this quarter of the globe. Passing along her southern boundary, from the Arkansas to the Walnut Rivers, is a canal, whose water power capacity is unsurpassed in the entire west. This enterprise was inaugurated in 1881, by the Arkansas City Water Power Company, consisting of A. A. Newman, Jas. Hill, W. M. Sleeth, and S. Matlack.
There are three first class dry goods stores: A. A. Newman & Co., W. B. Kirkpatrick, and S. Matlack, proprietors. A. A. Newman is one of the “Fathers of the City.” He came here at an early day, and to his energy and determination, Arkansas City owes much of her success. He is a man of sterling character and splendid ability. The stranger can find no better adviser than this gentleman. Mr. Newman’s partner, Mr. Wyard Gooch, is a gentleman of extreme courtesy and pleasant manners.
W. B. Kirkpatrick has been engaged in business about one year. By his genial disposition, business tact, and fair dealing, he has secured a prominent place among our businessmen, and has a constantly increasing trade.
S. Matlack has a large stock of goods and a flourishing business.
N. T. Snyder, Frank J. Hess, and Kellogg & Matlack. The last named firm have recently secured a complete set of abstract books and persons purchasing from them may rely upon titles given.
Arkansas City Republican, February 16, 1884.
Arkansas City Republican, February 16, 1884.
Persons who have property for sale will find it to their advantage to call on Kellogg & Matlack. These gentlemen have a complete set of abstract books, so necessary for the inspection of strangers.
Arkansas City Republican, February 16, 1884.
Kellogg & Matlack will sell farms for you on reasonable terms.
Arkansas City Republican, February 16, 1884.
Real Estate, Loan and Abstract Office.
We have a complete set of Abstract Books for Cowley County, and are prepared to furnish abstracts of title to any tract of land or town lot.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1884.
We call attention to the new advertisement of S. Matlack, which appears in this issue. Mr. Matlack is the sole agent for the Crown sewing machines and organs, than which no better machines or organs are put in the market. The peculiar advantages possessed by the Crown sewing machine will be seen by reading the advertisement.
BIG AD. MATLACK’S MARKED DOWN SALE. 100 Ladies’ and Misses’ Cloaks, 100 Mens’ and Boys’ Overcoats, which will be sold regardless of value for The Next Sixty Days. Call in and take advantage of Prices Downed Again. S. MATLACK.
Is constructed on perfect principles.
Is unrivaled in its operation.
Is simple in construction.
Is symmetrical in form and beautiful in finish.
Is built for the comfort and convenience of the operator.
Is adjustable throughout; the wear in all its bearings can be taken up with an ordinary screw
It runs easier and sews faster than any other.
It is easy to manage, operate, and keep in order.
It is the essence of twenty-five years experience, and has all the merits with none of the
defects of all other machines.
It is the “CROWNING” effort in the sewing machine line.
Call and see them. S. MATLACK, Sole Agent.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1884.
Mr. Stacy Matlack has been at Pawnee Agency the past week attending to business matters in connection with his tradership and incident to the payment of the annuities.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1884.
Kellogg & Matlack, our new real estate firm, is represented in the columns of the TRAVELER this week. This firm is sparing no expense to fit themselves to meet the requirements of their patrons who are cordially invited to call at their office under the Cowley County bank. [IF THERE WAS AN AD, I DID NOT FIND IT!]
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 1, 1884.
Tickets sold to or from any part of Europe.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 5, 1884.
The front rooms over S. Matlack’s store have been repainted and otherwise renovated and are now one of the best offices in the city, both for location and convenience.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 12, 1884.
Stacy Matlack left for the east last Monday to restock his mammoth dry goods emporium. He contemplates an absence of about three weeks, and when he returns will show the prosperous farmers of southern Cowley an elegant line of goods.
Arkansas City Republican, March 15, 1884.
Drs. J. and M. B. Vawter have changed the location of their offices, and will now be found together in the front room, upstairs of the Matlack building. The room has been recently calcimined, painted, newly carpeted, and tastefully furnished. The boys will be pleased to entertain their friends whenever they may choose to call upon them.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 19, 1884.
Attention is called to the special notions of the City Milliner, located in the old Cowley County Bank building, two doors west of Matlack’s. Mrs. Dr. Taylor and Mrs. Heick have consolidated their millinery business, and will take pleasure in producing the very best work for their customers. Give them a call.
Arkansas City Republican, March 22, 1884.
Ben Matlack came down from Winfield last Saturday to spend the Sabbath with his friends.
Arkansas City Republican, March 22, 1884.
Kroenert & Austin, 2,000 letter heads and 500 bill heads.
School Library, 200 dodgers.
Holloway & Fairclo, 5,000 prescription blanks and 1,000 envelopes.
W. D. Johnson, 200 meal tickets.
Wyckoff & Son, 500 business cards.
Kellogg & Matlack, 1,000 real estate cards.
Mowry & Sollitt, 1,000 note heads, 500 statements, and 2,000 prescription blanks.
F. A. Howland, 1,000 advertising cards and 100 visiting cards.
H. H. Perry, 2,000 letter heads.
W. R. Little, of Sac and Fox agency, 500 letter heads.
Sheridan LaMott, of Winfield, 500 business cards.
Rev. J. C. Campbell, 50 visiting cards.
M. B. Vawter, 500 business cards.
The above is a list of the job work done from the beginning of this week up till today—Saturday—by us.
Arkansas City Republican, March 22, 1884.
On Wednesday evening, at the Presbyterian Church, The Arkansas City Choral Society held its first regular meeting. Rev. S. B. Fleming presided, and Prof. R. W. Seager kindly conducted the singing. Miss Grace E. Medbury was invited by the unanimous vote of the society to the position of pianist, with Mrs. G. W. Cunningham as assistant. Andrew Dalzell was elected librarian, and Mr. S. G. Phillips, assistant musical director. A committee on membership was appointed, consisting of Messrs. Frank Hutchison, F. B. Marshall, C. H. Searing, Mrs. E. W. Gooch, and Mrs. Stacy Matlack, to whom will be referred all applications for membership made hereafter.
We understand Mr. Phillips has had considerable experience in the direction of chorus singing, and in the training which he can give the society, will prove a valuable acquisition.
Any of the officers, or the very energetic lady members of the executive committee, Miss Ella Love and Mrs. G. W. Cunningham, will be pleased to give all information that is desired in reference to the society.
Arkansas City Republican, March 22, 1884.
The City Millinery, two doors west of Matlack’s building, was opened last Monday. A full line of new and elegant designs, selected to please the most fastidious, will be kept constantly on hand.
Arkansas City Republican, March 22, 1884.
AD. CITY MILLINERY, Two Doors West of Matlack’s.
WE ARE FROM THIS DATE PREPARED TO OFFER TO THE LADIES OF ARKANSAS CITY AND VICINITY, the Latest Novelties in MILLINERY! Out of the endless variety, none need fail to make a selection. Stamping, Cutting, and Fitting a specialty. TAYLOR & HUYCK.
Arkansas City Republican, March 29, 1884.
John Y. Davis, of Cloverdale, Indiana, was in the county several days of this week, prospecting, and on Thursday bought of Kellogg & Matlack a 160 acre tract of land belonging to Frank Lorry, situated about six miles southwest of this city in Bolton Township. He rented the farm to the former owner for this season, and left on Thursday for Wellington to visit a friend there, and thence he will return to his home in Indiana. He expects to remove to Kansas next fall. Mr. Davis has the appearance of an energetic man, and one of his friends here who knew him in Indiana says that he is one of the most substantial and prominent men in that “neck o’ woods.” He is a staunch Republican, and has fine social qualities. We welcome him.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 2, 1884.
Mr. J. Y. Davis, of Cloverdale, Indiana, who last week purchased Frank Lorry’s farm in Bolton, is a man of nerve. He rode out to look at the land in question on last Thursday, by all odds the windiest and most disagreeable day ever known in this section, in the face of a sand storm that thoroughly disgusted and surprised the oldest settlers, and on his return he handed the purchase money to Kellogg & Matlack, agents for the property. Mr. Davis said there appeared to be somebody living on every quarter section and forty-acre tract that he passed, and that he was firmly convinced he could live where anybody else could—especially where so many seemed to be so prosperous and happy. He is made of the stuff that counts.
Arkansas City Republican, April 5, 1884.
Last week H. P. Farrar removed his family to rooms in the bank building. He is undecided whether he will build on the corner west of Jas. Hill’s, or on the corner opposite Mr. Matlack’s. Upon one of these sites a handsome residence will soon be erected.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 9, 1884.
Special attention given to looking up titles and paying taxes for non-residents. We have a complete set of Abstract books for Cowley County. KELLOGG & MATLACK’S OFFICE, UNDER COWLEY COUNTY BANK, ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 9, 1884.
AD. Spring, 1884. NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS. Desirable Styles
C H E A P ! Please Call and Examine. S. MATLACK.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 9, 1884.
Ad. Boys’ Clothing. 30 Suits Boys’ Clothing at the low price of $2 per suit. S. MATLACK.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 9, 1884.
Ad. Summer Dress Goods. A nice line of Lawns, Swisses, and all the latest styles in Summer dress goods. S. MATLACK’S.
AD. Summer Silks. A choice selection from 50 cents to $1.25 per yard will be found at S. MATLACK’s.
Arkansas City Republican, April 12, 1884.
J. W. Canfield has recently erected a carpenter shop on the east side of Summit Street between Central and Sixth Avenues and has it now open with J. B. Matlack in charge.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 16, 1884.
H. P. Farrar’s new residence will be situated on the northeast corner of Fifth Avenue and Ninth Street, opposite Mr. Matlack’s residence, and work thereon will be commenced as soon as the plans are approved.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 23, 1884.
It is with pleasure we learn that Mr. Will Carlisle has concluded to stay with us, and practice as a physician in our city. The gentleman has secured office rooms over Matlack’s store.
Arkansas City Republican, April 26, 1884.
D. L. Hoadley, of Lawrence, called on THE REPUBLICAN this week, and while here made arrangements with Kellogg & Matlack to negotiate the Jenning’s lots, some 35 in number, for him. Mr. Hoadley was much pleased with Arkansas City and surroundings.
Arkansas City Republican, April 26, 1884.
Dr. Will Carlisle has secured rooms over Matlack’s store, for an office.
Arkansas City Republican, April 26, 1884.
The Baptist Sewing Circle of Arkansas City, this week, issued invitations to persons at Winfield and at home, to a social gathering to be held yesterday, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Snyder. Many, both from Winfield and at home, responded to the invitation.
From the former were Rev. Cairns and wife; Mr. Johnson and wife; E. H. Bliss and wife; Mr. Hickock and wife; Mr. Gilbert and wife; Mr. Hunt and wife; Mr. Silliman and wife; Mrs. Collins, Mrs. Hendricks, Mrs. Mann, Mrs. Brandon, Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Wait, Mrs. Shearer, Mrs. Albright, Mrs. Herpich, Mrs. Capt. Whitings, Mrs. Will Whiting, Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Dressy, Mrs. Phenix; Misses C. Bliss and Tyner.
The following were from this city: Mr. Stacy Matlack and wife; Mr. Geo. Cunningham and wife; Mr. Wyckoff and wife; Mr. Allen Ayers and wife; Mr. H. P. Standley and wife; Mr. C. W. Coombs and wife.
Mrs. Matlack, Mrs. Clevenger, Mrs. Klopf, Mrs. Landes, Mrs. C. T. Atkinson, Mrs. Loveland, Mrs. Hilliard, Mrs. T. C. Bird, Mrs. C. C. Hollister, Mrs. B. Goff, Mrs. Cypher, Mrs. H. W. Stewart, Mrs. Taylor, Miss Taylor, Miss Chapin, Miss Blaine, Miss Fitch, Miss Anna Hunt, Miss Jennie Upton, Mrs. Lent, Rev. J. O. Campbell, Rev. Wood and wife. Twelve came from Winfield, in the bus, and the remainder in carriages. They expressed themselves as very much pleased with the appearance of our city. At one o’clock, a delicious “lap-a-mince,” consisting of dessert, cake, and ice cream was served. The guests are under obligations to Mr. and Mrs. Snyder for a very enjoyable time. The receipts were about $25.00, which will be placed in the general fund for building the new Baptist Church in this city.
The editor of this paper regrets that school duties forbade his attendance, but trusts that dame fortune may yet be kind enough to grant him the acquaintance of so many clever and cultured people.
Arkansas City Republican, May 3, 1884.
Kellogg & Matlack expect to build a new office on Summit Street.
Arkansas City Republican, May 3, 1884.
Ben W. Matlack was down from Winfield last Saturday and Sunday. He expects to finish his set of abstract books in about six weeks.
Arkansas City Republican, May 10, 1884.
J. L. Howard has bought an interest with Kellogg & Matlack, and the firm name will now be Kellogg, Matlack & Howard.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 14, 1884.
The retiring and modest lightning rod agent, J. L. Howard, has associated himself with Kellogg & Matlack in the real estate business, as will be seen by a glance at their advertisement. Mr. Howard will add greatly to the strength of this popular and enterprising firm.
Special attention given to looking up titles and paying taxes for non-residents. We have a complete set of Abstract books for Cowley County. KELLOGG, MATLACK’S & HOWARD’S OFFICE, UNDER COWLEY COUNTY BANK, ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS.
Arkansas City Republican, May 17, 1884.
Our readers will notice in our columns this week the professional card of Dr. W. M. Carlisle, who recently opened an office over Matlack’s store, and has begun the practice of medicine in this city and vicinity. He is a son of Dr. Z. Carlisle, who lives a few miles in the country, and graduated this year at the college of medicine at Columbus, Ohio. He practiced his profession last summer during vacation in the state of Delaware. He is a young man of excellent moral character, and good intellectual attainments; is very studious and attentive to business, and we hope for him much success in his profession. He has already been employed in several cases with marked success.
Office over Matlack’s Store, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 21, 1884.
Dr. Wm. Carlisle’s card appears in this issue. Will is a young man well and favorably known in this vicinity, and will soon build up a lucrative practice.
CARD. W. M. CARLISLE, Physician and Surgeon. Office over Matlack’s Store, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Republican, May 24, 1884.
Kellogg, Matlack & Howard have a fine new sign painted by Ed. Ferguson.
Arkansas City Republican, May 31, 1884.
Kellogg, Matlack & Howard sold J. J. Nix’s property this week to Louisa Alcott, of Olathe, Kansas.
Arkansas City Republican, May 31, 1884.
Kellogg, Matlack & Howard sold J. J. Nix’s property this week to Louisa Alcott, of Olathe, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 4, 1884.
Stacy Matlack left for the mountains of Colorado last week to take a few days’ needed rest. He is expected home the latter part this week.
Arkansas City Republican, June 7, 1884.
A disgraceful proceeding occurred on our streets last Wednesday afternoon. A female—what a disgrace to the sex!—stood at Matlack’s corner and gambled. By a throw of the dice a person won or lost. Within a kind of counter were many denominations of bills, prominently displayed in order to tempt the avarice of the beholder. A desire to possess a portion of this wealth enters the mind of the beholder, and an investment will soon be made. The result is always the same—the party investing is the loser.
There are two reasons why these proceedings should be peremptorily stopped; one is that it cultivates the desire to obtain money without an equivalent. This spirit if allowed to direct one will cause him to obtain money by theft. The proceedings of Wednesday evening were calculated to encourage this feeling—a feeling which makes the worst of citizens. Another reason is that it exhibits a bad example to our boys. To see men winning money naturally causes them to wish to do the same. If our boys are given over to such sight-seeing as open gambling upon our public streets, and to the unlicensed perusal of sensational literature, only a miracle can preserve our institutions. Some say, “You cannot arrest a woman.” We say decidedly, that if a female so far departs from those boundaries of propriety, which surrounds a lady as to indulge in base practices, she has forfeited her right to respect and protection, and should be treated accordingly. For one we demand that these infamous practices cease, and in the future, we shall make our demand heard and felt.
Arkansas City Republican, June 7, 1884.
Three Sumner County farms were disposed of by Kellogg, Matlack & Howard this week.
Arkansas City Republican, June 7, 1884.
S. Matlack left several days ago for a prospecting trip into Colorado for the benefit of his health. He is expected home next week.
Arkansas City Republican, June 7, 1884.
Henry Hollowell has disposed of his 80 acre farm in Sumner County to an Eastern gentleman for $700. Kellogg, Matlack & Howard effect the sale.
Arkansas City Republican, June 7, 1884.
Kellogg, Matlack & Howard are furnishing many abstracts for our people. They are making them for 10 cents a transfer. You had better look up the title to your property, now.
Arkansas City Republican, June 7, 1884.
W. B. Cloyd, of Houstonville, Kentucky, purchased Jacob Steine’s farm, seven miles west of the city. The consideration was $3,500. The sale was effected by Kellogg, Matlack & Howard’s real estate agency.
Arkansas City Republican, June 7, 1884.
J. L. Howard, of the real estate firm of Kellogg, Matlack & Howard, made a trip into Sumner County the first of the week, and disposed of three farms, besides doing a large amount of loan and insurance business.
Arkansas City Republican, June 7, 1884.
Mr. Howard C. Hawk, brother of A. D. Hawk, arrived from Dingmans Ferry, Pennsylvania, Thursday and has accepted a position as clerk in S. Matlack’s store, and expects to remain permanently here. He is a sprightly looking young man, and we gladly welcome him to our city.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 11, 1884.
The Arkansas City Land Record is the latest appearance in the newspaper field of Arkansas City. It is issued by the real estate firm of Kellogg, Matlack & Howard, and is a credit to these enterprising gentlemen in every particular.
Arkansas City Republican, June 14, 1884.
We printed 2,000 copies of the Land Record, for the enterprising real estate firm Kellogg, Matlack & Howard.
Arkansas City Republican, June 14, 1884.
In our professional columns will be found the card of Dr. J. W. Sparks, late of Bushnell, Illinois. The Doctor has come to Arkansas City with the intention of making this place his permanent residence. From appearances we deem him a gentleman of worth, and we learn that he has held many positions of honor and trust in the city whence he came. In our growing city there is room for such gentlemen. We heartily welcome the Doctor and trust he will meet with the success his merit deserves.
Office with J. M. Wright, M. D., in Matlack’s Block. Residence first house east of Alexander’s lumber yard. Arkansas City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 18, 1884.
The equal suffragists meet this afternoon at 3:30 o’clock, at the residence of Mrs. Stacy Matlack. A full attendance is requested.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 18, 1884.
In this issue appears the card of Drs. Wright and Sparks, the latter gentleman being a newcomer and having associated himself with Dr. Wright. They are both old practitioners, and cannot fail to enjoy a lucrative practice.
CARD. WRIGHT & SPARKS, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. Special attention given to the treatment of CHRONIC DISEASES. Office in Matlack’s Block, Arkansas City, Kansas. Residences on North Summit Street.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 18, 1884.
Ad. Wanted. A young girl of twelve or fifteen years to take care of baby and do light work. Inquire of Mrs. E. W. Matlack.
Arkansas City Republican, June 21, 1884.
Kellogg, Matlack & Howard are doing a lively business in real estate and insurance this week.
Arkansas City Republican, June 21, 1884.
If you want a bargain in cattle, read Kellogg, Matlack & Howard’s specials. This firm is doing a wonderful business in the sale of land, city property, and stock.
Arkansas City Republican, June 21, 1884.
Special Bargains. Four hundred head of mixed cattle, in good condition, wintered in the Choctaw Nation. For sale at low figures. This is a No. 1 bargain, for the next 30 days. Call on Kellogg, Matlack & Howard.
Arkansas City Republican, June 21, 1884.
FOR SALE. By Kellogg, Matlack & Howard, 385 head of cattle, 285 head of which are steers, two and three years old; balance cows, two year old heifers, and twenty calves. Choctaw and Creek Nation stock, and wintered on their reservation. They are in just as good condition as any range cattle in the Territory. The price is twenty dollars per head. Twenty-five of the cows will be fresh in one month.
Arkansas City Republican, June 21, 1884.
FOR SALE. By Kellogg, Matlack & Howard, 250 head of cattle, 65 of which are two years old, balance yearlings. Price is $17 per head; also 112 head at $15 per head. These cattle were wintered in Benton and Washington Counties, Arkansas, and are what are known as Missouri cattle.
Arkansas City Republican, June 21, 1884.
We have a complete set of Abstract Books for Cowley County and are prepared to furnish abstracts of title to any tract of land or town lot.
[Then follow four columns of listings.]
Arkansas City Traveler, June 25, 1884.
Stacy Matlack left for Pawnee Agency this morning, to be present at the annuity payment of this tribe.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 25, 1884.
J. H. Hilliard is once more in the livery business, having purchased J. W. Patterson’s livery west of Matlack’s store, which he is fitting up in business like style. Jack will never suffer for patronage, as he is one of the most popular men in the county.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 25, 1884.
Ad. Wanted. A young girl of twelve or fifteen years to take care of baby and do light work. Inquire of Mrs. E. W. Matlack.
Arkansas City Republican, June 28, 1884.
A few days since, Messrs. J. E. Cox and S. Matlack started for Colorado, for the purpose of obtaining a chicken ranch for that melancholy and misanthropic young gentleman, J. L. Howard, who thus seeks to avoid the giddy whirl of gay society, into which he is, much against his will, continually drawn. They returned the other day with a report that chilled Mr. Howard’s fondest hopes, and bore his tenderest anticipation to the grave. They affirm they climbed mountain tops and descended into valleys, but all were such as would likely lay an embargo upon the egg producing biped. Sorrowfully with frozen feet and aching hearts, they turned their faces homeward, thinking of the unspeakable grief they would communicate to their dear friend, of the recital of such doleful news. Mr. Howard’s delicate frame was tremulous with emotion upon the reception of the news, but by latest telephonic communication from Mr. Morton’s, where he lies seriously ill, he was still able to take his meals. “Man’s inhumanity to man has caused countless millions to mourn.”
Arkansas City Republican, June 28, 1884.
George H. McIntire and Ben. H. Matlack were down from Winfield Thursday visiting friends and relatives.
Arkansas City Republican, June 28, 1884.
Ben W. Matlack went down to the Territory Saturday, returning Sunday with his mother and sister, who took a look over Cowley’s capital and returned that evening.
Winfield Courier.
Arkansas City Republican, July 5, 1884.
Our special column for bargains in real estate and other property.
199. For a short time only, a choice farm on Grouse Creek, of 220 acres, 70 acres of good timber, never failing stream of water running through the farm, all under fence and well improved choice bottom land, good orchard, fruit of all kinds, 100 acres in cultivation, 50 acres in grass; price, $6,000.
220. Another good farm of 160 acres on the Territory line, on Chilocco Creek. Well watered, good bottom, land a good stock and grain farm; price, $4,500.
224. Farm of 320 acres, 2 acres of grove, 200 acres in cultivation, 120 acres in grass, 2 small houses, schoolhouse across the road; and post office in corner of farm. All good land; price, $6,500.
197. 160 acres of land 8 miles west of Arkansas City; 30 acres in cultivation, 70 acres in grass, 15 acres fenced for pasture. This is a good cheap farm; price, $1,000.
198. 91-28/100 acres of land 1 mile from Maple City; 50 acres in cultivation, 41 acres in grass, frame house 12 x 16, stone house 10 x 16, frame corn crib, stone stable and sheds, 40 rods hedge fence, 200 rods stone fence, lasting stream of water, good spring, 150 apple trees, 1,000 peach trees, and plenty of small fruit; price, $2,000.
182. For a short time, a suburban residence and 7 acres of land, good part of it in orchard and vineyard, house of 4 rooms well finished, situated at the end of Fifth and Sixth streets. This is a bargain; price, $2,300.
188. Large farm of 280 acres 2-1/2 miles west of the city, 2 houses on the place, one a two story stone house with one story ell and good cellar under the whole house, one of the best orchards in the county, which contains 10 acres, 160 acres in cultivation, 80 acres of pasture, 40 acres of grass. This is fine farm overlooking the city; price, $11,000.
242. 160 acres of good land 2-1/2 miles north of the city, running water on the place, trees for shade along the water course; price $15 per acre.
212. 400 head of mixed cattle wintered in the Indian Territory. All good young cattle.
241. Another! 100 head of domestic two year old steers in good condition. Call and get prices.
We have a few business localities for sale. Write for information.
For a larger list of farm and city property, write for a copy of the Land Record, published by KELLOGG, MATLACK & HOWARD.
Unknown...relationship, if any, to Stacy and Ben Matlack...MAW
Arkansas City Republican, July 5, 1884.
DIED. J. B. Matlack, a member of G. A. R. Post No. 158, died July 2, 1884. He was followed to the cemetery by the members of the post, who bore the expenses of the funeral. He was the second member of the post that has died since its organization.
Joseph B. Matlack was born in Lee County, Virginia, in the year 1832. He removed to Missouri, where he enlisted in Co. B, 35th Missouri volunteers, on the 18th day of March, 1864, when he was discharged as sergeant-major of his regiment, at Helena, Arkansas, from the effects of a wound received in action.
Thus his death broken in our ranks and will continue until the last fellow comrade, who bravely stood up in defense of our free and noble country falls. [Do not understand!]
It will be but a few years until it will be said the last soldier of the rebellion has passed away. And as members joined together to promote the welfare and happiness of each other and families, we commend the widow and the children to the God whose unerring wisdom doeth all things for the good of his creatures. N. S. L.
Arkansas City Republican, July 26, 1884.
Mr. Geo. W. Spruill sold his farm in Bolton Township, through the real estate agency of Kellogg, Matlack, and Howard, to Geo. W. Morton this week, taking in exchange Mr. Morton’s residence in Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 30, 1884.
The equal suffragists will meet this evening at 6:30 o’clock with Mrs. Stacy Matlack, instead of with Mrs. Searing, as announced last week, the latter lady being absent. It is requested that there be a full attendance.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 13, 1884.
Messrs. Newman and Matlack left for New York last Monday, to lay in a supply of fall and winter goods.
Arkansas City Republican, August 23, 1884.
Kellogg, Matlack & Howard received their abstract books of Arkansas City the first of the week. B. W. Matlack still lingers in Winfield finishing up the books for the county, and when done this firm will have the most complete set of abstract books in the county. Anyone desiring an abstract of title of their property can have it promptly furnished them by calling on these gentlemen at their office under Cowley County Bank.
Arkansas City Republican, August 30, 1884.
W. L. Powell, who has been clerking for Ware & Pickering the past six months, left for Pawnee Agency, Indian Territory, yesterday, where he goes to take a clerkship with the firm of Bishop & Matlack.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 3, 1884.
Stacy Matlack came in last Monday with two or three car loads of goods for the fall trade, and still there’s more to follow.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 3, 1884.
TRAVELER showed the following medical people in this issue.
3. JAMISON VAWTER, M. D., (Late of the Louisville, Kentucky, Eye and Ear
Physician & Surgeon.
Special attention given to Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Throat, and Nose—Nasal Catarrh.
Office in Matlack’s building, upstairs, Arkansas City, Kansas.
5. WRIGHT & SPARKS, Physicians and Surgeons.
Special attention given to the treatment of CHRONIC DISEASES.
Office in Matlack’s Block, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Residence on North Summit Street.
Office, Third Door in Matlack’s Building, Upstairs.
Preserving the Natural Teeth a Specialty.
Arkansas City Republican, September 6, 1884.
S. Matlack, who has been east, returned Monday.
Arkansas City Republican, September 6, 1884.
John Isom exhibited the largest peach we have seen in Kansas in Kellogg, Matlack & Howard’s real estate office last week. It was ten inches in circumference.
Arkansas City Republican, September 6, 1884.
B. W. Matlack and Lou Zenor passed through the Gate City yesterday en route for the Territory. They will return the first of next week.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 10, 1884.
Mr. Matlack comes to the front this week with a new advertisement, calling attention to new goods and low prices. Mr. Matlack’s success is owing to the principle observed throughout his entire dealings—perfect honesty with his patrons. The purchaser may rely on what he and his clerks say, and will always find the goods as represented.
BIG AD. FALL OF 1884. Just arrived, among our first shipments from New York, another lot of those admirable GUINET BLACK DRESS SILKS. We now show a line of these goods ranging in price from $1.00 to $2.50 per yard, and guarantee them of better value than any other brands at the same price. The reduction of the duty on these goods, the splendid wearing qualities of the fabric, and the extreme low price, make them an especially valuable purchase.
Our line of CASHMERES, in Blacks and Colors, is now complete. We invite careful comparisons.
PRUNELLE—CLOTS, TRICOTS, DRESS FLANNELS, and all other good things in dress goods will be found on our counters, together with A FULL STOCK OF TRIMMINGS. We are confident that we can please, guaranteeing at all times the best of values and very low prices.
S. MATLACK, Corner Summit Street and Fifth Avenue, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Republican, September 13, 1884.
S. Matlack is acting bookkeeper during the absence of Miss Mollie Christian.
Arkansas City Republican, September 13, 1884.
202 Excursionists Arrive in the Gates City on Thursday’s Train
from Hustonville, Kentucky.
They Fill Our Three Large Hotels Full, and Some are Compelled
to Seek Lodging at Private Houses.
A Gala Day for the Real Estate Firm of Kellogg, Matlack & Howard.
Several weeks ago the real estate firm of Kellogg, Matlack & Howard decided to run an excursion train from Hustonville, Kentucky, to Arkansas City. Accordingly about the 12th of last month J. L. Howard took his departure for the point named above, and after three weeks of hard labor succeeded in inducing in the neighborhood of 420 excursionists to come to the sunny land of Kansas. Some dropped off at different points along the road, but will in all probability come on to Arkansas City in a few days. The excursion train started from Hustonville Tuesday noon, and arrived here Thursday noon, a distance of 1,200 miles. No accident occurred along the way by which the pleasure of the excursionists was marred, and when they arrived in Arkansas City, they were as jovial a body of visitors as we have ever seen. Tired and dusty, the 202 excursionists came marching up from the Santa Fe depot with Mr. Howard heading the van. The procession extended from the corner of the Leland Hotel to C. R. Sipes’ residence. The denizens of Arkansas City were so surprised at the large number of the excursionists that they turned out en masse to behold them. The landlords of the respective hotels were awe-stricken, but nevertheless they all wore smiles of satisfaction. The first afternoon and evening were spent in looking over Arkansas City. On Friday a large number visited the much talked of Indian Territory on a hunting expedition, but several who were more anxious to become settled in their new quarters, kept Kellogg, Matlack & Howard busy fitting them out with houses. The price of the excursion ticket ranged from $5 to $9, round trip. The low rate was due to other railway lines competing with the O. & M.
The Kentucky excursionists were handsomely entertained at the Chilocco school yesterday.
B. W. Matlack came down from Winfield Thursday to assist in entertaining the excursionists.
Col. Dry and family came with the excursion party. Col. Dry, it will be remembered, was here several weeks ago, prospecting and purchasing land.
A number of our bourbon visitors brought their families along with them. The politeness of the unmarried partners of the real estate firm of Kellogg, Matlack & Howard toward the ladies is seemingly wonderful.
Kroenert & Austin showed a delegation of the Kentuckian excursionists through the Diamond Front. They compared prices with those in the corn cracker state and found Kansas prices lower on a great many kinds of groceries. They are all very much pleased with the courtesies extended to them by our citizens and especially our merchants.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 17, 1884.
A Large Delegation Visits the Future Great.
Last Thursday the usual bustle and stir of Arkansas City was increased by the arrival of a small army of Kentuckians—202 in number—who had come to view this land of milk, honey, and prohibition. There were men of all sizes, ages, and dispositions, and as they filed up from the depot they presented an imposing appearance. They rather took our city by surprise, and tried our hotel facilities to the utmost, but a genial Kentuckian never kicks on trifles, and they good naturedly made the best of it. The excursion is the result of Mr. Howland’s enterprise, the real estate firm of Kellogg, Matlack & Howard having sent the latter gentleman east with this purpose in view some weeks since.
As was to be expected, our Kentucky visitors are much pleased with Cowley County and Arkansas City. Many have bought land, others affirm their attention of so doing, and all have spent the past few days visiting the various points of interest in Southern Cowley and the Indian Territory. Their surprise and admiration of the progress made in what they have been taught to consider a new, if not wild, country are freely expressed. The real estate firm of Kellogg, Matlack & Howard deserve credit for this stroke of enterprise, as it will undoubtedly be the means of bringing many newcomers into this section.
Arkansas City Republican, September 20, 1884.
J. W. SPARKS, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office with J. M. Wright, M. D., in Matlack’s Block. Residence first house west of Alexander’s lumber yard. Arkansas City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Republican, September 20, 1884.
Kellogg, Matlack & Howard have made several contracts this week for large farms with the Kentuckians.
Arkansas City Republican, September 20, 1884.
E. M. Anstine, residing eight miles west of Arkansas City, brought into the real estate agency of Kellogg, Matlack & Howard a bundle of blue grass last Saturday. It is three and a half feet in height. Some of the Kentuckians who were here pronounced it better grass than produced in their native state. He also placed on exhibition a bottle of preserved strawberries, which when first placed in the alcohol measured 3-1/2 inches in circumference.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 24, 1884.
Just a Trifle Cheeky.
That Cowley’s fame is abroad in the East was confirmed last Thursday when the Santa Fe train came rolling in with two hundred and seventy-five excursionists from “Old Kaintuck.” The excursion was inaugurated at Hustonville, Kentucky, and was brought about through a railway war, bringing the round trip fare down to nine dollars. Over four hundred started for Kansas, the number given above headed straight for Cowley. Winfield was flooded with excursionists Thursday, and our real estate men were kept busy showing up our attractions. The visitors “took in” different parts of the country, all “rounding up” on Friday at Arkansas City for a visit into the famed Indian Territory. Hotels everywhere were chuck full. After a few days in Cowley, the excursionists moved on to Harper and other counties, but not without having made a number of investments here. Winfield Courier.
Well, the above is rich, and no mistake, and much further from the truth than our friend up in the swamp usually wanders. This excursion, as we said last week, was due solely to the work and enterprise of J. L. Howard, of this city. His “stubs” from the railroad company show that exactly 422 tickets were sold, of which number 202 were issued to Arkansas City and return, the rest going to Harper. Winfield’s first intimation of the excursion was on the Thursday named, when the entire train load of 202 passed by the deserted creamery for Arkansas City, not one stopping at our county seat village. The large excursion bills, which were distributed all about the neighborhood of Hustonville, Kentucky, made no mention of Winfield. It was to Arkansas City, the liveliest city in Southern Kansas, that the people were invited. There is something worth seeing down here. As a matter of fact, a few of the excursionists did hear of Winfield in the course of a day or two, and paid our neighbors a visit, which of course somewhat disturbed the usual quiet of that sequestered spot, but one and all left, firm in the belief that Arkansas City was the most enterprising, flourishing city they had ever seen. As an instance of the good done by this excursion, we cite the fact that Kellogg, Matlack & Howard made nineteen contracts with the blue grass sons, ranging from $1,000 to $12,000 each. This is the simple truth, much as the Winfield papers dislike to admit it.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 24, 1884.
Telephone Exchange.
Y. M. Ayres’ Mill 142
V. M. Ayres’ Store 131
Arkansas City Bank
A T & S F Depot
A. V. Alexander & Co.
Frank Beall’s residence
Braden’s stable
G. W. Cunningham’s office
G. W. Cunningham’s residence
Cowley County Bank
Democrat office
E. D. Eddy’s drug store
E. D. Eddy’s residence
Geuda Springs
Dr. Grimes’ office and residence
J. W. Hutchison & Sons’
J. L. Huey’s residence
Kroenert & Austin
Kellogg, Matlack & Howard
Leland Hotel
Landes, Beall & Co.’s Mill
Landes, Beall & Co.’s Office
John Landes’ residence
Mowry & Sollitt
W. D. Mowry’s residence
S. Matlack
W. G. Miller & Co. (Blacksmith)
A. A. Newman & Co.
A. A. Newman’s residence
A. J. Pyburn’s office
Republican office
Speers’ Mill
Searing & Mead’s Mill
Searing & Mead’s Office
H. P. Standley’s residence
N. T. Snyder’s residence
Traveler Office
Windsor Hotel
Messages can be sent at night and on Sundays as follows:
To Winfield from N. T. Snyder’s residence.
To Geuda Springs from Leland Hotel.
Subscribers will please cut this out and paste up in a conspicuous place.
Telephone charges are for five minutes’ conversation as follows:
To Winfield: 25 cents
To Geuda Springs: 25 cents
Messenger Service: 15 cents
City limits: 10 cents
N. T. SNYDER, Manager.
Arkansas City Republican, October 4, 1884.
Miss Maggie Sample took a vacation this week from S. Matlack’s store, and visited at her father’s residence.
Arkansas City Republican, October 4, 1884.
D. G. Carder, living on the Arkansas bottom, added a large apple of the Domini species to Kellogg, Matlack & Howard’s display of fruit. It is 13 inches in circumference and weighs 14 ounces.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 8, 1884.
Read the new advertisements this week, and remember there never was a better chance to buy at reasonable rates than at present. Messrs. Matlack, Newman, and Hable each comes to the front with inducements to purchasers. Competition is the life of trade, and it is running high in Arkansas City this fall, which is much to the advantage of “us poor people” who have to do the buying.
BIG AD. CLOTHING SALE. We have no bankrupt stock of clothing. We have not got $45,000 worth of clothing. We have no shoddy goods or poorly made garments. We do not sell goods that may not be returned to us if not as represented. WE HAVE GOT ABOUT $15,000 WORTH OF MEN’S, YOUTHS’, AND BOYS’ CLOTHING. WE HAVE GOT The latest styles, the best made, and the best fitting suits the market affords, which we have decided to close out in the next 90 days at cost. By cost we mean cost, and will stake our reputation on this sale. CALL AND BE CONVINCED. EVERYBODY WELCOME. S. MATLACK, ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS. S.W. Cor. Summit St. and Fifth Ave.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 8, 1884.
Following is a complete list of stockholders in the Arkansas City Woolen Manufacturing Company, mention of which was made last week.
T. H. McLaughlin
Arkansas City Bank
Frank J. Hess
Wm. Sleeth
H. P. Farrar
Landes, Beall & Co.
Sanborn & Gordon
H. Endicott
A. Walton
J. A. McIntyre
I. D. Harkleroad
W. E. Gooch
F. W. Farrar
A. A. Wiley
R. A. Houghton
T. J. Gilbert
A. Campbell
G. W. Cunningham
Schiffbauer Bros.
A. [?] Andrews [Not sure of first initial.]
Fitch & Barron
S. Matlack
J. B. Nipp
A. A. Newman
James Hill
E. H. Parker
T. D. Richardson
Benedict & Owen
D. Warren
J. H. Sherburne
J. N. T. Gooch
Uriah Spray
Theo Fairclo
H. D. Kellogg
Ira Barnett
A. J. Chapel
S. F. George
G. W. Miller
P. F. Endicott
Jamison Vawter
Kimmel & Moore
N. C. Hinkley
L. McLaughlin
Arkansas City Traveler, October 8, 1884.
The Arkansas City Athletic Club was formed last Friday, Messrs. Matlack, Hess, Hawk, Kingsbury, Hutchison, and others being prime movers therein. A gymnasium association was also formed as a stock company for the purpose of erecting a building, and nearly all the money subscribed. The building will be situated on the lot between Mr. Gibby’s and Maj. Woodin’s residence, and work will be commenced thereon immediately. It is the object of the club to provide a place of amusement and recreation for those who wish to join, “to which end the building will be supplied with all the gymnasium appliances, such as Indian clubs, dumb-bells, bars, trapeze, etc. It is a good move and should be liberally supported.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 11, 1884.
For Sale. B. W. Matlack will sell you lots on six months or one year’s time in different parts of the city. He has a large list and you can secure bargains by calling on him under the Cowley County Bank.
Arkansas City Republican, October 11, 1884.
O. H. Meigs purchased the interests of Dr. H. D. Kellogg and B. W. Matlack in the real estate agency of Kellogg, Matlack & Howard Tuesday. Mr. Meigs is a former resident of Arkansas City, and is now living at Anthony. J. L. Howard still retains his interest, and the firm will now be Meigs & Howard. Mr. Meigs will remain in Anthony until he settles up his business there. His daughter, Anna, will attend to the abstract books. She is expected here today.
Arkansas City Republican, October 11, 1884.
An Athletic Club.
The merchant’s clerks, and all who do not have much time to devote to outdoor exercise have been holding meetings for several evenings past in Ed Kingsbury’s sanctum for the purpose of perfecting an athletic organization. A stock company, consisting of S. Matlack, E. L. Kingsbury, F. B. Hutchison, A. D. Hawk, F. W. Farrar, Chas. McWilliams, J. A. Mitchell, H. P. Standley, A. V. Alexander, S. P. Gould, Frank J. Hess, D. Coburn, L. H. Northey, R. B. Norton, Joseph Finkleberg, Sep. Andrews, and W. L. Aldridge has been formed with a capital stock of $1,000 for the purpose of building a gymnasium hall. One lot has been secured near Maj. Woodin’s residence, but the company desire to obtain two lots together on which to erect the hall. A charter has been applied for with S. Matlack, E. L. Kingsbury, A. D. Hawk, F. L. Hess, S. P. Gould, and L. H. Northey as charter members. The object of the organization is to provide a place of recreation for those not getting out-door exercise and also a place of amusement. Dumb-bells, Indian clubs, and all the modern fixtures pertaining to a gymnasium of the first-class order will be placed in the hall for the use of the members of the gymnasium club. The room will be 35 x 60 feet, partly ground floor. Quite a large number have signified their willingness to join the Arkansas City Athletic Club, and in a few weeks the REPUBLICAN hopes to be able to chronicle this organization in full working order. A meeting is called Wednesday evening next at Ed Kingsbury’s room.
Arkansas City Republican, October 11, 1884.
S. Matlack had Ed. Ferguson place at each one of the canal bridges a nobby sign advertising his stock.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 15, 1884.
Our dry goods and clothing man, S. Matlack, comes out in a new advertisement this week, from which it can easily be seen he intends to be on hand and sell goods at prices to suit the times. His stock of clothing, to which special attention is called, is in the latest styles, first-rate in quality, and will be sold at popular prices. Give him a call and verify what we say.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 15, 1884.
BIG AD. [ON BOTH SIDES OF AD IN BIG LETTERS ARE THE WORDS: CLOTHING SALE!] We have no Bankrupt Stock of Clothing. We have not got $45,000 Worth of Clothing. We have no Shoddy Goods, or poorly made garments. We do not sell goods that may not be returned to us if not as represented. WE HAVE GOT ABOUT $15,000 WORTH OF MEN’S, YOUTHS’, AND BOYS’ CLOTHING. WE HAVE GOT the latest styles in the best made and best fitting suits the market affords, which we have decided to close out in the next 90 days A T C O S T ! By cost we mean cost, and stake our reputation on the honesty of this sale. Come and be Convinced. EVERYBODY WELCOME.
Arkansas City Republican, October 18, 1884.
S. Matlack is fixing up a cloak room. A hole is being cut through the ceiling and a stairway erected leading to two rooms in the second story, which will be for the purpose mentioned above. The increase of stock and trade was the cause. A merchant to be successful must be up with the times. Mr. Matlack believes in the old proverb, the “early bird catches the worm,” and so prepares for coming winter trade.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, October 22, 1884.
Ladies’ Winter Wraps! Owing to a large increase of business, we have been compelled to fit up a special department for Ladies’, Misses’, and Children’s Wraps. We have an elegant line of these goods at Extremely Low Prices! We Invite a Careful Examination.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 22, 1884.
B. W. Matlack was in the city a few days the past week, and returned to our county hub yesterday.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 29, 1884.
See notice to hunters in another column.
We, the undersigned, hereby give notice that we will prosecute to the full extent of the law all persons who may be found hunting upon our premises.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 29, 1884.
The Equal Suffrage Society of this city will meet with Mrs. M. L. Matlack, on Wednesday, November 12, and hereafter will meet on the second Wednesday in each month.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 29, 1884.
The parties who last Saturday afternoon took by mistake a box containing a pair of shoes from the front of S. Matlack’s store will please return the same to this office and oblige the owner.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 5, 1884.
A Card.
In the course of my business as an advertising agent, I came to Arkansas City last week, and, thanks to the liberality of the businessmen of the city, I succeeded in getting up my advertisements, which may now be seen at the leading grocery houses in town. Wishing the printing to be done in the city, I visited the TRAVELER, Democrat, and Republican offices, and finally decided to give the work to the Republican. The nature of my business is such that I am compelled to travel alone, but though I have visited many cities of the state, I have never yet experienced the slightest inconvenience, as I always endeavor to conduct myself as a lady, relying upon true manhood as protection from insult. In order to superintend the printing, I visited the Republican office, and the object of this card is to state that by one of its proprietors, Mr. Howard, I was treated as no one with a spark of manhood would treat a lady. His only reason for making the remarks he did must have sprung from the instincts of a contemptible coward. He knew I was alone and unprotected. I left the office at once, and succeeded in getting my work done at the TRAVELER office; and that I fulfilled my contracts to the satisfaction of my patrons (under whose advice I publish this statement), will be seen by the subjoined testimonial. FLORA WILCOX, Springfield, Illinois.
On this the 30th day of October, 1884, before the undersigned, a notary public within and for the county of Cowley and state of Kansas, personally came Flora Wilcox, of lawful age, who, being duly sworn, deposes and says the statements made in the foregoing are true in every respect. FLORA WILCOX.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 30th day of October, 1884.
[SEAL.] RICHARD U. HESS, Notary Public.
We, the undersigned, desire to state that Miss Flora Wilcox has been making a business canvass of our city, seeking advertisements, and having transacted business matters with her, we believe her to be in every sense of the term a lady and a thorough business woman.
WARE & PICKERING, grocers.
McDOWELL BROS., butchers.
MOWRY & SOLLITT, druggists.
KIMMEL & MOORE, grocers.
F. W. FARRAR, assistant cashier, Cowley County Bank.
H. H. PERRY, proprietor, Leland Hotel.
S. MATLACK, dry goods.
J. W. HUTCHISON & SONS, grocers.
Arkansas City Republican, November 8, 1884.
The Equal Suffrage Club will meet with Mrs. M. L. Matlack, Wednesday, Nov. 12, at 3-1/2 p.m. All interested are invited to attend.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 12, 1884.
Ladies, don’t forget to read the new advertisement of S. Matlack in this issue. It has good news to all embraced within its limits.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 12, 1884.
No. 727. Elegant Silk Newport, fur trimmed, at $49.50, former Price $65.
Elegant Silk Maltese Russian Circulars at $35; Former price $42.50.
No. 201. Elegant seal skin silk plush garments at $37, Former price $50.
No. 833. Silk Ottoman Russian Circular at $31, Former price $40.
No. 426. Silk Newmarket with satin brocade figured at $26, Former price $33.50.
We have too many fine garments, and prefer to sell them at a loss than to take the chances of carrying them over.
We have a complete stock of Ladies’, Misses’, and Children’s Fine, Medium, and Cheap Garments at Lowest Prices.
We Invite a Careful Examination. S. MATLACK. CLOTHING!
Arkansas City Republican, November 15, 1884.
Ben Matlack was down the first part of the week.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 3, 1884.
BIG AD. XMAS 1884.
All at Bottom Prices
S. Matlack’s.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 3, 1884.
B. W. Matlack is in the city.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 3, 1884.
A number of friends surprised Stacy Matlack and wife last Wednesday evening on the occasion of their 10th wedding anniversary. A very pleasant time was enjoyed.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 3, 1884.
C. O. Harris is now located just west of Matlack’s store on 5th Avenue.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 10, 1884.
Telephone Exchange.
[Note: Skipping telephone numbers...very hard to read...three digit numbers were used...for example, first number appears to be “110" for A. A. Newman & Co.]
Number 108 was used for the following:
A. T. & S. F. DEPOT.
Winfield Courier, December 11, 1884.
A Mistaken Idea.
From a squib published in the Arkansas City Republican some weeks ago we clip the following.
“The COURIER has always ignored Arkansas City and made fun of her. Arkansas City can get along without Winfield, but can the COURIER get along without Arkansas City?”
If the person who wrote the squib knew anything of the history of Cowley County, and especially of the COURIER, he would not have penned it. The COURIER has never since the old matters of County Seat and other purely local feuds were settled, said ought adverse to the growth and prosperity of any portion of our splendid county. On the other hand it has taken great pride and assisted not a little in promoting the growth and advancement of Arkansas City, Burden, Udall, and every other portion of the county. The COURIER recognizes the fact that no community can build permanent prosperity by tearing others down. Such policy is pursued only by narrow-minded bigots, and not by persons of sound mind and liberal views. Arkansas City has enjoyed its full share of our general advancement. This has been brought about by the indomitable energy of such men as Sleeth, Newman, Matlack, Hill, Huey, Cunningham, Hess, Scott, and a score of others whose faith in the future of their city has been shown in works, the successful prosecution of which left no time, if the inclination existed, to snarl and growl at their neighbors. This is indulged in only by the lesser lights who come in to enjoy the benefits of other’s industry and find a fruitful field in promoting discord where harmony should prevail. We are glad to know that no respectable portion of the people of our own sister city indulge in the small and contemptible feelings which seem to inspire the Republican man.
Arkansas City Republican, December 13, 1884.
Mrs. Hannah Clevenger is assisting at S. Matlack’s during the holidays.
Arkansas City Republican, December 13, 1884.
The Courier accuses us of being inspired by a “contemptible spirit” because of our persistency in requesting that she at least treat Arkansas City squarely and that we are trying to promote discord. You are wrong again, friend Courier. We were inspired by a careful perusal of your columns. Thanks, to the compliment paid to “Messrs. Sleeth, Newman, Matlack, Hill, Huey, Cunningham, Hess, Scott, and a score of others.” They are deserving of every word. To them may be attributed to a great degree the prosperity of Arkansas City. They have been the life of the city. We will now be content for a time at least for this kind notice.
Winfield Courier, December 18, 1884.
Ben W. Matlack leaves today for a three weeks eastern excursion, taking in Chicago, Washington, and other of the great cities.
Arkansas City Republican, December 20, 1884.
The concert given by the Arkansas City Choral Society last Tuesday evening was well received by those present. Owing to the short notice given and the cold weather, the number present was not as large as expected. The entertainment was very good. Arkansas City prides herself on her musical talent. A much better entertainment could have been given by the society if they had taken more time in preparation. A number of pieces were rendered exceptionally well, and showed what they were capable of doing. The quartet composed of Messrs. Campbell, Mowry, Swarts, and Matlack rendered several pieces admirably. The cornet solo with piano accompaniment was given by J. C. Hoyt and Mrs. Frank Beall, and is worthy of mention.
Arkansas City Republican, December 20, 1884.
Real Estate Transfers.
The following are the real estate transfers of Arkansas City for December 12 to December 19, as reported by Miss Anna Meigs.
Albert A. Newman and wife and Frank J. Hess to Arial Fairclo, 1 10, b 63, Arkansas City, $375.
A. A. Newman and wife, T. H. McLaughlin and wife, to Arial Fairclo, 1 8, b 63, Arkansas City, $375.
A. A. Newman and wife, T. H. McLaughlin and wife, and Frank J. Hess to Joseph W. and Marlew A. Calhoun, lots 17 to 28 inclusive, B. S. McLaughlin’s addition to Arkansas City. $1,500.
Harvey S. Lundy and wife to Sarah A. Hoffman, 1 26 and 27, b 98, Arkansas City. $625.
James Hill and wife to Arkansas City Building association, lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, b 165 and lots 3, 4, 5, 6, b 166, Leonard’s addition to Arkansas City. $810.
Jotham M. Godfrey and wife to Wm. Gamel, 1 7 and n hf 1 8, b 46, Arkansas City. $225.
S. P. Channell and wife to T. H. McLaughlin and wife to Wyard E. Gooch and wife, l 1, b 49, Arkansas City.
John R. Lugin and wife to Wm. Hamber, 1 26, b 32, Arkansas City, $250.
A. A. Newman and wife to John S. Curry, 1 8, b 129, Arkansas City, $35.
Wm. E. Buckman and wife to John F. Dalzell 1 22, b 151, Arkansas City, $45.
Wm. M. Sleeth and wife to John S. Curry, 17, b 129, Arkansas City, $35.
Lou Ann Crain and husband to Augustus B. Prescott, 1 15 and 16, b 162, Arkansas City. $800.
Frank J. Hess to R. C. Haywood, 1 8, b 68, Arkansas City, $300.
Wm. Sleeth and wife and H. P. Farrar and wife to Edward L. Kingsbury, 1 8, b 22 [?], Arkansas City, $300.
Benjamin W. Matlack to Wm. Atkinson, 1 23 and 24, b 108, Arkansas City, $450 [?].
Arkansas City Republican, December 20, 1884.
Her Business Firms and Their Establishments.
The Holidays are Here and the Republican Indites a Letter to Santa Claus,
Telling Him of the City and the Merchants.
Soon we witness the demise of the fruitful year of 1884. By her death 1885 will be born. Already the holiday season, the happiest time on earth—is upon us. When this festive season comes, little hearts as well as big ones, are filled with joy by presents from Santa Claus. To the people of the world who contemplate having a visit from that ever welcome individual and more especially to Santa Claus himself do we desire to present the claims of Arkansas City and her live businessmen on his holiday patronage. That our kind-hearted Kris Kringle may know where, what, and when to buy the magnificent gifts which annually laden his sleigh, we indite him a letter, presenting a brief history of Arkansas City, her businessmen, and their establishments, as seen by a REPUBLICAN representative in his rounds just before the holiday trade opens.
ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS, December 20, 1884.
Santa Claus, Dear Old Friend:
We have met you several holiday seasons in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, and last of all in Sunny Kansas. And now once more we are about to greet you. This time in Arkansas City. You will find here a city reaching up to 2,500 inhabitants within its corporate limits. Should our population be increased in numbers as great during 1885 as 1884 we will have 4,700 people by the time you pay your next annual visit. The last year has added 1,200 people to our city. We will be thrice blessed should good fortune favor us thus kindly during the year 1885. Our thriving city is located on the divide between the Arkansas and the Walnut rivers, about three miles from where the latter empties in the former. Thus you will see we are surrounded by broad fertile bottom land—in fact, the most fertile of the world. Four miles south lies the Indian Territory, which is dotted here and there with herds of cattle belonging to stockmen residing there. The trade with the Indian Territory is almost incredible. Having secured the payment of their annuity, the Indians come to Arkansas City to marvel in the sweets of civilization. Thousands of dollars are thus transferred yearly, to the tills of our merchants. Within the radius of two hundred miles, are numerous Indian reservations. White men are stationed at those points as traders. Their agencies annually purchase, from our merchants, thousands of dollars worth of goods. In addition to these, Arkansas City is surrounded by a country whose land is exceedingly fertile. The husbandman, each season, is able to glean from his farm of 160 or 240 acres, one or two thousand of dollars. This agricultural prosperity causes our farmers to rear elegant homes, and affords them all the luxuries they may desire. All these are purchased in Arkansas City, and thus both country and city are growing in wealth. At no distant day, a railroad will be constructed, running from Arkansas City to Ft. Smith, Arkansas. Another undoubtedly will be constructed, running southwest into Texas and New Mexico. From the cotton and sugar fields of the south will come the material to be woven into cloth, and to be manufactured into a purer article, and both will then seek a market in the surrounding states. Thus will be verified the prediction “that Arkansas City at no very distant day, will be the great distributing point of the west and southwest.”
Our city commenced its career as far back as 1869. The town site was laid out by settlers from Emporia, and three log huts built. This was the then foundation of our now great city. One by one dwellings were erected slowly until our growth demanded better shipping facilities. In 1879 by persistent efforts the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe was induced to extend its line to Arkansas City. Less than 500 people were here then. Since then, we have grown and prospered. But the horizon of our prosperity was not reached until 1882. Passing along her southern boundary from the Arkansas to the Walnut rivers, is a canal, whose water power capacity is unsurpassed in the entire west. This enterprise was inaugurated in 1881, by the Arkansas City Water Power Company, consisting of A. A. Newman, Jas. Hill, W. M. Sleeth, and S. Matlack, and completed in 1882. Immediately three flouring mills sprang up. These are the mills of Landes, Beall & Co., V. M. Ayres, and W. H. Speers. By a widening and deepening of the channel, the volume of water can be made sufficient for any demand that may be desired. Then on the banks of the Walnut, we have Searing & Mead’s. These four mills average the manufacture of about 1,000 barrels per day. The wheat and corn for a radius of forty miles is made into flour here. Thus we have a home market for our farm products. Wheat brings a higher price here than in any other portion of the state.
Another industry will soon be in operation. A stock company with $50,000 capital will build a woolen mill on the canal. This will be completed during the year of 1885, and perhaps a machine shop and foundry will also be constructed.
The latest scheme is to make the Arkansas River navigable. We reprint a former report published in the REPUBLICAN November 19.
“The scheme of navigating the Arkansas River between this city and Little Rock has proven better than the most sanguine had anticipated. Some two weeks ago a flat boat and crew with Engineer Moorhead in command started down the Arkansas River for the purpose of ascertaining the feasibility of navigating the stream. This was brought about by a desire of cheap freight rates to the south on the flour by our millers. The cruise down the river was easily accomplished, and plenty of water was found all the way. From here to the mouth of the Cimarron River, boats drawing eighteen inches of water can be used. From there on down the water is sufficient to carry any boat that may be utilized. The crew and boat returned Tuesday night and Engineer Moorhead has sent in his report. On Wednesday the projectors met and talked the matter over. Thursday at another meeting the following directors were elected: Jas. Hill, W. M. Sleeth, C. A. Bliss of Winfield, V. M. Ayres, and C. H. Searing. A charter has been granted in the name of the Arkansas River Navigation company. Thursday morning it was decided by the stockholders to send Jas. Hill and Maj. W. M. Sleeth east for the purpose of purchasing the power boat, and enough lighters to form a fleet. They left on the afternoon train. The flat boats will be built as quickly as possible, capable of carrying thirteen tons of flour each. Messrs. Sleeth and Hill are in the east negotiating for the power boat.
Since the construction of the canal, our boom has been rapid and substantial. About 250 residences and store rooms have been erected since the holidays of 1883 and carpenters are still busy building more. Town property is advancing instead of receding as some predicted. Good houses can be purchased from $500 to $2,000. It is next to an impossibility to rent one. Our real estate agents have at the least calculation on their books some 150 houses which they rent. They inform us if they were agents for as many more, they could find tenants. There is not an empty store room in the city. All are occupied and the merchants doing an excellent business. The Hasie and Commercial block, the largest and handsomest building in the state, is almost complete. Three of the store rooms are already occupied and the remaining two will be as soon as finished. Traveling men inform us that it eclipses any building outside of Kansas City. The frontage of the block is 128 feet; the depth 132 feet; and four stories high. There are three business rooms 25 x 132 feet, and one 50 x 132 feet. The upstairs portion of this block would afford superior advantages for a hotel.
We have numerous church denominations. As a rule our citizens are a church-going people. The Presbyterians, the United Presbyterians, the Methodists, the Free Methodists, the Christians, and the Baptists have each a house of worship. Our school facilities are unequaled. Two large buildings accommodate the 900 pupils of this district.
The Central school building is just completed. It is a large stone structure. The east building is of brick. Prof. J. C. Weir is the superintendent, and, friend Santa, if you desire to know anything about the good boys and girls, pen a few lines to him at Arkansas City.
Now, we will make a few remarks about the climate and water and then perhaps you will know enough of Arkansas City to wish to learn something of her merchants. The climate is mild; winter commences seldom until December 20, and rarely lasts longer than February 15. The air has proven very beneficial to persons afflicted with lung diseases. The healthfulness of the country is fully equal to any new country known.
The water obtained here is superior to any in Kansas. It is obtainable at the depth of 15 to 40 feet. It is pure crystal water, known only in the Arkansas valley. The alkali taste is not in the slightest degree noticeable, which is a peculiarity to the water in most portions of the state.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.
Oscar Titus is back at his old place in S. Matlack’s dry goods store waiting on their many customers in his inimitable manner. Oscar has almost recovered from his recent attack of inflammatory rheumatism. He gives Geuda Springs the credit.
Arkansas City Republican, December 27, 1884.
Dr. Sparks is with J. M. Wright, M. D., in Matlack’s block. Residence: first house east of Alexander’s lumber yard. Arkansas City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.
W. A. Daniels, another Pennsylvania friend of Alfred D. Hawk, arrived in Arkansas City this week. Mr. Daniels will clerk in S. Matlack’s dry goods emporium instead of Oscar Titus. Mr. Titus, on account of his bad health, has stopped the arduous labor of clerking for a time.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
W. A. Daniels, of Hawley, Pennsylvania, a friend of A. D. Hawk, is now clerking for S. Matlack.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
The ball at the Leland Hotel Thursday evening was said to be one of the most enjoyable of the season. This of course goes without saying, with the following committees.
Committee on arrangements: S. Matlack, G. W. Cunningham, and A. V. Alexander.
Committee on invitation: Mrs. A. V. Alexander, Mrs. J. W. Heck, and Miss Gatwood.
Committee on music: Al. Levy.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
The Episcopal ladies were overrun, New Year’s afternoon, with visitors, who came to enjoy their hospitality—which is renowned in Arkansas City. The names of the ladies who received were:
Mrs. W. E. Gooch.
Mrs. R. E. Grubbs.
Mrs. Nicholson.
Mrs. M. S. Hasie.
Mrs. Frank Beall.
Mrs. John Landes.
Mrs. J. H. Hilliard.
Mrs. A. J. Chapel.
Miss Jennie Peterson.
Misses Hasie, Etta Barnett, Mame Stineman, Minnie Stewart.
The names of the principal callers we append below.
Maj. M. S. Hasie.
Mr. Nicholson.
I. H. Bonsall.
Dr. H. D. Kellogg.
T. S. Moorhead.
Dr. J. A. Mitchell.
A. D. Hawk.
Rev. J. O. Campbell.
J. H. Hilliard.
Chas. Chapel.
Phil. L. Snyder.
Ed. L. Kingsbury.
Lute V. Coombs.
Leavitt Coburn.
Frank M. Grosscup.
Richard L. Howard.
B. E. Grubbs.
S. Matlack.
C. Mead.
John Kroenert.
Sam P. Gould.
Dr. A. J. Chapel.
Wyard E. Gooch.
Dr. G. H. J. Hart.
C. H. Searing.
G. W. Cunningham.
F. P. Schiffbauer.
Charles Schiffbauer.
O. Ingersoll.
Sam Wile.
Al. Levy.
Frank Beall.
C. R. Sipes.
R. C. Multer.
The ladies received royally, and a royal attendance was the result.
Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.
H. B. Calef has severed his connection with the Empire Laundry and opened up in the building west of Matlack’s store. Mr. Calef is an experienced laundryman and does excellent work as his large number of customers who go to him for “washee” will testify.
Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.
Ben Matlack has returned from his Eastern trip.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
Ben W. Matlack and Frank F. Leland got in Friday from several weeks’ rambling in the East, having had a glorious vacation.
Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.
Oscar Titus has not quit clerking at Matlack’s. It was his father.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
Ben Matlack was down from Winfield Monday.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
The following names have been proposed by various citizens as men who would be acceptable as councilmen from the different wards. Many, most of them in fact, are men who would render the city good service in that capacity.
James Hill, James L. Huey, Will L. Aldridge, T. D. Richardson, S. J. Rice.
T. H. McLaughlin, C. R. Sipes, L. E. Woodin, A. V. Alexander, Ira Barnett.
A. D. Prescott, C. G. Thompson, J. B. Hilliard, C. H. Searing, S. Matlack, G. W. Cunningham, James Benedict.
A. A. Davis, John Daniels, J. W. Oldham, G. W. Miller, T. A. Gaskill.
It is of course unnecessary to say that this is an office that will seek the man; not the man the office. What we need is a council composed of such men as will devote some of their time and ability, without any hope of reward, except an approving conscience. We need men of ability and business integrity, who have made a success for themselves and are thus qualified to legislate for the good of the community. Our citizens will doubtless make a wise choice.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
We acknowledge the receipt of an elegant invitation to a Bal Masque, at the Winfield Opera House, Tuesday evening, February 5, 1885. Committee on Invitations: B. W. Matlack, Lacey Tomlin, and A. B. Doane.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
A House of God Desecrated Shamefully.
E. A. Barron observed early one morning last week a girl emerging from the Methodist Church. This circumstance raised his curiosity and he made an investigation and found that the church had been occupied that night, as a fire was burning and things were somewhat in confusion. He promptly notified the marshal, who identified the girl as Alida Vandermark, who was brought here from the East by S. Matlack to work for him, and was discharged on account of certain disgraceful actions. She was arrested and confessed that Ery Miller and herself had been in there all that night. Miller was soon hunted up and the justice before whom they were arraigned, fined them $50 and costs each, amounting to $109, and sentenced them to the county jail until such fine and costs were paid.
This is the most disgraceful proceeding that has come to light for a long time. The heinousness of the offense demanded all they got—not taking into consideration the fact that the church of God was defiled by their actions. No punishment can be too severe for them.
The startling intelligence was vouchsafed by the young reprobate, that he or some other—which, is not quite clear—had frequently done this. When our people are subject, not only to the disgrace of such proceedings but to the desecration of their place of worship, it is high time we move ourselves and get rid of such characters as Kansas City is now doing—expel them by force from our midst, with a warning never to return.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
Do We Want a New Rail Road?
Major C. H. Searing received the following letter this week, which he handed us for publication.
WICHITA FALLS, TEXAS, January 21, 1885.
Major C. H. Searing, Arkansas City.
DEAR SIR: Our citizens are agitating the question of a railroad connecting with some terminus of the A. T. & Santa Fe R. R. in Southern Kansas, and I was delegated to correspond with parties in your town to see their desire in the matter. Congress is now in session and quick action will be necessary to get anything before the House this session. We have good available water power here and a through R. R. connection to Kansas City will make this the most important point in North Texas except Dennison. Please reply soon.
Yours, W. A. KNOTT.
If our citizens want our road extended through the Territory, an opportunity is now offered. This is something we have long desired, something we absolutely need, and, in time, must have. Our citizens should take immediate action, as suggested in the letter, as Congress soon adjourns and what is to be done should be done before that time.
Should C. H. Searing, James Hill, W. M. Sleeth, A. A. Newman, S. Matlack, T. H. McLaughlin and other of our leading citizens put their shoulder to the wheel now, we may soon have a road to the South by which we may dispose of surplus grain and at the same time get cheaper lumber and other supplies.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.
Mary Matlack, daughter of S. Matlack, is very seriously ill at present.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.
Telephone List.
Ayres’ Mill; A. T. & S. F. Depot; Arkansas City Bank; Alexander’s Lumber Yard; Ayres’ Office, Arkansas City Coal Co.
Braden’s Stable; Beall’s Residence.
Cunningham’s Office; Cunningham’s Residence; Cowley County Bank.
Eddy’s Drug Store; Eddy’s Residence.
Farrar’s Residence.
Geuda Springs; Grady’s Lumber Yard.
Hutchison’s Grocery; Huey’s Residence.
Kellogg’s Residence; Kellogg & Coombs’ Drug Store; Kroenert & Austin’s Grocery.
Leland Hotel; Landes’ Residence; Landes, Beall & Co.’s Mill; Landes, Beall & Co.’s Office.
Mowry & Sollitt; Mowry’s Residence; Matlack’s Store; Miller & Co.’s Store.
Newman’s Store; Newman’s Residence.
Ohio Livery Stable.
Pyburn’s Office; Post Office; Parson & Och’s.
Republican Office.
Searing & Mead’s Mill; Searing & Mead’s Office; Sollitt’s Residence; Snyder’s Residence; Standley’s Residence.
Traveler Office.
Windsor Hotel; Winfield.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Little Miss Mary Matlack has been very sick for several days past.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 18, 1885.
S. MATLACK Extends a cordial greeting to his many patrons for their liberal support during the year just closed, and desires to inform them that a more strenuous effort, if possible, will be made to improve the stock by the addition of new lines of goods during the year 1885. We guarantee lowest prices, and invite a cordial inspection of the stock at all times. Our aim is to please our patrons. A. MATLACK’S. CLOTHING!
Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.
Mamma Hubbard.
The most successful of the season’s social events occurred last night at Highland Hall under the auspices of the Favorite Social Club. A large and select party of maskers were they, who glided about the hall in the many intricacies of the dance. A feast for the eyes was the many colors as they glided in and out in serpentine movements or moved along stately in massed colors. The beautiful costumes of the ladies, the grotesque and glaring ones of the gentlemen, called up scenes of oriental splendor and was soothing and calming while yet exciting to the lookers on. The names of those who were invited to the Ma Hubbard, were, so near as we could learn as follows.
C. H. Searing and wife.
S. Matlack and wife.
H. P. Farrar and wife.
F. W. Farrar and wife.
E. L. McDowell.
W. D. Mowry and wife.
C. C. Sollitt and wife.
J. V. Hull.
Frank Austin and wife.
John Kroenert and wife.
Al Heitkam.
C. O. Harris.
Dr. Westfall and wife.
John B. Walker and wife.
Matt Aldridge and wife.
C. R. Sipes and wife.
John Ingliss.
Will Griffith.
A. A. Newman and wife.
Wyard Gooch and wife.
L. N. Coburn.
A. V. Alexander and wife.
Dr. J. Vawter and wife.
Geo. Schmidt.
J. Landis and wife.
Frank Beall and wife.
C. G. Thompson and wife.
J. H. Hilliard and wife.
Joe Finkleburg.
J. A. McIntyre and wife.
E. L. Kingsbury.
F. K. Grosscup.
A. D. Ayres and wife.
Thos. Kimmel and wife.
Will Moore and wife.
Ivan Robinson.
J. C. Topliff.
Will Thompson.
R. E. Grubbs and wife.
Chas. Schiffbauer and wife.
L. H. Northey.
O. Ingersoll and wife.
Chas. Chapel.
Lute Coombs.
P. L. Snyder.
J. W. Heck and wife.
Frank Thompson.
Sherman Tompson.
W. A. Daniels.
F. B. Willitts.
Jerry Adams.
Sept. Andrews.
Will L. Aldridge.
A. J. Pyburn.
S. B. Reed.
Dr. S. B. Parsons.
Dr. M. B. Vawter.
Dr. J. A. Mitchell.
Isaac Ochs and wife.
H. Nicholson.
Frank Hutchison.
R. P. Hutchison and wife.
Herman Wyckoff.
F. J. Sweeny and wife.
J. L. Huey and wife.
R. B. Norton.
Chas. Hutchins and wife.
Cal. Dean and wife.
C. M. Scott and wife.
Frank J. Hess and wife.
R. U. Hess.
R. L. Howard and wife.
Dr. H. D. Kellogg and wife.
H. P. Standley and wife.
E. O. Stevenson and wife.
H. H. Perry and wife.
G. W. Cunningham and wife.
J. G. Shelden and wife.
Sam Wyle.
Maj. M. S. Hasie and wife.
Chs. Hilliard.
Tillie Crawford.
J. W. Duncan.
O. H. Fitch.
James Ridenour and wife.
S. B. Read and wife.
J. R. Rogers and wife.
Tip Davenport and wife.
E. W. Weston, of Wellington, Kansas.
Ed. Cole and wife.
Lafe Tomlin and wife.
Ed. McMullen, of Winfield.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
Little Miss Mary Matlack is improving under the skillful treatment of Dr. A. J. Chapel.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.
B. W. Matlack was in the city Saturday last.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.
S. Matlack has been laid up for several days with a sprained ankle.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
S. Matlack now perambulates the streets on crutches. Cause: sprained instep.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 25, 1885.
Initial steps were taken a week ago last Wednesday for the formation of a musical society, and culminated last Wednesday in the formation of the Beethoven Club. The officers elected are as follows.
Geo. E. Hasie, President.
Mrs. Frank Beall, Vice President.
Mrs. Geo. W. Cunningham, Treasurer.
Stacy Matlack, Secretary.
R. W. Campbell, Librarian.
The following is the constitution and by-laws adopted.
1. The name of the society shall be the Beethoven Club, and be limited to 40 members.
2. The officers shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Librarian, all of whom shall be elected annually by a majority of the members in good standing. There shall also be appointed by the officers of the Club an Executive Committee, which shall serve for one year, unless removed before such time by a majority vote of said officers.
3. The President shall preside at all the deliberations of the society. The Vice President shall preside in the absence of the President. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the Society. The Treasurer shall take charge of all the funds and pay out same only on bills approved by chairman of Executive Committee. The Librarian shall take charge and safely keep music books and music belonging to the society and have them when needed at the places of rehearsal. The Executive Committee shall have general management of the affairs of the society, and constitute a board of directors with the President and Vice President, who shall be ex-officio members thereof.
1. Any member of the Executive Committee shall receive applications for membership from singers only; and, if approved by a majority of said committee, shall present same at the next meeting of the Club for its action; and it will require a majority of the members present and in good standing to elect anyone to the privileges of the society.
2. The membership fee shall be $1.00, payable in advance, with quarterly dues of 25 cents.
3. Rehearsals will be held from 7:30 to 10.
4. Order of Business: Reading and approval of minutes of last Meeting.
New Business.
5. Members absent for two regular meetings without excuse from Executive Committee will be fined 25 cents; and for an absence extending over four meetings, will be dropped from the roll unless otherwise determined by a vote of the directors.
6. Members two quarterly dues in arrears will be suspended until they can present the Treasurer’s receipt for said dues paid in full.
7. Fifteen members will constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
8. The Constitution and By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members of the Club.
The executive committee appointed are S. B. Fleming, C. L. Swarts, F. K. Grosscup, Mrs. H. P. Farrar, Mrs. E. D. Eddy.
The charter members are:
Wm. M. Sleeth.
F. K. Grosscup.
Mrs. Geo. Cunningham.
J. O. Campbell.
Mrs. C. H. Searing.
Mrs. E. A. Barron.
Miss Rosa Morse.
C. L. Swarts.
S. Matlack.
R. W. Campbell.
Mrs. Morse.
Allen Ayres.
Miss Peterson.
S. B. Fleming.
W. D. Mowry.
Ella Love.
Mrs. Allen Ayres.
Mrs. Chas. Howard.
Mrs. N. T. Snyder.
Mrs. E. D. Eddy.
F. B. Hutchison.
Mrs. W. E. Gooch.
Mrs. A. A. Newman.
Mrs. H. P. Farrar.
Mrs. N. S. Martin.
Geo. E. Hasie.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 1, 1885.
B. W. Matlack, of Winfield, was in the city Thursday, Ben is engaged in making a new set of abstract books for this county.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 1, 1885.
An Enthusiastic Meeting Held at Highland Hall Sunday Night
And Proposition of the Company Accepted.
Now, All Pulling Together, “a Long Pull, a Strong Pull, a Pull Altogether;” and Cowley County will Double in Population and Wealth in the Next Two Years.
A meeting of our citizens was called Monday night to hear the proposition of the K. C. & S. W. Ry. Co. J. Q. Ashton was elected chairman and Wm. Jenkins, secretary. The proposition, as read by the secretary, was submitted in the form of a petition to the board of county commissioners, and tenor of it was as follows.
The undersigned resident tax payers respectfully petition for a special election to be called for the purpose of accepting a proposition to subscribe $160,000 to the capital stock of the K. C. & S. W. R. R. Co., and to issue bonds to that amount, to aid in securing said road to be constructed from Kansas City, in the state of Missouri, to the south line of the state of Kansas, through said county, the Co. first promising to construct that portion from the St. L. & S. F. R. R. north or northeast from said Cowley County into and through said county by the way of the City of Winfield and the city of Arkansas City to the south line of the state.
The bonds to be issued to be of the denomination of $1,000 each, to run 30 years (redeemable at the expiration of 10 years at the will of the county), to bear 6 percent interest, the interest payable semi-annually at the fiscal agency of the state of Kansas to the city of New York.
The said railroad shall enter the said Cowley County on the north side thereof, and extend through said county in a southwesterly direction, and through the townships of Omnia, Richland, Fairview, and Walnut, to Winfield, and thence by the most practicable route to Arkansas City, and touching its corporate limits, and thence to the south or west line of said Cowley County, with suitable passenger and freight depots located—one in Omnia Township, two in Richland Township, one within 3/4 of a mile by an air line from the crossing of Main Street and Ninth Avenue in the city of Winfield; one in Pleasant Valley Township; one within 3/4 of a mile of the intersection of Central Avenue and Summit Street, in Arkansas City; and one in Bolton Township.
The railroad to be of standard gauge, to be a first-class road, and to be built and completed and have cars running thereon, for the transaction of business to Arkansas City on or before six months from date of election, and to the south or west line of Bolton Township, on or before nine months.
Provided, That before any election shall be called, the said company shall give security either by depositing with the county treasurer a sum sufficient to defray the expenses of said election or by executing a bond to the State of Kansas for the benefit of said county to pay the costs of such election, in case the said company fails to build said road.
When the company shall have built 10 miles of road and fully equipped the same, bonds to the amount of $30,000 are to be issued to them; when they reach Winfield, bonds to the amount of $30,000 more shall be issued; when they shall reach Arkansas City, $40,000 more, and the balance when completed.
The form of the ballots to be “For the railroad stock and bonds of the K. C. & S. W. R. R. Co.,” and “Against the railroad stock and bonds of the K. C. & S. W. R. R. Co.”
With very little discussion the proposition was adopted. The following committee was appointed to work in the interest of the road to the outlying townships: Maj. W. M. Sleeth, H. P. Farrar, J. L. Huey, C. Mead, Rev. S. B. Fleming, J. Q. Ashton, Wm. Jenkins, S. Matlack, N. T. Snyder, Maj. M. S. Hasie, Judge T. McIntire; and they were empowered to add others to the committee at their discretion.
The first steps have now been taken toward securing this road, a good beginning made. But our people must realize that it is only a beginning, a small one at that. Before us lies a great deal of hard, persistent work. The eastern portion of this county, through the mistaken idea that if the road does not traverse their townships, it will be of no benefit to them, will oppose the bonds to a man. The northwest will go equally as strong the same way. We take the following statistics from the last report of the Board of Agriculture, because we have not the vote of the townships at hand.
The population of concerned townships in 1884.
Omnia Township: 458
Richland Township: 905
Walnut Township: 1,285
Pleasant Valley: 936
Creswell Township: 879
Bolton Township: 1,228
Winfield, City: 3,617
Arkansas City: 2,838
TOTAL: 12,186
Population of county in 1884, 26,149.
Difference: 14,018
Leaving a majority against us in 1884 of 1,977. This, of course, is allowing that everyone is in favor of the road in the townships named and all the rest against us. We presume that this relation between the total population and the number of voters remains the same relatively all over the county.
The additional fact must also be kept in mind that while Winfield and Arkansas City have increased in population at from 25 to 40 percent since the above census was taken, the rest of the county has in a very small percent. Looking at it in this light, the most favorable we can allow, the total population of the townships mentioned above is less than the balance of the county, and the voters in proportion. The difference and a sufficient number more must be obtained by hard work. Not by the holding of an occasional meeting in the outlying townships, but by meeting six nights in the week, and twelve hours a day. If this road will be of any benefit to us, it will be of thousands of dollars in benefit. This will take time, money, and dogged persistence. If our city wants to do this work, or its share of it, well and good. If not, then the county bonds can be counted on as defeated from the beginning.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 22, 1885.
Dr. James Vawter will still remain in his offices over Matlack’s store.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 22, 1885.
Attention is called to the card of Mr. J. L. Howard, which appears in this issue, and from which it will be seen he is fitting up offices over Matlack’s store. Mr. Howard is a live businessman and is bound to make a boom in whatever he undertakes.
A CARD. I desire to inform the citizens of Arkansas City and vicinity that I have removed my land broker’s office to the front room over Matlack’s store. Thanking my patrons for past favors, I invite them to call on me in the future. My aim will always be to do a straight legitimate business, and a share of your patronage is solicited. J. L. HOWARD.
ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS, April 15, 1885.
Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between H. O. Meigs and J. L. Howard under the firm name of Meigs & Howard is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business of said firm will be settled by J. L. Howard.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 22, 1885.
Baptismal Services.
Baptismal services were held at the Walnut River on Sunday last at 1 o’clock, p.m., by Rev. Walker, assisted by Rev. W. H. Hurlbutt, at which Mrs. Balcom, Mrs. Matlack, Wm. Gray, Mr. Hine, and a little daughter of Rev. Walker were formally admitted to membership in the Baptist Church, of this city, in the presence of quite a concourse of interested spectators.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.
Now is the Time. 12 yds. Excellent toweling for $1.00, worth 12-1/2 cts. per yard. We cannot duplicate it and have only enough to supply about a hundred families with one dollar’s worth each. It is all linen and a big bargain at S. MATLACK’s.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.
The Woman’s Relief Corps request donations of flowers and evergreens from patriotic citizens, for decorating the graves on Memorial Day. The offerings should be delivered to Dr. Fowler’s office (over Matlack’s store) by noon on Friday. They also request the names of deceased soldiers, whom their friends desire to have inscribed on the cenotaph. The company and regiment of the deceased should also be given.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 10, 1885.
Mr. Stacy Matlack has placed us under lasting obligations by presenting us with a fine pair of nickel plated scissors of the Terry manufacture, which for style and finish have no equal. Our readers may now expect a brilliant supply of editorial matter, for with the aid of this new implement, the work of producing such articles will be greatly lessened.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 10, 1885.
In the report of the police magistrate to the city council, the fine of $12 imposed upon R. E. Grubbs for violation of a city ordinance was reported as unpaid. This fine was remitted by the council on Monday evening. It will be remembered that Mr. Grubbs erected a soda-water stand on Fifth Avenue, near Mr. J. Matlack’s dry goods store, having first obtained permission of the city council to occupy the site. On complaint of the above named merchant, the stand was ordered to be removed as an obstruction to the streets and sidewalks. The proceedings instituted against Mr. Grubbs were regarded as harsh and inequitable, and the fine was remitted as above stated.
[Note: We do not have earlier story re Grubbs.]
Arkansas City Republican, June 13, 1885.
Tenders his Professional Services, to the citizens of Arkansas City and vicinity.
All calls in city and country night and day will receive prompt attention.
Office, Residence, over Matlack’s, Corner of Dry Goods Store.
Arkansas City Republican, June 20, 1885.
J. L. Howard has moved his office from over Matlack’s store to the rear room in the Cowley County Bank building, formerly occupied by Dr. Parsons, who has moved his office to his residence. He occupies the W. B. Kirkpatrick property.
Arkansas City Republican, June 20, 1885.
A glance at the cards of the professional men of Arkansas City in the REPUBLICAN will disclose that of Dr. C. R. Fowler. Dr. Fowler has been a practicing physician for over seven years and comes to Arkansas City well recommended. His office is over S. Matlack’s store.
Arkansas City Republican, June 27, 1885.
The game of base ball Tuesday afternoon between the Border nine and the second nine resulted in a victory to the former. The score was 50 to 21. S. Matlack “stove-up” his finger; Geo. Stivers sought for information and was taught that the ball was harder than his head, and Charley Wright had the skin peeled from his cheek during the game.
Arkansas City Republican, July 4, 1885.
Isaac Ochs, of the firm of Ochs & Nicholson, proprietors of the Bee-Hive, has been licensed as Indian trader at Pawnee Agency, under Cleveland. Mr. Ochs received word Saturday. The firm went down to the agency Tuesday to look up the matter. Whether Ochs & Nicholson will succeed Messrs. Matlack and Bishop or not, we are not informed.
The following person evidently is not related to Cowley County Matlack family...
Arkansas City Republican, July 4, 1885.
DIED. A traveling man by the name of V. A. Matlack died Saturday forenoon at the Windsor Hotel. He was a representative of a wholesale tobacco house at Nevada, Missouri. He came here about a week previous to his death and was taken sick. Dr. Acker attended him, but his disease was incurable. His wife was telegraphed for. She came in the day before he died. His death was caused by excessive drinking. His remains were sent to Nevada for interment.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 11, 1885.
S. Matlack is putting on Metropolitan airs in his dry goods establishment. He has put in an elevated railway for the changing of money. Besides saving steps to clerks, it is ornamental.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 11, 1885.
S. Matlack and wife and Mrs. M. Matlack left Thursday on a visit to New Jersey.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, July 29, 1885.
M. B. VAWTER, DENTIST. Office, front room, over Matlack’s store, Arkansas City, Kansas. Preserving the Natural Teeth a Specialty.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.
Office with J. M. Wright, M. D., in Matlack’s Block. Residence first house east of Alexander’s lumber yard. Arkansas City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.
Tenders his Professional Services, to the citizens of Arkansas City and vicinity.
All calls in city and country night and day will receive prompt attention.
Office, Residence, over Matlack’s, Corner of Dry Goods Store.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 22, 1885.
STRAYED OR STOLEN. The night of August 21, 1 dark bay pony, white spot on forehead. Small bunch between front legs. Finder suitably rewarded by A. D. Hawk, at Matlack’s store. [BUNCH??? THAT IS WHAT THEY HAD!]
Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Matlack and mother returned from their eastern visit today.
Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.
Wednesday evening, after Dr. Jamison Vawter and Judge H. T. Sumner had been out airing themselves in a livery rig obtained at Hilliard’s barn, they returned about sundown. Judge Sumner alighted at Matlack’s corner and Dr. Vawter started to return the team. Just as he was driving up to the barn door, one of the employees struck a match, which frightened the team. They jumped back, breaking the breast-yoke, turned, and ran east on 5th Avenue to Summit Street, where they turned the corner and ran toward Wyckoff’s grocery. When within a few feet of the sidewalk, one of the horses slipped and fell, thus preventing any serious accident. Before the horse could get up, bystanders caught the frightened team. Dr. Vawter escaped without any injury. As the breast-yoke was broken, he could not pull on the reins to check the team because the buggy would run onto the animals. It was fortunate for the doctor that the horse fell.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 9, 1885.
The popular salesman, William A. Daniels, is now with Youngheim & Co., having changed has base from Stacy Matlack’s.
Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.
MARRIED. Will H. Clarke, of Winfield, and Miss Maggie Sample, of Bolton Township, were united in marriage by Rev. Vie at the residence of the bride’s parents Sunday. Monday morning the new couple left for their future home at Winfield. Mrs. Clark was formerly in S. Matlack’s store. The REPUBLICAN extends congratulations and hopes Mr. Clarke will never have cause to regret his Sample choice.
Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.
Mrs. M. L. Matlack came home from her eastern visit last Friday. She did not come home with Mr. Matlack and wife, but her return was a week later. Mrs. Matlack was on the train that was robbed at Blue Springs, Missouri, last Thursday a week ago. She was sitting in the coach next to the one in which the daring robbery was committed. She did not know anything of it until the theft was committed.
Arkansas City Republican, September 19, 1885.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hilliard were surprised by a very pleasant party last evening. They were spending the evening very pleasantly with Mr. and Mrs. Powell and Miss Laura King, relations of Mrs. Hilliard, from Chicago, when the party took them by storm. Those invited were Messrs. Philip Snyder, Will Daniels, Chas. Mead, Herman Wycoff, Charlie Chapel; Misses Mollie and Linda Christian, Clark and Cora Thompson, Jessie Miller, Lucy Walton, Fannie Cunningham, Minnie Stewart; Mrs. Fred Miller, Mrs. Gooch; Mr. and Mrs. Capt. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Topliff, Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Parsons, Mr. and Mrs. Worthley, Mr. and Mrs. Ayres, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Grubbs, Mr. and Mrs. Landes, Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. Matlack, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Farrar, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Searing, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cunningham, and Mr. and Mrs. Wyckoff.
Arkansas City Republican, September 26, 1885.
Some inventive genius in Matlack’s dry goods store manufactured a most novel advertising scheme. It is now on exhibition in the store window. Stop and look at it. The sight will pay you for the pains.
Arkansas City Republican, September 26, 1885.
S. Matlack, the veteran dry goods merchant of the southwest, tells the readers of the REPUBLICAN in this week’s issue, that owing to the fact that he is overstocked with clothing, he will sell out the goods of that department at cost. Mr. Matlack is a man of his word and when he says he will do anything, his patrons can rely upon it as being true. You can look out for bargains now.
AD. Big Sacrifice Sale in Men’s, Boys’ and Children’s Clothing, AND LADIES’ WRAPS. Being overstocked, we have concluded to Close Out for Cash the above Two Lines of Goods at Enormous Reductions.
$28 Suits for ... $19.00.
$18 Suits for ... $12.00.
$15 Suits for ... $ 8.25.
$15 Suits for ... $10.00.
$ 5 Suits for ... $ 3.50.
OVERCOATS and BOYS and YOUTHS’ SUITS at Same Reductions.
We have a large stock of Ladies’ Newmarkets in Silks, Diagonals, and Fancy Cloths.
Misses and Children’s Wraps in Latest Styles; all of Which are to be CLOSED OUT REGARDLESS OF COST OR VALUES.
Nearly every branch of trade throughout the whole country is revived, and in view of this fact, we deem the present a propitious time to convert the above stock (which we propose to close out) into money. Such an opportunity for bargain seekers surely was never more offered in Cowley County. We ask you to examine our goods and compare prices before buying. S. MATLACK.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, September 30, 1885.
1878. ESTABLISHED 1885.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 30, 1885.
Notice is hereby given that H. P. Standley is authorized to collect all notes and accounts due me. S. MATLACK.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 10, 1885.
H. P. Standley is collector for the mercantile establishment of S. Matlack.
Arkansas City Republican, October 17, 1885.
Railroad Meeting.
The citizens of Arkansas City have just awakened to the fact that they are about to be left out in the cold in the matter of the K. C. & S. W. Railroad. It has now become known that the Geuda Springs branch is only another name for the K. C. & S. W., and that while the company will fulfill their agreement to the letter, and build the road through Arkansas City to the state line, they have intentions of making the junction at least three miles north of here and thus make the Geuda Springs & Caldwell branch the main line, while this will be only a stub with not sufficient length to justify a separate service. The effect will be that when the road is in operation that only such trains as are absolutely necessary will ever be run down here, a local freight perhaps. This is a direct stab at Arkansas City from the Winfield element in the company headed by the road’s attorney, Henry E. Asp, our present county attorney. To devise some means to have the junction here or south of here, provided a western branch is built, was the object of a meeting held in the office of Meigs & Nelson Thursday evening.
The meeting was called to order by N. T. Snyder, Judge Kreamer being called to the chair and N. T. Snyder, secretary.
George Cunningham stated the object of the meeting, which was to devise some way to prevent the junction from being north of Arkansas City, and asked Mr. Hill to make a statement of what the company intended to do.
Mr. Hill said that the company intended to build the road through Arkansas City to the state line, and that the Caldwell branch would also undoubtedly be built, and that it would be to his interest, and to the company’s interest, to have the branch start from here, as it would require but one bridge. He also stated that the company, outside of the Winfield element, was favorable to Arkansas City. He acknowledged that the company was morally, if not legally bound, to make the junction here, because it was upon these express promises that they had obtained the aid of Arkansas City in voting the bonds.
Rev. Fleming made a forcible speech, charging it as conspiracy on the part of Winfield to leave Arkansas City out in the cold and a violation of the promises made by Asp and others when they obtained our aid.
Amos Walton said that it was a conspiracy that was entered into at the time the company approached Winfield. Every opposition was made to Mr. Hill’s efforts to get the road through the east part of the city and east of the Santa Fe. The city council was even in the conspiracy, as shown by the fact that they would not grant the right of way of street crossings unless the road went west of the city. The road going west, he estimated, cost $25,000 more than the east route. “Winfield voted $20,000 bonds to get them in there and charged them $25,000 to get out.”
A. A. Newman moved that a committee of five be appointed to confer with Mr. Hill as regards the best means of attaining the object of the meeting. The chair appointed A. A. Newman, Geo. W. Cunningham, Amos Walton, Rev. Fleming, and S. Matlack as that committee.
The following resolution was passed.
Resolved, That the K. C. & S. W. Railroad Company is not treating the city of Arkansas City fairly, and in the same generous spirit which the citizens treated them in the inception of the road in the matter of building a road diverging from their line north of this city. In support of this proposition, would say that it was promised and agreed by Mr. Asp, attorney for the road, in order to obtain our aid, that the line of road should come down east of the A. T. & S. F., and yet the leading citizens of Winfield antagonized the road sufficient to prevent its coming through Winfield on a line to accomplish that object and to the injury of the company forced it upon the west side of the city of Winfield, and then as a part of the scheme for the injury of Arkansas City proposed and looked up a line leading west only three miles north of the city of Arkansas City. Feeling that it is a violation of the good faith pledged to the city, we would respectfully state that the said line should be left open until the line to the territory on the south of us is built. We would further state as to the matter of expense that in case the company will make a survey and establish the cost of the road from the point in Beaver Township, to the west line of Walton Township, Sumner Co., and a corresponding survey from Arkansas City or south of it, west through Walton Township, Sumner County, that we will willingly make the difference in case it should be favorable to the first mentioned line. W. D. KREAMER, Chairman.
N. T. SNYDER, Secretary.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 21, 1885.
Stacy Matlack and Phil Snyder hobbling along Summit Street on Saturday, supported on canes and crutches, led to the inquiry whether they had been engaged in a railroad war. They made some explanation about having sprained their ankles, but the bystanders all expressed the fervent hope that the malady was not catching.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 4, 1885.
Stacy Matlack was taken down on Saturday with congestion of the bowels, and is still confined to his bed.
Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.
S. Matlack has been numbered among the sick this week.
Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.
Ed. Barron is assisting in S. Matlack’s dry goods establishment.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 11, 1885.
Office and residence one block west of Matlack’s store.
Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.
S. Matlack has recovered from his sickness. His new heir, which arrived Tuesday night, was a sure antidote.
Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.
BIRTH. Born to Mr. and Mrs. S. Matlack, a son, last Tuesday night. Mother and babe doing finely, and the father able to appear upon our streets with the accustomed Smile.
Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.
In this issue of the REPUBLICAN the veteran dry goods man, S. Matlack, advertises his annual December Clearing Sale. Mr. Matlack is desirous of reducing his stock. He will make a reduction of 30 to 40 percent discount. This sale will only last until January 1, 1886, and is for cash only. Call.
We desire to Reduce our Stock as Low as possible by January 1st, and beginning December 1st, shall inaugurate a Grand Clearing Sale.
Ladies’ and Children’s Cloaks at Less than Manufacturers’ Prices. Dress Goods at Ridiculously Low Prices. $1.00 Black Cashmere at 85 cents. $1.25 Tricot $1.00.
A Line of Half Wool Goods, at 10 cents per yard.
Everything in the Dress Goods Stock at Cut Rates.
All Wool Twilled Red Flannel 25 cents per yard.
All Flannels and Woolen Goods at an IMMENSE SACRIFICE.
We can Display the Largest Hat and Cap Stock in the city, and During December Shall Make Very Low Prices.
Our reputation on Boots and Shoes is well established, and that stock will abound in bargains during this sale. Two cases of new Prints now on sale. Take a look at our Cotton Flannel and Cotton Batts. They are the Best you can buy at the Price. We are not closing out to quit business, but wish to convert a portion of our large stock into cash, and will sell at these prices
Thanking our customers for their patronage in the past, we hope to see them all and many new ones During this Clearing Sale.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 2, 1885.
Will Make Another Attempt.
The four Nimrods, Stacy Matlack, Stephen George, and Drs. Westfall and Cox, who went into the Territory a week or so ago to stock our city market with game, changed their minds when they had traveled out about 35 miles, and concluded to let the poor things live. They reached the Chicaskia where they expected to bag wild duck till they couldn’t rest, but the amphibious bipeds became suspicious of the intentions of the sportsmen, and persisted in keeping at a provoking distance. Prairie chickens, of which they expected such great plenty, were attending a bird convention some miles away, and to get at the larger game would take another day’s travel. The medical gentlemen grew uneasy about this time for fear their patients would get well during their absence, and the mercantile members of the party remembered that collection day was approaching and their books wanted posting. They came back without game, reserving their energies and ammunition for another expedition when they intend to depopulate the woods and streams.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 23, 1885.
An Amended Water Works Proposition Adopted.
A Busy and Protracted Session.
City council met at 7 o’clock on Monday evening, the mayor presiding, all the members present, except Capt. Thompson.
The following bills were acted on. [NEXT FOUR LINES 99% OBSCURED.]
Pickle & Perrine, $13.00; allowed.
F. Lockley, $17.63; allowed.
E. D. Eddy, $11.25; allowed.
County bills.
Mary Terrill, board of paupers, $15.00; approved.
Peter Pearson, burial of paupers, $50.50; approved.
S. F. Steinberger, $6.00; approved.
The following petition was read to the council.
ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS, December 15, 1885.
To the Hon. Mayor:
We the undersigned citizens of Arkansas City respectfully request that city ordinance No. 3 be so amended as to read that all auctioneers of dry goods, hardware, boots and shoes, clothing, hats and caps, furnishing, fancy goods and notions, agricultural implements, wagons and buggies, jewelry, groceries, drugs, and all other goods carried by legitimate business houses of this city shall pay a license of $25 per day. We pray the honorable Mayor and council to act immediately on this matter in the interest of the businessmen of Arkansas City.
Ridenour & Thompson
Youngheim & Co.
Mrs. W. M. Henderson
John Gallagher
O. P. Houghton
S. Matlack
J. W. Hutchison
N. T. Snyder
And many others.
The matter was debated at considerable length. Councilman Dunn said he was desirous to act for the best interests of the city, to protect the rights of the buyer as well as those of the seller. He believed in free competition; low prices were a benefit to the consumer though they might cut down the profits of the merchant. He was not a buyer of cheap auction goods himself, but he was acquainted with some who were, and he mentioned several cases where a large saving was effected in the price of goods.
Mr. Dunn was in favor of keeping peddlers and auctioneers in wagons off Summit Street. They gathered large crowds around them and impeded travel. But the petition just read he thought was directed more particularly against men who came here to sell bankrupt stock. They paid the taxes imposed by the city, and he didn’t know how you could get at them.
Mr. Prescott said it was a question in his mind whether the council could stop their operations.
Mr. Hill said the law will not allow you to impose a license of $25 a day; it was oppressive.
The mayor said this class of merchants can evade any kind of tax you choose to impose. The man who puts up goods at a certain price and comes down to the views of his customers; who offers an article for sale at $1, then falls to 75 cents, 50 cents, and finally sells it for two bits, is not an auctioneer in the eyes of the law, and the courts have many times so decided.
On motion the petition was referred to a special committee to be chosen by the mayor. His honor named Messrs. Hight, Prescott, and Dunn. The two first named asked to be excused, and gave their reasons.
The mayor stated, “Everybody else would be in the same fix; I guess the committee is good enough as it stands.”
A petition numerously signed was next read asking that a substantial bridge be built over the Water Power Co.’s canal on the grade made necessary by the railroad track on Central Avenue; also to have the railroad company grade that avenue so as to make a convenient and safe crossing over their track.
Mr. Hill being called on to express his views said the bridge asked for ought to be 36 feet wide and the road through the swamp should have a width of 40 feet. A large amount of material would be needed to fill in, and he didn’t know where it was to be obtained; certainly not within a reasonable distance. He would have a wide avenue opened through the swamp, and a sluice hole made to let the water off. It was necessary the swamp should be removed. The city is growing; and here is a fever hole diffusing infection. The level of the Arkansas River is seven feet lower, and the swamp could be drained into the river by means of a ditch.
Mr. Prescott. “What would be the cost of such a ditch?”
Mr. Hill. “The cost would not exceed $250.”
After an informal debate, the petition was referred to the committee on streets and alleys.
Mr. Hight said the people on Central Avenue want cross walks. The council was familiar with the bad condition of the road there, and the crossings asked for were needed. Labor and material are cheap now, and the work could never be done more advantageously. He moved that four crossings be put in.
Mr. Bailey. “What is the matter with Fourth Avenue? Why can’t the people there have crossings?”
Mr. Prescott said a number of property owners living on Eighth Avenue were willing to lay sidewalks in front of their lots, but they first desired to have a grade established.
Mr. Dean remarked that every time a survey was made, a different level was reached. The present county surveyor might establish one grade, but his successor would give a different one. The matter went over without motion.
Mr. Hill wanted the road leveled in the fourth ward in front of the schoolhouse. He would cut down the knoll and fill the hollow. Referred to the road commissioner.
Mr. Hight objected to the ordinance defining the fire limits as ironclad in its provisions; it allowed no discretion to the council. When a person wants to put up a small frame building, there was no authority to grant permission.
Mr. Prescott asked how reducing the fire limits to the alleys would do?
Mr. Hight said that would admit of barns being built in the rear of valuable stores, and endangering their safety.
Mr. Prescott said that bringing in the fire limits to within 30 or 40 feet of the alleys will allow lot owners on Sixth and Eighth Streets to erect frame buildings in front of their lots. Referred to the ordinance committee.
The Mayor said that while in St. Louis recently, he had called at the office of the Inter-State Gas Co., to learn whether they had accepted the franchise offered them to furnish water works for Arkansas City. He saw Mr. Putter, and that gentleman objected to several provisions contained in ordinance No. 26. The section in regard to hydrants was not specific, too many fire alarms were requested, and the bonds to be given for the faithful performance of the work were made perpetual. The company had prepared an ordinance for submission to the city council, revoking the former one, substantially alike in character, except that the size of the pipe had been cut down. Three and a half miles of pipe are to be laid; the company agreeing to put in two supply pipes of 18 inch capacity from the works to the main on Summit Street. Then they agree to lay 1,700 feet of 8 inch pipe, 2,380 feet of 6 inch, and the remainder not to be less than 4 inch. Fifty hydrants will be furnished of a specific cost, and the rest of the contract is in harmony with the published ordinance.
The proposal being read it was submitted to a searching discussion. Messrs. Hill, Dean, Dunn, and Prescott did not like the cut in the size of the pipe; it left too much of the four inch variety.
The mayor said the proposal of the company was before them to do with as they pleased; he understood it to be their wilfulness. There was no use in the council amending it because the company would accept no modification; it must be approved or rejected as it stands. Having been read over the first time and the changes from the published ordinance noted, it was then read a second time by sections and adopted, and then adopted as a whole. The votes on the final passage being: ayes—Bailey, Davis, Hill, Hight. Noes—Dean, Dunn, Prescott.
Mr. Hill, in explaining his vote, said he was not satisfied with the proposition; he thought a cheaper service could be obtained. But he felt assured that if it was rejected, we should be burdened and impoverished with our present system for another year. He also has regard for the faithful labors of Mayor Schiffbauer in endeavoring to procure an adequate water supply, and since that gentleman was confident in his belief that the company we were dealing with would give us a better service than their proposition set forth, he would defer in his judgment, and hence he had voted aye.
The council adjourned at 10:45 p.m.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 23, 1885.
Closed on Christmas.
We, the undersigned, agree to close our respective places of business during the entire day on the four national holidays: New Year’s Day, July 4, Thanksgiving day, and Christmas day.
A. A. Newman & Co.
Ochs & Nicholson
S. Matlack
O. P. Houghton
Youngheim & Co.
Arkansas City Republican, January 2, 1886.
Notice Lockwood & Son’s card in another column. They are boot and shoe makers and have their shop two doors west of Matlack’s.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 2, 1886.
Two doors west of Matlack’s Dry Goods Store.
All kinds of boot and shoemaking repairing. Repairs made promptly by order. Give us a call. We want to work for you and guarantee satisfaction.
Arkansas City Republican, January 2, 1886.
MARRIED. B. W. Matlack, with whom a majority of our readers are well acquainted, was united in marriage to Miss Gertrude McMullen, yesterday.
Arkansas City Republican, January 2, 1886.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Matlack, and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Topliff, went up to Winfield New Year’s day to attend the wedding of B. W. Matlack and Miss Gertrude McMullen.
Do not believe the Matlack listed below is related to this Matlack family...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.
Our City Fathers Perplexed With An Empty Treasury.
Council met at 7 o’clock on Monday evening, Mayor Schiffbauer in the chair; Councilmen Bailey and Hight absent.
The following bills were acted on.
County bills: H. Godehard, $4.49, groceries for a pauper family, approved.
The bills of Dr. Baker for medical care given and medicines to pauper families, formerly rejected by the council, were again brought up. The mayor said Dr. later had protested against this renunciation of services rendered in good faith, and would be willing to take a portion of the amount.
The bill for services to Jacob Chinn, $29, was cut down one-half; services to Mrs. J. B. Matlack, $26, the same reduction; services to Mrs. Harper and child ($80), held over for two weeks, in order that the claimant might explain.
Arkansas City Republican, January 16, 1886.
The eighth birthday of Miss Della Stevens, which occurred on last Monday, was celebrated by a gathering after school hours of a number of her little school-mates at her home. A representative of the REPUBLICAN was there and with the little folks partook of the bountiful supply of refreshments served. Miss Della received a number of presents. The following is a list of the little guests: Oakney Henderson, Grace Henderson, Anna Traband, Mary Steele, Fay McLaughlin, Mary Matlack, Lee Krebs, Bertha Ruby, Jessie Ruby, Aola Krebs, Bertha Traband, Mamie Bohner, Eddie Traband, Bertha Krebs, and Harry McLaughlin.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 23, 1886.
Sealed proposals, endorsed proposals, for improving Fifth Avenue, will be received by the undersigned until 4 o’clock on Tuesday, February 2, for grading Fifth Avenue and bridging the canal at its intersection of said avenue, according to plans on file at the First National Bank. Bids must be accompanied by a guarantee of two responsible parties that if contract is awarded the bidder, he will enter into the contract in ten days with sufficient bond for its fulfillment.
Committee S. MATLACK,
Arkansas City Republican, January 23, 1886.
A sheet and pillow case party was given at the residence of S. Matlack Thursday evening in honor of Miss Lucy Walton by her friends. The party was a complete surprise. The guests met at the residence of C. H. Searing and at a seasonable hour marched to the home of Miss Walton in a body. The occasion was a most enjoyable one, we are informed.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 27, 1886.
Sealed proposals endorsed “Proposals for improving Fifth Avenue,” will be received by the undersigned until 4 o’clock on Tuesday, February 2, for grading Fifth Avenue and bridging the canal at the intersection of said avenue, according to plans on file at the First National Bank. Bids must be accompanied by a guaranty of two responsible parties that if contract is awarded the bidder, he will enter into contract in ten days with sufficient bond for its fulfillment. C. H. SEARING, S. MATLACK, H. P. FARRAR. Committee.
Arkansas City Republican, February 20, 1886.
BEGINNING MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22ND. We have just opened 3,000 YARDS Of Embroideries in all widths, all colors, and all qualities in CONTINUOUS LENGTH PIECES. New goods arriving Daily. S. MATLACK.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 24, 1886.
MERCHANT - TAILOR - MADE CLOTHING. We have just opened a fine line of Merchant Tailor Made Clothing. The goods are beautifully trimmed and finished and PERFECT FITTING. To save money always call and see us. S. MATLACK.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.
Matlack’s special Embroidery sale this week.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.
New hats, new clothing, new boots and shoes at Matlack’s.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 6, 1886.
Two doors west of Matlack’s Dry Goods Store.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 6, 1886.
Office and lodgings one block west of Matlack’s store. Arkansas City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Republican, March 6, 1886.
Lawyer Hoover, who came here last week from Goshen, Indiana, and located, has opened up his office over S. Matlack’s dry goods establishment. In a few weeks C. F. Snowdon, of Huntingdon, Indiana, will come to our city and enter into partnership with Mr. Hoover in the practice of law. The firm will be Hoover & Snowdon.
Arkansas City Republican, March 27, 1886.
Office over Matlack’s store. Collections Promptly Made.
Arkansas City Republican, March 27, 1886.
MERCHANT Tailor Made Clothing.
NEW Prints.
NEW Ginghams.
Latest Styles of DRESS GOODS.
Embroidered Dress Patterns.
Tailor Made JERSEYS.
Elegant Line of SERGES.
Latest Line in CASHMERES.
New Style HATS.
Best wearing and Lowest priced BOOTS & SHOES.
Walker BOOTS.
Hats and Caps.
Very low prices to LADIES Silk and Lisle Gloves.
Furnishing GOODS.
Look at our $1 SLIPPERS for the Ladies.
We solicit an inspection of our large stock of NEW GOODS.
All goods as represented and Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 31, 1886.
New Goods! Merchant Tailor-Made CLOTHING.
A perfect fit guaranteed in Our Tailor-Made Jerseys.
Ahead of all is our new and Full Line of Boots & Shoes.
New Styles in Dress Patterns.
OUR GLOVE FITTING JERSEY is “the Event of the Season.”
Largest Stock General Dry Goods IN THE CITY.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.
Farewell Reception.
On Monday, Mrs. E. D. Eddy gave a farewell reception to Mrs. Walton, mother to Mrs. Stacy Matlack and Mrs. Topliff, who will leave the city for her home in Maryland, next Tuesday. This estimable lady has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Matlack through the winter. Those present at the festivity were Mesdames Walton, S. Matlack, Topliff, Searing, Newman, Wyard Gooch, Carrie Morse, E. Sherburne (mother to Mrs. Eddy), Joseph H. Sherburne, and Frederic Lockley. Invitations were sent to several other ladies, who were probably deterred from attending on account of the inclement weather. A pleasant afternoon was spent, and in the evening an elegant repast was served. On separating the guest of the evening received the warmest assurances of esteem and friendship from all present, and her departure will be regretted by all within her social circle.
Arkansas City Republican, April 17, 1886.
Dr. Geo. Wright has rented office rooms over S. Matlack’s store.
Arkansas City Republican, May 8, 1886.
Almost $100,000
Worth of Property Change Ownership in Arkansas City
Since Monday, May 3, 1886.
Farms Adjoining the Townsite Selling for $150 per Acre.
Resident and Business Lots Selling to Capitalists
As Rapidly As a Price Can Be Fixed Upon them.
Since the bonds have been voted in the border townships for the Kansas State Line road, real estate has changed hands at an astonishing rate and at exceedingly good prices. Our town has been alive this week with capitalists seeking purchases.
The ball was started rolling Monday by the sale of a business lot to C. H. Shoenut, a capitalist from New York City. The lot was the property of Dr. Shepard and is located on Summit Street south of the post office. The consideration was $3,250.
Thursday D. G. Carder sold 60 acres of his farm adjoining the city limits, just across the canal, for $9,000 to J. H. McNair, of Halstead, Kansas. This was at the rate of $150 per acre. The consideration was paid in full. Until lately Mr. Carder never asked more than $80 per acre.
John Carder, the father of D. G. Carder, also sold his 67 acre plat of ground south of the flouring mills for $10,000. The purchasers were Jas. Hill, A. A. Newman, W. M. Sleeth, S. Matlack, T. H. McLaughlin, and G. N. Newman.
Thursday morning Wm. Gibby sold to the above parties his farm of 65 acres across the canal south of town for $10,000.
J. Young, of Chicago, was in the city the first of the week and purchased 30 resident lots in Beecher & Sons addition. The consideration was $6,500.
Mrs. Hattie C. Lowe purchased two acres of land just south of the city from Dr. G. S. Morris; the consideration was $2,600.
Frank Beecher, of this city, purchased 6 lots in the south part of town; the consideration was $800.
Fred W. Farrar purchased a residence of A. G. Lowe; the consideration was $3,000.
Herman Knorr bought one lot from James Jones, paying therefor $200.
Wm. Thomas, of the second ward, sold his five lots to John F. Hoffman; the consideration was $1,500.
Wm. R. Herniman sold to Chas. Hutchins his resident property; the consideration was $1,600.
T. H. McLaughlin, A. A. Newman, G. N. Newman, Jas. Hill, and Maj. Sleeth purchased the Godfrey addition of 86 acres south of town. The consideration was $13,000 or $150 per acre.
W. R. Herniman sold four lots to Allen Mowry for $600.
John Young, of New York City, made a purchase of 9 lots in Beecher & Son’s addition; the consideration was $900.
Rev. T. J. Anderson, of Caldwell, sold two acres of land at the foot of Summit Street, to W. J. Halleck of Topeka, for $2,000. Mr. Halleck also purchased four lots in Beecher & Son’s addition, paying for them $450.
Ten lots in the Beecher addition were sold to Mrs. Wing, of this city; the consideration was $1,000.
C. T. Pritchard sold his business lot to John Paul, of Topeka. The consideration was $4,500.
F. W. Farrar purchased 5 lots in Beecher addition, paying $500 therefor.
N. T. Snyder paid $700 for six lots in Beecher addition.
Judge W. D. Kreamer sold his home place to W. B. Bishop, ex-trader at Pawnee Agency, yesterday, for $3,500.
M. B. Vawter sold two lots in the south part of town to M. H. Hoover, who recently located here, for $500.
Mrs. Sarah Dix purchased Chas. C. Moffat’s resident property on Summit Street, paying $1,300 for it.
Miss Rena Dix purchased two lots of C. R. Sipes and two in Gilstrap addition in the 4th ward. The consideration was $300.
H. G. Bailey sold two lots in the 4th ward to J. Q. Dix for $150. Mr. Dix also paid the same price for two lots in Gilstrap addition.
A. D. Prescott purchased a lot in Gilstrap addition; consideration $150.
Five other lots were sold in Gilstrap addition to eastern parties, but we were unable to get their names. The consideration was $500 [? NOT SURE OF THIS FIGURE?].
J. A. Reynolds, of Cameron, Missouri, was prospecting in this vicinity this week. He purchased the farm of J. C. Chase, a few miles west of Arkansas City. He paid $4,500 for it.
Frank Hess was offered $9,000 for block 40, north of the school building, Thursday. He refused, and holds it at $10,000.
Wm. Sleeth made the purchase of five acres of land belonging to Wm. Kirtley yesterday; the consideration was $2,500.
T. H. McLaughlin, Jas. Hill, Maj. Sleeth, S. Matlack, A. A. Newman, and G. N. Newman purchased the Huey property, northwest of the city, yesterday morning; the consideration was $10,500.
Jacob Schibley sold his four acres of land adjoining the townsite for $2,400.
D. Hammel, of Newton, was here this week looking our town over. He purchased the 67 acre tract of land, adjoining the townsite on the west and belonging to Dr. Reed. The consideration was $10,500.
J. F. Hoffman purchased a lot of S. B. Scott in the 2nd ward for $150 and two hours later sold it for $325 to R. L. Balyeat.
Messrs. Hill, Newman, McLaughlin, Matlack, Sleeth, and Newman paid $1,500 to L. W. Currier for his property.
G. L. Brown to S. E. Bliss, house and lot, $750.
Wm. Rose, a house and lot, to Messrs. Deering and Jackson, for $400.
F. C. Newman came in from Osage City yesterday and had been in the city not longer than an hour when he made a purchase of 9 lots in Beecher’s addition. He paid $1,000.
Ephraim Carder transferred his 67 acres of land south of town yesterday to Hill, Newman, Sleeth, Matlack, McLaughlin, and Newman. The consideration was $10,000.
Newell Pond sold his property in the 4th ward to Mrs. S. A. Dix for $600.
The above are actual trades made. We know of considerable property bargained for, but has not been consummated. This sudden boom in real estate is partly due to the carrying of the State Line propositions, and to other causes which we are not yet at liberty to make public. How we boom!
See below...Wm. M. B. Matlack...??? MAW
Arkansas City Republican, May 15, 1886.
At the last meeting of the city council, that honorable body adopted a resolution to purchase a lot, belonging to Thos. Baird, on Central Avenue, on which to erect a city building; the consideration was $800. Our city fathers acted wisely in making the purchase before the boom placed this out of their reach.
Johnnie Kroenert purchased three lots of Wm. Curtis, in the 4th ward, for $600.
Judge W. D. Kreamer saw a bargain in the John Holloway property, north of Oliver Bros. Lumber Yard, and purchased it Thursday for $1,450.
D. G. Carder purchased a house and lot on South Summit Street Monday for $1,000. Thursday he sold it to Miss Sadie Thomas for $1,500.
G. N. Gilliland sold two lots in the 1st ward to W. D. Bishop, who removed here from Pawnee Agency, for $400. Mr. Bishop will build a residence on his lots.
S. S. Lambert invested $975 in five lots in Gilstrap addition Wednesday.
Fred Farrar bought three lots in Gilstrap addition for $400.
Ira Putney sold his 4th ward property to John Doyle for $650.
J. F. McGrath, of Newton, purchased of J. W. Ruby 35 acres of land north of town Thursday; the consideration was $5,250. Mr. Ruby immediately invested $5,200 of his money in Wm. Gibbey’s resident property on 5th Avenue.
John Leach sold his 80 acre farm north of town to N. W. Parlin for $2,500 Wednesday.
Messrs. Ray and Fowler, bankers at Newton, came down to Arkansas City Wednesday and made several investments in lots; among them was the buying of the Inns’ business lots on North Summit Street for $2,250.
N. W. Parlin sold to John Leach, a house and lots, Wednesday, for $1,400.
R. U. Hess sold to E. B. Wingate, 4 lots, $305.
W. I. L. Rhoads sold to Frank J. Hess, 10 lots, $1,000.
Frank J. Hess sold to A. A. Newman, 1 lot, $100.
Fred W. Farrar sold to F. J. Hess, 1 lot, $500.
L. D. Knott sold to C. M. Ayler, 2 lots, $300.
F. J. Hess sold to L. J. Stedman, 1 lot, $100.
D. E. Taggart sold to Fred W. Farrar, business lot, $1,000.
A. A. Newman sold to F. J. Hess, 1 lot, $100.
Samuel Hagan sold to Alf. D. Hawk, 7 lots, $1,000.
Wm. Lawrence sold to Julia E. Searing, 1 lot, $100.
James C. Topliff sold to A. R. Wilcox, 2 lots, $100.
F. J. Hess sold to E. B. Wingate, 1 lot, $65.
John M. Magill sold to Wm. M. Jenkins, 3 lots and 2 houses, $3,300.
Newman and McLaughlin sold to A. D. Hawk, 1 lot, $150.
James M. Pollock sold to F. J. Hess 1/4 interest in 84 lots, $2,000.
James B. Nipp to F. J. Hess, house and 3 lots, $4,000.
Jas. H. Baker sold to Leavitt N. Coburn, 2 acre tract, $300.
A. R. Wilcox sold to F. J. Hess, 4 lots, $400.
John A. Beck sold to James Hill, house and 2 lots, $1,000.
Wm. Jenkins sold to J. T. Shepard, 3 lots and 2 houses, $3,000.
Bert Thompson sold to D. G. Carder, house and lot, $650.
G. W. Miller sold to Miss Florence Patterson, house and 2 lots, $650.
Wm. Morgan sold 2 lots to John Carder, $500.
Alfred D. Hawk sold to Wm. M. B. Matlack, 2 lots, $100.
Richard U. Hess sold to Julia E. Searing, 2 lots, $350.
Arkansas City Republican, May 15, 1886.
Arkansas City’s boom is making the Winfieldites very sick at the stomach. The fact that real estate is selling too times faster and higher at the only city in the state that is the terminus of two railroads than at the county seat excites the green-eyed monster to a wonderful degree. Hear what Winfield’s representative paper, the Courier, has to say upon the subject.
“The A. C. REPUBLICAN publishes a column and a half of real estate sales down there, at fabulous prices, all but a dozen of which are sales only in the brain vacuum of the REPUBLICAN man. Not a dozen of the deeds have ever been filed for record or ever will be.”
Never you mind, Mr. Courier, the REPUBLICAN has $50 that says that every real estate transfer we published last week is a bona fide one and at the price we stated in our paper. Do not think because the Courier has to stoop to lying in order to boom Winfield that the REPUBLICAN has to do the same for Arkansas City. The Courier sees Tom Soward employ two extra clerks to record the deeds from sales made in Arkansas City; therefore, he is terribly annoyed—sick unto death.
Again we have another Matlack: Mrs. Maria Matlack...??? MAW
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, May 22, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Mrs. Maria Matlack purchased a lot of Eli Burdette; the consideration was $825.
Arkansas City Republican, May 29, 1886.
WE ARE NOW OFFERING A COMPLETE STOCK OF WOOL JERSEYS in all the desirable colors as follows.
Child’s and Misses’ Wool Jerseys, sizes 23 to 30: 50 cents.
Child’s and Misses’ Wool Jerseys, sizes 23 to 30: $1.00
Child’s and Misses’ Wool Jerseys, sizes 23 to 30: $1.25
Ladies’ and Misses’ Wool Jerseys, sizes 32 to 42: $1.00
Ladies’ and Misses’ Wool Jerseys, sizes 32 to 42: $1.25
Ladies’ and Misses’ Wool Jerseys, sizes 32 to 42: $1.50
Ladies’ and Misses’ Wool Jerseys, sizes 32 to 42: $2.00
Ladies’, Tailor made, Wool Jerseys, sizes 32 to 42: $2.50
Ladies’, Tailor made, Wool Jerseys, sizes 32 to 42: $2.75
Ladies’, Tailor made, Wool Jerseys, sizes 32 to 42: $3.00
Ladies’, Tailor made, Wool Jerseys, sizes 32 to 42: $3.50
Our stock of White Goods is large and varied AT VERY LOW PRICES.
We have commenced already to close out our Straw Hats.
We do not intend to carry over a single article or yard of Summer Goods. As the season advances we shall make prices at which they shall go off rapidly.
S. Matlack.
Again...Mrs. Maria Matlack shows up. MAW
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, May 29, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Jas. T. Shepard sold today two houses and three lots to Mrs. Maria Matlack for $6,000.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 5, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
B. W. Matlack and wife came down from Winfield last evening visiting in the metropolis.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 5, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Mrs. S. Matlack went to Geuda Springs yesterday to remain for a time.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 19, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Mesdames Farrar, Matlack, and Sollitt came home from Geuda Springs yesterday, all much improved in health.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 31, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Last night, says the Winfield Visitor, about ten o’clock, as Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Matlack were returning from a drive to the park, the horses made a quick shy, breaking the bridle, and immediately started to run. They ran as far as the Santa Fe depot, when Mr. Matlack, catching up his wife, attempted to jump from the buggy, catching his feet in the wheel, and throwing them both violently to the ground, injuring Mrs. Matlack quite seriously, and bruising Mr. Matlack badly about the head and shoulders. Mr. and Mrs. Matlack are well known in this city.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.
IF YOU WANT GOOD WEARING, RELIABLE BOOTS AND SHOES, Come and See Us. WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK, which we buy direct from the best manufacturers in the United States.
If you want cheap, shoddy, worthless goods, don’t come.
S. Matlack,
Arkansas City Republican, August 14, 1886.
S. MATLACK is receiving His Fall Stock -OF- BOOTS AND SHOES.
We Keep the Best WEARING GOODS In the Market! A Few Lines To Be Closed Out At Less Than Manufacturers’ Cost!! Our Stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods, and Notions is daily being added to. A Careful Inspection is Invited.
Arkansas City Republican, August 14, 1886.
Office over Matlack’s Store. Collections Promptly Made.
Arkansas City Republican, August 14, 1886.
Two doors west of Matlack’s Dry Goods Store. All kinds of boot and shoe-making, repairing, etc., done promptly to order. Give us a call; We want to work for you and guarantee satisfaction.
Arkansas City Republican, August 14, 1886.
DR. S. B. PARSONS, Homeopathic Physician.
Office and lodgings one block west of Matlack’s Store. Arkansas City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Republican, August 14, 1886.
GEO. E. WRIGHT, Physician and Surgeon.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 14, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
S. Matlack leaves today for New York, where he goes to make his purchase of stock.
Arkansas City Republican, August 27, 1886.
COMMENCING TUESDAY, AUGUST 24, S. MATLACK will offer at Special Sale the Largest and Finest Invoice of Silks, Satin Rhadames, -And- TRIMMINGS EVER BROUGHT TO ARKANSAS CITY. These goods we bought in New York and combined with the handsome Striped and Brocaded Velvets, we show with them, are very pretty and durable. We invite everyone to take advantage of these SPECIAL PRICES.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 27, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Look at the fine Rhadame silks now being offered at special prices at Matlack’s.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 4, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
S. Matlack came in on the noon train today from his trip back in New York.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 4, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
S. E. Bliss left for Columbus Grove, Ohio, yesterday where he will make his future home, his family having preceded him some weeks ago. Mr. Bliss was formerly connected with S. Matlack’s dry goods store.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 25, 1886.
SEE Our Novelties in Fine Woolen Dress Fabrics.
SEE Our Bargains in Black Dress Silks at 50, 68, 85, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.25.
SEE Our latest novelties in Dress Trimmings and Buttons.
SEE Our Dr. Warner’s 50 cent Corset.
SEE Our splendid values in Ladies’, Gents’, Misses’, and Children’s Underwear.
SEE Our complete stock Flannels, Woolens, and Hosiery.
SEE Our new stock of Men’s, Youths’, and Boys’ Tailor Made Clothing. We do not hesitate to pronounce them the best made and best fitting garments shown in the west.
SEE Our large stock of Boots and Shoes, and save money by buying good Goods from us.
SEE Our all Linen Napkins at 40 cents per dozen.
SEE Our ready made stock of Muslin Underwear Garments, well made, sizes full.
SEE Us if you want anything in Dry Goods, Ladies’ and Gents’, Furnishing Goods, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, and Shoes. Ladies’, Misses’, and Children’s wraps, Trunks and Valises, Tents, and Wagon covers, etc., and save money by buying of us.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 25, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Council Proceedings.
The city council met in regular session last evening. Present: Mayor Schiffbauer; councilmen C. G. Thompson, J. Hight, C. Dean, O. Ingersoll, and A. D. Prescott.
A long list of bills was acted upon and as they were of minor importance, we omit their publication.
C. Mead asked that scrip be issued him for curbing and guttering, as certain lot owners were delinquent. On motion the request was granted.
On motion W. J. Gray, City Marshal, was granted a four day lay-off from official duty.
C. G. Thompson was appointed chief of the fire department on the recommendation of hose companies 1 and 2.
Tom Saymens, street auctioneer, asked his license to be reduced. It was referred to the ordinance committee by motion.
The petition of J. C. Topliff to vacate the alley at the rear of S. Matlack’s residence was reported unfavorably on by the committee. The report was accepted.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 25, 1886.
How the Work Progresses on the Extension Up the River.
The Building of the Foundation for the Establishment of the Monthly Pay-roll.
Perhaps no reader of the REPUBLICAN understands fully what is transpiring in regard to the building of the canal. This morning, in company with Messrs. McLaughlin and Matlack, we took a drive over the works. The extension of the old canal begins some 300 [?VERY HARD TO READ THIS LINE...LOOKS LIKE 300, BUT NOT SURE?] feet east of the head-gates and follows up the river about two and three-quarter miles, where it joins it. At present there are 200 men, teams, shovelers, masons, etc., engaged in making the ditch that is to transfigure Arkansas City into the largest manufacturing center in Kansas. All along the works gangs of men are strewn and teams attached to scrapers of dirt are constantly coming out of the ditch to deposit their burden on the banks.
The head-gates instead of being where the canal taps the Arkansas, as we supposed, are about a mile and a quarter removed from it. Here John Doyle and his large force of masons are at work and the time will not be long until they announce their contract finished.
The bed of the canal when completed is to be three feet lower than the surface of the river water. This insures a flow of water into the canal as long as there is any in the Arkansas, and the head-gates being removed such a distance from the river does away with the necessity of a dam. The dam for the former canal has caused the water power company an outlay of some $4,000 annually. In the long run this will be a much cheaper and a great deal better water power.
The contractors informed us that they hoped to have the extension completed ready to turn on water within three weeks, but the undertaking to us appears so large that we believe we are safe in saying the time will be a great deal nearer 30 days.
A perusal of this article will give our readers but a faint idea of what is going on. They can form no conjecture of the enormity of the undertaking without going down and taking a view of the host of men at work. And while engaged in doing this, the thought will strike you, “What is to be the outcome of all this?” We hesitate not in replying that it is to be the principal facts in the upbuilding of our city. The Arkansas City Water Power Company have faith in our town and are getting ready for the future substantial growth which we will enjoy. They realize that manufacturing industries are essential in transforming a town into a city and are getting ready to locate them here by furnishing the cheapest and best motor power in the west.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, October 13, 1886.
WINTER WRAPS. We have just received the last shipment of winter wraps from the largest manufacturer of these goods in America. Our stock is now complete and very large. We are showing beautiful styles in Short Wraps, Newmarkets, and JACKETS in Plush, Frieze Boucle, and Diagonal Cloths. They are perfect in make, style, and finish, and absolutely PERFECT IN FIT.
We have a large line of Misses’ and Children’s WRAPS, And hope you will not buy until you have examined our stock. You will find our prices very low.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 13, 1886.
Business Notes.
Stacy Matlack announces novelties in dry goods, and a stock of staples in winter wear surpassed by no house in the city.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 20, 1886.
Council Proceedings.
The city council met on Monday evening, Acting Mayor Thompson in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were omitted. A number of bills were acted on. The petition of Hilliard & Keeler to erect a building on block 81, along their livery stable, and also to erect a full scale house on Fifth Avenue, was granted.
Permission was also granted to those building on Summit Street in block 83, to use one-third of the streets (Summit Street and Second Avenue) for building purposes.
A petition to condemn the right of way from Fifth Avenue to the Frisco depot, and repair the same for a public highway, was referred to the city attorney for investigation, with instructions to report at the next council meeting.
The contract between the city and the Van Dorn Iron Works, of Cleveland, Ohio, for a city jail, was read and approved. This provides for the construction of a jail with four cells and a corridor, one of them file and saw proof. The cost of the building is $1,235.
The application to vacate the alley between the residences of J. C. Topliff and Stacy Matlack was discussed, and the first named authorized to proceed with his work.
The question of numbering the streets and houses next came up, and the city attorney was instructed to search the authorities to determine whether the city can compel the business houses to number.
On motion authority was given the city clerk to rebate to T. S. Sayman at the rate of $2 a day on his auctioneer’s license, for the number of days that he does not sell goods.
Ordinance No. 53 (protecting the city Water company from pilferers of their water) was adopted. The council then adjourned.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 20, 1886.
Good Feathers For Sale. Apply to Mrs. Neiderland, or at Dr. M. B. Vawter’s dental rooms, over Matlack’s store.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 27, 1886.
Dangerous Upset.
On Sunday afternoon quite a number of our citizens drove out to the Gee farm to observe the progress making on C. M. Scott’s country residence. Stacy Matlack with his wife and family were among the number, who on driving home over a washout on the road, upset his vehicle, throwing all the occupants to the ground. The two children escaped uninjured, but Mrs. Matlack was badly shaken up, and her husband sustained a fracture of the collar bone. Dr. Chapel reduced the fracture and the injured man appears on the street, but in a somewhat damaged condition.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 30, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
S. Matlack, wife, and children were out driving yesterday afternoon. In crossing a ditch over hear the Whitney farm, the buggy was upset and the occupants thrown rudely upon the ground. Fortunately, the horse was a gentle one; and when the buggy became upset, he stopped. Mrs. Matlack and children were severely bruised. Mr. Matlack thought he was in the same condition until he arrived home and went to remove his coat. Then, upon calling Dr. Chapel, he ascertained that his collar bone was broken. The fractured bone was repaired, and although still suffering from the injury, Mr. Matlack appears on the streets today.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 6, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
If you want a nice suit of merchant tailor made clothing, call at Matlack’s.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 7, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Judge Sumner has fitted up office quarters in the upstairs of the Matlack block.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 17, 1886.
Preliminary Inquiry Into Commissioner Atkins’ Report.
We made brief mention in our issue last week (having time to do no more) of the visit to this city of Mr. C. A. Paul, of Illinois, private secretary to Senator Platt, of Connecticut. It will be remembered that a resolution passed the senate during the last session providing for the appointment of a committee from that body to inquire into the wholesale removal of licensed Indian traders, and to learn whether any of these deposed tradesmen had valid claims against the government for damages. In a talk with this editor, Mr. Paul said the senatorial committee would not come out this fall. The session of congress had lasted late into the summer, and then the November elections had found them employment during the recess. And in two or three weeks congress meets again. His errand, therefore, was to take informal testimony in order to ascertain what truth there was in the complaints that have gone up to Washington.
The day after Mr. Paul left this city, Mr. W. R. Little, late trader to the Sacs and Foxes, came into our sanctum to pay long arrears on his paper and explain his seeming delinquency. He was one of the long list of extradited victims, and the hand of the oppressor had been laid heavily upon him. His license had been renewed from year to year, his record was without blemish, and he supposed the president’s avowed devotion to civil service guaranteed him security in his position. He had provided himself all the necessary facilities—home, store, barn, corn cribs, and so on; he kept a good stock of goods on hand; and trusted them out to Indians and cattlemen, an unavoidable practice at the Indian agencies.
Some time ago (a year and a half, as we understand) Indian Commissioner Atkins visited the Sac and Fox, accompanied by a friend, who either had the license to trade there or had been promised that privilege. This latter entered into negotiations to buy Mr. Little out, but his stock of goods being somewhat depleted, on the commissioner’s suggestion, he filled up, sending heavy orders for flour, provisions, and groceries to this city, which goods to this day remain unpaid. Having involved himself financially to be in condition to make the promised sale, he was shortly after dumbfounded at the commissioner’s protégé backing squarely down from his offer and he being refused a renewal of his license.
The next move in this sweet scented business was an order received by the agent at Sac and Fox to notify Mr. Little to take his belongings out of the territory and himself away, under pain of arrest as an unauthorized intruder. But the agent had more humanity than the government he served, and seeing that utter ruin would follow the strict enforcement of this harsh edict, he gave the trader some time to collect what debts he could, and dispose of some portion of his stock. For this leniency he was severely rebuked by his superior in office, and sternly admonished that a failure to perform his duties promptly would lead to his own dismissal. This brought the trader’s creditors on the ground; his stock, through their intervention, was sacrificed at one-fourth of its value and the money it brought was divided among them. Our “offensive partisan” then put his wife and children in his wagon, and leaving the earnings of his past life behind, he started out to rustle with the world, not only penniless but bankrupt. His wagon and team he sold to take his wife and children to her former home, and he finally accepted some unremunerative employment in the western part of Kansas, where he takes unspeakable joy in his proud heritage of American citizenship.
And this is by no means an isolated case.
Mr. J. L. Wey, now of this city, formerly of the firm of Hemphill & Wey, extensive Indian traders to the Cheyennes and Arapahos, is just as completely ruined, and the loss inflicted on him and his former partner is much heavier. These gentlemen had their residences and store, quarters for a dozen employees, hide house and press, and other improvements aggregating in value $40,000. Their stock of goods was worth still more, and their accounts with cattlemen and Indians footed up to nearly $10,000. Without a word of warning, men from Mississippi were licensed to do the trading with these two tribes of Indians, and Messrs. Hemphill & Wey, for the egregious sin of their republicanism, were compelled to leave, not saving enough of their property to meet the demands of their creditors.
The same venomous treatment was meted out to Joseph H. Sherburne, formerly trader at Ponca, and he only saved himself from ruin by being “seized with” real estate property outside the territory. His comfortable house, his commodious store, his corn cribs stored with 5,000 bushels of corn, his stock of goods, and debts owing him by the Indians were all left worthless on his hands because of his offensive partisanship.
The experience of Bishop & Matlack, late traders to the Pawnees, and of T. M. Finney, trader to the Kaws, has been precisely similar. Not a charge of crookedness has been brought against these worthy and upright men, their record is not marred with a single scratch. They enjoyed the fullest confidence of the Indians and their removal was opposed with earnest protest. But what weight had fitness, integrity, and deserving, against the clamors of hungry Southrons who, having gained the possession of power, now asserted their full right to enjoy the spoils of office?
The stories of all these abused and despoiled citizens, at the request of Mr. Paul, were repeated to him, and he being impressed with their candor and honesty, did not withhold the declaration that the senate committee could work up a strong case. He took copious notes of the statements made to him, and when the senate committee sets about preparing its report, a number of these disgraced traders will be summoned to Washington to testify.
The Russo-Turkish war of a few years ago was inaugurated by the principalities revolting against the rapacity of the tax-gatherer. The collection would be farmed out to court favorites, who traveled from farm to farm, taking up free quarters wherever they chose, fixing their own levy, and in many cases leaving their victims without enough to support them till the next harvest. Mr. Finney and Mr. Wey tell of a similar treatment meted them. Some democratic journalist, or a nephew of the commissioner, or some political henchman would be put off with a license to trade with some tribe of Indians. He had no money, no business experience, and no intention of purveying to the aborigines. But armed with this instrument, he would present himself before the victim he designed to exploit, and after showing him the ruin brought home to his doors, would propose to divvy with him, he putting up his license against the trader’s capital and experience, or he might propose a stipend to be paid him quarterly out of the business.
It is the popular belief that governments are instituted to protect the citizen in his rights. But Secretary Lamar and Commissioner Atkins have found another purpose in the administration of affairs. The former’s use of official power is to find public employment for all the needy neighbors, political supporters, and family relations, and the latter hitches every Tennessean that applies to him at the national crib. There is no mock sentiment about it. To the victors belong the spoils, and as the south is now in the ascendant, to its gaunt and famishing sons must the spoils of office be awarded.
When the senate committee again gets hold of Mr. Atkins, and confronts him with some of his despoiled victims, he will be ready to call on the rocks to cover him. And what a deeply interesting chapter this trader business will make in the forthcoming presidential canvass.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 20, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
The baby of Mr. and Mrs. S. Matlack is quite sick.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 4, 1886.
MATLACK’S 69 CENT LADIES’ KID GLOVES. This season’s importation just received, with Scalloped Tops in 5-button lengths, all colors, has never before been equaled.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 4, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Mrs. S. Matlack and little daughter left this morning for southern Nebraska where they have gone to visit relatives.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 11, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
WHAT SHALL WE BUY FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS? This momentous question can be easily and quickly solved by giving our large stock a careful inspection.
We are showing a large line of Ladies’ hemstitched and embroidered LINEN CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS, Silk Handkerchiefs in endless variety, Gloves, Shopping Bags, Lace, Pins, Plated and Solid Gold Rings, Scarf Pins, Chains, etc. Fine Damask Sets, Napkins, Towels, Tidies, etc.
FINE HAND TURNED SHOES, Slippers, Patent leather Pumps, Fur and Seal Turban Caps, Wool Scarfs, Hoods, Toboggans, Infants’ Hand Made Sacks, and other articles too numerous to mention, all at very low prices.
We have made big reductions in Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Wraps and Gents’, Boys’, and Youth’s Overcoats. S. MATLACK.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 15, 1886.
It will be remembered that a few weeks ago we mentioned the presence in this city of Mr. Paul, private secretary to Senator Platt, of Connecticut, whose business was to hear the statements of the ex-Indian traders to be found here who have been put to severe loss, and in some cases to utter ruin, by being broken up in business by our democratic administration.
The committee appointed by the senate to take this testimony had been hindered from presenting the task because of their summer’s labors in Washington and the fall elections, hence Mr. Paul was sent to inquire into the matter, and ascertain what methods had been used in dealing with these men and how severe the losses inflicted upon them. Mr. Paul made a thorough investigation, hearing at Wichita the statement of W. R. Little, former trader to the Sac and Foxes, and in this city taking down the testimony of Messrs. Bishop & Matlack, ex-traders at the Pawnee Agency; of T. M. Finney, who was trader among the Kaws; of J. L. Wey, of the late extensive firm of Hemphill & Wey, traders with the Cheyennes and Arapahos; and of Joseph H. Sherburne, former trader with the Poncas.
This investigation produced testimony showing such glaring misrule in the Indian bureau and such a gross abuse of power, that Mr. Paul pronounced the case a strong one. It has been laid before the special committee, and what step will next be taken is shown in the following dispatch from the Globe-Democrat correspondent in Washington.
“Senator Platt’s special committee will shortly resume the investigation of the Indian tradership scandals. Whether to send for persons and papers, or go West during the holiday recess, is a question yet to be settled. Senator Platt is inclined to think the most economical method will be to have a sub-committee visit Wichita, Arkansas City, and one or two other places near the border, and take the testimony there. Five cases, all of them aggravated, will receive attention first. They are the Sac and Fox tradership, of which W. R. Little was dispossessed; the Cheyenne and Arapaho license taken from Hemphill & Wey; the Ponca agency privilege, which Jos. H. Sherburne had to relinquish; the Bishop & Matlack license for the Pawnee reservation; and the case of T. M. Finney, who was trader among the Kaws.
“The grievances in all these cases are much the same, varying somewhat in detail and in the amounts sacrificed. These men all had stores, improvements, and established trade on their respective reservations. Along came Democrats with new licenses in their pockets, and with propositions more or less peculiar to make to these traders whose places they were to take. These supporters of the reform administration were for the most part without capital, and frankly admitted the situation. What some of them wanted was to put up their license as capital and be taken into partnership with as large a share in the profits as the old traders could be forced to give up. In some cases the revocation of the old license preceded the arrival of the new trader, and thus the old trader was in a frame of mind to make a com-promise, if he could. Instead of the bald-headed proposition to be taken into partnership without putting in money, some of the new traders made offers on the stocks of goods and the improvements, putting the figures down so as to let the old trader out with only a loss of 30 or 40 percent. At one way or other a squeeze was attempted. The losses of the dis-possessed traders, through the questionable tactics which the Indian Bureau made possible, ranged from $5,000 to $10,000.”
Arkansas City Republican, January 15, 1887.
We have a few LADIES’ WRAPS left, which we offer at exactly half price:
$35.00 Wraps for $17.50.
$22.50 Wraps for $11.25.
$15.00 Wraps for $7.50.
$9.50 Wraps for $4.75.
This is the time to buy a good Wrap for a little money.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 15, 1887. From Wednesday’s Daily.
A. D. Hawk, who has been connected with S. Matlack’s dry goods establishment for a number of years, on completion of the annual invoice this week, purchased an interest in the business. The new firm will be S. Matlack & Co., and will continue the business right along as heretofore. The REPUBLICAN congratulates Mr. Hawk upon his advancement. He is an industrious, enterprising, and trustworthy young man, capable of filling any position in business.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 29, 1887.
Two doors west of Matlack’s Dry Goods Store.
All kinds of boot and shoe-making, repairing to, done promptly to order.
Give us a call! We want to work for you and guarantee satisfaction.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 29, 1887.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 29, 1887. From Wednesday’s Daily.
S. Matlack will some time this week begin the erection of an addition to his store room on the rear end of his lot. The addition will be two stories high, 25 x 32 feet, frontage on 5th Avenue.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 12, 1887. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Council Proceedings.
The council met in regular session last evening. The allowance of bills was the first business attended to. They were of minor importance, excepting $1,000 hydrant rental for the city.
S. Matlack was permitted to utilize one-third street for building purposes.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 19, 1887.
We Spread.
The council passed an ordinance last evening taking the following additions into the city limits: Canal First, Canal Second, Jenkins & Campbell’s, Wingate’s, Oak Grove, Park Place, Abbott’s, South Side, Hamil’s, Summit First, Summit Second, Coombs’, Ruby’s, McGrath’s, McLaughlin’s Second, Vawter’s First, Vawter’s Second, Anderson’s, Alexander’s, Nelson’s, Deet’s, Matlack’s, Bittle’s First, Bittle’s Second, Sherburne, Brown’s First, Brown’s Second, and Duncan’s. The land is described in the ordinance as adjacent to Arkansas City and has been duly platted and filed with the Register of Deeds.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 26, 1887. From Thursday’s Daily.
D. D. Bishop has begun the stone work on S. Matlack’s new building.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 5, 1887. From Saturday’s Daily
S. Matlack & Co., have added a large stock of carpets to their dry goods and clothing stock.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 5, 1887.
BIG AD ON FRONT PAGE: S. MATLACK & CO., -For Bargains in Ladies and Misses Shoes, in- French Kid Button, Curacoa Cotton, Tampico Goat Button, Straight Grain Button, Oxford Kid Button. Oxford Kid Ties, Opera Kid Toe Slippers, Hand Turns all styles.
Our Ladies Kid Button Boot at $2.50 is fully equal to any $3.00 shoe offered by other dealers.
Our Kid Opera Toe Slipper at $1, for the price, is unsurpassed for fit and wear by any shoe manufactured. Call for Matlack’s $1 Toe Slipper.
If your children do not get good service from the shoes they have been wearing, buy our Blue Ribbon School Shoes. They are neat, stylish, and durable. One pair of these shoes will outwear two pair of other makes. WHY? Because they are made of best calf stock with solid sole leather inner sole and counter hand welted and hand made quarter. All material used being the best and the labor done by skilled workmen. A single trial of this shoe will be satisfactory to you and gratifying to us. We are agents for Walker boots and shoes, Worchester, Mass., Krippendorfs, Dittman & Co., Cincinnati. A. J. Johnson & Co., Rochester, N. Y., Upham Bros., Mass., Davis Bros., Philadelphia, Reynolds Bros., Utica, N. Y., and carry many other lines from well known manufacturers.
We are just receiving a large new stock of Carpets and Matting embracing newest and most desirable patterns made this season and propose to lend a helping hand in the matter of house furnishing in the future. Our prices are made with the single purpose of protecting our customers. We are using great care in making our selections for spring purchase and can say to you with full confidence that our stock will present large attractions.
Cor. 5th Ave., and Summit St., Arkansas City, Ks.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 12, 1887. From Monday’s Daily.
S. Matlack bought the Dan Bunnell property this morning for $11,000. It is located in the First ward, and consists of sixteen lots and four small cottages. Since Dan bought it last summer, he has greatly improved it and made it one of the prettiest places in the city. When Dan moved in from Silverdale Township, he made a profitable move. He sold his farm for $7,900. He put $5,100 in the property he sold this morning. The boom goes on.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 12, 1887. From Tuesday’s Daily.
S. Matlack went to New York this morning. He will be gone a couple of weeks, and will bring back with him Jay Gould’s shops, 14 railroads, and a spring stock of goods. Should he fail in getting the former two, he will bring back the last named anyway.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 12, 1887. From Thursday’s Daily.
Dix & Co., is a new real estate firm. It is composed of O. B. Dix, H. T. Sumner, and J. P. Luse. Their office is over Matlack & Co.’s store.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, April 2, 1887.
S. MATLACK & CO., Cor. 5th Ave. and Summit St., Arkansas City, Kansas.
We are receiving our spring stock and have something new on exhibition each day. New Dress Goods, new Carpets, new Clothing, new shoes and slippers. We have placed on sale the finest line of JET TRIMMINGS ever brought to this city. They are very stylish and pretty. Take a look at them. On the second floor we show a very large and complete line of Carpets, Oil-cloths, and Mattings.
Our Shoe stock is in better shape than ever before, and WE CAN PLEASE YOU IN FIT OR PRICE.
Our aim is to please and our customers interests are identical with our own.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, April 2, 1887. From Monday’s Daily.
S. Matlack arrived home this morning from New York. Arkansas City and Wichita were the only towns talked of on trains all the way out.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, April 2, 1887. From Wednesday’s Daily.
A suit was filed with District Clerk Pate today by Stacy Matlack, of Arkansas City, against Catharine Woods and W. J. Woods, to compel them to issue a warranty deed to certain lots. Winfield Courier.