Maurer Family
John D. Maurer.
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[NOVEMBER 1870] PAGE 425.
The following data comes from Biographical Sketch about Maurer.
JOHN D. MAURER, who journeyed to Kansas in 1865, after leaving the army, has since lived in the state and is a very prominent citizen of Cowley County. He owned 520 acres of land in Dexter Township, a portion of which is the fertile bottom-land lying in the valley of Grouse Creek. He has often been called upon to serve in an official capacity, and, as often, has discharged his duties in a satisfactory and creditable manner.
Mr. Maurer was born in Miami County, Ohio, in the town of Covington, July 1, 1843, a son of Jones and Frances (Cable) Maurer.
Jones Maurer was of Germany descent, and was born in Pennsylvania, in 1817. He was brought to Ohio by his parents in 1821, and lived there until 1864, when he moved to the vicinity of Emporia, Kansas, where his wife and daughter died the same year. He then lived mainly with his son, John D., and at intervals, with his other children during his declining years. He died in 1882, at the home of a daughter, at Madison, Greenwood County, Kansas. He was a Democrat until 1856, when he voted for John C. Fremont, and afterward was a staunch supporter of the Republican party. James Maurer married Frances Cable, who was born in Miami County, Ohio, November 22, 1822, and died in June 1864. Her father was an Englishman, and one of four brothers who came to America—two locating in the South and the others remaining in the North. The well known writer, of Louisiana, George W. Cable, is a descendant of one of the brothers who went south.
John D. Maurer was the oldest of five children, the others being: Sally A. (Martindale), of Emporia; Rowland C., who was a farmer, living with his family near his brother, John D. Maurer; Anna Belle, who died, near Emporia, at the age of twelve years; and Eunice, who married Henry R. Branson, and died March 1, 1886.
John D. Maurer was reared in Ohio, where he attended school until he reached the age of nineteen years. He spent two years of the time in a select school, receiving especial preparation for teaching. He taught one term in Ohio, and also one term after moving to Kansas.
At the age of nineteen years, he enlisted, on August 7, 1862, in Company B, 94th Reg., Ohio Vol. If., and was discharged June 14, 1865. He served in the 14th Army Corps under Gen. Thomas, and was slightly wounded at Perryville, being incapacitated for service for six weeks. He also accompanied Sherman's army, as a private, on its “March to the Sea.”
He journeyed to Kansas just after the close of the war, and worked as a cowboy for three years about Emporia, Lyon County, Kansas, and also engaged in farming.
A colony of his friends, 17 in number, first visited Cowley County in the spring of 1870. He also made a trip over the country, and finally located in Cowley County in November, 1870, bringing his family a short time afterward. He preempted his present home, the northwest quarter of section 20, township 32, range 7 east, as soon as the survey was made, and built a cabin 12 by 14 feet, in size, of native lumber. He hauled his logs to the mill of Bert French, at Dexter, giving half of the lumber as payment for the sawing. The lumber was of hackberry, walnut, and oak. In the spring of 1871, he split 3,000 rails, and in the winter of 1871-1872 he and his brother cut 300 tons of hay and took 350 head of cattle to feed. He set out two acres of orchard, and found that the Pippin and Ben Davis apples were the best for this county.
He eventually owned 520 acres of land, having bought part of it of the preemptors, G. C. Graham, Albert Graham, and Will Coats, all of whom moved away. A part of this tract, 180 acres, was in the fertile Grouse Valley, and was bottom-land, which he cultivated, the remainder being in pasture. He fed cattle and hogs largely and was engaged in general farming, always raising some wheat so as to rotate his crops, but making corn the principal crop. He favored Poland-China hogs and Shorthorn cattle. His crops failed twice, owing to the ravages of the elephant bug. He ended up with a finely improved farm, which he would not part with for $15,000. His original claim house was enlarged and in it he lived with his family for 25 years. His last modern residence of eight large rooms was 28 by 30 feet, two stories high, built in 1899. A new barn, built in 1900, was 30 by 32 feet; arranged for 12 horses, and had a granary and crib with a capacity of 600 bushels of corn, and a mow which held 20 tons of hay.
Mr. Maurer was married in 1868 to Alta M. Garlinghouse, who was born in Delaware County, Ohio, November 28, 1848. Her father was a native of Kentucky, and married Margaret Reed, by whom he had 13 children: Lewis, a soldier of the Civil War, in 1901 in the Soldiers' Home at Leavenworth; Mrs. Curtendahl, who lived in Emporia; Mrs. Sailor, who lived in Topeka; William and Stephen—who went to Oregon before the war. Mr. and Mrs. Garlinghouse lived with Mr. Maurer, at Winfield, while he was in office there; the father of Mrs. Maurer died in June 1898, aged 89, and her mother passed away in January 1899, aged 86.
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Maurer had four children.
1. Ralph J. Maurer. Born near Emporia, Lyon County, Kansas, He conducted a store at Cambridge, and was married to Lena Hibbets, of Cowley County.
2. Willis R. Maurer. Lived on a farm one mile from his father. He married Stella Hankins, and had one child in 1901.
3. Maude Maurer. Taking musical instruction under Miss Gertrude Hale, at Winfield.
4. Rowland Blaine Maurer, 16 years old in 1901, attending school in district No. 7, which his father helped to organize.
Mr. Maurer served for 15 years on the school board. He served as justice of the peace, and was elected county commissioner in 1871, at the first regular election in the county. He was away from home at the time and did not know of his election for several days. He served two terms in the state legislature, having been elected in 1884, and reelected in 1886. He was always a Republican. He was elected registrar of deeds in Cowley County in 1895—serving four years—during which time he leased his farm and resided with his family in Winfield. He was made a Mason, at Dexter, and belonged to the blue lodge. He was made a Knight Templar, at Winfield, and was also a member of the Fraternal Aid in that city. He was a member of the Knights and Ladies of Security, at Dexter.
He belonged to Siverd Post, No. 85, G. A. R., of Winfield, of which he was quartermaster two terms. He first joined at Dexter and was commander three times; but that post was disbanded. He also belonged to the A. O. U. W., of Dexter.
Both he and wife were members of the Order of the Eastern Star. Mrs. Maurer was a member of the Ladies of the G. A. R. at Winfield, and belonged to the Women's Relief Corps, at Dexter, until it was disbanded. They were Methodists and attended church at Dexter.