McAdam Family
Tony McAdam.
Arkansas City Traveler, Thursday, March 6, 1919.
Arkansas City Youth, Wounded at Argonne Forest, is Home.
As the result of receiving a wound in his right shoulder from shrapnel of a 155 M. M. shell in the famous battle of Argonne forest, Antonio McAdam, of this city, may never recover the full use of his right hand. It is partially paralyzed, he said this morning.
Sergeant McAdam was discharged from the field hospital corps, 90th Division, at Camp Funston, arriving home yesterday. He served six months in France. He was wounded last October 25th and was under treatment at a hospital until Feb. 20th. Just before he was struck by shrapnel he was sitting down. He was rising to his feet, and was in a crouching position, when the bits of the big 155 M. M. shell hit him in the back of the right shoulder. He believes had he remained sitting the shrapnel would have struck him on top of the head, resulting in instant death. He was knocked about 15 or 20 feet and landed on his feet. He did not lose consciousness and hurried to a dug out where he stayed until the ambulance came along.
The training and healthy exercise in the army was very beneficial to “Tony.” He liked the army, but he says all the Yanks were glad when the war ended. He declares that one experience on the firing line was enough to last a man a life time.
When the Yanks started “rolling up” the German line, they never stopped, he says, and the Germans quickly realized they were overwhelmingly outclassed by the Americans. He will probably resume his duties at the Home National bank in a few days. “Tony” is the fourth Home National bank man in the service to return. The other three were Albert Denton, president, Red Cross captain; Foss Farrar, assistant cashier, candidate in the officers’ training school at Camp Pike, Arkansas; and Robt. Stewart, clerk, who was in the mechanical section of the aviation corps.