Edward P. McCabe
Raw data collected from Ron Brown.
Edward P. McCabe was the State Auditor of Kansas in 1882 and 1884.
He was born in Troy, New York, October 10, 1850.
He died March 12, 1920, age 69, in Chicago, Illinois, broke.
He was buried at Topeka.
He moved to Guthrie, Oklahoma, circa 1889.
Settled in Logan County, Oklahoma, where he was the first treasurer.
He founded the town of Langston, Oklahoma.
[Starting with Page 20, there is some information on E. P. McCabe.]
Emporia News, December 9, 1870.
Men who came in from El Dorado today contradict the story that William Black and D. L. McCabe had been hung.
Emporia News, March 3, 1871.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, February 21st, 1871.
EMPORIA NEWS: On last Thursday noon I left your beautiful city in a nice coach, good team, good driver, and good company, Adjutant Morgan and lady, from Cincinnati, for Cottonwood Falls, to establish a journal. In this case the old adage—the third time breaks the charm—will, I trust, be verified. The Banner and Index having “played out,” Mr. Morgan’s enterprise will probably play in, as he has much experience and is a live progressive man.
At Bazaar, seven miles south of the Falls, passengers get from a neat widow a number one dinner. Thence under the care of an excellent reinsman, Mr. Harmon, we moved on through mud and water, till dark overtook us 18 miles north of Chelsea. Finally, in a heavy storm, we lost the road and a passenger got out and found it after quite a search, as he said, with his foot, feeling the ruts. Again the wind and rain drove our horses from the way and our pilot got us back as before with his foot. Finally we reached McCabe’s, and got into Chelsea the next morning for breakfast. Unsightly as this village seemed, travelers are cheered in two ways. The drinking class find at hand a supply, and the sober, literary class, a schoolhouse usefully occupied by some 50 scholars taught by a lady. The streams being too high to cross, we had to lie over till Saturday, when an agent of the stage line took us safely on to El Dorado. This village, some two miles before it is reached from the north, looms into view splendidly; nor does it depreciate as one enters its handsome streets, bordered by neat well built houses. Nature and substantial business enterprise have left El Dorado second to no town in the Walnut Valley.
From a high point a few paces west of Rev. Gordon’s cottage, I enjoyed the most enchanting view seen in Kansas. Being constrained to remain over Sabbath, I attended a school meeting Saturday evening to consider the size, cost, location, etc., of a new school edifice the citizens are about to erect. Comprehending their true interest in this direction, they will build a fine commodious house.
The next day I had the satisfaction of addressing, morning and evening, attentive and intelligent audiences. For more than one hour I was listened to with almost breathless attention, on total abstinence, and then a unanimous vote from a packed house to continue, for several evenings, the discussion. Nor more than I can regret that a note from my son made it my duty to disappoint their wishes, much as I am sorry to learn their need of temperance in El Dorado, no one can truly say, henceforth, that they are unwilling to have it. They stand ready and waiting to hear any good speaker on this reform, and also, as I believe, to adopt any reasonable measures to carry it out. In a few weeks it will be my pleasure to return, and, as Mr. Lincoln said about the peace he desired, to stay until all attainable sobriety is accomplished at El Dorado. Let industry, economy, sobriety, integrity, and purity be cherished in that community, and with its unsurpassed natural advantages, it will be the Eden of the most lively valley in Kansas.
Augusta has made a good start and is running a good race. As it was said of old, “He who begins aright is half done,” so may it be of this thriving village. Its citizens are second to none in Southern Kansas in culture and progress. Their school edifice is the largest in the Walnut Valley, and is being furnished in the most approved modern style. All now depends on securing the services of an able principal and a corps of efficient teachers.
I cannot, in closing my brief notice of Augusta, omit to say that since the Land Office has been located in this town, it should remain undisturbed. Nothing, as I believe, is more detrimental to the growth of the West than a restless disposition to change county sites, county lines, offices, and officers are all as nothing before the restless maneuvers of unstable men. In the name of common sense, let us permit things to stand at least long enough to see if they will do well, stase decises is an important law maxim. The people of Augusta, as I think, can be better employed than in trifling for the removal of the county site from El Dorado, and the people of this town could do better than unite with those of Wichita to get the Land Office away from Augusta. Let generous magnanimity take the place of narrow-minded selfishness.
At Douglass, all is now quiet, nor is there reason to apprehend any more trouble.
Winfield goes right on. Its situation is handsome; the surroundings all that could be desired, and the emigration rapid.
In the morning I am going to start for Sumner County, west, where two rival towns are starting up, and all about which, and Arkansas City, I will soon write. W. P.
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1875.
WINFIELD KAN., April 21st, 1875.
To friends and brethren who have contributed aid to the destitute of Cowley County, Kansas, who reside in Indiana, at points I shall mention below:
I have delayed writing to you until all should arrive that was solicited and shipped by me, and according to my directions.
The car load of grain, flour, etc., contributed to this county, in the vicinity of Brookfield, and London, mostly by relations, friends, and personal acquaintances of mine, was sent to another county, where some of Wm. Mason’s friends reside, without the knowledge or consent of the donors—done in my absence by Mr. Mason, who was acting as chairman of our neighborhood committee, and who agreed to ship the car when loaded to our county committee, according to directions given by me. Consequently, our county received nothing from those points except $5.00 given by Frank Shaffer, who refused to give grain unless I would return with it.
The car load raised in the vicinity of Mount Pisga, and shipped from Shelbyville, came after a long time with freight charges for most of the route. The $41.60 in cash was received by our committee in due time.
The $184.00 raised by the sale of the Sumner car load of grain was duly received by the committee, and also the $18.00 subscribed. The boxes of clothing, fruit, etc., arrived about the first of this month.
The car sent from Acton, contributed by the citizens of the Fry neighborhood and New Bethel, principally, came in most a week ago.
Western railroads have been charging freight on relief supply for several weeks.
The above acknowledgment I hope you will accept as a receipt for the supplies so generously bestowed upon the destitute of our county. It affords me pleasure to say to you, that our County Relief Committee have faithfully, and honorably, discharged their duty, and I believe, given general satisfaction.
I tender my hearty thanks to many friends for their kindness to me, and for their assistance. Among whom I will name Rev. John Reace, the McCabes and others, of Mt. Pisga; Jesse Leonard and family, N. Neasuer, and many other good Quakers, of Sumner; Wm. McGregor, Mr. Moore, Jas. Carroll, and seven others that space will not permit me to mention, who reside in the vicinity of Acton and Bethel.
I reached home March 26th, and was delighted to see farmers so hopefully and industriously sowing spring grain, and preparing the fields for planting corn. Many at this date have finished planting. Cattle have been living on the range for a month nearly, and are now beginning to thrive nicely. The prospect for wheat is fair, though we need a little rain just now. We are having some immigration this spring, and property is gradually advancing in value. Hoping that we may never again be so unfortunate as to require help from abroad, and thanking you in behalf of the people, I remain yours truly, T. J. JOHNSON.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 30, 1876.
CHAPLAIN McCABE, of Chicago, will lecture at this place Oct. 31st, on “The Bright Side of Libby Prison. Its songs and its Life.” Mr. McCabe has a wide reputation.
McCabe is mentioned in the following very long article re Manning...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 4, 1876. Front Page.
“Reform within the Republican Party.”
In an issue of September 13, 1876, we published an answer to a card of E. C. Manning, challenging his opponents to meet him on the stump and make their charges, among other charges, the following:
9. We repeat the charge of his having demanded $1,000 of Sid. Clarke for his vote for him as United States Senator.
Now, in answer to this, Col. Manning grows indignant and demands the proof. In order to accommodate the gentleman, we propose to give him the proof, and before doing so, we desire to call the attention of our readers to the fact that in 1870 Manning was defeated by the people for Representative, as we have fully shown by reference to a communication in last week’s issue, over the signature of W. P. Hackney, in reply to a letter of inquiry from us.
We know personally that the statement of Mr. Hackney is true, and we know further that Mr. Hackney at that time was a citizen of this county, taking a prominent part in the politics of that day, and knows fully whereof he speaks—and at that date the name of E. C. Manning was synonymous with political trickery and personal rascality. He was defeated in a fair election by the people, and by fraud and trickery he went to Topeka as the representative of Cowley County against the expressed wishes of our people as shown by their ballots.
At that time money was plenty in Cowley County—far more so than at any time since—and at that date money could be had at 12 percent, with good security to an unlimited amount. In fact, Kansas was at that date far more prosperous than at any time before or since. The war was over; emigration was pouring into the State from every quarter of the globe; railroads were being constructed in every direction; peace and prosperity reigned everywhere.
These are facts that all the old settlers will bear us out in, and of the fact that money could be had at 12 percent, all over Kansas, the reader can satisfy himself by going to the District Clerk’s office in Winfield and reading the deposition of ex-Gov. Thomas Carney in his testimony in the case of E. C. Manning against Will. M. Allison.
As we say above, Manning, by fraud, went to Topeka to represent the people of Cowley County. Previous to his election he, on the stump and elsewhere, pledged himself to support Sidney Clarke for the United States Senate that winter, and he went to Topeka with that understanding. How did he do it? With what fidelity did he perform his duty? Was he true to the people who had voted for him? And did he give the lie by his acts to the charges made against him in that campaign (that he was a tricky, trading politician, without honor or character) by the people who defeated him? No; but on the contrary, as soon as he reached Topeka, we find him forthwith trying to sell the vote he had for paltry dollars—trying to sell his influence to the highest bidder for cash—and for proof we refer the reader to the testimony of Sidney Clarke and D. M. Adams, on pages 34 and 35 and 144 and 145 of the report of the joint committee of investigation appointed by the Legislature of Kansas in 1872, and which reads as follows (Mr. Clarke’s testimony):
Q. What do you know of the transaction of Mr. E. C. Manning, of Cowley County?
A. I know him. He was a member of the House of Representatives, and had rooms in the Tefft House during the Senatorial election. As I understood it, previous to my arrival at Topeka, from some of the citizens of Cowley County and others whom I deemed well informed on the subject, Mr. Manning had been elected with the distinct understanding on the part of those voting for him as well as those voting against him, that he would vote for me for U. S. Senator. One evening during the progress of the canvas, Mr. F. W. Potter, of Coffey County, came into my room and said I had better see Manning; that something was the matter with him. I called upon him in a room occupied by himself and Mr. Potter, if I remember rightly, and had a conversation with him in reference to his vote for Senator. Mr. Manning demanded of me peremptorily that I should pay him the sum of $1,000 before he would take any part in the canvas in my favor for Senator. He said: “It is reported that you fellows have got the money here, and I am in financial distress and have spent a great deal of money in politics; was a member of the first State Convention, and was a friend of yours when you were first nominated for Congress, and I think you ought to reciprocate now and give me $1.000.” I told Mr. Manning that I could not and would not do it; that I had not got the money, and that if I failed in my election for want of money, I must simply take the consequences. My impression is that I had two conversations with Mr. Manning of a general character.
In our last conversation I said to him: “Mr. Manning, you were elected to the House of Representatives from Cowley upon the distinct pledge, and with the expectation on the part of your constituents that you would vote for me as United States Senator. Every foot of land upon which your constituents tread were saved to them by the fight I have made, running through a period of three years, against the Osage Treaty; and if you vote against me, I will never go back to Washington until I go down to Winfield in Cowley County, where you reside, and call a meeting of your constituents and state to them the demand you have made upon me. If I must lose your vote for want of money, so be it.” In one of the previous conversations referred to, feeling very doubtful whether he would vote for me or not, I referred him to Major D. M. Adams, or got him to talk with Major Adams.
By Senator Stever.
Q. Did any other parties, members of the Legislature, except Mr. Phinney, Mr. Manning, and Mr. McCartney, intimate personally or by their friends to you that they wanted money for their vote?
A. I do not recollect any individual cases.
By Senator Stever.
Questions asked of Mr. D. M. Adams.
Q. Do you know E. C. Manning?
A. Yes. I know him.
Q. Did you ever have any conversation with him in regard to whom he was going to vote for last winter, and how much he wanted for his vote?
A. I did.
Senator Stever said: “You may state what the conversation was.”
A. Well, gentlemen, that is a matter of history. It enters very largely into the campaign of last fall. Mr. Manning came to my room at the Tefft House. He said he was poor; it cost him a good deal to get elected, and he wanted a thousand dollars before he would vote for Clarke. He said: “You have got the money, I know it, I need it, and I am going to have it, or I will not vote for Clarke.” I told him Mr. Clarke was a poor man, unable to pay any such sum; that he (Manning) had been sent here to vote for him, and that I would not pay him a dollar. He spoke harshly of Mr. Clarke for his meanness, and for his aversion for the same quality; left my room, and I have never spoken to him since.
Q. Who was present?
A. Not any one. He had previously been to Mr. Clarke on the same errand, and admitted to me that he had been to Mr. Clarke.
E. C. Manning, proclaiming to the people before the election that he was a friend and supporter of Sidney Clarke for the United States Senate!
Read the above, and then tell us that E. C. Manning shall again represent a free and intelligent people! OH! SHAME, WHERE IS THY BLUSH! Is this the man that the convention had in view when it passed the following resolutions and nominated E. C.
WHEREAS, For the first time in the history of Cowley County the Republicans thereof are called upon to nominate a candidate for the office of State Senator, to fill said office for the next four years from said County in the Senate of Kansas; and
WHEREAS, During the term of four years next ensuing for which the said Senator from Cowley County will be elected there will occur the election of two United States Senators by the Legislature of the State of Kansas; and
WHEREAS, The honor of our State, and particularly of the Republican party thereof, has heretofore been sadly tarnished by the open, notorious, and unscrupulous use and receipt of money in all of the election of United States Senators, by the Legislature of the State of Kansas; Therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Republican party of Cowley County that every consideration of public policy and political integrity imperatively demands that our Representatives in each House of the State Legislature at the time of such approaching United States Senatorial Elections should be men against whose character for personal probity and political integrity, not the breath of suspicion has ever blown; and be it further
Resolved, That as the Republican party of Cowley County numbers within its membership hundreds of men whose characters are as spotless, both personally and politically, as the new fallen snow, and whose abilities are fully adequate to the honorable and efficient discharge of the duties of State Senator, we will therefore in the coming contest for that important and honorable position support no candidate therefor whose past and present political, as well as personal, history will not bear the closest scrutiny and most unsparing criticism, when viewed in the light of the foregoing resolutions.
But it is said that Sidney Clarke now endorses Manning. Certainly. It is reported to Clarke that Manning will be elected to the Senate this winter. He will, if elected, vote this winter for some man for United States Senator to fill the office now held by Gov. Harvey, and two years hence to fill the office now held by Senator Ingalls. Clarke is in hopes the lightning may strike him, and commercial politician that he is, he is ready to eat his own words in order to help Manning—that Manning may hereafter help him. Clarke is certain that in this way he can be of service to Manning, and thus place Manning under obligations to him. Each knows the rascalities of the other, and they put their heads together to help each other, on the principle of “You boost me and I will you,” and all their followers with one voice shout: “Great is the little Manning!” But, again, we find by reference to the testimony of ex-Gov. Carney before alluded to in this article, that Manning approached him for the loan of money, and when asked by Carney who he (Manning) was for, for United States Senator, he said, “You (meaning Carney) are my choice;” that between Caldwell and Clarke he had no choice. How so, Mr. Manning? You told the people of Cowley County before the election that you were for Sidney Clarke, and you told Clarke so as you stated in your speech on Saturday, Sept. 16, at the county convention; and you swore to the same thing in Washington, as we shall show hereafter.
Again, by reference to the same volume, on pages 251 and 252, your evidence taken before that committee is as follows.
Having been sworn, testified as follows:
Examined by the Chairman.
Q. Where do you live?
A. I live in Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas.
Q. Did you have any conversation with Sidney Clarke last winter in regard to the Senatorial election? If so, state what it was?
A. He told me about a week before the first vote that he expected a man here on Wednesday with plenty of money to be used in securing his election. He said he would have one hundred and fifty thousand dollars to back him (Clarke). That party’s name was Bob Stevens. Two or three days after that, he authorized me to say to any member of the Legislature who would vote for him that if they would vote for him for the United States Senator, and he was elected, that each member so doing should be paid whatever price they asked. I did not make any such proposition to any member. He asked me once or twice if I knew of any members whose votes could be secured for him with money. About this time or a short time previous, I had asked Mr. Clarke to loan me one thousand dollars, with which to make a part payment upon the note I had in the bank, which I have mentioned. I stated to him distinctly that I had made an arrangement with Mr. G. W. Veale, of this place, to endorse my note that I should give him (Clarke) for the one thousand dollars, which loan was to have been for one or two years time, with interest at ten percent. I stated to Clarke my circumstances, and that I asked this of him as a friend; that my desire was to get this note out of the bank, where it was drawing one and one-half percent per month; that Mr. G. W. Veale was my endorser upon my eighteen hundred dollar note, and had proposed that if I could borrow the one thousand dollars, he would endorse for me, and would take the note out of the bank for me, and would take some property which I proposed to throw over to him for the balance due upon the note. Clarke told me he thought he would let me have the money, and for me to see Dan Adams; that he thought I could get the money of him. I called on Adams, and he said he could not let me have the money. I told Veale of my failure and asked him if he knew anywhere else where the money could be had.
Now, by reference to the testimony of Gov. Carney, you will see that he swears money on good security could be readily had at that time in Kansas for 12 percent. Why did you not borrow the money of men who loaned money? It was because you wanted pay for your vote, and this was the dodge you took to get it. Everybody knows that men are not usually paid cash for their votes, but notes are given that all parties understand are never to be paid. Especially is this so in the light of your own testimony taken in connection with the fact that Sidney Clarke at that time was and now is financially worthless.
Again, in the same issue, we made the following charge:
We charge him with selling his vote to Caldwell, as sworn to by Manning himself before the Caldwell investigating committee at Washington.
The reader will remember that after Mr. Manning made oath to the facts above set forth, he was called to Washington to be sworn in the Caldwell investigation, and the following is his
WASHINGTON, January 21, 1873.
Edwin C. Manning sworn and examined.
Q. Where do you reside?
A. At Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas.
Q. Were you in the Legislature that elected Mr. Caldwell?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Did anybody offer you any money to vote for Mr. Caldwell?
A. No one offered me any money to vote for Mr. Caldwell.
Q. Was there anything else offered you?
A. No, sir.
Q. Was there any accommodation sought by you or offered to you in the way of a loan of money?
Q. [By Mr. Trumbull] Or any inducement? The witness knows what we want.
A. No, sir—no inducement.
Q. [By the chairman] What about that note, Mr. Manning?
A. I had a note in the bank that had been there in the Topeka Bank some months over due, that I was very anxious always to pay. A gentleman came to me and told me that he believed I could get that note lifted if I would vote for Mr. Caldwell.
Q. Did you have a conversation with Len. T. Smith?
A. No, sir.
Q. Did you with Governor Carney?
A. I did.
Q. What was the conversation?
A. Governor Carney was solicitous that I should vote for Mr. Caldwell.
Q. Did you say anything to Gov. Carney about the existence of this note?
A. I did.
Q. What?
A. I asked him to assist me in making a loan on one or two years’ time, at 10 or 12 percent interest.
Q. [By Mr. Hill] For what amount?
A. Two thousand dollars.
Q. What did Governor Carney say to that? Did he decline?
A. I think he said he could assist me in procuring the loan at that rate.
Q. Did he say he could or would?
A. That he could. I think he said he could.
Q. Did he tell you that he would speak to Mr. Caldwell for you?
A. I think he did.
Q. Did you understand that he had your permission to speak to Mr. Caldwell?
A. Yes, sir, I think I did.
Q. And then you voted for Mr. Caldwell on that day?
A. Yes, sir.
The above evidence can be found on pages 301 to 309 of Mr. Manning’s testimony before the U. S. Senate Committee in the Caldwell case.
Again, in the deposition of Gov. Carney before referred to, he swears he did see Caldwell for Manning, that Caldwell agreed to loan Manning the money, that he told Mr. Manning thereof, and that Manning told him they could depend upon him.
Again, we find in Mr. Manning’s testimony before the U. S. Senate Committee above referred to, the following instructive statement.
Q. When you applied to Mr. Clarke for the loan of this $1,000, he was a candidate?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Is Mr. Clarke regarded as a wealthy man?
A. I believe not.
Q. How did you suppose he had $1,000 to loan?
A. I had several reasons for supposing that.
Q. What were those reasons?
A. One of those reasons was, he told me had money there to procure his election. I ran as a Clarke man, made my speeches as a Clarke man, and told them all I should vote for Mr. Clarke. Every man expected I should vote for Clarke.
Read all the foregoing testimony, dear reader, and then tell us that you will vote for this man, and that his reputation is as spotless as demanded by the convention that nominated him.
Oh, no; Manning is not the spotless candidate that the convention meant in those resolutions we should vote for, but he is the very character the convention pledged themselves and the Republican party that we and they should not vote for in this campaign. When the convention nominated him, and then passed the resolutions above set forth, they voted themselves not only asses, but political harlots. E. C. Manning pure and spotless in the light of the foregoing evidence? If so, then well may the brazen and debauched harlots that infest our cities proclaim themselves virgins.
But again, having proven charges 9 and 10, we propose to make charge 11 against you, Mr. Manning, so stand up. We charge that you, as a member of the State Senate of 1866, committed the gross offense of lying most shamefully, and by your vote in connection with other members of the Legislature, you robbed the present and future unborn generations of the children of Kansas of five hundred thousand acres of land, worth fifteen hundred thousand dollars.
Now the above is a serious charge, but we propose to prove it, and for that purpose we copy the third section of article six of the Constitution of the State of Kansas, adopted at Wyandotte, July 29, 1859, which has been in force ever since, and reads as follows.
“SECTION 3. The proceeds of all lands that have been or may be granted by the United States to the State for the support of schools, and the five hundred thousand acres of land granted to the new State under an act of Congress distributing the proceeds of public lands among the several States of the Union approved September 4th, 1841, * * * * shall be the common property of the State, and shall be a perpetual school fund, which shall not be diminished, but the interest of which, together with all the rents of the land and such other means as the Legislature may provide by tax or otherwise, shall be inviolably appropriated to the support of the common schools.”
The above section of the Constitution was in full force and effect when Col. Manning was elected, and before he took his seat in the Senate, he solemnly swore he would obey that Constitution, and faithfully support and maintain the same.
How did he do it? Just as he did later in 1871, by forthwith trying to use his position as the servant of the people to make money out of an office they elected him to. And how did he do it? At that time the State school fund owned the five hundred thousand acres of land referred to in the above section of the Constitution, and that Constitution says that it “shall be a perpetual school fund which shall not be diminished, and shall be inviolably appropriated to the support of the common schools.”
Yet that Legislature of 1866 passed an act appropriating the five hundred thousand acres of land referred to in the above section of the Constitution (and in violation of the spirit and letter of that section) to four Railroad Corporations, i. e., one hundred and twenty-five thousand acres to each of those corporations, and E. C. Manning voted for that bill.
At the time he voted for that bill, he was a member of one of said corporations; and his Company, under that bill, received by its provisions one hundred and twenty-five thousand acres of land, which the Constitution he swore he would support and protect, said should never be divested from the Common school fund of the State.
By that act he helped rob the children of Kansas and divided their property among the licensed plunderers of the public Treasury, with whom he at that time was, and ever since, has been found.
Below we give the votes and protest of members of the Legislature when the bill was passed. The people of Cowley County will do well to read these copies of official documents taken from the House Journal of 1866.
On the 17th of February, 1866, morning session, after reception of reports from committees and transaction of other business, House bill No. 24, “an act providing for the sale of public lands to aid in the construction of certain railroads,” was read a third time. The question now being: “Shall the bill pass?” The yeas and nays were had with the following result: yeas, 44; nays 57. The following is the vote.
Gentlemen voting in the affirmative: Messrs. Arthur, Bradford, Brice, Bond, Callen, Cavender, Craig, Cochrane, Coffin, Drake, Dow, Fletcher, Graham, Green, Griswold, Harmon, Harrington, Harvey, Hollenberg, Holliday, Johnson, Kelly, Massey, Mix, Montgomery, Moore, McCabe, Nash, Parker, Pearmain, Pennock, Power, Quinn, Rankin, Reese, Rue, Sanford, Stewart, Smith, 43rd, Stotler, Underhill, Walker, Wilson, and Mr. Speaker.
Gentlemen voting in the negative were: Messrs. Allen, Bauserman, Cain, Carlton, Foster, Glick, Gross, Humber, Jackson, Jennison, Kellogg, Knight, Kunkel, McAuley, McLellen, O’Brien, Preston, Phillips, Rodgers, Stabler, Shepherd, Smith, 15th, Smith, 17th, Smith, 36th, VanGaasbeck, Pellhouse, and Woodyard.
Mr. W. A. Phillips then offered the following protest, which was ordered to be spread at large upon the Journal of the House.
We, the undersigned, hereby enter our solemn protest against the passage of an act entitled “An act providing for the sale of public lands to aid in the construction of certain railroads,” for the following reasons: 1st. This law would take from the school fund of this State, lands that have been set apart for their support, and appropriates them to other purposes; these lands being first, transferred by Congress to the State, by the State to the school fund, by a law found on page 572 of the Compiled Laws of Kansas; and, further, that this law, if passed, is in violation of section three of article sixth of our Constitution, which we have solemnly sworn to support; and, further, it appears by the files in the Secretary of State’s office, that certain members of the Senate and House of Representatives, and State officers, namely: Chas. E. Fox, Chas. E. Parker, George Graham, Henry Hollenberg, House of Representatives; F. H. Drenning, E. C. Manning, Samuel Speer, Sol. Miller, Senate; J. D. Braumbaugh, Attorney General; D. E. Ballard, staff officer, are members of the corporations in question, and by their votes have passed this bill; and as it further appears that the bill passed into a law is passed by the votes of these corporators, who are the recipients of the lands appropriated to the extent of 10,500 acres to each, this being in violation of all parliamentary law, for no member has a right to vote on questions in which he has a direct personal and pecuniary interest, the Constitution fixing the amount and manner of their compensation.
[Signature not given.]
And this is the man who proposes, aye, who has the audacity to ask a confiding and honest people to send him back to the Senate and give him one more chance! If he, in 1866, could disregard his oath, and appropriate that land to Rail Road Companies, in his own interest, why not the coming winter appropriate the remainder of the School fund for the same purpose?
It won’t do, voters, your interests are our interests, and we publish these facts that you may vote intelligently and with your eyes open.
Personally, we have no quarrel with Col. Manning, but his record is such that it ought to politically damn any man.
This is no time to trifle about candidates—our watch-word in this campaign is “reform within the party.” This bold, bad man has secured the Republican nomination.
He has his followers in every Township and his retainers and strikers in every locality, all in connection with each other lustily yelling at every man who refuses to support him that they are bolters and Democrats. He is followed by as foul and corrupt a mob of vagabonds as ever disgraced Kansas, clamorous for his appropriation, ever ready to share in the spoil that his past foul and dishonest record leads them to believe will follow in his wake.
(“Big fleas have little fleas upon their legs to bite ‘em,
And little fleas have lesser fleas and so ad infinitum.)
Can it be possible that this man will be elected to the State Senate?
Let the people themselves answer at the ballot box.
Winfield Courier, October 12, 1876.
Rev. Chaplain C. C. McCabe will deliver his popular lecture, “The Bright Side of Libby Prison,” in the courthouse, Winfield, on Monday evening, Oct 30, 1876. Admission, 25 cents; reserved seats 50 cents. Doors open at 7 o’clock; lecture to commence at 7:30.
Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876.
Rev. Chaplain C. C. McCabe will deliver his popular lecture, “The bright side of Libby Prison,” in the courthouse, Winfield, on Monday evening, Oct. 30, 1876. Admission. 25 cents; reserved seats 50 cents. Doors open at 7 o’clock; lecture to commence at 7:30.
We have been informed that one of our citizens used to be an officer in charge of Libby Prison. If this be true, he ought to go and hear McCabe to see whether he pictures it truthfully or not.
Winfield Courier, November 2, 1876.
A Rare Literary Treat.
For nearly three years we have sat here and endeavored to chronicle every local event that occurred in our fast young city. Socials, meetings, gatherings, and events; births, deaths, marriages, and everything that has happened within the radius of our jurisdiction has received a “writing up” at our hands. We have “tackled” everything from a dog-fight to a Democratic pow-wow and have come out victorious. Our egotism increased with our victories, till we vainly imagined that we could describe anything.
We heard that lecture. We have seen “The Bright Side of Libby Prison,” as described by the renowned, the great, the christian patriot, McCabe. We caught the inspiration of the hour, and sat and heard him through. But as his voice died away in the echo the inspiration left us, the picture has vanished, and “Libby Prison” with all its joys, with all its pleasures, and bright days passed in music out of sight; and in its stead, there rises up in our memory Libby prison in all its horrors and terrors, the dungeon of the west, the bastille of the new world. The English language utterly fails us, when we for a moment attempt to reproduce a single picture, vivify an illustration, or panegyrize a thought of this wonderfully talented and versatile lecturer. His was the fortune to see, to feel, and realize the scenes described; ours only to hear them from his gifted tongue. His was the fate to languish for weeks with a raging fever in that awful bastille, ours to rejoice at his resurrection and providential deliverance. He saw the dark side, but describes the bright; he felt the pangs of hunger in their weary days of fasting, but only mentions their feasts. The mantle of charity and forgetfulness he throws around their sorrows, the cups of bitterness and woe; and only presents to his audience the sun-kissed side, the hours of pleasantry, grim pleasure though it was, that he, with his brave comrades, enjoyed in their forced exile from home and friends as prisoners of a fratricidal war.
For the benefit of those who were not present, we will say that Chaplain C. C. McCabe was with the famous Millroy’s brigade in the Union army. That in one of his brave leader’s running assaults upon the enemy he was left hors de combat on the field. He chose to stay and care for the wounded and dead rather than flee in safety with the living. He, with their army surgeon and their fourteen-year-old protégé, “Willie,” were taken prisoners and confined in Libby Prison, a prison from whose dark walls many a Northern mother’s child has been taken “to that borne from whence no traveler returns.”
His lecture consists mainly in describing the daily routine of a prison life. Five hundred active, thinking men confined to one room for a long period of time, must find something to do, and it is wonderful how varied their amusement and how disciplined their action will be considering their circumstances. It is here where true genius shines without borrowed light; it is here where wit is born impromptu and acts of generosity occur without selfish motive; it is here where all the innate principles of man come to the surface and prove him to be made in the image of his Maker, the grandest, the noblest handiwork of God.
Chaplain McCabe describes all these characteristics in man, illustrates them by stories and songs, and personates them in his comrades at Richmond. The devout minister of the gospel was there; the Spaniard, the Irishman, the Frenchman, the Englishman, and the live inimitable and incomparable Yankee were all there. They had all worn the “blue” to the outer door, but few ever wore it within. They were prisoners of war and liable to an “exchange” at any time, but the only exchange (?) those brave fellows were allowed to make was an exchange of clothing at the door. The swap was always dictated by the “rebs,” and they always got the best of the bargain. How the boys amused themselves it would be difficult to explain here. They organized churches, concerts, and courts; they held political, spiritual, and festive gatherings; (they were all members of a l(I)ceum); they established a weekly newspaper and a university of law; they had classes in French, German, and Spanish, and an enthusiastic corps of “bone whittlers.” The Methodist boys showed the most proficiency in this study, as they’d had years of experience in polishing shanghai bones at home.
Rev. McCabe’s laughable description of Col. Strait’s straightened circumstances in blocking up the hole, by his corpulent person, when the “one hundred and twenty” escaped, and the ingenious method the boys connived by which those who remained in were “counted twice” on the following day, can never be forgotten. His graphic recital of the trouble and trials of the “committee on procuring a flag” for the fourth of July celebration of 1863 will permeate our risibles for years. A fourth of July celebration without a flag was preposterous! Have one they must. Three well worn shirts of national colors were used. The red, the white, and the blue were unfurled to the breeze, and three bare-backed patriotic boys wiped the glad tears from their eyes without any—sleeves.
We have heard Ward, Perkins, Griswold, and other serio-comic lecturers, but we think none of them possess, in so rare a degree, the ability to drop from the justly sublime to the supremely ridiculous as this M. E. itinerant. We have sat breathless under the powerful spell of John B. Goff, yet his words on temperance failed to strike the responsive chords touched by that master hand last Monday night.
We care not what others may say, but speaking for ourself, we never enjoyed a lecture, recitation, sermon, or a dramatic play as we enjoyed the “Bright Side of Libby Prison.” And we think the audience, the finest ever assembled in Winfield, will bear us out in the statement that his pictures were lifelike and perfect, his bursts of patriotism and eloquence grandly sublime, and his earnest devotion and tribute to his country, our country, worthy of example and a life mode of praise. Perish the man who would forget Libby Prison! And perish the man who would forget the “boys in blue” who passed years of the prime of life within the dark, damp walls! Long live the brave, old loyal church of the North, that sent forth thousands of her sons to battle for the principles of truth and right, “equal and exact justice to all men.”
Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.
A PARTY of ladies and gentlemen who are with Chaplain McCabe are highly pleased with this part of Kansas. The chaplain is so greatly pleased that he has expressed his determination to try and become the owner of 1,000 acres of Cowley County land.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.
LECTURE. The parties who attended the second lecture of Chaplain McCabe, did not seem to appreciate the entertainment as well as they did the evening before. After some remarks, they were informed that a subscription would be collected for the purpose of having enough subscribed to build a Methodist Church. Seven hundred dollars was put down, counting that taken from last spring’s subscription, and the contract for the church is to be let. The estimated cost of the building when completed is $1,400. It is to be of brick. There should be a Methodist church in town, and we hope the enterprise will be speedily completed.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1876.
Our Methodist friends will be sorry to learn of the severe illness of Rev. Brooks, at his home in Newton. He made many warm friends in our city while here with Chaplain McCabe. It is thought that he cannot possibly recover.
Note that the following article shows “Rev. C. C. McCabe.”
Winfield Courier, July 5, 1877.
The dedication services of the new M. E. church will take place on Sunday, August 5th, 1877. Rev. C. C. McCabe, D. D., of Chicago, will be present.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 18, 1877.
CHAPLAIN McCABE, the sweet singer and eloquent preacher, will assist at the dedication of the new Methodist church in Winfield, sometime in August.
Winfield Courier, July 19, 1877.
The Dedication of the M. E. Church, Winfield, will take place July 12th, 1877. SERVICES: At 10:30 a.m., sermon, Rev. C. R. Pomeroy; 10:30 a.m., address, Rev. C. C. McCabe, D. D.; 2:30 p.m., Rev. A. H. Walter; 2:30 p.m. address, Dr. Pomeroy; 7:30 p.m., dedication exercises, Dr. McCabe. Services conducted by Rev. A. H. Walter, P. E.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 25, 1877.
REV. McCABE is to assist in the dedication of the M. E. Church at Winfield on the 12th of August. The Rev. delivered a very fine lecture here last winter, on the “Bright side of Libby Prison.”
Winfield Courier, August 9, 1877.
Next Sabbath the new M. E. Church building of this place will be formally dedicated to the worship of the Lord. The occasion promises to be one of unusual interest. Rev. C. C. McCabe, famed throughout the United States for his eloquence and melody, will be among the noted personages present. Rev. C. C. Pomeroy of Emporia, Rev. A. H. Walter, Presiding Elder of this district, and other divines will participate in the ceremonies. The new church is the finest structure of the kind in this State south and west of Lawrence. It is a proud monument to the enterprise of its founders and a worthy tribute from human hands to the worship of “Him who doeth all things well.” The congregation on that occasion will test the accommodating capacity of the elegant building.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 15, 1877.
THE M. E. CHURCH. Rev. McCabe, of Chicago, and Rev. Kirby, of Wichita, made this place a visit Sunday evening for the purpose of preaching to the people and to raise $250 to complete the erection of the new brick church now almost finished.
The announcement was made previously that Rev. McCabe would preach, but in his place Rev. Kirby delivered the sermon, which was short, decisive, and well delivered. His sermon was one that almost any would have delighted to hear and full of information.
After many appeals $206 was raised. Some of it, however, was to be paid by hauling, some in work, and others in fruit trees, photographs, hogs, and hominy. From the amount of hogs subscribed, one would think the M. E. Society intended to engage in the stock business, but we believe they will endeavor to sell what they have for cash. The effort to have a church is surely commendable, although the means of obtaining the funds is at times laughable.
DURING the solicitation for monies, hauling, hogs, trees, photographs, and horses at the church Sunday evening, one man was heard to remark: “I’m but a stranger here,” and then he added, “Heaven is my home, and I wish I was there now.”
ONE of our worthy citizens was being urged by the eloquent Chaplain McCabe to give somewhat of his substance towards so praiseworthy an object; a respectful, but very decided shake of the head was not enough to rebuff the Reverend gentleman, who continued to expatiate on the christian grace of giving; and at length Rev. McCabe asked him: “Are you a Methodist?” “No.” “Are you a Presbyterian?” “No.” “What are you then?” The “worthy citizen” looked quietly up into the Chaplain’s pleasant face and with a roguish look in his eye, said: “I am a harness maker.”
Winfield Courier, August 16, 1877.
The M. E. Church Free From Debt.
On Sunday last in the new stone church one of the largest audiences that ever met in Winfield congregated to help dedicate the new and imposing edifice to the good of man and the glory of God.
C. R. Pomeroy, D. D., of Emporia; C. C. McCabe, D. D., of Chicago; Presiding Elder Walters, of Wichita; J. E. Fox, P. E. at Hutchinson; Rev. J. Kirby, and Rev. J. P. Harson, of Wichita; Rev. H. J. Walker, Wellington; Rev. J. W. Stewart, Oxford; Reverends B. C. Swarts, Arkansas City; E. Nance, Maple City; ___ Long, of Tisdale; W. H. McCamey, of Dexter; J. E. Platter, C. J. Adams, P. Lahr, and J. L. Rushbridge, pastor, of Winfield, assisted in the labors of the day.
Chaplain McCabe spoke for an hour to an attentive and interested audience, pointing in forcible and glowing terms to the work of the church, the needs of our people, the dangers to our Republic, and the saving power of religion in matters of dollars and cents, of bread and butter. True is it, as he said, that the demon of intemperance finds its most untiring and relentless antagonist in the church of Christ. As a social, a political, an economical, and an educational investment, our church capital is productive beyond all other investments.
The sermon of the morning was followed by a statement from Mr. Rushbridge concerning the financial condition of the M. E. Church of Winfield. A building had been erected at an expense of $7,000, of which some three thousand dollars remained unpaid. The work of this day, the prefatory exercises of the dedication, was to raise the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars, which would practically cancel the immense debt of the church and free the building from all encumbrances.
At this announcement from Mr. Rushbridge, the hearts of the most hopeful failed them, and few felt that the work of this day would remove this immense burden. In a few minutes contributions and subscriptions began to pour in. One hundred dollars was reached—then five hundred, and soon a thousand had been subscribed, and then the hopes of all grew stronger, and the purses of the many grew liberal, while rich and poor, male and female, saint and sinner, gave of their means to aid the noble cause. By the close of the morning services about eight hundred dollars had been given. At the afternoon exercises a few hundred more was given, and at night the entire amount of twenty-five hundred dollars was reached, and then the audience rose up and sang that grand old song, “Praise God from whom all Blessings Flow.” The work was done! The church was free! The service of dedication was finished, and the people departed to their homes proud of the beautiful edifice which adorns our city, but prouder still of that generosity and liberality which adorns the hearts and minds of our enterprising citizens.
Of the music, of the songs, of the sermons, of the vast crowd assembled, we say nothing, as the entire city seemed to have been present and to enjoy the occasion, and so our readers need no comments upon these matters.
An elegant silver set for communion service, presented by F. M. Friend, and a fine clock from Will Hudson were among the donations.
The building is 40 x 80 feet in size, with an arched ceiling 27 feet high. It is beautiful in outline and harmonious in its appointments.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 22, 1877.
The following named ministers were present, and took part in the dedication of the M. E. Church building, on Sabbath, at Winfield: Revs. Dr. Pomeroy, A. H. Walter—P. E.; H. J. Walker, Wellington; J. W. Stewart, Oxford; W. H. McCarney, Dexter; J. W. Long, Tisdale; J. P. Harsen, and Jno. Kirby, Wichita; J. E. Platter and P. Lahr, Winfield; J. E. Fox, Hutchinson; C. C. McCabe, D. D.; B. C. Swarts, Arkansas City; E. Nance, Maple City.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 22, 1877.
The dedication of the New M. E. Church, at Winfield, last Sabbath, was a grand occasion. Services were conducted throughout the entire day. Revs. Kirby, Harsen, and McCabe, and presiding Elder Walters, Mrs. Kirby, Mrs. Lane, Col. Lewis, Col. T. M. Lane, and probably others, went from Wichita.
The edifice cost between $7,000 and $8,000, and at the opening services was $2,700 in debt. At half past eleven o’clock at night, when the services were closed, every cent of indebtedness had been provided for. The church is the finest in Southern Kansas. Eagle.
Note that the following article shows “Rev. F. S. McCabe.”
Arkansas City Traveler, September 19, 1877.
The dedication of the Presbyterian Church at Winfield, Kansas, will take place Sunday, September 23rd, 1877. Services: 10:30 a.m. Sermon by Rev. F. S. McCabe, D. D., of Topeka. 10:30 a.m., dedication. 2:30 p.m. Conference, subject, “The Church.” Short addresses by ministers present. 7:30 p.m. praise meeting. All are cordially invited to attend. By order of session. JAS. E. PLATTER, Pastor.
Winfield Courier, September 20, 1877.
Dedication of Presbyterian Church.
The new Presbyterian church will be dedicated on Sunday morning next, Sept. 23rd. Rev. F. S. McCabe, of Topeka, will preach the occasional sermon. Mr. McCabe is the oldest preacher of the denomination in the State, and has acquired a reputation as a deep thinker, a sound preacher, and a pleasing orator, second to none in the State.
In the afternoon a conference will be held in which several ministers will make short addresses: subject, “The church in its relations to society.”
In the evening will be held a praise meeting.
A considerable number of preachers from adjoining counties will take part in the exercises. All are invited to attend.
Winfield Courier, September 27, 1877.
Rev. J. E. Platter.
Rev. Dr. McCabe, in his preliminary remarks Sunday morning, paid a well merited compliment to the Rev. J. E. Platter, of this place, and added that he had it in his heart to say much more that might be too unseemly praise to be spoken in the presence of the subject of his commendation. We have it in our heart to say even more than all that the Rev. Dr. could have had to suppress. When Mr. Platter first came to Winfield four years ago we said: “What can that good looking boy do?” We were told that he was rich as well as good looking. We answered, “So much the worse; wealth will spoil any young man in his situation.” But the young man has since labored among us pleasantly, earnestly, successfully. He found his church with scarcely more than a name, he has made it a great power for good. We owe it largely to his persistent energy and his means that we have the finest church building in Southern Kansas. He has made other valuable material improvements in our city and county, has labored with us in promoting our railroad and other enterprises for the general good, he has entered into our social life with his genial spirits, his ready wit, and his large fund of general information, he has become a leading preacher and lecturer, and is now honored, respected, and loved, not only by his own church but by all his acquaintances. May the bright promise of his early manhood be abundantly realized in his after life.
Winfield Courier, September 27, 1877.
The dedication of the new Presbyterian Church on last Sunday was an occasion of great interest. The house was furnished with beautiful and substantial seats, the rostrum with desk and chairs of the most beautiful and appropriate style, and the aisles with carpets. Greenhouse plants and flowers and trailing vines arranged with taste added greatly to the enchantment of the scene. A large Oleander in full blossom was perhaps the most striking feature. There was a full choir, whose performance was excellent. About six hundred persons were seated comfortably and enjoyed the pleasing solemnity of the exercises. The statement of the board of trustees showed that the house had cost about eight thousand dollars, which was all paid up except about twenty-seven hundred dollars, and that some two hundred dollars more than that amount is pledged by citizens, the largest portion of which is immediately due and the balance due in six and twelve months, so the house may be considered as practically out of debt.
The exercises were conducted in a pleasing and impressive manner. The occasional sermon was delivered by the Rev. Dr. F. S. McCabe, of Topeka, which was listened to with marked attention. Rev. Berry, Rev. J. L. Rushbridge, Rev. C. J. Adams, Rev. E. P. Hickok, Rev. S. B. Fleming, of Arkansas City, Rev. J. C. Hill, of Michigan, and Rev. Patton, of Wellington, took part in the exercises of the day. Rev. J. E. Platter conducted the services in his usual graceful manner.
In the afternoon was held a conference meeting in which several clergymen delivered short addresses, and in the evening a sermon was delivered by Rev. J. C. Hill.
Winfield Courier, October 4, 1877.
The Presbyterians, who have been “laying low,” so to speak, since the grand dedicatory ceremonies at the completion of the Methodist church recently erected here, came to the front yesterday in right royal style. Over six hundred of our citizens occupied seats in the newly and handsomely finished Presbyterian church yesterday and listened to Dr. F. S. McCabe, of your city. The occasion was one of great interest and enjoyment. Dr. McCabe fully sustained his high reputation as a pulpit orator. The Presbyterian fraternity are justly proud of their five thousand dollar house of worship, as it is the best one in the state south of Topeka. Winfield now claims the honor of having the best church building in Kansas, considering her wealth and population.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
Wm. H. McCabe to Rebecca A. Williamson.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.
TISDALE, February 8, 1878.
MARRIED. WM. H. McCABE was married to MRS. REBECCA WILLIAMSON on Thursday evening, 7th inst., and MR. JUSTICE FISHER to MISS ESTHER WILLIAMSON. T.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 18, 1879.
Arkansas City, Cowley County, Ks.
The Citizens of Arkansas City have made arrangements to give the people of Southern Kansas a grand entertainment at a grove on the banks of the Walnut near town.
The Programme for the day will be opened at 10 o’clock a.m., by music from the Arkansas City Silver Cornet Band, to be followed by an Oration and Public Speaking. BISHOP SIMPSON and CHAPLIN McCABE are expected to address the crowd.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
List of letters remaining unclaimed in the Winfield Post Office June 3, 1878.
J. W. McCabe.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
The people of Brown’s Grove showed good judgment in attempting to secure Wirt W. Walton as their Fourth of July orator. Failing to get him, they invited Judge Horton and Dr. McCabe, the latter accepting the invitation and delivering the oration. Good company that, Wirt. Always keep as good and you will do well.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 3, 1880.
“On Saturday night the people of our little city secured a special train and went to Winfield to witness the renowned Military drama, ‘Union Spy,’ under the auspices of the Winfield Military. Although the night was quite cold, some eighty-five citizens gathered at the depot; and boarding the train at 6:20 o’clock, were in Winfield in twenty-four minutes. So far as we have been able to learn, everyone was well pleased with the drama, and we say most emphatically that great credit is due all who participated in the play. The drill of the Winfield Militia was universally applauded and considering the short time this company has mustered, they have reached a higher grade of perfection than many in other parts of the State. The young men who have come upon the stage of action since the close of the rebellion, and consequently could have taken no part in that bloody conflict, should witness the drama of the ‘Union Spy,’ for though a miniature of those awful events it will bring to the thoughtful the power to distinguish who were enemies of the Government. With Parson McCabe to lecture and sing his war songs and the people of Winfield to play the ‘Union Spy,’ we would almost take the contract to beat the Democracy in South Carolina.”
Winfield Courier, September 16, 1880.
U. S. Marshal Horn arrested one Wilson, Wednesday morning. He has been passing counterfeit money for some time. A set of plaster paris moulds was found in which he moulded lead dollars, and he had passed some twenty of them. He was arrested in the house with one Mrs. McCabe, with whom he has been living for some time.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 22, 1880.
One Wilson was brought down from Winfield last week to be tried before the Commissioner on the charge of making counterfeit silver dollars, with a Mrs. McCabe as accomplice. Another man named Hoffman was arrested at Burden on a similar charge and brought down Monday. Business is good.
Winfield Courier, September 23, 1880.
Hoffman, of Burden, and Reader, of Rock, blacksmiths, have followed Wilson and Mrs. McCabe in being arrested for making and passing counterfeit silver coin.
Finally! I found article relative to Edward P. McCabe...
I remember at the time that I looked the name up so that I could determine who he was. Never dreamed I would want the information I gathered at that time.
October 3, 2000. MAW
Arkansas City Traveler, August 23, 1882.
Constant Chimes.
Eds. Traveler:
Delightful weather for haying and threshing, but “mighty dry” plowing.
BIRTH. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Will Wilson on the 11th inst., a bouncing baby boy.
Last week John Walton started for the mountains of Colorado to look after his mining interests.
The Finley farm changed hands for a consideration of $2,500. Mr. Silliman, of Winfield, purchaser.
Mr. Wilson Shaw and wife contemplate making a visit next month to the Hoosier and Buckeye States.
D. W. Mumaw can scarcely sleep of nights for making plans and specifications for a new dwelling house.
Having a few leisure moments at my disposal, I will devote them to penning a few items of news for your appreciative readers.
A few days ago John Rarick pulled up stakes, and, unlike the Arab, folded his lariats and quietly stole over to Maple City.
The preliminaries have been arranged by the Methodist church, South, for the construction of a suitable building for worship, at Tannehill.
On the strength of a good crop of our staple cereal, Mr. Williams, Sr., will make a visit next week to the State of Pukedom to see his daughter and son-in-law.
At Washington school house the Followers of Christ are conducting a series of meetings with unfavorable results thus far.
Cassius Roseberry now airs his lady in the neatest driving outfit to be seen in this community, while Cassius is the rattiest, prettiest, and jolliest married man in this township.
Ye reporter is in receipt of neat, nobby, and artistic invitation cards politely requesting his presence at the wedding, which occurs on the 17th inst. at Baltimore, this county. Of course he will go, even if he has to knock down the whole neighborhood to get away. Will tell you more about it later.
Last week Lewis P. King and family accompanied Mr. Winton and wife on their return to Colorado. They intend engaging in the grocery business at Pueblo. Mrs. Winton had the misfortune of losing her little boy during her visit here among relatives. We regret very much to part with Lewis, but wish him all manner of success in his new enterprise.
Last week Zack Whitson had the audacity to refuse $8,000 for his half-section farm. Perhaps he will not be censured for doing so, when it is known that his wheat crop averaged 44-1/2 bushels per acre and his oats 79 bushels. Zack has decidedly the highest average yield of any farmer in this vicinity, and merits the same as he is a model husbandman. Other crops so far as threshed, are yielding from 25 to 30 bushels per acre.
All hail to St. John and prohibition! Still higher goes our temperance banner, and may it forever grandly, majestically, and triumphantly wave o’er the land of sobriety and homes of soberness. Let all who have any regard for honor, morality, virtue, decency, and progress, cast their ballot, when comes the November ides, in favor of the champion of prohibition once more holding the gubernatorial reins, while our proud young State continues her course: “Ad Astra Per Aspera.”
Our “dear people” seem considerably relieved since the holding of the Republican County Convention, because of the cessation of the “chin music” and hearty hand gripping of pleasant, cheerful, hopeful candidates for public favors. On the whole, with but a solitary exception, we are satisfied with the nominees. Defeated candidates have our hearty sympathy and consolation in this their great bereavement. They will derive comfort, of course, from the thought that retaliation shall be theirs in the “sweet bye and bye.”
By the way, what shall we do with our colored nominee for Auditor of State? Will he be whitewashed by the dear people and then swallowed by the “white trash?” Now I have no particular objection to our Ethiopian brother having such high aspirations, but we most emphatically dislike to see his colors soiled and morals corrupted by evil associations. Have we at last reached that period in history of the Caucasian race, when there is no longer a sufficient number of the white race self-sacrificing enough to act as public officials, without defiling and debasing the African. This is a conundrum that somewhat perplexes us.
[Note: on State Republican Ticket, For Auditor, E. P. McCabe. MAW]
The steam threshers have this season driven the horse power machines to Hades, or some other equally obscure locality, as they are no longer visible. The engine is a grand improvement—economically, financially, and in quality of work—over the old, time-honored and laborious method of threshing grain. To be sure, it extracts a larger percent of the vinegar element out of the hands who have the pleasure (?) of assisting in operating one of them, but the duration required to complete a job is comparatively short. It furnishes all active exercise in measuring and handling the grain as it rolls in torrents from the machine, and nearly buries alive all the young men in the straw stack. Messrs. Coulter and Herron and the Davis brothers command the throttle valves in this vicinity. MARK.
Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.
Doings at the State Capital.
Senator Hackney is located at the new Copeland House for the session.
Hon. C. R. Mitchell is located at the Windsor.
Judge John T. Morton has resigned the judgeship of the Third District, an office which he has held for fourteen years, to take effect Feb. 9th. Ill health is the cause.
Col. Thomas Moonlight is appointed Adjutant General of the state militia by Gov. Glick.
Auditor E. P. McCabe and Treasurer Sam T. Howe were inducted into their respective offices last Monday.
Sam L. Gilbert officiated as usher during the inauguration ceremonies.
Wirt W. Walton was chairman of the Republican Representative caucus at Topeka.
Winfield Courier, June 21, 1883.
Our thanks are due to Hon. E. P. McCabe, Auditor of State, for a copy of the report of the Railroad Assessors.
There are in the State of Kansas, 3,870 miles of main line and 444 miles of side track, which is valued at $27,280,516.10, or an average of $7,048.62 per mile. This includes the forty-six lines and branches in the State. The increased valuation over that of last year is $2,192,064.77. One hundred and sixty-nine miles were constructed during the year.
The Assessors also report a total of 3,871.06 miles of telegraph line (one wire) assessed at $70, making a total value of the various lines $270,274.20.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.
T. M. Finney, the popular trader at Kaw, and Walter F. McCabe (of Hale & McCabe, traders at the Osage agency), registered at the Leland last week.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 10, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
A Grand Good Ticket.
The Republican State convention re-nominated Hon. John A. Martin for governor; A. P. Riddle, for lieutenant governor; E. B. Allen, secretary of state; S. B. Bradford, attorney general; J. H. Fowler, state superintendent. F. Hamilton, of Wellington, was nominated for state treasurer; and Tom McCarthy, of Larned, auditor. The entire old ticket was renominated with the exceptions of Hons. S. E. Howe and E. P. McCabe.