James A. ("Bert") McCormick
Note: J. A. McCormick was manager for Roberts & Son, Oil Men.
See file on J. A. McCormick to learn more about Roberts & Son, Oil Men. It appears that they were in Indian Territory for some time. MAW
Looking for cattleman McCormick: Believe the following was J. A. McCormick...
Arkansas City Traveler, May 30, 1883.
Fight With Knives. Two cattlemen by the name of McCormick and Weathers had a terrible set-to yesterday at Willow Springs Ranche, in which both were fearfully carved. The first fight was a knockdown, when one drew a knife and the other followed his example, and it is said did some desperate work, although the wounds of neither will not prove fatal.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 6, 1883.
Mr. McCormick, one of the parties in the cutting scrape at Weathers’s camp, was in town yesterday, and from the way which he shook hands, he was not much the worse for wear, but the other fellow, O my goodness!
Arkansas City Traveler, June 6, 1883.
The notice last week of a fight with knives at Willow Springs ranche was a little off in location as the scrimmage came off at Weathers’s ranche some five miles west of the Springs. The damage done was not so bad as at first supposed.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1884.
Bert McCormick was in the city yesterday and reports a cold time in the M. I. T.
Arkansas City Republican, May 24, 1884.
J. A. McCormick, of Darlington, Indian Territory, a prominent stock man, was in the city Tuesday.
Note: The Republican editor had J. A. McCormick coming from Wellington. This was wrong! It was James A. (“Bert”) McCormick, from Indian Territory...
Arkansas City Republican, October 11, 1884.
One more man from Wellington commences business in Arkansas City. Last Monday J. A. McCormick rented the photograph gallery of Mrs. D. W. Stevens and took possession immediately. Judging from samples of Mr. McCormick’s work shown us, we feel safe in saying he understands his business. His card appears in another column. Read it and then go and see Mr. McCormick.
Rooms new, and neatly fitted up. All the latest improvements in the art. First-Class Work Guaranteed. First door South of Houghton’s Harness Shop, Upstairs. Arkansas City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Republican, November 8, 1884.
J. A. McCormick, of Darlington, Indian Territory, was registered at the Leland the first of the week.
Arkansas City Republican, November 8, 1884.
J. A. McCormick is a good photographer, and he is succeeding nicely.
Arkansas City Republican, November 15, 1884.
During the stay of the Edwin Clifford troupe in our city a short time ago Miss Constance Stanley, Mrs. Louisa Haven, and others of the combination, hearing of J. A. McCormick’s skill as an artist, through their acquaintance, Albert Levy, called on him to sit for a negative. Jim did such good work that the troupe promises to become lucrative patrons of his art gallery. Miss Stanley takes two hundred cabinets at one order, and the remainder will probably do likewise.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 19, 1884.
H. G. Chipchase, J. A. McCormick, Tom Dinwoodie, Abe Rosenfeld, Albert Levy, A. W. Patterson, Pete Killiam, C. Vernon, A. G. Kirkpatrick, and Joe McDowell, in three carriages, took the B. I. T. by storm Saturday evening. For one whole day throwing business cares away and escaping from the accustomed din of their daily routine—such as “Cheap Clothings,” “Dinner for Two,” “Pass the Jack Plane this way,” “Two to one on Cleveland,” “Hello,” etc., they amused themselves by pointing their guns south and killing some poor unfortunate ones to the east or west. These, however, had better luck; they came back Sunday night with four bad colds, three bad headaches, one broken carriage, two quails, and a coon. They claim, however, that they did not bring all their game back with them, which is true. The corpses by the way-side speak for themselves.
Arkansas City Republican, December 20, 1884.
Miss Viola Bishop is retouching negatives at leisure moments in J. A. McCormick’s art gallery.
Arkansas City Republican, December 20, 1884.
J. A. McCORMICK is the youthful artist who has lately leased Mrs. D. W. Stevens’ art gallery. There is one thing which is welcome in every household, and that is the picture of a friend. Though absent in flesh, the counterfeit presentment keeps his memory bright and fresh in our minds. What a comfort it is to open the album and look upon the portraits of those whom we cannot have with us! Without the modern art gallery, the most of us would be denied this satisfaction. The gentleman mentioned above takes pride in granting your friends this satisfaction. His works are his recommendations. A glance at his samples will convince you, as an artist, he ranks second to none in the state.
J. A. McCormick, Manager...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 8, 1885.
We add to our list of brand notices, that of W. B. Roberts & Son, well known and extensive stock raisers.
AD. W. B. ROBERTS & SON, J. A. McCORMICK, Manager.
UNDERNEATH ILLUSTRATION: (Anywhere on animal.)
P. O. Darlington, Indian Territory. Range: Willow Springs, on Duck and Bodoc creeks, and Cottonwood & Campbell creeks, south of Cimarron, Indian Territory.
Ear marks: grub right ear. Road brands: [looks like 0 above bar] left shoulder; L on left loin; [looks like P inserted above bar that connects to it] on left loin.
Remarks: No stock sold in this brand.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 8, 1885.
Bert. McCormick, that jolliest of jolly fellows, paid the TRAVELER an appreciated call while in the city last week.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 4, 1885.
SOUTH BEND. “G. V.” Mr. McCormick, of Arkansas City, visited this locality Friday last.
Arkansas City Republican, June 13, 1885.
Come in at once while You can get GOOD WORK At the Reduced Prices,
Come in at Once. McCORMICK. Corner opposite Hasie Block.
Arkansas City Republican, July 4, 1885.
Miss Rose Wagner is retouching in McCormick’s Art Gallery.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 22, 1885.
Bert McCormick, foreman of the Oil Company’s range, was in town on Monday, and good naturedly sustained a vast amount of joshing over the report that he had been hanged by Texas cow-boys. He has been six weeks on the round up, swimming streams and meeting no end of adventure by flood and field. He has brought 700 steers to the range at Willow Springs, which are in thriving condition and will be fit for beef in early fall. The crop of calves this year he reports good.
Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.
J. A. McCormick, the manager of Roberts & Son’s cattle ranch near Cheyenne Agency was in the city this week. It was reported that Mr. McCormick had been hung by a vigilance committee because he branded cattle that did not belong to him. Later on the rumor was circulated that he had been scalped by the Cheyennes. The appearance of Mr. McCormick on our streets killed both reports. He says he was riding in and around the Cheyenne camp for a month and he has seen no trouble there. He said the Cheyennes made their “medicine,” but that was all. The trouble which has been reported by the correspondents to newspapers is about all “bosh.” We suggest that the Wichita Eagle’s correspondent at Cheyenne Agency be suspended. He is the biggest newspaper liar of the age, if McCormick’s report be true.
Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.
J. A. McCormick, the manager of Roberts & Son’s cattle ranch, is no longer down at Cheyenne Agency. He is located at Willow Springs. J. A. called on us last week and made us happy as a Democrat when he has been appointed postmaster.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 22, 1885.
Last Thursday evening a representative of the REPUBLICAN had the pleasure of being one of a large number who went fishing along the Arkansas.
J. A. McCormick and Miss Willie Reynolds were the chief managers, the former inviting the gentlemen and the latter, the ladies. They met at the home of Miss Reynolds, where the couples were arranged so as to suit all parties. Before starting it was discovered that they had no baits, but one of them informed the rest that an excellent bait could be manufactured out of flour and cotton. This was proven to be a good bait by the number of fish they caught.
It was late when they got to the river, but they improved their time, had considerable fun, and returned to the city carrying a great many fish—lines.
Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.
James A. McCormick, who has been running Mrs. D. W. Stevens’ photography gallery for several months past, will soon take his departure for Cherryvale. Mr. McCormick will be succeeded by George Dresser, who has been associated with D. Rodocker, of Winfield. The Tribune speaks thus complimentary of Mr. Dresser. “Geo. H. Dresser, the photographer who has been associated with D. Rodocker for the past year and a half, left Thursday for Arkansas City, where he has made arrangements to run the Stevens gallery. Mr. Dresser has had 11 years experience in the art science and has proven himself to be a superior workman, a fact to which many of our citizens can testify, and we cheerfully recommend him to the citizens of the Terminus as a gentleman and an artist.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 17, 1885.
J. A. McCormick was up from Arkansas City, Sunday.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 7, 1885.
J. A. McCormick is up from the Springs to spend a few days in town.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 10, 1885.
J. A. McCormick took charge of Mr. Kelly’s photograph gallery in Winfield last week, while the latter was in Topeka. “Jim” came back Monday to resume his duties in Mr. Dresser’s gallery.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 14, 1885.
Go to Geo. E. Dresser’s gallery and see the nice photos he is getting out. Successor to McCormick.
Arkansas City Republican, October 24, 1885.
J. A. McCormick, of the O I L Ranch, was up from Willow Springs Wednesday to see the REPUBLICAN.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 28, 1885.
Dresser guarantees as good work in cloudy weather as in clear. Gallery on South Summit Street. Successor to McCormick.
Arkansas City Republican, April 3, 1886.
J. A. McCormick was up from the Willows Wednesday, and informed a representative of the REPUBLICAN that one of his hands employed on the ranch was accidentally shot through the shoulder Sunday evening last. The man’s name was John O’Neil, and he was engaged in hanging a saddle up when a revolver fell from the saddle pocket and was discharged. The ball did not fracture any bones and Mr. O’Neil is getting all “O.K.”
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 31, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Dr. Brown was hastily summoned to the Willow Springs this morning to attend Bert McCormick. He was bitten by a rattlesnake last evening, so the messenger stated.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 31, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Bert McCormick, the gentleman whom the REPUBLICAN reported as being bitten by a rattlesnake last Monday at Willow Springs, was able to come up to the city today. His arm is still badly swollen and he is compelled to carry it in a sling. His arm was swollen until it measured 27 inches around Tuesday. It has gone down considerably today. The snake bit “Mc” on the forefinger of his right hand, the fangs entering one on each side of the finger. He went to pick up an armful of hay and ran his fingers directly into the snake’s mouth. Fortunately Dr. Brown was soon gotten and removed the poison. Bert is recovering from the effects of the bite gradually, but still has a bad looking arm.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 7, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Bert McCormick came up from the Willows today. He has almost recovered from his snake bite.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 6, 1886.
J. A. McCormick, manager of the Oil Cattle Company, wants to purchase 1,000 spring calves.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 6, 1886.
Wanted. 1,000 head of spring calves, steers preferred.
Address J. A. McCormick, P. O. Box 123, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 20, 1886.
Bert McCormick was in from the Willows yesterday, subpoenaed as a witness at the district court at Fort Smith. He is issuing beef to Wright & Tilton’s force of graders, and is having a “lively deal with the men,” as he expresses it, because their rations are too fat. To quiet this clamor he picked out the poorest cow he could find, but when she was slaughtered there was the same cause of complaint. He attributes this adipose condition to the dry summer, which gave greater detriment to the grass. He says he never saw the cattle in so good condition to go into the winter. Bert has entirely recovered from the rattlesnake bite, but the finger where the venomous beast’s fangs were fastened is shrunken, and it still remains numbed.
Am really surprised that the Traveler goofed so badly on the next article. The case concerned “J. C. Weathers.” Paper used “Withers” throughout. I corrected. MAW
Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1886.
J. A. McCormick returned from Fort Scott last Thursday, where he has been subpoenaed as a witness in the J. C. Weathers trespass case. This was a suit entered by the government last June to secure damages against the defendant for grazing his cattle on the Cherokee Strip, which the authorities of that nation had leased to the Oil Cattle Company. Weathers had been notified of his trespass, and Bert McCormick, on behalf of the above named company, had offered to graze his cattle at a nominal price, in order to avoid trouble. But Weathers was full of boomer notions, declared that the Cherokee had no right to the strip, and asserted his right to the use of the public domain. He was ejected, and the case came up in court to be tried by jury. A verdict was found in favor of the government, which throws the defendant in for the costs as well as the damages, which were assessed at $200. This virtually settles a question of long standing as to the right of non-citizens to graze cattle on Indian lands, and will serve as a wholesome admonition to small cattle owners.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 24, 1886.
Bert McCormick was in town on Monday as prosecuting witness in a crooked horse deal in which he was made the victim. But the case was postponed till next Monday.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 5, 1887. From Tuesday’s Daily.
John Young, who has been taking care of Bert McCormick’s cattle east of town, is down with an attack of the measles. Mr. Young stayed by his cattle until he was broken out and now he is having a pretty severe time.