Gibson McDade


Only reference to Gibson McDade that I could find...
Arkansas City Traveler, July 6, 1881.
Albert and Cal. Dean are up from their camps on Otter creek. King Berry returned on Monday, and Gibson McDade, Fred Whiting, Thos. Hill, and Drury Warren linger awhile with us.
Other McDade names found:
McDade, P. F., 30. Mother (?), Mary E. McDade, 62.
McDade, P. F., 31. Mother (?), Mary A., 65.
Chesby McDade...
Arkansas City Traveler, November 14, 1877.
SOUTH BEND, Nov. 8, 1877.
Mr. Chesby McDade is stopping with Mr. Campbell.
He is from Hamburg, Germany—just arrived.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.
DIED. Old Mr. McDade died last Friday morning.
Jefferson McDade...
Arkansas City Traveler, June 22, 1881.
A boy named McDade, working for Mr. Hon, of Pleasant Valley, decamped last week, after purloining a $20 bill, and came to town to squander the same. The theft was soon discovered, he was pursued, arrested, and at this time languishes in the Winfield jail. Seventeen dollars of the money stolen was recovered.
Winfield Courier, June 23, 1881.
A boy by the name of Jefferson McDade was arrested last week for theft. He had hired out to Mr. Hon, of Pleasant Valley township, to harvest; and the first night slept with Alvin Hon. Al. happened to have about $35.00 in his pocket, and young McDade took $20.00 of it and skipped out. He was followed and next day arrested in Arkansas City by Deputy Sheriff McIntire. $17.00 of the $20.00 was recovered, and the youth now languishes in jail.
Winfield Courier, June 30, 1881.
The jail is about full of boarders since Sheriff Shenneman brought in his forger. There are now six of the boys in limbo with four months until court. Willie Fogg is in for horse stealing; Theodore Miller for larceny; James Jackson for horse stealing; Jefferson McDade for stealing money; Richard Oldham for threatening to assault and shoot one Fullerlove, at Arkansas City; and Richard Lennox, Alias Haywood and Alias St. Clair for forgery. The last is perhaps the most noted criminal ever brought in to the state, having served several terms in the Illinois penitentiary, and has operated all over the U. S. and Canada.
Jefferson McDade...
Cowley County Courant, November 24, 1881.

“The motion for a new trial in both the Armstrong and Lennox cases, which were argued Monday, were overruled, and sentence was pronounced, and was that Thomas Armstrong be kept at hard labor in the penitentiary for fifteen years and to pay the cost of prosecution; Richard Lennox, convicted for forgery, ditto, seven years. J. McDade, grand larceny, one year. Jas. Jackson, horse stealing, five years. Emil Harmon, stealing hogs, four years. Joseph Rest will have an opportunity to ‘rest’ in the same place for eighteen months. A sort of a compromise verdict was rendered in the Sydal-Finch case. Wheeler & Wilson against Thompson was on trial when reporter left.”
Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.
The prisoners were sentenced Monday.
Armstrong, for the murder of James Riley [Riely], gets fifteen years in the penitentiary.
Haywood, forger, gets seven years.
Harmon, stealing hogs from Larson’s estate, four years.
McDade, stealing $20 from Al Horn [Hon], one year.
Jackson, horse stealing, five years.
Joseph Best, horse stealing, eighteen months.
Sheriff Shenneman started Tuesday with the six criminals for Leavenworth.
[Note: Above item showed “Al Horn,” The first time, they stated “Mr. Hon.”]