James McDermott


   Dexter Township and Winfield.
Kansas 1875 Census Dexter Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color   Place/birth Where from
James McDermott  33 m w New York Kentucky
Mary E. McDermott 28 f w Ohio Kentucky
Winfield 1880: James McDermott, 39. No spouse listed.
Winfield Directory 1880.
McDERMOTT, JAMES, lawyer, 9th avenue n. s. bet Main and Millington,
r. 12th avenue n. s. bet Millington and Loomis.
[Note: McDermott & Johnson move later in 1880 to Main Street and the northwest corner of 10th Avenue.]
McDERMOTT & JOHNSON, 9th avenue, n. s. between Main and Millington.
McDERMOTT & JOHNSON, lawyers, moved to Main n. w. corner 10th avenue.

BOOK, KANSAS, A Cyclopedia of State History, etc., PART II, Standard Publishing Company, Chicago, 1912, Page 1297.

James McDermott, of Winfield, Kansas, is the nestor of the Cowley County Bar and is also one of the most successful legal advocates that county has ever had. He was born in New York City June 6, 1841, son of Hugh McDermott and his wife, whose maiden name was Catherine Kennedy. Both the father and mother were natives of Ireland and immigrated to America with their respective parents when very young. Hugh McDermott first located in New York City, where he engaged in the mercantile business, but later he engaged in the contracting business, his operations being principally in Louisiana and other southern parts, especially along the Mississippi river, where he constructed levees and ditches. The youth, James McDermott, was employed as a newsboy in New Orleans during 1852 and 1853, and in the latter year his father took him to Concord, Kentucky, where he was employed in railway construction on the Maysville & Big Sandy railway. In the fall of 1853 he was bound out to a farmer in Lewis County. He received a common school education and taught one year of school prior to enlisting in the army in 1861. He enlisted as a private in Company I, Fourth Kentucky infantry, but was immediately made first sergeant and subsequently was promoted to be second lieutenant, then first lieutenant, and finally acting captain, in which capacity he served during the last year of the war. Just before the close of the war, however, he performed the duties of regimental adjutant. The Fourth Kentucky regiment was one of three which President Lincoln authorized Lieut. William Nelson of the navy, a native of Mason County, Kentucky, to raise in that state in the early summer of 1861. It became a part of the First Brigade, First Division, Army of the Ohio. Its first participation in actual hostilities was at the battle of Mill Springs, Kentucky, and from thence it marched via Coffey’s mill, Danville, Lebanon, and Bardstown to Louisville, where it embarked on boats for Nashville, arriving there March 4, 1862. It took part in the advance on Corinth, Mississippi, and after the evacuation of that place pursued the enemy as far as Booneville, Mississippi, and then returned to Corinth, marching via Iuka to Tuscumbia. It next joined Buell’s march from Nashville, Tennessee, to Louisville, Kentucky. This regiment took part in the Tullahoma, Tennessee, campaign and was in action at Hoover’s Gap, Concord church, and near Tullahoma. It went into action at Chickamauga with nineteen officers and 360 men and lost thirteen officers and 160 enlisted men in killed and wounded; and Company H, owing to the wounding of its captain, was commanded during this engagement by Lieutenant McDermott, losing nineteen men out of twenty-three. Lieutenant McDermott was struck three times in this battle and received one serious wound, which detained him in a hospital two months. He recovered, however, in time to participate in the battle of Missionary Ridge, where he fought under General Thomas. In this battle the Fourth Kentucky ascended the hill at the extreme left of the Army of the Cumberland. Early in January 1864 the regiment reenlisted and on the 29th returned to Kentucky on veteran furlough. Having received orders to be mounted, the regiment on May 16 again marched to the front, the scene of its activity a sharp skirmish at Mason’s church, and participated in the McCook raid, forty-five out of sixty men of Company I being captured. On its return to Marietta, Georgia, the regiment was so weakened by the capture of its members that Lieutenant McDermott was the ranking officer and in command for several days. He also served for a time as provost marshal on the staff of Major Root, commanding the brigade. The regiment was ordered back to Tennessee, however, and there participated in the campaign against Forrest. When the Confederate General Hood crossed the Tennessee, the Fourth Kentucky was in a sharp fight at Shoal creek, where it held a position enabling the Union command and artillery to fall back safely. The regiment moved with the cavalry in the battle before Nashville and took part in the pursuit of Hood. Captain McDermott was mustered out December 30, 1864, having seen hard service in some twenty-five different engagements.
After the close of the war, McDermott returned home and in the fall of 1865 taught one term of school. During the following winter he was engaged in hauling cooperage material to market and then, in the spring of 1866, began farming on a rented farm in Lewis County, Kentucky, being thus engaged one year. In August 1866 a full county ticket was to be elected. Friends of Captain McDermott persuaded him to be a candidate for the office of assessor. He was nominated for the office over seven other candidates and was duly elected for a term of four years. While serving in that capacity, he took up the study of law with Judge Thomas, of Vanceburg, Kentucky, and by diligent and earnest study was prepared for his admission to the bar, which took place in Lewis County in December 1867. He began the practice of his profession in the office of his preceptor, Judge Thomas, and there continued until 1870, when he responded to the call of the West and came to Kansas. He located in Cowley County and took a claim of 160 acres on the site of Dexter, of which town he is the founder, and which now includes within the town limits sixty acres of Captain McDermott’s original claim, the remainder of which he still owns. He was one of the firm of H. S. Tyler & Company, who operated the first store in Dexter. He remained on his claim until January 1877 when he removed to Winfield and took up the duties of county attorney, having been elected to that office in the fall of 1876.

In 1872 he was elected a member of the state legislature and served one term, being defeated for reelection by the strong farmers’ movement in the next campaign. He is an ardent Republican and has always taken a lively interest in the work of his party, having served as the first chairman of the Cowley County Republican central committee. He also served as chairman of the county temperance convention in 1880.
Captain McDermott had as a law partner, A. P. Johnson, with whom he was associated in practice from 1880 until 1901. The firm was the oldest and most firmly established in the county and for over thirty years enjoyed a large and lucrative practice.
Captain McDermott is recognized as a lawyer of exceptional intellectual vigor and skill, with great resourcefulness of mind and a thorough knowledge of legal precedent. His success, however, has been won by untiring and honorable effort, so that today, when more than three score years and ten, he is eminently worthy of the respect and esteem he commands, both as a legal advocate and as a citizen. He is serving his fortieth year as notary public, having held eleven commissions.
Captain McDermott has been married twice. His first wife, whom he wedded in 1874, was a Miss Mary E. Bertram, daughter of Adam Bertram, who was a native of Scotland. She bore him four children—a son and three daughters. James A. McDermott is now court stenographer in Cowley County. Isabella C. is the wife of J. G. Davidson of Manitou, Colorado. Mary B. McDermott is at home with her father. Elizabeth McDermott died in infancy. The mother of these children died in 1883; and in 1884 Captain McDermott married Miss Tirzah A., daughter of Joseph Henderson, of Dexter, Kansas. To this second union was born two sons and one daughter: George T. McDermott, who is a law partner of Robert Stone, of Topeka, and is a graduate of the law department of the Chicago University; William F. McDermott, who is the city editor of the Evening Free Press, of Winfield, and reported the proceedings of the state legislature during the session of 1911; and Margaret McDermott, who died in infancy. Captain McDermott is proud of his children, as he well may be, for each of them is striving to make his or her life count for good and usefulness, and they command the respect of all who know them.
Captain McDermott is a member of the Blue Lodge Chapter and Commandery of the Masonic order, and has served as worshipful master of the lodges at Dexter and Winfield, and as high priest of the chapter at Winfield. He also served as senior deacon in the Kansas Grand Lodge one year. He associates with old comrades in arms as a member of Siverd Post, No. 85, Grand Army of the Republic, Department of Kansas, at Winfield, and has served as its commander. He is also a member of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Captain McDermott and his family are members of the Baptist church.

1870. McDermott set up his law office in Dexter, Kansas.
1873. McDermott becomes Representative. Served only one term.
1873. McDermott has a partner in the real estate business in Dexter: Dempsey Elliott.
McDermott elected Cowley County Attorney in November 1876 election.
January 1877. McDermott moves to Winfield. Has office in Courthouse.
February 1877. McDermott purchases stone residence of Col. J. M. Alexander.

By October 1877 McDermott has his law office on the north side of 9th Avenue. On the lot west of him is located the Winfield Courier office. On the lot east of him is located the office of J. F. Graham and John Moffitt lumberyard, located on the corner of 9th Avenue and Millington Streets.
August 1879. McDermott’s office in Manning’s Building, corner Main & 9th Ave.
March 1880. James McDermott and A. P. Johnson start law partnership.
June 1880. McDermott and Johnson locate in the W. L. Morehouse building, northwest corner of Main Street and 10th Avenue. They occupied front room upstairs.
February 1883. McDermott & Johnson move to Manning building over Post Office.
September 1885. McDermott & Johnson located on 9th Avenue next to Sol Frederick’s Livery Barn. [Frederick & Son (Sol Z. and Lincoln Frederick), livery and feed stable, 212 East 9th Avenue.]
Cowley County Censor, October 21, 1871.
Last Saturday the Republican Delegate Convention met at this place and, notwithstanding the day was stormy and disagreeable, all the townships were represented except Creswell.
Delegates Dexter Township: Jas. McDermott, J. H. Reynolds, and G. P. Wagner.
The convention was called to order by J. McDermott, Chairman of the Central Committee.
Central Committee for Ensuing Year: Dexter township, James McDermott; Creswell township, G. H. Norton; Beaver township, L. M. Kennedy; Rock township, John Irwin; Winfield township, L. J. Webb.
L. J. Webb was chosen Chairman and John Irwin Secretary.
Cowley County Censor, October 28, 1871.
GROUSE CREEK, Oct. 22nd, 1871.
Judging a few items from this locality will be of sufficient interest to the readers of the CENSOR for their perusal, I will give them the few items on hand.
In the first place, our country is being settled up by immigrants rather slowly, but surely, as all those who are taking claims now show earnestness by the improvements they are making. There is a great deal of upland to be had yet.
The controversy over the claim on which Dexter is situated, I trust is nearly over, for it has retarded the growth of Dexter and the country surrounding it. If justice be done, Capt. McDermott will surely get the claim, then there would be an effort made to liven up matters a little.
The crops here have done pretty well, as several pieces of corn average 70 and 80 bushels to the acre. At present it is worth 50 cents per bushel. The potato crop is good also, in fact, all kinds of vegetables have done well.
The prairies have been burning, but little damage has been done, except the destroying of the range for cattle.
Quite a number of teams have passed up out of the Territory since the issuance of the Indian Agent’s orders.

Winfield Messenger, July 12, 1872.
A Convention of the Attorneys of the 13th Judicial District will be held at Winfield, in Cowley County, on the 25th day of July, A. D. 1872, for the purpose of recommending to the District Convention, or Conventions, to be held for that purpose, a Candidate for nomination for Judge of said District to be voted for at the next general election.
and many others, attorneys of said district.
Winfield Messenger, July 26, 1872.
Mr. Herman, E. L. Akin, and G. P. Garland of Augusta; Mr. McDermott of Dexter; L.  B. Kellogg and C. R. Mitchell of Arkansas City, were in attendance at court this week.
Winfield Messenger, August 30, 1872.
The Convention held at Winfield, Wednesday, August 20, for the purpose of nominating county officers, etc., was organized by electing J. B. Parmelee temporary Chairman, and J. P. Short temporary Secretary. A committee of one delegate from each Township was appointed on credentials; during their absence the Convention call was read by the secretary, and speeches were made by the different candidates notable among which was that of Capt. McDermott. Committee on credentials reported the names of sixty-six delegates entitled to vote, and at being present, or repre­sented by proxy. Report received and committee discharged. J. B. Parmelee was then unanimously elected permanent President of the Convention and J. P. Short was elected permanent Secretary. On motion L. J. Webb was elected Assistant Secretary.
On motion the Convention proceeded to an informal ballot for Representative, with the following result.
JAMES McDERMOTT, 32; M. M. JEWETT, 16; S. M. BALL, 10; A. H. BECK, 4; J. B. BROWN, 3; J. B. FAIRBANK, 1. On motion the nomination of Mr. McDermott was made unanimous.
Winfield Messenger, September 20, 1872.

For Representative: J. M. McDermott.
Capt. James McDermott is a citizen of Dexter, where he located two years ago. He is a lawyer of ability and is a member of the Republican party. His course, since he has been among us, has been spotless. He is an old soldier, and the principles for which he fought will always be maintained. He comes from the portion of the county which is this year entitled to the Representative.
Winfield Messenger, October 18, 1872.
The candidates for the various offices to be filled this fall are now before the public.
County candidates: McDermott and Deming, the Republican and Liberal candidates for the Legislature, are taking the lead in the campaign.
Mr. McDermott is one of the oldest and best Republicans in the county, is well informed in regard to the political questions of the day, and will make a good representative.
Winfield Messenger, November 1, 1872.
Sam Wood spoke in Winfield last Tuesday night on the side of the “lost cause.” He came like a thief in the night unheralded and stealthily. A Liberal fight glimmered and fluttered along the streets of Winfield, notifying the faithful that Sam had come and with the aid of a tinkling sheep bell rung by a boy a crowd was called together to hear him. Sam spoke for two hours and fifteen minutes and convinced the audience that he was an amusing jester of the “now you see it and now you don’t see it” style. When Sam talks on politics, nobody, not even Sam Wood, knows how much to believe of what he says. He commenced speaking at 8 o’clock and repeated his rigmarole for the ninety-fourth time in this fall’s canvas; talking against history, truth, reason, and time, and running himself into the ground at fifteen minutes past 10 by the clock. No opportunity was offered by his very “liber­al” admirers to anyone present to reply to the wag. In truth, Sam did not want or intend that anyone should follow him and correct his misstatements. But anyone who heard his statements to the end readily discovered that his local conclusions contra­dicted themselves. To illustrate: Sam says the people in the Southern states are prevented from voting as they desire by Grant’s bayonets but closes his speech with the assurance that all the Southern states will cast large majorities against Grant. Now anyone would naturally suppose that if Grant was the tyrant he is represented to be, he would not let these southern “liber­als” carry all those states against his own re-election.
AT TISDALE, on Wednesday night, Sam repeated a good portion of his Winfield speech, though better “hedged.” He was notified that the situation there in the matter of time and irresponsibility would not be his entirely.

It being the regular joint discussion meeting of the county canvas, Sam took Mr. Deming’s place and spoke one hour. Capt. McDermott followed him one hour. Next in order came Capt. Payne, the Liberal candidate for Senator, who spoke five minutes of the half hour allotted him, and gave Sam Wood the remainder of his time. Following Payne came Mr. Manning; and following him, Sam. Sam tried very hard to so speak in the opening of the debate so as to avoid any denials or exposure, but Capt. McDermott was more than his equal as a reasoner and better posted in National politics and history and what was of more weight his words and manner had the air of candor and honesty, and every sophistry put forth by Wood was torn to atoms by McDermott. When Wood’s speech was riddled of sophistry and falsehoods there was nothing left.
Mr. Manning made some pleasant remarks and exposed Wood’s bad reason and conclusions ably, during the thirty minutes given him.
The meeting closed with a little more of Wood’s rigmarole and a few remarks from each candidate present.
Not a cheer for Greeley and Brown was ventured or suggested at either meeting for the reason we suppose that it would have been a dangerous experiment, where there were three men to hurray for Grant to one for Greeley.
Thus came and went the great Liberal comet, with more “light” in his “tale” than in his head, and comet like the light was borrowed.
Winfield Courier, Saturday, January 11, 1873.
James McDermott, the chosen Candidate for the honorable position of Representative from this county, passed through town on his way to Topeka. We congratulate the people of Cowley over their wise selection.
Winfield Courier, Saturday, January 25, 1873.
[For the COURIER.]
James McDermott. Our Representative in the state Legislature has found enough to do in Topeka and has gone to work with a will. His work before organization was to help W. W. Walton through as journal clerk, in which he succeeded so completely that there was no opposition when the vote was taken. On the first day after organization, he presented a bill to amend and define the laws in relation to voting bonds, so as to remove all doubt as to what must be done to make an election legal, and a bill to fund the county indebtedness. Both of these measures are of great impor­tance to this county. COWLEY.
Winfield Courier, February 15, 1873.
Legislative. Capt. Jas. McDermott was honored with an appointment on the York-Pomeroy investigating committee. Pomeroy gave $7,000 to York, but says it was to hand to a banker at Independence to pay up his stock in a national bank to be established at that place, and that York used it for the purpose of defeating him and to make himself popular throughout the State.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 20, 1873.
RECAP: LEGISLATIVE NEWS...Investigation Committee is still at work...gave Mr. B. F. Simpson a rigid examination yesterday. Examination of Mr. York again resumed re private interviews held with Pomeroy at Washington, in reference to the removal of the U. S. Land Office from Neodesha to Independence.
Mr. Sexton of Wilson County offered resolution:
“WHEREAS, At the joint convention for the election of U. S. Senator, Col. York, a Senator from the 24th district, made statements to the effect that he knew of certain members of this house who have Pomeroy’s money burning in their pockets, and at the proper time he would point them out; and
WHEREAS, He has as yet failed to designate such “members of this house” as the people of this state were led to expect from his statements; therefore be it

Resolved, That it is but justice to this house that he be requested to make satisfactory explanation, or sustain these charges; and be it further
Resolved, That the Sergeant at Arms be directed to furnish Col. York a copy of these resolutions at the earliest practicable moment.”
On motion, the resolution was unanimously adopted.
They concluded that Senator York had had his day...and more or less branded him a liar and a villain.
Bill introduced: H. B. No. 263, by Mr. McDermott: An Act to amend an Act entitled, “An Act to provide for the regulation of the running at large of animals,” approved Feb. 24, 1872.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 13, 1873.
Public Meeting. There will be a meeting of our citizens at the Court House this evening, to welcome Hon. Jas. McDermott on his return from the Capitol, and hear an account of his
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 27, 1873.
On Monday of this week court convened at this place, his Honor, Judge W. P. Campbell, presiding. We notice the following members of the bar present from a distance: Hon. W. P. Hackney, from Sumner County; Judge M. S. Adams, of Leavenworth County; and Hon. James McDermott, of Dexter, and C. R. Mitchell, of Arkansas City.
Real Estate Partnership at Dexter: James McDermott and Dempsey Elliott...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 8, 1873.
The weather has been extremely hot, cold, wet, and dry for the last few weeks. The last few days augur more favorably for spring—real spring—one of the wags over this way thinks “dog-days” will bring warm weather. He may be mistaken, though, for it seems as if all the signs known to the weather-wise will fail.
S. F. Graham has sold his farm near this place, with a view of moving to Texas. Several families are going with him.
The saw mill that was situated above Dexter three miles has been moved up the river by the owners, French & Shriver.
The corn crop will be extensive. Hundreds of acres are being put in by the “little farmer.”
McDermott & Elliott is the firm name of the real estate agents at this place. They have had printed a circular on the back page of letter paper a brief description of Cowley County, together with a condensed history of its organization and prog­ress. No better plan could have been devised to advertise the advantages of this county. Dozens of these circulars go in every mail to every part of the country, and I may also say that their lists of lands for sale comprise some of the best farms of Cowley County.
Speaking of our mail, brings to mind the fact that its regularities consists mainly in its irregularity. JO KERR.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 27, 1873.
Capt. McDermott, our worthy representative, paid us a visit this week. Also, Dempsey Elliot, Esq., Mac’s partner in law and real estate business.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 26, 1873.
The citizens of Winfield, in pursuance to a previous call, met at the Methodist church this evening to take into consider­ation the subject of appropriately celebrating the 4th of July, 1873. Col. J. T. Quarles was chosen chairman, and J. C. Lillie Secretary. The various committees appointed by a former meeting were read and approved. The only principal question before the meeting was the selection of appropriate grounds upon which to hold the celebration.
It was resolved to prepare an arbor with seats and rostrum for speakers, in the nearest and best adapted grove for the purpose. The races, as heretofore advertised, to come off at 3 o’clock p.m. upon the Fair Grounds of the Cowley County Agricul­tural Society.
Officers of the day were chosen as follows: Chaplains, Rev. J. B. Parmelee and Lowry. Reader of the Declaration of Indepen­dence, Byron A. Snow. Marshal, Col. J. T. Quarles. Orators, J. B. Fairbank, Hon. Jas. McDermott, J. W. Scull, Esq.
It was ordered by the meeting to prepare grounds for the accommodation of 5,000 people.
COL. J. T. QUARLES, Chairman. J. C. LILLIE, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 10, 1873.
RECAP: Grand march at 11 a.m., with at least 2,500 in march to the speakers’ stand. Rev. Lowery invoked blessing; Byron A. Snow read Declaration of American Independence; John B. Fairbank, Esq., delivered oration. After lunch: address by D. C. Scull, speech by Hon. James McDermott, benediction by Rev. J. B. Parmelee. March again taken up. Late in the evening a balloon ascension took place. Funny thing: fireworks not mentioned.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 31, 1873.
Hon. William P. Hackney and Hon. James McDermott called on us yesterday evening.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 7, 1873. Editorial Page.
The Murder Trial. The most important case tried at this session of the Dis­trict Court was the case of James Stewart, charged with the murder of Marcus L. Parker, Deputy United States Marshal, last spring on Grouse Creek in this county.
The prosecution was ably and faithfully conducted by the County Attorney, E. S. Torrance, and Captain James McDermott, while the prisoner was defended by Hon. W. P. Hackney, of Wel­lington, Sumner County; and ___ Putman, of the firm of Case & Putman, Topeka.
Nothing was left undone by these gentlemen to acquit their client. They contested manfully every inch of ground, and Mr. Hackney maintained his reputation of being one of the best criminal lawyers in the state. That Stewart was guilty as an accessory to the killing of Parker, there can be no doubt in the minds of those who heard the testimony on the trial. The jury taking into consideration Stewart’s youth and hitherto good character brought in a verdict of manslaughter in the third degree, for which he was sentenced to the Penitentiary, there to remain at hard labor for the period of three years.

We cannot close this article without making allusion to the witnesses for the prosecution: Joseph W. Vannoy, F. M. Watkins, and G. M. Carpenter. These gentlemen were the posse with Marcus L. Parker when he was killed. Joseph W. Vannoy tracked this man Stewart through Missouri, and finally arrested him in Iroquois county, Illinois. Mr. Vannoy has been in the business of hunting criminals for several years, and Marcus L. Parker is the tenth man that has been murdered by his side while attempting to arrest criminals and although, in nearly every case he has been the target for the first shot, strange to say that he has never yet received a scratch. We wish Mr. Vannoy all the success he deserves in bringing the guilty to justice.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 2, 1873. Editorial Page.
For Representative: JAMES McDERMOTT.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 16, 1873.
Capt. McDermott and the republican candidates left on the grand rounds of the county last Monday.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 30, 1873.
Among the lawyers in attendance at the District Court from abroad, we notice Col. J. M. Alexander of Leavenworth; Hon. Wm. P. Hackney, of Wellington; Gen. Rogers of Eureka, and Judge M. L. Adams of Wichita. From Arkansas City are C. R. Mitchell and A. J. Pyburn. From Dexter, Hon. James McDermott. Our own bar is, as usual, ably represented by Fairbank, Torrance & Green, Webb & Bigger, Manning & Johnson, Louis T. Michener, Pryor & Kager, and T. H. Suits.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 30, 1873.
Last Monday night as Capt. McDermott and W. W. Walton were returning from Tisdale, where they had been speaking, the buggy overturned and they were emptied carelessly into the road. W. W. landed upon his head and therefore his injuries were very slight, but the Captain, less fortunate, struck on his face with such force as to lose consciousness for a time. His injuries were not serious, however, although his proboscis is somewhat the worse for wear, and looks as though somebody had been putting a head on him. On the same night E. B. Kager came into town balancing on a single spring.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 6, 1873. Editorial Page.
Recap: Due to the vote by farmers dissatisfied with the status quo in Cowley County, William Martin was elected by a small majority as Representative of Cowley County, defeating Captain McDermott.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 6, 1873.
McDermott says he does not so much object to a trip up salt creek as he does to the shabby crew with whom he is compelled to make it.
Winfield Courier, November 20, 1873. Editorial Page.
The Telegram says the election of Hon. Wm. Martin was an anti-Manning and McDermott victory. If this be true, then the election of the remainder of the Republican ticket is a Manning and McDermott victory. If all the labor and all the falsehoods spent in the canvass by the Telegram were for the purpose of obtaining an anti-Manning and McDermott victory, so far as its interest in the election was concerned, then we are content. It ought to know its own impulses. But so far as the vote of the county was concerned, we presume that other motives entered into the question of electing candidates.

Winfield Courier, November 20, 1873.
A CORDIAL INVITATION To participate in the festivities of the day is hereby extended to all the soldiers residing in the county. The following PROGRAMME will be observed.
AT 10, A.M. THE Reception Committee will commence to make up the Roster and distribute tickets for DINNER To all whose names are entered thereon.
AT 11, A.M. SOLDIERS will fall into line, in marching order, on Main Street, the right resting on Ninth Avenue, under the direction of the officer of the day, CAPT. McARTHUR, And march to the COURTHOUSE Where an address of welcome will be delivered by Captain S. C. Smith, The Mayor of Winfield, and the organization of the Soldiers’ Union completed.
AT 1, P.M. SOLDIERS will fall in for dinner.
AT 3, P.M. THERE will be a meeting in the Courthouse, and addresses will be delivered by the following soldiers: Chaplain E. P. Hickok, Maj. J. B. Fairbank, Capt. James McDermott, A. D. Keith, S. M. Fall, Maj. T. B. Ross, Rev. N. L. Rigby, J. C. Bigger, Esq., and other soldiers present.
AT 7, P.M. THERE WILL BE A GRAND BALL! And dancing will be in order, to conclude the festivities of the day.
The proceedings of the day will be enlivened with appropri­ate music by the Winfield and Arkansas City Cornet Bands. A. A. JACKSON, Chairman Committee on Arrangements.
J. P. SHORT, Secretary.
Committee on Music. T. A. Wilkinson, Chairman, Mrs. W. D. Roberts, Miss Emma Leffingwell, L. J. Webb and John Kirby.
Winfield Courier, November 20, 1873.
A. Walton is out again in the Telegram crowing over the defeat of James McDermott. Walton has labored for the last two years to destroy the Republican party, and boasts that he has succeeded. What a giant Walton is, to succeed in breaking up a party his friends failed in a four years’ war to break up. He has also tried, the same length of time, to make the people of Cowley believe that they did not want to send smart men to the Legislature. Knowing that if the people conclude to drop smart men and take up ignoramus, there would be a good chance for A. Walton.
Winfield Courier, November 27, 1873.
Capt. McDermott called upon us Wednesday. He looks fat and hearty since the race.
Winfield Courier, January 9, 1874.
Every person in Cowley County who can raise enough money to pay half fare is going to Topeka as a delegate to the third house. Our worthy legislator, Hon. Wm. Martin, and his noon-day shadow, Allison, have already taken their departure and they will be followed in due time by W. W. Walton, R. L. Walker, E. B. Kager, James McDermott, James Kelly, and others too numerous to mention.
Winfield Courier, January 23, 1874.

And now we have a word to say about Rev. Wm. Martin, the reformers’ representative from Cowley County. He made haste to get to Topeka four or five days before the Legislature met to join in a grand rally of the forces organizing to break up the Republican party under the head of what was called “opposition.” He signed a pledge to ignore party and adhere only to reform. Railroads and railroad monopolies were the special object of their hate. In the meantime they had all received and accepted passes from the railroad companies. Anthony, who is a Republi­can, in order to test the mettle of the reformers, introduced a resolution requiring every member to deliver his railroad pass to the Clerk of the House to be returned to the railroad companies. Rev. Martin and seventy-five others voted against allowing the resolution to be considered, thus keeping his passes and acknowl­edging his obligations to the hated monopolies.
On Monday last, there was a caucus of the Republican members of the Legislature at which there were present seventy-seven out of one hundred and thirty-nine members of both Houses, including Speaker McEckron. This number declared their fealty to the Republican party and pledged themselves to stand by it. Rev. Martin, of Cowley, went into the caucus but formally withdrew from it saying that he belonged to no party. How does this tally with the editorial of his manager, Mr. Allison, published in the Telegram immediately after the election, in which it was said that Martin’s election was not an anti-Republican victory, but an anti-Manning and McDermott victory? Martin seems intent upon “busting” the Republican party by abandoning it, and to “bust” the railroads by riding on them free.
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1874.
James McDermott, E. S. Torrance, W. W. Walton, and James Kelly returned home last Monday night.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1874.
We take pleasure in being able to chronicle the fact that Hon. Wm. Martin has voted for the resolution submitting to a vote of the people whether we will have a Constitutional Convention, but are sorry to miss his name from the list of those who voted on the Apportionment bill. No doubt Mr. Martin had some good excuse for being absent when that very important measure was voted upon, and he can, perhaps, now see the senselessness of the howl made by his backers last fall, over the fact that McDermott failed to vote on the Mortgage Exemption bill.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874
D. A. Millington, Esq., was examined by lawyers McDermott, Mitchell, and Adams, and admitted to the bar by Judge Campbell at this term of Court.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874
The following are the Attorneys attending at the District Court: Hon. Wm. P. Hackney, Wellington; Hon. Jas. McDermott, Dexter; C. R. Mitchell, A. J. Pyburn, L. B. Kellogg, Arkansas City; Gen. Rogers, Eureka; M. S. Adams, Wichita; Fairbank, Torrance & Green, L. J. Webb, Manning & Johnson, Judge R. B. Saffold, Lewis T. Michener, Esq., Suits & Wood, D. A. Millington, Winfield.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.
James McDermott was paid $2.00 for serving as an Election Clerk.
Winfield Courier, June 26, 1874.

Capt. McDermott, of Dexter, was in to see us this week. He in company with L. J. Webb, Capt. Hunt, and T. A. Rice, visited Wellington on Tuesday on business connected with the Masonic Order.
Winfield Courier, July 31, 1874. Editorial Page.
WELL MERITED. The Parsons Sun, speaking of the probable nomination of Hon. Jas. McDermott for Congress, in the 3rd District, pays the Captain the following well merited tribute.
We see it announced that Captain James McDermott of Cowley County will be a candidate for Congress before the Third District Convention of the Republican party. We don’t know of a man in the district who would make a more energetic, resolute, and able representative.
He was a brave and gallant soldier and never flinched to go where duty called. In one of the most critical moments of our military life just at the dawn of day, during General McCook’s raid around Atlanta, Georgia, Mac stood fearless and gallantly by our side as he had often done before and often did afterwards. He served his country faithfully, honorably, and well, and his blood mingled in the crimson tide that attained the field at the great battle of Chickamauga.
He represented his county with great credit to himself in the legislature of 1873, and his constituents would honor them­selves by sending him to congress.
Winfield Courier, July 31, 1874.
Capt. James McDermott, of Dexter, and Henry Smith, of Cloverdale, called on us last Wednesday.
Excerpt from a lengthy article...
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874. [Editorial by James Kelly.]
The P. O. ring and the Telegram, have done for two years, and are still doing their best, to destroy the Republican party, and to defeat its noble mission. Two years ago this fall the
P. O. ring opposed the Republican nominees and worked up the liberal ticket and supported it. Capt. McDermott, the Republican nominee, was elected to the House in spite of them. As a member of the legislature from Cowley County he sent forty copies of the Commonwealth every week during the session, to the Winfield post office for distribution among the people here that they might know what the action of their representative was. Postmaster Johnston did not distribute those papers, but destroyed them, and Capt. McDermott knew nothing of it until his return. Not one word of reproach can be raised against Capt. McDermott while a member of the legislature.
Nor can one word of reproach be truthfully said against any of the county officers elected by the Republican party two years ago, save it be some acts of the county board.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1874.

Court convened last Monday, the following lawyers in attendance: Webb & Millington, Pryor & Kager, Fairbank, Torrance & Green, Alexander & Saffold, Suits & Wood, E. C. Manning, W. P. Hackney, T. H. Johnson, and John E. Allen, of Winfield. J. Wade McDonald, of Wellington. M. S. Adams and Chas. Hatton, of Wichita. James McDermott, of Dexter; and C. R. Mitchell and L. B. Kellogg, of Arkansas City.
Winfield Courier, December 10, 1874.
MARRIED. After four years of sojourn in Kansas, James McDermott, a former well known resident of this city, returned to our city on Sunday last. The following morning he was married to our lady friend, Miss Mary E. Bertram, and on the afternoon of the same day, in company with his accomplished bride, he started for his established home in the west. They have the solicitude of numerous friends and acquaintances for their future happiness.
Vanceburg Kentuckian.
The above tells the story. The happy pair returned to their home in Dexter a few days ago to begin life in earnest. We extend to them our congratulations and wish them a long life of unalloyed happiness and prosperity.
Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.
Capt. McDermott and his newly made wife were in the city last week. He came prepared, however, and dealt out the champagne liberally to the band who gave him a serenade on Saturday eve.
Winfield Courier, January 14, 1875.
Captain James McDermott and Dr. J. P. Wagner were in town last Monday.
Winfield Courier, January 21, 1875.
Esquire Ballou and other farmers living in the vicinity of Dexter, through the management of Capt. McDermott, are about to secure a large loan of money from a capitalist of Hamilton, New York, at the low rate of 12 percent per annum. This they propose to loan in smaller quantities to other farmers at a small advance and secure the same by first mortgages on their farms. If this arrangement be perfected, and it is probable that it will, none of our 36 or 50 percent men will have to emigrate.
Winfield Courier, February 4, 1875.
THE COUNTY BOND QUESTION. Quite a respectable show is being made by those who favor issuing county bonds to take up the outstanding scrip of Cowley County. The county commissioners have asked for the passage of a special law on the subject, notwithstanding there is a general law whereby they can issue bonds by first submitting the question to a vote of the people. The county council P. of H., is said to have passed a resolution to the same effect. Some of the county newspapers are in favor of it, although the publishers thereof made political capital against Capt. McDermott a little over one year ago because he procured the passage of a law allowing the bonding of said debt. As for us, without discussing the economi­cal features of the proposition, we still hold that a majority of the people of the county are opposed to bonding the county for any purpose. And as long as that is the sentiment of the majority, we shall not favor any bond proposition unless it be first submitted to a vote of the taxpayers. We cannot advise any short cut to defeat an expression of the sense of the people. When the question is submitted in proper form, we shall have something to say on its merits. Perhaps the constitutionality of a law issuing bonds by a special act when there is a general law that is applicable, is worth a little consideration.
Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.
We are sorry to learn that Mrs. James McDermott of Dexter is dangerously ill.

Winfield Courier, March 18, 1875.
A bill has passed both branches of the Legislature to allow Cowley County to fund its indebtedness. We thought Cowley County funded its indebtedness only two years ago. Wilson County Citizen.
Two years ago a bill passed the legislature allowing Cowley to fund its indebtedness. No action was taken at that time under the bill. Capt. McDermott, who was the member at the time the bill was passed, was a candidate the next fall for the House. His action in passing said bill was used against him by the opposition and contributed largely to his defeat. Now, in the present month, the County Commissioners are funding the county’s indebtedness under said bill, and propose to fund the remainder under the new bill. Altogether, our indebtedness amounts to about $30,000. This action of the Commissioners would seem a vindication of Capt. McDermott’s course on the funding measure. Tardy justice.
Winfield Courier, March 25, 1875.
Captain James McDermott sent a few days ago a request to Senator Ingalls to have sixty or thereabouts packages of seeds sent to him for distribution at Dexter. In response the Senator sent one hundred packages of vegetable seeds to the Captain.
Winfield Courier, March 25, 1875.
The District Court is in full blast, Hon. W. P. Campbell presiding. The following attorneys are in attendance: Webb & Millington, Hackney & McDonald, E. C. Manning, J. B. Fairbank, Pryor & Kager, T. H. Suits, John E. Allen, A. H. Green, Alexander & Saffold, T. H. Johnson, M. S. Adams of Wichita, C. R. Mitchell and L. B. Kellogg of Arkansas City, James McDermott of Dexter, and A. J. Pyburn, County Attorney.
Winfield Courier, April 22, 1875.
The township assessors met pursuant to previous notice, to agree upon a basis of valuation of property. The house being called to order, W. A. Freeman was chosen Chairman and W. M. Berkey, Secretary.
The following reported their names.
H. C. McDermott, Dexter Township.
Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.
Hon. James McDermott is to make the oration at Lazette next Saturday.
Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.
We noticed Hon. James McDermott and Messrs. Harden and Hines, of Dexter, C. R. Mitchell of the City, McD. Stapleton of Lazette, and J. R. Musgrove of South Haven, in town yesterday.
Winfield Courier, October 7, 1875. Editorial Page.
THE TICKET. The ticket nominated last Saturday by the Republican County Convention is, all things, considered, one of the strongest and best ever nominated in the county.

NOMINATED AT CONVENTION FOR REPRESENTATIVE: E. C. MANNING, WM. P. HACKNEY, NATHAN HUGHES, AND WILLIAM WHITE. The first was an informal ballot, which resulted as follows: Manning 32, Hackney 11, White 5, Hughes, 12. After considerable sparing, Col. Manning, for the sake of harmony, declined the nomination. The names of L. J. Webb and James McDermott were placed before the Convention. The friends of Manning insisted on still voting for him and so declared their intention, whereupon the names of Webb and McDermott were withdrawn. The first ballot resulted as follows: Manning, 29 votes, Hackney, 22, Hughes, 9. No choice, Hughes withdrew his name in favor of W. P. Hackney. Second ballot resulted as follows: Manning, 32 votes; Hackney, 28. Manning declared nominated.
Winfield Courier, October 21, 1875.
The “Reform Central Committee,” i. e., Mr. Amos Walton, declined to enlighten the good people of Dexter on his subject of “Credit Mobelier,” when called upon by Capt. McDermott the other night. Why didn’t you tell them, Amos, that owing to the recent troubles in the South, the credit of Mobile was not good. That would answer just as well, as they don’t know anything about such a question (?). “Don’t fly your kite so high” next time. The people of this county read the papers and keep posted.
Excerpts from Centennial Issue...
A convention was held at Dexter on Sept. 3rd. That body selected H. B. Norton as the delegate from Cowley County to the State Convention, and selected a County Republican Central Committee, of which James McDermott was appointed chairman and W. P. Hackney secretary. Shortly after the Sept. 3rd convention, the chairman of the Central Committee, appointed at Dexter, issued a call for a Republican convention to be held at Winfield, Oct. 3rd, to nominate a candidate for representative and candidates for county offices. The ticket then nominated can be found in the “Annals.”

DEXTER is situated in the valley of Grouse Creek 18 miles from Winfield and contains a population of 66. It contains two general stores by Hardin & Co. and F. Henrion, both carrying large stocks; one dress-making and millinery establishment, by Mrs. Black; two physicians, G. P. Wagner and Dr. Rood; one lawyer, James McDermott; one hotel by J. Williams; one blacksmith by J. Graham, and one steam saw and flouring mill; one resident minister, P. G. Smith. It has also a frame schoolhouse in which a school, free to all, is kept for nine months in the year, and having, at the present time, an attendance of 65. It is the intention to grade this school at the beginning of the year. Two churches, the Methodist and Christian, have organizations at this point and maintain regular preaching. There is a considerable sprinkling of other denominations but no organizations as yet. Dexter Grange, No. 1195, P. of H., and Dexter Lodge, No. 156, A. F. & A. M., are both located here and both are prospering. The town plat covers an area of 23 acres and contains about 100 lots. It was surveyed and platted by W. W. Walton, county surveyor, Nov. 13th, 1875, and the plats have not been filed for record yet, but will be in a few days, after which the lots will be offered for sale. Lots will be donated to parties who desire to improve them. The lots on Main street are 25 feet front by 160 deep. The other lots are 50 feet front and of the same depth. The vacant lots are the property of the “Dexter Town Association,” and information in regard to them or the town, or county, can be obtained either of P. G. Smith, President, or James McDermott, Secretary of the association.
In the early spring of 1870, when there were scarcely a half dozen families in the fifty miles from the head to the mouth of Grouse Creek, but a great many bachelors living in their rude cabins with scarcely a sign of civilization around them, it was thought by some that the beautiful valley just below the conflu­ence of a stream, which they called Plum Creek, would be a good place to build a town, which should become, in time, the metropo­lis of Grouse Creek and possibly the county seat. The county was not surveyed at that time and this point was believed to be near the center. All mail for this section was received through the Post Office at Eureka, 65 miles northeast, and the railroad was reached at Emporia, 50 miles further north.
Certain parties at Emporia, hearing of this desirable spot, organized the “Dexter Town Company” in July, 1870. C. B. Bacheller, George W. Freder­ick, and L. N. Robinson, of Emporia, Alex. Stevens, and Thos. Manning, of Grouse Creek, were the incorporators. This company paid the secretary of State five dollars for their charter and then ceased active operations. It hasn’t been heard from since.
The settlers erected the body of a log house and covered it sometime in the spring of 1870. In July of that year Tyler & Evans opened a small store in it. The first house, on what is now the town plat, was built by James McDermott, who moved into it January 25th, 1871.
In September, 1870, the post office was established with I. B. Todd as Postmaster, and in March, 1871, the first mail carrier arrived from Eureka. There is now a regular mail three times a week from Winfield. In the fall of 1871 a frame schoolhouse 26 by 40 feet was erected at a cost of $2,000. A six months school was sustained each year until 1874 when the term was increased to nine months.
In February, 1874, Dexter Grange, No. 1105, was organized; and on the 28th of May, 1874, Dexter Lodge, U. D. A. F. & A. M., was established, being constituted under a charter with the number 156, on the 18th day of the next November.
During the summer of 1875 a steam mill was erected, the building of stone, with two run of burrs and a circular saw.
October 21st, 1875, the “Dexter Town Association” was incorporated, and shortly afterwards purchased the land and laid out the town as above set forth. This is a good point for business and businessmen, and mechanics of all kinds will do well to locate at this point.
DEXTER TOWNSHIP. Dexter Township includes nine miles of the Grouse Valley, all of Plum Creek, nearly all of Crab Creek, and the prairies adjoining, and contains a population of nearly 500. There was harvested in the township last year over 30,000 bushels of wheat and double that amount of corn. Timber is abundant on Grouse Creek and firewood can be bought for $2.50 and $3.00 per cord. Coal can be bought for 15 cents per bushel at the bank 12 miles distant. There is some good land to be had at $1.25 per acre by actual settlers, and improved bottom homes can be purchased at from $10 to $15 per acre. Improved upland at from $3 to $6 per acre.

REPRESENTATIVES. In the order of their terms we give the names of the men who have represented the county in the Kansas House of Representa­tives: E. C. Manning, 1871; Judge T. B. McIntire, 1872; Capt. James McDermott, 1873; Rev. Wm. Martin, 1874; Hon. T. R. Bryan, 1875.
Winfield Courier, February 24, 1876.
Notice to Central Committee. To C. M. Scott, James McDermott, R. C. Storey, H. L. Barker, A. B. Odell, and T. W. Morris, members of the Republican County Central Committee, of Cowley County: GENTLEMEN: You are requested to attend a meeting of the above mentioned Committee to be held at the COURIER office, in Winfield, Saturday, March 4th, at 11 o’clock, A. M. Business of importance will be transacted.
A. B. LEMMON, Chairman Rep. Co. Committee.
Winfield Courier, April 6, 1876.
BIRTH. Capt. McDermott had a little daughter born about three weeks ago waiting for him over at Dexter after his week’s courting in Winfield.
Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.
The district court opened on Monday; Judge Campbell on the bench. Attorneys present: J. W. McDonald of Wellington; C. R. Mitchell and James Christian of Arkansas City; James McDermott of Dexter; Mr. Ruggles of Wichita; Byron Sherry of Leavenworth; J. M. Alexander, A. H. Green, L. J. Webb, D. A. Millington, A. J. Pyburn, T. H. Suits, W. P. Hackney, E. C. Manning, John Allen, S. D. Pryor, W. M. Boyer, and Amos Walton of Winfield.
Winfield Courier, April 13, 1876.
Newcomers are arriving almost daily. No reference is intended to Captain McDermott’s little daughter, which arrived recently.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 19, 1876. Front Page.
Be it remembered that on this 11th day of April, 1876, the Board have appointed James McDermott, of Dexter Township, and H. P. Farrar, of Creswell Township, a committee to assist the Probate Judge to count the funds in the hands of the County Treasurer at the end of the first quarter of 1876.
Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.
JOSEPH P. HENDERSON, of Poplar Flat, Kentucky, called upon us this week. He arrived in Cowley a day or two since, and informs us that he received a copy of the Centennial issue of the COURIER last January, and at once decided to take a look at this country in May. He finds a better country than the COURIER represented it to be. Hereafter he will be one of us for weal or woe. He is an old acquaintance of Capt. McDermott’s, and will visit around Dexter for a few days.
Winfield Courier, May 18, 1876.
Capt. McDermott has four breaking teams running upon his farm, and will raise his bread another year.
On motion the convention adjourned sine die.

From the 89th District. The Republican convention for the 89th district was held at Dexter, on the 13th. On the assembling of the delegates, J. B. Callison, from Spring Creek, was chosen temporary chairman, and T. H. Aley, from Otter, was chosen secretary. The permanent organization resulted in the choice of T. R. Bryan as chairman, and T. H. Aley as secretary.
The delegates chosen to represent the district in the State convention May 24th were S. M. Fall, of Windsor, and S. P. Channell, of Arkansas City. Alternates: A. A. Wiley, of Spring Creek and Fred Brown, of Beaver. The following persons were chosen Republican Central Committee for the district: Hon. James McDermott, chairman, C. R. Mitchell, C. W. Jones, T. H. Aley and C. J. Brane.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.
The Republican Convention of the 89th Representative Dis­trict assembled at Dexter, May 24th, 1876, and organized by electing J. B. Callison, of Spring Creek Township, temporary chairman, and T. H. Aley, of Otter Township, temporary secretary.
On motion, the following committees were appointed: On credentials, L. Lippman, T. H. Aley, and James McDermott. On permanent organization, Jas. McDermott, James England, and A. A. Wiley.
The committee on permanent organization reported the name of Hon. Thos. R. Bryan for permanent chairman and T. H. Aley for permanent secretary.
The Convention then proceeded to the election of two dele­gates and two alternates to represent the 89th Representative District in the State Convention to be held at Topeka May 24th, with the following result. Delegates, S. M. Fall, of Windsor; and S. P. Channell, of Creswell. Alternates, A. A. Wiley, of Spring Creek, and F. Brown, of Beaver.
Central committee for the district: Jas. McDermott, of Dexter; C. R. Mitchell, of Creswell; C. W. Jones, of Windsor; T. H. Aley, of Otter, and C. J. Brane, of Pleasant Valley.
THOS. R. BRYAN, Chairman. T. H. ALEY, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.
CAPT. McDERMOTT is spoken of as the candidate for Represen­tative from the south district in Cowley.
Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.
Little Lizzie McDermott is conceded, by those who haven’t any pretty babies of their own, of course, to be the smartest, brightest, and prettiest baby in this part of the country. All the lawyers in our village will bear us out in this statement.
Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876. Editorial by E. C. Manning.
Capt. James McDermott, of Dexter, is talked of by his friends as a candidate for District Judge. Mc. is qualified for the position, and if nominated, there would be no doubt of his election.
Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.
Capt. McDermott, of Dexter, was the orator of the day at Cedar Vale on Tuesday last.
Winfield Courier, July 13, 1876.
Many citizens of the southeast part of this county attended the Fourth of July exercises at Cedar Vale. They report having a good time. The oration by Capt. McDermott was very fine, and several other speeches were up to the standard. The people enthused much after the manner of our own celebration.
Winfield Courier, July 13, 1876.

THROUGH the solicitation of friends we publish on our first page this week our Centennial History of the county. For the facts concerning Cowley’s early history, we are indebted to the “old settlers,” among whom we might mention Col. Manning, C. M. Wood, Jas. Renfro, Judge Ross, Dr. Graham, and others, of this neighborhood; Judge McIntire, H. C. Endicott, and T. A. Wilkinson, of Arkansas City; Capt. Jas. McDermott, of Dexter; S. S. Moore, of Tisdale; and J. W. Tull, through R. C. Story, Esq., of Lazette. For the courtesy of county, township, and city officers in placing at our disposal, books, records, etc., we are particularly grateful.
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.
Eighty-Eighth District Convention. Pursuant to call the delegates of the 88th Representative District met in Republican convention at the courthouse, in Winfield, at 10 o’clock a.m., Saturday, August 12, 1876.
R. C. Story, of Harvey Township, was elected temporary chairman, and C. H. Eagin, of Rock Township, temporary secretary.
On motion a committee on credentials was appointed, consist­ing of one delegate from each township present, to be named by the delegates themselves. The following named gentlemen composed the committee: E. S. Torrance, of Winfield; Alex. Kelly, Richland; J. W. Tull, Windsor; J. S. Wooley, Vernon; A. B. Odell, Ninnescah; and A. V. Polk, of Rock. Pending the report of the committee, Capt. James McDermott being called, came forward and made a brief speech, which was enthusiastically received, after which, a few remarks, in response to a call, were made by the temporary chairman.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 6, 1876.
CANDIDATES. L. J. Webb will probably be the nominee, on the Republican ticket, for Representative from the northern district of Cowley County; J. E. Allen for County Attorney; R. C. Story for Superintendent of Public Instruction—that is, if “straws show the way the wind blows.” The friends of Capt. McDermott insist on him coming out in place of Allen, but the Captain is slow to aspire for any honor. On the Democratic ticket, Amos Walton is fishing for Representative again, from this district, and the friends of Judge Christian want him to come forward as County Attorney, and Judge Gans for Probate Judge.
Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876. Editorial Page.
The Tisdale Hurrah! EDITOR COURIER: Last week the Tilden and Hendricks club, of Tisdale, challenged the Hayes and Wheeler club of that place to a joint discussion of the political questions of the day. The Democrats selected for their champion J. Wade McDonald, and the Republicans the Hon. James McDermott. Last night the discussion took place in the schoolhouse at Tisdale. The house was crowded and there were enough people outside to fill another house of the same size.

The Hayes and Wheeler club of this place attended the meeting in uniform. McDermott opened the ball, and from the time he commenced until the time he ended, every sentence was a “red-hot” shot into the camp of the enemy. The history of the Demo­cratic party, its frauds and corruptions, were completely shown up. McDonald, who, as everybody knows, is the orator of Cowley County’s Democracy, followed, but there was no “discussion.” He did not answer a single statement made by McDermott, but simply said, “I deny, where’s your proof?” The old worn-out story of “Grant’s frauds,” “Caesarism,” “Military interference and bayonet rule,” and a heart-rending appeal for the rights of the “Sover­eign States” of the South, closing with a denunciation of the removal of T. K. Johnston from the Winfield post office and the appointment of Kelly in his stead constituted his speech.
McDermott, in replying, reminded him that he had forgotten about the removal of the maimed Union soldiers by the rebel House and putting in their places rebel soldiers, and gave proof of all his assertions to be matters of record in the archives of the Nation­al Capitol, and known by the American people to be true. In fact, McDermott, instead of being “skinned,” as was anticipat­ed by the Democrats, was the party who performed the operation, and his opponent was the victim.
The Democrats of Tisdale are not likely to want any more discussions.
Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876.
Dexter will have a Hayes and Wheeler flag pole raising tomorrow. Capt. McDermott and others will address the people. Dexter is always ahead. This will be the first pole of the kind raised in the county. The Republicans of this valley are awake and “when the November ides roll around,” (that’s hackneyed, but stump-orators all use it) they will send up their accustomed four-fifths majority in Dexter Township.
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.
Hon. James McDermott spoke to a large and enthusiastic audience at Lazette last night.
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876. Editorial Page.
THE COUNTY TICKET. The nominees of last Saturday’s convention are too well known in this county to need more than casual mention here. Our candidate for COUNTY ATTORNEY, Capt. James McDermott, is one of the ablest lawyers in this district. His legal ability was recognized by the House of Representatives of 1873, when it appointed him a member of the Judiciary, its most important committee. He is an enthusiastic Republican, an able speaker, and one of the most fearless and outspoken men in defense of his principles that has ever taken the stump in the Southwest. Capt. McDermott can take care of himself before the bar or before the people. He will be elected, without doubt, and criminals may as well take warning.
James McDermott becomes Cowley County Attorney...
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876. Editorial Page.
The nomination of county attorney being next in order, the names of John E. Allen and James McDermott were offered as candidates. The ballot resulted in favor of McDermott by a vote of 32 to 30. On motion the nomination was made unanimous.
The following named gentlemen were selected members of county central committee.

Beaver: C. W. Roseberry; Bolton: J. C. Topliff; Creswell: C. M. Scott; Cedar: W. A. Metcalf; Dexter: Jas. McDermott; Harvey, L. L. Newton; Liberty: Justus Fisher; Maple: W. B. Norman; Ninnescah: Wm. Hayden; Omnia: Wm. Gilliard; Otter: R. R. Turner; Pleasant Valley: Albert Dean; Rock Creek: Chas. H. Eagin; Richland: J. O. Van Orsdal; Silver Creek: S. M. Jarvis; Silverdale: L. Lippman; Spring Creek: R. P. Goodrich; Sheridan: Henry Clay; Tisdale: J. F. Thomas; Vernon: J. S. Wooley; Windsor: B. H. Clover; Winfield: T. K. Johnston. J. S. HUNT, Chairman.
CHAS. H. EAGIN, Secretary. J. D. PRYOR, Assistant Secretary.
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.
JOHN E. ALLEN came within a few votes of being victorious last Saturday. The vote stood McDermott 32 and Allen 30.
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.
They tried to make capital by saying that H. C. Fisher and his colleague were not Republicans. They came up from Otter Township as delegates all the same, and McDermott is happy.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 27, 1876.
CAPT. McDERMOTT made one of the best speeches ever delivered in this county at Tisdale last week.
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.
The following attorneys are in attendance at the present term of court: M. S. Adams, of Wichita; L. B. Kellogg, of Emporia; C. R. Mitchell, A. Walton, and James Christian, of Arkansas City; James McDermott, Dexter; Webb & Torrance, Hackney & McDonald, Pyburn & Seward, D. A. Millington, J. M. Alexander, Jennings & Buckman, A. H. Green,
Pryor, Kager & Pryor, A. B. Lemmon, and John E. Allen, of Winfield.
Winfield Courier, October 12, 1876.
THAT TIN-WEDDING. Winfield is celebrated for her impromptu weddings, social gatherings, brave women, and fair men. No town in the state possesses a class of citizens who can be at “swords point,” so to speak, one day, and the next, meet together and enjoy themselves socially as does our little hamlet: Whatsoever may be their views concerning the administration of the Servian war or the “latest arrival,” all is forgotten when a wedding is announced and they meet together on neutral ground and vie with each other in making it the most pleasant affair of the season.
But we digress—the tin-wedding is what we started out on, and to start right, we first mention the prime movers. Dr. Howland, assisted by Frank Baldwin, Jno. Pryor, Will Robinson, Anna Newman, Kate Millington, and Jennie Stewart, seem to have been the original conspirators. A leading M. C., of this city and his estimable wife, it was whispered about, were to be the subjects of this secret conclave. All unknown to them, of course, were these arrangements made. Every man, woman, and child in the city, almost, was on the tip-toe of expectation for three days, awaiting the event that these ominous little square cut pieces of tin, bearing the words, “Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Graham, at home 8 p.m., Oct. 5th, 1866 and 1876,” had so mysteriously foretold. The Doctor, all unconscious of the “eyes” that fol­lowed him in his daily rounds, but conscious of ten years of upright and devoted life as a true Benedict, walked the streets, attended his business, and pursued the even tenor of his day, little dreaming that his sacred home would so soon be invaded, and he be jerked up to answer to charges preferred by the citi­zens of his adopted town.
Like the gentle dew those little pieces of tin had silently done their work, and on Monday evening at 8 o’clock, Dr. Graham’s beautiful residence was stormed in front and besieged in the rear by the largest party of tin-peddlers ever assembled under an October moon, all loudly clamorous for an immediate entrance.

The Doctor made unconditional surrender, before a gun was fired. What else could he do? The ladies of the party took charge of the kitchen, parlor, and dining-rooms, while the men hung round on the edges and in less than ten minutes the whole house was converted into a modern first-class tin shop. After this animated entree, quiet for a moment was restored, followed by the presents being brought out and subjected to a severe catechizing by Elder Platter and a running cross-fire by the remainder of the enemy, and who, finding that the charges against them were false, and only existing in the imaginations of certain hungry-looking young men that decorated the wall, concluded to release them on the condition that in the future as in the past, the Doctor should build the fires and cut the stove wood, provid­ed always that Mrs. Graham could not be prevailed upon to do it; that he, should promise to keep posted as regards the latest styled bonnet, the latest social “small-talk,” provided that Mrs. Graham did not want to perform that duty herself. These and similar promises were extracted by the inexorable judges, where­upon the minister dexterously encircled them with two glittering rings, pronounced them man and wife for ten years more, amidst a regular round of applause.
Mr. Baldwin then read a poem prepared for the occasion, after which came the presentation of the tin-ware. Capt. McDermott and Dr. Mansfield did the honors in the most amusing manner imaginable. The Doctor’s speech accompanying the presen­tation of a full set of tin dental tools was highly appreciated. In fact, the speeches of Messrs. Platter, McDermott, and Mansfield were funny, from beginning to end, and could only be appreciated rightly by being heard. We almost wish for space to publish the Elder’s entire marriage ritual used on the occasion. It was the best we ever heard. From this time on we can’t particularize. All we can remember is that about this time supper was announced and following that, in our memory, cold chicken, dust pans, sweet cakes, waiters, graters, egg-beaters, coffee, etc., are so terribly confused and mixed up that we have lived in constant dread, fearing that some hungry individual would mistake us for a lunch counter. Right here we’d like to give the name of every present with the name of the donor. We can’t do it; we are not equal to the task. It’s too big a contract. There were just one hundred and thirteen pieces of tin-ware presented (and more than that many suppers eaten), and that’s all we know about it. We enjoyed ourselves, and if it be found that there was a single person present who did not enjoy him or herself, we insist on having a committee raised to have that person, if it is a him, “shot without benefit of cler­gy.”
Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876.
Capt. McDermott is gaining ground every day in his canvass for the office of county attorney. Vote for him, and you are sure to support an honest and capable man. “Jidge” Christian’s chances are growing beautifully less.
Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876.
Capt. James McDermott, on account of his “peculiar fitness,” was selected as Judge pro tem to try several important cases at the recent term of court. This is additional proof of his ability to fill the office of county attorney.
Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876.

Dr. Phelps, one of the “true blues” from Richland, dropped into our sanctum yesterday. The Doctor took the wind out of “Jidge” Jimmie Christian’s sails the other night when he was abusing the Republican candidates up at Floral. The old sinner said that the Republican candidate for Senator was “nominated by a set of “black-legs.” Phelps “spoke right out in the meeting” and said that it was false. “Jim Lane’s old partner,” of course, had to skin it back, which he immediately proceeded to do, much to the amusement of the audience. This foreign rooster who couldn’t get an office in Douglas County, where they knew him, needs must come down here and abuse such men as Capt. McDermott and other old reliable citizens, in the hope of securing an office. It’s too thin. You’d better live here a little while first, “Jidge,” and get acquainted.
Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876.
Here is a part of Jim King’s Cedar Vale letter, as published in the Commonwealth of the 21st instant. It any of those Dexter girls should ever get hold of him, there wouldn’t be enough of him left to write an obituary over.
“Leaving Winfield on Sunday afternoon, we soon came upon the little town of Tisdale, pausing only long enough to observe that ‘Tis daleightful weather,’ and then driving on amid a shower of oaths from an outraged community. We passed through several other small villages—into towns, they might be called, because they rarely contain more than one house. We reached Dexter just in the gloaming. (Gloaming, my dear, is gilt-edged for dusk.)  Here we concluded to stay all night. Now you would naturally suppose Dexter to be a fast sort of a town. But it is not. It is situated in the Grouse Valley, and has numerous attractions in the shape of majestic bluffs, fine farms, and beautiful landscape views. Capt. James McDermott resides here, and owns a splendid piece of land adjoining the town site. The young ladies here­abouts attain to remarkable size. They are massive in form, loose and flowing in costume, somewhat blubbering about the mouth, and, with a considerable portion of the lower part of them, turned up for feet. There is a species of slough-grass throughout the Southwest which is called ‘blue jint,’ and I am inclined to think that the women of the country partake of the same exuberance of growth. They loom up in corn-fed proportions on every quarter section, and are endowed with every facility to wash dishes and hug.”
Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.
CAPT. McDERMOTT made us a call last Monday. He spoke at Bland’s schoolhouse in the evening to a good audience. Capt. McDermott is regarded as one of the leading lawyers of the county, and is acknowledged as one of the best speakers. When you see his name on the Republican ticket as a candidate for County Attorney, remember him.
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1876.
CAPT. McDERMOTT wants to move up into Harvey Township among his friends. Harvey polled sixty-one votes. The Capt. received sixty-one majority over his opponent, “Jidge” Christian.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.
[From the Cowley County Telegram.]
A Grand Ovation to the Successful Senatorial Candidate.
Bonfires, Music and Speeches!

One of the grandest ovations ever tendered any man in Southwestern Kansas was upon Wednesday night of this week, given the Hon. A. J. Pyburn. Hundreds of citizens proceeded en masse to the office of Mr. Pyburn on the corner of Main Street and Ninth Avenue, and headed by the silver cornet band, serenaded Mr. Pyburn. Bonfires were kindled and the city was wild with enthu­siasm over the result of the Senatorial contest.
When Mr. Pyburn appeared upon the balcony in acknowledgment of the serenading party, he was greeted with prolonged cheers, and it was many minutes before the crowd could be quieted so as to hear him. He made a few remarks acknowledging the “honor conferred upon him,” and thanking the citizens for their support in the contest, and “promising a faithful representation of the interests of the County.” After him Judge McDonald was called for and made a neat little speech which was received with wild enthusiasm, especially when mention was made of the favorite candidate for Senator.
Seeing the enthusiasm which prevailed and being so complete­ly filled with bitterness that he could not hold himself, Manning sneaked across the street; and having had it arranged before hand with “backers” to call him, he passed half way up the stairs and there stopped, exclaiming that “he thought it was about time the Republican flag was run up at half-mast” and gave vent to his feelings in a bitter denunciation of his political opponents, denouncing those Republicans who voted against him as “Renegades,” and declaring that if it had not been for that “sink hole of Infamy, Arkansas City” that he would have received a majority of the votes cast,” which was utterly false, for with every Republican vote cast in Creswell Township, there would still have been a clear majority against him.
After considerable more blubbering of the same sort in which he showed his deep chagrin at his defeat, he attacked Hon. W. P. Hackney, and then he subsided; and the crowd called on Mr. Hackney, who in a few minutes speech completely upset everything that Manning had said, and again filled the crowd with enthusiasm for Pyburn and reform.
Manning and his friends, still wishing to turn the meeting into his favor, called for several of his backers—Walker, Kelly, Webb, and McDermott—who in turn pronounced a requiem over the corpse of Manning, which brought tears to the eyes of their hearers—tears of joy that the County had been saved the dis­grace of electing such a man as Manning to the State Senate.
Taking all in all there was on that evening a greater display of wild enthusiasm than we have ever before witnessed in the State, and a greater display of petty spite, malice, and chagrin by the friends of Manning, than we have ever dared think they could be guilty of. A display of good feeling on one side and a display of despair and hopelessness on the other, which prompted them to make complete asses of themselves, thereby losing the respect of the honorable minded citizens who were present at the demonstration.
Winfield Courier, January 11, 1877.
COUNTY ATTORNEY McDERMOTT and Superintendent Story were both over from the valley of the crystal Grouse this week and were duly inaugurated for the next two years.
Winfield Courier, January 25, 1877.
JAMES McDERMOTT, County Attorney elect, has removed to Winfield, where he will remain permanently.
Winfield Courier, February 8, 1877.
The Grouse Valley is pretty well represented at the Court­house: Burden, Troup, McDermott, Bryan, Story, and Gans.

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1877.
Capt. James McDermott has purchased the stone residence in the southeast part of town from Col. Alexander.
Winfield Courier, February 15, 1877.
Office at the Court House.
Winfield Courier, February 22, 1877.
The next regular meeting of the Philomatic society of Winfield will be held at the Courthouse, on Friday evening, March 2nd, 1877.
1. Music by Miss Newman.
2. Select Reading; by Mrs. J. D. Pryor.
3. Weekly Paper, by Rev. J. L. Rushbridge.
4. Music, by Miss Gowen.
5. Answers to scientific questions.
6. Essay by F. S. Jennings.
7. Discussion. Resolved, “That the practice of the law elevates the profession.” Affirmative—Jas. McDermott, W. M. Allison. Negative—C. M. Wood, J. E. Allen.
8. Scientific questions by the audience.
9. Adjournment.
Exercises to begin at 7½ o’clock, p.m. All are invited to attend.
F. S. JENNINGS, President. O. M. SEWARD, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, March 8, 1877. Editorial Page.
From Dexter.
DEAR COURIER: Again I give you the news from this part of the county. The health of the people has improved since my last writing. Dexter is moving along in its usual way. Business is about as usual. Trade is quite brisk.
Mr. McDorman, our present postmaster, has taken Mr. Wiley in the dry goods business as a partner, which will add credit and prestige to the place, as Mr. Wiley is one of the most solid men in the county and a man possessing large business qualifications.
The harness shop mentioned in my last letter is now ready for use and will be occupied by a Mr. Hoyt.
Dexter claims to have one of the finest schools in the county this winter; it being taught by a Mr. Ealy from Cedarvale.
Mr. Editor, I will give you an account of the effect of the news concerning the political situation. Early this morning I noticed quite a large crowd of Democrats assembled at Democratic headquarters. And as you know that a meeting called in the interest of democracy is always attended by a large number of persons and plenty of alcohol. I hastened to answer to my name as the roll was called. “Mr. Nasby,” said the chairman, “have you anything to say to this meeting?”

I replied by saying: “Mr. President and gentlemen of this large and respected assemblage: we are called together to consider the situation concerning the news from Washington, as it affects us here more than all the other news put together. It is now certain that Hayes will be declared elected by that infamous set of radical scoundrels assembled in Washington, and as for my part as a leader among you, I won’t stand it. I will join Mr. Hackney’s command, and go there and resist his inauguration, for you know that set of radicals that set around McDorman’s will continue to keep the post office and I will continue to be left out.
“You also know that that thief Manning at Winfield will keep Kelly in office up there and great God what will we do? The post offices are all gone for four years, and that radical little scoundrel McDermott has taken the printing out of the Telegram office and given it to Manning, and undoing everything that our good brother Pyburn has done for our party. And now you know he can’t do anything at Topeka because you know that man Manning went up there and told the radicals that Pyburn was a Democrat and not to do anything for him; if they did, it would be helping the Democrats that much. So you see he can’t fool anybody up there. Great God, what will our good chairman do for an office. We expected Mr. Tilden to give him the Agency of the Kaw tribe; but alas, all is gone.
“Brothers, we can only do one thing, and that is for us all to stick close together, and not trade with any radical, or patronize any blacksmith that adheres to the radical side. We can go and get a democratic doctor when we get sick, and let Wagner wait on his radical friends, as you know he was the man that lit the lamps for Manning’s meeting and in consequence of that act he is unfit to practice among good Democrats.”
With these remarks Mr. Nasby closed by saying, “May God bless the people of Crab Creek as they furnish more of that article called spirit than all the rest of the Democrats of the township put together.”
The chairman called on others to speak, but they all de­clined to say anything more than endorsing Mr. Nasby’s remarks. One member moved an adjournment, which was carried by loud cheers for Mr. Nasby and the corners. NASBY. Feb. 28, 1877.
Winfield Courier, March 22, 1877.
Programme of the Philomatic Society for Friday evening, March 23rd, 1877.
 1. Music, String Band.
 2. Reading Minutes.
 3. Music, Vocal.
 4. Miscellaneous business.
 5. Song by Geo. H. Buckman.
 6. Select reading by Miss Jessie Millington.
 7. Music, Vocal.
 8. Answers to scientific and historic questions.
 9. Weekly paper. Mrs. Dr. Mansfield and J. M. Bair.
10. Proposals of questions to be answered at the next meeting.
11. Music, String Band.
12. Discussion: Resolved, that “Incipient incertitude is the climactical culmination of moral excellence.” Affirmative: Messrs. R. C. Story and Jno. Allen. Negative: Rev. J. L. Rushbridge and Jas. McDermott.

13. Report of Committee on Programme.
14. Adjournment.
Music by Prof. Easton’s String Band.
All are invited. C. M. WOOD, President. EMMA SAINT, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, April 19, 1877.
[County Commissioner Proceedings...am only putting down amount allowed. Skipping amount claimed].
OFFICE OF COUNTY CLERK, Winfield, Kansas, April 11th, 1877.
Board of County Commissioners met in regular session. All the Board present with James McDermott, County Attorney, and M. G. Troup, County Clerk. Among other proceedings had, sundry claims were presented and passed upon as follows:
S. S. Moore, assessor: $42.00
M. G. Troup, Co. clerk salary: $343.05
J. McDermott, Co. Attorney salary: $175.00
R. C. Story, Co. Supt. salary: $150.00
T. R. Bryan, Co. Treas. salary: $452.75
Winfield Courier, May 10, 1877.
The following are the attorneys in attendance at the Cowley County district court now in session: L. J. Webb, W. M. Boyer, J. E. Allen, D. A. Millington, Jennings & Buckman, E. S. Torrance, Hackney & McDonald, James McDermott, A. H. Green, Pyburn & Seward, J. M. Alexander, Pryor & Pryor, Henry E. Asp, Linus S. Webb, of Winfield; C. R. Mitchell, E. B. Kager, Amos Walton, James Christian, and Col. McMullen, of Arkansas City; A. L. Redden, of Eldorado; Judge M. S. Adams, of Wichita; J. D. McBryan, of Sedan, Chautauqua County; J. M. White, of Howard City, Elk County.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 23, 1877.
The following attorneys were in attendance upon the present term of the District Court: Hon. Alfred L. Redden, of Eldorado; Mr. White, Howard City, Elk County; Judge M. S. Adams, Wichita; Mr. McBryan, Sedan, Chautauqua County; Hon. C. R. Mitchell, Amos Walton, Judge Christian, E. B. Kager and Col. McMullen, of Arkansas City; and Messrs. Hackney & McDonald, Pryor & Pryor, Jennings & Buckman, Pyburn & Seward, Jas. McDermott, Henry E. Asp, E. S. Torrance, J. E. Allen, L. J. & Linus Webb, D. A. Millington, A. H. Green, W. M. Boyer, J. M. Alexander, of Winfield.
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1877.
OFFICE OF COUNTY CLERK, Winfield, Kansas, May 25th, 1877.
Board of County Commissioners met in special session. All the board present, with James McDermott, County Attorney, and M. G. Troup, County Clerk.
Winfield Courier, July 12, 1877.
OFFICE OF COUNTY CLERK, Winfield, Kansas, July 5th, 1877.

Board of County Commissioners met in regular session. Present: R. F. Burden, Chairman, W. M. Sleeth and William White, members of the board, with James McDermott, County Attorney, R. L. Walker, Sheriff, and M. G. Troup, County Clerk.
James McDermott, Co. Attorney Salary, $175.00.
Winfield Courier, August 16, 1877.
A CORRECTION. Endeavoring always to state the truth in the COURIER and willing at all times to correct misstatements, we now say: that having in last week’s paper, said, under the head of “An Outrage”
“In every case in which we have heard that any choice for chairman was expressed by the committeeman himself on giving his proxy, that expression was adverse to Mr. Johnston. But these proxies, disregarding their instructions, voted for the very man they were instructed to vote against.”
Our information being second hand at that time was only partially true. These are the facts: Mr. Wooley instructed the party to whom he gave his proxy to cast the vote for Chas. Eagin for chairman. Mr. Van Orsdal says that he instructed his proxy against Mr. Johnston; Mr. Norman was known by the person to whom he gave his proxy to be opposed to the putting of Johnston into that important position. His instructions were: “McDermott first, Eagin next.”
Winfield Courier, August 30, 1877.
The District Court commenced its session on Monday with a light docket, and it is to be hoped that it will be cleared up this week. The following members of the bar present: Hon. W. P. Campbell, Judge; E. S. Bedilion, Clerk; R. L. Walker, Sheriff; M. S. Adams, of Wichita, C. R. Mitchell, E. B. Kager, and A. Walton, of Arkansas City; J. McDermott, County Attorney, J. E. Allen, A. J. Pyburn, O. M. Seward, W. M. Boyer, L. J. Webb, W. P. Hackney, J. W. McDonald, E. S. Torrance, H. E. Asp, D. A. Millington, S. D. Pryor, J. D. Pryor, F. S. Jennings, G. H. Buckman, and A. H. Green, of Winfield, attorneys.
Winfield Courier, September 20, 1877.
The boys tell one on Shenneman. Our friend, James McDermott, has a young man stopping with him. He just came into the country lately, and is looking around with a view to locating. He is rather new to our county politics, but Shenneman heard he was working for the Lippman delegation, and he posted off in hot haste to electioneer him. The young man weighs ten pounds and Mac calls him his baby. How is it A. T.?
Winfield Courier, October 18, 1877.
Hon. J. McDermott, Hon. T. R. Bryan, Prof. George W. Robinson, and others, whose names we did not get, have gone to Topeka. Wonder if the horse fair was the attraction.
Winfield Courier, October 18, 1877.
Hall of Winfield Chapter No. 31, R. A. Masons.
WINFIELD, KAN., Oct. 8, 1877.
WHEREAS, Death, for the first time, has invaded our circle, and taken from among us our companion, N. C. McCulloch, and;
WHEREAS, In the dispensation of Divine Providence we recognize the ruling of the Supreme Grand High Priest of the universe and bow submissively to his will.
Resolved, That we most sincerely deplore his loss, and in the true spirit of charity which animates our Brotherhood, we pledge to his bereaved family our sympathy and benefactions.

Resolved, That these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the Chapter, a copy of the same attested by the Secretary and with the seal of the Chapter attached, furnished the family of our deceased companion and the city papers requested to make publication hereof.
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1877. Editorial Page.
In the COURIER for Sept. 18th is found side by side the announcements of M. G. Troup and J. S. Hunt as candidates for the office of County Clerk before the Republican convention. Both were well known to be candidates all over the county, both canvassed to a considerable extent, and the primaries were held more with reference to the claims of those two candidates than of any others save those for Sheriff, and were more fully attended than ever before; no set of delegates ever before so nearly expressed the will of their constituents, and when the convention assembled, Mr. Troup was there busy canvassing the delegates.
It was there ascertained that a great majority of them were for Capt. Hunt, a fact that Mr. Troup fully realized by his withdrawal, and Capt. Hunt was nominated without dissent. Never was a fairer nomination nor one which gave more general satisfaction to the party.
The people do not know that there is anything wrong about the Clerk’s office. They hope that the incumbent has done his duty well, but they well know that there is opportunity for many frauds in that office, and many neglects of duty which would not be detected until a change of officers. They know that nearly all the astounding frauds that have been unearthed, have been perpetrated by persons who were considered above suspicion; who not having been scrutinized on account of the confidence reposed in them, have been tempted into small peculations which have grown with years into enormous embezzlements and other frauds. They know that in the office of County Clerk there are fees to collect and credit to the county; that there are large amounts of stationery and expensive books to be bought for the county, on which a high price is sometimes paid the seller, who in turn pays back the officer a high commission; that there are large amounts of county scrip to control and handle, that considerable sums of scrip are made and signed, ready for delivery, which are never called for, and should be canceled and destroyed after three years; that there are the accounts of other officers to be kept straight; that the errors and frauds of county officers are usually only detected when there is a change of County Clerks; that County Attorney McDermott discovered last winter a $2,500 error in the late Treasurer’s account which the County Clerk had for three years failed to detect; and that four consecutive years is as long as any person should ever hold that responsible position.
The late convention did well to decide upon a change. It expressed the wishes of nearly all the voters of the county if we may judge from the expression we hear. It did well in nominating Capt. J. S. Hunt, a man who is in every respect the peer of the present incumbent; a man whose whole record shows that he will thoroughly overhaul the past operations, and discover if anything is wrong; and Republicans will, we doubt not, vote for him almost unanimously, while the Democrats who prefer the good of the county rather than the damaging of the Republican party will also support him.
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1877. Editorial Page.

Mr. Troup asserts that during his term he has saved this county ten thousand dollars. How, Mr. Troup? When were we in danger of sustaining such a heavy loss? Have you done any more than your sworn duty as an officer? On the contrary, we have just come into possession of evidence that satisfies us that this county did sustain a loss of at least $2,561.20, that is directly charged to either your inefficiency or neglect.
October 23rd, 1876, the retiring county treasurer filed in your office a statement of his business during his term. The board of county commissioners intrusted you to examine that statement in detail, and ordered the county treasurer to refund to Mr. Kager any sum of money you should find due him. You have, or should have, in your office such checks and balances as would enable you to detect at once any error in the county treasurer’s accounts. On the 7th of last December, after examining the statement with Mr. Kager’s attorney, you reported to Mr. Bryan that Mr. Kinne had overpaid the county $522.17, and that that sum should be repaid to him as ordered by the county board. Sometime after this county attorney McDermott called your attention to the fact that District No. 5 had sustained a loss of about $300, and said that it must be an error in your settlement with the county treasurer. You denied this emphatically, and said you knew the statement was correct. Mr. McDermott showed you after your efficient (?) service of three years as county clerk, how to detect such errors, looked up with you the affairs of District No. 5, convinced you that a mistake of over $300 had been made in that instance, and left you to examine the accounts of other districts and see if other blunders had been made.
You then proceeded to make the examination and discovered that in your statement to Mr. Bryan you had made a mistake of $2,561.30, and you reported that blunder to the county board April 11th, 1877. Would the mistake ever have been discovered had it not been for the efficiency of the county attorney? Does not the county attorney deserve the credit for the detection of your blunder and the recovery to this county of the lost $2,561.30? We think so.
Did you save the balance of the ten thousand dollars in the same way?
You are invited to make your defense through the columns of the COURIER.
Winfield Courier, November 1, 1877.
The following editorial appeared in the COURIER of last week.
To this Mr. Troup replies as follows:
TROUP’S DEFENSE. This is to certify that we, the undersigned Commissioners of Cowley County, Kansas, have read an article in the editorial columns of the Winfield COURIER, entitled “Crookedness,” and find the same to be a gross misrepresentation of Mr. Troup’s official acts concerning the final statement and settlement of Mr. Kager’s account vs. county treasurer of said county. Believing in the motto of “honor to whom honor is due,” we would further say that no official act of Mr. Troup’s in connection with Mr. Kager’s final settlement would, in the least degree, indicate to the mind of any fair-minded person that he (Troup) was dishonest, inefficient, or unfaithful in the trust confided to his care, but on the contrary, his every act in that matter but serves to confirm us in the belief that he has been, and is, a faithful, efficient, and honorable public servant.
(Signed) R. F. BURDEN, WM. WHITE, W. M. SLEETH. October 27th, 1877.

Now, Mr. Editor, I deem the foregoing to be a sufficient answer to the villainous article you published last week, and do not care to trespass further on your space with that matter. However, I desire to say that you must be supporting a most odious ticket indeed, if it requires such dirty work to carry it, as you had made use of, in your last issue. Does it not strike you as being a little ridiculous, Mr. Editors, for you to resort to such infamous measures to carry a ticket, that is as worthy of support as you say yours is, in a county where you have a straight majority of 700 votes? Do you not think you could lend more dignity to the exalted position which you hold, at the head of the public education of this great commonwealth, if you were to devote more time to the educational interests of the state, and less to the publication of such articles, as emanated from your fertile brain last week? Is it not, in fine, just a little degrading to the Office of State Superintendent of Public Instruction, for you to come down here, 200 miles, to do the dirty work for a few political shysters, in a local canvass for county officers? I leave you to answer these interrogations at your leisure.
Now, Mr. Editor, having performed my duties honestly and faithfully, I feel confident that all future discoveries of “crookedness” will have the same foundation of fact, as the one mentioned last week. Having nothing to fear from a strict and impartial inquiry into my official career, I invite you to try again, in your search for “crookedness.”
Yours respectfully, M. G. TROUP.
There is no principle of newspaper courtesy that would require us to publish the above strictures on Mr. Lemmon. On the contrary, under the rules of the press we would be justified in refusing to publish the communication, because Mr. Troup has so forgotten that he should be a gentleman, as to call us hard names. However, we waive the discourtesy and publish the article entire.
We do not think the people care to be diverted from the issues in this canvass by a discussion of Mr. Troup’s strictures on Mr. Lemmon. Mr. Lemmon is a citizen of this county; votes only here, has invested all his means here, returns to this county as his home when his official duties will permit, will permanently remain here when those duties are ended, feels as deep an interest in, and works as hard for the welfare of this county as any other citizen, and has an equal right to be heard in its politics and policies. But whether he is behaving badly or well is not an issue at this time, for he is not “running for office.” Mr. Troup is a candidate for a third term as county clerk, and his official acts are legitimate subjects for discussion. Hence our editorial in last week’s COURIER as above. Please examine it carefully and see where the “villainy,” the “dirty work,” and the “infamous measures,” come in. We think we treated the subject with great fairness—even with tenderness. We stated certain facts which are not controverted in his reply, neither can they be successfully, for the records of his office and that of the county treasurer, together with the testimony of other county officers and other men of unquestioned veracity, amply prove them to be true.

The issue is made only on our conclusion, that the loss of about $2,500 to the county was due either to Mr. Troup’s neglect or his inefficiency. It is a cheap way to controvert such conclusions, to write or dictate a denial in general terms like the above, and induce three of his particular friends to subscribe it as a favor. It is a fact often commented upon that most men at the instance of a friend will sign any paper except a promise to pay money. Our commissioners being human are not exempt from such weakness. But if they really meant to stand by what that paper contains, they are in the same boat with him. There was assuredly some neglect, or inefficiency, or something worse somewhere, or school districts in this county would not thus have lost more than $2,500 of the funds—a loss that would evidently never have been detected had it not been for the efficiency of county attorney McDermott. The use of this large sum for fifteen months was lost beyond recovery.
Mr. Troup makes the commissioners deny that his official action in this case indicates any dishonesty on his part. Please examine our editorial again and see where we intimate that he has been dishonest. We fail to find it. The idea of dishonesty has been suggested by Mr. Troup alone, and while we will not say that “a guilty conscience needs no accuser,” we think it well, now that he has called our attention to this phase of the subject, not to brush the thought too hastily away, but to proceed to state a few more facts.
The law of 1875—a law that has been on our statute books for two and a half years, requires the county clerk to make under oath quarterly, and file with the register of deeds a detailed statement of the amount of fees received by him during the quarter. No such report has ever been filed with the register of deeds of this county. We leave it for others to say whether this is neglect, or inefficiency, or the other thing. The same law declares that county clerks shall be allowed “as full compensation for their services” in counties of 5,000 and less than 10,000 inhabitants, $1,200, and in counties of 10,000, and not more than 15,000 inhabitants, $1,500 per annum, which salaries shall be in full for all the services by law required to be performed in their respective offices.” At the commissioners’ meeting on the first Monday of October last, Mr. Troup presented his statement of account against the county, in which he claimed, after deducting certain fees, a balance due him for his services during the preceding quarter of $663.15, and that sum was allowed and paid him. In that statement was included $300 for a duplicate tax roll. We have consulted the leading attorneys of this city and have failed to find one who will say that the account was a just one, or that it should have been allowed and paid. There is no law authorizing it, and even if there were, the work could have been done for one-fourth of the sum Mr. Troup has received for it, and besides the work had not been done, notwithstanding the account was verified by his oath, stating “that the amount claimed thereon is actually due.” The tax roll had not been completed the first of this week, and yesterday it had not been received by the county treasurer.
What is the conclusion to be drawn from these facts? Are either of the three that are above considered sufficient? A year ago he also collected from the county in addition to his legal salary the sum of $300, for a duplicate tax roll, making with the late $300, and the $2,500, the sum of $3,100 saved to the county in his peculiar way.
The township assessors in the spring of 1875, after the law above referred to came into force, returned a total population of less than 10,000 in the county. Mr. Troup procured an addition to be made to the population returns of one township and raised the total to 10,020, thereby making his salary $1,500, instead of $1,200, thus saving $300 to the county for himself, and $300 for another officer, raising his sum of savings up to $3,700.

So why should we doubt that the whole $10,000 has been thus saved. Mr. Troup claimed to have found many evidences of the three faults we have been discussing in the records made by his predecessor in office. What will Mr. Troup’s successor find? Here we gladly leave the subject of Mr. Troup’s official record. We have stated facts only—facts which we have not searched for, but which our attention has lately been called to, and which we would not state until we had the proofs.
We feel no unkindness toward Mr. Troup, but so long as he and his friends have been perambulating the county making exaggerated statements about his honesty, efficiency, and faithfulness, and circulating slanderous statements about Capt. Hunt, it is due both to Mr. Troup and to the republican nominee for county clerk that the people should know these things that they may vote understandingly.
It is due, however, that Mr. Troup’s political record should receive some attention.
After the republican convention of Sept. 22nd, last, had nominated Capt. Hunt, and up to the time of the democratic convention, Oct. 13th, Mr. Troup repeatedly stated to republicans that he would not be an independent candidate, but would support Mr. Hunt. Was this for the purpose of avoiding an examination of his official record until it should be too late to get before the people in time to influence the election, any facts that might be discovered?
Last fall he requested to be placed on the Manning ticket as a delegate in the convention, and was so placed and selected a delegate. He entered that convention and supported and voted for Manning, as senator, but after Manning was nominated, he was among Manning’s opposers, and anxious to be made a nominee for the same office against Manning. He has talked heavily against bonding the county for any purpose, when that view was popular, and has afterward made speeches in favor of voting bonds. He is strongly temperance, with temperance men; signed three petitions for saloon licenses in one season; and signed a petition and a remonstrance the same week. He has supported both Johnston and Kelly for postmaster at the same time. In fact, his political duplicity has become so notorious that it is often remarked that Troup is on both sides of every question.
He is a politician, and apparently only anxious to be found on the winning side. Two years ago the republicans nominated him as a republican and the democrats as a democrat, and being on both sides, with no opposing candidate, he was sure to win. Now he is at it again, and it remains to be seen whether he will win this time with similar tactics, now that he is opposed to a regular republican nominee.
Winfield Courier, November 1, 1877.
JOHN D. PRYOR, Esq.: Dear Sir: Referring to our editorial entitled “Crookedness,” in last week’s COURIER, will you state what you know about the transaction therein referred to in relation to Mr. Troup’s connection with that settlement with Mr. Kager?
Yours truly, ED. COURIER.
MR. EDITOR: In reply to your inquiry above, I would say that I was Mr. Kager’s attorney referred to in that editorial, and acted in place of Mr. Kager in that settlement. Your statement is correct so far as it relates to Mr. Troup’s connection with it.
Yours truly, JOHN D. PRYOR.
Winfield Courier, November 1, 1877.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, Oct. 31st, 1877.

EDITOR COURIER: In compliance with your request, I herewith submit a statement of the facts in relation to the discovery of the deficiency in the accounts of Mr. Kager, referred to in your editorial article entitled “Crookedness,” in last week’s COURIER, so far as they are within my knowledge.
To begin with, County Treasurer Bryan and myself are both tax-payers in school district No. 5 (Dexter), in this county and both interested in its welfare. Sometime in the summer of 1876, probably in July, I had occasion to, and did, examine the condition of the bond tax fund of that district, and informed myself as to its condition at that time and as to the amount of tax necessary to be levied on the assessment of 1876 to meet the bonds and coupons maturing up to and including June 1st, 1877. That amount (10 mills) was levied. On or about the 4th Monday in January 1877, County Treasurer Bryan prepared and published his first quarterly statement as required by law. That statement showed that district No. 5 had been largely overpaid on account of its bond tax fund, I think something over $300. Shortly after the making of this statement, I happened into Mr. Bryan’s office and he called my attention to the fact that “our district” (meaning No. 5) was in a bad fix. Upon my inquiring what was the matter, he showed me the statement and added that, in addition to the large overpayment there shown, the district had one bond, then past due since the 1st of the preceding June, and still unpaid.
I, referring to the information which I had obtained in the summer before, immediately stated that there was something wrong. That the district could not be in that condition. That there was an error somewhere. Reference was made to the ledger account of the district and an item, of date January 15th, 1877, of sundries $339.01½ was found charged against the district. Mr. Bryan informed me that said item of sundries represented a balance claimed for Kager against the district in final settlement and which claim had been allowed by Troup and the item entered upon the ledger by J. D. Pryor.
I immediately walked into Mr. Troup’s office and called his attention the matter, claiming that there was some mistake. He produced a statement which had been filed by J. D. Pryor for Mr. Kager and proceeded to show me that there could be no mistake. I called his attention to the fact that I had been in his office the summer before, looking into the condition of that district and he admitted having some recollection of that fact.
I then asked him to furnish me with the amount of the levy for bond purposes in that district for the years 1872 to 1875, both inclusive, which he did. (I do not remember the figures.)  I then requested him to take his bond register and tell me the amount of bonds and coupons, issued by that district, which had become due June 1st, 1876, which was still unpaid. This he did and thereby demonstrated the fact that, if Kager had paid all the bonds and coupons which had become due, in fact everything which he could lawfully have paid on account of that district, there would still be a small balance due to the district instead of $339.01½ against it. Having thus convinced Mr. Troup that there was an error somewhere, I left him to find it out. When I next saw Mr. Troup, he informed me that he had discovered the error and that Kager owed district No. 5 $351.69, thereby showing that, at the final settlement, Kager owed that district the sum of $12.67½ instead of the district owing him $339.01½, as claimed by him and as allowed by Troup.
Mr. Troup further stated that there were 12 other districts in the same condition and that the whole amount was $2,561.30.

The above, Mr. Editor, is the full story of the great discovery, so far as I am concerned, and which, I am informed, Mr. Troup denies; I also learn that the commissioners of this county, in a card, have denounced the above facts, with others, as “gross misrepresentations.” In this connection, I desire to state that neither of the commissioners know anything about the facts herein stated, except what may have been told them, and either of the gentlemen ought to have more regard for their reputation as honest and sensible men, than to pronounce as false facts of which they have no knowledge, and I regret exceedingly, for the sake of Cowley County and the Republican party, that the said commissioners are not, to say the least, thoughtful men.
In regard to Mr. Troup’s denial of these facts, I desire to say that if my information is correct, Mr. Troup has, in dealing with this matter, forgotten that he is a gentleman, and has appeared in the role of a blackguard, and, as I do not desire to compete with him for such doubtful honors, I will, so far as that is concerned, “leave him alone in his glory.”
In deciding as to the truth or falsity of Mr. Troup’s denial, it might be well to inquire: If my statement of facts, as above set forth, is not true, what led Mr. Troup, at that particular time, to make an examination of Mr. Kager’s accounts? Mr. Troup admits that in December he examined Kager’s settlement in company with J. D. Pryor and found the sum of $522.17 due to Kager, and he (Troup) ordered Bryan to pay Kager that amount, which Bryan did. Now, if Mr. Troup was not satisfied with the result of that examination, he ought not, as a faithful officer, to have suffered, much less ordered, Bryan to pay Kager that money. If he was satisfied that the statement was correct and that amount of money due Kager, then why examine it again? Surely his attention must have been called to it in the way I have spoken of, if not then, how? Surely at some time matters of this kind must be finally disposed of, and if not so disposed of at the time they are examined and balances paid, then when? And if they are so disposed of at that time, then why examine them again? Mr. Troup, so far, has neglected to state.
Again, Mr. Troup, by his own admission, virtually says, that that statement of Kager’s having been duly examined by the clerk (himself) under the order of the board of county commissioners, pronounced correct and balance shown to be due to Kager, being $522.17, paid, was filed away among the completed records of his office, and, in the regular course of business, would never be looked into again, and the snug little sum of $2,561.30 would have been wholly lost the 13 school districts to which it belonged.
Mr. Troup, I understand, complains that I collected the money and charged 5 percent for so doing. Mr. Troup is right. I collected the money with 15½ month’s interest and charged the 5 percent, which the statute says I shall have for such services, and I am convinced of two facts in regard thereto.
First, that the school districts had better pay me 5 percent than to lose the whole amount, especially as my commission amounted to only about one half of the interest collected.
Second, that I would never have had the opportunity of charging 5 percent, or any other percent, on $522.17 of that amount, if Mr. Troup had not, on the 7th of December last ordered Bryan to pay it to Kager.

Now, Mr. Editor, I have carefully refrained from calling hard names in making this statement. I have not undertaken to say that Mr. Troup is either “dishonest, inefficient, or unfaithful.” I have simply stated the facts and will let the public draw their own conclusions.
If it had not been for serious sickness in my family, I would have met Mr. Troup, face to face, before the people and would not have asked the privilege of communicating with the public through the medium of your paper. JAMES McDERMOTT, Co. Attorney.
I have read the above statement and so far as it refers to me or the records of my office, it is true. T. R. BRYAN, Co. Treasurer.
Winfield Courier, November 8, 1877.
DIED. The young child of Hon. Jas. McDermott died on Tuesday last. Its parents have our sympathies.
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1877. Editorial Page.
LITTLE DUTCH, Nov. 3, 1877.
EDITOR COURIER: I desire through your column to make a statement personal to myself. Some hard things have been said of me during the campaign to which I would reply that my friends may not be led astray. It has been said in speeches that a certain person (meaning me) was electioneering on the day of the republican convention for a nomination as commissioner because he could be used as Winfield dictated.
A report has been circulated by Mr. Gale’s friends that E. C. Manning had stated that I could be thus used. What the effect of these statements was I neither know nor care, but I wish to say that I have never in any official capacity done anything favoring Winfield against the interests of other portions of the county, and those who have circulated such statements have simply given currency to falsehoods.
Mr. McDermott says the commissioners are not thoughtful men to say the least. He may admit that one of them at least is not so thoughtless, when he learns that he was not the first man to discover an error in the statement submitted by J. D. Pryor. I myself first discovered something wrong in regard to district number 26, in which district I was a taxpayer. I happen to know what I was doing when I signed that card.
Now, Mr. Editor, you would like to make the people of Cowley County believe there was something wrong about the commissioners. You say that but for the efficiency of the County Attorney, the county would have lost so much money, and in another column you attempt to show dishonesty on the part of Mr. Troup and the board of commissioners in the matter of the duplicate tax roll.
It is a little strange that, lawyer as you are, you are not aware that you are getting your efficient County Attorney in a fix, as he is the legal adviser of the board who indorsed the claim “County liable.” I believe that better men than Messrs. Sleeth and Burden for commissioners never were or will be elected to that office in this county, and such stuff as the COURIER contained in relation to them is mere trash fabricated for electioneering purposes.
As for myself, Messrs. Webb and McDermott with the COURIER man have fixed me out. Now, MR. COURIER, I have always been a republican, am now, and expect to remain so. Mr. McDermott deserves no credit in the Kager matter because I discovered an error first, and I think I should have called Mr. Troup’s attention to it just about as repeatedly as I did Mr. McDermott’s for six months after the mistake was discovered.

You are right about my signing Mr. Troup’s card. I did it because I was his friend and believed I was stating the truth in his behalf—not because I was fighting Capt. Hunt, whom I have always considered a gentleman and my friend.
The future will probably develop the motives for using my name in this campaign, while I was not a candidate. Before this reaches you the election will be over, so it cannot be said this is for electioneering purposes. My object is to let my friends have the truth and not be led into error by false statements about the county board. Yours Respectfully,
[We publish the above because Mr. White feels hurt by some matter which has appeared in the COURIER, and desires to be heard in reply thereto. The strictures we made were in reply to a card which termed our remarks referred to therein “gross misrepresentations,” which was signed by Mr. White, knowing that it was to be published for electioneering purposes. If in proving that we did not misrepresent, we had to hit him, he has no reason to complain. We shall stand by our statement of fact. However, he did not accuse the commissioners of any official wrong, and we think with Mr. White that they are as good men for the office as we ever had or may expect to have. We do not think Mr. White’s statement of facts warrants his conclusion that Mr. McDermott is not entitled to the credit of discovering the error in the account of district No. 5, and of causing the matter to be pursued until the total sum named was discovered.]—ED.
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1877.
The Board of Commissioners met in special session. Present: R. F. Burden, W. M. Sleeth, and William White, Commissioners; James McDermott, County Attorney, and M. G. Troup, County Clerk.
Winfield Courier, December 27, 1877.
At a stated communication of Adelphi Lodge, No. 110, A. F. & A. M., held last week (Tuesday evening), the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: M. G. Troup, W. M.; C. C. Black, S. W.; James McDermott, J. W.; B. F. Baldwin, Treas.; L. J. Webb, Sec.; J. S. Hunt, S. D.; J. Wade McDonald, J. D.; W. G. Graham, Chaplain; Perry Hill, S. S.; J. H. Land, J. S.; S. E. Burger, Tyler.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
Royal Arch Masons. At the regular convocation of Winfield Chapter No. 31, Royal Arch Masons, held at Masonic Hall, Monday evening, January 14th, the following officers were installed for the ensuing year: W. G. Graham, H. P.; John D. Pryor, K.; S. C. Smith, S.; M. L. Read, Treasurer; C. C. Black, Secretary; W. C. Robinson, C. A. H.; James McDermott, P. S.; S. H. Myton, R. A. C.; J. W. Johnston, M. 3rd V.; Perry Hill, M. 2nd V.; H. Brotherton, M. 1st V.; F. Gallotti, T.
After the installation, an address was delivered by P. H. P. John D. Pryor (which will appear on our outside next week), and the companions repaired to the Central Hotel and sat down to the best spread of the season. The supper was good and the occasion enjoyed by all present.

Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
Co. Attorney: J. McDermott, $175.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
A man by the name of Coon was on trial Monday and Tuesday before Justice Boyer, charged with abstracting timber from the lands belonging to the Charles Johnson estate. The jury of twelve men hung out all night Tuesday and yesterday morning brought in a verdict of guilty. Defendant moved for a new trial. County attorney McDermott for prosecution; E. S. Torrance for the defense.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.
THE TRIAL OF BILSON AND RIDENOUR was held at Pearson’s Hall last Wednesday afternoon and night. County Attorney McDermott prosecuted the case, with C. R. Mitchell defending Ridenour, and Amos Walton defending Bilson. Judge Christian and I. H. Bonsall were the judges. Bilson was bound over to appear at the next term of the District Court, in the sum of $600, and failing to obtain bail, was committed to jail. The evidence was not suffi­cient to convict Ridenour, and he was discharged. In searching Bilson’s property, in Mrs. Williams’ boarding house, some goods were found that had been taken from Charley Balcom’s house some time ago, also some articles that were taken from A. K. Melton’s trunk.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.
Capt. McDermott, Cowley County, is a member of the Republi­can Congressional Central Committee for the third district.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
COURIER office on Ninth Avenue, north side, between Hon. James McDermott’s law office and Graham & Moffitt’s lumber office. Call and see us.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
The board of commissioners of Cowley County met in regular session at the county clerk’s office on the 8th day of April, 1878. Present: R. F. Burden, W. M. Sleeth, and George L. Gale, commissioners; James McDermott, county attorney, and M. G. Troup, county clerk.
Bill allowed: James McDermott, county attorney.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
District Court Proceedings. Monday, May 6th, 10 o’clock a.m. His Honor, W. P. Campbell, on the bench. Present: C. L. Harter, sheriff; E. S. Bedilion, clerk; Jas. McDermott, prosecuting attorney; attorneys C. Coldwell, W. P. Hackney, Henry E. Asp, J. E. Allen, D. C. Beach, E. S. Torrance, J. M. Alexander, A. J. Pyburn, N. C. Coldwell, Jas. Christian, G. H. Buckman, S. D. Pryor, J. Wade McDonald, C. R. Mitchell, J. D. Pryor, C. C. Black, R. C. Story, L. J. Webb, W. M. Boyer, F. S. Jennings, and D. A. Millington.
State vs. Nicholas Hostetler called and trial proceeded; Attorneys J. McDermott for State, E. S. Torrance and H. E. Asp for defendant. This case occupied the balance of the day and is not concluded. It is a case in which an old man is charged with incest. The details of the evidence offered are not fit for publication.
The Daily Winfield Courier, Saturday Morning, May 11, 1878.

[From the Oxford Independent.] A number of people from our neighboring city of Winfield attended services at Oxford, last Sunday, among whom we noticed the familiar faces of Capt. McDermott, Mr. C. A. Bliss, and Rev. Hickok and their ladies, with several others, whose names are not now remembered.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
A letter from Hon. Thos. Ryan to Hon. J. McDermott says: “The P. O. Department has ordered daily mail between Winfield and Cedarvale, to take effect July 1st.” This gives us a daily mail to Independence.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
District Court Proceedings. Wednesday, May 8. The court has been occupied all day in the incest case of State vs. Hostetler. The evidence was all in about 2:30 p.m. The charge of the court was elaborate and clear, and the arguments of the County Attorney, McDermott for the state, and of Mr. Torrance for the defense, were eloquent, searching, and exhaustive. Mr. Torrance addressed the jury for over four hours, when the court adjourned until this morning at 8 o’clock, when Mr. McDermott will again address the jury, and the jury will retire to consider their verdict. The jurors trying this case are: Stephen Elkins, James Jackson, John M. Gates, Thomas McGinnis, Abijah Howard, Daniel Hunt, Clark Bryant, A. R. Davis, Samuel Huey, J. W. Miller, and Thos. Chaffee.
Thursday, May 9. State vs. N. Hostetler. Hon. J. McDermott made his closing address to the jury, who retired, and a short time before noon brought in a verdict of “not guilty.” The defendant was discharged.
Thursday, May 9. State vs. Frank G. Cody called for trial. Jurymen empaneled were: J. M. Mark, J. B. Vandeventer, Lewis Stevens, W. L. Gilman, A. C. Davis, W. W. Thomas, S. Martin, James Byers, H. C. Catlin, C. Northrup, H. L. Barker, and W. E. Tansey. The prisoner is charged with mayhem in biting off the finger of a Mr. Roberts. James McDermott, attorney for the state. Hackney and McDonald for the defendant. The trial terminated in a verdict of acquittal by the jury.
Thursday, May 9. State vs. Chas. H. Turner, peace warrant, was tried by the court. McDermott, Hackney, and McDonald for the State; and Webb and Black for defendant. Defendant discharged.
Thursday, May 9. State vs. William H. Bilson; called and trial proceeded. Offense grand larceny. Jury empaneled as follows: J. M. Mark, J. B. Vandeventer, James Jackson, W. S. Gilman, M. A. Kelsey, J. W. Miller, John W. Gates, S. Elkins, J. H. Mounts, Abijah Howard, D. A. Byers, S. Martin. County Attorney appeared in behalf of the state and E. S. Torrance, H. Asp, and Amos Walton for the defendant. The case occupied the whole day and will come up again this morning.
Friday, May 10. State vs. Bilson. Trial continued. This was on the charge of burglary instead of grand larceny, as stated yesterday. The case was argued by counsel and submitted at about noon, when the jury retired and court adjourned for all purposes except to receive the verdict, to Monday morning at 8 o’clock.
Saturday, May 11. State vs. Bilson. At about 11 o’clock on Saturday evening the jury returned a verdict of burglary in the second degree.

Monday, May 13. State vs. Wm. Steadman, grand larceny. County Attorney James McDermott appeared for the state and E. S. Torrance and Henry Asp for Defendant. The following are the names of the jurors sworn to try the case, after which the court adjourned till eight o’clock this morning, when it will proceed to trial. Jurors: J. M. Mark, B. B. Vandeventer, S. Elkins, J. Jackson, John M. Gates, T. McGinnis, J. H. Mounts, A. Howard, D. A. Byers, H. C. Catlin, H. C. McDorman, S. Martin, W. W. Thomas, J. W. Miller, A. C. Davis, and W. S. Gilman.
Tuesday, May 14. State vs. William Steadman. Trial concluded. The jury brought in a verdict of guilty of grand larceny.
Tuesday, May 14. State vs. W. H. Bilson. Motion for a new trial heard and overruled. Notice of a motion in arrest of judgment. Trial concluded.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
County Attorney McDermott has received a letter from A. K. Melton, who is now in Texas, which says that the mason’s handbook (which was produced as evidence in the case of the State versus W. H. Bilson), is his book and that a gold pen and silver pen holder which were found on the person of Bilson, are his. The letter could not be produced in evidence; neither could a deposition be taken on account of it being a criminal action.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
The addresses delivered to the jury in the case of C. C. Harris versus Sanford Day et al., by Hon. Jas. McDermott, Frank S. Jennings, and J. Wade McDonald are all spoken of as forensic oratory of a high order. But few cases have been tried in so thorough and exhaustive a manner as was this.
Winfield Courier, June 13, 1878. Editorial Column.
The Page-Webb Tragedy. Various statements in relation to this affair have appeared in the newspapers or been told about the country which have no foundation in fact; but have grown out of the surmises of excited men. Much interest and a desire to learn the facts are manifested. At the preliminary examination of Webb, the courtroom was well filled, largely with men from the country, and we consider it due to our readers to give them the exact facts as far as possible, and endeavored to do so last week. We will state that we were not much acquainted with Page and were well acquainted with Webb, feeling for him a personal friendship; but we do not intend that this fact shall color our statements. Our statement last week that Webb had been taking opium to steady his nerves was doubtless an error. It is denied, and we find no one who knows that he ever took opium.
The statement of the correspondent of the Traveler that Page had won from Webb $100, which Webb had collected for his clients, is in error. C. C. Black, Webb’s law partner, says that Webb could not possibly have had any money belonging to clients. The statement in some of the papers that Webb had threatened to kill or revenge upon Page seems to be without foundation. No evidence of threats or malice was offered, or was attempted to be offered, at the examination. If there is any evidence that Page had played cold decks on Webb, drugged him, or drawn pistols on him, it was not produced at the examination. There are many other statements and rumors that cannot be taken as truth, at least not until the case is fully developed at the trial.

THE PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION took place last week, June 5th and 6th. Capt. McDermott, for the state, evidently endeavored to do his whole duty in an honorable way. Judge Coldwell, E. S. Torrance, N. C. Coldwell, and Judge Webb, the prisoner’s father, were present in the interest of Webb. The hearing was before Justice Boyer in the courthouse. Four witnesses were examined on the part of the state. The following are all the material facts testified.
JESSE HERNDON’S TESTIMONY. I have been tending bar for Page lately. On the first day of June I was in Page’s saloon. Mr. Page was there. I saw L. J. Webb there; saw him shoot Page. Page was standing at the north end of the bar, front side, leaning against the bar talking to Frank Manny. Webb came into the room at the back door, walked to within about ten feet of Page, took his pistol out of his pocket, and pointed it towards Page. The pistol made a report and I saw the smoke. Page put up his hand to his left breast and said: “See where the son of a b___h has shot me.” Page walked out of the front door. I did not see Webb do anything after that. He gave his pistol to Mr. Hill. I did not see Mr. Page anymore until about half an hour, when I saw him in the doctor’s office dead. What I have described transpired in Cowley County, Kansas, about 4 o’clock p.m., Saturday, June 1, 1878.
CROSS-EXAMINATION. I have been in Page’s employ about two months. Mr. Page sold whiskey and wine and allowed gambling in his place of business. The room I have described was the retail room. The gambling was carried on in the back room on the same floor. There were other rooms for gambling upstairs, but they did not gamble there. There might have been one or two gambling games up there. The building was well constructed for gambling purposes.
I have known Webb nearly all the time I have been here; had seen him about the building before. He was there the Friday evening before; came after supper and remained all night and next day until the shooting took place. He did not leave the house to my knowledge until the shooting. Had he left I think I would have known it. He was in the back room where they were playing poker most of the time he was in the house. Page was engaged in the game. Page would frequently go from the gambling room to the bar room and help his customers to some of the good things he had there. Mr. Webb drank during the night and during the day. I think he took the last drink about thirty minutes before the shooting. During the time Webb was there he might have drunk more than thirty times. He was drinking all the time. I waited on them during the time he was there. The game broke up about daylight. Page did not play any after that. They all drank the same kind of liquor, not mixed liquor but whiskey; they call it bean whiskey. I took some peppermint to Webb once. I prepared all the liquor they drank that night except one round. Page gave them one round about midnight. I was most of the time in the gaming room. Webb was playing all the time until 4 o’clock. Page then quit the game because there was no more money in it. He had got it all. Webb continued drinking all day. I did not observe anything peculiar about Webb when he came out at the time of the shooting. Do not know whether Page had been in the gambling room that afternoon. If he was in there, I do not know it. I had passed a drink through a hole in the wall into the gambling room to Webb about twenty minutes before the shooting.

Frank Manny testified to the circumstances of the shooting substantially as did Herndon, and said he saw Webb in the gambling room about ten minutes before the shooting playing cards with two other men; said Webb when he came into the room looked as though he was mad; had his eyes wide open and looked toward Page with a hard stare. Webb leveled his pistol so long at Page before firing that witness thought it was a joke intended to scare somebody. Newton Ball and H. A. Adams testified to the facts of the shooting substantially as Herndon had, and Dr. Mansfield testified to the surgical results. No witnesses were produced on behalf of the prisoner. His counsel evidently preferred not to disclose their line of defense.
The Justice ordered that Webb be committed to jail to await his trial at the September term of the district court. An application that he be admitted to bail was refused and the prisoner was returned to jail.
There is a wide difference of opinion in this community as to the merits or demerits of this case and some feeling is exhibited. We do not propose to state our opinions, but only to state the facts as they are developed. It is probable that much other evidence will be adduced at the trial, and until then we think all should avoid forming fixed opinions.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
Hon. James McDermott, Chairman of the Third District Republican Central Committee, returned from Topeka last Saturday.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
The parties from Winfield who attended the Masonic picnic at Dexter were J. McDermott, Rev. Randall, J. Wade McDonald, C. C. Harris, B. F. Baldwin, and A. D. Speed with the Misses Coldwell, and Ed. Clisbee and S. Suss with the Misses Finney. The Dexter people gave them a splendid dinner and the most distinguished treatment as guests, and they enjoyed the occasion “hugely.” Capt. McDermott and Judge McDonald were the orators, and the music was from a choir under the leadership of F. A. Creager. The attendance was large and the picnic was a success.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
State vs. Leland J. Webb. [James McDermott; E. S. Torrance, Coldwell & Coldwell.]
State vs. Daniel P. Faler. [James McDermott; E. S. Torrance.]
State vs. John W. Blissard. [James McDermott; Hackney & McDonald.]
State vs. Louis Tournier. [James McDermott.]
A. H. Green vs. Sarah B. Requa. [Hackney & McDonald; Jas. McDermott and E. S. Torrance.]
Rufus B. Waite vs. Board Co. Commissioners. [Pryor & Pryor; James McDermott.]
Martin L. Wilson vs. George P. Wagner. [Hackney & McDonald; James McDermott and E. S. Torrance.]
State, on petition of Eugene E. Bacon vs. Clifton M. Wood. [James McDermott; Hackney & McDonald.]
Nancy J. Rose vs. James Rose. [James McDermott.]
C. A. Bliss et al vs. W. C. Bradfield. [James McDermott.]

Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
Met Monday morning, August 26th, 1878.
Present: Judge W. P. Campbell, Sheriff C. L. Harter, Clerk E. S. Bedilion, Attorneys McDermott, Torrance, C. Coldwell, N. C. Coldwell, Hackney, McDonald, Pryor, Pyburn, Allen, Jennings, Buckman, Black, Webb, Alexander, Beach, Troup, Jarvis, Asp, of Winfield; and Dennison, of Osage Mission.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878. Front Page.
[From the Wichita Eagle.]
The Webb Trial. The attorneys retained for the defense in the Webb trial are Judge W. C. Webb, of Topeka, E. S. Torrance, Coldwell & Coldwell, and C. C. Black, of Winfield, H. G. Webb, of Oswego, James D. Snoddy, of Linn County, and Sluss & Hatton, of this city. The attorneys for the prosecution are James McDermott, the county attorney of Cowley County, assisted by W. E. Stanley, Sedgwick County’s attorney.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.
Trial of L. J. Webb at Wichita. The case was called on Monday morning, September 9th, on the opening of the court. Defendant made application for a continuance because of the absence of Dr. Mendenhall, a material witness for the defense. The court held the showing sufficient, unless the State would admit the affidavit of defendant as the testimony of witness. The State consented and the case was set for trial next morning.
All day Tuesday was spent in getting a jury. The special venire was soon exhausted and balance was made up of tradesmen. It is considered a good jury, and both State and defendant are satisfied. Most of them are from the country.
Wednesday, Jas. McDermott opened the case on the part of the State. Frank Manny, Jessi Herndon, Adams, and others were examined as witnesses. There were no new features developed on the part of the State. The testimony was substantially as on the preliminary examination. The killing was proved and some evidence tending to show expressions of previous malice was introduced.
Col. James D. Snoddy, of counsel for the defense, cross-examined Frank Manny, and when he concluded, the witness left the stand in a rather shattered condition.
The evidence for the State was concluded Wednesday evening. During the night session, Judge Coldwell stated the case for the defense. The theory of the defense was insanity at the time of the shooting; that this insanity was caused by excessive excitement, loss of sleep, excessive drinking, and nux vomica, opium, and other poisonous drugs administered to him in his drinks. In his youth defendant had suffered a severe fracture of the skull, the walls being permanently pressed upon the brain, wounding and lacerating it; and in time of great excitement he is peculiarly liable to insanity, that the place of the killing was a dead-fall of the worst type.

One of the most important witnesses for the defense was Jessie Herndon, the principal witness for the State. As is known, he was Page’s barkeeper and knew all about how the business of the house was conducted. The defense had endeavored to draw out this testimony on cross-examination but the court would not permit it, and he was put on as a witness for the defense. He testified as to all the occurrences of the night previous to the killing and made many important additions to his testimony. He said that Page deliberately robbed Webb that night by means of cold decks and drugged whiskey; that Webb drank often that night, and Page had instructed witness to give Webb liquor from a particular bottle he called “all sorts,” which witness did; that twice during the night Page went into the bar-room and put some liquid from a small vial which he took from his pocket into a tumbler of whiskey and instructed witness to give it to Webb the next time he called for drink, which witness did; that this bottle of “all sorts” was a villainous compound of whiskey and drugs, which Page kept for the express purpose of giving to men with whom he was gaming; that shortly before the conclusion of the game, and after Webb had drunk the whiskey prepared by Page, Page went into the bar-room and stacked a deck of cards, and instructed witness the next time drinks were called for to bring this pack under the water or server, and while Webb was engaged in drinking to leave them under the server on the table, which witness did, and then Page dealt from this cold deck, giving Webb a full hand and himself a better hand, on which he won all Webb’s money, and this concluded the game. Witness testified to some expressions of anger made by Webb to Page upon the conclusion of the game, saying he was robbed, but to no expressions of malice or threats of revenge. All the parties to the game remained an hour or more after its conclusion, Webb drinking frequently; then all left except Webb, who remained alone with witness. Webb never left the saloon from that time to the time of the shooting. Witness testified as to Webb’s condition and appearance during the day; said he looked very wild and had a jerking movement about his head, neck, and shoulders, was convulsive, and breathed hard. Witness testified that after the preliminary examination he went with By Terrill and Frank Manny to the saloon to make an examination for drugs. They washed out several empty bottles and one bottle that contained something that Page had used to put in liquor; what it was he did not know. When they emptied it out and washed the bottle, he told Terrill and Manny that it was not right. He testified that certain vials and small bottles shown him looked like those which Page had used to fix up liquors with.
This witness suffered considerably in the hands of W. E. Stanley, attorney for State, on cross-examination. His attention was called to statements he had made before Justice Boyer at the preliminary examination in direct contradiction to his present statements. These contra-dictions witness explained by saying he had been advised by certain friends of Page that if he told anything he knew about these transactions in the saloon they would let Webb go and send witness up; that from those threats and the general excitement he was afraid to tell all he knew about that saloon.

Further testimony for the defense from Burt Covert, G. L. Walker, James Fahey, P. Hill, A. H. Green, R. F. Baldwin, Ed. Bedilion, and Dr. W. R. Davis corroborated Herndon in relation to the wild and insane appearance, the convulsive twitching movements of the throat, head, and shoulders of the defendant immediately before and subsequent to the shooting; also showed the finding of some small bottles and vials in the counter used by Page in his saloon; that these vials were taken from the counter sometime after the shooting and preserved with their contents and are the same that are now exhibited in court; and the testimony of Drs. Davis, Rothrock, and Furley showed that these vials contained opium, nux vomica, and India hemp, and that these compounded and administered would produce the symptoms described in the defendant and would produce insanity.
The jury than examined the indentation which is apparent on defendant’s head. From inspection it appeared that a considerable portion of the skull had been formerly removed, and that the left side of the skull is pressed in upon the brain.
The medical gentlemen testified that such is a frequent cause of insanity, and that any person thus afflicted was extremely liable to mental derangement or insanity in any unusual excitement, or the excessive use of intoxicating liquors, or of such drugs as had been found in the vials.
Thursday, Friday, and a part of Saturday were occupied with the testimony for the defense. Rebutting testimony was then offered by both State and defense but was of little importance. The testimony in many important points was conflicting.
On Saturday evening the evidence was all in and the court adjourned to Monday morning, when the court will give his charge to the jury and the arguments of counsel will be heard.
On Monday morning, the 16th, the Judge gave his charge to the jury, and was followed by W. E. Stanley in the opening argument for the State. Stanley scored the defendant and many of the witnesses for the defense fearfully and evidently with great effect. His plea was long and pronounced to have been brilliant to a high degree. He was followed by Judge Coldwell for the defense. This is the latest news we get as we go to press.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.
Webb Acquitted. The Webb trial is over and Mr. Webb has returned home a free man. The evidence was all in by Saturday night last, the Court read his charge for the jury. At nine o’clock Monday evening the argument was opened for the prosecution by Mr. Stanley, of Wichita, who was followed by Judge Coldwell of this city, for the defense. The judge was followed by Col. Snoddy of La Cygne and Judge H. C. Webb, of Oswego. Jas. McDermott closed for the state, and the case was submitted to the jury on Tuesday evening at two o’clock. On Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 they returned a verdict of “not guilty,” which makes Mr. Webb a free man. Owing to the large volume of evidence taken in the case, we are unable to give it to our readers this week, but will devote most of our space next week to giving it and the charge to the jury by the Court. We congratulate Mr. Webb and his family upon his acquittal. Telegram.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.
Republican Nominating Convention. At the nominating convention held at Winfield last Saturday, E. S. Torrance was nominated for County Attorney, E. S. Bedilion for Clerk of the District Court, R. C. Story for Supt. Public Instruction, J. W. Millspaugh for Probate Judge, and G. L. Gale for Commissioner of the first district. The vote was as follows.
COUNTY ATTORNEY. E. S. Torrance, 51; James McDermott, 23.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 14, 1878. Front page.

Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
Judge Campbell came down from Wichita on Monday and the session of court commenced.
Present: His Honor Judge W. P. Campbell; C. L. Harter, sheriff; E. S. Bedilion, district clerk; J. McDermott, county attorney; and Messrs. J. E. Allen, C. C. Black, S. D. Pryor, A. J. Pyburn, J. M. Alexander, F. S. Jennings, C. R. Mitchell, L. J. Webb, E. S. Torrance, N. C. Coldwell, W. M. Boyer, W. P. Hackney, O. M. Seward, C. H. Payson, H. E. Asp, G. H. Buckman, J. D. Pryor, D. C. Beach, W. M. Boyer, C. Coldwell, M. G. Troup, S. M. Jarvis, A. H. Green, attorneys.
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
Listed as a Courier Advertiser:
McDERMOTT, J., is an attorney at law of very high character, talents, and reliability, and of wide experience. He is the county attorney for Cowley, has been a member of the state legislature from this county, and chairman of the republican congressional committee.
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
Judge 13th Judicial District.—Hon. W. Campbell.
Board of County Commissioners.—R. F. Burden, G. L. Gale, W. M. Sleeth.
County Clerk.—M. G. Troup.
County Treasurer.—T. R. Bryan.
Probate Judge.—H. D. Gans.
Register of Deeds.—E. P. Kinne.
Supt. Pub. Inst.—R. C. Story.
Sheriff.—C. L. Harter.
Coroner.—W. G. Graham.
County Attorney.—James McDermott.
Clerk District Court.—B. S. Bedilion.
County Surveyor.—N. A. Haight.
Deputy County Surveyor.—J. Hoenscheidt.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1879.
Board of County Commissioners met in regular session [Janu­ary 6, 1879]. Present: R. F. Burden, W. M. Sleeth, and G. L. Gale, commissioners, James McDermott, county attorney, and M. G. Troup, county clerk.
Winfield Courier, January 23, 1879.
The Baptist Church elected the following officers for the year 1879.
James McDermott, treasurer; Rev. Mr. Rigby, clerk.
C. A. Bliss, Lewis Stevens, James McDermott, R. C. Story, and E. S. Bliss, trustees.
Col. J. C. McMullen and John D. Pryor have been added to the board of trustees as a building committee. Plans and specifica­tions for a new building will be submitted soon.
Winfield Courier, May 22, 1879.

The contract for the excavation on the Baptist church has been let to Mr. G. Bullene, and will be pushed rapidly forward. Persons desiring to bid on the stone work and examine the plans can find them at Mr. Jas. McDermott’s office.
Winfield Courier, August 21, 1879.
DEFENDANT: Thos. Gibson. [Lawyer: J. McDermott.]
[Lawyers for first and second parties named separated by a semi-colon.]
C. C. Harris versus Sanford Day, et al. [Lawyers: Hackney & McDonald; J. McDermott.]
Mercy M. Funk versus Cynthia Clark, et al.
[Lawyers: Hackney & McDonald; J. McDermott.]
H. P. Mansfield versus Estate W. Q. Mansfield.
[Lawyers: Torrance & Asp; McDermott, Alexander.]
Field, Leiter & Co. versus Turner Bros.
[Lawyers: Guthrie & Brown and J. McDermott; Hackney & McDonald.]
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1879.
JAMES McDERMOTT, Office in Stone Building, 9th avenue.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 3, 1879.
To Sunday School Superintendents. It is requested that all Sunday schools in the 2nd S. S. District, including Bolton, Silverdale, Beaver, and Creswell Townships, make out a report of attendance and condition of school at once, and send to J. H. McDermott, Winfield, or to W. D. Mowry, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 10, 1879.
TO SUNDAY SCHOOLS. It is requested that all Sunday schools take up a collection on the second Sunday in September to defray the expenses of the County Convention, and our share of the State expenses. Superintendents will please attend to it, and send your collection to J. H. McDermott, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.
The officers of Adelphi Lodge, No. 110, A. F. & A. M., for 1880.
W. M.: James McDermott; S. W.: M. G. Troup; J. W.: E. P. Kinne; Treas.: C. C. Black; Sec.: W. W. Perkins; S. D.: R. C. Story; J. D.: James Simpson; S. S.: S. H. Myton; J. S.: J. C. Roberts; C.: E. T. Trimble; T.: S. E. Burger.
Law Partnership started: James McDermott & A. P. Johnson...
Winfield Courier, March 4, 1880.

Messrs. Jas. McDermott and A. P. Johnson have formed a co-partnership in the practice of law under the firm name of McDermott & Johnson. This will make a strong team. Mr. McDermott is an old resident of Cowley, has occupied many promi­nent positions in gift of the people, and is a man of acknowl­edged ability. Mr. Johnson is tolerably well known here, is a graduate of Ann Arbor law school, and ranks well in his profes­sion. We wish the new firm abundant success.
Winfield Courier, April 1, 1880.
The temperance convention met in Manning’s Hall last Friday. R. C. Story was elected president; A. Limerick and J. E. Platter, vice presidents; J. S. Allen, secretary. A committee on Plan of Operations was appointed, and reported in favor of a Campaign Committee of seven members, who should superintend the canvass of the county for the prohibition amendment. The following gentle­men were appointed as such committee: James McDermott, chairman; R. C. Story, secretary; H. S. Silver, treasurer; J. W. Millspaugh, W. D. Mowry, S. S. Holloway, and J. S. Allen.
Saturday afternoon and evening the Opera House was crowded to its utmost capacity to listen to speeches from Gov. St. John. In the evening it was almost impossible to get standing room and the enthusiasm was immense. The Governor’s speech was a sound, logical, and eloquent appeal for sobriety, and law and order.
The results of this convention have been highly satisfactory to the temperance workers, and the interest manifested shows that Cowley is awake to the importance of the amendment, and will roll up a large majority for it in November. . . .
Winfield Courier, April 8, 1880.
Hon. James McDermott, and others, will address the people of Floral on the issues of the day, on Friday evening, April 16th. An effort will be made to organize a club of “War Veterans.” Let everybody turn out.
By order of Committee, J. O. VAN ORSDAL, Ch’m. Floral, April 5, 1880.
Winfield Courier, April 22, 1880.
To the list of candidates for attorney general, can be added the name of Capt. McDermott, of Winfield, a good man. Capital.
We see by the Winfield papers that the name of Hon. James McDermott, of that place, will be presented as a candidate for Attorney General. Mr. McDermott has been a resident of Cowley County since the first organization, has represented the county in the Legislature, been county attorney, and is now in the successful practice of law at Winfield. He is regarded as a sound lawyer, a fine pleader, and good on the stump, being a gentleman of pleasing address. Beside these qualifications, he comes from a county that generally gets what it asks for. It always sends men to conventions strong enough to be a power. Commonwealth.
[We thank the Commonwealth for the above kind words. Cowley has always got what she asked for and has never had any grievance or complaint. She has been careful never to ask for anything unreasonable, has before this never presented but one name as a Republican candidate for a State office, and only presents a name when she thinks she has the best man, one who has the enthusias­tic and united support of its Republican voters. Such being the case, now we present the name of Capt. McDermott with confi­dence.]
Winfield Courier, April 22, 1880.

Fifty-six signatures were obtained in Vernon township, Monday night, to the prohibition pledge. The meeting at the Vernon schoolhouse was well attended, Capt. McDermott, Superin­tendent Story, and Mr. Millspaugh speaking on the temperance issues. A strong resolution was passed by the meeting. Said resolution calls on candidates for office to clearly and posi­tively define their position on the amendment question. The workers in Vernon are thoroughly organizing and are determined on thorough work.
Excerpts from a lengthy article...
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.
The convention met at 2 o’clock p.m., Mr. Hoisington, of the Great Bend Register,  president, in the chair; Mr. Walker, of Peabody, Secretary. The introduction of Mr. McDermott, who welcomed the editorial association in behalf of the citizens was done very gracefully by Mr. Black. Mr. McDermott in well chosen witty and eloquent words welcomed the editors and their friends to the City of Winfield, and tendered the hospitalities of their citizens.
“The A. V. E. A. held at Winfield on Saturday last proved, as a social gathering, a grand success, the enjoyable features of which far exceeded any former meeting of the association; as a business meeting, it was—well, yes, it was—very pleasant.
“Through the courtesy of the officers of the Santa Fe road, a special train of three coaches, under the charge of Major Tom Anderson, and Ass’t Supt. of Newton, was placed at the disposal of ye editors and invited guests.
“Leaving Newton at eight a.m. with the genial Geo. Manches­ter at the helm, we were soon speeding southward, our engineer throwing gravel in the prairie chickens’ faces at a lively rate. A special committee of three, consisting of State Supt. Lemmon, Maj. McDermott, and Lafe Pence, Esq., came up from Winfield on the morning train, and were soon circulating through our train, distributing badges to the fraternity, together with ‘bus tickets and hotel and private house billets. All were full of mirth and jollity, and all “went merry as a marriage bell” until we came within about six miles of Wichita, when snap went our bell cord, and looking out, our engine was seen flying down the track envel­oped in a dense cloud of steam and fast widening the distance between it and our train. Coming to a halt, it backed slowly up and we found that an engine flue was burst and the boiler was empty. Taking in the situation at a glance, Maj. Anderson started for a farm house, and securing the services of a bareback rider, dispatched an order to Wichita for another ‘motor.’  While waiting, Dickey undertook the task of supplying the ladies with a yaller nosegay. After securing THREE, begged off on the ground that long understanding and a crick in the back interfered with graceful stooping, and he was excused. After a delay of an hour and a half, we were again in motion, and excepting a ‘hot box’ and the loss of the train chest, no further accident occurred. . . .”

Another report: “The Editorial Association held at Winfield on Saturday last was the largest convention of the association that has yet been held, sixty members being in attendance. The convention met in Manning’s opera house at 2 p.m., and on behalf of the mayor and citizens was warmly welcomed to the city in an appropriate address by Capt. McDermott, extending the hospitalities of the city. This very able address was responded to on behalf of the editorial association by H. X. Devendorf, of Topeka. Shortly after these formal addresses the convention adjourned until 7 o’clock p.m.”
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.
The Arkansas Valley Editorial Association held its regular quarterly meeting at Winfield Saturday. The occasion drew together many besides the editors. Some ten or fifteen went down from Topeka, and others joined the procession at different points. From Newton not less than twenty, fully one-half of whom were ladies, went down on a special train from that place Satur­day morning. The special train was run by the A., T. & S. F. railroad to accommodate the editors from the Upper Arkansas Valley, who, by this act of the railroad, saved one day in time. That railroad company, by the way, is all the time doing some­thing to accommodate the public, and we sometimes think that because of their generosity on so many occasions whenever asked, that more is expected of it than from any other railroad company in the state.
There can be no doubt that the A., T. & S. F. do more in the matter of accommodating the public on such occasions than any road in the state, and we guess than any road in the United States.
It was our first visit to Winfield, and while we supposed we were acquainted with the condition of things there, we confess that we were disappointed. We did not suppose it possible for a town over forty miles from a railroad, as Winfield has been till within the past few months, to be built up so substantially and to give such evidence of wealth and solidity as the place shows. Winfield has finer residences than Topeka and the business blocks are fully equal to any here. We presume that our readers in the eastern part of the state will open their eyes wide when they read this, but it is true. There is on every hand signs of wealth and stability that is astonishing to those who stop to remember that it is only about ten years since the first settler went into Cowley County.
The stone quarries, which are just coming into notice, from the fact of the stone from them being accepted with which to build the new post office in Topeka, must take a good deal of money there and help to build up Winfield. The quarry from which the stone is to be brought here is about a mile and a fourth from the depot of the K. C., L. & S. and 1¾ from the Santa Fe depot. A track will undoubtedly be laid soon to one or both of these roads. There are in Winfield twelve miles of walk laid with this stone, and it has been used in many buildings in that city. We visited the quarry and should judge that it is inex­haustible and easily got out.
The people of Winfield treated their visitors right royally, taking them over the city and surroundings, giving them boat rides, a ball, and banquet, and opening their houses to them.
It was our good fortune to be cast upon the tender mercy of Frank Williams at the “Williams House,” one of the coziest, cleanest, and most homelike places we have been at for a long time. On the Walnut is a little steamer about twenty-five feet long, with ten feet beam, and a nicely fitted up cabin. This runs with pleasure parties, we believe, up to Arkansas City, some twelve miles. A good many of the editors and their friends took a ride on this steamer, and enjoyed it hugely.

The ball at the Opera House, owned by our old friend. E. C. Manning, was a perfect success. The music was perfect, better than we have heard on similar occasions for a long time. The attendance was large, but not so much so as to be over-crowded. For elegance of dress and appearance, the ladies of Winfield are fully equal to those of any of her sister cities in Kansas. The banquet, which was served at the Central Hotel, was excellent.
State Supt. Lemmon, whose home is in Winfield, was master of ceremonies. We should not neglect to mention that Major T. J. Anderson was with the party from Topeka, and, as usual, kept everyone in a good humor on the way and while at Winfield, especially at the banquet. He was assisted by Judge Hanback and others in story telling and singing.
We would be glad to give a more extended notice of Winfield and her big-hearted generous citizens, but time forbids. We cannot, however, close without returning thanks to W. M. Allison, of the Telegram, and his family, and General Green, for particu­lar favors shown us.
We have given so much space to Winfield that we have little left for the Association. For the present it is enough to say that this meeting was more largely attended than any previous one.
The address of welcome by Mr. McDermott was chuck full of wit and humor. The response on behalf of the Association by H. X. Devendorf was much more than usually well written and eloquently delivered.
Winfield Courier, May 6, 1880.
The Telegram plumes itself on the fact that we did not deny its version of how some Republicans had been making up political slates. Its editor is too modest when he supposes that his inventions will be taken as truths unless contradicted. That yarn was a pretty good joke on certain Republicans; and is so taken and needs no denial.
But if it is of any interest to anyone to know what part we have taken in making up slates, we will say that we have named as our choice the following.
Gen. U. S. Grant for President.
Hon. Thos. Ryan for Congress.
J. P. St. John for Governor.
Prof. Thomas for State Superintendent.
Capt. McDermott for Attorney-General.
E. S. Torrance for District Judge.
F. S. Jennings for County Attorney.
R. C. Story for County Superintendent.
We have been asked why we do not put Mr. Hackney’s name on our slate. We confess that we are strongly inclined to do so, because of his activity, influence, and ability to secure for our county what we want, but not because we would expect personal favors for ourself or friends at his hands.

McDermott & Johnson: move into W. L. Morehouse building [northwest corner of Main Street and Tenth Avenue. Occupying front rooms upstairs]...
Winfield Courier, May 27, 1880.

McDermott & Johnson will move their law office into the Morehouse building this week.
Winfield Courier, June 3, 1880.
McDermott & Johnson have removed their law office to the new building of Mr. Morehouse on the northwest corner of Main Street and Tenth Avenue. They occupy the front rooms upstairs and will be glad to see their friends at all times.
Winfield Courier, June 10, 1880.
McDermott & Johnson have removed to their new office in the Morehouse building.
Winfield Courier, June 10, 1880.
Our township is in favor of Torrance for District Judge, T. R. Bryan for State Senator, Frank Jennings for County Attor­ney, James McDermott for State Attorney, and A. B. Lemmon for Representative.
McDermott began career as a newsboy in St. Louis, Missouri...
Winfield Courier, June 10, 1880.
Hon. Jas. McDermott, of Cowley County, is being urged by his friends for the position of attorney general. This gentleman began his career as a newsboy on the streets of St. Louis. He has fought his way up the ladder and his acknowledged position with the foremost minds of the state is due to his own individual efforts. While representative from his county, we know that he made a good record and will do as well as state attorney. Newton Adversary.
Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.
We have had St. John’s day, and a jolly, rousing time, too. The Davis family discoursed sweet music. Judge Adams’ oration was fine and well received. Outside of the encampment was a circular swing, propelled by horse power and going around at the rate of 2.40. This swing was a paying institution, judging by the number who availed themselves of the pleasure of riding. Mr. McDermott officiated in a speech appropriate to the occasion, followed by the usual accompaniment of music. Right on the heels of St. John’s day came the Fourth of July, in the same grove, and an oration by Mr. Asp, of Winfield.
Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.
FOR SALE. Four good farms near Winfield at reasonable figures. We have some choice town lots at low prices. Call on McDermott & Johnson.
Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.
Last Thursday a large concourse of people assembled in this city to witness the ceremonies of laying the corner stone of the new Baptist church, under the auspices of the Masonic fraternity.

Hon. James McDermott acted as master of ceremonies, and the ritual was beautiful and impressive. A box containing a variety of documents, statistics, and newspapers was duly deposited, and the heavy corner stone, weight 2700 pounds, was lowered to its place. At the conclusion of these ceremonies the crowd adjourned to the Methodist church, where a beautiful and historic address for the occasion was delivered by Judge Soward. Short addresses were delivered by other speakers, and the occasion was one of interest and enthusiasm.
Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.
Winfield is partly depopulated by the great exodus to the Knight Templars triennial reunion in Chicago. Last Saturday and Sunday the trains were loaded with excursionists, many of whom were taking this opportunity to visit friends in the east with the excursion rates for fares. A great many went from here whose names have not been given us, but the following are some that we know of: Dr. W. G. Graham and wife, Capt. S. C. Smith, E. P. Kinne, J. E. Conklin, Capt. James McDermott, Rev. J. Cairns and wife, Rev. J. A. Hyden and wife, J. D. Pryor, R. D. Jillson and daughter, Mrs. D. A. and Miss Jessie Millington. C. C. Black and wife, J. W. Johnson and daughter, J. P. M. Butler and wife, Miss Jennie Melville, G. H. Buckman, J. C. and Miss Ioa Roberts, Will Baird and wife, Mrs. N. L. Rigby, Jacob Nixon and wife, J. S. Hunt, and T. R. Bryan.
Winfield Courier, September 9, 1880.
The trouble with Col. H. L. Taylor, of Sedgwick, E. B. Brainard, of Butler, and James McDermott, of Cowley, was that their local delegations were cold or lukewarm. In the latter case no canvass had been made in the State, or among the dele­gates, while opposing candidates had made a vigorous canvass and their local delegates were for them first and ready to trade anything else for them. Our delegates were for St. John first and were not solid for McDermott in any event. It was generally admitted that McDonald made the best impression and was the equal in other respects to any candidate. The only way to secure a nomination is to have some local delegation composed of effective and experienced workers who are for him so earnestly that they will be ready to sink all other preferences in his interests.
Winfield Courier, October 14, 1880.
The Baptist Association held a session in the M. E. Church at this place last week. Over seventy ministers were present. Rev. Jas. Cairns was elected moderator and Jas. McDermott clerk and treasurer for the ensuing year. The session was a very successful one and much work was done.
Winfield Courier, March 31, 1881.
LOST: A dark red milk cow strayed from my yard in Winfield last Monday morning. Anyone leaving information of her where­abouts at my office over Spotswood’s store will be rewarded. JAMES McDERMOTT.
Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.
Monday evening Mr. C. A. Bliss was purposely invited out to tea, and, returning home at about 8:30, found his parlors filled by about fifty of his personal friends.
When he entered, the Rev. Mr. Cairns, on behalf of the guests, in an appropriate address, presented him with twelve richly-bound volumes of standard literature. Mrs. Bliss, though absent, was remembered with a magnificent illustrated volume.
Mr. Bliss responded in a feeling manner: after which the leader of the surprise was himself made the victim of a surprise, by the presentation by Captain McDermott, on behalf of friends, with a splendid volume of “The Life of Christ.”

Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mann acted the part of host and hostess; and ice cream, strawberries, cake, etc., were served amid music and general social enjoyment.
The whole affair was a neat recognition of the Christian, social, and business character of the recipients of the mementoes, which they so justly merit.
The married couples present were Mr. and Mrs. Wright, McDermott, Story, Johnson, Hendricks, Trimble, Wilson. D. Bliss, Baird, E. H. Bliss, Gilbert, Cairns, Jarvis, Adams, Tipton, Silliman, Stevens, Trezise, and Fuller. There were also present Messrs. Borchers, Arment, Applegate, Rigby, Wood, F. Finch, and Mrs. E. S. Bliss, Mrs. H. Bliss, Mrs. Jewell, Miss S. Bliss, Miss Smith, Miss Corson, and others, whose names we failed to obtain.
Winfield Courier, June 23, 1881.
The people of Box City and neighborhood are determined to celebrate the Fourth of July at home this year. George Savage was called to the chair and S. Neer appointed secretary. The committee fixed near the Hickman crossing on Grouse; this loca­tion is beautiful and commodious. Elder Thomas and Mr. McDermott have agreed to speak on that occasion. Vocal music will inter­sperse the various exercises of the day. Wheelbarrow and sack races, croquet, etc., will among the exercises to enliven the occasion. Last, but not least, will be the ascension of a mammoth Caloric balloon from the ground during the afternoon.
Winfield Courier, August 11, 1881.
The amount refunded by the county officers having received excessive salaries, principal, and interest, is as follows.
Story: $178.61.
McDermott: $178.61.
Bryan: $1,500.00.
Troup: $595.37.
Total: $2,452.59.
Amount due and soon to be paid in:
Bryan: $728.00.
Torrance: $222.00.
T : $250.00.
GRAND TOTAL: $3,402.59.
Winfield Courier, November 10, 1881.
Court is in session: the lambs and the lions are mingling together in harmony under the soothing influence of Judge Torrance’s presence. Among the lions we notice Henry H. Asp,
T. H. Soward, Frank Jennings, G. H. Buckman, D. C. Beach, O. M. Seward, J. E. Allen, Jas. O’Hare, S. D. Pryor, James McDermott, A. P. Johnson, A. H. Green, W. P. Hackney, A. B. Taylor, Lovell H. Webb, C. R. Mitchell, Joe Houston, Cal. Swarts, Charlie Eagin, and others. The list of lambs can be found in our Court docket of last week.

Winfield Courier, November 17, 1881.

If O. F. Mackey will call at the office of McDermott and Johnson, Winfield, he will learn something to his advantage.
Winfield Courier, November 17, 1881.
Hon. James McDermott has for visitors his father and adopted brother, whom he had not seen for sixteen years. They have been residing in Texas.
Cowley County Courant, November 17, 1881.
McDERMOTT & JOHNSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. [JAMES McDERMOTT/A. P. JOHNSON]  Office in Morehouse block, corner Main street and 10th avenue.
Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.
An addition has been made to the firm of McDermott & John­son. It is a small one, but promises well for the future. It is a junior member from Johnson’s side of the house.
Cowley County Courant, December 22, 1881.
Winfield Commandery No. 15, Knights Templar, held their annual installation of officers on Friday evening. The following are the officers: W. G. Graham, E. C.; J. C. McMullen, G.; James McDermott, C. G.; Chas. C. Clack, S. W.; J. W. Johnston, J. W.; S. H. Myton, Treas.; J. D. Pryor, Rec.; S. A. Cook, W.; Mr. Stafford, Std. B.; S. H. Myton, Std. B.
Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.
The Masonic lodge had a public installation of officers at the hall Tuesday evening. A large number of our people were present and addresses were delivered by Messrs. Black and McDermott. The Arion quartette rendered some excellent music.
Cowley County Courant, January 12, 1882.
The annual business meeting of the Baptist Church was held at the Courthouse on Saturday evening, December 31, 1881. The report of the officers show the following facts.
Total membership: 192.
Additions during the year: 30.
Money collected and paid out during the year for general expenses, including pastor’s salary: $1,063.88.
For the new building over $3,000 has been collected and expended, and over $300 of this amount by the ladies’ society.
The Sunday School has 19 officers and teachers, and 214 scholars, and had an average attendance of 141.
There was collected and expended for the Sunday School about $78.
The following officers were elected for the next year:
Clerk, J. C. Rowland.
Treasurer, James McDermott.
Trustees, C. A. Bliss, A. P. Johnson, J. S. Mann. B. F. Wood, and A. B. Arment.
Organist, Miss Lola Silliman.
Chorister, Geo. Cairns.
The church and Sunday School starts the new year under favorable circumstances, and it is hoped that beginning with next Sunday, they will be able to occupy their new house of worship, now nearly completed.

Cowley County Courant, February 2, 1882.

M. G. Troup, James McDermott, and J. R. Bryan have been chosen arbitrators to adjust the Tunnel Mills difficulty between Harter and Harris. No better men could have been chosen for this work.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 8, 1882.
Mr. Johnson of the well known firm of McDermott & Johnson was in the city on Saturday last.
Winfield Courier, January 5, 1882.
Messrs. James McDermott and D. A. Millington were appointed by the Board to assist the Probate Judge in counting the funds in the treasury.
Winfield Courier, January 12, 1882.
The business meeting of the Baptist Church was held Saturday evening. The church is in a most healthy condition. The membership is 192 and thirty new members have been admitted during the year. The following officers were elected for the next year.
Clerk: J. C. Rowland.
Treasurer: James McDermott.
Trustees: C. A. Bliss, A. P. Johnson, J. B. Mann, B. F. Wood, and A. B. Arment.
Organist: Miss Celina Bliss.
Chorister: H. E. Silliman.
Officers of the Sunday School.
Superintendent: James McDermott.
Assistant Superintendent: B. F. Wood.
Secretary: J. C. Rowland.
Treasurer: J. S. Mann.
Organist: Miss Lola Silliman.
Chorister: George Cairns.
Their elegant new church building is fast nearing completion and will be ready for occupancy in a few weeks.
Winfield Courier, March 9, 1882.
Capt. McDermott should have been a journalist, as the bright columns of The Visitor fully attest.
Cowley County Courant, March 9, 1882.
We have before us a neat and dainty publication called The Visitor, published monthly for the First Baptist Church of this city, and devoted to our church and school interests. We think we recognize the guiding spirit of James McDermott on its pages.
Cowley County Courant, March 16, 1882.

A fellow lectured in Winfield the other night on mesmerism. He had a good deal of difficulty in getting a subject to come forward and be operated upon. Finally after much whooping and yelling, John Allen was hustled up. The lecturer placed a glass of water in John’s hand, and after putting him thoroughly under the influence, he had him drink of the water alternately as whiskey, brandy, wine, and beer. John showed his appreciation of the several drinks both by word and action, and in each case pronounced the beverage a very superior article. After the lecturer was through with John and called for another subject, McDermott and Soward and about forty other men instantly rose and started forward.   Wichita Times.
The Wichita man is liable to make a reputation as the loudest sounding lyre that ever lied.
Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.
Col. J. C. McMullen entertained his class, with a few others of the Baptist Sabbath school, at his residence on last Thursday evening. His class is principally young ladies and gentlemen; therefore, the party consisted of young folks, with only a sprinkling of older ones—just enough to tone them down and make it very agreeable. The Colonel had a “crow to pick” with Capt. McDermott, the superintendent, on account of his often tapping the bell just as he was explaining to his class the most interesting part of the lesson. So he seized this opportunity of “heaping coals of fire on his head” by calling on McDermott for an address answering the question, “Why should we read the Bible aside from a religious duty? He limited him to five minutes, when all knew that it would take twice that length of time to do the subject justice. Mr. McDermott fully occupied the time and proved conclusively that all should read the Bible because it is a wonderful history, etc. The party were then entertained for a few moments with selected readings from some of our best authors by Mr. William Colgate, son-in-law of J. F. McMullen. He is a fine elocutionist, and his selections were highly appreciated by the guests. After the reading an excellent supper was served by the estimable hostess and her daughter, Nellie, and some splendid music was furnished by Master Ed., and Miss Zulu Farringer. The party was a very enjoyable one, and the guests fully appreciated the hospitable and agreeable manner in which they were entertained.
Winfield Courier, April 27, 1882.
This is Court week and our lion-like attorneys are in clover. The following gentlemen are present: A. J. Pyburn of La Mars, Missouri; C. R. Mitchell, of Geuda Springs; Senator Hackney, Judge McDonald, Judge Tipton, Jas. O’Hare, Henry E. Asp, S. D. Pryor, J. F. McMullen, D. C. Beach, O. M. Seward, J. E. Allen, A. P. Johnson, James McDermott, P. H. Albright, T. H. Soward, Geo. H. Buckman, M. G. Troup, and County Attorney Jennings.
Cowley County Courant, May 25, 1882.
CARD NO. 2. Mr. Editor: It will be remembered that immedi­ately after the difficulty between myself and Tucker, there were individuals in this town misrepresenting me and trying to create the impression that the said trouble was the forerunner or the initial step of an organized fight against the ministers of the gospel, or in other words, the commencement of a war between ruffianism and vice, against Christianity and morality. Upon hearing this I published a card denying the same in toto. Now that the matter is all over and the smoke has cleared away, and, as many are daily enquiring of me as to the particulars, I desire to recapitulate this huge affair briefly.

On the morning of the 24th of October last, I was told by many of our reputable citizens that on the night previous, Tucker, a professed christian minister, in a speech in the opera house before an audience of some five or six hundred persons, had singled me out, named me, and charged me with having misrep­resented and lied to obtain signatures, to a certain paper circulated a week previous by Mr. Lynn and myself. That day I met the Reverend gentleman and quietly told him what I had heard, whereupon he in a very haughty, sarcastic, and insulting manner, said “he guessed I had heard what he said about me.” At this time I took occasion to slap the gentleman, which of course I do not claim to have been a christian act nor even right in a moral sense, but yet I believe the average mortal under like circumstances would have done the same.
Now, I have the word of a resident minister that Tucker told him about the time the suit for damages was instituted against myself that a certain lawyer had volunteered his services to prosecute the case against me. This minister asked Tucker who that lawyer was, and Tucker replied it was Capt. McDermott. I have the word of a lawyer in this town that about the time said suit was started that the said volunteer attorney boasted on the street that he would make me sick before he got through with me.
These acts of an eminently moral gentleman will evidently be considered by the community at large as emanating from a true christian spirit, especially when they learn that of $250 damages allowed by the jury and already paid by me, Mr. Tucker gets nothing, but that the same is divided up among the lawyers who tried the case, McDermott & Johnson, as I am informed, getting $150, and Hackney & McDonald getting $100 of the spoils, leaving poor Ben. Henderson, who made the only legal on the side of the prosecution, out in the cold, without a penny for his services.
And I also was reliably informed that Mr. Tucker is honor­able enough to object to this course and demands that Henderson must have at least a small portion, but our Winfield christian law­yers, I understand, don’t like to give any money up. It’s too soft a thing especially when ordinary law practice is light. I have paid the money and the lawyers and their client are now quarreling over it. Of course, it is hard to pay out hundreds of dollars to such a purpose, but I do not regret it. I would feel that I had lost my manhood and disgraced my parentage if I would take such a wanton insult slung at me without cause or provoca­tion without resenting it. If I had been permitted, I could have proven that I was not guilty of the charges made against me by Mr. Tucker, and that they were entirely without foundation. I love a christian gentleman, but a hypocrite I hate.
I believe the community will bear me out in the assertion that my actions have proven that I have no fight against churches or christians, but to the contrary have always endorsed all reli­gious organizations and helped them financially. My father and mother have been members of the M. E. church ever since I can remember. I believe they are christians, but the religion they taught me was not the kind practiced by some in this town. The question is, has this affair had a tendency to strengthen the cause of christianity? Did the language used by Mr. Tucker in the hall, with reference to myself, indicate a christian spirit, or did it sound like the ranting of a third-rate ward politician?

Did the money I paid into court belong to Mr. Tucker or myself, or was it confidence money? If the suit was brought through good and honest motives, for the good of the community, and for the benefit of society and Mr. Tucker combined, why was it the lawyers forgot Mr. Tucker in dividing the spoils? I may be wrong, and hope I am, but it appears to me that the whole affair would look to an unbiased mind like a robbery under the cloak of a prosecution in the interest of morality and in vindi­cation of the law. Again, is it not a strange coincidence that after Judge Campbell and Mr. Tipton (two gentlemen who never made any pretension toward being possessed of an extraordinary degree of moral virtue) had addressed the jury in my behalf, without making use of a single expression reflecting upon the character of Mr. Tucker. That in the closing argument the gentleman who professed to have the love of God in his heart should so far forget himself as to resort to blackguardism and billingsgate as I am informed he did. Among other things referring to myself and insinuating that I was a coward. Now I desire to address myself to this christian statesman and say to him kindly, but firmly, that he dare not undertake to substantiate that charge of coward­ice on any ground, at any time, or in any manner he may choose. A. H. GREEN.
Cowley County Courant, June 29, 1882.
Capt. James McDermott, Judge Soward, and others will unfurl the flag of this free for all but Chinamen country, at Torrance on the 4th.
Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.
A CARD. Hon. Jas. McDermott, Winfield, Kansas.
DEAR SIR: We the undersigned citizens of Cowley County, Kansas, anxious that an able and faithful man represent us in the coming legislature, and ever mindful of the important legislation that will come before that body, unite in requesting you to become a candidate for the office of Representative from this district, July 11th, 1882.
Hackney, W. P.; Gridley, A.; Bethel, Jas.; Millington, D. A.; Greer, Ed. P.; Finch, Frank W.; Siverd, H. H.; Pryor, J. D.; Wilson, W. J.; Hunt, J. S.; Bryan, T. R.; Curns, J. W.; Harris,  T. J.; Arrowsmith, J. W.; Hendricks, A. D.; Soward, T. H.; Story, R. C.; Reynolds, E. M.; Buckman, G. H.; Haight, N. A.; Cook, S. A.; Webb, L. H.; Fuller, C. E.; Hudson, W.; Wood, B. F.; Kelly, James; Short, J. P.; Platter, Jas. E.; Gridley, A., Jr.; Asp, Henry E.; Trimble, E. T.; Roberts, W. D.; Moore, Wm. H.; Hackney, J. F.; Waite, R. B.: McMullen, J. C.; Lee, W. A.; Holloway, S. S.; and others. WINFIELD, KANSAS, July 17, 1882.
Hon. W. P. Hackney, T. H. Soward, D. A. Millington, and others:
GENTLEMEN: I have received your very flattering call to become a candidate for the legislature in this district, and after due consideration, have concluded to consent to the use  of my name in that connection. At first I did not regard the proposition favorably, owing to  business interests which I thought might suffer thereby but upon the representations of friends that I might be able to assist to some extent in making the temperance laws more effective; in guarding the interests of Cowley County in the Congressional apportionment; and in securing any other advantages that may be desired for the county and which may be attainable; I have overcome my reluctance and hereby authorize my friends to use my name as a candidate before the Republican District Convention—and if nominated and elected I will hold myself bound to consider the interests of the people of Cowley County as of paramount importance to all other interests, and will give my best efforts to maintain and protect them. Respectfully yours, JAMES McDERMOTT.
Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

McDERMOTT. Some persons object to the Hon. James McDermott as a candidate for Representative, that he is proud, self-sufficient, domineering, does not go out and work for his nomination, and is therefore unpopular. The charges are true to the extent that he usually has something to do and his mind on his business so much so that he does not always notice those whom he meets and is not found on the street corners gassing with the boys; that he is self-reliant, and thinks the conclusions he has arrived at after earnest thought and investigation are correct, and that he is quite sensitive about soliciting support for himself. But he has done stalwart work in the support of the candidacy of others, and when you get down to the facts, he is a very genial, warm-hearted, entertaining companion. No one questions his ability, his intensity to the interests of this district and county. No one questions his stalwart Republicanism or his devotion to prohibition. All concede that he is the strongest and most influential man we can send and will do us the best service in the important matters that will come before the next Legislature. All concede that he has the nerve and sand to do the right thing in spite of all opposition, to attack the railroad power, the rum power, or any other power that ought to be attacked; that he would be a power in the Legislature. We cannot but be aware that the most bitter opposition to him comes from those who are the most bitter enemies of prohibition.
Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.
We had a grand, good time at the celebration on the Fourth. The “Declaration” was ably declaimed by little Bobbie Scott. We had a short speech by Jas. McDermott, which was an able reminiscence of the early settlement and struggles of Grouse Creek. Then we had one of Judge Soward’s grand, loyal speeches in the afternoon; we had but one objection to its brevity. There was but one thing occurred to mar the beauty and pleasures of the day. The Dexter band agreed to dispense music for us and as they were new hands at the bellows, said they would not charge us anything; but we might give them something, if we wanted to, but on the morning of the Fourth after the people had assembled, they took advantage of our necessity and informed us that they would not strike a note unless we raise them $20. Now the amount is not what we look at but the manner in which they obtained it. One of the band is an aspirant for the Superintendency; but we fear if we elect him, he would get mad right in the midst of a Normal, and wouldn’t play unless we raise him a bonus.
Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.
Baker for Representative. EDS. COURIER: As you have put forth the qualifications of Mr. McDermott in an article in your issue of the 27th, we, the citizens of Tisdale Township, will speak to the Republicans of the 66th district through the columns of your paper, and put forth the qualifications of the Hon. J. S. Baker. He is a man that can be approached by anyone on any subject, is courteous and sociable with all; is a man that is quick to perceive ideas on any subject; a man of good ability and a man with the nerve to stand up for the interests of his district and to combat with the rings and lobbyists that infest our legislature. A man that will work in the interest of the farmers, and as he is a farmer, he can be relied upon. He is a life-long Republican, is and always has been a temperance man, and has the solid support of his own township.
Mr. Baker is a man of fine education and an old settler of the county; was here when the county was organized and not an office seeker. He did not solicit the position of Representative, but was urged to make the race by a host of his friends in Tisdale and other townships. The best recommend we have for him is that he is not only supported by Republicans at home but by all parties regardless of politics. We all feel that with Hon. J. S. Baker in the legislature as Representative of the 66th district, our interests are in safe hands.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.
County Caucuses. A dozen or so township caucuses have been held and delegates elected as follows.
Vernon sends delegates for Baker, Millspaugh, Gans, and Rude.
Walnut sends delegates for McDermott, Gans, Bedilion, and is divided on Limerick and Mrs. Caton.
Dexter is for Maurer, Gans, Bedilion, and Rude.
Silver Creek elects delegates for Henthorn, Gans, Bedilion, and Limerick.
Windsor is for Maurer, Gans, Bedilion, and Albert.
Sheridan is for Henthorn, Gans, Bedilion, and Smith.
Tisdale is for Baker, Gans, Bedilion, and undecided on Superintendent.
Maple is for Henthorn, Gans, Bedilion, and Limerick.
Of course, they all went solid for the renomination of Frank Jennings.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882.
A complaint was made in the representative convention that Winfield gets all the county offices, and that when a farmer is a candidate he gets left. It was claimed that the reason that  Baker would not be nominated was that he was a farmer and not a Winfield man. It is true that McDermott is a lawyer and now a Winfield man. The city and Walnut Township were in effect instructed for him by large majorities, and Fairview Township voted for him in accordance with the evident will of the majority. Tisdale, Ninnescah, and Vernon delegations voted for Baker, but it was evident that a majority at the Vernon primary preferred McDermott. One delegate from Walnut voted for Baker contrary to the will of the majority as expressed by the votes at the primary meeting. There is no reasonable doubt that the majority in the townships outside of Winfield were for McDermott. The votes for Baker were 10 farmers and one physician. The votes for McDermott were 11 farmers and laborers, 1 lawyer, 1 editor, 1 lumberman, 1 constable, 1 clerk, 1 real estate agent and farmer, and 1 mill owner. Had all but the farmers and laborers neglected to vote, McDermott would have been elected by 1 majority. . . .
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882.
66th REPRESENTATIVE CONVENTION: M. N. Chafey, chairman; W. B. Weimer, secretary.
Fairview: J. H. Curfman, A. J. McCollim, W. B. Weimer.
Ninnescah: J. A. Hood, Wm. Crawford, D. W. Pierce.
Tisdale: Dr. Rising, W. C. Douglass, S. W. Chase.
Vernon: D. M. Hopkins, C. M. Skinner, Joseph Hann, W. J. Bonnewell.
Walnut: J. L. King, E. S. Bliss, W. W. Limbocker, M. N. Chafey, G. W. Prater.
Winfield, 1st ward: J. E. Conklin, James Bethel, D. A. Millington, J. W. Craine, T. R. Bryan.

Winfield, 2nd ward: B. F. Wood, Wm. Whiting, W. J. Wilson, J. H. Bullen, Frank Finch, T. H. Soward.
Votes for Representative from 66th District: James S. Baker 11; James McDermott 18.
McDermott declared the nominee.
CENTRAL COMMITTEE, 66TH: T. H. Soward, chairman; Wm. White, secretary.
Winfield Courier, August 24, 1882.
Sabbath School Mass Meeting and Convention. The New Salem Sabbath school has made arrangements for a “Sabbath School Mass Meeting and Convention,” to be held on Thursday, August 31st, in Mr. R. Steven’s grove, on Timber Creek, three miles northeast of the old New Salem schoolhouse.
While all who come will receive a hearty welcome, the following neighboring schools have received special invitation to be present, and to also furnish music: Queen Village, Prairie Home, Pleasant Hill, Moscow, Floral, Tisdale, Silver Creek, Burden, Walnut Valley, Fairview, Prairie Grove, Summit, Richland, Maple Grove, and Baltimore.
Addresses are expected from the following speakers: Rev. J. E. Platter, Messrs. S. H. Jennings, S. S. Holloway, and Jas. McDermott, of Winfield; Revs. S. B. Fleming of Arkansas City, Irvin of Floral, Knight of Burden, and Firestone of Baltimore.
Exercises will begin promptly at 10 a.m. Please come early, bring your “Gospel Hymns,” and let us do good work for the Master.
To prevent the annoyance that often creeps in on such occasions, no swings will be allowed on the ground, and no stands for sale of refreshments will be allowed, except one under the control of the parties who granted us the use of the ground for the Convention. In case of heavy rain on the day appointed, the Convention will be held on the day following.
Winfield Courier, September 7, 1882.
J. J. Johnson, of Tisdale Township, was named as the opposition candidate to Mr. McDermott for the legislature by a small meeting of citizens who gathered at the Courthouse last Saturday. As the meeting made no platform and passed no resolutions, we are unable to state on what issue Mr. Johnson proposes to make his canvass, unless, perchance, his mission is simply to oppose. We understand that he will continue on the track until November.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 13, 1882.
Hon. James McDermott, of Winfield, was in our city on legal business last Monday.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 13, 1882.
The case of Freylinger vs. Nolle tried before Justice Bonsall on last Monday resulted in a verdict for the defendant. Johnson & McDermott appeared for plaintiff and C. L. Swarts for defen­dant.
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1882.
In this county we elect on the Republican ticket the four county officers, the Representative of the 67th and 68th districts: Mitchell and Weimer, while McDermott in the 66th and probably Harbaugh for commissioner in the 2nd district, are defeated. Next week we will try to give the full returns.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.

Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Hon. James McDermott and family left Tuesday for Kentucky, where they will spend the winter among friends.
McDermott and Johnson again move: Manning building over post office...
Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.
McDermott & Johnson have removed to the Manning building over the post office.
Winfield Courier, May 10, 1883.
Mrs. James McDermott has been very sick in Kentucky. For some time her life was despaired of. We learn she is now much better.
Mrs. James McDermott dies in Kentucky...
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
DIED. Mr. A. P. Johnson has a telegram from James McDermott, dated May 18th, stating that his wife, Mary, is dead. She has been ill and in a critical condition ever since they arrived in Kentucky last December. She leaves a baby 2½ months old.
Capt. James McDermott returns from Kentucky with his three children...
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1883.
Capt. James McDermott returned Saturday evening, bringing with him his three children. Since leaving the old home, the bright face of the wife and mother has passed away forever and he returns to a hearthstone drear and desolate. He has the sympathy of many friends in his bereavement.
Winfield Courier, October 18, 1883.
Another Union Temperance meeting was held on last Sunday evening, at the Baptist Church, and a large crowd was in attendance. An exceptionally good essay on “Temperance Principle” was read by Mrs. Emma Smith. Mrs. Smith’s essays, given from time to time at public gatherings, show her to be an essayist of no small ability. Capt. James McDermott made one of his usual good, sound addresses, after which the gentlemen were given an opportunity to become honorary members of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, by whom the meeting was conducted, and quite a number responded. The regular Baptist choir was present and added greatly to the enjoyment of the meeting.
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.
Ex-Soldiers of War Organizations. During the Soldiers’ Re-union last week it was determined to effect a permanent organization, and the soldiers present from each state were requested to appoint one member of a committee to recommend a form for such organization and the officers for the first year. The committee met and organized by electing comrade James McDermott, chairman, and comrade A. H. Limerick, secretary. The roll of the committee was called and the following members were found present.
James McDermott, 4th Kentucky Infantry.
A. H. Limerick, 93rd Illinois.
Geo. W. Robertson, 3rd Missouri Cavalry.
A. V. Polk, 3rd Pennsylvania.

H. W. Stubblefield, 6th Kansas Cavalry.
S. F. Gould, 2nd Minnesota Cavalry.
J. C. Evans, 14th New York Infantry.
J. W. Millspaugh, 37th Iowa Infantry.
L. B. Aldrich, 12th Wisconsin Infantry.
G. H. Williams, 2nd Colorado Infantry.
John W. Wolfe, 8th Michigan Infantry.
J. B. Corson, 13th Maine Infantry.
Wm. White, 155 Ohio Infantry.
J. A. Brown, 12th Indiana Mounted Infantry.
C. F. Vaughn, 5th West Virginia Infantry.
The committee made the following report, which was adopted by the soldiers at dress parade on Friday evening, October 18, 1883. The committee of one person from each state represented at this Re-union, appointed to recommend a plan of organization for future Re-unions, beg leave to recommend the adoption of the following:
That an association be formed to be called “The Arkansas Valley Re-Union Association,” for the purpose of holding annual re-Unions. The association shall be composed of all old Soldiers and Sailors of the United States residing in the counties of Chautauqua, Elk, Greenwood, Butler, Cowley, Sumner, Sedgwick, Harvey, Reno, Kingman, Harper, and Barber. The officers of the association shall be a president, a secretary, a treasurer, and one vice-president from each county. The officers named shall constitute an Executive Board. The officers shall be elected at the annual Re-unions and shall hold their offices until the next annual Re-union, and until their successors are elected. The Executive Board shall determine the time and place of each Re-union, but the time shall be between August 1st and October 1st, and the Re-union shall not be held in connection with any fair or other public gathering. The president, secretary, and three vice-presidents shall constitute a quorum of the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall have power to fill all vacancies in offices in the intervals between Re-unions.
The officers for the first year shall be:
President, T. H. Soward of Winfield.
Secretary, A. H. Limerick of Winfield.
Treasurer, James McDermott of Winfield.
Cowley County, H. W. Stubblefield.
Sumner County, John H. Wolfe.
Chautauqua County, Ward.
Butler County, Charley Durham.
Barber County, James Springer.
Harper County, J. P. Horton.
Vice-presidents for the other counties to be appointed by the Executive Board.
It is further recommended that the present Re-union be designated the first annual Re-union, and that future Re-unions be numbered accordingly.
Respectfully submitted, JAMES McDERMOTT, Chairman

A. H. LIMERICK, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.
Recap Divorce Petition: Mary A. Butler, Plaintiff, vs. Samuel E. Butler, Defendant, filed November 9, 1883. She wanted custody of minor children and alimony in the way of tracts of land. Her attorneys were McDermott & Johnson.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1884.
The Baptist Church held its annual business meeting on Monday evening. The reports of the various affairs and societies, including the Sunday school, show that the year has been a prosperous one in most respects. There were 102 persons baptized during the year and quite a number received by letter, the total membership at present being 301. The following officers were elected for the next year: Church clerk, A. P. Johnson; church treasurer, C. A. Bliss; trustees, B. F. Wood, C. A. Bliss, L. B. Stone, H. E. Silliman, and John Tyner. Officers of the Sunday school: superintendent, John M. Prince; assistant superintendent, B. N. Wood; secretary, James McDermott; treasurer, John Tyner.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1884. Editorial.
THE NARROW GAUGE. Maj. Hanson and Col. Doniphan were in town Saturday on the narrow gauge business and flattered us by calling on us to argue us into abandoning our position on the conditions which should be included in the proposition to make it worthy of support. They are able men, but even abler men have called us the past week on the same errand and in every instance we thought we came nearer to convincing the missionary than he us.
Probably the best way to convince us is the course that Mart Robinson has taken for the last three weeks, that is to rent a few columns in the Telegram and fill them with not very flattering eulogisms on the editor of the COURIER, attributing to him many awful things. Feeling as Clark did that it was better to be abused than not to be noticed at all, we have found nothing which we cared to reply to, and we are much obliged to him for spending so much of his valuable time both in writing and talking to everybody he meets in advertising us and soliciting his supposed friends to sit down on us. When he really gets down to business and says something worth noticing, we may unbend and give him another racket, but not now, for we have more important matters in hand. We will merely remark in reply to his statement to the effect that we were waiting to be subsidized, to be bought up, before supporting the narrow gauge proposition that he is one of the men who knew from certain experience in that direction that it is, sometimes, at least impossible to buy us up. We do not apprehend that the great numbers of our friends who think about as we do of the present proposition will fear that we are going to sell out and abandon them. They will not be disappointed who expect us to adhere substantially to the position we have taken and stay with them.

THE MEETING. Well, a narrow gauge railroad meeting was held at the Brettun House, Saturday morning, and quite a crowd of Winfield men attended. To spike our gun, we suppose, we were chosen chairman, and C. C. Black was made secretary. Maj. Hanson and Col. Doniphan made excellent speeches showing advantages of narrow gauges and this projected one in particular. M. G. Troup made a bright short speech, the only point of which was that we were captions, but M. L. Robinson was the orator of the day and occupied most of the time. The chairman’s views being asked for, he asked the reading of the petition to be circulated or in circulation and then pointed out a great many amendments that should be made to render it worthy of the support of the voters of this county. The parties objected to making any of the changes asked for, stated that they intended and expected to do many of the things asked for, but objected to putting their part of the contract in writing by the side of the part of the county.
The meeting passed the following resolution offered by M. L. Robinson and then adjourned.
Resolved, That, whereas the great needs of Cowley County and Southern Kansas are coal, lumber, wood, posts, lower rates for transportation, and new markets, and believing that the early building of a railroad connecting the systems of a narrow gauge railroad of the south and east with those of Colorado, Utah, and the west, would be of incalculable benefit to this whole country and to Cowley County in particular putting us at an early day on a through line across the continent. It is therefore the sense of this meeting that it would be for the best interest of Cowley County to aid such an enterprise by voting aid thereto in the sum of one hundred thousand dollars under the laws of the state: one half of said aid to be delivered to said enterprise when the railroad is completed and cars running thereon to Winfield, and balance of such aid to be delivered when the line is completed and the cars running across the county. And we hereby pledge ourselves to support such propositions with our best efforts and that this resolution be published in our city papers and such papers be invited to use their best influence to carry such proposition.
When we entered the meeting we did not know that there was a single man present who sympathized with our views on this question, but Hon. J. McDermott supported us by a short pointed speech and there were about seven or eight noes in the vote on the resolution. After the adjournment some of the most intelligent men in the meeting, men who had been supporting the proposition heartily as it is, came to us and told us our position was right, said they would be with us, and would oppose the bonds unless substantially the amendments we demanded were made. We are satisfied from what we have heard through the county that in its present cut-throat form, the proposition would be snowed under by an overwhelming majority; but that if placed in the form we recommended, it would be carried.
Mind we do not consider the COURIER the leader in this matter. It is the mouthpiece of the sentiments of the people generally as we believe and as expressed to us by many. We give them such facts as we have learned by rubbing against railroad builders. They draw the conclusions and any sensible man should know what they will be.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1884.
Presentation. Col. McMullen has a very interesting Bible class of thirty-five members in the Baptist Sunday school. A few days ago the class determined to surprise the Colonel and so proceeded to his residence in force, and after spending a pleasant evening, Capt. McDermott, on behalf of those present, in a short speech presented the Colonel with a handsome photograph album containing the pictures of the class. The Colonel in a very neat speech accepted the present with thanks. Altogether the gathering was very pleasant, and all retired with the hope that all might enjoy more such occasions.


Winfield Courier, January 31, 1884. [Court Notes.]
Bliss & Wood brought action against the Water Company to have it restrained from taking water from their Mill pond. The demurrer was argued at last before the court last week, by McDermott & Johnson for plaintiff and Wade McDonald for defendant. On Monday the Court rendered judgment in favor of the plaintiffs. The Case will go to the Supreme Court.
McDermott mentioned in lengthy editorial by D. A. Millington...
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1884. Editorial.
The object of this article, the last we shall lay before our readers before the election of March 11th, is not to influence votes either against or for the pending railroad proposition, but to give our readers a fair, honest, manly, and impartial statement of all facts and acts bearing upon the question before us which we have not heretofore stated, an account of what has been done the past week, what is now being done in relation to the matter, and what are our conclusions on points of controversy, leaving the effects to be what it will on the vote of March 11th. The voters are the jury who are to decide this case and we choose to come before them at this time, not as a partisan attorney on either side, but to talk as a judge might talk to a jury about to decide an important case.
We do not expect to please either side by this course and it will be easy to accuse us of mulishness and fogyism by the one side, of “flopping” and selling out by the other, and of straddling by both; but we shall satisfy our own sense of justice and right, and merit the approval of all fair minded citizens, whether we get it or not.
Rustlers of younger, warmer blood like the junior editor, are not content to take such a position as we indicate. They have an impulse to be foremost in every controversy on one side or the other; they scent the battle from afar and promptly take an active and vigorous part. We have several youngerly men in this city of vigor, energy, and snap, who when they work together in a good cause can perform wonders. We admire and appreciate them and always want them on our side, but we are older and the great many conflicts of opinion we have encountered and passed through tend to make us slower to engage in a heated controversy and to content us with smaller results. Yet we have courage and fearlessness sufficient to make a pretty strong fight when there is an important interest or principle to fight for and to continue the struggle as long as we are confident that we are serving the best interest of our community by doing so.

SOME HISTORY NOT HERETOFORE MADE PUBLIC. But before we assume the judicial ermine, we cannot forbear to state some of the facts that have placed this proposition in the bad predicament in which we now find it. We must be indulged in one last kick at the bad management which has placed us in this ambiguous position. We have earnestly desired to give this company a fair chance to build this road if it can be built on a basis which will do no damage to any Cowley County taxpayer, property owner, or citizen, and to make it of value to all. The first time we were approached on the subject by the representatives of the railroad company, we told them that if they would put a proposition before the people to vote a reasonable amount in which proposition the interests of the people were amply secured in clear and unmistakable language, we would support it heartily. The company ought to have given us such a proposition in the outset, ought to have consulted with leading citizens of the county representing all the various interests, and made such concessions as to the details of the proposition as they could, to accommodate these interests, before their petition was printed and circulated, ought to have made all the concessions then, that they have since made by stipulations, and more too. They ought to have given us a clear cut honest proposition that would be final and not need any coddling up with stipulations of doubtful validity. Instead of that, we have before us a proposition conceived in duplicity, blotted all over with badges of fraud, and then patched up with stipulations to cure most of the defects, yet leaving many in doubt whether they are cured or only covered up.
This is the first railroad proposition that was ever put before the people of this county for their votes in this way. Former propositions have been read before meetings of citizens and been discussed and amended in various ways to meet the views of the people, before the petitions were circulated.
The excuse that they did not know that these concessions would be demanded is too frivolous and not true. It is only a presumption that the people would consider all railroad propositions alike and would take down anything bearing that name without scrutiny or question as coming from superior beings of unselfish attributes, instead of coming from men not unlike other men who want to drive a sharp bargain.
An attorney of this city was consulted on legal points about the drawing up of that petition. He stated that it would be necessary to include in the proposition each of the points since conceded by the stipulations and some others; his advice was unheeded in all points except as to the form of ballots.
The first we were permitted to know of this matter was an invitation to meet representatives of the road and citizens at the Brettun House for consultation and discussion, and we went. The time of the meeting was taken up with speeches to explain the great advantages such a road would give to this county, but no proposition was read or produced and no indication of details were given except that the company wanted this county to vote them $100,000, which we objected to as too much. They also stated that they would make the stipulation that the road should be completed to and through the county in a year from the voting of the bonds if we recollect right. We told them that the time was too short in the present condition of the money markets, and we advised them to take plenty of time so as to obviate the necessity of forfeiture, but to make the time certain. No draft of a petition was presented, no further opportunity was given to make suggestions as to what it should contain. When we asked to see their petition, we were answered that it was not ready, but that we would have a chance to see it and make suggestions before it was finally decided upon. The meeting adjourned and the very next morning a printed petition was in circulation for signatures and it was evident that it was printed and ready before the meeting was called at the Brettun House. The object of this duplicity was evidently to get as many committed in advance to the support of an unseen proposition, and to get so many signatures before attention was called to its defects that it would be accepted to save doing the work over again.

We then began the fight, not against the road, but against the proposition, and another meeting was called at the Brettun House, to which we were invited, and Maj. Hanson, Col. Doniphan, and other representatives of the company were present. This meeting was also largely occupied with speeches about the great advantages of such a road to us; but we got a chance to state many of our objections to the proposition and to urge amendments, but all the satisfaction we could get was that of course the company intended to do most of these things we demanded, would be a fool if it did not, but they did not want the proposition lumbered up with all this frivolous stuff presented in a carping and fault finding spirit, and besides, it was too late to alter the petition for it had already been signed by near eight hundred taxpayers.
Now we do not wish to treat Maj. Hanson, Col. Doniphan, and the other gentlemen of the company with discourtesy, for we think that if they had managed this business, we should have got a fair proposition in the first place, but they apparently did not manage it.
We learned that it was a Winfield man who was getting up the proposition and engineering it along. We observed that it was a Winfield man who swept aside our objections as frivolous; a Winfield man who said the several things we have mentioned in answer to our suggestion and who gave the cue for what should be said by others and otherwise managing the machine. We noticed that the gentlemen from St. Jo. and other parts seemed to be only figureheads to make a show of eastern capital and railroad builders. We think that if they had managed the business, we should not be now in this predicament.
REPORTING FALSEHOODS. We must also give one kick at the manner we were treated last Friday and since by friends of the proposition. While every means in their power was being tried by committees and delegations to convince us that we ought to support the proposition now, and we were standing squarely against such a course in our replies, a report was being busily circulated all over the city and county that we had agreed to support the proposition. From Friday noon up to Monday night we had occasion to dispute this falsehood, perhaps a hundred times, by asserting that we had not agreed to any such thing and should not. We had not given any indication that we might even lean a little in that direction. If  we say anything in this article that leans in that direction, it will be wholly incidental and not in pursuance of any promise or understanding with anyone. Some folks seem to think the only way to carry their ends is by lying.
Having thus ventilated this scrap of history, we now state WHY WE WITHDRAW FROM THE FIGHT.

After carefully considering all that we have said in the past issues of the COURIER, we find nothing that we desire to take back and little which we will modify. We think our position has been the right position and that it has brought forth fruits which are of advantage to the county. We stand upon our record. The result has been the filing of a stipulation with the county clerk by the president and secretary of the railway company which concedes to the people of the county several of the most important points which we have demanded. It concedes that the road shall have all the attributes of a first class narrow gauge road, several of which are specified, or no bonds shall be delivered. It concedes that the first $50,000 of the bonds shall not be delivered on the mere building of the road from the west line of the county to Winfield. It concedes that  no bonds shall be delivered until a first class narrow gauge road is built from Joplin to Winfield and trains of cars running thereon. It concedes that no bonds shall be delivered, but that all shall be forfeited, unless the road is built and completed in first class order and cars running thereon from Joplin, Missouri, to Winfield within eighteen months from the filing of the stipulations. It concedes the construction of such stations and side tracks as seems to bee the wants of the people along the line as a condition precedent to the delivery of the bonds.
THE ATTITUDE OF WINFIELD. Another reason we have to give is the attitude of the citizens of Winfield. We live in Winfield, have lived here since 1870 when it was a raw prairie. We think we have contributed something to its prosperity. The citizens of Winfield are our friends and neighbors and heaviest patrons. They are as a body energetic, honorable, and intelligent businessmen whom we highly respect, whose interests are the same as ours, and whose opinions are entitled to great weight. They have since our last issue held meetings and resolved almost unanimously to accept the stipulation as good and binding and to support the proposition with the stipulation with their time and money. They are so sanguine that it is best to support it and carry it if possible that they have gone down in their pockets and brought out the liberal sum of  a thousand dollars to expend in canvassing the county to advocate the proposition. They will turn out every day and among them make several speeches every night until the day of the election when they will work at the polls everywhere. If they are at work for their own interests as they fully believe they are at work for the whole county and perhaps a lesser degree, how can we stand up and fight against them under such circumstances?
They have treated us handsomely in this matter and have used on us able arguments and the powers of eloquence to convince us that it was our duty to turn in with them and use the influence of the COURIER to support this proposition and we candidly confess that the pressure on us is so great that we can hardly resist it.
But we owe a duty to our readers and friends in other parts of the county, to those who depend upon us for the facts in cases of movement in our county affairs, who depend upon us for impartial conclusions in such cases, and these duties we must not ignore. We shall try impartially to give them all this, all the facts about what is going on affecting this question and not trying to influence their votes further than facts, and what we conscientiously believe are just conclusions, will do it. They are the jurymen and must do their own voting. We cannot do their voting for them if we would. They must each decide for themselves whether they will vote at all, how they will vote, and how much they can afford to do to get their neighbors to vote.

LEGAL VALUE OF THE STIPULATION. Up to the filing of the stipulation, a week ago, there seemed to be no reasonable doubt that the proposition would be defeated by an overwhelming majority. Much now depends upon the opinions held by the voters of the binding force of that stipulation. We stated last week that we did not believe it is of any binding effect. We have investigated the matter as much as possible since and have got the opinion of several attorneys on that matter. Messrs. Jennings, McDermott, and we suppose, McDonald, state as their legal opinion that the stipulation is valid and binding, while the others we talked with expressed some doubt. No decisions were found exactly in point, but general principal is laid down that a proposition to be voted upon must be advertised as a whole according to law, thirty days in this instance. We form the conclusion from what we get from the authorities, that only that part of a proposition which has been advertised thirty days could be considered as a part of it, but we conclude that a party can waive a part of the benefits accruing to himself under it and that such waiver for a consideration such as to induce acceptance of the main proposition would be enforced. At worst we do not think it probable that any court would compel the issue of the bonds on technical grounds unless the conditions of the waiver had been fully complied with. This is the opinion of all our attorneys. This is a modification of the opinion we expressed last week and the result of further inquiring and investigation. We think there is little danger of any bonds being issued unless the stipulation is fully performed and within the time named.
The clean and sure way to amend was to withdraw the proposition and suspend the election; then draw a new proposition expressing everything on both sides—everything the company will now concede in clear and unmistakable language—then circulate it and get the signatures of two fifths of the taxpayers and have the commissioners call an election giving thirty days notice. But some of the attorneys say that this cannot be done and that the election once called cannot be stopped, and they support their positions by arguments a little paradoxical and conflicting, but they may be right. Anyway, the election will be held and if the bonds are voted down, another election cannot be called unless on a petition of the majority of the voters of the county.
The representatives of the company say that this will never be done and that they will, if voted down now, either go around us or submit township bonds along the same line. We do not know what they would do in that event if they themselves do, which is doubtful. They would doubtless do what appeared to them to be the best thing for them to do when the time should come.
THE VALUE OF THE ROAD. We print in another column an article sent us by Mr. Thos. McDougal, which was published in the Cincinnati Commercial Gazette of the 28th ult. Mr. McDougal is the owner of the tower brick building, corner of 10th and Main Streets, in this city, and is otherwise interested in this city and county and it seems fair to give the article a place. We do not expect a narrow gauge road would be near as valuable to us as a standard gauge over the same route would be, but it should be considered that no company proposes to build a standard gauge over this route and there is no present probability that such a project will ever be worked up. The route is one on which a road is very much needed. It brings a market and railroad facilities close to the homes of the people of a large section of one county in the central and southeastern part of the county, who are now far from such facilities and who have contributed their quota to paying for and procuring such facilities for other and more favored sections of the county.
Again it is fair to state that the narrow gauge roads complained of in the article referred to were so near failures simply because they were so shabbily built, built to make all the money possible out of the construction, and were not compelled to make good roads in order to get their bond subsidies. This is different. The stipulations compel this company to make a first class road in every particular in order to get the bonds voted by this county, and if they don’t do it, they won’t get the bonds.

Then these Ohio narrow gauges were only short snatches of roads without any narrow gauge connections. This must be built at least 150 miles long, from Joplin to Winfield, in a specified time, to get our bonds. If they can do that they can readily add 150 more miles to Larned in about the same time or a little longer and 300 miles of road in a string is not one of those short snatches of road. Again this road aspires of magnificent narrow gauge connections not less than the great Denver & Rio Grande system, a system of assured permanence and success, to say nothing of the Paramore system from St. Louis to Texas and other projected systems east of here. But the company is not compelled to build to a connection with either of these systems in order to get our bonds, and it depends wholly upon the ability of the company to make these connections and whether it can make money by doing so, to settle the question whether it will be done or not.
But it must be conceded that 200 miles of road already constructed and in operation would give the company a wonderful impetus and power as well as standing in financial circles and it could reasonably be expected that they would be able to succeed; and if they have the ability, we doubt not the promise of profit on the construction would be amply sufficient to induce them to make every effort in that direction.
ABILITY TO BUILD THE FIRST TWO HUNDRED MILES. We have heretofore expressed a strong doubt of the ability of the company to build the first two hundred miles in the time named in the proposition before us on account of the present depressed condition of the money market when even no new standard gauge bonds can possibly be placed, for standard gauge bonds have always been looked upon with more favor than narrow gauge bonds. We must concede however that the depression of the market is “letting up” of late, that there is an abundance of idle money in the east seeking safe investment, and that there is every reason to expect that the markets will return to their normal condition within the next ninety days. Then from the accounts from other counties and townships along the line of this road, it looks like, that if these bonds are voted in this county, it will give such an impulse in the other counties and townships that bonds will be voted in addition to what are already voted, sufficient to secure $600,000 of municipal bonds along the first 600 miles of the road, an average of at least $2,000 per mile from Joplin to Larned.
Now we still hold that a first-class narrow gauge road can be built over this whole route at not far from $6,000 a mile, and we have no doubt that the company can put money enough into it to build the first twenty miles, say, $120,000. They have then that much of a basis of mortgage bonds. They can negotiate with a money syndicate and hypothecate the $600,000 of municipal bonds to it, prior to delivery, which will serve as security to the mortgage bonds. Then the syndicate through its financial agent can dole out the money on these bonds to pay the bills for construction as fast as the work is done; and as fast as the municipal bonds are delivered, they can be sold or taken by the syndicate and the proceeds applied on the debt or on the construction. The small amount of money that must be raised on the mortgage bonds, not over $4,000 per mile, will be amply secured by these hypothecates, the first twenty miles of the road wholly paid for and the first mortgage on the whole road.
So we conclude that if these bonds are voted, the road will be built and on time. But we must further concede that as the expense of this election must now be borne anyway, there would be no damage to the county if these bonds are carried and the road should not be built.

WOULD IT BE WORTH TO THE COUNTY WHAT IT WOULD COST? While we have contended that $100,000 is too much to vote to a narrow gauge by at least $20,000, and that much more than the county need to have given had the matter been properly handled in the start by those who ought to have done so, the question is reduced to whether we can afford to take the risk of holding out for better terms, and whether the road would be worth $100,000 to the county. The COURIER had the courage to shoulder the risk of holding out, up to now, but having accomplished something by it, we now shift the further risk on the shoulders of the voters.
If the road is built, there can be no question that it would be worth much more than $100,000 to the county. It would make produce sell higher all over the county and reduce the prices of coal, lumber, and other things brought in, to an extent largely beyond that sum. It would itself be taxable property which would be assessed not less than $150,000 in the county and in consequence of it probably enough other property would be brought into the county or be enhanced in value sufficiently to increase the assessment another $150,000, making $300,000 the sum it adds to the assessment rolls, and so long as the tax levy for all county purposes is 20 mills or more to say nothing of school district and township taxes, the county tax on this property will be sufficient to pay the $6,000 yearly interest on the bonds. So at the worst, no man in any part of the county would be any worse off for the building of the road and the issue of $100,000 six percent county bonds, even in the matter of taxes.
THOSE ALONG THE LINE MOST BENEFITTED. It is natural to expect that the most unanimous support of the proposition will be found along the line of the proposed road and the most general opposition will be found in places most distant from the road, because along the line of the road people are benefitted most by it. In addition to the benefit of nearness to the accommodations and the greater enhanced value to property, the railroad is taxed for the townships and school districts it runs through while townships and school districts in the county which the road does not touch get no benefit from township and district taxation of railroads. This is neither fair, just, nor right, and should be remedied by a constitutional amendment if, as is concluded, it cannot be remedied without. But this injustice is not in itself a reason that persons not benefitted by these taxes should vote against the bonds, for they are benefitted in other ways to such an extent that they are better off with the bonds than without them because of taxation for county purposes alone. It cannot help them to vote against what will do them good because the same thing will do the others more good.

BONDING RATE. If the bonds are carried next Tuesday and if the road is built in full compliance with the stipulation, $100,000 of the bonds of the county will be issued, and the interest on these bonds will be $6,000 a year with 40 miles of road to tax. The rate of bonding is $2,500 a mile. This will not be so bad as the $4,000 a mile we gave the C. S. & S. F. on 32 miles of road on which we issued $128,000 of bonds on which we are paying $7,680 a year interest. Notwithstanding we gave this road so much it is a fact that this road has been a benefit to the taxpayers of this county as it is paying into the county treasury about $9,000 a year, which is $1,320 more than enough to pay the yearly interest on the bonds issued to it. This of course is not all county tax but much the larger portion of it benefits the whole county in reducing taxation. Then there is unquestionably in this county property, including this railroad, that would not be in the county but for the building of this road, sufficient to make the assessment rolls at least $600,000 higher than they would otherwise have been. The taxation of this property raises double the amount for county purposes alone, that it takes to pay on the bonds issued to that railroad, and relieves the taxpayers all over the county to that extent. But this is but a small portion of the advantages that this road has given the whole county over and above what it has cost us.
The K. C. L. & S. K. though, is the clean road for benefits to this county notwithstanding these benefits are reduced by being taken out of competition with the Santa Fe. The stock we got for the bonds sold for enough to cancel all the county bonds issued to it except $22.500, on which the yearly interest is only $1,575, while the road pays over $9,000 per annum into the county treasury. If we could have got this narrow gauge into such a shape as this, we could have howled for the bonds with all the vim in our power. . . .
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1884.
Railroad Meeting. A large and enthusiastic railroad meeting was held at the Courthouse last Thursday evening. Speeches were made, the present status of the railroad proposition discussed, and the opinions of all the lawyers present called out as to the validity of the stipulations. They all said they were good and binding in law. The benefits of the road were set forth in glowing colors by Messrs. Jennings, Soward, McDermott, and others. After becoming satisfied on the question of the legality of the stipulations, the meeting resolved itself into a committee of the whole on the prospects for carrying the bonds. It was plain that if the value of the proposed road to the county could but be put fairly before every taxpayer, the bonds would be carried. Committees were then organized and over five hundred dollars subscribed for the purpose of printing and circulating information and holding meetings.
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1884.
Most everyone is interested now about the D. M. & A. railroad. They think that those last stipulations that the Company filed with the county Clerk are enough, and that it is to their interest to vote for the bonds. Hon. Jas. McDermott of Winfield addressed quite a number of the sturdy yeomanry of Otter Township at the Cedar Creek schoolhouse on Wednesday evening and convinced, it seems, most all the doubting Thomases that they should fall in with offered mercy before it is too late. OTTERITE.
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1884.
The Baptist Sunday school celebrated its sixth anniversary on last Sunday evening with a concert. The history of the school was tersely reviewed by James McDermott, some excellent remarks on Sunday school work were made by Rev. Cairns, and the little ones gave interesting recitations and songs. The regular choir, which is hard to excel, was present and discoursed beautiful music. The Baptist Sunday school exhibits much prosperity and good feeling.
Winfield Courier, April 17, 1884.
DEXTER EYE. James McDermott, of Winfield, was in town yesterday. He was returning from Chautauqua County. He says the Santa Fe will build from Howard, through Grenola, down the Caney Valley to Cedar Vale and the Territory line.
Arkansas City Republican, May 3, 1884.
James McDermott and the surveyors will arrive from Winfield Monday morning for the purpose of laying off the additions to the town site of Dexter. Dexter Eye.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.
The Fourth was celebrated in the grove near Dexter. Everything passed off quietly and pleasantly. We noticed Hon. James McDermott on the grounds. Mc. has many warm friends in this community and his presence is always heartily welcomed.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 6, 1884.
The announcement of Albert P. Johnson as a candidate for the office of county attorney appears in this issue. The gentleman is a member of the firm of McDermott & Johnson, attorneys of Winfield, and has been well and favorably known throughout the county for several years past. He is in every way qualified for the office, both by education and experience, is a staunch Republican, a temperance man, and in the event of his securing the nomination would be elected by the usual Republic majority, and would doubtless discharge the duties of the office with profit to the county and credit to himself.
ANNOUNCEMENTS. I am a candidate for county attorney, subject to the decision of the Republican county convention to be held at Winfield, Saturday, August 23.
James McDermott gets married again...
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.
The Probate Judge has issued MARRIAGE LICENSES during the week as follows.
James McDermott to Tirzah A. Henderson.
Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.
MARRIED. We neglected to announce the marriage of Hon. James McDermott to Miss Tirzah A. Henderson, of Dexter Township, which occurred at the home of the bride on July 31st. The bride is one of eastern Cowley’s fairest daughters. They have taken up their home in Winfield. The COURIER, with many other friends, extend congratulations.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, October 29, 1884.
GENTLEMEN: As is usual at the close of our campaigns in this county, you are insulted and outraged by a characterless sheet published in Winfield and misnamed “The Telegram,” and known all over Cowley County as a dirty, filthy sewer through which vile slanders are annually heaped upon the unoffending candidates of the Republican party. This sheet does not advocate Democratic principles, unless to peddle lies and slanders, and to paint men in false colors, to their shame and that of their families and friends, in Democracy. I cannot call to mind now a single editorial in that paper intended or calculated to increase the Democratic votes of this county by legitimate argument or the enunciation of a single principle. Its whole stock in trade consists in the peddling of lies, vilification of men, and the repeating of slanders.

In this community where it is best known, it is recognized as the mouthpiece of the vile, vicious, and venal. If it has a character for honesty or decency, it has covertly and designedly hid the light under a bushel. In its issue of the 16th, it contained a base and infamous charge against Henry E. Asp, who has lived in this community from his boyhood up, and who is respected by every decent man in Cowley County who knows him. This charge was made by that paper at the instance and in the interests of Joseph O’Hare, his political opponent, and is in  keeping with the character of O’Hare and in accord with the past record of that paper. Six years ago in this county, when the man who today honors the bench and is the respected judge of this district, was a candidate for county attorney, that paper made the same kind and character of charges against him. And yet today that paper, knowing that the upright and honorable conduct of Judge Torrance upon the bench has placed him beyond the power of that infamous sheet to encompass his defeat with a Democrat, now endorses his candidacy. Again, five years ago, this same outfit vilified and blackened the character of A. T. Shenneman, who gave his life in the discharge of his duty. Again, four years ago, this vile and dirty sewer of all filth made the same kind of a fight on myself, and with what result we all know. Again, two years ago, this sheet made the same kind of a fight on James McDermott, whose honesty and integrity cannot be questioned, and succeeded in defeating him with a man whose whole career in the legislature was opposed to the interests of the people of Cowley County. And last year this same paper vomited forth its vile and infamous lies about George McIntire, Tom Soward, and Capt. Nipp, and sent its satraps and parasites forth to repeat its charges for the purpose of deluding Republicans and thereby obtaining votes under false pretenses for its candidate.
Why is it that you never hear their candidates upon the stump advocating their election because of the principles of their party and in the interest of their party? Why is it that they go out into the campaign and sneak up to your homes and peddle the libels of that paper to the disgust of decent men, instead of magnifying their own fitness for that position? Because their candidates, as a rule, are not able to do so, and for the further reason that as a rule their countenances of themselves are a breach of the peace.
How long must the Republicans stand such treatment, and are we to retaliate? I answer, we must submit to it so long as that paper is controlled by the moral leper who now directs its course and mouths the excrement vomited by that sheet each week of its filthy issue. We cannot retaliate because no decent Republican can get low enough in the purlieus of filth to compete with them.
Are their candidates better men than ours? Not at all; they never claim that. They engage in that conduct because they hope to steal into office thereby, and because without the employment of such means to deceive the thoughtless and unwary and thereby procure their votes, they could not hope to succeed.
The paper and its siders and abetters in this city, are to decent politics what a peat house is to a healthy community, or a pig stye in summer to a near neighbor.
The abuse of this paper is and should be treated by men who are familiar with the facts as an honest man’s endorsement.
Our candidates are all men who have lived in our midst; they were unanimously nominated by the largest and best convention of men ever assembled in Cowley County, and all fresh from the people of each township; and that convention by its nominations certified to the good character of each, and nothing that this infamous sheet can do or say in this campaign ought to win any Republican from his allegiance. Let us remember that the enemy is virulent, that he is exasperated by defeat, and poisoned with malice, and let us this year, as last, down this dirty outfit again.

Hoping that we may win a grand victory on Tuesday next, I am, W. P. HACKNEY.
P.S. Business in court is my excuse for not visiting you in person. H.
Winfield Courier, November 6, 1884.
Read & Robinson vs. W. A. Wright. Commissioners report confirmed and cash dividend between plaintiffs and defendant, including Jas. McDermott’s Attorney fee, $25.00; McDonald & Webb’s Attorney fee, $25.00; $5.00 each for Commissioners and summons, $7.00.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 19, 1884.
Below we give the registers of the different hotels in the city for Saturday, November 15, 1884. Nothing we could say would show, so clearly, and unmistakably, the bustle of activity and the appearance of business of our little city.
WINDSOR HOTEL. Jas. McDermott, Winfield.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.
Assignment of Daniel Read. Jas. McDermott appointed to examine assignee’s final report. Commissioners’ report approved and he allowed $25 of the remaining amount and balance allowed the assignee for himself and attorneys, after paying accrued costs.
McDermott mentioned in the following article...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

DEAR COURIER: For four days the House was deluged with a volume of discussion on the railroad question. It was discussed from every point by able men and by men who didn’t know any more about controlling railroads than biblical soldiers do about Paul’s wife. There were two bills before the body. The one by Mr. Gillett, of Kingman, known as the “Gillett bill,” was on the commissioner system with but few changes and certainly no improvements over the present law. The other was the “Simpson bill,” introduced by Mr. Simpson of McPherson County, establishing a maximum rate for the heavy products in carload lots and making it the duty of the Board of Railroad Commissioners to fix the rates on all other freights. The question was, which of the two bills would the House take up for consideration, and upon this the seventeen volumes of talk began to pour forth. After the first day the question was entirely lost sight of, and after three days when the possibility of a vote being reached seemed eminent, the records had to be searched to find out what the motion under discussion was before the Speaker could put it. The whole range of railroad building, operation, and management, the relation of transportation charges to the producer and consumer, were gone over again and again until the array of facts and “figures” were as bewildering as one of my friend McDermott’s arguments to a jury in a sewing machine case. During the discussion Gov. Anthony advanced the startling proposition that “the transportation tax attaches to the consumer and not to the product,” and came very near proving it. Had he enlarged his proposition by saying “when the consumption exceeds the production,” his conclusions would have been correct. However, it will be very hard for even so logical and eloquent a debater as the distinguished ex-Governor to convince an intelligent Kansas farmer that high or low railroad rates do not affect the value of the products. Theory has no place where facts exist, and they confront the gentleman’s proposition in this case on every side. The vote was finally reached and the friends of the maximum rate bill won by a majority of four. Then a fine piece of parliamentary work was executed by the defeated side. Mr. Clogston, of Greenwood, moved that a committee of five be appointed by the chair to prepare a substitute for the two bills, said substituted to “clothe” the Railroad Commissioners with power to fix rates on freights. This proposition was a kind of side-wheeler to the friends of the Simpson bill because many who voted with them did not believe in maximum rates but preferred the Simpson bill as containing more and better features than the Gillett measure. These persons were likely to favor the committee and a new law compromising the two extremes. An effort was made to amend the motion so as to instruct the committee to make it “the duty” of the Board of Railroad Commissioners to fix rates and placing the appointing power in the hands of the governor in place of the executive council. The motion to this effect was made by your member, but the railroad men wouldn’t support it, and the maximum rates men were mad and like the fellow from Arkansaw, wanted a “whole hog or none,” so the amendment was lost and the committee go out simply to “clothe the commissioners with power,” and from the composition of the committee, your correspondent fears that the garment wherewith they will propose to clothe the Board will be too thin in the places where it should be very thick. It will take a careful eye to detect these threadbare spots but an earnest effort will be made to do it. A majority of the members believe in a fair and equitable but stringent legislation and if they work together, can accomplish it. Whether they will or not remains to be seen.
The contest over the re-establishment of Clark and Meade counties was one of the most exciting that has been seen hereabouts for many years. The fight was a sort of three cornered one, first between opposing factions in the counties named, next on the part of the cattle kings who desired to defeat all organizations and retain possession of the country as a pasture for their herds. In this they were assisted by delegations from Dodge City, who saw the speedy downfall of that longhorn rendezvous in thus shutting up the great trail from the south to their city. Finally a compromise was effected between the different factions in the two counties. The cattle men were defeated and the bill passed the House.
Senator Hackney was up last week and is responsible for the biggest sell of the session. In the early stages of the effort to create the Nineteenth Judicial district, which takes Sumner County from Judge Torrance’s jurisdiction, Mr. Hackney opposed it and wrote several letters to friends here on the subject. This came to the care of the Wellington fellows and they immediately sat down on their tails and commenced to howl! After further consideration of the matter and in conformity to the wishes of many friends, Mr. Hackney withdrew his objections, and the bill passed the House and went to the Senate. Thursday evening a giant scheme was concocted and the following dispatch was sent.
TOPEKA, KAS., Feb. 18, 1885.
WM. A. McDONALD, Wellington, Ks.
Hackney with a Winfield mob is here with their coats off fighting Judicial bill. Senators Jennings, Buchan, and Blue are with them. I am powerless. Come and bring every man who will on first train. Don’t delay. Important sure. Don’t pay any attention to any dispatch sent from here in my name. Look out for a trick. Treachery everywhere. Signed, LINK.

Senator Lingenfelter is the member of that body from Sumner and the signature was very  easily construed to mean him. In addition to this a dozen other dispatches were sent to the mayor, clerk, and other leading citizens, referring them to the above dispatch. As every man, woman, and child in Sumner has been staking their hopes of future happiness on the new judicial district bill, one can imagine what consternation these dispatches created. Immediately the hosts were collected, a picked crowd of the bravest and most valiant warriors selected, a collection taken up, and with blood in every eye they proceeded to march on the capital. On Friday morning just at break of day they filed by twos into the corridor of the Copeland, commander-in-chief McDonald and A. Q. M. General Reed leading the van and proceeded to stack arms and provide ammunition. Senator Lingenfelter was aroused from slumber sweet to counsel with the warriors on the terrible situation. When the “true inwardness” of the matter began to unfold itself, there was roaring and gnashing of teeth followed by scenes that would make a peaceable prohibitionist shudder to repeat, but suffice it to say that from that day until it falls into the hands of some county-seat census taker, the Copeland register will contain the names of a long list of Wellington’s distinguished citizens as “guests of Bill Hackney and Dick Walker.” If it will help the matter any, I might intimate that Senator Ed. Hewins wasn’t an entire stranger to the scheme. The bill finally passed the Senate with but two opposing votes on the day they were here. The occurrence was the talk of the town for several days.
The session is drawing to a close and the calendar is still encumbered with two or three hundred bills, with as many more in the Senate. Most of them cannot, by any possibility, be got through before the fifty days for which the members can receive pay expires. It requires a great deal of patriotism to “work for nothing and board yourself,” so the possibility of a “raid on the treasury” for postage stamps with which to pay board bills is imminent. I sound this warning note so that my legal friend who hurls Blackstone at the court with one hand and writes of the deep and damnable corruption of the servants of the people with the other, may throw himself into an undivided state into the breach and save the one millionth part of a mill which a thieving legislature might rob him of. Up, Brutus, and at him!!
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 23, 1885. Courier Supplement.
There were no cases put through the mill of justice today. The only business transacted was the examination of T. J. Stafford and W. M. Jenkins, of Arkansas City, and P. Hills, of this city, for admittance to the bar. The committee of examination were James McDermott, J. D. Pryor, and Will T. Madden, who have not yet reported. W. J. Burge, having plead guilty to selling whiskey, came up from Arkansas City and paid his fine and costs today, amounting to $125. A petition was presented to the Board of County Commissioners yesterday, signed by a large number of Arkansas City people, praying that the order of commitment be rescinded, on the ground that he was not able to pay his fine and to give him a chance to earn it. The petition called him a man of “fair moral character.” The Commissioners, one dissenting, refused his little request, and with the iron grates running through his imagination, he chose the better way, and “whacked up.” There were ten counts against him, but in consideration of his pleading guilty to the tenth, County Attorney Asp nollied the rest.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 23, 1885.

TUESDAY. County Attorney Asp went over to Dexter today to prosecute an assault case before the justice there. It is a case wherein some boys shied too many dangerous stones at an innocent individual. James McDermott was for the defendant.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 21, 1885.
The case of the Wheeler & Wilson Manufacturing Company against Peter Thompson and wife, which was taken up some time ago upon error, has been reversed by the Supreme Court and remanded for new trial. This case is rather peculiar. It was commenced in January, 1880, tried twice before Justice Kelly, three times in the District Court, and twice in the Supreme Court, and now it will go through the mill again. Let the good work go on, and cursed be he who first cries enough. S. D. Pryor is the attorney for the plaintiff and McDermott & Johnson for the defendant.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 4, 1885.
John D. Maurer, Administrator, estate of Jonas Maurer, deceased. Attorneys: McDermott & Johnson. Date: August 10, 1885.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 4, 1885.
Mr. and Mrs. James McDermott had a new arrival at their home last evening—weight unknown.
Arkansas City Republican, June 20, 1885.
Rural Pugilism. Dexter Township is shaken from center to circumference by a youthful slugging match that ended in some dangerous blows, and possibly a term in durance vile for the attacking Sullivan.
Frank S. Ridgway and William D. Callison, boys of twenty, were the sluggists. They met at Sunday school last Sunday, and, with blood in his left eye, Ridgway followed Callison along the road and gave him a belt on the head with an awfully wicked, home-made billy. Callison was knocked senseless; but on coming to, he began to chew his antagonist’s thumb, took away his billy, and with his thumb still in his mouth, gave Ridgway such a pounding as he will long remember—laying him up for repairs. They were brought before Justice Hines yesterday and Callison fined $10 and costs and Ridgway bound over to the district court. Senator Hackney appeared for the state and Jas. McDermott for the defense. There were sixty-four witnesses—men, women, and children—with about five hundred spectators. Ridgways and Callisons are connected by marriage and the feud seems to have been the result of a family row. Winfield Courier.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 16, 1885.

At first R. H. White, in the bastille charged with the brutal murder of his wife, Julia Ann, was undecided as to whether or not he would wave preliminary examination, and had the matter put off. When his brother came on, arrangements were made to get $600 for the defense. Then a preliminary hearing was instituted and began before Judge Snow yesterday, with County Attorney Asp prosecuting, and Jennings & Troup and McDermott & Johnson for the defense. No new facts have been introduced. The evidence is almost verbatim to that published from time to time in THE COURIER and which has become trite to the public. There was a difference in the testimony of Doctors Emerson and Graham, regarding the flat iron. Dr. Emerson thought the wound was undoubtedly produced by the iron, while Dr. Graham thought this very improbable. W. C. Allen, representative of Johnson County, who is visiting in this county, was introduced and testified as to the good character of White and his family when he knew them, a few years ago. The trial is still in progress and will not be decided before tomorrow. White waived the jury in his trial.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 23, 1885.
What seems to be the last chapter in the deepest and most damnable murder that ever stained the history of any community closed Thursday. Robert H. White, charged with the awful crime of having crushed in the skull of his wife with a flat iron or other instrument, languished in the county jail until ten days ago, undecided as to whether he would waive preliminary examination or not. His brother came out from Illinois and proffered $250 or more to his brother’s defense. Jennings & Troup and McDermott & Johnson were secured as counsel and Tuesday afternoon the preliminary trial began. County Attorney Asp conducted the prosecution and Senator Jennings and A. P. Johnson the defense. The evidence presented was a repetition of that given at the coroner’s inquest, which appeared in full in THE COURIER, and is perfectly known to all. The only new witnesses of importance were W. C. Allen, legislative representative of Johnson County, Illinois, who has been visiting friends in this county. He knew White and his family in Illinois, and testified to their good character. The evidence of J. H. Rendleman, father of Mrs. White, corroborated the statements as to the perfect felicity always existing between White and wife, and that White always had a terror for storms. He said that, on his place in Illinois, White had a cave where he always went in times of storm. His wife seldom went with him. Doctors Graham, Emerson, and Marsh differed as to the flat iron being the instrument of murder. Dr. Graham claimed it very improbable that the iron made the wound, while Doctors Emerson and Marsh were positive that it was used. Witnesses were also introduced to show that the blood on the victim’s shoes was caused by one of the children’s straw hats being picked up from the pool of blood at the head of the bed and thrown back under the table, lodging on the shoes. But Sheriff McIntire, Dr. Marsh, and others who examined the shoes the morning of the murder still maintained that the blood on the heel of each shoe was the print of a hand. The evidence clear through was the same as before, when summed up, and so well known that a resume is unnecessary. County Attorney Asp’s opening and closing arguments occupied an hour and showed a careful study of the case. Every bearing was dwelt upon with ability and zeal. A. P. Johnson’s speech occupied forty minutes and Senator Jennings spoke an hour and ten minutes. He brought out the theory that the simple lunatic who was found in that neighborhood a day or so afterward was the murderer. His own vicious habits had made him an imbecile and the likelihood of an attempt at outrage by him, as he passed by the door coming from the woods, was shown probable. But County Attorney Asp, in his closing argument, showed by the evidence of the shoe tracks around the house and the fact that no clue was found on her person by the physicians that would lead to the belief that any outrage had been attempted, was uncircumstantial.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
James McDermott et ux to James H Bullen, lot 12 and 11 frac lots blk 282 Dexter: $150.

Albert Gilkey et ux to Albert P Johnson and James McDermott, lot 16 blk 148, Winfield: $700.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 27, 1885.
James McDermott and Walter Seaver went over to Chautauqua County last Friday, loaded with D., M. & A. documents and a zeal to make the bonds carry on the 25th or bust. C. C. Black has been there for several days.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 27, 1885.
Hon. James McDermott returned yesterday morning from Chautauqua County, where he had been canvassing for a week or two for the D., M. & A. bonds. He has borne the brunt of one of the biggest fights on record against powerful odds led by the sharpest spirits in the state and if he has won, as he thinks he has, in the election of yesterday, it will be another bright feather in his cap.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 27, 1885.
1869. Winfield Bank vs William A Hybarger, et al. J F McMullen for plaintiff; D C Beach, McDermott & Johnson for defendant.
2026. Ada M Rice vs Lewis M Rice. W. P. Hackney, McDermott & Johnson for plaintiff; Jennings & Troup for defendant.
2032. Jeremiah Weakley vs Burton D Guinn et al. Jennings & Troup for plaintiff; McDermott & Johnson for defendant.
2033. Frances M Mallett vs Burton B Guinn et al. Jennings & Troup for plaintiff; McDermott & Johnson for defendant.
2034. Wesley Mallett vs Burton D Guinn et al. Jennings & Troup for plaintiff; McDermott & Johnson for defendant.
2056. Wm Wilt and Martha Wilt vs The Mutual Benefit Life Ins. Co. et al. Leavitt, McDermott & Johnson for plaintiff; McDonald & Webb for defendant.
2096. Winfield Bank vs J B Nipp, Co. Treas. McDonald & Webb for plaintiff; Hackney & Asp, McDermott & Johnson for defendant.
2100. S M Jarvis vs Elijah E Craine et al. A. J. Pyburn for plaintiff; McDermott & Johnson for defendant.
2113. Justin Hollister vs Board of Co Com. McDermott & Johnson for plaintiff; Henry E. Asp for defendant.
2115. James Bruington vs Board of Co Com. McDermott & Johnson for plaintiff; Henry E. Asp for defendant.
2130. The City of Winfield vs J M Stayman. W. P. Hackney for plaintiff; McDermott & Johnson for defendant.
2134. N M Persing et al vs Oscar Henderson et al. Saml. J. Day for plaintiff; McDermott & Johnson for defendant.
2149. J A Kendall et al vs Lemuel Lafayette Wise et al. Dalton & Madden for plaintiff. McDermott & Johnson for defendant.
2166. Leonard Farr vs Archibald F McClaren et al. McDermott & Johnson for plaintiff.
2167. Amos I Allison vs Sylvester T Hocket. McDermott & Johnson for plaintiff.
2184. Ellen Riley [Riely] vs Theodore Fairclo et al. McDermott & Johnson for plaintiff.

2186. Levi Weimer vs Board County Commissioners. McDermott & Johnson for plaintiff. Henry E. Asp for defendant.
McDermott & Johnson move again: Ninth Avenue, next to Sol Fredrick’s livery barn...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 3, 1885.
McDermott & Johnson have moved their law office to Ninth Avenue, next to Sol Fredrick’s livery barn.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 17, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
James McDermott to Elizabeth J Hendry, lot 5, blk 5, Dexter: $10.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 17, 1885.
The case of Uncle Sam against D. D. Kellogg, of Udall, was before U. S. Commissioner Webb on Tuesday. He was charged with selling cigars, at a Baptist social at Kellogg station, without government license. It was proven that Mr. Kellogg took a box of cigars to the social, but that he intentionally sold any could not be proven. He had no intention whatever of selling any, if he did. He took them to treat the band boys and others. W. W. Campf made the complaint. No malice was proven. James McDermott defended and Lovell Webb was both Commissioner and prosecuting attorney. Kellogg was dismissed.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 17, 1885.
The District Court convened Monday morning, Judge pro tem Dalton presiding.
James McDermott was appointed guardian ad litem of the minor heirs of Camilla R. Bigler; and Frank F. Leland, guardian ad litem of the heirs of John Deffenbaugh.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 8, 1885.
A short session of the District Court was held Thursday by Judge Pro Tem Dalton. The sheriff’s sale in W. C. Robinson vs. Andrew J. Cress was confirmed. Minnie Taylor was given a divorce from W. L. Taylor, on grounds of abandonment. James McDermott, Jos. O’Hare, and Lovell H. Webb were appointed to examine Aus. F. Hopkins and P. M. Storms for admission to the bar. The examination is unfinished at this writing Court will adjourn to next Monday.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 8, 1885.
A. F. Hopkins and P. M. Storms were examined in the District Court Thursday by a committee composed of James McDermott, Lovell H. Webb, and Joseph O’Hare, appointed by Judge Pro Tem Dalton, and admitted to the bar as counselors at law in the courts of Kansas. Their examination was highly creditable, showing a keen studiousness that will do much toward pushing them to the front in legal affairs. They have the zeal and ambition, which, if properly applied, insures success with increasing years. They are of our best young men, in good character and general attainments, and their admission to the bar, with credit and honor, is the legitimate result of the labor and determination that make our most successful men.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 15, 1885.
A CHEEKY MAN. James McDermott, upon returning home to dinner Monday and as he drew near his house, noticed a party just mounting a horse with a buggy whip in his hand. The party seemed to be a little hurried, which raised Mr. McDermott’s suspicions, seeing that the man came from his barn and that he was once the possessor of a bran new buggy whip, so he went into the carriage room and investigated. The whip was gone: taken right before his eyes. This is one of the cheekiest and coolest steals out. The villain taking it should have it worn out on his back.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.
The little child of Mr. and Mrs. James McDermott is very sick.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.
The bright little child of Mr. and Mrs. James McDermott died Friday, of inflammation of the brain, and was buried Saturday, the ceremonies being conducted by Rev. Reider.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 5, 1885.
L. B. Bullington bought 21 head of calves of James McDermott one day last week.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 19, 1885.
Mr. James McDermott, one of Winfield’s prominent attorneys, was in the city Thursday. Mr. McDermott thinks we ought to have the new schoolhouse by all means. Further, he offers a half block as school grounds, if it is built immediately. Dexter Eye.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 10, 1885.
J C Fuller et al vs L B Stone et al, J F McMullen and McDermott & Johnson pros; Jos O’Hare and Hackney & Asp defense.
Winfield Bank vs William A Hybarger et al, J F McMullen pros; D C Beach, McDermott & Johnson and Hackney & Asp defense.
O M Stewart vs David A Merydith, McDonald & Webb pros; McDermott & Johnson defense.
Jeremiah Weakley vs Burton D Guinn et al, Jennings & Troup pros; McDermott & Johnson defense.
Francis M Mullett vs Burton D Guinn et al, Jennings & Troup pros; McDermott & Johnson defense.
Wesley Mallett vs Burton D Guinn et al, Jennings & Troup pros; McDermott & Johnson defense.
William Wilt et al vs The Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co., Leavitt and McDermott & Johnson pros; McDonald & Webb defense.
Winfield Bank vs J B Nipp Co. Treasurer et al, McDonald & Webb pros; Hackney & Asp and McDermott & Johnson defense.

Justin Hollister vs Board of Co. Commissioners, McDermott & Johnson pros; Hackney & Asp defense.
James Bruington vs Board of Co. Commissioners, McDermott & Johnson pros; Hackney & Asp defense.
The City of Winfield vs J M Stayman, Jos O’Hare pros; McDermott & Johnson defense.
N M Persing et al vs Oscar Henderson et al, Samuel Day and Hackney & Asp pros; McDermott & Johnson defense.
J H Kendall et al vs Lafayette Wise et al, Dalton & Madden pros; McDermott & Johnson defense.
Ellen Riley [Riely] vs Theodore Fairclo et al, McDermott & Johnson pros; Hackney & Asp defense.
118, 1296. Levi Weimer vs Board of Co. Commissioners. McDermott & Johnson pros; Hackney and Asp defense.
123, 2195. Plum Creek Stock Co. vs Joseph Tetrich et al, McDermott & Johnson pros.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 17, 1885.
PEARL PARTY. One of the pleasantest parties of the season assembled at the hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hunt last Saturday evening to celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of their wedding. The spacious rooms were well filled and the host and hostess were everywhere present with their careful attentions which, seconded by Miss Anna, made the enjoyment complete. During the evening the Rev. Mr. Reider was brought forward and in a neat and appropriate speech presented to the host and hostess a beautiful set of silverware as a testimonial of the high appreciation of the contributors for the recipients, accompanied by a card with the compliments of the following: Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Wallis, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Keck, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Hickok, Mrs. Whitney, Mrs. McClellan, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bliss, Dr. and Mrs. T. H. Elder, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Shearer, Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Young, Rev. and Mrs. Reider, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Millington, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Schuler, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Silliman, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Soward, Mr. and Mrs. Col. Whiting, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brown, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Baird, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Albro, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Troup, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. D. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Rinker, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Dalton, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pryor, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mann, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Crane, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Silver, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hendricks, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McDermott, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Arment, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Manser, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Handy, Mr. and Mrs. C. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Pickens, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McGraw, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Friend, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Crippen, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Carson, Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Austin. This silver tea set embraced cake basket, berry dish, six teaspoons, and sugar spoon. Dr. and Mrs. Geo Emerson, pearl card case. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hunt, silver fruit dish.
Capt. Hunt responded as happily as the emotions of this surprise would permit.

A magnificent collation was placed before the guests, which was highly enjoyed, and after music and other entertainments, the party dispersed with many thanks to their entertainers for the pleasures of the evening. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Wallis, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Silver, Mr. and Mrs. John Keck, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Hickok, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Silliman, Mr. and Mrs. Col. Whiting, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Handy, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Carson, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Austin, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Arment, Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Wright, Mrs. McClellan, Mrs. Whitney, Sr., and Mrs. A. E. Baird, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Schuler, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Shearer, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Soward, Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Reider, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Manser, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brown, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Troup, Mr. and Mrs. James McDermott, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Crane, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hendricks, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Millington, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Pryor, Dr. and Mrs. T. H. Elder, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McRaw, Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller, Dr. and Mrs. Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. C. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Bliss, Mrs. J. A. Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hunt.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 17, 1885.
Adelphia Lodge No. 110, A. F. & A. M., elected its officers for 1886, last night, as follows: W. M., James McDermott; S. W., Q. A. Glass; J. W., H. H. Siverd; Tr., W. G. Graham; Sec., B. W. Trout. The installation occurs Wednesday evening of next week.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 31, 1885.
Recap. McDermott & Johnson, Attorneys for Plaintiff, State of Kansas, in District Court, Robert O. Bradley, Plaintiff, against Emily M. Bradley, Defendant. Notification to Defendant that Plaintiff will take depositions of sundry witnesses to be used as evidence in his behalf in trial against Defendant in office of Geo. E. Towne, situated over the store of Montgomery & Talcot, at the corner of Dunkirk street and the Square, in the town of Silver Creek, Chautauqua County, New York, on Thursday, January 21, 1886.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 14, 1886.
Asa Owens, Orderly Sergeant of Capt. McDermott’s Company, was here for a few days last week visiting his old comrade. Mr. Owen had started east, from the western counties, got snow-bound at Newton, and ran down here for a visit, which was very enjoyable to both. He took the S. K. Saturday evening, for the east.
Excerpts from a lengthy article...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.

When the written proposition was received by M. L. Robinson from the general manager of the Santa Fe railroad, offering to build from Douglass to Winfield, if sixty thousand dollars in bonds were voted as aid, a meeting was called at McDougall Hall, of a number of the prominent citizens of the townships of Rock, Fairview, Walnut, and the city of Winfield. The sentiment at that time was well nigh unanimous that the townships would not vote such an amount of aid, but a promise was obtained from those present that the effort should be made, by hard work, to enlist a sufficient number of electors. The opposition then commenced their work and two weeks ago the prospect for carrying the bonds was dark indeed. Then those who saw the grand possibilities and appreciated how tremendous was the stake for which we were striving, got down to their work. Local committees were organized, every voter was seen, meetings were held in every district, which were addressed by speakers who thoroughly believed what they advocated, and the result was that the bonds began to gain friends hourly; the opposition weakened, and in the last two days preceding the election, the revolution in the sentiment of the electors was something marvelous. Good men who believed that the practice of voting bonds was both wrong and dangerous, went to the polls undecided; but, when they saw how life-long friends and neighbors were talking and how they felt, the pressure was greater than they could stand, and they joined the procession and voted the aid asked. All glory to the noble citizens of these townships; they will never regret their action, and the opposition as well as those who were friends and advocates of the proposition will have cause to rejoice that Wednesday’s vote was the best day’s work ever done in this county. The official vote stands as follows.
ROCK TOWNSHIP: For, 140. Against: 40. Majority for: 100.
FAIRVIEW TOWNSHIP: For, 163. Against: 73. Majority for: 90.
WALNUT TOWNSHIP: For, 175. Against: 46. Majority for: 129.
First Ward: For, 194. Against, 3.
Second Ward: For, 121. Against, 2.
Third Ward: For, 133. Against, 0.
Fourth Ward: For, 98. Against, 0.
Total: For, 546. Against, 5.
Wednesday night, with the bonds for the Santa Fe extension carried beyond a doubt, by splendid majorities, was the time for jollification.
“Fairview” was responded to by Capt. McDermott, who finely complimented the handsome majority this township rolled up in favor of the bonds. The Captain made a number of telling points.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
James McDermott to F A Wagner, lot 6, blk 5, Dexter: $12.00.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.
James McDermott left Monday for Topeka to attend the Grand Masonic Lodge in session there.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 25, 1886.
James McDermott has returned from Topeka and reports a good time.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 25, 1886.
Jesse Taylor, son of D. Taylor, East Ninth avenue, was examined by a committee (Samuel Dalton, Joseph O’Hare, and James McDermott) and was admitted to the bar. He has been here but a short time. He is a young man of keen legal talent and starts off in his profession with good promise.
Arkansas City Republican, April 3, 1886.

A. B. Elliott, the Dexter murderer, had his preliminary examination Monday and Tuesday. The Judge decided that although the warrant charged murder in the first degree, there was no evidence to convict Elliott of being the murderer outside of his own statement. That he would release Mr. Elliott on $10,000 bail. The bond was prepared and the following named persons stepped up and signed it: R. C. Maurer, J. A. Harden, T. G. Elliott, John R. Smith, Azro G. Elliott, I. H. Phenis, T. G. Hawkins, J. Wade McDonald, and James McDermott. The bond was approved and Mr. Elliott was released.
Arkansas City Republican, April 24, 1886.
On Wednesday morning court convened at 8:30, and the case of the state vs. Alfred B. Elliott, for the murder of Dr. Chastain at Dexter a short time since was called. The trial is still going on. County Attorney Swarts and Lovell Webb appear for the State. James McDermott, J. Wade McDonald, W. P. Hackney, and H. E. Asp appear for the defense. Rev. Chastain, the father of the murdered man, is at Winfield attending the trial. Three murder trials at a single term of court is pretty good for our county.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.
The preliminary examination, before Judge Buckman, of Alfred B. Elliott for the murder of Wilborn M. Chastain, at Dexter, on the 22nd, closed at five o’clock last evening. The defendant was granted bail in the sum of $10,000, which was promptly given. The court room was thronged with anxious listeners. The interest was intense and when the case was declared bailable, signs of approbation were noticeable all around.
The examination of Alfred B. Elliott for the murder of Wilborn M. Chastain was begun Tuesday at 10 o’clock at the courthouse before Judge Buckman. The court room was crowded, Dexter being over en masse. Next to the defendant sat his wife; near her was Mrs. Rev. Elliott, from Missouri. Laura Elliott, of Torrance, a niece, and William Moses, a son-in-law, included the relatives present. Mr. Elliott listened to the testimony attentively and without the least nervous agitation visible. County Attorneys Swarts & Webb conducted the prosecution and Judge McDonald, Henry E. Asp, and James McDermott represented the defense. There was little cross examination. The witnesses sworn were: Lee Richardson, G. M. Hawkins, J. D. Ward, W. H. Culp, J. V. Hines, Joseph Church, G. P. Wagoner, H. L. Wells, L. C. Pattison, Geo. W. Dunlap, Geo. Callison, Frank Ross, and J. B. Nicholson.
The Judge said the evidence warranted the charge of murder in the first degree and the prisoner would be held. “I believe the prisoner is entitled to bail and as he is able to give sufficient bond, I will place his bond at $10,000.”
Mr. Elliott was warmly congratulated at his fortune in getting bond. All over the audience and especially among the Dexterites, could be seen a strong leaning in favor of Elliott. The attorneys for the defense immediately prepared the bond. Plenty of men were on hand to sign the bond. The bondsmen are: Alfred B. Elliott, Rowland C. Maurer, John B. Harden, S. G. Elliott, John R. Smith, Azro O. Elliott, Isaac H. Penis, Tully G. Hoyt, George M. Hawkins, John M. Reynolds, J. Wade McDonald, James McDermott, H. R. Branson, and J. M. Jackson—fourteen names. The bond was approved. The bondsmen were not required to qualify. The bond aggregates big wealth.
In twenty minutes after the examination, the defendant’s attorneys, Judge McDonald, James McDermott, and Henry E. Asp had the bond made, signed, and approved.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 8, 1886.
27. 2032. Jeremiah Weakley vs Burton D Guinn et al, Jennings & Troup for plaintiff, McDermott & Johnson for def.
28. 2033. Francis M Mallett vs Burton D Guinn et al, Jennings & Troup for plaintiff, McDermott & Johnson for def.
29. 2034. Wesley Mallett vs Burton D Guinn et al, Jennings & Troup for plaintiff, McDermott & Johnson for def.
33. 2056. William Wilt and Martha Wilt vs The Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company, C M Leavitt and McDermott & Johnson for plaintiff, McDonald & Webb for def.
45. 2096. Winfield Bank vs J B Nipp, County Treasurer, and G H McIntire, as Sheriff of Cowley County, Kansas, Hackney & Asp for plaintiff, McDermott & Johnson for def.
54. 2134. N M Persing and Irena Persing vs Oscar Henderson and Henry Pryson, Samuel Day, Hackney & Asp for plaintiff, McDermott & Johnson for def.
59. 2149. J A Kendall, Lemuel Boone, and John H all vs Lafayette Wise and Wilkins Wise, Dalton & Madden for plaintiff, McDermott & Johnson for def.
61. 2152. The City of Winfield vs J C McMullen, Jos O’Hare for plaintiff, J F McMullen and McDermott & Johnson for def.
62. 2153. The City of Winfield vs J C McMullen, Jos O’Hare for plaintiff, J F McMullen and McDermott & Johnson for def.
73. 2184. Ellen Riley [Riely] vs Theodore Fairclo et al, McDermott & Johnson for plaintiff, Hackney & Asp for def.
77. 1473. Wheeler & Wilson Manufacturing Co. vs Peter Thompson and M A Thompson, S D Pryor for plaintiff, McDermott & Johnson for def.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 5, 1887. From Monday’s Daily.
A. P. Johnson, of the law firm of McDermott & Johnson, of Winfield, was in our city today. He informs us that Winfield has a veritable boom and was going to hang on to it like a drowning man to a straw. Mr. Johnson is a pleasant gentleman and a thorough Winfield man.
Winfield Monthly Herald, September, 1891.
J. McDermott and wife have been on an extended visit East.
Daily Calamity Howler, Monday, October 19, 1891.
The Ceremony Takes Places in the Presence of a Large and Interested Assembly.
As was previously announced the unveiling ceremonies of the Morgan monument took place at 2 p.m. on the Central school grounds Sunday. The day being warm and clear, the crowd was larger than expected.
Just as the clock struck the hour of two, Captain Siverd stepped upon the platform and made the opening speech in an earnest and impressive manner. He spoke in a way that touched every responsive heart, of the death of our young hero and the noble sacrifice of his life for a friend.

At the close of Mr. Siverd’s speech the union choir, com­posed of the best singers of the city, under the direction of Profs. Gordon and Snyder sang “A Few More Years Shall Roll.” Rev. Enright then offered a short, earnest prayer after which P. H. Albright was introduced and delivered the unveiling address in behalf of the monument committee. He presented the monument to the school board in a touching and solemn oration that was well suited to the occasion.
S. E. Fink, President of the Board of Education, accepted the tribute in behalf of the Board in a well-worded speech that did credit even to our eloquent Fink.
Next was a duet, “Morning Land,” by Mrs. C. B. Snyder and Mr. Dudley Eaton.
Hon. John Eaton was on the program at this point for an oration, but being absent, his place was filled by James McDermott, who compared Thomas Morgan’s heroism to that of the men who laid their lives on the altar of the nation and died that posterity might enjoy the blessings of free institutions.
Next, “Heroes Sweetly Sleep,” was sung by the union choir, which was immediately followed by the benediction of Rev. Payne.
The exercises throughout had a solemn grandeur that did credit to the committees who had them in charge.
The monument stands fourteen feet, five inches high, and cost $675. It is composed of a shaft of American granite and a figure, representing the crowning of a hero, of Italian marble. The design is good, the execution is good, and the impulses that erected it were noble.
This is the first event of the kind in the history of Winfield and no more fitting occasion could have been selected. May those who admire and emulate the heroism of Tom Morgan ever live in our midst.