RRN (Bob) McGinnis


Note: Bob McGinnis was the son of Wm. McGinnis, Bolton Township. A separate file was made on “Wm. McGinnis.”
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 7, 1885.
Which Frank Sheets Ascertained Thursday to His Sorrow.
Thursday afternoon as Ed Bass and Bob McGinnis, both colored and the latter residing in West Bolton, were discussing some grievances they waxed warm. Frank Sheets, who was standing nearby was resorted to as a referee in the dispute. Finally the quarrel narrowed down to McGinnis and Sheets, which continued about a bird dog until the latter remarked that he could lick the former on less ground than he could stand on. McGinnis replied he did not want to fight and was not prepared to fight. Sheets wanted McGinnis to go outside of the city limits and fight it out, which we believe was finally agreed upon, Sheets turning and walking away. When he was several feet from him, friends who were holding McGinnis, let him loose. He started after Sheets and made several slashes at him with a razor, one cut taking effect in his neck, barely missing the spinal vertebrae, and inflicting an ugly wound. If the cut had extended but an eighth of an inch farther, it would have severed the external jugular vein, and Sheets would have bled to death. Two other slashes took effect on his shoulder and arm, but not making more than a scratch. The wounded man saw he was going to be carved and having nothing with which to defend  himself, started to escape. By this time McGinnis was prevented from doing any further damage by Capt. Rarick, who arrested and disarmed him. Joe Finkleburg and A. W. Patterson assisted the wounded man upstairs into Dr. G. H. J. Hart’s office, where his wound was dressed. The wound was about three inches in length. Dr. Hart washed, dressed, and took the necessary stitches quickly and in a manner which designated that he was perfectly familiar with this portion of his profession. Sheets stood the pain like a hero, never flinching. The hide on his neck was so thick that the needle would not penetrate, and an instrument was used in order to make the necessary stitches. After the wound was dressed, Sheets walked around about the same as usual. The scrimmage occurred on Summit Street, between the post office and T. R. Houghton’s harness shop. Henry Asp, the county attorney, was sent for, who came on the evening train. The preliminary examination was had before the Mayor, F. P. Schiffbauer. It commenced as soon as Asp arrived. A good part of Thursday night and until noon yesterday was used up in taking the evidence. In the afternoon the arguments pro and con were rendered before Mayor Schiffbauer. The charge was assault and battery with intent to kill. J. A. Stafford represented McGinnis and Henry Asp the State.
The preliminary resulted in the mayor binding McGinnis over to appear at the next term of court in the sum of $400. We understand that McGinnis will give the necessary bond.
Sheets was taken before Judge Kreamer and fined $1 for disturbance of the peace yesterday morning.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.
   A Man and His Little Razor at Work.

Thursday night, seeing a crowd gathering near the Post Office, ye local hastily “strode” thither to “catch on.” He found that the little razor had been on the war path with the usual attendant gore. The facts, as near as we were able to gather was that Frank Sheets and Bob McGinnis had got into an altercation about a dog. The trouble was of long standing, and there has been a bitter tongue fight going on about the matter for some time. Thursday, one Bass, Frank Sheets, and Bob McGinnis came together. Bass and Sheets each wanted to “lick the waddin” out of the latter. McGinnis, in the course of the not overly polite, personal remarks, became greatly enraged, and after Sheets left, working himself into a white heat, and followed him up, giving him three slashes with his razor, cutting him very severely on the back of the neck, and making a wound five inches in length and quite deep, the other two only taking effect in the clothing. Dr. G. H. J. Hart dressed the wound, and Sheets was around in the streets Friday, so that it was not serious. McGinnis had a preliminary examination before ‘Squire Schiffbauer Thursday night and Friday morning was brought over to the Circuit Court.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.
Hizzoner the Judge. Judge W. D. Kreamer reports the following cases since our last issue.
City vs. J. R. Frazier—wife beating—found guilty and fined $10 and costs, total $14.50.
City vs. Frank Sheets—disturbing the peace—guilty; fined $1 and costs.
F. P. SCHIFFBAUER REPORTS. State vs. Bob McGinnis—assault with intent to kill—bound over in the penal sum of $400. Released on bail.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.
Frank Sheets entered a “coon” arena at Arkansas City last week and succeeded in drawing the compliments of one of the belligerents, Bob McGinnis. The darkey nearly severed Sheets’s throat with a razor. McGinnis was taken before Justice Schiffbauer, County Attorney Asp prosecuting, and bound over to the District Court.
Arkansas City Republican, April 11, 1885.
State vs. R. H. McGinnis, assault with intent to kill. Case continued.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 17, 1885.
The District Court convened yesterday morning, with Judge Torrance on the bench and the full bar present. The cases of the State vs. W. I. Burge, Newton Knowles, John Clark, William Brumine, R. R. H. McGinnis, John Otto, and James Baxter were continued to the next term.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 8, 1886.
CRIMINAL DOCKET. Case 424. State vs R R N McGinnis, assault with intent to kill.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 19, 1887. From Wednesday’s Daily.

Bob McGinnis was arrested Monday in Chicago by Sheriff McIntire at 285 Des Plaines St. McGinnis was wanted here for cutting Frank Sheets with a razor in the neck a year ago last fall and also for jumping his bond. It will be remembered that McGinnis was bound over to appear for trial in the district court in the sum of $400. Before the date of trial arrived, McGinnis skipped and his bondsman, his father, paid the bond. He has escaped justice for a year and a half. He was working at his trade, barbering, when arrested. Sheriff McIntire arrived home this morning with his prisoner. Sheets, the man cut by McGinnis, has not recovered from the injuries. His spinal column was injured.