Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.
Fight with Cheyennes.
Oscar Wheeler, Willis McCarty, and McGinnis, who reside on the Strip; the former two well known by our citizens, left this place about two years ago to work on the railroad. After working a year or more, they left Dodge City last fall and went hunting through the territory until they reached the South Canadian in Texas, where they wintered, trapping and hunting, with tolerable success. One morning, about six weeks ago, seven Indians supposed to have been Cheyennes, came into their camp and asked for something to eat. Breakfast was made ready for them, and all ate. After breakfast the Indians, who were only armed with bows and arrows, left in an apparently peaceable and friendly manner. But the boys became suspicious from the fact they had not shown their guns, and concluded to move camp that morning, as they expected to move in a few days. While they were loading the wagon, a shot was heard and Oscar Wheeler fell to the ground, pierced with a rifle ball in the left breast, the ball coming out at the back and lodging under the skin. He was not unconscious; and rising up, told the boys to run on the ridge and see if they could see them, while he would drive on with the wagon. The boys did as requested and saw the Indians retreating behind the sand mound, during which some fifty shots were exchanged. Finally, McGinnis got good aim at one and shot, when the Indian threw his gun high in the air and leaped forward, dead. McCarty soon followed, knocking one down, and it is supposed, killed him. The boys drove them back for several miles and then began to retreat to the wagon, the Indians following some ten miles or more when they left. Wheeler was almost prostrated when the two came to him, from loss of blood, but they reached the settlements in safety, and Wheeler is now at Wichita under treatment of a physician, and is in a fair way of recovery. He will be brought to this place as soon as his condition will admit, to be taken care of by his brother-in-law, Mr. Pepper. Traveler.
F. McGinnis, Liberty township...
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876. Editorial Page.
The committee on credentials being called submitted the following report: Your committee on credentials find that the following named gentlemen were duly elected as delegates to this convention, and all are entitled to seats therein.
Liberty: F. McGinnis, Justus Fisher.
Thad. McGinnis...
Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.
A raft of 10,000 feet of lumber was brought down the Walnut from Mr. Leander Finley’s timber to Lippman’s saw mill this week. Harklewood was Captain of the craft, with Thad. McGinnis and Ben. Moore as first and second mates, and Tim McIntire, pilot. All went well until two of the crew immersed themselves in the river and nearly swamped the raft climbing out.
Thomas McGinnis...
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878. Editorial Page.
The following is the regular jury for May term of the District Court: G. W. Martin, James Jackson, R. S. Thompson, John Harden, S. P. Channell, John M. Gates, J. M. Mark, Thomas McGinnis, B. B. Vandeventer, J. H. Mounts, Stephen Elkins, Abijah Howard.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
The court has been occupied all day in the incest case of State vs. Hostetler.
The evidence was all in about 2:30 p.m. The charge of the court was elaborate and clear, and the arguments of the County Attorney, McDermott for the state, and of Mr. Torrance for the defense, were eloquent, searching, and exhaustive. Mr. Torrance addressed the jury for over four hours, when the court adjourned until this morning at 8 o’clock, when Mr. McDermott will again address the jury, and the jury will retire to consider their verdict.
The jurors trying this case are: Stephen Elkins, James Jackson, John M. Gates, Thomas McGinnis, Abijah Howard, Daniel Hunt, Clark Bryant, A. R. Davis, Samuel Huey, J. W. Miller, and Thos. Chaffee.
Monday, May 13, State vs. Steadman. Defendant was arraigned and plead “not guilty.”
State vs. Wm. Steadman, grand larceny. County Attorney James McDermott appeared for the state and E. S. Torrance and Henry Asp for Defendant. The following are the names of the jurors sworn to try the case, after which the court adjourned till eight o’clock this morning, when it will proceed to trial. Jurors: J. M. Mark, B. B. Vandeventer, S. Elkins, J. Jackson, John M. Gates, T. McGinnis, J. H. Mounts, A. Howard, D. A. Byers, H. C. Catlin, H. C. McDorman, S. Martin, W. W. Thomas, J. W. Miller, A. C. Davis, and W. S. Gilman.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
Allowed the following Jurors’ fees. Thos. McGinnis, $24.00.
J. D. McGinnis...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 2, 1879.
The following is a list of new buildings erected in the city of Winfield since January 1, 1878, with the name of owner and cost of building.
J. D. McGinnis, residence, frame: $150.
J. A. McGinnis, Tisdale, visited by brother, William...
Winfield Courier, July 28, 1881.
J. A. McGinnis’ brother, William, is visiting him from Neosho County, Kansas.
Richard P. McGinnis...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 19, 1881.
MARRIED. Married at the residence of the bride’s father, in this city, Sabbath the 16th inst., by Rev. Laverty, Mr. Richard P. McGinnis and Miss Lucinda Hand.
Wm. McGinnis??? Not related to Wm. McGinnis of Bolton township...
Cowley County Courant, January 12, 1882.
Mr. Wm. McGinnis has purchased Ed. Weitzel’s interest in the Ninth Avenue house, and will endeavor to make it in every way worthy of the patronage of the public.
Mrs. Goldie McGinnis...
Winfield Courier, December 6, 1883.
AD. BELOW WE PUBLISH a correct answer to our Rebus for the benefit of those that sent us answers and can’t call at the store to compare them with key.
KEY. Our new Rebus is to inform the public generally that in everything belonging to the Boot and Shoe trade, the undersigned stand A Number One in the estimation of thousands of ladies and gentlemen who purchase their supplies at our store. The mystery of our extensive trade can be easily explained. Our stock is equal in all respects to any in the market; small profits and quick sales content us, and kind treatment, fair dealing, and strict attention to business are our rules. For Josh Billings’ advice see lower right-hand corner. If you are handsome, cultivate your boots; if you are homely, hoe your brains.
Mrs. McGinnis has the correct answer, but we have failed to find a correct answer by a gentleman. O’MEARA AND RANDOLPH, THE BOSS BOOT AND SHOE MEN.
Winfield Courier, December 13, 1883.
Mrs. Goldie McGinnis wishes to tender through the COURIER her thanks to O’Meara & Randolph for the prize shoes awarded for the correct reading of the rebus.
Cassie McGinnis...
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1884.
The following MARRIAGE LICENSES have been issued since our last.
Owen Brown to Cassie McGinnis.
(?) McGinnis’ Hall...
Arkansas City Republican, May 17, 1884.
A large number of Oklahoma colonists have been in the city for several days. Col. Bentley, of Wichita, was advertised to speak at Highland Hall Thursday night, and on his failure to be present, Capt. D. L. Payne addressed the audience. The house was crowded, and he was frequently applauded. After he concluded his address, the members of the colony, about seventy-five in number, held a secret meeting and elected officers. They have established headquarters at McGinnis’ Hall, and a lively correspondence was carried on yesterday. We called at the headquarters yesterday morning, and learned from Col. E. S. Wilcox, of North Springfield, Missouri, the principal member of the colony, that they were not discouraged by the action of the government in ejecting them from the Territory, but would persist in going there, till they were permitted to remain. A number of those arrested and taken to Wichita, mentioned in another column, have arrived in the city, and we learned from one of them that they were charged with two offenses; the punishment of one of which is a fine of $1,000, and the other $10,000 and two years imprisonment, and that eight were discharged upon each giving his separate bond for $250 for his appearance to answer the charges, and one was discharged without bond.
(?) McGinnis...
Arkansas City Traveler, May 21, 1884.
Ben Butler Meeting. There will be a Ben Butler meeting held in the office of Stafford & McGinnis this city on Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock. It is hoped that all interested will make it convenient to attend.
E. Y. McGinnis...
Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.
Certificates of wedded bliss have been granted by Judge Gans during the past week as follows: E. Y. McGinnis and Lucy A. Ralston.
(?) McGinnis...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 8, 1884.
Father McGinnis wanted harmony in the Democratic ranks, but as that could only be obtained by endorsing Schiffbauer, the party seems rent in twain.
(?) McGinnis...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 31, 1885.
Oh, yes, the Democrats are going to get there. No doubt about it. This is the manner in which they progress. A Democratic rally was advertised in an out township Tuesday evening, and “Hon.” E. C. Gage was to be the speaker. “Hon.” E. C. was at the schoolhouse at the appointed time, but the crowd was not. Ed came home and recited his beautiful eulogies on Capt. Thompson to father McGinnis.
John McGinnis...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886.
John McGinnis from St. Louis and a thorough expert in plumbing has accepted a position with Horning & Whitney for the coming season. They say the won’t be downed by anybody in good work and cheap prices.