Wm. McGinnis
[Note: A separate file was kept on R. H. McGinnis, son of Wm. McGinnis, relating to criminal charges.]
Kansas 1875 Census Bolton Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
William McGinnis 39 m w Missouri Indiana
Clara McGinnis 31 f w Indiana Indiana
R. H. McGinnis 14 m w Indiana Indiana
L. A. McGinnis 13 f w Indiana Indiana
L. E. McGinnis 11 f w Indiana Indiana
Bolton Township 1876: Wm. McGinnis, 40; spouse, Clarissa, 32.
Bolton Township 1878: Wm. McGinnis, 42; spouse, Clarissa, 34.
Bolton Township 1878: James McGinnis, 31; spouse, Hattie, 30.
Bolton Township 1880: W. McGinnis, 44; spouse, C., 36.
Bolton Township 1882: Wm. McGinnis, 46; spouse, Clarissa, 38.
Bolton Township 1882: Robert H., 21. No spouse listed.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 3, 1877.
NOTICE TO HUNTERS. We the undersigned, citizens of Bolton Township, will not permit shooting or hunting on our premises, and we are jointly combined to enforce the same. JOHN LINTON, S. PEPPER, J. W. BROWN, L. SMALL, J. D. GUTHRIE, W. McGINNIS, WM. TRIMBLE.
It is believed that Wm. McGinnis is the party referred to in next item...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.
From Bolton Township. BOLTON, Dec. 24, 1877. Friend Scott: I thought I would drop you a few lines and let you know how we are getting along in Bolton. We are having a lively time just now, a wedding and a new school district this week. We are cutting off a mile wide from 96 and one mile from the Bland district, also a piece from 36. We Democrats have been misused by the colored people and the low Republicans of this district. They are all the time wanting to vote bonds for a schoolhouse and have schools.
I wish we had cut the district in two long ago and got out of trouble. We have got the petition signed by nearly half of the citizens of said new district, and don’t you think Guthrie, Pepper, and McGinnis refused to sign, although our boundary lines will take them into the new district. They say they want a school, and of course we don’t believe in schools, so they object to the new district. But never mind if Story is a Democrat, he will set us off if we don’t get but few signers. Pepper says he has got up a remonstrance against it, but if Story is all right, he will do the fair thing with us. I was up in 36 today and they are awful mad about the new district, and talk of remonstrating against it.
“How I do wish people would mind their own business,” and there is Lish Bowers says he won’t stand it either, and we didn’t intend running the new district nearer than one-fourth of a mile of his schoolhouse. Oh, dear! If people would only mind their business; but if Story is a Democrat, we are all right.
Now, friend Scott, if you will publish this and let the people know we are alive and striving, I will write you again when we get our district located.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 17, 1879.
There was a china wedding in the family of Mr. McGinnis last week, and the contracting parties were the recipients of many useful presents. The notice came too late for our last week’s issue.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 23, 1882.
Among the Veterans of Bolton, the following names, with rank and Regiment, are on the muster roll to attend the reunion at Topeka, Sept. 11th to 16th, 1882.
Wm. McGinnis, Corporal, 102nd Michigan.
Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.
STATE VERSUS VAN METER. Witness: Wm. McGinnis.
McGinnis: Either Wm. or one of his sons...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 4, 1883.
Communicated. Ed. Traveler: During the past winter the enterprising citizens of Dist. 96, Bolton Township, have conducted a Lyceum, greatly to the instruction and amusement of young and old, under the leadership of J. B. Guthrie, supported by Messrs. Walton, Marshall, Conaway, Andrews, and others, not to mention the Clark brothers. The object has been to cultivate a taste for refining literature, as well as to develop the forensic art; and by way of parenthesis, let me say that this is one of the most profitable ways that the denizens of the rural districts can spend the long evenings of the winter months, as it furnishes not simply amusement and recreation, but is specially adapted to prepare the young people to acquit themselves with credit in after life.
On Tuesday evening, March 27th, the closing exercises were held in the Guthrie school-house, which was crowded to its utmost capacity. A special effort was made to entertain the public pleasantly and profitably, and great credit is due the managers for the success of the entertainment. Messrs. Dayton, Hahn, McGinnis, and Arnett furnished instrumental music, with violin, guitar, and organ, which was highly appreciated. Several pieces of vocal music by Mrs. Sheals and others was well rendered. Eph Mowry and W. Maxwell rendered “Carve that Possum” and another two other plantation melodies with good effect. It is not possible to enter into the merits of the literary part of the entertainment. The recitations and selections were in good taste, and well rendered, while the dialogues brought down the house. The reading of the Regulator displayed the usual amount of dry wit and local thrusts which amused all. Owing to the lateness of the hour, the debate, which has always been a prominent feature of the programme at the regular meetings, was set aside and doubtless Bolton Town-ship will never know what pent up bottles of eloquence Messrs. Conway and Clark will have for private use the coming summer. On the whole the entertainment was excellent and the zeal of these Boltonites is worthy of imitation in other places. OBSERVER.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 13, 1883.
The following list of our soldiers of Bolton Township were furnished us for publication by Gus Lorry, trustee of that township.
Wm. McGinnis, corporal, Co. C, 1st or 102nd Michigan Colored Volunteers.
Estella McGinnis...
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 26, 1883.
School District No. 96. Following are the names enrolled in the above school district.
Lena Guthrie, Minnie Arnett, Gertie Coldwell, Ophelia Arnett, Lizzie Phelps, Estella McGinnis, Dora Andrews, Fannie Andrews, Maris Marshall, Maggie Brown, Eva Brown, Missie Phelps, Stella Sheals, Ettie Coldwell, Mabel Brown, Adeline Bass, Webb Hays, Albert Wright, Harry Beck, Frank Guthrie, Eddie Phelps, George English, Floyd Arnett, Frank Marshall, Pleasant Banks, Willard Banks, Bertie Andrews, Henry Donnelly, Otis Coldwell, Sterling Marshall, Alexander Carr, John Carr, Willie Mathews, Ollie Coldwell, Willie Bass. Number of pupils 35; average daily attendance, for two months ending December 21, 1883: 21. H. D. WALKER, Teacher.
Anna McGinnis marries R. J. Work...
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1884.
During the week the Probate Judge has issued MARRIAGE LICENSES to:
R. J. Work to Anna McGinnis.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1884.
MARRIED. At the residence of the bride’s parents on Wednesday, January 16, by Rev. H. S. Lundy, Miss Anna McGinnis to R. Work. A large number of friends were present at the ceremony.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 29, 1884.
See notice to hunters in another column.
NOTICE TO HUNTERS. We, the undersigned, hereby give notice that we will prosecute to the full extent of the law all persons who may be found hunting upon our premises.
Letha McGinnis marries Geo. W. Bean...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 9, 1885.
Joseph Brown and Della Moore; Geo. W. Bean and Letha McGinnis, both colored couples, had the connubial knot tied by Judge Gans Tuesday. Joseph was rushing frantically around after Judge Gans in the still hours of last night—it was a rushing case to head off the would-be interceptor of an elopement.
Arkansas City Republican, September 26, 1885.
Wm. McGinnis, of Bolton Township, received his pension of $756 the first of the week. Mr. McGinnis was one of the first of the colored men who served in the late unpleasantness from the effects of which rheumatism has been contracted.