

MESSENGER, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1872. Nominations were then made for delegates to the two Conven­tions to be held in Topeka September 11th, 1872. A. A. Jackson and R. B. Saffold, with S. D. Oaks and T. B. Ross as alternates were nominated to one Convention, and A. Walton, T. McIntire with H. N. Deming and T. A. Blanchard, alternates to the other, for the purpose of nominating State officers, Electors, and Congressmen.
(State Republican convention for national election.)
Convention called to order by A. N. Deming, Chairman of Central Committee. Committee on organization was appointed and reported Judge McIntire as chairman and W. M. Allison as secre­tary.
WINFIELD COURIER, FEBRUARY 27, 1874. Miles, the horse-thief who made his escape from the city jail last Friday week, was retaken by constable McIntire, A. W. Patterson, and Mr. Draper last Saturday, on Coal Rock Creek, thirty miles east of this place, at the house of Mr. Johnson. He made his escape by chipping the wood with a hatchet and burning the door of the jail. The hatchet used he claimed to have stolen from Bowen's Grocery. After his escape he laid out in the grass near Pat Somers' place all day and all night, and then went to houses on the Walnut, where he was fed by people knowing him to be the identified thief who had escaped. He was delayed two days on account of not finding the Walnut River bridge, but afterwards crossed it and went to Grouse creek and from thence to Coal Rock creek, where he was taken. Traveler.
Miles was brought to Winfield and placed in the county jail for safe keeping.
Commissioner's Proceeding.
Cowley County, Kan., April 16th, 1874.
The following is a list of bills allowed by the Board of County Commissioners at their last regular meeting, showing the amount to whom allowed, and for what purpose. Timothy McIntire, Justice of the Peace:  $3.70.
G. H. McIntire, Constable:  $12.50
Horse Thieves Caught.
Two men, William Gilmore and Francis J. Seltz, who have been stopping at the mouth of Grouse for some weeks, and of whom we spoke last week, warning the people to look out for them, were overtaken and captured on the Shawkaska river, by Curry, Keho, Blair, and Roberts, last Sunday morning. The men took the horses from the Kaw Agency on Thursday night, came up Grouse creek, and were going west. The horses belonged to Big and Little Lewis Pappan; half breed Kaw Indians. The horses were missed at daylight, and the Indians started in pursuit, tracking them all the way to Bolton township, where they received the first news of them. Pappan's horses were tired out and he persuaded the above mentioned men to follow them on Saturday night, by whom they were captured the next morning.

At sight of the men the thieves ran and were only stopped by the firing of Curry. Seltz received the shot from Curry's carbine, the ball entering near the wrist and paralyzing his arm. At this, the thieves gave themselves up and begged to be well treated. On Monday morning they were arraigned before Justice McIntire and plead not guilty. The preliminary trial was waived, and the parties were bound over to appear at the district court in the sum of $1,000. Failing in bond, they went to jail.
WINFIELD COURIER, JULY 10, 1874. SALT SPRINGS. Judge Peffer, Col. J. C. McMullen, E. P. Kinne, Mr. Loomis, and several ladies, also the "Special Contrib­utor," visited the salt works on the 6th. We found Judge McIntire, superintendent of the works. Our July sun is doing the handsome thing for these just now, giving a product of a ton per week.
There are also springs containing, apparently, glauber's salts and other minerals in solution. We concluded the "warm spring" to be caused by the action of the solar heat.
WINFIELD COURIER, FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1874.The Salt Springs.
In company with W. W. Walton, our efficient county surveyor, who kindly furnished the rig, we tripped over to the Salt Springs last Monday, where we arrived just in time for dinner, of which we were bountifully supplied at the "Mills" House. There we met J. T. Hall, formerly of the Valley House of this place, who expects to do the honors for the new Hotel, which they hope to build in a short time. After dinner we went down to see the "Springs," which spurt out in a low flat, near the Arkansas river. There we found Judge McIntire and son, busy filling and refilling the vats, in which, by the action of the sun, the brine is crystalized.
  Base Ball.
The Eldorado base ball club of Eldorado, played the Fron­tiers of this place a match game of ball on the grounds of the latter last Saturday, which resulted in the victory of the Frontier's by a score of 35 to 38. On the side of the Eldorado's, Gossard caught two fair flies, Shryer two, and Myers one. McIntire caught nine fouls, put one out on three strikes, and one out on home base, etc.
On the 19th day of November, 1874, the Plow and Anvil made its first appearance, with Col. J. M. Alexander editor and proprietor. Col. Alexander was succeeded by Amos Walton and C. M. McIntire, the present editors and proprietors, April 22 last.
The Censor was, and the Traveler and COURIER are, republican in politics. The Messenger was, and the Telegram and Plow and Anvil are independent in politics.
WINFIELD COURIER, APRIL 8, 1875. CITY OFFICERS. The following city officers were elected on Monday, April 5th. For Mayor:  S. P. Channell. Councilmen: H. Godehard, E. D. Bowen, J. H. Serburne, Dr. Shephard, and I. H. Bonsall. Police Judge: T. McIntire.
 WINFIELD COURIER, JULY 22, 1875.Mr. Amos Walton, editor of the Plow and Anvil, started for Douglass county last Monday, to be gone about twenty days. Charlie McIntire will hold the plow and Tom Copeland will sit on the anvil till he returns. The paper shows marked improvement already.
The organization of the House includes:
Journal clerk:  W. W. Walton, of Cowley.
Mr. Hackney introduced a bill for the relief of Geo. McIntire, appropriating $100. It is for that militia horse, and he ought to have it.
TRAVELER, MAY 17, 1876.

C. M. McIntire has assumed entire control of the Cowley County Democrat, and will be alone responsible for its action hereafter.
Courier July 4, 1876  On the 19th day of November, 1874, the Plow and Anvil made its first appearance, with Col. J. M. Alexander editor and proprietor. Col. Alexander was succeeded by Amos Walton and C. M. McIntire, the present editors and proprietors, April 22 last.
Last Saturday, pursuant to call, the citizens of Winfield met at the Courthouse and organized a meeting by calling D. A. Millington to the chair and electing C. M. McIntire secretary.
WINFIELD COURIER, JULY 20, 1876. We "took tea" at the quiet little home of Judge T. McIntire last Saturday evening while visiting the City. He has the prettiest flower garden, the most cool and inviting arbor of forest trees, and the kindest "partner" of any old settler in the valley. He lives at home and stays where he lives. Of course, we carried away a nice bouquet of perennials.
TRAVELER, AUGUST 30, 1876. DEMOCRAT SOLD. Chas. McIntire sold the entire office of the Cowley County Democrat to Wm. Allison last week. Mr. Allison is to fulfill all unexpired subscriptions and advertising contracts. The publishing of the Democrat was an experiment from the first, and has now proven that the fourth paper cannot live in Cowley county. Mr. McIntire conducted the paper honorably and thorough­ly, and would have made it a good journal had he re­ceived suffi­cient support and encouragement.
WINFIELD COURIER, AUGUST 31, 1876. The Cowley County Democrat is a thing of the past. Mr. McIntire will go east for his health. Mr. Allison has purchased the material of the office.
TRAVELER, SEPTEMBER 6, 1876. CHARLES McINTIRE will start a paper at Cedar Vale, Chautauqua County. It is a small but growing place, 35 miles east of Arkansas City.
TRAVELER, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1876. DOWN THE RIVER. Chas. McIntire and Will. Leonard are having a boat built to make a voyage down the Arkansas. They are to engage in the rubber stamp business on the way.
TRAVELER, SEPTEMBER 20, 1876. PAPER AT CEDAR VALE. The parties at Cedar Vale did not make satisfactory arrangements with Charles McIntire to start a paper at that place. Mr. Blevins, of Oxford, had some idea of giving them one, but we learn the contract has been made with Wm. Allison, of Winfield, who promises the first edition soon.
TRAVELER, SEPTEMBER 27, 1876. CHARLES McINTIRE and WILL LEONARD started from Harmon's ford yesterday, for the voyage down the Arkansas. They have a good boat, covered with oil cloth, with a portable stove in it to do their cooking, and expect to float all the way to New Orleans.
TRAVELER, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1876. JUDGE T. McINTIRE has resigned the office of Justice of the Peace in this Township in favor of W. Sherb. Hunt.
CHARLEY McINTIRE and WILL LEONARD are at Little Rock. The rubber stamp business was not a success, and they have gone to work at their trades.
TRAVELER, APRIL 3, 1877. CHARLES McINTIRE, who has been in Arkansas for several months, returned last week. Will Leonard, who went with him, remained there. Charley don't go much on that region.

WINFIELD COURIER, SEPTEMBER 27, 1877. That's funny!  Timothy McIntire, formerly of this vicinity, is president of the Democratic club at Arkansas City. Emporia News.
TRAVELER, DECEMBER 26, 1877.CHARLES McINTIRE, foreman of the Telegram office, and Will Leonard, who manages the Oxford Independent, are visiting their parents at this place.
Claims allowed Jan. 10:Deputy Sheriff:  H. W. Dunning, $3.75; G. H. McIntire, $4.00; G. L. Walker, $2.45.
TRAVELER, FEBRUARY 6, 1878. A raft of 10,000 feet of lumber was brought down the Walnut from Mr. Leander Finley's timber to Lippmann's saw mill this week. Harklewood was Captain of the craft, with Thad. McGinnis and Ben. Moore as first and second mates, and Tim McIntire, pilot. All went well until two of the crew immersed themselves in the river and nearly swamped the raft climbing out.
TRAVELER, NOVEMBER 27, 1878. We have made business relations with C. M. McIntire whereby he looks after the mechanical work in the TRAVELER Office. The local and editorial department is under our personal control.
TRAVELER, MARCH 26, 1879. A fire on the North side of town came near burning out Geo. McIntire, who was away from home, but the neighbors turned out and saved his buildings. It burned up some small fruit and vines.
BIRTH. Born June 5th, 1879, to Geo. McIntire and wife, a son.
JUNE 5, 1879.Mr. Charley McIntire of the Traveler, was inspecting the metropolis last week. Charley wields the scissors with an easy grace, and the Traveler fairly sparkles with "original" locals.
TRAVELER, JUNE 11, 1879. BIRTH. Born June 5th, to Geo. McIntire and wife, a son.
JUNE 26, 1879. C. M. McIntire will soon start at Arkansas City an eight column, four page, Democratic paper to be called the Arkansas Valley Democrat. Charley understands the newspaper business, is a clear headed trenchant writer and if anyone can make a success of it, he can. Barring his abominable politics, he is a good fellow and we wish him success.
JULY 3, 1879. Mr. Chas. McIntire will issue his new Democratic paper at Arkansas City July 25th. It will be an eight column folio and the first number will contain a description of Arkansas City, Winfield, and Cowley county.
TRAVELER, JULY 23, 1879. The Arkansas Valley Democrat, the new paper for this place, will be published next Friday. Mr. Charles McIntire, its editor and publisher, is thoroughly adapted to the newspaper business, and his long residence in this county has so acquainted him with the needs of our farmers that he cannot fail in giving satisfac­tion. For the past eight months he was connected with the TRAVELER office, and he has our best wishes for success in this undertaking.
TRAVELER, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1879. George McIntire has sold to Mr. Coonrod nine acres of his farm for $33 per acre.
TRAVELER, FEBRUARY 4, 1880. MARRIED. McINTIRE - GREGG. At the residence of the bride's parents on Tuesday morning, February 3rd, 1880, at 9 o'clock, Mr. Chas. M. McIntire and Miss Laura Gregg, by the Rev. L. F. Laverty, all of Arkansas City.

The above was a very quiet affair, none being present except the relatives of the bride and bridgegroom. After the ceremony the happy couple took the 9:30 train for a wedding tour through the East. When the honeymoon is spent, they will return to battle in partnership against life's rough waves at Arkansas City. May peace, happiness, and prosperity abide with them now and forever is the wish of the TRAVELER force.
DIED. We regret to chronicle the death of the infant son of Geo. H. McIntire and wife, which occurred last Tuesday, June 29th, 1880.
TRAVELER, JUNE 8, 1881. BORN. To Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McIntire, of this city, on Thursday last, a daughter.
TRAVELER, MAY 17, 1882.  Geo. H. McIntire has received his commission as Deputy U. S. Marshal.
  TRAVELER, SEPTEMBER 27, 1882. Deputy Sheriff McIntire arrested Bill Burke, Marshal at Hunnewell, in Winfield yesterday, on a charge of stealing cattle. After being arrested Burke asked permission to step to the rear end of Miller's store, which privilege he was granted; but was followed by the officer, who observed Burke reach for a revolver. Before Burke could get it in shape, he was covered by George's pistol and dropped the "werpin."  The preliminary examination was postponed and he was bound over in the sum of $1,000.
  TRAVELER, OCTOBER 4, 1882. BIRTH. On Monday last as the light of day faded away in the west, and night's sable mantle overcast our city, the trip, trip, tripping of little feet might have been heard, and as the rustle of angel wings floated by, a souvenir of love graced the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. McIntire. It's a girl, and a beauty, and maybe Charley ain't proud. Oh, no!