Col J. C. McMullen
Trying to give a brief recap on Col. McMullen is tough. This gentleman was involved in so many activities in both Arkansas City and Winfield before he left for California that it is hard to single out the most important items to tell about him.
I will start with the very beginnings that I have found. Kathy Janisse in Wisconsin and her cousin have been working on this for years, and could probably complete the picture much better than I could, particularly after he arrived in California.
The first McMullen known of was Patrick McMullen, born 1792, in Limerick, Ireland. He died in 1880 in Winfield, Kansas. Patrick McMullen married Ellen McGirl, born in Ireland (died in California). Patrick and Ellen McMullen emigrated to the United States in 1831. In 1847 or 1848 the McMullen family moved to Wisconsin, where Patrick received a 40-acre farm from the government.
Patrick and Ellen McMullen had seven children: Joseph F., born August 1, 1831, in New York City; Matilda, born in 1833, who died in 1905; Mary, born in 1834, who died in 1905; John Cornelius, born in 1835, who died December 30, 1912, in Oakland, California; Alexander, born in 1836, who died in 1913; Helen, born 1840, and Jane, born in 1842.
[Note: The interest of Cowley County historians centers around the fourth child of Patrick and Ellen McMullen: John Cornelius. RKW]
McMullen family historians believe that John Cornelius McMullen was born in the family home March 15 or March 17, 1835, located in Wilmington, Delaware, near the New Jersey border. However, he was listed as being born in Jersey City, New Jersey.
John Cornelius McMullen was educated at Lawrence University from 1853 to 1860, receiving a degree. He enlisted September 16, 1861, at the age of 26, for three years as a Private in Company H, First Wisconsin Infantry, from Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin. He became a Second Lieutenant October 8, 1861; First Lieutenant March 20, 1862; a Captain October 27, 1863; was wounded at Jonesboro, Georgia, and mustered out of service at Camp Washburn, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, October 14, 1864. His regiment was involved in numerous engagements in Middle Kentucky and Tennessee and Northern Georgia, including the Atlantic Campaign of 1864 under Gen. Sherman.
J. C. McMullen was soon after employed by the Government in the Treasury Department of Tennessee, which position he held for seven years. He married Miss Mary E. Loomis, in 1865, and they had three children, Nellie C., Robert J. and Mary B. (Mary E. Loomis was the daughter of I. C. Loomis and Nancy L. Cochran Loomis. I. C. Loomis died at his farm two miles northwest of Arkansas City, on Monday, October 9, 1882, aged 83. His wife, Nancy L. Cochran Loomis (1828-1896), was buried nearby in Riverview Cemetery, Arkansas City, along with two of J. C. McMullen’s children: Charles, died May 18, 1872, aged 1 year, 3 months, 10 days; and Hubert, died June 26, 1874, aged 6 months, 21 days.
Background on Col. McMullen and Loomis Families by Family Historians.
In 1871 the McMullen and Loomis families moved to Arkansas City. Col. J. C. McMullen started a private bank called “The Citizens Bank.” In 1877 Col. McMullen bought residential land in Winfield from E. C. Manning. He moved his bank to Winfield in January 1878, closing the Arkansas City bank. On April 1, 1879, he consolidated with the private bank owned by J. C. Fuller. They formed the “Winfield State Bank,” which was chartered under State law. The officers were J. C. McMullen, President; J. C. Fuller, Cashier.
J. C. McMullen started construction in 1879 of a brick home at 509 West Ninth, Winfield, Kansas. It was rumored that this caused a dispute between McMullen and Fuller inasmuch as McMullen borrowed J. C. Fuller’s house plans and the completed home, finished in 1880, was larger than Fuller’s home. The McMullen family moved in and lived there until Col. George W. Miller (of the 101 Ranch) purchased the house from McMullen in 1888. When the Miller family moved to the ranch in Oklahoma, they sold the house to the J. W. Hiatt family, whose descendants owned the property until 1998.
[Note: Our research on the McMullen and related families has been gleaned from microfilm kept by the Kansas Historical Society and information from descendants of the McMullen and Kinne families. RKW, MAW, and WWB.]
Col. J. C. McMullen One of the Proprietors of New Town.
Emporia News, September 2, 1870. A new town, called Sumner, has just been laid out in Sumner County. The proprietors are: J. M. Steele, C. S. Roe, and J. H. Liggett, of Wichita; J. Jay Buck and E. W. Cunningham, of Emporia; James C. Fuller, Addison Richards, and Mr. Millington, of Fort Scott; Col. J. C. McMullen, of Clarksville, Tennessee; and Maj. Woodsmall, of Gosport, Indiana.
This town is situated in the geographical center of Sumner County, on Slate Creek, and about thirty miles south from Wichita. A stock of goods is already on the ground. A full and complete newspaper outfit is already secured, and it is the intention of the proprietors to have a hotel up and a saw mill in operation soon. This place is immediately on the Texas cattle trail, and may soon be a brisk town. The finest wood and water claims are there to be had. We look for the organization of Sumner County at the next session of the Legislature.
Emporia News, February 17, 1871.
Col. J. C. McMullen, an attorney at law of Clarksville, Tennessee, and Judge Cunningham intended to start Saturday morning on a tour through Sumner County, the promised land in which some of their possessions lie, but when the stage-driver called for them they concluded they would not start that day—there being twelve passengers inside of the vehicle and three on the outside. We understand that Col. McMullen is making arrangements to locate in Kansas, and we hope he will.
I. C. Loomis, Father of Mrs. McMullen.
From the Margaret Russell Stallard book, Remembering Geuda Springs, it was learned that Mrs. McMullen’s father, I. C. Loomis, built the Loomis Hotel at Remanto, the first name given to town—soon to be called Salt City, due to the fact it was located near numerous salt springs. In time the area containing the salt springs was called Geuda Springs.
Records uncovered by Mrs. Stallard reveal the following:
March 19, 1872: Legal Instrument between Daniel Grable, Brainard Goff, and W. J. Walpole of Cowley County, parties of the first part, and I. C. Loomis, party of the 2nd part, in consideration of the sum of $248.00; Southeast quarter of Section I, Township 34, South Range 2E, containing 160 acres. Grant intended as a mortgage to secure payment of $248.00 at 12 percent interest. Executed by Daniel Grable, Brainard Goff, and W. J. Walpole to I. C. Loomis.
March 13, 1873: The mortgage held by I. C. Loomis was released. I. C. and Harriet R. Loomis, his wife, assigned to Samuel Hoyt, attorney at law, their power of attorney.
Loomis Hotel.
The Loomis Hotel was later remodeled and called “Hotel Geuda.” Later it was called the “Gilbert Hotel.” It was built in the East Geuda Springs addition, placing it in Cowley County, Kansas. [Note: Part of Geuda Springs is in Sumner County, Kansas.] The Loomis Hotel and other buildings nearby were destroyed by a fire in 1908.
Luke Short Arrived in Caldwell.
The Caldwell Journal, May 24, 1883.
Luke Short, about whom the fuse at Dodge City was kicked up, arrived here on Monday. Mr. Short is a quiet, unassuming man, with nothing about him to lead one to believe him the desperado the Dodge mob picture him to be. He says the whole trouble arose from business jealousy on the part of Webster Nixon and others. As to his plans, he has nothing to say, but he is determined to take all legal measures possible to secure his rights.
The Caldwell Journal, August 30, 1883.
The Dodge City Times is mad because Luke Short had Police Judge Burns arrested on the charge of misconduct in office and the collection of illegal fees. Judge Burns had his examination and was discharged. The Times says the arrest was a piece of spite work.
Luke Short Has Gone to Texas.
The Caldwell Journal, September 20, 1883.
Luke Short, disgusted with the moral reform recently instituted at Dodge, has sold out his saloon and gone to Texas to engage in the cattle business.
Luke Short Died in Geuda Springs at the Renamed Loomis Hotel.
Luke Short (suffering from dropsy) resided at the renamed Loomis Hotel shortly before he died in an attempt to restore his health at the Springs. He went virtually unnoticed by the overflow crowd from Arkansas City who stayed at Geuda Springs prior to their participation in the race for the Cherokee Strip September 16, 1893.
Known as a friend of Wyatt Earp and Bat Masterson, Luke Short was an early-day gunman who killed a number of men. He managed to escape the law when he sold whiskey to Sioux Indians. Raised in Texas, he roamed from one western town to another, operating a bar of some kind. His death notice in the Arkansas City Traveler stated: “Luke Short died 8 September 1893 of dropsy in the Gilbert Hotel, was embalmed by W. A. Repp, a Geuda Springs undertaker, and his body was sent to Fort Worth, Texas, for burial.”
The Geuda Springs Herald stated that his wife and two of his brothers were in Geuda Springs at the time of his death and accompanied his body to Texas.
From various newspapers...
Col. J. C. McMullen One of the Proprietors of New Town.
Emporia News, September 2, 1870. A new town, called Sumner, has just been laid out in Sumner County. The proprietors are: J. M. Steele, C. S. Roe, and J. H. Liggett, of Wichita; J. Jay Buck and E. W. Cunningham, of Emporia; James C. Fuller, Addison Richards, and Mr. Millington, of Fort Scott; Col. J. C. McMullen, of Clarksville, Tennessee; and Maj. Woodsmall, of Gosport, Indiana.
This town is situated in the geographical center of Sumner County, on Slate Creek, and about thirty miles south from Wichita. A stock of goods is already on the ground. A full and complete newspaper outfit is already secured, and it is the intention of the proprietors to have a hotel up and a saw mill in operation soon. This place is immediately on the Texas cattle trail, and may soon be a brisk town. The finest wood and water claims are there to be had. We look for the organization of Sumner County at the next session of the Legislature.
Emporia News, February 17, 1871.
Col. J. C. McMullen, an attorney at law of Clarksville, Tennessee, and Judge Cunningham intended to start Saturday morning on a tour through Sumner County, the promised land in which some of their possessions lie, but when the stage-driver called for them they concluded they would not start that day—there being twelve passengers inside of the vehicle and three on the outside. We understand that Col. McMullen is making arrangements to locate in Kansas, and we hope he will.
Now, it is very important to introduce E. P. Kinne. He was instrumental in getting Col. McMullen to move to Winfield. The Colonel had gone to a lot of expense to get a huge safe for his bank in Arkansas City, and the fact that the bridge had just been built south of Winfield allowed him to move this safe by wagon to his new bank in Winfield. This was considered quite an enterprise at the time.
The family does not appear in the 1860, 1870, or 1875 Federal or State census.
E. P. Kinne does show in the Tisdale Township census of 1876. It does not show his age nor whether he is married or not.
He also shows in the Winfield census of 1878. He is 43 years old and has a wife whose initials are H. M. and who is 36 years old.
[Note: Helen M. McMullen Loomis Kinne, widow of Ezra P. Kinne, died in Oakland, California, November 20, 1927. The Oakland Tribune, November 21, 1927, stated the following: “Died. Kinne. In Oakland, November 20, 1927, Helen M. Kinne, mother of Edward P. Kinne and Howard Loomis, a native of New York, aged 85 years. Friends are invited to attend the funeral at the chapel of Grant D. Miller, 2372 East Fourteenth Street, corner Twenty-fourth Avenue, Oakland, Tuesday, November 22, 1927, at 3 o’clock p.m. Incineration, Oakland crematory.”]
First newspaper entry that has Kinne.
Emporia News, May 19, 1871.
Bell Plaine. [Later called Belle Plaine.]
MESSRS. EDITORS: To those unacquainted with the rapid growth of this part of the State, and with the enterprising spirit which characterizes the greater part of the people now immigrating, the changes which have taken place may seem incredible, but they are nevertheless facts. Newcomers expect to find a wilderness, but find a garden. Men of ability and sagacity, who came down here in advance of spring immigration, have traveled this strip over thoroughly, and have become familiar with all the best land, and points where soil, timber, water, building material, and commercial advantages were centered; they have located and surveyed out town sites, and are keeping pace with the tide of immigration, building up places of business as fast as the country settles up around them. And it now bids fair to be a lively race between the town and country to see which shall grow the fastest.
After examining the whole county of Sumner, a party of men have organized a town company, and chosen the most favorable location in that county for a town site. This enterprise I am told started sometime during the past winter, and since then few towns have grown so fast as Belle Plain. It is situated in the richest and most fertile part of the county between the Arkansas and the Ninescah Rivers, about ten miles from the mouth of the latter, and surrounded by a vast tract of bottom land extending from river to river. They are quite sure of the county seat, and bid fair, judging from their present progress, to rival any town in the Arkansas valley. The main current of emigration into this strip seems to be heading in that direction, and inasmuch as I judge from a disinterested standpoint, I must say their part of the country is getting more than its proportion. Businessmen of moderate capital will find there an opening not to be found in older towns where the requirements for building call for too much expense.
There are a great many who come into this State with capital just sufficient to put up an inexpensive building, and have enough left to go into trade; but many of our western towns, when donating a lot, place the conditions upon which the lot is given beyond the reach of men with ordinary means. For the present this is not the case at Belle Plain. The town company have appropriated a large number of lots to be given to men wishing to start in any honorable business, and those who wish to make a sure investment, and a large percentage on their money, whether the amount be great or small, cannot do better now than either to go and see or write to the proprietors of the Belle Plain townsite. The country adapted to general farming or stock raising is so extensive in their vicinity that trade cannot be overdone for the next year at least. Business houses are going up quite fast, and trade is thriving.
The following buildings are either filled with goods, or expecting to be in running order soon: Town Hall, Thurman and Richards, 20 x 40; Lamberson, livery stable, 40 x 60; Hotel, Barton and Son, main building, 30 x 30, two stories high with an ell 16 x 24; J. Hamilton’s store, 16 x 20, general assortment of groceries; George Hamilton, 16 x 20, dry goods; J. Kellogg, 18 x 30, drugs; Deavenport, first class stock of hardware, 20 x 40; Miller, 16 x 20, flour and feed; Kinne, 16 x 20, groceries; Chamberlin, 16 x 20, land office. A good ferry crosses the Arkansas near the town.
A mail route has been established from Wichita to Arkansas City, and stages will soon be running. A stage route from Thayer, via Winfield, to Belle Plain has been surveyed out, and it is expected that stages will be running on that route also soon.
Walnut Valley Times, January 26, 1872.
[From the Arkansas TRAVELER.]
Cowley County.
Work on the Arkansas River bridge commences today. The pile-driver arrived a few days ago, and Mr. Hobson, the contractor, is expected every day. Laborers desiring work had better call on E. P. Kinne or on Dr. Keith, immediately.
There is a movement on foot to try and get a railroad from Eureka through Winfield and Arkansas City. We understand that the Arkansas City people had a meeting last Tuesday evening for the purposes of having some action taken in the matter. If Cowley County wishes to have a railroad, and wishes for one that will benefit her, we are of the opinion, from what we can learn at present, that this would be a desirable road to obtain. We regret that circumstances were such that we could not attend this meeting.
road running from Winfield to Augusta.
Winfield Courier, April 17, 1874.
Ordination and Dedication. The exercises at the liberal church last Sunday were interesting and well attended. Prof. Norton was ordained according to the Congregational order in the forenoon. In the evening, Rev. Mr. Platter conducted the dedication exercises.
Prof. Kellogg gave an interesting history of the origin, nature, and progress of the enterprise, announcing that the church had been built without foreign aid, had but a small debt, and was in a prosperous and hopeful state. Mr. Platter preached a sermon appropriate to the occasion. The church is a neat and tasteful edifice, finely and completely finished, and is in all respects an honor to its founders.
Butler County has but one newspaper, while Cowley and Sumner have three each. There is hardly enough enterprise in that county, outside of Eldorado, to run a saw mill.
Forty-two beds were made at the City Hotel on the night of the circus. This Hotel has been compelled to put on another addition in order to make room for the traveling public. H. O. Meigs is well known as a landlord, and his many friends are glad to hear of his resuming control of this most estimable house.
The city council met at Meigs & Kinne’s office last Monday evening, and after being sworn in, appointed R. C. Haywood, City Treasurer, and H. P. Standley, Clerk. The Council consists of H. O. Meigs, Mayor; and A. K. Melton, W. S. Packhard, Dr. Sheppard, E. P. Kinne, and I. H. Bonsall, councilmen.
Mrs. G. H. Norton writes from Vicksburg bitter complaints of the weather there; rain and mud all the time. We have about the right latitude and climate. Let us try and make the most of it.
The peach trees are in full bloom this week, and the weather is warm, showery, and beautiful.
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.
Judge Peffer, Col. J. C. McMullen, E. P. Kinne, Mr. Loomis, and several ladies, also the “Special Contributor,” visited the salt works on the 6th. We found Judge McIntire superintendent of the works. Our July sun is doing the handsome thing for these just now, giving a product of a ton per week.
There are also springs containing, apparently, Glauber’s salts and other minerals in solution. We concluded the “warm spring” to be caused by the action of the solar heat.
Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.
Kinne & Meigs purchased one acre near Salt City for $500, containing the sulphur springs. On this acre is a pond of water, from which three different kinds of mineral water can be dipped, which is claimed by persons who have drank and bathed in it, to be very healthy. Press.
Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.
We are informed by E. P. Kinne, Esq., that Agent Gibson of the Osages came up to the state line a few days ago and took the Kickapoos down with him to the agency.
Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.
The contract to build a bridge across Dutch Creek was let to E. P. Kinne, Esq., of Arkansas City, for $2,500 dollars. It is to be what is known as the Fake Truss. The bridge is, we believe, to be completed in sixty days.
And now we come to the McMullen/Kinne/Loomis connection...
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874.
MARRIED. On Tuesday, September 22nd, 1874, at the residence of Col. J. C. McMullen, by Rev. Platter, of Winfield, Mr. E. P. Kinne and Mrs. Helen M. Loomis, both of Arkansas City.
Winfield Courier, December 2, 1875.
E. P. Kinne, Register of Deeds elect, has removed up from the City, and will henceforth be “one of us.” Winfield welcomes him.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 6, 1876. Front Page.
Excerpt from “History of Cowley County.”
Arkansas City.
A splendid brick church, the best edifice of the kind in the country, a substantial frame church, a cut stone bank (J. C. McMullen’s), the City Hotel, a three-story structure, kept by Mantor & Son, the Central Avenue, a commodious two-story building, Houghton & McLaughlin, immense dry goods store, J. H. Sherburne & Co.’s two-story business house, J. C. McMullen’s elegant private residence constructed of brick with cut stone trimmings, costing $6,000, are among the most prominent and expensive of the buildings upon the town site. It contains about 550 population.
The first bank and brick residence were built by J. C. McMullen in 1873.
Involvement of L. B. Kellogg (cousin of the Kellogg we are interested in)...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.
ARKANSAS CITY BANK of Arkansas City.
Does a General Banking Business. Makes Collections.
Loans Money on Real Estate Security. Loans for Capitalists A Specialty.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 26, 1876.
“In the Savings Department of the ARKANSAS CITY BANK of Arkansas City, there will be received Sums as low as One Dollar, upon which will be paid Seven per cent interest.
DIRECTORS: L. B. Kellogg, L. C. Norton, J. Jay Buck, J. C. McMullen, Jas. A. Loomis.
Col. McMullen Recovers from Serious Illness.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876. Mr. J. C. McMullen was very ill last week, and for a short time it was feared he would not live. We are glad to state he has recovered.
Letter Written by H. B. Norton to Col. J. C. McMullen.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876. Front Page.
SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, Jan. 19, 1876.
Col. J. C. McMullen: DEAR OLD FRIEND: I have been waiting for Saturday to come, that I might have leisure to write to you without hurry and pressure. . . .
We are very comfortable and happy here, having pleasanter quarters than for several years, and better prospects also. I have, to my own great surprise, emerged into a field of work that more than satisfies me. My effort in the pulpit and on the lecture stand are received in such a way as makes me wonder. In the line of scientific illustrated lectures, I seem to have no competitor on this coast, and calls come from all sides, of which I can answer very few indeed. I am very well, busy, and happy; and thankful for the good Providence which has led me from the Cimarron to this beautiful city. I feel “in my sphere” here rather than there.
This is a city of churches. We are members of the Congregational Church, presided over by a thoroughly cultured Bostonian. My wife is happier and more hopeful than for years—seeming, however, somewhat dissatisfied with the sparse population of California. Our little people are very well indeed, and are progressing in their studies. My boy now plays all easy music at sight, and seems to be gradually outgrowing Kansas malaria.
The landscape outside looks queer enough: The mountains are piled deeply with snow, but the orange trees are full of ripe fruit on the foot slopes, and the valley is as Eden-like as grass and flowers can make it.
From our window we look out upon such a panorama—more than a hundred miles of snowy mountains, both verges being covered, and rising abruptly to the east and west, more than 4,000 feet; while in the adjoining yards superb callas and perpetual bud and blossom. We have much rain, but only upon one day has a snowflake come down to the valley, and then the snow melted as it fell.
Fuel is the one costly item on this coast: good coal, $16 to $20 per ton, and wood $10 to $12. However, we live on manna: Water and gas come in pipes; milk, during the night, miraculously appears in a can placed on a veranda; dirty clothing is carried off by a Celestial being in wooden shoes and a long pigtail, and returns in a fluted and enameled condition fit for the New Jerusalem; bread, the daily paper, meat, fish, fruit, vegetables, wine—all are delivered at our door by similar angels, more or less in disguise; though I must admit that our Providence presents weekly or monthly bills, as that of the Hebrews did not. . . . H. B. NORTON.
Col. McMullen Publishes List of Land for Sale.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.
LAND. Col. McMullen publishes a list of cheap lands in this issue that everyone should read. The lands were obtained at a bargain, and will be sold at a small advance.
Social at McMullen Residence.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 22, 1876. There will be a social given by the M. E. Society at the house of Mr. McMullen, on Wednesday evening, March 22. By order of the Secretary: All are cordially invited.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 29, 1876.
There would have been an over-crowded house at Col. McMullen’s last Wednesday, had the weather been favorable.
Dr. H. D. Kellogg starts to be mentioned...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 5, 1876. The election of city officers passed off very quietly last Monday, with the following result.
Whole number of votes cast: 73.
The city officers now are: S. P. Channell, Mayor; T. H. McLaughlin, W. M. Sleeth, Dr. H. D. Kellogg, Dr. J. A. Loomis, and James I. Mitchell, Councilmen; Jas. Christian, Police Judge.
Winfield Courier, April 6, 1876.
MAHLON STUBBS, of Emporia, very well known about Arkansas City, has received a summons to appear before the Committee of Indian Affairs, at the House of Representatives, at Washington. The summons should have included Col. McMullen and C. M. Scott, of the city, so that “the other side” of the Indian question could have a chance to speak.
Cowley County Democrat, April 6, 1876. Arkansas City Items.
The school is having a vacation, and Prof. Hulse and pupils are having a few weeks recreation.
The Arkansas River is higher than it has ever been since the white man settled in its valleys. In some places it only lacks a few feet of running over its banks, and is still rising. It is thought if it rises much more, the bridge south of town will be materially damaged.
After some little excitement, caused by the whiskey ring of this place, the following officers were elected to the respective offices.
Mayor: S. P. Channell.
Councilmen: T. H. McLaughlin, W. M. Sleeth, H. D. Kellogg, Dr. J. A. Loomis, J. I. Mitchell.
Police Judge: Judge Christian.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 12, 1876.
Col. McMullen has sold five quarter sections of land to one man (Mr. Bowers), 960 acres in all, and most of it is improved.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.
Called meeting. Present, S. P. Channell, Mayor; H. D. Kellogg, J. A. Loomis, J. I. Mitchell, Councilmen.
Moved and seconded that Dr. J. A. Loomis be elected President of the Council; carried.
I. H. Bonsall was recommended as City Clerk by S. P. Channell, and confirmed by unanimous vote of Council.
E. D. Eddy was elected Treasurer by a unanimous vote.
The following committees were appointed.
Finance Committee: T. H. McLaughlin, W. M. Sleeth.
Committee on Ways and Means: Dr. Kellogg, J. I. Mitchell, J. A. Loomis.
Committee on Public Improvements: T. H. McLaughlin, Dr. H. D. Kellogg, J. I. Mitchell.
Adjourned to meet at 8 o’clock Thursday evening, April 20th, to receive report on sidewalks from Committee on Public Improvements, and all other business of a general nature that may be brought forward.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.
The Young People’s Christian Association have the following programme for next Friday evening. All are invited. Music, prayer, roll call and response, minutes of previous meeting, song, essay, recitation, duet. Discussion: “Resolved, That the work of the teacher affords a better field for usefulness than the work of the preacher.” Affirmative, J. C. McMullen, W. H. Harrison; negative, J. T. Shepard, F. B. Hutchinson. Volunteers will then be invited to speak, after which there will be a quartette, select reading, declamation, followed by adjournment. E. W. HULSE, Pres.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.
We call the attention of the Road Overseer to the small bridge north of town near L. C. Norton’s. Col. McMullen’s horse got one leg through it last week, and others are complaining.
Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.
COL. J. C. McMULLEN, of Arkansas City, writes from the celebrated summer resort, Creson, Pennsylvania, to his brother-in-law, E. P. Kinne, that his child is improving in health. He describes the resort as a three hundred acre tract of land, situated on the highest point of the Allegheny Mts., and beautifully laid out into walks, drives, natural and artificial. The curative properties of its mineral springs attracts hundreds to it every year. Its visitors are rich, gay, and fashionable, and their fine clothes and turn-outs contrast strangely with the plain suit of a western man. The Col. is spending a pleasant summer, and hopes to return soon with his little boy entirely recovered.
Col. McMullen was a very religious man, as several items in paper show...
Winfield Courier, April 8, 1875. [Item From the Traveler.]
GOES TO CHURCH. Col. McMullen made a proposition to Henry Endicott, that if he would attend church regularly once every Sabbath, he would give him a new suit of clothes. Henry accepted, and has a new suit, and attends church. We know of several others who would like to make a similar bargain.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1876.
SAFE TEST. Mr. A. O. Porter made a test trial of J. C. McMullen’s new safe, last week, to see if it could not be drilled into. A small portable lathe of great power was brought to bear on it, with one of Col’s number two drills, and in 15 minutes they cut through the two outer iron plates, when everyone thought they were going right through it, but as soon as the steel plate was reached, the drill stopped and was drawn out with the point worn off. The drill was retempered and tried again with the same result and like effect, when they gave up the test until morning. Bright and early the workmen were at work again with new drills, but could go no further, when they were satisfied it could not be entered. Mr. Wood then made a trial by pouring nitro muriatic acid in the hole, but could do nothing. The safe is a beautiful piece of workmanship, with a Yale time lock, weighs 4,200 pounds, is sold at $1,600, and made at Cincinnati, Ohio.
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1877.
Col. J. C. McMullen, the leading banker of Arkansas City, has purchased in this city a block of land, which he will immediately improve with a splendid residence for himself and family. He will also build a bank building and open business in this place. He understands this “queen of the valley” matter.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 28, 1877.
We had the pleasure of an hour’s conversation with Mr. McMullen, father of J. C. McMullen of this place, whose age is ninety years. He was a resident of this country before Lafayette came to our relief; left New York City when the Astor House was yet unfinished, and saw Wisconsin grown into a State. His mind is active still, and he readily refers back to events that have transpired sixty years ago. It is a surprise and wonder to him to see the growth this country has made in seven years. In speaking of his sons, now forty years old, he calls them his boys, and thinks they are getting old enough to look out for themselves.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 28, 1877.
In conversation with Col. McMullen we learned the statement so widely circulated in this place and the county seat, in reference to his intentions of moving from this town, are not definite. Simply because he made a purchase at the county seat does not decide that he will reside on the purchased tract. Col. McMullen owns property in almost every town in this county, as well as in Sumner and elsewhere, that he bought with no idea of moving to them.
Winfield Courier, December 13, 1877.
J. P. Short has leased ground on Ninth Avenue to Weston & Hyskill, who are erecting a hardware and stove store. He is also putting up a building adjoining, which will be occupied by Col. McMullen’s bank. This makes six new business buildings that have gone up on that street within the last thirty days.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 19, 1877.
OLD MR. LOOMIS, a gentleman of 75 years of age, carried eighty bushels of wheat, a distance of eighty feet, carrying one and a half bushels at a time, last week, and claimed he did not feel much fatigued either. When even old men come to Kansas, they get young and strong again.
Dr. Loomis was the son of I. C. Loomis...
Arkansas City Traveler, December 26, 1877.
DR. LOOMIS purchased the drug store of Kellogg & Hoyt’s. The latter named gentlemen are going into business at Junction City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.
CHEAP LANDS. COL. McMULLEN offers twenty-five tracts of land, comprising grain farms, stock farms, timber and pasture lands, very cheap. The lands were purchased when they could be bought very low and are now offered at prices that will make it pay to buy.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.
R. A. Houghton goes into Stafford’s house, and Stafford goes into Col. McMullen’s house. MR. STAFFORD purchased Col. McMullen’s residence for $2,500. It is the best dwelling house in this locality.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.
MR. LIPPMANN took the contract to haul both of Col. McMullen’s safes to Winfield for $30. He has six yoke of oxen to each wagon. The safes weigh 4,400 and 4,460 pounds each.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
The first load that passed over the new south bridge was Col. McMullen’s safe, headed by six yoke of heavy oxen. The weight of the team and load was not less than twenty thousand pounds.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
REMOVED. The Arkansas City Bank closed its doors at this place last week for the purpose of temporarily removing to the county seat to extend its business. Col. J. C. McMullen, its president, during his residence here for the past five years, proved himself a valuable citizen, and a prudent, careful businessman. We owe to him the credit of building one of the finest residences in Southern Kansas, and locating some of the best and most extensive farmers in this section. By his liberal advertising and constant efforts, he brought many to Kansas and Cowley County that might never have been here, had he not been with us himself. Being a man of reputation and means, besides an affable gentleman, he is bound to succeed wherever he goes, as we earnestly hope he will. Traveler.
All of which we heartily endorse except “temporarily removing.” Well, that is good. Do not be consoling yourself with the hope that Col. McMullen will ever return to Arkansas City. He is sacrificing his property there at any price that he can get for it and has come to Winfield to stay. Welcome, Col. McMullen, to the present and future business center of the Southwest. Your head is level.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
There are in Winfield perhaps the oldest couple in the State. Mr. McMullen, father of J. C. McMullen, who is ninety-six, and his wife, who is over eighty. Mr. McMullen thinks nothing of walking up town each day, and is as hale and hearty as a man of sixty.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
Col. McMullen has a new burglar-proof safe, which is quite a curiosity. It is about four feet high by three feet wide, weighs 4,800 and cost $1,200. It is furnished with the “Yale Time Lock,” which is a marvel of the most delicate mechanism, and locks and opens the safe automatically.
Excerpt from lengthy article...
A short distance south of this, and far enough removed from the heart of the town to give it a suburban air of quiet and seclusion, Col. McMullen has decided to build his home. This also can only be seen on paper as yet, but the contract has been awarded and the material is being delivered. The design is no less extensive than the others, and in some respects shows a more elaborate style of architecture.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.
Col. McMullen has been elected city treasurer of Winfield. They seem to appreciate the Colonel at his new home.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.
For Sale at a Bargain.
230 acres of land joining the town site, 80 acres improved, 70 acres of timber, and a stone house in town with 4 lots; one of the best corn farms in the county, all for $2,500. Inquire of Judge Christian, Arkansas City, or at the Citizens’ Bank, Winfield. Also 40 acres of growing wheat on this tract, price $3.00 per acre. J. C. McMULLEN.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
The foundation of Mr. J. C. McMullen’s new residence is complete. Work on the house will be commenced at once. The entire cost of the house will not be less than ten thousand dollars.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.
I. S. Loomis, near Arkansas City, after harvesting his wheat in the latter part of May, plowed up some of the wheat ground and planted it to corn of the common field variety on May 27th. Last Saturday, August 11, J. C. McMullen ate roasting ears from that field of corn.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
Citizens’ Bank.
This institution is now organized as a corporation under the laws of the State of Kansas, with a capital of $50,000. J. C. McMullen is elected president, John D. Pryor, vice president,
B. F. Baldwin, Cashier, and A. W. Berkey assistant cashier. All these gentlemen are stockholders in the bank and are gentlemen of honor and excellent business qualifications.
Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878.
Serious Fire.
On last week Wednesday evening about 10 o’clock a fire occurred in the new barn on
J. C. McMullen’s place in the west part of the city. The barn was a large building, well constructed, had been used as a shop by the mechanics at work on his palatial residence nearby, and there were shavings and pieces of lumber therein; besides, it was stored nearly full of the fine work for the house such as mouldings, inside finish work, windows, doors, and ornamental work for ceilings, paints, oils, carpenter’s tools, and a large quantity of house furniture and winter clothing. Two boys were to sleep in the building as a guard, and as they were about to retire, to finally extinguish their light, one of them blew down the chimney of their kerosene lantern, which exploded, setting fire to the surrounding inflammable material, and the building was completely enveloped in flames before any force could arrive to extinguish them, and the building and contents were totally destroyed. Loss about $2,000. McMullen, Swain, Barclay, and Hetherington are the principal losers. A more serious loss of Mr. McMullen is not of a nature to be estimated in cash, consisting of family mementoes, which had accumulated for generations.
Winfield Courier, January 23, 1879.
The Baptist Church elected the following officers for the year 1879.
James McDermott, treasurer.
Rev. Mr. Rigby, clerk.
C. A. Bliss, Lewis Stevens, James McDermott, R. C. Story, and E. S. Bliss, trustees.
Col. J. C. McMullen and John D. Pryor have been added to the board of trustees as a building committee. Plans and specifications for a new building will be submitted soon.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1879.
The residence of Col. J. C. McMullen, when completed, will be one of the most convenient houses in Southern Kansas. It is lighted throughout with gas, having jets in every room, from garret to cellar, is heated with hot air, and the system of warm and cold water pipes is equal to any we have ever seen. It is a credit to the city, as well as a monument to the enterprise of one of Cowley’s oldest and best citizens.
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1879.
Last Friday the Citizens’ Bank and the Winfield Bank consolidated, under the head of the Winfield Bank, with a capital of $50,000. J. C. McMullen was elected president, B. F. Baldwin, vice-president, J. C. Fuller, cashier, and D. A. Millington, secretary. They will immediately begin the erection of a brick building, 25 x 140, on the lot now occupied by the Winfield Bank. The first floor will be occupied by the bank, the second story for offices, and the basement by the COURIER. This organization makes one of the strongest banking institutions in the country.
Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.
The bland and smiling countenance of Col. McMullen shines out from behind the wire screen of the Winfield Bank again. His two weeks ramble among the mountains of Colorado makes him look five years younger.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 7, 1880.
DIED. We regret to learn of the death of Mr. McMullen, father of J. C. McMullen, at Winfield, last Saturday. There was no other cause than that of extreme old age, he being some ninety-seven years old. He was buried on Saturday.
Winfield Courier, July 8, 1880.
In Memoriam.
At the residence of his son-in-law, E. P. Kinne, Esq., Father McMullen, whose aged face was familiar to most of our citizens a few weeks since, departed this life at 4 p.m., July 3rd, 1880.
His life in many respects has been memorable. Born about the close of our War of Independence, he had met and conversed with many of the great men of the past. In 1814 he saw George III at Windsor Castle, and frequently heard William Pitt, Fox, and other celebrated men of those days speak, when England was at war with her neighbors on the continent. He was a man grown when Waterloo was fought, and read the news spread through London by the Rothschilds that Wellington was defeated so that they could buy up at a great discount British consuls.
In the early part of this century, he made several trips across the ocean to this country as chief officer’s clerk, and his children have in their possession the log-book kept by him during these voyages.
He visited Jackson’s memorable battle ground at New Orleans, before the cotton bales were removed, and though he was a subject of Great Britain, no one in all this land rejoiced more than he at the result of this conflict. He said “his heart fairly leaped for joy” when the news was communicated by the pilot who came aboard their vessel to take them into port.
About 1818 he settled in New York, and at the time Lafayette made his first visit to this country, had one of the best livery stables in the city. It was his pride and boast that he was one of those that welcomed the great friend of our Revolution to our shores, and he regarded it as the grandest moment of his life when he passed under that living arch of flowers that read “Welcome to Lafayette.” He often spoke of the old wall that partially surrounded New York, after which Wall street was named, as being “out on the common,” but now the busiest spot on this continent. He was present when the foundation of the Astor House was laid, and often saw such men as Webster, Clay, and Benton sup their coffee in its saloons, and heard them tell their jokes as they rode in his four-in-hand to Long Island or Rockaway. Those were the happy days of coaching, when people were not destroyed in over crowded steamers.
An incident in his career will illustrate how different the practices then from those of our times. Having lost all his earthly possession by the big fire in the city, and being reduced in an hour from affluence to penury, he was asked in after years why he had not insured. He said he had hardly heard of insurance, and on making inquiry of his neighbors, found that not one in a hundred was insured. Having lost all, he removed with his young family to Lewis County, New York, where some of the citizens of Cowley County knew him forty years ago as an old gentleman bowed down with the might and toil of years.
In 1846 he went to Chicago, “but the lands adjacent and even the village itself, were too swampy for farming,” hence he passed off to northern Wisconsin and settled in Sheboygan County, where his youngest son now resides on a valuable farm purchased by him of the government thirty-three years ago.
In his extreme old age he came to Kansas to spend the last few months of his life among his children here. From the first he was enraptured by our broad and fertile prairies, and it was his common remark, that if these farms only had a “sugar bush” on them, they would be the finest in the world.
But few men have been blessed with a better constitution, or more happy and contented disposition. With an implicit faith in an over-ruling Providence and the promises of a Redeemer, he bore all the adversities of life in the spirit of a Christian philosopher; with his deep abiding love for God and his fellow man, he saw blessings where others saw nothing but trials, and whenever, through his long life’s journey he could alleviate human suffering by a kind or encouraging word or by any aid in his power to bestow, it was his delight to grant it. The last thirty years of his life was a blank in his memory, almost wholly forgetting the events of this period, his mind returning in great force to the early days of his boyhood and early manhood.
Surrounded by his children and grandchildren, with the beautiful prayers of his boyhood upon his lips, he died without a struggle. When too feeble to speak, he recognized by a bow the impressive emblem of a dying Savior almost in the last moment of his life. While we miss him, we believe his work was fully done and that he is now living in that Hereafter toward which he had turned his face for so many years with as much hope, trust, and assurance as he ever looked toward his earthly habitation. J.
Winfield Courier, October 14, 1880.
The social party of Col. J. C. McMullen’s was the most enjoyable of the season. There were present about fifty guests all in fine spirits and in jovial mood. Col. and Mrs. McMullen and Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Kinne were present everywhere attending to the pleasure of the guests. The supper was magnificent to which the visitors did full justice; and at the noon of night, when they took their departure, all felt that nothing had been wanting to make their enjoyment complete.
Winfield Courier, February 3, 1881.
Mr. F. C. Flath, of Sheboygan, Wisconsin, spent Wednesday in town. He is an old scholar of Col. McMullen’s, and is loud in praises of the manner in which the Colonel wields the ferrule.
Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.
Col. McMullen tells of a storekeeper on the border who ordered four bibles in making up his stock in trade. He explained that there were no d d fools there now, but when the first Indian scare comes, all the settlers will want bibles.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 13, 1881.
The Winfield Bank declared its fourth semi-annual dividend, on April 1st, of ten percent, with a good surplus left. The bank stock is rising rapidly. An offer of $1.10 was refused last week. At the present rates of interest Winfield Bank stock, as an investment, is worth $2. The bank is booming and no mistake.
Several Winfield gentlemen have organized a coal company with the base of operations at Grenola. They have several fine specimens of surface coal from the shaft, taken out six feet below the ground. They intend to go down one hundred feet. Col. McMullen is president, and Dr. Mendenhall, Secretary.
Col. McMullen was very busy during 1880 and 1881. He became President of a group of Old Soldiers started in Winfield that covered all of Cowley County, an honor that entailed a great deal of work. He was treasurer of local lodge of A. F. & A. M. and also treasurer of the local lodge of Masons. He was also an officer in local Knights Templar. He sustained the loss of a small child when the family vacationed in Ohio. He was constantly busy buying and selling real estate property throughout the county and had a farm on which he kept a lot of horses and specialized in good breeds. It was amazing to find out that his brother came to Winfield with no advance notice...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 19, 1881.
From the Courier.
Mr. J. F. McMullen, a brother of the Colonel’s, has opened a law office on Ninth avenue. He moved an immense safe into it Saturday.
Winfield Courier, November 17, 1881.
Monday evening a number of gentlemen met at the office of Gilbert & Fuller and organized “The Winfield Building and Loan Association.” A constitution was drawn up and charter provided for, and a large amount of stock subscribed. The capital stock of the Association is $100,000 in two series of $50,000 each, the second series to be issued when the first series is paid up. The stock is divided into five hundred shares of $100 each, and are assessed at one dollar per month each. No member can own more than ten shares. The business of the Association is managed by a board of directors, and the following persons were elected as such board for the coming year: J. E. Platter, R. E. Wallis, H. G. Fuller, J. F. McMullen, Ed. P. Greer, A. D. Hendricks, J. W. Conner, C. A. Bliss, A. B. Steinberger, J. A. McGuire, and I. W. Randall.
The Board of Directors then met and elected H. G. Fuller president, A. D. Hendricks vice-president, J. E. Platter treasurer, and J. F. McMullen secretary and attorney.
And then we soon see more developments by the Colonel’s brother...
Cowley County Courant, December 1, 1881. [From Commonwealth.]
The following charter was filed yesterday in the office of the secretary of State: "Winfield Building and Loan Association," capital stock $200,000. Board of Directors for the first year: J. E. Platter, R. E. Wallis, H. G. Fuller, J. F. McMullen, E. P. Greer, A. D. Hendricks, J. W. Connor, A. B. Steinberger, C. A. Bliss, J. A. McGuire, and I. W. Randall.
Cowley County Courant, December 1, 1881.
W. H. Colgate and wife, of Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, are here visiting friends, and will probably remain all winter. Mrs. Colgate is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McMullen.
Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.
Mr. J. B. Colgate, of New York City, a son-in-law of Mr. J. F. McMullen, is visiting here and will probably locate permanently among us.
Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.
J. F. McMullen tells a wicked story of an ambulance driver who was hailed by a soldier and asked to be carried to the surgeon for his foot was shot off. The driver loaded him in and drove away, but unnoticed by himself a stray cannon ball took off the wounded soldier’s head. Arriving at the surgeon’s quarters, the surgeon looked at the soldier and said: “What do you bring him here for? His head is shot off.” The driver looked around and responded: “That’s so. The infernal fool told me it was his foot.”
Interesting story about Colgate at Col. McMullen’s bible class...
Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.
Col. J. C. McMullen entertained his class, with a few others of the Baptist Sabbath school, at his residence on last Thursday evening. His class is principally young ladies and gentlemen; therefore, the party consisted of young folks, with only a sprinkling of older ones—just enough to tone them down and make it very agreeable. The Colonel had a “crow to pick” with Capt. McDermott, the superintendent, on account of his often tapping the bell just as he was explaining to his class the most interesting part of the lesson. So he seized this opportunity of “heaping coals of fire on his head” by calling on McDermott for an address answering the question, “Why should we read the Bible aside from a religious duty? He limited him to five minutes, when all knew that it would take twice that length of time to do the subject justice. Mr. McDermott fully occupied the time and proved conclusively that all should read the Bible because it is a wonderful history, etc. The party were then entertained for a few moments with selected readings from some of our best authors by Mr. William Colgate, son-in-law of J. F. McMullen. He is a fine elocutionist, and his selections were highly appreciated by the guests. After the reading an excellent supper was served by the estimable hostess and her daughter, Nellie, and some splendid music was furnished by Master Ed., and Miss Zulu Farringer. The party was a very enjoyable one, and the guests fully appreciated the hospitable and agreeable manner in which they were entertained.
Col. McMullen became a councilman of the City of Winfield April 20, 1882.
Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.
Col. McMullen and lady left Tuesday morning for the east. Mrs. McMullen will visit in Kansas City while the Colonel goes on to Appleton, Wisconsin, in response to an invitation to attend the commencement exercises of Lawrence University.
At this point, am jumping into Colgate story...
Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.
W. H. Colgate will read in the Baptist Church on Tuesday, August 1st at 8 o’clock in the evening, under the auspices of the Baptist Sabbath school, THE CAPTAIN’S STORY.. This is a production of the greatest interest and Mr. Colgate reads it with the best effect. A further description of the piece and reading will appear next week.
Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.
The object of the reading by Mr. Will Colgate at the Baptist Church on next Tuesday evening is to obtain means to buy books for the Sunday school.
Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.
The Reading by Mr. Will Colgate Tuesday evening was a success, financially and socially. A large audience was present, the auditorium of the Baptist Church being full. Mr. Colgate reads well, and the story is one of wonderful power and pathos. We hope Mr. Colgate will favor our people with another selection in the near future. The music and singing was very fine and was highly appreciated by the audience.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 16, 1882.
On Sunday morning last at 4 o’clock, Bliss’ mill was almost entirely destroyed by fire. When first discovered the fire was well underway in several places; the safe had been rifled, and it is supposed the mill had been set on fire. The loss will reach about $45,000.
Back to Col. McMullen...before it was known who started fire at flour mill...
Winfield Courier, August 24, 1882.
In making up the list of improvements we omitted mentioning several persons who have put in much time and money improving and beautifying their homes this season.
Col. McMullen has been especially active in this work, and has added over eighteen hundred dollars worth of improvements to his elegant residence. The Colonel takes great interest in his home and is continually doing something to beautify and make it more pleasant.
And then it comes to light who set fire at mill...
Arkansas City Traveler, September 13, 1882.
The defaulting bookkeeper (Colgate) of Bliss & Wood’s mill at Winfield, which recently burned, has confessed to setting it on fire in the hope that by destroying the books, he would get rid of all evidence as to his financial irregularities.
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1882.
W. H. Colgate Arrested and Confesses to Burning Bliss & Wood’s Mill.
He Does it for “Spite” and to Cover up Peculations.
Our city was thrown into a fever of excitement Friday by the report that W. H. Colgate had made a confession of burning Bliss & Wood’s Mill. The report proved to be true, and Colgate is now in jail in default of $5,000 bail. The arrest was made Saturday morning by Sheriff Shenneman on a warrant sworn out by J. J. Merrick.
W. H. Colgate is a young man, about thirty-two years of age, and the only son of J. B. Colgate, an eminent banker and capitalist of New York, whose wealth is placed at seven millions of dollars. Young Colgate was sent away from home to school at the age of ten and has never returned. He was furnished all the money he wanted, and naturally acquired fast habits and fast companions, and attracted the moths and butterflies of society which so readily flock to the glitter of gold, regardless of surrounding circumstances, and only eager to see who can first get their wings singed. These were ever with him and around him, applauding his follies and flattering his vanity until he became a ruined man, with ideas of life distorted and mind and body rendered totally unfit for a battle with the realities of every day existence.
Then came a rupture with the father, whose stern New England character could neither palliate nor defend the excess of his boy, and he was cast off to return no more to the parental roof, and placed on an allowance that while to many would have been princely to him was barely enough to keep the wolf from the door.
Then he drifted to Winfield and kind friends here who thought that, if given a chance, he might yet prove himself a man, secured him a position as bookkeeper in Bliss & Wood’s mill. All went along smoothly, he seemed to take hold with a will, and his employers placed one trust after another in his hands until he had the complete handling of all the funds of the mill. There the trouble appears to have commenced. He began to let his books fall behind, and when the firm demanded a statement of the business and an invoice of stock, he delayed it from time to time, offering as an excuse that he had more than he could do and was unable to catch up. Still the firm had no suspicions of any crookedness.
On Friday before the mill was burned, they put Mr. J. C. Curry in the office to assist Colgate with the books. This seemed to frustrate him somewhat, but things went along pleasantly until Saturday, when a check was found which did not correspond with the stub by $15. The explanation of this was not satisfactory and the firm began to suspect that everything was not right and resolved to investigate the books thoroughly.
Colgate seemed to be aware of this and it worried him. After supper Saturday evening, he went back to the mill alone and worked at the books until eleven o’clock, trying to fix them up in some shape. This he found he could not do, and, putting the books in the safe, he locked it, went out and locked the door and went home—but not to sleep.
The matter weighed on his mind, and as he thought of it from every standpoint and the fear of discovery preyed upon him, a sudden idea seized him and he said to himself, “I’ll burn the thing, and hide all traces of it.” He got up, went to the mill, unlocked the safe, took out the tell-tale books, tore them apart, piled them on the floor, went to the oil tank in the engine room, drew a lot of the oil, and returning with it, poured it over the books on the floor, lit a match, touched it to the pile, went out, locked the door and ran up the hill, the red glare of the burning books in the office lighting his way. Going up the hill, in his hurry and fright, he dropped a package of his own private papers that he had taken from the safe. A gold pen and large inkstand he carried on home with him. Soon the cry of “Fire!” was sounded and he ran down to the mill in his shirt sleeves, and for three long hours watched the demon that he had unchained lick up the property of his employers and benefactors, and the institution that afforded him the first day’s wages he had ever earned, go up in smoke, fired by his own hand.
What his thoughts must have been while he stood there and watched the flames as they crackled and hissed and in demoniac fury seemed to be reaching out toward him as if to point him out to the multitude, is more than we can imagine. The sight was appalling to the stoutest heart, and how much more terrible must it have been to him who had, by betraying a trust, swept away the results of years of toil and care to his employers, brought disgrace upon his family and friends, and dire calamity upon himself.
It is difficult, and indeed impossible, to assign a sensible reason for Colgate destroying the property. He says himself that he had overdrawn perhaps seventy-five dollars. Mr. Wood says this shortage could not have been more than $150. He received from the east $75 per month and earned a salary of $50. While here he did not drink or gamble, and lived within his income. What time he did not spend at the mill was spent at home with his family. The only logical conclusion is that he committed the deed in a fit of frenzy at the possibility of being discharged, and while smarting under an imaginary wrong. Again it is possible that he tried to fix up the small amount which he says he had taken from the firm’s money, and got the books in such bad shape that he had to destroy them to prevent the knowledge that they had been tampered with.
Sunday morning our reporter visited Mr. Colgate in his cell at the jail, and had a long talk with him about the matter. He admitted to the reporter the fact of having been the cause of the fire, but asserted that he had no intention of destroying the mill. He said he felt that Webber, the head miller, and Curry were his bitter enemies, and were doing everything they could to get him discharged; that as soon as the other man was put in with him, he felt that he would be discharged, and in a fit of rage and frenzy made up his mind that no other persons should ever handle those books, went to the mill, took them out, dragged in a large piece of sheet iron, piled them up on it, set fire to the pile, and went home.
During the recital of his story, Colgate seemed much affected, and asked several times what was the least and the greatest penalty that could be inflicted upon him. He said he did not care so much for himself, but it would be a terrible blow to his wife and family. His wife is a daughter of J. F. McMullen and a niece of Col. J. C. McMullen, and he has one child. Col. McMullen was doing all he could for him, and was the means of securing him the position with Messrs. Bliss & Wood. The Colonel’s faith in humanity is sorely shaken by this occurrence.
If J. B. Colgate is the benevolent gentleman he has credit for being, he will refund to Messrs. Bliss & Wood the money they have lost through his son’s depravity. He can do so without feeling it, and he spends more in benevolent and charitable enterprises every year than it would take to make Bliss & Wood whole.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, September 14, 1882.
It will be remembered by the COMMERCIAL readers that a few weeks ago we gave an account of the burning of Bliss & Wood’s flouring mill at Winfield, and stated at the time it was supposed to be the work of an incendiary. Well, it seems from a dispatch dated at Winfield last Saturday, that the culprit has been found in the person of W. H. Colgate, formerly bookkeeper at the mill. It seems that Colgate’s books showed a deficiency, and he was discharged, so to seek revenge and cover his fraudulent transactions, he fired the mill, destroying the structure and all the books and papers. Colgate is the only son of Colgate, the fine soap manufacturer of New York, a millionaire and the founder of Colgate Academy of Utica, New York. He has a wife and two children, stood high in the social circles of Winfield, and from all we can learn had no outward bad habits. That is, he didn’t mix in with the boys, swill budge, and openly defy St. John and all the prohibition saints. He couldn’t do it because Winfield is a temperance town and the home of old man Millington, Bill Hackney, and other great prohibitory lights. It grieves us to say from all these facts that whiskey was not the cause of his ruin, because it lays a fearful load upon hereditary and weakens all our reserved arguments in favor of prohibition and its little Topeka Saint.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
The victory won by Senator Hackney in the Colgate case, is certainly one of the most remarkable legal garlands ever earned by a Kansas attorney. It was “snatching victory from the jaws of defeat.”
The legal battle over the Colgate case was magnificently fought. The counsel for the State brought in every particle of evidence which could be adduced to prove a circumstance, and carefully and skillfully built up their case until it seemed practically impossible to over-turn it—and no one on earth could have done it before a Cowley County jury, but W. P. Hackney. His argument to the jury was startling and his theories in direct opposition to those of his colleague, and they won the case in spite of the evidence and the charge of the court. It is a victory which he may well be proud of.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
There are two things that the wisdom of the most learned man cannot determine—which way a singed cat will jump and how a petit jury will give its verdict.
Back to Col. McMullen after Colgate is arrested...
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1882.
Henthorn & Bro., sold one of the best stock farms in Cowley County this week, J. C. McMullen of Winfield being the purchaser. It is composed of an even section of land, and includes the Daggett farm of 160 acres on Timber Creek, and 480 acres of grazing land on the prairie adjoining on the north. Col. McMullen will enclose the three quarters of grazing land with a wire fence. He has 125 acres of choice, first bottom land, on which to raise his grain, which always yields large returns. The Col. has one of the finest stock farms in this country, and got it at a bargain. Burden Enterprise.
E. P. Kinne moved from Winfield to Kansas City. Gathered he was involved with the Colonel in real estate maneuvers there...hard to tell!
Winfield Courier, September 28, 1882.
Col. J. C. McMullen accompanied his mother to Kansas City Monday, where she will visit with her daughter, Mrs. E. P. Kinne. The Colonel will take in the fair during his stay.
Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.
Mrs. J. C. McMullen represented the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union of this city at the State temperance meeting in Topeka last week.
Colgate again...
Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.
SKIPPED OUT! Colgate Again Arrested While Trying to Get Away.
For some time past Bliss & Wood have been perfecting the papers upon which to again try Colgate. He seemed to have got wind of it and before daylight Monday morning appeared at New Salem station six miles east of town, where he was observed to get on the train. He seemed tired and heated, and his actions were such that a man at once came down and reported the circumstance. The papers were got up, charging him with arson and grand larceny, and the officers at Ottawa were telegraphed to arrest him, which they did. The case is a continuation of the one on which he was tried before, and a grave doubt exists in the minds of several of our lawyers as to whether it can be made to stick or not.
Bliss & Wood are acting as the agents of the insurance company in bringing the prosecutions.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 21, 1883. W. H. Colgate, who was tried and acquitted a short time ago, charged with burning Bliss & Wood’s Mill at Winfield, has been again arrested. He is charged this time with embezzlement and destroying the books of the firm. He was captured at Ottawa, leaving the country.
Back to Col. McMullen...
Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.
Col. J. C. McMullen brought in a carload of thoroughbred cattle Saturday evening for his stock farm. There were thirty-seven head in all. Among them were three short-horn and one Jersey bull.
Both Colgate and Col. McMullen are covered in the following items...
Arkansas City Traveler, June 6, 1883.
Colgate, who has achieved notoriety in connection with the burning of Bliss & Wood’s mill at Winfield was last Monday sentenced by Judge Torrance to three years hard labor. This will put Colgate where we think he will do the most good.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 6, 1883.
Col. J. C. McMullen, of Winfield, was in our city last Wednesday to receive 300 head of stock he had purchased of Thos. E. Berry, of Shawneetown, Indian Territory.
Winfield Courier, June 7, 1883.
A fine herd of cattle belonging to Col. McMullen passed through town Saturday en route for his stock farm in Richland Township. The cattle were all fine blooded.
Colgate...transcript of evidence...
Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.
Stenographer Reynolds has completed his transcript of the evidence in the Colgate case. It makes eighteen hundred folios, one hundred and eighty thousand words, the paper on which it is written weighs ten pounds, and it costs one hundred and eighty dollars. The transcript will be the largest ever filed in the supreme court.
Life must go on...Activities by Colgate’s mother-in-law and wife...
Winfield Courier, September 27, 1883.
Mrs. J. F. McMullen and Mrs. Colgate spent part of last week with Mrs. Kinne in Kansas City and enjoyed the great Fair at that place.
2952 - William H. Colgate
Sentenced June 4, 1883. Received at Prison June 6, 1883.
Crime: Arson in the Fourth Degree. [Guilty or Not Guilty]...left blank.
Term: 3 Years. Age: 31. Height: 5'5-1/2"
Complexion: Dark. Color of Hair: Black. Color of Eyes: Black Hazel [two words].
Occupation: Bookkeeper. Born: New York. Father: living. Mother: dead.
Father: James Colgate, New York City, 47 Wall St.
Married: Yes. Muimi? Miumi? Colgate, Winfield, Ks.
Number of children: Two. Property Owner: None. Residence in State: 18 months.
Reads and Writes: Yes to both. Time in Jail: Ten Days. Times in Prison: First.
[Signature: Wm. H. Colgate]
If I recall rightly, Dr. H. D. Kellogg had returned to Arkansas City by this time and became involved in real estate...
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1884.
Kellogg & Matlack of Arkansas City have purchased an old set of abstract books from Col. McMullen. They are only kept up to 1878 and the present purchasers intend to write them up to date. Ezra Nixon is assisting to get them started. The job is a big one. At present the only complete abstract in the county is owned by Curns & Manser.
Colgate gets out of prison...
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1884.
The conviction of Wm. H. Colgate for arson has just been reversed by the Supreme Court of the State. That court holds that the acquittal of Colgate on the first prosecution is an absolute bar to any further prosecution of the defendant for arson of the mill and its contents. The defendant is now in the city, and his case will probably be disposed of next Monday, when the district court holds an adjourned session. The result of this case is due to the legal ability and unwearied labors of W. P. Hackney, defendant’s attorney, who argued his case in the Supreme Court.
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1884.
Wm. H. Colgate came in on Tuesday night’s train, in charge of Charley Shenneman. He gave bail Wednesday and is now enjoying free air once more.
Col. McMullen...
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1884.
The lease existing between Albro & Dorley for room for hose carts was annulled, both parties concurring. A lease was then made with J. C. McMullen for his brick and stone building on North Main for the term of five years at $25.00 per month, for the use of the fire department.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1884.
An adjourned session of the district court was held on Monday at which Wm. H. Colgate was bound over to the May term, in the sum of one hundred dollars.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1884.
Wm. H. Colgate has received an offer from the penitentiary officials, at a good salary, to take charge of the books of the Caldwell wagon department there, which position he filled during his confinement. He will probably accept and go on in a few weeks.
Winfield Courier, April 3, 1884.
From Emporia.
It is of course no news to any of your readers that the recent decision of the Supreme Court ends forever the further prosecution of Wm. H. Colgate for that arson. I read the opinion with some interest, having studied with care the brief prepared by Joseph F. McMullen, whom I have long known as an able, conscientious, and hard working lawyer. That brief was carefully prepared after diligent research; and a verification of the authorities therein cited was certain prophecy of what the opinion would be. Mr. McMullen deserves from his client life-long gratitude, and from the profession liberal praise. J. JAY BUCK.
Col. McMullen gets out of the banking business and starts working more with the breeding of horses, cattle, etc., on his farm...
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.
A Business Change.
A week ago Col. J. C. McMullen resigned his position as president of the Winfield Bank and was succeeded by the election of H. B. Schuler. Mr. Schuler comes among us with a very heavy capital and business character and reputation of the very highest grade. He has had many years experience in the banking business as cashier of Illinois and St. Louis banks of heavy business and capital and is well known as an honorable, prudent, gentlemanly successful businessman.
Col. McMullen retires with the respect and best wishes of the community. He is one of the early settlers in this county and much of its growth and prosperity is due to him. Probably no other man has invested so much money in making improvements in this county as he, and few have so well merited the high regard for intelligence, honor, and business qualifications, with which he is held. He has been in business so long that a rest will be grateful to him and his fortune is such that he may now live as much at ease as he may desire.
The Colonel’s brother...J. F. McMullen...
April 24, 1893 - J. F. McMullen, convicted on six counts of embezzling $13,000 belonging to the Winfield Building and Loan Association. That was the verdict of the jury last Saturday afternoon and yet there are but few, if any men who know the Colonel, who believe he is at heart a dishonest man.
He was elected treasurer of the association years ago. The boom craze took possession of the wisest men in the best of towns and cities and scores and hundreds used funds entrusted to them, fully expecting their investments to bring them a handsome return. It is the same old story. The collapse came: couldn’t realize on investments: money wanted — embezzlement. The story though it runs thru many chapters is soon read. Bad investments coupled with over indulgence to wife and children have too often brought misery and disgrace upon some of the best men of the country. Col. McMullen is not a felon, though he may be obliged to wear the garb of one. He is merely the unfortunate victim of cruel and entangling circumstances.
6546 - J. F. McMullen
Sentenced April 29, 1893. Received at Prison May 2, 1893.
Crime: Embezzlement. Plead not Guilty. Term of sentence: 2 years. Age: 62.
Height 5'6-3/4" Complexion fair. Color of hair: Iron Gray. Color of Eyes: Gray
Lawyer. Born August 1, 1830, New York. Father from Ireland. Mother from Ireland.
Parents both dead. Married: Mary Margaret, Winfield, Kansas. Children: Six.
Property Owned: No. Residence in State: 12 [months? years? not clear]
Reads and Writes: Yes. At school 12 years.
Times in Prison: No. [Usually filled out showing “first” etc.]
[Signature: J. F. McMullen] Remarks: 96 cents