Meigs Family
H. O. Meigs.
There is no Meigs family listed in the February 26, 1870, Census of Cowley County.
The Creswell township census of 1873 lists H. O. Meigs, age 40, and his wife S. J. Meigs, age 30.
The Arkansas City census of 1893 lists Bert Meigs, age 26, and unmarried.
Emporia News, June 17, 1870.
Mr. Meigs, of the firm of Tisdale & Meigs, passed through here a few days ago on his way to Arkansas City, to place on the route the stock for the stage line to that city. The stages will be running to Arkansas City tri-weekly in a few days.
Excerpts from article written by Max Fawcett...
Emporia News, July 15, 1870.
Our celebration on the Fourth was a success; weather cool, no mosquitos, large attendance, and much applauded; instructive and entertaining orations, delivered by Prof. Norton, of Arkansas City, and Mr. Cunningham, of Emporia. A number of Emporians were present. The programme was carried out to the letter, and all were “gay and happy.” In the evening a large number repaired to Col. Woolsey’s commodious hotel, where many feet kept time to enchanting music till late in the evening, when supper was announced by Col. Woolsey, and all sat down to one of the best suppers ever gotten up in Southern Kansas. The Colonel is one of our most enterprising and accommodating men.
Prof. Norton (who is the mainspring of Arkansas City’s prosperity) and lady arrived home on the 2nd.
Mr. Mains, of the Emporia Tribune, will commence the building for a printing office next week, and as soon as it is finished he will commence the publication of a first-class paper, worthy of the patronage of an intelligent people like ours of Southern Kansas. It should and will be supported. Suppose it will be called the Arkansas Traveler. The first number is to be out August 1st, 1870.
The following are among the more than fifty houses now being built, or under contract to be built in Arkansas City.
Norton & Co., a dry goods and grocery store.
Mr. Sleeth, one neat residence finished and another commenced.
Livingston & Gray, a clothing store, building 18 x 26.
S. P. Channell, a dry goods and grocery store.
H. O. Meigs, a building 20 x 32, two stories, with cellar under the whole building.
T. A. Wilkinson, building to rent.
Beck & Woolsey, restaurant and bakery.
E. I. Fitch, millinery and dressmaking establishment.
Mr. Walker, dry goods and grocery store.
D. Lewis, stone store building, 21 x 31 feet.
S. A. Moore, paint shop.
Mr. Johnson, carriage shop.
Harmon & Endicott, a building 20 x 50 feet, two stories, the lower for a store; and the upper for a hall.
Paul Beck, blacksmith shop.
C. E. Nye, harness and saddle shop.
A. D. Keith, drug store.
Dr. Alexander, office and drug store.
Mr. Groat, a restaurant.
F. H. Denton, store 18 x 24.
Mr. Bridge, a hotel and bakery.
Pond &. Blackburn, of Emporia, have established a real estate agency here. Persons wanting to buy or look up claims will find it to their interest to call on them. They are accommodating, and are well posted as to the location and quality of nearly all the claims that are vacant, and those that are for sale. They are honest and upright young men. They are building a neat office.
The Arkansas River is rising, and is nearly or quite past fording.
We were unsuccessful in finding the State line when we went to look for it a week or two ago. We are going down again this week to try to find the marks on the east side of the Arkansas. We found plenty of mounds while on our last trip, but they had “dead Ingins in ’em.” M. F. [MAX. FAWCETT, I am certain.]
Emporia News, August 19, 1870.
ARKANSAS CITY, August 2, 1870.
Four tons of goods—the first installment of Keith & Eddy’s drug store—arrived today, meeting with a hearty welcome.
The type and press for the Arkansas Traveler also arrived today. We hope to greet the first issue next week.
Livingstone & Gray’s stock of ready made clothing is just open.
Mr. Meigs has a stock on the road; he is planning a wholesale grocery business. His new store, now enclosed, is the best building south of El Dorado.
Benedict Bros., of Dayton, Ohio, have arranged to put in a wholesale stock of hardware and goods for the Texan trade. Hamilton & Kinney [SHOULD THIS BE KINNE?], of Ottawa, have just sent in an order for the necessary lumber to erect a two-story building, some 20 x 50 feet.
Pond & Blackburn, of Emporia, have just built and opened a real estate and claim office.
Paul Beck, of Emporia, has just put up a good blacksmith shop, and has arrived with his tools and stock.
Bridge & Lewis are hard at work on their three-story hotel.
Over 200 people are now permanently located on our town site, and “still they come.”
Some eighteen buildings devoted to business purposes are now up, and many more in progress. The country about here is rapidly filling up with an excellent class of citizens.
I forgot to mention that Mr. Silas Moore, of Emporia, has just erected a paint shop, and has already commenced work upon the store-fronts, and that Mr. Grote, also of Emporia, has just enclosed a two-story building for a bakery and restaurant.
The concentration of immigration and capital at this point it is truly remarkable. We are decidedly ahead of everything in this valley, El Dorado alone excepted, and we may even challenge comparison with her, if the work goes on six months longer.
Come and see us, Mr. Stotler, and “view the land where your possessions lie.”
N. [Norton]
Emporia News, September 16, 1870.
Mr. Meigs, of Arkansas City, was in our office on Thursday. He represents that town as going ahead in a lively manner. Buildings are going up as fast as lumber can be obtained with which to build them. Mr. Meigs is a member of the Southern Kansas Stage Company, and has gone north in the company’s interest. This old reliable company is fully up to the times in everything that pertains to the interest of the traveling public. Their coaches are comfortable, their teams fast, and “the boys” who hold the reins quite manly and obliging. The agent here, H. B. Lowe, is always ready to accommodate the traveling public with tickets and information. Give Hank a call.
Emporia News, January 27, 1871.
ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS, January 16th, 1870.
One week ago 16 or 18 men with 8 teams started in the mildest weather West for buffalo. On Tuesday the wind stormed down from the North and continued till Saturday night. Travelers, and teamsters of all kinds, were driven into the best attainable shelter.
The Woolsey House and stable were made more than full.
The new City Hotel is warm, neat, and luxurious in all its appointments. A more cozy or better conducted house is not found in Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Meigs, proprietors, leave nothing undone to promote the comfort of their guests, even their neat bed chambers are so arranged as to be warmed from the fires below.
Two schools and two churches, Methodist and Presbyterian, are doing much to aid to the happiness of the people, and soon will all this region, as I am fully persuaded, be behind none in all that makes life desirable. W. P.
Emporia News, February 3, 1871.
Augusta, Kansas, January 29th, 1871.
Over a week has passed since an opportunity has presented itself for us to forward an account of our wanderings to the NEWS. Within that time we have traveled through the Walnut Valley from El Dorado to Arkansas City, near the mouth of the stream, and returned to this point; a distance of almost 60 miles.
H. O. Meigs has recently erected a large building, in which he has opened the City Hotel, one of the best hotels in the valley.
Emporia News, February 17, 1871.
H. O. Meigs, of Arkansas City, is in town today. Mr. Meigs is the proprietor of the City Hotel and an active member of the town company.
Emporia News, August 25, 1871.
We [Stotler] spent a few days in this beautiful and thriving young town, which sets upon an elevation at the junction of the Arkansas and Walnut Rivers. We were perfectly delighted with the town and surrounding country. If we were going to change our location in this State, we would go to Arkansas City as quick as we could get there. Its location is good for at least two railroads, one down the Walnut and one through the Arkansas valley. The Arkansas valley is much broader and more fertile than we had expected to find it. We firmly believe the Arkansas Valley soil will excel every section in the State in corn and vegetable crops.
This town has over 100 buildings. Among the rest, and about the largest and best, is the city hotel, kept by our friend, H. O. Meigs. It is the best kept hotel in the Walnut Valley. The table is supplied with good, substantial food, and what is not the case with all tables, it is clean and well cooked; altogether, this is the cleanest, best ventilated, and most homelike public house we have found in our travels lately.
We shall go to Arkansas City again in two or three years on the cars. We shall ride up to Meigs’ hotel in a comfortable bus from the depot, and see a town of two thousand inhabitants. You see if we don’t. Cowley is the prettiest, healthiest, and most fertile county we have seen in the State.
Walnut Valley Times, September 8, 1871.
At a large meeting of the people of Arkansas City, held August 28th, A. D. Keith, H. O. Meigs, and Judge McIntire were elected directors in the Walnut Valley Railroad Company.
Walnut Valley Times, April 19, 1872.
Directors present: C. N. James, Sec., M. M. Jewett, Treas., L. B. Snow, H. O. Meigs, A. J. Uhl, D. A. Millington, J. M. Rayburn, J. C. Becker, and J. M. Alexander.
H. O. Meigs had the proxies of A. D. Keith and T. McIntire, authorizing him to cast their votes on any business that may come before the meeting of Directors.
They came up with Resolution: That this company shall immediately take such steps as will insure the building of the Walnut Valley Railroad as speedily as possible.
Walnut Valley Times, April 26, 1872.
First city election took place July 1, 1872. A. D. Keith, mayor; Amos Walton, police judge. The office of mayor is successively filled by A. D. Keith (second term), H. O. Meigs, S. P. Channell. Judge Timothy McIntire has been police judge since April 8, 1873.
Winfield Messenger, August 30, 1872.
The ballot for delegates to the State Convention at Topeka to nominate State officers, etc., resulted in the election of J. A. Myton and H. O. Meigs as delegates, and Messrs. Webb and Bonnewell as alternates.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 22, 1873.
The Real Estate Record published monthly by Walton & Meigs, of Arkansas City, is a very neat record indeed. We hope it may continue to visit us regularly.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 31, 1873.
The July number of Meigs and Walton’s Real Estate Record, published monthly at Arkansas City, in the Traveler office, is upon our table. It is neat in appearance, ably and spicily edited, and does credit to the office from which it emanates.
It appears that Meigs turned over the City Hotel for a time to Emerson & Gallotti...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 28, 1873.
We visited Arkansas City last Tuesday and had the pleasure of dining with those affable gentlemen, Emerson & Gallotti, at the City Hotel. They keep a good house and treat their guests just right. In company with C. M. Scott of the Traveler, we visited the vineyard of Mr. Max Fawcett, where we filled ourselves with delicious grapes. Mr. Fawcett has one of the finest vineyards in Southern Kansas.
Winfield Courier, April 17, 1874.
Forty-two beds were made at the City Hotel on the night of the circus. This Hotel has been compelled to put on another addition in order to make room for the traveling public. H. O. Meigs is well known as a landlord, and his many friends are glad to hear of his resuming control of this most estimable house.
The city council met at Meigs & Kinne’s office last Monday evening, and after being sworn in, appointed R. C. Haywood, City Treasurer, and H. P. Standley, Clerk. The Council consists of H. O. Meigs, Mayor; and A. K. Melton, W. S. Packard, Dr. Sheppard, E. P. Kinne, and I. H. Bonsall, councilmen.
Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.
Esquire Meigs proposes a baby show for the 4th of July.
Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.
Kinne & Meigs purchased one acre near Salt City for $500, containing the sulphur springs. On this acre is a pond of water, from which three different kinds of mineral water can be dipped, which is claimed by persons who have drank and bathed in it, to be very healthy. Press.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.
And now comes Kinne, of the firm of Meigs & Kinne, in pursuance of an order issued by the board to appear and correct his personal property assessment of said Meigs & Kinne, as returned by the assessor for the year 1874. And after having statements of said Kinne under oath, it is hereby agreed by the board that the assessment of Meigs & Kinne as reported by the assessor for the year 1874, is correct.
The following points out that A. N. Deming took over the City Hotel from Meigs and then turned it back over to Meigs in 1874.
Winfield Courier, October 9, 1874.
Our readers will notice the change in the management of the Lagonda House. A. N. Deming, formerly of the City Hotel of Arkansas City, took charge yesterday. We know Mr. Deming is one of the best landlords in the west, and always keeps a first class house in every particular. Mr. Deming and his interesting family will be quite an acquisition to our society. We wish them happiness and prosperity in their new home.
Winfield Courier, April 1, 1875.
Several people from Arkansas City were in town last Saturday. Among the number we noticed H. O. Meigs, S. P. Channell, Mr. Haywood, and E. P. Kinne, Esq.
Winfield Courier, May 6, 1875.
Hon. Thos. R. Bryan, of Dexter, made us a friendly call last Saturday. He informs us that Meigs & Kinne, of Arkansas City, are about to erect a steam flouring mill at Dexter.
Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.
H. O. Meigs, one of the old residents of Cowley County, came over from Dexter last Saturday, where he is building a fine stone steam mill. The mill will have two run of burrs, and will commence work by the first of August.
Winfield Courier, November 18, 1875.
Last Friday, Nov. 14th, a large and earnest railroad meeting was held at Eldorado. Messrs. Meigs, Channell, McMullen, and Christian, from Arkansas City; Millington and Manning of Winfield, and Holmes and Lee, of Rock Township, were the representatives from Cowley County.
Winfield Courier, November 18, 1875.
Meigs & Kinne have sold their new steam saw and grist mill to the Carter Bro.’s, of Arkansas City. The boys are doing a rushing business. They run day and night, grinding at the rate of fifteen bushels per hour and yet cannot keep ahead of their custom work.
Winfield Courier, January 13, 1876.
Commissioners’ Proceedings.
Winfield, Kansas, January 10, 1876.
New Board of County Commissioners met in regular session. Present: R. F. Burden, W. M. Sleeth, and Wm. White.
On motion of W. M. Sleeth, R. F. Burden was elected chairman of the board for the ensuing year.
JANUARY 11, 1876.
Board met as per adjournment. All present.
The following named persons, H. O. Meigs and James E. Platter, were appointed a committee to assist the Probate Judge to count the funds in the County Treasury at the next quarterly statement; and the County Clerk is hereby ordered to notify said persons of their said appointment.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.
Does a General Banking Business. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. Domestic and Foreign Exchange Bought and Sold. School Bonds a Specialty.
Collections promptly attended to.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.
RAILROAD MEETING. In this issue will be seen a call for a railroad meeting, to be held at Winfield, Saturday, February 5th, to take measures to secure the construction of a road. Let every township elect two or more persons to represent them. Tomorrow afternoon, at 3 o’clock, at Meigs’ office, will be time enough for Creswell to make its selection. Let us evince a spirit of enterprise, and try to accomplish something.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.
Railroad Meeting.
A MEETING of the citizens of this place was held at H. O. Meigs’ office, on last Wednesday evening, to elect delegates to the Railroad Convention to be held at Topeka Monday, February 7th, and canvass matters concerning railroads generally.
Judge Christian was elected Chairman, and C. M. Scott, Secretary.
A letter was then read by Hon. S. P. Channell, and remarks made by Rev. S. B. Fleming, Dr. J. T. Sheppard, and others.
On motion S. P. Channell and H. O. Meigs were elected delegates to attend the Convention at Topeka, and L. McLaughlin, Rev. Fleming, O. P. Houghton; T. H. McLaughlin, James Benedict, L. C. Wood, Judge Christian, C. R. Mitchell, C. M. Scott, Wm. Brown, Geo. Harmon, P. J. Davis, J. W. Hutchinson, I. H. Bonsall, and some others, delegates to the mass Convention at Winfield. On motion the Band was invited to go, and a Committee appointed to see that their expenses were defrayed. After some discussing of different projects, the meeting adjourned.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.
MOVED. E. B. Kager occupies Meigs’ office now, and Judge Christian is in Kager’s former office.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.
PRYOR & KAGER have purchased Mr. Meigs’ real estate business, and will attend to it hereafter. They have a large list of cheap and good lands.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.
At the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Cowley County Bank yesterday W. M. Sleeth, T. H. McLaughlin, R. C. Haywood, H. O. Meigs, and A. A. Newman were elected Directors for the year: A. A. Newman, President; W. M. Sleeth, Vice President; H. P. Farrar, Cashier and Secretary.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.
We have concluded to engage in the Real Estate and Loan Business henceforth, in connection with that of the Law, at Arkansas City. We will strive to conduct the business in a satisfactory manner. To parties desiring to purchase or rent, we will show the land free of charge. In office will be found the latest papers and ample accommodations and materials for writing. If you desire to sell or rent your land, or borrow money, try us. If you wish to buy, do not fail to call on us. We also attend to the business of H. O. Meigs in this place.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.
For the information of parties desiring to come to or go from Arkansas City, we publish the following time tables, in a plain form, so that it can be understood by all.
Parties leaving the East will do best to purchase “through tickets” from the starting point to Wichita, via Atchison or Kansas City. Independence, Fort Scott, or Coffeyville are not in direct connection with Southwestern Kansas.
One passenger train leaves Atchison daily, except Sunday, at 10:45 a.m., and arrives at Wichita at 10:36 p.m. Omni-busses are at the depot to convey passengers to the hotels. Fifty cents is the fee, and the distance to the up-town houses is about one-half mile. Comfortable hotels are within a few steps of the depot.
Stages to all prominent points remote from the railroad call at all hotels for passengers, between six and seven o’clock in the morning, daily, except Monday. The distance from Wichita to Arkansas City is fifty miles, and requires about twelve hours to make the trip by stage. Fare, $5.00. Dinner can be had at 1 o’clock at Nenescah, and supper at Arkansas City, on the arrival of the stage.
Stages leave Arkansas City daily, except Monday, at 6 o’clock in the morning, stopping at Nenescah for dinner, and arriving at Wichita at about 6 in the evening. In order to secure passage, and have the stage call for you, tickets must be purchased previous to the day of leaving. H. O. Meigs is Stage Agent at this place. The fare to Wichita is $5; to Winfield, $1.50.
One passenger train leaves Wichita daily, except Sunday, at five minutes past 4 o’clock in the morning; arrives at Peabody at twenty-four minutes past 6, where breakfast can be taken; arrives at Emporia at 9 o’clock and twenty-eight minutes; arrives at Topeka at half-past 12, in the afternoon, and at Atchison at fourteen minutes after 3 p.m.
The distance from Wichita to Emporia is 101 miles; from Wichita to Topeka, 172 miles; Wichita to Atchison, 212 miles; from Wichita to Kansas City, 227 miles. The railroad fare in Kansas will average about seven cents per mile.
1st Class. 2nd Class.
Albany, N. Y. $49.45 $43.60
Baltimore, Md. $47.05 $41.40
Boston, Mass. $52.45 $48.25
Chicago, Ill. $30.45 $26.45
Kansas City, Mo. $12.10
New York, N. Y. $50.45 $44.35
Philadelphia, Pa. $48.45 $42.55
St. Louis, Mo. $24.10 $22.10
Washington, D. C. $47.06
Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.
Winfield Courier, February 10, 1876.
The committee to count the county treasurer’s funds, Judge Gans, J. E. Platter, and H. O. Meigs, performed that duty this week.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876.
The committee to count the county treasurer’s funds, Judge Gans, J. E. Platter, and H. O. Meigs, performed that duty this week.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.
H. O. MEIGS is at Las Animas.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 22, 1876.
The Centennial Concert, rendered at the First Church last Saturday evening, by the church choir, was attended by more than one hundred persons. The introduction was made by Rev. Fleming in a manner that did credit to himself and gave spirit to the audience. The musical efforts were of high standing, and attended with success. The characters were interesting and somewhat comical. It struck us as a little funny to see Ethan Allen with his hair parted in the middle, and wearing white pants. George Washington, of the little hatchet fame, was introduced as the father of his country, and afterwards exhibited his skill on the organ in a manner that was “not so slow” for so aged a gentleman.
Mrs. Washington, the wife of George, and mother of her country, was attired in complete white.
William Penn, like other members of the company, looked aged enough in his hair. How they came to get William in reach of the Centennial year was more than we could solve, although he was brought forward as the grandfather of his country.
Widow Bedott was also represented, and recalled by the audience after singing the song given to her name.
Gen. Wayne bore the sword so dreaded by Russell Cowles.
Gov. Winthrop made himself useful during the early part of the evening as usher, as did Paul Revere; both finally retired to a more convenient place for inspection, and added to the group on the stage.
Mrs. Sipes, Mrs. Alexander, Mrs. C. R. Mitchell, and Mrs. Meigs occupied front seats, dressed in old style, and caused some merriment.
All in all, it was a good concert, and added one more evening of enjoyment to the eager public.
The characters represented were as follows.
Ethan Allen - Prof. Hulse.
George Washington - Will. Mowry.
Mrs. George Washington - Miss Sherburne.
William Penn - Luscious Norton.
Mrs. John Jay - Mrs. R. C. Haywood.
Mrs. Alexander Hamilton - Miss L. Norton.
Mrs. John Hancock - Mrs. Newman.
Widow Bedott - Mrs. L. C. Norton.
General Wayne - Frank Hutchinson.
Governor Winthrop - J. C. Topliff.
Paul Revere - Kendall Smith.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 5, 1876.
H. O. MEIGS returned from Pueblo, Colorado, this week, where he has been for about a month. He saw “Bob” Darling, who has taken several mining claims, and is going to move on one near Del Norte, soon, with a party he has formed.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 19, 1876. Front Page.
H. O. Meigs, Treasurer’s Com.: $4.00
Arkansas City Traveler, June 28, 1876.
WE WISH TO STATE to the public that we have thoroughly revised and corrected the set of Abstract Books prepared by Messrs. Meigs & Kinne. We have carefully compared each instrument on record in the Recorder’s office twice, each time by a different person, and know our books to be correct. We have also prepared, at much cost and labor, a complete list of all lands sold for taxes since the county was organized. Parties procuring abstracts of us get the benefit of this history of tax sales in this county. Our system of Abstracting is as thorough and complete as the system of book-keeping; mistakes are almost impossible.
These books are in charge of Mr. A. W. Berkey, who will devote all his time in the future to the Real Estate business. Any parties having land for sale can leave the same with him, and parties wishing to purchase will do well to give him a call before purchasing elsewhere.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 12, 1876.
Animated by that spirit of independence which characterized our patriot sires of old, a small party of Arkansas City Fourth of July-ers turned their backs upon the great show at Winfield, and started for the Territory; where upon the broad prairies, by the sparkling waters of the Shilocco, we might have room to “spread” ourselves, and liberty to partake of the Legislature’s forbidden fruit for which we all had an “orful hankerin’.” Our objective point was the spring—everybody knows where that is. We left town at 8:30, with banners flying, and at 9:15 passed the State line and beyond the limits of the game law. And right here I would like to call the attention of the authorities to a system of lawlessness that exists along the border, which if persisted in will disgrace us as a community, and cause great annoyance to the Government.
I allude to the disgraceful conduct of Polk Stevens et al., in cutting up the State line and using the pieces for well ropes, lariats, etc.
After passing into the Territory, O. P. Houghton, E. D. Eddy, Kendall Smith, Henry Mowry, and others, armed with double barrel shot guns and dogs—I mean dogs and double barrel shot guns—started out to hunt for game, while the rest of the party went to look for the spring, which (everybody knowing exactly where it was) we found immediately. Here we corralled our wagons, and to the tops thereof stretched wagon covers, and soon had a comfortable tent commodious enough to cover our whole party of fifty. The next thing in order was to prepare the “wittles.” L. McLaughlin’s pony express came in on time bringing a game sack full of game, consisting of young quails, snipes, woodpeckers, and prairie chickens of all ages, from the newly bedged with parts of its late domicile hanging to them to the toothless old hen of “ye olden time.” Eddy, under the supervision of Mrs. Houghton and Mrs. L. McLaughlin, cooked the game in a very satisfactory manner, while Tyler McLaughlin, as chief cook of the coffee department, covered himself all over with glory and cinders.
Kendall Smith and Jim Benedict roasted three pecks of wormy sweet corn, and Mrs.—candor compels me to say it—Mrs. Meigs ate it. Evidently the author of “Ten Acres Enough” had never seen Mrs. Meigs eat roasting ears. Other parties disposed of grub in the same proportion, but the undersigned sat between Jim Benedict and the “picter” man, and as a consequence, went home hungry, and “Oh! how dry I was.”
After dinner we had a patriotic song by Mrs. Alexander and O. P. Houghton, and an eloquent address by E. D. Bowen, M. D. The toast, “The flag of our Union: long may it wave, from Kansas to Maine and Georgi(e)a,” was responded to by E. D. Eddy. Mrs. Alexander was the life and spirit of the party (she carried the spirit in a bottle). After our patriotism had effervesced, T. H. McLaughlin set up the lemonade, and we started for home. On the way Mrs. L. McLaughlin unfolded some blood curdling panther “tails” of the early days in the backwoods. Just as the Centennial sun sank to rest, we returned to our homes, with a feeling of pity for those people of limited means who could not afford to travel, but were compelled to put up with the skeetery and weedy woods of Winfield.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 19, 1876.
A. N. DEMING, of Wichita, and Mr. Stedman, of Potsdam, N. Y., dropped in on us last Thursday evening. Mr. Deming is at present engaged in buying grain with H. O. Meigs, they shipping it east and west from Wichita. Mr. Stedman is looking at the country with a view to finding a desirable location for his brother, and thinks Cowley County and the Walnut Valley are just a little ahead of anything he ever saw.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 6, 1876.
H. O. MEIGS has entered into partnership with a gentleman from Illinois, and will open a real estate office at Wichita. To the public generally, we take pleasure in recommending Mr. Meigs as a man of good judgment, a careful purchaser, and one in whom every confidence can be placed.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 27, 1876.
A. W. Graham vs. H. O. Meigs et al.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1876.
H. O. MEIGS, one of the first settlers of this community, moved his family to Wichita Monday morning. Mr. Meigs has opened a real estate office in Wichita.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 18, 1876.
We called on Esquire Meigs at Wichita, who is comfortably located just back of the schoolhouse and above the Catholic church. His office is a few blocks above the Richie House, where he is doing a good business in real estate. They are anxious to see Arkansas City people.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 7, 1877.
H. O. MEIGS is contemplating building a handsome residence in Wichita.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 12, 1877.
The addition to the old Meigs building—now the property of Mr. Tisdale, the proprietor of the stage line—adds very much to the looks of things on that side of the street. When it is painted up completely, this will be one of the neatest store rooms in town. Judge Christian, the agent of Mr. Tisdale, cannot bear to see anything under his charge so slipshod. Hence this improvement.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 18, 1879.
H. O. Meigs, formerly of Arkansas City, is Deputy County Clerk in Harper County.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 17, 1879.
We notice by the Anthony Journal that H. O. Meigs, formerly a resident of this city, will be a candidate for the office of County Clerk of Harper County. Mr. Meigs was in the real estate business at this place with Mr. E. P. Kinne, now Register of Deeds for Cowley, and his many friends would be glad to hear of his success in Harper. He is a thoroughly honest and trustworthy man. Harper will do well to elect him.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 12, 1879.
We rejoice to learn that our old townsman, H. O. Meigs, has been elected county clerk for Harper County. Mr. Meigs will make a number one clerk, and those who meet him will find a social, pleasant gentleman.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 27, 1880.
On Tuesday evening of last week a gathering of old settlers was held at the residence of T. H. McLaughlin, in honor of Mrs. Meigs and Mrs. Bowen, who have been visiting their friends in this vicinity. They returned to their homes in Harper County last Saturday.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 29, 1881.
Mrs. T. H. McLaughlin is visiting her old-time friend, Mrs. H. O. Meigs, at Anthony, Harper County, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 25, 1882.
Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Meigs left Anthony on Wednesday morning last for a visit to Michigan, and will be absent several weeks. Anthony Republican.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 13, 1882.
Misses Mamie and Annie Meigs, of Anthony, were visiting their old time friend, Mrs. T. H. McLaughlin, last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 2, 1883.
A serious prairie fire started just east of town Friday last, and swept north, doing considerable damage. H. O. Meigs lost his sheep shed. Julius Reuter his stable, pig-pen, cow, and a number of pigs, and Messrs. Coulson and Darrough a lot of corn, corral, sheds, trees, etc. The fire swept on north, crossing the railroad east of Harper, and what other damage it did we are not informed. Anthony Journal.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 30, 1883.
Mrs. H. O. Meigs and Mrs. E. D. Bowen, of Anthony, Kansas, are at Geuda Springs.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 6, 1883.
Picnic to Geuda.
Quite a number of our old settlers visited Geuda Springs yesterday upon a kind of surprise picnic gotten up in honor of Mrs. H. O. Meigs, a former resident of this place, who is at present staying at the Springs. At the time of going to press, the party had not returned, but we cannot doubt their having an enjoyable time. Our only regret is that business prevented us from being one of the party.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 25, 1883.
Miss Mary Meigs, who has been visiting Miss Angie Mantor the past week, started yesterday for her home in Anthony, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1884.
A destructive fire broke out in a restaurant in Medicine Lodge about midnight of December 31, which resulted in the burning of several business houses and the destruction of much property. Among the firms burned out were H. O. Meigs & Co., who estimated their loss at $2,500 with an insurance of but $1,200.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 20, 1884.
Mrs. H. O. Meigs and two daughters from Anthony, are domiciled in one of Dr. Perry’s cottages and are an acquisition to our society. Geuda Springs News.
Arkansas City Republican, August 9, 1884.
Mrs. Meigs and her daughter, Miss Anna, are visiting Mrs. T. H. McLaughlin. The Meigs family were among the earliest settlers of our city. They drove into Arkansas City fifteen years ago, when there were but few settlers here. Mrs. Meigs expresses great surprise at the growth of the city. The family now reside at Anthony.
Arkansas City Republican, October 11, 1884.
H. O. Meigs purchased the interests of Dr. H. D. Kellogg and B. W. Matlack in the real estate agency of Kellogg, Matlack & Howard Tuesday. Mr. Meigs is a former resident of Arkansas City, and is now living at Anthony. J. L. Howard still retains his interest, and the firm will now be Meigs & Howard. Mr. Meigs will remain in Anthony until he settles up his business there. His daughter, Anna, will attend to the abstract books. She is expected here today.
Arkansas City Republican, October 11, 1884.
Meigs & Howard have started out well in the real estate business. They have affected several sales of lots, houses, and other property already.
Arkansas City Republican, October 11, 1884.
Mrs. Wm. Benedict was over to Geuda Springs Sunday visiting Mrs. H. O. Meigs.
Arkansas City Republican, October 11, 1884.
Mrs. E. Warren, of Howard City, was in town this week and sold several of her lots. The sales were effected through Meigs & Howard’s real estate agency.
Arkansas City Republican, October 18, 1884.
H. O. Meigs, of Anthony, visited his wife at Geuda the first of the week. Thursday they all came over to Arkansas City, and paid his daughter, Miss Anna, a visit. They returned the same afternoon.
Arkansas City Republican, November 8, 1884.
G. A. Perry is doing insurance for Meigs & Howard.
Arkansas City Republican, November 15, 1884.
Meigs & Howard have a new real estate sign in front of their office.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 10, 1884.
New Addition.
The latest addition to our city is that on the northwest known as the Swarts addition, and embracing an area of twenty-eight acres. It is most beautifully located, and has been laid out in lots of various sizes, ranging from 25 x 95 feet and 40 x 234 feet, although the majority of the lots will average 25 feet front and a depth of 147 feet. The addition is in the hands of Meigs & Howard, and the prices of lots varies from $10 to $100.
Arkansas City Republican, December 13, 1884.
Meigs & Howard have opened up the Swarts’ addition in the north part of town.
Arkansas City Republican, December 20, 1884.
J. H. Gilva paid G. W. Morton $1,500 for his raw 80 west of town Tuesday. The sale was made by Meigs & Howard.
Arkansas City Republican, December 20, 1884.
Wm. Crane sold his house and property in the north part of town Monday to A. D. Prescott. Meigs & Howard’s agency effected the sale.
Arkansas City Republican, December 20, 1884.
Miss Anna Meigs will return to Anthony the first of next week to spend the holidays. Miss Anna has been here several months now keeping the abstract books in Meigs & Howard’s office, and her parents at Anthony. Mr. Meigs and family will move to Arkansas City as soon as his business there will permit.
Arkansas City Republican, December 20, 1884.
Real Estate Transfers.
The following are the real estate transfers of Arkansas City for December 12 to December 19, as reported by Miss Anna Meigs.
Albert A. Newman and wife and Frank J. Hess to Arial Fairclo, 1 10, b 63, Arkansas City, $375.
A. A. Newman and wife, T. H. McLaughlin and wife, to Arial Fairclo, 1 8, b 63, Arkansas City, $375.
A. A. Newman and wife, T. H. McLaughlin and wife, and Frank J. Hess to Joseph W. and Marlew A. Calhoun, lots 17 to 28 inclusive, B. S. McLaughlin’s addition to Arkansas City. $1,500.
Harvey S. Lundy and wife to Sarah A. Hoffman, 1 26 and 27, b 98, Arkansas City. $625.
James Hill and wife to Arkansas City Building association, lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, b 165 and lots 3, 4, 5, 6, b 166, Leonard’s addition to Arkansas City. $810.
Jotham M. Godfrey and wife to Wm. Gamel, 1 7 and n hf 1 8, b 46, Arkansas City. $225.
S. P. Channell and wife to T. H. McLaughlin and wife to Wyard E. Gooch and wife, 1 1, b 49, Arkansas City.
John R. Lugin and wife to Wm. Hamber, 1 26, b 32, Arkansas City, $250.
A. A. Newman and wife to John S. Curry, 1 8, b 129, Arkansas City, $35.
Wm. E. Buckman and wife to John F. Dalzell 1 22, b 151, Arkansas City, $45.
Wm. M. Sleeth and wife to John S. Curry, 17, b 129, Arkansas City, $35.
Lou Ann Crain and husband to Augustus B. Prescott, 1 15 and 16, b 162, Arkansas City. $800.
Frank J. Hess to R. C. Haywood, 1 8, b 68, Arkansas City, $300.
Wm. Sleeth and wife and H. P. Farrar and wife to Edward L. Kingsbury, 1 8, b 22 [?], Arkansas City, $300.
Benjamin W. Matlack to Wm. Atkinson, 1 23 and 24, b 108, Arkansas City, $450 [?].
Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.
For the first time in a year we noticed the bulletin boards of our real estate agents having notices of houses to rent that remained for more than a day. Meigs & Howard have had such a notice now for two days.
Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.
For Sale. At a great bargain, four room house, porch, well, four lots and stable. Inquire at Meigs & Howard’s real estate agency.
Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.
Wm. H. Curtis, of Saratoga, New York, through the agency of Meigs & Howard, purchased three lots on which to erect a residence, of W. R. Owens. They are located in the block just west of the east school building. Mr. Curtis is the son-in-law of Mrs. Wm. Benedict. Mr. Curtis will move here in the spring and erect a handsome residence on the lots.
Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.
Miss Anna Meigs returned Saturday night from her holiday visit to Anthony. Mr. Meigs will be here during this month sometime.
Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.
Frank S. Thomas, of Topeka, who is the special agent of the Home Mutual Fire Insurance Company of California, visited our city Wednesday and appointed Meigs & Howard as their representative here. The “Home” for years has secured the largest amount of business on the Pacific coast, leading 93 companies in premium income.
Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.
H. O. Meigs’ patent steam heater, for thawing out pipes, blew up the other day, and all the damage done was to burn the hired girl a little and scare Mrs. Meigs and the girls almost to death, and completely demolish H. O.’s patent heater. H. O. says it works nice when the regular engineer is on duty, but he (H. O.) was out at the time of the explosion.
Anthony Enterprise.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Six new members were admitted to the Y. P. S. C. at their last meeting: Misses Emma Theaker, Rose Morse, Anna Bowen, Clara Thompson, and Anna Meigs and W. B. Daniels. An interesting session was held at the home of the Misses Martin.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
Ivan Robinson, Frank Grosscup, J. L. Howard, Misses Annie Meigs, and Florence Grosscup and Mrs. Lizzie Benedict attended the masquerade at Winfield Thursday evening.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
J. A. McKibben, of Utopa, Greenwood County, was in the city the first of the week investigating Arkansas City’s fame. He concluded to locate here and as an evidence of good faith he purchased J. L. Elmore’s residence in the north part of the city. The sale was made by Meigs & Howard. Mr. McKibben will return here about the first of March and go into business.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
St. Valentine’s Day.
Next Saturday evening the ladies of the Presbyterian society will celebrate this day with one of their unique and inimitable entertainments. To make the entertainment doubly interesting, a marriage ceremony will be performed. The high contracting parties are citizens well known in our social circle, and when their names we divulge, our readers’ eyes will dilate with astonishment. Everybody is invited to attend the wedding, which will occur in Highland Hall. Rev. J. O. Campbell will act as the “go-between.” The groom, Mr. J. C. Topliff, and the bride, Miss Linda Christian, are the subjects which Rev. Campbell will unite. The bridal couple after the ceremony will enjoy the bounteous feast, which will be prepared by the Presbyterian ladies. Phil Snyder and E. L. McDowell will be the groomsmen and Miss Annie Meigs and Mrs. J. H. Heck the bridesmaids. No invitations will be issued, but a general one to the public is extended. The new couple will please accept the congratulations of the REPUBLICAN in advance although we may be somewhat premature.
N. B. Dear reader, for fear you may think “Top” is really going to be married, we wish to inform you that it is only to be a Japanese wedding and not a binding one. Although they may agree to take each other for better or worse, it is only in fun.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Mrs. H. O. Meigs, of Anthony, came over Wednesday to visit her daughter, Miss Annie. She returned home today.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 21, 1885.
The “Elephantine.”
Wednesday a committee of fat men waited on the editor of the REPUBLICAN and requested us to announce that the fat men of the city would have a meeting next Monday evening at the office of Meigs and Howard. We have already several clubs in the city—the mystic “5,” the “Favorite Social Club,” and now we are to have a “Fat Man’s Club.” This club will be organized for the purpose of social enjoyment among the fat gentlemen, and to increase their corpulency. To become a member of this organization, the candidate must tip the beam at 200 pounds. T. V. McConn and J. L. Howard, L. J. Woodin, and J. W. Hutchison compose the committee on arrangements.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
The Japanese Wedding.
Last Saturday evening the ladies of the Presbyterian Aid Society held their entertainment in Highland Hall. The Japanese Wedding was the main feature. It was purely oriental. The participants were dressed in the Japanese garb. Miss Linda Christian and J. C. Topliff were the high contracting parties. E. L. McDowell and Mrs. J. W. Heck, the parents of the groom; Philip Snyder and Miss Annie Meigs, the parents of the unsophisticated bride. Misses Maggie Hoffman, Laura Gould, Flora Gould, Rosa Morse, Edna Worthley, Viola Bishop, and Mamie Steinman were the bridesmaids.
First of all appeared on the stage the parents of the groom, followed by the parents of the bride, who glided to their place quietly. Next came Rev. J. O. Campbell, the “go-between,” followed by the couple who were desirous of being united. After Salaam to their hearts content, the “go-between” proceeded with his part. He goes to the groom, who whispers in his ear, and then he transfers his information to the bride, who in return whispers to the “go-between” and he carries it back to the groom. The ceremony was realistic, and considerable mirth was provoked, yet it was interesting.
After the wedding a bounteous feast was resorted to by the guests. A neat little sum of money was realized from this entertainment. There were two booths, one a candy and the other a fancy-work, which were presided over by the young ladies. Miss Ora Farrar had possession of the candy booth, which netted a goodly sum of money. Mrs. Steel furnished the candy, and as it was homemade, the customers pronounced it excellent. Misses Ella Love and Lissa Guthrie were in charge of the fancy-work booth. A silk crazy quilt, which was to have been voted to the most beautiful lady, resulted in a tie between Miss Hattie Cory and Mrs. S. B. Fleming. It will be disposed of at some future time.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
The real estate firm of Collins & Sheldon has been changed. J. G. Sheldon retires and G. A. Perry succeeds him. The firm name is now Collins & Perry. Now we are glad to note the fact that our George has gone into business on his own hook. Our wish is success to the new firm. G. A. Stivers succeeds Mr. Perry in Meigs & Howard’s real estate agency.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.
Ivan Robinson, Miss Florence Grosscup, Frank Grosscup, Miss Anna Meigs, J. L. Howard, and Mrs. Lizzie Benedict attended the bal masque at Winfield, Thursday night.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.
The ladies of the Presbyterian Church will give a unique entertainment at Highland Hall on the evening of St. Valentine’s Day. First will be a Japanese wedding, in which the high contracting parties will be Jas. C. Topliff and Miss Linda Christian, with Miss Anna Meigs, Mrs. J. W. Heck, Phil L. Snyder, and Ernest L. McDowell as attendants, and Rev. J. O. Campbell as njukkorzatti ogrekzwim, or whatever officiating clergyman is in Japanese, Then there will be an elegant supper for all the guests. There will also be a Japanese table where fancy goods of all kinds and descriptions may be obtained. An admission fee of 35 cents at the door will entitle those who come to the entertainment and refreshments.
Arkansas City Republican, March 14, 1885.
Meigs & Howard want your house to rent. In a few days several Buckeye families will arrive, and they have got to have houses to live in.
Arkansas City Republican, March 14, 1885.
W. B. Owens has sold his two lots on street near Dr. Wright’s, to Montford Anderson and Samuel H. Hayne. The sale was made Thursday and was effected by Meigs & Howard. The consideration was $450. Messrs. Anderson and Hayne are going to build a residence.
Arkansas City Republican, March 14, 1885.
J. G. Sheldon is laboring with Meigs & Howard.
Arkansas City Republican, March 14, 1885.
Miss Annie Meigs entertained the Y. P. S. Club last Tuesday evening.
Arkansas City Republican, March 21, 1885.
G. W. Ford Tuesday traded his farm over on Silver Creek for Geo. W. Spruill’s property on 6th street. The residence is occupied by Geo. Heitkam and family. Meigs & Howard effect the trade.
Arkansas City Republican, March 21, 1885.
Geo. Stivers and J. G. Sheldon are rustling for Meigs & Howard.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 25, 1885.
Meigs & Howard announce, in this issue, their willingness and ability, to make prompt loans of any amount.
Ad. If you have property to rent or sell, apply to Meigs & Howard, under Cowley County Bank.
Ad. The savings of a lifetime may be destroyed if you neglect to insure your property with Meigs & Howard.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 1, 1885.
A number of our young people visited Geuda Springs Sunday, among which we noticed S. P. Gould and Anna Meigs, DeWitt McDowell and Maggie Sample, and Frank B. Hutchison and Ella Love.
Arkansas City Republican, April 4, 1885.
CHEAP MONEY; $200 to $10,000 to loan. MEIGS & HOWARD.
Arkansas City Republican, April 4, 1885.
Meigs & Howard will sell farms for 3 percent commission and city property 2-1/2 percent.
Arkansas City Republican, April 4, 1885.
Meigs & Howard are loaning money on improved farms and city property at 8, 9, and 10 percent straight. Money paid to borrower as soon as papers are signed.
Arkansas City Republican, April 4, 1885.
Miss Anna Meigs, and Mrs. R. A. Houghton left for Anthony Tuesday morning on a week’s visit.
Arkansas City Republican, April 11, 1885.
The Episcopal Fair.
Wednesday evening, at Highland Opera House, the ladies of the Episcopal society gave their fair. To say it was a grand success but faintly expresses it. “It was the grandest aggregation of wonders ever displayed under one dome.” By permission a REPUBLICAN representative draws a pencil picture as near life-like as he possibly can.
Just as you enter our beautiful opera hall, you were greeted at the door by E. L. Kingsbury, who scientifically and expeditiously relieved you of ten cents as an admission fee. After this momentary performance, you stand and look, struck with awe at the beautiful things taken in by your vision. The brilliant light given off by the numerous gas jets makes the scene all the more dazzling. The three magnificent booths, clothed in the beautiful white, red, blue, and pink drapery, enchanted one. The beautiful arrangement of the room presented there will long be stored away in the mind’s eye of the writer. Vividly impressed upon our mind, we can never forget it.
You long for a further investigation, and a few steps carry you to the candy booth. Here your “sweet tooth” was replenished by Mrs. R. E. Grubbs and Miss Amy Landes. The booth was neatly arranged, and the many customers were well pleased with the bits of sweetness handed out to them.
Turning to the right from the candy booth, you encounter the Gipsy’s tent. Here Miss Florence Grosscup, the Gipsy Queen, unveiled the black art. The past, the present, and the future was here given you for ten cents; also a true likeness of your future wife for another ten cents. Miss Grosscup is well adapted to the art of necromancy. She foretold wonders, and many a lad’s heart was made light by the Gipsy queen’s prophecies.
From mirth to real, you pass again and behold the fancy booth. Mrs. F. J. Hess and Miss Ora Farrar preside over the beautiful collection of fancy work. The articles for sale ranged at various figures, and if your pocket-book was not “busted” and your arm loaded ere you turned to take a chance on the Owl clock, it was not the fault of the presiding ladies.
Near by this booth was a stand where for ten cents you were allowed to guess the number of beans in a jar. Miss Anna Meigs took your name, guess, and money, and the large number of guesses she recorded, 70 in number, testified to her willingness to accommodate you. Charles Chapel was the best guesser. There were 1,403 beans in the jar and Charlie guessed 1,500.
From the guessing stand your steps are directed to the elegant hand-painted satin bedspread and shams. Over 150 chances were taken on these. Will McConn was the winner. They were the most beautiful articles on exhibition. Since the drawing our heart has been sad on account of our ill-luck, but we have consoled ourselves with the thought, “tis better to be born good looking than lucky.”
Dr. Parsons received the fine cake as his guess was the nearest to the weight, and W. E. Gooch was voted the handsome dressing-gown, as he was decided to be the most popular gentleman.
At the art booth Mrs. H. P. Farrar and Mrs. W. E. Gooch presided. This booth had many designs of art. The most notable were those painted by Mrs. Frank Beall, Mrs. W. E. Gooch, and Miss Nellie Hasie.
Under Cleveland’s reign, Miss Mamie Steinman had been appointed postmistress, and she reigned supreme in P. O. in the corner. Stamps were high: 10 cents for one letter, but there were quite a number who invested.
By this time you became thirsty, and turning to depart, you meet Rebecca at the Well, who insisted that you should take lemonade. Miss Linda Christian was Rebecca; consequently, a large number of the lads were thirsty quite frequently.
With this walk among such a large aggregation of wonders, one was apt to get hungry. The ladies were not unmindful of the wants of the inner man. For upon the stage they had furnished refreshments.
Before leaving the hall to finish up the evening’s entertainment (and your pocket-book), you must try your luck at fishing. Ivan Robinson can tell you more about the fish caught than anybody else. He invested, and now he has certain wearing apparel he does not need yet awhile. Misses Nellie Nash and Etta Barnett were the mermaids of the pond.
This is the entertainment as we saw it. It was a grand success. The proceeds amount to over $300, and undoubtedly was the largest amount of money ever realized from a church fair. The ladies were over six weeks making preparations and the REPUBLICAN is glad to say their efforts were crowned with success.
Arkansas City Republican, April 11, 1885.
Mrs. R. A. Houghton did not visit in Anthony as long as she intended. She came home Saturday, accompanied by Mrs. H. O. Meigs.
Arkansas City Republican, April 11, 1885.
Wednesday morning H. O. Meigs and daughter, Anna, arrived in the city from Anthony. Mr. Meigs will remain here this time.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, April 18, 1885.
Meigs & Nelson will sell farms for 3 percent commission and city property 2-1/2 percent.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, April 18, 1885.
Owing to the Similarity of Names.
One day this week the printer’s devil in the Oklahoma War-Chief office paid an unappreciated call to our office. While spying around he found the copy book. On the hook was a dissolution notice of Meigs & Howard. The devil knew the junior editor’s name was Howard. He went out on the streets and blew his horn louder than Gabriel will on judgment day saying Howard had sold his interest in the REPUBLICAN. He peddled it to the other papers and of course they believed him. We want to say to our readers that Howard of the REPUBLICAN has not sold out nor has any intention of doing so. And we would like to add that if the same Satanic imp comes prying around our office again, we will do our best to convert him into an angel. Unfortunately for the first mentioned, the real estate Howard’s parents were the junior editor’s parents and thus we account for the similarity of our names. This is a warning to all people to avoid the devil. It has caused us considerable annoyance. We believe nearly every businessman in town has asked us if we had sold out. To one and all we say, “No,” emphatically.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, April 18, 1885.
Dissolution Notice.
ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS, April 15, 1885.
Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between H. O. Meigs and J. L. Howard under the firm name of Meigs & Howard is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business of said firm will be settled by J. L. Howard.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, April 18, 1885.
Insure your property against fire, lightning, and cyclones with the firm of Meigs & Nelson.
Arkansas City Republican, April 18, 1885.
We “knock the socks” off of any firm in town for cheap money. Call and get our rates. MEIGS & NELSON.
Arkansas City Republican, April 18, 1885.
Money to loan in Cowley and adjoining counties with or without commission. Meigs & Nelson, under Cowley County Bank, Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Republican, April 18, 1885.
A. D. Prescott traded his fine Bashaw stallion, Fred Starr, to H. O. Meigs last Saturday. Mr. Meigs without seeing his horse traded with his partner, J. L. Howard, for the noted “Billy” horse. “Fred. Starr” is as fine a colt of his age as there is in Southern Kansas.
Arkansas City Republican, April 18, 1885.
In anticipation of the water works which is talked of being put in, a number of our citizens met in Meigs’s & Howard’s real estate office Saturday evening and organized a fire company.
Arkansas City Republican, April 18, 1885.
W. H. Nelson, of Rockville, Indiana, arrived in the city last week looking for a location. Wednesday he purchased the interest of J. L. Howard in the real estate agency of Meigs & Howard; and hereafter the firm name will be Meigs & Nelson. Mr. Nelson is a young man and like all Hoosiers is full of energy and enterprise. The REPUBLICAN gladly welcomes Mr. Nelson to our fold. Mr. Howard will probably continue in the real estate business.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.
It is with pleasure that we chronicle the advent in our business cards of Mr. W. H. Nelson, late of Rockville, Indiana, who has purchased an interest in the late real estate firm of Meigs & Howard. Messrs. Meigs & Nelson, the new firm, are in every way prepared to supply all wants in their line and being live, energetic business men, we doubt not will be eminently successful. Their offices are located under the Cowley County Bank.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 29, 1885.
Real Estate Brokers, Loans, Insurance, and Abstracts.
Will make loans on city property and improved Farms. Business and city lots a specialty. Will pay taxes, rent property, and collect rents.
Office under Cowley County Bank, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.
Railroad Meeting.
On Wednesday several gentlemen interested in the Kansas City and Southwestern railroad visited the city for the purpose of submitting a new proposition to our citizens for aid to that road. The notice being impromptu, a few score persons were notified on the street, and when the meeting was convened in the Cowley County Bank, in the evening, about fifty of our citizens were present. The railroad company was represented by Henry Asp, Esq., their attorney, who was accompanied by ex-senator Long and W. P. Hackney, both of Winfield. The proposition originally made was for this county to issue bonds to the amount of $160,000, on certain conditions known to our readers. Whether such a proposition would carry with the voters of the county was considered doubtful by some, as the eastern portion of the county would be less directly benefitted by the road. The modification made in the proposal submitted on Wednesday, was the issue of $100,000 in county bonds, with $20,000 of city bonds by this city and a similar amount by the city of Winfield. With this was coupled a proposal to render county aid to the Denver, Memphis and Atlantic road to the tune of $100,000 more. This addendum received but slight favor from the meeting, and after a feeble effort to support it, it was withdrawn. The other portion of the proposition was debated in an informal manner at some length, and at 10 o’clock an adjournment was taken till the following morning.
On Thursday the meeting reconvened and approval of the modified proposition was finally given. On motion Judge Pyburn, H. O. Meigs, and A. A. Newman were appointed a committee to lay before the County Commissioners, in session in Winfield, the petition of the people of Arkansas City, that a county election be called to vote on the $100,000 bonds to aid in the construction of the Kansas City and Southwestern road. The issue of city bonds by this city and Winfield will, of course, be determined by a city election in both of these places.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.
If you have property to rent or sell, apply to Meigs & Nelson, under Cowley County Bank.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.
We are glad to chronicle the arrival of Mrs. H. O. Meigs and family, who are now permanently located in the canal city. Mrs. Meigs was one of our earliest settlers and her many old-time friends will gladly welcome her return.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.
CHEAP MONEY. From $200 to $10,000 loaned. MEIGS & NELSON.
Insure your property against fire, lightning, and cyclones, with Meigs & Nelson.
If you have property to rent or sell, apply to Meigs & Nelson, under Cowley County Bank.
Arkansas City Republican, June 13, 1885.
H. O. Meigs went over to Anthony Thursday on business.
Arkansas City Republican, June 27, 1885.
The Sad Drowning of Wm. Rike.
DIED. Yesterday evening after 6 o’clock five boys—Wm. Wagner, Elmer Wagner, Albert Meigs, Frank Barnett, and Wm. Rike went to the Walnut to bathe. Happy and joyous they went, little dreaming that their light hearts would soon be made heavy. Arriving at the railroad track above the gravel pit—the swimming hole—they began to undress. The deceased, Wm. Rike, was the first to get his clothes off and immediately he plunged into the swift, deep water. He came out upon the bank and made the remark, “Boys, I have got the cramp in my big toe.” These are the last words he uttered. He immediately jumped in again and began to paddle around as he was unable to swim. In some manner he got in the current which kept carrying him farther from the shore and out into deeper water. Before he realized it, he was beyond his depth and was carried fully 40 feet downstream in the swift current. About this time Frank Barnett plunged into the water. At first he thought the deceased was only acting the fool in his mad efforts to get out of the water. Barnett shouted to the Wagner boys on the bank to come to his assistance. All three went, but the boys were unable to save him on account of his mad plunges. They tried to swim with him, but he would break from their grasp in spite of every effort they could set forth. They scuffled with him until he went down to come up no more.
Where the drowning occurred, the water is very deep and has a whirling motion, and when the poor ill-fated boy went down the last time, his body disappeared, and they were unable to discover it. As soon as possible, they hurried to town and informed the authorities. Crowds immediately flocked to the river and searching for the body commenced. Expert divers scoured the river bed for his remains, but no trace of them could be found. Reluctantly at 12 o’clock the searchers gave up the hunt till morning and as yet the body has not been found.
The deceased was an employee of the Traveler office, having commenced work since school closed. For over nine months he labored in the REPUBLICAN office. When school commenced last year, he quit to attend. He was ambitious to obtain an education and was very studious. Never before in our newspaper career have we been called upon to chronicle as sad an accident as the drowning of Billy Rike. He was universally liked and especially so by his printer friends. His parents are nearly distracted. He was their only boy and their whole hearts were centered upon him. Now he has been torn rudely away from them. It is not like his being sick and death expected. But a few short hours had elapsed from the time when he had left his home, light-hearted and healthy, until he was past feeling all early ills. Once more is the old proverb verified, “In the midst of life we are in death.”
Arkansas City Republican, July 4, 1885.
Mrs. A. Williams this week sold her lot on North Summit street, opposite Shaw’s lumber yard, to W. D. Bishop, for $1,100. Mr. Bishop will erect a business room on his purchase. Mrs. Williams bought lots in the fourth ward of L. V. Coombs and has moved her house on them. Meigs & Nelson consummated the sales.
Arkansas City Republican, July 4, 1885.
Abstract of Title.
H. O. Meigs, having corrected his abstract books to date, is now prepared to make abstracts of title to any lot in Arkansas City and all lands in Cowley County. Having the only complete set of Abstract books of Arkansas City lots, can make the most reliable abstracts. All business will be strictly confidential and correctness of work guaranteed. The patronage of all, and especially of the businessmen of Arkansas City is respectfully solicited. When you want an abstract, don’t send to Winfield for it, but support home institutions.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 18, 1885.
The “Kansas Millers” Takes a Delegation of Businessmen Down the River Tuesday.
Monday an excursion on the “Kansas Millers” down the Arkansas by the businessmen was originated as the next day’s programme. Bright and early two bus loads of our citizens wended their way to the Harmon’s Ford landing and boarded the steamer. All together there were some 60 passengers. At 8:10 the steamer heaved anchor and in a very few moments we were out of sight of the many spectators who came down to see the excursionists start. We steamed down the river at a lively rate. In twenty minutes we were out of the mouth of the Walnut. On entering the Arkansas the speed of the vessel was increased and in a few minutes we were steaming along at the rate of 18 miles per hour. The passengers gave themselves up entirely to the enjoyment of the trip. All were inclined to be jolly and forget business cares one day at least. Cracking jokes, perpetrating harmless tricks, enjoying the beautiful trip down the Rackensack. The steamer had a canvas awning put up to keep out the scorching rays of the sun, and as the cool breezes came up the river, one and all felt it was good to be there.
At 9:15 we landed at the Grouse Creek ferry, about 20 miles downstream, to put off some freight which V. M. Ayres had shipped to Gilbert’s and Newman’s ranches. This was the first consignment of freight to the “Kansas Millers.” It consisted of 50 bushels of corn and several hundred weight of flour. The passengers, full of life, took the place of deck hands and soon had the cargo landed.
Once more we heaved anchor and steamed down the river about five miles, and landed in a beautiful grove on the Kaw reservation. When the steamer had been made fast, all clambered ashore, and ran and jumped like school boys. While ashore C. A. Burnett took advantage of our absence and in a short time had spread a picnic lunch. All ate their fill. It was a splendid bill of fare, and Charley and his efficient cook deserve mention for their efforts to refresh the inner man. After partaking of the bounteous feast and the remnants being cleared away, we steamed up the river for home.
Capt. Moorhead ran the boat across several sand bars to show the passengers that it was impossible to stick the steel-bottomed steamer. After this had been fully demonstrated, the passengers were called to order by A. V. Alexander and a meeting was held for the purpose of organizing a stock company to build steel-bottomed barges. Mayor Schiffbauer was chosen to preside and N. T. Snyder was chosen to be secretary. Mayor Schiffbauer made a few remarks stating what great advantages Arkansas City would gain by having navigation opened on the Arkansas. He stated that Capt. T. S. Moorhead informed him that coal could be bought in quantities for $2, and laid down in Arkansas City so that it could be sold by dealers for $5 or $6 per ton. It was good coal, better than that which we had been paying $8 per ton for. Over 12 tons of the coal had been burned on the “Kansas Millers” and out of that not a clinker had been found. He spoke also of lumber trade with Arkansas. Jim Hill next occupied the attention of the passengers. He was followed by T. S. Moorhead, Dr. Kellogg, Judge McIntire, and several others who spoke in glowing terms of the steamer and the navigation of the river. After the question of building barges had been thoroughly discussed, the meeting proceeded to subscribe stock. Shares were taken until over $2,000 had been subscribed. The sum needed was $5,000. The meeting adjourned then until 7:30 p.m., when they met in Meigs & Nelson’s real estate office to finish up the $5,000 stock company.
After the adjournment of the meeting, the crowd gave themselves up once more to enjoyment. At five o’clock we anchored at Harmon’s Ford. Getting aboard Archie Dunn’s busses, we were soon uptown. And thus ended a day of great recreation and profitable pleasure.
The sun was very warm coming upstream, compelling all passengers to seek shady nooks.
Alexander was the story-teller. He was not a success—cause audience went to sleep.
Spencer Bliss, Dr. Evans, and J. W. Millspaugh of Winfield were down and took in the excursion.
Frank Greer, of the Courier, and Prof. B. T. Davis, of the Tribune, were the representatives of the Winfield press and were busy all day with paper and pencil.
The REPUBLICAN office furnished the bill of fare cards.
Searing & Mead, Wood & Bliss, of Winfield, V. M. Ayres and the Arkansas City Roller Mill Company compose the navigation company. V. M. Ayres is president and C. H. Searing Secretary. These four milling firms, having practicably demonstrated that the Arkansas is navigable by steamers on the pattern of the “Kansas Millers,” and having used $7,000 to further the enterprise already, naturally turn to the town most benefitted for assistance in the furthering of the enterprise. The directors are B. F. Wood, Maj. W. M. Sleeth, and James Hill.
Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.
Miss Annie Meigs no longer furnishes the abstracts of title from her father’s office. Her health will not admit of being housed up so closely.
Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.
Geo. Allen has assumed the charge of the farm department of Meigs & Nelson’s real estate agency. We know George to be a rustler and we congratulate Meigs & Nelson on securing as good a man as Mr. Allen to work for them. The painting firm of Allen & Thomas has dissolved, but the business will be continued by Mr. Thomas.
Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.
CHEAP MONEY: $200 to $10,000 to loan. MEIGS & NELSON.
Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.
Arkansas City Visited Once Again by the Devouring Flames.
Frank Hess had about $6,000 worth of insurance in the “burnt district.” Snyder & Hutchison about $2,000; Meigs & Nelson, $850; Collins & Perry, $1,000; and J. L. Howard, $400.
Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.
A. D. Prescott and Bradford Beall sold to Dr. J. T. Shepard their business lot on which the McDowell Bros. have their meat market for $2,700 Tuesday. Meigs and Nelson made the sale.
Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.
Frank Beall has been in the city this week selling off his furniture. He has rented his residence to H. O. Meigs. Mr. Nicholson and family will vacate the house next week and go to Pawnee, where Mr. Nicholson goes to attend to the store of Ochs & Nicholson.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 2, 1885.
A meeting of our citizens will be held in Meigs & Nelson’s real estate office this (Wednesday) evening, to take steps to put the west bridge into permanent repair. A full attendance is requested.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 5, 1885.
Bridge Meeting.
A meeting was held in the office of Meigs & Nelson to take into consideration the condition of the bridge west of town. Amos Walton stated the bridge was almost impassable in its present condition and that the Chicago Lumber Company would furnish 2-inch oak plank delivered at depot for $35. Judge Kreamer was appointed chairman and I. H. Bonsall secretary. On motion, offered by H. O. Meigs, it was resolved that it was the sense of the meeting to raise $700 to put the said bridge in good and safe condition. On motion a committee appointed was to circulate a subscription paper to raise that sum with authority to see that the money was properly expended in purchasing the lumber and repairing the bridge. H. O. Meigs, John Kroenert, and Amos Walton were appointed, Mr. Walton agreeing to look after the business in Bolton Township. A motion was made that the committee see if the city council would not donate something to help repair the bridge and was carried. On motion the meeting adjourned to meet at Meigs & Nelson’s office next Wednesday evening, Sept. 9th, 1885, at which the committee is to report what progress it has made. Mr. Walton was instructed as one of said committee to keep the bridges in repairs until lumber arrives to put in an entire new floor, and he was empowered to purchase lumber for temporary repairs. W. D. KREAMER, Chairman.
I. H. BONSALL, Secretary.
Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.
Last Wednesday evening a party of eight or ten couples of the first young gentlemen and ladies met at the residence of H. O. Meigs. A very pleasant evening was spent. Ice cream, cake, and coffee were served.
Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.
‘Tis seldom that a Kansas real estate firm gets taken by a dead-beat, and especially by a newspaper man, but nevertheless we are able to chronicle an event of that kind. Some time ago a man was here representing an industrial paper in St. Louis. He obtained Meigs & Nelson’s subscription by promising to make mention of our water power and also to mention their names as a real estate firm doing business in Arkansas City. Meigs & Nelson get the paper alright but, alas, that promised write-up has not been penned. They away coming events.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 9, 1885.
Our City Fathers Have a Rocking Time Together.
A committee consisting of ex-Police Judge Kreamer, Amos Walton, N. T. Snyder, and Meigs, applied for assistance in the work of laying an oak flooring on the west bridge. Its present insecurity kept trade away from the city, and a pine floor was continually wearing into holes. At a meeting of citizens held in Meigs & Nelson’s office on Saturday evening, it was computed that an oak floor would cost $700, and the above named committee was appointed to collect the amount by enlisting subscriptions from our businessmen. About $300 had been subscribed; but all referred the committee to the city council for aid.
Mr. Dunn thought the expenditure of such a sum on a bridge that was likely to be carried away next winter, injudicious. The piling was loose and the whole structure in an insecure condition. He would rather see money spent in permanent improvement.
The mayor said the council had no shadow of authority to devote the public money to any such purpose. If the gentlemen chose to assume the responsibility, well enough. The council had voted $65 to the repair of the bridge on a similar occasion, and it could exercise a similar discretion again. He was satisfied that taxpayers would raise an objection.
Mr. Dean said the repair of the west bridge was more essential to our businessmen than mending the city streets. A large amount of trade was lost to our city because of its dangerous condition, and money voted by the council to put it in fit condition for travel would certainly be approved.
Mayor Schiffbauer remarked that the people of Arkansas City would soon find themselves without bridges, and they wanted stirring up to a knowledge of this fact. There is no law in the state to define the duty of county or township in the matter. Last year Senator Jennings introduced a bill in the legislature, requiring county commissioners to appropriate money towards building necessary bridges, and if the cost was over a certain amount to bill them entire. But the measure did not pass. Now that our city is set apart from the township, the council is without authority to devote money to such a purpose, the township won’t do it, and the county cannot. There is thus no way on God’s earth to build necessary bridges, or keep old ones in repair.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 12, 1885.
Council Proceedings.
A committee, consisting of Messrs. Meigs and Kreamer, asked that an appropriation be made to repair the west bridge, which was refused on the ground that the city had no authority.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 16, 1885.
The Citizens Reject Mr. Quigley’s Second Proposition.
All of the committee was there, except Major Sleeth, and several of the members set forth their reasons for recommending the acceptance of Mr. Quigley’s offer. They may be summarized as follows. The plan originally proposed, the details of which were in print for mailing to pump makers and contractors, involved too great an outlay, and would impose too heavy cost on the city. The standpipe of the dimensions given above, and the water mains graduated from ten to four inches, would suffice for a city of 30,000 to 40,000 inhabitants, and would certainly answer our wants for many years to come. It would be well to accept the offer now because there was the prospect of a dull winter before us; the erection of the machinery and the laying of the pipes would afford employment to scores of our workmen, and the evidence of progress and enterprise, made manifest by such a work, would give our city a good name abroad and be apt to attract capital and population hither. While to decline this offer and advertise for this would cause a delay of two months, the winter is a bad time to prosecute such an undertaking, and it was most likely that nothing would be done in the way of procuring a water supply till next year.
These statements were met by arguments from Messrs. Meigs, T. H. McLaughlin, Prescott, Cunningham, and others, that as the city had waited so long, the further delay of a few weeks would not be detrimental. Mr. Quigley had made his offer, but there might be others who were willing to do the work for less. It would be in conformity with business rules to put it up to competition and take the lowest bidder. Mr. Quigley’s present one was nearly $1,000 a year better than the offer he made before; under the spur of a little wholesome competition, he might find it to his interest to make a still better offer, and the delay involved would be fully justified by the possible advantage to be gained.
The above is the substance of the reasoning used on both sides, until to bring the matter to an issue. Mr. J. P. Johnson moved that the committee be held to their former instructions to advertise for bids, which was amended by G. W. Cunningham restraining that body from opening any bids before October 12th. Both amendment and the original motion were negatived by the meeting. Judge Kreamer then moved that Mr. Quigley’s offer be accepted, which was submitted to a rising vote. The chair and the secretary (James L. Huey and N. T. Snyder) counted noses and pronounced the vote a tie. It was then proposed that the vote be taken by ballot, but on Mr. Dean’s suggestion that so indeterminate an expression of public sentiment would have no weight with him as a councilman, but he should be left to the exercise of his own judgment, a motion to adjourn was entertained and the meeting broke up leaving the committee to act as they thought best in the matter. As their instructions were not modified by the citizens they called together to consult with, we cannot see that they can act in any other way than to go on and advertise for bids.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 23, 1885.
City Council.
Meigs to build a frame dwelling with brick veneering on lot east of Frick Bros.’ store.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 23, 1885.
The West Bridge.
Some time ago a meeting was held in Meigs & Nelson’s office to devise means for planking the West bridge with oak lumber. The pine flooring laid down along that shaky piece of river architecture wears into holes a few days after the spikes are driven, and such inadequate material is a constant bill of expense. The cost of the oak flooring was figured up at $700, and a committee appointed to raise the wind. Several of our merchants were called on, who subscribed $25 or $50, as they felt able; but such a method of keeping the approaches to our city open was felt to be burdensome and inequitable, and the committee before half the necessary money was raised, was referred to the city council for aid. But an appeal made to that body was an idle expenditure of effort. The mayor informed his applicants that the council had no authority to expend any portion of the city revenue in a bridge lying outside of the corporate limits, and the citizens of West Bolton did not feel themselves called on to bear the expense. It was true the city council, on previous occasions, had devoted public money to a similar use, but they had escaped censure by the acquiescence of taxpayers. There was no money at that time in the city treasury to supply to the purpose then in hand, and either the sum necessary must be raised by voluntary contribution, or the bridge must go unrepaired.
It has gone unrepaired to this day, and how much is lost to our merchants in the way of trade diverted, it would be hard to compute.
Yesterday J. D. Eckles attempted to cross the bridge with a light vehicle, having a lady for his companion; he saw the floor was full of holes, but hoped by careful driving to escape accident. The animals picked their way along till half over the bridge, when the hind leg of one went through. This is a wretched misadventure to a man with a day’s journey before him. Mr. Eckles helped his horse out of the hole, and led the team over the rest of the bridge. The animal’s leg was grazed and torn some, but he was not rendered worthless for life, as there was great danger of his being. This bridge question is a perplexing enigma, and the man has not yet been found in our community who can solve it.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 26, 1885.
Council Proceedings.
H. O. Meigs asked permission to erect a residence on block 70, which was granted.
Arkansas City Republican, October 3, 1885.
TO BE MARRIED. W. H. Nelson, of the firm of Meigs & Nelson, left for Rockville, Indiana, Wednesday. He will be gone until about the 1st of November, when he will return with his bride. He will be married Oct. 20. The new couple on their arrival in the city will stop at the residence of O. Ingersoll for a time. The REPUBLICAN extends to them its best wishes.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 10, 1885.
Marriage of Ed. L. Kingsbury and Miss Etta M. Barnett.
The following is a list of presents.
Lute Coombs and Annie Meigs, parlor stand lamp.
Arkansas City Republican, October 17, 1885.
Railroad Meeting.
The citizens of Arkansas City have just awakened to the fact that they are about to be left out in the cold in the matter of the K. C. & S. W. Railroad. It has now become known that the Geuda Springs branch is only another name for the K. C. & S. W., and that while the company will fulfill their agreement to the letter, and build the road through Arkansas City to the state line, they have intentions of making the junction at least three miles north of here and thus make the Geuda Springs & Caldwell branch the main line, while this will be only a stub with not sufficient length to justify a separate service. The effect will be that when the road is in operation that only such trains as are absolutely necessary will ever be run down here, a local freight perhaps. This is a direct stab at Arkansas City from the Winfield element in the company headed by the road’s attorney, Henry E. Asp, our present county attorney. To devise some means to have the junction here or south of here, provided a western branch is built, was the object of a meeting held in the office of Meigs & Nelson Thursday evening.
The meeting was called to order by N. T. Snyder, Judge Kreamer being called to the chair and N. T. Snyder, secretary.
George Cunningham stated the object of the meeting, which was to devise some way to prevent the junction from being north of Arkansas City, and asked Mr. Hill to make a statement of what the company intended to do.
Arkansas City Republican, October 17, 1885.
H. O. Meigs and family are now residents of the first ward, having rented the Kirkpatrick property.
Arkansas City Republican, October 17, 1885.
TO BE MARRIED. Cards are out for the wedding of Lewis V. Coombs and Miss Anna Meigs on next Wednesday evening at the residence of the bride’s parents.
Arkansas City Republican, October 24, 1885.
“Two Hearts that Beat as One.”
MARRIED. Once again the REPUBLICAN is called upon to chronicle the oft repeated story that shy Cupid has pierced two hearts with his heavenly dart. A public acknowledgment of this union of hearts, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Meigs, was made last Wednesday evening, at 8 o’clock, in the presence of invited guests, by Miss Anna Meigs and L. V. Coombs. By the sacred tie of marriage, Rev. J. O. Campbell, in his most approved style, joined this most estimable couple in a new and holy relation.
At an early hour of this auspicious evening the invited guests began to assemble at the residence. As each one arrived some elegant token of friendship was stored in the present room labeled with the donor’s name. At the appointed hour the joyous couple assumed their positions in front of Rev. Campbell, who soon pronounced them man and wife. Then the congratulations began and lasted until one and all had wished the newly married couple God speed on life’s journey.
After many and many blessings bestowed upon them, the wedding supper was announced. Here our faber fails us. We cannot paint the glorious scene at the festal board. Let it suffice for us to say that the eatables presented to the guests were fit to grace the table of any royal family, and ample justice was done to them by the happy throng. Until a late hour the merry-making was kept up, the bride and groom participating with a hearty good will.
The groom, Lewis V. Coombs, is so well known in this community by all that it would only be an expenditure of labor for us to pass any encomium on him. We wish him well and know he will be happy with his new wife for he made a wise choice.
Miss Anna Meigs, like the groom, has grown up in our midst from childhood. Being the daughter of one of our most respectable families, she is what she should be—a lady. Handsome, honest, frank, and an affectionate disposition are requisites she possesses to make Mr. Coombs a good wife.
The following is a list of the names of the donors and their presents and will show in what high estimation the receivers were held by their many friends.
Hanging lamp: Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Houghton.
Clock: E. L. McDowell.
Statuary and Salts: Miss Grace Bidwell, Mrs. A. W. Brokaw, and Frank Bidwell, of Wichita.
Silver cake basket: Miss Linda Christian and W. A. Daniels.
Solid silver napkin rings: Archie Coombs.
Silver ice pitcher and goblet: Arthur Coombs.
Silver butter dish: Mr. and Mrs. T. H. McLaughlin.
Silver cut glass jelly dish: Maud Meigs.
Silver cake basket: Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kingsbury.
Silver spoonholder: John G. Cook.
Silver and glass set: sugar bowl, cream pitcher, spoonholder, cruet, and toothpick holder—M. L. Read and L. N. Coburn.
Silver and cut glass breakfast castor: Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Stuart.
Set silver knives and forks: Dr. and Mrs. Chapel.
Silver and glass berry dish: Mollie Christian and Phil Snyder.
Set silver knives, forks, and spoons: Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Stuart.
Chair tidy: Miss Estelle Kellogg.
Silver butter knife: Bert Meigs.
Bible: Mrs. J. West.
Bedspread: Mrs. H. O. Meigs.
Amberina water set: Mary E. Meigs.
Table cloth and napkins: A. A. Newman & Co.
Chair: Dr. and Mrs. Kellogg.
Deed for one-half block in the city of Anthony: H. O. Meigs.
$10.00: J. W. Clendenin, Pratt, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 28, 1885.
MARRIED. The marriage of Lewis V. Coombs and Miss Anna Meigs has been reported in the papers, and the congratulations have been said by their friends.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 31, 1885.
A Citizens Committee.
Last Monday evening several of our leading citizens met in the office of Judge Pyburn, for the purpose of organizing a citizens committee, its object to be to protect and promote the interest of Arkansas City, in any way that would tend to help and sustain the rapid growth of the Border City. A. J. Pyburn was called to the chair, and M. N. Sinnott was elected secretary. A temporary organization was made and an adjournment was taken until Tuesday evening at the same place, when a permanent organization was made by electing A. J. Pyburn, president; H. D. Kellogg, vice president; M. N. Sinnott, secretary; N. T. Snyder, assistant secretary; W. D. Mowry, treasurer. A finance committee was also appointed consisting of the following: A. A. Newman, H. O. Meigs, and W. D. Kreamer. Also an executive committee as follows: G. W. Cunningham, Wm. Sleeth, Amos Walton, H. D. Kellogg, N. T. Snyder, T. H. McLaughlin, W. D. Mowry, A. D. Prescott, and F. P. Schiffbauer. Committee made an assessment of $5.00 on all members and it was also decided that any citizen of good standing could become a member by paying the same fee.
The following are the charter members.
Names selected by the committee: Chas. Sipes, Geo. Howard, Geo. Cunningham, Wm. Mowry, Rev. Fleming, F. P. Schiffbauer, A. J. Pyburn, H. O. Meigs, Jas. L. Huey, Wm. Sleeth, W. D. Kreamer, A. A. Newman, A. D. Prescott, Jacob Hight, T. H. McLaughlin, O. S. Rarick, Jamison Vawter, J. P. Johnson, H. D. Kellogg, Ed. Grady, O. P. Houghton, M. N. Sinnott, Geo. W. Miller, N. T. Snyder, Amos Walton, Jas. Ridenour.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 4, 1885.
MARRIED. Marriage bells were rung in the Hoosier state. On the 23rd ult., W. H. Nelson, of the real estate house of Meigs & Nelson, entered the silken bonds, the fair partner of the matrimonial firm being Miss Cora Kirkpatrick of Bloomingdale, Indiana. Mr. Nelson is a young man of great promise, and returns to take his place among our most useful and stable citizens. We are willing to believe that his bride is in every way worthy of his choice, and the TRAVELER wishes them lasting happiness. This wedded pair returned on Friday.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 4, 1885.
A Popular Movement to Advance the City’s Interests.
On Monday evening of last week, about a score of our prominent citizens held a meeting in Judge Pyburn’s office to consider the most practicable means of advancing the interests of this city. The views expressed were that in a rapidly growing country, where incoming population is apt to seek new channels, and business interests are created by the changing tide of affairs, it is necessary for every city that seeks growth and prosperity to be on the alert and lend its hand in shaping matters to its own advantage. It was agreed that to put the forces of a community to the best avail, it is necessary to have some organization to depute some number of men of good judgment and business acumen to watch the changes in the kaleidoscope of social life, and suggest means for turning them to proper advantage; to perform the duty of a picket guard in the army. In fact, holding themselves in an advanced position, and watching every movement that comes under their notice. As an initial step to the organization sought after, the meeting chose of the persons present, Messrs. A. A. Newman, A. D. Prescott, G. W. Miller, N. T. Snyder, and Amos Walton as an executive committee, with power to add to their number, and report to a public meeting to be held in the Opera house the following evening.
On Tuesday the Buckskin Border Band stationed outside that popular place of amusement, gave notice to the public that business was to be done by playing several choice airs in their usual artistic style. Several score of people gave heed to the summons, and by 8 o’clock there were about a hundred assembled. The meeting was called to order, Mayor Schiffbauer was chosen chairman, and our new postmaster, M. N. Sinnott, appointed secretary. Amos Walton, on behalf of the originators of the movement, was called on to explain the object of the meeting. He told what had been done the evening before, and handed to the secretary a list of names selected by the committee to add to their number, and said he would then ask the sense of the meeting on the choice made. The secretary read the following names.
C. R. Sipes; G. W. Cunningham; Rev. S. B. Fleming; A. J. Pyburn; H. O. Meigs; W. M. Sleeth; Jacob Hight; O. S. Rarick; J. P. Johnson; Ed Grady; Geo. Howard; D. Mowry; F. P. Schiffbauer; James Ridenour; Jas. L. Huey; W. D. Kreamer; T. H. McLaughlin; Dr. Jamison Vawter; Dr. H. D. Kellogg; O. P. Houghton; M. N. Sinnott.
Mr. Walton said he commended the object of the proposed organization because it gave our citizens the benefit of the counsel and services of two dozen of our most experienced citizens (He wished to exclude himself from self commendation.) who would be on the lookout for opportunities to turn to the public good. The plan as he sketched it was for those two dozen sagacious men to mature among themselves whatever movements would advance the public good, and then call a public meeting to whom their plans could be unfolded and action taken on them. On motion the list of names read by the secretary was approved.
Several other speakers followed in like strain.
Frank Austin preferred to have the organization placed on a broader basis. It had been called a board of trade by some speakers, and he wanted it made one in fact. He wanted membership thrown open to all eligible persons, and stated times of meeting. To create a fund for any sudden use he would have an initiation fee and an annual subscription.
But this proposition was generally opposed on the ground that it was taking the organization out of the hands of those who framed it. The meeting having nothing further before it, adjourned.
At a subsequent meeting of the executive committee, on the 29th, an organization was effected by electing A. J. Pyburn, president; H. D. Kellogg, vice president; M. N. Sinnott, secretary; N. T. Snyder, assistant secretary; W. D. Mowry, treasurer. It was also decided to increase the membership by admitting any fitting person on payment of $5 initiation fee. The following committees were appointed.
Finance Committee: A. A. Newman, H. O. Meigs, W. D. Kreamer.
Executive Committee: G. W. Cunningham, W. M. Sleeth, Amos Walton, H. D. Kellogg, N. T. Snyder, T. H. McLaughlin, W. D. Mowry, A. D. Prescott, F. P. Schiffbauer.
Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.
H. O. Meigs will visit in Harper County next week.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 14, 1885.
Rev. S. B. Fleming, Geo. Cunningham, H. O. Meigs, and T. H. McLaughlin were delegated by the Citizen’s committee to visit Caldwell the first of the week and ascertain the animus there relative to the extension of the K. C. & S. W. Railroad west from Arkansas City. Our commission found Caldwell’s railroad committee somewhat opposed to the proposed line; it preferred that the road run west from Winfield. Tuesday morning the council met in this city and passed the ordinance granting the railroad company the right-of-way through the city on 13th street. The ordinance was to have appeared in the Traveler, of last Wednesday, but when our committee ascertained the feeling in Caldwell, it telegraphed to withhold its publication, which was accordingly done by Major Schiffbauer. A committee from Caldwell came along with Arkansas City’s committee to Winfield to confer with the
K. C. & S. W. officials and learn their intentions. Wednesday morning Mayor Schiffbauer and A. A. Newman went up to Winfield to join the conference. Everything was amicably settled. Caldwell, on learning that the company was going west from Arkansas City, acquiesced, and our committee came home Thursday morning satisfied with what they had accomplished. Arkansas City, Geuda Springs, and Caldwell are now joined hand in hand, working for the same cause—the building of the Geuda Springs and Caldwell branch. ‘Tis well.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 14, 1885.
Last Tuesday evening was the time for the meeting of the stockholders composing the Riverview Cemetery Association. They were called to assemble in the real estate office of Meigs & Nelson. James Benedict was the only stockholder on hand. He adjourned the meeting until next Tuesday evening at the same place without a dissenting voice. It is earnestly urged that the stockholders make their appearance next Tuesday evening at 7:30 sharp.
Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.
Attend the Cemetery meeting next Tuesday evening at Meigs & Nelson’s office.
Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.
TAXES. Meigs & Nelson will pay taxes for citizens of Arkansas City and vicinity.
Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.
The Episcopal Social.
Last Tuesday evening the ladies of the Episcopal Church gave one of their inimitable entertainments. It occurred in the upper rooms of the Chapel-Bishop block. Dancing, card-playing, and other games afforded the past-time of the evening. As early as 7:30 o’clock the guests began to assemble, and an hour from that time 75 couples had arrived to participate in the festivities of the evening. The visitors were received in the parlors of Mrs. Dr. A. J. Chapel and then allowed to roam through all the rooms of the entire block, which were brilliantly lighted up. Hospitable Mrs. E. L. Kingsbury threw open the doors of the rooms of her home and allowed the many guests the privilege of using them. Mr. Kingsbury extended his gymnasium to the enjoyment of the occasion, which was quite a treat to the ladies as well as gentlemen. Mrs. H. O. Meigs proved, by the handling of the 25 pound dumbbells, that she possessed more strength than any other lady present. Mrs. W. E. Gooch also proved that she possessed a well developed muscle. Supper was served between 10 and 11 o’clock and everything that was good was given to the guests to eat. Mrs. Nicholson, Mrs. Sipes, and other ladies allowed no one to go away without eating their fill. Three large and well-lighted rooms were utilized by the terpsichorean disciples; three to serve the supper in, and three for social converse.
Everyone present had a grand time, and all expressed the opinion that the sociable was the best that has been held in Arkansas City for any age. Prudishness was done away with, and sociability was substituted. The ladies of the Episcopal Church understand the art of entertaining, beyond a doubt.
The proceeds netted from the evening’s entertainment was $30.
Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.
Some of the stockholders of Riverview Cemetery Association met in Meigs & Nelson’s office last Tuesday evening as per call. C. R. Sipes was chosen chairman, and O. P. Houghton secretary pro tem. There were not enough stockholders present to go into the election of officers, so the meeting was adjourned one week—Tuesday evening, November 24, at 7 p.m. sharp. All the stockholders are once more requested to be present.
Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.
T. D. Richardson traded his resident property in the first ward to M. A. Thompson, of Harper County, for 480 acres of farming land yesterday. The consideration of the land was $4,500. Meigs & Nelson made the sale.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 2, 1885.
Meigs & Nelson have duplicate Tax Rolls of Arkansas City, Bolton, Creswell, and Silverdale Townships. Pay your taxes at Meigs & Nelson’s office.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 5, 1885.
Meigs & Nelson made a “duplex” trade Thursday, as Geo. Allen expressed it. They traded S. B. Pickle’s two houses and lots for Samuel Hoyt’s farm just northeast of town, and then traded the farm to A. A. Newman for a business lot on South Summit street. Mr. Pickle intends building a business house on his new purchase.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 5, 1885.
Meigs & Nelson traded the property belonging to M. A. Thompson, lately owned by T. D. Richardson, to Chas. Bryant, Wednesday, for Mr. Bryant’s resident property in the second ward. Judge Bryant will reside in his first ward property.
Arkansas City Republican, December 12, 1885.
Meigs & Nelson.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 26, 1885.
John Clendenin’s Christmas Gift.
MARRIED. John Clendenin, of Pratt Center, received a most substantial present Christmas eve. It was given him by Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Meigs at their residence at 8 o’clock. The presentation ceremony was performed by Rev. S. B. Fleming before a small audience of relatives and intimate friends of the family. Mr. Clendenin with his Christmas present will depart today for Pratt Center, where they will make their future home. The present bestowed upon Mr. Clendenin was a happy blushing bride, Miss Mary Meigs, the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Meigs. Miss Mary is a lady worthy the love and admiration of any man and will make Mr. Clendenin’s home a happy one by her presence.
Mr. Clendenin is a leading businessman of Pratt Center. The REPUBLICAN extends congratulations to the happy couple.
Arkansas City Republican, December 26, 1885.
Miss Susie Ames is now in the employ of Meigs & Nelson, and will doubtless give satisfaction in keeping their abstract books.
Arkansas City Republican, January 2, 1886.
LOST. A pair of gold bow spectacles. Finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving same with H. O. Meigs under National Bank.
Arkansas City Republican, January 2, 1886.
Meigs & Nelson, the real estate firm, were instrumental in securing the new hotel here. They worked diligently for the price, as did several other of our good citizens.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 23, 1886.
Abstract of Title. H. O. MEIGS Has the only set of Abstract Books of lands in Arkansas City. Also the only set of Arkansas City Lots in the county. The only way to know that titles are good is to get an abstract. Office under First National Bank, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Republican, January 23, 1886.
S. C. Smith, the new hotel man, returned to his home Monday. The weather has been so unfavorable lately for building that Mr. Smith did not accomplish much on this visit. He informed H. O. Meigs that he intends going ahead with the building as soon as the weather will permit. Mr. Smith purchased another lot in the same block. He owns eight lots now in the block where the hotel is going up.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 10, 1886.
If you want to borrow money on city property, call on Meigs & Nelson.
Arkansas City Republican, March 6, 1886.
Meigs & Nelson traded the Shindel property in the 4th ward to Jamison Vawter for the Finney property in the same ward. Mrs. Shindel and family will reside in the purchased house.
Arkansas City Republican, April 10, 1886.
The Election was hotly contested Tuesday. The People’s Ticket had a walk over the Citizens’ Ticket. The result was as follows.
Councilman: Hill 139, Neff 48.
School Board: Ruby 126, Adams 60.
Justice: Kreamer 167, Meigs 18.
Constable: Lewis 105, Bailey 83.
For the special Bridge act 180.
Councilman: Ingersoll 106, Fairclo 80.
School Board: Landes 110, Fowler 72.
Justice: Kreamer 153, Meigs 30.
Constable: Bailey 95, Lewis 83.
For the Special Bridge act 185.
Councilman: Prescott 130.
School Board: Love 77, Woodin 53.
Justice: Kreamer 114, Meigs 15.
Constable: Lewis 65, Bailey 37.
For the Special Bridge act 130.
Councilman: Thurston 204.
School Board: Watts 116, Mowry 94.
Justice: Kreamer 178, Meigs 30.
Constable: Lewis 164, Bailey 41.
For the Special Bridge act 211.
Kreamer’s majority for the justice of the peace 519.
Arkansas City Republican, April 24, 1886.
Jos. Brodzeller purchased a dwelling lot on South Summit Street from E. B. Meigs. The consideration was $500. The sale was made through the real estate agency of Meigs & Nelson.
Arkansas City Republican, May 15, 1886.
The Land Slides of the Week.
D. B. Meigs sold one lot in the 2nd ward to Frank J. Hess for $300.
H. F. Hoffman made the purchase of one lot from D. B. Meigs; the consideration was $250.
D. B. Meigs to C. W. Kreamer, 1 lot, $250.
Jas. H. Griffith to G. Westfall and Alfred P. Gage, house and 3 lots, $1,600.
Samuel Hoyt to W. B. Thomas, 4 lots and 2 houses, $850.
Chas. Horner to J. T. Ray, 1 lot, $2,000.
D. B. Meigs to W. A. Basset, 1 lot, $300.
H. Tisdale to John A. Foster, 1 lot, $400.
C. M. Scott to Florence Patterson, 1 lot, $50.
John Bain to Geo. Allen, 2 lots, $275.
Geo. Allen to F. C. Deering, 1 lot, $125.
E. M. Godfrey to W. D. Bishop, 1 lot, $200.
Geo. Allen to O. P. Houghton, 2 lots, $350.
D. T. Wetner to H. P. Farrar, 45 acres, $10,000.
Geo. Allen to A. F. Huse, house and 4 lots, $1,300.
Samuel Hoyt to Theoron R. Houghton and Frank Adams, house and 4 lots, $1,100.
Lyda Finney to Wm. Thomas, 5 acres, $2,000.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, May 29, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
John Landes and family have removed to one of the Building Association cottages in the Leonard addition. H. O. Meigs and family will occupy the house vacated by Mr. Landes.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 5, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
W. A. Ritchie & Co., are preparing the plans and specifications for a brick residence for H. O. Meigs. The residence is to be built upon lots at the corner of 6th Street and 4th Avenue. It will be two stories high, with a handsome tower. The dimensions are 40 x 40 feet. How we boom!
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 26, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
A. S. Carnahan, of Anthony, is in the city looking around. Mr. Carnahan is a friend of H. O. Meigs. He informs us that Anthony is booming; that she expects to get two more new railroads this year. He was highly pleased with Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Republican, June 26, 1886.
The trial of M. Davids, Jim Cherry, and Ed. Davids, arrested for running a “blind tiger,” came off Thursday. The jury returned a verdict dismissing Cherry and Ed. Davids, and M. Davids was held for a new trial to come off next Tuesday. The jury stood four for conviction and seven for acquittal of M. Davids. The jury was composed of Gardner Mott, L. N. Coburn, C. H. Frick, S. B. Rickle, H. O. Meigs, F. Bryant, J. A. Arnold, W. F. Hubbard, Hugh Ford, Will McKee, D. J. Buckley, and E. W. Compton.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 3, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
At Meigs & Nelson’s real estate agency Saturday $20,000 worth of real estate changed hands. The transfers were made mostly to non-residents.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 10, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Meigs & Nelson, the real estate agents, have hoisted a three-story bulletin board, which will contain the latest accounts of “How We Boom.”
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 24, 1886. From Saturday’s Daily.
The First National Bank has hoisted an elegant new sign. Meigs & Nelson and the bank are endeavoring to outdo each other in the production of signs.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 31, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
H. O. Meigs went to Wichita yesterday. He returned on the noon train today with a 10 gallon keg of Wichita’s boom.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.
If you want to sell your farm, place it in the hands of Meigs & Nelson.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 14, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Bert Meigs went over to Anthony Saturday to visit friends for a few days.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 14, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Mrs. C. W. Ament, of Topeka, is visiting in the city, a guest of Mrs. H. O. Meigs. She is en route to Geuda.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 21, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
H. O. Meigs purchased three resident lots in the first ward, one block west of the school building, of F. W. Farrar for $1,000.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.
Notice to Builders.
Sealed bids will be received by H. O. Meigs for the erection of a brick or stone building on I. H. Bonsall’s lot. Said bids may be made on the entire building or on different parts of said building; said work to be done according to plans and specifications on file in the office of W. A. Ritchie & Co., Commercial building. The right to accept any bid or reject all bids is hereby reserved. Time required to finish said building must be specified in said bids. All bids will be opened on the 1st of September, 1886. Bonds for the fulfillment of said contract will be required. I. H. BONSALL.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 11, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Bert Meigs starts for Lawrence today to attend the University at that place. Saturday evening a number of his friends made him an unexpected call and the evening was whiled away pleasantly and socially.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 18, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
H. O. Meigs purchased the Jerome Steele property on Summit Street yesterday for $4,000.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 18, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
The Russian Tea held last evening at the residence of H. O. Meigs by the Ladies Guild society was a very enjoyable affair, as well as a financial success. The ladies of this society are to be congratulated for the excellent entertainments they get up and as this was the first of a series they expect to have this fall and winter, you can always depend on spending a pleasant and profitable evening with them.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 25, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
The Arkansas City Roller Mills Co., now have their office at the real estate agency of Meigs & Nelson.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 29, 1886.
The new law and real estate firm of Artley, Andrews & Anderson (office over the First National Bank), is making many friends and bids fair to become popular with our citizens. All three gentlemen have lately come to this city. The first named with a view to engage in some commercial business. The two latter to practice law. Getting together in social relation, they concluded to pool issues, and the result is, this tripartite alliance, with land and law for the exercise of their energies. Mr. S. Artley hails from St. Louis, and represents the extensive glass house of F. A. Drew, of that city. He has already contracted to furnish glass for the St. James Hotel, Frank J. Hess’s new insurance building, John L. Howard’s business block, and H. O. Meigs’s handsome residence. He came to this city during the summer, and likes it so well that he concluded to stay here.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 9, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
H. O. Meigs is building one of what is to be the handsomest residences in the city. Work is progressing on it.
Arkansas City Republican, October 9, 1886.
MEIGS & NELSON, LAND, LOAN, AND INSURANCE BROKERS, Arkansas City, Kansas. Office under First National Bank. THE LEADING REAL ESTATE AGENCY IN THE CITY! WE HAVE A COMPLETE SET OF ABSTRACT BOOKS OF COWLEY COUNTY. Bargains in Farms, City Property, and Ranches. Agents for the Alexander Addition. Double your money in from 30 to 60 days on investments in this addition.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 16, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Bitter Creek.
Mr. Lowe is building a new house on his farm, lately purchased of H. O. Meigs. J. H. Easton will occupy the house and superintend the farm the coming season.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1886.
If you want to sell your farm, place it in the hands of Meigs & Nelson.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1886.
Jerome Steele and family broke up housekeeping in the fourth ward on Monday. The house was sold some time ago to H. O. Meigs, Mr. Steele to retain possession until the middle of November. He has rented dwelling rooms in the Summit block, and Mrs. Steele will leave town tomorrow to spend the holidays with friends in New York and Florida.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 20, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
H. O. Meigs has returned from his trip out to Garden City.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 18, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Visits John Eley Last Night While Sleeping, and this Morning his Body
Was Discovered, Cold and Stiff.
This morning the report was circulated on our streets that a man had been found dead in his bed at his boarding house. A REPUBLICAN representative soon traced the report up and learned it was true. A boarding house is kept on South Summit street in the upstairs rooms of Summit block by W. T. Murphy and wife and with them boarded the deceased, John Eley. From Mr. Murphy we gleaned the following particulars.
Some three weeks since John Eley came to his house to board; he was a carpenter by trade and has been working for Robt. Baird on the H. O. Meigs’ residence. He came here from Winfield to get work and left his family, wife, and two children, to reside there while he labored here to support them. The first of the week he took a serious cold and yesterday he claimed to be feeling badly. During the afternoon he drank some alcohol, weakened with water, but did not get intoxicated. About 8 o’clock in the evening he came into the sitting room of the boarding house and asking for a light, said he “guessed he would go to bed.” Mr. Murphy obtained the light and took him into his room, which is also occupied by three other boarders, Frank Smith, Wm. Parker, and Geo. McCarty, there being but two beds in the room. When the deceased had undressed and retired, he stated to Mr. Murphy that he was feeling sick at the stomach. Mr. Murphy placed a bucket beside the bed so that if he grew worse he might vomit in it, and went out. Eley lay there awake and when his bed-mate, McCarty, came in he conversed with him quite awhile. Between 10 and 11 o’clock they went to sleep, neither dreaming of what the morning would bring forth. Before daylight Mr. Murphy called to the men to get up and make ready for breakfast. They then arose and began dressing. They noticed Eley did not get up, and one of them called to him. No response was received, and then they called to Murphy to bring lights, that something was wrong with Eley. The light was brought, and a glance revealed the fact that he was dead. McCarty had slept with the corpse the greater portion of the night, as the body was cold. The authorities were immediately notified. Coroner Wells was telephoned for and Mrs. Eley was also notified, but as yet neither have come down.
A REPUBLICAN reporter was shown the corpse. He lay upon his back, head turned toward the wall, his hands pressed tightly over his heart, and his legs drawn up. He had the appearance of one sleeping, with the exception of the deadly pallor on the face. It is supposed he died of heart disease. M. McCarty took the remains to Winfield on the 5 o’clock train this afternoon for burial.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 1, 1887. From Thursday’s Daily.
Messrs. Thompson and Croft purchased four lots this morning out in Swarts’ addition, through the real estate agency of Meigs & Nelson. The consideration was $500. Both gentlemen will erect residences.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 29, 1887.
Abstract of Title. H. O. MEIGS Has the only set of Abstract books of lands in Arkansas City. Also the only set of Arkansas City Lots in the county. The only way to know that titles are good is to get an abstract.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 5, 1887. From Wednesday’s Daily.
J. L. Van Wormer, of West Plains, Missouri, has located in our city. He and W. T. Bonham, of Winfield, purchased the abstract books of H. O. Meigs. The consideration was $4,600. Mr. Van Wormer will attend to the books in this city and Mr. Bonham will remain in Winfield. They assumed charge of their purchase this morning. Mr. Van Wormer is the ex-county clerk of Howard County, Missouri, and is experienced in the abstract business. He looked both Winfield and Arkansas City over and decided that the latter should be his future home.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 12, 1887. From Monday’s Daily.
B. W. Keeler was down from Wichita Saturday and made purchase of 80 acres of land of Meigs & Nelson. It lies down on the Walnut bottom north of the road leading to Searing & Mead’s mill. Thirty days ago Meigs and Nelson purchased this tract of land of Lafe McLaughlin for $10,000. A short time before Mr. McLaughlin bought the land of his brother-in-law, Samuel Philbrick, for $4,300. Mr. Philbrick was here from Maine last fall and was induced to buy the land from Frank Finney for $4,300. In a short time he longed to return to Maine and he sold his land for what it cost him in order to do so.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 12, 1887. From Thursday’s Daily.
H. O. Meigs, yesterday, purchased 15 acres north of town for $1,500.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 19, 1887.
The Canal City Improvement Company.
The above company has just been organized in this city. The purpose of the organization is to contract buildings in Arkansas City. The capital stock is $50,000. A charter has been sent for and is expected to arrive daily. The following directors were chosen for the first year: A. D. Prescott, J. W. Hoyt, F. W. Farrar, T. H. McLaughlin, H. O. Meigs, Jas. Hill, and Geo. Westfall. The building committee is composed of Frank J. Hess, C. R. Sipes, T. H. McLaughlin, and E. D. Eddy. The first building this company proposes to erect will be on lot 1, block 61, corner of 9th avenue and Summit street. It will be built of brick, two stories high, 100 feet deep and 25 wide. Dr. J. T. Shepard owns the adjacent lot and will most likely put up a building at the same time the above company does.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 19, 1887. From Saturday’s Daily.
A. D. Campbell, who has been in the city speculating in real estate from Michigan City, Indiana, has bought 78 acres of land north of the city of H. O. Meigs. The consideration was $10,500. Mr. Meigs bought this farm, 160 acres entire, last summer for $8,000. He has sold less than half of it for $2,500 more than he gave for the whole farm. He has 82 acres left.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 26, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
$6,800 worth of lots changed hands this morning in T. H. McLaughlin’s second addition.
H. O. Meigs and J. P. Farrar were the purchasers.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 5, 1887. From Tuesday’s Daily.
E. B. Parker, house and two lots, 4th ward, to H. O. Meigs: $975.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 12, 1887. From Thursday’s Daily.
H. Johnson, of Salamanca, New York, is in the city. Fifteen years ago Mr. Johnson was here before the town site was platted. He left $150 with H. O. Meigs with the instructions to invest it in town lots as soon as the town was platted, which was done. Mr. Johnson returned home and was never in this city again until this week. He had almost forgotten he owned any lots here until several months ago when he received a letter from a man in Winfield, which said the writer owned some lots besides his and he would either give or take $400 for the 14 lots. He paid no attention to the letter, but resolved at the first opportunity to come here and investigate. He came and in his estimation saw the best city in Kansas. He had no idea Arkansas City was of so great proportions and was enjoying such a boom. Yesterday he sold two of his lots on Summit Street for $2,600 and he still has 12 left. Mr. Johnson now swears by Arkansas City just the same as he did 15 years ago.
Arkansas City Republican, March 19, 1887.
Work on the moving of the Leland Hotel has begun. The old part of the hotel was built in 1871 by H. O. Meigs, and is therefore entitled to the name of an old “landmark.” Now it is to be taken away and succeeded by the handsomest three-story bank building in the state. As time progresses the prediction of Prof. Norton, one of the originators of the Arkansas City town company, is being fulfilled. When the townsite was being surveyed, Prof. Norton claimed that there would be a great city here on account of its many natural advantages. This site, in his opinion, was the best one the state offered for the founding and the building of a great city.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, April 2, 1887. From Monday’s Daily.
Bert Meigs is home from Lawrence, visiting his parents.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, April 2, 1887. From Monday’s Daily.
ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS. Office under First National Bank.
The Leading Real Estate Agency in the City! Bargains in Farms, City Property and Ranches.
Agents for Park Place Addition and Anderson Addition.
Double your money in from 30 to 60 days on investments in these additions.
[Copied from Original Courtesy of Charles “Chuck” A. McDowell.]
Larry P. Rhodes
1320 North 9th St., Arkansas City, Kansas 67005
[Mr. Rhodes believes that this book was printed circa 1898.]
The first public hall in the city was Meigs’s hall, situated on the site now covered by the Farmers’ Bank building (in 1900).
[Larry Rhodes indicates that this was situated on the northwest corner of Washington Avenue and Summit Street.]
[PAGE 12.]
[Larry Rhodes penciled in: Originally site of Meigs’ Hall.]
CHAS. A. JOHNSON, President. E. NEFF, Vice-President.
Chas. A. Johnson, E. Neff, D. H. Bell, A. J. Hunt, John F. Johnson, A. H. Denton.