B. K. Melick


Geuda Springs, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 15, 1883.
Steers for Sale. We have for sale 142 steers. Said steers are held on Chilocco Creek, Indian Territory, near the Indian college, and are in care of G. F. Pettit. Address us at Winfield or Geuda Springs or H. P. Farrar, Arkansas City. Perry & Melick.
Winfield Courier, October 18, 1883.
DIED. At the residence of her granddaughter, Mrs. B. Melick, Geuda Springs, Mrs. Charlotte W. Swayze, aged 84 years, mother of Mrs. Dr. Perry of this city. Her remains were taken to Illinois to rest beside her husband.
Arkansas City Republican, March 15, 1884.
The Flying Dutchman Gets There All Covered With Glory.
Geo. W. Cunningham, in regard to the plow trial, held on the farm of Mr. B. Sturgill today, to determine the difference in draft between the Flying Dutchman and a Weir Walking Plow, we, the undersigned committee, appointed to make the test, hereby certify that the Flying Dutchman Sulky Plow beat the Weir Walking Plow fairly and squarely at least 80 pounds in draft.
Committee: W. B. Sturgill, M. T. Pitt, Wm. E. Sturgill, Thomas Pruitt, D. R. Goss, Owen Skinner, J. H. Sturgill.
THERE WERE OTHER TESTIMONIALS: Moline, Illinois, H. L. Lawson; Geuda Springs, Kansas, B. K. Melick; Geuda Springs, Wm. Resch; North Creswell Township, Johnlon Leeper.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 11, 1884.
For Sale! About 275 head of Arkansas cattle two years old and upwards, nearly half of them steers; all have been wintered in the state, and will be sold at moderate prices. Apply to B. K. Melick, Geuda Springs.
Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.
For Sale. About 275 Arkansas cattle, two years old and upwards—nearly half of them steers, have been wintered in the State and will be sold at a moderate price. Apply to Dr. C. Perry, Winfield; or B. K. Melick, Geuda Springs.