Daniel D. Miller
Blacksmith, Winfield.
Winfield Directory 1880.
Miller, D. D., blacksmith, shop and r. Main, e. s. bet 11th and 12th avenues.
Miller, Miss E. A., student, r. D. D. Miller.
Winfield Directory 1885.
Miller Dan, blacksmith, 803 e 3rd, res same
Daniel D. Miller...
Winfield Courier, August 30, 1877.
Mr. Miller is erecting a large and commodious stone blacksmith shop on the corner of Main street and 11th Avenue.
Daniel D. Mater, Son & Daniel D. Miller.
Winfield Courier, October 18, 1877.
The large stone blacksmith shop, which is being built by Mater, Son & Miller, is progressing well.
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1877.
Messrs. Mater & Miller have completed their large stone blacksmith shop and are busy at work in it at their trade.
Winfield Courier, December 13, 1877.
Notice. All persons indebted to the undersigned firm are requested to call and settle at once and thereby save further trouble and costs. We cannot wait for our money longer than Christmas. We must have a settlement either by cash or note. We mean business.
Winfield Courier, December 13, 1877.
Mater, Miller & Co., at the stone blacksmith shop, on South Main street, do blacksmith, horseshoeing, and wagon work in first-class style, and always warrant satisfaction.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Mater & Miller, blacksmith bill.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
A few boarders can be accommodated at Weston’s, one door north of Miller & Mater’s blacksmith shop.
Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878.
The firm of Mater & Miller, blacksmiths, have dissolved partnership, and the shop will hereafter be run by Mater & Son, who will endeavor to keep up the reputation of the shop for good work.
Daniel D. Miller and Daniel Mater...
Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878.
Dissolution of Partnership. The firm of Miller & Mater, in the blacksmithing business, is dissolved by mutual consent. The books and accounts of the firm are left in the hands of W. P. Hackney, for collection. Mr. Mater will continue the business at the old stand and Mr. Miller will immediately open a shop a short distance south of that stand.
DANIEL D. MILLER, DANIEL MATER. Winfield, October 29th, 1878.
1879. Daniel D. Miller...
Dan Miller blacksmith shop: location not given.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
W. H. Hudson has opened a wagonmaking shop in the rear of Dan Miller’s blacksmith shop. Mr. Hudson is a good workman.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1879.
The following is a list of the principal business firms of Winfield.
BLACKSMITHS. Max Shoeb, Dan. Miller, Mater & Son, Mr. Stout, R. H. Tucker, Mr. Legg.
Dan Miller, blacksmith: shop and residence on Main Street...
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1879.
Mr. Dan Miller, our enterprising blacksmith, is erecting a neat residence just back of his shop on Main street.
Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.
Mr. Will Walters, who has rented Dan Miller’s shop, had his hand badly burned last week while welding a red hot iron. The pain has been intense and until last Saturday night he did not sleep a wink.
Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.
A team standing in front of Dan Miller’s shop got frightened last Monday and went tearing down Main street with the wagon at their heels. They were finally stopped in front of Wilson & Thompson’s livery stable with the wagon minus one wheel.
Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.
Mr. Dan Miller received a very serious sun stroke while shoeing a horse during the hottest part of the day last Tuesday. A physician was called in and did everything possible to relieve the sufferer. He is now getting along very well, but will never fully recover from the effects of the stroke. Persons cannot be too careful during the next few days. An hour’s exertion in the sun with the thermometer at 100 will perhaps maim one for a lifetime.
Hackney & McDonald purchase Daniel D. Miller’s property on South Main Street. Still unknown: address.
Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880.
Messrs. Hackney & McDonald on last Monday purchased Col. Alexander’s office property on Ninth avenue. They will fit the upper story up for their office. They have also purchased Dan. Miller’s property on South Main street.
Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.
Blacksmith Miller has removed to his new stone shop near the brewery. Klingman & Hiller occupy his old shop with the addition of a wagon-making business.
Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.
Dan Miller has opened a stone blacksmith shop near Manny’s brewery.
Winfield Courier, September 2, 1880.
Messrs. Klingman & Heller now have their blacksmith and wagon shop running in good order. Mr. Klingman has a large acquaintance over the county and is known as one of the best wagon makers that ever drove a spoke.
Are now prepared to do all kinds of Wagon, Buggy, and Blacksmith work cheaper than ever done before in Winfield. Horse-shoeing a specialty. We warrant all our work.
Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.
The east part of town had a mad-dog excitement Sunday morning. Dan Miller’s dog was the victim. Dan noticed the dog running around with his head down and slobbering, and concluded that he had lived long enough for the safety of the community, so Dan buckled on his revolver and followed the dog. After firing several shots, he succeeded in bringing the dog down. His ears were all torn up, as if he had been fighting; and it is probable that we will have a deluge of mad dogs within a few weeks. Look out!
Winfield Courier, June 30, 1881.
Winfield has been in a fever of excitement for the past few days over the arrest of Frank Manny for violating the prohibition amendment in selling beer. The trial was first brought before Justice Kelly, but the defense secured a change of venue to Justice Tansey’s court. Monday was the day set for the trial and early in the day numbers of spectators gathered to see the opening of the case.
The array of legal talent retained on the part of the defense was simply appalling: Judge Campbell, with eight years’ experience on the bench; J. E. Allen, one of the most precise and painstaking lawyers at the bar; O. M. Seward, the leading temperance attorney of the southwest; and Messrs. Soward & Asp, gentlemen of high standing at the bar. Certainly Mr. Manny should feel that his interests will be protected as far as the law is concerned.
County Attorney Jennings appeared for the State. . . .
County Attorney Jennings then attempted to open the case, when the defense again objected and moved that the case be dismissed because “the complaint was not sworn to by a responsible party.” Judge Campbell then made an exhaustive argument on a constitutional point. Mr. Jennings answered Judge Campbell at considerable length, and was followed by Mr. Asp for the defense, who closed the argument. The objection was overruled and duly excepted to, and the state proceeded with the examination of the first witness, Mr. Miller.
Mr. Miller testified that he resided in Winfield, and that he knew where Mr. Manny’s brewery was. He was asked if he had been in Mr. Manny’s brewery between the first day of May and the 21st day of June, the latter being the date the indictment was made. The defense objected on the ground that the state should confine its proof of offense to the date mentioned in the indictment: the 12th day of June. On this objection Mr. Allen spoke, and cited authorities, though none of our Supreme court. The State replied with Kansas authorities bearing directly upon the point. Mr. Asp closed the argument on this point, and the court overruled the objection.
MILLER LAUGHED! The witness was allowed to answer the question; but instead of doing so, he laughed. The mouths of the audience cracked asunder, and his Honor got down under the counter to hold his sides. Witness then affirmatively answered the question. He also stated that he had drank something on Manny’s premises between those dates. The State asked in what building the drink was obtained. Before this question was answered, Judge Campbell requested his honor to instruct the witness that he was at liberty to refuse to answer any question that would tend to criminate himself. This request raised argument and the court adjourned to meet Wednesday morning, when the question will be discussed.
Court convened promptly at 6 o’clock and Judge Soward opened the argument. Numerous authorities were cited, among which were the celebrated Burr and Morgan cases. County Attorney Jennings replied in an extended argument, citing a large number of authorities.
At noon, Wednesday, we go to press. As yet the case has not been fairly opened, the defense bringing up point after point for the decision of the court. Each point must be argued exhaustively, which takes time and how long no one can tell. The case will be fought step by step. The council for defense will leave no stone unturned, and Attorney Jennings, although bearing up under a terrible pressure, will melt them at every turn. Our reporter will attend the trial throughout and a complete record of the proceedings will appear in our next issue.
Winfield Courier, July 7, 1881.
THE EVIDENCE IN BRIEF. Mr. Miller was then asked what he had drank at Manny’s. He stated that he had called for “ginger” and that he probably got what he called for. That it was about the color of barnyard drainage, that he had bought a quart, and had paid twenty cents for it, that he had never become intoxicated on it, and had never drank more than two glasses at a time. He was then asked when he had heard that “ginger” was being sold there.
The defense objected, but the objection was overruled. The witness then said that it was about the middle of May. He stated that he had never seen anyone become intoxicated on this drink. That he lived several hundred feet from the brewery; that it had about the same effect as lemonade. . . .
The court then instructed the jury as follows:
The court instructs the jury that the question in this case is whether the sale made to Dan Miller about the 20th day of May, 1881, was a sale of liquor that would produce intoxication, and the burden is upon the prosecution to establish that the liquor was intoxicating liquor and this must be done by the evidence to the satisfaction of the jury beyond a reasonable doubt. The burden is upon the state to show that the liquor sold to Miller was an intoxicating liquor and that it was not sold for mechanical, medicinal, or scientific purposes, that the sale was made at the place described in the complaint.
The defendant is presumed innocent until he is proven guilty, and the state is required to make out each particular and material point in the case to the satisfaction of the jury beyond a reasonable doubt; and if, upon the whole of the evidence, both direct and circumstantial, there is a reasonable doubt of guilt, the jury should acquit.
Winfield Courier, August 11, 1881.
Dan Miller has leased Max Shoeb’s blacksmith shop. Dan’s laugh and the cries of the victims of the forceps will keep that part of Ninth avenue lively.
Next item reveals that Shoeb has moved to Oxford. He evidently told Daniel D. Miller to vacate his premises...
Winfield Courier, August 18, 1881.
Max Shoeb has removed his blacksmithing material and household effects to Oxford. We regret to see him leave.
Winfield Courier, January 5, 1882.
Notice. Mr. Dan Miller has joined the firm of Mater & Kibbe and will hereafter be found at the stone blacksmith shop on Main street. The firm is now a strong one and farmers can get their work done promptly and in good shape. They start the new year with a new plank in their platform and will hereafter work for money and not glory.
Cowley County Courant, January 5, 1882.
Dan Miller has moved back into his old quarters, and now holds forth at the Mater shop on South Main street, where his patrons will find him ever ready to serve them.
Winfield Courier, January 5, 1882.
Notice. Mr. Dan Miller has joined the firm of Mater & Kibbe and will hereafter be found at the stone blacksmith shop on Main street. The firm is now a strong one and farmers can get their work done promptly and in good shape. They start the new year with a new plank in their platform and will hereafter work for money and not glory.
Cowley County Courant, March 9, 1882.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Miller have a nine pound boy.
Dan Miller is “all broke up” and perfectly irresponsible for anything he may do. For several years now Dan has obeyed the Scriptural injunction in regard to increasing and multiplying, and has the proud honor of being the happy father of nine girls. Considering the fact that he has always had a tender longing for an heir to bear his name and preserve his memory when he is gone, his fortune might have been discouraging to a person who has not the dogged determination which Dan is known to possess, and though the prospect hasn’t been the most cheering in the world, he has never abandoned the object in view or ceased to trust in the overruling Providence that governs in the affairs of men. These qualities of faith and perseverance have brought their reward, and last night Dan found success perched upon his banner in a way that has filled him full and overrunning, with pride and glory. At least, we think that is the case from the recital of an incident that came to our ears. Sometime this morning Dan was at Scofield’s livery stable in a high state of excitement, wanting a team to go into the country, and he wanted it awful quick; he was also heard to make some inquiries about a nurse girl. Sometime after that he was met on the road out of town, driving as if someone was after him, by a man who helloed and asked the way to Dexter, when Dan, whose mind seemed to be occupied with something else than the direction in which towns were located, gave his horses a lick and yelled to the passing stranger, “It’s a boy, and weighs nine pounds.” Dan will be able to be out on the streets in a few days. We’ll take a Havana in ours.
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1882.
DIED. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Miller had the misfortune to lose one of their little children by sickness last week. The little one was buried Sunday.
Winfield Courier, March 22, 1883.
Messrs. Robertson & Sherrard have the machine for manufacturing woven wire fencing at work. They turn out forty rods of chicken, hog, cattle, or dog tight fence every day, at 90 cents per rod. It is a light, handsome fence and just the thing for gardens. Their headquarters are in Dan Miller’s blacksmith shop.
Winfield Courier, May 10, 1883.
Burglars have been active during the past week. One of them raised Dan Miller’s window, reached in and laid hold on his pants, which were beneath the pillow. The bold burglar was just dragging them out when Dan woke up and grabbed a suspender, and the intruder let go and ran. Dan wishes now that he had let the fellow take them—he might have died of disappointment after he had searched them. Had it been a laughing matter, the results would have been much more serious.
Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.
A serious accident happened on Monday morning last at the blacksmith shop of Mr. Dan. Miller. While the blacksmith was paring a horse’s hoof preparatory to shoeing the animal and while holding the buttress to his shoulder, the horse reared and plunged the buttress into the stomach of Mr. D. Ford, the owner, who lives at Severy, inflicting a wound about four inches long, and which came within an ace of extending into the cavity of the body. Several surgeons were sent for immediately, and Dr. Taylor was the first to arrive, who on probing the wound found that it did not extend into the cavity of the bowels and so informed the patient, which relieved his anxiety very much. He is doing well and will soon be up again. Drs. Park and Green were in attendance, the former assisting Dr. Taylor in adjusting the wound. The Doctor says: “It will probably heal by first intention.”
Winfield Courier, November 13, 1884.
Notwithstanding the intense excitement caused by the Presidential uncertainty, Winfield was free from dangerous passions and fatal results until Saturday night, when the deadly revolver, in the reckless hand, took the life of Charlie Fletcher (colored) and gave Sandy Burge (white) a death wound. Excitement had been at a fever heat during the evening, but had vented itself up to eleven o’clock only in civil hilarity, playing of bands, and other harmless modes of jollification. But at that hour the celebrating portion of the crowd had mostly exhausted all enthusiasm and departed to their homes, leaving the ground in charge of the more boisterous. The Democrats had been celebrating during the evening the supposed elevation of Cleveland; and though loud denunciation of disciples of both parties had been indulged in, this sad ending is thought by all to have no political significance, but merely the result of whiskey and undue recklessness. However, we present the evidence at the Coroner’s inquest, from which all can draw their conclusions. The affair is very much deplored by members of both parties, as anything but an honor to our civilization and the good name of our city.
Fletcher died within an hour after the bullet had passed through his abdomen, and was buried Monday afternoon from the colored M. E. Church, of this city, a large concourse of white and colored citizens following the remains to South Cemetery.
Burge walked, after being shot, in company with the marshal, to Smith’s lunch-room, sat down, and soon fainted away. He was taken to the Ninth Avenue Hotel, where doctors were summoned and where he remained till Sunday morning, when he was removed to his home and family in the east part of the city. He was shot with a thirty-two bullet, which entered just below the fifth rib on the right side and passed through the right lung and came very nearly out at the back. As we go to press he still lies in a critical condition, though the physicians give him the possibility of recovering. But little change has been noted in his condition since Sunday.
Coroner H. W. Marsh was summoned, impaneled a jury Sunday afternoon, and held an inquest on the body of young Fletcher.
The jury was composed of Messrs. John McGuire, J. B. Lynn, George Emerson, T. H. Soward, W. J. Hodges, and James Bethel, who brought in a verdict that Fletcher came to his death by a pistol shot from the hand of Sandy Burge.
A synopsis of the evidence is given herewith, which fully explains the whole affair.
The first witness called up was Andrew Shaw, colored. He said: “I saw Charlie Fletcher on the corner of Ninth and Main on Saturday night, at what hour I don’t know. I saw no one shoot, nor did I see anyone with a pistol or other weapon in hand. I saw Fletcher fall. Before this I told him to have no row. When I heard the first shot, Charlie whirled around and fired. I saw the flash of a gun from the direction where Sandy Burge was standing. I also saw Mr. Lacy there with a star on.”
Dan’l D. Miller was next called. He said: “I saw a difficulty last evening at the corner of Ninth Avenue and Main Street about 11 o’clock. I was standing on the curb-stone near the hydrant when Henry Franklin, colored, came and spoke to me. He told me he understood the white boys were making up a mob to drive the darkies out of town and if they were, they would have a good time doing it. I told him I had heard nothing of the kind and thought everything would be all right if they behaved themselves. While we were talking, Lewis Bell was also talking. A. A. Thomas, standing near, said: ‘Democrat, Republican, or any G__d d___m man that jumps on me during this campaign will carry his guts off in his hand.’ Bell said: ‘I am a Democrat and if you jump on me, I’ll see that you jump off.’ Thomas replied, ‘the hell you say.’ Thomas then left and Bell was talking about the G__d d___m niggers or coons. Franklin, colored, went to Bell and Bell knocked him down. Just at that time Sandy Burge drew his revolver. I was about two feet from him. I advanced, grabbed him by the right shoulder, and whirled him around facing south and told him to put up his gun. He replied: ‘I won’t fight a G__d d___m nigger a fist fight.’ Some man then hollowed to turn his G__d d__m gun loose or put it up. He tore loose from me and whirled round facing northeast; his pistol in hand, and immediately there was a flash of a pistol about 10 or 12 feet east of where Burge stood. At this time Burge threw his hand up, made a slight noise, and as his hand came down, his pistol fired. I saw the colored man fall and he fired his pistol as he fell. The colored man was standing 10 or 12 feet nearly north of Burge—12 feet from where the first shot was fired. The next moment Burge fired his pistol again in the same direction. I don’t know who fired the first shot. I think the first shot struck Burge. I also think the shot fired by Burge struck Fletcher and I don’t think it was Fletcher’s shot that struck Burge. There were two shots fired from down the street east of us, after Burge and Fletcher shot. The first shot of the last two burned my face and made me dodge. The second one struck the lamp post. Don’t know who fired them. Then I shot around the corner.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.
Suit in Justice Court before G. H. Buckman, a Justice of the Peace in Winfield. Plaintiff, Daniel D. Miller. Defendant, C. W. Massie. To be heard February 2, 1885. O. M. Seward and Dalton & Madden, Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 13, 1885.
Dan Miller was before Judge Turner August 5th, charged with using unbecoming language in “cussing” Hull Bixby. Dan fought long and strenuously, ably abetted by O. M. Seward; but O’Hare and Bixby got there, $19.25 worth. It was a little family difficulty.