James M. and Paul Miller
James M. and Paul Miller.
Winfield Courier, January 14, 1919.
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Miller of 1504 East Fifth Avenue, Winfield, were certainly made happy Tuesday when they received a letter from the American Red Cross National Head-quarters at Washington, D. C., informing them that their son, Private Paul Miller, of the Sixth Battalion, Marines, who was taken prisoner by the Germans in June 1918, had been released and at present is in a hospital in England.
The contents of the letter is as follows:
January 11, 1919
Dear Mr. Miller:
The Red Cross sends you its sincere congratulations on the safe return from a German prison camp of Private P. Miller. The news came to us in our last cable from London, saying he had arrived at Dover, England, from Cassel.
He is located in the hospital at Dartford and as there is no mention of wounds received, there is probably nothing serious the matter. We hope for your sake, and his, he will soon return to America. Sincerely yours,
W. R. Castle, Jr., Director Bureau of Communication.
Paul Miller enlisted in the marines in 1917 and sailed from Quantico, Va., early last March, landing in France on Easter Sunday, March 31. In July Mr. and Mrs. Miller received an official message that their son had been reported missing in action since June 12. Later through the efforts of the Red Cross they were advised that Paul was a prisoner in a German prison located at Cassel. They received several letters as well as postals from him during the time he was imprisoned and it is with great joy that they rejoice of his release from a war prison and know that he is being cared for as a United States soldier again.