Mrs. T. S. Pixley
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
We would call attention to the advertisement of Mrs. Pixley which appears today. She has a fine stock of millinery goods and knows how to please her customers, in styles, prices, and excellence of her work.
AD: Mrs. T. S. Pixley has just received a large stock of Millinery Goods, in her store, one door north of Johnston’s drug store, which she is selling at very reasonable rates. Trimmed Hats, from 75 cents upward. The public are invited to call and examine the stock.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
Mme. Roland has taken the stock and stand of Mrs. Pixley on Main street, east side, between Ninth and Tenth avenues, where she will serve the ladies of this city and vicinity with millinery and dressmaking. She is an artist in her business and profession, and comes to us highly recommended.
[Note: T. K. Johnston of Johnston’s drug store was Postmaster of Winfield at one time until he was replaced by James Kelly on Feb. 1, 1879. The post office was kept in the Johnston & Lockwood drug store. Lockwood later left.]