John W. Millspaugh


Vernon Township.
Vernon Township 1873. J. W. Millspaugh, 55; spouse, H. R., 49; also Ollie Millspaugh, 22.
Vernon Township 1874. J. W. Millspaugh, 56; spouse, H. R., 49.
Kansas 1875 Census, Vernon Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
John W. Millspaugh 57  m w New York Iowa
Harriet R. Millspaugh 52 f w Ohio Iowa
Audrey Millspaugh 19  m w Iowa Iowa
Rollie Millspaugh 16  m w Iowa Iowa
Union Millspaugh 14  m w Iowa Iowa
Lulu? Millspaugh 7 f w Iowa Iowa
Winfield Messenger, August 30, 1872.
Convention proceeded to ballot for the following officers.
Probate Judge: T. H. Johnson 52; J. W. Millspaugh 13; J. B. Parmelee 1.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 31, 1873.
No. 209. In case of Wood vs. Millspaugh, receiver in the case of Bliss vs. Blandin —Order—“That said Millspaugh appear before this Court on the morning of July 29th, and show cause why an attachment should not be issued against him for a violation of the injunction heretofore granted in this action.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 7, 1873.
C. M. Wood vs. J. W. Millspaugh, receiver: defendant required to give bond in the cost of $2,000 to obey the injunction.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 7, 1873.
Cowley County District Court, 13th Judicial District, State of Kansas.
Receiver’s Sale. Charles A. Bliss, Plaintiff, versus Joseph C. Blandin, Defendant. Case No. 207.

NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned, the receiver in said action, will, pursuant to the order of said court to him directed, on Monday, the 8th day of September, 1873, from 9 o’clock A.M., to six o’clock P.M. of said day, offer for sale at public auction, on the premises the following described real property, situated in said county to-wit: Those tracts or parcels of land and premises situated, lying and being in the township of Winfield, County of Cowley, and State of Kansas, and being in the north half (½) of the northeast quarter (¼) of section number twenty nine (29), township number thirty-two (32), south of range number four (4) east; and bounded as follows, to-wit: One lot beginning at a point in the east line of said north half (½) of said northeast quarter (¼) of said section number twenty-nine (29) distant sixteen (16) rods north from the south­east corner of said north half (½) of said quarter (¼) section and running thence north along said east line thirty-two (32) rods; thence west at right angles to said last mentioned line twenty-five (25) rods; thence south at right angles thirty-two (32) rods; thence east at right angles twenty-five (25) rods by place of beginning containing five (5) acres.
Another of said lots or pieces of land bounded as follows: Beginning at a point in the south line of said north half (½) of said section number twenty-nine (29) distant twenty (20) rods west of the southeast corner of said north half of said section number twenty-nine (29) running thence north parallel to the east line of said section number twenty-nine (29) sixteen (16) rods; thence west at right angles five (5) rods; thence north at right angles to the center of the Walnut river; thence down said river along its center to where the same intersects the south line of said north half (½) of said section number twenty-nine (29); thence east along said south line to the place of begin­ning. Containing five (5) acres more or less.
Said property to be appraised by three disinterested house­holders of said county, and sold for not less than two thirds its appraised value upon the following terms: One-third cash in hand; one-third in six months, and one-third in twelve months from the date of sale.
The deferred payments to be secured by notes bearing inter­est at twelve percent, per annum, after maturity, with at least two sufficient sureties and by mortgage on the premises. The purchaser to receive deed and possession upon complying with the above terms.
Said property being a grist and flouring mill and mill property and water privilege belonging to the parties above named.
Witness my hand at Winfield, Kansas, this 6th day of August 1873.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 23, 1873.
John W. Millspaugh, Co. B, 19th Ohio Inf.
The following were elected to hold the respective offices until the next meeting.
C. M. WOOD, President; Wm. H. H. McARTHUR, 1st Vice President; A. D. KEITH, 2nd Vice President; BEN F. HARROD, 3rd Vice President; JAMES KELLY, Secretary; T. A. BLANCHARD, Assistant Secretary; Dr. W. Q. MANSFIELD, Treasurer; J. W. MILLSPAUGH, Color bearer.
Mr. Wood, on assuming the chair, made a few brief appropri­ate remarks.
The following were appointed a committee to make arrange­ments for the next meeting.
A. A. Jackson, L. J. Webb, J. P. Short, E. S. Torrance, and James Kelly.
A committee to draft constitution and by-laws to be submit­ted at the next meeting was appointed as follows: Col. E. C. Manning, Capt. H. S. Barker, A. D. Keith, John W. Millspaugh, and Capt. Wm. H. H. McArthur.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 30, 1873.
Proceedings of the Cowley County District Court, to Oct. 29th, 1873, the Following Causes having Been Disposed of.
C. M. Wood vs. John W. Millspaugh, C. A. Bliss given leave to become a party defendant, and cause continued. JAMES KELLY, Clerk.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1874.
Minutes of the Teachers’ Association, Held at Winfield, Friday, Feb. 27th, 1874.
The Teachers’ Association of Cowley County, Kansas, met in the council room of the Courthouse, according to published arrangement, Supt. Wilkinson presiding.

Parents and friends visiting schools was well discussed, and it would have been well if parents generally could have listened to what the teachers said upon that subject. It was said, and on good grounds, that if parents would visit the schools more frequently that there would be less fault found with teachers.
The question was then asked if it were right for teachers to offer an inducement in the way of a literary exercise once a week to induce parents to visit the school? Miss Millspaugh taking the side that it was wrong, that parents who took so little interest in the schools that they had to be coaxed there by a treat of something outside of the every day exercises, that there ought not to be any trouble taken by the teacher to induce them to come.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.
Vernon Township appears to stand a fair show of being depopulated of its young men for this winter. Last week the Slemmons brothers, Frank Millspaugh, and young Martin started for Iowa, where they expect to spend the winter. In a week or two the Carter brothers expect to go to Illinois to reside this winter.
Winfield Courier, February 4, 1875.
A report was given relative to pupils attending grammar and intermediate departments of Winfield schools by W. C. Robinson. “The efficiency of our schools is much hindered by tardiness and irregular attendance. Parents will oblige us by aiding in overcoming this difficulty.” Students in different departments were listed.
Grammar Department. Rolly Millspaugh.
Winfield Courier, March 11, 1875.
The Public Schools give an exhibition at the Courthouse Friday evening, the 12th of March. One of the participants: Raleigh Millspaugh.
Winfield Courier, September 23, 1875.
Dr. F. H. Bull, son-in-law of J. W. Millspaugh, is down visiting relatives in this neighborhood. The boys set him to threshing wheat, just for a change. If the Doctor handles dental instruments as well as he does a pitch-fork, at the tail-end of a threshing machine, he will do.
Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.
Committee on Invitation: D. A. Millington, L. C. Harter, J. B. Lynn, C. A. Bliss, J. P. McMillen, H. S. Silver, A. H. Green, S. S. Majors, C. M. Scott, T. B. McIntire, R. C. Haywood, J. L. Abbott, John Blevins, T. R. Bryan, H. C. McDorman, Mc. D. Stapleton, S. M. Fall, J. Stalter, Wm. White, S. S. Moore, Jno. McGuire, H. P. Heath, J. O. Van Orsdal, G. B. Green, W. B. Skinner, J. W. Millspaugh.
Winfield Courier, August 3, 1876.
MR. J. W. MILLSPAUGH, one of the hard working, thinking farmers of Vernon, came in Saturday and gave us his news on “the situation.” Of course, he’s for Hayes and Wheeler.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1876.
The following is a list of the delegates to the republican county convention, from the nine townships heard from.
Vernon: J. S. Wooley, Fred Schwantes, and J. W. Millspaugh.

Winfield Courier, August 10, 1876.
VERNON TOWNSHIP, Aug. 8th, 1876. Pursuant to notice over forty Republicans of Vernon met in caucus at the Vernon schoolhouse today and elected J. S. Wooley chairman and J. B. Evans secretary. Enthusiastic speeches were made by Messrs. Millspaugh, Ware, Evans, Hopkins, Woolley, Schwantes, and others. The caucus then proceeded to elect delegates to the County Convention, resulting as follows: Messrs. J. W. Millspaugh, J. S. Wooley, and F. W. Schwantes; after which the following resolution was unanimously adopted. Resolved, That our delegates are instructed to vote for and use all honorable means to secure the nomination, at the Senato­rial Convention, of the Hon. Edwin C. Manning for State Senator; also to cast their votes for delegates to the Judicial Convention who will support the Hon. W. P. Campbell for District Judge.
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876. Editorial Page.
The Republican county convention convened at the Courthouse, in Winfield, on Saturday, August 12th, at 1 o’clock p.m., and was called to order by A. B. Lemmon, chairman of the Republican county central committee. R. C. Story was elected temporary chairman and James Kelly secretary. A committee on credentials was appointed, consisting of Messrs. E. S. Torrance, J. W. Tull, A. B. Odell, T. R. Bryan, and S. M. Jarvis. The committee reported the following persons as having been duly elected as delegates and alternates to the convention.
Vernon: Delegates, J. S. Wooley, J. Millspaugh, and F. W. Schwantes.
On motion the following named persons were selected, by acclamation, as delegates to the 3rd District Congressional convention: L. J. Webb, R. L. Walker, J. B. Evans, M. G. Troup, and E. C. Manning; and the following named as alternates: L. Lippman, J. W. Millspaugh, S. S. Moore, T. W. Moore, and A. B. Lemmon.
Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.
J. W. Millspaugh, Esq., of Vernon, collected quite a sub­scription from our citizens as a donation to Mr. James McClure, who lost his team and money in Cedar Creek last week.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1876. Editorial Page.
Township Officers. Vernon Township: E. D. Skinner, Trustee; F. Warden, Clerk; C. M. Hopkins, Treasurer; J. W. Millspaugh, J. P.; J. N. Carter and G. T. Stone, Constables.
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1877.
Election Fees: J. W. Millspaugh, $2.00.
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1877.
Township Officers Elected. Vernon—E. D. Skinner, Trustee; D. M. Hopkins, Treasurer; F. H. Werden, Clerk; J. W. Millspaugh, P. M. Waite, Justices; R. McClung, Constable.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878. Front Page.
J. W. Millspaugh is feeding a fine lot of steers this winter.
[Note: A. T. Shenneman and Frank Millspaugh were partners for a time in a livery stable in Winfield. I could not determine whether or not “Frank” was related to John W. Millspaugh. MAW]
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.

A union Sabbath school has been organized at Vernon Center schoolhouse: J. W. Millspaugh, superintendent; S. P. Case, assistant superintendent. Meet every Sabbath at 10 a.m. Visitors cordially invited.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
Permanent Organization Agricultural Society. Pursuant to a call heretofore issued, a large assembly of representative men from different portions of Cowley County congregated at the courthouse in Winfield at 2 p.m., Saturday. S. M. Fall, of Windsor, was chosen temporary chairman of the meeting and W. M. Allison, of Winfield, was chosen temporary secretary.
The chairman having requested that some gentleman should state the object of the  meeting, Col. J. J. Alexander responded with impressive and well considered remarks. The scope and design of the organization was further discussed by Messrs. J. B. Callison, W. B. Nauman, P. M. Wait, E. E. Bacon, and Solomon Wise, and words of encouragement came from each. On motion the chairman appointed the following committee on permanent organization: E. P. Kinne, A. Walck, Chas. McClung, S. Phenix, A. A. Wiley, and E. E. Bacon.
The committee having retired for duty, Capt. S. W. Greer, having been called upon, spoke warmly and interestingly in favor of the permanent organization of a Cowley County Agricultural Society. The roll of townships was also called to ascertain how large a representation from the county was present. Richland, Maple, Ninnescah, Vernon, Tisdale, Silver Creek, Windsor, Sheridan, Liberty, Pleasant Valley, Beaver, Silverdale, Spring Creek, Cedar, and Winfield responded. The committee on permanent organization having completed their labors reported as follows, which report was unanimously adopted.
President: J. W. Millspaugh; Vice President: S. M. Fall; Secretary: E. E. Bacon; Assistant Secretary: W. H. Grow; Corresponding Secretary: S. W. Greer; Treasurer: J. M. Alexander.
Executive Committee: E. P. Kinne, A. A. Wiley, R. F. Burden, Ed. Green, Dr. A. S. Capper, O. P. Darst, E. C. Manning.
Col. Alexander, Mr. Manning, and Mr. Millspaugh each asked to be excused from service in the organization; but the audience would accept no declinations.
Upon discussion it developed that the most satisfactory plan upon which to base the society was to incorporate it under the state law and issue shares of stock. On motion, after discussion, the shares will be 2,000 in number at five dollars each. The executive committee will meet at the courthouse next Thursday, at 1 p.m., to perfect the organization.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
Walnut Valley Fair Association.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, June 24, 1878.
Board met pursuant to adjournment at the office of Col. J. M. Alexander. Present: J. W. Millspaugh, President; Col. Alexander, Treasurer; E. E. Bacon, Secretary; and Messrs. E. P. Kinne and E. C. Manning, Directors.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
District Court. Met Monday morning, August 26th, 1878.

The following are the names of jurors drawn for this court: Levi Fluke, O. P. West, Thos. Parvin, S. D. Klingman, J. E. Cox, Sampson Johnson, A. B. Gardner, H. S. Libby, I. B. Todd, Michael Bush, H. J. Donley, T. A. Chapin, T. B. Myers, Dennis Cunningham, J. I. Mitchell, Devine Terrill, Daniel Hawkins, G. W. Yount, W. T. Beasley, J. W. Browning, Rudolph Hoffmaster, D. M. Patton, J. P. Short, J. W. Millspaugh.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
J. W. Millspaugh. Citizens of Vernon Township request us to say that they will present this name to the Republican convention next Saturday as a candidate for the office of County Commissioner of the first district and claim that as that township asks nothing else their candidate should be favorably considered.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878. Editorial Page.
Republican County Ticket. For Probate Judge, J. W. Millspaugh.
J. W. Millspaugh is our candidate for Probate Judge. He received 40 votes and the nomination on the first ballot. Mr. Millspaugh is a quiet man who never sought an office in his life and would never hold one unless that office should seek him and find him as this office evidently has.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878. Editorial Page.
The Republican candidates for county offices are in the field and now it is in order for such Democrats and nationalists as are used to making and throwing mud to commence the game. We would suggest the most effective mud to throw at Millspaugh is to charge him with drunkenness, robbing hen roosts, and being a bloated bond-holder.
Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878.
Farmers and Laboring Men. Do not fail to vote for farmers and laboring men when you have such candidates who are honest, faithful, and efficient. Such are G. L. Gale, J. W. Millspaugh, A. A. Wiley, and E. C. Manning and such Troup, Gans, and Leonard are not. Surely enough professional men get into office at best.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 6, 1878.
In Cresswell Township the Republican State ticket received 155 votes, except Ryan, who had 164. The county ticket: Wiley, 101; Story, 161; Torrance, 135; Millspaugh, 127; Bedilion, 163. The Democratic ticket received an average of 65 votes. The Greenback ticket received 24 votes.
Winfield Courier, November 7, 1878. Editorial Page.
Returns have not come in as was expected and as we go to press we are only able to announce the vote of this county. Manning is elected by 108 majority over the fusion candidate, and the whole Republican ticket, with the exception of Millspaugh, and possibly Wiley, are elected over the fusion nominees by good majorities.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
The people of Vernon had an old settler’s meeting at the residence of J. W. Millspaugh Saturday evening. The evening was spent very pleasantly in rehearsing their pioneer life, in which they all agreed that there was a satisfaction in the settlement of a new country not known further east. The meeting was brought to a close by passing around the good things provided by the ladies.
Winfield Courier, April 1, 1880.
J. W. Millspaugh has been improving the outer appearance of his residence with a coat of paint.

Winfield Courier, April 1, 1880.
The temperance convention met in Manning’s Hall last Friday. R. C. Story was elected president; A. Limerick and J. E. Platter, vice presidents; J. S. Allen, secretary. A committee on Plan of Operations was appointed, and reported in favor of a Campaign Committee of seven members, who should superintend the canvass of the county for the prohibition amendment. The following gentle­men were appointed as such committee: James McDermott, chairman; R. C. Story, secretary; H. S. Silver, treasurer; J. W. Millspaugh, W. D. Mowry, S. S. Holloway, and J. S. Allen. Saturday afternoon and evening the Opera House was crowded to its utmost capacity to listen to speeches from Gov. St. John. In the evening it was almost impossible to get standing room and the enthusiasm was immense. The Governor’s speech was a sound, logical, and eloquent appeal for sobriety, and law and order. The results of this convention have been highly satisfactory to the temperance workers, and the interest manifested shows that Cowley is awake to the importance of the amendment, and will roll up a large majority for it in November.
Winfield Courier, April 22, 1880.
Fifty-six signatures were obtained in Vernon township, Monday night, to the prohibition pledge. The meeting at the Vernon schoolhouse was well attended, Capt. McDermott, Superin­tendent Story, and Mr. Millspaugh speaking on the temperance issues. A strong resolution was passed by the meeting. Said resolution calls on candidates for office to clearly and posi­tively define their position on the amendment question. The workers in Vernon are thoroughly organizing and are determined on thorough work.
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.
J. W. Millspaugh brings us a sprig of young peaches. They are half an inch long and of an early budded variety. He says the prospect in his neighborhood is promising not only for peaches but for wheat.
Winfield Courier, May 6, 1880.
Mr. A. E. Millspaugh, from Burlington, Iowa, has opened a law office here. He is a son of our highly respected citizen, Mr. J. W. Millspaugh, is a young man of talent, education, and good, sound common sense, and has obtained considerable renown in his profession. We are always glad to welcome such as Mr. Millspaugh to Winfield.
Unknown: Status of Frank Millspaugh, of Vernon, to J. W. Millspaugh.
Winfield Courier, May 20, 1880.
Just as we go to press, we learn  of the marriage of Mr. Frank Millspaugh, of Vernon, to Miss Delphine Corson, Tuesday evening. The ceremony was performed at the residence of W. L. Holmes, by Rev. P. B. Lee, many friends of the families being present. We heartily congratulate Frank on his new departure, and assure the happy couple that they start out with the best wishes of the COURIER for their success.
Unknown: Status of Mollie Millspaugh Ripley to John W. Millspaugh.
Winfield Courier, May 27, 1880.

Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Ripley are visiting in the city. Many will remember Mrs. Ripley as Miss Mollie Millspaugh, who figured in Winfield society several years ago.
Winfield Courier, September 23, 1880.
Mr. A. E. Millspaugh is recovering rapidly. He was able to sit up Tuesday.
Winfield Courier, September 30, 1880.
Died on Sunday, September 26th, at the residence of his father in Vernon township, Mr. A. E. Millspaugh. This was not only a sad blow to his friends, but an irrepa­rable loss to the community. He was a rising young man, bright, active, and possessed of abilities which in time would have brought him fame and fortune. We sincerely mourn the loss of such a man, especially at this time, when our State needs men of courage and moral stamina to battle for the right, and against the social vices which are dragging down the people. He leaves a wife and family, and a multitude of friends who mourn with them his early death.
Winfield Courier, September 30, 1880.
The remains of Mr. A. E. Millspaugh were laid to rest in the Vernon cemetery Monday afternoon. His Sabbath school class of young ladies attended the funeral in a body. The funeral was one of the largest ever held in the county.
Note: Lt. Shelby mentioned in next item was a brother-in-law of J. W. Millspaugh. Interesting account re Judge Chisholm vs. K. K. K.
Winfield Courier, September 30, 1880.
We received a very pleasant call from Lieutenant Shelby, of the 16th U. S. Infantry, Tuesday afternoon. He is a brother-in-law of J. W. Millspaugh, and is on a visit to the family. Lieutenant Shelby was stationed with his command in Alabama and Louisiana for ten years past, and relates from personal observa­tion many interesting facts regarding Southern outrages and election frauds. He was well acquainted with Judge Chisholm, and while the Judge was a Democratic sheriff in the county in which he was afterwards murdered for joining the Republicans, assisted him in breaking up the Ku-Klux organizations infesting the county. This Lieutenant is a polished gentleman, and one whom it is a pleasure to meet.
Winfield Courier, October 7, 1880.
Albert Edwin Millspaugh was the son of J. W. and Harriet Millspaugh, and was born in Clermont County, Ohio, April 7, 1840. His youth was mostly spent in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. He pursued a complete course of study in the Academy and a partial course in the Wesleyan College in that town. He taught in Burlington, Iowa, for over four years, occupying the position of principal of one of the public schools. After being compelled to relinquish that position on account of ill health, he traveled two years. At the end of this time he completed his study of the law, which he had been privately pursuing for some years previ­ous. About four years ago he entered upon the practice of his profession as a lawyer in Burlington, Iowa. A few months ago he removed to Winfield and began the practice of law. Before he was fairly settled in his new home he was taken suddenly ill, and after a few week’s sickness, died at his father’s residence in Vernon township. He was married to Miss Irene Shelby in August, 1868. He leaves a widow and four children, the oldest eleven years of age.

The outlines of the life so briefly sketched above give no true conception of what the man really was in his life and character. How he acted in the various relations of life into which he was brought, can only be known or appreciated by those who knew what he was in his everyday life. The testimony of those who knew him best, not only his own family, but his acquaintances and friends, could be summed up perhaps in this sentence: “He was faithful and honest in all the duties and obligations which rested on him as a man, and wherever his life touched on the lives of others, he was the bearer of light, gladness, and helpfulness to them.”
When his father went to the war against the Rebellion, as the oldest son, the care of the family largely devolved upon him, and with a faithfulness not to be expected of one of his years, he discharged this trust. This circumstance developed in him an affectionate regard for his mother and an interest in all the other members of the family, which made him to them the model son and brother. His natural abilities were of a very high order, and his legal and literary attainments were solid and ample. . . .
Soon after he came to Winfield, he took charge of a class of the larger girls in the Presbyterian Sunday school, and although he had charge of it only a few months and was hindered in this work by poor health, and the many cares incident to settling his family in their new home, he made his influence so felt in the school, and especially in his class, that when his death was announced, all seemed to realize that this event had robbed them of a near friend.
At his funeral his class attended in a body, and each member cast into his grave, as a tribute of affection, a bouquet of flowers.
A large delegation of the bar, of which he was a member, attended his funeral, as well as a great number of personal friends from Winfield and surrounding country. J. E. P.
[The friends of Mr. Millspaugh have received from the Phoenix Lodge No. 142, A. O. U. W., of Burlington, Iowa, a letter and resolutions expressing the deepest sympathy with the friends of the deceased and the highest respect for his character and talent. ED.]
Winfield Courier, February 3, 1881.
J. W. Millspaugh came in on Monday to see what more could be done to secure the success of the stock election. He is also anxious about the success of efficient temperance legislation at Topeka.
Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.
February 4th we accepted an invitation to dine with other friends at the residence of Rev. P. B. Lee, in Vernon Township. The company consisted of Mr. and Mrs. Millspaugh, Mr. and Mrs. Case, and daughter, Carrie, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Evans and two children, and Mr. Frank Case and family.
Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.
Correspondent names those who attended the Vernon Library Association benefit meeting held on February 16, 1881, at Vernon: E. Martin. A. J. Werden, D. Hawkins, V. Harlan, Charlie Martin, Mrs. Hawkins, Miss Lena Wellman, and Miss Emma Martin, Mr. Millspaugh, Miss Mertie Page.

Winfield Courier, July 28, 1881.
A large number of the Soldiers met in the Hall Saturday afternoon to consider the ways and means of organization. Mr. C. M. Wood was chosen President and Jacob Nixon, secretary. The following motion was offered, and prevailed: “That townships and wards hold local meetings the 13th of August, and a committee meeting at the opera house August 10th at 10 o’clock a.m., to perfect arrangements for the ‘Old Soldier Reunion to be held October 7th and 8th.’” It was then moved and carried that a committee of one from each township be appointed to make all necessary arrangements in the townships and wards. The following persons were appointed as said committee.
J. W. Millspaugh of Vernon Township was one of those appointed.
On motion of comrade T. A. Blanchard, the committee from townships be requested to report at the county meeting, August 20th, the name, company, regiment or battery, rank of each old soldier in their respective township and ward, was approved with amendment that the Secretary prepare and furnish each with a blank roll.
Winfield Courier, August 18, 1881.
CATTLE SALE. Aug. 30th, 60 head of cattle and 125 head of hogs at public sale on the farm of J. W. Millspaugh, 5 miles northwest, on Oxford road.
Winfield Courier, August 25, 1881.
The meeting at Manning’s hall on Saturday, August 20th, was well attended by the old soldiers. Capt. Haight with a section of his battery, put in a number of shots that sounded like old times to the boys. Messrs. Pixley, Requa, Woodruff, Roseberry, and others furnished old time martial music. At 11 a.m., the meeting was called to order with C. M. Wood in the chair, and Jake Nixon, secretary.
On motion a committee of seven was appointed as a permanent organization consisting of comrades Wells, Steuven, Stubblefield, Nixon, Waugh, Kretsinger, and Jennings. After some interesting remarks on the part of Capt. Stubblefield, J. W. Millspaugh, H. D. Catlin, and S. M. Jennings, the meeting adjourned until 2 p.m.
Winfield Courier, October 6, 1881.
At a meeting of the soldiers of Vernon township, held Oct. 4, Mr. P. M. Wait in the chair, on motion A. Beswick was selected Sec. pro tem. The question of organizing a company being canvassed on motion of Mr. Millspaugh, it was moved and seconded that we organize as a company for the purpose of attending the Soldiers’ Reunion at Winfield. Mr. J. W. Millspaugh nominated on motion of Mr. Bonnewell. Declined and Mr. Wait nominated. Carried. Mr. B. J. Bonnewell, First Lieut. Carried. Mr. B. J. Bonnewell, First Lieut. Carried. Mr. J. M. Householder Second Lieut. Carried. Mr. Thomas Thompson act as Orderly Sergeant. Carried. Mr. G. J. D. Cole to act as Color Bearer. Carried. On motion it was agreed that we meet for drill Friday evening. A. BESWICK, Sec’y.
Winfield Courier, October 20, 1881.
Cowley County Courant, March 2, 1882.

Mrs. Millspaugh, wife of the Mr. Millspaugh who died here about a year ago, is in the city stopping at the residence of Mrs. C. A. Bliss. She will return with the remains of her husband.
Unknown if the “W. Millspaugh” referred to in the following was J. W. Millspaugh. It seems that Mr. J. W. Millspaugh had ten children. It is not known if he also had any brothers or sisters living in Vernon township.
Winfield Courier, January 5, 1882. Editorial.

Valley View. Last Thursday evening, in company with County Attorney Jennings, we attended an entertainment given by the Sabbath school at Valley View Schoolhouse in Vernon Township. Mr. Jennings was invited to deliver an address, and we went along as a kind of an “amanuensis” to do the editing. The drive out through the bright moonlight with the crisp, cool air blowing in our faces was delightful. Arriving at the schoolhouse, we found it crowded with the best and happiest lot of people it has ever been our good fortune to meet. We have often heard of the generous hospitality of the folks up there, but are now ready to affirm that the half of it has never been told. Everybody seemed to have brought enough for themselves and five others, and as Jennings and I were the only ones who had not brought anything, the prospects for a bountiful feast were most flattering. There was pound cake and ten-pound cake embellished with frosting and confectionery, chickens and turkeys, fried and roasted, in about the ratio of one chicken and half a turkey for every person present, and pies and other edibles enough to have fed St. John’s battery. The exercises were opened with an organ solo, “St. Paul’s March,” by Miss E. Martin, followed by a song, “Young Pilgrims, by the school. Master Robert Craig declaimed “Our Country’s Flag,” and rendered it nicely for such a little boy. Master Lee Snyder recited “Mother Eve,” a beautiful selection, in a very creditable manner. Pearl Martin told about “Dropping Corn,” and drew from it many moral and social precepts that we would all be better by following. Next came a song, “Holy Trinity,” by the school, and then Miss Emma Martin read “A Noble Revenge,” and sang a beautiful and touching piece, “Home is Sad Without a Mother,” in a way that brought tears to the eyes of many. The sentiment contained in this song is very fine and was admirably brought out by Miss Martin. After the song T. A. Blanchard, master of ceremonies, introduced Mr. Jennings, who delivered a ten minute address. Just when we were beginning to console ourself with the idea that Jennings was about through and we would soon be able to assist in the destruction of the fowl and cake so temptingly displayed, he made the startling announcement that he did not intend to make a speech, but that “his friend, Mr. Greer, was fully prepared and he felt sure would do justice to the occasion.” In about a minute we discovered that we were being “led like a lamb to the slaughter,” and when Tom Blanchard got up with a smile all over his face and announced that “they would now listen to an address by the Hon., etc.” we felt that Mother Shipton’s prophecy couldn’t be fulfilled any too soon. We spoke—and we’ll give $2.50 for a comprehensive report of the speech. The tempting visions of fried chicken and frosted cake vanished away into thin air and our oratorical powers went with them. The audience discovered this at the same time we did, and we sat down amid impressive silence. We have charged Tom Blanchard and Frank Jennings with this conspiracy and some day we’ll get a chance to get even. Elder Snyder then delivered a short address, congratulating the Sunday school on its success and cheering them up to renewed work and greater exertion. Mr. Snyder is putting his whole soul into the work and is meeting with abundant success. Messrs. Geo. Conner, C. F. Martin, and W. Millspaugh sang a laughable piece entitled “All the World’s a Barber Shop,” the last verse of which told about lawyers shaving their clients and giving them “the meanest shave of all.” It was our laugh then. The feature of the evening, of course, was the supper and the kind ladies who served the plates filled them up till each one looked like the apex of Pikes Peak. It was an absolute shame the way Jennings ate, and were it not that his voracity on that occasion is likely to reflect upon the fair name and fame of our city, we would let it go unnoticed. The fact is he thought he was expected to eat all that was set before him, but if anybody should tell us that “the wish was father to the thought,” we wouldn’t try to refute it. After supper an hour was spent in greeting friends and just as we were about to depart, the house was called to order and the chairman, in behalf of the Sunday school, presented Mr. Jennings and the writer with two beautiful cakes. To say we were surprised would not express it. In behalf of Mr. Jennings and on our own account, we wish to extend to the school our hearty thanks for this kind token of their esteem. The generous, home-like hospitality of the people; the kindnesses showered upon us from every side; the many new acquaintances formed and old ones renewed; all tend toward making this one of the pleasantest evenings we have ever spent.
Winfield Courier, January 19, 1882.
Horticultural Society. The Society met in regular session, called in order by the President. S. E. Burger elected Secretary pro tem. Society proceeded to elect officers for coming year as follows. President: J. F. Martin; Vice President: A. R. Gillett; Secretary and Librarian: Jacob Nixon; Treasurer: Geo. W. Robertson; Trustees: J. W. Millspaugh, J. O. Taylor, S. E. Burger; Committee on Orchard: A. R. Gillett.
  J. F. MARTIN, President. S. E. BURGER, Secretary Pro tem.
Winfield Courier, February 9, 1882.
EDS. COURIER: In the quiet and peaceful community of Vernon, there seems to be but few happenings worthy of record. Our citizens are of a sociable, home-loving class, therefore frequently pursue happiness in social gatherings, of which there have been a goodly number of late. During and since the holidays the young people have held sway at the residences of D. Hopkins, Charles McClung, John Dunn, Wm. Martin, and John Millspaugh. On last Tuesday eve a number of the young people enjoyed cake and oysters at M. L. Martin’s, at which place a certain young man was heard bemoaning the fact that so many of Vernon’s maidens were departing the state of single blessedness. The cussedness of the feature being the uncertainty of securing fair partners for festal occasions. The occasion of the foregoing remarks was the recent demise of the two Miss Wards, which caused us to recall an incident of the grasshopper year, when we went out to see what the turnips were doing and found a hopper on every clod waiting for the turnips to come up. In Vernon there are two or three clod-hoppers waiting for each maiden as she arrives at the stature of womanhood.
Winfield Courier, February 16, 1882.

EDS. COURIER: The next question is settled. At the Valley View lyceum on Thursday evening, the great question “Does Prohibition prohibit?” was thoroughly analyzed in all its bearings. The principal disputants were Mr. J. W. Millspaugh for the affirmative, who made an eloquent address, interspersed with some close reasoning and almost convincing arguments, but it was not until Mr. Blanchard took the stand that the fun actually commenced. He with his characteristic eloquence and convincing logic fairly made the affirmative gentlemen quake: The negative took the position that all laws were prohibitory but none prohibit; that the Lord even could not make such a law without depriving man of his free agency; that the only way to positively prohibit an act was to deprive a man of his liberty, or as expressed, catch and tie him. The jury unanimously decided for the negative without leaving their box. GREEN BRIAR.
Winfield Courier, February 16, 1882.
The Horticultural Society met at Winfield, February 4, at 2 o’clock p.m., President Martin in the chair. President Martin stated that at the State Growers’ Association, the Association recommended planting apple by themselves, but to plant closer together.
Mr. Millspaugh: Early June does well. When cultivated, did not bear. Have stopped cultivating and let the ground get hard, when trees fruit well.
Peach List. Millspaugh: Experimented with half of his orchard mulched, half not. The mulched portion did far the best, peaches ripened a week later but were of far finer quality; well paid for trouble of mulching.
Winfield Courier, March 9, 1882.
Mrs. Ed. Millspaugh, whose husband died here some time ago, is visiting relatives in this county. Her home is at Burlington, Iowa.
Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.
The remains of Mr. Ed. Millspaugh were taken up Tuesday for removal to his old home in Burlington, Iowa. They were accompanied by his widow.
Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.
Some of our farmers sell out in haste to buy back hastier; for instance, H. C. Hawkins. One week ago this eve quite a number of his friends thought to spend an evening with him to bid him farewell. But the surprisers were surprised at the house being vacant, and all repaired to the residence of J. W. Millspaugh where a pleasant evening was enjoyed socially. Tonight we give H. C. Hawkins a grand charivari. We think he deserves a regular pan rattling. If anything of note happens, will post script it.
Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.
Mrs. Ed. Millspaugh left last Tuesday for Burlington, Iowa, with the remains of her husband. Mrs. F. H. Bull accompanied her.
Cowley County Courant, April 20, 1882.

Pursuant to call, a number of gentlemen interested in the organization of a Cowley County Agricultural Society met at the Courthouse Saturday, April 15th, 1882, and were called to order by T. A. Blanchard. Thereupon, J. W. Millspaugh, of Vernon town­ship, was elected Chairman and T. A. Blanchard, Secretary. F. H. Graham stated that the object of the meeting was to organize for the purpose of holding a county fair this fall. On motion of J. B. Jennings, the meeting unanimously resolved to hold a fair, and a committee of six gentlemen, consisting of J. C. Roberts, W. P. Hackney, W. J. Hodges, J. W. Millspaugh, J. L. Horning, and W. A. Tipton, was appointed to draft articles of incorpora­tion and report at the next meeting. The meeting then adjourned to meet on Saturday, April 22nd, 1882, at 2 o’clock, at which time all feeling an interest in the fair are requested to attend. All Cowley County papers requested to copy.
Cowley County Courant, April 27, 1882.
The Fair Association held their second meeting at the courthouse Saturday afternoon, and the meeting was called to order by the president, J. W. Millspaugh. The committee appointed on permanent organization made their report, which embraced a carefully prepared constitution and by-laws, and the following officers were then elected: President. W. A. Tipton; Vice President, H. Harbaugh; Secretary, T. A. Blanchard; Treasurer, J. W. Millspaugh. The meeting adjourned to meet again, according to the minutes, “at two o’clock in two weeks,” which means of course, Saturday, May 6th, 1882, at two o’clock P.M.
Al. Millspaugh was a son of J. W. Millspaugh...
Winfield Courier, April 27, 1882.
Al. Millspaugh, one of the youngest members of the bar, appeared at court Wednesday morning.
J. F. (Frank) Millspaugh and “Ott” Millspaugh were sons of J. W. Millspaugh. Frank Millspaugh for a short time was a partner of A. T. Shenneman in a livery stable.
Winfield Courier, May 4, 1882.
Mr. J. F. Millspaugh returned from Fort Scott last week and will hereafter make Winfield his home. He expects Ott over as soon as he can dispose of his property there. Frank says Fort Scott is a pretty good town, but that the water is awful bad. The average Bourbon countyite doesn’t mind the water, but it’s a serious question with a Cowley County man.
Winfield Courier, May 4, 1882.
The officers elected for the Fair Association are W. A. Tipton, president; T. A. Blanchard, secretary; J. W. Millspaugh, Treasurer. The Directors are J. C. Roberts, J. J. Johnson, H. B. Pratt, P. M. Waite, W. A. Tipton, Chas. Schiffbauer, S. Phoenix, H. Harbaugh, W. J. Hodges.
Cowley County Courant, May 11, 1882.
The board of directors of the Agricultural and Horticultural society met at the Courier office, in Winfield, May 6th, 1882, at two o’clock P. M. Present: J. C. Roberts, R. B. Pratt, P. M. Waite, W. A. Tipton, W. J. Hodges, S. W. Phoenix, and J. W. Millspaugh.
The following officers were elected for the ensuing term: W. A. Tipton, President; Henry Harbaugh, Vice President; T. A. Blanchard, Secretary; J. W. Millspaugh, Treasurer; W. J. Hodges, Superintendent.
The Treasurer was required to enter into a bond of $2,000 and to have the same ready for approval at the next meeting. The following committees were appointed.
Finance: W. J. Hodges, J. C. Roberts, James Vance, J. L. Horning, James Schofield.
Printing: T. A. Blanchard, E. P. Greer, W. A. Tipton.
Grounds: W. J. Hodges, J. C. Roberts, J. W. Millspaugh.
Bylaws: W. A. Tipton, F. S. Jennings, Henry Asp.
Committee on grounds were directed to meet May 8th, 1882.
Committee on premium list, the board.

The secretary was directed to procure a rubber stamp seal bearing the legend, “Cowley County Agricultural and Horticultural Society Seal.”
The Secretary was directed to publish the proceedings in all the county papers.
Adjourned to meet May 20th, 1882. T. A. BLANCHARD, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, May 11, 1882.
The Disciples or Christian and Baptist have organized and are conducting a union Sunday school very successfully at Vernon Center schoolhouse, and in the language of Mr. Millspaugh, “If the Bible is taught in its simplicity, christians will be the harvest reward.”
Winfield Courier, May 18, 1882.
Mr. J. W. Millspaugh was in the city Tuesday.
L. A. Millspaugh mentioned in the following as well as J. W. Millspaugh. Could be that “L. A. Millspaugh” is another son of J. W. Millspaugh. MAW
Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.
VERNON. EDS. COURIER. Upon visiting our neighbor Hiram Hopkins, we found him with one leg broken twice, the other broken once, and one of his arms twice. The accident occurred in a grist mill, about ten miles north of Winfield and the Walnut River. His coat tail was caught by a shaft. Seeing the condition he was in, we felt it a duty as well as a pleasure to contribute to his wants. So we started with two papers. L. A. Millspaugh canvassed the south half of Vernon Township and H. H. Hawkins the north half. We give the names with the amount opposite.
J. W. Millspaugh: $3.00; L. A. Millspaugh: $1.00; J. B. Rithrock: $.50; P. M. Waite: $3.00; W. L. Holmes: $2.00; J. McMahon: $1.50; W. G. Carson: $1.00; A. J. Werden: $.50;
J. W. Tyree: $1.00; C. A. McClung: $1.00; A. W. Calven: $1.00; M. L. Martin: $.40; E. Martin: $2.50
Henry and D. G. Hawkins: $5.00; J. B. Corson: $5.00; D. S. Beedle: $2.00; Wm. Fowler: $2.00; T. Thompson: $2.00; Mrs. J. T. Martin: $.50; Geo. Wilson: $5.00; J. W. Prewitt: $1.00; Geo. Killaugh: $1.00; B. B. Daughter: $2.00; O. C. Skinner: $.75; A. S. Beaman: $1.00; Wm. Mock: $1.00; S. P. Case: $.50; D. S. Hanninger: $.25; E. C. Martin: $3.20; W. M. Jackson: $1.00; E. M. Jackson: $1.00; H. O. Wooley: $1.00; M. Nixon: $.50; J. R. Dunn: $5.00; M. L. Clark: $.50; Isaac Wood: $1.00; H. Hahn: $.45; H. C. Hawkins: $5.00; P. B. Lee: $1.00; J. T. Carter: $.50.
Mr. J. Jackson received $15.00 from Winfield, all making $80.30 which was delivered to said Hiram Hopkins. We wish to state in calling on our kind neighbors that some gave all the change they had with them, while others had none; but their will was good. We send you the above report, once more asking for a little space in your paper, so that our generous hearted people who gave so freely may know that the above amount was delivered to the proper one. We hope he will soon be up and with us again. H. C. H.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.
Mr. L. A. Millspaugh, of Vernon Township, will be a candidate for Clerk of the District Court, before the Republican convention this fall. L. A. is one of the bright young men of our county, and is abundantly qualified to fill the position. He is a practicing attorney, having been admitted to the bar in Burlington, Iowa, and in this county.
Cowley County Courant, May 25, 1882.
The pioneer settlers of Vernon township, in Cowley County, Kansas, will hold a picnic meeting at Riverside Park, in Vernon township, near Winfield, on Wednesday, May 31st, 1882, at 10 o’clock A.M., for the purpose of organizing an association for mutual friendship and to commemorate the incidents and hardships encountered in the early settlement of this township. The following is the program of exercises. 1st. 10 A.M., E. D. Skinner, Chairman, calls the meeting to order. 2nd. Enrollment of old Pioneers, who were settled in Vernon township prior to January 1, 1873. 3rd. Election of President, Vice President, and Secretary, by the members enrolled. 4th. Song. 5th. 12 M., Dinner. 6th. 2 P.M., Songs and Speeches by Wm. Martin, T. A. Blanchard, Millington, and others. 7th. Essay on the Early Settlement of Vernon Township, by Mrs. John Werden, Mrs. C. A. McClung, and Mrs. Mina Bliss, who are among the earliest settlers. All persons who can, whether old settlers or not, are earnestly requested to meet with us, bringing their baskets well filled, and seats so far as convenient.
H. HAWKINS, J. W. MILLSPAUGH, C. A. McCLUNG, Committee of Arrangements.
Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.
EDS. COURIER: As the first item of interest, I will insert the minutes of the Vernon Pioneer’s Reunion, as furnished me by the Secretary.
Minutes of the first reunion of the Pioneers of Vernon Township, Cowley County, Kansas. Pursuant to a previous call, the old settlers of Vernon Township met at Riverside Park at 10 o’clock a.m., and Mr. Henry Hawkins was called to the chair and M. L. Martin was chosen temporary secretary. After which all the old settlers who immigrated to Vernon previous to January 1st, 1873, were requested to come forward and sign their names to the roll, or have the secretary to do so, as by a previous motion, and vote it was decided that all who settled in Vernon previous to that time should be considered old settlers.
The secretary then called the roll, after which a permanent organization was affected by electing officers for the ensuing year as follows: J. W. Millspaugh, president; T. A. Blanchard, vice-president; H. H. Martin, secretary and treasurer. The meeting was then adjourned until 2 o’clock, to give all a chance to partake of a bountiful dinner prepared for the occasion, and to which old settlers and friends did ample justice.
At 2 o’clock p.m., the meeting was called to order by the president, J. W. Millspaugh, who made a short address stating the object of the afternoon session. A number of old settlers were then called to the stand, and short and appropriate addresses were made by T. A. Blanchard, A. Hetrick, J. B. Evans, Albert Werden, M. L. Martin, and F. W. Schwantes.

T. A. Blanchard stated that Benj. F. Murphy was the first white man that settled in Vernon Township, and that Mother Blanchard was the first white woman who died in the township, a martyr to the trials and privations of pioneer life. P. M. Waite claims the honor of hauling and offering for sale the first load of wheat in the city of Winfield. Mr. T. B. Ware claims the honor of raising the seed wheat from which Mr. Waite raised his load of wheat. M. L. Martin has the honor of having planted the first shrubs and rose bushes set in Vernon soil, from which hundreds of bushes have been taken and are now blossoming around the homes of others.
Moved and carried that our next reunion be held on May 31st, 1883. On motion a committee of five were appointed on program by the chairman. They were: T. A. Blanchard, chairman of committee, J. H. Werden, H. H. Martin, Mrs. Thos. Thompson, and Mrs. J. H. Werden. On motion a committee of three on arrangements were appointed by the chair. H. C. Hawkins, T. Thompson, and T. B. Ware were the committee appointed, after which the meeting adjourned to meet one year from date, May 31st, 1883. J. W. Millspaugh, President.
H. H. Martin, Secretary.
I failed to get the roll of the old settlers, but I think I can give them by memory; at least all those who answered to their names. Messrs. Ives, Brown, A. Beaman, Bud Bernard, F. W. Schwantes, T. A. Blanchard, Wm. Schwantes, Fahnestock, Thos. Thompson, E. C. Martin, D. S. Beadle, J. H., A. J., and F. A. Werden, H. C. Hawkins, Benj. Dougherty, D. G. Hawkins, Henry Hawkins, J. W. Millspaugh, L. A. Millspaugh, N. Millspaugh, R. Millspaugh, M. L. Martin, James Foster, T. B. Ware,  N. C. Clark, P. M. Waite, Charles McClung, Ile McClung, Milt Rhodes, and J. B. Evans.
It was moved and carried that at the next reunion we should have a book and record the names of both males and females, and all children who were with or born to their parents prior to January 1, 1873. There was as good a turn-out of citizens, both new and old, as could have been expected, considering the inclemency of the weather and short time of notice. There were several hundred present, and everything went off pleasantly. We are sorry the editor of the COURIER failed to be there to give us an address. Hope he will be sure and attend our next. I will forbear making any remarks about the address, as it has been hinted to me that I am capable of telling all I know and a little more, and I have a sincere desire to write nothing but the truth. Anything from Vernon needs no high coloring, no extra touches or polishing, for she stands forth in grandeur and beauty; an honor to herself, and the county.
Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.
E. S. Bedilion, candidate for re-election, Clerk of the District Court.
L. A. Millspaugh, Vernon Township, candidate, Clerk of the District Court.
L. A. Millspaugh is a bright, energetic young man of pure moral character, and very popular where he is known. He has a first-class education and fine business qualities. A gentleman by instinct and education, a Republican from intelligent convictions and associations, he is a worker who will make his mark in the annals of the county and state and, though young, we predict for him a bright future.
Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.
County Caucuses. A dozen or so township caucuses have been held and delegates elected as follows. Vernon sends delegates for Baker, Millspaugh, Gans, and Rude.
Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

Mr. Millspaugh was greeting friends and acquaintances in this section last week. He has been well received. The present incumbent in office is regarded by all to be a competent official, but it is conceded that he should share with other recognized merit.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882.
Clerk of District Court Results: E. S. Bedilion 63, L. A. Millspaugh 22.
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1882.
We present the following on the present exhibit.
J. W. Millspaugh, apples, Domine, Ben Davis, fine, one unknown.
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1882.
L. A. Millspaugh left last week for a month’s visit to friends in Burlington, Iowa.
Winfield Courier, September 7, 1882.
Thinking the matter over, I find we have some men of talent in our district. Mr. T. A. Blanchard is the secretary of the County Agricultural Society, Mr. J. W. Millspaugh the treasurer, Mr. J. F. Martin president of Horticultural Society, and Mr. P. B. Lee is presiding elder in United Brethren church.
Winfield Courier, September 7, 1882.
L. A. Millspaugh returned from Burlington, Iowa, Wednesday.
Believe “Unie” refers to “Union Millspaugh,” son of J. W. Millspaugh...
Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.
Mr. Unie Millspaugh is home during vacation of the Agricultural school at Manhattan.
Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.
A Protest. VERNON TOWNSHIP, Feb. 6, 1883.
To the Editor of the Winfield Courier: SIR: We, the undersigned residents of Vernon Township, solemnly and sincerely enter our protest against such proceedings as were held in Winfield on the morning of Feb. the 1st, viz.: the hanging of Charles Cobb by a mob. We are in favor of punishing crime, but not in favor of mob law.
E. D. Skinner, Henry Hawkins, W. W. Painter, J. T. Prewitt, J. M. Householder, P. Hill, M. Gesler, L. F. Hess, A. H. Miller, Joseph Astor, J. S. Baker, F. H. Werden, T. Thompson, I. B. Corson, P. B. Lee, J. W. Millspaugh, R. Wellman, M. Nixon, L. E. Gault, M. W. Brown, W. L. Pennington, M. Nicholson. George Wilson, L. Gibson, T. B. Ware, Wm. Carter, H. G. Woolley, J. S. Ward, S. E. Case. W. S. Woolly, J. E. Wooley, W. L. Holmes, E. C. Martin.
Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.
The following were in attendance at the Cowley County Horticultural Society March meeting: Jennings, Gillette, Robertson, Mr. Davis of Ohio, Martin, Millspaugh.
J. F. MARTIN, President; J. NIXON, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

Vernon Township High School. A meeting was held at Vernon schoolhouse last Monday evening to consider the advisability of proceeding to the organization of a High School. Considerable enthusiasm was elicited and a committee was appointed to prepare a plan for house, estimate expense, etc. The meeting adjourned to meet in two weeks, to hear the report of committee. Let everybody interested be present Monday evening, March 26, at Vernon schoolhouse. J. W. MILLSPAUGH, Chairman. F. WERDEN, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, April 12, 1883.
The annual meeting of the Cowley County Fair Association met at the Courthouse Tuesday afternoon. W. A. Tipton called the meeting to order, and announced the first business in order to be the election of nine directors for the ensuing year.
The following persons were elected directors. C. M. Scott, Creswell; R. W. Stevens, Richland; Jas. B. Schofield, Winfield; J. L. Stewart, Ninnescah; Henry Harbaugh, Pleasant Valley; R. B. Pratt, Fairview; Jas. F. Martin, Vernon; J. L. Hodges, Winfield; B. F. Wood, Winfield. An election for officers resulted as follows. Henry Harbaugh, president; B. F. Wood, vice-president; Ed. P. Greer, secretary; J. W. Millspaugh, treasurer.
The time for holding the Fair this year was fixed on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, October 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th. Messrs. Wood, Hodges, and Greer were appointed a committee on purchase or lease of Fair Grounds. The directors were notified to meet at the COURIER editorial rooms on Saturday, April 28th, at 2 o’clock p.m.
Winfield Courier, April 26, 1883.
We see our friend Millspaugh has returned from a visit to his daughters in Iowa.
Winfield Courier, April 26, 1883.
L. A. Millspaugh spent a few days of last week in the city. He is traveling for a Burlington, Iowa, boot and shoe house.
Winfield Courier, May 3, 1883.
Mr. J. W. Millspaugh sold his home farm in Vernon Township last Saturday for seven thousand five hundred dollars. This is a big price, but no other kind of price will catch a Vernon farm nowadays. We understand that Mr. Millspaugh will remove to Winfield.
Winfield Courier, May 3, 1883.
Fielding McClung, of West Virginia, was the purchaser of the Millspaugh farm. He is a distant relative of Charlie and Kile McClung.
Winfield Courier, May 10, 1883.
Fair Meeting. A mass meeting of farmers was held in the Opera House Saturday afternoon to consider the Fair question. A goodly number of farmers from every part of the county were present. W. J. Millspaugh, of Vernon, was elected chairman and S. P. Strong, of Rock, secretary. The report of the committee on soliciting subscriptions to the stock reported four thousand eight hundred dollars taken. The committee was then increased by the following additions, one in each township.

Maple: W. B. Norman; Ninnescah: W. B. Norman; Vernon: W. J. Millspaugh; Beaver: Dr. Marsh; Beaver: S. D. Jones; Creswell: Capt. Nipp; Bolton: J. D. Guthrie; Rock Creek: Geo. L. Gale; Fairview: Cleve Page; Walnut: T. A. Blanchard; Pleasant Valley: Henry Harbaugh; Richland: Sam Phoenix; Tisdale: J. S. Baker; Liberty: Justice Fisher; Silverdale: L. J. Darnell; Omnia: Wm. Gilliard; Silver Creek: Harvey Smith; Sheridan: Barney Shriver; Spring Creek: J. S. Andrews; Harvey: Sam Rash; Windsor: S. M. Fall; Dexter: John Wallace; Cedar: Jas. Utt; Otter: T. H. Aley.
[Yes! Paper showed W. B. Norman for both Maple and Ninnescah!]
The Secretary was instructed to prepare and forward to each of the township committee blank subscription lists, with the request that they circulate them at once. This committee was instructed to report with the lists at a public meeting in the Hall at 2 o’clock, May 19, when all who have subscribed to the stock are requested to be present and form a permanent organization. Short speeches were then made by Senator Hackney, Jas. F. Martin, S. P. Strong, S. S. Lynn, Henry Harbaugh, F. W. Schwantes, John C. Roberts, D. L. Kretsinger, and others. After the meeting many new names were added and the list now foots up over five thousand dollars. Great interest was manifested by all the farmers present for the success of the enterprise. Over half the capital stock is already taken and it looks as if we were at last going to have an institution that will be a credit and an honor to the county. Winfield has responded nobly in this matter, and it now remains for the farmers to do their share, which they will undoubtedly accomplish.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1883.
The Old Settlers’ Meeting.
The Vernon Pioneers’ annual meeting occurs on Thursday, May 31st, at Riverside Park. A basket picnic will be held and speeches, song, and a good time generally will be the program. Judge Torrance will be one of the speakers. Everybody is invited. Come with your baskets and help make it a joyful occasion. No old settler should fail to be present.
  J. W. MILLSPAUGH, President; H. H. MARTIN, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
   More Fair Matter.
We publish in full below the Charter and By-laws of the Fair Association. The organization is now complete and at work. Every farmer should read this carefully and be ready to suggest any changes necessary at the next regular meeting.
The undersigned do hereby voluntarily associate ourselves together for the purpose of forming a private corporation under the laws of the state of Kansas, and do hereby certify:
That the name of this corporation shall be “The Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association.”
That the purposes for which this corporation is formed are to encourage and promote the agricultural, horticultural, mechanical, and live stock interest of Cowley County, Kansas, and the establishment and maintenance of a driving park and speed ring, and to acquire, hold, and control all real and personal property necessary, proper, and convenient for carrying out the purposes aforesaid.
That the place where its business is to be transacted is at Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas.

That the term for which this corporation is to exist is ninety-nine years.
That the number of directors or trustees of this corporation shall be seventeen (17), and the names and residences of those who are appointed for the first year are:
A. H. Doane, Winfield; A. T. Spotswood, Winfield; D. L. Kretsinger, Winfield; J. B. Schofield, Winfield; C. C. Black, Winfield; W. J. Hodges, Winfield; E. P. Greer, Winfield; W. S. Mendenhall, Winfield; Sam Phoenix, Richland Township; S. S. Lynn, Vernon Township; G. L. Gale, Rock Township; Henry Harbaugh, Pleasant Valley Township; R. F. Burden, Windsor Township; E. B. Nicholson, Dexter Township; J. W. Millspaugh, Vernon Township; J. B. Nipp, Creswell Township; J. F. Martin, Vernon Township.
That the estimated value of the goods, chattels, lands, rights, and credits owned by the corporation is ten thousand ($10,000) dollars; that the amount of the capital stock of this corporation shall be ten thousand ($10,000) dollars, and shall be divided into two hundred (200) shares, of fifty ($50) dollars each, non-assessable above face value.
In testimony whereof, we have hereunto subscribed our names, this 3rd day of May, A. D., 1883. (Signed) A. T. Spotswood, W. S. Mendenhall, J. B. Schofield, A. H. Doane, Charles C. Black, Ed. B. Greer, D. L. Kretsinger, Wm. J. Hodges, S. C. Smith.
Personally appeared before me, a notary public in and for Cowley County, Kansas, the above named: A. T. Spotswood, W. S. Mendenhall, J. B. Schofield, J. Wade McDonald, Ed. P. Greer, D. L. Kretsinger, A. H. Doane, Wm. J. Hodges, and S. C. Smith, who are personally known to me to be the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument of writing, and duly acknowledged the execution of the same.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name, and affixed my notarial seal, this 4th day of May, A. D., 1883.
LOVELL H. WEBB, Notary Public. (My commission expires Sept. 8, 1883.)
I, James Smith, Secretary of State of the State of Kansas, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original instrument of writing filed in my office May 5th, A. D., 1883.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name, and affixed my official seal.
Done at Topeka, Kansas, this fifth day of May, A. D., 1883.
JAMES SMITH, Secretary of state.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
Minutes of Fair Meeting. May 10th, 1883.
The directors of the Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association met at the office of A. H. Doane & Co. Present: Directors Millspaugh, Martin, Gale, Burden, Leslie, Harbaugh, McDonald, Spotswood, Doane, Baden, and Nicholson.
J. W. Millspaugh was called to the chair and D. L. Kretsinger chosen secretary. On motion of Mr. Spotswood, the meeting proceeded to the election of officers as follows.

For president, J. F. Martin; for vice president, A. T. Spotswood; for secretary, E. P. Greer; for treasurer, A. H. Doane; for General Superintendent, D. L. Kretsinger.
On motion of Mr. Kretsinger, Messrs. Harbaugh, Martin, Millspaugh, Lynn, Spotswood, Doane, and Greer were appointed a committee on premium list, to report at the next meeting of the directors. On motion of Mr. Lynn, the superintendent was instructed to commence work on the speed ring and cleaning up the ground. On motion of Mr. Doane, the meeting adjourned until Saturday, May 26, at 1 p.m. D. L. KRETSINGER, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
OPERA HOUSE, May 19, 1883.
The stockholders of the Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association met pursuant to adjournment. Mr. Millspaugh called S. P. Strong to the chair and D. L. Kretsinger was chosen secretary. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. The committee on subscription of stock reported progress and were on motion continued. On motion of Mr. Martin, the meeting proceeded to a permanent organization, without change of officers. The charter was then read and approved. A form of constitution and by-laws was then submitted by the secretary. Mr. Short moved they be adopted as read. Mr. Lynn amended to read and adopt by sections. Motion prevailed as amended.
Sec. 1 to 13 read and adopted. Sec. 14 amended to read “four-fifth consent or vote,” instead of unanimous.
Section 1 to 10 of the by-laws made and approved. On motion of Mr. Gale, the constitution and bylaws were then adopted as whole. After quite an interesting talk on the part of secretary and stockholders, a sense of the meeting was had instructing the Directors to push the work of improvement of grounds as fast as possible. On motion the meeting adjourned. D. L. KRETSINGER, Secretary, S. P. STRONG, Chairman.
Winfield Courier, June 7, 1883.
At Riverside Park, Thursday, May 31, 1883.
The Old Settlers’ Association of Vernon Township was called to order by the President, J. W. Millspaugh. Minutes of the last meeting read by the Secretary, H. H. Martin, and approved. On motion of J. H. Werden, the Association of Old Settlers of Vernon Township was dissolved, and an association of the Old Settlers of Cowley County organized.
Election of officers for the ensuing year are as follows. E. S. Torrance, president; J. W. Millspaugh, vice-president; Jacob Nixon, secretary and treasurer. Motion prevailed that the president appoint an executive committee of one from each township. The president appointed as such committee the following. Beaver: Lucius Walton; Cedar: D. M. Patton; Creswell: I. H. Bonsall; Dexter: Jesse Hines; Fairview: Wm. White; Harvey: Robt. Strother; Liberty: Justus Fisher; Maple: Adam Walck; Ninnescah: A. A. Jackson; Omnia: W. H. Gilliard; Otter: Daniel Kantz; Pleasant Valley: A. H. Broadwell; Richland: N. J. Larkin; Rock: Reuben Booth; Sheridan: E. Shriver; Silver Creek: Harvey Smith; Silver Dale: W. H. H. Maris; Spring Creek: J. B. Callison; Tisdale: E. P. Young; Vernon: J. E. Dunn; Walnut: H. C. Loomis; Windsor: Mc D. Stapleton; Winfield City: J. P. Short.
Motion by Mr. H. H. Martin that all residents that came to this county prior to June 1st, 1875, be eligible to membership in the organization, carried. President instructed to appoint a committee of three on program for next meeting.

President appointed as such committee: Wm. P. Hackney, C. M. Scott, and S. M. Fall.
On motion, the 1st Tuesday in September next was appointed as the first regular meeting.
Interesting personal reminiscences of early times in the county were given by Messrs. Millspaugh, Murphy, Hawkins, Bonnewell, Kinney, Werden, Schwantes, and the president.
Adjourned to meet at 10 a.m., 1st Tuesday in September next.
   E. S. TORRANCE, President. JACOB NIXON, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, June 28, 1883.
Fortieth Anniversary.
On Monday, June 25th, a considerable company of relatives and friends assembled at the residence of John W. and Harriet Millspaugh, in Vernon Township, to celebrate the fortieth anniversary of their wedding. There were a great many beautiful and costly presents given; the tables were spread for dinner in a beautiful grove; the guests and the entertainers were in the highest spirits, and joy and social pleasures reigned supreme. It was one of the  happiest gatherings ever held in this county.
We congratulate our friend, J. W. Millspaugh, on the pleasant and easy circumstances with which he has surrounded himself. He came to this county at an early day and went to work on the raw prairie carving out a farm. He now has one of the finest and best improved farms in the county, ornamented with a large, beautiful, and convenient residence, with neat and substantial out buildings; his house surrounded by beautiful groves and lawns well kept and trimmed, flowers and shrubs of the gayest varieties; fine, large orchards of various kinds of bearing fruit trees; fine hedges; magnificent fields of luxuriant wheat, corn, and other crops, promising the richest harvests; a goodly quantity of favored varieties of graded stock, cattle, horses, and swine.
Clear of debt with a round bank account; intelligent and loving children, grandchildren, and warm friends within easy reach; respected and loved by all who know him well; he is about as well fixed for present and future enjoyment and ease as anyone could ask, and is a good example of what a farmer can accomplish in this county.
Mr. Millspaugh, though about 65 years old, is apparently much younger, in the strength of manhood and health, and bids fair to long enjoy a life of ease amid the comforts he might be said to have created. He has done something for his country, having raised a family of ten children. His grandchildren number sixteen, but it is early in the season yet, their number may reach fifty or even a hundred in due time.
Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.
L. A. Millspaugh came in Thursday and spent Sunday with his folks here.
Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.
Special Meeting Cowley County Horticultural Society, August 18, 1883.
Society called to order by President; minutes of special meeting read and approved.
Mr. Millspaugh—A grove of trees would be a lasting monument to any person. Saw soft maple lumber that squared 17 inches at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, that was sawed from trees he planted on the prairie in that city when he went there.
Mr. Millspaugh exhibited Concord grapes and Keswick Codlin apples.
Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

The following superintendents of their respective departments will please meet with the secretary at his office as early as possible on the first day of the Fair, Sept. 25th. The duties of the superintendents will be to have charge, under the general superintendent, of the departments to which they are assigned, and to select judges to award the different premiums. Those who find it impossible to serve will notify the secretary as early as possible that others may be appointed in their stead.
Vegetables, J. W. Millspaugh.
Winfield Courier, September 27, 1883.
The first annual exhibition of the Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association opened Tuesday morning last with extensive preparations and a clear sky.
As you pass on and step into the Agricultural Hall, you are struck with wonderment at the magnificence of the display. Enormous squashes, corpulent pumpkins, and obese melons, and, arranged in various ways, about one hundred and twenty different varieties of vegetables greet the eye. Stowed in one corner are the fifty bushels of corn entered for P. H. Albright’s special premium, some of the ears as large as sticks of stove wood, and there is a glorious company of potatoes and onions. Prominent in this hall are the collections of grains and grasses exhibited by Jas. F. Martin and , both of Vernon Township, in competition for the special premium of M. L. Read’s Bank, the former containing forty-two different varieties and both being very nicely arranged. Down at the farther end of this hall is a “layout” of every variety of apple and peach that ever grew on a tree, and such fruit as it is! One is instantly imbued, on seeing this array, with the reality of Cowley’s fruit productiveness. It is splendid evidence that this county is destined to rank with any county in the State for fruit. In one corner of this building is the Farm and Household display, embracing the bread, butter, cakes, jellies, etc., under the superintendency of Mrs. J. F. Martin. Jacob Nixon and J. W. Millspaugh seem to be the “hosts” in this hall, and after being shown around among the agricultural wonders, you leave with an exalted opinion of Cowley’s mammoth productiveness.
Speaking financially, the fair was as great a success as in exhibits. The total receipts were about $3,800, which will leave a handsome surplus over expenses, for further improvements. On Thursday there were over eight thousand people on the grounds, and on Friday about six thousand. The business throughout was conducted without a jar, and everything passed off smoothly. Notwithstanding the vast throng of people in attendance, there was not an arrest made on the grounds nor a serious misdemeanor committed. This was largely due to the active and efficient efforts of General Superintendent Kretsinger. President Martin was everywhere, superintending exhibits and arrangement, and overlooking and correcting errors. Directors Linn, Harbaugh, Millspaugh, Spotswood, and Phoenix also worked faithfully and efficiently throughout the whole fair.
Winfield Courier, October 11, 1883.
Among the Directors who did faithful work during the fair, we neglected to mention Directors Schofield and Millspaugh. Mr. Schofield had charge of the horse department, the duties of which were heavy. Mr. Millspaugh handled the grains and grasses and made an excellent and tasty display of it.
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

Ex-Soldiers of War Organizations.
During the Soldiers’ Re-union last week it was determined to effect a permanent organization, and the soldiers present from each state were requested to appoint one member of a committee to recommend a form for such organization and the officers for the first year. The committee met and organized by electing comrade James McDermott, chairman, and comrade A. H. Limerick, secretary. The roll of the committee was called and the following members were found present. James McDermott, 4th Kentucky Infantry; A. H. Limerick, 93rd Illinois; Geo. W. Robertson, 3rd Missouri Cavalry; A. V. Polk, 3rd Pennsylvania; H. W. Stubblefield, 6th Kansas Cavalry; S. F. Gould, 2nd Minnesota Cavalry; J. C. Evans, 14th New York Infantry; J. W. Millspaugh, 37th Iowa Infantry; L. B. Aldrich, 12th Wisconsin Infantry; G. H. Williams, 2nd Colorado Infantry; John W. Wolfe, 8th Michigan Infantry; J. B. Corson, 13th Maine Infantry; Wm. White, 155 Ohio Infantry; J. A. Brown, 12th Indiana Mounted Infantry; C. F. Vaughn, 5th West Virginia Infantry.
The committee made the following report, which was adopted by the soldiers at dress parade on Friday evening, October 18, 1883. The committee of one person from each state represented at this Re-union, appointed to recommend a plan of organization for future Re-unions, beg leave to recommend the adoption of the following: That an association be formed to be called “The Arkansas Valley Re-Union Association,” for the purpose of holding annual re-Unions. The association shall be composed of all old Soldiers and Sailors of the United States residing in the counties of Chautauqua, Elk, Greenwood, Butler, Cowley, Sumner, Sedgwick, Harvey, Reno, Kingman, Harper, and Barber. The officers of the association shall be a president, a secretary, a treasurer, and one vice-president from each county. The officers named shall constitute an Executive Board. The officers shall be elected at the annual Re-unions and shall hold their offices until the next annual Re-union, and until their successors are elected. The Executive Board shall determine the time and place of each Re-union, but the time shall be between August 1st and October 1st, and the Re-union shall not be held in connection with any fair or other public gathering. The president, secretary, and three vice-presidents shall constitute a quorum of the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall have power to fill all vacancies in offices in the intervals between Re-unions. It is further recommended that the present Re-union be designated the first annual Re-union
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.
The cattle thief, an account of whose exploits appear in another column, seems to have outwitted his pursuers in good shape. About eight o’clock Monday evening a horse was taken from the residence of Mr. Millspaugh in Vernon Township. The horse belonged to Mr. Lee, who was there to spend the evening and had tied his animal in the shed. It was no doubt taken by the cattle thief.
Story referred to in above item...
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.
  Cattle Thieves.

Monday morning two men drove 47 head of cattle into Oxford and prepared to ship them. While they were being loaded, a gentleman who is buying hogs for Mr. Geo. W. Miller at Oxford noticed that the cattle bore Mr. Miller’s brand. On questioning the parties, they said they had bought the cattle of Mr. Miller some days before. The cattle were loaded and came over on the morning train, together with one of the shippers. Mr. Miller’s man also came over. Coming uptown he met George and happened to speak of his having seen two carloads of cattle bearing his brand loaded at Oxford that morning and that they were on the train then standing at the depot. George at once said that he had not sold any cattle and that they were certainly stolen out of his pasture. They then started to the depot on a run. The fellow who had the cattle seemed to be watching and when he saw them coming, jumped off on the opposite side of the train and made for the timber. He was followed by several parties, but up to this time they have failed to capture him. George had the stock switched off here and then went west after the old man with gray hair. He left his pal at Oxford to go east with the cattle while he went another way with the two ponies. The stolen cattle were worth about fifteen hundred dollars.
Follow-up item appeared in the next issue...
Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.
Caught Him. One of the cattle thieves, an account of whose exploits was printed last week, was caught by Mr. Geo. W. Miller last week about twelve miles west of Wichita. His name is Hiram McCathalan, and he is an old penitentiary bird. He is the one who helped to load the cattle at Oxford and afterward took the horses away. Mr. Miller struck his trail and followed it all around over the country until he finally came up with him. He was riding along the road at the time and seemed very much surprised when George rode up, pulled his Winchester down on him, and ordered him to “throw up.” He yielded gracefully, however, and George brought him to Wellington, where he now lies in jail. George is a good thief-catcher.
Winfield Courier, December 27, 1883.
Mr. J. W. Millspaugh had a family Christmas dinner and Christmas tree at his home last week. There were twenty of his children and grandchildren present. They had a big time.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1884.
On Monday afternoon the stockholders of the Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association met in the Opera House for the purpose of re-organizing the Board of Directors for the year 1884, and receiving reports of the condition and doings of the Association for the year. About seventy-five stockholders, representing nearly all of the subscribed stock, were present.
J. W. Millspaugh owned one share of stock.
Frank Millspaugh...
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1884.
At a meeting called by the Republican committee of Ninnescah township, January 19, 1884, at the usual voting place, to nominate township officers, G. S. Cole in chair, the following persons were nominated: G. S. Cole, Trustee; H. H. Buss, Treasurer; J. A. Hood, Clerk; A. A. Jackson, Justice at Seeley; E. T. Brown, Constable at Seeley; Wm. June, Constable at Udall; Frank Millspaugh, Road Overseer, district No. 4; Chas. Downing, Road Overseer, District No. 1.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1884.

We advise every person in Cowley County who intends to start an orchard now or in the future to preserve the article by Mr. Jas. F. Martin, on the first page of this paper. Mr. Martin is president of the Cowley County Horticultural Society, also of the County Fair Association, and his conclusions are drawn from practical experience in Cowley County, not by himself alone, but by the fifty or more members of the County Horticultural Society. These two societies, under the enthusiastic leadership of Mr. Martin, supplemented by the hearty cooperation of such men as Messrs. Nixon, Hogue, Hawkins, Robertson, Millspaugh, Linn, Maxwell, and a host of others are doing a work for the advancement of the agricultural interests of our county valuable beyond measure.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1884.
Office of the County Clerk, Winfield, Kansas, February 12th, 1884.
BOARD met in regular session agreeable to adjournment of January 16, 1884. Present: S. C. Smith (Chairman), Amos Walton, Commissioner, County Attorney, and J. S. Hunt, County Clerk. Among other proceedings the following claims were allowed the Judges and Clerks of the February 5th 1884 election...paid from $2.00 to $6.00.
Special Venire. S. W. Chase, J. L. Houston, William Gaddie, J. W. Millspaugh, Charles Kingsberry, J. R. Smith, John A. Smalley, Volney Baird, J. M. Stinson, George Bull, J. O. Easterly.
Frank Millspaugh...
Winfield Courier, April 3, 1884.
Frank Millspaugh, of Ninnescah Township, lost five hogs last week from what was pronounced hog cholera. A carload of hogs was brought into that neighborhood some time ago, which have nearly all died with the disease. It is supposed that they brought it with them, and that these other cases have been transmitted by them.
Winfield Courier, April 3, 1884.
Mr. Millspaugh brings us a lot of peach limbs taken from his orchard. They are full of live buds. The trees are budded fruit. Cowley will have an abundant peach crop for 1884.
Winfield Courier, April 3, 1884.
A Mass Temperance Convention, according to previous announcement, for the organization of the county for Temperance work, convened in the Baptist Church on last Friday at 11 o’clock, with a good representation from the different townships of the county. A temporary organization was effected with Rev. J. Cairns as chairman and Frank H. Greer secretary, and the following committees were appointed. On permanent organization: Mrs. E. D. Garlick and Messrs. Capt. Stubblefield and N. J. Larkin. On resolutions: Messrs. A. P. Johnson, D. C. Beach, and C. P. Graham. On plan of work: Messrs. A. H. Limerick, R. O. Stearns, J. Cairns, D. C. Beach, and C. P. Graham. The committee on permanent organization reported, recommending a continuance of temporary officers, with the addition of J. W. Millspaugh, vice president, and A. P. Johnson, treasurer, which report was adopted.
Six districts were created. J. W. Millspaugh was Vice President of the Sixth District.
Winfield Courier, April 17, 1884.
The Board of County Commissioners were in session last week, and ground out an unusual amount of business. On E. R. Moffett road, Chas. McClung, Marshal Allen, and J. W. Millspaugh were appointed viewers.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1884.

The Republican convention of Cowley County met according to call at the Opera House in Winfield on Saturday, April 19, 1884, at 11 o’clock a.m.
Vernon delegates: P. B. Lee, J. W. Millspaugh, E. B. Gault, Oscar Wooley, J. B. Evans.
Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.
Hon. T. H. Soward addressed an immense crowd on last Sunday afternoon on the temperance question at Beaver Center. Much enthusiasm was exhibited and arrangements made for a temperance picnic in the Bradbury Grove on Friday, June 6th, in which the people of Vernon, Beaver, and Pleasant Valley Townships will combine. J. W. Millspaugh, as vice-president of the western district of the County Temperance Organization, is showing his abilities as an effective worker and is starting the ball in the right direction.
Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.
The Republican Judicial convention for the 13th Judicial District met at the Courthouse in Winfield Tuesday, May 20th, at 2 o’clock p.m. It was called to order by Adrian Reynolds of Elk County. Isaac G. Reed, of Sumner County, was elected chairman and Adrian Reynolds secretary. The committee on credentials reported the following list of DELEGATES.
Sumner County: James Lawrence, Isaac G. Reed, I. M. Thralls, S. P. G. Lewis, Orie Fitzgerald. Chautauqua County: J. I. Crouse, Wm. P. Lynch, Richard Speed. Elk County: Adrian Reynolds. Cowley County: M. S. Teter, S. W. Chase, G. L. Gale, J. W. Millspaugh, M. G. Troup, I. H. Bonsall, T. H. Soward.
Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.
There will be a Temperance Mass Meeting held at Bradbury’s Grove, in Beaver Township, on Friday, June 6th, commencing at 10 a.m. Songs, speeches, and a general good time will be the order of the day. Everybody is invited, with baskets well filled with rations for themselves and friends. H. Harbaugh, of Pleasant Valley Township; J. W. Browning, of Beaver; and J. F. Martin and J. W. Millspaugh, of Vernon, Committee of arrangements.
Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.
A Prohibition meeting, to be held at Mr. Bradbury’s Grove, Beaver Township, Friday, June 6th, was announced, but after a conference on the subject on May 26th, it was unanimously agreed to call the said appointment, in consideration of the farmers being so driven in cultivating their crops and preparing for the coming harvest and advised the holding of as many Sabbath meetings at the schoolhouses may be possible. The work is great and important and should be presented in the most effectual manner.
 J. F. Martin, J. W. Browning, H. Harbaugh, J. W. Millspaugh; District Committee.
Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.
A delegate convention of the Republicans of Cowley County convened in the Opera House, Winfield, on Saturday, July 12th. VERNON. Delegates: J. W. Millspaugh, Oscar Wooley, J. F. Martin, P. B. Lee, W. L. Holmes. Alternates: None.
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.
Mr. Hawkins brings us from his Vernon Township orchard one of the handsomest apples we have ever seen. It is called “Blemless Orange” is as round and smooth as if it had been turned in a lathe. He also left us an apple from Mr. J. W. Millspaugh’s orchard, which was very fine. It was a “keswich.” Vernon has some of the best orchards and the most enthusiastic horticulturalists in the county.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

The county convention met pursuant to call, and was called to order by D. A. Millington, chairman of county central committee.
The delegates of the county convention of the first commissioner district organized by the election of W. P. Hackney, chairman; and J. C. Long, secretary, and the following ballots were had for commissioner: 1st. S. C. Smith, 16; E. M. Reynolds, 12; J. W. Millspaugh, 5; D. L. Kretsinger, 3. 2nd. Smith, 18; Reynolds, 13; Millspaugh, 5. 3rd. Smith, 19; Reynolds, 12; Millspaugh, 5; and S. C. Smith was made the nominee by acclamation.
Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.
Last Saturday evening the last share of the two hundred shares of the Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association was subscribed. The capital as authorized by the charter of incorporation issued by the State, viz: “Ten Thousand Dollars divided into two hundred shares of fifty dollars each” is now all subscribed and by January 1, 1885, will be fully paid up. Its “statement,” therefore, at the present writing, is as follows:
Resources. Present value of grounds, 53½ acres at $150 per acre—a low estimate: $8,025.00. Actual cost of improvements put on grounds to date as shown by the Secretary’s books: $5.249.38. Net profits of 1883 fair: $1,489.38. Total Resources: $14,763.76.
Liabilities. Capital Stock: $10,000.00. Balance: $4,763.76. Total Liabilities: $14,763.76.
So it will be seen that each share of stock is actually worth today forty-eight percent premium. The first subscription to the capital stock was made by Hon. W. P. Hackney, on the 27th day of April, 1883. Messrs. Jas. F. Martin, H. Harbaugh, J. W. Millspaugh, D. L. Kretsinger, A. H. Doane, R. B. Pratt, M. L. Robinson, and Ed. P. Greer also subscribed at the same time. The next day, April 28th, a committee consisting of D. L. Kretsinger, A. T. Spotswood, and Ed. P. Greer waited on the citizens and secured subscriptions for about four thousand dollars of the stock. Half of the amount of each subscription was to be paid within sixty days and the other half on the December following. Upon these assurances M. L. Robinson and W. P. Hackney contracted for the grounds. When the 1883 fair opened the Directory had used all the money they had taken in on the sale of capital stock, and had borrowed upon their own personal security three thousand dollars more, in order to erect the necessary buildings. It was a big risk, but they were determined to see it through, and so cheerfully carried the burden. In addition to this they, with those who were also stockholders at the time, refused to accept the profits of last year’s work but returned it to the treasury, so that the gentleman who subscribed for the last share Saturday evening gets just as much as those who paid in their money over a year ago. There are one hundred and sixty-three shareholders who own the two hundred shares: an average of a little over one and a quarter shares to each person, so the association at the present time is anything but a “monopoly.” One hundred and twenty-six shares are held by persons living outside of Winfield, and one hundred and nineteen by persons now engaged in farming so that the farmers of Cowley County own and have the power to absolutely control their fair as they wish. We hope that every stockholder, especially the farmers, will hold on to their stock, no matter what flattering offers they may receive for it. If it is worth a hundred percent premium to someone else, it is worth it to you and much more, for upon the control and management of the farmers interested in it depends much of its future success and usefulness.
Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

Marriage Licenses. Certificates of unalloyed bliss dispensed by the Probate Judge since our last: Rolla L. Millspaugh and Mary O. Yeoman.
Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.
MARRIED. Mr. R. L. Millspaugh and Miss Mary O. Yeoman were united in Marriage last Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Yeoman, parents of the bride, in Vernon Township, Rev. J. M. Thompson, conducting the ceremonies. Friends and neighbors were present in full force, some of them from abroad, and the occasion was one of the pleasantest. The presents were numerous, useful, and elegant. The groom is the son of J. W. Millspaugh, of Vernon, and one of the sturdy, most industrious, and frugal young men of the county, and in every way worthy of the sterling young lady who consents to share the joys and sorrows of life. The congratulations were many and hearty. The COURIER extends thanks for as fine a variety of cake as ever tickled the palate. May peace and prosperity ever attend this launch upon the matrimonial sea.
Winfield Courier, December 11, 1884.
A good representation of the Temperance workers of the county assembled at the courthouse on last Thursday morning, according to a call of Rev. B. Kelly, president of the County Temperance Organization, for the planning of vigorous work throughout Cowley. The old organization was made auxiliary to the State Temperance Union and named “The Cowley County Temperance Union.” The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, A. H. Limerick; vice-president, S. H. Jennings; Secretary, Mrs. W. B. Caton; treasurer, Miss Fannie Stretch. Last year’s plan of districting the county was re-adopted, with the following district vice-presidents who have charge of the work in their townships, appointing their own assistants.
Sixth District, Vernon, Walnut, Tisdale, Beaver, Pleasant Valley, and Liberty, J. W. Millspaugh, Vernon.
L. A. Millspaugh...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.
Mr. L. A. Millspaugh has returned from a ten days visit at the World’s Fair. He was present at the grand opening and took in all the sights. Mr. Millspaugh thinks, though, the displays are yet incomplete, that the great exposition will surpass the Centennial exposition of 1876. He reports the Kansas exhibits up to the average, but not quite what he expected owing to the scant appropriation by the state for that purpose.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Millspaugh...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.
The Christmas Night Wedding. A large assembly witnessed the marriage of Mr. Fred D. Blackman and Miss Ida M. McDonald, in the Methodist church last Thursday evening. The ceremony was most impressively conducted by Rev. B. Kelly, and the happy couple were attended by Misses Lizzie McDonald and Maude Kelly and Messrs. W. C. Robinson, Lewis Brown, James Lorton, and Charley Dever. The bride was beautifully attired in white satin.
Present: Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Millspaugh, picture and easel Madonna.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Our esteemed friend, J. W. Millspaugh, in visiting his old home in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, saw lumber made from soft maple trees, set by his own hands 22 years previous, that squared [?] inches; in order to do this the trunk was 24 inches in diameter, being a growth of over one inch per annum. This lumber was made into furniture for which it is well adapted.
[Note: Big blob of ink obscured the figure given above for squared inches.]
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 9, 1885.
Mr. H. G. Shelby, of Burlington, Iowa, has been visiting his old friend, Mr. J. W. Millspaugh. He is so well pleased with Cowley that he has bought a farm over the river just west of town and proposes to make it his future home.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 16, 1885.
The Cowley County Farmers’ Institute held its regular monthly meeting at the COURIER office, Saturday last with President S. P. Strong in the chair. Secretary F. A. A. Williams reported having received the Kansas City Price Current as ordered, and read letters from wholesale implement firms relative to furnishing members of the Institute with machinery. The Secretary was instructed to subscribe for the Winfield DAILY COURIER, containing market reports, draw an order for amount of three months subscription, and keep on file, in the COURIER office, with the Daily Price Current. On motion of J. F. Martin, Ed P. Greer was elected honorary member of the association. The secretary was instructed to procure a safe receptacle for the papers, records, and other property of the association. Ed P. Greer was elected assistant secretary. M. H. Markcum, J. W. Millspaugh, and G. L. Gale were appointed a committee to interview our implement firms and lay before them a proposition from a Kansas City firm to give reduced rates on implements to members of the Institute and see if they will do the same. The committee was instructed to file their report with the assistant secretary for members desiring information. Messrs. Strong, Perry, Gale, and others gave experience as to clover and wheat. Some clover and alfalfa had winter killed, but a good deal of it was coming up thick with young plants from last year’s seed. All agreed that clover seeds much more heavily in this country than in the east. Dr. Perry thought the raising of clover seed would be a very profitable industry in this country. Mr. Millspaugh advocated deep plowing for all crops, especially for corn.
L. A. Millspaugh...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 23, 1885. MONDAY.
L. A. Millspaugh, traveling agent for a St. Joe shoe house, and an old Cowley County boy, came in yesterday for his usual lay off. He is the jolliest boy of all, and has worked up a splendid business.
The Program Entire as Adopted by Winfield Post No. 85, G. A. R.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 14, 1885.
Committee On Flowers: D. L. Kretsinger, chairman, W. W. Painter, J. W. Millspaugh, F. M. Lacey, J. C. Roberts, Adam Stuber, M. S. Scott, J. W. Fenway, H. H. Harbaugh, J. E. Farnsworth, D. L. McRoberts.
Decoration of Vernon Center Cemetery: H. H. Siverd, W. W. Painter, J. W. Millspaugh, Thos. Thompson, J. M. Householder.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 21, 1885.

The executive committee, “Grand Army of the Republic,” have appointed the undersigned committee to decorate the graves of soldiers buried at Vernon cemetery, May 30, 1885: H. H. Siverd, W. W. Painter, J. W. Millspaugh; J. M. Householder, and Thomas Thompson. Comrade W. W. Painter will receive flowers and make all necessary arrangements, and friends are requested to furnish him the names, rank, and regiment of deceased soldiers. The public are invited to meet the committee at the above named cemetery not later than 9 o’clock a.m., May 30. H. H. Siverd, Chairman.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 4, 1885.
The Vernon Cemetery was decorated by Capt. H. H. Siverd, Dr. D. J. States, W. W. Painter, J. W. Millspaugh, T. A. Blanchard, and other old soldiers, with 150 Vernon citizens.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 2, 1885.
Mrs. J. W. Millspaugh and daughter, Mrs. I. N. Ripley, of Burlington, Iowa, a sister of Mrs. E. S. Bliss and Mrs. F. H. Bull, came in Tuesday.
A Cowley County Home.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 9, 1885.
The Senior editor and his wife had a most delightful fourth of July celebration at the residence of J. W. Millspaugh, in Vernon township. Mr. and Mrs. Millspaugh are old residents of this county, having been among the early settlers. They came here with a large family and have been prominent factors in the history and development of this county. They have a magnificent farm, built up from the undisturbed and treeless prairie of fourteen years ago, now covered with waving grain, luxuriant corn, and meadows and pastures of cultivated grasses, all interspersed with groves of maple, cottonwood, and other deciduous and fruit trees and a magnificent orchard with hundreds of trees now loaded down with apples, peaches, and other fruits in great variety. The lawn around the residence is beautified with flowers of various kinds and interspersed with beautiful shade trees. The barns and outhouses are in good condition, the stock are of the improved varieties, and are now supplied with plenty of the best grasses, shade, and cool, clear, fresh water pumped from the depths by a magnificent windmill. In winter they are well sheltered and appearances show that they are not unacquainted with corn.
On the 4th a long table was set in a beautiful grove near the house. The table was loaded with all the substantials and delicacies of the season, a true index of the abundance surrounding that rural home and the taste and culture of its inmates. It was the occasion of a family reunion, of daughters, sons, step-sons, and grandchildren, to the number of twenty-five. Mr. I. N. Ripley, of Burlington, Iowa, was, we believe, the only one of the family absent, for Mrs. Ripley was present as were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Highman, of Attica, Kansas; Dr. and Mrs. Bull, of Winfield; Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Bliss, of Winfield; Mr. Union Millspaugh and Mr. Frank Millspaugh, of Attica, and we hardly know how many other children and grandchildren; but we observed that the grandchildren were numerous, bright, and interesting; all good looking and some of marked beauty. It was a joyous occasion and everyone was in the happiest and liveliest mood. Mr. H. Beck was out there taking some pictures of groups in sundry positions, and before we left Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Gary, of Winfield, arrived and joined in the social pleasures of the day.
Long may our honored host and hostess live to enjoy their happy home and the love and devotion of these two generations of their descendants, and the next, which will be about in due time.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 16, 1885.
Through the courtesy of Mr. Spencer Bliss, representing Bliss & Wood in the Arkansas River Navigation Company, our elongated reporter hauled himself from his couch at 3:30 yesterday morning, and in company with Mr. J. W. Millspaugh and Prof. Davis, sped away behind Mr. Bliss’ bay chargers for the city of many “invalids” and much “medicine.” The object was to join the Navigation Company, composed of James Hill, Bliss & Wood, Searing & Mead, and V. M. Ayres, and leading citizens of the Terminus, in an excursion down the “ragin’ Arkinsaw” on the new steamer, Kansas Millers, as a practical test of its ability to master the sand bars and general “cussedness” of the American Nile.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 30, 1885.
Mr. I. N. Ripley, of Burlington, Iowa, brother-in-law of Mr. E. S. Bliss, is here to join his wife for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Millspaugh, of Vernon, and others.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
E. S. Bliss, Capt. Gary, J. W. Millspaugh, I. N. Ripley and families took a flying trip to Chilocco Monday; also S. B. Millspaugh. They arrived at Chilocco in time to see the noble Red men of the Chilocco school loaded up and taken off on an excursion to Newton and other places. The Indians made a nice appearance. They were well dressed and well behaved.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 27, 1885.
Mr. J. W. Millspaugh, of Vernon, dropped in on THE COURIER today, in company with his old friend, Mr. J. R. Hopkins, of Creston, Iowa, who, with his wife, is visiting here. Mr. Hopkins was conductor on the C. B. & Q. train that struck a broken rail last winter, and went off a bridge, thirty feet down, at Cromwell, Iowa. He is yet incapacitated from labor by his injuries at that time. It was one of the most terrible railroad wrecks of the age, as will be remembered. Mrs. C. Armstrong, Mr. Millspaugh’s only sister, is also visiting him from Mount Pleasant, Iowa.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 10, 1885.
J. W. Millspaugh, of Vernon, tells the champion watermelon story. He was out to Attica the other day and stood in a thirty acre patch in which the melons were so thick that he could hardly keep from stepping on them. One had been plucked weighing seventy-three pounds and over twelve car loads had been sold this season. The market being glutted, the owner was dispensing his gigantic crop at any price he could get.
Lula and Ob Millspaugh...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 17, 1885.
Miss Lula Millspaugh returned Monday from a three weeks visit at Carthage, Missouri. Ob Millspaugh also came in, having spent a week at St. Joe, taking in the Fair and having a big time generally.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 17, 1885.

A meeting of Vernon and Winfield citizens was held in this city Monday to arrange for a new bridge on the old piers on the Walnut at Bliss & Wood’s mill. Chas. C. Black was president of the meeting and G. H. Crippen secretary. It was determined to erect a six thousand dollar bridge. Senator Jennings, J. B. Lynn, S. H. Myton, J. W. Millspaugh, Billy Moore, S. W. Schwantes, B. F. Wood, and J. F. Martin were appointed as committeemen to boost the matter through. It is proposed to erect a $6,000 bridge on private subscription. Twenty-two hundred dollars were subscribed in this meeting, the largest amount, $800, by Bliss & Wood. The road, as condemned and paid for years ago, leading from Vernon to this bridge, runs along the north bank of the river until it strikes the bluff, where it comes out on the section line. Another meeting will be held on the 28th to perfect matters.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
Vernon Township. Delegates: J. G. Pearson, J. W. Millspaugh, W. E. Tansey, J. F. Martin, N. M. Powers, C. D. Soule. Alternates: None.
L. A. Millspaugh...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.
L. A. Millspaugh came in Saturday from a two weeks’ tour of his regular territory.
Note: L. A. Millspaugh listed in the 1885 Winfield Directory:
Millspaugh L A, travel agent, boots and shoes, res 905 e 9th
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
The Cowley County Horticultural Society held its first meeting for this year, with President Jas. F. Martin presiding and Secretary Jacob Nixon at the recorder’s desk, and a good membership present.
The election of officers for 1886 resulted as follows: President, J. F. Martin; Vice-President, Dr. C. Perry; Secretary, Jacob Nixon; Treasurer, G. W. Robertson; Trustees, Messrs. Millspaugh, Thirsk, and F. A. A. Williams.
Frank Millspaugh...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
I will offer at public sale at my farm three miles southeast of Seeley, on Wednesday, February 24, the following property: One span of horses, one farm wagon, one set single harness, John Deere Cultivator, five two-year old steers, one Durham Bull, one set double harness, one top buggy, one Cassady sulky plow, fifteen milch cows, fresh, five two-year old heifers, eleven yearlings and calves, 200 bushels of oats, and a lot of small farming implements. TERMS OF SALE: A credit of 6 months will be given on all sums of $10 and over, with interest at ten per cent, and approved security. A discount of 6 per cent will be given on all sums of $10 and over if paid on day of sale. J. F. MILLSPAUGH.
L. A. Millspaugh...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
L. A. Millspaugh, the St. Joe foot gear man, one of “our boys,” came in Thursday from a tour of Southern Missouri and Eastern Kansas. Ob. represents a big firm and sells a pile of boots and shoes.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 18, 1886.
In our report of the surprise party at Spencer Bliss’, we find we omitted the following names: Capt. S. G. Gary and wife; J. S. Hunt and wife; Dr. and Mrs. Wells; Mr. and Mrs. H. Silliman; Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Wood; Mrs. Hickok; Mrs. Young; and Misses Reider, Gregg, and Millspaugh.
L. A. Millspaugh...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.

L. A. Millspaugh, the jolly St. Joe man of leather, and one of “our boys,” came in Saturday and went up the country to see—well, we promised not to.
Winfield Monthly Herald, January, 1892.
Our sister, Mrs. E. S. Bliss, from Floral, has been with us at her church home part of the time for the past few weeks. We are glad to have her with us, but sorry that the sickness of her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Millspaugh, brings her to the city.
Winfield Monthly Herald, July, 1892.
The following new members have been received: John Millspaugh; Mrs. John Millspaugh.
Winfield Monthly Herald, July, 1892.
Mrs. John Millspaugh is very sick with little hope of recovery.