[General File. Putting in items relative to Various Moore people, which I could not following through with much more information. There are 19 other files which contain information about Moore families. MAW]
Kansas 1875 Census Bolton Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
W. H. Moore 29 m w Virginia Virginia
Lucy Moore 20 f w Illinois Illinois
Alpha Moore 2 m w Kansas
Albert Moore 2m m w Kansas
Kansas 1875 Census Dexter Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
Wm. Moore 60 m w Ohio Iowa
Sarah Moore 60 f w Ohio Iowa
J. F. Moore 37 m w Ohio Iowa
Mary E. Moore 22 f w Ohio Iowa
Wm. Moore Jr. 17 m w Ohio Iowa
Anson B. Moore 16 m w Iowa Iowa
Edwin D. Moore 13 m w Iowa Iowa
Kansas 1875 Census Sheridan Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
R. H. Moore 44 m w Pennsylvania Ohio
S. H. Moore 41 f w New York Ohio
M. Moore 19 f w Ohio Ohio
S. E. Moore 13 f w Ohio Ohio
C. M. Moore 11 f w Ohio Ohio
R. S. Moore 3 m w Kansas
S. E. Moore 1 m w Kansas
Kansas 1875 Census, Tisdale Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
S. S. Moore 37 m w Pennsylvania Michigan
E. A. Moore 34 f w New York Michigan
G. D. Moore 8 m w Michigan Michigan
L. V. Moore 3m m w Kansas
Kansas 1875 Census, Winfield Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
I. E. Moore 41 m w New York Iowa
Lydia A. Moore 31 f w Wisconsin Iowa
Moore, W. H., 28; spouse, Lovicy, 18.
Moore, W. H., 28; spouse, Lovicy, 20.
Moore, W. H., 30. No spouse listed.
Other females listed: Louisa Moore, 21; Mary Moore, 77; Nancy J. Moore, 34.
Moore, W. H. 31; spouse, L. Moore, 24.
Moore. Female only listed: L. Moore, 25.
Moore, J. W., 54; spouse, Mary C., 54.
Moore, E. E., 26; spouse, Mary C., 16.
Moore, Johnathan, 54; spouse, A., 48.
Moore, L., 34. No spouse listed.
Moore, J. L., 34. No spouse listed.
Moore, Jonathan, 59; spouse, Abigail, 52.
Moore, Emery, 30; spouse, Mary, 20.
Moore, J. W., 26; spouse, Caroline, 31.
Moore, Anson, 22. No spouse listed.
Moore, J. C., 32; spouse, Annie E., 20.
Moore, J. M., 45; spouse, M., 42.
Moore, L. B., 22; spouse, Laura, 20.
Moore, W. J., 23. No spouse listed.
Moore, Wm., 50. Also listed, Moore, Sarah, 67.
Moore, , 45; spouse, Mrs. , 40. Post Office Address, Lazette.
Moore, W. F., 21. No spouse listed. Post Office Address, Lazette.
Moore, L. D., 23. No spouse listed. Post Office Address, Lazette.
Moore, Geo. W., 37; spouse, Elizabeth, 27. Post Office Address, Rose Valley.
Moore, G. W., 38; spouse, Elizabeth, 30.
Moore, George, 39; spouse, E., 25.
Moore, Nathaniel, 34; spouse, Eliza, 25.
Moore, J. R., 39; spouse, Elizabeth T., 39.
No males mentioned.
Woman listed: Moore, Mrs. R. H., 34.
Moore, Jonathan, 60. No spouse listed. Post Office Address, Cedar Vale.
Moore, A. C., 33; spouse, Annie H., 17.
Moore, G. B., 47; spouse, Mary, 45.
Moore, G. W., 51; spouse, Elizabeth, 42.
Moore, Harry, 21. No spouse listed.
Moore, J. C., 29; spouse, Clara, 29.
Moore, J. P., 26; spouse, Ida, 21. Also female listed: M. J. Moore, 53.
Moore, O. D., 34; spouse, Amanda, 34.
Moore, Rodney, 28. No spouse listed.
Moore, Rease, 43; spouse, Sophia, 39.
Moore, R. H., 49; spouse, H. S., 46.
Moore, F. E., 51; spouse, E. C., 47.
Moore, W. W., 24. No spouse listed.
Moore, F. E., 50; spouse, E. C., 49.
Moore, F. E., 54; spouse, E. C., 50.
Moore, W. W., 27. No spouse listed.
Moore, J. T., 49. No spouse listed.
Moore, S. S., 34; spouse, E. A., 31.
TISDALE TOWNSHIP, Town of Tisdale, 1876:
Moore, S. S.; spouse, E. A. [Ages not given.]
Moore, S. S., 43; spouse, E. A., 39.
Moore, G. M., 33. No spouse listed.
Moore, F. J., 43; spouse, E. P., 23.
Moore, F. J., 44; spouse, Emily, 33.
Moore, George M., 28; spouse, Ellen, 24.
Moore, T. H., 28. No spouse listed.
Moore, J. M., 44; spouse, M. J., 33.
Moore, R., 70. No spouse listed.
Moore, R. A., 34; spouse, M. E., 29.
Moore, J. M., 40; spouse, M. J., 38. Post Office Address, Lazette.
Moore, R. A., 36; spouse, M. E., 30. Post Office Address, Lazette.
Moore, R. A., 37; spouse, M. E., 32. Post Office Address, Lazette.
Moore, Alfred, 46; spouse, E. A., 36.
Moore, Ira E., 41; spouse, Lydia A., 29.
Moore, Sam B., 23. No spouse listed.
Moore, C., 49; spouse, Martha, 36.
Moore, C., 24. No spouse listed.
Moore, G. M., 23. No spouse listed.
Moore, Wm., 48; spouse, C. J., 43.
Moore, Alfred, 25. No spouse listed.
Moore, James, 30. No spouse listed.
Moore, Luther, 22. No spouse listed.
Moore, Luzern, 22. No spouse listed.
Moore, Wm., 23. No spouse listed.
Moore, Wm., 68; spouse, Mary, 68.
Moore, Wm., Jr., 23. No spouse listed. Also listed: Mary Moore, 48.
Moore H P, stock dealer, res 802 e 9th
Moore Bros., stone cutters and masons, 1112 Lowry
Moore Luther, res 1112 Lowry
Moore Luzern, res 1112 Lowry
Moore Wm. & Son, stone sidewalks, res n of Bliss & Wood’s mill
Moore W S, stonemason, res 1119 Lowry
Moore Wm., carpenter, res e Myrtle
John Moore of Rock Township...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 25, 1873.
Mr. John Moore of Rock Township has sown 160 acres of wheat, and intends putting in 40 acres more.
Excerpts: Glennie Moore...
Winfield Courier, March 11, 1875.
Others of regular attendance were Misses Rose Rounds, Ella Rounds, Hettie Rounds, Mary Higbee, Connie Gay, Libbie West, Hattie Young, Mary Bates, and Nettie Handy.
Also, Masters Eddy Kelly, Ellsworth Whittaker, Harry Whittaker, and Allen Bates. (Glennie Moore, seventy-four days attendance.)
Levina E. Moore marries Niton Jackson...
Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876.
MARRIED. JACKSON - MOORE. At the residence of the bride’s father, on Sunday, Oct. 22nd, by Esq. John Smith, Niton Jackson and Levina E. Moore, all of Sheridan Township.
Another pair of souls made happy. We congratulate Mr. Jackson on getting one of the best girls that “ever wore shoe leather.” May their lives be as happy as their bright honeymoon.
John Moore, Cedar...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 22, 1876.
S. E. Moore, Winfield Township...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 12, 1876.
The examination of applicants for teachers took place at the schoolhouse at Winfield Friday and Saturday, April 7th and 8th. Professors T. A. Wilkinson, A. B. Lemmon and E. W. Hulse constituted the Board of Examiners. There were twenty-nine applicants, named as follows:
Jennie Lawson, Maggie Strasburg, Mary Strasburg, Effie Randall, Sarah E. Davis, Ioa Roberts, Alice Pyburn, Emily Roberts, S. E. Moore, M. J. Huff, Ollie Huff, Winfield Township.
Miss Moore, teacher...
Arkansas City Traveler, May 3, 1876.
The summer term of school in District No. 10 was called to order this morning by Miss Moore, who bears the reputation of being a well qualified and energetic teacher.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.
The school in District No. 10 is progressing finely under the supervision of Miss Moore.
Theodore Moore...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 28, 1877.
Bids received March 26, 1877, for breaking 800 acres of prairie at Pawnee Agency, Indian Territory, to be completed by the 15th of June.
Emma B. Moore of Topeka marries J. A. Earnest, of Winfield...
Winfield Courier, July 12, 1877.
MARRIED. EARNEST - MOORE. Married at the residence of the bride’s father, Dr. Moore, at Topeka, Kansas, on Tuesday, June 26th, 1877, by Rev. Mr. Kursner, Mr. J. A. Earnest, of Winfield, and Miss Emma B. Moore.
We congratulate our friend J. A. on being able to secure so handsome and accomplished a lady with whom to make the voyage of life.
George Moore, Liberty Township...
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1877.
Liberty—L. Weimer, Trustee; E. Newlin, Treasurer; J. Reynolds, Clerk; Geo. Moore, J. J. Hawkins, Justices; J. Campbell, Constable.
M. Moore...
Winfield Courier, November 29, 1877.
Mr. M. Moore is the chief engineer of one of Nate Robinson’s trains to Eldorado, and runs his train in the best of style, besides being very attentive to his passengers.
Mr. Moore rents farm on Beaver creek from J. W. Searle...
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
J. W. Searle is putting up a stone fence.
Searle is feeding about sixty head of cows. He intends to have them ready for the June market. He has rented his farm on Beaver creek to a Mr. Moore and moved on the state line where he could have more range.
Theodore Moore married to Maud Jones...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.
I joined in marriage at the residence of John T. Kerr’s, Mr. Theodore Moore and Miss Maud Jones. All of Cowley County, Kansas. ELDER E. E. HARVEY, Jan. 24, 1878.
Good enough. We congratulate you, Theodore.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
MARRIED. Married, by Elder E. E. Harvey, at the residence of J. T. Cresswell, Mr. Theodore Moore to Miss Madie [Maud] Jones.
Ben Moore...
Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.
A raft of 10,000 feet of lumber was brought down the Walnut from Mr. Leander Finley’s timber to Lippmann’s saw mill this week. Harklewood was Captain of the craft, with Thad. McGinnis and Ben. Moore as first and second mates, and Tim McIntire, pilot. All went well until two of the crew immersed themselves in the river and nearly swamped the raft climbing out.
Mr. and Mrs. James Moore, Windsor Township...
Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.
Wheat looking fine, with a large amount sown. Corn all in the crib, and a large yield.
The young folks are having a good time this winter with their parties, lyceums, literary societies, etc. They surprised Mr. and Mrs. James Moore on Monday night, and made things lively until a late hour.
Mr. Moore, Omnia...
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
Mr. Moore had the misfortune to lose one of his horses a short time since.
Clarissa J. Moore...
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers.
E. C. Manning and wife to Clarissa J. Moore, part of n. ½ of s.e. 20 32 4, $1,200.
Mr. Moore, of Illinois, buys J. I. Mitchell farm near South Bend...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.
J. I. MITCHELL sold his farm near South Bend to Mr. Moore, of Illinois, last week.
Mr. Moore: west of Winfield???...
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
Last Sunday, March 17th, Mr. Rarick cut from the field of Mr. Moore one and a half miles west of town some stalks of growing wheat which measured 30 inches high.
The two Misses Moore, Cedar Township...
Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Cochran and the two Misses Moore were baptized and confirmed into the church of the Followers of Christ, last Sunday. After the baptizing there was a feet washing and love feast at Mr. E. Osborn’s, and preaching at the Smith schoolhouse at early candle light.
James R. Moore...
Real Estate Transfers.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
James I. Mitchell and wife to James R. Moore, same tract.
James I. Mitchell and wife to J. R. Moore, se. 10-34-4.
Mr. Moore, living near Arkansas City...
Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.
The deputy sheriff of Sedgwick County and one of the city marshals of Wichita were here Thursday evening in search of a rather tall man of about thirty years of age, wearing a broad rimmed white hat, and riding a large sorrel mare, about eight years old, with white strip in the face. The thief was seen by Mr. Moore on Wednesday evening near Rev. Swarts’ farm, going toward the Walnut. A number of persons searched along the river, but owing to the high stage of the water, no trace of him could be found.
Clarissa J. Moore...
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers.
E. C. Manning and wife to Clarissa J. Moore, lot 3 and 50 ft. by 150 ft. of lot 2, contingent to lot 30, block 8, Winfield; $125.
H. H. Moore, of Sheridan...
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
H. H. Moore, of Sheridan, left with us last week a peck or two of his fine peaches. Thanks.
Theodore Moore...
Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.
Mr. Theodore Moore, while on his way to Wichita, was bitten on the leg by a little black spider, and so badly poisoned before he received medical aid that he became helpless for awhile, but after receiving medical assistance was enabled to return home.
Moore, of Springfield, Illinois...
Arkansas City Traveler, August 20, 1879.
We received a pleasant call from Messrs. McGrady and Moore, of Springfield, Illinois, yesterday. They purpose purchasing land and going into the cattle business in this locality, having received every assurance from railroad functionaries that the Santa Fe road would be in Arkansas City by next October.
James Moore, railroader, Winfield???...
Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.
Two railroaders, James Moore and Michael Reynolds, were arrested last week and brought before Justice Buckman on complaint of Dennis Murphy, charged with robbing him of $110.00. Henry E. Asp conducted the case for the State, and Charles H. Payson appeared for the defense. From the testimony of Dennis Murphy, he had got into a “bad crowd” as he furnished all the whiskey and his friends showed their appreciation of his generosity by robbing him of his money.
Glen Moore, Tisdale...
Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.
ED. COURIER. The following is a report of the Tisdale school for the month ending Jan. 30.
No. pupils enrolled: 62
Average daily attendance: 54
The following named pupils have attained 100 in deportment.
GRADE A. Frank McKibben, Glen Moore, George Newton, C. P. Conrad, Nettie Handy, Lula Handy, Connie Gay, Stella Boatman, Jessie Goodrich, Ella Whistler, Effie Bartlow, Hattie Young, George Davis, Edna Davis.
James Moore...
Winfield Courier, February 19, 1880.
The following is a list of cases that will stand for trial at the adjourned December, A. D. 1879, term of the district court of Cowley county, beginning on the 4th Monday, February 23, 1880, and have been placed on the trial docket in the following order.
State vs. James Moore et al.
James Moore...
Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.
Sheriff Shenneman, after a most diligent pursuit, captured Moore, the second of the escaped prisoners, in Kansas City last Friday. Moore had just got into a fight and been arrested by the police.
Alpha Moore, Bert Moore...
Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1880.
Mr. Charles Hutchins, teacher at the Stony Point schoolhouse, district 89, furnishes us with the following report of his school for the month of November.
Mary Buzzi, Hattie Harkins, Isabelle Buzzi, Clarence Thompson, Alpha Moore, Dora Bartonia, Bert Moore, Battie Parvin, Maggie Patterson, Geo. Harkins, Fred Harkins, Mary Stevens, John Harkins, Jacob Buzzi, Antonia Buzzi.
Will Moore and wife, Pleasant Valley...
Winfield Courier, November 4, 1880.
We had the pleasure of attending a social party at the residence of Mr. Huff, in Pleasant Valley township, last Wednesday evening. The “youth and beauty” of the valley were out in force, and were most hospitably entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Huff and their accomplished daughters, Misses Mollie and Lena. Among those present were Messrs. Wright, Roe, Wallace, Wolf, Graves, Mr. Will Moore and wife, Mr. Sanders, and Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Broadwell. Among the young ladies were Misses Kirkpatrick, Hattie, and Alice Graves, Mattie De Turk, Miss Camp, Miss Kramer, and many others whose names we did not get.
F. J. Moore, Indiana, relative of Wm. Moore and Geo. M. Moore...
Winfield Courier, January 13, 1881.
F. J. Moore, from Indiana, is staying in this vicinity for a few weeks and we hope he will become a permanent citizen. He is a relative of Wm. and Geo. M. Moore.
W. R. Moore, from Colorado, settling in Winfield...
Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.
Mr. W. R. Moore, one of our old Colorado subscribers, arrived in Winfield, Monday, and will locate here.
Mollie Moore marries John McClung...
Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.
Mr. John McClung and Miss Mollie Moore were married the 27th of last month, by Elder R. S. Thompson.
N. Moore...
Winfield Courier, June 16, 1881.
A considerable number of the citizens of Winfield met on Monday evening on the steps of the Winfield Bank to provide for raising funds for the immediate relief of the sufferers caused by the cyclone Sunday evening. Mr. Crippen called the people together by music from the band.
During the day the canvass of the city resulted in the following cash subscriptions.
N. Moore: $1.00.
W. C. Moore, of Arkansas City, at New Mexico...
Arkansas City Traveler, September 14, 1881.
W. C. Moore and Chas. Coombs, both live paragraphers, arrived in the Capital last week, from Durango, Colorado. They have, until recently, been connected with the Daily South-western in that place, which paper is looked upon as “The” paper of Durango; this reputation being greatly due to the exertions of the above-named gentlemen.
Santa Fe (New Mexico) Democrat.
J. Z. Moore, of Owensboro, Kentucky
Winfield Courier, October 27, 1881.
Mr. J. Z. Moore, of Owensboro, Kentucky, an old schoolmate of Rev. Platter, is spending several days looking over the country with a view of locating. He was a candidate for congress in his district in 1876, and although receiving a majority of the votes, did not get the certificate. Under the same circumstances anybody would seek a new location, and most generally turn to Kansas. Kentucky intends to remain democratic yet awhile.
F. E. Moore...
Winfield Courier, November 3, 1881.
Francis C. Elkins vs. F. E. Moore et al.
Mina Moore property...
Winfield Courier, November 17, 1881.
Mrs. Jarvis has purchased the Mina Moore property and built an addition to it: the house, not the property.
Rease Moore...
Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.
Rease Moore has leased his fine farm to his son-in-law for the next year. Rease intends to rest next season.
George L. Moore, deceased...
Cowley County Courant, January 5, 1882.
Final settlement made in the estate of Geo. L. Moore, deceased, and administrator discharged.
Mrs. William Moore, Arkansas City...
Winfield Courier, February 16, 1882.
The Horticultural Society.
Met at Winfield, February 4, at 2 o’clock p.m., President Martin in the chair. Secretary being absent, J. O. Taylor was chosen as Secretary pro tem. Mr. Maxwell was called on as an experienced grower to give the members the best varieties of fruits to plant in this section. He reported that Canker worm has appeared in the orchards in the bottom lands, and advised growers to be on the look out and destroy them as soon as found.
Mr. Williams suggested that the Secretary correspond with some of the best growers as to their experience, and ask for a list of best varieties. Motion made and carried.
The following names suggested: Mrs. Wm. Moore, Arkansas City; Geo. Brown, Winfield; Squire N. J. Larkin, Floral; Henry Hawkins, Winfield; Mr. DeTurk, Winfield; Mr. A. S. Burrell, Arkansas City.
L. D. Moore, estate of Lewis A. Moore...
Winfield Courier, February 23. 1882.
L. D. Moore appointed Administrator of the estate of Lewis A. Moore.
Lewis A. Moore estate...
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.
The inventory of the estate of Lewis Moore shows $2,170.74 personal property.
Lottie Moore, Tisdale...
Winfield Courier, May 11, 1882.
The following is a report of Tisdale school for first month, ending May 5th, 1882. Number of pupils enrolled 38, number of pupils not tardy 25, average daily attendance 29.5 percent, of attendance 92.5. Names of pupils neither absent nor tardy: Mina Conrad, Lottie Moore, Sammie Shorter, Fred Wycoff. THIRZA DOBYNS, Teacher.
Lewis A. Moore estate...
Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.
F. J. Moore...
Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.
Mr. F. J. Moore, who has been farming Joel Mack’s place, threshed last week. He had thirteen acres of old ground wheat which yield 48 bushels per acre. He had twelve acres of sod wheat on hand which one year ago was in prairie, from which he got 25 bushels per acre. He sold the wheat for 86 cents per bushel, and from the twenty-five acres realized $744.76. The total expense of seed, cultivation, and marketing the crop was about $240.00, leaving a net profit of $500 off of 25 acres.
James Moore...
Winfield Courier, August 24, 1882.
Greenback Convention.
The committees were as follows.
Resolutions: W. A. Tipton, H. C. Werden, W. Heineken, A. L. Crow, D. B. McCollum.
Apportionment: R. W. Stephens, C. C. Krow, Mr. McCurley, F. W. Schwantes, J. C. Stratton.
Permanent Organization: Wm. Bryant, M. L. Martin, Jas. Moore, F. H. Gregory, F. A. A. Williams.
The meeting was not large or enthusiastic.
J. W. Moore, of Otto...
Winfield Courier, September 28, 1882.
J. W. Moore of Otto, in this county is one of the men who saw the comet before or at sunrise Monday morning of last week.
Mr. (?) Moore...
Winfield Courier, October 19, 1882.
Mr. Moore, a friend of Mr. Miller, arrived in our vicinity quite recently from Indiana.
F. J. Moore...
Winfield Courier, October 26, 1882.
F. J. Moore brought in the most wonderful ears of corn we have ever seen. One of them had 30 rows of kernels and 60 kernels to the row. He sold his load of corn at 40 cents per bushel.
J. D. Moore, postmaster at Sedan, and brother, W. H. Moore...
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
Mr. J. D. Moore, postmaster of Sedan, made us a pleasant call last week in company with his brother, W. H. Moore, of this vicinity. Call again.
F. E. Moore, of Silver Creek Township...
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
We received a pleasant call from Mr. F. E. Moore, of Silver Creek Township Saturday. Mr. Moore is one of the COURIER’s oldest subscribers.
Mr. (?) Moore...
Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.
Messrs. Robinson, Horning, Kretsinger, Conklin, Wood, Myton, Lynn, Moore, and others went up to Topeka Tuesday afternoon.
Frank Moore, stone...
Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.
Mr. Frank Moore has quit the stone quarry and moved on a farm.
Mr. (?) Moore...
Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.
Mr. Moore, the gentleman who rented the old Sloan farm, has moved with his family on the same.
Mr. (?) Moore and family...
Arkansas City Traveler, February 7, 1883.
Attempted Skip. A couple of parties by the name of Coe and Moore, who have been living in this vicinity for two years past, attempted to play it smart on their creditors by jumping the country last Monday night. Moore and his family left on the cars, leaving Coe to drive the team of mules and wagon and five head of horses out of the country. They had previously borrowed money on the property at the Creswell Bank, but their movements being known, Capt. Nipp and J. J. Breene went after Coe, overtaking him near Winfield and bringing both him and the stock back. Coe says that before leaving on the cars, Moore said he had paid all claims on the stock. If such is the case, Coe must be held blameless of evil intent.
E. E. Moore, Cedar Township...
Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.
CEDAR: D. Beard, trustee; R. E. Howe, clerk; Jacob Smith, treasurer; W. Rutherford and Jacob Shipman, J. P.’s; Wm. Morgan and E. E. Moore, constables.
Reece Moore...
Winfield Courier, April 26, 1883.
They Sweep Over Liberty, Tisdale, and Vernon Townships with Demoralizing Effect.
Summary of the Damages so far as Ascertained.
The wind storm of last Friday night was no tame affair; indeed, it proved to be very interesting to many of the residents of Liberty and Tisdale Townships.
The storm seems to have passed north and struck Tisdale, where a large two-story frame house was blown to splinters. It contained ten persons at the time, all of them being on the ground floor. Mr. Green, one of the occupants, says that when he picked himself up, he was off on the prairie surrounded with the debris of the buildings and furniture. Reece Moore and wife were lying near him, both badly injured. The others were badly shaken up, but not damaged to any great extent. The furniture, stoves, and other household fixtures were totally demolished. The Conrad schoolhouse was also destroyed. In the north part of Tisdale Township, near New Salem, Milt Gilbert’s house was unroofed. The walls were of stone and withstood the force of the storm. Fortunately there was no one in the house at the time. Farther on Reuben Mitchell’s house was wrecked, the two gables and half the roof blown in. It was a new frame house built this spring.
Charlie Moore, Otoe chief...
Arkansas City Traveler, July 4, 1883.
Charlie Moore, an Otoe chief, writes C. M. Scott offering a reward of $10 each for the recovery of one black and brown horse, 6 years old, and a sorrel horse, with white spot in forehead, 8 years old. The horses were lost from Ponca Agency June 27th.
A. C. Moore, Canton, Illinois...
Arkansas City Traveler, July 25, 1883.
Charlie Hilliard and C. M. Scott purchased from Stewart & Co., of Wichita, one male and two female thoroughbred Poland-China pigs, weighing about 30 pounds each, for $80, and had them expressed to this place, where they are being cared for in the most approved style. They are said to be the best stock in the country; the male pig being sired by “Black Jack,” registered 779, owned by C. W. Jones, Richland, Michigan; with dam “Garfield,” No. 957, owned by A. C. Moore, Canton, Illinois. C. M. also has a fine blood Jersey Red.
E. E. Moore, J. D. Moore, I. H. Moore...
Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.
A Card. August 1st, 1883. To Alexander Cairns of Tisdale Township: We, the undersigned Republican voters of Cowley County, Kansas, do hereby petition you, Alexander Cairns, to become a candidate for the office of County Surveyor of said county, subject to the action of the Republican Convention.
J. H. Mounts, J. D. Mounts, M. N. Chafey, A. D. McHargue, J. O. Barricklow, G. W. Barricklow, Joseph Barricklow, William Duncan, Jonathan Duncan, S. W. Chase, James Williams, A. Gafney, John Chase, James Perkins, Henry Denning, Walter Denning, V. P. Rounds, W. L. Pennington, Jeff Benning, J. F. Crow, Lewis Myers, O. R. Bull, H. Chance, H. Fry, J. A. Priest, Joseph Fry, H. B. Trueman, I. N. Denning, Geo. B. Rounds, B. F. Walker, F. H. Conkright, E. M. Brown, John H. Cox, E. E. Moore, B. F. Harrod, R. D. Rising, Thos. Walker, N. W. Gould, Ira Fluke, N. R. Jackson, A. H. Hetherington, D. A. Mounts, J. Anglemyer, G. Bonebrake, George W. Reed, I. M. Deming, I. A. Cochran, James A. Cochran, Lincoln Caster, S. Y. Caster, John McKee, Wm. Lefter, J. D. Moore, I. H. Moore, Jas. Greenshields, N. S. Mounts, W. M. Summerville.
Thomas Moore...
Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.
W. W. Brown and sons are putting up 150 tons of hay for Thomas Moore.
Perry Moore...
Winfield Courier, September 27, 1883.
Last Tuesday evening was a time long to be remembered by the young folks of this vicinity. At an early hour they gathered at the residence of Mr. Savage, in honor of Mr. Albert Savage’s nineteenth birthday, and every person present pronounced it the most enjoyable affair of the season. Miss Ellen Hittle furnished the party, during the evening, with some excellent music, both vocal and instrumental, and at the usual hour supper was announced. The table was handsomely decorated with flowers, and, above all things with an exceedingly large part of the luxuries of life, which every person took part in to an alarming extent. Supper over, the party passed the rest of the evening out in the silvery moonlight, in the various plays adapted to young folks till a very late hour. The party departed to their respective homes, leaving behind them their best wishes; and, as a token of respect, quite a number of valuable presents.
The following is a list of presents received, and from whom.
Perry Moore, cuff-buttons.
L. Moore, Wm. Moore...
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.
Talesmen. [Most paid $2.00 or $4.00...Not listing amounts.]
A. V. Polk, H. Brotherton, C. Trump, Wm. McCullock, H. B. Kizer, Walter Denning, Willis Cowen, F. J. Sydal, L. Moore, J. H. John, T. J. Harris, D. S. Huntington, Henry Noble, Frank Smith, T. L. Bartlow, John Mark, H. R. Branson, Geo. B. Green, S. P. Strong, G. W. Anderson, N. W. Dressie, Lafayette Wise, H. Baxter, S. S. Holloway, J. B. Morgan, J. H. Land, R. A. McKenna, J. H. Morgan, J. W. Hackleman, David Ferguson, Wm. Cohagan, B. W. Jenkins, M. Croco, J. L. M. Strange, M. V. Sitton, L. K. Bonnewell, G. R. Stevens, L. T. Morgan, Israel Weakley, G. W. Anderson, M. F. Scott, Levi Wells, W. W. Brown, George Arnold, W. L. Burton, P. A. Sorey, Abram Coffman, W. F. Jones, O. W. Keilholtz, C. H. Wooden, F. H. Burton, Ephraim Sears, Samuel Eslinger, J. H. Hill, S. L. Smith, E. Custar, Jacob Miller, W. J. Bonnewell, J. F. Miller, A. V. Corbin, L. C. Harter, Arthur Orr, E. F. Sears, J. W. Hackleman, J. A. Cooper, D. A. Dale, W. I. Shotwell, James Kirk, W. J. Shrubshall, D. S. Fike, J. F. Miller, C. Castanian, Lewis Conrad, J. N. Harter, N. L. Edwards, Geo. Ordway, D. W. Frew, W. J. Bonnewell, Wm. Moore, M. J. Land, Lafayette Wise, N. W. Dressie, Jos. Singer, R. A. McKenna, J. H. Morgan, J. W. Hackleman, J. H. Land, W. N. Dressie, John Foregay, H. C. Reynolds, A. Hughes, T. E. Jones, Wm. Warren, L. C. Harter, Silich Cure, C. H. Wooden, C. A. Roberts, C. C. Pierce, Wm. B. Norman, W. L. Holmes, Lewis Conrad, E. C. Seward, Clark Bryant, W. H. Webster, D. Swift.
Josh Moore...
Arkansas City Traveler, Supplement, December 12, 1883.
Trials and Tribulations.
“Prof. Leon Lacosta, E. Williams, Josh Moore, and Fred Patty have formed themselves into a traveling menagerie, and have started out to exhibit themselves.” Democrat.
The career of the above consolidated combination was as short and sweet as a donkey’s gallop, and is now but a hideous nightmare to the stage struck youths. They were billed to glowing colors for Caldwell last Saturday night, and opened up with a flourish—the flourish coming principally from the esthetic citizens of that cowboy’s heaven who forced their way into the hall without paying. “Prof. Leon Lacosta” is a sleight-of-hand performer, and would pull eggs for hours from the hat of someone in the audience. E. Williams, better known here as “Eph, the ‘bus driver,” excelled Nilson in lyric sweetness, and his dancing threw Charley Queen in the shade. Of the specialties of the others, we are not advised, but it seems that the amusement loving denizens of Caldwell thought our boys were too slow, and evinced a desire to help them along. They very much admired Lacosta’s egg trick, and wishing to see more of it, they supplied him with more eggs—laid in the springtime of youth by the mother of the cock that crowed for Peter. Their aim was a little wild, owing to their anxiety that the boys should get all of them, and most of this succulent food brought up against the scenery; but a sufficient number struck the character artists to convince them that it was growing fate—time to close up. “Eph” was successful in reaching the depot and boarding a freight train; but the others had more time (after the crowd got through with them) and very leisurely walked from Caldwell back to Arkansas City—only a trifle of thirty-five miles—leaving in the little hamlet in Sumner various articles of clothing and “Eph’s” banjo, which the crowd had “soaked” for drinks in every saloon in that city of the plains. At present all engagements have been concluded.
L. B. Moore...
Arkansas City Traveler, Supplement, December 19, 1883.
Amount of scrip issued by city clerk from May 1, 1883, to December 15, 1883, inclusive.
J. W. Moore, Cedar Township...
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1884.
The Board of Commissioners met Tuesday and canvassed the vote for township officers. The following were declared elected.
Cedar, J. W. Moore and J. W. Stewart.
L. D. Moore, Harvey Township...
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1884.
The Board of Commissioners met Tuesday and canvassed the vote for township officers. The following were declared elected.
Harvey, L. D. Moore and Frank Batch.
E. H. Moore, Silver Creek Township...
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1884.
The Board of Commissioners met Tuesday and canvassed the vote for township officers. The following were declared elected.
Silver Creek, Clark Walker and E. H. Moore.
Mr. and Mrs. Turk Moore...
Arkansas City Republican, February 16, 1884.
On next Monday evening, an entertainment will be given at the opera house, by Mr. and Mrs. Turk Moore. The performance will consist of songs, medleys, stories, local hints, and mind reading. They come highly recommended by the press of other states. Mr. Moore is an old soldier, but is now blind. All soldiers are particularly invited to attend.
Joshua Moore...
Arkansas City Republican, February 16, 1884.
Having secured the agency for the best windmill in the market, I am now prepared to put in PUMPS, AND WINDMILLS, with the guarantee of No Work. No Pay.
Geared Mills for feed grinding and shelling a specialty.
Mrs. J. Moore...
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1884.
Nothing is so certain to bring genuine happiness to us as to watch the happiness of others, as the result of our own sympathy or gentle words or helpful deeds. . . .
This life is more beautiful to us when we strive to increase each other’s happiness and lighten each other’s burdens. To this end we in our community have been striving for some time past. Our last effort was on Friday, Feb. 8th, at the home of Uncle John Roberts. A goodly number met to assist him in celebrating the fifty-fourth anniversary of Mrs. Roberts’ birthday, which was wholly unexpected by her. Each came with baskets well filled with everything that was good in the way of eatables. Mrs. Roberts was escorted to the parlor to entertain the company, while Mrs. Robertson, J. Moore, and D. Ferguson, with John Ferguson as waiter, assisted Miss Ioa and Emily in preparing supper. The table fairly groaned beneath its load of good things, which everyone enjoyed to their utmost capacity.
J. W. Moore...
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1884.
Office of the County Clerk, Winfield, Kansas, February 12th, 1884.
BOARD met in regular session agreeable to adjournment of January 16, 1884. Present: S. C. Smith (Chairman), Amos Walton, Commissioner, County Attorney, and J. S. Hunt, County Clerk.
Among other proceedings the following claims were allowed the Judges and Clerks of the February 5th 1884 election...paid from $2.00 to $6.00.
Judges D. Beard, Wm. Morgan, D. M. Patten.
Clerks: J. W. Moore, E. G. McGill.
Joshua Moore...
Arkansas City Republican, February 23, 1884.
Joshua Moore and Jen. Clark never retired last Friday night; the boys stood as manfully at the press as did the little boy upon the burning deck.
Rosa Moore...
Arkansas City Republican, March 15, 1884.
The following pupils of the high school department were perfect in deportment during the sixth month of the term.
Mahlon Arnett, Cora Armstead, Sammie Beall, Joseph Campbell, Sarah Crocker, D. C. Duncan, Jacob Endicott, Effie Gilstrap, Laura Gould, Ida Hackleman, Richard Hutchins, Alice L. Lane, Eddie Marshall, Minnie McIntire, Howard Maxwell, Birdie Martin, Dora Pearson, Sarepta Abrams, Frank Barnett, Viola Bishop, Ella Crocker, Mary Dakin, Mollie Duncan, Lizzie Gilbert, Eddie Ganes, Flora Gould, Laura Holloway, John Kirkpatrick, Hattie Laird, Rosa Moore, Fred. McLaughlin, Mettie Marbin, Jessie Norton, Walter Pickering, Lillie Purdy, Lloyd Ruby, M. J. Scott, Emma Theaker, Clarence Thompson, Martin Warren, Lida Whitney, Frank Wright, Carrie Rice, Alvan Sankey, Eva Splawn, Frank Theaker, Horace Vaughn, Edna Worthley, Constance Woodin, Frank Wright.
A. C. and Hester Moore, Winfield: death of daughter Millie...
Winfield Courier, April 17, 1884.
DIED. From Mr. A. B. Arment, undertaker, we learn of the death last week of Millie, a ten months old daughter of A. C. and Hester Moore of this city.
John Moore...
Winfield Courier, April 17, 1884.
View and survey ordered on S. G. Castor Co. road, in Liberty Township, and John Moore, John Wallace, and D. P. Wagoner appointed viewers; also on vacation of John Ireton Co. road; and Hartzell H. Martin, Frank Werden, and P. B. Lee appointed viewers.
Joshua Moore...
Arkansas City Republican, April 19, 1884.
FARMERS, READ THIS! Having secured the agency for the best windmill in the market, I am now prepared to put in PUMPS, AND WINDMILLS, with the guarantee of NO WORK, NO PAY. Geared Mills for feed grinding and shelling a specialty.
JOSHUA MOORE. With Benedict and Owen.
B. Moore...
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1884.
Cowley County District Court, May Term, 1884, Commencing May 5th.
State vs. B. Moore et al.
H. P. Moore and family: new arrivals from Logan County, Illinois...
Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.
Mr. H. P. Moore, who arrived with his family last week from Logan County, Illinois, and has settled in Winfield, made us a profitable call on Monday.
Joseph M. Moore, Iola Moore...
Arkansas City Republican, June 21, 1884.
County Normal Institute.
The County Normal Institute opened Monday with flattering prospects for a successful season. The enrollment is unusually large, and a real live interest is manifested in the work. It is conducted by Prof. B. T. Davis of the State Normal school, one of the best educators of the state, ably assisted by Prof. A. Gridley and County Superintendent Limerick. The Model Department, under the management of Miss Stretch, is a very attractive feature of this session. The arrangement of the work was for a session of eight weeks, but should the weather become hot, and the teachers wearied, the work may close at the end of the sixth week.
Following are the names of those in attendance.
Thornton Baker, Thos. W. Bowles, Lena Broadbent, Lizzie Campbell, Ira Crane, Winnie M. Emery, Delia Fogle, Cora Goodrich, Fannie Himelic, Lou Jarvis, Julia B. King, Ida Kuhn, Mattie M. Linn, Joseph M. Moore, Fanny Saunders, Codie A. Waite, Belle Berthram, Hettie Brown, Cora Bullen, Jennie Cochran, Alma Elliott, Lola Fogle, Lydia Gardner, Nannie Henson, Edith Holland, Ella Johnston, Viola Krow, F. A. Limbocker, Iola Moore, Eva Reynolds, Millie A. Taylor, Leon A. Waite, George Whitson.
Bailey & Moore, Auctioneeers...
Arkansas City Republican, July 19, 1884.
Persons who contemplate selling their goods will do well to read the card of Bailey & Moore, a firm which hereafter will serve the public as auctioneers. Persons entrusting goods to their care may rest assured that their merchandise will be sold with dispatch.
Auction on Main street every Saturday.
D. F. Moore...
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, July 30, 1884.
The Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association will hold its Second Annual Exhibition at Winfield, Kansas, September 23 to 27, 1884. This Association comes before the public with more attractions and better facilities than any like Association in the State. It is a well established fact that our grounds are the largest and best in the State, our buildings, stables, and stalls ample and commodious, thus affording the exhibitor more comfort, pleasure, and money than any Fair Association in the State.
The following is a list of the stockholders of the Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association.
D. F. Moore.
Misses Ella, Lisa, and Estella Moore, of Arkansas City...
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.
Misses Ella, Lisa, and Estella Moore, of Arkansas City, visited their aunt, Mrs. Darnell, last week.
Joseph Moore...
Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.
The Teachers.
The following is a list of teachers granted certificates at the late examination.
Hattie Andrews, D. T. Armstrong, Mahlon Arnett, W. D. Askin, Anna F. Barnes, Laura C. Barnes, Fannie Ballard, Thornton Baker, Cora B. Beach, Hettie M. Brown, T. W. Bowles, Mary L. Berkey, Jennie Bringle, Lizzie Burden, Belle Bartgis, J. C. Bradshaw, Dido M. Carlisle, Villa Combs, Mollie Coonrod, Ivy Crain, Wm. Clover, F. E. Craven, Myron Cronk, A. R. Carroll, Amy Chapin, Mannie Crum, C. A. Daugherty, Hattie Daniels, A. O. Elliott, H. A. Earhart, Rosa A. Frederick, S. J. Gilbert, Lizzie Gilbert, Anna Hansbrough, Belle Hansbrough, Lida Howard, Allie Harden, F. E. Hongley, R. B. Hunter, James N. Harris, Ella Hunt, Fannie Himelick, Maggie Herpich, Ora Irwin, Sade Jesserand, W. E. Ketcham, Ella R. King, Ella Kempton, Anna Kuhn, Ida Kuhn, Viola Krow, Zoe Kephart, Lizzie Lawson, Matie M. Linn, Emma Lycan, W. H. Lucas, Joseph Moore, C. H. Messenger, Mary E. Miller, Fannie McKinley, Mary R. Manser, Erma La McKee, H. G. Norton, Eva B. Preston, Sadie E. Pickering, S. E. Pollock, Belle Page, Carrie Plunket, Anna Primrose, Grace Powers, Josie Pixley, Cyrus Perkins, Amy Robertson, Anna Robertson, Mary Randall, Ed. G. Robertson, T. L. Shaffer, Jno. Stevenson, Olive Stubblefield, Jno. R. Smith, Maggie Seabridge, Minnie Sumpter, Maggie Stansbury, Fannie Saunders, Cora Shreves, Eliza Taylor, Minnie Turner, Haidee Trezise, W. C. Tidd, Millie Taylor, Hattie Utley, Horace Vaughan, Lottie Wilkins, Allie Wheeler, Lizzie Wilson, J. W. Warren, Lotta Wolfe, Charles Walch, Viola Winters, H. S. Wallace.
Joseph Moore, teacher...
Arkansas City Republican, August 23, 1884.
Teachers Receiving Certificates.
The following is a list of teachers granted certificates at the late examination.
Joseph Moore.
F. J. Moore...
Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.
Hunters Take Notice.
We, the undersigned, hereby give notice to all persons that we will prosecute to the full extent of the law all persons who may be found hunting upon our premises.
E. Rogers, Wm. White, H. N. Rogers, R.V. Case, C. C. Anderson, W. H. Butler, J. O. Hawley, Elijah Cubbison, John Martin, C. [?O.?] F. Huston, J. O. Vanorsdal, J. W. Douglass, W. Darling, Wm. Sapp, J. G. Anderson, Sam Andre, Jess Tribby, S. R. Sapp, R. B. Carson, William Johnson, J. S. Savage, H. T. Hittle, F. J. Moore, F. Swan, W. K. Taylor, F. Gretzinger, J. M. Wolf, J. M. Guches.
(?) Moore, Bailey & Moore, Auctioneers...
Arkansas City Republican, September 20, 1884.
BAILEY & MOORE, AUCTIONEERS, County Sales a Specialty. (Auctions on Main street every Saturday.)
Joseph Moore, teacher...
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.
Where the Teachers of Cowley Teach this Winter.
Their Names and the Salaries They Get.
Wrights Canyon, Pleasant Valley Township, Jos. Moore, $40.
Jim Moore, Arkansas City...
Arkansas City Republican, October 25, 1884.
Jas. Moore had a horse stolen from his barn Saturday night. Thursday Mr. Moore, with the aid of the constable at Burden, captured the thief and recovered his horse.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 29, 1884.
Jim Moore’s horse was stolen on the night of the last Democratic rally in this city. Deputy Sheriff Rarick was notified of the fact, and last Thursday captured thief and horse near Dexter, this county. The horse thief has but just got out of the penitentiary, where he has been spending a year for breaking into a jewelry store at Burden. He is evidently “stuck” on the penitentiary.
There were two articles about the same man in which he was given two different first names. Have corrected first name to agree with District Court Docket. On the Criminal Docket his name appears as “Karn” Moore...MAW
Arkansas City Traveler, November 12, 1884.
Grand Jury Indictments.
The Grand Jury found indictments against the following parties in our city upon whom warrants were duly served by Deputy Sheriff Rarick.
Karn Moore, for selling liquor contrary to law. Bond for $300 was given.
Indictments were found against several other parties, but the place that knew them knows them no more. Hence they were not served.
Lovicy Moore, license to marry Aaron Marshal...
Winfield Courier, November 13, 1884.
MARRIAGE LICENSE...issued by Probate Judge during the past week.
Aaron Marshal and Lovicy Moore.
Karn Moore...
Arkansas City Republican, November 15, 1884.
Capt. Rarick served the following indictments on parties in Arkansas City, found by the grand jury.
Karn Moore, illegal selling of liquor. Bond was given in the sum of $300.
L. Moore, councilman...
Winfield Courier, December 4, 1884.
Tammany to the front, Boss Kelly in the lead, is the way the boys talk it now since the election which passed off very quietly with the following result: T. M. Kelly, mayor; A. J. Werden, police judge; and R. R. Ratliff, J. R. Staton, Wm. June, Jeff Norman, L. Moore, as councilmen. A grand ratification took place at the Commercial house after the results was announced, and amid the booming of anvils, blazing of bonfires, and speeches of the officers elect, our young city was ushered into existence.
Joshua Moore...
Arkansas City Republican, December 13, 1884.
For sale cheap, one span of good horses and an almost new spring wagon and harness. Enquire of W. P. Wolf or Josh Moore at Howard Bro.’s store.
Chas. D. Moore, of Ohio...
Arkansas City Republican, December 13, 1884.
A. Bates and Chas. D. Moore, of New Philadelphia, Ohio, were in the city the first of the week prospecting. They were formerly schoolmates of W. M. Jenkins.
Wm. Moore, Hackney?...
Winfield Courier, December 25, 1884.
Beautiful snow made its appearance just one week earlier than last year, according to Wm. Moore’s diary.
(?) Moore, Bailey & Moore...
Arkansas City Republican, December 27, 1884.
Auctions on Main Street every Saturday.
Karn Moore...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.
The following is a list of names set for trial at the January, 1885, term of the District Court of Cowley County, commencing January 6th, 1885.
First Day - Criminal Docket.
37. State v. Karn Moore.
Karn Moore...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.
State vs. Karn Moore, selling intoxicating liquor. Trial by Court and finding against defendant. Defendant adjudged to pay $100 fine and to give bond in the sum of $200 to keep the peace and be of good behavior for a term of two years.
Mrs. (?) Moore...
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Our Daddies.
Council rooms, Feb. 2. Adjourned meeting.
Members present, F. P. Schiffbauer, Mayor; C. G. Thompson, A. A. Davis, and T. Fairclo, councilmen.
The Mayor was instructed to give what assistance was necessary in the relief of Mrs. Moore.
Mabel Moore marries George M. Goodwin...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.
George M. Goodwin and Mabel Moore have launched into the pleasures and vicissitudes of matrimony during the past week, according to Judge Gans’ record.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 7, 1885.
Marriage Licenses.
Geo. M. Goodwin, Mabel Moore.
L. W. Moore, Harvey township...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.
Harvey: Elisha Haynes, trustee, J. Ringwald, clerk; Wm. Hall, treasurer; A. L. McCaw, justice; Frank Batch and L. W. Moore, constables.
Joseph A. Moore, Winfield...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.
CAPITAL. $125,000.00.
Partners individually liable to the full extent of their private fortunes
for the debts of the Bank.
Any Bank in Central Ohio and Bradstreet’s Commercial Agency.
ROBERT KERR. President.
JOHN A. EATON. Vice President.
JOS. A. MOORE. Cashier.
M. H. EWART. Assistant Cashier.
THOS. J. EATON. Teller.
L. Moore, Glen Grouse...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.
L. Moore, our Justice of the peace, has moved near Glen Grouse on a No. 1 bottom farm. He will make it pay if anyone can.
Theodore Moore...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.
Abstract of the monthly report of the County Auditor of Cowley County, Kansas, of claims certified to the County Clerk, on the First Monday of March, 1885.
Theodore Moore, juror fees: $52.60
Ida Moore marries Jesse Kuhn...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.
Judge Gans has authorized the following parties to take the matrimonial route to happiness during the past week: Phillip Hedges and Frances Bell, Wm. Fitzpatrick and Louisa Kelly, Henry Germar and Nellie Buck, August Kaesewieter and Annie Schaefer, Jesse Kuhn and Ida Moore.
Will Moore, South Bend???...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.
Will Moore, who used to pester South Bend with his blood-curdling stories of “living on his own wealth,” now threatens to come back from Nemaha County to fatten up and die nearer his own people. Come back, Will; there is yet room for one Moore.
Mr. (?) Moore, west part of Winfield...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 2, 1885.
Henry Chavis, a colored gentleman, was before Justice Snow and a jury of six Thursday, on a charge of jayhawking some lumber from a Mr. Moore in the west part of town. He was acquitted.
F. Moore...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 2, 1885.
That the Valley Center Sunday school elected officers, last Sunday, for a term of six months. The following named persons were elected to fill the offices: W. Douglass, superintendent; F. Moore, assistant superintendent; A. Savage, secretary; S. Hanlen, treasurer; Miss C. Page, organist; Miss K. Mason, assistant organist; C. Page, chorister; Miss C. Green, assistant.
Mr. (?) Moore...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 16, 1885.
I dream again for your valuable paper. I dreamed that R. P. Burt has the first flower of the season—that the farmers are busy as bees trying to get out their corn crop. That E. L. Wilson was out in Harper County setting out trees on his new bought farm last week. That Noah Wilson is very low with fever. It will hurry him to pull through. That it would not be healthy for anyone to ask Tom Yeaman how his five cent pig is getting along. That Mark Metzger wants to trade the horse he has for one that won’t go to Mr. Moore’s every time it gets loose. That N. J. H. still pursues his way down south regardless of “politicks.” That there was some corn planted in this locality last week, but there will be a larger amount planted this week. That J. J. Tribby has his fine mansion almost completed. It adds much to the improvement and value of his farm. That oats are looming up like Kansas sunflowers after a shower of rain in August. That the Rev. Knight will preach for us next Sunday. Let everybody come and hear him. That T. S. Covert is enclosing his house and orchard with posts and board fence. He is also fencing 80 acres for pasture. That the building of a bridge across the Walnut river at the Dunkard mill, one mile west of Akron, is agitating the minds of the people in this locality at present. That the Rev. Bickford has been sent to fill the vacancy made by the removal of the Rev. C. P. Graham, and that he will preach his first sermon at this place next Sunday night. Let everybody try to surprise him with a full house. That E. E. Rogers and wife, of Grand Summit, visited their parents the latter part of last week. E. E. says Summit is on a boom. That your correspondent, with a multitude of others, was blessed with the privilege of attending the birthday party of Miss Lillie Wilson last Wednesday night, which was a grand affair. The guests began to gather at five o’clock and from then until the eleventh hour. At 9 o’clock a delicious supper was set, of which each one partook as they came, while tears of mingled joy and satisfaction meandered down their rosy cheeks. After the feast was over, one game after another was played until the late hour of two o’clock, when the crowd dispersed and started for their respective homes. Miss Lillie received valuable presents too numerous to mention.
James Moore...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 7, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers for Saturday as taken from the Records of the Register’s office.
H. Correll to James Moore, e ½ of s e ¼, 1-33-7 e and lot 27, 6-33-8, 135 acres. $750.
R. M. Moore marries Ada E. Lane...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 21, 1885.
Fred Davey and Anna Mentch; R. B. Hunter and Susan Thayer; Watson Titus and Emma Potter; R. M. Moore and Ada E. Lane were granted matrimonial certificates by the Probate Judge—a streak of sunshine amid a large amount of clouds.
Robert M. Moore marries Eva Lane...
Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.
MARRIED. Married on Thursday, the 21st, inst., by Rev. F. L. Walker, Robert M. Moore and Miss Eva Lane, all of this city.
Nathaniel Moore...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 9, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
Nathaniel Moore et ux to David L Hoblit, se qr 5-34-6-e, 160 acres: $450.
Della Moore marries Joseph Brown...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 9, 1885.
Joseph Brown and Della Moore; Geo. W. Bean and Letha McGinnis, both colored couples, had the connubial knot tied by Judge Gans Tuesday. Joseph was rushing frantically around after Judge Gans in the still hours of last night—it was a rushing case to head off the would-be interceptor of an elopement.
L. E. Moore...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 11, 1885.
City Council.
Bills: L. E. Moore, 75 cents, allowed.
John J. Moore...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 23, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers, filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
John Moses et ux to John J. Moore, the se ¼ of the sw ¼ of the se ¼ of sec 1, and ne ¼ of nw ¼ and the nw ¼ of the ne ¼ of sec 12-30-e: $640.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Moore have boy...
Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.
BIRTH. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Moore, a boy babe, Wednesday morning.
Lizzie Moore marries J. L. Kennedy, both of Arkansas City...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
Mr. J. L. Kennedy and Miss Lizzie Moore, of Arkansas City, were united in the bonds of Cupid’s weld by Rev. H. D. Gans, in the Central Hotel parlors, Wednesday. They are both splendid young people, not of flourish and trumpet, but a substantial, will-do-to-tie couple who will live a happy, useful life here and end up with honored gray hairs and Heaven. We throw our old shoe after them for good luck, as the cigar that is beyond our temptation is passed to the fat man.
John W. Moore...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
J W Ross et ux to John W Moore, e hf ne qr 22-30-6-e: $800.
Rease Moore and family...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
Rease Moore and family visited their old haunts at Tisdale last week.
Mr. (?) Moore...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 13, 1885.
Hugh Chance made a big sale of stock hogs to Mr. Moore last week. Uncle Hugh knows how to turn an honest penny.
Wm. F. Moore...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 20, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
Wm F Moore to W H Hill lots 21 and 22, 19-30-8e: $500.
Jonah Moore...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 20, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
Jonah Moore et ux to J C Poor, lots 11 and 12, blk 94, Winfield: $1,300.
Johnnie Moore, son of L. E. Moore...
Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.
Johnnie Moore, the 18 year old son of L. E. Moore, had his arm broken just above the wrist joint Wednesday. He was unloading coal when his team started, throwing him out of his wagon with the above result. Dr. Sparks repaired the broken member and the boy is doing well.
James Moore, Kansas City, visiting sister, Mrs. M. J. Weaverling...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 10, 1885.
James Moore, of Kansas City, is visiting his sister, Mrs. M. J. Weaverling, who lives east of town. Mrs. Weaverling will return to K. C. with him and have the tumor taken from her side that has been troubling her for some time.
P. E. Moore...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
David Mills et ux to P E Moore, se qr 11-32-5e: $305.
Joe Moore...
The Last Day of The Cowley Co. Fair—A Grand Success.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.
The show of roadsters was very fine. Jim Vance, Joe Harter, Capt. Nipp, Gene Wilbur, Billy Hands, Arthur Bangs, Joe Moore, and Judge McDonald were in the ring with their steeds. The driving was very fine and resulted in Joe Harter capturing the blue ribbon and Gene Wilbur the red. In double roadster teams, Billy Hands, Gene Wilbur, C. C. Pierce, and John Hahn competed. The teams were as fine as any one could wish to see. Billy Hands took first premium and Gene Wilbur second. The teams were very evenly matched and the decision hard to make. In the roadster stallion class, Capt. Lyon captured first premium for 4 year-olds. For 3 year-olds, Judge McDonald’s “Malcomb Spray” took first.
Sarah J. Moore and Martin G. Elwood...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 8, 1885.
John W. Orand and Ora Irvin, Martin G. Elwood and Sarah J. Moore, Alfred Rice and Harriet A. Rabb are the latest matrimonial victims, according to Judge Gans’ record. The Judge spliced the two last couples.
Sarah J. Moore to marry Martin G. Edward...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 10, 1885.
TO BE MARRIED. Since our last issue Judge Gans is responsible for the following certificates of matrimonial felicity.
Martin G. Edward and Sarah J. Moore.
W. H. Moore...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 15, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
Trustees of Baptist church to W H Moore, lot 5, Parson’s ad to Winfield: $35.
Samuel Moore, Lafayette, Indiana...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 5, 1885.
John D. Gougar, husband of Helen M. Gougar, so well known to Winfield people, with Samuel Moore and John W. Gay are here from Lafayette, Indiana, to look over our city. They are fine looking gentlemen of large experience and means and will make investments here. They are delighted with our county and city and their grand prospects.
(?) Moore, Bryson & Moore...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 14, 1885.
As Seen by the Editor of The Dexter Eye.
Last Saturday, in company with Mr. R. Hite, we made a visit to Arkansas City. We found the streets crowded with teams and everything lively. The stores and shops were crowded with men, women, and Indians. They have some of the finest stores, hotels, etc., in southern Kansas. We met several of the prominent men of the town and we learned one of the secrets of her success. They have a committee of twenty-five of their leading citizens who subscribe a certain amount to raise a fund to be used in carrying out any project or scheme to advance the interest of their town and surrounding country. On Sunday we were furnished a rig by Messrs. Bryson & Moore, and in company with R. Hite and C. W. Barnes, we went to see the sights along the river and canal. The first thing visited was the steamboat, “Kansas Millers.” We found it manned by Robinson Crusoe, a translator of the Indian language. The boat is 16 feet wide and 75 feet long and draws about two feet of water. They have just finished a new steel barge and will be ready for business shortly. We believe from what we saw and learned that they will make the enterprise a grand success. We next went to look at the canal. They were draining the water off in order to wash out the channel and instead of the banks caving in or it washing out too much, as some said, we found that the sand from the river caused it to be a kind of self-feeder, and is regulated on Sunday by raising the water gates and running the surplus sand off. There are three large flourishing mills and water for a dozen more. One cooper shop, where they put up their own barrels.
There is 22 feet of a fall and water enough to run all the factories in the state. Arkansas City is building up rapidly. There are nine large business houses in course of construction and altogether there is not a town in Kansas that has a more glorious future before her.
L. E. Moore, L. A. Moore, deceased...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 19, 1885.
L. E. Moore has made final settlement as administrator of the estate of L. A. Moore, deceased.
Contractor Moore???...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 5, 1885.
Last Thursday evening between the hours of 7 and 8 o’clock, the businessmen began to assemble at the Leland Hotel. When a fair representation had congregated, the crowd repaired to the Leland parlors, where everyone was treated to cigars. By the time the smokers had reduced their Havanas to ashes and indulged in a sociable and animated conversation, the feast was announced ready for devourment. At this moment 47 businessmen of Arkansas City showed an inclination to move towards the spacious dining halls of the Leland. The march was commenced, and when we entered, ye gods! What a sight was presented to the vision of 47 hungry businessmen of Arkansas City. A long table, the entire length of the dining room, was loaded to its uttermost capacity with refreshments for the inner man. Mine Host Perry undoubtedly acquired great fame as a caterer on this occasion. The invited guests filled the long rows of chairs on either side of the table, with Maj. W. M. Sleeth presiding and Jas. Hill occupying a seat at the opposite end of the table. Henry E. Asp and Contractor Moore were present and enjoyed the hospitality of the sturdy businessmen.
C. J. Moore...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 17, 1885.
The Rulers of the city met in regular semi-monthly conclave Monday night. Present: Mayor Graham and Councilmen Connor, Jennings, Myers, Crippen, Hodges, Baden, and Harter; absent, Councilman McDonald.
Petition of the Winfield Water Company, J. B. Lynn, Bliss & Wood, L. W. Kimball, J. W. Sickles, Blanche M. Sickles, C. J. Moore, J. Stretch, and R. B. Waite to have certain territory brought into the city, was granted.
James Moore...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 24, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
Douglass Neal to James Moore, s hf se qr and s hf sw qr 29-32-7e: $800.
L. D. Moore, Mary H. Moore...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 7, 1886.
L. D. Moore was appointed guardian of the estate of Mary H. Moore, a minor.
L. A. Moore...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
J H Ellis et ux to L A Moore, lots 5 & 7, 30-30-8e, q-c: $1.00
W. H. Moore, Winfield...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
THE COURIER would express its thanks to the following named reliable and honored citizens of grand old Cowley for recent favors.
One of those mentioned: W. H. Moore, Winfield.
George W. Moore, Udall...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
THE COURIER would express its thanks to the following named reliable and honored citizens of grand old Cowley for recent favors.
One of those mentioned: George W. Moore, Udall.
H. P. Moore, Winfield...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
H. P. Moore is home from a few weeks in Illinois. He found things very slow there: everybody with the winter fever. He says the immigration to Kansas, and especially Cowley County, will be immense this year.
Moore & Bryson...
Arkansas City Republican, March 6, 1886.
Jim Moore informs us that on Thursday night of last week a valuable pony was stolen from the livery stable of Moore & Bryson in the second ward. No clue has yet been discovered as to the whereabouts of either the pony or the thief.
Moore & Cale, butchers, Winfield...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886.
E. C. Seward is spreading again. This time its an extension and remodeling of the residence next to Snow’s office, into a business building. It will be occupied by Moore & Cale, the 9th avenue butchers.
John A. Moore, Wichita...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 18, 1886.
John Fisher, C. W. Williams, S. Kinsman, and John A. Moore were down from Wichita Friday, circulating around this live Metropolis.
E. C. Moore???...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 18, 1886.
G. T. Drake, C. W. Haines, John J. Price, E. C. Moore were among the St. Louis Brettun banqueters Tuesday.
Moore & Co., meat men...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 25, 1886.
Moore & Co., the Ninth avenue meat men, have moved their shop into the new building near Snow’s office. They have a daisy shop here. Everything clean and neat.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 25, 1886.
V. Beard, of the Fruit House, has left his old headquarters and gone down on Ninth avenue into the building formerly occupied by Moore & Co. It will look rather odd to see that peanut roaster and the round fat man at its helm no more, and no doubt Mr. Beard will be lost for some time away down there.
Capitolia Moore marries George W. Arnold...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 8, 1886.
Four couples have followed the footsteps of their forefathers and plunged into the great sea of wedded blissfulness since last we spoke matrimonially: George W. Arnold and Capitolia Moore; Henry Pappan and Lucy Matney; George Stout and Mary Kecher; Hiram Hedges and Iona Corby.
George W. Moore...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 10, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
At a citizens meeting held at Rose Valley Schoolhouse in Liberty Township on Wednesday evening, June 7th, held for the purpose of submitting propositions of the Kansas City & Pan Handle railroad, the following were the proceedings.
Mr. Fisher was chosen chairman, Messrs. Walton, Reece, and others spoke in explanation of the enterprise. Motion made by Mr. Cochran that the township vote $18,000 township bonds, to be issued to the first railroad completed and operated through the township. Mr. Reece, President of the K. C. & P. H., promptly agreed to enter into such an arrangement if the C. K. & W. would agree to enter into such an arrangement. The proposition of the K. C. & P. H. was then submitted, and owing to some disaffection in reference to location of depot, and for this reason the motion to accept was decided lost by the chairman. Motion made that a committee of five be appointed to confer with the officers of the K. C. & P. H. and formulate a satisfactory petition to submit to the voters.
The following gentlemen were chosen as that committee: J. A. Cochran, S. C. Randall, James A. Easterday, Y. C. Topin, Geo. W. Moore.
Motion made that this committee be instructed to submit the resolution of the meeting to the officers of the C. K. & W. R. R. Co. Motion carried. After adjournment the committee met the officers of the K. C. & P. H., and agreed to an amended petition. This meeting was harmonious and enthusiastic for the K. C. & P. H.
L. Moore...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 10, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
L. Moore will haul you good well water. Leave orders at first house north of Oliver Bros. Lumber Yard.
John Moore, of Geuda Springs...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 10, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
The Grandest Event in the History of the Saratoga of the Southwest.
The 110th anniversary of Independence Day was duly celebrated at Geuda Springs Saturday. To say that the celebration was a grand success is but mildly putting it. It was a “boomer” and conferred honor upon the projectors of the scheme. From a village of 400 inhabitants in the morning, Geuda Springs was converted into a live, rustling city of nearly 4,000 people before high noon-tide. Visitors came in from a distance of 20 miles from all points of the compass and partook of the hospitality of the good citizens of Geuda. At 8:30 a.m., the first excursion train left this city with twelve carloads of our citizens. There were between 700 and 800 people on board. The train arrived at its destination at about 9 o’clock and the excursionists repaired to the celebration grounds, Mitchell’s grove, near the springs. The programme of the forenoon consisted of speaking. Rev. Brink, of Sterling, made the principal oration of the day; and those who heard him, pronounce his a happy effort. There was also a game of base ball between the Frisco nine and the Second nine of this city. Only three innings were played, the score standing 23 to 7 in favor of the Frisco’s. After dinner the second excursion train ran in from Arkansas City, bringing almost as many visitors as the train of the forenoon. The grove was now crowded to its utmost capacity with the throng of people. The main attraction of the afternoon was the base ball game between the Geuda nine and the Canal City Club. The latter came out victorious by a score of 23 to 21. The fire works came in the evening. The display was meagre, but was good as far as it went. After the pyrotechnic display, the major portion of the crowd participated in the dance until the last excursion train pulled out at 11:30 p.m. And thus wound up the greatest event in the history of Geuda.
Wm. Berkey, the marshal of the day, is deserving attention for the good care he took of the crowd and the prompt manner in which he saw the programme of the day executed.
But one drunken man was seen on the grounds and we are sorry to say that one was from Arkansas City.
Not an accident happened during the day; everyone was upon his good behavior.
McNulty and Wingate, of the Canal City Club, is the daisy battery of the Southwest. As base-ballists, they are unexcelled.
John Moore, of the Geuda Springs Club, did some excellent fielding. He was the right bower of the club.
Chas. Hilliard, of the Canal City Club, made two difficult “fly catches” out in left field.
A. B. Johnson tried the circular swing. When he stepped on the platform, there was cause for a great commotion. Ask him to relate his experience.
(?) Moore, Arkansas City...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 4, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
The Canal City Club, instead of meeting the Winfield nine on the diamond yesterday, played the Kellogg and Queen City Clubs combined. The game was a one-sided affair. Only four innings were played, at the end of which the score stood 17 to 2 in favor of the Arkansas City Club. Cannon occupied the box and McNulty caught. The Canal City Club have been greatly strengthened here of late. Next Tuesday they will play the Kellogg Club at the grounds in this city. The game will be a good one. The following are the names of the Canal City boys: McNulty, Ward, Cannon, Miller, Stratton, Wilson, Perryman, Martin, and Moore.
Professor Moore...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 25, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Prof. Moore’s Singing Class, closed with a well attended concert in the M. E. Church Friday evening last. As a pupil of the singing class, I have a word to say for Mr. Moore. He is indeed a thorough instructor in the rudiments of music, teaching the theory of the ablest writers, by their most approved methods. He has, also, some good compositions as was well attested by the chorus, including the bass solo, as sang in the concert, “Consider the Lilies.” For twelve years the professor has been under and associated with the ablest music composers and directors of Musical Conventions and Normals in the west, such as Professor S. W. Straub, J. W. Stillman, Mrs. Doc, and W. T. Werskull, of Chicago, Illinois. Prof. Moore has gathered and has now very successfully used the very best methods of teaching which has been developed in the annual Musical Normals of Prof. S. W. Straub. It was at such Normals, held in Goshen, Indiana, 1883, that I first met Prof. Moore, and now having been a member of his class, am able to say that he can do work as thorough as Prof. Straub in his Normals. I received more substantial benefit during the ten evening’s instructions under Prof. Moore than in Straub’s Normal three years ago. A community is fortunate which secures the services of Prof. Moore as teacher in vocal music, and he deserves much better patronage in class work than he received in Arkansas City. But perhaps it was not just the right time of the year to secure a larger class. J. G. M. HURSH.
Prof. Moore...
Arkansas City Traveler, September 15, 1886.
Prof. Moore, who is teaching a juvenile class in this city in music, will give a concert in the M. E. Church on Friday evening. The best amateur talent in the city is enlisted in the enterprise, and a very acceptable musical entertainment may be expected.
Frank Moore...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 13, 1886.
On the first of the month, Maj. L. J. Miles and Joseph Sherburne, accompanied Jas. A. Martin, chief engineer of the Kansas and Arkansas Valley road, to the Osage Agency, their aid being volunteered to assist the survey party, under Frank Moore, division engineer, in running their lines over the difficult piece of country between Osage and the Kaw Agency. The survey party consisted of thirteen men, all told, and the typographical knowledge of our fellow townsmen proved quite useful in enabling the engineer to run a practicable route. By dint of perseverance in clearing away the underbrush and thoroughly looking over the ground, a line was located which is described to us as quite favorable. The parties came to town on Sunday. Messrs. Miles, Sherburne, and Moore, the two first named having performed their duties, and Engineer Moore to hunt up a competent cook for his party. The survey is now being made northward to this city from the Kaw Agency.
Frank Moore...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 20, 1886.
Frank Moore, engineer in charge of the surveying party running their lines from the Osage country to this city, came to town on Saturday and reported the surveyors three miles out. The survey has since been completed and the route is reported practicable. We understand that before the location is determined on, another route will be surveyed from Maple City, and the merits of the two compared. But the latter labor we regard as merely prudential, and feel justified in declaring that the first survey will be adopted. The location of the Fort Smith road to this city may be regarded as an accepted fact. Thus the combined growth and prosperity of our thriving burg is secured.
Stella Moore, daughter of James Moore (?), married to L. W. Clark...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 9, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
MARRIED. Married October 7th, at 7 o’clock p.m., by Rev. J. P. Witt, at the residence of Jas. Moore, L. W. Clark and Miss Stella Moore.
Ella Moore, daughter of James Moore (?), married to John T. Simpson...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 16, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
MARRIED. Married at the residence of Jas. Moore, in the second ward, John T. Simpson and Miss Ella Moore, on Thursday evening at 8 o’clock by Rev. J. P. Witt.
Conductor Murray Moore...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 20, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Conductor Murray Moore, of the St. Louis, Kansas & Western Railway, left this morning for Caldwell. Mr. Moore informs us that he and the Mayor of Caldwell will make a trip down in the Territory and stake off a mining claim. Although expecting the soldiers to drive them out, a large number of claims are being taken.
John Moore...
Arkansas City Traveler, December 29, 1886.
Police Docket for November.
John Moore, drunk and disorderly.
Dr. Moore, of Nortonville, Kansas...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 26, 1887. From Monday’s Daily.
Dr. Moore, of Nortonville, Kansas, is in the city prospecting. He is a friend of Dr. G. S. Morris.
Wm. H. Moore, of Atlanta, Georgia...
Daily Calamity Howler, Tuesday, October 13, 1891.
MARRIAGE LICENSE SECURED. R. L. Halley, of Ponca, Indian Territory, and Miss Lida Park, of Clemence, Kansas, secured marriage license last evening. E. P. Reynolds and Miss Nettie Perry, of Arkansas City; Wm. H. Moore, of Atlanta, Georgia, and Miss Emma S. Howland, of Winfield, were the latest victims of cupid as shown by the records of the probate court.
Mrs. George Moore...
Membership of Ladies’ Willing Workers Association.
The Willing Workers will read carefully the names in each section and if there are any mistakes in spelling or initials, it will be a favor to the editor to speak to him about it at once.
Everyone will please write out clearly her address, giving name, street, and number, and send to the editor so that there need be no mistake when they appear in the Church Directory.
The First Section, led by Mrs. Fitzpatrick and Mrs. M. Steele, will serve ice cream and cake; and also lunches next Saturday from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m., proceeds to go for the benefit of the new church building.
Section Two, led by Mrs. Doan and Mrs. Liston, will give an entertainment of a literary nature in connection with ice cream and cake on Friday evening, May 31.
The other sections are getting ready to present some very pleasant surprises also.
Mrs. Geo. Moore
William Moore, Mrs. (?) Moore...
[Y. W. C. A.]
Arkansas City Traveler, Monday, February 17, 1919.
The captains and their teams are:
Fourth Ward—Captains, Mrs. Albert Denton and Mrs. George Wheeler; Lieutenants, Mesdames Arthur Bly, J. Funk, Joseph Cooper, William Moore, W. W. Mathews, M. D. Haney, M. C. Crouse, A. H. Dohrer, Charles Spencer, J. S. Mowatt, Jack Ogren, Fred Lewis, and Miss Lulu Hunter.
County Districts—Captains, Mesdames Will Seyfer, Moore, Abrams, Fred D. Mott, G. Smallfield, J. W. Nelson, Charles Baird, J. A. Ramsey, L. Guthrie, and Miss Mary Bossi.
Mrs. A. H. Moore...
[Y. W. C. A.]
Arkansas City Traveler, Friday, March 14, 1919.
The following ladies’ terms expire at this time: Mrs. Geo. Wheeler, Mrs. H. S. Gibson, Mrs. F. W. Deane, Mrs. W. C. Ireton, Mrs. A. H. Moore, Mrs. F. M. Taylor. These women have been very efficient and faithful in their service and merit the thanks of the entire association. Let there be a full attendance at the meeting Tuesday night.
Alla Moore...
Arkansas City Traveler, Tuesday, September 9, 1919.
Ol Paris, Alla Moore, Parson Gardner, Foss Farrar, Dr. Mitchell, C. E. Beck, C. G. Roseberry, Prof. C. E. St. John, and Phil Fitzgerald told of their summers experience while away on their vacations.
Alla Moore went to Colorado Springs and he had a most delightful time; and Foss Farrar and Ralph Dixon, Ralph Brown, and the Arkansas City contingent spent all the money he had, he claimed.
Rev. W. H. Moore, M. E. church...
Arkansas City Traveler, Friday, June 3, 1921.
Central Christian Members Give Pleasing Program Last Night.
Befitting Ceremonies Carried Out Before Large Crowd of Local Church People.
With befitting ceremonies the corner stone for the new Central Christian church, being erected at First street and Central avenue, was laid last night. About four hundred people were in attendance during the evening’s session.
Address—“The Church and its Mission”—Rev. W. H. Moore, M. E. church.
Rev. W. H. Moore...
Arkansas City Daily Traveler, Wednesday, September 14, 1921.
Bodies of Shelton Beaty and Angus Ralston Are Now in the City
Services For Two Heroes of the Late War
Will Be Held in this City Sunday Afternoon, It Is Planned.
The bodies of Angus Ralston and Shelton Beaty, two former soldiers, killed in action in France, were returned to this city last night. Funeral services for the two men will be held Sunday, and the Shelton Beaty post of the American Legion will be in charge.
It was announced this morning that the funeral services for Shelton Beaty will be held on Sunday afternoon at one o’clock in the First Methodist church. Rev. Moore will be in charge and the body of Mr. Beaty will be interred in the American Legion plot in Riverview cemetery.
Joe or Joseph Moore...
Arkansas City Daily Traveler, Wednesday, September 14, 1921.
Warrants for Fifteen Lads Issued Today—Cases Set for Tomorrow.
Several of Them Appeared in Court This Afternoon.
Bond in Each Case is Fixed at $100.
Warrants, charging eight school boys and seven other boys who are not in school with assault against students in the Junior high school, in the recent hazing affair, were issued today. The boys appeared before Judge McIntire and Judge Martin, and bonds were fixed at $100 each. The preliminary hearing is set for nine o’clock tomorrow morning.
Four different warrants were issued, and several of the boys were held on more than one count. The parties upon whom the attacks were made are Joe Hughes, Ralph Groom, Leonard Taylor, Forrest Stewart, Frank Cox, and Joseph Parks, all of whom are students in the schools.
One of the boys summoned this afternoon, Earl Conley, is in the ward school, being a sixth grader. Another, Dick Collins, is a student in the junior high school.
The various warrants issued were:
Charging Loyd Shilling, Brainard Newberry, Joe Moore, Robert Pollard, Eugene Eimpey, Walter Calkins, Joseph Powell, and Robert Harp with assault, maltreating, and beating Joe Hughes.
Charging Brainard Newberry, Robert Harp, Howard Bratches, Joseph Moore, with assault, beating, and maltreating Ralph Groom.
Charging Ed. Rea, Harry Buster, Delmos Rea, Joseph Moore, Earl Conley, Dick Collins with assaulting, beating, and maltreating Leonard Taylor, Forrest Stewart, and Frank Cox.
Joseph Moore...
Arkansas City Daily Traveler, Thursday, September 15, 1921.
Three Failed to Appear and Alias Warrants are Issued.
The cases of the state of Kansas against the boys for whom warrants were issued yesterday afternoon, in the recent hazing cases of a number of the local high school boys, were called for trial in the courts of J. W. Martin and G. H. McIntire this morning between 9 and 10 o’clock. All of the defendants with the exception of three were on hand and all present pleaded guilty to the charges named in the complaints and the warrants. The three not present were Harry Frye, Robert Pollard, and Robert Harp. Each of them have charges in this connection against them in both of the justice courts. The deputy county attorney, C. L. Swarts, instructed the justices to issue alias warrants for these boys and the warrants are now in the hands of the constables, W. J. Gray and R. W. Callahan.
C. L. Swarts appeared for the prosecution and Tom Pringle and Harry V. Howard appeared for several of the boys.
In McIntire’s court: Joe Moore, one count, $1.
In Martin’s court: Joe Moore, two counts, $5 and $1.
Excerpts: Rev. W. H. Moore...
Arkansas City Daily Traveler, Monday, September 19, 1921.
Shelton Beaty and Angus W. Ralston Laid to Rest.
Impressive Services at M. E. and Presbyterian Churches.
It Was Sad Day in Arkansas City and One not Soon to be Forgotten.
Services for Shelton Beaty
The last services for Private Shelton Beaty, the first Arkansas City boy to be killed in the world war, were held in the First Methodist church here on Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock, and the body was buried with full military honors in the American Legion plot located in Riverview cemetery.
The service as a whole, was very impressive, and the address on this occasion was given by Rev. W. H. Moore, pastor of that church, of which the deceased was a member. The formal services were in charge of the American Legion, Shelton Beaty post, which was named for this soldier boy. The post boys participating were on hand at the appointed hour, most of them in full uniform, and there were about 150 former soldiers in all, in the lineup. Music at the cemetery was by the Arkansas City Municipal band, under the direction of Geo. W. Jones. The band also played at the church, as the body was conveyed to the caisson, which was drawn by four dark bay horses.
There the pastor gave the scripture lesson David’s lamentations. The sermon, or address, was a very befitting one and the speaker paid high tribute to the dead soldier. He said it was such men as he who gave their lives for the cause and who helped to win the war. He paid tribute also to all the men in uniform and said they, too, would have given their lives had it been necessary. Rev. Moore read a lengthy and appropriate obituary of the deceased and said many words of commendation to the bereft mother, sister, and the two brothers of the deceased, who were present. Shelton had two brothers in the war. They were Pitts Beaty and Ross Beaty. He also showed the watch of the dead soldier, which has a bullet hole through it, and said the bullet that pierced the boy’s heart, first pierced the watch. The demolished time piece he used as an illustration in the sermon. He said among other things that the late Shelton Beaty was first assigned to the medical department and later transferred to the second engineers, Co. F, which was part of the second division, General Pershing’s old reliable shock troops.
The fact that Private Beaty was an excellent soldier can best be determined by the records sent to his mother by his commanding officer, who was with him on the battlefield at the time of his death. On June 2nd Private Beaty was commanded to lay down pick and shovel and make necessary preparations for holding the line at Lucy-en-Bocage. This was where the Germans fell against the American line with their strongest forces. He went into action at 8:30 and was killed by either hand grenade or artillery thirty minutes later. He was buried on that very field the same day.
Rev. Moore closed his discourse by reciting a beautiful tribute to the dead boy, in poetry, and which he composed himself. It was a very fitting close for the service, which was beautifully carried out from start to finish and which will never be forgotten by those who had the opportunity to be present.
Roy Williams, clad in his sailor’s uniform, then sang by request of the family, “In the Garden With God.” This was a very touching part of the service and the song was excellently rendered.
The quartet then sang, “Rock of Ages.”
The crowd then left the church, after an hour’s service, and the band played “Nearer My God to thee,” while the pall bearers carried the casket to the caisson. The post boys formed in line and under command of W. B. Oliverson, of the local post, marched to a point on North Summit street, where cars had been provided for them to go to the cemetery. On the march they played a funeral dirge. At the burial place the boys again formed in line and the service there was very impressive. There was a prayer offered and the firing squad gave taps, with three volleys over the grave. The band also played there. Two airplanes hovered over the place and the pilots dropped several bouquets into the crowd, which were placed on the grave.
Thus, in a very befitting manner, the body of Shelton Beaty was laid to rest in Riverview cemetery, there to lie until the great judgment day.
Webster Moore, Luther Moore...
Arkansas City Daily Traveler, Monday, October 3, 1921.
Webster Moore, Aged 74, Died After Being Caught in Elevator.
Webster Moore, aged seventy-four years, who was an employee of the Central Hardware Co., of this city, met with an accident at the hardware store Sunday evening about 5:30 o’clock, which resulted in his death soon after that time.
Mr. Moore was in the store at the time alone and the real facts in regard to the manner in which he became fastened in the elevator shaft probably will never be known. Those who got to him first say that he was on the floor of the basement of the store with the elevator on top of him. He was so badly crushed in the chest and the abdomen that he died soon after being removed from the scene of the accident and taken to Mercy hospital. He never regained consciousness and, therefore, had no opportunity to tell the particulars of the accident which caused his death.
Policeman Downing, one of the night officers, and John Butos, who is employed in the Kansas City Waffle House, first door north of the hardware store, were the first persons to reach the man who was pinned under the elevator and they at once extricated him from the position he was in at the time and called a physician. The doctor said as soon as he saw the man that he could not recover and he was rushed to the hospital in the doctor’s car.
The accident occurred between 5:30 and six o’clock, and it was almost 6 when the men who found him reached his side. John Butos first heard the cries as if someone were in distress and for some time he could not determine from which direction the sounds came. Finally however, he figured they were coming from the hardware store, next door south, and he went to the rear of the store. There he found the door to the basement unlocked and he, with Policeman Downing, who arrived about that time, entered the basement and found the man in a dying condition. He could not say a word and was almost dead when the rescuers reached him.
The owners of the store, Messrs. Fogle and Day, and the employees of the place are at a loss to know how the man came to be in the position in which he was found, at the time the rescuers located him. The elevator is one that is operated by hand; and when the rope is pulled for the start upward, the elevator will run alone. But when it is descended, it must be operated by the rope all the time. It is the supposition that Mr. Moore got onto the elevator at the first floor and that he was caught between the elevator and the floor. Then in some manner he fell and the elevator kept on going down until it pinned him to the floor.
Webster Moore resided in this city a part of the time and in Pittsburg, Kansas, a part of the time, where he has some relatives. He has one brother, Luther Moore, in this city. He resides at 900 North C street and is in the employ of the Arkansas Valley Gas Co. The deceased was quite well known here, as he had worked off and on at the Central Hardware Co. for several years past. He was employed there during the fall and winter season and assisted in the work of putting up stoves, when the rush was on.
Mr. Moore was an uncle of the Ellis boys, who reside in the First ward. He was not a stranger here, as he had made his home in Arkansas City for several years, the relatives state. Dr. H. W. Marsh, county coroner, was in the city this morning to hold an investigation in the case; and on account of the absence of the physician, Dr. L. M. Beatson, who attended Mr. Moore, he was compelled to put the case over for a few days. Dr. Beatson has gone to Hutchinson as a delegate to the state convention of the American Legion. The coroner took the testimony of the other witnesses in the case, however. The body of Mr. Moore was removed from the hospital to the undertaking rooms of Parman & Powell, on Saturday night.
Late today it was announced that the funeral of Mr. Moore would be held at the home of Ed Ellis, at 914 North F street, tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o’clock.
Harry Moore...
Arkansas City Daily Traveler, Friday, November 4, 1921.
Harry Derry Says It Was The Biggest Crowd He Has Ever Seen.
Harry Derry returned this morning from the Kansas City convention. He says the crowd in attendance at the convention was estimated at 125,000; and also states that Arkansas City was well represented in the parade, there being between forty and fifty in the Arkansas City contingent. Speaking of the crowded condition at the hotels, he said there were nine of the boys of his bunch quartered in one room at seven dollars per head for three days. That everything was free and easy is indicated in his statement that they brought billy goats and steers into the hotel and tied them to the furniture. En route home he was in company with Harry Moore of the Traders State Bank.
John C. Moore...
Arkansas City Daily Traveler, Monday, November 7, 1921.
Local Officer Saw Inman, John Moore, and Others There.
Policeman J. E. Pauley returned to the city this morning from a trip to the state penitentiary at Lansing, where he has been to accompany Sheriff Chas. Goldsmith, who went there to take several convicted prisoners to the state institution.
Those in the party who were taken at that time were J. W. Kastle, convicted of killing his wife in this city last winter, and who will serve a sentence of three years, and Wilson and Harvey, convicted on the charge of attempting to steal an auto at Winfield. They were given a sentence of from two and one half years to seven and one half years, each.
Pauley saw several of the Arkansas City men at the pen on Sunday, all of whom have been there for some time. Among these were John C. Moore, Elmer Inman, Bob Collins, and Frank Bagby. Moore has been at the state institution for a number of years and he is a trustee. He showed the Cowley county officers all over the institution and the Arkansas City officer witnessed the Sunday services and the prisoners at exercise while there yesterday. He says that Elmer Inman, who was taken back to the pen only a few days ago, was in the “Bull pen” with the other prisoners on Sunday afternoon, where they are corralled for exercise.
Inman, who recently was married to the daughter of Former Warden Codding, probably is there for a much longer stay than before. At any rate, he is there at present and is not a trustee at this time.
Pauley saw many sights at the pen, which he desires to forget as soon as possible.
F. M. Moore, Gertie Moore...
Arkansas City Traveler, Thursday, November 10, 1921.
Change of Firm
P. P. Sprinkle and C. B. Harter, experienced men in the business, have purchased the interest of F. M. Moore and Gertie Moore in the Imperial Welding and Boiler Works, located at 522-524 South Summit Street.
Lucius Moore...
Arkansas City Traveler, Friday, November 18, 1921.
Col. W. P. Hackney Will Take Charge of Uncle Sam Oil Co.
Col. W. P. Hackney, formerly of Winfield, now of Kansas City, has been appointed receiver of the Uncle Sam Oil Co., by the United States court at Kansas City, according to information received today, by the colonel’s partner, Lucius Moore, Col. Hackney has been attorney for the company for some time. Particulars concerning the case were not received.—Courier.
H. W. Moore...
Arkansas City Traveler, Monday, December 12, 1921.
Arkansas City Tel-Radio Club Elected Officers Saturday Night.
The organization of the Tel-Radio Club of Arkansas City was completed at a meeting held in the city building Saturday night. The articles of incorporation adopted at a previous meeting provide for seven directors, president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer, and these offices were filled as follows.
First director and president, T. E. Thornberg.
Second director and vice president, Fred F. Smith.
Third director and secretary, E. K. Kraul.
Fourth director and treasurer, H. W. Moore.
Fifth director, A. Wenzel.
Sixth director, H. J. Metropoulos.
Seventh director, J. P. Schumate.
Harry Moore...
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, December 17, 1921.
Eight Names Submitted to Adjutant General for Officers.
At the meeting of the American Legion held last night in Legion hall, the following members received the endorsement of the Legion for officers of the new battery of artillery of the national guard, viz: Harry Moore, Roy Hume, Forest Kuhn, Boyd Mohler, Darrell Haney, J. W. Wilkerson, Joe Boyd, and Robert Cox.
Out of these eight names, the adjutant general at Topeka will appoint four officers consisting of captain, two first lieutenants, and one second lieutenant.
The members decided to get behind the battery proposition and push the recruiting to a successful conclusion at the earliest possible date. As only a few names are lacking to complete the required number, it is expected that this part of the work will be cleaned up in a few days, and which, when completed, will insure the location of the battery here.
A. H. Moore...
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 1, 1922.
At the meeting of the stockholders of the Country Club held in the city building last evening, the following officers and directors were elected: Dr. W. T. McKay, president; R. A. Brown, vice-president; Foss Farrar, secretary; R. C. Dixon, treasurer; Fred Shea, financial secretary. Directors—A. H. Moore, R. W. Oldroyd, Albert Faulconer, J. B. Lantz, W. T. McKay, and F. E. Goodrich. Twelve members constitute the board, the six holding over being Ralph Sowden, R. C. Dixon, R. A. Brown, R. T. Keefe, C. C. Sollitt, and Foss Farrar.
Raymond Moore, from (?)...
Arkansas City Traveler, Thursday, March 30, 1922.
Norman, Okla., March 30.—The athletic council of the University of Oklahoma here was today quizzing members of the university track team in an effort to find out if they knew that Harold Hufbauer, captain of the Sooner track squad in 1920 was an ineligible member of the team which defeated Baylor University at Waco, Texas, in a dual meet last Monday.
Hufbauer was expelled from school yesterday and Grover Jacobsen, university track coach, was discharged as a result of the offer.
On the findings of the athletic council will depend whether the entire track team will be declared ineligible at the university, according to Ben G. Owen, director of athletics.
Hufbauer conferred with Owen this morning and tried to take all the blame for his entry into the meet with Baylor, Owen announced after the conference. Hufbauer, according to Owen, said he had made the suggestion that he be taken along to fill the place of Raymond Moore, who was left behind because of a wrenched back. Hufbauer was noted in the summaries at the meet as “Moore.”
A telegram accepting the apology of Director Owen for the affair but declining to accept forfeiture of the meet was received today by Owen from Frank C. Bridges, director of athletics at Baylor. Bridges expressed appreciation of the honesty of the Oklahoma athletic officials and voiced the hope that the relations between the two institutions would continue the same. Owen had wired an apology last night and offered to forfeit the meet, won by Oklahoma 69 to 48.
Bert Moore...
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, April 8, 1922.
The Cowley County Taxpayers organization met in Winfield April 4, 1922, and was called to order by Temporary President H. P. Holman of Beaver township. At this meeting it was voted to make the organization a permanent one. It was voted that the present temporary officers be made the officers of the permanent organization. Since there had been no vice president of the temporary organization, C. T. Franks, of Winfield, was named vice president.
W. S. Alexander, who was a delegate to the state meeting at Topeka, made a report on that meeting stating that the meeting went on record as being opposed to the construction of hard surface roads at this time owing to the heavy cost of such construction and the depreciation in value of land and personal property.
Letter from P. H. Albright on February 1, from Galveston, was read and incorporated into the minutes [he passed away shortly after he wrote letter]...”To my mind the adjustment of taxes to present conditions is the greatest question before our country at this time. The tax consumers will fight hard to maintain high taxes for selfish reasons, and it will require hard work on the part of the public to head them off.”
A. H. Abrams spoke ably and pointedly to the effect that the taxpayers were not getting one hundred cents in service for the dollar they pay in, as taxes.
President Holman recommended that all school boards throughout the country make it a point to become posted on the valuation of real estate and personal property in their respective districts before hiring teachers. That if they would do this, they might save themselves much embarrassment and not pay more for a teacher than the district could afford. He stated that according to assessors’ reports already turned in, personal property had dropped in valuation practically fifty percent and real estate was being reduced in valuation approximately fifteen percent. Cities can also well afford to look into this question.
The president was instructed to call a meeting for the third Monday in May, after the township and city assessors were through with their work, at which time the various assessors should be required to meet with the taxpayers’ organization and the county commissioners at the courthouse in Winfield, and go over the question of real estate valuations in Cowley County.
It was voted that Bert Moore, Deputy County Clerk, should be requested by the taxpayers’ organization to represent Cowley County and the organization before the state tax commissioners at Topeka whenever that body begins the consideration of Cowley County property valuations.
Excerpts: Howard Moore...
Arkansas City Traveler, Friday, April 14, 1922.
Bolton News
Stedman Chaplin, one of the post office force of Arkansas City, attended the coyote chase in West Bolton Tuesday.
W. S. Peck and Howard Moore, of Arkansas City, visited in West Bolton, Tuesday.
The high waters of the Arkansas river furnished a fruitful topic for conversation this week, in West Bolton. While the river has been very high this week, it cannot compare with the high waters of 1904. That year the river extended to the foot of Guthrie hill, on Madison avenue, where it flowed several feet deep.
John C. Moore...
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, April 15, 1922.
Chief of Police C. H. Peek, of this city, is in receipt of the following communication from County Attorney Ellis Fink, of Winfield, dated April 13, in regard to the John C. Moore case, the communication being self-explanatory and Chief Peek desires to have the residents of Arkansas City know of the matter now pending.
“Dear Sir:—I have been notified by the warden of the state penitentiary that John C. Moore, who killed his wife in Arkansas City some fifteen years ago, will apply to the governor on May 5, 1922, for clemency. Please make inquiry for me and see what attitude, if any, I should take in regard to the matter. Yours truly, Ellis Fink, county attorney.”
John Moore was sent up from this city after being convicted of the charge of first degree murder, and he has been a model prisoner for a number of years at the state prison, according to all reports. He has been in charge of the prison fire department for several years and is allowed the freedom of the prison grounds, also being allowed to go to Kansas City and other places, on business for the prison officials. He has been on parole on several different occasions and has visited here on more occasions than one.
Excerpts: Joe Moore...
Arkansas City Traveler, Monday, May 15, 1922. Front Page.
Joe Moore Seeks Cure
On our desk yesterday we found a note from little Joe Moore, a crippled boy, who writes the sport and high school notes for the Traveler. It said: “I am going to Wichita to see Mrs. McPherson. I thought that maybe she might make me throw away my crutches. I will be back on the job Tuesday morning.”
All the force at the Traveler is trying its best to have the faith that Joe will be cured by the wonder woman. If he is cured, the Traveler will feel like taking off a day to offer up Thanksgiving.
Arrangements are now being made for the appearance at Wilson Park of Mrs. McPherson.
Arkansas City Traveler, Tuesday, May 16, 1922. Front Page.
Anyone who sees the cures effected through the prayer of Mrs. Aimee Semple McPherson, evangelist and “miracle woman,” at Wichita, cannot help but have faith in the power of the Lord to heal the crippled, sick, blind, and any form of disease or affliction.
I sat in the large forum and watched this wonderful woman perform her miracles. I went there to see if she could make me throw away my crutches; but on account of the jam, I was unable to have her treat me. I shall go back Wednesday and try to see her. I found out that the healing services that were to be held Monday morning would be for Gypsies only.
300 Gypsies Converted.
Anyone was allowed to go and see the services. There were 300 Gypsies present, presenting a very picturesque sight in their bright, colored costumes. Everyone of them came forward and confessed Christ as their savior. Many were maimed and wanted to be healed. Just taking a few, for example, there was a man who could not raise his arm in any way, who after the healing, was able to walk over and pick up a chair with perfect ease. There was a young man who could not walk, and after being healed, he could walk straight and as steady as anyone.
This same thing goes on every day before a large and amazed audience that assembles two hours before every service in order to get seats. Cards are handed out to those seeking cures. These persons are not picked from the audience, but are received in the order their cards are filed.
The card says:
“Give your name and address. Are you a Christian? Are you a church member? What church? What disease? How long afflicted? Are you in medical care? Have you faith that Jesus will heal you now, and will your life and healing be for the glory of God?”
Hundreds Try To See Her.
There are so many people seeking a cure that it is almost impossible for her to see each one. She receives a flood of telegrams daily from people in every part of the country telling her that they will arrive on a certain day and begging her to remain until they come.
It is difficult to believe the things that are done by Mrs. McPherson, but you cannot disbelieve them when they are seen by your own eyes. She claims no credit for healing anyone. She says it is faith in Jesus Christ that causes the cures.
Mrs. Auda E. Parks, Mrs. John LeUnes, Mrs. William Gardner, and I motored to Wichita with Mrs. Harry Collinson, and we will all probably go again tomorrow.
Bert Moore...
Arkansas City Traveler, Tuesday, May 16, 1922.
Practically every township in Cowley County shows a reduction in the assessed value of real estate, it was stated by Bert Moore, deputy county clerk, at the meeting of the Cowley County Taxpayers’ League at the courthouse this afternoon. In most of the townships the reduction was close around 15 percent. In several the reduction was as much as 20 percent. Bolton, Dexter, and Grant were among the 20 percenters, it was intimated.
Mr. Moore said these figures are only approximate at this time as the books have not been entirely balanced. Richland is assessed at the same figure as last year, through the assessor having failed to get the instruction at the start. But this will be taken care of by the board of county commissioners in equalizing the taxes of the cities and townships.
It was explained that this reduction was from the figures of last year, 1921, as used in levying the taxes for that year. The valuations for last year were those of 1918 plus a 12 ½ percent increase by the state tax commission in 1919 and an additional 15 percent increase by the commission in 1920. So the present valuations are supposed to be approximately those of 1919.
Joe Moore...
Arkansas City Traveler, Friday, May 19, 1922. Front Page.
Joe Moore, sport writer for the Traveler, walked without his crutches yesterday afternoon for the first time since nine years ago.
Joe was healed at a meeting of Mrs. Aimee McPherson, evangelist, and “Miracle Woman,” in the Forum at Wichita, yesterday. He returned to his work at the Traveler office this morning, walking into the office as well as any normal person and with his face illuminated with joy.
The Traveler telephone rang all morning with inquiries about Joe. Many people came to the office to see him walk without his crutches. Friends swarmed about him on the street. To all of them he said: “Prayer and my faith in God cured me. I shall continue to get better until my short leg will be as long as the other and the hump on back is entirely gone.”
Arkansas City Traveler, Friday, May 19, 1922.
I don’t know hardly how to tell it. My heart is so full of joy and my whole being so overflowing with gratitude that I feel like I am living in a new world since I cast aside my crutches at Wichita yesterday.
I have been forced to walk with crutches since nine years ago when I suffered an accident that rendered one leg shorter than the other. My short leg has not had the strength to help support me when I am walking.
Today I can walk as well as anyone. It happened this way:
I went to Wichita yesterday to have Mrs. McPherson pray for me. The healing services began at 10:30 a.m. There were close to 1,000 afflicted persons holding cards to see Mrs. McPherson.
Disappointed At First.
Through the influence of Mrs. William Gardner and Mrs. John LeUnes, of this city, I was allowed to pass under the rope and was the third person for whom Mrs. McPherson offered a healing prayer. She placed one hand on my shoulder and her other hand on the shoulder of a woman next to me, and prayed for us both at the same time. This was a disappointment to me for I wanted her to pray for me alone. I was so depressed over the incident that I cried, and after she walked away, I sobbed until I thought my heart would break.
Mrs. Gardner and Mrs. LeUnes came to me. They knelt beside me and prayed. I prayed with them. Mrs. Kennedy, mother of Mrs. McPherson joined us in prayer. A strange feeling came over me. I know my face must have worn a beatific expression. I felt like a man born again. My whole being surged with confidence.
Walked Down The Aisle.
Mrs. Gardner said to me: “Now, Joe, you can get up and walk. Don’t pay any attention to your crutches. They are just unbelief.” I looked over where I had left my crutches and they were gone. It seemed like they had been spirited away because I wouldn’t need them anymore. I rose to my feet and was astonished when I found that I could stand so well without my crutches. My short leg seemed as strong as my other leg. I started out to walk and it was just as easy as if I had been walking that way all my life. I started up the aisle. I walked the length of the forum with that vast crowd watching me. I did not know that the hump on my back had been reduced until I reached the seat where Mrs. Collinson and Mrs. Parks were seated. I noticed they were looking at my back instead of at my leg.
Then they told me that my back was straighter than before, and that my coat, which generally fit me tight, was wrinkled and looser. I was not aware of this transformation because I was overjoyed at being able to walk unaided by crutches.
Couldn’t Stay Seated.
I sat down but I couldn’t keep still. I got up and strutted all around. I wanted everyone to see what had happened to me. At this time, there were hundreds of afflicted persons crushing forward to receive the healing prayers of Mrs. McPherson. Many were healed and some were not. Mrs. McPherson said she could not do anything for a person who did not have the love of God in his heart and faith in his healing power. The meeting did not end until 2 o’clock in the afternoon and she still did not get to pray for all who had cards. I walked uptown for dinner and returned for the next service without my crutches. Scores of people, white and colored, shook my hand and rejoiced with me.
The last time I saw my crutches, Anthony Carlton was going up the street carrying them and I was walking along behind him. When I got out of bed this morning, it was the natural thing for me to look over at the stand table for my crutches, but they were not there. They were in Wichita and I was in Arkansas City. So I started out on another day without them. Although I limp some I will get better as time goes by, and some day I will be as well as anyone. I am going to have my shoe on my short leg built up so that I can walk with more ease. I can testify to the healing power of God if any afflicted persons in Arkansas City will only have faith in his teachings and practice them.
Allie H. Moore, grocer...
Arkansas City Traveler, Friday, May 19, 1922. Front Page.
A. H. Moore, Dr. Baker, Tom Hancock,
and Fred McCammon, Occupants.
A. H. Moore, grocer, Tom Hancock, professional golfer at the Country Club, Dr. R. L. Baker, dentist, and Fred McCammon, clerk at the Moore grocery, were injured in an automobile accident at the corner of Poplar Avenue and North Summit street at about 11 o’clock last night. The auto turned over by striking a rail of the street car track.
Moore suffered three broken ribs, a bad cut on his right hand, and bruised body. An X-ray picture will be taken tomorrow to reveal if he is internally injured.
Hancock received a broken left arm at the muscle, body and face bruised and scratched.
Baker has a bruised and wrenched hip.
McCammon has a right hand scratched.
How the Accident Happened.
According to Dr. Baker and Mr. Hancock, they had been at Winfield in the afternoon playing golf on the Winfield course. On their return home last evening they came to town to get something to eat. Mr. Moore had taken them to Winfield in his big five passenger Cole Eight and following their meal in this city, they all got into Mr. Moore’s car to take Mr. Hancock to his home at the Country Club. On going north on North Summit they ran up behind a car, also going north, but as the car had no tail light, they did not see the car until they were right on it. Mr. Moore made a quick turn to avoid hitting the car and ran out onto the street car tracks. At this point the tracks are above the street and when the car hit the tracks, it swerved. Mr. Moore tried to straighten the car up and he evidently made too quick a turn and the rear of the car skidded around, the right back wheel connecting with the curbing in front of Dr. Edward’s home, smashing the wheel, and the car turned over and landed on its side. Moore was at the steering wheel, McCammon was in the front seat with him, and Baker and Hancock were in the rear seat. Baker stated that he saw they were going over and he dropped to the bottom of the car and grasped the foot rest. McCammon stated following the wreck all of the occupants crawled out.
Car Damaged Extensively.
The car was considerably damaged. The top and windshield were smashed, the right hind wheel smashed, the radiator broken, the fenders were badly bent, and the steering wheel completely demolished. The engine was not hurt and following the accident it was started and ran all right. The car was taken to the Parks Motor Co.
Moore and Hancock were taken to Mercy hospital. Moore’s three broken ribs were set and two stitches were taken in his hand. He is confined at the hospital today and is said to be getting along nicely. Hancock was taken to his home after his arm was set and although suffering a great deal of pain, was getting along well today.
At Winfield yesterday Hancock made the Winfield course in 76. This is par on this course since it has been trapped and lengthened and is the first time it has been parred.
Allie H. Moore...
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, May 20, 1922.
Allie Moore, who is confined in Mercy Hospital from injuries received in an automobile accident Thursday night, was reported today to be getting along nicely. He sustained three broken ribs, besides having some cuts and bruises, and was far the most seriously injured of the four who were in the car. The other three were Dr. R. L. Baker, Tom Hancock, and Fred McCammon. Hancock received a broken arm. He was able to come to town today from the country club.
It was thought an X-ray examination would be made in the case of Allie Moore, but such examination has not been made, it not being considered necessary. According to present indications, all parties in the accident are going to come out of it nicely.
Joe Moore...
Arkansas City Traveler, Tuesday, May 23, 1922. Front Page.
Invitations have been extended to Mrs. V. C. Secord, Mrs. J. LeUnes, and Joe Moore to give testimony at the First Presbyterian church Wednesday night at 8 o’clock of how they were healed through the prayers of Mrs. Aimee Semple McPherson. Invitations are also extended to anyone wishing to testify that they were healed by the prayers of Mrs. McPherson or that they were healed at their homes through prayer. Mrs. McPherson will be at Wilson park, May 29, at 7:30 o’clock...
Joe Moore...
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, May 27, 1922. Front Page.
Mrs. Aimee Semple McPherson, evangelist and “miracle woman,” will arrive in Arkansas City from Wichita Monday to hold a meeting at Wilson Park.
Arkansas City people are now familiar with the miraculous cures effected through prayer by Mrs. McPherson for the afflicted. Joe Moore, local youth, cast aside his crutches after using them for nine years, following his attendance at one of the meetings in Wichita. Mrs. W. E. Miller pushed her wheel chair from the forum to the hotel where she was stopping after having been unable to walk without aid for several years. Mrs. Van Secord threw away a crutch that she had been using for several months after prayer was said for her by Mrs. McPherson.
Allie [Alla?] H. Moore...
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, June 14, 1922. Front Page.
Alla Moore has made the purchase of the C. M. Johnson property, the old Mantor home, corner of South A street and Walnut avenue, opposite the new Episcopal church. The consideration was $6,100 and the sale was made by the Savings Investment Co.
L. D. Moore, attorney...
Arkansas City Traveler, Thursday, June 15, 1922.
Winfield, June 15.—Denied a new trial and sentenced to the penitentiary by Judge Fuller Wednesday, E. Bruce Emory filed notice of an appeal to the supreme court and gave a $3,000 appeal bond. Arguments for a new trial in the Emory case were heard by Judge Fuller in chambers this afternoon. L. D. Moore represented Emory while the state was represented by County Attorney Ellis Fink. After hearing arguments, Judge Fuller refused to grant a new trial. The judge then pronounced sentence. Emory was convicted by the jury on two counts, but Judge Fuller merely sentenced the defendant to serve from one to five years in the state penitentiary.
After sentence was passed, Mr. Moore served notice of appeal. A bond was signed and the case will be taken up.
All this action was taken while the jury in the Jim Stiff case was deliberating in another part of the court house.
The Emory case has been bitterly fought in district court. At the first trial Emory, who was charged with having received stolen liberty bonds, made a desperate fight and the jury hung, eleven to one, according to reports. At the second trial he was convicted and now will carry his fight to the supreme court.
Harry Moore...
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, June 17, 1922.
George A. Paxton has been commissioned second lieutenant Battery F in place of Harry Moore, who resigned. Lieutenant Paxton was an artillery officer in France.
Lucius D. Moore, attorney...
Arkansas City Traveler, Monday, June 19, 1922.
Winfield, Kan., June 19.—Little Mary Bolton, five years old, one of the defendants in a suit involving the partition of over six hundred acres of land near Dexter, was provided with a “guardian ad litum” in district court, yesterday, on motion of defendant’s attorney, Lucius D. Moore. This is a step necessary in cases where there are minor defendants. Mr. Moore was appointed to the position in this case.
“Guardian ad litum,” it is explained by the attorney, is a guardian for or during the suit. Such a guardian must be a lawyer, it is stated, and this guardianship extends no further than the suit in hand. In cases where minors are plaintiffs, the interests are represented by a “next friend,” but this next friend does not have to be a lawyer.
The Bolton case is one in which William M. Bolton of Dexter, and John H. Bolton, of Arkansas City, are suing for partition of the estate of their father, William H. Bolton, who died May 27. The defendants are Katie C. Bolton, second wife of the senior Bolton, and Mary Bolton, little daughter of William Bolton Sr. and Katie C. Bolton. Mrs. Bolton is proceeding with the settlement of the estate under letters of administration in the probate court.
Allie H. Moore...
Arkansas City Traveler, Friday, July 7, 1922.
A warrant was served on Allie Moore by the motorcycle officer this afternoon, charging him with speeding on the occasion some time ago when, with three others in the car with him, he was going north on North Summit street and the car was overturned. Moore was confined in a local hospital for a week or two after the accident, while the others escaped with slight injuries. The case is set for hearing in the city court next Monday morning at 9 o’clock.
Allie H. Moore...
Arkansas City Traveler, Monday, July 10, 1922.
The speeding charge against Allie Moore, whose Cole 8 was overturned on North Summit Street, some time ago, spilling a party of four, came up in the city court this morning. He was fined $20.00. Moore acknowledged that he was driving too fast and promised to watch his speed in the future and keep it within the prescribed limits.
This was a case of fast driving that resulted rather disastrously to the car owner. He just got his car out of the shop a few days ago and remarked when he paid this fine today that it would be the last bill he has had to settle due to fast driving, including a hospital and doctor’s bill.
Clyde Moore...
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, July 22, 1922. Front Page.
For the second time since the strike of the shopmen and the carmen in this city, on July 1, Sheriff C. N. Goldsmith and Undersheriff Don Goldsmith, of Winfield, swooped down on Arkansas City this morning and made arrests on the charge of “picketing,” which is a violation of the state industrial court act. There were nine men named in the warrant and complaint, which was issued from the district court of this county, by County Attorney Ellis Fink. They are Frank Nichols, D. M. Kimbrough, Oliver Burt, Rudolph Burt, F. Nichols, John Ballew, Clyde Moore, C. S. Helm, and William Conlin. All but Moore, who is sick in bed, were arrested and taken to Winfield this afternoon by the sheriff, his son, Don, and Deputy Sheriff F. A. Eaton.
Bonds for $750.
The men arrested left the city shortly after one o’clock, from the labor headquarters on South Summit street in autos, and they were accompanied by several car loads of their friends, who went along to sign the bonds. The county attorney said there were two counts in each case and that the bonds would be made $750 each. There was no disturbance of any sort in connection with the arrests here and all of the men, with the exception of Moore, went to the county seat in a joyful mood.
Clyde Moore...
Arkansas City Traveler, Monday, July 24, 1922. Front Page.
There was some excitement in Arkansas City late Saturday night when the news was scattered about the city that a patrol of the state battery, K. N. G., were being called together to combat with the local strike situation. However, there was nothing in connection with the matter at that time, to cause excitement or to make anyone believe that the situation locally, had gained such a troublesome point. It was learned after the passing of the word around that the battery was being called out, that Captain W. B. Oliverson had received a phone message from the office of Governor Allen, in Topeka, informing him that the governor had received a report from this city that there was to be an attack on a strike breaker at the Santa Fe shops.
Capt. Oliverson was asked by the head of the state government at Topeka to look into the situation at once and therefore he called together a number of his officers and men and proceeded to the Santa Fe shops to investigate.
Capt. Oliverson reported Sunday, and again today, that there was absolutely no trouble of any sort at the south yards and he so reported to the governor’s office that night, after making a thorough investigation of the matter. He says there was no cause for alarm then nor now, as he had investigated the lay of the land here, from all points. The call of the battery Saturday night was not a formal call, but was informal in its nature, Capt. Oliverson says.
The following report of the arrests of the strikers, which were made on Saturday, was published in the Winfield Courier, of that day.
“Feeling ran high at Arkansas City this afternoon when warrants were issued by the county attorney for seven additional arrests among striking shopmen. Twenty-five or thirty men accompanied the arrested strikers to Winfield to go bond for them.
“The men arrested were Frank Nichols, D. M. Kimbough, Oliver Burt, Rudolph Burt, John Ballew, Clyde Moore, T. A. Helm, William Conlin. This was the second offense for Rudolph Burt. All of the men came to Winfield to furnish bail except Moore who was ill and unable to come.
“The information filed against the striking picketers names two separate counts. First, what the industrial court ruling interprets as conspiring to strike and persuade others to do so. Second, what is commonly known as picketing. The seven arrests this afternoon swell the total for the strike to fifteen from Arkansas City.
“According to the story of the men who were brought here this afternoon, the feeling is intense among the strikers and strike sympathizers this afternoon. ‘We’ve got fifteen now,’ stated Rudolph Burt, who was arrested for the second time on the same charge, ‘we’re just going to keep on till we’ve got fifty. Then they can bring us up to the county jail and keep us.’
“Although the striking shopmen have warned the businessmen of Arkansas City that they can keep the strike sympathy cards in the windows at their own risk, there are still quite a number in evidence according to the men who had just come from there.
Thomas McAdam, one of the local strikers, admitted this morning that he made the remark while in the courthouse yard, last Saturday afternoon, ‘that when the authorities had arrested 40 or 50 of the men, they would just go to jail and not attempt to furnish bond,’ which probably brought out the above statement from the Courier.
In regard to the news item in the Courier of Saturday, the local committee states that in the matter of the statement made by one of the Arkansas City men in the party there, pertaining to picketing, that it is false. Picketing by the railroad strikers was forbidden by the executive committee at the first meeting here after the strike was begun on July 1. The strikers say they expect to live up to the provisions of the industrial court law, as long as it is a law.
In regard to the men arrested on Saturday, the local committee gives out the following information.
Frank Nichols, boilermaker, was laid off by the company in March 1921; Oliver Burt, machinist helper, quit the company in May of this year; Rudolph Burt, laborer, quit the company in July; T. Helm, car apprentice, was laid off in July, and has been in Guthrie, returning to this city the day of his arrest. The other men arrested had been laid off for the month of July.
Ruth Moore...
Arkansas City Traveler, Thursday, August 17, 1922.
Instructors for the coming fall and winter term of school in the senior and junior high schools have been appointed and they are all expected to be on hand at the opening day, Monday, September 11.
The teaching staff for the Junior High School.
Ruth Moore, Sewing.
William F. Moore, Conway Springs, and Claude B. Moore, Arkansas City...
Arkansas City Traveler, Monday, August 28, 1922. Front Page.
William F. Moore, of Conway Springs, age 76, was killed instantly, and his son, Claude B. Moore, of this city, conductor on the train, was severely injured Sunday afternoon at one-twenty o’clock, when the caboose on the Missouri Pacific train on which they were riding between Sedan and Cedarvale, left the track and turned over. The man who lost his life in the wreck of the caboose was riding with the son at the time, as the elder Mr. Moore had just returned from a visit in California, and as the son was compelled to go out on his run that day, he decided to take his father along.
William F. Moore suffered concussion of the brain and he was dead when the trainmen picked him up. The body was taken to Cedarvale and placed in charge of E. E. Powell, of this city, who later in the day brought the injured man, Claude Moore, to his home here.
Claude Moore resides at 213 North A Street and when seen this morning by the newspaper men, while he was making arrangements for the funeral and burial of his father, he related how the accident occurred, as nearly as could be ascertained.
He was rendered unconscious at the time and he remained in that condition about four hours, he was told by the other members of the crew. He has a severe cut on the left side of his head and his left shoulder is bruised. The rear-end brakeman of the train, which was extra 2379, was also riding in the caboose at the time, and he escaped injury. The three men were in the cupola at the time and the caboose, with two oil cars, suddenly left the track. The caboose turned over, but the rail cars remained upright. The cause of the derailment was not known by Mr. Moore, and he says it was one of those seemingly unavoidable accidents. The wreck occurred on a straight track, he says.
William F. Moore was an old soldier and had been a resident of Conway Springs for many years. He was a widower. Besides the son in this city, he leaves another son, J. W. Moore of Conway Springs, with whom he made his home while not in California, and also one daughter, Mrs. E. E. Whedbee, of Wichita.
Claude Moore, who was injured in the wreck, has a run out of this city, but he was called to the Sedan branch yesterday to take care of the extra oil train. The train was east bound and the wreck occurred three miles from Sedan.
Claude Moore will not be able to resume his duties on the road for a number of days, on account of the injuries which he received in the wreck.
E. E. Powell, undertaker, and Mr. Moore went back to Cedarvale this afternoon with the casket in which to bury the victim of the accident, and that body will be taken to Conway Springs. It was planned to hold the funeral services and burial there tomorrow morning.
Mrs. Otis Moore...
Arkansas City Traveler, Friday, September 1, 1922.
Mrs. Martha Jane Woods, wife of William M. Woods, of 816 North Summit Street, who has been critically ill for several months past, died at the family home this morning at 2 o’clock. The cause of death was cancer.
The daughters are all grown and married now, and three of them still reside in this city. They are Mrs. Gertie Allen, Mrs. Otis Moore, and Mrs. Cora Watson, all of this city; Mrs. W. L. Ingham of Norman, Oklahoma; and Mrs. E. A. Ballou, of Independence. All of them are here at this time. One sister, Mrs. Fishback of Sylvia, and one brother, Chas. Boone of Byron, Oklahoma, also survive her. The sister has been here for some time in attendance upon Mrs. Woods, but she is at her home at this time. The brother arrived in the city today and will remain for the funeral services and burial.
Mrs. Woods was one of the best known and most highly respected Christian women of the city and she has resided here for the past 35 years. She was united in marriage to W. M. Woods in Kentucky. Her maiden name was Martha Jane Boone, and she was a direct descendant of the famous Daniel Boone family, of Kentucky. She was born in Clark County, Kentucky, and was aged 67 years, 9 months, and 2 days. Mrs. Woods leaves the husband and five daughters to mourn her loss.
Mrs. Woods was a member of the First Baptist Church of this city. In her death the community mourns the loss of one of the best women Arkansas City has ever known and the family will greatly miss her loving care and friendship.
Funeral services will be held at the First Baptist church on Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock, and Rev. Muir will be in charge. Interment will take place in Riverview cemetery.