James B. Moore


Son of Geo. W. Moore.

Winfield Courier, October 20, 1881.
Mr. James B. Moore, of Hartford, Connecticut, spent several days of this week looking over our county. Mr. Moore is a capitalist of large means and has a great deal of money invested in real estate mortgages in this county.
Cowley County Courant, December 1, 1881.
James B. Moore, the Hartford, Connecticut, money man, who has been making the Brettun headquarters during a month’s busi­ness visit through Southern Kansas, leaves for home Tuesday morning. He will be back again in three or four weeks, to spend the winter here. Winfield has charms to soothe even the Hartford man.
J. B. Moore, of Hartford, Connecticut...
Cowley County Courant, January 5, 1882.
J. B. Moore, of Hartford, Connecticut, came in Saturday evening, and will make Winfield headquarters again for awhile. He occupies the bridal chamber at the Brettun, but then it would require a close search to find any bride lingering there. James is still on the single list, and the apartments given him have no particular significance, except that he was introduced at the Brettun by the illustrious statesman who pens this item.
Winfield Courier, January 5, 1882.
We met a real live capitalist Monday evening in the person of Mr. Jas. B. Moore, of Hartford, Connecticut. He is here looking after the interests of a large insurance company which he represents, and which holds mortgages on a great deal of farm property in this country. He looks like a western farmer and is a very pleasant gentleman.
Winfield Courier, January 5, 1882.
In another column will be found a card from the new Loan brokers, P. M. Albright & Co. Mr. James B. Moore, of Hartford, Connecticut, is a member of the firm. He is a son of Geo. W. Moore, one of the heaviest capitalists in New England, and the new firm will take charge of all of Mr. Moore’s western loans. This will make Winfield the headquarters of Geo. W. Moore & Co.’s interests, and when it is known they have placed about fifty millions in western mortgages, it isn’t a very small thing.
Winfield Courier, January 5, 1882.
P. H. ALBRIGHT & CO., have opened a loan & Real Estate office in this city. They will do a general loaning business throughout the Southern portion of this State. They get their money from first hands and can close loans at once, giving the lowest rates of interest. All interest on loans negotiated through Gilbert & Jarvis or Jarvis, Conklin & Co., for Geo W. Moore & Co., or the Traveler’s Insurance Company, is now made payable at this office. They have $50,000 that must be invested by Feb. 1st, 1882, and desire that amount of good applications.
Cowley County Courant, January 12, 1882.
James B. Moore, of the firm of G. W. Moore & Co., of Hart­ford, Connecticut, will remain here in the office with P. H. Albright & Co. most of the winter.

Cowley County Courant, January 12, 1882.
James B. Moore of this city has approved and paid the money on over $17,000 in loans since the first day of the year 1882.
James B. Moore, of Hartford, now in Winfield, representative of
Geo. W. Moore & Co., and the Traveler’s Insurance, Hartford, Connecticut...
Cowley County Courant, January 12, 1882.
The establishment of the firm of P. H. Albright & Company in this city promises our farmers a better and quicker method of obtaining money when they want it, than they have heretofore had. This firm keeps money sufficient on hand to supply all who may borrow of them, as soon as the papers are signed. They inform us that they now have $50,000, which must be loaned at once, and consequently they will offer it at the lowest rates. They also have a reasonable amount of capital which they wish to invest in securities and town property.
All the business connected with the loans heretofore made for Geo. W. Moore & Co., and the Traveler’s Insurance, of Hart­ford, Connecticut, by Gilbert, Jarvis & Company, and Jarvis, Conklin & Company, will hereafter be under the exclusive control of P. H. Albright & Company, which latter named firm will receipt for interest on all said loans.
Mr. Jas. B. Moore, of Hartford, will remain here during the winter, in the office with P. H. Albright & Company, and will be a valuable assistant in getting the business of the new firm under full headway.
Mr. Albright, the senior member of the firm, is well known in Southern Kansas, and has perhaps the best financial backing in the east of any young man in our state. We predict for the new firm a nice run of business.
Winfield Courier, January 12, 1882.
The Money Loaning Business.
After years of various speculation, it seems now to be a settled fact that the West, and especially this section of the West, will need Eastern capital for many years to come. Several heavy Connecticut capitalists and corporations who have been casting about for a locality to invest their capital have selected Southern Kansas as being a safe place to invest in, and as the railroads make Winfield a very convenient point, have chosen this city for a center of operations.
Messrs. P. H. Albright & Co., two Connecticut youths, will have the management of the funds. They will pay that money down as soon as papers are signed and there need be no delay in obtaining money from them.
Mr. James B. Moore, of the firm of Geo. W. Moore & Co., of Hartford, Connecticut, will  make his headquarters at this office for the winter. These people have already over one million dollars invested in this section of the State and are certainly in a position to furnish money with as little expense to the farmers as any in the business. During the past week Mr. James B. Moore has approved and paid to the farmers over $17,000.
Winfield Courier, January 19, 1882.

James B. Moore, representing the Travelers Insurance Co. and Geo. W. Moore & Co., of Hartford Connecticut, will make his headquarters with P. H. Albright & Co., in Winfield this winter. Mr. Moore contends all the western loans of the Travelers Insurance Co., and Geo. W. Moore and Co., which amounts to over one million dollars. He is one of the pleasantest gentlemen we ever met and as a businessman has no equal in the west.
Cowley County Courant, January 26, 1882.
James B. Moore is riding every day now, cold as it is, approving loans and issuing drafts for P. H. Albright & Co., the new loan agents.
AD: P. H. ALBRIGHT & CO. (One of the most reliable loaning companies in the West.)  Have now opened an office in Winfield.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 1, 1882.
If you want to borrow money, call on P. H. Albright & Co., of Winfield. Their ad. in this issue shows what they will do.
BIG AD:  P. H. Albright & Co.
One of the most reliable loaning
companies in the West,
They will make loans in any of the Southern Counties in the State, AND ALREADY HAVE THE OVERSIGHT OF MORE THAN
Heretofore placed in the Counties of Cowley, Bourbon, Labette, Wilson, Montgomery, Chautauqua, Elk, Butler, Sedgwick, Sumner, Harper, Barbour, and Kingman.
The main office of the company will be at Winfield, where they will furnish money to borrowers on shorter notice and at lower rates than any others in the loaning business.
JAMES B. MOORE, of the firm of Geo. W. Moore & Son, of Hartford, Conn., will make this office headquarters for the winter.
Cowley County Courant, March 2, 1882.
James B. Moore is sad and refuses to be comforted. You can almost imagine at times that he is weeping, but such is not the case. His grief is too severe to be trifled with, too. No one should ask him the cause of his trouble for he has lost a “conge­nial spirit” and is lonesome. D. E. Guerney, his sworn friend, was hopelessly taken from his side today at the arrival of Mrs. D. E. Guerney from Chicago.
George W. Moore [firm], Hartford...
Cowley County Courant, April 20, 1882.
Geo. W. Moore vs. Henry T. Jackson et al.
Cowley County Courant, May 25, 1882.

They keep a good time piece in P. H. Albright & Co.’s office. This afternoon Jim Moore went down to the office and wrote about forty letters he had laid aside for Sunday work, in order to get them started on the 3:55 Santa Fe train. Completing his work at the last minute in order to reach the mail, he rushed to the postoffice like a mad stag, and yelled to the mailing clerk: “Here, I want these to go sure!” “All right,” said the modest young man, “they will go surely Monday morning. The Santa Fe train has been gone half an hour.” Moore didn’t say much, but then he had a thought or two.
Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

P. H. Albright and J. B. Moore got lost last week amidst the waters and mud of Chautauqua and Elk Counties, and wandered around until Saturday night, when they met a train at Elk Falls and escaped to Winfield.
Winfield Courier, October 19, 1882.
MARRIED. Mr. James B. Moore, of the firm of George W. Moore & Co., of this city, was married yesterday afternoon at Cambridge, Massachusetts, to Miss Annie C., eldest daughter of Sir William B. Richards, of Ottawa, Canada. The ceremony was attended by a limited number of friends, and was conducted by the Rev. A. B. G. Allen of Cambridge. The bride’s father was for a long period chief justice of Canada, resigning the position but a few years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Moore, after a two months’ tour of the Dominion and the West, will reside in Hartford. Hartford (Connecticut) Daily Courant of Oct. 13.
Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.
James H. Tallman, of the firm of Geo. W. Moore & Co., of Hartford, Connecticut, for whom a very large amount of money has been loaned in this county, is paying Southern Kansas a business visit. He is highly delighted with the climate.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.
James B. Moore, who was looking after his business interests here last week, met with a serious accident, near St. Louis, while returning to his home in Hartford, Ct. He was thrown from a sleeper in the darkness and frigid atmosphere, sustaining a fractured skull and broken arm. Mr. Albright says the injuries are not considered fatal.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 5, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
P H Albright and Grant Stafford to Jas P Moore, _ of lot 16, blk 128, Winfield: $950.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 24, 1885.
P. H. Albright received, Wednesday, a check for $50, as a Christmas present. It came from Geo. W. Moore & Co., Hartford, Connecticut, capitalists for whom Mr. Albright is the principal western agent. Last year, P. H. Albright invested a good sum in turkeys, which were distributed among the deserving poor of the city. Now, he determines to invest this entire $50 in turkeys, that Christmas may not find those in our city whom misfortunes have overtaken without the sunshine of a fat turkey. Many is the needy home—homes to whom Christmas would only be a stinging reminder of their sad condition—will these $50 worth of turkeys come as a heavenly blessing, appreciated as only the worthy poor can appreciate. Any persons knowing poor families where a fat turkey can do good work, will leave the name either at Mr. Albright’s office or at THE COURIER office. This is certainly generosity worthy of emulation.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 24, 1885.
H. R. Knox, bookkeeper for Geo. W. Moore & Co., Hartford, Connecticut, for whom P. H. Albright is agent, was here Thursday and today, shown around by Mr. Albright. This was his first trip to Kansas, and of course he was highly delighted. He left this eve for New York.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886.

P. H. Albright and James B. Moore have bought the four Hackney & Asp office lots, opposite the courthouse, for $8,000. They will hold them for increase of value, possibly putting up good buildings on them later in the year.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, June 14, 1922.
The business of P. H. Albright and company, a partnership composed of the late P. H. Albright and James B. Moore of Hart­ford, Connecticut, which has been transacting a farm loan busi­ness in southern Kansas and northern Oklahoma for more than forty years, has been incorporated under the name The P. H. Albright Farm Loan company.
The affairs of the corporation will be managed by Grover W. Collinson, as president, who for eleven years has been connected with P. H. Albright and company, in Medford and Newkirk, Oklahoma; and Winfield, Kansas; and for the past eight years Mr. Collinson has been active manager of the Winfield office.
The office force of the old company have been retained. W. J. Wilson is treasurer, and A. U. Burdette, field man and examiner. In addition, James H. Albright will on duty as vice presi­dent and secretary. Penrose S. Albright is second vice president and will be actively identified with the Albright Title and Investment company, of Newkirk, Oklahoma. James B. Moore has retained an interest in the new corporation and is one of the directors.
The long established connection with the Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance company, of Hartford, Connecticut, will be continued and the well known policies of the old firm of P. H. Albright and company will be carried on by the new corporation.