Professor R. B. Moore
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.
Where the Teachers of Cowley Teach this Winter.
Their Names and the Salaries They Get.
Wrights Canyon, Pleasant Valley Township, Jos. Moore, $40.
Burden, R. B. Moore, $80; Lizzie Burden, $40; Ella Kempton, $35; Mary Berkey, $40.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.
A choir has been organized for the M. E. church, composed as follows: Mrs. J. W. Henthorn, organist; Misses Stone, Kate Paullin, Susie Day, and Rose Pierce; and Messrs. J. W. Henthorn, Will Frazier, J. F. Stodder, and R. B. Moore.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.
An energetic attempt is being made to establish a Library in this place. The Burden Library and Lyceum Association has been organized and a charter applied for, according to law. The capital stock is placed at one thousand dollars, shares selling at twenty dollars each, and no one can purchase more than one share. The Directors are: R. F. Burden, S. H. Tolles, R. B. Moore, J. F. Stodder, S. F. Day, A. M. Newman, and J. W. Henthorn. A Literary Society, or Lyceum, is to be held in connection with the Association, which expects to give entertainments, the proceeds of which will be used in purchasing books. From the number of shares of stock already sold and the general enthusiasm manifested, we predict that it will be a grand success.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.
Program of the evening session of the Cowley County Teachers Association to be held at New Salem, February 20th, 1885: Music. Address of welcome, Rev. Irwin; response. R. B. Moore; music. Paper, relation of teacher and pupil, Fannie Stretch; talk, Prof. A. Gridley; music. Recitation, Jessie Stretch. Paper, W. C. Barnes; Exercise by New Salem school; roll-call of teachers with five minute responses.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 14, 1885.
The following is the programme of Cowley County Teachers Association, which will convene at New Salem, Friday evening, Feb. 20th, 1885.
Address of Welcome ... Rev. Irwin.
Response ... Mr. R. B. Moore.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.
Prof. R. B. Moore, superintendent of the Burden Schools, was in the metropolis Saturday. The Professor is one of Cowley’s most accomplished educators, and his popularity and success in Burden is well merited.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 2, 1885.
The writer had the pleasure of attending the first annual commencement exercises of the Burden High School Tuesday evening. Cowley County has always been foremost in educational matters, but the last few years have been marked by unusual strides. But a few years ago a little frame schoolhouse, twenty by thirty, was the seat of learning for our sister city. It was enlarged, additional buildings rented, etc., until demand and enterprise erected a handsome stone building, containing four departments, and being one of the most substantial and convenient schoolhouses in the county. Now they have outgrown this, and will add two more rooms. The past winter saw Burden’s first graded school. Under the superintendency of Prof. R. B. Moore, one of the foremost educators of the State, ably assisted by Misses Mary Berkey, Alice Hardin, Ella Kempton, and Lizzie Burden, the different departments bore gratifying fruits. The first graduates from the Burden High School who “commenced,” Tuesday evening, were Misses Effie C. Young and Lain Burden and Mr. Arthur W. Brooks, all of whom acquitted themselves nobly on this occasion. The entire exercises were very interesting and creditable. Burden has great reason to congratulate herself in her varied advancement—her public and private improvements and general air of thrift and enterprise. No town of her size in the West can exhibit a better growth, more public spirit, or more energy in everything that makes true citizenship.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 16, 1885.
Prof. R. B. Moore, of Burden, was in the city today arranging for a western trip.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 30, 1885.
Dr. Marsh received a letter at noon from Prof. R. B. Moore, stating that he was at Ashland, had taken a claim, and was putting up his “shanty.” The Doctor telegraphed Rev. P. B. Lee, who started this morning to resurrect the Professor from the debris of the Lodge flood, at Attica. He will return this evening.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 14, 1885.
Prof. R. B. Moore is home from the west. He has planted his cabin on a quarter of Uncle Sam’s domain, six miles from Ashland, and will return in a few weeks.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 13, 1885.
[This column is edited under management of the Cowley County Teacher’s Association. Fannie Stretch, Alfred W. Wing, and R. B. Moore, editorial committee.]
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 20, 1885.
Prof. R. B. Moore came in Wednesday evening to pass a few days with friends in this city. He is sun browned, and shows the unmistakable marks of a son of out door toil. Since closing the schools at this place, the Professor has visited the “wild and wooly,” taken, improved, and is now the owner of a farm in Clark County, this State. It has been the best paying vacation he could have taken, and though his trials have been many, he will return to the superintendency of our schools the happy possessor of a good farm and some city property the result of industry.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 17, 1885.
Prof. R. B. Moore came in from his Clark County claim Saturday, going to Burden. The Burden school, of which he is superintendent, opened today.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 29, 1885.
Prof. R. B. Moore, principal of the Burden schools, returned from Clark County Monday after proving up his claim near Ashland. The Prof. is now one of the bloated landholders.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 18, 1885.
Teachers’ Association.
The third monthly session of the Cowley County Teachers’ association will be held Nov. 20 and 21, 1885, at Winfield.
What preparation should the teacher have for his work?
Paper: R. B. Moore. Discussion: J. W. Campbell, Prof. Wood.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 19, 1885.
The third monthly session of the Cowley County Teachers’ Association will be held November 20 and 21, 1885, at Winfield.
What preparation should the teacher have for his work?
Paper: R. B. Moore. Discussion: J. W. Campbell, Prof. Wood.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.
Henry Rowland, Prof. Moore, and Miss Effie Young spent Sunday in the hub, from Burden.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.
The Cowley County Teachers’ Association met in Normal Hall Saturday with about fifty teachers in attendance. The minutes of last meeting were read by the secretary and adopted by the assembly. Prof. Gridley opened by an able paper on “What are the secrets of success in school government?” He first showed that good government must be secured, and after suggesting several other methods, concluded by saying that the way “to govern was to govern.” Profs. Rice, Wood, and Finfrock, and Miss Miller discussed the question and agreed with Prof. Gridley. Charles Wing opened the question, “Should a knowledge of vocal music be a qualification of a common school teacher?” He took the negative side and made a neat speech, but his argument was annihilated by Messrs. Rice, Funk, McClellan, and Misses Campbell and Stretch, all of whom were in the affirmative. The question, “What preparation should a teacher have for his work?” was opened by Prof. Moore, who claimed that it was impossible to be too well prepared. Professor Rice divided the preparation into physical, educational, and moral, and made a neat speech on the first two divisions, but declined to speak on the third. Prof. Gridley thought the question referred to what special preparation a teacher should make, and thought he should make as much as possible. Prof. Limerick held that a teacher should be well posted on current events of political or other topics, and was warmly seconded in his statements. This led to a reference to the Servia-Bulgarian war, and Prof. Gridley asked Prof Moore to give a synopsis of that event, which he did in very good shape. The moral preparation of a teacher will be made a question for the next meeting. The association then adjourned for dinner, the teachers all being entertained by the hospitable people of Winfield.
[Unknown: The name is either “Finfrock” or “Finefrock.” Have seen both.]
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 31, 1885.
Prof. R. B. Moore, superintendent of Burden’s schools, was in the Metropolis Monday. The holiday vacation comes very acceptably.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 7, 1886.
Miss Alida Moore, sister of Mrs. P. B. Lee, left Friday eve on the S. K. for her home in Bowling Green, Ohio. During her seven months visit here she proved up a claim in Clark County. Rev. Lee’s little daughter, Edna, returns with Miss Moore to attend school.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 14, 1886.
Prof. Moore spent his vacation with his sister at Winfield, where he had a good time and lots of good things to eat. The Professor is a pleasant fellow and makes many warm friends wherever he goes. Enterprise.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 14, 1886.
Miss Alida Moore, sister of Prof. Moore of this place, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Lee, of Winfield, for some months past, started to return to her home in Bowling Green, Ohio, last Monday, accompanied by Mrs. Lee’s pretty little daughter, Edna, but stopped off at Burden for a day’s visit with her brother before leaving Kansas. Enterprise.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 14, 1886.
Miss Alida Moore, sister of Prof. Moore, of this city, accompanied by her niece, Miss Edna Lee, of Winfield, stopped here last Monday evening and remained until Tuesday evening. They were on their way to Miss Alida’s home in Bowling Green, Ohio. The Prof. and sister each proved up on a claim in Clark County last summer, and the young lady returns the happy possessor of 100 acres of Kansas land. Enterprise.
Its Interesting Meeting in Winfield Last Saturday.
Various Things Discussed.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 21, 1886.
We append the program for next meeting.
1. Methods of teaching history. H. F. Alberts, R. B. Moore, and Miss Williams.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.
Prof. R. B. Moore, principal of the Burden schools, was sailing around the Metropolis Saturday.