William Moore Family
[Wm. Moore known as “Uncle Billy.”]
[With his sons he handled a stone quarry.]
Moore, Wm., 48; spouse, C. J., 43.
Moore Bros., stone cutters and masons, 1112 Lowry
Moore Luther, res 1112 Lowry
Moore Luzern, res 1112 Lowry
Moore Wm. & Son, stone sidewalks, res n of Bliss & Wood’s mill
Moore W S, stonemason, res 1119 Lowry
The following were the sons of William Moore:
John Moore, George Moore, and Laben Moore.
It appears from the papers that at first Wm. Moore worked with Mr. Hodges in handling stone. I have no idea what the first name or initials are of Mr. Hodges. MAW
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.
Messrs. Hodges & Moore shipped several additional cars of flagging to Kansas City last week. It is meeting with much favor there.
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.
On the day of the editorial convention, Messrs. Moore & Hodges were hauling flag stone through the streets of Winfield to ship to Kansas City. One smooth stone, about ten by fifteen feet and five inches in diameter, was halted before our office and remained subject to the inspection of the editors for several hours. These contractors are handling some of the most superb flag stones of the county.
Winfield Courier, August 26, 1880.
Hodges & Moore are filling a contract for Winfield flag stone to be shipped to Chanute.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1880.
Trial docket for December term, commencing on the first Monday (6th day) of December, A. D., 1880.
Moore Bros. vs. J. H. Beth.
Winfield Courier, April 21, 1881.
In company with Mr. Wm. Moore, we visited his stone quarries on Black Crook last Friday. These are the quarries from which come most of the magnificent flagging, out of which our far-famed sidewalks are built. Our inspection of these quarries convinced us that the supply of flagging is practically inexhaustible. The rock lies in layers, running from three inches to three feet in thickness, the thinnest layers being on top, and the flagging can be taken out any thickness or size desired. The workmen had one layer uncovered which was fully fifty feet square and six inches in thickness. This was marked off into blocks three feet by four. Holes were bored in the marks at intervals of six inches, and the huge block was being cut up into sizes suitable for the four-foot crossings of the city. Blocks of flagging have been taken out eight inches in thickness, and sixteen feet square, and hauled into town to be used as floors in kitchens and outhouses. In these instances the floors were laid and the houses built over them. The foreign demand for this flagging is growing constantly, and Mr. Moore is compelled to add more force from time to time. He has shipped carload after carload to Kansas City, has filled large contracts at Wichita and Wellington, and has orders for much more. He is making arrangements to ship several blocks to Kansas City to be laid in front of the new Custom House. They will be as large as one of the flat railroad cars, and each stone will make a carload. As the value of this stone becomes known, the demand increases and in time it will become one of our leading industries.
Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.
The following cases have been disposed of by the court up to date.
Moore Brothers vs. McBeth, verdict for plaintiff.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 8, 1881.
The promoters of Riverside park are in earnest. Citizens have subscribed $350, and the contract is now let to build a walk eight feet wide instead of four feet, as first contemplated. Wm. Moore has donated a stone 10 x 15, which will be used for the speaker’s stand.
Winfield Courier, June 16, 1881.
Celebration to be held in the Riverside Park west of the Santa Fe depot, where will be found an abundance of shade, ample room for teams, and an abundance of good water for man and beast. The speakers’ stand consists of one solid stone, donated by Wm. Moore, Winfield citizen. There will be plenty of seats provided so all may be comfortable and happy. There was a postscript telling everyone to “bring an abundant supply of good things to eat.”
Winfield Courier, August 25, 1881.
We are glad to say that Cowley County stone will be exhibited at our State Fair and also at the National Fair at Bismarck Grove. The Santa Fe road have granted free transportation for a carload to Topeka, and the Kansas City, Lawrence and Southern a carload to Bismarck Grove.
The owners of quarries, Messrs. Schmidt and Wm. Moore, have donated the stone necessary to load the cars. Subscription money is now being raised to meet the expenses of hauling this stone to the railroad and for transferring it to the grounds at Topeka and Bismarck Grove; and for putting the stone in proper shape for exhibition. The parties interested in the exhibition are energetic and wide awake, and our people may depend on a creditable show of Cowley County stone at Topeka and Bismarck Grove.
Winfield Courier, September 15, 1881.
Someone objects to J. C. Fuller for Councilman because he resists the sale of certain lots in this city for sidewalk taxes, from which it is inferred that he is opposed to making stone sidewalks in this city. Last year under the ordinances, about a thousand dollars worth of sidewalks at city contract rates were assessed against lots belonging to J. C. Fuller. He let the contracts to build all these sidewalks to two men at 7½ cents per square foot. Moore & Hodges were also contracting for sidewalks, were competitors of Fuller’s contractors, and succeeded in monopolizing so many of the workmen and so much material that Fuller’s contractors failed to get all their work done before the council let a part of his work to Moore & Co., at 18 to 20 cents per square foot.
Cowley County Courant, December 22, 1881.
The following bills were allowed and ordered paid.
Wm. Moore, stone and crossings, $30.00.
Wm. Moore, stone and crossings, $10.20.
Cowley County Courant, March 2, 1882.
Mr. William Moore, the proprietor of the Cowley County flag stone quarries, worked by Moore & Hodges, came over to this city last week and spent three days among our people. He succeeded in selling some stone and will, we hope, succeed in selling more, as he is a reliable gentleman and honorable dealer. He returned home Saturday evening. Wellingtonian.
Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.
BIRTH. Heretofore it has been cause for regret to the Moore boys that they could not quarry the rock as fast as ordered on account of a scarcity of hands. This is remedied now by the arrival of a new hand at the residence of the boss quarry man, Mr. Fortner. He weighs nine pounds, and has come to stay.
Winfield Courier, May 4, 1882.
W. L. Fortner brought us a bunch of wheat from the field of Wm. Moore, that was over four feet high, and nicely headed.
Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.
Hon. Jas. McDermott, Winfield, Kansas.
DEAR SIR: We the undersigned citizens of Cowley County, Kansas, anxious that an able and faithful man represent us in the coming legislature, and ever mindful of the important legislation that will come before that body, unite in requesting you to become a candidate for the office of Representative from this district, July 11th, 1882.
Hackney, W. P.; Gridley, A.; Bethel, Jas.; Millington, D. A.; Greer, Ed. P.; Finch, Frank W.; Siverd, H. H.; Pryor, J. D.; Wilson, W. J.; Hunt, J. S.; Bryan, T. R.; Curns, J. W.; Harris, T. J.; Arrowsmith, J. W.; Hendricks, A. D.; Soward, T. H.; Story, R. C.; Reynolds, E. M.; Buckman, G. H.; Haight, N. A.; Cook, S. A.; Webb, L. H.; Fuller, C. E.; Hudson, W.; Wood, B. F.; Kelly, James; Short, J. P.; Platter, Jas. E.; Gridley, A., Jr.; Asp, Henry E.; Trimble, E. T.; Roberts, W. D.; Moore, Wm. H.; Hackney, J. F.; Waite, R. B.: McMullen, J. C.; Lee, W. A.; Holloway, S. S.; and others.
Winfield Courier, September 28, 1882.
Wm. Moore got the prize for best yellow corn and Wm. Sanborn for best onions. D. J. Bright took 2nd on sweet potatoes.
Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.
Bill of Wm. Moore and sons for well stone was referred to Finance committee.
Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.
The following bills were presented and allowed and ordered paid.
Wm. Moore & Sons, well stone: $5.00.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
The following accounts were allowed and ordered paid.
Wm. Moore & Sons, stone for crossing: $43.54.
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1883.
The books of the old fair association have been balanced up, and several premiums heretofore in dispute fixed up and orders drawn for their payment. The following persons are entitled to the amounts set opposite their names, and can get their money by calling upon the secretary, Ed. P. Greer.
W. E. Seaman, $10; J. A. Jackson, $2; Kellogg & Co., $4; J. L. Stewart, $2; Wm. Moore, $2; Wm. Sanborn, $2; J. W. Douglass, $1; Mrs. P. M. Waite, $1; B. F. Childers, $5; Albro & Co., $2; D. J. Bright, $1; Mrs. E. F. Nelson, $2; Mrs. S. D. Pryor, $1; Miss Curfman, $1; B. W. Sitter, $3; J. J. Tribbey, $11.50.
Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.
Wm. Moore brings us a bunch of millet six feet high, bearing mammoth heads. It is still growing.
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.
The sidewalk being put down in front of the Torrance-Fuller brick block is one of the finest in the city. It is being laid with flagstones eight by twelve feet in size and eight inches thick. The stones are from Moore & Sons’ quarry.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1884.
On Tuesday of this week we were honored by a delegation consisting of J. W. Curns, A. H. Doane, Wm. Moore, and D. L. Kretsinger, who in a pleasant, gentlemanly, and earnest manner, presented us with the following petition.
To Mr. D. A. Millington, Editor of the Courier, Winfield, Kansas:
DEAR SIR: In your representative capacity as the Editor of one of the great newspapers of the county, and one of Winfield’s own papers, we desire to, in friendly manner, call your attention to the D. M. & A. narrow gauge railroad proposition.
In our opinion, as residents and businessmen of Winfield, the proposition is one full of advantage to the city and County, and is in great danger of being lost to us, unless it receives the unanimous support of the Citizens of this town.
In our humble belief the opposition of the COURIER is liable to defeat the measure and thereby deprive Winfield of that which will make us one of the most important cities in the State.
We therefore, as citizens of Winfield, earnestly and respectfully request you to reconsider the matter and withdraw your opposition to a scheme which as we verily believe is fraught with vital interest to us all.
The petition is signed by the above named gentlemen and others amounting to 140 names. Among the names we find those of fully one half of the intelligent businessmen of the city and of many others whom we well know and highly respect. It is couched in courteous language, presented in a courteous way, and is entitled to courteous treatment and respectful consideration from us and such it shall have.
We cordially thank the gentlemen for their kind consideration and the high compliment their petition implies. We assure them that we hold their views in high respect and it would give us much pleasure to be able to agree with them in all matters in which the interest of this city and county are involved. We are always sufficiently ready to yield our own views and fall in with public opinion, particularly in cases when a measure is before us in which each of our neighbors has the same interest which we have and all be benefitted or injured alike. It is a mistake to say that a newspaper is the leader of public opinion. A live newspaper is rather the exponent of public opinion and is necessarily led and influenced in its opinions and course by the pressure of surrounding sentiment and the opinions of its patrons.
Granting for the sake of the argument that in a case like the present, we ought to yield to public sentiment, the general appearance is, that here among our business and leading men the sentiment pro and con is nearly equally divided and in the county outside of this city the sentiment appears to us to be overwhelmingly against the proposition as it now stands.
In the petition the names of about 25 of the prominent businessmen and firms are conspicuous for their absence, and likewise the names of some 40 or 50 other prominent men of this city do not appear. Of course, 140 names is a very small minority of the taxpayers and electors of this city. It may justly be said that many more names could have been added to the petition had sufficient time been taken, including others of the leading businessmen. On the other hand, there are many names of persons on the petition whom we do not know, some who have called on us telling us that our course was the right course, and doubtless many who would as readily have signed a contrary petition had it been presented. The fact is that there are so many persons who cannot say no when urged by a friend to sign a petition that petitions cannot be relied upon as any indication of public sentiment.
We shall continue to believe that public sentiment is against this railroad proposition as it now stands, until it is demonstrated at the polls that we were mistaken.
But we do not admit that a newspaper man is ever excusable in yielding his judgment on matters of public importance to public sentiment. It is his duty to look carefully into all projects of a public nature for his locality, to thoroughly inform himself so as to form the most correct conclusions he is capable of, and then give the facts and his conclusions and opinions to his readers, fully, honestly, and fairly, unprejudiced by the opinions or influence of others. We think this matter is so important to our patrons that it is an imperative duty on us to take such a course and we shall try to do our duty in this matter.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1884.
Mr. J. Leeds, Assistant General Freight Agent of the A. T. & S. F. railroad, was in the city Tuesday and made a visit to the Moore stone quarry on Black Crook southeast of town. The object of this mission is not known, but is probably connected with the building of a switch out to the quarry. One fact is certain and that is that our stone is attracting attention from far beyond the borders of the state. Its future development means great things for Winfield.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1884.
An almost fatal accident happened Monday morning at Wm. Moore & Sons stone quarry east of the city. A blast was put in and the fuse fired, and as the men supposed the fire had gone out, they commenced to redrill the same hole and when near the bottom the blast went off. Mr. I. N. Johnson, Hoffman, and another man were doing the work and were pretty severely hurt. The latter saw the stones and dirt move in time to jump back and save himself injury, but Mr. Johnson was standing directly over the blast and had his face and arms completely peppered with dirt and small stones. Mr. Hoffman standing very near also received similar injuries. Dr. Padgett was summoned and after dressing and examining the wounds, pronounced them not very dangerous, but the injured parties will be laid up for some time. The men, before redrilling the hole, had taken the precaution to fill it with water, else the effect of the explosion would have been fearfully disastrous. Powder can kick with more ferocity than a mule, and takes as much care in handling, yet the greatest precaution does not always prevent serious results.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1884.
Fatal Accident.
DIED. On Monday afternoon Chas. E. Hickenlooper, a young man about twenty years old, while manipulating a well drill near Moore & Son’s stone quarry east of town, was accidentally struck on the top of the head by the drill crank and died in a few hours from the effects of the blow. He had been in the county since last fall and worked during the winter for George Anderson, near Floral, but was employed this spring by H. C. Reynolds, of the firm of Cairns & Reynolds, pump dealers, to assist in running a well drill throughout the county. His parents reside in Albia, Iowa, and in his pocket was found a long letter from them, full of parental admonition, encouragement, and love. On the day of his death a letter from the father was taken from the post office which, after giving the “home news,” would up as follows: “Well, I must now close, hoping that you may prosper in business, keep good health, a good conscience, and an honorable manhood. Write often so that we may know that you are well and doing well, for your mother gets so uneasy when she don’t hear from you often, that she can’t rest.” It was written in a beautiful hand and showed every mark of refinement. Little did those parents think that the next thing they would hear from their boy would be a telegram announcing his sudden death. An answer to the telegram sent by Mr. Reynolds to the father requested that the body be given a good burial and that money would be forwarded for the expenses. The young man had no relatives or other than casual friends in the county, and no money. He seemed to be of good character and industrious, but of a roving disposition. Mr. Reynolds gave the body careful attention, for which he is deserving of credit, and it was buried Wednesday afternoon, Rev. J. Cairns conducting the ceremonies.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1884.
Wm. Moore & Sons have a large contract for furnishing stone to gutter and pave some principal streets in Wellington.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1884.
Laban [Laben] Moore has left at this office a lady’s fur cape, which he found on the road east of town one day last week. The owner can get it by calling and paying for this notice.
Winfield Courier, April 17, 1884.
The “Winfield Reds,” our new, baseball club, have commenced practice in earnest and will soon be able to eclipse anything in the southwest. The following persons compose the club: E. W. Ellsworth, pitcher; Con. Donavon, catcher; A. D. Lycan, 1st base; L. E. Back, captain, 2nd base; L. Martin, 3rd base; C. Anson, short stop; L. Moore, right field; G. Reed, left field; Frank Crampton, center field.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1884.
On last Saturday afternoon a large meeting was held in the Courthouse for the purpose of discussing the feasibility of the County purchasing the various bridges built over the Walnut and Arkansas Rivers and one over Timber Creek, all of which have been built by the Townships and by individual subscriptions; and also building some others much needed in different portions of the county. It being a fact that all the costly bridges built in the County up to the present time having been built exclusively by the townships and by individual subscriptions, the county itself never having invested a single dollar in any of them, cannot under our present laws expend a single dollar in repair on said bridges, and the burden of keeping them in repair by the townships has become a very onerous one and in consideration of the fact that several townships having control of said bridges, are desirous of selling said bridges to the county for a normal sum, say for one dollar ($1.00) apiece, and thus shift the responsibility of keeping them in repair onto the county. It was thought best by many of the leading citizens, both of the city of Winfield, and also of the several townships, to call a meeting of citizens and discuss the feasibility of the change. The meeting was organized by calling C. A. Bliss to the chair, with H. H. Martin as secretary. A motion being carried that a committee of three be appointed by the chair to draft resolutions expressive of the sense of the meeting, Col. McMullen, William Moore, and Jesse Issennagle were appointed as said committee, who after some deliberation reported the following.
WHEREAS, There are many valuable bridges already built in the county, and
WHEREAS, These bridges have been erected at great cost by the townships building the same, and
WHEREAS, These bridges are kept in repair at the expense of said townships, and the same have become burdensome to the people by whom they were built, and in justice to the taxpayers of said locations ought to be transferred to the county,
Therefore, Resolved, That the county ought to own all the bridges within its limits valued at $500 dollars and over, and further,
Resolved, That it is the sense of this meeting—1st: That the county purchase and own all bridges of the value of $500 and over, and—2nd: erect others when the same may be necessary in the county, having in view the greatest good to the greatest number of people.
The above report of the committee was received and unanimously adopted.
A motion was then made, and carried, that it is the sense of this meeting, that a special election be called to submit to the qualified electors of Cowley County, Kansas, the question of the county purchasing all the bridges of the various townships owning bridges of the value of $500 and over at a nominal sum of, say one dollar ($1.00) each, and of building some others, and if the same cannot be done at a special election, that it be submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the county at the next general election; if it is found upon further investigation that the county has the power under the law to purchase the same.
A motion being put and carried that a committee of three be appointed to confer with the county attorney in regard to the legality of calling a special election, or of submitting to the qualified electors of the county, the question of purchasing the bridges, and also to ascertain whether the county has the power under the law to purchase said bridges, and if so, to prepare through legal advice petitions to the county commissioners to call said election. L. F. Johnson, of Beaver, W. M. Sleeth, of Creswell, and H. H. Martin, of Vernon, were appointed as said committee, with instructions, if necessary, to call another meeting after such meeting adjourned sine die. C. A. BLISS, Chairman.
H. H. MARTIN, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.
Talk about building booms, but Winfield’s boom beats the world. Men are so anxious and eager to build that they have been hauling stone from Moore’s quarries at midnight, not even taking time to get the owner’s consent. Mr. Moore will have to put a time lock on his stone quarry if the boom keeps up.
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.
The following bills were allowed and ordered paid:
Wm. Moore and Sons, stone for crossings, $30.99.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.
The following bills were ordered paid.
Wm. Moore, stone for crossings, $25.63.
Winfield Courier, December 4, 1884.
The City Parliament.
The following bills were allowed and ordered paid.
Wm. Moore & Sons, rock for city, $34.55.
Winfield Courier, December 18, 1884.
Mr. Wm. Moore, the Cowley County Stone King, was in the city Tuesday, looking after his interests. You might travel a thousand miles, and find no more genial gentleman or better flagging quarry that Mr. Moore and his quarry. Wellington Press.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.
The annual masquerade party of the Winfield Social Club has been the crowning social event of every winter for years past, and the one at the Opera House last Thursday evening was all that past successors could have spoken for it—in fact, many pronounce it superior to preceding ones in selectness and refinement of conduct. It was free from the promiscuous crowd and jam that usually characterize such gatherings, there being just maskers enough to fill the floor nicely and make dancing most enjoyable. The characters represented were varied and unique, elicited much admiration from the large number of spectators, and we regret our lack of space to mention each in detail. Following are the names of the maskers and the characters represented.
Gentlemen: B. W. Matlack, Jumping Jack; Dr. C. C. Green, Monkey and Dude; Everett Schuler, British Artilleryman; Eli Youngheim, Humpty Dumpty; Eugene Wallis, Noble Red Man; Ed. McMullen, Phillip’s Best; F. F. Leland, Double-action Pussy and Flying Dutchman; George Read, The Devil; Fred Ballein, Hamlet; D. A. Sickafoose, Page; Frank Weaverling, Mexican; A. B. Taylor, Indian War Chief; Charles Roberts, Old Uncle Joe; W. J. Hodges, Highlander; Jos. O’Hare, British Officer; Addison Brown, Highlander; J. E. Jones, Sailor; George Schuler, Page; Tom Eaton, O’Donovan Rossa; M. H. Ewart, Page; Jake Goldsmith, Clown; M. J. O’Meara, Humpty Dumpty; S. Kleeman, Black Dude; Laben Moore, Monkey; John Hudson, Clown; Frank K. Grosscup, Spanish Cavalier; A. Snowhill, Prince; A. Gogle, King Henry; Frank H. Greer, Beggar’s Student.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.
James Clatworthy, Will Kuhns, Frank Crampton, James Hall, Laban Moore, John Hudson, Elmer Hartman, Will Clark, Will Back, James Connor, and John Herndon, from our fire companies, took in the grand ball of the Wellington Fire Department last Friday evening. They were royally entertained by the Wellington boys and the ball was most enjoyable. Our companies anticipate an annual parade, ball and banquet soon, which the Wellington boys will attend.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.
Mr. John A. Moore, the sterling young son of Uncle Billy Moore, united fortunes at the house of his father, Sunday last, with Miss Nettie Allison, a young lady of winsomeness and worth. Rev. J. H. Snyder officiated, and a number of relatives and friends were present, and the mythical wedding bells jingled merrily. An installment of cake reached the COURIER force, that elicited high praises of the bride, while choice Havanas spoke loudly for the enterprise and good judgment of the groom. May their life-boat ever steer clear of crags and safely reach the haven that the present indicates—that of continued happiness and prosperity.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 9, 1885.
The old City Council held its last meeting Monday evening.
The following bills were ordered paid.
Wm. Moore & Sons, stone for crossings, $90.50.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 16, 1885.
Ed. Cochran, Will Kuhns, Ike Martin, Charley Linn, Frank Harrod, Buck Hart, Berry Scroggins, Laban Moore, Ed. Mooso, and John Thornton all took in the soldier and boomer camps yesterday.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 23, 1885.
The old City Council met last night in regular session for the last time.
The following bills were allowed and ordered paid.
Wm. Moore & Sons, rock, $49.10.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 7, 1885.
The writer hereof has had a stone sidewalk put in this month. It is the handiwork of Wm. Moore & Sons. The stone was dressed in their quarry, hauled in and laid, consequently we are deprived of the pleasure of stumbling over three or four loads of spalls lying around. The stones are all large and average six inches in thickness, are laid perfectly, and it is altogether the best stone sidewalk we have seen. The job cost ten cents per square foot.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 4, 1885.
The rulers of the city met in semi-annual conclave last night with Councilmen Myers, Jennings, and Hodges absent.
Bids of L. Wise & son and Wm. Moore & sons for laying city sidewalks, were referred.
Wm. Moore & Sons were given the contract for furnishing stone to the city.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 11, 1885.
Uncle Billy Moore has left us a bunch of wheat plucked from his forty acre field just over the river from Bliss & Woods’ mill that goes a long way toward refuting the assertion that the wheat crop is “badly off.” It is of the Walker variety and as plump, well-filled, and perfect as could be produced.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 18, 1885.
The following bills were ordered paid: Moore & Sons, $58.49.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 9, 1885.
The rulers of the city held their regular commune Monday night, with Mayor Graham and Councilmen Connor, McDonald, Myers, Crippen, Harter, and Baden present.
The following bills were paid:
Wm. Moore & Sons, stone, $38.86.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 23, 1885.
Uncle Billy Moore threshed his forty acres of Fultz wheat, just over the river, Thursday. It made twenty-six bushels to the acre and is plump and solid—as good as any ever produced in Cowley. Uncle Billy is certainly in luck—far ahead of his neighbors, who will smile at an average of twenty bushels to the acre, and many farmers in the county will have expectation satisfied at fifteen. But wheat will generally exceed what was earlier expected.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
The rulers of the city met Monday in regular semi-monthly commune. Present: Mayor Graham and Councilmen McDonald, Connor, Myers, Crippen, and Harter. Absent: Councilmen Jennings, Baden, and Hodges.
Wm. Moore & Sons, stone, $108.77.
Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.
John A. Moore said last Saturday at Winfield as the memorial procession passed: “They make a h__l of a fuss over Grant. He was nothing but a d__d rebel.” An old soldier promptly knocked him down. The soldier was fined $9.25 for the assault, but the crowd chipped in, paid the fine, and left the soldier $10 or $10 besides. Moore also paid a fine of $9.25. But in his case the crowd failed to chip in. Served him right. Burden Enterprise.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 20, 1885.
The following bills were ordered paid: Wm. Moore & Sons, stone for crossings, $106.68.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 3, 1885.
In answer to many questions, and for the benefit of those that could not avail themselves of the opportunity of taking in the excursion of Kiowa, I will try and give a few outlines of the trip. On Tuesday morning, August 25th, we boarded the 10:40 train, hearing that the regular excursion train from Kansas City, which was 20 minutes behind the regular train, was full, we boarded and started for Kiowa, which is located in Barber County, and at the terminus of the K. C. & S. K. Railroad. At Kellogg several parties joined our company.
Among the excursionists from Cowley, I noticed the following persons: J. J. Johnson, New Salem; F. M. Fall, Cambridge; J. Hiatt, Cambridge; S. Phenix, Floral; J. Finkleburg, Arkansas City; N. T. Snyder, Arkansas City. From Winfield: A. J. Thompson, Walter Denning and wife; Uncle Billy Moore and wife; Jap Cochran and mother; Barnthouse, the soda man; Sol Fredrick; John Eaton and wife; C. W. Stolp and son; Jake Goldsmith; Sam Stivers and brothers; and Gray, of the Telegram.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 17, 1885.
Uncle Billy Moore is after the S. K. section boss with a long stick. Said section boss dumped thirteen dead sheep, the other day, in a stone’s throw of Uncle Billy’s house, across the river, sprinkled the carcasses over with dirt, and left them to swell up and stink everybody out for a mile or so around. Uncle Billy has notified the section boss to get those “dead corpuses” out of there and if he don’t do it, he’ll get the cold arm of the law, as he should. It don’t cost any more to haul such truck away from society than it does to leave it in the door yard of some good citizen. Billy is wrathy, and we don’t blame him. Make the wool fly.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 17, 1885.
A meeting of Vernon and Winfield citizens was held in this city Monday to arrange for a new bridge on the old piers on the Walnut at Bliss & Wood’s mill. Chas. C. Black was president of the meeting and G. H. Crippen secretary. It was determined to erect a six thousand bridge. Senator Jennings, J. B. Lynn, S. H. Myton, J. W. Millspaugh, Billy Moore, S. W. Schwantes, B. F. Wood, and J. F. Martin were appointed as committeemen to boost the matter through. It is proposed to erect a $6,000 bridge on private subscription. Twenty-two hundred dollars were subscribed in this meeting, the largest amount, $800, by Bliss & Wood. The road, as condemned and paid for years ago, leading from Vernon to this bridge, runs along the north bank of the river until it strikes the bluff, where it comes out on the section line. Another meeting will be held on the 28th to perfect matters.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 15, 1885.
Uncle Billy Moore is quite sick at his home. We hope he will soon recover.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 19, 1885.
Moore Bros. and A. B. Glass have started a grist mill in the stone building on west 9th. They have fitted things up in good style and will be ready for one and all at once.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.
The Royal Arcanum Lodge of this city, over six years old, chronicles its first death in that of uncle Billy Moore.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.
William Moore was the first death to occur in the A. O. U. W. of this city carrying insurance.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.
The bills of Frank W. Finch, board of city prisoners, $68, and Wm. Moore & Sons, stone, $21.28, were referred.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.
Wm. Moore died Saturday, after a month’s illness with typhoid fever. He has been declining rapidly in general vitality, and this siege found him unable to throw it off.
Uncle Billy was in his fifty-sixth year, and as well known as almost any man in the county. Everybody knew him and respected him. Of warm heart, deep energy, and public spirit, with hearty natural sociability, he had scores of friends. His enterprise made the extensive rock quarries of Wm. Moore & Sons known all over the State. For six years or more he has been prominent in the development of our great stone industry. He leaves a wife and three sons: John, George, and Laben. He was a member of the United Workmen, the Knights of Honor, and the Royal Arcanum, in each of which he carried insurance: $2,000 each in the first two and $3,000 in the last, an aggregate of $7,000. The funeral will occur at 11 o’clock tomorrow from the Methodist church, Rev. Kelly delivering the sermon. It will be in charge of the A. O. U. W.
Winfield Courier, December 3, 1885.
Having put in new machinery, we will grind your corn, oats, and wheat or exchange at any time. Good meal and feed on hand. Moore Bro.’s & Co.
Winfield Courier, December 3, 1885.
At its regular meeting, Friday evening last, the A. O. U. W. Lodge of Winfield formed the following resolutions.
On Saturday, November 21, 1885, obedient to the summons of the Supreme Master Workman of the universe, Bro. Wm. Moore was taken from his place amongst us. We thus lose a valuable comrade and brother, his family a devoted father, and an affectionate husband.
Resolved, That in paying tribute to his memory, we commend the wisdom which induced him “while in health and strength of body,” to make provision for the time when he would be unable to protect those near and dear to him from the dangers incident to pecuniary want and distress.
Resolved, That we, in extending our fraternal sympathy to those whom by reason of family ties are left desolate, we commend them to the care of our All wise Father, a husband to the widow, a father to the fatherless.
Resolved, That while we cancel the pecuniary obligations into which we entered with our late brother, we will still guard with our “shield of protection” the interests of those whom he confided to our care.
C. C. Green, J. E. Snow, Louis Conrad, Committee.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 17, 1885.
The Rulers of the city met in regular semi-monthly conclave Monday night. Present: Mayor Graham and Councilmen Connor, Jennings, Myers, Crippen, Hodges, Baden, and Harter; absent, Councilman McDonald.
Petition of the Winfield Water Company, J. B. Lynn, Bliss & Wood, L. W. Kimball, J. W. Sickles, Blanche M. Sickles, C. J. Moore, J. Stretch, and R. B. Waite to have certain territory brought into the city, was granted.
The following bills were ordered paid.
H. L. Thomas, crossings, $46.25.
J. W. Thomas, stone for crossings, $94.65.
Wm. Moore & Sons, stone, $34.75.
The orders of H. L. Thomas and J. W. Thomas and Wm. Moore & Sons, $13.47, are not to be paid till February 1, 1886.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 24, 1885.
Jack Hudson and Laben Moore took in the G. A. R. ball at Burden Friday evening, which they report was a fine affair.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 31, 1885.
I have this day received from Kansas Council No. 540, Royal Arcanum, three thousand dollars, being the amount of the insurance held for my benefit upon the life of my beloved husband, William Moore, who died November 21, 1885. For your kind consideration and prompt payment, gentlemen of the Royal Arcanum, accept my sincere and heartfelt thanks. Yours very truly, Mrs. C. J. Moore.
Mr. Moore had been a member of this order for five years and had paid in $135.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
Cowley County Stone.
Successors to WILLIAM MOORE & SONS.
Flagging, Cut Stone, Building Material.
Estimates and Price Lists Furnished on Short Notice.
Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 18, 1886.
Laben F. Moore was prancing around Monday in ecstatic glee indicative of a “double” determination. We promised to gauge our previousness. The initials of her name, the queen of his affection, is C. E.: Cora E. Eastman. Watch for cigars.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 18, 1886.
And now another of the boys has become entangled in the meshes of irresistible cupid. Yesterday afternoon witnessed the marriage of Laben F. Moore and Cora E. Eastman, at the home of Rev. J. H. Snyder, who cemented the vows. Very slyly did Laben do this deed, not so much as lisping his intentions to the “outer courts.” But such an embarkment is always expected at some time or other. Very few escape and very few want to. Laben is one of the city’s best known and most energetic young businessmen, having shown his ability and activity very perceptibly in his management of the extensive business of Moore Brothers, large dealers and shippers of Cowley County stone. He has won the heart and hand of a young lady of attractive presence and winsome disposition, and boards the matrimonial craft looking out upon a bright future. Here’s to the health of yourself and fair bride, Laben, and “may you leef long and brosber.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 25, 1886.
Laben Moore was presented Friday with a beautiful silver table castor from Hudson Brothers by Robert Nipp, I. Martin, J. M. Connor, E. Youngheim, M. V. Andre, Jack Hudson, and Frank Eastman. This was given as a gift of the appreciation in which Laben is held by the boys, and a memorial of his departure from single blessedness.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.
Laben Moore went to Harper last Friday to put in some sidewalks.