T. B. Myers


[Moved from Vernon Township to Winfield.]

Vernon Township 1873: T. B. Myers, 31; spouse, E. D., 25.
Kansas 1875 Census, Vernon Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
T. B. Myers 31  m w Ohio West Virginia
Emma D. Myers 27 f w West Virginia West Virginia
Mabel Myers 4 f w West Virginia West Virginia
Frederick Myers 1  m w Kansas
Winfield 1878: T. B. Myers, 36; spouse, E. D., 30.
Winfield 1880: T. B. Myers, 38; spouse, Emma D., 32.
Winfield Directory 1880.
Myers, T. B., real estate agent, r. 10th avenue, s. w. corner Manning.
Winfield Directory 1885.
Mayor: W. G. Graham
Police Judge: W. H. Turner
City Treasurer: John D Pryor
Treasurer, Board of Education: G. W. Robinson.
Justices of the Peace: G. H. Buckman; J. E. Snow.
Councilmen 1st ward: Jas. W. Connor; W. R. McDonald.
Councilmen 2nd ward: A. H. Jennings; T. B. Myers.
Councilmen 3rd ward: W. J. Hodges; G. H. Crippen.
Councilmen 4th ward: J. P. Baden; J. N. Harter.
Board of Education, 1st ward: A. G. Wilson; W. O. Johnson.
Board of Education, 2nd ward: J. S. Mann; Geo. Ordway.
Board of Education, 3rd ward: Jas. H. Bullen; W. C. Robinson.
Board of Education, 4th ward: B. F. Wood; W. H. Smith.
Constables: H. H. Siverd; T. H. Herrod.
City Marshal: B. McFadden.
Assistant Marshal: A. H. Glandon.
Rev. Dr. W. R. Kirkwood, pastor. Services 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Prayer meeting on Wednesday, 7 p.m. Sunday school, 3 p.m. T. B. Myers, Superintendent.
Myers T B, res 703 e 11th
Note: According to newspaper item, Myers had a cabinet shop in Winfield in 1872. It also appears that he was a partner of A. A. Jackson although the early newspapers did not give his first name or initials.
Winfield Messenger, July 19, 1872.

Board of County Commissioners met in the County Clerk’s office, July 15, 1872.
Present: Frank Cox, O. C. Smith, and J. D. Maurer.
The following bills were allowed.
One of Jackson & Myers for coffin for Pauper, $25.
Winfield Messenger, August 16, 1872.
The following bills were allowed.
One in favor of Jackson and Myers for Co. Desk, $40.50
FRANK COX, Chairman. Attest, A. A. JACKSON, Clerk.
Winfield Messenger, August 30, 1872.
The firm of Jackson & Myers has dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be conducted by Myers & Johnson, at the old stand where they keep at all times a large assortment of furni­ture, and will manufacture to order anything in their line.
[Note: Am unable to determine first name or initials of “Johnson.” In 1873 Winfield had the following men with the last name of Johnson: A. S. Johnson, 23; Madison Johnson, 25; Matthew Johnson, 24; R. L. Johnson, 64; Russell L. Johnson, 32; Sampson Johnson, 33; T. H. Johnson, 26; and T. J. Johnson, 24. MAW]
Capt. T. B. Myers...
Winfield Messenger, August 30, 1872.
Our Trip to Kansas. We clipped the following from the Marion County, West Virginia, Liberalist.  Mr. Grove, publisher, visited our town as he states, and upon his return home, gives his opinion of Kansas. While he has exaggerated in very few instances, the main features of his article are correct. We expect to see Mr. Grove here soon with his office to start a Democratic paper as a result of his visit to Winfield.
On the 15th ult. we left our home at Fairmont, West Virginia, westward bound, in view of seeking a place of abode which might offer better advantages to the poor man than Fairmont.
We stopped one day at Muncie, Ind., but not finding that locality to suit us, we again took the train; arrived at Wichita, Kansas, the terminus of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe R. R., the 20th ult., staid there one day, and took the stage for Winfield, Kansas, at which place we arrived before night the same day—distance from Wichita, 55 miles.
We had read and heard much said about the natural advantages of Kansas, and although not doubting it to be a fine country, we were of the opinion that it was overrated, but in this we were mistaken.
Winfield, Cowley County, which is located on the Walnut River in the Southwestern part of the State, was, less than two years ago the home and hunting ground of the Osages. This county can now boast of a population of nine thousand, and Winfield, the county seat, of a population of about eight hundred.
The soil is of the moist fertile nature, consisting of a dark loam, with, in some places, a slight mixture of sand, and is from two to eight feet in depth.

The experience of twenty-five years—for some farms have been cultivated during that period in the State by the Indians and missionaries—has proved the fact that this country cannot be excelled in the world for agriculture, including grain growing, stock raising, and fruit culture.
The climate is good. The atmosphere is clear and dry and of remarkable purity. Winters are said to be dry and very short, and cattle can graze out nearly the whole year. The heat of the summer is moderated by the pleasant zephyrs which continually sweep across the broad prairies.
Would that we had space and were able to write that country up as it deserves, that we might induce some of our friends of West Virginia, who toil year after year with no prospect of securing them a home, to visit it and see for themselves.
We visited our esteemed friends, Capt. T. B. Myers and his estimable family, formerly of Fairmont. We were glad to find them enjoying good health and doing well in their new home. Mr. Myers has a cabinet shop at Winfield and is doing a good business. He also has a farm of splendor and beautifully located, four miles from town.
We also met two young gents, John and Charles Irwin, who left Fairmont a year or two since. They both have nice farms about eight miles from town; and are enjoying good health. They are well pleased with the country. . . .
Winfield Courier, Saturday, January 11, 1873.
The following bills were presented and rejected.
Jackson & Myers, coffin for R. M. Boyer.
FRANK COX, Chairman. Attest: A. A. JACKSON, Clerk.
Winfield Courier, Saturday, January 18, 1873.
Furniture. In passing by the old stand of Jackson & Myers we noticed a large load of Household Furniture being unloaded. Upon inquiry we found that Capt. Greer, who has formerly been selling school furniture in company with Mr. Boyer, has connected with his former business household and kitchen furniture, under the firm name of Close & Greer; where will be found a large and well selected assortment of Household and School House Furniture. Charts, globes, maps, books, and stationery are always kept on hand.
He is the sole agent in this county for the publishers of the Text Books, recommended to be used in our schools by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. School boards and others interested will do well to give him a call.
Winfield Courier, Saturday, January 25, 1873.
Notice. Persons knowing themselves indebted to the firm of Myers & Johnson or Jackson & Myers, will save costs by calling upon Mr. Myers at their old stand and making settlement before the 1st day of February.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 20, 1873.
An article appeared in the Telegram this morning reflecting not only on my official conduct but on my private character and business. I do not care for what may have been said of my official conduct, as I am not accountable to the Telegram, nor to any one person, but to the public. As for the statements con­cerning my allowing my brother’s funeral expenses to be charged to the county as expenses for burying a pauper, they are as false as they are malicious.

The public will excuse my making a statement of my private affairs when they consider the charge made against me. I did pay all the expenses attending my brother’s funeral except the coffin, and I stated to Messrs. Jackson and Myers that the bill would be paid by my father; that I would pay for it if he did not. They took his address and I believe they wrote him and sent the bill; not receiving an answer for some time, they presented their bill to the county for payment without my knowledge or consent. The bill was justly rejected. I have not asked the county to pay it, nor do I wish them to do so.
This is a true statement of the matter. I would not make it if the Telegram had not attempted to blacken and vilify my character by dragging before the public my private business. W. M. BOYER.
We have read the above statement and the same is true so far as our knowledge extends.
I sign the above to be correct as far as I know. A. A. JACKSON.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 22, 1873.
We notice neighbor T. B. Myers on the street distributing “tracts,” prior to the assessment of annual taxes. Beware, T. B., don’t come this way, for we have a double barrel shot gun loaded with Vinegar Bitters for you, the moment you put your foot across our door sill.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 17, 1873.
Board met in Co. Clerk’s office July 7th, 1873.
Present: Frank Cox, J. D. Maurer, and O. C. Smith.
J. M. Alexander appeared and protested against receiving the assessment rolls of Winfield Township from T. B. Myers as he had not returned his rolls as required by law, and also that he was a non-resident. In the above matter the Board received the assess­ment rolls of T. B. Myers and await for the Attorney General’s opinion touching said case. . . .
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 24, 1873.
T. B. Myers has resigned his office as Trustee of this township. J. P. Short was appointed by the Board of County Commissioners to fill the vacancy.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 31, 1873.
Resignation of T. B. Myers, Trustee of Winfield Township, was received and accepted, to date from date. J. P. Short was appointed to fill the vacancy.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 4, 1873.
The directors of the Agricultural Society will meet at the Fair Grounds, Saturday, Sept. 6th, 1873, at 2 o’clock P. M. They earnestly desire that the Superintendents of all the departments meet with them to acquaint themselves with their duties. The following are the names of the various Superintendents.
Capt. E. Davis; A. Walton; J. H. Churchill; J. P. Short; John R. Smith; E. B. Johnson; W. K. Davis; A. S. Williams; Will S. Voris; S. H. Myton; Samuel Darrah; James Stewart; Jas. H. Land; T. B. Myers; Geo. W. Martin; W. M. Boyer; Max Shoeb; John Swain; S. C. Smith, Mrs. L. H. Howard; Mrs. J. D. Cochran; Mrs. E. Davis; Mrs. J. C. Fuller; Mrs. C. A. Bliss; Mrs. Fitch; Max Fawcett; J. O. Matthewson; H. B. Norton; D. A. Millington; E. B. Kager, C. M. Wood; T. A. Wilkinson.

The Superintendents are desired to study carefully the rules and regulations of the society so they may be able to render assistance to exhibitors.
Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.
Capt. T. B. Myers, who has been for some time past on a visit to his old home in West Virginia, returned a few days ago and declares that Cowley County is the best country he has seen yet. Of course it is.
Winfield Courier, December 3, 1874.
In pursuance of a previous call, quite a number of the citizens of this township met and organized by electing D. M. Hopkins, as chairman, and T. B. Myers, secretary.
Winfield Courier, January 13, 1876.
T. B. MYERS is the Centennial painter of Winfield. He has just completed the best job in town. See how Kelly’s residence shines! Mr. Myers is an old painter, but had to quit the busi­ness years ago on account of his health.
Winfield Courier, January 20, 1876.
T. B. Myers has a Mexican quarter-dollar made in 1775. He has promised it to us to take to the Centennial this summer to buy our season ticket to the show.
Winfield Courier, February 10, 1876.
BIRTHS. The spring immigration has set in. John Swain had a boy born to him last Monday. T. B. Myers, Hiram Brotherton, Charley McClung, G. S. Manser, and T. E. Gilleland each became the proud fathers of little daughters within a week. Six births in town in one week is well enough.
Winfield Courier, April 6, 1876.
The following is the result of the vote cast at the city election held in Winfield last Monday.
For Mayor, D. A. Millington: 81 votes.
For Police Judge, Linus S. Webb: 75 votes.
For Councilman, A. B. Lemmon: 86 votes.
For Councilman, C. A. Bliss: 81 votes.
For Councilman, T. B. Myers: 84 votes.
For Councilman, H. Brotherton: 88 votes.
For Councilman, M. G. Troup: 91 votes.
For Mayor, H. S. Silver: 86 votes.
For Police Judge, J. W. Curns: 81 votes.
For Councilman, N. Roberson: 71 votes.
For Councilman, A. G. Wilson: 76 votes.
For Councilman, N. M. Powers: 70 votes.
For Councilman, W. L. Mullen: 57 votes.
For Councilman, Frank Williams: 76 votes.
SCATTERING: J. P. McMillen received 20 votes, C. C. Black 1; and J. P. Short 3, for Councilmen; and J. D. Pryor 5 votes for Police Judge.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1876.
The City Council proceeded to canvass the vote of Winfield city election, held on April 3rd, A. D., 1876, which resulted as follows: Whole number of votes cast: 182.
For Mayor: D. A. Millington, 81; H. S. Silver, 80, E. S. Bedilion, 1.
For Police Judge: Linus S. Webb, 75; J. W. Curns, 81; J. D. Pryor, 5.
For Councilmen: A. B. Lemmon, 86; M. G. Troup, 91; C. A. Bliss, 81; T. B. Myers, 84; H. Brotherton, 88; N. Roberson, 71; Frank Williams, 76; N. M. Powers, 70; A. G. Wilson, 76; W. L. Mullen, 57; J. P. McMillen, 20; C. C. Black, 3; J. P. Short, 1.
D. A. Millington, having received the highest number of votes for Mayor, was declared elected. J. W. Curns, receiving the highest number of votes for Police Judge, was declared elected. A. B. Lemmon, M. G. Troup, T. B. Myers, C. A. Bliss, and H. Brotherton, receiving the highest number of votes for Councilmen, were declared elected.
On motion the Clerk was ordered to furnish each of the above named as elected with certificates of election.
On motion Council adjourned. B. F. BALDWIN, City Clerk.
Winfield Courier, April 20, 1876.
COUNCILMAN MYERS has moved a workshop for his own use upon the lot between the Winfield bank and Shoeb’s shop.
Winfield Courier, April 20, 1876.
On motion Mayor Millington appointed three standing committees of three members each, as follows:
Finance committee: M. G. Troup, H. Brotherton, T. B. Myers.
Committee on streets, alleys, and sidewalks: C. A. Bliss, H. Brotherton, and A. B. Lemmon.
Committee on fire: A. B. Lemmon, T. B. Myers, C. A. Bliss.
Winfield Courier, May 4, 1876.
City Council met in regular session at the Clerk’s office, May 1st, 1876.
Present: D. A. Millington, Mayor; M. G. Troup, C. A. Bliss, H. Brotherton, A. B. Lemmon, and T. B. Myers, Councilmen; B. F. Baldwin, City Clerk; J. E. Allen, City Attorney.
Ordinance No. 59 was read and passed by sections. Vote on final passage was as follows: Yes: A. B. Lemmon, H. Brotherton, M. G. Troup, T. B. Myers, and C. A. Bliss. Nays: None. Ordi­nance No. 59, as passed, was duly approved by the Mayor.
Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.
Republican Work.
The following townships have reported the proceedings of last Thursday’s conventions.

Winfield Township caucus met at the Courthouse at 2 o’clock p.m.; M. G. Troup was selected as chairman and E. C. Manning, secretary. Thirteen delegates to the 88th District Convention were elected as follows: D. A. Millington, J. C. Monforte, M. G. Troup, A. H. Green, T. J. Jones, T. B. Myers, Geo. Robert­son, Sam. Burger, C. A. Bliss, E. P. Kinne, J. L. King, J. P. McMillen, and E. C. Manning.
Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.
City Council met in regular session at the Clerk’s office, May 15th, 1876.
Present: D. A. Millington, Mayor; M. G. Troup, A. B. Lemmon, and T. B. Myers, Councilmen; B. F. Baldwin, City Clerk.
Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.
Committee on Stand: W. E. Tansey, T. B. Myers, W. B. Gibbs.
Winfield Courier, June 8, 1876.
WINFIELD, KAN., June 5th, 1876.
City Council met in regular session at the Clerk’s office, May 15th, 1876.
Present: D. A. Millington, Mayor; M. G. Troup, H. Brotherton, and T. B. Myers, Councilmen; B. F. Baldwin, City Clerk, J. E. Allen, City Attorney.
Bill of W. L. Mullen, $10, for rent of room for pauper, was read, and on motion it was recommended that the Board of County Commissioners pay the same.
On motion of T. B. Myers the council resolved to notify Mr. Mullen that in the future it would not approve for more than $2.50 per month.
On motion of T. B. Myers, the Council ordered Mr. E. C. Manning to ascertain the feeling of the citizens of the city as to the propriety of appropriating $200 to $300 to be issued to assist in the preliminary work of securing a railroad into this valley, and report at the next meeting of the Council.
Winfield Courier, June 29, 1876.
City Council Proceedings.
  WINFIELD, KAN., June 19, 1876.
City Council met in regular session at the Clerk’s office, June 19th, 1876.
Present: D. A. Millington, Mayor; M. G. Troup, H. Brotherton, T. B. Myers, and C. A. Bliss, Councilmen; J. E. Allen, City Attorney, B. F. Baldwin, City Clerk.
In pursuance to the request made by the City Council to Mr. E. C. Manning at its last meeting, he presented to the Council a petition containing sixty-six names of the citizens and taxpayers of the city, praying for the appropriation as mentioned in the minutes of last regular meeting.
Mr. T. K. Johnston presented a remonstrance containing the names of twenty-five remonstrating against the appropriation mentioned.
Mr. H. S. Silver handed a letter to the Council in regard to the same, and all being read, on motion of Councilman Lemmon, the petition, remonstrance, and letter were received by the council and ordered filed with the City Clerk.
On motion of councilman Lemmon, the matter of the above appropriation was laid on the table.
Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.

City Council met in regular session at the Clerk’s office, July 3rd, 1876.
Present: M. G. Troup, President of Council; T. B. Myers, C. A. Bliss, A. B. Lemmon, Councilmen; J. E. Allen, City Attor­ney; B. F. Baldwin, City Clerk.
City Attorney presented Ordinance No. 60, for the protection of public trees and shrubs growing in the city; the same being read and passed by sections. Vote on final passage was—ayes, C. A. Bliss, T. B. Myers, M. G. Troup, and A. B. Lemmon. Nays, none.
Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.
THE SISTERHOOD OF STATES, agreeable to a suggestion of ours made a few weeks ago, was represented by about fifty ladies on horse-back. This, without doubt, was the most interesting and attractive part of the procession. The ladies, be it said to their credit, without a single exception, rode well, although several of them had not been in a saddle more than once or twice for years. They managed their steeds with an easy grace, entirely surprising to that male portion of the lookers on, who, so vainly imagine that they alone can sit and guide a horse correctly.
The States and Territories appeared in the order of their admission into the Union.
Mrs. T. B. Myers represented West Virginia.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1876.
Delegates. The following is a list of the delegates to the republican county convention, from the nine townships heard from.
Winfield: R. L. Walker, James Kelly, E. P. Kinne, M. G. Troup, T. B. Myers, C. C. Pierce, News Newell, Jno. Mentch, E. S. Torrance, and A. B. Lemmon.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1876.
The Republican Caucus. Last Saturday the Republicans of Winfield Township met in caucus at the courthouse, at 4 o’clock p.m., and elected the following delegates to the county convention, to be held next Saturday in Winfield.
R. L. Walker, A. B. Lemmon, News. Newell, T. B. Myers, C. C. Pierce, M. G. Troup, E. P. Kinne, James Kelly, E. S. Torrance, and John Mentch were elected delegates, and W. M. Boyer, T. L. King, John Weakly, S. D. Klingman, S. Johnson, H. L. Barker, G. W. Robertson, J. E. Saint, John C. Roberts, and A. Howland, alternates.
The vote stood 91 for the ticket elected and 9 for the ticket that was defeated. It is an able delegation and was very enthusiastically supported.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1876.
City Council met in regular session at the Clerk’s office, Aug. 7th, 1876.
Present: D. A. Millington, Mayor; H. Brotherton, T. B. Myers, and M. G. Troup, Councilmen; J. E. Allen, City Attorney; B. F. Baldwin, City Clerk.
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876. Editorial Page.
Winfield: Delegates, R. L. Walker, A. B. Lemmon, News. Newell, T. B. Myers, C. C. Pierce, M. G. Troup, E. P. Kinne, Jno. Mentch, James Kelly, and E. S. Torrance. Alternates, W. M. Boyer, T. L. King, Jno. Weakly, S. D. Klingman, S. Johnson, H. L. Barker, G. W. Robertson, J. E. Saint, John C. Roberts, and A. Howland.

Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876.
The Scalpers took their first drill last Tuesday night by moonlight. Capt. T. B. Myers was drill master.
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.
Petit Jury List for Oct. Term of Court.
Wm. Morrow, Sheridan Township; G. S. Story, Maple; J. C. Roberts, Winfield; Rudolph Hite, Dexter; J. R. Thompson, Richland; T. B. Myers, Winfield; Hiram Blenden, Spring Creek; J. C. Campbell, Windsor; D. Francisco, Silverdale; A. S. Capper, Nennescah; S. D. Tolles, Pleasant Valley; Jas. Aley, Otter.
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.
City Council met in regular session at the Clerk’s office, Oct. 3rd, 1876.
Present: M. G. Troup, chairman of the council; A. B. Lemmon, H. Brotherton, C. A. Bliss, and T. B. Myers, councilmen; B. F. Baldwin, City Clerk.
Committee on fire department reported they could secure a room for the safe-keeping of an engine, and that, in their opinion, a truck and equipage could be built at home for less money than could be bought of A. F. Spawn & Co., of New York. Reports were received, and on motion of H. Brotherton, the committee were instructed to have a truck built and furnish the same with axes, poles, and necessary equipage.
A motion was made by Councilman Bliss that $30 be paid out of the city treasury to the Chicago Journal of Commerce for one cut of courthouse and for the advertising of the city of Winfield in said paper; vote being taken, stood as follows: Ayes, C. A. Bliss, M. G. Troup, and H. Brotherton. Nays, A. B. Lemmon and T. B. Myers. The motion being carried, the city clerk was instructed to credit the treasury with the same.
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1876.
City Council met at Clerk’s office, Nov. 6, 1876.
Present: D. A. Millington, Mayor; A. B. Lemmon, C. A. Bliss, M. G. Troup, H. Brotherton, and T. B. Myers, Councilmen; B. F. Baldwin, City Clerk.
On motion the council appointed T. B. Myers, J. P. Short, and R. B. Pratt a committee to test the new fire engine and to report to the council the best manner to organize and conduct a fire company in the city of Winfield.
On motion the fire committee were instructed to procure a place for the safekeeping of the fire department.
On motion the City Clerk was instructed to draw a warrant on the Treasurer for $20.58 freight paid on the fire engine.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1876.
City Council met at Clerk’s office, Dec. 4, 1876.
Present: D. A. Millington, Mayor; A. B. Lemmon, C. A. Bliss, H. Brotherton, Councilmen; J. E. Allen, City Attorney; and B. F. Baldwin, City Clerk.
Bill of James Kirk, $37.00, for ladder trucks for the City, and repairing ladder, 50 cents, total $37.50, was read, approved, and ordered paid.

On motion the council adjourned to meet Dec. 6th at 6 o’clock, p.m.
The City Council met in adjourned session.
Present: D. A. Millington, Mayor; Lemmon, Bliss, Brotherton, and Myers, Councilmen; J. E. Allen, City Attorney; and B. F. Baldwin, City Clerk.
The committee appointed to report on place of organization of fire department made their report, which was read by the clerk, and on motion the report was received, placed on file, and the committee discharged.
The Mayor, with the consent of the Council, appointed T. B. Myers to procure names preparatory to organizing a fire company and H. S. Silver to procure names for the organization of a Hook and Ladder Company to report at the next adjourned meeting of the Council.
City Council met in adjourned session Dec. 8th, 1876.
Present: D. A. Millington, Mayor; Myers, Brotherton, Lemmon, Troup, and C. A. Bliss, Councilmen; J. E. Allen, City Attorney; and B. F. Baldwin, City Clerk.
Bill of W. Denning, $25, for services as City Marshal, Nov. 8th to Dec. 8th, 1876 was read, approved, and ordered paid.
Bill of E. C. Manning, $11, for City printing, was read, approved, and ordered paid.
Ordinance No. 61 was read and passed by sections. Vote on final passage was, ayes: Lemmon, Troup, Bliss, Brotherton, and Myers. Nays: none.
Ordinance No. 61 was duly approved by the Mayor. In accor­dance with ordinance No. 61, the Mayor with the consent and recommendation of the Council, appointed R. L. Walker as Chief of the fire department of the city of Winfield, T. B. Myers, Engi­neer, and H. S. Silver as Captain, of said fire department.
On motion the Council adjourned. B. F. BALDWIN, City Clerk.
Winfield Courier, January 25, 1877.
City Council met at City Clerk’s office, Jan. 1st, 1877.
PRESENT: M. O. Troup, Chairman of the Council; H. Brotherton, T. B. Myers, councilmen; J. E. Allen, City Attorney; B. F. Baldwin, City Clerk.
Winfield Courier, March 15, 1877.
City Council met at City Clerk’s office, March 5th, 1877.
Present: D. A. Millington, Mayor; M. G. Troup, H. Brotherton, T. B. Myers, and C. A. Bliss, councilmen; J. E. Allen, City Attorney; B. F. Baldwin, City Clerk.
Winfield Courier, March 22, 1877.
City Council met at City Clerk’s office, March 19th, 1877.
Present: M. G. Troup, President of the Council; H. Brotherton, T. B. Myers, and C. A. Bliss, councilmen; J. E. Allen, City Attorney; B. F. Baldwin, City Clerk.
Ordinance No. 62, in relation to the place of holding the annual city election to be holden on April 2nd, was read and passed by sections. Vote on final passage was ayes: Bliss, Brotherton, Myers, and Troup. Nays, none.

The chairman, with the consent and approval of the Council, appointed Councilmen C. A. Bliss, H. Brotherton, and T. B. Myers as judges of said election, and J. M. Reed and O. S. Record as clerks of said election.
Mr. R. B. Waite presented to the Council, by his attorney, S. D. Pryor, an ordinance authorizing the vacating of streets and alleys in the City of Winfield. Also an ordinance vacating certain streets and alleys in and adjunct to blocks numbered sixty-five (65) and eight-five (85) in the City of Winfield, and that the lands lying in said streets and alleys be granted to the owners of the lots on each side of said streets and alleys contiguous thereto.
On motion of Councilman Myers the matter was referred to the Council’s committee on streets and alleys.
Winfield Courier, April 12, 1877.
City council met at the city clerk’s office, April 4th, 1877.
PRESENT: D. A. Millington, Mayor; M. G. Troup, H. Brotherton, T. B. Myers, and C. A. Bliss, councilmen; J. E. Allen, City Attorney, B. F. Baldwin, City Clerk.
The following bills were read, approved, and ordered paid.
Judges of City election—C. A. Bliss, $2.00; T. B. Myers, $2.00; H. Brotherton, $2.00.
W. O. Lipscomb, Clerk of City election: $2.00
O. S. Record, Clerk of City election: $2.00
T. J. Jones, painting engine house: $12.00
Finance committee reported favorably on bill of Mr. Frank Williams, referred to them at last regular meeting of the coun­cil, and on motion the bill was allowed and ordered paid.
The council then proceeded to canvass the vote held on April 2, 1877, for the election of city officers, resulting as follows.
R. L. Walker, having received the highest number of votes for Mayor, was declared duly elected.
John W. Curns, having received the highest number of votes for Police Judge, was declared duly elected.
A. G. Wilson, A. E. Baird, H. Jochems, C. M. Wood, and S. C. Smith, having received the highest number of votes for councilmen, were declared duly elected, and the city clerk instructed to furnish each of the above named persons with a certificate of election.
On motion the Council adjourned sine die.
B. F. BALDWIN, City Clerk.
Winfield Courier, April 19, 1877.
T. B. Myers, pauper bill: $10.00.
T. B. Myers, Co. Treas. ex.: $2.00.
Winfield Courier, May 3, 1877.

A successful grasshopper trap has been made by Mr. T. B. Myers of this city. It consists of an endless piece of canvass five feet wide and five feet long running on wooden rollers two and six inches in diameter respectively, the rollers being in a frame made of pine 2 x 4 studding. The frame rests on an axletree, which is carried by two wheels taken from a sulky plow. The smallest roller runs in front next to but just clear of the ground. A wooden wheel which is fastened to the right hand plow wheel carries a round strap to a small wheel, which is fastened to the end of the rear roller outside of the frame. This strap carries the endless canvass in the manner of a straw elevator on a threshing machine. By pushing the machine along with its front end close to the ground, the hoppers light upon the canvass by the thousands and are carried back over the large roller and a small brush sweeps them into a sheet iron furnace filled with any burning material which extends below the frame at the rear. Canvass about 15 inches wide is attached to stakes that stand along the sides and over the rear of the frame. It costs about ten dollars and works like a charm.
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1877.
Election Fee, T. B. Myers: $2.00.
Winfield Courier, June 28, 1877.
Prof. Riley has written to T. B. Myers for a plan or model of the Winfield grasshopper trap.
Winfield Courier, November 8, 1877.
The Presbyterian Sunday school is fully organized. Last Friday evening officers were elected as follows: Rev. J. E. Platter, superintendent; Henry E. Asp, assistant; G. S. Manser, secretary; T. B. Myers, librarian; Miss Mary Bryant, treasurer; J. D. Pryor, chorister; Mary Bryant, organist; Mrs. Earnest, assistant. The school meets regularly every Sabbath at 3 o’clock p.m.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
City Election. The city election last Monday excited great interest. Two tickets were in the field. One was made by the Murphy temperance men and headed City ticket, the other by the workingmen, but the issues were not very definitely made up; in fact, the candidates on both sides professed to favor the same policy. But some opposed one or other of the tickets on account of prejudice against the source, or for choice of candidates, or for other reasons, and there was a very lively and excited canvass; but it was conducted in an orderly manner, without quarrels or other disturbance. The result was an overwhelming victory for the workingmen’s ticket. The following is the vote cast for each candidate.
Mayor. J. B. Lynn, 224.
Police Judge. W. M. Boyer, 219.
Councilmen: C. M. Wood, 225; H. Jochems, 230; E. C. Manning, 227; T. C. Robinson, 220; G. W. Gully, 217.
Mayor. A. B. Green, 101.
Police Judge. G. H. Buckman, 126.
Councilmen: T. B. Myers, 122; H. Brotherton, 118; Lewis Stevens, 124; J. W. Curns, 117; Dan Maier, 116.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
Winfield polled 356 votes at the city election on Monday. We estimate that at least 44 more would have voted were it not that many were dissatisfied with both tickets and refused to vote.

Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
T. B. Myers, furniture.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
The principal business in town seems to be tying up bags of straw with wire. Large and complex machines worth $300 or more apiece are set up for that business which are worked at all hours of the day. Trump, Wilkinson, Brotherton, and Myers are all on hand so if you have any bags of straw that you want tied up, bring them on.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
Primary Convention.
WINFIELD, August 3, 1878.
Convention met at the courthouse in pursuance to call of County Central Committee.
The meeting was called to order by W. Q. Mansfield, and D. A. Millington was elected as chairman and G. H. Buckman secretary.
On motion the chair appointed a committee of three to report names of delegates and alternates. S. M. Jarvis, E. P. Kinne, and W. M. Boyer appointed on such committee.
The committee reported the following named persons as delegates and alternates.
Delegates: R. L. Walker, W. P. Hackney, E. S. Torrance, F. S. Jennings, L. W. Spack, O. M. Seward, James Kelley, E. C. Manning, D. A. Millington.
Alternates: E. P. Kinne, W. M. Boyer, W. Q. Mansfield, G. H. Buckman, S. M. Jarvis, John Mentch, Sampson Johnson, Henry E. Asp, T. B. Myers.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
The following are the names of jurors drawn for this court: Levi Fluke, O. P. West, Thos. Parvin, S. D. Klingman, J. E. Cox, Sampson Johnson, A. B. Gardner, H. S. Libby, I. B. Todd, Michael Bush, H. J. Donley, T. A. Chapin, T. B. Myers, Dennis Cunningham, J. I. Mitchell, Devine Terrill, Daniel Hawkins, G. W. Yount, W. T. Beasley, J. W. Browning, Rudolph Hoffmaster, D. M. Patton, J. P. Short, J. W. Millspaugh.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1879.
T. B. Myers, furniture repairs.
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1879.
The schoolhouse in district 116, built by Captain Myers, is one of the best little houses in the county.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
Action taken on the following bills.
Bill of T. B. Myers, restringing chairs,$1.75, admitted.
Winfield Courier, April 3, 1879.
The election last Tuesday was very warm and excited, but everything went off pleasantly. The result was:
1st w. 2nd w.

John B. Lynn ... 169 124
T. B. Myers ... 94 117
Winfield Courier, January 27, 1881.
On Thursday evening the congregation of the Presbyterian church will celebrate the completion of their improvements in the basement of the church building. It has been divided into three rooms, viz: lecture-room, parlor, and kitchen, and it is admira­bly arranged for prayer meetings and social gatherings of the church.
The exercises will consist of music, addresses, and brief religious services. The special feature of the exercises will be addresses by various persons on topics of interest connected with the past history of this church. The following are the subjects.
How this church came to be organized: S. W. Greer.
The first service: John Swain.
The building of the church: J. W. Curns.
The debt; how it has been paid: John Service.
The Ladies’ Missionary Society: Miss Shields.
The Ladies’ Aid Society: Mrs. Platter.
The Revival of 1875: H. S. Silver.
The Revival of 1877: T. B. Myers.
The present improvement: Frank Williams.
These addresses are not to exceed five or ten minutes.
In order to aid in paying for this improvement of the basement, the Ladies’ Society will give an Oyster Supper at the conclusion of the services. All are cordially invited to be present.
Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.
The following are the arrangements for the celebration of the 4th of July in Winfield.
We appoint J. O. Johnson, T. B. Myers, and A. P. Johnson to secure the services of the city band. S. S. HOLLOWAY, Chairman Committee.
Winfield Courier, June 16, 1881.
A considerable number of the citizens of Winfield met on Monday evening on the steps of the Winfield Bank to provide for raising funds for the immediate relief of the sufferers caused by the cyclone Sunday evening. Mr. Crippen called the people together by music from the band.
T. B. Myers donated $1.00.
Winfield Courier, August 25, 1881.
The meeting at Manning’s hall on Saturday, August 20th, was well attended by the old soldiers. Capt. Haight with a section of his battery, put in a number of shots that sounded like old times to the boys. Messrs. Pixley, Requa, Woodruff, Roseberry, and others furnished old time martial music. At 11 a.m., the meeting was called to order with C. M. Wood in the chair, and Jake Nixon, secretary.

Finance Committee: J. B. Lynn, Capt. Siverd, Capt. Myers, James Kelly, and Judge Bard.
Winfield Courier, October 27, 1881.
T. B. Myers returned from Denver Monday. He brings some news from our western friends.
Cowley County Courant, March 2, 1882.
The snow on the roofs made several of our citizens consider­able trouble. It being frozen down so solidly with sleet, it was nearly impossible to shovel it from the roof. Capt. Myers was on the roof of the Opera House with a pick and was going at it miner fashion. The snow leaked through the ceiling of the hall and also the upper ceilings of S. H. Myton’s buildings. We would suggest that giant powder be tried.
Winfield Courier, March 2, 1882.
There has been some complaint about the gas being turned off too soon, after entertainments at the Opera House, the audience being left to scramble out sometimes in total darkness. We refer the matter to Capt. Myers, knowing he will set the matter right.
Winfield Courier, March 9, 1882.
Library Association. At a late meeting of the Library Association, the following officers were elected for the year ending January 31, 1883.
Vice President: Mrs. T. B. Myers.

Cowley County Courant, March 16, 1882.
At a late meeting of the Library Association, the following officers were elected for the year ending January 31, 1883: President, Mrs. M. J. Wood; Vice President, Mrs. T. B. Myers; Secretary, Mrs. A. H. Doane; Treasurer, Mrs. W. L. Mullen; Directors, Mrs. H. P. Mansfield, Mrs. Elbert Bliss, Mrs. James A. Bullen, Mrs. J. Swain, Mrs. J. B. Schofield, Mrs. J. A. Earnest, Mrs. W. H. Shearer, Mrs. J. G. Shreves, and Mrs. G. W. Miller.
Cowley County Courant, May 11, 1882.
The school board met last Monday evening at the office of the president, Dr. Emerson. Present: George Emerson, president; J. C. Fuller, vice president; A. H. Doane, B. F. Wood, and Fred C. Hunt, clerk. A communication from County Superintendent Story was read and filed. Bill of T. B. Myers for hall rent for commencement exercises rejected, the board holding that it had nothing to do with the matter.
Winfield Courier, September 7, 1882.
T. B. Myers returned from New Mexico Wednesday.
Winfield Courier, September 28, 1882.
Capt. T. B. Myers returned from Colorado while we were absent, and we did not find it out for a week. He looks as rugged and healthy as a Ute and says he had a grand time climbing mountains and smashing around generally, but has enough of Colorado until next year.
Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

The Presbyterian Sunday school of this city had an average attendance in 1882 of 184, and the collections amounted to about $150. The officers of 1882 were last Sunday re-elected for this year. They are: T. B. Myers, Superintendent; J. O. Taylor, Assistant Superintendent; Miss McCommon, Treasurer; Miss Mary Bryant, Organist; Perry Tucker, Librarian; and Frank Greer, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, March 22, 1883.
T. B. Myers has been losing his chickens. He thought but little of it week before last, while Conference was in session, but when the losses continued through last week and this, he became somewhat excited and proposes to lay for the usurper with a gun. A suspicious colored individual has been selling chickens at the stores most every morning for a week past, but as they are dressed, it is difficult to identify them. Someone should locate him with a load of bird shot.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1883.
Where the Money Came From. The following are the cash contributions to the general editorial entertainment fund. More was raised than was used and those who subscribed first took more than their share, so that others had to be somewhat limited in their contributions to give others a chance.
Capt. T. B. Myers gave $1.00.
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1883.
While Mr. Reynolds was putting down some piping in a well on T. B. Myers’ farm, preparing to drill it deeper, the wall fell in, burying everything. Just before it caved, both Mr. Reynolds and Mr. Myers were thinking of going down to adjust the drilling apparatus. Had either of them done so, we would have headed this notice, “Killed in a Well.”
Winfield Courier, June 28, 1883.
A Sad Calamity. DIED. Last Monday Floyd Gilbert and Fred Myers, nine year old sons of S. L. Gilbert and T. B. Myers, were drowned in the river just below the west Santa Fe railroad bridge. There were no witnesses to the drowning and the fact of their disappearance was discovered by finding their clothes lying on the bank. In a few minutes after the finding of their clothes, a large number of people were dragging the river for their bodies. This was kept up all the afternoon and through the night, by the light of bonfires and torches, but without avail.
The boys were both bright, promising lads and the idols of their parents’ homes. Neither could swim, and the probability is that while wading in the shallow water under the bridge they were swept down by the swift current into the deep pools below. The spot where they were drowned has been a very fatal place. Here Jerry Evans’ little boy was drowned several years ago, and Mr. Austin’s boy last year. There were also several drownings there in early days when the ford ran across below the mill. At this writing hundreds of willing hands are still searching for the bodies.

LATER: Both the little boys were found Tuesday morning in a deep pool about fifty feet below the ford. They were brought up with a seine. When first found the two boys were locked arms, but the action of the seine released them and it was some time before the second one was recovered. Freddie Myers was somewhat bruised with a snag or probably while dragging the river, but Floyd Gilbert was untouched. The seine and grappling hooks were worked all night and many men remained in the water for hours. The workers were relieved from time to time by fresh relays of citizens, and the children were recovered. The mothers are nearly distracted with grief at the sudden and awful calamity. They have the heartfelt sympathy of all in this bereavement. Little Freddie Myers was buried at five o’clock Tuesday evening, and Floyd Gilbert on Wednesday morning. The funerals were largely attended by all classes of citizens.
Winfield Courier, June 28, 1883.
A Card. Unable in fitting language to express our feelings to everyone of the noble multitude that have done so much for us in recovering the body of our dear boy, and the tender sympathy so freely extended to us in this our hour of sore affliction, we can only say that every throb of our poor broken hearts is in gratitude to you all.
Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.
The following additional premiums are offered for Cowley County grown nursery stock, T. B. Myers, superintendent. Also special premium offered by Hogue & Mentch.
[First Premium Listed. Second Premium: They had “Dip” under this column.]
Best display of nursery grown fruit trees: $2.00
Best display of ornamental trees and shrubs: $2.00
Best display of nursery grown evergreens: $2.00
Best display of Deciduous trees: $2.00
Best 10 apple trees: $1.00
Best 10 peach trees: $1.00
Best 10 cherry trees: $1.00
Best 10 apricot trees: $1.00
Best 10 pear dwarf trees: $1.00
Best general display of nursery stock: $5.00
All fruit trees or shrubs shown must be grown by the person in whose name they are entered. Collections gathered from other growers will not be entitled to premiums.
For the best display of classified insects, by any person, Hogue & Mentch will give nursery stock at list price to the amount of $8.00. Two or more must enter.
Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.
The following superintendents of their respective departments will please meet with the secretary at his office as early as possible on the first day of the Fair, Sept. 25th. The duties of the superintendents will be to have charge, under the general superintendent, of the departments to which they are assigned, and to select judges to award the different premiums. Those who find it impossible to serve will notify the secretary as early as possible that others may be appointed in their stead.
Mechanic arts, T. B. Myers.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1884.
Ladies’ Library Association. The next regular monthly meeting of the Ladies’ Library Association will be held on Tuesday, March 4th, at 3 p.m. At the last semi-annual meeting the following named ladies were elected as officers and directors for the ensuing year.
For president, Mrs. C. S. VanDoren; vice president, Mrs. T. B. Myers; secretary, Mrs. N. J. Lunday; treasurer, Mrs. C. B. Millington; librarian, Mrs. W. L. Mullen.

For directors: Mrs. W. H. Shearer, Mrs. M. J. Wood, Mrs. J. S. Mann, Mrs. A. T. Spotswood, Mrs. G. W. Miller, Mrs. W. R. Kirkwood, Mrs. A. E. Dawson, and Mrs. F. W. Finch. Secretary.
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1884.
T. B. Myers has been snow bound out in New Mexico. He writes that snow was fifteen feet above the telegraph poles, but has now subsided enough to let trains pass. He will be at home in a few days.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1884.
A Novel Entertainment. The gentlemen of the Presbyterian congregation will give a “Leap-year Basket social” in lecture room of the church, on Friday evening, April 25th. A good time is anticipated, and all are invited. The following named gentlemen will compose the various committees.
Chief Cook: H. T. Silver.
2nd Cook: G. S. Manser.
Dish-washers: Messrs. S. S. Linn, A. T. Spotswood, and T. J. Harris.
Baskets: Messrs. S. A. Cook and H. Beck.
Door: John Curns.
Checks: Hop Shivers.
Sundries: Dr. Kirkwood and J. Croco.
Waiters: Messrs. George Buckman, J. H. Bullen, and M. J. Troup.
Reception and General Oversight: Messrs. A. E. Baird, Jas. Simpson, and T. B. Myers.
Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.
Capt. Myers has invented a new chart for the Opera House, which is a big improvement on the old scheme for reserving seats. It is in a neat glass-covered case with sections, rows, and seats plainly numbered, and every seat has a place for a small pin. When seats are taken the seller raises the chart lid and puts in pins. In this way the inconveniences heretofore experienced by holders of reserved seat tickets in having their seats occupied, on going to an entertainment, by parties with wrongfully obtained checks, will be avoided. We understand that the parquet will soon be furnished with adjustable opera chairs, which will be another big improvement. The present seats are conducive to anything but fine feelings and a high appreciation of good entertainments.
Note: T. B. Myers is identified as “Manager” of the Opera House.
Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

By virtue of correspondence between the officers of the M. E. Sunday School of this city and some of the authorities of Winfield, it was arranged for an excursion under the auspices of M. E. Sunday School to Winfield for the purpose of spending the day in the Riverside Park, one of the most beautiful parks in the State. Accordingly, through the courtesy of the Southern Kansas railroad, a merely nominal rate was secured for transportation and Division Superintendent Messinger placed at the disposal of the excursionists nine cars, which on last Thursday morning were crowded with between four hundred and five hundred citizens of Wellington. Supt. Messinger kindly conducted the train in person and paid every attention to the comfort of the passengers en route. The Excursionists were met at Winfield by a committee consisting of Rev. B. Kelly, Mr. M. L. Robinson, and D. L. Kretsinger, headed by the Winfield Juvenile Band, composed of twelve members, led by Ed. Farringer, the youngest member being Master Carl Farringer, six years of age. They were escorted to the opera house by the committee and a long concourse of the citizens of Winfield, where the Courier Band, led by Mr. George Crippen were awaiting them. Riverside Park, the Opera House, the Fair Grounds were placed at the disposal of the guests, and, in short, the freedom of the city was generously tended them. On account of the heavy rain the preceding night, the park was not in a condition to be occupied, and Mr. T. B. Myers, manager of the Opera House, was untiring in his efforts to render their occupancy of that commodious building pleasant. Mr. Ed. P. Greer, local editor of the COURIER, was active and unremitting in his attentions; and indeed the businessmen and citizens generally took especial pains to render every assistance to make their stay pleasant. Boats had been brought to the landing of the Walnut River, that the visitors might enjoy a boat ride. Ice water and refreshments in abundance were gratuitously furnished by the citizens of Winfield. To be short, we will say that everything was done that kindness, hospitality, and exquisite good taste could suggest to make the day one long to be remembered by the people of Wellington, and we can assure our good neighbors of Winfield that Wellington only waits an opportunity to reciprocate their generosity.
Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.
WINFIELD—SECOND WARD. Delegates: Spence Miner, G. H. Buckman, L. B. Stone, T. B. Myers, C. Trump, T. H. Soward.
Alternates: S. H. Myton, D. E. Douglass, John Fogarty, A. B. Taylor, H. Brotherton, W. J. Kennedy.
Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.
Winfield Primary Election. The Republican primaries of Winfield to elect delegates to the county and district conventions were held in both wards on last Friday, August 15th, from 3 to 7 o’clock, p.m. The principle contest and interest was centered in the office of county attorney between Henry E. Asp and A. P. Johnson, candidates. The voting for delegates was by ballot, each ballot containing the choice of the voter for the several offices to be filled, by way of instructions to delegates, as well as the names of the delegates voted for. Two tickets were in the field: the one known as the Asp ticket and the other as the Johnson ticket.
The result was:
First Ward: Asp, 189; Johnson, 70.
Second Ward: Asp, 137; Johnson 58.
Totals: Asp, 326. Johnson, 128.
The delegates elected are:
First ward: J. C. Long, M. G. Troup, Frank W. Finch, T. R. Bryan, Albert McNeal, W. J. Wilson, and J. T. Hackney.
Second ward: G. H. Buckman, M. B. Shields, T. B. Myers, Wm. Whiting, J. L. M. Hill, and Spencer Miner.

The delegates are instructed to support Henry E. Asp for county attorney; E. S. Bedilion for clerk of the district court; H. D. Gans for probate judge; A. H. Limerick for Superintendent of public instruction; Frank S. Jennings for state senator; and Ed. P. Greer for representative.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.
The report of the committee on credentials was then submitted, and the following parties reported as entitled to seats in the convention.
WINFIELD—2ND WARD. G. H. Buckman, M. B. Shields, T. B. Myers, Wm. Whiting, J. L. M. Hill, Spence Miner.
Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.
Mr. T. B. Myers has just finished putting in a lot of fine opera chairs in the hall. They add greatly to the comfort and convenience of the house.
Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.
Woman’s Relief Corps. The Woman’s Relief corps, No. 39, was organized in Winfield on Monday, the 8th of September, by electing the following officers.
President, Mrs. E. P. Hickok.
Senior Vice President, Mrs. J. S. Hunt.
Junior Vice President, Mrs. George Crippen.
Secretary, Mrs. Rev. Kelly.
Treasurer, Mrs. E. B. Dalton.
Chaplain, Mrs. J. H. Finch.
National Inspector, Mrs. Bates.
Conductor, Mrs. W. H. Shearer.
Guard, Mrs. T. B. Myers.
They were installed by order of the Deputy President, by Commander C. E. Steuven, of Post No. 85, G. A. R.
Winfield Courier, November 6, 1884.
Mr. T. B. Myers is spreading himself commendably. Having got rid of the din and bustle of his former location, he is building a fine two-story residence in the prettiest part of the city, out on east 11th Avenue. It will be a very handsome place when completed.
Winfield Courier, December 11, 1884.
Capt. T. B. Myers, manager of the Opera House, has arranged for the Maude Atkinson Combination, one of the best theatrical troupes that ever visited the State, on the 16th and 17th inst. Their repertoire embraces “Queen’s Evidence,” “Honeymoon,” “Lady of Lyons,” and many other popular plays. They carry a fine uniformed band.
Winfield Courier, December 25, 1884.
The Presbyterian Sunday School elected its officers for the ensuing year last Sunday as follows: Superintendent, Capt. T. B. Myers; Assistant Supt., Mr. J. O. Taylor; Secretary, Addison Brown; Librarian, Perry Tucker; Organist, Miss Pearl Van Doren.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

The Bee Hive Prize Drawing. The Opera House was packed to overflowing Saturday last at 2 p.m. for the prize drawing of M. Hahn & Co. The Juvenile Band discoursed sweet music for the entertainment of the throng. Capt. H. H. Siverd superintended the drawing, to the satisfaction of all, while Capt. Myers and Lou Zenor kept the record. The lucky numbers were drawn from the box by a little girl selected from the audience. There were over eighteen thousand tickets and the array of one hundred prizes made a beautiful appearance displayed on the stage. The lucky numbers appear in the regular advertising column of this firm elsewhere in the COURIER. Everything was transacted exactly as advertised and all holders of tickets were satisfied.
Bill of Gas Company $1.50, gas furnished fire department, rejected.
Finance Committee recommended payment of $838.15 on bill of Gas Company of $853.15, for lamp post rental to Jan. 15th, 1885; action laid over.
Further time was given the Committee to report on the petition for the numbering of the buildings of the city.
The Mayor’s appointment of T. B. Myers as city assessor was confirmed.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.
The Mayor appointed Capt. T. B. Myers city assessor Monday evening and the appointment was confirmed by the Council. Mr. Myers is possessed of every qualification for the position, and his appointment will give universal satisfaction.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.
The following named township and city assessors of Cowley County met pursuant to law at the office of the county clerk Monday last to agree upon a basis of valuation for 1885.
Winfield City: T. B. Myers
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

It is with deep regret that we chronicle the death of Ben B. Manning, son of Col. E. C. Manning, a pioneer of Winfield and for years one of her most influential citizens, which occurred at his home in Washington, D. C., on Friday night last. The writer had the pleasure of spending several days with Ben at his home last summer and found him to have developed into a bright, fine-looking, and reliable young man—one of good habits and splendid promise. The Colonel, in a letter to Capt. T. B. Myers, gives the following particulars of the death: “As previously announced by telegraph, Ben is dead. He died at 5 p.m. March 6th, at home. On March 4th (Inauguration day) there were more than 100,000 strangers in the city. Pennsylvania Avenue, the principle thoroughfare of the city, is where the greatest throng assembled. During the ceremonies no vehicles were allowed upon this Avenue; but after 5 p.m. this restriction was removed. Ben, accompanied by a young man named Malony, had gone down to the Avenue to see the fireworks and about the time the Kansas Flambeau club were giving their exhibition, a one horse cab struck Ben in such a way as to throw him violently to the ground and pass over his body. When he was picked up, he was insensible and never was fully restored to consciousness again. He was at first taken to what is known as the Emergency Hospital, not far from where the accident happened, where his wounds were dressed, and then his companion procured a cab and brought him home about 10:15 p.m. I had two doctors with him. Everything was done that could be done to relieve and save him. The blow that is supposed to have caused death was received in the back of the head, and is believed to have been inflicted by the end of the shaft. From both surgeons and his companion I learn that he had not used any intoxicants that day. In fact, Ben had grown to be a good boy. He minded me, was steady and worked every day. He attended church on Sabbaths and was really a comfort and pleasure to us. I refer to his condition at the time of the accident particularly lest some of his Winfield acquaintances might think he had been drinking on that day and was intoxicated. I have had the body embalmed and will have service at the house tomorrow (Sabbath) at 4 p.m. and in the evening send it west by express. Meet them at the depot and take them to the cemetery. Should any of his or our friends accompany you in this sad office and desire to look at the remains, you can open the outside case and slide the lid off the casket, where they can be seen through the glass of the casket. Bury him next to and on the south side of his mother. So long as I have control of the children, I want them buried by her side. And there is where I want to finally lie myself. While writing this letter Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Manser of Winfield called. E. C. MANNING.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 2, 1885.
Capt. T. B. Myers, our city assessor, is on the war path.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 9, 1885.
Winfield never experienced an election day like Tuesday. But one candidate had opposition—Capt. H. H. Siverd. Every man on the ticket was such as would honor the position for which he was nominated—representative men selected from the tried and trusted of the city by a non-partisan caucus—a caucus the like of which Winfield never had before and will probably never have again. There was nothing to draw out a full vote. Everything was as tranquil as a May morning. The only riffle was caused by the feeble attempt of a certain element to down the irrepressible Capt. H. H. Siverd. But the Captain didn’t down worth a cent. The colored voters of the city made a mistake in allowing the whiskey mugwumps to cajole them into running their candidate after this honest defeat in the people’s convention. Following is the vote of the several wards.
W. G. Graham, 127; Mollie Burke, 1; W. H. Turner, 131; John D. Pryor, 128; H. H. Siverd, 105; T. H. Herrod, 103; Archie Brown, 35; A. H. Jennings, 130; T. B. Myers, 132; G. W. Robinson, 131; J. S. Mann, 128; H. E. Silliman, 25; Archie Brown, 5. TOTAL: 133.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 16, 1885.

There is nothing like legislation. It will not only curtail the obstreperous, put a tax tag around the neck of the family cur, and do various and sundry other things, but actually goes farther: robs dame nature of her power and raises the wind for the consummation of well-laid plans. But a few weeks ago the City Fathers passed an ordinance that all awnings on Main street must be raised. Property owners, unaware of the secret scheme lurking in the bosom of our “dads,” went to work vigorously to comply. Now they are mad—some of the derelict are relieved of any foolishness with their awnings. A little “slycone” descended from the firmament Thursday about 4 o’clock p.m., and with blood in its eye, proceeded to “raise” the awnings in front of J. P. Baden’s store, Martin’s shoe shop, and several others south. But they went too high—some of them clear up over the building and lodging on the roof. The “whirl” came from the west, says Mr. E. D. Taylor, who rooms over the Millinery store. It demolished every awning it struck, smashed in windows, and made things exceedingly lively. It seems to have raised itself after attending to these awnings, and passed quietly until it reached the home of Capt. T. B. Myers, on east 11th Avenue. Here it swooped down and laid out the Captain’s frame stable. His pony is missing and is perhaps yet charging on the bosom of the cyclone. It was a very wicked little breeze. The debris is being gathered up and replaced—the proper height.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 23, 1885.
The new mayor and councilmen were then sworn in, composing the Council as follows:
Mayor, W. G. Graham; Councilmen first ward, W. R. McDonald and James Connor; second ward, A. H. Jennings, T. B. Myers; third ward, W. J. Hodges, G. H. Crippen; fourth ward, J. P. Baden, J. N. Harter. Councilman Crippen was unanimously elected president.
The bonds of City Treasurer, Jno. D. Pryor, and Police Judge, W. H. Turner, were approved.
Mayor Graham announced the following standing committees for the year.
Finance—McDonald, Jennings, and Baden.
Street and Alleys—Hodges, Connor, and Myers.
Public Health—Crippen, Harter, and Myers.
Fire Department—Myers, Harter, and Crippen.
The appointments of W. P. Hackney, City Attorney; G. H. Buckman, City Clerk, and B. McFadden, Marshal, were unanimously confirmed.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 30, 1885.
The new City Council met in adjourned session Friday night, Mayor Graham in the chair. In the absence of City Clerk, Buckman, Councilman Myers was appointed clerk.
The old Marshal was ordered to file his final report, and Marshal McFadden’s bond approved.
E. Dockson was granted the privilege of numbering the houses of the city, on the Decimal system.
The Marshal was directed to enforce the ordinance keeping every obstruction off the streets and sidewalks, leaving but three feet next to buildings for use of occupants. This is business and should have been done long ago.
Mayor’s proclamation ordered regarding sanitary condition of city, giving all ten days in which to clean up their premises and alleys. If not done at this expiration, the cold hand of the law to be laid upon them.
The City Attorney was instructed to look up all sidewalk ordinances not complied with and enforce them. This is a needed move. There are patches in this city on which the sidewalk was ordered a year ago or more which have never been touched, thereby doing a great injustice to those who have been prompt in this matter and to the general public.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 7, 1885.

The growth of Winfield in the last year is beyond the fondest expectations of all. City Assessor Myers has about completed his rounds. Five thousand, one hundred and one inhabitants! Paste that in your hat where you can look at it often—paste it around in every conspicuous place! And put right under it these words: WINFIELD HAS SIX THOUSAND INHABITANTS. Of course our City Assessor didn’t get those individuals who are a part of our legitimate population but go to swell the population of adjoining townships. Walnut has at least five hundred of our legitimate population and Vernon even more, which added to our census gives our correct population, over six thousand. We have 163 foreign born inhabitants and 174 colored. The Wellington papers will no doubt copy this article in full. Wellington’s population is 4,447—about 500 less than their census showed last year. Winfield’s increase is about fifteen hundred. And still they come! Whoa!!
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 14, 1885.
Mr. J. M. Stafford has been sworn in as Deputy City Assessor, to finish up the personal property assessment. Capt. T. B. Myers is numerously laid up with Job’s comforters—on his neck, nose, and other places too numerous to mention.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 18, 1885.
M. E. College.  Among the more potent factors in obtaining this great enterprise for Winfield were the soliciting committees who circulated the sub-papers with wonderful energy and success. They raised nearly twenty thousand dollars in this way—almost every man, young and old, in the city made good subscriptions, with many donations from the ladies. Nothing could more plainly demonstrate the great liberality and public spirit of our citizens. There is no doubt that without such assiduous labor on the part of these soliciting committees, Winfield would never have got the college. The committee for Winfield city were: Capt. J. B. Nipp, Judge T. H. Soward, Judge H. D. Gans, Capt. T. B. Myers, Prof. A. Gridley, J. E. Conklin, Frank Bowen, and J. E. Farnsworth. Those soliciting in adjacent territory, as near as we can ascertain, were: Rev. B. Kelly, Col. Wm. Whiting, Rev. S. S. Holloway, Rev. J. H. Snyder, A. H. Limerick, J. A. Rinker, T. J. Johnson, Dr. S. R. Marsh, J. W. Browning, J. A. McGuire, George Gale, D. W. P. Rothrock, D. A. Sherrard, D. Gramme, W. E. Martin, A. Staggers, W. D. Roberts, E. M. Reynolds, J. C. Roberts, and C. Hewitt.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 18, 1885.
The “Dads” of the city met in regular session Monday, President Crippen in the chair, and Councilmen McDonald, Connor, Myers, and Harter present.
An occupation tax ordinance was passed, imposing license on most of the vocations of the city, the stipulations of which THE COURIER will present in ordinance form.
A citizens’ petition asking the council to pay the members of the fire companies a salary for monthly drill, was referred.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 25, 1885.
In speaking of the “Fat Man’s Paradise,” lately, we carelessly neglected to mention Capt. T. B. Myers, who has an office adjoining. The Captain reduces the pocketbook of the fat lodgers monthly, and is a sort of vexation to the “Paradise,” besides the Captain’s corpulence is sadly wanting. But there are hopes for him yet.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 9, 1885.
The rulers of the city held their regular commune Monday night, with Mayor Graham and Councilmen Connor, McDonald, Myers, Crippen, Harter, and Baden present.
Citizens’ petition to drain streets in southeast part of the city was referred.

John A. Eaton’s building permit was granted.
V. R. Bartlett was granted permission to move his office building to lot north of Sam Myton’s.
Petition of John Lowry to bring certain lands into the city limits was received and an ordinance to that effect ordered.
Sidewalk petition of P. H. Albright, et al., for extension of East 10th avenue walk was referred.
An ordinance, in recognition of citizens’ petition, was ordered, allowing the fire department members a stated salary per month.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 30, 1885.
The following claims were allowed in July.
Assessors fees, T. B. Myers, $225.00.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
The rulers of the city met Monday in regular semi-monthly commune. Present: Mayor Graham and Councilmen McDonald, Connor, Myers, Crippen, and Harter. Absent: Councilmen Jennings, Baden, and Hodges.
A tax ordinance making a tax levy for 1886 was adopted.
Winfield Water Company, water rent, full to July 15, 1885, $1,572.50.
Winfield Gas Company, lamp rent to July 15, 1885, $688.08.
A deduction of $211.82 was made from the amount allowed above to Gas Company, on account of an aggregate of 2,501 lamps not lit during the time specified.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 20, 1885.
The rulers of the city met last night in regular semi-monthly session, Mayor Graham presiding and Councilmen Connor, Jennings, Myers, Crippen, and Baden present; absent, Councilmen McDonald, Hodges, and Harter. An ordinance assessing cost of sidewalks put down by the city; an ordinance providing for the construction of certain walks; an ordinance providing for the annexation of certain territory in the city were passed. Petition of W. A. Lee to build stone building with shingle roof on lots 16, 17, and 18, block 109, was rejected. The resignation of W. J. Cochran as street commissioner to take effect on the 20th inst., was accepted. Councilman Jennings was appointed to contract for boarding city prisoners, and they decided on paying only thirty-five cents per day each for said prisoners, a day to include three meals and a night’s lodging. An ordinance, after some discussion, in which the property owners most interested took part, was ordered widening east Fifth avenue. W. J. Wilson, clerk of the school board, presented the tax levy made by the board for school purposes, as follows: For general school purposes, 10 mills; for bond fund, and to pay interest on one bond, 4½ mills, which levy was approved by the council. The street and alley committee was instructed to purchase dirt for street grading from the Eaton-Short cellar excavators, ten cents per load, delivered. The following bills were ordered paid: Wm. Moore & Sons, stone for crossings, $106.68; H. L. Thomas, crossings, $59.01; N. Hurley, blacksmithing, $4.35; John Roberts, work for city, $4.87; A. G. Glandon, salary assistant marshal to Aug. 4, $5.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 10, 1885.
The City Fathers met in regular session Monday night, Mayor Graham and Councilmen Connor, Jennings, Crippen, Harter, and Baden, and city clerk Buckman, present; absent, Councilmen McDonald, Myers, and Hodges.
An ordinance attaching territory to the city and one in relation to the public health were passed.
[?] Myers...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
Mr. Myers is having an extension built on the rear of the express office. It is of brick and will make the rooms spacious and convenient.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.
“The White is again crowned King among sewing machines. It is victorious in fair and square competition at the Cowley County Fair, with the Davis over which so much blate and blow has been made. Mr. A. H. Fitch, of Arkansas City, the sole agent of Cowley County, got the first premium on best sewing machine for family purposes; on best general work; best display of work; and best display of sewing machines. He exhibited nothing but the famous White and its work. Mr. Fitch was assisted in showing his machines by Mr. W. H. Seavy, of Kansas City, general agent of the White sewing machine company. In the awarding of the premiums, in competition with the Davis, were: The lightest running; less noise; general durability; finest line of attachments and general finish. The White is clear above any other machine on the market, a fact thoroughly demonstrated—not only at this Fair but in its everyday work—in its universal satisfaction and popularity with every household it enters. Mr. Fitch has established an agency in Winfield, at the Dollar Store, and will have no trouble in placing the White in every home needing a machine. Mr. Fitch had a very fine display and carried off the premiums most worthily. It was a big triumph—one deserving, a result always attainable by the celebrated and popular White.”—Mr. Fitch in Friday’s Courier.
After the award was made, Capt. T. B. Myers, superintendent of Class M., entered the following protest on class book.
“It is my opinion that in this award the judgment was not fair and impartial, and would recommend that the diploma be withheld until the matter is investigated. T. B. MYERS.”
The Marriage of Mr. Ezra H. Nixon and Miss Jessie Millington Thursday Night.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 15, 1885.
One of the guests at wedding: T. B. Myers.
Gift: Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Jennings and Mrs. T. B. Myers, Smyrna rug.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 5, 1885.
The rulers of the city met in regular commune Monday night: Mayor Graham in the chair and councilmen McDonald, Jennings, Hodges, Baden, and Harter present; absent councilmen Myers and Crippen.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 12, 1885.

Capt. Myers, just home from Washington City, says Col. Manning is now the possessor of an extensive mica mine in Virginia, which he is developing, and which promises great things. The Colonel was discovered to be an “offensive partisan” early in Cleveland’s administration, and retired as superintendent of public works in D. C.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 10, 1885.
Capt. Myers has received the lumber for the Opera House new floor and will put it down at once. The members of the Pleasant Hour Club can pick the splinters out of their feet and prepare for tripping the light fantastic on a beautiful, smooth floor.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 17, 1885.
The Rulers of the city met in regular semi-monthly conclave Monday night. Present: Mayor Graham and Councilmen Connor, Jennings, Myers, Crippen, Hodges, Baden, and Harter; absent, Councilman McDonald.
Petition to remove drays from Main street or raise license to $50 was postponed.
J. W. Randall granted building permit for lot 8, block 110.
Petition of the Winfield Water Company, J. B. Lynn, Bliss & Wood, L. W. Kimball, J. W. Sickles, Blanche M. Sickles, C. J. Moore, J. Stretch, and R. B. Waite to have certain territory brought into the city, was granted.
Dray license of G. W. Crowell, $7.50, was remitted.
Request of Henry Brown to allow merchants to keep gasoline in their cellars was postponed.
Messrs. H. H. Martin, trustee, J. M. Householder, clerk, and William Carter, treasurer, of Vernon township appeared before the Council to confer in relation to building the bridge across the Walnut at the west end of Ninth Avenue and at Bliss & Wood’s mill. After consideration and full discussion, the following resolution was passed.
“Resolved, That it is the sense of this council that the city of Winfield shall vote $7,500 in bonds and that Vernon township vote $4,000 in bonds, to build a bridge across the Walnut at the west end of 9th avenue, on the J. F. Martin county road, and that the city of Winfield vote $4,500 to building a bridge across the Walnut at Bliss & Wood’s mill, on the site of the old bridge.”
The city attorney was instructed to get up the petitions. It was declared to be the sense of the counsel that the 9th avenue bridge be kept in repair by Vernon township and Winfield in proportion to the yearly assessed valuation of each.
Councilmen Crippen, Connor, and Myers were appointed to examine the plans of the city building.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 24, 1885.
Manager Myers kicks on having the elegant new Opera House floor christened hard pine. He says it is imported rock maple, the most expensive and durable flooring made. It will take several decades to wear it out. It is as hard as adamantine, and as slick as oiled lightning.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 24, 1885.
The city rulers met in regular session Tuesday night. Present: Mayor Graham and Councilmen Connor, Jennings, Crippen, Harter, and Baden. Absent: Councilmen McDonald, Myers, and Hodges.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 7, 1886.
The City Fathers held their regular conclave Monday night. Present: Mayor Graham and Councilmen Connor, Myers, Crippen, Baden, and Harter; absent, Councilmen Jennings, McDonald, and Hodges. A petition to close general merchandise stores on Sunday was tabled. Petition to fix the road to west bridge, ditto. The following bills were ordered paid.
Q. A. Glass, coal, $3.25; J. C. Fuller, rent council room, January, February, and March, $30; J. C. McMullen, rent fire department building, Dec., $25; City Officers salaries Dec., $129.98. Bill of Water Company for $1,572.50, hydrant rental from July 5, 1885, to Jan. 15, 1886, was found correct and the clerk ordered to issue an order for the amount, bearing 7 per cent interest. Bills of Hose Co. No. 1, $40; Hose Co. No. 2, $33; W. H. Clark, chief fire marshal, $4.00; Black & Rembaugh, $23.50. Treasurer’s report for quarter ending Dec. 15th, 1885, was found correct. City Clerk was instructed to ascertain cost of lumber to re-floor west bridge. The finance committee was instructed to deduct, as usual, the moonlight nights from the Gas Company’s bill, and the city attorney was instructed to carry the case of Winfield vs. the Gas Company to the Supreme Court. The marshal was ordered to have the K. C. & S. W. railroad fix its crossing on North Main. The curb-stones around the gas posts, where they interfere with water hydrants, were ordered fixed. The City agreed to furnish rock for crossing to Bliss & Wood’s mill, that firm agreeing to lay the same. The Marshal was ordered to have Mr. Croco lay his walk according to ordinance.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 21, 1886.
Manager Myers created a novelty last week most acceptable: the Opera House warm and comfortable for every performance. And he proposes to keep it so. Heretofore the hall has had an Alaskan atmosphere at about every performance—the only thing hot being the tempers and patience of the patrons. He has exhibited that the hall can be kept warm and is bound to have it so. All needed is proper attention!
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.
Capt. Myers is on the sick list. It is supposed from the big time on the night of the masquerade.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
Owing to the change in the sale of tickets for the Impromptu Concert on Saturday night, there was a great deal of confusion and some dissatisfaction, but we are satisfied that Manager Myers and his obliging ushers did much toward remedying the trouble and in fact, did all they could to make everyone comfortable. With such a jam it was remarkable that more confusion wasn’t experienced.
The City Building Contract Let for $300 More Than the Bid Formerly Accepted.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.

The rulers of the city met in adjourned session Monday night to look into the bridge building question and to let the contract for the city building—Mayor Graham and Councilmen Jennings, Harter, Myers, Baden, Connor, and Crippen, present; with city clerk, Buckman; city attorney, Jos. O’Hare, and city engineer, Willis A. Ritchie. The bridge committee and city engineer had conferred with various bridge builders and determined on prices and plans, but it was determined best to consult with the Vernon officials before taking final action, as that township was equally interested in the Ninth Avenue bridge. The meeting with Vernon was set for Wednesday next, the city clerk to notify the Vernon Board. There were four bids for the complete construction of the City Building.
Chas. Schmidt: $10,765
Joe Reeves: $9,700
John Q. Ashton: $9,330
Uhl & Giel, Cleveland: $8,880
The bid of Fr. Uhl and John F. Giel being the lowest bid, with ample bondsmen and recommendations, the contract was awarded to them. This is the Cleveland, Ohio, firm whose bid, $380 lower than this one, was accepted by the council before. Owing to a slight technicality, which could easily have been lawfully remedied, and the assurance that home contractors would make lower bids if given another opportunity, the bids were all thrown out and bids re-advertised for. This little miscue cost the city $300. But the council is not altogether to blame. They did as their best judgment dictated, backed by a petition of 300 citizens who were dissatisfied with foreigners getting the contract, and with the declarations of home contractors. Messrs. Uhl & Giel will locate here permanently, at once, and begin the erection of the city building as soon as the weather will permit. They are contractors of experience and first-class standing in Cleveland. They enter into a bond of $8,880 to complete the work, strictly according to plans and specifications, by the first of August. The council ordered the Fire company to rent the old foundry building for its departments, until the city building is completed. The fire marshal was instructed to examine the various fire plugs and see that they are in working order. The street and alley committee is to have Dr. Mendenhall’s sidewalk, fronting his residence on Millington Street, raised above the high water mark.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 25, 1886.
We notice in the Washington (D. C.) Post the announcement of the death of John A. Earnest, on the 13th inst. Mr. Earnest was formerly in Winfield, where he did a grocery business for several years, and was well known here as a careful businessman. He left here for Kansas City, where he went into the grocery business. Being in ill health he went to Topeka, and from there to Washington, D. C., last summer. Capt. T. B. Myers was on the train with him and his wife at that time. On the way he was worse and became insane, since which time we have heard but little concerning him.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
The rulers of the city met in regular bi-weekly session Monday eve, with Mayor Graham presiding, and Councilmen Connor, Jennings, Myers, Crippen, Baden, and Harter present; McDonald and Hodges absent.
The Public Health Committee sat down on dry wells for drains, and an ordinance was ordered prohibiting drain wells or privy vaults anywhere in the city, of greater depth than eight feet.
The Western Union Telegraph Company was given right of way for its line to the uptown office, with the privilege of establishing said office.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886.
The city council held an adjourned session Thursday, with Mayor Graham in the chair and councilmen Crippen, Myers, Connor, Jennings, Baden, and Harter, present; absent, McDonald and Hodges.
An ordinance prohibiting all unmuzzled dogs the freedom of the city; a public health ordinance, prohibiting a public health ordinance, prohibiting wells for drainage, over eight feet deep; wells for drainage, over eight feet deep; ordinance for sidewalk on Fourth and Millington streets; ordinance vacating the alley east and west in the Brettun block, were passed.
For the purpose of consulting as to the Walnut river bridge contracts; the township board of Vernon, H. H. Martin, trustee; J. M. Householder, clerk, and Wm. Carter, treasurer, were present. The dozen bridge representatives were excluded from the chamber and the bids opened, and, after some consideration, the final consideration was set for April 12th.
It was decided to sell the city building bonds at the next regular meeting of the council, the 15th inst.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886.
The city election occurs Tuesday, April 6th. The officers to be elected are: One councilman from each ward, two justices of the peace, and four members of the school board. The out-going councilmen are: W. R. McDonald, 1st ward; T. B. Myers, 2nd ward; W. J. Hodges, 3rd ward; J. N. Harter, 4th ward. The retiring members of the school board are W. D. Johnson, 1st ward; George Ordway, 2nd; W. C. Robinson, 3rd; and W. H. Smith, 4th. The principal skirmish will be over the justices and the 1st and 2nd ward councilmen. But every place to be filled is important to the welfare of a progressive and prosperous city like Winfield, and much care must be exercised in getting men who will fill them acceptably and creditably to themselves and the city.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 18, 1886.
His name is pronounced Toorzha with the accent on the last syllable. We have got it from headquarters. Two or three days ago Capt. Myers was in our office talking about Judge “Torgy,” when the following conversation ensued.
Editor: “Will you meet him at the depot?”
Captain: “Yes.”
Editor: “Then I will write your obituary at once.”
Captain: “Why?”
Editor: “Because you will call him “Torgy” to his face, and then there will be a blow and Myers will disappear in a small cloud of dust.”
Captain: “What do you call him?”
Editor: “Toorzha.”
Captain: “If I called him that way, I ought to be pulverized.”
Since then we have heard a score of men pronounce his name variously as Toorgy, Torgee, Turgy, Turgee, Toregay, etc., but mostly with “g” hard; and the disputes have been many and warm.

Walter H. Chase called on us at noon Friday. He is the gentlemanly and active manager for the lecturer, Judge Albion W. Tourgee, and we asked him the first thing for the pronunciation of the name of his chief, with the above result.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.
Capt. Myers is putting in some hitching posts in front of George Liermann’s business house.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.
The Board of Trustees of the Methodist College of the Southwest Kansas Conference met in Winfield Thursday, in the lecture room of the M. E. Church. All were present except Rev. Hodgson, of Wichita, who is in New Orleans. Those here were: Dr. D. W. Phillips, of El Dorado; Rev. W. H. Cline, of Arkansas City; Rev. J. D. Botkin, of Wichita; Rev. H. Waite, of McPherson; H. H. McAdams, of Newton; Rev. B. Kelly and W. C. Robinson, of Winfield. The Board organized by electing as permanent officers: Dr. D. W. Phillips, president; Rev. J. D. Botkin, secretary; M. L. Read, treasurer. The Building Committee are: B. Kelly, M. L. Gates, T. B. Myers, and N. S. Buckner, of Winfield; and W. H. Cline, of Arkansas City. N. S. Buckner, formerly M. E. pastor at Arkansas City, was elected Financial Agent of the College and directed to proceed at once to raise endowment and other funds for the college and take charge of its entire financial business. Rev. Buckner will move to Winfield at once, occupying at present the Laycock residence on east Tenth and building later in College Hill, where he owns lots. Architect Ritchie was instructed to advertise for bids at once for the completion of the College building. The Board resolved to open correspondence with a view of selecting a first-class College man to take charge as president, who will probably be elected at the Board’s April meeting. The Board also resolved to be satisfied with none but the best material and to make this college second to none in the west. The Board, as well as the entire conference, are a unit in the determination to spare no effort to make this college a grand success. No Methodist college in the Union ever started out with more flattering prospects than the Southwest Kansas M. E. College. It is a plant that means great things for Winfield. The trustees are gentlemen of the highest integrity, energy, and ability, and will manage the affairs of the college in a manner eliciting the greatest pride and satisfaction of the conference and the people of Winfield. The building, beyond a doubt, will be done in time to open the various departments, a full-fledged college, in September. The Board adjourned to meet April 20th, when the contract for the remaining construction will be let. There is not a voice in this conference that objects to location of this institution to Winfield, and all are enthusiastic in the desire to make it an honor to its founders and the whole State of Kansas. The trustees examined the basement and first story, now almost completed by contractor J. Q. Ashton, and found the work to be exceptionally well done.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 15, 1886.

A great boycotter! Failing, after persistent importuning, to get Captain Myers to divide his opera house patronage, our morning co-temp seeks to brow beat. They have tackled the wrong man. Capt. Myers is not to be bulldozed. The senseless and spiteful little flings, “stay away” from the opera house and avoid impending cremation,” are boomerangs that will fly back with a force determined and effective. The Vis. has turned the boycott on itself. If you want a new opera house, an enterprise whose need all concede, advocate it like a man, and not by foundationless imprecations on a building that only a few years ago was far ahead of the town. Cover up your vengeful intent—to whip every entertainment and manager into your traces. Patronage never comes through blackmailing tactics whose gall is their only ingredient.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 15, 1886.
“That howl about Manning’s Opera House being an ‘old fire trap’ is the silliest thing that ever came from a man even pretending the least intelligence,” remarked a Main street businessman to Josh this morning. “It shows a mean spirit that would grasp at a straw to vent a little spleen. Why, there isn’t an opera house in the State, in a town of our size, with better fire protection. That one double south door would empty the house of an audience of 800 in five minutes. Then it has the back exit and the Main street exit besides the balcony on the east. This spleeny growler had better rub his pate a little and attack in a spot that has some semblance of truth. Manning’s opera house is not up to the town; we all know that. It lacks in stage and audience capacity and in fashionable furnishings; but it will always be a necessity no matter how fine an opera house is erected. It will always be in demand for various entertainments. And it could, with a few thousand dollars, be made one of the neatest little opera houses in the west. A gallery, a gentle incline given to the floor, with good opera chairs and carpet, with more elaborate scenery, would fit it for any average entertainment. This will probably be done. Winfield is growing. The brilliant prospects point to the need not long hence for two opera houses here. Both will get a good patronage, as we merge into the metropolis we are bound to be. The attempt to boycott the one we have now is the variest drivel. It shows a spiteful despotism that any man ought to be ashamed of. And to attempt to kill the patronage of entertainments secured by the manager and by our home people, is contemptible, and will at once be branded so by all our people. The idea of a little 2 x 9 sheet trying to suborn the entertainment world of Winfield is ridiculous in the extreme, cheek unparalleled. I guess Manager Myers and the entertainments will survive.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 15, 1886.
The city council met in adjourned session Monday, with Mayor Graham and Councilmen Crippen, Connor, Baden, Myers, Harter, Clerk Buckman and Attorney O’Hare present. Petitions for sidewalks fronting lots 10 and 11, block 130, Main street, and blocks 134, 154, 174, and 194 on Riverside Avenue were granted, and ordinances ordered. Bill of James Jordan, $25, rent fire dept. building, was allowed, and bill of W. A. Ritchie, city engineer, etc., $41.10, was referred. Willis A. Ritchie resigned the city engineership. This was made necessary by his commission as government architect and superintendent for the Wichita Government building. He couldn’t hold both positions. Col. H. Allen, of the K. C. Bridge Co.; George H. Bullene, of the Bullene Bridge Co., Leavenworth; H. C. Campbell, of the Toledo Bridge Co., and a representative of the Missouri Bridge & Iron Works were present with bids for the Ninth Avenue and Bliss & Wood Bridges as follows.
K. C. Bridge Co., $8,450; Leavenworth Bridge Co., $8,525; Missouri Bridge & Iron Works, $9,400; Smith Bridge Co., Toledo, Ohio, $9,500.
K. C. Bridge Co., $5,500; Leavenworth Bridge Co., $5,250; Toledo Bridge Co., $5,690.

The council went into secret session to consider the bids and after a late hour adjourned to finish up this morning.
The forenoon was put in with the bridge men, resulting in awarding the contract for both bridges to the Smith Bridge Company, of Toledo, Ohio, which company presented the only bids for steel bridges, with piers on bed rock. The others bid to erect wrought iron bridges, on piles. The Ninth Avenue bridge has a center span of 140 feet and two approaching spans of 60 feet each. It has an 18 feet wagon path and 2 foot path, one complete and the other ready for the planks whenever it is needed. The superstructure of this bridge costs $5,690, and the masonry $3,810, a total of $9,500 for the bridge complete. The Bliss & Wood bridge has two 100 feet spans, with bed-rock abutments. The superstructure costs $4,442 and the masonry $568. Charley Schmidt contracted with H. C. Campbell, agent of the Smith Bridge Co., this morning, for the entire mason work for both bridges. Messrs. H. H. Martin, J. M. Householder, and William Carter, Township Board of Vernon, met with the council in the awarding of the Ninth Avenue contract. The $11,000 in bonds voted by Winfield, and $4,000 by Vernon covers the contract with $500 left. The bridges are to be completed, ready for travel in August.
Daily Calamity Howler, Tuesday, October 6, 1891.
Capt. Myers returned Monday morning from Colorado. He says a heavy snow fell at Colorado Springs while he was there.