Solomon Nawman


Biographical Record 1901.
[WINTER 1870] PAGE 77.
SOLOMON NAWMAN is the only resident of his locality that still lived on the claim which he originally took up. He located in the Sunflower State in the fall of 1869, but he did not settle within the borders of Cowley County until the winter of 1870. Then he filed a claim to his farm, comprising the southwest quarter of section 3, township 33, range 4 east.
Solomon Nawman was born December 5, 1826, in Clark County, Ohio, a son of Jacob and Elizabeth (Camp) Nawman.
Jacob Nawman, father of Solomon, was a native of Virginia, where his ancestors had lived many years. When he was a lad of 17, he located in Clark County, Ohio, where he engaged in farming, and where he died in 1880. His wife, Elizabeth Camp, whose people were early setters of Maryland, was born at Hagerstown. Her parents afterward moved to Ohio, where she met Mr. Nawman, whom she subsequently married.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Nawman had eight children.
1. John, who died a number of years ago near Oklahoma City.
2. Solomon Nawman.
3. Mary Ann, deceased.
4. Catherine, who resided in Ohio.
5. Thomas, who died in Indiana.
6. Benjamin, who died at Jefferson Barracks, Missouri, from sickness contracted while in the army.
7. Elizabeth, who lived in Ohio.
8. Maude, who lived in Omaha, Nebraska.
Solomon Nawman spent his early youth attending the public schools of his native district, and then learned the trade of a carpenter, which he followed, together with contracting, for the twenty years next preceding his removal to the West. He worked at Springfield, Ohio, and in its vicinity. He was always his own mechanic, and built all the buildings on his farm, even including his nine-room house, which was 56 feet long. This house, a two-story dwelling, was one of the largest in Cowley County. He drove through from Ohio to Lyon County, Kansas, reached the latter place in the fall of 1869, and taking up a claim, pursued the occupation of a farmer. He built a house, in which he lived until the winter of 1870, and then brought his family to Cowley County, where he ever since resided.
His family then consisted of a wife and three children; upon their arrival, December 26, 1870, he purchased his present claim, which had been taken up by Bill Woorse. Mr. Nawman had looked over the land in Cowley County a month prior to his occupation of the claim. A small log cabin stood on the place, and in it the family lived until Mr. Nawman completed a box house, 14 by 16 feet in size. This house was still standing in 1901 and was still in use. The family lived in that house thirteen years, when, in 1883, they moved into their present commodious house.

With three horses, which he brought along from Lyon County, Mr. Nawman began to break the sod, and the first year succeeded in breaking 12 acres, which he planted with corn. His first crop was very good, and the next year he put in more corn, and after five or six years he had his farm pretty thoroughly under cultivation. Wheat raising mainly occupied his attention in later years, and his first wheat and stock market was at Wichita, about 50 miles north. Mr. Nawman made many a rough and hazardous trip to that city. His farm contained a four-acre orchard, the first 25 trees of which were set out in 1872, and on his place were many fine shade trees. In section 10 adjoining his farm, he owned 11 acres of timber land.
Solomon Nawman married Lucy Miller in Ohio. She was born and reared one mile from where Jacob Nawman lived.
Solomon and Lucy Nawman had four children.
1. Rachael (McPherson), who lived in Oklahoma, and had four children:  Leland, Gladys, Paul, and Teddy McPherson.
2. Henry Nawman, who lived at home.
3. George Nawman, who resided in Montana.
4. Josephine Nawman, who was born in Kansas, and died when a little girl.
Mr. Nawman was a Republican, and his first vote was cast for Gen. Taylor for president. Mrs. Nawman favored the Lutheran church. Since her death, which occurred June 4, 1893, Miss Sheesley kept house for Mr. Nawman.
Winfield 1873: S. Nawman, 47; spouse, Lucy, 40.
Winfield 1874: Solomon Nawman, 47; spouse, Lucy, 40.
Winfield 1878: S. Nawman, 51; spouse, Lucy, 45.
Pleasant Valley Township 1881: Solomon Nawman, 54; spouse, Lucy, 48.
Also: George Nawman, 21; Henry M. Nawman, 23; Rachel Nawman, 26.
Emporia News, November 5, 1869. IMPROVEMENTS. [Several mentioned.] Solomon Nawman, of Clarke County, Ohio, commenced about ten days ago, and has a neat cottage nearly completed, on Neosho street between Seventh and Eighth Avenues.
Rachael or Rachel Nawman [Early newspapers spelled it “Nauman.”]
Winfield Courier, August 19, 1875.
The following is a list of the teachers in attendance at the Normal Institute, now in session at this place. Rachael Nawman, Winfield.
Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.
CIVIL DOCKET. FOURTH DAY. Solomon Nawman vs. Amos Becker.
Rachael or Rachel Nawman...
Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.
 The Winfield Public Schools closed a nine month’s term last Friday.
The following students passed the required examinations and received teacher’s certificates: Rachael Nawman.
Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876.
The following are the names of teachers attending the Normal School at this place.
From Winfield: Rachel Nawman.
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

The following is a list of the teachers attending the Normal Institute, who secured certificates at the examination: Second grade certificates being valid six months, first grade one year, “A” grade two years. SECOND GRADE: Rachel E. Nawman.
Solomon Nawman [Paper spelled last name as “Nauman.”]
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1877.
Juror: Solomon Nawman, $2.00.
Winfield Courier, June 14, 1877.
The Closing Exercises of the Winfield public schools came off Friday afternoon of last week under the direction of Geo. W. Robinson, principal. The four schools united in giving an entertainment in the Courthouse hall. These exercises consisted of songs, declamations, essays, dialogues, and a paper.
The essays by Misses Robertson, Nawman, and Winslow, were well read, and showed that this important branch of education has not been neglected by our teachers.
Winfield Courier, August 9, 1877.
The following are the teachers attending the Cowley County Normal.
Winfield. Rachel E. Nawman.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
106. Winfield—Miss Ray Nawman.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
The Normal Institute opened with the following teachers in attendance.
From Winfield: Ray Nawman.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
Miss Ray E. Nawman has ended the winter term of school in district 25.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1879.
Miss Addie Turner, of Baltimore, and Miss Ray Nawman, of Winfield, are visiting at Mr. Craig’s.
Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.
The Normal Institute for 1880 has opened with a large attendance of teachers. Four instructors have charge of the divisions, and the aim of all is to make this summer’s work especially practical. The morning exercises begin at 7:30, in the courtroom, and the recitations end at 1 p.m. There are at present enrolled 79 teachers as follows.
Winfield: Ray E. Nawman.
Winfield Courier, March 24, 1881.
Miss Ray Nawman closed her school at Wilmot last Monday.
Winfield Courier, April 7, 1881.

The teachers’ meeting Saturday was especially interesting. Professor Phelps, of Arkansas City, conducted the exercises in physiology, and Professor Trimble in algebra. Work in botany was mapped out, the lesson for the next meeting, April 30, being “leaves.” As the new school law classes physiology in the first grade studies, those teachers who have followed the county work have done well. Botany is a delightful study and teachers can succeed well with this science in the spring. As a means of furnishing teachers with object lessons, botany has no equal. Teachers present: Professors Trimble, Phelps, Gridley, Hickok, and Mrs. Caton, Misses Cook, Melville, Bartlett, Aldrich, Kelly, Frederick, and Nawman.
Winfield Courier, August 18, 1881.
Brilla Read and Franky Miller have been spending a few days with Miss Ray Nawman, south of Winfield.
Winfield Courier, November 17, 1881.
The following applicants were examined, Saturday, for teachers’ certificates: Wm. M. Coe, C. L. Cunningham, J. B. Curry, Ansel Gridley, Anna Martin, Ray E. Nawman, Luther Nellis, Anna L. Norton, R. B. Overman, N. J. Waterbury.
Solomon Nawman...
Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.
Mr. S. Nawman, one of the men who are making Pleasant Valley bloom, came to see us last week.
Winfield Courier, March 9, 1882.
Mr. S. Nawman, of Pleasant Valley, has about five hundred cherry sprouts which he will give to any who desire to dig them up and take them away. His cherry trees are bearing heavily.
George Nawman...
Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.
School Concert and Festival. EDS. COURIER: On last Friday evening I had the pleasure of attending an ice cream festival at the Excelsior schoolhouse three miles south of Winfield. The citizens of that district had purchased a very fine organ for the use of the public school, and also for the Sunday school which meets there, and the proceeds of the entertainment were to go toward liquidating a balance due on said organ. Everything passed off very pleasantly, and the occasion seemed to be enjoyed by all present. To a stranger spending a few days in the neighborhood such a gathering, and so well conducted, is a very high recommendation, as it is a good index to the social, as well as the intellectual qualities, of the people. We were treated to some excellent music, both vocal and instrumental, with Miss Bliss, the teacher of the school, as organist, and Mr. Jacob Miller and Geo. Nawman, violinists. The singing was excellent, but the writer being a stranger and not being able to obtain all of the names, will mention none lest injustice may be done. I am informed the proceeds amounted to over thirty dollars, which will place the society out of debt. I did not learn the name of the party who furnished the ice cream, but would simply say he understands his business, and others contemplating a festival would do well to give him a call. VISITOR.
Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

We took a little drive out into Pleasant Valley Township Thursday evening, with a designing politician. We regretted being caught in such company, but the temptation for a free ride was stronger than we could stand, and in less than a minute we were whirling along the old familiar road that leads to the flowing banks of Posey Creek. In almost every wheat field the reapers were busy in grain that will yield twenty-five to thirty bushels to the acre. Sam Watt was just turning his harvester loose; Commissioner Harbaugh was chopping down his magnificent wheat field, and J. H. Teter, assisted by Mr. Holcomb, was running a whole field with a twine binder. We supped with M. H. Markcum, drank a quart of new milk at D. S. Sherrard’s, and had a pleasant visit with our old friends, Mr. and Mrs. Nawman. Mr. Nawman is one of the oldest settlers along the Valley, and many were the reminiscences of early times discussed during the two hours we were permitted to spend at his home. A person can see more fine country and magnificent crops by a drive through Pleasant Valley, Beaver, and Vernon Townships than in any territory of the size in the United States. These townships contain but very little untillable land and their farms are under a high state of cultivation, being among the first settled in the county.
M. L. McPherson marries Rachael Nawman...
Winfield Courier, October 26, 1882.
MARRIED. On Monday we learned for the first time of the marriage of M. L. McPherson and Miss Rachael Nawman, which occurred on the 5th of September. We heartily congratulate Mr. McPherson upon his good fortune in securing as a partner through life one of the best of Cowley’s many bright, intelligent ladies. We are sorry to learn that they intend removing from the county.
Winfield Courier, March 29, 1883.
Mr. S. Nawman has added to our collection this week two mammoth eggs from a Brahma hen which measure six inches in circumference. They would be taken for goose eggs if found in a goose pasture. These are a little larger than the famous eggs we received last year.
Winfield Courier, April 5, 1883.
As an addition to our collection, Mr. Corkins brought us in Monday a very large egg from a Plymouth Rock and Brown Cochin hen. It is not as large as those brought us by Mr. Nawman, but was as white as alabaster.
Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.
Mr. S. P. Becker brought in last Monday from S. Nawman’s farm in Pleasant Valley a half dozen seedling peaches, the largest we have ever seen. They were larger than most of the budded fruits.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1884.
Mr. S. Nawman’s fine new residence on his farm two miles south of town was dedicated by the young folks on last Monday evening with a social hop. A number from town were out and report a splendid time and a good crowd. Mr. and Mrs. Nawman are unexcelled as entertainers.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1884.
Mr. S. Nawman, of Pleasant Valley Township, marketed last Friday thirteen hogs, the gross weight being 5,850 pounds, or an average of 450 pounds each, three of the same lot averaging 643½ pounds. Mr. Gilleland was the purchaser, at $5.60 per cwt., being the highest price paid this season. These thirteen hogs netted Mr. Nawman $320.88; being $24.68 per head.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1884.
The Republican convention of Cowley County met according to call at the Opera House in Winfield on Saturday, April 19, 1884, at 11 o’clock a.m.

Delegates Pleasant Valley: S. Johnson, S. Nawman, F. Brown, H. Harbaugh.
Winfield Courier, December 4, 1884.
Mr. S. Nawman marketed three young hogs out of his herd, Saturday, averaging five  hundred and fifty pounds, for which he received over fifty-five dollars at the low price now prevailing. Mr. Nawman is one of those farmers who believe in turning corn into money through the swine medium, and has always been successful.