Newman Family
A. A. Newman.
Ebenezer Newman, Sr. (1767/1839) married Sarah Dowse (1762/1855) m-1782
Lucretia Newman (1780/1861) married Isaac Storer
Ebenezer Newman, Jr. (1791/1857) married Judith Dowse (M-1814) 1796/1879
Sally Newman, b-2/1/1815 d-1816
Prescott Newman, b-10/11/1816
Sally Newman b 4/10/1817
Ebenezer Newman, 3rd 1829/1910 married Marinda ?,
married 2nd, Polly Dyer.
Eva Newman married Charles A. Toothaker
Augustus G. Newman 1821- 1893 married Caroline Beedy, 1821 - 1895.
Albert Augustus Newman 1/15/1843 - 7/31/1922 married Mary M. Houghton.
Earl Granville Newman married Gertrude T. Waterhouse
Adeline Newman
Katherine Newman
Earl Granville Newman, Jr.
Caroline Newman
Alice Gertrude Newman
Albert L. Newman married Mate McMillen
Albert W. Newman
George Frederick Newman
Harry E. Newman
Rodney Lee Newman
Pearl N. Newman married William F. Hase
Mary Elizabeth Hase
Hilda Houghton Hase
May (Mary) C. Newman married Rufus C. Haywood
Frederick C. Newman
George Washington Newman
Weld, Maine is on the western border of the state, about 100 miles from Portland, Maine. It was first settled about 1782.
Ebenezer Newman, Sr., came from Andover, New Hampshire. He was a soldier of the Revolution and received a wound in his leg at the battle of Long Island, which was the cause of his death. He married Sarah Dowse of Billerica, Massachusetts, and soon settled in Dearing, New Hampshire, where they remained until 1799, when they removed to Andover, Maine, and lived there until 1805, when they came to Weld, Maine.
Benjamin Dowse, (who married Hannah Frost Mears in 1749) the father of Sarah and grandfather of Judith, was at the Lexington Alarm, turned out in Col. Ebenezer Bridge’s regiment. He was a corporal at White Plains, and marched to reinforce the Northern Army at Bennington under Col. Jonathan Reed.
Benjamin Dowse m1749, Hannah Frost Mears, b1728
Sarah m 1782, Ebenezer Newman, Sr.
Ebenezer Newman, Jr., m 1814, Judith Dowse, 1796-1879.
Abigail m1782, Josiah Newman
Josiah Newman, Jr., 1783-1865, m 2nd, Nancy Holland
Arabella Rarren Newman, 1818-1887
A. A. Newman was the son of Augustus G. Newman and Caroline (Beedy) Newman of Weld, Maine. Had two younger brothers named George Washington (G. W.) and Fred (F. C.) Newman. Sisters were Mary (Newman) Haywood and Hattie (Newman) Purington. Daniel Beedy is thought to have been a close maternal relative.
FROM BETWEEN THE RIVERS, article by Mrs. Albert L. Newman.
Recap: In 1862 Albert Augustus Newman, age 19, withdrew from Maine State Seminary at Lewiston and enlisted in the Union Army. He came under fire in some of the great battles, and even on his first day of service was ordered to go gather his equipment from one of the dead Union soldiers in a nearby field. He marched up the Shenandoah Valley with Sherman’s gallant men. He tells in his war diary while wintering in Vicksburg of scouting the district for apples and selling them to the other soldiers. He thus manifested early his merchant instinct.
After coming out of the Army, Mr. Newman and his foster brother, T. H. McLaughlin, went to Fayetteville, Tennessee, and operated a dry-goods store. But when it became known in the village that they were “Damn Yankees,” they were ordered to leave. Mr. Newman, who was a Mason, was allowed to leave in an orderly manner, but his partner was not. When McLaughlin heard he was to be “tarred and feathered” and ridden out of town on a rail, he climbed out a back window of their living quarters over the store and escaped in the middle of the night.
In 1868 Mr. Newman made his way to Emporia, Kansas, to open another general store. That store still operates there under the Newman name. A brother, George W. Newman, 21 years old, took over the store in 1870 when “A. A.” was attracted to the Indian lands of southern Kansas, and the Indian Territory. These were being opened up for trade and Mr. Newman secured a contract with the government to grind grain for the Indians near the infant town of Arkansas City.
Emporia News, August 21, 1868.
Two gentlemen were here this week from Maine, looking up a business location. They were much pleased with the town and country and will probably locate.
[Could this be Newman? YES!]
Emporia News, September 4, 1868.
As will be seen by their advertisement in today’s paper, Messrs. Newman & Houghton have purchased the store formerly owned by Mr. Pyle, in Jones’ new building. These gentlemen are lately from Maine, and have had a long experience in the mercantile business. They advertise what they can and will do. All they ask is a fair trial. We hope they may meet with encouragement and have a fair share of the patronage of the public. They go to work as though they understood their business, and as though they intend to do a fair legitimate trade with those who may favor them with their custom. We wish them abundant success.
Emporia News, September 4, 1868.
Goods Cheap for Cash!
The undersigned having bought out the stock of W. A. Pyle at a greatly reduced price, would respectfully call the attention of the citizens of Emporia and surrounding country to the fact that they can and will sell
GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, CLOTHING, Notions & Queensware, Cheaper than they can be bought elsewhere in SOUTHERN KANSAS.
We buy our Goods at first hand in New York and Boston, and save second profits paid by merchants buying in Chicago, St. Louis, or Leavenworth.
All Goods Warranted as Represented or MONEY REFUNDED.
Give us a Trial.
180 Commercial Street, EMPORIA.
Emporia News, September 25, 1868.
We are glad to know the new firm of Newman & Houghton are doing a lively business. One of the firm is now absent after new goods. They intend to bring on a stock that will not be excelled in quantity or quality.
Emporia News, October 16, 1868.
The attraction for a few days has been at the new store of Newman & Houghton, in Jones’ building, next door north of Fraker & Peyton’s. On Monday night they commenced receiving their new goods direct from New York, and their store is now one of the best stocked in the place. Their goods must be cheap as they are shipped direct from New York, and they save the profits of western wholesale merchants. Their stock embraces everything in the line of ladies’ dress goods, clothing, groceries, etc. These gentlemen are determined not to be out-done in any respect. They are newcomers, and we hope our people will call and examine their stock and prices before making their purchases, as they hope, by close application to business and fair dealing to merit their share of the public patronage.
Emporia News, October 16, 1868.
Great Reduction in Prices.
Best Green Teas at $1.50 per pound.
Choice Black Ties at $1.25 per pound.
Emporia News, October 16, 1868.
Low Prices Win.
A large stock of fancy cassimeres, satinets, jeans, tweeds, repellants, ladies’ cloth, flannels and linseys, which we will sell at lower prices than the same quality of goods were ever sold in this market. Call and see
Emporia News, October 16, 1868.
Shawls and Balmorals.
Choice styles of ladies and gents shawls; also a splendid assortment of balmorals, the cheapest in the market.
Emporia News, November 13, 1868.
Cheapest and Best.
The new stock of clothing, boots, and shoes, at 180 Commercial street.
Just Received.
Latest styles of gents hats and caps, ladies’ furs and fur trimmed hoods, breakfast shawls, sontags, nubias, and scarfs; also children’s and misses hoods.
Emporia News, December 18, 1868.
Newman & Houghton have just received a large stock of new goods.
Emporia News, January 1, 1869.
CARD. Dr. Morris.
Goods have arrived, and he is now ready for professional business. His office is over Newman & Houghton’s store. The Doctor prepares a specific remedy for the cure of Fever and Ague, which is never known to fail; also Anti-Bilious Pills, a sure preventative of the Ague by correcting the stomach and liver. Mixture and Pills $2.00.
Emporia News, January 8, 1869.
AD. Latest Styles in Caps. Fur, fur-bound and all grades cloth caps for Men and Boys, at NEWMAN & HOUGHTON’S.
Emporia News, February 5, 1869.
Instruments Recorded During the Week Ending Feb. 4, 1869.
Reported from E. P. Bancroft’s Real Estate and Abstract Office.
A. A. Newman to O. P. Houghton, warranty deed for ten lots in Emporia.
Emporia News, February 5, 1869.
The new crop of tea is now on the market, and some of the choicest brands have just been received by NEWMAN & HOUGHTON.
Emporia News, February 5, 1869.
A fine lot of prints and muslins just received by NEWMAN & HOUGHTON.
Emporia News, February 5, 1869.
Great Bargains.
Shawls, nubias, scarfs, sontags, balmoral skirts, and hosiery are now selling at a great sacrifice at 181 Commercial street. They must be sold in thirty days.
Emporia News, March 19, 1869.
Mr. Newman started to Boston and New York on Monday morning to lay in a spring and summer stock for the store of Newman & Houghton.
Emporia News, March 19, 1869.
We are informed that the brother of our townsman, Mr. Newman, of the firm of Newman & Houghton, who arrived here from Maine on Wednesday morning, reports that there was seven feet of snow, on the level, in that State when he left. So badly were the railroads blockaded that he was three days in making fifty miles. Think of that, ye grumblers at the cold weather of Kansas.
Houghton begins to start own business...
Emporia News, April 16, 1869.
Mr. Houghton, of the firm of Newman & Houghton, has let the contract for putting up a business house, 25 x 60 feet, on Commercial street, near B. T. Wright’s hardware store. Messrs. Newman & Houghton have been in business here about a year, and have succeeded in building up a large trade. They are both young men of excellent business qualifications, and possess the energy and perseverance that will succeed anywhere.
Emporia News, April 23, 1869.
Newman & Houghton are receiving their extensive stock of goods this week, and those desiring first choice should call early. Their prices are very low. They bought in New York and Boston and shipped direct; therefore, you will not have to pay the profits of the St.. Louis and Leavenworth merchants. Their hats are of the latest styles, in endless variety, and cheap, too. Their Boots and Shoes have to be seen to be appreciated. They can beat the world on ladies’ dress goods. It is useless for us to attempt to enumerate what they have for sale, but will advise all go and see their large stock. All goods guaranteed or money refunded. No trouble to show goods.
Emporia News, April 23, 1869.
Latest Styles and Lowest Prices.
We have just received direct from New York and Boston a large and choice stock of Domestic & Fancy Dry Goods, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS, CLOTHING, NOTIONS, AND CARPETINGS.
We wish it distinctly understood that we buy at first hand of the Manufacturers and Importers, and will sell at prices to defy competition.
Best Prints—Merrimac, Cocheco, Spragues, Pacifics, Arnolds, Amoskeng, and Denonels at 12 ½ cents per yard.
Ladies’ Hoop Skirts, 75 cents.
Ladies’ Cotton Hose at $1.50 per dozen.
Boys’ Wool Hats, 50 cents each.
Mens’ Wool Hats, 75 cents each.
Best Imperial Tea, $1.50 per pound.
Best Hyson Tea, $1.50 per pound.
Best Japan Tea, $1.50 per pound.
Best Oolong Tea, $1.25 per pound.
All Goods guaranteed as represented, or Money Refunded.
Emporia News, April 30, 1869.
Newman & Houghton have a set of croquet.
Houghton’s store almost completed...
Emporia News, May 14, 1869.
Mr. Houghton’s new business house, next door south of Wright’s hardware store, is nearly completed, and will soon be occupied by McMillan & Fox. It will be one of the largest business rooms in the place.
Emporia News, May 14, 1869.
[Legal entries...E. P. Bancroft.]
S. B. Smith to A. A. Newman, warranty deed w h n w 6 29 11.
Emporia News, June 4, 1869.
Messrs. Newman & Houghton have secured a lot on the corner of Mechanics street and Sixth avenue, just east of Gilmore & Hirth’s furniture rooms, and will put up immediately a business house, 26 x 70 feet, two stories high, to be built of brick with iron and glass front, and to be in all respects a first class business house. Business has heretofore been confined almost exclusively to Commercial street, but lots are held at such high figures that men are forced to branch off on the avenues where property is cheaper. We learn that another firm contemplates putting up a business house in the vicinity of this contemplated building.
Emporia News, June 11, 1869.
Newman & Houghton have received direct from New York a choice assortment of fine brown and bleached muslins—[?can’t read first word?], lawns, nansooks, and jaconets. Also, a large assortment of ladies’ hose, gloves, corsets, hoop-skirts, damask piano and table covers, marsailes and star quilts, lace curtains, oil carpetings, etc., which they are selling at extremely low prices.
Emporia News, August 6, 1869.
Mr. Newman, of the firm of Newman & Houghton, has gone East after a large stock of goods.
Emporia News, August 13, 1869.
Newman & Houghton are now selling off their present stock of goods very cheap, to make room for a large and complete stock which their Mr. Newman is now purchasing in New York and Boston.
Emporia News, August 20, 1869.
STARTLING NEWS. Various rumors of bank failures, suspension of work on the railroad, and other exciting stories have been afloat in our community for some days past; but the most startling intelligence has just reached us. It has just been ascertained, for a certainty, that Newman & Houghton’s new goods, direct from New York, have reached Topeka, and next week there will be offered at the old stand of Newman & Houghton the largest and finest stock of dry goods, carpets, hats and caps, boots and shoes, etc., ever seen or heard of in Southern Kansas, which will be sold so low as to astonish all the world and the rest of mankind. Come and see for yourselves.
Emporia News, September 3, 1869.
SOMETHING NEW. In this age of improvement and progress, almost every day brings something new. Among other new things Newman & Houghton have just received from New York a splendid stock of carpetings, mattings, oil cloths, table covers, etc., which the ladies of Emporia and vicinity are particularly invited to call and examine. A full line of domestics, dress, and fancy goods will be opened in a few days. Also a large and carefully selected stock of hats, caps, boots, shoes, and clothing. Please call and see our goods and prices.
Houghton starts his own store...
Emporia News, September 3, 1869.
O. P. Houghton has bought out the interest of I. D. Fox in the late store of McMillan & Fox. The new firm may be found in the old room near the courthouse, with a heavy stock, and always ready for business.
Emporia News, September 3, 1869.
O. P. HOUGHTON, of the firm of Newman & Houghton, would respectfully inform his old customers and friends, and the public generally, that he has purchased the interest of I. D. Fox in the establishment of McMillan & Fox, No. 128 Commercial street. I shall take equally as much pleasure in selling groceries and woolen goods at my new place of business as I did in measuring calico at my former place.
I have decided, after deliberate consideration, that a city life in Emporia, surrounded by so many congenial spirits, is preferable to herding Texas cattle on the frontier.
Emporia News, September 10, 1869.
McMillan & Houghton,
DEALERS IN Wool, Woolen Goods, -AND-
New Store, below Wright’s, near the Court House, EMPORIA, KANSAS.
The motto of this firm shall be “Small profits and quick returns.” We are paying the highest market price for WOOL, either in cash or goods.
Our stock of woolen goods is complete. It Cannot be Equaled West of the JACKSONVILLE (ILL.) FACTORIES. To our stock of Woolen Goods we have added a LARGE & COMPLETE STOCK -OF- GROCERIES.
[This is the new store O. P. Houghton tied himself to. Weird!]
Emporia News, September 10, 1869.
NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. McMillan & Houghton. Newman & Houghton.
Emporia News, September 10, 1869.
[Under Local Notices.]
Just Received. Large stock of Groceries at McMillan & Houghton’s.
Now is the time, and Newman & Houghton’s is the place to select new dresses.
If you want a Blanket that will stand the rub, go to McMillan & Houghton’s.
A splendid stock of Flannels, plain and fancy, just received at Newman & Houghton’s.
Cheap Balmorals and Coverlets, at McMillan & Houghton’s.
For Ladies’ and Gent’s underwear, go to Newman & Houghton’s.
Woolen Blankets. A large stock just received at Newman & Houghton’s.
If you wish to see something new and tasty for table covers, call at Newman & Houghton’s.
First word on the notorious Danford, who became a banker...
Emporia News, September 10, 1869.
NEW AGENCY. Hanna & Danford have opened an office in Jones’ building, over Newman & Houghton’s store, in the room lately occupied as a Presbyterian church, where they will do a general agency business. They will buy and sell lands, furnish abstracts of titles, pay taxes, do conveyancing, insurance, etc. . . .
Emporia News, September 10, 1869.
The Presbyterian Church has leased the upper story of the new building of Truworthy & Tandy, on Commercial street, and will occupy it for a place of worship till they can build. It is a very commodious room, much larger, better ventilated, and in every way more suitable for a growing congregation than the one they have been occupying. It will be ready for use by Sabbath week. Services next Sabbath at the hall over Newman & Houghton’s store, morning and evening. Sabbath school at 9 o’clock a.m.
Both Houghton and Newman are married: Houghton gets married in Emporia. Newman goes back to Maine to get married.
Emporia News, September 24, 1869.
MARRIED. At the residence of W. R. Bradford, Esq., corner of State street and Fifth avenue, September 18th, by Rev. M. L. S. Noyes, Mr. ORRIN P. HOUGHTON, of this city, to Miss MARIA BISBEE, of Sumner, Maine.
MARRIED. At the residence of the bride’s father, in Weld, Maine, September 6th, 1869, by Rev. A. Maxwell, A. A. NEWMAN, of Emporia, and MARY M. HOUGHTON, of Weld.
Newman gets tied up with brother. Houghton joins with McMillan.
Emporia News, September 24, 1869.
[New Advertisers. Newman & Bro., McMillan & Houghton.]
McMillan & Houghton are receiving the largest and best stock of Cassimeres and Jeans ever brought to Emporia.
Emporia News, September 24, 1869.
NEW FIRM. As will be seen in a new advertisement, G. W. Newman supersedes O. P. Houghton in the dry-goods business. Young Mr. Newman has been in the store some months as a clerk, and has already made many friends by his urbane and gentlemanly deportment. We wish the new firm a rush of customers and drawers full of greenbacks.
Emporia News, September 24, 1869.
RETURNED. Our fellow townsman, A. A. Newman, has returned from Maine, where he had been spending several weeks, a few days ago. As will be seen in the proper place, he brought with him a wife. The lady of O. P. Houghton also accompanied Mr. Newman here. We welcome these gentlemen among the Benedicts of the town, and wish them and their brides a long, happy, and prosperous residence with us.
Emporia News, September 24, 1869.
McMillan & Houghton still have some of that choice corn meal so much praised.
A large stock of home-knit socks, at 60 cents per pair, at McMillan & Houghton’s.
If the ladies want any kind of HEAVY SHOES, all they will have to pay for them will be $1.25 to $2.00, at McMillan & Houghton’s.
Coverlets, Balmorals, and Blankets; any price, color, or quality at McMillan & Houghton’s.
Emporia News, September 24, 1869.
Office over Newman & Houghton’s store.
Emporia News, October 2, 1869.
Newman & Bro. are out with a fine display of business locals. They have the goods, and are bound to sell.
Fine Bleached and brown Table Linens, at remarkably low prices, at NEWMAN & BRO’S.
Carpetings. Best Hartford three ply, Ingrain two ply, Venetian Stair carpet Coir, Matting, Hemp, Oil and Rag Carpetings, at NEWMAN & BRO’S.
Call and see our new plaid dress flannels, shirtings, and Huseys. NEWMAN & BRO.
Woolen and Cotton Yarns, at NEWMAN & BRO’S.
Nice Lot of Zephyrs, at NEWMAN & BRO’S.
New Styles in Ladies’ Shawls. A full line of high colored plaids, at NEWMAN & BRO’S.
Best Goods at lowest prices, at NEWMAN & BRO’S.
A full assortment, best buck and gauntlet Gloves, at NEWMAN & BRO’S.
Kid Gloves, black, white, and fancy colors, at NEWMAN & BRO’S.
Complete Stock of ladies’, gents’, and children’s hosiery, at NEWMAN & BRO’S.
Cotton Bolts and Wadding, at NEWMAN & BRO’S.
Cloakings and ladies’ cloth, at NEWMAN & BRO’S.
Dress Goods and Trimmings, at NEWMAN & BRO’S.
Ladies’ Silk Vests, at NEWMAN & BRO’S.
Best Green Teas @ $1.50 per pound.
Best Black Teas @ $1.25 per pound. at NEWMAN & BRO’S.
McLaughlin arrives on the scene in Emporia...
Emporia News, October 8, 1869.
Messrs. Newman & McLaughlin have commenced the construction of a new business house, 26 x 70, 35 feet high, on the corner of Mechanics Street and Sixth Avenue. The building is to be of stone, with brick front supported by cut stone columns. It is to be finished and ready for occupancy by next May.
Emporia News, October 22, 1869.
AD. LATEST STYLES IN LADIES’ FURS. Russian Fitch, Astracan, River Mink, Siberian Squirrel, French Sable, and Cony Furs, in new styles at prices as low as they can be bought at St. Louis, or any eastern city. Call and examine for yourselves. NEWMAN & BRO.
A FINE ASSORTMENT Ladies Silk and Morocco Vests. NEWMAN & BRO.
LADIES AND GENTS’ Rubber Overshoes at NEWMAN & BRO.’S.
[There were more that I skipped.]
Emporia News, October 22, 1869.
McMillan & Houghton ran their usual ads plus a few new ones. I skipped.
Emporia News, November 12, 1869.
Work on the new business house of Newman & McLaughlin is progressing rapidly. The basement is completed, and the cut stone front for the first story is being put in. This will be, when finished, one of the best buildings in town.
Emporia News, November 19, 1869.
E. T. Sprague has the contract for the wood work on Newman & McLaughlin’s new business house on Sixth Avenue. Mr. Sprague has been here all summer, and has the reputation of being a good workman.
Emporia News, December 3, 1869.
Committee member Temperance program given at Methodist Church: G. W. Newman.
Newman becomes a Stockholder in insurance firm...
Note: Jacob Stotler was the editor of the Emporia newspaper. He later became a member of the town company that settled Arkansas City.
Emporia News, December 10, 1869.
Insurance Company secured a local organization in Emporia.
Requisite stock of $10,00 taken on December 7, 1869. Stockholders met in the Real Estate and Insurance office of Dawson & Havenhill, and organized the Emporia branch.
Manager, E. B. Peyton; Local Directors, Jacob Stotler, J. C. Fraker.
Stockholder: A. A. Newman: Merchant.
Emporia News, December 17, 1869.
Newman & Bro. have received the largest stock of Dry Goods now in Emporia, all bought since the decline in gold. They can and will sell them at prices so low as to astonish everyone. Call and examine.
Emporia News, December 17, 1869.
Cash paid for Eggs, Butter, Lard, and Potatoes at McMILLAN & HOUGHTON’s.
Emporia News, December 24, 1869.
Our large stock of Ladies’ Furs will be closed out this month regardless of cost. What more appropriate Christmas present than a nice set of Furs. Look at the prices.
Astrakhan Furs: $15.00
Siberian Fitch: $23.00
French Sable: $8.00
French Coney: $5.00
Emporia News, January 7, 1870.
A Glimpse of the Business of 1869.
The principal houses are Bancroft and McCarter, Newman and Bro., T. G. Wibley, Hall and Bro., J. C. Fraker, and P. G. Hallburg. The first named firm commenced business in October, and has sold at the rate of from eight to ten thousand dollars per month.
Newman Brothers (late Newman and Houghton) have sold during the year in the neighborhood of fifty thousand dollars worth of goods.
Most of the stores above (dry goods) keep groceries, but we have some large establishments exclusively in the grocery and provision business. Bailey and Painter, Gillett and Hadley, McMillan and Houghton, and Wicks and Mayse are the principal firms in this line of trade. They are all doing a splendid business. The houses of McMillan and Houghton and Bailey and Painter have been established during the past year. Wicks and Mayse bought out G. W. Frederick. Bay and Hall, an old house in this trade, went out of business. Besides these houses, J. L. Dalton, Ferguson and Harvey, and John W. Morris do a very considerable grocery trade. Estimate for grocery trade of the town during 1869: $200,000.
P. J. Lehnhard, Topliff and French, and William Clapp are the firms in this trade. Messrs. Lehnhard and Clapp have manufactories in connection with their trade, and manufacture extensively. Many of the dry goods establishments keep these articles. No estimate given for sales during 1869.
Skipped Clothing, Hardware Stores, etc. None of the names seemed familiar.
Emporia News, January 7, 1870.
The stone work, after some delay, is resumed on Newman & McLaughlin’s new building, on Sixth Avenue. The walls of the second story are rapidly going up under the hammers of numerous masons.
Emporia News, January 7, 1870.
A LARGE STORE. Newman Bro.’s have one of the largest stocks of dry goods, groceries, and other goods, in town, and are doing an extensive business. We are gratified to note their prosperity. They have a large country trade, and are generally able to furnish their city customers with fresh butter and eggs.
Emporia News, March 4, 1870.
Newman Bros., the young, enterprising and genial men who keep the general store three doors north of this office, have received a lot of muslins and other domestics this week, and a supply of ready-made clothing also, which they will sell low. This is only a shadow of the stock they will receive in a week or two. They are doing a lively business and merit much more.
Emporia News, March 11, 1870.
Business Notices.
Groceries at reduced rates at McMILLAN & HOUGHTON’S.
Best Hartford three ply carpets at NEWMAN & BRO.’s.
Walnut Valley Times, Friday, March 11, 1870.
A. A. NEWMAN, FATHER AND BROTHER, together with a number of others, passed down the Valley on a prospecting tour this week. They admired Eldorado, of course.
[Newman’s father, Augustus Newman, returned to his home in Weld, Maine after this trip. Daniel Beedy was probably a part of the group. The Arkansas City Republican of April 18, 1885, reports that I. L. Newman was part of that party. We do not know what his relationship to “A. A.” was. RKW]
Walnut Valley Times, March 18, 1870.
We understand that the Newman outfit took a claim near Creswell whereon to build a mill. Milling is a big thing in the Walnut valley.
Emporia News, April 1, 1870.
A. A. Newman, of the firm of Newman Bros., has gone east after goods, which, upon their arrival, will be received in their new storeroom, on the corner of Sixth avenue and Market street. This is a magnificent room, and will be filled with a magnificent stock of goods. The front room above will be occupied as a millinery store, and the basement as a restaurant. Newman Bros. will themselves occupy a portion of the upper story.
Emporia News, April 8, 1870.
NEW GOODS. Newman Brothers will receive in a few days, their large and well-selected stock of spring goods, which the senior member of the firm is now ordering in New York. They are purchasing more heavily than ever before, to satisfy the demands of their extensive and rapidly increasing trade. They expect to be ready to open them on or about the 15th, in their new building on Sixth avenue.
In connection with the above, Mr. Newman will bring on a heavy stock of millinery goods, the largest and finest ever brought to Emporia, which will be opened about the same time, in the spacious and elegant front room above. An excellent milliner from Boston, a lady of ten years’ experience in the East, will return with Mr. Newman. We advise the ladies to delay their purchase of millinery until they have examined their stock.
Emporia News, April 15, 1870.
A. C. Armstrong is fitting up a restaurant in Newman Bros.’ new building. He will have it ready for business next week. Mr. Armstrong has had experience in this line, and will conduct a first-class restaurant in every respect. Boarders will be accommodated by both day and week board.
Emporia News, April 15, 1870.
The plastering of the new storeroom of Newman and McLaughlin, on the corner of Sixth Avenue and Mechanics Street, is probably the best job of the kind in town. We do not know the artists who smeared the mud.
Emporia News, April 15, 1870.
The Social Club will give a social hop in Newman’s new building, corner of Sixth Avenue and Mechanics Street this evening.
Emporia News, April 22, 1870.
Newman & Bro. will move into their new storeroom on the corner of Sixth avenue and Mechanics street the latter part of next week. They are receiving and will continue to receive many new goods. If the ladies wish to see something fine in the way of dress goods, they should go to this store. We will not enter into details until after they move. They speak for themselves in another column.
Emporia News, April 22, 1870.
NEWMAN & BRO. are receiving their mammoth stock of spring goods. They have a fine and complete assortment of Dress Goods, White Goods, Hosiery, Dress Trimmings, Clothing, Carpeting, Hats, Boots and Shoes. They bought in New York and Boston, at lower prices than goods have reached since 1881, and will sell at great bargains. They will move into their new store on Sixth avenue next week. All who wish good goods at low prices, will do well to give them a call.
Emporia News, April 29, 1870.
Newman & Bro.’s double-column advertisement will appear next week. It was expected that they would move into their new building the latter part of this week, but the carpenters have disappointed them, and it will not be ready for occupation until week after next. In the meantime, they are prepared to accommodate everybody with everything in the mercantile line. They are doing an immense trade. We called several times without finding them at leisure.
Emporia News, April 29, 1870.
Would announce that he has fitted up in first-class style a RESTAURANT, Which he proposes to conduct in a first-class manner, in the basement of the new STONE BUILDING OF NEWMAN & BRO., Corner Mechanics Street & Sixth Avenue. He would respectfully invite the patronage of the public.
Emporia News, May 6, 1870.
We have a large stock and attractive styles of Dress Goods, Black Silks, Japanese Silks, Irish and French Poplins, white and figured Piquet, white, figured, and buff Brilliants, checked and striped Nainsooks, Organdy, Swiss, Book and Mull Muslin, white and colored Tarletons, checked and plain Challies, French, Scotch, and American Ginghams, Chambrays, etc.
The celebrated brand of PRIZE MEDAL BLACK ALPACAS.
Shawls, Arab Mantles, Paisley, Ristori, and several other beautiful and popular styles.
Ladies’ Skirts, White and Colored, Embroidered and Plain; together with the latest novelties in Hoop Skirts.
Ladies’ Baskets, Morocco Bags and Satchels, and a great variety of the best Gloves and Hosiery.
BAJOU KID GLOVES. Best in the market. Every Pair WARRANTED.
CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, Satinets, Jeans, Cottonades, Linen Drills, CLOAKINGS AND SACKINGS.
We especially request inspection of our assortment of Bleached, Brown, Dice-checked, and Turkey Red TABLE LINENS AND NAPKINS.
The largest and most attractive stock ever brought to Emporia. Ladies are respectfully requested to call and examine it. Mrs. C. Kidder, an experienced Milliner, late of Boston, will have charge of this department.
Country Merchants will do well to examine our stock and prices before going East, as we will sell at Leavenworth, Kansas City, or St. Louis Prices.
Emporia News, May 6, 1870.
Newman & Bro. are going to move into their new store next week. They will have the neatest storeroom in town. They have an immense stock of beautiful and cheap goods to move into it. The millinery department, in charge of Mrs. C. Kidder, just from Boston, was opened yesterday, upstairs in the new building. We visited this department yesterday, and we assure the ladies that they will find many bonnets there that they will at sight call sweet, etc.
Emporia News, June 3, 1870.
Newman & Bro. are selling more goods per week since they moved into their new store than they ever did before, a fact that we were very much gratified to learn, and which we are pleased to tell to our readers. Let all who are glad to hear it give them a call, and we are sure their sales will still be enlarged.
Emporia News, June 10, 1870.
Its Advantageous Location and Flattering Prospects.
The above is the name of a new town located on the site lately occupied by the Creswell town company.
It is located near the junction of the Arkansas and Walnut Rivers, and is surrounded by extensive and rich valleys of land, and plenty of timber. It is at the point where a railroad down the Walnut Valley will form a junction with one up the Arkansas Valley, both of which will be built at no distant day.
It possesses a splendid water power, which Messrs. Beedy & Newman are under contract to improve by the erection of a water flouring and saw mill at an early day.
It now has a splendid steam mill in successful operation, owned by Major Sleeth, late of El Dorado. A shingle manufactory will be in running order in a very few days.
Twelve buildings are up and in process of construction, among which is Woolsey’s hotel, which has a front of fifty feet on the street, and is thirty-two feet deep. There are in the town at present four stores, one hardware, one grocery store, and two that keep a general stock.
Twenty-six buildings are under contract to be put up just as soon as the lumber can be obtained. Among these we may mention buildings for lumber yard and carpenter shop, bakery, restaurant, boot and shoe store, drug store, clothing store, dry goods and clothing store, meat market, stage and express office, book store, cabinet shop, residences, etc.
The Southern Kansas Stage Company will commence running a tri-weekly line of hacks to Arkansas City in about ten days, carrying mail twice a week from El Dorado. They have become interested in the town, and will immediately put up large stables, and make this their headquarters for the stage and express business in Southwestern Kansas.
Many of the new business houses to be put up are large two-story buildings. Among these is a town hall, 25 x 40 feet. A schoolhouse will be erected during the summer.
A ferry will be put in running order across the Arkansas at this point, at an early day, and it is thought much of the Texas cattle business will be done at Arkansas City this summer.
Native lumber is furnished cheaper than at any point in Southern Kansas. Stone is plenty.
A newspaper will be established here during the season. For this object the company offer liberal inducements.
The town company offer great inducements to settlers. No lots are sold, but they are given away to those who will build business houses and residences.
There are plenty of good claims within two to five miles of the town.
The people are enterprising, wide awake, and will do all in their power to assist newcomers.
One or more churches will probably be built this season.
The Arkansas and Walnut Valleys are unsurpassed in the West for fertility of soil, and plentiful supply of timber.
Water has been obtained in Arkansas City at a depth of sixteen feet.
Now is the time to settle in that portion of the country if newcomers want first choice.
Emporia News, July 29, 1870.
Mr. A. A. Newman is having a two-story house built on Sixth Avenue, near Market Street, for Mr. A. N. Harlin, of Boston, Massachusetts. It will be for rent when completed. The first floor will make a good business room, for which it is designed.
Emporia News, August 5, 1870.
A. A. Newman has gone East after new goods.
Emporia News, August 19, 1870.
A. A. Newman is in New York buying goods. The first installment, consisting of a mammoth stock of blankets, flannels, hosiery, coverlets, crash and table linens, etc., has arrived, and they are looking for the arrival of a general assortment of other goods in a few days. [Yes, they used the word “crash”...???]
Item put in by RKW...
The Arkansas City Traveler of August 24, 1870, made this announcement.
“We in the Walnut Valley have heretofore suffered great inconvenience for lack of a flouring mill. There is no gristmill south of Cottonwood. The price of flour has been high in consequence. But our farmers generally preferred to pay it, rather than haul grain fifty or a hundred miles to a mill.
“Now however a change is at hand. A wealthy and enterprising firm has fully contracted to begin work on a sawmill and gristmill at this point. The water power on the Walnut River is one of the very best in Kansas—sufficient to run four stones the year round. The contract provides that the mill be completed October 1871.”
Emporia News, August 26, 1870.
Newman Bros. are still receiving goods, notwithstanding their shelves are full, their counters loaded, and every corner heaped with everything imaginable.
Emporia News, September 9, 1870.
A. A. Newman returned last week from New York. Their large storeroom will hardly contain the goods he bought, and which are being received daily.
Emporia News, September 16, 1870.
Millinery! Millinery!! at Wholesale and Retail. They have a large and beautiful stock at Newman & Bro’s, 109 Sixth Avenue, just received from New York, consisting of the latest style of Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons, Feathers, Flowers, Velvets, Laces, and everything in the line of Millinery, together with a splendid assortment of fancy articles for ladies’ wear. Elegant Roman Sashes, the first ever brought to Emporia. Also plain and fancy ribbons for sashes; collars of thread and print lace, Valenciennes, Cluny, etc., of the newest styles; Guipure and thread lace for trimming; Swiss, Cambric, and Hamburg edgings in great variety.
Emporia News, September 23, 1870.
For Sale. One five acre lot in Goodrich’s addition to the town of Emporia. Lot fenced and broke, and one hundred apple trees set out last spring. A splendid chance for Market Gardening. Will be sold cheap, partly on time if desired. Inquire of T. H. McLaughlin, at Newman & Bros. store.
Emporia News, September 23, 1870.
MAGNIFICENT. It was our pleasure to spend a few minutes in the handsome millinery establishment of Mrs. Newman the other day, examining the wonderful works of art in that line. The perfection to which the manufacturer of artificial flowers has been brought is one of the wonders of the age. The delicate tints, brilliancy, and harmonious blending of colors, the imitation of nature in all the minutiae that attached to the natural growth and even accident in the lives of the tender ornaments of the natural world, are so skillfully and tastefully portrayed as to surpass in beauty and form even the flowers they were made to represent. Only the fragrance and microscopic peculiarities of the natural are wanting in the artificial to render them equal in value and attractiveness. The skill of human hands, as demonstrated by the exhibitions of Mrs. Newman and Mrs. Kidder, is not confined to their flowers. We were shown a “perfect love of a bonnet,” which our knowledge of terms peculiar to the world of women and fashion is too limited to attempt to describe. Suffice it to say that it cost sixty dollars, and is the prettiest object of the kind we ever beheld. The point lace collars, gorgeous sashes, etc., with which the fair sex adorn their persons, shown to us on this occasion, excited alike our wonder and admiration. The more substantial necessities of domestic economy are to be found in profusion in the store below. A visit to this establishment, reader, will recompense you for coming miles to see.
Emporia News, October 7, 1870.
Newman Bros. are disposing of their immense stock in a lively manner. We stepped into the store the other day, just as they were sending out an order of over $1,200 worth of goods, and as they did not seem to think it a big thing, of course we had to conclude it was nothing unusual.
Walnut Valley Times, December 9, 1870.
From the Arkansas City Traveler of November the 30 we take the following.
Mr. Beedy is here, and has commenced work upon his water-power. We shall soon have running at this point the best saw-mill and grist-mill in Kansas. Mr. Beedy is a mill-wright of extensive means, and of many years experience. He has built mills on many rivers, from Maine to Oregon. Our people need not entertain the slightest doubt about the matter. Beedy & Newman mean business.
RKW also inserted the following information:
“Mrs. Albert (Mate) Newman said that the mill was built with the grain-receiving bin higher up on the bank of the river. The grain slid by gravity down chutes to the grinder. The mill therefore was built on the east side of the Walnut River where Kansas Avenue intersects the river. The dam extended to the west.”
Emporia News, December 9, 1870.
This new town, located at the junction of Walnut and Arkansas Rivers, is building up rapidly. We glean a few items in relation to the town from the report of the President—Prof. H. B. Norton—and Executive Committee of the town company, made at a meeting of said Company held in this place last Monday.
The first building was completed in April last, and by a liberal policy in donating lots to those who would build thereon, fifty-six buildings are now up and occupied; twenty more are in process of construction, and will be completed within the next twenty days; twenty-five others are under contract to be built as soon as the materials can be had. It is believed that over 100 buildings will be completed by the 15th of January. This is now the largest town in the Walnut Valley, leaving out El Dorado.
The buildings now occupied include some of good dimensions, such as the City Hotel, just erected by the Town Company, which has a basement and two stories, and the main part being 25 x 30 feet. Many of the business houses are 25 x 40 and two stories high. The Woolsey house, which is in running order, is 22 x 34, with a two-story wing nearly as large.
Among the branches of business now being carried on is the following: Carpenters, dry goods, harness shop, boarding houses, millinery and dress making, land office, bakery, grocery, restaurant, paint shop, blacksmithing, livery stable, wagon making, billiard hall, hotels, hardware and stoves, tin ship, drug store, printing office, clothing store, candle factory, meat market, jewelry store, shoe shop, feed store, soap factory, etc.
Trade is good in the town, and as the Walnut and Arkansas valleys are rich and arable for miles, the country will be thickly settled, and business will steadily grow better. It is so situated, also, as to command the trade of several tribes of Indians, in their new homes in the Indian Territory.
Parties are erecting a large building for the sale and manufacture of agricultural implements; also, for a town hall 25 x 60 feet. Another hotel is underway to be 30 x 50 feet in size, two stories high.
The Southern Kansas Italian Immigration Society has made Arkansas City its headquarters, and has already erected a building for an office. Two hundred families will be located in the vicinity, by the agent, who is already making arrangements for them, early in the Spring. They will engage in silk and grape culture.
The total number of lots donated, so far, for the benefit of the town, by the Company, 253. A large number more are yet to be donated.
A ferry is now running over the Walnut River at the town, and one will soon be running over the Arkansas, and arrangements are being made to cross Texas cattle at this place next season. A road has been laid out south to intersect the well known Chisholm trail, and traders pronounce the route via Arkansas City superior in every respect to the Western trail.
Two of the best saw mills in Southern Kansas are running day and night at Arkansas City, and they cannot supply the demand for lumber. Two shingle machines are also in operation, and to one of the mills is being added a lath mill and gig-saw.
Beedy & Newman who entered into contract last season to improve the water-power near the place, are already at work on a large water mill, which will be running next summer.
The flow of immigration to the town and country is steadily increasing, and the demand for town lots on the liberal terms offered by the company, was never so great as now.
The company will obtain title for their site at an early day, and the town will have a growth next season which will be rapid and permanent. Few towns in Southern Kansas have a better location.
Emporia News, December 30, 1870.
The officers of Emporia Chapter No. 12 and Emporia Lodge No. 12, A. F. and A. M., were installed on Friday evening last. The officers of the chapter are:
A. A. Newman, M. 3rd Vail.
Emporia News, January 20, 1871.
Emporia News, January 20, 1871.
There is not a handsomer or better kept stock of dry goods in anybody’s town than can be seen in Newman Bros.’ establishment, this city.
Emporia News, February 17, 1871.
Thirteen singers met Wednesday night at the residence of Mr. A. A. Newman, to rehearse the cantata of “The Haymakers,” with a view of giving a concert some evening.
Emporia News, March 10, 1871.
Newman’s Bro.’s sidewalk was piled high with boxes, the other day, from which people said they had received new goods. They keep the neatest store in Kansas, and if they do not have the best of goods, good taste goes for naught in purchasing, and everybody!—well, everybody says they do keep good goods.
Emporia News, April 14, 1871.
Read the splendid large advertisement of Messrs. Newman & Bro. They have just received as fine a stock of dry goods as has ever been brought to this market. Silks and poplins, prints and ginghams, broadcloths and cassimeres, doeskins and tweeds, boots and shoes, hats and caps, and carpets of all kinds and qualities fill their fine storeroom on Sixth avenue as it has never been filled before. Their stock of millinery is also unsurpassed. It would take all the fine words in the dictionary to appropriately describe the beautiful things Mrs. Newman can show you if you will drop in to see them. Their prices are most reasonable.
Emporia News, April 21, 1871.
Wholesale and Retail.
Have just received from the Importers and Manufacturers the largest line of Spring and Summer DRESS GOODS Ever brought to Emporia, and will sell at LOWER PRICES than ever.
Black Silks, All Qualities.
Japanese Silks and Poplins, Striped and Checked.
Plain and Fancy SILKS.
Silk Warp Pongees,
Silk Warp Diagonals,
Silk Warp SERGES,
Silk Warp Epinglines,
French Figured Grenadines,
Swiss Mulls,
French Welts, White and Buff.
French and English Prints, French Lawns, Buff Linen Lawns, Buff Linen for suits.
Percales, Marsailes, Piques, French, Scotch, and Chambray Ginghams.
BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, Broadcloths, Cassimeres, Diagonals, Doeskins, Tweeds, Cottonades, Denims, Etc.
Prints and Muslin by the case, bolt or yard.
Emporia News, April 28, 1871.
Read the card of Mrs. Newman and Mrs. Kidder in another column, and then go and examine their stock of millinery.
Emporia News, May 5, 1871.
A. A. Newman
T. H. McLaughlin.
O. P. Houghton.
Emporia News, May 12, 1871.
Without any noise or ostentation, a great work is going on in our midst. Mr. Beedy, with a strong force, is steadily pushing ahead. The dam is almost completed; the machinery for the sawmill has been ordered; the whole establishment will be in running order by October 1st.
A careful estimate gives, at the lowest stage of water, an available force of 270 horse power. Three powerful turbines will at once be put in position; a grist mill, having three run of stones, a sawmill, a lath and shingle mill, will all be speedily running at this point.
The sawmill is about ready to raise. It is thirty-five by fifty-five feet. The flouring mill is 35 x 40 feet, four stories high.
The water power is amply sufficient to run the above mentioned machinery, leaving a large power available for other purposes; of which, more anon.
We cannot too strongly thank, or highly compliment, the business energy which has thus dared to push out into the wilderness, and rear such costly buildings in advance of all productive industry. It will bring its own reward. The people of Cowley County will certainly owe much to Messrs. Beedy and Newman for the good work in which they are engaged. Arkansas City Traveler.
Emporia News, July 7, 1871.
Col. J. M. Steele declining to serve as an appraiser of the lots fronting on Commercial street between 3rd and 7th avenue for the purpose of assessing against them the curbing, guttering, and macadamizing of the street, Mr. A. A. Newman was appointed instead.
Emporia News, July 21, 1871.
Eliza J. Bell vs. J. B. Bell; judgment against A. A. Newman, garnishee for $21.39, and accruing costs.
Emporia News, July 28, 1871.
A. A. Newman and wife left for the east Monday, where they will spend several weeks.
Emporia News, August 18, 1871.
Newman & Bro. opened a huge pile of boxes yesterday, and “new goods” is their battle cry. They are selling at prices low enough to draw money out of anybody’s pocket, even in these tight times.
Emporia News, August 25, 1871.
We [Stotler] spent a few days in this beautiful and thriving young town, which sets upon an elevation at the junction of the Arkansas and Walnut Rivers. We were perfectly delighted with the town and surrounding country. If we were going to change our location in this State, we would go to Arkansas City as quick as we could get there. Its location is good for at least two railroads, one down the Walnut and one through the Arkansas valley. The Arkansas valley is much broader and more fertile than we had expected to find it. We firmly believe the Arkansas Valley soil will excel every section in the State in corn and vegetable crops.
In Cowley and Sumner Counties nearly every quarter section has upon it a bona fide settler. Fortunately the speculators were not allowed to get their clutches on an acre of it. On account of this heavy settlement, Arkansas City is bound to have a good trade. She will also receive a share of the Texas trade.
This town has over 100 buildings. Among the rest, and about the largest and best, is the city hotel, kept by our friend, H. O. Meigs. It is the best kept hotel in the Walnut Valley. The table is supplied with good, substantial food, and what is not the case with all tables, it is clean and well cooked; altogether, this is the cleanest, best ventilated, and most homelike public house we have found in our travels lately.
We found here a large number of old Emporia men in business, among whom we may mention O. P. Houghton, Judge McIntire and sons, the Mortons, Charley Sipes, Mr. Page, Mr. Beck, and others. They are all doing well, and have unlimited faith in their town and county.
Beedy & Newman are building a large water mill near the town. They have already expended $8,000 in the enterprise, and will soon be ready for sawing.
Close to the town we found Max Fawcett upon a beautiful piece of land amid grape vines, trees, shrubs, and flowers. He is testing the capabilities of the soil for all kinds of fruits, and has so far the best encouragement. Wherever he is, Max. will be a public benefactor.
We shall go to Arkansas City again in two or three years on the cars. We shall ride up to Meigs’ hotel in a comfortable bus from the depot, and see a town of two thousand inhabitants. You see if we don’t. Cowley is the prettiest, healthiest, and most fertile county we have seen in the State.
Emporia News, September 22, 1871.
We neglected last week to note the return of our popular and wide awake merchant, A. A. Newman, who had been in the east for several weeks, where he bought an immense stock of goods, part of which has already arrived, and the balance will be opened this week. Mrs. Newman accompanied Mr. Newman and purchased heavily for the millinery establishment connected with the store. These goods were expected last evening. This will undoubtedly be good news for the ladies of Emporia.
Emporia News, September 22, 1871.
We learn that the farmers hereabouts are making preparations to sow winter wheat largely this fall. It is the right thing to do. No one should neglect it.
Beedy and Newman will be ready to grind it as soon as harvested. By next fall there will be a heavy demand for flour coming up from the new settlers in the Indian country.
Arkansas City Traveler.
Winfield Messenger, November 1, 1872.
AD: GRINDING. The Arkansas City Water Mill, on the Walnut, is now in successful operation. Custom grinding at all hours. Shelling and bolting without extra charge. BEEDY & NEWMAN, Proprietors.
Winfield Courier, Saturday, January 11, 1873.
The following bills were presented and rejected.
Newman & Houghton, laid over endorsing the County Attorney’s decision.
L. M. McLaughlin, laid over with same action as Newman & Houghton.
Bills allowed:
Newman & Houghton, goods for pauper: $7.45
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 13, 1873.
MARCH 9TH, 1873.
Action on bills against the county as follows:
L. M. McLaughlin, for coffin furnished pauper in Pleasant Valley Township: Claimed: $12.00. Allowed: $10.00
Bills laid over and rejected as follows:
Bill of Newman, H & Sherburne, not itemized.
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874.
Items from the Traveler.
Since the raise of the Arkansas, large shoals of cat and buffalo fish can be seen on the rocks near, and under, Newman’s mill. We never saw so many before. The boys amuse themselves by trying to drop large stones on them as they swim by.
Winfield Courier, March 18, 1875.
No. 469. Wyland J. Keffer, vs. Albert A. Newman, et al.
Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.
New Flour. J. P. Woodyard purchased 300 bushels of wheat of A. A. Newman last week, at ninety cents per bushel, and will grind it this week.
Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.
Cowley County, away down here on the Indian border, is running over with peace and plenty. Her crops were so abundant, the days so delightful, the nights so delicious, her people happy and contented, that indeed:
“If there’s peace to be found in the world,
A heart that was humble, might hope for it here!”
Arkansas City has the most enterprise, the wealthier merchants, and one newspaper well supported by her businessmen. Her merchants advertise extensively, and are drawing a large trade which naturally belongs to Winfield. One of her firms, A. A. Newman & Co., have the government contract to furnish Pawnee Agency with 750,000 pounds of flour, delivered at the Agency. This, besides aiding our wheat market, will furnish employment for a large number of teams. The distance is ninety miles.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 6, 1876.
is located upon a beautiful rise of ground commanding an enchanting view of the Arkansas and Walnut valleys. It is about four miles North of the South and six miles East of the West line of the county. The Arkansas passes about one-half mile West, and the Walnut about one-half mile East of the town site and form a junction about two miles and a half to the southeast.
In 1870 the following enterprises were established and were the first of the kind in the city: C. R. Sipes’ hardware store; Sleeth & Bro. saw mill; Richard Woolsey, hotel; Newman & Houghton clothing house (first in the county); Paul Beck, blacksmith shop; E. D. Bowen grocery store; Keith & Eddy drug store; J. I. Mitchell Harness shop; T. A. Wilkinson, restaurant and boarding house; Wm. Speers, first ferry across Arkansas River.
About one year after the organization of Adelphi, a dispensation was granted to the craft at Arkansas City, and in due time they received a charter under the name of Crescent Lodge, No. 133, with O. S. Smith, W. M.; E. B. Kager, S. W. Dexter Lodge is spoken of elsewhere.
On the 15th of March, 1875, a dispensation was granted M. L. Read, H. P.; M. C. Baker, K.; John D. Pryor, Scribe; W. C. Robinson, C. H.; A. Howland, P. S.; W. G. Graham, R. A. C.; J. W. Johnston, M. 3rd V.; P. Hill, M. 1st V.; A. A. Newman, member. October 19th, a charter was issued to them under the name Winfield Chapter, R. A. M., No. 31; and on the 26th of the same month the Chapter was instituted by J. C. Bennett, of Emporia. A list of the officers for this year was published last week. This branch of Masonry here is in good working order and in a healthy condition financially.
Haywood a relative of Newman...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.
Channell & Haywood’s.
More goods given away for less money than at any store in Cowley Co. Groceries, Stoneware, and Woodenware, Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Grainite Water. Agricultural implements of every kind! A carload of Studebaker Wagons just received. 150 Gang and Sulky Plows, and Common Breaking and Stirring Plows, will be in by January 1st, 1876.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.
Dry Goods!
A. A. NEWMAN & CO., Arkansas City, Kansas.
Our Fall Purchase of Dry Goods, Clothing, etc., has arrived, and we now offer, at challenging prices, the best line of Dry Goods, Clothing, Carpets, Silks, Hats, Caps, Boots, and Shoes ever put on the market in Southern Kansas.
Our trade is not confined to Arkansas City alone: we are willing to compete with or duplicate the prices of Wichita, Leavenworth, or Kansas City. If you don’t believe it, come and see. Our stock of Dry Goods embraces all the latest patterns in prints, and the very best Dress Goods. We have a fine assortment of Farmers, Boys, and Girls Boots, Shoes, and Rubbers. Also, Ladies’ and Gents’ Sewed Boots and Slippers. In Hats and Caps we have every variety, from the Cheapest to the Finest and Most Fashionable Styles. Buck Gloves, Mittens, Muffs, and Comforts.
White and Colored Shirts and Underwear.
Flannels, Muslins, Sheetings, Jeans, etc.
Prints Seven Cents per Yard!
Every variety of Gents’ and Boys’ Clothing, with prices to suit any. WE CAN GIVE YOU A FULL SUIT FROM $5 TO $50.
Sherburne also was a relative of Newman.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.
A Rare Chance!
Don’t Fail to be Benefitted By it! $10,000.000 worth of Dry Goods at Cost!
For 30 days—From January 20 to February 20, 1876. For Cash Only!
We have on hand a large stock of fall and winter goods purchased in New York and Boston. This Fall, when Goods were Lower than they have been for fifteen years, and we Are Bound to Sell Them To Make Room For Our Spring Stock! Consequently, we will, as stated above, sell at cost for the time mentioned—namely, 30 days. Come and See for Yourselves! We will sell you more goods for less money than you ever bought before. Respectfully,
Newman and some of his relatives were involved in the “Cowley County Bank.”
Note by RKW: This was the northeast corner of Fifth Avenue and Summit Street. The location is now a portion of the Home National Bank in Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.
Does a General Banking Business. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. Domestic and Foreign Exchange Bought and Sold. School Bonds a Specialty.
Collections promptly attended to.
In this issue “Observer” was C. M. Scott...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876. Front Page.
ARKANSAS CITY, Jan. 4, 1876.
In my last letter I informed you that Newman & Co. were building a fine brick store room 25 by 100 feet. The fine weather or some other cause has struck S. P. Channell & Co. with the same fever, so that they are now at work digging out the basement, to erect a new brick store room alongside of Newman’s, 25 by 100 feet, same style and finish; and from the way that Houghton & McLaughlin look across the street and see those two splendid brick stores going up, I shouldn’t be astonished if they caught the fever also, and by spring another new brick store will go up on the opposite corner. “Example is a wonderful teacher.”
Pitch in gentlemen, the investment is a safe one, in the opinion of a casual
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.
The Beethoven Singing Society met at the frame church last Friday evening, and elected the following officers.
President, E. D. Bowen.
Vice President, C. R. Sipes.
Treasurer, Miss Eva Swarts.
Secretary, Mrs. A. A. Newman.
Organist, Mrs. R. C. Haywood.
Director, Prof. E. W. Hulse.
A concert will be given within three weeks.
The following gives an indication that Newman relatives, Houghton and McLaughlin were now living in Arkansas City. O. P. Houghton was mayor at this time.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.
Have the largest stock of Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Clothing! And Notions, in the Walnut Valley, which they will sell for the next Sixty Days! Cheaper than any House in the Valley for Ready Pay. We will trade for Cash, Wheat, Oats, Corn, Furs, and Hides, Cattle, Horses, or Mules. We are going to sell!
Our stock of groceries, as usual, is complete, fresh, and cheap!
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.
RECAP: Albert A. Newman, plaintiff, vs. Edwin L. Chesney and Lewis H. Gardner, defendants. Sum: $1,096.35. Order for the sale of lots one and two and the south half of the northeast quarter of section two in township thirty-four south of range three east, in Cowley County, to satisfy said judgment, attorney’s fees, taxes, and costs, according to the three promissory notes and the mortgage given by Edwin L. Chesney to Lewis H. Gardner.
E. S. BEDILION, Clerk of the District Court.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.
Mr. Newman and J. L. Stubbs returned from the Pawnee Agency, last Monday, well pleased with their visit.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.
SOLD OUT. R. A. Houghton has sold his half-interest in the dry goods store to A. A. Newman. Rube says it don’t pay to sell goods on close figures, and then have a man run off every now and then owing him a hundred dollars.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.
A Union Social will be given by Mrs. Newman and Mrs. C. R. Mitchell at Pearson’s Hall, on Wednesday evening, Feb. 9. A cordial invitation is extended to all, and a good time will doubtless be had.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876. Front Page.
ARKANSAS CITY, February 8, 1876.
Editor Traveler:
In company with A. A. Newman, we recently paid a visit to the Pawnee Agency, and at your request, will give you a few items.
We left Arkansas City on Thursday. Owing to the rains of late, and the heavy freights that have passed over the road, it was very much cut up; but it is a natural route, and with a few days’ work, would make the best road in this section. Would it not be a wise move for the citizens of this place to take measures to have some improvements made on it?
We arrived at the Agency Friday afternoon; found Agent Burgess and family comfortably located in their new quarters, and to whom we are under obligations for their hospitality, and for much information relative to the progress of the Indians, their management, etc.
The tribe numbers about 2,400 persons. Their Reservation as contemplated embraces near 600,000 acres of land. While there is sufficient good land for all farming purposes, the proportion of good land is not so great as that between here and there; but it is adapted to stock growing, being well watered and timbered.
A portion of the tribe moved on their Reservation in June last, since which time they have broken 400 acres of prairie, 90 of which is in fall wheat, and looks fine. Thirty buildings have been erected, principally for the use of employees. This includes a large frame barn, with stabling capacity for fifty horses, granaries, etc. A saw mill has also been erected, at a cost of about $5,000, with which they have cut near 200,000 feet of lumber. An office of cut stone is under process of construction, and when completed, will be a very handsome structure. A very superior quality of building stone is found within easy reach of the Agency—mostly sandstone, but there is a sufficiency of limestone for all purposes.
Indian labor is employed as far as practicable, and they manifest considerable of skill in the use of tools, etc. Quite a number of full blood Indians are serving apprenticeships at the different trades, and we were informed by those over them that they take quite an interest in their work, and seem anxious to learn.
A day school is in progress, conducted by Miss Burgess and Mrs. Longshore, with an average attendance of 90 scholars, an equal number of boys and girls—something unusual for Indians, as they are almost universally opposed to the education of their girls, and their prejudices can only be overcome by time and an unlimited amount of patience. It being Saturday, we did not have an opportunity of visiting the school, but were informed that they are easily governed, and learn quite readily, several of them being able to read quite intelligently, having only been in school a little over a year.
A portion of their tribe are on their annual hunt, but meeting with poor success. They draw an annuity of $30,000, $15,000 of which they receive in annuity goods. The balance is paid them in cash, semi-annually.
We were shown Indians, who, two years ago, were the wildest of their tribe, but who are now wearing citizens’ clothes, and are evidently anxious to settle down to farming pursuits and follow the “white man’s road.”
The health of the tribe is not so good as on their old Reservation, owing probably to the change of climate. Their sanitary interests are cared for by Dr. Lamb, a very pleasant gentleman and a thorough practitioner.
Agent Burgess has had charge of the tribe for three years, and under his efficient management it is evident the Indians are making rapid strides toward civilization, which is nothing more than a just recompense for his efforts, as he is heartily engaged in his work, and certainly has a very rational method of dealing with his “children,” and if permitted to continue his administration a few years, we may expect to see them become self-sustaining.J. L. S.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.
At the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Cowley County Bank yesterday W. M. Sleeth, T. H. McLaughlin, R. C. Haywood, H. O. Meigs, and A. A. Newman were elected Directors for the year: A. A. Newman, President; W. M. Sleeth, Vice President; H. P. Farrar, Cashier and Secretary.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876.
NEW HOUSE. James Allen has the frame erected for a neat residence on First East street, near Mr. Newman’s. The site is one of the most desirable in town, and was given him by the City, under promise he would build.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.
MR. NEWMAN has a $225 pony team—the prettiest to be found in this vicinity.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.
The rut between this place and Newman’s mill has a culvert built over it.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.
Work continues on Newman’s and Haywood’s block; it will cost near $7,000 when completed.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 15, 1876. Front Page.
From the Spirit of Kansas.
As another evidence of our growth and prosperity as a five-year-old county, I will state what I believe to be true, from the best information I can get—that for the past five months there have been shipped from Cowley County, on an average, twenty wagon loads of wheat per day, averaging thirty-five bushels to the load—making in all over 107,000 bushels of wheat. I have counted as many as sixty loads per day between this place and Wichita. Some 2,000 bushels of wheat were shipped from our town in one day by Houghton & McLaughlin.
As another evidence of the prosperity of our farmers along the line, one firm in this city—Channell & Haywood (and they are not Grange agents, either)—sold during the past summer and fall 25 wagons, 85 plows, 42 reapers and mowers, 45 cultivators, 3 threshing machines, 10 wheat drills, 6 seeders, 15 sulky rakes, 2 sorghum mills, 10 fanning mills, besides a large number of small farming implements. It is no uncommon sight to see forty or fifty farm wagons in our town in a day.
And every once in awhile, our merchants send large amounts of flour into the Indian Nation to feed the noble red man and his interesting family. In one week, Channell & Haywood, the firm above alluded to, sent over 20,000 pounds of flour to the Sac & Foxes. Newman & Co., the same week sent 25,000 pounds on an 800,000 pound contract with the Osages.
But, notwithstanding these large exports of wheat and flour, our people are not happy. They want a railroad, and at the least mention of the words “railroad meeting,” the people flock together to see and hear what is going on.
A few weeks ago we had one of the most enthusiastic railroad meetings at Winfield I have ever attended. There must have been 1,500 people on the ground. This city sent a delegation of about 100 of her best citizens, accompanied by our famous silver cornet band.
The usual events of dying, marrying, and being born are still going on, and our city has its quota of each. As the two latter are gaining on the former, it necessitates the building of more houses, both public and private.
I notice preparations for quite a number of new dwellings to be put up this spring. O. P. Houghton, one of our leading merchants, has commenced hauling the brick and putting in the sills of his new residence. The Rev. S. B. Fleming is having a neat brick parsonage built that will be ready for occupation in a couple of months. Our grocery merchants, Page & Godehard, each contemplate building this spring. We hear of others who will need a house soon. Our Methodist brethren have contracted for a new church to be completed by the first of June. OBSERVER.
Arkansas City, February 27.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 22, 1876.
A. A. NEWMAN purchased the entire stock of Sherburne & Stubbs last week, and moved all but the groceries to his store room. We learn that R. A. Houghton purchased the groceries of Mr. Newman and intends keeping a grocery store. He has engaged Mr. S. J. Mantor to take charge of the groceries.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 22, 1876.
The Centennial Concert, rendered at the First Church last Saturday evening, by the church choir, was attended by more than one hundred persons. The introduction was made by Rev. Fleming in a manner that did credit to himself and gave spirit to the audience. The musical efforts were of high standing, and attended with success. The characters were interesting and somewhat comical. It struck us as a little funny to see Ethan Allen with his hair parted in the middle, and wearing white pants. George Washington, of the little hatchet fame, was introduced as the father of his country, and afterwards exhibited his skill on the organ in a manner that was “not so slow” for so aged a gentleman.
The characters represented were as follows.
Mrs. John Hancock - Mrs. Newman.
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1876.
District Court Docket.
The following is a list of cases that will stand for trial at the April term A. D. 1876, of the District Court of Cowley, and have been placed on the Trial Docket in the following order.
A. A. Newman vs. E. L. Chesney et al.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 5, 1876.
Mr. Newman and Silas Parker visited the noble nomads of the far West, at the Kaw Agency, this week.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 5, 1876.
MR. A. A. NEWMAN left this morning for New York and Boston, where he will purchase his spring and summer stock of Dry Goods. His present stock is a very large one, and when the new one comes on, it will evidently be the largest in Cowley County. Mr. Newman is a merchant of many years experience, and knows when and where to meet a good market.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 12, 1876.
The dam at Newman’s mill has been in danger for several days past.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 12, 1876.
J. L. STUBBS is at present clerking in George Newman’s store in Emporia.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.
NEWMAN and CHANNELL & HAYWOOD are building two two-story store rooms, with fifty feet front by 100 feet deep, of brick.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.
NEW GOODS this week at Houghton & McLaughlin’s and A. A. Newman’s.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.
The Ladies’ Society of the Presbyterian Church will meet at Mr. A. A. Newman’s this afternoon at 2 o’clock.
Have never been able to find out if Channell was related to Newman family...MAW
Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.
MR. AND MRS. CHANNELL will rusticate this summer in the East. Also, Mrs. Newman.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.
The store room of A. A. Newman is crowded to overflowing with his new stock of goods, and the tongues and heels of the proprietor and three clerks are almost constantly in motion. They have everything in the dry goods line, at prices lower than ever, new hats, new shoes, new dress patterns, new clothing, and all the new spring and summer goods are piled up to the ceiling. Call in before the goods are put on the shelves or stowed under the counter if you want to see a model stock.
Cowley County Democrat, May 18, 1876.
Arkansas City Items.
Newman, Channell, and Haywood’s brick buildings swarm with workmen and are rising every day.
Houghton & McLaughlin, and Newman are rolling in a big stock of goods, and the people are taking them off right along. They propose to duplicate Wichita or any other prices.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.
NEWMAN & CO. sold $500 dollars worth of goods last Saturday.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.
THE DAM AT NEWMAN’S MILL has been washed around on the west side so that the whole current of the river passes through the break. They are at work on it, and expect to have it repaired soon. With the bridge being gone, things look desolate about the mill at present.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1876.
What Cowley County is to the State, Bolton Township is to Cowley County, the banner wheat raising district. Unless a farmer has over sixty acres of wheat in his field, it is called a “patch.” A. A. Newman & Co. will harvest 200 acres; Reuben Bowers, 187; Henry Pruden, 165; Frank Lorry, 150; E. B. Kager, 150; Oscar Palmer, 150; the Beard Bros., 100; and we don’t know how many farmers 50 and 75 acre fields of the best wheat in the State. The majority of the farmers will use “Headers,” thus saving the expense of binding and shocking the grain. Of course, Bolton wants a railroad. We were told by one of her leading citizens that the township would not cast three dissenting votes to any railroad bond proposition that the Commissioners might submit, whether east, west, north, or south, it matters not to them, they all want a railroad. Courier.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1876.
A ferry across the Walnut at Newman’s Mill or Harmon’s ford would pay.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876.
A crib has been put in at Newman’s mill, and they will grind soon.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876.
The crossing is bad and dangerous at the ford at Newman’s mill. We know it.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.
GONE EAST. Mrs. Newman, Mrs. Haywood, and S. P. Channell and wife left for oriental quarters this week.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.
A wagon load of fish was left on dry land when the bank washed out from the dam at Newman’s mill, last Sunday.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.
MR. NEWMAN has charge of the Water Mills on the Walnut once more, and will see that all who come with grists are accommodated.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.
The marriage ceremony of Mr. Kennedy and Miss Norton was performed by Rev. J. E. Platter, last Wednesday evening, at the residence of Mr. L. C. Norton, and was highly complimented by the competent judges who were in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Haywood, Mr. and Mrs. Loomis, E. D. Eddy, Miss Sherburne, Mr. Kennedy’s brother, J. H. Sherburne, Mr. and Mrs. Newman, Mrs. Sherburne, and Mr. Burgess, constituted the party, with the parents and members of the family of the bride.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 5, 1876.
CHANNELL & HAYWOOD’s new store room will be completed, and the goods moved in within the next two weeks. Mr. Newman expects to move in his new room this fall.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 26, 1876.
NEWMAN’S mill is grinding again.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 26, 1876.
AT LAST! The Arkansas City Water Mills are now prepared to do custom grinding. All work done in short order, and satisfaction guaranteed. Bring in your grists. A. A. NEWMAN.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 9, 1876.
MR. JOHN GRIMES has sold his wagon shop to Mr. Cline, lately located here, who will conduct the business at the old stand, in the rear of Franklin’s blacksmith shop. Mr. Grimes is working at Newman’s mill.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 9, 1876.
We are informed that Mr. A. A. Newman has offered to build the piers of the old bridge four or five feet higher if the township will bear the expense of putting a new bridge across. This is an offer our people cannot afford to ignore, as the expense on their part will be slight—a mere song, in fact—compared with that of building a new one entire. Considerable of the iron and other material of the former structure can be utilized with little work, thus throwing a large portion of the cost on Mr. Newman. Our businessmen should not remain blind to their interests any longer, but see to it that the bridge is built, either through the voting of bonds or private subscriptions, as its absence only serves to drive trade to Winfield. It can hardly be called policy to save at the spigot and lose at the bung.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 16, 1876.
NEWMAN received thirty ponies from the Territory last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 6, 1876.
MR. A. A. NEWMAN has been awarded another contract to supply the Pawnee Indians with 30,000 pounds of flour. The contract is not so large this time, but more are expected.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 13, 1876.
Indian Contracts Awarded to Newman, Channell & Haywood,
To the Amount of $40,000 and over.
We learn by letter that the bids of A. A. Newman, Haywood (of Channell & Haywood), and McLaughlin (of Houghton & McLaughlin), for flour and transportation to the different Agencies south of us have been accepted as follows.
For Sac and Fox Agency, delivered there in indefinite quantities, at $2.48 per 100 lbs., and the following quantities to be delivered at the respective agencies:
For the Kiowa, 220,000 lbs. at $3.29.
For the Wichita, 80,000 lbs. at $3.29.
For the Pawnees, 200,000 lbs. at $2.23.
For the Cheyennes and Arapahos, 260,000 lbs. at $2.97.
For the Osages, indefinite quantity, at $2.19 per 100 lbs.
This will give a cash market for wheat at our very doors, freighting for a number of teams, and employment to many men, and build up for the town a business greater than known before.
Mr. Thomas Lannigan, of Fort Smith, Arkansas, has the contract for beef, and will purchase largely in Cowley and Sumner counties. His contract is for beef on the hoof, at $3.73½ for Kiowa and Comanche, 2,650,000 lbs.; for Cheyenne and Arapaho, 3,000,000 lbs.; Wichita, 550,000 lbs.; Osage, 500,000 lbs.; Pawnee, 1,500,000 lbs., at $3.56.
With the prospect of the Walnut Valley Railroad, the steamboat that is now on its way, and the general prospects for good crops, we look forward to a bright dawn of the future.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 13, 1876.
There is some talk of organizing a Chapter of the Masonic Lodge at this place. Newman’s hall will make a good room.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 20, 1876.
St. Louis, Sept. 8. The Board of Indian Commissioners completed their labors here today, and most of them left for home tonight. They will go to New York, where the proposals for clothing, etc., will be received and contracts awarded.
Contracts were awarded here to the following parties.
Beef on the hoof: Thomas Lanigan, Arkansas; Mr. Rosenthal, Santa Fe; Messrs. Park, Armour & Co., Chicago; Castner & Spencer, St. Paul; James E. Page, Sioux City.
Bacon: W. E. Richardson & Co., St. Louis; Armour & Co., Chicago.
Corn: F. H. Davis, Omaha.
Flour: C. E. Hodges, Sioux City; Castner & Spencer, St. Paul; N. P. Clark, St. Cloud; N. W. Welles, Schuyler, Neb.; J. G. McGannon, Seneca; Messrs. Newman, Haywood & McLaughlin, Arkansas City; W. S. Spleidgelberry, Santa Fe; and Newman, St. Louis.
Hardbread: James Gameau & Co., St. Louis.
Soap: Goodwin, Beher & Co., St. Louis.
Transportation: Northern Pacific Railroad; D. I. McCann, Omaha; John A. Charles, Sioux City; M. Brunswick, Chicago; A. Staab, Pueblo; Col. Enagle, Cheyenne; Ed. Fenlon, Leavenworth; D. H. Nichols, Cheyenne; O. Hecht, Cheyenne.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 27, 1876.
The following is a list of cases that will stand for trial at the October term, A. D., 1876, of the District Court, and have been placed on the trial docket in the following order.
A. A. Newman vs. Jno. P. Woodyard.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 27, 1876.
COTTON. Those who have never seen cotton growing can gratify their curiosity at Mr. Johnson’s, near Newman’s mill. He has a small patch in bloom.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 4, 1876.
WORK continues on Newman’s upper story of the brick building.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1876.
A. A. NEWMAN returned with his family last Saturday evening.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1876.
Newman, Haywood, and McLaughlin want 20,000 bushels of No. 3 and 4 wheat at once, for which they will pay the cash.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1876.
MR. NEWMAN has purchased an immense stock of goods this fall, that he expects to trade for wheat. He says he has a suit of clothes for every man in town.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1876.
J. M. JORDON started for Fort Sill last Friday with a load of flour to deliver on Newman’s contract. Silas Ward went with him. He expects to remain in the Territory to work.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 18, 1876.
NEWMAN has blocked the sidewalks and half the streets with his new goods.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 18, 1876.
HOUGHTON & MC. have goods, trunks, groceries, and everything piled sky high in and about their store.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 18, 1876.
NEWMAN, McLAUGHLIN, and HAYWOOD have fifty teams freighting between this place and the Indian Agencies in the Territory. Two or three trips pays for a new Kansas wagon.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1876.
PERSONS with teams, wanting employment, can find it by calling on Newman, Haywood & McLaughlin at this place.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1876.
The crowd at Newman’s store is astonishing. They have worn a hole through the floor where they go in and out, and it is so crowded that goods have to be handed out to customers.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1876.
The largest sale of merchandise ever made in this place was on last Saturday. Newman, and Houghton & McLaughlin retailed $500 worth each, and in the evening Mr. Newman sold $1,000 worth at wholesale.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.
A. A. NEWMAN bought 1,700 bushels of wheat last Friday, and paid the cash for it. 1,500 bushels he purchased of J. G. Titus, who is to haul it from Winfield.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.
A gentleman asked A. A. Newman what he would take for his house the other day. He said $800. “Make out your deed,” he remarked. “Well, but, ah, are you in a hurry?” “Yes.” “I guess I don’t want to sell.”
Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876.
The crossing at Newman’s mill is very bad, and should be made better.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876.
From the top of Newman’s building, some of the finest scenery in the west can be viewed. Go up and take a look.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876.
THE BAND BOYS are estimating the practicability of a social dance in Newman’s new building as soon as the floor is laid. Anything for a little amusement is the general exclamation among the young folks.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.
WHY is the boy who rode a bareback horse from Newman’s mill to town in ten minutes like the locomotive on a fast mail train? If you can’t guess it, ask our devil.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.
Mrs. A. A. Newman, Mrs. C. R. Sipes. Mrs. J. I. Mitchell, Mrs. Wm. Newton, Mrs. Wm. Benedict.
Mrs. C. R. Sipes, Mrs. Dr. Shepard, Mrs. J. Breene, Mrs. R. A. Houghton, Mrs. T. Mantor, Miss M. Thompson, Mrs. L. McLaughlin, Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. T. R. Houghton, Miss F. Skinner, Mrs. S. P. Channell, W. H. Gray, Mrs. T. H. McLaughlin, Al Mowry, Mrs. James Benedict, L. C. Norton, I. H. Bonsall.
Mrs. Wm. Benedict, Mrs. C. R. Sipes, Mrs. J. I. Mitchell, Mrs. Dr. Shepard, Mrs. L. McLaughlin, Mrs. Wm. Newton.
Mrs. Mary Baker, Mrs. L. C. Norton, Mrs. I. H. Bonsall, Miss M. Houghton, Mr. T. H. McLaughlin, O. P. Houghton, Miss Bowers, Kate Hawkins, Miss Lizzie Ela, J. H. Sherburne, T. R. Houghton, Mr. Ela, J. C. Topliff.
Mrs. S. B. Fleming, Mrs. Dr. Kellogg, Mrs. O. P. Houghton, Mrs. W. S. Ela, Mrs. L. McLaughlin, Mrs. T. O. Bird, Mrs. B. W. Sherburne, Mrs. E. Parker, Mrs. M. Marshall, Mrs. W. B. Skinner, Mrs. T. H. McArthur, Mrs. M. Peede, Mrs. Hartsock, Mrs. Anna Guthrie, H. P. Farrar, J. I. Mitchell, C. R. Sipes.
Mrs. J. Alexander, Mrs. V. Hawkins.
Mrs. E. D. Eddy, Mrs. Wm. Newton, Miss M. Greene, Miss A. Mantor, Miss Delia DeMott.
Mrs. W. J. Mowry, Mrs. Wm. Coombs, Mrs. J. W. Hutchinson, Mrs. L. Theaker, Mrs. W. Packard, Mr. A. A. Newman, Mrs. R. L. Marshall, Dr. Shepard.
Mrs. H. P. Farrar, Prof. Bacon, Mrs. A. A. Newman, W. D. Mowry.
Ed Thompson, Mrs. R. C. Haywood.
Miss M. Mitchell, Miss A. Norton, Miss May Benedict, F. Hutchinson.
J. W. Hutchinson, J. J. Breene, A. O. Porter.
R. C. Haywood, R. A. Houghton, E. D. Eddy.
Mrs. Dr. Hughes, O. C. Skinner, E. D. Eddy.
J. D. Guthrie, Wyard Gooch.
C. M. Scott, H. P. Standley, E. G. Gray.
Admission fee one pound or ten cents.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.
MR. NEWMAN started for Cheyenne Agency and Fort Sill this morning, in a carriage. He will be absent about two weeks.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.
The average market price of wheat at this place is from 55 to 75 cents per bushel, Newman, Haywood, and McLaughlin are buying.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 20, 1876.
Next Saturday the people of Creswell Township will be called on to determine whether the Township shall issue $2,000 in bonds to rebuild the bridge across the Walnut River, at or near Newman’s Mill. The petition presented to the Township officers shows one hundred and fifty-four voters in favor of the project, and anxious for the bridge.
There is no doubt but that the bridge is almost an actual necessity, and would not only benefit the farmers both east and west of us, but would add materially to the interests of the town, and the only question to be decided is whether the people of the Township are willing to pay for it. We have experience; the drawbacks of a toll bridge, and those who denounced the ferry. The majority seem to oppose both, more especially since responsible parties have agreed to replace it, in a substantial manner, for $2,000.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 20, 1876.
Festival to be held at Newman’s new building, on Christmas night, Monday, December 25, 1876. Everybody and his wife are expected, and cordially invited to come. Besides the Christmas tree, there will be a charade acted by the ladies and gentlemen of Arkansas City; a Yankee kitchen in “ye olden style” with pumpkin pies and baked beans one hundred years old, fresh and nice, and a supper of modern times, with all the luxuries of the season. Fresh fish from the fish pond, caught on the spot, to order, and oysters from the Walnut. Now, young ladies, remember leap year is drawing to a close, and only a few days are left, and you should not lose the last chance you may have for four years to come. Who knows what fate may have in store for you, or what the fish pond may produce? And everybody should remember that but few of us will be on hand to attend the next Centennial festival, and make the most of this opportunity.
Come, everybody, and have a good time. The Christmas tree will be decorated in the afternoon, and persons wishing to have gifts put on the tree will please hand them to someone of the committee before 4 p.m., as there will be too much to attend to in decorating the hall to receive packages after that hour.
The committee appointed to decorate the tree is as follows:
Ladies—Mrs. Sipes, Mrs. Breene, Mrs. T. Mantor, Mrs. T. H. McLaughlin, Mrs. T. R. Houghton, Mrs. Dr. Hughes, Mrs. Dr. Shepard, Mrs. R. A. Houghton, Miss Mattie Thompson, Miss Kennedy, Miss F. Skinner.
Gentlemen—S. P. Channell, W. H. Gray, James Benedict, I. H. Bonsall, L. McLaughlin, Al. Mowry, L. C. Norton.
Anything left at Bonsall’s photograph gallery before the 25th will be taken care of and put on the tree by the committee.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1877.
The Masonic supper and entertainment, held in Newman’s new building on St. John’s Day, was generally acknowledged to be one of the best social gatherings that has been held within the past two years. The installation of officers took place at the church, and the ladies were conveyed to the hall while the members of the order marched thereto. After a few minutes, a bountiful supper was placed upon a table seated by more than 70 persons, and for an hour the feast continued until no one cried for more. Then followed the dance, and different games, participated in by all. For those who did not wish to dance, tables with cards, checkers, and dominoes were provided, so that all could be entertained.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1877.
There were many noticeable features at the Presbyterian Festival, held on the evening of Dec. 25th. The management and execution of the charades was exceedingly well done, and all performed their parts well. Many persons were the recipients of handsome and valued presents. Among them Will. D. Mowry received a beautiful chromo in a fine frame, from the scholars of the Sunday School of which he is Superintendent, and our editor a tasty book of Whittier’s poems, from the ladies of the Presbyterian Society. Rev. Fleming was honored with a number and variety of tokens, and received them with great appreciation.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1877.
The Methodist Festival held on last Monday evening at Newman’s hall was largely attended by the citizens of town, and residents of the country. Many feared on account of the entertainment that had preceded it, that it would not be patronized as it should be, but their fears were soon at rest when they saw the numbers gathered at the hall. Everything passed off pleasantly and satisfactory, and a general good time was participated in. The oyster supper was attended by enterprising waiters, and the bivalvular mollusks served in good condition. The supper table, consisting of turkey, cakes, and numerous good things was well displayed with delicate eatables, and was generally well seated. In one corner was the Art Gallery, conducted by ladies, and in another, the Post Office, where letters could be had by paying ten cents each. The net receipts of the entertainment is estimated at $90, and besides being a paying institution, it was also socially a success.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1877.
SOLD OUT. A. A. NEWMAN sold his entire stock of dry goods to the old reliable firm of Houghton & McLaughlin, last week, and the goods are being moved to the latter’s store until Newman’s building is completed, when Houghton & McLaughlin will occupy the new room and continue as before (in spite of Indian raids, grasshoppers, or Nick himself), to be the “Old Reliable” green front store, known all over Southern Kansas as the cheapest place to buy any and all kinds of dress goods, dry goods, clothing, groceries, queensware, notions, furs, carpets, etc. They have been here from the first, and will remain to the last. Mr. Newman will now devote his whole time to his mill and Indian contracts.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1877.
GREAT CREDIT IS DUE MRS. A. A. NEWMAN and other members of the managing committee of the festival on Christmas night for the faithfulness with which they discharged their duties, and for their diligence in striving to make it pleasant and entertaining for the great crowd present. The proceeds of the Presbyterian Festival, after all expenses were paid, amounted to a fraction over $100.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1877.
BRIDGE. We learn that Mr. Newman gave a bond agreeing to complete the Walnut River Bridge for $2,000. He expects it to cost him $2,500, but is willing to pay the additional $500 rather than not have a bridge.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1877.
R. A. HOUGHTON will remove his grocery store to the room formerly occupied by A. A. Newman, and open up another fresh lot of the best brands of sugar, coffee, tea, tobacco, flour, and all kinds of eatables.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1877.
AFTER the entertainment at Newman’s building, on last Wednesday evening, several persons lost some knives and forks. If they are found by any to whom they do not belong; please return them to the post office.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 10, 1877.
The large stock of goods of A. A. Newman & Co., some $10,000 worth, recently purchased by Houghton & McLaughlin, is now being removed to the Green Front, until the New Brick Store is ready for them on the opposite corner.
This, with their own stock of goods, has so crowded their store as to make it almost impossible to get around, and in order to dispose of them before spring, they offer better bargains than any other house this side of Emporia, notice of which will be seen in their new advertisement. This firm was well named “Old Reliable,” having commenced here at the first settlement of the town six years ago, occupying a small room in the building now owned by L. C. Wood, and doing mostly their own hauling.
Business began to increase on their hands so rapidly that they were obliged to have an addition to the building, in all 50 feet long. This store was occupied three years, when, their business still further increasing, they were obliged to build the present large business house, known as the “Green Front,” with several store-houses to hold their immense stock of goods, and now for the fourth time they are compelled to look for larger quarters.
We believe this firm has built up its present very large trade by straightforward dealing, treating all alike, and giving everyone the worth of his or her money. In spite of hard times, grasshopper, and Indian raids, and while nearly every house has changed hands one or more times during the past six years, the “Old Reliable” still holds together, and will continue to hold on to the last—giving all the most goods for the least money of any house in Cowley County.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 10, 1877.
The supremacy and power of mind over matter were strikingly illustrated during last Sunday’s services by the undivided attention which A. A. Newman’s dog, “Bob,” paid to Mr. Fleming’s remarks. He has evidently been the object of much careful training at home, and knows how to listen respectfully, though his exploring propensities will sooner or later lead him into difficulty.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 17, 1877.
The band boys’ entertainment will be given as soon as Newman’s building is plastered.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 17, 1877.
REXFORD and ADAMS had their ears slightly frozen while coming from Newman’s mill last Monday.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 17, 1877.
A. A. NEWMAN has the entire contract for furnishing flour to the Pawnees, Cheyennes, etc., having purchased Houghton & McLaughlin’s, and R. C. Haywood’s interests.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 24, 1877.
Next week the Band boys will give their exhibition in Newman’s building. The exercises will consist of vocal and instrumental music, farces, Ethiopian delineations, and everything that has any fun in it. If you want a good laugh and to hear fine music, make it convenient to be on hand.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 24, 1877.
Notice to Bridge Builders.
Sealed proposals will be received by the Board of Township Officers at the office of T. McIntire, until Thursday, March 1st, 1877, at 12 o’clock m., for the purpose of building the superstructure of a bridge, of either iron or wood, across the Walnut River, at or near Newman’s mill: the bridge consisting of two spans, one ninety-four feet and six inches; and the other forty-five feet and six inches in length. Plans and specifications, with bonds for the completion of the bridge, must accompany each and every bid. The Board reserving the privilege of rejecting any and all bids.
T. McINTIRE, Trustee, W. D. MOWRY, Clerk, WYARD E. GOOCH, Treas.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 31, 1877.
The concert to be given by the A. C. S. C. Band, conducted by Prof. E. J. Hoyt, has been definitely fixed for Friday evening, February 9th, at which time Newman’s new store-room, in which it is to be held, will be thoroughly completed and fit for occupancy. The entertainment will be interesting and unique, embracing music both vocal and instrumental, comic speeches, burlesques, Ethiopian komicalities, and other side-splitting specialties. The concert will be a first-class affair, and such as the most refined need not fear to attend. The band will be ready to furnish good music for a dance after the concert, if it is so desired. Further particulars will be given in our next issue—“and don’t you forget it.”
Arkansas City Traveler, February 7, 1877.
During the past month it has been generally known that the members of the Arkansas City Silver Cornet Band purposed giving an entertainment, consisting of vocal and instrumental music, character sketches, etc., as soon as Newman’s new building was ready to accommodate them. Their uniform success heretofore has had the one drawback: insufficient stage room and seating capacity. This being remedied, the boys will undoubtedly do themselves greater justice, while the audience can be comfortably seated. They have been fully six weeks preparing themselves. Our brass band is confessedly the best one in the State, outside of Topeka and Leavenworth. Should this concert prove a financial success, the boys contemplate a trip to Wellington, where the performance will be repeated. The price of admission has been fixed at 25 cents, reserved seats 50 cents, and children under ten, 15 cents. No charge for children in arms. Tickets for sale at both the drug stores.
Fort Sill, Wichita, Cheyenne, Kiowa, and Cheyenne Agencies.
At Wichita Agency thirty head of cattle per week, and 2,205 pounds of flour are issued weekly, being only half rations. Captain Leach and Major Lannigan have the beef contract, and A. A. Newman is the contractor for flour.
C.M. Scott’s diary reports that Newman’s house burnt on March 12, 1891. It cost $40,000 and took a hour and a half to burn. The fire was at 9:30 p m.
C. M. Scott’s diary also reported that on March 14, 1891, A. A. Newman leased one-half of the Ponca reservation (65,000 acres) for one year, but the price was not given.
[RKW thought the price was 8 or 10 cents per acre. MAW]
G. W. Miller, of Winfield leased the other half of the Ponca reservation.
Stacy Matlack, of Arkansas City, leased one-half of the Otoe reservation. This comprised 50,000 acres.
A. A. Newman began business in 1871 in Arkansas City.
Miss Gladys Houghton, in charge of tea room.
Earl G. Newman, manager of the Newman Dry Goods Company.
Talk by A. A. Newman--came to Arkansas City in ‘69 or ‘70.
STORE ROSTER: A. A. Newman, president.
E. G. Newman, vice-president and treasurer.
A. L. Newman, secretary.
Albert Faulconer, legal adviser.
Miss Rosa M. Wellman, office manager.
Miss M. Grace Dewey, credit manager.
Bookkeepers: Miss Georgia Booton and Mrs. Sadie Mann.
Telephone Operator: Faye R. Hinton.
Stenographer: Bessie Freize.
Cashiers: Marguerite Cox, Erma Houston, Ethel Watson, Alma Jack, Oneda Brittle, Erma Birdzell.
Advertising manager: Guy Ecroyd.
Display manager: Howard M. Watson.
Asst. Display mgr.: Floyd P. Smith.
Delivery clerk: Leota Griffith.
Express and shipping clerk: John A. Long.
Freight clerk: Joe McGibony.
Elevator operator: H. H. Elgin.
Night watchman: H. R. Woods.
Children’s hair cutting shop: Mrs. Walter Stoner.
Beauty Parlor: Lelia Meyers, Lida Barton.
Department 1.—Men’s Furnishings.
Department manager, Floyd E. Wright.
Salesmen, Leo R. McNair, J. Wyatt Hutchinson, Orval C. Herbert,
Wayne Morgan.
Department 2.—Men’s clothing.
Department manager, Edward A. Walz.
Salesman, John S. Wells.
Department 3.—Shoe department.
Department manager, Robert D. Anderson.
Salesmen: Guy Morgan, Carl Lytal, J. V. Baker, Ira Smith,
Dee Hays, Lasier Martinez.
Department 4.—Notions.
Department manager, Mrs. Lydia E. Bridges.
Sales girls, Mabel McKittrick, Ina McKittrick, Lorraine Knapp,
Cora French.
Department 5.—Domestic.
Department manager, Thomas W. Stewart.
Sales girls, Sadie Copeland, Mamie Tolles.
Department 6.—Gloves and accessories.
Department manager, Mrs. Linna George.
Sales girl, Mrs. Ralph Corlett.
Department 7.—Ladies’ hosiery and underwear.
Department manager, Mrs. Lydia E. Bridges.
Sales girls, Mrs. J. W. Bingey, Mrs. Florence Baldwin.
Department 8.—Dress goods.
Department manager, Thomas W. Stewart.
Sales girls, Mrs. Harry Beekman, Grace Burd, Mrs. W. W. Albee.
Department 9.—Art goods.
Department manager, Mrs. Lydia E. Bridges.
Sales girls, Mrs. Charles Fetrow, Mrs. Clarence Miller.
Department 10.—Grafanolas.
Salesman, Ed Wahlenmaier.
Department 11.—Boy’s store.
Sales girls, Mrs. Charles Birdzell, Rosabelle Gilmore.
Department 12.—Ladies’ ready to wear.
Department manager, Bessie Keiser.
Sales girls, Winnie Roberts, Mrs. Minnie Capps,
Mrs. Roy N. Givens, Mrs. George F. Johnson,
Clara Bryant, Hazel Beekman.
Alteration lady: Mrs. Ethel Trenary.
Department 13 through 14: Nothing mentioned.
Department 15.—Corsets and under muslins.
Department manager, Mrs. Cora Watson.
Sales girl: Lottie Turner.
Department 16.—Ladies’ millinery.
Department manager, Ada Dewey.
Sales girls: Lillian Allen, Mrs. V. C. Jones.
Department 17. Nothing mentioned. SKIPPED OVER ALSO!
Department 18.—Rugs and draperies.
Department manager, Richard Bird.
Salesmen: Ernest Lang, Mrs. Maud McCoy.
Downstairs Store
Manager: Floyd E. Wright.
Assistant Manager: Mrs. J. B. Tisseur.
Department 19.—Glassware. Mrs. Ed J. Reid.
Department 20.—China ware. Mrs. H. H. Maxwell.
Department 21.—House furnishings. Mrs. Chester Pruner.
Ladies ready to wear—Sales girls: Amanda Ball, Leora Guthrie, Mrs. J. A. Glasscock. Assistants: Carrie Kahler, Paul Dale, Lewis Padgett, Earl Sills, Albert Newman, Morris Baker.
Department 25.—Tea room.
Department manager: Miss Gladys Houghton.
Assistants: Edna Smith, Lita Gailey.
Cook: Mrs. Laura Logan.
Cook’s assistants: Clara Drumgould, Mrs. Ben Hart.
Department 27.—Overall factory.
Foreman: Edward A. Walz.
Overall makers: Mrs. Lowry, Mrs. Green, Mrs. Martin,
Mrs. Kritzmore.
Arkansas City’s best friend is that “grand old man,” A. A. Newman, the founder and sinew of the Newman Dry Goods company. He is time tested, and has always been found true.
The editor of the Traveler first became acquainted with A. A. Newman in 1884. His store then was in the brick building which has since been torn down and has been replaced by the magnificent Home National Bank Building. In his employ then he had less than a dozen clerks. Today the number of employees for this company will exceed one hundred the year round.
The Traveler started this article with the statement that A. A. Newman was Arkansas City’s best friend. Ever since the writer has been here, Mr. Newman has always stood for Arkansas City, and he has passed a similar compliment on the Traveler numerous times, saying it has always done the same thing.
Back in the ’80s there were warm times in Arkansas City. Arkansas City was fighting then to lay the foundation for the splendid city it has built today. At one time, a certain water company was asking for a franchise from the Schiffbauer administration. It was granted with the understanding that the standpipe was to be located at the intersection of Summit street and Washington avenue. The standpipe proposed was to be of sheet iron. It was later built on the vacant lots at the rear of the Security National bank. It was fifteen or twenty feet in diameter, and one hundred fifteen feet in height. At that time the proposed location of the standpipe at this prominent place in our business street aroused great indignation, and Mr. Newman was the leader of the fight to prevent it, and you can wager most any old thing you have in your possession, that there was some fight to get rid of that proposed obstruction in the main business street of Arkansas City, but it was accomplished.
Then again we recall another fight in which Mr. Newman was one of the leading figures. Years ago, the Santa Fe talked of extending its line from Cedarvale to Arkansas City. Winfield wanted the line as well as Arkansas City, and the fight to get the bonds voted in the different townships through which it was proposed to run the road was very bitter. The proposed road was called the state line road. Arkansas City won the day. The southern part of Cowley County stood with Arkansas City, and the victory was due to such men as Mr. Newman, whose whole heart was for Arkansas City, and is still for Arkansas City. While Arkansas City won the fight, the change in the times caused the road to not be built. A. A. Newman led the fight to secure the Santa Fe shops for Arkansas City, and we all know what the securing of this industry means to our town, and what a burden for years afterward that fight proved to be to him.
Everything that has come up since the editor of the Traveler located in Arkansas City, for the upbuilding of our city, Mr. Newman has been one of the leaders, one of the hardest workers, and one of the most liberal contributors.
We have all the reason in the world to refer to A. A. Newman as the “grand old man of Arkansas City.” The editor of the Traveler considers it an honor to have been a guest at the dinner party given in honor of his seventy-ninth birthday. May he have numerous others, and may they grow in importance as they are held.