Newman Family


Albert Augustus Newman.

ALBERT AUGUSTUS NEWMAN.  Arkansas City, the largest municipality in Cowley County, was laid out in the spring of 1870, a few weeks after the county government was organized, and the town was incorporated in 1872.The Santa Fe Railroad reached the town in 1879, and with the development of water power and other facilities the place enjoyed a steady and consecutive growth. These facts are briefly stated at the beginning of the sketch of Albert Augustus Newman because he was, after the initial event of the layout out of the townsite, the most dominant figure in the growing destiny of the city for a period of half a century.
Mr. Newman, who was attracted to Arkansas City in 1870, was born at Weld, Maine, January 19, 1843, and died July 31, 1922, when in his eightieth year. He was of English and New England Colonial ancestry. His grandfather, Ebenezer Newman, was born at Billerica, Massachusetts, in 1791, son of a Revolutionary soldier, and spent the greater part of his life on his farm in Maine. He died in 1857. His wife, Judith Dowse, was born at Billerica, and also died at Weld. Augustus G. Newman, father of Albert Augustus, was born at Weld in 1821, was a merchant, and died in 1893. Several times he came to Kansas as a visitor. He was a Republican and held local offices in Maine, and was an active member of the Free Will Baptist Church. He married Caroline Beedy, who was born in Maine in 1821 and died in 1895. All three of their sons became prominent in Kansas: Albert A.; George W. Newman, who developed a large dry goods house at Emporia; and Fred C. Newman, who became president of the Citizens National Bank of Emporia.
Albert Augustus Newman was educated in common schools and high school in Maine, attended the Maine State Seminary at Lewiston, and at the age of nineteen enlisted, in 1862, in the Tenth Maine Infantry. He was transferred to the Twenty-ninth Maine Infantry and served in many battles of the war, including Antietam and Chancellorsville, and was with Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley campaign. After the war he was a dry goods merchant at Fayetteville, Tennessee, three years, and in 1868 came to Kansas, locating in the new town of Emporia, where he was a general merchant until he moved to Arkansas City, where he established a pioneer mercantile business. This business from a small beginning developed with the growth of the town to one of the largest department stores in the Southwest. For many years it has been known as the Newman Dry Goods Company, and his two sons succeeded him in its management and control.

Giving Arkansas City a store consistent with the importance of the town as a gateway to the Southwest was only one of Mr. Newman’s many enterprises fraught with public interest. He helped organize the Cowley County Bank, the second bank in Arkansas City, and the first organized under state laws, and was its president from 1874 for a number of years. He was one of the founders of the Home National Bank. He and associates developed the water power of the Arkansas River by means of a canal into the Walnut River. He and associates built the first flour mill in southern Kansas on Walnut River, and the mill furnished all the flour used by the Indians in Indian Territory. Mr. Newman was engaged in freighting flour to Fort Sill and to other army posts during 1876-77. He sold his mill in 1879. Later he was director and president of the Arkansas City Milling Company. He was one of the founders of the Arkansas City Water Company and the Arkansas City Gas & Electric Light Company, and was president of both corporations for a number of years. These public utilities were sold to the Kansas Gas & Electric Light Company in 1915. Mr. Newman was president of the Newman Investment Company, president of the Land & Power Company of Arkansas City, and was president of the Three K Cattle Company, owning and operating an extensive cattle business in old Indian Territory. He was for two terms mayor of Arkansas City. The capital for the building of a great many homes and business structures in Arkansas City came from him. He was a trustee of the Presbyterian Church, and in Masonry was affiliated with Crescent Lodge No. 133, A. F. And A. M.; Bennett Chapter No. 41, Royal Arch Masons; Arkansas City Commandery No. 30, Knights Templar, Wichita Consistory of the Scottish Rite, and Salina Temple of the Mystic Shrine.
He married at Weld, Maine, in 1869, Miss Mary M. Houghton, and on September 6, 1919, they celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. Mrs. Newman at the age of eighty-one still occupies the old home at 301 North B Street, a substantial house which Mr. Newman built in 1873. She was the mother of three children.
The son, Earl Granville Newman, was born in Arkansas City, October 23, 1879, and exemplified many of the able business qualities of his father. He was educated in public schools and at the age of sixteen went into his father’s store, growing up in the business, and the credit for its later expansion and development is largely due to this young business man. He became manager of the store and vice president, and after his father’s death was made president of the company. The Newman Dry Goods Company in 1917 occupied its new home, one of the best equipped department store buildings in the entire state. Earl G. Newman was president of the company at the time of his death on October 31, 1926, at the age of forty-seven. He was a Knight Templar and thirty-second degree Scottish Rite Mason, member of Midian Temple of the Mystic Shrine at Wichita, a member of the Arkansas City Rotary Club, Country Club, Chamber of Commerce, Retailers Association, and was also president of the Newman Investment Company and vice president of the Land & Power Company.
Earl G. Newman married June 16, 1908, Miss Gertrude T. Waterhouse, of Quincy, Massachusetts. She occupies a beautiful home at 303 North B Street, adjoining the old Newman homestead, and has taken a prominent part in the social life of the city, being a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution and the Christian Science Church. Mrs. Earl G. Newman has five children: Adeline, born April 21, 1909, and Katherine, born January 25, 1911, both students in the Senior High School of Arkansas City; Earl Granville, Jr., born October 14, 1913, attending the Junior High School; Caroline, born October 6, 1915; and Alice Gertrude, born February 9, 1918.

The present executive head of the Newman Dry Goods Company and of a number of other interests created and developed by the late Albert Augustus Newman is his second son, Albert L. Newman, who was born in Arkansas City, September 9, 1881. He graduated from high school in 1900 and for two and a half years was a student in Kansas University. He then became associated with his father’s dry goods business for two years, but afterwards was made manager of the Land & Power Company, the holding company which owned and operated the electric light and water power until the utilities were sold to the Kansas Gas & Electric Company in 1915, and the Land & Power Company then retained the real estate. Albert L. Newman had executive charge of the Kansas Gas & Electric Company at Arkansas City from 1915 to 1921, For two years following he was in the automobile business, and in 1923 he returned to enact his part in the management of the Newman Dry Goods Company and became its president after his brother died in October, 1926. In addition he is secretary-treasurer of the Newman Investment Company and treasurer of the Land & Power Company. Albert L. Newman is a thirty-second degree Scottish Rite Mason, member of Midian Temple of the Mystic Shrine and the Masonic Grotto, is a member of the Rotary Club, Arkansas City County Club, Chamber of Commerce, and during the World war was chairman of several committees having in charge the patriotic program. He is a member of the Presbyterian Church. On February 19, 1908, he married Miss Mate McMillen, of Arkansas City, where she was born. She attended school there and graduated from high school at Logansport, Indiana, and from the State Teachers College at Pittsburg, Kansas. Mrs. Albert L. Newman is a member of the Shakespeare Club and active in the social life of her home city. They have four children: Albert W., born in Arkansas City, December 2, 1908, a graduate of the local high school, spent two years in Kansas University, and is a member of the Phi Delta Theta college fraternity, of which his father is also a member; George Frederick, born May 20, 1911, attending high school; Harry E., born July 8, 1912, a student in Junior High School; and Rodney Lee, born June 28, 1923.
The daughter of the late A. A. Newman is Pearl N., now the wife of Col. William F. Hase, an officer of the United States Army, formerly chief-of-staff under General Summerall in the Hawaiian Islands and now in command of Fort Winfield Scott at San Francisco. Colonel and Mrs. Hase have two children: Mary Elizabeth and Hilda Houghton.
Albert Augustus Newman.
Albert Augustus Newman was of English and New England Colonial ancestry. His grandfather, Ebenezer Newman, was born at Billerica, Massachusetts, in 1791, son of a Revolutionary soldier, and spent the greater part of his life on his farm in Maine. He died in 1857. His wife, Judith Dowse, was born at Billerica, and also died at Weld, Maine. Augustus G. Newman, father of Albert Augustus, was born at Weld, Maine, in 1821, was a merchant, and died in 1893. Several times he came to Kansas as a visitor. He was a Republican and held local offices in Maine, and was an active member of the Free Will Baptist Church. He married Caroline Beedy, who was born in Maine in 1821 and died in 1895. All three of their sons became prominent in Kansas: Albert A.; George W. Newman, who developed a large dry goods house at Emporia; and Fred C. Newman, who became president of the Citizens National Bank of Emporia. His sisters were Mary (Newman) Haywood and Hattie (Newman) Purington.

Albert Augustus Newman was educated in common schools and high school in Maine, attended the Maine State Seminary at Lewiston, and at the age of nineteen enlisted, in 1862, in the Tenth Maine Infantry. He was transferred to the Twenty-ninth Maine Infantry and served in many battles of the war, including Antietam and Chancellorsville, and was with Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley campaign. Albert A. Newman married at Weld, Maine, in 1869, Miss Mary M. Houghton, and on September 6, 1919, they celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. Mrs. Newman at the age of 81 still occupied the old home at 301 North B Street, a substantial house which Mr. Newman built in 1873. They had three children: Earl Granville; Albert L.; and Pearl N. (Hase).
Ebenezer Newman, Sr. (1767/1839) married Sarah Dowse (1762/1855) m-1782
Lucretia Newman (1780/1861) married Isaac Storer
Ebenezer Newman, Jr. (1791/1857) married Judith Dowse (M-1814) 1796/1879
Sally Newman, b-2/1/1815 d-1816
Prescott Newman, b-10/11/1816
Sally Newman b 4/10/1817
Ebenezer Newman, 3rd 1829/1910 married Marinda ?,
married 2nd, Polly Dyer.
Eva Newman married Charles A. Toothaker
Augustus G. Newman 1821- 1893 married Caroline Beedy, 1821 - 1895.
Albert Augustus Newman (1-19-1843/7-31-1922) married Mary M.
Earl Granville Newman married Gertrude T. Waterhouse
Adeline Newman
Katherine Newman
Earl Granville Newman, Jr.
Caroline Newman
Alice Gertrude Newman
Albert L. Newman married Mate McMillen
Albert W. Newman
George Frederick Newman
Harry E. Newman
Rodney Lee Newman
Pearl N. Newman married William F. Hase
Mary Elizabeth Hase
Hilda Houghton Hase  
May (Mary) C. Newman married Rufus C. Haywood
Frederick C. Newman
George Washington Newman
Weld, Maine is on the western border of the state, about 100 miles from Portland, Maine. It was first settled about 1782.
Ebenezer Newman, Sr., came from Andover, New Hampshire. He was a soldier of the Revolution and received a wound in his leg at the battle of Long Island, which was the cause of his death. He married Sarah Dowse of Billerica, Massachusetts, and soon settled in Dearing, New Hampshire, where they remained until 1799, when they removed to Andover, Maine, and lived there until 1805, when they came to Weld, Maine.

Benjamin Dowse, (who married Hannah Frost Mears in 1749) the father of Sarah and grandfather of Judith, was at the Lexington Alarm, turned out in Col. Ebenezer Bridge’s regiment. He was a corporal at White Plains, and marched to reinforce the Northern Army at Bennington under Col. Jonathan Reed.
Benjamin Dowse m1749, Hannah Frost Mears, b1728
Sarah m 1782, Ebenezer Newman, Sr.
Ebenezer Newman, Jr., m 1814, Judith Dowse, 1796-1879.
Abigail m1782, Josiah Newman
Josiah Newman, Jr., 1783-1865, m 2nd, Nancy Holland
Arabella Rarren Newman, 1818-1887

A. A. Newman was the son of Augustus G. Newman and Caroline (Beedy) Newman of Weld, Maine. Had two younger brothers named George Washington (G. W.) and Fred (F. C.) Newman. Sisters were Mary (Newman) Haywood and Hattie (Newman) Purington. Daniel Beedy is thought to have been a close maternal relative.
  Some Oral History concerning Albert Augustus Newman.
Volume One of the books BETWEEN THE RIVERS, copyrighted in 1969 by Ruth Norris Berger and Bess Riley Oldroyd, pages 65 through 68, had an article about A. A. Newman contributed by Mrs. Albert L. Newman.
ALBERT AUGUSTUS NEWMAN, a Yankee of considerable vision came out of the Civil War convinced that the Middle West had great potential. As a consequence, he spent the next fifty years living in and working for Arkansas City.
In 1862 when he was nineteen years old he withdrew from Maine State Seminary at Lewiston and enlisted in the Union Army. He came under fire in some of the great battles, and even on his first day of service was ordered to go gather his equipment from one of the dead Union soldiers in a nearby filed. He marched up the Shenandoah Valley with Sherman’s gallant men. He tells in his war diary while wintering in Vicksburg of scouting the district for apples and selling them to the other soldiers. He thus manifested early his merchant instinct.
After coming out of the Army, Mr. Newman and his foster brother, T. H. McLaughlin, went to Fayetteville, Tennessee, and operated a dry-goods store. But when it became known in the village that they were “Damn Yankees,” they were ordered to leave. Mr. Newman, who was a Mason, was allowed to leave in an orderly manner, but his partner was not. When McLaughlin heard he was to be “tarred and feathered” and ridden out of town on a rail, he climbed out a back window of their living quarters over the store and escaped in the middle of the night.
A. A. Newman Met Major William E. Sleeth in Fayetteville, Tennessee.
Major Sleeth (no relation to Newman) was born in Cambridge, Ohio, and served four years in the Civil War, where he rose to the rank of major in the Seventeenth Army Corps of the 78th Ohio Volunteers. After the war he taught school for four years, after which he spent three years in the lumber business in Fayetteville, Tennessee. It was there that he met A. A. Newman and T. H. McLaughlin, who were in business there. In the year 1869 Sleeth came to Emporia, Kansas, later locating in El Dorado. He came to Arkansas City in March 1870. He was a member of the Arkansas City Town Company and was its secretary. He made the first plat of the town.

[Note: Much of the following that was gathered about people from Maine must be taken with a “grain of salt” as it has many inaccuracies. MAW August 7, 2000.]
Volume One of BETWEEN THE RIVERS had an article written by Walter Hutchison in 1945 on page 113, that mentions people coming from Maine.
Prominent Group Among Early Residents of A. C.
In the early 1870s there was a group of citizens in Arkansas City known as the “Franklin County Maine Colony,” all of whom came from the same town, Phillips, in that state.
The pioneers of the Maine group cast their lot in southern Kansas and saw a future in Arkansas City, investing heavily in real estate and business ventures.
The “Maine Colony” threw a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Farrar. Attending this affair was a group of 25 or 30 persons, all former residents of Maine, accompanied by their children. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Worthley were the last to survive. They were the parents of Mrs. Edna Worthley Underwood.
H. P. Farrar, early day banker, came to Arkansas City in 1870. His brother, Fred, came a few years later.
Someone tried to recall group who attended the Farrar party. They came up with the following:
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Farrar.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Farrar.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Worthley.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Newman.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Gooch.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Howard.
Mr. and Mrs. George Howard.
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Prescott.
Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Lambert.
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Haywood.
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Beal.
Mr. and Mrs. T. H. McLaughlin.
Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Houghton.
Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Houghton.
Some of the descendants:
A. A. Newman: Albert and Earl Newman.
T. K. Houghton: Mrs. Charles Sills.
Charles Howard: Mrs. Frank Vogel.
George B. Howard: Harry V. Howard.
Harry Farrar: Mrs. Lester Mitchell and Foss Farrar.
Granddaughter: Frances Farrar Guyot.
[Note: Research of Census for Creswell Township reveals that Farrar came later than 1871. Mr. Hutchison did not do his “home work” in compiling this article.]
Continuation of Oral History from Mrs. Albert L. Newman.

In 1868 Mr. Newman made his way to Emporia, Kansas, to open another general store. That store still operates there under the Newman name. A brother, George W. Newman, 21 years old, took over the store in 1870 when “A. A.” was attracted to the Indian lands of southern Kansas, and the Indian Territory. These were being opened up for trade and Mr. Newman secured a contract with the government to grind grain for the Indians near the infant town of Arkansas City.
Newspaper Items Pertaining to A. A. Newman.
Emporia News, August 21, 1868.
Two gentlemen were here this week from Maine, looking up a business location. They were much pleased with the town and country and will probably locate.
   [Could this be Newman? YES!]  
Emporia News, September 4, 1868.
As will be seen by their advertisement in today’s paper, Messrs. Newman & Houghton have purchased the store formerly owned by Mr. Pyle, in Jones’ new building. These gentlemen are lately from Maine, and have had a long experience in the mercantile business. They advertise what they can and will do. All they ask is a fair trial. We hope they may meet with encouragement and have a fair share of the patronage of the public. They go to work as though they understood their business, and as though they intend to do a fair legitimate trade with those who may favor them with their custom. We wish them abundant success.
Emporia News, September 4, 1868.
Goods Cheap for Cash!
The undersigned having bought out the stock of W. A. Pyle at a greatly reduced price, would respectfully call the attention of the citizens of Emporia and surrounding country to the fact that they can and will sell
GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, CLOTHING, Notions & Queensware, Cheaper than they can be bought elsewhere in SOUTHERN KANSAS.
We buy our Goods at first hand in New York and Boston, and save second profits paid by merchants buying in Chicago, St. Louis, or Leavenworth.
All Goods Warranted as Represented or MONEY REFUNDED.
Give us a Trial.
   180 Commercial Street, EMPORIA.
Emporia News, September 25, 1868.
We are glad to know the new firm of Newman & Houghton are doing a lively business. One of the firm is now absent after new goods. They intend to bring on a stock that will not be excelled in quantity or quality.
Emporia News, October 16, 1868.

The attraction for a few days has been at the new store of Newman & Houghton, in Jones’ building, next door north of Fraker & Peyton’s. On Monday night they commenced receiving their new goods direct from New York, and their store is now one of the best stocked in the place. Their goods must be cheap as they are shipped direct from New York, and they save the profits of western wholesale merchants. Their stock embraces everything in the line of ladies’ dress goods, clothing, groceries, etc. These gentlemen are determined not to be out-done in any respect. They are newcomers, and we hope our people will call and examine their stock and prices before making their purchases, as they hope, by close application to business and fair dealing to merit their share of the public patronage.
Emporia News, October 16, 1868.
Great Reduction in Prices.
Best Green Teas at $1.50 per pound.
Choice Black Ties at $1.25 per pound.
Emporia News, October 16, 1868.
Low Prices Win.
A large stock of fancy cassimeres, satinets, jeans, tweeds, repellants, ladies’ cloth, flannels and linseys, which we will sell at lower prices than the same quality of goods were ever sold in this market. Call and see
Emporia News, October 16, 1868.
Shawls and Balmorals.
Choice styles of ladies and gents shawls; also a splendid assortment of balmorals, the cheapest in the market.
Emporia News, November 13, 1868.
  Cheapest and Best.
The new stock of clothing, boots, and shoes, at 180 Commercial street.
Just Received.
Latest styles of gents hats and caps, ladies’ furs and fur trimmed hoods, breakfast shawls, sontags, nubias, and scarfs; also children’s and misses hoods.
Emporia News, December 18, 1868.
Newman & Houghton have just received a large stock of new goods.
Emporia News, January 1, 1869.
  CARD. Dr. Morris.
Goods have arrived, and he is now ready for professional business. His office is over Newman & Houghton’s store. The Doctor prepares a specific remedy for the cure of Fever and Ague, which is never known to fail; also Anti-Bilious Pills, a sure preventative of the Ague by correcting the stomach and liver. Mixture and Pills $2.00.
Emporia News, January 8, 1869.
AD. Latest Styles in Caps. Fur, fur-bound and all grades cloth caps for Men and Boys, at NEWMAN & HOUGHTON’S.
Emporia News, February 5, 1869.
   Instruments Recorded During the Week Ending Feb. 4, 1869.
Reported from E. P. Bancroft’s Real Estate and Abstract Office.

A. A. Newman to O. P. Houghton, warranty deed for ten lots in Emporia.
Emporia News, February 5, 1869.
The new crop of tea is now on the market, and some of the choicest brands have just been received by NEWMAN & HOUGHTON.
Emporia News, February 5, 1869.
A fine lot of prints and muslins just received by NEWMAN & HOUGHTON.
Emporia News, February 5, 1869.
Great Bargains.
Shawls, nubias, scarfs, sontags, balmoral skirts, and hosiery are now selling at a great sacrifice at 181 Commercial street. They must be sold in thirty days.
Emporia News, March 19, 1869.
Mr. Newman started to Boston and New York on Monday morning to lay in a spring and summer stock for the store of Newman & Houghton.
Emporia News, March 19, 1869.
We are informed that the brother of our townsman, Mr. Newman, of the firm of Newman & Houghton, who arrived here from Maine on Wednesday morning, reports that there was seven feet of snow, on the level, in that State when he left. So badly were the railroads blockaded that he was three days in making fifty miles. Think of that, ye grumblers at the cold weather of Kansas.
Houghton begins to start own business...
Emporia News, April 16, 1869.
Mr. Houghton, of the firm of Newman & Houghton, has let the contract for putting up a business house, 25 x 60 feet, on Commercial street, near B. T. Wright’s hardware store. Messrs. Newman & Houghton have been in business here about a year, and have succeeded in building up a large trade. They are both young men of excellent business qualifications, and possess the energy and perseverance that will succeed anywhere.
Emporia News, April 23, 1869.
Newman & Houghton are receiving their extensive stock of goods this week, and those desiring first choice should call early. Their prices are very low. They bought in New York and Boston and shipped direct; therefore, you will not have to pay the profits of the St.. Louis and Leavenworth merchants. Their hats are of the latest styles, in endless variety, and cheap, too. Their Boots and Shoes have to be seen to be appreciated. They can beat the world on ladies’ dress goods. It is useless for us to attempt to enumerate what they have for sale, but will advise all go and see their large stock. All goods guaranteed or money refunded. No trouble to show goods.
Emporia News, April 23, 1869.
Latest Styles and Lowest Prices.
We have just received direct from New York and Boston a large and choice stock of Domestic & Fancy Dry Goods, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS, CLOTHING, NOTIONS, AND CARPETINGS.

We wish it distinctly understood that we buy at first hand of the Manufacturers and Importers, and will sell at prices to defy competition.
Best Prints—Merrimac, Cocheco, Spragues, Pacifics, Arnolds, Amoskeng, and Denonels at 12 ½ cents per yard.
Ladies’ Hoop Skirts, 75 cents.
Ladies’ Cotton Hose at $1.50 per dozen.
Boys’ Wool Hats, 50 cents each.
Mens’ Wool Hats, 75 cents each.
Best Imperial Tea, $1.50 per pound.
Best Hyson Tea, $1.50 per pound.
Best Japan Tea, $1.50 per pound.
Best Oolong Tea, $1.25 per pound.
  All Goods guaranteed as represented, or Money Refunded.
Emporia News, April 30, 1869.
Newman & Houghton have a set of croquet.
Houghton’s store almost completed...
Emporia News, May 14, 1869.
Mr. Houghton’s new business house, next door south of Wright’s hardware store, is nearly completed, and will soon be occupied by McMillan & Fox. It will be one of the largest business rooms in the place.
Emporia News, May 14, 1869.
[Legal entries...E. P. Bancroft.]
S. B. Smith to A. A. Newman, warranty deed w h n w 6 29 11.
Emporia News, June 4, 1869.
Messrs. Newman & Houghton have secured a lot on the corner of Mechanics street and Sixth avenue, just east of Gilmore & Hirth’s furniture rooms, and will put up immediately a business house, 26 x 70 feet, two stories high, to be built of brick with iron and glass front, and to be in all respects a first class business house. Business has heretofore been confined almost exclusively to Commercial street, but lots are held at such high figures that men are forced to branch off on the avenues where property is cheaper. We learn that another firm contemplates putting up a business house in the vicinity of this contemplated building.
Emporia News, June 11, 1869.
Newman & Houghton have received direct from New York a choice assortment of fine brown and bleached muslins—[?can’t read first word?], lawns, nansooks, and jaconets. Also, a large assortment of ladies’ hose, gloves, corsets, hoop-skirts, damask piano and table covers, marsailes and star quilts, lace curtains, oil carpetings, etc., which they are selling at extremely low prices.
Emporia News, August 6, 1869.
Mr. Newman, of the firm of Newman & Houghton, has gone East after a large stock of goods.
Emporia News, August 13, 1869.

Newman & Houghton are now selling off their present stock of goods very cheap, to make room for a large and complete stock which their Mr. Newman is now purchasing in New York and Boston.
Emporia News, August 20, 1869.
Various rumors of bank failures, suspension of work on the railroad, and other exciting stories have been afloat in our community for some days past; but the most startling intelligence has just reached us. It has just been ascertained, for a certainty, that Newman & Houghton’s new goods, direct from New York, have reached Topeka, and next week there will be offered at the old stand of Newman & Houghton the largest and finest stock of dry goods, carpets, hats and caps, boots and shoes, etc., ever seen or heard of in Southern Kansas, which will be sold so low as to astonish all the world and the rest of mankind. Come and see for yourselves.
Emporia News, September 3, 1869.
In this age of improvement and progress, almost every day brings something new. Among other new things Newman & Houghton have just received from New York a splendid stock of carpetings, mattings, oil cloths, table covers, etc., which the ladies of Emporia and vicinity are particularly invited to call and examine. A full line of domestics, dress, and fancy goods will be opened in a few days. Also a large and carefully selected stock of hats, caps, boots, shoes, and clothing. Please call and see our goods and prices.
Houghton starts his own store...
Emporia News, September 3, 1869.
O. P. Houghton has bought out the interest of I. D. Fox in the late store of McMillan & Fox. The new firm may be found in the old room near the courthouse, with a heavy stock, and always ready for business.
Emporia News, September 3, 1869.
O. P. HOUGHTON, of the firm of Newman & Houghton, would respectfully inform his old customers and friends, and the public generally, that he has purchased the interest of I. D. Fox in the establishment of McMillan & Fox, No. 128 Commercial street. I shall take equally as much pleasure in selling groceries and woolen goods at my new place of business as I did in measuring calico at my former place.
I have decided, after deliberate consideration, that a city life in Emporia, surrounded by so many congenial spirits, is preferable to herding Texas cattle on the frontier.
Emporia News, September 10, 1869.
McMillan & Houghton,
DEALERS IN Wool, Woolen Goods, -AND-
New Store, below Wright’s, near the Court House, EMPORIA, KANSAS.
The motto of this firm shall be “Small profits and quick returns.” We are paying the highest market price for WOOL, either in cash or goods.
Our stock of woolen goods is complete. It Cannot be Equaled West of the JACKSONVILLE (ILL.) FACTORIES. To our stock of Woolen Goods we have added a LARGE & COMPLETE STOCK -OF- GROCERIES.

Emporia News, September 10, 1869.
NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. McMillan & Houghton. Newman & Houghton.
Emporia News, September 10, 1869.
[Under Local Notices.]
Just Received. Large stock of Groceries at McMillan & Houghton’s.
Now is the time, and Newman & Houghton’s is the place to select new dresses.
If you want a Blanket that will stand the rub, go to McMillan & Houghton’s.
A splendid stock of Flannels, plain and fancy, just received at Newman & Houghton’s.
Cheap Balmorals and Coverlets, at McMillan & Houghton’s.
For Ladies’ and Gent’s underwear, go to Newman & Houghton’s.
Woolen Blankets. A large stock just received at Newman & Houghton’s.
If you wish to see something new and tasty for table covers, call at Newman & Houghton’s.
First word on the notorious Danford, who became a banker...
Emporia News, September 10, 1869.
NEW AGENCY. Hanna & Danford have opened an office in Jones’ building, over Newman & Houghton’s store, in the room lately occupied as a Presbyterian church, where they will do a general agency business. They will buy and sell lands, furnish abstracts of titles, pay taxes, do conveyancing, insurance, etc. . . .
Emporia News, September 10, 1869.
The Presbyterian Church has leased the upper story of the new building of Truworthy & Tandy, on Commercial street, and will occupy it for a place of worship till they can build. It is a very commodious room, much larger, better ventilated, and in every way more suitable for a growing congregation than the one they have been occupying. It will be ready for use by Sabbath week. Services next Sabbath at the hall over Newman & Houghton’s store, morning and evening. Sabbath school at 9 o’clock a.m.
Both Houghton and Newman are married: Houghton gets married in Emporia. Newman goes back to Maine to get married.
Emporia News, September 24, 1869.
MARRIED. At the residence of W. R. Bradford, Esq., corner of State street and Fifth avenue, September 18th, by Rev. M. L. S. Noyes, Mr. ORRIN P. HOUGHTON, of this city, to Miss MARIA BISBEE, of Sumner, Maine.
MARRIED. At the residence of the bride’s father, in Weld, Maine, September 6th, 1869, by Rev. A. Maxwell, A. A. NEWMAN, of Emporia, and MARY M. HOUGHTON, of Weld.
Newman gets tied up with brother. Houghton joins with McMillan.
Emporia News, September 24, 1869.
   [New Advertisers. Newman & Bro., McMillan & Houghton.]
McMillan & Houghton are receiving the largest and best stock of Cassimeres and Jeans ever brought to Emporia.
Emporia News, September 24, 1869.

As will be seen in a new advertisement, G. W. Newman supersedes O. P. Houghton in the dry-goods business. Young Mr. Newman has been in the store some months as a clerk, and has already made many friends by his urbane and gentlemanly deportment. We wish the new firm a rush of customers and drawers full of greenbacks.
Emporia News, September 24, 1869.
RETURNED. Our fellow townsman, A. A. Newman, has returned from Maine, where he had been spending several weeks, a few days ago. As will be seen in the proper place, he brought with him a wife. The lady of O. P. Houghton also accompanied Mr. Newman here. We welcome these gentlemen among the Benedicts of the town, and wish them and their brides a long, happy, and prosperous residence with us.
Emporia News, September 24, 1869.
McMillan & Houghton still have some of that choice corn meal so much praised.
A large stock of home-knit socks, at 60 cents per pair, at McMillan & Houghton’s.
If the ladies want any kind of HEAVY SHOES, all they will have to pay for them will be $1.25 to $2.00, at McMillan & Houghton’s.
Coverlets, Balmorals, and Blankets; any price, color, or quality at McMillan & Houghton’s.
Emporia News, September 24, 1869.
Office over Newman & Houghton’s store.
Emporia News, October 2, 1869.
Newman & Bro. are out with a fine display of business locals. They have the goods, and are bound to sell.
Fine Bleached and brown Table Linens, at remarkably low prices, at NEWMAN & BRO’S.
Carpetings. Best Hartford three ply, Ingrain two ply, Venetian Stair carpet Coir, Matting, Hemp, Oil and Rag Carpetings, at NEWMAN & BRO’S.
Call and see our new plaid dress flannels, shirtings, and Huseys. NEWMAN & BRO.
Woolen and Cotton Yarns, at NEWMAN & BRO’S.
Nice Lot of Zephyrs, at NEWMAN & BRO’S.
New Styles in Ladies’ Shawls. A full line of high colored plaids, at NEWMAN & BRO’S.
Best Goods at lowest prices, at NEWMAN & BRO’S.
A full assortment, best buck and gauntlet Gloves, at NEWMAN & BRO’S.
Kid Gloves, black, white, and fancy colors, at NEWMAN & BRO’S.
Complete Stock of ladies’, gents’, and children’s hosiery, at NEWMAN & BRO’S.
Cotton Bolts and Wadding, at NEWMAN & BRO’S.
Cloakings and ladies’ cloth, at NEWMAN & BRO’S.
Dress Goods and Trimmings, at NEWMAN & BRO’S.
Ladies’ Silk Vests, at NEWMAN & BRO’S.
Best Green Teas @ $1.50 per pound.
Best Black Teas @ $1.25 per pound. at NEWMAN & BRO’S.
McLaughlin arrives on the scene in Emporia...
Emporia News, October 8, 1869.

Messrs. Newman & McLaughlin have commenced the construction of a new business house, 26 x 70, 35 feet high, on the corner of Mechanics Street and Sixth Avenue. The building is to be of stone, with brick front supported by cut stone columns. It is to be finished and ready for occupancy by next May.
Emporia News, October 22, 1869.
AD. LATEST STYLES IN LADIES’ FURS. Russian Fitch, Astracan, River Mink, Siberian Squirrel, French Sable, and Cony Furs, in new styles at prices as low as they can be bought at St. Louis, or any eastern city. Call and examine for yourselves. NEWMAN & BRO.
A FINE ASSORTMENT Ladies Silk and Morocco Vests. NEWMAN & BRO.
LADIES AND GENTS’ Rubber Overshoes at NEWMAN & BRO.’S.
[There were more that I skipped.]
Emporia News, October 22, 1869.
McMillan & Houghton ran their usual ads plus a few new ones. I skipped.
Emporia News, November 12, 1869.
Work on the new business house of Newman & McLaughlin is progressing rapidly. The basement is completed, and the cut stone front for the first story is being put in. This will be, when finished, one of the best buildings in town.
Emporia News, November 19, 1869.
E. T. Sprague has the contract for the wood work on Newman & McLaughlin’s new business house on Sixth Avenue. Mr. Sprague has been here all summer, and has the reputation of being a good workman.
Emporia News, December 3, 1869.
Committee member Temperance program given at Methodist Church: G. W. Newman.
Newman becomes a Stockholder in insurance firm...
Note: Jacob Stotler was the editor of the Emporia newspaper. He later became a member of the town company that settled Arkansas City.
Emporia News, December 10, 1869.
Insurance Company secured a local organization in Emporia.
Requisite stock of $10,00 taken on December 7, 1869. Stockholders met in the Real Estate and Insurance office of Dawson & Havenhill, and organized the Emporia branch.
Manager, E. B. Peyton; Local Directors, Jacob Stotler, J. C. Fraker.
Stockholder: A. A. Newman: Merchant.
Emporia News, December 17, 1869.
Newman & Bro. have received the largest stock of Dry Goods now in Emporia, all bought since the decline in gold. They can and will sell them at prices so low as to astonish everyone. Call and examine.
Emporia News, December 17, 1869.
Cash paid for Eggs, Butter, Lard, and Potatoes at McMILLAN & HOUGHTON’s.
Emporia News, December 24, 1869.
Our large stock of Ladies’ Furs will be closed out this month regardless of cost. What more appropriate Christmas present than a nice set of Furs. Look at the prices.

Astrakhan Furs: $15.00
Siberian Fitch: $23.00
French Sable: $8.00
French Coney: $5.00
Emporia News, January 7, 1870.
A Glimpse of the Business of 1869.
The principal houses are Bancroft and McCarter, Newman and Bro., T. G. Wibley, Hall and Bro., J. C. Fraker, and P. G. Hallburg. The first named firm commenced business in October, and has sold at the rate of from eight to ten thousand dollars per month.
Newman Brothers (late Newman and Houghton) have sold during the year in the neighborhood of fifty thousand dollars worth of goods.
Most of the stores above (dry goods) keep groceries, but we have some large establishments exclusively in the grocery and provision business. Bailey and Painter, Gillett and Hadley, McMillan and Houghton, and Wicks and Mayse are the principal firms in this line of trade. They are all doing a splendid business. The houses of McMillan and Houghton and Bailey and Painter have been established during the past year. Wicks and Mayse bought out G. W. Frederick. Bay and Hall, an old house in this trade, went out of business. Besides these houses, J. L. Dalton, Ferguson and Harvey, and John W. Morris do a very considerable grocery trade. Estimate for grocery trade of the town during 1869: $200,000.
P. J. Lehnhard, Topliff and French, and William Clapp are the firms in this trade. Messrs. Lehnhard and Clapp have manufactories in connection with their trade, and manufacture extensively. Many of the dry goods establishments keep these articles. No estimate given for sales during 1869.
Skipped Clothing, Hardware Stores, etc. None of the names seemed familiar.
Emporia News, January 7, 1870.
The stone work, after some delay, is resumed on Newman & McLaughlin’s new building, on Sixth Avenue. The walls of the second story are rapidly going up under the hammers of numerous masons.
Emporia News, January 7, 1870.
A LARGE STORE. Newman Bro.’s have one of the largest stocks of dry goods, groceries, and other goods, in town, and are doing an extensive business. We are gratified to note their prosperity. They have a large country trade, and are generally able to furnish their city customers with fresh butter and eggs.
Emporia News, March 4, 1870.
Newman Bros., the young, enterprising and genial men who keep the general store three doors north of this office, have received a lot of muslins and other domestics this week, and a supply of ready-made clothing also, which they will sell low. This is only a shadow of the stock they will receive in a week or two. They are doing a lively business and merit much more.

Emporia News, March 11, 1870.
 Business Notices.
Groceries at reduced rates at McMILLAN & HOUGHTON’S.
Best Hartford three ply carpets at NEWMAN & BRO.’s.
Walnut Valley Times, Friday, March 11, 1870.
A. A. NEWMAN, FATHER AND BROTHER, together with a number of others, passed down the Valley on a prospecting tour this week. They admired Eldorado, of course.
[Newman’s father, Augustus Newman, returned to his home in Weld, Maine after this trip. Daniel Beedy was probably a part of the group. The Arkansas City Republican of April 18, 1885, reports that I. L. Newman was part of that party. We do not know what his relationship to “A. A.” was. RKW]
Walnut Valley Times, March 18, 1870.
We understand that the Newman outfit took a claim near Creswell whereon to build a mill. Milling is a big thing in the Walnut valley.
Emporia News, April 1, 1870.
A. A. Newman, of the firm of Newman Bros., has gone east after goods, which, upon their arrival, will be received in their new storeroom, on the corner of Sixth avenue and Market street. This is a magnificent room, and will be filled with a magnificent stock of goods. The front room above will be occupied as a millinery store, and the basement as a restaurant. Newman Bros. will themselves occupy a portion of the upper story.
Emporia News, April 8, 1870.
NEW GOODS. Newman Brothers will receive in a few days, their large and well-selected stock of spring goods, which the senior member of the firm is now ordering in New York. They are purchasing more heavily than ever before, to satisfy the demands of their extensive and rapidly increasing trade. They expect to be ready to open them on or about the 15th, in their new building on Sixth avenue.
In connection with the above, Mr. Newman will bring on a heavy stock of millinery goods, the largest and finest ever brought to Emporia, which will be opened about the same time, in the spacious and elegant front room above. An excellent milliner from Boston, a lady of ten years’ experience in the East, will return with Mr. Newman. We advise the ladies to delay their purchase of millinery until they have examined their stock.
Emporia News, April 15, 1870.
A. C. Armstrong is fitting up a restaurant in Newman Bros.’ new building. He will have it ready for business next week. Mr. Armstrong has had experience in this line, and will conduct a first-class restaurant in every respect. Boarders will be accommodated by both day and week board.
Emporia News, April 15, 1870.
The plastering of the new storeroom of Newman and McLaughlin, on the corner of Sixth Avenue and Mechanics Street, is probably the best job of the kind in town. We do not know the artists who smeared the mud.
Emporia News, April 15, 1870.
The Social Club will give a social hop in Newman’s new building, corner of Sixth Avenue and Mechanics Street this evening.

Emporia News, April 22, 1870.
Newman & Bro. will move into their new storeroom on the corner of Sixth avenue and Mechanics street the latter part of next week. They are receiving and will continue to receive many new goods. If the ladies wish to see something fine in the way of dress goods, they should go to this store. We will not enter into details until after they move. They speak for themselves in another column.
Emporia News, April 22, 1870.
NEWMAN & BRO. are receiving their mammoth stock of spring goods. They have a fine and complete assortment of Dress Goods, White Goods, Hosiery, Dress Trimmings, Clothing, Carpeting, Hats, Boots and Shoes. They bought in New York and Boston, at lower prices than goods have reached since 1881, and will sell at great bargains. They will move into their new store on Sixth avenue next week. All who wish good goods at low prices, will do well to give them a call.
Emporia News, April 29, 1870.
Newman & Bro.’s double-column advertisement will appear next week. It was expected that they would move into their new building the latter part of this week, but the carpenters have disappointed them, and it will not be ready for occupation until week after next. In the meantime, they are prepared to accommodate everybody with everything in the mercantile line. They are doing an immense trade. We called several times without finding them at leisure.
Emporia News, April 29, 1870.
Would announce that he has fitted up in first-class style a RESTAURANT, Which he proposes to conduct in a first-class manner, in the basement of the new STONE BUILDING OF NEWMAN & BRO., Corner Mechanics Street & Sixth Avenue. He would respectfully invite the patronage of the public.
Emporia News, May 6, 1870.
We have a large stock and attractive styles of Dress Goods, Black Silks, Japanese Silks, Irish and French Poplins, white and figured Piquet, white, figured, and buff Brilliants, checked and striped Nainsooks, Organdy, Swiss, Book and Mull Muslin, white and colored Tarletons, checked and plain Challiss, French, Scotch, and American Ginghams, Chambrays, etc.
The celebrated brand of PRIZE MEDAL BLACK ALPACAS.
Shawls, Arab Mantles, Paisley, Ristori, and several other beautiful and popular styles.

Ladies’ Skirts, White and Colored, Embroidered and Plain; together with the latest novelties in Hoop Skirts.
Ladies’ Baskets, Morocco Bags and Satchels, and a great variety of the best Gloves and Hosiery.
BAJOU KID GLOVES. Best in the market. Every Pair WARRANTED.
CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, Satinets, Jeans, Cottonades, Linen Drills, CLOAKINGS AND SACKINGS.
We especially request inspection of our assortment of Bleached, Brown, Dice-checked, and Turkey Red TABLE LINENS AND NAPKINS.
The largest and most attractive stock ever brought to Emporia. Ladies are respectfully requested to call and examine it. Mrs. C. Kidder, an experienced Milliner, late of Boston, will have charge of this department.
Country Merchants will do well to examine our stock and prices before going East, as we will sell at Leavenworth, Kansas City, or St. Louis Prices.
Emporia News, May 6, 1870.
Newman & Bro. are going to move into their new store next week. They will have the neatest storeroom in town. They have an immense stock of beautiful and cheap goods to move into it. The millinery department, in charge of Mrs. C. Kidder, just from Boston, was opened yesterday, upstairs in the new building. We visited this department yesterday, and we assure the ladies that they will find many bonnets there that they will at sight call sweet, etc.
Emporia News, June 3, 1870.
Newman & Bro. are selling more goods per week since they moved into their new store than they ever did before, a fact that we were very much gratified to learn, and which we are pleased to tell to our readers. Let all who are glad to hear it give them a call, and we are sure their sales will still be enlarged.
Emporia News, June 10, 1870.
Its Advantageous Location and Flattering Prospects.
The above is the name of a new town located on the site lately occupied by the Creswell town company.
It is located near the junction of the Arkansas and Walnut Rivers, and is surrounded by extensive and rich valleys of land, and plenty of timber. It is at the point where a railroad down the Walnut Valley will form a junction with one up the Arkansas Valley, both of which will be built at no distant day.
It possesses a splendid water power, which Messrs. Beedy & Newman are under contract to improve by the erection of a water flouring and saw mill at an early day.
It now has a splendid steam mill in successful operation, owned by Major Sleeth, late of El Dorado. A shingle manufactory will be in running order in a very few days.
Twelve buildings are up and in process of construction, among which is Woolsey’s hotel, which has a front of fifty feet on the street, and is thirty-two feet deep. There are in the town at present four stores, one hardware, one grocery store, and two that keep a general stock.

Twenty-six buildings are under contract to be put up just as soon as the lumber can be obtained. Among these we may mention buildings for lumber yard and carpenter shop, bakery, restaurant, boot and shoe store, drug store, clothing store, dry goods and clothing store, meat market, stage and express office, book store, cabinet shop, residences, etc.
The Southern Kansas Stage Company will commence running a tri-weekly line of hacks to Arkansas City in about ten days, carrying mail twice a week from El Dorado. They have become interested in the town, and will immediately put up large stables, and make this their headquarters for the stage and express business in Southwestern Kansas.
Many of the new business houses to be put up are large two-story buildings. Among these is a town hall, 25 x 40 feet. A schoolhouse will be erected during the summer.
A ferry will be put in running order across the Arkansas at this point, at an early day, and it is thought much of the Texas cattle business will be done at Arkansas City this summer.
Native lumber is furnished cheaper than at any point in Southern Kansas. Stone is plenty.
A newspaper will be established here during the season. For this object the company offer liberal inducements.
The town company offer great inducements to settlers. No lots are sold, but they are given away to those who will build business houses and residences.
There are plenty of good claims within two to five miles of the town.
The people are enterprising, wide awake, and will do all in their power to assist newcomers.
One or more churches will probably be built this season.
The Arkansas and Walnut Valleys are unsurpassed in the West for fertility of soil, and plentiful supply of timber.
Water has been obtained in Arkansas City at a depth of sixteen feet.
Now is the time to settle in that portion of the country if newcomers want first choice.
Emporia News, July 29, 1870.
Mr. A. A. Newman is having a two-story house built on Sixth Avenue, near Market Street, for Mr. A. N. Harlin, of Boston, Massachusetts. It will be for rent when completed. The first floor will make a good business room, for which it is designed.
Emporia News, August 5, 1870.
A. A. Newman has gone East after new goods.
Emporia News, August 19, 1870.
A. A. Newman is in New York buying goods. The first installment, consisting of a mammoth stock of blankets, flannels, hosiery, coverlets, crash and table linens, etc., has arrived, and they are looking for the arrival of a general assortment of other goods in a few days.  [Yes, they used the word “crash”...???]
Item put in by RKW...
The Arkansas City Traveler of August 24, 1870, made this announcement.
“We in the Walnut Valley have heretofore suffered great inconvenience for lack of a flouring mill. There is no gristmill south of Cottonwood. The price of flour has been high in consequence. But our farmers generally preferred to pay it, rather than haul grain fifty or a hundred miles to a mill.
“Now however a change is at hand. A wealthy and enterprising firm has fully contracted to begin work on a sawmill and gristmill at this point. The water power on the Walnut River is one of the very best in Kansas—sufficient to run four stones the year round. The contract provides that the mill be completed October 1871.”
Emporia News, August 26, 1870.

Newman Bros. are still receiving goods, notwithstanding their shelves are full, their counters loaded, and every corner heaped with everything imaginable.
Emporia News, September 9, 1870.
A. A. Newman returned last week from New York. Their large storeroom will hardly contain the goods he bought, and which are being received daily.
Emporia News, September 16, 1870.
Millinery! Millinery!! at Wholesale and Retail. They have a large and beautiful stock at Newman & Bro’s, 109 Sixth Avenue, just received from New York, consisting of the latest style of Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons, Feathers, Flowers, Velvets, Laces, and everything in the line of Millinery, together with a splendid assortment of fancy articles for ladies’ wear. Elegant Roman Sashes, the first ever brought to Emporia. Also plain and fancy ribbons for sashes; collars of thread and print lace, Valenciennes, Cluny, etc., of the newest styles; Guipure and thread lace for trimming; Swiss, Cambric, and Hamburg edgings in great variety.
Emporia News, September 23, 1870.
For Sale. One five acre lot in Goodrich’s addition to the town of Emporia. Lot fenced and broke, and one hundred apple trees set out last spring. A splendid chance for Market Gardening. Will be sold cheap, partly on time if desired. Inquire of T. H. McLaughlin, at Newman & Bros. store.
Emporia News, September 23, 1870.
It was our pleasure to spend a few minutes in the handsome millinery establishment of Mrs. Newman the other day, examining the wonderful works of art in that line. The perfection to which the manufacturer of artificial flowers has been brought is one of the wonders of the age. The delicate tints, brilliancy, and harmonious blending of colors, the imitation of nature in all the minutiae that attached to the natural growth and even accident in the lives of the tender ornaments of the natural world, are so skillfully and tastefully portrayed as to surpass in beauty and form even the flowers they were made to represent. Only the fragrance and microscopic peculiarities of the natural are wanting in the artificial to render them equal in value and attractiveness. The skill of human hands, as demonstrated by the exhibitions of Mrs. Newman and Mrs. Kidder, is not confined to their flowers. We were shown a “perfect love of a bonnet,” which our knowledge of terms peculiar to the world of women and fashion is too limited to attempt to describe. Suffice it to say that it cost sixty dollars, and is the prettiest object of the kind we ever beheld. The point lace collars, gorgeous sashes, etc., with which the fair sex adorn their persons, shown to us on this occasion, excited alike our wonder and admiration. The more substantial necessities of domestic economy are to be found in profusion in the store below. A visit to this establishment, reader, will recompense you for coming miles to see.
Emporia News, October 7, 1870.
Newman Bros. are disposing of their immense stock in a lively manner. We stepped into the store the other day, just as they were sending out an order of over $1,200 worth of goods, and as they did not seem to think it a big thing, of course we had to conclude it was nothing unusual.
Walnut Valley Times, December 9, 1870.

From the Arkansas City Traveler of November the 30 we take the following.
Mr. Beedy is here, and has commenced work upon his water-power. We shall soon have running at this point the best saw-mill and grist-mill in Kansas. Mr. Beedy is a mill-wright of extensive means, and of many years experience. He has built mills on many rivers, from Maine to Oregon. Our people need not entertain the slightest doubt about the matter. Beedy & Newman mean business.
RKW also inserted the following information:
“Mrs. Albert (Mate) Newman said that the mill was built with the grain-receiving bin higher up on the bank of the river. The grain slid by gravity down chutes to the grinder. The mill therefore was built on the east side of the Walnut River where Kansas Avenue intersects the river. The dam extended to the west.”
Emporia News, December 9, 1870.
This new town, located at the junction of Walnut and Arkansas Rivers, is building up rapidly. We glean a few items in relation to the town from the report of the President—Prof. H. B. Norton—and Executive Committee of the town company, made at a meeting of said Company held in this place last Monday.
The first building was completed in April last, and by a liberal policy in donating lots to those who would build thereon, fifty-six buildings are now up and occupied; twenty more are in process of construction, and will be completed within the next twenty days; twenty-five others are under contract to be built as soon as the materials can be had. It is believed that over 100 buildings will be completed by the 15th of January. This is now the largest town in the Walnut Valley, leaving out El Dorado.
The buildings now occupied include some of good dimensions, such as the City Hotel, just erected by the Town Company, which has a basement and two stories, and the main part being 25 x 30 feet. Many of the business houses are 25 x 40 and two stories high. The Woolsey house, which is in running order, is 22 x 34, with a two-story wing nearly as large.
Among the branches of business now being carried on is the following: Carpenters, dry goods, harness shop, boarding houses, millinery and dress making, land office, bakery, grocery, restaurant, paint shop, blacksmithing, livery stable, wagon making, billiard hall, hotels, hardware and stoves, tin ship, drug store, printing office, clothing store, candle factory, meat market, jewelry store, shoe shop, feed store, soap factory, etc.
Trade is good in the town, and as the Walnut and Arkansas valleys are rich and arable for miles, the country will be thickly settled, and business will steadily grow better. It is so situated, also, as to command the trade of several tribes of Indians, in their new homes in the Indian Territory.
Parties are erecting a large building for the sale and manufacture of agricultural implements; also, for a town hall 25 x 60 feet. Another hotel is underway to be 30 x 50 feet in size, two stories high.
The Southern Kansas Italian Immigration Society has made Arkansas City its headquarters, and has already erected a building for an office. Two hundred families will be located in the vicinity, by the agent, who is already making arrangements for them, early in the Spring. They will engage in silk and grape culture.

The total number of lots donated, so far, for the benefit of the town, by the Company, 253. A large number more are yet to be donated.
A ferry is now running over the Walnut River at the town, and one will soon be running over the Arkansas, and arrangements are being made to cross Texas cattle at this place next season. A road has been laid out south to intersect the well known Chisholm trail, and traders pronounce the route via Arkansas City superior in every respect to the Western trail.
Two of the best saw mills in Southern Kansas are running day and night at Arkansas City, and they cannot supply the demand for lumber. Two shingle machines are also in operation, and to one of the mills is being added a lath mill and gig-saw.
Beedy & Newman who entered into contract last season to improve the water-power near the place, are already at work on a large water mill, which will be running next summer.
The flow of immigration to the town and country is steadily increasing, and the demand for town lots on the liberal terms offered by the company, was never so great as now.
The company will obtain title for their site at an early day, and the town will have a growth next season which will be rapid and permanent. Few towns in Southern Kansas have a better location.
Emporia News, December 30, 1870.
The officers of Emporia Chapter No. 12 and Emporia Lodge No. 12, A. F. and A. M., were installed on Friday evening last. The officers of the chapter are:
A. A. Newman, M. 3rd Vail.
Emporia News, January 20, 1871.
Emporia News, January 20, 1871.
There is not a handsomer or better kept stock of dry goods in anybody’s town than can be seen in Newman Bros.’ establishment, this city.
Emporia News, February 17, 1871.
Thirteen singers met Wednesday night at the residence of Mr. A. A. Newman, to rehearse the cantata of “The Haymakers,” with a view of giving a concert some evening.
Emporia News, March 10, 1871.
Newman’s Bro.’s sidewalk was piled high with boxes, the other day, from which people said they had received new goods. They keep the neatest store in Kansas, and if they do not have the best of goods, good taste goes for naught in purchasing, and everybody!—well, everybody says they do keep good goods.
Emporia News, April 14, 1871.

Read the splendid large advertisement of Messrs. Newman & Bro. They have just received as fine a stock of dry goods as has ever been brought to this market. Silks and poplins, prints and ginghams, broadcloths and cassimeres, doeskins and tweeds, boots and shoes, hats and caps, and carpets of all kinds and qualities fill their fine storeroom on Sixth avenue as it has never been filled before. Their stock of millinery is also unsurpassed. It would take all the fine words in the dictionary to appropriately describe the beautiful things Mrs. Newman can show you if you will drop in to see them. Their prices are most reasonable.
Emporia News, April 21, 1871.
Wholesale and Retail.
Have just received from the Importers and Manufacturers the largest line of Spring and Summer DRESS GOODS Ever brought to Emporia, and will sell at LOWER PRICES than ever.
Black Silks, All Qualities.
Japanese Silks and Poplins, Striped and Checked.
Plain and Fancy SILKS.
Silk Warp Pongees,
Silk Warp Diagonals,
Silk Warp SERGES,
Silk Warp Epinglines,
French Figured Grenadines,
Swiss Mulls,
French Welts, White and Buff.
French and English Prints, French Lawns, Buff Linen Lawns, Buff Linen for suits.
Percales, Marsailes, Piques, French, Scotch, and Chambray Ginghams.
BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, Broadcloths, Cassimeres, Diagonals, Doeskins,  Tweeds, Cottonades, Denims, Etc.
Prints and Muslin by the case, bolt or yard.
Emporia News, April 28, 1871.
Read the card of Mrs. Newman and Mrs. Kidder in another column, and then go and examine their stock of millinery.
Emporia News, May 5, 1871.
A. A. Newman
T. H. McLaughlin.
O. P. Houghton.
Emporia News, May 12, 1871.

Without any noise or ostentation, a great work is going on in our midst. Mr. Beedy, with a strong force, is steadily pushing ahead. The dam is almost completed; the machinery for the sawmill has been ordered; the whole establishment will be in running order by October 1st.
A careful estimate gives, at the lowest stage of water, an available force of 270 horse power. Three powerful turbines will at once be put in position; a grist mill, having three run of stones, a sawmill, a lath and shingle mill, will all be speedily running at this point.
The sawmill is about ready to raise. It is thirty-five by fifty-five feet. The flouring mill is 35 x 40 feet, four stories high.
The water power is amply sufficient to run the above mentioned machinery, leaving a large power available for other purposes; of which, more anon.
We cannot too strongly thank, or highly compliment, the business energy which has thus dared to push out into the wilderness, and rear such costly buildings in advance of all productive industry. It will bring its own reward. The people of Cowley County will certainly owe much to Messrs. Beedy and Newman for the good work in which they are engaged. Arkansas City Traveler.
Emporia News, July 7, 1871.
Col. J. M. Steele declining to serve as an appraiser of the lots fronting on Commercial street between 3rd and 7th avenue for the purpose of assessing against them the curbing, guttering, and macadamizing of the street, Mr. A. A. Newman was appointed instead.
Emporia News, July 21, 1871.
Eliza J. Bell vs. J. B. Bell; judgment against A. A. Newman, garnishee for $21.39, and accruing costs.
Emporia News, July 28, 1871.
A. A. Newman and wife left for the east Monday, where they will spend several weeks.
Emporia News, August 18, 1871.
Newman & Bro. opened a huge pile of boxes yesterday, and “new goods” is their battle cry. They are selling at prices low enough to draw money out of anybody’s pocket, even in these tight times.
Emporia News, August 25, 1871.
We [Stotler] spent a few days in this beautiful and thriving young town, which sets upon an elevation at the junction of the Arkansas and Walnut Rivers. We were perfectly delighted with the town and surrounding country. If we were going to change our location in this State, we would go to Arkansas City as quick as we could get there. Its location is good for at least two railroads, one down the Walnut and one through the Arkansas valley. The Arkansas valley is much broader and more fertile than we had expected to find it. We firmly believe the Arkansas Valley soil will excel every section in the State in corn and vegetable crops.
In Cowley and Sumner Counties nearly every quarter section has upon it a bona fide settler. Fortunately the speculators were not allowed to get their clutches on an acre of it. On account of this heavy settlement, Arkansas City is bound to have a good trade. She will also receive a share of the Texas trade.

This town has over 100 buildings. Among the rest, and about the largest and best, is the city hotel, kept by our friend, H. O. Meigs. It is the best kept hotel in the Walnut Valley. The table is supplied with good, substantial food, and what is not the case with all tables, it is clean and well cooked; altogether, this is the cleanest, best ventilated, and most homelike public house we have found in our travels lately.
We found here a large number of old Emporia men in business, among whom we may mention O. P. Houghton, Judge McIntire and sons, the Mortons, Charley Sipes, Mr. Page, Mr. Beck, and others. They are all doing well, and have unlimited faith in their town and county.
Beedy & Newman are building a large water mill near the town. They have already expended $8,000 in the enterprise, and will soon be ready for sawing.
Close to the town we found Max Fawcett upon a beautiful piece of land amid grape vines, trees, shrubs, and flowers. He is testing the capabilities of the soil for all kinds of fruits, and has so far the best encouragement. Wherever he is, Max. will be a public benefactor.
We shall go to Arkansas City again in two or three years on the cars. We shall ride up to Meigs’ hotel in a comfortable bus from the depot, and see a town of two thousand inhabitants. You see if we don’t. Cowley is the prettiest, healthiest, and most fertile county we have seen in the State.
Emporia News, September 22, 1871.
We neglected last week to note the return of our popular and wide awake merchant, A. A. Newman, who had been in the east for several weeks, where he bought an immense stock of goods, part of which has already arrived, and the balance will be opened this week. Mrs. Newman accompanied Mr. Newman and purchased heavily for the millinery establishment connected with the store. These goods were expected last evening. This will undoubtedly be good news for the ladies of Emporia.
Emporia News, September 22, 1871.
We learn that the farmers hereabouts are making preparations to sow winter wheat largely this fall. It is the right thing to do. No one should neglect it.
Beedy and Newman will be ready to grind it as soon as harvested. By next fall there will be a heavy demand for flour coming up from the new settlers in the Indian country.
Arkansas City Traveler.
Winfield Messenger, November 1, 1872.
AD: GRINDING. The Arkansas City Water Mill, on the Walnut, is now in successful operation. Custom grinding at all hours. Shelling and bolting without extra charge. BEEDY & NEWMAN, Proprietors.
Winfield Courier, Saturday, January 11, 1873.
The following bills were presented and rejected.
Newman & Houghton, laid over endorsing the County Attorney’s decision.
L. M. McLaughlin, laid over with same action as Newman & Houghton.
Bills allowed:
Newman & Houghton, goods for pauper: $7.45
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 13, 1873.

MARCH 9TH, 1873.
Action on bills against the county as follows:
L. M. McLaughlin, for coffin furnished pauper in Pleasant Valley Township: Claimed: $12.00. Allowed: $10.00
Bills laid over and rejected as follows:
Bill of Newman, H & Sherburne, not itemized.
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874.
Items from the Traveler.
Since the raise of the Arkansas, large shoals of cat and buffalo fish can be seen on the rocks near, and under, Newman’s mill. We never saw so many before. The boys amuse themselves by trying to drop large stones on them as they swim by.
Winfield Courier, March 18, 1875.
No. 469. Wyland J. Keffer, vs. Albert A. Newman, et al.
Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.
New Flour. J. P. Woodyard purchased 300 bushels of wheat of A. A. Newman last week, at ninety cents per bushel, and will grind it this week.
Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.
Cowley County, away down here on the Indian border, is running over with peace and plenty. Her crops were so abundant, the days so delightful, the nights so delicious, her people happy and contented, that indeed:
“If there’s peace to be found in the world,
A heart that was humble, might hope for it here!”
Arkansas City has the most enterprise, the wealthier mer­chants, and one newspaper well supported by her businessmen. Her merchants advertise extensively, and are drawing a large trade which naturally belongs to Winfield. One of her firms, A. A. Newman & Co., have the government contract to furnish Pawnee Agency with 750,000 pounds of flour, delivered at the Agency. This, besides aiding our wheat market, will furnish employment for a large number of teams. The distance is ninety miles.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 6, 1876.
is located upon a beautiful rise of ground commanding an enchant­ing view of the Arkansas and Walnut valleys. It is about four miles North of the South and six miles East of the West line of the county. The Arkansas passes about one-half mile West, and the Walnut about one-half mile East of the town site and form a junction about two miles and a half to the southeast.

In 1870 the following enterprises were established and were the first of the kind in the city: C. R. Sipes’ hardware store; Sleeth & Bro. saw mill; Richard Woolsey, hotel; Newman & Houghton clothing house (first in the county); Paul Beck, blacksmith shop; E. D. Bowen grocery store; Keith & Eddy drug store; J. I. Mitchell Harness shop; T. A. Wilkinson, restaurant and boarding house; Wm. Speers, first ferry across Arkansas River.
About one year after the organization of Adelphi, a dispen­sation was granted to the craft at Arkansas City, and in due time they received a charter under the name of Crescent Lodge, No. 133, with O. S. Smith, W. M.; E. B. Kager, S. W. Dexter Lodge is spoken of elsewhere.
On the 15th of March, 1875, a dispensation was granted M. L. Read, H. P.; M. C. Baker, K.; John D. Pryor, Scribe; W. C. Robinson, C. H.; A. Howland, P. S.; W. G. Graham, R. A. C.; J. W. Johnston, M. 3rd V.; P. Hill, M. 1st V.; A. A. Newman, member. October 19th, a charter was issued to them under the name Winfield Chapter, R. A. M., No. 31; and on the 26th of the same month the Chapter was instituted by J. C. Bennett, of Emporia. A list of the officers for this year was published last week. This branch of Masonry here is in good working order and in a healthy condition financially.
Haywood a relative of Newman...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.    
Channell & Haywood’s.
More goods given away for less money than at any store in Cowley Co. Groceries, Stoneware, and Woodenware, Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Grainite Water. Agricultural implements of every kind! A carload of Studebaker Wagons just received. 150 Gang and Sulky Plows, and Common Breaking and Stirring Plows, will be in by January 1st, 1876.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.
Dry Goods!
A. A. NEWMAN & CO., Arkansas City, Kansas.
Our Fall Purchase of Dry Goods, Clothing, etc., has arrived, and we now offer, at challenging prices, the best line of Dry Goods, Clothing, Carpets, Silks, Hats, Caps, Boots, and Shoes ever put on the market in Southern Kansas.
Our trade is not confined to Arkansas City alone: we are willing to compete with or duplicate the prices of Wichita, Leavenworth, or Kansas City. If you don’t believe it, come and see. Our stock of Dry Goods embraces all the latest patterns in prints, and the very best Dress Goods. We have a fine assortment of Farmers, Boys, and Girls Boots, Shoes, and Rubbers. Also, Ladies’ and Gents’ Sewed Boots and Slippers. In Hats and Caps we have every variety, from the Cheapest to the Finest and Most Fashionable Styles. Buck Gloves, Mittens, Muffs, and Comforts.
White and Colored Shirts and Underwear.
Flannels, Muslins, Sheetings, Jeans, etc.
Prints Seven Cents per Yard!
Every variety of Gents’ and Boys’ Clothing, with prices to suit any. WE CAN GIVE YOU A FULL SUIT FROM $5 TO $50.
Sherburne also was a relative of Newman.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.
A Rare Chance!
Don’t Fail to be Benefitted By it! $10,000.000 worth of Dry Goods at Cost!

For 30 days—From January 20 to February 20, 1876. For Cash Only!
We have on hand a large stock of fall and winter goods purchased in New York and Boston. This Fall, when Goods were Lower than they have been for fifteen years, and we Are Bound to Sell Them To Make Room For Our Spring Stock!  Consequently, we will, as stated above, sell at cost for the time mentioned—namely, 30 days. Come and See for Yourselves!  We will sell you more goods for less money than you ever bought before. Respectfully,
Newman and some of his relatives were involved in the “Cowley County Bank.”
Note by RKW: This was the northeast corner of Fifth Avenue and Summit Street. The location is now a portion of the Home National Bank in Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.
Does a General Banking Business. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. Domestic and Foreign Exchange Bought and Sold. School Bonds a Specialty.
Collections promptly attended to.
In this issue “Observer” was C. M. Scott...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876. Front Page.
ARKANSAS CITY, Jan. 4, 1876.
In my last letter I informed you that Newman & Co. were building a fine brick store room 25 by 100 feet. The fine weather or some other cause has struck S. P. Channell & Co. with the same fever, so that they are now at work digging out the basement, to erect a new brick store room alongside of Newman’s, 25 by 100 feet, same style and finish; and from the way that Houghton & McLaughlin look across the street and see those two splendid brick stores going up, I shouldn’t be astonished if they caught the fever also, and by spring another new brick store will go up on the opposite corner. “Example is a wonderful teacher.”
Pitch in gentlemen, the investment is a safe one, in the opinion of a casual
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.
The Beethoven Singing Society met at the frame church last Friday evening, and elected the following officers.
President, E. D. Bowen.
Vice President, C. R. Sipes.
Treasurer, Miss Eva Swarts.
Secretary, Mrs. A. A. Newman.
Organist, Mrs. R. C. Haywood.
Director, Prof. E. W. Hulse.
A concert will be given within three weeks.

The following gives an indication that Newman relatives, Houghton and McLaughlin were now living in Arkansas City. O. P. Houghton was mayor at this time.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.
Have the largest stock of Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Clothing! And Notions, in the Walnut Valley, which they will sell for the next Sixty Days!  Cheaper than any House in the Valley for Ready Pay. We will trade for Cash, Wheat, Oats, Corn, Furs, and Hides, Cattle, Horses, or Mules. We are going to sell!
Our stock of groceries, as usual, is complete, fresh, and cheap!
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.
RECAP: Albert A. Newman, plaintiff, vs. Edwin L. Chesney and Lewis H. Gardner, defendants. Sum: $1,096.35. Order for the sale of lots one and two and the south half of the northeast quarter of section two in township thirty-four south of range three east, in Cowley County, to satisfy said judgment, attorney’s fees, taxes, and costs, according to the three promis­sory notes and the mortgage given by Edwin L. Chesney to Lewis H. Gardner.
E. S. BEDILION, Clerk of the District Court.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.
Mr. Newman and J. L. Stubbs returned from the Pawnee Agency, last Monday, well pleased with their visit.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.
SOLD OUT. R. A. Houghton has sold his half-interest in the dry goods store to A. A. Newman. Rube says it don’t pay to sell goods on close figures, and then have a man run off every now and then owing him a hundred dollars.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.
A Union Social will be given by Mrs. Newman and Mrs. C. R. Mitchell at Pearson’s Hall, on Wednesday evening, Feb. 9. A cordial invitation is extended to all, and a good time will doubtless be had.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876. Front Page.
ARKANSAS CITY, February 8, 1876.
Editor Traveler:
In company with A. A. Newman, we recently paid a visit to the Pawnee Agency, and at your request, will give you a few items.
We left Arkansas City on Thursday. Owing to the rains of late, and the heavy freights that have passed over the road, it was very much cut up; but it is a natural route, and with a few days’ work, would make the best road in this section. Would it not be a wise move for the citizens of this place to take mea­sures to have some improvements made on it?
We arrived at the Agency Friday afternoon; found Agent Burgess and family comfortably located in their new quarters, and to whom we are under obligations for their hospitality, and for much information relative to the progress of the Indians, their management, etc.
The tribe numbers about 2,400 persons. Their Reserva­tion as contemplated embraces near 600,000 acres of land. While there is sufficient good land for all farming purposes, the proportion of good land is not so great as that between here and there; but it is adapted to stock growing, being well watered and timbered.

A portion of the tribe moved on their Reservation in June last, since which time they have broken 400 acres of prairie, 90 of which is in fall wheat, and looks fine. Thirty buildings have been erected, principally for the use of employees. This in­cludes a large frame barn, with stabling capacity for fifty horses, granaries, etc. A saw mill has also been erected, at a cost of about $5,000, with which they have cut near 200,000 feet of lumber. An office of cut stone is under process of construc­tion, and when completed, will be a very handsome structure. A very superior quality of building stone is found within easy reach of the Agency—mostly sandstone, but there is a sufficiency of limestone for all purposes.
Indian labor is employed as far as practicable, and they manifest considerable of skill in the use of tools, etc. Quite a  number of full blood Indians are serving apprenticeships at the different trades, and we were informed by those over them that they take quite an interest in their work, and seem anxious to learn.
A day school is in progress, conducted by Miss Burgess and Mrs. Longshore, with an average attendance of 90 scholars, an equal number of boys and girls—something unusual for Indians, as they are almost universally opposed to the education of their girls, and their prejudices can only be overcome by time and an unlimited amount of patience. It being Saturday, we did not have an opportunity of visiting the school, but were informed that they are easily governed, and learn quite readily, several of them being able to read quite intelligently, having only been in school a little over a year.
A portion of their tribe are on their annual hunt, but meeting with poor success. They draw an annuity of $30,000, $15,000 of which they receive in annuity goods. The balance is paid them in cash, semi-annually.
We were shown Indians, who, two years ago, were the wildest of their tribe, but who are now wearing citizens’ clothes, and are evidently anxious to settle down to farming pursuits and follow the “white man’s road.”
The health of the tribe is not so good as on their old Reservation, owing probably to the change of climate. Their sanitary interests are cared for by Dr. Lamb, a very pleasant gentleman and a thorough practitioner.
Agent Burgess has had charge of the tribe for three years, and under his efficient management it is evident the Indians are making rapid strides toward civilization, which is nothing more than a just recompense for his efforts, as he is heartily engaged in his work, and certainly has a very rational method of dealing with his “children,” and if permitted to continue his administra­tion a few years, we may expect to see them become self-sustaining.J. L. S.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.
At the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Cowley County Bank yesterday W. M. Sleeth, T. H. McLaughlin, R. C. Haywood, H. O. Meigs, and A. A. Newman were elected Directors for the year: A. A. Newman, President; W. M. Sleeth, Vice President; H. P. Farrar, Cashier and Secretary.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876.
NEW HOUSE. James Allen has the frame erected for a neat residence on First East street, near Mr. Newman’s. The site is one of the most desirable in town, and was given him by the City, under promise he would build.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

MR. NEWMAN has a $225 pony team—the prettiest to be found in this vicinity.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.
The rut between this place and Newman’s mill has a culvert built over it.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.
Work continues on Newman’s and Haywood’s block; it will cost near $7,000 when completed.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 15, 1876. Front Page.
From the Spirit of Kansas.
As another evidence of our growth and prosperity as a five-year-old county, I will state what I believe to be true, from the best information I can get—that for the past five months there have been shipped from Cowley County, on an average, twenty wagon loads of wheat per day, averaging thirty-five bushels to the load—making in all over 107,000 bushels of wheat. I have counted as many as sixty loads per day between this place and Wichita. Some 2,000 bushels of wheat were shipped from our town in one day by Houghton & McLaughlin.
As another evidence of the prosperity of our farmers along the line, one firm in this city—Channell & Haywood (and they are not Grange agents, either)—sold during the past summer and fall 25 wagons, 85 plows, 42 reapers and mowers, 45 cultivators, 3 threshing machines, 10 wheat drills, 6 seeders, 15 sulky rakes, 2 sorghum mills, 10 fanning mills, besides a large number of small farming implements. It is no uncommon sight to see forty or fifty farm wagons in our town in a day.
And every once in awhile, our merchants send large amounts of flour into the Indian Nation to feed the noble red man and his interesting family. In one week, Channell & Haywood, the firm above alluded to, sent over 20,000 pounds of flour to the Sac & Foxes. Newman & Co., the same week sent 25,000 pounds on an 800,000 pound contract with the Osages.
But, notwithstanding these large exports of wheat and flour, our people are not happy. They want a railroad, and at the least mention of the words “railroad meeting,” the people flock togeth­er to see and hear what is going on.
A few weeks ago we had one of the most enthusiastic railroad meetings at Winfield I have ever attended. There must have been 1,500 people on the ground. This city sent a delegation of about 100 of her best citizens, accompanied by our famous silver cornet band.
The usual events of dying, marrying, and being born are still going on, and our city has its quota of each. As the two latter are gaining on the former, it necessitates the building of more houses, both public and private.
I notice preparations for quite a number of new dwellings to be put up this spring. O. P. Houghton, one of our leading mer­chants, has commenced hauling the brick and putting in the sills of his new residence. The Rev. S. B. Fleming is having a neat brick parsonage built that will be ready for occupation in a couple of months. Our grocery merchants, Page & Godehard, each contemplate building this spring. We hear of others who will need a house soon. Our Methodist brethren have contracted for a new church to be completed by the first of June. OBSERVER.
Arkansas City, February 27.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 22, 1876.

A. A. NEWMAN purchased the entire stock of Sherburne & Stubbs last week, and moved all but the groceries to his store room. We learn that R. A. Houghton purchased the groceries of Mr. Newman and intends keeping a grocery store. He has engaged Mr. S. J. Mantor to take charge of the groceries.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 22, 1876.
The Centennial Concert, rendered at the First Church last Saturday evening, by the church choir, was attended by more than one hundred persons. The introduction was made by Rev. Fleming in a manner that did credit to himself and gave spirit to the audience. The musical efforts were of high standing, and attend­ed with success. The characters were interesting and somewhat comical. It struck us as a little funny to see Ethan Allen with his hair parted in the middle, and wearing white pants. George Washington, of the little hatchet fame, was introduced as the father of his country, and afterwards exhibited his skill on the organ in a manner that was “not so slow” for so aged a gentleman.
The characters represented were as follows.
   Mrs. John Hancock - Mrs. Newman.
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1876.
District Court Docket.
The following is a list of cases that will stand for trial at the April term A. D. 1876, of the District Court of Cowley, and have been placed on the Trial Docket in the following order.
  A. A. Newman vs. E. L. Chesney et al.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 5, 1876.
Mr. Newman and Silas Parker visited the noble nomads of the far West, at the Kaw Agency, this week.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 5, 1876.
MR. A. A. NEWMAN left this morning for New York and Boston, where he will purchase his spring and summer stock of Dry Goods. His present stock is a very large one, and when the new one comes on, it will evidently be the largest in Cowley County. Mr. Newman is a merchant of many years experience, and knows when and where to meet a good market.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 12, 1876.
The dam at Newman’s mill has been in danger for several days past.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 12, 1876.
J. L. STUBBS is at present clerking in George Newman’s store in Emporia.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.
NEWMAN and CHANNELL & HAYWOOD are building two two-story store rooms, with fifty feet front by 100 feet deep, of brick.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.
NEW GOODS this week at Houghton & McLaughlin’s and A. A. Newman’s.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.
The Ladies’ Society of the Presbyterian Church will meet at Mr. A. A. Newman’s this afternoon at 2 o’clock.

Have never been able to find out if Channell was related to Newman family...MAW
Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.
MR. AND MRS. CHANNELL will rusticate this summer in the East. Also, Mrs. Newman.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.
The store room of A. A. Newman is crowded to overflowing with his new stock of goods, and the tongues and heels of the proprietor and three clerks are almost constantly in motion. They have everything in the dry goods line, at prices lower than ever, new hats, new shoes, new dress patterns, new clothing, and all the new spring and summer goods are piled up to the ceiling. Call in before the goods are put on the shelves or stowed under the counter if you want to see a model stock.
Cowley County Democrat, May 18, 1876.
Arkansas City Items.
Newman, Channell, and Haywood’s brick buildings swarm with workmen and are rising every day.
Houghton & McLaughlin, and Newman are rolling in a big stock of goods, and the people are taking them off right along. They propose to duplicate Wichita or any other prices.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.
NEWMAN & CO. sold $500 dollars worth of goods last Saturday.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.
THE DAM AT NEWMAN’S MILL has been washed around on the west side so that the whole current of the river passes through the break. They are at work on it, and expect to have it repaired soon. With the bridge being gone, things look desolate about the mill at present.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1876.
What Cowley County is to the State, Bolton Township is to Cowley County, the banner wheat raising district. Unless a farmer has over sixty acres of wheat in his field, it is called a “patch.” A. A. Newman & Co. will harvest 200 acres; Reuben Bowers, 187; Henry Pruden, 165; Frank Lorry, 150; E. B. Kager, 150; Oscar Palmer, 150; the Beard Bros., 100; and we don’t know how many farmers 50 and 75 acre fields of the best wheat in the State. The majority of the farmers will use “Headers,” thus saving the expense of binding and shocking the grain. Of course, Bolton wants a railroad. We were told by one of her leading citizens that the township would not cast three dissenting votes to any railroad bond proposition that the Commissioners might submit, whether east, west, north, or south, it matters not to them, they all want a railroad. Courier.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1876.
A ferry across the Walnut at Newman’s Mill or Harmon’s ford would pay.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876.
A crib has been put in at Newman’s mill, and they will grind soon.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876.
The crossing is bad and dangerous at the ford at Newman’s mill. We know it.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.

GONE EAST. Mrs. Newman, Mrs. Haywood, and S. P. Channell and wife left for oriental quarters this week.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.
A wagon load of fish was left on dry land when the bank washed out from the dam at Newman’s mill, last Sunday.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.
MR. NEWMAN has charge of the Water Mills on the Walnut once more, and will see that all who come with grists are accommodated.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.
The marriage ceremony of Mr. Kennedy and Miss Norton was performed by Rev. J. E. Platter, last Wednesday evening, at the residence of Mr. L. C. Norton, and was highly complimented by the competent judges who were in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Haywood, Mr. and Mrs. Loomis, E. D. Eddy, Miss Sherburne, Mr. Kennedy’s brother, J. H. Sherburne, Mr. and Mrs. Newman, Mrs. Sherburne, and Mr. Burgess, constituted the party, with the parents and members of the family of the bride.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 5, 1876.
CHANNELL & HAYWOOD’s new store room will be completed, and the goods moved in within the next two weeks. Mr. Newman expects to move in his new room this fall.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 26, 1876.
NEWMAN’S mill is grinding again.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 26, 1876.
AT LAST!  The Arkansas City Water Mills are now prepared to do custom grinding. All work done in short order, and satisfac­tion guaranteed. Bring in your grists. A. A. NEWMAN.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 9, 1876.
MR. JOHN GRIMES has sold his wagon shop to Mr. Cline, lately located here, who will conduct the business at the old stand, in the rear of Franklin’s blacksmith shop. Mr. Grimes is working at Newman’s mill.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 9, 1876.
We are informed that Mr. A. A. Newman has offered to build the piers of the old bridge four or five feet higher if the township will bear the expense of putting a new bridge across. This is an offer our people cannot afford to ignore, as the expense on their part will be slight—a mere song, in fact—compared with that of building a new one entire. Considerable of the iron and other material of the former structure can be utilized with little work, thus throwing a large portion of the cost on Mr. Newman. Our businessmen should not remain blind to their interests any longer, but see to it that the bridge is built, either through the voting of bonds or private subscrip­tions, as its absence only serves to drive trade to Winfield. It can hardly be called policy to save at the spigot and lose at the bung.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 16, 1876.
NEWMAN received thirty ponies from the Territory last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 6, 1876.
MR. A. A. NEWMAN has been awarded another contract to supply the Pawnee Indians with 30,000 pounds of flour. The contract is not so large this time, but more are expected.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 13, 1876.
Indian Contracts Awarded to Newman, Channell & Haywood,
To the Amount of $40,000 and over.
We learn by letter that the bids of A. A. Newman, Haywood (of Channell & Haywood), and McLaughlin (of Houghton & McLaughlin), for flour and transportation to the different Agencies south of us have been accepted as follows.
For Sac and Fox Agency, delivered there in indefinite quantities, at $2.48 per 100 lbs., and the following quantities to be delivered at the respective agencies:
For the Kiowa, 220,000 lbs. at $3.29.
For the Wichita, 80,000 lbs. at $3.29.
For the Pawnees, 200,000 lbs. at $2.23.
For the Cheyennes and Arapahos, 260,000 lbs. at $2.97.
For the Osages, indefinite quantity, at $2.19 per 100 lbs.
This will give a cash market for wheat at our very doors, freighting for a number of teams, and employment to many men, and build up for the town a business greater than known before.
Mr. Thomas Lannigan, of Fort Smith, Arkansas, has the contract for beef, and will purchase largely in Cowley and Sumner counties. His contract is for beef on the hoof, at $3.73½ for Kiowa and Comanche, 2,650,000 lbs.; for Cheyenne and Arapaho, 3,000,000 lbs.; Wichita, 550,000 lbs.; Osage, 500,000 lbs.; Pawnee, 1,500,000 lbs., at $3.56.
With the prospect of the Walnut Valley Railroad, the steam­boat that is now on its way, and the general prospects for good crops, we look forward to a bright dawn of the future.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 13, 1876.
There is some talk of organizing a Chapter of the Masonic Lodge at this place. Newman’s hall will make a good room.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 20, 1876.
St. Louis, Sept. 8. The Board of Indian Commissioners completed their labors here today, and most of them left for home tonight. They will go to New York, where the proposals for clothing, etc., will be received and contracts awarded.
Contracts were awarded here to the following parties.
Beef on the hoof: Thomas Lanigan, Arkansas; Mr. Rosenthal, Santa Fe; Messrs. Park, Armour & Co., Chicago; Castner & Spencer, St. Paul; James E. Page, Sioux City.
Bacon: W. E. Richardson & Co., St. Louis; Armour & Co., Chicago.
Corn: F. H. Davis, Omaha.
Flour: C. E. Hodges, Sioux City; Castner & Spencer, St. Paul; N. P. Clark, St. Cloud; N. W. Welles, Schuyler, Neb.; J. G. McGannon, Seneca; Messrs. Newman, Haywood & McLaughlin, Arkansas City; W. S. Spleidgelberry, Santa Fe; and Newman, St. Louis.
Hardbread: James Gameau & Co., St. Louis.
Soap: Goodwin, Beher & Co., St. Louis.
Transportation: Northern Pacific Railroad; D. I. McCann, Omaha; John A. Charles, Sioux City; M. Brunswick, Chicago; A. Staab, Pueblo; Col. Enagle, Cheyenne; Ed. Fenlon, Leavenworth; D. H. Nichols, Cheyenne; O. Hecht, Cheyenne.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 27, 1876.
The following is a list of cases that will stand for trial at the October term, A. D., 1876, of the District Court, and have been placed on the trial docket in the following order.
  A. A. Newman vs. Jno. P. Woodyard.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 27, 1876.
COTTON. Those who have never seen cotton growing can gratify their curiosity at Mr. Johnson’s, near Newman’s mill. He has a small patch in bloom.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 4, 1876.
WORK continues on Newman’s upper story of the brick building.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1876.  
A. A. NEWMAN returned with his family last Saturday evening.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1876.
Newman, Haywood, and McLaughlin want 20,000 bushels of No. 3 and 4 wheat at once, for which they will pay the cash.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1876.
MR. NEWMAN has purchased an immense stock of goods this fall, that he expects to trade for wheat. He says he has a suit of clothes for every man in town.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1876.
J. M. JORDON started for Fort Sill last Friday with a load of flour to deliver on Newman’s contract. Silas Ward went with him. He expects to remain in the Territory to work.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 18, 1876.
NEWMAN has blocked the sidewalks and half the streets with his new goods.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 18, 1876.
HOUGHTON & MC. have goods, trunks, groceries, and everything piled sky high in and about their store.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 18, 1876.
NEWMAN, McLAUGHLIN, and HAYWOOD have fifty teams freighting between this place and the Indian Agencies in the Territory. Two or three trips pays for a new Kansas wagon.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1876.
PERSONS with teams, wanting employment, can find it by calling on Newman, Haywood & McLaughlin at this place.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1876.
The crowd at Newman’s store is astonishing. They have worn a hole through the floor where they go in and out, and it is so crowded that goods have to be handed out to customers.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1876.
The largest sale of merchandise ever made in this place was on last Saturday. Newman, and Houghton & McLaughlin retailed $500 worth each, and in the evening Mr. Newman sold $1,000 worth at wholesale.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.
A. A. NEWMAN bought 1,700 bushels of wheat last Friday, and paid the cash for it. 1,500 bushels he purchased of J. G. Titus, who is to haul it from Winfield.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.
A gentleman asked A. A. Newman what he would take for his house the other day. He said $800. “Make out your deed,” he remarked. “Well, but, ah, are you in a hurry?” “Yes.” “I guess I don’t want to sell.”
Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876.
The crossing at Newman’s mill is very bad, and should be made better.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876.
From the top of Newman’s building, some of the finest scenery in the west can be viewed. Go up and take a look.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876.
THE BAND BOYS are estimating the practicability of a social dance in Newman’s new building as soon as the floor is laid. Anything for a little amusement is the general exclamation among the young folks.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.
WHY is the boy who rode a bareback horse from Newman’s mill to town in ten minutes like the locomotive on a fast mail train? If you can’t guess it, ask our devil.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.
Mrs. A. A. Newman, Mrs. C. R. Sipes. Mrs. J. I. Mitchell, Mrs. Wm. Newton, Mrs. Wm. Benedict.
Mrs. C. R. Sipes, Mrs. Dr. Shepard, Mrs. J. Breene, Mrs. R. A. Houghton, Mrs. T. Mantor, Miss M. Thompson, Mrs. L. McLaughlin, Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. T. R. Houghton, Miss F. Skinner, Mrs. S. P. Channell, W. H. Gray, Mrs. T. H. McLaughlin, Al Mowry, Mrs. James Benedict, L. C. Norton, I. H. Bonsall.
Mrs. Wm. Benedict, Mrs. C. R. Sipes, Mrs. J. I. Mitchell, Mrs. Dr. Shepard, Mrs. L. McLaughlin, Mrs. Wm. Newton.
Mrs. Mary Baker, Mrs. L. C. Norton, Mrs. I. H. Bonsall, Miss M. Houghton, Mr. T. H. McLaughlin, O. P. Houghton, Miss Bowers, Kate Hawkins, Miss Lizzie Ela, J. H. Sherburne, T. R. Houghton, Mr. Ela, J. C. Topliff.
Mrs. S. B. Fleming, Mrs. Dr. Kellogg, Mrs. O. P. Houghton, Mrs. W. S. Ela, Mrs. L. McLaughlin, Mrs. T. O. Bird, Mrs. B. W. Sherburne, Mrs. E. Parker, Mrs. M. Marshall, Mrs. W. B. Skinner, Mrs. T. H. McArthur, Mrs. M. Peede, Mrs. Hartsock, Mrs. Anna Guthrie, H. P. Farrar, J. I. Mitchell, C. R. Sipes.
Mrs. J. Alexander, Mrs. V. Hawkins.

Mrs. E. D. Eddy, Mrs. Wm. Newton, Miss M. Greene, Miss A. Mantor, Miss Delia DeMott.
Mrs. W. J. Mowry, Mrs. Wm. Coombs, Mrs. J. W. Hutchinson, Mrs. L. Theaker, Mrs. W. Packard, Mr. A. A. Newman, Mrs. R. L. Marshall, Dr. Shepard.
Mrs. H. P. Farrar, Prof. Bacon, Mrs. A. A. Newman, W. D. Mowry.
Ed Thompson, Mrs. R. C. Haywood.
Miss M. Mitchell, Miss A. Norton, Miss May Benedict, F. Hutchinson.
J. W. Hutchinson, J. J. Breene, A. O. Porter.
R. C. Haywood, R. A. Houghton, E. D. Eddy.
Mrs. Dr. Hughes, O. C. Skinner, E. D. Eddy.
J. D. Guthrie, Wyard Gooch.
C. M. Scott, H. P. Standley, E. G. Gray.
Admission fee one pound or ten cents.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.
MR. NEWMAN started for Cheyenne Agency and Fort Sill this morning, in a carriage. He will be absent about two weeks.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.
The average market price of wheat at this place is from 55 to 75 cents per bushel, Newman, Haywood, and McLaughlin are buying.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 20, 1876.
Next Saturday the people of Creswell Township will be called on to determine whether the Township shall issue $2,000 in bonds to rebuild the bridge across the Walnut River, at or near Newman’s Mill. The petition pre­sented to the Township officers shows one hundred and fifty-four voters in favor of the project, and anxious for the bridge.
There is no doubt but that the bridge is almost an actual necessity, and would not only benefit the farmers both east and west of us, but would add materially to the interests of the town, and the only question to be decided is whether the people of the Township are willing to pay for it. We have experience; the drawbacks of a toll bridge, and those who denounced the ferry. The majority seem to oppose both, more especially since responsible parties have agreed to replace it, in a sub­stantial manner, for $2,000.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 20, 1876.

Festival to be held at Newman’s new building, on Christmas night, Monday, December 25, 1876. Everybody and his wife are expected, and cordially invited to come. Besides the Christmas tree, there will be a charade acted by the ladies and gentlemen of Arkansas City; a Yankee kitchen in “ye olden style” with pumpkin pies and baked beans one hundred years old, fresh and nice, and a supper of modern times, with all the luxuries of the season. Fresh fish from the fish pond, caught on the spot, to order, and oysters from the Walnut. Now, young ladies, remember leap year is drawing to a close, and only a few days are left, and you should not lose the last chance you may have for four years to come. Who knows what fate may have in store for you, or what the fish pond may produce? And everybody should remember that but few of us will be on hand to attend the next Centennial festival, and make the most of this opportunity.
Come, everybody, and have a good time. The Christmas tree will be decorated in the afternoon, and persons wishing to have gifts put on the tree will please hand them to someone of the committee before 4 p.m., as there will be too much to attend to in decorating the hall to receive packages after that hour.
The committee appointed to decorate the tree is as follows:
Ladies—Mrs. Sipes, Mrs. Breene, Mrs. T. Mantor, Mrs. T. H. McLaughlin, Mrs. T. R. Houghton, Mrs. Dr. Hughes, Mrs. Dr. Shepard, Mrs. R. A. Houghton, Miss Mattie Thompson, Miss Kennedy, Miss F. Skinner.
Gentlemen—S. P. Channell, W. H. Gray, James Benedict, I. H. Bonsall, L. McLaughlin, Al. Mowry, L. C. Norton.
Anything left at Bonsall’s photograph gallery before the 25th will be taken care of and put on the tree by the committee.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1877.
The Masonic supper and entertainment, held in Newman’s new building on St. John’s Day, was generally acknowledged to be one of the best social gatherings that has been held within the past two years. The installation of officers took place at the church, and the ladies were conveyed to the hall while the members of the order marched thereto. After a few minutes, a bountiful supper was placed upon a table seated by more than 70 persons, and for an hour the feast continued until no one cried for more. Then followed the dance, and different games, partici­pated in by all. For those who did not wish to dance, tables with cards, checkers, and dominoes were provided, so that all could be entertained.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1877.
There were many noticeable features at the Presbyterian Festival, held on the evening of Dec. 25th. The management and execution of the charades was exceedingly well done, and all performed their parts well. Many persons were the recipients of handsome and valued presents. Among them Will. D. Mowry received a beautiful chromo in a fine frame, from the scholars of the Sunday School of which he is Superintendent, and our editor a tasty book of Whittier’s poems, from the ladies of the Presbyte­rian Society. Rev. Fleming was honored with a number and variety of tokens, and received them with great appreciation.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1877.

The Methodist Festival held on last Monday evening at Newman’s hall was largely attended by the citizens of town, and residents of the country. Many feared on account of the enter­tainment that had preceded it, that it would not be patronized as it should be, but their fears were soon at rest when they saw the numbers gathered at the hall. Everything passed off pleasantly and satisfactory, and a general good time was participated in. The oyster supper was attended by enterprising waiters, and the bivalvular mollusks served in good condition. The supper table, consisting of turkey, cakes, and numerous good things was well displayed with delicate eatables, and was generally well seated. In one corner was the Art Gallery, conducted by ladies, and in another, the Post Office, where letters could be had by paying ten cents each. The net receipts of the entertainment is esti­mated at $90, and besides being a paying institution, it was also socially a success.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1877.
The amounts of the receipts of the M. E. Festival, as handed in by one of the committee, was as follows.
Amount received for supper: $54.45.
Amount received for apples: $.90.
Amount received from Post Office: $2.53.
Amount received from cake sold at auction: $1.10.
Amount received from cake voted to oldest resident: $13.20.
Amount received from butter duck sold to highest bidder: $4.00.
Amount received from grab bag: $4.61.
Amount received from art gallery: $9.20.
A picture was sold for $2.40, and other minor articles, making in all the whole amount of receipts, $92.99. The $13.20 cake was voted to Mrs. Lucy Endicott (oldest resident), and Marshall Felton re­ceived the $1.10 cake, as it was sold to the highest bidder. Mr. Dupey bid off the duck.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1877.
After the entertainment at Newman’s building, on last Wednesday evening, several persons lost some knives and forks. If they are found by any to whom they do not belong, please return them to the post office.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1877.
A. A. NEWMAN sold his entire stock of dry goods to the old reliable firm of Houghton & McLaughlin, last week, and the goods are being moved to the latter’s store until Newman’s building is completed, when Houghton & McLaughlin will occupy the new room and continue as before (in spite of Indian raids, grasshoppers, or Nick himself), to be the “Old Reliable” green front store, known all over Southern Kansas as the cheapest place to buy any and all kinds of dress goods, dry goods, clothing, groceries, queensware, notions, furs, carpets, etc. They have been here from the first, and will remain to the last. Mr. Newman will now devote his whole time to his mill and Indian contracts.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1877.
GREAT CREDIT IS DUE MRS. A. A. NEWMAN and other members of the managing committee of the festival on Christmas night for the faithfulness with which they discharged their duties, and for their diligence in striving to make it pleasant and entertaining for the great crowd present. The proceeds of the Presbyterian Festival, after all expenses were paid, amounted to a fraction over $100.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1877.

We learn that Mr. Newman gave a bond agreeing to complete the Walnut River Bridge for $2,000. He expects it to cost him $2,500, but is willing to pay the additional $500 rather than not have a bridge.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1877.
R. A. HOUGHTON will remove his grocery store to the room formerly occupied by A. A. Newman, and open up another fresh lot of the best brands of sugar, coffee, tea, tobacco, flour, and all kinds of eatables.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 10, 1877.
The large stock of goods of A. A. Newman & Co., some $10,000 worth, recently purchased by Houghton & McLaughlin, is now being removed to the Green Front, until the New Brick Store is ready for them on the opposite corner.
This, with their own stock of goods, has so crowded their store as to make it almost impossible to get around, and in order to dispose of them before spring, they offer better bargains than any other house this side of Emporia, notice of which will be seen in their new advertisement. This firm was well named “Old Reliable,” having commenced here at the first settlement of the town six years ago, occupying a small room in the building now owned by L. C. Wood, and doing mostly their own hauling.
Business began to increase on their hands so rapidly that they were obliged to have an addition to the building, in all 50 feet long. This store was occupied three years, when, their business still further increasing, they were obliged to build the present large business house, known as the “Green Front,” with several store-houses to hold their immense stock of goods, and now for the fourth time they are compelled to look for larger quarters.
We believe this firm has built up its present very large trade by straightforward dealing, treating all alike, and giving everyone the worth of his or her money. In spite of hard times, grasshopper, and Indian raids, and while nearly every house has changed hands one or more times during the past six years, the “Old Reliable” still holds together, and will continue to hold on to the last—giving all the most goods for the least money of any house in Cowley County.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 10, 1877.
The supremacy and power of mind over matter were strikingly illustrated during last Sunday’s services by the undivided attention which A. A. Newman’s dog, “Bob,” paid to Mr. Fleming’s remarks. He has evidently been the object of much careful training at home, and knows how to listen respectfully, though his exploring propensities will sooner or later lead him into difficulty.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 17, 1877.
The band boys’ entertainment will be given as soon as Newman’s building is plastered.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 17, 1877.
REXFORD and ADAMS had their ears slightly frozen while coming from Newman’s mill last Monday.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 17, 1877.
A. A. NEWMAN has the entire contract for furnishing flour to the Pawnees, Cheyennes, etc., having purchased Houghton & McLaughlin’s, and R. C. Haywood’s interests.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 24, 1877.

Next week the Band boys will give their exhibition in Newman’s building. The exercises will consist of vocal and instrumental music, farces, Ethiopian delineations, and everything that has any fun in it. If you want a good laugh and to hear fine music, make it convenient to be on hand.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 24, 1877.
Notice to Bridge Builders.
Sealed proposals will be received by the Board of Township Officers at the office of T. McIntire, until Thursday, March 1st, 1877, at 12 o’clock m., for the purpose of building the super­structure of a bridge, of either iron or wood, across the Walnut River, at or near Newman’s mill: the bridge consisting of two spans, one ninety-four feet and six inches; and the other forty-five feet and six inches in length. Plans and specifications, with bonds for the completion of the bridge, must accompany each and every bid. The Board reserving the privilege of rejecting any and all bids.
T. McINTIRE, Trustee, W. D. MOWRY, Clerk, WYARD E. GOOCH, Treas.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 24, 1877.
75,000 pounds of flour left this place for Fort Sill last week, to supply the hungry Cheyennes and Arapahos.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 31, 1877.
The concert to be given by the A. C. S. C. Band, conducted by Prof. E. J. Hoyt, has been definitely fixed for Friday eve­ning, February 9th, at which time Newman’s new store-room, in which it is to be held, will be thoroughly completed and fit for occupancy. The entertainment will be interesting and unique, embracing music both vocal and instrumental, comic speeches, burlesques, Ethiopian komicalities, and other side-splitting specialties. The concert will be a first-class affair, and such as the most refined need not fear to attend. The band will be ready to furnish good music for a dance after the concert, if it is so desired. Further particulars will be given in our next issue—“and don’t you forget it.”
Arkansas City Traveler, February 7, 1877.
During the past month it has been generally known that the members of the Arkansas City Silver Cornet Band purposed giving an entertainment, consisting of vocal and instrumental music, character sketches, etc., as soon as Newman’s new building was ready to accommodate them. Their uniform success heretofore has had the one drawback: insufficient stage room and seating capacity. This being remedied, the boys will undoubtedly do themselves greater justice, while the audience can be comfortably seated. They have been fully six weeks preparing themselves. Our brass band is confessedly the best one in the State, outside of Topeka and Leavenworth. Should this concert prove a financial success, the boys contemplate a trip to Wellington, where the performance will be repeated. The price of admission has been fixed at 25 cents, reserved seats 50 cents, and children under ten, 15 cents. No charge for children in arms. Tickets for sale at both the drug stores.
Winfield Courier, February 8, 1877.
On account of the rise in wheat, Newman is losing money on his Indian flour contract.

Fort Sill, Wichita, Cheyenne, Kiowa, and Cheyenne Agencies.
At Wichita Agency thirty head of cattle per week, and 2,205 pounds of flour are issued weekly, being only half rations. Captain Leach and Major Lannigan have the beef contract, and A. A. Newman is the contractor for flour.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 28, 1877.
Houghton & McLaughlin will continue the grocery trade in their old store building after they remove to Newman’s brick.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 28, 1877.
Some thief or thieves stole a rope from Theo. Houghton’s oxen, and appropriated two of A. A. Newman’s poorest ponies last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 28, 1877.
Look Out.
Last week two ponies were stolen from A. A. Newman’s pasture, and a bridle taken from E. B. Kager. Monday evening Charles Roseberry’s mules were loosened rather suspiciously, and a saddle and bridle was found near the rock ford of the Arkansas. Parties have been seen loitering about, with no apparent business, and a few evenings since, someone tried to break into Journey Breene’s house. Dr. Jones took up a pony that was wandering about his place, lately, which had evidently escaped from the rider as the bridle and saddle found near the ford indicate. It is rather early for horse stealing yet, but as soon as the grass is sufficient to afford feed, it will be well enough to keep a look out.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 14, 1877.
One of Godfrey’s horses fell from the little bridge near Newman’s Mill last week. The harness was cut and the animal dropped into the creek, and it made its way out.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 21, 1877.
Five carpenters all busy finishing Newman’s store room.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 21, 1877.
MRS. NEWMAN is visiting friends in Emporia.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1877.
Notice is hereby given that the Board of Creswell Township will issue to the Missouri Valley Bridge Co. on the 1st day of May, A. D. 1877, bonds to the amount of two thousand dollars ($2,000), for the purpose of building a bridge over the Walnut River near Newman’s Mill.  T. McIntire, Trustee; Wyard E. Gooch, Treasurer; W. D. Mowry, Clerk.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1877.
NEWMAN wants all the wheat he can buy.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1877.
The election of city officers took place last Monday, quietly and peaceably, with the following result.
Mayor: Dr. Kellogg.
Police Judge: Jas. Christian.
Councilmen: James Benedict, H. P. Farrar, James I. Mitchell, H. Godehard, I. H. Bonsall.

There was another ticket in the field, composed of Wm. Sleeth for Mayor, Judge Christian for Police Judge, and A. A. Newman, O. P. Houghton, E. D. Eddy, J. A. Loomis, and J. T. Shepard, for Councilmen; but as one was composed of, or was generally understood to be “license” men, the issue was made “license” and “anti-license,” and the vote stood 70 for the former and 41 for the latter. Both tickets were composed of the best men of the community.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1877.
In the race for Mayor last Monday, H. D. Kellogg received 72 votes, Major Sleeth 40, and Rev. Thompson 1.
For Police Judge, James Christian received 112 votes, and Rev. David Thompson 1.
For Councilmen, Jas. Benedict received 72, E. P. Farrar 72, Jas. I. Mitchell 72, H. Godehard 71, I. H. Bonsall 71, A. A. Newman 40, O. P. Houghton 40, E. D. Eddy 40, J. A. Loomis 40, Dr. J. T. Shepard 40, Rev. Wingar 1, Rev. Swarts 1, Rev. Will York 1, L. C. Norton 1, J. C. Topliff 3, Sherb Hunt 1.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1877.
NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Creswell Township will issue to the Missouri Valley Bridge Co. on the 1st day of May, A. D. 1877, bonds to the amount of two thousand dollars ($2,000), for the purpose of building a bridge over the Walnut River near Newman’s mill.
Signed, T. McINTIRE, Trustee, WYARD E. GOOCH, Treasurer, W. D. MOWRY, Clerk.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 11, 1877. Editorial Item.
  Railroad Matters.
The committee who went from this place to Augusta, learning that Mr. Young and Gov. Eskridge intended going to Winfield to confer with the people of that place, at the urgent request of one of the citizens and a member of the Railroad Committee of Winfield, sent word for a delegation to come up to agree to a new proposition. A number went, but upon their arrival, found that no agreement could be made, as the Committee of Winfield had stated they could not entertain any proposition from the north, as they had one from the east. Mr. Young and Gov. Eskridge then came to this place and submitted the proposition to Creswell Township to build their road down the west side of the Walnut by Township aid. The same proposition will be submitted to Rock, Nennescah, Vernon, Beaver, Creswell, Bolton, and probably Pleasant Valley Townships, and if the aid is rendered, the road will be built.
In the evening a large and enthusiastic meeting was held at the church, during which a stirring speech was made by Mr. Eskridge, and remarks by Mr. Young, Rev. Fleming, Judge Chris­tian, Amos Walton, Mr. Channell, and others, after which a committee of eleven were appointed as follows, as Managing Committee, with power to appoint Finance, Canvassing, and Sub-Committees: Dr. Hughes, O. P. Houghton, C. M. Scott, A. A. Newman, James Christian, J. C. McMullen, S. B. Fleming, M. R. Leonard, Amos Walton, R. C. Haywood and S. P. Channell.
The Committee then elected Dr. Hughes, President, J. C. McMullen, Vice President, Amos Walton, Secretary, and R. C. Haywood, Treasurer. The hour being late, the Committee then adjourned.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 18, 1877.
GEORGE NEWMAN wrote the locals for the Emporia News last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 9, 1877.
Mr. Newman has wheat that has headed.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 9, 1877.
The work on the countering and shelving of Newman’s store room, now occupied by Houghton & McLaughlin, displays workmanship equal to any we have seen in the State. The counters are made with black walnut tops, of one board two feet in width, with oak and pecan finish, giving it a rich appearance and finish.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 23, 1877. Front Page.
A Glimpse of the Happy Land Soon to Be Made
Accessible by Railroad.
[From the Kansas City Journal of Commerce.]
Arkansas City, Kans., April 18. The trip from Wellington to this place is accomplished by “buck board” and stage, via Winfield, in eight hours.
The ride is recommended to dyspeptics.
This town is keeping pace with the spirit of improvement apparent all over Kansas. Good times are continually at her doors. The brick blocks of Newman and Haywood, and the Methodist church, are among the new buildings. The former is one hundred feet in depth, and two stories in height, with a handsome iron front. The finishing touches are being put upon it, and the goods for its shelves are arriving.
Mr. Haywood is already occupying his block with an immense hardware store. The church is nearly enclosed. One of the latest accessions to the business facilities of the town is the arrival of Mr. Wilson from Leavenworth, with a large stock of dry goods, etc. Mr. Wilson has been well known among a large circle of people in Kansas for the past twelve years, as one of the leading merchants of the State, and has enjoyed to an enviable extent their confidence and respect. His removal to Arkansas City will be a surprise to many who considered him one of the “institutions” of Leavenworth’s commercial and social circles.
He considers the name of this town unfortunate, and suggests that it be changed to “Twin Rivers,” but Brother Scott of the Traveler objects to any new “turn of the tune.” I was about to suggest   BUENA VISTA.
This is a grand country. As one stands here and gazes upon its rivers and forests and boundless sea of prairie beyond, he comprehends something of its possibilities. Here are millions of acres awaiting the plow. Here are forests to supply lumber and fuel. Here are inexhaustible quarries of magnesian limestone, that can be dressed with a saw and the plane.
Here are rivers and springs, whose limpid waters will yet turn myriads of spin­dles. Here is a soil and climate adapted to all the products of the temperate zone.
The rigors of winter never reach this latitude, and the hot sun rays of summer are tempered by a perpetual breeze. Sickness is almost unknown. There are no stagnant pools, no alkali, no miasmatic vapor.
With all the conditions for man’s happiness so admirably prepared, it is no wonder that thousands are flocking to occupy the land.

Here is the wealth of an empire, with resources but hinted at by what has been accomplished.
In 1875, with but one eighth of its area in cultivation, the cash value of the wheat, oats, corn, and potatoes, raised in Cowley County, was $900,000.
This is an unfavorable season, and with the most superficial tillage in many instances, was a good showing.
Arkansas City has a very favorable location, which will be more apparent upon the advent of a railroad. Its natural advan­tages for commanding the grain and produce trade are equal to any town south of Wichita, while as the entry port for Texas cattle it is bound to excel any of its predecessors in their palmiest days. It is particularly fortunate in this respect. East of this the Indians have placed an embargo upon the traffic, and the routes west of this are obstructed by high water in spring, and parched with drouth in summer.
From this point good roads, with streams bridged, lead through the Territory to the forts upon the north and west frontiers of Texas, and directly through the great grazing region of the country.
The supplies for the various Agencies are hauled over these routes. The single item of flour manufactured here last year for the Indians amounted to more than one million pounds.
With these routes well established, with wood and water at convenient intervals for camping purposes, and with no prohibi­tion from herding a million head of cattle on the boundless natural pastures that spread away to the south of the town, it takes no gift of prophecy to see what this point is destined to become in commercial importance.
Its isolation from railroads is the only unpleasant feature about it, and this will exist for only a short time longer.
The “Kansas City, Emporia and Southern” narrow gauge, of which I wrote you from Emporia, is certain to be built, the citizens of this part of the county being determined to have it at any cost.
A road of standard gauge is also being agitated from Inde­pendence west through Montgomery, Chautauqua, Cowley, and Sumner counties. Whether the route finally decided upon will be through Sedan to this point and hence to Caldwell, or striking further north through Longton, Elk Falls, Lazette, and Winfield, will terminate at Wellington, is to be determined somewhat by typogra­phy of the county, but more by the local aid it receives.
At any rate, the era of railroads is drawing upon this county, and “there’s millions in it.” G.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 13, 1877.
GEORGE NEWMAN, OF EMPORIA, retails more dry goods than any other house in Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 13, 1877.
THE SAW FRAME OF LIPPMANN’S MILL was lost in the river while crossing in a boat at Newman’s mill last Wednesday.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 20, 1877.
BRIDGE. Now that the Walnut is down, we presume that no time will be lost in getting the bridge up at Newman’s mill.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 20, 1877.

WORK UPON THE BRIDGE PIERS AT NEWMAN’S MILL has been resumed and will be pushed forward to completion as rapidly as possible. If everything progresses favorably, we may expect to have the bridge in position by the middle of July.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 11, 1877.
Newman paid $1.57 cash for 86 bushels of old wheat lately.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 11, 1877.
Fifty grists of new wheat were ground at Newman’s mill last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 11, 1877.
The work on the bridge across the Walnut is delayed for want of lime.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 18, 1877.
MR. GRIMES has a fish pen at the mouth of the cave near Newman’s mill, where he keeps his fish alive until he is ready to butcher one.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 25, 1877.
The bridge pier on the Walnut washed out last week. It will be rebuilt by Mr. Newman.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 25, 1877.
Everybody shakes hands with Geo. W. Newman and inquires after the health of little Miss Newman.
Excerpt which pertains to Walnut Bridge only...
Arkansas City Traveler, August 8, 1877.
Work on the pier of the Walnut River bridge has been going steadily on for the past week. Mr. Buzzi has the contract and is doing good work. Stones two feet wide by four feet long and one foot thick are frequently put in the pier. The abutment on the east bank is also being rebuilt, and both piers being rip-rapped and built four feet higher. Mr. Gooch is overseeing the work during Mr. Newman’s absence.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 8, 1877.
MR. NEWMAN and HAYWOOD have been at Lawrence, looking after the letting of Indian contracts. We have not yet learned if they secured the award, but hope it will be let to someone that will buy the wheat in Cowley County. This year will be a risky one for wheat speculators. If the war continues in Europe, wheat will be high priced; if the war lags or ceases, it will be moderate. Parties bidding should figure on large margins.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 15, 1877.
Bids for supplies for the Indians were opened at the Central Superintendency, Monday and contracts were awarded as follows.
Berry Bros. & Finney, Arkansas City, 2,700 bushels corn, 58 cents.
A. A. Newman, of Arkansas City, Kansas, 130,000 pounds at Pawnee Agency, Indian Territory, $3.15; 40,000 pounds at Kaw Agency, Indian Territory, $2.40.
Lawrence Journal.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 15, 1877.

It will be seen by an article copied from the Lawrence Journal, that Berry Brothers & Finney, of this place have been awarded the contract for furnishing 2,700 bushels of corn, and A. A. Newman 130,000 pounds of flour, to be furnished at Pawnee Agency, and 40,000 pounds of flour at Kaw Agency.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 29, 1877.
Seven years ago last Wednesday, we sent forth the first number of the Arkansas City TRAVELER from the roofless shanty on the corner where Newman’s two story brick now stands.
There were few men on the border then compared to those here now, yet every day we look from our door, we can see some of the old residents walking the street. The change is wonderful, and makes it seem as though we had lived a half century.
No farming country in the world ever settled more rapidly, and none ever accomplished more in the same length of time. While we have enjoyed, in the settlement of one new country, we do not have the desire to experience another. The future of Cowley County is almost decided, and that future is one of promised wealth and glory.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 29, 1877.
The following is the score of the game of base ball played August 23rd, between the east and west sides of Summit Street.
Note: East Side Won—25 to 20.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 5, 1877.
250 head of stock hogs for sale, or will trade for wheat. A. A. Newman.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 12, 1877.
BASE BALL. An enthusiastic meeting was held Monday after­noon at Pearson’s Hall, for the purpose of organizing a base ball association.
The following officers were elected.
Manager: J. H. Sherburne.
Secretary and Treasurer: H. M. Bacon.
Directors: Rev. S. B. Fleming; A. A. Newman; R. C. Haywood; A. W. Berkey; L. P. Woodyard; Will Mowry.
At a meeting of the directors in the evening, a nine was selected which will play Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock, against the best second nine that can be collected.
A lively game is anticipated, and a general attendance desired. At the close of the game, the association will meet for the transaction of important business, when an opportunity for joining the same will be offered.
It is very desirable that all who are at all interested in athletic sports come at once to the front, and manifest their good will by joining the association.

The boys mean “business,” and should be well backed up. The fall campaign, though a short one, will doubtless be a warm one. Anyway, it will afford lots of fun.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1877.
BORN. To Mr. and Mrs. Newman, on Tuesday morning, a son, which accounts for the unusual happiness of Mr. Newman.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1877.
MRS. T. H. McLAUGHLIN, who has been visiting relatives in Texas for several weeks, returned Friday evening, accompanied by Miss Hattie Newman, sister of Mrs. Haywood and A. A. Newman, of this place.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 14, 1877.
FRED. NEWMAN, brother of A. A. Newman, is visiting his relatives at this place.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 21, 1877.
   White Flint Corn.
Grown on the farm of J. M. Felton, five miles east of Newman’s mill; was planted the 4th day of June, and yields 50 bushels to the acre; ripens in 90 days from planting. Those wishing to procure this corn for seed can get it at my residence. J. M. FELTON.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 21, 1877.
A heavy grist was turned out at Newman’s mill this week.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 21, 1877.
A BUILDING ASSOCIATION WAS FORMED A FEW WEEKS AGO, and entered into by twelve parties, agreeing to build a house each. Since then fourteen more have declared their intention to build. The original twelve were:
S. P. Channell; W. M. Sleeth; A. A. Newman; L. H. Gardner; O. P. Houghton; Gardner Mott; H. P. Farrar; Silas Parker; J. L. Huey; C. R. Sipes; R. C. Haywood; James Wilson.
The additional fourteen are: J. C. McMullen; Thomas Baird; J. Dodwell; Mrs. Dean; C. C. Wolf; E. J. Fitch; Mr. Ray; Wm. Speers; T. A. Gaskill; D. Logan; J. T. Shepard; Kendall Smith; Jas. Benedict; David Finney.
Mr. Gaskill has his house almost enclosed, and the founda­tions and preparations are being made for several others.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 19, 1877.
The following persons were elected officers for the ensuing year, of Crescent Lodge No. 133, A. F. and A. M., at their hall in Newman’s block, on Saturday evening, Dec. 15.
Worshipful Master: Clinton Robert Mitchell.
Senior Warden: Orin C. Smith.
Junior Warden: Sewell Peasley Channell.
Treasurer: Charles R. Sipes.
Secretary: Isaac H. Bonsall.
Tyler: Steven C. Wintin.
The following officers were appointed by the Worshipful Master, on Tuesday evening following.
Senior Deacon: James Benedict.
Junior Deacon: Harry Pearce Farrar.

Senior Stewart: Henry Bear Pruden.
Junior Stewart: William J. Stewart.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 19, 1877.
One of the pleasantest affairs ever witnessed in Arkansas City was the mask party given by Mrs. Haywood last Friday eve­ning, in honor of her sister, Miss Hattie Newman. The house was filled with gentlemen and ladies dressed in every conceivable manner, some wearing the most ridiculous and mirth-provoking costumes imaginable, and with one or two exceptions, they were so completely disguised as to be utterly unrecognizable by their most intimate friends. After unmasking, which was an occasion for considerable merriment, the company amused themselves with music, parlor croquet, and other games for an hour or two, when they were served with an excellent supper. It would be useless to attempt a description of the costumes, many of them baffling the descriptive powers of Dickens; but it is sufficient to say the party was a complete success, and the thanks of the participants are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Haywood for their efforts to make it such.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.
The father and mother of A. A. Newman came all the way from Maine to visit their children.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.
The bridge across the Walnut at Newman’s Mill is complete, but the approach on the west side has not been made yet. The piers are about four feet higher than they originally were, and seem high enough to be out of danger, but the structure of the bridge is very light and should be well tested before accepting it.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1878.
The wives of members of the Masonic Order are requested to meet at the hall in Newman’s brick tomorrow afternoon at one o’clock. Come prepared to sew carpet.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1878.
One of the most pleasant parties of the winter was held at Newman’s hall on Monday evening, under the direction of two or three good citizens of this place. Music was furnished by C. R. Sipes, James Steiner, and Ret Berkey, and the floor managed by I. H. Bonsall and S. P. Channell. A good number were present, and the company enjoyed themselves exceedingly. It was the best selected audience we have seen in Arkansas City since the good old days of long ago, and the secret of it was there was no distinction made on account of surrounding circum­stances. A similar party once every two weeks would add greatly to the social enjoyment of the place.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.
ALL RIGHT. In a few numbers of last week’s issue we men­tioned that about ten feet of the dam at Newman’s mill had broken. It looked so while the water was up, but it was a mistake. It is all right and the mill is grinding every day, making the best flour of any mill in the Southwest. The bridge across the Walnut is finished, a wide road has been made in front of the mill, and it is easy of access from every direction. Bring in your grists if you want good flour.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.
A. A. NEWMAN was awarded the contract at the Pawnee Agency for 65 head of cows, twelve yoke of oxen, 525 bushels of corn, 375 bushels of oats, some pine lumber, and 200,000 shingles. SCHIFFBAUER BROS. were awarded the contract for salt and brooms.
A Leavenworth firm received the contract for the balance, being oil, putty, glass, etc.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.
A. A. NEWMAN sold 8,000 pounds of boneless shoulders and smoked hams to James Boice, of Lake City, Colorado, last week for eight cents per pound, and Schiffbauer Brothers furnished him a large quantity of eggs at five cents per dozen. These hams will go up the mountains on pack mules.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.
ON SUNDAY MORNING about one-third of the west pier of the Walnut River bridge was discovered to have been washed out. Mr. Newman and James Huey, the Township Trustee, immediately engaged four teams and had them work all day Sunday hauling rock to throw in above the pier to save it. It does not interfere with cross­ing, and will be permanently repaired when the water lowers.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.
A. A. NEWMAN, Proprietor.
Are Running on Full Time. Custom Grinding a Specialty.
Highest Cash Price Paid for Wheat, Corn, and Rye.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.
With two setts of burrs running all day and nearly all night, Newman can hardly keep up to the rush he has for his four X flour, and yet he manages to accommodate all who come with grists to grind.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.
There are no vacant rooms in Newman’s brick block on the corner, and had there been a half dozen more, they would have been all occupied. It is well planned, well built, and guarded against fire by a fire wall and iron roof on the top. Newman understands erecting buildings.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.
The election of city officers took place last Monday with the following result.
COUNCILMEN: J. T. SHEPARD, 63; WM. SPEERS, 59; THOS. BERRY, 63; C. R. SIPES, 58; I. H. BONSALL, 61; S. P. CHANNELL, 40; A. A. NEWMAN, 37; H. P. FARRAR, 37; E. D. EDDY, 37; T. H. McLAUGHLIN, 40.
Total number of votes cast: 98.

It is generally supposed that the officers elected will favor granting a saloon license on a proper petition.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers.
A. G. Newman and wife to A. A. Newman, 197 lots in Arkansas City, $4,500.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.
WANTED. 50 domestic cows with calves by their sides. Cash will be paid for the same. A. A. NEWMAN.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878. Front Page.
Items from the Arkansas City Traveler.
With two sets of burrs running all day and nearly all night, Newman can hardly keep up to the rush he has for his XXXX flour, and yet he manages to accommodate all who come with grists to grind.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers.
A. A. Newman and wife to Mahlon Hunter, part of nw 21 34 4, 40 acres, $325.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.
The young folks had a May picnic in Sleeth’s woods last Saturday, and a merry time was had. Swings were fixed for those who delighted in such sport, and the boys were ready to swing the fairer ones; a croquet set was on the ground, and the mallets and balls were in constant use—added to which, and of far greater importance, was the bountiful dinner prepared by the young ladies, washed down with lemonade. Though “ye local” did not reach the grounds until long after the dinner hour, he and his friend were left in undisputed possession of the “scraps” in the baskets, and they managed to make out a meal. We would again solemnly declare, however, that, to the best of our knowledge and belief, neither one of the gentlemen swallowed that apron.
P. S. We have been told that there was a fishing party, on the same day, further up the river, near Newman’s mill. They succeeded in catching a bob-tailed fish and shooting a small snake, after six hours of steady application, and are inclined to think the average fishing party a snare and a delusion.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.
Our town at this time faithfully illustrates the lines of the Irish poet:
“The rich may ride in chaises,
 But the poor must stay at home, be J___s.”
During the past week some ten of our leading businessmen’s wives have gone east and north to spend the summer: Mrs. O. P. Houghton, Mrs. J. L. Huey, Mrs. R. C. Haywood, Mrs. A. A. Newman, Mrs. H. P. Farrar, Mrs. M. Rexford, Mrs. David Thompson, Mrs. Ed. Thompson, Mrs. Wm. Sleeth, Mrs. S. P. Channell.
In about a month from now, what a rich harvest it would be for a traveling show to come along that had attractive female performers. The poor women that are left will have to confine themselves to such home pleasures as picnics and yachting up and down the river on Speers & Walton’s elegant little steamer, while their more favored sisters are inhaling the cool breezes of Lake George and the St. Lawrence River, and feasting on codfish and New England herring.

MRS. JUDGE CHRISTIAN has gone north (to Winfield), also, for a few days, on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. A. W. Berkey.
Mrs. Cramer has got married and gone East also (across the Walnut).
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
Arkansas City takes a holiday trip today. Maj. Sleeth and wife go to Ohio, Mrs. Channell, Mrs. Thompson, and David Thompson go to Canada, Mrs. Newman and Mrs. Haywood go to New England, Charles Gallert and others to California, S. P. Channell goes to Oregon, Dr. Shepard and wife go to Missouri.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.
A number of teams started for Pawnee Agency yesterday, loaded with flour from Newman’s mill.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.
Arkansas City takes a holiday trip today. Maj. Sleeth and wife go to Ohio; Mrs. Channell, Mrs. Thompson, and David Thompson go to Canada; Mrs. Newman and Mrs. Haywood go to New England; Charles Gallert and others go to California; S. P. Channell goes to Oregon; and Dr. Shepard and wife go to Missouri. Courier.
What a lonesome time Scott will have now he is left are all alone. Eldorado Times.
We don’t propose to be left. We’ll excurt and visit the sunny clime of the Lone Star State. You had better come along, Mr. Times. We’ll sleep you in the open air and share our grubs with you, for the sake of your company.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.
THERE were twenty-seven persons on the steamboat last Tuesday week. They were conveyed to the river in a wagon, and from the ford at Harmon’s went to the large island about three miles below the mouth of the Walnut. The trip was enjoyed by all. A. A. Newman and R. A. Houghton unfortunately were tipped from the small row boat into the river while attempting to get on the boat.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.
List of Advertising Business Houses of Arkansas City
and Winfield.
Houghton & McLaughlin, Dry Goods, etc.
James Wilson, Dry Goods, etc.
M. S. Faris, Dry Goods, etc.
Boyer & Wallis, Winfield, Clothing.
Schiffbauer Brothers, Groceries, Queensware.
Hermann Godehard, Groceries, Queensware.
Hoyt & Speers, Groceries, Queensware.
Houghton & Mantor, Groceries and Clothing.
E. D. Eddy, Drugs, Oils, Medicines.
J. A. Loomis, Drugs, Oils, Medicines.
L. H. Gardner, Drugs, Oils, Medicines.
Peter Pearson, Furniture, Picture Frames.
Benedict & Brother, Hardware, Machines.
Schiffbauer Bros. & Co., Hardware, Machines.
C. R. Sipes, Stoves and Tinware.

Finney, Stanton & Hopkins, Livery.
W. H. Walker, Livery.
Harter & Hill, Winfield, Livery.
Albert Horn, Boots and Shoes.
A. A. Newman, Water Mills, Flour and feed.
Grimes & Woolyard, Steam Flour and Saw Mill.
E. Birnbaum, Winfield, Cigar Manufacturer.
T. A. Wilkinson, Winfield, Lumber Dealer.
Cowley County Bank: W. M. Sleeth, President; H. P. Farrar, Cashier.
Citizens’s Bank, Winfield: J. C. McMullen, Pres.
F. N. Earl, Blacksmith and wagon maker.
Sifford & Hutchins, Blacksmith and wagon maker.
Kendall Smith, Blacksmith and wagon maker.
Sheppard & Reed, Physicians.
Dr. J. H. Griffith, Physician.
Dr. A. Trim, Physician.
John A. Alexander, Physician.
Mrs. D. B. Hartsock, Millinery Goods.
Mrs. E. Watson, Millinery, dress making.
J. D. Pryor, Winfield, Loan Agent.
Curns & Manser, Winfield, Loan Agent.
A. J. Mosley, Winfield, Loan Agent.
Huey & Mitchell, Loan Agents.
J. A. Loomis, Loan Agent.
C. R. Mitchell, Attorney and Counselor.
James Christian, Attorney and Counselor.
Amos Walton, Attorney and Counselor.
Central Avenue, Newton Cox, Proprietor.
Arkansas City House, Williams & Maricle, Proprietors.
Williams House, Winfield.
Central House, Winfield.
Tremont House, Wichita.
Richey House, Wichita.
Valley House, Wellington.
James Ridenour, Jeweler and Engraver.
E. E. Bacon, Winfield, Jeweler and Engraver.
L. H. Hope, Winfield, Jeweler and Engraver.
William Wolfe, Builder and Contractor.
W. W. Alexander, Builder and Contractor.
Will. J. Peed, Saddles and Harness.
I. H. Bonsall, Photographer.
George D. Allen, Painter and Glazier.
A. C. Wells, Plasterer and Bricklayer.

John A. Alexander, Dentist.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.
WICHITA, KAS., June 7th, 1878.
While wandering through Cowley a short time since, took in Arkansas City as a matter of course, and I must say that I had no cause to regret the time spent in looking over your beautiful city. I found quite a different class of men from the other towns in the county. While the citizens of Cowley are fully up to the average, I look upon the society of Arkansas City as superior to any in Southern Kansas. The courtesy extended to the stranger by all indicates breeding and education. Your school building would be a credit to a much larger city. The neat looking homes with their well cared for yards, indicate real New England thrift and comfort, while the immense fields of grain surrounding show western pluck and enterprise.
I found a few of the old standby’s that I knew years ago: Bob. Mitchell, Channell, Newman, B. B. Swarts, Houghton, and Walker. I missed our old friend Chamberlain; saw many new faces, but found all alike courteous and gentlemanly; quite a contrast with some other communities that I could name when the first questions are: “What’s he worth?” “Can we use him?” The only stain I noticed was a licensed dram shop. What the good people of your city could be thinking about to permit such a disgrace, I cannot conceive. Financially it’s the worst possible thing for you. Property is bound to depreciate, many of the class of people that you would be glad to welcome as citizens will make that an insurmountable objection, while the class that you don’t want will increase.
I think the moral vein of the matter may be safely left in the hands of the clergy of your city, Messrs. Fleming and Hunt, as I believe them to be sound both in doctrine and practice, and will deliver to saint and sinner his portion in due season. I met many pleasant gentlemen during my short stay with you, and shall not soon forget your beautiful town and the country around it. Yours, etc. RAMBLER.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.
Last Tuesday and Wednesday a very heavy rain fell, swelling the streams to an impassable extent, and carrying off saw logs, wood, wheat, and growing corn along their banks. The abutment of the bridge across the Walnut, south of Winfield, is said to be so badly washed that the bridge will fall, and water surrounded the approach of the bridge at Newman’s mill for more than a day. Mr. Bell, the owner of some sheep, near Park’s schoolhouse, was drowned in Badger Creek while attempting to cross, and the house of Mr. Frew, on Beaver Creek, was washed away and two children drowned, while he was making every effort to save his wife. Dr. Holland’s house was surrounded by water, and the occupants compelled to remain in it twenty-four hours before they were rescued. The Arkansas River rose four feet above the bridge pilings at this place, and carried hundreds of bushels of wheat, in the shock, down the stream. From all parts of the county we learn of its destruction to men, beasts, and the grain in the fields. In Pleasant Valley Township a horse belonging to Mr. Lucas was struck dead by lightning, and hundreds of hogs, young chickens, and ducks drowned. The damage to the county will be severely felt.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 26, 1878.

At the recent opening of bids for Indian supplies, in New York City, A. A. NEWMAN obtained the contract for 1,000,000 pounds of flour, and R. C. HAYWOOD has the contract for furnish­ing wheat and corn, to be delivered at the several agencies. This will make a good market for wheat and corn at home.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 26, 1878.
NEWMAN’s mill is grinding again and running on full time. They have been held back by back-water from the Arkansas.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
A Threatened Famine.
C. A. Bliss, G. S. Manser, A. B. Lemmon, E. P. Kinne, J. C. Fuller, M. L. Read, T. R. Bryan, W. M. Allison, J. W. Curns, C. C. Black, D. A. Millington, E. S. Bliss, E. S. Torrance, A. E. Baird, J. B. Lynn, M. G. Troup, M. L. Robinson, J. C. McMullen, E. C. Manning, and probably many others, all with their wives, will make a raid upon Arkansas City, the steam boats, and Newman’s dam on the Fourth. They will seize all the provisions they can find in the city, capture both the “Aunt Sally” and the—the—well, Amos’ steamship, will rip out Newman’s dam, and steam up the Walnut to Winfield, driving a large herd of catfish. Bliss and Harter & Harris will load the steamers with flour at their mills. The party will start at about 9 o’clock a.m.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.
Arrives at Arkansas City.
   A Spicy Letter from the Hon. James Christian,
Who Tells All About It.
  ARKANSAS CITY, June 30, 1878.
FRIEND MURDOCK: The steamer “Aunt Sally,” from Little Rock, arrived this morning. Our town is mad with excitement. Men, women, and children, some on foot, some on horseback, others in buggies and wagons, rushed “pell mell” for Harmon’s Ford on the Walnut, to witness a sight that our people have thought of, dreamed of, and prayed for the last six or seven years: a real, living, breathing steamboat; as the children sometimes say, “a sure enough steamboat.”
There she was, puffing and blowing like a thing of life. Some two hundred people rushed on board and examined her all over, from deck to Texas—cabin, engine, boiler, water wheel—all were scrutinized. They were in her and all over her.
Steam being up, the captain invited all hands to a ride up the Walnut as far as Newman’s mill and back. The bank was lined with people and the yells and cheers of those on deck and those on shore made the welkin ring. It was hip!—rip!—huzzah!—one after another. A general good time was had.
In the afternoon three hundred persons went aboard by invita­tion, for a ride down the river. Our cornet band did their best tooting on the occa­sion. Everything was hilarity and joy.
Little preaching was heard in Arkansas City today, you may depend. “Aunt Sally” was in everybody’s mouth.

She will stay until after the 4th, and will try to get up and see Wichita, if possible. The boat is owned by Captains Burke and Lewis, of Little Rock; is 85 feet long, 18 feet wide, and draws 14 inches light, and about two feet when fully loaded; carries 40 tons; made the run from Ft. Smith to this place in six days; met with no difficulty or obstructions on the way; the pilot thinks the river even better above than below Ft. Smith.
At this stage of water a railroad is nowhere alongside of a steamboat. Hurrah for the navigation of the Arkansas! It is no longer a matter of speculation, but is now a fixed fact—a reality. The “Aunt Sally,” the pioneer steamer of this great Southwestern river, has proved it. JAMES CHRISTIAN.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.
Bushels of wheat wanted at Newman’s Mill. No wheat bought unless in good condition.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.
MR. NEWMAN’s family will return as soon as we are favored with cooler weather, as will also the family of Mr. Haywood. They will be welcomed by a large circle of friends.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.
MR. A. A. NEWMAN returned from the East last Friday night, where he has been for the past six weeks looking after his flour contracts for the several agencies in the Territory. He reports that times are not much better there than here, and complaints of the stringency of the money market are as loud and frequent there as in the West. Mr. Newman’s contracts call for 1,216,500 pounds of flour, as follows.
Cheyenne and Arapaho Agency: 600,000 lbs.
Wichita Agency: 100,000 lbs.
. Kiowa and Comanche Agency: 300,000 lbs.
Ponca Agency: 150,000 lbs.
Sac and Fox Agency: 66,500 lbs.
He also has the contract for freighting Indian supplies from Wichita to the Ponca Agency, a distance, probably, of eighty-five or ninety miles.
The awarding of the above contracts to Mr. Newman will create a good home market for a large portion of the wheat raised in Cowley and Sumner counties, and he says he will pay cash for what he buys and for the freighting also. This is business, and we guarantee our farmers a better market here than they can get by hauling their grain sixty or seventy miles to Wichita, or by paying twenty or twenty-five cents per bushel to have it hauled.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.
OUR ARKANSAS CITY FRIENDS desired us to visit their “sea­port” and the “Aunt Sally,” to see for ourselves that the Arkan­sas River was navigable. Well, we went down, and they took us a-riding on the Walnut River, and not on the Arkansas at all. So we did not learn anything new, for we always knew the Walnut was navigable. Courier.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.
MR. C. E. UDELL, of St. Louis, has been in town for the past week. He is sent by the Government to inspect the flour fur­nished by Mr. Newman to the agencies below. The flour is to be delivered in monthly installments, and Mr. Udell, or some other gentlemen, will make monthly trips to inspect the flour.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.

Our reporter had the pleasure of meeting Mr. and Mrs. Udell of St. Louis, Missouri, at Arkansas City on Thursday last. Mr. Udell is the government flour inspector and was looking after the Indian contract recently taken by A. A. Newman, of that place.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.
A. A. NEWMAN has been confined to his home with fever for several days past.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.
The string from Newman’s block to Benedict’s upper story is the conductor of the telephone. You can put your ear at one end and your mouth at the other and hear everything that is said.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.
Owing to the fact that Mr. Newman has a very large Indian contract to fill, and already has every avail­able space filled with grain, no custom grinding will be done for a few days. Notice will be given when they begin to grind again. Grimes & Woodyard will have their steam mill ready before many days, and can accommodate a great many customers.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.
Given by an old timer, who chal­lenges competition in all of his undertakings. He will give, free of charge to the public, a tight-rope performance that will astonish the aborigines, if not the more enlightened race. Old “Buffalo Joe” is well known far and wide as a “high-flyer” and a good one generally, and will give a Blondin rope walk on a rope 1-1/2 inch in diameter, stretched from the top of Newman’s high brick to the top of the old green front. The brass band will play a polka, which will be danced by Joe on the rope. He will also run a wheelbarrow across, free for any boy to ride, and will walk blindfolded in a sack. He will give his sensational act on the flying bars and ropes below, fall off and break his neck, etc. So you see you shall not be disappointed.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.
New machinery and new bolts are being put in at Newman’s mill.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.
Custom grinding will be resumed at Newman’s mill as soon as there is sufficient water.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.
Lippmann’s mill will be moved in about three weeks to a new body of timber on Grouse Creek, where he will be able to turn out a large quantity of first class lumber to supply as many new ones as may come.
As Lippmann’s log team with six yoke of oxen attached was crossing the log bridge near Newman’s mill, yesterday, the bridge gave way, and upset the wagon in the creek, and pulled one steer in with it. The boys cut the bow of the one that was hanging by the neck, and saved the rest from being pulled in. Mr. Lippmann thinks he will sue the township for damages.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.
While James Ernuf and James Coffee were sawing logs in the woods down at Lippmann’s mill, two wild cats attacked them, and the boys found it difficult to keep out of the way; but by throwing rocks and clubs at them, they managed to get to the mill, when the cats returned to the woods.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.

The small bridge near Newman’s mill has been repaired so that teams can cross with safety.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.
An accident of quite a serious nature happened to Mr. A. A. Newman, last Monday morning, at his flouring mill on the Walnut. It would appear that Mr. Newman was superintending the loading of some teams. While standing with his back to the pile of 100 lb. sacks of flour from which the loads were being taken, the stack toppled over upon him, crushing him to the ground. He was quickly rescued from his perilous position and was laid upon the mill floor. An examination was made and very luckily nothing more serious was discovered than several bad bruises and a severely sprained ankle. He was, however, so badly shaken as to be unable to stand for several hours and could not be brought to his home until late in the afternoon. At this writing he is progressing favorably.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.
LOST. Saturday, September 28, between Arkansas City and South Bend, on the road by Newman’s mill, the novel, “Souci,” with the owner’s name written on the fly leaf. The finder will confer a favor by leaving the same at this office.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.
Al. Newman gets about on crutches since his ankle was strained by the flour sacks falling on him.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.
RETURNED. Mrs. Newman, with her two children, Pearl and Earl, returned from a protracted visit to Maine last week, accompanied by her sister, Miss Hattie Houghton, who is gladly welcomed back by the many friends she made on her former visit to this place.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.
Those flour sacks fell over again last week at Newman’s mill, and broke a man’s ribs. They are now piled up for another local.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.
In a few weeks the TRAVELER office will be moved to the basement of Newman’s brick on the corner.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 27, 1878.
An ox train of twelve wagons passed through town on Friday evening, on their way to Ft. Sill. They were loaded with flour that our enterprising townsman, A. A. Newman, had contracted to supply the Indian service. After taking on a quantity of grocer­ies at Schiffbauer’s, they camped on the south side of town. Now is the time to strike for the Santa Fe railroad.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 4, 1878.
Wheat wanted at Newman’s Mill.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 4, 1878.
We have moved the TRAVELER office into new quarters in the Newman block. We think our office will compare favorably with most others in the Southwest, and we extend a welcome to the friends of the TRAVELER.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 25, 1878.

We are informed by the farmers that A. A. Newman is paying better prices for wheat than they can realize at Wichita, after deducting expense of delivery.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 8, 1879.
The ice at the Rock Ford is over one foot in thickness. The farmers are crossing there with loaded sleighs, while many are hauling their wheat to Newman’s Mill.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 29, 1879.
A. A. Newman has put up a fine awning in front of his new brick.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 19, 1879.
February 1st, 1879.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 5, 1879.
A. A. Newman has been awarded the contract to furnish the Poncas cows with young calves at $27.45 per head.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 12, 1879.
A thief lifted the $125 premium harness from the stable of Geo. Newman, at Emporia, last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 12, 1879.
Joseph Sherburne informs us that the contract to furnish the Ponca’s with cows and calves was awarded to him, and not to A. A. Newman, as published in last week’s TRAVELER.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 26, 1879.
110,000 pounds of flour inspected and started off from Newman’s Mill. Freight teams roll out lively.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 9, 1879.
Work on the new bank building opposite Newman’s brick is progressing finely. Our bank will soon have new quarters fitted up in the latest style.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 9, 1879.
The reunion of the Amateur Club will long be remembered as a most delightful evening. Thanks are due to Mrs. Haywood and Newman for the beautiful table spread for the exhausted troops.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 17, 1879. Front Page.
John A. McGuire and one of his hired men went down to Newman’s mill to catch fish. They succeeded in catching one poor little bass. John is much elated with his success and talks of going again, maybe. John McGuire starts a team to Wichita after goods this morning.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1879.

Now that the fishing season has commenced, and we watch the earnest but weary fisherman returning with a few sun-fish and occasionally a bass or small cat; we are firmer in the opinion that Newman’s dam at the mouth of the Walnut should be supplied with a fishway. While our river and creeks are almost destitute of fish, and the lover of the sport must content himself with a few hard-earned finny specimens, and the lover of the fish go hungry, the river below the dam at Arkansas City fairly swarms with fish every summer. With a clear run from the Mississippi, the number that enters the Walnut must be great; and this was evidenced last summer when Arkansas City turned out over a big fish excitement and found the waters below the dam so full of fish that they rushed into the river and caught them in their arms. Our streets were graced with fishmongers from Arkansas City every day, and we could only gaze in wonder and pay ten cents a pound for glorious fish that should, according to all equity, have waved their tails in our own waters. We like fish, but do not like the idea of paying ten cents a pound for what rightfully belongs to us, or risk immediate death munching the bony bodies of little sun-fish. This is a subject that interests not only the people of this place, but the state at large. No better way could be found in which to stock our river and creeks with fine fish than by the opening of this dam at the mouth of the Walnut. Mr. Newman is violating the law and laying himself liable by not furnishing his dam with a proper fish way, and we think if he has any interest in the matter of stocking our streams with fish, he will do the necessary work. We spoke of this last summer, and we are of more opinion than ever that this is a matter of some importance.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 30, 1879.
We are informed that Mr. A. A. Newman has received another flour contract of about one and a half million pounds, to be delivered in the Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 7, 1879.
A. A. Newman returned from the East last Thursday.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 28, 1879.
Real Estate Transfers.
A. A. Newman and wife to J. M. Holloway, lts. 9 and 21, blk. 132, Ark. City.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 28, 1879.
On Thursday last a large party of grangers gathered on the banks of the Walnut, southeast of the city, and passed the day in fishing. As A. A. Newman has placed in his dam a fish race, the finny tribe came down the river in shoals, and it looked as though the last fish in the Walnut had come to the angling. About two barrels of fish were caught when the party returned to their homes satisfied with their days work.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 4, 1879.
A. A. Newman is loading a wagon train for Ft. Sill and Wichita Agency.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 11, 1879.
Mr. Bohle, flour inspector, is here inspecting the flour on A. A. Newman’s contract.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 11, 1879.
Mr. Matlack has sold his large supply of wheat that he purchased of the farmers to A. A. Newman.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 18, 1879.
Until Further Notice.
June 11th, 1879.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 2, 1879.

The Telegram feels sad at the thought of our city sending people to Winfield to rent buildings. Well, we regret it too; but the fact is, every room is full in this town, while parties are hard at work hauling down here some of those empty houses that you folks built, but failed to rent. They are much cheaper than to purchase the lumber. Why, man, your slur at the noble Arkansas is ungenerous. She bore the Aunt Sally upon her bosom last year, and when the boat reached here, you were mean enough to compel Newman to put in a fish race, to let her up to Winfield!  Shame on you, can’t our town have anything unless you feel like stealing it?
Arkansas City Traveler, July 16, 1879.
This evening Mr. Fred. Newman, brother of our townsman, A. A. Newman, and interested in the dry goods House of George Newman, of Emporia, will lead to the hymeneal altar Miss Hood, daughter of Major Hood, one of the wealthiest cattlemen in the State. The affair promises to be decidedly recherche. The fortunate young couple will leave immediately for the East, and their many friends join in wishing them all the happiness obtain­able on this earth.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 16, 1879.
Mrs. Haywood is at Emporia attending the wedding of her brother, Fred Newman.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 30, 1879.
CHARLES H. SEARING purchased A. A. NEWMAN’S MILL last Saturday, and will hereafter run the same. He will supply the flour necessary to complete Mr. Newman’s contract for the Indian Agencies.
Excerpts from long article...
Arkansas City Traveler, August 13, 1879 - Front Page.
In the Chicago Commercial Advertiser of July 31, we find the following account of our thriving city. While the correspondent speaks in glowing terms, he says nothing more than the truth, of which anyone can be convinced by paying us a visit. After commenting upon other points of interest, he says:
They have not only an elegant high-school building, but one of the best city schools in Southern Kansas. They have a new model brick church that would honor a city of the first class. They have some fine commercial buildings, notably the Newman block, 22 x 100 feet, with O. P. Houghton’s heavy general stock below and the elegantly finished and furnished Masonic hall, jointly occupied by the Blue Lodge and Chapter, above.
O. P. Houghton has an immense stock of general merchandise, completely filling the lower floors of the Newman block, and has a trade of unusually large volume, reaching well into the Indian Territory.
Excerpts from article...
Arkansas City Traveler, August 13, 1879.
1st series—Date, Nov. 26, 1872; due Nov. 26, 1882; amount, $4,500, in nine bonds of $500 each; interest 10 percent, payable annually; for bridge near Newman’s mill.
2nd series—Date, Sept. 20, 1873; due Sept. 1, 1883; amount, $7,500, in seven bonds of $1,000 each and one of $500; interest 10 percent, payable semi-annually; for purchase of Arkansas River bridge.

3rd series—Date, May 1, 1877; one bond of $500; due May 1, 1877; interest 10 percent, payable semi-annually; for Walnut River bridge.
This is a statement of the indebtedness of the township, with the exception of a few unpaid orders of this year. Next week we will attempt to show how this amount has been expended. A. WALTON, Trustee.
R. E. MAXWELL, Clerk.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 20, 1879.
Yesterday Hackney & McDonald perfected the sale of their Salt Springs land. The farm consisted of 159 acres of land, on which are situated the famous mineral springs, and was sold to C. R. Mitchell, of Arkansas City, for the sum of $4,000. Messrs. Hackney & McDonald have held the lands some eighteen months, and make a clear profit of $3,500 on the sale. We congratulate them upon their good fortune. Telegram.
These famous springs are now owned in partnership by C. R. Mitchell and A. A. Newman, of this place. They are both shrewd businessmen, have plenty of capital at their command, and if they don’t make three or four times $3,500 out of this venture, you may have our hat. Bob and Al. seldom make much noise, but they know a good thing when they see it.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 27, 1879.
Messrs. Newman and Mitchell, the gentlemen who lately purchased the mineral springs at Salt City, were at that place last Wednesday, looking out a location for their new hotel, which is to be completed this season. It is stated that the hotel when finished will cost ten thousand dollars, and will have every convenience, bath-rooms, etc., and all modern improvements. Wellington Vidette.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 3, 1879.
Fred Newman and his wife returned to Emporia from their Eastern trip last Friday.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 3, 1879.
A. A. Newman has purchased the building formerly occupied by the Arkansas City Bank.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 17, 1879.
Messrs. Newman, Channell, and Searing, of Arkansas City, were in Wellington on Wednesday. While here Messrs. Newman and Searing made arrangements with Messrs. Hickman and Hunter, of this city, for 100,000 pounds of flour, to fulfill their flour contract at the Wichita Agency, Indian Territory. The water in the Walnut River is so low at present that Mr. Searing has partly shut down his mill near Arkansas City and is now making some needed repairs. Wellington Vidette.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 17, 1879.
There have been more bona fide real estate transfers in Arkansas City during the past two weeks than in any other town in Southern Kansas. The main transfer was that of Mr. Van Holmes’ lots to Messrs. Newman, Channell, and McLaughlin, each of these gentlemen purchasing a third, the entire number realizing the neat sum of seven thousand dollars. As a result of this transac­tion nearly all the lots in Arkansas City are owned by residents of the town—not for speculation merely, but for sale to parties wishing to build and improve the town. Messrs. Channell & McLaughlin will sell desirable lots on time to responsible parties, provided they will put up good, substantial buildings.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 17, 1879.

Mr. Nelson, the painter, has a dog “as is a dog.”  Some few weeks ago Mrs. Newman lost a parasol, and the dog coming across it picked it up and carried it home, where he takes everything he can find. Mr. Nelson now has a muff which the dog has found somewhere and brought home for safekeeping. If Mr. Nelson will only train the purp to bring home a few purses, filled with money, we would like to buy him.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 24, 1879.
We are informed that the town lots recently owned by Finley, of Emporia, have been purchased by A. A. Newman, Channell & McLaughlin.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 1, 1879.
Mrs. Newman and Mrs. Matlack have been spending a few days at the Mineral Springs.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 1, 1879.
Dr. Minthorn has rented the office in Mr. Newman’s brick, across the hall from C. R. Mitchell’s. He expects to locate here in a few days.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 8, 1879.
Dr. Minthorn has purchased a tract of ground of Robert Mitchell, Esq., northwest of town, and is building a residence. The Dr.’s card appears in this issue of the TRAVELER.
Office in A. A. Newman’s brick building.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 8, 1879.
J. M. Wilson, of Douglas, has leased of A. A. Newman, the stone building formerly occupied by Col. McMullen, and will put in a good stock of dry goods.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 15, 1879.
Wheat wanted by A. A. Newman.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 22, 1879.
A. A. Newman paid one dollar per bushel for wheat last Monday morning.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 22, 1879.
Mr. George Newman, of Emporia, is in the city visiting A. A. Newman’s family. Mr. Newman has many friends here who will always welcome him.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 22, 1879.
Newman and Mitchell are erecting a handsome bath house at their mineral springs in Salt City, and in another year there will be a grand rush to that favorite resort.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 29, 1879.
The first social event of the season was given last night at the residence of A. A. Newman, in honor of Mrs. George Newman, of Emporia. At 8 o’clock the elite of the city began to gather, and soon the cottage on the corner was filled with the gay and social, who passed the evening as one of the delightful events of their lives. Mrs. George Newman is an accomplished pianist and the sweet music that filled the midnight hour not only charmed the ear but bore testimony of her talent.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 29, 1879.
Strayed from the premises of James Felton, five miles east of Newman’s mill, on Thursday night, October 23, 1879, one sorrel mare, with white face, white legs, and branded on the left thigh, “U,” six years old, and about 14 hands and 3 inches high. Any person finding or giving any information of the same to W. H. Walker, Arkansas City, or W. B. Smith, Falls township, Sumner county, will be suitably rewarded.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 12, 1879.
The team belonging to A. A. Newman was left with a man to hold a few moments one day last week, and as the man forgot there was a team in his care, it dashed away on a run, and made a complete wreck of his handsome family carriage.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 26, 1879.
Thanks to Mrs. Hawkins for a bushel of the finest Irish potatoes we have yet seen in Cowley County. They were raised on Maj. Hawkins’ farm near Newman’s mill on the Walnut, and will favorably compare with the best that are grown in any latitude.
Excerpts from article...
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 10, 1879.
Indian Items.
In 1878 A. A. Newman took the contract for the following.
100,000 lbs. of flour at Wichita Agency
300,000 lbs. of flour at Kiowa Agency
600,000 lbs. of flour at Cheyenne Agency
150,000 lbs. of flour at Ponca Agency
 66,000 lbs. of flour at Sac & Fox Agency
In all, 1,216,000 pounds, besides the hauling.
A. A. Newman took the contract to deliver goods from Wichita to Ponca Agency at 83 cents per 100 pounds.
NOTE: What Mr. Haywood hauled for $1.98 per hundred, Mr. Fenlon wanted $2.10; and what Mr. Newman hauled for 83 cents, Mr. Fenlon wanted $1.00.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 10, 1879.
COMMITTEE ON ARRANGEMENTS: Mrs. N. B. Hughes, Mrs. Huey, Mrs. A. A. Newman, Mrs. McClung, Mrs. James Benedict.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 17, 1879.
Mrs. Newman was on Monday evening the recipient of Webber’s best piano: a Christmas present from her husband.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 24, 1879.
Bennett Chapter of Royal Arch Masons elected the following officers at their last regular meeting:
High Priest:  S. P. Channell.
King:  A. A. Newman.
Scribe:  C. R. Mitchell.
Treasurer:  O. P. Houghton.
Secretary:  J. L. Huey.
Captain of the Host:  J. I. Mitchell.
Principal Sojourner:  Jas. Benedict.
Royal Arch Captain:  K. Smith.
Master of 3rd Veil:  Jas. Ridenour.
Master of 2nd Veil:  C. M. Scott.
Master of 1st Veil:  L. McLaughlin.

Tyler:  George Russell.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1880.
Last Friday evening an ox train came in from the Territory to load with flour for some of the Agencies, and camped near Newman’s mill. As the wagon boss was not around, the boys came into town to have a little spree, and by the time the saloons were closed up they were felling pretty good and started for camp singing, swearing, and boasting that no city marshal could take them.
They awakened all the citizens in the northeast part of town by singing low, vulgar songs as loud as they could, and next morning complaint was made to the marshal, who procured a warrant and undertook to arrest them.
All gave themselves up except one man, who resisted and proposed to fight it out; but after a little scuffling, he was secured and lodged in the calaboose. The other four were taken before the Police Judge and fined $10 and costs each, making $19 for each man. They paid their fines and the train moved on across the river and camped, leaving the man that resisted the officer to board it out at the expense of the city, as he told the wagon boss that was what he intended to do. In the afternoon they took him before the Judge for two offenses: disturbing the peace and resisting an officer. He was found guilty of both, and fined $15 and costs, the costs being $9, making $24, and was committed to the calaboose until it was paid. In about three hours the wagon boss came back and paid the fine, and the whole outfit started for the Territory.
Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880.
Mitchell & Newman still continue to bring forward material for the improvement of the springs, and whenever the weather will permit, are at work.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1880
Mrs. Kidder, of Emporia, is visiting the family of Al. Newman.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1880.
Wedding Bells.
GOOCH - HOUGHTON. Married on Wednesday evening, February 4th, at the First Presbyterian Church in Arkansas City, Mr. Wyatt Gooch and Miss Hattie Houghton, by Rev. McClung.
The groom and bride have resided in this city for several years, and have a large circle of friends. Mrs. A. A. Newman held a reception at her residence from 9:30 to 11:30, receiving a large number of friends from this city, Wichita, and Emporia. An elegant repast was served during the evening, and friends were coming and going until after midnight. This was one of the largest receptions ever held in this city, and was enjoyed by all.
The bride was beautifully attired in silver brocade, white satin, point lace, customary veil of Tulle, orange blossoms, and crepon roses, six button kids, jewelry, and orange buds.
Groom: Customary black, button-hole bouquet, white kids.
First Bridesmaid: Miss Angie Mantor, pink silk and combined with Tarleton and Breton lace, six-button kids.
Second Bridesmaid: Miss Clara Finley, blue silk combined with white Tarleton and Breton lace, six-button kids.

Groomsmen: Will Mowry and Mr. C. Swarts, customary black, white kids.
Ushers: Mr. Sylvester and Mr. F. Farrar.
Father and mother of the bride, Weld, Maine, a dozen silver knives and forks, 1 dozen teaspoons, 1 dozen tablespoons, 1 dozen dessert spoons, and butter knife.
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Newman, Weld, Maine, 2 silver dessert spoons.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Newman, elegant family Bible.
Mr. and Mrs. George Newman, Emporia, silver cake basket.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Newman, Emporia, silver pickle castor.
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Haywood, beautiful cut glass and silver berry dish.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Houghton, silver service.
Mrs. Kidder and Miss Nellie Jones, Emporia, silver pickle castor.
John Gooch, oil painting, clock, bracket.
Pearl and Earl Newman, 1 dozen solid silver teaspoons.
Miss Nellie Jones, Emporia, a set of glove, handkerchief, and jewel box, velvet and stain hand painted, hand painted locket.
Mrs. Storts, Emporia, Gypsy kettle.
Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Houghton, pair chromos.
Mr. and Mrs. T. McLaughlin, castor.
Mr. and Mrs. Eddy, pearl card case, bottle cologne, silver nut cracker.  Bridesmaid and Groomsmen chromo.
Dr. and Mrs. Hughes, chess table.
J. C. Topliff, hanging lamp.
Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Channell, plant stand.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Benedict, satin lined case with pickle fork, butter knife, and sugar shell.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Benedict, silver pickle castor.
Dr. and Mrs. Kellogg and Mr. and Mrs. Sipes, silver cake and pie knife.
Dr. and Mrs. Shepard and Maj. Sleeth and wife, willow chair.
Mr. and Mrs. Huey, willow work basket.
Mrs. Farrar, hand painted necklace.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, bronze vases.
Miss Deming, Wichita, bronze bracket, 2 vases.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Mantor, hanging book case.
Mr. and Mrs. Bonsall, beautiful cut flowers.
From the Ushers, silver card case.
Mrs. Watson, bracket.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard, server.
Mrs. L. Finley, spatter-work tidies.
Miss Chamberlain, Kansas City, vases.
W. Mowry, carving knife and fork.
Miss Kate Hawkins, toilet mat.
Mrs. Campbell, real Irish lace. Dust pan, with this in­scription, “Cleanliness is akin to Godliness.”
A whip, an unknown friend.

Broom, with this inscription:
“And I hold, when on the land,
 That a broomstick in the hand,
 A remarkable conciliating tone implants,
 And so do his sisters and his kuss-ins and his aunts.”
Compliments of C. M. S.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1880.
Mr. A. A. Newman designs to bring to Arkansas City this spring the largest stock of dry goods that has yet been brought into the Southwest. The brick store now occupied by Mr. Houghton will be crowded with goods by Mr. Newman and the rooms in the basement in the rear of the TRAVELER office will be the sales room for carpets.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1880.
Mr. George Newman, the Merchant Prince of Emporia, and family arrived on last Tuesday morning’s train to attend the wedding of Mr. W. Gooch and Miss Hattie Houghton.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1880.
The TRAVELER office was made the recipient of a bountiful supply of wedding cake from Mrs. A. A. Newman, and the office boys would like to see a wedding every evening.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1880. Editorial Page.
An Exhibit of the Transactions of the Board of
Creswell Township for the Year 1879.
To the Citizens of Creswell Township:
Your township officers having completed their duties for the past year, and having been relieved from further service deem it their duty to make a full and complete report of the state of your township at the time they entered upon the duties assigned them, and also the status at the expiration of their term of office.
The debt of the township at the time we entered the office was in bonds as follows:
Bonds for building Walnut River bridge, $5,000.
Bonds for building Arkansas River bridge, $7,500.
In scrip as follows:
Issue of Chamberlain:  $  171.00
Issue of T. McIntire: 1,724.00
Issue of Jas. L. Huey: 406.71
Total: $2,301.71
Having published a statement of the indebtedness of Creswell Township after our first meeting, we had reason to expect that the public would want to know in what manner the debts were contracted, and whether public officers had a right to create debts to such an amount, and involve the township for years to come.
The debts were created in the usual manner for the require­ments of the township up to the election of Mr. T. McIntire. We give the following figures in regard to the amount of debt created during that administration.
$1,955 was issued for building a bridge across the Walnut River at Newman’s mill, and on the approaches thereto as follows:

To the Missouri Valley Bridge Company, 4 orders, $50 each, 200; 4 orders, $125 each, $500, due in one year; 4 orders, $700, due in two years.
Same company, payable out of delinquent road tax fund, 3 orders, amount $100.
Same company, payable out of same fund, 7 orders, amount $275.
To A. A. Newman, for extra work on Walnut River pier, 7 orders, $100.
To Cap. Nipp for filling approach on the east to the Walnut River bridge, $50.
To A. A. Newman, extra work on the Walnut River bridge, $5.
To Cap. Nipp, filling approach to Walnut River bridge, $25.
In regard to the building of the Walnut River bridge, the facts are that a vote was taken for the purpose of issuing bonds to build a bridge over the Walnut River, at Newman’s mill. The vote carried, but it was discovered by the parties interested that the township could not legally issue over $500 in bonds. The contract which had been previously made to build a bridge was then changed so as to pay $500 in bonds and the balance in township orders, and said change recorded in township books. The township board taking the vote on bonds as authority to them to build a bridge, certain parties agreeing to take part of the orders at par for cash of the Bridge Company.
The present board finding these transactions on the books deemed the last contract entirely illegal; that the township board had no right whatever to make such a contract, or to bind the citizens in payment of such contract, or to issue any town­ship orders in payment of such a debt so contracted, and believ­ing that the parties knew such a contract and payment in orders to be illegal from the fact that they made a previous legal contract in the manner prescribed by law for the purpose named.
In view of these facts the present board considered it their duty to refuse payment of this scrip until it was made a legal debt under a decision of law.
In view of these facts the present board considered it their duty to refuse payment of this scrip until it was made a legal debt under a decision of law.
It having been confidently assert­ed that our action was repudi­ation, and morally wrong, we are perfectly willing to leave it with the citizens of the township to say whether the parties who knowingly, and because it suited their own purpose, entered into an illegal contract, or the parties who have sworn to do their duty and to pay only legal debts, are most in the wrong.
Report for the past year as follows:
Amount of scrip issued by board, A. Walton, trustee, $864.32.
Scrip paid off as follows:
Issue of A. W. Berkey, Principal $4.15; Interest $.80. Total: $4.95.
Issue of Chamberlain, Principal $170.00, Interest $35.55. Total: $205.55.
Issue of T. McIntire, Principal $404.20, Interest $38.11. Total: $442.31.
Issue of Jas. L. Huey, Principal $387.21, Interest $21.03. Total: $408.24.
Issue of Amos Walton, $864.32, all paid.
There was a portion of indebtedness, acquired under Chamber­lain, not fully shown in the books and interest on bonds not figured. With these exceptions we have made a fair exhibit of the books paying every dollar of indebtedness created by our­selves and $1,060.95, made by others. By order of the board. A. WALTON, Trustee. R. J. MAXWELL, Clerk.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1880.

Mr. A. A. Newman is in the east purchasing a mammoth stock of goods and will be absent several days.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 3, 1880.
The ladies’ society of the First Presbyterian church will meet at Mrs. Newman’s Friday afternoon at three o’clock.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 10, 1880.
The store room in the Newman building has been undergoing repairs and a thorough cleaning up, preparatory to the arrival of a new stock of goods which are being purchased in the East by Mr. Newman.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 10, 1880.
Salt City is expecting the boom in the near future. Consid­erable improvements are underway, among which is the new hotel building of Messrs. Mitchell & Newman, of this city. These gentlemen are making extensive preparations for the accommodation of a large number of guests who annually visit the mineral springs at that place to partake of the health restoring quali­ties of those wonderful waters.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 24, 1880
A nice bulletin board adorns the corner of the Newman building over the old TRAVELER office.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 24, 1880
LOST. Monday, March 15th, 1880, between Parker’s schoolhouse and Newman’s mill, two ladies’ shawls. Finder will please leave them at this office.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 24, 1880.
Dr. Anderson, formerly a practicing physician of Decatur County, Indiana, has formed a business partnership, in this city, with Dr. J. H. Griffith. See their card elsewhere.
Office Up stairs in Newman Building, ARKANSAS CITY, KAN.
Professional calls promptly attended to at all hours day and night. Dr. Griffith gives special attention to the treatment of diseases peculiar to women and children. Dr. Anderson gives special attention to surgical disease and surgical operations.
Excerpts from long article...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 24, 1880.
Amount of cash received by the City Clerk since March 15th, 1879, to March 14th, 1880, both inclusive.
  1879 Dec. 19: A. A. Newman, stone for Walker’s well: $2.60
Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1880.
Mr. A. A. Newman, after an absence of several weeks spent in the east purchasing a new stock of goods, was expected to arrive home on the one o’clock train this morning.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 21, 1880.
Carpenters are at work replacing the awning in front of Newman’s building.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 21, 1880.

Last Sunday was a day long to be remembered by the citizens of Arkansas City. The morning promised a nice day, but soon the wind began to blow at a lively rate from the south and by noon had almost reached a gale, changing to the west. Its fury did not abate until near sundown, when it changed around to the north and became more calm.
In looking over the damage done, we find it extends pretty well over the City. During the entire day the air was dense with flying sand and dust.
The awning in front of the Newman building and Schiffbauer Bros. store was blown to pieces; and in falling, broke five of the large plate glass in the front, which cost $15 each, beside the glass in the door.
A dwelling in the northeast of town was unroofed. A shed in the rear of Brooks livery barn was lifted over into the street and demolished. A flying board came in contact with a window in the City Hotel, which was crushed to atoms. The rafters on Lafe McLaughlin’s new residence at the west end of Fourth Avenue, were badly careened. A shade tree on north Summit street was twisted off and landed out in the street. The loose lumber at the lumber yards was picked up by the wind and promiscuously scattered around. Numerous outbuildings were decapitated, upset, or otherwise more or less damaged. Many of the buildings in town were shaken to such a degree as to seriously alarm the occupants, and not a few were hastily propped against impending danger.
Take it all in all, Sunday can be put down as a windy day, and one it is to be hoped the like of which may not again soon visit Southern Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 21, 1880.
REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. The following property will be for sale till Saturday evening the 24th inst.
My home place 3/4 of a mile northwest of Arkansas City, consisting of ten acres. Good brick dwelling, Stable, Hennery, Carriage House, etc. Five hundred bearing peach trees, 80 apple trees, and every variety of small fruits in abundance. Also ten acres of cultivated land adjoining the above. Also 40 acres of timber land on the Walnut near Newman’s mill. A bargain is offered in the above property. Inquire at my residence. WM. COOMBS.
As stated last week, this issue of the TRAVELER appears under new management, and in this connection a few remarks with reference to the causes which led to this change will not be out of place. At the request of a large number of the citizens of Arkansas City, we had resolved to commence the publication of a new paper, to be called the Arkansas City Republican, and for that purpose purchased and set up a press and other material in the room now occupied by the TRAVELER.
The late publisher of the TRAVELER having signified his willingness to dispose of that property, and we, from our old-time connection therewith, deeming that as publishers of the TRAVELER we could do better and more work, both for our patrons and ourselves, than by commencing the publication of a third paper in the city, entertained his proposition and negotiations were commenced which resulted in our giving up the Republican enterprise and purchasing the Arkansas City TRAVELER, which will hereafter be published by us at the old office in the basement of Newman’s brick.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1880.
Wholesale Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Notions, Carpets.
We would respectfully announce to the citizens of Arkansas City and vicinity that we have now opened and are receiving the largest and most complete stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, and Notions ever brought to this market. It is our hope that, by strict attention to business, fair dealing and lowest prices, we shall merit and obtain a liberal share of your patronage.
Kansas City, St. Louis, and Chicago prices duplicated.
Thanking you for past favors, we are, very respectfully, yours, A. A. NEWMAN & CO.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1880.
Rudolph Hoffmaster has rented the Star Restaurant to Mrs. Finney, who will carry on the business henceforth. Mr. Hoffmaster and family have removed to the Salt Springs and are now in charge of the Newman & Mitchell bath rooms at that place.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1880.
Life’s chequered path is full of woe
‘And perils beset us wherever we go.
The above is apropos of an adventure which befell a party of ladies and gentlemen from this city who were enjoying a picnic in the immediate vicinity of the sanatorium and baths recently built by Newman & Mitchell on the borders of that modern Siloam—Salt Springs. The dramatis personae at this matinee were Mrs. Hutchins, of Iowa, Mrs. Bonsall, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Bird, and several visitors from Ohio, who one and all did themselves very much proud by the manner in which they rendered their respective parts of this serio-comic escapade.
All were comfortably seated around the orthodox picnic board and reveling in the natural beauties of this classic spot, yet not so absorbed as to prevent them enjoying the goodly comestibles, which were rapidly disappearing before appetites sharpened by a three hours’ ride in a Kansas zephyr.
Suddenly their affrighted gaze beheld a cloud of inky black­ness, here and there rent by forked tongues of flame, which rushing forward with frightful velocity seemed to hiss and crackle in anticipation of the holocaust about to be offered up. The wildest confusion ensued; gentlemen rushed frantically to the rescue of their teams, while the ladies grabbed promiscuously for queensware and rent the air with shrieks of dire distress. ‘Tis always darkest just before dawn, and so in this case, when hope had almost fled and the inevitable was about to be accepted, the raging element sprang towards its prey, but the grass gave out and it sank to rise no more.
Lunch was resumed and each one admitted that collectively there had been somewhat of a scare but insisted that individually it required something more than an ordinary prairie fire to make them start.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 5, 1880.
“TRAVELER Office,” basement of A. A. Newman’s block. Don’t forget it.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 5, 1880.

It is with much pleasure that we call attention to the “ad” of the new firm of A. A. Newman & Co., which appears in this issue. Their magnificent store and show rooms occupy the base­ment and first floor in the corner brick on East Summit street and Fifth avenue. An investigation of their establishment discloses the fact that they have on hand one of the largest and best selected stocks of dry goods, notions, clothing, hats and caps, boots and shoes, ladies’ and gents’ underwear, etc., that has ever been brought to this city. Among the many novelties we specially noticed some choice silk dolmans and fichus, superb gros grain and other silks; satins in all colors, and an inimita­ble assortment of buntings, momie cloths, brocades, and brocatels. Pacific and figured lattice lawns, printed cambrics, etc. An elegant and recherche line of two- to six-button kid gloves in all colors, parasols, ribbons, lace fichus, ties, hosiery, handkerchiefs, and other fancy articles too numerous to mention. The members of the firm, Messrs. A. A. Newman and W. E. Gooch, need no recommendation at our hands, they having been severally identified with the business interests of our town for many years; have earned a reputation for courtesy and square dealing and as businessmen are sans reproche.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, May 12, 1880.
Salt City, May 9, 1880.
Ed. Traveler: In order to be in the style, I must report a goodly quantity of dry weather, much to the detriment of our wheat. A rain anyway soon, however, will guarantee us something over half a crop. Our farmers look somewhat blue, as they are not used to drouths. I would take this occasion to advise the farmers to plant more corn, and not confine themselves so exclu­sively to wheat. A diversity of crops pays better every time.
Eight or ten couples from your city visited our moral village last Wednesday. They passed through town on their way to the bath house, horses prancing, girls driving, and all looking as if they felt their oats. After taking a good bath and gouging the sand out of their eyes, they repaired to McLay’s grove, in which “boundless contiguity of shade” allowed them to enjoy a hearty picnic dinner. The dinner looked tempting, and reminded us of the “aid” days, only we didn’t get some.
Salt City has improved wonderfully during the last six months. Several new buildings have been erected in that time. Berkey’s large stone is nearing completion, and Newman & Mitchell’s bath house would be an ornament to Saratoga. New people are seen on our streets daily, some investing, and others rusticating in the suburbs, where Mr. Hoffmaster, formerly of your city, ministers to their comfort.
Horse races are of frequent occurrence in this place. There were three last Saturday, when several of the boys dropped the dollar they should have invested in a shirt.
With love for all the afflicted, which includes the newspa­permen, we are,
Arkansas City Traveler, May 12, 1880.
Newman is bound that Winfield shall not beat Arkansas City in the way of cheap goods.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 19, 1880.

If you want to see something that discounts anything of its kind ever brought to Arkansas City, step into A. A. Newman & Co.’s store and take a peep at that handsome glove case. Al. says there is no use in half-way doing things, hence he has gone to the expense of a small farm to procure the above case and its complete assortment of gloves.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 9, 1880.
During the storm of last Monday morning, Mahlon Hunter, living just east of Newman’s mill, lost two horses by lightning. The stable and other outbuildings were set on fire by the elec­tric fluid and both horses were instantly killed. No other damage was done.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 16, 1880.
A. A. Newman has returned from New York, where he has been the past week, during which time he secured Government contracts for supplying some 1,400,000 pounds of flour for Territorial consumption. The flour is deliverable here, and will be distrib­uted as follows: 700,000 pounds to Cheyenne, 500,000 pounds to Wichita, and 200,000 pounds to other Agencies. We understand Mr. Searing will manufacture the flour at his mill on the Walnut.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 30, 1880.
A. A. Newman & Co. are again to the front with an entirely new stock of summer and fall goods and notions of every descrip­tion, which constitute a stock that for choice of selection and excellence of quality is seldom seen in the Southwest. Mr. Newman has just returned from the East, where he has been pur­chasing the same, and having bought them himself under circum­stances that enabled him to take every advantage of the markets, we can safely say that this firm will sustain the reputation they have already gained for selling the best goods for the lowest prices.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 30, 1880.
HURRAY FOR THE FOURTH. Just think of it. Lawns 12-1/2 cents a yard at A. A. Newman & Co.’s.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 30, 1880.
Prints 5 cents a yard at A. A. Newman & Co.’s.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 7, 1880.
   [From the Cheyenne Transporter.]
Mr. Newman, of Arkansas City, received the flour contract for this Agency.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 7, 1880.
Al. Newman holds the money for a nobby hat for either Cap. Nipp or W. Wentworth, to be decided when the ides of November tell us which man got the most electoral votes for President. Nipp is safe for a new hat.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 7, 1880.
Newman heard the census returns from his native town, Weld, Maine, the other day, and says that ten years ago the population was 1,140; but that its increase had been such that at the present time it numbers some 1,050 souls—a falling off of ninety in ten years.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 14, 1880.
Mrs. Wheeler, of Boston, cousin of Mrs. A. A. Newman, is paying her relatives of this place a visit this week.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 14, 1880.
The good folks of the Presbyterian church will give one of their old-time socials at the residence of Mr. Newman tomorrow evening. All are cordially invited, and we guarantee an enjoy­able time.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 14, 1880.
A number of the elite, among whom were Mr. and Mrs. Newman, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Houghton, Mrs. Matlack, Mrs. Gooch, and Mrs. Wheeler, went to Ponca Agency yesterday. The trip was in honor of Mrs. Wheeler, now visiting in this city.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 14, 1880.
  30,000 BUSHELS
Arkansas City Traveler, July 14, 1880.
CORSETS JUST RECEIVED. A very large assortment of corsets in various styles and at unprecedentedly low prices at
A. A. Newman & Co.’s.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 28, 1880. Front Page.
Geuda is a Ponca word, meaning healing waters. The springs, eight in number, and all different, are near Salt City, in Sumner County, Kansas. The nearest railroad is Arkansas City, about eight miles southeast of the Springs, although they are within a circle formed through Arkansas City, Winfield, Oxford, Welling­ton, and Hunnewell, all railroad towns. The proprietors, Messrs. Newman and Mitchell, of Arkansas City, have erected a commodious and tasteful bath house at the Springs, and the place is begin­ning to be quite a resort for the ailing. Some remarkable cures of catarrh, rheumatism, and cutaneous diseases are related. There are always camps of invalids in the vicinity. When the analysis is completed, the Commonwealth will probably have more to relate. Enough now, the place is certain to become famous and fashionable. Commonwealth.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 28, 1880.
DENTISTRY. M. B. VAWTER, of Louisville, Kentucky, has located in Arkansas City, and solicits the patronage of the public. Satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Office in Matlack’s brick. References: A. A. Newman and S. Matlack.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 4, 1880.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Newman and family took their departure, last Monday, for Minneapolis, where they will make a short stay, visiting relations and friends, and then proceed to their former home in Weld, Maine, to spend two or three months of the heated term. Before returning, Mr. Newman will visit New York, Boston, and other eastern markets, for the purpose of buying in a full stock of fall goods for this market.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1880.
Mr. A. A. Newman and family, of Arkansas City, and his brother, G. W. Newman, of this city, and family, started Wednes­day for New York, by way of the lakes, a trip that will combine business and pleasure. Emporia Journal.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1880.
A stone sidewalk is being laid on the south side of A. A. Newman & So.’s store on Fifth Avenue.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 13, 1880.

An incident of a distressing nature happened on our streets, yesterday, about noon, to a stranger as he was coming from the depot. As he approached the store of A. A. Newman & Co., he was observed to become excited, conducting himself very peculiarly, wildly clutching at the air, and finally with a deep groan sank to the earth. Several passers-by ran to his assistance, but for some time he remained unconscious, only opening his eyes for a moment to close them in another spasm. Finally he recovered with a gasp, and as he looked at the pile of boot and shoe boxes in front of A. A. Newman’s store, he shuddered and exclaimed: “Do my eyes deceive my ear sight?”  He desired to be conducted before a notary public, that he might swear to the fact that A. A. Newman & Co. have the largest, best, and cheapest stock of boots and shoes ever brought to this city. Dot ish so!
Arkansas City Traveler, October 27, 1880.
The largest stock of general dry goods ever brought to the city is now being opened at A. A. Newman & Co.’s where bargains of all kinds are daily presented to the hosts of customers who through their store rooms from early morn till dewy eve.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1880.
Mrs. Al Newman and Mrs. Theoron Houghton returned to Arkan­sas City last Friday, after an extended visit in the Eastern States.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1880.
Miss Delia Newman, of East Wilton, Maine, arrived in this city yesterday, and proposes making an extended visit with her relatives, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Newman.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1880.
Mr. Pratt and wife, of Minneapolis, are visiting the family of A. A. Newman. They contemplate remaining throughout the winter months, Mr. Pratt’s health necessitating a change from the cold climate of Minneapolis.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 8, 1880.
Earl Newman is all boots and overcoat now.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 5, 1881.
Mr. F. C. Newman, of Emporia, is spending a few days with his relatives in this city. It has been three years since Fred was among us, and he now brings a handsome wife and child to share the welcomes of his friends.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 12, 1881.
A mass meeting of our citizens was held in the schoolhouse last Thursday night for the purpose of discussing the merits and demerits of constructing a canal from the Arkansas to the Walnut river. Despite the stinging cold weather, the house was crowded, showing the interest manifested by our people in this import project.
The meeting was called to order by Dr. Chapel, and on motion of A. A. Newman, he was elected chairman. J. C. Topliff was chosen as secretary, and the business of the evening commenced.
I. H. Bonsall was first called for, who prefaced his remarks with the statement that he had no interest in this matter other than as a taxpayer in common with hundreds of our citizens; but he had been requested to lay before the meeting the modus operan­di of this canal project that the voters might act intelli­gently thereon.
For the benefit of all interested we hereby give as clear a statement of the proposition as possible.

It has been several years since the question of a race or canal between the two rivers was first talked of—it being quite apparent that there was considerable fall, and consequently a good water power, to be obtained by so doing. But, while all were satisfied that the fall was there, and were agreed upon the great advantages its successful development would give to our city, it was equally clear that they lacked one essential agent in such an undertaking—the wherewith or cash.
Last spring Mr. James Hill, a gentleman of considerable wealth, came to Arkansas City, and at once purchased property with the intention of making his home here. He is a civil engineer, and has had large experience in railroad building and projects similar to the one now before the people. It was not long ere his attention was called to these two rivers, but until less than two months ago, he had not made a definite proposition to our citizens. After some talk with the leading businessmen, he went before the council with a proposition for the city to furnish aid in the sum of $20,000 and he would guarantee the construction of a canal giving a 500-horsepower, his estimated cost of which was from $40,000 to $50,000. An election being ordered to determine whether the city should vote bonds to further this enterprise, competent and disinterested engineers were sent for, that a survey could be made; and by their report and estimates, the people could be governed. Messrs. Knight & Bontecou, of Kansas City, spent several days at this business, and make the following report.
Fall between the two rivers, 21.8 ft. Length of canal, about three miles. Two estimates were made on the cost of construction.
1. A canal 34 feet wide on surface of water, 6 feet deep, and 10 feet wide on the bottom, will require about 294,000 yards of excavation, at a cost of $44,100; gates for 700-horse­power, $14,000. Total: $58,100.
2. For a canal 32 feet wide on surface of water, 5.5 feet deep, and ten feet wide on bottom, 244,000 cubic yards of excava­tion, $36,600; gates for 500-horsepower, $13,000.
Total: $49,600.
These estimates do not include the usual 10 percent margin claimed by all engineers in giving estimates of cost.
Mr. Hill’s plan is to secure the aid asked for from the city, in which case he guarantees the construction of the canal, let it cost forty, fifty, or sixty thousand dollars.
As soon as the election is held, if favorable, the books of the company will be open for the sale of stock to any desiring to purchase. Shares are to cost $25 each, and each share is to have one vote. The city, by its agent (whomsoever may be chosen to act as such), will be entitled to 800 votes at all meetings and on all questions bearing on the disposition of stock, and the city’s stock shall not be sold or disposed of without consent of a majority of the legal voters in the city.
These books will be open thirty days, at the expiration of which time Mr. Hill will take all stock unsold. Mr. Hill is to give bond for the faithful performance of his contract, bond to be approved by the city’s agents.
Mr. Bonsall dwelt at some length on the advantages offered by this scheme in the way of furnishing employment to the idle ones among us, besides bringing many more people to our city.

Mr. Hill was next called for, and said that as the gentleman preceding him had stated the case very clearly, it now remained for the people to determine whether it was worthy of their sup­port. That it would pay, he did not doubt, as he had no idea of coming here and sinking his money between two rivers. He was confident capitalists would come as soon as the power was ob­tained, as that was the greatest obstacle. It was not necessary to wait for outsiders to come in and build mills. Our own businessmen could make a big thing in building and running flour mills. As proof of this he cited that in 1879 Cowley County raised 700,000 bushels of wheat, and in the coming year it was fair to presume this amount would be increased to 1,000,000 bushels, which could be ground by the mills placed on this canal instead of shipping it away. He for one would put up a mill before waiting on Eastern capital.
A. C. Williams was called up and opposed the project because he thought it cost too much, and he wanted the canal to run on the town site. He was of the opinion that a canal answering all the purposes of the one proposed could be built for $3,000 or $4,000, upon which Mr. Newman promptly guaranteed him a bonus of $2,000 in case he would give bond for the completion of such a canal for $5,000.
C. M. Scott also thought it cost too much money, and while admiring the spirit and grit of the town, suggested that it was too heavy a burden to saddle on a small community.
Mr. Newman believed we had a fair and square proposition before us, and thought every effort of this kind helped to build up our town. Mr. Newman has had large experience with water power, and is strongly in favor of this scheme, believing it will insure lasting success to our city, and that if we are wide awake, we can induce Eastern capitalists to come in.
Many others followed with their opinions for and against, after which Mr. Hill was recalled to answer some points in dispute, and at the close of the meeting the general sentiment was strongly in favor of the canal. The main opposers at the start are now in favor of voting the aid asked, and the bonds will be carried “by a large majority.”
The meeting adjourned to last night, everybody feeling better for having attended.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 12, 1881.
The patrons of livery stables are requested to notice the new advertisement of D. A. McIntire in this issue. He has a good stable and will make it to your interests to patronize him.
Furnished on short notice and at
Lower Prices
Than heretofore.
An omnibus is kept for the benefit of excursion parties and meets all trains.
Stables on Fifth Avenue, just east of Newman’s Store.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1881.
Miss Nellie Jones, of Emporia, is visiting Mrs. Newman of this city.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1881.
We take pleasure in calling attention to the professional card of Dr. Loomis in this issue. The doctor has removed his office into the room over A. A. Newman’s store, where he will be pleased to see all who may desire his services. Dr. Loomis has had fifteen years’ experience in dentistry, and we can confident­ly recommend him as a first-class dentist.
 Office, first door to the right, over Newman’s store, in Arkansas City, Kansas.

Artificial teeth, $10. All work guaranteed.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1881.
Mrs. Ben Haywood, Miss Delia Newman, and Miss Nellie Jones left on Monday, the former lady for Topeka and the others for Emporia.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 23, 1881.
Mr. A. A. Newman, one of our most enterprising merchants, left for New York last week, in order to lay in a large and complete stock of dry goods, etc., for the coming spring. The first arrival will be here in about two weeks’ time, when we predict quite a treat in the way of bargains and novelties.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 13, 1881.
A. A. Newman returned from the East Saturday, where he has been purchasing his spring stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, etc.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 20, 1881.
A prairie fire in the northwest part of town last Thursday was, with difficulty, prevented from doing a great amount of damage. By dint of hard work it was overpowered, but at one time it seemed probable that Mr. Norton’s house would burn, as well as several others in the neighborhood. Mr. Norton lost his grape vines, and Mr. Newman had about one hundred nice young fruit trees destroyed by this fire.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 27, 1881.
A. A. Newman has gone to New York.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 11, 1881.
A. A. Newman returned to the city yesterday from a trip East, where he has been looking up government contracts.
A. A. Newman has been awarded the contract for supplying several of the Indian agencies with flour the coming year.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 18, 1881.
Cowley County has again carried away more than her share of the contracts for government Indian supplies recently let at Washington. Our well known and enterprising citizen, A. A. Newman, has been awarded the flour contract for the coming year, which will be somewhere in the neighborhood of 2,000,000 pounds. This has to be hauled to the several agencies by the Indians themselves, which will make “Lo” anything but scarce on our streets for some time to come.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 25, 1881.
Our old friend, F. Bohle, U. S. Inspector of Indian sup­plies, was in town last week, and examined and passed some 200,000 pounds of flour for the agencies in the Territory. Not a single pound of flour was rejected during this inspection, which augurs well for the first-class flour turned out by Messrs. Searing & Mead, at the Walnut Mills. This is the last inspection but one under the old contract. One more inspection will fulfill the contract granted in 1880, and work will at once be commenced upon the flour contracts awarded to A. A. Newman, a few weeks ago, for the coming year’s supplies.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 25, 1881.

That the stocks of Dry Goods, Clothing, etc., to be found at the store of A. A. Newman & Co., Houghton & Speers, O. P. Houghton, and Stacy Matlack cannot be equaled elsewhere in the county.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 25, 1881.
Silk Girdles, new styles, at A. A. NEWMAN & CO.’s.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 1, 1881.
A. A. Newman & Co.’s store is adorned with a new awning.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 1, 1881.
On Tuesday of last week Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Haywood returned to their home in this city, from a visit to friends in the East. They were accompanied by Mrs. F. C. Newman, of Emporia, who will probably spend several weeks with her friends and relatives in this city.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 8, 1881.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Rogers, of New York, are in town visiting the family of A. A. Newman.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 8, 1881.
Mrs. F. C. Newman, Mr. and Mrs. F. Rogers, accompanied by A. A. Newman, are now doing the Territory in the vicinity of Ponca Agency.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 8, 1881.
New Brussels carpets, with border to match, at A. A. NEWMAN & CO.’s.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 8, 1881.
All Wool Lace Bunting, at 15 cents per yard, at A. A. NEWMAN & CO.’s.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 15, 1881.
Mrs. F. C. Newman returned to Emporia on Monday last.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 3, 1881.
The people of Cowley, Sumner, and adjoining counties are just wakening up to the fact that the “Geuda Mineral Springs,” near Salt City, Kansas, are fast becoming quite a popular health resort. The history of these springs is, that the s. w. 1/4 of Sec. 6, R. 34, Tp. 3, on the west line of Cowley County, was purchased of the government by a Mr. Walpole when the Osage lands first came into market, supposing it to be quite valuable on account of a large salt marsh and some very clear water springs that were on the land, since which time the land has passed through several hands.
The quarter section opposite this tract was at about the same time purchased by other parties for the famous salt spring on that tract, and for over two years salt was manufactured there, but on account of the vats being constructed of inferior lumber, and because there was no transportation for the salt produced, the manufacture was abandoned until this summer, when James Hill & Co. got a ten year’s lease of the land and have commenced to manufacture again, and the salt produced is of the very best quality, equal to any salt we have ever seen, and it is claimed that the water produces 1-3/4 pounds to the gallon, being equal to the great Syracuse salt well, at Syracuse, New York, heretofore claimed to be the strongest salt water in the world.
Messrs. Hill & Co. are under contract to manufacture 500,000 pounds of this salt the coming year, and at least 1,000,000 per year for the balance of the term of their lease.
As the water is almost inexhaustible, the prospects for an extensive salt manufactory appears to be good.

The clear water springs on the other tract were, for several years, supposed to be of no particular value, as the water in most of the springs had a very strong taste of mineral, and, to a person unaccustomed to drinking mineral water, was very disagree­able to taste.
Robert Mills, Esq., however, an old resident of Salt City, was seriously afflicted with the rheumatism, and, having tried about everything else, concluded to try the water of these springs, and in a short time all symptoms of rheumatism disappeared.
At about the same time, or soon after, others began to use the water for different diseases, and almost invari­ably found relief. The people in the near neighborhood soon had a great deal of faith in the curative properties of the water, but it was not publicly known or generally used until Messrs. Hackney & McDon­ald, of Winfield, Kansas, purchased the land, and Judge McDonald, who was very seriously afflicted with eruptions on his face, which he had been unable to get cured, concluded to try the use of his own medicine, and to his surprise, he was cured up by using the waters for a very short time by bathing his face.
Then Dr. James Allen, who had been at most of the watering places in the United States for his health and finding no relief (he being afflicted very badly with diabetes, and also catarrh—so much so, in fact, that he was unable to even walk), came to try the benefits of these waters, and in a few month’s time was entirely cured.
The news spread until the people generally in the counties of Cowley, Sumner, and some of the adjoining coun­ties, would after­ward, when afflicted, go to Salt City for their health; and there being no accommodations whatever at the springs, they were compelled to camp out.
During the summer and fall of 1879 there were often 8 or 10 tents to be seen near the springs, occupied by persons in search of health.
Messrs. Hackney & McDonald, being attorneys with a very lucrative practice, were not in a situation to improve the springs and sold the same to Messrs. Newman & Mitchell, of our town, for $4,000 cash, and in a short time, probably the best bath house in the State was erected near the springs, and during the summer and fall of 1880, on Saturdays and Sundays, from one to three hundred persons would visit the springs; generally going out of curiosity, but now it has become so popular a place for health that it is impossible to accommodate all who go.
The springs, so far as we are able to learn, have never yet failed to cure ulcerations and other diseases of the uterus, rheumatism, skin and blood diseases, dyspepsia, diabetes, catarrh, and diseases of the liver, kidneys, and digestive organs in general, and are especially effective in female diseases, rheumatism, and affections of the skin and blood.
We have, heretofore, always been skeptical about cures of such magnitude as claimed here, “but seeing is believing,” and we have personally known of at least fifty persons who have been undoubtedly cured by the use of these waters, and we are told that at least five hundred persons have been cured, and we do not doubt it in the least.
Most of our people who have been talking of an expensive trip to Hot Springs, Saratoga, or Colorado, are now going to Geuda Springs. The springs themselves are a natural curiosity. There are seven of them, and they each contain a different kind of mineral, and are within a circle of twenty-five feet in diameter, and it does not require a chemical analysis to detect the difference, as it is readily distinguished by the taste. There are two of these within eight feet of each other that taste as different as does common rainwater and vinegar. It is well worth a trip to anyone who has never seen them to make the trip for that purpose alone.

The ancients supposed that such springs that were of a healing nature, were manipulated by spirits of ghosts—Bethesda, Siloam, and others are instances of such belief. Modern scien­tists, however, have, by chemical analyses, discovered that the curative properties of such springs consists in the different kinds of minerals contained in the waters, and the minerals found in this state are undoubtedly natures purest remedies.
A qualitative analysis of the Geuda Springs shows that they contain the bicarbonates of iron, soda, magnesia, and calcium; sulphates of ammonia and magnesia; chlorides of sodium and potassium; iodide of sodium, bromide of potassium, sulphur and silica, and are strongly charged with carbonic gas.
The name “Geuda” is taken from the Indian name “Ge-u-da,” meaning healing, and, although not euphonious, is very appropri­ate. We say this because we have personally tested many of the mineral springs of this country and Europe, and have never known any, in our opinion, to equal their healing and curative proper­ties. The letter “G” in this name has the hard sound, as in the word “get.”
We are informed that a joint stock company is about to be formed, called “Geuda Springs Co.,” and that it is the intention to build a new hotel, and make other improvements which are greatly needed, as not more than half the people, who now want to go there, can be accommodated with boarding. If we mistake not, by the time next spring opens, Salt City and Geuda Springs will experience a boom, such as it never before thought of, and all she will need is a railroad, connecting her with the commercial world, which in time will be built. A narrow gauge road connect­ing it with our town can easily be built if taken hold of right, and thus be a great benefit to both places.
There is also a large quantity of excellent salt water, or more properly brine, there running to waste, which, if here, might just as well as not be manufactured into salt. We see no good reason why pipes should not be laid and this water conveyed here in the near future. By this means it could be utilized not only to the benefit of our town, but to Cowley County, and the adjacent counties. We believe there is some hostility to this enterprise, but if the people in the neighborhood of these springs cannot manufacture it themselves, it is certainly a dog in the manger policy to object to others doing so, especially when they would be equally benefitted by the undertaking.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 3, 1881.
A. A. Newman is in the East preparing for the fall trade in dry goods.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 3, 1881.
Mrs. Haywood, Mrs. Newman, Mrs. Gooch, and Mrs. Searing started yesterday for Geuda Springs, where they will probably remain one week, and perhaps longer.
Inserts showing people from Arkansas City to Geuda Springs...
Arkansas City Traveler, August 10, 1881.
The following is a list of the visitors at the Geuda Springs Bath House for the week ending August 7, 1881: [From Arkansas City]

B. C. Swarts, M. Stanton, C. R. Mitchell, Mrs. E. H. Matlack, Miss Mary Matlack, Miss Lucy Walton, Mrs. A. A. Newman, Mrs. W. Gooch, Mrs. R. C. Haywood, Mrs. J. H. Searing, Mrs. Parmenter, H. Endicott and wife, P. Endicott, Mrs. Tyner, J. Kelly, Mrs. H. P. Farrar, Mrs. C. A. Howard.
Winfield Courier, August 11, 1881.
For a few days there has been “music in the air” and charges flying thick about that the Arkansas City Water Power Company was making an attempt to freeze out the city’s interest and get full control of the canal property. The feeling seemed to be that there was a swindle out somewhere and for the past week we have been receiving communications and questions from subscribers at Arkansas City asking for information on the subject. We resolved at once to investigate and publish the facts.
Monday morning a reporter examined the records relating to the different transfers between the city, the canal company, and the stockholders.
We found that the principal instruments on file were: First, a deed from the City to the Arkansas City Water Power Company covering the right of way for the canal. The consideration named is $327.25 in cash, and 800 shares of $25 each, of stock in the company.
Second, a trust deed, executed in favor of Calvin Hood and Geo. A. Newman, of Emporia, covering the canal, right of way, and all the property pertaining thereto and improvements made in the future thereon.
The trust deed is executed for the purpose of securing fifty $1,000 first mortgage bonds, drawing seven percent interest and payable in twenty years. The deed also pledges the revenues derived from the property first to the payment of interest, and the residue to the creation of a sinking fund for the redemption of the bonds.
This trust deed, executed as it is, annihilates the stock, as it takes the dividend from the stock and applies it to the payment of, and interest on, the mortgage bonds. It is, in effect, collecting the revenue for years to come in advance.
After an examination of the records, it looked very much as if the city held $20,000 of worthless stock, which could in no event bring any revenue. At noon we took the train for the city to interview the parties interested and gather such facts as might be learned of the condition of affairs.
Upon arrival there we found much uneasiness among the people, and the city government and canal company at swords points. Every citizen we met had a different theory as to the “intentions and designs” of the canal company. One asserted that the company had built the canal with the citizens money and had enough left to pay handsomely for their trouble, and that now they had mortgaged the concern for $50,000 and pocketed the proceeds. The opinion of this calculating citizen was that the five members of the canal company had cleared about $10,500 each on the transaction. Another, a very vehement gentleman, who looked wise and talked “around the corner” told us, with a “wink and two nods,” that the “scheme” was to let the interest payments go by default, the property be sold, and the company would buy it in for a song and thereby wipe out the city’s interest.
We then approached Mr. Matlack, a member of the canal company. We found him to be a very pleasant gentleman. He referred us to Mr. Hill, the contractor, for any information we might wish, and stated that, although a member of the company, he knew little of the “inner workings” of the concern, and had taken hold of it purely as a public enterprise calculated to benefit the town and community.

was the next person approached. We found him alone in his drug store, introduced ourself, stated the object of our visit, and asked for such information as he might desire to give us for the benefit of the people. The gentleman surveyed us from head to foot for a moment, his lower jaw began to droop like the muzzle of a prize bull-dog, and while our eyes wandered toward the door, his euphonious voice came swelling across the counter like the low gurgling of a festive jackass, demanding by what right we pre­sumed to interview him, and what business we had to interfere in a matter which should be settled by themselves.
We politely informed him that we were seeking information for the four hundred subscribers in the vicinity, part of whom had helped to elect him to the exalted position he now occupied, for the purpose of looking after their interests, and who look to us for information as to whether he was doing his duty or not.
That we were there to get his story, and that if he hadn’t any, we would make one for him. That the people demanded to know some­thing of this matter and had a perfect right and privilege to do so. We talked to him like a preacher; and like a converted sinner, he began to see light in the distance, his heart and mouth opened, and he imparted to us the astounding information that “The canal was being built!”
We thanked him for this. He then said he thought the city’s interests in the enterprise were safe enough, and when we asked him what in thunder he was howling about then, he grew restless and intimated that he wasn’t quite so certain about the city’s interests, as a “Winfield lawyer” had told him they were all right. We came to the conclusion that about all he knew about the “city’s interests” was what someone else had told him, and our conclusions were confirmed by subse­quent discoveries. One impression we received from the Mayor’s discourse was that he fancied he had made a grand mistake, and allowed the city to be swindled, and that he would like to choke off the newspapers until he could get the matter in shape to go before the people. In fact, he told us that he thought the newspapers had no busi­ness “interfering” (as he called it) in the matter until it was settled, as it would excite the people and “set everyone to talking.” He dwelt particularly on the point of “interference,” and like Jeff Davis with secession: “All he wanted was to be let alone.”
Another of the canal company, was found in his office. He greeted us cordially and talked frankly, fairly, and earnestly about the matter. He said that he had taken hold of the matter because he felt that it would be a benefit to the city; and that he had, aside from investing money of his own in the enterprise, entered into bonds and contracts for the creation of the water power. That he and other members of the company were perhaps as large property holders as any in the city, that a large share of the burden of taxation would fall upon them, and that they had every interest of the city as well as the enterprise at heart. He further said that he regretted the feeling of distrust exist­ing in the community, that the canal must be made a success or everything would be lost, as the string of public credit and private subscription has been drawn to its fullest tension, and a recoil would snap it asunder. That under such circumstances, it behooved every citizen to put his shoulder to the wheel and help push, instead of throwing cold water on those who did. The major’s talk was forcible and logical and convinced us that he, at least, was true to the public cause, which, if successful, will of lasting benefit to the city.

In the afternoon we drove with Mr. Sleeth to the works, and found Mr. Hill hard at work by the dam site, superintending the repairs being made on the structure. An appointment for the evening was made to talk over the situation.
Mr. Hill was on hand promptly at the appointed hour, and in a clear and vivid manner gave us a complete history of the scheme from the begin­ning. He said that he came to Arkansas City, not to work, but to rest. When he came the possible existence of water power was being talked of. Knowing that he had experi­ence in such work, he was asked to take the water level. He did so, and reported about a twenty feet fall from the Arkansas to the Walnut. An engineer was then brought from Kansas City, who again took the level, with the same result.
Mr. Hill, the engineer, thought a canal would be practicable and that 500 horse power could be secured. He then told the city that if they would issue $20,000 bonds, he would take them, furnish the balance of the funds needed, and enter into a con­tract, secured by a $20,000 bond to be approved by the city officers, to furnish 500 horse power. The bonds were voted, he took them, and com­menced operations.
He approached the leading men of the town to take interest with him and they did so; a stock company was organized, the city receiv­ing $20,000, and the company retaining $30,000, or a controlling interest.
Regarding the cost of the work, Mr. Hill said that the total cost up to this time was about $40,000; $18,000 of which had been realized from the city’s bonds.
The matter of the trust deed was then mentioned, when Mr. Hill said: “Herein lies the whole difficulty with the city. Although I have talked to the council for hours, I have failed to make them understand the necessity of issuing mortgage bonds.
“In the first place, we have yet to make a tail race before the power is available, which was not contemplated by the con­tract with the city. In the next place, mills must be got here to utilize the power or no revenue can be derived from it. Many of these enterprises will need assistance, and as the city is in no condition to do so, we must either do it ourselves and carry the city’s stock, or let the enterprise go, with the revenue which might be derived from it.
“To get out of this difficulty, we resolved to issue mort­gage bonds and hold them in the treasury to be used for this purpose. The mortgage would cover the city’s interest in the canal as well as ours, and all would bear the burden alike. We have the bonds, all signed up, in the treasury, ready to be used whenever, and wherever, the interests of the project demands. Now this is all there is in this trust deed. It was certainly the best and only policy to pursue.
“The city’s interests are as fully protected as those of any other stockholder. Twenty thousand of the fifty thousand bonds now in our safe belong, in a certain sense, to it, to be used for the purposes specified in this trust deed: namely, the improve­ment and embetterment of the property.
“The only trouble with the city officers and the people is, that they do not understand it. They seem to think that this mortgage business is a scheme to wipe out the city’s interest in the canal; and this is about all the thanks we get for pushing the matter through.

“We have contracted to furnish 500 horse power, and we propose to do it. Already we have leased power to two mills for $3,100 per annum, and have 400 horse power left to be used as fast as we can get mills to use it. If we succeed in disposing of the full power, at say, fifty horse power to the mill, it will give us ten mills and an annual revenue of $15,000. This will pay interest on the bonds, provide for the sinking fund, and leave a handsome dividend on the stock. This is all there is of it. If the city acts fairly in this matter, all will be well. If it does not, I shall not answer for the consequences.”
Mr. Hill’s narrative throughout was fair, told in a straight forward manner, and is what we believe to be a plain statement of the case: with a few reservations.
In the first place, we find Mr. Hill to be a gentleman of shrewd business ability and farsightedness, an excellent judge of men and measures, and one whose personal magnetism and manner of expression is such as to convince a person in spite of himself. We realized all these things during his conversation, and won­dered that he would give his talents, a summer’s work, and the experience of years solely for the pleasure of building this canal. We believe that Mr. Hill is not doing this work for his health, nor because of any patriotic feeling that might arise within him for the over burdened tax-payers of Arkansas City—nor should any sensible man expect he would. We believe he has his own way of working the scheme in order to secure pecuniary benefit to himself. Whether it is by salary from the company, or by manipulating the stock and bonds, we have no means at present of knowing. According to his own statement, the money invested by the five persons who compose the company, is not in excess of $30,000, or $6,000 each. A man of his experience and ability should certainly be able to earn more during the summer without assuming any of the responsibility, than the dividends on $6,000, even though they be 300 percent. Mr. Hill has not spent six months time and hard work to create a profitable investment for $6,000 of his surplus cash. The city, by holding a minority of the stock is, in a business view, at the mercy of the company; and it is only the good faith of the gentlemen composing it, or the careful management of the city authorities, that will pre­serve such interest.
We believe that the power is there, and that the enterprise will be a success. That mills will be built and operated suc­cessfully, and that the projectors and the people will realize all that the most sanguine have hoped for.
The only difficulty now in the way seems to be the mainte­nance of a dam across the river. It has already proved a “white elephant” on the hands of the company. Mr. Hill says he can do it, and is doing it. As he knows more about dams than we do, we have put this down as settled. Otherwise, we see no obstacle in the way that the engineers have not fully provided for.
A fine dam is now being enclosed, the foundations are laid for another. They give employment for laborers, cause the expenditure of large sums of money for building materials, and the business of the city is already beginning to feel the impetus of the new life. With a friendly understanding between the company, the city, and the people, all will be well and success will at last crown their efforts. Without it the success of the enterprise cannot be very great, and it will simply be a bone of contention in the community.
Even should the city never receive a cent in return for the bonds voted, the investment is a good one.
We shall have more to say on the subject hereafter.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 24, 1881.
Just received a nice assortment of Prints at A. A. Newman & Co.’s.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 31, 1881.
Mr. A. A. Newman returned from the East last Sunday wither he has been absent for several weeks laying in an extensive stock of fall dry goods, hats, caps, boots, and shoes to supply the rapidly growing demands of his business. Mr. Newman is one of our most enterprising merchants, and all, the ladies especially, look forward with pleasure to the opening of the fall goods.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 14, 1881.
Geuda Springs.
The Geuda mineral springs, which are just coming into prominent notoriety, are situated in the southwestern part of Cowley County, near Salt City. They were known by the Osage and other Indians, and used by them as a medicine before any white people had settled there, and their traditions are that big medicines, or in common parlance, their pow-wows, were held there every third moon far back in the dim past. They take their name from the Indian word Ge-u-da, which means healing. There are seven of the springs, all very near together, and each of them appear to have a different taste.
They were not known by white people as mineral springs until about 1870, when by accident, they were tried by Robert Mills, who was cured of scrofula and rheumatism. There being but few settlers in that section at the time, no particular attention was called to it for some time afterward.
The water being very bright and sparkling, however, and a road passing close by, many persons, of course, took a drink of them, and pronounced them almost invariably, unfit to drink, as the taste was not agreeable, and they had the effect of a cathartic.
Hackney and McDonald, of our town, purchased the land in 1878. The springs were soon afterward tried by many persons for skin diseases, and we believe invariably with success. They were soon after purchased by Newman & Mitchell, of Arkansas City, Kansas, who paid $4,000 for them, and in the spring of 1881 built a large bath house, and they have since been tried for all the diseases imaginable, almost, and prove to have remarkable effects in most uterine troubles, liver, kidney, and skin diseases as well as rheumatism. Up to the present time only a qualitative analysis of the waters has been made.
Since March, 1881, the bath house has been crowded, and there being but meager hotel accommodations, many who would have tried the waters could not be accommodated there. They have, however, gained an excellent reputation for curative properties. Several persons of our town have been benefitted by use of the waters, notably T. H. Stivers, L. B. Thomas, J. E. Searle, and Judge J. Wade McDonald, and we now understand Jacob Kearsh, who formerly was a baker for Mr. Dever here and whom everybody thought was going to die with dropsy, is improving very rapidly by use of the waters.
C. R. Mitchell has lately bought out the interest of A. A. Newman, and is now making arrangements to build a sanitarium. A gentleman from Illinois is in Chicago purchasing the material for ten cottages; other parties are making arrangements to put up a good hotel, and several parties in Winfield and Arkansas City have engaged to put up summer residences at the Springs.

Parties going to the Springs now and intending to stay any length of time should go prepared with tents as the houses are full most of the time, but it is expected that good accommoda­tions will be made for all within the next sixty days. Kansas never furnishes anything by halves, and we believe we have the best mineral springs in existence.
Winfield Daily Telegram.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 7, 1881.
These springs are situated in the south-western part of Cowley County, Kansas, seven and one-half miles north-west of Arkansas City, are 7 in number, and contain 7 different kinds of Mineral Water; and neither does it require a chemical analysis to detect the difference, as it is readily distinguished by the taste. They are a sure cure for ULCERATIONS OF THE UTERUS AND FEMALE WEAKNESS, generally. Also RHEUMATISM, Diabetes, Sciatica, Catarrh, Diseases of the Skin, LIVER and KIDNEYS; Erysipelas and Dyspepsia, and are the best known remedy to tone up the digestive organs.
We have a first-class Bath House—baths are better than any Turkish Bath.
To prove that we mean just what we say, we will enter into a WRITTEN CONTRACT TO CURE any of the diseases above named; no cure no pay, and will pay the board of invalids besides, in case they are not benefitted by using the waters.
The springs, themselves, are a NATURAL CURIOSITY, well worth a trip to see them.
We have an elegant SALT LAKE for boating, excellent roads for buggy-riding; splendid waters for fishing; plenty of game within a few hours ride, for hunting; the most beautiful climate in America, and the most beautiful country “God ever made.” We have implicit faith in this “Bonanza.” Come and see us.
The following named persons have been cured of the ailments mentioned:
L. B. Thomas, Winfield, Ks., Rheumatism.
J. E. Searle, Winfield, Ks., Scrofulous sores.
J. Allen, Salt City, Ks.,  Diabetes and Catarrh.
H. T. Shivvers, Win., Ks., Rheumatism and Neu.
E. Mills, Salt City, Ks.,  Scrofulous and Rheu.
Mrs. L. Parmenter, Topeka, Ks.  Rheumatic enlargement of joints.
Mrs. Day, Wellington, Ks. Ulcerated Stomach and Uterus.
We refer to the above persons by permission. We also refer to the following persons, some of who are now using these waters:
J. Kearsh, Winfield, Ks., Dropsy.
H. Vigus, Wichita, Ks.,  Sciatica.
Miss Annie Arnspiger, Cleardale, Ks.

Bettie Berkey, Salt City, Ks., Erysipelas.
W. C. Crawford, Wellington, Ks., Paralysis.
J. M. Mahan, Wellington, Ks., Inflammatory Rheu.
Judge T. F. Blodgett, Wellington, Ks.,   Liver Disease.
G. Darlington, Winfield, Ks., Blood and Skin Dis.
We have never yet failed to cure any of the diseases men­tioned in this circular, no matter of how long standing, and have effected at least 500 cures, 200 of which were of ladies afflict­ed with ulcerations, falling or weakness generally, 100 with Rheumatism, 100 with Skin and Blood Diseases, and 100 with the other diseases mentioned. That such are the facts, we refer to the persons above named, and also the people of Cowley and Sumner counties generally, most of whom are acquainted with these Springs. Write and see what they say. The Springs are named from the Indian word Ge-u-da, meaning healing.
A qualitative analysis of these waters shows that they contain the
Bi-carbonate of  Soda,
“ Iron,
“ Calcium,
Sulphates of Ammonia,
Sulphates of   Magnesia,
Chlorides of Sodium,
Chlorides of Potassium,
Iodide of Sodium,
Bromide of Potassium,
Sulphur and Silica, and are charged strongly with Carbonic acid gas.
The Express Companies have extended their lines from Winfield to Salt City, and will ship the waters to any point desired. Parties desiring waters address H. A. Newcomb, Winfield, Kansas. For further particulars address the GEUDA SPRINGS CO., Arkansas City, Cowley Co., Kansas, or: Salt City, Sumner Co., Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 14, 1881.
Miss Hattie Newman, of Maine, is in the city upon a visit to Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Newman.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 14, 1881.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Newman, of Arkansas City, Septem­ber 9th, a son.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 12, 1881.
We will sell you Good, all wool Jeans cheaper than any house in the State of Kansas.
A. A. Newman & Co.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 26, 1881.

Rev. Fleming has rented the room in the Newman block former­ly occupied by Dr. Loomis, and has fitted the same up for a study.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 2, 1881.
B. F. Peacock, who for some time ran the Newman Mill, in years gone by, dropped upon us unexpectedly last week in his accustomed jolly manner. He is representing the Minneapolis Harvester Works and is prospering finely. Call again.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 9, 1881.
A. A. Newman has had the inside of his store windows fitted with sash, which will materially assist in showing off the goods, as well as protect them from injury by dust, etc. Beecher & Son did the job.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 7, 1881.
School Report.
The following were neither absent nor tardy during the last school month.
Silva Rogers, Etta Wilson, Lillie Rarick, Pearl Newman, Mattie Sipes, Rena Grubbs, Morse Hutchison, Dean McIntire. SUSIE HUNT, Teacher.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 14, 1881.
A. A. Newman & Co. have a nicely arranged show window artistically decorated with Holiday Goods.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 21, 1881.
Successfully Completed.
A Memorable Event in the History of Cowley County.
  And Arkansas City the Future Queen of the South West.
Universally Acknowledged to Have the Best
Water Power in the State of Kansas.
Magnificent Inducements Offered to Owners of Paper Mills and
   General Manufacturing Interests.
Last week witnessed the completion of an undertaking that will exert an unbounded influence on the future of Arkansas City, and raise her to a pinnacle of commercial prosperity far beyond what even the most sanguine of our citizens dared to hope for but one short year ago.
It is now nearly a year since the canal project, now so successfully completed, was broached, and the accomplished fact of today, at that time, was deemed by many, a dream of Utopia. The undertaking of a scheme of such engineering and financial magni­tude by so small a corporation is almost without a precedent, and the canal today is a living witness to the pluck, energy, and skill of the citizens of Arkansas City, which is now fairly launched on the sea of commerce that will eventually make her a
A description of this undertaking we think will be of interest to all our readers, and we, therefore, present, in as concise a form as possible, the facts in connection therewith. As was said before, the project was inaugurated by the procuring of a charter, bearing date of
January 12th, 1881,

with Messrs. James Hill, R. C. Haywood, W. M. Sleeth, A. A. Newman, and S. Matlack, all citizens of this city, as the charter members. The capital stock of the company was
that being the estimate, and the sequel has proved the actual cost of the enterprise.
The direction of the canal is from a point on the Arkansas River, northwest of town, bearing in a southeasterly course, across the southwest corner of the town site, to a point on the Walnut river, near the Endicott farm, the total length of the canal being about two and a half miles, with a water section of about one hundred cubic feet, with a center current of about four miles per hour. The actual fall obtained in that distance being twenty-two feet, giving
as it now stands, but an unlimited power is within easy reach, and will be further utilized as occasion demands. The head of water was obtained by constructing a dam 900 feet in length and a backwater of five feet across the Arkansas River, and the flow of water into the canal is regulated by a set of four sluices set into the head gates, which are of masonry, of the most solid description and constructed with the utmost care. The course of the canal is almost exclusively through soils favorable to its construction, one half mile being in solid rock, thus tending materially to enhance its success at a nominal outlay. At the point where the canal reaches the Walnut, another set of sluices and gates have been constructed, which allows the surplus water to enter a raceway running to the Walnut River.
At the present stage of the Arkansas, the canal when filled will furnish the force of 700 horsepower, receiving water from the Arkansas River as fast as it is used and run into the Walnut. The Company have already leased two water privileges of 60 horsepower each to the new flouring mills, now almost completed at the east end of the canal. Several other mill owners are negotiating with the Company for power and it is only a question of a short time before Arkansas City will become a wheat and manufacturing center of the first importance.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 21, 1881.
Mr. & Mrs. A. G. Newman, of Weld, Maine, arrived in the city, last Friday, to pay a visit to their son, A. A. Newman, and other relatives and friends in this vicinity. They were accompa­nied by Miss Annie Haywood, of Fredonia, New York, a sister of our townsman, R. C. Haywood.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 4, 1882.
We desire to call attention to the advertisement of A. A. Newman & Co., which appears in this issue. This firm is one of the best and most enterprising of our business houses in the dry goods and notion line, as is evidenced by the throng of patrons constantly to be seen around the counters of the establishment.
The motto, “Good Goods and Fair Prices,” has proved in their case a glorious success and the course that has secured prosperi­ty in the past will be adhered to in the future so that all and every­one needing supplies in their line of goods will but subserve their own interests by giving A. A. Newman & Co. a call.
AD: A. A. NEWMAN & Co.
Invites Special Attention

Many Other Articles too Numerous to Mention.
[Portion of ad shown in an unusual style that I cannot repeat. MAW]
ITEMS MENTIONED: Dry Goods, Notions, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Gents Furnishing Goods, Carpets, India Matting, Oil Cloth, Oiled Clothing, Rubber Coats, Rubber boots, Arctics, Alaskas, Patent Velvets, Fringes, Passementeries, Gloves, Ho­siery, Lace Ties, Silk and Lace Scarves, Nubias, Wool Jackets, Hoods, Ginghams, Prints, Alpacas, Cashmeres, Sandals, Ladies Rubber Newports, Ladies and Gents Scarlet and White Merino Underwear, Ladies Cloaks, Dolmans, Ulsters, and Circulars, Trimming, Silks, Satins, Surah Satins, Silk Velvets, Bingaro Suitings, Puraine [?] Sun rings [?], Plaids, Linseys, Flannels, Ladies Waterproofs, Ladies Cloth, Muslins, Sheetings, Ducks, Denims, Jeans, Wagon Sheets, etc. ARKANSAS CITY, KAS.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 4, 1882.
A little social gathering was held at the residence of W. E. Gooch, Saturday evening, Dec. 24th, the prominent feature of course, being a Christmas Tree, which was generously loaded with costly and elegant, as well as worthless, yet comical, presents for the assembled guests. Wyard E. Gooch received a handsome gold watch, as also did Tom Mantor. Miss Alma Dixon packed an elegant celluloid toilet set home, while Sara Reed rejoiced in a beautiful Atlas, and John Gooch in an unabridged Webster’s dictionary, all of which were the Christmas gifts of A. A. Newman, by his agent, Santa Claus, Esq. Through the same medium Mrs. R. C. Haywood received a very elegant pair of diamond set earrings, and Mrs. A. A. Newman a beautifully set diamond ring and brooch. Mr. A. A. Newman was jubilant in the acquisi­tion of a neatly packed parcel, which, upon examination, revealed the well picked back bone of a turkey, an evident recognition of his love for the bird. His exuberant joy, however, was somewhat modified upon Santa Claus handing him an elegant walnut paper and magazine stand. Many other choice presents were donated by Santa Claus, who being present, had the pleasure of presiding at one of the most eminently social gatherings of the Holiday season.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 4, 1882.
The social event of the Holiday week was the masquerade party held at the residence of Mr. James L. Huey on Friday evening, December 30th. A large number of invitations had been sent out, which were almost universally responded to, thus making the party a glorious success. The residence of Mr. Huey is one of the largest, and most commodious, in town; and as the merry throng of maskers promenaded the handsomely appointed salons of the mansion their costumes showed, to perfection, in the bril­liant light of the glittering chandeliers. The guests were received by Mrs. James L. Huey, the hostess, assisted by her sister, Mrs. Fred Farrar, and it is needless to say, that under their hospitable care, every attention was shown “the motley crew” that claimed their cares. Refreshments in the shape of many tempting kinds of cake, sandwiches, teas, and coffee were liberally provided. Music lent its aid to the other enjoyments which coupled with the many unique costumes, and the cheering hum of voices lent a charm never to be forgotten by those who were fortunate enough to take part in the festivities.
The following is a partial list of the guests with the characters they represented.

Mrs. Cunningham, Flower Girl; Mr. Cunningham, Imp; Mrs. Howard, Miss Prim; Mrs. Farrar, City Belle; Mrs. Searing, “Boss” Flour; Mrs. Matlack, “Straight” Flour; T. R. Houghton, Blazes; Alma Easterday, Bridget; Mrs. Grubbs, A Lady; Mrs. Nellie Houghton, Dreadnaught; J. Kroenert, “Lo”; C. M. Swarts, Chapeau; R. E. Grubbs, Widow Pudge; Miss Haywood, Queen Elizabeth; Mrs. Norton, Widow Bedott; Miss Guthrie, Incognita; Angie Mantor, Fat Woman; Jerry Adams, Bashful Maid; R. A. Houghton, Judge; I. H. Bonsall, Minister; Mrs. R. A. Houghton, A Bride; Mrs. Ingersoll, Quakeress; Mrs. Sipes, Quakeress; C. U. France, Uncle Toby; W. Thompson, Father Time; A. D. Ayres, Irishman; Mrs. A. D. Ayres, Anonyma; Mrs. Mead, Languedoc; Mr. Mead, Ghost; Mrs. T. Mantor, Mask; T. Mantor, Mask; J. G. Shelden, Cow Boy; Mrs. Watson, Old Maid; Mrs. Chandler, Night; C. R. Sipes, Uncle Tom; Miss A. Norton, Sunflower; Miss S. Hunt, Sunflower; Miss M. Parker, Sunflower; Miss Peterson, Nun; Miss A. Dickson, Sister of Mercy; Miss L. Wyckoff, Sister of Mercy; J. T. Shepard, Guiteau; J. H. Walker & wife, German Couple; C. H. Searing, XXXX Flour; J. Gooch, Private U. S. A.; C. Hutchins, Private, U. S. A.; Mrs. Haywood, Dinah; Mrs. Newman, Topsy; Dr. J. Vawter, Prohibition; C. L. Swarts, Post no bills; W. D. Mowry, A Bottle; Clara Finley, A Lone Star; R. C. Haywood, Fat Dutch Boy; Ben Matlack, May Fisk; M. B. Vawter, Fireman; O. Ingersoll, Big Mynheer; Mrs. Shepard, Japanese Lady; Miss Cassell, Red Riding Hood; Mrs. L. McLaughlin, Mrs. J. Smith; Mr. Matlack, “Pat” bedad; Mrs. Gooch, Equestri­enne; R. J. Maxwell, Priest.
Among the ladies and gentlemen who were present, unmasked, were Rev. Fleming and wife, W. E. Gooch, H. P. Farrar, Mr. Chandler, Mr. and Mrs. Bonsall, Mrs. Mowry, and many others whose names our reporter failed to receive.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 11, 1882.
HEGIRA. The A. V. Democrat to the second story of Newman’s brick on Monday last.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 11, 1882.
To Stockmen and Others. The Celebrated “Fish Brand” Oil Coats for sale at A. A. Newman & Co.’s.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 11, 1882.
A large lot of Bed Quilts at astonishingly low prices at A. A. Newman & Co.’s.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 25, 1882.
A party consisting of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Newman, Miss Annie Haywood, and R. C. Haywood started to take in the Ponca & Nez Perce Agencies on Saturday last, and returned on Monday after having spent a very pleasant time in the Nation.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 25, 1882.
Mr. A. A. Newman was the recipient of a very handsome birthday present last Thursday, consisting of an elegant silver mounted dressing case, replete with every article that the most fastidious exquisite could desire in making his toilet. The gift was presented to Mr. Newman by Messrs. W. E. Gooch, T. L. Mantor, John Gooch, and Sam Reed, as a token of respect and esteem.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 8, 1882.
A. A. Newman is slightly under the weather with a cold.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 22, 1882.
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Newman, of Weld, Maine, and Mrs. Skidder, of Emporia, left on the cars last Thursday for the latter place. They have been visiting relatives and friends in this city for several weeks past.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1882.
Miss Alma Dixon has returned to town, and will shortly resume her position with A. A. Newman & Co.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1882.
A. A. Newman & Co. have fixed up a neat cash room in their store, and we understand Miss Gardiner will soon take charge of the books of that firm.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 8, 1882.
Mr. A. A. Newman starts for New York, today, to lay in his spring stock of goods.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 8, 1882.
The Free Methodist Church will be built near the Foundry on Block 127. C. M. Scott and A. A. Newman donate the lots.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 15, 1882.
The many friends of Miss Alma Dixon will be pleased to hear she has resumed her position in the establishment of A. A. Newman & Co.
Next entry is most puzzling...may not be related to Newman family. MAW
Arkansas City Traveler, March 15, 1882.
Mr. A. G. Newman came in on Monday’s train. He was accompa­nied by Mr. Foster, of Minneapolis. Both gentlemen are friends of Mr. C. C. Pratt, now in this city, whom, they hearing of his sickness, came to visit.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 15, 1882.
Last Thursday witnessed the departure of Messrs. Newman and Matlack for the East. Both gentlemen will purchase their spring stocks before returning, and the advent of their purchases will be anxiously looked for by their fair patrons.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 29, 1882.
A. A. Newman returned from the East yesterday.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 5, 1882.
Municipal Election.
At the election of the city officers held in this city last Monday, the following named gentlemen were elected.
For Mayor: A. A. Newman.
Councilmen: H. D. Kellogg, James Benedict, O. S. Rarick, V. M. Ayres, John Ware.
Police Judge, I. H. Bonsall.
The total number of votes cast was 200 and although several tickets were in the field, the main contest was on the Mayor and Police Judge. The following table shows the two principal tickets with the vote received by each candidate.
MAYOR. A. A. Newman, 146; H. D. Kellogg, 56.
COUNCILMEN. O. S. Rarick, 204; John M. Ware, 203; V. M. Ayres, 108; Jas. Benedict, 206; H. D. Kellogg, 141; Ira Barnett, 103; J. B. Nipp, 64.
POLICE JUDGE. I. H. Bonsall, 139; T. McIntire, 66.
Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.
The election for city officers at Arkansas City was held Monday and passed off smoothly. A. A. Newman was elected Mayor, and I. H. Bonsall, Police Judge.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 19, 1882.

Do you like cake and coffee? If so, don’t fail to attend the social at Mrs. A. A. Newman’s this evening.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 19, 1882.
The ladies of the Presbyterian Society will hold one of their eminently social and particularly enjoyable gatherings at the residence of Mrs. A. A. Newman, this Wednesday evening. A cordial invitation is extended to all, and a good time will undoubtedly be had.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1882.
Mayor’s Proclamation.
Whereas: It being reported that several dogs, running at large, have run mad, in and near the city limits. All owners of dogs are hereby notified to tie up or muzzle their dogs, at once, for 60 days from date.
The City Marshal is hereby instructed and ordered to kill all dogs found running at large without being muzzled, within the city limits, after April 29th, A. D., 1882. By order of the council. A. A. NEWMAN, Mayor.
Attest, I. H. BONSALL, City Clerk.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1882.
Entitled an ordinance providing for the constructing of sidewalks, and condemning certain wooden sidewalks, herein named, and replacing said sidewalks with stone.
Be it ordained by the Mayor and Councilmen of the city of Arkansas City.
SECTION 1st. There shall be constructed, within the corpo­rate limits, of the city of Arkansas City, certain sidewalks, to be laid on the streets of the course and length herein provided, that is to say, First commencing at the northwest corner of Fifth Avenue and Sixth Street, thence north on the west side of Sixth Street to Seventh Avenue, on the east side of blocks sixty-six (66) and sixty-seven (67).
SECTION 2nd. Said sidewalks shall be constructed of stone flagging, as provided in ordinance No. 79, and ordinance No. 82 of said city.
SECTION 3rd. That all wooden sidewalks on the west side of Summit Street, between Central Avenue and Fourth Avenue, and on the east side of Summit Street between Central Avenue and Fourth Avenue, are hereby condemned, and said sidewalks shall be re­placed with stone flagging not less than three inches thick, and size as provided in ordinance No. 79 and 82; said sidewalks to be twelve (12) feet wide, to outside of curb stone; and curb stone to be not less than two (2) feet long by eighteen (18) inches in width.
SECTION 4th. The owners of lots abutting upon the line of any of the sidewalks for the construction of which, provision is herein made, are allowed sixty (60) days, from and after the publication of this ordinance. And if any of them shall make default, then the City of Arkansas City shall contract for the construction of any portion of said sidewalks that shall not have been constructed, and the expense shall be defrayed by assessment upon the lots abutting upon the sidewalks so constructed by said city according to the frontage of said lots.
SECTION 5th. All ordinances, and parts of ordinances, in conflict with this ordinance, are hereby repealed.

SECTION 6th. This ordinance No. 102, shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication once in the Arkansas City TRAVELER. A. A. NEWMAN, Mayor.
Attest. I. H. BONSALL, City Clerk.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1882. Editorial Page.
An ordinance to amend an ordinance entitled an ordinance for the construction of sidewalks, and condemning certain sidewalks, herein named, and replacing said sidewalks with stone.
Be it ordained by the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Arkansas City:
SECTION 1st. That the words Central Avenue be, and the same are hereby substituted, for the words Fifth Avenue, in the seventh and eighth lines of section first of said ordinance.
SECTION 2nd. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force on and after its publication once in the Arkansas City TRAVELER. A. A. NEWMAN, Mayor.
Attest, I. H. BONSALL, City Clerk.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1882.
A. A. Newman is now in New York.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1882.
Mrs. A. A. Newman will spend the summer months at her former home, Weld, Maine.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1882.
Frank Speers had a valuable horse severely injured last Monday morning by running foul of the barbed wire that surrounds Newman’s pasture, in which it was loose. All barbed wire fences should have at least one board on top, to prevent such casualties.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1882.
A. A. Newman returned from the East yesterday.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1882.
A. A. Newman was awarded the contract of supplying the Sac & Fox and Otoe Agencies with flour for the coming year.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1882.
R. C. Haywood received the contract for the transportation of Indian supplies again this year, but Newman & Co. were under­bid only about two cents on flour, thus losing it.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1882.
We understand arrangements have been completed by Mr. Newman to put up a brick store building on the lot just south of the old bakery, work to be commenced right away. This is one more cog in our city’s wheel of fortune.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1882.
The A. A. Davis building is being moved, to make room for A. A. Newman’s building.
Cowley County Courant, June 22, 1882.
Some time ago our enterprising fellow citizen, J. B. Magill, of the South Western Machine Shop, of this city, put in the iron front in McLaughlin’s new building at Arkansas City. Mr. Magill has just contracted to put in the iron front for A. A. Newman’s new brick in that city. Evidently friend Magill’s work gives entire satisfaction to our Arkansas City friends.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 28, 1882.

Wednesday evening, June 21st, at the residence of Dr. J. T. Shepard, by the Rev. S. B. Fleming, Mr. M. B. Vawter and Miss Alma Dixon.
The wedding was decidedly a grand success. The pleasant and orderly manner in which everything was conducted was the subject of general remark. The spacious parlors of Dr. Shepard were filled to overflowing with the admiring friends of the young couple. Great credit is due Messrs. Maxwell and Kroenert for the gentlemanly and gallant manner with which they waited upon the invited guests. Acknowledgments are due Mrs. Bonsall, Mrs. Searing, Mrs. Chapel, Mrs. Ingersoll, Mrs. Bishop, Mrs. Alexan­der, and Mrs. Wilson for flowers. The decorations were beauti­fully and tastefully arranged. On the south wall of the parlor was a large festoon of evergreen, with the letters V. and D. skillfully worked in the center. From the ceiling hung a large marriage bell made of evergreen, sprinkled with white flowers, with a large white calla lily suspended from the center. Shortly before 10 o’clock a grand wedding march pealed forth from the organ so ably presided over by Miss Bell Cassell. At a given signal the attendants, Miss Clara Finley and J. O. Campbell, Miss Maggie Gardiner and Mr. J. C. Topliff, followed by the Bride and Groom, marched to the music down the broad stairway and into the parlor. When the last notes died away from the organ, Rev. Fleming performed the ceremony in solemn, touching simplicity, and pronounced them man and wife. After the usual hearty saluta­tions and good wishes, a sumptuous feast was served in fine style; Mrs. Dr. Shepard presiding with her usual grace and affability. Quite an enjoyable time was had in cutting and serving the very handsome bride’s cake, to see who would be fortunate enough to secure the ring it contained. Mr. E. O. Stevenson proved to be the lucky fellow. After an hour or so spent in social enjoyment, everyone departed, wishing the happy pair as happy and cheerful a life as their wedding seemed to promise.
The presents were numerous and handsome.
Marble Top Center Table. The Father and Brother of the bride.
Silver Coffee Pot. Dr. and Mrs. Shepard.
Silver Tea Service. H. H. Davidson and wife.
Handsome Center Table. Mr. W. J. Stewart and wife.
A beautiful Horseshoe made of Colorado Minerals. Ben Dixon.
Elegant Silver Water Service. A. A. Newman and wife, W. E. Gooch and wife, T. Mantor and wife, Jerry Adams, and Sam Reed.
A Lovely Basket with artistic design of sea weed and sea shell in the center. Mrs. L. McLaughlin.
A Lady’s elegant Dressing Case. J. C. Topliff.
Lace Scarf. Miss Etta Maxwell, Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Silver Butter Knife. Willie and Jamie Fleming.
Silver Call Bell. Freddie McLaughlin.
A very handsome Sofa upholstered in raw silk, with Patent Rockers to match, together with a large Rattan Easy Chair. By the many young friends of the Bride and Groom.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 12, 1882.
We understand that P. Pearson has secured the contract for furnishing the new hotel now in course of erection on Summit St. by A. A. Newman.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 19, 1882.
A meeting of Old Soldiers was called for July 18, 1882, at the office of I. H. Bonsall to talk up a Soldiers Re-union.
J. B. Nipp was elected chairman and I. H. Bonsall, secre­tary, of said meeting.
Motion made by J. C. Pickering, “that we have a re-union of all old soldiers if the late war, residing in Cowley County and vicinity. Motion received a second and was carried by the unanimous vote of all present.
Motion made that the chair appoint a committee to raise funds to cover the expense of said re-union. Motion carried.
The following committee was appointed to collect provisions, fodder, and funds for said re-union: A. A. Newman, chairman, and James Ridenour of Arkansas City; F. M. Vaughan, N. W. Kimmel, and John A. Smalley, of Creswell; August Lorry, J. H. Penton, and M. J. Rice, of Bolton; with instructions to report prog4ess to the executive committee or Secretary as soon as possible.
The following executive committee was appointed by the committee: J. B. Nipp, chairman, M. N. Sinnott, J. W. Gamel, and O. S. Rarick.
Motion made “requesting the papers of Cowley County to publish the proceedings of this meeting, and invite all the townships of Cowley County by their committees or secretaries to open up correspondence in regard to time and manner of holding said re-union.”
On motion J. B. Nipp was elected permanent chairman and I. H. Bonsall permanent secretary of the “Old Soldiers Re-union organization of Creswell Township.”
All township organizations of Cowley County are requested to correspond with said chairman or secretary of Arkansas City.
On motion all soldiers of the late war of Cowley County and adjunct counties are most cordially invited to attend the re-union.
On motion meeting adjourned subject to the call of chairman. J. B. NIPP, Chairman.
I. H. BONSALL, Secretary.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 19, 1882.
A. A. Newman goes East next week.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 26, 1882.
Mrs. R. A. Houghton, Mrs. W. E. Gooch, Mr. and Mrs. Sherburne, Mrs. Eddy, and Mrs. A. A. Newman will leave tomorrow for the East.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 2, 1882.
Mr. A. A. Newman left for the East last Friday.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 2, 1882.
Major Haworth, U. S. Inspector of Indian schools, was in the city last week, and in company with Messrs. A. A. Newman and Sleeth, drove into the Territory south of town, to spy out the country with a view to the selection of a 1,280 tract of good farming land for the location of the Indian Industrial School, for which the necessary appropriation of $25,000 has been made.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 30, 1882.

A. A. Newman returned on last Tuesday from his yearly trip East. While away Mr. Newman, by way of recreation, visited Coney Island, washed from his hide the long accumulated Kansas dust at Long Branch and other fashionable resorts. His arrival home was preceded for several days by goods in big boxes, little boxes, bales, bundles, and bags, and they still continue to follow him in undiminished quantities.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 30, 1882.
The Arkansas City House has been closed and the furniture, etc., will be sold at auction on Saturday next. See notice elsewhere in this issue. Mr. John E. Williams, the late proprietor, has sold out the building to Mr. A. A. Newman, who we understand will put a handsome business block on the site.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 30, 1882.
Public Sale. I will sell at public auction on Saturday, Sept. 2nd, at 1 o’clock p.m., at the Arkansas City House, in Arkansas City, all my household furniture, consisting of cook stoves, heating stoves, kitchen furniture, parlor furni­ture, bedding, bedsteads, chairs, one parlor organ, two hogs, and other things too numerous to mention. Terms of sale: All sums of $5 and under, cash; over $5, 4 months time. J. E. WILLIAMS.
A. BAILY, Auctioneer.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 6, 1882.
Newman & Co. continues to unload carloads of goods received from the East.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 4, 1882.
Miss Maggie Gardener assumed her position in Newman’s store last Saturday after a vacation of two weeks spent in Kansas City visiting friends.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 4, 1882.
Messrs. Powers and Murdock have opened up a roller skating rink in the Newman building on south Summit Street, and we predict a glorious time for the young folks who feel inclined to go skating in warm weather.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1882.
Mrs. A. A. Newman and children and Mrs. W. E. Gooch re­turned to their respective homes in this city after a lengthened visit to their relatives and friends in Maine and other eastern States. We congratulate the happy husbands upon their release from the evils of bachelorhood.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1882.
Black and colored silk Fringes, black Beaded Gimps, Black and colored Silk, Satin, Surah Satin, Moire Pekin Stripes, and other Dress Trimmings at A. A. Newman & Co.’s.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 18, 1882.
At the last election for city officers at Arkansas City, A. A. Newman received 146 votes, and H. D. Kellogg, 56. From this one would be led to think the Dr. isn’t as popular at home as he might be. The fact is, since he ran away without paying his subscription to the bridge, as he pledged himself he would, the people down that way don’t think so much of him. Yet he is foolish enough to think he can get into the Kansas Legislature. Cor. of the Courier.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1882.
If you want to have a good time, and surround a dish of good fresh oysters, go to the M. E. social, in the Newman building, on South Summit St., this evening.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1882.

The Ladies of the M. E. Church will give an Oyster Supper this evening in Newman’s new building on South Summit St. As the proceeds of this supper is to be expended for an excellent purpose—the completion of the M. E. Church tower—we predict for them a large patronage.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1882.
Last Saturday was quite a busy day with our merchants. A. A. Newman & Co. made retail sales to the amount of over $700.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1882.
On last Thursday evening, while the air was filled with glorious music, the young folks of this vicinity were tripping the light fantastic in the Newman Hall. The party, after dancing to a late hour, repaired to their homes rejoicing, and hoping that a likewise pleasant time may be had in the near future.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 27, 1882.
Bennett Chapter No. 41, R. A. M., at its meeting last Tuesday evening, elected the following gentlemen as officers for the ensuing year.
WILL TRY FOR NAMES ONLY: J. L. Huey, A. A. Newman, L. McLaughlin, O. P. Houghton, W. D. Mowry, Jas. Benedict, J. Ridenour, C. Hutchins, H. P. Farrar. W. M. Sleeth, A. T. Shepard, N. W. Kimmel.
Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.
[From Green’s Real Estate News.]
Arkansas City. Improvement.
Once more we come to the front to make a tally in the city’s onward march. L. McLaughlin’s fine stone store room and hall is near completed, and now the old reliable, Al Newman, comes to the front and signs the contract for another large two story building just above McLaughlin’s, to be completed as fast as stone and mortar can be laid. But better yet, the Highland Hall Company have the money deposited for a double store room, and a hall 50 x 100, 18-foot story. Lots to be located and contract let as soon as the company can do the business. It is with pleasure we chronicle this as the commencement of the building season. Now let the city come to the front.
We have ample water facilities, and we must have a reservoir that will hold more water in proportion to the city’s needs. Before fall we are going to chronicle the investment of fifty thousand dollars in a woolen mill. We know it. The dam has stood the test of the biggest flood in five years and came out, as it will for all time, all right. New dwelling houses are appearing every day, and best of all there never was so good a prospect for wheat, and the farmers are going to come into town after the golden sheaves have been gathered, and make that addition to the old farm house, and fix it up a little. That’s it. When his hard hands receive a reward for his labor, then we all prosper. Yes, we are on the boom, and don’t forget it. We like it, and are going to say something about it every week, and always tell the truth, as all good locals do.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 24, 1883.
We are glad to state that the little son of Mr. A. A. Newman, who has been dangerously sick for some days past, is now recovering.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 24, 1883.

Republican Caucus. The Republicans of Creswell Township will meet at C. L. Swarts’ law office, over Newman’s store, in Arkansas City, at 2 p.m., on Saturday, Feb. 3rd, 1883, for the nomination of a township ticket. J. B. NIPP, Chairman, Township Committee.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 31, 1883.
To Cattle Men and others. We have on hand a full line of Wool Lined Duck suits and Overcoats. Cattlemen’s Hats in the J. B. Stetson and other standard brands, Blankets, etc. A. A. Newman & Co’s.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 7, 1883.
WHAT WE HAVE TO SELL. DRY GOODS. We carry the largest, cheapest, and best assorted stock in Cowley County. Boots & Shoes. A very large stock of ladies’, gents’, boy’s, misses’, youth’s, and children’s ware in all grades and styles. A nice line of Hurt Bros. Shoes, ladies’ fine Philadelphia made shoes in Curacoa [?], Berlin, French & Kid, Pebble Goat, etc. CLOTHING. Men’s, boy’s, youth’s, and children’s suits and overcoats, at astonishingly low prices, wool lined suits, and overcoats lower than any other house in the Southwest. Hats & Caps. A very large line in all the new and nobby shapes for men, boys, youths, and children, at extremely low prices. Cloaks, Dolmans & Ulsters. We invite special attention to our new stock in this line, which, for elegance of fit, durability, style, and price, surpasses anything to be found in this or any other town in the South-west. Carpets. A handsome line of extra super ingrain, tapestry, and other makes, at very low figures. Also a nice line in Floor Oil Cloth. A. A. NEWMAN & CO.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 14, 1883.
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Haywood and son, of Emporia, arrived in our city last week upon a visit to relatives here. Mr. Haywood returned home Saturday, while Mrs. Haywood and son will remain several days visiting her brother, Mr. A. A. Newman.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 21, 1883.
SURPRISE PARTY. Mrs. R. C. Haywood was tendered a surprise party at the residence of Mrs. A. A. Newman on Monday evening last which was attended by many of the lady’s old-time friends. Though the affair was totally unexpected, the ladies were in no way disconcerted but rose to the occasion and made their guests heartily welcome. The evening was passed very agreeably with music, charades, and other pleasantries till near midnight when the company sought their homes by the light of the silvery moon.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 7, 1883.
Mrs. A. A. Newman is now visiting friends in Emporia, and will probably return to this city in about two weeks.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 7, 1883.
Mr. A. A. Newman started for the East last Saturday, where he goes to purchase his usual mammoth spring stock.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 7, 1883.
The Latest. The following extracts from the proceedings of the City Council of Arkansas City will explain to our readers the modus operandi of the transaction by which the city is relieved of the last of its Canal stock.
On February 26th, 1883, at a meeting of the Council, with A. A. Newman, Mayor, and Councilmen James Benedict, H. D. Kellogg, and John M. Ware in attendance, the following petition was presented.

To the Hon. A. A. Newman, Mayor of the City of Arkansas City. We the undersigned members of the Council of the said city most respectfully petition you to call a meeting of the Council to consider a proposition to aid the construction of a Flour Mill on the canal. Said meeting to be called for this evening at 7 o’clock p.m., Feb. 26th, 1883.
The meeting was called in accordance with the above petition, and Mr. Hill made a proposition to have the city transfer $6,000 of the city’s claim against the Arkansas City Water Power Company to said company, in consideration of the company putting up a flouring mill on said canal. No action taken, and an adjournment to meet at 4 o’clock p.m., February 27th, 1883, was had.
Council met as adjourned. Present: A. A. Newman, Mayor, H. D. Kellogg, James Benedict, John M. Ware. V. M. Ayres, and O. S. Rarick, Councilmen. No action taken, and the Council adjourned to meet at 4 o’clock p.m. of March 1st, 1883.
A. A. Newman, Mayor, James Benedict, O. S. Rarick, and John M. Ware, councilmen, present. H. D. Kellogg and V. M. Ayres absent.
Motion by James Benedict that the Clerk be instructed to draw up an ordinance in compliance with a contract made this day with James Hill, President of the Arkansas City Water Power Co., to expend $2,000 in transmitting power from their canal to the pump at the spring now used by said city with water, and said company agree to furnish sufficient power at the wheel to be equal to ten horsepower at the pump, for the exclusive use of said city, free of expense, for the term of ninety-nine years, and in consideration of the above covenants and agreements being performed by said company, said city agrees to transfer and assign all its interest and title and right to its stock in said water power company. Seconded by O. S. Rarick.
Motion carried by unanimous vote of all present.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 21, 1883.
A. A. Newman and S. Matlack are expected home from the East the end of this week.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 21, 1883.
Kid Glove is the latest improvement. They lace without hooks to catch or strain the kid. They are instantly laced or unlaced, by the simple pulling of the cords. They fit the hand and wrist perfectly, and excel all others for durability and simplicity of construction, care, and quickness in operation.
   For Sale by A. A. NEWMAN & Co.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 25, 1883.
A. A. Newman left for New York Friday last to look up Indian contracts.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, May 9, 1883.
NOTICE IN ATTACHMENT. Albert A. Newman and Wyard E. Gooch, partners, doing business under the firm name of A. A. Newman & Co., Plaintiffs, versus W. H. Brown, Jr., Defendant. Before I. H. Bonsall, Justice of the Peace, of Creswell Township in Cowley County, Kansas.

Said Defendant is hereby notified that on the 4th day of May, A. D. 1883, an order of attachment for the sum of Nine and sixty-three one hundredths dollars ($9.63-100) was issued by the above named Justice of the Peace against his goods, in the above entitled action; and that said cause will be heard on the 7th day of June, 1883, at 9 o’clock a.m.
A. A. NEWMAN & CO., Plaintiffs. I. H. BONSALL, Justice of the Peace.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 9, 1883.
  Railroad Meeting.
In accordance with notice duly given a number of our citizens gathered at McLaughlin’s Hall last Monday evening to talk over railroad matters in general, and to take the necessary steps towards securing an east and west railroad to this point in particular. The meeting was called to order and T. H. McLaughlin was called to take the Chair, and N. T. Snyder to act as Secretary of the meeting. About the first thing brought before the attention of the meeting was a proposition from Winfield stating what they desired in order to enable them to work with us in securing county bonds in aid of an eastern road. The proposition, which was signed by several leading citizens of Winfield, was in substance as follows.
“That Winfield would do all in her power to aid us in working for said road and in securing county bonds in aid of the enterprise, provided that said road should enter the county in the vicinity of Cedarvale, then running on the most practicable route to WINFIELD from there to GEUDA SPRINGS and then to Arkansas City.”
This proposition was received with tremendous cheers, but after quite a lengthy talk, failing to elicit whether it was submitted as a joke or in sober earnest, it was unanimously resolved by the meeting that it be tabled. Mr. A. A. Newman then submitted a resolution in substance as follows.
Resolved. That the citizens of Arkansas City would pledge themselves to do all in their power to secure county aid in bonds to a railroad which would enter the county from the east in the vicinity of Cedarvale, thence proceed towards Dexter, near which, and at a point equidistant from Winfield and Arkansas City, the road should divide into two branches, one of which should go to each town, both towns to be named as temporary terminal points, and the further westward course of the road, whether from Winfield or Arkansas City, to be decided by the interests of the road as developed in the future.
The resolution was unanimously adopted by the meeting, and Messrs. James Hill and Wm. P. Sleeth were appointed as a committee to lay the same before the citizens of Winfield at an early day. It was further taken as the sentiment of the meeting that no time be lost in prosecuting the matter towards securing an east and west railroad, and the two gentlemen last named were delegated to see that all steps necessary to be taken, with this end in view, be promptly attended to. The meeting also authorized a per centum of the money subscribed for a preliminary survey to be appropriated for the payment of the incidental expenses of the committee. The meeting adjourned after being in session about two hours.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 23, 1883.
Leland Hotel.
Among the arrivals at the Leland Hotel, now under the management of Mr. A. W. Patterson, we find the following.
A. A. Newman and wife, City.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 20, 1883.

Mr. A. Newman, while attempting to hive some bees last Monday, was badly stung. Hiving bees is a business where push and energy don’t amount for much.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 18, 1883.
Frank J. Hess made the following sales yesterday:
Listed: A. A. Newman et al, 5 lots in block 153 to Geo. W. Bean, $110.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 25, 1883.
Mr. A. A. Newman starts for the East today to purchase goods for the fall and winter trade.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 15, 1883.
We would call the attention of our readers to the immense new stock of boots, shoes, etc., that Messrs. A. A. Newman & Co. are just now receiving from the East. It embraces everything in the line of a boot or shoe from an elegant dress boot to a heavy farmer’s, all of which are of the best qualities in their respective styles, and will be sold as usual at popular prices.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 15, 1883.
Our Farmers’ Kip Boot is the best in the market and never fails to give entire satisfaction. A mammoth stock now on hand at A. A. Newman & Co.’s.
BOOTS! BOOTS!! BOOTS!!! A. A. Newman & Co. have just received the largest stock of Men’s, Youths’, and Boys’ Boots for the fall and winter wear ever brought to this city and guarantee them to be superior to the “Walker” or any other boot.
The best Kip or Calf Boot for the least money can be found at A. A. Newman & Co.’s. Stockmen will also find it to their interest to call and examine our line of Grain Leather Boots which for durability cannot be surpassed.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 29, 1883.
A. A. NEWMAN & CO. New Stock BOOTS AND SHOES. GENTS’ DRESS BOOTS, MEN’S CALF BOOTS, MEN’S KIP BOOTS, MEN’S GRAIN BOOTS. Full line Men’s, Boys’ and Youths’ boots and shoes. Also a full line of Ladies’, Misses’, and Children’s Fine Shoes and Slippers.
This stock is new, and bought especially for the 1883 Fall trade. Our prices low as the lowest. CALL AND EXAMINE. A. A. NEWMAN & CO.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 29, 1883.
BLEACHED MUSLINS AND LONSDALE CAMBRICS at prices lower than they have ever been offered at before. Be sure and price them before buying. A. A. Newman & Co.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 5, 1883.
Mr. A. A. Newman arrived in the city from the East last Friday.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 5, 1883.
We call attention to the ad. of A. A. Newman & Co. in this issue. This firm is now offering bargains in the line mentioned at a reduction of over twenty-five percent. Now is the time to make money by giving A. A. Newman & Co. a call.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 12, 1883.

The Perry house windows have been adorned with elegant new blinds, the same having been put in from the new stock just received at A. A. Newman & Co.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 26, 1883.
Read A. A. Newman & Co.’s carpet advertisement this week.
Cloaks! Cloaks!! A. A. Newman & Co. take pleasure in announcing that they have just received direct from the manufacturers and importers the largest stock of Cloaks, Dolmans, Ulsters, etc., to be seen in the county which will be sold at astonishingly low prices.
Broche Shawls, Cashmere shawls, of every description at A. A. Newman & Co.’s.
HOSIERY. An endless variety in ladies’, misses’, and children’s Silk and Wool Hosiery for fall and winter wear just received at A. A. Newman & Co.’s.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 17, 1883.
Mrs. M. B. Vawter has resumed her former position in A. A. Newman & Co.’s store.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 17, 1883.
The little son of Mr. C. R. Sipes met with a very serious fall in Messrs. A. A. Newman & Co.’s store one day last week by falling on the stairs. The child’s nose was badly broken, but under the care of Dr. Chapel, the wound was sewn up and no permanent disfigurement we hope will result.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1883.
A. A. Newman & Co. came to the front this month with a new “ad” calling attention to their new and elegant stock of clothing for gents and boys and also to their elegant line of ladies’ cloaks and winter wear generally. These goods are of the latest styles and must be seen to be appreciated.
AD. Winter Clothing! FOR GENTS, YOUTHS, AND BOYS. LADIES’ CLOAKS AND WINTER WEAR in endless variety. Latest styles and best quality at A. A. NEWMAN & CO’S.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 21, 1883.
The next meeting of the Woman’s Suffrage society will be held at the residence of Mrs. A. A. Newman, on Wednesday afternoon, November 28, at 4:30 o’clock. The members will please note the change in the time of meeting.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 28, 1883.
A. A. Newman and F. J. Hess have bought the barns and lots on Fifth Avenue, just east of Summit Street, paying therefor $3,200. There will be no change made on this property at present, but next spring most substantial improvements will be made thereon.
Arkansas City Traveler, Supplement, December 19, 1883.
Amount of scrip issued by city clerk from May 1, 1883, to December 15, 1883, inclusive.
Arkansas City Traveler, Supplement, December 19, 1883.

A Card. As a self-appointed committee to provide a Christmas treat for the Indian children at Otoe Agency, I desire to return my sincere thanks to Messrs. A. A. Newman & Co., Ware & Pickering, J. H. Sherburne, C. Schiffbauer, Sylvester Piltch, Ridenour & Thompson, and the TRAVELER for the assistance so kindly given me in the furtherance of this object. L. E. WOODIN, Jr., Clerk in charge of Otoe Agency.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1884.
The TRAVELER office will remain at its old stand under Newman’s store, and not be removed to the basement of the Cowley County Bank, as was at one time contemplated.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1884.
The TRAVELER office will not be moved. Our patrons will find us under Newman’s store, at the old stand.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1884.
Geo. Newman, wife and daughter, of Emporia, are visiting with the family of A. A. Newman.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1884.
Last Friday morning, about 4 o’clock, the fence at the rear of Newman’s building was discovered to be on fire, but thanks to the prompt action of Mr. Neff, of the Leland, the blaze was extinguished before any serious damage resulted. It is generally supposed to have caught from ashes, as there are a dozen places in town more available for the work of an incendiary.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1884.
Commercial Building Association.
The above is the name of a new stock company formed in this city last week, the charter members of which are M. S. Hasie, George E. Hasie, W. M. Sleeth, H. P. Farrar, A. A. Newman, T. H. McLaughlin, George W. Cunningham, and T. R. Houghton. The immediate object of this company is the erection of a building on Summit street, just south of Cunningham’s new implement house, 125 feet front, 132 feet deep, and three stories high. The TRAVELER mentioned last week the fact that the Messrs. Hasie were to put up a commodious business structure, and when these gentlemen showed the design of their building to the gentlemen directly interested in the lots, and the suggestion was made that one solid block be built, the plan at once commended itself to all parties as one in keeping with the growth of our city. We have seen the plans for Messrs. Hasie’s part of the block, and must say they are very elaborate. It is of the style now most generally adopted by the San Francisco builders, known as the bay front style, above the first story. On the second story front are three bay windows, the center one square and the side windows octagonal. The front and rear of the first story will be almost entirely of glass, in order to get sufficient light to accommodate the great length. The height of the first story from ceiling to floor will be seventeen feet, the second fourteen, and the third twelve, and a ten foot basement runs the entire length. This will doubtless be the style adopted for the complete block, which, taken with the admirable interior arrangements, will make the Commercial and Hasie blocks the finest in Southern Kansas. The enterprise of the eight gentlemen comprising the Commercial Building Association speaks loudly to their credit, and will be a sure means of profit to themselves, not to mention the advantage accruing to the city in the way of advertising its business vim and prosperity.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1884.

Mr. Gilbert’s polled bulls have come on, and are being held in Newman’s pasture on the Arkansas River near this place. They are beauties. Rube Houghton expects to have a couple of car loads of the same kind here soon.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1884.
A large assortment of Indigo Prints just received at A. A. Newman & Co.’s.
Bleached and unbleached sheetings at unprecedented prices at A. A. Newman & Co.’s.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1884.
Try our men’s $2.50 Kip boot. It cannot be excelled for durability. A. A. Newman & Co.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1884.
Carpets! Carpets! Carpets! A superb line; call and see them. A. A. Newman & Co.
Excerpts from long article...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 16, 1884.
  Her Facilities for Manufactures and Inducements to Capitalists.
Her Live Businessmen.
Between the confluence of the Walnut and Arkansas Rivers, in the southern part of Cowley County, Kansas, and possessing about three thousand inhabitants, lies Arkansas City, destined at no very future day to be the city of distribution for the great southwest. It is no idle saying which causes this to be asserted. Her natural advantages are equaled by no other city in this quarter of the globe. Passing along her southern boundary, from the Arkansas to the Walnut Rivers, is a canal, whose water power capacity is unsurpassed in the entire west. This enterprise was inaugurated in 1881, by the Arkansas City Water Power Company, consisting of A. A. Newman, Jas. Hill, W. M. Sleeth, and S. Matlack.
With a celerity almost marvelous, the Arkansas was spanned with a dam, the channel from the one river to the other completed, and three mills, as if by magic, sprang into existence. These are the flouring mills of V. M. Ayres, W. H. Speers, and The Arkansas City Roller Mills. The volume of water was found to be ample for the purpose of these mills, and the company, by widening and deepening this channel, can furnish sufficient power for three as many more.
There are three first class dry goods stores: A. A. Newman & Co., W. B. Kirkpatrick, and S. Matlack, proprietors. A. A. Newman is one of the “Fathers of the City.” He came here at an early day, and to his energy and determination, Arkansas City owes much of her success. He is a man of sterling character and splendid ability. The stranger can find no better adviser than this gentleman. Mr. Newman’s partner, Mr. Wyard Gooch, is a gentleman of extreme courtesy and pleasant manners.
W. B. Kirkpatrick has been engaged in business about one year. By his genial disposition, business tact, and fair dealing, he has secured a prominent place among our businessmen, and has a constantly increasing trade.
S. Matlack has a large stock of goods and a flourishing business.

Hon. A. J. Pyburn occupies rooms over Cowley County Bank. He is a gentleman of profound learning, of excellent legal acumen, and unflinching integrity. Mitchell & Swarts have their office in Newman’s basement. They are among the oldest practitioners in this section of the State. O. C. R. Randall has his office on Central Avenue, at which place he will attend to all legal business entrusted to his care.
Arkansas City Republican, February 16, 1884.
A. A. Newman & Co. are constantly receiving new goods; drop in and see them.
Arkansas City Republican, February 16, 1884.
The Perry House occupies the two new buildings of Messrs. A. A. Davis and A. A. Newman. This of itself is a sufficient guarantee that the house is first class. Persons may judge of its success, when we state that these two large buildings are insufficient to accommodate its patrons. Mr. Perry has secured McLaughlin’s hall, and will fit this into chambers for sleeping apartments.
Arkansas City Republican, February 16, 1884.
A large and complete stock of GENERAL DRY GOODS, Notions, Carpets, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Stock Men’s Supplies, Etc. AT LOWEST PRICES.
Arkansas City Republican, February 23, 1884.
Mr. G. W. Newman, of Emporia, spent last Sabbath in our city.
Arkansas City Republican, February 23, 1884.
  The Commercial Building Association.
On the 20th of this month, the Commercial Building Association of Arkansas City, Kansas, sprang into existence. Its incorporators: M. S. and Geo. E. Hasie, A. A. Newman, W. M. Sleeth, H. P. Farrar, T. H. McLaughlin, T. R. Houghton, and G. W. Cunningham. At the first meeting Geo. E. Hasie was elected president, and H. P. Farrar, secretary and treasurer. The first work of the association will be the erection of a building 75 feet in frontage, 132 feet in depth, and three stories high, between the business houses of the Hasie Bros., and G. W. Cunningham. In connection with the storeroom of the Hasie Bros., this will make the finest building in our city. The two structures—the association’s and the Messrs. Hasie’s—will form one solid building 125 feet in frontage, 132 feet in depth, and three stories high. This enterprise displays the energy of our businessmen and the importance, to capitalists, of our rapidly growing city.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 5, 1884.
L. E. Woodin last week purchased of Newman and Hess the livery building on the north side of Fifth Avenue now occupied by Woodin & Thompson. These gentlemen intend putting up a new building and other improvements which when completed will cost in the aggregate some three or four thousand dollars. This firm intends to keep in the front line of our businessmen, and eminently deserve the success they will certainly achieve.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 5, 1884.
Stockholders of the Commercial Building Association, Arkansas City.
This association, of which we gave particulars in a former issue, is now in readiness for active work, all its shares being taken, as will be seen by the following list of stockholders.
Name, Shares, Amount.
A. A. Newman, 20, $2,000
Arkansas City Traveler, March 5, 1884.
Railroad Meeting.

A railroad meeting was called on last Monday, March 3, at I. H. Bonsall’s office, for the purpose of considering the narrow gauge proposition now before the people and taking steps to insure its defeat. Mr. T. McIntire was made chairman and I. H. Bonsall secretary. A resolution to the effect that the interests of Cowley County demanded the defeat of this proposition was read and unanimously endorsed, and the following committee was appointed to raise funds to defray the expenses of canvassing the county: A. A. Newman, W. M. Sleeth, James Benedict, T. H. McLaughlin, and J. L. Huey. Messrs. A. A. Wiley, J. B. Nipp, A. J. Chapel, O. S. Rarick, T. H. McLaughlin, and N. T. Snyder were appointed as committee on arrangements with power to select sub-committees, to take whatever steps may be deemed necessary to accomplish the object of the meeting. The meeting then adjourned to next Saturday at 2 p.m. at Highland Hall, when we hope to see a general turn out of businessmen and farmers.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 5, 1884.
We had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Alexander of Kentucky, and his son of Chicago, last Monday. The younger gentleman intends to engage in the lumber business and has already secured a site on South Summit street opposite A. A. Newman’s block. The stock for the yard has been shipped and will be here in a few days.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1884.
The Company from Arkansas City to attend the Carmilla Urso concert Tuesday evening were Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Newman, Mr. and Mrs. Beal, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Searing, Mr. and Mrs. Landes, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Farrar, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coombs, Mr. and Mrs. Kroenert, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Sipes, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ayers; Misses Abbie Hamilton, Beck and Anna Hunt; Ed. G. Gary and Miss Fowler; Ed. Kingsbury and Miss Barnett; C. M. Scott and Miss Gardiner; J. C. Topliff and Miss Walton; F. J. Hess and Miss Johnson; and George Cunningham. The party represented Arkansas City’s best people, and all seemed to enjoy the visit and concert immensely. They spoke in the highest terms of their entertainment at the Brettun. The accommodation train on the Santa Fe was held for them and all returned that evening.
Arkansas City Republican, March 8, 1884.
  Railroad Meeting.
A railroad meeting was called last Monday, March 3, to take measures for defeating the proposition to vote county bonds for the narrow gauge railroad next Tuesday. A motion was made that the voters of Creswell Township vote against said proposition, and was carried unanimously. On motion, the following committees were appointed by the chair:
A. A. Newman, Wm. M. Sleeth, Jas. Benedict, T. H. McLaughlin, and Jas. L. Huey were appointed as a committee to raise funds to pay the expenses of canvassing the county.
A. A. Wiley, J. B. Nipp, A. J. Chapel, O. S. Rarick, T. H. McLaughlin, and N. T. Snyder were appointed a committee on arrangements, with power to select sub-committees to canvass and make any arrangements necessary to accomplish the object of the meeting.
The meeting then adjourned to convene today, at 2 p.m., at Highland Hall, when we hope to see a good crowd assembled.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 12, 1884.
A. A. Newman left for New York and Boston last Monday. During his absence he will lay in an extra supply of spring and summer goods.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 12, 1884.

Mr. Jones, a member of the firm of George W. Newman & Co., of Emporia, was visiting in our city last week. The very great happiness depicted on this gentleman’s face may be accounted for in the fact that he was accompanied by his newly-found bride—a most excellent lady with a large circle of warm friends in this city.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 2, 1884.
Ad. Lace Neck Wear. A very pretty line of ladies’ and children’s lace neck wear just received at A. A. Newman & Co.’s.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 9, 1884.
AD. A. A. NEWMAN & CO. respectfully announce that they will next week receive their new Spring Stock Of Dry Goods, Notions, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Gloves, White Goods, Laces, Embroideries, Dry Goods, Dress Trimmings, etc. -Also a new line of- CLOTHING -AND- Gents’ Furnishing Goods. We have just received the finest line of CARPETS, MATTINGS, OIL CLOTHS, RUGS, STRAW CARPETS, ETC., EVER BROUGHT TO THE CITY; TO WHICH WE INVITE AN INSPECTION.
Arkansas City Republican, April 12, 1884.
A. A. Newman returned from the East today. He has purchased a large stock of spring goods, which he expects soon.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 16, 1884.
Read A. A. Newman’s specials in this issue.
Ad. Stockmen and Farmers! A large stock of tents and wagon sheets always on hand at A. A. Newman & Co.’s.
Ad. New Spring Goods. A. A. Newman & Co. have just received an elegant assortment of Ginghams, Seersuckers, in plain colors and stripes, and zephyrs in all the newest designs. Call and see them.
Ad. Ladies’ Lace Neckwear. A new and pretty line in Ladies’ Lace Neckwear, Pocket Handkerchiefs, in plain, hemmed, stitched, and colored borders, Embroideries, Laces, Ribbons, etc. at A. A. Newman & Co.’s.
Ad. Hosiery. A most elegant assortment of ladies’, misses’, and children’s hose in solid colors, and striped cotton, brilliant Lisle and Silk at A. A. Newman & Co.’s.
Ad. New Summer Goods. White Swiss, Nainsooks, Victoria Lawns, Piques, and all white goods in endless variety at A. A. Newman & Co.’s.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 23, 1884.
Mr. A. A. Newman has fenced in block 47 in Arkansas City and planted quite a number of shade trees thereon. This is an investment that will pay handsomely every time, and we advise all lot holders to go and do likewise.
Arkansas City Republican, April 26, 1884.
Mr. A. A. Newman was slightly injured by being thrown from a horse while out riding Wednesday afternoon.
Arkansas City Republican, April 26, 1884.
Arkansas City.

I either strike here on a busy day, or else it is a busy town, for I always find the merchants busy; and if it is ever dull, they do not say so. A little look over the town will show up over 140 new buildings that have not yet been painted. Two new lumber yards have opened, with promise of a good business. Will L. Aldridge is running the one at the north side and A. V. Alexander & Co., on the south. The improvements to which all newcomers are expected to pay tribute, is the new Commercial called Hasie Block, which is just going up. This is to cover 125 x 132 feet on Summit street, three stories and basement, built of dressed stone, and will be, when completed, one of the finest business blocks in the state; fifty feet on the corner is being built by Hasie Bros., and the balance by a stock company. The second and third floors will be finished for offices, sleeping rooms, a photograph gallery, etc., and the building complete will cost over $40,000. As soon as completed, Geo. E. Hasie & Co., will occupy a double store for a wholesale grocery house, A. A. Newman & Co., another double store, for their dry goods house, and T. R. Houghton the other for his harness stock. The Hasie Bros., are from Denver, and with full faith in the prosperity of Arkansas City, are investing money freely.
Among other enterprises on foot are a new Baptist Church, and a two story business block by J. C. Topliff, the first floor of which will be used for the post office, it having outgrown its present quarters. The new road mentioned in the Winfield notes will also be built to this city, bringing Kansas City fifty miles nearer than by the present road. An article from this place would hardly be complete without mentioning its mills: I had hoped at this time to have visited them all, but time forbid. Suffice it to say that the canal which was looked upon as reckless venture has proved to be one of the best investments the city ever made; and the different mills are turning out, when all at work, something like a thousand barrels of flour a day, thus insuring better prices to the producer than he can realize by shipping. The traveling public will be glad to know that A. W. Patterson is back at the “Leland” as proprietor. He celebrated the event by a big free dinner, which was of course a grand success, only some two hundred of the guests rather overdid the thing by eating more than was good for them. Emporia Daily Republican.
Arkansas City Republican, May 17, 1884.
A team belonging to R. A. Houghton ran away in the main streets of the city Monday morning, causing considerable excitement for a time. The horses had been hitched to a wagon near the Star Livery Stable, and the whiffle trees detached themselves from the wagon, when they started carrying the whiffle trees with them. They ran with great rapidity against the telephone post at A. A. Newman’s corner, breaking down the corner post of the shed on the front of his store, and breaking the harness that held them together, and throwing one horse flat to the ground. No other damage resulted. Several other teams were on the streets at the time, some of which became frightened, but their drivers succeeded in holding them.
Arkansas City Republican, May 31, 1884.
Ed. Grady purchased of A. A. Newman, this week, the four lots now occupied by his lumber yard, for $1,000 each. These lots could have been bought two years ago for less than half of that sum.
Arkansas City Republican, May 31, 1884.
Mr. Chase, a cousin of A. A. Newman, is lying seriously ill at Mr. Bassett’s.
Arkansas City Republican, June 7, 1884.

Jones & McCarty sold this week for Judge I. H. Bonsall, his lot on the northeast corner of Summit Street and 3rd Avenue, to A. A. Newman for $1,000. Mr. Newman offered lots near this one, and better situated, a year ago, for $250 each.
Arkansas City Republican, June 21, 1884.
Mr. Chase, the cousin of Mr. Newman, who has been lying ill at Mr. Bassett’s, is slowly recovering.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 9, 1884.
  Caldwell, Please Take Notice.
The gamblers and horse races of Caldwell are respectfully invited to take the following item into a corner and spell it out.
WASHINGTON, July 6, 1884.
A. A. Newman and Others, Arkansas City.
Replying to your petition of the 27th ultimo, that your city be made the terminal point for delivery of Indian supplies for the Indian Territory, I have to advise you that arrangements such as you request had already been made prior to the receipt of your petition.
Very respectfully, H. PRICE, Commissioner.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 9, 1884.
The Santa Fe company last Wednesday put a passenger coach on the accommodation train running on this branch. It is what is known as a combination coach—two-thirds passenger and one-third baggage—and is one of the finest owned by the company. This step will give satisfaction along the entire line, and is mainly the result of the efforts of Messrs. Kennedy, of Winfield, and Ingersoll, of this city, who have been working to this end for many months. We believe this company will make money out of this change, and it certainly will be vastly more convenient to the traveling public.
Arkansas City Republican, July 12, 1884.
The store room now occupied by A. A. Newman & Co., has been rented by Dr. H. D. Kellogg & Co., for the purpose of placing within it a stock of drugs.
Do not know if the following applies to A. A. Newman or some other Newman...
Arkansas City Traveler, July 23, 1884.
Tomorrow afternoon George Cunningham intends to show up the merits of the famous Flying Dutchman plow. Read his notice, farmers.
Ad. A Big Thing for Farmers. On tomorrow, Thursday, July 24, there will be a plowing exhibition on Newman’s farm north of Arkansas City, in which the merits of the famous Flying Dutchman plow will be tested. I will convince the most skeptical that the plow will do better work, with a hundred pounds lighter draft, than any other plow manufactured. We will cut a watermelon and open a keg of nails. Come in everybody. G. W. CUNNINGHAM.
Arkansas City Republican, July 26, 1884.
A. A. Newman is erecting a new wooden business house on the lot north of the Mammoth Livery. The dimensions are 20 x 60 feet and one story. It has already been leased to Steinburger & Co., of Taylorville, Indiana, who will place within it a stock of hardware.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 30, 1884.
Miss Hattie Corry was welcomed back to this city Thursday by her many friends. She this week takes charge of the books of A. A. Newman & Co.
[Note: A. A. Newman was involved with T. J. Gilbert and H. B. Hallowell in Arkansas City Cattle Company.]

Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.
Dispute About Cattle.
Gilbert, Newman, and Hallowell contracted 1,000 head of cattle of Mackay, of Texas, to be delivered on their range on the Kaw Indian Reserve. The rivers were high all summer on the way up and the Arkansas River has been bank full for two months. Mackay got here and waited two weeks to cross the cattle and finally drove them over the bridge and through the state. In the settlement he claimed $900 for extra mileage and expenses. Hallowell refused to pay it and Mackay fired at him with a Winchester rifle. Hallowell returned the fire and 20 shots were exchanged before Mackay rode off. Mackay has been arrested. Driving the Texas cattle through the state has caused considerable alarm for fear of domestic cattle taking the Texas fever.
[Unknown which is correct: Mackey or Mackay. Courier article showed both.]
Arkansas City Traveler, August 13, 1884.
Messrs. Newman and Matlack left for New York last Monday, to lay in a supply of fall and winter goods.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 20, 1884.
Farmers, we have moved our business slightly out in the country. When in Arkansas City, standing on Summit Street, near Newman’s store or the Cowley County Bank, look east down the street that leads to the depot and you will see W. A. Lee’s implement house.
W. A. LEE.
Arkansas City Republican, August 23, 1884.
A. A. Newman’s new store room, which is already rented for a hardware store, is nearly completed.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 27, 1884.
Messrs. A. A. Newman & Co. were too busy receiving their new goods last week to change their “ad.,” but our readers may look out for something from this firm of general interest in our next issue.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 3, 1884.
Once more Newman has piled his store full of clothing, hats, caps, boots, shoes, carpets, and dry goods in endless variety. By a look at his advertisement and specials you can see that he has been getting in new goods, but you can only judge of the amount and quality by calling and examining for yourself.
BIG AD. FALL OF 1884. NEW GOODS. THIS WEEK’S ARRIVAL, FALL STOCK. Men’s, Youths’, and Boys’ CLOTHING. The Largest and most Complete Stock in the city. CARPETS, Latest styles all new designs, Mattings, etc., etc. A. A. NEWMAN & CO.
Ad. BOOTS! BOOTS! Having purchased a large and elegantly assorted line of gents’ fine calf, kip, and grain boots, we invite an inspection of the same. Prices to suit all. A. A. NEWMAN & CO.
Ad. HATS! HATS! Gents’ hats of the well known Stetson make, latest styles, just received. A full line of stockmen’s hats; also, children’s hats and caps in every style at A. A. Newman & Co.’s.

Ad. LADIES AND CHILDREN’S Kid, Goat Grain, and all and every description of footwear in latest styles, first-class in quality and not to be surpassed elsewhere in the city, will be found at A. A. Newman & Co.’s.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 10, 1884.
A. A. Newman returned from the East last Saturday.
Arkansas City Republican, September 13, 1884.
A. A. Newman has returned from New York, where he has been buying his fall stock. His many customers may expect a new mammoth stock in addition to his present one, to be displayed on his counters and shelves.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 17, 1884.
Messrs. Newman, McLaughlin, and Hess have bought fifty-five acres in the north part of town and are now platting the same into lots. They will immediately erect a half dozen houses on this addition.
Arkansas City Republican, September 20, 1884.
Newman, McLaughlin & Hess have commenced the grading of the street in their new addition. Lots will be sold here on time.
Arkansas City Republican, September 20, 1884.
A. A. Newman & Co., received the first of the week, judging from the large pile of boxes hauled from the depot, one of the largest stocks of fall goods ever received in the city.
Arkansas City Republican, September 20, 1884.
Capt. Ed. Haight, of Winfield, has been in Arkansas City this week surveying a 55 acre addition to the northeast part of our town for Newman, McLaughlin & Hess. We are informed this tract of land will offer splendid advantages for residence building. The Gates City is rapidly spreading out.
Arkansas City Republican, September 20, 1884.
Hasie and Commercial Blocks.
One structure now in course of erection with which the citizens of Arkansas City point with pride is the Hasie and Commercial block on Summit street. We propose in the following brief outline to give our readers an idea of the immensity of this block.
Last March Maj. M. S. Hasie and Geo. E. Hasie arrived in Arkansas City from Denver, Colorado, on a prospecting tour and, after a careful looking over of the advantages of which our thriving city is possessed, were so fascinated with the prospects that they decided to locate here. The erection of the Hasie block was then alone contemplated. When Messrs. Hasie’s views were made known, concerning their large block, a new idea sprang into existence. It was then the plan of the Hasie and Commercial block was formed. In addition to their block, Messrs. Hasie proposed to take stock in the Commercial and so a stock company was formed for the purpose of erecting this building. Thus we have the origin of the Hasie and Commercial blocks.
The building was commenced some five months ago, and notwithstanding so many drawbacks necessary to the erection of so large a structure, it is now nearly completed. The frontage of the block is 128 feet; the depth, 132 feet.

On the first floor there are five mammoth store rooms, each 25 x 132 feet, and 17 feet to ceiling. These rooms are all taken with the exception of one, which we are informed would offer superior advantages to parties desiring to engage in the agricultural implement business. The basement under this room could be used as storage quarters and the ground floor as the display room. Then the elevator in this room from basement to roof would come into execution.
The remaining rooms are to be occupied by D. Brunswick, who will open up a $25,000 stock of clothing, boots and shoes, etc.; A. A. Newman & Co., who will have a double room in which to display their stock of dry goods, clothing, etc. The fourth will be used by Geo. E. Hasie & Co., as a wholesale and retail grocery establishment, and the fifth will, no doubt, be taken by the time of its completion.
The entire building is finished with French plate glass, double strength; 4,000 feet of glass is to be put in the skylights. There are four upstairs rooms, which are as yet not taken, that would be the most available rooms in Kansas for the photographic art. The best of light for this business can be furnished.
In the upper portions of the block, there are 65 rooms. They are so constructed as to be used for hotel purposes. There are three large, bay-front rooms with folding doors, which can be readily thrown into one room, and would make one of the most elegant dining rooms of which we know. A six-foot hallway traverses this portion of the building. Eight hundred feet of passageway is utilized. Two six-foot stairways lead upward, besides the large elevators at the rear of the building. The second and third stories are adorned with bay windows, fourteen in number.
The finish of the front of the block is what is called the San Francisco Palace finish. It is stone front with iron columns and bay windows.
The estimated cost of the building when completed will be $60,000. Maj. S. Hasie is the architect. He has personally superintended its construction. Another building of the Hasie and Commercial block’s dimensions will make Arkansas City a city in reality as well as name. We now far surpass Wichita in fine buildings, and for handsome residence property we doubt if there is another city in the state that can compete with us, taking size in consideration.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 1, 1884.
Newman, McLaughlin, and Hess are having about two miles of street graded on their new addition. They are contracting to have trees set out on the whole addition. This will be a great improvement to the town.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 1, 1884.
Arkansas City Woolen Manufacturing Company.
A meeting of the stockholders in the above enterprise was held in the Cowley County Bank Monday evening, and a stock company formed for the purpose of erecting and operating a woolen mill on our canal. The capital stock is $40,000. Mr. J. H. Gordon, who with Mr. Sanborn visited this city a few weeks since in the interest of a woolen mill, has been here about two weeks talking up the matter, and left yesterday morning for his home in Missouri. A charter for the company will be secured at once. The stockholders in this enterprise comprise our most solid businessmen. The directors for the first year are James Hill, J. H. Gordon, J. L. Huey, H. P. Farrar, W. M. Sleeth, A. A. Newman, and T. H. McLaughlin. The work will be pushed as rapidly as possible, and in a few months the busy hum of our woolen mill will be heard by the finest water power in the state, furnishing employment to more than forty operatives and starting Arkansas City firmly on the road as a manufacturing city.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 8, 1884.

Following is a complete list of stockholders in the Arkansas City Woolen Manufacturing Company, mention of which was made last week.
On the list of stockholders: A. A. Newman.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 8, 1884.
Read the new advertisements this week, and remember there never was a better chance to buy at reasonable rates than at present. Messrs. Matlack, Newman, and Hable each comes to the front with inducements to purchasers. Competition is the life of trade, and it is running high in Arkansas City this fall, which is much to the advantage of “us poor people” who have to do the buying.
BIG AD. A. A. NEWMAN & CO. Desire to call the attention of the ladies to their elegant stock of winter wraps for ladies, Misses, and children. As heretofore they have always had the largest and most complete assortment of these goods, they still continue to lead this fall. The fit of these garments cannot be surpassed; and it is better to get a garment that fits you elegantly, when it costs no more than one which has no shape to it.
We have a line of dolmans, new markets, ulsters, jackets, havelocks, and Russian circulars, which we think will please you all, and at prices lower than ever.
To those who prefer a shawl, we can show a nice line comprising black fringed cashmere, both plain and braided, colored cashmere, handsome broche in many grades, Scotch plaids and greys, reversible velvet, and many others.
It will be to your interest to examine their goods before making any purchases.
Arkansas City Republican, October 11, 1884.
On the eighth page A. A. Newman & Co.’s advertisement will be found. This firm, at present, is somewhat cramped in its present quarters, but in a few weeks when they get into their new quarters, you will see one of the most handsome dry goods establishments in the state. See what his ad says. You may save money. [DID NOT TYPE AD.]
Arkansas City Traveler, October 15, 1884.
BIG AD. Don’t Buy any Gloves or Mittens until you have inspected the immense stock of A. A. NEWMAN & CO. -WE HAVE- GLOVES of every quality, style, and price, and our stock only needs to be seen to enable anyone to make a purchase.
We carry a fine line of Buck, Goat, and Sealskin gloves, manufactured by Lippitt, Leak & Co., of San Francisco, which for fit and genuine hard wear cannot be excelled. Try a pair. We also handle the celebrated SARANAC TANNED BUCK GLOVES, which are proof against hardening by water, and never fail to give satisfaction. We can also show you many articles of lined Kid gloves, lined Buck gloves, oil tanned gloves, Plymouth Buck Gauntlet gloves, wool lined mittens, men’s and boys’ sheepskin mittens, and many others at BED ROCK PRICES! HUSKING GLOVES we can sell you at 75 cents per pair.
When you want to see the biggest stock of GLOVES AND MITTENS in the southwest, visit the dry goods store of A. A. NEWMAN & CO. Northeast corner Summit Street and Fifth Avenue.
Arkansas City Republican, October 18, 1884.

Tuesday afternoon we visited McLaughlin, Newman & Hess addition adjoining the town north of the East school building. Sixth Street has been extended a half mile beyond the city limits, and this way is being rapidly used as the way to Searing & Mead’s mill. In time it will be the principal thoroughfare to Winfield on account of the sand on Summit Street. This street is devoid of sand and will make one of the handsomest driveways in Arkansas City. Lots are being rapidly sold in this addition. We understand that the contract for one dozen residences has been let, which will go up right away. Culverts are being placed in and good drainage will be had. To anyone desiring good lots, this addition would be a splendid place to invest.
Arkansas City Republican, October 18, 1884.
A. A. Newman lately purchased some goats as a present for his children. His apple trees are now self-bearing.
Arkansas City Republican, October 18, 1884.
Frank Willitts has accepted the position made vacant by Frank Gage’s departure for the west, in A. A. Newman’s store. Frank is a steady man, and as the proprietors of the store are always ready to reward merit, he will prosper.
Arkansas City Republican, October 18, 1884.
A. A. Newman and Co., will move into their new quarters in about 30 days.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, October 22, 1884.
BIG AD [WITH LOTS OF WHITE SPACE]. DRY GOODS. This Space Reserved for A. A. NEWMAN & CO. Northeast corner Summit St. and Fifth Ave. CLOTHING.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 29, 1884.
Notwithstanding the immense drop in the clothing trade A. A. NEWMAN & CO. will still remain at the bottom on low prices, and don’t you fail to remember it. Look at our stock before buying.
-OUR LINE OF- UNDERWEAR! -AND- GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS is literally immense and needs to be seen before making your winter purchases.
OUR STOCK OF BOOTS, SHOES, AND SLIPPERS is very complete in every department, bought direct from the manufacturers and guaranteed to give satisfaction.
Blankets are cheaper this winter than ever before and we can save you money on these goods.
Don’t Fail to Look at our Line of CARPETS, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Fringes, Cretonnes, etc., before making a purchase of these articles.
The Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Department is very Complete Comprising Muslins, Prints, Ginghams, Tickings, Damasks, Flannels, Waterproofs, Jeans, Yarns, Zephyrs, Dress Goods in endless variety, Silks, Velvets, Knit Goods, Plushes, Corsets, Scarfs, Hosiery, Nubias, Gloves, etc.
Husking Gloves at 50 cents.
Other Gloves and Mittens in proportion.
Your friends.
Northeast corner Summit St. and Fifth Ave.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 29, 1884.
See notice to hunters in another column.

We, the undersigned, hereby give notice that we will prosecute to the full extent of the law all persons who may be found hunting upon our premises.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 29, 1884.
A. A. Newman & Co. hope to be in their magnificent Commercial block room in about three weeks. It will be the largest and most handsomely appointed mercantile room in Southern Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 5, 1884.
BIG AD: Look out for A. A. Newman & Co.’s REMOVAL to their new store room in the Commercial Block.
Arkansas City Republican, November 8, 1884.
Newman & Co., are moving into their new store room.
Arkansas City Republican, November 8, 1884.
E. B. Multer, mentioned as E. B. Mulen, in last week’s REPUBLICAN, as being a newcomer, has secured a position in Newman & Co.’s dry goods store.
Arkansas City Republican, November 8, 1884.
W. Scott Cook, of Anadarko, Indian Territory, besides purchasing a large bill of goods of Newman & Co., treated the Diamond Front in a like manner. About 15,000 pounds of grocery stock commenced going to Ferd, Indian Territory, Wednesday. Mr. Cook is convinced that Arkansas City is the place to do most of his trading. Our flouring mills were spoken of by him in glowing terms.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 12, 1884.
A. A. Newman & Co. have already begun to move some of the heavier of their unpacked goods to their new store room in the Commercial block, but we presume it will be at least one week before they can welcome their patrons in their new quarters.
Arkansas City Republican, November 15, 1884.
Newman & Co., will commence removing their stock Monday to their new quarters. They will have the largest dry goods store in Cowley County.
Arkansas City Republican, November 15, 1884.
Kellogg & Coombs will move into Newman’s brick next week. Their handsome new show cases have already arrived, and when they open you will see one of the handsomest drug stores in Kansas.
Arkansas City Republican, November 15, 1884.
DIED. Julia May, infant daughter of A. A. Newman and wife, died Wednesday, November 12, 1884. The little babe had been unwell for several days, but its demise was as sudden as it was unexpected. Its age was 5 months and 15 days. The funeral occurred Thursday afternoon at the residence. Rev. Fleming performed the funeral ceremony. The remains were interred in the Arkansas City cemetery. The bereaved parents command the sympathy of all, and it is very sad that the youngest flower should be plucked first. But of such is the kingdom of Heaven composed.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 19, 1884.

A. A. Newman & Co. have commenced moving their stock into their new quarters in the Commercial Block. For convenience, room, and appearance, their double store is far ahead of anything we have seen in Southern Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 19, 1884.
DIED. Obituary. Died, in this city, on Wednesday, November 12, Julia May, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Newman, aged five months and fifteen days. The funeral services were performed the following day by Rev. S. B. Fleming and all that was mortal of the loved one laid to rest in Riverview Cemetery.
Arkansas City Republican, November 22, 1884.
Will Logan puts up a cottage in McLaughlin, Newman & Hess’ addition this week.
Arkansas City Republican, November 22, 1884.
About a half a dozen neat cottage residences have already been erected in the addition of McLaughlin, Newman & Hess. Others are building. If we keep on spreading ‘twill not be long until we reach the corporate limits of the little burg of Winfield.
Arkansas City Republican, November 22, 1884.
Newman & Co., are moving to the Commercial block.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 26, 1884.
A. A. Newman & Co. are determined to let the people know they are in their new store, hence their little unobtrusive “ad” in the TRAVELER this week. This firm have undoubtedly the finest store room in Southern Kansas, and a stock of goods to suit their magnificent new quarters.
BIG AD. A. A. NEWMAN & CO. desire to announce to their Friends, Patrons, and Strangers in the city and country, that they have now removed their stock to their new and commodious room in the COMMERCIAL BLOCK, Where they would be pleased to receive their appreciated visits at any time.
We think we have one of the most elegant places of business in Southern Kansas, with sufficient room and a splendid light to show goods to their best advantage and to the entire satisfaction of our customers.
Our stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Carpets, Boots, Shoes, Notions, Ladies’ and Children’s Winter Wraps, etc., is very complete in all its branches.
This is an invitation for everybody to call and see us and we will try to make you feel at home. Your Friends,
Commercial Block between 4th & 5th Avenues.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 26, 1884.
Few of our citizens, even those who have visited Newman’s store every day, ever realized the immense amount of goods stored away in his room. Consequently, they were surprised at the magnitude last Friday and Saturday when they were moving to their new quarters. All day Friday they kept three drays busy, with their clerks and five extra men. However, the stock was placed in the shelves and neatly arranged in a very short time, ready for Saturday’s trade. We cannot refrain from speaking again of his new quarters, which look doubly well with this stock in it.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 26, 1884.

Ivan Robinson and Mr. Holmes, of Winfield, were in our city last week looking for a location for a coal yard. After looking the field over, they left Snyder & Hutchison to secure a suitable location. These gentlemen then bought out Pitts Ellis’ scales and office with fixtures and bins and leased of Newman & McLaughlin two lots on Central Avenue, opposite Fairclo Bro.’s livery stable. Messrs. Robinson & Holmes will immediately commence the erection of sheds, and will have seven cars of coal, hard and soft, in our city this week. These gentlemen are men who will always have coal of all kinds in hand, and we need have no more fear of a coal famine as we have been having. They will keep not less than ten car loads on hand at all times. Their office will be on the corner of Summit Street and Central Avenue.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 3, 1884.
Earnest McDowell, who has been with Fitch & Barron for the past six months, will put a stock of jewelry in the Newman building with the drug stock of Kellogg & Coombs.
Arkansas City Republican, December 6, 1884.
Instead of the money being given to the ladies of the Presbyterian Church for their supper Thanksgiving evening, collected by Misses Hattie Sipes and Pearl Newman, it was donated to the poor of Arkansas City by the ladies. A laudable undertaking and a good beginning.
Arkansas City Republican, December 6, 1884.
No. 33.
At last No. 33 is open and everything arranged in apple-pie-order. Perhaps kind reader, you do not know where No. 33 is located and what it is. Well, to begin, No. 33 is located in the brick building across the street from the Cowley County Bank. Take a walk across and enter and you will find a handsomely arranged drug store, with Kellogg & Coombs as proprietors. Also just to the left of the door, as you go in, you will find Ernest McDowell. Generally he is astride of a jeweler’s stool. He has a handsome line of jewelry and clocks. As a workman in repairing, his work is his recommendation. But to resume with No. 33. The shelving has been remodeled and painted, new drugs are placed on them, and the entire make-up of No. 33 points to tastefulness and enterprise everywhere in that room.
At the rear of No. 33 you will find a handsome prescription case. The front is adorned by a large mirror, which by the way will prove a great convenience to the ladies.
The firm is well-known. Dr. H. D. Kellogg has been here ever since there was an Arkansas City. Over fourteen years ago he cast anchor here, since which time he has lived as he commenced—as a good citizen. L. V. Coombs, well now, we would like to see a man or lady who is not acquainted with Lute, and especially the latter. Trustworthy in every respect, we, the REPUBLICAN, predict a lucrative business for the firm. The Doctor lends the sturdiness and steadiness necessary to business, while Lute furnishes the energy of vigorous youth.
This space reserved for the No. 33 Drug Store in Newman’s corner block. KELLOGG & COOMBS, Proprietors, who are opening up a large stock of New Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, and Everything pertaining to the Drug Business.
Winfield Courier, December 11, 1884.
A Mistaken Idea.
From a squib published in the Arkansas City Republican some weeks ago we clip the following.

“The COURIER has always ignored Arkansas City and made fun of her. Arkansas City can get along without Winfield, but can the COURIER get along without Arkansas City?”
If the person who wrote the squib knew anything of the history of Cowley County, and especially of the COURIER, he would not have penned it. The COURIER has never since the old matters of County Seat and other purely local feuds were settled, said ought adverse to the growth and prosperity of any portion of our splendid county. On the other hand it has taken great pride and assisted not a little in promoting the growth and advancement of Arkansas City, Burden, Udall, and every other portion of the county. The COURIER recognizes the fact that no community can build permanent prosperity by tearing others down. Such policy is pursued only by narrow-minded bigots, and not by persons of sound mind and liberal views. Arkansas City has enjoyed its full share of our general advancement. This has been brought about by the indomitable energy of such men as Sleeth, Newman, Matlack, Hill, Huey, Cunningham, Hess, Scott, and a score of others whose faith in the future of their city has been shown in works, the successful prosecution of which left no time, if the inclination existed, to snarl and growl at their neighbors. This is indulged in only by the lesser lights who come in to enjoy the benefits of other’s industry and find a fruitful field in promoting discord where harmony should prevail. We are glad to know that no respectable portion of the people of our own sister city indulge in the small and contemptible feelings which seem to inspire the Republican man.
Arkansas City Republican, December 13, 1884.
The Auction Social.
Last Tuesday evening, at the residence of J. L. Huey, the social event of the season occurred. The Presbyterian ladies are renowned for their successful entertainments, but this, the auction social, excelled all others. The weather was somewhat inclement, but nevertheless the large residence was filled to its utmost capacity with guests to partake of Mr. and Mrs. Huey’s hospitality. The entertainment of the vast assemblage was begun by a panoramic view of a dream by Frank Hess. Mr. Hess indulged his appetite to too great an extent in mince pies, which caused him to pass into dreamland. As he lay in the arms of Morpheus, several unique, as well as very laughable, scenes were presented to the audience as Mr. Hess performed the role of a gentle deceiver. One scene was where Frank’s thoughts reverted to the laughing darkey who made the pie; finally Mr. Hess was awakened from dreamland, and the guests were then entertained by music and singing. The Chinese song, rendered by Messrs. Hutchison and Grosscup, was justly applauded. Their shadow picture imitations of Chinamen eating rats, resembled the real performance so perfectly that some of the guests’ appetites were stayed before supper was announced. The selling of the ladies now occurred. Rev. J. O. Campbell performed in the role of the auctioneer. To say that he was a success hardly expresses it. It sounded somewhat natural to hear his well trained voice crying: “I am offered 95, who will make it $1?” The auctioneering of the ladies was highly rousing, and the bidding lively. The good natured contest for the lady on sale, made the entertainment more enlivening. The ladies were all masked. The prices ranged from 75 cents up to $7.00, Miss Ida Lowe being the fortunate lady who brought that price. It will be seen by a glance at the list that Geo. W. Cunningham was almost equal to Brigham Young. We always knew George was a great admirer of the ladies, but never thought he had turned Mormon. Appended is the list of the “sold” ladies and their purchasers, as near as we could obtain them.

Miss Ella Love to E. D. Eddy.
Miss Maggie Sample to G. W. Cunningham.
Miss Ida Lowe to J. L. H. Huey.
Miss Ora Farrar to F. K. Grosscup.
Miss Viola Bishop to F. B. Hutchison.
Miss Mary Love to Dr. S. B. Parsons.
Miss Albertine Maxwell to A. A. Newman.
Miss Alto Maxwell to J. M. Steel.
Miss Hattie Corey to Fred Farrar.
Miss Nellie Nash to Dr. J. A. Mitchell.
Miss Eva Collins to E. L. Kingsbury.
Miss Myrtle Jones to G. W. Cunningham.
Miss Jennie Peterson to Dr. Love.
Miss Lizzie Gatwood to H. Wyckoff.
Miss Liaise Guthrie to Dr. G. H. J. Hart.
Miss Alice Pyburn to R. U. Hess.
Miss Rose Morse to G. W. Cunningham.
Miss Annie Bowen to J. R. L. Adams.
Mrs. Henderson to G. W. Cunningham.
Mrs. Nicholson to J. M. Steele.
Mrs. Geo. Cunningham to Rev. W. H. H. Harris.
Mrs. E. D. Eddy to Ivan Robinson.
Mrs. E. L. Kingsbury to Phil. A. Snyder.
The purchase of a lady entitled the buyer to his supper. The handsome sum of $43.75 was realized in this manner. Mr. Cunningham’s disposal of one of his ladies to her husband for $1—25 cents commission. Songs were rendered by Mrs. Frank Beall, Rev. Harris’ two little boys, and others. Good instrumental music was interspersed in the programme. All in all, it was the event of the season.
Arkansas City Republican, December 13, 1884.
The Courier accuses us of being inspired by a “contemptible spirit” because of our persistency in requesting that she at least treat Arkansas City squarely and that we are trying to promote discord. You are wrong again, friend Courier. We were inspired by a careful perusal of your columns. Thanks, to the compliment paid to “Messrs. Sleeth, Newman, Matlack, Hill, Huey, Cunningham, Hess, Scott, and a score of others.” They are deserving of every word. To them may be attributed to a great degree the prosperity of Arkansas City. They have been the life of the city. We will now be content for a time at least for this kind notice.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 17, 1884.
The show windows of D. Brunswick and A. A. Newman & Co., are hard to excel. They seem to vie with each other for supremacy, and the admiring lookers-on are unable to decide which deserves the prize.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 17, 1884.

Miss Emily Grosscup, a charming sister of Frank, arrived in our city on Saturday and is at present domiciled with Mrs. G. W. Cunningham. She will preside at the notion counter at A. A. Newman & Co.’s. We congratulate Mr. Newman on his success in securing the services of this lady, as her experience in one of the largest dry goods houses in Philadelphia (Strawbridge & Clothing) has eminently fitted her for the mechanical as her social qualities fit her for doing the agreeable part of the work.
Arkansas City Republican, December 20, 1884.
Miss Emily Grosscup, sister to F. R. Grosscup, arrived in our city last Saturday. She is assisting in A. A. Newman & Co.’s dry goods store.
Arkansas City Republican, December 20, 1884.
Real Estate Transfers.
The following are the real estate transfers of Arkansas City for December 12 to December 19, as reported by Miss Anna Meigs.
Albert A. Newman and wife and Frank J. Hess to Arial Fairclo, 1 10, b 63, Arkansas City, $375.
A. A. Newman and wife, T. H. McLaughlin and wife, to Arial Fairclo, 1 8, b 63, Arkansas City, $375.
A. A. Newman and wife, T. H. McLaughlin and wife, and Frank J. Hess to Joseph W. and Marlew A. Calhoun, lots 17 to 28 inclusive, B. S. McLaughlin’s addition to Arkansas City. $1,500.
A. A. Newman and wife to John S. Curry, 1 8, b 129, Arkansas City, $35.
Arkansas City Republican, December 20, 1884.
Her Business Firms and Their Establishments.
The Holidays are Here and the Republican Indites a Letter to Santa Claus,
Telling Him of the City and the Merchants.
Soon we witness the demise of the fruitful year of 1884. By her death 1885 will be born. Already the holiday season, the happiest time on earth—is upon us. When this festive season comes, little hearts as well as big ones, are filled with joy by presents from Santa Claus. To the people of the world who contemplate having a visit from that ever welcome individual and more especially to Santa Claus himself do we desire to present the claims of Arkansas City and her live businessmen on his holiday patronage. That our kind-hearted Kris Kringle may know where, what, and when to buy the magnificent gifts which annually laden his sleigh, we indite him a letter, presenting a brief history of Arkansas City, her businessmen, and their establishments, as seen by a REPUBLICAN representative in his rounds just before the holiday trade opens.
ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS, December 20, 1884.
Santa Claus, Dear Old Friend:

We have met you several holiday seasons in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, and last of all in Sunny Kansas. And now once more we are about to greet you. This time in Arkansas City. You will find here a city reaching up to 2,500 inhabitants within its corporate limits. Should our population be increased in numbers as great during 1885 as 1884 we will have 4,700 people by the time you pay your next annual visit. The last year has added 1,200 people to our city. We will be thrice blessed should good fortune favor us thus kindly during the year 1885. Our thriving city is located on the divide between the Arkansas and the Walnut rivers, about three miles from where the latter empties in the former. Thus you will see we are surrounded by broad fertile bottom land—in fact, the most fertile of the world. Four miles south lies the Indian Territory, which is dotted here and there with herds of cattle belonging to stockmen residing there. The trade with the Indian Territory is almost incredible. Having secured the payment of their annuity, the Indians come to Arkansas City to marvel in the sweets of civilization. Thousands of dollars are thus transferred yearly, to the tills of our merchants. Within the radius of two hundred miles, are numerous Indian reservations. White men are stationed at those points as traders. Their agencies annually purchase, from our merchants, thousands of dollars worth of goods. In addition to these, Arkansas City is surrounded by a country whose land is exceedingly fertile. The husbandman, each season, is able to glean from his farm of 160 or 240 acres, one or two thousand of dollars. This agricultural prosperity causes our farmers to rear elegant homes, and affords them all the luxuries they may desire. All these are purchased in Arkansas City, and thus both country and city are growing in wealth. At no distant day, a railroad will be constructed, running from Arkansas City to Ft. Smith, Arkansas. Another undoubtedly will be constructed, running southwest into Texas and New Mexico. From the cotton and sugar fields of the south will come the material to be woven into cloth, and to be manufactured into a purer article, and both will then seek a market in the surrounding states. Thus will be verified the prediction “that Arkansas City at no very distant day, will be the great distributing point of the west and southwest.”
Our city commenced its career as far back as 1869. The town site was laid out by settlers from Emporia, and three log huts built. This was the then foundation of our now great city. One by one dwellings were erected slowly until our growth demanded better shipping facilities. In 1879 by persistent efforts the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe was induced to extend its line to Arkansas City. Less than 500 people were here then. Since then, we have grown and prospered. But the horizon of our prosperity was not reached until 1882. Passing along her southern boundary from the Arkansas to the Walnut rivers, is a canal, whose water power capacity is unsurpassed in the entire west. This enterprise was inaugurated in 1881, by the Arkansas City Water Power Company, consisting of A. A. Newman, Jas. Hill, W. M. Sleeth, and S. Matlack, and completed in 1882. Immediately three flouring mills sprang up. These are the mills of Landes, Beall & Co., V. M. Ayres, and W. H. Speers. By a widening and deepening of the channel, the volume of water can be made sufficient for any demand that may be desired. Then on the banks of the Walnut, we have Searing & Mead’s. These four mills average the manufacture of about 1,000 barrels per day. The wheat and corn for a radius of forty miles is made into flour here. Thus we have a home market for our farm products. Wheat brings a higher price here than in any other portion of the state.
Another industry will soon be in operation. A stock company with $50,000 capital will build a woolen mill on the canal. This will be completed during the year of 1885, and perhaps a machine shop and foundry will also be constructed.
The latest scheme is to make the Arkansas River navigable. We reprint a former report published in the REPUBLICAN November 19.

“The scheme of navigating the Arkansas River between this city and Little Rock has proven better than the most sanguine had anticipated. Some two weeks ago a flat boat and crew with Engineer Moorhead in command started down the Arkansas River for the purpose of ascertaining the feasibility of navigating the stream. This was brought about by a desire of cheap freight rates to the south on the flour by our millers. The cruise down the river was easily accomplished, and plenty of water was found all the way. From here to the mouth of the Cimarron River, boats drawing eighteen inches of water can be used. From there on down the water is sufficient to carry any boat that may be utilized. The crew and boat returned Tuesday night and Engineer Moorhead has sent in his report. On Wednesday the projectors met and talked the matter over. Thursday at another meeting the following directors were elected: Jas. Hill, W. M. Sleeth, C. A. Bliss of Winfield, V. M. Ayres, and C. H. Searing. A charter has been granted in the name of the Arkansas River Navigation company. Thursday morning it was decided by the stockholders to send Jas. Hill and Maj. W. M. Sleeth east for the purpose of purchasing the power boat, and enough lighters to form a fleet. They left on the afternoon train. The flat boats will be built as quickly as possible, capable of carrying thirteen tons of flour each. Messrs. Sleeth and Hill are in the east negotiating for the power boat.
Since the construction of the canal, our boom has been rapid and substantial. About 250 residences and store rooms have been erected since the holidays of 1883 and carpenters are still busy building more. Town property is advancing instead of receding as some predicted. Good houses can be purchased from $500 to $2,000. It is next to an impossibility to rent one. Our real estate agents have at the least calculation on their books some 150 houses which they rent. They inform us if they were agents for as many more, they could find tenants. There is not an empty store room in the city. All are occupied and the merchants doing an excellent business. The Hasie and Commercial block, the largest and handsomest building in the state, is almost complete. Three of the store rooms are already occupied and the remaining two will be as soon as finished. Traveling men inform us that it eclipses any building outside of Kansas City. The frontage of the block is 128 feet; the depth 132 feet; and four stories high. There are three business rooms 25 x 132 feet, and one 50 x 132 feet. The upstairs portion of this block would afford superior advantages for a hotel.
We have numerous church denominations. As a rule our citizens are a church-going people. The Presbyterians, the United Presbyterians, the Methodists, the Free Methodists, the Christians, and the Baptists have each a house of worship. Our school facilities are unequaled. Two large buildings accommodate the 900 pupils of this district.
The Central school building is just completed. It is a large stone structure. The east building is of brick. Prof. J. C. Weir is the superintendent, and, friend Santa, if you desire to know anything about the good boys and girls, pen a few lines to him at Arkansas City.
Now, we will make a few remarks about the climate and water and then perhaps you will know enough of Arkansas City to wish to learn something of her merchants. The climate is mild; winter commences seldom until December 20, and rarely lasts longer than February 15. The air has proven very beneficial to persons afflicted with lung diseases. The healthfulness of the country is fully equal to any new country known.
The water obtained here is superior to any in Kansas. It is obtainable at the depth of 15 to 40 feet. It is pure crystal water, known only in the Arkansas valley. The alkali taste is not in the slightest degree noticeable, which is a peculiarity to the water in most portions of the state.

Now that we have told you of our city, we present to you our business firms and their establishments.
is the proprietor of the Arcade Clothing house. The Arcade is located in the north room of the Commercial block. Several months ago Mr. Brunswick’s attention was attracted to Arkansas City by her wonderful growth. He came here and investigated and was so thoroughly convinced of the town’s great future that he invested his idle capital—some $40,000—in the Arcade. Mr. Brunswick is a thorough businessman and is up to the times. He never misses a chance when one is offered to benefit his customers. He saw an opening here for a first-class clothing house, and has established it. Last October he opened up the Arcade. The time of opening was a gala day. People for miles around came and visited the Arcade, and were agreeably surprised at the immensity of the enterprise. They did not expect to have their eyes behold a store-room 132 feet deep by 25 feet in width, equipped with patent shelving on both sides of the room and it loaded up to the seventeen foot ceilings with a well selected stock. In addition, some sixty table counters serve to pile a portion of their clothing on. As you enter the door of the Arcade, your eyes are greeted with beautiful visions of gent’s furnishing goods on one side and hats and caps on the other. A cheerful and courteous salutation reaches your ears either from Sam Wile or Albert Levy, the managers. Always on the alert, ready to accommodate you and sell you clothing at one price to all. No discretion is made at the Arcade between the rich or poor, plebeian or yeomanry, but all are treated alike. The prices are marked on the goods. No deviation is allowed by Mr. Brunswick. He buys such large quantities of clothing, paying the cash therefor, that he is enabled to sell it cheaper than any of his competitors. He attaches such a small advance to the cost mark of his clothing that his competitors wonder how he can afford to carry on business. But he does it and with profit to himself and his customers. For the holidays Mr. Brunswick has provided the Arcade with hundreds of different styles of overcoats from $2.50 up to the costliest. Since the cold snap set in, Mr. Brunswick ordered a “mark down” on these goods. The man of a large family of boys can now purchase each a new overcoat and still have means left to defray the other Christmas festivities. We are glad to say many are availing themselves of the benefit of Mr. Brunswick’s generosity. Overcoats are not all that is displayed at the Arcade. In addition, beautiful silk handkerchiefs, gloves, mitts, the handsomest neckties we ever saw in a showcase, slippers, boots, shoes, trunks, valises, etc. This is not one-half. Go and see the boys at the Arcade even if you do not make any purchases. In the evening when the Arcade is lighted up, it is a marvel of beauty. Their numerous large electric lamps, placed in various parts of the room, give out a light almost equal to the radiancy of the sun. The laborer can get just as good a bargain at the Arcade at night as in the daytime. The room is well lighted for this purpose. Before closing our eulogy on the Arcade, we desire to pay a compliment to the managers, Sam Wile and Albert Levy, for their beautifully adorned show-windows and their civility to customers. Every article has a place, and it is always found there. Messrs. Wile and Levy can instantly set their hands on it. Customers do not grow impatient at waiting for the clerks to look up what they want. Call for what you want and you get it immediately at the Arcade. Coming to Arkansas City a few months ago as strangers, they by their gentlemanly bearing and business qualifications now count their friends by the score. Don’t forget the Arcade in your holiday rounds.

This well known institution was founded by John Kroenert in 1878 with Kroenert & Woods as proprietors. Early in 1879 Mr. Kroenert purchased Mr. Woods’ interest, and formed a partnership with F. D. Austin, who was traveling for a wholesale house in Leavenworth. Messrs. Kroenert & Austin, by reason of their long experience in business and large trade, know just exactly what to buy to please the patronizing public. The Diamond Front is one of THE institutions of Arkansas City. In fact, it is a bona fide Arkansas City child. Starting in with a small business and as Arkansas City and surrounding country have grown, so has the Diamond Front’s fame spread. Today her head is high among the leading institutions of our town. There is nothing in the line of staple and fancy groceries, and provisions, which it does not keep, and it fills all orders with great promptness and the most satisfactory manner. It is always important in the holiday season, if not at other times, to know where to get just what is needed in preparing the feast expected of such a time, and in this respect the Diamond Front may be regarded as a public benefactor. Messrs. Kroenert & Austin take great pride in keeping up their stock to a high standard, and in consequence are handsomely rewarded by a lucrative trade. A fine stock of candies, not that which is composed of paint and clay, but the real genuine article, which is as healthful as it is good, is now displayed for the holidays. Nuts, of all kinds, sufficient to supply every social gathering in the county. The Diamond Front is also becoming renowned for her large wholesale trade; it extends for miles in the surrounding country, and the merchants located at the many different trading posts in the Indian Territory all recognize the Diamond Front as one of the leading wholesale grocery houses of our city. The promptness, the attention, the civility shown to their customers, be they rich or poor, by the proprietors of the Diamond Front is noticeable. Courteous to one and all, they make the Diamond Front a popular resort. Hand in hand the Diamond Front and Arkansas City march along the path of time. Each an advertisement of the other. Mention the name of one and the other will be sure to follow. The present quarters are becoming too small for the mammoth business of this establishment. We hope these gentlemen will get their business erected by spring and thus give them a better chance to show their enterprise. It wouldn’t surprise us if in a few years, Messrs. Kroenert & Austin were at the head of the leading wholesale house in Southern Kansas. As yet they are comparatively young men. Just in the prime of life and have years of labor before them. We are proud of the Diamond Front. Long may its front glitter with Diamonds.

The holidays have come and they caught these gentlemen just as we expected—with the largest and handsomest stock of holiday goods in the city. No other firm displays as large a line of goods as they. This house is fully equipped for the large holiday trade which its proprietors had anticipated and have commenced realizing. Extra shelving, and a mammoth double deck holiday table was created on which to display their stock. Judging by the large quantity of holiday goods, one would suppose Messrs. Mowry & Sollitt were running a wholesale house. They are slashing right and left on their stock this year. They bought them for the benefit of their customers and they are bound to sell them. Penniless we wandered into this Elysium of holiday goods viewing them at a distance, but when informed of the low prices, our arms hungered to be burdened with some of the beautiful things which we saw. There were all kinds of toys for the children, beautiful plush photo albums suited to adorn the center table of any parlor, hanging lamps that would cause any wife to love her husband ten-fold more on receiving one for a present, handsome work baskets, boys, that would make your sweethearts smile on you sweetly for a decade, elegant solid china mustache cups, girls, to protect the boys’ mustache during its rise and fall, some of the most unique vases, toilet sets, perfumery cases, and a thousand and one other articles suitable for making presents. Do not think for an instant that Messrs. Mowry & Sollitt will neglect their drug trade by the rush for holiday presents. They are fully prepared to meet this exigency. Lately they secured the valuable services of Mr. J. F. Hull, a druggist of twenty years experience. No fears need be entertained of a mistake when Mr. Hull compounds your prescription. Messrs. Mowry & Sollitt are also both experienced druggists. Each have spent almost a lifetime at the business. By the way, something almost slipped our memory. They also have in stock a large assortment of books. Read! Educate! Is the popular cry. A man cannot remain in ignorance all of his life, so if he desires to be learned, he should educate his mind by reading. Therefore, the question naturally arises, what shall I read? This is easily decided by going and looking through Mowry & Sollitt’s mammoth stock of books consisting of poems, and other books, both of history and fiction. Visit them and you will find that half has not been told you.
Here extensive preparations have been made for the holiday trade. Goods have been arriving almost daily for the past month. Nothing is more popular among the ladies for a present than jewelry. This fact inspires their gentlemen friends with the idea of a gift of some kind of a jewelry ornament. Superb gold watches and chains fit to grace a queen are plentifully displayed in their handsome show cases. Beautiful finger rings, necklaces, brooches, and other ornaments suitable for a present to your sweetheart, wife, mother, sister, or daughter. For the gentlemen they have rings, watches, clocks, charms, chains, etc. For Young America they have the best thing on earth as a reminder of the time to go to school—The Rockford watch. It keeps the correct time. You need have no fear of your son being tardy at school, provided he has a Rockford movement watch. Now is the time to buy one and at Ridenour & Thompson’s is the place to make the purchase. There is silverware in superabundance on their shelves. Table cutlery, spoons, castors, card-receivers, that makes the eyes of the spectator glisten with pleasure by their wondrous beauty. Located in the mammoth new store room of the post office, they have a splendid opportunity to show their stock to an advantage. One whole side of the room—some 100 feet—is occupied with their goods. The same distance is occupied by their handsome show-cases, seventeen inches in the clear. They are filled chock full of jewelry. Now a few good words for the proprietors and we will pass on. The REPUBLICAN never tires of saying good words for such good-natured, courteous gentlemen. Jas. Ridenour, the senior member, has been in the jewelry business over eight years in Arkansas City. Jim, as he is familiarly known, is so jolly that it is really a pleasure to buy a big bill of goods from him. You feel when you get through with him that you could pay twice the sum demanded for the goods. Will Thompson is an Arkansas City boy. All know him to be a man of sterling worth to any community. Rather quiet, but sociable, he is quite a favorite among their patrons, especially the ladies. All of the above facts combined, we predict a large holiday trade for Ridenour & Thompson.

The ready made clothing business has been revolutionized in Arkansas City and vicinity by this house. The firm is able to offer unusual inducements to purchasers, and its system is such that it is now possible for a man with a slim purse to secure a neat-fitting and durable suit of clothing. At the same time there are more expensive goods for those who are able or inclined to spend more money. It is a mammoth stock, embracing every variety of style, quality, and material, and size from the little boy of three years, to the well matured and full-grown man of six feet seven, weighing three hundred pounds or more. It is a great relief to overworked mothers to be able to buy ready made suits for the romping urchins, as it take a burden off them which sometimes, when added to their other numerous duties, becomes too heavy to be borne with equanimity. Overcoats are being sold at cost during the holidays. Gloves, boots, and shoes, hats and caps, neck-ties, suspenders, shirts, underwear, trunks, overalls, notions, and everything else sold at reasonable prices. The firm is composed of Eli Youngheim and Joe Finkleburg; the latter being the manager. Although located in our city but a few months as stated above this firm has created a revolution. Joe has become so well-acquainted that hundreds of customers grasp him by the hand daily, and the little children run to him with upturned faces for his greeting kiss, when they visit his store. Kind, sociable, honest, and upright, Joe is respected by everyone.
This is the name of our 4-eyed, jolly, whole-souled hardware merchant. He was born on the shores of Lake Erie several years ago, and at an early age he mastered the tinsmith trade. After the war he drifted westward. For a number of years he was in the hardware and implement business in Missouri. Mr. Miller has encountered many reverses in life and has surmounted all, at one time losing all earthly possessions except a three-cent postage stamp. But by his indomitable will, his sterling qualities, and his quiet, unassuming “get there Eli” and bound to succeed spirit, has kept climbing up the ladder round by round, until he is nearing the topmost. He came to Kansas in 1878, landing at Wichita. In 1881 Mr. Miller decided that Arkansas City was destined to be the metropolis of the southwest at no distant day, and accordingly cast his lot here. In that year he founded his present mammoth establishment in a little room 16 x 18. He worked day and night, pounding tin, with a determination to win the esteem of everybody and their money by fair dealings. His efforts have been crowned with success. By his persistency, he has won the esteem of all. But more than all, a happy home and a good paying business—his mammoth hardware establishment, second to none. Mr. Miller handles everything in the way of hardware stores, tinware, and house furnishing goods. Three first-class tinsmiths are employed the year round to do the tin work on the many fine residences that grace our beautiful city and county. He has not been neglectful of the holiday season. He has for presents toilet sets, a fine line of silver-plated teapots, the largest and best selected stock of pocket cutlery in the city, a handsome stock of silverware, and last of all but not least the universal Base-Burner stove. Surprise your family with one of these elegant heaters and make your home pleasant. We can consistently recommend to the generous public, when wanting anything in this line, to go and see G. W. Miller, and he will give you a square deal.

are the proprietors of the lumber yard on South Summit Street. This is the firm of which we are all proud. Coming here but a few short months, Mr. A. V. Alexander has worked up a patronage in the lumber trade second to no other yard in the city. He handles the best lumber the market affords, selling it at but a slight advance. He treats everyone so politely that the first thing you realize after entering his sanctum at the lumber yard is that you have purchased a bill of lumber for your house. Since making his home in Arkansas City, Mr. Alexander has been prominently connected with all the public enterprises which would be of benefit to our town. Of the Arkansas City Building Association, Mr. Alexander is the secretary. This association has been one of the prime factors in the up-building of the south part of the town. The five handsome cottages which this association erected some time ago was the nucleus for the erection of other buildings. Property has advanced in that neighborhood and it has been principally through the instrumentality of Mr. Alexander, but we are afraid we are digressing from their lumber yard business, and yet we cannot help mentioning these facts when a man is so deserving. But to return. What Arkansas City has needed for a long time is a lumber yard that would supply our citizens with a good quality of lumber at a reasonable figure. Since the opening of this yard, over 200 houses have been erected. Alexander & Co., have assisted in their building. They have aided the poor man with a small sum of money in getting cheaper lumber, thus allowing them to build a home for their family and little ones. Our limited space will not allow us to do this firm the justice which we desire. Among the first in all of the public enterprises, Mr. Alexander is a valuable citizen and as such we recommend him to the public.
P.S. You can make orders by telephone at this yard.
are the proprietors of one of the leading wholesale and retail grocery and queensware establishments in the city. It is located in the south room under the Highland Hall. F. B. Hutchison is the manager. By his long residence in the territory before engaging in business, Frank formed many acquaintances and made lifetime friends, both among the noble redmen and the many merchants located at the different Indian trading posts. He now enjoys the fruits of his territorial residence. When in Arkansas City these traders call at J. W. Hutchison & Sons’ store for Frank to figure on a bill of goods. Now, this is his especial delight. If there is anything in which Frank excels, it is in figuring on a bill of goods. He never fails to make the sale. Any time you may drop into their establishment, you are likely to see Frank busily engaged in various gyrations before “Spotted Tail,” “Big Alex,” or some other Indian. This habit was also acquired while in the territory. He enjoys a large and lucrative Indian trade. Especially for the holiday trade, Messrs. Hutchison & Sons have laid in a magnificent stock of queensware and glassware. Throw away your old cracked dishes, do not keep them stuck together any longer with glue, but make your table shine with splendor, by purchasing a new outfit of J. W. Hutchison & Sons. An old adage says the way to reach a man’s heart is by way of his stomach. In order to do this, you must have the dinner table looking neat and inviting. Hanging lamps, mustache cups, dishes and pitchers in endless variety. A specialty made of Hutchison’s Darling cigar. Wives, a box of them would make a splendid present for your husband. On staple and fancy groceries, Messrs. Hutchison & Sons are offering extraordinary inducements during the holiday season.

is Arkansas City’s leading merchant tailor. Mr. Heitkam came here last Spring. Since then he has worked up a wonderful trade. He is a young man and is full of enterprise. The weather and the season are both suggestive of a new suit of clothing. It is poor economy to go badly clothed, and ill-fitting garments are an abomination both to the wearer and the beholder. A man always feels more like being a christian when he knows that he is making a good appearance. This being true, consider what Mr. Heitkam has done for the benefit of his fellow citizens in this part of the moral vineyard. Those who pass from under his skillful hands have assurance that they are presentable, in whatever company they may be thrown, be it Kings, Queens, or Presidents, and this consciousness gives them an ease of bearing, which adds greatly to their dignity and captivating appearance, essentials particularly requisite in young men who wish to make a favorable impression upon the opposite sex. You can obtain of Mr. Heitkam besides a neat fitting suit everything in the gent’s furnishing line. Neck-ties, collars, cuffs, pins, shirts, underwear, etc., are all obtainable here. He has all of the new styles of pantings and suits. Mr. Heitkam’s store is so advantageously situated that he keeps a first-class tailoring establishment. He invites the gentlemen of Cowley and adjoining counties to examine his goods and leave orders for suits. He is satisfied that they will be both pleased and benefitted. He is continually adding new goods, therefore any selection you may make of him will not be out of style after the first wearing.
are the proprietors of the lower stone flouring mill on the canal. This mill was built during 1883. The building is five stories high, all of stone. It cost some $65,000, for machinery and building. About $55,000 capital is required to keep this huge piece of machinery in operation. It is the flouring mill of the southwest. An average daily run of 250 barrels of flour is turned out. The Crescent Patent is their leading brand. The Morning Star is the favorite, and the third brand is Old Gold. As to the merits of these different grades of flour, the large wholesale trade carried on by Messrs. Landes, Beall & Co., simply testifies. Daily they make large shipments to the west and southwest: Kansas, Arkansas, Texas, and many other states are supplied with flour by the mill. Owing to their large southern trade, the demand for lower freight rates to that region has caused these gentlemen to enter prominently in the scheme of navigating the Arkansas River between here and Little Rock. Should the height of their ambition be reached and a line of steamers be kept constantly plying between the two above named points, then their southern wholesale trade will be increased three fold. This firm alone averages shipments of 200 barrels of flour per day, and as  the demand for their flour grows, so will the firm of Landes, Beall & Co., increase their facilities for making it. They are men of enterprise and will succeed when others fail. To the world at large, the REPUBLICAN cheerfully recommends this firm and their flour.

One of our best businessmen in the city is Geo. W. Cunningham. In the make-up of Arkansas City’s list of businessmen, Mr. Cunningham is near the top. He is an implement dealer. His establishment is the largest of this kind in Arkansas City. It is a double-room, two-story brick. It is filled already with implements, wagons, buggies, windmills, corn shellers, etc. He handles nothing but the best goods. For enterprise Mr. Cunningham is not surpassed in Southern Kansas. There are a few weeks in the year that the implement business lags, but a visit to Mr. Cunningham’s establishment would never have divulged that fact. Words of commendation from us of Mr. Cunningham are almost useless, for who is it of our farmer friends that are not well acquainted with the above gentleman; but we would like to whisper a few words into your ear, toilers of the soil. Mr. Cunningham is making greater preparations accordingly. He handles the boss line of cultivators, plows, rakes, and other farm implements. His line of wagons for general use are second to none. All the above facts coupled with his great popularity with the patronizing public, appears to make his store room the center of attraction for people who desire anything in the implement line.

are the proprietors of the leading boot and shoe house in Arkansas City. The ladies will be delighted to learn that Mr. Brown has just returned from the east with a stock of shoes and slippers, especially for the holiday trade that will make their beautiful eyes glisten with pleasure. A neat fitting shoe or slipper is the ladies’ delight. It will not be the fault of Messrs. Brown & Pell that all the ladies are not re-shod during the holidays at their establishment. Nor have they been unmindful of the wants of the gentlemen and boys. All the leading manufacturers are represented. Fine boots and shoes they take pride in having constantly in stock. For heavier wear they have coarser stock. They flatter themselves that they have the best selected stock of boots and shoes of any house in the city. They handle boots and shoes exclusively. Their attention is not detracted from this line of business by any other branch. As the holidays are generally accompanied by a cold wave, they have laid in a mammoth stock of overshoes, especially for this season. They can save you 50 percent on all goods purchased of them. Should they fail in fitting you out of their stock, they can easily manufacture what you desire. Give them a call and take our word for it they will please you.
are the proprietors of the Arkansas City gun-shop. Work guaranteed.
is the latest acquisition to the City in the drug line. He came from Indiana several months ago and concluded to open up a first class drug store. He is one of those energetic Hoosiers who can never rest but are always rustling their business. Since the opening up of his store, he has been doing an excellent business. At the rear of his room he has partitioned off an office for Dr. E. Y. Baker, who will assist him in the drug business during the leisure hours of his practice. Mr. Steinberger has an exceedingly large prescription case filled with the purest of drugs. His stock is all new and fresh. It has not been on the shelves for months. For the holidays he will have a large stock of confections, just received. He handles none but the best brands of cigars. Tobacco he has plenty and if variety is spice, you can find both at this drug store. Combined with his drug stock, Mr. Steinberger has a fine line of pocket cutlery, nickle-plated shears, silver spoons, knives and forks, and revolvers which he will sell at a bargain. He desires to close them out at a bargain in order to make room for his new drug stock which he has arriving daily. He also carries the best brands of razors in the market. You will find his room on South Summit Street near the skating rink.

Proprietors of the City Book Store, will greet you this season with the handsomest line of holiday goods in Kansas. S. P. Gould commenced his career as a book dealer in 1883. His business increased so much that a partner became necessary. Several months ago N. T. Snyder associated himself with Mr. Gould. By the partnership the stock was about trebled. Now their shelves and display tables are creaking with the load of beautiful things for the holidays. There are albums that will be an acquisition to the centre table of any parlor. Books of poems of all the principal authors. Histories, works of fiction. Writing desks. Boxes of fancy stationery, Paper knives, Sewing baskets, Cigar cases, Perfumery, Lamps. This is only a partial enumeration, and to these are added vases, harmonicas, toys, pictures, scrap-books, and many minor articles which we cannot mention on account of our limited space. We have often heard of Paradise Lost, but if you will step into Gould & Snyder’s book store, you will have it found.
What is there more appropriate for a present at this season of the year than a handsome parlor set, bed room suit, or something that is substantial, besides beautifying your home. For the holidays Mr. Pearson has received almost three carloads of furniture. He buys directly from the manufacturer and pays spot cash. In this way he is enabled to sell goods cheaper than anyone else. Mr. Pearson has been in the furniture business for a long time in Arkansas City. His present establishment is growing entirely too small for his increasing patronage. He has the basement chock full, the business room so full that you cannot turn around without jostling against furniture, and the upstairs so full that you are unable to get your head in the doorway. All this furniture Mr. Pearson has purchased for his customers during the holidays and mark our words, Peter will get rid of it and don’t you forget it. Pictures he has in endless variety, and everything in a first-class furniture store. Kind readers, you cannot afford to allow the holidays to pass by without visiting Peter Pearson’s furniture store.
The quiet and gentlemanly proprietor of the Green Front is the oldest dry goods merchant in Arkansas City. For fourteen long years, Mr. Houghton has handled dry goods here; no one now can show a longer continuous business in the place than he. And what he doesn’t know about the dry goods business is not worth knowing. He knows where and what to buy and how to sell. As the city has increased in population and wealth, so has Mr. Houghton’s trade grown. He has become a permanent fixture in Arkansas City’s circle of businessmen and it would be an impossibility to do without him. Located in one of the most prominent places, first door north of Cowley County Bank, every man, woman, and child knows where to find him. For the holidays he is offering superior inducements in dry goods, carpets, ladies’ wraps, boots and shoes, notions, etc. Something that will be of use to you as well as ornamental is what you should buy to make presents during the holidays and the Green Front is the place to make your purchases. You will be deftly waited on by Mr. Houghton or any of his corps of assistants.
is the youthful artist who has lately leased Mrs. D. W. Stevens’ art gallery. There is one thing which is welcome in every household, and that is the picture of a friend. Though absent in flesh, the counterfeit presentment keeps his memory bright and fresh in our minds. What a comfort it is to open the album and look upon the portraits of those whom we cannot have with us! Without the modern art gallery, the most of us would be denied this satisfaction. The gentleman mentioned above takes pride in granting your friends this satisfaction. His works are his recommendations. A glance at his samples will convince you, as an artist, he ranks second to none in the state.

Here is a large and well-selected stock of almost everything pertaining to a lady’s wardrobe—hats, trimmings, laces, handkerchiefs, collars, ribbons of every shade, Jersey caps, embroidery, silks, and notions of every kind. The winter season is almost over and special bargains are offered her in hats, Saxony yarns, zephyrs, etc., at the City Millinery. It is the ladies’ paradise. Stamping done on short notice. Mrs. May Huyck is the lady who presides over the City Millinery and she is adept in the art of making ladies look beautiful under their head-gear.
NO. 33,
located in Newman’s corner brick, is one of the neatest arranged drug stores in the state of Kansas. It will not do to pass by this house in search for presents. No. 33 has a splendid selected stock of goods. It affords the gentlemenly proprietors much pleasure to be able to supply their customers with a superior class of goods. There are odor and dressing cases, plush mirrors, pocket-books, albums, writing desks, vases, lamps, cologne sets, ink stands, and various other articles suitable for a present. Their holiday goods consists of presents that are useful as well as ornamental. A lady or gentleman can easily find a present at No. 33 that will suit the taste of the most fastidious. Dr. H. D. Kellogg and L. V. Coombs are the gentlemanly proprietors. Messrs. Kellogg & Coombs are so well known to our readers that it is almost unnecessary for the REPUBLICAN to endorse them. They have been in the business so long, especially the senior member of the firm. Call and examine the stock of No. 33 and you will discover that we have not told the one-tenth part. You will find it a pleasure as well as a benefit to stop at No. 33.
was built about three years ago by Mr. V. M. Ayres. He is the pioneer in the mill business on the canal. He was the first to utilize Arkansas City’s water power. He erected first a combination mill of burrs and rolls and had a capacity of 125 barrels. Lately owing to his brisk trade, he enlarged and remodeled his mill into the complete roller system, including all the latest improvements. By this improvement the capacity of the Canal Roller Mills was almost doubled. They now rank with the best flouring mills of the state. Their new facilities also created a better grade of flour, and now they are turning out flour second to none manufactured in the southwest. Mr. Ayres’ leading brands are Roller Patent, Venus or Half Patent, and Zenith. As the result of Mr. Ayres making these grades of flour, it has given him a name in the principal cities of Kansas, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, Georgia, and the Indian Territory, as being one of the leading millers in the southwest. In these states he does a mammoth wholesale business.
Edward Grady, proprietor, is still in the ring, not in the least disfigured by having so much competition in the lumber trade. The sale of building material in this community the past year has been very large and he has sold his share. During the dull season this yard has done a thriving business. This lumber yard is now chock full of all kinds of builders’ material, and of the best quality. He does not make a big blow about the amount of business done in the days gone by, but generally rolls over into the new year by having disposed of many thousands of dollars worth of material between the first and last day. Mr. Grady’s customers have learned that he always gives them the benefit of the very lowest prices possible, and after the first transaction, they always “come again.” Lately he has added coal to his lumber business, owing to the incessant demand of his customers for that article. Mr. Grady is business and is well recompensed for his efforts to please his customers.

is the proprietor of the “old reliable” harness shop of Arkansas City. He has been tried by the citizens of this community and found not wanting. He came here a number of years ago to make our town his home. Since then he has built up a lucrative trade. He has a large stock of harness, saddles, bridles, whips, spurs, etc.; in fact, his room is so full of stock that it is almost impossible to turn around. His room is much too small to accommodate his wants and his customers. Mr. Houghton does not try to build up his trade by tearing someone else’s down; nor does he make a great ado but proceeds quietly along in the even tenor of his way, making friends and augmenting his trade. He is busy now preparing for next season’s custom for which he will make a lively competition. A man among men is T. R. Houghton and this fact has been discovered by his customers and they stay with him.
Among the latest but by no means less important of our business establishments is that of E. L. McDowell, the jeweler. He came out here last spring to take charge of the jewelry establishment of Fitch & Barron’s store, but is so well pleased with the country and the kind treatment he has received at the hands of the people of this place, that he has decided to locate permanently, and accordingly rented part of Kellogg & Coombs’ room December 1, where he has displayed a very fine stock of clocks, watches, jewelry, etc. Mr. McDowell learned his trade in the east and is a practical workman, and having had experience in both the wholesale and retail jewelry trade, is enabled to keep up with the times. He hopes by fair and honest dealings to gain a foothold among us, and we wish him success. He has a handsome line of holiday goods.
Mr. Bonsall is the oldest and the best known photographer in Arkansas City. He was a citizen here long before we knew of this beautiful town. He served during the war as a U. S. Government photographer with credit to himself and profession. In the art of picture taking, he has had more experience than any artist in Cowley County. His gallery is furnished with all the modern fixtures, the latest improved camera, and he never fails to produce an exact likeness of his subject. There is nothing nicer for a distant friend than your photograph and Judge Bonsall is the artist to take it. Geins [?], photos, cabinets, and panel pictures especially. Mr. Bonsall is also U. S. Circuit Court Commissioner for this district.
is the place to get a lunch or a square meal. Stedman Bros, are the proprietors. Cigars, canned goods, cider, etc., can be obtained here. Fresh oysters received daily and gotten up in first-class style.

extends to his many friends and customers a hearty welcome, and desires to tender you his sincere thanks for your past liberal patronage and hope by fair and honest dealing to merit your confidence and support in the future; confident that thereby we may be mutually benefitted. He is determined to keep a full and complete stock of everything kept in a first-class furniture store. Buying his goods of the most reliable eastern firms, he can offer them to his customers, feeling that they speak for themselves as to quality and beauty. It is not his custom to try and build up a trade by running down goods bought of other parties, but by fair and honest dealing. Again extending his thanks for your kind and liberal patronage, he wishes you all a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
Mr. Kirkpatrick is the proprietor of a neat grocery and bakery combined. Now a bakery during the holidays is especially needed to prepare the many good things designed for the numerous festive gatherings. Here is the place to supply this want. He has a Noal [?] baker, who thoroughly understands his business. Mr. Kirkpatrick always keeps on hand an ample stock of staple and fancy groceries and during 1885 he proposes to furnish the larders of many families in this vicinity. The report noised around and strengthened by publication that Mr. Kirkpatrick was going to retire from business is untrue. He intends to be a giant of usefulness to the public the remaining years of his life in furnishing their groceries and the products of the oven.
is the proprietor of one of the leading agricultural implement establishments in Arkansas City. He occupies Benedict & Owen’s old stand and is successor to them in the implement business. Mr. Means is a young and energetic businessman, and if his opening trade is an indication of what his trade will be when it has reached its maturity, he will do twice the business of his predecessors. All the latest improved farming machinery he has for sale. Pumps, windmills, corn shellers, wagons, buggies, garden and grass seed, gas supplies, etc., fills his store room to repletion. Possessed of the vim and energy which Mr. Means has, we have no fear but what he will create a vast amount of rustling among his competitors.
The proprietors of the Notion Store is headquarters for Santa Claus. They are not exactly Santa Claus themselves, but they love to gladden the hearts of everyone. Toys of every description for the children, vases, toilet sets for the girls and boys, sewing machines for the mother, musical instruments for the family. In fact, there is nothing usually kept in a first-class notion store that they are not displaying for the holidays. At present they are closing out their dry goods at greatly reduced rates. Everything to please you will be found in this establishment arranged neatly and at prices to suit the times.
with Ivan Robinson as proprietor. For a long time our town has felt the want of a coal yard. Mr. Robinson, on his own responsibility, came down from Winfield a few weeks ago and opened up a first-class yard. He has risked his capital in the investment and we are glad to see that our citizens are not backward in showing their appreciation of Mr. Robinson’s enterprise. They welcome him so warmly that already his business has reached such proportions as to require an assistant. You can get all kinds of coal of Mr. Robinson at any time. He keeps some ten carloads in stock.
is the aesthetic knight of the razor who presides in the parlors of the Red Front tonsorial palace. Homer is king and reigns supreme and his subjects must bow down for mercy. But avaunt with nonsense and tell the truth. To our notion Mr. Deets is the easiest shaving barber in Arkansas City. He is ably assisted by Sir Knight Peecher. The shop is kept clean, which is a great item in barbering. Shampooing, sea foams, and hair cutting a specialty. Bath rooms in connection. Warm, cold, or shower baths given.

Mr. Eddy has a good selected stock for the holiday trade. There are toilet sets, dressing cases, pocket books, albums, vases, and a variety of other articles calculated to please. He has a novelty in the way of Pampas grass and bouquets made of winter flowers. They are immense for holiday decorations. Mr. Eddy is an old citizen here and has been in the drug business a number of years. The holiday season has always found him ready for business and he is not lacking this time.
This is the appellation of a new real estate firm doing business over the post office. Uriah Spray is well known to our citizens and is doing a good business in the effecting of sales of lands. They have a number of choice farms for sale at a bargain, lots in all parts of the city, horses, cattle ranches, and in fact anything usually for sale at a real estate agency. One thing characteristic of Mr. Spray is  his truthfulness. He has had a great deal of experience as a land agent and his word once passed may be counted on as reliable.
are the proprietors of one of the leading wholesale and retail grocery houses of Arkansas City. They keep a select stock of staple and fancy groceries, the finest line of glass and queensware in town. Beautiful hanging lamps adorn their show windows, such as would be an attraction in any lady’s parlor. Messrs. Kimmel & Moore are good men to deal with. Accommodating, sociable, and generous, they await you at their store. You will find it a pleasure to deal with them.
Attorney-at-law, practices in all the courts. Mr. Jenkins lately removed here and is rapidly polishing up his reputation as a lawyer. We advise those desiring legal advice to call on Mr. Jenkins over the post office.
the genial draymen, do not desire to be left out in the cold in our “write-up.” These gentlemen do the greater portion of the hauling for the businessmen mentioned in this review. They have several teams which are constantly on the go from early morn till late at night. If it were not for these enterprising gentlemen and their draying outfits, our merchants would be in a sad predicament indeed. They are especially fitted up for holiday hauling.
Arkansas City Republican, December 20, 1884.
What could be better than a nice Cloak or Overcoat for a Christmas Present.

Call and make your purchases BEFORE THEY ARE ALL GONE.
Everything in winter goods CHEAPER THAN ANY HOUSE ADVERTISING TO SELL AT COST. Come and Be Convinced. A. A. NEWMAN & CO.
Excerpt that has reference to Newman...
Arkansas City Republican, December 27, 1884.
C. M. SWARTS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, Arkansas City, Kansas. In Newman’s corner brick upstairs.

Arkansas City Republican, December 27, 1884.
AD. Newman...
Desire to announce to their friends, patrons, and strangers in the city and country that they have now removed their stock to their new and commodious room in COMMERCIAL BLOCK, Where they will be pleased to receive the appreciated visits at any time.
We think that we have one of the most elegant places of business in Southern Kansas; with sufficient room and a splendid light to show goods to their best advantage, and to the entire satisfaction of our customers.
Our stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Carpets, Boots, Shoes, Notions, Ladies’ and Children’s Winter Wraps, etc., is Very Complete in all its Branches.
This is an invitation to everybody to call and see us, and we will do our utmost in trying to make you feel at home. Your Friends, A. A. NEWMAN & CO.
Commercial Block, between 4th and 5th Avenues.
Arkansas City Republican, December 27, 1884.
AD. Kellogg & Coombs.
This space reserved for the No. 33 Drug Store in Newman’s corner block. KELLOGG & COOMBS, Proprietors, Who are opening up a large stock of New Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, and Everything pertaining to the Drug Business.
Arkansas City Republican, December 27, 1884.
A. A. Newman & Co., now warm their large store room with a furnace.
Arkansas City Republican, December 27, 1884.
The clerks of A. A. Newman & Co.’s dry-goods house presented the firm with a handsome walnut office chair Christmas as a token of their esteem. W. E. Gooch was so fascinated with the comforts the chair afforded him, he refused to go home until a late hour at night. The kind hearted clerks, about 13 in number, also “chipped in” and made Christmas merry for their janitor, presenting him with several fowls for a feast and mitts, comforters, etc., for his children. Indeed, it was a merry Christmas for one and all at Newman & Co.’s store.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 31, 1884.
BIG AD. [Dr. H. D. Kellogg   /   L. V. Coombs.]
  Kellogg & Coombs,
At The No. 33 Drug Store,
In Newman’s old stand, opposite Cowley County Bank, are now opening up a Large and New Stock of Drugs, Paints, Oils, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Patent Medicine, Painter’s Supplies, and everything pertaining to a first-class Drug Store.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded Day or Night.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
Our City Dads.
  COUNCIL ROOM, January 5, 1885.
Present: F. P. Schiffbauer, Mayor, and O. S. Rarick, T. Fairclo, A. A. Davis, councilmen.
Minutes of the last meeting read and approved.
The following bills were allowed.
A. A. Newman & Co.: $1.40

W. L. Aldridge & Co.: $13.60
Benedict & Owen: $8.35
James Moore: $12.75
James Hill: $18.39
C. R. Sipes: $2.35
James Hill was found indebted for boat and cable $40, and paid the balance $21.01 to Judge Kreamer.
Reports received and placed on file.
Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.
A. A. Newman and Judge Pyburn are mentioned as councilmen from the first ward. Both are good men.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
People often inquire why it is that the block so beautifully situated on the west side of South Summit street is not built up. There is not a single building there. The reason is that the block is held by our esteemed fellow citizen, A. A. Newman, on which to erect a family residence to cost $25,000. It will be, when built, the finest residence in the county.
Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.
On the two corner lots adjoining Ed. Grady’s lumberyard, a new brick business block is contemplated. The lots belong to A. A. Newman. It is proposed to erect a block two stories high and 50 x 100 feet. The scheme is being projected by A. V. Alexander and Mr. Newman. It will be erected in this manner. Mr. Alexander furnishes the lumber and takes his pay in shares of stock. The work will be let to contractors who are willing to receive shares of stock as payment for their labor. On the completion of the block, the rooms will be rented and the stockholders receive their portion of the rental money. Such a building will add much to the appearance of south Summit street besides being a benefit. We hope Messrs. Newman and Alexander will succeed in their laudable enterprise.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
Spring will open with a grand rush of building. Chapel and Means will then commence their contemplated building, 50 x 125, in block 79; Newman his in block 70, 50 x 100; O. P. Houghton, an addition, stone, 25 x 75; the new woolen mill will then be commenced; and at least fifty residences. Welcome, Spring, when again everyone will have employment, be he laborer or mechanic.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.

We see some of our neighboring towns making loud brags about the amount of improvements made in their respective localities. We are candid in saying that it is impossible to ascertain the amount of improvements made here in the last year. The number of dwellings amounted at the very least to 250. We will put them at a very low estimate, $500 each. This makes $125,000. Then we have the Commercial and Hasie Blocks, $75,000; the Cowley County Bank, $25,000, the new schoolhouse, $10,000; the Houghton Block, $7,500; the Mason building, $2,000; Sipes’ block, $7,500; H. P. Farrar, $5,000; addition to the building occupied by Wyckoff & Son, $2,000; Baptist Church, $3,000; Christian Church, $2,500; Free Methodist Church, $1,000; Methodist and Presbyterian Churches, repairs, $1,500; W. M. Blakeney, $1,500; Leland Hotel, $4,000; Newman, building block 69, $1,000; Arkansas City Building Association, $5,000; Skating Rink, $1,500; J. H. Punshon, $1,000; D. W. Stevens and L. Eldridge, $1,000; Beecher & Co. and McLaughlin Bros., $1,500; J. H. Hilliard, $1,000; Thompson & Woodin, $1,000; Chambers, $1,000; J. Alexander, $1,500; Ayres’ Mill and Landes, Beall & Co., improvements, $1,000; DeBruce, $1,000; Park & Lewis and W. M. Rose, $1,000; Kroenert & Austin and Stedman Bros., $1,000; A. Harly, $1,000.
These, which we recall on the spur of the moment, foot up nearly three hundred thousand dollars. We are confident that we are not exaggerating when we place the amount above five hundred thousand dollars, which shows a fair gain for our thriving little city.
Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.
MARRIED. Last Saturday evening Rev. S. B. Fleming united in marriage Dr. Geo. Westfall and Miss Albertine Maxwell at the residence of A. P. Hutchison. The high contracting parties are well known in our community; the groom being a practicing physician and the bride having been saleslady in A. A. Newman & Co.’s dry goods establishment for quite awhile. Both parties command the highest respect of everyone and especially the bride, who possesses the many qualifications necessary to make a good wife. The marriage was quite a surprise to all, and the REPUBLICAN can hardly yet realize that Dr. Westfall has relinquished his hold on bachelorhood. Mrs. Westfall, the smiling, blushing, happy bride, is still filling her position at Messrs. Newman & Co.’s store. She will remain there for a short time longer until her engagement expires with the firm. They have taken rooms at the Windsor, but will soon commence housekeeping. The REPUBLICAN extends its most hearty congratulations to the new couple, wishing them bon voyage through life.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
Do We Want a New Rail Road?
Major C. H. Searing received the following letter this week, which he handed us for publication.
WICHITA FALLS, TEXAS, January 21, 1885.
Major C. H. Searing, Arkansas City.
DEAR SIR: Our citizens are agitating the question of a railroad connecting with some terminus of the A. T. & Santa Fe R. R. in Southern Kansas, and I was delegated to correspond with parties in your town to see their desire in the matter. Congress is now in session and quick action will be necessary to get anything before the House this session. We have good available water power here and a through R. R. connection to Kansas City will make this the most important point in North Texas except Denison. Please reply soon.
Yours, W. A. KNOTT.
If our citizens want our road extended through the Territory, an opportunity is now offered. This is something we have long desired, something we absolutely need, and, in time, must have. Our citizens should take immediate action, as suggested in the letter, as Congress soon adjourns and what is to be done should be done before that time.
Should C. H. Searing, James Hill, W. M. Sleeth, A. A. Newman, S. Matlack, T. H. McLaughlin and other of our leading citizens put their shoulder to the wheel now, we may soon have a road to the South by which we may dispose of surplus grain and at the same time get cheaper lumber and other supplies.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.

Frank Willits, who has been one of A. A. Newman & Co.’s popular and hospitable corps of clerks for some time past, has returned to his old home in Indiana to make a visit.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.
Councilmen Perhaps.
To the list of men who would make good reliable councilmen, published in a former issue, we add the following names, whose strength is known.
1st WARD.
J. D. Farrar, A. A. Newman, C. C. Sollitt, S. B. Adams.
2nd WARD.
V. M. Ayres, P. Pearson, Archie Dunn, John Landes, E. D. Eddy.
3rd WARD.
O. Stevenson, O. P. Houghton, P. Wyckoff, H. D. Kellogg.
4th WARD.
J. Vawter, D. L. Means, C. M. Scott.
With such material on hand as the TRAVELER has from the above and the list mentioned previously, we can now select a Council which will make a success in municipal affairs as they have in their own.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.
   Mamma Hubbard.
The most successful of the season’s social events occurred last night at Highland Hall under the auspices of the Favorite Social Club. A large and select party of maskers were they, who glided about the hall in the many intricacies of the dance. A feast for the eyes was the many colors as they glided in and out in serpentine movements or moved along stately in massed colors. The beautiful costumes of the ladies, the grotesque and glaring ones of the gentlemen, called up scenes of oriental splendor and was soothing and calming while yet exciting to the lookers on. The names of those who were invited to the Ma Hubbard, were, so near as we could learn as follows.
Among those who attended: A. A. Newman and his wife.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.
Geo. Newman, of Emporia, came down Friday last to spend a few days with his brother, A. A., and to look at the condition of the cattle in which he owns an interest. He returned Monday.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 28, 1885.
Milling Agents.

We suspect “Telephone” is the man that announces the geese as they come into market. Wheat has dropped. We conclude he acknowledges the charge of combinations as being true spoken of in our previous article. A great shame is that our article was penned fore the advance in wheat and was based on the theory of 50 cents a bushel. Whether it was our mistake or a typo, we do not know. We never had any such idea as that a mill was a gold mine, but a steal mine. We do not claim to be wise in this thing; it looks to us that a man, though a fool, need not be mistaken about it. It is useless for me to contradict your statement about the price of flour, it is too apparent to need contradiction. We are aware that under the new system of grinding, they make different grades of flour, and more of it, but our article was based upon the old system of grinding straight; it would give 100 pounds of flour from 2-1/2 bushels of wheat, after being tolled (not stole) which, at present price of flour, would be worth $3.00. If Telephone knows so much about milling, why does he not show us in figures how much flour a bushel of wheat will produce? I reckon it about thus. Taking wheat on an average: cleaning, 2-1/2 pounds; bran, 8-3/4 pounds; flour 40 pounds. Total: 60 pounds. I know that some wheat will clean more, but in my experience wheat that cleans five bushels in one hundred is very foul. We can produce evidence of the fact (if we can find our witness and we think we can) that Mr. Woodyard made over fifty pounds of flour from a bushel of wheat on Newman’s mill. I cannot see how you reckon a loss of 30 cents on exchanging 35 pounds of flour for a bushel of wheat, except it be in buying the wheat and selling the flour; 60 pounds of wheat would weigh 45 pounds and 100 pounds of flour would weigh from 90 to 95 pounds.
We think we can cite cases where the millers paid more for wheat up the railroad and shipped it in than they were paying for the same wheat at home.
Well, we are frank to say that the old demon has been a source of trouble to us at home and abroad, but we have been trying with all the powers of our better nature to chain him, but we have not succeeded very well; he still “goes about like a raving lion seeking whom they may devour.”
We are aware that farmers are not all honest, but that is no reason why you and I should be dishonest. We do not try to deceive any person or take advantage of them for gain. We have no desire to engage in milling if it is necessary to pursue the course millers do in this country.
There is one thing more I wish to speak about and that is the deception practiced in grading wheat.
It is currently taught here that we do not produce No. 1 wheat in this country, and in referring to Kansas City prices, they quote No. 2 red winter wheat as the quality of our best wheat, when in reality No. 2 red winter wheat as quoted in the Kansas City prices current is a 3rd grade of wheat. Our wheat grades No. 1, No. 2 (quoted as No. 2 soft winter in Kansas City prices current) and No. 3, etc., No. 3 being No. 2 red winter wheat as quoted in the Kansas City prices current. Hence, you discover the deception.
I have known farmers guilty of some foolish things, but never saw anything to compare with the practice of selling your wheat to the lowest bidder. Grain dealers from Little Rock, Arkansas, have made many dollars for the produce, and they are the only competition we have on wheat in our markets. Many farmers have allowed these fellows to slip behind them  and “take the wheat at the same price.” Shame on the farmer who will be guilty in any such way—it is literal suicide.
While we are complaining we had just as well disgorge at once and be done with it, so I will not add that I never knew such a rage for robbery and swindle in my life as is being practiced in this country. It is not confined to one department of business alone, but the infection is wide-spread, reaching country and city alike. What a comment! Should we not pause and think?

Now we submit that Arkansas City for the sake of her own prosperity and good name, should put in city scales and authorize an honest and competent person to preside over them. We think this thing should be done promptly. The old saying is to put a thief to catch a thief, and under the present manipulations it might be hard to do otherwise; but by the grace of God, try it once at all hazards. HOMO.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 7, 1885.
The following is a list of transfers for the months of January and February, 1885, as taken from the transfer books of Frank J. Hess, Real Estate Agent.
Blair Bros., to Newman & Hess, 2 lots: $100
Newman, McLaughlin & Hess to R. E. Fitzpatrick, 3 lots: $300
Newman, McLaughlin & Hess to Cyrus Wilson, 4 lots: $200
Newman, McLaughlin & Hess to Florence M. Austin, 3 lots: $475
Newman & Hess to Jas. E. Rogers, 1 lot: $$200
Newman & Hess to Albertine Westfall, 2 lots: $500
A. A. Newman to H. P. Goeden, 1 lot: $75
Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.
A. A. Newman & Co., call the attention of our readers to their new spring stock, in this issue. They can and will meet all competition in their line, and will welcome all who shall call on them in their handsome double store in the Commercial Block.
Invite Special Attention to their Elegant Line of Ladies’, Misses’, and Children’s SHOES. Our Spring Stock of these goods is now arriving, and we are prepared to show a line unsurpassed for Variety, Style, Neatness, and DURABILITY. We are Agents for the Celebrated ZIEGLER BRO.’S SHOE, and Guarantee Every Pair. In medium and low priced goods we carry full lines of many well known manufacturers.
We invite a careful inspection of our stock, and are confident we can please you in every respect. Very Truly Yours,
A. A. Newman & Co., Commercial Block, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Republican, March 14, 1885.
A. A. Newman & Co., insert a big “ad” in this issue of the REPUBLICAN advertising their immense stock of carpets. Messrs. Newman & Co., never talk to the public unless they have something to say and what they tell our readers this week may be depended upon. They have the most handsome and largest store in southwest Kansas. Call on them.
Arkansas City Republican, March 14, 1885.
A. A. NEWMAN & CO., have received their Spring Stock of C-A-R-P-E-T-S, consisting of Moquettes, Velvets, Body Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, Three Plies, Ingrains, Cotton Chains, Hemps, Etc. The designs and colors selected are very pretty, and our PRICES ARE LOWER THAN EVER BEFORE In the history of the carpet trade of this city.
Their line of Velvet, Smyrna, and Body Brussels Rugs is not surpassed in the Southwest.
Their Stock of Lace Curtains is also Full and Complete.
It will be to your interest to give their stock a careful inspection before buying.
Arkansas City Republican, March 21, 1885.
A. A. Newman left last Saturday for New York. Mr. Newman goes to purchase a stock of goods unrivaled in Southern Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 25, 1885.

Initial steps were taken a week ago last Wednesday for the formation of a musical society, and culminated last Wednesday in the formation of the Beethoven Club. The officers elected are as follows.
Geo. E. Hasie, President.
Mrs. Frank Beall, Vice President.
Mrs. Geo. W. Cunningham, Treasurer.
Stacy Matlack, Secretary.
R. W. Campbell, Librarian.
The following is the constitution and by-laws adopted.
1. The name of the society shall be the Beethoven Club, and be limited to 40 members.
2. The officers shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Librarian, all of whom shall be elected annually by a majority of the members in good standing. There shall also be appointed by the officers of the Club an Executive Committee, which shall serve for one year, unless removed before such time by a majority vote of said officers.
3. The President shall preside at all the deliberations of the society. The Vice President shall preside in the absence of the President. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the Society. The Treasurer shall take charge of all the funds and pay out same only on bills approved by chairman of Executive Committee. The Librarian shall take charge and safely keep music books and music belonging to the society and have them when needed at the places of rehearsal. The Executive Committee shall have general management of the affairs of the society, and constitute a board of directors with the President and Vice President, who shall be ex-officio members thereof.
1. Any member of the Executive Committee shall receive applications for membership from singers only; and, if approved by a majority of said committee, shall present same at the next meeting of the Club for its action; and it will require a majority of the members present and in good standing to elect anyone to the privileges of the society.
2. The membership fee shall be $1.00, payable in advance, with quarterly dues of 25 cents.
3. Rehearsals will be held from 7:30 to 10.
4. Order of Business: Reading and approval of minutes of last Meeting.
New Business.
5. Members absent for two regular meetings without excuse from Executive Committee will be fined 25 cents; and for an absence extending over four meetings, will be dropped from the roll unless otherwise determined by a vote of the directors.
6. Members two quarterly dues in arrears will be suspended until they can present the Treasurer’s receipt for said dues paid in full.
7. Fifteen members will constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
8. The Constitution and By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members of the Club.

The executive committee appointed are S. B. Fleming, C. L. Swarts, F. K. Grosscup, Mrs. H. P. Farrar, Mrs. E. D. Eddy.
The charter members are:
Wm. M. Sleeth, F. K. Grosscup, Mrs. Geo. Cunningham, J. O. Campbell, Mrs. C. H. Searing, Mrs. E. A. Barron, Miss Rosa Morse, C. L. Swarts, S. Matlack, R. W. Campbell, Mrs. Morse, Allen Ayres, Miss Peterson, S. B. Fleming, W. D. Mowry, Ella Love, Mrs. Allen Ayres, Mrs. Chas. Howard, Mrs. N. T. Snyder, Mrs. E. D. Eddy, F. B. Hutchison, Mrs. W. E. Gooch, Mrs. A. A. Newman, Mrs. H. P. Farrar, Mrs. N. S. Martin, Geo. E. Hasie.
Arkansas City Republican, April 4, 1885.
Ten little misses, not to be behind their mammas in society organization, met last week and organized what is known as the “Bantam Hen Society.” Miss Pearl Newman was elected president; Miss Hattie Sipes, vice president; Miss Edith Ochs, secretary; Miss Grace Love, treasurer. The society meets on Saturdays of each week. None of the little misses are above 11 years of age.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 8, 1885.
A. A. Newman returned from the East last Saturday, where he has been laying in his usual mammoth stock of spring and summer dry goods, etc.
Arkansas City Republican, April 11, 1885.
A. A. Newman came home Saturday, bringing a large stock of goods.
Arkansas City Republican, April 11, 1885.
District Court.
From the Daily Courier we glean the proceedings of the mill of justice.
Court met Tuesday morning and went through a few cases. The term will last six weeks and the docket is quite heavy.
Isaac L. Newman vs. William H. Speers et al—defendant Speers was given leave to answer by Monday next.
Arkansas City Republican, April 18, 1885.
I. L. Newman and wife, of East Wilton, Maine, were visiting in the city this week at the residence of A. A. Newman. Mr. Newman was here 15 years ago with several gentlemen and had to sleep in a tent down on the site where the Roller Mills now stand. It can be readily surmised that Mr. Newman was greatly surprised when he returned this time and found a city of 4,000 inhabitants. In Maine towns never spring up quickly and he could hardly realize of what wondrous thrift a Kansas town is possessed.
Arkansas City Republican, April 18, 1885.
W. A. Nix has purchased four lots of A. A. Newman in the fourth ward and intends building two cottages on them.
Arkansas City Republican, April 18, 1885.
E. B. Multer is no longer in the employ of A. A. Newman & Co. His wife’s health did not improve in this climate so he concluded to try Colorado.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.
Railroad Meeting.

On Wednesday several gentlemen interested in the Kansas City and Southwestern railroad visited the city for the purpose of submitting a new proposition to our citizens for aid to that road. The notice being impromptu, a few score persons were notified on the street, and when the meeting was convened in the Cowley County Bank, in the evening, about fifty of our citizens were present. The railroad company was represented by Henry Asp, Esq., their attorney, who was accompanied by ex-senator Long and W. P. Hackney, both of Winfield. The proposition originally made was for this county to issue bonds to the amount of $160,000, on certain conditions known to our readers. Whether such a proposition would carry with the voters of the county was considered doubtful by some, as the eastern portion of the county would be less directly benefitted by the road. The modification made in the proposal submitted on Wednesday, was the issue of $100,000 in county bonds, with $20,000 of city bonds by this city and a similar amount by the city of Winfield. With this was coupled a proposal to render county aid to the Denver, Memphis and Atlantic road to the tune of $100,000 more. This addendum received but slight favor from the meeting, and after a feeble effort to support it, it was withdrawn. The other portion of the proposition was debated in an informal manner at some length, and at 10 o’clock an adjournment was taken till the following morning.
On Thursday the meeting reconvened and approval of the modified proposition was finally given. On motion Judge Pyburn, H. O. Meigs, and A. A. Newman were appointed a committee to lay before the County Commissioners, in session in Winfield, the petition of the people of Arkansas City, that a county election be called to vote on the $100,000 bonds to aid in the construction of the Kansas City and Southwestern road. The issue of city bonds by this city and Winfield will, of course, be determined by a city election in both of these places.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.
Don’t fail to examine our elegant line of novelties in Prints, Ginghams, White Goods, Ladies’ Neckwear, Ladies’ Jerseys, Shawls, Embroidered Shoulder Scarfs, and Spring Wraps. Our stock of Carpets, Mattings, Lace and Cloth Curtains is full and complete and one of the most extensive to be found in the southwest.
Your visit will be appreciated by us any time. Very Truly Yours,
A. A. NEWMAN & CO., Commercial Block, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Not certain that this was Fred Newman, A. A. Newman’s brother...
Arkansas City Traveler, June 10, 1885.
F. C. Newman, of Osage City, is in the city visiting his brother.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 10, 1885.
A. A. Newman & Co., advertise a fine line of shirts, collars, and cuffs, which they make a specialty, and are of choice make and quality.
For Sale by A. A. NEWMAN & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Dry Goods, CLOTHING, Men’s Furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Notions, Carpets, Etc. Commercial Block, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Republican, June 13, 1885.
Arkansas Valley Guards Want Armory.

Capt. Thompson went to Topeka last week to attend a meeting of the State Board of Militia. He attended in the interest of the Arkansas Valley Guards. Adj. Gen. Campbell recommended that the cavalry company be changed to infantry and join the 2nd regiment of State Infantry. The change was recommended because the State was unable to furnish equipments for the cavalry. The Captain returned and reported to the guards and they have acted upon Adj. Gen. Campbell’s suggestion. The guards have now a full company of 60 members and at their meeting they have a full attendance. They meet on Monday and Wednesday evenings of each week. The boys have been working hard to obtain an armory. At present they have no place to store their arms and no place to drill. A number of our citizens have kindly volunteered to lend a helping hand by subscribing money. Messrs. McLaughlin, Hess, and Newman furnish a lot on Summit Street on which to erect the building. The guards will erect a building 60 x 100 feet and are now engaged in working up the scheme. Being allowed $100 by the State per annum, the guards feel greatly encouraged and will devote this money toward the building of their armory.
Arkansas City Republican, June 20, 1885.
Mrs. Wyatt Gooch leaves today for Weld, Maine, to visit relatives. She was accompanied by Earl and Albert Newman.
Arkansas City Republican, June 27, 1885.
Monday afternoon Artemus W. Patterson filed too many statements for his disease, and as a consequence became unruly. During the afternoon sometime he became enraged at his bird dog, which he tried to make lie down. The “pup” didn’t understand Pat’s language and refused to obey. He beat the dog quite severely. The marshal had a warrant issued against him for cruelty to animals and when he went to serve it, Patterson had quieted down, and he let the matter drop. In some way Artemus was informed that Billy Gray had a warrant for his arrest. This re-aroused his ire and a few more doses of medicine fixed him in good shape. While standing in front of Newman’s store, with one or two other persons, someone in the crowd pulled a revolver and shot a hole through one of the large plate glass windows. Artemus skipped down into the Commercial Restaurant, where he had a picnic with the police. Hr refused to allow them to arrest him, telling them they were too little. By a dint of coaxing, Johnnie Breene finally got him to come along with him to Judge Bryant’s office. He fixed the matter up in some manner with Judge Bryant and went over to Geuda. He came back next day—Tuesday—and appeared in Bryant’s office and settled the city case against him for $2.50. Wednesday Capt. Rarick served a state warrant against Artemus for resisting the officers. Thursday before Judge Kreamer he plead guilty to the charge and was fined $50 and costs—about $75 altogether. The prosecuting attorney, Bill Hackney, recommended leniency; but Judge Kreamer thought that that fine was about right. This will teach Pat a lesson. We all remember how the little daughter of Jos. Perry was killed in Wellington by a drunken man discharging a revolver on the streets. A similar tragedy might have been enacted here. As it is, someone is out about $102 for the plate glass in Newman’s window. When Pat was finally arrested, no revolver was found on his person; and no one testified that they saw him do the shooting. He denies doing it. The general supposition is that he did it. Since writing the above Patterson has informed us that he would go before a justice of the peace and make an affidavit that he would not touch a drop of whiskey for six months. We hope he will carry out this resolution and stick to it six years instead of six months.
Arkansas City Republican, June 27, 1885.

R. A. Houghton is the new manager of the clothing department of A. A. Newman & Co.’s mammoth dry goods establishment.
Next reference is to ranch maintained by A. A. Newman and T. J. Gilbert...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 18, 1885.
The “Kansas Millers” Takes a Delegation of Businessmen Down the River
Monday an excursion on the “Kansas Millers” down the Arkansas by the businessmen was originated as the next day’s programme. Bright and early two bus loads of our citizens wended their way to the Harmon’s Ford landing and boarded the steamer. All together there were some 60 passengers. At 8:10 the steamer heaved anchor and in a very few moments we were out of sight of the many spectators who came down to see the excursionists start. We steamed down the river at a lively rate. In twenty minutes we were out of the mouth of the Walnut. On entering the Arkansas the speed of the vessel was increased and in a few minutes we were steaming along at the rate of 18 miles per hour. The passengers gave themselves up entirely to the enjoyment of the trip. All were inclined to be jolly and forget business cares one day at least. Cracking jokes, perpetrating harmless tricks, enjoying the beautiful trip down the Rackensack. The steamer had a canvas awning put up to keep out the scorching rays of the sun, and as the cool breezes came up the river, one and all felt it was good to be there.
At 9:15 we landed at the Grouse Creek ferry, about 20 miles downstream, to put off some freight which V. M. Ayres had shipped to Gilbert’s and Newman’s ranches. This was the first consignment of freight to the “Kansas Millers.” It consisted of 50 bushels of corn and several hundred weight of flour. The passengers, full of life, took the place of deck hands and soon had the cargo landed.
Once more we heaved anchor and steamed down the river about five miles, and landed in a beautiful grove on the Kaw reservation. When the steamer had been made fast, all clambered ashore, and ran and jumped like school boys. While ashore C. A. Burnett took advantage of our absence and in a short time had spread a picnic lunch. All ate their fill. It was a splendid bill of fare, and Charley and his efficient cook deserve mention for their efforts to refresh the inner man. After partaking of the bounteous feast and the remnants being cleared away, we steamed up the river for home.

Capt. Moorhead ran the boat across several sand bars to show the passengers that it was impossible to stick the steel-bottomed steamer. After this had been fully demonstrated, the passengers were called to order by A. V. Alexander and a meeting was held for the purpose of organizing a stock company to build steel-bottomed barges. Mayor Schiffbauer was chosen to preside and N. T. Snyder was chosen to be secretary. Mayor Schiffbauer made a few remarks stating what great advantages Arkansas City would gain by having navigation opened on the Arkansas. He stated that Capt. T. S. Moorhead informed him that coal could be bought in quantities for $2, and laid down in Arkansas City so that it could be sold by dealers for $5 or $6 per ton. It was good coal, better than that which we had been paying $8 per ton for. Over 12 tons of the coal had been burned on the “Kansas Millers” and out of that not a clinker had been found. He spoke also of lumber trade with Arkansas. Jim Hill next occupied the attention of the passengers. He was followed by T. S. Moorhead, Dr. Kellogg, Judge McIntire, and several others who spoke in glowing terms of the steamer and the navigation of the river. After the question of building barges had been thoroughly discussed, the meeting proceeded to subscribe stock. Shares were taken until over $2,000 had been subscribed. The sum needed was $5,000. The meeting adjourned then until 7:30 p.m., when they met in Meigs & Nelson’s real estate office to finish up the $5,000 stock company.
After the adjournment of the meeting, the crowd gave themselves up once more to enjoyment. At five o’clock we anchored at Harmon’s Ford. Getting aboard Archie Dunn’s busses, we were soon uptown. And thus ended a day of great recreation and profitable pleasure.
The sun was very warm coming upstream, compelling all passengers to seek shady nooks.
Alexander was the story-teller. He was not a success—cause audience went to sleep.
Spencer Bliss, Dr. Evans, and J. W. Millspaugh of Winfield were down and took in the excursion.
Frank Greer, of the Courier, and Prof. B. T. Davis, of the Tribune, were the representatives of the Winfield press and were busy all day with paper and pencil.
The REPUBLICAN office furnished the bill of fare cards.
Searing & Mead, Wood & Bliss, of Winfield, V. M. Ayres and the Arkansas City Roller Mill Company compose the navigation company. V. M. Ayres is president and C. H. Searing Secretary. These four milling firms, having practicably demonstrated that the Arkansas is navigable by steamers on the pattern of the “Kansas Millers,” and having used $7,000 to further the enterprise already, naturally turn to the town most benefitted for assistance in the furthering of the enterprise. The directors are B. F. Wood, Maj. W. M. Sleeth, and James Hill.
Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.
AD. Don’t make the mistake of buying a lot of cheap goods just because the price seems small. Many parties are now regretting this fact: IT NEVER PAYS.
Notwithstanding some parties are offering a few articles at a low price, the reliable Dry Goods Establishment of
Continues to meet all competition in our line by selling goods which can be Guaranteed to give Satisfaction. Another point is, our stock is LARGE, BRIGHT, CLEAR, AND FRESH.
And our customers are not compelled to select from a refused lot of odds and ends. We invite a careful inspection. Your friends,
Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.
A. A. Newman, wife, and babies left yesterday for a visit in Maine and New York.
Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.
A. G. Heitkam, of the burnt district, has rented a basement room beneath A. A. Newman & Co.’s store and has opened up for business. Call on Mr. Heitkam at his new room.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.
1886 FALL AND WINTER. 1886.

We are now ready for business, with an entire new line of FALL and WINTER goods. We have better facilities for Fine Tailoring than ever. We can show as complete a stock as can be found west of Kansas City. We guarantee satisfaction, have engaged new workmen, and will DUPLICATE Eastern prices and discount Home prices on all our work.
We invite an inspection of our stock and prices. Respectfully, A. G. HEITKAM.
Basement of Commercial Block under A. A. Newman’s.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.
Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.
The Commercial Building Association will begin a suit against A. W. Patterson for $110 to recover damages done by someone shooting through the plate glass window in Newman & Co.’s store a short time since.
Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.
Avail yourself of this opportunity to secure genuine bargains in Hosiery at Newman & Co.’s. Sale commences today.
Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.
Today Newman & Co. commence a special clearance sale of hosiery. See ad.
Having an overstock of Ladies’, Misses’, and Children’s Hose, we will on SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, Commence a Grand Clearance Sale, and continue until all are sold.
These are genuine bargains as we never advertise anything we do not mean. Call early while the assortment is complete. Your friends, A. A. NEWMAN & CO.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 19, 1885.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 19, 1885.
It is talked that A. A. Newman and C. D. Burroughs, of Chicago, will this fall put up a double-fronted building just south of Grady’s coal yard.
Previous telephone directories skipped inasmuch as numbers could not be read. See telephone files relative to Arkansas City for earlier directories...
Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.
101. A. T. & S. F. Depot.
141. Ayres, V. M. & Co. Mill.
112. Arkansas City Bank.

138. Arkansas City Roller Mills.
117. Arkansas City Roller Mills Office.
139. Blakeney & Upp.
123. Cunningham, G. W. Office.
114. Cunningham, G. W. Residence.
127. Eddy, E. D. Store.
128. Eddy, E. D. Residence.
108. Farrar, H. P. Residence.
122. First National Bank.
121. Geuda Springs.
105. Hess, Frank J. Office.
106. Hess, Frank J. Residence.
131. Hasie, Geo. E. & Co. Store.
148. Hutchison, J. W. & Sons, Store.
143. Huey, James Residence.
146. Kellogg & Coombs Store.
147. Kellogg, H. D. Residence.
102. Kroenert & Austin.
136. Leland Hotel.
113. Landes, John Residence.
134. Mowry & Sollitt, Store.
132. Mowry, W. D., Residence.
110. Newman, A. A. & Co. Store.
122. Newman, A. A. Residence.
103. Occidental Hotel.
140. Pyburn, A. J. Office.
149. Post Office.
116. REPUBLICAN Office.
125. Rogers’ Mill.
111. Searing & Mead, Mill.
105. Searing & Mead, Residence.
118. Sollitt, C. C. Residence.
135. Snyder, N. T. Residence.
106. Swarts, C. L. Office.
124. Traveler Office.
150. Winfield.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 2, 1885.
A. A. Newman returned yesterday from his trip to the east.
Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.
A. A. Newman came home Tuesday from the east. Mrs. Newman and children still linger in the Pine Tree state. They will remain there until cooler weather.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 9, 1885.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.
Ladies Linen Collars almost given away at A. A. NEWMAN & CO.
Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.
You will not regret looking at Newman & Co.’s boots and shoes before buying.
Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.
The Ladies will do well to see Newman & Co.’s elegant line of dress goods. They will interest you.
Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.
Newman & Co.’s show the largest and best selected line of carpets and rugs in the city. Prices at bed rock.
Arkansas City Republican, September 19, 1885.
Don’t buy any Buck Gloves until you have seen our immense line. Newman & Co.
Excerpts from city council meeting...
Arkansas City Traveler, September 23, 1885.
City Council.
A regular meeting of the city council was held on Monday evening, Councilmen Bailey and Hill absent.
A. A. Newman asked that they annex the portion of land between the city and the west bridge to bring that structure within the corporate limits and give the council power to keep it in repair. Referred to committee on streets and alleys.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 26, 1885.
Council Proceedings.
The city council convened in regular session last Monday with the following members present: Mayor Schiffbauer and Councilmen Prescott, Davis, Dean, Thompson, and Hight.
The request of A. A. Newman and others to annex a certain portion of land belonging to the water power company to the city in order that the west Arkansas River Bridge might be in the city limits, was by motion referred to the street and alley committee.
Arkansas City Republican, September 26, 1885.
Don’t buy any Buck Gloves until you have seen our immense line. Newman & Co.
Arkansas City Republican, October 3, 1885.
Frank Grosscup, salesman in A. A. Newman & Co.’s store, left for New Jersey, Wednesday. His sister, Miss Florence, will go also as soon as Messrs. Newman & Co., can employ an assistant to fill her position. That state will be their future home.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 7, 1885.
A Brief Statement of the Building Growth of Arkansas City.

The cry of hard times may be raised, but where building activity continues unabated, there can be no cause for dejection. Almost every day we see new buildings started, all of a permanent and solid character and an evidence of the progress and thrift of the city. In the burnt district foundations are being dug for six new business buildings, two story and basement, each 25 feet by 100. William Gall, the architect, has prepared the plans for four of these buildings, those of J. H. Sherburne, S. B. Pickle, Mrs. Benedict, and Dr. Shepard, and this row of iron fronts, extending 100 feet, with plate windows and elaborate finish, will be an enduring monument to the enterprise and growth of our city. Messrs. Kroenert & Austin, at the south end of the burnt region, intend to erect a one story brick, uniform with the building adjoining it on the south (Mowry & Sollitt’s drug store), and Mr. Bittle, at the north end, is excavating his foundation without having decided fully on his plan.
Just north, the handsome stores of Dr. Chapel and W. B. Bishop have received tenants, and the finishing touches are being given to the upper floors. They are being finished off for dwellings or offices, the doctor retaining a portion of his upper floor for a medical office. On the opposite side T. H. McLaughlin is making progress with his double building, putting in such solid work as to secure the safety against all stress of wind and weather.
Mr. Gall has finished the plans of J. C. Topliff’s new double building south of the Hasie block. This will be in keeping with the elegance of the structure it adjoins, and will be the cause of just pride to our citizens. On the corner just south, the Frick Bros., new building shows off to advantage, and when the upper rooms and basement are finished, will furnish commodious and handsome quarters for the occupants. At the other end of the block, Ed. Grady has begun to dig the foundation for another first-class brick store and residence, and there is talk that Messrs. Chambers, Newman, Hess, and Dunn will join in the erection of three brick stores on the site lately occupied by Mr. Grady as a coal yard.
Mr. C. D. Burroughs’ handsome stone building across the way is likely to be rented for a hotel. It is eligibly situated for such a purpose and has room for the comfortable accommodation of fifty guests.
Hermann Godehard’s new and commodious brick store and G. W. Miller & Co.’s new hardware store are now finished and occupied and are not to be forgotten in enumerating our recent city improvements. O. P. Houghton’s 32 foot extension to his dry goods store still leaves him insufficient room, but as it is now late in the season, we believe he defers rebuilding the main part of his house till the coming spring. The Johnson Loan and Trust Co., have also postponed the erection of their two-story office till after the winter is past. The large extension to the Arkansas City Bank has been completed recently, but the carpet and furniture for the private rooms are not yet in place.
This in addition to the many tasteful private residences that have been built and are now in process of construction, makes a creditable record for Arkansas City, and shows that in growth and business prosperity she keeps fully abreast with her sister cities.
Arkansas City Republican, October 10, 1885.
Great, Glorious, Good News! DRY GOODS CHEAPER THAN EVER!
Our New Stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Is now ready for Inspection and we still continue the Leaders in Low Prices. We invite you to call and we will convince you of this fact.
Look at our New Fall Prints, and Ginghams, New Dress Goods, New Trimmings, New Flannels, New Designs in Carpets, Oil cloths, and Rugs, New Underwear, New Boots and Shoes, NEW CLOTHING, NEW HATS AND CAPS, NEW BLANKETS, AND COMFORTS, AND IN FACT AN ASSORTMENT THAT IS UNSURPASSED.
This is not last chance to secure these bargains as we expect to be here next year, but now in the golden present is a good time to make your selections. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
Thanking you for your past generous patronage, we remain
Yours Friends, A. A. NEWMAN & CO.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 14, 1885.
Mrs. A. A. Newman and children will return from their eastern summering on Saturday.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 14, 1885.
Last week Ed Grady began excavating for the foundation of his new store and dwelling, but a misunderstanding arising between himself and A. A. Newman about a transfer of lots, the work was temporarily abandoned.
Arkansas City Republican, October 17, 1885.
Railroad Meeting.
The citizens of Arkansas City have just awakened to the fact that they are about to be left out in the cold in the matter of the K. C. & S. W. Railroad. It has now become known that the Geuda Springs branch is only another name for the K. C. & S. W., and that while the company will fulfill their agreement to the letter, and build the road through Arkansas City to the state line, they have intentions of making the junction at least three miles north of here and thus make the Geuda Springs & Caldwell branch the main line, while this will be only a stub with not sufficient length to justify a separate service. The effect will be that when the road is in operation that only such trains as are absolutely necessary will ever be run down here, a local freight perhaps. This is a direct stab at Arkansas City from the Winfield element in the company headed by the road’s attorney, Henry E. Asp, our present county attorney. To devise some means to have the junction here or south of here, provided a western branch is built, was the object of a meeting held in the office of Meigs & Nelson Thursday evening.
The meeting was called to order by N. T. Snyder, Judge Kreamer being called to the chair and N. T. Snyder, secretary.
George Cunningham stated the object of the meeting, which was to devise some way to prevent the junction from being north of Arkansas City, and asked Mr. Hill to make a statement of what the company intended to do.
Mr. Hill said that the company intended to build the road through Arkansas City to the state line, and that the Caldwell branch would also undoubtedly be built, and that it would be to his interest, and to the company’s interest, to have the branch start from here, as it would require but one bridge. He also stated that the company, outside of the Winfield element, was favorable to Arkansas City. He acknowledged that the company was morally, if not legally bound, to make the junction here, because it was upon these express promises that they had obtained the aid of Arkansas City in voting the bonds.
Rev. Fleming made a forcible speech, charging it as conspiracy on the part of Winfield to leave Arkansas City out in the cold and a violation of the promises made by Asp and others when they obtained our aid.
Amos Walton said that it was a conspiracy that was entered into at the time the company approached Winfield. Every opposition was made to Mr. Hill’s efforts to get the road through the east part of the city and east of the Santa Fe. The city council was even in the conspiracy, as shown by the fact that they would not grant the right of way of street crossings unless the road went west of the city. The road going west, he estimated, cost $25,000 more than the east route. “Winfield voted $20,000 bonds to get them in there and charged them $25,000 to get out.”

A. A. Newman moved that a committee of five be appointed to confer with Mr. Hill as regards the best means of attaining the object of the meeting. The chair appointed A. A. Newman, Geo. W. Cunningham, Amos Walton, Rev. Fleming, and S. Matlack as that committee.
The following resolution was passed.
Resolved, That the K. C. & S. W. Railroad Company is not treating the city of Arkansas City fairly, and in the same generous spirit which the citizens treated them in the inception of the road in the matter of building a road diverging from their line north of this city. In support of this proposition, would say that it was promised and agreed by Mr. Asp, attorney for the road, in order to obtain our aid, that the line of road should come down east of the A. T. & S. F., and yet the leading citizens of Winfield antagonized the road sufficient to prevent its coming through Winfield on a line to accomplish that object and to the injury of the company forced it upon the west side of the city of Winfield, and then as a part of the scheme for the injury of Arkansas City proposed and looked up a line leading west only three miles north of the city of Arkansas City. Feeling that it is a violation of the good faith pledged to the city, we would respectfully state that the said line should be left open until the line to the territory on the south of us is built. We would further state as to the matter of expense that in case the company will make a survey and establish the cost of the road from the point in Beaver Township, to the west line of Walton Township, Sumner Co., and a corresponding survey from Arkansas City or south of it, west through Walton Township, Sumner County, that we will willingly make the difference in case it should be favorable to the first mentioned line. W. D. KREAMER, Chairman.
N. T. SNYDER, Secretary.
Arkansas City Republican, October 17, 1885.
Mrs. A. A. Newman and children are expected home from Maine today.
Arkansas City Republican, October 17, 1885.
Edward Grady has traded business lots with A. A. Newman and has commenced the building of a two-story business house, 25 x 80 feet. The excavation for the cellar is almost completed.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 21, 1885.
Mrs. A. A Newman and children returned from their eastern trip on Saturday.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 21, 1885.
Hiram Holt and wife, of Farmington, Maine, are visiting this city, the guests of A. A. Newman.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 21, 1885.
Mr. Grosscup, recent salesman for A. A. Newman & Co., we regret to learn, is having trouble with his hearing. The use of one ear is entirely gone, and the aurist who is treating the other, says its function can only be preserved for a time. The infirmity he pronounces hereditary. This is a severe affliction to befall so useful and deserving a man.
Inserts from long article...
Arkansas City Republican, October 24, 1885.
“Two Hearts that Beat as One.”

MARRIED. Once again the REPUBLICAN is called upon to chronicle the oft repeated story that shy Cupid has pierced two hearts with his heavenly dart. A public acknowledgment of this union of hearts, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Meigs, was made last Wednesday evening, at 8 o’clock, in the presence of invited guests, by Miss Anna Meigs and L. V. Coombs. By the sacred tie of marriage, Rev. J. O. Campbell, in his most approved style, joined this most estimable couple in a new and holy relation.
Miss Anna Meigs, like the groom, has grown up in our midst from childhood. Being the daughter of one of our most respectable families, she is what she should be—a lady. Handsome, honest, frank, and an affectionate disposition are requisites she possesses to make Mr. Coombs a good wife.
The following is a list of the names of the donors and their presents and will show in what high estimation the receivers were held by their many friends.
Table cloth and napkins: A. A. Newman & Co.
Insert from long article...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 31, 1885.
Dollars Worth of Improvements Made to Arkansas City This Building Season.
The following is a partial list of the improvements made in Arkansas City since March 1, 1885.
   Newman, Hess & Co. Cottage: $600
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 31, 1885.
A Citizens Committee.
Last Monday evening several of our leading citizens met in the office of Judge Pyburn, for the purpose of organizing a citizens committee, its object to be to protect and promote the interest of Arkansas City, in any way that would tend to help and sustain the rapid growth of the Border City. A. J. Pyburn was called to the chair, and M. N. Sinnott was elected secretary. A temporary organization was made and an adjournment was taken until Tuesday evening at the same place, when a permanent organization was made by electing A. J. Pyburn, president; H. D. Kellogg, vice president; M. N. Sinnott, secretary; N. T. Snyder, assistant secretary; W. D. Mowry, treasurer. A finance committee was also appointed consisting of the following: A. A. Newman, H. O. Meigs, and W. D. Kreamer. Also an executive committee as follows: G. W. Cunningham, Wm. Sleeth, Amos Walton, H. D. Kellogg, N. T. Snyder, T. H. McLaughlin, W. D. Mowry, A. D. Prescott, and F. P. Schiffbauer. Committee made an assessment of $5.00 on all members and it was also decided that any citizen of good standing could become a member by paying the same fee.
The following are the charter members.
Names selected by the committee: Chas. Sipes, Geo. Howard, Geo. Cunningham, Wm. Mowry, Rev. Fleming, F. P. Schiffbauer, A. J. Pyburn, H. O. Meigs, Jas. L. Huey, Wm. Sleeth, W. D. Kreamer, A. A. Newman, A. D. Prescott, Jacob Hight, T. H. McLaughlin, O. S. Rarick, Jamison Vawter, J. P. Johnson, H. D. Kellogg, Ed. Grady, O. P. Houghton, M. N. Sinnott, Geo. W. Miller, N. T. Snyder, Amos Walton, Jas. Ridenour.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 31, 1885.
The Citizen’s Executive Committee was called together yesterday and met in Judge Pyburn’s office for the purpose of taking steps to plank the west bridge over the Arkansas. A. A. Newman, Maj. Sleeth, and T. H. McLaughlin were appointed as a committee to solicit aid, and were instructed to purchase lumber and repair the bridge. Our friends west of the city will in a few days be able to communicate again with us over a new bridge.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 4, 1885.
A Popular Movement to Advance the City’s Interests.
On Monday evening of last week, about a score of our prominent citizens held a meeting in Judge Pyburn’s office to consider the most practicable means of advancing the interests of this city. The views expressed were that in a rapidly growing country, where incoming population is apt to seek new channels, and business interests are created by the changing tide of affairs, it is necessary for every city that seeks growth and prosperity to be on the alert and lend its hand in shaping matters to its own advantage. It was agreed that to put the forces of a community to the best avail, it is necessary to have some organization to depute some number of men of good judgment and business acumen to watch the changes in the kaleidoscope of social life, and suggest means for turning them to proper advantage; to perform the duty of a picket guard in the army. In fact, holding themselves in an advanced position, and watching every movement that comes under their notice. As an initial step to the organization sought after, the meeting chose of the persons present, Messrs. A. A. Newman, A. D. Prescott, G. W. Miller, N. T. Snyder, and Amos Walton as an executive committee, with power to add to their number, and report to a public meeting to be held in the Opera house the following evening.
On Tuesday the Buckskin Border Band stationed outside that popular place of amusement, gave notice to the public that business was to be done by playing several choice airs in their usual artistic style. Several score of people gave heed to the summons, and by 8 o’clock there were about a hundred assembled. The meeting was called to order, Mayor Schiffbauer was chosen chairman, and our new postmaster, M. N. Sinnott, appointed secretary. Amos Walton, on behalf of the originators of the movement, was called on to explain the object of the meeting. He told what had been done the evening before, and handed to the secretary a list of names selected by the committee to add to their number, and said he would then ask the sense of the meeting on the choice made. The secretary read the following names.
C. R. Sipes; G. W. Cunningham; Rev. S. B. Fleming; A. J. Pyburn; H. O. Meigs; W. M. Sleeth; Jacob Hight; O. S. Rarick; J. P. Johnson; Ed Grady; Geo. Howard; D. Mowry; F. P. Schiffbauer; James Ridenour; Jas. L. Huey; W. D. Kreamer; T. H. McLaughlin; Dr. Jamison Vawter; Dr. H. D. Kellogg; O. P. Houghton; M. N. Sinnott.
Mr. Walton said he commended the object of the proposed organization because it gave our citizens the benefit of the counsel and services of two dozen of our most experienced citizens (He wished to exclude himself from self commendation.) who would be on the lookout for opportunities to turn to the public good. The plan as he sketched it was for those two dozen sagacious men to mature among themselves whatever movements would advance the public good, and then call a public meeting to whom their plans could be unfolded and action taken on them. On motion the list of names read by the secretary was approved.
Several other speakers followed in like strain.
Frank Austin preferred to have the organization placed on a broader basis. It had been called a board of trade by some speakers, and he wanted it made one in fact. He wanted membership thrown open to all eligible persons, and stated times of meeting. To create a fund for any sudden use he would have an initiation fee and an annual subscription.

But this proposition was generally opposed on the ground that it was taking the organization out of the hands of those who framed it. The meeting having nothing further before it, adjourned.
At a subsequent meeting of the executive committee, on the 29th, an organization was effected by electing A. J. Pyburn, president; H. D. Kellogg, vice president; M. N. Sinnott, secretary; N. T. Snyder, assistant secretary; W. D. Mowry, treasurer. It was also decided to increase the membership by admitting any fitting person on payment of $5 initiation fee. The following committees were appointed.
Finance Committee: A. A. Newman, H. O. Meigs, W. D. Kreamer.
Executive Committee: G. W. Cunningham, W. M. Sleeth, Amos Walton, H. D. Kellogg, N. T. Snyder, T. H. McLaughlin, W. D. Mowry, A. D. Prescott, F. P. Schiffbauer.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 11, 1885.
The Rink Goes Up and Surrounding Property Destroyed.
Shortly after 10 o’clock on Saturday evening the cry of fire was raised on Summit Street, and in less than five minutes, all the adjoining portion of the city seemed to be ablaze. The fire originated in the rear end of the rink, and before any efforts could be made to extinguish it, the whole building, composed of frame and covering an area 50 by 100 feet, was involved in flame. A light wind was blowing at the time, which carried the burning embers in an easterly direction, and for a time Mr. John Landes’ house and other contiguous residences were threatened. A hay stack owned by R. E. Grubbs, standing in the rear of his house, was ignited by the sparks, but was promptly extinguished by Uriah Spray. The intense heat of the flames threatened destruction to the frame building on the north, owned by A. A. Newman, and occupied by A. F. Huse as a flour and feed store. His coal bins were destroyed, and their contents badly injured, but the building was saved from destruction, although badly scorched, by the liberal use of water buckets. Braden’s livery and feed stables, next north, were also threatened, and the lessees, Messrs. Ingles & Briggs, turned their animals loose, expecting destruction. But the wind lulled some after the fire broke out, and the danger of its diffusion abated.
Charles Parker’s stone building, south of the rink, ignited in the rear, where it was enclosed with fence, it being the intention of the owner to put on an addition. The lower floor was occupied by Parker and Capt. Rarick as a blacksmith shop; in the upper floor, George Ford and Frank Knedler had their carpenter shop. The tools in the blacksmith shop were saved; but the contents of the carpenter shop were destroyed. After the lintels and girders were consumed, the front wall fell, leaving the side walls standing without support. During the night the upper portion of the south wall collapsed, and before this issue goes to press, it is probable the remaining wall will be removed. A hose was attached to the hydrant on the corner of Fourth Avenue and Summit Street, which threw a feeble stream, quite ineffective in preventing a spread of the flames.

The origin of the fire is thought to be incendiary, but there is no present clue to the perpetrator. The rink was owned by J. P. Braden, who had it insured for $1,000 in the Pelican, of New Orleans. J. H. Puncheon lost $150 worth of new furniture, which he had stored in the rink, without insurance. Parker’s building was insured in the Washington, of Boston, for $800; and A. F. Huse had his property insured for $600, one-fourth of this amount on his scales and coal bins, and the remainder on his flour, feed, coal, and grain. The insurance on the house expired last week, but because of the high rate, Mr. Newman had not renewed it. The total amount of the loss is set down at $4,000.
A number of hoodlums broke the windows of Neff & Henderson’s feed store, and some lap robes and whips were taken from Braden’s stable. Dr. Fowler lost the body of his light cart, which was in the carpenter shop for repairs.
J. P. Braden had made arrangements to start pork packing this week, but the destruction of the rink has put a stop to the enterprise.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 14, 1885.
Rev. S. B. Fleming, Geo. Cunningham, H. O. Meigs, and T. H. McLaughlin were delegated by the Citizen’s committee to visit Caldwell the first of the week and ascertain the animus there relative to the extension of the K. C. & S. W. Railroad west from Arkansas City. Our commission found Caldwell’s railroad committee somewhat opposed to the proposed line; it preferred that the road run west from Winfield. Tuesday morning the council met in this city and passed the ordinance granting the railroad company the right-of-way through the city on 13th street. The ordinance was to have appeared in the Traveler, of last Wednesday, but when our committee ascertained the feeling in Caldwell, it telegraphed to withhold its publication, which was accordingly done by Major Schiffbauer. A committee from Caldwell came along with Arkansas City’s committee to Winfield to confer with the
K. C. & S. W. officials and learn their intentions. Wednesday morning Mayor Schiffbauer and A. A. Newman went up to Winfield to join the conference. Everything was amicably settled. Caldwell, on learning that the company was going west from Arkansas City, acquiesced, and our committee came home Thursday morning satisfied with what they had accomplished. Arkansas City, Geuda Springs, and Caldwell are now joined hand in hand, working for the same cause—the building of the Geuda Springs and Caldwell branch. ‘Tis well.
Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.
Another Fire.
Last Saturday evening shortly after 10 o’clock, the alarm of fire was given. We turned out as about a thousand other persons did, and saw the skating rink and Chas. Parker’s stone building reduced to ashes. The fire originated in the front end of the skating rink and in five minutes after the alarm was sounded the entire building was enveloped in flames and the roof fell in. From the rink building the fire spread to Parker’s. Willing hands were ready to do and die, if necessary, to prevent the fire spreading more; and by almost super-human efforts the frame building occupied by A. F. Huse as an office was saved, but his corn sheds were consumed. Braden’s livery stable was saved by very hard work. The bucket brigade did noble service, and had it not been for their efforts other buildings would have been destroyed. The general belief is that the fire was incendiary, and from the short time that elapsed between the sounding of the alarm and the falling in of the roof, it is quite evident that the building had been soaked in coal oil. Mayor Schiffbauer, who resides not quite two squares from where the fire occurred, was sitting at home reading and at the first cry of fire, he started. Just as he arrived upon the scene, the roof fell in.

The heaviest loss was sustained by those occupying the Parker building. The building was insured for $300 in the London, Liverpool and Globe, and it was worth twice that sum. Geo. Ford and Frank Knedler occupied the upper room of the building with their shop. Mr. Ford lost about $300 worth of tools and Mr. Knedler lost some. Parker & Rarick lost some stock and tools.
The rink was owned by L. H. Braden & Co., and was insured in the Pelican, of New Orleans, for $1,000. J. H. Punshon had about $150 worth of furniture stored in the building and all of it was burned.
A. F. Huse carried an insurance of $600 in the Washington. His loss will not exceed $400. The building he occupied belonged to A. A. Newman and was not insured.
Fortunately for Arkansas City the wind was not blowing. At one time it was thought that John Landes’ fine residence would be destroyed, but friends came to the rescue and saved it. Once more is a very strong argument presented in favor of waterworks.
Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.
Newman & Co., are here to meet all competition. Don’t fail to remember this fact.
Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.
Newman & Co., carry a choice line of Comforts and Blankets.
Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.
Last Tuesday evening A. A. Newman and H. E. Asp went over to Guelph Township and held a railroad meeting in the interest of the G. S. & C. Road. Quite a large number of Guelph Township’s voters were in attendance and expressed a willingness to aid in getting the road.
Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.
We wish to draw the attention of the public to the “change” that Newman & Co., have made in their ad. They do not impose upon the credulity of people by holding before their eyes unreasonable and overdrawn advertisements, but they mean everything they say. Give them a call and see for yourself.
But as usual our prices are just a little lower than any of these “Remarkable Sacrifices,” “Wholesale Slaughters,” and “Cost Sales,” which are being advertised so extensively.
We think no one in this part of the country Can Afford to Give Goods Away, And all such advertisements are just a trifle overdrawn to say the least.
We desire to thank our host of friends and patrons for their generous support, and hope to merit a continuance of the same. Your Friends,
Arkansas City Traveler, November 25, 1885.
Excursions Over the New Line from Arkansas City to Beaumont.
Steel Rails and Oak Ties, and a Finely Equipped Road.

On Monday Mr. Henry E. Asp, on behalf of the managers of the Kansas City and Southwestern Kansas railroad, then within a few miles of Arkansas City, tendered Mayor Schiffbauer and the city council an excursion over the line to Beaumont and return. The mayor said he should like the invitation extended so as to include our principal businessmen. Mr. Asp said a general excursion to our citizens would be given as soon as the road was completed to the city, and arrangements could be made for the entertainment of a large number of guests, but at the present time not more than a score of excursionists could be provided for. This being the case, Mayor Schiffbauer invited the city council, authorizing each member to take a friend along, and also included in the invitation the railroad committee of the board of trade. This filled out the allotted number.
The following gentlemen composed the excursion party.
Mayor Schiffbauer, Councilmen Thompson, Bailey, Dunn, Dean, Davis, and Hight. (Councilman A. D. Prescott was unable to take part, through business engagements, and Councilman Hill was found superintending the construction of the road.)
The friends they invited and who were present for duty, were mine host Perry, J. Frank Smith, J. H. Hilliard, Frank Thompson, and City Clerk Benedict.
The railroad committee consisted of A. A. Newman, N. T. Snyder, Major Sleeth, G. W. Cunningham, W. D. Mowry, and T. H. McLaughlin. These with the present writer (nineteen in all) formed the invited party, Henry E. Asp accompanying them as host and guide.
At 7:30 on Tuesday morning, omnibuses were in waiting at the Leland Hotel to carry the excursionists to the end of the track, and the party being seated, a brisk drive of three miles carried them to an animated scene. The day’s labors had begun, upwards of 100 workmen being employed. A construction train of ten or a dozen cars was on hand, loaded with implements and material: ties, rails, fish-plates, bolts, spikes, shovels, and so on. The ties were of well seasoned oak brought from Arkansas, which were being unloaded by lusty arms, and thrown onto tracks, which was distributed along the grade. The train was standing on the foremost rails that were spiked, and in advance of this was a rail truck drawn by two mules, which recovered the iron from the flat car, and carried it forward over the loose rails, a force of men standing by the truck and laying the rail as fast as the ties were in place.
Track laying, in these days of railroad building, is reduced to an exact science. The ties are laid along the road bed under the direction of a foreman; another crew extends the nails, which is followed up by the spike-drivers. A sufficient force can lay two miles of track a day without extraordinary effort, and the onlooker has to maintain a steady sauntering pace to keep up with the workmen.
Some delay was caused on Tuesday morning by a disagreement between two foremen, which resulted in a fisticuff encounter. The aggressor in the unpleasantness was discharged, and his crew, numbering about thirty men, refused to work under another boss. They were all sent to Winfield to receive their pay, and a fresh force brought from there to take their place. This delayed the work about an hour and a half.
At 8:30 a.m. the whistle of the excursion train sounded about one-fourth of a mile along the track, and our party of pleasure seekers made good time walking in the direction of the cars. T. H. McLaughlin stumped along, with his one live leg, as agile as the best of them; but Councilman Davis, another mutilated war veteran, jumped into a vehicle to save a fatiguing walk. The track to Winfield is not yet ballasted, and the running time to that city was slow. The bridge over the Walnut is a substantial piece of work, being raised on trestles 45 feet above the stream, and the approaches being supported on solid masonry. The two miles of road south of Winfield cost $65,000.

At Winfield a brief stay was made to take on passengers, and here Mr. Latham joined the party, who was heartily greeted by his Arkansas City guests, and who spent the day in their company. From Winfield a good rate of speed was put on, the road being well ballasted and running as smoothly as a bowling green. The first station reached was Floral, nine miles from Winfield. This is a thrifty place, which has sprung into existence since the road was built, is well situated, and surrounded by a good country. Wilmot is 8-1/2 miles distant, and Atlanta, 7 miles along. Latham is in Butler County, also a railroad town, built on a broad creek, and already containing 400 or 500 inhabitants. Commodious stone stores are in process of erection, an extensive lumber yard is well stocked, and other business lines are well represented. At Wingate (between the two places last named) there is a flag station. Beaumont was reached about 11:30, the distance from Latham being 13 miles. Here the K. C. & S. W. Road forms a junction with the St. Louis & San Francisco road, and here the journey terminated. Several miles of the Flint hills were traversed in reaching here, a surface formation of brecciated and abraded rock, which proves that at some time in the geological periods this whole region was overflown. Dinner was ready for the excursionists when they stepped off at the station, their dining hall being a commodious room on the upper floor of that building, under charge of Noah Herring and his very excellent and capable wife. Two tables furnished room for the score of hungry guests, and a good dinner, promptly served, was in waiting to allay their hunger.
Here four hours was afforded to take in the town, and enjoy the fine scenery that surrounded it. A party of the most robust pedestrians, under conduct of Henry Asp, took a breezy walk over the hills into Greenwood County; where a fine panorama of scenic beauty lay spread before their gaze, with Eureka, in the distance, nestling in the valley, like a sylvan deity. Those less enterprising visited the post office, made acquaintance with store keepers, talked with the oldest inhabitant, and then played the games of billiards, pigeon-hole, and quoits. Major Schiffbauer, at the first named game, made some extraordinary shots in missing the balls he aimed at. At quoits G. W. Cunningham did great execution, bombarding with his rings an extensive region of country around the pin he professed to aim at.
Our narrative of this very enjoyable trip must be brought to a close, as space fails. At 4:30 the train started on return. Mr. Young, of Young, Latham & Co., the builders of the road, who came in on the Frisco train, joined the party. Winfield was reached at 7:30, where our friends belonging to that city, left us, and Ed Gray came on board, escorting W. H. Nelson (of Meigs & Nelson), who had been spending a day in the county clerk’s office, making a transcript from the tax list. Towards the close of the journey a vote of thanks to the officers of the road was proposed by Mayor Schiffbauer for their hospitality to the excursionists, and polite attention to them as guests of the day. This was heartily responded to by the party. The day’s labors of the track layers brought them 1-1/4 miles nearer the city. Omnibuses were in waiting to convey the tired travelers to the city, and by 9 o’clock they were deposited at the Leland Hotel, all clamorous for supper, but unanimous in declaring they had spent a delightful day.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 28, 1885.
An Excursion Over the K. C. & S. W., that Long Fought For Railroad.
Beaumont Found to be a Booming Metropolis (?),
Fast Growing in Opulence upon the Flint Hills of Butler County.

Early on last Tuesday morning, two omnibuses drew up to the Leland Hotel and took on board the following gentlemen, who had been invited by the managers of the K. C. & S. W., to take a pleasure trip over that road to the famous and booming Beaumont: Mayor Schiffbauer, Councilmen Hight, Davis, Thompson, Bailey, Dean, and Dunn, and their friends whom they invited, H. H. Perry, J. Frank Smith, J. H. Hilliard, Frank Thompson, and City Clerk Benedict; also, the railroad committee, consisting of A. A. Newman, N. T. Snyder, Major Sleeth, G. W. Cunningham, W. D. Mowry, and T. H. McLaughlin. Bro. Lockley, too, was among the honored ones, and was to chronicle the thrilling incidents of the trip, furnish intellectual food for the party, and report the impressive appearance, the “sights” and widely spread influence, of flourishing Beaumont. After a drive of about three miles, the gleeful party reached the end of the track, where over 200 railroad hands were busy at work, rapidly advancing the “iron bands” towards Arkansas City.
It was after 8 o’clock before they heard the distant whistling of the excursion train, towards which they at once started, and which they reached after a brisk walk of nearly a mile. Had it not been for Councilman Davis, who has only one natural leg to work with, they probably would have continued their journey on foot, and thus economized time. As it was, Mr. Davis was conveyed to the cars in a carriage to avoid the fatigue of walking. All having gotten on board, the train moved slowly up the track. They had a jolly, rollicking time.
Having arrived at Winfield, the passengers allowed the engine to rest a little, although it caused them much weariness to be delayed in a village of such few attractions when vivid pictures of enterprising Beaumont occupied their excited minds. Mr. Latham joined the party at Winfield, and when the train pulled out, the officers of the road suspended from the rear end of the last car a banner, bearing the inscription, “The town we left behind us.” From that railroad station onto the end of the journey, the train swept over the track at a rapid rate, passing through Floral, Wilmot, Atlanta, and Latham. Beaumont (a French word meaning “the fashionable world”) was reached at 11:30 a.m., and the party evacuated the cars and proceeded at once to the central part of the city. On either side, as they walked up main street, tall and magnificent buildings met their view, and the hearts of the rustic excursionists almost ceased to beat on account of the grandeur they beheld. Councilman Dunn had purchased a bran new hat that morning, and in trying to pass in under one of the lofty awnings, it was completely crushed. [N.B. This incident occurred before the drugstore was visited.] They found that the city consists of fourteen houses, which have been standing for 14 years, and the inhabitants number about 75. This is conclusive evidence that the town is still booming. When one of the natives was asked why he did not move to a better locality, he proudly pointed to the barren flint hills, and, with Kansas enthusiasm, maintained that Beaumont was the garden-spot of the world. After dinner, which was served in the spacious dining hall of Noah Herring, some of the party, for amusement, played at billiards and pigeon-hole. Bro. Lockley and Geo. Cunningham leveled down the flint hills and bombarded the town pitching horseshoes. Some of them went into one of the two drugstores in the place and consulted the “holy record” in order to procure some remedy for their ailments. The druggist showed them a full “soda pop” barrel, the greater portion of whose contents they consumed.
While in the drug store they made the following invoice of the stock it contained.
1 small stove: $2.00

1 old keg: $0.00
1 old box: $0.00
1 counter: $10.00
10 boxes of candy: $10.00
1 pail of tobacco: $4.00
2 boxes of nuts: $.50
1 barrel of whiskey: $8.00
  TOTAL: $34.50
The excursionists returned to Arkansas City at about 9 o’clock p.m., full of joy and “soda water.” There will be another excursion over this road soon and everybody here will then have a chance to see Beaumont.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 28, 1885.
The Constitution and By-Laws Adopted.
Believing in the necessity of an association of citizens to give tone and energy to their efforts in securing the advantages which the position of the city offers to commerce, trade, and manufacturers, as well as to promote unity of action and to cultivate a more intimate and friendly acquaintance among the businessmen of the city, and to maintain a commercial exchange to promote uniformity in the customs and usages of merchants, and to inculcate principles of justice and equity in trade, and to facilitate the speedy adjustment of business dispute, to acquire and disseminate valuable commercial and economic information, and generally to secure to its numbers the benefits of co-operation in furtherance of their legitimate pursuits, and to use our influence, energies, and means for the furtherance of all enterprises that we believe will add to the prosperity of our city, and that these ends may be obtained by the establishment of a board of trade; we, the citizens of Arkansas City, do therefore agree to form such an association, and to be governed by the following constitution and code of by-laws.
ARTICLE 1. The officers of this Board of Trade shall consist of a president, two vice-presidents, ten directors, two secretaries, and a treasurer, who shall constitute its board of managers. They shall be chosen semi-annually, on the second Monday of January and July of each year. Their election shall be by ballot and they shall hold their office until their successors are duly elected and qualified.
ARTICLE 2. This association shall hold semi-annual meetings on the second Mondays of January and July at half past 7 o’clock, p.m. But special meetings may be called by order of a majority of the managers whenever they may deem it proper, and upon the written application of not less than ten members, the managers shall call said meeting at the time so requested.

ARTICLE 3. The managers shall meet steadily on the first Thursday or every month for the transaction of such business as may come before them and at the annual meeting shall present to the association a report of the proceedings of the past year.
ARTICLE 4. There shall be appointed semi-annually, by the managers, a committee of arbitration to consist of five members, two of whom may be rejected by the parties submitting the case and their places supplied by two other members to be appointed by the managers. The chairman of said committee shall be designated by the managers at the time of its appointment.
ARTICLE 5. The duties of the committee of arbitration shall be to arbitrate and decide all disputed accounts and contracts and all controversies of a mercantile character which may be brought before them by the members, the parties having previously signed a bond for such an amount as the committee may require to abide by the decision of the same. The assistant secretary shall serve as clerk of the committee of arbitration. Any member who does not abide by, and comply with, the decision of the committee, shall be expelled from this association by order of the managers.
ARTICLE 6. There shall also be appointed by the managers, at the regular semi-annual meetings, a standing committee on railroads and steamboats, to consist of five members, to whom shall be referred all matters relating to the transportation of merchandise and passengers to and from the city. They shall semi-annually and whenever they deem it expedient make reports to the managers or board all such subjects relating to the various railroad and steamboat lines connected with our city, with such recommendations for the action of the managers or board as they may deem advisable.
ARTICLE 7. There shall be appointed by the managers at their regular semi-annual meetings a standing committee on manufactories, whose duties it shall be to look to the interests and welfare of the city at all times, with the view of securing any and all manufacturing interests possible within our city, and to whom shall be referred any matters tending in that direction that may come to the knowledge of any member of the board, and said committee shall make out and submit at least once during their term of office, a full and detailed report of their labors, and submit the same to a regular meeting of the board.
ARTICLE 8. The secretary shall keep a list of all the members of the association and also an accurate report of the transactions of the managers at their monthly meetings and of the annual meeting of the members. The assistant secretary shall attend the sittings of the committee of arbitration, record their decisions, give notice to said committee when their services are required, render a copy of their verdict to the parties in the case, collect the fees of arbitration and all other moneys due the board, and pay the same over to the treasurer, read the minutes of the last meeting at the monthly meetings of the directors and annual meetings of the directors, and report the proceedings of the committee of arbitration at each meeting of the managers.

ARTICLE 9. The treasurer shall receive from the secretary all moneys belonging to the board, shall disburse the same upon order of the secretary when approved by the president or one of the vice-presidents, and shall report the receipts and expenditures at each monthly meeting of the managers and annual meetings of the association.
ARTICLE 10. The funds of the association shall at all times be subject to the control of managers.
ARTICLE 11. Any individual a resident of Arkansas City, Kansas, may become a member of this association on payment of five dollars in advance. Annual assessments, not exceeding $5.00, may be made and any refusal to pay such assessments for 60 days, upon written notice, shall be considered as a withdrawal from the association and the name of the party shall be stricken from the same.
ARTICLE 12. The by-laws and constitution of this association shall not be altered or amended, except at a special meeting called for that purpose by order of a majority of the managers, a written or printed notice of which meeting and the proposed alteration shall be transmitted by the secretary to each member of the association.
ARTICLE 1. This association shall be known as the Board of Trade, of Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas.
ARTICLE 2. Its place of business shall be Arkansas City.
ARTICLE 3. The president, or one of the vice-presidents, shall preside at all meetings of the board and also of the managers. A quorum of the board shall consist of not less than fifteen members and a quorum of the managers of not less than four directors together with the presiding officer, but in the absence of the president and all the vice-presidents, a president protem may be chosen.
ARTICLE 4. The president, or, in his absence, either of the vice-presidents, shall have the power, on any emergency, to call a special meeting of the board, but the business to be acted upon at such special meeting, shall be given in the notice of said meeting, and no other acted upon but by unanimous consent.
ARTICLE 5. Every person desirous of becoming a member of this association shall be proposed at a stated meeting; and if five or more negative votes shall appear against any candidate, he shall not be admitted as a member. Nor shall his name again appear before the board for membership until after the expiration of six months from the date of such rejection. On becoming a member, he shall sign the constitution and by-laws. No application to be acted upon less accompanied by a membership fee of five dollars.
ARTICLE 6. The monthly meetings of the managers shall be held on the first Thursday of every month at the chambers of the board, at such hour as may be ordered by the president, written notice of which meeting shall be given to each member of the board.

ARTICLE 7. Any member who shall refuse or neglect to sign the constitution and by-laws of the association, may be expelled by the vote of three-fourths of the members present. But a notice of said motion shall be served on him, by the secretary, previous to said meeting. Any members failing to attend any regular meeting, having been notified of such meeting being called in writing by the secretary, may be expelled upon a majority vote of all members present. And any member failing to attend for three consecutive meetings of said board, after having been notified as required, shall be declared expelled from the association, Provided that sickness or wholly unavoidable causes of his absence, may work a reasonable excuse.
ARTICLE 8. Any member who may wish to withdraw from the association shall give written notice thereof, together with his reasons therefor. But no member shall be permitted to withdraw, unless he shall have paid his yearly subscription.
ARTICLE 9. In addition to the admission fee of five dollars, an annual assessment, to be fixed by the managers, shall be collected by the secretary, and by him deposited with the treasurer.
A. J. PYBURN, President.
H. D. KELLOGG, 1st Vice-President.
WM. M. SLEETH, 2nd Vice-President.
M. N. SINNOTT, Secretary.
N. T. SNYDER, Assistant Secretary.
A. D. MOWRY, Treasurer.
A. J. PYBURN, Chairman.
Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.
Newman & Co., are here to meet all competition. Don’t fail to remember this fact.
Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.
Newman & Co., carry a choice line of Comforts and Blankets.
Have no idea who May Newman was related to...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 5, 1885.

In accordance with a notice to that effect, a meeting was held in Masonic Hall Wednesday evening for the purpose of instituting a Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star, Past Grand Master, Wm. Cowgill, presiding. Mrs. Linnie A. Thompson was chosen Worthy Matron; Jas. Ridenour, Worthy Patron; Mrs. Matilda Bird, Worthy Associate Matron; Mrs. Mary Hess, Secretary; and Mrs. Hattie Gooch, Treasurer. After several votes on a name, it was decided to call it “Myrtle Chapter.”
The Worthy Matron then appointed the following officers.
Conductor, Cornelius Chapel.
Associate Conductor, Etta Kingsbury.
Warden, Minnie Huey.
Laura Chinn, Adah.
Olive Mantor, Ruth.
Eva Woodin, Esther.
May Newman, Martha.
Elected, Maggie Pickering.
Sentinel, H. Endicott.
On motion it was decided to hold the regular meetings of this chapter on the second Wednesday of each month. There were 62 charter members. After remarks by Bros. Cowgill and Bonsall, the chapter was closed to meet on Wednesday.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 5, 1885.
Meigs & Nelson made a “duplex” trade Thursday, as Geo. Allen expressed it. They traded S. B. Pickle’s two houses and lots for Samuel Hoyt’s farm just northeast of town, and then traded the farm to A. A. Newman for a business lot on South Summit street. Mr. Pickle intends building a business house on his new purchase.
I do not know if the following applies to Mrs. A. A. Newman or someone else...
Arkansas City Republican, December 19, 1885.
The ladies of the Presbyterian Church gave their concert Tuesday evening in Highland Opera House. A large audience was in attendance and thus in every respect the entertainment was made a success. The performances bespeak well of the musical talent of Arkansas City. Our space this week is quite limited, therefore, we cannot mention the performers individually in detail. Little Miss Bertha Eddy and Master Geo. Fairclo rendered the song of the “Little Milkmaid” so charmingly that they captivated the audience. “Come where the Lilies Bloom,” by the quartette (Messrs. Hutchison and Meeker and Mesdames Eddy and Newman) was especially well rendered. Mrs. J. O. Campbell sang the beautiful solo, “When the Tide Comes In,” superbly and pleased the audience so well that they would not allow her to retire without favoring them with another song. The “Song of Seven” was well rendered by Misses Pearl Newman, Mary Love, Mary Theaker, Abbie Hamilton, Flora Gould, Nellie Thompson, and Belle Everett. The recitation of Miss Lillie Cunningham was pleasing and the lady was long and loudly applauded. All the performers received frequent and hearty encores.
Arkansas City Republican, December 19, 1885.
This space reserved for the NO. 33 Drug Store in Newman’s corner block.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 23, 1885.

In the list of real estate transfers published in the Democrat last week, the following item is given.
Edward Grady et ex to Albert A. Newman, lots 11 and 12, blk. 70, Arkansas City, $3,000.
Will the obliging editor send an expert around to explain this remarkable entry?
Arkansas City Traveler, December 23, 1885.
Closed on Christmas.
We, the undersigned, agree to close our respective places of business during the entire day on the four national holidays: New Year’s Day, July 4, Thanksgiving day, and Christmas day.
A. A. Newman & Co.
Ochs & Nicholson
S. Matlack
O. P. Houghton
Youngheim & Co.
Arkansas City Republican, December 26, 1885.
Misses Abbie Hamilton and Minnie Stewart are assisting in A. A. Newman & Co.’s store during the holidays.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 30, 1885.
Railway Strategy.
A party of surveyors numbering fifteen, in the employ of the Santa Fe road, and under the conduct of J. D. Wirt, came to the city on Monday and registered at the Leland Hotel. Their names are: J. D. Wirt, J. P. Prescott, J. C. Oliphant, A. E. Penley, A. C. Cooley, E. S. Strong, Edward Jack, J. H. Phillips, Arthur Marshall, L. Banter, Geo. Barrett, Will Cooley, C. W. Ogee, Arthur Spicer.
After spending two or three days in this city, fitting out for their expedition, they will start out for the territory to survey a route for the extension of the A. T. & S. F. Road to Gainesville, Texas. The route to be taken will depend on the topography of the country. Mules, camp equipage, and transportation were furnished from Kansas City, and the survey will be pushed through with all possible speed. That some important name is on the chess board is evident from the fact that three prominent officials of the Frisco road passed Monday night in Arkansas City, and Mr. James Hill is now in Washington. The same day the board of trade of this city held a meeting, and decided to send Mr. A. A. Newman to Emporia, to interview Senator Plumb. Some strategic game is playing by the rival railroad interests, and what the outcome will be time will, in no long time, develop.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 2, 1886.
Rev. S. B. Fleming, we understand, is to be retained as pastor of the First Presbyterian Church here. It was decided Thursday. The subject was considered by the session of the church, who referred it to the presbytery, which body met in Wichita Thursday. J. L. Huey,
A. A. Newman, T. B. McConn, and Dr. Carlisle attended the meeting of the presbytery from here.
Arkansas City Republican, January 2, 1886.
A meeting of the Board of Trade was had Monday last in the mayor’s office. A. A. Newman was chosen to go to Emporia to confer with Senator Plumb and the members of the Kansas and Arkansas Valley Railroad, which met in Emporia Thursday.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.
The resignation of Rev. S. B. Fleming, having been referred to the presbytery to consider, that body met in Wichita on Thursday last, Messrs. Huey, Newman, McConn, and H. Carlisle, representing the congregation, being among the members. After a full discussion of the matter, it was considered advisable to retain the Rev. gentleman in his present pastorate another year. This will be gratifying to the people of Arkansas City, who recognize in Mr. Fleming a useful and progressive citizen as well as an able and zealous churchman. We understand that without solicitation, an addition of $300 a year has been made to his salary.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 16, 1886.
Messrs. A. A. Newman, T. H. McLaughlin, H. T. Sumner, Geo. Howard, Jas. Hill, W. B. Wingate, Dr. H. D. Kellogg, Frank Austin, Geo. Cunningham, Herman Godehard, W. D. Mowry, S. P. Burress, and F. B. Hutchison went over into the townships in Sumner County along the line of the proposed G. S. & C. Road Tuesday and worked like Turks to secure the carrying of the bonds. Elsewhere we give the good results of their labors. Wonderful stories are told by the boys as to how they walked mile after mile over enormous snow drifts, and how Herman Godehard captured the German vote and also about A. A. Newman’s big speech on the tariff question. ‘Tis no wonder that Arkansas City booms, when she has such patriotic and enterprising citizens pushing at the helm. These gentlemen realized that the carrying of these bonds was a necessary factor in the future welfare of Arkansas City, and accordingly went over to the contested territory, through the piercing winds and snow, and put their shoulders to the wheel. A great deal of credit is due the above mentioned gentlemen for what they did for Arkansas City last Tuesday.
Excerpts from a very long article...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 16, 1886.
Statement of the amount of orders issued, to whom issued, and for what purpose issued, on the bond funds for the building of the Central or Stone School Building, between June 24, 1884, and December 19, 1884; and orders issued to teachers from October 1, 1884, to June 3, 1885. Also, amount orders issued on the Incidental fund from July 10, 1884, to June 3, 1885. This is the best the present board can do. Not having any receipts recorded on the district clerk books, drawn from the county treasurer, we can give nothing but the one side.
May 2, 1885   A. A. Newman & Co., sundries  $39.22
Arkansas City Republican, January 23, 1886.
W. E. Griffith, of Lawrence, is the new salesman employed by A. A. Newman & Co.
Arkansas City Republican, February 20, 1886.
Our new embroideries have been received and for price and variety the stock is not excelled. Ask to see them. NEWMAN & CO.
Arkansas City Republican, February 20, 1886.

Saturday last a dispatch was received by R. A. Houghton, apprizing him of the death of his mother, who resides in Maine. A few days previous a message had been received stating that Mrs. Houghton was very sick, and her daughter, Mrs. Wyatt Gooch, and son, T. K. Houghton, had immediately started for her bedside. The deceased was the mother of Mrs. A. A. Newman, Mrs. Wyatt Gooch, R. A. Houghton, and T. K. Houghton. The death was unexpected and is a sad blow to the children.
Arkansas City Republican, February 20, 1886.
Newman & Co., have just opened a beautiful line of black and colored dress silks. Don’t fail to look at them.
Arkansas City Republican, February 20, 1886.
A. A. NEWMAN & CO. are Preparing for the Spring & Summer Trade, and our first consignment of new goods has just arrived. The New Designs in DRESS GINGHAMS Are exceedingly pretty, and will repay an examination. Our recent purchases of Hats and Clothing, comprising the latest styles and fashionable patterns, are now being received and placed in Stock. DON’T THINK OF FURNISHING YOUR HOUSE UNTIL you have inspected our new and handsome designs now being received in our Carpet & Curtain Department. New goods are coming in daily, and your inspection will be appreciated at any time. Your Friends, A. A. NEWMAN & CO. Commercial Block.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 24, 1886.
NEWMAN & CO., invite attention to their fine assortment of NEW GOODS -FOR THE- SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE, which are being daily received at their elegant rooms. COMMERCIAL BLOCK.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.
A Resolution to Annex Territory, and a Plan to Restore the West Bridge.
On Friday Mayor Schiffbauer received the following petition. ARKANSAS CITY, Feb. 19, 1886. To his honor F. P. Schiffbauer, mayor of the city of Arkansas City, Kansas:
The undersigned members of the council of Arkansas City respectfully request your honor to call a special meeting of the council this evening (Feb. 19th) for the purpose of taking some action in regard to the repairing of the bridge across the Arkansas River west of town, and annexing certain territory to the corporate limits of the city of Arkansas City.
JACOB HIGHT, Councilmen.
To which acting Mayor Thompson responded as follows.
ARKANSAS CITY, KANS., Feb. 19, 1886.
I hereby call a special meeting of the council of the city of Arkansas City, in pursuance to the above call. C. G. THOMPSON, Acting Mayor.
At 7:30 o’clock the same evening the council convened, all the members except Dean and Bailey were present. Mr. A. A. Newman, in behalf of himself and others, asked that the council memorialize the district judge to annex certain territory to the corporate limits of the city. On motion the following resolution was adopted.

Resolved, That notice is hereby given to whom it may concern, that on the 15th day of March, A. D. 1886, the city council of Arkansas City, county of Cowley, and state of Kansas, shall in the name of said city present a petition to the Hon. E. S. Torrance, judge of the district court of Cowley County, state of Kansas, praying for an order declaring that the following territory lying adjacent to the limits of said city of Arkansas City, described by metes and bounds, as follows, to-wit:
The property owned by the Arkansas City water power company, commencing at a point twenty (20) feet north of the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of section twenty-five (25), township thirty-four (34), range three (3) east, extending thence west three (3) rods to the north line of the right of way of the Arkansas City water power company’s canal; thence in a westerly direction along the north line of said canal about one hundred and fifty (150) rods to the east bank of the Arkansas River; thence southerly about ten (10) rods to a point where the north line of the public highway, extending east and west through the center of said section twenty-five (25), intersects the east bank of said Arkansas River; thence westerly across said river about 840 feet to the northeast corner of lot No. Four (4), section twenty-six (26), township thirty-four (34), range three (3) east; thence west twenty (20) rods; thence south sixteen (16) rods; thence east about twenty (20) rods to the west bank of the Arkansas River; thence easterly across said river about eight hundred and forty (840) feet, to a point on the east bank of said river two hundred (200) feet south of the north line of lot two (2) of said section twenty-five (25); thence east across said lot three hundred (300) feet; thence east along the south line of said highway to the city limits, about one hundred and forty (140) rods, containing seven and one-half (7-1/2) acres more or less; and thence north forty (40) feet to the place of beginning; making the same a part of the corporate limits of said city of Arkansas City, and made to all intents and purposes, contemplated in the law, under which said city is incorporated, a part of said city, and that this notice shall be published for three (3) consecutive weeks in the Arkansas City TRAVELER immediately hereafter.
The council then adjourned.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.
On the adjournment of the council, a citizens’ meeting was held in the same chamber to take immediate steps toward repairing the west bridge. The meeting organized by appointing W. D. Kreamer chairman and James Benedict secretary.
Mr. Hill moved that the chair appoint a committee consisting of members of the city council and of the board of trade to prepare a plan and estimate of the cost of repairing said bridge, which plan and estimate shall be submitted to the council for their approval. The motion being adopted the chair appointed as such committee Messrs. Hight, Hill, and T. H. McLaughlin, with instructions to make a report as soon as possible. Adjourned.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 6, 1886.
C. L. SWARTS, Attorney and Counselor At Law. Arkansas City, Kansas.
In Newman’s corner brick upstairs.
Arkansas City Republican, March 13, 1886.
A. A. Newman went to New York Thursday to be gone some three weeks. While away he will purchase a mammoth stock of goods.
Arkansas City Republican, March 27, 1886.
Newman & Co., have just received by express from New York some elegant Dress Goods, and would ask the ladies to call and examine these beautiful novelties in imported fabrics. They are charming.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.
  Farewell Reception.
On Monday, Mrs. E. D. Eddy gave a farewell reception to Mrs. Walton, mother to Mrs. Stacy Matlack and Mrs. Topliff, who will leave the city for her home in Maryland, next Tuesday. This estimable lady has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Matlack through the winter. Those present at the festivity were Mesdames Walton, S. Matlack, Topliff, Searing, Newman, Wyard Gooch, Carrie Morse, E. Sherburne (mother to Mrs. Eddy), Joseph H. Sherburne, and Frederic Lockley. Invitations were sent to several other ladies, who were probably deterred from attending on account of the inclement weather. A pleasant afternoon was spent, and in the evening an elegant repast was served. On separating the guest of the evening received the warmest assurances of esteem and friendship from all present, and her departure will be regretted by all within her social circle.
Arkansas City Republican, April 10, 1886.
To Ladies Interested in Art Needle Work.
Miss March wishes to call your attention to her exhibit of needle work in the window of A. A. Newman & Co.’s dry goods store. She is desirous of securing a class in the same. She also carries an elegant line of stamping patterns in the latest designs. Ladies calling at this store will lean her location.
Arkansas City Republican, April 10, 1886.
A. A. Newman came home Saturday from his extended eastern trip.
Arkansas City Republican, April 24, 1886.
M. C. Beymer has opened his hardware establishment in the Newman building on South Summit Street. Mr. Beymer has opened up a neat hardware stock. Call and get acquainted with him.
Arkansas City Republican, April 24, 1886.
A. A. Newman is excavating for a business block on South Summit Street. The block will be 50 x 80 feet, two stories high, and constructed of stone and brick. South Summit Street is booming. The above block makes four store rooms now building there. How we do boom.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.
The march of improvement is making rapid strides along South Summit Street. Between Third and Fourth Avenues, Mr. Bittle is laying the foundations for a two-story brick building, 25 x 80 feet, and on the adjoining lot south, Charles Parker is excavating for a similar building of the same dimensions. South of them A. A. Newman is throwing up the earth to make room for a double building of 50 feet front, which will be finished off in handsome style and be an ornament to that portion of the city. Our business growth is north and south, and it is also extending transversely along Fifth and Central Avenues.
Arkansas City Republican, May 8, 1886.
Almost $100,000
Worth of Property Change Ownership in Arkansas City
Since Monday, May 3, 1886.
Farms Adjoining the Townsite Selling for $150 per Acre.
Resident and Business Lots Selling to Capitalists

As Rapidly As a Price Can Be Fixed Upon them.
Since the bonds have been voted in the border townships for the Kansas State Line road, real estate has changed hands at an astonishing rate and at exceedingly good prices. Our town has been alive this week with capitalists seeking purchases.
The ball was started rolling Monday by the sale of a business lot to C. H. Shoenut, a capitalist from New York City. The lot was the property of Dr. Shepard and is located on Summit Street south of the post office. The consideration was $3,250.
Thursday D. G. Carder sold 60 acres of his farm adjoining the city limits, just across the canal, for $9,000 to J. H. McNair, of Halstead, Kansas. This was at the rate of $150 per acre. The consideration was paid in full. Until lately Mr. Carder never asked more than $80 per acre.
John Carder, the father of D. G. Carder, also sold his 67 acre plat of ground south of the flouring mills for $10,000. The purchasers were Jas. Hill, A. A. Newman, W. M. Sleeth, S. Matlack, T. H. McLaughlin, and G. N. Newman.
Thursday morning Wm. Gibby sold to the above parties his farm of 65 acres across the canal south of town for $10,000.
J. Young, of Chicago, was in the city the first of the week and purchased 30 resident lots in Beecher & Sons addition. The consideration was $6,500.
Mrs. Hattie C. Lowe purchased two acres of land just south of the city from Dr. G. S. Morris; the consideration was $2,600.
Frank Beecher, of this city, purchased 6 lots in the south part of town; the consideration was $800.
Fred W. Farrar purchased a residence of A. G. Lowe; the consideration was $3,000.
Herman Knorr bought one lot from James Jones, paying therefor $200.
Wm. Thomas, of the second ward, sold his five lots to John F. Hoffman; the consideration was $1,500.
Wm. R. Herniman sold to Chas. Hutchins his resident property; the consideration was $1,600.
T. H. McLaughlin, A. A. Newman, G. N. Newman, Jas. Hill, and Maj. Sleeth purchased the Godfrey addition of 86 acres south of town. The consideration was $13,000 or $150 per acre.
W. R. Herniman sold four lots to Allen Mowry for $600.
John Young, of New York City, made a purchase of 9 lots in Beecher & Son’s addition; the consideration was $900.
Rev. T. J. Anderson, of Caldwell, sold two acres of land at the foot of Summit Street, to W. J. Halleck of Topeka, for $2,000. Mr. Halleck also purchased four lots in Beecher & Son’s addition, paying for them $450.
Ten lots in the Beecher addition were sold to Mrs. Wing, of this city; the consideration was $1,000.
C. T. Pritchard sold his business lot to John Paul, of Topeka. The consideration was $4,500.
F. W. Farrar purchased 5 lots in Beecher addition, paying $500 therefor.
N. T. Snyder paid $700 for six lots in Beecher addition.

Judge W. D. Kreamer sold his home place to W. B. Bishop, ex-trader at Pawnee Agency, yesterday, for $3,500.
M. B. Vawter sold two lots in the south part of town to M. H. Hoover, who recently located here, for $500.
Mrs. Sarah Dix purchased Chas. C. Moffat’s resident property on Summit Street, paying $1,300 for it.
Miss Rena Dix purchased two lots of C. R. Sipes and two in Gilstrap addition in the 4th ward. The consideration was $300.
H. G. Bailey sold two lots in the 4th ward to J. Q. Dix for $150. Mr. Dix also paid the same price for two lots in Gilstrap addition.
A. D. Prescott purchased a lot in Gilstrap addition; consideration $150.
Five other lots were sold in Gilstrap addition to eastern parties, but we were unable to get their names. The consideration was $500 [? NOT SURE OF THIS FIGURE?].
J. A. Reynolds, of Cameron, Missouri, was prospecting in this vicinity this week. He purchased the farm of J. C. Chase, a few miles west of Arkansas City. He paid $4,500 for it.
Frank Hess was offered $9,000 for block 40, north of the school building, Thursday. He refused, and holds it at $10,000.
Wm. Sleeth made the purchase of five acres of land belonging to Wm. Kirtley yesterday; the consideration was $2,500.
T. H. McLaughlin, Jas. Hill, Maj. Sleeth, S. Matlack, A. A. Newman, and G. N. Newman purchased the Huey property, northwest of the city, yesterday morning; the consideration was $10,500.
Jacob Schibley sold his four acres of land adjoining the townsite for $2,400.
D. Hammel, of Newton, was here this week looking our town over. He purchased the 67 acre tract of land, adjoining the townsite on the west and belonging to Dr. Reed. The consideration was $10,500.
J. F. Hoffman purchased a lot of S. B. Scott in the 2nd ward for $150 and two hours later sold it for $325 to R. L. Balyeat.
Messrs. Hill, Newman, McLaughlin, Matlack, Sleeth, and Newman paid $1,500 to L. W. Currier for his property.
G. L. Brown to S. E. Bliss, house and lot, $750.
Wm. Rose, a house and lot, to Messrs. Deering and Jackson, for $400.
F. C. Newman came in from Osage City yesterday and had been in the city not longer than an hour when he made a purchase of 9 lots in Beecher’s addition. He paid $1,000.
Ephraim Carder transferred his 67 acres of land south of town yesterday to Hill, Newman, Sleeth, Matlack, McLaughlin, and Newman. The consideration was $10,000.
Newell Pond sold his property in the 4th ward to Mrs. S. A. Dix for $600.
The above are actual trades made. We know of considerable property bargained for, but has not been consummated. This sudden boom in real estate is partly due to the carrying of the State Line propositions, and to other causes which we are not yet at liberty to make public. How we boom!
Arkansas City Republican, May 8, 1886.
The Jubilee.

Yesterday was a gala day in Arkansas City. Our friends from the eastern townships along the State Line road had been invited to come to our city and partake of the hospitality of our citizens, and assist in the celebration. It was a grand celebration, indeed. It surpassed anything we have ever had in commemoration of July 4.
Yesterday was a beautiful day. Bright and early our merchants and citizens began the decorations of their stores and homes. Everybody decorated. After one o’clock the visitors began arriving. About 3:30 the delegation from Cedar and Spring Creek Townships came in a body. They were met by the bands of the city and escorted along our main thoroughfares, and citizens falling in the procession to the Opera House, where a most sumptuous feast awaited them, which was prepared by the ladies of Arkansas City. After one and all had eaten heartily, they adjourned to the streets. At 7:30 a grand procession was formed, everybody falling in. After the procession came the pyrotechnic display and the firing of anvils and then our citizens and their guests repaired to the opera house to give vent to their enthusiastic feeling.
The vast assemblage was called to order at 8:30 by Maj. Sleeth and the following gentlemen responded to toasts.
Rev. J. O. Campbell, “Cowley County and her Railroads.”
A. A. Newman, “State Line Railroad.”
Rev. S. B. Fleming, “The Campaign.”
F. P. Schiffbauer, “Arkansas City.”
Arthur Smith, “Cedar Township.”
A. L. Andrews, “Spring Creek Township.”
Robt. Howe, “Maple City.”
Dr. H. D. Cooper, “The long-haired Men from the Irish Flats.”
Ike Harkleroad, “Silverdale Township.”
Rev. W. W. Harris, “Creswell Township.”
Dick Courtright, “Rock Creek.”
Amos Walton, “Ignoramus.”
Rev. J. P. Witt, “Winfield telegrams.”
A. D. Prescott, “The Missouri Pacific R. R.”
Col. Sumner, “That Spoon hook.”
Mr. Neal, of Wellington, “The Ft. Smith, Wellington & Northwestern.”
Wm. Jenkins, “The Waterloo of Cowley County.”
Mr. Manahan, of Cedar, “Blessed are the Peacemakers.”
James Hill made the final response, choosing his own subject.
At the close of the exercises, our guests were taken care of for the night. The most enthusiastic and friendly feeling exists in southern Cowley. Never before in our existence have we ever seen as many happy souls as there are now in the townships of Cedar, Spring Creek, Silverdale, and Creswell, and the city of Arkansas City. One cause has bound our hearts together and soon the link will be more welded by the bands of steel.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.
A. A. NEWMAN AND CO. are prepared with a large and varied stock of the novelties and necessaries required to make life endurable through the hot season. The variety of FANS, PARASOLS, AND SUN UMBRELLAS IS UNSURPASSED.

THE LINES OF Piques, Lawns, Nainsooks, India Linens, Mulls, Robes, Zephyr, Ginghams and crinkled Seersuckers, ARE VERY COMPLETE.
Our assortment of summer underwear, in Gauze, Balbriggan, Lisle Thread, and Silk is not equaled in variety and price.
Keep cool and visit A. A. NEWMAN & CO.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.
W. G. Scott, formerly salesman for J. O. Johnson & Co., is now behind the counters of A. A. Newman & Co.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.
The plans for the business block on South Summit Street are also ready, to consist of four stores with 100 feet front, and to be built by David Carder, A. A. Newman, T. H. Tyner, and Baer & Endicott. The site of these buildings will be just south of the Monumental Hotel, and will form an important addition to our business facilities.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.
New Clothing.
A. A. Newman & Co., are now placing in stock one of the most complete assortments of Men’s, Youth’s, and Boys’ Clothing ever brought to this city, and our prices are always the lowest. Don’t purchase until you have seen our line. Yours respectfully,
  A. A. NEWMAN & CO.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.
A. A. Newman left for New York on Friday, to purchase a fall stock of goods.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.
Building Notes.
Work began last week on two of the four business houses to be erected on the block south of the Monumental Hotel. Baer & Endicott and A. A. Newman lead in this good work.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.
The pressed brick for the front of John L. Howard’s store building arrived from St. Louis last week, and the workmen are now running up the walls.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.
The upper story of the St. James Hotel is now reached, and the galvanized iron cornice is ready to be put in place.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.
Jerome Steele moved his stock from the Bonsall building yesterday into Dr. Alexander’s vacant store.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.
Recommendations of Mayor Schiffbauer to the Council.
At a special meeting of the city council, held on Monday evening, Aug. 30th, the following communication was read.
To the commission council of Arkansas City, Kansas.

GENTLEMEN: I find, upon examination of the records, that a meeting of the council held July 19th last, Acting Mayor Thompson appointed a committee consisting of Messrs. Wingate, Davis, and Thurston, to investigate and report on the feasibility of draining the slough west of the city. The report of this committee is herewith attached. I further find that on Aug. 2nd the city clerk was ordered to secure the right of way, and that at the same sitting the city engineer was ordered to advertise for bids to excavate a ditch for draining the slough, said ditch to be ten feet at the bottom with 2 to 1 slope. The bids to be opened and considered in ten days.
Now I submit that this system of draining said slough will entail a heavy expense, and become an onerous burden on the taxpayers of the city.
I also hand you herewith an approximate estimate of the cost of the plan proposed, and also the cost of the tile system of drainage, which will answer every required purpose; and this with an eye single to the health and pecuniary interest of the citizens and taxpayers of the city.
From the committee’s report you will see that Messrs. Hill, Newman, and Sleeth offer to give the right of way free of cost; but from the engineer’s diagram, you will find that the survey runs where the right of way will have to be purchased or condemned.
Why a right of way 100 feet wide and a ditch 10 feet wide at the bottom should be wanted for the purpose stated, I am at a loss to understand, when it is a conceded fact that a six inch drain would carry off all the water accumulating in said slough.
You are, therefore, asked to give this matter your candid and careful consideration, and let your action tend to the advantage of your constituents.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
Cost of right of way: $1,080.00
Cost of excavating: $2,640.00
Cost of fencing: $432.29
Cost of bridge: $500.00
TOTAL: $4,652.29
To this will be added a yearly expense for the maintenance of the bridge and the erection of other bridges as the needs of the city require, and for their maintenance for all time.
2,436 feet of the 10 in. tiling at 20 cents: $487.20
Laying the same at 10 cents: $243.60
TOTAL: $730.80
The right of way for this would be freely given, as there would be no obstruction; no fencing would be required, no bridging would be necessary, and in this item alone a great saving would be secured to the taxpayers.
The matter was debated awhile by the council, and laid over till the next meeting.
Arkansas City Republican, May 15, 1886.
The Land Slides of the Week.
Monday morning Lyman Fairclo sold his house and three lots in the 4th ward to John Carder for $1,000.

Johnnie Kroenert purchased of Wm. Blakeney 10 acres of land in Duncan addition, paying $1,500 for it.
Geo. Ford of the 1st ward sold two lots to Dr. J. A. Mitchell, for $600.
S. S. McDowell purchased Benj. Ishmael’s property in the 4th ward for $700.
A. A. Newman and T. H. McLaughlin sold a lot on South Summit street to E. H. Carder for $1,000.
P. V. Kealy bought one lot of A. J. Chapel since our report of last week, paying $650 for his purchase.
Richard C. Hess sold to James Hill six lots in Leonard addition for $4,000 the latter part of last week.
T. L. Mantor sold four vacant lots Tuesday to Judge W. D. Kreamer for $1,000.
H. P. Farrar and Maj. Sleeth sold their two business lots on west Fifth Avenue for $3,500 to E. J. Coleman, of Wichita. Mr. Coleman is a wealthy cattleman.
E. E. Meeker purchased a half block of lots in Beecher’s addition from Dr. J. Vawter Wednesday, paying $1,200.
M. C. Copple sold to Dr. G. S. Morris his city property Thursday for $1,500.
Dr. J. A. Mitchell purchased 4 lots of Johnnie Kroenert in Ward No. 1 for $700 Tuesday.
N. W. Parlin sold a house and two lots in Leonard’s addition to W. D. Kreamer for $1,700.
O. O. Ingersoll purchased a block of lots in Swarts’ addition Saturday. The consideration was $1,400.
E. D. Eddy bought 4 lots in Swarts’ addition; consideration was $350.
O. O. Ingersoll made the purchase of 4 lots in Swarts’ addition; the consideration was $225.
Twelve lots in Swarts’ addition were sold to Mrs. Morris for $605.
F. W. Farrar, G. S. Howard, and A. D. Prescott purchased four lots in Leonard addition Thursday. The consideration was $1,600. This is the highest price paid for resident lots in any addition.
H. C. Deets gave $275 for 5 lots in Swarts’ addition.
James Pollock, of Wichita, sold his 80 acre farm north of town to Geo. C. Strong, of Wichita, for $2,500.
D. B. Meigs sold one lot in the 2nd ward to Frank J. Hess for $300.
E. F. Thompson, of St. Louis, sold one resident lot for $300.
Bradford Beall purchased one lot of E. F. Thompson for $300.
H. F. Hoffman made the purchase of one lot from D. B. Meigs; the consideration was $250.
H. P. Standley invested his pocket change of $150 in one lot in the 4th ward belonging to E. F. Thompson.
E. F. Thompson, of St. Louis, finding that his large list of lots was getting smaller by the great boom in our city, began to stock up by buying a lot from Ed. Malone, giving $200 for it.
H. Finley, of Wichita, was in the city the first of the week. Mr. Finley saw a bargain in the property of H. Trafflick at $1,000 and purchased it. Another fortnight and half of Wichita’s capitalists will own property in Arkansas City.

Monday morning before breakfast Dave G. Carder purchased a house and two lots from G. W. Herbert, located on South Summit street for $1,000.
Frank Beecher sold six lots in Beecher’s addition to Dr. Vawter for $825.
Wednesday Dr. J. A. Mitchell purchased the Al. Horn property on east Central Avenue for $1,550.
F. W. Farrar bought 9 lots in Beecher’s addition, paying $1,000 for them.
One acre of land in Harmon’s addition was sold to J. Gilbert from S. H. Foss for $500.
Miss Florence Patterson sold one lot in Beecher’s addition to Geo. E. Hasie for $310. A few weeks ago Miss Patterson gave $175 for it.
Miss Florence Patterson some six weeks ago purchased a resident lot in View Hill addition for $200. Wednesday she sold it to Frank Austin for $400.
F. J. Hess purchased eight lots of Samuel Hoyt on 5th Avenue Wednesday. The consideration was $8,000.
City Building.
At the last meeting of the city council, that honorable body adopted a resolution to purchase a lot, belonging to Thos. Baird, on Central Avenue, on which to erect a city building; the consideration was $800. Our city fathers acted wisely in making the purchase before the boom placed this out of their reach.
Johnnie Kroenert purchased three lots of Wm. Curtis, in the 4th ward, for $600.
Judge W. D. Kreamer saw a bargain in the John Holloway property, north of Oliver Bros. Lumber Yard, and purchased it Thursday for $1,450.
D. G. Carder purchased a house and lot on South Summit Street Monday for $1,000. Thursday he sold it to Miss Sadie Thomas for $1,500.
G. N. Gilliland sold two lots in the 1st ward to W. D. Bishop, who removed here from Pawnee Agency, for $400. Mr. Bishop will build a residence on his lots.
S. S. Lambert invested $975 in five lots in Gilstrap addition Wednesday.
Fred Farrar bought three lots in Gilstrap addition for $400.
Ira Putney sold his 4th ward property to John Doyle for $650.
J. F. McGrath, of Newton, purchased of J. W. Ruby 35 acres of land north of town Thursday; the consideration was $5,250. Mr. Ruby immediately invested $5,200 of his money in Wm. Gibbey’s resident property on 5th Avenue.
John Leach sold his 80 acre farm north of town to N. W. Parlin for $2,500 Wednesday.
Messrs. Ray and Fowler, bankers at Newton, came down to Arkansas City Wednesday and made several investments in lots; among them was the buying of the Inns’ business lots on North Summit Street for $2,250.
N. W. Parlin sold to John Leach, a house and lots, Wednesday, for $1,400.
R. U. Hess sold to E. B. Wingate, 4 lots, $305.
W. I. L. Rhoads sold to Frank J. Hess, 10 lots, $1,000.
Frank J. Hess sold to A. A. Newman, 1 lot, $100.
Fred W. Farrar sold to F. J. Hess, 1 lot, $500.
L. D. Knott sold to C. M. Ayler, 2 lots, $300.
F. J. Hess sold to L. J. Stedman, 1 lot, $100.
D. E. Taggart sold to Fred W. Farrar, business lot, $1,000.
A. A. Newman sold to F. J. Hess, 1 lot, $100.
Samuel Hagan sold to Alf. D. Hawk, 7 lots, $1,000.

Wm. Lawrence sold to Julia E. Searing, 1 lot, $100.
James C. Topliff sold to A. R. Wilcox, 2 lots, $100.
F. J. Hess sold to E. B. Wingate, 1 lot, $65.
John M. Magill sold to Wm. M. Jenkins, 3 lots and 2 houses, $3,300.
Newman and McLaughlin sold to A. D. Hawk, 1 lot, $150.
James M. Pollock sold to F. J. Hess 1/4 interest in 84 lots, $2,000.
James B. Nipp to F. J. Hess, house and 3 lots, $4,000.
Jas. H. Baker sold to Leavitt N. Coburn, 2 acre tract, $300.
A. R. Wilcox sold to F. J. Hess, 4 lots, $400.
John A. Beck sold to James Hill, house and 2 lots, $1,000.
Wm. Jenkins sold to J. T. Shepard, 3 lots and 2 houses, $3,000.
Bert Thompson sold to D. G. Carder, house and lot, $650.
G. W. Miller sold to Miss Florence Patterson, house and 2 lots, $650.
Wm. Morgan sold 2 lots to John Carder, $500.
Alfred D. Hawk sold to Wm. M. B. Matlack, 2 lots, $100.
Richard U. Hess sold to Julia E. Searing, 2 lots, $350.
Arkansas City Republican, May 15, 1886.
The Maple City Town Company.
A. L. Andrews and Dr. Cooper, of Maple City, were in the metropolis, Monday and Tuesday, for the purpose of organizing the Maple City Town Company. Tuesday night the organization was partly effected: Maj. W. M. Sleeth, Jas. Hill, and A. A. Newman were selected as directors of the town company from Arkansas City; A. L. Andrews, Robt. Howe, Philip Hoffman, G. A. Sutton, and Dr. Cooper, as directors from Maple City. The charter has been sent for and will be here in a few days.
The citizens of Maple City, since the carrying of the bonds for the State Line road, have put their heads together with more determination than ever, to increase the importance of their town. As it has been heretofore, Maple City has not had the prospects of obtaining a railroad. She now has, and the efforts of our friends over east to build up their home city will not go unrewarded.
At present the incorporated limits of Maple City contain only an area of six blocks. But surrounding A. L. Andrews owns 320 acres of as fine land as the sun ever shone upon. A portion of this will be platted and converted into town lots and placed upon the market. There is no reason why Maple City should not grow to be a city of from 1,500 to 2,500. She is surrounded by a most fertile farming country, as well as considerable grazing land. Her citizens are enterprising and patriotic; they will leave no stone unturned in the upbuilding of their town. They have a scope of country for 20 miles around to draw trade from. No town of importance is nearer than Arkansas City, and our citizens will lend our neighbors a helping hand. The REPUBLICAN rejoices with our friends in their boom.
[AD: A. A. NEWMAN & CO.]
Arkansas City Republican, May 15, 1886.
A. A. Newman & Co., have opened:
A beautiful line of gents ties.
Handsome designs in jewelry.

Some pretty Mikado scarfs.
A variety of infants lace caps.
Hosiery and gloves in endless profusion.
Some beautiful opaque curtains.
Splashers and towels of every kind.
Every style and quality of shoes and slippers.
“As the matter now stands,” they are very cheap.
Arkansas City Republican, May 15, 1886.
E. H. Carder will build a substantial business house on the lot he purchased of A. A. Newman the first of the week on South Summit street.
Arkansas City Republican, May 15, 1886.
Ed. Perrine has the contract for the excavating of the basement for the cracker factory. Mr. Perrine has just completed the excavation of the basement of the Newman block on South Summit Street.
Arkansas City Republican, May 22, 1886.
On South Summit Street—Six Business Rooms to Be Constructed Immediately.
This morning a representative of the DAILY REPUBLICAN caught on to a big building scheme. P. F. Endicott, E. Carder, Thos. Tyner, Thos. Kimmel, W. F. Moore, J. F. Hoffman, and A. A. Newman have entered into an agreement to erect a handsome business block of six rooms, on lots south of the Burroughs’s block. Work is to be commenced in a few days. The block is to be two stories high and 100 feet deep with basements under the entire block. Storerooms are in demand in Arkansas City. As rapidly as they can be built, they are occupied. The building of these six business houses will aid very much in supplying the demand. It will be but a short time until Summit street will be lined all the way to the canal with handsome stone and brick business blocks.
A companion article to above...
Arkansas City Republican, May 22, 1886.
“What Might Have Been.”
No one person realizes the full meaning of the above words better than Dr. H. D. Kellogg. Some four or five years ago, he was the proud possessor of 160 acres of land across the canal. Four years ago he sold to Wyatt Gooch 55 acres at $10 per acre. He disposed of the remainder of the quarter section to different parties and received for it, all told, $2,200. D. G. Wetmore sold a few days since to F. W. Farrar and others 45 acres of the quarter for $10,000. Wm. Gibby sold 60 acres of it for $10,500; L. W. Currier sold two acres for $1,500; Jacob Shibley 4 acres for $2,700. Mr. Gooch retains his 55 acres and it could not be bought for $200 per acre. That quarter section of land which four years ago sold for $2,200 has since brought in the neighborhood of $50,000. A profit of $48,000 in Arkansas City real estate on a $2,200 investment in four years is pretty good as a kind of an outside speculation, you know.
Arkansas City Republican, May 22, 1886.

Real Estate Transfers of Monday and Tuesday.
H. P. Goeden to S. B. Scott, 2 houses and 3 lots, $1,050.
H. C. Deets to W. B. Scott, 3 lots, $1,000.
Geo. E. Hasie to H. R. Laft, 1 lot, $450.
D. D. Keeler to Geo. E. Hasie, 1 lot, $400.
J. W. Hutchison to M. S. Bond, 2 lots, $150.
John Daniels to F. Innis, 3 lots and house, $850.
Fred Innis to J. Daniels, 5 acres, $1,250.
D. W. Stevens to N. T. Snyder and M. S. Davidson, business house on Summit Street, $6,000.
J. A. Young to L. Wilson, 1 lot, $250.
F. P. Rost to H. C. Deets, 1 lot, $250.
J. A. Young to H. E. Thompson, 1 lot, $225.
J. A. Young to W. H. Townsley, 1 lot, $225.
J. F. Beecher to C. D. Ayers, 1 lot, $360.
A. D. Hawk to Hannah M. Clevinger, 2 lots, $100.
R. U. Hess to Julia E. Searing, 2 lots, $350.
F. J. Hess to F. A. Gachenbach, 2 lots, $90.
S. E. Maxwell to J. Kroenert, 2 lots, $125.
Newman and McLaughlin to John R. Lugin, 3 lots, $300.
W. S. Rhoades to T. L. Mantor, 2 lots, $300.
J. Hill to T. L. Mantor, 2 lots, $800.
D. B. Meigs to C. W. Kreamer, 1 lot, $250.
A. K. Melton to Wm. Gibby, 2 lots, $250.
C. M. Pollock to Jennie Peterson, 2 lots, $200.
Spencer Lawhe to A. R. Wilcox, 2 lots, $155.
A. K. Melton to R. U. Hess, 1 lot, $100.
F. J. Hess to A. D. Hawk, ½ interest in business lot, $750.
J. R. Harmon to James Geary, E. J. Colman, and W. D. Bishop, 30 acre tract, $7,500.
Chas. M. Ayler to Geo. Allen, 2 lots, $350.
John Carder to A. A. Newman, 80 acres, $2,400.
A. A. Newman to E. H. Carder, lot on Summit Street, $1,000.
A. G. Lowe to James Beecher, 2 lots, $250.
Aaron Harnley to J. C. Weir, 2 lots, $275.
P. F. Endicott to A. A. Newman, T. H. McLaughlin, et al, 100 acres, $15,000.
Dugal Owen to A. G. Lowe, house and 4 lots, $200.
W. R. Herniman to S. J. Rice, 2 lots, $200.
E. A. Barron to Dugal Owen, house, 2 lots, $700.
Ward & Wallace to B. C. Lent, 1 lot and house, $250.
M. B. Vawter to J. F. Hoffman, 1 lot, $340.
G. W. Miller to Hoover & Snowden, house and 2 lots, $750.

Wm. Gibby to James Hill and J. W. Ruby, house and 4 lots, $5,200.
S. S. McDowell to Wm. Jenkins, 2 houses and 3 lots, $750.
S. B. Scott to Wm. Jenkins, 2 houses and 3 lots, $1,200.
C. B. Crew to W. H. Campbell, house and lot, $425.
S. B. Scott to J. F. Hoffman, 1 lot, $350.
J. F. Hoffman to S. S. McDowell, 1 lot, $450.

Jas. H. Griffith to G. Westfall and Alfred P. Gage, house and 3 lots, $1,600.
Samuel Hoyt to W. B. Thomas, 4 lots and 2 houses, $850.
Chas. Horner to J. T. Ray, 1 lot, $2,000.
D. B. Meigs to W. A. Basset, 1 lot, $300.
H. Tisdale to John A. Foster, 1 lot, $400.
C. M. Scott to Florence Patterson, 1 lot, $50.
John Bain to Geo. Allen, 2 lots, $275.
Geo. Allen to F. C. Deering, 1 lot, $125.
E. M. Godfrey to W. D. Bishop, 1 lot, $200.
Geo. Allen to O. P. Houghton, 2 lots, $350.
D. T. Wetner to H. P. Farrar, 45 acres, $10,000.
Geo. Allen to A. F. Huse, house and 4 lots, $1,300.
Samuel Hoyt to Theoron R. Houghton and Frank Adams, house and 4 lots, $1,100.
Lyda Finney to Wm. Thomas, 5 acres, $2,000.
Thos. Baird to H. G. Bailey, 1 lot, $1,200.
H. G. Bailey to R. C. Howard, 2 lots, $300.
J. M. Godfrey to Wm. Gray, house and lot, $600.
Jamison Vawter to Bly Lewis, 1 lot, $150.
A. D. Prescott to W. B. Leonard, 1 lot, $225.
Standford Anderson, 800 acres of land to P. Trotter, $1,500.
Arkansas City Republican, May 22, 1886.

For the “Hot Wave” by purchasing your Summer Goods of
Our stock of Lawns, Parasols, Ladies’ Silk and Lisle Thread Gloves, Cashmere Shawls, Lace Neckwear, Straw Hats, Light weight Clothing, and Summer Underwear Is Not Surpassed in Variety and Price. For material for a cool Summer Dress, you will do well to look at our Beautiful Robes, Lawns, Mulls, Buntings, Zephyr Chambrays, and Ginghams, Piques, Nainsooks, India Linens, Laces, and Embroideries of every description.
THE NOTION DEPARTMENT is replete with everything needed in Ribbons, Stylish Buttons, Dress Buckles, Handkerchiefs, Ladies’ Collars and Cuffs, Veilings, Ruching, Toilet Soaps, Perfumes, Fancy Stationery, Brushes, Purses, Hand Bags, etc.
Respectfully Yours, A. A. NEWMAN & CO., Commercial Block.

Arkansas City Republican, May 29, 1886.
Smith’s new $50,000 hotel; Johnson Loan and Trust Company’s block; Newman’s block; the Pickle block, and the National Bank building, are the blocks now being erected in Arkansas City. Six business blocks have just been completed upon the burned district, and six more have been contracted for to be built on South Summit street. How we boom!
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 5, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
The Traveler office, which has so long been located in Newman brick building, will move to more commodious quarters in the upstairs of the Sherburne building immediately after its next week’s issue.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 5, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
A petition is being circulated asking that a road be opened from the Santa Fe railroad to the Winfield highway between Newman’s and Duncan’s additions to Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 5, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
The Johnson Loan and Trust Company block, the new hotel, the cracker factory, the National Bank extension, the Pickle block, and the Newman block compose the number of business blocks now under construction in Arkansas City. Six others are contracted for and six have just been completed.
Excerpts from article...
Arkansas City Republican, June 5, 1886.
Real Estate Transfers.
The following real estate transfers have been made in Arkansas City within the past two days and deeds sent up for record.
A. A. Newman and wife to Silas Pickle, lot 7, block 70, $2,000.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 12, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Next Tuesday the work on the six brick store buildings, which are to be erected on lots south of the Monumental Hotel, will commence. The contracts are being let now for the work. The block is to be 150 x 100 feet, and the builders are E. H. Carder, Tom Tyner, J. F. Hoffman, A. A. Newman, P. F. Endicott, W. E. Moore, and Thos. Kimmell.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 12, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
A. A. Newman & Co., have just established the rapid cash railway system in their mammoth dry goods house.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 19, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
The stone work on the Newman-Pickle block has reached the second floor. This block is 100 x 100 feet.
Arkansas City Republican, June 26, 1886.
   A Brief Round Up.

Our readers, perhaps, do not know the extent of the boom in Arkansas City. A drive over a portion of the city this morning behind A. G. Lowe’s roadster surprised us by seeing the amount of work being done. On Summit street a very large force of workmen are laying the water-works pipes. Probably there are one hundred men at work on this portion of the system. On South Summit street, some 15 mechanics are engaged in erecting the Newman-Pickle block. Farther south there are some 10 persons engaged in excavating for the large business block of six store rooms, mentioned in a preceding issue of the REPUBLICAN. Then down in the Leonard Addition about 15 men are doing the brick work on the new Schoolhouse. This building is almost completed to the second floor. From the Schoolhouse we went around down to the Frisco depot. On the way down we noticed a half dozen men at work on the foundation of the stand-pipe. At the spring a force of 15 hands are at work building the pump and boiler house. At the Frisco about 20 men are engaged in getting out the bridge timbers on the Geuda Springs & Caldwell road. This bridge will consist of 4,000 feet of trestle work.
The yards of the Frisco would make anyone believe he was in a city of 15,000 inhabitants. A large number of teamsters were busy hauling away some 14 carloads of lumber. Scattered here and there in the vacant land south of the depot are 25 tents, inhabited by newcomers and workers on the railroad. In addition to these we saw several camps of Indians, who are up from the Territory making purchases of supplies.
Returning from the depot to the business part of the city, we find at work on the National Bank extension, new post office building, and the Johnson Loan & Trust company block, some 20 mechanics. On the new hotel building 24 men are laboring to complete it. The stone work has almost reached the second story floor.
The last place we visited where a business block was going up was J. L. Howard’s. Here eight men are at work excavating. We do not hesitate to say that Arkansas City is becoming as no other city in the Southwest and in a few years will be the largest city in the Arkansas Valley.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 26, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
L. P. Annis sold his 93 acre farm to A. A. Newman Saturday afternoon for $2,800. Mr. Annis was somewhat discouraged because of the damage done his crop by the storm Friday night and when he came to the city next day he placed his farm in the hands of Lowe, Hoffman &  Barron to sell. Two hours afterward Mr. Newman bought it. It was a bargain. [See later article: it was Dell Annis!]
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 26, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Ed. Perrine has the contract for the excavation of Newman’s new block on South Summit street.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 26, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
G. W. Newman and family, of Emporia, arrived in the city today on the noon train for a visit among relatives and friends.
Arkansas City Republican, June 26, 1886.
“The ‘Mather’ Perfect Glove Fastening.” I advise all to buy a pair and be convinced. For sale by A. A. NEWMAN & CO.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 3, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
   The K. C. & P. H.
Arkansas City is going to build a railroad to Kamchatka by way of Burden and Behring’s Straits. When this is done Burden will be the capital of Cowley County and the sand hill the capital of the United States. The road will only cost $5,000,000,000, including the bridge across the Behring straits, and Nat. Snyder, A. A. Newman, and Jim Hill have the money deposited in Jim Huey’s bank to do it with. Mud-hole Courier.

Oh, no, Courier, you are partly mistaken in the above. Arkansas City does not intend building the road mentioned; the Missouri Pacific folks are going to do it for us, you know. Then again, you get your I. & S. W. Route mixed up with our Kansas City & Pan Handle line. For the information of the Mud-hole denizens, the REPUBLICAN states that the line spoken of above will run from Arkansas City via Burden direct to Reece in Greenwood County. The remainder of the above items is true.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 24, 1886. From Saturday’s Daily.
Mrs. A. A. Newman was taken sick yesterday. She is reported convalescing today.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 7, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Newman & Co., have added another salesman to their already large corps, in the person of W. G. Scott.
Arkansas City Republican, August 14, 1886.
The Election.
The election yesterday was all one sided in favor of the bonds. For the K. C. & P. H. Bonds, it was almost unanimous; for the G. S. C. & W., there was only a slight opposition. The following are the majorities for the two propositions.
K. C. & P. H.: 79 G. S. C. & W.: 63
K. C. & P. H.: 87 G. S. C. & W.: 78
K. C. & P. H.: 70 G. S. C. & W.: 61
K. C. & P. H.: 117 G. S. C. & W.: 60
TOTAL FOR THE K. C. & P. H.: 353
TOTAL FOR THE G. S. C. & W.: 262
The above shows the unity of our people upon subjects relating to the advancement of our city. The G. S. & W. Proposition had a slight opposition. This is accounted for by the fact that the situation was not understood by those who voted against it. The REPUBLICAN never understood it until it received light from Judge Kreamer. The status of the case, as we understand it, is about as follows.

About the time the K. C. & S. W. folks were building into Arkansas City, Winfield offered the company some $50,000 if they would build to Geuda Springs, three miles north of us, and thereby give us a stub road or bob-tail. Our citizens saw that if this was done, it would be a great detriment to the city and met Jas. Young, one of the head men of the company, in this city, to see what could be done to head off this threatened catastrophe. Mr. Young told several of our businessmen that if they would put up the extra cost of building the road direct from Arkansas City to Geuda, which was $7,500, his company would construct the road and not give us the threatened “bob-tail.” Mr. Young had to have his answer that day, so he could tell the Winfield parties what he and his company intended to do. No decision was reached in the small gathering of businessmen and upon its adjournment, A. A. Newman accompanied Mr. Young to the Frisco depot. On the way down Mr. Newman gave his word to stand good for the amount. This settled the matter and when Mr. Newman came back uptown, he reported what he had done. Immediately some 30 names of businessmen were placed to an agreement to stand a proportionate share of the $7,500, if the city refused to vote that amount of bonds. Yesterday the bonds were voted and this morning there are 30 businessmen breathing more freely. The load has been lifted from their shoulders and assumed by the city. We doubt if there is another city in the universe, in which one man can speak for 1,200 voters and have that man’s word so unanimously sanctioned. As long as there is this grand unity of action, the prosperity of Arkansas City is not to be questioned. We believe there is scarcely a voter in Arkansas City who does not love the dear old “sandhill” upon which he lives, better than his life. They all may have their petty, personal, and political differences; yet when it comes to a question of benefit to the city, there is one grand unity of action.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 21, 1886. From Saturday’s Daily.
A. A. Newman went to New York this morning.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 21, 1886. From Saturday’s Daily.
Mrs. A. A. Newman left for Minneapolis, Minnesota, today on a visit.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 21, 1886. From Saturday’s Daily.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Newman and their children left yesterday afternoon for a few days visit at Emporia. From there they go to Minneapolis, Minnesota. They will remain away from here several weeks.
The following article shows “H. B. Newman” rather than A. A. Newman. At this point in time either Howard of the Republican did not know better or else they had a typesetter who did not know that article should have shown A. A. Newman. MAW
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 27, 1886.
The Advance of Real Estate.
A very old deed was filed yesterday conveying seven lots in Arkansas City from the Arkansas City Town Co., to T. B. Murdock, on the 28th day of April, 1873. The consideration of that deed was $40. The same lots were conveyed yesterday by T. B. Murdock to Frank J. Hess; consideration, $1,000. Over thirteen years have elapsed since the first deed was executed; and that length of time before its filing, but during that time his property got sand enough drifted upon its surface to make it bring the snug little sum of $1,000. T. B. Murdock is known throughout the state as Bent Murdock, of the El Dorado Republican. By the way, if the citizens of Arkansas City are all new, with an occasional “oldest inhabitant,” it may be of interest to record the fact that H. B. Newman was president and W. M. Sleeth secretary of the aforesaid Town Company. Winfield Visitor.
The above is hardly a fair sample of the advance in real estate in Arkansas City. Three years ago when we arrived in the city, lots on North Summit street could be bought for $20 to $50 per lot. Today they are selling right along for $2,000 and $3,000. Three years ago the lots were sold as resident lots. Today they are bought and sold as business lots. Again, many farms, three years ago, could be bought at from $11 to $25 per acre. Today the same farms are selling for $100 and $300 per acre. These are facts which the records of Cowley County will bear us out in.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 8, 1886.

Newman & Co., are receiving one of the largest stocks of fall and winter dry goods ever placed on sale in this city, to which your attention is invited.
BIG AD. NEW CLOTHING. A. A. NEWMAN & CO., are now placing in stock one of the most complete assortments of Men’s, Youths’, and Boys’ CLOTHING Ever Brought to the City, -and our- Prices are Always the Lowest. Don’t purchase until you have seen our line. Yours Respectfully, A. A. NEWMAN & CO.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 18, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
A. A. Newman returned home last evening from the east. Mrs. Newman will remain for some time yet.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 18, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Ask to see our 75 cent dress flannels. Newman & Co.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 18, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Don’t fail to read Newman & Co.’s Dress Goods Advertisement.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 18, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Newman & Co., show a bargain in Burette Suiting at 10 cents.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 18, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
A line of colored Cashmeres reduced from 65 cents to 50 cents at Newman & Co.’s.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 18, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
We have the greatest bargains in Black Silk at $1 and $1.20 ever offered. Newman and Co.
Arkansas City Republican, September 18, 1886.
“Might Have Been.”
It is “amoosin” at this advanced stage of Arkansas City’s real estate boom to hear some of her Micawber-like citizens relate how rich they “might have been” if they had only invested in such and such a lot two years ago. The talk which we have patiently listened to upon this subject this summer and never murmured would fill a volume larger than Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary. It is next to an impossibility to walk down a street with an inhabitant of Arkansas City unless he indicts a remark something like this upon you: “Do you see that lot across the street; well, two years ago, when I first came here, I could have bought that lot for $15. Yesterday it was sold to a gentleman from Chicago for $3,000.” At first this remark always filled us up with awe and wrung mammoth wads of sympathy from the southeast corner of our effulgent heart. Later on, per associations, we have got to telling the same story, and we had just begun to pride ourselves that a tender-foot would never recognize the difference between us and an “old settler.”
About this time one of our “oldest inhabitants” invited us to take a drive over our fair city and then it was that our pride and ambition got a downfall. He started down street with a live newspaper reporter, but the latter’s remains now occupy their sarcophagus out in Riverview Cemetery.
The real estate boom subject was cackled when we arrived in front of W. D. Mowry’s residence.
“My benighted friend of the faber,” exclaimed the ‘oldest inhabitant,’ “I was the proud possessor of those four lots and about five years ago I traded them off for a milch cow, an old farm wagon, and a spavined sway-back U. S. Army horse. Today I believe their value is near $15,000. All I got for them then would not pay the taxes on them for one year now.

“Now, there is I. N. Dodd’s two lots which sold for $2,500 last week. Several years ago T. H. McLaughlin and A. A. Newman sold those four to Mr. Dodd and son-in-law for less than $100 on time, and loaned the latter money to put up his cottage. A few months later Messrs. McLaughlin and Newman gave the son-in-law $400 for his property. “Those four resident lots now owned by Judge Kreamer were formerly owned by John Shelden, who sold them for a milch cow. He afterwards sold the cow for $15 and thought he was getting an enormous price for the lots. The Judge was offered last week $2,000 for the lots, and refused it.
“Last fall I had a chance to buy a portion of the Gilstrap addition for $2,200. It has been sold since for about $6,000.”
The bargains which our friend had been offered and had failed to accept are too many to enumerate. But he wound up his drive and talk to us by telling us he had just as much money as when he came here. He had failed to buy anything; consequently, he had never enriched himself. He lacked the nerve although he had the money. He was afraid the boom would burst. A man will always be poor if he has not the faith in his town.
[AD: A. A. NEWMAN & CO.]
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 18, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Grand Display of Dress Goods.
We are now showing one of the largest assortments of Dress Goods ever placed on sale in this city. We mention a partial list below.
Black and colored Cashmeres; all prices.
Printed Cashmeres, @ 22-1/2 cents.
Pin Checked Suitings, @ 12-1/2 cents.
All Wool Gray Serge, @ 57-1/2 cents.
Sebastopol cloths, @ $1.00
All Wool, Homespun, @ 40 cents.
Novelties in Hair Line.
Stripes, @ 85 cents.
Tycoon Reps., very cheap.
3-4, 6-4, and 7-4 Cashmeres, @ 10 cents to 35 cents.
Silks, all colors and prices.
Colored Rhadame Silks, @ $1.25
Coteline Cloths in the new shades.
Electoral Cloths in Striped and Plain for combination.
Embroidered Robes.
Combination Suits.
Jersey Flannels.
Windsor Sackings.
Assabet Tricots.
More Trimmings are displayed.
Novelties in two Toned Striped Satins.
Chenille Dot Velvets, and Striped Velvets, in great variety.
The best value ever offered to the trade.
Now is a good opportunity to select from the largest variety ever before shown.

Yours Respectfully, A. A. NEWMAN & CO.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 22, 1886.
A. A. Newman returned home last week, from his holiday and business trip to the east. Mrs. Newman and children will delay their return awhile longer.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 22, 1886.
A. A. Newman & Co., announces the opening of their new stock of fall and winter goods, selected with special reference to the wants of this market. Mr. Newman has just returned from the east, having made his purchases on an unprecedentedly large scale, and the low prices at which they offer those new goods, are evidence that he struck a low market. See their ad.
BIG AD. 1886 AUTUMN. 1866
Our Dress Goods Department, Comprises rubber combination suits, silks and satins, Sebastopol cloths, drap d’Alma’s Medina Stripes, Coteline Cloths, Cashmeres, Electoral Cloths, and full lines of cheaper goods. Our assortment of new designs in Prints and Dress Ginghams is unequaled.
Shawls and Cloaks. We show an elegant line of these goods in the latest styles and lowest prices. Look through this department.
We beg leave to call your attention to our superb line of Carpets, Rugs, and Oil Cloths, which comprises the latest production of the mills.
Notion Department. The Notion Department contains all the staple and fancy articles to be found in the market.
Flannels & Blankets. This stock is full and complete in white, gray, and scarlet goods, at lowest possible prices.
In Clothing Hats, Boots and Shoes, we are prepared to maintain our reputation for carrying a stock second to none.
We thank you, our patrons, for your liberal support in the past and will strive to please you in the future. Yours Friends, A. A. NEWMAN & CO.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 2, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Some of the “boys” had a big time Saturday night; and this morning they are paying the penalty. John Grogan, James Hamilton, Chas. Welden, Pierce Doyle, and Jas. J. Burns were in Bluebaugh’s indulging in drink, billiards, etc., when they adjourned to the rear of Newman’s dry goods store and there had a fight. It seems the crowd was endeavoring to do Grogan up and he objected and used a knife to advantage on his opponents. The result was Burns was pretty badly cut in the stomach by Grogan. This broke up the fight. Burns’ wound was sewed up by Dr. Morris. All were arrested except Burns. The four were fined $5 and costs each for drunkenness by Judge Bryant. Grogan is held by the state for cutting Burns.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 13, 1886.
To Farmers and Stockmen. Lost on the 5th inst., at the Santa Fe stock yard in this city, two Colorado steers, 3 or 4 years old, one light and the other dark colored, the property of the Arkansas City Cattle Co. Any person having such cattle in his possession will confer a favor by notifying A. A. Newman, or the undersigned. T. J. GILBERT.

Arkansas City, Oct. 10.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 16, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Thos. Kimmel purchased a business lot and building of A. A. Newman, yesterday, on South Summit Street. The consideration was $8,000.
Arkansas City Republican, October 16, 1886.
Schtop a Leedle!! Berhaps you peen going for dot ciddy of Argansas Ciddy to look at dot vurnidure peesness alreddy. Vell, I talks mit you about dot. You und your vrow goom in mine blace by dot Lelandt House and Newman’s stchore by dot stchreet across mit der Bost office, und I shows you vurnidure as is vurnidure. NO SCHODDY GOO,S On dot blace by Chimminee, und I sells you dot stchuff yoost so scheap as neffer vas, you pet! A vord mit wise vas blenty. Dot Peter Pearson, VURNITURE MAN. In Gommershal Block.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 27, 1886.
Mr. A. A. Newman and family returned last week from their visit to the east.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1886.
Fred C. Newman, of Osage City, and George W. Newman, of Emporia, came in on the noon train yesterday and left the same evening.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1886.
A. A. Newman is about to build another two-story brick adjoining Summit Street. Ed Perrine is digging the foundation.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.
F. G. Patton came into our office a few days ago to pay his subscription and tell of the successful sale of his farm. He owned 40 acres 1½ miles northwest of the city, which he bought of Bill Hackney about two years ago for $400. He spent $200 on a small house for his family, and set about making a living out of the soil. But he found it a mere sandhill, and he went to work at carpentering. Last week he sold it to Geo. Newman, of Emporia, for $5,000 cash. He regards this as a good joke on the Hon. W. P. Hackney, and wishes us to inquire of that gentleman whether he still holds to the belief that the combined wealth of Arkansas City is insufficient to buy a gunnysack. He owns some lots in this city, and will build a house here for his occupation.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1886.
A Great Woman Gone.
DIED. Our community was greatly pained on Saturday morning to learn of the death of Harriet H., wife of Wyard E. Gooch. The deceased lady was on the street the day preceding in her customary health, and retired to bed with no premonition of her approaching doom. But at 10 o’clock she was seized with nausea and vomiting, and Dr. Acker was summoned, who administered remedies. The paroxysm abated after awhile, and she fell into a slumber. Friends came promptly to her aid; her sister, Mrs. A. A. Newman taking her place by the sufferer’s bedside. Later in the night, her nausea returned and she suffered severely from the straining it produced. Palliatives were again administered, which afforded relief, and the patient sank into unconsciousness from exhaustion. Her sister, feeling the sick woman’s hands growing cold, inquired if she was warm enough. A frank affirmative was given in reply, and then she relapsed into a comatose condition, from which she could not be aroused. At 5 o’clock she breathed her last.

Mrs. Gooch was extensively related in town, being a sister to R. A. Houghton, Theoron H. Houghton, and Mrs. A. A. Newman; O. P. Houghton is also a family connection. Her friends numbered all of our early city population, and many later residents; her ingenuousness and vivacity in her unmarried days rendering her company attractive; and the sterling womanly qualities developed during her married life, endearing her to all who came within her path. This sudden bereavement falls with crushing weight on her husband, whose household was adorned with a true and loving wife, and a delightful friend and companion. The sincere, but unavailing sympathy of hosts of friends remains with him in this hour of trial and desolation.
The funeral services were held in the First Presbyterian Church at 2 o’clock p.m., the day following, Rev. S. B. Fleming preaching the funeral discourse, assisted by the city clergy. The music, which was very appropriate, and beautiful, being furnished by the Episcopal choir. The chancel was tastefully decorated with elaborate floral designs. All the city seemed to turn out to pay respect to the dead, the attendance being much too large for the capacity of the building. The last sad view of the remains being taken by the relatives and friends, the body was replaced in the hearse, and the cortege, which extended half a mile, was formed. The interment was made in Riverview Cemetery; and many a weeping eye surrounded the grave of that most exquisite of nature’s handiwork, a good woman.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 4, 1886. From Saturday’s Daily.
Death of Mrs. Gooch.
Sad was the news which came to us early this morning. It was the announcement of the death of Mrs. Hattie Gooch, wife of Wyard W. Gooch. At first it could scarcely be credited by friends. The shock was so sudden and unexpected that it was almost impossible to realize that one so well known in the city and so universally esteemed should be sent across the “Dark River, into Eternity,” without a moment’s warning. This sad event again forces into our mind the old proverb that “In the midst of life we are in death.:” It was but last evening that the writer saw the deceased upon our streets, apparently enjoying the best of health. Twenty-four hours later she lies a corpse in her earthly home in this city; her soul having parted to that “bourne from which no traveler returns,” hours before. The circumstances attending her death, as near as we can ascertain, are as follows: Last evening she was taken sick at about 9 o’clock, having a slight attack of vomiting. About 10 o’clock Mr. Gooch came home from the store and he immediately returned to town and secured a physician, who administered her medicine and afforded relief. The physician left, and the deceased rested well until about 2 o’clock this morning, when she was again taken with vomiting. The physician was again summoned, but ere he arrived she was in a comatose condition. It was impossible to arouse her and at 5 o’clock, three hours later, her demise occurred. Heart trouble was the cause which led to her death.
Mrs. Gooch was born in Weld, Maine, June 15, 1850, and consequently at the time of her death was 30 years of age. In her girlhood days she united with the Congregational Church at Weld. In December, 1872, she came to Arkansas City, which has been her home until death claimed her as his victim. She was united in marriage to Wyard W. Gooch, February 4, 1880, in this city. No children have been born to them.

The deceased was a sister of T. R. and R. A. Houghton, and Mrs. A. A. Newman. To them, the bereaved husband and other relatives, the friends and acquaintances extend them, in this, their hour of affliction, their heartfelt sympathy. The funeral services will occur tomorrow afternoon at the First Presbyterian Church, at 2 o’clock. Rev. S. B. Fleming will pronounce the funeral sermon. The remains will be interred in Riverview Cemetery.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 4, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Miss Emily Grosscup returned to Lawrence with her brother, Frank, this afternoon. She has resigned her position in Newman & Co.’s store on account of ill health and will reside with her brothers in Lawrence. The REPUBLICAN regrets losing so estimable a young lady as Miss Emily from our midst. We hope she will soon regain her lost health.
Arkansas City Republican, December 4, 1886. Supplement.
In Chancery, No. 5816.
Albert A. Newman, Complainant.
John W. Gilmer, Mrs. William Elder, widow of William Elder, deceased,
Annie Elder, and Minnie Elder, Defendants.
Order for appearance of absent defendants.
And now, on this 26th day of November, 1886, being at the November term, A. D. 1886, of said court, it having been made to appear, to the satisfaction of said court, that this is a suit commended to quiet title and remove a cloud upon the title of real property within said district, to-wit: Lot number ten, block number seventy-two, in the city of Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas.
John W. Gilmer, Mrs. William Elder, widow of William Elder, deceased, whose Christian name is unknown, Annie Elder, and Minnie Elder, the defendants herein, are not inhabitants of and have not been found within said district, and have not voluntarily appeared in this suit, on motion of Henry T. Sumner, solicitor for said complainant, it is considered by the court, and ordered, that said defendants above named, be and are hereby ordered and directed to appear and plead answer, or demur to the complainant’s bill of complaint, on or before the first Monday of February, A. D. 1887, being February rules, A. D. 1887, and that in default thereof, an order be entered in this cause taking said bill of complaint pro confesso. It is further ordered by the court that at least twenty (20) days before said rule day, a copy of this order be served upon the defendants, John W. Gilmer, Mrs. William Elder, Annie Elder, and Minnie Elder, and absent defendants, wherever found, if practicable, also upon the person or persons in possession or in charge of the real property described in complainant’s bill of complaint, if any there be. And it appearing to the court that it is not practicable to serve said order upon said named defendants personally, it is further ordered that said order be served upon said defendants by publication thereof, for six consecutive weeks, once in each week, in the Arkansas City Republican, a weekly newspaper published at Arkansas City, in said district, the last publication to be at least twenty (20) days before said rule day. C. G. FOSTER, Judge.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 8, 1886.
The Gladstone Hotel.
The Gladstone Hotel is approaching completion, and will probably be opened in time to give a Christmas dinner. This handsome stone building is situated on North Summit Street, corner of Seventh Avenue, is L shaped, and has a frontage of 54 feet with a depth of 125 feet. It consists of three stories and basement. The owner is Mr. S. C. Smith, a retired ship carpenter of Jamestown, New York, who happened into this city during a western tour, and being impressed with our lack of hotel accommodations, conceived the idea of supplying a want so badly needed. He purchased the site for his proposed building, and then set about making his own plans. Early in the spring he broke ground, and when the excavation was completed, set about laying up solid and durable walls that are fit to last through succeeding generations. Frank Uhl & Co., of Winfield, performed the stone work, and also laid the brick used in the flues and chimneys, the rock being taken from the different quarries in our immediate neighborhood. Through the hot summer months the massive walls were upreared, and early in the fall the building was enclosed with a roof.
The design is an admirable one for hotel purposes, space being economized, and architectural effect secured. The basement is a spacious, well lighted apartment, which will be used as a billiard hall, and ample space set off for sample rooms. A barber shop will be furnished, and in the rear a laundry will be established. The ground floor is reached in front by circular stone steps, which form the approach to the office, facing south and east, and lighted by a profusion of windows, the lower sash composed of heavy plate glass, and the upper sash illuminated with what is called ondoyant glass (from the French l’oude, a wave), the surface being crinkled and wavy, and the coloring as fresh and varied as the rainbow. This office is lofty and spacious, 30 by 40 feet, finished in excellent taste, and when furnished will merit the appellation of first class.
Adjoining this to the west, is the dining hall, 30 by 50 feet, and capable of seating 100 persons. This is uniform with the office in finish and appointments, and impressed the beholder with its air of elegance. In the rear of this is the kitchen, fitted up with the most improved cooking and culinary apparatus, the range being of immense proportions, its cost $400.
An elegant winding staircase, which will soon be supplemented with an elevator, leads from the office to the upper floors. Corridors, on both stories, traverse the length of the building, which open into the bed chambers, forty-eight in number, all handsomely finished, spacious, and well lighted. The reception parlor fronts eastward, commanding an extensive view in all directions (except westward); the bay windows facing three ways, and adding greatly to the elegance of the apartment. There are also suits of rooms for the accommodation of families.

When we visited the hotel on Monday, the work of furnishing the upper floors was in progress. One thousand yards of carpet, purchased of A. A. Newman & Co., was being sewed by four nimble seamstresses, which as fast as turned out of the sewing room were laid by workmen. Three car loads of chamber furniture were being unpacked, and distributed in the various rooms. This was of antique oak, ash, and walnut (solid wood); plain but handsomely finished. Communication from all parts of the house with the office is maintained with the improved style of electric call bell, purchased in Philadelphia, and steam pipes with radiators supply heat to the entire building. Water closets and bath rooms are provided for every floor. Ornamental iron piazzas running the entire length of the building will be added in the spring.
The above is a brief and incomplete description of the Gladstone Hotel, which will be hailed by the traveling public with delight, “as a want long felt,” and the enterprise and business judgment of the owner are to be commended in supplying the city with an improvement so important to its commercial interests.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 11, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Isaac Ochs has accepted a position as salesman in A. A. Newman & Co.’s store.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 18, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
We have just placed on sale a very extensive assortment of Mirrors, Toilet Cases, Brushes, Picture Frames, Albums, Shopping Bags, Purses, Jewelry, Linen and Silk Hand-kerchiefs, Mufflers, Gents’ Ties, Rugs, Damask Sets, and many other useful and ornamental articles, suitable for home adornment. Our line of these goods will repay an examination. Very truly yours, A. A. NEWMAN & CO.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 22, 1886.
The Ladies’ Aid Society of the First Presbyterian Church will meet with Mrs. A. A. Newman, at 3 o’clock this (Wednesday) p.m. All members are urgently requested to be in attendance.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 25, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
The following article of incorporation was filed in the office of the secretary of state Friday. “The Arkansas City Land and Investment Company.” Directors: Albert A. Newman, Wm. Sleeth, T. H. McLaughlin, and Jas. Hill, all of Arkansas City, Cowley County. Capital stock, $300,000.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 25, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Col. W. J. Pollock, of Ponca, has turned the management of his agency affairs over to his son, Oscar. The Colonel has removed to this city and will enter into the real estate business with Mr. J. H. Sherburne. They will have their office on 5th Avenue in a building which A. A. Newman will erect on lots adjoining the Star Livery Stable.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 25, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Pollock & Sherburne will open up their real estate agency next week. They have temporary rooms for an office until the building which they will occupy can be put up. This morning we were shown plans of their proposed office building. It is to be 22 x 21 feet and two stories high with a basement and of pressed brick. It will be put up on the rear part of the lot on which stands the No. 33 drug store, by A. A. Newman. Arkansas City still continues to grow and spread. A great many buildings are going up in our city, notwithstanding this is winter.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 15, 1887. From Tuesday’s Daily.
A. A. Newman at present is having constructed four business rooms, two stories high. He has just completed two. This is the kind of citizens that Arkansas City is composed of.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 15, 1887. From Wednesday’s Daily.

The following named ladies, Mrs. H. D. Keeler, Mrs. N. T. Snyder, Mrs. Jas. Chapin, Mrs. Wm. H. Henderson, Mrs. J. L. Huey, Mrs. Daniels, Mrs. J. P. Smith, Mrs. A. A. Newman, Mrs. Halloway, Mrs. Pyle, and Mrs. L. J. Miles, composing the visiting committee of the King’s Daughters, are requested to meet at the home of Mrs. H. D. Keeler Thursday afternoon at 3 o’clock.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 22, 1887. From Thursday’s Daily.
Tyner, Carder & Co., will have their real estate office upstairs in the Newman block, in the rooms vacated by the Democrat office.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 22, 1887. From Thursday’s Daily.
A. A. Newman has had work commenced on his new building on Fifth Avenue, and which, when completed, will be occupied by Pollock & Sherburne, real estate agents. J. W. French has the contract of the building.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 29, 1887. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Ed. Perrine informs us that he has dug sixteen cellars for business houses in Arkansas City since last March. Seven of them have been made by A. A. Newman in the last six months.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 5, 1887. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Mrs. R. C. Haywood and son, Carl, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, are visiting friends and relatives in the city. They are guests at the residence of A. A. Newman. They have been visiting in New Orleans and other cities of note, and are now en route for their home at Minneapolis.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 5, 1887. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Miss Etta Slocum, who has been employed for over six years in the store of J. W. Tatham, leaves next week for Arkansas City, where she will take a position in the store of Mr. Newman. Miss Slocum has a host of friends in this city who sincerely regret her departure. May good luck follow her. Emporia Republican.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 5, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
Building Boom Prospective.

During the year of 1886 Arkansas City enjoyed a very extensive building boom. Many handsome blocks were built during the year and our citizens as well as visitors thought it would be almost impossible for any city to make a more rapid growth in this direction. But the year of 1887 promises a greater building boom. Schemes are now being agitated and are well under way for the building of several handsome business blocks. We are informed that work will be commenced on several of them within the next 60 days. There will be extensive building on 5th Avenue and also on Summit Street. On East 5th Avenue, Messrs. Johnson, Hill, Rhodes, and Hess have about completed the arrangements for the immediate erection of a substantial business block on the lots formerly owned by Wm. Gibby. The block will consist of six business houses, all three stories high and of handsome finish. F. W. Farrar et al, have concluded to build a three-story business block on their lots next to the McLaughlin block, on the south. Messrs. Coleman and Bishop inside of 60 days will commence the erection of a fine two-story business block on their lot on 5th Avenue next to Frank J. Hess’ new building. T. H. McLaughlin, W. J. Mowry, and W. S. Houghton have each agreed to build on their lots respectively on north Summit Street. They will build together as the lots adjoin. J. F. Hoffman will soon remove the frame building next to Howard Bros’ hardware store and build an imposing business house on the lot. The frame building, known as the English Kitchen, will also be removed and Capt. C. D. Burroughs will occupy his lot with one of the most substantial business blocks in the city. J. L. Huey, on the lots on the corner of 5th Avenue and Summit Street, will have erected the handsomest bank building in the Arkansas Valley. The building will be 50 x 132 feet, the fronts being of pressed brick trimmed with cut stone. Mr. Huey is away now attending to the plans and specifications. Work will begin on this block in the early spring. The lease on the frame building used as the Leland Hotel expires in March, after which it will be removed and be replaced as above stated. Peter Pearson will also build a business house 25 x 128 feet for his mammoth furniture store. It will be located on the lot next to the Arkansas City bank. J. P. Johnson is drawing up the papers and making ready to begin the erection of a business house on his lot on north Summit Street. There are several others who contemplate building during the year 1887, but as yet have their plans not fully matured.
In addition to the above A. A. Newman will complete his four blocks on which work has been commenced. S. Matlack will finish his store extension. Thos. Tyner, E. H. Carder, and D. G. Carder will each complete a business block.
Residence building is also going to boom with a vim. Many were built during last year, but the number will be trebled this year.
The above is but a brief outline of some of the principal building features of 1887. Many will no doubt deem it what is known in Kansas as a newspaper boom, but we wish to relieve our readers of any such idea. The report is with a fact basis and we believe twice the above number of business blocks will be erected in Arkansas City during the year.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 5, 1887.
We would call the ATTENTION of all to our stock of BOOTS AND SHOES! which we are offering at LOWER PRICES than our competitors ask for INFERIOR GOODS.
Our LADIES SHOES range from a Good Goat or Kid Button shoe, at $2, to our Ladies Cur Kid HAND TURN Button for $5, or FRENCH Kid for $6. Embracing full lines of Machine Turn at $2.50, $2.75, $3, $3.50, and $3.75, and many others too numerous to mention. We call special attention to our line of Ladies Goat or Kid Button Shoe, in “Opera” or “Common Sense.” Last, which we carry in different widths, enabling us to give an exact fit for $2.50. These are the best goods ever placed on the market for the money and cannot be equaled for style and quality by our competitors for less than $3.50.
Our MISSES SHOES range in price from a good serviceable Grain Button Shoe for $1.15, to a fine Tampico Goat or Cur Kid Button at $3. In this department we call your attention to our Misses HIGH TOP GRAIN BUTTON SHOE, at $1.75, which as a good serviceable school shoe cannot be excelled at any price. We also have a full line of Misses Dress Shoes in Goat or Kid Button, for $2.25, which are perfect in fit and style and a good line of MISSES GRAIN SPRING HEEL.
For the LITTLE FOLKS we have Infants Goat or Kid Button, at $.50. Infants Goat or Kid Button, $.75. Child’s Grain or Kid Button, at $.75. Child’s Goat or Kid Button, at $1, and up to a Child’s Tampico Goat or Cur Kid Button, at $1.95. We carry a good line of Spring Heel in Goat or Kid for $1.25. And we can fit the “fat babies” to perfection in our Ziegler Bros. Goat or Kid Button.

These are not like the SHODDY GOODS that are offered by some of our would be competitors but are all goods that We Warrant Just as Represented. And our patrons will favor us by returning any of our goods that fail to give satisfaction.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 12, 1887.
The First Ward had a genuine sensation yesterday afternoon between four and five o’clock. John Angle, a youth yet in his teens, appeared at the residence of T. L. Mantor and asked and received something to eat. Going out of the side gate, he crossed the alley and entered a small house, on A. A. Newman’s lots, which is used by employees of Mr. Newman. He entered the house, it is alleged, and went through the trunk of Tommie Tyler, taking a watch chain, valued at $8, a pair of pants, and some other clothing. When Tyler returned to his room, he discovered that his clothes were gone. He began immediate search for the individual who had been at Mr. Mantor’s residence. Some children in playing in the barn of R. A. Houghton heard a noise in the hay mow and as Tyler happened along at this time, they asked him to learn what caused it. He climbed the ladder and discovered Angle covered up in the hay. Drawing his revolver Tyler ordered him to get down, which he did. It was then discovered that the prisoner had on the missing pants. Tyler covered him again with his revolver and marched him uptown and turned him over to Marshal Gray. He was put in the calaboose overnight. This morning in Judge Kreamer’s court he was bound over in the sum of $300 to appear for trial at the district court. At our press time he had not secured the necessary bondsmen. Angle claimed he bought the pants of a railroader for 75 cents. The watch chain and other clothing was not found. He says he is innocent.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 12, 1887. From Monday’s Daily.
Miss Etta Slocum, of Emporia, entered upon her duties as saleslady this morning in Newman & Co.’s dry goods store.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 12, 1887. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Miss Laura Gould has taken the position of cashier in A. A. Newman & Co.’s dry goods store.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 26, 1887. From Monday’s Daily.
N. Perry, of Peabody, was here several weeks ago and witnessed the booming Canal City. He returned home and it took him no time to decide that Arkansas City was the place for him. He will enter the boot and shoe business in a room of A. A. Newman’s new business block. Mr. Perry will be here about March 1 and has telegraphed for a house, but his agent can find him none at present. Someone has got to build residences for newcomers.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 5, 1887. From Monday’s Daily.
John A. Dunn, who was here from Farmington, Illinois, some weeks ago, has returned and will make Arkansas City his future home. Mr. Dunn will assist in A. A. Newman & Co.’s store. He will remove his family here in about two weeks.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 5, 1887. From Wednesday’s Daily.
The firm of A. A. Newman & Co., consisting of A. A. Newman, W. E. Gooch, and J. R. L. Adams, have dissolved partnership and established the Newman Dry Goods company. The new firm consists of L. J. Miles and G. W. Kelly in addition to those mentioned above. Last evening the following officers were chosen for the ensuing year.

A. A. Newman, president.
L. J. Miles, vice president.
W. E. Gooch, secretary.
J. R. L. Adams, treasurer.
The capital stock of the company is $50,000, all paid up. The Newman Dry Goods company will be the advance of any similar institution in Kansas. The company is greatly strengthened by the new members, and its popularity will be greater than the former firm, if such could be possible.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 5, 1887. From Thursday’s Daily.
Newton Perry, the boot and shoe man, who will conduct his business in one of the new rooms building by A. A. Newman on South Summit Street, arrived in the city yesterday with his family, from Peabody. He is now a full-fledged Arkansas Cityan. As soon as his stock arrives, which will be in a few days, he will proceed to open up for business. The REPUBLICAN wishes him success.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 5, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
   Dissolution Notice.
The partnership heretofore existing between A. A. Newman, W. E. Gooch, and J. R. L. Adams, under the firm name of A. A. Newman & Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. In future the business will be carried on by a joint stock company under the name of The Newman Dry Goods Co. All accounts due the firm of A. A. Newman & Co., must be settled at once.
Arkansas City, March 1, 1887.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 12, 1887. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Newman from down in Maine, are visiting in the city, the guests of Mr. A. A. Newman.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 12, 1887. From Thursday’s Daily.
A. A. Newman had his breath knocked out of him this morning completely by a gentleman from Indiana offering him $100,000 for his 200 acres of land across the street, west, from Park Place Addition. A few years ago he got the land for less than $25 per acre. As yet Mr. Newman has not accepted the offer.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 12, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Newman left for New York. Mr. Newman goes to buy goods.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 12, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
A. A. Newman sold his building this morning for $20,000. It is on the corner of Summit street and Fifth Avenue.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 19, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
222 IS THE PRICE OF A BARGAIN In Men’s Whole Quarter N. K. BALS, which for wear cannot be excelled at any price. This is just the shoe FOR WORKINGMEN.
For this price we can also give you a Ladies’ Glove Grain Button Shoe, with worked button holes, either sewed or standard screw fastened.

Our BOOT AND SHOE DEPARTMENT is replete with a well selected stock, comprising full lines from many well known manufacturers and
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 26, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
Attend the special sale of linens at Newman’s on Monday and Tuesday, March 28 and 29. See their advertisement in today’s paper.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 26, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
We desire to clean up this Department before the New Stock arrives and have heretofore put prices on these Goods regardless of value for two days only. Don’t miss the opportunity.


Arkansas City Traveler, Tuesday, November 12, 1918.
Reports of Last Sunday’s Campaign Not Very Encouraging.
The captains of the local war work teams, which started on the United War Work drive last Sunday afternoon, held their first meeting at noon today in the Y. W. C. A. rooms, at which place they were served with lunch. Albert Newman, who is at the head of the local campaign committee, reported that the subscrip­tions up to date were not very encouraging and that only a little over $6,000 of the $20,000 which must be raised in Arkansas City had been reported up to date. It was decided to resume the drive, beginning next Thursday morning, and it was also decided to secure a speaker for the union church service to be held Wednes­day night in the Methodist church. Mrs. R. W. Oldroyd has this part of the affair in hand and this afternoon she was in communi­cation with the state board at Topeka in an effort to secure a speaker who has been abroad and seen active service. It was also decided that the heads of the committees should meet again on Thursday evening at the chamber of commerce rooms for the purpose of reporting on the day’s drive.
It was reported that the school districts, so far reported, have done splendidly and several have already notified V. E. Creighton, chairman of the Cowley County War Work Commit­tee, that they had oversubscribed the amount allotted to them. The total amount required of the southern half of Cowley County is $26,000; and Arkansas City is expected to give $20,000 of that amount.
The drive which started on Sunday was not very success­ful for the reason that the people did not remain home to see the committee and for the further reason that a great many have stated to members of the committee that they did not think it was necessary to subscribe to this fund now for the reason that peace has been declared, and the boys would not need all things provided for them heretofore. It was stated along this line, however, that many boys would be in camp for some time to come and that they will need recreations probably more than in the past as they may not be so busy as though they were preparing to go overseas.
R. T. Keefe will make a short address on the subject at the Rex theatre tonight and Mrs. R. W. Oldroyd will speak at the Strand. Other speakers for the drive will be provided for the picture shows each night during the remainder of the week.

Mrs. Oldroyd reported late this afternoon that she had been in telephone communication with the state board at Topeka, and she is promised one of two excellent overseas speakers for the meeting tomorrow night at the M. E. church. Those interested are requested to come out at that time and learn what the boys over there really need from now on. The local drive will begin anew on Thursday morning by the regular committees.
Arkansas City Traveler, Thursday, December 19, 1918.
To Build an Auditorium Costing $100,000.
Special Election Will be Held To Vote Bonds
Names of Men Will be Inscribed on Tablets in Useful Building Adjoining City Hall.
At a meeting of the memorial hall committee held last evening in the city building, it was unanimously decided to call an election to vote $100,000 in bonds to erect a memorial hall on the quarter block north and adjoining the present city building. Many cities all over the country are preparing to erect a monu­ment or a memorial hall in honor of the allied soldiers and Arkansas City is not going to be behind any city in demonstrating her patriotism. It will erect a memorial hall.
Some time ago Mayor Hunt appointed a memorial commit­tee, consisting of Dr. Geo. Frank, A. A. Newman, Dr. B. C. Geeslin, W. J. Hill, William Powers, W. T. Bloomheart, Vern Thompson, J. W. Boyd, Ralph Oldroyd, Pat Somerfield, Chas. Spencer, Lewis Logan, Charles Swarts, Norman Musselman, E. J. Stahl, and R. C. Howard. Last evening Mayor Hunt called a meeting of the committee and there was almost a full attendance. The committee was organized by making Mayor Hunt, chairman, and Dr. Frank, secretary. The mayor explained that the object of the meeting was for the purpose of providing ways and means for the erection of a memo-ri­al in honor of the soldiers of the various wars in which our country had been engaged, dating back to the civil war. He then asked for an expression of those present as to what would be a befitting memorial for Arkansas City to erect.
Pat Somerfield suggested that each end of Summit Street be made into a boulevard, have the street paved, trees set out and grown, and slabs containing the names of the dead heroes of war placed there—or anything similar along that line.
Chas. Spencer thought the best plan would be to erect a memorial hall as had been suggested in the Traveler.
Lewis Logan announced that he had no definite idea, but thought the movement was all right, and that something befitting the memory of the soldier should be erected in Arkansas City.
C. M. Swarts made the statement that he had not decided what would be the best and most fitting memorial just at this time.
A. Dorner thought a memorial hall would be a splendid thing and would be not only a credit to the city but to the departed heroes.
N. Musselman was of a similar opinion and J. W. Boyd thought there ought to be a memorial hall with a place for entertaining the returning soldiers and that could be used for other purposes.
Dr. Frank was of the opinion that we should erect a memorial hall and raise the money by private subscriptions.

Mr. Stahl favored a memorial hall and Ralph Oldroyd thought a memorial hall would be all right for the purposes intended.
Chairman Hunt then addressed the committee and said he thought the most appropriate thing would be to erect a memorial monument containing bronze statues representing the soldiers of the civil war, Spanish-American, and allied war. He said that in larger cities many monuments of this nature were erected and were most appropriate.
Voted For Memorial Hall
R. C. Howard suggested that the quarter block north of the city building be used for the purpose of erecting a memorial hall, one that would seat at least 3,000 people. In the walls of this hall let there be placed tablets of stone with the names of each soldier carved therein. It would not only be a befitting and lasting memorial, but it would be a historical one. There could be nothing nicer or more appropriate than a memorial hall containing a list of our heroes, carved in stone, and placed in the wall where all generations could read it. Also, there should be a provision for the display of war relics. There should be some place in or on the building where bronze statues represent­ing the soldiers and sailors of the Civil war, Spanish-American, and the Allied war would be displayed. At the conclusion of his remarks, Mr. Howard made a motion that the city vote $100,000 for the purpose of erecting a memorial hall and the motion prevailed.
Dr. Frank, the secretary, was instructed to write the proper authorities at Washington to see if they would furnish plans for a memorial hall for this city, as it is understood that the government is doing this. It was also the sense of the committee that an early election be called on the bond proposi­tion.
The matter was discussed at considerable length and the longer it was talked over the more enthusiastic the committee became upon the proposition. It is the intention to enlarge the committee as the work progresses and get everyone interested in the proposition if possible to do so.
Arkansas City is in need of a municipal auditorium; and by making the municipal auditorium and memorial hall, it will serve the double purpose for the city, a meeting place for large crowds and also be a fitting monument to our soldiers.
It was also decided to ask any adjacent townships to the city if they desired to get in on the memorial hall, to join in with the city and vote bonds sufficient to place the names of their soldiers in tablets of stone in the wall of memorial hall, the same as those of Arkansas City, in order that their soldier boys may be properly honored and remembered.
At the conclusion of the discussion, the committee adjourned, subject to the call of the chairman.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 19, 1919.
Y. W. C. A. Workers Are Still Very Busy Soliciting
Women Who Are Engaged in This Work Will Meet Tonight
To Make Their First Report.

The Y. W. C. A. campaign for funds for the local association’s yearly budget of $7,000 is now going merrily on and the women who are doing the soliciting are very much encouraged on account of the manner in which they are being treated. Funds are coming in quite rapidly, as the report of the second day’s canvass shows. Women workers are making a house to house canvass and they are meeting with great success at present.
Tonight the members of the various teams, headed by their respective captains, will meet in the Y. W. C. A. dining hall for dinner and to make their first official reports on the canvass for funds. The women are going to complete the work of solicit­ing the funds this week, at least that is the plan today.
Mrs. Russell, the publicity manager, has gone to Wichita on Y. W. work, but she is expected to return on Friday. At present the work is being carried on under the supervision of Mrs. W. M. Gardner and Miss Rodger, the local secretary.
Following is the report of the finances subscribed on Tuesday:
First ward—Mrs. C. N. Hunt and Mrs. Chas. Cusac, captains. Total $179. Large subscriptions:
$100—Newman Family.
$ 24—Dr. L. D. Mitchell.
$ 25—Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cusac.
Second ward—Mrs. Frank Bryant and Mrs. Anthony Carlton, captains. Total $90. Large subscription:
$ 25—Dr. Young.
Third ward—Mrs. John Probst, captain. Total $164.65. Large subscription:
$ 50—Union State Bank.
Fourth ward—Mrs. Denton, Mrs. Geo. Wheeler, and Mrs. Jack Ogren, captains. Total $376.05. Large subscriptions:
$ 50—Mrs. A. H. Denton.
$ 25—Mrs. Edith Haney.
Industries — Mrs. Gardner, captain. Total $175. Large subscription:
$100—New Era Milling Co.
Dr. Day; Dick Keefe; Jim Gilliland; Ol Paris; Albert Newman; etc.
Arkansas City Traveler, Tuesday, September 9, 1919.
The Local Rotary Club Hold First Luncheon
An Enjoyable Affair—Adopted Two Amendments to Bylaws.
Members Tell of Their Vacations During Summer.
The Rotary Luncheon last evening at the Newman tea room was one of the most successful affairs the local Rotary has held in a long time. It was the first luncheon the Rotary has held after a summer’s vacation. President E. L. McDowell presided and did so with great dignity and at the same time emanated the proper Rotary pep and spirit during the session. Secretary John Heffelfinger read two amendments to the bylaws of the local order, which were unanimously adopted. One was in effect that any Rotarian missing two meetings was suspended; the other was that all members shall pay five dinner dues in advance beginning Sept. 22.

He also announced that the Rotary club of Blackwell would be here at the next meeting. He invited every member to be present filled with enthusiasm. The Blackwell club has been having a difficult time to arouse proper Rotary spirit and was coming up here to absorb some of the Arkansas City Rotary pep; and a very big meeting is expected at the next luncheon.
At the luncheon last night there were 10 members absent, there being 37 present. The 10 members who were absent were nearly all out of town or were detained away for some good reason.
At the conclusion of the excellent luncheon, which was one of the best ever served at a Rotary meeting in this city, Presi­dent McDowell announced that a large number of the members of the Rotary club had been away to spend their vacations and he would ask a number of them to tell about their trip, what kind of a time they had, who went with them, who they were with while away, and how much money they spent; and in fact, tell about anything that made them have a good time.
Dr. Day told about his army experience in a very brief, but interesting style, claiming he was treated fine and enjoyed his experience except those that he had with a Presbyterian parson. He said that the parson was a cross-eyed man; and that every day the army compelled him to put on a boxing bout, it was impossible for him to tell just which way the cross-eyed parson was going to hit. Dr. Day frequently got the worst of the practice.
Dr. Day told other incidents which were interesting; and finally said that he had often heard it remarked that Arkan­sas City was the best town on earth and contained the best people. After his nine months experience in the army in Texas, he was positive that both of these assertions were absolutely true.
Dick Keefe told of his vacation and said that he and his two boys went on their trip, leaving Mrs. Keefe at home, and of course they had a real vacation. They first went to Wichita, Kansas City, and Chicago where they took in all the sights. He visited his old home at Ottumwa, Iowa, and Burlington, Iowa, then St. Louis, Kansas City, and back home. He claimed the trip only cost him $125.11. All who believed this part of the story were invited to stand on their heads at the corner of Fifth Avenue and Summit Street at noon tomorrow. Keefe said it was great sport to go on a vacation and take his boys. He stated: “Not only do they make you see everything that is to be seen, but they ask so many questions that there were no questions left to be asked. Thus consequently when the trip was over, they had seen every­thing and talked about everything.”

Albert Newman told of his trip to Maine by automobile, and his experience in driving the 6,700 miles. When they started they had no prearranged plan, but they had all agreed to meet at a certain date at Weld, Maine, and do so. Mr. Newman said that after leaving Arkansas City he had no trouble until he got to Augusta, where a knock in the engine developed. He discovered that the trouble was due to two loose bolts, which had not been tightened in a service station here. After repairing the car he went on to Kansas City and St. Louis. In crossing Missouri he broke a couple of springs, but otherwise he had but very little trouble. On the entire trip he said that he had but three punctures. He found the worst piece of roads in Illinois. One peculiar thing about Illinois was that instead of having bridges across rivers, he had to be ferried over. He had to be ferried over the Illinois river. There were no bridges across the Illinois closer than 100 miles of each other. He passed on through Indiana, Ohio, and into New York, Massachusetts, then to Maine, having a fine time and but little trouble. He claims he made the whole trip without a radiator, which is correct because of the fact that his car is not equipped with a radiator.
Ralph Dixon, in telling of his summer’s vacation, made the wittiest talk of the evening. It seems that Dr. McKay, Ralph Brown, Foss Farrar, and Albert Faulconer all went to Colorado Springs in their automobiles and they had an unusual amount of trouble, but had a good time. Brown, McKay, and Faulconer had a great deal of radiator trouble; and they had to buy new radiators before coming back. In telling of the radiator trouble and other incidents, Mr. Dixon related them in a very interesting style and kept his hearers in laughter. He stated that the bunch spent all the money they had and came home thoroughly tired out, but were refreshed in spirit.
Dr. McKay, Ralph Brown, and Albert Faulconer gave their vacation experiences, which were along the same line as Dixon’s. Mr. Faulconer said that he had two vacations, one to Colorado and one to California. He said he thought California was an undesir­able place to live, because of the undesirable population. There were so many Chinese and Japanese there, and they were in all classes of business, and the stores there had Chinese signs on their windows to attract trade. The same was true of other foreigners. He called California a place of beautiful spots. In one place there would be one of the most sightly and beauti­ful spots to see and then adjoining it there would be 10,000 acres of mesquite and sand that did not appear to be worth a cent.
Charlie Masters said that he went to Geuda Springs on his vacation and took treatment from Dr. Holt a day or so; and after getting a supply of medicine, went to Bartlesville and joined his brother, Jim, and they went to St. Joe and St. Louis on a buying trip. Charlie claims one of the instructions of the doctor was not to drink any beer, and he followed the doctor’s orders. Notwithstanding that he said he had a nice time, he was glad to get back home.
Jim Gilliland told of his vacation by saying that he went to Sterling for a several days visit. He had no sooner landed in town than every man he met insisted on him going to the harvest field to work. He told everyone of them that if they did not get anyone else, he would help them. Finally the last man he told came to him in the morning and told him that he could not get anyone else, and that he would have to go. Jim said he went to the harvest field and worked several days and got along very well. He had the satisfaction of earning more than he spent on his vacation and also the pleasure of aiding a farmer who was sorely in need of help.
Ol Paris, Alla Moore, Parson Gardner, Foss Farrar, Dr. Mitchell, C. E. Beck, C. G. Roseberry, Prof. C. E. St. John, and Phil Fitzgerald told of their summers experience while away on their vacations.
Ol Paris told of his drive with Mrs. Paris to the west visiting Colorado, Utah, Montana, and other places of interest to be seen. They did not visit the National park in Colorado for the reason it was so dry and dusty and all the hotel accommoda­tions were taken.
Alla Moore went to Colorado Springs and he had a most de­lightful time; and Foss Farrar and Ralph Dixon, Ralph Brown, and the Arkansas City contingent spent all the money he had, he claimed.

“Parson” Gardner said he went to St. Louis. He and his two boys started from Arkansas City in their old Haynes car, while the women went on the train. The best feature of the trip was that he sold his old Haynes car in a community where neither he nor the car were known; consequently, he expected no trouble from the sale.
Dr. Mitchell spent two weeks in Canada and had a most delightful time hunting and fishing. The lake he was at con­tained 1,600 islands; and at no time on this lake could a man be more than one-half a mile from land. He caught a great many fish and came home greatly improved in health.
Foss Farrar testified along the same lines that McKay, Brown, et al did. He claimed that most of his trouble was due to the fact of his associates.
C. E. Beck and his wife went to Detroit to attend a credit men’s meeting and had a most delightful time. From Detroit they went to Buffalo, Niagara Falls, and other eastern cities and came home very much pleased with their outing.
C. G. Roseberry said his vacation was a trip to Detroit to get Dodge cars for a number of his customers, some of who went along to drive them home. He had a good time and was glad that he had combined pleasure with business.
Claude St. John told about being a Lawrence, where he spent his forenoons at the university and the afternoons at the Santa Fe station trying to see any Arkansas City people who might be passing through.
Phil Fitzgerald said he made a trip to Kansas City and that pleasure and business were combined, but he had a good time.
F. E. Goodrich said he had not taken his vacation trip yet, but pretty soon he was going to roll up $500, put it in an inside pocket, and start away on that trip. His intentions were to have a good time and he did not think there was anything that would stop him.
There were several others there who had been away on vaca­tions; but as the time was getting late, President McDowell adjourned the club to meet when the Blackwell visitors come to our city.
Arkansas City Traveler, Tuesday, May 17, 1921.
Addition for Cafeteria Will Be Placed on Ranney Building.
The Arkansas City Y. W. C. A. is going to move in a short time from the present quarters on the second floor of the old Newman building, known now as the Morris building, to the W. R. Ranney residence, at 215 South First street, which has been sold to the board at a very reasonable figure by Mr. Ranney for the Ranney estate. The lease on the present quarters expires soon and the Ranney residence is to be used for a home and sleeping rooms for the girls who now have rooms in the present location.
As there is no room for the continuation of the cafeteria at the Ranney house, the members of the board at first made plans to operate the eating house in connection with the Y. W. at some location on Summit street. But this is impossible at this time as there is no room available for this purpose, and so the women of the board and men who compose the advisory board, have decided upon another plan to relieve this situation. The cafeteria in the Y. W. has become a very popular eating place and under the management of Miss Ruth Blair, it has been a success financially as well.

Now it is planned to raise the sum of $3,000 for the erec­tion of an addition at the rear of the Ranney property to be used as a dining hall and kitchen and then the cafeteria will be maintained there. Figures from a local contractor have been procured and the addition can be erected for the amount, it is said. Several days ago when the men and women of the board met to discuss the Y. W., a plan was decided upon to raise the $3,000. At least three of the men present at that time offered to donate the sum of $100 each for this project and since that time there have been others volunteered to dig up, also. Now the ladies have decided to go ahead with the movement and to secure the necessary funds at once for the erection of the addition. It is planned to secure the names of 30 men who will give $100 each and thus raise the money with a whirl wind campaign. In fact the campaign has already started and in the very near future the ladies expect to announce that the amount has been subscribed and the erection of the addition will then be begun.
The Y. W. will move to the new location within 30 days, the members of the board announced today. At present the house is being put in shape for the sleeping quarters and the offices of the secretary.
Arkansas City Traveler, Thursday, June 16, 1921.
Fund For the Relief of Colorado Flood Sufferers is Growing.
Over eight hundred dollars has been subscribed up to date for the benefit fund for the Pueblo flood sufferers, according to an announcement made this afternoon by the secretary of the Chamber of Commerce. Part of these subscriptions have not as yet been paid. The total sum now is $852.50.
Those people who have subscribed toward the fund are urged again to turn in their payments at once as it is necessary that this fund be sent out soon. The Pueblo people are in need of the money now and it is urgent that the money be taken in at once.
Following is a total list of those who have subscribed toward the fund for the Pueblo victims.
$50.00 pledges—Kanotex Refining company; Home National bank.
$25.00 pledges—Hill Investment company; A. C. Milling company; Faulconer-Dale-Swarts.
$20.00 pledges—New Era Milling company.
$15.00 pledges—Dawson-Bishop Produce Co.; Oldroyd & Sons; Keefe, LeStourgeon Co.
$10.00 pledges—Comley Lumber company; Collinson Hardware company; Mrs. A. J. Hunt; Beard Foundry; Houston Lumber company; Dr. R. Claude Young; Kirkpatrick Furniture Co.; Badger Lumber Co.; Henneberry & Company; Boyer Hdw. Co.; W. N. Harris; A. C. Transfer Co.; A. C. Sand Co.; Dr. Chas. Dunning; Daily News.

$ 5.00 pledges—C. N. Hunt; Osage hotel; W. H. Nelson; O. O. Holt; James R. Hull; John Ames; Busy Bee; A. C. Paine and Paper Co.; Mrs. Virginia Hamilton; Dr. Milton Hahn; C. C. Lytal; Hall-Finney; Mrs. Johanna Henneberry; Houston-Hill; Sturtz Inv. Co.; Cooperative grocery; Reed Farrell; A. C. Bottling works; A. C. Business college; A. C. Floral Co.; A. C. Traveler; Huffman & Ward; Lee Biggs; Geo. L. Beard; H. D. Baylis; Hill-Howard; Bunnell Inv. Co.; Saddle Rock café; Geo. S. Hartley; Dr. C. H. House; C. A. Bahruth; J. L. Brown; Mrs. Mary Curtis; E. G. Collins.
$ 2.00 pledges—Mrs. Mary Clarke; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Martin; W. E. Hall; Robert Cox; Chas. Herriford; H. W. Hendryx; E. C. Dye; W. T. Hamm; Mrs. Anna Ramsey; Mears Bros.; J. E. Cantrell; E. I. Leach; Russell Bros.; Mrs. J. O. Campbell; John Heffelfinger; Maude B. Harmon; Mrs. W. V. Reynolds; Mrs. Paul Way; Dr. H. J. Edwards; The Ideal grocery; J. W. Boyd.
$1.00 pledges—W. L. Martin; J. F. Maus; W. W. Rinehart; Guy Ecroyd; DuVal Pharmacy; E. S. Dorrance; Mrs. Ida Buckley; Geo. M. Rooney; Mrs. J. P. Carlson; Mrs. W. G. Robson; Ms. W. V. Reynolds; Mrs. Paul Hartley; H. W. Earlougher; Miss Olive Ramage; Glenn Harrelson; Chas. Holmsten; W. L. Hopkins; John Probst; Sidle Coffee Co.; H. A. Clark; Mrs. H. H. Hill; H. B. Clapp.
Pledges on the Pueblo relief fund that are unpaid.
$25.00 pledges—Security National bank; Kininmonth Produce Co.
$10.00 pledges—A. C. Hide & Junk Co.; P. M. Clarke; J. C. Penney Co.; Drs. Day, McKay and Douglass; Wm. Cunningham.
$ 5.00 pledges—Hudson garage; Earl Baxter; E. L. McDowell; Geo. W. Saunders; Shea Furniture Co.; Devlin ready-to-wear; Economy Cash grocery; Anthony Carlton; Chicago store; Baer bakery; Ellis Billings; Palace Grocery; Newman Motor Co.; Davis Bros.; Domestic laundry; Fifth Avenue book store; Fifth Avenue hotel.
$ 3.00 pledges—J. T. Reeder; E. H. Clayton.
$ 2.50 pledges—J. R. Hayden.
$ 2.00 pledges—W. H. Hill; O. B. Seyster; R. R. Sawtell; Guy Curfman; Geo. B. Cornish; A. A. McAtee; Pete Hill; Fitch music store; C. N. Coleman.
$ 1.00 pledges—Chas. Shoup; Chester Harris; A. McAdams; G. G. Sawtell; Ray Seeley; Chas. Early; P. H. Richmond; Chas. Sills; Elston-McEwen Produce Co.; Dr. McCall; H. A. Schramm; Derry bakery; W. H. Rector.
Pledges, but no amount stated:
Doug Shaw; Service Motor shop; Scott & Son; Roseberry-MacAllister; Mattie Rice; Shank-Dweelard; Frank Seal; Swartz Electric Co.; F. L. Richey.
Arkansas City Traveler, Friday, June 17, 1921.
1893: On April 1, 1893, A. A. Newman, still a resident of this city, was elected mayor. In this year W. J. Gray was the constable, T. B. Oldroyd was on the city council, J. C. Topliff was city treasurer, O. Ingersoll (now a resident of Topeka) was city clerk, and Frank Perryman, the well known “chin scraper,” was the chief of the volunteer fire department.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, June 22, 1921.
Albert L. Newman to Give More Time to Private Interests.

Albert L. Newman, who for so many years has been manager of the Land & Power company and the Kansas Gas and Electric company, commonly called the electric light company in this city, is to have an assistant as manager of the Kansas Gas and Electric company so that he can be relieved to a certain extent to look after his private business—The Newman Motor Company—and his duties as a member of the board of education.
The gentleman who is to assist Mr. Newman is Charles B. Tingley. His title is “Superintendent, Kansas Gas and Electric Co.” Mr. Tingley has been in the employ of that company for the past eighteen years. At one time he was a resident of Arkansas City and was connected with the Arkansas City water works plant. The old timers will remember him, and he will make a good man to assist Mr. Newman in the management of the light plant because of his extensive experience in that line.
A. L. Newman is one of Arkansas City’s most progressive and substantial business men. He is a self-made man, his success as a business man being due entirely to his own initiative, indus­try, energy, and thrift. He has run the electric light plant in this city for so many years, and given such good service, that there are a lot of people who think the service is just a little better when Albert is on the job. Mr. Newman is one of those men who have a very even disposition, and if anything goes wrong and a complaint arises, he is always ready to and does make an entirely satisfactory adjustment.
Mr. Newman has large personal business interests, and for that reason he is giving up a large share of his time which he has in the past devoted to the management of the light plant, and from now on will spend the greater portion of his time in looking after his own interests.
Incidentally, it may be of interest to know that A. L. Newman started his business career as a carrier boy for the Arkansas City Daily Traveler.

Arkansas City Daily Traveler, Monday, August 22, 1921.
Ulman Paris Gives Final Report On New Plat This Morning.
Regular Session of City Fathers Today and Several Matters of Importance
Were Up For Consideration.
“Newman Park.”
What has heretofore been known as the Paris Park No. 2, at the southernmost part of Summit street, this morning was offi­cially titled “Newman Park,” in honor of A. A. Newman. This was made upon recommendation of Ulman Paris, promulgator of the park idea, and the name of Newman was advised following a drawing from the names of the contributors to the park, at which time Mr. Newman’s name was selected. The commissioners voted to call the park, Newman Park. The number drawn was 115.
Mr. Paris this morning before the commissioners read the report of Otis Fowler, secretary and treasurer for the new park fund. Twenty-five hundred dollars was spent on the lots and for incidentals, and interest thirty-nine dollars and eighty-six cents was spent. From subscriptions over the town $2,234.18 was raised. The request was made from the city that the deficit of $305.50 be paid by the city, and the commissioners voted to pay this deficit.
The appraisement for the paving on Harrison Avenue and South Second street was approved this morning by the commissioners. There was no protest against the appraisement.
A resolution for the issuance of improvement bonds, to the extent of $58,500, for the water works improvement to be made in the city, was read and passed this morning.

A bid from the Daily Traveler Publishing Company for the city printing was read this morning. The Daily Traveler Company offered to do the city printing at three and one-half cents a line. The matter was laid upon the table for further action.
Arkansas City Daily Traveler, Wednesday, August 24, 1921.
State Senator R. C. Howard, editor of the Arkansas City Traveler, A. H. Denton, president of the Home National bank, George W. Sayles of the Newman Motor Co., and John C. Mowatt, a stockman, all of Arkansas City, were through here last Thursday on a motor trip and made this office a call. Senator Howard has gubernatorial aspirations and may cast his sombrero in the ring when the primaries open next year. He is well known in the state, has strong local backing, and will cut his share of the political ice when the voters size up the candidates. He has a pleasing personality and has long figured in political matters.
—Moline Advance.
Arkansas City Daily Traveler, Saturday, August 27, 1921.
Founder of the Fort Scott Monitor Passed Away in This City.
George W. McMillen, well known and highly respected citizen of this city for a good many years, passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. A. L. Newman, at 225 North C street Friday evening at seven o’clock. He had been ill for some weeks and was known to be failing rapidly, though death came rather as a surprise to the members of the family. One of the daughters, Mrs. Albert Faulconer, who had been on a visit in Colorado, and who was summoned home on account of the failing condition of the father, arrived here only a short time before his death. The only son of the deceased, Fred McMillen  of St. Louis, Mo., and the other daughter, Mrs. Newman, were also at the bedside of the father when death claimed him. These three are all the children of the family left to mourn the loss of the father. Mr. McMillen’s wife died in this city in September, 1900, and her body was interred in Riverview cemetery. The body of the husband will be laid beside that of his wife tomorrow.
Funeral services will be held at the Newman residence Sunday morning at nine-thirty o’clock, conducted by Rev. W. M. Gardner. Burial in Riverview cemetery will follow this service immediate­ly.
G. W. McMillen was one of the old timers in this city, and he had many friends here and other places over the state of Kansas, all of whom will regret to learn of his death. He was a newspaper man in the early days of this state, and was the founder of the Fort Scott Monitor of the city of Fort Scott.
During the time that he was the editor of this paper, he was offered the chair at the head of the physics department of the Kansas University. He was well known for a number of years all over the state as a writer of good and interesting literature. For the past several years and during his declining years, he was a familiar figure on the streets of this city.
He was a Christian man, and had been a member of the First Presbyterian church here for a good many years. He was a veteran of the Civil war and joined the army when he was sixteen years of age. Mr. McMillen was a member of the 155th Indiana infantry. He was a member of the Arkansas City chapter of the G. A. R.

He was born in Logansport, Indiana, on October 21, 1847, being 74 years of age at the time of his death. He was united in marriage to Miss Lillian Stauber at Erie, Kansas, in the year 1879; and he and Mrs. McMillen came to this city in 1884. She passed away here 21 years ago.
Arkansas City Daily Traveler, Monday, August 29, 1921.
Funeral of G. W. McMillen
Funeral services for G. W. McMillen, whose death occurred here last Friday night, were held Sunday morning at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Newman on North C street, and Rev. W. M. Gardner had charge of the services. The body of Mr. McMillen was laid to rest in Riverview cemetery, beside that of the wife of the deceased. Mrs. Guy Curfman rendered a vocal solo at the services at the home, and there was a large assemblage of the friends of the deceased in attendance at the funeral and burial. Mr. McMillen was an old time resident of this city and he leaves three children to mourn his death. They are Mrs. Albert Newman and Mrs. Albert Faulconer, of this city, and Fred McMillen of St. Louis, Mo.
Arkansas City Daily Traveler, Monday, August 29, 1921.
Pet Dog is Shot
Snoops, the Scotch collie dog belonging to the sons of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Newman of North C street, has been shot by some miscreant and the animal is in a local veterinary hospital for treatment. The dog was shot in some mysterious manner; and not only the Newman boys, but all the children in the neighborhood, are lamenting the fact that their playmate is injured. He was shot through the mouth. It is said that he will recover from the effects of the wound. Snoops is being cared for at present by Dr. J. H. Knapp.
[Note: About this time a number of dogs were being poisoned!]
Arkansas City Daily Traveler, Tuesday, September 27, 1921.
All are Urged to Attend Meeting at City Hall Tomorrow Night.
There will be a meeting of the former students of the Kansas University, now in this city, at the chamber of commerce room in the city hall tomorrow, Wednesday evening, and all are urged to be present. This meeting is to arrange for the visit of Chancel­lor Lindley to this city on October 3, at which time there will be a banquet and plans laid for the stadium drive in this city.
Below is a list of all the former students of K. U. here and these especially are requested to be on hand at that time.
Fred Busch, 1909, c/o Trinity Church Rectory.
V. V. Bossi, 1909, R. F. D.
Kirk W. Dale, 1916, West Fifth Avenue.
Guy L. Ecroyd, 1917, 409 North Fourth.
James F. Gilliland, 1910, 411 North Summit.
Ruth E. Guild, 1919, care Y. W. C. A.
Charles Lusk, 1909, 926 North Second.
Mrs. Charles Lusk, 1909, 926 North Second.
Dr. Lewis S. Morgan, 1919, 209-1/2 South Summit.
Carroll R. McDowell, 1919, 115 North Third.
Roxanna Oldroyd, 1904, 828 South Second.

Helen J. Peck, 303 South A.
Clarence Calkins, 1915, 906 North Summit.
Algie Fitch, 1918, 401 South First.
George Gardner, 1919, 311 South First.
Jessie H. Gregg, 1918, 425 North A.
Albert H. Herold, 1907, care F. O. Thomas.
Luther Harris, care Rexall Drug Store.
Richard Forest Howard, 1907, 813 South C.
Leslie Knapp, 1920, 214 South A.
Virgil La Sarge, 1918, 306 South Second.
Rose E. Leasure, 1910, Box 164.
Ben Lewis, 1919, 821 South Summit.
Emily Maine, 1919, 425-1/2 South First.
Ernest Uhrlaub, 220-1/2 North Third.
Anne Benson, 312 South Third.
Richard N. Priest, 1916, care Santa Fe.
James T. Pringle, 1920, Johnson Bldg.
O. B. Seyster, 1903, care Chamber of Commerce.
Mrs. Millie Wentworth, 1918, 313 West Central Avenue.
Clarence L. Zugg, 1919, 602 North B.
Ruth Burkey, 1918, 609 North Second.
Mrs. Chester Beton, 1912, 225 North First.
Edna McClure, 1917, 727 North Third Street.
Orin N. Miller, 1919, 207 North C.
Albert Newman, 1903, 225 North C.
Ralph Oldroyd, 203 North B.
Harry Oldroyd, 701 North Second.
John Parker, 1894, 1107 North Third.
George Probst, 1911, 418 South B.
John Probst, 1913, 112 South Third.
Mrs. Earl Downing, 1919, 525 South First.
Dr. C. R. Spain, 403 North Second.
Hugh M. Stickler, 1916, 607 South A.
Ralph Wickliffe, 1899, 728 North Fourth.
Arthur M. Williams, 1919, 425 South Summit.
Mrs. Lillian Wright, 1913, 815 South A.
Herbert Younkin, 405 North C.
Thomas Buzzi, 1919, 1025 North First.
J. Ralph Endicott, 1915, City.
Olley H. Hamni, 1911, R. F. D. Rt. 2.
Lester L. Lewis, 1919, R. F. D. Rt. 3.
Mrs. Fred Hamilton, 318 North Third.
Harry V. Howard, Walpex Building.

Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Blair, Chilocco Indian school.
Mrs. Fred Jacobs (nee Gertrude Wiley), Ponca City.
Arkansas City Daily Traveler, Saturday, October 1, 1921.
   Kansas Gas & Electric Co., Now in Fine New Quarters.
The Kansas Gas & Electric Co., which for many years past has occupied offices in the Hess building on West Fifth avenue, is today comfortably located in the new quarters of the company, at 224 South Summit street, in the W. S. Peck building. The move to the new quarters was made yesterday and last night and this morning at 8 o’clock, the force was in the new building, the doors were thrown open to the public, and there were many callers in the new home during the day.
There is a large and commodious show room in the new loca­tion, and there is to be seen there a large line of the most up-to-date electrical appliances of all kinds, which are displayed in a manner to enable all those who call to view the display. The sales room of the company is in the front of the large room and the office force is located in the rear. The work shop is in the basement, clear away from the remainder of the force and therefore the shop men will have an opportunity to work separate­ly and apart from the office force.
In the front of the room, there is a new business or commer­cial department and a rest room in connection. M. McMillen, of Wichita, is the new man in charge of this department. He was on the job this morning. Miss Lillian McNaughton is also a new employee of the company. She will have charge of the desk in the new sales department. She too was on duty there today, assisting the force in making the general public acquainted with the new quarters.
C. B. Tingley, the superintendent of the company here, has a neat and comfortably located private office in the large room and the office and accounting department has a large and roomy space in the rear of the store room. A. L. Newman is still the manager of the company here, but he is not compelled to be in the office all the time; therefore, he has no private office there.
Taken as a whole, the new location of the Kansas Gas & Electric Co. is one of the best and most modern in the city. The owner of the building has spared no expense in making the place as neat as possible for the company, and the building has been leased to the electric company.
The company is carrying on a most interesting guessing contest, during the first week in the new location; and this morning there were many men and women callers there to make a guess on the number  of hours that an eight day clock will run. The clock was wound at 8 this morning and was started at that hour. It is located in the show window and will be left there until it runs down. The guess is as to how many hours, minutes, and seconds the clock will run. To the one guessing the nearest to the time in this regard, will be given a baby Hoover, the second prize is an electric waffle iron, and the third is $6 in merchandise. The company invites everyone to call and take a look over the new quarters and to make a guess on the time that the clock will run.
Arkansas City Daily Traveler, Wednesday, October 5, 1921.

A. C. Asks County Commissioners for County Road Improvements.
Big Crowd Meets with County Dads and Argue Questions.
Commissioner Dees “Told It To Them”
A large crowd of Arkansas City people, headed by E. C. Mierau, president of the chamber of commerce, Oscar Seyster, secretary of the chamber of commerce, Mayor C. N. Hunt, and Commissioners Sturtz and Thompson, went to Winfield this morning to appear before the county commissioners in behalf of the proposed cemetery road which Arkansas City is asking to be constructed under the Howard five-eighth of a mile paving law.
The commissioners adjourned their meeting to the district courtroom where Commissioner Dees acted as chairman. There were possibly one hundred citizens in attendance, some of them for and some against the proposed improvement, and others who were there just as spectators. Commissioner Dees announced as there were quite a number there who desired to speak on the improvement, he ruled that each speaker could have the floor once and speak as long as he wanted to, but could not have the floor the second time.
Mayor Hunt was the first one called upon and he stated succinctly the object of the meeting, which was in effect to pave the road to Riverview cemetery from First street under the Howard five-eighth of a mile paving law. He showed the demand for the road by informing the meeting that ninety-eight percent of the property owners along the road had petitioned for the improve­ment. He gave the cost that it would be to the individual taxpayer in the county, based on the present valuation per thousand dollars and other data that was favorable to building the road. He was followed by other speakers, some talking against the improvement and others for it. It was an easy matter to see that the farmers around Winfield were absolutely opposed to the improvement, and so far as getting anywhere in the meet­ing, it was just like butting your head against a stone wall.
C. T. Franks, J. F. Orr, Ed. Shepherd, and numerous other people living in and near Winfield claimed the law was un-Ameri­can, but did not say in what way it was un-American for the simple reason they couldn’t. Then they claimed it was an unjust law, claiming it imposed a burden upon people that can illy afford to have imposed upon them at this time.
Every argument opposed to the law was met by speakers of Arkansas City and in the benefit district through which the proposed improvement is to run.
The fact of the matter is the bunch opposed to the law is just opposed to it, and that is all there was to it.
During the meeting Chas. Baird, Ed. Mierau, City Engineer Lusk, Albert Newman, and several other Arkansas City people made short talks to explain the law, the improvement, how necessary it was to have permanent pavement on roads in Cowley county in order to save money.

In favor of the proposed paving, Commissioner Carl Dees made the best address of the meeting. He went into detail and ex­plained that Cowley county would never have a better opportunity to get cheap paving, that the individuals will pay a share of, the city a share of, and the county a share of. He showed that the cities pay for a goodly portion of the country road work in Cowley county, but that the country never pays for any roads in the city which they use fully as much as the town people do the country roads. Commissioner Dees predicted that if certain obstructionists continue to throw obstacles in the way of road building, it will only be a question of time until the town people will get together and get a law passed preventing cities paying for road work in the county. He said the cities were willing to pay their share for road improvement, and the farmers should meet them at least half way in securing good roads because it was of as much benefit to the farmer as it was to the city people. Commissioner Dees said he believed that in their hearts the other two commissioners favored the road paving asked for, but that they would not consent to it for the reason their constituents are unwisely opposed to it. Commissioner Dees made many other good points and not one of the opposing crowd could answer them. His argument in favor of the improvement was absolutely unanswerable, and none of the bunch of obstructionists opposed it.
The hearing lasted some two or three hours, and toward the latter portion became quite warm, and finally ended with everyone quitting and going home. What the commissioners will do in the matter can be only guessed at, and that is two of them will be against the proposition.
Under the five-eighth of a mile law, Burden can secure paving, Dexter can secure paving, Udall and Atlanta can secure it, and they need it fully as much as Winfield and Arkansas City.
Commissioner Dees was right. If the county can get paving at thirty cents on the dollar, it ought to accept it no matter where it is located, for the time is coming when the roads of Cowley County will be paved north and south, east and west, several times and the country will have to pay 100 cents on the dollar for it. The more paving that the country can induce the cities to pay thirty percent of, the better off it will be.
[In the 1920s Arkansas City started holding a monthly “trade day” which brought in shoppers from Ponca City, Newkirk, Geuda Springs, Blackwell, Oxford, Wellington, Winfield, Dexter, and Silverdale. In time it brought in shoppers from the new oil field towns of Burbank, Tonkawa, Apperson, Whizbang, and Grainola.]
Arkansas City Daily Traveler, Thursday, October 6, 1921.
   Retail Merchants Take Up Plan Of Monthly Sales Day.
New Club is Organized and Plans Are Placed in Hands of Committee,
Which is Given Power to Act.
The Greater Arkansas City club has come into existence, with the avowed intention of a long campaign, in which the information will be spread further each month that Arkansas City is “the place” to get bargains in trade, the place to live in and be happy.
At a meeting of the Arkansas City Retail Merchants associa­tion held in the Chamber of Commerce rooms at the city building last night, the monthly sales day idea, which has been up before the merchants for some time, was further discussed and practical­ly disposed of so far as adopting the idea is concerned.
The plan adopted by those attending the meeting last night is to begin the monthly sales day on the first Monday in November.

All arrangements for launching the plan was left in the hands of a committee, which was elected last night, and given power to arrange for the first sale and continue as a clearing house committee for the organization of merchants, to be known as the Greater Arkansas City club.
This committee is made up of five members representing five different lines of business: Guy Ecroyd, of the Newman store, chairman; J. E. Day, of the Central Hardware company; J. A. Haney, of the Economy grocery; Mr. Sears of the Kuntz clothing store, and J. Lewis Shank, jeweler. The committee was delegated the power of filling any vacancies necessary should any of its members fail to act.
The fact developed in the meeting held last night that a difference of opinion is held among the merchants of the city regarding the monthly sales idea. It was stated by some of those favoring the idea that it has been hard to get the matter thor­oughly understood. Some of the members expressed the confident belief that as soon as the plan was working, other merchants would join in the movement.
The plan as discussed last night is to advertise monthly sales, each member making a special real bargain price upon some one article. The clearing committee will see that the same article is not used in the same sale by different merchants. The committee also is to see that the article offered is a real bargain, and that the advertising is not misleading in any particular, so that the buying public will have absolute confi­dence in the sales; that when sales day comes, the public will know that an actual bargain may be had at any of the stores named in the advertisement.
The president of the merchants association, R. H. Rhoads, expressed the belief that the plan will prove a benefit to the trade of the city and that if carried out as planned, it will be a big success.
The matter of the success and failure of the monthly sales plan in other cities was discussed last night. According to the investigations made by the association in this matter, it was stated that the plan has been a success wherever the merchants have worked together in good faith, always giving actual and honest bargains in the specials, and keeping the advertising absolutely truthful.
The town of Neosho, Missouri, that has had the plan working for five years, was mentioned as one of the most successful. The report from that place is that both the merchants and the buying public are very much pleased with the monthly sale idea.
The committee in charge of the matter was instructed last night to go ahead with arrangements for a sales day for the first Monday in November, taking in the merchants who have already signed an agreement to participate, and adding any firms who decide to join during the coming week.
While the list that was assured up to last night was not a large one, most all of the different lines of business were represented, and this list the committee thought could be aug­mented considerably before the first sale.
Arkansas City Daily Traveler, Thursday, October 6, 1921.
Committee Requests All Who Enter Club To Report By Friday.

The committee in charge of the launching of monthly sales’ day for the greater Arkansas City advertising club, has definite­ly decided to bring off the first sale the first Monday in November. All merchants who want to be in on this sale, and who have not completed arrangements, should see the committee sure before Friday of this week, as the committee will get in all of the advertising at that time and prepare for its advertising campaign, sending out circulars, etc.
The committee wants to get the affair properly advertised and are determined to make the first sale go as big as possible.
The committee held a meeting today and has made one change in its membership, one of the members finding that he would not have sufficient time to give to the matter.
The committee as it now stands is: Guy Ecroyd, chairman, Guy Pantier of the Reed stores, J. A. Haney, J. Lewis Shank, Grant O. Sears.
The merchants who have signed up are expected by the commit­tee to have their advertising in by the coming Friday. The firms already represented and who will offer special bargains on that day are as follows:
The Central Hardware Co.
Palace Grocery
The Reed Stores
Kress & Co.
Kuntz Cash Clothiers
E. L. McDowell, jeweler
Collinson Hardware Co.
Newman Dry Goods Co.
Gilbreath-Calvert Dry Goods Co.
Parman’s three stores
Shank-Dweelaard jewelers
Economy Grocery
J. T. Brown, jeweler
Other members who will not hold sales, but who have contracted to give their financial support to the movement are:
Security National bank
News Publishing Co.
J. C. Penney Co.
Home National bank
Arkansas City Daily Traveler, Tuesday, October 25, 1921.
Fair Association Organized to Make Yearly Exhibits.
  J. C. Jarvis Heads Organization and Pollom is Secretary.
J. C. Jarvis, president.
W. G. Mullett, vice-president.
L. B. Pollom, secretary.
O. B. Seyster, assistant secretary.
V. E. Creighton, treasurer.
Board of directors—Al Beeson; C. M. Baird; W. G. Buffington; H. B. Holman; Harve Christy; Robert Warren; J. C. Dulaney; C. E. St. John; H. S. Collinson; Blaine Adams, J. Davis; Mrs. Lilly Crampton; and Miss Mary Parsons.

The Arkansas City Fair Association was organized last night in this city at the meeting and dinner at the Osage hotel, at which time a number of the progressive farmers and stock men and their wives of this immediate vicinity and some of the business­men of the city participated in a real love feast. The above names are the officers and directors of the association, which was perfected at this meeting. The old saying, “strike while the iron is hot,” proved to be very successful for the meeting last night, and this gathering following closely on the heels of the splendid livestock show of last week was the real cause of the fair association being organized at this time. The men and women elected as officers and board of directors of the new associa­tion, are representative men and women of the farming interests near Arkansas City, and of the business interests of this city.
That they will all serve in a capable manner is already cer­tain, as shown by the interest, of those in attendance at the meeting last night. The dates for the next annual livestock show and fair in this city have not yet been decided upon, but this matter was also discussed at some length last night and the men and women interested are determined to set the dates so that they will not conflict with other fairs in this immediate vicinity in order to give the regular exhibitors the chance to take their stock and household wares from one fair to another without any conflict in dates.
The officers of the Arkansas City Fair Association are all well known in and around the city and they are:
J. C. Jarvis, president, one of the most prosperous farmers and stock men of the county, who resides northeast of the city.
W. G. Mullett, vice-president, a new man in this vicinity, who resides south of the city and is already well known here, as a thriving and up-to-the-minute farmer.
L. B. Pollom, secretary, has been the competent instructor in the vocational agriculture department of the local schools for several years past and is a scientific farmer.
O. B. Seyster, assistant secretary, is the secretary of the local Chamber of Commerce and the Retailers Association.
V. E. Creighton, banker, and president of the Traders State bank of this city.
The board of directors, though numbering thirteen, promises to be one of the best and most thrifty bodies of its kind in the country and they are determined to make the Arkansas City fair the best in the county or in the entire country, it may be said.
The two women on the board, Mrs. Crampton and Miss Parsons, took an active part in the show last week and they demonstrated the fact that they are up to snuff on such subjects.
All of the men on the board are well known here and claim Arkansas City as their permanent home. Therefore, the board of directors and the officers of the association are bound to win out in this valuable enterprise.
Following the dinner served at 8 o’clock last night, the meeting here was called to order and “Big Bill Buff,” W. J. Buffington, was the toastmaster. He called upon a number of the men and women present for three minute addresses on various subjects pertaining to the main object of the meeting.

Mr. Buffington paid a nice compliment to the city and rural schools for taking such an active part in the affair of last week and said the city school authorities worked very hard for a number of days to make the show the success that it proved to be. He called upon Mayor Hunt and the mayor made a few appropriate remarks.
He said there is no line between the city and farm folks and that the city was open to the farmers at all times. City and rural districts are closely connected now, he said, and the city and country are one and the same at the present day and age. His remarks were addressed for the most part to the rural folks. They are the community life, he said, as he passed a nice compli­ment upon Mrs. Crampton, who spoke at the A. H. T. A. convention here last week.   Mayor Hunt said that Arkansas City was going to ask for a division of the county, and stated that if Senator Howard and Representative Murray did not assist in this matter, they would be fired.
C. M. Baird spoke on Shorthorn cattle, and told of the start he made in this line some twenty-three years ago. “Praises of the Shorthorn.” was his subject.
Elmer Buffington, of Oxford, well known horse man, talked on “What It Takes To Make A Real Livestock Show.” He proved to be equal to the occasion and gave those present some excellent advice on the subject. He praised the show of last week and said the stockmen of Oxford would be here in full force next season. Elmer Buffington said his father, J. M. Buffington, who was unable to be present at the meeting, was the first man to bring a stallion into this section of the country.
The entire countryside knows of the success of J. M. Buffington and his two sons in the matter of raising pure bred horses. Proper feed and care of the stock was given by the speaker also. Animals must be fit to show and must be raised properly, he said. He said that C. M. Baird and Al Beeson were the best boosters for the livestock show in the country.
“The benefits of a stock show from the standpoint of the auctioneer,” was the subject of Harve Christy, of Newkirk, who said he resided in the southern suburb of Arkansas City, and that his wife says they will move to this city some day to live. He was reared on a farm west of the city and he is still in love with Arkansas City. He said the livestock men come here from Kansas City and Fort Worth regularly to pick up our fine horses and mules. Arkansas City needs a pavilion for the stock show, he advised.
“The benefits from the household section,” by Mrs. Crampton, of West Bolton, was one of the best of the short addresses. The farmer’s wife anticipates the shows in this connection; and therefore makes an effort to prepare something good at these times, she stated. This section of the show is far reaching. The woman prides herself in carrying out the plans in this connection and will always have something of interest for the fair.
“The future of the mule colt,” by Al Beeson was one of the subjects; and he said that Elmer Buffington had fully covered this subject. It was stated by the chairman that Mr. Beeson raised the premium list $15 on the mule exhibits at the recent fair.
At this stage of the meeting, the committee on nominations of officers and directors was sent out to deliberate.
John B. Heffelfinger, of the Security National bank, spoke on the “Influence of the stock show on the boys and girls.” The show must be successful to be of interest to all, he said. He asked, “What are we going to do with the boys and the girls on the farm?” He stated, “We must give them a chance. It is worthwhile and they must not be overlooked.” John is known in this city as a real friend to the school boys and girls.

“How it feels to be the biggest prize winner,” by F. D. Mielkey, the auctioneer of Oxford, was the next subject. He was in charge of the exhibit of cattle and horses from that town last week, which carried off the biggest end of the prize money, and he says it feels good and inspires the stockman to better grades of animals at all times. The Winton exhibit was one of the best at the show, he said. He said he had never seen a better line of stock in a small show as he had the opportunity to look upon here.
Senator R. C. Howard was called upon to speak on the sub­ject, “Which end of the cow gets up first.” Bill thought he had the senator stuck; but he turned the tables nicely by asking Buff which end his father spanked when he was naughty. Mr. Howard showed that he knew something about farming and live addresses. He said he was a member of the I. X. L. Farmers Union and was therefore a farmer. He was born on a farm, also, and served three years in the dairy department while there.
“Why do we need a stock show?” by O. B. Seyster. There are three distinct reasons, he said. One never knows what he can do for himself until he tries, and sees what the other fellow is doing in the same line; it’s an inspiration and one wants to do better the next time; and last, it takes good livestock to make the community prosper and grow.
V. E. Creighton, the next speaker, said he was proud of the show of last week. He said the city was always willing to help the country folks. Mr. Creighton was elected to the office of treasurer after he had left the hall.
Bob Murray defended the Jersey cow and he said that all other breeds were raised on the Jersey cow’s milk. He said everyone should use more milk. He said, “The percent of infant mortality in Arkansas City is less than in any other city in the state, with the exception of Lawrence; 62 out of every 1,000 are the figures here. Wichita’s is much more than that.” He attrib­uted the well raising and the good health of the Arkansas City babies to the fact that they are fed on good milk. Bob also got off a few jokes on the other cattle men in the audience.
R. E. Harp, Holstein raiser, spoke on “The benefit of the livestock show to the Holstein man.” He was the first man here to show two of these cattle at the Arkansas City show, he said. They are better cows and more profitable. He said to make the show an annual event, at all costs. It is a good thing to see what the other fellow has at the show, as the farmers have not the time to call upon one another to see the livestock.
Supt. C. E. St. John spoke on the subject, “The stock show and its relation to the schools.” He emphasized on the crop of boys and girls. He said the country schools should be interested in the stock show. The rural schools should be tested in this matter and should have their attractions along this line. All schools should enter contests of various kinds in order to keep up the interest. He is for boosting the rural schools and is of the opinion that they are coming to the front. He is for the show again next year.
Several impromptu talks were then given and the toast master called upon nearly everyone in the room. Among those who gave short talks were: Chas. Spencer, L. B. Pollom, Myron Bell, W. J. Gilbreath, J. C. Jarvis, W. N. Harris, W. G. Mullett, Mr. Howen, E. G. Newman, Roy Kuhns, Ferd Marshall, J. Davis of Ashton, who had Herriford cattle at the show, John Elliott of Ashton, who classed the recent Wichita fair as a fake, Ollie Christy, local auctioneer, the Williams brothers of north of the city, Mr. Fite of Kay County, and Dr. J. H. Knapp.

H. S. Collinson gave an account of the plans that were carried out at the recent show, and he stated that the agricul­tural committee of the Chamber of Commerce, of which he is the chairman, is willing at all times to be of service to the farmers in this vicinity. The stock show and fair is always of advantage to the merchants and the farmers, as well, he said.
E. C. Mireau, president of the Chamber of Commerce, stated that the dinner of the evening was served at the expense of the chamber and he welcomed the farmers to the city on this occasion.
C. M. Baird reported for the committee on the recent show and said that everyone in connection with the show and the exhibits was well pleased with the attraction and the results. He said that Houser and Adams, of Oxford, were well pleased with the show here and would come again next year.
R. C. Howard stated that he would be one of fifty men to donate the sum of $50 for the next year’s stock show and this brought forth a round of applause. There was no action taken on this suggestion, however.
Here the nominations and elections of officers and directors took place, and the names presented by the committee were read by J. W. Wilson. As they were presented before the meeting, they were each chosen without any unusual formalities, and none of those named by the committee offered any serious objections.
H. B. Holman, one of the exhibitors, who had alfalfa at the recent show, stated that he would turn in his premium money to the next year’s show.
Here there was a lively discussion in regard to the admis­sion charge and the entrance fee, for the coming attraction, next fall. There were differences of opinion in this regard and the matter was finally left to the board of directors, upon motion of W. N. Harris. Mr. Fite of Kay County advised that the fair be a free fair, as is held in the Kay County towns. He gave various reasons for this contention and said he was for a free fair all the time. Others objected to this plan, and some of those present thought that the plan of the recent show, to charge a small admission price at the gate and give the entrance fee for exhibits and the stalls free, was the best.
Then the matter of a name for the association was brought up and discussed. Mr. Mullett suggested that it be called the Tri-County fair. The chairman thought this was not the proper thing and so stated. He said not to give the impression that it was to be a county, or one, two, or three county affair, but to have it open to the world, so that anyone who desired could come here and exhibit their farm and stock products. The Kay County man urged the promoters to keep it a clean show and not to allow fakirs of any kind on the show ground. Finally a motion by R. C. Howard to call it the Arkansas City Fair Association prevailed, and the discussion ended.
Upon motion of Elmer Buffington, the crowd extended hearty thanks to the Arkansas City crowd for the fine dinner and the cordial treatment extended to the members of the audience at this time.
The meeting ended shortly before 11 o’clock, after a very harmonious and interesting discussion of the entire matter and the perfecting of the fair association, as outlined above.

There were representatives in attendance from Sumner and Cowley counties in Kansas and from Kay County, Oklahoma; also from Winfield, Oxford, Dexter, Ashton, and some of the smaller towns in the surrounding country.
Arkansas City Daily Traveler, Tuesday, October 25, 1921.
To Erect Another Building
A. A. Newman will erect another building on the corner of Summit street and Jefferson avenue. The building will be one story, and will be 50 x 132 feet. When completed it will be occupied by A. L. Bendure, who is going to run a “drive your own car” garage. He will also have a work shop in part of the building, and it is a possibility that there will be a service station connected with the building in some way. Will Bunnell perfected the arrangements by which Mr. Newman will put up the building.
Arkansas City Daily Traveler, Wednesday, October 26, 1921.
Ulman Paris Has Secured More Ground on South Summit Street.
Donations of One Thousand Dollars and Other Sums Make it Possi­ble.
Given to City Soon.
Ulman Paris, of Paris park fame, who has been instrumental in the past several years of adding two parks to the city of Arkan­sas City, the first one known as Paris park, and the second as Newman park, has shown his loyalty to the city, by acquiring title to another plot of ground on South Summit street, which will be turned over to the city very soon, as an extension to the Newman park.
The plot in question lies east of Summit street, and will be a valuable addition to the Newman park, which was recently turned over to the city authorities. The new plot contains about four and one-half acres of ground and is two and one-half blocks long and one-half block wide.
This new proposition in the line of purchasing more ground to be used as a city park was started some weeks ago when an Arkansas City man donated the sum of $1,000 to apply on the ground which Mr. Paris desired to secure for this purpose. Then the city agreed to put up $500 on the plan and soon afterwards there were two donations of $100 each and one for $300.
The house and other buildings on a part of this land, known as the Matt Chadwell place, will be sold for the sum of $250, it is said by Mr. Paris; and this also will be applied on the purchase price of the entire plot.
Mr. Paris suggests along this line that the approach to the city from the south is a fine place for a park, as it will beautify the city in that section and will also be a valuable asset to Arkansas City in other ways than this. The new park place will be a valuable addition to the Newman park and will be an extension of that plot, for park purposes.
Mr. Paris and the others who have been instrumental in this latest move for park grounds (whose names have not yet been made public) are to be commended for this bit of enterprise. Further announcement along this line, in the matter of the time when the ground shall be turned over to the city, and other plans along this same line, will be made in the very near future, it is promised by Mr. Paris.

Since the above story was written, Mr. Paris states that he has sold the houses on the ground there to Henry Russell, and they will be moved immediately. Mr. Paris says that the deed to the new plot for park purposes will be turned over to the city just as soon as all the money to pay for the land has been collected, which probably will be by tomorrow.
Arkansas City Daily Traveler, Monday, October 31, 1921.
Ol Paris appeared before the city commissioners to make a request that the city allow him $500 to apply on the purchase of a tract of land known as the Matt Chadwell property, lying on the east side of South Summit street near the Arkansas river bridge. He stated that Messrs. Newman, Denton, Wallace, Keefe, and one other party had contributed a total of $1,750 and the $500 asked of the city would make a total of $2,200, representing the purchase price of the land. The entire tract is to be turned over to the city by Mr. Paris for park purposes, and the equity will rest in the city.
Arkansas City Traveler, Thursday, November 10, 1921.
In the Motor Car Business
James Clough, who for a number of years past, has been in the office of the Kansas Gas & Electric Co. in this city, has resigned and has accepted a position with the Newman Motor Car Co., which is being operated by A. L. Newman. At present Mr. Newman and Mr. Clough are in Hutchinson attending the state auto dealers meeting and Jim will take up his new duties here as soon as they return. The position at the electric light office, vacated by Mr. Clough, will be filled by J. M. Nennox, of the Wichita office of the company, who is now on the job here.
Arkansas City Traveler, Tuesday, November 15, 1921.
One of the Best Programs Ever Staged in the City.
  Had Regular Turkey Dinner and Songfest at Newman’s.
  Visit Ranney’s Candy Factory—Dance at Henneberry’s.
The regular meeting of the Rotary club occurred last eve­ning, and it was not only a very jolly affair, but also a very entertaining one. The program was rather unique and was entirely a surprise. It was ladies night last night, and the Rotarians made a little extra effort in the way of entertainment and eats for their Rotary-Anns.
At 6:30 almost a full membership of the club had assembled at the Newman tea room. They were accompanied by their ladies. Promptly at 6:30 o’clock the crowd sat down to the banquet tables, and were served one of the most delicious dinners ever given to any gathering of people in this city. It was a turkey dinner and just right. The menu consisted of fruit cocktail, olives, roast turkey, baked squash, mashed potatoes, cranberry sherbert, rolls, vegetable salad, coffee, and plum pudding.
At the finish of the dinner, Bert Williams took charge of the song program and made the Newman tea room ring with the songs of Rotary for thirty minutes or longer. At the conclusion of the singing, adjournment was taken. President John McE Ames notified those present to not ask any questions, but to follow the bell  sheep, which all did.

The first place the crowd was taken to, was the Ranney-Davis Candy factory on South Summit street. Here the crowd was enter­tained and enlightened in the art of making candy for an hour. They were also fed all the Tom Henry sweetness they could eat. The Ranney-Davis candy factory is one of the big institutions of Arkansas City. It employs about seven candy makers and some twenty girls at this time.
Tom Henry, the king candy maker, assisted by the other candy makers employed in the candy factory, made several kinds of candy for the edification of the visitors. While it is a very simple matter for the candy makers to go through, yet it is a wonderful sight for the uninitiated to witness the making of candy.
From the candy factory, the crowd was taken to the Henneberry Packing house where they indulged in “tripping the light fantastic” until a late hour. The music for the evening’s entertainment was furnished by the Rotary orchestra, and it was simply the best that could be had. For the occasion the Henneberry assembly room at the packing house was decorated with leaves and was very pretty. No program by the Rotary was more thoroughly enjoyed than the one given last night.
Arkansas City Traveler, Thursday, December 29, 1921.
Board of Directors of Chamber of Commerce in Session Last Night.
The following report of the meeting of the board of directors of the chamber of commerce is submitted by Secretary O. B. Seyster.
The board of directors of the chamber of commerce met last night at the chamber of commerce room in the city hall, to canvass the ballots for the selection of twenty-two nominees from whom will be chosen the eleven directors for the chamber of commerce for 1922. The annual election of directors will take place in the chamber of commerce rooms Tuesday, Jan. 19, 1921. The polls for voting will open at 7:30 p.m. on that day. All members should keep in mind this date and event and be on hand to cast their vote for the directors, on that night. The virility and stability of the chamber of commerce always depends on the directors.
The result of the official canvass made last night was as follows:
102 ballots returned. Four thrown out because of voting for twenty-two names instead of eleven as per instructions on the ballot.
One hundred forty-five members received one or more votes. Of these the twenty-two receiving the largest number of votes were:
John B. Heffelfinger, R. H. Rhoads, R. W. Oldroyd, Chas. Spencer, R. C. Sowden, John McE Ames, R. J. Grover, Albert Faulconer, Ralph Brown, Albert Newman, Fred E. Goodrich, R. T. Keefe, R. C. Dixon, W. J. Gilbreath, A. H. Denton, H. S. Collinson, W. R. Ranney, V. E. Creighton, J. L. Bishop, Lloyd Lesh, Foss Farrar, Fred DeMott.
By vote of the board of directors, these men were declared the official nominees to be placed on the official ballot for the annual election of directors of the chamber of commerce on Tuesday, January 10, 1922.

The board of directors also reviewed the activities of the year and discussed the budget for 1922. A compilation of money contributions to various activities revealed some interesting facts regarding who is really getting behind Arkansas City. Figures were compiled on eight of the activities which, during the year the business interests of Arkansas City were asked to contribute to the amount, including the chamber of commerce dues.
The two hundred twenty-six members of the chamber gave to one or all; 93 non-members gave to one or more. A total of $14,923.59 was contributed. $1,533 was contributed by non-members of the chamber of commerce; $12,390.59 by the members of the chamber of commerce, of which $9,414.09 was contributed by thirty-nine of the business interests whereas the other business interests of Arkansas City belong to the chamber of commerce contributed $3,976.50. In other words, thirty-nine business interests of Arkansas City have carried nearly two-thirds of the entire load. All other business interests, both members of the chamber of commerce and non-members, have carried only slightly more than one-third.
Who is standing behind Arkansas City?
Mr. A. A. Newman gave a short talk on the occasion of his seventy-ninth birthday at the annual banquet of the Newman Dry Goods Company and its employees on January 19, 1922, at the Newman Tea Room. The store roster at this time was as follows.
A. A. Newman, president.
Earl G. Newman, vice-president and treasurer.
Albert L. Newman, secretary.
Albert Faulconer, legal adviser.
Miss Rosa M. Wellman, office manager.
Miss M. Grace Dewey, credit manager.
Bookkeepers:  Miss Georgia Booton and Mrs. Sadie Mann.
Telephone Operator: Faye R. Hinton.
Stenographer: Bessie Freize.
Cashiers: Marguerite Cox, Erma Houston, Ethel Watson, Alma Jack, Oneida
Brittle, Erma Birdzell.
Advertising manager: Guy Ecroyd.
Display manager: Howard M. Watson.
Assistant. Display manager.: Floyd P. Smith.
Delivery clerk: Leota Griffith.
Express and shipping clerk: John A. Long.
Freight clerk: Joe McGibony.
Elevator operator: H. H. Elgin.
Night watchman: H. R. Woods.
Children’s hair cutting shop: Mrs. Walter Stoner.
Beauty Parlor: Lelia Meyers, Lida Barton.
Store Departments.
Department 1.—Men’s Furnishings. Manager, Floyd E. Wright.
Salesmen, Leo R. McNair, J. Wyatt Hutchinson, Orval C. Herbert, Wayne Morgan.
Department 2.—Men’s clothing. Manager, Edward A. Walz.
Salesman, John S. Wells.
Department 3.—Shoe department. Manager, Robert D. Anderson.

Salesmen: Guy Morgan, Carl Lytal, J. V. Baker, Ira Smith, Dee Hays, Lasier Martinez.
Department 4.—Notions. Manager, Mrs. Lydia E. Bridges.
Sales girls, Mabel McKittrick, Ina McKittrick, Lorraine Knapp, Cora French.
Department 5.—Domestic. Manager, Thomas W. Stewart.
Sales girls, Sadie Copeland, Mamie Tolles.
Department 6.—Gloves and accessories. Manager, Mrs. Linna George.
Sales girl, Mrs. Ralph Corlett.
Department 7.—Ladies’ hosiery and underwear. Manager, Mrs. Lydia E. Bridges.
Sales girls, Mrs. J. W. Bingey, Mrs. Florence Baldwin.
Department 8.—Dress goods. Manager, Thomas W. Stewart.
Sales girls, Mrs. Harry Beekman, Grace Burd, Mrs. W. W. Albee.
Department 9.—Art goods. Manager, Mrs. Lydia E. Bridges.
Sales girls, Mrs. Charles Fetrow, Mrs. Clarence Miller.
Department 10.—Grafanolas.
Salesman, Ed Wahlenmaier.
Department 11.—Boy’s store.
Sales girls, Mrs. Charles Birdzell, Rosabelle Gilmore.
Department 12.—Ladies’ ready to wear. Manager, Bessie Keiser.
Sales girls, Winnie Roberts, Mrs. Minnie Capps, Mrs. Roy N. Givens,
Mrs. George F. Johnson, Clara Bryant, Hazel Beekman.
Alteration lady: Mrs. Ethel Trenary.
Department 15.—Corsets and under muslins. Manager, Mrs. Cora Watson.
Sales girl: Lottie Turner.
Department 16.—Ladies’ millinery. Manager, Ada Dewey.
Sales girls: Lillian Allen, Mrs. V. C. Jones.
Department 18.—Rugs and draperies. Manager, Richard Bird.
Salesmen: Ernest Lang, Mrs. Maud McCoy.
Downstairs Store
Manager: Floyd E. Wright. Assistant Manager: Mrs. J. B. Tisseur.
Department 19.—Glassware. Mrs. Ed J. Reid.
Department 20.—China ware. Mrs. H. H. Maxwell.
Department 21.—House furnishings. Mrs. Chester Pruner.
Ladies ready to wear.
Sales girls: Amanda Ball, Leora Guthrie, Mrs. J. A. Glasscock.
Assistants: Carrie Kahler, Paul Dale, Lewis Padgett, Earl Sills, Albert Newman,
Morris Baker.
Department 25.—Tea room. Manager: Miss Gladys Houghton.
Assistants: Edna Smith, Lita Gailey.
Cook: Mrs. Laura Logan.
Cook’s assistants: Clara Drumgould, Mrs. Ben Hart.
Department 27.—Overall factory. Foreman: Edward A. Walz.
Overall makers: Mrs. Lowry, Mrs. Green, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Kritzmore.
On the following day the editor of the Traveler paid tribute to A. A. Newman.

Arkansas City Traveler, Friday, January 20, 1922. Editorial.
Arkansas City’s best friend is that “grand old man,” A. A. Newman, the founder and sinew of the Newman Dry Goods company. He is time tested, and has always been found true.
The editor of the Traveler first became acquainted with A. A. Newman in 1884. His store then was in the brick building which has since been torn down and has been replaced by the magnificent Home National Bank Building. In his employ then he had less than a dozen clerks. Today the number of employees for this company will exceed one hundred the year round.
The Traveler started this article with the statement that A. A. Newman was Arkansas City’s best friend. Ever since the writer has been here, Mr. Newman has always stood for Arkansas City, and he has passed a similar compliment on the Traveler numerous times, saying it has always done the same thing.
Back in the ’80s there were warm times in Arkansas City. Arkansas City was fighting then to lay the foundation for the splendid city it has built today. At one time, a certain water company was asking for a franchise from the Schiffbauer adminis­tration. It was granted with the understanding that the stand­pipe was to be located at the intersection of Summit Street and Washington Avenue. The standpipe proposed was to be of sheet iron. It was later built on the vacant lots at the rear of the Security National Bank. It was fifteen or twenty feet in diame­ter, and one hundred fifteen feet in height. At that time the proposed location of the standpipe at this prominent place in our business street aroused great indignation, and Mr. Newman was the leader of the fight to prevent it, and you can wager most any old thing you have in your possession, that there was some fight to get rid of that proposed obstruction in the main business street of Arkansas City, but it was accomplished.
Then again we recall another fight in which Mr. Newman was one of the leading figures. Years ago, the Santa Fe talked of extending its line from Cedarvale to Arkansas City. Winfield wanted the line as well as Arkansas City, and the fight to get the bonds voted in the different townships through which it was proposed to run the road was very bitter. The proposed road was called the state line road. Arkansas City won the day. The southern part of Cowley County stood with Arkansas City, and the victory was due to such men as Mr. Newman, whose whole heart was for Arkansas City, and is still for Arkansas City. While Arkan­sas City won the fight, the change in the times caused the road to not be built. A. A. Newman led the fight to secure the Santa Fe shops for Arkansas City, and we all know what the securing of this industry means to our town, and what a burden for years afterward that fight proved to be to him.
Everything that has come up since the editor of the Traveler located in Arkansas City, for the upbuilding of our city, Mr. Newman has been one of the leaders, one of the hardest workers, and one of the most liberal contributors.
We have all the reason in the world to refer to A. A. Newman as the “grand old man of Arkansas City.” The editor of the Traveler considers it an honor to have been a guest at the dinner party given in honor of his seventy-ninth birthday. May he have numerous others, and may they grow in importance as they are held.

“Trade Day.”
On Thursday, February 2, 1922, the Arkansas City Traveler reported: “Yesterday was Arkansas City’s regular monthly trade day and according to all reports and indications, it was very successful. The roads were muddy from the rain and snow of the preceding days, but people came from all over this city’s trade territory.”
The paper gave statements from some of the Arkansas City merchants relative to this monthly event: J. A. Haney, of the Economy Cash grocery; Al G. Wright; Leonard Kuntz of Kuntz’s cash clothing store; Gus Pantier of the Reed store; Guy Ecroyd, Newman’s advertising man; George Cornish, the photographer; R. H. Rhoads of the Palace Grocery Store; J. W. Gilbreath, of the Gilbreath-Calvert store; I. D. Fuhrman clothing store; George D. Ormiston, Ormiston shoe stores; A. H. Fitch, Fitch’s music store; J. R. Smith, Peoples store; E. L. McDowell, the jeweler; George F. Duman of Kirkpatrick’s furniture store; J. T. Brown, jeweler; J. H. Britt of Axley’s meat market; and John Freeland, advertising manager, J. C. Penney store.
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, April 8, 1922.
Herman Perlstein of Newkirk was in the city on business yesterday. He recently purchased the old Newman building in this city and contemplates remodeling the second and third stories of this building, which is located in the 300 block on South Summit Street.
Arkansas City Chamber of Commerce.
The Wednesday, April 12, 1922, issue of the Traveler reported on a recent meeting held by the Chamber of Commerce.
Three important matters were brought up: establishment and equipment of an auto tourist camp; dumping of city garbage; and creation of a park planning board. Committees were working hard on these projects as well as continued support of the T. B. free clinic. Only $595 of the necessary $1,000 for the clinic was raised by local sales of Christmas seals. The Chamber moved to make up the balance.
The committee of members on the Loop proposition, that of the manufacture of a gas limiting device in this city, reported and their report was accepted. It was stated that Mr. Loop would occupy the old box factory building in the southeast part of the city as a plant in the future.
It was learned that the Lions were already working on a tourist park. The Chamber named a committee composed of Ol Paris, Geo. Cornish, and O. B. Seyster to assist them. The Lions had already decided on the Paris park site for the camp. Others seemed to think the camp should be located at the New Newman Park on South Summit Street.
R. W. Oldroyd, W. N. Harris, C. E. St. John, and others gave their view on the subject of location of the park. No decision was reached. The Chamber agreed that it would urge the city commission to establish a park board, which would be composed of five members with the mayor as chairman of the board. Pat Somerfield suggested that the local Boy Scouts could assist with preparing an auto park.
C. B. Tingley of the Kansas Gas & Electric Co. stated his company owned a plot of ground on the east side of the city which might be used for a garbage dump. The matter of the city voting bonds for the erection of an incinerating plant was also dis­cussed. The committee on the matter: C. B. Tingley, Ed O’Rourke, and O. B. Seyster.

Arkansas City Traveler, Friday, April 14, 1922.
Having been caught on the fire escape on the east side of the Newman store at one o’clock this morning by officers, and the fact that he had evidently attempted to remove a window pane from the store, caused the deputy county attorney to file a charge against William Mummy, alias T. Posser, in the state court today.
Mummy, or Posser, who was captured by Policemen Jobe and Downing, carried an iron bar about 18 inches in length and also had a tobacco sack in his pocket, which contained 141 pennies. Officers will attempt to connect him with the robbery at the Hi-Speed Café on the night before when about 150 pennies were stolen from that place. Late today the man had not admitted the café robbery. Chief Peek and Deputy County Attorney Quier have been working on the case all day and the chief has taken fingerprints. Mummy was on the fire escape at the second floor from the ground when discovered and captured without any serious trouble. However, one of the officers, Policeman Downing, came near being shot in the capture as the night watchman at the Newman store, Mr. Wood, upon hearing the fracas outside the store in the alley, took one shot at the supposed robber and Downing was almost in the line of the bullet, the officers stated today.
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, April 15, 1922.
William Mummey, who was captured night before last by the police while he was on the fire escape of the Newman building and who is charged with attempted burglary was arraigned in the state court of W. T. Ham this morning and waived preliminary hearing. Bond was fixed at $2,000, which he could not give. He will be taken to the county jail at Winfield. Mummey is an Arkansas City man and is quite well known here.
Arkansas City Traveler, Tuesday, April 25, 1922.
   Businessmen Make Kite Tournament Attractive Affair.
The following prizes were given to the boys who took first places in the different events of the kite tournament last Friday afternoon at the aviation field.
For height, first prize won by Wellman Smith, who received $2.50 in merchandise from the boy’s department of the Newman’s Dry Goods Co.; second prize won by Jay Plumley, a $1.50 flash­light from the Collinson Hardware Co.
The second contest was the design, which was the most interesting of them all. First prize was won by Bobbie Lightstone, a $2 cash prize from the Comley Lumber Co. Second place was taken by Mark Ingle, a $1.50 game given by the Sollitt & Swarts Drug Co.
In the beauty contest, first place was taken by Lawrence Geeslin, a $2.25 scout knife given by the Collinson Hardware Co. Second place in beauty was won by Walter Kahler, a $1 fishing rod from the Wright Hardware Co.
The distance contest was won by Richard Metz, a $1.50 pail of lard from the Axley Market.
For the race, first prize was won by Fred Bugnal, a cash prize of $2 from the Houston Lumber Co. Second place was won by Jay Plumley, a $1.50 axe from the Wright Hardware Co.

The sweepstake prize was won by Walter Kahler, merchandise up to the value of $5 from the Palace Grocery store.
The pulling contest was not held on account of not having a strong enough wind to pull.
Arkansas City Traveler, Friday, April 28, 1922.
State Record Officer, W. D. Burns, was here today from the state penitentiary and took back with him William Mummey, who was in jail here on a charge preferred by an Arkansas City store. He was identified by the officer as a man who escaped from the pen two years ago with six years of a sentence yet to be served.
When these facts were laid before the county attorney, he readily acquiesced to Burns’ plea for the prisoner; and this county was saved the expense of a trial. Burns and his prisoner left today for the pen.
Mummey was sent up for larceny. He escaped two years ago and now will have to serve out the remainder of his sentence.
Mummey was arrested on a fire escape of an Arkansas City store building. He told officers he wanted to see how the city looked after nightfall.—Winfield Free Press.
Arkansas City Traveler, Monday, May 8, 1922.
Newman Park.
Ol Paris stated that the Henneberry boys were desirous of securing the Newman park at the south end of Summit Street, on the west side of the road, for a baseball park, their intention being to put the grounds in shape and build a grandstand. Mr. Paris’ request was granted, and a lease for one year at $1 is to be drawn up accordingly.
Arkansas City Traveler, Friday, June 2, 1922.
James Clough, secretary of the Newman Motor car company, is in charge of the forenoon parade. There having been no festival and auto show here this spring, this event is to be incorporated as a feature in the Fourth of July celebration, and if will be a big event in itself according to present plans.
Robert Cox, treasurer of the Kanotex Refining company, is chairman of the committee on music. Never was Arkansas City in better shape to present good musical features for a Fourth of July celebration. The A. C. Symphony band, the A. C. Musical club, and the local instrumental and vocal solo talent, give this city a musical standing that but few cities of this class enjoy, and it is safe to say the musical part of the celebration will be a very entertaining feature.
Boyd Mohler, of the A. C. Bottling Works, is chairman of the evening street carnival, calithumpian parade, street dance, etc. The evening program is to be opened with fire works and music by the band. Al G. Wright, the hardware man, is in charge of the fire works.
Quinn Terrill of the Sweet Shop, is chairman of the commit­tee on miscellaneous entertainment, which will consist of base­ball, boxing, and such other amusements as the committee may decide upon.
W. B. Oliverson, manager of the Bell Telephone company and captain of the local battery of field artillery, will have charge of the military end of the celebration.

O. B. Seyster, the chamber secretary, and Ross Rhoads, of the Palace Grocery, will have charge of the advertising.
The afternoon program will probably be opened up with a big street parade, in which the local battery with its 32 horses and field equipment will make an imposing display. Captain Oliverson thinks there is no doubt but what the battery equipment will be here in its entirety in time to be used in the Fourth of July parade.
The various committees are to work out their plans and get them in concrete shape, and report at a meeting of the committees to be held next Tuesday.
Arkansas City Traveler, Monday, June 12, 1922.
There were thirty men in attendance today at the Abo Pass Highway meeting in this city. By far the greater percentage of the attendance came from Oklahoma, and according to all indica­tions, road enthusiasm is considerably more aroused in Oklahoma than in Kansas.
The nature of the meeting today was more to get together and get the leading men of the towns in touch with the Abo Pass highway and the organization back of it, looking to definite action a little later. Secretary Seyster of the Chamber of Commerce stated: “The only definite action taken today was the adoption of a resolution asking the national road association to call a national meeting, probably some time in August, at Amarillo, Texas. Also another resolution asked that the Kansas men get busy.”
The meeting was very significant from the standpoint of road development. According to the speakers, there is little doubt but what the hard surfaced roads are destined to supersede all others so far as the main thoroughfares are concerned. One speaker said, “All it takes to make a Christian or a believer out of a county commissioner or other road authority, is to take him on a trip through the east, where all the main roads are hard surfaced, then bring him back to the dirt roads of Kansas and Oklahoma.”
The boys from Winfield brought the state highway engineer, Mr. Watson, with them. He delivered an address at the meeting today. Those in attendance from Winfield were Frank Siverd, Floyd McGregor, Hal Johnson, Charlie Lynn, and Loren Crawford, who are all wide awake road enthusiasts. Arkansas City was represented by James F. Clough, of the Newman Motor Car company, and R. W. Oldroyd, of the Oldroyd Undertaking firm, together with O. B. Seyster, the chamber of commerce secretary.
Among the Oklahoma men in attendance were Roy Emry, secre­tary of the chamber of commerce of Enid, and William Taylor, editor of the Enid Eagle, having arrived yesterday to visit a sister living near this city.
The Oklahoma representation included: S. O. Kyler, J. T. Wilson, C. H. Cecil, W. E. Condredy, T. B. Leonard, James McAlister, J. L. Hide, Seiling; W. P. Altloud, Vici; Roy E. Emry, Enid; W. H. McCue, Fred Moore, J. H. Willis, Fairview; Payton Brown, D. D. Farmer, H. N. Naylor, C. C. Billings, Blackwell. J. L. Hide is the county commissioner of Dewey County. For some reason El Dorado and other Kansas towns, excepting Winfield and Arkansas City, were not represented.
The Abo Pass Highway as routed runs from Kansas City direct through Arkansas City and crosses the mountains at Abo Pass, and is the most northerly of all the transcontinental highways to the Pacific coast.

Arkansas City Daily Traveler, Tuesday, August 1, 1922. Front Page.
Messages announcing the death of A. A. Newman, one of the early day settlers here and most highly respected citizens of the entire community, were received in the city last night.
The first news reached Arkansas City relative to the death of Mr. A. A. Newman from heart failure came from his daughter, Pearl, wife of Col. W. F. Hase, who was with Mr. and Mrs. Newman at a hotel in Chateau Lake, Alberta, Canada, when Mr. Newman’s sudden death occurred.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Newman resided in the same location in Arkansas City (301 North B Street), a house which was remodeled several times. Those who survived were Mrs. Pearl Hase, Earl G. Newman, and Albert L. Newman.
Arkansas City Traveler, Tuesday, August 8, 1922.
Arkansas City is to have a real, honest to goodness, up-to-date athletic club, where businessmen in need of recreation may rejuvenate fagged nerves and softened muscles playing handball, pulling the oars, wrestling or boxing, or exercising upon other athletic club paraphernalia that may please their fancy or meet their needs.
This is the promise of Lewis Ringol, familiarly known as “Blackie,” who has leased the second floor of the old Newman building, 304 ½ South Summit street, which he proposes to equip with a handball table, rowboats, and other indoor exercising apparatus. Part of the building will also be made into a reading and writing room for members, and a complete shower bath system will be installed. Membership will be open to all males over the age of fourteen years, and all privileges of the club will be free to members. A part of the program of the club will be a smoker every two weeks, the first to be held August 22, when Pappan and Crump will furnish the main attraction. These shows are to be given to members at popular prices: 50 cents, 75 cents, and $1.00.
Mr. Ringol at one time conducted a very successful estab­lishment of this kind in Pueblo, Colorado.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 9, 1922.
The editor of the Traveler had to appear in police court again last evening on the charge of not parking his car according to the city ordinance, and he was fined $3.00 for so doing. One of the witnesses used in the trial of the editor was the police­man who served the notice, and a man by the name of Bridges, whose car was parked beside that of the editor of the Traveler, and contrary to the parking law of the city.
In his testimony Mr. Bridges told the court that his car was about eighteen feet from the cross walk. The city ordinance says the distance shall be twenty-five feet from the cross walk. On the cross examination, Mr. Bridges admitted that his car might have been closer than eighteen feet of the cross walk, possibly twelve to fourteen feet. He also made the statement that he had not been served with any notice for illegal parking, nor had any warrant been served on him for violating the traffic laws.

Our readers can draw their own conclusion in regard to the parking arrest of the editor of the Traveler. We left the police court with our lawyer, W. L. Cunningham, and walked from the city building to the Newman store, and in that distance there were nine cars parked illegally, and not a policeman in sight. Last evening in great trepidation, we drove up and down Summit street, and from Central avenue to the Newman store, we counted six cars that were not parked in accordance with the traffic laws, and no policeman in sight. This noon returning to the office from lunch, we noticed five outlaw cars. No arrests and no policemen in sight.
Arkansas City Traveler, Friday, September 8, 1922.
It has been suggested that a special landscape man be brought here from the state agricultural college at Manhattan to advise the local committee and effect plans for the construction and beautifying of the new Newman Park at the end of South Summit Street. The city street commissioner, Frank L. Thompson, has been operating for some time looking to the improvement of the Newman Park. His work has been of a preparatory nature, which has been in process for a long time back. This consists of using the ditches in the park for dumping city refuse, also the gradual removal of the big sand hill on the west side of the street, which was formerly the site of the old Empire gasoline plant. The sand in this hill is good for plastering and cement work, and the city commissioner has been getting a nominal price for it by the wagon load.
While the mayor and city commissioners have been working with a general plan in view, it is believed that it would be advisable to consult a special landscape artist, who would be brought here from the state college at a small cost, probably not much more than his actual expenses, who might make some valuable suggestions and in conjunction with the local men arrive at definite plans to work to.
The park on the east side of the street has already been reserved by the boy scouts, with the intention of having the improving largely done by the scouts, such as planting trees, building a boy scout house, etc. An expert park man might also make some valuable suggestions with reference to this part of the park, it is thought.
In any event the present intention is to convert the unsightly grounds at the south approach to the city into a beautiful park, the work to be prosecuted only as rapidly as circumstances will permit.
[Note: This ends the newspaper coverage I obtained about A. A. Newman. MAW]

It is interesting to note that Newman never did succeed in building a fine residence. It is evident that he meant to in 1885 as he held a block on the west side of South Summit Street for the purpose of erecting a family residence that would have cost about $25,000.
In 1891 he started the erection of a new home.
C. M. Scott’s diary reported that Newman’s house burned on March 12, 1891. It cost $40,000 and took a hour and a half to burn. The fire was at 9:30 p m.
C. M. Scott’s diary also reported that on March 14, 1891, A. A. Newman leased one-half of the Ponca reservation (65,000 acres) for one year, but the price was not given. [RKW thought the price was 8 or 10 cents per acre.] G. W. Miller, of Winfield leased the other half of the Ponca reservation.

Stacy Matlack, of Arkansas City, leased one-half of the Otoe reservation. This comprised 50,000 acres.


[Sent to Mary Ann Wortman December 1996 from Mrs. Robert A. Reynolds.]
My grandfather, Phillip D. Finch, died October 7, 1887, leaving his wife, Mary Elizabeth, with six children: Hugh, Blanche, Roy, Jacie, Otus, and Stacy.
Grandfather’s wish was to be buried in the family plot in Indiana, but Grandmother didn’t have the means to do this for Grandfather.
A. A. Newman, hearing about the wish and the circumstances, outfitted all of them, gave them a trunk and the means to take Grandfather’s body to Indiana for burial.
Ernestine Finch Reynolds.

[The following data was taken from one side of a tape made by Ruth Bedell, Arkansas City Historical Society Treasurer, at a meeting of the Society at Cowley County Community College in March 1978. All of the report was not taped. In November 1996 Catharine Goehring transcribed the tape for use by the Society. We are grateful to both for their efforts in learning more about A. A. Newman. MAW]
Narrated by Lura Hodges Newman.
You didn’t definitely specify any one certain thing, so there is too much to tell of the Newman history, and that goes back a long way and takes in a lot of people, so for the most part I did it on Mr. A. A. and the Newman store, but I am going to give a little background of Mr. A. A. Newman.
It was 110 years ago that Albert A. Newman became a resident of Kansas. Although his first home was in Emporia, where he had a department store, fifty-two of his fifty-four years in Kansas, Mr. A. A. Newman has been identified with Arkansas City, a town he helped to build and a town he loved. He always wanted the best for Arkansas City and worked tirelessly toward that goal.
The Newman Family came from England and were colonial settlers in Massachusetts. A. A.’s great grandfather, Ebenezer Newman, Sr., fought with the Massachusetts troops in the Revolution. His grandfather, Ebenezer Newman, Jr., was born in Massachusetts, but when a young man went to Weld, Maine, and was a farmer by occupation and remained so throughout his lifetime. His father, Augustus G. Newman, was born in Weld, Maine, in 1821. He didn’t care for farming and decided on merchandising. When he began his budding career, he was a Democrat but subsequently turned to the Republican party. He held all of the local town offices and for many years was a selectman. He was a Baptist and helped to build the Baptist church in this village.

Augustus A. Newman and Caroline Beedy of Maine were married in Weld, and to them were born five children: two girls and three boys. Albert A. was the oldest. Eventually the three sons moved to Kansas. One daughter married and went to California, and the other married and went to Massachusetts. The children were not spoiled by over-indulgence and luxuries. In their home environment there was an unquestionable belief in God. Other training such as the importance of integrity and love and caring made for good character and the ability to develop their own talents.
Albert A. Newman grew up in his native village, attended the local schools, and was a student in the Maine State Seminary at Lewiston. At the age of nineteen he decided to give up his studies in the seminary to fight for the cause of the Union. Although he never went  back to school, he never gave up his books and was always an avid reader. He enlisted in the 10th Maine Infantry and was under fire in several of the great battles in the east. After a time he was transferred to New Orleans and finally was in General Sheridan’s army as they went up the Shenandoah Valley.
Mr. A. A. Newman had been impressed with the Midwest as he went to New Orleans, and upon leaving the army, he decided he would like to stay in this part of the country. He and his foster brother, T. H. McLaughlin, went to Fayetteville, Tennessee, where they operated a dry goods store for nearly three years. The Newman store might still be there had the residents not learned that the proprietors were “Damn Yankees.” They were ordered to leave immediately. This occurred in 1868.
A. A. was attracted to the Indian lands of southern Kansas and the new Oklahoma territory. These were being opened for trade, and so again with the thought of having his brother there to take care of the business, he decided to come south to investigate. He found a fine place on the Walnut River for a mill and secured a contract with the government to grind grain for the Indians. The mill was completed according to contract in October 1871, and Mr. A. A. was in the milling business. Soon after the mill was in operation, Mr. Newman realized the need for another store in Arkansas City, a scrawny little village, and he immediately began plans to operate one.
Late in 1871 the original Newman store was opened at 205 South Summit Street in a small frame building, 20 x 40 feet. Due to the small amount of space, the stock was limited to men’s clothing and furnishings, boots and shoes (high-laced boots were a popular item). It is believed that the first merchandise came from the Emporia store as it took so long to get an order in and back from the east before the opening of the store. The first store, located at 205 South Summit, is the first building south from where Albert’s Drug Store [now Taylor Drug] is right now.
After the opening of the store, Mr. Newman went to Emporia and sold the business to his brother, bringing his wife and little infant daughter, Pearl, to Arkansas City. Later they had two sons—Earl G. and Albert L. Pearl, by the way, married a major in the regular army, who later became a general and served as chief of staff at the post artillery.
A year passed, and more room was needed for the store. Mr. Newman moved across the street to 206 South Summit Street, where he had three times as much space as he did in the first store. He added groceries and dry goods to his stock, most of which were staples.

Before the next move, which came in 1874, Mr. Newman bought a two-story frame building at 116-118 South Summit, about the present site of the Burford Building. The store remained at this location for nearly five years, and with this move he gained another 500 square feet, which allowed him to add some more piece goods and other necessities. It was then that Mr. Newman began making trips to the New York market, going by stage or rig to the railhead and then by train to the east. The train ride was long: the train stopped at every junction, every village and town and city along the way—sometimes with over an hour’s stop. These trips were made in January to buy for spring and summer; in June they were made to buy for fall and winter.
[The next item does not make sense to me. Newman built a brick building in 1876. MAW]
In 1880 Mr. A. A. Newman built the first brick building in Arkansas City. It was located where the Home National Bank is now. The building became the fourth home for his store, and as always, additions were made to the stock; also, in 1880, the store was incorporated from A. A. Newman to the Newman Dry Goods Company.
The next move of the company was to 212-216 South Summit Street, the area now occupied by Graves Drug Store. All of the departments were enlarged, and a third market trip was added. Mr. Newman was beginning to think about some of the things that he could do for some of his customers—special things to bring more people into the store. He was a kind man. He liked people, and people liked him, often coming to him for his advice because they knew he could be trusted. He wanted to give these people—his customers and friends—a real bargain. Keeping this in mind, he left for market. He met his brother, George, in Emporia, and the two spent the next month on the train and in New York City. Mr. A. A. was a fine merchant. He knew quality, and he wanted the best available merchandise possible in all price ranges. Calico was a popular material in those days, and he decided that calico was going to be his “special,” and that women would not be able to buy calico for any less anywhere than for what they could buy it in his store. He bought bolts and bolts and bolts and bolts of material. Every time he went to market, he bought bolts of calico, and it ranged in price from 3½ cents to 7 cents. That was the wholesale price. He would sell it for 4 cents regardless of the market cost. If he and George thought that the price was too high, George would dicker with the salesmen—sometimes getting the price lowered from ½ to 1 cent per yard because of the volume of the material they purchased. The family always said A. A. couldn’t argue over price, but it didn’t bother George at all. He was the “dickerer.”
When the new merchandise arrived, the calico was put on the tables and in the windows with the 4 cent price mark. Knowing what an excellent value this was, the ladies in town hurried in to get yardage. Many thought it would be a one-time buy, but Mr. Newman kept on and continued the sale of calico at 4 cents for a long, long time; consequently, some of them jokingly used to say that the Newman Dry Goods Company was built on “four-cent calico,” and maybe it was.
It was while in the same location that A. A. Newman bought a three-story and basement building with a seventy-five foot front at 302 South Summit Street, where the K. G. & E. is presently located. Mr. Newman remodeled the building suitable for the various departments that he was enlarging considerably now; and also while he was remodeling, he put in an elevator. In 1895 the store was moved to this location and remained there until the present store was completed in 1917. It was in this location that Newman Dry Goods Company became a complete department store carrying everything except groceries and furniture.

It was after they came to 302 South Summit Street and about five years before moving from that store that they began deliveries. In one of the old pictures out at the museum, it shows the front of the store and a covered wagon: not like they went across country in, but shaped up square with an entrance and with black oil cloth and big white letters with “Newman’s” on it. That was the delivery wagon drawn by two horses.
I was talking to Lois Hinsey [Arkansas City Historical Society member], and as a little girl she said that one of the things that she remembered in that store—and she must have been pretty little—was right in the center of the building was an elevator, and she said, “I couldn’t help but think when I was shopping at Towne East in Wichita that Mr. Newman was way ahead of himself and way ahead of others in the merchandising business.” She said: “At Towne East right in the center, I believe it’s Henry’s—it has an elevator going down, and this is an open cage elevator. Newman’s didn’t have lucite or unbreakable glass in those days, and so the elevator was just an open elevator with grill work out in the center of the store.” She commented that she was very much impressed when she went downstairs with her mother, stating that she had never seen so much glassware and so much china. She just didn’t know anyone could have that much china and glassware.
The thing I remember about that store, and I think I must have been about five or six years old, because it was shortly before they opened the other store, were the rows and rows of shoes around the walls and these tall ladders on rollers, and I used to think that it would be fun to climb those ladders and sell shoes.
Another thing that I was very much impressed with was the story about Mr. A. A. Newman told to me by a very dear friend of ours in Newkirk, Oklahoma. He and his wife were married after 1895 and had a little girl, and they lived up here, and he worked for the Santa Fe. He said they didn’t have much but they were happy. One fall day they decided they would take their little girl, Laura, and go for a walk. They didn’t live too far from town. They wrapped her in a blanket and went walking downtown; and as they were going along, stopped in front of Newman’s store and were looking at things in the window and saw among other things a coat for a little girl. He stated: “The wife and I turned around and I said, ‘Now, Anna, when I get paid on Friday, we are coming down and get Laura a coat.’” About that time Mr. Newman came by and spoke to them, commenting that it was a pretty chilly day to have that little girl out without a coat. Roy told Mr. Newman that was what he and his wife were just talking about and that they were coming in on Friday to buy one. Mr. Newman took the keys out of his pocket and said: “You are coming in now to get a coat.” He opened the door and took them in, and they chose the coat. Mr. Newman said: “If you can’t pay for this on Friday, it is all right. You can come in next Friday—and if you can’t pay all of it, pay what you can, and you tell them I said so.”
So that is another example of the sort of person that Mr. Newman was. Everybody loved him, and he had a great deal of compassion.

It was while they were in this location that Earl G. Newman [out of school] joined his father in the business. At that time Mr. A. A. Newman began planning for another store. It was also while they were in this location that our beloved Floyd Wright went to work for Mr. Newman—and that was when he was 14 years old, and Floyd Wright is now 85. That is a long, long time, so he was part of Newman’s, as everybody in town knows, and there are so many people who have worked for the Newman store that you can’t begin to name all of them. Floyd was employed in many capacities and became the buyer of the men’s department and remained such until his retirement. Mr. Wright is still on the Board of Directors.
I was talking to Floyd about Mr. Newman. “You have been here so long. What can you tell me about him? Did he have a way or something? Floyd thought for a minute and said, “Well, let me think. When Mr. Newman talked, you listened. He didn’t talk if he didn’t have something to say, I guess.
Mr. Wright also stated that Mr. Newman told him about due bills. “Another thing he said (and I don’t know whether you know about these things), but I didn’t, was in regard to due bills. He asked me, ‘Do you know what a due bill is? Do you? Do you know what it is? Well, maybe you do, and maybe you don’t, but anyway I am going to tell you and I hope this is something new. A long time ago some of the hotel managers back east would send advertising things out to the Arkansas City Traveler, and not only the Traveler but other newspapers all around in some of the towns smaller and a little larger, and oftentimes they came about market time.’ Floyd was informed by “Mr. A. A.” before going to market to go by Oscar Stauffer’s before leaving for the east to see if there was a due bill. Apparently Mr. Stauffer then would give the Newman buyers a statement to present to the hotel, and they would stay in one of these hotels that had sent out the advertising. Floyd remembered staying in the Pennsylvania Hotel a number of times. When they got ready to pay for their rooms for the time they were in market, they would take Mr. Stauffer’s bill to the manager; he would give them credit for that amount on their bill for the time they were in market. In the meantime, the buyer or whoever was there would give the statement to the manager, who would mark the bill paid, giving Newman’s credit for that much on their bill, and then when the buyer returned to Arkansas City, Mr. Stauffer paid fifty percent of whatever the hotel owed him.  Mr. Wright said, “It made that trip that much less than what it used to be, and I guess they did quite a little advertising with Mr. Stauffer and probably did it with others—I don’t know—but we were always told to go by Stauffer’s to get the due bill before we went to market. I thought that was kinda funny.”
In February 1908 Albert L. Newman and Mate McMillen were married in Arkansas City, and made it their home. They had four sons. Albert W. Newman was the oldest. In later years they moved to 301 North B Street, which had been the home of his parents.
In June 1908 Earl Newman, Sr., went to Boston, where he married Miss Gertrude Waterhouse and brought her to Arkansas City. They established their home at 305 North B Street. Earl and Gertrude had one son, Earl, Jr., and four daughters.
Much of the above information I have given came from the history of Kansas published in 1918. This was compiled by the secretary of the Kansas Historical Society in Topeka. It showed that in the first 45 years the Newman Dry Goods Company went from a tiny hole in the wall into a department store recognized as the largest in this section of Kansas.

There may be some taller buildings but none built better than the Newman building. It is 100 x 134 feet. It is five stories high and has a basement and sub-basement. The heating facilities are in the sub-basement, and steam heat is used throughout. The building is constructed throughout of concrete and fireproof material; and this certainly was proved in 1953 when there was a big fire on the top floor of the store. Had this fire occurred in the previously occupied building, everything would have been lost. If you remember, it was along in the ’50s, I think, when Montgomery Ward lost their store by fire, and that is when Montgomery Ward moved into the building they now have.
The present Newman store has a large freight elevator that runs from ground level to the loading dock and to the basement and on up to all floors above. There is also a passenger elevator in the basement and to all floors.
The basement floor when the store was first built was really a department store and had lower-priced merchandise. Mr. A. A. Newman always made it very clear that he did not buy cheap merchandise. The merchandise in the basement was not cheap but less expensive from what Newman’s carried upstairs, and that is what I mean when you knew how to buy. Here is an example of his lower-priced merchandise. Lorraine, a popular selling lingerie today, was carried in the basement when we had a full basement store. It was good merchandise. It wasn’t fancy and lace-trimmed at that time, but it was good and it was made of good material and well stitched. The basement store also had shoes, all kinds of general merchandise, clothing, and hardware. Better china and gift wares were in one section, and then they had the regular kitchen ware things. Also, there was a tea room which was back along the north wall where there is the basement now. Now a lot of you would remember the tea room, but there are a lot of you who wouldn’t. It was really lovely, and it would seat from seventy-five to ninety people, and they had elegant food. They served civic clubs, and they were open for the noon meal, which made it nice for the men who worked downtown. They had a nice place to go to and could get back to work easily; and also they would serve parties for the ladies. If they wanted to have a bridge party down there, they could, or they would take teas or have a special party at night; but the only night they were open regularly was on Saturdays, and everybody came in to shop on Saturday night from the towns around and the countryside, and so they would open for Saturday evenings. It never made money, but it didn’t lose money, so for a long time until things got hard and really difficult after the first world war and into the late ’20s and just before the ’30s was when they closed it.
The first floor, at the time the store was opened, had the men’s clothing and all kinds of men’s furnishings. The shoes were in the far east end of the store—rows and rows of shoes—and I’ll tell you (I had forgotten this) but Terry said I goofed—tell about the x-ray machine. A lot of you probably stood on the x-ray machine. She said that was the reason she liked to go shopping for shoes there because she could look at her feet through the x-ray machine. They later decided it was not a good thing to x-ray feet so often, so they did away with it. The medical group decided on this action.
Also on the first floor was a large piece goods department with everything from the very finest ginghams to satins and silks and all of that.

Toward the back part of the store we had other domestic things and the lower-priced cottons. There were purses, jewelry, and really there was a drug department where you could buy almost anything you wanted except prescription drugs, and a transfer desk. Now at the transfer desk almost all the people—if they were going to do very much shopping and if they were going to pay cash—would have the merchandise sent to the transfer desk. It was right there by the elevator on the first floor. If they were going to charge it, they could still have it all sent there, put in one big package, and they didn’t have a lot of things to carry out.
And for his out-of-town customers, Mr. Newman gave a rebate for coming to shop with him, and that was when they came up on the train from Newkirk or down from Winfield. He gave a percentage discount—enough they thought to pay for their way up and back to shop; or if they drove up and brought five people in their car, there was a rebate depending on what they spent in the store to the person who drove the car. So when I was little, if it was under a dollar, I could go get it; but when it was $3, $4, or $5, Dad got it.
The balcony had the boy’s department where the gift department is now. Down the south side was the beauty shop with a number of booths along there with the manicuring tables out by the railing of the balcony. Around the corner there was a shoe shining chair at the end of the beauty shop. Then around the corner from there was the knit shop and art gift work and a shop where they had packages of things, and around the corner from that were the towels and linens and now they had the luggage department. Everybody had wardrobe trunks with lids that lifted up in sections that would come out, or the little steamer trunks. And they couldn’t stack them because if they wanted to show them, they were too heavy to lift down, so they were just lined all the way around the room, and the Chilocco Indians used to come up on—Well, I don’t know how they come now but for a long, long time the girls would come one Saturday and the boys would come another Saturday. They came up on a train that got into Arkansas City around 11:00 o’clock—between 11:00 and 11:30. They all had a sac lunch, and they marched up the street from the depot in their uniforms with capes and everything right to Newman’s. They came in the north door, went right up those steps to where the luggage was, and that is where they would sit and eat their lunch except if there were too many of them, some would go on down and sit at the side of the balcony because there were some chairs there.
Floyd Wright told me about this when I was talking to him one day. “One Saturday morning there was a salesman there—he was from the east—and a lot of you know the people from the east think (at least I think some of them still think) we are kinda heathenish out here. Salesmen were in the habit of putting their shirts out on a table. Oh, yes! They decided the luggage should be covered because the children just weren’t too careful—the boys and girls! I mean they weren’t doing too much, but they had a clean-up job to do. They would have to wipe them all off. So one Saturday morning the salesman was in and showing merchandise in the men’s department. He laid his shirts out—about ten or twelve of them, one on top of the other so that you could see the stripes and the color and the little figure in the pattern and what not. All at once John Robson, who was standing by the door, looked out and saw the little Indians from Chilocco come marching up the way. He came running and said, ‘Get the covers! Here come the Indians!’
The salesman started screaming and started out the door, running down the street,  because he really thought the Indians were coming. Well, they were! They were coming to eat lunch. I asked John what happened, and he said that the salesman had dropped some shirts along the way. That took care of the balcony, and it’s been quite a joke since then.

On the second floor was ready-to-wear. It was carpeted and had a large ready-to-wear and millinery department. You could buy an array of beautifully trimmed hats. From the last of 1917 through the ’20s you didn’t go downtown if you didn’t wear a hat. The women would make fun of us! If you didn’t like the way the hat was trimmed, Newman’s had all kinds of trimmings: they would take the trimmings off a hat and put on what you wanted.  Or they had hats that were just plain. Ada Dewey, who was here for many years, was the milliner at that time and did the hat trimming. Lillian Sanderson helped Ada with the trimming of the hats. I guess that is really where Lillian and Sandy met. Sandy worked in the shoe department and later opened his own shoe store.
Some of you may remember all those pillars on the second floor had mirrors around them. The prettiest hat I ever had came from Ada Dewey. It had daisies all around the brim.
The children’s and infants’ wear was on that floor and the corset and lingerie department.
[Unfortunately, the first side of tape ended here and the rest of her story cannot be told.]