Newspapers and Newspaper Editors
Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.
The Lawrence Tribune says fifty-seven Kansas newspapers have died since the spring of 1872.
“When a newspaper has outlived its usefulness, its best service to humanity is to die. And when it is dead, a decent respect for its memory leaves nothing to be done but to bury it out of sight.”
No agency in a county does so much to settle up that county as its newspapers.
The businessmen of a town know the worth of a good newspaper and use its columns to some purpose.
Winfield Courier, May 6, 1875.
Through the kindness of Curns & Manser, we are permitted to copy an extract from a private letter received by them from Ex-Mayor S. C. Smith, who is now at Los Angeles, California. Mr. Smith is a close observer of men and things, cautious and reliable, and his statements should and will receive considerable weight. Here is what he says about the over-much lauded California.
“Everything is red hot here. Hundreds of emigrants arriving, some blessing the country and climate, and others cursing the newspapers for bringing them here where there is nothing to do. It is a worse place than Kansas for one without money, and whether a better place for one with it, I am not sure yet. Respectfully Yours, S. C. SMITH.”
Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.
Cowley County, away down here on the Indian border, is running over with peace and plenty. Her crops were so abundant, the days so delightful, the nights so delicious, her people happy and contented, that indeed:
“If there’s peace to be found in the world,
A heart that was humble, might hope for it here!”
The rivalries existing between the beautiful towns of Winfield and Arkansas City have long since subsided, and the most perfect good will now prevails. The people of one place share the pride of the people of the other place, in all good fortune which befalls them.
Winfield is the largest, does a greater variety of business, and has a greater number of merchants and mechanics, and two newspapers very poorly sustained by the traders.
Arkansas City has the most enterprise, the wealthier merchants, and one newspaper well supported by her businessmen. Her merchants advertise extensively, and are drawing a large trade which naturally belongs to Winfield. One of her firms, A. A. Newman & Co., have the government contract to furnish Pawnee Agency with 750,000 pounds of flour, delivered at the Agency. This, besides aiding our wheat market, will furnish employment for a large number of teams. The distance is ninety miles.
Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.
A week or more ago we charged Amos Walton with diverting immigration from Winfield to Arkansas City. Mr. Walton, impudent as he is, has not the hardihood to deny what we said, but comes back with a half column or more of silly stuff, intended to be abuse of the COURIER and its editor. Now we do not propose to be drawn into a dirty newspaper quarrel. The COURIER’s business here is to do what it can to build up Winfield and Cowley County. To this end we expect to labor with all our might. The interest of every citizen of Winfield is our interest, and we do not propose to have our attention diverted from the main object by a foolish quarrel with Amos Walton, that would interest nobody.
If Amos Walton is in Winfield merely for the purpose of running a temporary POLITICAL paper, and his interest is somewhere else, and he advises people to go to Arkansas City when they want to stop in Winfield, then we don’t want him here.
Now we say this without saying one word against Arkansas City, as Amos would fain make it appear. If Mr. Walton will turn his attention to the building up of Winfield and Cowley County, we assure him that his assistance will be fully appreciated. We are prepared to prove, by the gentleman himself, that the object of his sojourn among us is to run a political newspaper, and then we are prepared to prove to the satisfaction of any unbiased mind that a newspaper, exclusively devoted to any political party, is the greatest curse that can befall any new town like this.
The business of a newspaper in any of these western cities is to advertise the place; to keep its advantages before the world. THEN let it advocate what party doctrine it pleases; then it can count on the support of the businessmen of the town to sustain it. The COURIER proposes to devote most of its time and space to the building up of Winfield and Cowley County, and make the discussion of political issues a secondary consideration. Will our neighbor help us in this matter?
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.
The foundation of a newspaper is in its circulation, and we want every man, woman, and child to be familiar with the TRAVELER. The terms are two dollars per year, one dollar for six months, fifty cents for three months, postage paid and mailed to your address.
Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 13, 1876 - Page 2.
One of the most exciting and interesting cases ever brought before a court in Cowley County, was decided by the verdict of a jury on Tuesday last. We refer to the case of E. C. Manning against W. M. Allison. The array of legal talent on both sides was very heavy, and the law and evidence were fully brought out, defining the rights of the press in making publications, and the guards necessary to protect citizens.
The verdict was for one cent damage to go to Mr. Manning for his grievance, and it was also a declaration that the matter was libelous, and was not justified by the proof of the defendant. It places Mr. Allison in the light that if he had made the publication against certain parties, he might have had to pay a large sum, that having made it against Mr. Manning, only one cent was due. It shows too, that the public will hold newspapers to account, and also that there must be something to damage before any damage can be done. The matters brought out will probably be matters of controversy hereafter, and we prefer to leave them for the present.
The public will hold newspapers to account.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 3, 1876.
The Centennial Exhibition opens May 10th. A space has been assigned in the pavilion for Newspaper Exhibition, and each paper is placed on file, as it is received, and given a number. The number given the TRAVELER is 2,228. Parties in the city desiring to see the paper will have to give the number.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 3, 1876.
Are we going to the Centennial? You bet! You won’t find a Buckeye newspaper man in Kansas but what intends going. It was the custom, among the clay hills of Ohio, for boys to get up at three o’clock in the morning, walk five miles to the highest hill, climb the highest tree, and look for the elephant, when a show was coming to town; and the same desire lingers with them still, and will cause them to seek Philadelphia and the big elephant.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.
The newspapers are making war on railroad fares to the centennial. Let the war grow hotter till reason prevails, and half fare is reached.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 5, 1876.
A. N. and W. P. Johnston returned from the Black Hills last Wednesday. These gentle-men, together with Harry Flood, M. Curry, and Chas. Tarry left this place on the 7th of last February, with one wagon. They arrived in Custer City on the 2nd of March, and on the 8th of last May started from that place with sixty others on their return from the land of gold. They were in the Hills upwards of two months, were so far north as Deadwood, eight miles from Custer, and prospecting in various directions around the latter place. They report but ten claims in the Hills that are paying wages and these, only when provisions are low. Outside of these, nothing has been discovered so far that will yield living wages. They are convinced of this from their own observations of numbers of old miners from Colorado, Nevada, and California, who, after prospecting so far as they could with safety, left the country.
From seven to ten thousand adventurers have gone into the Hills up to date, every man of whom, except the merchants and speculators, who could get back, has left; cursing his own folly, and the men and newspapers, who, by misrepresentations and wholesale lying, have led so many to destruction.
When the Messrs. Johnstons left, the population of Custer City numbered seven to eight hundred people, including thirty to forty families of women and children, and with few exceptions, all were in a destitute condition; and unless quickly relieved, would be in a starving condition. On the day of their departure, there were but four sacks of flour in the town, and this was held at sixty dollars a sack.
Town property is utterly worthless; houses that cost from seventy-five dollars to one hundred and seventy-five dollars, together with the corner lots, were traded for two or three meals of victuals, to keep their owners from starving to death.
They pronounce the whole thing an infamous fraud, gotten up by the soulless corporation of the Union Pacific and the towns along the line, for the purpose of reaping a harvest of blood and money from the betrayed adventurers who have flocked to the Hills.
The route from Cheyenne to the Hills is lined with graves of the murdered adventurers. Custer itself is surrounded by the Indians who threaten to scalp any man, woman, or child left there after a certain date, and the killing and scalping of prospectors are of daily occurrence. The inhabitants are out of ammunition and unable to defend themselves.
Notwithstanding all these facts, the authorities of the Union Pacific through the newspapers along the line and through circulars, and paid correspondents, are spreading broadcast through the land glowing descriptions of the discovery of gold, the agricultural and pastoral advantages of the country, and denying all reports of Indian raids and murders.
A man, by the name of Williard, who came out with the Johnston party, in consideration of a pass over the road to the East, signed a letter, written by the editor of the Cheyenne Sun, in which the fellow states that he had brought out $1,500 in gold, that the country was full of gold, rich discoveries were being made daily, and that there was no foundation for the reports of Indian massacres. He acknowledged to a son of ex-Gov. Blair, of Michigan, who met him on the cars, that he had signed the letter at the instigation of the Cheyenne Sun, and received a free pass over the road as a reward for his villainy.
There has never been a stage to Custer up to the present time, although the Cheyenne papers stated last winter that a daily line had been put on the route from that place to the Hills. The mails have been carried in by the freighters, and nine out of ten of them have been destroyed by the Indians and the carriers scalped. When the party left on the 8th of May, the snow was from one to two feet deep in Custer, and it is said that the cold is severe enough even in July to freeze water. Consequently, the country is totally unfit for cultivation.
This whole excitement of the Black Hills has been a scheme gotten up and fostered by the Union Pacific road and the towns along it for the purpose of speculation, and is heartless, cruel, and blood-thirsty. The government should put a stop to this wholesale lying and robbing, and make known authoritatively the true condition of the Hills. Our space forbids of a detailed account of the unfortunate adventurers and experience of these gentlemen. We believe that they are truthful and reliable men and their statements can be accepted. Wichita Beacon.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 28, 1877.
It costs a newspaper publisher about twenty cents a year postage on each paper sent out of the county.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 23, 1877.
Kansas has more newspapers in proportion to population than any other State in the Union: One hundred and seventy-two.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 27, 1877.
The Editorial Excursion.
We can make but a brief allusion to our recent trip to Colorado and the mountains this week, owing to a late return. The convention of newspaper men of Kansas was held at Leavenworth, and an address delivered by Captain Henry King, of Topeka, that was pronounced to be the best ever delivered before the association. In it is a history of the Kansas press, and the able and courageous men who conducted it in an early day. Owing to the non-arrival of the stage coach, we were prevented from attending the convention, but joined the party at Emporia, as they came down the Santa Fe road on their way to Pueblo.
We left Emporia about 9 o’clock and were landed at Pueblo Friday evening, after following the Arkansas River a distance of nearly 500 miles, over fertile valleys and plains unequaled for verdant growths of green pastures. On the way we passed a number of beautiful cities and thriving towns of wonderful existence, and met near Great Bend the Illinois editors, who were returning from an errand similar to the one that we had just begun.
There were 98 members in the party, counting the ladies, and a general lively time was engaged in, as we sped rapidly on our way.
In the morning after our arrival at Pueblo we took the Denver & Rio Grande narrow gauge railway and traveled south to Chucharas, thence west to La Veta, and up the mountains to Sangre de Christo pass. The scenery over this route is too grand for comparison, and can only be realized by actual sight. For 14 miles the little giant engine made an ascent up a grade of 165 feet to the mile with 160 pounds pressure of steam to the square inch, drawing three well-filled passenger coaches behind it.
It was the first passenger train that ever made the ascent, which is at present the highest of any railroad in the world. The Sangre de Christo pass, generally known as La Veta pass, is 9,340 feet above the level of the sea, and at present the terminus of the railway leading to the San Juan country. It is the highest railway elevation on the globe, although one of still greater height is being constructed in Peru, South America.
The cost of construction of the railroad up the mountain was $18,000 per mile, and was built by Mr. Greenwood, chief engineer. In order to reach the summit, grades as great as 211 feet to the mile have to be climbed, which is done by a continuous curve around the mountains. The journey over this route in comfortable commodious cars, up steep grades at the rate of 18 miles an hour, with a load heavy enough for a three-wheeled driving engine of standard gauge, convinced the most unyielding ones that the three-foot narrow gauge railway system is a success, and should be generally adopted where the business is not sufficient for wider grades, as it is not yet in this and many other sections of the country. The most skeptical cannot fail to be convinced after a voyage over this route.
After spending a few hours on this great lookout, the party took their seats in the cars and did not stop for sight seeing until we reached Colorado Springs on Saturday morning. Manitou being the place of our destiny, seven miles distant, we took carriages and enjoyed a pleasant ride of about half an hour, when we drew up at the Beebe House, and remained during the Sabbath.
Manitou is a watering place of considerable renown, and is blessed with every variety of the healthy fluid. Within a scope of half a mile, soda, iron, sulphur, warm and cold waters are to be found. We partook freely of the soda water, which flowed from the ground in a large stream, and could be dipped up by the bucket full. To the taste, it is the same as the soda water made by druggists and sold at ten cents per glass. There it is as free as the air to all who desire it.
Every convenience is made at Manitou for the entertainment of strangers, and they have many to entertain, as excursion parties from almost every State in the Union are constantly visiting them. The BEEBE House is one of the grandest and best hotels it has been our good fortune to stop at, and reminds one of the fashionable houses of Niagara Falls, only they excel in quantity and quality of eatables.
Manitou is at the foot of the far famed Pike’s Peak, that rises 14,836 feet towards the heavens. As we stood gazing at this great snow capped mountain, we could imagine that heaven’s foundation rested upon it, so mighty is its construction.
After visiting the Ute pass, we directed our guide to drive to the “Garden of the Gods.” Its entrance is gained by passing between two mammoth rocks rising 100 feet in mid air. Once within the almost continuous wall that surrounds it, every shade of living green can be seen on the earth, while on every side rise the mountain heights, and monuments of rock. Rocks of every form and feature are there to be found. One as large as an ordinary prairie house stands balanced on an eight foot footing, while others are mere stems at the bottom and small table lands at the top. They are so singularly shaped that you imagine lions, seals, and other animals out of their formation.
From the “Garden of the Gods,” we drove to Cheyenne Canon, and after following the small stream to near its source, suddenly beheld the most grand scenery we found in Colorado. On each side of the narrow stream, solid blocks of stone rose to a height of from five to ten hundred feet, with overhanging tops that are ever threatening to crush all below them, while in front of us seven distinct and separate falls of silver water are rolling, tumbling, and gliding down the rocky abyss.
Stopping long enough at Colorado Springs to see the young and aristocratic city, we again took the train and did not stop until reaching the remarkable city of Denver, built upon a desert almost surrounded with high mountains. It is a pretty city, filled with enterprising and ambitious men from almost every State in the Union, and many representatives of foreign nations. Water courses all through its streets, for without it, the green trees that adorn it so beautifully would be but dry sticks.
There are many places of interest in Denver and many institutions that we would gladly mention, but that is not the purpose of this article at this time.
While at Denver we were exceedingly fortunate in meeting our old friend and fellow townsman of Cadiz, Ohio, Archie J. Sampson, Attorney General of the State, and his accomplished wife, who was a school mate of ours, among the clay and sun-burnt hills of our native Buckeye State.
On Tuesday morning our party left Denver for a ride up the wonderful Clear Creek Canon, which proved a pleasant and instructive excursion. Along the route we passed the once great city of Golden and reached the place in view, Idaho City, in time for dinner. Here we found one quartz mill at work with fifteen stamps, pounding riches out of nothing, comparatively speaking, for the ore resembled dirt or stone of no value.
After visiting the different springs and bathing places, we declared our willingness to return, and it was not long until we were back to the busy scenes of the champion western town, Denver.
After spending one day more in Denver, those of the party who had not gone the day before, again placed themselves on the plush cushions and were soon hurling homeward. The route along the Kansas Pacific, until we reached nearly the center of Kansas, was a dull and lonely one. Nothing but the short, green grass could be seen on either side for miles. As we neared Salina, large fields of wheat and corn took place of the unbroken sod, and but a short distance from the town, we passed through the enormous wheat field of Mr. T. C. Henry, covering 2,200 acres. It will not yield as well as it did last year, owing to the heavy rains, but may average fifteen bushels to the acre.
At Topeka we bid farewell to those of the party who had accompanied us that far, and by Saturday night we were in our office at home, well contented and well recompensed for the trip.
Colorado is a State of mining and stock raising, that is all. Farming there is but child’s play in realization and profit, but the mines turn out gold and the hills are the best in the world for sheep pastures.
Winfield Courier, June 28, 1877. Editorial Page.
From the Rocky Mountains.
MANITOU, COL., June 18, 1877.
DEAR COURIER: Eighteen years ago the writer hereof accompanied Prof. Hayden, now of national fame, on a trip to and beyond this place. We were mounted on foot and drove a yoke of oxen hitched to a cart made of the hind wheels of a wagon. At that time we were roving the Rocky Mountains together. Camping by the now famous soda springs, we tasted their waters, discussed their future, and contemplated “taking a claim” that should embrace them and the region round about; for no living being could then be found in all “the region round about” to dispute “our claim.” But we went on gold hunting.
The Kansas editorial excursion arrived here at 4 o’clock yesterday morning. As I now write I am surrounded by the most fashionable people in the country; the music of singers, a piano, of cultivated voices, elegant walls, elegant furniture, and the cream of civilization on every hand.
Manitou is a town of three or four hundred inhabitants. It has no business growing from commerce or agriculture, but is supported exclusively by visitors to the springs. These come for health and pleasure. The springs are seven in number and various in properties. Wealthy people from all parts of the Union come for pleasure and stay weeks at this season of the year on pleasure excursions. Of course, the “Saratoga trunk” with its multitude of changes and styles to equip the gentler portion of such parties is along. I met Rounds, the type manufacturer, here from Chicago with his family. Of course, in a place like this, the principal business is hotel keeping. Two houses that would be first class anywhere, in dimensions and equipment, are here, with six or eight of less pretensions.
Manitou is situated six miles off from the Denver & Rio Grande railroad to the west in a gorge or narrow valley. Sharp hills and mountains rise on every side. A pure mountain stream flowing from the melting side of Pike’s Peak everlastingly tumbles down the valley. This is crossed by half a dozen rustic bridges within two hundred rods of each other. A few private residences dot the secluded glens and romantic eminences along and near the only street that follows the stream down out of the mountains. Among the number is one belonging to the authoress, Grace Greenwood. Board, livery hire, etc., is but little dearer here than in Kansas, where everything is raised which feeds the people of this country. For while a few of the necessaries of life are grown in Colorado, yet the amount compared with the demand is so very small that the products of Kansas are relied upon for sustenance and our prices govern Colorado prices.
Beautiful stone of many colors and plenty of pine is here for building purposes. At this particular point absolutely nothing of products is grown, but a few miles out at the foot of the hills, the irrigating ditches begin and little patches are cultivated. I saw corn in all the stages of from two inches high to planting. The wheat is spring wheat and stands from four to eight inches high. It looks “mighty” weak. Men who want to live by cultivating the sod had better stay away from this region.
The excursion party, consisting of 130 persons, one half of whom were editors, came west on the A. T. & S. F. road, leaving Topeka Thursday, June 14th, at 6 p.m., and arriving at Pueblo, Colorado, about 700 miles distant, on Friday at 10 o’clock p.m. In the morning it took the train on the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad (narrow gauge) and ran to La Vita, 80 miles southwest at the foot of the Spanish Peaks. The run was made in less than four hours including stoppages. On part of the route the train ran at the rate of forty miles per hour. The passenger coaches are made exactly like other cars and carry 54 passengers. The body of the car is only two feet above the track and is 8½ feet wide. The cars ride easier than on the A. T. & S. F.
A few moments at La Vita and the romance of the trip commenced. We were taken over a new piece of road 14 miles long and all the way uphill to the summit of the mountain range at Vita Pass on the road towards the Del Norte mining region. In this 14 miles ride the track rises 2,440 feet. On two miles of the road the grade is 217 feet to the mile. The little engine took three passenger coaches loaded with 150 people (for several had gotten on at Pueblo and La Vita) up to the mountain top. The road runs back and forth along the sides of the mountain and is crookeder than the curves of a horseshoe. At one point the track was 400 feet directly above our heads as we rode along. It seemed like an impossible place to reach. This 14 miles of road has been built within the last six months at a cost of 18,000 dollars per mile. It is going right on down the western slope to the valley of the Rio Grande river.
[Note: Sometimes “La Veta” appears in print; at other times “La Vita” is used. To be consistent, I stuck with “La Vita,” but this could be wrong!]
Del Norte is 75 miles from its present terminus. Two weeks ago two feet of snow fell where the men are now at work. At that point hard pine timber is very plenty and ties cost about 15 cents each. The altitude of the place is 9,340 feet above sea level. Gen. D. C. Dodge, the Superintendent of the road, accompanied us, and gave much valuable information. J. A. McMertrie, a young man, is the engineer who built the road, and Frank Greenwood, a young man of 25, drove the engine that drew our train. It was the first passenger train that had ever been to the summit of the pass.
Gen. Dodge is an old railroad man. He informed us that their narrow gauge road was able to do all the business between the Missouri River and the Rocky Mountains now done by the Kansas Pacific and A. T. & S. F. railroads. Their road is 800 miles long, including its branches, and still pushing further on. Arriving at the summit, there being no turntable and the engine being out of water, we had to put on brakes and let the train run backwards itself down to La Vita.
La Vita is the most romantic townsite that we ever saw. It is a grass-covered plateau or plain 6,900 feet above sea level, about two miles in diameter, and surrounded on all sides with hills and mountains. The mountain tops, in this vicinity as also is Pike’s Peak lying 80 miles to the north, are covered with snow. Streaks of snow running down the mountain sides for thousands of feet gives them a peculiar appearance. La Vita is a town of three or four hundred people, mostly Americans. Its houses are new and the town looks thrifty. It has been for some months, and will continue to be for some time yet, the business terminus of that branch of the Rio Grande road towards the Del Norte region. I have traveled 400 miles of the eastern base of the Rocky Mountains and La Vita and surroundings is the vision that charms to rapture beyond all others.
Leaving La Vita and running back north 120 miles past Pueblo to Colorado Springs, we got off the train and took stage, omnibusses, and carriages for this place, six miles away. Colorado Springs is a well built town of about 2,000 population. What sustains it in business and industry I cannot tell.
Of the route from Newton to Pueblo I should speak. At Hutchinson, a town larger than Winfield, with many brick business houses built upon the sand, we saw the havoc of high water. In fact, it still seemed surrounded with water. The half dozen little towns along the road west for 150 miles do not amount to much, but everywhere thus far we saw occasionally small patches of good wheat, rye, and barley in full head. Thence for 250 miles it was an uninhabited region, save a half dozen cattle ranches at long intervals apart. There we saw immense herds of cattle. The grass looked good and the land was very level, presenting a grand range to the eye and stock. Why the men who are so crazy to “go into cattle” and sheep do not come here with their herds, away from taxes and civilization, I know not. I should certainly do so if “making money out of stock” was the ambition that chased the breath in and out of my body.
From here we go to Denver and the mountains, cities, and mines west of it, thence back to Kansas by the Kansas Pacific. M.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 25, 1877.
The newspaper men of Winfield were on their muscle last week. One had to be taken off of a big six footer, and the other made known his desire to bury the hatchet. That hatchet is dug up and buried every other day with one man.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 1, 1877.
We are under obligations to Judge Christian for helping us out during a rush, this week. Mr. Christian is an old newspaper man, and works in harness now as well as he did years ago.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 22, 1877.
Old friend—I am truly pleased to hear from you, and to find that you are still in the land of the living. Your discovery of my whereabouts is somewhat romantic. I hardly supposed any of my old friends would find me out, away here on the border of the Indian Territory, the south line of the State; but it is hard for a man to get out of reach in this country, so that he cannot be found out, if he has done any deviltry (unless he is a Bender). I had lost sight of you entirely, not having been in Missouri since the war, and not much then except passing through.
But I am pleased to hear that yourself, wife, and family are all well as this leaves me and mine.
I am not as fortunate as you are, I have no boys—never had a boy—nor none married, so that I have not even a son-in-law, nor de facto.
But to business. Doctor, I hardly know what to say, as I am not sufficiently informed of how you are situated or what kind of a location would suit you, etc. Whether you want to make stock raising the principal business or main idea, or only incidental to your practice, all that I can say is that in my judgment Cowley County is by nature and locality, one of the best counties in the State.
The crops are generally good. Wheat has for the past five or six years been the great crop, but for the last two years, it has not proved as abundant as formerly. This season and last has produced the most abundant corn crop. Oats this season have been extraordinarily good, last year they were a failure. But like all new countries, money is very scarce and times dull. Things go very slow, but this is the case in all strictly farming communities. Kansas is no exception to the rule. Our farmers are terribly in debt. This county, as you are doubtless aware, was formed out of a part of what was the OSAGE INDIAN RESERVE, and when opened to settlement, seven years ago, all the poor men, poor devils, and poor farmers in the land flocked in to take claims. The consequence was they had no money to pay for it when the land came into market. They had to borrow of the shylocks, who also smelt the carrion afar off, and came also to loan money at from thirty to sixty percent, per annum interest. This debt has never entirely been removed, although many changes have taken place. Old notes have been renewed, interest paid on it, but still there is the same old debt. Then our people run wild about agricultural implements and machinery. Every new thing that comes along that eases labor and can be bought on credit, they buy. This is another curse by way of indebtedness that hangs over our community, although it will prove a blessing to the great mass of consumers around us, but ruin to the few that are involved in buying.
I send you a little map of the county, so that you can see the location of the various towns, streams, etc., giving you much information that you wanted to know about. I also send you a copy of the TRAVELER, published in our town, that will give you much information. You had better send $1 and take it six months. It is a live paper for a village newspaper, gives you just such information as emigrants desire.
P. S. We are well supplied with M. D.’s. We have the scriptural number—seven of them—and but little sickness, except the usual concomitant of the Western States, chills and fever. We have no malignant diseases in this locality.
If you think of locating in this part of Kansas, first come and see for yourself. We have no railroad at present nearer than sixty miles, but a good prospect for one from Kansas City, via Emporia, to this place, in the next twelve or eighteen months. The distance is now traversed by stage, daily—fare $5. This is a fair country to look upon, and as good as it is fair. We have a delightful climate. Good society for a new country—much better than usual. People from every State in the Union, with the cream of her Majesty’s subjects from Canada.
Our kind regards to all. Your old friend, JAMES CHRISTIAN.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 12, 1877.
We’ll bet a nickel the editor of this paper can show a greater variety of occupations followed for the sustenance of life than any other newspaper man in the State of Kansas.
Besides the everyday pursuit of publishing a newspaper, attending post office, making collections, or rather trying to, soliciting subscribers, etc., he is a notary public, agent of some Ohio capitalists, buys and sells corn, oats, and flour, deals heavily in and makes a specialty of cord wood, posts and rails, buys, trades, and sells Texas and Indian ponies, is a member of two railroad companies, and a director in the Arkansas River Navigation Company, deacon in a new church organization, is interested in a racing pony, contractor for buildings, and other minor enterprises, too numerous to mention, all to make both ends meet.
A newspaper man in Southern Kansas who cannot guess within twenty-five pounds of what a fat hog will weigh, how much a steer will clean, how fast a horse will run, how many cords in a pile of wood, don’t stand half a chance to eke out a miserable existence and be half way familiar with the people.
Winfield Courier, April 19, 1877. Editorial Page.
One hundred and fifty-seven newspapers and journals are published in Kansas.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878. Editorial Page.
One hundred and eighty-eight newspapers are published in Kansas.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878. Editorial Columns.
Let the Farmers and All the People Rejoice.
$50,000 Saved to Cowley County Alone!
$1.00 Saved on Every Load of Wheat and Other Produce.
Printer’s Ink Did the Business.
The warfare on high rates of freight inaugurated by the COURIER a few weeks ago, and pursued ever since, assisted by some other newspapers, is beginning to tell.
The A., T. & S. F. has come down on the whole list and along the most of the line, but the greatest reduction is from Wichita and El Dorado to Kansas City.
On August 9th the Santa Fe Company issued a tariff which showed a reduction of one cent, or from 26 to 25 cents per 100 pounds on wheat from Wichita to Kansas City. On Monday, August 26th, these rates were reduced to 21 cents, and the reduction covers the whole list of produce. From the eastern and the western portions of the road the reduction is from 2 cents down. The center of reduction is Wichita and El Dorado, where it amounts to 4 cents. At Hutchinson, Newton, Peabody, and Florence the reduction is 3 cents; at Cottonwood, Emporia, and Osage City 2 cents; east of Osage City, no reduction; and west of Hutchinson to Spearville, the reduction is 2 cents. The tariff on other produce is reduced in proportion.
This reduction is of especial value to the people of Cowley County. It will save to the county at least $50,000, and to every farmer one dollar on every full load of grain he sells.
We thank the railroad managers for this concession. It shows that they know what they are about and will accede to reasonable demands when convinced that the interests of their road as well as of the people requires it. But while we congratulate our farmers on this victory, we are not satisfied and shall continue the war. The freights are yet much too high and should be still further reduced.
We give the company full credit for what it has done. Mr. Nickerson has fully redeemed the promise he made recently while here and has shown us that his promises can be relied upon. But we want a promise from him of a further and larger reduction, and we hope to get it. We believe, and the people believe, that ten cents a bushel is enough to pay from Wichita, and we shall be satisfied with nothing less favorable. We ask for fair rates, nothing more nor less, and shall continue to work for this result, both here and at Topeka, for we know that the people will be with us with their substantial support and their votes.
Winfield Courier, May 22, 1879.
We notice that some daily papers at Leavenworth and elsewhere publish advertisements of Lawrence & Co., Bankers, New York. Now these men are confidence men. Their plan of operations is to get other people’s money to gamble with; if successful, they win for themselves; if unsuccessful, their customers only loose. It is a soft thing for them, but rough on the men who are green enough to furnish the money. Now we like to get good paying advertisements as well as those great daily newspapers, but we could not be hired to advertise as they do such a gambling concern.
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.
About forty members were present at the Arkansas Valley Press Asociation meeting held in Winfield April 17th along with a large number of visitors from different parts of the state.
After the meeting adjourned, the guests were shown around the city by the citizens, in carriages. In the evening a grand ball was given by the citizens at Manning’s Hall, after which a banquet was served at the Central Hotel, which was a superb affair, the elite of the city being present, and speeches, toasts, and responses by leading citizens were the order of the evening.
Another report: near one hundred members of the press were in attendance. “It is altogether probable that before another year rolls around, the newspapers of southwestern Kansas will be organized and able to protect themselves against the eastern frauds and bummers who have so long lived and grown rich at the country publisher’s expense.”
Another report: “Some fifteen or twenty came in on the Santa Fe and were duly taken in and done for; given complimentaries to the De Grasse concert and tickets to bed. Saturday morning, bright and early, they were taken out to see the many improvements, and, of course, the Cowley County stone quarry, courthouse, water mills, cemetery, churches, palatial residences and cottage homes, fine hotels and sidewalks, and last but not least, the two breweries. Oh, ye gods! But was not that fruit for the indigent editor?
The evening was spent very pleasantly in dancing and social converse at the opera house. Promptly at 12 o’clock the music ceased, and the friends were invited to the Central Hotel where three forty-foot tables were groaning under a weight of good things and decked with evergreens and flowers. At 3:40 a.m., the party were safely seated in the cars, their faces turned in the direction of home, everyone wishing they could stay in Winfield forever, etc.
Another report: “After a pleasant ride across to Winfield through as beautiful country as there is to be found in Kansas, we landed in the bright, enterprising, and handsome county town of Cowley. Omnibuses and carriages were in attendance, and all the editors and their friends were soon most hospitably cared for. The programme of the citizens’ committee provided a theatrical entertainment for those who arrived on Friday. Carriage drives, boat rides on the small steamer any hour on Saturday, and after the adjournment of the editorial convention, a ball at Manning’s splendid opera house followed by a banquet.
The convention met at 2 o’clock p.m., Mr. Hoisington, of the Great Bend Register, president, in the chair; Mr. Walker, of Peabody, Secretary. The introduction of Mr. McDermott, who welcomed the editorial association in behalf of the citizens was done very gracefully by Mr. Black. Mr. McDermott in well chosen witty and eloquent words welcomed the editors and their friends to the City of Winfield, and tendered the hospitalities of their citizens.
The ball in the evening which was attended by the editors, visitors, and many citizens of Winfield was a brilliant success. The fine hall was built by Col. Manning, and is well adapted to large parties. The landord of the Central House deserves special mention for the large variety, excellent character, and great abundance of the good things prepared for his talbe at the banquet announced at 12 o’clock at the conclusion of the ball. Prof. Lemmon, who was master of ceremonies, succeeded in seating the guests, numbering about one hundred and fifty. Major Anderson, Judge Hanback, and irrepressible Pangborn opened the trouble by singing “Carve dat Possum.” Short speeches were made by various parties and the best of feeling prevailed. At 2 o’clock the party broke up and the “good-byes” were reluc-tantly said by the visitors, most of whom left for their homes on the 3:40 morning train.
Another report: “We were greeted as the guests of the city, sumptuously entertained, ‘busses and carriages were at the disposal of the editors, and the beautiful city was shown to best advantage, a little steamboat constantly played up and down the Walnut to give the editors what Kansas people seldom enjoy, a steamboat ride—there is fourteen miles of still-water navigation in the Walnut at that place—bands played, and the “crack” military com-pany of the State turned out for dress parade, while flags and banner streamed from housetops.”
Another report: “The editors were met at the depot, placed in carriages, and escorted to the town by the Winfield Guards, who made a handsome appearance in their light uniforms. Winfield with its handsome buildings, and fourteen miles of stone sidewalk, was a wonder to all who never saw the place before. The editors paid a visit to the quarries where the wonderful Cowley County stone comes from. Among others they visited the quarry of Babcock, Sarjeant and Smith, and saw the stone which is going to go into the new Government building at Topeka. The stone is what is known as the magnesian lime stone, but is of much finer texture than either the Junction City or Cottonwood. The editors visited the Winfield foundry by special invitation to witness the casting of a fourteen foot column; they also were taken on an excursion seven miles up the Walnut in a beautiful side wheel steamer, which was gaily decorated for the occasion.
“Notwithstanding the pleasure provided, the editors made time to attend some business. They were in session about five hours and covered considerable ground in their deliberations. Nineteen new members joined the association.”
“The A. V. E. A. held at Winfield on Saturday last proved, as a social gathering, a grand success, the enjoyable features of which far exceeded any former meeting of the association; as a business meeting, it was—well, yes, it was—very pleasant.
“Through the courtesy of the officers of the Santa Fe road, a special train of three coaches, under the charge of Major Tom Anderson, and Ass’t Supt. of Newton, was placed at the disposal of ye editors and invited guests.
“Leaving Newton at eight a.m. with the genial Geo. Manchester at the helm, we were soon speeding southward, our engineer throwing gravel in the prairie chickens’ faces at a lively rate. A special committee of three, consisting of State Supt. Lemmon, Maj. McDermott, and Lafe Pence, Esq., came up from Winfield on the morning train, and were soon circulating through our train, distributing badges to the fraternity, together with ‘bus tickets and hotel and private house billets. All were full of mirth and jollity, and all “went merry as a marriage bell” until we came within about six miles of Wichita, when snap went our bell cord, and looking out, our engine was seen flying down the track enveloped in a dense cloud of steam and fast widening the distance between it and our train. Coming to a halt, it backed slowly up and we found that an engine flue was burst and the boiler was empty. Taking in the situation at a glance, Maj. Anderson started for a farm house, and securing the services of a bareback rider, dispatched an order to Wichita for another ‘motor.’ While waiting, Dickey undertook the task of supplying the ladies with a yaller nosegay. After securing THREE, begged off on the ground that long understanding and a crick in the back interferred with graceful stooping, and he was excused. After a delay of an hour and a half, we were again in motion, and excepting a ‘hot box’ and the loss of the train chest, no further accident occurred.
“At Winfield the military company and Winfield cornet band waited at the depot from 9 to 11, and failing to get word of our whereabouts, disbanded. Reaching there about noon, ‘busses and carriages were soon filled, and we were whirled to our various destinations in different parts of their beautiful city. Ourself and wife were assigned to the home of the Conklin Bros., of the Monitor, whose mother entertained us right royally and in true Engish style. After a refreshing face bath followed by an excellent dinner, we were driven to the Opera House, where the association assembled for business, the details of which we will leave for the secretary’s report.
“During the afternoon all who wished were given a steamboat excursion on the river, which proved very enjoyable. At the close of the afternoon session, carriages were provided and a pleasant ride around the city given to all who desired. The evening session was held at the sanctum of Bro. Millington, of the Courier, after which all repaired to the dress ball, complimentaries to which had been given by Bro. Conklin during the afternoon. The ‘beauty and the chivalry’ of Winfield were out in force, about one hundred participants taking part. It was one of the most enjoyable events of the kind it was ever our good fortune to attend. Previous to the ball Bro. Allison, of the Telegram, distributed with a lavish hand complimentaries to the banquet, and at low twelve all repaired to the Central, where long lines of tables, loaded with every delicacy, awaited the throng. Prof. Lemmon was master of ceremonies, and in a very happy manner did he conduct them. Maj. Anderson ‘carved dat possum’ as he only can.
“Sufficient credit cannot be given for the princely manner throughout with which the entire party was entertained, and all returned to their homes with feelings of the highest regard not only for the editors, but for all the citizens of the queen city of the Walnut Valley.
“Winfield as a town was our first love, and we have never ceased feeling a strong regard for the place and its great hearted, liberal citizens. Surrounded by rich bottom lands for farming, and upland where ten thousand, thousand cattle can be grazed; possessing as it does unequaled (in our state) natural advantages, consisting of excellent water power, also timber skirting the streams, and the finest building stone in the world, coupled with the enterprising spirit of its citizens, which has resulted in the erection of magnificent churches and public buildings, business blocks, and numerous palatial residences, which are among the finest in the state, it offers inducements to the immigration of capital and labor which are excelled by no city in our glorious state. And we predict for Winfield a future which shall place it in the front rank of noted cities of the great west.”
Another report: “The Editorial Association held at Winfield on Saturday last was the largest convention of the association that has yet been held, sixty members being in attendance. The convention met in Manning’s opera house at 2 p.m., and on behalf of the mayor and citizens was warmly welcomed to the city in an appropriate address by Capt. McDermott, extending the hospitalities of the city. This very able address was responded to on behalf of the editorial association by H. X. Devendorf, of Topeka. Shortly after these formal addresses the convention adjourned until 7 o’clock p.m.”
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.
“On Saturday last at 8 a.m. we boarded the excursion train at the depot in Newton with thirty or forty of our ladies and gentlemen, invited guests to the Press Association at Winfield. The train was in care of Major T. J. Anderson, whom the Santa Fe authorities always select to conduct their first class excursion trains when they propose to capture the good will and commendations of the public. In this position, for social merriment and general good management, Major Anderson has no superior, if any equal, in the United States. Thoroughly posted in the details of such work, including all the wants of human freight, he is ill at ease without he makes every man, woman, and child under his care as happy as himself; and at all times and under all circumstances, he is the embodiment of gentility, wit, and humor and as happy as can be.
“The train moved out on time and kept up its good record until within six miles of Wichita, when one of the flues of the engine gave way, and the train was delayed for about two hours, while a man could be mounted on horseback and sent to Wichita for another engine. Under the guardian eye and self-inspired amusements at once improvised by Major Anderson, every excursionist was made perfectly contented, and the time passed as though only minutes instead of hours were lost.
“Soon with a new iron horse we were again en route for Winfield. About noon our train passed gracefully across the Walnut river on the new and substantial bridge of the Santa Fe road, and was rushed into the depot at Winfield.
“This being our first visit to Cowley County and Winfield, of which we have heard so much, we will give our first impressions of them. The scene at the depot was one of stirring life and animation. The approaches were filled with omnibuses, carriages, etc., and brought together by appropriate and well organized committees, and the editorial fraternity and the other invited guests were carried to all parts of the city, which were freely opened to them. We were driven on Main street where we had a good view of the city and its surroundings.
“To say that we were pleased with the city of Winfield but feebly expresses our feelings. It is laid out a good deal like Newton, and in many respects resembles our city. On a more thorough inspection, we came to the conclusion that, if not the first, it was certainly the second city of the southwest. It is very pleasantly on the south and west banks of the Walnut river at or near its junction with the Timber, gently sloping to the south and east, making drainage easy and natural without grading. It contains a well sustained population of fully three thousand, is most substantially built, and has some of the finest business blocks and palatial residence in the state of Kansas. We have not time to speak of particular buildings, locations, etc., but will on future occasions.
“The city, up to this time, has been built up and sustained by the growing necessities of the surrounding rich and productive country, and when it is remembered that Cowley County has an acreage of over 700,000 acres, 300,000 of which is now in a good state of cultivation, and that the population of the county is over 23,000 and that all these broad acres are the very best in Kansas, it is not to be wondered at that Winfield has become, without any artificial inflation or nourishment, one of the subtstantial and thrifty towns of the state. Such is Winfield today, and such has been her surroundings, and such will be for all time to come.
“Now since she has obtained her present prosperous condition simply through the necessities of her rich surroundings and without the aid of railroads, what may we expect will be her future since she has recently become quite a railroad center, with all the added advantages such thoroughfares bring?
“It is our opinion that she is yet in her infancy, with her splendid water power, her inexhaustible quarries of splendid magnesian limestone and flagging, the abundance of walnut, oak, and other hard wood on the banks of all her surrounding streams, her fine brick clay, and her hundreds of thousands of acres of the best farming-lands in Kansas, she will have in ten years ten thousand wealthy, happy, and prosperous people. And in due course of time, for all these reasons and on account of her central location, and the inevitable opening up of the Indian Territory, that garden spot of America, to settlement and improvement from which she will draw support and tribute, she bids fair to be the great city of southwestern Kansas.”
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.
We never felt so contented with our lot as an editor as we did Saturday, at Winfield. For, thanks to our editorial brethren and the rest of the good people of that beautiful city, every newspaper man who presented himself was made to feel as if he had come among friends who had known him and his grand-daddy—not to speak of the rest of the family—for a century or more. After leaving our magnificent city—we allude to Caldwell—we spent Friday afternoon at Wellington, where we had a good time with the Press and Democrat boys. We took pleasure in looking over the improvements of our county seat.
The Wellington and Caldwell delegation took the 5 o’clock train Saturday morning for Winfield. We were met at the depot by D. A. Millington, of the Courier, in charge of the requisite busses and carriages to transport us to our hotel. Millington would have brought along a couple of brass bands, if he had known that the editor of the Caldwell Post was on the train, but not being informed of that fact, he let the musicians rest, so as to get the necessary wind for the day.
We were escorted to the Central Hotel, the headquarters of the association, and where was assembled the majority of the editors of the valley. Here was assembled as fine an array of genius, wit, and intellect as graced any hotel. The association held three sessions, namely, in the forenoon at 10:30; in the afternoon, and then again in the evening. During the afternoon session the monotony of business transactions was relieved by a very pleasant incident. Miss Mollie Devendorf, a daughter of Mr. H. X. Devendorf, of Topeka, was adopted as the “daughter of the Arkansas Valley Editorial Association.” She is a young lady of very pleasing manners, as “bright as a button” and as “smart as a whip.”
During the day the editors were entertained in every conceivable way. Hauled around in omnibuses and carriages, steaming about on the beautiful Walnut, marched about, waltzed around, toasted, fed, and serenaded. The military company paraded before us and saluted, and every mother’s son of us felt as if he was a “bigger man than General Grant.” Then the ladies smiled on us so that our hair stood on end. In the evening a dress ball was given in our honor at the Opera House. By dress ball, we do not mean to say that balls in Winfield generally were conducted without dress, but we intend to state the fact that the editors of the valley on that “auspicious occasion” brought out their best necktie and put on a clean shirt. After the ball a banquet was served at the Central. It was none of your cracker and cheese affairs, we tell you, and wish that our housekeeper would serve up meals like that every day, without calling on us for an additional outlay. We sincerely deplored the necessity of having to depart from our kind hosts, but we were under the painful necessity of escorting some of our Wellington brethren back to the bosoms of their families, for they were too “exuberant” to be left to find their way home all alone.
We sincerely thank our brethren at Winfield for their kind and courteous conduct, and for their royal treatment of us while on our visit, and we pray that they will extend our thanks to the good people of Winfield.
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.
The Arkansas Valley Editorial Association held its regular quarterly meeting at Winfield Saturday. The occasion drew together many besides the editors. Some ten or fifteen went down from Topeka, and others joined the procession at different points. From Newton not less than twenty, fully one-half of whom were ladies, went down on a special train from that place Saturday morning. The special train was run by the A., T. & S. F. railroad to accommodate the editors from the Upper Arkansas Valley, who, by this act of the railroad, saved one day in time. That railroad company, by the way, is all the time doing something to accommodate the public, and we sometimes think that because of their generosity on so many occasions whenever asked, that more is expected of it than from any other railroad company in the state.
There can be no doubt that the A., T. & S. F. do more in the matter of accommodating the public on such occasions than any road in the state, and we guess than any road in the United States.
It was our first visit to Winfield, and while we supposed we were acquainted with the condition of things there, we confess that we were disappointed. We did not suppose it possible for a town over forty miles from a railroad, as Winfield has been till within the past few months, to be built up so substantially and to give such evidence of wealth and solidity as the place shows. Winfield has finer residences than Topeka and the business blocks are fully equal to any here. We presume that our readers in the eastern part of the state will open their eyes wide when they read this, but it is true. There is on every hand signs of wealth and stability that is astonishing to those who stop to remember that it is only about ten years since the first settler went into Cowley County.
The stone quarries, which are just coming into notice, from the fact of the stone from them being accepted with which to build the new post office in Topeka, must take a good deal of money there and help to build up Winfield. The quarry from which the stone is to be brought here is about a mile and a fourth from the depot of the K. C., L. & S. and 1-3/4 from the Santa Fe depot. A track will undoubtedly be laid soon to one or both of these roads. There are in Winfield twelve miles of walk laid with this stone, and it has been used in many buildings in that city. We visited the quarry and should judge that it is inexhaustible and easily got out.
The people of Winfield treated their visitors right royally, taking them over the city and surroundings, giving them boat rides, a ball, and banquet, and opening their houses to them.
It was our good fortune to be cast upon the tender mercy of Frank Williams at the “Williams House,” one of the coziest, cleanest, and most homelike places we have been at for a long time. On the Walnut is a little steamer about twenty-five feet long, with ten feet beam, and a nicely fitted up cabin. This runs with pleasure parties, we believe, up to Arkansas City, some twelve miles. A good many of the editors and their friends took a ride on this steamer, and enjoyed it hugely.
The ball at the Opera House, owned by our old friend. E. C. Manning, was a perfect success. The music was perfect, better than we have heard on similar occasions for a long time. The attendance was large, but not so much so as to be over-crowded. For elegance of dress and appearance, the ladies of Winfield are fully equal to those of any of her sister cities in Kansas. The banquet, which was served at the Central Hotel, was excellent.
State Supt. Lemmon, whose home is in Winfield, was master of ceremonies. We should not neglect to mention that Major T. J. Anderson was with the party from Topeka, and, as usual, kept everyone in a good humor on the way and while at Winfield, especially at the banquet. He was assisted by Judge Hanback and others in story telling and singing.
We would be glad to give a more extended notice of Winfield and her big-hearted generous citizens, but time forbids. We cannot, however, close without returning thanks to W. M. Allison, of the Telegram, and his family, and General Green, for particular favors shown us.
We have given so much space to Winfield that we have little left for the Association. For the present it is enough to say that this meeting was more largely attended than any previous one.
The address of welcome by Mr. McDermott was chuck full of wit and humor. The response on behalf of the Association by H. X. Devendorf was much more than usually well written and eloquently delivered.
The next meeting will be at Wellington, on the 16th of July, and will be held two days, Friday and Saturday.
We shall give the official report when received.
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.
On and after May 1, 1880, ED. P. GREER becomes a member of the COURIER Company, with a third interest in the concern. He will still run the local and business department, and D. A. MILLINGTON will continue as editor in chief.
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.
Sattherthwaite of the Eldorado Press, lets himself loose after this fashion.
“Fifty wild, famished, raving editors with their squaws, beset the people of Winfield last Saturday. The Mayor ordered out the militia, and the editors were as docile as so many railroad graders. Military rule is a good thing in its place. After the editors had thoroughly submitted, the Winfieldites soothed them by saying that the militia had only been called out to show the editors the fine display they could make.”
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.
We availed ourselves of a kind invitation to attend the meeting of the Arkansas Valley Editorial Association at Winfield, Kansas, on the 17th inst. It was a large gathering of the editorial fraternity of the Southwest. We there met the old veteran editors of the Kansas press: F. P. Baker, Geo. W. Martin, C. G. Coutant, J. H. Folkes, Judge Muse, A. J. Hoisington, Mr. Millington, and younger members of the craft with a great deal of pleasure. It was an assemblage of unusually fine looking men. To the editors of Winfield, Messrs. Millington, Allison, and Conklin, the members of the convention, and invited guests, our obligations for their personal attention. Saturday night there was a ball in Manning’s hall, and the beauty of Winfield was there in matchless loveliness, and at midnight the assemblage sat down to a splendid banquet at the Central House, the introduction to which was given by Tom. Anderson, of Topeka, with the song of “Carve dat Possum,” and then full justice was done to the magnificent supper.
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.
We arrived at Winfield about noon and were met by a committee of citizens, with half a dozen busses and full a score of carriages in waiting, and were escorted to hotels and private residences, according as the guests had been assigned by the deputation that met us on the train. It was my good fortune to become the guest of Bretton Crapster at the Central Hotel. Messrs. Millington, Conklin, and Allison, the three publishers of the town, as com-mittee, were assiduous in their devotion to the guests. In the afternoon the busses and carriages took us about the city to see the sights.
Winfield is very pleasantly located in the valley of the Walnut, surrounded by hills and old trees, both of respectable height. The town has a substantial thrifty look. It is laid out regularly. The business houses are on several different streets, and are built mainly of stone from the neighboring hills. The sidewalks, of which there is said to be over ten miles in the city, are all made of flagstone. There are many fine residences of stone and brick, though the former predominates The stone is a white limestone, containing very little or no iron, as very little or no discoloration was noticed, even on the oldest buildings. Beautiful and tastefully laid out gardens, abounding in flowers and shrubbery, were to be seen on every hand. Numerous were the gardens containing cherry, plum, apricot, and peach trees, already arrayed in full green, and fairly loaded down with their wealth of white and pink blossoms. Vegetation is fully two weeks in advance of what it is at the Bend.
In the evening I found Leftwich, of the Larned Optic, was very sick; but thanks to Millington of the COURIER, and other citizens, he was well cared for from his arrival. The physician in attendance said he would fix up Mr. Leftwich so that he would be able to ride home with his friends.
At night the guests and citizens assembled early at the opera house to attend a grand dress ball in honor of the guests. This is a hall capable of seating 700 persons. Now it presented a clear floor space of perhaps 50 by 80 ft., on which twelve sets in quadrille danced at one time and had ample room. There were perhaps 125 couples present, and in all, nearly 300 people were at the ball. The music was exceptionally excellent. It was said to be Fero’s band from Wichita. It consisted of five pieces: a square piano, bass viol, violin, cornet, and clarionet. This last would be an accession to any band. Its clear, sweet tones were heard so distinctly in every part of that vast hall that there was no danger of missing the time.
At 11:30 the dance ended, and dancers sped home to avoid being caught in a frightful storm that was coming up from the south. It, however, after sprinking a little and blowing much, passed off to the east.
After midnight a banquet was served at the Central House, and participated in by about 150 persons. Supt. Lemmon was master of ceremonies and commenced by inviting Major Anderson to “Kyarve dat Possum,” which was soon done, the company joining largely in the chorus. Speeches were made by other gentlemen, and altogether the occasion was a very enjoyable one.
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.
. . . . In due time an engine arrived, and at half past twelve the train steamed into Winfield, as pretty a little city as lies in Southern Kansas. The band, military company, and citizens, who had awaited our arrival for hours, hearing of the accident to the train, had gone home, but the reception committee were there, with carriages and omnibuses, and in a short time the party were being driven to hotels and private residences, where they had been assigned. It was our good fortune to be placed under the care of Mr. J. P. Short, city clerk, and to him and his excellent lady we owe much for the enjoyment of the day.
At four o’clock the editors, their ladies, and the invited guests, were taken about the city in carriages, and then to the wharf on the Walnut, where was tied up the steamer Necedah, a small steamboat, 31 feet long, built to run on the Walnut. For several hours the little craft was kept busy steaming up and down the river, giving the editors and their ladies an opportunity to try a life on the ocean wave. The Necedah carries twenty passengers and navigates the river fourteen miles above the city.
In the evening a grand ball was given at the opera house, and at 12 o’clock a banquet was tendered the guests at the Central Hotel.
The entertainment of the association by the citizens of Winfield was elaborate. No expense, time, or trouble was spared to make the occasion the happiest and most enjoyable since the inauguration of their quarterly meetings. The work of entertaining was not left alone to the committees, but each citizen appeared to make the day a pleasant one for visitors. Winfield is a city of 3,000 or 3,500 inhabitants, beautifully located in the Walnut valley, surrounded on the north, west, and south by timber and on the east by a range of hills and mounds. The town is built on a slight elevation, just enough to make the drainage good. It has two railroads, the A., T. & S. F., and the K. C., L. & S.; three newspapers, the Daily Telegram, W. M. Allison, editor; the Monitor, J. E. Conklin, editor, and the COURIER, D. A. Millington, editor.
Nearly every branch of mercantile business is represented. Stores, hotels, banks, mills, foundries, and breweries had the appearance of active business. Owing to their quarries of superior building stone, Winfield has in the whole a better class of buildings than most young towns in Kansas. Their walks are laid with flagstone, and altogether there is a little over ten miles of sidewalk in that lively little city.
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.
On the day of the editorial convention, Messrs. Moore & Hodge were hauling flag stone through the streets of Winfield to ship to Kansas City. One smooth stone, about ten by fifteen feet and five inches in diameter, was halted before our office and remained subject to the inspection of the editors for several hours. These contractors are handling some of the most superb flag stones of the county.
Winfield Courier, January 6, 1881.
The COURIER will have a special correspondent at Topeka during the session of the Legislature. This is a questionable enterprise with us, as it involves heavy expense, but we have decided to spare no expense to make the COURIER a first-class newspaper, and shall keep our readers posted from first hands on legislative as well as other matters. It is the general custom of county weeklies to clip their legislative news from the dailies, and thus far no paper has had the hardihood to attempt a comprehensive report of the proceedings on its own hook. We shall be the first to open up this field and will take pride in making it a success.
Don’t forget...Scott went to work for Topeka Commonwealth circa 1881.
Winfield Courier, January 13, 1881.
W. M. Allison has purchased the Sumner County Democrat and will take possession on the first of February. So says the Telegram. Mr. Allison graduated in a printing office in Illinois, we believe, a mere boy with a handful of type and a cheap press, commenced the publication of the Cowley County Telegram at Tisdale in 1872 with a dozen or two of subscribers and very little patronage. It was then a time when the settlers were scarce and poor, and it was a struggle to make a living at anything, much more to build up a great newspaper from such small beginnings. After working there a few months he removed to Winfield, the county seat, and here began work in earnest. He encountered a thousand difficulties and discouragements, but he had faith in the future of this county and indomitable pluck. Year by year he increased his subscription list, his printing material, his presses, and the size of his paper, until his paper was one of the largest county weeklies in the State, his office was well stocked, and his circulation and patronage large for any Kansas county. In addition to his weekly he had been publishing a daily for some time, when last summer he sold out his office, made valuable by years of hard work, to C. C. Black. Mr. Allison is a newspaper man of much talent, and perseverance; and if he has his faults, cowardice is not one of them. We wish him every success in his new field of labor.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 23, 1881.
Mr. R. E. Grubbs, proprietor of the post office newsstand, comes to the front this week and announces himself ready for business, having a large stock of stationery, etc., now on hand.
NOTICE: Subscriptions received at the Postoffice news stand for any and all Magazines, newspapers and periodicals.
Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.
If anyone supposes that we bought the Monitor office for the purpose of keeping out competition in the newspaper and printing business in this city, we wish to set them right in the start. We could not keep out competition if we desired. This business is like any other and anyone may start in the business that shall choose to do so; besides, we have yet as lively a competition in the Telegram as can be found anywhere. The Telegram office is an institution worth ten thousand dollars and the work necessary to have been done to give it the large subscription list, the large advertising and job printing patronage, and the wide popularity which it enjoys would cost some five thousand more. Its proprietor has plenty more money to put into it and is able to employ the best mechanical and editorial talent and skill. If we can compete with such an institution, we need not be uneasy about other competition. We bought the Monitor office as a pure business transaction, just as one merchant might buy the goods of another who wanted to close out, not that he expects to suppress competition, but because he can buy the goods at such prices as make it an object for him to buy them. We bought it because we thought it a good bargain for us, that the stock, material, etc., would supplement the COURIER office and make one of the largest and best offices in the state. We expect other papers may be started here. Knowing the itching that many have to run newspapers and that scores of newspapers do not pay more than running expenses, we deem it probable that one or more of they may drop in here, canvass the businessmen, show that they are brainy and experienced newspaper men and will make things rip, promise to circulate five thousand copies in the county of a larger and better paper than was ever published here, and secure lots of business advertising and other patronage.
Many of our businessmen advertise in everything that comes along, whether it is probable it will do them any good or not, and subscribe to everything that starts or promises to start. In this way a new paper would get a start. We do not think, however, that anyone with money enough and brains enough to succeed in building from the ground up a paper that will compete on equal terms with the older established papers here will repeat the experiment of the Monitor. That paper was “well heeled” from the start. It had wealthy and influential friends who responded when called on. It had strong political leaders at its back and secured a large share of public and private patronage. Its editor was sagacious and enterprising, pushing its circulation widely over the county, and he was one of the ablest and hardest working editors in the state. The amount of effective work he did on both the local and editorial columns of his paper was phenomenal. Yet after three years of hard work, he found he could not make it pay and so he sold out.
We do not boast that the COURIER has been a paying institution. The money its proprietors have spent upon it has been largely derived from other sources and would have earned more profits had it been loaned out at ten percent. It now has the Monitor subscriptions added to its own, making its subscription list well up towards three thousand, much the largest list of the County papers of the State, and is worth as an advertising medium about as much as the two papers have been. We shall now keep our advertisements down in space, running only those which pay, and fill up our columns more with reading matter. It will cost us more for editorial and other work than it did before, but far less than the two papers together did and therefore we shall make a saving to ourselves and a saving to our advertisers, while we shall make the paper more valuable to our readers.
The Monitor office was a comparatively new office. Its material in type, presses, machinery, furniture, etc., was nearly new and in good condition, having cost over $1,600 besides freight, most of which is wanted in our office, and the rest is salable. It had on hand paper and other printers stock which cost $300, exclusive of freight, nearly all of which is as good as cash to us. There was over $2,000 due it on its subscription list. It would have cost us at least $300 to publish the county business in the Monitor as we had agreed for this year. This sum we save to the COURIER by combining the lists. We get other work on which the profits are considerable in the aggregate which would have been given to the Monitor had it continued, but has been promised us as an inducement to buy.
For all this we paid $2,258.00 cash and it will cost us not over $100.00 to supply the Monitor subscribers who have paid in advance. While it was undoubtedly a good trade for the proprietor of the Monitor, we think it was a good trade for us even though a ten thousand dollar republican newspaper should start in competition with us tomorrow.
We wish to say here once and for all that there is no ring or net of men, no community officer or businessman, who owns one cent in the COURIER otherwise than through legitimate newspaper patronage. With the exceptions of a small amount of stock in the Winfield Bank, not one of the proprietors of the COURIER owns any interest in any other business than that of the COURIER office. But the COURIER is interested in the success of every legitimate business calling, competition, and industry in the county, and will do what it can for the success of all. It needs and desires the good will and support of all and will merit such by its support of all these and its fairness towards all. All we ask for the COURIER is the support and patronage it fairly merits. With this it will pay us well for our work and a fair interest on our investment.
Winfield Courier, June 30, 1881.
ARKANSAS CITY, June 15th, 1881.
On Tuesday I took a run up to Winfield to pass the afternoon, and succeeded in doing so to my entire satisfaction. Winfield is a nice place. It has broad streets, and trees, and sidewalks, and nice houses, and above all, a hospitable community of intelligent enterprising citizens. Just now, it being an off year in politics, the attention of the public is devoted to the improvement question, much the same as Topeka has been. Like Topeka, Winfield has “boomed” all the Spring, and business has been good and the citizens have felt like putting their money into those things which attract and hold the admiration of strangers and conducive to the happiness and health of the residents.
At the depot, I met Will. Garvey, formerly of Topeka, who said in the same breath that had inquired how long I was going to stay, “Do you see that park off there? Well, M. L. Robinson will take you over to see it in his buggy.” We went uptown, and, sure enough, in fifteen minutes I was seated in Mr. Robinson’s carriage, and ten minutes afterward was being shown all over one of the most beautiful parks in the State.
It lies a quarter of a mile west of the A., T. & S. F. depot, on the north bank of the Walnut River, and consists of forty acres of grand old trees, and aspiring younger ones not yet freed from the clinging vines which make shade and add a grotesque and charming appearance to them. The place is named Riverside Park, and is the property of M. L. Read, the banker, Mr. M. L. Robinson, his nephew, Mr. S. C. Smith, and Mr. Lowry. They have had a force of men in it cleaning out the underbrush, and locating and clearing drives all the spring, and have really succeeded admirably.
There is a long drive and a promenade along the waters’ edge, covered by the shadiest of trees, and allowing glimpses of charming scenery upon either bank of one of the most beautiful of Kansas streams. Other drives run at all angles in and about beautiful groves, affording a ride of more than ten miles within the enclosure. The trees are full of birds, which are protected and fostered. A speaker’s stand will be placed for the 4th of July, when the park will be used for celebration purposes. This stand will consist of a stone twenty feet square, placed upon pillars of masonry, and will be donated by the proprietors of the celebrated Cowley County stone quarry, Messrs. Holmes & Co. The river affords a fine boating course, and boats will be placed upon it at once. A steamboat is being secured, which will make excursions up and down the river. Riverside Park is certainly a great improvement.
Another park has been cleared at the north end of the city, which is also at the disposal of the public, though owned by private gentlemen. I believe it is owned by the other bank, and that there is considerable rivalry between the banks for the approval of their respective efforts for the public good.
After returning from our drive, I called upon Mr. Millington, at the COURIER office, and found him busy, as all newspaper men are. The COURIER has recently absorbed the Monitor, adding a part of the material to its office, and will sell the remainder. Very properly, Mr. Millington has the post office, and with his paper, which is an excellent property, seems to be in a position to enjoy life.
Mr. Lemmon was not in the city, having gone up to Newton to attend to his new business, the editorship of the Republican, which paper he recently purchased.
I found Senator Hackney seated in his office, and spent a half hour very pleasantly. The Senator had just made a sale of a three thousand acre tract of land at a good figure, and was in good spirits. He is going into the stock business after awhile, and entertains some very hopeful, as well as reasonable opinions, upon the subject.
I had heard the name of W. P. Hackney mentioned in connection with the office of Congressman, and heard that many of his friends were urging him to consent to become a candidate, and I asked him plainly if he was going to oblige them. He said he could not tell what he should do, but at present he is not a candidate, and does not think he will become one. “It is too early to talk about these matters now,” he said, “and if the new Congressmen are nominated at large, by a State Convention, it will take a pretty strong man and an active man to make it. I don’t propose to sacrifice myself.” My impression is that the Senator would like to go to Congress.
Speaking of other possible candidates, he mentioned Hon. S. R. Peters as a strong man and said he thought he would try to get the nomination. Of Senator Sluss, of Sedgwick County, he said, “He is the brainiest man in this part of the State, affable and courteous and with an ability which has been and is acknowledged, and cannot be questioned. We all know that he has the capacity to represent us in Congress, and do it well. We wouldn’t be ashamed of him.” This I consider a generous compliment to a gentleman who deserves all the praise that could be given him.
Senator Hackney spoke in the highest terms of praise of Mr. J. W. Ady, of Newton, also, and counted him as a probable candidate. Mr. Hackney is a stalwart of the most marked type, and one of the most prominent young men in the State. He is an able lawyer, and I think is making money in his profession. Mrs. Hackney is spending the summer at Manitou, and the Senator dines at the Williams House, where I was his guest for supper. CLIFF.
Cowley County Courant, November 17, 1881.
And now Judge Gans says the Courier owes him about $11,500. This may seem like a considerable sum for a country newspaper to pay, but it will prove a lesson, no doubt, to the careless proprietors for saying a judge’s salary is $12,000, when in reality it is only $500. These newspaper men who are always advocating the cutting down of everyone’s salary, except their own, are very liable to mix things up a little.
Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.
The new town of Robinson, New Mexico, is attaining a remarkable growth. Fifteen houses are now up and occupied, and dozens of others are contracted for and the prospective owners are impatient because material cannot be brought in fast enough. When it is remembered that the city is but six weeks old, and that as yet it has not got a post office, our eastern friends can get an idea of how a western town is built. The Socorro Miner lies before us containing a two-column article on Robinson and the mines surrounding it.
A careful perusal of this satisfies us that M. L. has “struck it rich,” and that his town is bound to be the Leadville of New Mexico. Miners and speculators are flocking in by the hundreds and three newspapers will be footing within a fortnight. We are proud of Robinson and of its success for it is a Winfield institution, as it were, and we always sigh for provo-cation to assert that Winfield can beat the whole Arkansas Valley put together when it comes to building towns and railroads and other enterprises that require brains, capital, and energy.
Winfield Courier, February 9, 1882.
Barnum has begun already to send out marked copies of New York newspapers to the rural press, with elaborate and stunning articles setting forth the marvels of his show for 1882. His colored aggregation will be more colossal than ever before. Hitherto it has been simply the most gigantic amusement enterprise on the globe. This year it will be the most stupendously grand achievement ever conceived by the mind of finite man, overshadowing in its wonderful immensity anything ever dreamed of since the world was evolved out of chaos. And the frescoed Greek, Captain Costentenus, is still with the show.
Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.
M. L. Robinson returned from New Mexico last week. He brings favorable news from all our folks there. Vinnie Beckett and Jim Hill will soon have their newspaper going. Dr. and Mrs. Black opened out the “Black Range Hotel” with a grand dinner last Saturday. They are well pleased with the location and the prospects. M. L. is as enthusiastic as ever over the prospects of the town, and if his energy can’t make it win, it is useless for anyone else to try.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, May 31, 1882. Front Page.
Twenty-seven years ago there were ten newspapers in Kansas. Now there are 354.
Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.
Postmaster General Timothy Howe has recommended to Congress to abolish all postage on newspapers and magazines, transporting them through the mails absolutely free to all subscribers whether within or outside of the county of publication.
At first blush this would seem to the country newspaper man to be a good thing, but when we presented the matter in a short speech to the Neosho Valley Editorial Association last Friday, that body of editors unanimously passed a resolution opposing the measure and asking our congressional delegation to oppose it.
The points to which we call the attention of Western newspaper men are these.
Under the present postage laws, newspapers and magazines are passed through the mails to subscribers free within the counties of their publication and at the rate of two cents a pound all over the United States and territories outside of the counties of publication. The great Eastern Journals even now flood the whole country with a tremendous quantity of these periodicals through the mails at rates probably less than one half of what it actually costs the government to transport them and therefore at the expense of the letter postage. The country and Western newspaper men are working in competition with this enormous flood of papers sent among us by these great eastern monopolies. Practically all the paper and material we use in Kansas in the manufacture of newspapers, comes from the east, and we have to pay more than two cents a pound in freights on it. If we buy of paper mills nearer home, we pay just enough higher than eastern mills charge to make up the difference in freights, so it amounts to just the same thing as though we bought everything in New York and paid more than two cents a pound to freight our whole supplies to Kansas. So even now the government is granting an exclusive privilege to these great eastern publishing houses in transporting their paper to compete with ours in the mails at less rates than we can get in any way, even by the slow freight lines. If we ask the government to transport our paper, it charges us sixteen cents a pound and limits us to four pound bundles, so of course we cannot avail ourselves of the mails to any considerable extent because we print our papers here and after transportation while they print before transportation and theirs is transported through the mails as printed matter. Of course, we cannot put our papers into the eastern markets to compete with them at home, if for no other reason, because we have to pay transportation both ways while they can compete with us at our home with transportation only one way and that at the lowest rate. In this matter they now have a fearful advantage of us already.
But it is now proposed to crush us out by making their transportation entirely free at the expense of the government while we are still to be compelled to pay present rates of transportation from the east all because our paper is printed in the west instead of the east. And this is not all.
While we would have to pay all our own transportation and the government would pay theirs, it would tax us to help carry their papers free. Thus it is proposed to build up the enormous monopolies of the east and crush out the local newspapers of the country and the west. The argument used by these eastern monopolies in favor of free transportation of newspapers and magazines is: that these are great educators and it would encourage the cause of education and the dissemination of knowledge.
Have not we in the West and in the small towns of the whole country as good a right to educate our people and disseminate knowledge among them as has the New York Herald and that class of monopolies. Those papers do not and cannot furnish our people with all they want to know, nor with the most important information to our people, the local matters of the county, and a great variety of matter which only local newspapers can furnish their readers. We have as good a right to a bonus for furnishing our local readers with this matter as has the New York Herald for furnishing them with reports of speeches and similar matter which we do not give. Certainly it I an outrage to tax us to give the great monopolies of the east a bonus to help them compete with us. If the government would also transport our unprinted paper to us free as well as their printed paper to compete with ours, then the advantage it now proposes to give them would not be so great, and it might enable us to furnish our readers all the information these great eastern papers are giving, in addition to the local matter of value which they do not and cannot give. If any deserve a bonus from the government, it is the weak rather than the millionaire.
Hitherto the post office department has not been self-sustaining because of the cost of transportation of this second-class matter at rates so much less than it actually costs the government. It is now hoped that the profits on letter transportation will be sufficient to more than cover the deficiency in newspaper postage receipts and it is now proposed to collect enough revenue from postage on letters to carry the enormous bulk sent out by those great publication offices free. The reason and justice of this does not appear. If the department is in danger of creating a surplus revenue that it does not known what to do with, would it not be a little more honest to reduce the rates of postage on letters than it would be to make the letter writers pay a bonus to these great monopolies? Common honesty would require that the reduction be made in favor of the overtaxed instead of in favor of the undertaxed.
We call upon our brethren of the press to look into this matter and raise their voices against the proposed outrage, and we call upon our delegation in congress to defeat the measure.
Cowley County Courant, June 29, 1882.
A well developed able bodied lie can out travel any other one thing on earth. Here is a case in point. J. L. Berkey, a former citizen of this place but now of Kansas City, had a leaky gasoline lamp. The oil on the outside caught fire and made a blaze, but did no damage. Some enterprising fellow started the lie that a gasoline stove had exploded in Mr. Berkey’s house. The newspapers got it, and then of course the case was hopeless. That unmitigated lie soon spread itself over Missouri and Kansas and at last accounts, was tearing like mad across the Rockies, and where it will stop nobody can foresee. In vain, Mr. Berkey publishes a card in the Kansas City papers, that he doesn’t even own a gasoline stove.
Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.
Vale, Courant.
The Cowley County Courant, Daily and Weekly, is dead. The Daily died on July 1st after eight months of fitful existence. The Weekly lingered until last week and died at the age of eight months and a week. The remains were taken in hand by George Rembaugh and Sam E. Davis, and from its ashes a “thoroughbred” democratic weekly will be raised up. It will assume the name of Telegram, and once more the old condition of things is resumed, and the COURIER and Telegram, as in days of yore, will represent the principles of the two great political parties. And it is better for all that this is the case. The interests of the county, the state, and the nation demand that there be two active, belligerent parties. There is a good, strong democratic minority in this county, and it needs an organ. Now that it has one, we hope to see it well supported. Messrs. Rembaugh and Davis are live, energetic young men and can do the work as well or better than anyone we know of. Mr. Davis is a life-long democrat, by birth and education, and should have the full confidence and support of his party. The suspension of the Courant but illustrates what we have all along known to be a fact—that it is impossible to bore a three inch hole with a two inch augur. Mr. Allison tried it and was bruised. Mr. Black got all he wanted and let go. But to Mr. Steinberger belongs the honor of mashing the old thing all to pieces.
A newspaper is grown, not made. All the money one wants cannot make a ten-year-old newspaper in six months. To be a success it must be built up from a solid foundation and its growth nurtured, and watched and cared for, until it is finally established in the homes and hearts of the people—a citadel from which only the grossest mismanagement can dislodge it. So long as its power is for good it will flourish—when for evil its ruin and downfall are rapid and complete.
The Daily is dead, very dead, and will sleep sweetly until some venturesome and mis-guided Gabriel imagines that his mission is to resurrect it. He will afterwards discover that he is a badly fooled Gabriel.
Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.
The editor of the Douglass Index was attacked and considerably mashed up by a saloon keeper of that place last week. As usual in such cases, the saloon-keeper finds he hasn’t “mashed the machine,” as the Index is after him warmer than ever. The man who takes exceptions to a newspaper squib and goes to lick the editor for it, does a very foolish thing. In nine cases out of ten, he finds he has barked up the wrong tree and retreats in as good order as circumstances will permit. Nothing is ever heard of the encounter. If he should be so unfortunate as to lick the editor, he had better open negotiations for a hole in which to hide his head. He will need one.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
The postal service of the country is self sustaining for the first time in thirty years. This has been brought about by wise legislation and wise economy. Postage on letters and news-papers should now be reduced, or rather, on the latter it should be abolished altogether. Republican members of congress can score a big point by attending to this. K. C. Journal.
Yes, the abolition of postage on newspapers altogether would be a fine ticket for a Republican congress to go before the people with. As it is, the letter writers pay many millions of dollars annually in postage on their letters to support the department in carrying newspapers at one-tenth of the actual cost of carrying them to the department. Letters pay an average postage of more than one dollar per pound. Newspapers are carried, say, one half of them at two cents per pound and the other half free, making an average of about one cent per pound. The actual cost to the department for carrying newspapers is much greater than for carrying letters, yet the revenue from letters is perhaps one hundred times as much as for carrying newspapers. The only claim which is put forth for free newspaper carriage is that newspapers are educators and government should carry them free, to promote education and intelligence among the people. If true, is that any reason that the letter writers should be compelled to educate the people at their sole expense? Is not letter writing a means of education too? On the same plea, why should not the government carry all letters free? Why should this means of education be taxed five or ten times its cost to the government to pay for carrying the other means of education free?
But this is not the real reason why there is a clamor for free transportation of newspapers. The clamor originates with great monopolies in the east and is intended to secure a still greater monopoly. The great metropolitan journals have all the advantage as it is, over the journals of the smaller cities and towns throughout the country, in the fact that the govern-ment carries their paper in the mails at the rate of two cents a pound for any distance because it is printed before shipment from the headquarters of supplies to the publishers in the other towns throughout the Union for less than sixteen cents a pound and then it is limited to four pound packages while the monopolists can ship their wares by the ton. Thus these great monopolies can compete with the lesser journals of the country with an advantage of fourteen cents a pound, given them by the government, and the government collects this vast bonus to the monopolists from the letter writers.
But the monopolies would say: The country journals need not ship by mail, for they can buy their paper nearer home and ship by railroad when their freight need not cost them more than two cents per pound. We answer that wherever we buy, the cost will not be less laid down at our door than if we should buy in New York, and to most of the country the lowest freights from New York on printing paper is much over two cents a pound; but, if it were not, it affords no excuse for asking the government to carry for monopolists free. Again they tell us that the newspapers published in small towns now circulate through the mails free in their own counties. True, and so do the great metropolitan journals, and these latter get many times more benefit from their free county circulation than the former.
Some of these great monopolies are supposed to make half a million or more of dollars a year out of their newspapers. The New York Herald, for instance, probably makes consid-erable more than that. It pays perhaps a hundred thousand dollars a year postage on its circulation or rather as freight through the mails at the extremely low rate of two cents a pound. Why should the government give that paper a bonus of a hundred thousand dollars a year in addition to the bonus it already gives it by carrying its circulation for half a million less than it costs the government?
How would it do for government to carry dry goods free for A. T. Stewart & Co., or other New York monopolists to customers in Winfield in order to give them an advantage over Baird, Lynn, Baden, McDonald, and Hahn in this market?
The newspapers all over the country ought to raise their voices, write their members of congress, and frown this thing down.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 21, 1883.
Newspapers going through the mail must be prepaid in full; 1 cent for every two ounces or they are not forwarded. Packages one cent per ounce.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 28, 1883.
The newspaper men of the State have founded the State Historical Library, and through it have given the State, as a free gift, over two thousand of their newspaper files. Our Historical Library now contains over fourteen thousand books, pamphlets, and newspaper files. We have already made a far better miscellaneous and historical library than the State Library has done in all the years of its existence. And now the Topeka City Library Associa-tion has fastened its buildings on the State House grounds with a view to absorb all the library work of the State. If this library question is not settled now, it will cause endless trouble for the Historical Society, after all it has done for the State. It will never give up its just demands in this matter. It will be a shame to keep up two, and with another added, three conflicting libraries, and thus cripple and discourage the Historical Society in its work of contributing so much to the State. Of Cowley County newspapers, there are now 42 volumes in the Historical Library.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 28, 1883.
Worth a Thought.
The following from the Caldwell Commercial we submit to our millers as showing how they appear away from home. We must, however, call attention to the fact that W. H. Speers is an exception to the rule, as his “ad” of the “Eagle Mills” has been in the TRAVELER for several months past.
“The other day one of our merchants walked into the Commercial office and asked to look over our Arkansas City exchanges. We handed him the last issue of the TRAVELER and Democrat, both of which he looked over carefully, and then inquired the names of the mills in Arkansas City, as he couldn’t find an advertisement, nor any mention of a mill being in the town in the columns of either paper. We presume that the Arkansas City millers labor under the impression that ‘advertising don’t pay.’ And that if their home papers do their full duty, they will state week after week for the ‘benefit of the town,’ that John Jones, Bill Smith, et al, are running mills and have flour for sale. Of course, it don’t enter the heads of the aforesaid millers that they, as well as the newspaper publishers, are under any obligations to do anything for the town. They deem their Christian example and the enterprise they have shown in setting up a business, but of which they can make from 20 to 50 percent on the capital invested, a sufficient compensation for all the favors the local newspapers can shower upon them. They forget that in the live towns of the west there must first be newspapers and that newspapers, more than upon any other influence, make it possible for enterprises like the milling business to establish themselves in such towns. A business that won’t pay to advertise in this day and generation, ought not to exist. It don’t supply a want, and therefore it might just as well draw out of the contest, and the milling business is no exception.
Caldwell Commercial.
Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.
What Disinterested Citizens of Other States Think of Cowley County.
We clip the following extract from an article published in the Kansas City Daily Times of May 20th last.
After making mention of the splendid condition of our crops at that time it says:
“Old settlers of eastern Kansas, who think they have lived in an age of progress and enterprise, while witnessing the growth and development of this portion of the state, will be convinced that they have been eclipsed in enterprise by other sections by visiting the Arkansas Valley. Take the county of Cowley. Twelve years ago there was not a white settler in it; today it claims a population of 25,000 souls, and has thriving cities and towns well improved, and productive farms and five newspapers, some with daily editions and steam presses. The only inducement offered for the settlement of this section was the productive quality of its soil. There were no mineral deposits to offer attractions to the settlers. What other part of the world can show a like development within the short space of twelve years, where no promise of returns were assured save from what could be produced from the soil? The county of Cowley will make exhibits at the Bismarck fair next fall. No other section of the state has more or better material for an attractive agricultural display than that portion of the Arkansas Valley. These displays not only show the stranger what that section can pro-duce but they will also exhibit the character of the people making them. An inspection of the exhibitors will be as fully interesting and instructive as a view of the articles exhibited. The stranger will see in these exhibitors, intelligent, wide awake and stirring people, with hope fully developed, self-reliant, unlimited confidence in the possibilities, and undying faith in the grand future of their section. To converse with and grasp the warm hands of such people is a pleasure and treat to the stranger. All honor and success to the exhibits at Bismarck of the county of Cowley.”
Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.
Nowadays when a subscriber gets so mad because an editor differs with him on some question that he discontinues his subscription and “stops his paper,” we remind him of a good anecdote of the late Horace Greeley. Passing down Newspaper Row in New York City, one morning, he met one of his readers, who exclaimed: “Mr. Greeley, after the article you published this morning, I intend to stop your paper.” “Oh! No,” said Mr. Greeley, “don’t do that.” “Yes, sir, my mind is made up, and I shall stop the paper.” The angry subscriber was not to be appeased, and they separated. Late in the afternoon the two met again, and Mr. Greeley remarked: “Mr. Thompson, I am glad you did not carry out your threat this morning.” “What do you mean?” “Why, you said you were going to stop my paper.” “And so I did; I went to your office and had your paper stopped.” “You surely are mistaken; I have just come from there, and the presses were running and business booming.” “Sir,” said Thompson, very pompously, “I meant I intended to stop my subscription to your paper.” “Oh, thunder!” rejoined Greeley, “I thought you were going to stop the running of my paper and knock me out of business. My friend, let me tell you something; one man is just a drop of water in the ocean. You didn’t set the machinery of this world in motion, and you can’t stop it; and when you are underneath the ground things on the surface will wag on just the same as ever.” We would respectfully refer the words of the ancient philosopher to a certain irate gentleman nearer home. They are true as gospel.
Refers to C. M. Scott...articles...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 11, 1883.
“Farmer” Scott sold two fat hogs last week weighing 765 lbs. for 6-1/2 cents, per lb. C. M. says there is more money in raising hogs than running a newspaper.
“Farmer” Scott sold two fat hogs last week weighing 765 pounds for 6-1/2 cents per pound. C. M. says there is more money in raising hogs than running a newspaper.
Winfield Courier, March 22, 1883.
Ante-Diluvian Kansans.
It is well known that the wrought-stone implements found in the ancient river gravels of California prove conclusively that during or before the glacial period the Pacific coast was inhabited by man. In a report on archaeological explorations in Kansas, Judge E. P. West of that state, a large amount of evidence to show that at an equally remote period that region was peopled by a race compared with whom the mound builders must be accounted modern.
The geology of the region is simple. Prior to the drift epoch the river channels were deeper than now, and the river valleys were lower. Subsequently the valleys were filled by a lacustrian deposit of considerable depth. In or beneath this last deposit the remains of an extinct race occur.
Such remains have been found at various depths in seven different counties along or near the Kansas Pacific railroad, namely, Douglas, Pottawatomie, Riley, Dickinson, Marion, Ellsworth, and Lincoln counties. With one exception the remains have been found on the second bottom or terrace of streams, and consist of stone implements, pottery, human bones, and bone implements. In most cases they were struck in digging wells at a depth of from twenty to thirty feet below the surface. In view of the fact that there is not more than one well to the square mile in the counties named, and the area of a well forms but a very small fraction of a square mile, Judge West thinks the evidence already obtained not only sufficient to prove the former existence of the buried race, but to prove that they were very numerous. We can hardly assume that chance has directed the digging of wells only where human remains were buried.
Whether this race existed before the glacial epoch, or immediately after it, is too early to determine. Judge West is inclined to fix their time of occupancy as after the glacial epoch and prior to the deposition of the loess. In calling upon the local newspapers of Kansas to lay the facts before the people and urging the propriety of saving such remains when found, and noting carefully the conditions under which they occur, the Judge says:
“Here we have a buried race enwrapped in a profound and startling mystery—a race whose appearance and exit in the world’s drama precede stupendous geological changes marking our continent, and which, perhaps require hundreds of thousands of years in their accomplishment. The prize is no less than determining when this mysterious people lived, how they lived, when they passed out of existence, and why they became extinct.
Scientific American.
Winfield Courier, April 12, 1883.
The Atlantic & Pacific will be opened as a new California route in a few weeks. The last number of the Santa Fe Trail gives the following interesting description of the route through Arizona and the Grand Canon of the Colorado.
“The Atlantic & Pacific is a well-built and well-equipped road, and in connection with the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, promises to become a popular route to the coast, on account of its scenic and historic attractions. From the time the train leaves Albuquerque till it reaches the ‘Golden Gate’ at San Francisco, the very cream of American scenery is presented to the traveler. The Indian villages, the houses of the Cliff dwellers, and the Mound-builders; the Pueblos of the Zunis, whose strange life has been the subject of so much newspaper and magazine description during the past year; the lava beds and extinct craters in the San Mateo mountains; the new ‘Garden of the Gods,’ near Chaves station; that wonderful piece of natural architecture, the Navajo church, near Wingate; Pyramid Rock, in the same vicinity, from the top of which the sight-seer may enjoy a view of a landscape of indescribable grandeur, over a hundred miles in extent; the wooded sides of the San Francisco mountains, which stand like the pillars of Hercules, away down the slope toward the western sea; the beauties of Clear Creek canon, whose walls are decorated with the strange hieroglyphics of the Cliff dwellers; Canon Diablo, that great gorge on the face of the level plain, over which the track passes on a bridge 225 feet high, and only 560 feet long; the petrified forest near Billings—these are only a few of the many scenic attractions of this route, and none of these are worthy to be compared with the Grand Canon of the Colorado, distant only eighteen miles from Peach Springs station.
“‘There are,’ says Nordhoff, ‘Americans who saw Rome before they saw Niagara, who saw Mount Blanc before they saw the Yosemite, and who saw the Alps and the Pyrenees before they saw the Rockies and the Sierras. Let them have seen all of these, with the Urals, the Andes, and the Himalayas thrown in; let them have seen the boiling geyser of Iceland, and the belching craters of Aetna and Chimborazo; let them have looked upon the wonders of the Yellowstone, and listened to the roar of Niagara; let them have traversed all the rest of the world, and until they have seen the Grand Canon of the Colorado, the world’s greatest wonder yet awaits them.
“Imagine Mount Washington cleft from crest to base, and the sides of the chasm pushed apart half a mile. Then imagine enough Mount Washington split in like manner and put irregularly together to form a zig-zag canon 300 miles long, and you have some idea of what this canon is. Perpendicular walls on either side of the river 5,000 to 7,000 feet in the air. Think of it! More than a mile of rock towering above you! From Peach Springs station on the Atlantic & Pacific railroad there is a descending cellar-way entrance eighteen miles long, to the Grand Canon. It is called Diamond Wash. You can drive down the incline the whole way in a carriage, the sides rising above you as you advance. Look down from the lofty brink and you see the river, like a silver thread, following the contour of the mighty abyss. Look up from beneath through your mile-high prison walls, count the stars at mid-day, and realize that a cannon ball would hardly reach the lofty summit.”
Winfield Courier, April 12, 1883.
PRESS ASSOCIATION. The Annual Meeting of the Kansas Press Association will take place at Winfield, Wednesday, May 9th, 1883. The session will open at 2 o’clock p.m., of that day, at the Opera House, when the further time of the convention will be arranged.
The editors of the state will procure their own transportation to and from the city, but such as will join in an excursion to Chihuahua, Mexico, will leave here on a special train at about midnight on Thursday night. No man will be allowed to go on this excursion unless he is a real newspaper man and engaged in newspaper work. He may take along with him his wife, daughter, sister, or sweetheart. A special train of sleeping cars and a baggage car will leave Kansas City at 10 o’clock p.m., of the 9th, reach here on the morning of the 10th, and leave here with the excursionists about 12 o’clock p.m., of same day or night. The excursion will stop at Last Vegas Hot Springs, Santa Fe, Albuquerque, El Paso, an Chihuahua. It will return in time to reach Kansas City on the evening of the 18th.
The expenses will be $15 for each berth in the sleeping cars and 60 cents per meal at the eating stations, with such other expenses as individual may choose.
So far as entertainment here the editors do not ask the citizens of Winfield to entertain them free, but desire us to secure them places to stay as the hotels will be more than full; but we desire that they shall be treated to the hospitalities of this city, and shall ask our citizens to entertain them with their usual kindness and liberality.
Winfield Courier, April 26, 1883.
Captain Rowley, of the Kansas City Times, has been doing Southern Kansas this week. We met him at Geuda Springs Sunday. The Captain is an old newspaper man. He has a sort of a Baron Munchansen way of talking about circulation which is decidedly refreshing. We asked him if the Times’ circulation was on the increase. “On the increase, did you say? Well, I should smile! Thousand a week—seventy-five thousand weeklies now—hundred thousand in another month. Why, we have seven men at work day and night setting up new names for the weekly list. It takes thirty girls to enter the names and keep the subscription accounts. We’ve got twenty-thousand dollars worth of postage stamps on hand, received from subscribers in the far west where postal orders and drafts are not to be had. Yes, our circulation is on the increase.” We observed that during the recital of these harrowing details, the Captain was looking straight out before him, where, in full view, the mighty “Nile of America hungrily reaches westward, a vast, lonely sea,” and we excused him with the hope that it was only an attack of “Kansas palingenesis.”
Winfield Courier, May 3, 1883.
Editorial Convention.
We have notices from the Press of the state that the following named gentlemen and ladies will be present at Winfield on the 9th representing the several newspapers named respectively.
J. E. Rastall, Chronicle, Burlingame.
H. W. Young, Star, Independence.
Will D. Wright & H. D. Gordon, Leader, Hepler.
O. S. Munsell and wife, Republican, Council Grove.
E. H. Snow and wife, Journal & Triumph, Ottawa.
S. P. Moore, Globe-News, Cherryvale.
A. L. Rivers and daughter, Times, Chanute.
H. B. Kelly and wife, Freeman, McPherson.
Albert Griffin and wife, Nationalist, Manhattan.
E. M. Shelton, Mrs. Wilder & Mrs. Ward, Industrialist, Manhattan.
G. F. Kimball and daughter, Sun, Lawrence.
J. J. Burke, Free Press, Colony.
Geo. W. Cooper and wife, Journal, Garnett.
H. T. Turner & Miss J. J. Crouse, Journal, Sedan.
R. G. Ward and wife, Times, Sedan.
S. O. Ebersole, Sentinel, Minneapolis.
F. D. Coburn, Indicator, Kansas City, Missouri.
C. H. Van Fassen, Globe, Kansas City, Kansas.
F. P. Baker, N. R. Baker and wife, Commonwealth, Topeka.
L. W. Robinson, Argus, Winchester.
G. N. Broadbere, Mirror, Tonganoxie.
F. Meredith, wife, son, and daughter, Journal, Anthony.
C. I. Eccles, Border Star, Columbus.
E. D. Carr, Irrigator, Garden City.
D. L. Grace & T. J. Alexander, Herald, Girard.
Mrs. N. Grace & Miss I. Roberts, Life Boat, Girard.
O. G. Leabhart and lady, Sentinel, Harper.
J. E. Watrous and wife, Independent, Burlington.
J. H. Brady, Register, Enterprise.
Noble Prentis & J. A. Martin, Champion, Atchison.
Fred Glick and lady, Executive office, Topeka.
F. G. Prouty and Mrs. Col. Prouty, Executive office, Topeka.
T. P. Fulton, Democrat, El Dorado.
W. P. Campbell, wife and daughter, Reporter, Wamego.
I. W. Patrick and wife, Republican, Oswego.
J. A. Udden & E. Neilander, Kansas Posten, Lindsborg.
A. Shelden, Times, El Dorado.
I. T. Goodenow and lady, Republic, Manhattan.
J. W. Remington and two daughters, Friend, Leavenworth.
J. T. Highley, Spirit, Paola.
A. M. Moyer, Gazette, Wyandotte.
E. D. Bowen, Pioneer, Smith Center.
G. F. King, Democrat, Oswego.
H. A. Perkins and wife, Register, Iola.
W. D. Greason, Republican, Paola.
V. J. Lane and daughter, Herald, Wyandotte.
J. H. Gilkey, News, Greeley.
G. D. Ingersoll and wife, New Era, Valley Falls.
A. D. Brown, wife and sister, Patriot, Burlington.
H. S. Heap and wife, Republican, Osage Mission.
J. H. Downing and wife, Star Sentinel, Hays City.
F. Bacon and wife, Real Estate, Chanute.
F. H. Roberts and one other, Independent, Oskaloosa.
A. B. Wilder, Journal, Scandia.
H. A. Heath, Farmer, Topeka.
Winfield Courier, May 3, 1883.
The telephone line to Arkansas City is being put in, and communication will be estab-lished before a week.
Winfield Courier, May 10, 1883.
Skipped the annual convention at Winfield of Kansas Editors and Publishers Association, held at Manning’s Hall, Winfield, May 9th and 10th.
Some names mentioned: On motion of A. B. Lemmon, a committee of five, consisting of A. B. Lemmon, Jacob Stotler, J. A. Udden, E. H. Snow, and W. H. Morgan was appointed to nominate officers of the Association for the ensuing year. Ex-Mayor M. G. Troup deliv-ered a lengthy address on the 10th...paper printed the whole thing!
Winfield Courier, May 10, 1883.
The following persons have been assigned berths in sleeping cars on the editorial excursion, which leaves Winfield Thursday night at 11 p.m., on a special train for Chihuahua, Old Mexico.
J. E. Watrous and wife, Burlington Independent.
W. P. Campbell and wife, an old member of the association at Wamego.
R. M. Chilcott, Louisville Republic.
A. B. Whiting and wife, North Topeka Times.
H. A. Perkins and wife, Iola Courant.
J. H. Downing and wife, Hays City Star-Sentinel.
W. T. McElroy and wife, Humboldt Union.
F. G. Adams and wife, historical secretary of the association.
Chas. M. Lucas and wife, Cherokee Sentinel.
H. S. Heap and wife, Neosho Republican.
A. N. Moyer, Wyandotte Gazette.
V. J. Lane, Wyandotte Herald.
Fletcher Meredith and daughter, Anthony Journal.
E. N. Morrill, M. C., and wife Hiawatha.
E. A. Henthorn and wife, Burden Enterprise.
E. P. Greer and wife, Winfield Courier.
H. P. Standley and wife, Arkansas City Traveler.
J. T. Highley, Paola Spirit.
W. D. Greason, Paola Republican.
C. C. Black and wife, Winfield Telegram.
J. W. Patrick and wife, Oswego Republican.
D. R. Anthony and wife, Leavenworth Times.
W. N. Allen and wife, Topeka Journal.
W. M. Allison and wife, Wellingtonian.
W. O. Graham and wife, Harper Times.
H. M. Young, Independence Star.
O. Leabhart and wife, Harper Sentinel.
T. C. Case and wife, Kansas City Review of Science.
C. S. Seller and wife, Kinsley Graphic.
Mr. Edwards and wife, Kinsley Graphic.
Mrs. E. F. Campbell and Mrs. Scott, old members.
J. Dillon and wife, Garden City Herald.
J. R. Homes and wife, Garden City Herald.
W. D. Wright and H. D. Gordon, Harper Leader.
W. B. Sweezey and wife, Halstead Independent.
A. L. Rives and daughter, Chanute Times.
F. Bacon and wife, old members of the association, Chanute.
G. W. Cooper and wife, Garnett Journal.
I. T. Goodnow and wife, Manhattan Republican.
O. S. Munsell and wife, Council Grove Republican.
S. O. Eversoll, Minneapolis Sentinel.
R. G. Ward and wife, Sedan Times.
R. S. Turner and wife, Sedan Journal.
E. W. Ward and wife, Lyons Democrat.
F. D. Moriarity, Council Grove Cosmos.
L. C. Brown and sister, Nickerson Argosy.
A. W. Bunker and wife, Western Newspaper Union.
G. A. McCarter, Neodesha Press.
N. R. Baker and wife, Topeka Commonwealth.
Mrs. Col. Prouty and son, old members.
Fred Glick, invited guest.
Webb McNall, Gaylord Herald.
Mr. Harman, Valley Falls Liberal.
G. D. Ingersoll and wife, Valley Falls New Era.
Jacob Stotler, wife and daughter, of Emporia News, and Miss Murdock of the Wichita Eagle.
H. Buckingham and sister-in-law, Miss Marshall, Concordia Empire.
H. B. Kelly, McPherson Freeman.
W. H. Morgan and wife, Peabody Gazette.
N. L. Prentis, Atchison Champion, and Mrs. C. D. Moore and Mrs. Carrie Anderson, his invited guests.
A. A. Richards, Wellington Press.
Clark Conklin and sister, Lyons Republican.
A. Griffin and wife, Manhattan Nationalist, and Mrs. C. F. Wilder, and Mrs. Ward, their invited guests.
E. M. Shelton, Manhattan Industrialist.
F. D. Coborn, Kansas City Indicator.
A. D. Brown, wife and sister, Burlington Patriot.
O. J. Cowles, wife and daughter, and their invited guest, Mrs. Chrisman, of the Kansas Methodist.
G. W. Sweezey and wife, of Halstead, Vice President of the association.
J. E. McArthur, of Kinsley, an old member of the Arkansas State Association.
G. W. Martin, wife and daughter, Junction City Union.
A. B. Wilder, Scandia Journal.
Mrs. Mary McGill, Oswego Independent.
Mrs. W. A. Morgan, Cottonwood Falls Leader.
F. P. Baker, president of the association.
The above includes every berth in the three sleepers ordered.
The following persons have asked to go and some or all of them probably will, riding in a good day coach.
W. L. Evans, Russell Record.
H. C. Root and wife, Atchison Champion.
C. C. Dart and lady, University paper at Lawrence.
Rev. Geo. Winterbourne, Kansas Methodist.
L. W. Robinson, Winchester Argus.
F. P. Richardson and sister, Wellington Democrat.
D. L. Grace and three others, Garnet Herald.
L. W. and J. W. Roberts, Oskaloosa Independent.
W. A. Morgan, Cottonwood Falls Leader.
E. O. Perkins, Oswego Independent.
Wm. Hollingsworth, Chieftain, Vinita, Indian Territory.
J. H. Gilkey, Greely News.
Geo. F. King, Oswego Democrat.
J. W. Tibbetts and wife, press agent at Halstead.
I. N. McDonald, Burlingame Herald.
C. M. Sheldon, Burlingame Chronicle.
J. A. Udden and Ed. Neilander, Lindsborg Swedish paper.
R. P. Rice, Ft. Scott Monitor.
If some of those who have been assigned berths should not go, their places will be filled first by those who applied for berths before April 30th. Of course, those who have no berths will not have to pay for them. The berths have all been assigned. When the cars get on the track at Winfield, they will be marked No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3. Parties having at the hall in Winfield received from the president, or someone acting for him, a berth check, on which is not only the number of his or her berth, but the number of the car to which they are assigned, will when they go to the depot get into the car corresponding with the number on the check. A porter will be at each car to assist in showing parties their proper places.
The excursion train consists of one baggage car, one day coach, and three Pullman sleepers. It will leave Winfield at 11 p.m., Thursday, May 10th.
Leave Newton at 2 a.m., Friday, the 11th, and arrive at Kinsley to breakfast at 7 a.m. Arrive at Garden City at 11 a.m., on the 11th. Stay there till 3 p.m., the excursionists being the guests of the citizens of that place. Dinner will be served at Jones’ hall.
Arrive at West Las Animas at 7:20 p.m., and leave at 8 p.m., Friday, the 11th.
Arrive at Las Vegas at 7 a.m., Saturday, the 12th of May, and stay there and at the Hot Springs until 7 a.m., Sunday, May 13th.
Arrive at Santa Fe at 12 m. Sunday, the 13th, and leave there at 6 p.m. and go direct to El Paso, where, it is expected, we will arrive at 9 a.m., Monday, the 14th.
Leave El Paso at 3 to 4 p.m., and arrive at Chihuahua some time before daylight Tuesday, the 15th.
Leave Chihuahua at such time Tuesday afternoon or night as to be able to reach El Paso to an early breakfast Wednesday, the 16th. After breakfast leave El Paso, and reach Albu-querque some time in the afternoon of that day. Leave Albuquerque at such time Thursday as to be able to reach Las Vegas to breakfast at 6 a.m., Friday, the 18th. Leave Las Vegas after breakfast and run to Trinidad, arriving about 1 to 2 p.m., and stay there, the guests of the city, three or four hours, leaving there in time to reach Kinsley to breakfast Saturday morning the 19th, and then home, reaching this city before night of that day.
At Albuquerque the people propose some “doings,” and as many of them are old acquaintances from Kansas, it will be agreeable.
The president desires to say again that it is best for the excursionists to provide them-selves with hampers of provisions and recruit them along the road. It was found to be impossible to be always at eating stations at reasonable hours, and at the same time fix the time table so as to go over the whole line by daylight and make the trip in ten days.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1883.
The Arkansas editors are now on a trip to Mexico, and the Kansas editors who start for the same place will probably meet them somewhere.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1883.
The editorial excursion reached Garden City at 11 o’clock Friday morning and found carriages in waiting to convey the entire party through the neighborhood, where the success of irrigation was demonstrated in thousands of acres of growing grain and trees. After examining the agricultural features of the country, the party indulged in the sport of a jack rabbit hunt. The teams, thirty in number, formed in line on the open plain with a pack of hounds and the cavalcade in front, and at a given signal they advanced upon the game. A scene of the greatest excitement ensued. The horsemen and teams flew over the plains in a grand free-for-all race for a quarter of a mile and had the satisfaction of taking several fine rabbits, which they brought to town as trophies of the occasion. The affair was greatly enjoyed by all, and especially the ladies. A sumptuous dinner was then served in the church by the citizens of the town, after which speeches were indulged in until 2 o’clock, when the excursion party departed for the west. There are 158 persons in the party. The programme has been changed only in one respect, and that is to leave El Paso for Chihuahua at 1 p.m., instead of at 4.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1883.
Notes of the Arrangements.
The arrangements for receiving and entertaining the editorial fraternity were made in due season and were ample and complete as far as human foresight could make them; notwithstanding the work of preparation fell on a few and largely on us. C. C. Black of the Telegram was absent during the time the matter was worked and did not get back in time to share in the large amount of work of receiving and assigning the guests and providing for their pleasure and amusement. Geo. Rembaugh was left alone with all the work of getting up the Telegram on his shoulders, but he did it up well and got time to do much work on the preparation and entertainment.
Ed. P. Greer did a large amount of running around to help make the arrangements, but we felt that the main burden must rest on us, and spent our time in it under such cares and anxieties that it was a great relief to us when it was over.
We desire to specially notice the splendid day’s work put in by Messrs. W. P. Hackney, J. L. Horning, J. B. Lynn, and A. T. Spotswood in canvassing the city for money to pay the expenses of the affair. They raised the munificent sum of $265, a sum more than ample for all the expenses incurred. Each of them was enthusiastic and ready to help in any other way. Mr. Horning was situated so that he became an almost invaluable help in every way.
The committee on entertainment did not get at their work of canvassing for places of entertainment in season, but we scurried around a considerable in that work and then the Misses Millington got a team and C. C. Harris for driver and canvassed the whole city, securing entertainment with more than thirty of the best families in the city. C. C. Harris was helpful in various other ways.
J. P. Short has our thanks for valuable assistance in various work.
P. H. Albright took upon himself the work of procuring, sending out, and receiving the teams with which large numbers of visitors excurted about the city and vicinity. He was very helpful in various other ways and has our cordial thanks.
D. L. Kretsinger and W. J. Wilson managed the ball business, did a great amount of work, and secured a splendid success. We give them high credit and warm thanks.
Homer Fuller, W. H. Smith, and C. F. Bahntge are complimented for their many kind attentions to guests.
Those of our citizens mentioned elsewhere, who entertained guests at their houses, earned the high compliments which were lavished upon them by their guests, a great many of whom profusely thanked us for sending them to such good places. Each guest seemed to think that she or he had been specially favored by being sent to the best place. Many of these entertainers spent their time with their visitors, kept their teams ready, met them at the depot, drove them all about town whenever they would ride, and returned them to the depot when they wished to leave.
It is of course unfair to others to specially mention M. L. Read, J. S. Hunt, J. L. Horning, J. C. McMullen, in this connection, for others did the same thing, but these we happened to notice.
We had a better chance to observe J. D. Fuller than any other and he made us feel proud of our city by the many kind attentions he paid his guests, and his general helpfulness.
As a further sample we must mention one of our brightest, nicest young ladies—we do not give her name for fear of offending her—she was at the ball attended by her best young man and enjoying herself as only such bright natures can, when at midnight we introduced to her a gentleman and lady of the editorial fraternity and requested her to take them home with her and take care of them. “I will do it with pleasure,” said she, and she did. The next day we saw her in her father’s buggy with her guests on either side, she driving them all about the town, and chatting pleasantly with them, while they were enjoying the situation immensely. We are proud of that girl. We are proud of our citizens.
The program we had prepared for the convention was all broken up by the freight-train smash up near Carbondale, as were our arrangements for receiving and assigning guests. The main crowd, including the secretary, the orator of the day, the reader, and the band for the ball—which should have arrived before noon Wednesday—did not arrive until after 11 o’clock in the evening and the speeches and other business were put off from 2 p.m., Wednesday, to 11:00 a.m., Thursday morning. Then Prentis and the others were on hand and the meeting proceeded.
The great hit of the occasion was the song by the Arion Quartette, which we print in another place. This quartette consisted of E. F. Blair, G. I. Buckman, C. C. Black, and J. E. Snow. The song was composed by E. F. Blair. Their performance “brought down the house,” and they were twice so loudly and so long and persistently cheered and encored that they were compelled to come out again with a song. Then there was a great demand among the editors for a copy. It was with great difficulty that we induced Blair to give us a copy to be printed, he saying that “there was nothing to it but a little local trash which would be flat the moment that the occasion was past.” We printed and distributed 100 copies to the editors. A large number of the editorial party did not hear it and others wanted to hear it again, so we got up an informal social in the evening at the hall and there was a large crowd present when the Quartette was called out again, sang the song, and the plaudits and encores were greater than before. After singing two other songs, they retired. Mr. Buckman was the committee on music, and it must be said that he and his associates did themselves proud.
The address of Noble Prentis was a magnificent effort. Everyone was praising it. He told some truths which editors might do well to heed, but told them in his inimitable language and style, which is always appreciated. Perhaps no other editor in the state would have made so complete a success on so short a notice, only 2-1/2 hours. It was suggested that it might have been worse had he taken a whole year to prepare, but he never takes a whole year. He always writes off hand.
The ball on Wednesday evening was the finest affair ever held in Manning’s Hall. There were about 400 well dressed, good looking people in attendance. The music did not arrive from Wichita until after 11 o’clock on account of the delayed train, but Mr. Farringer had been doing what he could on the piano, and the dance had been proceeding for some time. When the band got in, they struck up and the music was superb. All seemed in good spirits and highly enjoying the occasion. The assembly broke up at about 2 o’clock, Thursday morning.
The general social at the hall Thursday evening was a very pleasant affair, but all were more or less tired and liked to sit, so that it was not so general a time for hand shakings and introductions as we had anticipated. We had hoped the editors and their ladies who were there would have been presented to our citizens more generally.
We were kept so very busy with the general matters to be attended to and the details of the entertainment that we did not have much chance to get acquainted with those to whom we had been strangers, but little time to enjoy the social phases of the occasion, and did not even meet to speak with many of our old editorial friends. While we regret this, we have our satisfaction in the belief that they were generally well cared for and that we did what we could to make their visit pleasant to them.
The assembly of editors which met at Winfield was an unusually well appearing, respectable, and intelligent body of men. There were a greater number of brainy men than are usually found in editorial conventions. The ladies were generally good looking, intelli-gent, social, and well dressed. As a body they made an excellent impression on our citizens. All of those who specially entertained editors and their ladies—so far as we have met them since—have expressed themselves as highly pleased with their guests, giving them credit for high qualities. Winfield people have usually been quite inclined to criticize, and when they approve, it is a high compliment.
Hon. F. P. Baker, the president of the Association, has done a very large amount of work in arranging for the annual meeting and the excursion and has done it well. His whole time was taken up while here in receiving applications and pay for berths, giving out tickets, figuring up the accounts, and much other business, and he was pretty well worked down when he left. The Association re-elected him president in recognition of his valuable services.
There were about twenty livery teams going during the afternoon of Thursday, carrying editors and their ladies about town and vicinity, besides many private teams.
Charles C. Black and wife and Ed. P. Greer are representing Winfield on the editorial excursion to Chihuahua. Rembaugh and ourself have no hair to spare to the Apaches, but Ed. and Charley being boys will, like Charley McComas, be tenderly cared for by Chief Chato.
Geo. Rembaugh is doing up the Telegram in good style. He is one of the really good newspaper men of the state. We think his paper the best got up Democratic Weekly in Kansas.
The excursion train started from here at 11 o’clock Thursday evening with about 160 on board. We hope they will have a good time.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1883.
Notes of the Convention.
The Millingtons entertained Col. S. S. Prouty, Mrs. Prouty, and Mrs. Anderson, of Topeka; Mrs. Conductor J. E. Miller, of Arkansas City; Noble L. Prentis of the Atchison Champion; A. B. Lemmon of the Newton Republican; Mrs. Lemmon and three boys.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Horning entertained Prof. I. T. Goodenow and Mrs. Goodenow, of Manhattan; H. B. Kelly of the McPherson Freeman, and Mrs Kelly.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller entertained Mrs. N. R. Baker of Topeka; Miss Marshall of Concordia; E. H. Snow of the Ottawa Journal & Triumph, Mrs. Snow, and their son.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McMullen entertained Hon. Albert Griffin of the Manhattan National-ist, Mrs. Griffin, Mrs. Ward, and Mrs. Wilder, all of Manhattan.
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Read entertained C. M. Lucas of the Cherokee Sentinel and Mrs. Lucas.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Black entertained W. M. Allison and Mrs. Allison of the Wellingtonian.
Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Gilbert entertained Mr. Fred Glick, Private Secretary of the Governor, and Miss Hattie Coburn of Atchison.
Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Gary entertained W. D. Greason of the Paola Republican and J. T. Highly of the Paola Spirit.
Mrs. W. W. Andrews entertained Col. R. G. Ward of the Sedan Times; Mrs. Ward; I. W. Patrick of the Oswego Republican; and Mrs. Patrick.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Wallis entertained J. S. Boughton of the Lawrence Monthly, and Mrs. Boughton.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hunt entertained A. D. Brown of the Burlington Patriot, and Mrs. Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Jennings entertained Miss Brown of Burlington, and to them was assigned Miss Hattie Pugh.
To Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Kretsinger were assigned Mr. Moody of the Lawrence Spirit and Mrs. Moody.
To Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Robinson were assigned A. Perkins of the Iola Courant, and Mrs. Perkins.
To Mr. and Mrs. Beeney were assigned G. D. Ingersoll and wife of the Valley Falls New Era.
To Mr. and Mrs. Tomlin were assigned H. S. Heap and wife of the Osage Mission Republican.
To Mr. and Mrs. George Crippen were assigned J. E. Watrous of the Burlington Indepen-dent and Mrs. Watrous.
To W. L. Morehouse were assigned O. O. Leabhart and wife of the Harper Sentinel.
To W. S. Mendenhall were assigned Louis Well and wife of the Leavenworth Pioneer.
To A. P. Johnson was assigned T. P. Fulton of the El Dorado Democrat.
To Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Gibson were assigned J. W. Remington of the Leavenworth Workingmans’ Friend, and two Misses Remington.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Short entertained Miss McElroy of Humboldt and Miss Lane of Wyandotte.
Mr. and Mrs. Doane entertained V. J. Lane of the Wyandotte Gazette, and C. O. Perkins of the Oswego Republican.
Mr. and Mrs. Rembaugh entertained Miss Mary McGill of Oswego.
Mrs. Berkey entertained H. B. Kelly of the McPherson Freeman and Mrs. Kelly.
To Miss Graham were assigned W. A. Morgan and wife of the Cottonwood Falls Leader.
To Mr. and Mrs. Ordway were assigned I. T. Goodenow and wife of the Manhattan Republic.
To Mrs. Tucker were assigned O. S. Munsell and wife of the Council Grove Republican.
To Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Silliman were assigned W. P. Campbell, wife and daughter, of the Wamego Reporter.
To Capt. and Mrs. John Lowry were assigned A. N. Moyer of the Wyandotte Gazette and G. F. King of the Oswego Democrat.
To Mrs. Noble was assigned G. W. Sweezey of Halstead.
To Mr. and Mrs. Sherrer were assigned J. H. Downing and wife of the Hays City Star Sentinel.
To Dr. and Mrs. Perry were assigned A. B. Wilder of the Scandia Journal, and H. A. Heath of the Kansas Farmer, Topeka.
To Geo. W. Miller were assigned F. Meredith, wife and daughter, and Mrs. McLaughlin of the Anthony Journal.
To Mr. and Mrs. Rinker were assigned C. A. Lewis of the Phillipsburg Herald and C. I. Eccles of the Border Star, Columbus.
To C. C. Harris was assigned Gen. J. H. Rice of the Fort Scott Monitor.
To Fred Blackman, operator, was assigned F. H. Roberts of the Oskaloosa Independent.
Lon W. Robinson of the Winchester Argus, Geo. N. Broadbere of the Tonganoxie Mirror, D. L. Grace and Mrs. Nelly Grace of the Girard Herald, J. T. Alexander and Miss Ida Roberts of the Girard Life Boat, J. H. Brady of the Enterprise Register, Alvah Shelden of the El Dorado Times, J. J. Burks of the Colony Free Pres, G. F. Kimball and daughter of the Lawrence Sun, S. P. Moore of the Cherryvale Globe News, J. R. Eastall of the Burlingame Chronicle, and others either failed to materialize or were assigned by Ed. to some of the places left blank above.
The committee entertained with Mrs. Olds, H. W. Young of the Independence Star, O. S. Bentley of the Kansas City Times, Ch’loost [?] of the Louisville Republican, J. A. Scott and son of the Osage Mission Journal, A. N. Moyer of the Wyandotte Gazette, H. A. Heath of the Kansas Farmer, Topeka, R. S. Turner of the Sedan Journal, J. H. Gilkey of the Greeley News, Will D. Wright and H. D. Gordan of the Hepler Leader.
At the Lindell, six whose names Ed. did not report before he left.
At the Commercial, three names not reported.
At Mrs. Trezise’s, five names not reported.
At Freeland’s, R. D. Bowes of the Smith Center Pioneer, R. M. Watson and Henry E. Timmons [?] of the Strong City Independent.
At the Brettun House, H. C. Ashbaugh of the Newton Kansan, Adrian Reynolds of the Howard Courant, Geo. W. Cooper and wife of the Garnet Journal, F. P. Baker, president of the Association, of the Topeka Commonwealth, Prof. E. M. Shelton of the Manhattan Industrialist, and the State Agricultural College, H. Buckingham of the Concordia Empire, J. A. Udden and Ed Neilander of the Lindsborg Posten, C. H. Van Fossen of the Kansas City, Kansas Globe, Wm. H. Cramer of the Neodesha Free Press, S. Kauffman of the Garnett Plaindealer, W. Hollingsworth of the Vinita paper, J. H. Downing and wife of the Hays City Star-Sentinel, and secretary of the Association, P. G. Prouty of the executive office, Topeka, Geo. Sweezey of Halstead, R. P. Murdock, wife and child of the Wichita Eagle, Jacob Stotler and daughter of the Emporia News, Miss Kate Murdock, daughter of M. M. Murdock of the Wichita Eagle, B. J. F. Hanna of Wakeeny, H. A. Perkins and wife of the Iola Courant, W. T. McElry and wife of the Humboldt Union, A. L. Rivers and daughter of the Chanute Times, W. O. Graham and wife of the Harper times, O. O. Leabhart and wife of the Harper Sentinel, Fletcher Meredith, wife, son, daughter, and Mrs. McLaughlin, of the Anthony Journal, A. B. Whiting and wife of the North Topeka Times, James Dillon of the Garden City Irrigator, V. J. Lane and daughter of the Wyandotte Herald, G. O. Perkins of the Oswego Independent, Miss Mary McGill of the Oswego Independent, J. F. Drake of the Emporia Republican, S. O. Ebersole and daughter of the Minneapolis Sentinel, G. D. Baker of the Topeka Commonwealth, Clark Conklin and sister of the Lyons Republican, Geo. W. Martin and wife of the Junction City Union, O. S. Hunsell and wife of the Council Grove Republican, H. B. Kelly and wife of the McPherson Freeman, J. S. Jennings of the Wichita Republic, H. P. Standley of the Arkansas City Traveler, W. P. Campbell, wife and daughter of the Wamego Reporter, F. D. Coburn of the Kansas City Indicator.
The following insisted upon it and paid their own bills at the Brettun: Theo. S. Case, of the Science Review and postmaster of Kansas City, with Mrs. Case, W. A. Bunker, and wife of the Newspaper Auxiliary, Kansas City, Mrs. Helen Moore of Topeka, Ben McGree of Newton, and G. B. Rogers of Newton, chief train dispatcher.
It is probable that there are many errors in the above lists growing out of the fact that Ed. Greer met at Wichita the large crowd from the north which arrived here after 11 o’clock, Wednesday evening, and assigned the guests to places; but has now gone to Chihuahua taking his memorandum with him, so we had to guess where he placed a large number of them.
When Ed. started for Wichita at 3 p.m., Wednesday, we expected that he would return with the big crowd by 7 o’clock, at least, before the 10 o’clock arrived from the east, and taking as he did nearly the full list of places of entertainment with him, we could not know which he had filled until he returned. The train from the east came an hour earlier and we had to detain a large number of guests in the parlors of the Brettun and at the hall where the ball was progressing, until Ed returned and we could find out what places were not filled. In this way a considerable number of gentlemen and ladies were not assigned to places until about midnight and they utterly refused to intrude, as they called it, into the houses of private citizens at that unreasonable hour, saying it would be an imposition to do so. They would sit up the rest of the night on the sidewalk first. We could not prevail upon them by the idea that it would be a still greater imposition on our citizens to keep them sitting up to that late hour expecting guests, prepared and anxious to entertain them. and then be disappointed. It was a fact that quite a number of our citizens came to us the next day, feeling grieved and disappointed because they were not supplied with guests as they were promised, and were thus deprived of a pleasure as well as the chance to help do honor to our visitors, and it was a hard job for us to pacify them with the facts.
There were one hundred and seventy-six guests of the citizens of Winfield here at the Editorial Convention, as nearly as we can figure it.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1883.
Where the Money Came From.
The following are the cash contributions to the general editorial entertainment fund. More was raised than was used and those who subscribed first took more than their share, so that others had to be somewhat limited in their contributions to give others a chance.
D. A. Millington, $20; C. C. Black, $20; McDonald & Miner, $5; W. P. Hackney, $5; A. T. Spotswood, $5; J. L. Horning, $5; J. B. Lynn, $5; A. B. Arment, $5; J. H. Bullene & Co., $5; J. S. Mann, $5; S. C. Smith, $5; Hudson Bros., $5; Curns & Manser, $5; Burnett & Clark, $5; J. P. Short, $5; Geo. Rembaugh, $5; J. P. Baden, $5; Robert Hudson, $5; C. L. Harter, $5; Bryan & Lynn, $5; Ed. P. Greer, $5; Pugsley & Zook, $5; Tomlin & Webb, $5; O’Mears & Randolph, $5; S. H. Myton, $5; M. Hahn & Co., $5; Henry Goldsmith, $5; Winfield Bank, $10; A. H. Doane & Co., $5; M. L. Read’s Bank, $10; Geo. W. Miller, $5; Chicago Lumber Co., $5; P. H. Albright & Co., $5; J. Wade McDonald, $5; Wm. Dawson, $2; W. S. Mendenhall, $2; J. L. Hodges, $1; D. Palmer & Co., $1; D. C. Beach, $1; J. D. Pryor, $2; S. D. Pryor, $1; M. G. Troup, $1.90; Geo. M. Miller, $1; John Wilson, $.50; Whiting Bros, $1; Hendrix & Wilson, $2; A. E. Baird, $2; W. H. Strahan, $1; Miller, Dix & Co., $1; Lovell H. Webb, $1; Charlie Fuller, $1; J. E. Conklin, $2; Geo. Emerson, $2; F. S. Jennings, $2; D. Berkey, $1; H. Paris, $1; A. C. Bangs, $1; G. H. Allen, $1; McRorey, $1; Johnson, $1; J. O’Hare, $1; Frazee Bros., $1; W. L. Hands, $2; J. F. McMullen, $1; F. J. Sydall, $1; Dr. Fleming, $1; Dr. McIntire, $1; Atkinson, $1; Capt. Myers, $1; R. B. Pratt, $1; V. R. Bartlett, $2; Nommsen & Steuven, $1; Albro, $2; D. Rodocker, $2; H. E. Silliman, $2;
W. J. Wilson, $2; E. H. Nixon, $1; C. C. Harris, $1; Lou Zenor, $1; W. H. Smith, $1; Brotherton & Silvers, $3.; Rinker & Cochran, $2; H. Brown & Son, $2; Q. A. Glass, $2; Holmes & Son, $2; Dan Mater, $1; E. S. Reynolds, $1; M. J. Stimson, $1; Rabb, $.50; O. W. P. Mann, $1; Jim Connor, $1; Dr. Green, $2; E. J. Brown, $1; J. W. Johnson, $2; Dr. Bull, $1; A. Herpich, $1; McGuire Bros., $3; Harter Bros., $1; H. G. Fuller, $2; H. E. Asp, $1; C. M. Wood, $2.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 23, 1883.
As we have always understood that Winfield was a prohibitionist town, the public will naturally turn to Bro. Millington, of the Courier, for an explanation of the fact that one of the Kansas journalists was taken in the act of putting on his hat with the aid of a shoe horn during the meeting of the State Editorial Association at that place. Emporia News.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
Noble Prentis in Atchison Champion.
LAS VEGAS, May 12, 1883.
The number of all sorts of anniversaries is working up along toward twenty. The session of the Kansas Editorial Association, just held at Winfield, was the eighteenth. The associa-tion, like many of its members, is getting old.
It was a good thing, that “constitutional amendment,” which cut the Association loose from the duty of meeting on Franklin’s birthday. Franklin was an obliging person, and would have arranged it differently, if he had been consulted, but as it happened he was born in January, which in Kansas is devoted, at Topeka, to cold and the Legislature. Consequently, the meetings of the Association in the old times were overshadowed and oppressed, so to speak, by both. Now the Association has all the months of the year for its little tour and vacation, and a score of fine towns in Kansas to choose from as places of meeting.
Winfield, the town selected this year, is the Southernmost point in the State ever chosen, and with the exception of a sort of adjourned meeting held once at Emporia, is the only meeting in that region where the water flows to the southward. And yet that southeastern quarter of Kansas contains a large number of handsome and able newspapers, the editors and publishers of which count among the old and staunch members of the K. P. A.
Not only on account of the geographical position, but on its own merits, Winfield proved a fortunate selection. The time, also, was propitious. There are a few brief weeks, varying a few days in different seasons in their beginning, but always somewhere between the first of May and the last of June, when Kansas looks her prettiest. Before, there is an undeveloped rawness, and after, a fading like that of the beauty of a woman. Whoever sees Kansas in just the right time knows the perfection of earth and air. It was one of these days that the meeting was held at Winfield.
But, to go back a little, the important part railroads play in our daily life was curiously illustrated in connection with the meeting. The members were to assemble at Winfield on Wednesday, the 9th, but during Tuesday night the wind, which came with lightning, thunder, and rain, blew some box cars from the side track on the main track, a few hundred yards from Carbondale station. A freight and stock train in the darkness smashed into these, and the result was a locomotive suddenly converted into old scrap iron; freight cars piled up on top of each other in splintered and shapeless confusion; and pigs, dead and alive, scattered, stiff or squealing, through the mass. The great work of the regular dispatching of trains was for hours broken up. It might be said that the shock of the collision at Carbondale was felt at Guaymas and Chihuahua; it is certain that the convenience of hundreds and thousands of people was affected. The excursionists bound for Winfield waited till the wreck could be passed or cleared; the special at Newton waited from noon until evening; the musicians who were to play at the ball at Winfield waited at the Wichita depot; and the people at Winfield waited for the editors and fiddlers, who should have arrived at noon, until far into the night; and the first day’s proceedings of the Association were telescoped into the second. Still a delay of twelve hours did not chill the warm hospitality of the Winfielders. They were on hand at the depot, and went through the last half of their delayed ball.
The Association went ahead with a quorum present on Thursday forenoon, bright and early. The meeting was held in Manning’s Hall, or opera house. Manning was not there, but the hall was viewed with interest, by his old friends, as an evidence of his enterprise and public spirit. It was found to be a big, roomy place; and the one hundred and fifty men, women, and children who made up the Association, made but a small showing. It was one of the balmiest and brightest of May days; the wide outer doors of the hall stood wide open all the time, and the proceedings were quite breezy and informal. The newspaper men practice the rule they have so often urged upon others, “pay in advance,” and the first pro-ceeding was the payment of the annual dues and the hire of the sleeping cars, and such a pile of silver and greenbacks accumulated on the Secretary’s table as seldom greets the editorial vision.
The Arion Quartette, four young fellows of Winfield, who have been singing together for their own amusement and that of the Winfield public, for years, started the ball with a song, written for the occasion, which was hailed with an encore, it was so full of fun and spirit; and it wound up with:
“For corn, wheat, and babies, and sheep and cattle,
“Poor, thirsty, droughty Kansas leads the world.
Among the Arions was Charley Black, and right here is a good place to speak of the Winfield editors and their kindness to the brethren and sisters. They did not go around with rosettes on them as big as buckwheat cakes, doing nothing in particular, but were always to be found wherever there was opportunity to do a visitor a favor. Mr. Millington, as patriarch of the Winfield editors, set the example of unwearied kindness. He made a caravansary of his own house, in which hospitable endeavor he was aided and abetted by his wife and daughters; and never rested until he had not only welcomed the coming but speeded the parting guest. Charley Black worked, preached, sung, and would, doubtless, have prayed with the visitors had he been called on. The visiting newspaper folks were also placed under infinite obligations to Mr. Ed. Greer, of the COURIER, for favors. Mr. Greer is a native Kansan, born in Doniphan County, his father being one of the earliest Superintendents of Public Instruction, serving, I believe, even before the admission of the State. To the list should also be added the name of Mr. Rembaugh, of the Telegram.
To return to the proceedings of the Association. After the money and the music, came the address of welcome. Mayor Troup being busy in the District Court, the ever useful Black read the remarks that Mr. Troup had prepared; and President Baker read a brief response, calling Charley, “Mr. Troup,” to keep up the illusion. The annual address was then delivered by the associate editor of the Champion, the theme being the “Facts and Fallacies of Jour-nalism.” Judge Adams of the Historical Society, followed with a paper on the newspaper history of Kansas.
At the brief afternoon meeting the committee on nominations reported. The renomina-tion, and of course, re-election of Father Baker as President, was hailed with hearty applause. Maj. Jack Downing was continued as the efficient secretary. The committee made a good choice in the selection of Senator A. P. Riddle, of the Girard Press, as the orator for the next year. Mr. Riddle is a vigorous thinker, and will exercise the gray matter of his brain on an address which will be devoted to the solid truth about the newspaper business as distinguished from flapdoodle.
The Winfield people developed a new thing in the “drive around town,” a courtesy generally extended by Kansas municipalities to visiting bodies. The usual custom is to gather a lot of omnibuses and barouches and various other wheeled structures, and go around in a solemn and dusty procession “to the place of beginning.” At Winfield the people sent their carriages (public and private) around to the designated rendezvous, and handed the ribbons to their friends to drive themselves. Accordingly on all the streets, coming and going, might be seen the note-book fillers, picking up ideas and facts about Winfield at their own sweet will. They drove down to the Park, an enclosure of natural forest, mostly composed of wide spreading elms stretching along the Walnut, and affording a long and shadowy drive, if not “for whispering lovers made,” at least admirably adapted to their use. Then the explorers took in the creamery, and talked with the intelligent Mr. Howe in regard to the past history, present resources, and future prospects of that institution. From these points the routes were various, but everywhere the tourists saw tasteful residences; many of them covered with the bright green clinging masses of Virginia creeper or ampelopsis; and such tasteful yards, and spreading trees, and brightening flowers as are unknown in the May of colder climes. The main streets were “taken in,” with the lofty and spacious business houses; and the drive usually ended at what it is true was only a mill, a grist mill, if you please, but a mill five stories high, and with walls as smooth and white and fair as those we imagine that palaces have. We suppose the Winfielders pride themselves on the wealth, the business facilities, etc., of their town, but they trample the real glory of Winfield under their feet every day. It is their sidewalks. Certainly there never was a town so paved. There is everywhere accessible a sort of white stone, which can be split out in any thickness required. The most easy and accommodating of rocks, it seemed very light; at least two horses can haul what seems a great quantity of it. And on this royal material the people of Winfield walk about, calm and serene in the muddiest of weather. It is laid down not only on the main street but on all the streets, and miles more are being laid down. To dream that you live in marble halls is nothing to walking out in wakefulness and reality on the material of which marble halls are constructed.
At night the bright and fair of Winfield met the excursionists at the Opera House, the Arions sang again; good byes were said; and then the waiting train was filled, and as the party sped away under the narrow new moon and the twinkling stars for New Mexico, the booming guns of the Winfield battery thundered a brave good bye.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
J. F. Drake to Emporia Republican.
WINFIELD, May 10. The State Editorial Association, now in session in this place, and whose deliberations are noted in another place, could not have chosen a better place for its meeting. Right royally are we welcomed and right royally are we being entertained. To be sure, there is more or less of a hitch in things, caused by the trains being away off time. For instance, the entertainment last evening had to wait till midnight for its music, but it was good when it appeared.
Perhaps at this time a few items about Winfield will not be amiss, but they were hastily gathered and must necessarily be short. Cowley County, of which Winfield is the county seat, dates back to 1870, and I find that in its early history several Emporians figured quite prominently, notably among whom are P. B. Plumb, Jacob Stotler, C. V. Eskridge, and L. B. Kellogg. The county now has a population of over 22,000, and last year reported over 36,000 acres of wheat that averaged thirty bushels to the acre; 141,000 acres of corn, besides its other products. No better class of farmers can be found anywhere, and no better proof of this is needed than the fact that Cowley County is known throughout the length and breadth of the land as the banner prohibition county of the state.
Winfield was incorporated as a city of the third class February 23, 1873; has steadily increased, and was made a city of the second class in 1879, and the census just taken gives a population of over 3,000. Its better buildings, of which I might name the Brettun House, the Methodist and Baptist Churches, M. L. Robinson’s residence, and several others which we have not space to mention, with many of its best business blocks, are built from home quarries of fine magnesia limestone, the same as is being used for the government buildings at Topeka. J. C. McMullen and J. C. Fuller also have very fine residences of combination brick and stone. In sidewalks it boasts of fifteen miles laid out with fine flagging, which is also quarried nearby. Its two railroads—the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe and Kansas City & Southern—give it good shipping facilities. Three elevators handle the grain that is brought in. There are two flouring mills, both doing a good business, and we have had the pleasure of looking through hurriedly and gathered the following description of the Winfield Roller Mills, operated by Messrs. Bliss & Wood, who have been in the milling business about fourteen years. On the 18th of last August their old mill was burned, and believing that the best was none too good for their trade, they immediately started to rebuild on the most approved plans, and today no better mill or flour can be found in Kansas. The following brief description will give some idea of the work it is capable of doing. The building is of stone 40 x 60 feet, and five stories high. It has a double operating power—water and steam—and is so constructed that it can be run by either. The steam is of 125 horsepower. An elevator of 50,000 bushels capacity is within about a hundred feet and connected with iron tubes, the cleaning all being done in the elevator. Of the mill proper the basement is occupied by the shafting, pulleys, gear, elevator boats, etc. The first floor is used for the reduction of wheat to flour, there being thirty-four sets of rolls, 18 corrugated for wheat and 16 for middlings. Gray’s noiseless rollers and the packers, three for flour and one for bran, are also on this floor. The bolts and purifiers start in the second floor and run through the third, fourth, and fifth. To take care of and finish the work commenced on the first floor, are ten No. 2 Smith’s purifiers, twenty-six ordinary bolting reels, and four centrifugal reels. All the machinery above the first floor is run by a twenty-inch belt traveling from that floor to the top at the rate of 2,000 feet a minute. The mill has a capacity of 500 barrels per day and employs about twenty-three men. Their side-track privileges admit of loading four cars at a time, and many of these cars find their way east as far as Illinois.
Two banks, The Winfield and Read’s, have been largely instrumental in building up the town and county.
Of its hotels, the Brettun stands away ahead of any other in any town of its size in the state, and I have yet to see the city anywhere of its size that equals it. Every room is supplied with water and gas, and heated by steam. It is well furnished, with sample rooms, bath rooms, billiard hall, tonsorial rooms, etc., attached, and all under the management of C. L. Harter, who not only knows what his guests need, but supplies it. The traveler finds a home that is all he could desire.
The COURIER and Telegram are among the leading weeklies of the state, the former being under the management of D. A. Millington and Ed. P. Greer, with probably as large a circulation as any county paper in the state. The latter is now run by Messrs. Black and Rembaugh.
One thing has been lacking, that is soon to be supplied, to-wit: waterworks. The contract is now let, and in a short time six and a half miles of cast iron pipe will be laid, connecting with a reservoir of 2,000,000 gallons capacity, supplied by a Worthington pump. The reservoir is to be 108 feet above the level of Main Street, giving it all the pressure needed. The work is being done by a home company and will cost about $75,000.
There are other things that I would like to say about this town, but time forbids. Here is where the irrepressible Hon. W. P. Hackney lives, and near here, out on the railroad bridge, is shown the place where Cobb, the murderer of Sheriff Shenneman, dropped through the bridge and was only saved from falling into the water by the rope that was around his neck.
At the business meeting of the editors this afternoon the old officers were re-elected, except Hinkle, and Hon. D. A. Millington was elected in his place. Noble Prentis was elected as poet for the next annual meeting, and A. P. Riddle as orator. The excursion will leave this evening at 11 o’clock for Mexico.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883. [From Wichita Republic.]
A representative of the Republic was in attendance at the State Editorial meeting at Winfield for a very few moments only. The business of the session was about completed before the arrival of the last delegation from the north, of which we were on. It was really surprising to see the hospitality of the citizens of that city still buoyant under the pressure to which they had been subjected. Such a voluminous horde of ravenous editors coming in so soon after the late M. E. Conference at that place was enough to discourage a city of much greater magnitude and less magnanimity. But Winfield was fully equal to the emergency and the editors and their wives and their wives’ sisters, etc., were all filled with enthusiasm and other good things, too numerous to mention, that were furnished at that model hotel, the Brettun. Just imagine the feelings of a newspaper man, with a delicate appetite looking over such an array of good things as were represented on the bill of fare, and on either hand, by good waiting maids, who hadn’t time to wait, but were kept busily engaged trying to satisfy the demands of the robust newspaper man who “lives to eat.” But our views of matters were fully expressed by the resolution passed by the unanimous vote of the Association, so we close in order to avoid repetition.
Late on the evening of the 10th, the Pullman Palace cars having arrived, at 11 o’clock p.m., the hundred and forty-four berths were filled and the “sleeping beauties” passed out of our sight into the realm of dreams of the beautiful on their way to the land of the Aztec, in the famed country opened to civilization by the Santa Fe railroad, which has taken the editors to blaze the track where empires may yet be born, and where modern civilization will soon surround the haunts of ancient grandeur in the sublime gardens of nature. May they escape the scalping knife of the Apache and the more poisonous arrows of Bacchus is the wish of one who hadn’t time to go.
Mounted cannon guarding each street, located in the centre of the city, was one of the attractions at Winfield. A heavy stand of arms surmounted by a U. S. Flag.
The foundation for the new Christian Church building at Winfield is in and the structure will be pushed ahead as fast as possible. Winfield is well blessed with churches, all good ones.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
Sol. Miller of the Troy Chief, rises to make a few pertinent and timely remarks:
Last week afforded an unusually good opportunity for newspaper readers to note the difference between genuine humor and labored slush. The Kansas editorial convention met at Winfield and was addressed by Noble L. Prentis, upon twenty-four hours notice. The address was filled with genuine humor, and of truths pleasantly told. The Missouri editors met at Carthage, and were addressed by A. J. Fleming, who had evidently prepared himself elaborately for the occasion. His address was a conglomerated mass of flat, forced, far-fetched stale and pointless stuff, intended for wit, but better calculated for a vomit. To complete the performance, he had the bad taste to come home and write an editorial for the St. Joseph Gazette, criticizing and denouncing Prentis’ address. It is like dish water criticiz-ing sparkling champagne.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
At Dodge City, where no law seems to be respected, where crime is frequent and law breaking is a lucrative business, a man named Luke Short was driven from the city because the city government considered him much worse than the other fellows. He visits the gover-nor of the state and demands protection in his right to carry on his nefarious business in that city. He complains that because he is more successful in violating law than the city officers, keeps a finer saloon, and sells more rot whiskey than they, keeps more bawdy women than they, women who can sing better than theirs, runs more gambling tables and robs more greenhorns than they, these city officers have driven him out of the city. Whereupon the governor without authority of law orders the sheriff of Ford County to organize a posse and protect said Short in his business. This is a pretty comment on our democratic governor.
This is in keeping with another of his fiascoes. A man in Wamego was convicted of con-tinued violations of the prohibition law and Judge John Martin pronounced the moderate sentence, considering the offenses, of one hundred dollars fine and 150 days in jail. The governor promptly remitted all but five dollars of the fine and 30 days of the imprisonment. The governor seems to think that his principal duty is to protect criminals in the violation of law.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
Sixty-five ladies and gentlemen of the best citizens of Winfield joined in a plot last Wednesday, May 16th, to surprise D. A. Millington, editor of the Winfield COURIER, and his wife at their residence, on the thirty-fifth anniversary of their marriage, and were completely successful. It was raining quite briskly all the evening with no prospect of a “let-up.” Between 8 and 9 o’clock we were quietly looking over our late exchanges; our wife was busy in household affairs in a gray dress in which she felt some delicacy about receiving company, when we found our house suddenly taken possession of by J. C. Fuller and lady, J. Wade McDonald, Mrs. J. E. Platter, C. A. Bliss, Dr. C. C. Green and lady, J. P. Short, Geo. Rembaugh and lady, A. T. Spotswood, Miss Jennie Hane, E. S. Torrance, Mrs. John Lowry, Mrs. I. L. Millington, E. P. Hickok and lady, and others. The greater portion of the party lived more distant and were still waiting for the rain to slack up.
Ourself and wife were corralled in one corner while arrangements were made, then J. Wade McDonald, as orator for the party, commenced a neat and flattering speech to us in which he complimented us of having been one of the first settlers, of having been identified with all the movements which have made Winfield and Cowley County rich, prosperous, and happy; our wife and daughters, with having contributed much to the life and pleasure of our social and literary circles, and said that our citizens had seized this thirty-fifty anniversary of our marriage to express to us in this way their warm appreciation of us and ours.
The folding doors were then thrown open, disclosing two very richly upholstered, beautiful, and costly chairs in which ourself and wife were led and seated, which chairs the speaker formally presented to us on behalf of the citizens as a token of their warm feelings toward us. We attempted to express our thanks but utterly failed. We were “all broke up,” with something rising from our heart to our throat which choked utterance.
Then amid a gay and pleasant conversation, the visitors produced a spread of delicacies which they had brought with them, served them in a beautiful set of glass dishes, a present from Mr. A. T. Spotswood, beautified by fresh and charming bouquets of flowers presented by Mrs. Lowry and Mrs. Hickok; and in due time, they bid us good bye.
From the bottom of our heart we thank them for these evidences of their kindness and warm friendship, and assure them and our citizens generally that whatever shortcomings we may exhibit, we shall ever hold in grateful remembrance this and many other evidences of their kind partiality to us and ours.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
Our attention has been called to an article in the Kansas City Times of the 17th, presum-ably written by some representative of that sheet who was not made known to us at the time of the editorial convention, and therefore was not feasted, toasted, and made much of by the Winfield people, and was unable to get his usual supply of rot whiskey, so he vented his gall by writing a batch of the most infernal lies about Winfield and her people, and the Times, the most mendacious paper in the west, of course published them.
Among the cowardly slanders of that article is the statement that Winfield “in 1880 was a boomer, was growing rapidly, and even the rival of Wichita. Today you can sit for hours on the porch of the Brettun house, and, scanning the entire length and breadth of Main street, see not a solitary team upon this highway.”
The express object of the article was to show that Winfield is a dead town, killed by prohibition. Frank Manny, and other leading opposers of prohibition, are among the most indignant on account of these falsehoods. They say that while they think our city would be better off without the prohibition laws, there never was a year in which business was any-thing near as good as it has been for the past year up to the present time, that it is nearly double what it was in the spring of 1880, that there is no time in business hours this spring when there are not considerable numbers of teams to be seen on Main street from the porch of the Brettun House, from a dozen up to hundreds; that there are more improvements going on, more new buildings projected, more sales of real estate at much higher prices, and that now, instead of 1880, we are enjoying “a boomer,” which is apparent to everyone who has spent a day or two in Winfield recently. The man who wrote that article would find himself in hot water if he met any of our anti-prohibitionists, they knowing that he was the author of the vile slander, to say nothing of the reception he would meet from prohibitionists.
We need not comment on his insinuation that the jurymen who recently tried the Frank Manny case were some of them perjurers, nor upon the gall and spleen he exhibited toward Senator Hackney, who is abundantly able to take care of himself, but would mention that while the writer says that Manny’s counsel in the trial was “mediocre,” he finally winds up by saying that “Judge Tipton, a Democrat of the old school, is here practicing law with eminent success”; a well deserved compliment, but the writer probably did not know that “mediocre” counsel and the “eminent” Judge Tipton were one and the same person. He also pays deserved compliments to Hon. J. Wade McDonald and Hon. Henry E. Asp. Since writing the above, we learn that the writer in the Times is O. H. Bently, a bald-pated jack-legged lawyer of Wichita.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
We clip the following from the Indianapolis Sentinel, written by J. C. McKee, who recently visited this place.
Winfield and Cowley County, was finally reached in good order, and I have put in some days investigating the town and surrounding country. It is a substantial and thriving city of not more than 4,000 inhabitants, situated at the intersection of the K. C., L. and S. K. Rail-road and a branch of the A., T. and S. F. The Walnut River bounds it upon the west and south and Timber Creek upon the north, while a line of bluffs guard the approach from the east. Thus it nestles in a pretty valley, and from the surrounding hills we obtained a complete birdseye view of the town. Many of the business buildings, churches, and residences are made of the fine stone quarried here, and others are built of brick, making the general appear-ance of the place that of permanence and solidity. The streets are wide, and the main side-walks are all paved with as fine flagstone as I ever saw. It is claimed that there are over twenty-five miles of stone pavements, and I doubt it not.
Just west of the city, upon the Walnut, is a large, fine, stone flouring mill, recently erected upon the site of one burned down. The mill was the latest improved, or roller process, and ships flour to all parts of the Southwest and West.
The Brettun House is the main hotel of the city, is also built of stone, and like the mill, shows grandly for miles around. It is a No. 1 hotel, this same Brettun, first-class in all its appointments. The table is as good as can be found in the best hotels of Indianapolis, while private gas and water works and steam heating appliance give the guests every convenience. Nor is it a fancy price hotel—$2 and $2.50, according to room, pays the bill. C. L. Harter, an Ohio man of course, owns the hotel, and is a young man who does his best with good success to satisfy all who call upon him.
All the Church denominations are represented in Winfield, and several have elegant Church buildings with thriving congregations.
There are two school buildings and the schools, which close this week, seem to be con-ducted in a first-class manner.
Secret orders of all kinds are represented and flourish.
Manufacturing does not make much of a figure on account of the high price of fuel, but grain elevators and stock shipping more than make up for this.
The stock of goods carried by the various merchants seems to a Hoosier unusually large for a town of this size, but I learn that they supply ranches and ship job lots as far as New Mexico. Dry goods and clothing are scarcely higher than at Indianapolis, but groceries, hardware, and farm implements are considerably higher.
The grain market is not as good as it ought to be, especially for corn, but the farmers are learning to feed grain and ship it only in the shape of stock, which sells nearly as high here as at St. Louis.
Among other attractions to be made more attractive are the two Parks, one at the south edge of town upon the Walnut, consisting of fifteen acres, and one north. Both in due time will be made as handsome as can be desired. At present they are in a crude state.
There are several billiard halls, but no saloons, not even on the sly, though I have no doubt the persistent can find what they want. I have not seen a drunken man nor a street brawl of any kind, nor an Indian nor a cowboy. Sunday was as quiet a day as I ever saw in a place of this size, and Saturday the liveliest. Considering that this is comparatively a border town; these things are noteworthy.
A great many people from Indiana and Illinois are here and in the surrounding country, hence we see the “Hoosier grocery,” the Indiana blacksmith shop,” etc., and old acquain-tances are frequently encountered.
The creamery is another mentionable item, which furnishes a ready market for the farmers’ cream, and gives them butter better and cheaper than they can make it for themselves.
Good houses are scarce, but when found can be rented for about $12 to $15 for a five- or six-room cottage in good condition.
But building is in progress this season more than ever before, and newcomers will be accommodated. In short, I have never seen a neater and more business-like town for its size than Winfield. Not booming, by any means, but of a substantial and healthy growth, backed up by one of the finest farming and grazing regions in the country, that proves it has not only a substantial present, but a prosperous and certain future. . . .
In circulating through twenty-three states, I never saw finer farming and grazing lands. I took an extensive ride over the country, and it would make some Hoosiers’ eyes bulge to see the valley and the uplands. The Walnut Valley I can only say is fully equal if not superior in its natural advantages to the famed Miami Valley, while the second bottom as a farming country is scarcely less desirable and for stock raising cannot be excelled. I cannot multiply words upon this subject, but when I see farmers who have paid for their eighties with the first wheat crop and bought another eighty with the second, you may comprehend what I mean. Much of the land is as yet unimproved—that is, as we use the term in Indiana, but there are some farms well fenced, with bearing orchards, fine vineyards, first-class buildings, and closely resembling some of the best in Indiana or Illinois. But such lands are high. The best farms near Winfield are held at $50 per acre, and from that down, according to location, improvements, and quality. Yet with but slight improvements, good land almost everywhere in the county is held at $10 per acre. Farmers with small means can do well here, but I wouldn’t advise anyone to settle in Winfield and expect to live by his wits. The people here are as sharp as anybody, if not a little more so, and the kind of incomers in demand is good farmers with a few hundred dollars and plenty of energy.
However, there is in one line a grand opening for capitalists. I mean in the stone quarries. There are several worked here, but on a small scale. They get out huge blocks of building rock which is sawed and dressed to suit, and shipped to all parts of the State. It is my firm belief that if some capitalist would come here and work this business in the best and most thorough manner known to the trade, a fortune could be realized in a very few years.
Cattle business is good, sheep is good, farming is good, but to my mind for the moneyed men there is here no better opening or profitable investment than in the stone quarries.
For personal favors I am under obligation to Capt. Hunt, County Clerk; Frank Raymond, one of the Indianapolis News Court reporters; Jos. Harter, druggist; Constable Siverd; Mr. Harris, of Bard & Harris; and not a few others, all of whom I found always ready and anxious to accommodate or oblige without stint. MAQUE.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
The Kansas editors have accepted the invitation of the Denver and Rio Grande railroad to take in the Royal Gorge before they return home. From all advices received from the victualing stations along the line of the excursion, we had supposed that that’s what they had been doing ever since they started out a week ago. Emporia News.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
Oswego Independent.
Our first stop is at Cherryvale, and as we leave the car, the first to greet our eye is an elegantly dressed lady, with the prettiest little poodle dog, evidently her pet. Well! There is, and it is proper that there should be, a difference in taste. Having three hours’ spare time, we started down street and inquired for Will Grant. “Is it lawyer Grant that you inquire for?” “Well, yes,” and the next time we inquired for lawyer Grant, whom we readily found, and by whom we were invited to his pleasant home. It was intimated to us that after marriage Mr. Grant’s first epistle to his wife at Oswego was addressed to Miss Anna Hutchings. He says he does his courting at Independence now, and not as formerly.
We are frequently asked what part of the editorial fraternity we represent. The call is for “real newspaper men, some invited guests, such as State officers, Congressional delegations, etc.” Our reply is that the last little “etc.,” is where we come in.
We called upon Judge S. P. Moore, editor of the Globe-News, who moved eleven years ago from Oswego to Peru. We also met Fletcher Moore, once a clerk of Probate Judge B. W. Perkins. Cherryvale, like all southern Kansas towns, is thrifty.
The train over the Santa Fe from Kansas City that should have reached Winfield at 11 o’clock a.m., on the 9th inst., was delayed by accident and did not arrive until midnight, much to the annoyance of many, but more especially D. A. Millington, who was the acting committee to assign lodging places to the 100 guests who might come on that train.
A hall at the Opera House was in order for the evening, and was well attended by guests and citizens of the town. Winfield has about the population of Oswego, and its citizens seem very proud of the town, and spared no pains to make it pleasant for the Editorial Association who are here at this time by invitation of the city. The ladies of Winfield were at the ball in full dress and numbers. The music was discoursed by a band from Wichita.
Thursday morning a business meeting was at the Opera House. Appropriate song by male quartette. Enthusiastically received by the audience. Address by Noble L. Prentis, which was worthy of the man and occasion.
Through the kindness of Mr. Rembaugh, of the Telegram, some of the Oswego delega-tion were nicely entertained and shown over the city and its surroundings. Winfield is a nice town. Fine and expensive brick, stone, and wood residences are seen all over the city. They have stone sidewalks of superior quality, two flouring mills, foundries, tannery, creamery, three elevators, carriage, factory, two brick yards, three stone quarries, the stone of which is of superior quality and easily worked, hardening by exposure. Among the things of interest at Winfield is the twelve-acre park on the west of town on the Walnut River. It is well timbered, and naturally a nice piece of ground. The people of Winfield have spared no pains to make it pleasant for the newspaper men, and at 11 p.m., we move out from the depot amid the booming of cannon, and the shouts of the small boys, whom we find have increased their lung power at the expense of our lunch baskets while in the baggage room, which baskets were further interviewed by the train men who run from Winfield to Newton.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
Among the editors we met at Winfield, none were more pleasant and entertaining than Ade Reynolds of the Howard Courant, and E. H. Snow, of the Ottawa Journal Enterprise.
The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railroad company have commenced the construction of a new depot at Emporia. The depot will be 100 feet long, 40 feet wide, and two stories high, built of Cottonwood Falls stone.
J. W. McWilliams has placed for record with the register of deeds of this county a deed from the Santa Fe Railroad Company to the Western Land and Cattle Company of London, England, for over 18,000 acres of land in townships eighteen and nineteen, ranges six and seven, the consideration being over $44,000. Besides this, the company owns 24,000 acres more land in the same ranges. All this land is being fenced and it is proposed to have at least 3,000 head grazing on the land this season. The free pasture lands of Chase County are going fast. Chase County Leader.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
We have been hearing the very warmest encomiums from our citizens on the address delivered by Noble L. Prentis. He fairly captured Winfield.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
A Las Vegas paper says that of the seven hundred and sixty-nine invitations extended to Kansas editors to “have something” the evening of their arrival in that city, but two refused.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
Something of the Tour.
After a delightful trip of over three thousand miles, through mountains, valleys, deserts, far into old Mexico, and extending over twelve days, the writer is once more “at home.” The experience was a strange, novel, and interesting one, and from notes taken at the different places visited, a series of descriptive letters will be published in these columns during the weeks to come.
The party numbered one hundred and sixty newspaper men and their wives, daughters, and invited guests, and a livelier, happier crowd we have never seen together. The special train furnished by the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad consisted of three Pullman palace sleeping coaches, two fine day coaches, and a baggage car. The train pulled out of Winfield at eleven o’clock on the evening of the 10th. The first stop was made at Garden City, where the party was met with carriages, wagons, and vehicles of every description, and conveyed to the irrigating ditches, after which a splendid dinner was served in Jones Hall. Irrigation is doing wonders for the country surrounding Garden City. From a dry, barren waste, the country is being fast converted into wonderfully fertile and productive farms. The possibilities of the soil under irrigation seem to be boundless, as the mammoth onions attest. The welcome at Garden City was most hearty and hospitable. The Arkansas River at this place was as dry as Summit Street, in Arkansas City—the sand didn’t even look damp. We heard a citizen applying for the loan of a pitchfork, and explained by saying that he thought he would go fishing. They dig cat fish out of the sand with forks. According to one of the party, if the cat fish were removed and the river irrigated, it might be made very productive. The trip over the dry, arid bunch-grass prairies of Colorado was monotonous and uninter-esting. A short stop was made at West Las Animas where the first adobe building was inspected; then on west until the flying train was shrouded in darkness.
On awakening the scene had changed. The Raton mountains were far in the rear, and on either side of the track rose jagged, broken peaks, covered with scanty cedar and pine trees. We were in New Mexico. The night stop was made at Las Vegas. After a few hours spent in the new and old towns, the train was taken up to the Hot Springs over a branch six miles long, where, nestling in a valley among the mountains, is the Montezuma Hotel, one of the largest frame buildings in America, and decidedly the handsomest. The scenery surrounding this place is very fine, and every effort is being made to beautify and improve the grounds. They have parks and trees, and drives up the canon. An immense bath house, large numbers of villas, club houses, livery stables, and burro dens go to make up a very pleasant little community. If anyone is suffering from plethorism of the pocket-book, he should take it to Las Vegas Hot Springs. One buggy ride, two glasses of native beer, and a shave will cure it. However, we can imagine no pleasanter, more healthful place to spend a month. In the evening a very pleasant dancing party was given in honor of the guests.
From Las Vegas to Santa Fe, the road runs through a very interesting country. On the left is a very peculiar mountain rising up out of the plain and surmounted by a wall of perpen-dicular rock. On top of the mountain are two large crosses, placed there by the Mexicans. It is called Starvation Peak, the Indians having long years ago driven a party of two or three hundred Mexicans to the top of this mountain and held them there until all died of starvation and thirst. The crosses were up to commemorate the spot. Farther up the road passes the old Pecos church, supposed to have been built by the Aztecs sometime in the fifteenth century. All around it lie the ruins of an old Indian Pueblo, which must have contained ten or fifteen thousand people. One of the old Indian traditions of the place is that from there Montezuma started south riding on an eagle to found his famous empire of the south. The old city of Santa Fe was reached at noon, and at evening the train pulled out for El Paso, the gateway of Mexico, which was passed at noon of the following day, and at seven o’clock of Monday evening, four days out from Winfield, the city of Chihuahua was reached. Twenty-four hours spent here were the most interesting of the trip.
The return journey was made without stop until Albuquerque was reached. This is the best town in New Mexico. It is distinctively a Kansas town. Kansas men are everywhere and Kansas enterprise is noticeable in the very air. Winfield is well represented. John Lee is running a big lumber yard. Ex Saint is doing a mercantile business of two hundred thousand dollars a year and is fast outrunning all his competitors. By. Terrell and Parker are running a big saloon and By. is proprietor of numerous stage and mail routes. John McDonald and his father are running a blacksmith shop, and McMasters, another Winfield man, is dealing in malt and spirituous beverages. Lloyd Hope is also there helping his father run a big hotel. A Kansas man is postmaster, and Kansas men hold a majority of the offices. Of course, under such circumstances, the party were magnificently treated. They were wined and dined, danced, and carried about the city, and every attention bestowed that Kansas ingenuity could conceive or willing hands execute. The stay in Albuquerque will be remembered as the pleasantest on the trip.
As the foreman is looking up the forms, our readers will be inflicted with another chapter next week. There is still a thousand miles to cover.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, May 30, 1883.
Home Again.
Once more we are in Kansas after a trip of eleven days in which we traveled over 3,000 miles and drifted into the heart of the old empire of the Montezumas. We esteemed ourself fortunate in being one of the party, when, on the 10th inst., we took the special at Winfield, and through the courtesy of the A. T. & S. F. R. R. were safely transported through Colorado, New Mexico, and 200 miles into Old Mexico to the old town of Chihuahua, the capitol of the State of that name. The trip was full of incidents and pleasure, the first of which met us in the shape of a hearty welcome and banquet at Garden City, Kansas, where such hospitality was extended to the visitors as will ever insure a kindly remembrance. From this point to Las Vegas, we passed through the most monotonous and dreary looking country that can well be imagined, and much enjoyed the scene and surroundings which a layoff at the Hot Springs of fifteen hours afforded. Sunday morning, May 12th, found the party making rapid headway for Santa Fe, at which place we arrived about 2 p.m., and were allowed about five hours in which to “do the oldest town in America.” Leaving Santa Fe at 8 p.m., we journeyed all night and arrived at El Paso in time for breakfast. At this point the excursionists were taken around by the city authorities and were afforded facilities for visiting the old town of El Paso, Del Norte, and a most enjoyable time was had till 1 p.m., when at the cry “all aboard,” the cars moved out and we were once more underway towards Chihuahua, where we arrived about 9 p.m. A number of the party went into the city last evening, and amused themselves by promenading on the Plaza, but it was not till the following morning, when the citizens with carriages were at their service, that a general raid upon the town was made and all that day was busily put in seeing the sights of the quaint old Mexican city. At 8 p.m., the whistle sounded and we were moving towards home.
Our next stop was at Albuquerque, where a banquet and ball was tendered by the citizens, and much enjoyed by the excursionists, who were taken to their homes in real old fashion style by the citizens and right royally entertained. We were fortunate in being assigned to the care of our old time friend and fellow townsman, Joe Baldridge, who, with his estimable lady (nee Miss Clara Finley) made us feel perfectly at home, and Albuquerque in consequence thereof we are half inclined to say was the best place we struck on the trip.
Our next stop was at Trinidad, where the same genial hospitality met us as elsewhere culminating in a magnificent banquet and ball, which was duly appreciated by the guests. Leaving Trinidad at midnight we arrived at Pueblo for breakfast, where we changed cars and were transported by the D. & R. G. Railroad by special train to the Grand Canon of the Arkansas, where one of the grandest of Nature’s beauties were revealed to sight. While at Pueblo we were delighted to meet Lindsey Stubbs of whom we have a lively memory as one of our old time b’hoys. Six o’clock Sunday morning found us at Newton, where we expected to stay the day, but through the kindness of D. M. Rogers and the officers of the Santa Fe pay train, we were carried to Mulvane, where we found Conductor J. E. Miller with whom we reached home about 3 p.m. Some further details of this trip will be found on our first page and we propose in the future as space permits to give a detailed account of the cities and places of interest visited.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 30, 1883.
An Albuquerque editor says only two of the boys among the Kansas editorial excursionists refused to take “somethin” when in that town. The Kansas editor knows a thing when he smells it, and knows where to put it. Bulletin.
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1883.
The Lyons Republican: “Here we are at last—125 miles from home, and only 20 hours on the way. We might have walked it quicker, perhaps, but then we would have been more tired. Everything has its compensations. The trouble was not with the train, however; we would not have you think that. It was only with the connections—rather with the want of connection.
But enough, we are here. Too late to hear Noble Prentis’ address, it is true, but then we can read that and see the man; and must needs content ourselves with that half loaf. . . .”
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1883.
Emporia News: “. . . We had visited this city some twelve years ago when there were only a few houses, and the principal store was in a log building. . . . The residences of Read, McMullen, Robinson, Platter, Fuller, Rigby, and others would be a credit to a town fifty years old. . . .
Below the city a company of wealthy men have purchased a large tract of land for a park. It lies along the Walnut River bank and is most appropriately called “Riverside Park.” Little has been done in the way of art but nature has provided one of the handsomest groves we have seen in Kansas, and at no distant day “Riverside” will be the pride of Winfield. The famous Winfield white stone has done much for the town. . . . This stone is put into sidewalks at seven cents per square foot, and the city is consequently the best sidewalked town in the state. Mr. C. C. Black has a fine building of this material for his Telegram office, one of the best fitted printing offices in Southern Kansas.” Independence Star:
“ . . . At the first station east of Winfield, Father Millington, of the COURIER, boarded our train in quest of errant knights of the quill, and assigned all to their quarters. Mine were away up skyward in the third story, and though the strong breeze that prevailed at midnight rocked my bed like a cradle, I stuck to it, instead of dressing and going downstairs in antici-pation of a cyclone that failed to materialize.
“Morning dawned as bright and cheery as though the night had been without terrors, and for the next two days every train brought fresh accessions to the editorial mob. The writer, however, went down to Arkansas City by the noon train, and commenced the study of agri-cultural irrigation by observing its application to market gardening on a large scale along the canal built to furnish water power by diverting a portion of the waters of the Arkansas into the Walnut, the fall being more than twenty feet. The canal company obtain an annual rental of ten dollars per acre for these lands and the water to flood them, which looks like a wonder-ful income to obtain from lands that could a few years ago have been bought for much less than that sum. Two flouring mills have already been erected to utilize the water power; and a third has just been commenced. We took a hasty look through the “Canal Mills” of Mr. V. M. Ayres, which employ the gradual reduction process, and from which about a car load of flour and other mill products are shipped to Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas every day. Wheat was here selling at from 90 to 95 cents per bushel, and the prospect for another large crop this year was considered flattering. Arkansas City is growing very rapidly and expects to have a population of 2,000 before the end of the present year.
“Returning to Winfield Thursday afternoon, we found this “Gem City” of Southern Kansas looking its brightest and best under the genial spring sunshine; and overflowing with editors and hospitality. The annual meeting had been held, and the eminently sound and practical address of Noble Prentis was already printed in the COURIER.
“At the train we found a hundred and fifty-eight people trying to make themselves comfortable in quarters that had been provided for a hundred. Scarcely a berth but had two occupants; and a score or more of brave souls had the hardihood to start out on a trip of twenty-five hundred miles in an ordinary day coach, among them our friend, King, of the Oswego Democrat, accompanied by his better half. When our conductor passed through the train and found no less than seven people in two coaches who had not provided themselves with tickets, but were expecting to ride to Chihuahua and back on an order for a ticket, he spoke somewhat derisively of the intelligence of the average Kansas enlightener. With the booming of the cannon in a parting salute, our train retired out of the Winfield depot into the midnight darkness; the dancers of the previous night who had been for some time vainly essaying to woo the drowsy god, evidently failing to appreciate the compliment of that salute. On the road, however, the grinding of the wheels upon the rails, and the chug, chug of the ends of the rails upon the ties which is ever present, even on the smoothest and best laid steel track, go to make up the melody of the rail, which, with us, speedily brings oblivion to everything external—until I perhaps awake with the stopping of the train, to drop off again as the music recommences.
“At Kinsley we breakfasted; and as a portion of our crowd proceeded to interview their lunch baskets, loud and long are the lamentations over the havoc wrought by somebody during the night. It must indeed be a low-down hoodlum who would steal from an editor’s meagre lunch; but there is Standley, of the Arkansas City Traveler, who had fortified himself with a case of beer, wringing his hands because for the half of it only empty bottles remain; “Glick’s bad boy,” between a sweat and a cry, because the box of cookies from which he expected to feed his sweetheart had been broken into and rifled; and others too numerous to mention, bemoaning the loss of oranges, wine, and cake.”
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1883.
Committee Report of the Editorial Excursion.
“The Committee appointed at the eighteenth annual meeting of the Kansas State Editorial Association, held at Winfield, Kansas, May 9th and 10th, 1883, submit the following:
“Through the courtesy of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad company, this body, with their wives, sisters, daughters, and invited guests, numbering in all 160 persons, was gathered at Winfield, and from thence transported to and from the ancient city of Chihuahua, a distance exceeding 3,000 miles, without accident, delay, or unnecessary stoppage, and always on time, the journey laying through portions of the state of Kansas, Colorado, and Texas, the territory of New Mexico, and into the land of the Montezumas in Old Mexico —than which a more magnificent excursion, both in scope and detail was never before offered by any corporation in the history of railroad management.
“By reason of this excursion we have been accorded the opportunity to witness the introduction of a system of irrigation at Garden City and adjacent points, which bids fair to transform the western portion of the great Arkansas valley into fertile and fruitful fields, gardens, and orchards. We have witnessed with our own eyes the vastness of the stock-growing regions of Kansas, eastern Colorado, and New Mexico, and we confess that every tradition and all published reports have so far failed to correctly mirror the grand possibilities of that region for maintaining its now countless herds of cattle, horses, and sheep, and which must for all time to come, furnish the meat products of the world.
“In Colorado, New and Old Mexico, we have seen the wealth of mines of gold, silver, iron, copper, and other precious ores and stones, the total wealth and extent of which seems past human belief.
“We have followed the steel rail over the tops of high mountains, almost into the regions of perpetual snow, and have threaded our circuitous way through gorge and canon and valley. We have witnessed a civilization quaint, curious, and more ancient than history, standing side by side with the growth and development of the nineteenth century.
“Enabled by one of the boldest efforts of modern railroad engineering to scale the mountains and descend into the plains of New Mexico, we have found in what was the lonely canon of the Gallinas, standing among the wonderful springs, a veritable palace—the Montezuma—raised as a home and resting place for the pleasure seeker, the tourist, and the invalid.
“We have visited the ancient city of Santa Fe, now about to celebrate the three hundred and thirty-third anniversary of its settlement, and have stood under the veritable roof of the oldest church in the United States, and have found the city of the Holy Faith an object of perpetual and fadeless interest.
“Journeying through New Mexico we have discovered a land of wonders; the remains of a people whose history dates back to the dawn of time exhibiting the triumphs and inven-tions of a new and intense civilization, the creation of yesterday. We have seen the Pueblo Indian standing amidst telegraphs, telephones, street cars, gas works, water-works and all the evidences of refinement and progress. We have seen not only gold, silver, and copper, but every rare and precious thing man has learned to dig from the earth, and have seen a house literally constructed of precious stones. We have seen flocks and herds such as exist nowhere else, the single county of Bernalillo containing two million sheep. We have seen the tri-umphs of the gardener and the agriculturalist along the banks of the Rio Grande to the vine-yards and orchards of Las Cruces. Entering the state of Texas, we have found the flourishing city of El Paso standing at the gate of Mexico, and destined as we believe, to be one of the greatest commercial cities of the country.
“Crossing into Mexico we have found an ancient country awakening from the sleep of centuries, possessing boundless resources in its mountains and in its plains—the former filled with mines as rich as those which awakened the enterprise of Cortez; the latter covered with sheep and cattle, which roam undisturbed through the year, knowing nothing of the cold and the storm of winter. We have visited the famous city of Chihuahua and have met a gallant, refined, orderly, and hospitable people, and have passed with them a day as bright as if spent in the gardens of Andalusia or the courts of the Alhambra. We have experienced in a foreign land a welcome as hearty as could have been expected from our own country-men, and a welcome which we can assure our friends is extended to every law-abiding American. We have been impressed as never before with the existence of a stable government, a delicious climate, great natural wealth, and a brilliant possible future for the republic of Mexico. On our homeward journey we were but the more thoroughly convinced of the correctness of the impressions which we formed on our journey southward. . . .
“Through the kindness of the officers of the Denver & Rio Grande railroad, we were furnished a special train to visit the Grand Canon of Royal Gorge of the Arkansas, which furnishes Rocky Mountain scenery rarely equaled on the continent for beauty and grandeur; to pass through the narrow defile eleven miles in extent, where the waters of the Arkansas pour along at the foot of the mountains that rise perpendicularly above the river bed to the height of 2,500 feet; to pass at the base of mountain ranges, and look upon the lofty summit of Pike’s Peak in the distance affords a pleasure for which we tender our thanks to the Denver & Rio Grande railway, and especially to Capt. Tibbits, the very gentlemanly manager of the excursion on behalf of that road.”
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1883.
[Skipped other comments about Editorial Convention by other newspapers. MAW]
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1883.
The Albuquerque Democrat found among the Kansas editors who lately visited that place forty prohibitionists, twenty who answered no and eight on the ragged edge.
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1883.
“Glick’s bad boy” is along, and to the disgust of all but himself, is very soft on his girl who is also one of the company. They are like two sick kittens. Be it said to the credit of the Republican governors of Kansas, none of them ever appointed a silly son as a private secre-tary in order to keep the salary in the family. Glick’s boy has not as much sense as a twelve year old should have. But Glick is accidentally governor and knows he will never fill the place again, and hence is working to get every dollar that can be had out of the place for himself and family and a few strikers. We don’t believe there is a Democratic editor on the train who would support Glick again unless he promises to keep Fred out of office as “private secretary.” McPherson Freeman.”
The story of his behavior during that excursion, which the editors tell, show him to be a dirty little scoundrel.
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1883.
Humboldt Union: “. . . For favors and courtesies shown us while at Winfield, we are under obligations to P. H. Albright, J. H. McRory, and others of her citizens. The latter gentleman is agent for Adams Express Company at Winfield and formerly filled the same position at Humboldt.”
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1883.
A Day in Chihuahua.
CHIHUAHUA, MEXICO, May 15th, 1883.
Standing in the centre of a crooked, narrow lane, walled up on either side with mud houses, a broiling hot sun scorching everything to cinders and making the sands in the adobe buildings glisten like specks of silver, I first realized fully that I was a stranger in a strange land. The excursion train carrying representatives of the Kansas Press, arrived here last evening after a lightning run of two hundred and forty miles over the magnificent line of the “Central Mexicano” railroad. It was ten o’clock in the evening when the train pulled into the depot. The night was beautiful, the air pure, and the moon shone with exceeding brilliancy, so the impatient crowd resolved to do the city by moonlight.
Under the leadership of Ex-Governor Anthony, the cavalcade filed out toward the city, which seemed to lie at the foot of the mountain a hundred yards off. The hundred yards lengthened into two miles, and as the weary tourists struggled along between the mud walls, without a light visible, they were intensely disgusted with Chihuahua. But suddenly the tone was changed to one of wonder and astonishment as the narrow lane opened into a beautiful square filled with trees and sweet scented flowers, and surrounded by a wide promenade. On both sides of this promenade were placed iron seats with high, roomy backs, and here the population of the city seemed to be congregated. It was the famous “plaza” of Mexican life— the social center and grand meeting place for everyone. Persons of high and low degree, rich and poor, large and small, all come here to walk and talk, sit and smoke, and enjoy to its fullest extent the glorious evenings of this favored clime. Fronting the Plaza on one side is the grand cathedral, whose spires reach up nearly to the mountains tops, and filled with curious old bells which clang out the hours and quarters in a dozen different keys. The cathedral has been in process of construction sixty years, and workmen are still hammering away at it. Its cost is already approaching a million dollars, which was raised by a twelve percent tax on the output of a mine nearby.
After the tired and weary crowd had rested on the benches under the trees, the return journey was undertaken and soon all were sleeping sweetly in the Pullman coaches. We wakened early and rose just as the sun began to purple the tops of distant mountains and threw a deep and sombre shadow over the valley that stretched away down through the distance we had come the day before. Climbing to the top of a freight car nearby, I watched the sunlight creep slowly up the mountain side until it burst in dazzling splendor over the city lying at its base.
With the rising of the sun came little groups of queer Mexican burros, carrying large earthen jars in wicker cradles strapped across their backs. I hailed one caravan and found that the jars contained goats’ milk for sale in the city. As the sun rose higher, the caravans came oftener, sometimes singly, sometimes in groups, ambling patiently along with their heavy burdens and carrying the master on the after-deck. Some carried piles of wood much larger than themselves, others carried only human freight, their capacity limited only to the number that could hang on.
At eight o’clock all the citizens came to the train with carriages and the party was con-veyed to the National Hotel, where breakfast was served. The writer preferred to see the sights alone, and seeing a sign “Senate Saloon and Lunch Counter,” stepped in and was soon served with an excellent beefsteak, cup of coffee, and bread and butter, for which he induced the proprietor to take a dollar of “American” money. (In Mexican currency it would have been a dollar and a quarter.)
Thus refreshed, the next thing in order was to visit the bank and exchange U. S. for Mexican currency. To a patriotic American this is a ceremony of much importance, and calculated to increase his respect for our institutions. Everyone was eager and anxious to exchange six dollars of their paper currency for five of ours, but in the evening when I tried to convert my surplus Mexican currency into Greenbacks, I could find no takers at thirty percent discount. The depreciation of their currency is perhaps due to the fact that every banker issues as much as he wishes to of it, merely giving the government a real estate mort-gage to secure its redemption. There is absolutely no such thing as credit here. Nobody keeps a slate, and the “mark it down ’til tomorrow” man is conspicuous for his absence. It’s a “pay as you go” country, and the old, familiar legends that first strike one’s eye in a Kansas store, find no lodgment here.
The very foundation of Mexican life, character, and well-being, social and financial, rests on the patient little burro. He is at once the hope and mainstay of the populace, and around him centers most that is interesting to me in the life of the common people of Mexico. He moves with the slow, ambling gait of his master, with his apparent lack of aim or ambition. He is a stoic, and cares nothing for tomorrow so that today brings forth a handful of corn and a cactus bush. I saw him in all his moods and in all the varied shades of light and shadow. On one of the narrow, crooked side streets of the city, I noticed one picture that should be transferred to canvas. It was the poorest quarter of the city and the door or “hole-in-a-mud-wall” opened directly on the street. Here one of the Mexican milk-carriers had stopped, evi-dently to talk to a “Senorita.” His burro, carrying the two wide-mouthed jars hung on either side in rude wicker baskets, stood with its head inside the door. Just opposite, on the dirt floor, sat a young girl, while in front of her, reclining gracefully with his head supported by his arm, was a bright-looking, swarthy young Mexican, his wide “sombrero” pushed back and his waist girded with a scarlet sash. As they talked in the low, musical language of that country, the burro’s long ears drooped forward and he seemed to be asleep. The trio formed a perfect picture of peace, happiness, and repose, although surrounded by evidences of squalid poverty.
Farther along on the same street I caught a glimpse of trees and flowers through an opening in the wall, and receiving a cordial invitation to come in from an old Mexican, I passed through the court into a beautiful “placita,” filled with flowers, vines, and foliage, with a fountain in the center. Opening off of this were the rooms of the family, neatly and tastily furnished, with lace curtains and Brussels carpets. Several young ladies were present, one of whom sang to guitar accompaniment, while another gathered a handsome bouquet of flowers. I spent an hour with this family most pleasantly, although I could not understand a word of their language nor they mine. It was but one of the many instances of kindness and hospitality shown the party.
We took dinner at the International Hotel, and a wonderful dinner it proved to be. The tables were set in the “placita,” which in this case was merely an open space in the center of the building, floored with stone flagging. For the occasion a temporary awning of canvas was drawn across to keep out the scorching sun. The tables were decorated with huge vases of flowers and looked very neat. The dinner was served by half a dozen greasy looking Mexi-cans, and consisted of a dozen dishes of horribly cooked stuff, seasoned with red pepper and olive oil, and brought on one at a time. The coffee, tea, and chocolate were excellent. The tea was carried around to each plate in a tea pot with a little bucket, some larger than a thimble, hung to the spout. This was perforated and the tea was strained through it. Our American housewives would lose nothing by adopting this contrivance. The kitchen was located on one side of the square, and the place where they kept the dishes on the opposite, and the waiters kept tearing back and forward without system or arrangement. In the kitchen a lot of women sat on the floor washing the dishes and piling them up all around. There are evidently no “high livers” in Chihuahua. The meal cost a dollar. At the same rate one of Charlie Harter’s meals would cost twenty.
After dinner I observed that all the stores and shops were closed, and on inquiry found that it was the custom to “close up” at one and not open again till three. The wisdom of this custom is apparent. It would take an able-bodied man three hours to get a square meal out of the menu provided, unless he had a cast iron stomach and a set of brass teeth.
At three o’clock we visited the rooms of the “Casino Club,” the fashionable club of Chihuahua, which was thrown open for the first time since its organization. It is nicely furnished, and is a very cool, airy, and attractive place. The reading room contains papers from all over the world. The reception room is a long, roomy place, carpeted with Brussels, and with wide windows reaching from floor to ceiling, opening on the “placita.” It contained a splendid piano. Several of the Spanish ladies were present and an afternoon dance was improvised for the occasion. The ladies of our party tried the Spanish dances, but only one succeeded in “catching the step.” They are slow and smooth, but lack the fire and life of the American waltz.
I should utterly fail in an attempt to describe Chihuahua did I not mention the “Alameda” or public drive. It is a wide street circling the city on the south and west. Along each side flows a small stream of clear water brought down through a stone aqueduct from a mountain spring. Along these little streams grow heavy foliaged cottonwoods under which stone seats are placed. In the evening everyone who can muster a horse or vehicle drives on this street, and those who can’t, sit on the stone seats and watch the more fortunate ones go by. I rode on the Alameda in the early morning, and all along were women washing dishes in the little stream or scooping up water in earthen vessels. An old Mexican was leading a hog down to water. It was the first hog I had seen (outside of several which accompanied the party) since leaving Colorado, and had it not been for the grunt, I certainly would not have entertained a suspicion of its belonging to that useful family. I feel sure that even Prentis, hailing from Atchison though he does, would have canvassed the subject thoroughly before pronouncing it really a hog. It was of the style known as “razor back,” or “rail-splitter.” A long chain was fastened to its neck and it darted here and there picking up every kind of trash. Its color was mottled gray with stripes on its legs like a zebra, and its nose was a tariff discussion, slightly abbreviated. Its tail was spiral but could unfold and spread around like a land grant. As I came up the animal raised its nose high in the air, curved its spine, and made off in a very hoggish manner. I am sorry Will Allison did not see it. He would have bought it as a companion for his burros.
At eight o’clock in the evening the train carried us away from Chihuahua, with most pleasant recollections of the place and the wonderful hospitality of its people. The sights and incidents of the visit were strange, quaint, and long-to-be-remembered. Should any of our friends desire to spend a vacation pleasantly, among sights and scenes equally interesting and instructive, they should visit this wonderful old city. E. P. G.
Winfield Courier, June 7, 1883.
We have received a copy of the Chihuahua Mail, published at that place, in Mexico. We haven’t the time to give the Mail the extended notice it deserves, but can’t let the opportunity pass to reproduce what it has to say regarding the capers of the junior editor of the Winfield COURIER, while at that place on the late editorial excursion. We knew Ed. was capable of such tricks, but that he should have so far forgotten himself as to be guilty of what is charged in the Mail is somewhat astonishing. But here it is: “Salon a la monda. El mas elegate salon en Chihuahua. Los mejores licores y vinos, villares y casino adjunto.” Wellingtonian.
Had Mr. Allison read farther on down the column, he would have doubtless never have alluded to the above. It breaks our heart to reproduce it, and for the credit of the party we ought not to, but in self-defense we must. Here it is:
“Senor Billum Allisonsonem, los mejores villaros y adjunto, drungernanowi en salon a la monda, el mas Elegate salon en Chihuahua.”
Winfield Courier, June 7, 1883.
John Culbertson, publisher of the Advertiser, Delevan, Illinois, one of the excursionists on the N. V. Editorial excursion last week, gave us a pleasant call on his return. He is an old friend of G. H. Buckman and A. Herpich of this place.
Winfield Courier, June 7, 1883. [Editorial by Greer.]
The Two Albuquerques.
Albuquerque comprises two towns—the old and new. The new town is one of the prodigies of western growth. A little over two years ago it was a barren waste of mesa and sage brush. Today it is a fine city of five thousand population, with wide streets, lined with magnificent brick blocks, has three daily papers, water works, gas, and street cars. It is the best town on the Santa Fe road from Topeka to Chihuahua, and displays more hustle, life, and business activity than all the towns we passed through in New Mexico put together. We account for its remarkable growth and prosperity by the fact that it is a “Kansas town,” settled and largely populated by “formerly of Kansas” men. They hold the offices and do the business, and it is popularly supposed that the Justices of the Peace have to take an oath to support the Constitution of the State of Kansas.
It was a good deal like getting home when the train rolled into the depot and found a hundred carriages manned by two hundred Kansas fellows waiting to meet the excursionists. Everyone had friends there and in a few minutes were whirled away, leaving the Pullman coaches deserted, for the first time during the trip. We had hardly touched the platform before we were seized by Ex-Saint, taken to a carriage, and, together with W. M. Allison and wife, conveyed to his residence, where a splendid dinner was awaiting us. After eight days out, part of the time subsisting on the Mexican diet of red pepper and olive oil, it was like dropping into paradise as we feasted on strawberries and cream and all the delicacies provided. And last, but not least, were bright little golden haired Irene and Louise, the former questioning sorrowfully, “Why didn’t ’ou bwing my gwanpa?” Our short stay with Mr. and Mrs. Saint was one of the pleasantest events of the trip.
After dinner we were conducted through the wholesale and retail establishment of J. E. Saint & Co. It is a big institution and the firm does business on a scale that would lay most of our brag Kansas stores way in the shade. In the hour we were there, the senior member of the firm purchased two car loads of goods from a St. Louis drummer, loaded a lot of truck for shipment to Arizona, took in two car loads of potatoes, and had ten men buying and selling when we left. It takes life, energy, and business ability to keep at the head of the procession in Albuquerque, and Ex seems to have a surplus of all.
In the evening a grand ball and banquet was given in honor of the visitors, and here the youth and beauty of the city congregated. It was a delightful party and settled the question in our mind that Albuquerque, socially, is distinctively Kansas.
At no place in New Mexico is the contrast between the old and the new so noticeable as at Albuquerque. The new town is distinctively new, the old town distinctively old. The two are a mile apart and connected by a street car line. Here one can go from a two year old to a two hundred year old in ten minutes. The new town is all bustle and activity—the old is quiet, crooked, and lies low along the bank of the Rio Grande. Here as in all Mexican towns, the “cathedral” is the center around which everything seems to revolve. The oldest building is always a church, and the old churches are filled with the most hideous wooden images, supposed to represent the suffering of Christ on the cross. They are painfully distorted, these images, and we could hardly keep from turning away from them with a shudder. In one of the old churches at Santa Fe, in a niche in the wall, was a glass case, in which was enclosed a wax figure draped in burial robes. It was horribly real, and how these people can find consolation for the soul in looking at such things is more than we can tell.
When a person has seen one adobe town, he has seen them all. They look old when they go up, and grow no older in appearance after two or three centuries. Old Albuquerque has more of the pillared porches than Santa Fe, and the town looks cleaner. In one of these build-ings, the United States Court was in session. There was a mixed jury of Mexicans and whites, but the lawyers were all Americans. No Mexican can compete with the average Kansas lawyer, unless he has a jaw like a swordfish and a head like a Chihuahua gourd.
One of the most interesting features of the old town is the Indian school. Here are gathered together a hundred little Indian boys and girls, most of them Pueblos, but a few Apaches. The school is nominally under the control of the Presbyterian Board of Missions, but is also a Government boarding school for young Indians; the Government of the United States paying $125 per annum toward the maintenance and education of each pupil. They are taught Arithmetic, writing, and spelling, and are apt pupils. They sing well and rendered the chorus of “Sweet Bye and Bye,” with a good deal of force. They are swaddled up in breeches and petticoats and don’t resemble our youthful picture of the “little injun” running wild any more than a postage stamp resembles the moon. We had rather see them chasing dogs in their native garb of flour sacks than chasing ideas in a second-hand coat and a pair of “galluses.” The young lady teachers seem to take great interest in the work and in exhibiting their little copper-colored charges.
Water is a powerful factor in old Albuquerque. The brick-dust looking soil, when properly irrigated, produces luxuriantly, and so we find the ascequas running all over and around the town, carrying the muddy-looking water, taken from the Rio Grande miles above, and spreading it over the fields and vineyards at the owner’s will. In this country every farmer carries the rain in the hollow of his hand and floods his garden any time. All he needs is a hoe. The ascequas have a permanent and undisputed right of way. They will disappear under the wall of a house, reappear on the other side, and go flowing smoothly on to the next field.
We found so much that was strange and interesting in the old town that the afternoon and most of the evening passed by unheeded until the shrill whistle of a locomotive reminded us that it was the evening set for our departure, so we hurried back, and without time to hunt up the friends and bid them good-bye, were whirled away into the night toward home.
Winfield Courier, June 21, 1883.
Something About Santa Fe.
My first impressions of Santa Fe were anything but favorable. Winding around among sand hills and patches of soap weed, we came upon it suddenly; so suddenly as to almost startle me. Lying at the foot of giant mountains whose caps are eternal snow, the city in itself looks insignificant.
While the ladies and older persons in the party took carriages, the younger members started for town on foot. Here, as elsewhere in this country, they found that distances were “mighty deceivin’.” It took half an hour to walk a hundred yards.
Apart from its historic interest, Santa Fe is much like other Mexican towns. Here we met the same patient, ambling little burro, driven by the same stolid-faced “greaser” that first attracted our attention in Las Vegas. They seemed to have preceded us across the mountains and brought their mud houses and crooked streets along. It is a mystery to us how they preserve relationships and property interests in New Mexico. Everyone and everything looks alike, and apparently everyone is named “Jesus Maria.” It is the John Smith of the territory.
The San Franciscan chapel was first visited. It is very old—two hundred years or more, they say. It is an old adobe built in the form of a cross. Around it is being built a fine stone cathedral intended, we suppose, to protect it from the ravages of time. To insure this an adobe should be built around the cathedral. There is nothing so very remarkable in this old chapel. The high altars in the three wings of the building are gaudy with gilt and tinsel, against a background of carved figures, very ugly. All around on the walls were paintings and carvings in wood representing the crucifixion, some of them brought over from Spain hundreds of years ago. Age was their only virtue. In design and execution they would ruin the reputation of the artist who frescoes the barn yard fence with a bucket of paint and a broom. A niche in the wall was covered with a curtain. Some of the ladies, true to feminine curiosity, were bound to see what was behind that curtain, but started back when it was pulled aside. It contained a glass case in which was the wax figure of a man, full size, laid out in burial robes. As the remains were not labeled, we did not learn what saint the effigy was intended to represent, or why his memory was preserved in such strange form.
The old church of San Miguel is viewed with more interest perhaps than any other in America. Certain for three hundred years, and no one knows for how much longer, this church has stood “the altar of a people’s hope.” From the outside it looks like a big sod house with pebbles mixed up in the mud. From the inside it is long and narrow. It is supposed to have been built in 1640 and partially destroyed in the revolt of the Pueblo Indians in 1680, and rebuilt in 1710 by “The Admiral Don Jose Chacon Medina Salazar Villasenor, Knight of the Order of Santiago, Governor and Captain General of this Kingdom of New Mexico, etc. The building is supported by a beam on which is carved the date and several sections of his name.
When one starts to enter the old church, he is brought suddenly to the recollection that he is still in the United States by a young Mexican who stands at the door and collects toll at the rate of twenty-five cents per head. It was a new way of passing the contribution box, which was very successful.
Scrambling up an old ladder, we had a good view of the town from the top of the old church. The roof is of dirt and has a little belfry at one end in which hangs an old bell—twice as old as the bell which rang out tidings of the declaration of Independence.
Looking down from the roof just alongside the church, we see the oldest residence in America—a house in which human beings were living when this was an “undiscovered country.” In olden times the entrance was made by ladder to the roof, then the ladder was pulled up and let down by a hole in the roof, and the occupants were secure from all intru-sion. Its walls are thick and ceilings low, the upper one being scarcely high enough to stand up straight under. It has little mud fireplaces built in the corner of each room, mud floors, mud roof, mud walls, mud everything.
The long, low building on the north side of the plaza, painted white, is the “palace.” It has been the seat of government here continuously for two hundred years. It has earned its title and is by right a “palace.” Here Governor Lionel A. Shelden holds forth, and here are found piles of rusty old records containing the history of New Mexico through all its changes and vicissitudes. In the times to come they will prove a mine of wealth to the patient his-torian. After all, Santa Fe is a strange and interesting place, and I would fain have remained a week had circumstances permitted. With the railroad has come a change in the people, the customs, and manners, and those who would see Santa Fe as an old, quaint, and curious place, must see it soon.
Winfield Courier, June 28, 1883.
We have to thank W. M. Allison of the Wellingtonian for the following kind notice of our “children” at Albuquerque.
“Ninety-four miles run from Socorro brought us to Albuquerque, where was found the platform filled with formerly Kansas people, who were looking for acquaintances in the party whom they hoped to entertain. It was the lot of the writer and wife along with E. P. Greer, of Winfield, to be taken under the protecting care of Mr. J. E. Saint, an old Winfield boy, who was waiting with the carriage ready to convey us to his pleasant little home where his wife—daughter of Father Millington of the Winfield Courier—greeted us with hospitality beaming all over her face. Mr. Saint is engaged in the wholesale grocery business and has a large thriving trade. They carry a large stock and cash every pound of their goods every twenty days. They have been engaged in the business only some nine months and yet their sales had amounted to something like one hundred and eighty thousand dollars. And all the Kansans reported they were doing an excellent business in the various lines in which they are engaged, and we believe them because Albuquerque shows more ‘git up and git’ than any other town in the territory. It showed more stir and enterprise and was livelier than any other town we visited in the territory. Its growth has been marvelous.”