L. L. Newton
Harvey Township.
L. L. Newton, 28; spouse, Malissa, 22.
L. L. Newton, 30; spouse, M. J., 24. Post Office: Lazette.
L. L. Newton, 31; spouse, M. J., 25. Post Office: Lazette.
Winfield Courier, December 16, 1875.
L. L. Newton, one of Harvey Township’s enterprising farmers, returned recently from Northeastern Kansas with some fifty head of cattle, which he intends fattening for spring market.
L. L. Newton marries Malissa Dawson...
Winfield Courier, January 27, 1876.
L. L. NEWTON, of Harvey Township, made us a very pleasant call this week.
[He had just been married and was on his bridal trip.]
Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876.
The following is a list of Marriage Licenses issued by Probate Judge Gans, during the month of January.
L. L. Newton and Malissa Dawson.
Winfield Courier, February 17, 1876.
L. L. Newton and Ed. Smith returned last week, from a tour through the Indian Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 20, 1876.
A motion being made that a County Central Committee be elected, giving to each township in the county one member, the following were elected.
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876. Editorial Page.
The following named gentlemen were selected members of county central committee.
Harvey, L. L. Newton.
Winfield Courier, January 4, 1877. Editorial Page.
Notes from Upper Grouse.
Grouse Valley contains a good number of stock men who are feeding herds as follows:
L. L. Newton has some eighty odd head of cattle.
Dennis Newton, formerly a member of the editorial corps, has been visiting L. L. Newton. He seems greatly pleased with this part of Kansas, and especially with our “summer weather.”
Winfield Courier, August 16, 1877.
We, the undersigned members of the Republican County Central Committee, believing that the election of T. K. Johnston as chairman of said committee does not represent the wishes of the Republican party of this county and that said election was by a minority of the Committee do hereby disapprove of and repudiate the same, and hereby request the Secretary, Chas. H. Eagin, to publish the call for a county convention at the time and in accordance with the order of the Committee made at the meeting held on the 4th of August, 1877.
P. Stout, Ninnescah Tp.; W. H. Gilliard, Omnia Tp.; J. O. Vanorsdol, Richland Tp.; Wm. B. Norman, Maple Tp.; L. L. Newton, Harvey Tp.; A. P. Brooks, Silver Creek Tp.; B. H. Clover, Windsor Tp.; H. C. McDorman, Dexter Tp.; R. P. Goodrich, Spring Creek Tp.; W. A. Metcalf, Cedar Tp.; C. W. Roseberry, Beaver Tp.
I unite with the committee in protesting against and repudiating the attempt to elect Mr. T. K. Johnston as chairman of the Committee. CHAS. H. EAGIN, Rock Tp.
Winfield Courier, September 27, 1877.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, Sept. 22, 1877.
Pursuant to the call of the Republican County Central Committee, of Cowley County, the delegates assembled in convention at the courthouse, in the city of Winfield, on Saturday, Sept. 22, 1877, at 11 o’clock a.m.
The convention was called to order by T. K. Johnston, Chairman of the Republican County Central Committee.
On motion a county central committee consisting of one member from each township was chosen by the delegates from the respective townships. The following gentlemen were selected:
Maple, W. B. Norman; Winfield, L. J. Webb; Ninnescah, H. Martin; Harvey, L. L. Newton; Spring Creek, J. B. Callison; Richland, N. J. Larkin; Vernon, P. M. Waite; Sheridan, B. Longshore; Tisdale, S. W. Chase; Silverdale, John Tipton; Beaver, C. W. Roseberry; Windsor, S. M. Fall; Bolton, Reuben Bowers; Omnia, W. H. Gilliard; Otter, C. R. Miles; Liberty, Justus Fisher; Rock, Frank Akers; Creswell, C. R. Mitchell; Silver Creek, A. P. Brooks; Dexter, H. C. McDorman; Cedar, W. A. Metcalf; Pleasant Valley, T. J. Harris.
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1877.
Harvey—E. J. Horsman, Trustee; L. Smith, Treasurer; G. Savage, Clerk; R. S. Strother, Justice; A. Smith, L. L. Newton, Constable.
Winfield Courier, December 27, 1877.
Our valley is well filled with fat hogs and cattle, and several flocks of sheep have lately come in.
Lew Newton has some sixty yearling calves feeding on the Hodson farm.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
The enterprising young folks of this district support a weekly literary society, and a paper, the Grouse Creek Witness, L. L. Newton being editor-in-chief.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
The call of the Republican State convention to meet at Topeka on the 28th day of August recommends that the county central committee call a meeting for the purpose of electing delegates to the state convention, to be held on Wednesday, August 21.
The Republican County Central Committee is as follows:
C. R. Mitchell, Cresswell, Chairman; Justus Fisher, Liberty, Secretary.; W. B. Norman, Maple; L. J. Webb, Winfield; H. H. Martin, Ninnescah; L. L. Newton, Harvey; J. B. Callison, Spring Creek; N. J. Larkin, Richland; P. M. Waite, Vernon; M. Longshore, Sheridan; S. W. Chase, Tisdale; John Tipton, Silverdale; C. W. Roseberry, Beaver; S. M. Fall, Windsor; Reuben Bowers, Bolton; W. H. Gillard, Omnia; C. R. Miles, Otter; Frank Akers, Rock; A. P. Brooks, Silver Creek; H. C. McDorman, Dexter; W. A. Metcalf, Cedar; T. J. Harris, Pleasant Valley.
Winfield Courier, March 18, 1880.
Mr. George Denton has purchased the farm occupied by Lew Newton, from a gentleman in Iowa.