

Kansas 1875 Census Maple Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color   Place/birth Where from
James T.? Newton  30  m w Tennessee Tennessee
Mandy H. Newton 41 f w Virginia  Tennessee
Mary S. Newton 1 f w Kansas
Kansas 1875 Census, Tisdale Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
T. D. Newton 59 m w Kentucky Kentucky
S. F. Newton 55 f w Illinois Illinois
F.? Newton   5 m w Kansas
J.? Newton 4 f w Kansas
I.? K. Newton   ? ? w Kansas
Mrs. I. D. Newton, 28.
Female: Sarah F. Newton, 33.
T. D. Newton, 38; spouse, Sarah F., 34.
Sarah F. Newton, 39.
Frank Newton, 45. No spouse listed.
Female: S. F. Newton, 41.
Louis Newton, 27. No spouse mentioned.
A. T. Newton, 36; spouse, Ruth, 23.
George Newton...
Winfield Courier, March 11, 1875.
School Report of District No. 46.
The winter term of four months, closed one week ago last Friday (Feb. 26th). The following show the general attendance and other statistics: Number of pupils enrolled, 41. Average attendance, 21½. Whole number of times pupils were tardy during the term, 217.
Some of the scholars were very irregular in their atten­dance, and others moved away. A few did very well.
Second in number of days at school is Master George Newton, who walked one and one half miles, was absent but four days during the term, and is only eight years old.
I. D. Newton...

Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 23, 1873.
At half past 2 o’clock the soldiers, to the number of about 150, fell into line at the tap of the drum, and preceded by the Winfield Martial band, marched to the Methodist Church, which had been kindly tendered for their use. The meeting was called to order by T. A. Blanchard. L. J. Webb was chosen Chairman, and James Kelly, Secretary.
I. D. Newton, Co. D, 6th Kansas Cavalry.
James Newton...
Winfield Courier, February 17, 1876.
Mr. James Newton, from the Territory, is visiting friends in this valley.
J. D. Newton...[Departed with Mrs. Phil Hedges for parts unknown]...
Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876. Editorial Page.
From Tisdale.
TISDALE, SEPT. 1, 1876.
EDITOR COURIER: Tisdale has long been on the quive vive for something sensational, and for want of facts to talk about, the gossipers have let their tongues loose, and talked about what might be, or according to their theory, what ought to be, and if they had the opportunity what actually would be, thus showing by their talk and scandal of others what they actually are them­selves. But we pass over the imaginary and come to the real.
On Monday night last J. D. Newton and Mrs. Phil Hedges left for parts unknown. It seems that Newton left home on Monday night, stating to his wife that he was going to Winfield to buy groceries, as the threshers were expected to be at his place in a few days. He left and has not returned. Phil Hedges left on Monday morning to assist Hall and Handy with threshing, intending to be absent till Tuesday night. On Tuesday night he found no wife to welcome. Upon examination he found her trunk gone, and the cow had not been milked while he was gone. Let us imagine, for a moment, the painful position of Mr. Hedges. Not till morning did the dreadful fact come to his mind that his wife had gone. Mr. Hedges is one of the best citizens in this neighbor­hood. He is a man of undoubted honor, and has the greatest sympathy of the public. Newton leaves a wife and three children, almost unprovided for. Mrs. Newton is a quiet, inoffensive woman, and for a short time back has lived in continual fear of her life, her husband having threatened to kill her on several occasions. Newton is a man of no mind—of little knowledge of the world—and altogether the last man that the public would ever have thought would have gained the affection or the seduction of a woman like Mrs. Hedges. Strange things happen in this world. I wonder if our socials last winter did not help matters a little. BEECHER.
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876. Editorial Page.
From Tisdale.
TISDALE, Sept. 11, 1876.

DEAR COURIER: Tisdale is not only the center of the county, but it appears to be the center of attraction just now. Politics are all the rage with an occasional sensation of slander. Hardly had the pen of “Beecher” been laid away to rest after describing the late Newton scandal, until his better-half, from some cause, to us unknown, left his bed and board, and, at this writing, still refuses to return, and Beecher now has the sympathy of those who but a week ago were sympathizing with Hedges and Mrs. Newton.
Jessie Newton...
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
The Tisdale school closed last Friday. The total enrollment of the winter term was 63; general average, 43. Average attendance, 37½. Miss Sada Davis is the best scholar.
Abe Conrad is the only scholar perfect in deportment. Advanced grade, Sada Davis; Inter-grade, Nettie Handy, Hattie Young, and Eddie Young; primary grade, Jessie Newton, Lulu McGuire, and Carlyle Fluke are the most advanced scholars in their respective grades. In general scholarship Abr. Conrad stands far ahead.
The school will give an exhibition on tomorrow (Tuesday) evening.
Mrs. Newton...
Winfield Courier, November 28, 1878.

On Saturday last this part of Tisdale Township was visited by a prairie fire of the most vehement kind; in fact, we were favored with two fires, one from the south, which did not do any great amount of damage that I heard of, and one from the north, which has done more toward wiping out the Greenback party then all the campaign speeches. The fire started two miles north of town, coming south and slightly east. The veering wind gave it a broad front, which headed for George Divilbliss’s hay stacks and house, but was here stopped by Messrs. Gould, Burleston, and Moses. A small point crossed the road west of Divilbliss’s house and was burning slowly down a ravine, guarded on each side by breaking. Here it was stopped by Napier, Wilson, and Gould. After that was checked, we went back and back-fired against it on the line running west and between John King’s and Mr. Divilbliss’s farms. While at work there we saw a signal flag, started for the danger, and found the fire had crossed the line again and was burning on Mr. Hodges’ north quarter and running south across Mrs. Newton’s farm. Knowing that the buildings on Newton’s farm were not burned around, we put our horses to the run, hoping to get there in time to save the barn, in which was Mrs. Newton’s wheat (nearly 70 bushels); Mr. Armstrong’s harvester; and about 100 bushels of corn belonging to Mr. Bush. In spite of the speed of our horses—and they were good ones—the fire drove us south of the barn; but here we got ahead, and passing the fire rode back and began firing. Just as we began to hope all was safe, another head-floe struck us fairly, drove us from the work, and caught the barn and granary (the granary was covered with straw and the barn was a Kansas concern, built of poles, with straw sides and top); so the only thing left was to sand away and think of the flames that lit “the battle’s wreck.” Then we fired around the house and saved it. A summary of the loss sustained on these two places gives the following: 70 bushels wheat at 45 cents, $31.50; 100 bushels corn at 20 cents, $20.00; 1 harvester, nearly new, $150.00; granary and barn, $45.00; hay burned on the two farms, estimated at 65 tons, $97.50; E. A. Millard, 1 coat, pair of gloves, etc., $7.00; A. T. Gay, 1 pair pants and pair of boots, $8.00; total $359.00. Besides this, corn burned in the field, hedge and fruit trees killed will make an aggregate of $500.00. As the fire passed on toward the south it again
“Wrapped the ship in splendor wild
 And caught the flag on high.”
That is, it burned a hay stack for J. A. McGuire. I have not been able to learn of any other damage, and do not know who set the fire out.
George Newton...
Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.
ED. COURIER. The following is a report of the Tisdale school for the month ending Jan. 30.
No. pupils enrolled: 62
Average daily attendance: 54
The following named pupils have attained 100 in deportment.
GRADE A. Frank McKibben, Glen Moore, George Newton, C. P. Conrad, Nettie Handy, Lula Handy, Connie Gay, Stella Boatman, Jessie Goodrich, Ella Whistler, Effie Bartlow, Hattie Young, George Davis, Edna Davis.
Newman Newton dies, leaving six children in Bolton township...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1884.
Dropped Dead.
DIED. Newman Newton, an old gentleman aged about 65, dropped dead at his home in Bolton Township last Saturday afternoon. He and his son were out loading up some hay, with the elder gentleman in the wagon. When they had about half a load, Mr. Newton cautioned his son not to pitch so fast, as he could not take care of it. The son commenced to toss slower, but on looking up failed to see his father, and fearing he had fallen from the wagon, the young man walked around to the other side, but still could not see any sign of him. Then looking into the wagon bed, he discovered his father lying at full length, and cold in the embrace of death. His death had been instantaneous and painless. No cause is known for his sudden death other than heart disease, from which, however, the gentleman had never suffered previously. We understand that for two or three years he had had considerable trouble with his kidneys, which may have contributed somewhat to the final dissolution.
The deceased leaves six children, all grown, three daughters and three sons, two of the latter now living near Peoria, Illinois. The family are one of the most respected and prosperous in Southwest Bolton, and have the sympathy of all in their bereavement. The body was placed in the Mercer Cemetery yesterday.
Miss Jessie A. Newton marries Mr. M. C. Coulter, Bolton township...
Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1884.
MARRIED. By Elder Broadbent, at his residence in Bolton Township, on Sunday, February 24, 1884, Mr. M. C. Coulter and Miss Jessie A. Newton, both of whom are residents of Bolton Township. The TRAVELER wishes the young couple a long life of wedded happiness.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1884.

The Probate Judge has issued MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES of unalloyed bliss since our last to the following parties:
M. C. Coulter to Jessie A. Newton.
Gib Newton of Bolton...
Arkansas City Traveler, May 7, 1884.
Mr. Gib Newton of Bolton, while leading his horses to water on Sunday last, met with a serious accident in being kicked on the forehead, receiving injuries that were to say the least very serious. At this writing he is getting along nicely, and we hope will speedily be himself again.
John Newton...
[UDALL. “O.”]
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.
On the morning of the 15th, Oliver Jewett, of the firm of Werden & Jewett, on arriving at the store, was surprised to find the west window open. Upon entering he also found the south window taken out entirely and laying on the ground some feet away from the building. An investigation showed that the thief or thieves had effected an entrance at the south window and left by the west one. Two watched and three shot guns were missing. Marshal Frazier was at once notified, and in a short time had the thieves spotted, who gave their names as Chas. Neal and John Newton, and had come from Wichita the evening previous. The Marshal at once arrested them, and then searched in the barn loft of D. D. Kellogg, where they had slept the night of the robbery. Here secreted beneath the hay was found all the property except the watches, which were subsequently found by one of the thieves. An examination was held before Esquire Norman, when they both plead guilty to the charge of grand larceny. Our Marshal has the thanks of the city for the zeal and promptness which he displayed in working up the case, and his clever manner of capturing the thieves, for it was scarcely three hours from the time the robbery was reported to him until the thieves were on the road to the county jail. Udall is a bad place for thieves while George is Marshal.
John Newton...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.
Sheriff G. H. McIntire and Deputy O. S. Rarick left Monday for the State hotel de criminal with J. N. Slade, sentenced one year for forgery; Chas. Neal and John Newton, grand larceny, two years each; R. H. Black, embezzlement, two years; Frank Hillman, highway robbery, ten years.
   Five Victims Sentenced to the State Hotel De Criminal.
  An Aggregate of Seventeen Years.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.
The criminal victims of this term of court were brought before Judge Torrance last Saturday evening and sentenced.
Chas. Neal and John Newton were given two years in the “pen” for breaking into a store at Udall a few weeks ago and getting a short distance with two guns and other valuables. They are in their teens of good appearance, and took their sentence more like a huge joke than the stern, terrible reality that it will prove to be.
L. Newton...

Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 28, 1885.
Fred Collins, of Burden, came down to the social last Tuesday night, and remained until Thursday morning with Mr. L. Newton.
E. B. Newton...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 18, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds yesterday.
John W. McElvain and wife to E. B. Newton, se ¼ 21-31-s-8e: $1,000.
F. J. Newton...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 2, 1885.

It used to be said that about the driest and most unsocial gatherings one could attend was a church social. It isn’t so, by any means, of church socials now-a-days, at least not those given in Winfield. There is a generous rivalry between our church organizations as to which can give the pleasantest entertainments—preserving that high plane of moral excellence that all exhibitions in the name of a church should have. Of course the double purpose of these meetings is to secure funds for contingent church expenses and to give those in attendance a pleasurable evening. In addition to this they afford an opportunity for the ministers and flocks to meet and converse with members of their churches on other than strictly church topics, and also to extend their acquaintance among those who, while not always “believers,” are often “supporters” of churches. It is at these gatherings that the real genuine minister of the gospel sows the seeds of charity, courtesy, and kindred virtues from which a hopeful harvest may afterward be reached. The world dislikes the pinch-faced, over-particular and ever sanctimonious person about as much as the truly good hate the sniveling hypocrite. And it goes without saying that the most popular minister and the most influential one for good is he who can occasionally lay aside the “robes of priestly office” and mingle among his neighbors much like other men. Not that he should forget his calling, and engage in amusements the nature of which brings him into dispute among his followers, but he may, with perfect propriety, take a hand in any one of the half a hundred pastimes which please the young folks and entertain “children of larger growth.” THE COURIER notes with pleasure that Winfield pastors belong to that school which refuses to crucify the body because it enjoys a hearty laugh, or condemns the soul to everlasting perdition because it finds convivial spirits while on earth. But we have wandered somewhat from our text—the Methodist social. It was one of the most enjoyable. Men and matrons, belles and beaux, girls and boys, were all there in full force, with their winsome smiles and pretty array. Of course, the main attraction, aside from the congeniality of those present, were the ice cream, raspberries, etc. There were six tables presided over by Mrs. C. D. Austin and Mrs. Dr. Pickens; Mrs. W. R. McDonald and Misses Maggie Bedilion and Nina Conrad; Mrs. W. H. Thompson and Mrs. J. W. Prather; Mrs. A. H. Green and Misses Anna Green and Hattie Andrews; Mrs. G. L. Rinker and Mrs. James Cooper; Mrs. S. G. Gary, Mrs. N. R. Wilson, and Miss Hattie Glotfelter, and a very busy and attentive bevy they were. The cream ran out long before the crowd was supplied—though they started in with twenty gallons or more. The Methodist orchestra, Messrs. Crippen, Shaw, Bates, Roberts, and Newton, with Miss Kelly at the organ, furnished beautiful music during the evening. It was a most enjoyable entertainment throughout. The seats having been removed, awaiting the placing of the new ones, the church made an excellent place for such an entertainment.
F. J. Newton...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 30, 1885.
Lieut. J. E. Snow, drum major of the Courier Cornet Band, informs us that in accordance with an order recently issued by Gov. Martin to the different regimental commanders throughout the state, Col. L. N. Woodcock, of Wichita, has designated this band as the regimental band of the Second Regiment Kansas National Guards, embracing six or eight adjoining counties. Captain C. E. Steuven, of Co. C., Second Regiment, has received a special order to muster the band into the service if they accept the position, which we are very confident they will do. This is a well deserved compliment to the Courier Band, and one which was unsought. It is not only a compliment to the band, but a compliment to our city and county. Col. Woodcock had within his district several good bands from which to make his selection. Our people are becoming educated to the style and quality of music now rendered by this organization, and begin to appreciate it as they should. Strangers have also come to know its merits, as this appointment evidences. Mr. George Crippen, its leader and musical director, has been untiring in giving the band its present prestige, which enterprise on his part is worthy the warm appreciation of our people. The band is now composed as followed, every member being a thorough musician: Geo. H. Crippen, director; Charles Roberts, J. S. R. Bates, A. R. Harvey, Fred Bates, G. H. Buckman, C. A. Shaw, Clarence Roberts, J. W. Holliday, Frank Spiney, F. J. Newton, A. T. Roberts, W. I. Warner, Albert Roberts, D. T. Armstrong, Fidler, J. E. Snow, drum major.
Mac Newton...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 20, 1885.
Sheriff McIntire brought in two new banqueters for the hotel De Finch, Wednesday, from Hines’ court, Dexter, Augusta Bell and Mac Newton, convicted of petty larceny and sentenced to thirty days in the bastille. They stole an overcoat, two pair of pants, and numerous sundries, $5 and $12 worth a piece. They are young men. The man who would steal an overcoat in weather like this ought to go to the “pen” for life. He would freeze an iceberg.
H. K. Newton...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
Samuel S. Hard et ux to H K Newton, tract in sw qr 28-32-4e: $1,500.
F. J. Newton...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 8, 1885.

The Kansas City Journal’s Topeka Reunion correspondent gave our Courier Cornet Band this notice: “The Second regiment band, of Winfield, known as the Courier band, saluted the Journal today, and gave the great daily a fine serenade. The members of the band are: G. H. Crippen, leader; J. E. Snow, C. Roberts, A. R. Harvey, Jesse and Fred Bates, C. H. Page, Judge Buckman, Clarence Roberts, Sidney Carnine, J. E. Holliday, Frank Spring, F. J. Newton, A. T. Roberts, W. I. Warner, J. D. Armstrong, and A. Fiddler. This band is a credit to Winfield, the members being the best young men of that beautiful city. The Journal extends greetings.
H. K. Newton...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
Susan A Corwin and hus to H K Newton, 2 acres in ne qr 27-32-4e: $350.00.
Samuel Newton...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 5, 1885.
Samuel Newton, a Choctaw (I. T.) Indian, convicted of wife’s murder, was executed recently by being shot.
Freeman Newton [F. J.]...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 10, 1885.
Charley Roberts, Freeman Newton, and Fred Bates, of the Roberts Orchestra, got left by the train, Friday, and had to face the frigid blasts by team to Burden, where they played for the regular bi-weekly hop of the Young Men’s Social Club. The Burden boys are captivated with the music of our Orchestra, and will have it regularly during the winter. They want everything first-class, if expenses are a little elevated. Their hop last night was one of the liveliest, enhanced by the breezes from Alaska’s icy fields. As we have numerously remarked, it takes a mighty good town to excel Burden in social gatherings. They have a crowd of gentle, refined, and handsome young folks that would do credit to a much larger place. They have no clique or class—all genuine, free-hearted sociability.
Lou Newton...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.
Lou Newton is stopping here for a time.
F. J. Newton and brother, J. D. Newton...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
F. J. Newton, the cornetist, has returned from three months in Fulton, New York, his old home. His brother, J. D. Newton, returned with him to remain. They go to Richfield in a few days to prospect.
Cynthia Newton...
Arkansas City Republican, March 27, 1886.
Cynthia Newton sold to Robt. Ramsey Thursday 80 acres of land in Bolton Township. The consideration was $1,500. The Arkansas City Land office made the sale.