Ed B. Nicholson
Winfield and Dexter, Grouse Creek.
[Raised Hogs and Cattle.]
[Note: I really had a time figuring out the proper spelling for Nicholson. The Winfield Courier referred to him as “Nickerson” quite often. MAW]
Winfield 1880: E. B. Nicholson, 28; spouse, Lizzie, 22.
Winfield Directory 1880.
Nicholson, , hog dealer, boards E. B. Nicholson.
Nicholson, E. B., deputy city marshal, r. Stewart, w. s. bet 12th avenue and Blanden.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
The following bill was allowed: Ed. Nicholson, special police: $5.00.
Winfield Courier, October 24, 1878.
Ed Nicholson, Police.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
Nearly a Tragedy. On last Saturday morning, James Kelly, ex-postmaster and once editor of the COURIER, was shot by Frank Manny, proprietor of the brewery northeast of town. The particulars are, as near as we can learn, as follows.
Mr. Kelly, it seems, attended the phantom ball Friday night to see that the lights, fire, etc., were all right (as he has been doing in the absence of Mr. Manning), and having a key to the back door, came in that way. The managers of the ball objected to his coming in without a ticket, and ordered him to leave; and upon his refusing, Frank Manny and Ed Nicholson dragged him upstairs from the dressing room, across the stage, and pushed him down the front steps. In the morning Mr. Kelly borrowed the delivery wagon of Baird Bros., and asking Charles Payson to “take a ride with him,” proceeded to the brewery northeast of town, where he found Frank Manny at work on his new stone building. On coming in sight of Manny, Kelly said, “There’s the man I want to see,” and handing the lines to Payson, jumped out of the wagon, upon which Manny started on a run for his house. Kelly called out to him to stop; that he wanted to see him. Manny ran on to the house, which is near the brewery building, and procured a shotgun, which he loaded, and returning to the scene of action, met Kelly coming from the ice house, northwest of the stone building, and commanded Kelly to leave his premises or he would shoot him. Kelly told him to lay down his gun, as they could settle their matter in a minute without it, at the same time advancing toward him. They were about forty feet apart when Manny appeared with his gun. Manny, in an excited manner, kept ordering Kelly off, threatening to shoot while Kelly kept advancing toward him, saying repeatedly that he (Manny) would not shoot anybody.
This was continued until Manny pushed him (Kelly) off with the muzzle of the gun, again telling him to leave the place or he would shoot him. Kelly opened his coat and told him he “didn’t think he would shoot anybody.” Manny then stepped back about thirty feet, at the same time remarking that he “would see whether he would shoot or not,” and fired one barrel, which took effect in Kelly’s arm and thigh, and turned him partly around. Manny then fired the other barrel, hitting Kelly in the right leg, and then drew a pistol and walked up to Kelly, telling him that if he did not get off his premises, he would bore a hole through him. Kelly then got into the wagon and was brought to town. He was placed under the care of Dr. Graham, who pronounced him not dangerously hurt. Manny was arrested, and waiving examination, was held to bail in $2,000 to answer the charge of shooting with intent to kill, at the next term of the district court.
We wish to state in connection with this that Charles Payson knew nothing of the affair of the previous evening, when asked by Kelly to go with him, and had no suspicions of anything wrong until they arrived at the brewery.
Winfield Courier, April 17, 1879.
Ed. Nicholson was confirmed as assistant marshal and H. S. Silver as street commissioner.
Winfield Courier, May 15, 1879.
Last Friday afternoon a lively gent from the country was in Joe’s saloon, and not behaving to suit, Joe ordered him out, when he seized a cuss, and threatened vengeance. Someone called out “Police!” and the country gent ran away like an antelope, with Ed. Nicholson and several others after him, followed by an excited crowd of men, boys, bootblacks, loafers, and school was just out, and a crowd of school children followed in the wake, making a very exciting and amusing affair of it. The pursued was finally overtaken and captured and marched back into Main street followed by the crowd. Here two ladies fell upon the prisoner and cried and moaned as though he was their only stay and support and was going to his execution. The prisoner was taken before Judge Boyer and Joe was summoned to make his complaint. Joe appeared and said he had no complaint to make, and no one else having any, the prisoner was told he could go, but someone suggested that he should jump out of the window and let the crowd have another race, which he accordingly did, and someone sung out that the prisoner had escaped. Again, there was excitement and rushing to and fro and searching in every notch and room along the street to find him. When found he was marching proudly along the sidewalk with a lady on each arm, but was not further molested.
Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879.
The crowd along Main street was highly amused one day last week by an unfortunate gentleman, who had been imbibing a little too freely, and who had gone to sleep on top of a barrel half full of cranberries. All unconscious of his predicament, he had gradually sunk down until he was stopped by the cranberries, with only his head and heels visible. Assistant Marshal Nicholson soon arrived on the scene and liberated the poor unfortunate.
Winfield Courier, September 9, 1880.
Mr. Ed. Nicholson, our popular and efficient assistant marshal, retires from the police force.
Cowley County Courant, March 16, 1882.
Ed. Nicholson, who used to be on the police force here, and went to Illinois about two years ago, got tired of the mud and general depression of that state, and has returned to stay. He brought a car load of fine stock with him.
Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.
Ed Nicholson returned to Cowley County last week, never more to roam. He brings his cattle and household goods and is satisfied with Cowley as a home.
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.
Ed. Nicholson has purchased the Alfred Hightower’s place on Crab Creek, in Dexter Township. He bought the farm, stock, and farming implements for $3,000. Mr. Hightower will remove to Texas.
Winfield Courier, May 11, 1882.
Ed. Nicholson and wife were in the city Friday, from Dexter.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
Strayed, from Ed. Nicholson, near Dexter, a light sorrel mare with a light face branded “M” on right hip, and three years old. If any of our readers know of a stray, they should drop a card to Ed, at Dexter.
Winfield Courier, April 26, 1883.
Ed. Nicholson was over from his big farm on Grouse Creek Friday. He is making things hum, and has fenced a two hundred acre pasture for his cows.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
More Fair Matter. We publish in full below the Charter and By-laws of the Fair Association. The organization is now complete and at work. Every farmer should read this carefully and be ready to suggest any changes necessary at the next regular meeting.
CHARTER. The undersigned do hereby voluntarily associate ourselves together for the purpose of forming a private corporation under the laws of the state of Kansas, and do hereby certify: FIRST, That the name of this corporation shall be “The Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association.” SECOND, That the purposes for which this corporation is formed are to encourage and promote the agricultural, horticultural, mechanical, and live stock interest of Cowley County, Kansas, and the establishment and maintenance of a driving park and speed ring, and to acquire, hold, and control all real and personal property necessary, proper, and convenient for carrying out the purposes aforesaid. THIRD, That the place where its business is to be transacted is at Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas. FOURTH, That the term for which this corporation is to exist is ninety-nine years. FIFTH, That the number of directors or trustees of this corporation shall be seventeen (17), and the names and residences of those who are appointed for the first year are: A. H. Doane, Winfield; A. T. Spotswood, Winfield; D. L. Kretsinger, Winfield; J. B. Schofield, Winfield; C. C. Black, Winfield; W. J. Hodges, Winfield; E. P. Greer, Winfield; W. S. Mendenhall, Winfield; Sam Phoenix, Richland Township; S. S. Lynn, Vernon Township; G. L. Gale, Rock Township; Henry Harbaugh, Pleasant Valley Township; R. F. Burden, Windsor Township; E. B. Nicholson, Dexter Township; J. W. Millspaugh, Vernon Township; J. B. Nipp, Creswell Township; J. F. Martin, Vernon Township. SIXTH, That the estimated value of the goods, chattels, lands, rights, and credits owned by the corporation is ten thousand ($10,000) dollars; that the amount of the capital stock of this corporation shall be ten thousand ($10,000) dollars, and shall be divided into two hundred (200) shares, of fifty ($50) dollars each, non-assessable above face value.
In testimony whereof, we have hereunto subscribed our names, this 3rd day of May,
A. D., 1883. (Signed) A. T. Spotswood, W. S. Mendenhall, J. B. Schofield, A. H. Doane, Charles C. Black, Ed. B. Greer, D. L. Kretsinger, Wm. J. Hodges, S. C. Smith.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
Minutes of Fair Meeting. May 10th, 1883.
The directors of the Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association met at the office of A. H. Doane & Co. Present: Directors Millspaugh, Martin, Gale, Burden, Leslie, Harbaugh, McDonald, Spotswood, Doane, Baden, and Nicholson. J. W. Millspaugh was called to the chair and D. L. Kretsinger chosen secretary.
Winfield Courier, June 14, 1883.
Tuesday the authorities at Arkansas City telephoned Sheriff Gary that two horses had been stolen there the night before, with their description. Ed. Nicholson happened to be in town and saw the description and on the way home came upon the thieves on Badger Creek. He borrowed an old rusty shot gun, and in company with Tom Wright and several of the neighbors, surrounded the thieves in a thicket, where Ed. brought them up at the muzzle of his ancient gun. They were brought to town and gave their names as Cooper and Carter, residents of Arkansas City. One of them claims to be a brother of F. M. Cooper, formerly of this place. He is about thirty years old. They tell several stories in explanation of how they came into possession of the horses, but deny having stolen them.
Winfield Courier, June 21, 1883.
The Telegram does Mr. Ed. Nicholson an injustice in its account of his horse-thief capture last week. He was not “sent out” by Sheriff Gary. He was on his way home, and took in the thieves on his own account. Instead of being “sent out” by Mr. Gary, he “sent in” for the said Gary post haste, the messenger being Captain Stubblefield, with the information that he had two horse thieves surrounded and desired the Sheriff to come out and assist in the capture. The “sheriff” never put in an appearance until the thieves were safe at the jail doors —probably because he was too busy to go himself and had no one to “send.” Our Sheriff evidently prefers “sending someone out” to getting in the way of trouble himself. His administration reminds us of that of one of Cowley’s early sheriffs who, when fleeing from an irate citizen who was attempting to caress him with a club, looked back over his shoulder and wailed, “Don’t strike! Don’t strike!! If you strike, I’ll bring the majesty of the law to bear upon you!” The citizen struck, but only caught the tail of a coat as it whipped around the corner.
Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.
Ed. Nicholson and family left Thursday for a short visit among friends in Illinois. He will return in time to take a hand in the fair.
Winfield Courier, October 18, 1883.
GARY’S GALLANTRY. When Corder and Cooper stole Harris and Freel’s horses, they telephoned up from Arkansas City to Gary that fact, and that the thieves were going northeast. Gary went to Ed Nicholson and said: “Ed, some parties have stolen two horses at Arkansas City and are going northeast; if you see them as you go home, I wish you would catch them.” He then went up the street and the last seen of him he was trying to explain his Iowa record. Ed got on his horse and started home on Grouse Creek, and on the way caught the horse thieves, and they were taken by our gallant sheriff last week to the penitentiary.
Winfield Courier, October 18, 1883.
QUITE A CHARGE. That was a gallant charge made by our sheriff when he caught Corder and Cooper, who stole Harris and Freel’s horses; that is, he charged up street and left them to escape but for the effort of farmer Nicholson, who took them in. His latest charge was upon the County Treasury for fees earned by others in that case. As a charger the Captain is a success—in a horn.
Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.
GARY’S POLICY. Awhile after Gary had assumed the office of sheriff, some persons called his attention to some criminals whom Shenneman had traced up and was preparing to swoop down upon, but was prevented by the murderer, and Gary was asked to complete the jobs by making the arrests. Gary answered: “I am not going to set myself up for a target to be shot full of holes. I shall let the criminal business alone and attend to the civil business. There is more money in it and less danger. I am running this office for the money there is in it.” Our informant is a life Democrat of good standing and undoubted veracity. He says he can swear to the above statement and bring two other witnesses who heard Gary make the statement. That Gary has acted on this policy is prominently apparent. Such was his policy when he kept away from where the horse thieves, Carder and Cooper, were supposed to be while Ed. Nicholson, a brave Dexter farmer went and arrested both and brought them in. Gary did not get any bullet holes in his skin, but he got the money which Nicholson earned in making the arrests and he gets his fees for his civil duties, every cent of them, you bet, while he neglects those duties and spends his time soliciting votes. Another Democrat says Gary is so infernal stingy that he will not vote for him. This stinginess is part of the above policy to get all the money there is in it and keep it too.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1884.
On Monday afternoon the stockholders of the Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association met in the Opera House for the purpose of re-organizing the Board of Directors for the year 1884, and receiving reports of the condition and doings of the Association for the year. About seventy-five stockholders, representing nearly all of the subscribed stock, were present.
E. B. Nicholson owned one share of stock.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1884.
DIED. We have just learned of the death of Mrs. Ed. Nicholson in Dexter Township. She was sick but a few days and died in a congestive chill. It is a sudden and unlooked for calamity upon Ed. and his family.
Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.
Ed. Nicholson and Uncle Billy Moore are death on wolves. They have caught several old ones in the last few days, and Ed. says they leave the young ones for those who are just learning how to hunt them. The boys have had several fine runs this spring, and they think they will have exterminated the varmints in another season—at least as far as Cowley County is concerned.
Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.
DEXTER. Delegates: H. R. Branson, Ed. Nicholson, D. A. Merydith, L. G. Patterson.
Alternates: S. H. Wells, W. G. Seaver, R. C. Maurer.
Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.
John Allen and H. E. Honeywall shipped some of the finest hogs last Thursday ever sent from this station. They averaged over 350 pounds: some weighing over 675 pounds. They were raised by Ed. Nicholson, down on Grouse, so you may be sure they were fine.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 2, 1885.
I will sell on the streets of Winfield on April 4th, 1885, 10 head of high grade short horn bulls. E. B. NICHOLSON.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 2, 1885.
Ed Nicholson was in from the Grouse valley Saturday, and says the web worms have entirely disappeared in that section, having done much damage, but leaving some hopes.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 17, 1885.
A Republican convention was held in Dexter, Saturday. The following gentlemen were elected delegates to the county convention: R. C. Maurer, C. W. Dover, Ed. Nicholson, J. A. Bryan, John Wallace, J. V. Hines, and C. A. Peabody.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
The convention met at the Opera House in Winfield at 10 o’clock a.m. today according to the call, and was called to order by W. J. Wilson, chairman of the county committee. E. A. Henthorn, Secretary of the committee, read the call. On motion of G. H. Buckman, Hon. T. A. Blanchard was elected chairman pro tem and took the chair. On motion of Geo. T. Walton, E. A. Henthorn was elected secretary pro tem and took his seat. On motion of S. P. Strong, voted that the chair appoint a committee of five on credentials. The chair appointed S. P. Strong, Ed Pentecost, G. P. Haycraft, Ed Nicholson, and W. B. Weimer.
Delegates: E. B. Nicholson, C. A. Peabody, J. A. Bryan, J. V. Hines, C. W. Dover, R. C. Maurer, John Wallace.
Alternates: W. L. Reynolds, Sol Smith, Dick Gilbert, L. C. Patterson, John Clifton, J. D. Maurer, Sam Nicholson.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.
A COURIER reporter spent Friday at the Dexter reunion. Camp “Pap Thomas” was located in a beautiful grove on Grouse Creek with plenty of pure, sparkling water and more hearty, honest, good cheer than we have ever met at a gathering in Cowley County. Dexter never does things by halves: her people are harmonious on everything they undertake, are of a generous, hearty, and hospitable nature, and nowhere is a stranger made to feel so much at home as among them. This was specially remarked by Department Commander Stewart, of the G. A. R., and Gen. Tim McCartney, who were present. The attendance was very large, and we venture to say that those who were fortunate enough to be present enjoyed it more than any reunion they have attended. During the afternoon speeches were delivered by Commander Stewart, Geo. McCartney, Senator Hackney, Revs. Brady and Fortune, Judge Soward, Amos Walton, and Capt. Tansey. Altogether the reunion was a grand success and the Dexter boys may congratulate themselves on the outcome of their efforts.
Of course Capt. Siverd was there. His auburn visage shows off well at a reunion and the boys can readily be excused for mistaking him for a campfire the first evening.
Sam Wells, Capt. McDorman, and Ed. Nicholson did the honors nobly and saw that everybody was provided for, if it took Jesse Hines last pig to do it.
They do say that Tom Soward and Capt. Nipp sat up all night to help forage for a pig.
Bullington took the biggest contract, that of filling up the orators and preachers with ye reporter thrown in. The way Mrs. Bullington’s yellow legged chickens, cakes, and pies disappeared, was a caution. Levi and his estimable lady should have the sympathy of the entire Grouse valley.
The Burden post was present in force with John Ledlie at their head. John looks well in brass buttons.
Of course the Dexter band was on hand and their presence added much to the pleasure of the occasion. They are a fine body of young men and a credit to Dexter.
Mr. J. J. Carson met one of his old comrades, whom he had not seen since he left him lying on the battle field with his arm carried away by a cannon shot. He did not know he was alive until the meeting on Friday. You may be sure it was a hearty one.
The artillery boys waked the echoes in good style and made the old vets who know too well what the roar of cannon meant, instinctively dodge and prepare to “lay down.”
Senator Hackney’s speech stirred the boys up. You couldn’t have kept him away from the Dexter reunion with the whole state militia. He says if there is a bigger hearted lot of people on earth, he would like to have someone trot them out.
Amos Walton’s bald head went bobbing around in the crowd like a red cork in a trout pond. His “hello! old pard, give us yer vote—yer hand, I mean,” accompanied by a six-by-ten smile that made one feel like asking him if he had the stomach ache, were most affecting. They do say that he gave a small boy ten cents to call him out for a speech, but this is probably a lie, as he is generally on hand without calling. He’s as ready to pop and fizz as a soda bottle, and runs away much faster.
Uncle John Wallace, the patriarch of Grouse Valley, was on hand, looking as pleasant and jovial as if he had just turned thirty. Long may Uncle John live to enjoy these gatherings.
Tom Soward, as master of ceremonies, did himself proud, and sent the speakers off in good shape.
Everybody seemed to know everybody. The COURIER had invitations to eight or ten dinners and as many suppers. The reporter could have been eating yet if he had accepted them all, and he wishes he had.
Jesse Hines says he will give four postage stamps for correct information as to who foraged his fine, fat, orphan pig. We know.
It was Sidcuretomblanchardcapsiverdsamwellshemcdorman and four others who stole that pig. Send us the stamps, Jesse. Hold on! Capnipptomsowardanddoctorwells may know something about it, too.
Nicholson marries Jennie Cochrane, of Liberty township...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 25, 1886.
E. B. Nicholson, of Dexter, came into our sanctum Monday with a smile about a yard long, and taking us aside, set up the cigars, at the same time informing us he was a bran new married man, Judge Gans having united his destiny for weal or woe with that of Miss Jennie Cochrane, of Liberty township. Both parties are well and favorably known. We send our old shoe after them with our best wishes.