L. C. Norton


Arkansas City, Kansas.
(L. C. Norton Handled Cattle.)
Creswell Township 1874: L. C. Norton, 44; spouse, Mrs. L. C. Norton, 41.
Kansas 1875 Census Creswell Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color   Place/birth Where from
L. C. Norton 47 m w New York New York
L. C. Norton 44 f w New York
Lillian Norton 21 f w Illinois
Lucius Norton  19 m w Illinois
Annie Norton 13 f w Illinois
Jessie Norton 8 f w Illinois
Winfield Courier, June 12, 1874.
Annie J. Norton and husband to Lyman C. Norton s w qr sec 9 tp 35 s r 3 e $750.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.
ARKANSAS CITY BANK of Arkansas City.
Does a General Banking Business.
Makes Collections.
Loans Money on Real Estate Security.
Loans for Capitalists A Specialty.
In the Savings Department of the ARKANSAS CITY BANK of Arkansas City, there will be re­ceived Sums as low as One Dollar, upon which will be paid Seven per cent interest.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 8, 1876.
Does a General Banking Business.
Loans Money on Real Estate Security
In the Savings Department of the Bank there will be received Sums as low as One Dollar, upon which will be paid Seven percent interest.

Winfield Courier, March 23,1876.
CIVIL DOCKET. SIXTH DAY. L. C. Norton vs. Geo. O. Sweet et al.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 22, 1876.
The Centennial Concert, rendered at the First Church last Saturday evening, by the church choir, was attended by more than one hundred persons. The introduction was made by Rev. Fleming in a manner that did credit to himself and gave spirit to the audience. The musical efforts were of high standing, and attend­ed with success. The characters were interesting and somewhat comical. It struck us as a little funny to see Ethan Allen with his hair parted in the middle, and wearing white pants. George Washington, of the little hatchet fame, was introduced as the father of his country, and afterwards exhibited his skill on the organ in a manner that was “not so slow” for so aged a gentleman.
Mrs. Washington, the wife of George, and mother of her country, was attired in complete white.
William Penn, like other members of the company, looked aged enough in his hair. How they came to get William in reach of the Centennial year was more than we could solve, although he was brought forward as the grandfather of his country.
Widow Bedott was also represented, and recalled by the audience after singing the song given to her name.
Gen. Wayne bore the sword so dreaded by Russell Cowles.
Gov. Winthrop made himself useful during the early part of the evening as usher, as did Paul Revere; both finally retired to a more convenient place for inspection, and added to the group on the stage.
Mrs. Sipes, Mrs. Alexander, Mrs. C. R. Mitchell, and Mrs. Meigs occupied front seats, dressed in old style, and caused some merriment.
All in all, it was a good concert, and added one more evening of enjoyment to the eager public.
The characters represented were as follows.
Ethan Allen - Prof. Hulse.
George Washington - Will. Mowry.
Mrs. George Washington - Miss Sherburne.
William Penn - Lucius Norton.
Mrs. John Jay - Mrs. R. C. Haywood.
Mrs. Alexander Hamilton - Miss L. Norton.
Mrs. John Hancock - Mrs. Newman.
Widow Bedott - Mrs. L. C. Norton.
General Wayne - Frank Hutchinson.
Governor Winthrop - J. C. Topliff.
Paul Revere - Kendall Smith.
Miss Lillian Norton marries Guy L. Kennedy...
Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876.

The invitations to the marriage of Guy L. Kennedy and Miss Lillian Norton were given for this evening.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.
The marriage ceremony of Mr. Kennedy and Miss Norton was performed by Rev. J. E. Platter, last Wednesday evening, at the residence of Mr. L. C. Norton, and was highly complimented by the competent judges who were in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Haywood, Mr. and Mrs. Loomis, E. D. Eddy, Miss Sherburne, Mr. Kennedy’s brother, J. H. Sherburne, Mr. and Mrs. Newman, Mrs. Sherburne, and Mr. Burgess, constituted the party, with the parents and members of the family of the bride.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.
We call the attention of the Road Overseer to the small bridge north of town near L. C. Norton’s. Col. McMullen’s horse got one leg through it last week, and others are complaining.
L. E. Norton, son of L. C. Norton...
Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876.
BOLTON, November 20, 1876.
Mr. L. E. Norton has given up his abode to a family of seven cats, which are having a general jubilee with the vermin of the ranch.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.
The Ladies of the Presbyterian Society expect to give an entertainment, in connection with the Christmas tree, on Monday evening, December 25th. Full programme will be announced next week. Society meets today at L. C. Norton’s, at 2 p.m.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.
Mr. L. C. Norton’s house is now occupied by a family from Minnesota, who have moved in this district in order to be benefitted by the school.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.
MANAGING COMMITTEE. Mrs. A. A. Newman, Mrs. C. R. Sipes. Mrs. J. I. Mitchell, Mrs. Wm. Newton, Mrs. Wm. Benedict.
COMMITTEE ON CHRISTMAS TREE. Mrs. C. R. Sipes, Mrs. Dr. Shepard, Mrs. J. Breene, Mrs. R. A. Houghton, Mrs. T. Mantor, Miss M. Thompson, Mrs. L. McLaughlin, Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. T. R. Houghton, Miss F. Skinner, Mrs. S. P. Channell, W. H. Gray, Mrs. T. H. McLaughlin, Al Mowry, Mrs. James Benedict, L. C. Norton, I. H. Bonsall.
NEW ENGLAND KITCHEN. Mrs. Mary Baker, Mrs. L. C. Norton, Mrs. I. H. Bonsall, Miss M. Houghton, Mr. T. H. McLaughlin, O. P. Houghton, Miss Bowers, Kate Hawkins, Miss Lizzie Ela, J. H. Sherburne, T. R. Houghton, Mr. Ela, J. C. Topliff.
FISH POND. Miss M. Mitchell, Miss A. Norton, Miss May Benedict, F. Hutchinson.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 20, 1876.

Festival to be held at Newman’s new building, on Christmas night, Monday, December 25, 1876. Everybody and his wife are expected, and cordially invited to come. Besides the Christmas tree, there will be a charade acted by the ladies and gentlemen of Arkansas City; a Yankee kitchen in “ye olden style” with pumpkin pies and baked beans one hundred years old, fresh and nice, and a supper of modern times, with all the luxuries of the season. Fresh fish from the fish pond, caught on the spot, to order, and oysters from the Walnut. Now, young ladies, remember leap year is drawing to a close, and only a few days are left, and you should not lose the last chance you may have for four years to come. Who knows what fate may have in store for you, or what the fish pond may produce? And everybody should remember that but few of us will be on hand to attend the next Centennial festival, and make the most of this opportunity.
Come, everybody, and have a good time. The Christmas tree will be decorated in the afternoon, and persons wishing to have gifts put on the tree will please hand them to someone of the committee before 4 p.m., as there will be too much to attend to in decorating the hall to receive packages after that hour.
The committee appointed to decorate the tree is as follows:
Ladies—Mrs. Sipes, Mrs. Breene, Mrs. T. Mantor, Mrs. T. H. McLaughlin, Mrs. T. R. Houghton, Mrs. Dr. Hughes, Mrs. Dr. Shepard, Mrs. R. A. Houghton, Miss Mattie Thompson, Miss Kennedy, Miss F. Skinner.
Gentlemen—S. P. Channell, W. H. Gray, James Benedict, I. H. Bonsall, L. McLaughlin, Al. Mowry, L. C. Norton.
Anything left at Bonsall’s photograph gallery before the 25th will be taken care of and put on the tree by the committee.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 24, 1877.
The small bridge north of L. C. Norton’s is being repaired. It needs it.
We drove from Cheyenne Agency to Jones’ ranche during the remainder of the day, overtaking L. C. Norton, R. B. Scott, B. Hyde, and Coffey at the Cimarron. After supper we took a turkey hunt by star light, but after wandering a distance of twelve miles and seeing but one bird, we returned to the ranche at 1 o’clock pretty well fatigued.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1877.
In the race for Mayor last Monday, H. D. Kellogg received 72 votes, Major Sleeth 40, and Rev. Thompson 1.
For Police Judge, James Christian received 112 votes, and Rev. David Thompson 1.
For Councilmen, Jas. Benedict received 72, E. P. Farrar 72, Jas. I. Mitchell 72, H. Godehard 71, I. H. Bonsall 71, A. A. Newman 40, O. P. Houghton 40, E. D. Eddy 40, J. A. Loomis 40, Dr. J. T. Shepard 40, Rev. Wingar 1, Rev. Swarts 1, Rev. Will York 1, L. C. Norton 1, J. C. Topliff 3, Sherb Hunt 1.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 23, 1877.

RECAP: Sheriff R. L. Walker, G. W. McIntire, Deputy, selling at public auction 159.60 acres of land to satisfy suit made by Lyman C. Norton against George O. Sweet and Ann F. Sweet.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 6, 1877.
$20 PER ACRE. The southwest quarter of Section 19, except­ing fifteen acres, is for sale. It adjoins the town site on the north for over 130 rods; it is fertile and valuable. Inquire of L. C. Norton.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1877.
The following committees have been chosen by the Ladies’ Sewing Society for their Thanksgiving Festival.
SUPPER TABLE. Mrs. S. B. Fleming, Mrs. V. Hawkins, Mrs. E. Parker, Mrs. E. Weatherholt, Mrs. L. C. Norton, Mrs. Dr. Shepard, Mrs. DeMott, Mrs. S. Pepper, Mrs. J. L. Huey, Mrs. I. H. Bonsall.
FISH POND. Mattie Mitchell, Mary Theaker, May Benedict, Annie Norton, Annie Hutchinson, Linnie Peed.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 21, 1877.
PROGRAMME for the Literary Society next Friday evening.
Dialogue: Nellie Swarts, Annie Norton, and Lillie Mitchell.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 28, 1877.
A deer ran across the town site on Monday, last, and grazed for half an hour on the wheat field near Mr. Norton’s. Several persons who saw it thought it was a pet.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 28, 1877.
Participants in Literary Society Friday evening, November 30, 1877: Flora Finley, Charles M. Swarts, L. C. Norton, Clar­ence E. Harris, Peter Trissell, Linda Christian, Robert Hutchin­son, Mattie Mitchell, Ella Grimes, Katie Myers, Laura Gregg, Frankie Hyde, Miss Mary DeCoo.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 28, 1877.
Listed among the girls: Annie Norton.
Winfield Courier, December 6, 1877.
Arkansas City sports a real live literary society, which promises the means of our spending one evening in the week quite pleasantly this winter. It is a good move and should receive the support of all our citizens. I. H. Bonsall, president; L. C. Norton and C. M. Swarts, vice-presidents; Miss Ella Grimes, secretary; Miss Flora Finley, treasurer; and A. W. Berkey and W. D. Mowry, musical directors.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 12, 1877.
Programme for the Literary Society next Friday evening showed the following participants: Annie Norton, Chas. Swarts, Miss Pickett, Arthur & Archie Coombs, W. D. Mowry, Edwin Thomp­son, Ella Grimes, Clarence Harris, Miss DeCoo, Peter Trissell, Amos Walton, and L. Norton.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.

The following pupils deserve mention for scholarship, having merited, in Reading, History, Grammar, Geography, and Arithmetic, by a written examination, the following average percent so far as they have advanced during the last term: Jerry Adams in the five studies mentioned, 91; Annie Norton and Mary Theaker, 85; Mattie Mitchell, 94; Laura Gregg, 76; Linnie Peed, not including History, 80; Linda Christian in same, 74; Flora Finley, in Reading, Arithmetic and Grammar, 85; John Parker in 2nd grade, 75 in the five branches.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.
At the late examination, the following teachers were present.
Mrs. Amy Chapin; and Misses Mattie Mitchell, Albertine Maxwell, Flora Finley, Annie Norton, Mary Pickett, Lizzie Mar­shall, Stella Burnett, Isabella Birdzell, Dora Winslow, Rosa Sample, Jennie Scott.
Messrs. C. C. Holland, B. F. Maricle, H. M. Williams, C. M. Swarts, C. L. Swarts.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.
PARKER’s pony ran off with Judge Christian’s sled Monday. The last seen of the pony, he was going towards Norton’s, getting up a pretty good motion.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.
MR. FEAGINS left us 20 spears of wheat grown from one grain, at one time, taken from the upland farm of L. C. Norton’s, in Bolton Township.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.
Two Horses Stolen. One Thief Shot Dead in the Attempt.
About one o’clock last Monday morning, two men attempted to steal a pair of horses belonging to J. W. Feagins, that were picketed near his house. Mr. Feagins had been warned by a member of the Stock Protective Union that there were suspicious charac­ters about, and to keep a look out. Once before an attempt was made to steal his team and he went to bed very nervous.
About one o’clock he was awakened by L. C. Norton’s mules snorting, and grabbed up his gun and went out to the horses, when about fifteen paces from them, he saw two men on their backs. He leveled his Spencer rifle on the nearest one, and pulled the trigger just as he heard the click of the thief’s pistol. After the report of the gun, he saw the man fall on the horse’s withers and heard him groan as if in terrible agony. In a few minutes both of the thieves were out of sight, but in about half a hour the horse that had the wounded man on it returned. Monday morning the two squads of the Union, under charge of Captains Hoffmaster and Lorry, were ordered out, and some of them are yet scouring the country.
About nine o’clock Lyman Herrick brought back the other horse, which he found tied to a tree on Shilocco creek about six miles from the State line. The lariat was spotted with blood, and it is supposed was used to tie the wounded man on. Within a day or two we shall know if the men are dead or alive.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.
LIGHTNING struck L. C. Norton’s header last Wednesday and upset things generally. It was standing in the field during the storm with no one near.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.
A general invitation is extended to the Sunday schools in this vicinity and surrounding country to unite in holding a basket picnic in Sleeth’s woods, on July 4th. The committee on general arrangements appointed the following committees, who are requested to enter at once upon their respective duties.
Committee on preparing and arranging grounds.
J. M. Maxwell, Mr. Hunter, Frank Hutchinson, L. C. Norton, H. Carder, C. M. Swarts, Sam Endicott, Will Gray, Jerry Adams, and C. Hollaway.
Committee on conveyance.
L. Finley, L. C. Norton, Dave Finney, J. W. Hutchinson, Rev. Swarts, Wm. Wilson, S. B. Adams, P. F. Endicott, and Mr. Kirkpatrick.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.
PROF. STORY has favored us with a list of the teachers in attendance at the opening of the Institute at Winfield, July 10th. They number sixty-eight, and more are expected. The following are from Arkansas City.
L. E. Norton was on the list.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.
Miss Annie Norton and Miss Linda Christian left us a fine sample of millet at our office last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.
Teachers’ Examination. The following persons attended the examination held at Winfield, August 2nd and 3rd.
ARKANSAS CITY. Misses Ella Grimes, Flora Finley, Albertine Maxwell, Mattie Mitchell, Lizzie Marshall, Anna O. Wright, and Dora Winslow; Mrs. L. M. H. Theaker, C. H. Sylvester, F. A. Chapin, C. M. Swarts, H. G. Blount, Charles Hutchings, A. E. Hon, and L. E. Norton.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
LIST of Jurors drawn Nov. 4, 1878, to serve at the December term of court, 1878, in the District Court of Cowley County.
L. C. Norton, Creswell, was on the list.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.
School Report.
District 53, Bolton Township, for the month ending Dec. 6th, 1878.
Mary Lorry, 86; Annie Coulter, 95; Martin Coulter, 95; Frank Bland, 90; Ruth Voris, 90; Rose Sample, 94; Hattie Rice, 92; Alvin Voris, 94; Hannah Lorry, 90; Willie Voris, 90; Maggie Sample, 93; David Bristow, 91; Frank Lorry, 94; Eddie Voris, 89; Lulu Bland, 91; Clara Lorry, 89; Carrie Rice, 89; Fred Lorry, 93; Mamie Schnee, 83; Willie Schnee, 80; Moses Coulter, 91; James Michaels, 87; Stevie Rice, 75.
The following pupils were perfect in attendance for the past month: Alvin Voris, Edwin Voris, Mamie Schnee, Fred Lorry, Willie Schnee, Annie Coulter, and Moses Coulter.
L. E. NORTON, Teacher.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 8, 1879.

School Report.
District 53, Bolton Township, for the month ending January 3rd, 1879.
Lester Burnett, 97; Mary Lorry, 89; Annie Coulter, 97; Martin Coulter, 95; Frank Bland, 95; Ruth Voris, 94; Rose Sample, 96; Hattie Rice, 96; Alvin Voris, 96; Hannah Lorry, 94; Willie Voris, 93; Maggie Sample, 94; David Bristow, 95; Frank Lorry, 96; Eddie Voris, 91; Lulu Bland, 94; Clara Lorry, 92; Carrie Rice, 95; Fred Lorry, 95; Mamie Schnee, 93; Willie Schnee, 95; Moses Coulter, 95; James Michael, 92; Stevie Rice, 94; Clyde Akers, 91; Earnest Frost, 89. L. E. NORTON, Teacher.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 26, 1879.
I desire to express my sincere thanks to my friends and neighbors, for the help rendered me on last Sabbath in saving my property from fire. Respectfully, L. C. NORTON.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 4, 1879.
Lucius Norton started for St. Louis on Monday, where he intends residing the coming summer.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 11, 1879.
NOTICE. Taken up by the undersigned at Arkansas City, one hog. The owner can have the same by proving property and paying charges, June 9th, 1879. L. C. NORTON.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 23, 1879.
Robbery. On Sunday, the 13th day of this month, some thieves entered the house of J. W. Feagins, who lives on the Norton place, in Bolton township, and helped themselves to everything they could find. They searched all the clothing in the house, finding $7.90 in the watch pocket of a pair of Mr. Feagins’ pants, some rings belonging to Tom Feagins, and rifled the valise of the hired hand. The pockets of all the garments were left turned inside out, as evidence of the thoroughness of their search. Being somewhat hungry they paid the pantry a visit, and left their respects in the shape of empty plates. The robbery was done in broad daylight while Mr. Feagins was visiting his father. It looks very much as if the guilty parties were well acquainted with the movements of Mr. Feagins, and were not common tramps, as, in the latter case, they would probably have taken some of the clothing, none of which was missing.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 6, 1879.
Miss Mattie Mitchell, Ella Grimes, Annie Norton, and Mary Theaker are attending the Normal Institute at Winfield this month.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 1, 1879.
Lucius Norton returned last week from St. Louis, where he has attended Commercial College for the last few months.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 5, 1879.
For the benefit of the school library, at the School House Friday evening, November 7th, 1879, a play will be given.
Participants: C. H. Sylvester, C. M. Swarts, F. B. Hutchison, S. B. Reed, J. Leonard, Miss Annie Norton, Miss Linnie Peed, Miss Laura Gregg.
Admission 25 cents. Reserved seats 35 cents. Tickets for sale at Eddy’s Drug Store.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 10, 1879.

FANCY TABLE: Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. L. McLaughlin, Mrs. Berger, Miss Annie Norton, May Benedict, Linnie Peed, Carrie Benedict, Annie Hutchinson, Mary Theaker.
DECORATING TREE: Mr. and Mrs. Bonsall, Mr. and Mrs. Scott, Miss Eva Swarts, Hattie Houghton, Flora Finley, Angie Mantor, Ella Grimes, Mattie Mitchell, Kate Hawkins, Alma Dixon, Blanche Marshall, Emma Hunt, Susie Hunt, Mr. B. Matlack, F. Farrar, W. Gooch, Mr. Rose, G. Howard, B. Maxwell, W. D. Mowry, F. Hutchison, E. LeClare, L. Norton, Mr. B. Parker, C. McIntire.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1880.
The leap year party at the residence of L. C. Norton, on Friday night, was represented by the elite of the city, and the ladies pronounce the social event of the season.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1880.
There will be a meeting of the teachers of the Fifth Associ­ation District, at the schoolhouse, Arkansas City, March 6th, at 1 o’clock p.m. Programme as follows:
Q. C. D. and L. C. M.: Miss Wright, H. Blount, and C. H. Sylvester.
Common Fractions: Miss Norton, R. Gilstrap, and C. L. Swarts.
Principles and Infinitives: Charles Hutchins, T. B. Hall, and Mr. Marshall.
Practical Exercises: Miss Maxwell, L. E. Norton, and Mr. Perisho.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 17, 1880.
L. E. NORTON. A gallant of rare abilities as a conversationalist; but one who never imposes on society, and is “hardly ever” known to repose on the affections of the gentler sex. Good height; straight as a die, and one that most any woman could look up to.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 12, 1880.
J. W. Feagins and Frank Lorry, of Bolton, report that their wheat looks good and healthy, in spite of the dry weather. J. W. also says he has 175 acres of A No. 1 corn on the Norton place, all plowed and worked over in fine style.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 19, 1880.  
Mr. L. C. Norton took a fine lot of corn-fed Texas steers to Kansas City last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 30, 1880.
Mr. Lucius E. Norton was installed as deacon of the First Presbyterian church last Sunday.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 13, 1880.
Our young ladies propose giving a social at the residence of L. C. Norton one week from next Friday evening. Such, we are informed, is their intention, but it occurs to us this is the time set for the first dance of the season—the 29th inst. One of the two had better change, so that there will be no conflict­ing arrangements.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 15, 1880.

Decorating Committee: Mr. and Mrs. Searing, Mr. and Mrs. Matlack, Mrs. Haywood, Mrs. Shepard, Mrs. Cypher, Misses Mary Parker, Angie Mantor, Carrie Benedict, Annie Norton, Mattie Mitchell, Linnie Peed, Flora Finley, Albertine Maxwell, Sadie Thomas, Linda Christian, Annie Hutchison, Mary Theaker, Emma and Susie Hunt, Ada Easterday; Messrs. E. G. Gray, W. D. Mowry, John Kroenert, J. D. Houston, George Howard, D. Cunningham, James Leonard, Will Peed, J. C. Topliff, Dick Chamberlain, Irving French.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 20, 1881.
A prairie fire in the northwest part of town last Thursday was, with difficulty, prevented from doing a great amount of damage. By dint of hard work it was overpowered, but at one time it seemed probable that Mr. Norton’s house would burn, as well as several others in the neighborhood. Mr. Norton lost his grape vines, and Mr. Newman had about one hundred nice young fruit trees destroyed by this fire.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 24, 1881.
Miss Annie Norton returned to her home last week from St. Louis, where she has been for several months visiting her sister, Mrs. G. L. Kennedy.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 14, 1881.
Mr. Lucius Norton is once more at home from St. Louis, where he has been located some time past. We hope Mr. Norton will conclude to stay with us.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 14, 1881.
The farewell party, given by Miss Lillie Chamberlain at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schiffbauer, on Tuesday evening of last week, was one of the grandest events of the season. The full moon shown down like an immense headlight, viewing apparently, with the many Chinese lanterns that were pendant from the surrounding trees, making the scene resemble that of fairy land rather than reality.
After some time spent in promenading through the beautiful grove of fruit and forest trees, the party’s attention was directed to an immense platform prepared for the occasion, where Prof. Farringer, with the string band of Winfield, had taken position, and in a few moments it was filled with youth and beauty gliding through the graceful movements of the easy qua­drille and mazy waltz. A gorgeous repast followed, then with spirits overjoyed, each of the party instituted all manner of fun and mirth, which had to be seen to be appreciated. Mr. Matlack produced a novel figure in the terpsichorean art that few ever witnessed before, while Cal. Swarts furnished the music. To say it was an enjoyable affair don’t half express it, and for one, we hope to have the pleasure of again meeting Miss Chamberlain and her many friends under like circumstances. The Cornet Band did their best and filled the night air with delightful sounds for which the hostess came forward, and in the most charming manner, expressed her appreciation and thanked them for their kindness.
Annie Norton attended the above party.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 12, 1881.
Report of senior department of Arkansas City High School, for first month, of those who did not communicate without permis­sion, and whose absences and tardiness were excused.
Charley Randall, James Robinson, Frank Theaker, Frank Barnett, Horace Vaughn, Jessie Norton, Jessie Finley, Cora French, Lula Walton, Ella Mann, Alto Maxwell, Flora Gould, Hattie Hand, George Beech, Mollie Christian, Etta Barnett.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 26, 1881.

Memorial of Regret. ARKANSAS CITY, KANS., October 14th, 1881.
Whereas, by the removal of the family of Mr. J. I. Mitchell, the senior department of the Arkansas City schools have been deprived of a valuable pupil and classmate, in the person of Miss Emma Mitchell; therefore, Resolved that we sincerely deplore the loss of one whom, we, as teacher and classmates, have learned, from her dignity and character, to respect, and earnestly hope that her future life will be as bright as her companionship to us, has been pleasant. Resolved, 2nd, That a copy of these resolutions be presented to the press of this city, for publica­tion, and a copy sent to Miss Mitchell.
Mollie Christian Harry Hill
Emma Theaker E. S. Donnelly
Minnie McIntire Harry Finley
Sarah Randall Sessie Finley
Jessie Norton C. T. Atkinson, Committee.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 14, 1881.
Our Schools. On Friday of last week Superintendent Story visited our schools. He reports matters, in general, in a very satisfactory condition. Miss Norton’s room is rather small and close. The addition of a few feet of blackboard and some primary charts would more thoroughly equip Miss Norton for her important work.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 4, 1882.
MASQUERADE PARTY. The social event of the Holiday week was the masquerade party held at the residence of Mr. James L. Huey on Friday evening, December 30th. A large number of invitations had been sent out, which were almost universally responded to, thus making the party a glorious success. The residence of Mr. Huey is one of the largest, and most commodious, in town; and as the merry throng of maskers promenaded the handsomely appointed salons of the mansion their costumes showed, to perfection, in the bril­liant light of the glittering chandeliers. The guests were received by Mrs. James L. Huey, the hostess, assisted by her sister, Mrs. Fred Farrar, and it is needless to say, that under their hospitable care, every attention was shown “the motley crew” that claimed their cares. Refreshments in the shape of many tempting kinds of cake, sandwiches, teas, and coffee were liberally provided. Music lent its aid to the other enjoyments which coupled with the many unique costumes, and the cheering hum of voices lent a charm never to be forgotten by those who were fortunate enough to take part in the festivities.
The following is a partial list of the guests with the characters they represented.

Mrs. Cunningham, Flower Girl; Mr. Cunningham, Imp; Mrs. Howard, Miss Prim; Mrs. Farrar, City Belle; Mrs. Searing, “Boss” Flour; Mrs. Matlack, “Straight” Flour; T. R. Houghton, Blazes; Alma Easterday, Bridget; Mrs. Grubbs, A Lady; Mrs. Nellie Houghton, Dreadnaught; J. Kroenert, “Lo”; C. M. Swarts, Chapeau; R. E. Grubbs, Widow Pudge; Miss Haywood, Queen Elizabeth; Mrs. Norton, Widow Bedott; Miss Guthrie, Incognita; Angie Mantor, Fat Woman; Jerry Adams, Bashful Maid; R. A. Houghton, Judge; I. H. Bonsall, Minister; Mrs. R. A. Houghton, A Bride; Mrs. Ingersoll, Quakeress; Mrs. Sipes, Quakeress; C. U. France, Uncle Toby; W. S. Thompson, Father Time; A. D. Ayres, Irishman; Mrs. A. D. Ayres, Anonyma; Mrs. Mead, Languedoc; Mr. Mead, Ghost; Mrs. T. Mantor, Mask; T. Mantor, Mask; J. G. Shelden, Cow Boy; Mrs. Watson, Old Maid; Mrs. Chandler, Night; C. R. Sipes, Uncle Tom; Miss A. Norton, Sunflower; Miss S. Hunt, Sunflower; Miss M. Parker, Sunflower; Miss Peterson, Nun; Miss A. Dickson, Sister of Mercy; Miss L. Wyckoff, Sister of Mercy; J. T. Shepard, Guiteau; J. H. Walker & wife, German Couple; C. H. Searing, XXXX Flour; J. Gooch, Private U. S. A.; C. Hutchins, Private, U. S. A.; Mrs. Haywood, Dinah; Mrs. Newman, Topsy; Dr. J. Vawter, Prohibition; C. L. Swarts, Post no bills; W. D. Mowry, A Bottle; Clara Finley, A Lone Star; R. C. Haywood, Fat Dutch Boy; Ben Matlack, May Fisk; M. B. Vawter, Fireman; O. Ingersoll, Big Mynheer; Mrs. Shepard, Japanese Lady; Miss Cassell, Red Riding Hood; Mrs. L. McLaughlin, Mrs. J. Smith; Mr. Matlack, “Pat” bedad; Mrs. Gooch, Equestri­enne; R. J. Maxwell, Priest.
Among the ladies and gentlemen who were present, unmasked, were Rev. Fleming and wife, W. E. Gooch, H. P. Farrar, Mr. Chandler, Mr. and Mrs. Bonsall, Mrs. Mowry, and many others whose names our reporter failed to receive.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 25, 1882.
Senior Department of Arkansas City Schools: those receiving above 90 were Stella Swarts, 99.8; Mollie Christian, 98.8; Sarah Randall, 98.5; Hannah Gilbert, 98.5; Emma Theaker, 98.3; Etta Barnett, 96; Charles Randall, 95; Jessie Norton, 93; Cora Pettit, 93; Alvan Sankey, 92.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 1, 1882.
Entertainment Friday evening, February 3rd, 1882, at the M. E. Church, for benefit of School Library.
PARTICIPANTS: Glee Club, Frank Gamel, Miss Nellie Swarts, F. C. McLaughlin, W. M. Blakeney, Miss Minnie McIntire, W. M. Henderson, Fannie Vaughn, Miss Etta Barnett, J. R. L. Adams, Harry Finley, W. D. Mowry, C. L. Swarts, C. T. Atkinson, E. S. Donnelly, Miss Mary Theaker, Miss Anna Norton, Miss Mollie Christian.
Admission 25 cents, doors open at 7 p.m., commence at 8 p.m. All are cordially invited. Tickets can be had at the post office and drug stores.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 15, 1882.
A. C. Schools.
HISTORY, A: J. W. Warren, 97; Emma Theaker, 93.5; F. C. McLaughlin, 96; Sarah Randall, 91.
HISTORY, B: Alvan Sankey, 98; Hannah Gilbert, 91; S. E. Fitch, 93; W. C. Edwards, 90.
GRAMMAR, B: Hannah Gilbert, 93; J. W. Warren, 93; Etta McConn, 92; Jessie Norton, 93; Anna Bowen, 92; Alvan Sankey, 91; Cora Pettit, 90.
GEOGRAPHY, A: Alvan Sankey, 99.5; Charley Randall, 97.5; Fannie Peterson, 96.5; Jessie Norton, 95.5; Hannah Gilbert, 95; Joseph Bell, 93. C. T. ATKINSON, Teacher.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 22, 1882.
L. C. Norton shipped three carloads of fat cattle to Kansas City last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 22, 1882.
HOME MISSION SOCIETY. The ladies composing the above Society met last Monday evening, at the residence of Mrs. R. A. Houghton, and elected the following officers for the ensuing three months.
Miss Susie Hunt: President.

Miss Annie Norton, Vice President.
Miss Mary Theaker: Secretary.
Miss Alma Easterday: Treasurer.
A meeting will be held at Mrs. J. T. Shepard’s, Friday, March 31st, 1882, at which a full attendance is requested.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 3, 1882.
Mr. Ira Barnett and L. C. Norton left the city for the Territory last Thursday, to be absent ten days or two weeks. During Mr. Barnett’s absence, Mr. Spray will purchase hogs for him.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1882.
Mr. R. B. Norton, a nephew of L. C. Norton of this city, made us a pleasant call last Monday morning. Mr. Norton is located at Caldwell, where he has a flock of fine Merino sheep. It is his intention to drive about 100 head of rams to this section and hold them for sale here, later in the season. Parties wishing good stock can then obtain them.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1882.
Messrs. Ira Barnett and L. C. Norton will shortly make a business trip to the Indian Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 28, 1882.
Messrs. Ira Barnett and L. C. Norton returned from their trip to the Territory last Monday.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 28, 1882.
During their recent trip to the Territory, Messrs. Ira Barnett and L. C. Norton purchased of Drury Warren, at his cattle camp on Black Bear, Indian Territory, 127 head of cattle, which they shipped to Kansas City from this point yesterday morning.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 26, 1882.
Misses Annie Norton, Flora Finley, and Linda Christian are attending the Normal. Miss Sadie Pickering will enter this week.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 23, 1882.
Courier Clips. Sheriff Shenneman captured two negro horse-thieves Monday. They had stolen horses from the Territory and sold them to Patterson, of Arkansas City. As soon as Shenneman got his eyes on them, he knew they were horse-thieves, and took them in. He raked in another man Tuesday. It was the one who stole Mr. Raymond’s ponies and Mr. Hurd’s buggy some weeks ago. Some think it is Tom Quarles, who will be remembered by early settlers as a pretty bad case. He was living with a woman at Independence and had in his possession Hurd’s buggy and harness, one of Raymond’s horses, and a horse that was stolen from L. C. Norton at Arkansas City. Shenneman is a terror to horse-thieves.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 30, 1882.
Grade A. Arkansas City. Annie Norton.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 30, 1882.
The corps of teachers of the Arkansas City Graded School, the fall term of which will commence on Monday, September 4th, are Prof. Atkinson, as Principal, assisted by Misses Jennie Peterson, Annie Norton, and Susie Hunt.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 4, 1882.

The following pupils were neither absent nor tardy during the past month:  Phillip Huff, Clara Ford, Hattie Franey, Minnie Wilson, Sherman Coulson.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1882.
At the meeting of the Young Ladies’ Home Mission Society last week the following ladies were elected as officers for the coming winter season.
Miss Annie Norton: President.
Miss A. Maxwell: Vice President.
Miss Burrows: Secretary.
Miss Guthrie: Treasurer.
With the above corps of officers we are satisfied that the work of the society will be actively prosecuted and thereby much suffering alleviated.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1882.
Courier Clip. Sheriff Shenneman brought in another horse thief last week—one Bob Herriott, who was a member of Tom Quarles’ gang of horse thieves and stole L. C. Norton’s horse at Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1882.
Mrs. G. L. Kennedy, of St. Louis, and her two children are in the city upon a visit to the lady’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Norton.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1882.
The following named pupils of the High School Department were perfect during the third month: Mollie Coonrod, Geo. P. Endicott, Jacob Endicott, Lizzie Wilson, Eddie Garris, Hannah Gilbert, Laura Holloway, Frank Gamel, Alice Lane, Minnie Kirtley, Minnie McIntire, Jessie Norton, Fannie Peterson, Willie Reynolds, Alvan Sankey, Horace Vaughn, Effie Gilstrap, Frank Wright, Robert Nipp, Eddie Marshal, Lulu Walton, Sarah Randall, Etta Barnett, Dora Pearson, Walter Pickering, Charles T. Randall.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 10, 1883.
Mr. Malcolm Norton and wife, from Michigan, are in the city. Mr. Norton is a nephew of L. C. Norton, of this city. He came to Kansas for the benefit of his health, and finding the climate beneficial, has sold a large property in Michigan and will perhaps locate in this county. As he is a gentleman of superior business qualifications, we hope he will so do.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 21, 1883.
Mrs. Lillian Kennedy and children, who have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Norton, for the past three months, returned to her home, at St. Louis, last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 14, 1883.
The following pupils were perfect in the High School Room, during the 6th month: Mollie Coonrod, Hannah Gilbert, Effie Gilstrap, Laura Holloway, Ida Groves, Jessie Norton, Sarah Randall, C. T. Randall, Alvan Sankey, Ellen Taylor, and Carrie Rice.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 11, 1883.

We had the pleasure of visiting Mrs. L. C. Norton’s greenhouse last week, and cannot help complimenting the lady upon the beautiful selection of house plants we were permitted to admire. That her heart is in the work, no one can doubt who looks upon the choice, thrifty young plants that adorn her shelves. We advise our lady friends especially to make her a visit and inspect the stock of nature’s gems there offered for sale.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 18, 1883.
House Plants. Mrs. L. C. Norton has now on hand a choice selection of house plants and is constantly receiving additions from the East. Ladies are invited to examine the same at the post office, and also the choicer varieties of plants at her residence.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 9, 1883.
Messrs. L. C. Norton and Ira Barnett last week purchased of Messrs. Burress and Lewis about $12,000 worth of stock and are now holding the same upon the ranch lately occupied by the latter named gentlemen.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, June 6, 1883.
Library Benefit. Wednesday, June 6th, a literary and musical entertainment and the Class Exercises of the class of 1883 will be held at McLaughlin’s Hall, for the benefit of the High School Library.
Programme: Music—Orchestra. Orations: Harry L. Finley; Etta M. Barnett. Music. Alice L. Lane; Mollie Coonrod; Hannah Gilbert; C. L. Swarts; Harry C. Shaw; Mollie Christian; W. M. Blakeney.
Dramatis Personal: [Drama put on] Anna Norton, Maggie Barrows, Etta Barnett, Sadie Pickering, Linda Christian, George Wright, W. D. Mowry, Harry C. Shaw, Harry L. Finley, F. C. McLaughlin.
Doors open at 8 o’clock. Admission 25 cents. Children under 12 years 15 cents. No extra charge for reserved seats, for which tickets can be obtained at the Post Office. All are cordially invited to attend.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, June 20, 1883.
Our High School. The following is the corps of teachers engaged for the next term of school in this city. Principal: C. T. Atkinson. Assistants: Miss Annie Norton, Miss Virginia Walton, Miss ___ Johnson, Miss Albertine Maxwell, Miss Mary Theaker.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 27, 1883.
Married. From an elegantly printed card now before us we learn that Mr. Lucius E. Norton and Miss Sophie White were united in the bonds of matrimony at St. Louis on the 20th of June, 1883, and will be “At Home” after July 1st, at Shaw Avenue Place, St. Louis. At this writing the happy pair are visiting the groom’s parents in this city, where Lucius’ many friends unite with the TRAVELER in wishing him and his young bride many years of wedding happiness unmarred by the chilling frosts of sorrow and adversity.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 4, 1883.
DIED. At the Central Avenue House in this city at 1 o’clock a.m., of Monday, July 2, 1883, John Henderson, in the 22nd year of his age. The funeral took place the same day, and the remains were interred in the South Bend Cemetery in the presence of sorrowing relatives and friends. The deceased has not enjoyed good health for some time past, but no one thought when he came up from the Territory, on Saturday, that the end was so near. Messrs. Barnett & Norton, by whom he had been employed as boss herder for several years, speak in high terms of him as a reliable and diligent hand, while he was invariably liked and respected by all with whom he came in contact and his untimely taking off is much deplored.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, September 26, 1883.

House Plants for winter blooming at Mrs. L. C. Norton’s.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1883.
The Teachers’ Association of the southwestern division will meet at the High school building in Arkansas City, Saturday, November 10, at 9 o’clock a.m. The following programme will be given.
Course of Study: Miss Ramage.
The Use of the Globe and Maps: Cyrus Perkins.
How to Teach History: Miss Albertine Maxwell.
The Adaptation of Methods to the Development of Mind: Mr. Phillips.
Libraries—How to Organize and How to Use: Miss Annie Norton.
Song: Miss Mary Johnson.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1883.
School Matters. Ever since the opening of our schools, their crowded condition has constantly presented to our directors the necessity of more room and more teachers. Prof. Atkinson’s and Miss Norton’s departments have been crowded to such an extent as to make it impossible to do justice to the pupils. The board have now taken steps to remedy this evil by employing another teacher and will rearrange the interior of the large school building so as to greatly facilitate the work. Miss Anna Hunt, of Winfield, has been engaged as Prof. Atkinson’s assistant, and as soon as the seats arrive and the necessary arrangements are completed, she will enter upon her new field of work, which the board hopes to accomplish in a week or ten days. Miss Hunt holds an A grade certificate, has had valuable experience in her chosen work, and is in every way fitted to prove the wisdom of the school board’s action in securing her services. Wishing her success in her new field, we congratulate the board on this step, which augurs well for the growing youth of our city.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 14, 1883.
There are parties and parties now, and the young folks are enjoying themselves after the most approved style. Miss Annie Norton and Miss Lizzie Wyckoff each played the role of hostess last week to quite a number of admiring friends.
Arkansas City Traveler, Supplement, December 12, 1883.
The following named pupils were perfect in deportment during the third month: Mahlon Arnett, Mollie Duncan, Effie Gilstrap, Laura Gould, Laura Holloway, Minnie Kirtley, Fred McLaughlin, Howard Maxwell, Dora Pearson, Carry Rice, Mountferd Scott, Emma Theaker, Horace Vaughn, Alice Warren, Sarah Crocker, J. C. Endicott, Lizzie Gilbert, Flora Gould, Ida Hackleman, John Kirkpatrick, Minnie McIntire, Jessie Norton, Lillie Purdy, Alvan Sankey, Eva Splawn, Clarence Thompson, Martin Warren, Stella Wilson.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1884.
Mr. N. T. Snyder last week sold the Norton farm in North Bolton to Mr. A. Means, of Indiana, for $10,000. It is one of the best improved places in the township.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1884.
Lyman Norton sold his Bolton Township farm, consisting of 400 acres, to a Mr. Means of Indiana, for $10,000.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1884.
The following pupils of the High School department were perfect in deportment and received 100 percent: Mahlon Arnett, Frank Barnett, Ella Crocker, Mary Dakin, Jacob Endicott, Lizzie Gilbert, Flora Gould, John Kirkpatrick, Rose Morse, Fred McLaughlin, Jessie Norton, Dora Pearson, Carrie Rice, Mountferd Scott, Horace Vaughn, Martin Warren, Clarence Thompson, Sarepta Abrams, Sammy Beall, Sarah Crocker, Mollie Duncan, Effie Gilstrap, Laura Gould, Laura Holloway, Eddie Marshall, Minnie McIntire, Howard Maxwell, Robert Nipp, Walter Pickering, Alvan Sankey, Emma Theaker, Edna Worthley, Lida Whitney, Lillie Purdy, Eva Splawn. C. T. ATKINSON, Teacher.
Arkansas City Republican, February 16, 1884.
The following named pupils of the senior class were perfect in deportment for the last month: Effie Gilstrap, Minnie McIntire, Jessie Norton, Emma Theaker, Alice Lane, John Kirkpatrick, Alvan Sankey, F. C. McLaughlin, H. C. Vaughn, Dora Pearson
The highest grades obtained in examination are as follows: Algebra, Emma Theaker, 100; Rhetoric, Effie Gilstrap, 100; Jessie Norton and Emma Theaker, 100 each; Latin, Minnie McIntire, 90.
Arkansas City Republican, February 16, 1884.
Mr. Adam Means and family of Indiana, have lately arrived in our city. Mr. Means has purchased the Norton farm, in Bolton Township, and will remove there in a short time.
Annie L. Norton marries George E. Wright...
Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1884.
TO BE MARRIED. Geo. E. Wright and Miss Annie L. Norton will be married tomorrow at 8:30 p.m., at the residence of the bride’s parents. They are two of our most popular and worthy young people, and the TRAVELER’s earnest wish that they may enjoy many years of connubial bliss will be heartily seconded by their hosts of friends.
Arkansas City Republican, March 1, 1884.
MARRIED. Thursday evening at 8:30 o’clock, Mr. Geo. E. Wright and Miss Anna L. Norton were united in marriage, at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. L. C. Norton. The officiating clergyman was Rev. S. B. Fleming. Only a few of the relatives and most intimate friends were present. After the ceremony and hearty congratulations, the company sat down to a supper, fully in keeping with the happy event. Both the contracting parties are favorably known in this community. The bride is held in the highest estimation by a wide circle of friends, and is one of our most beautiful and accomplished ladies.
The groom is one of our most popular businessmen and is held in high regard by all who know him. THE REPUBLICAN wishes them the abundant success such a brilliant couple so well deserve.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 5, 1884.

MARRIED. Married, at the residence of the bride’s parents, in this city, on Thursday evening, February 27, 1884, by Rev. S. B. Fleming, Geo. E. Wright and Miss Annie L. Norton. The groom and his fair young bride have long been ornaments to the social circle of our town, and in their union in life’s journey have the sincere and heartfelt congratulations and best wishes of many friends for their future happiness, which it is hoped may culminate in long years of wedded bliss, to which the TRAVELER heartily responds so be it.
Arkansas City Republican, March 22, 1884.
The vacancy in the Intermediate Department of the city schools, caused by the sickness of Mrs. Geo. Wright, was filled by Miss Emma Theaker, on Monday, and by Miss Jessie Norton, the remainder of the week.
Arkansas City Republican, March 29, 1884.
The sickness of Mrs. George Wright continuing, her place in the public school has been filled this week by Miss Jessie Norton.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 7, 1884.
Ad. House Plants and Flower pots for sale by Mrs. L. C. Norton.
Arkansas City Republican, May 17, 1884.
Miss Jessie Norton started last Monday for St. Louis, to visit her sister. She expects to be absent about one year.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 23, 1884.
Mr. L. C. Norton has secured the agency for one of the best wind-mills manufactured, and an advertisement in this issue calls the attention of farmers to the same. This is something nearly every farmer needs, and they will do well to call on Mr. Norton before purchasing.
AD. Water! Water! Water! All persons wishing a windmill and pump for forcing water from wells or springs to convenient points for stock or house use, will do well to call on or address L. C. Norton (residence in north part of town) who is prepared to erect the old reliable STOVER WIND MILL! One of the most reliable in the market. It is fully warranted to stand the storms, govern itself, and do the work equal to any in the market. It is SIMPLE, STRONG, and DURABLE. Also, the best line equipment for land and windmill use in the county. I am prepared to furnish tanks of any size and pipes, float-valves, troughs, etc., at lowest prices. L. C. NORTON, ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS.
Arkansas City Republican, July 26, 1884.
Our New Advertisers. The public will do well to scrutinize our advertising columns each week, as new firms and old ones are constantly seeking admission. L. C. Norton first enters the list with a wind-mill of the latest improvements, and desires parties wanting either wind-mills or pumps to give him a call. Mr. Norton is so well known that a recommendation from others would be useless.
Arkansas City Republican, July 26, 1884.
WATER, WATER, WATER! All persons wishing a wind-mill, and pump for forcing water from wells or springs to convenient points for stock or house use, will do well to call or address L. C. Norton, residing in the north part of town, who is prepared to erect the old reliable STOVER WIND-MILL, One of the Strongest, Safest, and Most Reliable Mills in the Market. Also the best line of Pumps for hand and Wind-mill use in the country. I am prepared to furnish: Tanks of any size, pipe, Float, Valve, Trough, etc., at lowest prices.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 10, 1884.
L. C. Norton visited Winfield Monday.
Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

A Happy Christmas for a Widow and Orphans. Mrs. Nancy Myers is a widow lady residing in Arkansas City. For quite awhile her health has been very poor. In fact, so bad she was unable to earn her daily bread. A number of our citizens, realizing the wants of the family, clubbed together and gave unsparingly from their larders. Mrs. Myers and family desire to return their heartfelt thanks to the donors through the following card.
“God never forgets those who put their trust in Him. He is the father of the fatherless and judge of the widows, and we do feel happy to bless his holy name when we know He judges us aright. I have been afflicted for the past three months, but God has not forgotten me and the four fatherless little ones. He will not leave us lonely and forget us. Thanksgiving day came and the little ones enjoyed a present of a nice fat hen and other things accordingly. Then Christmas came along and happy day it was, for we realized that our friends did not forget us. Four nice chickens already prepared for baking, candies, nuts, cakes, apples, canned fruits, crackers, nice prunes, raisins, figs, and everything that was nice. There were articles of dry goods, which were gratefully accepted. We especially extend our thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Sweeney, and Mr. Smith, Mrs. Crane, Mrs. Blubaugh and daughters, Mrs. Cue, Mrs. Norton, Miss Katie Bloom, Miss Minnie Sweeney. There are several who gave us supplies whose names are unknown to us, but we are thankful to one and all who realize ’tis more blessed to give then receive. There are large and charitable hearts in Arkansas City and many kind people. In our thanks to God, we will remember them.”
Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.
Mrs. J. S. Hunt, and daughter, came down from Winfield Sunday to attend the dedication of the Baptist Church. They were the guests of Mrs. L. C. Norton.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.
Registered Stock. Imported Jerseys are coming into the market in Cowley County.
L. C. Norton and N. T. Snyder have just purchased of J. C. McMullen, the Pure Bred Jersey Bull, “Endorus,” one of the finest bred bulls in the United States. The Grand sire took the first premium at the Ronal Fair on the Island of Jersey. The Dam was a descendant of one of the most celebrated families of the Island, and imported to Kansas by A. M. Harkness, of Philadelphia, and was purchased by Gov. Smith, of Vermont, on whose farm “Endorus” was bred and sold to Ezra Meech, of Winfield, and purchased by J. C. McMullen, who has made a specialty of breeding Jerseys on his farm, on Timber Creek. He is one of the finest perfect animals of the breed. His weight is 1,200 pounds, his style perfect, and every way desirable. He will be kept at the barn of L. C. Norton, where he can be seen and will accommodate all who wish to avail themselves of this rare opportunity to obtain the benefit of this famous breed of milk and butter cattle.
Arkansas City Republican, June 13, 1885.
The full blood Jersey Bull, “Endorus,” can now be found at the stable of L. C. Norton at the north end of Summit street. Parties having cows to serve, can bring them any time, day or night.
Note: Next item reveals that L. C. Norton was a cousin of Prof. H. B. Norton...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 4, 1885.
Prof. H. B. Norton Dead.

DIED. Prof. H. B. Norton died June 22, at his Skyland home near San Jose, California. Prof. Norton was one of the founders of Arkansas City, and for a long time was president of the town company. In the winter of 1869-1870 he, in company with fifteen others, came here and laid out the town of Arkansas City. At one time Prof. Norton was the editorial writer on the Traveler.
In speaking of his death, the Emporia Republican says: “It is with profound sorrow that we are called upon to announce the death of Prof. H. B. Norton. This sad event took place at his Skyland home, in the Santa Cruz mountains, near San Jose, California, June 22nd, 1885, at 6 o’clock a.m. Professor Norton was a resident of this city for many years, during which time he was associate principal of the Kansas State Normal school with Judge Kellogg, as principal. He was also associated with Judge Kellogg as editor of the Kansas Educational Journal, then published in this city. Prof. Norton was one of the founders of Arkansas City and for two or three years was a resident of that place. Subsequently he resumed his position in the State Normal school, which position he held until a disagreement in the faculty caused him to accept a position in the State Normal school of California, whither he removed with his family in 1875. His memory will be held in grateful remembrance by all who knew him. He was an encyclopedia of knowledge and one of the most benevolent and kind-hearted men that ever lived.
The following are the particulars of his death. “On Thursday of last week, Prof. Norton, together with Prof. C. H. Allen, principal of the Normal school, was surveying in the mountains and appeared to be quite well. That evening he was taken ill with pleurisy, and on Friday, while not deeming himself very sick, kept to his bed. At about 11 o’clock on Friday night, Prof. Norton was seized with congestion of the brain, and from that time until his death remained in an unconscious condition. It was not until congestion set in that any serious alarm was occasioned, and on Saturday morning Dr. H. C. Morey of Gilroy, an intimate friend of the professor, was telegraphed for. Meanwhile the sick man was being attended by Dr. Chas. Washburn. Dr. Morey, on arriving and making an examination, saw that the case was almost beyond hope. The patient’s constitution was almost worn out through straining and continuous labor, and a rally was almost out of the question. The remains of the deceased were interred at Skyland.”
Prof. Norton is a cousin of L. C. Norton of Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.
Miss Jessie Norton delightfully entertained a few of her friends at her home Thursday evening.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 4, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Large lot of plants in bud grown expressly for winter blooming at MRS. L. C. NORTON’S.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 5, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
L. C. Norton made the purchase of seven lots in Hess’ addition this morning. Consideration, $400 per lot. [Frank J.] Hess & [R. G.] Norton made the sale.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 19, 1887. From Wednesday’s Daily.
H. Rutledge, a prominent real estate man of St. Louis, was in the city yesterday. He was here to visit his friends, the family of L. C. Norton.