J. A. Notestine
Salt City and Geuda Springs.
Winfield Courier, August 14, 1879.
Mr. J. A. Notestine, of Sumner County, is getting material on the ground on Royal’s addition to the city, to erect a building for the accommodation of part of those health seekers who are flocking in so numerously to the springs.
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1879 - Front Page.
SALT CITY, KANSAS, September 15, 1879.
Mr. Notestine is occupying his new building and it will hereafter be known as the “Salt City Hotel.”
Arkansas City Traveler, July 14, 1880.
Salt City, July 10, 1880.
ED. TRAVELER: There is quite a stir in our little city. Notestine has rented the Salt City Hotel to Royal of this place, he having got the Hunnewell fever. J. C. Mills has rented the Travelers’ Home to F. L. Davis, who will minister to the wants of the traveling public, and will furnish private rooms to those visiting the Geuda Springs for health.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1882.
J. A. Notestine has about completed his boarding house, and A. W. McCarty is building his as rapidly as men and money can do it.
Winfield Courier, May 4, 1882.
A Praise-worthy Movement.
GEUDA SPRINGS, April 27th. EDS. COURIER: Pursuant to the notice given after Divine service on Sunday last, a meeting was held at Odd Fellows’ Hall, Geuda Springs, on the 24th inst., to take steps toward building a large Booth or Tabernacle near the Springs, for religious worship. The object of the meeting was explained by Rev. Mr. Post and Dr. Cutler, after which the meeting was organized by electing Rev. McCamey president, and Dr. Cutler, secretary. After full discussion a committee of seven, consisting of Messrs. Cutler, Rice, Berkey, Snider, Acton, Mills, and Notestine were appointed an executive committee, to have the management of the building and the control of the same after being built.
On motion it was resolved to build Booth or Tabernacle with a seating capacity of two or three thousand.
On motion Bros. Post, McCamey, and Broadbent were appointed a committee whose duty it shall be to invite prominent ministers of all denominations to hold divine services in the tabernacle.
On motion the 3rd Sunday in May was fixed upon as the time for holding the first religious worship in the tabernacle, at 10 o’clock a.m. The committee was instructed to advertise the fact in the state papers.
On motion the meeting adjourned. J. W. McCAMEY, President.
GEO. A. CUTLER, Secretary.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1882.
GEUDA’S BOOM. The Coming Health Resort of the South West, Its Business and General Prospects.
On Wednesday of last week, in company with J. W. Scott, of Cadiz, Ohio, and his son, C. M. Scott, we made a flying visit to this new and prosperous burg, which is fast becoming one of the most popular health resorts of the West. Driving along on the east side of the Arkansas River, through a magnificent farming country, now adorned with waving fields of golden grain, in some instances already bending before the harvester, we could not help but feel how glorious a country this was of ours. About four miles up the river, from Arkansas City, as Geuda looms into view, one can hardly realize that a few short months ago the present thriving town did not exist; not even on paper. Crossing the river on the ferry, run by W. V. McCormick, we climbed the river bank and came in full view of the town of Geuda, glistening in the sunshine of a bright June day, about one mile distant. Upon arriving at our destination, and having turned our team over to the care of D. A. McIntire, formerly one of Arkansas City’s liverymen, we looked around with a view to dinner, and were directed to the Hotel run by J. A. Notestine, where we partook of as good a meal as one could wish, but totally unlike the bill of fare we indulged in, on nearly the same spot, ten years since.
After refreshing the inner man, we took in the town, and an idea of its goaheadativeness will be inferred from the following list of its places of business.
J. A. Notestine, the Hotel above mentioned, and James Stiner is also running a Hotel and Restaurant.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 13, 1883.
Old Soldiers of Bolton.
The following list of our soldiers of Bolton Township were furnished us for publication by Gus Lorry, trustee of that township.
John Annis, private; Co. H, 57th Illinois Infantry.
H. R. Johnston, private, Co. G, 114th Ohio Infantry.
Abe Jackson, private, Co. F, 78th Ohio Infantry.
Isaac Sheeder [?], Sergt., Co. G, 73rd Indiana Infantry.
G. W. Smothers, private, Co. G, 57th [?] Massachusetts Infantry.
P. B. Andrews, 1st Sergt., Co. G, 42nd U S C Infantry.
E. A. Eaton, private, Co. __, 50th Illinois Infantry.
A. J. Kimmell, private, Co. C, 7th Michigan Infantry.
G. N. Conely, corporal, Co. I, 5th Illinois Cavalry.
A. M. Slutz [?], private, Co. A, 194th Ohio Infantry.
O. J. Palmer, corporal, Co. G, 34 Wisconsin Infantry.
J. A. Notestine, sergt., Co. C, 88th Indiana Infantry.
C. R. Mitchell, private, Co. A, 15th Indiana Infantry.
A. W. McCarty, private, Co. M, 6th Kansas Calvary.
J. Q. Allen, private, Co. D, 31st Illinois Infantry.
J. M. Shurtz, private, Co. I, 24th [?] Ohio Infantry.
J. J. Broadbent, 1st sergt., Co. F, 38th Iowa Infantry.
A. M. Mowry, private, Co. 1, 58th Illinois Infantry.
H. C. Mowry, private, Co. B, 105th Illinois Infantry.
Alfred Elliott, sergt, Co. E, 21st Kentucky Infantry.
Sanford Sower [?], private, Co. E, 12th Missouri Cavalry.
Frank Lorry, private, Co. E, 11th Indian Infantry.
P. A. Lorry, private, Co. A, 70th Indiana Infantry.
C. S. Weatherholt, sergt., Co. L, 3rd Kentucky Cavalry.
John Pruett, private, Co. E, 22nd Kentucky Infantry.
Joe Drake, private, Co. L, 16th Kansas Cavalry Militia.
W. M. Campbell, private, Co. __, 2nd Iowa Battery.
Wm. Ransom, private, Co. M, 7th Missouri Cavalry.
Preston Parr, private, Co. A, 28th Missouri Infantry.
T. J. Anderson, private, Co. K, 140th Indian Infantry.
J. W. Patterson, private, Co. B, 27th Ohio Infantry.
J. K. Bell, private, Co. C, 13th Iowa Infantry.
James N. Crutchfield, sergt., Co. E, 11th Indian Infantry.
I. N. Dodd, private, Co. K, 8th Missouri Militia Cavalry.
J. T. Hight, sergt., Co. G, 17th Indiana Veterans
T. S. Parvins, 1st Lieut., Co. B, 5th U S C.
H. J. Donnelly, private, Keeler’s Regiment, Kansas Militia.
J. W. Conaway, wagon master, Co. A, 2nd Indiana Cavalry.
J. W. Colwell, private, Co. C, 29th U S C.
Wm. McGinnis, corp., Co. C, 1st or 102nd Michigan Colored Volunteers.
D. P. Marshall, Major, Co. K, 155th Pennsylvania Infantry.
Amos Walton, sergt., Co. B, 9th Kansas Cavalry.
J. D. Guthrie, private, Co. B, 78th Pennsylvania Infantry.
C. J. Beck, private, Kansas Militia.
Dan Hunt, private, Co. L, 21st Missouri Militia Cavalry.
S. F. Bowers, corporal, Co. B, 32nd Illinois Infantry.
S. C. Lindsay, corporal, Co. A, 50th Illinois Infantry.
P. H. Somers, private, Co. K, 5th Pennsylvania Reserve.
Wm. S. Voris, private, Co. D, 17th Indiana Veterans.
R. B. Scott, sergt., Co. H, 78th Ohio Infantry.
G. F. Pettit, captain, Co. B, 8th Minnesota Infantry.
James Hedley [?], sergt., Co. #, 2nd Michigan Veteran.
D. B. Deweese, private, Co. K, 147th Ohio N G.
A. A. Beck, private, Co. B, 157th New York Infantry.
J. P. Badley, private, Co. B, 7th Iowa Infantry.
W. B. Turner, private, Co. F, 180th Ohio Infantry.
C. C. Wolfe, private, Co. A, 6th Kansas Cavalry.
H. R. Darrough, private, Co. C, 81st Illinois Infantry.
C. W. Bailey, sergt., Co. G, 133rd Illinois Infantry.
D. Harkins, seaman, New York Marine.
Z. Carlisle, assistant surgeon, Hospital Ohio.
J. B. Gassaway, private, Co. H, Kansas Militia Cavalry.
James Bradbury, private, Co. B, 10th Indiana Infantry.
Donald Beton, private, Co. G, 32nd Illinois Infantry.
Peter Myers, private, Co. H, 400th Illinois Infantry.
B. Bennett, private, Co. B, 19th Kansas Militia.
L. L. Hilton, sergt., Co. B, 100th Indiana Infantry.
[Note: Above very hard to read.]
NOTE: The above item was the last one that I could find that mentioned J. A. Notestine. For some reason West Bolton Township residents were rarely covered in the Arkansas City newspapers as time went by. MAW