Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Olds
Winfield 1878: J. H. Olds, 50; spouse, E. E., 45.
Winfield 1880: J. H. Olds, 50; spouse, Emily E., 45.
Winfield Telephone Directory 1885: Olds House, Mrs. M. E. Brown, proprietor, 321 east 8th, Winfield. Kansas.
First to appear in Winfield: Mrs. E. E. Olds [Mrs. J. H. Olds]...
Winfield Courier, October 4, 1877.
Mrs. E. E. Olds, milliner and dress maker, appears with a new card in the supplement. She is a newcomer, but has had long experience in her business.
MRS. E. E. OLDS, Dealer in Millinery, fancy goods, dress making, and hair work.
Main Street, 2 doors north of Bliss, Earnest & Co.’s store, Winfield, Kansas.
Mr. Olds did not appear until February 1878. It appears that he remodeled the “City Hotel” in Winfield and at first called it the American House. Location: 321 East 8th Street, Winfield, Kansas. It later became known as the Lindell Hotel before it was again changed its name and ownership and was known as the “Olds House.” The last owner was Mrs. J. H. Olds, who ran a huge rooming house.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
We would call special attention to the new advertisement of the American House, by J. H. Olds. This house is now in good hands, good order, and good condition, and its patrons will be pleased with all its appointments. The traveling public and boarders will find it a pleasant place. AD: AMERICAN HOUSE, Winfield, Kansas. J. H. Olds, Proprietor. This house has been thoroughly repaired, refitted, and refurnished, and is open for business. The proprietor is experienced in the business and will keep a first-class house. The patronage of the public is respectfully invited.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Mrs. E. E. Olds has just received a large stock of fashionable Millinery goods and will sell at lower prices than are obtained elsewhere. She invites ladies to call and examine her goods.
Winfield Courier, June 13, 1878.
Our councilmen, George W. Gully, Robert Hudson, and J. M. Olds lost some shirts from a clothes line at the American House one day last week, and a certain man was suspected of the theft. Deputy J. H. Finch was sent into the country to find the stolen shirts and other articles of clothing. Finch has the trunk in charge and is ready to deliver it to the owner whenever he calls for it.
A notice did not appear in the newspaper, but it appears as if Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Olds were divorced during 1878...
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
J. H. Olds has built a fine, large, new residence in the north part of town.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
Misses Olds & Curry have just received a large stock of Millinery, which they are selling at the lowest prices. Ladies will do well to call and examine before buying elsewhere.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
MARRIED. Married at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. J. H. Olds, on Monday, October 7th, by Rev. J. E. Platter, Mr. Joseph Harter and Miss Carrie Olds, all of Winfield.
The ceremony was performed at half past nine o’clock in the morning and the newly married pair started immediately for St. Louis to attend the Annual Exposition now in progress at that place.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
The citizens of Winfield and vicinity purpose giving an entertainment benefit on Tuesday evening, December 17, 1878, at Manning’s Opera House, to show their appreciation of the enterprise of a citizen who has erected a magnificent hall in our city.
Committee on Table: Mrs. A. J. Thompson, Mrs. P. Stump, Mrs. C. A. Bliss, Mrs. J. M. Peed, Mrs. J. H. Olds.
Article refers to “American Home,” residence of Mrs. Olds...
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
The M. E. social will be held at the residence of Mrs. Olds, the American Home, on Friday evening of this week. This series of socials are proving a success and will help to pay off the church debt. All friends of the church and of the city should attend and help.
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
The Courier feels proud of its list of advertisers. No county newspaper in the state can boast a larger list or one made up of better, more honorable or more enterprising men. Here they are in alphabetical order.
AMERICAN HOUSE. This popular house is presided over by J. H. Olds and his estimable lady, who furnish their guests with the most satisfactory fare.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 2, 1879.
The following is a list of new buildings erected in the city of Winfield since January 1, 1878, with the name of owner and cost of building.
J. H. Olds, residence, frame: $1,400.
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1879.
Mrs. Anna Harris has succeeded Misses Olds & Curry in the Millinery business. Mrs. Harris is a first-class milliner and persons desiring goods in that line should call on her.
AD: Mrs. Anna Harris, Milliner. Having purchased the millinery stock of the firm of Misses Olds & Curry, I shall put in a New Stock of Goods, and shall keep a full line of First Class Millinery Goods and Fancy Notions. Hats and Bonnets Trimmed. Dressmaking. Remember the place: two doors north of Bliss & Co.’s. Winfield.
Winfield Courier, April 3, 1879.
Mr. Olds is building a fine residence on 8th avenue.
Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879.
Charlie Clayton tells the following story illustrative of the crowded state of the Winfield hotels during the fair, and as the story is reasonable, “we take it in” without a murmur. A couple of regular lodgers at the Olds House were out rather late one evening, and when they came in, found a couple of transients occupying their bed sleeping as soundly as a log while every nook and corner in the hotel large enough to lie down in was filled. The regular lodgers were not to be cheated out of their sleeping facilities in that way, so they stood the two transients up in one corner of the room and went to bed in their places. When they woke in the morning, the transients were still standing asleep, but soon awoke and remarked that it had become colder during the night.
Winfield Courier, April 8, 1880.
Tuesday morning news was brought to town of the suicide of Robert P. Wooley, in Beaver township. Mr. Wooley arrived from Indiana about ten days ago, with his wife, whom he had married three weeks previous, and leaving her at the Olds House in this city, commenced improving his farm, which is located about seven miles southwest of town. During this time he boarded at Lucius Walton’s. Last Friday he came to town, visited his wife, and left with her $250 in cash. On Monday he again came to town and saw her for a few moments, telling her that he would come up for her the next day. He then returned to Lucius Walton’s, ate supper, and went to bed as usual. About two o’clock in the night he got up and went out, but returned in a few minutes and asked a young son of Mr. Walton’s, with whom he was sleeping, for a rope, giving as a reason that he wished to tie his mules away from the horses. This was the last time that he was seen alive. About 7 o’clock Tuesday morning he was found in the barn of Wm. Shaw, one and one-half miles from Walton’s, hanging by the neck from one of the braces in the roof. It seems that after securing the rope, he walked over to Mr. Shaw’s barn, climbed up to the rafters, and after fastening one end of the rope (which was about eight feet long) to the brace in the roof, tied the other end around his neck and jumped off between the rafters. He had pulled off his hat, coat, vest, and shoes, and first attempted to tie his hands together with his shoe strings; but failing in this, took his pocket-handkerchief, made a running noose in each end, slipped one hand in, and after adjusting the rope around his neck, put his hands behind him, slipped the other noose over his wrist, and drew them up tight. In his pockets were found two letters, one to his wife and one to his father, who lives in Ripley County, Indiana; $65 in cash and a check on Read’s bank for $250, in favor of Wm. Dobson. The letters were dated March 3rd, but were evidently written on Sunday afternoon. All his property, amounting to about $3,000, is left to his wife. The only motive to which this rash act can be attributed is a morbid fear of losing his property and being reduced to pauperism. He had recently made a bad investment, about which he was constantly harping, and over which he seemed to brood deeply. He was a man of good moral character, and 31 years old the 18th of March.
Winfield Courier, July 8, 1880.
Miss Lillian Hoxie, who will assist in the Normal Institute, arrived last Friday evening. She is stopping at the Olds House with her brother, S. E. Hoxie, who has been here some weeks. Miss Hoxie made many friends while here last summer, who will gladly welcome her return on account of her pleasant companionship as well as her able assistance rendered in the Normal Institute.
Winfield Courier, April 14, 1881.
Willie Fogg, the boy whom friends recently got pardoned out of jail, was again incarcerated Sunday. Saturday morning he borrowed Mrs. Olds’ pony, got a saddle of Mr. Enright, and left, saying he would ride out in the country a short distance and return. Saturday evening they became uneasy about him, and reported the matter to the sheriff, who began investigating and found that he had told several different stories to get the pony and saddle. This convinced him that the boy had stolen the outfit and had no intention of returning, so he started in pursuit and succeeded in capturing the boy, pony, and saddle about twenty miles in the Territory. This boy seems to be a natural thief or a lunatic, without regard for friends or his own good. Father Kelly had interested himself in the boy’s welfare, and was doing all he could to make a man of him. The best thing that can be done for him is to give him the five years in the penitentiary at hard labor. He will come out a wiser if not a better boy.
Winfield Courier, July 28, 1881.
Mrs. Brettun and granddaughter, Miss Louise Crapster, have returned to Winfield to remain a year. They are stopping at the Olds House until the Brettun is in running order.
Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.
Mr. J. H. Olds returned from Eureka Springs last week. He came into our office, but had to prove his identity before we could believe it was the same man. We have never seen as remarkable a change in a person before. He looks twenty years younger, has shaved off his Burnsides, sports a luxuriant mustache, and is by long odds the handsomest man in town. We are almost tempted to try the Springs for a month.
The Winfield Courier, January 19, 1882.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Olds will return from Eureka Springs February 1st and take charge of the Olds House. They intend bringing a first class cook with them, and all who desire the best accommodations will do well to secure board.
Cowley County Courant, February 9, 1882.
Mrs. J. H. Olds has taken possession of her boarding house on Eighth Avenue and the boarders are happy as larks in consequence.
Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.
The ladies of the M. E. Church will give a social at the residence of Mrs. Olds on next Thursday evening, April 6th. The members of the congregation are all invited. There will be music and refreshments and a general good time is anticipated.
Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.
The Methodist folks had a very pleasant social at the Olds House last week. Quite a crowd was in attendance and all report a pleasant time.
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1882.
J. H. Olds has just finished painting his beautiful residence and is now making a fence, which when completed will be the best and most attractive fence in the city.
Winfield Courier, August 24, 1882.
Mrs. Olds will give the teachers a reception at the Olds House this evening.
Winfield Courier, August 31, 1882.
Mrs. Olds gave the teachers a social last Thursday evening. The lawn was covered with seats and filled with handsome school ma’ams, who were in turn filled with ice cream and sliced watermelon until everyone felt as happy as a “holiness” preacher. To such citizens as had the good fortune to be present, it was one of the nicest entertainments of the season. The COURIER BAND was present and helped with the music and the ice cream devastation.
Winfield Courier, September 28, 1882.
There were fourteen entries in this class, and some very fine specimens were exhibited. Mrs. Olds took 1st premium on her trio of Black Spanish and 2nd on Silver lace bantams.
There were ten entries in this department, all very beautiful. The premiums for most beautiful display of plants was awarded to Mrs. Olds.
Mrs. Olds, wax work.
Second premiums were awarded to Amy Chapin on log cabin quilt; Mrs. John A. Maus for crochet tidy; Mamie Fahey for embroidery on canvas; Mrs. J. D. Pryor for patch quilt; Mrs. Olds for dress; Mrs. Trezise for cotton quilt.
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1882.
Mrs. E. E. Olds is one of the most enthusiastic and successful florists in this county. On Monday she presented us with a very large, fragrant, and beautiful white rose; as a sample from her conservatory, and the pleasure it gives is second only to that of the grace with which it was given.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
The next time you want your piano tuned or repaired, inquire for M. J. Stimson, Olds House.
Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.
M. J. STIMSON, TEACHER of the Piano, Organ, and Voice Culture. Also Singing and Sight Reading in class. Pianos tuned and repaired. Residence, Olds House, corner Eighth Avenue and Fuller Streets.
Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.
MARRIED. On Monday, January 15, 1883, at the residence of the bride’s sister, Mrs. J. M. Anderson, at Independence, Mr. P. Dickey of Winfield, to Miss Carrie Fitzgibben, of Independence. Mr. Dickey, the groom is well known to the citizens of Winfield, having for some time past been in the shipping business. Mr. Dickey is known to his many acquaintances as a gentleman of sterling qualities and the COURIER wishes him and his beautiful bride many years of unalloyed bliss. The happy couple returned to Winfield Tuesday afternoon and in the evening a number of his intimate friends assembled at the residence of Mrs. Trezise to congratulate the newly wedded pair, on their union. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Trezise and a general good time was indulged in. Among those present we noticed Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Olds, Mr. J. B. Goodrich and lady, Mr. M. W. Tanner and lady, Frank Weaverling, Fred Bullene, and Miss Bessie Nevins of Independence.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1883.
Mrs. Olds was selected by the committee in charge of lodging for the following visiting editors: H. W. Young of the Independence Star, O. S. Bentley of the Kansas City Times, Mr. R. M. Chilcott of the Louisville Republican, J. A. Scott and son of the Osage Mission Journal, A. N. Moyer of the Wyandotte Gazette, H. A. Heath of the Kansas Farmer, Topeka, R. S. Turner of the Sedan Journal, J. H. Gilkey of the Greeley News, and Will D. Wright and H. D. Gordon of the Hepler Leader.
Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.
J. H. Olds has built an addition to his already large and handsome residence.
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1884.
The school in old Salem has closed for this term. Mr. Roberts awarded prizes to the deserving ones, and treated all the pupils and his numerous guests to candy. It seems I was lucky enough to get treated to all the goodies, as I just returned from my visit in time for the exercises at school. I presume I ought to tell you what a delightful time I had in my travels. Left Salem on Saturday morning the 23rd. Arrived all right at my destination, Cambridge, and was warmly welcomed by dear, kind friends. That evening I, with quite a number of the Cambridges, had a ride on the I. O. G. T.’s goat, in the Cambridge schoolhouse. The Lodge, like myself, was a stranger there, but I trust the young people who seem to possess plenty of energy will keep the Temperance boat from sinking and may their Lodge be the means of saving many. On Sunday morning with my friends, I attended Sunday school, and listened also to an excellent discourse from the Rev. Knight. Attended prayer meeting in the evening. On Monday morning, behind the spirited horses of the Row brothers, I enjoyed a ride of four miles to the Ranch, where I spent two days very pleasantly and feasted on the sweets of the land, and was “honeyed” to my heart’s content. Returned to the little city and on Tuesday evening the Rowe brothers entertained quite a number of their friends, and thus I formed some very pleasant acquaintances. The rest of my visit was quietly passed and on Thursday eve I returned home, but my trip was far from lonesome, as I met Mrs. Olds, also Mrs. Asp, of Winfield, at the Cambridge depot, also Mr. Beasley of Burden, and Mr. James B. Rowe formed our little party and we had plenty of fun. The ladies, also Mr. Beasley, dropped off at Burden. We arrived in Salem in time for Christian service (came on the local), were kindly entertained a few moments by Mrs. Lucas, and after church was brought home by my good brother, and so ended my travels. But I forgot to mention that I met quite a number of Winfieldites while there, and among the number Mr. Frank Greer, and enjoyed a friendly little chat with that amiable gentleman. OLIVIA.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1884.
The Olds House has been leased to G. W. Webster, of Grenola, and Mr. and Mrs. Olds will move to their farm a few miles out from the city.
Winfield Courier, April 3, 1884.
A cook wanted at the Olds House.
Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.
The Olds House is again opened for boarders. This popular and pleasant house has been thoroughly overhauled and will be kept up to the highest standard. Mrs. Brown, a lady from Lansing, Michigan, is the proprietor.
Winfield Courier, November 6, 1884.
Mr. J. H. Olds has almost ready for occupancy a house of unique architecture and considerable room, near his handsome 8th Avenue residence.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
Mr. Blackman, who has been living on East 10th, has rented the Olds House. Mr. Olds and family will leave Monday for the West.