Olmstead Family


Note: This file was set up by RKW years ago...
There were no Olmstead’s listed in the Federal 1860 census of Hunter County.
There were no Olmstead’s listed in the Federal 1870 census of Cowley County.
Kansas 1875 Census Ninnescah Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name  age sex color   Place/birth Where from
Jed.? Olmstead 42 m w Indiana Missouri
Maria Olmstead 36 f w Pennsylvania Missouri
Julianna Olmstead 18 f     w Kansas Missouri
Luelle Olmstead 16 f w Kansas
J. C. Olmstead 8 m w Kansas
B. J. Olmstead 3 m w Kansas
Beatie? Olmstead 3m f w Kansas
The 1873 Vernon township census of adults list O. A. Olmstead, age 33, and his wife, Mary E., age 30.
Kansas 1875 Census, Vernon Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
Orris A. Olmstead 35  m w Ohio Iowa
Mary E. Olmstead 32  f w Indiana Iowa
Della Olmstead 9  f w Iowa Iowa
Rhoda Olmstead 7  f w Iowa Iowa
W. H. Olmstead 5  m w Kansas
Matilda Olmstead 3  f w Kansas
Orris Olmstead 6m m w Kansas
1893 Arkansas City Directory: Olmstead, H., miller, A C Mills, r 1031 s C st.
Harvey Olmstead...
Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.
Cowley County District Court. The following is a list of cases that will stand for trial at the September term of the District Court, to be holden on and from the 27th, and have been placed on the Trial Docket in the following order.
Harvey Olmstead vs. John Schwartz.
J. Olmstead Martin...
Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876.
The following is a list of Marriage Licenses issued by Probate Judge Gans, during the month of January. M. L. Martin and J. Olmstead.
H. D. Olmstead marries Mrs. Jennie Himer of Butler County...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 15, 1876.
MARRIED. On the 9th day of March, 1876, at the residence of B. F. Martin, in Cowley County, Kansas, by Adam Walck, Esq., Mr. G. F. Anderson, of Butler County, to Miss Mary E. Martin. And at the same time and place, Mr. H. D. Olmstead to Mrs. Jennie Himer, of Butler County, Kansas. Both parties have our best wishes for their happiness and future welfare.

Mrs. Mary Olmstead Fitzsimmons...
Winfield Courier, January 4, 1877.
Communication from “Rusticus”—Maple.
GREETINGS. A merry Christmas and happy New Year from the people of Red Bud, and a real old-fashioned Christmas, too.
Snow six inches deep and the thermometer away down below zero. O, how we wish for the sleighs, bells, robes, and articles left in the north, in old Lang Syne, when we gathered up our household goods and gods and left for the genial clime and Italian skies of the sweet sunny South. But ’tis ever thus, etc. As we hadn’t either, Wm. E. Seaman resolved to make the most of his opportunities and seized upon an old log lizard, and a dry goods box, nailed one upon the other, hitched Moll and Fox to one end, stowed his fun-loving wife and self in the other, and started on a calling tour through the settlement to the tintinnabulation of an old nail in a tin cup. This stirred up the Arctic blood of S. F. Gould, and deter­mining not to be outdone, he cut his hayrack in two, and throwing some hay and quilts on it, piled on wife and babies, about a dozen, and started in wake of his predecessor to the tune of their own happy voices, calling at the house of your correspon­dent, who with his “vrow” joined the merry group, and after various incidents and hair breadth escapes, brought up at the house of that happily mated, newly wedded couple of young old folks, A. M. Fitzsimmons and lady (formerly Mrs. Mary Olmstead). Here we found a genial company of young and old gathered to welcome our friend Fitz. back to his old home and to have a good time generally, in which we were eminently successful. After partaking of the hospitality of our host and hostess, we took our way to our homes over the crisp snow while the heavens, oversprinkled with a crystalline delight. made us think of old times and places where such scenes and pleasures were the rule. May such times recur and be enjoyed by every reader of the COURIER for a hundred years to come, and may you and I, Mr. Editor, be there to help them enjoy the fun.
Olmstead schoolhouse, Vernon township...
Winfield Courier, May 10, 1877.
There will be public meetings held at 7 o’clock p.m. of the following days at the places named for the purpose of discussing the question of voting aid to the Memphis, Parsons & Ellsworth, Western Branch Railroad. Speakers will be in attendance. Full meetings are expected. VERNON: Werden and Olmstead schoolhouses.
H. Olmstead and wife, Arkansas City...
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers.
H. Olmstead and wife to Emma Watson, lot 5, block 80, Arkansas City, $150.
J. Olmstead...
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
J. Olmstead has just received a queen bee by express straight through from Italy. This goes bee-yond anything in the bee line ever seen in Cowley County.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.

We were shown, last Tuesday, a stand of honey, from the hives of Mr. Olmstead, which was as fine as any we have ever seen. Mr. Olmstead received, a few months ago, straight through from Italy, a queen bee and is now raising the pure Italian bees.
Ella Olmstead...
Winfield Courier, January 30, 1879.
Northeast Ninnescah, January 26, 1879. Miss Ella Olmstead and Miss Anna Martin are taking music lessons with Mrs. Rothrock.
John Olmstead, Ninnescah Township...
Winfield Courier, January 1, 1880.
ED. COURIER: Seeing in your paper reports from several of the districts in the country, I concluded to send  you the report of district No. 81 for the month ending Dec. 23d. No. of days school was in session, 17; No. of pupils enrolled, 32; average daily attendance, 23. The following are the names of those whose average standing at our last examination was 90 and upward.
Kate Martin: 95; Maggie Martin: 93; Ed. Kinnaman: 90; Belle Martin: 92; John Olmstead: 92; George Hopkins: 90. P. W. SMITH, Teacher.
Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.
School report of district No. 81 for the month ending Jan. 30, 1880.
The following are the names of those whose average standing at our last examination was 90 and upwards. Maggie Martin: 93; Kate Martin: 95; Esther Hopkins: 90; Myrtle Hopkins: 92; Belle Martin: 94; Izora Wentz: 94; John Olmstead: 98; James Silverthorn: 90; May Stanley: 90. During the past month we have had several visitors but no patrons to visit us.
P. W. SMITH, Teacher.
J. Olmstead...
Winfield Courier, January 27, 1881.
Mr. J. Olmstead caught a beaver on the Walnut twelve miles north of Winfield, which weighed fifty pounds, and his skin weighed eight pounds green and three and one-fourth pounds dry when well trimmed. The body of the pelt was thirty-eight inches long and thirty-two inches wide. J. R. Bourdette bought it for six dollars and got a bargain. This is the “boss” beaver and Cowley County is ahead.
William Olmstead...
Winfield Courier, November 3, 1881.
Mr. William Olmstead, with his family, from Indiana, arrived last week with a view of locating in this county. Of course, he is well pleased with the country, and for the present has taken up his abode in Winfield.
John Olmstead...
Winfield Courier, February 9, 1882.
On last Saturday Mr. John Olmstead and Mr. ___, who wields the ferule in the vicinity of Green Valley, paid us a very pleasant visit. Come again.
William Olmstead, Winfield...
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

We publish below the roll of old soldiers in this county drawing pensions from the government for injuries sustained on account of service, with monthly rate of allowance. It shows that there are one hundred and forty-six soldiers in the county drawing pensions, and that the government pays to them monthly the aggregate sum of $1,509.66-3/4. This is a record that no county but ours can show. It is certainly one that “Cares for him who has born the brunt of battle and for his widows and orphans.”
Olmstead, Wm., Winfield, g s w rt thigh, $4.00.
Mrs. M. L. Olmstead, Winfield...
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.
Mrs. M. L. Olmstead in her school will pursue the Public School methods. The term commences Monday, Sept. 29th. There will be two daily sessions for Primary and other classes.
Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.
MRS. M. L. OLMSTEAD’S English & French Boarding and Day School for young ladies and children will open at the residence formerly occupied by Prof. Farringer, Main Street, September 22, 1884. A resident French teacher. Classes in Drawing, Oil, and Watercolor Painting. Instructions given in Music upon Piano, Organ, Violin, and Guitar; also Vocal Culture. Instructions in Music on and after the 9th prox.
Q. A. Olmstead, justice, Cedar Township...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.
Township Officers. Cedar: J. F. McDowell, trustee; Nathan Parisho, clerk; A. Bruce, treasurer; Q. A. Olmstead and J. G. Custer, justices; J. Stewart and O. Sparkman, constables.
Hansen and Willie Olmstead, Winfield...
Four Winfield Kids Start Out To Follow the Wake of Frank and Jesse James.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 7, 1885.

A nest of youthful would-be desperadoes has just been discovered in this city that is another frightful example of what comes from allowing boys to “just grow up,” without any parental training. This little gang was composed of Frank Kretser, leader, Thomas Gill, second man, and Hansen and Willie Olmstead, anxious followers. Neither of the boys are over twelve years old. Thomas’ friskiness is absolutely unparalleled. He is an ex-boot black of St. Joe, and says he blacked Jesse James’ boots many a time while Jesse was in St. Joe under the name of Chas. Howard, just before his assassination. “If I’d knowed he was Jesse James, my name would uv been Git there Ell, an’ instead of blackin’ his boots I’d a skipped.” Frank Kretser and Thomas were thorough James students—they had poured over the lives of the desperadoes and determined to duplicate them. Thomas was turned over to the hospitality of the Hotel de Finch from Justice Snow’s court for complicity in stealing two dollars a few weeks ago from the money drawer of the Lindell Hotel—holding him as a witness in the District Court against the darkey who put him up to stealing the money. He ran around at will, however. He was caught in further deviltry the other night—in a covered wagon in an alley in South Winfield, surrounded by thirteen undressed chickens. The wagon had been standing there a week, during which time the four boys above named, under their elected leader, Kretser, had used it as a den in which to prepare the festive fowls, brought in on their nocturnal hen roost forages, for the market. The father of Thomas Gill caught them. All got away but Thomas, who was marched off to the Sheriff’s office, the father having more faith in official influence than in his own. Thomas gave the whole thing away. The boys were professional petty thieves. Everything they could get hold of was appropriated, concealed, and when opportunity afforded, were disposed of. He took Marshal McFadden to a place in the north part of town and dug a four-tined pitchfork and other articles out of a manure pile, where they had been awaiting disposal at some second hand or other store. The chicken racket was only a few nights old. A few nights ago they armed themselves with razors and prepared for a bold dash. They took a good horse from a stable near the S. K. depot, the four straddled him, and started to decamp. But before they got to the mounds, one of the kids fell off and broke his wrist. He set up a fearful yell and the boys all caved, took the horse back to the stable, and gave up the job. They are all tough cases—especially Frank and Thomas. The former is the son of a widow. These two will likely go to the State Reform School, where there will be some show of bringing them out. The others seem to have been led into the game and will likely get off. The two leaders are now in the county bastille. All the boys are unusually bright—with native talents most promising. But the experiences of a street gamin are not conducive to anything but deviltry. They want to be put in school, cleaned up, and made to think they are as capable of good things as anybody. This done, they will come out all right yet—make useful and honorable men.
J. Olmstead county road...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 9, 1885.
The Board of County Commissioners have been in session since Monday. Most of the time has been occupied examining and allowing claims against the county.
Damages awarded in J. Olmstead county road to J. M. Boyle, $75; C. J. Boyle, $62.50; and Miss Hackworth, $25.
Bertha Olmstead...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 16, 1885.
The attendance of the County Normal Institute has reached its zenith and below we present a complete list of those in attendance.
B. 2nd Grade. Bertha Olmstead.
O. A. Olmstead road...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 15, 1885.

The county commissioners are grinding on road cases. Robert Hamil, Yates Smith, and T. Williams were appointed viewers in the O. A. Olmstead road.
Archie Olmstead, Winfield...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 10, 1885.
Archie Olmstead, a lad of eighteen, is one of the best pianists in the city. He furnished the music for the “G. O.” Club Thursday evening, his excellent time being highly commended. His playing always elicits the most favorable remark. As a piano instructor, he is a remarkable artist, and has a good class.
Bertha Olmstead...
A Complete List of the Teachers of Cowley County. Their Districts and P. O. Addresses.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 17, 1885.
79 Bertha Olmstead, Geuda.
Master Olmstead [Archie?]...
The Marriage of Mr. B. W. Matlack and Miss Gertrude McMullen.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 7, 1886.
The shutters had been closed and the parlors illuminated by gas light, making a soft, mellow light entrancingly beautiful. Just enough daylight found its way in to complete the novel effect. At 2:30 the bridal pair came lightly down the stairway amid the sweet strains of Mendelssohn’s wedding march, by Master Olmstead, and took their position in the north parlor. The bride was on the arm of her father, Mr. J. F. McMullen, and the groom was accompanied by the bride’s mother. The attendants were Misses Nellie McMullen, cousin of the bride, and Jennie Lowry and Messrs. Ed. J. McMullen, the bride’s brother, and Frank F. Leland.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 7, 1886.
Last night was the eleventh anniversary of Dr. and Mrs. Emerson’s marriage. For years back they have celebrated their wedding anniversary with a social gathering, and this New Years was no exception. Their home was the scene of a very happy party composed of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Baird, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Webb, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Balyeat, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bahntge, and Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Cole; Mrs. W. L. Webb, Mrs. E. H. Nixon, and Mrs. B. H. Riddle; Misses Lizzie and Margie Wallis, Nettie and Anna McCoy, Sadie French, Nellie Cole, Anna Hunt, Mamie Baird, Johnson, Nona Calhoun, and Bert Morford; Messrs. J. L. M. Hill, Ray Oliver, M. J. O’Meara, C. P. and Harry Bahntge, Everett and George Schuler, Tom J. Eaton, Byron Rudolf, L. B. Davis of Chicago, R. E. Wallis, Jr., E. M. Meech, Will and Frank Robinson, and Frank H. Greer. The opportunity for an evening in Mrs. Emerson’s agreeable home is always hailed with delight. Her graceful and hearty hospitality completely banishes any formal feeling and makes all go in for a good time. A jollier gathering than that last night would be very hard to find. The “light fantastic” tripped to the excellent time of Master Olmstead, with whist, and a collation unexcelled, afforded genuinely enjoyable pastime till almost one o’clock, when all bid their genial hosts appreciative adieu, wishing them many returns of such happy wedding anniversaries, all declaring that no city can afford more admirable entertainers than the Doctor and his vivacious lady.
Mrs. Olmstead, Winfield...

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 21, 1886.
The Woman’s Suffrage Society met Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. C. Strong, with a good attendance and much interest. Mrs. Frank W. Finch read a well-written essay on “Power,” evidencing considerable philosophy and thought. Mrs. Olmstead gave some fine instrumental music, accompanied vocally by Miss Williams. Discussion was had on the subject of petitioning the Legislature for the right of suffrage for women in Kansas, by Mrs. C. Strong, Mrs. J. W. Curns, Mrs. C. H. Greer, Mrs. Dr. Bailey, and others. These petitions have been circulated by the society here and those all over the state and largely signed, ready for the State solons. A committee of women from the State Suffrage Society will likely present them and urge their justice and expediency.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.
The W. C. T. U. will meet Tuesday evening at 4 o’clock, with Mrs. Olmstead, over Wallis & Wallis’ store.
Mr. Olmstead [Archie?]...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.
A good audience, considering the evening, greeted Little Maud at the opera house Saturday evening, to hear this child wonder. This was her first appearance before the public at this place. All went away agreeably surprised and entertained. As many know, this little “wee lassie” is M. M. Scott’s child, and is only four years old. Her selections consisted of difficult pieces, as “The Curfew must not ring tonight,” “Maud Muller,” “Somebody’s Darling,” and other selections that older persons would fail upon, but little Maud was as easy and as much at home upon the stage as an old actress. Little Maud is truly a prodigy that her father and mother may be justly proud of. It seems almost incredible that such a little thing could possibly render such difficult pieces with ease and almost perfection, but seeing is believing. We hope Mr. Scott will favor the public with another entertainment soon. Mr. Olmstead furnished the music, which was par-excellence.
Master Archie Olmstead, Winfield...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.

No dance affords as much well-bred hilarity and genuine enjoyment, for an evening, as the German. It is purely a social arrangement, mingling novelty most acceptable. Highly pleasurable indeed was the “German” reception of Miss Ida Johnston last night. The appointments of this richly furnished and truly elegant home, for such an occasion, was perfect. The large double parlors, with their canvas-covered floor, gave ample scope for the many amusing figures of the German. The figures were admirably led by Willis A. Ritchie and Miss Mattie Harrison, assisted by Frank F. Leland and Miss Ida Ritchie, and, though some were quite intricate, went off without a break. Besides those mentioned, the guests were: Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Matlack, Mrs. B. H. Riddell; Misses Jennie Hane, Sallie Bass, Lizzie and Margie Wallis, Nellie Cole, Nona Calhoun, Anna Hunt, Bert Morford, and Maggie Harper; Messrs. Byron Rudolf, Chas. F. and Harry Bahntge, Addison Brown, M. J. O’Meara, Will E. Hodges, Everett T. and George H. Schuler, Lacey T. Tomlin, Tom J. Eaton, Ed. J. McMullen, and Frank H. Greer. The ladies were all in beautiful costume and the gentlemen brought out the swallow tail for the first time this winter. Master Archie Olmstead furnished the piano music and his excellent time elicited much appreciation. The favors were numerous, “cute” and appropriate. The excellent collation formed a very interesting supplement. Miss Johnston is an admirable entertainer, easy, genial, and graceful, and, agreeably assisted by her mother, afforded all one of the pleasantest evenings of the winter. This home is one of the most complete and commodious in the city, giving splendid opportunity for receptions. This was the first German of the winter. It proved such a delightful novelty that others will likely be given before the “light fantastic” season is ended. To those familiar with the various “round dances,” the German is the acme of the Terpsichorean art, fashionable, graceful, and gay.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
Master Archie Olmstead played some very classical productions at the Opera House, Tuesday, among them “Harpe AEolian,” by Sidney Smith, and “Students of Sorrento,” by Celega. He is a remarkably fine pianist, for one of his age, and can be found at Crawford’s Music House, as soloist or piano instructor.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
A small audience greeted the Sons of Veterans at Manning’s Opera House Tuesday eve. The Winfield Glee Club, consisting of Messrs. Buckman, Slack, Holliday, Guy, Snow, and Forsythe, captivated the audience with their best songs, accompanied by A. Olmstead on the piano, who added much to the occasion by his excellent instrumental pieces. Little Maud gave several recitations in her cute and pleasing way. Sargent Colling and squad in their silent drill showed they were masters of the art. Mrs. Flo. Williams recited “Flash,” which was highly appreciated by all. The “Little Four” proved a big four, with Prof. Le Page at the piano, Harry Holbrook and Frank Conrad with their horns, and Jack Beck with his bones made novel and pleasing music. The tableau, “Crown Won and Crown in Prospect, participated in by Miss Maud Pickens, Matt Connor, and Jack Beck, was excellent. The Sons of Veterans should have had a larger house. This camp has been built up through the exertions of Capt. Pridgeon and several other zealous workers and needs encouragement by our people.