Orr Family
RKW received Inquiry by E-mail from Charles F. Orr...
Wednesday, June 2, 1999.
From Red Orr <red@northrim.net>
“ . . . First of all let me introduce myself. My name is Charles F. Orr and I reside in Wendell, Idaho. Some time back I ran across Bill Bottorff’s home page and saw the old post cards that were there to view. One of them was of the Old Opera House. In the right hand corner of the Opera House, was N. B. Orr’s Meat Market. Mr. Orr was my Great Grandfather. To make a long story short we do have relatives in Ark City whom we visit quite regularly and up until last month did not know that the Opera House was located in Winfield. I’m now looking forward to our next visit so I can tour Winfield and see where my folks were from.” Red Orr.
RKW uncovered the following items...
Cowley County Censor, May 13, 1871.
Mr. William Orr and brother have a good steam saw mill in successful operation at Floral on Timber Creek.
Cowley County Censor, July 1, 1871.
Board of County Commissioners met in special session at the County Clerk’s office in Winfield, June 27th, 1871.
Present: T. A. Blanchard, G. H. Norton, and E. Simpson.
Petition for the sale of the southeast quarter of Section thirty-six, Township 21, Range 4, of school land. The following appraisers were appointed by the Board: J. C. Monfort, S. R. Richards, and W. J. Orr.
Cowley County Censor, July 1, 1871.
STEAM SAW MILL. HART & ORR. Would respectfully announce to the people in general that they are prepared to fill orders for NATIVE LUMBER, at their Mill seven miles north of Winfield, at the junction of Dutch and Timber Creek. a large quantity of lumber on hand and for sale on reasonable terms. Call and see us.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 25, 1873.
Please announce the name of Dr. Samuel Thompson of Tisdale as a Republican candidate for the office of Representative. Subject to the decision of the Republican County Convention.
W. W. WALTON: Candidate for the office of County Surveyor.
John Irwin: Register of Deeds.
E. B. Kager: Re-election as County Treasurer. Backers: S. H. Myton, Wm. Orr, Geo. W. Baily, S. W. Green, W. P. Duncan, J. H. Finch.
Winfield Courier, December 10, 1874.
DIED. Mrs. Orr, formerly living on Cedar Creek, was buried in the Lazette cemetery on the 29th of November. She died of lung fever.
Winfield Courier, January 14, 1875.
Maple Grove Grange No. 714, P. of H. at regular meeting on the first Monday evening in December, the following named members were elected to fill the several offices for the ensuing year.
Master, Wm. Orr; Overseer, T. J. Johnson; Lecturer, A. Frazer; Steward, A. Orr; asst. Steward, D. Ferguson; Chaplain, John C. Roberts; Treasurer, J. H. Land; Secretary, Chas. A. Roberts; gate keeper, G. W. Prater; Ceres, Mrs. C. A. Roberts; Flora, Mrs. A. Frazer; Pomona, Miss Maggie Bush; Lady Asst. Steward, Mrs. Jos. C. Roberts; Trustees: Rev. Sol Ferguson, G. W. Prater, and J. H. Curfman. JOS. C. ROBERTS, Sec’y.
[Covering Period January 6, 1876 - December 28, 1876.]
VOL. 4, NO. 1.
“The Republican voters of Cowley County, Kansas, are requested to meet in Mass Convention, at Winfield, on the 25th day of August, 1870, at 1 o’clock p.m., for the purpose of electing the organization of a County Central Committee, whose duty it shall be to call a Convention for the election of a delegate to the coming State Convention, and for the transaction of such other business as shall come before it.”
At that meeting a County Republican Central Committee was appointed, of which E. C. Manning was chairman and Wm. Orr was secretary. This committee issued a call for a delegate convention to be held in Winfield September 3rd, 1870, for the purpose of electing a delegate from Cowley County to the Republican State Convention at Topeka, September 8th. Pursuant to that call a convention met September 3rd, and Morgan Willett, of Rock, was chosen chairman and P. J. Raybell, of Cedar (now Windsor), was chosen secretary. This convention chose E. C. Manning as delegate, and Lem Cook as alternate, in the State Convention. About the time that the Republican Mass Meeting call was issued a printed poster, which read as follows, was circulated in the county.
To the Voters of Cowley County:
The members of the Republican party of Cowley County are invited to effect an organization at a delegate convention to be held at Dexter on Saturday, September 3rd, 1870, for the purpose of appointing a County Executive Committee, and electing a delegate to the State Republican Convention, which meets at Topeka, September 8th, 1870.
Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.
Arthur Orr lost some stock and a large lot of threshed wheat by the high water.
Winfield Courier, May 10, 1877.
ED. COURIER: The other day while W. L. Burton and Jas. Martin were plowing on the Sourbeer place, just east of Wm. Orr’s, the dog crossed the creek and after barking fiercely for some time came running back, his head being quite bloody. The boys immediately proceeded to wade the creek and find the cause of all this ado. Coming to a drift they found a large wild cat with three kittens. The old cat was soon dispatched by a ball from the rifle and the kittens taken captives to Mr. J. H. Curfman’s (where Martin is for the present at work). It is proposed to raise the little fellows and see if they make good mousers.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
January 29, 1878.
MR. EDITOR: The Murphy movement has reached here. Rev. Mr. Rushbridge delivered a lecture here last evening, after which the following persons signed the pledge to abstain from all intoxicating drinks as a beverage.
FIRST COLUMN: Monforte, J. C., Jr.; Burton, W. L.; Baird, Mattie; McKee, Mrs. Ben.; Kicks, Emma; Baird, Allie; Lahr, Peter; Wilson, Ernest; Leech, Francis M.; Newberry, A.; Limbocker, Maggie; Newberry, Mary; McKee, Erma; Curfman, Mary; Keck, Mollie; Limbocker, Clara; Curfman, Bella M.; Wells, Samuel; Limbocker, W. W., Bartlow, Anna L.; Knox, W. W.; Curfman, Mrs. J. H.; Newberry, Chris.; White, William; Howard, J. W.; Barrick, Mark.
SECOND COLUMN: Wells, Hattie; Baird, W. C.; Limbocker, F. E.; Bush, R. A.; Bush, S. D.; Bariman, M. E.; Roberts, Cary C.; Monforte, A. C.; Robertson, Quincy; McKee, Benjamin; Morgan, Richard A.; Monforte, Hattie; Andrews, Mattle L.; Curfman, John W.; Curfman, E.; Curfman, J. H.; Graham, Emily; Lindley, Thos. J.; Curfman, Oscar; Limbocker, Fred; Walis, Wesley J.; Keck, James; Orr, William J.; Limbocker, Cynthia; Rouse, Alley; Burton, A. C.
Our organization was effected and the following officers chosen: J. W. Howard, president; W. W. Limbocker, vice president; W. L. Burton, secretary; J. H. Curfman, treasurer. Society meets every Wednesday evening at 7 o’clock. J. W. HOWARD, President.
W. L. BURTON, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Commissioners’ Proceedings.
We are indebted to W. R. Stivers, the efficient assistant of the county clerk, for the following report.
The board of commissioners of Cowley County met in regular session at the county clerk’s office on the 8th day of April, 1878. Present: R. F. Burden, W. M. Sleeth, and George L. Gale, commissioners; James McDermott, county attorney, and M. G. Troup, county clerk.
The following bills were allowed.
W. J. Orr, section line road. Granted.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers.
Franklin Sourbger and wife to Wm. J. Orr, ne. 35, 32, 4; 160 acres, $2,000.
Real Estate Transfers.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
Robert Orr to Rebecca Orr, s. ½ of se. ¼ 5; and e. ½ of ne. ¼ 9-34-8.
The Great Storm.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
The storm of last week, Wednesday morning, came from the W.N.W. across the north part of Sumner County down the Ninnescah River, where it did a considerable damage. The center of the storm passed over Vernon, Winfield, Tisdale, Dexter, and Otter Townships in Cowley County in a general direction of E.S.E., and left the county in the vicinity of Cedarvale. It could not have been more than about fifteen miles wide and the track of the heaviest rainfall was scarcely more than half of that width. From all the circumstances taken together we conclude, it was a cyclone or rotary storm, of about seven or eight miles in diameter; that the rotation was not extremely rapid, and that the progress of the storm was very slow.
Our statement last week of the amount of waterfall was, we now think, exaggerated, and that twenty inches would be the extent.
DIED. But three lives were lost, namely: the two children of Mr. Frew at Beaver Creek and Mr. Bell at Badger Creek. The circumstances of the loss of the two children is thus described by HORATIUS in a communication of that day.
“This community was startled this morning by the news that two children of Mr. David M. Frew, aged respectively two months and three years, were swept away by the flood. Mr. Frew and family had retired for the night; and though conscious that a large amount of water was falling, he did not anticipate danger until his house moved. He immediately with his wife and two children attempted to escape from the floating building. In his exertions he slipped and fell in the water, losing his hold on the children, who were immediately swept away from him, and darkness prevailing, he was utterly unable to recover or find them. He barely succeeded in saving himself and wife. The grief-stricken parents have the heartfelt sympathies of the people in this vicinity.”
The bodies of the drowned children have since been recovered. In the vicinity of Mr. Frew’s was the residence of DR. C. G. HOLLAND, which stood on a knoll, surrounded by lower land. The water rose to the windows and the house moved partly from its foundations; but the doctor led a heavy horse and a cow into the house, which so weighted it down that it did not float away. The water subsided and the apprehensions of his neighbors were relieved.
The drowning of Mr. Bell is related in another place. There were two other men, whose names we did not get, who were camped near Mr. Bell at Chaffee’s ford, on Badger. They were swept into the current; but held to the branches or brush until morning light, when they were relieved. Several animals were KILLED BY LIGHTNING, including a valuable bull belonging to S. S. Holloway; a mare belonging to Mr. Bryson, and another belonging to Mr. Glass, of Dexter Township; and a horse belonging to Mr. Lucas, of Pleasant Valley.
All the streams and small creeks along the track of the storm were swollen suddenly and excessively, rising from twenty to thirty feet. Beaver, Walnut, Timber, Black Crook, Badger, Silver, Turkey, Plum, Grouse, and Crab Creeks overflowed their banks and swept away large quantities of wheat in the shock, and many hogs. Much damage was done by washing out corn and other crops. Potatoes and onions were washed out of the ground. Stone fences and stone corrals were swept away. We have succeeded in gathering the names of some of the
On Walnut: John Ireton lost 20 hogs and 30 acres of wheat; Mr. Craig and Mr. Clark lost each 30 acres of wheat; F. W. Schwantes lost his stone corral; M. Gessler lost 5 hogs.
On Timber: Thos. Youle lost 100 acres of wheat; Geo. Youle 10 acres; Daniel Knox 12 acres; Mrs. Rutherford 12 acres; J. F. Graham and M. V. Phillips 50 acres; Washburne 28 acres; Mentch 40 acres; Mrs. Cochran 30 acres; G. W. Yount 40 acres; John Parks 60 acres; S. A. Burger 14 acres; W. Cowan 40 acres. J. F. Graham lost 10 hogs; G. W. Yount 19 hogs; John Rhodes 1 horse and 10 acres of wheat; W. W. Limbocker 8 acres; J. W. Orr 20 acres; Mr. Keesey 10 acres; Bryant 10 acres.
On Black Crook: W. Dunn lost 60 acres of wheat; Joe Mack 20; others lost a considerable.
On Badger: J. H. Mounts lost 12 acres of wheat; S. W. Chase 20 acres; Robert Gardener 60 acres; McCullom 20 acres; A. B. Gardener 40 acres; W. Hill 40 acres; Eckles 10 acres. Much corn was washed out.
In Pleasant Valley: Jeffers had the roof of his house blown off.
The losses on Silver, Turkey, Plum, Grouse, and Crab Creeks have not been specially reported to us except as stated by the following from our DEXTER CORRESPONDENT.
“There has been a great flood in this vicinity, which has washed away a large amount of the wheat along Plum and Turkey Creeks and other tributaries of the Grouse. Mr. Clay, on Turkey Creek, lost 22 acres of wheat. Several others suffered severe losses of grain. Plum Creek did not suffer as much. Grouse Creek rose 16 feet at the Winfield crossing. Several head of hogs washed away. Mr. Axley lost his entire crop of wheat, and it is feared the damage to wheat will be great.”
To sum up, we conclude that about 50,000 bushels of wheat have been washed away, and that the total damage to the county will reach at least $100,000. To many, their losses are of a serious character, being their sole dependence, and will occasion much distress.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
FAIRVIEW, KANSAS, Dec. 6, 1878.
The following is the average standing of the following named pupils of District No. 21; on a scale of 10, for the first two months ending Nov. 22, 1878: Mary Orr, 7½; Maggie Limbocker, 7-1/10; Mary E. Curfman, 7-3/5; Archie Harlow, 6-3/5; Lillie Wilson, 7; Elmer Curfman, 6½; Richard Morgan, 7-4/5; Emma McKee, 9; Maggie Heffner, 8; Mattie Baird, 7½; Clara Limbocker, 7½; Bell Curfman, 8; H. U. Curfman, 9; George Carter, 9. Total number enrolled at end of second month, 42. By the end of the third month, we hope to be able to make a much better and longer report of District 21. A. B. TAYLOR, Teacher.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1879.
MR. EDITOR.—The following named pupils have the average standing attached to their respective names, on a scale of 10, for the last school month ending December 20th, 1878.
Mary Orr, 9 ½; Lilly Wilson, 8; Maggie Limbocker, 8 ½; Mary E. Curfman, 8 ½; Archie Harlow, 8 ½; Elmer Curfman, 9; Richard Morgan, 8 ½; Mattie Baird, 7 ½; Clara Limbocker, 7; Bell Curfman, 8 2/3; Samuel Wells, 6 ½; Maggie Wilson, 9 2/3; Annie Orr, 9 2/3; Minnie Larimer, 9 1/3; Oscar Curfman, 9; Jimmie L. Baird, 9; Minnie Burton, 9 2/3; Emma McGee, 9 ½; H. U. Curman, 9 2/3; George Carter, 9 2/3; Frank E. Limbocker, 7 ½; Earnest Wilson, 6 ½; Fred Limbocker, 8 2/3. Total number of pupils enrolled to-date 46. Number of visitors this month 18. A. B. TAYLOR, Teacher.
Winfield Courier, May 1, 1879.
Robert Orr to John A. Wright, Jr. $600.
Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879
A fellow who neither fears God, man, nor the devil, stole all the money belonging to one of John Park’s harvest hands, not long since. Young man, look out, or Fort Leavenworth will soon again contain your worthless carcass.
W. J. Orr has purchased a new buggy; hope he will give us a pleasure ride one of these days, as it has been years since we enjoyed a luxury of that kind. Walter has the finest team in “these parts.” The girls say he means “biz.” That is right, Walter. We like to see you prosper if we can’t.
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880
Some predict that the wheat is retrograding, and unless we are soon blessed with a fine shower, the crop will be decidedly light.
Mr. Thomas Orr, of Fairview, has returned from a visit to New Jersey, after an absence of four months.
Winfield Courier, February 3, 1881.
Among our visitors and paying subscribers who called last week were: E. S. Bliss, W. R. Whitney, A. A. Wiley, J. W. Weimer of Richland, D. Berkey, H. Ives, A. T. Gay of Tisdale, J. A. Hood of Seeley, H. C. Castor, R. B. Overman of Dexter, Jesse Chatfield, F. M. Cooper, W. D. Furry of Arkansas City, W. J. Orr, J. E. Grove, Hugh Chance of Tisdale, H. W. Scott of Silverdale, C. Farringer, Charles Geiser, Will Bottemby of Burden, G. I. Brown, M. Stoddard, N. Brooks and M. L. Brooks of Silver Creek, T. R. Page of Burden, and Jos. Abrams of Tannehill.
Winfield Courier, February 3, 1881.
Anna Orr, Isaac Curfman, Cora Morgan, Ver. David, Rosa Isom, Carrie Orr, Viola McKee, Laura David, George Isom, Albert Curfman, Fred Limbocker, Will Volmer, Harry Limbocker, Fred Volmer, Charley Baird, John Wilson, John Baird, Anna McIntire, Oscar Curfman, Jennie Baird, Mr. Volmer, Ermie McKee, Mary Curfman, Maggie Limbocker.
Winfield Courier, October 20, 1881.
This morning Gus Freeman, ex-councilman of Winfield, and an “old timer” of this locality, packed his grip sack for a tour of New Mexico.
Two families from Kentucky, relatives of Joe Poor, arrived last week and are partaking of Joe’s hospitality.
The gentle zephyrs of last Thursday night demolished a vacated dwelling house, the property of Mr. Orr.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 27, 1881 - Front Page.
Winfield Courier, November 10, 1881.
Poor Lo with his greasy half and filthy papooses amused the school children of district 75 by cooking his frugal meal of decomposing “hoggy-meat” over a little camp fire in their
One of the novel and interesting sights of last week was a flock of black birds, about two miles in length and two rods in width. They were seen in the evening and seemed to be emigrating in the wrong direction: northward. They have, apparently, kindly volunteered to help the farmers gather their corn.
Mr. Orr was quite seriously injured this week, in a wrestle with an unruly horse.
One month of school has been taught in district No. 75, and the meritous scholars are as follows: Highest in deportment, Millie Kerr, Joseph Kerr, Thos. Kerr, Flora Bradbury, Effie Kent, Julia King, and May Alexander.
Those who scored a hundred are: Julia King. In reading and spelling: May Alexander, and Flora Bowers; Flora Bradbury and Johnnie Orr, in arithmetic. Those who reached ninety-five are Effie Kent, Millie Kerr, Joseph and Thos. Kerr, in reading; Julia King and Joseph Kerr in geography; and Harry McCullough in arithmetic. HORATIUS.
Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.
Since the raising of poultry proves to be an unprofitable industry when carried on in connection with that of polecats, F. J. King has wisely concluded to embark in the colt business.
A dispute arose between two of our citizens respecting the ownership of a calf, and the case was amicably settled by arbitration. This is one instance in which the lawyers were cheated out of their fee. It would leave more money in the pockets of farmers if they would adjust all their various little differences, which is a fruitful source of neighborhood bickerings and petty quarrels, in a similar way.
T. J. Rude most emphatically declares that he will have his life insured before he again visits “Horatius.” The difficulty with Tom is that his tastes are not sufficiently developed to appreciate the character of our entertainments.
A large number of the many friends of Mr. Orr turned out enmasse last Monday and organized a regular old time husking spree. He has been prostrated by rheumatism all fall, and is at present laboring under great disadvantages.
An oyster supper was indulged in by the frolicsome youths at Mr. Chas. McClugh’s, last Wednesday evening. Although unable to be present, “Horatius” was remembered with some of the nicest cake he has eaten for many a day, for which he was truly grateful.
A sumptuous feast will be given tomorrow (Sunday) at Mrs. Philo Kent’s in honor of Miss Hatcher, who has been visiting relatives and friends in this vicinity, when she returns to her home in the northern part of the State. I surmise that the pedagogue who holds forth at the Beaver Center schoolhouse will heave many a doleful sign.
An effort is being made to organize a literary in district 75.
Rev. Honiger will fire the gospel gun at the Easterly schoolhouse tomorrow, the 4th inst.
An interesting singing class has been organized at Beaver Center schoolhouse, with Buck Anderson as leader.
Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.
Uncle Tom Orr has sold his farm to his brother, W. J., and is contemplating migration in the near future. We all sincerely hope that such may not be the case, as we would be lonely without him.
Winfield Courier, January 26, 1882.
Report of Fairview School, District 21, for the Month Ending January 13, 1882.
Enrollment 87. Average attendance 20. Name and standing of pupils who made a general average in attendance, deportment, and scholarship of 85 or above.
Jennie Baird 90, Ida Orr 89, Hattie Orr 96, Louie Howard 87, Minnie Larimer 89, Emma McKee 96, Viola McKee 94, Annie Orr 88, Mary Curfman 93, Rosetta Isom 94, Carrie Orr 96, Lillie Wilson 98, Laura David 89, James Craig 94, Oliver Craig 90, Courtney McKee 98, Isaac Curfman 87, Frank Curfman 90, Fred Limbocker 87, Albert Curfman 88, John Wilson 89, Verdan David 92, John Baird 85, Elmer Curfman 89, Joseph Johnson 86, Irven Scofield 85. Number of visitors during month, 3. E. S. WHITE, Teacher.
Winfield Courier, February 23, 1882.
Report from Fairview School.
The following is a report of Fairview School, district 21, for the month ending Feb. 9, 1882.
Following are the names and standing of pupils whose average standing in attendance, scholarship, and deportment is 85 or higher.
Jennie Baird, 87; Effie David, 91; Ida Orr, 88; Hettie Orr, 95; Minnie Larimer, 90; Eary Orr, 85; Erma McKee, 94; Viola McKee, 95; Annie Orr, 91; Mary Curfman, 88; Rosetta Isom, 96; Carrie Orr, 96; Maggie Wilson, 92; Laura David, 91; Oliver Craig, 85; Courtney McKee, 94; Isaac Curfman, 89; Frank Curfman, 99; Fred Limbocker, 86; Albert Curfman, 92; John Wilson, 86; Verdan David, 92; Oscar Curfman, 90; Elmer Curfman, 91; Wesley Johnson, 86; Joseph Johnson, 87.
Enrollment 35, average attendance 27, number of visitors during month, 2.
R. S. WHITE, Teacher.
Cowley County Courant, April 13, 1882.
T. B. Ware, a farmer living in Vernon township, received a car load of lumber from Chicago this morning, which he is going to use in some substantial improvements on his farm.
Cowley County Courant, April 13, 1882.
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session Monday morning, and have been busy transacting the usual routine of business. All three members of the Board were in attendance.
Road tax, $1.60, was remitted to W. J. Orr on the northeast quarter of section 35, township 31, range 4, in Fairview township.
The Board then took up the claims filed against the county and proceeded to audit them.
Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.
The residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Orr was graced with the presence of a large number of invited guests on the evening of the 1st inst., for the purpose of participating in the party given in honor of Miss Mary Orr’s 16th birthday. A sumptuous repast was prepared of which all partook in a manner indicative that they were enjoying themselves immensely. Toward the small hours we all repaired to our homes feeling that an evening had been profitably spent. May Miss Mary and all live to enjoy many birthdays of a similar nature is the sincere wish of your correspondent. XINGUS.
Cowley County Courant, May 18, 1882.
Quite a number of our citizens and interested parents assembled at the parlors of Mrs. A. T. Spotswood Monday evening on invitation of Miss Nettie McCoy, who had prepared a concert for her little scholars. The exercises were very interesting to all assembled, and especially so to the parents of the children, who were given this occasion to judge of what musical progress had been made under Miss McCoy’s instruction.
SOME OF THE PARTICIPANTS WERE MENTIONED: Alma Miller, Frank Curns, Mable Silver, Mary Spotswood, Pearl Van Doren and Margaret Spotswood, Mary Orr, Malcolm McDonald, A. S. Higgins, Maggie Bedilion, Anna Doane, Katie Shearer, Mrs. Earnest, and Miss McDonald.
Cowley County Courant, July 4, 1882.
The Cowley County normal opened Wednesday, Superintendent Story and Professor E. T. Trimble in charge of the classes.
The following teachers have enrolled.
Miss Kate A. Martin, Udall.
Philend M. Leach, Burden.
Clara Green, Akron.
Fannie Harden, Winfield.
Maggie C. Seabridge, Winfield.
Rora Frederick, Winfield.
Rora Rounds, Winfield.
Mary E. Curfman, Winfield.
Emma L. McKee, Winfield.
Maggie Stansbury, Winfield.
Anna Kuhn, Winfield.
Mary Orr, Winfield.
Mary Berkey, Winfield.
Ella S. Kelley, Winfield.
Lydia L. Hornor, Winfield.
L. M. Page, Winfield.
Will Tremor, Winfield.
Harry B. Bullene, Winfield.
George C. Whitson, Winfield.
Anson Gridley, Jr., Winfield.
Porter Wilson, Udall.
George Wright, Burden.
Grant Wilkins, Cambridge.
Mrs. Ella Kephart, Tisdale.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882.
OUR NORMAL. Notes About Our Teachers and Their Work.
The first month of the County Normal closed Friday week. The enrollment was 68 and the average attendance for the month was 62. The B class took a careful study of the U. S. Constitution, thorough work in bookkeeping, language, and arithmetic. The C class had daily drills in elocution and reading, arithmetic, geography, and practical language. The work of July was pleasant, deliberate, and fruitful. Those who attended the first month are in excel-lent condition for the work of the present month. Prof. J. W. Cooper, of Lawrence, and Miss Lillian F. Hoxie, of Emporia, have arrived, and the work of August starts off with flattering prospects. The opening exercises are held in the Court Room, from 7:45 till 8:30 a.m. The recitations then take place in the High School building upstairs. Friends and school officers are invited to visit the Normal at any time.
Of Winfield: Anna Kuhn, Mary E. Curfman, Emma L. McKee, L. M. Page, Mary A. Orr, Ida Bard, Hattie E. Andrews, Lou M. Morris, Leota Gary, Lydia L. Horner, Anna McClung, Haide A. Trezise, Ida G. Trezise, Hattie Pontious, Mary Berkey, Maggie Kinne, B. B. Bartlett, Will Tremor, Harry Bullen, Miss Fannie Headrick.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Notes from Fairview.
As “Nebecadnazer” is no more, Fairview Township is seldom heard from.
B. F. McKee sold his farm a few days ago. Mr. Christolear is the purchaser.
J. F. Curfman has ornamented his premises by erecting a handsome stone corn crib.
Wm. J. Orr has purchased the Hahn farm recently. Mr. Orr is one of Fairview’s well-to-do farmers.
Winfield Courier, March 22, 1883.
South Fairview Items.
As I promised I would pen you a few items of interest, hope you will bear with me as this is my first attempt at anything of this kind.
Those of us that had the measles have recovered and at present writing there are no measles in the neighborhood.
Mrs. J. W. Curfman is convalescing slowly from the measles.
Plowing for corn and doing other spring work is the order of the day.
Wheat looks very well considering the very hard winter, some being killed out by the freezing.
Mrs. Limbocker is at home once more, having recovered sufficiently to leave town, but is yet under the doctor’s care.
Mr. Arthur Orr contemplates building a fine barn. Arthur is a prosperous farmer and genial hearted good citizen. Just such men as Arthur generally get along.
Mr. Smith will in a few days complete a stone fence enclosing two hundred and forty acres since last fall. Mr. Smith is a go-ahead man and means business.
Our school closed last Friday; our teacher, Mr. Crotsley, is one of Cowley’s best teachers. The scholars and parents will miss him as he goes into other fields of labor, having engaged a school in Elk County. My very best wishes for success go with him.
Miss Mary Orr entertained a number of her friends Sunday evening by her musical talent and sunny smiles. Miss May will make someone a good help-mate through life, so boys pitch in.
Winfield Courier, March 29, 1883.
South Fairview Items.
Farmers are busy fixing to plant corn.
At present time there is no sickness, we believe.
The late rain-fall was very much needed.
There will be more corn planted in this community than usual.
The early vegetation has started to grow very fast during the last few warm days.
Mrs. Florence Drummonds is visiting Mrs. William Orr.
Mr. William Orr is improving his front yard by putting a nice stone wall around it.
Mr. Upman Curfman steps into the bachelor ranks this spring. He is farming for himself, preparatory to getting married, we suppose.
Mr. Hollingsworth, a very enterprising farmer in this locality, has improved his farm by putting up a very large wind-mill. Mr. Hollingsworth has lately bought some very fine half-blooded Norman horses and Durham cattle. He intends to sow his entire place down in Johnson grass and go into the stock business. His head is level and he will make it win.
A terrible fire broke out last week somewhere in the west side, and came through this neighborhood, doing considerable damage by burning a great deal of prairie and millet hay. Persons should be more careful about fire in the spring, and should never set it out in windy weather. ROBROY
Winfield Courier, April 12, 1883.
South Fairview Items.
Beautiful weather.
Early sown oats are coming up nicely.
Some new cases of measles since our last.
Miss Mary Orr has been sojourning in Winfield the past week.
Hedge trimming is in order with a good many. Farmers are giving more attention to fencing than usual. There will be a good deal of stone fence put up and hedge all trimmed up nicely.
Seemingly there is some attraction out this way for a couple of Winfieldites in the way of “fair ones.” We are led to believe that there will be a better demand for marriage licenses soon.
The M. E. Conference sends Rev. Lacy to this circuit, taking the place of Rev. Larr. We are glad to welcome our new preacher, and it is to be hoped that much and lasting good may be done by him.
William Laneer, a young man working for Arthur Orr, is very low with measles and pneumonia. It seems that this is very frequently the case, as there have been several cases of this kind in the neighborhood.
There will be plenty of corn planted this coming week if the weather is favorable. The farmers, notwithstanding the cold, gloomy weather of the past week, kept busy plowing for corn, and we believe there will be more corn put in this spring than any former one.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1883.
We have been blessed with plenty of rain.
Grass and all kinds of vegetation are growing very fast.
As a general thing there is a very good stand of corn.
Mr. William Orr has sown some alfalfa clover.
John Cottingham is running quite a herd of cattle on the prairie west of him.
Mr. Limbocker has the boss-oats.
The prospect is fair for plenty of wheat.
William Orr proposes to fence his home farm with a thirty inch stone fence.
Bert Limbocker and brother have purchased a nice buggy, intending to sell smoothing irons.
An organization has been formed known as the “South Fairview Stock Company.” They have purchased of Mr. Bennett, of Topeka, an imported Norman horse. The names of the members are A. Hollingsworth, W. J. Orr, A. Orr, W. W. Limbocker, J. C. Roberts, L. Stevens, J. Caspar, T. Walker, and M. C. Headrick.
Mr. Ray is the contracting carpenter for Arthur Orr’s barn. It will be 20 x 40 and have a room finished above for sleeping purposes.
A company of stone fence builders known as the “Southwestern Fence Building Co.,” are building a fence for Hezekiah Smith and W. J. Orr. ROB ROY.
Winfield Courier, June 14, 1883.
South Fairview Items.
Mr. Arthur Orr’s barn has been completed and is a fine piece of “mechanical art.”
Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.
Mr. William Orr has erected a nice shed under which he has stacked his Timothy hay. Timothy does well for Mr. Orr.
Some time has elapsed since our last, and we have found it almost a matter of impossi-bility to write you the “newsy gossips” of our part.
We have just been favored with a splendid rain, and we expect more than an average crop of corn. Farmers are very jubilant over the prospects.
The “southwestern” stone fence building company have resumed their work on Mr. Orr’s fence, having laid over through harvest and wheat stacking.
A great many of our wheat raisers have threshed a part of their grain and received a very good yield, though not so good as last year’s crop. Wheat as a general thing is not yielding as well, and not as fine quality as last year.
There have been several land buyers in this part lately; all very anxious for Kansas lands. Mr. Fin Graham was offered almost three times the price he paid for his farm one year ago by an Illinois farmer. He was offered $8,000. Luck to Mr. Graham.
We are at a loss to know who is the most prominent candidate for sheriff. Let’s hear from all the COURIER correspondents and join in making the COURIER one of the most radical republican organs in the state, and give the old republicans a “boom.”
Some have been letting their stock run here and there all over the country, in their neighbors’ crops, and after they have to be run after and put up by someone, they complain of having to pay damages. The best way to avoid hard feelings in this case is for everyone to see that their stock is kept at home.
We have been overrun with book agents, peddlers, and beggars for the last month or more. Some of the beggars dressed in good cloth suits, with fine laundered shirts would come to our doors and beg for something to eat. We think there is more pretense than any-thing else; and a big sign at the front gate might prove efficient to keep such loafers away, and perhaps make many rich men. ROB ROY.
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.
D. N. Dressler, $50.70, H. H. Causey, $31.80, David Davy, $6.00, Thomas Tice, $58.20, J. R. Cottingham, $41.00, W. S. Williamson, $55.00, Rudolph Wellman, $17.60, W. H. Butler, $50.00.
E. R. Chapin, $20.80, J. H. Guinn, $46.10, Levi Weimer, $40.00, Wm. May, $25.40, S. E. Maxwell, $40.40, J.. R. Sumpter, $17.60, W. C. Guyer, $17.00, Robert Richie, $29.20, L. J. Davidson, $11.60, A. F. Sitton, $49.60.
A. V. Polk, H. Brotherton, C. Trump, Wm. McCullock, H. B. Kizer, Walter Denning, Willis Cowen, F. J. Sydall, L. Moore, J. H. John, T. J. Harris, D. S. Huntington, Henry Noble, Frank Smith, I. L. Barklow, John Mark, H. R. Banson, Geo. B. Green, S. P. Strong, G. W. Anderson, N. W. Dressie, Lafayette Wise, H. Baxter, S. S. Holloway, J. B. Morgan, J. H. Land, R. A. McKenna, J. H. Morgan, J. W. Hackleman, David Ferguson, Wm. Cohagan, B. W. Jenkins, M. Croko, J. L. M. Strange, M. V. Sitton, L. K. Ronewell, G. R. Stevens, L. T. Morgan, Israel Weakly, G. W. Anderson, M. F. Scott, Levi Wells, W. W. Brown, George Arnold, W. L. Burton, P. A. Sory, Abrum Coffman, W. F. Jones, O. W. Keihiholtz, C. H. Wooden, F. H. Burton, Ephraim Sears, Samuel Eslinger, J. H. Hill, S. L. Smith, E. Custar, Jacob Miller, W. J. Bonnewell, J. F. Miller, A. V. Corbin, L. C. Harter, Arthur Orr, E. F. Sears, J. W. Hackleman, J. A. Cooper, D. A. Dale, W. I. Shotwell, James Kirk, W. J. Shrubshall, D. S. Fike, J. F. Miller, C. Castanian, Lewis Conrad, J. N. Harter, N. L. Edwards, Geo. Ordway, D. W. Frew, W. J. Bonnewell, Wm. Moore, M. J. Land, Lafayette Wise, N. W. Dressie, Jos. Singer, R. A. McKenna, J. H. Morgan, J. W. Hackleman, J. H. Land, W. N. Dressie, John Forgey, H. C. Reynolds, A. Hughes, T. E. Jones, Wm. Warren, L. C. Harter, Silick Cure, C. H. Wooden, C. A. Roberts, C. C. Pierce, Wm. B. Norman, W. L. Holmes, Lewis Conrad, E. C. Seward, Clark Bryant, W. H. Webster, D. Swift.
Total amount allowed for Jurors and Talesmen for the October 1883 term of the District Court of Cowley County: $1,162.00. J. S. HUNT, COUNTY CLERK.