Page Murder


By L. J. Webb

Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
On last Saturday, June 1st, about four o’clock p.m., Jay Page, saloon keeper of this place, was shot and killed by L. J. Webb, attorney, and member of the House of Representatives of the State. Crowds of men immediately assembled around the scene of the transaction and great excitement prevailed. At the time of the shooting Mr. Page was standing against the counter of his saloon in conversation with Frank Manny, when Mr. Webb entered from the back room; and walking up to within about twelve feet of Mr. Page, drew a revolver from his pocket and fired—the ball entering Page’s left breast about five inches above the nipple. Page ran out the front door, blood gushing from his mouth and nostrils, crying that Webb had killed him. He ran along the sidewalk perhaps 100 feet and fell. He was taken up, bleeding from the mouth profusely. He expired immediately. No word was spoken in the saloon by either Webb or Page. After firing the shot Webb turned to the counter, where he handed his pistol to J. L. M. Hill, deputy sheriff, and went out in custody of Hill.
Coroner W. G. Graham caused to be summoned before him by J. H. Finch, deputy sheriff, a coroner’s jury, composed of W. Q. Mansfield, B. F. Baldwin, A. A. Jackson, H. Brotherton, A. E. Baird, and W. Gillelen. Frank Manny, Newton Ball, and Jesse Herndon, eye-witnesses to the transaction, were sworn and testified to the facts as above stated.
The jury returned a verdict to the effect that Jay Page came to his death by a shot from a pistol fired in the hands of L. J. Webb.
Jay Page came to this city from El Dorado in January last. He had formerly been in Topeka and cities further east. He was a young man of about thirty years of age, well formed, active, wiry, of good address and prepossessing appearance. He was a professional gambler, and is represented as having been not only skillful as a gambler but unprincipled, daring, and reckless, one of the kind who are quick and handy with the pistol and have plenty of nerve to use it.
When Page came to this place, he set himself to building a large stone two-story building with brick open front. The building was completed about six weeks ago, and is one of the large, substantial, and showy business houses of the city. It stands on the east side of Main Street, the fourth building north of Ninth Avenue. The lower story front room, about 25 by 50 feet, was occupied by Page as a billiard saloon, in which were a pool table and a counter and bar at the back end, where liquors were sold by the glass. Back of this was another room where card tables were kept. The upper story was divided into several rooms, some of which are supposed to have been occupied for gambling purposes. There have been rumors and surmises for several days past that green ones who have thought they were smart have been enticed into these rooms, where they lost their money; and now there are many dark hints being thrown out of drugged liquor, cold decks, pistols, roping in, etc., which in the present excitement it is impossible either to verify or refute. We are told that others have attempted to shoot Page but have been prevented by friends. Page leaves a wife, who was in a delicate situation, approaching confinement, and the effect of this blow may prove especially serious to her.

L. J. Webb is a young man about thirty years old, a bright lawyer, having a large practice and many friends. He had a few years ago habits of drinking and gambling, amounting to almost uncontrollable passion. Within the last three years he has made efforts to reform, joining the church and the temperance society, and has abstained from these vices so far that he regained the confidence of the people; and was in 1876 elected to the State Legislature, and has received of our citizens other marks of esteem and confidence. Since the Jay Page saloon as been opened, it seems that by some means he has been lured from his good resolutions and habits into drinking in this saloon and into gambling again, and has been taking opium to steady his nerves. It is said that he was in one of the rooms of that building all the night previous, where Page got away with his money by unfair dealing, and silenced him by a show of two pistols; that Webb left in a half demented condition, and under the influence of whiskey, drugs, and frenzy has perpetrated the homicide as above stated.
Webb has a wife and two children, to whom this tragedy will be the most terrible catastrophe.
The funeral of Page took place from the M. E. Church Sunday, June 2nd.
Webb was held over in jail to Monday for his preliminary examination. On Monday he was very low and weak; too ill to be moved, and his examination was postponed until his condition will permit of it. Dr. Davis, who is attending him, expresses the opinion that his mind was in a shattered condition.
The Page-Webb Tragedy.
Winfield Courier, June 13, 1878.
Various statements in relation to this affair have appeared in the newspapers or been told about the country which have no foundation in fact; but have grown out of the surmises of excited men. Much interest and a desire to learn the facts are manifested.
At the preliminary examination of Webb, the courtroom was well filled, largely with men from the country, and we consider it due to our readers to give them the exact facts as far as possible, and endeavored to do so last week.
We will state that we were not much acquainted with Page and were well acquainted with Webb, feeling for him a personal friendship; but we do not intend that this fact shall color our statements.
Our statement last week that Webb had been taking opium to steady his nerves was doubtless an error. It is denied, and we find no one who knows that he ever took opium.
The statement of the correspondent of the Traveler that Page had won from Webb $100, which Webb had collected for his clients, is in error.
C. C. Black, Webb’s law partner, says that Webb could not possibly have had any money belonging to clients. The statement in some of the papers that Webb had threatened to kill or revenge upon Page seems to be without foundation. No evidence of threats or malice was offered, or was attempted to be offered, at the examination.
If there is any evidence that Page had played cold decks on Webb, drugged him, or drawn pistols on him, it was not produced at the examination. There are many other statements and rumors that cannot be taken as truth, at least not until the case is fully developed at the trial.

took place last week, June 5th and 6th. Capt. McDermott, for the state, evidently endeavored to do his whole duty in an honorable way. Judge Coldwell, E. S. Torrance, N. C. Coldwell, and Judge Webb, the prisoner’s father, were present in the interest of Webb. The hearing was before Justice Boyer in the courthouse. Four witnesses were examined on the part of the state. The following are all the material facts testified.
I have been tending bar for Page lately. On the first day of June I was in Page’s saloon. Mr. Page was there. I saw L. J. Webb there; saw him shoot Page. Page was standing at the north end of the bar, front side, leaning against the bar talking to Frank Manny. Webb came into the room at the back door, walked to within about ten feet of Page, took his pistol out of his pocket, and pointed it towards Page. The pistol made a report and I saw the smoke. Page put up his hand to his left breast and said: “See where the son of a b___h has shot me.”
Page walked out of the front door. I did not see Webb do anything after that. He gave his pistol to Mr. Hill. I did not see Mr. Page anymore until about half an hour, when I saw him in the doctor’s office dead. What I have described transpired in Cowley County, Kansas, about 4 o’clock p.m., Saturday, June 1, 1878.
I have been in Page’s employ about two months. Mr. Page sold whiskey and wine and allowed gambling in his place of business. The room I have described was the retail room. The gambling was carried on in the back room on the same floor. There were other rooms for gambling upstairs, but they did not gamble there. There might have been one or two gambling games up there. The building was well constructed for gambling purposes.
I have known Webb nearly all the time I have been here; had seen him about the building before. He was there the Friday evening before; came after supper and remained all night and next day until the shooting took place. He did not leave the house to my knowledge until the shooting. Had he left I think I would have known it. He was in the back room where they were playing poker most of the time he was in the house. Page was engaged in the game. Page would frequently go from the gambling room to the bar room and help his customers to some of the good things he had there. Mr. Webb drank during the night and during the day. I think he took the last drink about thirty minutes before the shooting. During the time Webb was there he might have drunk more than thirty times. He was drinking all the time. I waited on them during the time he was there. The game broke up about daylight. Page did not play any after that. They all drank the same kind of liquor, not mixed liquor but whiskey; they call it bean whiskey. I took some peppermint to Webb once. I prepared all the liquor they drank that night except one round. Page gave them one round about midnight. I was most of the time in the gaming room. Webb was playing all the time until 4 o’clock. Page then quit the game because there was no more money in it. He had got it all. Webb continued drinking all day. I did not observe anything peculiar about Webb when he came out at the time of the shooting. Do not know whether Page had been in the gambling room that afternoon. If he was in there, I do not know it. I had passed a drink through a hole in the wall into the gambling room to Webb about twenty minutes before the shooting.

Frank Manny testified to the circumstances of the shooting substantially as did Herndon, and said he saw Webb in the gambling room about ten minutes before the shooting playing cards with two other men; said Webb when he came into the room looked as though he was mad; had his eyes wide open and looked toward Page with a hard stare. Webb leveled his pistol so long at Page before firing that witness thought it was a joke intended to scare somebody.
Newton Ball and H. A. Adams testified to the facts of the shooting substantially as Herndon had, and Dr. Mansfield testified to the surgical results. No witnesses were produced on behalf of the prisoner. His counsel evidently preferred not to disclose their line of defense.
The Justice ordered that Webb be committed to jail to await his trial at the September term of the district court. An application that he be admitted to bail was refused and the prisoner was returned to jail.
There is a wide difference of opinion in this community as to the merits or demerits of this case and some feeling is exhibited. We do not propose to state our opinions, but only to state the facts as they are developed. It is probable that much other evidence will be adduced at the trial, and until then we think all should avoid forming fixed opinions.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
Mrs. H. L. Page, of Milwaukee, mother of the late Jay Page, and Mr. H. Barber, Jr., of Chicago, a relative, arrived in Winfield last Saturday the 17th. They are here to assist in settling up the estate of Mr. Page and not to influence in any way the prosecution of Mr. Webb. We met Mr. Barber and were much pleased with his gentlemanly bearing and with the intelligence, candor, and soundness of the views he expressed.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
The call of the Republican State convention to meet at Topeka on the 28th day of August recommends that the county central committee call a meeting for the purpose of electing delegates to the state convention, to be held on Wednesday, August 21. . . a district convention to choose delegates to be held Saturday, August 10th, at the call of the central committee of the county.
The Republican County Central Committee is as follows:
C. R. Mitchell, Cresswell, Chairman.
Justus Fisher, Liberty, Secretary.
W. B. Norman, Maple.
L. J. Webb, Winfield.
H. H. Martin, Ninnescah.
L. L. Newton, Harvey.
J. B. Callison, Spring Creek.
N. J. Larkin, Richland.
P. M. Waite, Vernon.
M. Longshore, Sheridan.
S. W. Chase, Tisdale.
John Tipton, Silverdale.
C. W. Roseberry, Beaver.
S. M. Fall, Windsor.
Reuben Bowers, Bolton.
W. H. Gillard, Omnia.
C. R. Miles, Otter.

Frank Akers, Rock.
A. P. Brooks, Silver Creek.
H. C. McDorman, Dexter.
W. A. Metcalf, Cedar.
T. J. Harris, Pleasant Valley.
The following constitutes the Central Committee for the 88th representative district:
B. F. Baldwin, Chairman.
S. S. Moore, Secretary.
R. C. Story.
H. H. Siverd.
Daniel Maher.
The following are the Central Committee for the 89th district:
J. A. Bryan, Chairman.
E. B. Kager.
S. M. Fall.
W. A. Metcalf.
After the 28th of August when the state and congressional tickets are in the field, we shall have a convention to nominate candidates for county officers viz: Probate Judge, County Attorney, District clerk, and Commissioner for the first district, besides appointing a County Central Committee, and then we will be fairly in the field for work.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
The case of L. J. Webb, committed on the charge of murder in the first degree and denied bail by Justice Boyer, has been reviewed by the supreme court on a writ of habeas corpus, which was first presented July 3rd, and decided the same day, to the effect that the testimony for the state on the preliminary examination does not make a prima facie case which justifies the denial of bail to the defendant, and that the defendant be admitted to bail in the sum of $12,000. The bail was readily obtained and the defendant was on last Saturday released from jail.
Unfortunately there is a bitterly partisan feeling in this city concerning this case. Webb has very bitter enemies as well as warm friends, and there are strenuous attempts to prejudge the case and convict him before his trial. Now this is all wrong. He is in the hands of the law and will be tried for his life by a court and jury, therefore it is desirable that the community be entirely unprejudiced if possible. If an unprejudiced, intelligent jury cannot be had in this county, it will not be right to try him here. It is of the utmost importance that the jurymen who try this case shall have no opinion as to the guilt of the prisoner until after the evidence is given to them under the forms of law. All attempts that have been, or are being, made to set men’s minds in the belief of the prisoner’s guilt or his innocence are culpable in the extreme, and we think it much more culpable to create prejudice against than for a prisoner.

It is a maxim of law that it is better that ten guilty men escape than that one innocent man should be sacrificed. We do not desire to shield the prisoner from the lawful and just punishment for his act, but we do desire that his act shall be fairly tried and judged by unprejudiced men in accordance with evidence that shall be legally placed before them by both prosecution and defense.
We have been charged with unfairness on both sides in the accounts we have given of this case in the COURIER. We do not believe we could possibly have been more fair and impartial while attempting to give all the news. We took special pains to state all the rumors on both sides as rumors, all the well known facts on both sides as facts, and the evidence given under oath as evidence. We gave all the testimony that was offered and if either party failed to offer any of its evidence, it is not our fault.
As the accounts we gave were largely made up of the evidence given before the coroner’s jury and the examining magistrate, and as that evidence was all given by witnesses examined on the part of the state and was supposed to be the case of the prosecution, they at least could ask no more, and if the defense concluded that it was better for them to withhold their evidence so as not to disclose their defense, they have no reason to complain of us if we have given only one side of the case.
We have called attention to the fact that certain rumors against Webb were untrue and that certain rumors in his favor have not been sustained by the evidence offered, and have taken great care to be as correct as possible. We admit that we have formed an opinion. We have our knowledge of Webb for the last ten years, his habits, characteristics, and acts under various circumstances, and think we have as good a right to form an opinion as most people, but we have not expressed it in our columns.
If Webb’s enemies as well as friends will let the case rest where it is until court, quit talking about it, quit trying to make political capital or any other capital out of it, peace may again reign in our midst.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
A Wife Attempts to Avenge the Death of Her Husband.
Mrs. Jay Page attempted to kill L. J. Webb on last Saturday evening. Webb had just been released from jail on bail, and in company with Sheriff Harter, H. E. Asp, and R. L. Walker, was walking from the jail west toward Main Street along the sidewalk, and when passing the house of B. M. Terrell, Mrs. Page ran out of the back door with a large revolver in her hand and passing along the west side of the house toward Webb, attempted to get a range on Webb to shoot him, at the same time using violent and threatening language. Sheriff Harter and R. L. Walker were between Mrs. Page and Webb, and under their cover Webb ran and escaped. R. L. Walker made some remark and Mrs. Page turned on and threatened him.
Since the death of Jay Page, Mrs. Page has been living in the family of B. M. Terrell in the house on Ninth Avenue next east of the post office. The house is on the south side of the street, with front end so close to the sidewalk that it is but one step between the sidewalk and the front door.

I was in the front door of my house when Webb and others were approaching from the jail. Mrs. Page came to the door and attempted to pass out. I pulled her back by her dress, but did not observe that she had a pistol. She then ran out at the back door and up towards Webb, saying: “You killed Jay because he said you was a stinker. You are a stinker and I will kill you.” She tried to get a chance to shoot Webb, but others were in the way and she did not shoot. I never heard Mrs. Page make any threat or express any ill will against Webb before this, except that when someone told her that Webb was to be let out of jail, she said that Webb could not walk the streets and live while she was around. She had expressed sympathy for Webb’s family. The pistol she had belonged to me. About two weeks ago I observed it was getting rusty and took it to John Easton to be cleaned up, where it remained a week. I then brought it home and put it in a case under a bed. There were three cartridges in it. Both my wife and Mrs. Page knew where it was kept. I think she was waiting and watching for Webb at the back door. She now says she intended to kill Webb and will do it yet if he runs around loose where she is.
When I went to the jail to release Webb, I passed B. M. Terrill’s house. Mrs. Page was sitting on the front door-step with her feet on the sidewalk and Terrill was sitting in a chair just behind her in the house. When I returned with Webb, Terrill was sitting on the door-step with his feet on the sidewalk and a woman was sitting behind him in the chair. I do not know if it was Mrs. Page. As we came along the sidewalk, Webb was on the left of me, the side next to Terrill’s house. Just before we reached the door, I went to Webb’s left side and walked between him and the door. I did this to prevent a collision, which I thought possible. No woman attempted to come out the front door; but as I appeared between Webb and the door, a woman rushed back through the house. I heard her retiring steps and the noise of her dress distinctly. As we passed the northwest corner of the house, I saw Mrs. Page coming from the back door. I told Webb to “git,” and kept between him and Mrs. Page. She rushed up to within six or eight feet of me with a revolver aimed at me. I threw up my arm and said, “Don’t shoot me.” She called Webb a cowardly, dirty stinker, and talked in an excited manner, but I do not think she used other profane or vulgar language. Webb soon got out of her range, and R. L. Walker, who had been close behind us, said, “Don’t.” She said, “You are as bad as he is and I will fix you too if you interfere,” or words to that effect. Walker kept his arm up and moved rapidly away until we reached the post office, when she turned and went back into the house.
I intended to kill Webb and would have done so if I could have shot without hitting someone else. I will do it yet if he does not keep out of my way. It was not right to have brought him past my door. I did say to him that he was a stinker, but that was the only bad word I used. I did not say those other words they accuse me of saying. I did not threaten Walker; all I said was meant for Webb.
I was present and heard Mrs. Page say to R. L. Walker: “I know you, Dick Walker. You are as bad as any of them. I’ll give it to you next. I’ll fix you for your coffin.”
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.

Trial List.
The following is a list of cases that will stand for trial at the August A. D. 1878 term of the District Court of Cowley County, and have been placed on the Trial Docket in the following order.
   FIRST DAY - CRIMINAL DOCKET. August 26, 1878.
State vs. Leland J. Webb. [James McDermott; E. S. Torrance, Coldwell & Coldwell.]
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
District Court.
Met Monday morning, August 26th, 1878.
Present: Judge W. P. Campbell, Sheriff C. L. Harter, Clerk E. S. Bedilion, Attorneys McDermott, Torrance, C. Coldwell, N. C. Coldwell, Hackney, McDonald, Pryor, Pyburn, Allen, Jennings, Buckman, Black, Webb, Alexander, Beach, Troup, Jarvis, Asp, of Winfield; and Dennison, of Osage Mission.
State vs. L. J. Webb; motion for change of venue. Defense given until tomorrow morning to file additional affidavits in support of the motion.
Winfield Courier, September 5, 1878.
District Court.
State vs. L. J. Webb. Venue changed to Sedgwick County. Defendant bound over to appear in $12,000 and witnesses recognized to be in attendance.
Winfield Courier, September 5, 1878.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the partnership formerly existing between the undersigned, under the firm name of Webb & Black, has been dissolved, the time for which said partnership was formed having expired.
Mr. Black succeeds to the business of the firm, will carry on the same, and is authorized to collect all accounts due the firm. LELAND J. WEBB, CHAS. C. BLACK.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
District Court.
Tuesday, September 3, 1878.
State vs. L. J. Webb. Removed to Sedgwick County. Admitted to bail in $12,000.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878. Front Page.
   [From the Wichita Eagle.]
The attorneys retained for the defense in the Webb trial are Judge W. C. Webb, of Topeka, E. S. Torrance, Coldwell & Coldwell, and C. C. Black, of Winfield, H. G. Webb, of Oswego, James D. Snoddy, of Linn County, and Sluss & Hatton, of this city. The attorneys for the prosecution are James McDermott, the county attorney of Cowley County, assisted by W. E. Stanley, Sedgwick County’s attorney.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.
 Trial of L. J. Webb at Wichita.

The case was called on Monday morning, September 9th, on the opening of the court. Defendant made application for a continuance because of the absence of Dr. Mendenhall, a material witness for the defense. The court held the showing sufficient, unless the State would admit the affidavit of defendant as the testimony of witness. The State consented and the case was set for trial next morning.
All day Tuesday was spent in getting a jury. The special venire was soon exhausted and balance was made up of tradesmen. It is considered a good jury, and both State and defendant are satisfied. Most of them are from the country.
Wednesday, Jas. McDermott opened the case on the part of the State. Frank Manny, Jessi Herndon, Adams, and others were examined as witnesses. There were no new features developed on the part of the State. The testimony was substantially as on the preliminary examination. The killing was proved and some evidence tending to show expressions of previous malice was introduced.
Col. James D. Snoddy, of counsel for the defense, cross-examined Frank Manny, and when he concluded, the witness left the stand in a rather shattered condition.
The evidence for the State was concluded Wednesday evening. During the night session, Judge Coldwell stated the case for the defense. The theory of the defense was insanity at the time of the shooting; that this insanity was caused by excessive excitement, loss of sleep, excessive drinking, and nux vomica, opium, and other poisonous drugs administered to him in his drinks. In his youth defendant had suffered a severe fracture of the skull, the walls being permanently pressed upon the brain, wounding and lacerating it; and in time of great excitement he is peculiarly liable to insanity, that the place of the killing was a dead-fall of the worst type.

One of the most important witnesses for the defense was Jessie Herndon, the principal witness for the State. As is known, he was Page’s barkeeper and knew all about how the business of the house was conducted. The defense had endeavored to draw out this testimony on cross-examination but the court would not permit it, and he was put on as a witness for the defense. He testified as to all the occurrences of the night previous to the killing and made many important additions to his testimony. He said that Page deliberately robbed Webb that night by means of cold decks and drugged whiskey; that Webb drank often that night, and Page had instructed witness to give Webb liquor from a particular bottle he called “all sorts,” which witness did; that twice during the night Page went into the bar-room and put some liquid from a small vial which he took from his pocket into a tumbler of whiskey and instructed witness to give it to Webb the next time he called for drink, which witness did; that this bottle of “all sorts” was a villainous compound of whiskey and drugs, which Page kept for the express purpose of giving to men with whom he was gaming; that shortly before the conclusion of the game, and after Webb had drunk the whiskey prepared by Page, Page went into the bar-room and stacked a deck of cards, and instructed witness the next time drinks were called for to bring this pack under the water or server, and while Webb was engaged in drinking to leave them under the server on the table, which witness did, and then Page dealt from this cold deck, giving Webb a full hand and himself a better hand, on which he won all Webb’s money, and this concluded the game. Witness testified to some expressions of anger made by Webb to Page upon the conclusion of the game, saying he was robbed, but to no expressions of malice or threats of revenge. All the parties to the game remained an hour or more after its conclusion, Webb drinking frequently; then all left except Webb, who remained alone with witness. Webb never left the saloon from that time to the time of the shooting. Witness testified as to Webb’s condition and appearance during the day; said he looked very wild and had a jerking movement about his head, neck, and shoulders, was convulsive, and breathed hard. Witness testified that after the preliminary examination he went with By Terrill and Frank Manny to the saloon to make an examination for drugs. They washed out several empty bottles and one bottle that contained something that Page had used to put in liquor; what it was he did not know. When they emptied it out and washed the bottle, he told Terrill and Manny that it was not right. He testified that certain vials and small bottles shown him looked like those which Page had used to fix up liquors with.
This witness suffered considerably in the hands of W. E. Stanley, attorney for State, on cross-examination. His attention was called to statements he had made before Justice Boyer at the preliminary examination in direct contradiction to his present statements. These contra-dictions witness explained by saying he had been advised by certain friends of Page that if he told anything he knew about these transactions in the saloon they would let Webb go and send witness up; that from those threats and the general excitement he was afraid to tell all he knew about that saloon.
Further testimony for the defense from Burt Covert, G. L. Walker, James Fahey, P. Hill, A. H. Green, R. F. Baldwin, Ed. Bedilion, and Dr. W. R. Davis corroborated Herndon in relation to the wild and insane appearance, the convulsive twitching movements of the throat, head, and shoulders of the defendant immediately before and subsequent to the shooting; also showed the finding of some small bottles and vials in the counter used by Page in his saloon; that these vials were taken from the counter sometime after the shooting and preserved with their contents and are the same that are now exhibited in court; and the testimony of Drs. Davis, Rothrock, and Furley showed that these vials contained opium, nux vomica, and India hemp, and that these compounded and administered would produce the symptoms described in the defendant and would produce insanity.
The jury than examined the indentation which is apparent on defendant’s head. From inspection it appeared that a considerable portion of the skull had been formerly removed, and that the left side of the skull is pressed in upon the brain.
The medical gentlemen testified that such is a frequent cause of insanity, and that any person thus afflicted was extremely liable to mental derangement or insanity in any unusual excitement, or the excessive use of intoxicating liquors, or of such drugs as had been found in the vials.
Thursday, Friday, and a part of Saturday were occupied with the testimony for the defense. Rebutting testimony was then offered by both State and defense but was of little importance. The testimony in many important points was conflicting.
On Saturday evening the evidence was all in and the court adjourned to Monday morning, when the court will give his charge to the jury and the arguments of counsel will be heard.

On Monday morning, the 16th, the Judge gave his charge to the jury, and was followed by W. E. Stanley in the opening argument for the State. Stanley scored the defendant and many of the witnesses for the defense fearfully and evidently with great effect. His plea was long and pronounced to have been brilliant to a high degree. He was followed by Judge Coldwell for the defense. This is the latest news we get as we go to press.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
L. J. Webb has rented the front rooms in Bahntge’s new building for his law office, and until they are completed, he is stopping temporarily in Judge Coldwell’s office.
Winfield Courier, November 7, 1878.
DIED. On Wednesday morning, November 6th, of membranous croup, Herman, youngest child of Leland J. and Helen Webb, aged 4 years. The afflicted parents have the sympathy of the entire community in the loss of their beautiful child.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 14, 1878. Front page.
CHAS. C. BLACK, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office west side Main street, upstairs, between 8th and 9th Avenue, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
L. J. Webb has fitted up Room No. 1 of Bahntge’s new brick for a law office.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
District Court.
Judge Campbell came down from Wichita on Monday and the session of court commenced.
Present: His Honor Judge W. P. Campbell; C. L. Harter, sheriff; E. S. Bedilion, district clerk; J. McDermott, county attorney; and Messrs. J. E. Allen, C. C. Black, S. D. Pryor, A. J. Pyburn, J. M. Alexander, F. S. Jennings, C. R. Mitchell, L. J. Webb, E. S. Torrance, N. C. Coldwell, W. M. Boyer, W. P. Hackney, O. M. Seward, C. H. Payson, H. E. Asp, G. H. Buckman, J. D. Pryor, D. C. Beach, W. M. Boyer, C. Coldwell, M. G. Troup, S. M. Jarvis, A. H. Green, attorneys.
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
[This issue listed Courier advertisers.]
WEBB, L. J., has acquired a wide reputation as a lawyer. Having a quick, active intellect, he sees instantly all the points of his case, and being thoroughly acquainted with practice in the courts, he uses his points at the right time and to the best advantage. Few lawyers, if any, are more uniformly successful.
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
Winfield Courier, May 1, 1879

We would call attention to the new law card of Graham & Webb. This will make a strong legal firm. Judge Graham has for six years occupied the bench of the Atchison judicial district and is well known as an accomplished jurist. Mr. Webb is too well known as one of the brightest attorneys of the southwest to require any notice from us.
ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Winfield, Kansas. Office upstairs, Room 1, in Bahntge Brros. building, corner Main street and 10th avenue.
Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.
Mrs. L. J. Webb is visiting in Wichita. L. J. Webb is building a neat residence on Howland’s land, 12th avenue.
Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.
Messrs. Graham & Webb have dissolved partnership. Mr. Webb continues the business in room No. 3, Bahntge building.
Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.
Gilbert & Jarvis and L. J. Webb have exchanged offices. Mr. Webb now occupies room No. 3 and Gilbert & Jarvis room No. 1 in the Bahntge block.
Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.
The notorious sneak thief who stole a brand new pair of gloves out of L. J. Webb’s office, belonging to A. B. Taylor, will confer a favor by returning the same. He will also have the pleasure of listening to a very interesting lecture for which no charge will be made.
Winfield Courier, August 21, 1879.
(Commencing Monday, Aug. 25, 1879.)
Patrick Harkins L. J. Webb
David F. Edmonds   Hackney & McDonald
James C. Topliff Hackney & McDonald
Patrick Harkins Webb and Pryor & Pryor
T. H. Barrett Black and Webb
Wm. Parr, adm’r.  Hackney & McDonald
W. H. H. Maris Pyburn and Boyer, Jennings &
vs. Buckman.
T. W. Gant, et. al.  Pryor & Pryor, Webb.
R. C. Haywood C. R. Mitchell
Matt. Chambers, et. al. Hackney & McDonald
Nancy Rogers L. J. Webb, Pryor & Pryor

O. M. Boyle Hackney & McDonald
M. L. Read   Hackney & McDonald
Phillip Sipe L. J. Webb
Richard L. Walker Coldwell & Coldwell, Webb
Charles L. Harter   Hackney & McDonald and
W. H. Gould L. J. Webb
Wm. J. Hodges C. H. Payson
David Hitchcock L. J. Webb
Elizabeth Dever, et. al. Alexander, H. & McD.
S. Frazee L. J. Webb
John Frazee
John Smiley L. J. Webb
Harry Bahntge Jennings & Buckman
S. Weil L. J. Webb
August Kadau J. M. Alexander
Carson, Peoria & Co. Torrance & Asp
John W. Johnston  L. J. Webb
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1879.
LELAND J. WEBB, Office upstairs, Room 3, in Bahntge Bros. building,
corner Main street and 10th avenue.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1879.
L. J. Webb moved into his new brick home, east of town, Monday.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1879.
O. M. Seward is visiting his father, at Keene, Ohio. During his absence, Mr. Webb is acting city attorney.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1879.

Ye local had the pleasure of a ride behind L. J. Webb’s roadsters, last Saturday evening, taking in the depot, railroad bridge, and Bliss mill in the rounds. The south pier of the railroad bridge will be finished by Wednesday, when both gangs will be put on the north pier, and will be worked night and day until it is completed. Mr. Lewis, the contractor, informed us that he intended to have the piers ready for the bridge by the 27th.
[A connection to Shenneman.]...
Winfield Courier, October 23, 1879.
The Telegram, of yesterday morning, finally came out with its batch of full-blown lies, such as it had intimated by its insinuations being manufactured against Shenneman. After stating the lies without the least evidence in proof, the Telegram has the cheek to say: “If they are not true, let Shenneman and his friends go to Troup, Walker, Webb, or Hackney, and get their affidavits to the contrary.” That is their game. If they charge that Shenneman sometime stole a sheep or robbed a hen-roost, they expect it to be believed unless he comes forward and performs an impossibility for any man by proving he never did such a thing. Never mind. You will see affidavits enough, and your timid, namby-pamby, money-getting candidate will be somewhat shown up too, because of going into this contemptible mode of
[Article does not clarify which Webb.]...but L. J. liked to hunt in Territory.
Winfield Courier, November 6, 1879.
Mr. Charles Steuven is lying at Arkansas City, in a very critical condition. While hunting in the Territory he was taken down by pneumonia, and was brought to the city by Mr. Webb. At last reports he was some better, and likely to recover.
Winfield Courier, December 4, 1879.
Judge W. C. Webb, father of L. J. Webb, was down from Topeka last week.
Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.
L. J. Webb has been appointed A. A. D. C., on Gen. Green’s staff.
Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.
We can hear the whistle of the engine  on the east and west railroad every day.
A law suit has just closed before N. J. Larkin between J. W. Meador and John Stalter. Warner was attorney for Meador and L. J. Webb for Stalter. The defendant, not being satisfied with the decision, appealed to the District Court.
Winfield Courier, February 19, 1880.
We have received instructions from the Land Office that a party desiring to enter land may take the evidence of his wit­nesses, and his own testimony, before a Notary Public, by stating in his publication notice the officer before whom, and the day when, he will appear with his witnesses. We are fully prepared to transact all business in this line.
WEBB & WEBB, Atty’s at Law.
LOWELL H. WEBB, Notary Public.
Winfield Courier, February 26, 1880.
Leland J. Webb has succeeded in securing $705 back pension and $8 per month for life, to Mr. Jacob Haynes, of Maple town­ship. Mr. Haynes is a worthy citizen, and came near losing his life fighting for the old flag.
Winfield Courier, February 26, 1880.

“We would like to speak of each and every one of the charac­ters in the ‘Spy’ could we spare the space, as all deserve mention. Leland J. Webb as ‘Albert Morton,’ D. L. Kretsinger as ‘Charles Morton,’ Bert Covert as ‘Uncle Tom,’ George Buckman as ‘Farmer Morton,’ Master George Black as ‘Little Willie,’ and J. E. Conklin as ‘Col. Orr,’ deserve special mention. Miss Florence Beeny as ‘Mrs. Morton’ did splendidly; Miss Emma Himbaugh as ‘Nelly,’ was a general favorite; and Miss Jennie Hane, as ‘Mrs. Anna Morton’ looked the perfect picture of a brave and loyal farmer’s wife.”
Winfield Courier, March 18, 1880.
Tuesday morning county attorney Torrance and L. J. Webb returned from Rock township where they have been trying the parties engaged in the school house riot which occurred in district 72 last January. Five of the parties, Jno. Bailey, Abram Brown, Jno. Chitwood, Dero Meader, and Ithinor Saunders were convicted and fined one cent and costs, amounting in all to fifty dollars. The trouble occurred over the division of the district and the attempt of the above named parties to move the school house against the wishes of the directors.
Winfield Courier, May 13, 1880.
In the case of Tarrant vs. Hitchcock for the possession of the property next to the Williams House, judgment was rendered in favor of the defendant. Leland J. Webb was the attorney for the defense, and conducted the case to a successful termination.
[Judge Webb offers to help Millington, Allison, and Greer over suit with Judge W. C. Campbell.]...
Winfield Courier, June 3, 1880.
Hon. W. C. Webb does not believe in muzzling the press. The following dispatch shows where he stands. TOPEKA, KS., MAY 19.
Such services as I can render you on your appeal in the contempt cases are freely offered. Command me at your pleasure. W. C. WEBB.
Winfield Courier, June 3, 1880.
Messrs. Brush, Webb, and Black have returned from Topeka, where they went in relation to the contempt cases.
Winfield Courier, June 3, 1880.
Hon. W. C. Webb, whose ability as a lawyer is second to no one in the State, has prepared a book on Kansas Pleading and Practice, which will soon be published and will be valuable to the legal fraternity.
Winfield Courier, June 3, 1880.
Commonwealth: Hon. Charles C. Black, one of Winfield’s brightest attorneys, has been in the city for two or three days. He is associated with Messrs. Webb and Brush in the Allison-Millington contempt case before the Supreme Court. The Winfield editors seem to be sustained by the Winfield bar in their contest with Judge Campbell.
[Greer and L. J. Webb’s brother, Lovell H. Webb, had rapport.]...
Winfield Courier, June 17, 1880.

A large number of the young Republicans of Winfield met in the COURIER office Monday, and completed the organization of a Young Men’s Republican club. Roland Conklin was elected presi­dent, D. L. Kretsinger and W. H. Wilson vice-presidents, W. A. Smith, secretary, and Taylor Fitzgerald, treasurer. Fred C. Hunt, Lovell H. Webb, and Ed. P. Greer were appointed as a committee to act with the officers of the club in the organiza­tion of township clubs. It is earnestly desired that the young Republicans throughout the county co-operate in the organization of these clubs, so that the county organization may be made perfect. The meeting adjourned until Thursday evening, when the committees on rules and resolutions will report.
Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.
Mr. L. J. Webb has disposed of his household furniture, and broken up housekeepng for the present. Mrs. Webb is east visit­ing her relatives.
Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.
At the Primary Republican Meeting held in Walnut township last Friday J. C. Roberts was elected chairman, and L. J. Webb, Secretary. John H. Morgan was elected a member of the County Republican Central Committee. J. C. Roberts, T. A. Blanchard, and Robert Weekly were elected a township Republican Committee.
Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.
Supt. Lemmon has gone to the northwestern part of the state on his final trip visiting normal institutes. The remainder of his official term will be largely devoted to the prepara-tion of his forthcoming biennial report. Most of this work will be done here. When down last week he rented the residence of L. J. Webb, Esq., east of the city and will occupy the same until his own house on Ninth Avenue is vacated, enlarged, and repaired.
[Do not know if Mrs. E. J. Page, of Canada, was or was not spouse of Jay Page.
Jay Page’s mother was H. L. Page of Milwaukee.]
Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.
Mrs. E. J. Page, of Canada, has been with us the past three weeks, visiting relatives and friends in Winfield, Arkansas City, and the country, and looking after her large property interests in this county.
[Page Building: where murder took place.]
Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.
Messrs. Hendricks & Wilson have rented the Page building, and will move their stock of hardware as soon as the Roland stock can be removed.
Winfield Courier, September 30, 1880.
All my land office business is in the hands of Gen. A. H. Green, Real Estate Agent, who will attend to it. I shall be at home in time to attend to business in the District Court.
Winfield Courier, November 11, 1880.
L. J. Webb came down from Topeka to save his vote.


Winfield Courier, November 25, 1880.
Trial docket for December term, commencing on the first Monday (6th day) of December, A. D. 1880:
Appling & Burnet vs. Leland J. Webb et al.
Winfield Courier, December 9, 1880.
Leland J. Webb came down Monday to attend court. Mrs. Webb accompanied him. When he returns he will take his household goods with him and will hereafter make his home in Topeka. He has formed a partnership with his father, Judge W. C. Webb, and will hereafter practice law at the capital.
[Leland J. Webb’s brother, remained in Winfield.]...
Winfield Courier, December 16, 1880.
G. W. Rogers was on Tuesday brought before U. S. Commissioner Lovell H. Webb, charged with selling liquor without government license. The examination was continued to Jan. 21, 1881.
[Sister of Leland J. Webb, now Mrs. R. L. Walker, visits her father and brother.]...a wee bit confusing. Her father would be Judge Webb, she could be visiting her younger brother, Lovell H. Webb, and perhaps the Judge was here also.]
Winfield Courier, January 6, 1881.
Mrs. R. L. Walker, of Wichita, is in the city visiting her father and brother. Mrs. Walker (formerly Miss Sadie Webb), resided in Topeka several years, and has many friends here.
Winfield Courier, January 27, 1881.
The complaint against Geo. W. Rogers before Commissioner Webb last Friday was dismissed by District Attorney Hallowell as not having sufficient evidence and importance to warrant his being held for trial.
Winfield Courier, January 27, 1881.
A petition has been forwarded to Gov. St. John signed by members of the bar annd many leading citizens asking for the appointment of Lovell H. Webb as Justice of the Peace to the vacancy caused by the resignation of Justice Buckman. We can heartily endorse Lovell. He is one of our brightest young men and has natural qualifications which fit him for the position.
Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.
Linus Webb is located at McPherson in the loan and land business and is doing well.
Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.
Lovell Webb, Esq., of Winfield, a thoroughbred young lawyer, son of Hon. W. C. Webb, of this city, arrived this morning and will remain in Topeka a few days. Topeka Capital.
Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.
Lovell H. Webb will be a candidate for city attorney at the spring election. We hope Lovell will be elected. He is a rising young attorney and is well qualified to fill the position. It looks now as if he would have no opposition.