Minor L. Palmer


Winfield and Medicine Lodge, Barbour County.
Cowley County Censor, July 1, 1871.
A military salute will be fired at sunrise.
The procession will be formed on Main Street at 10 a.m., by the Marshal of the day, and march to the grove at 11 o’clock accompanied with a band of music under the management of Prof. Palmer.
On arriving at the Grove the following order of exercises will be observed.
1. Song: Star Spangled Banner, by the Winfield Quartette Club.
2. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Johnson, Chaplain of the day.
3. Reading of the Declaration of Independence by Mr. L. J. Webb.
4. Music by the Band.
5. Oration.
6. Song: “God Bless Columbia.”
7. Music by the Band.
8. Dinner. After which music by the Band.
“President of the United States.” Response by Mr. A. W. Tousey.
Song: American Flag Song.
“The Day We Celebrate.” Response by Judge Ross.
Song: “Firmly Stand.”
“Cowley County.” Response by the Rev. Mr. Inman.
Music by the Band.
“Lo! the Poor Indian.” Response by Col. Alexander.
Song: Shout for the Banner.
“The Ladies of Cowley County.” Response by the Rev. E. P. Hickok.
“Our Railroad Enterprises.” Response by Mr. D. A. Millington.
Song: “National Hymn.”
“The Rising Generation.” Response by Mr. Lemmon.
Song: “Sweet Spirit hear my prayer.”
Music by the band.
Conclusion. Doxology.
N. B. — All are invited to join in the procession and march to the Grove.
Cowley County Censor, October 21, 1871.
COWLEY COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Owing to the unfavor­able state of the weather during the late fair which prevented a proper exhibition of the articles entered for display, there will be an Exposition of all articles relating to the following classes: farm and domestic products, fruits, flowers, fine arts, textile fabrics, natural history, etc., on Saturday afternoon and evening, October 28th, 1871, in Rodocker’s Hall, Winfield. . . .
Farm Products: A. T. Stewart.
Domestic Products: Mr. Clingman.

Fruits and Flowers: H. Hawkins.
Fine Arts: Prof. Palmer.
Textile Fabrics: W. W. Andrews.
Natural History: Prof. Hickok.
D. N. EGBERT, Secretary.
Winfield Messenger, August 16, 1872.
The following bills were allowed for jurors.
M. L. Palmer, $6.00.
Winfield Messenger, October 4, 1872.
The Cornet Band has engaged Mr. Palmer as teacher during the winter.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 13, 1873.
FLORAL, Cowley Co., Mar. 10, 1873. Last October the undersigned landed in Cowley County, and took a claim in Richland township, twelve miles northeast of Winfield.
Before coming here I had been induced to believe that this part of Kansas had been settled, to a very great extent, with a rough class of western pioneers, such as generally follow in the wake of the retreating Red man and buffalo. But never was a man possessed of a more erroneous idea. I have had unusual facili­ties this winter of observing the character and habits of the citizens of a good portion of the county, and I am compelled to say that I have never met with a more agreeable, honest, sober, and intelligent class of people in any country, old or new. And considering the length of time that the country has been open for settlement, the progress made in improvements is entirely beyond precedent. Why, in many places, especially in the valleys, it begins to look like an old country—good houses, barns, and farms. But the most commendable feature in the line of improvements is the splendid schoolhouses being erected, or already complet­ed, all over the country. Old Fogy may dwell among such an enterprising people, but he must of necessity occupy a back seat.
I had the pleasure of being present at two exhibitions given at the Darien schoolhouse on the Walnut Valley, Feb. 28th and March 5th—at the close of the first term taught in the house—C. L. Rood, teacher. The house although an unusually large one, was crowded early the first evening to overflowing, and quite a number came who were unable to gain admittance. The exhibition was an entire success in every particular. The selections were good and well performed. The essays, and a newspaper gotten up by the students, were such as would do credit to any community. We could not help noticing throughout the performance a tendency among the young lady performers to give the old bachelors a thrust at every available opportunity; that’s a commendable spirit. In fact, I think it would be a good thing for the community to put all the old bachelors up at auction and sell them to the highest maiden bidder, such a proceeding might be a benefit to your humble servant. But to resume my narrative. Perhaps the most noticeable feature in the entertainment was the music which consisted of both vocal and instrumental—the instruments were an organ, and one tenor and one bass viol. The violin was played by a musician from the vicinity of Dutch Creek, the bass by Mr. Palmer of Winfield. The accompaniment was played by Miss Emma Leffingwell, a member of the school. Miss Leffingwell certainly possesses rare musical talents, and is in a fair way of becoming a great organist.

The second exhibition was given in aid of the school, 20 cents admission, and consisted of almost an entirely new programme. The house was well filled but not so badly crowded as at the first, if not more so. Instrumental music same except that Mr. Palmer was not present. Had some excellent songs sung by Mrs. C. L. Rood, Miss E. Leffingwell, Miss Ida Davis, and Miss Mary Akers. But the feature of the last exhibition was the “String-bean-Band”—we think that Barnum would do well to employ that set of minstrels to travel with his new show next summer. Mr. C. L. Rood is certainly entitled to great praise for the able manner in which he conducted the exhibitions.
I cannot help expressing here my sincere thanks for the kind and hospitable manner in which your correspondent, though a total stranger, was entertained during the exhibitions by Mr. Wm. Grow and his amiable mother, who live in the vicinity of the school­house. Mr. Grow possesses a fine farm and residence, and how he can live a bachelor life among all those blooming maidens that abound in the Walnut Valley, is entirely beyond our comprehension. W. H. S.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 20, 1873.
RECAP. Rock correspondent, “C. L. R.,” mentioned dance held at the Darien Schoolhouse (District No. 25). Among participants: Mrs. C. L. Rood, Mrs. G. H. Williams, Mrs. Hiram Fisk, Wm. Sumner of Cedar Creek, J. F. Williams, M. L. Palmer of Winfield.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 7, 1873.
D. M. Osburn et al vs. M. L. Palmer: sale set aside.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 28, 1873.
At a meeting held by the children of Winfield on Wednesday of last week in the Methodist Church it was decided to have a picnic in Mr. Andrews’s grove on Friday Sept. 5th. The following committees were appointed.
To attend to the dinner: Mrs. Tousey, Mrs. Wm. Maris, McClellan, Blandin, McMaster, Hill, Mrs. M. L. Palmer, Miss M. Bryant.
Winfield Courier, December 10, 1874.
Obituary. MEDICINE LODGE, Nov. 25th, 1874.
EDITOR COURIER: Please announce through the columns of your paper the death of J. W. Palmer (familiarly known as Chubbie), son of Minor L. and Eula Palmer, early settlers and for a long time residents of Winfield.
The deceased came to his death on the 28th day of October, 1874, by the accidental discharge of a shot gun while he was duck hunting. He was seventeen years of age, was a member of Co. A, Barbour County Militia, and took part in the engagements had between the Osage Indians and Company A at Red mounds in Harper County, August 7th, 1874, where he distinguished himself for his bravery in his efforts to overtake the fleeing savages. Though the youngest, yet the foremost in the pursuit. His remains were escorted to their last resting place by Company A and many citizen friends. His death was a severe blow not only to his parents, but to his many friends and associates, as he was loved and esteemed by all who knew him. M. W. SUTTON, Co. Atty., Medicine Lodge, Barbour Co., Kansas.