Newspapers in Winfield Sued By
Judge W. P. Campbell
[Background on Winfield Courier and Winfield Telegram.]
Winfield Courier.
On the 11th day of January, 1873, R. S. Waddell & Co. started the COURIER at Winfield and continued its publication with R. S. Waddell editor and J. C. Lillie local editor until March 27th following, when James Kelly purchased the office. Kelly at once assumed the publication of the paper, editing it himself, with V. B. Beckett local. Beckett did the locals until March 4, 1875. Kelly conducted the paper alone from that time until July 1st, when Wirt W. Walton became and has ever since been local editor. On the 11th of November last E. C. Manning became editor and publisher.
The Winfield Courier was established at Winfield, January 1, 1873, by R. S. Waddell & Co., with R. S. Waddell, Editor. The presses, type and material were entirely new, and in good condition. On March 27, 1873, it was sold to James Kelly, who became the editor. On November 11, 1875, E. C. Manning succeeded Kelly as editor. On August 16, 1877, the Winfield Courier went into the hands of D. A. Millington and A. B. Lemmon, with the former as principal editor. In January 1879 Lemmon retired, having sold his interest to Mr. Millington. On May 1, 1880, E. P. Greer purchased a one-third interest and in 1882 an additional one-sixth. On January 1, 1884, the Winfield Daily Courier was issued. In May 1887 Mr. Millington sold his interest to the Courier Printing Company, of which E. P. Greer was president, and it has since been conducted by that company under Mr. Greer’s editorial management.
Mr. Greer began his apprenticeship in the Winfield Courier office on June 1, 1874, under James Kelly and has remained with the paper continuously since—a period of over twenty-six years. During the editorship of D. A. Millington, the Winfield Courier gained wide influence and prestige. He was one of the ablest men of his time, of incorruptible integrity, wide information, and excellent judgment. He died suddenly of heart failure while attending a reception at the home of his neighbor, Hon. W. P. Hackney, on the evening of May 7, 1891, and in the sixty-eighth year of his life.
Cowley County Telegram.
[Unknown when the name changed to Winfield Telegram.]
The paper started by Will M. Allison was called the Cowley County Telegram. It started at Tisdale, September 12, 1872, by Will M. Allison to fill the great want of a newspaper at the “geographical center.” After issuing five weekly numbers at Tisdale, Allison associated Arthur H. Hane with him, in its publication, and on March 20, 1873, Hane was succeeded by Abe B. Steinberger. Steinberger retired on July 3, 1873, and Allison continued the publication alone until 1878 when Bret Crapster was associated with him, and a Winfield Daily Telegram was started in connection with the weekly. In 1880 Crapster retired, and Charles C. Black was associated with Allison, a few weeks after which Black became the sole proprietor. He built a fine, large stone building for the Winfield Telegram office, and made the office one of the most complete in the state. On November 1, 1881, the Winfield Telegram, daily and weekly, ceased to exist. The Winfield Telegram was in its first years independent or granger in politics, but in its last years it was democratic.
Number 1, volume 1, of the Cowley County Telegram, was published at Tisdale on the 12th day of September, 1872, by W. M. Allison. Five numbers were issued at Tisdale, and on the 28th of November No. 6 was published at Winfield by Allison. In the month of January, 1873, Allison associated with him A. H. Hane, under the firm name of Allison & Hane, who published the paper until the 20th of March, when Hane was succeeded by A. B. Steinberger (now of the Howard City Courant). Allison & Steinberger dissolved July 3, 1873, since which time Allison has published the Winfield Telegram. The press on which the Telegram is now published is of the same manufacture and age of the Meeker press. Allison has edited the paper since it started.