C. W. (“Uncle Wesley") Paris Family


  Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 15, 1886.
C. W. Paris, so well known in Winfield as “Uncle Wesley,” is no more. He passed away at 1 a.m., Wednesday, after several month’s suffering from ailments resultant from inactivity—a gradual paralysis of the blood. Mr. Paris was forty-nine years old and leaves an eventful history. At the beginning of the late war he enlisted in the 3rd Iowa cavalry. His service was very active, being in several of the heavy battles of the South. In the spring of 1863, during the heated battle of Pea Ridge, Arkansas, a piece of a shell entered his left eye and ranged through to the right, cutting both eyes out instantly. The “boys in blue” were repulsed and the retreat was precipitate. Mr. Paris’ captain was near by when this blinding shell came and taking in the situation, saved Paris from imprisonment and probably death by changing horses, quick as a flash, that Paris might have a horse that would lead. Away they went over mountain and gorge, with no time to even bandage the blinded eyes, Mr. Paris holding on to the horse while the captain led it. Two days and two nights were put in in continuous retreat, when a wagon was secured. Being among a number of his home boys, Mr. Paris was sent home, to see no more. During all these twenty-three years of sightless life, he was never sick a day until the last winter. He was a portly man weighing nearly 250 and of that jolly disposition that makes the best of any circumstances that may surround. The faithful, loving wife, led him along the pathway all these years, bearing the family burdens with a charming fidelity. The continuous darkness became second nature to him and in his latter years, with the companionship of his pipe and ever kindly and considerate family, he seemed to get much comfort from life. In 1878 the family moved to Udall, where they lived on a farm until three years ago, when they moved to Winfield. At Udall they joined the Christian church, then under the pastorate of J. H. Irwin, now of Marris & Irwin, this city, who was an old Iowa friend of Mr. Paris. Uncle Wesley leaves three children: Fannie, twenty-one; Ulysses, a steady boy of eighteen, and Mattie, a girl of twelve. He also has here two sisters, Mrs. Emma Wooden, whose husband was killed in the war, and Mrs. Ransom Wooden. Four nephews, Hank Paris, Green, Bliss, and John Wooden also live here. His relatives in Winfield number no less than two dozen. By request of the deceased, the funeral sermon was preached by Elder Irwin. Mr. Paris told him to “make my life just as it was, without exaggeration.” A. A. and Morgan Paris, two brothers from Iowa, were telegraphed for and were here for the funeral, which was largely attended at 4 o’clock this afternoon from the Christian church, under charge of the G. A. R. Post of Winfield, of which the deceased was a member.