Regulation and the Cattleman’s
Last Frontier
Elias C. Boudinot first stimulated the homesteaders’ interest in Indian Territory with a series of letters written to newspapers early in 1879. In mid-February he revealed, in the Chicago Times, that the federal government had, after the Civil War, purchased millions of acres of land from tribes in the Territory. By treaties signed in 1866 with the Creeks, Seminoles, Choctaws, and Chickasaws, the government bought approximately 14 million acres for $1,600,530. More than 1 million acres had been assigned to Pottawatomies and Sacs and Foxes, while Wichita held another 743,610 acres under an unratified agreement with Washington. The rest, Boudinot, declared, was public domain. Located west of the 97th meridian and south of the Cherokee Outlet, this land was “well adapted for the production of corn, wheat, and other cereals.” Stimulated by Boudinot’s report, prospective settlers flocked to the Kansas line. Secretary of the Interior Carl Schurz closely followed newspaper accounts of homesteaders’ growing interest in Indian Territory and became alarmed by the situation. He announced that neither the Homestead Act nor any other federal land legislation applied to the purchased acreage. Any settlement in the area would be illegal. Schurz instructed the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to empower Indians to evict intruding farmers.
David L. Payne
Emporia News, May 14, 1869.
THE NINETEENTH KANSAS REGIMENT. Lieut. Col. W. C. Jones, an estimable officer, was, on the first day of May, at Topeka, presented with a valuable gold watch by his brother officers of the Nineteenth cavalry, as a small token of regard, a dinner and complimentary speeches being the concomitants of the presentation.
Col. W. C. Jones was a general favorite in his regiment, and spared no pains in rendering his battalion efficient, while at the same time he had a due regard for the comfort of his men. We understand that Capt. Payne and Lieut. Steele, both of company “H,” had also watches presented to them by members of the same troop. Leavenworth Bulletin.
Emporia News, July 29, 1870.
Capt. D. L. Payne, of Sedgwick County, called on us a few days ago. He has established a ranch in that county, on the road from El Dorado to Wichita, and intends making a big stock farm. Dave fought for his country during the rebellion, and was a Captain in Governor Crawford’s regiment, which went out against the Indians winter before last. We are glad to know that his prospects are bright for the accumulation of a fortune. He certainly deserves success.
Emporia News, September 9, 1870.
Capt. Payne, of Wichita, known in Kansas as “Oxheart,” was in town a day or two this week. Payne’s friends are as numerous as his acquaintances. He is always welcome.
In the spring of 1880, David L. Payne emerged as leader of the farmers who were “booming” for opening the Indian Territory to settlement. Payne, a one-time guide, scout, Kansas legislator, and petty bureaucrat, had met Boudinot in Washington. Both men enjoyed the support of railroads eager to remove barriers to homesteading below Kansas. Boudinot was content to seek lawful means of achieving those ends, but Payne preferred the more direct method of outright invasion. Between May 19, 1880, and August 28, 1882, the boomer leader was four times arrested within Indian Territory—once escorted to its borders and released, and three times jailed, either by Army or civilian authorities. His raids during 1883 occurred with such frequency that the War Department lost count of them. In the military’s view, “The whole history of Payne’s operations is a farce, in which the Government is, of course, at a disadvantage. There is no punishment for Payne and his followers, the law only providing a fine for such transactions—a sort of punishment easily borne by the impecunious crowd which follows this business of intrusion into the Indian Territory.”
Arkansas City Traveler, February 5, 1879.
The bill introduced by Senator Ferry in the Senate a few days ago provided that all able-bodied citizens between the ages of 18 and 45 years, resident within their respective States and Territories, except such as may be exempt by law, shall constitute the militia. The militia are to be divided into two classes—active, to be known as National or State guard, as the legislature of each State may prescribe; and inactive, to be known as Reserve militia. The bill proposes to appropriate one million dollars for the purpose of providing arms, ammunition, and other ordnance and quartermaster stores for active service.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 26, 1879.
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad.
We understand that the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Company have contracted for 80,000 tons of rails, with other material, for the purpose of building a branch, starting at Emporia and running through Greenwood, Elk, and Chautauqua counties to the South line of the State of Kansas, at or near Arkansas City, with a branch from Winfield to Wellington in Sumner County, for which bonds have been voted in Cowley and Sumner counties. This makes about 165 miles of new construction. Subscriptions for the money to build these branches will be offered to the stockholders of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Company during this month. Boston Journal.
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1879
An Editor of the Courier Interviews Gen. W. B. Strong
and is assured that the Santa Fe R. R. will be built from Wichita
to this point at an early day.
The material for the construction of the road has been purchased. The surveyors and engineers are at work. In a few days the Board of Directors will advertise for bids for the grading. Let the people plant corn and rejoice, for the day of our deliverance is at hand. This year's crops will certainly be shipped by rail from Winfield.
“We Told You So!”
When at home two weeks ago we talked with many who feared that the proposed railroad from Wichita to Winfield would not be built within the time agreed upon. We were surprised to find so many residents both of the city and of the country distrustful of the intentions of the Santa Fe company. To all such we stated that on account of their attempt to secure occupants for their immense tracts of land in western Kansas, the company could not afford to advertise our county by beginning the construction of their road into it until the rush of the spring immigration is over, but that we were confident the road would be completed the coming summer.
Last Friday we called upon General Manager Strong, and were assured by him that our statement of the case was entirely correct, and that the engineers were then at work making the survey of the route. Mr. Strong stated that the materials for the construction of the road have already been purchased and that he expected within two weeks to send to the COURIER advertisements for bids for the grading. He says that the work on the extension will be pushed rapidly until the road is completed, and that if we said to do so he would yet put ten thousand dollars into the hands of our county treasurer as a forfeit to the county if he fails to have the cars running to Winfield by the 30th of September next.
Mr. Strong is a frank, outspoken man. He means exactly what he says, and we are just as confident that our “pass” is to be made “good to Winfield” within six months as we would be if the Santa Fe company had a forfeit of one hundred thousand dollars in the hands of our county treasurer.
The construction of this road is assured. It is a thing of which no man in the county should have any doubt. We believe that the ones who have charge of the enterprise will have the cars running to Winfield long before the fall immigration to the State will begin. The same things that cause delay in beginning work are arguments in favor of the rapid construction of the road when it is commenced.
COWLEY COUNTY FARMERS, YOU WILL CERTAINLY MARKET THIS YEAR'S CROPS AT WINFIELD. Cut out these lines and paste them in your hats so that you may refer to them occasionally for encouragement. The same labor that produced and marketed twenty acres of corn last year will double that number this. Instead of being compelled to freight your wheat, forty, fifty, or sixty miles to dispose of it, lying out of doors at night and being exposed in all kinds of weather, you will market your crops at home hereafter and enjoy your evenings with your families.
This spring every available acre of ground should be planted to some kind of paying crop. We should strain every nerve to make our productions as great as possible. The railroad will be of little value to us if we have nothing to ship. This summer breaking plows should be kept moving. (We have taken the advice we give you and shall have every tillable acre of our “points” put into cultivation this season.) Next fall we should sow one hundred and fifty thousand acres of fall wheat. With a home market our surplus from this crop alone will put us almost out of debt. If we continue in the future, industrious and frugal as we have been in the past, we shall find our county just entering upon an era of prosperity and development such as we have not yet known. Let all plans be made and work done as if the road was already constructed, for the highest authority in connection with the enterprise says it shall be pushed rapidly to completion. We give you not hearsay evidence, but the frank, honest statement of the man who controls.
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1879.
General Blair, attorney, and Major Gunn, engineer of the L. L. & G. railroad extension to this place, were in town last Friday and report everything “booming” in relation to their work. Louisburg township, in Montgomery county, voted their bonds by a three-fourths majority. They think that the Elk townships will be carried by even greater majorities. Sumner county is active in the preparation to submit a bond vote and will no doubt put her shoulder to the wheel.
The engineers are out engaged in locating the Cowley, Sumner and Fort Smith railroad, extension of the Wichita branch of the A. T. & S. F. Large amounts of material are in preparation for the work and dirt will soon be flying all along the line from Wichita to Winfield.
Winfield Courier, April 17, 1879.
The letter of Col. E. C. Boudinot gives considerable information in regard to the Indian Territory. Colonel Boudinot is a Cherokee by birth, an orator, and a statesman. His letter shows that 12,000,000 acres of land within the Territory do not belong to any of the tribes, but are absolutely government land.
This would make 75,000 farms of 160 acres each, or enough for 75,000 families of five persons each, making homes therefore for three hundred and seventy-five thousand persons. These lands it will be remembered are entirely exclusive of any and all reservations of whatsoever kind.
Of the remaining 29,000,000 acres of the different reservations, it is proposed to set apart 100 acres for every man, woman, and child. This would require 10,150,480 acres, as the Indian population is only 48,736, whites 876, negroes 5,000. So far providing all these with their 160 acres each, there would still remain within these reservations nearly 19,000,000 acres for white settlement, in addition to the 12,000,000 above referred to. This would make 118,750 farms of 160 acres each, and counting five persons to a family would make homes for 593,750 persons. This would leave all the Indian lands still intact, and to each Indian family of five persons a farm of 800 acres as they would have 160 acres for each man, woman, and child.
It has been suggested that when the Territory is opened for settlement, and the Indians are given their lands in severalty, that it be fixed so that they cannot sell or convey their lands for a certain period of time, say ten or twenty years, in order that they could not be purchased away from them without ample and sufficient consideration. As a large portion of these people are civilized and many of them educated, it is not likely that their best interest can possibly suffer by the new order of things which is likely to take place in the near future.
—Chetopa Advance.
On April 26, 1879, President Rutherford B. Hayes issued a proclamation warning “certain evil-disposed persons” of the inadvisability of nesting on Indian land.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1879. The engineering corps of the A. T. & S. F. road were surveying through Winfield Tuesday. It is said that the company will be throwing dirt on the road to Winfield in less than ten days.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 30, 1879.
Several articles have appeared of late, in the public press, tending to encourage squatter sovereignty in the Indian Territory. A letter from Cornelius Boudinot (who generally flies off at half cock) is also published for the purpose of creating a false impression in the public mind. The act of Congress, establishing the metes and bounds of the Indian Territory, has never been repealed, and is yet the law of the land. That act prescribes that the Territory is set aside for the sole and exclusive use and benefit of Indian tribes, and expressly prohibits the settlement therein of any other race. The statutes of the United States also make it penal offense for any white person not an employee of Government to locate therein without special permit from lawful authority.
Although it is a fact that some of the five nations ceded to Government large tracts of land that they formerly acquired from the same source, the original bill creating the Territory covers every acre within its limits, and the treaties thus made expressly affirm that all these lands shall be used on the part of the United States for settling Indian tribes.
If we turn to the early history of this Territory, we find that less than fifty years ago it was uninhabited by any of the five nations, and was known as the Territory of Arkansas. Indian wars, then so common on this continent, rendered it necessary on the part of the general Government to remove the five nations beyond the encroachment of civilization, and hence this territory was formed.
In the early history of the war of the rebellion, two parties arose among the Indians in the Territory, and the full bloods, or Pins, as they were designated, went into the Federal army, while the half breeds were mustered into McCullock's Southern ranks. In the battles that were fought at Pea Ridge, Flat Rock, Cane Hill, and Prairie Grove, the five nations were auxiliary forces and sent a summons of death into many a soldier.
At the close of the rebellion, the question arose whether the rights of the Rebel Indian in the Territory were not confiscated, and to settle the dispute, the treaty of 1866 was made. That treaty also recites that the Indians shall forever possess and enjoy a perfect right and title to all lands lying within the limits of said Territory.
The ceded lands of twelve or fourteen million acres that squatter sovereignty proposes to cover with her broad wings, cannot be taken for colonization while the Government recognizes the old treaties.
In 1874 Congress passed a law that no more treaties shall be made with any Indian tribe, but left passed treaties undisturbed.
The Forty-fifth Congress passed a law that it shall be unlawful for the Interior Department to remove into the Indian Territory any tribe of Indians from New Mexico or Arizona, the Sioux included. But during all this time it has created no right for white men.
About the time of the first settlement of this reserve, some three thousand people went down onto the “Outlet,” and made settlements. They remained undisturbed a few months only, when Government resolved to put them out, and destroyed all improvements.
With this experience, it looks to us that it is a game of hazard that no wise man will play to settle on lands that can only be held by force, and where the incentive to mob and riot so plainly exists.
Whether the policy of the General Government towards the Indian is wholly right or all wrong has been argued by learned men from opposite standpoints, and the question remains unsettled. That the Indian can be taught, and has mind to comprehend a superior condition far above his crude nature, is no longer a question for argument. But whether his advancement in the next decade will meet the requirements to enable him to cope with white settlements that are pressing him on every side admits of serious doubts. The commerce of the “New West” is reaching out, and is making demands for greater room. Our railroads are asking for a right of way through the Indian lands, and seem determined to open up a new era of things. Of this we feel assured, that if the Government takes no steps this season to remove those now going on to these lands, a general rush will follow after autumn harvest that no Congress will feel disposed to drive out. We shall see.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 7, 1879.
The grand rush for the unassigned lands in the Indian Territory is assuming gigantic proportions. If it should prove to be the method of forcing the Territory open to settlement, it will also demonstrate the fact that a comparative minimum number can set at defense the will of the Government, and throttle its very existence.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 7, 1879 - Front Page.
The following proclamation was issued by the President on the 26th.
WHEREAS, It has become known to me that certain evil disposed persons have, within the Territory and jurisdiction of the United States, begun and set on foot preparations for organized and forcible possession of the settlement upon lands of what is known as the Indian Territory, west of the State of Arkansas, which Territory is designated, organized, and described by treaties and laws of the United States and by executive authorities as the Indian's country, and as such is only subject to occupation by Indian tribes, officers of the Indian department, military posts, and such persons as may be privileged to reside and trade therein under the intercourse laws of the United States; and
WHEREAS, These laws provide for the removal of all persons residing and trading therein without express permission of the Indian department and agents, and also of all persons whom such agents may deem improper persons to reside in the Indian country.
Now, therefore, for the purpose of properly protecting the interests of Indian nations and tribes as well as the United States in said Indian Territory, and of the duty of enforcing the laws governing the same, I, Rutherford B. Hayes, President of the United States, do admonish and warn all such persons so intending or preparing to remove upon said lands, or into said Territory, without permission of the proper agents of the Indian department against any attempt to so remove or settle upon any of the lands of said Territory. I do further warn and notify any and all such persons who may so offend that they will be speedily and immediately removed therefrom by the agent according to laws made and provided, and if necessary the aid and assistance of the military forces of the United States will be invoked to carry into proper execution the laws of the United States herein referred to.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington on this, the 26th day of April, and year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine, and of the independence of the United States one hundred and third. R. B. HAYES.
Wm. R. EVARTS, Secretary of State.
Winfield Courier, May 8, 1879.
Winfield is soon to become an important railroad center. The Cowley, Sumner & Ft. Smith railroad will be built to this place within four or five months, and the Southern Kansas and Western will not be far behind.
Already a city of near 3,000 inhabitants, the population of Winfield will ere long be doubled, etc.
Winfield Courier, May 8, 1879.
The building of the Southern Kansas and Western railroad from Independence to Winfield within the next ten months is assured. The franchises are voted along the whole line. Louisburg township voted the bonds some weeks ago by an overwhelming majority. Last week Tuesday the Elk townships voted bonds to the road.
On the same day Cowley county voted the bonds by 1200 majority. The company has deposited $10,850, which now cannot be withdrawn and which it must forfeit to Cowley County if the road is not in operation to Winfield within ten months. Major Gunn, the engineer, and Gen. Blair both assure us that it will be built long before the time given, even before the year 1879 expires.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 14, 1879.
The General Government is placing military force along the line of the Indian Territory for the purpose of resisting invasion onto the unassigned lands therein. During the last few days quite a number of teams have passed through our city on their way to these lands. Government having arrested the tide of squatters flowing into the Territory via Coffeyville, Chetopa, and other points in the Southeast part of Kansas, there seems to be a preconcerted movement to rendezvous at, or near here, and all move together for the Territory.
This looks to us like a hasty unwise step. The Government is resolved to put all invaders out of the Territory, and we advise all who are not seeking a pitched battle to keep out of there. Those who really desire to test the strength of Uncle Samuel can go in on their muscle and take the consequences.
The old fraud—C. C. Carpenter—who has led so many of our people into this ambush is a sore backed, crooked legged, cross-eyed cuss. Every old Kansan knows his record for the last fifteen years, and they know him to be a fraud from his inception. Now we will say to all readers of the TRAVELER, don't be led off by any such a creature. You can't afford to bring upon yourselves the trouble and loss his followers will surely meet. Carpenter has fled to parts unknown, and is not to be found by the military when his company is so desirable.
Whenever Congress is disposed to pass an enabling act to organize a Territorial Government, it will be time enough to change your residence. Those who go before this event, will surely come to grief.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 7, 1879.
A Scheme of Plunder.
The New York Sun, Democratic, denounces the invasion of the Indian Territory by lawless white men in very bitter language.
It says:
“A scheme of plunder and villainy, greater and bolder, perhaps, than any other that has even been deliberately conceived, perfectly organized, and effectively put in operation since the United States came into existence is now in active progress, with its headquarters at Kansas City, its tools in Washington, both in the lobby and on the floor of Congress, and its agents in every part of the Southwest. The name and purpose of the Oklahoma Ring have been vaguely familiar to the public for several years. The development of this Ring's plan to steal the Indian Territory, to grab millions of acres of Government lands, crowding out the civilized tribes and building colossal private fortunes upon the ruins of Government treaties, has come to that stage where it is necessary that full light be let upon its iniquity.”
The Government declares its intention to maintain the laws and prevent the invasion of the Indian Territory. General Sheridan instead of General Pope as first announced will take active measures to enforce the treaties in accordance with the President's proclamation. Twelve hundred troops will compose this first command. More will be forthcoming if necessary. The Capitol.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 14, 1879.
A squad of soldiers are here to keep the invaders out of the Indian Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 14, 1879.
Camp Detachment U. S. Troops.
ARKANSAS CITY, KANS., May 13th, 1879.
All parties intending to settle in the Indian Territory are hereby notified that such settlement is contrary to law, and if attempted, will be followed by forcible expulsion therefrom. W. W. BARRETT,
Lt. Colonel U. S. A.
Commanding Detachment.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 14, 1879.
We are in receipt of letters from Senator Plumb and Hon. Thomas Ryan expressing views very decidedly against the movement of those who contemplate settlement in the Indian Territory and advising all who wish to avoid trouble to decline going there as it is a direct violation of law.
Winfield Courier, May 22, 1879.
Our friend, C. M. Scott, was in town last week and furnished us with much interesting news. He is much of the time in the saddle under orders from the Governor and watching the uneasy Indians in the Territory, which business he claims to like better than he did the editing of the Traveler.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 22, 1879 - FRONT PAGE.
EDITOR COURIER:—Perhaps a word from the great Indian and cattle region would interest the readers of your paper. I will be brief and give as much news in as little space as possible.
The cattle drive from Texas, north, has just begun. The first herd of 300 head passed Cimarron ranche north of Camp Supply, for Dodge City about May 5th. Many others are on the trail and the drive will be good this year. Stock wintered in the northern part of the Territory and in the western counties of Kansas, are a little thin, owing to the hard winter and dry spring.
At Caldwell officers of the Cherokee Nation represented they were there for the purpose of “collecting a tax” of the stock men for pasturage in the Territory, and the matter is creating considerable comment and general dissatisfaction. If it is carried out, stock men will be compelled to drive to the Pan Handle of Texas or Western Kansas. The pasturage that these Indians want pay for, is never used by the Indians and has been burned off every fall for years.
About half way between Ft. Reno and Camp Supply, near the Post, we saw millions of young grasshoppers, but they were confined to a space of a few miles, and but little fears were entertained of their taking the red man's corn.
The veto of the army appropriation bill caused considerable uneasiness among the military men of the several posts and will be very embarrassing to both officers and soldiers. Some WHITE HORSE THIEVES ran off thirteen head of ponies belonging to the Cheyenne chief, “Stone Calf,” and soldiers were scouring the country to overtake them but failed to find them. All along the line we heard of several cases of horse stealing.
Thousands of Texas ponies will be driven to Kansas this year. Mr. Kincaid, at Caldwell, lately came up with 300 head, followed by James Steen, with 900 head. Brown, Jennings, Malone, and Scott will be here by the middle or latter part of summer, each with from one to five hundred head, and the probability is that ponies will be cheap.
Tom Donnell and Ben Clarke in the U. S. scouts at Ft. Reno, and Amos Chapman and Harry Cooms, a Pawnee, at Camp Supply. These men have made quite a record already in Indian exploits, and will figure extensively this summer if any trouble should arise.
The Comanches and Kiowas near Ft. Sill raided into Texas lately, and the “Rangers” dropped one of them, “Sun Boy” by name, for which the Indians made another raid and killed Joe Clarke. This took place April 12th.
George and Bob Bent, half-breed sons of old Colonel Bent, for whom Bent's fort was named, are both among the Cheyennes now, raising cattle and farming. The boys have a very interesting history.
There are no buffalo in the Territory at this time, but during June and July they will come east of Camp Supply and into western Kansas, probably within 150 miles of Winfield. Deer are plentiful, and antelope can be found in Harper and Barbour counties. On the Cimarron, near Jones' ranche affords good hunting and fishing. One of our party killed one panther and a number of turkeys while there, and we fished until we were tired of catching them. Owing to the recent raid to settle in the Territory, hunting will not be permitted near the Interior of the Nation. I will be going in a few days, again, and will notify you of any matters of interest.Yours, C. M. [C. M. Scott]
Winfield Courier, May 22, 1879.
Mr. Solomon Frazier, of Lazette, called on us last Monday. Mr. Frazier has just returned from the Indian Territory, where he has been to see about the Oklahoma lands, but was ordered back by the U. S. troops stationed there.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 4, 1879.
D. W. BUSHYHEAD, Treasurer of the Cherokee Nation, we are informed, has established an office at Caldwell, for the purpose of collecting taxes on cattle and other stock grazing in the Indian Territory.
We advise the stock men to resist the payment of this tax, and, if necessary, to make a case and test it before Judge Barker, at Fort Smith. We have been through this question, from head to foot, with the Solicitor of the Interior Department, and think we are as well informed on this subject as any agent of the black and tan Cherokee Council. We received a letter from one of our delegation in Congress yesterday morning stating that the agent was already in trouble with the Department, and will not get out soon. Don't pay a cent. We have not space this week, but will say more in our next.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 4, 1879.
It is estimated that there will be 200,000 head of cattle driven from Texas to Kansas this year. The larger part of them are young steers, from one to two years old. They will probably reach the Arkansas valley about the middle of May.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 4, 1879.
[Report from C. M. Scott.]
I have just completed another little jog into the Territory, and will relate what I saw.
Gen. McNeil was at Ponca Agency on the 22nd, and may go down to Oklahoma to advise the settlers on the North Fork. Troops from Camp Supply and Fort Sill have already been there, and the result was settlers were strung out all along the road on their way back, cursing the country, the soldiers, and above all, the Kansas City Times, and its “pal”—Carpenter.
Agent Howarth will not take charge of the Pawnees, but enjoy himself visiting the Agencies all around. A few years wrestling with the ague at Kiowa and Comanche Agency satisfied him that the Territory, generally, is not a healthy location.
About sixty of the Pawnees are out on a buffalo hunt, and forty are visiting the Wichitas.
We cut across the country from Pawnee to Kaw Agency, making the trip in a day's ride. It is a much nearer route to Arkansas City, and fully as good road as by the way of Ponca.
The Osages were counciling, on our arrival, but we did not stop to hear them. They have a great many ponies. Some very fancy; but few for sale.
Gov. Joe's camp is near the mouth of Salt Creek, about five miles from the crossing point of the Arkansas. The Arkansas ford at Salt Creek is a good one, although the water was four feet deep in the channel.
Up Salt Creek we saw millions of the “fourteen year locusts.” In the creek beautiful fish could be seen grabbing at flies as they fell on its surface.
Crops on Grouse creek are looking splendid, and everything has the appearance of thrift.
All cattle men, as well as others, will have to leave the Territory within the next sixty days, in compliance with the order from the Interior Department at Washington. So much for the white settlers rushing in and making fools of themselves, and bringing hardships upon stock men.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 4, 1879.
It is reported that several more companies of soldiers are to be sent to this place in a short time.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 4, 1879.
Rations are being forwarded from Wichita, and other points, to the troops stationed here, and the probability is that they will remain here for some time.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 4, 1879.
A number of emigrants—forty all told—under the leadership of Colonel Bell, Carpenter's right-hand man, who had settled near Ponca Agency, were removed by a detachment of Colonel Barrett's command. They arrived here Friday evening. Bell, in company with some of the other emigrants, returned to get their stock, permission having been obtained from the commanding officer. Should they, or others who have once been removed, enter the Territory again, with a view of settlement, their wagons and utensils will be burned and their stock confiscated. Most of the emigrants are from Missouri.
Winfield Courier, June 5, 1879.
S. A. Morris and Co. have returned from Oklahoma. They report U. S. officers, soldiers, and Indians in abundance, but the settlers cannot remain in the territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 11, 1879.
The raid into the Indian Territory has blown out with the South wind.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 11, 1879.
We notice in the Kansas City Journal that the order for the removal of the cattle from the unassigned lands in the Indian Territory has been revoked.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 11, 1879.
Lieutenant Cushman and a detachment of ten men arrived here from Coffeyville on Sunday last.
Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.
A new town has been started at the junction of the Cowley, Sumner & Ft. Smith railroad.
It is called Mulvane.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 9, 1879.
The Fourth at Arkansas City.
As time rolls his ceaseless course, every twelve months brings around to us the “day we celebrate”—symbolic day of American freedom, not alone for American born, but for those from the uttermost parts as well. In the largest cities and smallest cross-roads there has ever existed a spirit of rivalry on these occasions, each trying to out-do its nearest neighbor in the matter of display and attractions for the multitude.
Our nation’s birthday was probably more generally celebrated this year than in any year since the Centennial; at least this was the case in Cowley county. Patriotism was boiling and seething in every community to such an extent that a union celebration at the county seat was not to be thought of, and extensive preparations were made in four or five localities to honor the memory of the Revolutionary heroes—“every man to his notion, every woman as she wills, and every child as he has been trained.”
Since the organization of this county, Arkansas City has been front and foremost in all public undertakings, and her efforts are always crowned with success. This year proved no exception to the rule. As soon as it was known that Arkansas City would celebrate the Fourth, the people throughout the central and southern portions of the county knew where to come for a good time, and the committee on arrangements went to work, confident that their expectations would be realized. Nor where they disappointed.
On the night of the 3rd, the clouds rolled up from the north and gave us a liberal sprinkling, but our soil soon absorbed all superfluous moisture, making the traveling most delightful. (You see, some towns have mud, from which, good Lord, deliver us.) As early as 7 o'clock the gathering of the clams was foreshadowed by the arrival of people from every direction. They came in carriages, in wagons, on horse, and on foot—“some in rags, some in tags, and some in velvet gowns.” Long before the hour for the procession to form it became evident that there would hardly be sufficient room on the town site in which to form a procession, so great was the crowd of sight-seers.
About 10 o’clock, however, the Arkansas City cornet band struck up a lively air, and started for the grounds, followed by Lieut. Cushman and detachment of U. S. Regulars; carriage with Judge M. S. Adams, of Wichita, as orator of the day; the Masonic order; then a company of ragamuffins, in wagons and on horseback, dressed in the most outlandish costumes imaginable, and making the air resound with the hideous noise produced upon improvised musical (?) instruments; after which came the citizens and people from all parts of the country, making the longest procession ever witnessed in Cowley county.
When half way to the grounds the immense concourse of people paused to witness the skirmish drill by Lieut. Cushman's detachment. This was the prettiest sight of the day, and many an ex-soldier, as he watched this handful of boys in blue, called to mind the days when the cartridges were not blank, and when such performances thinned the number around the camp fires of both the Blue and the Gray. The drill was perfect in every respect, and spoke louder than words of the admirable discipline of the Lieutenant's company.
After reaching the grounds the first thing in order was the speaking. Mr. Amos Walton was the first introduced, and spoke feelingly of those who had laid down their lives that this day might be celebrated. He was followed by Judge M. S. Adams, of Wichita, who gave the main oration of the day. He is an eloquent speaker, and his patriotic utterances found echo in the hearts of his hearers. He has many friends in this city who cherish the warmest regard for him and are ever ready to welcome him to the future city of the border.
In the afternoon the crowd repaired to the race grounds. In the fast running race the first money was won by Patterson's horse, “John Bascom,” the second money by “Tom Thumb,” and the third by a bay horse whose name we failed to learn. This race was followed by fast and slow mule races, which created considerable fun, and by a fat and lean man's race. The former was won by W. S. Vorris, of Bolton township, and the latter by G. W. Maness, of the same township, we believe.
The pyrotechnic display in the evening was also a success, with the exception of the balloon, which burned in the ascent.
The only failure to mar the complete success of the day was the dance after the fire-works. Our citizens were too tired to feel much interest in tripping the “light fantastic,” especially as it was so late before commencing. Hoping the kind folks of Winfield who came down to enjoy the dance will make due allowance for this failure, our citizens extend them a cordial invitation to return in the near future, when Arkansas City's reputation for hospitality and sociability will be redeemed.
All in all, it was a glorious Fourth, and passed off with more order than has been known on any similar day for years. It is impossible to make an accurate estimate of the crowd. Some say as high as 10,000 or 11,000, but our Washingtonian proclivities forbid us to back such an estimate, and we will concluded by saying that at least 7,000 patriotic souls thronged the streets of Arkansas City on this anniversary.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 9, 1879.
Lieutenant Cushman's Dance.
The finest gathering of people witnessed for many years assembled at the grove on the Walnut last night, in response to a general invitation from Lieut. Cushman to enjoy the hospitalities of the soldiers in a moonlight hop.
Owing to the disturbance in the morning, by which a decrepit Indian was sent to the happy hunting grounds, the Lieutenant feared the people would be backward about turning out, and, for a while, almost abandoned the scheme, but our citizens were in a humor to dance, and before 9 o'clock some 200 of them were on the ground.
A platform seventy feet in length had been built, with seats on three sides, and a raised platform for the musicians. Overhead hung three rows of Chinese lanterns, furnishing ample light, and a dressing room had been provided for the convenience of the ladies.
The dancing commenced at 9 o'clock, and for seven hours over one hundred of the lovers of the mazy kept time to the best of music, furnished by Messrs. Sipes, Speers, Steiner, and Balcom, refreshing themselves with ice cream, cake, and lemonade, supplied by Mr. Maricle. The sum of fifty cents a number was charged, merely to help defray the expenses.
It was a decided success, and all join in pronouncing it the most enjoyable affair of the year, and in returning thanks to the Lieutenant and detachment for the perfect order maintained throughout. Those who failed to attend can only regret their action, and hold themselves in readiness to attend the next one, which will probably be given in two weeks time, and to which we invite our Winfield friends.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 16, 1879.
Several parties have been taking advantage of the privilege granted them to herd cattle in the Territory, and have built houses, planted crops (mostly corn), and settled down to farming. This being against the law, Lieut. Cushman recently notified them to move their houses, fences, etc., or he would send his detachment to help them. Last Thursday was the limit fixed for Messrs. Gatliff and Dixon to vacate, but as they had not yet gone, Sergeant Jordan with six men went out to their camp near the old Kickapoo Agency, with orders to bring the parties in and destroy their houses, which they did. This is but the commencement, as there are several other parties now living in the Territory in violation of the law, and the Lieutenant will remove them as fast as he receives his instructions. While such a course falls rather severely on some of the parties, they have themselves only to blame, and must take the consequences. Messrs. Kennedy, Bell, Christy, and others might as well commence breaking up House-keeping on short notice, for their landlord's agents will be around soon.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 16, 1879.
The Semi-Weekly says the Indians are peaceable along the border, which does away with the necessity of U. S. troops at Arkansas City. The Semi-Weekly knows almost as much concerning the object of the troops being stationed here as a hog does about its grandmother. Wouldn't it be a good idea for you newspaper men up in that mud hole to record the disgraceful brawls of your own military men, and not take every occasion to spit your venom at Arkansas City? By getting up early in the morning and attending strictly to business, we hope to make the riffle without any of your kind assistance.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 16, 1879.
On Monday Lieut. Cushman and detachment were in the Territory warning out other parties. Kansas is the place to farm, and the sooner you find it out, the better.
Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.
The U. S. troops at Arkansas City will give another moonlight hop Friday evening, and invitations have been sent to several of our young people. The dance given by them some time ago was the most brilliant affair ever held at the City, and all who attended are loud in their praises of the courteous and gentlemanly manner in which Lieutenant Cushman and his men treated their guests.
Winfield Courier, July 31, 1879.
On Monday evening of this week the construction train on the C. S. & F. S. railroad was at Brown's Dog Creek Ranche, eighteen miles this side of Wichita. As we go to press we learn that twenty miles of track are laid, to within twenty-five miles of Winfield, and track is being laid at the rate of a mile a day. The grading is nearly completed to within four miles of Winfield.
Winfield Courier, July 31, 1879.
Mr. Robert Weekly has been over on the railroad work between here and Independence and reports that the grading is about completed all the way from Independence to Elk Falls, thirty-six miles, that eight miles of grading this side of Elk Falls is nearly completed, and that work is being done all along to the top of the Flint Hills. The bridging and track laying are in progress and not far behind the grading. The track is already laid up to the Elk county line. He thinks that next week the last division will be contracted for and grading be in progress all along the line to Winfield. The cuts and fills in rock ascending the Flint Ridge will be heavy and expensive and it is there where the work will be pushed with the most vigor. This work when done will put the finishing touches on the most magnificent scenery in Kansas.
Winfield Courier, July 31, 1879.
General Manager W. B. Strong, of the A., T. & S. F. railroad, in company with Mr. Savery and Engineercame down on Tuesday last to locate the depots at Winfield and Arkansas City. He held conference with many of our citizens and then passed on to Arkansas City. Yesterday morning (Wednesday) he returned and received propositions from citizens concerning the location, considered them, and finally located the depot on the west side of town. The Arkansas City depot is located southwest of town.
Gen. Strong looks bright and hearty after his long struggle in Colorado in the legal “battle of the giants,” in which he has won a substantial victory against unlimited capital and the most crafty adversaries. Such labors might well have given him an appearance of exhaustion. His name is no misnomer as the Jay Gould outfit has discovered to their cost.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 13, 1879.
We understand that Lieutenant Cushman has made a requisition for horses, and that the infantry now stationed here are to be mounted in order that they may the more effectively carry out their orders with reference to parties in the Territory.
Winfield Courier, August 14, 1879.
The Cowley, Sumner & Ft. Smith railroad commenced laying track in this county Wednesday, Aug. 5th, p.m.
Winfield Courier, August 14, 1879.
Part of the men and machinery for the construction of the railroad bridge across the Walnut below Bliss’ mill have arrived and work was commenced yesterday morning.
[A. T. & S. F.]
Winfield Courier, August 21, 1879.
The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad company is one of the best and sounded corporations in the United States. It has probably more railroad track under its control than any one company. The main line from Atchison to Pueblo is 620 miles divided into three divisions viz: “Eastern, Atchison to Nickerson, 229 miles; middle, Nickerson to Sargent, 242 miles; and western, Sargent to Pueblo, 149 miles.”
There are six branches now on the time table, viz:
Kansas City to Topeka: 67 miles
Pleasant Hill to Cedar Junction: 44 miles
Emporia to Eureka: 47 miles
Florence to Eldorado: 29 miles
Newton to Wichita: 27 miles
La Junta to Las Vegas: 216 miles
Add Atchison to Pueblo: 820 miles
Total miles in operation: 1,050 miles
In addition to the above, there will be put in operation this year:
Wichita to Arkansas City: 56 miles
Mulvane to Caldwell: 36 miles
Eureka to Howard: 35 miles
Florence to McPherson: 50 miles
Las Vegas to Albuquerque: 165 miles
Canon City to Leadville: 108 miles
Amount built in 1879: 450 miles
This will make 1,500 miles of road owned by this company. Besides this the company has leased the Denver & Rio Grande from Denver to Alamosa 210 miles; Pueblo to Canon City, 40 miles; Cucharas to El Moro, 40 miles.
The amount of work that this company under the supervision of General Manager Strong has done this year is incredible, when we consider the difficulties and obstacles it has encountered. Geo. O. Manchester, assistant general manager, has been an invaluable aid. W. F. White, the general passenger and ticket agent, is the right man in the right place, and indeed the whole corps of officers are each especially efficient, otherwise less would have been accomplished.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 27, 1879. Front Page.
It has been about one month since you heard from me, so I write again. You have heard by this time of the murder of the unknown man near Caldwell, at the crossing of the “Shawas-caspah,” on the road to Wellington. He was shot behind the ear with a small pistol, and then placed in a blanket and rolled in the brush. A freighter, happening to break his wagon tongue, went into the thicket to cut a pole, and discovered the body. No clue to the murderer has yet been found.
Caldwell still keeps improving. It is now incorporated as a city of the third-class, with efficient police force to quell the racket of the cowboy. They had their first show last week, being of a minstrel variety, with Van Kelso, formerly cook of the Central Avenue Hotel at Arkansas City, as one of the chief actors. About fifty Arapahos with wagons from Cheyenne Agency passed through town, on their way to Wichita after freight.
We had occasion to go into the Territory, and after a day and a half's journey from Caldwell, brought up at Drum's cattle ranche, at the mouth of Medicine Lodge Creek, where Prof. Norton used to trade with the Indians many years ago. It had been very dry, but since the rain the grass has sprung up like magic, and this section now is one of the finest grazing regions we have seen in all our travels; the grass is the alkali or buffalo, and very nutritious. Mr. Drum has 2,400 head that he holds with two herders. The wages of herders is $25 per month and board. Most cattle men have abandoned night herding, claiming the stock does better, and it is not necessary except in cases of storms. Major Drum's brand is U on the left shoulder. From Medicine Lodge we went to Clay Creek, where we found Mr. Bates, with 900 head of cows and calves, all looking well. He had been compelled to move camp for water, and the rain helped him, so that he can now make a choice of good ground. Mr. Bates is a merchant at Wellington, and leaves the entire care of the cattle to his two men. His brand is a triangle with T attached, placed on the right side of the animal.
From Bates' we went to Johnson's on Eagle Chief Creek. The range here had almost been destroyed for want of rain, and had it been much later would have compelled cattle men to keep out of that section entirely. Mr. Johnson has 1,900 head of stock cattle, and 1,600 more coming up the trail. The Kiowas and Comanches raided his herd as he was coming out of Texas last spring and stole 250 head of large cattle. He will endeavor to have the Agent make them pay for it. He has but three herders with the 1,600 head of cattle, and they seem to get along very well. His brand is 5 with a bar across the top, branded on the hip.
Mr. J. W. Short, on one of the western branches of Turkey Creek, just above where the Ellsworth trail crosses, has forty head of three and four year old cattle, which he offers for $14 per head, and 54 yearlings at $8 each. His two year olds he offers for $12. Here is a bargain for someone wanting to engage in stock. The cattle are half Texan and in good order.
Two men attempted to run off forty head of ponies last week, but were pursued by officers and several shots exchanged. The thieves got in the brush on Salt Fork and made their escape without the ponies.
The blacksmith soldier who deserted from Fort Reno, and took a horse with him, was caught at Wellington. He will probably go to the Leavenworth military prison for five years.
The Dodge City Times was mistaken about the Pawnees killing buffalo on Medicine Lodge Creek. There have been none in that region for more than a year. Deer, antelope, turkeys, and wolves are plentiful, with occasionally a stray elk or bear.
In attempting to cross the North Fork of the Canadian River on the 17th inst., while it was full from bank to bank, our horse mired down in the quicksand and left us to make our way to the shore with gun, saddle bags, etc., on our own back. We landed on the military reserve of Fort Cantonment, the new post, and were accosted by the provost guard, to whom we gave little satisfaction, not being in a humor to talk. He informed us that every person had to have a pass to travel through the Territory. We gently hinted that we preferred to talk with the commanding officer, and were escorted to him. Col. Dodge, being absent, we were not recognized by the new official, but was helped out of the dilemma by the appearance of the Post Scout, Amos Chapman, without producing our papers. Covered with mud and soaking with water, with a small arsenal attached to our person, we well might have been taken for almost any kind of a criminal.
The permanent buildings of the new Post are being erected of stone, on a small mound just north of the temporary post, in a more pleasant and healthy location. There are six companies here of the 23rd Infantry, formerly stationed at Fort Leavenworth. During the absence of Col. Dodge, Capt. George M. Randall, of Co. I, has command. The companies are A, C, D, G, I, and K. The balance of the regiment is at Camp Supply.
Mr. Keating, of Leavenworth, is Post Trader, and has a fine store and stock of goods. They have a saw mill, brick yard, one saloon, one blacksmith, and all the necessary tradesmen here. The health of the soldiers has not been very good, and several deaths have occurred during their short stay. About 23 have deserted this spring, and a number caught and brought back who attempted it. Mr. Bigford of Leavenworth has the hay and wood contract, and is paying laborers $25 per month and board. His contract to furnish wood at the Post is $1.00 per cord, and hay at $7 per ton. Corn retails at one dollar per bushel, and is hard to get. The suttlers say they would buy a quantity if it should be brought in. Board at the citizens' mess house is $5 per week. At the laborers', $2. There is not much amusement here, during the warm weather. In fact the 23rd is not so apt in making amusements as some other regiments. Yours, C. M.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 28, 1879 - Front Page.
Territorial Matters - The New Military Post, etc.
Another Letter from C. M.
FORT CANTONMENT, I. T., August 13, 1879.
FRIEND MILLINGTON: Inasmuch as you have sent me paper and envelopes, I believe you are really anxious to hear from this section, and will endeavor to do my part towards adding to the interest of the COURIER; for I appreciate the fact that you are in earnest in the publication of the best paper in Kansas.
Fort Cantonment is a new military post, established in 1878, and is not completed yet. It is situated on the south side of the North Fork of Canadian River, eight miles below Barrel Springs; twenty miles below Sheridan's Roost, and thirty miles below Cottonwood Grove. It is 130 miles southwest of Winfield, and 160 miles from Wichita.
Fort Cantonment is a six-company Post, commanded by Lieut. Col. Dodge, of the 23rd Infantry. During the Colonel's absence on furlough, Capt. Geo. M. Randall, of Co. I, of Arizona and Indian fame, fills his place. The number of people at the Post, however, will not exceed 700, none of the companies being full; one company having only 27 men.
There are stationed here companies A, C, D, G, I, and K, commanded as follows.
Co. A, 23rd Infantry: Capt. Stilley.
Co. C, 23rd Infantry: Capt. Hallett.
Co. D, 23rd Infantry: Capt. Thos. Smith.
Co. G, 23rd Infantry: Capt. C. Wheatin.
Co. I, 23rd Infantry: Capt. G. W. Randall.
Co. K, 23rd Infantry: Capt. Goodale.
The country about the Post is sandy, with great groves of jack-oaks on the north, and cedar in the canyons, that afford the military wood and lumber. Limestone, building-stone, and sand are also to be found, so that the permanent structure of the Post can be made very substantial at a comparatively low cost.
A telegraph line is being made from Cantonment to Camp Supply and Fort Dodge; also to Fort Reno and Fort Sill. This has long been a “military necessity,” and will greatly facilitate matters in case of Indian troubles.
Corn retails at the sutler's store for $1.00 per bushel, and it is hard to get at that. Beef sells on the block at 5-1/2 cents per lb., and at 6-1/4 cents per lb. where it is cut up to suit purchases. Here and there we notice flour sacks with the brand of the Winfield mills, and quite often your citizens are inquired after.
A number of laborers are employed in making hay and cutting wood, for which they receive $25 per month and board. Mr. Bigford, of Leavenworth, has the hay contract at $7.00 per ton, and the wood contract at $4.90 per cord. A number of Arapaho Indians are engaged in cutting the wood. They were in need of more hands in the hay-field, yet ere this reached you I suppose the demand will be filled, as many parties returning from Leadville and Colorado come by this route to Texas, and are generally in need of money and work.
The sutlers complain of trouble in getting freight from Wichita, for which they pay $1.15 per cwt., for 160 miles of hauling. Most freighters take back a load of bones for which they get $9 per ton at Wichita, giving them a load each way. A ton of buffalo horns is worth $12.
In some sections, where white buffalo hunters operated, these bones are spread over the prairies like snow-flakes. And now that we are on the subject of bones and buffalo, let me give you an idea of the enormous destruction of the red man's cattle.
In the fall, when it is cool enough to keep hides with but little trouble, six or eight men will form a party and locate on the range; generally in the Pan Handle of Texas or south of Red river. They will be armed with Sharp's 16-lb. rifles, calibre 45; that is, the ball will be forty-five one-hundredths of an inch in diameter, and the gun a breech loader, carrying a ball 1700 yards or one mile. They go out regularly every morning and begin the slaughter—for buffalo in that region are always in sight. One man does the shooting and three skin; killing from twenty to forty buffalo a day to the man. When they have a load, they are hauled to Sherman, Texas, and sold for five or six cents a pound. The large bull hides will weigh forty pounds, and net $2.00 each, while those of the cow will weigh but twenty pounds. On an average these men calculate to make $100 per month above all expenses, and many have made that amount in one week, but they generally average $400 each during the four months of the hunting season.
There would have been a fortune for a man to have taken cans to the camps of these hunters, and saved the thousands of beeves left to rot on the prairie. Or if the tallow or tongues had been taken care of, or the meat even dried, it would have paid well and saved it from waste.
Within the past two years there has been comparatively little hunting, as the great mass of buffalo went into New Mexico in the spring of 1877, and have not returned. Old hunters conjecture that when they made the usual attempt to come north in the summer of 1878, it was so dry, and the grass so dried up on the Staked Plains that they could not.
The best hunting now, in the Indian Territory, is on the main Canadian, southwest of Fort Cantonment. There bear, elk, deer, antelope, and turkey are still plentiful, with an occasional buffalo now and then, and panthers, wolves, beaver, and otter. The Indians object to whites hunting in the Territory, and they have no authority to hunt there, yet they do. Yours, C. M.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1879.
Large numbers of our citizens walked up to the railroad last Sunday. About twenty hands are employed on the railroad bridge, and are pushing it along right lively. A large number of railroaders were in town Tuesday and the number of plain drunks were quite numerous. There are some men in town who think that they can afford to wet their whistles fifteen or twenty times a day, consequently the flourishing condition of our wet-goods houses. The track is laid to Schwantes' creek, about 24 miles from town, and the cut is being made through the bluff west of town. Thirty days more will anchor the iron horse at “Winfield station.”
Why don't someone take hold and work up an excursion when the road gets in. The iron horse is within about three miles of town, and if we are going to have a grand blow-out, it is about time to start the thing along. Let us “excurst.”
Arkansas City Traveler, September 3, 1879 - Editorial Page.
Captain Secrist's Murder.
CHETOPA, KANS., Aug. 19, 1879.
Captain Secrist's body has been found. A detail of soldiers, who left Vinita, I. T., in search of Captain Secrist, conductor of the mail route, who has been missing for some weeks, found his body nearly eaten up by wolves about 180 miles southwest of Vinita, and about 20 miles from the stage line. A large bullet wound was discovered in his head. His body was identified by his clothing, and papers scattered near it. While out there the soldiers were told that there was a gang of some fifty desperadoes in the hills in the neighborhood, and they sent the soldiers word that if they wanted to see them, to come on.
If this band of cut-throats and robbers is as large as represented; and we have good reason to believe it is for the Territory is full of escaped horse thieves and murderers, the border towns of Kansas along the southern line are in great danger from frequent raids from them and some protection to these towns ought to be afforded by the United States authorities.
One town, Caneyville, has been successfully pillaged by them already, and if nothing is done to capture or prevent them they will try their hand on other and larger towns. Will the State or the government afford this protection, or shall these outlaws have things their own way and rob and murder at their pleasure?
The soldiers cannot find any trace of the other men who accompanied Captain Secrist. The supposition is they have also been murdered.
Winfield Courier, September 4, 1879.
Judge McDonald's “teaser” will scarcely be able to get into Congress through editorial work of the character he has been doing on the semi-occasionally for the past few weeks. Something else will be required to rescue him from the political oblivion to which the people have consigned him on account of his foolish and disgraceful course when last in the State Legislature. His political activity abroad will hereafter be limited to lying around the State Capital, at his own expense, full of beer during the sessions of the Legislature, for the purpose of “controlling Manning's vote.”
Winfield Courier, September 4, 1879.
The Southwestern Stage Company brought a splendid bus to town last week, which will run between here and the railroad.
Winfield Courier, September 4, 1879.
The depot for the A., T. & S. F. road is being pushed forward as fast as men and money can do it. It must be completed in thirty days.
Winfield Courier, September 4, 1879.
The railroad from the east is progressing rapidly. The heavy cut, in rock, at the summit of the Flint Hills, is well under way, and work is in progress this side of Grouse creek. We are informed that the track is laid nearly to Elk Falls. They will reach Winfield close upon the heels of the Santa Fe, if they continue building at the present rapid rate.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 10, 1879.
Arkansas City—Echoes of the Oklahoma “Boom”—A Live Town
and an Enterprising People.
[Correspondence Kansas City Times.]
ARKANSAS CITY, Aug. 28, 1879.
Fourteen miles by stage brought us to this place, where we arrived at about 8 p.m., and put up at the Central Avenue Hotel. We partook of a very generous supper, doing it ample justice after our evening ride. After supper we strolled up town, where we found our old friend Lieut. Cushman, of the 16th U. S. Infantry, who, with his company, was quartered near the town. From him we obtained much interesting information relative to affairs across the border, and the Oklahoma “boom.” Lieut. Cushman and his company have been acting as a post of observation at this point for several weeks, and have been on several scouts into the interior of the Indian country.
In the morning we perambulated around town, and found it to be a stirring place with plenty of sanguine business men and a sufficiency of business houses. The town is located upon a slight elevation, which has an ascending slope in every direction. The town being situated upon the western frontier, and upon the southern border, contains a migratory element from both the frontier and the Indian country. This element is continually shifting, coming and going.
The permanent inhabitants, however, are of a class which, as law-abiding, peaceable citizens, and wide-awake, enterprising people, are behind the people of no town or city in the land. I found here business men who were energetic and wide awake to the interests of their place. The city has a beautiful and very fertile country surrounding it, and I learned, upon inquiry, that there had never yet been a failure of the wheat crop in this vicinity. The corn crop certainly looks extremely well, and we also saw numerous peach orchards, the trees of which were loaded with fruit.
The A., T. & S. F. R. R. is working toward Arkansas City, and the leading men of the place are positive that the road will be completed and trains running to that point within fifty days. The track is already laid to within two or three miles of Winfield, and the grading contract between Winfield and Arkansas City has already been let, and work will be begun at once. It seems to be the intention of the managers of the road to reach Arkansas City just as soon as possible. To this end, therefore, the bridges, mason, and trestle work along the line of road is progressing rapidly, and it is estimated that just as soon as the grading can be completed, the rails will be laid and the road finished. Arkansas City will then be one of the best—in fact, the best railroad town in Southwestern Kansas. Situated as it is, about the center of the line bordering the cattle district in the Indian Territory, and being easy of access from all points along the line, it has excellent advantages as a cattle shipping point.
A number of streams enter the Arkansas river at this place, just below the town, and in consequence the facilities for obtaining a plentiful supply of excellent water for stock is unsurpassed. The Arkansas river runs just to the west and southwest of the town, within half or three-quarters of a mile, and is skirted with a goodly supply of timber, as is also the Walnut, which runs to the east of the place, and empties into the Arkansas river just below town.
The grazing for miles around is excellent, and thousands of cattle may be herded the year round in close proximity to the place, and the grass supply seems to be inexhaustible. There is no doubt but Arkansas City will also be the main supply depot for the entire southern country just as soon as the railroad reaches it.
A large number of Indian agencies and trading posts lie southerly from here and will in the future be supplied from this point. Even at present large numbers of Indians, cattle men, herders from the Territory, cowboys from Texas, and a mixed floating population, come here for their supplies, and thee is no question but the Indian and other trade will grow surprisingly as soon as the railroad can bring in merchandise and take out cattle. The leading cattle men of the country are awake to the importance of this place as a shipping point, and are already busy making extensive preparations for conducting their business on a large scale.
There are two very fine brick church edifices here, and a school house of which some of the towns farther eastward, and of thrice its size, might well be proud. The place has the appearance of a thrifty but quiet town three times its age.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 17, 1879.
The following letter concerning the advantages of Arkansas City was taken from the Drovers’ Journal, a daily paper published at the Union Stock Yards of Chicago. It is no paid “puff,” but the honest expressions of one who lately visited our city and contributed his views to the columns of the Journal, that his friends might see what he had seen. It is simply a statement of facts.
The following interesting letter describing a trip to the New West is from the pen of a commission merchant that has recently visited the Territory.
“Since my return from Southern Kansas a week ago, I have daily wanted to say to you that few sections of the great New West have advantages that compare with the Arkansas valley in the State of Kansas. The climate is all that could be desired—mild, salubrious, and healthy; soil cannot be excelled in fertility by any other section. The A., T. & S. F. R. R. is pursuing a liberal policy toward the public, who are true Western energetic people. The company is wide awake and pushing lateral lines, or feeders, North and South from their main line. Fine, thrifty farms and cities spring up as if by magic; where the buffalo roamed a few years ago at will unmolested, is now peopled with thousands of happy homes. For energy, thrift, and enterprise every town and city on the A., T. & S. F. R. R. is a worthy example.
“On the branch to Arkansas City, in Cowley County, is situated Sedgwick City, Wichita, and Winfield, all thriving, neat little cities, with a class of buildings for business purposes that would do credit to Illinois cities and towns of five times the age and triple the population. The terminus of this branch of the railroad will be at Arkansas City, near the Indian Territory line, beyond which the company cannot build the road further South until the Congress of the United States and the Indians’ consent is obtained. This fact, together with its fine locality, being situated on a fine, high rise of land, overlooking as fine an agricultural region as is found in America, the trade of the Indian Territory will largely center here. The merchants, bankers, and produce traders are all good, sound, honorable business-men, as a sojourn with them of a day or two fully convinced us; they have that peculiar faculty of making strangers feel at home whenever they meet them. The cattle trade of the Territory and Northern Texas will largely drift to this point for shipment over the A., T. & S. F. R. R., which, with its liberal policy and business foresight, will be a principle factor in the great growing cattle trade of the Southwest. All its appointments are simply first-class for passenger and freight traffic. Much older roads farther East might profit by copying the policy of this star railroad company.”
Arkansas City Traveler, September 17, 1879.
A Bold Robbery.
Mr. James Keith, who lives on Beaver Creek, near the State line, several miles east of Arkansas City, came into town last Thursday night, barefoot and almost worn out, giving evidence of having been pretty roughly used. From him the following story was obtained.
It seems that on Sunday, September 7, Mr. Keith started for home from Wellington, where he had received $500 by express from Eureka, Greenwood County. He rode as far as Grouse Creek that day, and at night stopped with J. O. Wilkinson. In the morning he mounted his horse and started for home. After riding about an hour, as near as he can recollect, a stranger stepped out of some bushes, and walking toward him, held out his hand, exclaiming:
“Why, how are you?”
Mr. Keith supposed he had met the man at some cattle camp, but did not recognize him. Instead of shaking hands, however, the stranger grasped the bridle, and just then a man came up from behind and struck Keith on the back of the head with a gun. Keith knew no more until they had him bound hand and foot in the bushes, where two more men were secreted, and where they kept him the entire day, threatening to blow his brains out in case he made any noise. After night they tied him to the horse, bucked and gagged him, and started toward the Territory. They crossed the Arkansas river, and about midnight, as near as he could judge, they stopped for a few minutes and brought him a piece of warm corn bread. This was the first he had eaten since breakfast at Wilkinson's, and all he ate until he reached town Thursday night. About three or four o'clock Tuesday morning the crossed some creek, which is supposed to be Deer creek. They stopped before daybreak in some timber, and here they kept Mr. Keith two days and nights, turning him loose early Thursday morning, after taking his boots from him and treating him most brutally.
It is needless to say his $500 was taken, together with all the loose change about him, amounting in all to $510. He was weak from long fasting and cruel treatment, and after walking all day in the direction they told him was home, he arrived in Bolton Township Thursday evening, almost dead from fatigue.
Rudolph Hoffmaster, Captain of the Stock Protective Union, started out with a few men Friday morning, and succeeded in finding Mr. Keith's horse on Wolf Creek, but could find no trace of the robbers. Mr. Keith has no idea who the robbers were. He says that only one man knew he had that much money in his possession, but he does not suspect him for a moment.
Steps should be taken to stop the wholesale robbery and plunder practiced by the lawless men who roam in the Territory. Every few weeks we hear of some deed similar to the above, and as yet no one has been captured. There is evidently a gang of these men, with their headquarters in the Territory, who make it a business to rob men in the State and take refuge in the Nation. Should one of them happen to be caught by a Cowley County vigilance committee, there would be fun for the boys.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1879.
The work on the railroad bridge went on at full blast all day Sunday.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1879.
Ye local had the pleasure of a ride behind L. J. Webb's roadsters, last Saturday evening, taking in the depot, railroad bridge, and Bliss mill in the rounds. The south pier of the railroad bridge will be finished by Wednesday, when both gangs will be put on the north pier, and will be worked night and day until it is completed. Mr. Lewis, the contractor, informed us that he intended to have the piers ready for the bridge by the 27th.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1879.
Walnut Valley Fair
Opens at Winfield Fair Grounds on Sept. 30, '79,
Grand Railroad Excursion.
The Cowley, Sumner and Fort Smith railroad will bring in large excusion trains loaded with visitors to celebrate the opening of their road to Winfield.
will be given on the fair grounds on that day, free to the immense crowd that is expected. Toasts and speeches will be in order. Complete arrangements have been made to insure complete success and general enjoyment. Each day of the five days of the fair will have special attractions in trials of speed and in various other ways. On Thursday, the fourth day of the fair,
will deliver the occasional address. One of the attractions of the occasion will be the
It will be the largest balloon in the world, sixty-five feet in diameter and ninety feet in height. It is secured at a very large expense, and the proprietor will come with it from Chicago and superintend the ascension. The day is not yet definitely fixed, but probably Tuesday or Wednesday. It will certainly come off one day of the fair. The officers and managers have worked faithfully, and have left nothing undone to make this fair the grandest affair that ever come off in the
Let everybody turn out and have a grand old time. Arrangements will be made if possible for a free excusion from the fair grounds to Wichita and return on the same day during the fair, possibly Tuesday or Wednesday.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 24, 1879.
Dr. H. J. Minthorn, of Iowa, will locate in Arkansas City about the first of October. The doctor is a thoroughly educated physician, of several years' practice, and we believe will render entire satisfaction in his profession to our people. He is a brother-in-law to Agent Miles, of the Osage Agency, and will prove an excellent citizen.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 24, 1879. Front Page.
George Eaton, who lives 60 miles south of Coffeyville, in the Cherokee Nation, had a valuable mare stolen from on the night of June the 10th last. Last Monday Judge Tibbils saw her passing through the town, and recognizing her, halted the man in possession and took the mare from him. Ample proof of the ownership and larceny was made before Esq. R. M. Ross, and the man who gave his name as D. Logan, and hails from Arkansas City, took his departure, leaving the mare with the Judge. Chautauqua Journal.
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1879.
Something less than a thousand people visited the railroad last Sunday. The sight of the locomotive seemed to fully repay them for their trouble.
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1879.
The excursion from Wichita and Wellington to the opening of our fair promises to be an immense affair. The railroad people are bound to bring all who wish to come, if it takes three locomotives to haul them.
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1879.
Opens at Winfield Fair Grounds on Sept. 30, '79, With a Grand Railroad Excursion.
Winfield to have the Biggest Time Ever Known in the Annals of Cowley Co.
City Authorities of Wichita, Wellington, Arkansas City, other points, will be present.
Excursion for the Cowley County People Leaves at 12:30 P.M.,
Goes to Mulvane and Returns at 4 o'clock P.M.
The committee appointed to make arrangements for the reception of the excursionists next Tuesday, met at the council chamber, Monday. The following is the programme decided upon.
Railroad Trains.
Excursion Trains start at 8 a.m. from Wichita and Wellington, arriving at Winfield at 10 a.m. Excursion Train for Winfield and Cowley County starts at 12:30 p.m., going to Mulvane and back, arriving at Winfield at 4:30 p.m. Return Trains to Wichita and Wellington leave Winfield at 5 p.m.
Carriages will be furnished at the depot to carry excursionists to any part of the City or Fair Grounds as desired. A committee upon the down train will sell Fair tickets and distribute carriage tickets to excursionists.
Free Barbecue Dinner. At the Fair ground at 12 m.
Grand Military Drill. By 15th Co., K. S. M., of Wichita, in full uniform—commanded by Captain L. N. Woodcock, at 11 a.m.
Procession. Will form at Depot and march through the principal streets of the city, and thence to Fair ground.
Order of March.
1. Military Band.
2. Military Company.
3. Wichita Fire Department.
4. Saxe Horn Band.
5. Mayors and Councilmen of Wichita, Wellington,
Arkansas City, and Winfield in carriages.
6. Railroad Officials in carriages.
7. Foreign excursionists in carriages.
8. Citizens of Cowley county in conveyances.
Congratulatory Speech. By Hon. J. Wade McDonald, at 10:45 a.m.
Marshal of the Day. Gen. A. H. Green.
By order of the Executive Com., M. G. TROUP, Chairman. E. C. MANNING, Secretary.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 1, 1879.
Those who are unacquainted with the Texas cattle drive, and the country 20 miles south, know very little of what has been going on near home for the last few months. We advise this class to drive down and view the trails that have been made by the cattle drive from Pond Creek, to Chetopa and Coffeyville. Through that section of the Territory, the trails run parallel, covering an area of miles north and south that will demonstrate to the thoughtful something of the magnitude of this trade. The present season has forced the practical man to the conclusion that the trails to Caldwell and Dodge City are too far west for a good range and abundant water. For some time local interests at these points have sought to cover these facts; but the time has arrived when the question of local interest is but a drop in the bucket when weighed in the balance of this immense traffic. On the completion of the Santa Fe road, and the erection of good stock yards at this place, our town is happily situated to secure this trade. The route from Pond Creek to Arkansas City is abundantly watered, and well supplied with grass. No better range can be found in the Territory than the section south of this, while within the limits of the county exist some of the best corn and wheat lands in the West.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 1, 1879.
We refer our readers to the dispatch stating that the notorious desperado Jim Barker, who, with a small gang of followers, robbed Caneyville some time since, has been captured by a party of Cherokees in the Indian Territory. Now let the Governor fork over the five hundred dollars reward to the brave men who risked their lives in capturing the kind of desperadoes. This will undoubtedly break up the nomadic band of murderers and thieves who have held a high carnival of crime in the Territory for some time past, defying the laws of justice as well as the officers of the Federal Government.
The following dispatch to the Kansas City Times explains itself, and will be glad news to the people all along the border of the Indian Territory.
COFFEYVILLE, Kas., Sept. 26. Jim Barker, the Caneyville robber, has just been brought in. He was taken by a posse of Cherokees. They wounded him before his capture.
COFFEYVILLE, Kas., Sept. 26. A posse of Cherokees have just arrived with the notorious desperado, Jim Barker, who was shot six times on Bird creek, Cherokee Nation. Great excitement exists.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 1, 1879.
Lieut. Barrett's detachment that has been stationed here for some months has been ordered to Ft. Riley.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 1, 1879.
Lieut. Cushman, who went into the Territory some time ago to look after the outlaws, has returned.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1879.
Sedgwick and Sumner Counties Enthuse With Us.
Tuesday was a day long to be remembered by our citizens. Long before the time advertised for the arrival of the excursion train, the ground around the depot was crowded with Cowley's people waiting to welcome the people of Sumner and Sedgwick who were coming to celebrate with us the completion of our first railroad. The city officials were there marshaling their committees to take charge of the ladies, every available vehicle in town being pressed into service to accommodate them. All were on the tip-toe of expectation when the news flashed over the wires that the Wichita train had passed Mulvane, and that there were four hundred ladies and twelve hundred men on board, with the Wellington train just behind with as many more. Then it was that our people realized the full extent of the inundation about to take place. Arrangements had been made to accommodate about five hundred people, but when they began to drop down on us one and two thousand at a time, all these arrangements were upset, and a majority of the people had to get off the train and make their way to town the best way they could.
The procession was formed at the depot, headed by the Wichita Guards and the Wichita Fire Company, followed by a carriage containing the orator of the day, then the city authorities of Wichita, Wellington, and Winfield, followed by the Wichita cornet band and ladies in carriages. The procession was fully a mile long. At the grounds Judge McDonald delivered a speech of welcome, which was highly spoken of by all who heard it, and fully sustained the high reputation which he has won as an orator.
After the speech the crowd dispersed for dinner. A table had been prepared for the militia and fire company, and the crowd repaired to the barbecue, where there was plenty for all. After dinner there was a grand drill by the Wichita Guards under Capt. Woodcock, who acquitted themselves nobly. The dance in the evening, for the benefit of our visitors (?) was well attended, a good many of the Wichita people being present by virtue of an invitation issued by the ball committee that their “uniforms would be their passports,” but which proved to be a pretext for making a dollar a piece out of them. With the exception of the ball, and the change in the time of starting the Cowley county excursion train, everything passed off splendidly.
We are sorry that our space does not admit of a more extended account of all that transpired. The crowd from Wichita and Wellington was estimated at four thousand.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 8, 1879. Editorial Page.
One of the great needs of Southern Kansas is a law giving the Federal court in this State concurrent jurisdiction over the Indian Territory. The inconvenience arising from transporting criminals from the western part of the Territory to Ft. Smith for trial is too great to protect either the Indian or the white man, and as a consequence, hundreds of outlaws are allowed to go unmolested who would otherwise be brought to speedy justice. The old idea that a judicial district created for territorial interests solely, is to our mind, hardly practical as it would be a jump at civilization that the Indian is not qualified to meet. Such a court would frequently call for a trial of the white man as well as the Indian by jury, and would be simply placing a panel of Indians in a jury box to try the white race. Let's make the attempt to secure the enactment of a law to give Kansas concurrent jurisdiction over the Indian Territory. What say you newspaper men?
Arkansas City Traveler, October 8, 1879.
Dr. Minthorn has purchased a tract of ground of Robert Mitchell, Esq., northwest of town, and is building a residence. The Dr.'s card appears in this issue of the TRAVELER.
Office in A. A. Newman's brick building.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 8, 1879.
The Walker Brothers, who have lately established a cattle ranche on Greasy creek, Indian Territory, have lost all of their hay by fire set out by the Indians. This is one of the greatest troubles of cattle men in the Territory.
Winfield Courier, October 9, 1879.
The S. K. & W. railroad bridge across the Walnut is being pushed forward. It will be 200 feet long, set on three piers.
Winfield Courier, October 9, 1879.
On the 10th, tomorrow, we expect the mails will commence to be carried by railroad. This will give us communications with the outer world practically one day earlier than heretofore.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 15, 1879 - FRONT PAGE.
In Southwestern Kansas.
Railroads are penetrating every section of Southwestern Kansas, and in a few months that beautiful and fertile section of our State will be supplied with abundant transportation facilities. The A. T. & S. F. Co. has completed the extension of its Wichita line to Winfield and to Wellington, and these two roads—which branch near the Sumner county line—are being extended southward from Winfield to Arkansas City. The A. T. & S. F. Co. also has a branch completed from Emporia to Eureka, and this line is being extended through Elk County. The L. L. & G. extension from Independence has been completed to Elk Falls, and grading is progressing westward to the Cowley County line. The St. Louis & San Francisco Road is completed from Oswego to Cherryvale, and graded up the Neosho Valley to Fredonia, Wilson County. Work on the Missouri Pacific from Paola, southwest, is being energetically prosecuted, and this company is evidently determined on building a long line through Kansas. It has secured local aid in Miama, Coffey, and Woodson counties, and now has agents in Greenwood and Butler. The completion of all these lines—and they are all legitimate enterprises—will give Southwestern Kansas the best possible transportation facilities. Champion.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 15, 1879.
We acknowledge the receipt of a complimentary to the military hop, on Thursday night at the City Hotel. Lieutenant Cushman and his detachment are renowned for doing whatever they undertake in the best style, and those who attend will be sure of a good time.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 15, 1879.
The following letter from the Acting Commissioner we publish as interesting reading for those who have held adverse opinions. We are advised that the department will also revoke the order granting the privilege of grazing in the Territory.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 23rd, 1879.
H. D. REESE, Tahlequah, C. N., Indian Territory.
SIR: I am in receipt, by your reference, of a communication to you from J. R. Russell and others asking to be informed whether Cherokees are allowed to live on the Cherokee lands west of the Arkansas river, until it is appropriated for the settlement of other Indians.
In reply I have to inform you that the Cherokees will not be permitted to settle and reside in the country west of 96, known as the Cherokee outlet. Very Respectfully,
E. J. BROOKS, Acting Commissioner.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 15, 1879.
The military captured ten desperadoes last Wednesday at the mouth of the Cimarron river. This makes twenty-two of the outfit that have been captured during the last two weeks.
Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879.
A grand military ball is to be given by Lieutenant Cushman's command at Arkansas City, Thursday evening. Many of our young folks will attend, and we predict that all will have a good time, as Lieutenant Cushman knows how to entertain his guests.
Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879.
The County Commissioners on Monday delivered to Joab Mulvane, the first installment of bonds due the C. S. & F. S. railroad company, amounting to seventy-two thousand dollars, and received in exchange therefor seventy-two shares, of one thousand dollars each, of capital stock of that road.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 22, 1879.
Work on the railroad grade is progressing through the bottom north of town.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 22, 1879.
The crossing on the railroad grade southeast of town is in bad condition and should receive the attention of the dads.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 29, 1879.
Dr. Minthorn's family have arrived and settled in their new home northwest of town near Hon. C. R. Mitchell's. The Dr. is a thorough physician, having graduated at the Jefferson college, Pennsylvania, also at the State Medical University of Iowa. Give him a call when you need a physician and he will render you efficient service.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 29, 1879.
We understand that Dr. H. J. Minthorn has decided to make Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas, his home. In leaving this neighborhood of which he has been a member for over twenty years, and in which he practiced his profession for the past six years, the doctor leaves behind him a large circle of friends, who, while they regret to lose him, wish him a large measure of success in his new field of labor. Having been very successful in his practice as well as in building up a large business, we hope a still wider field of usefulness may be opened to him in his chosen locality. West Branch Local Record.
Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.
The postmaster at Winfield is notified by the Department that the mails from Wichita and the East will be delivered at this office by the railroad on and after the 15th of November. The Stage company will then carry the mail between Winfield and Arkansas City; and Oxford will be supplied direct from Winfield.
The mails will close at 7-1/2 o'clock, p.m., and will be distributed ready for delivery at 7-1/2 a.m.
The postmaster desires to call the attention of the patrons of this office to the fact that the hours for attending to Money Order and registry business are from 8 o'clock, a.m., to 4 o'clock, p.m., and while he is desirous to accommodate at other hours, when possible, it occasions him a large amount of extra work by disarranging the balances of the day in the same manner it would the work of a bank.
Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.
The L., L. & G. branch railroad is progressing rapidly. The track is laid several miles west of Elk Falls, the grading is nearly completed to Winfield. The bridge at Winfield is progressing and grading is being done all along to Oxford.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 12, 1879.
The portion of a company of U. S. troops so long quartered here, received marching orders for Ft. Riley in the fore part of the week, and left for that point. The boys made many acquaintances while here, were orderly and well behaved, and go away with the best wishes of our citizens.
Winfield Courier, November 13, 1879.
The line of the east and west road runs through the north cemetery, and yesterday the association was engaged in removing the bodies from that part of the ground comdemned for railroad purposes.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 19, 1879.
The Indian Territory.
While the question of the relation of the government to, and its dealings with the Indians, seems now at this time to be the all absorbing topic, the most interesting question to the states bordering on the Indian Territory today is to know whether treaties made by a government with its own subjects are to be made a pretext to debar States disconnected from each other by such rights as are claimed by these bands of savages, from that international commerce which it is our just right to claim, and which our people emphatically demand.
Below us in a sister state are inexhaustible beds of coal and some of the finest timber in the world. We have a grain raising section exceeded nowhere in the United States. We demand their products, and they demand ours. At the gateway and ready to connect us is a railway company and railway enterprise. But we are told that we cannot reach this desirable end because certain tribes of Indians hold their lands jointly and the government has agreed not to disturb them.
We hold that all parties protected by this government have yielded up certain rights and claims for the good of all. That a treaty of a government with its own subjects is an anomalous thing at best. That Indians or negroes have no more nor less rights than white men under this government, that if the state backed by the power of the United States, can by force under law, appropriate the land of any man in our state, for the good of the state, and of other states, we have the same right to demand that no people, white or black, have any right to bar our trade and commerce with sister states, whose products we need and who are ready to interchange.
Closing we say the people of this grand valley from the mountains to the mouth of the river demand that an outlet shall be opened from the mountains to the sea, that they may be placed upon the grand trunk line from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and they feel that no location of partially civilized Indians, upon particular bodies of land, is a sufficient excuse for the loss to which they are subject.
Winfield Courier, November 20, 1879.
Notwithstanding the very slow time made, it seems that more passengers come to and leave Winfield on the freight trains, which leave about noon and arrive between 5 and 6 o'clock, p.m., than come and go on the regular passenger and express trains. Some intima-tions have been heard of an intention of the railway company to put on another fast train each way daily to accommodate this travel.
To persons who wish to visit Kansas City and places further east, the present passenger trains are exactly what is wanted, for these trains connect with the trains on the roads further east, but for persons who wish to go to any other part of this state, a train which should leave and arrive 12 hours earlier and 12 hours later, and make the same time, would save much time and money. Knowing well the energy and enterprise of the managers of the Santa Fe railroad, we could readily believe that this improvement will be effected in a reasonable time.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 26, 1879.
Dr. Minthorn intends to go to the Ponca Agency to reside, as he has been employed by Agent Whiteman as physician at that place.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 27, 1879 - Front Page.
Outlaws Captured -- Territory Affairs.
ED. COURIER: Matters in the Territory have quieted down, somewhat, since Major Davis, of I Company of 4th Cavalry, stationed at Ft. Sill, made the raid on the outlaws on the Canadian and mouth of the Cimmaron. One desperate, hard-looking character was caught in the brush on the Canadian, near Johnson's store, and two others not far below. Seven were taken in at the dash at the mouth of the Cimmaron, and two escaped. The whole number, giving their names as Milton M. Lukens, Newton Scrimpshire, Andrew W. Woffard, Clay Collins, Lindsey Collins, James Arcena, Eck Ross, Samuel Ryder, and John W. Wilson, were taken to Fort Sill to await identification.
Lieutenant Patch had his leg crushed by his horse shying against a tree, and it had to be amputated. He is now at Pawnee Agency under treatment of the company surgeon.
Hereintofore these men have terrified the residents of the Territory, and as they represented a strong force, no one man cared to interfere with them, but now that they have been routed, the citizens declare that they shall not come back, and have organized and armed a vigilant committee to see that they do not.
The early burns have sprouted up with fresh green grass in the southern part of the Territory, and stock is doing well on it. King's herd of 1,200 ponies are wintering on Pond Creek, near the stage “ranche.” They will be driven to the Nebraska and Iowa market in the spring. It is a mistake about there being no ponies to be driven from Texas next summer, on account of the low prices in the Kansas market. They have to go. Almost all the water privileges in the state are being fenced up and the stock will have to be thinned out. The Trinity, Brazos, and other streams are almost entirely fenced, as well as all the smaller streams. A good rain fell about Oct. 1st, but not enough to swell the streams to last during the winter. C. M. Scott
Arkansas City Traveler, December 3, 1879.
That Bridge.
ED. TRAVELER. I read with great satisfaction the article in last week's TRAVELER relating to the miserable condition of the bridge across the Arkansas. I have heard consider-able comment in Bolton township on this subject, and we all agree that the TRAVELER has expressed our views on this subject exactly. In reading the Democrat last Saturday I noticed a reply to the TRAVELER article by the trustee of Creswell township that looks more like an effort to vindicate his actions while he has been in office than to show that the bridge is sound and safe, which everybody knows it is not.
Now we are ready to give Walton and Sample due praise for all they have done to keep the old thing upon stilts; but the fact is, all the same, that though scores of teams have daily crossed over without damage, the south span is in a very unsafe condition, and it is the judgment of our best mechanics that it has never been safe since the high water, and is liable to fall most any time.
If the trustee will inquire, he will find that able men as represent the Santa Fe railroad company examined the south span of the bridge and reported that it was in a very unsafe condition for even unloaded wagonsto pass over, and this less than sixty days ago.
Several teams have nearly been killed on the south span by the floor of the bridge springing up when the team would chance to step upon the center, because the middle stringer had rotted and fell out. No longer ago than July last, the trustee acknowledged the unsafe condition of the bridge by nailing to its timbers in large letters “condemned.”
I do not credit the report that “The trustees are opposed to repairing the bridge and want to see it go down because they have interest west of Arkansas City and want to see the principal crossing of the river on that side of the city.” It is my honest judgment that they have done what they could to keep the crazy old thing from plunging into the depths of the river.
If my communication is not already too long, I would like to add that at a late meeting held in this township to consider the railroad question, a very small number were present, neither did the resolutions express the voice of any respectable number of the township.
Frank Lorry, whom everybody knows, has tried with the sweat of his brow for the last five years to tickle himself into some little notoriety, attempted to run the meeting by pawing and bellowing like an old stag. He got the floor and his terrible wrath soon began to kindle into flame, and the way he went for the people over in Creswell township resembled a flea in a flannel shirt. Frank has a voice that growls like muffled thunder, and whenever he strikes out for a foe, he plunges like the male gender of a Texas calf, and bawls for the sweet pap in the public teat. As soon as he is weaned, we shall hear less of him. More Anon.
E. Bolton Township.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 3, 1879.
ED. TRAVELER. The people of Bolton are under obligations to you for calling attention to that old rotten hulk dominated south end of the bridge. Why the trustees of Bolton and Creswell tolerate an old Bender drop like the old bridge is beyond the comprehension of ordinary mortals. The only solution must be, that they need a little coffee money, and can earn it easier by repairs than any other way. Or, are they influenced by hash money from those who haven't any freighting to do and care nothing for the lives, limbs, or property of the citizens of Bolton and Creswell. Continue in your good work until a new bridge is built and the masses will thank you. A. S.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 3, 1879.
East Creswell.
EDITOR TRAVELER. I notice that the TRAVELER is striking at the unsafe condition of our public bridges and while on this subject I would speak a word about the terrible condition of the floor in the Walnut bridge. The people in East Creswell are all obliged to go to town, more or less, and those who pass over the bridge are obliged to dodge around the holes. The people over here would like to see those whose business it is to look after such matters give it close enough attention so that a man of ordinary size can pass over and not fall through. J. T.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 3, 1879.
Welcome, a hundred welcomes, to the Santa Fe railroad company. The construction train has crossed the south bridge at Winfield and is pushing down to our town at the rate of a mile a day. Now is a good time to take steps for a grand celebration in honor of this occasion. Give the railroad officials a hearty welcome and we will receive their friendship in return.
We are advised that an excursion train will pull out soon after the completion of the road to this city and a crowd of people will embrace the opportunity to come down and see what we are doing. Let's show them that we are a live, progressive people, and that we are building a town here with advantages that invite all avocations to come and share with us.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 3, 1879.
It appears that the township trustees can't endure to have the old bridge criticized, and last week, in the patent innards across the street, give the old fraud a health certificate.
The communications to the TRAVELER this week tend to show that those who pass over the bridge, when compelled to come to town, don't have the confidence in it that a democrat always places in a bologna sausage, and hence the difference of opinion.
We feel an interest in the progress and prosperity of this city and whatever tends to render our highways of travel unsafe should be changed for the better. If this city is to be blessed with a large and healthy trade, every avenue leading here must be accessible to the public.
The railroad company propose to make a liberal donation towards building a new span in place of the old one; not because they are under any compulsion, but for the plain reason that it is the only wise policy for corporations that solicit freight and transportation to render the public the best means of reaching them.
We attach no blame to the trustee for trying to make the bridge passable, and no doubt he has done all that any trustee could do; but what we do say is that the railroad company's offer should be made available and those who expect to reap great advantages from the growth of the town should see that the new span is built.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 3, 1879.
There will be a meeting of the citizens of the town on Thursday night, Dec. 4th, at the office of Mitchell & Huey, for the purpose of taking preliminary action to welcome and celebrate the completion of the Santa Fe railroad. Turn out gentlemen and help enthuse.
Winfield Courier, December 4, 1879.
On Monday evening the council passed a resolution instructing the Marshal to close and keep closed the numerous gambling establishments, which have, since the advent of a railroad, sprung up in our midst.
Winfield Courier, December 4, 1879.
Last Sunday morning W. J. Hodges shipped twenty-five car loads of hogs by special train to Kansas City. This is the largest lot of stock ever shipped from Cowley county at one time.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 10, 1879.
Now that the railroad is completed, it is the part of wisdom to open avenues and make tributary to this point every part that can bring trade to our city. A practical route for freight and mail service should be opened in the most direct line from this place to Fort Sill as well as Osage Agency. Much of the road, as now traveled to the Agency, is rough and rocky and several miles indirect. This can be measurably avoided by leaving the line road about ten miles east of Grouse and crossing Beaver creek at a point where the cattle trail crosses the same. From there to Samuel Beveniew's in a southwest direction is an excellent road.
The road the remainder of the way to the Agency could be greatly improved with very little work, and convenience and comfort secured for the outlay. The supplies that go to the Osage are large and are now mostly freighted via Coffeyville. It is to the interest of this town to turn this travel and freight in this direction and we believe, that with a proper showing, it can be done.
Then again take the route to Ft. Sill. A good road should be opened from this place direct to Jones' ranche on the Cimarron. This would intersect the road running south from Caldwell. The surface of the country on this route is smooth; in fact, it can be made a dry divide road, while wood and water is plenty.
This is a subject worth not only discussion, but prompt action.
With the line of railroad to our town we ought to be able to influence the trade and shipment of most of the supplies that reach Ft. Sill.
There is no reason why other towns should come in and take the lions share in this trade while we possess better advantages than they. If our merchants, mechanics, freighters, and businessmen will come together and discuss these questions, we are sure practical work will come of it. Now is the time to awake from the old Rip Van Winkle slumber and take advantage of opportunities. What say you gentlemen, will you do it?
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 10, 1879.
To the Township Board of Bolton Township.
Messrs. W. B. Skinner, Frank Lorry, and all other citizens of Bolton.
From many conversations with you and from the tone of the resolutions and communications published in the newspapers, I am convinced you wish to be relieved of your liabilities of future repairs, and the erection of a new portion to the south end of the bridge.
I have talked to a great many of the citizens of Arkansas City in regard to this bridge controversy, and I am confident that the city will do what is right and that she will at any time you may choose, meet your township board, and any committee you may select, and at said conference agree in regard to the bridge and the cattle drive. I feel sure by taking this course you can save many dollars in future taxes.
I know if Bolton will permit cattle to be driven at all times of the year, on and over the trail to the Arkansas river, during next summer, or so long as Mr. W. B. Strong may so desire, in that event this city will agree to, and will erect anew, that part at the south end where the old part now stands.
Now, gentlemen of Bolton, what say you? Do you wish to get rid of the old bridge? Will you consent to the cattle drive?
There is no use in so much talk and no action. I mean business, and if you mean business, come over, or if you won't come, and wish us to meet you in Bolton, name the time and place, and let's understand ourselves and settle definitely our present and future interests in this matter, and may there be peace on both sides of the turbulent Arkansas river for many days.M. R. LEONARD.
Arkansas City, Dec. 8th, 1879.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 10, 1879.
Bridge Question.
Editor Traveler:
SIR: I have written some articles lately as an official of Cresswell township, which I deemed necessary in justice to Mr. Sample and myself, and now I wish to offer a few words as a citizen of the southern part of the county, in regard to matters in controversy between a portion of the citizens of Bolton township and Arkansas City; matters which say the Winfield papers are representing as very serious indeed, but which I think will be settled without any of their assistance whatever.
I find in a recent issue of the Semi-Weekly a set of resolutions purporting to represent Bolton Township feeling, handed into the paper by Frank Lorry, with the statement that they were refused by the home papers Let us see now as to the action of the home papers. I myself asked Mr. Dewesse, whose name is appended to the resolutions as chairman, about them. And he said he did not know anything about them, and he would not publish them. He did not believe it was the sentiment of Bolton.
Here is a quotation from a recent issue of the TRAVELER, the writer of which I believe to be one of the most prominent in advocating what he believes to be for the best interests of Bolton.
“If my communication is not already too long, I would like to add that a late meeting held in this township to consider the railroad question, a very small number were present, neither did the resolution express the voice of any respectable number of the township.”
Now this gentleman was at the meeting; and if his statement is true, then what shall we think of the man who rushes to Winfield to do his printing.
Now let us say a few words in regard to a square, honest, manly understanding of the differences in this controversy, and then go to work in a square, manly way to settle the questions I would suggest first, that as full a meeting of the citizens of Bolton as can be called together meet at some central point, that a full delegation of the citizens of this city meet with them, and consider every proposition which they have to make. That in the mean-time the work on the road which has been agreed on be thoroughly prosecuted, that the bridge as it stands be put in shape that there can be no possible quibble about danger in passing over it, and immediate measures be inaugurated for one or more new spans as soon as the city can command the ability to accomplish it.
Let a committee of citizens from both townships take into consideration what will be for the best interests of all knowing it is the intention of the city to do all in her power to induce and hold trade.
I am satisfied that the people of Bolton will only insist upon that which they have a right to demand, and which is their just due if they are forced to come to this side of the river with their produce. Am I right, in the language of the great, “let us have peace.”
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 10, 1879.
Editor Traveler:
What has happened? How or when did Winfield learn that we are to have a railroad down here? Listen to the last Courier. “Track laying on the extension to Arkansas City has commenced, etc.” Why, dear friends, over in Winfield, let us tell you that this railroad started from Wichita to come here and never intended to make anything but a way station of your town, and it was always intended that this city should be the terminus of the road, for a time at least.
To all our Winfield friends we extend an invitation to embrace the first opportunity to visit our beautiful city, and see what a live place it is. We hope none of you will be discouraged thereby, and cease your efforts to build up your own town, because in a few years at farthest, we expect to take you in as one of the suburbs of our growing city. Do not relax your efforts a particle, and then when we are all united in one grand city, you can congratulate yourselves that you did something toward building up the grand city of the southwest.
It is already said you are so wealthy and take such an interest in Bolton township that you have offered to assist the railroad company to build through that township to the state line. No doubt these are slanderous reports gotten up to injure you, but a few men of Bolton have become so excited over the idea of having a railroad in the township that there is a danger that they will do something desperate while under the impression that Winfield will foot all bills. These excited citizens do not wait to consider the impracticability of having cattle pens two or three miles from water, as well as some other bad features in the matter. They ought to know at once that you will not be accountable, peculiarly, for any further trouble or expense and all the world may know that the terminus of the railroad is at Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 10, 1879.
At a bridge meeting held at Spring Side school house, it was resolved that our trustee be requested not to expend any more money on the old part of the bridge, as said bridge is regarded as unsafe and in an unsound condition.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 10, 1879.
The track has been laid south of Winfield towards Arkansas City on the Santa Fe railroad, and will be completed to the terminus about the holidays, as it has only about six miles remaining to be laid.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 10, 1879.
The mechanics are hard at work building the depot, and it will be finished about the 25th. The building is 20 feet by 80, or the same size of those at Wellington and Winfield. The tool house for the section hands is completed.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 10, 1879.
Kansas has 78 townships along the Indian Territory, and measures 468 miles long. It has 25 townships east of the 6th principal meridian and 43 west of it. Arkansas City is four miles west of the 97th meridian and 3 ranges or 18 miles east of the 6th principal meridian.
Camp Supply is 150 miles west of Arkansas City and 36 miles south, or 186 miles distant. It is situated between Wolf and Beaver creeks that make the head of the North Canadian.
Fort Cantonment is ten townships south and sixteen townships west, or one hundred and fifty-six miles distant from Arkansas City.
Fort Reno is 130 miles southwest.
Arkansas City is the supply point for 14,342 Indians, besides the U. S. soldiers at different forts, and the cattlemen and cowboys of the Territory.
Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.
Capt. C. M. Scott returned from an extended trip in the Territory last Thursday. The adventures which the Captain encounters during these scouts would make an interesting novel.
Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.
The trackmen on the A., T. & S. F. are laying rail toward Arkansas City at the rate of a mile a day, Sunday including. They expect to run into the depot at that place by the 15th inst.
Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.
At a business meeting of the “Winfield Rifles,” last Friday evening, a uniform was adopted and committees appointed to make arrangements for a grand ball to be given under the auspices of the company on Christmas night.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 17, 1879.
At a meeting in Bolton township last Friday night, Deacon Skinner introduced resolu-tions that were adopted, whitewashing the action of Frank Lorry on railroad questions, and appointing a committee of conference to consult with citizens of Cresswell township relative to the policy to be passed towards the bridge and other business as may be important to both townships.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 17, 1879.
It is a very common occurrence for men who commit crime in Kansas to make their escape into the Indian Territory. Having reached there, they claim immunity from punishment and are ready for a life of the outlaw. Many of these charmers are secluded in the western part of the Territory, though by far the greater number are making homes among the natives of the Five Nations.
If an intelligent observer should travel through that part of the Territory lying East of the 96 degree of longitude he will be struck with the large number of white population claiming rights in the Territory by virtue of various concessions. Scores of white men are there without authority from the general Government, but claim protection under the local laws of the tribes, prescribing citizenship to those who intermarry with the Indian.
Now, the white race can well afford to spare those who, as a general rule, from choice, adopt the domestic relations of an inferior race, but does the Indian derive any advantage thereby? What can be the scale of society for generations to come that has for its progenitors a vagrant vicious class? It has long been the policy of the Government to keep the Territory intact from the grasp of the white man, but during the elapse of time, he has gone in by stealth, and this element now enacts the local laws of the most important tribes.
The criminal records of the Federal court at Fort Smith bear testimony that more crimes are committed within the territory than can be brought to trial at that renowned bar of justice. No thoughtful man will presume that left to itself, the present condition of things will improve in the Indian Territory. The reader will ask, Is there a remedy for these evils? We believe so. If Congress should pass an act to open this Territory to the actual settler, the problem would soon be solved. But, say some, “This would be doing injustice to the Indian; we can't afford to break faith with the red man; he is our ward and entitled to our protection.” This is pretty logic provided it does no violence to the rights of the white race. We confess that we are of the brotherhood who believe that the white man is as good as any, and entitled to some rights as well as the Indian. We search in vain for authority in the organic law of this government to make treaty with Indian tribes. If the Indian is solely the ward of this government, by what right is he clothed with the importance of a Foreign power and treaties ratified for his special benefit? But if Congress can never get ready to open the Territory to the actual settler, justice to the citizens of Kansas demands that an act be passed prescribing to the Federal Courts of this district concurrent jurisdiction over the Indian Territory.
The large influx of population into southwest Kansas for the last two years will demand, at least, an annual session of the Federal Court on the southern border of the State; and with the Territory attached to this judicial district, no locality offers as many advantages for the business of a Federal Court as Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 17, 1879.
C. C. Carpenter is in St. Louis trying to revive the Oklahoma boom. Those who were so badly sold on this question last spring will be slow to repeat the experiment just now.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 17, 1879.
Lieut. Cushman's ankle was dislocated at Fort Garland, Colorado, and he will return to Fort Riley to remain during the winter.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 17, 1879.
The Santa Fe Railroad.
The Chicago Tribune says, on the authority of Mr. W. B. Strong, vice-president and general manager of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad, who has been in this city during the last few days, we are enabled to say that the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe will within two years from now not only have one line to the Pacific coast, but three, and all attempts of Gould to thwart them in their designs can no longer be of any avail.
The reports that the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe has succeeded in wrestling the St. Louis & San Francisco railroad from the clutches of Gould are confirmed by Mr. Strong. An arrangement has been perfected by which the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad company gets a half interest in the old charter of the Atchison and Pacific railroad, known as the thirty-fifth parallelogram, owned by the St. Louis and San Francisco, and to which a large and valuable land grant is attached.
The two roads will build jointly on this charter from the main line of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railroad at Albuquerque, due west to Los Angeles, and thence north to San Francisco, and the track will be owned jointly by both roads.
The line has been surveyed, and there are no obstacles in the way of this speedy completion. Work is to be commenced at once, and will be pushed forward with all possible speed and energy, and it is expected to have it completed and in running order within two years from date. This line to the Pacific will be considerably shorter than the Union Pacific, and, as it runs through a more southern latitude, will not be blockaded by snow during the winter, but will be in good working order all the year round. Leavenworth Press.
Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.
It is expected that the railroad track will be laid into Arkansas City next week.
Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.
On last Friday eighteen car loads of wheat were shipped from Winfield station.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 24, 1879.
The Railroad is Completed.
The last rail that connects Arkansas City with other railroad towns was laid yesterday [December 23, 1879].
Come, ye who seek new homes, to this promised land. Here you will find a rich soil, good climate, intelligent people, excellent schools, orthodox churches, and stalwart republicans. What more can you wish below the clouds?
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 24, 1879.
W. P. Adair, big little chief of the Cherokee nation, is on the war path against any move-ment towards opening to the actual settler the Indian Territory. He has a large stock of cheap talk and prates about the terrible scenes that will follow the consummation of such an act. He is reported as saying that “The different tribes in the Territory can muster, for actual warfare, 15,000 bucks and that he very much doubts the ability of the United States army to conquer them.”
Adair was a cheap Colonel of bushwhackers during the late unpleasantness and the prowess he exhibits should be viewed from that standpoint. When he talks about the terrible scenes of bloodshed on the border adjoining the States that would follow in case of rupture, he proves his status for real intelligence, to be but a small fractional part of man.
The TRAVELER expresses the opinion of thousands, when it says to W. P. Adair that the present status of the Indian Territory cannot long exist, and that it only remains for Congress to say when the white man may enter there. Whenever that time arrives, the white race will ask no standing army to give protection, but a half dozen counties on the border will volunteer to settle the question in less time than required to mature a bank note. Adair, no doubt, forms his judgment of the fighting capacity of the white race from the late Indian wars with the General Government. This estimate is good for nothing as the Government has generally seen fit to send only squads of soldiers against Indian warfare.
The Creek Indians possess a reservation one hundred miles square, and their numbers nearly equal those of the largest tribes. Yet that nation today is governed by the negro element, while the native is largely in the minority. If we cross the line into the Cherokee reservation we find the full blood, or Pin Indian, and the half breed as opposing parties.
The treaty of 1866 galvanized the rebel Indian, who was generally a half-breed, and restored him to equality, with the full-blood. Each party is extremely jealous of the other, and with a large fund in the U. S. Treasury to stimulate sordid action, a constant strife is maintained.
It has been a custom with the Cherokees for several years to send to Washington a delegation to represent the party in power in their government with full authority to draw exorbitant pay, drink rot gut, and grow fat. Our exchanges announce that W. P. Adair has gone to Washington with a delegation to resist the encroachments of the white man. Sift this statement to the naked fact and it simply means that the delegation have gone to Washington to feather their nest with the school fund. Surely, no congressmen will be bulldozed with the threat of 15,000 Indian warriors on our border, while no community in this latitude will allow its equilibrium to be disturbed with such childish prattle. The day has at last dawned when the white man is as good as the red man, and he will not peaceably submit to be pushed aside and deprived of a home, while the public domain is given to the Indian.
A just and ready solution to this Indian problem is reached by giving to each member of a tribe 160 acres in severalty, with the power to convey until the lapse of one generation. Clothe him with the responsibility of a citizen and give him the privilege of the elective franchise as contingent with his knowledge of the elementary branches of education, and then teach him that “He who toils not, neither shall he reap,” and civilization will soon follow.
Winfield Courier, December 25, 1879.
The railroad has reached Arkansas City. We congratulate our wide awake friends of the seaport. By the way, cannot we have a celebration and go down there and help our neighbors shout.
Winfield Courier, December 25, 1879.
The military ball to be given ty the Winfield Rifles, at the Opera House New Year's Eve, promises to be a grand affair. The committee are sparing no pains to make it a success.
Winfield Courier, January 1, 1880.
Last Tuesday the C. S. & F. S. railroad company received its second installment of Cowley county bonds, $50,000, the amount due on the completion of the road to Arkansas City. This makes the total amount issued to that company $128,000.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1880.
Buyers have commenced to ship hogs via the railroad and this is a great improvement over the old way of driving.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1880.
On every side can be seen new life and the evidence of prosperity in Arkansas City. A town is building here at the terminus of the Cowley, Sumner, and Ft. Smith Rail Road and no matter what rival localities may say, just come and see for yourself.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1880.
The passenger train is crowded with people since the completion of the Road to Arkansas City. Farms are changing hands and large preparations are going forward to open new farms and to put more land in cultivation. Roll in, now is the time to improve the opportunity.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1880.
An editor in Winfield has been so long without a square meal that he howls piteously for the people of Arkansas City to get up a railroad excursion and invite him down to the terminus. Come down, Bro. Allison, we will stuff your belly, and then you will feel friendly, won't you?
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1880.
Eight thousand head of stock cattle are to be furnished the Indians in the Indian Territory by the Government the coming season.
Winfield Courier, January 8, 1880.
New Year's eve the Winfield Rifles held their first grand military ball, which was even more successful than the most sanguine of the members anticipated. The hall was tastefully decorated with flags, with the stage arranged to represent a company encampment. The crowd in attendance was immense, over a hundred tickets being sold.
At 12 o'clock an election for “Daughter of the Regiment” was announced, which was the most exciting feature of the evening. Five ladies were placed in nomination, and after a lively contest of half an hour, the friends of Miss Clara Brass carried the day and their favorite was declared “Daughter of the Regiment.” The receipts of the entertainment amounted to two hundred dollars.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1880.
The A., T. & S. F. railroad company commenced running trains to Arkansas City regu-larly yesterday. This recalls the time when, a few years since, a delegation of pioneers, prominent among whom were Profs. Kellogg and Norton, started from this place to locate a “future great city” somewhere in the Southwest. Arkansas City is the outgrowth of this enterprise, and we are pleased to believe it is destined to be a leading city of Southern Kansas. Emporia News. [Date not given by Emporia paper.]
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1880. Editorial Page.
The Territory of Oklahoma.
Washington, Jan. 15. The Senate Committee on Territories, some days ago, referred to a sub-committee, composed of Senators Vest, Butler, and Logan, the question of the organization of the Indian Territory into a Territorial Government. The sub-committee, after several sessions, directed Senator Vest to prepare a bill providing for the establishment of the Territory of Oklahoma, and the appointment by the President of the usual Territorial officers. The legislative branch of the proposed Territorial Government is to consist of the Council of thirteen members and the house of twenty-six. Representatives are appointed among the several tribes according to the number of qualified voters. Any male Indian twenty-one years of age, who has adopted the customs of civilized life, will be entitled to vote. Lands are to be surveyed, and each person who is a member of a tribe occupying a reservation within the limits of the Territory is entitled to a homestead of 160 acres. Adults can select their own homesteads, and minors by their guardians. The alienation of homesteads is prohibited for twenty years. For an Indian to become a citizen he must be a resident of the United States for five years, a resident of the Territory, and have a good moral character for two years. Such Indians are to be paid the cash value in proportion of the funds of the tribe held in trust by the United States, and the bill also repeals all acts granting lands in the Territory to railroads upon the extinguishment of the Indian title, and sections 16 and 36 are reserved for school purposes. The sub-committee, and, in fact, the full committee, are very doubtful as to the right of Congress to dispossess the Indians of their lands, and they will so frame their bill as to prevent those objections which the Indian tribes within the Territory have hitherto made against the organization of a Territorial form of government, and will endeavor to protect them in their rights by every means within the power of Congress.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1880.
The readers of the TRAVELER who reside on the border will read with interest the status of the bill introduced in Congress for the organization of the Territory of Oklahoma. Several of our exchanges from more northern localities question the wisdom of opening the Indian Territory to settlement, though in this opinion we do not share. With the Territory organized for settlement, our farmers would find an excellent market for their produce, and our towns on the border would receive trade and activity that nothing else can supply. We think it a very selfish view that excludes from settlement a Territory simply because it may drain from localities some of its population. Senator Vest, who introduced this bill, is a Missouri Democrat, and if his party, in Congress, thinks they can gain any political advantage by organizing the Territory for settlement, we feel certain that it will be done before the first day of June. As a party measure it must be utilized before the fall campaign or it will be forever lost to the Democratic party. Momento mori.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1880.
Selling Arms to Indians.
Congressman Beltzhoover has introduced a bill in the House to prevent and punish the sale of arms and ammunition to uncivilized Indians. The measure should be passed without any opposition. More than half of our Indian troubles may be directly attributed to the fact that the Government has heretofore taken no effective steps to prevent the sale of arms and fixed ammunition to savage tribes. The law as it stands prohibits the sale of rifles and cartridges upon the reservations and to hostile tribes while waging war; but even this vague and unsatisfactory law is not executed. In the neighborhood of every reservation there are dealers in arms at all times ready to supply the largest demands of the Indians. The trade is exceedingly profitable, the purchasers usually paying enormous prices in valuable furs for their guns and ammunition.
The officers of the Interior Department know that this traffic is being carried on continually, and it is not unlikely that some of them are permitted to share in its profits as a reward for permitting sales on the reservations. Secretary Schurz maintains that he has no sufficient authority to drive the traders off, and we do not doubt that he is right, though we are far from certain that he would interfere if he could.
The army has no power to meddle with the business. It is inconceivable why this condition of affairs should have been permitted to continue so long; to permit it to continue longer would be little less than criminal. In one sense it is rather late in the day to interfere, because there is hardly an able-bodied savage Indian in the West who is not at present supplied with a small arsenal of the most destructive arms known to modern science.
During the Sioux war two years ago, the red warriors were better armed than the soldiers sent against them. The Utes engaged in the Thornburgh massacre all carried long-range Winchester rifles and an endless supply of metallic cartridges; while the soldiers had only carbines—good arms at close range, but no match for the superior rifles in the hands of their savage foes. It would not be easy to take their trusty breech-loaders away from the Indians, but they might be rendered practically harmless by the enactment and strict enforcement of a well-digested law to prevent and punish the sale of any more fixed ammunition to the uncivilized tribes, either on or off their reservations. Of course, the sale of arms should also be prevented in the same manner.
No civilized Government would think for a moment of permitting the inmates of its penitentiaries and insane asylums to arm themselves with repeating rifles. The savages of the West are even more dangerous to the peace and safety of their civilized neighbors than the same number of convicts and lunatics would be, and the risk of permitting them to be armed with the most approved weapons of modern warfare is far greater.
The Indian traders and sentimentalists of the East will reply that the savages maintain themselves largely by hunting and that they must have arms or die of starvation. This argument should have no weight with any person possessed of common sense. No hunter, either white or red, needs a Winchester rifle in pursuit of game. White hunters do not use that arm at all. It is made for war and not for sport. If the Indians must be permitted to equip themselves for the hunting field, they should be limited in their choice of arms to the shot-gun and the ordinary hunting rifle of small caliber and short range. Their fathers got along very well with bows and arrows, and we have yet to learn that game is more difficult to kill now than it was 50 or 100 years ago. As a matter of fact, the Indians do not buy Winchesters and fixed ammunition for the chase. They do buy both for the purpose of making war upon their white neighbors and the army. They never think of taking the war path until they have purchased a sufficient supply of rifles and cartridges to enable them to carry on a long campaign. For months before the last Ute outbreak the traders who deal with that tribe did a rushing business in the sale of arms and ammunition. They made a great deal of money, and, of course, they will use what influence they have at Washington to prevent the passage of Mr. Beltzhoover's bill. In this they will be aided by the traders who deal with other tribes, but they ought not to have any weight with Congress. Surely if the Government is able to prevent the sale of liquor to the Indians, it can also stop the traffic in arms and ammunition.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1880. Front Page.
ED. COURIER: I have noticed in some of my papers lately, articles written in favor of organizing the Indian Territory into a territory like the other territories of Uncle Sam's domain. It seems to me, and no doubt to thousands of others, that this would be a step in the right direction. Here we have a vast extent of the finest country within the limits of the United States, given over to a pack of landless vagabonds. A country surpassing in the beauty of the climate, the fertility of its soil, and in general features, any State in the federal union, or in the world, abandoned and turned over to make hunting grounds for a few lazy savages. Let us take into consideration the extent of this magnificent country, reveling in the luxuriousness of a semi-tropical climate, and see if there are not homes for every Indian old enough to need one.
The Indian Territory contains 68,991 square miles, or 44,154,240 acres, a larger area, by 410,520 acres than the six New England States together.
The population of the Territory was, in 1870, 68,152.
We find by division, that there are in the Territory 276,964 farms of 160 acres each, or 633 acres for every man, woman, and child in it. Just think of it! 633 acres of the finest land in the world parceled out to one Indian, and you without a foot that you can call your own.
How long is this going to last?
Just so long as the people will let it.
Why not give each Indian 80 acres of land for a home, and let him live on it, or die on it, just as he likes.
There is no provision made to feed and clothe a white man. It seems to us that he must do this himself, or, like the Dutchman's horse, he will die; or, like the man in Winfield, he will be kicked out of doors to lie in the cold, sick or well.
We say, let each Indian have a deed of 80 acres of land; let him make of it a home, just the same as thousands of white people have done and are doing. Do this, and still there are 38,702,080 acres left which might be thrown open for settlement.
The Territory as it is now is a great curse to the law-abiding citizens of the five states which join it. Robbers, cutthroats, and outlaws of all kinds, after committing deviltries of every description in the adjoining states, find a safe and convenient retreat in the territory. It is really the house of a vast number of plug-uglies, thugs, sharpers, swindlers, murderers, and horse-thieves, of every grade and color.
Now if we were telling a lie about this, I would say, hang us for it, but everyone knows that we are telling the unvarnished truth.
I hope someone else will come out on this subject, for or against; let us have the sentiment of the people all around. Remember that a white man must work or die.
Only a few days ago an old man in Wisconsin was taken up as a tramp simply because he was walking along the public highway. That was the only reason the man could give, when asked what he was doing. He was old and careworn. The cold winds of many a hard winter had blown over his poor old head, and had helped to silver his hair. Yes, he was somebody's grandpa, too, very likely, but the merciless tramp-law of that state condemned the innocent old man to be taken to Madison. The rough usage on the road, combined with the cold weather, was too much for the old man. So he died! Oh! What a lasting disgrace this is to the law-making body of Wisconsin! May the curse of Almighty God be on such a law as that, is my prayer; but then, he was a white man, you know. He had $12.00 in his pocket, which was found after his death. The idiots did not have sense enough to ask the old man his condition.
Had he been an Indian he would have been taken in, sheltered, and fed, and sent on his way.
Now, I am not writing this because I hate the Indian. On the contrary, I respect him. But then, I certainly think the white man is as good as an Indian, but the way they are treated now (that is to say, the way the government intends to treat them), I think it a fine thing to be an Indian. Yes, it looks as if they were getting royalty paid them for being Indians. I am certain they would be in far better condition, in a short time, than they are now, were they given this land and made to stay on it, the same as they are on the reservations; then that infernal big fraud and swindle, the Indian Department, would be dead, DEAD! DEAD!!
Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.
The office of the engineer of the S. K. & W. railroad has been established in the old Winfield Bank Building. This road has reached Burden, and the track-layers are pushing this way at the rate of a mile a day.
Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.
A meeting was held at Manning's Hall last Wednesday evening to consider a memorial to Congress asking that a right of way for a railroad be granted through the Indian Territory from Arkansas City to Fort Smith.
Mayor Lynn was called to chair and J. E. Conklin chosen secretary.
A committee, consisting of C. C. Black, C. Coldwell, W. R. Davis, J. L. Horning, and M. L. Robinson, was appointed to prepare a memorial.
Senator Hewson, of Memphis, addressed the meeting, stating the advantages and impor-ance to this section of the country of such a road.
The committee reported a memorial as follows, which was adopted, and the committee instructed to procure signatures and forward.
“The undersigned citizens of Cowley county, in the state of Kansas, would respectfully represent, that this county and the adjacent counties of Kansas are producers of corn, wheat, oats, hay, hogs, and cattle; and that they have large quantities of the commodities named, over and above their own requirements for market; but on account of the present condition of things they are cut off and deprived of their proper and legitimate markets, which should be Memphis, Tennessee; New Orleans, Louisiana; and Little Rock, Arkansas; and the cities and country adjacent to said city. We would further show that our country is almost wholly destitute of timber, while in the state of Arkansas, only a short distance away, there is a superabundance wasting for want of transportation.
We would further show that by building a line of railroad from the line of Kansas at or near Arkansas City, to Fort Smith in the state of Arkansas, relief from all difficulties stated would be obviated.
We would further show that on the 17th day of Dec., 1879, the Hon. H. C. Young of Tennessee, introduced House bill 3032, in which the right of way and charter for said railroad is asked and provided for, and we respectfully request the said bill be enacted into a law and the company or body corporate thereby created be authorized to build a line of railroad and telegraph upon such terms and limitations as Congress may in its wisdom provide.
And we especially solicit and request the support and influence of the Representatives and Senators from the state of Kansas and our sister states, in prefecting and passing this bill.
All of which is most respectfully submitted.”
Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.
The importance to our section of a railroad down the Arkansas river to connect with the Southern railroads at Fort Smith cannot be overestimated. The millers of Little Rock and other cities below want our wheat, and have been paying ten cents a bushel above St. Louis prices. With a railroad connection direct the cost of transportation would be ten to fifteen cents less than it is to St. Louis, and our farmers would get hundreds of thousands of dollars more for their wheat than they would otherwise. Again, our corn, oats, and pork are wanted in the South, and we want their sugar and other products. We now have to pay transportation on all these in the circuitous routes by way of Kansas City and St. Louis, and the difference in freights would be a fortune to our farmers.
The measure proposed is in the right direction, but what should be done is the enactment of a general law of Congress providing for means of procuring right of way for any railroad through the Territory in any part or direction.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 28, 1880. Front Page.
We have been informed since our last issue that Congressman Ryan has a bill already before Congress for a general right-of-way through the Indian Territory, not giving it to any particular company or any particular set of men, and we learn further that the Memphis, Little Rock and Fort Smith road belongs to a Boston company, same as also the A. T. & S. F., and whenever the right-of-way is granted the two companies stand ready to commence at both sides of the Territory and push a road rapidly through it. Eagle.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1880. Editorial Page.
We have a long list of subscribers to a petition asking Congress to create for the Indian Territory an organized government; and all who believe that the Territory should be open to the actual settler, and have not already signed the petition, we hope will come forward promptly and do so.
We wish to return the petition to the committee which drafted it, in a very few days, and right now is just the time to sign it.
Dispatches from Washington report that large parties in Southwestern Kansas are now organized with a view to invade the Territory without the authority of law. Now, while we are emphatic in our opinion that this Territory should be organized for white settlement, and that the question cannot long remain in suspense, we are equally positive that it is unpolitic and unwise to attempt to force the question by squatter sovereignty. We hope that no reader of the Traveler will take it upon himself to organize the Territory for his particular benefit.
Await the action of Congress and do nothing but what the law will sanction. This is the only wise course, and those who pursue it will always be found on the right side.
We have also a petition to Congress asking for the right-of-way to a railway company from Arkansas City to Fort Smith, and we hope our people will give it their endorsement.
If Congress declines to give the Territory an organized government, then the right-of-way to a railroad from here to Fort Smith is the next best outlook, and will add greatly to the general prosperity.
The view promulgated by some that “as this is now the terminus, we should do every-thing possible to keep it so,” is too narrow for a progressive age and, we believe, will fail to receive general endorsement.
A grand trunk line spanning the Territory and connecting Arkansas City with a southern outlet is the aim indispensable to a bright future. We can't remain a town on a bob tail while we see before us the prospect of a live city on a Grand Trunk, reaching from the Pacific into all parts of the South. Let's sign the petition.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1880.
Mr. Thomes, of the Santa Fe Engineer Corps, and C. M. Scott, of this city, left here on Sunday last on a tour of observation through the Territory to Fort Smith in the interest of the railroad company.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1880.
Three U. S. Marshals were in town on Monday last, hunting for parties to put in an appearance at the Fort Smith Federal Court.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1880.
Fort Reno, Indian Territory, January 18, 1880. Paymaster Broodhead, U. S. A., arrived here on the 15th inst. On the 16th a circular was issued from post headquarters announcing that the troops would be paid on the 17th, commencing at 9 o'clock a.m. Promptly at the hour one of these companies was marched to the Adjutant's office, but after waiting some time, was marched back without being paid, and it was whispered that “something was wrong.” Soon the rumors flew thick and fast that “the paymaster had been robbed.” The amount was variously stated at from $500 to $26,000. No payment was made, and it was evident that something indeed was very much wrong. The telegraph was soon flashing the news to department headquarters at Fort Leavenworth; but none, of course, of the outsiders knew just what was the matter. This morning it is stated by those who are presumed to know that the paymaster's safe was robbed of something over $20,000 while in transit from Leavenworth to this place.
It is stated that a board of officers was assembled yesterday, by authority of the Post Commander, Col. Beaumont, to take such measures as were necessary. The aid of our photographer was also invoked, and a number of negatives of the unlucky safe were taken.
There is a general feeling of sympathy for Major Broodhead; but we of the rank and file suppose that he will not be required to make any part of the loss good. Nevertheless, it must result in great and vexatious inconvenience to him. Times.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1880. Editorial Page.
We have received information that Patterson & Bros. will drive nineteen thousand head of cattle from Western Texas to Arkansas City for shipment the coming season. The country south and southwest of this has an unlimited range of excellent grass, while the supply of good, fresh water is ample. We are satisfied that if the cattlemen in Western Texas examine the route to Arkansas City, and the many advantages it has over other points, that the large herds will be driven to these stock yards. The railroad company have looked at this matter closely, and have built on the banks of the Arkansas large and substantial yards for the accommodation of the stock men.
Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.
“The excursion to Wichita by the Winfield Rifles last Thursday evening passed off very pleasantly, barring a few hard characters, not belonging to the company, who got too much liquor aboard. The two coaches chartered by the company were comfortably filled by about 100 ladies and gentlemen. At the Wichita depot the Rifles were met by the Wichita Guards and were escorted to their armory where they stacked arms and dispersed to the various hotels for supper. The Tremont House seemeed to be the favorite with the boys, and A. N. Deming was compelled to enlarge his culinary department to accommodate them.
“After supper, in company with Frank Smith, of the Beacon, we took in the town, visiting the principal business houses, and finally bringing up at the Opera House, the pride and glory of Wichita, which is truly a magnificent building. The building is one-story, with very high ceilings, and will seat about 1,000 people. It has a gallery running about half-way around the building, and a large vestibule with box offices and waiting rooms complete. Last but not least is the stage, which is 40 x 60, and has been furnished regardless of cost. The scenery and fixtures will compare favorably with that of any theatre west of the Mississippi.
“The drama of the ‘Union Spy,’ by the Wichita Guards, was simply immense. We had heard the piece spoken of highly by those who had seen it, but our anticipations were surpassed by the reality of the play. Judge Campbell as ‘Albert Morton,’ in Andersonville prison, brought tears to the eyes of most of the audience, and even Krets, of the Telegram, was suspiciously handy with his pocket-handerchief.
“One of the Winfield boys, who had been through Libby prison, excused this unmanly condition by saying: ‘If you-you'd a b-b-been there like I was, y-y-you'd a cri-cried, too.’ At half-past twelve the train started homeward, and the time was passed very pleasantly in the ladies’ car, with music and singing. Special credit is due Conductor Siverd, of the A. T. & S. F. for his accommodating manners and gentlemanly conduct during the trip, and also the Southwestern Stage Co., which furnished free transportation to and from the depot.”
Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.
The S. K. & W. railroad company has appointed Mr. Carruthers station agent at this place. Mr. Carruthers was formerly in the employ of the Fort Scott & Gulf railroad, and is a thorough railroad man.
Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.
The second railroad will reach us next week, and about that time will come a new crop of land-lookers and homeseekers from the more eastern states. Gen. A. H. Green is preparing for a brisk campaign in the land broker business, and will doubtless sell out his stock of farms readily and want more. He will take a few more farms to sell. Call soon.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1880.
Oklahoma Again.
The Kansas City Journal says: Our Washington specials yesterday gave the information that the President had been informed that another “invasion” of the Indian Territory was contemplated in the spring, and that they were assured the military would receive orders to guard against it. Of course, the Executive cannot do otherwise, for as long as the law is there, it must be enforced.
We do not know on what grounds this complaint is made, but we see in the circumstance only additional reasons for the speedy passage of the bill organizing a territorial government. Affairs have reached that point when troops will have to be sent every year until bye and bye it will assume such dimensions that military interference will be impractical.
We notice petitions circulating praying for the passage of a law organizing the Territory. This is a better way than by raids, for it is perfectly legal and proper. Public policy cannot always be based upon abstract ideas of right and wrong in practical affairs—and that is the state of the Indian Territory question. The practical thing in this case is that all our history from the time of the Puritans and Penn to the Ute troubles, the white man and his methods have come in conflict with the red man and his modes of life. And it is whether one shall stop at an imaginary line, or the other shall conform to the inevitable. It is but one illustration of the law of the survival of the fittest—strongest.
The government cannot afford to maintain this uneasy and lawless condition of affairs. It is lawless in one sense, but then it arises from a perfectly legitimate impulse—the subduing of the earth and cultivating it—which is the fundamental duty of civilization. John Quincy Adams laid down the rule that the earth was given in usufruct to man, and he who tilled it had the right to it, and we have never seen a better title urged.
The Indian Territory has a history that few men today, even our best statesmen, know of or think of. It is one of the earliest fruits of the old slavery question, or the struggle between North and South, and is the fruit of northern victory.
When the Indians were to be removed west of the Mississippi, it was proposed to locate them further north, and had Mr. Calhoun and his partisans succeeded, Iowa and Nebraska would have been dedicated “to the pupilage of the red man,” and appropriated to the use of an Indian museum. But he was defeated, and the Indian Territory was the result.
One of the most remarkable and far-seeing speeches in view of subsequent events that we ever read was delivered on this subject by Samuel F. Vinton, of Ohio, in which it was discussed as a sectional movement on the part of Calhoun to shut out the growth of the free States to the west, and secure the outlet clear for the slave States. It is more than thirty years since we read that speech, but its position and its foresight have been remarkably vindicated.
And now the question returns again, but in a form in which freedom alone is interested—in the work of opening it up to the natural forces of free labor and as homes for men who want to plant there the foundation of a great free State. Congress cannot much longer ignore it, for it is not now a mere question of aboriginal rights, but whether it is to be a barrier to the healthy progress to natural development, in which the legitimate outgrowth of civilization is to be checked and restrained by mere military force—for practically that is the situation today.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1880.
Vest's Oklahoma Bill.
[Special to the Kansas City Times.]
WASHINGTON, Feb. 4. Congressman Frost thinks the House Committee on Territories, of which he is a member, will adopt the Vest Oklahoma bill.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1880. Editorial Page.
The Railway Route to Fort Smith.
Editor Traveler: I have been repeatedly asked since my return regarding the practicability of a railroad route from Arkansas City to Fort Smith, Arkansas, the present terminus of the Little Rock and Ft. Smith railway.
On the 25th of January in company with Mr. John E. Thomes, civil engineer of the A. T. & S. F. railway, we proceeded on horseback to Kaw Agency, a distance of about twenty-five miles, following the Arkansas river to within three miles of the Agency, then crossing through a draw from the Arkansas to Beaver creek; thence down Salt creek about fifteen miles, and up another draw into Hominy creek, then down the latter stream to where it empties into Bird creek, then down Bird creek to the Verdigris river, and down to the Arkansas to Ft. Gibson, a distance of one hundred and ninety miles. On Bird creek and the Verdigris river many bends of the streams were cut off, passing over smooth, high prairie, at an elevation of not more than thirteen hundred feet above the level of the sea, and not to exceed a fifty foot grade.
Along the route was some of the finest farming lands we ever saw; especially in the Verdigris valley, which is frequently more than three miles in width.
The people of Fort Gibson were very anxious to have the road built, and manifested great willingness to take hold of the matter.
Along Bird creek walnut lumber was being cut and sawed to ship to Chicago, for which the contractors were paying $1 per thousand feet in the tree. They could load on about 7,000 feet on one car, and it is said they receive $80 per thousand in Chicago for it. Corn was $1 per bushel at Gibson and it was expected to be $1.50 before corn time next year.
Some of the Cherokees and Creeks were in favor of a railroad while the majority were opposed to it.
Another very good route could be made crossing the Arkansas at this place, then cross back near Kaw Agency, and down from the head of Bird creek by way of Osage Agency. This would necessitate two bridges across the Arkansas at a cost of $20,000, and following the Bird creek valley would make the road a crooked one. C. M. SCOTT.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1880.
C. M. Scott has returned from his trip to Ft. Gibson. He reports that a practical route for a railway through the Territory was found, and now the chief difficulty that exists in the way of connecting us with Ft. Smith is the want of proper legislation in Congress on the subject.
Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.
In the House proceedings of the 5th, we find the following.
Mr. Ryan presented a petition from 1,000 citizens of his State in favor of granting the great lines of railways which are constructed or may hereafter be constructed near the Indian Territory, the right of way through that country. The petitioners here state that they are willing the territory should remain a home for the Indians, but they ask that it should no longer be an obstruction to the commerce between the different States and Territories. The petition was referred to the committee on railways and canals.
Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.
Monday evening the track-layers of the S. K. & W. reached the depot at this place, and Tuesday morning the boarding cars were moved down and placed on the switch. The completion of this road will completely settle the chronic croakers who have been so fearful about the future of Winfield. With a direct outlet to Kansas City or St. Louis, and two competing lines of road, one of which is only waiting for an opportunity to build on through the Territory and give us a direct outlet to the Gulf, we will ere long have facilities for marketing our produce second to no county in the state. This is indeed the dawn of an era of prosperity for the farmers of Cowley county.
Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.
DEXTER, Feb. 9, 1880.
ED. COURIER: Have not the true interests of Cowley county been shamefully ignored by those who have had the locating of towns on our lines of railway? Would it not be of great benefit to the county, to the whole people of the county, to have one good town, say in the neighborhood of the late Udall, and one other good town in the neighborhood of Grouse valley. What is the situation? A switch and a depot are a few miles northwest of Winfield, while there is no stopping place for trains, no shipping point for our products, no point about which capital and population can gather, beyond that station and the county line. This compels a large portion of our people to go far to markets, or else to go out of Cowley county to do their railroad business, and thus help build up a town that contributes not one cent to the wealth of our county. This could have been helped and should have been helped.
How is the situation on the east? Instead of getting one good, enterprising, pushing, thriving, town—a town which would constantly grow in wealth and population—a town that would furnish a good local market for all farm products—a town that would sink no man's capital and smash up no man's business, we have three towns! Who will say that someone will not get scorched by this fire? Who will say that the best interests of eastern Cowley will not suffer by this failure to concentrate the wealth, the population, the trade, and the manufacturing and producing interests of that section in one locality rather than three? We have no interests in any one point more than another along the line of our railroads. The people of the county pay bonds for these roads, and the interests of the people as a whole should be consulted in whatever affects their interests so vitally as does the building up of towns and the consequent concentrations of capital and population. O. T. R.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 18, 1880. Editorial Page.
Mr. Ryan, in the early part of last week, presented a petition to Congress from one thousand citizens of this State in favor of granting the great lines of railways which are constructed or may be hereafter constructed near the Indian Territory, the right of way through that country. The petition favors the Territory remaining the home of the Indians, but asks that it should no longer be an obstruction to the commerce between the different States and Territories. The petition was referred to the committee on railroads and canals.
Mr. Ryan, of Kansas. “Mr. Speaker, I desire to present a memorial of 1,000 citizens of my State, asking that these great lines of commerce which are already constructed to the border of the Indian country shall be granted the right to traverse that Territory. In other words, they ask that that Territory shall be no longer an obstruction to the commerce between the different States and Territories.
“Although that Indian country is the paradise of America, and would make happy homes for millions of people in the east who are homeless, they do not ask to have that Territory opened to settlement, but simply that it shall no longer be allowed to remain an impassable barrier to commerce. They are willing that it shall remain the home for the Indians, and they believe the opening of the lines of commerce will in no wise injure any interest of the Indians, but, on the contrary, will prove a civilizing agency.
“I therefore ask that this memorial be referred to the committee on railways and canals; and I beg to say to that honorable committee that I hope they will give this petition prompt, early, and favorable consideration.”
The Speaker. “The chair hears no objection to the request of this gentleman from Kansas, and the petition will be referred to the committee on railways and canals.”
Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1880.
The right of way for a road through the Indian country, west from Fort Smith to Arkansas City, Kansas, is being asked for and should be granted. No one would be damaged by a railroad through the Nation. The houses could be reversed, so as to have the doors in front, and permit a little gleam of civilization to enter into the hearts of the people. Could this road be built at once, the rising generation, in the nations, along the line would be greatly pleased and benefited. Ft. Smith Elevator.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1880.
The House Committee on Indian affairs have agreed upon the terms of the bill to provide for the punishment of crime in the Indian Territory. At the meeting of the Committee on Friday morning Chairman Scales was instructed to report it to the House. It provides that the laws of the respective States and Territories in which are located Indian reservations, relating to the crimes of murder, manslaughter, arson, rape, burglary, and robbery, shall be deemed and taken to be the law and in force within such reservations; and the district courts of the United States within and for the respective districts in which such reservations may be located in any State, and the territorial courts of the respective territories in which such reservations may be located shall have original jurisdiction over all such offenses which may be committed within such reservations.
In respect to all that portion of the Indian Territory not set apart and occupied by the Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Seminole Indian Tribes, the provisions of the laws of the State of Kansas relating to the crimes of murder, manslaughter, arson, rape, burglary, and robbery shall be deemed and taken to be the law and in force therein; and the United States district court for the western district of the State of Kansas, at Fort Scott, shall have exclusive original jurisdiction over all such offenses arising in said portion of the Indian Territory. The place of punishment of any and all said offenses shall be the same as for other like offenses arising within the jurisdiction of said respective courts.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 18, 1880. Editorial Column.
Dispatches from Washington report that bills have been introduced into both branches of Congress, and favorably reported by sub-committee, to open the Indian Territory to settlement. Both bills are similar and free from the objections that arose to Senator Vest's measure.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 18, 1880. Editorial Column.
One of our exchanges states that a colony is formed at Wichita and Arkansas City to invade the Territory. We have made considerable inquiry on this subject and fail to find that any organization exists for this purpose. While hundreds along the border would rejoice to see Congress take action favorable to the settlement of that boundless waste, we do not believe that a respectable sprinkle of responsible men in this section will be found to invade the Territory in violation of law.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1880. Front Page.
Mr. Ryan has introduced a bill which is designed to take the place of one concerning which I have written you, and the purpose of which is to permit the several railroad companies that have constructed their roads up to the line of the Indian Territory to build through the Territory, to condemn the right of way to the extent of a hundred feet on each side of the track, and also take material from the adjacent lands, sites for depot purposes, etc. This is a sensible and practical measure, and one that ought to become a law. Should the bill become a law, the Santa Fe road would doubtless push its line from Arkansas City through the Territory at an early day. It will receive strong support whatever its ultimate fate may be.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 25, 1880.
While we have advocated the opening of the Indian Territory to settlement, we have always been and still are opposed to any invasion of said Territory, until the proper time or in other words not until Congress has by proper action opened the Territory to settlement. There are at this time several bills and amendments pending before that body which have been partially acted upon. In our opinion it is only a question of time when this far famed and much coveted country will be settled by white men and be made to blossom like the rose, an end to which we believe it was originally created.
We herewith append that part of a proclamation recently issued by the President relative to intruding upon said Territory, which may be of some interest to our readers.
“I, Rutherford B. Hayes, President of the United States, do admonish and warn all such persons so intending or preparing to remove upon said lands or into said Territory, without the permission of the proper agents of the Indians, against any attempt to remove or settle on the lands of said Territory; and I do further warn any and all such persons who may so offend, that they will be speedily and immediately removed therefrom by the agent, according to the laws made, and no effort will be spared to prevent an invasion of said Territory, rumors spread by evil disposed persons to the contrary notwithstanding, and, if necessary, the aid and assistance of the military forces of the United States will be invoked to carry into proper execution the laws of the United States herein referred to. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be fixed.
“Done at the city of Washington on this, the 12th day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty, and of the independence of the United States the one hundred and fourth.
“By the President: R. B. HAYES.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 3, 1880. Editorial Page.
The bill introduced into Congress by Hon. Thomas Ryan, granting the right of way to a railway company through the Indian Territory, is a just and equitable measure. As the Territory is situated today, it is a great blockade to the commerce between the States as well as a refuge for fugitives from justice. Throughout the States and Territories, with the excep-tion of this Indian Country, companies desiring to build railroads can easily secure the right of way, and the commerce between the States is increased and protected; but when railroads reach the boundary lines of the Indian Territory they are brought to a halt that the Indian may preserve more rights than the white race. If we recall the legislation of Congress for the last twenty-five years, enacted in the interest of the Indian tribes, it reads like a legislative body making natural rights of the white race subservient to a bigoted Indian policy. We hope that Mr. Ryan will press this bill at every opportunity, until the right of way to our Railroads is secured, and civilization, law and order will soon follow. Push the iron horse into the wilderness and the problem how to govern the Indian will be as simple as how to govern the white man.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 3, 1880.
One of the numerous Cowboys who infest the Territory South of this place visited the city one day last week. After imbibing freely of tanglefoot, he proceeded to the City Hotel, where he gave a free and unsolicited exhibition of his skill in the use of firearms by discharging the contents of his revolver through the office floor. A night in the cooler took all the crookedness out of him, when he went on his way rejoicing.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 3, 1880.
A late report reaches us, which however lacks confirmation, that the same party was shot and killed by the Marshal at or in the vicinity of Caldwell the day following his visit here. He gave his name as Billy Simms.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 3, 1880.
“Several members of the Winfield Rifles and St. John's Battery were in this city last Friday. The military organizations of Winfield represent some of her most intelligent and enterprising citizens, of which she may well be proud, either as soldier or civilian, or both.”
Arkansas City Traveler, March 3, 1880.
“On Saturday night the people of our little city secured a special train and went to Winfield to witness the renowned Military drama, ‘Union Spy,’ under the auspices of the Winfield Military. Although the night was quite cold, some eighty-five citizens gathered at the depot; and boarding the train at 6:20 o'clock, were in Winfield in twenty-four minutes. So far as we have been able to learn, everyone was well pleased with the drama, and we say most emphatically that great credit is due all who participated in the play. The drill of the Winfield Militia was universally applauded and considering the short time this company has mustered, they have reached a higher grade of perfection than many in other parts of the State. The young men who have come upon the stage of action since the close of the rebellion, and consequently could have taken no part in that bloody conflict, should witness the drama of the ‘Union Spy,’ for though a miniature of those awful events it will bring to the thoughtful the power to distinguish who were enemies of the Government. With Parson McCabe to lecture and sing his war songs and the people of Winfield to play the ‘Union Spy,’ we would almost take the contract to beat the Democracy in South Carolina.”
Arkansas City Traveler, March 3, 1880.
One Brown, who was formerly a roustabout in this city, went to the Territory and played the desperado. He joined three affinities in that “neglected spot” and together they made a raid on Walker's Store in the Chickasaw Nation about the 21st ultimo. There chanced to be present at the time several citizens and a lad who were in the store. He took in the situation at a glance and unnoticed dropped out of the crowd. He went to the neighbors and rallied a force that attacked the robbers, killing two, and capturing the other two. “A little more grape, Capt. Bragg,” will wind up this kind of business.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 10, 1880.
Some two weeks since D. F. Feagins, a resident of Bolton Township, thought he would go into the Territory and bring out a load of bones. The weather being unfavorable at the appointed time for starting, he hired a neighbor known as “Texas John” to drive the team down for him. After a reasonable time had passed and John failed to return, Feagins became suspicious that all was not right, and went in search of his missing team and driver. The search proved fruitless as he failed to find the lost property, and has concluded that Texas John didn't go bone hunting at all, but on the contrary has stolen his team, wagon, and harness. He is offering a liberal reward for the recovery of property and apprehension of the thief.
Winfield Courier, March 11, 1880.
Kansas City, March 4: The Board of Trade Hall was filled to overflowing tonight to listen to speeches by Col. Boudinot, Hon. B. J. Franklin, and others, in favor of opening the Indian Territory to settlement.
United States Marshal Allen, who had received instructions from Attorney General Devens to be present at the meeting and read the President's recent proclamation against the invasion of the Territory, at the opening of the meeting, was required to stand, and he executed the order.
The assemblage was made up of and controlled by the best citizens of Kansas City, gathered together to give the expression of their views in regard to the opening up to peaceable settlement of the Indian Territory, and had no sympathy with the forcible invasion sentiment. The meeting adopted a lengthy memorial to Congress, with the accompanying resolution, embodying some strong points in favor of opening the Territory, and praying Congress to take such action as is consistent with the best interests of all concerned, and will soonest bring about the desired end.
Winfield Courier, March 11, 1880.
A meeting of the citizens of Walnut will be held in the school-house near the brewery on the evening of the 17th inst., at early candle-light, for the purpose of organizing a farmer's stock protective association. Everybody interested in the matter are requested to be present.
W. COWEN, S. CURE, A. B. GRAHAM, JOEL MACK. March 8, 1880.
Arkansas City Traveler,Wednesday, March 17, 1880. Front Page.
WASHINGTON, March 6, 1880.
"The question of
Was again before the Cabinet, on Tuesday. The information received by the Interior department indicates that the movement is very strong and well organized. The question came up as to how far the U. S. troops could go in making arrests. It was decided that they should be first called upon by some officer of the Indian department before arresting would-be squatters; the call to partake of the nature of a formal demand for troops under the President's proclamation. . . ." COWLEY.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 17, 1880.
Lieut. Pardee, 23rd Infantry, is in the city. He is in command of a detachment of soldiers who are on patrol duty between this point and Caldwell. There is likewise a detachment on similar duty between here and Coffeyville. It is the intention of the Government to keep strong patrol guard upon the line between this State and the Territory; and all parties intending an invasion of the Territory are warned to desist from such measures. Otherwise, they will be the losers.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 18, 1880. Front Page.
ED. COURIER: The people of this country make it a rule never to get excited, but if anything could work them up, the bills now before Congress relating to the Territory would so it.
One of them introduced by Hon. Tom Ryan, to allow the railroads now built to the Nation line, right of way through with one hundred feet each side of the track, and timber enough for ties and building purposes, they very naturally object to. If a railroad wants to build through the Nation, why can't it pay for its right of way and timber just as it would have to do in a state?
This Territory was bought and paid for by the five civilized tribes inhabiting it, paid for with lands ten times as valuable as this, and their title ought to be as good as that of any farmer in Cowley county.
It is just as hard to make these people see why they should give a right of way to any railroad without compensation; as it would be to make a Grouse Creeker let the L., L. & G. run corner wise through his bottom farm and pay him no damages. Only last Sunday I had a talk with Col. M. Curtain, the principal chief of the Choctaws, on the subject. Neither he nor many others of the best men in the country would object to any equitable bill allowing railroads right of way, but they do most seriously object to giving a very large something for a very small nothing.
On the sanctioning question the Indians are pretty evenly divided, while the whites residing here are, of course, all for it. The present head of this tribe is in favor of sectionizing, as are many of the principal Indians.
One clause in the bill now before Congress they object to is that forbidding Indians to sell their lands for twenty-one years. They seem to think that if the country is opened to settlers, the class of people who will rush in from the southern states will make it very unhealthy for a few years, and they want to be allowed to sell out so they can move to the states. It is a mistake to suppose the Indians can't compete with the whites. Take the Choctaw Nation right through and the Indians are equal in intelligence and education to the population of any state south of Mason & Dixon's line.
Just now the weather is delightful; grass is springing up in the bottoms and flowers on the prairies. The recent snow storm hardly reached us, only an hour or two of sleet and some rain.
Encouraged by the high price of cotton last year, everyone is preparing to put in a larger crop this spring.
The winter was so mild that but few cattle died, and we may expect flush times as soon as the cow buyers from Kansas and Missouri get down here, usually about April 1st.
But I must bring this letter to a close lest I should crowd out some more interesting writer, or perhaps be thrown out myself.
Anxiously looking for my next COURIER, I am, Yours respectfully, V.
COUNCIL HOUSE, C. N. Mar. 4, 1880.
[Our correspondent should remember that it takes an act of Congress to allow any railroad to build through the Territory. We want an act giving the right of way on terms that would be just to all. ED.]
Winfield Courier, March 18, 1880.
Last week we passed over the K. C., L. & S. railroad between Grenola and Oxford, in the daytime, and had a good opportunity to inspect it. Its rails are all steel, and it is thoroughly well constructed and unusually smooth for a new road.
The rise from Grenola and the Cana valley westward to the top of the Flint ridge is one of the triumphs of engineering skill, and Maj. Gunn and his engineers may well be proud of his success. The rise of between 300 and 400 feet is effected in so strategic a manner that one scarcely realizes that he is riding uphill. In our anxiety about the possibility of building a road from the east to Winfield in past years, we spent considerable time in hunting a pass through the Flint ridge, and finally concluded the one now occupied was the best, but we never dreamed that the difficulties would ever be so completely overcome. The rise from the Grouse to Burden seems to have proved at least as difficult, but here, also, the difficulties have been as completely overcome.
Probably no road in Kansas presents so many romantic and interesting features as does the road between Grenola and Oxford.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 24, 1880. Front Page.
WASHINGTON, March 13, 1880.
“In the House on Tuesday, Mr. Waddill, from the Indian affairs Committee, reported bill for the relief of settlers on absentee Shawnee lands in Kansas. Mr. Johnston, from the same Committee, reported a bill authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to ascertain and report the amount of money expended and indebtedness assumed by the State of Kansas in repelling and suppressing Indian invasions. Both bills were placed on the House calendar.
“The motion made on Tuesday by Senator Thurman, to refer to the Committee on the judiciary the remonstrance of Indian chiefs against the passage of the bill to establish a United States court in the Indian Territory, was taken up on Wednesday. Mr. Vest opposed the motion, saying the Committee on territories, who reported the bill, included several able lawyers, fully competent to draw a bill, and there was no reason to refer this any more than any other bill to the Committee on the judiciary. Mr. Edmunds thought that a bill to establish a United States court in a territory which had been set aside as an independent domain raised such important judicial questions as to make it a proper subject for consideration by the judiciary Committee. Considerable debate occurred between Senators Vest, Edmunds, Garland, and Conklin, the latter ably defending the point he had taken, and the bill was finally referred to the judiciary Committee.”
Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.
The Kansas City Commercial Indicator publishes a special from Texas in reference to the coming drive of cattle from that State to Kansas and other States and Territories this month, which place it at 249,200, the number of cattle each drover will drive being given in detail. Of this number 100,000 have been already disposed of, leaving 200,000 for the open market. The drive will be principally of young cattle. Not more than 29 percent will be beeves.
There have been good rains in southwestern Texas recently. The grass is growing very fast and the prospects for an early drive is excellent. The cattle along the coast are wintering well and are in good condition, but in the more northerly counties, they are thin in flesh.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 31, 1880. Front Page.
It is safe to say that the census to be taken next June will give Kansas a population of at least 1,000,000; in 1860 it was but 107,000. Fifteen years ago the population was 138,807; but that was after four years of cruel war.
There were then 130 miles of railway, now there are 3,000; and Kansas built more new miles last year than any other State.
Five counties now have as many school districts as the State contained in 1865. The school fund, one of “the things” that make Kansas proud, has increased to $1,700,000; and when the school lands are all sold, this sum will amount to $13,000,000.
Ten years ago but a small amount of land was under cultivation; and the vast possibilities of the largest end of the State was not conceived. All western Kansas was supposed to be fit only for grazing buffalo and “long horns” from Texas; but now the shaggy Indian cattle have disappeared with their hunters, and shorthorns have driven out the wild droves that every spring were escorted up to our superior pasturage by the broad-brimmed cowboys from Texas.
Five years ago Kansas made little pretension to wheat growing; but in 1878, a crop of 32,000,000, she took the lead in all the Union. In 1879 Kansas grew over 100,000 bushels of corn; and yearly the Kansas farmers are adding to their cattle, sheep, and hogs, to which they feed their corn.
The growth of the State in wealth keeps pace with her advance in other directions. Five years ago capitalists would not lend money on improved farms west of Salina; now they seek investments 100 miles west of that city. Two years ago there were unorganized counties with less than 100 population, with no plowed ground, where now there are thousands of homesteaders and thousands of acres in wheat.
This mighty change is greatly due to the homestead law, which James Buchanan said “would make this nation a country of movers.” So it has. People have come from all the North, from the border States; the exodists from the South; men and women of worth, of determination; those who love clear skies, good roads, grand scenery; those who have vigor and hope for a competence;— have come and are coming.
Certainly to judge the progress to be made in 1880 by what other years have proved, would not be claiming too much; so we may confidently say that 1880 will be a prosperous one for Kansas. It is to be a year of great increase; a good wheat crop may be already safely predicted, as the winter wheat is now in excellent condition. Next spring the farmers will plant a larger area in corn than ever before; and more of it will be fed out to stock on the farm. The building of school-houses and churches will be continued; money will keep pouring into the State to pay for our produce; and when, at the end of this twelve months, we write the history of 1880, it will be a proud chapter for all Kansas and the friends of Kansas in every land. Kansas Monthly.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 31, 1880. Editorial.
The bill now before Congress gives the above Company authority to build and operate a line of railroad and telegraph through the Indian Territory from Arkansas City, Kansas, to Fort Smith, Arkansas, following as near as practicable the course of the Arkansas River. The capital stock of the Company is limited to $4,300,000, and the provisions of the bill must be accepted by the corporation within sixty days of its passage. It will then have the benefit of the act of 1875, granting the right of way to railroads through public lands. It is to have power to build through any Indian lands or reservation on obtaining the voluntary consent of such tribes owning the same, the Commissioner of Indian Affairs interceding for such consent.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 7, 1880. Editorial.
The proposed railroad from Arkansas City to Fort Smith meets with much favor from all quarters. The Kansas City Price Current has this to say regarding the right of way for the new road.
“One of the most important bills in Congress just now to this section is one asking the permission of the government, by a number of Boston and Kansas capitalists, to build a railroad from Arkansas City, Kansas, down the Arkansas river and through the Indian Nation to Fort Smith, Arkansas.
“There should be no hesitancy in passing this bill. It simply asks the right of way through the Indian country and power to condemn such lands as would be required for their road bed. In the States such power is easily enough obtained and the lands of farmers through which the proposed road passes is condemned with but little ado about it. But the red man, semi-savage, that pays no taxes, but obstructs the march of civilization, must be treated with more consideration, than the tax payers and supporters of the government. The Indians should be allowed the same privileges as the whites and protected in their rights, and that is all. This thing of having two policies, a white man's policy and an Indian policy, is dallying with State affairs in such a manner should never be tolerated by such a government as the United States and must lower us in the eyes of foreign nations.”
Arkansas City Traveler, April 14, 1880. Editorial.
The TRAVELER has persistently advocated the right of way through the Indian Territory for railway connection with the south.
We were the first to bring this subject before the public as of material advantage to our city and the State at large, and we have no reason to regret such a step, although our course was criticized by some of our leading citizens as one which would retard and injure the growth and prosperity of our city.
To show the feeling and interest manifested at other points in this enterprise, we publish the subjoined report of a meeting recently held in Fort Smith, Arkansas, taken from the Elevator.
“The railroad meeting on Tuesday night was composed mostly of representative men, and the business was conducted in order and to the point. The object being to get an expression of the views of our people as to the right of way through the Indian country to Arkansas City, Kansas, and to ask our Representatives and Senators to use their utmost endeavors to have a bill passed to change the present status of the Indian in the territory composing the five tribes west of Arkansas, etc.
“Col. Fishback called the meeting to order and briefly stated its object. Major J. H. McClure was called on to preside, and Mr. S. A. Williams selected to act as Secretary. Col. Fishback was called on and addressed the meeting in his usual eloquent and forcible style. He gave all the information that he had been able to gather as to the proposed road and read a copy of the bill introduced in the U. S. Senate, by Senator Harris, of Tennessee, and now pending before that body; after concluding his remarks, the Colonel introduced the following resolutions.
“Whereas, the vast grain and food-producing regions of Kansas need an outlet to the cotton producing regions of Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi, while our coal, lumber, and early fruit need an outlet to Kansas; and,
“Whereas the Government of the United States claims the right to eminent domain over all its Territories, when a white man's property interests conflict with the public good, and there is no apparent reason why the Indians should be the only inhabitants of the country whose supposed interests are superior to this right of the Government; therefore
“Resolved 1st, That we make no unjust request of the Government in asking that it allow those Railroads which seek to connect these two regions by rail a right of way across the Indian Territory.
“Resolved 2nd, That our Senators and Representatives be requested to vote for the Bill introduced by Senator Harris to grant a right of way across the Indian Territory to the 'Arkansas City and Fort Smith Railway.'
“And Col. John C. Wheeler introduced the following resolutions:
“Whereas, The Government of the United States owes it to the Indians inhabiting the Territory west of us to civilize them; and,
“Whereas, In its experience with the Choctaws, it has had a fair trial of both policies—that of mixing them with the whites and that of segregation; and,
“Whereas, The Choctaw Indians, while living in Mississippi, subject to its laws, intermingling with the whites, and surrounded by their example and influence, were prosperous and happy, and were making rapid strides toward civilization, but upon being removed to their present location and segregated, they have retrograded and are still retrograding; and,
“Whereas, The Cherokees, instead of advancing in civilization, are using the means furnished by the U. S. Government, for the education of their youth, in keeping a few officials in Washington, and in prejudicing the full-blood part of the people against all civilizing agencies; and,
“Whereas, History does not furnish an instance of a people becoming civilized by living in a state of exclusiveness, and common sense furnishes no reason why it should be expected; and,
“Whereas, It is believed that a large majority of the Indians in this Territory, who have intelligence to appreciate their interests, are in favor of dividing their lands in severalty and opening their country to immigration and civilization, but dare not speak out in a community where half a dozen desperadoes are enabled to terrorize an entire community, especially, when urged by those who administer the farce of their local law, and who flourish upon the present condition of affairs; therefore,
“Resolved, That it is the duty of the Government as guardian of these Indians to cut off all railroad claims, make them citizens, and divide their lands to them in severalty.
“Resolved, That our Senators and Representatives be requested to vote for any bill looking to this end.
“Resolved, That the Fort Smith papers be requested to publish.
“On motion of Col. Clendenning the resolutions as read were unanimously adopted amid vociferous applause, and on further motion, it was resolved that the Secretary furnish an engrossed copy of the resolutions.”
Arkansas City Traveler, April 14, 1880.
The Supervising Architect has passed favorably upon the Cowley County stone. It is to be used in the Government buildings at Topeka. This opens up a new industry in our county. Several carloads of flagging have been shipped to Kansas City to be used for sidewalks.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 14, 1880.
The C. S. & Ft. S., and S. K. & W., roads are both pushing rapidly towards the State line. The objective point of the former is Caldwell, while the latter, from the best information we can obtain will strike the line of the Territory nearly midway between this city and Caldwell, on section sixteen, township thirty-four, range one east. The main object in view, apparently, with both roads, is to control the Texas cattle trade, and no doubt there will be a lively competition spring up between the two companies. But as the former will have the advantage of two shipping points, one at this place, and the other at Caldwell, it is evident that it will at least receive its share.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 14, 1880. Editorial.
An order has been made by the war department to remove all the cattlemen from the Territory. This will cause a great sacrifice of property as there are thousands of head of cattle herded there; though without warrant of law, an implied right has been recognized by the Government.
If the Cherokees have a lawful right to collect tax for grazing cattle on the outlet, then it follows that the Government has no authority for removing the cattlemen therefrom.
Our next proposition is that if the Government has jurisdiction over these lands, then it is clear that the Cherokees have no authority for collecting tax from the cattlemen.
If either view of the case is correct, then a wrong has been practiced by the opposite side.
We have heard this question argued by the ablest men in the Government and yet a division of opinion exists. Whatever controversy may spring from the question, the fact remains that the grass on millions of acres annually burns and goes to waste that could be of benefit in pasturing herds and bringing wealth to the country.
If the Government takes the view that the proper way to restrain people from settling in the Territory is to drive all classes therefrom, then in justice to citizens along the line who own herds that graze in the Territory this order should not apply, as these people do not pretend to make settlement on that “sacred soil.” The order simply disputes the rights of the Cherokees to collect a tax while it provides no protection to the cattlemen who have paid a tax.
Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.
The K. C., L. & S. have decided to extend a branch from Oxford to the State line, near South Haven. Three surveys have been made, the line of the road finally located, and the material is on the ground. It will be completed in a very short space of time.
Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.
Notices have been posted up on the K. C., L. & S. depot threatening prosecution to any person defacing the depot building. This is right. Persons who will sit down and whittle away for a half hour on a building worth $4,000, at this season, ought to spend a year or two “resting up” at Leavenworth.
Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.
A few days ago Mr. McKinley, of Ninnescah township, narrowly escaped a collision with a train on the road leading out from town by Bliss' mill. He had gotten out near the bluff and was on the track with his team when a construction train on the K. C. L. & S. road came backing in towards town. Mr. McKinley had time barely to jerk his horses back from the track and to jump from the wagon when the train was pushing by. The shave was a close one, and hereafter Mr. McKinley will come to town by the west bridge.
Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.
The State Board of Railroad Assessors came in last week by a special train over the K. C. L. & S. The following composed the party: James Smith, Secretary of State; John Francis, State Treasurer; Willard Davis, Attorney General; P. I. Bonebrake, State Auditor; and Lieut. Gov. Humphreys. The Board was accompanied by C. C. Baker, of the Commonwealth, Col. O. E. Lenard, of Lawrence; Division Superintendent Barnes; Mr. Ewing of the Thayer Headlight; Mr. Perkins, of the Iola Register, and Mr. Young, of the Independent. They spent the evening looking over the city, taking in the COURIER office in the rounds. They left Thursday morning.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 21, 1880.
At a railroad meeting held in Caldwell on the 15th inst., the citizens subscribed $1,100 in money, 280 acres of land, and 919 town lots as an inducement to secure the branch road of the Southern Kansas and Western railroad.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 21, 1880.
A petition was signed by a large number of stock men of Kansas City last week and forwarded to Senator Vest, at Washington City, protesting against the removal of stock from the Territory, and asking him in connection with Senator Plumb to take such steps as may be necessary to prevent the issuing and carrying into effect of such an order. General Pope stated to Mr. Oaks, General Superintendent of the Kansas City, Ft. Scott & Gulf road, that he knew nothing of such an order and did not think one was to be issued.
Winfield Courier, April 22, 1880.
The extraordinary cut in freights made by the Santa Fe railroad has been the subject of much comment for the past few days. The company is now carrying goods from Kansas City to Winfield and Wellington in car load lots for five cents per hundred, and in broken lots for ten cents. We learn that a pool has already been agreed upon to take effect in a short time. The K. C. L. & S. is making no attempt to compete with the Santa Fe road in rates, and is simply lying low until some adjustment of the matter is reached. The result of this will probably be the establishment of higher rates than have heretofore been charged, and perhaps a discrimination in favor of towns north and east of us which are not touched by both roads, and where each can adjust the tariff to suit themselves. If this proves to be the result of the pool there is fun ahead, for our people will not tamely submit to the dictation of these corporations.
LATER: We learn through Mr. Garvey, agent for the Santa Fe at this place, that the cause of the break was not a desire on their part to force a pool, but solely to protect their shippers from cuts by the K. C., L. & S. to outside parties.
That if a pool is decided upon, he has the word of Mr. Goddard, general freight agent, to the effect that enough of the territory around Winfield will be included in the pool to protect us from discriminations in favor of other towns near us. As the Santa Fe is chiefly interested in Winfield and the management has no favorite town in the vicinity, we may suppose that they will insist on the above conditions.
Winfield Courier, April 22, 1880.
The K. C., L. & S. bridge across the Walnut was finished last week. It is a magnificent iron structure and is a credit to the company.
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.
About forty members were present at the Arkansas Valley Press Asociation meeting held in Winfield April 17th along with a large number of visitors from different parts of the state.
After the meeting adjourned, the guests were shown around the city by the citizens, in carriages. In the evening a grand ball was given by the citizens at Manning's Hall, after which a banquet was served at the Central Hotel, which was a superb affair, the elite of the city being present, and speeches, toasts, and responses by leading citizens were the order of the evening.
Another report: near one hundred members of the press were in attendance. “It is altogether probable that before another year rolls around, the newspapers of southwestern Kansas will be organized and able to protect themselves against the eastern frauds and bummers who have so long lived and grown rich at the country publisher's expense.”
Another report: “Some fifteen or twenty came in on the Santa Fe and were duly taken in and done for; given complimentaries to the De Grasse concert and tickets to bed. Saturday morning, bright and early, they were taken out to see the many improvements, and, of course, the Cowley county stone quarry, courthouse, water mills, cemetery, churches, palatial residences and cottage homes, fine hotels and sidewalks, and last but not least, the two breweries. Oh, ye gods! But was not that fruit for the indigent editor?
The evening was spent very pleasantly in dancing and social converse at the opera house. Promptly at 12 o'clock the music ceased, and the friends were invited to the Central Hotel where three forty-foot tables were groaning under a weight of good things and decked with evergreens and flowers. At 3:40 a.m., the party were safely seated in the cars, their faces turned in the direction of home, everyone wishing they could stay in Winfield forever, etc.
Another report: “After a pleasant ride across to Winfield through as beautiful country as there is to be found in Kansas, we landed in the bright, enterprising, and handsome county town of Cowley. Omnibuses and carriages were in attendance, and all the editors and their friends were soon most hospitably cared for. The programme of the citizens' committee provided a theatrical entertainment for those who arrived on Friday. Carriage drives, boat rides on the small steamer any hour on Saturday, and after the adjournment of the editorial convention, a ball at Manning's splendid opera house followed by a banquet.
The convention met at 2 o'clock p.m., Mr. Hoisington, of the Great Bend Register, president, in the chair; Mr. Walker, of Peabody, Secretary. The introduction of Mr. McDermott, who welcomed the editorial association in behalf of the citizens was done very gracefully by Mr. Black. Mr. McDermott in well chosen witty and eloquent words welcomed the editors and their friends to the City of Winfield, and tendered the hospitalities of their citizens.
The ball in the evening which was attended by the editors, visitors, and many citizens of Winfield was a brilliant success. The fine hall was built by Col. Manning, and is well adapted to large parties. The landord of the Central House deserves special mention for the large variety, excellent character, and great abundance of the good things prepared for his talbe at the banquet announced at 12 o'clock at the conclusion of the ball. Prof. Lemmon, who was master of ceremonies, succeeded in seating the guests, numbering about one hundred and fifty. Major Anderson, Judge Hanback, and irrepressible Pangborn opened the trouble by singing “Carve dat Possum.” Short speeches were made by various parties and the best of feeling prevailed. At 2 o'clock the party broke up and the “good-byes” were reluc-tantly said by the visitors, most of whom left for their homes on the 3:40 morning train.
Another report: “We were greeted as the guests of the city, sumptuously entertained, 'busses and carriages were at the disposal of the editors, and the beautiful city was shown to best advantage, a little steamboat constantly played up and down the Walnut to give the editors what Kansas people seldom enjoy, a steamboat ride—there is fourteen miles of still-water navigation in the Walnut at that place—bands played, and the “crack” military com-pany of the State turned out for dress parade, while flags and banner streamed from housetops.”
Another report: “The editors were met at the depot, placed in carriages, and escorted to the town by the Winfield Guards, who made a handsome appearance in their light uniforms. Winfield with its handsome buildings, and fourteen miles of stone sidewalk, was a wonder to all who never saw the place before. The editors paid a visit to the quarries where the wonderful Cowley County stone comes from. Among others they visited the quarry of Babcock, Sarjeant and Smith, and saw the stone which is going to go into the new Government building at Topeka. The stone is what is known as the magnesian lime stone, but is of much finer texture than either the Junction City or Cottonwood. The editors visited the Winfield foundry by special invitation to witness the casting of a fourteen foot column; they also were taken on an excursion seven miles up the Walnut in a beautiful side wheel steamer, which was gaily decorated for the occasion.
“Notwithstanding the pleasure provided, the editors made time to attend some business. They were in session about five hours and covered considerable ground in their deliberations. Nineteen new members joined the association.”
“The A. V. E. A. held at Winfield on Saturday last proved, as a social gathering, a grand success, the enjoyable features of which far exceeded any former meeting of the association; as a business meeting, it was—well, yes, it was—very pleasant.
“Through the courtesy of the officers of the Santa Fe road, a special train of three coaches, under the charge of Major Tom Anderson, and Ass't Supt. of Newton, was placed at the disposal of ye editors and invited guests.
“Leaving Newton at eight a.m. with the genial Geo. Manchester at the helm, we were soon speeding southward, our engineer throwing gravel in the prairie chickens' faces at a lively rate. A special committee of three, consisting of State Supt. Lemmon, Maj. McDermott, and Lafe Pence, Esq., came up from Winfield on the morning train, and were soon circulating through our train, distributing badges to the fraternity, together with 'bus tickets and hotel and private house billets. All were full of mirth and jollity, and all “went merry as a marriage bell” until we came within about six miles of Wichita, when snap went our bell cord, and looking out, our engine was seen flying down the track enveloped in a dense cloud of steam and fast widening the distance between it and our train. Coming to a halt, it backed slowly up and we found that an engine flue was burst and the boiler was empty. Taking in the situation at a glance, Maj. Anderson started for a farm house, and securing the services of a bareback rider, dispatched an order to Wichita for another 'motor.' While waiting, Dickey undertook the task of supplying the ladies with a yaller nosegay. After securing THREE, begged off on the ground that long understanding and a crick in the back interferred with graceful stooping, and he was excused. After a delay of an hour and a half, we were again in motion, and excepting a 'hot box' and the loss of the train chest, no further accident occurred.
“At Winfield the military company and Winfield cornet band waited at the depot from 9 to 11, and failing to get word of our whereabouts, disbanded. Reaching there about noon, 'busses and carriages were soon filled, and we were whirled to our various destinations in different parts of their beautiful city. Ourself and wife were assigned to the home of the Conklin Bros., of the Monitor, whose mother entertained us right royally and in true Engish style. After a refreshing face bath followed by an excellent dinner, we were driven to the Opera House, where the association assembled for business, the details of which we will leave for the secretary's report.
“During the afternoon all who wished were given a steamboat excursion on the river, which proved very enjoyable. At the close of the afternoon session, carriages were provided and a pleasant ride around the city given to all who desired. The evening session was held at the sanctum of Bro. Millington, of the Courier, after which all repaired to the dress ball, complimentaries to which had been given by Bro. Conklin during the afternoon. The 'beauty and the chivalry' of Winfield were out in force, about one hundred participants taking part. It was one of the most enjoyable events of the kind it was ever our good fortune to attend. Previous to the ball Bro. Allison, of the Telegram, distributed with a lavish hand complimentaries to the banquet, and at low twelve all repaired to the Central, where long lines of tables, loaded with every delicacy, awaited the throng. Prof. Lemmon was master of ceremonies, and in a very happy manner did he conduct them. Maj. Anderson 'carved dat possum' as he only can.
“Sufficient credit cannot be given for the princely manner throughout with which the entire party was entertained, and all returned to their homes with feelings of the highest regard not only for the editors, but for all the citizens of the queen city of the Walnut Valley.
“Winfield as a town was our first love, and we have never ceased feeling a strong regard for the place and its great hearted, liberal citizens. Surrounded by rich bottom lands for farming, and upland where ten thousand, thousand cattle can be grazed; possessing as it does unequaled (in our state) natural advantages, consisting of excellent water power, also timber skirting the streams, and the finest building stone in the world, coupled with the enterprising spirit of its citizens, which has resulted in the erection of magnificent churches and public buildings, business blocks, and numerous palatial residences, which are among the finest in the state, it offers inducements to the immigration of capital and labor which are excelled by no city in our glorious state. And we predict for Winfield a future which shall place it in the front rank of noted cities of the great west.”
Another report: “The Editorial Association held at Winfield on Saturday last was the largest convention of the association that has yet been held, sixty members being in attendance. The convention met in Manning's opera house at 2 p.m., and on behalf of the mayor and citizens was warmly welcomed to the city in an appropriate address by Capt. McDermott, extending the hospitalities of the city. This very able address was responded to on behalf of the editorial association by H. X. Devendorf, of Topeka. Shortly after these formal addresses the convention adjourned until 7 o'clock p.m.”
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.
“On Saturday last at 8 a.m. we boarded the excursion train at the depot in Newton with thirty or forty of our ladies and gentlemen, invited guests to the Press Association at Winfield. The train was in care of Major T. J. Anderson, whom the Santa Fe authorities always select to conduct their first class excursion trains when they propose to capture the good will and commendations of the public. In this position, for social merriment and general good management, Major Anderson has no superior, if any equal, in the United States. Thoroughly posted in the details of such work, including all the wants of human freight, he is ill at ease without he makes every man, woman, and child under his care as happy as himself; and at all times and under all circumstances, he is the embodiment of gentility, wit, and humor and as happy as can be.
“The train moved out on time and kept up its good record until within six miles of Wichita, when one of the flues of the engine gave way, and the train was delayed for about two hours, while a man could be mounted on horseback and sent to Wichita for another engine. Under the guardian eye and self-inspired amusements at once improvised by Major Anderson, every excursionist was made perfectly contented, and the time passed as though only minutes instead of hours were lost.
“Soon with a new iron horse we were again en route for Winfield. About noon our train passed gracefully across the Walnut river on the new and substantial bridge of the Santa Fe road, and was rushed into the depot at Winfield.
“This being our first visit to Cowley county and Winfield, of which we have heard so much, we will give our first impressions of them. The scene at the depot was one of stirring life and animation. The approaches were filled with omnibuses, carriages, etc., and brought together by appropriate and well organized committees, and the editorial fraternity and the other invited guests were carried to all parts of the city, which were freely opened to them. We were driven on Main street where we had a good view of the city and its surroundings.
“To say that we were pleased with the city of Winfield but feebly expresses our feelings. It is laid out a good deal like Newton, and in many respects resembles our city. On a more thorough inspection, we came to the conclusion that, if not the first, it was certainly the second city of the southwest. It is very pleasantly on the south and west banks of the Walnut river at or near its junction with the Timber, gently sloping to the south and east, making drainage easy and natural without grading. It contains a well sustained population of fully three thousand, is most substantially built, and has some of the finest business blocks and palatial residence in the state of Kansas. We have not time to speak of particular buildings, locations, etc., but will on future occasions.
“The city, up to this time, has been built up and sustained by the growing necessities of the surrounding rich and productive country, and when it is remembered that Cowley county has an acreage of over 700,000 acres, 300,000 of which is now in a good state of cultivation, and that the population of the county is over 23,000 and that all these broad acres are the very best in Kansas, it is not to be wondered at that Winfield has become, without any artificial inflation or nourishment, one of the subtstantial and thrifty towns of the state. Such is Winfield today, and such has been her surroundings, and such will be for all time to come.
“Now since she has obtained her present prosperous condition simply through the necessities of her rich surroundings and without the aid of railroads, what may we expect will be her future since she has recently become quite a railroad center, with all the added advantages such thoroughfares bring?
“It is our opinion that she is yet in her infancy, with her splendid water power, her inexhaustible quarries of splendid magnesian limestone and flagging, the abundance of walnut, oak, and other hard wood on the banks of all her surrounding streams, her fine brick clay, and her hundreds of thousands of acres of the best farming-lands in Kansas, she will have in ten years ten thousand wealthy, happy, and prosperous people. And in due course of time, for all these reasons and on account of her central location, and the inevitable opening up of the Indian Territory, that garden spot of America, to settlement and improvement from which she will draw support and tribute, she bids fair to be the great city of southwestern Kansas.”
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.
We never felt so contented with our lot as an editor as we did Saturday, at Winfield. For, thanks to our editorial brethren and the rest of the good people of that beautiful city, every newspaper man who presented himself was made to feel as if he had come among friends who had known him and his grand-daddy—not to speak of the rest of the family—for a century or more. After leaving our magnificent city—we allude to Caldwell—we spent Friday afternoon at Wellington, where we had a good time with the Press and Democrat boys. We took pleasure in looking over the improvements of our county seat.
The Wellington and Caldwell delegation took the 5 o'clock train Saturday morning for Winfield. We were met at the depot by D. A. Millington, of the Courier, in charge of the requisite busses and carriages to transport us to our hotel. Millington would have brought along a couple of brass bands, if he had known that the editor of the Caldwell Post was on the train, but not being informed of that fact, he let the musicians rest, so as to get the necessary wind for the day.
We were escorted to the Central Hotel, the headquarters of the association, and where was assembled the majority of the editors of the valley. Here was assembled as fine an array of genius, wit, and intellect as graced any hotel. The association held three sessions, namely, in the forenoon at 10:30; in the afternoon, and then again in the evening. During the afternoon session the monotony of business transactions was relieved by a very pleasant incident. Miss Mollie Devendorf, a daughter of Mr. H. X. Devendorf, of Topeka, was adopted as the “daughter of the Arkansas Valley Editorial Association.” She is a young lady of very pleasing manners, as “bright as a button” and as “smart as a whip.”
During the day the editors were entertained in every conceivable way. Hauled around in omnibuses and carriages, steaming about on the beautiful Walnut, marched about, waltzed around, toasted, fed, and serenaded. The military company paraded before us and saluted, and every mother's son of us felt as if he was a “bigger man than General Grant.” Then the ladies smiled on us so that our hair stood on end. In the evening a dress ball was given in our honor at the Opera House. By dress ball, we do not mean to say that balls in Winfield generally were conducted without dress, but we intend to state the fact that the editors of the valley on that “auspicious occasion” brought out their best necktie and put on a clean shirt. After the ball a banquet was served at the Central. It was none of your cracker and cheese affairs, we tell you, and wish that our housekeeper would serve up meals like that every day, without calling on us for an additional outlay. We sincerely deplored the necessity of having to depart from our kind hosts, but we were under the painful necessity of escorting some of our Wellington brethren back to the bosoms of their families, for they were too “exuberant” to be left to find their way home all alone.
We sincerely thank our brethren at Winfield for their kind and courteous conduct, and for their royal treatment of us while on our visit, and we pray that they will extend our thanks to the good people of Winfield.
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.
The Arkansas Valley Editorial Association held its regular quarterly meeting at Winfield Saturday. The occasion drew together many besides the editors. Some ten or fifteen went down from Topeka, and others joined the procession at different points. From Newton not less than twenty, fully one-half of whom were ladies, went down on a special train from that place Saturday morning. The special train was run by the A., T. & S. F. railroad to accommodate the editors from the Upper Arkansas Valley, who, by this act of the railroad, saved one day in time. That railroad company, by the way, is all the time doing something to accommodate the public, and we sometimes think that because of their generosity on so many occasions whenever asked, that more is expected of it than from any other railroad company in the state.
There can be no doubt that the A., T. & S. F. do more in the matter of accommodating the public on such occasions than any road in the state, and we guess than any road in the United States.
It was our first visit to Winfield, and while we supposed we were acquainted with the condition of things there, we confess that we were disappointed. We did not suppose it possible for a town over forty miles from a railroad, as Winfield has been till within the past few months, to be built up so substantially and to give such evidence of wealth and solidity as the place shows. Winfield has finer residences than Topeka and the business blocks are fully equal to any here. We presume that our readers in the eastern part of the state will open their eyes wide when they read this, but it is true. There is on every hand signs of wealth and stability that is astonishing to those who stop to remember that it is only about ten years since the first settler went into Cowley county.
The stone quarries, which are just coming into notice, from the fact of the stone from them being accepted with which to build the new post office in Topeka, must take a good deal of money there and help to build up Winfield. The quarry from which the stone is to be brought here is about a mile and a fourth from the depot of the K. C., L. & S. and 1-3/4 from the Santa Fe depot. A track will undoubtedly be laid soon to one or both of these roads. There are in Winfield twelve miles of walk laid with this stone, and it has been used in many buildings in that city. We visited the quarry and should judge that it is inexhaustible and easily got out.
The people of Winfield treated their visitors right royally, taking them over the city and surroundings, giving them boat rides, a ball, and banquet, and opening their houses to them.
It was our good fortune to be cast upon the tender mercy of Frank Williams at the “Williams House,” one of the coziest, cleanest, and most homelike places we have been at for a long time. On the Walnut is a little steamer about twenty-five feet long, with ten feet beam, and a nicely fitted up cabin. This runs with pleasure parties, we believe, up to Arkansas City, some twelve miles. A good many of the editors and their friends took a ride on this steamer, and enjoyed it hugely.
The ball at the Opera House, owned by our old friend. E. C. Manning, was a perfect success. The music was perfect, better than we have heard on similar occasions for a long time. The attendance was large, but not so much so as to be over-crowded. For elegance of dress and appearance, the ladies of Winfield are fully equal to those of any of her sister cities in Kansas. The banquet, which was served at the Central Hotel, was excellent.
State Supt. Lemmon, whose home is in Winfield, was master of ceremonies. We should not neglect to mention that Major T. J. Anderson was with the party from Topeka, and, as usual, kept everyone in a good humor on the way and while at Winfield, especially at the banquet. He was assisted by Judge Hanback and others in story telling and singing.
We would be glad to give a more extended notice of Winfield and her big-hearted generous citizens, but time forbids. We cannot, however, close without returning thanks to W. M. Allison, of the Telegram, and his family, and General Green, for particular favors shown us.
We have given so much space to Winfield that we have little left for the Association. For the present it is enough to say that this meeting was more largely attended than any previous one.
The address of welcome by Mr. McDermott was chuck full of wit and humor. The response on behalf of the Association by H. X. Devendorf was much more than usually well written and eloquently delivered.
The next meeting will be at Wellington, on the 16th of July, and will be held two days, Friday and Saturday.
We shall give the official report when received.
[HON. W. F. WHITE, OF THE A., T. & S. F.]
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.
Hon. W. F. White, general passenger and ticket agent of the A., T. & S. F. road, was in this city yesterday canvassing to learn the sentiments of our people and businessmen in relation to a change of the time table on that road. It is proposed that the regular passenger train leave here at 4 o'clock p.m., connecting at Newton with the regular passenger trains both east and west, and reach Kansas City at 5 o'clock in the morning. Returning, leave Kansas City at 11 o'clock p.m., connecting with the east bound and south bound trains at Newton, and reaching Winfield at noon. We are satisfied that this change will be made and be hailed with joy by all our people. Mr. White is one of the most efficient and gentlemanly young men of this great and popular company, and is making hosts of friends throughout the west.
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.
We availed ourselves of a kind invitation to attend the meeting of the Arkansas Valley Editorial Association at Winfield, Kansas, on the 17th inst. It was a large gathering of the editorial fraternity of the Southwest. We there met the old veteran editors of the Kansas press: F. P. Baker, Geo. W. Martin, C. G. Coutant, J. H. Folkes, Judge Muse, A. J. Hoisington, Mr. Millington, and younger members of the craft with a great deal of pleasure. It was an assemblage of unusually fine looking men. To the editors of Winfield, Messrs. Millington, Allison, and Conklin, the members of the convention, and invited guests, our obligations for their personal attention. Saturday night there was a ball in Manning's hall, and the beauty of Winfield was there in matchless loveliness, and at midnight the assemblage sat down to a splendid banquet at the Central House, the introduction to which was given by Tom. Anderson, of Topeka, with the song of “Carve dat Possum,” and then full justice was done to the magnificent supper.
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.
We arrived at Winfield about noon and were met by a committee of citizens, with half a dozen busses and full a score of carriages in waiting, and were escorted to hotels and private residences, according as the guests had been assigned by the deputation that met us on the train. It was my good fortune to become the guest of Bretton Crapster at the Central Hotel. Messrs. Millington, Conklin, and Allison, the three publishers of the town, as com-mittee, were assiduous in their devotion to the guests. In the afternoon the busses and carriages took us about the city to see the sights.
Winfield is very pleasantly located in the valley of the Walnut, surrounded by hills and old trees, both of respectable height. The town has a substantial thrifty look. It is laid out regularly. The business houses are on several different streets, and are built mainly of stone from the neighboring hills. The sidewalks, of which there is said to be over ten miles in the city, are all made of flagstone. There are many fine residences of stone and brick, though the former predominates The stone is a white limestone, containing very little or no iron, as very little or no discoloration was noticed, even on the oldest buildings. Beautiful and tastefully laid out gardens, abounding in flowers and shrubbery, were to be seen on every hand. Numerous were the gardens containing cherry, plum, apricot, and peach trees, already arrayed in full green, and fairly loaded down with their wealth of white and pink blossoms. Vegetation is fully two weeks in advance of what it is at the Bend.
In the evening I found Leftwich, of the Larned Optic, was very sick; but thanks to Millington of the COURIER, and other citizens, he was well cared for from his arrival. The physician in attendance said he would fix up Mr. Leftwich so that he would be able to ride home with his friends.
At night the guests and citizens assembled early at the opera house to attend a grand dress ball in honor of the guests. This is a hall capable of seating 700 persons. Now it presented a clear floor space of perhaps 50 by 80 ft., on which twelve sets in quadrille danced at one time and had ample room. There were perhaps 125 couples present, and in all, nearly 300 people were at the ball. The music was exceptionally excellent. It was said to be Fero's band from Wichita. It consisted of five pieces: a square piano, bass viol, violin, cornet, and clarionet. This last would be an accession to any band. Its clear, sweet tones were heard so distinctly in every part of that vast hall that there was no danger of missing the time.
At 11:30 the dance ended, and dancers sped home to avoid being caught in a frightful storm that was coming up from the south. It, however, after sprinking a little and blowing much, passed off to the east.
After midnight a banquet was served at the Central House, and participated in by about 150 persons. Supt. Lemmon was master of ceremonies and commenced by inviting Major Anderson to “Kyarve dat Possum,” which was soon done, the company joining largely in the chorus. Speeches were made by other gentlemen, and altogether the occasion was a very enjoyable one.
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.
. . . . In due time an engine arrived, and at half past twelve the train steamed into Winfield, as pretty a little city as lies in Southern Kansas. The band, military company, and citizens, who had awaited our arrival for hours, hearing of the accident to the train, had gone home, but the reception committee were there, with carriages and omnibuses, and in a short time the party were being driven to hotels and private residences, where they had been assigned. It was our good fortune to be placed under the care of Mr. J. P. Short, city clerk, and to him and his excellent lady we owe much for the enjoyment of the day.
At four o'clock the editors, their ladies, and the invited guests, were taken about the city in carriages, and then to the wharf on the Walnut, where was tied up the steamer Necedah, a small steamboat, 31 feet long, built to run on the Walnut. For several hours the little craft was kept busy steaming up and down the river, giving the editors and their ladies an opportunity to try a life on the ocean wave. The Necedah carries twenty passengers and navigates the river fourteen miles above the city.
In the evening a grand ball was given at the opera house, and at 12 o'clock a banquet was tendered the guests at the Central Hotel.
The entertainment of the association by the citizens of Winfield was elaborate. No expense, time, or trouble was spared to make the occasion the happiest and most enjoyable since the inauguration of their quarterly meetings. The work of entertaining was not left alone to the committees, but each citizen appeared to make the day a pleasant one for visitors. Winfield is a city of 3,000 or 3,500 inhabitants, beautifully located in the Walnut valley, surrounded on the north, west, and south by timber and on the east by a range of hills and mounds. The town is built on a slight elevation, just enough to make the drainage good. It has two railroads, the A., T. & S. F., and the K. C., L. & S.; three newspapers, the Daily Telegram, W. M. Allison, editor; the Monitor, J. E. Conklin, editor, and the COURIER, D. A. Millington, editor.
Nearly every branch of mercantile business is represented. Stores, hotels, banks, mills, foundries, and breweries had the appearance of active business. Owing to their quarries of superior building stone, Winfield has in the whole a better class of buildings than most young towns in Kansas. Their walks are laid with flagstone, and altogether there is a little over ten miles of sidewalk in that lively little city.
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.
The K. C., L. & S. is having the main part of the work for the western division done at the Southwestern Machine Works. They claim that they can get it done cheaper and better at Winfield than in any town along the line.
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.
Capt. C. M. Scott was in town last Friday. He was on his way to Harper county to sell the stock belonging to the state, consisting of horses, mules, harnesses, wagons, tents, etc.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 5, 1880.
W. B. Strong, General Manager, accompanied by other officials of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad, and a number of Boston capitalists, came down the road Saturday last. They are on a tour of inspection of the entire line.
Winfield Courier, May 6, 1880.
The first train on the K. C., L. & S. railroad carried a large lot of newspaper seeds in a broken package, and scattered them all along the line. Subsequent rains and warm weather have caused them to sprout up at Elk City, Longton, Elk Falls, Grenola, Burden, and Oxford, with four other stations to hear from. The probable dry weather may cause several of these young newspaper sprouts to wilt down and die, but we do not predict. Go in, boys, and win if possible. We admire your pluck.
Winfield Courier, May 6, 1880.
Capt. C. M. Scott was in town last Tuesday. He is selling the state ponies used by the Patrol Guard last summer.
Winfield Courier, May 13, 1880.
A special meeting of the Board of County Commissioners was held Tuesday afternoon, for the purpose of appointing someone to represent the county at the meeting of the stockholders of the Cowley, Sumner & Ft. Smith railroad, which will be held at Topeka on the 15th inst. General Manager Strong was empowered to cast such vote.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 19, 1880.
Just now the Indian Territory invasion is attracting no little attention. Within a week several army officers and agents have been in Wichita trying to ascertain the bottom facts. The dispatches assure us that an army of squatters have marched upon the forbidden ground. We don't believe a word of it. Capt. Dave Payne, of this place, with several men, have gone down to the Canadian country. Lieut. Steadman, who was in Wichita Saturday, said he had just returned from an extended tour through the Territory, in which he had not met a half dozen teams. The boom is kept up by a few adventurers, which spirit is backed by corporations anxious for the opening of the lands.
From dispatches sent to the editor of this paper from the Department, we are satisfied that the Government will remove every man, peaceably if possible, but remove them at any cost. The special dispatches sent out that the people of Sedgwick County are flocking by hundreds to the Territory are thin canards and without the least foundation in truth.
The Caldwell Commercial says that Captain Pardee with a force of men, conducted by John Meager, had started after Captain Payne's settlement on the Canadian. Wichita Eagle.
We cordially invite the attention of the Kansas City Times to the above.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 19, 1880.
Only one application for cattle license has so far been made to Maj. D. W. Lipe, the treasurer of the Cherokee Nation. Hurry up and pay, gentlemen, and don't keep the Major waiting. Caldwell Post.
The above tax is five cents a head more this year than it was last.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 19, 1880.
The mail carrier from Fort Reno reports the arrival of the first herd of the drive having reached Wild Horse creek, Indian Territory. The herd consisted of two thousand beeves, all through cattle, and all in excellent condition.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 19, 1880.
One of the most important acts of Congress last week to this section was the favorable report of the House Railway Committee, upon the bill incorporating the Cherokee & Arkansas Railroad Company. The bill grants no land except 100 feet on each side of the track for bed way and allows the condemnation of 20 acres for each way station. The route of the proposed road is to be from Arkansas City, in Cowley county, Kansas, down the valley of the Arkansas river to Fort Smith, Arkansas, a distance of about 200 miles. The road will probably cross the M., K. & T. at Muskogee or near Fort Gibson. The completion of such a road will be of vast advantage to our city and this section as it will open up a new southern outlet for western produce and give us a direct line of railroad to Western Arkansas, one of the richest sections of the State. The gentlemen interested in the proposed road are Boston men of large means and credit, and it is thought steps will be taken for its construction as soon as the bill now before Congress becomes a law. Kansas City Price Current.
We are glad the gentlemen of the above paper can see a bonanza for their city in the extension of the Santa Fe road from this place to Fort Smith, but in the abundance of our joy for our enterprising neighbors up the road we would quietly call the attention of businessmen and capitalists to the importance of Arkansas City when this extension is completed. It is a fact that Arkansas City is to be the shipping point for the Santa Fe road in Southern Kansas. We were assured of this no later than last week by an officer of the above road.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 19, 1880.
50,000 head of cattle have passed Fort Worth, Texas, for Kansas. They will be shipped on the new roads on the Kansas border.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 26, 1880. Editorial.
Capt. D. L. Payne, who recently piloted a colony into the Territory for the purpose of occupying the disputed lands of Oklahoma, was arrested by United States troops at Ft. Reno last week. He was acting upon the advice of Hon. Ben Franklin and other eminent jurists in going upon these lands, and claims that he expected nothing less than an arrest in so doing, but thinks it will lead to the judicial settlement of this vexing question. The “judicial settlement” will be nothing more than the ejectment of all parties invading these domains, peaceably if possible, by force if necessary; and the sooner the people accept this view of the case, and turn a deaf ear to the songs of the Kansas City Times and the Hon. Ben Franklin, the better it will be for them. You can't go to stay yet awhile, and you might as well stay away altogether.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 26, 1880.
The Caldwell Post states that there are 40,000 head of cattle west of the Chisholm trail in the Indian Territory. The following herds, held east of the trail, south and west of Arkansas City, will swell the number to 60,000.
Cocanut, on the trail: 2,575
Gilch & Wait: 300
Burress, on Salt Fork: 300
Capt. Nipp, on Shawascaspa: 150
Kincaid, on Thompson creek: 600
Bates & Beale, on Thompson creek: 2,000
Gatliff & Dixon, on Bitter creek: 200
Jas. Hamilton & Co., Pond creek: 3,000
Jas. Estus, on Red Rock: 200
Potter, on Red Rock: 300
Badley, on Red Rock: 160
Dean Bros., on Bear creek: 600
Wiley & Libby, on Bear creek: 400
Musgrove, on Polecat: 600
Malalla, on Pond creek: 2,900
Richmond, on Shawascaspa: 600
Riney, on Inman creek: 400
Manning, on Thompson creek: 600
Dunn & Co., on Deer creek: 700
Cloverdale & Stafford, on Bodoc: 300
R. A. Houghton, on Bodoc: 150
In addition to these there are a number along the State line, and several herds in the Nation, the number of which we did not learn.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 26, 1880.
Cocoanut's herd of through Texas cattle, numbering 2,500 head, are now on the trail immediately south of this city, en route for Baxter Springs to be delivered to the purchaser of the same at that place.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 26, 1880.
Mr. A. A. Wiley, formerly of Maple City, has moved his family to Winfield, having rented his farm. He is now giving his entire attention to stock. He is holding his cattle on Red Rock, in the Territory, and reports plenty of rain and excellent grass in that region.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, May 26, 1880. Front Page.
As was expected Mr. T. J. Coolidge, of Boston, was chosen president of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad company and all its branches, with scarcely a dissenting voice, in the fact Mr. Nickerson retired of his own motion.
The complete list of the directors and officers of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe road now reads as follows:
DIRECTORS: T. Jefferson Coolidge, Alden Speare, I. T. Burr, C. W. Pierce, B. B. Cheney, C. J. Paine, S. L. Thorndike, G. A. Gardner, all of Boston; W. Powell Mason, of Walpole, N. H.; S. A. Kent, of Chicago; C. K. Holliday, of Topeka; B. F. Stringfellow, of Atchison, L. Severy, of Emporia.
OFFICERS: T. J. Coolidge, President; W. B. Strong, Vice-President and General Manager; E. Wilder, Secretary and Treasurer; G. L. Goodwin, Assistant Secretary and Assistant Treasurer; J. P. Whitehead, General Auditor; E. Young, Auditor; B. L. Thorndike, Comptroller; A. S. Johnson, Land Commissioner. Mr. Coolidge is, of course, President of all branches and auxiliaries of the Santa Fe.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 2, 1880.
The A. T. & S. F. R. R. ran their first train into Caldwell on Saturday, of last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 2, 1880.
South Haven has unanimously agreed to vote eighteen thousand dollars in township bonds to secure the extension of the S. K. & W. R. R. from this city. Sumner County Press.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 2, 1880.
Two more companies of cavalry are expected soon. They will patrol the line to keep out Oklahomaists. One company will probably be stationed here. Caldwell Post.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 2, 1880.
Stock men will take notice that Major Lipe is the only Cherokee tax collector and that he has only one deputy, Judge George O. Sanders. No taxes will be collected elsewhere than at Caldwell, and only by the above named gentlemen so that any persons representing themselves as his deputies are not qualified to make such collection.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 2, 1880.
A detachment of Co. I, 4th U. S. Cavalry, numbering some forty-nine men, and under command of Lieut. Budd, were camped on the Arkansas River west of town last Wednesday and Thursday. They were eight days out from Ft. Reno and on their way to Coffeyville, where they expect to make headquarters until further orders. This was the detachment that recently arrested and escorted to the lines at Caldwell Capt. D. L. Payne, of Oklahoma fame.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 2, 1880.
The south end of the Arkansas River bridge has been repaired and is now in good shape. It is in better condition than it has been for six months. That speaks well for our democratic
assessor. Democrat.
Yes, and now we come to remember the Arkansas bridge was washed away about four years ago, when the same democratic assessor was in office. Of course that “speaks well” for the “democratic” official, doesn't it?
Winfield Courier, June 3, 1880.
We are indebted to Mr. Fred Hunt for the following.
The county clerk's figures show the total taxable property, including real, personal, and railroad, to be $2,889,968. This is an increase over last year of $730,821. The railroad property valuation in the county is $322,112, leaving the real increase in personal and real property $408,821. There are in the county 161,374 acres under cultivation; an increase over last year of 23,792 acres; and 72,112 acres are now green with growing wheat. Over a half-million bushels of old corn are cribbed in bins throughout the county. 21,769 sheep roam over the pleasant slopes; 7,300 horses toil in the fertile fields and help eat the 25,062 tons of prairie hay that were cut in 1879. 5,626 cows furnish the milk from which the busy house-wives have made 31,978 pounds of butter. This partly shows the prosperous condition of Cowley, and her steady advancement in wealth and prosperity, all owing, of course, to Republican rule.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 9, 1880.
There was a convention of stock men at Caldwell last Thursday, called for the purpose of taking some action with reference to paying taxes on cattle held in the Territory. After organizing and passing a series of resolutions, they appointed a committee of three to wait on Major Lipe, treasurer of and collector for the Cherokee Nation, informing him that the stock men were willing to pay twenty-five cents per year on every head of cattle held by them in the Territory, but that any heavier tax was considered exorbitant and more than they could afford to pay. Major Lipe, however, refused to entertain their proposition, saying that fifty cents per head was the least he could take, and for all through cattle he should charge at the rate of five cents per head a month. We are informed that this decision will be the cause of many cattle men leaving the Territory: the larger holders driving their cattle further west, while the smaller dealers will probably hold them in some of the border counties, preferring to do a little feeding rather than pay such a high tax. In view of the fact that there is some doubt as to the legality of this tax, and when we think of the great number of cattle on these lands, we think Mr. Lipe will be making money enough at twenty-five cents.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 9, 1880.
L. Kokonut, who recently drove a herd of cattle to Coffeyville, while on the road, came in and purchased a large bill of supplies of Schiffbauer Bros. He expressed himself very much surprised at the showing made by our town and at the accommodations it afforded to all needing supplies of any kind.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 9, 1880. Back Page.
The House Railway Committee agreed, on the 6th, to report favorably a bill to incorporate the Cherokee and Arkansas railroad company with authority to construct and operate a line of railroad and telegraph from Arkansas City, in the State of Kansas, through the Indian Territory, following the general line of the Arkansas river to a point at or near Fort Smith. The capital stock is not to exceed $4,000,000 and shall be divided into shares of $100 each.
Section five of the bill has been amended in the Committee so that no lands shall be granted to the road in aid of this construction through the Indian Territory, except in conformity with existing treaties governing the relations of the United States Government with the Indian tribes living there. The section allows a hundred feet on each side of the track and twenty acres for each way station. It further provides that private property may be condemned in accordance with the law of 1864, relative to the construction of a railroad from the Missouri river to the Pacific Ocean. Ex.
Winfield Courier, June 10, 1880.
Capt. David L. Payne's invasion of the Indian Territory has come to grief, as everybody expected. Payne and his “colonists” have been arrested by a detachment of the Fourth Cavalry, under command of Lieut. Gale. And there was no fight, notwithstanding Payne's vehement declarations that all of the streams of the Indian Territory would run with gore if any attempt was made to interfere with him and his colonists. Sedan Times.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 16, 1880.
A full company of U. S. troops are now in the city, and will remain for a few days.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 16, 1880.
Capt. Robeson, U. S. A., and company, after buying supplies of Schiffbauer Bros., started south yesterday, we presume on the lookout for Oklahomaites.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 16, 1880.
Mr. F. D. Russell, the general western freight and passenger agent of the St. Louis & San Francisco railway, favored us with a call last week. He was canvassing this section of the country in the interest of his road, with a view to securing a portion of the freight traffic, the main inducement offered by this road being a saving of time. Freight from St. Louis is delivered in this county three days sooner than by way of Kansas City, while the rates are just as cheap, if not cheaper. Mr. Russell is a wide-awake, thorough-going businessman. If all the agents and employees are of his stamp, the road is bound to work up a large business.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 23, 1880.
Ten carloads constituted the first shipment of cattle made from Caldwell over the A. T. & S. F. railroad on Tuesday, June 16, 1880.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 23, 1880.
Water is getting scarce in the Territory, and we learn that Driftwood, Salt Fork, and other streams in the Nation will have to be scraped out in order to obtain water for stock.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 23, 1880.
And now South Haven is considerably worked up at the prospect of having a rival town in close proximity. Hunnewell is the new burg’s cognomen, and its location was fixed by the railroad company four miles south of South Haven, on the State line.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 30, 1880.
C. M. Scott brought a young wolf back with him from the Territory, having carried the same in his saddle bag a distance of two hundred miles. This is pretty good for C. M., but a little tough on the wolf—and so young, too.
Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.
Winfield is to be represented in the new town of Hunnewell. Ed. Roland and Bob O'Neal will open a hardware and drug store there next week.
Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.
Several car loads of fat sheep were loaded at the A. T., & S. F. depot Saturday, for shipment to Colorado. They averaged 140 pounds each, and were the finest lot of sheep ever sent out of Cowley.
Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.
A bicyclist was on the streets Tuesday with one of his machines. He is making an effort to introduce them here. The exorbitant price charged is the only thing that deterred several of the boys from purchasing.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 30, 1880.
Capt. C. M. Scott is once more in our midst, after an absence in the Territory of about five weeks. The Captain is looking hearty as usual, as also does his redoubtable aid-de-camp, “Texas Frank,” who yet blooms in all the glory of his Samsonian adornment.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 30, 1880.
We have received a letter from J. H. Sherburne, of Ponca Agency, in which he says he was the party who unhitched Rev. Thompson's horse from the fence surrounding his lots on a recent Sabbath. Mr. Sherburne says he has built a fence around those lots twice, only to have it pulled down by horses hitched thereto during church services. He closes by saying:
“I have kept a notice posted there nine months out of each year for the past two years—long enough for any but a blind man to see. But, then, there are none so blind as those who won't see. I am tired of putting up signs of which no notice will be taken, and put this where all can see it. If you will please be kind enough not to hitch to my fence any more, you will have no trouble in finding your horses. J. H. SHERBURNE.”
Arkansas City Traveler, June 30, 1880.
Let us suggest to the numerous county papers that come to our table that they learn how to spell “Hunnewell.” It is named for a director in the east and west road.
Winfield Courier, July 1, 1880.
Hereafter the K. C. L. & S. will make up all their freight trains at this place.
Winfield Courier, July 1, 1880.
The new town of Hunnewell is still booming badly. Over thirty houses are up and ready for business, conspicuous among them being a large two-story saloon and gambling house, a circus tent used for a dance hall, and other concerns for the entertainment of the festive cowboy. From two to three trains of cattle are being shipped from there daily.
Winfield Courier, July 1, 1880.
Mr. Tim Sullivan is at Hunnewell in charge of Ford & Leonard's new business there. Tim is one of the best boys in Southern Kansas, is a first class businessman, and is fast becoming a necessity to the enterprising firm for whose interests he has worked so faithfully.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 7, 1880.
The best way to build it is from Ft. Smith, on south side Arkansas river to where the M. K. & T. crosses the Arkansas, and then on the same bridge and up Hominy creek or the Arkansas river. The Choctaw people always desired to unite with the first road to Ft. Smith, and aid in its extension, and we believe will do the same yet. Ft. Smith (Arkansas) Elevator.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 7, 1880.
The cattle drive this summer from Texas to Kansas has been largely composed of young cattle that were contracted for last season, to be delivered at Red Fork ranch and along the Kansas line. A few weeks since 2,200 head of yearlings were delivered at $8.50 per head. From June 10 to June 24, 76,232 head of cattle and 3,172 head of ponies came up the trail, consisting of forty cattle herds and six pony herds.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 7, 1880.
There has been plenty of rain in the Territory, and the streams and water holes are well filled.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 7, 1880.
Parties going on a journey through the Territory can reckon the amount of supplies needed from the following basis, which is generally adopted by the army, and consists of the rations required by one man in one day: Bacon, 3/4 lb.; flour, 1-1/3 oz.; rice, 2 oz.; coffee, 2 oz.; sugar, 3 oz.; potatoes, 6 oz.; beef, 1-1/4 lbs.; beans, 3 oz.; tea, 1/3 oz.; vinegar, 1/2 gill; molasses, 1/12 of a gill.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 8, 1880. Front Page.
George Flatt, formerly city marshal of Caldwell, Sumner county, was killed at that place last Saturday night by the friends of two Texan cow-boys, who were killed last summer by the ex-marshal. Junction City Union.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 14, 1880.
BOLTON RANGERS. All members of this military company are requested to meet at the Bland schoolhouse next Saturday, June 17, at 2 p.m., without fail. There is considerable business of utmost importance to transact. It is the intention to draw new arms for the company, also new uniforms. Don't fail to be on hand. R. HOFFMASTER, Captain.
JOHN LEWIS, Lieutenant.
Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.
It is reported that Capt. Payne has again invaded the territory, this time from Arkansas City with twenty-five men, and expects reinforcements. He thinks he is a “bigger man than Uncle Sam.”
Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.
Capt. C. M. Scott came up from the Territory Monday and spent an hour in our sanctum.
He reports “everything quiet on the border.”
Arkansas City Traveler, July 21, 1880. Editorial Page.
St. Louis, July 10. The scheme to settle on Government land in the Indian Territory is gaining strength daily, and quite a boom in its favor is being started here. T. D. Craddock, a lawyer, and one of the Oklahoma Company, came here a few days ago to work up the scheme, and has received telegrams from Effingham, Maroa, and other places in Illinois, stating that a number of persons will be here Monday ready to go to the Territory.
Advices are also received from Western Kansas that hundreds of families, who have suffered from drought in that country, are on their way to Oklahoma.
A letter has been received from H. L. L. Hill, an old scout, who was with Capt. Payne last spring, in which he says the party which left Kansas last Sunday arrived safely at their old headquarters and found the corn and vegetables planted in the spring in fine condition. Jack Bettle, a scout from Texas, was found here, and he stated that a thousand men from Texas would be in the Territory in a few days. Hill wrote from Arkansas City, at which point he telegraphed to numerous parties along the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe and Kansas Pacific railroads, to push on at once. It looks as though the invasion of Territory would be formidable and that if the military are instructed to eject the intruders, there will be a conflict.
The above is published as a sample of the dispatches that have been sent from St. Louis during the past two weeks to eastern papers.
For the benefit of all who contemplate a removal to this land of promise in the Indian Territory, we will state that there is not a word of truth in the foregoing telegram, and parties invading the sacred precincts of Oklahoma will find out to their cost that we speak the truth.
So far as we know, Capt. Payne never was in Arkansas City; certainly not with hundreds of men and an outfit for starting a colony. It is reported that he recently sneaked into the Territory with about thirty men, going by Hunnewell, and a later report says he was captured by a detachment from Ft. Reno. Be that as it may, if he has gone into the Indian Territory again, he will be arrested as soon as the troops can find him, and removed therefrom forthwith, the Kansas City Times and its hirelings to the contrary notwithstanding. The authorities at Washington have a faint idea that they have something to say in this matter.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 21, 1880.
We understand that Taylor Kay and a few other families living near Bitter creek have gone into the Indian Territory, bound for the Oklahoma country. They'll come back.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 21, 1880.
Lieut. Steadman and detachment, stationed at Coffeyville, came in Saturday afternoon, and started on their return trip to Coffeyville, via Kaw and Osage Agencies, Monday evening. Those who think Capt. Payne will not be molested are requested to watch the movements of the troops.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 21, 1880.
Corporal DeLeon, Co. “H,” 19th infantry, was in town Saturday morning with a scouting party of four, having come over from Caldwell in search of information concerning the movements of Capt. Payne, who was reported to have been in this vicinity. He returned to Caldwell Sunday.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 21, 1880.
A Boston company have secured a charter for a railroad from Little Rock, on the south side of the river, to this place, with a view of making connection with the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railway at Arkansas City, Kansas. Ft. Smith Elevator.
Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.
Washington, July 17. General Pope telegraphed to the War Department this morning of the arrest of Payne and 22 of his followers, and asked for instructions as follows. “Am I to understand that the government wishes this gang turned over to the U. S. Marshal at Fort Smith, Arkansas, for trial?” The Secretary of War will order the delivery of Payne and his men to the civil authorities for safe custody, and in the meantime, as some new questions are involved in the case, the matter will be referred to the Attorney General for his opinion as to the mode of civil prosecution to be instituted against them.
Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.
The K. C. L. & S. road is building new stock yards near their bridge on the Walnut. They will also put in a new tank.
Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.
The pool between the two roads at this point has been broken and a “go-as-you-please” rate established. We hope that the differences between the two roads may be speedily adjusted, as the unsettled rates are as disastrous to the consumers as it is to the roads themselves. Let them adopt a fair impartial tariff and stick to it.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 28, 1880.
One Watterman, the thief that stole J. J. Brane's horse on Monday night of last week, was caught by Dan Jones, near Caldwell, last week. The thief was taken to Winfield, and the horse returned to its owner.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 28, 1880.
[Special of the Kansas City Times.]
Wichita, Kansas, July 24. Judge Lanek, Capt. Hays' attorney, has just returned from Pole Cat, Indian Territory, where Col. Payne is held. He has decided to make no move by habeas corpus, as the question of the right of settlement on the ceded lands would not be brought before the courts. He will await the action of the Government to proceed against Payne for trespass, when the whole question can be brought up. He is confident the courts will declare the lands open to settlement.
At a large private meeting of the Oklahoma colony today, it is understood they resolved that in case Payne is turned loose without a trial they will move into Oklahoma at once five thousand strong, and will not again submit to military arrest. Hundreds of letters are received daily at headquarters to join the expedition. One party from Arkansas says they can move fifty strong, fully armed with Winchester rifles.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 28, 1880.
From W. B. Skinner we learn that the Texas fever is getting away with the stock in the southern portion of East Bolton. Mr. Chambers has lost ten head; Mr. Bush seven; and several others one or two, making in all, an aggregate of twenty-five head at this writing.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 28, 1880.
A card from Red Fork Ranch, Indian Territory, dated July 20, reports that the cattle drive is not half so heavy as it was a month ago. Most of the stock herds have gone up, and the beef herds are coming up the trail now. There was plenty of rain and grass at that writing.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 28, 1880.
There are a great many herds of cattle held about Pond Creek, Indian Territory, for sale this summer. Yearlings are held firm at $8.50 and $9.00, and some even as high as $12.00; two-year-olds $13.00 and $15.00. The cost in Texas this year is from six to ten dollars per head. It costs about one dollar per head to drive up a herd of 2,000 or more.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 28, 1880.
Hunnewell has a bank.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 28, 1880.
“Boss” herders throughout the Territory get from $50 to $75 per month, while the hands are paid from $20 to $30.
Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.
The K. C., L. & S. railroad company are fitting up commodious and convenient stock yards near the bridge. The work is done in the superior manner usual for that company.
Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.
We hear of a great mortality among cattle in the territory, twenty dying of Texas fever in one lot.
Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.
Quite a lively freight war has been going on in Cowley and Sumner counties for some time. Cattle have been shipped from Caldwell and Hunnewell in large quantities at $10, $1, and even nothing per car load to Kansas City. Recently common freight rates from Kansas City to Winfield were put at ten cents per 100 pounds. We like competition, but so bitter a war and such spasmodic low rates, besides being damaging to the roads, are really injurious to shippers as placing them in such a state of uncertainty. Steady and fixed rates, as low as is reasonable, are better for everybody concerned.
Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.
If the K. C., L. & S. railroad should ever take a notion to build a branch to Wichita, we suggest that the junction be made at Winfield and go up the Walnut Valley to Douglass, thence to Wichita. The cost would be much less by this route and the necessary aid could be easily raised.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 4, 1880. Front Page.
The government is not dealing justly with Payne and his followers in the attempt of the latter to occupy the public lands in the Indian Territory. These lands are either subject to settlement or they are not, and Payne and his party have either violated the law or they have not.
As they are under arrest by the government they should have a speedy trial and this public land question and the right of the people to occupy those lands should be forever set at rest. The people will hold the authorities to a strict accountability for the manner in which they are dealing with Payne and his followers. All that the friends of the movement ask is that Payne be turned over to the civil authorities and tried without delay, that the rights of the people to occupy the lands in question may be determined.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 4, 1880.
Howard, Rexford & Howard last week discontinued their branch store at Hunnewell, building at that point having about stopped.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 4, 1880.
M. L. Bangs is now in the employ of the K. C., L. & S. railway. M. L. has for many years been connected with the Southwestern Stage Company, and will be missed by the b'hoys.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 4, 1880.
From several persons lately returned, we learn that the Hunnewell boom is decidedly weakening, and scarcely any trade doing but in whiskey and ammunition. Just as we expected.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 4, 1880.
J. P. Musselman, of Grouse, was in town yesterday and informed us that he recently sold all his cattle at good figures. He considered himself fortunate, for cattle both above and below his place are dying with the Texas fever.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 4, 1880.
Will someone who knows please inform the Silverdale Stock Protective Union as to who is secretary of the State Anti-Horse Thief Society? Address Silverdale, Kansas. The sheriff of the county is requested to communicate with the union for mutual benefit in case of need.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 4, 1880.
Another of those incidents with which the “cow boys” ' life is so often illustrated took place at the Salt Fork, Indian Territory, resulting in the shooting, by G. W. Padgett, of W. H. Stephens, who has been employed for some time past as boss herder for Maj. Hood of Emporia.
The circumstances were briefly thus: A dispute had arisen as to some cattle which Stephens had picked up on the trail, and which Padgett claimed to have the right to cut out. Several talks were had, and Stephens became very abusive, and even went so far as to use his quirt upon Padgett, in consequence of which the shooting was done. The statement of a large number of herders is to the effect that Stephens was of a very over-bearing and abusive disposition, and constantly quarreling with his men. The murderer attempted to escape, but was captured and carried to Wellington to be examined before Commissioner Jones of that city. We understand the plea of self-defense will be advanced. It is stated that the home of the murdered man was in Comanche county, Texas, from which state also hails the murderer. The body was interred at Wellington by Hubbell & Co., upon the request of Maj. Hood.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 4, 1880.
[Dr. Minthorn, Agency Physician.]
People who are fond of representing that the Ponca Indians are dying off rapidly are requested to note the fact that during the past eight months only five have died at this Agency, which includes the Nez Perces also. As the two tribes number about nine hundred, we agree with Dr. Minthorn, the Agency physician, that the rate of mortality compares favorably with that of any city in the Union.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 4, 1880.
The Little Rock & Fort Smith railway want to extend their line. They now purpose arranging to build a road from Fort Smith to a junction with the M., K. & T. railway south of the Canadian, use the track of the latter to the north bank of the Arkansas, thence build up the north bank of that stream to the line of Kansas and connect with the A., T. & S. F. railway at Arkansas City. Indian Herald.
Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.
The K. C. L. & S. have the track laid west of Wellington nearly to the Harper county line.
Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.
Under the law as it is understood the school districts through which the railroads run get all the benefit of the railroad taxation, while the greater number of school districts in the county, though paying their proportion of interest and principal on the R. R. bond debt, get none of the benefit of the taxation. This is wrong and should be righted.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1880.
Gibson Station, in the “B. I. T.,” was the scene of excitement and carnage lately. A feud between the Cherokee Indians has been developed and growing in intensity for sometime. Finally it culminated in blood, on an open prairie, in sight of Gibson Station. Two Cherokees met seven armed blacks and a fight immediately ensued. One of the Indians was killed and the other badly wounded, while, on the other side, one colored man was slain and five others dyed the sod with their blood. The excitement is intense. The glitter of revenge gleams from the fierce eye of the Cherokee as he dons his war paint. The cry among them is, that every colored man must leave their reservation or be killed. The colored folks refuse to go. Many of them were born and bred in the Territory and have Indian blood in their veins. They claim a hereditary interest in the soil and propose to fight until death before surrendering it or being driven from their homes. The handful of troops at the Fort will amount to little or nothing in the fray. Things look bloody in that section. Let our colored friends take warning and give the “B. I. T.” a wide berth, at least for the present. Parsons Republican.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1880.
Muskogee, Indian Territory, August 3. The Cherokees to the number of about 300 have been in camp for a week past near Gibson Station, and have only been restrained from attacking the negroes by promises that the murderers of young Cobb should be delivered over to them. The Cherokees agreed to wait until today, and if they were not forthcoming they propose to take them, no matter what they cost. A formal demand was made on Chief Checote, of the Creeks, for their surrender, and today D. W. Bushyhead, principal Chief of the Cherokees, W. H. Adair, Assistant Chief, United States Indian Agent Tufts, and the Assistant Chief of the Creeks and Private Secretary of Chief Checote, held a long consultation. Checote was too ill to attend.
The result of the conference is not yet known, and is of secondary importance now, as it is strongly rumored that the men who are wanted have already escaped from the country. What action the Cherokees will take cannot even be surmised. They may give it up and go home, or they may attack the negroes at any hour. On Saturday the two parties charged on each other, and had got within speaking distance when a blinding rain storm came up and drove them from the field. On Sunday the Cherokees again mounted to a man, and formed a line of battle, but finally yielded to the persuasion of the Chief. Tomorrow will definitely decide whether it is to be peace or war. Cowan is still alive, but very low.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1880.
Just by way of keeping in practice, a man was shot over at Hunnewell last Saturday, and another one on Sunday.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1880.
Al. Burton, who was reported killed in the eastern part of the State last fall, has turned up at Hunnewell, and we understand he is now deputy sheriff of Sumner County.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1880.
The gentle boys have been having some more fun at Hunnewell. On Tuesday of last week a drunken Texas cowboy was setting in front of Schiffbauer's store, and seeing a barrel of coal oil on the sidewalk, he thought it would be so much fun to shoot at it, which he did forthwith. As the oil spurted out he fired again, and continued shooting until the oil was streaming from the barrel in five different places. He then broke three large panes of glass, and rolling his eyes around, declared “he hadn't had so much fun for a year.” The foregoing little pleasantless, together with his losing a new revolver, cost the gentleman the snug sum of $50. Some of these fine days a cowboy will run against the biggest kind of a stump when he attempts to show himself off in the above style. Some men won't tolerate it.
Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.
Capt. Payne and three others who are arrested for the second time have been sent to Fort Smith for trial. Fifteen of the Oklahoma company who had been arrested but once were taken to the state line and ordered to skip.
Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.
“Hackney is a railroad attorney,” is the whine of a few individuals who are engaged in the business of making political capital for Mr. Pyburn.
That the firm of Hackney & McDonald has been employed to transact some legal business for the Kansas City Lawrence and Southern railroad is a fact. The firm was retained for this purpose more than a year ago, long before Mr. Hackney was mentioned as a candidate for the State Senate. The engagement was for an indefinite period and is liable to terminate at any time. It was only for the prosecution of certain special cases. The firm was employed because of its recognized ability and not for any political reason. All who know Mr. Hackney are fully satisfied that such business transactions will not, in the least, influence his action as a legislator. Did they have any influence whatever, it would be to cause him to be more guarded of the people's interests. His ambition and his past fidelity to the public trusts confided to him are a sufficient guarantee of his future faithfulness.
How is it with his Democratic opponent? Was he employed as attorney for the A. T. & S. F. railroad because of his legal ability, or because of his occupying the position of State Senator? Does anyone acquainted with the bar of this city and county believe that this great corporation deliberately selected Mr. Pyburn, from among its members, because of his standing as an attorney? In other words, does one of our readers believe he would ever have been appointed attorney for the Santa Fe railroad at this place, if he had not been our State Senator? He is still our Senator, and while serving in that capacity, receives bread and butter from a railroad corporation. The query is: Did he prostitute his official position for a soft place with a great corporation?
Railroad companies do not employ attorneys because they look wise and are good fellows. It is only after the people have given such fellows the control of sacred interests by putting them into responsible official position that they become valuable to these great corporations.
Now, taking the records of these two men, which is most likely to prove true to the people? Mr. Hackney has never betrayed us, while Mr. Pyburn's position is, at best, a questionable one.
The private citizen, Mr. Hackney, has rendered honorable service as an attorney for both individuals and corporations. He has done this work for compensation. There has been nothing dishonorable in this. It has been such service as every attorney in the county would have been glad to render.
Mr. Hackney has been employed to do that work, because individuals and corporations have had confidence in his ability and integrity. No one can point to a public trust of any kind that he has ever betrayed.
Next winter we shall want just such a man as Mr. Hackney to look after our welfare at Topeka. His interests and ours are identical. He has pledged himself to stand by his constituents.
Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.
Parsons has fifteen saloons, Hunnewell eleven, Wellington nine, Winfield four.
Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.
The Texas cow boys shoot and smash around generally and have their own way at Hunnewell.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1880.
Capt. Scott came in from the west last Monday, looking hale and hearty.
Capt. C. M. Scott has purchased 500 acres of land near the mouth of Grouse creek, with a view of making it a stock ranche.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1880.
Al Burton, of some renown at this place, is one of the marshals at Hunnewell, drawing one hundred dollars per month. Al carries lead in his body from old scores and will probably carry more.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1880.
As the accommodation train was speeding along toward Winfield last Thursday morning, with some eight or nine freight cars in front of the passenger car, a coupling pin broke between the fourth and fifth freight car, when about four miles from Winfield. The engineer did not notice the accident until he had nearly reached Winfield, when he returned for the rest of the train.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1880.
County Surveyor Haight laid out a new town on the L. L. & G. road in this county last Monday. It is situated in range 8, at the locality heretofore known as Grand View Tank. Mr. Haight is now engaged in making a very elaborate county map for the use of the Register of Deeds. [Note: Town became known as Grand View. MAW]
Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1880.
FORT DODGE, August 20, 1880.
Editor Traveler: It is a matter of surprise to see how fast these western counties are settling up. Sumner may be said to be densely populated, still there are hundreds of acres yet unclaimed, and much of that claimed and improved has not been entered. Harper is well settled with a farming class of people, where they should be stock growers.
Along the line of Barbour can now be seen many houses where last year they were few and far between. This is a recognized stock county, and will become wealthy. In Comanche, Clarke, and Meade counties, where only a year ago nothing but "cow camps" could be found, men are now there with their families—some trying to farm, others raising sheep and cattle. Next to the Pan-handle of Texas the latter three counties excel as a sheep country. The grass is alkali or buffalo grass, very nutritious, and remains green the entire year. In all these counties there are thousands of acres of land to be bought at one dollar per acre on the Cherokee Strip, and that on the Osage lands will be sold this fall to the highest bidder. In many instances timber and water can be had.
Most of the stock cattle held about Caldwell have been sold, and the shipping cattle are being driven to Nickerson, on account of the number of native cattle dying with fever in that vicinity.
At Dodge City yearlings were sold at $8 and $8.50 per head, and some offered for $7 per head after they have been picked over. Colorado sheep are offered in any numbers at $2 per head. They are very thin in flesh, yet if well wintered would prove a profitable investment. The sheep mania seems to be universal, and cattle men are becoming alarmed thereat, claiming that where sheep feed the cattle will die, as sheep bite the grass so close that the hot sun strikes into its heart and soon kills it.
During the past two weeks Western Kansas has had an abundance of rain, and the "range" never was better, although grass is too short to make hay.
No one need go west of Barbour County with any intention of farming. There is not rain sufficient to grow corn or wheat. Millet does well, and is a good substitute for corn, and alfalfa or Chinese clover should do equally well. It is a stock country, nothing more.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1880.
Hunne"hell" is the latest pet name for Sumner County's new town.
Winfield Courier, August 26, 1880.
It is said that in the Wichita convention someone stated that J. Wade McDonald was a soldier in the rebel army, and that in response one delegate stated that he would vote for a rebel soldier full as soon as for a union soldier, and another said that he questioned the democracy of any man who would oppose a man because he wore the grey.
Now, we do not propose that his friends shall be allowed to make capital for him among Democrats by making them believe he was a rebel soldier and killed Republicans. We boldly assert that such is not the case, but that J. Wade McDonald was a soldier in the Twentieth Illinois infantry, a regiment whose preserved banner is emblazoned with the names of Fredericktown, Fort Donelson, Shiloh, Corinth, and Vicksburg; that he killed Democrats, that he was discharged from service on account of wounds received, and that he still carries rebel lead in his thigh. We don't believe he will be a popular candidate with his party.
Winfield Courier, August 26, 1880.
W. L. Mullen bought at Caldwell last week five thousand head of Colorado stock wethers. Iowa men bought at the same place seven thousand head at $2.25.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1880. Front Page.
Capt. Payne and five of his comrades, H. H. Stafford, J. K. Jarratt, J. Brophy, A. H. Riggs, and W. H. Smith, were brought in by the military last Friday, after a long detention, and turned over to the U. S. court, at this place. He found here no criminal charge against him, and was set at liberty at once and cited, together with his five comrades, to appear to November term of the U. S. court, to answer charge of going, the second time, into the Indian Territory.
Capt. Payne was very desirous to answer the charge at once, and without delay, but it cannot probably be well attended to by either party—plaintiff or defendant—at present.
It is a very important matter and will, no doubt, be decided by His Honor, Judge Parker, when tried in accordance with the genius of our Republican institutions, consistent with the spirit of the age in which we live, and in the great interests of civilization and advancement, and in the encouragement, as has always been the case, of the hardy, energetic, and bold pioneers of our country, a liberal construction of the law. Ft. Smith Elevator.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, September 1, 1880. Front Page.
If any of our young friends are pining for glory in the field of journalism, we recommend them to read the following letter from the editor of the Indian Journal. It presents a good opening for a young man who would "just as lieve live as die." The writer's name is Albert Harvey, formerly of Erie, Pennsylvania, and writing to one of home friends, he says:
"INDIAN JOURNAL OFFICE, Muskogee, Indian Territory,
July 5, 1880.
"Brother: Muskogee is in the heart of the Creek Nation—the meanest, most treacherous, and murderous savages on the face of the earth. There are about two thousand Indians here, any amount of negroes, and possibly 1,000 whites. The Indians and negroes largely intermarry, notwithstanding it has been stated they hate each other. The community here is almost wholly lawless, but there is better order here now than a short time ago.
"There are three policemen at Muskogee—all Indians. A man is never arrested. If he steals, or commits any crime to amount to anything, he is run down and shot dead. They used to kill about two men a week here, but since the police have been appointed by the government, there is not usually more than one a month, and then it is generally a drunken Indian who defies the police. The latter have no clubs—using but the cheerful revolver. If they think a man is behaving badly so as to warrant interference, they pull down on him their big weapon. If he doesn't weaken right there, his friends are obliged to carry him and bury him.
"I suppose I am considered general superintendent of the Indian Journal office, as the foreman, devil, compositor, pressman, job printer, and editor most of the time. Being the only man employed in the office, I have a good time.
"In the editorial room two short guns ornament one corner, there are two in my bedroom, one in the composing room, and when I am not asleep, I wear a belt containing two revolvers and thirty-four cartridges. Every man is armed, not on the offensive, but because there is no other way here of settling a difficulty.
"I want an associate editor; can you recommend one? ALBERT."
Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1880.
A drunken driver upset the stage coach between Skeleton Ranch and Fort Reno, on last Sunday, in which there were several passengers, among them a Mrs. Looney, who was somewhat injured. The whiskey, our informant says, was furnished by the marshal of Wellington. A fine specimen of a law preserving officer he must be to so far forget himself while off duty for a short time as to pour whiskey down a man who has the lives of others in his hands. The stage company promptly discharged the driver, which was right.
Caldwell Commercial.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1880.
Drury Warren, the well-to-do cattle man of Grouse Creek, made our office a pleasant call last Thursday.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1880.
We had the pleasure of meeting Lieut. Shelley last week, and had quite a chat with him. The Lieutenant was in charge of a squad of men from Coffeyville, who had been scouting for Oklahomaites in the Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1880.
Hunnewell now has a post office of its very own, with Frank Schiffbauer as postmaster. We congratulate Frank upon his appointment, and hope in his case the pay will be commensurate with the work done. We'll be fooled if it does, though.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1880.
Richard Boddinghouse, a private in Company A, 16th infantry, stationed here last summer, was recently promoted to the position of quartermaster's clerk. While at Coffeyville last week he forged orders to the amount of $165 and skipped out with the money thus obtained. The soldiers are after him, but as yet with no success. Before leaving this place he allowed that he was a dead beat. He is a foreigner with a splendid education, but no sense.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1880.
Mr. Hallowell, United States District Attorney, has been quite a frequent visitor to our city lately, owing to the numerous cases brought before the United States Commissioner at this place. He is a most cordial gentleman, and makes new friends at every trip. He is a vigorous prosecutor of crime, but will not lend himself to the prejudices of any parties simply to persecute persons against whom a charge has been manufactured.
Winfield Courier, September 2, 1880.
W. L. Mullen has sold the five thousand sheep he bought at Caldwell.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 8, 1880. Front Page.
The Sioux Chiefs Spotted Tail and Red Cloud have taken their children away from the Indian school at Carlisle, Pennsylvania, because corporeal punishment was inflicted there. “My boys and girls,” said Spotted Tail to the Superintendent, on a recent visit, “shall never be whipped by anyone with my consent. I will not leave them at a school, or any other place, where the whip is used. A whipped boy is apt to grow up a whipped man. Unless he has some spirit or life in him, it is better that he know nothing. A whipped man has neither spirit nor life.”
Arkansas City Traveler, September 8, 1880.
Hunnewell has a large three-story frame hotel just completed, but at this writing it is not occupied. A new grocery and liquor house has just opened out. The more the merrier.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 8, 1880.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schiffbauer of Hunnewell spent Sunday last in the City. Frank reports business in Hunnewell for the past week as pretty good, over ten thousand head of cattle being shipped East from there in that time.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 8, 1880.
Cattle in the Territory are dying at a great rate. Mr. Warren, of Grouse, we understand intends to ship what steers he now has on hand at once. Mr. Green, of Grouse, and the Dean Brothers have also lost heavily—over fifty head each.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 8, 1880.
One Davis, a Texas man, has driven upon the range selected by Mr. Warren and upon which he had put up some 75 tons of hay for consumption this winter. Quite a time is being had, but we presume the difficulty will be amicably adjusted.
Winfield Courier, September 9, 1880.
WINFIELD, Ks., Sept. 7, 1880.
EDS. COURIER: In the Daily Telegram of Monday is an article entitled “Two Edged Swords,” in which among other falsehoods, is the following:
“Hackney during the last legislature spent the full term there. Knowing Pyburn, Hackney suggested to the Santa Fe people his employment.”
This in the personal organ of Senator Pyburn, is peculiarly significant.
I did not go to Topeka as the paid attorney of any railroad company, as this article charges. The people of Cowley had no railroads. Our bonds had been voted to the Santa Fe company on condition that this company should build the road in a limited time. Before the company had effected the loans necessary to raise the money with which to build this road, the legislature met and immediately was commenced a war on the Kansas roads, seeking by legislation to take the control of them from the men who furnished the money with which to build them, and to place it in the hands of men to be appointed by the Governor.
These movements on the part of the legislature had the effect to so intimidate Boston capitalists who were to furnish the money to build our railroads, that they would not invest. The committee which had been appointed by our citizens were notified that this road could not be built if the proposed legislation should be effected.
Thereupon the committee and citizens of Winfield and Cowley county were alarmed, and applied to me to go to Topeka and try to prevent the passage of what was known as the Rigg's bill. Busy as I was at the time, and much as it cost me in the loss of valuable law business, I was prevailed upon to go for ten days. At the expiration of that time I should have returned, but for the personal solicitation of General Manager Strong, who assured me that the pending legislation was having a disastrous effect upon the attempts of the company to raise the money to build our road. At his request, I remained until some time in February, when I met the men who organized the Southwestern Kansas and Western railroad company. I was chosen one of the directors, went to Kansas City, examined into the matter, and became convinced that they meant business and could build the road.
I came home with Gen. Blair, their attorney, and the proposition to vote bonds to the east and west railroad was submitted. The proposed legislation was defeated; both roads have been built, and the people have the benefit. I have never received one nickle for the time and money I expended in securing these roads. I am still a director in the latter, having been re-elected since because, as I suppose, of their faith in my honor.
Before I went to Topeka, our people hauled their wheat and hogs 50 to 75 miles to Wichita, and there paid $45 a car to Kansas City. In consequence of the building of these two roads through the county, for the last two months our farmers have been shipping their wheat, hogs, and corn from home to Kansas City for ten dollars a car, and no hauling to Wichita, and have saved enough already to pay the bonded debt.
Then why this railroad howl against me in the Telegram? It is only to try to beat me by any means, fair or foul.
No railroad corporation or agent of one has ever approached me on the subject of what will be my course with regard to rail roads if elected to the senate. No person, corporation, or firm has ever contributed one cent toward my election or the expenses connected therewith either directly or indirectly, and I never said anything to indicate otherwise. When the impersonal columns of the Telegram or its personal owner says aught to the contrary, it or he simply lies, and I mean this statement to be broad and long enough to cover every charge made in that article and that the shoe shall fit him who asserts and him who circulates these lies, let them be whom they may.
The Telegram says because I knew my man, I could get the Santa Fe people to employ him. Now I assert that Pyburn and I were not divided in opinion but stood on the same platform and acted in concert that winter. I had supposed that the company employed Pyburn because of his ability as an attorney, but the ass-tute manager of the Telegram tells us that such is not the case, but that he was appointed at my request because I knew my man. The Telegram intimates that his employment was not on account of his legal ability but for the purpose of controlling his vote on the pending legislation. This is the only inference that can be drawn from the Telegram article. Verily does Pyburn suffer from this insane zeal to vilify me. It is bad to have a fool-friend. If the Telegram keeps going, it will convince its readers that Senator Pyburn is either a fool or a knave, possibly both. I suppose that Mr. Pyburn attends to such legal business as is entrusted to him by the Santa Fe company. The firm of which I am a member does the same for the K. C. L. & S. company. We do this work for pay just as we work for other clients.
And now I pronounce the fusillade of billingsgate with which the columns of the Telegram have been filled, regarding myself, for weeks and months past, as false, malicious, cowardly, and libelous, and the authors of them characterless hypocrites and malicious scoundrels. I invite the small pack of coyotes who contribute to its columns to do their dirtiest. I expect no favors from them in this campaign and will grant none. My public services are well known to the people of the county; and if again wanted, they will elect me to the Senate in spite of such opposition. If not, I shall be content and henceforth give my individual attention to my business. Respectfully, W. P. HACKNEY.
Winfield Courier, September 9, 1880.
The K. C. L. & S. railroad is completed to Harper.
Winfield Courier, September 9, 1880.
“The cruel war is over.” Last Monday the railroads came to an understanding, and the old rates established. The low rates lasted over two months, during which time thousands of dollars have been saved to the farmers of Cowley county. One firm in Winfield saved on freight alone over twenty-five hundred dollars, and thus been enabled to sell goods about 7 percent lower than they otherwise would. As it was with this firm, so has it been with all the leading firms in Winfield, and today the farmers of Cowley county are getting 7-100 more goods for a dollar than their less fortunate neighbors in Elk and Montgomery counties.
Winfield Courier, September 9, 1880.
The A. T. & S. F. R. R. Co. are building a new round house at Mulvane. It is to be the same size of the one here. Arkansas City Democrat.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 15, 1880.
The Cherokee Indians were recently paid $300,00 on land sales.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 15, 1880.
Captain Scott is on the wing again, having left for Fort Dodge last Saturday, from which point he strikes out for the wilds of Southwestern Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 15, 1880.
Cherokee Jones, who has fenced in Hunnewell, was in town last week. He is now engaged in looking up the coal fields said to exist on the Cherokee strip south of this city.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 15, 1880.
The rates on cattle from Hunnewell to Kansas City are now restored to the old figures—$40 per car. During the “cut” for some weeks past the Santa Fe and K. C., L. & W. roads only charged $10.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 15, 1880.
Mr. Frank Schiffbauer was brought in from Hunnewell last Friday evening, suffering considerably from neuralgia of the bowels. His many friends will be glad to learn that under good medical treatment he is rapidly convalescing.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 15, 1880.
The Arkansas City TRAVELER of last week contains a letter signed “C. M. S.” purporting to have been written at Fort Dodge. Among other things in the aforesaid letter we find the following paragraph, which is as clear and concise a specimen of unmitigated able-bodied lying as we have seen in many a day:
“Most of the stock cattle held about Caldwell have been sold, and shipping cattle are being driven to Nickerson on account of the number of native cattle dying with fever in that vicinity.” Caldwell Commercial, 2d.
The letter signed “C. M. S.” was written at Fort Dodge by a man who knew whereof he spoke, or at least spoke from information he considered reliable. His business necessitates constant traveling throughout the western portion of Kansas, and while it is a matter of perfect indifference to us, we prefer to accept his statements to those made by the thing at the head of the Commercial. C. M. Scott knows more about stock in a day than the Commercial growler ever can learn.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 15, 1880.
The news in regard to the railroad from Arkansas City to Fort Smith is of the most important and encouraging description. As is well known to our readers, all that the Santa Fe asks from Congress is the right of way through the Territory. This came very near being granted at the last session, and the assurances were then made that with the opening of the forty-sixth Congress, one of the earliest acts of the session will be to grant this right. In conversation with agents and traders of the Cherokee Nation, we discover that the Indians are largely reconciled to the building of the road, and that the most important members of the tribe favor it. Another matter is that the Santa Fe is already doing the preliminary work, and that John E. Thomes, division engineer, will be ordered to make the preliminary survey from Arkansas City, commencing sometime this month. In less than three years Cowley county will have a great trunk-line road, uniting the Kansas system of roads with those of the South, bringing to southern Kansas greater prosperity than her citizens ever dreamed of. Winfield Monitor.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 15, 1880.
Parties wishing to attend the fair at Wichita, from the 14th to the 17th of September, inclusive, can purchase tickets over the A. T. & S. F. road at $1.60 for the round trip. Tickets on sale from the 13th to 17th, to be used on or before the 18th.
Those wishing to attend the Stare Fair held at Lawrence, in Bismarck Grove, September 13th to 18th, inclusive, can purchase tickets over the A. T. & S. F. road for one-half fare for round trip. Tickets for sale from the 13th to 17th, to be used on or before the 19th.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 15, 1880.
Messrs. Howard & Rexford have just received a choice selection of firearms, among which are included the Evans magazine gun, a perfect gem for sportsmen, capable of being fired twenty-six times without taking from the shoulder, and the celebrated new patent Merwin & Hulbert revolvers. These goods are in various styles, and cannot fail of giving satisfaction to all who can appreciate a perfect and accurate weapon.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 15, 1880.
Burt Tabler, recently sent to Ft. Smith by the U. S. Commissioner at this place, was discharged by the United States District Attorney for Arkansas at Ft. Smith, on the ground that there was no case against him. Said District Attorney took occasion to remark, in connection with this case, that if half the United States Commissioners in Kansas were dead, the people would be better off. Just so.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 15, 1880.
One Mardrett was arrested and brought here last Monday for trading in the Territory, and will have a hearing before the Commissioner next Friday at noon. This is the man who got away with hides belonging to the Indians lately.
Winfield Courier, September 16, 1880.
Cattle have been dying rapidly, below in the Territory.
Winfield Courier, September 16, 1880.
Ten thousand head of cattle were shipped at Hunnewell last week.
Winfield Courier, September 16, 1880.
Three extra cars were brought down on the Santa Fe Monday for the accommodation of the militia.
Winfield Courier, September 16, 1880.
The Winfield Rifles left Monday afternoon for Wichita to participate in the regimental drill at that place this week.
Winfield Courier, September 16, 1880.
The Humboldt Rifles passed through Winfield Monday on their way to Wichita. They are a fine body of men, well officered, and have the reputation of being the best drilled company in the State.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 22, 1880. Editorial Page.
[Report from C. M. Scott.]
PEARLETTE, Mead [Meade] Co., Kansas, Sept. 15, 1880.
Ed. Traveler: Away out here in Mead [Meade] County, after passing over nearly one hundred miles of only partially settled country, I find a number of settlers on Crooked creek, raising rice or Egyptian corn, sorghum, millet, peanuts, and watermelons, and the crops would all have yielded well had it not been for a hail storm of last week. So long as the farmers confine themselves to the above crops, they will do well enough, but wheat and corn will fail.
In this high, dry, timberless country, good water is obtained at a depth of twenty-five feet.
The grass, although short this year on account of dry weather, remains green the whole year, and it is one of the best stock counties in Kansas. Eighty miles farther west you come to the Colorado line, a vast, sandy, and unsettled country.
The great salt well or “sink” is ten miles below here. A few years ago it covered an acre of surface, and suddenly the ground caved in and three acres dropped down twenty feet. People came forty miles and more to see it. The Salt Plains of the Cimarron are about forty miles southeast.
I have seen all of Kansas, the garden patches of the eastern part, the wheat fields of the north, the well watered, the timbered, the flinty ridges, and the stock counties, and I am glad I live in noble young Cowley. C. M.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 22, 1880.
Lieutenant Wood, in charge of a detachment of cavalry, has been in town the past two days. He is hunting deserters.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 22, 1880.
Our U. S. Commissioner and marshal are making a wholesale business in arresting people. That's right—make hay while the sun shines.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 22, 1880.
The Oklahoma boomers had a tent on the grounds at the Wichita fair last week, with maps, charts, etc., and an agent who supplied all the information asked for.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 22, 1880.
C. M. Scott, writing from Dodge City, Kansas, September 13, says: “Farmers can make more money putting up hay this fall than they can on their corn, considering the amount of labor required.”
Arkansas City Traveler, September 22, 1880.
While the express train was speeding along between Arkansas City and Winfield last Friday, a man was seen standing on the track, eyeing the oncoming train with all the indifference imaginable. Supposing he was an escaped lunatic, the engineer “slowed up,” when the man stepped off the track, grinning as if he thought he had done something smart. A well-directed chunk of coal from the fireman would have served him right.
Winfield Courier, September 23, 1880.
We learn that there is some excitement in this county on account of the belief that Dave Payne has been tried at Fort Smith and acquitted on the ground that the law gives any citizen the right to settle and occupy under the preemption, homestead, and town site acts, any lands which belong to the government; and that under this belief many are making arrangements to invade and occupy that certain tract of 36,000 acres in the Territory immediately south of here, which has not been set apart to any particular tribe of Indians.
None of the above beliefs are true. Payne has not been tried, has not been acquitted. He was taken to Fort Smith and there gave his recognizance to appear for trial at the set time, (In November, we think), and was released. When first found in the Territory, he was arrested, escorted to the line, and told to leave. The second time he was arrested, taken to Fort Smith, and held for trial, as just stated. The next time he will be held in jail for trial.
There is no law to the effect that every tract of land owned by the government is subject to settlement. No one believes that the law gives one a right to settle on the reservations at Leavenworth and other forts. The whole Indian Territory is a reservation for the purpose of establishing the various Indian tribes thereon. Most of it years ago was parceled out to Indian tribes. Within the last ten years five different tribes have been assigned to certain other tracts and what remains is held by law for the purpose of receiving other tribes that may be brought in.
These are the facts in the case and those who go there to settle or speculate will fool away their time and money and get into trouble. Only those who are sharp enough to get away with the money of their dupes will gain anything.
Winfield Courier, September 23, 1880.
The two railroads building west into Harper County have come to an agreement and have quit work in building the roads. The K. C., L. & S. had nearly reached Harper City, and the Santa Fe was within eight miles of Anthony.
Winfield Courier, September 23, 1880.
It is said that J. Wade McDonald will be withdrawn from the race for Congress by the Democratic committee to carry out a plan for general fusion of the Democratic and Greenback parties.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 29, 1880.
Capt Scott came in from the west last Saturday.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 29, 1880.
Jesse Evans was to ship sixteen carloads of cattle from Harper City last week—the first shipped from that place.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 29, 1880.
Dr. Chapel lost three head of cattle from murrain. This disease among cattle is frequently pronounced “Spanish fever.”
Arkansas City Traveler, September 29, 1880.
Sixty-four head of cattle, branded ace of spades, are missing from Shultz’s camp on Sand creek in Clark County, supposed to have been stolen and shipped at Caldwell or Hunnewell.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 29, 1880.
Among the names of those who signed treaties with the Cherokees, we find Pa-hah-sau-ga, meaning broken arm; Gag-qua-no, the amorous man; Lear-he-hosh, the man who weans children too soon; Toyt-sa-ag-tah, the ambitious adulterer.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 6, 1880.
The notorious outlaw, West Brown, broke jail at Henrietta, Texas, last Friday, October 1, and made his escape to the Indian Territory. Sheriff Craig, of Clay county, Texas, offers $1,100 reward for his capture. Brown is well known throughout the Territory and southern Kansas as a fearless, reckless man, and a hard character. He participated in the Caneyville, Kansas, robbery, assisted in the murder of Stockstill and Henderson, stock men, and is thought to have been one of the men implicated in the Cowley County Bank robbery in 1878 at this place. For a number of years he has been roaming along the border of Kansas, making his headquarters at the mouth of the Cimarron. More than $2,000 in rewards had been offered for him before he was captured in New Mexico and taken to Henrietta. On one occasion he traveled four hundred miles to kill a half-breed Indian who had informed an officer of his whereabouts
Winfield Courier, October 7, 1880.
It is said that 125,000 head of Texas cattle will be wintered in the territory south of Sumner county.
Winfield Courier, October 7, 1880.
Our party of Oklahoma boomers started for the territory Tuesday. They will be back in about three days.
Winfield Courier, October 7, 1880.
The Santa Fe lion is gobbling up all the little railroad lambs in this vicinity. They can't bleat without suffering for it.
Winfield Courier, October 7, 1880.
From the reports now current, it seems pretty certain that the Santa Fe company is now, or soon will be, the owner of the K. C. L. & S. road. If this is the case, the Santa Fe road now has complete control of the transportation of Southern Kansas. With its main line running through the central part of the state from East to West, its many feeders reaching out from the main line on every hand, and now possessed of another and the only line from which opposition could come, they certainly are masters of the situation.
Winfield Courier, October 14, 1880.
The reported purchase of the K. C. L. & S. road has been denied. We are glad of this. With competing lines we are sure to have reasonable rates. With both roads in the hands of one corporation, we might fare worse.
Winfield Courier, October 14, 1880.
Caldwell, Kansas, October 9. Frank Hunt, deputy city marshal of Caldwell, was shot and fatally wounded last night, about half past 10 o'clock, by some unknown party. Hunt was sitting in front of a window in the Red Light saloon, talking with some gentlemen, when the dastardly assassin put a large revolver through the open window and placing it close to Hunt's side, fired. The ball passed through his body and lodged in the opposite side. Hunt was at once taken to his home, where he lies in a critical condition, although his physicians have some hope of his recovery. No better or more harmless a person lived in Caldwell, and yet he was the terror of all evil doers, knowing not the word of fear, and the shooting is considered by all a most cowardly murder. Commonwealth.
Most of the early settlers of this county knew Frank Hunt as our first sheriff and the original hardware merchant on the premises now occupied by S. H. Myton in Winfield.
Winfield Courier, October 14, 1880.
Rev. John W. Hunt, of Davis County, Iowa, has been visiting in this county the past week. He is the father of Frank Hunt, Winfield's earliest hardware merchant, now in Caldwell, and of Mrs. J. H. Evans, of Vernon township. He is sixty-seven years old, but is hale, strong, and fine looking, though he has done much work in his calling. Long may he wave.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 20, 1880.
The quiet city of Caldwell was startled by one of her periodical murders recently. Caldwell is a splendid town—to emigrate from.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 20, 1880.
The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe company has bought the Kansas City, Lawrence & Southern, formerly the Leavenworth, Lawrence & Galveston. The Kansas, Lawrence & Southern is one of the old Nettleton roads, and runs from Kansas City and Lawrence in a southwesterly direction to Wellington, Kansas, near the line of the Indian Territory, which branches to Coffeyville and to Hunnewell. The distance from Lawrence to Hunnewell is 225 miles, to Wellington 237 miles. The Kansas City branch to Lawrence is 53 miles long, and the Coffeyville branch 16 miles.
The object of the Santa Fe company in securing this property, was, no doubt, for the purpose of securing a line that will be able to compete with the Missouri, Kansas & Texas, which is controlled by Jay Gould. It is the intention of the Santa Fe people to extend the line as soon as possible through the Indian Territory to a connection with the Texas roads.
Winfield Courier, October 21, 1880.
The coroners jury on the case of Frank Hunt, murdered at Caldwell, found that he was feloniously shot and killed by one David Spear, and that one Loomis was accessory before the fact. Both Spear and Loomis have been apprehended and are in custody. It was a deliberate and atrocious assassination.
Winfield Courier, October 21, 1880.
About 40,000 head of cattle have been shipped over the K. C. L. & S. railroad this season.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 27, 1880.
During his abortive effort at a speech in this city, Charley C. B. seemed very much exercised because our candidate for the State Senate is a personal friend of General Manager Strong, of the Santa Fe railroad. He is not only a personal friend, but he is one of the directors of the company in whose interest a bill is now pending in Congress, giving them the right of way from here to Fort Smith, and our people expect many favors at Hackney's hands in consequence thereof.
Winfield Courier, October 28, 1880.
We were highly entertained last Tuesday for an hour by Col. Miles, agent for the Osages and Kaws. He is a highly cultured, warm hearted, and intelligent gentleman, one who understands the situation perfectly, knows his duty, and will do it. It pains him to be obliged to send home the poor man empty, who, living within the borders of Kansas, having worked hard all the season, his crops failing, suffering for want of wood, and with no means to buy it, goes down into the Territory and cuts a load of wood. He thinks the Territory being adapted to stock raising than anything else and that it would be best for Kansas if stock men only were to settle therein. He has no sympathy with the raids of the Oklahoma boomers who are trying to speculate in town lots at the expense of the ignorant.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1880.
The soldiers are about to leave Caldwell for winter quarters at Fort Leavenworth.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1880.
Beyond doubt some parties are stealing cattle from the different herds in the Territory. Thomas Hill, on Bitter creek, has lost twenty-one head, ten of them branded 0 on the left hip, and eleven with a diamond brand on right hip, and we have heard of a number of others who have sustained losses.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1880.
Two families passed through town last Sunday on their way to Oklahoma. Capt. Payne, the famous projector of this scheme, is at present lying sick in Mulvane.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1880.
From the Fort Smith Elevator we learn that the bill before the Choctaw Council to grant the right of way to a railroad through the Indian Territory from Fort Smith to Paris, Texas, was defeated by a small majority.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1880.
Some parties went into the Territory about two weeks ago, their prairie schooners emblazoned with the motto, “Oklahoma or Bust.” They passed through town last Sunday, their prairie schooners emblazoned with the trite but significant tall piece of their motto, and “Bust” written in every lineament.
Winfield Courier, November 11, 1880.
A private letter from Ft. Reno informs us that two squads of Sumner county Oklahoma boomers were brought into the fort under arrest the first of last week. There were seven men in one squad and ten in the other. A detachment of soldiers is kept in Oklahoma constantly, and the Indians are also aroused against the invaders. We would repeat the advice heretofore given: If you want to settle in the Territory, just wait until Uncle Sam gives you permission. It is a big undertaking to “buck” the United States Government. Wellington Press.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1880.
Captain Payne is still confined to his bed at Mulvane, but the boom goes marching on. There was a meeting of the leaders of the movement yesterday, and definite action was taken in regard to the pending expedition to Oklahoma. The muster rolls of the colony show that a force of from 2,000 to 3,000 men can be relied upon to move at the appointed time. The date of the invasion is not made public, nor the place of rendezvous, but it is surmised that there will be a simultaneous advance from various points on the frontier, moving to a com-mon objective point, and that the colonists will go to stay.
We shall be able to give further information as the facts transpire. It is evident that the boys are in dead earnest, and the dying echoes of the November election will mingle with the resounding slogan of “On to Oklahoma.” Wichita Republican.
Winfield Courier, November 18, 1880.
Capt. Payne, the Oklahoma boomer, is ill with fever at Mulvane.
Winfield Courier, November 18, 1880.
For the last few days there have appeared in this city a hundred or two of excursionists who have strayed from the main channels in which they were directed by the railroad interests. The whole number of visitors to Kansas on these late excursion trains from the east cannot be less than 15,000. The Kansas City Times says that in a single day the Santa Fe sent out sixteen cars loaded with them, the Fort Scott, 22 cars, the Union Pacific, 16. Altogether the Fort Scott has filled about 50 cars, the Santa Fe 60, the Union Pacific 50, and the Missouri Pacific 40, making at least 200.
Winfield Courier, November 18, 1880.
Winfield, Nov. 16, 1880.
This statement I make to show the farmers that I have been handling hogs in this county in very small margin. I have shipped to Kansas City and Chicago the following number of hogs from Cowley county. October 1st 1879 to November 1st, 1880, 18,224 head, 4,268,087 pounds, cost $168,250.85. W. J. HODGES.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 24, 1880. Editorial Page.
A circular received by Cap. Sanford, of this city, yesterday from the headquarters of Payne’s Oklahoma colony at Wichita, under date of November 20, states that the colonists will cross the Territory line on Monday, December 6, and desires all colonists to be on hand at the following places by that time: Caldwell, Arkansas City, and Coffeyville, Kansas; Fort Smith, Arkansas; Dennison, Texas; and such other points as may be most convenient to the objective point—Oklahoma. The circular is signed by D. L. Payne, president, and W. A. Sherman, secretary.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 24, 1880. Editorial Page.
Gen. John Pope has fired off his annual columbine in the form of an official report, reviewing Indian affairs in the Department of the Missouri. The burden of the document is devoted to the late eruption of the Southern Cheyennes and repeated and pending raids of Capt. Payne into Oklahoma. Gen. Pope details the action of the military authorities in twice removing Payne and his followers, and on the last occasion turning them over to the United States district court of Fort Smith. He says it is certain that Payne and his comrades “fully believe in their right to settle in the Oklahoma district, and are anxious to test the question in the United States courts. He also expresses the belief that it is the intention of the colonists to reenter the Territory pending the trial of their case, and under the President’s proclamation it will be necessary to arrest them and repeat the same process. Gen. Pope accordingly urges that the question of their right to settle in the Territory be passed upon as soon as possible by the U. S. court, now in session at Fort Smith.
It is clear from the general tenor of Gen. Pope’s report that he anticipates a formidable raid. He is too well informed not to know that the Oklahoma Colony whose headquarters are in Wichita represents an enlisted force of several thousand men, scattered through Southern Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, and Texas, and that the mass of these recruits will respond to the call for a general movement, advancing simultaneously by front and flank to the heart of Oklahoma.
They commit no trespass upon Indian reservations; they will occupy only the ceded lands, from which the Indian title has been extinguished by Government purchase, and which are designated as “public lands” on the Government maps. It is true also that the executive is prohibited by act of Congress from locating any more Indian tribes upon any public lands, and hence they lie in idleness and implied perpetual isolation from development and civiliza-tion. The position of Capt. Payne and his associates is ably fortified by the elaborate opinion of Col. Broadhead, and Judge Krum and Philips, of the St. Louis bar, a committee appointed to investigate and report upon the subject. What course the executive may pursue in regard to the pending invasion cannot be foreseen. We believe but for the obstinacy of Secretary Schurz, President Hayes, whose first message to the present Congress contained a very decided expression in favor of opening the Indian Territory, would suspend his proclamation and direct Gen. Pope to interpose no further barrier against the settlement of Oklahoma.
But with or without military intervention, we consider the opening of these 14,000,000 acres of public lands a certain and speedy event. It is the public sentiment and temper of the southwest that breech clout barbarism shall no longer block the national highway, and stem the tide of civilization between Kansas and the Gulf. The President could do no wiser act than to order Gen. Pope to suspend offensive operation and give Capt. Payne honorable escort to the public lands.
In any event, we believe before the ides of March are passed, there will 20,000 bona fied settlers tilling the soil and building the capital city of the future State of Oklahoma.
. . .
Arkansas City Traveler, November 24, 1880.
The Caldwell Post says the Oklahoma invaders from that town are on their way back to the line. Uncle Sam. impressed with the dignity and social standing of the outfit, has fur-nished them with a military escort.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 24, 1880.
Capt. D. L. Payne, of Oklahoma fame, who has been lying ill for some time at Mulvane, was removed to Wichita last Friday, where he is now receiving the kind attention of friends. He is convalescing slowly, is considered wholly out of danger, and it is expected will be able to lead the third expedition to the land of Oklahoma, which will probably start about the last of the month or the first of December.
Winfield Courier, November 25, 1880.
W. L. Mullen shipped five car loads of hogs Tuesday.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1880.
Next Monday is the day set for the grand march into Oklahoma. The day for marching out has not been determined upon.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1880.
Captain Robinson, it is currently reported, will be at Caldwell next Saturday, the 4th, with a company of troops, to prevent Southern Kansas from being depopulated by those who fain would recline in the flowery fields of Oklahoma.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1880.
T. H. B. Ross has the merest luck and the worstest of it of any man on the hill. A couple of weeks ago with a few friends he went down into the Territory to have a little hunt and look around a bit—all of which he did, and had arrived at the Cimarron on his return, when he fell in with a party of soldiers, and accepted a very pressing invitation from them to go back to Fort Reno. It was just as well that he did, for he found comfortable quarters until the storm was over, when the line of march north was taken and the party arrived here last Monday. Ross is mad, though, because he didn't corral more soldiers. He only brought up five, but they seemed to take it good naturedly, and Ross let them go as soon as they got to the State line. Caldwell Commercial.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1880.
The signs of the times begin to point unmistakably to an eruption in the near future between some of our Indian Agents and parties hunting in or going through the Territory, the latter claiming that, under the guise of authority, they have been subjected to serious annoyance and inconvenience, which was altogether unjust and uncalled for. It may be out of our province, but it seems to us that parties hunting in the Territory certainly have some rights which even an Indian Agent is bound to respect. It is to be hoped that there will be no difficulty.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1880.
Three carloads of hogs were shipped from this place yesterday morning by Mr. Ira Barnett. Mr. Barnett paid to Drury Warren for hogs yesterday $561. We are glad to see that one of our own citizens has taken this matter in his own hands, as heretofore shipments have been mostly made from Winfield instead of Arkansas City.
Winfield Courier, December 2, 1880.
Major Powell has eight parties in the field engaged in making a study of the North American Indians: their condition, their habits of life, their languages, their history, etc., as well as taking a census of them. These parties, who are roughing it with tents, mule teams, etc., are scattered throughout California, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona, and Major Powell is going to visit them all to ascertain personally how they are progressing with their work; he will probably be absent about two months. The taking of the Indian census was begun October 1st, and will probably not be finished until next spring, owing to the scattered locations of the various tribes. The name of every Indian is written out in full, together with his age, sex, etc., and other statistics are obtained, just the same as of the civilized citizens of the United States, as far as practicable. Besides these eight ethnological parties who are doing this work, there are special agents of the census bureau, who are assisting with the various Indian agents. It is estimated that the total number of Indians in the United States will foot up over 300,000. One of Major Powell's parties has just discovered in New Mexico and Arizona a number of old ruins and pueblos, which means old Indian villages. These are now being carefully explored. In New Mexico they have discovered, west of Santa Fe, the largest collection of ruins ever found on this continent.
Winfield Courier, December 2, 1880.
Capt. Dave Payne and other boomers do not succeed very well in getting up such a grand rush to the Indian Territory as to overpower the government as they assert was done at the Black Hills. Concluding that their inability to repeat the Black Hill experiment arises from the lack of a gold excitement, there are now in circulation canards about the discovery of gold, silver, and lead in the Wichita Mountains, and the boomers are being organized into mining companies.
Winfield Courier, December 2, 1880.
The directors of the following named roads have made an arrangement to consolidate their stocks into one corporation and management called The Kansas City, Topeka and Western Railroad company. The terms of the consolidation are, that the stock of the Kansas City, Lawrence and Southern is to be taken up at 95 cents on the dollar, the stock of the Southern Kansas and Western at 75 cents on the dollar, and the stock of the Sumner county at 75 cents, and the stock of the Kansas City, Topeka and Western substituted therefor at par. This latter stock is to be taken at par and paid for by secured 5 percent 40 year bonds of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railroad company. The present Lawrence, Topeka and Western railroad is the line from Kansas City to Topeka which has been operated by the A., T. & S. F. under a lease. The K. C., L. & S. is the road from Lawrence (and we think from Olathe) to Independence and Coffeyville.
The S. K. & W. is the road from Independence via Winfield to Harper; and the Sumner county is the branch from Wellington to Hunnewell. It is the S. K. & W. in which Cowley county owns $68,000 of stock. The proposition so far as it affects this county substantially involves the sale of our $68,000 of stock for $51,000 A. T. & S. F. five percent 40 year bonds.
We are inclined to think that this would be a good operation for this county. The bonds would doubtless sell at any time at par in cash while the railroad stock may never be worth more than 75 cents on the dollar and in case of a financial revulsion, it might go down to next to nothing.
There never was a time when railroad stocks were so much in demand as they are at present. The scramble of Jay Gould and several great corporations to get control of so many railroad lines by buying in a majority of their stocks has so inflated railroad stocks that they sell much above their real value. How long this state of things is going to continue cannot now be seen but it is probable that some of these operators will before long get so heavily loaded that there will be a magnificent failure like that of Jay Cook in 1873 when the bubble will burst and railroad stock such as ours will not sell for ten cents on the dollar. At the same time first mortgage and other well secured railroad bonds will be but little affected by the money stringency that would ensue for they must first be paid. The sale of a road to pay such bonds has usually frozen out the stock
entirely and rendered it worthless.
We suppose the consolidation will be affected by the directors, whether our county as a stockholder in one of the roads consents or not; but we suppose the exchange of our stock for the bonds cannot be made without a vote of the people. A proposition in relation to the matter has been sent to J. S. Hunt, county clerk, to be laid before the commissioners for their action. We do not know what will be done about it, but presume the commissioners would wish to have the matter laid before the people, and would desire to have an expression from as many as possible in relation to the matter.
Winfield Courier, December 2, 1880.
The K. C., L. & S. are about putting up a wind machine to pump water for their tank at this place.
Winfield Courier, December 2, 1880.
A new warehouse for storing grain is in progress of building at the K. C., L. & S. depot. S. A. Brown & Co., are the proprietors.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 8, 1880. Front Page.
Editor Wichita Eagle:
I wish through your paper to give my views of Payne’s raid upon Oklahoma. My purpose is to do what I can to save a few honest, hard working men from being entrapped in a scheme that is not intended for their benefit, and can end only in loss to anyone who has anything to lose, and trouble and difficulty to all who go to Oklahoma in opposition to the national authorities.
I echo the sentiments of a large majority of the solid businessmen and farmers of this city and county when I say that no honest laboring man can afford to be used by these Oklahoma boomers. And it is the wish of all such that their scheme shall fail, as it certainly will. There is a sense of justice and honor and a disposition to abide by the law characteristic of the American people that, when the test comes, will knock the wadding out of all such business.
Payne and his coadjutors pretend that there is no act of Congress against his going into the Oklahoma country, so called. But the law is too plain to be explained away on a flimsy technicality. The law prohibits anyone going into the Indian country without leave, and makes it the duty of the President to remove all intruders, and for that purpose to use the army if necessary. A second intrusion subjects the intruder to a penalty of one thousand dollars. The phrase “Indian country,” is one of long use and well understood meaning, and includes Oklahoma as much as it does any Indian reservation within the limits of the Indian Territory.
Payne and his crowd laugh at the penalty inasmuch as it is merely a civil liability, and does not subject them to imprisonment. But before they can succeed in this business, they must have the cooperation of men who are not indifferent to such matters. The only hope they have of success is to precipitate into the country such numbers that the army will be powerless to remove them until Congress shall be forced to recognize and legalize their occupancy. If they could find the precious metals to tempt the cupidity of man, their scheme, lawless as it is, might succeed. But when you ask a man to risk his little all and go to hard work, plowing in the ground, he is in no great haste to do so. The average Oklahoma boomer is little given to plowing, except by proxy. He expects to reap a rich harvest by the sweat of other men's brows, and unless they delude a sufficient number of poor workingmen into the idea that by joining the expedition they can better their condition and obtain a valuable homestead in this promised land, their speculations will prove fruitless.
If asked to give the best reason for opposing the Oklahoma raid, I answer, because it is not right. It sets at defiance the laws and treaties of the national government, and the Presi-dent cannot, under his oath of office, permit it to be done, but is charged by every consideration of honor, good faith, and duty to prevent it, by the whole power of the army if necessary.
Much has been said and written derogatory to the policy of treating with the Indians as an independent people, and it is urged that we should regard them as citizens, and subject them to all the duties and responsibilities of other citizens. This sounds very well from our standpoint, and if no other right but ours intervened, there could be no objection to it. But they were an independent people before they came under our jurisdiction.
So far as the Indians immediately interested are concerned, the policy of recognizing and treating with them as a sovereign independent people originated with the Kingdom of Spain, and while they occupied Spanish dominions. In this relation they became possessed of cer-tain rights. Spain ceded her dominions known as the Territory of Louisiana to France, subject to the treaty rights of the Indians, and in turn the same territory was ceded by France to the United States, by the great Napoleon who required as part of the consideration by which we obtained this magnificent empire, a solemn promise “that we would execute such treaties and articles as may have been agreed upon between Spain and the tribes and nations of Indians, until by mutual consent of the United States and the said tribes or nations other suitable articles shall have been agreed upon.”
We have the power and, if we will, may disregard this stipulation, but not without dishonor. We have certainly gone as far in that direction as fairness will permit. We com-pelled the Indian to submit to extermination or the alternative of a settlement in the Indian Territory. He chose the latter with a promise, on our part, that it should be held sacred to him forever.
By treaty certain divisions of territory were set apart for certain tribes and nations, and the remainder, including Oklahoma, reserved for the future settlement of other Indians.
The act of Congress prohibiting the settlement of any more Indians in the Indian Territory is a violation of this agreement and ought to be repealed.
If we would civilize the Indian, let us give him an example of truth and justice, as practiced by civilized people. If we would teach him to obey the law, let us show him how law can protect him in the enjoyment of his rights. The Indian is no fool, if he is a barbarian. He knows that the settlement of Oklahoma by whites in the manner proposed is the entering wedge that shall eventually send him adrift, with his papoose and squaw, with no spot on earth that he can call home. He is naturally opposed to it, and he will doubtless resist it with all the force of his savage nature.
Much has been accomplished toward the enlightenment of the Indian during the last twenty years, and much more may be accomplished by pursuing an enlightened and Christian policy. But it is vain to offer him courts and laws while we exhibit an utter disregard of to him the highest law; to offer him bible and schools while we rob and drive him from his home.
The principal objection the Indian has to white civilization is on account of his appre-hension that it means death to him, and unfortunately the experience of the past is poorly calculated to remove this apprehension.
His rights are as dear to him as ours to us, and he feels his wrongs as we do ours. Perhaps it is very stupid and unreasonable in him to do so. Perhaps he should consider it very kind of our Paynes to force him to sacrifice his traditions, tastes, habits, and prejudices in the interests of commerce and agriculture.
This is not the first time the people have been called on to vindicate the national honor. Good faith with the Indian is not necessarily antagonistic to the interests of commerce. Convince him that we do not mean a conquest of his country and a destruction of his prosperity, and there will be little trouble in gaining his consent to run railroads through the Territory. It is not necessary to rob him in order to give him the benefits of courts and laws.
We need to give him schools and churches adapted to his nature and surroundings, and thus gradually fit him for citizenship, when he will accept the new relation from choice.
I favor every legitimate means of opening up the highways of trade through the Territory; the settlement of all the Indians in the Territory who will go there voluntarily; the establish-ment of courts with special legislation intended to protect the Indian from imposition, and to secure him exclusive control of the soil; the building of schools and railroads at Govern-ment expense, and the use of every other means of encouragement to the Indian to work out the problem of his own civilization.
With such encouragement and security he will, in time, himself build towns and cities, and invite immigration and enterprise. I would like to see the Government, the consent of the Indians being first obtained, construct a double track railroad from Arkansas City through the Territory so as to connect with the southern system of railroads, and give all companies the right to run their cars over it that will comply with such salutary regulations and conditions as may be imposed.
But whatever is done, let it be done on the principle of rigid justice and good faith to the Indians, they being the judge of what is justice and good faith.
Very respectfully, W. P. CAMPBELL.
Kansas and New Orleans. Railroad Connections and Trade Relations
With the Great West.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 8, 1880. Editorial Page.
Yesterday morning a States reporter, in his perambulations, called upon Mr. J. L. Gubernator, a well-known citizen of New Orleans, and who has returned to the city after a sojourn of several months in Kansas.
Mr. Gubernator passed most of his time in Kansas with his brother at McPherson, in the southern portion of the State, on a branch of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railroad.
The Southern or New Orleans branch [these designates are used in order to make the situation clearer] of the Atchison and Topeka leaves the main line at Newton, and has been completed as far south at Arkansas City near the northern boundary of the Indian Territory. This branch is designed to be a great road. At Mulvane, we believe, it sends one branch to run Southwesterly through the cattle regions of Texas, the other is to traverse the Indian Territory to make a junction at Texarkana with the Texas Pacific and over that with the New Orleans Pacific.
This branch has been, as has been said, completed to Arkansas City, and the only reason that it is not pushed immediately through the Indian Territory to Texarkana, via Fort Smith, is that, so far, owing to a treaty with the Indians, it has been impossible to obtain the right of way. Hence, in the interest of a few half vagabonds, a great enterprise of vast interest to the civilization and trade of Louisiana and Tennessee are also sufferers from the same treaty, as the Little Rock and Fort Smith railroad, completed between these two points, is at the latter point, on the eastern boundary of the Indian Territory, at a stand still.
From Mr. Gubernator it was learned that, though the great majority of the people of the portions of Kansas in which he sojourned are hostile—even bitter—toward the democratic party, they are anxious to open up commercial relations with New Orleans. They understand fully that New Orleans is the nearest seaport in America to them, and little more distant than St. Louis or Chicago, and when they get their produce to the latter places they are still many hundreds of miles from the sea.
The farmers of Kansas and other Northwestern regions are now paying fifty-two cents per bushel to transport their wheat to New York; and as soon as the canals and rivers are frozen over, they expect freights to a still higher figure and thus absorb very nearly the results of the labor and investments of the farmers.
On the other hand the farmers of Kansas assume that so soon as they have rail connection with New Orleans, their grain will be transported to the sea for twenty-five cents per bushel.
They also desire access to the great lumber regions of Louisiana and Texas, from which they will be able to obtain an abundance of cheaper and better lumber than they now buy in Wisconsin, and that they can get on cheaper rates of freight.
These are the facts gleaned from a man of close observation and intelligence, and they are only a very few of the multitude of facts which indicate that New Orleans is to become the great metropolis of the magnificent empire lying west of the Mississippi, and richer in resources than the now rich regions to the east of that mighty stream. New Orleans State.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 8, 1880.
Lieut. Mason, in command of Company H, 4th cavalry, is now camped in the city, waiting the arrival of Captain Payne and his great invading army. Caldwell Post, 2nd.
It was one of Mason's men who shot Big Snake during Whiteman's administration at Ponca Agency, in the fall of 1879. Mason is a good officer, a man of courage, and will carry out his instructions to the letter. Added to this he is one of the most gentlemanly officers it was ever our pleasure to meet. From the above paper we learn that fifty head of cavalry horses were shipped over the Santa Fe road to Caldwell last week, for the use of Company H. [NOTE: BELIEVE THIS ITEM WAS IN VOL 2, ABOUT INDIANS.]
Arkansas City Traveler, December 8, 1880. Editorial.
Our own views on this Oklahoma business are withheld this week. In Judge Campbell's and Mr. Bloss' articles, both sides of the question are stated. We are for the material advancement of this country, but do not favor the trampling down of law and justice to accomplish this or any other end. If the Government gives its consent, we are with you, but, however earnestly you may believe in the justness of your cause, you must admit that many of the best legal minds are honestly opposed to this scheme, as well as Government officials. That it should be settled by the courts, and immediately, is evident, and this is all that is asked by Capt. Payne, who is every inch a gentleman.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 8, 1880.
A mass meeting was held last evening in front of the Central Avenue hotel, addressed by Capt. Payne, Major Bloss, and others. The Oklahoma spirit was thoroughly aroused, and an address to the President, presented by one of our citizens, was adopted, asking that the federal troops be not permitted to molest or interfere with the intending settlers. The feeling of our people is that the opening of the Indian Territory will make Arkansas City an emporium and supply point, and everybody shouts: “On to Oklahoma.”
Arkansas City Traveler, December 8, 1880.
Editor Arkansas City Traveler:
I would like to occupy some of your valuable space in replying to Judge Campbell's article in the Wichita Eagle of last week.
Against Judge Campbell personally I have nothing to say, although I believe he is on record as approving of the so-called invasion of Oklahoma.
I have read very carefully his communication to the Eagle, and find nothing therein in the way of argument on the main question that affects seriously our proposition of entering the public lands of Oklahoma. He indulges in that vein of sentimentalism peculiar to men who have never examined the question or who, knowing, persist in ignoring the stalwart facts. He says nothing whatever of the laws, the treaties, and the statutes relating to the Oklahoma lands.
By a treaty in 1866 about twelve million acres of the Indian lands were purchased of the Indians, and the Indian title thereby extinguished. In the treaty of purchase the Government indicated that it bought these lands for the purpose of locating upon them freedmen and friendly Indians. By a law of Congress “freedmen” were made citizens, and thereby that part of the treaty was abrogated and annulled. And repeatedly since 1866 Congress has refused to allow any Indians to be put upon these lands—friendly or unfriendly—and a resolution was adopted declaring that no Indians should ever be placed on these lands, except by a special act of Congress first granting permission.
Hence, here are public lands, surveyed and sectionized, not “reserved” for any purpose under heaven; not occupied by either savage or civilized; not set apart by any existing treaty or law; held by the Government exactly and for no higher or better purpose than that which animated the dog in the manger in his proclamation about the hay therein.
Judge Campbell, like Mr. Schurz, knows nothing about this Oklahoma question—or knowing, wilfully perverts the facts and testimony. Campbell, like Schurz, knows only the Fennimore Cooper tribe, while we of Kansas have met the infernal beasts that murdered and outraged the Meeker family. One is the real savage, the other the dream of the novelist— truth and fiction. It is very easy to roll up a hypocritical eye to heaven and talk lugubriously about the original inheritor of the soil;—the same had as well be said for the tiger or ana-conda in their native jungles—especially when you come to talk to the matter-of-fact pioneer who has had to wrest this fair land from the Atlantic to the Pacific from the beast and savage.
Capt. Payne's crusade is a righteous crusade, and it is bound to win. If Judge Campbell and the people who do not understand the question could put away from the minds this mis-take—this total misapprehension of the subject—then it would not be a very difficult matter for them to see that all this country is deeply interested in the success of Capt. Payne's effort to reclaim from waste this magnificent empire, and add it to the wealth of the country.
Mr. Editor, I have trespassed too far already upon your space, but at some future time I hope to be able to write more fully and more satisfactorily in regard to the Oklahoma question. We are going into the public lands of Oklahoma, and we are going to stay.
Respectfully yours, W. W. BLOSS.
Winfield Courier, December 9, 1880.
Though we have had occasion to say some unpleasant things of Judge W. P. Campbell, as a fair and impartial journalist we should say good things of him when we think he deserves it. We expressed our admiration of his course two years ago when he had the manliness to assert his clear and sound views of the currency question in the face of general popular clamor. He now exhibits the same clear, strong sense in an article in the Eagle on the Oklahoma boom. We give an extract. Read it. It will do good.
“To the Editor of the Eagle:
I wish, through the Eagle, to give my views of Payne's raid upon Oklahoma. My purpose is to do what I can to save a few honest, hard-working men from being entrapped into a scheme that is not intended for their benefit, and can only end in loss to anyone who has anything to lose, and trouble and difficulty to all who go to Oklahoma in opposition to the National authorities.
I echo the sentiments of a large majority of the solid businessmen and farmers of this city and county, when I say that no honest laboring man can afford to be used by these Oklahoma boomers. And it is the wish of all such that their scheme will fail, as it certainly will. There is a sense of justice and honor and a disposition to abide by the law characteristic of the American people that when the test comes, will knock the wadding out of all such business.
Payne and his coadjutors pretend that there is no act of Congress against his going into the Oklahoma country, so called. But the law is too plain to be explained away on a flimsy technicality. The law prohibits anyone going into the Indian country without leave, and makes it the duty of the President to remove all intruders, and for that purpose to use the army if necessary. A second intrusion subjects the offender to a fine of one thousand dollars. The phrase “Indian country” is one of long and well understood meaning and includes Oklahoma as much as it does any Indian reservation, within the limits of the Indian Territory. Payne and his crowd laugh at this penalty inasmuch as it is merely a civil liability, and does not subject them to imprisonment. But before they can succeed in this movement, they must have the cooperation of men who are not indifferent about such matters. The only hope they have of success is to precipitate into the country such numbers that the army will be powerless to remove them until Congress shall be forced to recognize and legalize their occupancy.
If they could find the precious metals to tempt the cupidity of man, their scheme, lawless as it is, might succeed. But when you ask a man to risk his little all, and go to hard work, plowing in the ground, he is in no haste to do so. The average Oklahoma boomer is little given to plowing, except by proxy. He expects to reap a rich harvest from the sweat of other men's brows, and unless they delude a significant number of poor workingmen into the idea that by joining the expedition they can better their condition and obtain a valuable homestead in this promised land, their speculations will prove fruitless.
If asked to give the best reasons for opposing the Oklahoma raid, I answer, because it is not right. It sets at defiance the laws and treaties of the National Government, and the President cannot, under his oath of office, permit it to be done, and is charged by every consideration of honor, good faith, and duty, to prevent it, by the whole power of the army, if necessary.
Winfield Courier, December 9, 1880.
The county Commissioners met last Tuesday to consider the proposition to change the stock in the Southern Kansas and Western railroad belonging to this county at seventy-five cents on the dollar for Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe five percent forty year bonds at par. After a full discussion of the matter, they decided that they were not authorized to make any disposition of the stock without first submitting the question to a vote of the people, giving thirty days notice, and that it was impossible to do this in the limited time given. They however determined to investigate the matter to ascertain what our stock can be sold for, and to ascertain the value and security of the bonds offered, and then determine what is best to be done. The general feeling was that we should accept a cash offer or an offer of the bonds of our county at seventy-five cents on the dollar for the stock or even a considerable less. The commissioners desire an expression of the people as to whether they shall call an election in the matter and under what circumstances.
We would ask some friend in every township and neighborhood to ascertain the sentiment about him and inform us by letter or postal card.
Winfield Courier, December 9, 1880.
Speculation is rife among our people as to what the Santa Fe will do with its two roads at this point. The seeming object of the company in getting possession of the L., L. & G. was to relieve their main line, which is already overburdened with Colorado and New Mexico business. By running some of their trains from Newton down over the L., L. & G. into Kansas City, they would relieve two hundred and fifty miles of the main line. If this prediction proves true, through trains from Kansas City to California may yet go west via Winfield. It is also rumored that the Santa Fe will extend its line from Harper City and connect with the main line at Dodge City, thereby making a more direct route via Winfield to Kansas City for such trains as they desire to run that way. If this is the intention of the company, it will make the old L., L. & G. stock much more valuable than it is at present, which perhaps accounts for their desire to exchange 5 percent bonds for such stock. The dividends on the stock would be more than interest on their bonds.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 15, 1880. Editorial Page.
Everything has been “Oklahoma” during the past week, and the movements of the Payne colony have been watched with a deep interest by all classes—those in favor of opening the Territory and those advocating the holding of this strip sacred to the rights of the Indians.
It has been known for several days throughout the Eastern States, by means of the metropolitan dailies, that the Oklahoma boomers were to enter the Indian Territory from Arkansas City, on Monday, December 6, the number of colonists being variously stated from two hundred to two thousand. The telegraph has likewise transmitted the important sequel to this intended move—that for quite obvious reasons these hardy pioneers have postponed their invasion indefinitely, and are now very peacefully traveling back and forth along the State line, casting a wistful eye into the Territory—their actions very much resembling those of a wild animal glaring through the bars of his cage at a coveted piece of meat.
After leaving this city last Saturday morning, the Oklahoma colony moved west to Hunnewell, Lieut. Mason's company of cavalry escorting them to see that they kept within prescribed limits. Lieut. Mason's orders are to turn them back in case an attempt is made to enter the Territory, and if any resistance is made, to shoot their horses and destroy their wagons. At this order the Oklahomaites are very indignant, and declare that such a step will provoke a bloody conflict. But in this these people are headstrong, and doubtless say a good deal for the sake of talk. They don't mean fight.
The rank and file of this Oklahoma army are honest in this business. They believe these lands are public property, and that it is their right and privilege to settle upon them. But their zeal and pluck exceed their judgment. So long as the title to these lands is unsettled, Capt. Payne and his men have no right to make a forcible entry thereon in opposition to the Government. Call it Oklahoma or what you will, when you resist U. S. troops, you are doing wrong. If the law is wrong, have it changed, which can surely be done if clearly proven.
We favor the opening of the Territory as strongly as Capt. Payne or any of those inter-ested in this movement, but we do not countenance any armed resistance to the Government.
It is to the interest of Kansas that this blockade to commerce known as the Indian Territory shall be at least opened to railroads if not to actual settlement, and so far as the settlement of Oklahoma would lead to this result, we are solidly in favor of it. Kansas needs a Southern outlet for her products. We are hopelessly at the mercy of the east and west railroads for transportation to a market whose prices are fixed by Eastern capitalists, and from whose rulings we have no appeal. It is not a local question, but one in which the entire State of Kansas is interested—and equally concerned are the Southern States, where a revival of business is evidenced by a disposition to explore new channels of commerce. To this end do we second the cry to Congress to act speedily on this question—not for the purpose of depriving the Indians of any rights, nor for the furtherance of any pet schemes; but solely for the advancement of the commercial interests of the West and South.
We have no interest in Oklahoma as a speculation—are not even the owner of a gratui-tous certificate of membership in the Oklahoma Town Company, though many of our citi-zens have been more favored in this respect. But we want to see railroads running through the Indian Territory from the border towns of Kansas and Texas, the same as from the cities of Illinois to those of Ohio, through Indiana. And there is no just reason why it should not be done.
We do not care whether such a step necessitates the settlement of Oklahoma or any other country. That is not the point with the people of Kansas so much as the securing of a direct Southern outlet for the millions of bushels of grain that they produce.
In our humble opinion, a large portion of Oklahoma backing would drop off if railroads were only allowed to run from any point in Kansas through the Territory below us. Many persons have joined this move in the belief that it is the quickest and surest way to reach a Southern market. If the settlement of Oklahoma is the only way by which this can be done, Congress will be doing a lasting good by giving permission to the Oklahoma boomers to move forward. At all events, let us have railroads through the Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 15, 1880.
Some U. S. transportation wagons and mule teams came in on Monday night's freight train, for the use of the troops in this vicinity.
Winfield Courier, December 16, 1880.
The reports from the boomers along the line of the Indian Territory were so conflicting all last week that on Saturday the COURIER sent a reporter to the field of operation to get the facts.
On Monday the boomers began to arrive and go into camp near Arkansas City. Capt. Dave Payne was on hand and in command. He impressed strangers as a large, good looking gentleman not very talkative, but evidently having a strong purpose, which he meant to carry out as effectively as possible without resisting the troops. Beside them were camped about thirty U. S. cavalrymen under Lieut. Mason. Gen. C. H. Smith, of Gen. Pope's staff was also present. On Tuesday evening the boomers held a meeting with bonfires and illuminations, and Capt. Payne addressed the assembly in a moderate speech. Mayor W. W. Bloss, of the Chicago Times was present and made a few remarks. A petition to the president was read.
On Thursday the boomers had accumulated to the number of about eighty men and twenty-five wagons and they broke camp and started on their expedition. They moved on Westward and camped on Bitter Creek on the Kansas side of the line, the troops following in the wake.
It was given out that they would cross the line the next morning. Gen. Smith informed them that his orders were to arrest the “whole outfit” and take them to Fort Reno and there hold them prisoners until released by the government. Friday morning Capt. Payne did not move as was expected. He was inclined to avoid a collision with the troops. The boomers were hot and dissatisfied. They wanted to fight and called Capt. Payne a coward. They held a meeting and deposed Payne and elected Major Mains, of Wichita, as their general and leader.
On Saturday morning they took up their line of march, but instead of entering the territory they marched westward and camped at Shoo Fly creek near Hunnewell close to the state line. The troops camped close by, just across the line in the Territory. Col. Coppinger arrived and took command. Accessions to the boomers arrived from Caldwell and other points so that on Sunday there were in camp about fifty wagons and one hundred and eighty men. They are organized in eight military companies under eight captains with Mains at the head.
In a conversation with Col. Coppinger and Lt. Smith, Maj. Mains said they should disregard the president's orders and enter the territory at every hazard unless forbidden by Congress. The horses of the troops are in good condition, but those of the boomers present a scrawny woe begone appearance.
Major Randall with two more companies of cavalry was expected to join Col. Mason on Monday the 13th. One company of cavalry is occupying the Oklahoma town site and picking up stragglers. Other companies are watching the threatened incursions from Texas and other points. It was told at Hunnewell that considerable numbers of boomers had already entered the territory from Caldwell and other points, probably for the purpose of stimulating those at Hunnewell to desperation. Statements of persons who should know show that these reports were not true. Our reporter found both opposing forces in camp at the place near Hunnewell, and first visited the boomer camp where was found about 180 rough but apparently earnest, hardworking men with about fifty wagons.
The reporter was escorted by a gay company of young people, consisting of a versatile reporter for the Monitor, who amused the company on the route with speeches and songs. Mr. Ed. Rolland, Mr. J. Houston, a young attorney, Miss Grace Scoville, and Miss May Roland, Mr. and Mrs. Lem Cook, and Miss Summers were down from Caldwell to see the battle. These visitors together first paid their respects to the boomer camp, and were invited to remain and attend their religious services.
The visitors attended and furnished a part of the music for the occasion. The congregation united in singing, “Hold the fort for we are coming, Oklahoma still. Waive the answer back to Kansas, By thy grace we will.” The sermon was delivered by the colony chaplain, supplemented by remarks from another boomer. The reporter forgets their names. A large flag was floating over the camp and the congregation sang, “Rally 'round the flag.” Capt. Payne was called on and made a few remarks. The general and Lieutenant from the other camp attended the service by special inviation. After services the visitors were invited to partake of refreshments with the boomers, which they did with great relish, for camp life was new and interesting at least to the ladies.
Capt. Payne and others, including Major Bloss, treated the visitors with cordial coutesy, and made their visit very pleasant. They visited the camp of the troops where they were courteously received. There was found everything orderly and neat. There were a dozen tents looking trim, forty fine horses standing ready to be saddled and mounted on a moment's notice, and forty well clad and equipped soldier boys ready for action on like notice. One of the saddlers was asked how they expected to cope with so many boomers. He answered that the boomers were not well equipped or disciplined, and that no serious difficulty was expected. He did not think they would attempt to cross the line; but if they did, they would be easily disposed of. Some of the soldiers were practicing shooting at a red handkerchief on a bush, but all were civil and quiet. The contrast between the two camps was very great.
Our reporter thought Hunnewell a hard place to get anything to eat and in other respects. At about 4 o'clock p.m. the visitors left for Arkansas City, where they arrived at 8 o'clock in the evening, returning to Winfield the next day. The conclusion arrived at, is that the stories and press reports afloat about the boom are grossly exaggerated.
Winfield Courier, December 16, 1880.
Our stockmen have had a great deal of trouble with their cattle during the late cold snap, through the stock straying off. The Estus brothers lost over one hundred head and other herds are in the same fix. GRANGER.
[GEN. STRONG AND THE A., T. & S. F. R. R.]
Winfield Courier, December 16, 1880.
The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe, whether it ever makes the C., B. & Q. and Vanderbilt combinations or not, is about the biggest institution in the country. In ten years from the C. K., Holiday engine No. 1, and an old second hand passenger coach of the I. L. C. R. R., running over 27 miles of road, she now runs hundreds of engines and passenger coaches over a line of road more than a thousand miles in length, besides a half dozen branches which are themselves important lines. The road is operated independent of stock jobs or politics, being run purely as a matter of business and on business principles. The earnings of the road for the last half of November amounted to $510,000, and the company has ordered fifty new engines, forty new passenger coaches, and two thousand five hundred new freight cars. Gould and Vanderbilt have a match in General Strong, the manager of the A., T. & S. F. railroad. In the absence of all consolidations or combinations, the road under the lead of Gen. Strong's genius, will in five years be one of the most gigantic enter-prises known to civilization. Upon the other hand, a consolidation of the Santa Fe and Burlington will establish a system of roads that will serve a community of interests embracing the entire western half of the United States. It would have lines from Chicago to all principal eastern points, including all the Missouri river cities. Such a consolidation would give a line from Chicago to Denver and the Pacific via the Plattmouth bridge; another from St. Louis via the St. L. & S. F. and Wichita, and from Atchison and Kansas City to the Pacific coast by their own road, which will soon be completed.
This will give them two lines to Gould's one; but the last line possesses immense advantages, in that it reaches Guayamas, on the Gulf of California, shortening up the line to Japan, Australia, and South America, by one thousand miles. And still this is not all. Arrangements have been made with the authorities of our sister Republic for the extension of this line to the capital of old Mexico. The magnificent and wonderful results that will follow the completion of the last named line cannot be computed. Eagle.
Winfield Courier, December 16, 1880.
Is it possible that the Winfield Rifles and the St. John Battery are to have free passes to Washington to participate in the ceremonies of inaugurating President Garfield on May 4th? Such is the outlook of the following communication to Adjt. Gen. Noble, of the Kansas State militia.
WASHINGTON, D. C., Dec. 2, 1880.
To the Adjutant General, State of Kansas, Topeka, Kansas:
SIR: I have the honor to request that you will furnish this committee with a complete list of all military organizations known to you within your state, as we desire extending to each an invitation to be with us and participate in the parade and festivities in the city on the 4th of March next.
We hope to have an organization from each state in the Union, and shall appreciate any effort on your part to secure a handsome representation from your state.
I have the honor, to be very respectfully your obedient servant,
H. C. CORRIN, Assistant Adjt. Gen. U. S. Army
and Cor. Sec. of Executive Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies.
Winfield Courier, December 16, 1880.
It is the evident intention of the Missouri Pacific railway company under the direction of Jay Gould to extend the branch now built to Leroy, Coffey County, by way of Winfield, to the west line of the state at an early day, and probably to continue it through New Mexico to the Pacific.
That company has executed a mortgage on their road to John F. Dillon, of New York, to secure its bonds to the amount of thirty millions of dollars, covering the main line of its road from St. Louis to the Kansas line, 284 miles; the branch to Carondelet, 12 miles; the Booneville branch, 80 miles; the Lexington branch, 55 miles; a branch to be built called the Lexington & Southern, 200 miles; the branch to Atchison, 47 miles; a branch from the state line via Ottawa to Topeka, 200 miles, partly built; and last, but not least, a branch from the east line of Kansas through the counties of Miami, Franklin, Anderson, Coffee, Woodson, Wilson, Elk, Cowley, Sumner, Harper, Barbour, Comanche, Clarke, Meade, Seward, Stevens and Kansas, the entire length of the state, 430 miles. This mortgage is being placed on record in the various counties. A copy of it is on record in the office of Register of Deeds of Cowley county, and covers over thirty pages in the book of records. It covers in the aggregate 1,108 miles of road, built or to be built.
This road will be of great interest to the people of this county as giving us competing lines, a more direct route to the east and to the west, and placing us on the most direct through route between the Atlantic and the Pacific.
It is intimated that Jay Gould does not intend to ask for county or other municipal bonds, on the ground that the stock of the company will be worth as much as any county bonds and he does not wish to exchange stock for bonds.
Winfield Courier, December 16, 1880.
We have been informed that a move is under consideration in the Gould circles to extend the Leroy branch of the Missouri Pacific to Winfield.
Winfield Courier, December 16, 1880.
Stafford Rowell, of Silverdale, made us a pleasant call last Tuesday. He has been a resident of that township for two years and is getting up a herd of short horn, thoroughbred cattle, which will be valuable in improving the stock of his neighborhood.
Winfield Courier, December 16, 1880.
We object to the articles in a late Telegram on the value of water for cows. So long as the milk is well watered, who cares a nickel whether or not the cows get water! Then water is so scarce! Give the cows a rest, the milk-men will look after the water.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 22, 1880. Front Page.
The following extracts, taken from the regulations furnished by the U. S. Government to the various agents in the Indian Territory, will explain themselves, and we trust all parties having occasion to travel in the Territory will see the advisability of conforming thereto, and thus save the agents the necessity of enforcing duties which, however, unpleasant, they have no option but to discharge to the letter.
Section 269. Hereafter no authority will be granted or white person permitted, under any circumstances, to graze cattle or other stock upon Indian reservations without having first obtained the consent of the Indians and the approval of the agent thereto, and in such cases only upon such terms and conditions, and subject to the payment of such rate of compensation for the privilege, as may be prescribed by the agent with the approval of this Department. Agents will notify all unauthorized persons now grazing stock upon their respective reservations that all such stock must be removed at once; and in case such removal is not made within thirty days, the names of such persons, together with the names of witnesses and all material facts in connection therewith, should be reported to this office [i. e., Washington], that proper legal action may be taken in the premises; and like reports should be made in cases where white persons hereafter drive or otherwise convey stock to range and feed upon Indian reservations without consent and approval as aforesaid.
Section 270. Where provision is made by treaty for the establishment of cattle trails across Indian reservations, and such trails have been established with the consent of the Indians and the approval of the Department, cattle men will be permitted to cross such reservations, care being taken by the agent that the established route is not deviated from and that unnecessary time is not consumed upon the reservation.
Section 271. Hereafter, with the above exceptions no white person or persons will be permitted to drive stock across Indian reservations or Indian country without first having obtained the consent of the Indians and the approval of this office. Any violation of this rule should be reported with all the facts in the case to this office in order that appropriate action may be had in the premises.
Section 2184. U. S. Revised Statutes—Every foreigner who shall go into the Indian country without a passport from the Department of the Interior, Superintendent, agent, or sub-agent of Indian Affairs, or officer of the United States commanding the nearest military post on the frontiers, or who shall remain intentionally thereon after the expiration of such passport, shall be liable to a penalty of one thousand dollars. Every such passport shall express the object of such person, the time he is allowed to remain, and the route he is to travel.
Section 2137. Every person other than an Indian who, within the limits of any tribe with whom the United States has existing treaties, hunts or traps or takes and destroys any peltries or game, except for subsistence in the Indian country, shall forfeit all the traps, guns, and ammunition in his possession used or procured to be used for that purpose, and all peltries so taken, and shall be liable in addition to a penalty of five hundred dollars.
Section 2147. The Superintendent of Indian Affairs and the Indian agents and sub agents shall have authority to remove from the Indian country all persons found there contrary to law, and the President is authorized to direct the military force to be employed in such removal.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 22, 1880. Editorial Page.
Caldwell, Kansas, December 18. Two teams and ten recruits joined the colony today from Montgomery County. The couriers from the western counties returned this morning with instructions to make no move at present. Nothing can be learned as to what was done at the secret meeting last night.
At a colony meeting held today, everybody was excluded from camp except members. It is understood to prevent parties from going into the Territory tapping claims.
It was expected that the opposition of the army would have broken up the colony and sent them back to their families, but it seems to have had the opposite effect and they think Congress will soon act and then it will be a race for choice of claims.
Major Randall said today that there need be no fear of an Indian outbreak if the settlers went in by the permission of the Government but that there would be danger if the settlers forced their way in, and the troops attempted to put them out. The Indians would rise, thinking they were helping the Government.
Col. Coppinger left last evening for Leavenworth, leaving Major Randall in command.
The excitement was increased in the camp by the arrival of B. F. Overton, Governor of the Chickasaw Nation; O. N. C. Ducon, of the Cherokees, and G. W. Grayson, of the Creeks. These gentlemen would never be taken for Indians, as they have only a sixteenth of Indian blood in their veins. They registered from Iowa to conceal their identity, but they soon found this unnecessary, as the colonists were glad to see them. Thos. Cloud, a full-blood, represents the Seminoles. They say that if the Government permits the colony to go to Oklahoma, their people will raise an army of 5,000 and drive them out. They are very bitter.
Mr. Grayson said to the colonists: “We are doing all we can to prevent the opening of the country, and you had just as well go home, for we have bought, and can buy, your Congressmen like so many sheep and cattle.”
They denounced Col. Boudinot as the Benedict Arnold of the Indian race.
A severe norther is blowing, and the staying qualities of the colony is being put to a severe test.
Washington, Dec. 18. Dr. Robert M. Wilson, representative of Capt. Payne’s Oklahoma colonists, arrived today. He expects to call upon the President Monday and urge that his proclamation of last spring be so qualified as to give the colonists a military escort through the Cherokee strip, and permit them to settle upon the Government land in which the Indian title is extinguished by purchases.
We have no words at our command strong enough to express our condemnation of the men who have fostered what has been lightly called the “Oklahoma boom,” until it has involved a large number of people in a fruitless crusade which must be productive of absolute suffering and want.
If the telegraphic reports be correct, a body of men, women, and children, in the month of December, exposed to the sudden and sometimes frightful changes of weather common to the Kansas winter, are encamped on the State line, inspired by what seems a fanatical desire to invade the Indian Territory. These people are described as, for the most part, very poor. They are starved out of the western counties. What have they, then, to gain by going to Oklahoma, an unsettled wilderness? They do not need land; they have too much land now. They left their homesteads which they legally possess, only, at the best, to secure other homesteads, but with an alarming probability of losing what they have, and securing nothing. If they stay where they are, they will starve unless fed by the Government or by charity; and if they move to Oklahoma, they will not help the matter. They will make it worse.
One settler could test the question whether Oklahoma is or is not open to settlement as well as a thousand. It needs no “colonizing” in the face of express orders to the contrary, and in defiance of the United States troops. If the disputed territory is open to settlement, there is a way to find it out much more reasonable than that of these poor people.
When Mr. Dave Payne began this business, we stated that the conqueror of a territory was not wrapped up in his pantaloons. Our prediction has been abundantly fulfilled. When it came to facing the troops, Mr. Payne disappeared from the command of the “army of occupation.” Whether he resigned or was deposed is immaterial.
It is said the Oklahoma colonists have a chaplain. If that gentleman believes in the efficacy of his own petitions, he would do well, after a suitable thanksgiving for the disappearance of Payne, to ask that the colonists may escape from the clutches of the men who have been deceiving them; that they may return to their homes, or make new ones in Kansas, and possess their souls in patience until such time as Congress shall decide whether Oklahoma is open to settlement or otherwise. Champion.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 22, 1880.
Payne is a huge fellow and a professional colonist. He is an American and a typical frontiersman. His reputation was made by leading a colony into the Black Hills on the very heels of the surveying party sent in by the Government. It was a dangerous undertaking. He undertook the work in the pay of railroads chiefly, and the men who paid him live in Chicago today.
Payne penetrated the country at the head of a couple of hundred miners, adventurers, and men gathered from the street corners in the large Western cities. Had not the soldiers gone to the rescue, the whole party would have been annihilated. This was eight years ago.
Then Payne dropped out of sight. He was met in Southern Kansas, peddling corn salve. It was not possible for him to stop anywhere very long. The Black Hills had no attraction for him. No Indian was ever more of a nomad. Finally, he brought up at Fort Scott, so destitute that, it is said, he stole a pair of shoes, was arrested, and imprisoned thirty days for the theft.
Payne is a schemer: bold, unprincipled, and venal. He has adopted the extraordinary pro-fession of a colonist, and has no competitor in the vocation he has chosen. When a railroad or a company of speculators want a party led through a new country, or want reserved Indian lands stolen, or want a wild, dangerous country broken through, they know of no one save Payne to do it for them. It is his profession.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 22, 1880.
The Santa Fe company is putting up ice at Florence, Kansas, at the rate of four carloads per day.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 22, 1880.
Hassard Bros. sold about one thousand sheep in this vicinity last week, moving the remainder to Howard City, where they are feeding some six thousand wethers.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 22, 1880.
Three men came in from Oklahoma last Saturday. In interviewing them we inquired as to the number of people in the Oklahoma country, there having been rumors circulated to the effect that colonists were pouring in from other quarters. One of them replied that there were several people there. If his memory served him rightly, he thought there were fully four companies on the ground, but he believed they were paid to make this move—not by the railroads, but by Uncle Sam, who had fitted them out with horses, blue suits, and plenty of ammunition, with instructions to remain there and receive all new comers. Our home-bound friends had been “received” and escorted to Fort Reno, where the North Star was pointed out to them and the information vouchsafed that it was healthier up this way. They thought so, too.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
We have conversed with a great many citizens in relation to the railroad stock owned by this county and the expression so far is almost unanimous that an election should be called to vote on a proposition to authorize the county commissioners to sell our stock in the Southern Kansas and Western and in the Cowley, Sumner and Fort Smith, either or both, at not less than sixty-five cents on the dollar in cash or in the bonds of this county. Of course, they desire to sell at the highest possible rate, but think it better to take even 65 cents than to hold on long for a higher price. If on a close examination of the law, it shall be held that it means that the precise price to be sold at shall be named in the proposition and that it could not legally be sold, at a higher price, it would be necessary to find the highest price that could be obtained; but if, as seems most reasonable, the intent of the law is merely to prohibit the sale of the stock at a lower price than that named in the proposition, but allowing the commissioners to sell at as much higher price as they can after the vote authorizing the sale is carried, then there is no need of any delay in calling the election.
In reply to a letter of inquiry sent to capitalists in Boston by Capt. J. S. Hunt for the commissioners, he received a letter offering sixty-five cents on the dollar for the S. K. & W. stock.
Col. M. L. Robinson has a letter from Robert H. Weems, the bond man of the great financial firm of Donnell, Lawson & Co., which we copy below. From this it will be seen that the writer quotes the K. C., L. & S. stock at 91 to 92. In the consolidation the same stock is rated at 95. The S. K. & W. stock which we hold is put into the consolidation at 75. We presume if put on the N. Y. market, it would be quoted at about 72. The letter quotes the A. T. & S. F. bonds offered for our stock at 99.
If we should trade our $68,000 stock at 75 for these bonds and then sell the bonds at 99, it would realize us $50,490 in cash or 74-1/4 cents on the dollar in cash for our stock.
Another idea is that the calling of the election if done during this month need not cost the county but little extra, for the regular township elections are to be held on the first Tuesday in February and the stock elections could be held at the same time and with the same officers of elections.
The following is the letter above mentioned.
Mr. M. L. Robinson, Cashier, Winfield, Kansas.
Dear Sir: Yours of the 9th was duly received, and in reply we beg leave to state that the stock of the Kansas City, Lawrence & Southern R. R. is worth from 91 to 92. The 40 year 5 percent bonds of the A., T. & S. F. R. R. are worth 99 and interest. The consolidation you mention has appeared here in the various papers and as stated by you. This would result in the county securing $54,000 in 5 percent bonds, which are worth par, and we do not think that they will be worth less in the future. The county can undoubtedly trade them off to the Cowley, Sumner and Ft. Smith road. The 7 percent bonds issued by your county will be hard to get, as they are more scattered.
I will be pleased to hear from you further regarding this matter, and anything which I can do for you or for the county will be done most cheerfully and faithfully.
Yours truly, ROBT. H. WEEMS.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
Further advices from the boomers say that they are camped at Caldwell 180 strong, or rather weak. That the troops are camped near them, that their “forward or fight” principles have not rushed them into the territory yet, that the new commander, Maidt, is no more anxious for a fight than Dave Payne, that the leaders are spending their time selling shares in the Oklahoma Town Company at $25 each, and in telegraphing exaggerated accounts of their strength, courage, and determination to the associated press, and that they are awaiting the effect of these dispatches on congress.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
A correspondent of the Globe Democrat predicts an Indian raid from the territory that will penetrate as far as Topeka. If the Indian raid is not more penetrating than the boomer raid on the territory, it will not be dangerous.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
The U. S. Senate rather “sat down on” the Oklahoma boom on Tuesday. Senator Cockrell presented the petition of the boomers, and after discussion as to whether it should be referred to the committee on territories or to committee on Indian affairs, it was ordered to lie on the table.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
While in Arkansas City, Monday, we had the pleasure of meeting W. Heimke, quarter master general. He is a graduate of West Point, and as is usual with West Pointers, he has secured for a wife one of the most handsome women we ever met. Gen. Heimke was down on business in regard to the Oklahoma boom.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
Hon. J. R. Hallowell, U. S. district attorney for Kansas, in company with Capt. Smith, deputy U. S. marshal, honored our city with their presence on last Tuesday. Two livelier, whole-souled fellows cannot be found in Kansas.
The situation is still unchanged in regard to the Oklahoma raiders. They are still at Hunnewell, and the expedition is a failure: more for reason of brave intelligent leadership than anything else. Payne is nothing more than a drunken blatherskite.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
It is claimed by some that the Santa Fe proposition to extend the El Dorado Branch is made at this time for the purpose of heading off the Fort Scott road, and to prevent the county voting bonds to aid its construction through this county, with a branch down the valley to Winfield. No man knows, outside the Fort Scott Company itself, whether they have the money to build or not.
This company, not having the money itself, may have secured the control of this line with the hope of being able to induce capitalists to take hold and build the road; they may be working it up with a view of selling out to some other corporation, or they may have the money to build. It is impossible to tell what they will or will not do until the line is completed to Humboldt, where it will connect with the Missouri, Kansas & Texas road, and until a reasonable amount of work is actually done on the line west of the last named place.
While it is claimed that this company intends building a branch line from El Dorado to Newton, in addition to the direct line to Wichita, it has never been claimed that they intended to build down the valley. “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush,” and it is fair to presume that the people of the southern portion of the county will take up with the Santa Fe proposition, regardless of any other that may be made. There is nothing in the future as sure as that the El Dorado branch will be extended, if the franchises are voted as specified in the proposition.
Having had some experience with “paper” railroads, we are not willing to believe the Fort Scott road is coming until we can actually see the smoke of the construction engine “on the top of the Flint Hills,” or somewhere else in that immediate vicinity. Eldorado Times.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
Boys! Read This and Consider.
Some years ago a boy in Beloit, Wisconsin, longed for an education, which he was too poor to get even at the price furnished in a Western college. He took a commercial course, and applied himself to strict rules of business.
He enjoyed fun and a “good time” as heartily as any of his fellows; but abstemiousness was his highest feast, and he had not time to “fool away,” as he expressed it.
He determined to make the most of himself, and took for his motto, “Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well.” He pasted this motto in his hat, and as long as the motto stuck to the hat he stuck to the motto. He learned to operate a telegraph instrument at odd moments; but he learned it thoroughly. Mastering these two things, common bookkeeping and telegraphy, he applied for and obtained the agency for a small and obscure station far out on the railroads in the Northwest. His accurate reports and careful attention to details attracted the attention of his superiors, and he was soon promoted to a better station.
It was frequently noted that he was not merely working for a salary, but for character and standing among men. He has his reward. He has never forgotten his motto. One promotion followed another solely on his merit, as he had no influential friends to push him into office.
He became Assistant Division Superintendent of the road for which he had worked as an obscure station agent. He rose to the position of Superintendent of another railroad, and was in demand by these great corporations. He made himself a necessity. For some years he has been General Manager of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad, and controls millions of dollars in that gigantic enterprise. He knows all the details of the fifteen hundred miles of railroad under him from the grading of the road bed and laying of a tie to the manipulation of giant corporations in the interest of a thoroughfare to the great Wonderland of the Southwest toward the going down of the sun in the Pacific.
Modest, unassuming, conscientious to a scruple, yet tireless in his energy, William B. Strong stands as a hero in his calling, and will take his place in history among the mighty men who subdue the wilderness by steam, and civilize a land by the locomotive.
Chicago Advance.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
The item of ice alone, is no inconsiderable one, to the A., T. & S. F. Railroad Company, which will be seen by a glance at the following figures, which were given our reporter by Mr. F. M. Smith, purchasing agent of the road.
The Company is storing ice along the entire length of the road, as follows: 700 tons at Lawrence, 500 tons at Topeka, 400 tons at Atchison, 450 tons at Emporia, 500 tons at Florence, 1,500 tons at Florence storehouse, 450 tons at Newton, 400 tons at Sargent, 500 tons at La Junta, 250 tons at Pueblo, 400 tons at Las Vegas, 350 tons at Pueblo, 400 tons at Las Vegas, 350 tons at Gallisteo Junction, 450 tons at Albuquerque, and 400 tons at San Marcial, or a total of 7,200 tons. This ice is to be used for the comfort of passengers by the Santa Fe. Commonwealth.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
Items of Interest Gathered at the State Departments.
The Judges of the Supreme Court will meet next Monday for the purpose of consultation and to file opinions.
Articles of consolidation were filed in the office of the Secretary of State, yesterday, by the officers of the Kansas City, Lawrence & Southern Railroad, the Southern, Kansas & Western Railroad, and the Sumner County Railroad. The name of the Company will be the Kansas City, Lawrence & Southwestern Railroad. The articles are signed by H. H. Hunnewell, President, and Chas. Merriam, Secretary, for the S. K. & W., and Geo. H. Nettleton, President and Jas. S. Ford, Secretary, for the Sumner County road.
Commonwealth, 16th.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
A correspondent of the Globe Democrat predicts an Indian raid from the territory that will penetrate as far as Topeka. If the Indian raid is not more penetrating than the boomer raid on the territory, it will not be dangerous.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
The U. S. Senate rather “sat down on” the Oklahoma boom on Tuesday. Senator Cockrell presented the petition of the boomers, and after discussion as to whether it should be referred to the committee on territories or to committee on Indian affairs, it was ordered to lie on the table.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
The first effort of “consolidating” will probably be about January 1st, when the chief telegraph office will be moved from the Santa Fe to the K. C., L. & S. depot.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
The question of railroad transportation is exciting much attention over the country at present. A convention of farmers has been called to meet at Topeka and take the matter into consideration.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
The county commissioners meet on the 24th to consider propositions to purchase the stock in the S. K. & W. railroad. The offer to give A., T. & S. F. bonds at par for the stock at 75 cents is to be held open until February 15th.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
John E. Thomas, engineer for the Santa Fe, spent Tuesday evening in our city. It is his opinion there will be more miles of railroad built the coming year than in any previous one excepting 1872, when there were seven thousand miles of new track laid.
While in Arkansas City, Monday, we had the pleasure of meeting W. Heimke, quarter master general. He is a graduate of West Point, and as is usual with West Pointers, he has secured for a wife one of the most handsome women we ever met. Gen. Heimke was down on business in regard to the Oklahoma boom.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
Hon. J. R. Hallowell, U. S. district attorney for Kansas, in company with Capt. Smith, deputy U. S. marshal, honored our city with their presence on last Tuesday. Two livelier, whole-souled fellows cannot be found in Kansas.
The situation is still unchanged in regard to the Oklahoma raiders. They are still at Hunnewell, and the expedition is a failure: more for reason of brave intelligent leadership than anything else. Payne is nothing more than a drunken blatherskite.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
VERNON CENTRE, Dec. 10, 1880.
EDS. COURIER: You request an expression of opinion as to what is best to do with the railroad bonds. I have taken some pains to learn the prevailing sentiment of the people in this vicinity in regard to that matter, and find that they very generally, almost unanimously, would prefer $51,000 cash, or its equivalent, to the stock the company now holds. If time is not too precious, the spring election is near at hand and without additional expense the will of the people might find expression there. This seems to be the better way.
Respectfully yours, E. D. SKINNER.
Winfield Courier, December 30, 1880.
There is some excitement over the combination of the Santa Fe and East and West railroads.
Winfield Courier, December 30, 1880.
The commissioners of this county have called a special election to be held on Tuesday, the first day of February, A. D. 1881, to vote upon two propositions: the one authorizing the sale of the Cowley, Sumner and Fort Smith railroad stock, at not less than 65 cents on the dollar, and the other authorizing the sale of the Southern Kansas and Western railroad stock at or above same limits. This call is made in response to a general expression of the people as far as heard from favoring the submission of the proposition on the terms named.
This expression is not quite unanimous, for at least one of our citizens, whose financial opinions are entitled to as much weight as those of any man in this community, objects decidedly to holding the election, and considers it very imprudent to vote such authority to sell. He holds that the S. K. & W. stock is going to advance and is likely to go up to par, and that the principal object which any parties can have in making propositions to buy this stock is to make a large speculation on it. He thinks it wrong to expose the commissioners to the offers of personal advantage which will be sure to be made to them by parties anxious to buy, and that it will be time enough to vote authority to sell when we have an offer nearly equivalent to par in cash. He does not think that the C. S. & F. S. stock can be sold as high as 65 cents for a long time to come and that it is useless to vote authority to sell at present.
The idea of others with whom we have conversed and of the commissioners is, that with a limited authority to sell they are not required to sell at once, but can hold until it is evident that the best offer is made and the right time to sell has come, and that when such offer comes, it may require so prompt action to avail ourselves of it that there will not be time to submit it to a vote to acquire the authority to sell.
During the time up to the election, on February first, the market will be canvassed as thoroughly as possible, and all the facts in relation to the value and prospects of the stock that can be obtained will be. At the same time offers will be made. If it is thought best, we can then delay for months for more information and more offers.
If the offer of the K. C., T. & W. and the A. T. & S. F. already made should finally be found to be the best, if it shall be found that the bonds offered can be sold at par for cash, the intermediate trades of S. K. & W. stock at 75 for consolidated stock at par for Santa Fe bonds at par, could be made, provided that they were contingent on the sale of the bonds at par for cash or county bonds are delivered. This would yield the county $51,000 cash for its $68,000 stock on the S. K. & W.
The A., T. & S. F. offer stands until February 15th. By that time we can know more of the value and prospects of the stock, and can then decide whether it is best to accept that offer.
The highest offer yet received in cash direct is 65 cents. We have no fears of the result. We favored the calling of the election. It being called on the day for township elections will not be attended with much extra expense. There is no danger of it being carried against the will of the people, for the law requires a two-thirds vote for either proposition to carry it. If it is best that it be defeated, there are five weeks before the election in which to convince one-third of the voters of such fact.
Our columns will be open to those opposed to present their views in reasonable length. For ourselves we believe it best to vote the authority to sell and shall so advocate until otherwise convinced. We want the taxes reduced in any judicious way that can be devised, and do not wish to miss any chance to reduce our county debt as much as possible.
Winfield Courier, December 30, 1880.
Adjutant General Noble has received another letter from the Inaugural Committee in regard to bringing the Kansas militia to Washington, March 14th. The letter states that the militia will have to pay half fare and furnish their own provisions. This will perhaps settle the matter, for no company in the state can afford to go and pay its own expenses.
Winfield Courier, December 30, 1880.
The Telegram has commenced war against the Santa Fe railroad.
Major Tom Anderson has resigned his position with the Santa Fe to go into the wholesale boot and shoe business. We esteem this resignation quite a loss to the Santa Fe, as Major Tom is blessed with as large a stock of good common sense as any man in the state of Kansas.
The Santa Fe has had their engineer go over the ground and report the cost of a road from Eldorado through Douglass to Winfield. If the people want to vote the necessary aid, they can have the road. Such a road would build up Little Dutch and Rock, and at the expense of Winfield.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 5, 1881. Editorial Page.
Wichita, Kansas, December 31, 1880. It is reported here today, on reliable authority, that Maj. Bloss, of the Oklahoma colonists, sent a peremptory challenge to Lieut. Wood, at Caldwell, yesterday. Capt. Parry is there as the second of Maj. Bloss, who also carried the message.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 5, 1881.
Fort Smith, Arkansas, December 31. David L. Payne, of Oklahoma fame, by his attorneys, Baker, Krum and Boudinot, of St. Louis, today filed his answer to the suit pending against him in the United States court, for unlawfully entering and remaining in the Indian Territory.
By his answer he avers that he was not at the time charged in the complaint in any part of the Indian country owned or occupied by any Indian tribe at the time charged in the complaint, and for some time prior thereto, he, as a citizen of the United States, was located on lands belonging to the United States exclusively, within the limits of the Indian Territory, and to which no Indian or Indian tribe had any right or title whatever; that his location and settlement was made upon lands purchased by the United States from the Creek and Seminole Indians by a treaty ratified in August, 1866, and that said lands are a part of the public domain. He denies that he was removed from any part of the Indian country embracing lands belonging to any tribe of Indians or to which any tribe of Indians had any right whatever, but claims that he has been wrongfully and unlawfully ejected from his said settlement upon the public domain by the military forces of the United States, and claims damages in the sum of $20,000.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 5, 1881.
Lieut. Wood, in command of a detachment of soldiers, arrived in town last Monday, and is now encamped on the Walnut near Harmon's ford. He expects to be reinforced shortly.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 5, 1881.
An election has been called by the county commissioners for the purpose of voting on the proposition to sell the county's stock in the Cowley, Sumner & Fort Smith and Southern Kansas & Western railroads—the proceeds to be applied to the payment or purchase of the outstanding bonds of this county. Tuesday, February 1, is the day designated for the election. We understand the county is offered seventy-five cents on the dollar for this stock, which is everywhere considered an exceptionally good offer.
Winfield Courier, January 6, 1881.
A new move is being organized to settle the Oklahoma lands. This is to colonize the exodusters there. It is claimed that under the terms of the treaties, these freedmen have a special right to settle on these lands. They say that they have been outraged and driven from the south, that these lands were purchased for them, that they are farther south than Kansas or Indiana, and the climate is more congenial to them, and there is no reason that they should not occupy the land. If on examination their position is found to be correct, they will not be interfered with by the government we suppose.
Winfield Courier, January 6, 1881.
Dr. Wilson has called on the president and is perfectly astounded by the ignorance of the president concerning the rights of the Oklahoma boomers.
Dr. Wilson's journey to Washington on behalf of the Oklahoma boomers has proved a complete failure. There is now nothing left for them but to fight or disperse.
Winfield Courier, January 6, 1881.
Conductor Goodyear, of the Caldwell branch of the A. T. & S. F., was in Winfield several days last week.
Winfield Courier, January 6, 1881.
The Santa Fe railroad comes to the front in a most benevolent manner with a splendid gift to the poor of Winfield. They propose to carry free of charge from the mines in Trinidad, Colorado, to Winfield two cars of coal. The freight on the coal would amount to $147.20. Is is a large gift, and shows a disposition on the part of the management to extend all the favors possible to the people along their lines. It will certainly bring warmth and gladness to the hearts of many poor families in our city. Mr. Garvey laid the matter before General Freight Agent Goddard, and it was through his efforts that the donation was made.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 12, 1881. Editorial Page.
Yesterday afternoon our citizens assembled to hear the agents of Jay Gould make a proposition to this township for another railroad—the extension of the M., K. & T. from Independence to this point. It is their plan to build this road by township aid alone, and to complete it to Arkansas City by January 1, 1882. The amount of aid asked for is very small. We shall speak at length on this subject next week.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 12, 1881.
A Payne-killer is wanted in Southern Kansas, warranted to remove Payne for good on short notice.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 12, 1881.
From a letter to one of our citizens, we learn that Capt. Payne will be here with the Oklahoma boomers some time this week. He may come, and he may not.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 12, 1881.
Some of the soldier boys had a “bit of a time” last Monday, trying to get up a corner on whiskey. After they had sobered off somewhat, the Lieutenant let them carry logs by way of amusement.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 12, 1881.
We understand Secretary Schurz has instructed Agent Miles to order all white herders off the Osage reservation, and to issue permits only to those who may be employed by widows and orphans.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 12, 1881.
Two gamblers from Caldwell, named Kinney and Philips, came over to this city last Friday, for the purpose of playing the soldiers out of their money. Lieut. Wood notified the authorities of their scheme, and on last Monday night the gentlemen were “pulled” at their game by Marshall Sinnott, and on Tuesday the Mayor called for $50 and costs from them. Good for our Mayor. If the game is repeated, they will get a heavier dose next time.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 12, 1881. Page Four.
Most of the Oklahoma boys are at home again. Fourteen of these enterprising gentlemen were looking for the editor of the Eagle, headed by chaplain Weaver. For three days we did our principal traveling through alleys and side streets. Maj. Bloss had challenged Lieut. Wood on Friday, and we heard that Payne was a regular peripatetic arsenal. As good luck would have it, we were caught by a divided squad, and, of course, no seven boomers could get away with us. The boys are a jolly set, socially, bright and brave, but the U. S. army is too many for them.
It is said that Dr. Wilson, who went to Washington in behalf of the Oklahoma settlers to try to induce the President to espouse their cause, met with a repulse. President Hayes refused to order or modify his position, and has told Wilson that if the colonists attempted to enter the Indian Territory they will be considered as violators of the law, and treated as such.
However that may be, a secret and confidential circular was sent out on the 28th over Payne’s fist, announcing that, for the time being, they had been stopped and that the next move would be to concentrate five thousand men on the lands before planting time. Our opinion is, and it is the advice for which we charge nothing, that until Congress takes some favorable action it is time and wind thrown away—as for money the boys had none to squander in the first place. Wichita Eagle.
Winfield Courier, January 13, 1881.
Ed. Brown, one of the best engineers on the Gould roads, and Hon. A. J. Mathewson were in town this week en route through the western counties looking over the ground for the new Pacific railroad to be built in the Gould interest from Parsons through Labette, Montgomery, Elk, Cowley, and the counties west to the State line. It is talked that another branch will be built from Leroy by way of Wichita to connect with the road through this county at some point west of here.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 19, 1881. Editorial Page.
Respecting the new railroad project, of which we made brief mention last week, there have been no further developments. Messrs. Brown and Matthewson, two prominent men in railroad circles, have been through the southern tier of counties in this State on a tour of observation—their object being to feel the public pulse and report to their chief, Mr. J. Gould. They were not authorized to make any contracts with the townships along the line, but could give the people an idea of what their company would expect or ask in the way of aid.
The projected road is to leave the M., K. & T. at Parsons, and proceed westward as near the State line as possible, township aid being asked the entire distance. For the miles of road built in this county, they will want about $75,000 in township bonds, the road to be completed by the 1st of January, 1882.
Some thirteen miles of railroad will be built in this township, for which they only ask $30,000. In obedience to the request of Winfield parties, Messrs. Brown and Matthewson visited our county seat and listened to a proposition from them, but said their instructions were to go to Arkansas City; and consequently they could not entertain a proposition from Winfield.
It is not the purpose of the company to build to Winfield if they can secure the aid asked for from the southern townships. Our farmers will do well to think and talk of this matter among themselves, that they may be prepared to act intelligently upon the question whenever it is presented for their action. We will gladly publish views on this question from the farmers.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 19, 1881. Editorial Page.
The proposed operations of corporations are always involved in more or less of doubt and mystery. Managers of great lines are very reticent and very slow to give information. When the development of a new project has reached a certain stage, then an intelligent editor with that beginning, and scattered information that he can pick up, may be able to outline projects which appear mysterious.
During the past week Gould, through his officers, has obtained charters for two new roads. One running from Le Roy, the present terminus of the Missouri Pacific, through the counties of Coffey, Woodson, Greenwood, Butler, Sedgwick, Kingman, then southwest through Harper, and then west. The other road starts at Parsons, in Labette county, which is the junction of the old M., K. & T., running southwest through the counties of Labette, Montgomery, Chautauqua, Cowley, Sumner, Harper, where it will probably join the first mentioned line.
Last Monday, Ed. B. Brown, who is now president of the Lexington and Southern railroad, and Angell Matthewson, president of Matthewson & Co.'s bank at Parsons, were in this county in the interest of the latter road. Their instructions were to avoid Winfield and proceed directly to Arkansas City. This was done. A meeting was held in that town, and seventy-five thousand dollars of township bonds promised the road from the south tier of townships.
Here you have certain facts, what are the conclusions? It is evident that Gould intends pushing his system of roads west, so as to share with the Santa Fe the rich traffic of the mineral regions. Next, he wants to be as close to the Territory line as possible, so that when it is opened he can go south from any point. It will also give him a larger scope of unoccupied territory.
Our last conclusion is that both these roads are going to be built, and Winfield will not get either, no matter what amount of bonds we may promise. We can go ahead with our meetings and do “our level best,” but “the eyes of the animal is sot.” Monitor.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 19, 1881.
The soldiers are gone, and our city is without protection.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 19, 1881.
One of Lieut. Wood's soldiers received his discharge in this city on the 16th, having served five years in the regular army.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 19, 1881.
The great march into Oklahoma has not only come to a decided halt, but the columns of the sturdy boomers are fast breaking to pieces, and one by one they are returning to their homes. In consequence of this the military situation has been changed. Co. G, 4th cavalry, Lieut. Wood commanding, left this city last Saturday morning for the Oklahoma country and Fort Reno; Co. H, 4th cavalry, Lieut. Mason commanding, has left Caldwell for Reno, while Co. F, 4th cavalry, Lieut. Martin, will be stationed at some point on the road for a short time.
Winfield Courier, January 20, 1881.
A Payne-killer is wanted in Southern Kansas, warranted to remove Payne for good on short notice.
From a letter to one of our citizens, we learn that Capt. Payne will be here with the Oklahoma boomers sometime this week. He may come, and he may not.
Some of the soldier boys had a “bit of a time” last Monday, trying to get up a corner on whiskey. After they had sobered off somewhat, the Lieutenant let them carry logs by way of amusement.
Two gamblers from Caldwell, named Kinney and Phillips, came over to this city last Friday for the purpose of playing the soldiers out of their money. Lieut. Wood notified the authorities of their scheme, and on last Monday night the gentlemen were “pulled” at their game by Marshal Sinnott, and on Tuesday the Mayor called for fifty dollars and costs from them. Good for our Mayor. If the game is repeated, they will get a heavier does next time.
Winfield Courier, January 20, 1881.
We are under obligation to W. F. White, general passenger and ticket agent of the Santa Fe, for a new paper in the interest of that road, and called the Santa Fe Trail, and also a map of the United States and Mexico, showing the completion and proposed lines of this vast corporation. Any of our readers desiring the Trail, can be placed on the subscription list free by addressing the editor, Chas. S. Gleed, Topeka.
Winfield Courier, January 20, 1881.
On Tuesday the first day of February is the election for township officers and also the election on the proposition to authorize the county commissioners to sell our railroad stock at not less than 65 cents on the dollar cash.
It is our opinion that the electors of this county should vote in favor of that proposition. The best offer that has been made in cash direct so far is 65 cents for the $68,000 stock in the S. K. & W. road; but the offer to exchange our stock at 75 for consolidated stock of the K. C. T. & W., and the consolidated stock at par for A. T. & S. F. bonds, is thought to be equivalent to 75 cents cash for our stock because the A. T. & S. F. bonds are said to be worth their face. The commissioners could not make this trade unless in the same transaction a purchaser should take the Santa Fe bonds at cash so that in effect the cash would be received when the stock was delivered.
It is possible that still better offers will be made before the stock would be sold. At worst the act of voting the authority would not compel the commissioners to sell at once, or to sell at all for that matter. They could hold until the best offer they could expect was made and then close. Of course, we should expect them to act judiciously and do the best for the county, but we would not advise them to hold so long as to lose the opportunity to avail themselves of the best offer. It is our opinion that if it is found on a thorough investigation that 65 cents cash is the best we can do, we had better sell even at that. There are too many chances that railroad stocks, such as these, may go down in the market to warrant us in holding too long for a better offer than 65.
We urge our readers to consider this matter carefully and vote understandingly, but to vote by all means and let their opinions be felt at the polls.
If the authority is voted, it will probably realize the county about $50,000 in cash for the S. K. & W. stock. There is no offer for the Cowley, Sumner & Fort Smith stock, $128,000. We have out $33,000 ten percent refunding bonds, which will come due in two years, and the proceeds of the sale can soon be used to stop this big interest. The railroad bonds of the county are said to be worth about 97 cents on the dollar in the market, and we can doubtless get all we can pay for at par or less. The S. K. & W. bonds only draw 6 percent, and they are the bonds we should leave for the last.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1881.
Hunnewell wants a newspaper.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1881.
Our railroad stock: to sell, or not to sell?
Not to sell, and don't for a moment forget it.
Vote against the proposition to sell our railroad stock.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1881.
Coal is in good demand—or would be if there were any in town.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1881.
We are informed that the surveyors are now at work on the proposed line of the Gould railroad from Parsons to this city.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1881.
Don't forget that the election for township officers, and to vote for or against the sale of our railroad stock, will be held the same day—Tuesday, February 1, 1881.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1881.
Editors Traveler: The proposed route for this new railroad is certainly a good one, and may be of great benefit to us. Besides giving us a direct line to St. Louis, it will give us another western market. But there is something more. They want $75,000 in township bonds from the southern tier of townships in this county—$15,000 from Bolton, $30,000 from Creswell, and $30,000 from the townships further east. Everybody in this section of country, but more especially in Creswell and Bolton townships, is interested in having a good bridge across the Arkansas river. Should we have high waters this spring, we may wake up some fine morning to a knowledge of the fact that we are minus a bridge. Now, we are already heavily in debt, and if we add to this the bonds this railroad asks, and our bridge should happen to leave us, what will we do? What can we do? Either do without a bridge, or go down into our pockets hunting for the money to build another one.
Now for a suggestion. Let the Boards of the two townships come together and make a proposition to Jay Gould’s agents to this effect. If we vote the bonds to this company, they must bind themselves to build us, in connection with the railroad bridge across the Arkansas, a good wagon bridge, which shall be free. It will cost them perhaps $3,000 extra, but that is very little out of the $45,000 wanted from us. If it would cost $5,000, it would still be but one-ninth of the bonds wanted. This, in addition to the benefits we may derive from the railroad, will give us a good substantial crossing for our own accommodation. BOLTON.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1881.
Remember, if not a vote is cast against the proposition to sell our railroad stock, it will still require 2,920 votes in its favor to carry it. At the last election there were 4,379 votes polled in Cowley County for Congressional candidates. In an election of this nature the law stipulates that two-thirds of the votes in the county shall be cast in the affirmative. The only object in voting against it is to prevent any fraudulent practice at the polls.
Winfield Courier, January 27, 1881.
This is the last issue of the COURIER before the election of Tuesday, February first, at which the two propositions to authorize the sale of the railroad stock owned by this county will be carried or defeated. We have conversed with a great number of voters from all parts of the county and the expression has been almost unanimous in favor of the propositions. Yet though there should not be a single vote polled against either proposition, there is great danger that both will be defeated. The affirmative vote of two thirds of the electors of the county is required to carry the propositions and there is great danger that less than two thirds of the voters will appear at the polls and vote. . . .
There is not reasonable doubt that it is the best thing that can be done; that now, while railroad stocks are inflated more than ever before, is the time to sell, and not wait for a panic which will make our stocks of even less value than we expected when we voted the bonds.
There is little doubt but we shall be able to realize at least $50,000 for our $68,000 of S. K. & W. stock, and we can take up the 7 percent bonds at par or less, to the extent we desire after providing for canceling our $33,000 of 10 percent bonds.
This will reduce our county debt $50,000, and our yearly interest $4,490, which is a big item in the line of reducing our taxes. Under the same election the time will probably come when we can sell our $128,000 of C. S. & F. S. stock for $83,000 or more, and this will take up the remaining $51,000 of 7 percent bonds and $32,000 of our 6 percent bonds, making a further reduction of our annual interest of $5,490 and leaving us in debt only $96,000 at 6 percent, an annual interest of only $5,760 in place of the $15,740 which we are now paying.
Let every taxpayer turn out and work for both propositions.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1881. Editorial Page.
Washington, Jan. 27. The bill reported favorably by the Senate committee on railroads to incorporate the Cherokee and Arkansas railroad company, is in the nature of a substitute for the entire bill as originally introduced. It gives the company the right of way through the public lands and Indian reservations, subject to existing treaties, 100 feet wide, with twenty acres at each station, not nearer than ten miles of each other, from Arkansas City to Ft. Smith. The capital and stock is not to exceed $4,300,000, in shares of $100. The company must file its acceptance of the terms of the charter in sixty days from the passage of the act, and begin its line within six months and finish it within two years.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1881.
On last Thursday Mr. Leander Finley bought of Mr. McDougall, of Wichita, a fine thoroughbred short-horn bull, ten months old, for which he paid $75. He is of the noted herds of Pickerel & Sons of Illinois, and the Rochester herds, of Rochester, New York. Mr. Finley has about twenty high-grade cows, three of which are registered, and has sold several fine calves this season.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1881.
The Wichita Eagle says that “Captain Dave Payne returned from the border boom rendezvous last week looking particularly hale. Since their chaplain left the boys have suffered greatly for spiritual consolation, which want, combined with cold weather and the prohibitory amendment, conspired to dampen their ardor much more than the mere menace of Uncle Sam's troops.” It just now occurs to us that during the holidays a subscription of something over $100 was raised in this town to induce the boomers' return to Arkansas City. They didn't come back. Did they get the money?
Winfield Courier, February 3, 1881.
TO THE CITIZENS OF WINFIELD AND VICINITY: Having resigned the agency of the Adams Express Company at this place, I will, on February 4th, open an office for the Wells Fargo Express Company in Winfield, at the old room in Manning's building, rear of post office. The Wells Fargo Express Co. will on that date put service on the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe R. R., and all its branches, and connect by this line with the Southern Pacific R. R. in New Mexico, making a direct route to San Francisco, California. At Kansas City it will have a joint office with the American Express Co., which company now has a line extending to Boston, Massachusetts, and Portland, Maine. The Wells Fargo Co. will make arrangements with the American Express and with the D. & G. Express Co. in Colorado to waybill direct to all points in their territory, so that the old and popular Wells Fargo Express will control a through line from the Pacific to the Atlantic ocean, and can offer unequaled shipping facilities.
Ship by the Wells Fargo, and order your goods sent by this company from the west, or the American Express if from the east, and you will insure quick and cheap transportation and save trouble and expense. As agent of this company, I shall endeavor to so accommodate the public as to make it a pleasure to deal with the company.
G. H. ALLEN, Agent Wells Fargo Ex. Co.
Winfield Courier, February 3, 1881.
The election of last Tuesday, in which so large a number of electors voted against the sale of the railroad stock belonging to this county, affords the most powerful argument in favor of locating the idiot asylum in this county.
Winfield Courier, February 3, 1881.
The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railroad company has purchased the Burlington and Santa Fe railroad for $212,000. This road runs from Ottawa to Burlington and is the one known as the “Schofield road.”
Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1881.
The bill incorporating the road from Arkansas City to Fort Smith has been recommended for passage, * * * * There is a good prospect that the bill will pass at this session of Congress. If it does, then Cowley County will boom. Monitor.
This is probably one of the many agencies to be used by the gods in “destroying” Arkansas City, whose doom, according to Conklin, was “foretold centuries ago.” We'll take all this kind of doom they can furnish us, Joe.
Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.
Commonwealth: The Cherokee Indians will tax horses and cattle 40 cents per year in that portion of the Indian Territory where their title has not been extinguished, being all that portion west of the Arkansas River and North of the Cimarron, excepting the Pawnee, Ponca, and Nez Perces reserves.
Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.
On Monday morning the county commissioners again called an advisory meeting of the citizens to consider the matter of selling the S. K. & W. stock.
Met at the office of Jennings & Buckman at 11 a.m., about forty citizens being present. Col. J. M. Alexander was chosen chairman and C. C. Black secretary.
It appeared that only two offers were before the commissioners, that of W. N. Coler & Co., of New York, of 65 cents for the stock, in the county 7 percent, bonds at par, and that of Edwards & Bo., of St. Louis, of 68 cents in cash for the stock.
A long discussion ensued, in which was discussed the relative merits of the two offers, the probability of getting better, and of loss by delay, in which many citizens took part. Finally the meeting passed the following resolution almost unanimously and adjourned.
Resolved, That this meeting advises the county board to sell the $68,000 stock to-day at 68 cents cash or Cowley 7 per cent, bonds at par (unless a better offer is made) to such parties as it shall deem best.
The commissioners then met and agreed to sell the stock to W. N. Coler & Co. for 68 cents cash, amounting to $46,240, the exchange to be made at Read's Bank in Winfield without expense to the county, the bank becoming security that the purchaser shall consummate the trade immediately. As this arrangement saves the county all expense for exchange, transmission, etc., it is an advance over the St. Louis offier.
The treasurer drew on W. N. Coler & Co. for $46,240, accompanied with the stock, and Read's Bank gave a receipt on deposits to the credit of the county of $46,240 in New York exchange. It is known, we believe, that N. Y. exchange is generally at a premium; never sells for less than par.
Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.
Since the vote on the propositions to sell our stock, it is claimed that the idiot asylum ought to be located at Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1881.
The sale of $68,000 of K. C., L. & S. railroad stock held by this county was finally disposed of by the commissioners to Messrs. W. N. Coler & Co., of New York, for 68 cents on the dollar, cash. The sale and transfer of the stock were made through Read's bank, and a certificate of deposit was given to the county treasurer.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1881.
Messrs. Hill and Bonsall started to meet the surveyors on the proposed Missouri Pacific extension last Thursday, but were prevented by the severe storm from going further than Maple City. The surveyors are at Sedan, and will be here as soon as the weather permits. The people in the townships east of us are largely in favor of the road.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1881.
We are informed that Mr. P. F. Endicott, one of the oldest settlers in this vicinity, has received for hogs during the past few months the neat little sum of $1,153.85. They were raised on his farm southeast of town, and were shipped to Kansas City by our stock buyer, Mr. Ira Barnett. These facts are submitted to the attention of our farmer friends for their consideration, with the injunction “Go thou and do likewise.”
Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1881.
Mr. O. Ingersoll, the genial agent of the Santa Fe railroad at this point, is also agent for the Wells, Fargo express company, which bills direct to all points west of Kansas City, and will soon perfect arrangements to bill to all eastern points. Mr. Ingersoll has arranged with Mr. Dunn to transfer all express matter to and from his office, which is at the depot. The names of the company and their agent are safe guarantees of satisfaction to all who may favor them with their business.
Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.
We hear that in some parts of the county there is great discontent because the county commissioners sold the stock without at the same time taking up our bonds in exchange therefor. It is complained that the money received for the stock is laying idle while interest is accruing on our bonds, if indeed the money is not being stolen, lost, or squandered.
As we offered in a public meeting the resolution on which the commissioners have acted, and as we advised them to act as they have done, we may as well state the reasons for such action for the benefit of our readers.
In the first place, there is no danger of the money being stolen, lost, or squandered. The proceeds of the stock is in the hands of county treasurer Harden, where the law requires it to be, and he is responsible on his bond that it shall be appropriated according to law. The law requires that it shall be applied to pay the bonded debt of the county on the orders of the commissioners and if he should pay it out for anything else, he and his securities must make it good.
In the next place it was much more important that the stock should be sold at once than that the bonds should be bought in at once. The price at which the railroad stock could be sold was very precarious and uncertain at best.
Some of this same stock had sold as low as twenty-five cents on the dollar, but the temporary demand for it, caused by the consolidation of the roads, the desire to get up this stock for consolidation stock for the Santa Fe company, caused the stock to advance. Seventy five cents on the dollar was offered for it in 5 percent Santa Fe unsecured bonds, which we did not want nor had any legal right to trade for, bonds which might now be worth 90 cents to par, but are liable to take a grand tumble on the first money stringency or financial panic that should occur.
But a few weeks ago some townships in Sumner County sold through a financial agent some of this same stock at 70-1/2 cents, but paid the agent a commission, so that the stock netted scarcely 69. Since that sale it has been impossible to get an offer of more than 68 cents. In fact, the tendency is evidently to decline; and had we not sold until now, it is doubtful if we could have got more than 65. Should a stringency or panic take place, this stock would go down, down, perhaps to 25 cents again, perhaps to mere nothing.
There is little probability that it will go higher than 68 and it is almost certain that sooner or later it will go down. But we are out of trouble about the future of this stock, for we have sold out for $68,000 of it at 68 cents on the dollar, and have got the money for it, $46,240, safe in the county treasury. If stocks should tumble now, instead of losing we should make money by it. A panic now would help us amazingly about paying our bonded debt, however damaging it would be to all our other interests.
The reason that the commissioners did not take up our bonded debt at once with the money was that the parties buying stock had an option on some $45,000 of our 7 percent 30 year bonded debt and would not sell it to us for less than 104-6/10 cents on the dollar. Our 6 percent bonds were offered at par, but it was better to take up 7 percent at par or what would be still better, get our old ten percent at par or any premium under 12 percent. If we should let the money lay idle a month and then have to take our 7 percent at 104, we should lose nothing for the 6/10 would pay the interest accrued on the bonds during the month. But we shall do better. Already we are offered our 7 percent and 6 percent half and half at par. This, if we accept, is a gain of 2-3/10 percent, sufficient to pay more than four months interest on the bonds. But we do not advise that this offer be accepted. We should reject it promptly. We fully believe that we shall next get an offer of the 7 percent at par, perhaps we may soon get 10 percent at a small premium.
There is not the slightest need of rushing things now. There is no danger that our bonds will advance. There is much more probability of a panic or a financial change that will cause stocks and bonds to go down. We are ready for it; we are in the market to buy, and if our bonds decline, we shall make money by it. Our $46,250 cash will only buy $44,200 of our bonds at the rate the buyers of our stock asked for them. Should our 7 percent decline to 90 cents, we could with our money take up $51,377. of them.
Please be easy, gentlemen. Things are working well. Winfield chaps are not smart enough to steal this money. They cannot give it to Jay Gould for another railroad. It is not so much money as to send our $227,000 of bonded debt up above our reach. Those fellows who bought our 7 percent at 85 will consider how little of our debts this money can pay at best and will not know that it will not be stolen or paid to Jay Gould by these border barbarians. They do know that this is drouthy Kansas and that some of the best counties in the state have scaled down their debts fifty percent. They will no doubt think they have done well if they sell even at 90 cents, having got their interest and five percent profit besides.
Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.
The Kansas City, Lawrence & Southern Railroad now completed to Winfield, is 30 miles the shortest, 2 hours the quickest, and the only line running through trains between Winfield and Kansas City. It is the best route to all points east. Close connections are made with all trains at Union Depot, Kansas City. Trains on this line are always on time, thus making connections sure. Through tickets to all points are on sale at the Company's office in Winfield, at lowest rates. If any of your Eastern friends are coming West, write them to purchase tickets via the Through Route, the Kansas City, Lawrence & Southern R. R.
Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.
The L. L. & G. has put up a water tank near the stock yards, and now have it in running order.
Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.
“BUCKING SNOW” is what the railroad boys call it, and it certainly was “bucking” on a big scale. Through the courtesy of Superintendent Barnes, we were permitted to ride out to the scene and witness the engines and men at work. The cuts were level full of snow, so solidly packed that it would hold a person up. The largest engine was placed in front to do the “butting.” It would get back a half mile, take a run, and dive into the snow at the rate of forty miles an hour. It would generally dig through the snow about two hundred yards, when men were sent in with shovels to loosen it up. The other four engines would come up behind and after much puffing and blowing, the huge engine would be drawn back, ready for another dive.
The sight was one never to be forgotten. The engineer on the front engine was an old Kansas Pacific man, was used to blockades, and was as fearless at Satan. He knew the engine which he controlled, and felt his power to govern it. The cut just on the backbone of the divide where the road crosses from the Walnut slope to the Arkansas is about twenty feet deep. The snow here was more solid than usual, and so deep that it reached the headlight of the engine. They reached this last cut about eight o'clock at night, and after examining it, a consultation was held with the engineer as to whether he was willing to attempt to force it as he had the others. He debated the matter for some time and at last told them to “clear the track” and ordered the firemen to “fill her up with coal.”
The start was to be made from the crossing, about a mile back. We took our stand opposite the cut on top of a mound about fifty feet above the track. The moon was almost full, and the track shone bright and glistening way down nearly to the crossing where the giant locomotive stood, with the grim engineer watching the finger of the dial plate on the steam gauge crawl slowly around as the two firemen shoveled in the coal. They were all ready, the finger on the dial showed one hundred and twenty pounds of steam, and the engineer, with one hand on the throttle, gave the signal that he was coming—and he did come! We saw a puff of smoke, and in an instant the locomotive shot down the track toward us. The next thing we knew we were covered with snow from head to foot, with the engine just opposite buried in the drift up to its smoke stack.
It took nearly an hour shoveling and pulling by the other engines before she was released from her snowy prison. We were tendered an invitation from Supt. Barnes to ride in with the engineer on his next dive, but owing to a “very bad cold,” we were compelled to forego the pleasure of such an excursion.
Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.
Last week Cowley County and Southern Kansas was visited by the severest snow storm ever before known. It commenced snowing Thursday evening; the wind was very high, and the snow soon drifted so that travel was completely blocked. The storm continued all day Friday and Friday night. The passenger train on the L., L. & G. came in all right Thursday night, but failed to get through to Wellington, getting stuck in a snow bank about two miles this side. Friday afternoon two large engines passed the depot going west to the rescue of the passengers. They found the train scattered along all the way from Oxford to Wellington, first digging out a coach, then a baggage car, and finally the engine stuck fast in a ten foot snow bank. Altogether, there were five engines and two trains snow bound between Winfield and Wellington, a distance of twenty-five miles. The Friday morning freight on the Santa Fe left Winfield all right, but failed to get through, as did the passenger coming down. No train came in on the Santa Fe until Tuesday. The passenger train came through from Wellington Monday morning, and also the train from Kansas City on the Monday night. This was the first mail from the east since the 10th.
Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.
The past week has been a rough one on business of all kinds, with no shipments of grain or stock, owing to the blockaded condition of the roads. Businessmen and tradesmen have felt the effects of bad weather to a great extent. Prices have undergone no change. We quote wheat at 60 to 68 cents; corn 30 to 33 cents; oats 22 to 25 cents. The produce market is dull. Butter is plenty at 12½ to 15 cents. Hogs are more plenty, at 15 cents. Potatoes, 75 to 81 cents; sweet potatoes, $1. Poultry, no demand; live chickens, $1.25 to $1.50 per dozen; dressed chickens and ducks 5 cents per lb.; turkey, 8 to 9 cents. Hides, but few offering, with prices as follows: Green, 6 cents; green salt, 7 cents; dry flint, 12 cents; dry salt, 9 cents; bulls and stags one-half off. Pelts and furs in good demand at fair prices. Wood, dry, $4.55 to $5.55; green, $4; very little on the market. Coal, soft, $6.50 to $7; hard, $15; market entirely out. Hay, receipts exceedingly light: price $4.50 to $6. The stock market is still supplied for butchers' use, who are paying from 2¼ to 2½ cents per pound for cows; and 3 to 3½ cents per pound for steers. The hog market is quiet on account of none shipping; prices are lower than last week ranging from $4 to $4.25. Telegram.
Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.
For seventy-two hours Winfield was isolated from the rest of the world, and to many it seemed like an age. We have become so accustomed to daily communication with the outside world that a return to the days of the stage-coach and four-day-old papers would be unendurable. It is such occasions as these that make us realize the value of railroads and telegraph wire.
Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.
In making out the papers for the sale and transfer of the stock in the S. K. & W. railroad from the county to the purchaser, there were some errors which made the transfer defective and the papers were sent back for correction.
Commissioners Gale and Bullington met at the county clerk's office on Monday of this week and made the proper correction. It is said that they also sent Messrs. James Harden, treasurer, and M. L. Robinson to New York and Boston to buy bonds.
These two gentlemen started east on Monday eve, but we suppose on their own expense and for their own purposes for the Commissioners have no power or authority to put the county to any expense for such a mission. They probably have gone to see the inauguration of the president and other sights and can well afford to do so, but the idea that they expect the county to pay their expenses is preposterous. The idea that they would be of any particular use to the county in finding and buying bonds at a low rate is equally absurd. The state has a financial agency in New York and the bankers of that institution live in the midst of bonds and stocks and know now more about our bonds, where to get them and what they are worth, than two new men could learn in six months. All our Commissioners need to do is to send the funds to the financial agency and instruct them to buy our bonds to the best advantage for the interests of the county. The idea of sending men from here to do the business is absurd and ridiculous.
We suppose that the howl raised in some quarters because the bonds were not bought in when the stock was sold, might have worried the commissioners some and made them feel that they ought to hurry up the matter of buying in the bonds in some way, so that when asked to send these experienced intelligent men east to hurry up the matter, without looking up the law or considering the use of sending them, they in their individual capacity and not as commissioners told them to go. But the story soon got out that the commissioners had sent them on this wild goose errand at the expense of the county and then commenced a howl indeed. Almost every man we met made either an angry comment in condemnation or a ridiculous comment in disapproval.
We would ask the people interested to keep cool and not to get excited. The commissioners are trying to do the best thing for the interests of the county and will not pay out the people’s money for any expenses not warranted by law.
The gentlemen named have a right to go east and buy bonds for that matter just as we fellows who stay at home have the same right.
Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.
Treasurer Harden and M. L. Robinson, the committee appointed to buy our bonds, left on Monday’s train for New York and Boston. If bonds are to be had, they will get them.
Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.
J. W. Nichols, Esq., a route agent of Wells, Fargo & Co.’s Express, was in the city over Sunday, having come here to visit their office in the place and post Mr. Allen, their agent, in the affairs of the company and arrange facilities for the accommodation of their flourishing business, which is prospering finely under the hands of Mr. Allen. Mr. Nichols is an old expressman of many years experience and represents a company which is noted for its liberality to both its employees and patrons, and for fair and honest dealing with the public. Wells, Fargo & Co.’s Express Company has a thirteen years’ lease of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad and all its branches, and hopes by square dealing and close attention to business to win the confidence and patronage of the people in this section of country as it has elsewhere.
Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.
We are very much surprised at an editorial in this week’s COURIER in relation to the subject, “Our Stock and Bonds.”
The following is the official action of the commissioners, and we want to say for Messrs. Gale and Bullington that neither of them were to blame for the necessity that caused the board to take the action detailed below.
On Feb. 21, 1881, the Board of county commissioners met in official session. Present: G. L. Gale, chairman, L. B. Bullington, member, and J. S. Hunt, county clerk.
The board directed the county clerk to correct the journal entry of February 4th and February 7th, 1881. Said entries were accordingly corrected. These errors were informalities in regard to the transfer of the stock of the Southern, Kansas and Western railroad.
On motion of the chairman it was resolved that James Harden, county treasurer of Cowley county, and M. L. Robinson be appointed and empowered as a special committee to take the corrected papers relating to the special election, held February 1st, 1881, and AT THE EXPENSE OF COWLEY COUNTY, proceed to Kansas City, Missouri, and have the same approved by Wallace Pratt, attorney, to whom the original papers had been referred by Charles Merriam, trustee; then proceed to New York and Boston and purchase for and in behalf of Cowley County, Kansas, forty-six thousand two hundred and forty dollars worth of the outstanding bonds of the said Cowley County, Kansas, provided the seven percent bonds of the said Cowley County can be purchased at a commission or premium of not more than two and one-half percent; the six percent bonds of said Cowley County at not more than par and accrued interest, and the ten percent bonds of the said Cowley County at a rate correspondingly beneficial to the interests of said county, or any of said specified bonds to the amount of forty-six thousand two hundred and forty dollars worth at as much better rates for the interest of said county as possible. And if the present purchase can be made at such rates or at most one percent of such rates, this committee shall ascertain as much as possible in relation to whom the holders are of such bonds at what rate and the lowest rate any of said bonds can be purchased, etc., and make a full report of all of said items on their return.
Board adjourned.
J. S. HUNT, County Clerk.
We clip the above from the last Monitor and will remark that when we wrote the editorial in the COURIER alluded to and when we went to press we had not been furnished a copy of the commissioners’ proceedings, and as they are usually furnished the county paper by the clerk, we had not been to the records to examine them. We had heard rumors on the street concerning the proceedings, which struck us as improbable for the reasons then given. Now that we have a copy of the official proceedings, we make the correction by publishing them as above.
We do not wish to do injustice to any parties connected with this matter and are disposed to give to all the credit of desiring in their action to accomplish the best interests of the county. We know that the commissioners would act in no other way but for the interests of the county according to their best judgment; but we must be permitted to dissent from the course taken and to hold that there was no use in sending delegates east to buy bonds, and that there is no law to authorize the payment of the expenses of such delegates out of the county treasury. We think a mistake has been made in trying to rush this matter and still believe that a considerable sum of money might be saved for the county by waiting awhile for the holders of our bonds to discover that we are not going to take the first offers at any price, and that they must come down in their prices to value or they cannot sell to us. We believe that we can do better than to pay par and expenses for our 7 percent bonds.
Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.
On last Tuesday, Feb. 25, there was a panic in Wall street, resulting from the opposition of the national banks to the funding bill and their attempts to coerce the government, and stocks declined largely, ranging from two to seventeen percent decline. Messrs. Robinson and Harden must have arrived in New York at a good time, for we suppose there must have been a pressure to sell our Cowley 7 percent bonds as well as other bonds. If they have chanced upon a time when they could buy at 95, it may not be so bad a scheme after all.
Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.
Bill Passed the House. Tom Ryan Ahead.
The Cherokee and Arkansas River railroad bill passed the House on the night of the 21st, under a suspension of the rules by the necessary two-thirds vote, but it was a tight squeeze. It went through, however, in good shape. It has yet to pass the Senate, but this will give it such an impetus that we think it will pass the Senate and become a law.
It grants the right of way to the Cherokee and Arkansas river railroad company through the Indian Territory from Arkansas City down the Arkansas river to Fort Smith. It provides for a right of way 200 feet wide with necessary land for depots, shops, switches, etc., to be obtained by methods in harmony with the existing treaties and regulations with the Indian tribes.
Work must commence within six months and must be completed within two years. The enterprise is for the purpose of extending the C. S. & F. S., or in fact, the Santa Fe road to intersect with the Arkansas system of roads and furnish this section of country with a southern and southeastern outlet. The importance of this road to Cowley county cannot be overestimated.
In fact, it will be of the greatest consequence to all the southern and southwestern counties and of great value to the whole State. It will open up an easy and near market for our wheat, corn, pork, and other products for higher prices in the south and will give us easy access to southern seaports and to Europe. At the same time it will reduce the cost of transportation on our sugar, molasses, rice, coffee, and various other southern products which we have to buy. It will give us a new market nearer and better than the east and the west.
The credit of this is due to Hon. Thos. Ryan. It was his bill and he has put in more than two years of hard energetic work to secure its passage. He has met all kinds of opposition and hostility from the Gould and other railroad interests, and from various other sources; and it has needed all his tact, his personal popularity, energy, and perseverance, but in his bright lexicon, “there is no such word as fail.” The fight was a long and hard one and he has won the battle in the House and added another to his many laurels.
Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.
It will not do to buy the Cowley County 7 percent bonds for more than par for the people will never believe the thing well managed if a higher rate is paid at present. If Coler & Co. have a temporary control of these bonds, as they claim, they may easily prvent the sale at less than 2-1/2 percent premium; but if the County refuses to pay it, the bonds will soon be out of their control and the holders will then sell for what they are worth. Even if they then should refuse to take par or less, there are the ten percents and the six percents to the amount of about $160,000 from which enough can be found to employ our funds and not stand a grab game. There is no need of a rush about it; give a little time for the holders of the different bonds to get anxious and we shall save money by it.
Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.
The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Company expected to make a connection with the Southern Pacific by the 1st of March, but, owing to the unusual inclemency of the weather and other obstacles encountered, the connection cannot be completed until about the 15th. The connection will be made at Rio Mimbres, a few miles west of Florida Pass. The point is sixty miles southwest from Fort Thorn, where the Santa Fe road leaves the Rio Grande, and some sixty-five miles northeast of El Paso.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 9, 1881.
The following is Senate concurrent resolution No. 17, by Mr. Hackney, as it passed the Senate:
WHEREAS, A bill incorporating the Cherokee and Arkansas Railroad Company, and giving that company the right to construct and operate a railroad from Arkansas City in Kansas through the Indian Territory to Fort Smith in Arkansas, has passed the lower house of Congress; and
WHEREAS, The commercial and industrial interests of this State demand that such line of railroad be constructed at once; therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Senate of Kansas, the House of Representatives concurring therein, that our Senators in Congress are requested to support said bill and use all honorable means to secure its passage.
Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.
We get the following information from Col. M. L. Robinson, who, with Treasurer James Harden, returned from the east Monday night.
The prices paid for Cowley 7 percents, were $15,000 at par and $29,000 additional at par with 2 ½ percent commission to be paid if we keep the bonds, and with an option of the county to return this last $20,000 at any time within six months and receive the cash and accrued interest.
This gives the county a chance to buy $20,000 of other bonds at any time within six months in case they can be had at such rates that it would be a saving of money to return these on which we have the option.
The situation is that if the county, at the end of six months, decides to return the bonds and take par and accrued interest, it saves $700 interest for the six months; but if it concludes to keep the bonds, it must pay $500 commission, and in that case, it saves $200, net of interest over and above the commission, thus giving the county the vantage ground, all the option and six months to figure for better terms.
Before they left for New York, the best offer we had was $1.05. At that rate the $35,000 now bought would have cost us $36,750, but it has actually cost us only $35,000, a saving of $1,250.
There is still left of the proceeds of the stock $10,740 in cash in the hands of the county treasurer which will be used as fast as may be in buying any bonds which may be picked up at reasonable rates. At present it is impossible to buy more 7 percents at less than $1.05; but by watching for chances, it is thought the amount of $10,740 at less rates. Donnell, Lawson & Co., had $50,000 of our 6 percents for which they asked par but it would be a saving to the county to buy 7 percents at 5 percent premium rather than to pay more than 90 for 6 percents.
It appears that our 7 percents are straight 30 year bonds, while the vote which authorized the issue provided for 10-30s, that is, subject to call after ten years. This mistake in issuing would have proved quite serious had ten years run and were we now able to sell 5 percents at par, for by calling the 7 percents, we could save 2 percent per annum for 20 years or 40 percent, equal to $27,200.
We have not time now before going to press to find out whether the same mistake is true of our $128,600 of six percents. From the above we conclude that Messrs. Robinson and Harden have done well and fully justified the commissioners in sending them.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 16, 1881. Editorial Page.
Little Rock, Ark., March 9. The case of Capt. Payne, for alleged violation of the intercourse law in the Indian Territory, was begun before United States Judge Parker, at Fort Smith, yesterday, Judge Baker, of St. Louis, defending. Judge Parker defers his decision until May.
Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.
While the 5-20 three percent, funding bill, requiring national banks to deposit only three percents for security of their circulation, was pending, after having passed the senate and before and after it passed the house, the national banks, for the purpose of raising a scare to defeat the bill made a rush to deposit greenbacks in the treasury to retire their own circulation. The amount thus deposited in a few days was about seventeen millions of dollars.
Whatever effect this movement might have had on the action of President Hayes, he vetoed the bill; and then the banks wanted to withdraw their seventeen millions of green-backs and not retire their circulation. The question arose whether they could be permitted to do so and was discussed in a meeting of Garfield’s new cabinet, and it was decided that it should not be done; that if the banks wanted to increase their circulation again, the law provided a way and they must go through the whole formula again.
Now, as M. L. Robinson says, we do not understand finance as well as we do some other things, and do not know but the best thing for Hayes to do was to veto the bill; but we do not sympathize with the banks in their bulldozing efforts to scare the house and the president to defeat the bill, and we are glad that they got picked up at their game.
It would be a dangerous precedent to allow them to deposit millions of treasury notes for the purpose of affecting legislation and then withdraw their funds as soon as the object was accomplished or defeated. Perhaps now that they find it is not so easy to get their money back, they will not be in so great a hurry to surrender their circulation and create a scare the next time.
Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.
The track connecting the Santa Fe and K. C., L. & S. is almost finished.
Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.
The Santa Fe company is building a “Y” in the junction of the Santa Fe and the K. C., L. & S. west of town. This is done so that trains may be run from one road to the other.
Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.
The K. C., L. & S. railroad have put elegant reclining chair cars on their through trains, running from Wellington to Kansas City. We had the pleasure of riding in one of them from Elk Falls to Winfield last week. They are models of neatness and comfort and make the trip to Kansas City a pleasure rather than a bore, as it has heretofore been.
Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.
The last sad remains of the Oklahoma boom were found frozen to death last week, near the late site of that ill-starred colony. All else but him had fled. It is likely that the “colony” will never more assemble, unless the lands are lawfully open to settlement.
Arkansas City Democrat.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 23, 1881. Front Page.
For seven months past well executed maps of Oklahoma, the prospective capital of the prospective territory of Oklahoma, have been posted in conspicuous places in various parts of the city. The site of the town was claimed by the Oklahoma colonization company, of which D. L. Payne is President, and other parties prominently connected with the recent invasion of the Indian Territory were officers.
A Globe Democrat reporter met an officer of the company, and, in a general conversation, asked him where the Oklahoma company expected to get its title to Oklahoma, as the company would have no more right to land embraced in the prospective limits of the town than any other settler, should the Territory be declared by the Government subject to settlement.
“That is fixed,” said the enthusiastic Oklahoman.
“How fixed?” asked the reporter.
“The railroads have assured us the land.”
Further conversation disclosed the fact that the officers of the colony have adopted a new scheme to obtain possession of the coveted land site. They claim that according to the construction placed upon a late decision of the Supreme Court, certain railroads will be allowed to construct their lines through the Indian Territory. One of the lines is to pass through the land laid out on the map for Oklahoma. The programme of the colony now is to follow the railroad to Oklahoma, build up the town, and then commence settlements along the line of the road on land claimed by the road. As a matter of information to the colonists, however, it might be stated that the railroad has not yet been constructed. Globe Democrat.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 23, 1881.
Payne’s trial at Fort Smith has taken place, and the prevailing belief in that vicinity is that the decision will be against him. Payne now tells a very different story regarding his attempted invasion of the Indian Territory, claiming that he did not know anything about the legality of his actions, but simply took the people there to test the matter.
Winfield Courier, March 24, 1881.
W. C. Garvey, station agent at the Santa Fe depot, has now on sale tickets to all principal points in California and Oregon, via the A., T. & S. F. and Southern Pacific. This new route to the “Golden Gate” was opened to the traveling public on Thursday inst., the 17th. Passengers with first and second class tickets are taken through to San Francisco in four and three-quarters days. There is also an emigrant train which makes the time in about eight days. The express train leaving Winfield at 3:55 p.m., makes connections at Newton, with only two changes for the whole distance, at the latter point and at Deming, where the Santa Fe makes connection with the Southern Pacific. This new route is destined to become immensely popular, and will prove a great convenience to parties in this vicinity who may wish to go to California or Oregon.
Winfield Courier, March 24, 1881.
The station here does more business than any other town on the K. C., L. & S., outside of Winfield. Mr. C. S. Jenkins has furnished us the following, showing the amount of business done since the first day of March, 1881, up to Thursday, the 17th. It is now in order for our neighboring towns to produce figures that will beat these or forever hold their peace.
Number pounds freight received: 121,275, forwarded, 13,275.
Amount of cash received: $380.50.
The citizens of Torrance shipped last Saturday a carload of rock to Kansas City, to be inspected by stone masons at that place; and if found saleable rock, we understand the railroad company has promised Torrance a side track, provided they will make to the railroad company a good bond as a guarantee that one hundred carloads of rock will be shipped from that point in one year from date of contract. They have worked hard for railroad accommo-dations, and if they succeed by fair means, no one has a right to complain.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 30, 1881.
The above is the title of a communication from “The Banshee” that appeared in last week’s Monitor, and which, if the true status of the recent sale of stock made by our county commissioners is given, reflects very unfavorably upon our county clerk.
While we cannot vouch for the statements made, yet we would, but for want of space, publish it intact this week. This matter is one in which all are interested, and a summary of “Banshee’s” article will appear in our next, as well as any new feature that transpires in this matter.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 30, 1881.
In the last three weeks some ten men have left our city for Texas, with a view to pur-chasing cattle: James Henderson, A. M. Smythia, Jack Gilbert, Harry Genthner, Lincoln Small, the Fairclo brothers, Bill Henderson, and Messrs. Tyner and Pond.
Winfield Courier, March 31, 1881.
Gould will extend his LeRoy road to Winfield, where he will connect with his newly acquired air line to St. Louis. Of course, the repair shops will be located here also.
Winfield Courier, March 31, 1881.
In addition to the report that Gould has purchased the K. C., L. & S. railroad, comes the report that he has withdrawn his proposition from Chautauqua county. The proposition was to be voted on yesterday (Tuesday) and had every prospect of carrying. If he has withdrawn on the eve of a favorable election, it means something; and that something cannot be favorable to Winfield and Cowley county.
Winfield Courier, March 31, 1881.
A report is current that Jay Gould has purchased the K. C., L. & S. railroad. The report is not yet authenticated, but is believed to be true by most of the employees of the road. If this is a fact, our Arkansas City friends will look down their noses for some time to come. However, we will not kill the fatted calf until Jay tells us something about it himself.
Winfield Courier, March 31, 1881.
A special train passed through on the K. C., L. & S., Monday. It was made up of a dining car, two sleepers, and a reclining chair car, and contained General Manager Strong and President Coolidge of the Santa Fe, and General Manager Nettleton of the K. C., L. & S., with their families. They were out on an inspection of the road.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 6, 1881.
The sale of our stock in the S. K. & W. R. R., sometime since, has resulted in quite a rumpus between the newspapers at the county seat, consequent upon alleged mistakes, or to say the least, in formalities committed by a certain county official. It is not our funeral, but if we read the signs of the times aright, the funeral knell to the hopes of some aspirants for county office in the future, have boomed loud and deep. In order that the TRAVELER’s readers may know what is transpiring in this matter, we insert the following from the Monitor, of March 26, 1881, which appeared over the signature of “BANSHEE,” and will sufficiently explain itself.
Editor Monitor: There seems to be a premeditated attempt on the part of the Courier, and those most interested in the success of certain county officers, to cover up the real delinquencies which jeopardized the sale of stock held by this county in the Southern Kansas & Western railroad. This attempt on the part of the Courier is two fold.
First, to vent its spleen against Read’s bank in the interest of McMullen, Fuller, Millington, and company.
Second, to shield Captain Hunt.
The Courier, blindly and in an unscrupulous spirit of hate toward M. L. Robinson, sought to attract the attention of the public from the real delinquent, Capt. Hunt, by attacking the county commissioners for sending James Harden and M. L. Robinson East to protect the interests of Cowley county.
It is true that in the first article in the Courier, in regard to this subject, they did not abuse the commissioners in express terms; but they published an editorial stating that it was reported on the street, and that great excitement existed among the people in consequence thereof, that the board of county commissioners had sent Messrs. Harden and Robinson East to perfect the sale of the stock held by the county in the Southern, Kansas & Western railroad, and that such statement was false, and that if they had gone East for such purpose, it was at their own expense and volition, and that the commissioners of Cowley county, being honorable men, would never be guilty of doing such a thing.
With a characteristic cheek which serves the senior editor of that paper so well in times of emergencies, he stated to a guileless public, if such order was made, it was with the understanding that the committee would pay their own expenses as they had the right and were well able to do; when such editor well knew that the order was not only to send such committee East but also to pay their expenses.
Then the Monitor, true to the facts in defense of the action of the county commissioners, published the official order made by the board of county commissioners, attested by Captain Hunt, county clerk, showing that said committee not only went on order of the board, but also at the expense of Cowley county.
After the committee had returned from the successful trip, wherein they saved to the taxpayers of this county fifty-six thousand dollars, then it was the venerable old fossil of the Courier ate his own words, devoured his own offspring, turned tail on his former publication, and published to the world the action of the county commissioners and justified the same.
In this justification, every man in Cowley county, who is familiar with the facts, will heartily join. In order that the public may know the real status of the case, the writer of this article will state the facts. The people of the county by their votes ordered the commissioners to sell the stock, and they, in pursuance of such order, did sell such stock for sixty-eight cents, and Read’s bank gave to the county treasurer a certificate of deposit for the amount, for which they had Coler & Co.’s draft, and here is where the trouble began.
The county clerk in making out the papers showing the vote, and order of sale, failed to show affirmatively that the sale was legal. This may not have been his fault, for he is not a lawyer, neither has he had the necessary business experience to fill the position he holds, which is unfortunate for him and deplorable as regards the best interests of this county; but worse than all, instead of certifying the order of the board selling our stock in said railroad company, as he should have done, and as any ordinarily careful clerk would have done, he made out the certificate showing that we had sold our stock in the “Southern, Kansas & Fort Smith” railroad company.
These papers went East with the application for the transfer of the stock to Coler & Co., and, of course, were rejected on the ground that there was no such railroad as the “Southern, Kansas & Fort Smith,” and that the sale of the stock of the “Southern, Kansas & Fort Smith” railroad would not transfer the stock of the Southern, Kansas & Western railroad; hence, the rejection of Coler & Co.’s application, and having failed to obtain what they purchased, they threw back the stock upon the hands of Cowley county.
The time was up for the transfer of this stock, the Southern, Kansas & Western railroad company had ceased to exist, and the stock held by Cowley county was utterly worthless. The contest for the control of the same on the part of Gould on one hand, and the Santa Fe on the other, which gave it its fictitious value, being ended by the success of the Santa Fe company, and the stock was of no further value.
At this juncture, M. L. Read’s bank, the wealthiest and largest tax-paying institution of the county, promptly took a hand to save the county; and M. L. Robinson, being one of the directors of the Cowley, Sumner & Fort Smith railroad, and being on intimate and friendly terms with the General Manager Strong, of the Santa Fe, went to Topeka and Kansas City, procured an order, delaying the closing of the books of the old Southern, Kansas & Western railroad company—now defunct—until the egregious blunder of our county clerk could be rectified.
Robinson came home, a meeting of the county commissioners was convened, and the necessary papers, under the advice of Judge McDonald, of Winfield, and Wallace Pratt, of Kansas City, were made out and the committee sent East, as heretofore stated, to save this county from great financial loss.
Instead of Mr. Robinson being abused in connection with this matter, he is entitled to the heart-felt thanks of all honest men in Cowley county; and but for the insane jealousy of the unfortunate occupants on the corner, they would be the first to accord the praise.
In conclusion, I have to state that I have no fight to make on Captain Hunt; I charge him with no criminal negligence, unless it be criminal negligence for a county official to be derelict in duty, either from want of knowledge or criminal carelessness. Certain it is that in this case, but for the prompt action by M. L. Robinson, the county would have absolutely lost fifty-six thousand dollars, as a direct result of Captain Hunt’s gross carelessness.
I have not been a supporter of Mr. Troup of late years; I, in common with many others, fell into the foolish notion that, because a man made a good officer, and held the office a long time, was no reason for his further retention; hence, I voted for Captain Hunt and against Troup, but I am forced to admit that Mr. Troup’s official record is without a blemish, and I, with others who thought as I did, regret the day that saw him step down and out. Certain it is, that the blunders now charged to the county commissioners, and which, if really chargeable at all, are chargeable to the inefficiency of the county clerk; and never would have happened had Mr. Troup retained his old position.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 6, 1881. Editorial Page.
At the meeting of stockmen held at Caldwell, in March last, the privilege of driving through Texas cattle west of the west line of the Nez Perce Agency, and in any direction to shipping points upon the strip of country lying north of that Agency and south of the State line, was accorded.
This action throws our entire State line on the south open to the drive of Texas stock, and as will be readily seen works a great injustice to all owning native stock in the vicinity of the Territory.
Had the “dead line” been placed ten miles south of the State line, with a drive limited to
one mile in width, and leading directly north to the various shipping points, this danger would to a great extent have been avoided.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 6, 1881.
Arkansas City is saved again. We congratulate our little sister that the construction of the Gould road which was to build along the state line three miles south of here has been abandoned. Gould has taken our advice and bought up the S. K. & W. R. R. He said, come to think about it, he could not afford to run around Winfield. Monitor.
Lucky you spoke, Joe, but seeing as how the world is going to end this year anyhow, it ain’t such a narrow escape after all. Thanks.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 6, 1881.
The cattlemen of the Territory have divided their several ranges into districts, and each district is under the immediate supervision of a captain, who will take entire charge thereof. This is a good move, and will materially aid in the rounding up and the tracing of stray cattle.
Winfield Courier, April 7, 1881.
Why don’t the Santa Fe give us a decent express car? Winfield sends out twice as much matter as the Caldwell branch, yet they luxuriate in a carved and painted car, while we have to put up with an improvised cattle car. Why is this thusly?
Arkansas City Traveler, April 13, 1881. Editorial Page.
The following explanation was sent to us with a request that we publish, and wishing that our readers should be able to judge advisedly in this matter, it will be found below.
WINFIELD, KAN., MAR. 29, 1881.
Editor Monitor: I have read the article over the signature of “Banshee” in last week’s issue of your paper, and will briefly reply, even though “Banshee’s” article seems to be devoid of honesty or courtesy, and to have been written with anything but a honorableness of purpose. I wish simply to say, without comment or discussion, that the interests of Cowley county have not been jeopardized to the value of a cent by any certificates that I have made. The certificate in question was not a county but a private matter, and did not affect the county in the sale of the stock. That sale had been consummated in all its details before the certificates were made; the contract of sale had been entered into; the stock had been delivered to Read’s bank for W. N. Coler & Co., in accordance with the contract, and the stock had been paid for by a certificate of deposit of that bank to the amount of $46,240, and which certificate the county treasurer held in his possession.
The county treasurer had receipted for the money to W. N. Coler & Co., which receipt was filed in this office according to law. The sale was not, and could not have been, made on my certificate.
The attorney of W. N. Coler & Co. was here; and all the records of the stock election, on the legality and correctness of which the validity of the sale of the stock alone depended, had been carefully examined by that attorney, together with the county attorney, and found to be legal and correct.
The certificate in question, together with three or four others, was made for the use of W. N. Coler & Co., and was made at the request and dictation of their attorney, for which he offered to pay me, and for which I charged him nothing. The certificates were made in the hurry of the departure of Coler’s agent and attorney on the train, and were not even proofread. In one of the certificates was a simple clerical error of one word, and this is the mole-hill out of which “Banshee” has, for obvious and disreputable reasons, made a seeming mountain.
I will not speak of the almost savageness of what can only be an attack, of the evident intention, and the double disgrace of its being under a nom de plume. The article should be its own condemnation.
J. S. HUNT, County Clerk.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 13, 1881.
M. L. Read and the banking concern, of which he is the head, has been the recipient of much taffy at the hands of “Banshee,” but feeling assured, upon further inquiry, that in this matter said correspondent was at fault, we give publicity to certain items from the Courier in reference thereto, which, we think, will enable our readers to judge intelligently. We have no feeling in this matter, more than to see that the general interests of our county are well looked to and to give the news; having done which, we leave the case on its merits.
The items referred to above are as follows.
“The ponderous mass of taffy and soft soap with which “Banshee” deluges M. L. about his tremendous power and influence with W. B. Strong, the Santa Fe, and the bears and bulls of Wall street, about his overwhelming patriotism, illustrated by his superhuman efforts to save the county from a loss of fifty six thousand dollars, by first rushing to Topeka and then to New York, is wonderfully translucent. The county was in no danger of being swallowed up by the defaulting shark, Coler & Co. The county had no interest in the matter, and had no occasion to pay M. L.’s expenses to either place. It was Read’s bank that was in danger, and it was for that institution for which he exerted his wonderful powers, which was all right and praiseworthy.
“‘Banshee’ says that M. L. Read’s bank is the ‘wealthiest and largest tax-paying institution in the county.’ Read’s bank is indeed a very wealthy and large tax-paying institution, and ‘Banshee’ is so near the truth in this instance that we will only call it an error, and correct it by stating that the Winfield bank paid, in this county for the year 1880, some $300 more than Read’s bank, and that the former bank and McMullen and Fuller pay $626.25 more taxes than the latter bank with Read and the three Robinsons together. The total taxes of the Winfield bank and the two men is $2,371.08; that of Read’s bank and the four men is $1,744.45. This is a good showing for both and we repeat what we have often said, that Winfield has two of the solidest and soundest banks in Kansas.”
Arkansas City Traveler, April 13, 1881.
Tell Walton, founder of the Mulvane Herald, and an irrepressible newspaper man, this week assumes the control of the Caldwell Post,having purchased the same of Mr. J. H. Sain.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 13, 1881.
May 4th is the day appointed for a mass meeting to be held at Winfield of all those who are in any way interested in the question of raising and handling sheep. All the sheep owners in the county will be there, and it is expected that a fine collection of sheep will be on the ground, one of the features of the meeting being prizes to the owners of the best animals. Several shearing machines of different patterns will be on the ground and be publicly tested as to their efficiency.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 13, 1881.
The Caldwell Commercial is publishing a stock and brand book, containing the laws and rules of the Stock Association, of the Indian Territory; with cuts of all the brands, and the location of the cattle camps of the western part of the Indian Territory, and with the post office address of the owners.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 13, 1881.
The A. T. & S. F., last Monday, put a new passenger coach on the road between this city and Mulvane. It was much needed and will materially add to the pleasure, or rather, relieve the tediousness of traveling.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 20, 1881. Editorial Page.
It was decided by the convention of stockmen at Caldwell that the round up would commence on the first day of May, at Monfort Johnson’s ranch on the Canadian. The range was divided into six districts, the following account of which we take from the Commercial’s report.
District No. 1—
includes the country on the North and South Canadians. Tony Day, Captain.
District No. 2—
includes the range of the Kansas City company, Quinlan & Crawford, Greene & Co., Mahone, Stiff & Watkins. R. F. Crawford, captain.
District No. 3—
includes the range of Wilson & Zummerman, Snow, Hatfield, Wood, Hutton, McClellan, and Stewart, the country east of Arkansas City and Chisholm trail road, and as far north as Red Rock. Thos. Hutton, captain.
District No. 4—
includes the range of Messrs. Malaley, Hamilton, Bennett, & Blair; Blair & Battin, Kincaid, B. F. Buzzard, colored; Manning, Rock & Sandborn; Stoller & Reese; Flitch, Birchfield, Warlo & Garland; Beard & Day; Raymond & Lewis; Cooper, and B. Campbell. H. H. Bennett, captain.
District No. 5—
includes the range of Messrs. Pryor, Miller, Drumm, Timberlake & Hall, Schlopp & Billenger, Jewell Bros., Streeter, Erwin Bros., Green & Preston, Blackstone and Campbell. A. Wilson, captain.
District No. 6—
includes the range at Elm Springs and that of Hunter & Evans. J. B. Doyle, captain.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 20, 1881. Editorial Page.
The Independence Tribune says “we have as yet no proof or reason to believe that the Gould road extensions in Kansas (three of them, and about 250 miles), have been abandoned, or that the Gould road has purchased the Kansas City, Lawrence & Southern railroad, west from Cherryvale, or that this corporation and the Santa Fe company have pooled, and the former drawn from this county. They are rumors, and only rumors so far.
“The postponement, we have reason to believe, is occasioned by the desire of the Gould management to outrival the Santa Fe company and reach certain points in Old Mexico first, and thereby obtain the franchises, which are very large. The contractors, who were to supply the steel rails, are six months behind in filling contracts. All the steel rail factories are running at their full capacity, and every ship from England brings over loads of rails, nevertheless the demand is now over the supply. Six days may change the market, and materials be plenty.”
Winfield Courier, April 21, 1881.
Quite a jolly party left on the A. T. & S. F. Tuesday afternoon on a pleasure trip to Topeka and Kansas City. The party was composed of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bahntge, Mrs. Dr. Emerson, Mrs. A. T. Spotswood and children, and Miss Smith. They will be absent several days. M. L. will stop over in Topeka to attend the directors’ meeting of the A. T. & S. F. M. L. Robinson was selected by the commissioners to vote the Cowley county stock.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 27, 1881.
Hunnewell is now a city, the first election having been held on the 13th inst., resulting in the election of J. A. Hughes as Mayor, and a full complement of other municipal authorities.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 4, 1881.
The situation in the Chickasaw Nation is approaching a crisis. The Indian agent at Muskogee has promulgated the following.
To whom it may concern:
In compliance with a command from B. F. Overton, that stock belonging to persons not citizens of the Chickasaw or Choctaw Nations be removed from the Chickasaw country, the Hon. Commissioner of Indian Affairs has issued the following instructions to this office.
“Notify cattle men that they must remove their stock from the Chickasaw country on or before the first day of June next, unless permitted to remain longer by the authorities of the Nation.E. M. MARBLE,
Parties interested will take notice, and govern themselves accordingly.
U. S. Indian Agent,
Union Agency, Muskogee, Indian Territory.
April 8, 1881.
A squad of United States soldiers have been ordered from Fort Sill to proceed to the Nation to be used in the enforcement of Overton’s edicts. Caldwell Post.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 4, 1881.
Stockmen in this vicinity are talking up the holding of a meeting for the purpose of protecting native cattle from the Texas drive in the Territory. It is much needed.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 4, 1881.
The first work in the regular order on this spring’s “round ups”, in the Territory, commenced May 1st. Some preparations have been made to facilitate the work, and the boys will doubtless have a high time during the present month.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 4, 1881.
Capt. C. M. Scott writes us from Red Fork Ranch, Indian Territory, under date of the 22nd ult., as follows. “Only one herd has come up the trail this spring, and that was eighty head of saddle ponies, for Hunter & Evans, on Eagle Chief creek. They drove from Fort Worth, Texas, on the grass without grain. The grass on Skeleton creek and Cimarron is four inches high, and some steers are beef fat.”
Arkansas City Traveler, May 4, 1881.
The sale of condemned U. S. Cavalry horses, at Ft. Reno, Indian Territory, on Monday, April 25th, attracted a number of cattle men to the “Post,” and the stock was sold for actually more than it could have been sold for in Kansas. One old black horse, with its sides continually thumping, sold for $11, while the remaining ten had were bid in from $40 to $80.
Many improvements have been made at the “Post,” the most noticeable being the water works.
The ground is thoroughly soaked with water, and the buffalo wallows and water holes are all filled, enabling the cattle to range far out on the prairie.
The range on Skeleton creek is exceedingly fine, and some steers are beef fat already.
Fifty thousand head of cattle have left Texas for Kansas, and will “come up with the grass.”
The drive of horses from the Rio Grand river will commence early this season. Most of the animals are in poor condition.
The “round up” on the South Canadian was held at Manford Johnson’s, May 1st.
The Transporter, published by W. A. Eaton, at Cheyenne Agency, is becoming a valuable medium of advertising the brands of cattle men in the Indian Nation.
Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.
Hackney & McDonald sold their 3,140 acres of Cherokee strip of land in Spring Creek township last Tuesday for $2.50 per acre, spot cash. It was purchased by Illinois bankers, who will probably hold it for speculative purposes. Messrs. Hackney & McDonald purchased the land over a year ago at Government sale for $1.00 per acre.
Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.
Cowley county stock men are largely represented on Red Rock and Black Bear creeks in the Territory. Among the number are: Wiley, Eaton, Potter, Estus, Tribby, and Warren; while in other parts of the Territory are Houghton, Henderson, Nipp, Walker Bros., Berry Bros., Dean Bros., Shriver, and others.
Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.
New Salem is situated ten miles northeast of Winfield on the K. C., L. & S. railroad, and consists of two grocery stores, a post-office, blacksmith shop, and several dwellings. There is a splendid opening for a store of general merchandise.
Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.
J. J. Estus came up from Red Rock, Indian Territory, last week, and reports grass is coming up slowly, many cattle dying, especially cows and calves. After such a severe winter, they were in poor condition for such a cold backward spring and as a consequence cattle men will lose heavily. The round ups begin this week. SCHOOL BOY.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 11, 1881. Front Page.
WASHINGTON, April 25. The attention of the secretary of the interior was recently called to a circular issued by the Freedmen’s Oklahoma association, of St. Louis, J. Milton Turner, president, and Hannibal C. Carter, general manager.
The circular promised 160 acres of land to every freedman who would go and occupy the public lands of Oklahoma.
Secretary Kirkwood at once referred the circular to the commissioner of the general land office, who, in his report says there has never been a period of time since the acquisition by the United States of the territory ceded by France that any lands embraced within the limits of the present Indian Territory have been open to settlement or entry by any person whom-soever, under any said public land law.
In one of the Indian treaties, that with the Seminoles, in March, 1866, about 2,100,000 acres of land were ceded to the United States to locate other Indians and freedmen thereon. The freedmen referred to, the commissioner states, were former slaves of Indian tribes. Miscellaneous emigration even by intended beneficiaries would be unauthorized and illegal.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 11, 1881. Editorial Page.
The time is not far distant when the question of brands will be forcibly brought to the notice of the stockmen holding cattle and horses in the Territory south of us. The same brands are in several instances used by different men, unknowingly, it is true, but it nevertheless results in vexatious losses and troubles, which could be avoided by the adoption of a brand, and the publication of the same in some journal having a general circulation among cattle men. There is no law providing for the registration of brands in the Territory, so the necessary steps toward this end must be taken by themselves.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 11, 1881. Editorial Page.
The Santa Fe company, last Sunday, had all its available forces to work tearing up the road west of Wellington, known as the Anthony extension; and in a very short time, the whole of the railroad portable property, in the way of iron, ties, etc., was removed from that section of Kansas. The Wellington people are much excited over this proceeding.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 11, 1881. Editorial Page.
Parsons, Kansas, May 7. Word has reached here that the surveyors on the Muskogee & Ft. Smith branch of the Missouri Pacific have been driven off by the Cherokees. Assistant Kelso, of this city, upon the order of General Manager Talmage, left last night for the scene of the difficulty. The Indians are reported as determined. It is not doubted that the Missouri Pacific folks will assert their right to build the road. The later rains have greatly benefited the crops which were never better in this section. Wheat is immense.
Parsons, Kansas, May 7. Judge Kelso, assistant attorney of the Missouri Pacific railroad, has returned from the Indian Territory, having just had an interview with the Cherokees concerning the building of the Muskogee & Ft. Smith Branch. He asks that the preliminary survey might be made, leaving the question of building the road to be determined in the future. Chief Bushyhead, of the Cherokees, said he would take the matter under advisement and answer next week.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 11, 1881. Editorial Page.
Fort Smith, Ark., May 3. Judge Parker, of the United States district court, has rendered a judgment for the government in the suit of the United States vs. David C. Payne, charged with unlawfully invading the Indian Territory. The penalty under the statutes is $1,000. Six other cases of the same nature were decided in favor of the government.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 11, 1881. Editorial Page.
There is not a solitary occupant on the townsite of Oklahoma. A detachment of U. S. soldiers and Indian scouts are camped about five miles above the site, waiting for some one to come, when they will be escorted to the Texas line and turned loose. If they come from Texas, they will be escorted to Kansas, and released; the object being, to have them to see all of the Territory they desire. The trail from Arkansas City is very good and very plain, with crossings on Red Rock, Black Bear, and other creeks. After crossing the Cimarron river, the trail is divided into a hundred or more wagon roads, evidently to prevent the authorities from discovering their whereabouts. The country is beautiful, but the location of the townsite dreary, as it is located in a valley, or draw, with scattering jack oaks all about. One mile further south, or about six miles south of the North Canadian river, on a high, prominent prairie mound, would have made a much prettier location.
Oklahoma—“Home of the Red Man,” is just 150 miles from Arkansas City. By going four miles south, 24 miles west, and 108 miles due south, you reach the desired spot, but the deviations on the road makes it foot up 150 miles, or six days drive with a team. The only Indians seen on the route are the Nez Perces, and some Otoes, camped on the Cimarron, until you are greeted by the Cheyenne scouts, who will be glad to meet you, and even care for you.
Some Otoe Indians hunting on the Cimarron river cut down a tree with an eagle’s nest on it, and caught five of the young birds.
The recent rains extended through the Territory, as far as 150 miles south. None of the large streams were impassible up to the fifth of this month, but the Cimarron river was rising rapidly.
Thomas E. Berry has been reappointed Indian trader at Pawnee Agency, for another year. The appointment is a good one, and will be satisfactory to both the whites and Indians.
C. M. Scott.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 11, 1881.
Hackney and McDonald will test the case of whether the county can tax cattle in the Territory, belonging to citizens of Kansas, when they pay a tax where the cattle are. Mr. Wiley & Libby, on Red Rock creek, Indian Territory, bring the suit.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 11, 1881.
All cattle below Salt Fork will be rounded up and cut out by the 15th of this month. Owing to the number of cattle on the range, it will require more time to do the work this year than it did last, but it is expected the round-ups will be completed by the first of June.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 11, 1881.
Messrs. Hackney & McDonald recently sold to Mr. Alex Fuller, acting as agent for Illinois parties, their tract of Cherokee land, in the southern part of the county, being 3,154 acres, for which they received $2.50 per acre cash. The purchasers propose to buy more land in the same neighborhood, fence and stock it with short horned cattle.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 11, 1881.
The keeping of stock in the Indian Territory has, of late years, assumed quite considerable importance as a business, many of our best citizens being engaged therein. Among the Cowley County men now holding stock in the Territory, we may mention the following: On Red Rock and Black Bear creeks are Messrs. Eaton, Potter, Estus, Libby, Wiley, and Warren; while in other parts of the Territory are Houghton, Henderson, Nipp, Walker Bros., Berry Bros., Dean Bros., Shriver, and others.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 11, 1881.
The attention of all parties holding or interested in the stock interests of this section is called to the fact that a meeting of the prominent stockmen of this vicinity will be held on Saturday in the Benedict building, May 21, 1881, for the purpose of taking steps to protect themselves from the Texas drive (the coming season), by the location of a dead line, etc.
Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.
Some of our friends would believe as long ago as last summer that Dave Payne had been tried in the U. S. court at Fort Smith for trespassing on the Indian lands and acquitted. We informed them that such was not the case, but that he was awaiting his trial. That trial has recently taken place and he was found guilty and fined one thousand dollars and costs. Several other trespassers were found guilty.
Thus dies the Oklahoma boom just as all sensible persons were sure it would end. We do not think that Payne is very badly beaten. He and his clique probably made a good thing off the stupid fellows who were green enough to pay two dollars each for membership dues and those more stupid chaps who paid $25.00 each for a share in the Oklahoma town company.
Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.
For several days railroad officials in and around Wellington have been very active, and the people of Anthony, in Harper county, were led to believe that this activity meant the extension of the Wellington branch to that place. The Santa Fe company on Saturday congregated about 1,500 of their workmen at Wellington. The force were under secret orders not to be opened till noon Saturday. At that time the men were ordered to begin taking up the track from the Harper line to Wellington as fast as possible, and remove the ties, rails, etc., to the main line. This work was completed Sunday evening, and nothing was left of the fourteen miles of Harper county railroad but the dirt roadbed. It is probable that the secrecy and haste in which the work was done was to avoid injunctions or legal process to restrain them from so doing. The Wellington and Harper county people are greatly excited over the matter. Some efforts were made to stop the destruction of the track, but without effect. This will be almost a death-blow to Anthony.
Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881. The first work in the regular order on the spring’s “round ups” in the Territory, commenced May 1st. Some preparations have been made to facilitate the work, and the boys will doubtless have a high time during the present month.
Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881. The sale of condemned U. S. cavalry horses, at Fort Reno, Indian Territory, on Monday, April 25th, attracted a number of cattle men to the “Post,” and the stock was sold for actually more than it could have been sold for in Kansas. One old black horse, with its sides contin-ually thumping, sold for $11, while the remaining ten head were bid in from $40 to $80.
Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881. Capt. C. M. Scott writes us from Red Rock Ranch, Indian Territory, under date of the 22nd. ult., as follows: “Only one herd has come up this spring, and that was eighty head of saddle ponies, for Hunter & Evans, on Eagle Chief creek. They drove from Fort Worth, Texas, on the grass without grain. The grass on Skeleton creek and Cimarron is four inches high, and some steers are beef fat.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 18, 1881.
The gross earnings of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad for the past year were $8,556,975.
The Denver and Rio Grande road is laying a third rail from Denver to Pueblo to admit Santa Fe cars.
An official of the Denver and Rio Grande road announces that his company will import ten thousand French laborers, and a corps of engineers, to work on the extension.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 18, 1881.
It will be noticed that in another column mention is made of a meeting to be held by the prominent stockholders of this vicinity at the Canal office in this city next Saturday at 2 p.m. All interested in this business are requested to attend, and give the matter of protecting their herds from the contamination consequent upon the driving of Texas cattle promiscuously over the range occupied by domestic stock due attention.
Action on this matter is rendered necessary by the declaration of the stockmen’s convention, held at Caldwell, that “through Texas cattle could be driven anywhere west of the Nez Perce Agency, and anywhere along the State line north of that reservation.” This, as will readily be seen, works a great hardship upon men holding domestic graded stock in the Territory; in fact, virtually renders it impossible, no man being willing to run the risks of infection from the through cattle.
It is talked of locating the dead line west of the Nez Perce reservation, and north to the State line, but whether this would best subserve the varied interests of this vicinity, it is hard to determine; yet everyone admits that something must be done, and, to this end and purpose, the meeting alluded to above was called.
This will give all interested an opportunity to attend and help in the manner tht seems best for the mutual interests involved.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 18, 1881. Editorial Page.
New Orleans, May 14. The Democrat’s Little Rock special says Gov. Overton, of the Chickasaw Nation, has gathered together an army of 300 men, and has issued orders to the effect that Texas cattle raisers, and white men generally, must leave the country before June 1st, or force will be used. A similar situation prevails in the Choctaw Nation. Gov. McCurtin has instructed the sheriffs to immediately organize and arm a militia company to assist in driving out the whites.
The trouble in the Chickasaw Nation is said to have grown out of the refusal of Texans to pay more than twelve and a half cents per head for grazing cattle therein, Gov. Overton demanding twenty-five cents per head.
In the Choctaw Nation the trouble is chiefly in regard to the law allowing white men to live in that country, the Indians holding that nearly all the white population are there without proper authority.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 18, 1881.
Carbolic sheep dip will cure Texas itch on horses.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 18, 1881.
The following table was handed to us with a request to publish. It is claimed to be a correct copy from the books of the County Clerk, and will explain itself.
Railroad valuation, in Cowley County, Kansas, as appears from the records, of the County Clerk, of said county, is $357,895.31.
State tax on same: $1,938.38.
County tax on same: $3,578.89.
County Bond on same: $447.37.
Rail Road: $2,505.23.
Township: $926.30.
Arkansas City: $66.58.
School, and School bond tax: $3,854.41.
TOTAL TAX ON SAME: $13,417.16.
The levy to pay interest, on R. R. bonds, is 7 mills—and the total amount of tax raised, by said levy, is $20,520.05.
Winfield, Kansas, March 1st, 1881.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 18, 1881.
The attention of all parties holding or interested in the stock interests of this section is called to the fact that a meeting of the prominent stockmen, of this vicinity, will be held on Saturday at the canal office at 2 p.m., May 21, 1881, for the purpose of taking steps to protect themselves from the Texas drive (the coming season), by the location of a dead line, etc. etc.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 18, 1881.
Estimated drive of cattle from Northwestern Texas this season, 253,000. Cattle are scarce and very high; they are in fair flesh, yet thinner than most people supposed they would be, owing to the continual wet weather which rotted a great deal of grass.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 18, 1881.
With regard to the contemplated extension of the Santa Fe railroad, from El Dorado to Winfield, the Press says, under date of the 12th inst.:
“Rails and other building material in large quantities have been shipped in, and a large force is now engaged in unloading this material. Grading has not commenced, but is liable to very soon.”
Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.
Messrs. Kirby & Libby, of Red Rock creek, Indian Territory, bring a suit to determine whether citizens of Kansas are obliged to pay a tax on cattle that are kept in the Territory. The case is in the hands of Hackney & McDonald, and the decision will be looked for with great interest by the people of border counties. The present interests are immense and will grow greater each year. Monitor.
Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.
Winfield is shipping beef cattle to Denver.
Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.
Before the Santa Fe railroad was opened up to Colorado and New Mexico, every spring our farmers were compelled to sell eggs at four or five cents a dozen, butter at seven or eight cents a pound, and chickens, lettuce, radishes, rhubarb, peas, potatoes, and other kinds of garden vegetables for almost nothing, and take pay in groceries at much higher prices than are asked now, because they could not get one cent of cash for their produce. Now mark the difference.
All fresh butter that is brought into Winfield finds a ready market at not less than 12-1/2 cents cash, eggs not less than 8-1/2 cents per dozen. Chickens, $2.60 per dozen; peas in pod, $1.75 per bushel, turkeys, dressed poultry, rhubarb, gooseberries, strawberries, onions, potatoes, radishes, lettuce, and other vegetables find ready market at high prices, and a large amount of money is being distributed among the farmers for truck that was formerly comparatively valueless.
A single firm in the city, Snyder & Spotswood, have shipped to Colorado and New Mexico within the last two months, 24,275 dozen eggs. 7,043 pounds of fresh butter, 250 dozen chickens, and quantities of all the other kinds of produce above mentioned.
J. P. Baden & Co., have shipped similar amounts, and others have shipped more or less.
During the summer large quantities of peaches, melons, cherries, grapes, blackberries, etc., will be shipped.
The Santa Fe railroad has created this market for us besides making a new and valuable market for hundreds of carloads of flour, corn, bacon, lard, and hay. This road is the principal factor in making Cowley and other counties rich and independent. It is a nice thing to have money coming in all the year round for all these things for which our county is so peculiarly adapted.
It is in some quarters the style to grumble at this road, to want to “kill the goose that lays these golden eggs,” but when we consider the value of this road to us, the liberality with which it deals with us, the obliging spirit it manifests, the courteous treatment we always receive at the hands of all its officers and employees and the grandeur of its enterprise and its achievements, we feel that we cannot give this corporation with a soul, too much praise.
Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.
Last Tuesday we noticed four drays loaded down with express matter, wending their way toward the depot, and concluded that it would be a good idea to find out how much produce our merchants were sending out. We forthwith proceeded to gather the facts, and learned enough to astonish even a newspaper reporter.
Messrs. Snyder and Spotswood were first visited. They reported the following shipments, with as much more on hand and not shipped, because of lack of express facilities: 600 dozen eggs, 621 pounds of butter, eight dozen chickens, and 100 pounds of vegetables.
J. P. Baden was next interviewed. He reported shipment of 1,750 pounds of butter, 1,200 dozen eggs, 24 dozen chickens, and 40 baskets of vegetables. While talking with Mr. Baden he remarked that he had paid out, on Monday, over eight hundred dollars for butter and eggs alone. We were inclined to scoff at this assertion, until Mr. Baden brought out his books and showed us stubs in his check book for $761.38 cash paid out, and charges for over $100 in goods. We count this a pretty good day’s work. The total amount of eggs shipped Tuesday was 1,800 dozen, for which our farmers received $180. The total number of pounds of butter was 2,371, worth $308; thirty dozen chickens, worth $75, and eighty baskets of vegetables, worth $50. Total cash value of shipments, $613, and this was only an average day for butter and eggs.
Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.
Messrs. M. L. Read, S. C. Smith, Captain Lowry, and M. L. Robinson have purchased the grove west of town, known as Lowry’s Grove, and will improve and throw it open for the benefit of the public as a park.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 1, 1881.
Messrs. M. H. Bennett and Marion Blair came in from the round-up in the Territory last Saturday.
The general round-up was commenced on the North Fork of the Canadian, about twenty-five miles east of the Cheyenne Agency, and then worked up to Cantonment, one party working on west of Cantonment and the other swinging over north onto the Cimaron, where they will camp until the other party works up the upper Canadian country, then they will all work down the Canadian, cross over to the Red Rock country, work that up, and return to the Salt Fork and west to the Medicine country. The boys only found about 1,500 cattle south of the Canadian. The cattle are doing finely and are strong enough to stand the racket in good shape. Saddle horses and men are feeling as gay as a Vassar girl on commencement day. Very few dead cattle were found—less than was expected by the most sanguine.
The method obtained by the captains is to gather about three or four thousand head together, then divide them into five bunches, then each district take a bunch, cut out all brands belonging to that district, then exchange with some other district, and go through it in the same way, until each party has gone through the different bunches of cattle, thereby getting all the cattle that belong to each district together.
Mr. Bennett thinks it will take to the first or fifteenth of August to complete the work before them.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 1, 1881.
Maj. D. W. Lipe, treasurer of the Cherokee Nation, attended the stock meeting, at this place, last Saturday.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 1, 1881.
Dr. H. J. Minthorn, of Ponca Agency, was in town yesterday with his wife and family. Mrs. Minthorn and children left on the afternoon train for Iowa, where they will spend the summer months.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 1, 1881.
The meeting of stockmen, called for last Saturday, met at 2:30 p.m. in the canal office, and organized by electing Dr. J. T. Shepard chairman of the meeting and Dr. S. F. Curry, of Bitter creek, secretary. Owing to the press of business consequent upon the round ups now going on in the Territory, the meeting was not as largely attended as could be desired, yet considerable business matters were talked over, and a committee, consisting of Messrs. J. C. Withers, S. J. Rice, and Dr. Z. Carlisle were appointed to confer with the Texas cattle men upon the matter in hand. Their report will be submitted at the next meeting. The meeting then adjourned to meet at the same time and place on Saturday, June 11th, 1881.
Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.
Railroad valuation in Cowley County, Kansas, as appears from the records of the County Clerk, of said county, is $357,895.31.
State tax on same:$ 1,938.38
County tax on same:$ 3,578.89
County bond on same:$ 447.87
Railroad Bond on same:$ 2,505.23
Township tax on same:$ 926.30
Arkansas City tax on same:$ 66.58
School, and school bond tax:$ 3,854.41
Total tax on same:$13,417.16
The levy to pay interest, on R. R. bonds, is 7 mills: and the total amount of tax raised by said levy, is $20,502.05.
We take the above statement from the Traveler. When you take the above showing $20,502.05 as paid by the people in bond tax for R. R., and $13,417.16 paid by the R. R. in tax, you find the balance as paid by the people to be $7,102.89 in excess of what the R. R. pays in. There have been statements going the round of the press and among the people, that the R. R. was paying more into the county treasury than the people were paying out in interest on R. R. bonds. If the above showing is correct, the people need enlightenment. If not correct, who can rectify it? Arkansas City Democrat.
We can throw a little light upon that subject. The interest for one year on the $128,000 of Cowley, Sumner and Fort Smith indebtedness of this county amounted to $7,680, and one year interest on the $68,000 of Southern Kansas and Western $4,760. Total railroad bond interest: $12,440. Last year the county commissioners made a levy for a year and an additional half year to pay the interest up to July 1, 1881, which required $6,220 more and a total of $18,000 to pay the interest for the year and a half.
The 7 mills, if all collected, would raise $1,842 more than was needed, but that allowance was made for possible failures to collect. It turns out that $35,000 of the 7 percent, S. K. & W. bonds were taken up and interest stopped thereon four months before July 1, 1881, which saves the county in interest covered by last year’s assessment: $816.33.
The levy this year will be for only one year’s interest, and the total amount of interest and the total amount of interest for the year will not exceed $10,398.33, while the total assessment will probably reach $3,100,000.
A levy of 3-1/2 mills, or half as much as last year’s levy, will produce $10,950 or $550 more than is needed, if all should be collected.
If we add to this the $816, saved by stopping interest under last year’s assessment and a probable collection of at least one half of the allowance of $1,842, to help on the year ending July 1, 1882, a levy of 3 mills this year will pay the railroad bond interest up to that time and give a margin of $789.00 for failure to collect the tax.
We must bear in mind that there is no failure to collect any part of the tax on the railroads and no part of the allowance for non-collection is on their account.
The actual amount of taxes they pay on their property in this county is $13,417.16 and the total interest paid on railroad bonds for the current year is $11,623.67. They paid taxes on this property $1,798.49 in excess of what the county pays in interest on the railroad bonds.
Of this tax $1,988.38 is state tax and benefits this county only as it does the balance of the state, say about $145.00, which added to the balance of the tax, $11,478.78, will make the amount of the taxes paid by the railroads, which goes entirely to the benefit of this county, fully equal to the interest the county pays on its railroad bonds for the same time.
In the coming years the yearly interest will not exceed $9,290.00, though we should continue to hold our C. S. & F. S. stock, and though the rate of taxation should be reduced, the railroads will pay taxes for the benefit of the county yearly more money than that sum.
Should we sell our C. S. & S. F. stock anytime within the first ten years of the run of the bonds at not less than 40 cents on the dollar, and apply the proceeds and the interest saved thereby to the sinking of the debt, principal and interest will not have cost our county one cent. We shall have had all the benefits of two railroads which have made us ready markets for our produce at one fourth of our former cost of getting to market, all for a temporary loan of the credit of the county without the expense of a nickel.
We say this much because we have heard grumbling in some parts of the county because of the bond tax and because the COURIER urged people to vote for the bonds. We said then that the railroads would pay in taxes nearly as much as the county would pay in interest; and we are highly gratified by being able to show that our predictions are more than realized.
Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.
The K. C. Journal in speaking of the egg market of this section says: “Winfield and Wichita hens are having a contest as to which barn yard society can produce the most eggs for the market. At present the score stands, Winfield hens, 48,360 dozen; Wichita hens, 20,640 dozen.
Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.
Long trains of Texas cattle are being pulled over the East and West Road, from Hunnewell this week.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 8, 1881.
The recent contracts for Indian supplies, awarded to citizens of this town, has resulted in the A. T. & S. F. Company’s putting up additional warehouses for the storing of goods at their depot.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 8, 1881.
N. J. Smith, principal Chief of the North Carolina Cherokees, has been notified that the Government of the United States has made arrangements with the Southern & Ohio and Mississippi R. R. to transport such of the North Carolina Cherokees as desire to emigrate to the Indian Territory from London, Tennessee, to Muscogee, Indian Territory, and Chief Smith has been directed by the Department of the Interior to proceed to London, Tennessee, and ascertain that those emigrating as Indians are actually such.
The United States Indian Agent at Muscogee, Hon. J. Q. Tufts, has been notified of the arrangement made for transportation, etc., and has been directed to ascertain how many adults and children arrive at Muscogee as emigrating North Carolina Cherokees. The Agent at Muscogee will be notified of the departure from London and arrival at Vinita. Cherokee Advocate.
Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.
Last Wednesday evening Mr. Adin Post, of Pleasant Valley township, had his team stolen. Thursday morning the captain of the Stock Protective Association of that township was notified of the fact and in a short time sixteen well mounted men were on the trail. The party was divided up, taking different roads. On Friday the party which took the Wichita road captured the thief near El Paso. He had an extra horse, which was afterward found to have been stolen from W. S. Marshall Marks, of the Territory. The thief gave his name as James Jackson. Messrs. J. L. Hon, Burt Eastman, Jerry Smith, and Mirian Croak were the parties who captured him. This is the second time the Pleasant Valley Stock Protective Union has caught their man. Horse thieves will give that neighborhood a wide berth.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 15, 1881.
W. B. Strong & Son went up the Santa Fe Sunday evening, taking with them their outfit and the last vestige of the Wellington & Western railroad. Peace to its ashes.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 15, 1881.
Twenty-five herds of horses and cattle have gone up the trail this summer for points in Colorado, Kansas, and Nebraska. The largest herd of cattle was King’s—2,700—and the largest herd of horses was Jenson’s—640. In all 13,500 cattle and 1,750 horses have gone north. Most of the above go to Caldwell.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 15, 1881.
Mr. John W. Ledlie, late of Winfield, called on us last Thursday on his way to the county seat. He had just returned from Texas, where he has been purchasing stock which he is now holding south of here. He reports having made a successful trip; stock being found cheap and in good order, and the weather being favorable, the drive was made without any loss or damage to speak of.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 15, 1881.
L. W. Marks, U. S. Deputy Marshal, and Ed. Mathews passed through the city last Thursday with John Anderson, a Territory cattle man, in charge, whom they were taking to Fort Smith. The trouble arose about some cattle killed by the Indians last year, in which transaction Anderson in some way is said to have been connected.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 15, 1881.
The man who recently escaped from Deputy U. S. Marshal Marks, in the Territory, and afterwards stole a team of horses from A. Post, in this county, will be tried in the State, by which arrangement he will receive, if found guilty, a much more severe punishment than if he were taken to Fort Smith on the charges made against him in the Territory. Satisfactory arrangements were made as to the payment of the reward offered for his arrest.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 15, 1881.
Three horse herds have passed up the trail within the past few days. One herd for Dodge City, of four hundred head, and two herds for Caldwell, of four hundred and two hundred and twenty each.
The round-up parties are on Black Bear, having completed the counting south of that creek.
The rivers have all lowered down to their usual low water mark, and travel is not impeded.
Flies and mosquitoes are fearful, and more numerous than ever before at this season of the year.
Only three herds of cattle have as yet passed up the trail, but a number are on the way.
James Hamilton came very near being drowned while crossing one of the rivers below here. He was in a “buckboard” and the harness needed fixing, and he got out to attend to it, when his horse struck him on the head with its fore feet, knocking him senseless. He floated down the stream some distance before he was rescued by some friends who had remained on the bank.
Many cattle men have changed their camps; leaving their “dug-outs” and tenting on higher grounds. LONE STAR.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 22, 1881. Editorial Page.
Little Rock, Ark., June 13. Chief L. W. Bushyhead, of the Cherokee Nation, has issued a proclamation for a general election August 1st. Forty members of the national council, together with judge, solicitor, sheriff, and clerk from each district are to be chosen. Two factions, one styling itself the Union party, the other the National party, have tickets in the field, and the canvass is conducted with great bitterness. Several murders are reported and others anticipated. The most brutal of these was that of D. B. Adair, who was canvassing Flint district as a candidate for solicitor, and who, meeting three Indians upon the highway, chatted for awhile with them and complied with their request to take a drink. When in the act of raising the flask of liquor to his lips, one of the party shot him, the ball entering his side and ranging upward to the heart. Adair fell dead on the roadside without uttering a word. The Indians fastened the dead body to Adair’s horse, turned it loose, and the animal carried the ghastly burden to the dead man’s wife and children. It is claimed that friends of the opposing candidate instigated the murder.
The rumor that the independent candidate for sheriff in the same district had been assassinated is denied, a telegram from Fort Smith announcing his safety having been received this morning.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 22, 1881.
Quite a herd of ponies from Texas were brought to town last week, and held for sale at the Stanton Bros.’ Stable. The prices asked were very reasonable, and the animals being a little above the average, a number of sales were effected.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 22, 1881.
R. A. Houghton returned from the Territory last Thursday, where he has been for some time attending to the rounding up of his stock. He reports quite a rushing time, but so far has not recovered his full number by some forty head. These, however, he thinks will turn up shortly.
Winfield Courier, June 23, 1881, and June 30, 1881.
ED. COURIER: It is now customary, I believe, when a party makes a trip anywhere, especially to the Indian Territory, for someone of the number to furnish an account of the same to the newspapers. As one of a squad of nine, who recently made a pilgrimage to the land of the Kaw, I will try to inform your readers of some of the matters and things connected therewith.
The party consisted of F. S. Jennings, Judge Tom Soward, W. R. Stivers, J. H. Albro, Will Whitney, L. H. Webb, E. P. Greer, James Kelly, and last but by no means least, Sol Burkhalter. The latter gentleman furnished the rigs and was of course wagon-master.
Grouse Creek was reached by noon of the first day, said day being, curiously enough, Thursday, June 9th, 1881, which should have been mentioned sooner.
Here a halt was called for dinner, and here also the verdancy of the party began to crop out. The temporary camp was made in a dense jungle on the lee side of a hill with a perpendicular front some twenty or thirty feet high. Underbrush, weeds, nettles, vines: pooh [?], but wasn’t it hot! Not a breath of air stirred a leaf in that miserable forest. Yes, it was hot, and some of us thought that spot would compare favorably with a modified hades according to the new version. But we had the shade.
While some of us built a fire and got dinner, Mr. Jennings, Judge Soward, and Will Stivers went in quest of game. Soon word was sent to send another gun and more ammunition, which request being speedily complied with, such a roar of musketing opened out as I’ll wager, the waters of the Grouse had not heard for many a day. Presently the mighty nimrods returned.
“Where’s your game?” chorused we of the bread and butter stay-at-home brigade.
“It crumbled in a hole,” mourned the Judge, “but I think it’s certainly wounded.”
“By the bones of my grandfather,” howled Webb (he never swears), “if those three big stout men with two double barreled shotguns and a rifle, haven’t been banging away at a poor little squirrel.
After dinner the company was formally organized by electing Jim Kelly to the office of . Brother Greer made the point that this being a civil company, the title should be “president.” This however was promptly rejected. “What?” said the Judge “Suppose we have trouble with the redskins, which is more than likely, how would it sound to say our President marched us up the hill and then marched us down again. I move it be Captain.” But here the beneficiary declared that would be no miserable captain and unless he be at once made Colonel, he would resign and leave the company to its fate. This settled it and the train moved out after dinner in the following order.
1. The elegant three-seated barouche containing the colonel, the major, the judge, Dr. Webb, Sergeant Whitney, and wagon-master Burkhalter, followed by the baggage wagon in which on the seat were Captain Albro and Chaplain Greer, with Will Stivers behind to look after things generally. Brother Greer drove the team, that is he drove it to the foot of the first hill, when the team stopped and would not be driven any further. We all got round the wagon, however, and pushed it up the hill notwithstanding the remonstrance of the team.
This Grouse Creek, I verily believe, is enchanted, or at least this company was, for all at once we couldn’t agree as to which side of the stream we were on. Of course, it made no difference, only it depended on a proper solution of this confounding mystery whether we were going up or down, towards or away from the Territory. Finally we came to a standstill and waited for two gentlemen who were plowing in a field to come to the end of their rows, which were headed off by the road, or more properly cow-path, we were then on. But our consternation was only increased when on inquiring, we found those gentlemen seemed to be as much at a loss as we were ourselves. One said we were on this side of the Grouse and would have to cross over to arrive at our destination; the other said as he had been in the country but a short time and was, unfortunately, from Missouri, really knew nothing about it. Just here a bright intelligent looking girl with a hoe in her hand, cut the miserable knot, not with the hoe, however. She explained by saying that dame nature had, right there, succeeded in reversing the old order, and made the bed so crooked that for a full half mile the water actually ran up stream. But I think if we could have told these good people where we wanted to go lucidly and plainly, they could have told us how to get there. But we couldn’t. (To be Continued.)
That Trip to the Territory (continued from last week)...
June 30, 1881.
The caravan here parted in the middle, Chaplain Greer believing as he could successively steer the local columns of the COURIER, he certainly ought to be able to steer a two-horse wagon to the mouth of Grouse Creek. So he left us and drove out of sight into the wilderness. We, that is the other rig, took the opposite course. We drove into a pasture fenced with brush; out of that into a cornfield fenced with stone, and traveled down a row of corn about two miles—so we thought—let down a pair of bars and brought up in a cowpen. We were, however, more fortunate here for we found a man who could and would not only tell us where to go, but could actually tell us where we at that moment ought to be, instead of driving over his corn and garden patch, as we had done. Will Whitney, however, very adroitly mentioned “that those were the finest hogs he had seen in a long time,” which somewhat mollified the old man, who then told us how to get out. Thus, you see, kind words never die; and a little taffy, which Mr. Whitney after told us, was cheap, applied to the slab sides and ungainly snouts of the old man’s hogs, and got us out of an embarrassing dilemma.
In a short time after bidding good bye to the old man of the good hogs, we arrived at the house of Drury Warren, a gentleman well and favorably known to some of our crowd. Mr. Warren, however, was absent in the territory at the big “round up,” he having some six hundred head of cattle on the range on Black Bear Creek.
Having heard Mr. Warren speak favorably of some of us, and representing ourselves as “some of our best citizens of Winfield, we soon got into the good graces of kindly Mrs. Warren: to about half a bushel of onions, and permission to drive through the field, thus cutting off some three miles of long, hilly road. Let me here remark that Mr. Warren has one of the most valuable farms in Cowley county, or I might say, in the state. He has 520 acres in a body. Two-thirds of it lies in the rich bottom at the very mouth of Grouse Creek, which is in corn, and such corn! The like of which is duly seen on the Illinois and Sangamon river bottoms, and there but seldom.
Here we passed out at the south gate of the state and entered the Territory when Messrs. Greer, Albro, and Stivers caught up with us and when your correspondent shot a squirrel, found a nice spring of water, and where we camped for the first night.
Nothing of any importance happened to us except the bites of some huge mosquitos, which happened rather often.
The next morning we tried fishing in the raging Arkansas with but poor success. An old blood-thirsty villain of a fisherman, who I have no doubt now was anxious to get us away from there, told us of a good place where he said we would find bass in abundance, well on toward the Kaw agency. Here trouble commenced. Some wanted to pull up stakes and go at once, some wanted to send a scouting party first to spy out the land and report. But the goers-at-once being in the majority, carried the point, so strike the tent, hitch up, and pull out was the order.
Sometime that afternoon we overtook an Indian afoot, leading a dog. Someone of our party asked him some questions, which he wouldn’t answer. Then someone asked him what he intended doing with the dog. He then very politely told us to go to hades, saying, however, the old version pronunciation of that word.
We pitched our tents on the banks of the Arkansas River that night. Another meeting was held at noon to determine whether or not we would move again. The colonel, by virtue of his office, of course, presided. The debate was long, learned, and dignified. Greer, Webb, Stivers, Whitney, and Albro, for the move, ably presented their side of the case.
“You see, gentlemen,” said Webb, “that we are on the very verge of starvation. No water, nothing to eat.”
“That shows,” said Jennings, “that you do not know what you are talking about. Here we are on one of the most delightful spots the sun ever shone upon. Look at that mighty river and tell me that there is no water. Look at the countless turkey tracks, and tell me there is no game, nothing to eat. Why, we are here in the very bowels of plenty, and I, for one, won’t move a peg.”
The motion was, however, put and carried, so move it was. That same evening the company arrived at the mouth of Otter Creek, where it empties into the Grouse, and once more the tent was pitched. The next morning, it being Sunday, it was agreed that no fishing, hunting, or euchre be indulged in but that this Sabbath be spent quietly and reverently as became our best citizens.
After breakfast some of the boys thought they would have some fun at the expense of the others. Word was accordingly passed along that a meeting would be held to consider the propriety of returning to the camp vacated the day before. The president being in the seat of course, proclaimed and made known that a meeting would be held at once. Every member being present the trouble began.
“Now, may the devil take me,” said Chaplain Greer, “if this move don’t beat all the moves I ever heard of.”
“I opposed coming here in the first place, but now that we are here, I propose to stay,” said Jennings.
“Me too,” said Judge Soward, “let go who will, I shan’t.”
“Question! Question!” shouted the mob.
The motion being put, the chair declared it carried unanimously. That was a straw too much.
“Give me my blanket,” groaned Greer, “I can hire a farmer to take me home.”
“Give me my things,” howled Jennings, “I can walk.”
“Don’t take my gun,” yellowed Judge Soward, “I won’t budge an inch.”
Seeing that the joke had gone far enough, the boys were informed of the “sell” and soon all was again serene.
Monday morning, Mr. Greer, having been really in bad health when he started, was found to be much worse. It was accordingly decided to send him home. He was taken by Mr. Burkhalter to Arkansas City, put aboard the train, and we saw him no more.
And, now to conclude, for every good writer must conclude, I have endeavored to chronicle events just as they transpired. If perchance there may be a few little things that didn’t happen exactly as I have said, I certainly cannot be held responsible.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 29, 1881.
Little Rock, June 25. Intelligence from the Indian Nation states that affairs have reached a crisis. The United States cavalry at Fort Sill have been ordered to report to U. S. Agent Tufts, at Muskogee, to cooperate with the Choctaw militia, under Governor McCurtain, in driving white intruders from the country.
All those not Indians, or intermarried with Indians, are classed as intruders under the law. Although many of them have permits to dwell in the Nation, it is asserted that their papers were illegally issued, and they will be forced to leave.
The Indian militia are in camp near Scuddyvill, three or four hundred strong, and are under orders to effect a junction with the United States troops at Fort McCollister. The greatest terror and distress exists. More than three hundred families are said to have crossed the border in the past ten days, having abandoned their cabins to the flames, their growing crops to destruction, and their stock on the range.
Some of the whites decline to leave, claiming that they hold genuine permits, and will protect themselves if force is used to eject them.
A number of Texans, who have big herds of cattle in the Cherokee Nation, have compromised with Gov. Overton, paying him $15,000 for the privilege of grazing stock until July 15th.
An appeal has been made to the Secretary of the Interior to interfere and protect the whites.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 29, 1881.
A special train, having on board several railroad officials on a tour of inspection, came into our depot about 2 p.m., last Wednesday, and pulled out again after about one hour’s stay.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 29, 1881.
A new parlor car has been put on this run by the Santa Fe company. This adds somewhat to the convenience of travelers, but makes the appearance of the train rather outre, on account of each of the three cars generally run on the passenger train being all of different gauges and colors. The company evidently didn’t go much on appearances in the make-up of this train.
Winfield Courier, June 30, 1881.
Tell W. Walton makes in the last number of his paper, the Caldwell Post, the following statement.
“Last Saturday night, while enroute to Oxford from this city, we were compelled to patronize the K. C. L. & S. road from Winfield to Oxford. We applied at the ticket office for two tickets to Oxford, and tendered our money, a ten dollar bill. After marking the tickets and passing them over the counter, he found he could not make the change; so he said to get on the train and pay the conductor, or get the tickets after we had arrived at Oxford.
“Thinking it would be all right, and having his assurance that it would be, we boarded the train, and after we got out three-fourths of a mile from the station, the conductor came through the car collecting tickets. We tendered our money a second time, but he refused to even look at it or hear an explanation of any kind, but stopped the train and compelled us to get off where we were, causing us, with our wife and child, to walk nearly a mile over the rough roads and cross the prairie back to the depot. We had some baggage with us, which we were obliged to carry too, or leave on the prairie. . . .
“This * * on the same evening beat a poor, lone woman out of the last cent she had, in making change for a ticket. She gave him a silver dollar, the last she had, and in return got a ticket for Oxford, costing forty cents, and ten cents in money. He claimed that she only gave him a half dollar, but the bystanders would swear that she gave him a dollar.”
John R. McGuire, of Tisdale, says that the other day he applied to the ticket office at Cherryvale for a ticket to Independence, the price of which was forty cents, and offered a half dollar piece, which was refused as not being the exact change. A feeble woman with two small children just then applied for a ticket to Independence, but failed for the same reason. Just then the train for Independence came along and McGuire and the woman got on board. The conductor came along and demanded tickets. The half dollars were offered and refused on the ground that the conductor would not take money but must have tickets. No amount would do. The only alternative was tickets or get off. The train was stopped and McGuire and the woman and her children were put out on the prairie two miles from Cherryvale, to which place they had to walk back. The woman could scarcely walk and her exertions would have been fatal had not McGuire been there to carry her small children.
The conductor of this train was not the same man with whom Tell Walton had to deal; but both are brutes, if these statements are true, which we cannot doubt, being made by men of undoubted veracity. We do not now give the names of these conductors because we wish to give them an opportunity to tell their versions of these stories. It is no excuse for them that they were ordered at headquarters not to take money but only tickets for fare, no more than it would excuse them for assassinating a man because he had been ordered to do so. If these conductors believe that such acting is required of them by the company, they are venal hirelings or they would not work for such a company.
We do not believe the managers of this road desire such brutality on the part of their employees. We believe they are accommodating and obliging gentlemen who require their employees to be reasonable and obliging in carrying out such rules as are deemed necessary for the protection of the company and would discharge such brutes as these are alleged to be. Here were civil persons able and anxious to pay their fare and making due efforts to comply with all known rules of the company, and were treated worse than these same conductors would have dared to treat a party of Thugs who had attempted to rob the whole crowd. We do not blame the company for not daring to trust such men to solicit money, but we do blame them if they keep such in their employ knowing what they were.
We think that if the outraged parties should apply to Gen. Nettleton, stating the facts, the cases would be righted as far as possible.
Winfield Courier, June 30, 1881.
Commonwealth: W. F. White, the enterprising and indefatigable passenger agent of the A., T. & S. F. Railroad Company, has devised a scheme and perfected arrangements by which through tickets are now sold at most stations on the line of the A., T. & S. F. to nearly all the minor stations of the east. By the old coupon system, tickets were sold only to important places, and the traveler had to pay local fare from such point or buy a through ticket to some large station beyond his destination, and stop off at his intermediate station, thus paying for more than he received. All this trouble, annoyance, and loss is obviated by the new system. Passengers are ticketed clear through to their destination. The form of tickets is extremely simple, and easily understood, and the most careless traveler will be less likely to be diverted from his route than by the attempted study of the complicated forms heretofore in use. The Santa Fe is always foremost in inaugurating improvements which are likely to contribute to the convenience and profit of the traveling public.
Winfield Courier, June 30, 1881.
A freight train and caboose was over the west part of the K. C. L. & S. road Saturday evening picking up section hands to go over to Moline and repair the track torn out by the floods. The rains that fell in that direction Saturday morning were very heavy.
Winfield Courier, June 30, 1881.
Hugh M. Holmes on Tuesday was crossing the railroad about two and a half miles south of the city with a span of mules and mowing machine, when a train suddenly came in view around a bend. Holmes whipped up his mules and they jumped forward suddenly, separating themselves from the machine, leaving it on the track. The train ground the machine very fine. No other damage done.
Winfield Courier, June 30, 1881.
The Santa Fe road has put on reclining chair cars between Caldwell and Kansas City, and a parlor car between Arkansas City and Mulvane. This makes travel over that road pleasant and easy. The chair cars are models of neatness and comfort, and one can rest in them as comfortably as in a sleeper.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 6, 1881. Front Page.
Nearly 40,000 head of cattle await shipment at Hunnewell.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 6, 1881.
One of the principal blocks in Hunnewell was wiped out by fire.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 6, 1881. Editorial Page.
Washington, D. C., June 27. The Secretary of the Interior today received from the Attorney General his opinion upon the legislative questions involved in the settlement of the troubles growing out of the threatened enforcement by the authorities of the “permit” laws of the Indian Territory. The question as to who are to be considered intruders upon Choctaw and Chickasaw lands, and whether it is the duty of the department of the Indian authorities to remove them, is now definitely settled, as the Secretary has adopted the Attorney General’s opinion. The following telegram, which embraces the main points of the Attorney General’s opinion, was sent by Secretary Kirkwood to U. S. Indian Agent Tufts, at Muscogee, Indian Territory, today.
“The Attorney General expresses the opinion that it is the duty of the department, not of the Indians, to remove intruders from the Choctaw and Chickasaw lands; that all persons other than Choctaws and Chickasaws, by birth or adoption, comprised within some one of the excepted classes described in article 7, treaty of 1835, and article 43 of 1866, are intruders; that those excepted are Government employees, their families and servants, employees of Internal improvement companies, travelers, temporary sojourners, holders of permits from the Choctaw and Chickasaw authorities and white persons who are employed under the laws of said Indians as teachers, mechanics, and skilled agriculturist; all others are intruders; that the permit laws are valid, and the right to remain expires with the termination of the permit.
“Promptly notify interested parties and advise them that measures will be speedily taken to execute the laws as construed by the Attorney General. You will be further fully instructed by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs at an early day. Suspend removals until such instructions are received.”
Arkansas City Traveler, July 6, 1881.
The Cherokees have the right to collect tax on Stock in the Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 6, 1881.
It will be seen by the letter from Hon. H. Price, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, that the Cherokee Government has the right to impose and collect a tax on cattle, sheep, and horses grazing in the Indian Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 6, 1881.
James C. Henderson advertises his cattle brand in this issue, which you cannot fail to see. It represents the animal with the brand as it appears on all his stock, which, in less than one week, will be seen by more than one thousand persons. The cost of the “cut” engraving, with the TRAVELER for one year, and the advertisement in it, is $10, which will be more than doubly made up on the first critter found. We have room for a few more, and would be glad to favor any of our Territory friends, if they will give us a call.
P. O. Arkansas City, Cowley Co., Kansas. Cattle Brand, “J. C. H.,” on left side.
Horse brand C. on left hip. Bill of Sale given with all Stock Sold.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 6, 1881.
A meeting of those holding sheep along the line of the Territory will be held at Hunnewell on Tuesday, the 9th of July, for the purpose of “discussing and deciding what to do in regard to the tax imposed on sheep men by the Cherokee Nation.”
Arkansas City Traveler, July 6, 1881.
On Thursday of last week, says the Anthony Republican, a charter was filed for an organization to build and equip a railroad over the southern survey, made by Gould last winter, from Parsons to Medicine Lodge, through the southern tier of counties, with a branch from Wichita to Anthony. Ex-Lieut. Gov. Humphreys is one of the directors, and the Republican says the scheme is backed by eastern capitalists.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 6, 1881.
WASHINGTON, D. C., June 30, 1881.
Thomas S. Parvin, Esq., Arkansas City, Kansas.
Sir: In reply to your letter of the 28th ult., addressed to the Hon. Secretary of the Interior, and by him referred to this office, inquiring whether the Cherokee National authorities have the right to collect, from U. S. citizens, tax on cattle, sheep, etc., grazing in the Indian Territory south of Arkansas City, I have to state that such right has been fully recognized by Congress, and by this Department, and that the properly constituted Cherokee collectors or agents can lawfully collect such tax. In the event of the imposition of any unreasonable or oppressive tax by the Cherokees, the United States will intervene and afford the necessary relief, but so long as the tax is reasonable, and does not exceed the penalty imposed by the act of June 30, 1834, for grazing stock on the Indian lands (which is $1.00 per head), it is considered that the Cherokee Indians are fully justified in imposing it, and should be sustained by this Department. Very respectfully, H. PRICE, Commissioner.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 7, 1881 - Front Page.
Judge Parker’s opinion in the case of the United States vs. D. L. Payne sets forth at length the legal status of the land, which it has been claimed, was open to pre-emption as the nucleus of the future state of Oklahoma. Payne, it will be remembered, was expelled from the Indian Territory by the United States military forces, and on re-entering the Territory, was expelled again. This second entry being punishable under the laws of the United States, an action was brought against Payne, who in his answer, denied that he was in the Indian Territory, or any part thereof; averred that the land from which he was expelled was the property of the United States, and subjected to pre-emption, like other public lands, and that he had settled on it under the pre-emption and homestead laws. The question presented for decision was, therefore, “Was the land on which Payne claimed to have settled a part of or within the Indian Territory?”
Judge Parker begins by inquiring whether Payne had the right to pre-empt any of the lands conveyed by the Seminole treaty of 1866, which was the treaty under which the Government acquired its title to them. The homestead and pre-emption laws provide that any lands which have been reserved by any treaty, law, or proclamation of the president, are no part of the public lands of the United States subject to those laws, so long as such reservation continues. The power to reserve may be exercised by treaty, law, or executive proclamation. The third article of the Seminole treaty, the judge holds, clearly reserves these lands for the purpose of locating on them other Indians and freedmen. He treats this portion of the question at considerable length, and explains why the government wanted to locate other Indians and freedmen there. The Indian branch of the inquiry involves nothing not generally known, but the privilege of freedmen to enter on the land at will, is not so well understood.
Judge Parker holds the intention of the government to have been to provide a place for the settlement of the liberated slaves of the Indians. The tribes of the Indian Territory held colored people in slavery, and when these were set free, it was not known whether the several Indian tribes who held them to slavery would observe their pledges to secure them the same rights which the Indians themselves enjoyed.
It was fear that the prejudice growing out of their former condition as slaves would be so strong against them that, in order to protect them, it might become necessary to settle them in a colony by themselves. This purpose of the government was manifested by the terms of the treaty with the Choctaws, and in making the treaty with the Seminoles, it sought to provide a home for freedmen as had been held in slavery by the Indians in the Indian Territory, to which they might be removed, should it be necessary in order to secure them in their rights. The government intended to locate there those freedmen who had been slaves in the Indian Territory, and none others; and these could only be settled on this land by the authority and permission of the government. Colored persons who were never held as slaves in the Indian country, but who may have been slaves elsewhere, are like other citizens of the United States, and have no more right in the Indian country than other citizens.
If this land is open to pre-emption settlement, it has been so ever since the treaty of 1866, with the Seminoles. Yet the government has never attached it to any land district, so that settlers could take the necessary preliminary step to perfect their titles. That it has not done so, shows how it has construed the treaty, which is a contract to which it is one of the parties. It is a matter of public notoriety that the Seminoles have similarly construed the treaty; and in this case, the construction upon which both parties to the treaty agree is the proper one to be adopted by the courts.
Treaties, like statutes, must be construed, if possible, to give them effect. The judge disposes of the claim that the right to pre-empt these lands is granted by a clause in a railroad charter. The supreme court has held that “whenever a tract of land has been appropriated to the public use, it has been severed from the mass of public domain, and subsequent laws of sale are not construed to embrace it, though they do not in terms express it.” This land, having been reserved prior to the passage of the railroad grant and charter, and the charter being general in its terms, and not making any special reference to this land, cannot be held to embrace it. This railroad grant was what the counsel of Payne mainly relied on to sustain their case, but the law, as expounded by Judge Parker, seems to show that it was of no value whatever.
He next decides that the land is a part of the Indian Territory because, if it is not, the laws of the United States do not extend over it. Payne was therefore clearly an intruder by the law, and is liable for the penalty.
This exhaustive opinion puts a complete quietus upon all schemes for colonizing the Indian Territory until it shall be opened for settlement by the proper authorities. Especially does it deprive the Hon. J. Milton Turner of the advantages arising from a previous condition of servitude, and we trust the freedmen whom he is exhorting to follow him to Oklahoma will be advised in time. This is one of the instances in which the United States seems to have the power to observe its treaty and obligations with the Indian, and the finest of Indian reservations appears to be beyond the reach of raiders. Globe Democrat.
Winfield Courier, July 7, 1881.
WASHINGTON, D. C., June 28. Instructions were mailed today from the Indian office to the United States Indian Agent Tufts, at Muskogee, Indian Territory, directing him how to proceed in the settlement of the trouble growing out of the threatened enforcement of the Choctaw and Chickasaw local permit-laws. Agent Tufts is directed; conformable with the decision of the attorney-general, to give notice to all parties interested that a reasonable time—say thirty days from July 1st—will be allowed, within which time they can make arrangements to comply with the Choctaw and Chickasaw permit-law or leave the country. Such as refuse or neglect within that period to take out the necessary permits, and who do not come within the excepted classes mentioned in the attorney general’s opinion, will be directed to remove from the limits of the Indian counttry, using for this purpose such police force as he has at his disposal. Should the police force prove insufficient, he is directed to notify the department, in which event assistance will be furnished.
The letter concludes as follows.
“You will also perceive that, under the laws and treaties, the duty and power of removal of intruders resides in the department of the interior, and hence you, as a representative of the department subordinate to this office, will be expected to enforce most vigorously, yet as humanely as possible, in this respect.”
Secretary Kirkwood today requested the secretary of war to direct the proper military command to render military aid to Agent Tufts should it be needed to secure the prompt removal of intruders.
Winfield Courier, July 7, 1881.
County Treasurer Harden has bought $3,000 of our county 7 percent bonds at par with accrued interest. This we learn from a letter addressed by Mr. Harden from Topeka to Capt. Hunt, our County clerk.
This proves that our position was correct, that our seven percents, are not, and have not been worth more than par in the market only as bulled by the rush of sending men east to buy them up. Had we rested quietly, we have not the least doubt that we should long ago have bought the $46,000 we were able to take, at par or less.
Winfield Courier, July 7, 1881.
The Kansas City, Lawrence & Southern has put on a train which they call the “stock express.” It is for the shipment of stock, and makes the run from here to Kansas City in eighteen hours. It leaves at 11:15 a.m.
Winfield Courier, July 7, 1881.
Mr. Geo. Schroeter has invested in another enterprise that will be of much benefit to our citizens. Aside from furnishing time by bell, he has put up on the sidewalk in front of his jewelry store a stone column and pedestal in which is set two clocks, one registering Santa Fe time and the other K. C. L. & S.
George’s public spirit is commendable and he understands the principal that looking out for the wants of the public always brings its own reward.
Winfield Courier, July 7, 1881.
Charles Colson, foreman of the section hands stationed near the summit of the Flint Hills divide near the eastern line of this county on the K. C. L. & S. railroad, was terribly, probably fatally injured, by a hand car last Friday morning, caused by an obstruction placed upon the track by some scoundrelly assassin, for the purpose of wrecking the morning train going east.
Colson with his hands started early in the morning, to repair a culvert a mile or two east, before the train should arrive; and in passing around a curve in a cut rapidly on a hand car, they suddenly encountered a pile of rock placed carefully on the track so as to surely throw the train in the ravine.
The collision threw the hands forward upon the track and the car struck and passed over them, wounding the foreman in the most terrible manner, cutting through the flesh on the upper part of the thigh and stripping it to the bone downward a distance of more than twelve inches.
He was taken to Grenola and Dr. Mendenhall of that place has been attending him. He has borne his dreadful calamity and distress in the most heroic manner. It is possible that he may recover, but his chances are still against it. The hands received less serious injuries.
Efforts have been made to discover the scoundrel or scoundrels who perpetrated the deed, but so far without success. Had they succeeded as they intended, probably several lives would have been lost and many would have been seriously injured.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 13, 1881.
At a meeting of Eastern men at Judge Kelley’s office, July 4, 1881, it was decided to meet at Mr. Flitch’s ranch, about twelve miles below the Malaley ranch, and there divide into two parties, one working on the north side of Salt Fork, and the other on the south side; the parties on the south side to work Red Rock, Black Bear, Skeleton, and Turkey Creeks; the parties on the north side to work the State line, and the parties reaching Crooked Creek first will work that. The cattle will be sent home, and the Eastern will cooperate with the Western men.
It was further decided to meet on Saturday, July 9th, at Flitch’s ranch, and there organize. The members present decided to appoint Mr. John Hamilton stock inspector at Hunnewell, and also determined to send a man as inspector to Kansas City and also to St. Louis.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 13, 1881.
All stockmen desiring to send in their individual brands and have them looked after by the inspectors appointed can do so by sending them to Mr. A. M. Colson, of Caldwell, together with $20, for the months of July, August, September, and October. In all cases the money must accompany the brands, else there will be no attention paid them. All brands must be accompanied by a power of attorney. BEN S. MILLER, Sec. Caldwell Post.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 13, 1881.
Mr. J. W. Chastain came in from Reno and the new trail last Saturday evening. He reports things about even, but very dry in the country around Reno and west of there. Several herds are now on the new trail from below to this point. The beef herds have just started from the ranges in Northwest Texas to market, and before many weeks they will reach this point for shipment. Mr. Chastain will remain in this city a greater portion of the summer.
Caldwell Post.
Winfield Courier, July 14, 1881 - Front Page.
Though but a few months have passed since the Santa Fe railroad has opened up a vast region that was practically three years ago a terra incognita in settlement and the civilization of the nineteenth century, yet, already hundreds of letters have been sent back by the new settler and traveler, and New Mexico letters have become almost as common as country correspondents.
While New Mexico is not by any means “written up,” yet correspondents have gone so often over the same ground that the victimized reader looks with a great deal of suspicion upon one of these letters.
My late trip was made mostly for pleasure. I went to see, and as I traveled only during daylight, I had unusual opportunities of gratifying that sense. I visited some localities out of the beaten track, and I may be able to make a letter of the same kind.
At LA JUNTA (pronounced La Hoonta) I corrected my first wrong impression. I thought the road branched at Pueblo 63 miles farther west. La Junta is where the main line diverges and goes southwest over the Raton mountains. From Trinidad, Colorado, we crawled up the mountains at an inclined plain of 180 feet to the mile, and near the top plunged through a tunnel 2,000 feet in length, and came to light of day in New Mexico. Through this rocky gate we enter into the old civilization that Cortez—nay, older; that of those mysterious people whom the Aztecs found in possession and conquered.
At a little past noon, we glided into the city of LAS VEGAS. Here are two towns, the new representing American thrift and enterprise and the old representing the life and habits of people who lived as they did hundreds of years ago. I am interested in the old and as I step across the stream that separates the two towns, I find to me, a new, strange, and interesting civilization. The first place I visit is the church of Madre de Dolores. There is one nice custom about all these old Catholic churches, and that is, the door stands open and the worshiper and sight-seer are always welcome. An old sexton, bowed down with the weight of many years, greets me and gives such information as he can.
I am much interested in a cross that I see back of the town and after much questioning, I gained its history. It was erected by a queer sect, an offshoot from the Roman Catholic church called the PENITENTS. They inhabit a cluster of adobe shanties on the road to Las Vegas called The Placita, meaning little village, and belonged to an order of Flagellants. Ordinarily they conduct themselves like other people of their race; but whenever one of them has committed a sin, he scourges himself and others scourge him in proportion to this transgression.
During Passion week the whole community crawl on their bare knees over sharp stones some six miles from their village to this cross, and there lash themselves with the terrible thoray cactus until the blood runs in streams down their lacerated backs.
This cross is not very old and dates its origin from the time when a member of this order of Flagellants, who was an actor, came to Las Vegas to die. He refused to accept the sacrament from the present presiding priest and when his friends came to bury him, the priest refused his services and would not let him be placed in consecrated ground, whereupon he was buried outside the pale of the church; and the Pentitents thereupon erected this cross with this legend thereon: “Jesus by the shedding of his blood on Calvary, was consecrated for the whole world.” This cross and inscription justifies this very peculiar sect in their estimation for their scourging, and is also a protest against the exclusiveness of the Roman church.
On my return from the church, I saw a number of Mexicans manufacturing adobe. They are made of common earth, straw, and water; and are cast in moulds 18 inches long, 9 inches broad, and 4 inches thick, and then dried in the sun. It is a perfect non-conductor and the best form of building material conceivable for the Territory. With cement, plaster, and paint, it can be rendered as handsome as brick or stone.
After leaving Las Vegas, I was much interested in watching STARVATION ROCK, and hearing an account of the tragedy that gave it such an ominous title. The “rock” itself is 1,125 feet above the railroad track; its sides are practically covered with pine, and a vast escarpment—240 feet of perpendicular stone—renders it inaccessible excepting at a narrow pass on the east side. From the railroad cars it is in sight for more than an hour, and at the closest point good eyes can discern a number of corners. The top is an elevated plain or mesa that embraces thirty acres. In 1848 a company of Mexicans was attacked by a largely superior force of Indians and fled to the summit of this rock, where they kept the Indians from coming up; but the latter knew a better game, and they kept the Mexicans from coming down, and the entire company of Mexicans perished from thirst and starvation. The rock, decorated with its little crosses, is both grave and monument.
My next resting place was ALBUQUERQUE, which is the initial point of the Atlantic and Pacific railroad; and the railroad is already 200 miles on its way to San Francisco. This road forms part of the Santa Fe system. Shops, warehouses, and offices are now being built at this thriving place.
Like Las Vegas, Albuquerque is composed of an old and new town, which are united by a line of street railway; but unlike its rival, the new town here is immensely in advance of the old. Building, business, and speculation of every kind is at fever heat. Lots purchased today are sold at a big advance in less than a month. A would be purchaser is staggered when told that the price of such a business lot is $2,000; but at the end of a month, he is mad because he did not buy, for it has been sold for $2,500.
In less than an hour, I fully realized that Albuquerque was a “red-hot-town.” The town was all stirred up over the arrest of the celebrated Allison gang, a band of thieves and murderers. I felt more than unusually interested, for Lewis Perkins, one of the gang, was a Cowley county boy. For Allison the reward was $2,500, and all gang members had just been captured and were under guard at a livery stable.
While standing here making inquiries, I heard the report of a revolver, quickly followed by a dozen other shots, and then the rapid running of a man telling the guards to get ready as a party of desperadoes werre about to attempt a rescue of the prisoners. As I was not traveling on my fighting qualities, I made myself safe in another direction. The cause of the difficulty was a stray pistol shot. The marshal heard it and ordered the man whom he thought fired “to hold up his hands,” and before the man could turn, the marshal commenced firing and killed him in his tracks. The man was a Kansas carpenter by the name of Campbell, and was unarmed.
On Monday morning upwards of 200 mechanics attended the funeral, and I was in hopes of seeing that marshal hanged, but the job was delayed. This was the second man he had killed in three months, but the people excused him for the first murder because the victim was “a bad man.”
Here as everywhere else in New Mexico, I found lots of Winfield men. Some are traveling, others are in business, and many others working at their trades; but wherever I saw them, they were all doing well. The universal report was that when they made their “stake,” they were coming back to Winfield to live.
Our town is widely known through the enterprise of its merchants. As a supply point for butter, eggs, poultry, and vegetables, Winfield today is sending more of these products into New Mexico than any other city. In groceries and commission houses, it appeared to me that at least two-thirds of all the boxes and pails carrying such goods bore the familiar imprint of J. P. Baden or Spotswood & Snyder. I will have more to say about this trade in my closing letter.
I commenced with the intention of making but one letter; but my visit to the Black Range and Old Mexico will require another. Up to this point my companion had been Dr. Mendenhall, but to my sorrow he was obliged to return home from Albuquerque and I completed the trip alone. J. E. CONKLIN.
Winfield Courier, July 14, 1881.
Conductor McBeth passed last Sunday in this city, and said to a Wellingtonian reporter, “It was shameful and cowardly in the Caldwell Post and Winfield COURIER, to attack a man without warning, as they have attacked me. They did not want to hear my side of the story, which would have put an entirely different face on the matter. I am acting under instructions of the General Superintendent, and any violation of the same will cause my discharge; and I cannot afford to take the bread from my wife and children to oblige the public. Wellingtonian.
Mr. McBeth is reminded that we did not give his name, but suggested that the case might look different when the conductors told their story, and our columns were open for their side. The COURIER is reputed to be extremely careful to avoid injustice to anyone, giving all a chance to be set right. He has no grounds of complaint against us, unless he denies us the right to comment upon alleged wrongs in the community, a right which we shall insist on for it is just what we are here for.
Winfield Courier, July 14, 1881.
It is real nice now to go north and east by the Santa Fe road. We have a fine parlor car on this branch from Arkansas City to Mulvane, and then a Horton reclining chair car from there to Kansas City.
Winfield Courier, July 14, 1881.
Under instructions of the Hon. Commissioner of the General Land Office, soldiers on the Osage Indian Trust and Diminished Reserve Lands will be required to comply with the pre-emption law in regard to residence, filing and giving notice of intention to make proof. Hereafter, no entries will be allowed until notice by publication has been given.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 20, 1881.
Word was received here late last evening of an important railway change. Mr. T. Jefferson Colledge has been acting until recently as president of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe road. The latter position was not filled until yesterday, when a meeting was held in Boston, and Mr. W. B. Strong, general manager of the road, was chosen president, with a handsome increase in salary.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 20, 1881.
Capt. Geo. W. Peters, of Winfield, Kansas, is on the trail with 1640 head of the finest beeves that have been driven this season. His cattle are all in fine condition, some reaching the enormous weight of 2,200 lbs.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 27, 1881. Front Page.
The Santa Fe company have made satisfactory arrangements with the St. Louis and San Francisco management, and on Monday extended their El Dorado branch across the track of the latter road at Augusta.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 27, 1881.
The Cherokee Indians, still in North Carolina, and numbering 2,300, are to be planted in the Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 27, 1881.
“Oklahoma Payne” is now in Texas declaring and trying to get up another colony of dupes to again enter upon the lands in the Indian Territory, notwithstanding the decision of the U. S. Judge, J. C. Parker, and the law department of the United States Government, that there are no lands there subjected to entry and settlement by citizens of the United States. Payne is plentifully supplied with money, and promised the Denison Tribune pay for its influence in helping to get up a boom, which they to their honor, be it said, declined. We are informed, however, he was successful in another direction. He is a plausible talker, and being well supplied with maps, showing the disputed Territory, and claiming, as he does, that Judge Parker did not decide the question of the right to settle those lands by United States citizens, but only decided the “demurrer,” and having also plenty of money furnished by railroads or other parties, he will undoubtedly secure some “gudgeons” to join him.
Indian Journal.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 27, 1881.
We received a call on Monday last from Mr. Joe G. McCoy, the authorized agent of D. W. Lipe, Treasurer of the Cherokee Nation, to collect taxes due the Cherokees from cattle men holding stock in the Territory, east of Hunnewell and north of Chicaskia. Mr. McCoy also informs us that he is authorized to accept one-half of the assessed rates for sheep from men living on the line, and presumably holding their sheep in the State part of the time. In connection with this we copy the following from the Caldwell Commercial, of last week.
“For the past two months the agents of the Cherokee Nation, at this place, have made every effort to induce parties holding cattle on the Cherokee strip to come forward and pay their taxes. From the best information we can obtain, there are at least 200 persons holding cattle on the strip, and out of that number not to exceed forty have complied with the law or shown any disposition to do so.
“The agents of the Nation have acted with great leniency toward the cattle men, giving them all the time that could reasonably be expected, but having become satisfied that some of the graziers are determined not to pay under any circumstances, they have made up a list of such to the number of 100, and in accordance with instructions forwarded the same to Chief Bushyhead. The Chief will send it through the Interior Department, to Agent Tuffs, at Muskogee, and the instructions to him are, when such a list is placed in his hands, to cause every man, whose name appears thereon, to be removed from the strip. To do this he can call upon the military, if necessary.
“It is but recently that cattle men have been driven from the Choctaw lands for refusing to pay a grazing tax to that Nation. They were removed as intruders with no recourse what-
ever, and so it will be with those on the Cherokee strip who fail or refuse to pay the tax assessed by the Nation. As to the right of the Nation to levy this tax, there can be no question, and of this no cattle man can plead ignorance. Every effort has been made by Major Lipe, Treasurer of the Nation, to furnish them all the information on the subject necessary for a clear understanding of their position as occupants of the Cherokee lands, and now, if they are compelled to leave the Territory, and the enjoyment of privileges, which no money can buy elsewhere, they will have no one to blame but themselves.”
Arkansas City Traveler, August 3, 1881.
The people of Cowley, Sumner, and adjoining counties are just wakening up to the fact that the “Geuda Mineral Springs,” near Salt City, Kansas, are fast becoming quite a popular health resort. The history of these springs is, that the s. w. 1/4 of Sec. 6, R. 34, Tp. 3, on the west line of Cowley county, was purchased of the government by a Mr. Walpole when the Osage lands first came into market, supposing it to be quite valuable on account of a large salt marsh and some very clear water springs that were on the land, since which time the land has passed through several hands.
The quarter section opposite this tract was at about the same time purchased by other parties for the famous salt spring on that tract, and for over two years salt was manufactuered there, but on account of the vats being constructed of inferior lumber, and because there was no transportation for the salt produced, the manufacture was abandoned until this summer, when James Hill & Co. got a ten year’s lease of the land and have commenced to manufac-ture again, and the salt produced is of the very best quality, equal to any salt we have ever seen, and it is claimed that the water produces 1-3/4 pounds to the gallon, being equal to the great Syracuse salt well, at Syracuse, New York, heretofore claimed to be the strongest salt water in the world.
Messrs. Hill & Co. are under contract to manufacture 500,000 pounds of this salt the coming year, and at least 1,000,000 per year for the balance of the term of their lease.
As the water is almost inexhaustible, the prospects for an extensive salt manufactory appears to be good.
The clear water springs on the other tract were, for several years, supposed to be of no particular value, as the water in most of the springs had a very strong taste of mineral, and, to a person unaccustomed to drinking mineral water, was very disagreeable to taste.
Robert Mills, Esq., however, an old resident of Salt City, was seriously afflicted with the rheumatism, and, having tried about everything else, concluded to try the water of these springs, and in a short time all symptoms of rheumatism disappeared.
At about the same time, or soon after, others began to use the water for different diseases, and almost invariably found relief. The people in the near neighborhood soon had a great deal of faith in the curative properties of the water, but it was not publicly known or generally used until Messrs. Hackney & McDonald, of Winfield, Kansas, purchased the land, and Judge McDonald, who was very seriously afflicted with eruptions on his face, which he had been unable to get cured, concluded to try the use of his own medicine, and to his surprise, he was cured up by using the waters for a very short time by bathing his face.
Then Dr. James Allen, who had been at most of the watering places in the United States for his health and finding no relief (he being afflicted very badly with diabetes, and also catarrh—so much so, in fact, that he was unable to even walk), came to try the benefits of these waters, and in a few month’s time was entirely cured.
The news spread until the people generally in the counties of Cowley, Sumner, and some of the adjoining counties, would afterward, when afflicted, go to Salt City for their health; and there being no accommodations whatever at the springs, they were compelled to camp out.
During the summer and fall of 1879 there were often 8 or 10 tents to be seen near the springs, occupied by persons in search of health.
Messrs. Hackney & McDonald, being attorneys with a very lucrative practice, were not in a situation to improve the springs and sold the same to Messrs. Newman & Mitchell, of our town, for $4,000 cash, and in a short time, probably the best bath house in the State was erected near the springs, and during the summer and fall of 1880, on Saturdays and Sundays, from one to three hundred persons would visit the springs; generally going out of curiosity, but now it has become so popular a place for health that it is impossible to accommodate all who go.
The springs, so far as we are able to learn, have never yet failed to cure ulcerations and other diseases of the uterus, rheumatism, skin and blood diseases, dyspepsia, diabetes, catarrh, and diseases of the liver, kidneys, and digestive organs in general, and are especially effective in female diseases, rheumatism, and affections of the skin and blood.
We have, heretofore, always been skeptical about cures of such magnitude as claimed here, “but seeing is believing,” and we have personally known of at least fifty persons who have been undoubtedly cured by the use of these waters, and we are told that at least five hundred persons have been cured, and we do not doubt it in the least.
Most of our people who have been talking of an expensive trip to Hot Springs, Saratoga, or Colorado, are now going to Geuda Springs. The springs themselves are a natural curiosity. There are seven of them, and they each contain a different kind of mineral, and are within a circle of twenty-five feet in diameter, and it does not require a chemical analysis to detect the difference, as it is readily distinguished by the taste. There are two of these within eight feet of each other that taste as different as does common rainwater and vinegar. It is well worth a trip to anyone who has never seen them to make the trip for that purpose alone.
The ancients supposed that such springs that were of a healing nature, were manipulated by spirits of ghosts—Bethesda, Siloam, and others are instances of such belief. Modern scientists, however, have, by chemical analyses, discovered that the curative properties of such springs consists in the different kinds of minerals contained in the waters, and the minerals found in this state are undoubtedly natures purest remedies.
A qualitative analysis of the Geuda Springs shows that they contain the bicarbonates of iron, soda, magnesia, and calcium; sulphates of ammonia and magnesia; chlorides of sodium and potassium; iodide of sodium, bromide of potassium, sulphur and silica, and are strongly charged with carbonic gas.
The name “Geuda” is taken from the Indian name “Ge-u-da,” meaning healing, and, al-though not euphonious, is very appropriate. We say this because we have personally tested many of the mineral springs of this country and Europe, and have never known any, in our opinion, to equal their healing and curative properties. The letter “G” in this name has the hard sound, as in the word “get.”
We are informed that a joint stock company is about to be formed, called “Geuda Springs Co.,” and that it is the intention to build a new hotel, and make other improvements which are greatly needed, as not more than half the people, who now want to go there, can be accommodated with boarding. If we mistake not, by the time next spring opens, Salt City and Geuda Springs will experience a boom, such as it never before thought of, and all she will need is a railroad, connecting her with the commercial world, which in time will be built. A narrow gauge road connecting it with our town can easily be built if taken hold of right, and thus be a great benefit to both places.
There is also a large quantity of excellent salt water, or more properly brine, there running to waste, which, if here, might just as well as not be manufactured into salt. We see no good reason why pipes should not be laid and this water conveyeed here in the near future. By this means it could be utilized not only to the benefit of our town, but to Cowley county, and the adjacent counties. We believe there is some hostility to this enterprise, but if the people in the neighborhood of these springs cannot manufacture it themselves, it is certainly a dog in the manger policy to object to others doing so, especially when they would be equally benefitted by the undertaking.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 3, 1881.
The Hunnewell Independent gives 9,376 as the number of cattle shipped from Hunnewell, from July 1st to 23rd, an average of over four hundred head per day.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 3, 1881.
The marshal of Hunnewell gives notice to the world that hereafter the carrying of firearms, concealed or unconcealed, in that thriving city will not be tolerated.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 3, 1881.
Mr. O. Glendenning was here on Saturday, from Hunnewell. He is the first cattle man to adopt branding on the horn, and putting brass knobs on the horns of Texas cattle. Mr. Glendenning says it is worth just one dollar per head to put the brass knobs on, but he has the satisfaction of knowing his cattle at sight.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 3, 1881.
A small herd of Indian ponies, belonging to Mr. Bearss, ran into the barbed wire fence just opposite the Harmon ford on the Walnut, and some of the animals were fearfully cut. The wire wound around one and did not lack much of cutting it in two. This wire is directly across the old road, and having no board on top of the wire cannot be seen, making it extremely dangerous. We learn that a team near Searing’s mill were frightfully cut, last week, by the horses becoming unmanageable. The owner hitched onto the wire afterwards and tore the fence in pieces.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 3, 1881.
George R. Bearss shipped a carload of twenty-three Indian ponies last Monday morning to Logansport, Indiana. They were all well broke to saddle, gentle and kind, and cost him from $20 to $60 each, averaging $30 each. The freight from this point to Kansas City is $40, and from Kansas City to Logansport $67, and the “salting” of the ponies at Kansas City, St. Louis, and at some point in Illinois, will cost him 25 cents per head, besides the feed, making the cost of transportation, etc., nearly $10 per head. He will have to get good figures to make anything.
Winfield Courier, August 4, 1881.
Charlie Hodges has accepted a position with the K. C. L. & S. railroad as baggage master at this station.
Winfield Courier, August 4, 1881.
Tell Walton and many other admiring friends will regret to learn that Jim Shannon has been given the “grand bounce” by the K. C. L. & S. company and that his vinegar visage will no longer haunt travelers over that road.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 10, 1881.
The number of cars of cattle shipped from this place during the month of July, amounts to 525, with an average of 23 head to the car, making a grand total of 11,025 head of cattle.
Hunnewell Independent.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 10, 1881.
Col. McCoy informs us that a letter has been received from Chief Bushyhead, in which it is stated that the list of non-paying occupants of the Cherokee strip has been sent to the U. S. Indian Agent, at Muskogee, and a written demand made by the Chief for their immediate expulsion. The letter concluded by saying that the Agent would act promptly and use the military. A little business sense and prudence on the part of the grazers in question might have prevented all this. Caldwell Commercial.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 10, 1881.
J. W. Hamilton arrived on Salt Fork the latter part of last week with 5,000 head of Hewins & Titus’ cattle, which he was compelled to hold there on account of high water. He is marking the cattle, by sawing off the points of their horns and cutting off the ends of their tails, in lieu of branding. They will hold part of these cattle till they fatten up a bit. Some, however, will be shipped at once from this point, as will be all of the 10,000 head recently purchased by Mr. Hamilton in Texas for this company. Caldwell Post.
Winfield Courier, August 11, 1881.
The Santa Fe was completed to Douglass in Butler county last week and the citizens indulged in a grand jubilee. The next thing in order is paying the interest on their bonds.
Winfield Courier, August 18, 1881.
Conductor J. E. Miller is one of the most accommodating and courteous employees of the Santa Fe company. With Will Garvey at the ticket window and Conductor Miller wielding the punch, the Santa Fe is ably represented.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 24, 1881.
To the State Fair and back, over the A. T. & S. F., for $4.75.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 24, 1881.
Arkansas City is the home of a number of cattle and sheep men, whose herds are in the Territory and along the State line.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 24, 1881.
Woodruff, the man arrested for stealing a steer from Deer Creek ranch, has been bound over in the sum of $500 to appear at the next term of court at Fort Smith, Arkansas. He will be tried for drawing a revolver on Capt. Will Whiting. The examination took place before U. S. Commissioner Webb, at Winfield, last week. The cattle Woodruff obtained from the Whiting Bros. are in the sheriff’s hands, under an attachment issued in favor of the Whiting Bros., who sold him the stock.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 24, 1881.
The farmers in and about Maple City sowed large quantities of millet, and will realize largely on the crop. Stock men from Missouri, Arkansas, and the Territory will drive in stock this winter to feed on it. On Grouse creek the stock men have bought every ton that could be purchased. They paid $2.50 per ton for millet hay.
Winfield Courier, August 25, 1881.
We call the attention of all old soldiers to the low rates made on the Santa Fe for attending the old soldiers’ reunion at Topeka Sept. 15th. Mr. White, general ticket agent, has kindly made a rate of $3 to all the old soldiers on the main line or branches, provided that a muster roll of not less than ten names be forwarded to Mr. White by the 10th of September, stating name, company, and regiment of the soldier, upon the receipt of which, station agents will be authorized to sell tickets for the round trip at $6 to the parties named.
This is indeed liberal on the part of the Santa Fe, and we hope the old soldiers in this vicinity will take this opportunity of visiting our State Fair and attending the reunion at the same time. Muster rolls may be left with Mr. Garvey, agent at Winfield, or sent direct to Mr. W. P. White, Topeka, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 7, 1881. Editorial Page.
“What is the status of your plans for colonizing negroes on the Oklahoma lands?” J. Milton Turner was asked recently.
The colonizer shook his head rather regretfully as he said:
“In status quo. There is no likelihood of doing anything till fall. If you recollect, I told the Post Dispatch just before the Fourth of July that I was then making arrangements to go to Washington and that my prospects were very encouraging. It was so.
“Then came the shooting of Garfield, to whom we were looking for countenance of our plans, and we were obliged to stop short. The question of the occupancy of the lands by negroes had, after a good deal of correspondence, resolved itself into definite shape. All that was needed to be done was the issue of an executive order from the President, and the Territory would be opened to settlement by negroes. We were full expecting this action from Mr. Garfield when he was stricken down. Indeed, we had an assurance which satisfied us that this would be done, and I hoped to be able to declare all obstacles in our colonization plan removed when I got back from Washington.”
The position which Mr. Turner had taken regarding these lands of Oklahoma, and which, he believed, was about to be recognized by the administration, was very briefly this.
These lands were ceded back by the Indians shortly after the war to the Government on the understanding that freedmen were to be colonized on them. Mr. Turner holds that they are made by the terms of the transfer from the Indian tribes to the Government, the heritage of the negroes, and that justice requires that the right of the negroes to acquire homesteads on the lands should now be recognized. All that is wanting to bring this about is the executive order spoken of. Post Dispatch.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 7, 1881.
An Arkansas City man is holding a herd of several hundred yearlings and two-year-olds near Maple City, which he asks $12 and $14 per head for. Feed and water are scarce, and he will probably have to winter them.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 14, 1881.
Go to the State Fair, it will only cost you $4.75 both ways on the A. T. & S. F. R. R.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 14, 1881.
Lieut. Shoemaker and Gov. Jack McCurtain, of the Choctaw Nation, are hard at work removing intruders, and such a set. The effects of a dozen families could all be placed in one wagon with room to spare, but the 12 men and 12 women have 144 red-headed, tow-headed, shock-headed urchins of all sizes, tagging along after them barefooted, and more also. There being no provisions visible, it is a wonder how they lived. They have remained there because forbidden to do so—if ordered by the United States to remain, they would all have skipped out in one night. It’s no wonder the Arkansas papers howl over the enforced exodus from the Indian country if that State is to be afflicted with such a class of shiftless emigrants. Muskogee Journal.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 14, 1881.
W. N. Hubbell has been authorized by the local stock men to offer a reward of one hundred dollars for the apprehension of the party or parties who set the prairie on fire in the Indian Territory about six miles southeast of Caldwell on the night of August 30th, and also on Thursday last. Evidently the fire was started by someone intent on destroying the range in a certain locality; and we can see no reason for such dastardly work, unless it is to keep Territory cattle from water in Bluff Creek near the State line. If the fire was set out by anyone holding cattle along the line for the purpose of keeping Territory cattle from encroaching on the range, it shows a low, contemptible, disposition, and one that will land him in the pen before many years, if he does not die with his boots on. A man, or thing that would do such a deed, would steal, and should be branded on the forehead with a curry comb brand. It will not be healthy for anyone caught by the stock men of these parts setting out fire in the Territory. Caldwell Post.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 14, 1881.
An execution was issued last month by the U. S. District Court at Fort Smith, Arkansas, against Oklahoma Payne, et al., for the collection of the $1,000 fine assessment against them last winter.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 28, 1881.
All doubtful Cherokees have to appear before Chief Bushyhead this month and prove their citizenship; otherwise, they will be removed from the Cherokee Nation and the Indian Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 28, 1881.
Jesse Cochran, Sheriff of Coo-wee-a-ko-wee District, Cherokee Nation, advertises in the Advocate to sell sixteen head of stray horses, fourteen head of stray cattle, and three stray hogs. The animals are sold at the courthouses in each district. Redbird Smith, Sheriff at Illinois District, advertises sixteen horses and twelve head of cattle. They are sold on the range as they run. Terms cash. About 500 head of strays are advertised to be sold every few months, and it might pay some stock man to go down and buy a few.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 28, 1881.
The Cherokee Government have asked, from the Judicial Department at Washington, that the Nation be protected against the timber depredations that are constantly going on. Judge
I. C. Parker thinks an amendment should be made to the law governing timber depredations before it will be entirely effective.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 28, 1881.
The driving of cattle from Texas to Kansas has almost been abandoned during the past two months on account of the scarcity of water and the range being nearly all burned off. There will be a large drive late in the fall, after grass gets a start again.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 5, 1881. Editorial Page.
The Doubtful-Citizen Cherokees.
Conventions will soon be called by “doubtful citizens” in the Cherokee Nation, at an early date, for the purpose of ascertaining the number of people in the Nation who are classed under that head, and for selecting representatives to go before the Department of the Interior and advocate their claims. These people who are called doubtful citizens are Indians who are allowed no rights of franchise in the Nation. They claim that they should have equal rights with other citizens and there is no doubt but their disabilities will be removed at an early date. Cherokee Advocate.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 5, 1881. Editorial Page.
Lieutenant Shoemaker, the officer in command of the company of U. S. soldiers, acting under the instructions of Indian Agent Tufts, in the Choctaw Nation, spent Sunday in the city. His company and a body of Indian militia under Gov. McCurtain, are going through the Nation issuing orders to all white settlers, who have not yet paid the license fee to the Choctaw authorities, to quit the country immediately. Much hardship will result therefrom we opine. Advocate.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 5, 1881.
Cattle men are in every day for supplies. It will soon be time to lay in all they want for winter.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 5, 1881.
D. S. Burress and his son, Sam, sold all their cattle on the range, at Salt Fork, and will go to Texas this winter to contract for more to drive in the spring.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 5, 1881.
A decision has been rendered by the United States authorities to the effect that the saw-mill, owned by non-citizens, and seized by the Cherokee Nation, has been confiscated to the benefit of the Cherokees, and that the order of confiscation extends to all logs cut or held by non-citizens.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 5, 1881.
Wedding Bells at Ponca Agency.
We are often told that “the good times are coming,” and we really begin to believe it, for every now and again some of them, like angelic visitors, or peripatetic book-peddlers, pop in and make us happy. It was our privilege to participate in one of these peculiar pleasant occasions a few days ago at Ponca Agency, Indian Territory.
It seems that on September 24th, ten years ago, Dr. and Mrs. Minthorn were married, and both being high esteemed by the good people of Ponca, and Nez Perce—to whom he ministers in medical things—it was suggested that the tenth anniversary of that happy event should be celebrated by a general jollification, and the musical tin tin abulation of a tin wedding. So preparations were made, invitations sent out, and at 3 p.m., of the 24th, about seventy well pleased guests were gathered in and around the Doctor’s house.
Among them were U. S. Indian Inspector Pollock, Agent Miles and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Edmonson, of Osage, Mr. and Mrs. Kellar and daughter, of Kaw, Rev. R. B. Lawyer and wife, Mr. James Reuben, Chief Huses Kute and wife, from Nez Perces, together with the Agent, missionary, principal Chiefs, and all the employees and families at Ponca, making altogether, a pleasing picture as they strolled over the lawn, or collected in groups, chatting and making themselves generally agreeable. The bride and bridegroom, decorated in artistically designed tin ornaments that caught and reflected the rays of the setting sun, mingled in the merry crowd and received the congratulations of their friends with becoming bashfulness.
After partaking of a repast that for get up, elegance, and quality reflected the highest credit on the ladies of Ponca, the bridal presents were arranged in order and the guests invited to look at them. At first sight it seemed as if we had stepped into a Ponca branch of Charlie Sipe’s tin store, or that the Doctor had serious intentions of competing with our worthy trade in the tin department, for everything was there, from a tin whistle, to the most costly article usually to be found in a well assorted stock of tinware.
After a few hours of delightful social intercourse, the company separated, with many hearty wishes for the future welfare of our worthy friends, and a hope that when their golden wedding comes round we may be there to see. J. W.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 5, 1881.
Throughout the entire South West and Mexico the enquiry for young cattle for next spring’s drive, and for the cattle for our home market is general. Prices have advanced everywhere until, in most localities, buyers have quit trying to make contracts, and will wait further developments. We cannot quote one and two year old cattle, they range from $8.50 @ $10 for yearlings, and from $10.50 @ $12 for two year olds. She cattle higher than steer cattle. No she cattle selling even at fancy prices. Fort Worth Live Stock Journal.
Winfield Courier, October 6, 1881.
The 10 o’clock train on the K. C., L. & S. Thursday night struck a cyclone just east of this place. It damaged the roof of the baggage car and came near blowing the train from the track.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 12, 1881.
Lieut. Shoemaker, in command of a part of company F, U. S. troops, was in the city last Friday. The Lieutenant is acting under orders from the Indian Agent at Muskogee, and is engaged in putting in force the recent regulations with reference to the payment of tax to the Cherokee Indians. As we understand it now “no pay tax, no stay.”
Arkansas City Traveler, October 12, 1881.
Messrs. Blair & Williamson have recently purchased, from Malaley, of Pond Creek, some 2,500 fine cattle. They will hold them in the vicinity of Pond Creek. These gentlemen thoroughly understand the stock business, as their success hitherto attests.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 19, 1881.
The longest deed on record in Cowley County is that of James S. Hunt, County Clerk, to C. M. Scott for 90 lots in Arkansas City, which covered forty-two pages of the record book, and embraces 13,734 words. It cost nearly fifty dollars to have the deed written and recorded. The most lengthy mortgage is on the Gould railroad.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 19, 1881. Editorial Page.
Gould in the Territory.
The following special appears in the Globe-Democrat of the 6th inst. Our readers can draw their own conclusions from it but to us it seems that a war is about to open between the various railroad companies in regard to building through the Territory.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS, Oct. 5. A telegram from the Indian Territory says that considerable feeling is being manifested among the Creek and Cherokee Indians, owing to the effort which Jay Gould is making to secure the right of way for a railroad running east and west through the Cherokee and Creek Nations. The Councils of these nations have the power to grant the privileges asked for, and a strong pressure is being brought to bear to induce them to do so. The Cherokee Council meets the first Monday in November, when immediate steps will be taken for the introduction and passage of some such measure. A. A. Talmage is managing Gould’s interest in the matter, and has written to the members of the Council and to all the prominent Indians in the nations named, setting forth the wishes of the railway company and the advantages to the country of the proposed road. There is, however, no little opposition to granting the right of way, many leading Indians holding that such a step would be the entering wedge for the future dismemberment of the Indian country. It is doubtful, therefore, whether the Indians will permit the road to be built, as the antagonism toward it appears to be growing in strength and bitterness. The projected road would give Gould almost absolute control of the trade of the Southwest, and place the St. Louis & San Francisco company, and other roads which are now striving for the trade of that section, completely at Gould’s mercy.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 19, 1881.
Taxing Stock in the Indian Territory.
Caldwell, October 14. There is great excitement here, and all over the Cherokee strip today. The strip extends from where the Arkansas River strikes the Indian Territory, to the Panhandle of Texas, and is 57½ miles wide. On this it is estimated there are 300,000 head of cattle on which the Indians levy a tax of one dollar per head, they having that right according to the decision of the Department at Washington. About one-half of these cattle have paid the tax, the owners of the other half refuse to do so. Indian Agent Tufts, with United States soldiers, leave here today to drive the cattle off the strip. Many owners of cattle, this morning and yesterday, offered to pay the tax, but were told it was too late. The Agent says, not only that the Indians will not receive the tax of those who have heretofore refused to pay, but that these recalcitrant men will not in the future be allowed to herd their cattle on the Cherokee strip.
The cattle now on the strip are not in a condition to ship to market, and as they cannot be driven to the south on the Indian reservations nor to the north, because of the law of Kansas, the owners are forced to sell them at such prices as they can get for them. These cattle are actually worth $15 per head on an average, or an aggregate of $1,500,000.
Cattle buyers who have heretofore paid the taxes enforced by the Cherokees, will be allowed, if they purchase these, to keep them on the “strip.”
Speculators and others are raising all the money they can with which to make purchases. Men started last night for Emporia and other money centers to raise money to buy cattle with. Many are willing to mortgage farms and everything else they have to get money.
The last train of cars loaded with cattle to be shipped this year started today, cattle shipping being mostly over for this year. Commonwealth.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 19, 1881.
It is reported that Agent Tufts, with the U. S. Troops, is at Caldwell—moving all cattle men who refused to pay the cattle tax to the Cherokee Government, and that they refuse to take payment now, and will not be granted permits hereafter. This will compel many to sell their entire herds, and cattle can be purchased low in consequence thereof.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 26, 1881. Front Page.
It is stated that Cowley County will have a hundred thousand tons of hay for sale this season.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 26, 1881.
Wild horses are reported more numerous than for years upon the plains forty miles and onward to the northwest of Cimarron, this season, says the New West.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 26, 1881.
Messrs. J. D. Harkleroad and G. B. Green, of Silverdale, with six hands, started for Arkansas yesterday morning for the purpose of purchasing stock. They will be absent about three months and will probably return via the Oklahoma country.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 26, 1881.
The following “ad” is from the Fort Worth Journal.
FOR SALE. One of the best stocks in Texas, numbering about 11,000 head, located in Curry County on one of the best ranges in the State, together with about 100 good cow ponies, ranches, ranch privileges, etc. Price: $115,000; one half cash, balance in 12 months.
Here is a good chance for some of our young men to engage in the stock business.
Winfield Courier, October 27, 1881.
Among the changes to occur in local or minor offices of the Santa Fe road, will be that of W. C. N. Garvey, from the ticket office at Winfield to be station agent at Topeka. We understand that Mr. Garvey will assume his new duties on November 1st. Commonwealth.
We were aware last week that such a change was contemplated, but Mr. Garvey requested us not to mention it unless the change should actually took place, so we said nothing. We have always observed that the Santa Fe company has had the sagacity to employ not only men of ability but real gentlemen who are obliging and will make themselves and the road popular; and when they get one who is eminently so, they know when to promote him to higher places. Will Garvey is one of the best of these and his promotion will give pleasure to his many warm friends here.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 2, 1881. Editorial Page.
The application by the managers of the Frisco and Texas roads to the Secretary of the Interior for permission to ask the Council of the Choctaw Nation to grant the right of way through the Nation, has been decided favorably. It is thought that the Council will pass at once a measure allowing railroads to build through the Choctaw country.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 2, 1881.
Messrs. Hackney & McDonald, one day last week, disposed of 3,154 acres of land in Spring Creek Township for the neat consideration of $7,569.60.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 2, 1881.
Cal. Dean, of Dean’s ranch, called on us this week for a talk. The Dean boys have the reputation of having the finest herd of short horn cattle in the Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 2, 1881.
We see that a railroad company has been chartered to build a road from Arkansas City through Geuda Springs and on west to the west line of the state. The capital stock of the company is $200,000 and the estimated length of the road is 200 miles.
Caldwell Commercial.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 2, 1881.
We are reliably informed that contracts for spring delivery are now being made in Southern Texas at $10 for yearlings, $12 to $15 for two year olds and other ages and classes in proportion. These look like big prices for that country but we believe that the climax or top prices have not yet been reached, but that cattle in Texas will advance twenty-five percent from the present valuation in the next six months. Livestock Journal.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 2, 1881.
The surveyors of the Fort Scott & Wichita road have made their survey to Eureka, and are making preliminary surveys to determine whether they shall pass north or south of the City. The location of the depot will depend on which end of town it can raise the biggest bonus.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 2, 1881.
In old times the Indian Territory extended as far as the Missouri River, and remained so until the passage of the Kansas and Nebraska bill in Congress, offered by Stephen A. Douglas in 1854. The present northern line was then established as it is now. The Indians settled the west in very early times, when it was French territory. The Shawnee and Delawares as early as 1793, by permission of the Spanish authorities, settled where Cape Girardeau is now. The Cherokees settled first on the St. Francis River in 1809, or perhaps earlier. Cherokee Advocate.
Winfield Courier, November 3, 1881.
A railroad company has been organized to build a road from Arkansas City to Geuda Springs and westward. The directors are H. B. Pruden of Ohio, J. W. Devoire, of Indiana, W. P. Hackney, James Huey, Maj. O’Gradey, C. R. Mitchell, and W. M. Berkey, of Cowley county. The capital stock is $250,000 in shares of $100 each.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 9, 1881.
Mr. John S. Nichols has been extensively engaged in the shipment of cattle and hogs of late. At his last shipment, two weeks since, he paid out, for hogs, $1,578.76, and for cattle $428.00. The latter were purchased of Mr. Drury Warren, of Grouse Creek.
Winfield Courier, November 10, 1881.
The St. Louis and San Francisco company are negotiating with the Choctaws for a right of way through the Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 16, 1881. Front Page.
Wellington Press: A charter has been granted for the construction of a railroad from Arkansas City to Dodge City. The road has long been talked of and the growth of the country demands its construction. Such direct connection with the south will be of great benefit to this portion of Kansas. We will speak more at length in the future.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 16, 1881.
The Choctaw Council have granted the right of way through their country to the St. Louis & San Francisco railroad. This has been approved by President Arthur and Secretary Kirkwood. The road will extend in a southwesterly direction to the Panhandle of Texas.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 16, 1881.
Mr. Thompson, our energetic livery man, contracted for his hay on Grouse Creek, to be delivered in Arkansas City at $4 per ton. It is good, bright hay, such as is hard to get this year. A few miles this side of the creek forty stacks can be seen within a range of two miles.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 16, 1881.
Thirty-nine head of Polled Angus cattle passed through Larned, recently, en route from Scotland to Lee & Reynold’s ranch near Camp Supply, Indian Territory. They cost $35,000, and are said to be the finest drove of cattle in this western country. Larned Optic.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 16, 1881.
Elk Falls has it fixed up beautifully now. The Santa Fe Co. will straighten up the branch from Emporia south, which will leave Howard about two miles west, and in order to sorter console that place, Eureka will also be left out about two miles. Thus the company will have a direct line from Emporia, via. Madison, Gould, and Elk Falls to Peru. Sedan will also be “left out in the west.” Oh, gosh! Signal.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 16, 1881.
Along in the summer the Chief ordered some hundreds of thousands of feet of valuable walnut logs to be attached for the Nation as common property that certain parties had prepared and were preparing to float down the Arkansas River. It is now reliably asserted that the logs have gone down sure enough, and the Nation has been deprived of thousands of dollars. The Council should appoint a committee to thoroughly investigate the subject and contrive some means to prevent such wholesale robbery in the future. Cherokee Advocate.
Winfield Courier, November 17, 1881.
Al Requa has gone into the employ of the Santa Fe as master of baggage at the Topeka depot. Another recognition of worth and merit.
Winfield Courier, November 17, 1881.
Wilber Dever has taken the position of cashier for the Santa Fe company at the Topeka depot. This is a very responsible position and we congratulate Wilber on his good fortune in securing it. He will honor the position as much as it honors him. Wilber is one of Cowley’s brightest boys, and his rapid advancement is no surprise to his many friends here. He is bound to go up, and no one can prevent it.
Cowley County Courant, November 17, 1881.
Two companies of the 9th Cavalry, Capt. Parker in command, arrived from New Mexico on Saturday. One company goes to Fort Reno and the other to Cantonment. Three more companies of the 9th will be along in a few days, and then the Territory will be garrisoned exclusively by colored troops. Caldwell Commercial.
Cowley County Courant, November 17, 1881.
The Santa Fe folks are making some substantial improvements about their depot. A stone gutter has been run under the track and the spaces between the tracks filled up on Court House street (we want to call it Park street in the future). They have also put in a stone crossing to connect with the sidewalk leading to the park.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 23, 1881.
The subject of fencing material is one that has occupied the attention of our farmers for several years. Wood being scarce, a hedge or wire fence seemed to be the only available material. A recent invention does away with the wooden posts, and it is now claimed that a good barbed wire fence and posts wholly of iron can be put up at a cost of fifty cents a rod for short distances and somewhat less for long distances. This fence consists of three doubled and twisted barbed wires, and posts of inch-iron gas-pipe five and a half feet long, furnished with flanges, and these with triangular wings, which, set a rod apart, keep it in place. A mile of three-wire fence complete (so the inventors say) weighs less than a ton, and may be put into a common wagon, and set up by two men and a pair of horses in a comparatively short time.
Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.
Conductor Miller had the address last Saturday evening to make 35 passengers, packed in a box car from Mulvane, feel comfortable and happy. His best passenger car was sent to Caldwell for troops.
Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.
MR. GEO. W. MILLER has bought the Lindsay property in this city and located here as a permanent home. He is one of the leading cattle kings of this country and has now about 5,000 head of cattle on the range in the Territory. He has selected Winfield as his headquarters, because it has good society, churches, and schools, and a wide awake people, making it the most desirable place for his family, consisting of a wife and four children.
Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.
We noticed two or three drays unloading barbed wire in front of Horning, Robinson & Co.’s hardware store Tuesday. They had just received a carload of wire alone. By the way, this extensive establishment is this fall laying in a stock of hardware and cutlery that is simply immense and is far ahead of anything we have seen in the state. They have jugs full of pocket knives and as much as twelve bushels of table knives, forks, butcher knives, and spoons of the most approved pattern. While investigating the knife business, we sat down to rest and happened to light on the edge of one of the “Old ‘76" axes; and if our endorsement will add any to their fame, we can safely say they are the keenest cutters we have ever come in contact with. We are glad to say that Messrs. Horning, Robinson & Co. are realizing their fondest expectations regarding brisk trade. If it keeps up much longer, we are afraid the boys will never live to enjoy the fruits of their labors. Men who work eighteen hours a day always die early. However, it is a pleasure to deal with them for a customer always receives prompt and courteous attention and the fairest treatment.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 30, 1881. Front Page.
The capital stock of the Santa Fe is $68,000,000.
Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.
A new stock exchange bank has been started at Caldwell with $100,000 capital, John E. Woods, president, and Ed Hewins, vice president.
Cowley County Courant, December 1, 1881.
Business was lively around the K. C., L. & S. depot today. Allen Johnson is putting up a large crib for corn, a half dozen cars are loading with corn, several cars of coal and wood were being unloaded, three cars of hogs were shipped, and the regular freight pulled out with two locomotives and thirty-three cars.
Cowley County Courant, December 1, 1881.
The Caldwell Post says the Indians that have been causing the cattle men so much trouble near the Cimarron lately, have been corralled at last, and taken to Fort Reno. It remarked that a killing bee would have done a power of good about the time they were setting fire to the ranges on the Cherokee strip. The cattle men pay their tax for the privilege of this range, and should be protected from other bands roaming around and burning off the ranges.
Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.
The old fraud and public demoralizer, Dave Payne, has gone to the Indian Nation alone and unattended.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 7, 1881.
Capt. Dave Payne’s Oklahoma crowd will start or attempt to start from Oswego this time.
Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.
Captain Payne and a large body of followers crossed the Red River into Oklahoma last Sunday.
A dispatch from Denison, Texas, says Capt. Payne, with a large party, crossed at Red River at the mouth of the Little Wichita, on Sunday, and is en route for Oklahoma.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 14, 1881. Editorial.
A body of soldiers are in Oklahoma in anticipation of Payne’s threatened raid from Gainesville. Others are within call, and the intruders, if they should make an effort to abide in the forbidden land, will have an interesting time of it.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 21, 1881.
The U. S. troops are already in Oklahoma waiting for Dave Payne and his colony.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 21, 1881.
A number of stockmen of this vicinity will leave for Texas during the month of January. We won’t have the pleasure of greeting them again until next summer.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 21, 1881.
The Medicine Lodge (Kansas) Index is of the opinion that the success of the St. Louis and San Francisco railroad in securing the right-of-way through the Choctaw Nation, is not only an important step towards the opening of the Territory to white settlement, but is the death knell of Caldwell, Medicine Lodge, Hunnewell, Arkansas City, and other border Kansas towns.
It will be a death knell we are all anxious to hear. Arkansas City with its water power on the Walnut canal from the Arkansas, with mills and factories already looming up all round, will be the supply point for half the Territory. Let her open.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 21, 1881.
A proposition has been received from the Bell Telephone company to put up their wires and instruments in Winfield, if twenty-five subscribers can be secured. The prices at which instruments are put is $50 per year for one in a business house, and $30 in a private house. Wichita has an excellent exchange, and the people are delighted with it. It is a splendid thing, and if we once get it people would not part with the privilege for twice fifty dollars a year. Let every businessman take hold of this idea, hire an instrument, and in a few weeks we can sit in our offices and transact business, etc. Courier.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 21, 1881.
[From the Cheyenne Transporter.]
Major Davis, of the 4th Cavalry, camped at Reno, Wednesday night. He was in command of companies C and F, 4th Cavalry, en route for New Mexico.
The transportation outfit that accompanied Captain Thompson on his trip with Little Chief arrived at Reno last Saturday. They made the trip in good time and lost but little stock. Their return gives the Post its usual transportation facilities.
Mr. C. D. Bickford, military freight contractor of Caldwell, was down last week with a train headed for Reno. He seems to have trouble in getting freighters to move the supplies as fast as received. He asked Agent Miles to send him every team he could procure and stated that it would take 200 wagons to move the freight already accumulated. The Agent tells us that he intends to send every wagon obtainable when the annuity issue is over. Mr. Bickford offers the Indians 89 cents per hundred, which is the price received by him from the Government.
There are three companies of the 9th Cavalry, three companies of the 13th Infantry, and one company of the 4th Cavalry stationed at Fort Cummings, New Mexico, also two companies of Indian scouts composed of Uwas, Tonto, and Los Carlos Apaches.
The companies of the 9th will leave for Riley and Hays as soon as F Co., 4th Cav., arrives at Fort Cummings.
Lt. Col. Forsayth, 4th Cav., is commanding officer, and L. A. Howard, 9th Cav., A. A. Q. M. & A. U. S.
The sutler store is owned by Mr. Carpenter.
The A. T. & S. F. railroad passes within six miles of the Post and the S. F. R. R. within 18 miles.
Cowley County Courant, December 22, 1881.
The new townsite of Salem has just been surveyed eight miles east of this city on the K. C., L. & S. road, and work has commenced on a depot there.
Cowley County Courant, December 22, 1881.
We sincerely hope our citizens will take hold of the telephone proposition, which we place before them today. If any particulars are required further than we give, Mr. Whitney or Mr. Kretsinger will give them. Fourteen have already subscribed and only eleven more are needed to secure the placing of the instruments. Wichita has placed sixty-three telephones and the company are still at work. The central office here would be at the Brettun House.
Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.
Caldwell has been laboring under another excitement during the last few days. Last Friday night a party of cowboys, among whom were Ike Sherman, more familiarly known as Jim Talbot, and one of the most desperate on the border; and Robert Mersey, Jim Morton, and Sam Lowe, were on a high jamboree, which lasted clear through the night and into the morning.
The effort made by the police, whose force had been increased by the addition of several specials, to maintain quiet, at first seemed successful; but in the afternoon the row again commenced. Talbot, who had a grudge against Mike Meagher, the marshal of the city, hid behind a building; and as the latter came along, not suspecting anything, Talbot shot him with deadly aim, Meagher being instantly killed. Meagher was one of the bravest men in the West, and had he been given half a chance, would not have allowed his cowardly assassin to have his shot without getting one in return.
One of the gang of cowboys was shot dead by a citizen as he was mounting his horse. By this time the town was fairly ablaze, and the cowboys seeing there was trouble ahead for them, secured horses and left town, closely pursued by the citizens. It was the aim of the cowboys to get into the Indian Territory, where they would be reasonably safe from pursuit; but the citizens were too quick for them, and corralled five of them a few miles south of there. One citizen was shot and mortally wounded in the fight there.
Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.
The road bed of the Santa Fe is being put in first-class shape from one end of the state to the other.
John M. Steele, of Wichita, is after the cowboys with fifteen men. Four cowboys are under arrest at Caldwell, one is dead, and five are being pursued, two of whom are wounded.
It is reported that the cowboys who were besieged in the dugout south of Caldwell have escaped, and that the citizens of Caldwell have offered $1,000 reward for their bodies dead or alive.
Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.
Through tickets at Kansas City cut rates to all points in the East for sale at the A., T. & S. F. depot. W. J. Kennedy, Agent.
Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.
Gen. John Pope, commanding the department of Missouri, informs the interior department that the story published to the effect that Capt. Payne had entered the Oklahoma Territory was unfounded. Gen. Pope intimates that the stories of Payne are published to keep up excitement, and the less notice taken of them by the interior department, the better.
Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.
Coroner John H. Folks, accompanied by County Attorney Charles Willsie and Dr. E. P. West, went to Caldwell last Saturday and during Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, held inquest on the dead bodies of Mike Meagher and George Spear. The jury in the Meagher case returned a verdict that the deceased came to his death from a gun shot wound inflicted by Jim Talbot, and held Jim Martin, Bob Munson, Doug. Hill, Bob Bigtree, Dick Eddleman, and Tom Love responsible as accessories to the crime. The verdict in the Spear case was that he was shot by some unknown person. Wellington Press.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 4, 1882. Editorial Page.
From Cheyenne Agency.
A small party of boomers were brought to Reno, lately.
Gen. Pope informs the interior department that the rumor that Payne has settled in Oklahoma is unfounded. He thinks that the stories are published to keep up excitement.
Some complaints have recently been made by stockmen on the Cherokee strip that Indians were depredating on their cattle. As matters now stand, there is no way of preventing this trouble. The country belongs to the Cheyennes and Arapahos, the Cherokees having only a rent right until it is actually occupied by the former tribes.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 4, 1882.
Several parties from Grouse Creek are in Arkansas buying cattle. Stock of all kinds is cheaper there than in Texas, but it is not considered as good as Texas stock.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 4, 1882.
The Cherokee Council at their last session passed a law that: “The funds derived from the grazing of cattle west of the Arkansas River shall be and is hereby devoted to the support of the Male and Female Seminaries and the Primary Departments thereof.”
They also passed an act: “To pay W. A. Phillips $1,500 for services as Special Agent and Attorney at Washington, D. C.”
Arkansas City Traveler, January 4, 1882.
The suit that was carried to the Supreme Court, in reference to taxing cattle in the Territory, was decided in favor of the cattle men. George Green owned and held cattle in Kansas on the first day of March and then drove and kept them in the Indian Territory for two years thereafter. The cattle were assessed during the three years, as Mr. Green still held his residence in Kansas. The court ruled that the cattle were subject to taxation for the first year, as they were in the State on the first day of March and the tax could be collected of him, but for the two years following, they were not legally taxable in Kansas. This has long been a vexed question, and having been decided, will put money in the pockets of the cattle men, yet deplete the treasury of the townships. It is expected that suits will now be instituted against the county and townships to recover taxes paid in years previous.
The Winfield Courier, January 5, 1882.
Capt. Dave Payne and a few of his followers entered the land of Oklahoma from the south some weeks since. Gen. Pope’s idea of letting them alone was adopted. Consequently, they came up through Caldwell last week going home.
The Winfield Courier, January 5, 1882.
Jake Keffer and Mr. Hostetter, of Pleasant Valley, brought in the five horses the Caldwell rowdies rode away into Caldwell last Sunday. Jake says he saw the horses tied to a bush, crept up in the middle of the night, and stole them away. Another man came in and said that Talbot turned the horses over to Jake at Siber’s ranch and instructed him to take them to Caldwell, saying that they had promised to send them back in six days and they proposed to do it. Jake did not get any reward for bringing in the horses. He and Mr. Hostetter had lost three horses and were looking for them when they met the outlaws, and they have not found their own horses yet.
Cowley County Courant, January 5, 1882.
We clip the following from the Caldwell Commercial, which has some connection with the escaped cowboys, but more particularly to a W. J. Keffer, who, if we mistake not, resides in this county and is well known to many of our citizens.
Last Sunday about dusk W. J. Keffer, a freighter between Caldwell and Cantonment, arrived at Gilmore’s stable with the five horses which the Talbot gang had taken from the Harmons on the night of the 12th inst. Early on Monday morning we sought Mr. Keffer for the purpose of interviewing him as to where and how he obtained possession of the stock. Keffer at first declined to be interviewed, but a vigorous pressure of the reportorial thumb-screws finally extorted his version of the affair which we condense as closely as possible.
According to Keffer’s story, he had lost three head of horses on the Friday night previous to the shooting in town. The next day he started on a hunt for them. On Monday or Tuesday of last week, he heard of the loss sustained by the Harmons, and obtained a description of their stock. Last Friday afternoon, while riding on the bluffs on the other side of Big Turkey creek, north of the Cantonment trail, he saw a party of men riding towards the creek, and having several horses besides those they rode. They entered the timber and disappeared from sight. He then crossed the creek, and in the brush he discovered three of the horses taken from the freighters, and one gray and one black horse, all tied up. There were other loose horses around, but he did not care to stop and examine them at that time. About a mile and a half from where the horses were tied, he met two men riding two of Harmon’s large bay horses. He describes one of them as a tall, dark man, with black whiskers, and a little bald on the front part of his head; the other appeared to be a medium sized man, light complexion, and face shaved with the exception of whiskers and mustache.
Keffer says he did not appear to notice them, but went on to his camp. Keffer says when he met the men, one of them, whom he thinks was Talbot from the description he had of him, dropped behind and asked if he was looking for horses. Keffer answered that he was. The men then rode on without saying anything further. On Saturday morning about 3 o’clock, Keffer says he went to where he had seen the horses tied, and found all five of them, including the two he had seen the two men riding the day before. These five he untied, led out, and started for town. Reached Pond Creek ranch on Saturday evening, where he met one of the Harmons, and came into Caldwell on Sunday evening as before stated.
Two freighters who passed Wilson’s camp on Turkey Saturday, arriving here on Sunday night, say that Wilson told them the desperadoes stayed at his place on Friday night, and on Saturday morning. They sent the horses back, saying they intended to keep their word, if they did get into a shooting scrape.
This, of course, contradicts Keffer’s story; but as the latter is an old resident of Cowley County, and has been engaged for a number of years in freighting, he may have told the whole truth and nothing but the truth regarding the manner of obtaining possession of the stock.
Since the above was written, facts have come to our knowledge which go to show that Keffer lied, wholesale and retail, when he made his statement to us. We are informed that the ruffians went to the stage station on the Cantonment road, last Thursday, and stated that they wanted to find a man by whom they could send back the horses they had taken from the freighters. Not finding anyone, they left, and on Friday returned, and finding Keffer there, they turned the horses over to him with instructions to take them to Caldwell. This, we believe to be the bottom facts. Keffer sought to make it appear that he was a great hero and a brave man; hence he invented the yarn about stealing the horses from under the noses of the desperadoes. As a picturesque liar, Keffer has failed miserably.
Cowley County Courant, January 5, 1882.
Caldwell has closed her saloons.
Cowley County Courant, January 5, 1882.
It is rumored that the A. T. & S. F. R. R. assumed control of the K. C. L. & S. R. R. last Monday.
Cowley County Courant, January 5, 1882.
Last Wednesday morning the conductor of the east bound passenger train informed us that above Pierceville they ran into a lot of railroad ties piled up on the track. No one was seen about the track, the night being quite dark, but the supposition is that it was the work of train wreckers. Fiends who would thus endanger numbers of human lives, whether they succeed or not, ought to hang for their terrible intentions, and some law meting out such punishment ought to be enacted. Train robbing is growing too common.
Arkansas Valley Democrat.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 11, 1882.
Ex-Governor S. J. Crawford writes from Washington to George Cutler, at Hunnewell, that the grazing lands in the Territory, known as the Cherokee Strip, is not the property of the Cherokees; that it was merely set apart by the Government for their use as an outlet, and that the Cherokees have no right to collect a tax for grazing cattle on it. Gov. Sam. is undoubtedly mistaken in this. The strip is part of the Cherokee domain, has been so regarded by the General Government, and was conditionally purchased from the Cherokees. When the Government pays for it, the Cherokees will have no right to collect taxes for its use. Until that time, they have full control over it, and authority to make every man pay who occupies it as a grazing ground. Caldwell Commercial.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 11, 1882.
We hear it rumored in connection with the A. T. & S. F. R. R.’s taking charge of the K. C. L. & Southern R. R. on the 1st inst., that it is the intention to take the track up between Mulvane and Wellington, running the K. C. & L. train through to Caldwell and the A. T. & S. F. trains from Newton to Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 11, 1882.
Mayor Burress, of Caldwell, has received warning to resign as follows:
Dec. 29th, 1881, Caldwell, Ks.
Case Burress:
We think that you had better take a tumble to yourself, if we let you go on you will imagine that you are a King. Our advice to you would be for you to resign from office. We will give you 24 hours to either remove those last ordinances No. 14, No. 15, No. 16, or resign your office. If within 24 hours, you have not complied with either, we will find some mode to remove you that won’t be very satisfactory to your hide.
From the K. K. K. Committee.
The Caldwell Commercial says “Hell would be a cool place alongside of Caldwell for the writer if he was known.”
The Winfield Courier, January 12, 1882.
Mr. John R. Cochran has sold his ranch on Deer Creek in the Territory to Dr. Belmont. John had gathered together quite a bunch of cattle and was fast becoming a bloated landholder. He does not intend to rest, but will re-invest his means in the cattle business.
Cowley County Courant, January 12, 1882.
The Traveler says the suit that was carried to the Supreme Court, in reference to taxing cattle in the Territory, was decided in favor of the cattle men.
George Green owned and held cattle in Kansas on the first day of March, and then drove and kept them in the Indian Territory for two years thereafter. The cattle were assessed during the three years, as Mr. Green still held his residence in Kansas. The court ruled that the cattle were subject to taxation for the first year, as they were in the State on the first day of March and the tax could be collected of him, but for the two years following, they were not legally taxable in Kansas.
This has long been a vexed question, and having been decided, will put money in the pockets of the cattle men, yet deplete the treasury of the townships. It is expected that suits will now be instituted against the county and townships to recover taxes paid in years previous.
Cowley County Courant, January 12, 1882.
A new schedule of rates has been adopted by the Western Union telegraph company, taking effect January 1. The new rates are somewhat lower for day messages but night messages instead of being “half rate” as heretofore will cost about two-thirds of day rate. Messages which are charged twenty-five, thirty, and thirty-five cents during the day for the first ten words and two cents for each additional word, will be charged for at the rate of twenty-five cents for the first ten words at night, and one cent for each additional word.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 18, 1882.
Instruction to Agents.
The Secretary of the Interior has prepared a letter of instruction to Indian agents with regard to the employment of the military to capture criminals. He instructs agents that they have power to put intruders off of reservations, and they may call out the military to assist them, not as a posse comitatus, but simply as a force to enable them to maintain their authority. This may be a precaution to prevent an invasion of the Indian Territory, by persons who have in view a settlement on these lands. Agents are instructed also that they may arrest criminals who have escaped from any State or Territory, but they must notify the authorities of the State or territory from which the captured criminals have escaped, and at what time and place the latter will be delivered.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 18, 1882.
The Cherokee Advocate, published at Tahlequah, Indian Territory, commenting on ex-Governor Crawford’s letter regarding tax on the Cherokee outlet, says:
“Uncle Sam stands by the Cherokees in this matter, and those stock men who have stock on the Cherokee Strip, and who are kicking against paying taxes to the Cherokee authorities, are simply cutting their own throats—in other words ‘no pay no stay.’
“Our authorities are backed by the plain law, and have the consent and backing of the U. S. Government, and propose to collect the taxes as long as we hold the Strip, as we now do. So the stock men who are on the Strip might as well understand this now, and be ready, and more than willing, to pay their tax when called upon by our National Treasurer.”
Cowley County Courant, January 19, 1882.
The Wichita correspondent of the Kansas City Times says Captain David Payne has the papers prepared and will bring suit in the District Court of Sedgwick County against General Pope for his arrest and ejectment from Oklahoma Territory. This suit will involve the question of the right of settlement in that territory.
Cowley County Courant, January 19, 1882.
On Tuesday the Adams express carried from this market 37 cases of eggs, 150 pounds of butter, and 2 barrels of poultry, all consigned to Leadville parties. Pretty good shipment for a winter’s day. Wellingtonian.
That is a fair day’s showing for a small town like Wellington, and is about the average of Pete Baden’s daily shipments. Saturday the Adams express company here [Winfield] sent out 54 cases (1,620 dozen) of eggs, 276 pounds of butter, and a quantity of game and poultry. The produce shipments of the two express companies on that day amounted to 54 cases of eggs, 585 pounds of butter, 117 of poultry, and 212 of game. In addition to the above there were several packages of poultry, etc., for the eating houses on the Santa Fe road which were not expressed.
The Winfield Courier, January 19, 1882.
In a case where cattle were driven into the Indian Territory March 1st, remaining two years and assessed taxes in Kansas, supreme court holds taxes only collectible first year.
The Winfield Courier, January 19, 1882.
The Chickasaws and Choctaws are violently opposed to the building of the Atlantic and Pacific road through their country in the Indian Territory, and have sent a delegation to Washington to secure the cooperation of the President in their behalf.
The Winfield Courier, January 19, 1882. It is wonderful the amount of game—deer, turkey, etc., that is shipped from this place. The cattle men on the Cimarron River declare the hunting must be stopped, as it frightens their cattle and makes the festive steer run wild. Where one deer is slain, a dozen are wounded and left to die, and not one turkey out of fifty killed, reaches the State before it spoils.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 25, 1882.
We have just received a carload of barbed wire, which we will sell by the rod instead of by the pound, so that an exact estimate of what is needed can be made beforehand. We have in stock both the galvanized and painted wire. Howard Brothers.
Winfield Courier, January 26, 1882.
Gov. Bushyhead of the Cherokee Nation is the only governor who has dared to even express sympathy for St. John in the position he has taken, and a letter from Gov. Bushyhead was read, strongly supporting the cause of temperance. Prohibition is absolutely a success among the Cherokees; and the governor of that nation thought the policy that is good for the Indians cannot possibly be very bad for the white man.
St. John has labored under the impression all his life that a white man was just as good as an Indian as long as he behaved himself. A violation of the prohibition laws of the Cherokee Nation not only forfeits citizenship, but the property of the violator is confis-cated—in fact, for the enforcement of this, law mobbing is sanctioned. The plea that a certain class of drunkards could not live without their accustomed dram was proven to be absurd by the fact that those criminals who had served a term of imprisonment in the penitentiary, many of whom were habitual drunkards, never died in prison, but on the contrary came out robust and hearty, and intemperance is not permitted inside the prison walls. The statute gives protection to buzzards, dogs, and other animals, and prohibits racing on the highway, but does not afford the slightest protection to boys against the evils arising from the rum traffic. Governor St. John’s proclamation was assailed only by the leading daily press of the State, because of the fact that they are subsidized by the whiskey element. A large majority of the newspapers—and to their credit—are in favor of prohibition. He had as much right to issue the proclamation as had Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation, and to the power that—the will of the people—sustained the latter he was willing to submit his vindication. The policy of sending missionaries to the Indians and heathen should be reversed.
The Governor declared that he had taken a firm stand in the cause of temperance, would give no quarters, and asked none.
The revenue derived from the sale of liquor as a means of paying off the national debt was no argument in favor of intemperance; and it should make one blush to think of sacrificing honor and happiness to pay the debt in such a way.
A fence is now around the liquor traffic, and future legislation would make it a barbed wire fence. The Governor read some statistics of Maine to illustrate the force of his arguments, which space forbids giving. In Edwards County, Illinois, there are only four mortgages under prohibition, and it has a population of 17,000. The sum total realized from the sale of liquor in Kansas in 1880 was $4,000,000. This amount is sufficient to build the west wing of the State Capitol, costing $500,000, and leave a liberal appropriation of $160,000 for each of the chief public institutions of the State, and leave a handsome sum to be placed to the credit of the paupers of the State. If the voices of the people decided that the cause of temperance was too low and degrading for a Governor to engage in, he was willing to abide by their decision. He closed his sensible and practical lecture by an earnest appeal to young men, which was full of pathos, feeling, and good advice. The writer can conscientiously toss his hat in the air and raise his gentle voice to make the “welkin ring” for Governor St. John and prohibition.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 1, 1882.
J. R. Rogers, Division Supt., A. T. & S. F., was down last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 1, 1882.
Edward Haten, of Topeka, Western Passenger Agent of the A. T. & S. F., spent a day in town last week. He went over with C. R. Mitchell to take in Geuda Springs.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 1, 1882.
Spring Meeting of Stockmen.
Notice is hereby given that the annual spring meeting of Stockmen on the Cherokee Strip will be held in Caldwell, Kansas, on Wednesday, March 1st, 1882, at 10 o’clock, a.m., for the purpose of making arrangements for the spring round up and to transact such other business as may advance the stock interests of this section.
By order S. S. BURCHFIELD, Chairman.
R. F. CRAWFORD, Secretary,
Caldwell, Kansas, January 24th, 1882.
Winfield Courier, February 2, 1882.
Captain Dave Payne proposes to bring suit against Gen. Pope for causing his arrest and ejectment from the Territory. He had better employ Porter, McClellan & Co., to assist him, for they once succeeded in beating Gen. Pope at the second battle of Bull Run.
Cowley County Courant, February 2, 1882. Editorial Page.
D. L. Payne, of Oklahoma notoriety, filed suit in the district court against Gen. H. Pope, commander of the department of the Missouri, for ejecting him from Oklahoma, in the Indian Territory, on the 15th of June and 7th of August, 1881. In his petition Payne alleges that Oklahoma is United States land subject to settlement, and which he had a right to occupy as a citizen and a bona fide settler. The plaintiff asks $25,000 for ejectment. This suit will determine in the court the status of Oklahoma, and whether it is subject to settlement as government land or not.
Cowley County Courant, February 2, 1882.
Oklahoma boomers are still outfitting at Wichita, and a few of them have already started for the Indian Territory.
Cowley County Courant, February 2, 1882.
Train men on the M. K. & T. on the Indian Territory run are greatly alarmed at the frequent attempts to derail trains. An engineer was shot at the other day, and there are daily evidences that the outlaws, so numerous there, mean mischief to the trains.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 8, 1882.
The A. T. & S. F. R. R. have contracted for 400,000 cords of rock to be used for ballasting purposes. Mr. Henry Hill has the contract, and is working a large force of hands at his quarries north of town.
Winfield Courier, February 9 and 16, 1882. [Letter in two editions of paper.]
EDS. COURIER: On Oct. 10th, 1881, I stepped on board the train at Winfield for the Great Colorado Valley, the wonders and fertility of which I had heard much.
Being by nature of a timid and retiring disposition, my presence was rarely indicated by my voice. My ears carried impressions to my consciousness, if my voice carried none to that of others. I was to enter the Indian Service on my arrival at this agency as physician. Of course, I was interested in Indian affairs. The Apaches were creating some interest about that time. The Indian question was discussed. Many commonplace ideas were presented by various gentlemen. One assertion was boldly made which struck me as worthy of investigation. It was to the effect that contractors furnishing the agencies were almost wholly responsible for the Indian outbreaks. Was that assertion the result of knowledge, or a desire to say some-thing indicating knowledge? We will answer that in the future.
In Newton the noise and bustle of business was dull, compared with two years ago. The class of buildings had improved decidedly, however. I boarded the train at Newton about midnight, so could not take an inventory of car contents until morning. Slept well. Arose late. Applied myself diligently to the business of the day. Permit me to say here that I was on board an—no, I must not make such an admission—the thought is dreadful—what! On board an—dare me! How can I? But I despise deception—I cannot tell a lie, father—I was on board an emigrant train! There, I’ve said it. I breathe easier now. Courage is a good thing; moral courage in particular. Always have courage to tell the truth. Seat No. 1 contained an elderly woman with a pale, wrinkled face, and her son. The son was tall, broad shouldered, and fine looking; very attentive to his mother. He was not ashamed to extend to that plain woman the affection of his manly heart, and every service necessary to make her journey pleasant and comfortable. How unlike the narrow souled fop who is ashamed of the old man and woman if they are plain. “Honor thy father and mother that thy days may be long.” This worthy lady and son were Kansas people en route for California.
Hard by was a Frenchman of fine conversational powers and a liberal education. He was vain, however, and gloried in his own greatness and exploits. He seemed proud of the fact that he had won three wives and had been divorced from the same number. He had won riches by questionable means according to his own story. His wit and humor, his liberalism and education poorly compensated for the lack of honor and fidelity. If a nation’s greatness and honor depend to a great extent upon the number and purity of its homes, such men must constitute sources of weakness and decay. The young need to be strongly fortified against the insidious attacks of such minds. They poison, corrupt, and lead to dishonor.
A young man direct from Germany next attracted my attention. His destination, I soon learned, was Hermasillo, Sonoro, which is said to be a beautiful town. It is situated on the Sonoro R. R., now building between Benton on the Southern Pacific R. R., and Guymas on the Gulf of California. He proved to be a short hand writer, liberal in princi-ple, and I conceived him to be a fair representative of the Republican element in Germany, an element which is furnishing America with a large number of excellent citizens; many of whom are more thoroughly Republican than those born on American soil. The rigor of the institutions which gall and fret them at home make them more thoroughly liberal. We learn many things by comparison. The man who has never experienced the pangs of hunger and thirst can form no just conception of their torture. He who has felt the fetters can appreciate the bliss of freedom. Despotism tends to produce anarchy. The “Golden Mean” in temper, desire, government, and in all the relations of life is probably the better pathway, and leads to the best results. Our German companion, however, could take no middle ground. He had been hampered and now he is free. His bold, restless, energetic spirit had ventured; the extremities must be investigated, enjoyed, endured. Fortunate indeed will he be if he falls under the care and guidance of older and more experienced minds, who will have it in their power to save him from much of the suffering and chagrin which are the heritage of those whose methods of action and thought are extreme. Respectfully, C. G. SMITH.
Cowley County Courant, February 9, 1882.
To the Kansas City Sunday Times:
We have noticed through the columns of your paper the account of the so-called cut-throats. You are aware of the fact that every story has two sides, so we wish to inform the readers of the Times that we have been very basely misrepresented. In the first place, we were not drunk at the time of the fight. In the next place, we never rode into the city of Caldwell. We had been in town about one month and had always abided by its laws, and as far as helping ourselves to anything, it is false. We never molested anything that was not our own.
As for Meagher, when he was killed, we were not mounted. He had two six shooters in his hands at the time he was shot; and more, he went to Hubbell’s store and borrowed the pistols. It seems to be the general opinion that Meagher was a leading man in Caldwell. Do you know his business? He was nothing more than a saloon keeper and ran a keno table. Just a few days before the row, he was arrested and had to give bond for selling whiskey in Caldwell.
It has been published that the row grew out of the killing of George Flat, this is also false. It never entered our minds. The very reason that the row came up was that the honorable Marshal of Caldwell, John Wilson, was on a protracted drunk and stationed a posse of men in the Exchange saloon and told them to shoot every man that moved: that is, cowboys. Then arming himself with two pistols and throwing them down on everyone of the cowboys, telling them to throw up their hands, which they refused to do. He then withdrew his weapons and proceeded to organize a mob to take or kill us. We went and got our guns and marched to the front and engaged in a fight, which lasted about an hour. We then went and got our horses and started to leave the town, and then we were fired on from every and all concealed places imaginable.
The second skirmish lasted about thirty minutes and then we were forced to ride. We were pursued by about 100 armed men. They at length got us rounded up in a washout and there we stayed until night; then we got together and left. After the mob had dispersed Wilson turned to shoot one of the boys in the back, and this is why the row came up. George Spears was shot by the town mob. He was a friend to the cowboys and that was the cause of his death. He was just as honorable a citizen as Caldwell had. The assistant marshal acknowledged that Wilson was drunk, and that if he (Wilson) had let things alone, everything would have been all right and there would have been no row.
We did take the freighters’ horses and told them that we would return their horses in six or eight days, and on the seventh day we took them back. They told us that if they were situated in the same position that they would do the same thing and did not blame us. Caldwell citizens seem to think that Talbot was one of Billy the Kid’s gang. This is a bare falsehood, as he has never seen the kid and has never had any acquaintance with him whatever. We notice that it was stated we had a fight at a ranch on Wagon Creek; this is a mistake. We never was at Wagon Creek and took any horses and saddles. We never took any horses but the freighters’. We are willing to go and stand our trial if we thought we could get justice, but this we know we cannot get. This is the true facts of the row.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 15, 1882. Front Page.
According to history (Wilder’s Annals), the first iron for a railroad was laid on Kansas soil March 20, 1860, at Elwood, Doniphan County, the first whistle of a locomotive was heard April 23, 1860; and the first railroad celebration, “with accompaniments,” was held at Wathena, July 19, 1860, on the completion of road from Elwood to Wathena. Thus it will be seen that Kansas when admitted had a railroad, although only about five miles long.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 15, 1882.
Jake Musgrove, of South Haven, shipped the other day from that little village 100,000 pounds of corn to the Territory, two cars of cattle, and three cars of grain north, and it wasn’t a good day for shipping either. Ex.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 15, 1882.
Mr. W. E. Malaley, of the Indian Territory, is branching out in the cattle business. He has purchased the open “A” brand of horses from Jim Hamilton. He will purchase a few jacks and go into the mule-raising business, as well as long-horns. There is money in the mule business as surely as there is in the cattle business on this range.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 15, 1882.
Spring Meeting of Stockmen.
Notice is hereby given that the annual spring meeting of Stockmen on the Cherokee Strip, will be held in Caldwell, Kansas, on Wednesday, March 1st, 1882, at 10 o’clock, a.m., for the purpose of making arrangements for the spring round up and to transact such other business as may advance the stock interests of this section.
By order, S. S. BURCHFIELD, Chairman.
R. F. CRAWFORD, Sec’y., Caldwell, Kas., Jan. 24th, 1882.
Winfield Courier, February 16, 1882.
The annual spring meeting of Stockmen on the Cherokee Strip will be held in Caldwell, Kansas, on Wednesday, March 1, 1882, at 10 o’clock a.m., for the purpose of making arrangements for the spring round-up and to transact such other business as may advance the stock interests of this section.
Cowley County Courant, February 16, 1882.
D. L. Payne is again in the Territory with a party of Oklahoma boomers. He went in last week, and is probably on the North Fork by this time. We wouldn’t advise anyone to rush into the Territory on the strength of this announcement as the probability is that Payne and his party will be bounced as soon as the military are aware of his presence upon the forbidden ground. Caldwell Commercial.
Cowley County Courant, February 16, 1882.
Capt. C. M. Scott, founder of the Arkansas City Traveler, and postmaster there for many years, was in town several days this week, and made us a pleasant call. Mr. Scott has abandoned his first love, and taken to stock. He owns 1,000 sheep, near Anthony, and was looking after them. The Captain is one of the cleverest gentlemen we have met in many a day, and we were pleased to make his acquaintance. Anthony Republican.
Winfield Courier, February 16, 1882.
Ad. I must have a large lot of dressed poultry, butter, and eggs, and will pay highest prices in cash for all that is brought in. Ship all you can as soon as you see this. This poultry and produce goes to furnish the eating houses along the Santa Fe road and must be furnished daily. If you can’t dress the poultry, I will buy and dress it myself.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 22, 1882.
L. C. Norton shipped three carloads of fat cattle to Kansas City last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 22, 1882.
The mounted scrapers, for use in filling the gravel contracts with the A. T. & S. F., were received yesterday by the Schiffbauer Bros. They are a novel but effective looking craft.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 22, 1882.
The construction train on the Santa Fe road was down last Monday to perform work along the line. Mr. Cline was in charge.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 22, 1882.
C. M. Scott says he came out all right this time on chartering special trains on the railroad, but he don’t want to follow it for a livelihood.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 22, 1882.
We acknowledge the receipt of a tasty invitation to attend a grand Banquet and Ball, to be given by the citizens of Caldwell, on March 2nd, 1882, in honor of the meeting of Stockmen of the Cherokee Strip. Caldwell people know how to do the right thing in the right way, and the above entertainment will doubtless make many friends for Caldwell among the Stockmen. We hope a right good time may be had.
Cowley County Courant, February 23, 1882.
We are in receipt of a dainty invitation to attend the grand ball and banquet in honor of the meeting of the stockmen of the Cherokee Strip, to be given by the citizens of Caldwell, March 2nd. We have no doubt but that Caldwell will give the stockmen a “square deal” such as the boys appreciate, and make lots of friends in doing it. Stockmen make the best friends in the world and are never guilty of ingratitude. We hope Caldwell will treat the boys royally.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1882.
Mr. Helm, one of the cattle kings of the Indian Territory, whose ranch used to be on the North Ford of Canadian, a short distance above the proposed town site of Oklahoma, was in town last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1882.
Mr. A. A. Wiley, one of the TRAVELER’s oldest friends, and a prominent stockman, favored us with a call last Saturday, he being en route for Winfield from his ranch in the Territory, south of this city, where he is wintering some 1,200 head of cattle, which he reports as in fine condition. He also states that stock have not been injured to any extent by the late storm, which was much lighter down South than with us; in fact, it gave no further trouble than covering up the feed for a couple of days.
Cowley County Courant, March 2, 1882.
We understand the telephone company have the greater portion of their material in the city, and that the instruments and wires will be put up as soon as possible. Those who fail to have a telephone of their own will be disconnected with their neighbors, as it were, or so to speak.
Winfield Courier, March 2, 1882.
EDS. COURIER: After leaving the Kansas line, the points of interest are Granada, La Junta, where you change cars for New Mexico, Trinidad, where two engines are attached to the train to gain the Raton Tunnel, which is twenty-two hundred feet long and eight thousand feet above the sea. When you enter the east end of the tunnel you are in Colorado, when you make your exit at the west end, you are in New Mexico.
In passing through Colorado the huge mounds of sand and scrub cedar were the chief natural objects. The Raton mountain was passed in the night, much to the disappointment of all our party. On entering New Mexico, Las Vegas was the first point of interest. It is a busy, thriving town. Albuquerque and Socorro are both mining centers and are said to be steadily improving. San Marcial, near Fort Craig, is marked on the railroad maps in large letters, but is a very miserable town. The location is very unhealthy and the society very scarce. Deming, the point of junction for the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe and Southern Pacific Railroads, has a very fine depot, and that is all that can be said in its favor, except its baker, who is a first-class bread-maker. At Deming we took the S. P. R. R. for Yuma. Our emigrant car was attached to the express train. We were told it was on account of the Indian out-break. We passed soldiers at several points. The Indians and their depredations were the chief topics of the day; but we looked out over the broad plains of New Mexico, not for Indians, but a mirage. Whoever crossed those plains without seeing one? I felt injured when the sun sank in splendor, after a day of anxious watching and no mirage appeared. I have since talked with many old timers who have spent from ten to twenty-five years on those plains without having feasted their eyes on a wonder so often described, but seldom seen. My harrowed feelings have accordingly been soothed.
Yuma was reached, on the 17th at 5 o’clock a.m. The town is adobe. The R. R. Hotel is a fine structure, modern in all its equipments, and would make a very agreeable home during the winter for those who desire to be free from the regions of a cold climate. The town is on the Arizona side of the Colorado River. The fort is on the California side. Respectfully,C. G. SMITH.
Winfield Courier, March 2, 1882.
Railroad Transactions. Santa Fe Versus Gould.
A letter received just as we go to press, from an intelligent gentleman who always “has his ears and eyes open,” states that Gould has been secretly at the bottom of the Fort Scott and Wichita road buying its mortgage bonds of $15,000 a mile issued as often as ten miles were completed. Getting evidence of this, the Santa Fe company bought out the stock of the road of the managers, who were on the sell for speculation, and will discontinue the building of the road; making Toronto its permanent terminus.
Winfield Courier, March 2, 1882.
The gravel and stone contract with the Santa Fe railroad will give employment for nearly 200 laboring men at Arkansas City, and add another item to the resources of Cowley County. A side track will be built to the Walnut River about one mile below the bridge, and work begins within a few weeks. There seems to be an almost inexhaustible bed of gravel more than one mile in length and several feet deep. [O., Arkansas City.]
Winfield Courier, March 2, 1882.
The letter of Dr. C. G. Smith of the U. S. Signal Service in Arizona is quite racy and interesting this week and we expect more of them. We have received from him by mail one of the most curious of the cacti family, which he lassoed down from a high cleft in the perpendicular side of a rocky gorge where the sun rarely shines. For this unique present, the Dr. has our cordial thanks.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 8, 1882.
The meeting of the Stockmen on the Cherokee Strip, held at Caldwell last week, was largely attended, and most of the stock owners were represented. They decided to have a brand book published, and will set the time for the spring “round-up.” The following newspapermen were present:
W. P. Brush, of the K. C. Indicator, Tell W. Walton, Caldwell Post, W. B. Hutchison, Caldwell Commercial, T. A. McNeal, Medicine Lodge Cresset, Will Eaton, Cheyenne Transporter, J. H. Carter, Hunnewell Independent, W. M. Allison, Wellingtonian, J. C. Richards, Wellington Press, W. P. Tomlinson, Topeka Commonwealth, Tom Richardson, cor., Leavenworth Times, and Halsey Lane, cor., Texas Live Stock Journal.
Winfield Courier, March 9, 1882.
EDS. COURIER: I found that boats for points up the Colorado would not leave Yuma for three weeks. The stage was going out at nine o’clock, so I determined to take that. After a hasty breakfast I barely found time to see to my baggage when I was called upon to walk a mile to the Gila River, which enters the Colorado on the West just above Yuma. By the river side were waiting some Mexicans and Indians. After being ferried over, we were com-pelled to wait for our team to be harnessed and baggage to be disposed of in the immense coach. With a four horse team we moved out. The movement was slow. The hoofs of the horses, and the felloes of the wagon were buried by the sand until we reached the table land. The road on the mesa was rough, and that on the bottom was sandy.
At Castle Dome landing we ate dinner, prepared by a greasy looking Chinaman, for which we paid one dollar. We reached Silent at seven p.m. At nine without any supper I mounted a mule and rode until two a.m., Tuesday. The Mexican mail rider shared his torteo with me, and we laid down on the sand with the mail pouch for a pillow and slept one hour. I did not dream of the expressions of love and hatred, joy and sorrow, honesty and dishonesty contained in that pouch. My eyes turned not to the starry splendor above. No thought of the treacherous character of the Mexican, the chilly night air I heeded not, but slept until my companion aroused me. I could not understand one word he uttered, but he pointed to a saddle mule, which I mounted, and we rode until three p.m., when Ehrenburgh was reached. Here we met Mr. Malloy, a former agent of this place, and S. Frank, a Jew doing business at Ehrenburgh. Mr. Frank was genial, talkative, and entertained me in a generous whole souled way, known only to those who have traveled in the Western Wilds. Just as the sun was shedding its last ray over the ragged peaks of San Bernardino, I mounted a fresh horse and at 2 a.m., Wednesday, I had made fifty miles without dismounting. To say I was weary would be very tame language. I had traveled in thirty-nine hours fifty miles by wagon and one hundred and thirty on horse back, had during that time slept one hour and eaten 3 square meals. Respectfully, C. G. SMITH.
Winfield Courier, March 9, 1882.
EDS. COURIER: I found that boats for points up the Colorado would not leave Yuma for three weeks. The stage was going out at nine o’clock, so I determined to take that. After a hasty breakfast I barely found time to see to my baggage when I was called upon to walk a mile to the Gila River, which enters the Colorado on the West just above Yuma. By the river side were waiting some Mexicans and Indians. After being ferried over, we were com-pelled to wait for our team to be harnessed and baggage to be disposed of in the immense coach. With a four horse team we moved out. The movement was slow. The hoofs of the horses, and the felloes of the wagon were buried by the sand until we reached the table land. The road on the mesa was rough, and that on the bottom was sandy.
At Castle Dome landing we ate dinner, prepared by a greasy looking Chinaman, for which we paid one dollar. We reached Silent at seven p.m. At nine without any supper I mounted a mule and rode until two a.m., Tuesday. The Mexican mail rider shared his torteo with me, and we laid down on the sand with the mail pouch for a pillow and slept one hour. I did not dream of the expressions of love and hatred, joy and sorrow, honesty and dishonesty contained in that pouch. My eyes turned not to the starry splendor above. No thought of the treacherous character of the Mexican, the chilly night air I heeded not, but slept until my companion aroused me. I could not understand one word he uttered, but he pointed to a saddle mule, which I mounted, and we rode until three p.m., when Ehrenburgh was reached. Here we met Mr. Malloy, a former agent of this place, and S. Frank, a Jew doing business at Ehrenburgh. Mr. Frank was genial, talkative, and entertained me in a generous whole souled way, known only to those who have traveled in the Western Wilds. Just as the sun was shedding its last ray over the ragged peaks of San Bernardino, I mounted a fresh horse and at 2 a.m., Wednesday, I had made fifty miles without dismounting. To say I was weary would be very tame language. I had traveled in thirty-nine hours fifty miles by wagon and one hundred and thirty on horse back, had during that time slept one hour and eaten 3 square meals. Respectfully, C. G. SMITH.
Winfield Courier, March 9, 1882.
Figures That Talk.
Few people, either in the private or public walks of life, have any very adequate conception of the amount of money disbursed in any given community for any given time, by such a railway company as the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, the general offices of which are in this city. All know in a general way that railroads are big things, but all are more inclined to remember the times they have paid passenger fares or freight charges than to remember the amount of money which must be taken in order that employees may be paid and supplies purchased, to say nothing of furnishing stockholders a fair interest on their in-vestment. We are led to make these remarks by a glance at some of the annual footings of the operating or construction department of the road above mentioned. For instance, we find that in Kansas alone, in 1881, there were expended for the single item of new buildings the following named sums.
On the main line, at Topeka, for roundhouse number two: $51,956.68.
At Emporia, for roundhouse and other buildings: $28,280.27.
At Florence, for depot, coal chute, and other buildings: $10,049.99.
At Newton, for roundhouse, engine house number two, and other buildings: $24,119.72.
At Nickerson, for engine house, coal chute, and other buildings: $36,201.00.
At Dodge City, for roundhouse and other building: $12,712.50.
At Coolidge, for engine house, tenement houses, coal chute and other buildings: $83,099.21.
At sundry other points on the main line for miscellaneous buildings, $58,584.94, making a total on the main line for miscellaneous buildings, $305,000.30.
On leased lines in Kansas:
At Kansas City, coal chute and other buildings: $8,006.32.
At Argentine, for roundhouse, coal chute, and other buildings: $29,385.62.
At sundry other points on Kansas City branch for miscellaneous buildings: $5,788.35.
At sundry points on the K. C., E. & S., K. C. & O., P. H. & D., S., W. & S. W., F. & W. V., and the M. & McP., $68,657.23, making a grand total for new buildings in Kansas in 1881 of $426,840.73.
In addition to the foregoing may be mentioned the expenditures in Kansas in 1881 for bridges, rails, and stone ballast. The item reads as follows:
For new steel rails, main line: $1,407,055.60.
Kansas City branch: $34,987,29.
Marion and McPherson line: $82,562.26.
Kansas City and Olathe: $12,407.40.
Harvey County: $53,534.18.
Grand Total: $1,640,546.73.
For stone ballast on Kansas lines: $42,058.76.
A resume of the above shows that in 1881 the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad Company disbursed in Kansas alone, for the four items (buildings, iron bridges, steel rails, and rock ballast) the royal sum of $1,788,327.13.
These figures require little comment. They show what a giant factor in the business fabric of the State, this road is, and how little either the road or the people can afford to have any serious unpleasantness existing between them.
In this connection it will be proper to state that similar expenses for the current year will be much greater than for last year. The improvements to be made in Topeka alone will amount to over $300,000, and other points on the line are to be proportionately well treated.
Topeka Commonwealth.
Cowley County Courant, March 9, 1882.
Dave Payne and his Oklahoma boomers, have sent to Wichita for seed corn, stating that they are hard at work plowing in Oklahoma.
Cowley County Courant, March 9, 1882.
As the accommodation train on the Santa Fe was passing Pleasant Valley between here and Arkansas City last Saturday evening about eight o’clock, a lot of roughs, who seemed to have no fear of God, man, the devil, or a railroad company in their hearts, made a cowardly attack upon the train, throwing stones through the windows of the coach, and firing pistols in a very reckless manner. No one was hurt so far as we have been able to learn, and so far there have been no arrests made, but it is thought that several of the roughs have already been identified and that the whole outfit will be taken in.
We truly hope none engaged in the villainous work are residents of Cowley County, for if there is anything we pride ourselves on, it is the moral tone of our citizens and the absence of that class of men who would get so low in the scale of degradation as to engage in rowdyism of this kind.
Cowley County Courant, March 9, 1882.
The convention held at Caldwell Wednesday and Thursday of the stockmen of the Cherokee Strip was one of the largest, most enthusiastic, and pleasant gatherings we have ever attended in Kansas. Upon the assembling of the convention, Ben S. Miller was elected president and John A. Blair Secretary for the ensuing year. All the newspapermen present, about eighteen in number, were elected as assistant secretaries. W. E. Campbell and H. C. Manning were elected vice presidents, and M. H. Bennett, Treasurer. The organization was made as perfect as it was possible to make it at such a meeting, and we never remember seeing as large a body of men called together who so universally agreed upon every question of interest to their particular business, and where there were more evidences of intelligence and business tact than there was to be found among the stockmen in this convention.
The objects of the convention were to discuss the better plans of operation in the stock business, and the interchange of ideas proved interesting and will no doubt be beneficial to all who were in attendance.
A number of important measures were discussed and resolutions adopted among which was a resolution offered by Hon. E. M. Hewins, the king among the cattle men of the west, requesting that the revolver be abandoned by the cow boys so far as the carrying of it when in towns or cities of Kansas.
Hereafter the cow boys do not bring with them to town their six shooters, even if it is necessary to carry them while on the range. This we think will prove one of the best moves ever made by the stock men. The cow boys are a good set of fellows, and never have any trouble while sober and at their posts of duty; but it is just as natural for them to visit towns and have their fun as it is for anybody else; consequently, those of them who indulge in drink, and after getting to town and coming under the influence of liquor when armed with a pistol, they are liable to use it when there is really no cause. These crimes on the frontier have been committed every year, which will never be known under the new order of things.
The entire meeting seemed to be one grand social ovation, and the people of Caldwell comprised one large committee of reception. The grand ball given at the opera house in the evening was a dazzling success, but the banquet at the Leland Hotel was a failure in every way possible. Any ordinary Cherokee Indian could have furnished better accommodations to the crowd than did the proprietors of the Leland, and there seemed to be no cause for it, either.
Cowley County Courant, March 9, 1882.
The delay in putting up the telephone exchange in this city is occasioned by the failure in the arrival of the instruments. A number of wires are already up awaiting the instruments, which are looked for by every train. So far there are only four connections outside of the central office: THE COURANT office, the two express offices, and A. H. Doane & Co.’s coal office.
Cowley County Courant, March 9, 1882.
Mr. A. A. Wiley, one of the Traveler’s oldest friends, and a prominent stockman, favored us with a call last Saturday, he being en route for Winfield from his ranch in the Territory, south of this city, where he is wintering some 1,200 head of cattle, which he reports as in fine condition. He also states that stock has not been injured to any extent by the late storm, which was much lighter down South than with us, in fact, it gave no further trouble than covering up the feed for a couple of days. A. C. Traveler.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 15, 1882.
Senator Plumb has introduced in the Senate a bill to require the Secretary of the Interior to state an account of the number of acres of land in the Indian Territory belonging to the Cherokee Nation, lying west of the Arkansas River, and to certify to the Secretary of the Treasury the amount of such valuation as remains due and unpaid on such lands. The bill then proposes the appropriation of a sum of money equal to the amount so verified to pay for the lands; $500,000 of which sum is to be invested as a permanent seminary fund of said Nation, under the provisions of the act of 1889, for the investment of Indian funds, and the remainder to be subject to the order and jurisdiction of the Cherokee National Council, as other moneys belonging to said Nation.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 15, 1882.
Major Drumm is proposing to enclose an immense pasture for a cattle range, in the Indian Territory, provided he can get a permit from the Cherokee authorities. The fence will be built out of cedar posts and barbed wire; will be between fifty and sixty miles in length; will require seventy tons of wire, and will enclose about 24,000 acres.
Cowley County Courant, March 16, 1882.
The Wells, Fargo & Co.’s Express will run over the K. C. L. & S. K. railroad about the first of April. We think this will be a good move.
Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.
The Santa Fe has finished building the line from Olathe to Kansas City. It is also announced that the Wells, Fargo Express will be put on the K. C. L. & S., by April first. These moves indicate something.
Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.
The Attack on the Santa Fe Train.
There is a deep feeling all over Pleasant Valley and Beaver townships against the parties who disturbed the neighborhood by shooting and carousing on the evening of March 4th. The disturbance seems to have been made by three young men who resided in Beaver Township, all of them under twenty years of age. Warrants were got out for their arrest Monday, but they had left the county. The parents of the boys, as good citizens as we have in the county, were in Monday to see what course to pursue. The boys will have to appear and pay their fines, which cannot exceed $100. These boys have been going the downward road rapidly for some time and if this fiasco brings them to their senses, it will be the best thing that has ever happened to them.
Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.
F. V. Rowland wants every farmer and stockman in Cowley County interested in breed-ing and raising of stock to call at the post office and get a sample copy of the Breeders’ Gazette, the best weekly stock journal published in America.
Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.
Texas Cattle.
For the benefit of those of our readers interested in Texas cattle, we clip the following from Texas newspapers regarding the prices and condition of stock there this spring.
James Livingston sold to Flippen & Hudson 1,000 head one and two year old steers at $10.50 and $14, to be delivered in the spring. Austin News.
We learn yearlings are being sold now at $10.50, and two year olds at $14.50. These are high prices: still, cattle are worth all they are selling for. Rockport Transcript.
Messrs. Smith and Thurmond of this place sold 1,300 head of cattle, ones, twos, and cows and calves, at $10 for yearlings, $14 for twos, and $20 for cows and calves, delivered 1st of May. Live Stock Journal.
Cowley County Courant, March 23, 1882.
The Santa Fe Company is putting iron bridges across the stream on the Walnut Valley Branch.
Cowley County Courant, March 23, 1882.
Thomas Poar, Milo Hare, and Harry Lester were brought before Justice George H. Buck-man charged with “shooting and throwing stones and making boisterous and contemptuous noises.” These are the young men who made the attack on the Santa Fe train in Pleasant Valley township, and were arrested on complaint of conductor Miller. Poar and Lester were fined $20 each and costs, and Milo Hare $10 and costs. The amusement cost the boys $92.45. The young men are well known in the neighborhood and two of them are the sons of highly respected citizens. We are sorry that such a thing occurred, and the boys are sorry them-selves, having promised never to appear in such an aspect again. Liquor was probably the cause of the disgraceful act.
Cowley County Courant, March 23, 1882.
The Cherokee Indians, the most civilized nation in the Indian Territory, number twenty thousand actual citizens. It supports one hundred and seven schools, in which the instruction is given in English, a boys' high school, a girls' high school, an orphan asylum, an asylum for the insane, blind, and indigent, and other public institutions. Out of five thousand one hundred and sixty-nine men over eighteen years of age, only sixteen are hunters and five fishermen, three thousand five hundred and forty-six are farmers, and the rest are pro-fessional men, merchants, mechanics, and laborers. It will not do to call the fellows savages.A. C. Democrat.
Cowley County Courant, March 23, 1882.
The Union depot at Wichita turns out to be a very tame affair, only to be a small building to be put up by the Santa Fe folks to take the place of the old one worn out in years gone by. The freight stored there and consigned to and from Winfield aided much in rocking the old structure.
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.
EDS. COURIER: The religion of the Mohave Indians is worthy of attention; it deter-mines many of their customs. All human beings, it is generally believed, have their religion, Robert Ingersoll not excepted. Having formed the acquaintance of Hookerow, or “Fast beat,” I began cautiously to enquire regarding their customs and ideas. They are very taciturn about their dead. To gain his confidence and draw him out, I explained the burial customs of the “HICO,” or whites. He listened with marked interest, and after a profound silence of several moments, he began.
“We burn because our God tells us to do so. If we disobey, the dead are no more. If they are burned, they live and are happy always. We consider it a sacred duty to perform this service for the dead; we, in our turn, will need it performed.
“The camp blanket, dog, horse are all sacrificed on the altar of love. Immortality does not depend on the burning of those things, but we love our friends and do not wish to look on anything that will remind us of them. Their names are never mentioned after death.
“The earth and sky always existed; earth is the mother, sky the father of God. God made all men. He made the Mohave last and so he is naked; the other races took all the clothes. God had a son and daughter. The son took a stick, went to the Rocky Mountains, made a hole in the side of the mountain, and the Colorado River flowed forth. He then made fishes, then birds when the sky stretches to give the birds room to fly. The animals he made next, after which came forth the sun, moon, and stars. God’s daughter cannot be seen, but sometimes heard. She tells the medicine man how to cure, she tells the witches how to kill or cure. The witches know good and bad. Those who do bad we kill. We also kill our medicine men when they follow the advice of a bad witch. In heaven there is plenty to eat, and many beautiful maidens.”
The worst fate of a Mohave is to be no more after death. This belief deters them from war. Respectfully, C. G. SMITH.
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.
Gould Shows Up.
Rumors have been freely circulated that Jay Gould was short of money, and was selling out his stocks in order to keep his head above water.
That gentleman on Monday last called into his office a half dozen New York millionaires, and made a display before them of a portion of his wealth, which amounted to $53,000,000. Of this enormous wealth there was $23,000,000 in Western Union stock, $12,000,000 in Missouri Pacific, and the balance in Wabash stock. None of this stock was indorsed by Gould, but consists of the original certificates issued to him. Of course, he has a vast amount of other property. The exhibit shows him to be the richest man in the United States, except Vanderbilt. Gould has determined to prosecute the men who have circulated false stories to injure his credit.
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.
A Chapter That Details Some Important Operations
In Which Kansas People Are Largely Interested.
There is no question that so readily enlists the interest of the intelligent reader of today as that of railroads, and the chief reason is, that the property interests of the county are so closely identified with them that on the success or failure of the men directing the operations of our particular lines depends our prosperity. To make clear this statement, the Santa Fe for the past three years has been trying to secure the right of way through the Indian Territory from Arkansas City to Fort Smith; and when success seemed well nigh certain, the sinister influence of rival interests defeated the measure, and today the accomplishment of the project appears more distant and uncertain than ever before. While we know and understand why we feel such an interest, yet our knowledge of their schemes and operations are only obtained after results are reached. What is said previous to that, as a rule, is only guess-work.
At this time the country west of the Mississippi is the theater of the most important railroad events that the world ever saw. There are two great rival interests. The first is the Santa Fe, backed by Boston capital; and the other is the Gould syndicate, backed by New York and foreign capital. Their interests are separate and distinct, and as long as they are controlled by rival monied interests, so long must they be antagonistic. The rival heads are, like generals, engaged in mighty strife. They each use every means to further their road’s interest and defeat their rival. The attentive observer watches the various moves, and at one time it would seem as if the Santa Fe was going to win; and then again the victory appears to be with Gould. To cease being general, we will make mention of some of the later opera-tions in which our section of the State is more particularly interested.
At the time when the Santa Fe purchased an interest in the St. Louis & San Francisco road, the stock was quite low; but with the prospect of its near completion to Wichita, it was advancing in value. For several years subsequent to the panic of 1873, the stock of this road had been valueless, but the rapid revival of business in 1879 gave it worth. The Santa Fe, fearing rivalry, purchased one-half of the stock, but it never did have a controlling interest.
With the completion of the Santa Fe to Albuquerque, New Mexico, it was determined by these two roads in common to build the Atlantic & Pacific west to the Pacific. The board of directors of this proposed road was composed of thirteen men, six of whom were Santa Fe and six Frisco; and one was a capitalist who held a block of a thousand shares of stock and who cast the controlling vote in case of a difference arising between the principal parties.
A very important difference did arise, which resulted in many changes of interest. The Frisco road wanted to complete their line from Vinita west across the Indian Territory to Albuquerque, to connect with the A. & P. This was plainly not to the interest of the Santa Fe, for if such connection was made, the continental traffic instead of passing over the Santa Fe, would seek the more direct road east from Albuquerque over the Frisco road, and the Santa Fe would only share in the benefit of the traffic. This ended the pleasant relations between the companies.
Gould, who controlled the eastern roads and Huntington the west, concluded it would be a good scheme to buy the Frisco stock that was not held by the Santa Fe, which was done as far as possible. Gould and Huntington then made a division. As Gould owned all the roads into St. Louis, excepting the Frisco, he naturally took the east and Huntington the west.
The Santa Fe management during this time was not asleep; they early saw their danger and made haste to buy the odd block of a thousand shares of Atlantic & Pacific stock, by which purchase they were enabled to control the latter road. It was the intention of Huntington to cease building further west; but when it came to a vote, it was seven in favor of building and six against. The road is now being built west as rapidly as energy, intelli-gence, and money will do it, and what is more, on the original line; and Huntington is completely “scooped” and is placed in the very unpleasant position of being obliged to furnish nearly half the money to build a road that will be the most dangerous rival to the Southern Pacific, which he controls. Gould made a good trade, Huntington a bad one.
As the interests of the Santa Fe and Gould were necessarily opposed to each other, the former determined that Gould should either buy or sell, and the result was that Gould bought all of the Santa Fe’s Frisco stock at a large advance over what the Santa Fe had paid, which accounts for the immense sum that the Santa Fe now has in its treasury. It will be seen from this that the Santa Fe has been entirely successful, and it was the other fellows that were “checkmated.”
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.
Work on the Atlantic & Pacific road west of Vinita, Indian Territory, is progressing.
The St. Louis and San Francisco railroad will have the right of way through the Nation.
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.
A branch railroad is being built from Arkansas City to the gravel beds two miles away.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 29, 1882.
We would call the attention of our readers to the “Notice to Stockmen,” which appears in this issue, and would recommend them to read the same with attention, and in the case of stockmen, would suggest that a compliance with the same would best subserve their interests. As we understand it, the Indian Department intends to enforce the levying of the tax, and will see that non-complying stockmen are ejected and punished for trespass, etc. The penalty in this case is such fine as the court may direct, and an additional penalty of $1 per head for all stock the trespassing stockman may have in the Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 29, 1882. Editorial Page.
Stockmen Attention.
It will be seen by the advertisement elsewhere in this issue that Major D. W. Lipe, the authorized agent of the Cherokee Council for the collection of the tax for holding stock on the Cherokee Strip, in the Indian Territory, is at present at Caldwell for the purpose of collecting said tax from parties liable. Although the time mentioned in the “Notice to Stockmen” expired yesterday, yet, we presume the Major will not leave Caldwell right away.
For the benefit of parties having doubts as to the power of the Cherokees to enforce the tax, we append the following sections from the Revised Statutes of the United States, directly bearing upon this matter.
SEC. 2117. Every person who drives or otherwise conveys any stock of horses, mules, or cattle, to range and feed, on any land belonging to any Indian or Indian tribe, without the consent of such tribe, is liable to a penalty of one dollar for each animal of such stock.
SEC. 2147. The superintendent of Indian affairs, and the Indian agents and sub-agents, shall have authority to remove from the Indian country all persons found thereon conttrary to law, and the President is authorized to direct the military force to be employed in such removal.
SEC. 2149. The Commissioner of Indian Affairs is authorized and required, with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, to remove from any tribal reservation any person being therein without authority of law, or whose presence within the limits of the reservation may, in the judgment of the Commissioner, be detrimental to the peace and welfare of the Indians, and may employ for the purpose such force as may be necessary to enable the agent to effect the removal of such person.
SEC. 2150. The military forces of the United States may be employed in such manner and under such regulations as the President may direct.
First. In the apprehension of every person who may be in the Indian country in violation of law; and in conveying him immediately from the Indian country, by the nearest convenient and safe route, to the civil authority of the Territory or judicial district in which such person shall be found, to be proceeded against in due course of law;
Second. In the examination and seizure of stores, packages, and boats, authorized by law;
Third. In preventing the introduction of persons and property into the Indian country contrary to law; which persons and property shall be proceeded against according to law;
Fourth. And also in destroying and breaking up any distillery for manufacturing ardent spirits set up or continued within the Indian country.
Holding Cattle on the Cherokee Strip
Notice is hereby given to all parties holding cattle, sheep, horses, hogs, or other stock in that strip of country, known as the Cherokee Outlet, being part of the Indian Territory, that they are intruders and trespassers under the intercourse act.
To remain they must have license for so doing from the Cherokee Council, and without such license, properly obtained, they shall be promptly removed in such manner as shall be
directed by the Hon. Secretary of the Interior, by whose order I give this notice. Six days from the date of this notice will be given for parties to settle with the authorized agent of the Council, Major D. W. Lipe, who will be at Caldwell to attend to this.
At the end of the above named time all the delinquents will be reported for removal.
JOHN M. NEAL, U. S. Indian Inspector.
Caldwell, March 23rd, 1882.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 29, 1882.
Gen. John McNeil, U. S. Indian Inspector, came over from Caldwell last week to give notice that parties grazing stock on Cherokee lands must come before Major Lipe, at Caldwell, and pay their tax. They had notices for most of the cattle and sheep men along the line south of this place.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 29, 1882.
Dan W. Jones, a former resident of this city, and now one of the few Caldwell police left over from the killing jamborees, spent Sunday last in our burg and of course paid the TRAVELER a pleasant call.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 29, 1882.
A prominent stock man says that cattle, in the Territory, are now doing fine, are getting enough to eat, are well distributed over the ranges, are quiet and not bunching or drifting. He says that the pea vine is growing rapidly and will satisfy the cattle in a few days. In his whole drive and looking after thousands of cattle, he only saw one dead, and that one had bogged. This stamps the past winter as exceptionally favorable to stock.
Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.
The trains of the Santa Fe will stop at Newton for meals after the 1st of May.
In the Indian Territory, a playful cowboy drove two of his companions out of camp, killed a third who was not able to travel, and then stole the impediments.
Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.
The telephone is a great convenience, but from a careful perusal of the iron-clad contracts the telephone company furnishes, it looks all one-sided. It looks to us as if the fellow who pays his money is the one who should demand stipulations.
Cowley County Courant, April 6, 1882.
Mr. Moorehouse starts for his ranch in the Territory tomorrow. The cattlemen are having a good deal of trouble on account of the big prairie fires which burned off the range.
Cowley County Courant, April 6, 1882.
A gravel train is now running daily between Arkansas City and Newton over the Santa Fe road, hauling gravel from Arkansas City to the road on the main line. It makes a round trip every twenty-four hours.
Cowley County Courant, April 6, 1882.
Cowley County has long been famous for the excellent quality of building stone taken from her quarries and shipped to all the principal towns in the state, and now she is getting quite a name for her excellent gravel beds upon which the Santa Fe company is now drawing upon daily for a train load.
Cowley County Courant, April 6, 1882.
All persons who are not subscribers to the telephone exchange and have no instrument of their own, are prohibited from sending messages of any kind over the telephone line, unless they call at the central office, where they can send all such messages the same as from a telegraph office. FRED P. WHITNEY, Manager.
Cowley County Courant, April 6, 1882.
Mr. Kennedy, the gentlemanly agent for the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe company, says there will soon have to be additional help added to his force at this place, if business over their road continues to increase.
Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.
EDS. COURIER: Late in the week I took a trip a few hours down the river which brought me in the presence of a man and his family whose history is of the romantic turn. The family consisted of father, mother, and daughter. Thirty years ago the man, a Mr. Brown, left his wife in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. When he doubled Cape Horn, a daughter was added to his family. On reaching San Francisco he heard of the event after patient waiting. Seven years passed away before he set eyes on his loved ones again. He then spent a winter in the land of snow and ice, but it was very severe after enjoying the sunny clime of the Pacific. In the spring he returned to the coast and engaged in prospecting and mining. He was one of the first who discovered the Comstock and sold his claim for a song. He then wandered to Colo-rado where he has been struggling for an existence ever since. He has gained a reputation which is an honor to any man, and he has also a good ranch and a herd of 200 cattle. Three years ago the father of his wife died, when she and her daughter determined to visit their far away loved one, who had regularly sent them money to maintain them in comfortable circumstances. After a separation of eighteen years they met. The man is happy here and is willing to end his days by the great Colorado. The habits of the wife and daughter have conformed to the conservatism of the far East. They are unhappy. They have seen two white women in two years and those only for a short time. They were very much pleased to talk of the maritime provinces, their religion, politics, geography, shipping, etc., with one who had been there. The two hours visit passed away too soon for any of the party. Old thoughts broke the fountains of feeling. I here draw the curtain. C. G. SMITH.
Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.
Opening of the New Railroad Hotel.
W. H. White, general passenger and ticket agent of the A. T. & S. F., has just issued the following circular.
The opening of the Montezuma Hotel at the Las Vegas Hot Springs will take place April 15, 1882. This hotel, with its bath house, summer cottages, auxiliary hotel, is located at the hot springs of Las Vegas, New Mexico, on the line of the A. T. & S. F. Railroad. The new building has 200 rooms, a splendid water supply, and every modern convenience for insuring the comfort and safety of guests. The old hotel has been renovated and refurnished and the immediate management entirely reorganized. The bath house has a capacity of six hundred baths a day, and is first class in every respect. The entire hot springs property is owned and controlled by the A. T. & S. F. Railroad Company.
The hotels are under the management of Mr. Fred Harvey, manager of the A. T. & S. F. Hotel and eating-house system.
The Montezuma is under the immediate management of Mr. Clark D. Frost, for many years well known as manager of the Lindell Hotel, St. Louis. The working force of hotels and bath houses will be of the best talent obtainable in the country. The hot springs are 22 in number. Their temperature varies from 100 degrees to 130 degrees Fahrenheit. They are of a highly medical and curative character. Their location is a beautiful one, and the imme-diate attractions of the place are greatly enhanced by the arts of the engineer, the architect, and the gardener.
The climate of New Mexico has a southern softness, and a rare purity, peculiar to the Rocky Mountains altitude. It is absolutely the most beautiful climate in America. The most attractive portions of New Mexico—the “Old Curiosity Shop” of America—are easy of access from the Hot Springs. Santa Fe, the oldest and most curious city, being within only a half day’s ride by rail. No other region in America presents so many attractions to the lover of the quaint and the remarkable. Ruined cities and antique costumes tell the tourist of a civilization that was old when New England was young. In the vicinity of the Hot Springs, the sportsmen will find fish and game worthy of their most devoted attention. The Galinas and other streams are stocked with trout and other members of the finny tribe. Parties desiring to take families to the Montezuma for the summer can make satisfactory arrange-ments by application to Mr. Clark E. Frost, Hot Springs, Las Vegas. Excursion tickets at comparatively low rate will be sold throughout the season.
Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.
Quite a shooting scrape occurred in Silver Creek Township last week. Early surveys established a line between the farms of Henry H. Cansey and Ben Saunders, on which a hedge was growing. Another survey established the line farther over on Cansey’s land and left the hedge on Saunder’s. Last week Saunders went on the strip given him by the last survey to plow, when Cansey came out with a gun and ordered him off. Saunders refused to go and, after some words, Cansey blasted away, filling Saunder’s legs with fine bird shot. He then came to town and gave himself up to the authorities. His preliminary examination was held Monday. He was held over to bail in $1,000 for his appearance at court.
Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.
A good story comes to us on a farmer in Windsor Township, who doesn’t take news-papers. While passing along the road he picked up part of a paper he found lying in the hedge. It contained an item to the effect that a bull painted by Rosa Bonheur sold for $5,000. After reading it carefully he remarked to his wife that he didn’t see how a coat of paint could so greatly enhance the value of an animal, but if Rosa wouldn’t charge more than ten dollars, he would go down to Winfield and get her to paint his bull in the spring. His economical wife replied that she thought he might paint it himself and save the ten dollars. The indica-tions are now that the bull will be painted.
Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.
The Santa Fe company are building a new roundhouse at Newton and have eleven tracks laid and are also to have the trains stop there for meals.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 12, 1882.
The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe road has 308 locomotives and is constantly buying new ones.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 12, 1882.
Caldwell will undoubtedly be the best market for Texas cattle in the state this year, as it is the terminus of the great Chisholm trail, over which three-fourths of the Texas cattle are driven, and easily accessible to the great distributing points, Kansas City, Chicago, and St. Louis, by rail and by telegraph.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 12, 1882.
Through the Indian Country.
Late dispatches say the House Committee on Indian Affairs decided by a majority vote to report to the House with favorable recommendation the bill recently reported to the Senate by the railroad committee granting the right of way to the St. Louis & San Francisco Railway Company through the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations. The minority, two members, will submit a statement in opposition to the passage of the bill.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 12, 1882.
Gen. McNeil's Instructions.
The following is a true copy of the instructions issued to Gen. McNeil, Indian Inspector, by the Secretary of Interior, in reference to the collection of tax due for grazing cattle on Cherokee lands, and for the removal of those who refuse to pay. As we have before stated, these instructions will be carried out to the letter, and those in arrears should be wise and pay up before it is too late.
WASHINGTON, MAR. 11, 1882.
Gen. John McNeil, U. S. Indian Inspector.
SIR: Upon receipt of this communication you will proceed to the lands of the Cherokees west of 96 degrees in the Indian Territory for the purpose of making an investigation into matters of complaint upon the part of the Cherokees growing out of the refusal of parties grazing cattle upon these lands in the ceded district who refuse to pay the tax levied by the Cherokee National authorities for the privilege.
A letter of Messrs. Ross and Wolfe, Cherokee delegates in Washington, with a list of cattle men who have not paid the tax, have no permits, and refuse to pay the tax, is enclosed herewith. The list gives the location of the parties and will aid you in your researches. I also enclose a communication from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs in relation to this matter, showing action heretofore recommended.
Upon arrival in the Territory, you will consult with the U. S. Indian Agent, Mr. Tufts, and obtain from him such information as he may be able to communicate. You will ascertain who of the parties found within the grazing district are there without permits from the Cherokee authorities, and who have not paid the tax levied by the Cherokee law, and who refuse to pay such tax. Upon establishing these facts, you will demand from the delinquents the amount due, and upon their refusal, notify them that they must leave immediately, and if they refuse, notify the Department at once and authority will be obtained from the War Department for the use of the military in their removal.
It would be advisable if the matter can be arranged to take with you to the grazing lands, where these trespassers are stated to be, an officer of the Cherokee Nation who is authorized to issue permits, so that in cases where parties desire to pay the tax and conform to the requirements of the law, an opportunity can be offered. S. J. KIRKWOOD, Secretary.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 12, 1882.
Our cattle men, who went to Arkansas to make purchases, returned without buying. Cattle were too high priced and too scarce to gather.
Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.
The A. T. & S. F. Company says that there is more freight shipped to Arkansas City than any town on their line in Southern Kansas. How high is dot, eh? Democrat.
Vell, dot ish yoost so high as von big lie. Vot you tink?
Cowley County Courant, April 13, 1882.
Cowley County is always ahead in everything good. She now comes to the front with the largest heifer in the world. This fine heifer belongs to our fellow townsman, W. L. Mullen, and is the finest specimen of the bovine specie we have ever seen, heard of, or read about. She was raised by Mr. R. S. Stevens on Timber creek about seven miles northeast of Winfield, and is now four years old, clear white, and weighs three thousand pounds. Her form is perfect, and as smooth as an artist could paint a picture. She is five feet eleven inches high, eleven feet around girth, thirty-six inches across the hips, twenty-six inches around the fore-arm, and twelve feet long. Mr. Mullen purchased this heifer last fall, and has given her the best of care. During the past five months she has gained in weight six hundred pounds, an average of four pounds per day, and is still increasing in the same proportion. Stockmen from every direction have visited Winfield to see this extraordinary animal, and now Mr. Mullen has an offer of $1,500.00 for her delivered in Chicago. He has contracted with the Santa Fe company for a special car, fixed up to accommodate her, and will start east in a few days, stopping at different places to exhibit her as the “Cowley County Calf,” and thinks now, he will accept the Chicago offer for her, should he not be able to do better.
He will only travel for a short distance at a time, in order that she may have ample opportunity to rest up, and not became fatigued from the journey east. In this, he evidently treats her with more consideration than many men do their wives. “Kansas Queen,” as Mr. Mullen calls our fine heifer, is a wonderful animal, and we are proud to record her as a Cowley County production.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 19, 1882.
Indian Lands.
The following report in regard to the status of lands in the Indian Territory was recently made by the Secretary of the Interior. It effectually disposes of the Oklahoma business.
1st. There are no lands in the Indian Territory open to settlement or entry by freedmen or any other person, under any of the public land laws of the United States.
2nd. There has never been a period of time since the acquisition by the United States of the territory ceded by France, that any of the lands embraced within the limits of the present Indian Territory have been open to settlement or entry by any person whosoever, under any of the said public land laws.
3rd. The lands to which the United States holds legal title within the Indian Territory are reserved lands by treaty stipulations and acts of congress and are not and never have been subject to general occupation.
4th. The entire Indian Territory, including the lands therein to which the United States holds paramount title is “Indian country,” as defined by the first section of the act of congress of June 30, 1854, which act prohibits the unauthorized settlement in such country, and provides for the employment of the military forces to prevent the introduction of persons and property contrary to law, and for the apprehension of every person who may be in such Territory in violation of law.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 19, 1882.
Oklahoma Tactics.
“Capt. Payne still holds the fort on the Canadian river within the Oklahoma lands. There are no outstanding military camps, all troops having been retired to Fort Reno. If any arrests are made in the future, it will only be done by the U. S. Marshal and his deputies. In this case a warrant will be necessary in every arrest. The question of opening the Oklahoma country is thus virtually settled.”
It is difficult to tell where items of the above stamp originate, but it is certain they are copied with semiendorsement by a number of Kansas newspapers. The entire statement is false.
Payne is not in Oklahoma, and if he has been there since the last time he was bounced, he has kept well concealed. Troops from Reno are constantly scouting in the forbidden land, and if there are any boomers there, they would be arrested, and no written warrant would be needed. The Agent's order is sufficient to remove any and all trespassers from within the limits of the country which he controls. Besides, Major Randall has a special order to remove all intruders from Oklahoma. As to Payne, he is probably bumming wherever he can get his grub free and find a few loafers who will listen to his twaddle. The decisions of the Secretary of the Interior, published in this issue, settle the Oklahoma business.
Cheyenne Transporter.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 19, 1882.
We are pleased to learn that Dr. Chapel has been appointed by the A. T. & S. F. to look after and manage the gravel train now running from this place. Doctor is a thoroughly competent and energetic businessman, and will efficiently discharge all duties entrusted to him.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 19, 1882.
That the demand for good stock is rapidly on the increase is evidenced by the fact that the large cattlemen are paying every attention to the improvement of their grade of stock. The Dean Brothers have during the past month added twelve pedigree bulls to their herd in the Territory, and are still intending to purchase more. We are glad to see this, for the improvement in grade works a benefit to all concerned.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 19, 1882.
Mr. A. Dean returned to the city on Monday last from a trip to Butler and Sedgwick counties in search of fine stock. He reports stock in bad shape, and came back to Cowley, where he succeeded in purchasing several fine animals; one a yearling bull, purchased of A. T. Shenneman and raised by McClintock, of Paris, Kentucky, is a perfect picture of a thoroughbred short-horn, and will weigh, at the present time, over 1,100 pounds.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 19, 1882.
Indians in the Territory are much dissatisfied because Jay Gould has secured the St. Louis & San Francisco line, running through that country, and vow vengeance. A brakeman recently, while on top of a car, was shot by several bullets while the train was going through a ravine near Muscogee. A few days after another brakeman shared the same fate. Sheriff Williams, who went to hunt the offenders, has not been heard of since, and he is believed to have been murdered. An engineer on the train from Muscogee reports an attempt to wreck his train and the firing of several shots into his engine. The ruffians escaped. Such experi-ences are reported almost weekly from that section.
Winfield Courier, April 20, 1882.
STATE NEWS. The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe road has 308 locomotives, and is constantly buying new ones.
Winfield Courier, April 20, 1882.
The subject of the location of a new union depot for both roads is now being vigorously discussed. It is probable that the Santa Fe will do something in the matter at their directors’ meeting, which takes place soon, hence the present activity. Some want it across the river at the junction, others directly west on Ninth Avenue, while others hope to get the road from Douglass extended to this point and locate a depot for the three on Van Deventers’ place, north of town.
Winfield Courier, April 20, 1882.
Sheep Matters.
BOLTON TOWNSHIP, April 17, 1882.
EDS. COURIER: Thousands of sheep are being driven to the state line and Indian Territory for the purpose of grazing them in the Nation. The Cherokees, who control all the lands west of the Arkansas River, north of the Cimarron River, and as far west as the Pan Handle of Texas, charge the sheep men 15 cents per head for grazing privilege, and cattle owners but 50 cents. The sheep men in consequence thereat are complaining, inasmuch as a cow or steer requires ten acres to one for a sheep. The Cherokee authorities don’t seem to heed the complaints and order them to pay or leave, and many will leave, for when 15 cents a head is added to 15 cents more of Kansas tax, it makes a considerable sum on from two to four thousand sheep. (About $600, or $1,200). Grass is abundant and affords good feed for all kinds of stock. It contains much nutriment this year, owing to the slow and steady growth before the late rains. Water is plentiful and the buffalo wallows and small streams are full.
People living along the state line who refused to pay the Cherokee tax last year will be indicted for trespass and tried before the U. S. Court. A list of the offenders has been sent Hon. W. A. Phillips, their attorney, also a list to the Interior Department at Washington, and to the U. S. Marshal at Fort Smith. There are now, within a radius of ten miles of Arkansas City, over 25,000 sheep, which will give on an average four pounds of wool each, making 100,000 pounds of wool to be sold in this market. A little understanding exists among the large flock owners to hold for a fair price, or combine and ship to the best market.
The late cold rains destroyed the chinch bugs, but had a chilling effect on the thousands of young lambs only a few days old, that were out on the prairies unprotected. Many will die in consequence thereof.
Let me say, while talking of sheep, the remarks from Father Meech a few weeks since were worth reading. Have him write again. C. M. SCOTT.
Cowley County Courant, April 20, 1882.
The Kansas Queen, or Cowley County calf, was shipped over the Santa Fe today by her owner, Mr. Mullen. She will be taken off the train at Wichita for the purpose of exhibiting her and resting her up. She weighed on the Santa Fe scales this morning, we are informed by Mr. Kennedy, the railroad agent, 3,660 pounds.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1882.
The earnings of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railroad company for March were $1,115,000, as against $902,000 last year; a gain of $248,000, or of 27 percent. Since January 1st the road has gained about $1,000,000 in gross earnings.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1882.
We learn that the officials of the A., T. & S. F. railroad have notified the management of the K. C., L. & S. K. that they will take control of that road on the first of May.
The probability is that nearly all the old employees of the K. C., L. & S. K. road will be retained by the new management, as the changes in the general offices will only be promotion as a general rule.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1882.
The First Herd of the Season.
The first herd of the season of 1882 arrived at this point Saturday, from Gonzales county, Texas. It is a herd of saddle and stock horses numbering 160, J. S. Tate, owner and driver. Mr. Tate says his stock came through in good shape; grass good all the way up; had no runs. He will hold at the stockyards till he closes out. Dodge City will please make a note of this: Caldwell gets the first herd! This herd was started for Dodge City, but Mr. Tate learned that Caldwell was the best market, and so drove here. Caldwell Post.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1882.
Stock Men on the Cherokee Strip.
LITTLE ROCK, Ark., April 18. Advices from the Cherokee nation say that a company of United States soldiers have begun removing the stockmen on the Cherokee Strip who have failed to pay the tax levied by the Cherokees on cattle grazed on the land. There is a great deal of excitement and some talk of resistance, but it is believed that owners of cattle who are not able to pay will remove their stock without making trouble. The Cherokee authorities are determined to enforce their rights, and Agent Tufts has directed the commander of the company to see that the tax is paid or the intruders removed. When the tax is settled and necessary removal made, the company of soldiers has been ordered to Eufaula, where there are a number of invaders, whom the Cherokees demand shall be driven out of the Territory.
Winfield Courier, April 27, 1882.
Mr. W. J. Kennedy, the Santa Fe agent here, is the oldest employee, in point of service, now on the road. He began with the company in 1871 at Cottonwood Falls and followed the road westward, being the first agent to open and operate the depot at Wichita. He slept in the depot there one night before it was enclosed, with $10,000 of the Company’s money in his pocket, and that when the town was overrun with desperadoes. During this eleven years of service he has ever been faithful to the interests of the company, and justly merits the confi-dence reposed in him by the management.
Winfield Courier, April 27, 1882.
W. L. Mullen has had on exhibition a heifer in this city, which for size eclipses all that we have ever heard or read of. She is a creamy white of perfect form and weighs three thousand pounds, and no one will ever regret going to see her. She measures seventeen feet from nose to tip of tail, ten feet in the girth, and stands seventeen hands high. She is simply a magnificent beauty. She was raised in Cowley County and is four years old. When lying down the tips of her horns are as high as a man’s head. She will be taken to Chicago and other eastern cities and will be a good advertisement for Kansas. Wichita Eagle.
Cowley County Courant, April 27, 1882.
Father Mullen still has his Kansas Queen at Wichita, and has been making money exhibiting her. He has been offered $2,500 for the Cowley County calf delivered in Kansas, any time within two weeks.
Winfield Courier, April 27, 1882.
M. L. Robinson received quite a compliment from the Santa Fe management by his election as a director of the Cowley, Sumner & Fort Smith road at the recent annual meeting in Topeka.
Winfield Courier, May 4, 1882.
Cowley County Stock—Tally One More for Kansas.
This morning we had the pleasure of a long talk with Col. W. L. Mullen, who arrived in the city last night with the “Kansas Queen,” supposed to be the largest cow in the United States. This animal is but four years old, stands seventeen hands high, measures ten feet around the girth, and weighs the moderate sum of 3,000 pounds. She is three-fourths English Durham, and was bred by Capt. Stephens of Cowley County, who disposed of her to the present owner. Col. Mullen is on his way to New York and other eastern points with her, to show the people of the east that Kansas can breed equally as large cattle as grasshoppers, and when they see the “Queen,” we opine they will not question the assumption. The Colonel proposes to exhibit this mammoth bovine in the towns and cities along his route, and to pay traveling expenses, an admission of 25 and 15 cents will be charged. She will be on exhibition in a tent on Commercial Street, in this city, until next Monday. None of our stock raisers should fail to see this animal. She is a Kansas bred and reared cow, and like most Kansas productions she will bear close scrutiny. She is compactly and squarely built, is of a clear white color, and is thoroughly kind and docile. The Colonel has been offered $5,000 for her, but expects to do better, and we hope he will. Emporia News.
Winfield Courier, May 4, 1882.
The Cherokee cattle tax has been collected from Kansas cattle owners for three successive years. In 1879 not one dollar ever reached the treasury of the Cherokees, in 1880 there was a partial divy, the treasury getting some; in 1881 about $50,000 was collected, and claims are made for five or more thousands of delinquencies. This tender-footed permission given some nabob of the tribe to squeeze the cattle interest constitutes the only act of juris-diction pretended to by the council of the nation over the strip since the treaty of 1866. Commonwealth.
Winfield Courier, May 4, 1882.
The wire fence mania has seized many of the noble stock men in the Indian Territory. There are three mammoth pastures in course of construction on that forbidden ground at the present writing, and a half dozen more under contemplation.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1882.
The round-up in the Territory is nearly finished. It shows that the loss of stock the past winter was but 1 percent; the cattle were never in better condition at this season, and will reach the market a month earlier than usual. The increase in herds surprises the veteran stockmen.
Cowley County Courant, May 4, 1882.
The Lawrence & Southern road will not be amalgamated with the rest of the Santa Fe system, but will be operated independently.
Cowley County Courant, May 4, 1882.
The K. C. L. & S. road will soon commence the erection of a depot building at Torrance. The site has been surveyed and the preliminary arrangements made for the erection of the building. The boys there have waited long and patiently for this improvement, and we congratulate them upon their success in at last gaining their point.
Cowley County Courant, May 4, 1882.
Advices from the Cherokee Nation say that a company of United States soldiers have begun removing the stockmen on the Cherokee Strip, who have failed to pay the tax levied by the Cherokees on cattle grazed on the land. There is a good deal of excitement and some talk of resistance; but it is believed that owners of cattle who are not able to pay, will remove their stock without making trouble. The Cherokee authorities are determined to enforce their rights, and Agent Tufts has directed the commander of the company to see that the tax is paid or the intruders removed. When the tax is settled and necessary removals made, the company of soldiers has been ordered to Eufaula, where there are a number of invaders, whom the Cherokees demand shall be driven out of the Territory.
Winfield Courier, May 11, 1882.
The cattle men in the Territory south of Caldwell, Kansas, are now engaged in their annual spring round-up of stock, preparatory to driving to market. The grass on the range is better than at this time last year, and grass-fed cattle can be placed on the market fully a month earlier.
Winfield Courier, May 11, 1882.
The earnings of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad company for this month will probably be $1,200,000 against $918,478 in April of 1881. It seems almost impossible for the Atchison earnings to be ever less than $1,000,000 per month. The first month that the Atchison earned $1,000,000 was in May, 1881, and the gross monthly earnings have not since fallen below this amount.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1882.
The Cowley, Sumner & Fort Smith railroad has been assessed at $4,000 per mile; The Kansas City, Lawrence & Southern railroad at $5,000 per mile.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1882.
Word has been received here that a party of Oklahoma boomers crossed the Kansas line on Monday, and on Tuesday Major Randall, with his usual courtesy, sent out a reception committee to meet them. From appearances Capt. Payne will have but a short time to tend that “truck patch” we have all been reading about before he is again fired out. Transporter.
Winfield Courier, May 18, 1882.
In the convention last Saturday the motion to instruct for Hackney for Congressman at large, was greeted with tremendous and prolonged applause and was carried without a dissenting voice. When, after being sent for, he was brought in, the applause and cheering was renewed. When it had subsided, Mr. Hackney made a short speech, thanking the convention for the high compliment and marks of confidence it had bestowed on him, and remarked that if he was nominated for Congress, he should be as surprised as anybody, but should go to work for his state and section with a will, that one of the things he should try to do would be to demolish the Chinese wall in the Indian Territory which prevents Kansans from getting at their best markets in the south and the southern seaboard by preventing the construction of railroads through the Territory.
Winfield Courier, May 18, 1882.
Col. Dave Payne is coming into notice again. It is given out that with ten wagons and sixty-five men from Wichita and Wellington, he has crossed the Kansas line at Caldwell en route to Oklahoma. He will be joined by fourteen wagons and fifty-five men from Parsons, and if attempts are made to remove the invaders, they will claim to be on government land and raise the question of title. If the title is in the United States, as Payne claims, it does not follow that anyone may settle on these lands. The military reservations are government lands, but Payne may not settle on them because Congress has not opened them for settlement. For the same reason Oklahoma is not open for settlement, and Dave Payne has no more right there than on a military reserve. We think Payne will get fired out again, but the poor fellows who follow him are those who will suffer the losses. Payne will make money out of it.
Winfield Courier, May 18, 1882.
The law firm of Hackney & McDonald has been dissolved by mutual consent.
Winfield Courier, May 18, 1882.
Dissolution Notice.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, May 16, 1882.
The partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, under the firm name of Hackney & McDonald has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. McDonald succeeds to the business of every kind and character of the late firm, and assumed all the liabilities and duties resting on said late firm. All persons interested will take notice and govern themselves accordingly. W. P. HACKNEY, J. WADE McDONALD.
Winfield Courier, May 18, 1882.
John Crenshaw returned from Kansas City last week. He brought back with him the finest short-horn bull that has ever seen Kansas soil. The bull is “Clinton Duke,” is twenty months old, and weighs about 1,600 lbs. He was bred by W. H. Renick, and John bought him from the Hamilton’s.
Cowley County Courant, May 18, 1882.
The largest heifer in the world, “Kansas Queen,” the property of Col. W. L. Mullen, of Winfield, Kansas, and weighing 3,000 pounds, will be on exhibition on Commercial street until next Thursday. After that date the animal will be sent to New York. Atchison Globe.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1882.
The Cherokee Advocate says that “our delegation” are hopeful of defeating, in the lower house, the right of way bills for two or three railroads, which have passed the senate. The following item, in another column of the same issue, is in a good deal less hopeful vein: “Agent Tufts, who has just returned from Washington, says that there is a different atmosphere around there regarding Indians than he ever noticed before. His opinion is that the lower house is worse than the senate—in fact, Mr. Tufts says our people had better be putting their houses in order.”
Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1882.
We hear talk about the organizing of a joint stock company in this city having for its object the raising and selling of cattle. There's millions in it.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1882.
The first through herd of cattle, says the Caldwell Post, arrived on the Salt Fork last week. They were driven by Mr. Graham, and numbered 1,200 two- and three-year old steers.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1882.
The most nonsensical piece of business we know of are the facilities for sending a telegram from here to Winfield. You can send a boy on foot with the message and get returns quicker than sending by telegraph. It appears that they either send the message from here to Kansas City or Wellington and thence to Winfield. We suggest that they either take down their wire or try to accommodate their customers, especially when they charge for it.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1882.
The Round-Up.
The “Round-Up,” now in progress in the Indian Territory south of this city, has so far passed off very quietly. Latest information shows work in the Northern Division now in progress, on the Salt Fork east of the Chisholm trail; in the Middle Division, on Turkey Creek, southwest of Pawnee Agency; and in the Southern Division, on the North and South Canadian rivers. The work is not taking so long a time as was expected, and the stock, as a rule, are in excellent condition.
Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.
A fast train has been put on the Santa Fe R. R., between Kansas City and Pueblo. It will make the distance of 630 miles in 26 hours, including all stoppages.
An attempt was made a few nights ago to assassinate Governor Overton, of the Chickasaw Indian Nation, by firing into his house. A squad of Indian militia followed the trail of the party that did the shooting and overtook one of them, named Starrs, and killed him.
Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.
Archie Stewart has been appointed boss mason of the A. T. & S. F. Railroad on the main line from Newton to Pueblo and the Caldwell and Arkansas City branches. This is a good position and Archie is fully capable of filling it.
Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.
Large herds of Texas ponies are coming in. One of 200 head has been on exhibition at Enright’s stable yards this week. There are some very fine horses in the herd. A gentleman bought a handsome pair of grays Saturday for $125. They were caught with a lasso, thrown down, and the harness put on them and in a short time Hank Paris, who was bossing the job, was driving them around like old stagers.
Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.
John Allison and wife, of Illinois, conveyed the old Hackney & McDonald Cherokee Strip lands, comprising 3,154 acres, to D. W. Fuller, of Ohio, and Henry V. Louie, H. L. Bennion, and Alexander Fuller, of Grundy Co., Illinois. Consideration: $8,460. The purchasers will fence the track for stock-raising.
Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.
It is rumored that the Adams Express Company will withdraw from the Santa Fe road, leaving the express business in the hands of the Wells Fargo. This will transfer agent McRorey to other fields. He is certainly one of the most energetic and faithful of the Adam’s
Cowley County Courant, May 25, 1882.
The stock express will soon be put on the K. C., L. & S. K. again, and the thousands of head of Texas cattle which will be shipped this season will be the attraction.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1882.
Major Randall is expected in today with Capt. (?) Payne and twenty boomers, captured on the forbidden grounds of Oklahoma. Cheyenne Transporter.
Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.
Railroad Taxation.
In another place we give the comments of the Topeka Capital on an article in the Kansas Educationist written by Prof. R. C. Story on the subject of the distribution of the taxes paid by railroads. We have for some time been fully impressed with the injustice of taxing the whole county equally to pay the interest and principle of railroad bonds and then giving the benefit of school and township taxes which are collected of the railroad, only to those school districts and townships through which the road passes, and we had determined to air this subject well during the coming canvass with the view of securing such legislation in relation to these matters as shall be just and fair to all the districts and townships in the county.
Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.
In the last number of the Educationist, Prof. R. C. Story, superintendent of public instruction for Cowley County, discusses a new amendment proposed by him regarding the payment of taxes applied for the maintenance of the schools. His idea is that whenever a municipality, city, township, or county shall, by the voting of bonds, create a property upon which taxes are levied, such property shall be taxed for the benefit of the public schools; that all property now in counties, townships, or cities which has been brought into the same by reason of the voting of bonds shall be taxed for the benefit of the public schools of the cor-poration voting the bonds. An amendment to the State constitution embodying the above is what Prof. Story wants, and further than that, he would compel officials to turn all fines and forfeitures into the school fund of the county; he also favors the levy of a State tax of two mills for the support of these common schools.
Prof. Story gives some interesting figures, which are worth its inclusion. In February last, for example, California disbursed State school fund to the amount of $1,482,883, or over $7 per pupil. In the month following Kansas apportioned $125,882, being thirty-six cents to each pupil. California in 1880 spent $18.06 upon each scholar enrolled; Massachusetts, $16.86. In 1870 Kansas’ expenditure for each scholar enrolled was $10.644; in 1875, $6.98; in 1880, $6.45; in 1881, $8.01. The writer wants to know, if in the light of these facts, Kansas is moving in the right direction, and intimates strongly that she is not. If the expendi-ture in either California or Massachusetts be taken as a standard, ours falls far below it. But then it should be remembered that the conditions differ in different states. From the old Bay State has often come the cry that education there was too costly; that other States who paid less secured for their children as good an education in every way. Then again, the question might be asked, how much better an education does the Massachusetts child get for $16.86 per year than the Kansas child for $6.45? The writer correctly says that taxes in Kansas are sufficiently high, and school taxes are generously levied by the people of the State. Our school fund, when it reaches the ten million period, will yield large returns; yet it should be remembered that at the same time the school population of the State will be proportionately larger. The question Prof. Story asks is, how can we secure an ample school fund without increasing the burdens of taxation and waiting fifty years to attain the results.
Another subject discussed in connection with the main question is the inequality of taxation, particularly as it effects the various townships in those counties which vote for railroad bonds. At the present time there is railroad property in Kansas valued at over $25,000,000, upon which taxes were paid to the amount of $740,786.57 in 1881. This money was distributed through sixty-three counties. While in many instances, the railroads were secured by the counties themselves voting bonds, in many other cases they were voted by townships and cities. On July 1st, 1880, the bonded indebtedness of the counties of the State, in the main created by the voting of railroad bonds, was $7,339,666. Here is brought forward the unjust feature in this matter, and the writer takes Cowley County as an example, which will do for all the other counties of the State where township bond voting has been the rule. In that county twenty-eight school districts secure the taxes on railroad property, while one hundred and thirty-four pay the bonds and the interest thereon. One-fourth of the districts of the county get the benefit of this property, while all help alike in bearing the burden of the bonds. Thirteen townships get taxes on his property, while eleven do not see a single cent of it. In nearly every railroad county in the State, therefore, one-fourth of the school districts reap a fruitful harvest from railroad property, while the other three-fourths help pay the bonds and get no benefit whatever therefrom. Prof. Story considers this to be a situation of affairs for which there is neither excuse nor justification and to remedy this is his idea in bringing forward the amendment quoted in the first part of this article. It is a subject that merits careful consideration. Topeka Capital.
Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.
STATE NEWS. It is rumored that Capt. Payne and his Oklahoma band have been arrested by United States authorities.
A party of 100 men left Concordia to join Capt. Payne in the Indian Territory. They are well equipped, and say they apprehend no difficulty.
Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.
Secretary Lincoln has information that Payne and twenty other colonists, while attempting to invade the Indian Territory, were captured by troops sent out from Fort Reno, and taken back to Kansas. The authorities had not decided what disposition to make of them.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1882.
Captain Payne and a few of his followers were passed kindly but firmly out of the B. I. T. at Hunnewell Friday last by the military power of the U. S. The boomers were camped on Shoofly, a mile east of Hunnewell, Sunday, and the soldiers on the town site. So endeth the boom of this spring. Caldwell Post.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1882.
A cattleman in the Indian Territory, who has been holding a herd of 2,000 head of cattle, called in his neighbors on the general round-up to come on his range and “cut out” the strays. This they did with the surprising result that 1,800 of the cattle proved to belong to outside parties, and less than a hundred belonging to the owner of the range. Drovers' Journal.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1882.
Mr. A. J. Gilbert, of Bolton Township, has had a revelation in the way of an enclosure for hogs, the result of which is that he now claims to have a fence that even his chickens won't go through. Mr. Gilbert set out posts 16 feet apart, and upon them fastened four barbed wires, the first 4 inches from the ground, the second 10 inches, the third 18 inches, and the fourth 30 inches, which is the height of the fence. The wire used was the Chicago Galvanized Barbed Wire, and was purchased of the Howard Bros., of this city. Mr. Gilbert says it is the best fence in every way that he ever saw, and recommends it to all as cheaper and more efficient than lumber or rail fences.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1882.
The Santa Fe Pay car recently ran over and killed the valuable bull and injured another belonging to Mr. H. H. Davidson, of Wellington. It will be well for those owning valuable stock on the line of the R. R. to remember that they have no recourse in such cases against the railroads in counties where the herd law is in force. The law requires each man to fence his own stock in and off of the railroad track, of course. Neither an individual nor the railroads are required to fence against another's live stock.
Cowley County Courant, June 8, 1882.
Kansas City, Lawrence & Southern Kansas Railroad Company, Office of the General Manager, Kansas City, May 23, 1882. Mr. C. C. Wheeler having been appointed General Manager of this Company, will assume the duties of that office on June 1st, next. On and after that date all officers and employees will report as directed by him.
GEO. H. NETTLETON, General Manager.
WM. B. STRONG, President.
Cowley County Courant, June 8, 1882.
Kansas City, Lawrence & Southern Kansas Railroad Company, Office of the Superintendent, Lawrence, Kansas, June 1st, 1882. The following appointments have been made and will take effect this day: J. H. Hill, Superintendent of Telegraph, office at Lawrence, Kansas; J. D. Hildebrand, Road Master, office at Lawrence, Kansas; T. J. Whisenand, Chief Train Dispatcher, office at Ottawa, Kansas; T. D. Volk, Master Mechanic, office at Ottawa, Kansas. J. L. BARNES, Superintendent.
Cowley County Courant, June 8, 1882.
Kansas City, Lawrence & Southern Kansas Railroad Company, General Manager's Office, Topeka, Kansas, June 1st, 1882. Mr. H. C. Whitehead is this day appointed Auditor of this Railroad, with headquarters at Lawrence, Kansas. Mr. Whitehead will have charge of all matters pertaining to the Accounting Department, and employees will respect his orders accordingly. C. C. WHEELER, General Manager.
Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.
The Kansas City, Lawrence & Southern railway went into control of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe company on June 1st, with the following general officers with head-quarters at Lawrence, Kansas.
Gen. J. L. Barnes, Superintendent; H. C. Whitehead, Auditor; S. B. Hynes, Gen. Freight Agent; B. A. Ambler, Cashier and Paymaster; Capt. Geo. R. Peck is appointed General Solicitor with headquarters at Topeka.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1882.
We understand that the Santa Fe company wants to get Geuda Springs into their possession, and have offered Mr. Mitchell $26,000 therefor. If the Santa Fe company gets hold of these springs, they will become a noted watering place in a few years.
Wellington Press.
Cowley County Courant, June 15, 1882.
TO THE PUBLIC: Under an agreement with Wells, Fargo & Co., Adams Express Co. will on and after June 1st, 1882, discontinue its distinctive service on the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railroad, and after June 1st, the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railroad will be operated by Wells, Fargo & Co., in the joint interest of itself and Adams Express Co. Rumors that Adams Express Co. are going to withdraw from K. C., L. & S. or Southern Kansas are entirely without foundation, and I would like to say to the public and especially to my friends, that we are still on Kansas City, Lawrence and Southern railroad and our rates to Kansas City, and all eastern points, are still as low if not lower than any competing line. Orders for goods of any kind will be promptly attended to. Order all your goods by Adams Express Co. J. W. McROREY, Agent.
[McRorey has proven himself an excellent man, and we doubt very much if the Adams folks have a better man anywhere. While he has only been in Winfield a year and a half, his fair dealing and gentlemanly manners have won for him a warm place in the hearts of all who have made his acquaintance. ED.]
Arkansas City Traveler, June 21, 1882.
Important to Stockmen.
Major D. W. Lipe, treasurer of the Cherokee nation, has opened an office upstairs over the Stock Exchange bank, in Caldwell, where his only authorized agents, P. N. Blackstone and George Sanders, will receive and receipt for taxes on livestock grazed on the Cherokee strip. No grazing permit will be recognized by the proper authorities unless bearing the seal of the Cherokee nation and signed by D. W. Lipe.
Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.
NOT A FOOL. Dave Payne is said to be getting up another expedition to Oklahoma. Dave is not a fool. The same cannot be said of his followers.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 28, 1882.
Captain Dave Payne is organizing another company for Oklahoma.
Cowley County Courant, June 29, 1882.
The fact that the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad is not becoming a one-man power is shown by the increase in its stockholders from 1,700 in 1881 to 4,280 at present.
Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882. [Editorial Notes.]
The railways running into Denver have reduced the rate from the Missouri River to Denver and return from $38 to $30.
Arrangements have been made for a twenty-five hour train between New York and Chicago over the Central and Lake Shore roads, to commence in July.
The latest discovery in oil wells in Pennsylvania is a bore that yields one hundred barrels an hour. Nature seems to be bearing the electric light market.
Last April a well was bored in Washington County, Pennsylvania, by the Niagara Oil Company, and the Scientific American considers it to be the greatest “gasser” of modern drilling days. Contrary to expectation, the sands at first were not found to be regular or of an oil bearing description. Drilling was continued, however, for six months to a depth of 2,200 feet. Then a fissure was struck containing gas of most extraordinary volume and pressure. Tools weighing more than 800 pounds were thrown out of the hole more than fifty feet above the derrick, with a noise which rendered conversation impossible within 300 yards of the works.
Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.
DIED. Geo. Brown, the Marshal of Caldwell, was shot and instantly killed by a cowboy in that city on Thursday night of last week. Some men had raised a disturbance at a bawdy house and Brown went to arrest them. While attempting to disarm one of the party, he threw a revolver up to Brown’s face and shot him over the left eye, scattering his brains all over the floor. Caldwell is greatly excited, and it is probable that after this latter experience some steps will be taken to prevent the recurrence of such scenes by disarming cowboys as soon as they enter the limits of the city. The guilty party, as usual, escaped to the Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 5, 1882.
City Marshal Brown was shot through the brain by a cowboy who he was attempting to arrest at Caldwell on the 22nd inst. The murderer escaped to the Indian Territory. This is the third marshal that has met his death at Caldwell by the bullet.
Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.
Kansas is bound to lead in remarkable productions. Our exchanges from that State abound in flattering comments on the “Kansas Queen,” a four-year-old cow bred by Capt. Stevens, of Cowley County, and weighing 3,000 pounds. This wonderful cow, which is now the property of Col. W. L. Mullen, of Winfield, Kansas, is being exhibited at the principal towns along the Hannibal road, and is described by a reliable correspondent as pure white, with a symmetrical form, rich creamy skin, erect head, medium sized waxy horns, mild, intelligent eye, clean limbs, fine upper and lower lines, and well-developed beefy quarters. She is 17 hands high, 10 feet around the girth, and 16 feet in length. Her grandsire was an imported Booth short-horn, and her dam a high grade short-horn.. She has a well-rounded form and other marked traits of the Booth family, and in the opinion of the correspondent, will tip the beam at 4,000 pounds before she is six years. Col. Mullen, who has a standing offer of $3,000 for the “Queen,” will visit the principal towns on the Burlington route between Quincy and Chicago, affording many readers of the Argo an opportunity to see the best formed cow of her size and unquestionably the largest cow of her age in the world.
Modern Argo.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 12, 1882.
Two hundred and twenty-eight cars of stock have been shipped from our yards in the last sixteen days. Caldwell Post.
Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.
Col. Mullen returned from the East last week, having sold his big heifer, “Kansas Queen,” to a gentleman in Quincy, Illinois, for $2,500. He exhibited her in many of the towns of Kansas and Missouri, and made quite a speculation out of it. “Kansas Queen” was bred by Capt. Stephens, up on Timber Creek. Her grandsire was imported from England, a short-horn Durham, of the noted Boothe family. Her dam, a half-bred short-horn. She is pure white, and very finely proportioned in all her points. Weight, one year old, 1,000 lbs.; two years old, 1,800; three years old, 2,300; four years old, 3,000 lbs., and it is said by good judges that she will probably weigh 4,000 lbs. when six years old. The present owners intend exhibiting her in Kansas next winter.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 19, 1882.
Captain Payne announces that on July 20th a large colony will enter Indian Territory. He seems to think that the invasion will be countenanced by Secretary Teller, and that is just where he will miss it.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 26, 1882.
Wm. B. Strong, President of the A. T. & S. F. R. R., who has been sick for some time at Boston, is reported to be slowly but surely on the improve.
A late special from President Strong reports him in a very critical condition.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 26, 1882.
The safe in the depot at Belle Plaine was robbed last week of $100 in money, $75 of which belonged to the A. T. & S. F. company and the remainder to the depot agent. The safe was unlocked by the burglars.
Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.
The various railroad freight agents have had a meeting in Chicago and have agreed upon an advance of freight rates. The advance on wheat from Chicago to New York is five cents per 100 pounds, raising the rates to 30 cents; from the Missouri River to Chicago, it will be 27 cents, making 57 cents from Kansas City to New York, and if we add 18 cents from Winfield to Kansas City, it makes 75 cents from Winfield to New York, or the equivalent of 45 cents per bushel. To this add 10 cents for elevator fees, waste, commissions and stealings, and the farmer gets 55 cents less than is paid for it in New York.
The patent object of this movement is to reap a big profit from the tremendous crop of wheat raised in Kansas and the west this year. This move will take from the farmers of this state a million of dollars for increased freight rates on wheat alone, $25,000 of which will be from the farmers of this county. Added to this the advance on other commodities would double the total amount and this at a time when the great railway thoroughfares between here and New York are making large dividends and ought to have reduced the rates as much as they have advanced them.
It is time that these matters were regulated on just principles. As it is evident that this state cannot reach but little of the extortion, congress should take the matter in hand and do what it can do to prevent unjust charges for freight and fares. Our senators and representatives should be instructed in this matter and will no doubt do what they can to carry out the express wishes of their constituents.
Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.
“Regrets will be universal among our readers who know Wm. B. Strong, president of the Atchison and Santa Fe railway, to learn that he is probably slowly dying in Boston from a cancerous disease of the eye. Reports from him are so discouraging as to make his recovery little more than barely possible, and the probabilities are that his disease, which is located in such close proximity to the brain, will prove fatal. It certainly will so prove if the trouble is a cancer, and this is what has been feared from the outset. Mr. Strong underwent a heroic operation for the removal of the tumor in which the disease first made its appearance, which shows the critical character of the case, since no Boston surgeon to whom Mr. Strong would be likely to intrust it would perform such an operation on his eye without doing it as a dernier resort. A special telegram says that while his recovery is possible, it is regarded as doubtful. Omaha paper.”
Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.
EDS. COURIER: A gradual rain set in yesterday morning and continued without ceasing until ten o’clock, followed by showers interspersed from that time until evening. This gives us another corn crop, and makes the grass grow so that it will be in splendid condition for hay in the fall. Already contracts have been let for several hundred tons at $1.50 per ton delivered at the ranches.
The supply of oats will be large and will meet a ready market at the military posts south of us. A number of cattle driven in from Arkansas meet with ready sale at good profits to the first purchasers. There seems to be a mania for cattle this year, and many farmers are mort-gaging their farms and borrowing money at ten percent to invest in cattle, claiming it pays fifty percent on the investment. More than two-thirds of the land sold in this section this year has been purchased by stock men for pasturage. The Territory south of this place is crowded with stock and more is coming in.
Most of the sheep men have sold their wool to local buyers at from 15 to 23 cents; yet some of the larger flock owners are holding to ship to Philadelphia. Mr. Pink Fouts has 10,000 pounds and Scott & Topliff about 8,000. C. M.
Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.
“Oklahoma” Payne has recently returned to Kansas from a visit to Washington. He was there told by the authorities what he might expect if he led another lot of invaders into the Indian Territory. Payne will probably now subside. He has lived off his dupes for several years. K. C. Journal.
Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.
EDS. COURIER: After a year’s absence, and having traveled nearly six thousand miles, I again find myself in Cowley County, the fairest portion of the Empire State of the west.
On June 30th I left Colorado Springs for a tour over the D. & R. G. Railway, to the southwest. We went as far as Durango, then the terminus of that railway in southwestern Colorado, and distant from the above city 375 miles. On the way we made the ascent of the wonderful Veta Pass, and a hundred miles below Veta Pass we entered the still more wonderful Toltec Gorge, which in sublimity is equal to the greatest objects of scenic interest we have ever seen. Before reaching Durango we saw something of northern New Mexico, down into which the road dips in its passage through the mountains. On the 6th of July in company with a friend, we made the ascent of Pike’s Peak, enjoying lung expansion at a height of 14,326 feet, and in so rarified an atmosphere that eggs boiled 12 minutes are still soft. This is what the very obliging keeper of the Signal Station told us while we were drinking with him at his most earnest request a remarkably strong cup of coffee.
On the 9th inst., we left Colorado Springs for Kansas City. Here we find in a splendid business our old friend, Jarvis, who has shown himself one of Kansas biggest brained, most energetic, sagacious, and cordial businessmen.
Left Kansas City on the 17th for home where having duly and safely arrived, we have been luxuriating among the best of friends, in a land favored of heaven beyond all others we have seen anywhere else at any time.
In conclusion, allow us to thank you for copies of the COURIER, which have been with us all along the line, and which paper we gladly pronounce after the fullest opportunities for comparison with other journals, “bright among the brightest.” Yours truly, C. M. ALEY.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 9, 1882.
The stock men on the Cherokee strip are talking of another round-up to recover stray cattle. It will commence about September 1st, if at all.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882.
The Santa Fe road announces a five cent reduction on freight to El Paso and Southern points between Yuma and Deming.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882. Editorial Notes.
President Strong, of the A. T. & S. F., has so far recovered that he will probably be able to visit his office next week.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882.
But few people know that Winfield is now virtually the end of a passenger division of the K. C., L. & S. Road. The passenger trains going east and west change crews here, and the Brettun is becoming the home of lots of railroad men. This is the first wedge. Let us have a sure-enough division, with roundhouses and machine shops, and we’ll ask no more—this year. But hold on! There’s one other thing we want, and that is a switch from one of the main lines to the stone quarries on Badger Creek. If these quarries could have been connected with the main line, Wellington would have used four hundred car loads of our stone this spring. Wichita wants three hundred cars now, but it can’t be handled profitably until the switch is built. It seems to us that there is a bonanza in the way of freights to the railroad company in our inexhaustible quarries of finest stone.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882.
George Miller returned from his cattle ranch Saturday and gives us an account of a killing at one of his camps last Thursday. Two of the boys had gone out to drive up a bunch of cattle and got into an altercation over who should drive them in. One of them pulled out his revolver and shot the other dead. The boy killed was a beardless fellow, unarmed, and had only been in George’s employ ten days.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 16, 1882. Front Page.
Caldwell Commercial: On Saturday Milt. Bennet closed one of the heaviest stock transactions that has taken place so far this season, having purchased Rock & Sanborn's herd of stock cattle together with their range on Wagon creek. The herd consists of 1,300 head, 150 of which are beef steers, the remainder being cows and young stock.
The price paid was $35 per head all around, which seems enormous in view of the present price of cattle on the eastern market. But then Mr. Bennet obtains an excellent range
adjoining Timberlake's. The two will fence together making one of the best ranges on the strip.
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1882.
Sheriff Shenneman captured two negro horse thieves Monday. They had stolen horses from the Territory and sold them to Patterson, of Arkansas City. As soon as Shenneman got his eyes on them, he knew they were horse thieves, and took them in. He raked in another man Tuesday. It was the one who stole Mr. Raymond’s ponies and Mr. Hurd’s buggy some weeks ago. Some think it is Tom Quarles, who will be remembered by early settlers as a pretty bad case. He was living with a woman at Independence and had in his possession Hurd’s buggy and harness, one of Raymond’s horses, and a horse that was stolen from L. C. Norton at Arkansas City. Shenneman is a terror to horse thieves.
Winfield Courier, August 24, 1882.
STATE NEWS. About 400,000 head of young cattle have been driven north from this state during the past season. This vast army of cattle gave employment of 2,000 men, and brought into the state for disbursement by the stock raisers over $5,000,000, not counting the profits of the drive.
Winfield Courier, August 24, 1882.
George Miller, our cattle king, has made his residence very attractive by the addition of fences, paint, and additional room, and has built one of the prettiest barns in the city. George intends making a permanent home in Winfield for his family, and it will be a good one.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 30, 1882.
Howard Bros. sold to the Dean boys last Monday over 45,000 rods of barbed wire, which will be used to fence in their stock range south of here in the Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 30, 1882.
A private letter informs us that Payne is on Dry Creek, near the North Canadian, with a small party; that they are putting up buildings, and Payne has written to parties in Wichita to come on at once. It is possible that the Military do not know that Payne is in the Territory.
Caldwell Commercial.
Yes, “it is possible,” but not at all probable, though.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 6, 1882.
If the Oklahoma boomers, passing through our streets every day, would lend a hand, or go to work with their teams and put up hay, they would benefit themselves, as well as helping others.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 6, 1882.
Corn buyers seem to be afraid to contract for corn in bulk at present prices, and the farmers are slow to sell. A great many exaggerated stories are afloat, but little has been contracted. The mills offer twenty-five cents per bushel, and some stockmen are paying as high as forty cents, delivered.
Winfield Courier, September 7, 1882.
A Notorious Character.
Confined within the Cowley County jail at present is a negro whose career is as deeply stained with crime as human hands are often found to be, and whose deeds of murder and lawlessness compare favorably with those of the notorious Jesse James.
From Deputy U. S. Marshal Addison Beck we received a partial account of his doings that were enough to make the blood run cold. He has for the past five or six years made the Indian Territory his home and was married into the Creek tribe of Indians, and is named Glass. His hands have been reddened with the blood of perhaps a dozen men, killed on different horse-stealing excursions, and one crime even more horrible than this, is laid to his hands. Sometime last fall a lone woman and little child applied at a house in the Territory for something to eat. She said her husband had left her and she was trying to make her way back to Missouri with her child. She was given something to eat, and started on over the prairie afoot. Some time after, the negro was seen riding up the gulch in the direction the woman had taken, and a few days afterward the bodies of the woman and child were found with their throats cut from ear to ear. This was but one of the many terrible crimes laid at his door.
Once he and two others stole a herd of twenty-nine ponies. They were followed by fourteen well armed men, who overtook them in the night. They found the horses grazing on the prairie, and after driving them to a safe place, returned and surrounded the place where the three thieves were sleeping. In the morning they rose up out of the grass and began firing, and after an hour’s battle two of the thieves, Shenneman’s ward and another, escaped, leaving their companion and four of the pursuers dead on the ground.
In his own country Glass is a terror, but no open enemy is tolerated. His enemies died, one way and another, and all died early. He is as quick as lightning with a six-shooter, and handles two of them with as much ease as a lady would handle a knife and fork. Those who know him best in the Territory never provoke his wrath, as the crack of his pistol meant death, quick and certain.
In personal appearance Glass is tall, slim, and not overly dark, with a large scar on his face, and is covered all over with pistol wounds.
When Shenneman captured him, he was in a barber’s chair and had his revolvers wrapped in a paper and laid on a table. Before he knew what was up, our Sheriff had him under the muzzle of his big revolver.
Chief Bushyhead, of the Cherokee Nation, offers a reward of $500 for the delivery of Glass at Vinita, and, as soon as the necessary arrangements are made, he will be taken there. At present, he is strongly shackled and the jail is guarded.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, September 7, 1882.
We are informed by parties recently up from Fort Reno, that Capt. Payne and some of his men are still held at Reno, awaiting orders from Washington as to what disposition shall be made of the party. It seems queer that the “wisest and best government on earth” don’t know how to tackle and settle that Oklahoma business.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, September 7, 1882.
The livestock business with railroads at present is immense. During the month of August, 2,800 cars were handled at Kansas City, and since June over 2,500 have passed through the city, making an average of over 100 per day. Soon after Mr. Moore’s appointment as general agent of the Southwestern pool, he made a calculation that 10,000 cars would be needed to transfer cattle this year. He now finds that it will take 13,000 or more.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 13, 1882.
Schiffbauer Brothers sold, last Saturday, to Messrs. McClellan & Powel, who are fencing a 20 by 18 mile range in the Territory south of the Otoe Agency, over 51,760 pounds of wire and three wagons.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 13, 1882.
The Status of Indian Territory.
I am in receipt of your letter of the 18th inst., requesting an answer to the following.
1. Is there any land in the Indian Territory within or without the tribal limits, which is open to settlement by whites under United States land laws or any other laws?
2. If so, where is it, and what are the provisions of law governing settlement?
3. Is there any foundation for Payne's latest assertions that he has explained matters at Washington, and can now “move in” without being interfered with?
In reply to your first inquiry, I have to advise you that all the land in the Indian Territory is set apart for the exclusive use and occupancy of Indians, and that no part of said Territory has been brought under the operations of general laws so as to make them subject to settlement as public lands. The above renders an answer to the second query unnecessary. In reply to your third question, I will state that there is no foundation for Payne's assertion that he can now “move in” without molestation. The government will prevent the occupancy of said Territory by white settlers. Yours Respectfully,
L. HARRISON, Acting Commissioner.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 13, 1882.
Sheep Ranch Burnt.
At Messrs. Scott & Topliff's sheep ranche on the State line last Saturday evening some dastardly villain set fire to the stables which were connected with the sheep sheds and a large quantity of hay. However, owing to a fortunate change in the direction of the wind, the fire was kept under control and beyond the loss of the stables and a considerable damage to the sheep sheds, no great loss resulted. The loss is covered by insurance.
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1882.
Capt. Payne and twenty Oklahoma boomers were arrested and brought into Fort Reno, Sept. 1st, and placed in the guard-house, awaiting to be taken to Fort Smith. He resisted and fought like a tiger, and was bound hand and foot and hauled in. We trust that the doughty Captain will now be put where he will boom no more, and that this will be the last of a fool who tried to buck Uncle Sam single handed.
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1882.
Sheriff Shenneman left for the Cherokee Nation, Monday, with Dick Glass, the noted negro murderer and criminal. Governor St. John issued a requisition for his delivery to the Cherokee authorities. Sheriff Shenneman will secure the reward of six hundred dollars.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, September 14, 1882.
C. M. Scott, employed as government scout in the Territory, passed through Caldwell on last Saturday on his way to Arkansas City. He had returned from Dodge and the western part of the state, where he had been sent to investigate the Dodge City reports regarding an Indian outbreak. After traveling about 500 miles and chasing down all sorts of wild rumors, Mr. Scott ascertained that a party of eighteen Cheyennes had started out on a hunt, and while out had killed one yearling heifer, which they devoured, and stole seven head of horses from some cattle ranch in the Territory south of Dodge.
The Indians have returned to the Cheyenne and Arapaho reservation and have no more idea of going on the war path than those Dodge City chaps who are so extremely anxious to have Fort Dodge re-established as a military post.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, September 14, 1882.
Lease of the Salt Plains.
The following advertisement appears in the Cherokee Advocate of the 8th inst.
The letting is to be on the fifteenth of this month. Of course, the whole thing is a job, put up and arranged who shall be the lessees long before the lease of the plains.
Being authorized by act of Cherokee legislation and act of Congress, approved August 7th, 1882, we will receive and consider until September 15, 1882, proposals to lease one or more of the three great Salines on our lands west of the Arkansas river; the leases to run twenty years. The Salines include the great salt marsh; also deposits of fine rock salt. The act requires royalty of no less than ($1) one dollar per ton to be paid Cherokee Nation. Address delegates, D. H. Ross and R. M. Wolfe, Tahlequah, Indian Territory. Proposals will be acted on at Fort Gibson September 16th. Parties may also correspond with Wm. A. Phillips, Business Agent and Counsel, Cherokee Nation, Washington, D. C.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, September 14, 1882.
Big Stock Sale.
One of the largest cattle transactions which has occurred in this part of the county was consummated last week, being no more or less than the sale of the Wilson & Zimmerman herd and range to Ed. W. Hewins for the round sum of $200,000. The range is located between the Cimarron and Salt Fork, and east of the Fort Reno road, and contains 25 miles square of pasture fenced in with barbed wire, and is considered one of the best, if not the best, range on the strip. The herd numbers about 7,000 head of cattle. Messrs. Wilson & Zimmerman go away on foot, but they can afford to do so, because the purchase money which they carry with them represents the earnings of but a few years in the cattle business, but during that time they gave their undivided attention to the work in hand, and now they are able to retire from trials, troubles, worry, and isolation with a sufficient amount to take life in a more easy manner, but we have no idea they will remain out of the business any length of time. It has become their second nature and we shall not be surprised at any time to learn that they have put their clamp upon another bunch of stock in some portion of this great west.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 20, 1882. Editorial Page.
From the Cheyenne Transporter.
The Frisco railroad is almost completed to the Arkansas river.
The Agency peach trees are loaded down at present with ripe peaches, and the yield has been tremendous.
The Cheyennes are having a Sun dance, and have made their medicine camp north of the river, below twelve mile point.
There must be several gangs of horse-thieves at work in Kansas—judging from the notices daily received by Postmaster Connell.
J. V. Andrews recently declined an offer of $300,000 for his range and stock of cattle near Camp Supply. His herd numbers 13,000.
The U. S. Court is now in session at Ft. Smith, Arkansas.
Gov. McCurtain has received a two-third majority vote for governor of the Choctaw Nation.
The Muskogee fair takes place on the 26th and 27th of this month. Two thousand dollars of premiums will be given away.
Major Bennett is ranking commander of Ft. Reno since the departure of Major Randall, and is giving perfect satisfaction to all concerned.
Rob. Bent and Ed. Guerrier started for West Los Animas on the 27th ult. They will spend several weeks looking over their old stamping grounds in Colorado, where they have property.
Agent Miles, of the Osage Agency, has issued an order for all the U. S. citizens to move off the Osage reservation, immediately after the first of November.
In response to the enquiry made of the Indian office, Agent Miles has ascertained that the Cheyennes and Arapahos will obtain their annuities as usual this fall—the deficiency bill having passed Congress.
Col. Boudinot is responsible for the statement that J. N. McCurtain, recently elected governor of the Choctaw nation, was elected on a railroad issue, and is in favor of railroads.
Capt. Payne and “outfit” were taken to Ft. Smith last Saturday, in charge of military. Payne will learn after awhile that his Territory trips are unprofitable—but that will never be as long as he can dupe poor fools of farmers out of their hard earned money by his “rights,” “shares,” stocks, and privileges he sells them. Payne and “Co.” make money hand over fist by their boomer schemes.
On the 23rd ult. a detachment went off to Oklahoma to drive off the settlers there, Lieut. Taylor, of Co. F, 9th Cav., in command. They captured Capt. Oklahoma Payne on the 30th, with a few settlers. The outlaws are now in camp on the southwest side of the Fort, and are under close guard night and day, until Co. D of the 20th Inf., will take them to Ft. Smith, where they will have to right themselves before the U. S. court.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 20, 1882.
Mr. Ed. Hewins has purchased Wilson & Zimmerman's stock and range on Skeleton creek, Indian Territory, paying the enormous sum of $200,000.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 20, 1882.
Cattlemen will soon hie to the lands where cattle aboundeth. A number of outfits will leave for Texas and Arkansas during November and December.
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1882.
Glass, Noted Desperado, Escapes from Shenneman and Thralls.
Last week as Sheriff Shenneman and Joe Thralls, Sheriff of Sumner County, were taking Dick Glass through the Territory, overland to the Cherokee Nation, he jumped from the wagon and escaped. It was their third night out, and just as they drove up to a ranch to put up, Glass sprang from the wagon and rushed for a thick patch of underbrush near the road. It was about nine o’clock and very dark. The prisoner was shackled hand and foot and, as the sheriffs thought, perfectly secure. He was sitting between them, and his actions were so quick that he was two rods away before they got their revolvers on him. They fired twice each, but failed to bring him down; and nothing more was heard of him. He left a part of the shackles in the wagon and an examination showed that he had filed them nearly in two between the jams before leaving the jail, and had, by rubbing his feet together, broken them apart. It was also found upon examination that Quarles and Vanmeter, the two in jail here now, also had their shackles filed and the three were to have made a grand rush for liberty on the self-same night that Glass was taken away. Glass has accomplished a feat that few men would care to attempt. The chances were desperate, but the man was equal to the attempt, and escaped from two of the shrewdest and bravest officers in this or any other state. Sheriff Shenneman feels badly over losing the prisoner and the six hundred dollar reward which he was to get.
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1882.
Monday night of last week two men boarded, north of Vinita, Indian Territory, the Missouri Pacific train going north, and meeting Conductor Warner on the forward platform of the forward passenger car, presented revolvers and ordered him to hold up his hands, which he did. Rice, a route agent sitting just inside the car, fired at one of the robbers, and the other shot the conductor in the face, causing him to fall off the train. The man who shot the conductor was immediately riddled with bullets by Rice and others. The other robber was secured, the conductor was picked up, and the train moved away. It was found that other robbers were to help in going through the train, but they seemed to conclude that discretion was better than valor. The conductor was badly wounded and hurt by his fall, but it is hoped that he will recover.
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1882. Editorial by D. A. Millington.
A. T. & S. F. ROAD.
This road is the best conducted road that we know of anywhere. The “cannon ball” train, though running from Kansas City to Denver, 900 miles in 26 hours, moves as smoothly and safely as any of the slower trains on other roads, and one has the sense of exhilaration and pleasure as he glides over the plains without a jar. It is indeed a luxury to slide down from Denver to Newton in 19-12 hours, during which you have plenty of time to eat at the well-spread tables of Fred Harvey’s eating houses, and to sleep in the finest palace sleeping cars. The train men are gentlemanly and accommodating and every attention is paid, and any required information given.
The Denver & Rio Grande railroad is the great Colorado institution and is the best conducted of all the narrow gauge roads. Happy is the Colorado traveler who takes passage on this road to Denver, to Durango, to Silverton, or to Leadville, It passes through and over the most stupendous and beautiful scenery in nature, and the tourist for pleasure or on busi-ness should not fail to avail himself of this road.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 27, 1882.
Deputy Sheriff McIntire arrested Bill Burke, Marshal at Hunnewell, in Winfield yester-day, on a charge of stealing cattle. After being arrested Burke asked permission to step to the rear end of Miller's store, which privilege he was granted; but was followed by the officer, who observed Burke reach for a revolver. Before Burke could get it in shape, he was covered by George's pistol and dropped the “werpin.” The preliminary examination was postponed and he was bound over in the sum of $1,000.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 27, 1882.
Scott & Topliff's sheep ranche, on the State line, six miles from Arkansas City, was fired again last Sunday evening just after sundown, in the same manner and at about the same hour that it was fired two weeks ago. Both gentlemen went over and before morning had the guilty party, who acknowledged the crime, and on account of his age, was permitted to have his liberty. It is understood, and the boy states it, that he was influenced by other parties, and did it under promise of reward.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, September 28, 1882.
Sixty thousand miles of wire fencing were put up in 1881 at a cost of $40,000,000.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, September 28, 1882.
Lieut. C. W. Taylor, 9th U. S. Cavalry, with a squad of ten men, arrived at Fort Smith on the 21st inst., with Capt. Dave Payne and his party consisting of the following persons: W. P. Miller, A. P., A. L., and E. Lewis, A. C. McCord, M. Hatfield, P. W. Odell, M. Rumman, H. A. Weatherby, W. H. Osburn, wife and child, and Miss Dicy Dixon. The entire party were served with summons to appear at the November term of the U. S. District Court at Fort Smith, and then released. Payne and his party were taken from Fort Reno, via Henrietta, Texas, and in that place Payne served out a writ of habeas corpus, which Lieut. Taylor resisted all attempts to serve. While it makes little or no difference what becomes of Payne, Lieut. Taylor ought to be made to understand that the military are subservient to the civil authorities, and any attempt on the part of a Lieutenant, or any other officer, to resist civil law, makes him just as liable to punishment as Payne can possibly be for his attempt to settle upon the Oklahoma lands. That young man Taylor needs a lesson on the firm of the United States government.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, September 28, 1882.
The Cherokee Advocate fails to state what disposition was made of the bids received for the lease of the Salt Plains on the Cherokee lands west of this place. From a private source we learn that several bids were made, some of them very advantageous to the Cherokee nation; but Col. Phillips had them all thrown out because he did not think the bidders responsible. The fact of the business is that the whole scheme of leasing the Salt Plains is a gringo game, by which a few men of the Bill Phillips’ stripe expect to make a big thing. The Cherokee nation has too many cunning white men and half breeds among its population, men whom it ought to watch a heep closer than Oklahoma Payne.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, September 28, 1882.
The St. Louis & San Francisco railroad is now completed to the Arkansas River, about sixty-five miles west of this place. Another hundred miles will at once be surveyed, and the contract for building will be let in about sixty days. Vinita Chieftain.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, September 28, 1882.
Lieut. Taylor of the 9th U. S. Cavalry with a squad of ten men arrived on the noon train yesterday from Fort Smith, to which place he had taken Payne and his party, and left on the stage for Fort Reno. Taylor, from what others report to us, feels “bigger than old Grant” because he stood off the civil authorities of Henrietta, Texas, when they came at him with a writ of habeas corpus for Payne. If the facts as reported in the daily papers and as stated by himself are true, Taylor ought to be court martialed at once and dishonorably dismissed from the service. For if subalterns like him can openly set at defiance laws enacted for the protection of the people against the military tyranny of such upstarts, what might not a commanding officer do, and with impunity, to subvert our liberties? Admitting that Payne is the great criminal in the country, he was entitled to the writ of habeas corpus to be examined under it, and if Taylor understood his duties as a soldier and a citizen of the U. S., it was his province to obey the writ without any grumbling or the ruffing up of his young military pin feathers. It is just such men as Taylor that creates in the mind of the average old Kansan a huge disgust for the regular army and the average freshly hatched West Point lieutenant.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 4, 1882.
The depot at Burden, which was destroyed by fire last week, will be immediately rebuilt.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 4, 1882.
Messrs. George O. Saunders and Jordan were in our city several days of the past week. These gentlemen are the authorized agents for the Cherokee Nation to collect the tax due the Cherokees for holding stock on the strip in the Territory south of the State line.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, October 5, 1882.
Col. W. A. Phillips is very much disgusted with the manner in which Payne is treated by the Interior Department, and demands that that sleepy old concern shall wake up and empty its vials of wrath upon Payne’s band. Col. Phillips makes from $5,000 to $10,000 per year by weeping over the wrongs of the poor Indian, and he can afford to be indignant over Payne’s operations and the lax measures of the Interior Department.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, October 5, 1882.
Stuck away off in an obscure corner of the Topeka Commonwealth of the 30 ult., we find the following letter from one of Payne’s party. “If the statements made by Mr. Osburn are true, then Lieut. Taylor exhibited in the light of not only a mere military tyrant, but a brute, unworthy to wear the uniform of a servant of the American People.
“Osburn’s story is rather disoriented, but it bears on the face of it a desire to give the cold hard facts. If he has filed in that particular, Lieut. Taylor owes it to the service, the people, and himself, to show wherein Osburn is wrong or has misrepresented. False military ethics may require him to keep silent, in order perhaps, to screen a superior officer; but Mr. Taylor should remember that he is an American citizen as well as an inferior officer in the military arm of the government of the people, and as such he owes to his fellow citizens an explanation of his conduct as one of their servants.
“But read Osburn’s letter.”
FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS, September 26, 1882.
Special Correspondence to the Commonwealth.
Capt. Payne requests me to write you a sketch of our Oklahoma business, which I will do by saying that on Aug. 3rd we left Hunnewell, Kansas, for our new homes, about twenty-five in number. We arrived in three days’ drive, and commenced selecting our new homes, which we did until we were all satisfied, which was about August 12th, when we began building houses and digging wells, which we engaged in until August 26th, when the troops came and ordered us to load and move. This we did not agree to at all, but Lieut. Taylor, commanding the troops, tied us, hitched our teams, loaded our wagons, and then loaded us and carried us to Fort Reno, where we were held prisoners about twenty hours, without any-thing to eat, our teams faring as well. After holding us there without any accommodations, in rain and sun, for eight days, they sent a tent and stove, after thirty-six hours’ rain and still raining, and after eleven days they sent a Jesse James gang and stole our property, consisting of teams, wagons, and outfits for traveling, and took them to I don’t know where. Enough to say we were robbed of them and they are gone.
We were pitched into government wagons and started on our road to Fort Smith, Arkansas, via Henrietta, Texas, Texarkana, and Little Rock. On our second day, on account of the rough traveling, the two ladies and a child in the crowd got sick and asked for a rest, but none was granted, and when we reached Fort Sill the child was very sick, as was also Mrs. Osburn, the mother of the sick child; but no rest was to be had, although they had to ride each day in a wagon, drawn by six mules, loaded with freight and from eight to twelve persons. When we reached Henrietta, Texas, the eighth day, the physician, Dr. McGee, said the child was very sick and told the lieutenant that he endangered the life of the child by traveling, that he must let them rest a day or two. But no; so we tried to stop him by a writ of habeas corpus, but he defied the civil laws, and intimidated the sheriff with firearms. So we came on, meeting with very bad usage from Lieutenant Taylor, in charge, but Sergeant Mason and the soldiers were perfect gentlemen, to whom we shall always be thankful for kindness. We arrived here Sept. 20th, and were taken to the courthouse and guarded until the morning of the 21st, at which time the court served a summons on us to appear at the next term of court, to answer the charges brought against us, for invading the Indian Territory, they being too cowardly to give us a trial at the present term. No more at present.
I remain yours as ever, W. H. OSBURN, Secretary.
The following is another side of the story, as published in a special to the New York Herald. It appears to have been written by someone interested in making as favorable a showing as possible for Lieut. Taylor. Read between the lines, it simply means that Taylor was acting under instructions from others higher in authority, instructions given for the sole purpose of preventing a legal decision upon the question between Payne and the government.
“Captain Payne and party were being escorted by Lieutenant Taylor and six well armed soldiers of the eighth cavalry. Yesterday evening at Henrietta, on the Indian Territory border, Taylor narrowly escaped serious trouble. Payne pretended to fear passing overland eastward from Fort Reno, in the Territory, to Fort Smith, in Arkansas, saying the Indians would attempt to lynch him or do him bodily harm, and he demanded that Lieutenant Taylor escort him south to Texas and thence to Fort Smith by rail Of course, Lieutenant Taylor granted the request. On arriving at Henrietta, Texas, Payne caused to be procured a writ of habeas corpus in the Texas District Court. Lieutenant Taylor refused to surrender his prisoner to the civil authorities, whereupon a writ was issued, commanding his arrest and that of Payne and party also. Taylor took his soldiers and captives, barricaded the car, and held the fort, so to speak, refusing admission to any of the state officers, and when the Fort Worth and Denver railway train left on which he and his party were, they all accompanied it. Lieutenant Taylor justifies his course on the ground that Payne and his party were United States prisoners and he had an authority to surrender them.”
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, October 5, 1882.
Bill Burke, late city marshal of Hunnewell, is under arrest at Winfield, charged with some crooked transaction, the purport of which we have not been able to ascertain.
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1882. Editorials.
Forepaugh, the showman always alert for new attractions, now has that wonderful heifer, the Kansas Queen, as part of his great show which is exhibiting in St. Louis.
Since the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad has assumed control of the Kansas City, Lawrence & Southern Kansas, the business of this road has greatly improved, and it is now doing a heavier traffic than ever before. For three months (June, July, and August) the road shows an increase over the same time in 1881 of about sixty percent.
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1882.
Hon. and Mrs. Geo. Ordway and Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Baker left last Monday night for Winfield, Kansas. They have not as yet decided whether they will make that place their future home but will remain there for the present. Mr. Ordway expects shortly to take a trip into New Mexico on business and pleasure. Mr. and Mrs. Ordway are among the oldest residents of Waterloo and have seen the growth of the city from 7,000 inhabitants. We trust that they may become pleasantly located and that their future may be a prosperous one.
Waterloo (Iowa) Courier.
The above named Mr. and Mrs. Ordway arrived at Winfield from New Mexico yesterday morning. They were on the east bound train into which the cannon ball train ran Monday evening on the prairie five miles east of Nickerson. He says that the shock of the concussion was fearful and the two engineers, the two firemen, and one baggage man were killed out-right and mutilated almost beyond recognition. Two passengers in the smoking car were mutilated so that they will probably die and many other passengers were injured, among which were Mrs. Ordway. Mr. Ordway will now make this place his permanent home and this will be a valuable accession to our society. Mrs. Baker is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ordway and Mr. Baker is cashier in Huey’s bank at Arkansas City, where they will reside.
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1882.
Mr. R. S. Smith has been appointed agent on the K., C. L. & S. Road to fill Mr. Car-ruther’s place, and arrived and assumed his duties Tuesday. Mr. Carruthers goes to the Fort Scott & Gulf road.
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1882.
Another attempt to break out of the County jail was nipped in the bud Tuesday. Quarles and Vanmeter had sawed the staples which held the locks of their cell doors and proposed to break them in the night, seize the guard and take his keys, compelling the outside guard to open the outer door to save the life of the former, then make a break for liberty. The plan was discovered in time. Tom Quarles is a hard one.
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1882.
Died at his residence in Winfield on Saturday morning, September 30th, of consumption, Samuel W. Greer, in the fifty-seventh year of his age. He had been suffering from this dread disease for twelve years or more and for the last year he has been so feeble as to scarcely be able to be out of doors but a short time. His death was not unexpecxted, indeed, he lived much longer than his friends had reason to hope for. He preserved his clear reason and intelligence to the last and made directions for the funeral and burial.
Samuel W. Greer was born in Alleghany County, Pennsylvania, near West Newton, June 2nd, 1826. In 1853 he moved to Oskaloosa, Iowa, where in 1855 he was married to Clotilda Hilton. He came to Leavenworth, Kansas, in October 1856. In October, 1858, he was elected Territorial Superintendent of Public Instructions. That campaign was the first free state triumph at the polls. This office he held for three years, till 1861, by reason of the time of election being altered by the legislature. During this time he made three reports. The recommendations of his second report are almost literally carried out in the formation of our present school system.
He entered the Army April 14th, 1861, in Washington City as a private in the Frontier Guards. He was armed, equipped, and drilled in the east room of the White House. He assisted in protecting the White House until other troops were transported, when he returned to Kansas and was enrolling officer at Ft. Leavenworth for a time, after which Gov. Carney gave him a commission of Second Lieutenant as a recruiting officer, and he recruited Company I, 15th vol. Cav., after which he was unanimously elected captain and commissioned by the Governor, in which capacity he served until mustered out in October, 1865.
He was engaged in active business in Leavenworth until 1871. In January of that year he came to Cowley County and has permanently resided here since. He leaves a family consisting of a wife and six children, four boys and two girls.
Mr. Greer was a man of clear, strong mind, well balanced. In the days of his vigorous manhood, before the fatal disease had debilitated him and set its prohibition on excessive effort both physical and mental, he was one of the most active and influential men of the territory and young State of Kansas. He entered enthusiastically into the struggles of the early history of this young state and did noble work in helping to shape its future destinies. His active work and sound judgment were of great value and were recognized and honored. He was one of the men who have made Kansas what she is today. When the war of the rebellion broke out, he was one of those who volunteered early to fight or work in any place where he could do the most good and it was during the exposure and hardships of that war that he contracted pneumonia and it became so deeply seated that he was never able to recover but has declined until the end. His life was just as surely sacrificed on the altar of his country as were those who fell on the field of battle. He was a noble, generous, self-sacrificing man, cultured, and strong mentally, one whose usefulness was cut short in the days of middle life.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, October 12, 1882.
Capt. Samuel W. Greer, one of the early Free State men of Kansas, and an old settler of Cowley County, died at Winfield on the 20th ult., at the age of 57. Capt. Greer was a native of Alleghany Co., Pa. In October 1856 he settled in Leavenworth. In 1858 he was elected Territorial Superintendent of Public Instruction, at the first victory of the Free State men won at the polls in Kansas. In 1872 he raised Co. I of the 15th Kans. Cavalry, was mustered in as Captain, serving in that capacity until the close of the war. It was our good fortune to have a personal acquaintance with Capt. Greer in the early days, when such as he were struggling to make Kansas a free state, and knew him to be a man in every way worthy of the respect and confidence of his fellow man. A true man, he has gone to his rest after a life of usefulness to his fellow men.
Winfield Courier, October 12, 1882.
Tom Quarles and Vanmeter cut their shackles again last Friday. They were cut between the jaws, just as Dick Glass had cut his. While making his usual morning examination of the jail and prisoners, Sheriff Shenneman detected the cut in the shackles, which was neatly filled with soap and blackened with charcoal. Quarles is one of the worst prisoners ever confined in our jail, and it takes watching to hold him.
Winfield Courier, October 12, 1882.
Sheriff Shenneman has discovered another saw in the jail, used by prisoners in sawing off irons. It was made of the tongue to a jews harp.
Winfield Courier, October 12, 1882.
The Cowley County Jail contains a female who proclaims herself a horse thief and wants to go to the penitentiary. She claims to be Tom Quarles’ wife and wants to go where he does. She presented herself and demanded to be incarcerated.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, October 12, 1882.
[Editorial by W. B. Hutchison, Publisher.]
Col. E. C. Boudinot Gives an Explanation of the Oklahoma Plans
As Appearing from an Indian Standpoint.
Chicago Inter Ocean.
“What about Oklahoma Payne?”
“Capt. Payne is a man of more sense than the press generally gives him credit for; he is generally regarded as a reckless dare-devil who persists in intruding on an Indian reservation; this is a mistake, he is a typical frontiersman, about forty years of age, and as fine a specimen of physical manhood as there is in the country. He has examined the status of the land he has been trying to settle, and has satisfied himself that though they are within that tract of country called the ‘Indian Territory,’ they are the absolute property of the United States, and compose no part of the Indian reservation In the view of the matter I concur; there is no doubt in my mind but he is right.”
“Don’t all the lands in the Indian territory belong to Indians?”
“They do not; a large portion of the lands in the territory are occupied by Indian tribes, whose reservations are distinctly defined by treaty. Previous to treaties of 1866 all the lands in the territory belonged to the five civilized tribes I have before named, but in these treaties the Creeks, Seminoles, Choctaws, and Chickasaws sold about ten or twelve million acres to the United States for a stated consideration. The Creeks sold to the United States (the language of the treaty is ‘cede and convey’) 3,250,500 acres for the sum of $975,168.
“The Seminoles were foolish enough to cede and convey to the United States their entire reservation, consisting of 2,169,080 acres, for the paltry sum of $325,362. They literally sold themselves out of house and home. The Choctaws and Chickasaws sold what was called the ‘leased lands,’ lying west of 98 degrees west longitude, for $300,000. This tract contains about seven million acres.
“There is a piece of sharp practice connected with the purchase of these lands from the Creeks and Seminoles, which this government ought to be ashamed of. The United States paid the Creeks 30 cents per acre for their lands, and paid the Seminoles but 15 cents an acre. Having closed the trade with the Seminoles, this great government said to them:‘Now you have got no house; we will sell you 20,000 acres which we have just bought from the Creeks, at 50 cents per acre;’ and this Yankee bargain was actually closed. Lands which the United States bought of the Creeks in July, 1866, for 30 cents per acre; and even after driving this sharp bargain, they put the Seminoles on the lands of the Creeks, which the government hadn’t bought at all.
“Since the purchase by the United States of these lands in the Territory, about 3,000,000 acres of them have been assigned as reservations for wild Indians. It was the original intention of the government to use all these purchased lands for the purpose of settling other Indians and freedmen upon them, but members of Congress from the border states vigorously opposed this policy, and in 1877 an act of congress was passed prohibiting the department from settling any more Indians in the Indian Territory. But for this act of congress, the Indians of New Mexico and Arizona would have been removed to the Indian Territory and settled on these ceded lands. The lands which were bought and paid for by the United States in this Territory, and which are unoccupied by any tribe, and which under the law cannot be used for any Indian reservation, compose a scope of country larger than the state of Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island, and it is these lands alone Capt. Payne is trying to form a settlement upon.
“The charge that he has intruded on Indian lands is utterly without foundation.
“The supposition that Capt. Payne is the agent of Jay Gould or in the employ of the St. Louis and San Franciso railroad is absurd. The Tribune,of this city, is all at sea concerning the matter. Speaking of the ‘Frisco’ road, the Tribune said a few days ago:
‘Its present terminus is at Tulsa, on the Arkansas river, in the Indian Territory. Here the reservations of the various Indian tribes commence and thus far it has been unable to obtain the right to extend its line through these reservations further west. The matter of granting the right of way through these reservations, as well as through the western portion of the Territory, against which Capt. Payne directs his attacks, and which he wants to be set apart as a separate territory, to be known as ‘Oklahoma,’ has been repeatedly before congress, but has always been defeated for some reason or other.’
“It would be difficult to group as many misstatements again in so short a space as are contained in this extract from the Tribune article. Instead of the Indian reservations commencing at Tulsa, the present western terminus of the ‘Frisco’ road, those reservations almost end there. To reach Tulsa the road had to be built through 100 miles of Indian reservations, and sixty miles more will carry the road through all the Indian reservations on its route. The right of way has long ago been granted to the Atlantic & Pacific, which is the same road, so far as the building through the territory is concerned, as the St. Louis and San Francisco.
“Capt. Payne has only anticipated the inevitable settlement of these ceded lands by a few years. The St. Louis and San Francisco road will run about 300 miles through the lands I have mentioned as being ceded and conveyed to the United States, and which have not, and cannot, without violating an act of congress, be used for the settlement of any Indians. Under the terms of the charter granted the Atlantic and Pacific road in 1866, a grant of twenty alternate sections of land on each side of the road in the Indian Territory was made, to take effect on the construction of the road, when the Indian title was extinguished. Now the Indian title has been extinguished to those lands, and when the road is built into them, which will be in the course of a year from this time, the road will be entitled to a patent from the United States to the alternate sections of land, which have already been surveyed. When those patents are issued, how are you going to keep the land from being settled? So far from Payne being an agent for the railroad, he is acting rather in antagonism to it, for the railroad company, it seems to me, would not relish the premature settlement of lands so soon to belong to them.”
Arkansas City Traveler, October 18, 1882.
The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe will begin running through trains to Guayamas, Mexico, about November 1st. It will then be the longest railroad in the world.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, October 19, 1882.
A special meeting of the stockmen of the Cherokee Strip will be held in Caldwell on Tuesday, Oct. 24th, at 10 a.m. BEN S. MILLER, Chairman, Stockmen’s Association
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, October 19, 1882.
It seems to have required a dozen or more Cherokees and sub-Cherokees to collect the cattle tax this season. How they succeeded, we have failed to learn, but some envious people do say that red and white Cherokees alike made a good thing out of locating cattle ranges. We shall investigate the number and give the readers of the COMMERCIAL, and perhaps some of the Cherokees left out in the cold, the benefit thereof.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, October 19, 1882.
The first copy of the Cheyenne Transporter our eyes have beheld for two months arrived yesterday, and is dated the 13th inst. We see by it that Agent Miles has placed Bob Bent in charge of the abandoned post at Cantonment and that the teams and wagons taken from Payne’s party have been sent north to be delivered to the owners. It strikes us that the last operation is a queer one to say the least. The Transporter also announces the death at Fort Sill, of Mrs. Capt. Leggett, of diphtheria. Her death has occasioned the deepest sorrow among an extensive acquaintance of admiring friends.
Caldwell, October 10, 1882.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, October 26, 1882.
Special Meeting of the Cherokee Strip Stockmen’s Association.
In accordance with the call issued by the President, the Cherokee Strip Stockmen’s Association met in Caldwell at 10 a.m., on Tuesday, the 24th, inst.
President Ben S. Miller called the association to order. The regular secretary being absent, W. B. Hutchison was appointed to act as secretary pro tem.
Ed. M. Hewins stated the meeting was called for the purpose of taking such action as would prevent the stealing of stock from members of the association, and where stock was stolen to bring the thieves to prompt punishment. Mr. Hewins closed his remarks by offering the following resolution.
Resolved, That A. M. Colson, chairman of the Inspection Committee, be and is hereby empowered to offer a reward of $1,000 for the arrest and conviction of any person or persons stealing stock from members of this association.
The resolution was adopted by a unanimous vote.
Mr. Hewins also moved that the Inspection Committee be empowered to employ detectives, whenever it may deem necessary to aid in the detection and capture of parties engaged in stealing stock from members of this association. Carried.
On motion the following was adopted.
Resolved, That any member or members of this association who fails or refuses to pay his or their proportion of an assessment made by the duly authorized Inspection Committee of this association, of which A. M. Colson is chairman, be debarred from all the rights and privileges of this association.
Col. J. H. Windsor and Major J. Gore were elected members of the Cherokee Strip Asso-ciation upon paying the requisite admission fee.
On motion of Mr. Colson, the proceedings of the meeting were ordered to be published in the Caldwell and Anthony papers, and in the Kansas City Indicator and Price Current.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.
BEN S. MILLER, President
W. B. HUTCHISON, Secretary, pro tem.
Winfield Courier, October 19, 1882.
People are swarming over the state in search of cattle ranches.
Kansas has furnished 400,000 head of fat cattle for market this year.
Mrs. Mary Wellman, of Winfield, has written for the State Historical Society a biographical sketch of her husband, the late Libbeus F. Wellman, who was killed by an accident near Winfield June 14th last. Mr. Wellman was the author of the History of the Twenty-Fourth Indiana Veteran Volunteers.
Speaking of the late state fairs, the Atchison Champion says: “Both these fairs were run by railroad companies. The Santa Fe was the backer of the Topeka, and the Union Pacific of the Bismarck institution. The Santa Fe was most successful because it had the earliest date, and because it is a Kansas railroad, and its managers have an interest in Kansas that the other road, run by capitalists who never come here and who care nothing about the state, cannot be expected to feel. Then the Santa Fe was liberal, plucky, advertised well, and did business on a broad-gauge principle; while the Union Pacific—so gentlemen connected with the Bismarck fair have told us—was slow, niggardly and penurious. The varying results were what might have been expected.”
Articles of consolidation of the Wichita and Southwestern, the Cowley, Sumner and Ft. Smith railway, and the Harvey County railroad have been filed with State Secretary Smith. The name of the consolidated company is the “Wichita & Southwestern Railway.” Also articles of consolidation of the Marion & McPherson railway and Marion & McPherson Extension railway company. The consolidated road will be know as the Marion & McPherson. Also articles of consolidation of the Kansas City, Emporia & Southern railway company. All these roads are operated by the A. T. & S. F. Railway Company.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1882.
The way of the transgressor is hard. The two Green brothers who killed the marshall of Caldwell last spring while he was trying to quiet them in the famous “Red Lights,” have at last run their course as outlaws. One of them was killed and the other badly wounded by Texas officers while resisting arrest last week. The authorities here received a telegram at once notifying them of the fact, and Frank Evans at once started down to identify them. He telegraphed back last Tuesday that the two men were undoubtedly the Green brothers. As soon as the wounded man is able to travel, he will be brought to Sumner county for trial.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1882.
The Oklahoma papers along the border are venting considerable spleen on Lieut. Taylor, of Ft. Reno, who recently refused to surrender Payne to the civil authorities while en route to Ft. Smith. It is amusing to note the ridiculous lengths to which they carry their tirades. Payne never will appreciate the leniency with which he has been treated, and the military authorities should give the bummer a lesson by setting him to pounding rock at Fort Reno. About two months of this invigorating exercise would probably revolutionize the whole “Oklahoma question.” Transporter, Oct. 13th, 1882.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1882.
A New Cattle Company.
From the Caldwell Post we learn that last week a charter for the Southern Kansas Border Land and Live Stock Company was forwarded to the Secretary of the State of Kansas for filing. The incorporators of this new company are J. G. Woods, A. B. Mayhew, J. L. Kellogg, J. R. Messerly, and S. P. Flint. Their general office will be Wellington, and ranch and range, Pond Creek, Indian Territory. The capital stock is $200,000, divided into shares of $1,000 each. $113,000 worth of stock is already taken and some $15,000 or $20,000 worth spoken for. Their range (the old Hamilton range) will be fenced in this fall and winter, and what cattle can be picked up at a bargain placed in the pasture. Next spring the company will stock the range with the cattle almost exclusively, only run a sufficient number of beeves to pay running expenses the first three years. The old open A brand will be kept up as the ranch brand.
Winfield Courier, October 26, 1882.
It will be remembered that J. Gould assumed control of the Missouri Pacific railroad in the early part of 1881, since which time the great influence he possesses has been plainly shown by the increased earnings of the road, especially on through traffic. On Tuesday last Mr. J. C. Burnett, agent of the road, received instructions to prepare by Friday noon a complete statement showing every pound of freight that has been transferred from this road to the A. T. & S. F. at their junction at Emporia since January, 1881. To do this within the allotted time required an unusual amount of work. Mr. Burnett and four assistants worked almost constantly night and day and sent the statement off in good shape.
Before Gould took hold of the road, the earnings for the freight transferred at this point were about $400 a month. For July this year the figures are over $20,000, and for August over $14,000. The number of pounds transferred in January, 1881, was 300,954; in August, 1882, 6,000,696. The total number of pounds transferred in 1881 was 48,283,094 or 2,415 car-loads, upon which the earnings were $116,089.81, and the pounds transferred for the first eight months of this year was 47,293.81, or 2,394 car-loads, amounting to $109,341.50. The great bulk of this business results from the transfer of freight from the Missouri Pacific to the Santa Fe road at Emporia instead of at Atchison and Kansas City, as formerly.
Emporia Republican.
Winfield Courier, October 26, 1882.
The name of the Cowley, Sumner and Ft. Smitth railroad has been changed to the Wichita & Southwestern railroad.
Winfield Courier, October 26, 1882.
It is not generally known that all railroad property, including lands and right of way, is recognized as personal property under the state law.
Winfield Courier, October 26, 1882.
Mr. Ed. T. Cartlidge, tax agent of the A. T. & S. F. Railroad, was in the city Tuesday looking up the taxes on his road. He is one of the most pleasant, intelligent gentlemen we have ever met, and is as thoroughly competent in his branch of the work as one could possi-bly be. He visits every county seat in every state and territory through which the road runs and figures up his taxes from the assessment rolls. He pays our county clerk a handsome compliment by saying that our records are in as good shape as those of any county on the road.
Winfield Courier, October 26, 1882.
A. A. Jackson called to see us Tuesday. He has received his back pension for being shot at Shiloh and was feeling good. In fact, he always is in good spirits, just such a man as the Santa Fe company likes for a station agent.
Winfield Courier, October 26, 1882.
Murderer Captured.
Friday night’s train carried through to Wellington one Jas. Bean, a Texan who killed the Marshal of Caldwell in June last. He was captured in Texas after having sixteen bullets put into his body. Through the kindness of Conductor C. H. Penny and Deputy Sheriff Evans, we were permitted to visit the prisoner in the baggage car, where he was stretched out on a cot. It was hard to believe that a man could live after being as completely riddled with bullets as he was. He had five balls through the body, several in his legs, one arm broken, and a terrible scar on the head where a large ball had grazed. He was in great pain and as the air brakes would be applied and the train pull up suddenly, it seemed as if his body was racked with a thousand tortures. The circumstances of the arrest and shooting were about as follows. Bean and his brother went into Caldwell, took a glass of beer, and started for a dance house. On the way they stopped and loaded their revolvers. A citizen saw them and reported to the marshal, who went down and demanded their arms. Instead of giving him the pistols, one of them gave him the contents, killing him on the spot. They then escaped to Texas. Sheriff Thralls followed the criminal unrelentingly and put the constables and others in Texas on his track. Some time ago they got track of him and a constable and posse went out to make the arrest. They found the brothers together and after severe firing were forced to retreat with one of their number wounded. A larger posse was then collected and the brothers were followed, overtaken in the night, and surrounded. In the morning they rose from their blankets firing, and the posse closed in on them, delivered a raking fire, which killed the brother and filled the prisoner quite full of cold lead. Deputy sheriff Frank Evans brought the prisoner through from Texas. He seems to think he will recover from his wounds.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, October 26, 1882.
Col. J. M. Windsor and Major J. Gore of the Pennsylvania Oil Cattle Company, were in attendance at the meeting of the Cherokee Strip Stock Association on Tuesday. The company have their ranch south of Arkansas City, and sufficient pasture room for 10,000 head of cattle. The company’s brand will be P on left shoulder, O on the side, and Co on left hip. Senator Roberts, of Pennsylvania, is a member of the P. O. Company, and takes a great interest in it. It is perhaps unnecessary to add that the company, with commendable fore-thought, made arrangements to have a copy of the COMMERCIAL every week.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1882.
Schiffbauer Bros. have contracted over seven carloads of wire to be delivered to parties in the Territory who are fencing in ranges.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1882.
Cold Blooded Murder.
Our city was thrown into a state of much excitement about 1 o'clock p.m. of last Thurs-day by the report that a shooting affray had taken place some two miles east of town in which one A. Noele, an old settler, had been fatally shot by a woman named Mary Freylinger. An officer was at once dispatched to the scene of the tragedy and found the report to be only too true.
The causes leading to the terrible act with the circumstances attending its perpetration are in substance as follows.
John and Mary Freylinger, husband and wife, had been living for some time past, as rent-ers, upon A. Noele's place, and a disagreement arose between them two months ago which culminated in an assault, since which time litigation and ill feeling between them has existed.
On the morning of the shooting Mr. Noele, accompanied by Mrs. Hanson, drove from Mr. Hanson's place over to his, Noele's place, in order to get some things he needed, and while at the place, Mr. Freylinger, being out in the field at work, Noele had some talk about some wheat he claimed, which Mrs. Freylinger refused to allow him to take. More words ensued, but Noele finally decided to let the grain stay, and started towards the log hut he had occupied to get some household goods he needed.
As his back was turned, Mrs. Freylinger reached for a shot gun, and taking aim, fired, when the unfortunate victim instantly fell wounded to death, the full charge of large shot having entered his body.
Mr. Jerry Tucker was nearby at the time, and although not an actual eye-witness to the shooting, came to town and reported the crime, when the proper officer went out and met the murderess on her way to town, as she said, “to pay her little fine and get back to her work.” She was taken in custody, but waived a preliminary examination and was taken to the jail at Winfield on Saturday night, where she now lies awaiting her trial for the heinous crime she has committed. The murdered man was buried on Friday, and although quite well off, is without friends in this vicinity, his wife being in the insane asylum, though we understand he has relations in St. Louis.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1882.
Last Friday morning the body of Henry H. Foster, a cattleman, was brought to the city from the Territory where he had committed suicide, by shooting, the day previous.
The deceased has been engaged for the past year, in the cattle business with Mr. Shurtz, of Bolton township, and the terrible deed was committed at their ranch, in the Territory, about thirty-five miles south of this place. The particulars of the sad affair, as related by the man who brought the body to town, are about as follows.
For several days the unfortunate man had appeared downcast and troubled in mind, yet conveyed no idea of having so dread a purpose in view as the taking of his own life; in fact, his troubles were for the most part imaginary, as the firm owned nearly seven hundred herd of good cattle. There were two tents in the camp, in one of which, at the time of the shooting, was a herder, while Foster was in the other. The tents were close together, and just before the shot came, Foster was heard to exclaim: “Lord have mercy on my soul.” This was imme-diately followed by the report of a pistol, and upon rushing to the tent the deceased was found dead with a bullet wound in his head. The body was immediately brought to town, where the evidence at the inquest and a letter written by the deceased fully proved it a case of self-murder.
The remains were taken care of, and were taken to Coshocton, Ohio, on the Friday 3 o'clock train, where we understand the wife and family of the deceased reside. Foster was well known in our city, and respected both as a businessman and as a citizen.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1882.
The stockmen of the Cherokee strip held a meeting last Monday at Willow Springs to take steps to protect themselves from the monopoly that proposes to fence in twenty-four miles square south of the State line and west of the Arkansas river. The men deem it unjust, and believe the Cherokee Nation will protect them in their rights, since they have held the range for years and always paid the license.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1882.
Yesterday being the first day of November, and the quarantine law against Texas or Indian cattle having expired, thousands were shoved across the line into the State. There were several bunches in this vicinity brought over and sent to farms, where they will be wintered. The frosts of late, we think, have cut native stock out of danger of infection, yet it would be a good policy to keep native and through Texas cattle in separate herds for a few days longer, and by that means avoid all bad effects and possible loss. Post.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1882.
Deputy U. S. Marshal Marks recently captured in the Osage Nation a noted desperado and horse thief named Starr, at the same time taking in Mrs. Starr who, at one time was a member of the Younger gang. The prisoners were taken to Ft. Smith, where her bail was fixed at $1,000.
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1882.
Sheriff Shenneman brought in another horse thief last week—one Bob Herriott, who was a member of Tom Quarles’ gang of horse thieves and stole L. C. Norton’s horse at Arkansas City.
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1882.
Little Folks’ Party.
A large number of little folks gathered together at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Pryor Monday afternoon to celebrate with little Mamie her third birthday. The crowd was the jolliest and liveliest we have seen and each of the little folks seemed to take in the full measure of enjoyment. A splendid repast was set for them which they attacked with a relish. Little Mamie received a large number of elegant presents from her young friends. The following is a list of the presents and of those present: 1 silver set knife, fork, and spoon; 2 Majolica plates; 2 gold sash pins; 1 gold ring; 1 child’s decorated china wash stand set; 1 child’s dinner castor; 1 hand painted mug; 1 porte-monnaie; 5 China cups and saucers; 2 China mugs; 1 glass mug; 1 doll’s parlor suite; 1 autograph album; 1 photograph album; 1 wood tea set combination table and cupboard; 1 Brittania tea set; 2 child’s glass sets; sugar bowl; butter dish, etc.; 3 dolls; 2 doll’s canopy top phaetons; 1 doll and carriage; 2 picture books; 1 flat iron and stand; 1 bell cart and span of goats; 1 bouquet; 1 basket of flowers; 1 satin puff box; 1 panorama egg; 6 elegant birthday cards; 1 little brown jug; 1 necklace of pearl beads; 1 shell box; 1 photograph with frame; 2 China match safes; 2 bottles perfumery; 1 card receiver (Kalo Meda); 2 handkerchiefs (embroidered); 1 collar; 1 tooth-pick holder.
Present: Misses Birdie Wright, Edna Glass, Blanche Bliss, Blanche Troup, Stella Buckman, Mamie Black, Frankie Black, Mary Spotswood, Maggie Pryor, Edna Pryor, Muriel Covert, Annie McDonald, Clara Austin, Pearl E. Snyder, Maggie Johnson, Emma Johnson, Bernice Bullen, Beryl Johnston, Nina Nelson, Nona Nelson, Luhe Myton, Josie Myton, Ethel Carruthers, Mary Brotherton, Bell Brotherton, Nina Harter, May Harter, Maud Miller, Gertie Lynn, Effie Lynn, Edna Short, Alma Miller, Mollie Trezise, Lillie Trezise, Fannie Bryan, Flossie Bullen, Ollie Newcomb, Edna Fitch, Maud Cooper, Daisy Clark.
Masters Eddie Greer, Eddie Thorp, Ralph Brown, Roy Robinson, Bertie Silliman, Vere Hollenbeck, Charles F. Green, Charlie Sydal, Henrion McDonald, Dolphi Green, Clare Bullen, Bruce Carruthers, Edgar Powers, Charlie Lynn, Paul Bedilion, Codie Waite, Zack Miller, Willie Trezise, Carl Farringer, Walter Baird, and Willis Young.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1882.
James Bear, the Texas desperado who was brought to Caldwell recently charged with killing City Marshal Brown, died in his cell Monday, the 6th inst., from the effects of his wounds.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1882.
The demand for cattle ranges is growing every day. Last week parties were here from Kansas City to purchase land along the State line in large bodies, but could not find enough in one body to suit them. It won't be many years before every man will have to own every foot of ground he grazes on.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1882.
Sowing rye, for winter pasture, is fast growing in favor with farmers and stockmen. It is claimed that it pays to sow it for the pasture and straw alone. Mr. Callison and John Scott, of Bolton township, pastured a piece all last winter, and harvested a good crop besides. Mr. Andrews, of Grouse Creek, did the same, and this year put in more than ever. Scott & Topliff have forty acres, for their sheep, that is doing well.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
Tom Quarles and his wife plead guilty before the court Tuesday to stealing Hurd’s buggy. They have not yet been sentenced.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1882.
The heaviest cattle transaction this season, as regards price per head, came off last week on the Cherokee Strip, near Caldwell. Mr. Peyton Montgomery sold to Mr. Ed. Hewins, 1,059 head of wintered beeves at an average price per head of $54.28.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1882.
The Caldwell Post has this to say in regard to the fencing in of ranges now in progress in the Indian Territory:
“Our opinion is that some action should be taken at once by our stockmen and citizens to prevent, as far as possible, the fencing up of any more of this quarantine ground, at least for two or three years. We think it within the power of the Cherokee authorities to stop this matter where it is, and that it is their duty to do so, in justice to the taxpayers on their lands.”
Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1882.
Will Johnson, better known as “I bar Johnson,” was up from the range on Tuesday. He informs us that as himself and Richards—of the Harper Sentinel—were hunting in a canyon below the Cimarron, they ran afoul of a huge panther. “I bar” had a fair opportunity to shoot the animal, but Richards was on the other side of the beast and he did not dare to shoot for fear of hitting him. The panther did not seem frightened, but walked leisurely into the brush and disappeared. Cresset.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1882.
Wire Fencing.
We know not what views are entertained, and what policy will be pursued by our National Council, regarding the question of “Wire Fencing” west and east of “Ninety-Six,” but with our present light, we cannot adopt the leader on that subject, which appeared in the Advocatetwo weeks since in our absence on the plains. We believe that the whole thing is wrong, and will not stand the test of rigid scrutiny. The non-citizen cattle king certainly has no right by himself to fence in a foot of land. Has he the right in the name of an adopted citizen or native, to fence in forty by fifty miles, aggregating upwards of a million acres—using cedar from the soil to do it with? We trust that our National Council will bravely and wisely handle this subject, and for the good of all. Tahlequah Advocate.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
The jury in the Vanmeter case brought in a verdict of not guilty Monday after having been out about forty-eight hours. The verdict was rendered on a technicality, the prosecution neglecting to prove Man-walking-above’s name. The facts of the stealing were clearly proven, but the law steps in and clears the culprit. The result will be that he must be tried on a new case at a heavy additional cost to the county. The workings of law to the unintiated are very queer.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
The Cheyenne Indians, Man-walking-above and Lone-Dog, who have been attending court as witnesses in the Vanmeter case, are remarkably fine looking, well dressed fellows. Their blankets are of fine texture and their trappings gaudy. The interpreter who accompanied them was Ed Carter, a noted character, and for years one of Custer’s main scouts. He is a half-breed, a fine looking man, and seemingly very intelligent.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
George Miller came up from his ranche Monday. He has his little pasture of one hundred thousand acres enclosed with a three wire fence, and is ready for winter.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, November 23, 1882.
Fencing on the Strip: Chief Bushyhead’s Message.
We see by the Cherokee Advocate, that Chief Bushyhead has called attention in his message to the fencing of ranges in the Territory. He makes no objection to fencing, but in plain and pointed language enters a protest against a few individual Cherokees parceling out the Strip to their personal advantage. In this, the COMMERCIAL heartily concurs with the chief. The Strip is the common property of the Cherokee Nation, and while there ought not to be any objection to the Nation making such use of the land as will inure to the benefit of the Cherokee people as a body, nothing like monopoly upon the part of the shrewder mem-bers of the Nation should be tolerated. This thing of John Jones, Dick Dunbar, Big Hand, and Little Finger coming to the Strip, laying out patches of ten to twenty-five miles square, and then selling the right to occupy them, putting the money in their own pockets, is an outrage upon the poorer members of the Nation. If a railroad company should attempt anything half as vicious, not only the Cherokee Nation but the Interior Department at Washington would be in arms against it.
The proper way for the Cherokee council to do, is to pass a law giving the stockmen the privilege of fencing in a reasonably sized range for a consideration that will be equitable to both parties, the money to be placed in the treasury for the benefit of the whole Nation. The council should also provide that the ranges shall be of uniform size, taking into consideration a fair supply of water, etc., but no man or organization should be allowed such a range as would give him or them advantages over individuals of smaller means. Treat all alike, and if one takes a range for 10,000 head of stock, make him pay for that number. If he takes a range for 5,000 head, make him pay for that number, and so on.
And to the extent of range to be allowed, we have no suggestions to make. We can only say that the best policy would seem to be, both for the interest of the Cherokees and the cattlemen, to make the ranges as small as possible without destroying the profits of the business.
Another thing, the council should unite upon a system of fencing that would leave a free roadway from all ranges to shipping points on the Kansas line. Without some such arrangement, trouble will arise among the cattlemen, and their last state will be worse than their first.
As to the stockmen, we have no advice to give them. They probably know their own business better than any newspaper scribbler can tell them, but at the same time we can’t refrain from suggesting to them the propriety of having, through representatives chosen from among their own number, a free, full, and frank conference with the Cherokee council while it is in session, and among other things make arrangements for holding grounds adjacent to the shipping points on the Kansas line.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, November 23, 1882. Editorial.
The stockmen on the Strip should make some kind of an arrangement with the Cherokees whereby a fair sized strip of country can be held open for the exclusive use of cattle shippers. In order to do this they should at once set down upon those fellows who are selling ranges for their own advantage. Our advice would be, give not a dime to any man, full blood, half white, or brevet Cherokee, for the privilege of occupying a range. Pay honestly and faithfully every dollar due the Cherokee nation for the privilege of holding stock on the strip, but not one cent for a shark to put in his pocket. In other words:
“Millions for de fence,
Not one cent for tribute.”
Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1882.
President W. B. Strong, of the A. T. & S. F. R. R., will spend a six months vacation visiting New Orleans and California, where it is hoped he may entirely recover from the effects of his late protracted illness.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1882.
Courier Clippings.
Henry E. Asp has been remarkably successful in his cases recently. Two of his clients, Basenwater and Vanmeter, were cleared at this term of court.
Mr. Isaac E. Shurtz was appointed administrator of the partnership estate of the late firm of Foster & Shurtz. Mr. Foster is the gentlemen who committed suicide in the Territory recently.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
Judge Torrance entertained Man-walking-above, Crow-dog, and another Cheyenne Indian at his residence Monday. His sister, who is visiting with him, had never seen an Indian, and the Judge, after many inducements, got them down to his house. Man-walking-above insisted that he had holes in his moccasins and was therefore not presentable.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
This term of court has been an exceedingly slow one. But little business has been done. The Bassewater, Vanmeter, and Colegate cases have taken up the term so far, with the exception of a few divorce and foreclosure cases. At this rate it will take years to get all the cases now on the docket to trial.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1882. Editorial.
There is an enterprise going on below us in the Indian Territory that is bound to interest every farmer and stockman along the entire line of the State, from the Arkansas river to the west line of Sumner county. We allude to the fencing of nearly 200,000 acres of land that is now claimed by stockmen as their range, and for which they have paid the Cherokee Nation a tax for the privilege.
Looking at the matter as a disinterested party in so far as our patrons and friends are concerned, it does seem to us where the parties have held the range for years, and for which they have never refused to pay, that they should have the first preference, if any privilege or preference is given, and the matter should be acted on at once if the parties interested mean to do anything to protect themselves.
We have heard many violent and determined threats that if the rights they have paid for are ignored, that the posts and wire will be torn up and the whole country fired, the latter having already been carried into execution, and mile after mile of nicely cured grass has gone to the flames.
We condemn this act as infamous beyond expression, for while it did not materially in-jure the monopoly that is causing the trouble, it damaged numbers of stockmen within the limits who were not in sympathy with the movement in any manner.
Better come together like men and adjust the matter, if it can be adusted; and if not, then go to work legally to test the authority of the men who claim the right.
Unless the Cherokee Council decide that the wire is an “improvement,” the fence is illegally there, and from the tenor of the Chief's message to the Council, we think it is not an “improvement,” and believe it what the Chief terms it, “an unbridled enterprise of some citizens that have led them into error, and requires the interposition of the Council to defend the common rights.”
Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1882.
The prairie fires which raged in the Territory south of here the latter part of last week did an incalculable amount of damage to stock range alone as well as consuming a large amount of hay and other feed. It will necessitate the removal of about 400 head of cattle to other ranges.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1882. Editorial.
It is claimed by parties who are putting up wire fences in the Territory that the fence will make no difference as there will be plenty of gates put in. Even with gates through the wire fence, how is a man to get a herd of cattle, horses, or sheep through them when the herd is spread out, and one animal sees the other through and on the opposite side of the fence? Wire fences are bad enough in the State when you drive alongside of them, but a great deal worse in the Indian Territory, where you have to drive through them. Besides the TRAVELER does not see that it is giving the farmers along the line a fair shake, and hence does not take kindly to it. It may be all right, and we hope it is, only it does not look that way. We like to see capi-tal and Eastern men coming in, but we don't like to see them override the men who have been here from the start, and had a hard time to get what little they have. If the fence was placed four miles below the line, as first proposed, the farmers couldn't object, and wouldn't object. Kansas farmers, and especially those in Bolton township, are about as fair and honest men as one generally meets, and we think the fence should go four miles below, and then the Oil Company would still have plenty of room.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1882.
Territory Items.
The Cherokees, through their agent, Major Lipe, collected $33,000 grazing tax from the cattlemen of the strip during the past season.
John Carmack has been appointed Inspector at this and the Wichita Agency to look after the brands of the Cherokee strip stock association. He has been on duty several weeks.
News has been received that the A. & P. railroad have let the contract for bridging the Arkansas river, which looks as if they intend coming through in time to get the next year's cattle drive.
A telegram has been received by Agent Miles from the department, stating that the Mennonites had been authorized to occupy the buildings at Cantonment (recently turned over by the war department) for educational purposes.
Chief Bushyhead, in his recent message to the Cherokee council, asks for action toward defining the rights of citizens of the Cherokee nation in fencing in ranges on the strip. The matter being thus brought before the public, has given rise to a general discussion, and the Caldwell papers and the Indian Journal and Cherokee Advocate discussed the matter at considerable lengths in their last issues. Cheyenne Transporter.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, December 7, 1882.
We see by a special to the Kansas City Times, dated at Vinita, Indian Territory, November 30th, that the necessary arrangements have been made for the completion of the St. Louis and San Francisco railroad through the Territory. We copy the following.
“The St. Louis and San Francisco railway has accepted the terms of the Choctaws, and will prepare to construct their road through the nation at once. The Indians are becoming reconciled to railroads.”
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, December 7, 1882.
Concerning Fencing.
The following is a part of the bill passed by the Cherokee council in convention assembled at Tahlequah, in regard to wire fencing on the Cherokee Strip west of 96 degrees, and has been sent to Chief Bushyhead for his signature. We would have published the bill in full if space could have been spread, but the part copied is what interests our citizens most.
“Be it further enacted. That all fencing, of whatever character, done or that may be hereafter done on the herein before mentioned lands for purpose of pasturage by citizens of the Cherokee Nation, or persons claiming to be citizens of the same or in the names and on account of such persons by citizens of the United States, under whatever pretense, are hereby declared to be illegal and unauthorized, and the owners and claimants of such fences, whether of wire and posts or other material, are required to remove the same within six months from the date hereof, or the same shall become the public property of the Cherokee Nation and be sold subject to removal by the Sheriff of Cooweescoowee District or his law-ful Deputy, after he shall have publicly advertised the same in the Cherokee Advocate and one other newspaper, published in the town of Caldwell, Kansas, for the space of thirty days immediately preceding said sale. Provided, That wherein it may be made to appear, that posts or other wood and material used in the construction of said wire or other fences, have been obtained from the lands aforesaid of the Cherokee Nation—the same shall be taken possession of in the name and on the behalf of said Nation and sold in the manner above provided, in the first instances, and shall not be subjected to sale or removal by owners or claimants. Provided further, That this act shall not be so construed as to prevent licensed stockmen from constructing such lots at their usual headquarters, not exceeding twenty acres in extent, as may be necessary for the better management of their stock.”
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
An Interesting Reminiscence of That Historic Organization.
The Troy Chief notices the death of Hon. Samuel W. Greer, of Winfield, and alludes to the fact that “he was a member of the company formed in Washington in April, 1861, known as the ‘Frontier Guard,’ and which occupied the east rooms of the White House as a barrack.”
Hon. D. H. Bailey, late consul-general to China, who was a member of that famous company, happening to be in this city, we called his attention to the death of Mr. Greer and asked him for some reminiscence of that celebrated organization. He has kindly furnished us with the following.
A large number of Kansans were in Washington City at the time of the fall of Fort Sumpter. General James H. Lane, then recently elected United States Senator from Kansas, was, of course, the central figure of this group.
His rooms were at Williard’s hotel, and were constantly filled with excited and determined men who were gravely considering the events then taking place. On the 18th of April, the anniversary of the battle of Lexington, the Sixth Massachusetts regiment was attacked by a rebel mob in Baltimore, the railway tracks were torn up, and all communication between Washington and the north—either by rail or telegraph—was cut off. The capital of the nation was completely environed and filled with secessionists everywhere—on the streets, in the hotels, in saloons, in private residences; and in the public offices, secession was rampant. It was a period of infinite danger to the beleagured capital, and the excitement was more intense than can be described.
Little knots of Union men gathered here and there, and although hemmed in and scowled upon on all sides, moved quickly about, if with blanched cheeks, yet with steady purpose and firm resolve. On the day following the attack upon the 6th Massachusetts, Major David Hunter (then on Gen. Scott’s staff) called upon Gen. Lane and informed him that by direction of Gen. Scott and Secretary of War Cameron, he was instructed to inform Gen. Lane that owing to the turbulent condition of the populace and the very few troops then in the city, as well as from secret information, there were serious apprehensions of an attempt to seize the president and overturn the government; and therefore General Lane was asked to immedi-ately form a company of Kansans for the especial protection of the president. He also said that as the men of Kansas had been tried “under fire,” and were known to be true and brave, that they, with Gen. Lane at their head, would be a tower of strength in the crisis then existing at the capital. Lane with his wonderful energy and fiery soul unhesitatingly assumed the task. Immediately runners were sent out in every direction requesting all Kansans to report at once at Gen. Lane’s rooms.
Within twelve hours one hundred and eighty names were enrolled and the Frontier Guard was organized with Lane as captain. That night at about 9 o’clock the company marched out of Williard’s hotel and proceeding direct to the White House, filed into the east room. In a few minutes case after case of Enfield rifles with sword bayonet, ammunition, and accoutre-ments were placed in the blue, red, and green rooms, and the work of arming commenced.
Many amusing incidents occurred. Senator Pomeroy, who was large of girth, was in great perturbation about a belt long enough to reach around his aldermanic proportions, and many a laugh was had at his expense until the writer came to his relief with a bit of leather, which enabled him to look as true a soldier as ever was Sir John Falstaff.
By 12 o’clock at night the company was fully equipped, and after surrounding the White House and its grounds with trusty sentinels, the men stacked arms in the east room, each member lying down with head to the wall, touching elbows, without covering, to dream of “war and rumors of war.” Sentinels were placed at each door.
The writer was stationed at the north door of the east room. At about 1 o’clock in the morning, there was a rap on the door. It was opened and President Lincoln and the Secretary of War walked in. Silence reigned; it was a weird scene. The lights turned down were dim, and shadows of gloom seemed to flit over that historic room. The men were asleep and breathing heavily; the glistening of the polished steel under the sombre light; the tramp of sentinels in the halls and on the outer flagstones, gave ominous token of the great drama of blood then coming on. Not a word was spoken for some minutes. The president was wrapt in his own thoughts and there passed across his face a sad, weary look, an expression of deep but troubled thought, as if he were trying to solve the great problem before him. He stood in the midst of a military camp in the Executive Mansion of the nation; but while there was dread portent in these surroundings, he seemed to feel a sense of security in the presence of these loyal Kansans on whom he had placed his reliance and confidence in calling them so near to his person.
The spell was broken by Gen. Lane coming forward. A short conversation was held by these three men, and the president and secretary withdrew. The next morning the company retired from the White House and in the afternoon was again marched to the east room, where the president made a short, felicitous address, and the company was formally recog-nized as in the military service for a temporary emergency.
That night we were assigned to the Winder building, opposite the war department, where we had our rendezvous until we were discharged.
A day or two after the organization of the Frontier Guard, Cassius M. Clay, of Kentucky, organized a similar company, nearly equal in numbers.
Our company was the first to capture a rebel flag. It came about in this way: A report came that the rebels would make an attempt to capture the bridge across the East Branch of the Potomac. We were ordered out one night in April. Marching down Pennsylvania Avenue, we were joined by Clay’s company and marched thence to the navy yard. After a short halt the Frontier Guard filed out of the east gate across a ravine, and soon came in sight of the bridge. The moon was shining brightly and in the distance could be plainly seen a brass cannon near the draw. The writer, happening to be in the front ranks, went forward with pal-pitating heart expecting every moment to be cut down with grape and canister, but pride kept us all in line, although our knees smote together. At last, coming full on the cannon, we discovered to our immense relief that it was a gun of Pennsylvania battery, and it was point-ing toward the Maryland shore. This inspired us with courage. We urged Lane to have the draw lowered so that we might cross the river and scout for the enemy. Finally he assented and a detail of twelve or fifteen was sent across. Dividing the squad, we pushed out on differ-ent roads and scouted the country for three or four hours. No hostile foes were found. One squad (led, I think, by Harry Fields) discovered a rebel flag flying on a pole in front of a house. The owner was aroused and ordered to haul the flag down. This he refused to do, but doggedly gave them permission to take it down if they wanted to do so. The flag was imme-diately hauled down, brought back with considerable exultation, and the next day it was stretched across the avenue opposite Williard’s hotel, with a great placard inscribed: “Captured by the Frontier Guards.” The prowess was not great, but the thing captured was a trophy.
Soon after this Ben Butler arrived at Annapolis with the Eighth Massachusetts, and the work of opening up communication with the north via Annapolis, the Chesapeake Bay, and Perryville (at the mouth of the Susquehanna) went forward under his energetic management with extraordinary rapidity. Union troops came pouring into the Capital in an unbroken line and Washington resounded with the pageantry of war.
The exigency which had called the Frontier Guard into existence had happily passed away, and on the 3rd of May the “Guards” filed into the east room for the last time. It was received by the president, surrounded by a portion of his cabinet. Gen. Lane in a short speech said, in substance, that the crisis which led to the formation of the company having termi-nated by reason of the arrival of large bodies of troops in Washington, he requested per-mission to discharge the men in due form. Mr. Lincoln in very appropriate words, thanked the company for its exceptional services, and expressed, with warmth of feeling, his deep sense of personal obligation for the prompt manner in which it had rallied to his support in an hour of great peril.
The discharges issued a few days afterward, dated “Headquarters Frontier Guards,” Exec-utive Mansion, Washington, D. C., signed by and containing the thanks of A. Lincoln, Simon Cameron, and Jas. H. Lane, are no doubt highly prized by those who hold them as memen-toes of a period fraught with tremendous issues to the nation.
Among the names now remembered as on the roster were Senator Pomeroy, Judge Thos. Ewing, Marcus J. Parrot, A. C. Wilder, D. R. Anthony, Uncle George Keller, R. McBratney, Judge Burrris, Job. B. Stockton, Col. John C. Vaughan, S. W. Greer, Maj. Dan McCook, father of the “fighting McCooks,” Harry Field,Gordon, Wm. Tholen, Ed. McCook, and Geo. H. Weaver. These are a few of the names hastily recalled on the moment. Many others who sealed their devotion by giving their lives for the nation have a more enduring fame al-ready written in brighter records. It is to be hoped that a full list of all the members will soon be published. Capt. Job. B. Stockton, who resides somewhere in Colorado, is supposed to have all the necessary data for a full history of the Guards.
It may be safely said that the members of the Frontier Guards were not actuated with selfish motives, for they neither asked nor received at that time or since, pay or rations for their service.
The dates here given may be in error two or three days, one way or the other, but they will not vary from the records of the company more than that.
Some of the members of the company belonged to other states than Kansas, but the prestige of the Frontier Guards, and it was very great at a critical time in Washington, was derived from its Kansas paternity.
It is to be hoped that the surviving members will soon take some action looking to a reunion, and to the preservation of the records of an organization which is destined to hold a place in history. Emporia News.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
The Santa Fe company is ballasting its road between Florence and Kansas City and Atchison at the rate of 500 yards per day.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
Reports are in circulation in the Indian Territory that the military have been ordered to arrest Dave Payne, put a ball and chain to his leg, and set him to work on the rock pile, if caught again in the Territory. This will put an end to the Oklahoma boom.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
J. F. Goddard, for years general freight agent of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, has been promoted to the position of general traffic manager of the same road, the appointment taking effect last week. Jim Goddard is one of the most popular railroad men in the West. He has all the polish of a general passenger agent, with the keenest knowledge of freight matters.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
The Murder Case.
Mrs. Freylinger was found guilty of murder in the second degree Saturday evening for the killing of Noella, an account of which appeared in this paper at the time. The facts as brought out in the evidence showed the act to be decidedly cold-blooded and repulsive. Mrs. Freylinger is over fifty years old and brutally ignorant. Her ignorance and vindictiveness make her a dangerous person in any community, and the sooner she is confined within the walls of the penitentiary, the safer will neighbors feel. From the evidence it seems that she and her husband and Noella had been having a family row. That she suspected Noella of stealing her cabbage, and put poison on them; that Noella suspected her of stealing his cabbage, and also put out poison, and that finally Freylinger’s horse got some cabbage and died, and the old lady claimed that it was Noella’s cabbage that the horse ate. After this the Freylinger’s made it so warm for Noella that he got afraid to stay around there, and left. After this, according to the testimony of the old lady herself, she and her husband watched many nights for him to return—she watching half the night and he the other half—with a gun, intending, as she said, to “shoot him shoost like a rabbit.” He finally did come back, in the day time, and she carried out her threat and shot him like a rabbit, killing him instantly. There was no row or words previous to the shooting, as in fact Noella was afraid of her and when she appeared he retreated. It was the most cold-blooded affair we have knowledge of. The ignorance and natural fierceness of the old woman’s nature are the only palliating features of the case.
The Court sentenced her to the penitentiary for the balance of her natural life.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
The Court sentenced Mrs. Quarles to the penitentiary for three years; Tom Quarles for three years.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1882.
The stock of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad company is owned by 5,750 persons, of whom 5,600 reside in Boston or its immediate vicinity.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1882.
Stockmen Take Notice.
A meeting of the Stockmen of this vicinity will be held in this city on Monday next, Dec. 18th, 1882, at 12 o'clock, m., to which all interested in the stock business are earnestly invited to attend. As business of the greatest importance to Stockmen will come before the meeting, it is hoped all who can will be present. By Order.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1882.
From Bolton Township.
Editor Traveler:
I read your article of the 6th inst., on fencing in the Territory with considerable interest, and more especially that part which speaks of its near approach to the State line. As the story goes—the gentleman who claims to be a “Noble Red Man,” and is peddling himself out as a cats paw for the Oil Co., had in the first place designed putting the fence four miles from the State line, and he assigns as a reason for the change that some person, either real or imaginary, had made some threats about the fence, which, he claims, is sufficient reason for the change. He further states that he will show the people along the line that he will put the fence where he pleases, and after a certain time no man shall pass through that fence to get wood; and further, to enforce all these things, he will bring a Cherokee police force sufficient to put a man at each post. In short, he is going to do many other great things, for he, even HE, is a great man.
Now, Mr. Editor, we will state first that by this change our range for which we took and paid license, from the Cherokee Agent, are cut in two, and some of them are cut off entirely from water for the stock. Not only is every range along the line in Bolton bought and paid for, but we were promised these ranges from year to year so long as the Cherokees had control of the land, and now he will run the fence where he pleases. He throws down the gauntlet, gives us a banter, and defies us with a threat; and also draws a barbed wire under the nose of every man who has bought a range of the Cherokees for his stock. If we do not peaceably abandon our ranges and stand quietly by and see our ranges taken from us, after paying for them, we are to have Cherokee police flourishing Cherokee revolvers in our faces to teach us that we are cowards and the truckling vassals of an Oil Company's cats paw.
Now gentlemen, in conclusion, I am opposed to monopolies, and am strongly in favor of peace, and have hoped that Uncle Sam or the Cherokee Council will come to our aid in protecting the rights we have paid for, but should they not, I imagine that every Bolton man, who is interested in the range, would be inclined to go in for making things lively. C. Z.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, December 14, 1882.
While on our visit to Cheyenne Agency and Fort Reno, we ascertained that the stories published regarding the treatment of Payne and his party by the military were, to say the least gross exaggeration. The facts, so far as we could learn from a variety of sources were as follows.
Payne and his party, when captured by the military, had to be tied and put in the wagons and were taken directly to Fort Reno. On arriving there, they were placed under guard, but properly cared for, being furnished with wood and provisions. Payne stated to the commanding officer that all he wanted was to have a trial, and that he was perfectly willing to go to Fort Smith, promising at the same time that neither he nor any member of his party would make any attempt to escape or give any trouble to the officer in command of the military guard detailed to conduct them to Fort Smith. The party was placed under charge of Lieut. Taylor, and by him taken to Henrietta, Texas, that being the nearest railroad point. On arriving at Henrietta, Payne requested and received permission to go about town. An hour or so afterward, and about the time the train was ready to start, Payne returned, accompanied by the sheriff with a writ of habeas corpus. Lieut. Taylor stated that his orders were to take the party to Fort Smith, where Payne had said he was more than anxious to go; that he did not consider it his duty to obey the writ, as the party were United States prisoners, and that he would not respect it.
The sheriff then left to obtain a posse to take the prisoners by force, but before he returned the train pulled out with the entire party on board. Payne then endeavored to try the bluff game on Taylor, but the latter wouldn’t stand it, and the former finally subsided.
This is an unadorned statement of the case; and of the truth in every particular, we have not the least doubt. Under the circumstances, the attempt, on the part of Payne, to cast any reflection upon Capt. Bennett, commander at Fort Reno, and Lieut. Taylor, who took the party to Fort Smith, is both mean and contemptible.
The military endeavored to treat the party with every consideration possible under a strict observance of orders from headquarters, but their efforts in that line were not appreciated by Payne, and it is safe to predict that the next time he is caught in the Territory, he will fare far different from what he did at any other time.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, December 14, 1882.
We find the following paragraph floating around among the papers. If the location of the road is as stated in the paragraph, the engineers have selected a very rough country to run through. It will cost more to grade the road on that line than it will to tie and iron it.
“The Atlantic and Pacific is now completed to the Arkansas river, and new contracts are being let for its extension. The new route, as recently adopted, follows the Red Fork and en-ters the Oklahoma lands at the northeast corner of the Sac and Fox reservation, six miles north of the thirty-sixth line of latitude; thence the line bears south and west until it reaches the North Fork of the Canadian river, which it follows westward until it reaches a point on the river six miles south of the thirty-sixth degree of latitude, when it strikes for the South Fork of the Canadian; thence along the valley of the South Canadian to the Texas Panhandle. The evident object in changing the original route is to secure to the road the alternate sections of land under the provisions of its charter, granted by congress in 1866, lying in the public lands. The Atlantic and Pacific is but an extension westward of the Vinita branch of the St. Louis and San Francisco company to meet the Atlantic and Pacific, whose eastern terminus is now at Albuquerque, New Mexico.”
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, December 14, 1882.
One way to solve the Indian question in the western part of the Indian Territory, is to place the Indians upon smaller reservations and lease the remainder of the land for stock purposes, the proceeds to be devoted to the support of the Indians. If a plan of this kind could
be put into good shape and properly presented to congress, there is not the least doubt but it would be adopted. The benefit of its adoption would be incalculable to Indians, while at the same time the money received from the rental of the lands for stock purposes would relieve the government of a heavy tax, and the Indian at the same time, would be better fed and clothed than he is now. If our stockmen are wise, they will carefully consider this proposition, and after so doing, we are confident they will heartily approve of it and support it.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, December 14, 1882.
Chief Bushyhead has vetoed the bill annulling the contracts made between cattlemen on the Cherokee Strip and citizens of the Cherokee Nation, and also the bill to lease the Strip to a combination of members of the Nation. His veto messages have not been received, but it is safe to say that in both vetoes, the chief was eminently correct.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882..
Trouble Below.
It seems that the Indian authorities are causing the cattle men along the Cherokee strip some trouble, and last Friday night a party of stock dealers from south of Sumner County passed through Oswego on their way to Tahlequah to try to adjust matters. The party owns in round numbers 300,000 head of cattle.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Fencing the Territory.
The matter of fencing the Territory below Arkansas City and Caldwell is a subject of general conversation among stock men, and it is the prevailing opinion that the small stock owners are being shamefully outraged by it. Below Arkansas City the entire country for twenty miles south, and twenty-five east and west is being fenced by parties from Pennsylvania to the exclusion of men who have been there for years and paid the tax regularly to the Cherokee Nation, under the assurance that they would be permitted to remain there as long as the Cherokees had control of the lands. It will prove not only a great detriment to the farmers along the State line, but to every mode of travel, as gates will have to be opened and closed, and in time of high waters when different routes have to be taken where there are no gates. The matter should be brought before the proper authorities and some action taken.
S. M. C.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
A Dark and Mysterious Deed Committed in the Territory.
The Case A Sad One.
From parties lately up from the Territory we learn the particulars of another of those terrible murders of which that country is so often the scene. This one is peculiarly horrible. From the Arkansas City Democrat, we clip the following account.
“Mr. S. L. Typton, who has a cattle ranch on the Cimarron River, about eighty-five miles south of this city in the Indian Territory, was in the city last Tuesday and gave us the following particulars of another dark deed in the Indian Territory. He said, ‘Last Sunday morning, in company with one of my cowboys, I started out to hunt up some stray stock, and after traveling some twenty miles up the river, it being about noon, we came to the conclusion to stop and eat our dinner, and were riding into the timber for that purpose when we discovered an old wagon in the bushes a short distance from the river bank, and thinking someone was camped there, we hitched our horses and went to the wagon, but were somewhat taken back when we discovered the bed was covered with blood. It was evident that a foul murder had been committed, and we commenced to look around for further developments and soon found where a body had been dragged through the sand, and following the trail about three hundred yards, we discovered the body of a man with an old butcher knife buried to the hilt in his heart. The man had evidently been dead for eight or ten days, as his body was in a putrid condition. I remained with the dead man and sent my cowboy to a ranch, about eight miles distant, and in about three hours he returned with Mr. Haygood. After Mr. Haygood arrived, we made a thorough investigation, and found three wounds on the man’s head, which apparently had been made with a club or some blunt instrument, and the knife wound, which must have been inflicted after the man was stunned by the blows upon the head, as the garments were torn away and the knife placed directly between his ribs and driven through his heart. On the body we found a small two bladed knife, ten cents in silver, and a letter which was evidently from his wife. It read as follows:
‘DEAR SAM: As you said you would pass through Arkansas City, Kansas, I thought I would write to you there, as I would not have another chance until you reached Texas. The children are all well, I am feeling much better, and will start for home next week, and remain until you send for me, which I hope will not be long. I have sold all our household goods and Fred’s pony and put the money in the bank with what you left me. I wish you had left all your money here, as I am afraid that man you took with you will do you mischief. He knows you have money on your person. I shall feel uneasy until I hear from you. Don’t fail to write as soon as you get to Texas. As soon as you find a location that suits you, I will come. Fred says you must buy him another pony so he can learn to ride like the cowboys when he goes to Texas. I don’t think of anything more this time. If you don’t write on the road direct in care of father, as I will be at home before another letter could reach me. Good bye. FLORA.
‘P. S.: Mary is 13 months old today and said ‘papa.’ F.’”
No other clue than the above could be found to show the dead man’s identity. The body was buried near the spot where it was found. These Territory murders are becoming so frequent of late that it seems as if something should be done to rid out the nest of thieves and cut throats which infest it. If a man commits a crime in the state, he immediately flees to the Territory, where he follows a career of carnage and rapine unhindered by the arm of the law. If ever there was a case for a shrewd, determined officer to do his duty in, it is to ferret out the perpetrator of this deed and bring him to justice.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, December 14, 1882.
Payne’s case against Gen. Pope has been postponed for thirty days. That case may finally come to trial, but if it should, it will be after the necessity for it—so far as Payne is concerned—shall have gone glimmering in the great past.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 20, 1882.
Arthur Gorham, of Kinsley, has purchased the Hi Kollar ranch and range at the mouth of Bluff creek on the Cimarron, paying $100,000 for the outfit. Mr. Kollar had about 3,000 head of cattle on the range.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 20, 1882.
The new public library building now being erected in the state house grounds by the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe road, under the supervision of Mr. E. Wilder, will cost when completed $39,000. It will be handsomest building in the state.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 20, 1882. Editorial Page.
Territory Items.
The Canadian river cattle company have bought the Bugbee ranch, with 12,000 head of cattle, and the Turkey Track ranch, with 11,000, both adjoining the double H of Horseshoe ranch, in the Panhandle, already owned by the aforesaid company, and the three are now consolidated, making the whole a herd of about 35,000 cattle.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 20, 1882.
About thirty stockmen were present at the stock meeting, at the Central Avenue, last Monday. Particulars of the meeting will be found elsewhere.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 20, 1882.
Capt. Haight informs us that he was called into the Territory a short time ago to settle a boundary line between two large pastures. One of them, just south of Arkansas City, contains 190,000 acres, and is being fenced with barbed wire. This is being done by Col. Windsor, of Titusville, Pennsylvania, under the cover of the names of two Cherokee Indians. The other is being fenced by Mills and Stevens. Telegram.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 20, 1882.
Stockmen's Meeting.
ARKANSAS CITY, Dec. 18th, 1882.
Pursuant to notice published, calling a stockmen's meeting at the Central Avenue, on Monday last, about thirty stockmen responded, and the meeting was called to order at 1 o'clock p.m. Mr. Hodges was called to the chair, and O. O. Clendenning was appointed Secretary. The Chairman then read an article from a Cherokee paper, stating what the Cherokee Council had done to prevent Eastern Companies from fencing, and thus depriving the stockmen of the several ranges for which they had paid and held license to in the Indian Territory.
Mr. J. E. Snow, Attorney of Winfield, then read a series of resolutions prepared by him-self and W. P. Hackney, the acting attorneys for the stockmen. The resolutions are too lengthy to be inserted here, but the sum and substance was that the stockmen there assembled pledged themselves to abide by and aid each other to the utmost extremity in resisting the action of the fencing monopolies which are attempting to illegally force them from their ranges.
The resolutions were adopted and signed; and the following gentlemen, Messrs. F. M. Stewart, D. Warren, and W. H. Dunn, were appointed a committee to act in the premises and decide as to the action necessary to be taken to enforce the resolutions as adopted.
A motion was put and carried that the minutes of the meeting be published after which the meeting adjourned subject to a call of the committee.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 20, 1882.
Stockholders’ Meeting.
The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Highland Hall Co., of Arkansas City, will be held in the Cowley County Bank, on January 2nd, 1883, at 7 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of electing five directors to serve for the ensuing year. H. P. FARRAR, Secretary.
Arkansas City, Kas., Dec. 2, 1882.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
The Register and Receiver of the United States Land Office at Wichita are in receipt of an order issued by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, suspending all cash entries made by single men on the Osage Indian lands in Kansas, since June 23, 1881, where the lands lie in the counties of Sumner, Harper, Kingman, and Comanche. This order is the result of land frauds and fraudulent entries of startling magnitude in connection with these lands, perpetrated by cowboys preempting lands in the interest of stockmen, for range purposes.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
It has been well said that the crying evil of our land system is the locking up of vast bodies of land by the great railroad corporations. The Union Pacific company receives patents for about 12,000,000 acres; the Central Pacific for about 8,000,000. These lands are sold in driblets, trusting to future scarcity to enliven prices. Thus about 17,000,000 acres, nominally assigned to these companies, have been virtually withdrawn from market because the companies will not go to the expense of surveying them. For these lands no patents are issued, and on them no taxes are paid. In the meantime, the supreme court, by its decision that the failure to complete a land grant railroad within the time fixed in the grant does not forfeit the lands promised, helps also to withhold these lands from market, to the injury of the actual settlers, and to the detriment of the public generally. Congress has power to remedy this crying evil. It should compel these great corporations to pay taxes on the lands withheld from market.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
The bill introduced in the house by Representative McCord to provide for the regulation of inter-state commerce provides each railway shall on the first of March each year publish a schedule of rates. Fifty percent of the schedule of rates shall be the minimum of rates, and 50 percent above the maximum allowed to be charged in any case. These rates are to be charged for loading, a mileage rate for hauling, and are to be fixed upon the principle of impartial service for a fair corporate profit from honest public service. Consolidating, discriminating, pooling, etc., are prohibited and punished. A committee of nine members, one from each judicial circuit in the United States, shall be appointed by each congress to supervise, investigate, and report to congress as to the management and control of railroads under the law, and recommend amendments thereto.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
Mr. Tom Wright says that the man murdered in the Territory, an account of which appeared in last week’s paper, must certainly have been Samuel Covington, a gentleman who was for some time in partnership with him in the pony business. His wife’s name was Flora, and he had a little boy, Fred, and a baby. He left here with eighteen hundred dollars, intending to go to Texas while his wife went to Eureka, Arkansas. This is probably a solution of one step in the dark deed.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, December 21, 1882.
Payne, in a letter to the Kansas City Oklahoma Colony, claims that the organization he represents has taken up a piece of country fifty miles square on the Oklahoma strip If being chased over the territory by the military and scouts entitles a party to the land they have traversed in their run, then Payne and his party may stand some show of getting that fifty miles square, otherwise not.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, December 21, 1882.
From Caldwell, Kansas.
EDITOR INDIAN CHIEFTAIN: As you have an outspoken people’s paper, I send you a few lines upon matters west of 96 degrees.
The spirit of invading Oklahoma is on the boom, and they threaten to march about the middle of February in strength, and hold by force. If a rope and tree could be furnished the leaders, the cause would end.
After looking over our delegates’ report to the council and seeing so much bosh from the U. S. Indian department, I feel it my duty to defend Cherokee rights. We have 6,500,000 acres of beautiful, rich land unsold west of 96 degrees, and we ought to control it like men, and quit begging thieving officials who always act in favor of those who pay the most for their influence—it is ours until sold and title conveyed. They claim a right to control by a clause of the treaty of 1866, which says, “the government may locate friendly Indians, etc.,” which clause conveys no title and is abrogated by a provision to remove no more Indians from their homes, etc. Doing, and failing to do, are different things. Then they claim a set price of 50 cents per acre, dated 1878, when the treaty provides for a commission to value all lands sold. Admitting that a price was fixed in 1878 for such land at 50 cents per acre, to hold before sale and regardless of increased value, shows fraud which annuls the whole proceeding. They have bought and paid for the Oklahoma ceded lands, and have room there for more Indians than there is to locate. Such a sale of our land works an evil instead of good, it furnishes fusions instead of homes for other tribes, and gives land sharks an excuse to move and rob them of their homes at our expense. This country was provided by our parents, and we should hold it sacred as a headright for the Cherokee blood, and not ruin our inheritance by blind and corrupt legislation, as has been done with our homestead east of 96 degrees, where parties ignore Cherokee rights to buy foreign votes. If we have 15,000 Cherokees, a division of this land will give 433½ acres per head, and with an individual title placed on the market would bring from $3 to $40 per acre, and at a low average of $5 per acre, would give $2,166.83 per capita, enough to end our cry for bread money that politicians so eagerly take advantage of to make voting stock.
Fencing stock pastures west of 96 degrees, I will state, was a means of self-defense adopted by stockmen, and guaranteed by individual enterprise of Cherokees, upon common right.
Our land unsold begins east at the Arkansas River, and runs west to the Panhandle of Texas, being 178 miles long by 57½ wide, and joins Kansas on the south in length. Under the old mode of herding, no one could afford to hold stock nearer than 10 to 20 miles of the state line; they would ramble or be driven to Kansas pens, and to recover them, owners have to pay a fine, damages to crops, and other expenses, as per herd law. The result was that licensed herds left about one-third of our range vacant, which was covered by men living on the line with sheep and other stock on which they paid no taxes. Most of said range is being reclaimed by men fencing and stocking pastures, thereby saving the range and timber and creating more revenue for the Nation and establishing Cherokee rights by fencing squatters out.
It is true, some of our people abuse the cause by covering stock from tax or taking more range than is needed. Our treasurer has the right to tax all stock west of 96 degrees, and cover all extra range with stock, which will stop the swindle and greed. J. W. JORDAN.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
A Washington special says that Capt. Scott, of Arkansas City, Kansas, is there to consult with the interior department respecting the conflicting leases of land in the Indian Territory made by the Cherokee Nation to various cattle men of Kansas and Missouri for grazing purposes. This is the inauguration of a big fight between the original lessees, who are small cattle owners, and the large companies, who are striving to acquire control of these lands to their prejudice.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, December 28, 1882.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 22. Captain Scott, of Arkansas City, Kansas, is here to consult with the interior department respecting the conflicting leases of lands in the Indian Territory, made by the Cherokee Nation to various cattle men of Kansas and Missouri for grazing purposes. This is the inauguration of a big fight between the original lessees, who are small cattle owners, and the large companies who are striving to acquire control of these lands to their prejudice.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, December 28, 1882.
Of Interest to Cattle Men.
LEAVENWORTH, Dec. 23. John Volz, of this city, who has a cattle ranch in the Indian Territory, near the Cantonment, has just received information from there that a council has been called by the head chiefs of the Cheyennes. The propositions to be discussed are:
1. The organization of a government similar to a territorial one.
2. The election of a Governor and Council, or Legislature.
3. The levying of taxes pro rata upon cattle ranges and herders. Mr. Volz favored the scheme, and thinks it will tend to shut out the larger cattle dealers, who are trying to freeze out the lesser ones, or at any rate give small herders a chance.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, December 28, 1882.
The doughty Captain Payne has turned himself loose again in some of his choice English. We have no time this week to give him the attention he seems to require, but shall endeavor to impress upon his mind in the near future that it is neither good sense nor good policy to “fool with the buzz saw while in moshun.”
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
Last Wednesday Mr. Smith, the agent of the K. C., L. & S. Railroad at this place, was arrested by the Company, charged with embezzling eight hundred and thirty-five dollars of the Company’s funds. He is now in jail in default of fifteen hundred dollars bail. Mr. Smith has heretofore borne an excellent reputation and has been a trusted employee of the Company for ten years. After coming here he got into the habit of gambling and had associated with him one Chambers, the telegraph operator, who evidently conspired to rob him in this way. Chambers has since jumped the town.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, December 28, 1882.
Indian Troubles.
Mr. A. L. Raymond returned yesterday from a trip in the Indian Territory over the M. K. & T. Road, leaving Muskogee on Monday last. From him we gather a few items regarding the late outbreak among the Creeks. It appears the trouble arises from an old feud antedating the war. On one side is the National party, headed by Chicate; and the other, the tribal party, headed by Splechie. The former is in favor of a government similar to the Cherokees, while the latter wants to maintain the old tribal relation, with bands governed by petty chiefs. Trouble has been brewing between the factions for some time, culminating last week in both sides arming and organizing to kill off or drive out the other.
Mr. Raymond states that the factions were concentrating at a point near Okmulgee, and it was expected, unless interfered with by two companies of U. S. Troops sent from Fort Gibson, they would have a fight on Tuesday. Mr. Raymond thinks the troops could not reach the place in time, and that a fight must have taken place, although he has failed to learn anything further regarding the treaties since leaving Muskogee.
The excitement is great all through that section, and it is feared that unless both sides are disarmed, they will slaughter each other without mercy and perhaps carry their operations so far as to murder others in no wise interested in their quarrel. On the other hand, if dis-armed, there will be a reign of assassination throughout the Creek country.
The Creeks are a bad mixture of Indian, negro and white blood, revengeful, and treacher-ous as only such a class can be, and if they could be penned in and allowed to have a regular Kilkenny cat fight, it would result greatly to the advantage of the peace of other tribes and the civilization of the survivors, if there should be any.
[Note: Names differ in newspapers, some having Splechie, Spieche, Spleiche; Chicate is sometimes given as Chicote.]
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, December 28, 1882.
Depredations in the Indian Territory.
MUSKOGEE, INDIAN TERRITORY, December 25. The party of Splechies who were previously reported as having crossed the Arkansas river, passed through town yesterday, in full war paint, under the command of the notorious Dick Glass. They went west in pursuit of the band of Chicate men who killed one of their party the day before yesterday, but returned in the evening not having been able to find them. United States Agent Tufts has notified them that he would disarm both parties on the committal of an open act of war. The company of United States troops arrived at Muskogee last night from Fort Gibson under the command of Lieutenant Crane, to protect the lives and property of United States citizens. Another squad will come to Muskogee today. The Chicate party is said to have seized, and are now guarding, all ferries on the Arkansas river, to prevent reinforcements from the northern part of the nation joining the Splechies. Dispatches give no explanation as to why these Indians are roaming about in armed bands, nor is anything regarding the matter known here.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, January 4, 1883.
Last week the Wellington Press returned to its proposition for Sumner County to sell its stock in the Cowley, Sumner & Fort Smith Railroad, and undertakes, in a lengthy article, to show wherein the county would be benefitted by such a course. It urges that because Sedg-wick County sold its railroad stock to advantage, Sumner County can do the same thing. And perhaps it could, if there were any parties anxious to purchase and at the same time willing to pay a fair price for it.
At present the stock is not worth the bonds issued to pay for it, and until it reaches that point, or, as in the case of Sedgwick County, two or more parties need it in their business, it is not good policy in throwing it upon the market. We will admit that under the present situation of affairs, the stock is practically valueless; but the bonds issued for its purchase are not a burden upon the taxpayers of the county, for the reason that the taxes collected from the road pays the interest upon the bonds and leaves a margin of $9,000 to be applied upon the principal. The stock will also increase in value, because, now that the Wichita & South-western and the C. S. & F. S. have been consolidated, in the very nature of railroad manage-ment the time will shortly come when some other stockholder will want our stock in order to give him the standing in the company to which he aspires.
Taking all these things into consideration, it is not worthwhile to be overly anxious about selling our railroad stock.
Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.
Dick Glass, the negro who was captured and escaped from Sheriff Shenneman, has been heard from. We clip the following dispatch in relation to the matter from the Kansas City Journal.
“A dispatch from Muskogee, Indian Territory, says that forty of Splechie’s men, who were previously reported as having crossed the Arkansas River, passed through town yester-day in full war paint under command of the notorious Dick Glass. They went west in pursuit of the band of Chicate’s men, who killed one of their party day before yesterday, but returned in the evening, not having been able to find them. United States Agent Tufts has notified them that he will disarm both parties on the committal of any open act of war. A company of United States troops arrived at Muskogee last evening from Fort Gibson, under command of Lieutenant Irons, to protect the lives and property of United States citizens. Another squad will go to Muskogee today. The Chicate party are said to have seized and are guarding all ferries on the Arkansas River to prevent reinforcements from the northern part of the Nation joining Splechie. Dispatches from the Territory give no explanation as to why these Indians are roaming about in armed bands, nor is anything regarding the matter known here.”
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, January 4, 1883.
Important to Stockmen.
The Globe-Democrat of last Sunday publishes the following special from Washington, which may or not be of interest to stockmen on the “outlet,” according as they view it. It is dated Dec. 30, 1882.
Reports have reached the Indian Bureau from Cherokee County, Indian Territory, to the effect that the white men are erecting buildings and fencing off pastures in the “Cherokee Outlet.” Commissioner Price today addressed a letter to Agent Tufts at Muskogee to warn the white herders to remove with their stock from off the reservation, allowing twenty days for the exit. If the herders fail to get out at time, the agent is authorized to call on the military to eject them.
If we understand the above rightly, the attempt will be made to remove the stockmen from the strip, or “outlet,” as it is termed in the dispatch. Should such be the case, the move will be an outrage upon the stockmen, for which no excuse whatever can be offered. For they have paid taxes to the Cherokee Nation and received a permit therefor to hold their stock on the strip. In addition to paying taxes, many of them have also bought and paid for such right as the Cherokees could give to fence their pastures and to erect suitable buildings for the shelter and accommodation of their employees. They, therefore, have an equitable right to remain undisturbed so long as they do not violate the laws of the United States and the regulations of the Cherokee Nation governing the occupancy of the lands.
But, it will be urged, the Cherokee have no right to grant pasture-fencing privileges on the Strip. Why not? It is not worthwhile to quote extracts from their treaties at this time, for they have been published so often as to be familiar to everybody who has taken the least interest in the Territory affairs. It is only sufficient to state that these treaties convey to the Cherokees, in fee simple, the lands in question, and that, until paid for by the United States, the Cherokees have the sole control of the lands, with the undoubted right to secure from them the largest revenue possible. No one who thoroughly understands the full merits of the question will argue differently. Therefore, it seems to us that if complaint has been made against the stockmen, it comes from envious or malicious parties, parties who cannot occupy the country themselves and are not willing to allow others to do so.
The stockmen, in their own interests, should take steps to ascertain the full meaning of the dispatch, and if there is anything in it, adopt a course that will protect their rights.
Since the above was put in type, we have discovered the following in the Washington letter of the Kansas City Times.
“By the Cherokee law each Indian has been allowed to appropriate a given quantity of land suitable for grazing purposes in the Indian Territory. It appears that the rich and powerful corporation known as the ‘Standard Oil Corporation’ have gone into the speculation of cattle raising, and the better to serve a monopoly, have hired Cherokee Indians at nominal rates to take up grazing lands for the benefit of the company. Heretofore, the people of Missouri, Kansas, and Texas have been able to graze their cattle in the Indian Territory by paying so much a head, but the plan of the Standard Oil Company is to drive out all those engaged in raising cattle in a small way. The leases or contracts made with these Indians by the Standard Oil Company have been submitted to Secretary Teller, and to his credit, be it said, he has peremptorily declined to approve them. This evidences the fact that the Secretary appreciates the interests and wants of the western people, and is not to be dragooned into injustice even by so powerful a corporation as the Standard Oil Company.”
This, we think, accounts for the Globe-Democrat’s special.
It is well enough to restrain monopolists, but we venture the assertion that the parties who are objecting to the Standard Oil Company’s leases are stock owners on the Kansas border, who have been in the habit of holding cattle in the Territory without paying one cent of taxes on them to the Cherokees or the state of Kansas. In their way, they were monopolists as well as the Standard Oil Company.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, January 11, 1883.
The Schemes of Monopolists.
Last week the COMMERCIAL published a statement regarding the flurry created by an order, issued by the Secretary of the Interior, for the removal of stockmen from the Cherokee Strip. On Friday last, Mr. Tuttle, of this city, received a telegram stating that the order had been rescinded, and on Saturday the following appeared in the Globe-Democrat.
WASHINGTON, D. C., Jan. 5. B. H. Campbell, representing a syndicate of Chicago capitalists, is negotiating with the Secretary of the Interior for a lease of a tract of land thirty miles square in the Indian Territory belonging to the Cherokee and Cheyenne Indians. They propose using it for grazing cattle, and agree to cut only such timber as is necessary to provide posts for wire fences to enclose the land. They offer $50,000 rental for the land. The Indians are represented as being anxious to enter into the arrangement.
B. H. Campbell has evidently experienced a change of heart since he quit editing a green-back paper in Iowa. Then, his soul was harrowed by the privileges granted monopolists and their encroachments upon the rights of the people. Now, he is only too anxious to be enrolled in the ranks of that hated class.
Letting Mr. Campbell rest for the presnt, it is well enough to state here, that
1. The Cheyennes do not control any lands in the Indian Territory.
2. Even if they do, neither they nor the Cherokees, jointly or seperately, have anything to say about leasing lands in the Territory for grazing purposes.
3. Secretary Teller has no authority to lease lands in the Territory for any purpose whatever.
But even if he has that authority, and chooses to exercise it in favor of a cattle syndicate or an individual who desires to engage in the stock business, then he may also lease a tract or tracts to colonies or individuals for agricultural or mining purposes.
Furthermore, to acknowledge the authority of the Secretary to give a lease to Mr. Camp-bell’s Chicago syndicate, is practically an assertion that the land in question belongs to the government, and therefore is subject to settlement. Certainly no one assumes that to be the case.
In the above we do not wish to be understood as objecting to leasing the lands in the Territory, west of 96 degrees, and not absolutely required for the use of the Indians now occupying them, for grazing purposes. On the contrary, the COMMERCIAL has been the first to advocate such a course, believing it would be beneficial to the Indians, a great saving to the country, and put at rest—for a time, at least—all attempts to force the Territory open to settlement. But this must be by the authority of Congress, and under such regulations as will not permit the entire country to be absorbed by two or three combinations like the one represented by Mr. B. H. Campbell. And it is well to remark right here, if the attempts being made to place the control of the grazing lands, in the Territory, into the hands of a few men, or any combination of capitalists, is persisted in, the results will be that in less than one year the land in question will be dotted with claim houses instead of cattle. A little reflection on this point may possibly save some useless and likewise expensive trips to the national capital.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, January 11, 1883.
Notice was received from Agent Tufts, on Monday, to publish the order notifying stockmen on the Strip to remove fences and improvements. Yesterday morning a dispatch was received from him countermanding the notice to publish. It would seem, from this, that the order issued by the Indian Bureau had been suspended until the condition of affairs on the Strip are thoroughly investigated. Should this prove to be the case, the stockmen need not fear any further trouble, as such an investigation will undoubtedly convince the Interior Department that no cause exists for interfering with them.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, January 11, 1883.
The southern branch of the St. Louis & San Francisco railroad is now running through trains to Fort Smith, Arkansas, giving the west the shortest railroad route to that point. Parties wishing to go to Fort Smith can take the “Frisco Line” at Wichita and go through to Eureka Springs or Fort Smith with only one change of cars.
Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.
In order to give the reader a slight idea of the amount of shipments from this city by car load, we will say that the A. T. & S. F. R. R. shipped during the year 1882: 20 car loads of flour, 20 car loads of brick, 2 cars of broom corn, 15 cars of cattle, 104 cars of corn, 205 cars of stone (much of the stone was used in erecting the Government building at Topeka), 265 cars of wheat. While our other road, the Kansas City, Lawrence & Southern Kansas shipped during the same time the following: 1 car flax seed, 1 car wagons, 1 car beans, 1 car timber, 1 car mill feed, 2 cars horses, 5 cars of coal, 13 cars of brick, 15 cars of sheep, 17 cars of cattle, 23 cars of flour, 81 cars of stone (these were shipped to different towns over the state and to Kansas City; this together with the shipments over the other road of these stone will enable the reader to form some idea as to the extent of the demand there already exists for our fine magnesian limestone for building and sidewalk purposes); 91 cars of corn, 138 cars of hogs, 307 cars of wheat, making a total of the leading articles as follows: Corn, 195 cars; hogs, 136; wheat, 572, and stone, 285 cars.
About an equal number of cattle held in the county by the owners are shipped from each of the seven smaller towns in the county. Owners usually ship from their nearest railroad station. However, this showing is but a drop in the bucket compared with the number of cattle shipped over the K. C., L. & S. K. R. R. This road has a branch running to Hunnewell, a small town on the Territory line. At this point they get the most of their cattle shipments. In the Territory are found hundreds of owners of large herds running in numbers from five to twenty thousand head, while at the same time a very great many of our own county cattle men hold their herds in the Territory and of course ship from the point nearest the south line of the state. Many hundred car loads of cattle loaded at Hunnewell are shipped over the latter named line of road each season.
Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.
Down With the Wire Fences.
Some weeks ago Capt. C. M. Scott went to Washington in the interests of the small stock herders along the Territory line to try and stop the immense fencing monopolies which were fencing up the whole country to the exclusion of small herders who had paid their tax for grazing, and were being frozen out by the larger groups.
How well he succeeded is attested by the following order, which was issued by the United States Indian Service from the Union Agency, Muskogee, Indian Territory, on January 8, 1883.
To whom it may concern:
I am directed by the Hon. Commissioner of Indian Affairs to notify all persons who have material on the ground or who have made improvements of any character in any part of the Cherokee country in the Indian Territory west of the Arkansas river, that all such improve-ments and material must be removed from the lands referred to before the first day of February, 1883, and that in the event of failure or neglect to remove the same before that date, the removal will be made by the military. Parties interested will please take notice and govern themselves accordingly.
J. Q. TUFTS, U. S. Indian Agent.
Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.
Mr. A. A. Wiley and Mr. Drury Warren were up from the Territory the past week. They have large cattle interests down southwest of the Ponca’s tract, and were intending to fence the land they have been occupying.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, January 11, 1883.
An Oklahoma Meeting.
Pursuant to notice previously given by bills scattered over the town, about sixty persons, men and boys, assembled in the Christian Church building on Tuesday night, with the expectation of hearing something from Capt. D. L. Payne, the Oklahoma boomer. The Captain failed to put in an appearance, and the assembled multitude seemed to be at a loss how to proceed.
Finally, old man Haley took the chair and called the meeting to order, and requested that, as the room was used for worship by the Christian Church, no one present spit upon the floor or use profane language. Just then, some boomer ejaculated what sounded very much like “d n it!” And a coterie of other boomers threw out about a quart of tobacco juice upon the floor, while the not overly fragrant aroma from “stinkers” and pipes floated lazily toward the ceiling.
After this came a long, serious pause, during which the entire audience wore a look of indefinite curiosity as to what would happen next. This unpleasant state was relieved by someone moving that T. H. B. Ross act as secretary of the meeting, which motion prevailed. Mr. Ross, in assuming the duties of the position, stated that the object of the meeting was to organize a colony to join Capt. Payne’s Oklahoma colony. He said it was expected that Payne would be there to address the meeting, but from some cause he had not arrived. The speaker went on to say that several parties had been organized to accompany Payne, that they would go from Wichita, Kansas City, Independence, Rich Hill, Missouri, and other points, to the number of 1,000 men, all of whom would assemble at Arkansas City on or about the 1st of February, and gaily slip into Oklahoma like a sore foot into an old slipper. Mr. Ross also stated that the colony had the newspaper material, and the men to run it, at Wichita, and a saw mill, all of which would move with the colony.
[This is some kind of taffy Payne has been giving the public for the last three years. ED.]
The speaker stated that Payne said he would start his colony from Caldwell, if it were not that the newspapers here were against him.
[If we remember rightly, Payne used to give as a reason for not concentrating his vast forces here that the people of Caldwell were opposed to him and his scheme. ED.]
At the close of Mr. Ross’ remarks an opportunity was given those present to sign the roll, and after a long wait, two, more bold than the rest, walked up and signed the paper entitling them to the privilege of being taken in on the Oklahoma lands by U. S. Troops. Emboldened by the example of the two braves, about twenty-five others put down their names. Notice was then given that a meeting would be held on Wednesday night, when only those who had signed the roll would be admitted. The meeting was undoubtedly held, but as the COMMERCIAL reporter was not entitled to be present, we are unable to even give a hint of its deliberations.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, January 11, 1883.
The COMMERCIAL office had a pleasant call on last Saturday from A. W. Harris, formerly of Council Grove. Mr. Harris is making arrangements to go into Oklahoma with Payne, when the latter makes his next raid, advertised to take place on or about the first of February. Mr. Harris appears to be a man fully competent to run a newspaper, but we venture the prediction that if he waits to begin the newspaper business until Payne opens up the Oklahoma lands to settlement, he will never know the joys or sorrows incident to the life of a country publisher.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, January 11, 1883.
The COMMERCIAL office had a pleasant call on last Saturday from A. W. Harris, formerly of Council Grove. Mr. Harris is making arrangements to go into Oklahoma with Payne, when the latter makes his next raid, advertised to take place on or about the first of February. Mr. Harris appears to be a man fully competent to run a newspaper, but we venture the prediction that if he waits to begin the newspaper business until Payne opens up the Oklahoma lands to settlement, he will never know the joys or sorrows incident to the life of a country publisher.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, January 11, 1883.
Stockmen’s Meeting at Topeka.
We see by the Commonwealth that a special meeting of stockmen belonging to the Stockmen’s Association of the Cherokee Strip, was held in Topeka on Monday. M. H. Bennett was elected chairman pro tem., and after a free and full discussion of the order issued by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs removing all improvements from the Strip, on motion Hon. E. M. Hewins and Maj. A. Drumm were appointed to wait upon the Secretary of the Interior and request a thorough investigation of the intentions of the stockmen in erecting enclosures and making the improvements complained of. Also, to request a suspension of the execution of the order until the investigation is made.
The meeting adopted the following preamble and resolutions.
WHEREAS, We have an association known as the Cherokee Strip Stockmen’s Association, whose members own over ninety percent of all livestock grazed upon the Cherokee Strip, Indian Territory, and all difficulties heretofore arising between members of this association have been amicably settled by themselves, and
WHEREAS, We, as stockmen of the Indian Territory, claim no right whatever in said Territory, only as guaranteed us by virtue of paying a grazing tax on stock to the Cherokee nation; therefore, be it
Resolved, That we would respectfully request the Secretary of the Interior to make a full and complete investigation of the interest and purposes of the stockmen on the Cherokee Strip in the Indian Territory, as regards their improvements further than to simply protect their stock from trespassing upon the ranges of their fellow stockmen.
Resolved, That we are opposed to any company or individual monopolizing any part on the Territory that infringes upon the rights of any person or persons that have paid the grazing tax upon their cattle and have grazing ground allotted and set apart for the benefit of the cattle upon which said tax has been paid.
Resolved, That we unanimously disapprove of the Standard Oil Company or any other corporation or company of individuals, in fencing up the grounds known as the “quarantine grounds,” said grounds having been set apart by the association, by and with the consent of the Cherokee authorities, for the benefit and use of persons driving cattle from Texas and other points for shipment.
Resolved, That we, as members of this association, will use our utmost endeavors to prevent all trespassing upon the timber lands of the Cherokee Strip by whomsoever it may be. We do also insist upon all persons holding stock upon the Cherokee Strip preserving order and quietly submitting to all the laws and decisions of the governing power of the hour.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, January 11, 1883.
The Commonwealth: The Chicago capitalists who are negotiating with the Secretary of the Interior for a lease of 2,400,000 acres of land in the Indian Territory, are under the leadership of B. H. Campbell, late United States marshal for the northern district of Illinois. They offer the magnificent sum of two cents an acre for the richest land in the west. The scheme goes on all fours with Uncle Rufus Hatch’s offer to take the Yellowstone Park off the government’s hands for a hotel site, or that other proposition of the Standard Oil Company to “freeze out” all the small cattle men in the Territory.
Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.
We are a little dubious about the advantages to Winfield of having the Institute for the feeble minded located here. We could get along well enough with the ordinary run of idiots, but it looks now that we should get large numbers of Oklahoma idiots from Wichita and that kind would be a curse to any asylum. We observe that they are so numerous and strong at Wichita that they get up enthusiastic invasion meetings and have started an idiot paper called the “Oklahoma War-Chief.” What in thunder do they want of another? Won’t the Times fill the bill?
Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.
Last day—Resolutions Demanding Direct Railroad Legislation.
The report of the committee on resolutions was read, and after a thorough discussion was adopted as follows.
We, the farmers of the state of Kansas, in convention assembled, do adopt the following preamble and resolutions:
WHEREAS, The people and especially the farmers of this state are greatly oppressed by unjust discriminations and extortionate charges on the part of railroads and other corporations, and
WHEREAS, This convention is called for the especial purpose of demanding railroad regulation by our present legislature. Therefore be it
Resolved, That we respectfully request and demand the consideration of the railroad question immediately upon their organization, and the passage of a direct law, fixing a schedule of freight and passenger charges, which shall be reasonable and just both for the railroad companies and their patrons; preventing pooling and discrimination, and providing suitable penalties for the violation of the same.
Resolved, That we denounce the railroad commissioner system, and believe the effort to embody it in a railroad law to be passed at this session of our legislature is a miserable subterfuge, devised by the monopolists to defeat genuine railroad legislation, and create fat places for a few men whom they can control in their own interests.
Resolved, That the people of Kansas are thoroughly aroused in regard to their oppression by railroad companies, and that we pledge our hearty support to all of our legislators who will vote and work in our interest, and that we warn all who violate their solemn pledges to the people and betray their interest, that they need never again ask the people of Kansas for their votes.
Resolved, That we cordially endorse the Farmers’ alliance, the Grange, and kindred organizations, the objects and work, and we earnestly recommend the farmers all over the state to keep up their present organizations and organize as many new ones as possible to the end that unity may prevail in our counsels and equal and exact justice to all be secured in our legislature.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to each member of the legislature and to the Topeka papers for publication.
F. A. A. WILLIAMS, Cowley County,
WILSON KEYS, Rice County,
W. E. RICHEY, Wabaunsee County,
On motion of Mr. Keys that part of Governor Glick’s message which refers to railroads and the transportation question was unanimously endorsed by the convention.
The convention was called to order at 2 p.m.
On motion of Martin Allen, of Ellis County, the following resolution was adopted.
Resolved, That in connection with the regulation of freights and fares upon the various lines of railroad in Kansas that we would also most respectfully call the attention of our legislators to the question of demurrage and the time of transit as being matters of much importance that should be regulated by law.
Mr. Williams, of Cowley County, moved the adoption of the following resolution.
Resolved, That this convention endorse the plan for the listing of livestock proposed by Mr. Keys, of Rice County, and we respectfully request our legislature to consider the said plan and substitute it for the present one. Motion prevailed.
On motion of Mr. Williams, the following resolution was adopted.
Resolved, That we believe farmers, as a class, need more education on the subjects pertaining to the interests of agricultural pursuits, and we recommend the Kansas Farmer as one of the best mediums by which the agricultural classes of Kansas can obtain such information on all such subjects, pertaining to our interests, and containing, as it does, able suggestions on all subjects pertaining to our business, and giving the privilege of full discussion on such subjects.
On motion of Mr. Smith, of Ellis County, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted.
Resolved, That we tender the thanks of this convention to the various railroad companies which have granted the delegates reduced rates over the lines.
Resolved, That we condemn the action of the Missouri Pacific railroad company, it being the only line of road in the state which refused to give delegates reduced rates.
Resolved, That we tender our thanks to the daily papers that have made reports of our proceedings.
On motion the convention adjourned sine die.
Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.
The Mystery Unveiled and the Murderer Captured.
Some interesting facts have recently been brought to light regarding the mysterious murder committed in the Territory a few weeks ago, an account of which appeared in the COURIER at that time. We gist the particulars from a Territory correspondence in the A. V. Democrat. The father-in-law of the murdered man, a Mr. Cooper of Sterling, Missouri, saw an account of the sad affair while looking over the exchanges in a printing office of that place. He at once surmised something was wrong, and took the paper containing the account home and showed the article to his daughter—Mrs. Leaman—who at once recognized the letter as being the one she had written to her husband just before leaving Eureka Springs, Arkansas. This satisfied Mr. Cooper that the murdered man was his son-in-law, and that the murderer was a man by the name of James McGull, who had started for Texas with the deceased. Mr. Cooper got out postal cards offering $500 reward for the murderer, and sent them all over the state of Texas, and as soon as arrangements could be made, started for the Territory, accompanied by his son, for the remains. They arrived at S. L. Typton’s ranch on the Cimarron River, in the vicinity of the murder, about January 1st, and were accompanied by Mr. Typton to the spot where the wagon still stood. Mr. Cooper recognized the wagon at once and felt confident that there could be no mistake. They then proceeded to the place where the body was buried. The remains were found in about the same condition as when buried, and they were placed in a metallic casket which had been brought along for that purpose, and returned to the ranch. The next morning Mr. Cooper and son started for their home in Missouri. Mr. Cooper seemed very much grieved over the sad affair, and said that his daughter took it very hard and had been confined to her bed ever since receiving the news. A man answering the description of James McGull, the murderer, given on the postal cards sent out by Mr. Cooper, has been arrested in Austin, Texas. He claims that his name is Peter Hook, and that he just arrived in that city from New Mexico, but the officers feel sure that they have the right man. Sheriff Shenneman is now in correspondence with the authorities who have him in charge.
Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.
The Oklahoma boomers will camp in the vicinity of Arkansas City and start from there for “the promised land” about February first.
Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.
Payne’s Oklahoma colonists now have an official organ in the Oklahoma War Chief, a paper published at Wichita in their interests, by one A. W. Harris. The initial number is before us and contains many items of interest in regard to that “Garden of Eden.” Just where the editor expects his patronage from, we don’t know. Payne’s followers are hardly numerous enough to support a paper, and its advertising patronage is very slim to start with. Should the paper receive patronage enough for sustenance, it will be of great benefit to the colony in accomplishing its object.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, January 18, 1883.
The Commonwealth of the 14th informs us that “stockmen in the Indian Territory are much pleased over the news that they are not to be removed until an investigation is held by the Interior Department.”
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, January 18, 1883.
Elsewhere will be found the law relating to pastures and fencing the same, passed by the Cherokee Council at its last session, and approved December 9, 1882.
On the face of it, the law was intended to apply only to that portion of the Cherokee country east of the 96th meridian, yet if it means anything, it means that all fenced pastures on the Strip must also be reduced to fifty acres, and that those who have erected fences enclosing a greater number of acres, must remove the same immediately after the first of March next.
If this is the construction to be placed upon the law, then it is only fair to characterize it as a piece of bad faith on the part of the Cherokee Nation toward the stockmen who have fenced ranges on the Strip. By virtue of the laws of their nation, Cherokee citizens had taken those ranges and authorized the parties occupying them to build fences and such other improvements as would make them complete stock ranches within the meaning of those laws. That being the case, the stockmen acted in good faith, with no intention of wronging the Cherokee or assuming rights to which they were not entitled.
And this was fully explained to the Cherokee Senate by Mr. P. N. Blackstone, one of its members, in the discussion on the sweeping confiscation act introduced by Mr. Ross, and which failed to receive the approval of the Principal Chief. Mr. Blackstone, to his honor be it said, stated at that time, that he and other citizens of the Cherokee Nation were alone responsible for the course pursued by the stockmen, and if any punishment was to be meted out to parties for encroaching upon the rights of the nation, he and others, who had taken possession of the lands in question, should suffer and not the innocent stockmen. In this course Mr. Blackstone gave an example of manliness, moral courage, and a sense of honesty and justice deserving of all credit, and which might be advantageously imitated by the Cherokee Nation.
The COMMERCIAL stated when the fencing began, and so believes now, that it would be an injury to the men engaging in it and the stock interests on the Strip, but it has been adopted by many, at a great expense, under what was ample authority, and now they should not be disturbed without just cause.
If they are now compelled to remove the fences, it is only right that some compensation should be made them in return for the expense which they have incurred through no fault on their part. At all events, there should be no such thing as total confiscation or destruction of their property, such as seems to be contemplated in the law of December 9.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, January 18, 1883.
The status of that strip of land lying between Kansas and Texas, bounded on the east by the Indian Territory and on the west and north by New Mexico and Colorado, having been brought to the attention of the Interior Department, Commissioner McFarland, of the general land office, has decided that it is not a part of the Indian Territory, “which” the commissioner says “is protected from disposal by the government by existing treaty stipulations.” The commissioner therefore thinks that the said Strip, composing an area of about 165 miles in length and 40 miles in width, while not surveyed and platted, is open to settlement.
Now here is a chance for Captain Payne, and the fellows he has induced to put in from $2 upwards toward his Oklahoma colonization scheme to secure “free homes” and to wrestle with the coyote and prairie dog for the possession of an inheritance which shall descend to their children’s children.
Personally we know nothing of the character of this “No Man’s Land,” but from the best information obtainable, we have no hesitancy in stating that it is fully equal for agricultural purposes to the famed but unattainable Oklahoma region. It is said to be well watered, has excellent grass, and many claim that it has coal veins running through it, and other valuable mineral deposits.
To those of a scientific turn of mind, this “No Man’s Land” offers peculiar advantages for studying the flora and fauna, in petrified forms, of the ages when the arctic regions were the home of the tropical plants, and mammoths. For, if we may believe the late Prof. Mudge, this “No Man’s Land” was the great dumping ground of the drift sent down from the north on the great ice floes and arctic currents which swept over this part of the continent ere the Rocky mountains reared their peaks above the surrounding waste of waters and glaciers.
If Payne really wants to do great good for humanity, and likewise enroll his name among the savants of the age, he will direct the steps of his colony to this favored land and there, with pick and shovel, delve among those rich deposits of a pre-historic time, thereby adding to the information of this and succeeding generations and at the same time keeping himself out of mischief, and, perhaps, his name off the guard house book at Fort Reno.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, January 18, 1883.
Leasing Indian Land: Secretary Teller’s Statements.
WASHINGTON, D. C., January 5. There have been repeated efforts of late on the part of different syndicates to lease large tracts of land in the Indian Territory. Among the applicants is B. H. Campbell, of Aurora, Illinois. Upon applying to Secretary Teller tonight for information, he said that he has not yet considered the application of B. H. Campbell and others for a confirmation of a lease with certain tribes of the Indian Territory, which is for a tract of land thirty miles square. The secretary stated tonight that he is not unfamiliar with the subject, as it was brought before his attention last summer in the form of complaints from the Wichita tribe of Indians that stockmen had come into the Territory and made contracts with the Indians, imposing on their ignorance, and giving them hardly enough consideration to justly warrant the application of the term. The secretary stated that the War Department was called upon at the time to drive these men and their cattle out of the Territory, but was unable to do it. He had no doubt that today there were many of these men who have made contracts with the more ignorant tribes for the lease of large tracts of lands, where the consideration allowed the Indians was a mere trifle. “This,” he stated, “is especially the case along the northern boundary of the Indian Territory, where the dishonest cattle raisers in the southern part of Kansas have imposed on the Indians most shamefully.”
The Secretary explained that he had no authority to lease the land, but that he could only confirm or reject a lease made by the Indians. He stated that Mr. B. H. Campbell presented his case to the department, and he understood it was to lease a tract thirty miles square; this in round numbers would be about one million acres, and the price proposed was two cents per acre per annum, which is the price paid for grazing land in Texas. The Secretary did not know whether or not he would be in favor of issuing such a large tract to one party, and was inclined to think two cents too small a figure. He thought, however, that the gentleman referred to would pay more than two cents per acre. He called attention to the Cherokee reservation, in which there are 6,000,000 acres, which leased at two cents an acre, would amount to a rental of $120,000 per annum. This, the secretary said, was more than could be realized from any other use of the land, as it is not arable except in occasional spots.
Besides the small price offered for the land, the Secretary thought that another objection was the promiscuous crowd allowed to enter the Territory under these contracts, such as cowboys, who, he thought, had a demoralizing effect upon the Indians. This, he said, it was proposed to remedy by selecting one-half of the herders from among the Indians, which, he thought, would be a check, especially in view of the effort now being made to disarm the cowboys.
The Secretary summed up his statement by saying that, if a fair price was offered for the land, and the Indians agree to the contract, he thought that to lease it in tracts of reasonable size, with certain restrictions, would be a benefit to the Indian. He stated that there were several cases of this character before the department. One from Mr. Babbitt, of St. Louis, and one from a Mr. Duncan, of the same place, were the only two names he could recall, though all of the applicants were stockmen of the West. He stated that he would probably take up the cases early next week.
The above is copied from the Kansas City Indicator, not for its intrinsic worth, but to show that all the humorists or fools have not put the wild, rushing Mississippi between themselves and the surges of the Atlantic coast, and for the further purpose of giving our readers an idea of the misinformation which can be put into circulation with the aid of lightning and printer’s ink.
A careful perusal of this artistically constructed dispatch will naturally impress upon the mind of the average citizen of this section that the writer of it, whoever he may be, has attempted—to use a vulgarism of the day—to put it upon the venerable Secretary of the Interior, or that he means to create the impression that the aforesaid venerable is as innocent of all knowledge regarding affairs in the Indian Territory as a high salaried editor of an eastern daily or an intellectually pale student of a theological seminary. Contemplate for a few seconds the idea of Indians, singly or in tribes, leasing any portion of the Territory! And then the inference that the Indian
“Whose untutored mind
Clothes him in front and leaves him bare behind.”
save when he adorns himself with the picturesque “gee string,” is a higher order of Mammalia than the white herder employed in the cattle camps of the Territory. Well, it is too rich for anything.
Notice, too, the oracular way in which the Honorable Secretary is made to class the stockmen on the Cherokee Strip as a set of thieves. It must, of course, be highly flattering to such men as Andy Drumm, Ed. Hewins, Tuttle, Milt. Bennett, Ben Miller, Tony Day, Charley Moore, Johnny Blair (the editor of the Post), and even Barbecue Campbell. While we haven’t the least doubt that these men would for a moment hesitate to take in out of the wet anything they might see lying around loose, it seems impossible to believe that they could concoct any scheme whereby the poor Indian would come off second best. At all events, the Indian is ahead, so far.
To sum up, if the Honorable Secretary of the Interior did unburthen himself in the above manner, it must have been all Barbecue could do, with all his gall, to refrain from stuffing his “wipe” into his mouth. It is a safe bet, that so soon as B. Q. could do so, he withdrew and sought the friendly shade of some elegant Washington bar, and there drowned his risibilities in the beverage of the age A rare joker is—B. Q.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, January 18, 1883.
Probably it is a fair thing to rob the poor Indian whenever opportunity offers, still we can’t help thinking that some steps should be taken toward stopping the wholesale stealing of timber from the Territory. Caldwell Commercial.
Can the Commercial tell us whether the fencing in of the Cherokee Strip is serving any good purpose as a barrier against timber thieves—or does the wholesale stealing of timber from the Territory go on regardless of the barrier of posts and barbed wire?
Cherokee Advocate.
Yes. Where the timber is fenced in, the timber thieves are barred out, and compelled to seek localities where barbed wire is not. We do not regard fencing as any great benefit to the stockmen on the Strip. On the contrary, we think it has been and always will be an injury to them under existing circumstances. But it is of great benefit to the Cherokee Nation, in protecting the timber and keeping out parties who have been in the habit of using the Strip, and taking timber from it, without paying one cent into the Cherokee treasury. If the nation consulted its own interests, it would have the entire Strip occupied and fenced by responsible parties On the other hand, we believe that if the stock men consult their own interests, they will have as little fencing as possible. That’s about the situation, Mr. Advocate, and it will be realized by the Cherokees when it is perhaps too late.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, January 25, 1883.
Agent Tufts has been appointed by the Secretary of the Interior to investigate the occupa-tion of the Cherokee Strip by cattlemen and the fence question. Mr. Tufts is general agent for the Cherokees, Creeks, Choctaws, Chickasaws, and Seminoles. While we believe he will act impartially in making his investigation, we are at the same time convinced that it would have been better for all concerned if the Secretary had selected someone in no wise con-nected with either side. No information is given as to when Agent Tufts will enter upon the discharge of his duties, but it is presumed that he will make his report in time for the Secre-tary of the Interior to lay the whole matter before congress, should such a course be deemed necessary.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, January 25, 1883.
R. M. Allen, of the Standard Cattle company, returned on Saturday and went below on Monday to see about the situation of affairs on the company’s range in the Territory.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, January 25, 1883.
It is stated that Oklahoma boomers are gathering along the line, preparatory to a grand rush across the Cherokee Strip. They had better go west and grow up with “No Man’s Land.”
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, February 1, 1883.
West of 96.
Hon. John Q. Tufts, our excellent agent at Muskogee, has very properly been chosen by the Secretary of the Interior as special agent to investigate the rights of the Cherokees and cattlemen in this fencing of the land west of 96. He is the right man in the right place. We are confident he will make an honest and fair report of the matter, and that the rights of the Cherokee Nation in the premises will be protected as far as his report can do so.
There is something in this matter beside the wire fences belonging to Dick, Tom, and Harry, and in sueing for their destruction by the hands of the U. S. Government, the rights of the Cherokee Nation are disregarded. The Secretary of the Interior has no more right to order a fence torn down west of 96 by virtue of his right, or of that of the U. S. Government, than he has to tear them down east of 96. The land west of 96 is ours; we own it under patent; we have never alienated it; we have never sold it, but have only agreed to do so when the government wants to settle friendly Indians and is ready to pay for it, and when thus sold and occupied, we yield “possession and jurisdiction,” which we have especially retained in this agreement. (See treaty of 1866, Art. 16.) But if it is not sold or occupied, we do retain possession and jurisdiction, and we make every man but our own citizens pay for grazing there—no man can use it without paying our Nation tax or rent money. Have we the right to demand and collect rent money and yet no right to protect ourselves in using this property? Have we a right to the field and yet no right to protecxt it from intrusion? Can we rent or use this grazing farm and yet have no right to fence it? This seems to be the Secretary’s idea, as he endorses the communication of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, from which we quote.
“Neither have the Cherokees, in their national capacity, the right to make settlement and improvement, or to authorize the same, on the lands in question. This right, I understand, the Cherokee authorities do not claim, and that they have not authorized such settlement and improvement.”
The Cherokee National authorities have never disclaimed the right of settlement and improvement there, though they have taken no action authorizing it. They do have, however, unquestionably, the right to settle it and improve it, according to the treaty, but if the government of the United States wants to settle friendly Indians there, the improvements and settlements will have to be vacated so as to make operative the promise made by the Cherokee people in the treaty. Until that time they have the right, and will maintain it. The opinion of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs seems to be guided by the contemptible opinion of Chas. Devens, Esq., while acting as attorney general. We heard some time since a distinguished gentleman, who had occupied the executive chair of a great state, define an attorney general as a man of legal attainments, who was salaried to furnish legal grounds for the course the executive wishes to pursue. Mr. Devens seems to have been such an attorney general, for it is unquestionably expedient that in view of future settlement of friendly Indians on this land, no settlement of a substantial kind should be made by Cherokees. And this was doubtless the executive wish. Mr. Devens makes his legal opinion, which is a poor pretext, uphold this wish. He does as he is paid to do and the world rolls on.
If the government were to want to remove these fences in response to our request, as a Nation, it would be all right, but when the government desires to move the fences of its own motion, we cry stop! If you can destroy fencing of your own motion west of 96, you can do it east of 96! We object to such a precedent.
Some of our dignified citizens who are, under ordinary circumstances, fairly good thinkers, have rather rejoiced at the recent action of the secretary; quite overlooking, in their eagerness to destroy these leases, the dangerous precedent. There is a principle in this business; let us bring it to light and stand by it. If we want to destroy these fences, let us do it as a government as our right, but do not let us call on the United States to do it as their right, lest when the precedent is established, the government think it well to lay down our eastern fences and have them run north and south, and east and west on section lines.
The above is from the Indian Chieftain, published at Vinita, C. N. The position taken by the Chieftain is the same advocated by the COMMERCIAL for the past three years, viz: that the Cherokees had the sole control of the Strip, and that neither congress nor the interior department had the right to dictate how the Cherokees should manage it, or what use they should make of it.
Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.
A Chance for Payne and His Boomers.
The status of that strip of land lying between Kansas and Texas, bounded on the east by the Indian Territory and north by New Mexico and Colorado, having been brought to the attention of the Interior Department, Commissioner McFarland, of the general land office, has decided that it is not a part of the Indian Territory, “which,” the commissioner says, “is protected from disposal by the government by existing treaty stipulations.” The commissioner therefore thinks that the said strip, composing an area of about 165 miles in length and 40 miles in width, while not surveyed or plated, is open for settlement.
Now here is a chance for Captain Payne and his followers, who have been induced to put in from $2 upwards toward his Oklahoma colonization scheme, to secure “free homes,” and to wrestle with the coyote and prairie dog for the possession of an inheritance which shall descend to their children’s children’s children.
Personally we know nothing of this “No Man’s Land,” but from the best information obtainable, we have no hesitancy in stating that it is full equal for agricultural purposes to the famed but unattainable Oklahoma region. It is said to be well watered, has excellent grass, and many claim that it has coal veins running through it and other valuable mineral deposits.
To those of a scientific turn of mind this “No Man’s Land” offers peculiar advantages for studying the flora and fauna, in petrified forms, of the ages when the arctic regions were the home of the tropical plants and mammoths. For, if we may believe the late Prof. Mudge, this “No Man’s Land” was the great dumping ground of the drift sent down from the north on the great ice floes and arctic currents which swept over this part of the continent ere the Rocky Mountains reared their peaks above the surrounding waste of waters and glaciers.
If Payne really wants to do great good for poor humanity, and likewise enroll his name among the savants of the age, he will direct the steps of the colony to this favored land and there with pick and shovel delve among those rich deposits of a prehistoric time, thereby adding to the information of this and succeeding generations and at the same time keeping himself out of mischief, and, perhaps, his name off the guard house book at Fort Reno.
Caldwell Commercial.
Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.
The legislature has instituted a commission of two senators and three representatives to investigate the methods, frauds, and stealings of the stock yards at Kansas City, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.
The big fight against the Standard Oil Company fencing the Territory is likely to increase in the agitation toward opening it up for settlement.
Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.
Messrs. Tomlin & Webb, our enterprising grocers, have purchased the Greenlee ranche and cattle in the Territory, and also several other small bunches from other persons, which they have consolidated into one herd. Mark Greenlee will have charge of their stock.
Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.
One of Payne’s Oklahoma boomers has written to the Kansas City Journal a letter, in which he gives a glowing and rose-tinted picture of that earthly paradise, in striking contrast with the views of Inspector Benedict. He says there are portions of that truly wonderful region that is adapted to farming, and will perhaps grow a larger diversity of crops than any other country in the United States. The statement that there are various kinds of coal in the Territory, and excellent indications of oil, is no doubt true of Oklahoma, as it certainly is of the Cherokee country. When, however, this sanguine writer touches the mineral question, he waxes eloquent and informs us that there are mountains in the western portion that contain millions in gold, both in rock and placer mining. There is also silver and lead. In another locality he found gray copper ore in large quantities. The country is rich in these minerals and they are there in paying quantities, and when properly opened up, they will prove the richest ever discovered. If this were really true, we imagine that the miners would crowd into that country and compel the government to open it for settlement as speedily as they did the Black Hills regions.
Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.
During the week there have been three cases of accidental shooting in the county, and all will probably result fatally. A boy by the name of Alger, on Grouse Creek, while attempting to throw a pistol around by the guard, as he had seen the cowboys do, discharged it into his stomach, and will die. One of Mr. Burt’s boys shot himself through the leg while playing with a loaded pistol, near Searing & Mead’s Mill, at Arkansas City, inflicting a wound that will probably prove fatal. The third was Wm. Drury, formerly a police officer at Wellington, but latterly tending bar in a saloon at Geuda Springs. Someone in the saloon asked him to show his pistol, and while putting it back into the holster, it fell to the floor and was dis-charged, the ball taking effect in his groin, ranging upward, and producing death almost instantaneously. It is indeed a strange coincidence that all these tragedies should occur so near together.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, February 1, 1883.
Hon. John Q. Tufts, by advice of the 15th inst., has been directed to report substantially on the following points on the lands west of 96:
1st. How much fencing has been done on the lands in question?
2nd. To whom do the fences belong?
3rd. Name of each individual company or organization, claiming to own such fences and the quantity claimed by each.
4th. How long since fencing was commenced?
5th. What effect has such fencing had upon legitimate trade and travel, and also upon mail routes?
6th. What effect upon preservation or destruction of timber on said lands?
The agent was directed to suspend all further operations under office letter of the 30th ult., until a full report as called for above is made and action has thereon been taken by the Indian department and communicated to him. Vinita Chieftain.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, February 1, 1883.
Oklahoma—National Highway.
The following resolutions were offered in the lower house of the legislature on Monday. They are of considerable interest to the people of Caldwell, especially the one relating to the national highway across the Indian Territory. The proposition comes from Dodge City, and if it should be carried out, it would practically shut out this vicinity from any benefit of the drive from Texas.
WHEREAS, There are certain lands in the Indian Territory known as “Oklahoma,” to which the Indian title has been extinguished since 1866, and the same is now in the United States, and the said lands are part of the public domain, and subject to the homestead and pre-emption laws of the United States, therefore, be it
Resolved, the Senate concurring, That our senators be instructed and our representatives in congress be requested to use their influence in securing the passage of either a resolution or a law forbidding the exercise of arbitrary power, by any department of the government, in preventing the settlement of said lands by citizens of the United States.
Resolved, the Senate concurring, That our senators are hereby instructed and our representatives in congress be requested to use all proper means to secure the location and establishment by the government of the United States of a national highway or cattle trail through the Indian Territory, Kansas, and Nebraska, to convenient railroad points in the two last named states; said highway or cattle trail to be located west of the more densely settled portion of the last named states, and as near as may be to the route now traveled by herds seeking a northern market.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, February 1, 1883.
U. S. Troops Waiting to Receive Them.
Reliable reports are to the effect that the threatened raid upon Oklahoma is about to take place. Boomers are concentrating at Arkansas City, Coffeyville, and various other points along the line. There seems to be two factions. One under D. L. Payne, and another under a Kansas City management. All claim to be well fixed, with all the appliances necessary to establish a strong and good working colony upon the lands in question.
It is certain, however, that they will not be allowed to go in. Information comes to us, from reliable sources, that two companies of cavalry and one of infantry are ready to receive the boomers when they cross the line, and, in accordance with orders, drive them out. Of course, loud threats are made by the boomers that they will not submit to military resistance in carrying out their designs. But that is all bosh. When they get sight of the blue coats, the boomers will retire with the best grace possible.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, February 1, 1883.
Official Report of Proceedings.
A special meeting of the Cherokee Strip Stock Association was held in Caldwell, Kansas, January 27, 1883.
The meeting was called to order by W. E. Campbell, vice-president of the association; John A. Blair, Secretary.
The object of the meeting was stated by the chair and letters were read by Mr. Walton from E. M. Hewins concerning matters pertaining to the vital interests of the association.
On motion a committee of five was appointed by the chair to draft resolutions. Messrs. M. H. Bennett, A. McClain, S. Tuttle, Marion Blair, and O. Ewell were appointed as such committee.
On motion, a committee of five was appointed on reception of Major John Q. Tufts upon his arrival in this city, February 7th, 1883. E. M. Hewins, I. S. Ballinger, S. Tuttle, J. W. Hamilton, and M. H. Bennett were appointed as such committee. On motion the committee was increased to eight and A. McClain, Ben S. Miller, and A. M. Colson were appointed as such additional committeemen.
The following resolution was adopted.
Resolved, That a committee of five be appointed to make a draft of the Cherokee Strip, showing the quarantine grounds, trails, fencing, etc., and report the same to the annual meeting of the Association on March 6th, 1883, together with such recommendations as they may deem best for the interests of the association.
Messrs. A. M. Colson, M. H. Bennett, J. A. Blair, H. Hodgson, and S. Tuttle were appointed as such committee.
The committee on resolutions submitted, through its chairman, the following report, which was adopted.
WHEREAS, It is to the interest of every person, company, or corporation grazing cattle on the Cherokee Strip, that that scope of country known as the quarantine grounds be left open for the use of Texas cattle drovers and local shippers, and that the trails across said Cherokee Strip used by Texas cattle drovers and local ranchmen be left open and free from all barriers of any kind. Therefore, be it
Resolved, That it is the sense of this meeting that all the trails across the Cherokee Strip, leading to all shipping points in Kansas and the northwest be left open and free from all barrier, such as wire fences, board fences, or any kind of fences whatever.
Resolved, That we, as an association and as individuals, deprecate and discountenance the actions of any person, company, or corporation in building any wire fences or other barriers upon the ground set apart as quarantine grounds for through Texas cattle or for shipment of Territory cattle, and that we will use our individual efforts to discourage any further occupancy of the said grounds for ranch purposes by local stockmen.
Resolved, That this association recognizes the rights of the Cherokee Nation in collecting a grazing tax upon cattle grazed on Cherokee lands in the Indian Territory, and that under the permits issued by the Cherokee Nation is our only legal right in said Cherokee country.
Resolved, That it is the earnest wish of this association that the title and control of the said Cherokee Strip be definitely settled and the unquestionable legal control of it be determined that we may be the better enabled to conform to all the laws governing it.
Resolved, That this association fully endorses the action of the official meeting of the association held at Topeka, Kansas, on January 8, 1883, and that we re-affirm the resolutions there adopted as the sense of this meeting.
Resolved, That the thanks of this association are due and are hereby tendered Hon. E. M. Hewins and Major A. Drumm, for the able and efficient manner in which they represented our interests before the Secretary of the Interior, and that we full endorse their actions and statements in the matter; and that the association is entirely satisfied with the action of the Secretary of the Interior Department in appointing a special agent to investigate fencing matters on the Cherokee lands, and will give said agent all the assistance in our power to arrive at an equitable conclusion in the matter. M. H. BENNETT, Chairman.
There being no further business before the meeting, a motion to adjourn prevailed.
W. E. CAMPBELL, President.
J. A. BLAIR, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.
Capt. Payne with about 50 teams and 150 followers left Arkansas City February 1st to go to the North Fork of Canadian River, in the Indian Territory, about 130 miles south of this place, to the land known as Oklahoma. The colonists were well provided with food and arms. A few hours after their departure someone telegraphed the Secretary of the Interior, who made a requisition for troops, and Gen. Pope ordered Major Bennett, Commander of Fort Reno, Indian Territory, to send all the available troops to the Oklahoma country to intercept them. The cavalry started so as to meet the “boomers” on the ground, for the purpose of ejecting them.
Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.
The report came up Tuesday that Mark Greenlee and another young man had frozen to death in the Territory at the Jones cattle camp. The person who brought the news said that the boys had been riding their range, got very cold, and returned to the dugout, where they found the fire out and no matches, and finally becoming exhausted, laid down and were frozen, and their bodies were found next day. Mr. Greenlee, Mark’s father, thinks the rumor a mistake as Mark is not at the Jones ranch but at Tomlin & Webb’s camp. Joe Greenlee went down to learn the facts Monday night.
Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.
Joe went down and found Mark Greenlee all right and looking very lively and active for a dead man. The rumor of his having frozen to death was without foundation.
Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.
Tell W. Walton, of the Caldwell Post, and Marion Blair, a jolly cattle man, left their autographs on our table Monday, together with one of the most wretched-looking, ungainly conglomerations of curved lines we have ever seen. The boys said it was a pencil sketch of a range-fed Texas steer. It looked as if it had been subsisting on a cockleburr and barbed wire during the winter, and that the melancholy days of its existence were fast drawing to a close.
Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.
New Salem Pencilings.
Mr. Pixley is suffering with the fever but it is not dangerous. It is of the “Oklaho” type. Several others are just as bad, and some since they heard the soldiers would drive them out are better or may be considered convalescent. OLIVIA.
Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.
Officials at the Indian Bureau assert that Captain Payne’s raids upon Oklahoma lands in the Indian Territory have already cost the government $200,000, and this expenditure might have been saved if Congress had adopted the repeated recommendations of the Commissioners, providing punishment for trespassers upon public lands.
Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.
Dick Glass, the noted desperado whom our late Sheriff Shenneman arrested here last fall and who escaped from him when he was being escorted to Fort Smith to be delivered up to the authorities for trial, is still at large and committing murders and depredations in the Territory. He was one of the leaders of the Splechie party in the late outbreak, and in the amnesty arrangement which followed, he was not included. Now both parties are agreed that he should be killed on sight.
Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.
Dick Glass, the noted desperado, has been captured by the U. S. Marshal at Fort Smith, and will possibly be held for keeps this time.
Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.
A dispatch from Muskogee, Indian Territory, says there are strong indications of a renewal of hostilities between the contending bands of Creeks. George Parker has been appointed commander of the Chicate faction, and has called in all available men, and, it is said, will attack the consolidated forces of the Splechie, now camped about fifteen miles from Okmulgee, as soon as the weather is favorable. Both parties are buying all the Winchester rifles and other weapons and ammunition they can obtain, and it looks as though trouble may result.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, February 15, 1883.
Some newspaper men with detective instincts should get on the inside of the Oklahoma boom. Capt. Dave Payne does not prosecute his expeditions merely for the sake of doing something foolish. He is backed by somebody, for he has no money of his own. Who is that Somebody?
Without professing to know anything about the matter, we guess that if it is investigated, it will be found that some railroad company or companies are banking Payne. There are a number of railroads anxious to build through the Territory, and those that have already secured the right complain that their lines there are like lines through a tunnel. Champion.
We not only profess to know, but we do know for a fact, that no railroad company has been banking Payne. True, he has no money of his own, neither has he expended a dollar of money earned by himself during the past four years. He has depended entirely upon selling Oklahoma Colony certificates and stock in his so-called town company. He has also gathered in considerable money from gullible parties to whom he represented that the Territory was bound to be open at a certain time; and in consideration of said parties paying him $25 in coin, he has agreed to select and build for them a quarter section on the Oklahoma lands, they thereby being relieved from accompanying any of the raiding expeditions. In all the raids he has made, the supplies have been furnished by the people accompanying him or by a few individuals who have put up their money in full confidence that Payne was honest and would do the fair thing. In this last raid, we are credibly informed that he sold at Arkansas City fifty-six hundred colony certificates at $2 each. This is exclusive of the number sold between the time of his release last fall and the assembling of the boomers at Arkansas City on the 1st, inst.
The fact is, Payne belongs to the adventurer class. He is particularly anxious to make money without work, but he would starve rather than not see his name in print. His egotism is insufferable, and his inability to comprehend the beauties of truth, combine to make him an instrument no shrewd railroad man would use in furthering a scheme like that of breaking down the legal walls which surround the Indian Territory. The Champion can take our word for it, that no railroad company is fooling away any time or money on D. L. Payne.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, February 15, 1883.
Cherokee Interests West of 96.
[From the Vinita Chieftain.]
The editor of the Chieftain has said well and truly that “some of our dignified citizens who are under ordinary circumstances, fairly good thinkers, have rather rejoiced at the recent action of the Secretary, quite overlooking in their eagerness to destroy these fences, the dangerous precedent. There is a principle in this business, let us bring it to light and stand by it.” The principle in this business is that some of our people cannot tolerate individual enterprise even should it save them half of their territory; while they look on in silence and indifference at the violation of their treaty on the part of U. S. Government in appointing a commission of its own (in which the Nation has no representation) to put a price on their land of not one third of its value, while the Nation as a party in interest had the right to aid in fixing the price.
Another consideration is, the Cherokee Nation can protect its interests better, where its citizens have actual possession, than when the country and land are in the possession of persons that have no legal control over it.
The necessity of fencing and owning the range is becoming more and more apparent, and should be acted upon boldly by men advanced in their ideas, yet no further advanced than the times.
Propositions will be made to the Cherokee Nation, by Texas and New Mexico, to com-bine in raising cattle, then the goose that lays the golden egg will be found. Let Kansas and Arkansas stop their depredations and encourage the Cherokees in locating ranches where their best grain producing countries are, and where improved farms in their states on the Territorial line can be bought from $10 to $15 per acre. Encourage the fencing of all the desirable places in the Indian Territory; especially where grass, water, and shade trees can be found. Yes, encourage the breeding of cattle in Texas and New Mexico. In the spring those men on the southern ranches start for the northern ranches located in the Indian Territory. Prepare your millet, stock fields, and corn for feeding next winter. Stockmen have found out one thing, that it pays better to feed than to starve. It is better to unite our efforts, so the interests of all concerned will be served. S. S. S.
The above article of Mr. S. S. Stephens presents a new idea to us, to wit: “That the U. S. Government expected Cherokees would settle” west of 96. We think, however, the writer is in error in his view, because the treaty provides that the land taken for the settlement of friendly Indians should be taken in a “compact form.” This condition precludes the idea of permanent settlement and in fact when the Osages were settled west of 96, the Cherokee government endorsed this interpretation by moving her citizens and paying them damages. Permanent settlements do not seem to have been contemplated in the treaty, and the Nation by her subsequent actions seems to have thought permanent settlement inconsistent with the rights of the U. S. Government.
The statement that the government of the United States abrogated the 16th article of our treaty in 1878, is erroneous. This act referred to, doubtless, is that providing that no more Indians shall be settled west of 96, without an act of congress authorizing it. It was simply an act limiting the power of the Interior Department.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, February 15, 1883.
The Fence Question.
Major John Q. Tufts, special agent of the Interior Department to investigate the fencing business on the Cherokee Strip, arrived on Thursday of last week, remaining here as the guest of C. F. Summer until Sunday, when he started for the range to make a personal examination of fenced pastures, and gather such other information as would enable him to make a full report of the situation to the Department at Washington. It is expected that he will return in time to take the train today for Arkansas City and the range immediately south of that place, after which he will make out his report at as early a date as possible.
During his stay here, Major Tufts was called upon by many of our citizens, who were pleased to make his acquaintance, and speak of him as a most affable gentleman, and one who will do his whole duty regardless of consequences. Owing to unfavorable circumstance, we failed to meet the Major, but from what we have learned of his character through those who have known him for years, we feel satisfied that in his mission he brings with him no preconceived notions, and will be actuated solely by a desire to deal justly with all parties concerned.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, February 15, 1883.
The Boomers.
T. H. B. Ross received a letter on Tuesday from J. H. Miller, dated the 8th inst., in which it was stated that a squad of troops under Lieut. Stevens, had arrested Payne and a few others, but that the main force of the boomers had refused to pay any attention to the troops. The letter is dated February 6th, and was sent by a courier to Arkansas City. Since its receipt, we learn that troops from Sill and Reno had been sent out and the entire party of boomers captured. One thing is certain, that the entire outfit will be taken in and removed from the Territory, and the poor dupes who have spent their time and money in following D. L. Payne, will find themselves out to that extent, even if they are not punished otherwise.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, February 22, 1883.
The right of way has been granted the St. Louis and San Francisco Railroad company through the Ft. Smith military reservation.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, February 22, 1883.
Advice to Payne’s Followers.
The following from the New York Sun shows the sentiment of that great journal in regard to any undertaking not strictly lawful. The advice emanating from whence it does is undoubtedly good and Payne’s followers would find it very healthy to take a little of it. The Sun received one of Payne’s circulars through a correspondent, and comments as follows upon it.
“The language of Payne’s circular glows with adjectives and promises. The beautiful land of Oklahoma is ‘the garden spot, the Eden of modern times.’ ‘Come,’ says Payne, ‘and go with us to this beautiful land and secure for yourselves and children homes in the richest, most beautiful, and best country that the great Creator, in his goodness, has made for man.’
“But the circular fails to convey, with sufficient clearness, that this garden spot is no more open to settlement by Payne and his colonists than are the Central Park and Boston Common. The Territory belongs to the Indians, and is secured to them by treaties. Payne has been taken by the nape of the neck already, and pitched out of the Territory. If he carries out his announced determination, and the government does its duty, he will be pitched out again; and the foolish citizens who allow themselves to be inveigled into an unlawful enterprise by his firm promises will get into serious trouble.”
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, February 22, 1883.
The Oklahomaites.
On last Saturday and Sunday, the Oklahoma boomers who went from here began returning and still they keep coming back from the “promised land.” Some of the boomers expressed themselves as thinking the expedition was an entire failure, as far as results are concerned at present, owing to the fact that there was no unison of action, and therefore each separate colony from the different parts of the country had their own ideas and notions regarding the mode of procedure and acted accordingly. One McPherson County man advanced the idea that it would take a greater number of soldiers to keep the boomers in Oklahoma than it would to put them out. The boomers are getting out of that region as fast as circumstances will permit, but find it no easy task to dodge the U. S. Troops that are picking them up wherever found. One thing is certain, we believe, this will be the last raid that will take place for many a day, at least until congress takes some action regarding the disposition of the same.
Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.
Pleasant Valley Pencilings.
The countenances of returning Oklahoma boomers are strongly expressive of gloom, sadness, and disappointment.
Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.
A bill providing for the removal of negroes from the Cherokee Nation to Oklahoma land will be offered as an amendment to the sundry civil bill in the senate.
Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.
Mr. Campbell, of Illinois, a prominent cattle man in the Indian Territory, has been in Washington for several days trying to lease a tract of thirty miles square in the Cherokee Nation. He offers $50,000 annually for fifteen years. The Secretary of the Interior refuses to grant the lease.
The question has been raised whether or not the Indians have the right to let their lands to white men, and it is said a decision will be made in the interior department which will prevent them. New leases are made and approved by the secretary if he feels so disposed.
Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.
It is reported that Capt. D. L. Payne, the great warrior who proposes to conquer the Indian Territory and the United States, has been brought a prisoner to Wichita in company with a few of his most prominent followers, and that he gives an account of the late expedition as follows.
“They at first made a determined stand upon their chosen grounds; having been met by United States troops before reaching their destination and being ordered back, but refusing to go, and taking the troops with them on to Oklahoma. The troops, however, were reinforced, and Payne, with several of the oldest aggressors, placed under arrest. Capt. Osborn, the secretary of the colony, refusing to submit to an arrest, a rope was produced, and fearing lynching, he surrendered. At this juncture the colonists became demoralized, and many abandoned further efforts to make a stand and went home. One of the party was arrested for selling liquor openly and without any concealment, but the federal authorities, fearing that his prosecution on this charge would bring in issue the question as to the right of colonists upon these lands, he was summarily discharged, and all were once more escorted to the Kansas line. Payne states that there were five women and six hundred men in this raid, and they suffered but slightly from the cold, being well provided for such. He acknowledged that his last raid was a failure, many of the colonists being wholly discouraged in consequence of his utter failure, but firmly says that although they were routed this time, they will try it again.”
Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.
The engineer who was sent down by the Santa Fe management to look over the ground for our switches reported that we had the finest and most abundant rock quarries in the state, and urged that a switch be built from each road to the quarries. The railroad company will need two hundred car loads of fragments. The switches will undoubtedly be put in. The quarries will then furnish employment for several hundred laborers.
Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.
An accident occurred on the K. C., L. & S. Railroad last Friday morning, near Elk City. The passenger train going east was caught by a broken rail on a down grade. Two of the cars were thrown from the track and rolled down an embankment, mixing the passengers up and injuring several, though not fatally. The cars were damaged badly. Several Winfield people were on the train but none of them were hurt.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 1, 1883.
The following, which we clip from the Globe-Democrat, will be of interest to stockmen in the Territory. The land which Mr. Campbell wants to lease, does not belong to the Cherokees, and even if it did, the Secretary of the Interior has no more authority to lease it than he has to lease a farm belonging to any man in the United States. As to preventing the Cherokees from deriving a revenue from their lands in any way they may see proper, except by selling it to other parties than the government, it is hard to understand whence the Secretary derives any authority to interfere. One thing is plain, however, to the people in this section, and that is, if the Cherokees have no right to the control of their lands, known as the Strip or outlet, and can be prevented from allowing cattlemen to occupy them, it will be understood that the lands belong to the United States, and they will be settled upon before the Honorable Secretary can bat an eye. So long as the lands in question can be used for stock, there will be little objection to them remaining in their present status, but drive out the cattlemen and the farmers will at once take possession of them. Perhaps it would be well for some of our leading stockmen to impress this idea upon the Secretary’s mind.
“WASHINGTON, Feb. 21. Mr. Campbell, of Illinois, a prominent cattleman in the Indian Territory, has been here several days, trying to lease a tract thirty miles square, in the Indian Territory. He offered $50,000 immediately for fifteen years. The Secretary of the Interior refused to grant the lease. Mr. Campbell is in receipt of a letter, which says a Western Congressman and a number of friends are trying to lease the same tract and additional land, offering a greater rental. Unless the Secretary changes his opinion, the lease will not be granted. The Cherokees are anxious to have the land leased. The question has been raised whether or not the Indians have a right to let their lands to white men, and it is said a division will be made in the Interior Department which will prevent them. Now the leases are made, and ratified, by the Secretary, if he feels so disposed.”
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 1, 1883.
Payne, and sixteen men who had made former raids with him, were brought up from Fort Reno last week, under a cavalry escort, and turned loose at the line last Thursday. We learn that at first it was the intention to take Payne and his party to Fort Smith, but orders were received to escort the outfit to the Territory line and let them loose. The entire party took the afternoon train for the north, Payne stopping off at Wichita. We have heard, however, that he is now at Arkansas City organizing another party to go into the Territory again.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 1, 1883.
We met one of the Kansas City boomers last Monday, who had arrived and went into camp on the creek last Saturday. He was about the most disgusted man we have run across in a long time, and is loud in his denunciations of Payne and his misrepresentations regarding the country. The Kansas City man said he would not give one-quarter section in Kansas for the entire Oklahoma country for farming purposes. The soil is thin and poor, he claims, and the country rough and broken. Some of the bottoms along the streams look very nice, but the soil is poor. K. C. said he had enough of Oklahoma, and no man could induce him to go there again.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 7, 1883.
There is now in Washington a delegation of colored men from the Indian Territory, who were former slaves of the Indians, and who are seeking legislation for appropriating money and lands agreeably to the treaty between the Choctaws and Chickasaws and the government in 1866. The Department of the Interior was surprised to hear that there are 30,000 negroes in the Territory who have never cast a vote, and who have been denied access to the schools and to the courts, being incompetent as witnesses or jurors. The delegation is asking the government, agreeably to the stipulations of the treaty, to remove them from among the Indians and settle them on the Oklahoma lands, which Payne and his followers are now trying to obtain possession of. Secretary Teller has caused the Indian Commissioner to draw up a bill providing for the requested relief, and it has been transmitted with strong recommendations to have it incorporated in the deficiency appropriation bill. The bill provides 160 acres of land for every head of a family, eighty acres for every unmarried person over 21 years of age, and sufficient money for the expenses of removal and settlement on the land.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 7, 1883.
Capt. David Payne and Harris, the Chief man, are around our city every once in awhile.
The Vinita Chieftain has changed hands. Major Lipe is the new business manager, and Messrs. Owens and Hollingsworth its editors.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 7, 1883.
The loss of cattle on the Cherokee Strip this winter will not be worth talking about, if we may believe the reports of the stockmen. It would be policy on their part to exaggerate losses, in order to bull the market, and as they don’t see fit to do so, those who don’t own cattle and want to buy, may feel assured that there are numerous herds left on the Strip from which to draw a supply. Caldwell Commercial.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 7, 1883.
Our Arkansas City friends, the stockmen, had a meeting at that point last week, and adopted a few resolutions setting forth their wishes, and their needs, in the matter of quarantine grounds, etc., which will be found on the second page of this paper. They propose to join the association, and wish to be recognized in its deliberations. We think the association can assist these parties materially in settling their disputes, if it so desires, and we are confident that a majority of the members of the association desire to treat all fair and just. Caldwell Post.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 7, 1883.
A bridge should be constructed across the Walnut River at Harmon’s Ford to enable stockmen to drive to the railroad stock pens, as well as to let the farmers into the canal mills, and into town without driving half a dozen miles out of the way.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 7, 1883.
Someone set fire to the prairie grass east of the Arkansas River on the State Line last week, and the fire ran north, destroying hay and considerable property. Mr. Ketcham had his barn burned and barely saved his corn in the crib close by.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 8, 1883.
Muskogee Journal: Col. Tufts has received a complete map of the Cherokee Strip, showing the location and size of all the pastures on the Strip. There are about 20 pastures in all, aggregating 700 miles of fence. The largest pasture is 20 miles square.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 8, 1883.
Stock Buyers in Indian Territory.
All non-citizens who contemplate buying stock in the Creek Nation are hereby notified that they must execute a bond to the U. S. Indian agent, and pay the taxes required by law before engaging in said business. All former U. S. citizens of other Indian Nations by inter-marriage, are considered non-citizens in the Nation, and are, hence, subject to taxation. See laws of the Creek Nation. All non-citizens who have complied with the laws, and are buying stock legitimately, are requested to report the names of such as buy stock without license. The law taxing stock buyers was passed as a protection to honest and well-intended stock buyers, and it is to their interest to see that no one competes with them except such as have paid their taxes. Joshua Ross, of Muskogee, has been authorized to receive taxes from stock buyers, and receipt for the same in the name of the tax collector. The same will be attended to by addressing the undersigned at Okmulgee.
A. P. McKELLOP, National Tax Collector, C. N.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 8, 1883.
J. J. Jewett, of the Kansas City Indicator, is in the city in attendance upon the stockmen’s convention. He represents a livestock paper and one that has long been recognized as one of the leading stock papers of the west.
Several of the lower country folks came up last Saturday to attend the stock meeting. Among them were Lafe Merritt of the Cheyenne Transporter, Tom Donnell, the well known scout; Ben. Goode and Mr. Walker, all of whom reported at the COMMERCIAL office and received passes to go where they pleased.
On Tuesday afternoon President Miller read a dispatch from Dodge City, stating that owing to the prevalence of small-pox in that city, the stockmen’s convention has been postponed from March 28th to April 7th.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 8, 1883.
No Show for Monopolists.
The third annual meeting of the Cherokee Strip Stockmen’s Association met in the Opera House on Tuesday, March 6, 1883, at 11 a.m., and was called to order by the president, Ben S. Miller, who made the following remarks.
It becomes my painful duty to call this Association to order again. Painful, because it will be a rehash of what we have done, the past year, some of which has come to light, and some of which may never show up. On looking to my right, I miss the face of one who, in life, was one of the best supporters the chair had, and whose council and suggestions were always so timely. I refer with sorrow to our friend and brother, A. H. Johnson, who was stricken down in the prime of life last summer, without a moment’s warning, by the Power that controls the elements. He has gone to a place where “scattering,” “gatherings,” and “round-ups” are no more. Whether to a range that is fenced or open, we know not; but we do know that if it is fenced, no Congress, Secretary of the Interior, or Indian Commission can tear it down at their pleasure.
The roll was called and the following officers reported.
Ben S. Miller, president.
John A. Blair, secretary.
M. H. Bennett, treasurer.
The reading of the minutes of the previous meetings was on motion dispensed with.
M. H. Bennett, treasurer of the Association, presented his report, showing the receipts to be $3,645.16; expenditures, $1,537.12, leaving a balance in the treasury of $2,108.04. Report accepted.
On motion, Messrs. W. E. Bridge, T. F. Pryor, P. Carnagie, J. W. Carter, and Cid. Eldridge were appointed as committee on membership.
On motion, Messrs. Hodson, Eldridge, Drumm, Hewins, and Tuttle were appointed a committee on permanent organization.
On motion the president appointed W. S. Snow, James Hamilton, and Ed. Hewins a committee on constitution and by-laws.
Mr. Hewins moved that the president appoint a sergeant at arms, whose duty it shall be to see that bonafide members of the Association are seated together and apart from spectators. Carried.
The Association then adjourned to meet at 2 p.m.
On re-assembling at 2 p.m., the committee on credentials reported the following list of new members, which report was accepted.
D. R. Streeter, Northup & Stephens, C. W. Blaine, F. M. Stewart, R. B. Clark, R. H. Campbell, W. J. Hodges, G. A. Thompson, S. A. Garth, W. H. Harrelston, W. M. Dunn, G. B. Mote, Crutchfield & Carpenter, Walworth, Walton & Rhodes, W. B. Lee, W. W. Wicks, J. A. Emmerson, John Myrtle, J. H. Hill, A. J. Snider, A. G. Evans, R. W. Phillips, E. W. Payne, Tomlin & Webb, H. W. Roberts, E. P. Fouts, W. W. Stephens, A. Mills, C. M. Scott, H. P. Standley, Lafe Merritt, J. N. Florer, D. W. Roberts, C. H. Dye, M. W. Brand, Drury Warren, W. P. Herring, S. T. Tuttle, E. W. Rannols, N. J. Thompson, W. H. Dunn, E. A. Hereford, J. Love, Johnston & Housner, S. T. Mayor, D. A. Streeter, M. H. Snyder, P. S. Burress, C. C. Clark, K. C. Weathers, G. V. Collins, and H. H. Campbell.
The committee on permanent organization reported the following officers.
President, Ben S. Miller.
Secretary, John A. Blair.
Assistant Secretary, Tell W. Walton.
Treasurer, M. H. Bennett.
Report adopted.
Mr. Hamilton from committee on constitution and by-laws, asked for further time. Granted.
The committee on membership reported names received as temporary members until the constitution and by-laws were adopted. Report accepted.
On motion of Mr. Cooper, the report of committee on permanent organization was adopted. Whereupon Mr. Ben S. Miller thanked the convention for their united confidence in him as a presiding officer, and without any flourish, announced that the next order of busi-ness would be the appointment of a sergeant-at-arms, and therefore appointed Marion Blair.
On motion, the Association resolved itself into a committee of the whole, and on motion of Major Drumm, the following committee on round-ups was appointed.
A. Drumm, W. E. Campbell, Marion Blair, H. W. Timberlake, Syl. Fitch, J. W. Carter, Tony Day, M. K. Krider, Oliver Ewell, Pat Carnegie, and E. W. Payne.
On motion, W. B. Hutchison, Caldwell COMMERCIAL; H. P. Standley, Arkansas City Traveler; T. A. McNeal, Cresset; E. W. Payne, Index, Medicine Lodge; H. A. Heath, Kansas Farmer, Topeka; J. J. Jewett, Kansas City Indicator; H. H. Heath, Kansas City Price Current;R. L. Owen, Indian Chieftain, Vinita, Indian Territory; Lafe Merritt, Transporter, Cheyenne, Indian Territory; J. C. Richards, Press; C. T. Hickman, Democrat, Wellington; were elected assistant secretaries of the convention.
Report of H. B. Johnson, inspector at Kansas City, was read and accepted. The report sets forth that Mr. Johnson has caught 207 cattle wrongfully shipped.
A vote of thanks was tendered Mr. Johnson, and various other inspectors, for their efficient work on behalf of the Association.
On motion the following gentlemen were appointed as a committee on programme for tomorrow’s work: Ben. Miller, Carnegie, Bridge, Hodgson, Hamilton, and John Blair.
Messrs. John Reese and John Volz were instructed to furnish the Association with an exhibit of expenses incurred in pursuing cattle thieves.
A telegram dated Kansas City, March 6, to W. B. Hutchison, from Agent Miles, was read as follows: “Agent Tufts recommends that fences be permitted to remain and others with the consent of the Cherokees.”
The convention adjourned until ten o’clock Wednesday morning.
Convention called to order at 11 a.m., on Wednesday morning by President Miller.
Mr. Hamilton, chairman from committee on constitution and by-laws reported progress.
The following report of committee on round-ups was presented by its chairman and on motion of Mr. Hodgson was adopted.
We, the assigned committee on round-ups, appointed by the Convention of the Cherokee Strip Stock Association, held in Caldwell on March 6th, 1883, herewith submit the following report.
Division No. 1. To be composed of what is known as Red Rock and Salt Fork country, including the teritory of, and then to the south line of Kansas, and thence west, including all tributaries of the Salt Fork, in the west line of the Comanche County Pool. Said division to meet at the Red Rock crossing of the Arkansas City road, and Thomas Wilson to be appointed as Captain of said division.
Division No. 2. To be composed of the country lying south of division No. 1, and extend as far south as the division between the Cimarron and the North Fork of the Canadian, and to commence work at McClellen’s pasture, and, if necessary, to work on the North Fork, east of the crossing of the Chisholm trail, and work west as far as the west line of the Comanche County Pool. This division to meet where the Arkansas City wagon road crosses the Skeleton Creek, and Howard Capper to be appointed captain of said division.
Division No. 3. To be composed of the country lying south of division No. 2, and as far south as the Washita River; and to extend as far west as A. J. Day’s range. Said division to meet at the Chisholm trail crossing of the North Fork of the Canadian, and H. W. Timberlake to be appointed captain.
We also recommend that the captains of the several divisions be empowered to discharge all parties not doing their duty or refusing to obey orders, and that the said captains be authorized to employ other men to fill vacancies, at the expense of the parties who were represented by the parties discharged.
We also recommend that Marion Blair, A. J. Day, W. E. Campbell, J. W. Carter, H. W. Timberlake, and J. W. Hamilton be appointed as a committee to confer with the round-up committee appointed by the stock meeting to be held at Medicine Lodge on the 28th and 29th of the present month, and that the joint communities then decide upon a date for the beginning of the spring round-up, together with such other recommendations as they may desire to proffer; and that the report be published in the Caldwell, Anthony, and Medicine Lodge papers. A. DRUMM, Chairman.
The President read a communication from W. W. Cook, chairman of the Barbour County Stockmen’s Association, inviting the stockmen of the Cherokee Strip, and all others, to attend their meeting to be held at Medicine Lodge, March 28 and 29, 1883.
The committee on credentials reported several new names for membership, which report was received and the members admitted.
Mr. H. S. Lane, inspector at St. Louis, reported 105 head picked up, which sold at an average of $75 per head.
The bill of Stoller & Reese, amounting to $213.00, and of John Volz for $216.00, for expenses in recovering stolen stock and prosecuting thieves, were referred to committee on finance.
The questions of continuing the reward offered by the inspection committee for the conviction of stock thieves was discussed by Messrs. Buzard, Snow, Heran, McDowell, and others—the general feeling being that the reward ought to be increased.
Mr. Hodges asked leave to file paper for consideration of the convention at the proper time concerning Oil Company troubles. Paper was read and discussed.
Mr. Gore, representing the Company, supposed to be the Pennsylvania Oil Company, stated that it was not a part of said company, but was a private enterprise, and that they were willing to agree to anything reasonable concerning the ranges.
Mr. Hewins thought the paper should go to the committee on arbitration.
The following resolution was read and adopted.
Resolved, That as the Kansas Legislature has adopted a railroad bill providing for commissioners, the stockmen of Southwestern Kansas request that in the appointment of said commissioners, the stock interests of the State shall be taken into consideration; we, therefore, request that Hon. A. B. Mayhew, of Sumner County, be appointed as a member of said commission.
The convention was called to order at 11 o’clock a.m.
James W. Hamilton from the committee on organization, reported that articles of incor-poration had been adopted and filed with the secretary of state as the Cherokee Live Stock Association, that the board of directors for the first year were Ben S. Miller, A. Drumm, John A. Blair, S. Tuttle of Caldwell; W. Payne of Medicine Lodge; and Charles H. Eldred, of Carrolton, Illinois; and others. The committee also reported a code of by-laws.
The report was read at length, and after a warm discussion, adopted; and the convention adjourned until three o’clock p.m.
At the three o’clock session seventy-three stock men came forward and paid their membership fee of $10, after which a meeting of the board of directors was called, the names passed upon, and then adjourned until Friday morning.
Just at this point, we desire to say that the new organization is a move in the right direction. Through it, the rights of the smallest stockman in the Territory will be as fully protected as those of the powerful combinations. In fact, it makes of all parties one complete organization, wherein the weak will have a show for the capital they may have invested.
Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.
The Atchison Champion said, a short time ago, that some newspaper man with detective instincts should find out the inspiration of Dave Payne’s Oklahoma raids, and intimated that some railroad interests might be behind them. The Caldwell Commercial, published on the border of the Territory, says this supposition is not correct; that it knows no railroad company has had anything to do with the raids. Payne, it says, has no money himself. It gives this account of Payne’s operations. “He has depended entirely upon selling Oklahoma colony certificates and stock in his so-called town company. He has also gathered in considerable money from gullible parties to whom he represented that the territory was bound to be opened up at a certain time, and in consideration of said parties paying him twenty-five dollars in cash, he has agreed to select and hold for them a quarter-section of the Oklahoma lands, they thereby being relieved from accompanying any of the raiding expeditions. In all the raids he has made, the supplies have been furnished by the people accompanying him, or by a few individuals who have put up their money. In this last raid we are credibly informed that he sold at Arkansas City full six hundred certificates at two dollars each.”
Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.
The Hartford Courant wants to know if this farce of employing United States troops to capture “Oklahoma” Payne and turn him over to the civil authorities, only to see him walk out of jail and begin preparations for a new raid, hasn’t lasted long enough. It seems to be fun for Mr. Payne.
Of course it is fun for Payne. One thousand dupes per trip who pay him three dollars each to conduct them to the promised land would pay him very well without such perquisite as sales of shares in Oklahoma City at twenty-five dollars each. The only strange thing about it is that he should find many “guys.”
Arkansas City Traveler, March 14, 1883.
If we read the signs aright, the days of the small cattlemen in the Indian Territory are numbered.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 14, 1883.
Stockmen’s Meeting.
The Cherokee Strip Stockmen’s Association held at Caldwell, last week, held several meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday, but did not come to a permanent organization till Thursday at 10 a.m., and we understand that the latest action taken put the association upon a totally different basis to what was anticipated, and rendered all action taken at the meetings of Tuesday and Wednesday ineffective. We will give full facts in our next.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 14, 1883.
Caldwell’s Glory.
The stock meeting at Caldwell last week, at which we had the honor of being present, was attended by an immense crowd of parties interested in the business, and the accommodating capacity of the hotels were totally inadequate to meet the requirements; but thanks to the efforts of the private citizens, who came nobly to the rescue, all strangers were made comfortable and welcome. The Ball and Banquet given by the citizens to the stockmen was a glorious success, and well attended and enjoyed, while the Banquet at the Leland Hotel was simply immense. The affair was one of the most notable events of the season and cannot help but do Caldwell’s citizens great credit for the enterprise shown.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 14, 1883.
A Desirable Stock Farm.
The two thousand acres of land on the State Line twelve miles east of this place, known as Scott’s range, is one of the most desirable locations for stock that we know of in this or any other section of country, and we are glad to know that gentleman will stock it with the best of cattle and horses. Adjoining it on the south is the Kaw Indian Reserve, where stock can roam at will. We know of no more beautiful sight than to see the herds grazing undisturbed on this elevated plain, when the earth is covered with a carpet of green for miles around. It is the home of the stockmen and land of the free. A little figuring will soon convince anyone that stock pays, and that too, largely accounts for the large number that are engaging in it. A cow worth $25 brings a calf worth $10 in one year, at a cost of only $3 for keeping the cow. A calf at $10 in one year is worth $20. In two years it is worth $30; and in three years brings from $40 to $60, which has cost not to exceed $10. There are losses, of course, but in many cases no occasion for it. Hold the cattle in the State during the winter where hay, corn, and fodder can be had and shelter provided; and it will pay forty percent on the money invested, from one year to another.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 15, 1883.
The Vinita Chieftain is making a hot war upon the Atlantic and Pacific road, for the general cussedness of its management in the Indian Territory. The management of that road may yet find out that it pays to act half white and part human.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 15, 1883.
Note: Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association attempted to get A. B. Mayhew, of Sumner County, on the Board of Railroad Commissioners. Governor Glick sent the following letter to Miller, President of Association, in response to this request.
TOPEKA, March 12, 1883.
Ben S. Miller, Esq., Caldwell, Kansas. MY DEAR SIR: Your telegram requesting the appointment of Hon. A. B. Mayhew, of Wellington, Kansas, as railroad commissioner, is at hand. I have no control over the appointment of railroad commissioners. Mr. Mayhew, by his vote, with his party, took the appointing power out of the hands of the Executive, whereby in precedent and decency it properly belonged. The politicians are now running the machine for the benefit of the Republican party, and they expect to make the railroad commission a potent engine in favor of a party organization, instead of being an organization for the protection of the people against the wrongs committed by the railroads upon them. Mr. Mayhew’s vote contributed to that result, and his appointment as a commissioner would simply be perpetuating it. I am sir, your obedient servant. G. W. GLICK.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 15, 1883.
This resolution adopted by the Live Stock Association, thanking Messrs. Plumb and Ryan, could have been very properly amended by striking out that portion relating to the Pennsylvania Oil Company. That company took their range on the same plan and under similar conditions to other cattlemen who had fenced. It did not attempt to take any advantage of those rightfully holding cattle on the range which they had hired; on the contrary, the company had offered to buy out all such parties, if said parties would sell. Those who did not want to sell were given to understand that they could remain, without interference on the part of the company, so long as the Cherokee authorities were satisfied.
The whole hue and cry against the Pennsylvania Oil Company came from men who had for years held cattle upon the grounds leased by the company without paying one cent to the Cherokee Nation, or to any other government. Under the laws of the United States and the Cherokee Nation, they had no right to occupy one foot of the ground in question, and therefore their howls about monopolies, etc., should never have received the least attention or support from stockmen who had acted in good faith to the Cherokees.
It is the fashion just now to howl against corporations and men of large capital, and therefore any defense of the Pennsylvania Oil Company will meet with but little consideration. Notwithstanding all this, the COMMERCIAL claims that the company and its managers are entitled to fair treatment, especially at the hands of those whose right to hold a range and fence it is not one whit better than that of the above named company.
Since the above was put in type, we have learned that there is no such organization as the “Standard Oil Company” or the “Pennsylvania Oil Company” laying any claim to a range or doing any business on the Cherokee Strip. The firm all the fuss has been kicked up about is composed of W. B. Roberts and J. H. Windsor, and their cattle business has no connection in any way with any oil company on the face of the globe. As individuals, they have put their own money into the stock business, secured a defined range from the Cherokee Nation, and they have not sought in any way to infringe upon the rights of others. When they obtained the privileges of the range they now hold, Messrs. Roberts & Co., were informed by Major Lipe that the range was unoccupied, or if it was, the parties so occupying it were intruders, because they had never paid any tax to the Cherokee Nation. Now, if Messrs. Roberts and Windsor are treated fair, as they should be under the circumstances, they will do what is right by all parties concerned. But if there should be any attempt to coerce them, or trample upon their rights, they are not the men we take them to be if they quietly submit. Give them a fair deal, and the rights of all will be strengthened thereby.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 15, 1883.
From the St. Joe Gazette.
A reporter for the Gazette met Col. A. M. Saxton yesterday, and the following conversation ensued.
“I understand, colonel, you have been to the Indian Territory to a cattle meeting?”
“Yes; I went there to a meeting of cattle raisers. We have a yearly convention, and met as heretofore at Caldwell, Kansas, which is about two miles from the Territory. There were several hundred cattle owners there from the different states, and perhaps a thousand employees and resident Territory ranchmen present. In fact, the streets of Caldwell were thronged. It was estimated that the owners of two millions of cattle were there. Great harmony prevailed, and I think I never saw a more stalwart, intelligent body of men. I made a great blunder this time. You see, I went from home Sunday night after church, took the night train, and wore my Sunday-go-to-meeting clothing, plug hat, umbrella, and all. I was the only man there wearing a plug hat and umbrella, which had been telegraphed ahead, I suspect, for when I walked up from the depot I was met by a half dozen men, or cowboys, as they call them, on horseback. I thought they were awful polite, as they halted me and gave me a grand salute in broken Indian and fired in the air their pistols and waved their broad brims high. One man dismounted from his horse and insisted on my accepting his hospitality. I got up of course and took the reins; in an instant he bounced on behind and put spurs to the beast and reached as far round my stomach as his arms would go and we came pell mell up to the hotel with all the broad brims and mustangs following, and cheering. I saw five kegs of beer at the saloon door. I took in the situation, and in behalf of my plug hat and umbrella, I ordered the landlord to tap the whole lot and ‘set ’em up.’ Having no firearms, I could not fight in any other strategic way. That is part of what my Sunday clothes cost me that fore-noon. At night they escorted me to the opera house to witness the play entitled ‘Our Boy.’ I accepted the invitation on the condition that the tallest ranchman should change hats with me and walk arm in arm. I wore his broad brim and he my stove pipe, which covered his head and neck. I have seen myself heretofore in a silver spoon and that is the way I was mashed beside my tall chaperone. The next day we witnessed foot races, wrestling matches, and target shooting. I put up my hat and umbrella and got them papered with bullets. We had lots of fun, and if our boys enjoyed it better than I, why, then I’ve no more to say. Don’t let this get into print. I went there to attend to business and had fun with it too.”
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 15, 1883.
Charter and By-Laws.
The meeting was called to order by President Miller at 9 o’clock a.m.
President Miller announced the appointment of the following committes as having been appointed by the Board of Directors on the evening previous at its meeting.
BRAND BOOKS. M. H. Bennett and W. E. Bridge.
FINANCE. M. H. Bennett, S. Tuttle, and J. W. Hamilton.
ARBITRATION. H. W. Timberlake, W. M. Corzine, and D. R. Streeter.
TRAILS, POST ROAD, AND QUARANTINE GROUNDS. H. Hodgson, W. B. Helm, O. Ewell, W. J. Hodges, and John A. Blair.
INSPECTION. A. M. Colson, J. Will Carter, and Marion Blair.
ASSESSMENT AND TAXATION. M. H. Bennett, A. M. Colson, W. P. Herring, A. Drumm, and E. W. Payne.
CLAIMS. S. Tuttle, Ben Garland, and Charles H. Moore.
Mr. Payne offered the following resolution, which was adopted and upon motion of Mr. Hewins, second by Mr. Hamilton, was ordered telegraphed to Governor Glick at the Association’s expense, which was done.
CALDWELL, KANSAS, March 3, 1883.
To the Honorable George W. Glick and the Executive Council, Topeka, Kansas.
SIR: We the cattlemen of Southwestern Kansas and the Territory, now in convention assembled, considering the vast importance of our shipping interests, do respectfully request that by the way of recognition, you do appoint as one of the Board of Railroad Commissioners, the Hon. A. B. Mayhew of Wellington, Kansas, a man in every way suited and fully competent to fill that position, and for which we will ever pray.
[Signed] BEN S. MILLER, President. JOHN A. BLAIR, Secretary.
Mr. Payne offered a resolution tending a vote of thanks to the citizens of Caldwell for kind treatment while in the city, for the use of the hall, elegant banquet, and pleasant entertainments provided for the stockmen. Adopted.
Mr. Collins offered the following resolution, which was adopted and ordered spread upon the journals.
Resolved, That this convention tender their thanks to Messrs. Plumb and Ryan for the able manner in which they defended the rights of the cattle men on the Cherokee strip, and sat down on the Pennsylvania Oil Co., and all other monopolies.
Mr. Hamilton read a telegram concerning telephone connection between this city and Wellington. A few resolutions were offered upon the subject, which were adopted.
On motion of Mr. Hewins, a vote of thanks was tendered the members of the press present for courtesies shown the Association and interest manifested in the same by the newspaper men of the state.
On motion of Mr. Herring, a vote of thanks was tendered Messrs. Bennett, Drumm, Hewins, Hamilton, and others for work done in the interests of the Association.
Mr. Hamilton offered the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted.
Resolved, That this Association offer a standing reward of two thousand dollars for the arrest and conviction of any person or persons stealing any animals belonging to any member of this Association.
Mr. Hewins moved that hand bills printed on muslin be issued offering the reward of $2,000 as provided for in resolution. Carried.
The convention having completed its labors, on motion of Mr. Payne, adjourned to meet in Caldwell on the 13th day of November, 1883, thereupon President Miller declared the convention adjourned to the date named. J. A. BLAIR, Secretary.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 15, 1883.
We, the undersigned persons of competent age, do hereby associate ourselves together for the purpose of forming a private corporation under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Kansas, the purpose of which is and shall be “the improvement of the breed of domestic animals,” by the importation, grazing, breeding, sale, barter, and exchange thereof.
The name of such corporation shall be “The Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association.”
SECOND. The purpose for which the corporation is formed is the improvement of the breed of domestic animals by the importation, grazing, breeding, sale, barter, and exchange thereof.
THREE. The principal office and place of business of the corporation shall be at the city of Caldwell, in Sumner County, Kansas, but its place or places of and for holding, breeding, grazing, selling, bartering, and exchanging the domestic animals for the improvement of the breed of which the corporation is as aforesaid organized shall be wherever the same can be in the opinion of the directors or such other body of the stockholders or members of such corporation as may be authorized to act for the corporation most advantageously located.
FOURTH. The terms for which the corporation is to exist shall be for forty years.
FIFTH. The number of the directors of the corporation shall be nine, and the following named stockholders are appointed directors for the first year, viz:
E. M. Hewins, whose residence is Cedarvale, Kansas.
J. W. Hamilton, whose residence is Wellington, Kansas.
A. J. Day, whose residence is Caldwell, Kansas.
S. Tuttle, whose residence is Caldwell, Kansas.
M. H. Bennett, whose residence is Caldwell, Kansas.
Andrew Drumm, whose residence is Caldwell, Kansas.
Ben S. Miller, whose residence is Caldwell, Kansas.
E. W. Payne, whose residence is Medicine Lodge, Kansas.
Chas. H. Eldred, whose residence is Carrollton, Illinois.
Which said charter was on said date duly transmitted, postage pre-paid to the Honorable Secretary of State at Topeka, Kansas, and on said date the by-laws for the regulation of the business of said corporation were by your said committee formulated, and that thereafter to-wit: On the 8th day of March, 1883, the board of directors of said corporation, met in pursuance of the provisions of said charter and in conformity of law elected Ben S. Miller, one of said board of directors, president of said corporation, and at the same time appointed John A. Blair as secretary and M. H. Bennett as treasurer thereof, and duly ratified and accepted the by-laws herein before referred to, wherefore we respectfully suggest that our action in and about the matter aforesaid, be approved and accepted as the fulfillment of the duties by you imposed upon us as your committee for the purposes aforesaid, and that we be now discharged from further duty.
SECTION 1. The name and style of the corporation shall be “The Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association.”
SECTION 2. The object of the Association is to provide for and promote the improvement of the breed of domestic animals by all lawful means, such as providing for the purchase, importation, barter, sale, and exchange thereof, at such place or places, within or without the territorial limits of this State, as shall be or seem to be, most conducive to the advancement of the interests of the Association; in pursuance of the purpose and object of which the same has been and is as aforesaid organized inclusive of the right by which and on behalf, of said Association to purchase any and all of whatsoever kind of domestic animals it, the said Association, may see fit or desire to purchase, or in any lawful manner acquire, together with the right to purchase or lease any or all parcels or tracts of land, where-soever situated, as may be necessary for the holding, keeping, grazing, breeding, handling, selling, bartering, or in any lawful manner whatsoever exchanging any or all of any or all kinds of domestic animals so as aforesaid purchased, imported, handled, bred, grazed, obtained by barter or exchange by or on behalf of said Association.
All persons, corporations, or companies who now occupy undisputed range in the Cherokee Strip, and who agree to pay the assessments to which may be hereinafter levied upon them by authority of persons empowered by the Association to make levies for any and all purposes, may be eligible to membership in this Association upon the payment of the membership fees, as hereinafter provided.
All corporations, stock associations, or companies becoming members of this Association, shall do so in the name of the corporation, stock association, or company by which they are known, and in all elections or business which is to or may be decided by votes of members of this Association, such member or representative of any and all other corporations, stock associations, or companies being members of this Association shall be entitled to one vote, and no more.
Any party holding an undisputed and prescribed range, whether of one person, a company, corporation, or pool, shall be entitled to one membership; that is to say, if one person holds a certain prescribed range alone, he shall be entitled to one membership, and the same rule as to corporations and companies if, for convenience, two or more individuals hold each a prescribed range, and hold such range in common, each of such ranges shall be entitled to one membership, and each membership shall be entitled to one vote. Any person possessing the qualifications hereinbefore mentioned, and desiring to become a member of this Association, shall first pay to the treasurer the sum of ten dollars ($10), and take said treasurer’s receipt therefor, and upon presentation of said receipt to the secretary of this Association, and subscribing to the by-laws, shall be entitled to a certificate of membership, which said certificate shall thereupon be issued in the name of this Association; provided that persons owning ranges or holding cattle contiguous to the range occupied by the members of this Association in the Indian Territory, may be elected honorary members of this Association upon the recommendation of the board of directors.
All transfer of ranges by purchase or otherwise shall be recorded by the Secretary of this Association in a book to be by him kept for that purpose.
All members of this Association are required within thirty days from their admission to membership to furnish to the secretary a plain and accurate description of the “marks and brands” of all domestic animals owned or held by such member; which said description of said marks and brands shall be plainly and fully recorded by said secretary in a book to be by him kept for such purpose.
A board of arbitration shall be appointed, to consist of three members of the Association, such board to be appointed by the directors and to hold their office during the pleasure of said board of directors, who shall have power to settle all questions in dispute between members of this Association, and from the decision of such board of arbitration either party in interest may appeal to the board of directors by giving, upon the rendition of said decision, immediate notice of his intention to so appeal, and by entering into and undertaking to the opposite party in such sum as said board of arbitrators shall deem sufficient credentials for the payment of all costs and expenses necessarily incurred by reason of such appeal. In the event of the decision of said arbitrators being affirmed by said board of directors, thereupon the chairman of said board of arbitrators shall immediately notify the board of directors of the pendency of such appeal and state the time and place when and where said board of directors shall meet to hear and determine the same; which time shall not be less than ten nor more than sixty days from the time of taking such appeal, and the time and place of sitting of said board of directors to hear said matter shall be at such point as said board of arbitrators may direct; provided, always, that in no event except by consent of parties shall the place of the sitting of said board of directors for such purpose be other than at the city of Caldwell, in Sumner County, Kansas, or at some well-known and convenient ranch upon the grazing lands of the Association; and the chairman of the board of arbitrators upon the giving an acceptance of the appeal bond hereinbefore provided for, immediately notify the parties in interest of the time when, and the place where, the board of directors shall be called to meet to hear and determine and appeal; and the decision of said board of directors shall be final.
The following are the names of members of the Association so far as we have been able to obtain them.
Blair, Battin & Cooper
E. W. Payne, for Comanche County Pool
T. F. Pryor & Co.
S. T. Tuttle, S & Z Tuttle
R. B. Clark
W. H. Harrelston
H. Hodgson & Co.
John Myrtle
McClellen Cattle Company
Johnstone & Horsmer
G. A. Thompson
C. M. Crocker
Robert Eatock
Wm. Corzine
M. J. Lane
Hammers Clark & Co.
McGredy & Harlen
Walworth, Walton & Rhodes
D. P. Robinson & Northup
Windsor Bros.
H. A. Todd
Wicks, Corbin & Streeter
W. B. Helm
N. J. Thompson
Bates & Payne
E. W. Rannells
P. S. Burres
W. W. Wicks
Dean & Broderick
Shattuck Bros. & Co.
H. H. Campbell
Briggs & Wilson
John Love & Son
J. C. Weathers & Sons
Ewell & Justis
A. M. Colson
W. S. & T. Snow
Dominion Cattle Company
Theo Horsley & Co.
Southern Kansas Border Live Stock Company, J. W. Hamilton, manager.
G. W. Miller (W. M. Vanhook in charge)
B. H. Campbell
Drury Warren
L. Musgrove
A. A. Wiley
Tomlin & Webb
Geo. V. Collins
J. F. Conner & Co.
Cobb & Hutton
A. J. & C. P. Day
Moore & Rohrer
Carnegie & Fraser
M. K. Krider
Texas Land and Cattle Company (limited)
W. C. Quinlon
Ben Garland
Ballenger & Schlupp
A. T. & T. P. Wilson
A. Mills
H. W. Timberlake & Hall
Stewart & Hodges
Drumm & Snider
Williamson Blair & Co.
Charles Collins
Ben S. Miller
Gregory, Eldred & Co.
W. R. Terwilliger
M. H. Bennett
Barfoot & Santer
Hewins & Tims
Sylvester Flitch
D. A. Greever
Stoller & Rees
Crane & Larimer
Dickey Bros.
McClain & Foss
E. M. Ford & Co.
Dornblazer & Dole
J. C. Pryor & Co.
HONORARY MEMBERS: W. E. Campbell, L. C. Bidwell.
Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.
A grand surprise was in store for a number of cattle men at Caldwell, March 8th, when the Cherokee Strip Stockmen’s association was called to order, and the report of the committee on constitution and bylaws, through its chairman, submitted its report in the shape of articles of the incorporation, accompanied by the constitution and bylaws. The board of directors and a full set of officers were elected and sworn in. The charter was filed with the secretary of state, of Kansas, on Friday morning. This corporation is chartered to conduct a general live stock business in Kansas and other states and territories, to lease lands, etc. A motion to adopt the committee’s report was ably discussed and finally adopted by a vote of sixty-five to nine by the old association, and, upon the announcement of the vote by the president the association known as the Cherokee Strip Stockmen’s association died, and in its place the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association arose from the ashes, with E. M. Hewin, of Cedarvale; A. Drennan, of Kansas City; A. J. Day, M. H. Bennett, Ben S. Miller, Caldwell; J. W. Hamilton, Wellington; Charles H. Eldred, Carrollton, Illinois; and E. W. Payne, Medicine Lodge, as a board of directors. Ben S. Miller is president; John A. Blair, secretary, and M. H. Bennett, treasurer. Seventy-three members were taken into the corporation on payment of a $10 fee. An undisputed stock ranch on the Cherokee Strip in the Indian Territory constitutes the qualification of a member. A board of arbitration is provided for in the bylaws that will settle all disputed lines of ranchmen of ranches on these lands. No firm, corporation, or company can have but one vote in the deliberations of the corporation so that the member who holds 200 cattle on the range has just the same voice in all things as the ranchman who has 20,000 head of stock.
The corporations and monopolies are outwitted in this deal, and the ranchmen who have worked faithfully the past years on their ranges and gathered up a few cattle have the same show as their more powerful neighbors. The small stockmen are rushing into this corporation pellmell, while the strong companies are more careful, but finally have to come under the sway of its workings.
A meeting of the board of directors is in session discussing the appointing of the various committees and preparing for future work. The corporation proposes leasing the Cherokee Strip if it can legally be done from the Cherokees direct. . . .
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 15, 1883.
Messrs. Hays and Fouts have sold the Willow Springs Ranch to Roberts & Co. The latter firm will run the stage station at the Springs, and in addition build a bridge across the stream at that point for the accommodation of travel. Willow Springs is out of our bailiwick, being directly south of Arkansas City, still we are glad of the change because it will make travel more convenient in the eastern portion of the Strip.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 15, 1883.
Agent Tufts’ Report to Commissioner of Indian Affairs.
SIR: Referring to cattle letter dated January 6, 1883, I have the honor to report that I have visited the lands known as Cherokee land, west of 96 degrees, and find there a large number of cattle, estimated to be 300,000, ranging on the Strip. About 200,000 are there by and with the consent of the Cherokees, and on which there was paid a grazing tax to the Cherokee authorities of about $41,000 during the year. About 100,000 cattle on these lands belong to citizens of Kansas, who turn them loose on these lands and pay no tax.
After a careful investigation, I have to answer the questions submitted in the above official letter as follows.
1. How much fencing has been done?
Answer: 950 miles.
2. To whom do the fences belong?
Answer: To citizens of the United States and a few citizens of the Cherokee Nation.
3. Name each and all companies or organizations claiming to own fences and the quantity of wire in each.
Comanche pool, 55 miles.
Bollinger & Schlupp, 60 miles.
Drumm & Snyder, 50 miles.
Miller & Pryor, 45 miles.
B. H. Campbell, 30 miles.
George Thompson, 40 miles.
S. & Z. Tuttle, 58 miles.
Bridge & Wilson, 45 miles.
Bates & Co., 33 miles.
Hewins & Titus, 60 miles.
Cobb & Hutton, 56 miles.
C. H. Moore, 24 miles.
George Miller, 72 miles.
H. Hodgson, 35 miles.
Dean Bros., 40 miles.
E. M. Ford, 87 miles.
C. H. McClellan, 72 miles.
G. Greever, 60 miles.
T. Mayhew, 37 miles.
4. How long since fencing was commenced?
Answer: During the spring of 1882.
5. What effect has such fencing had upon legitimate travel and upon mail routes?
Answer: There are but two mail routes through the land in question: from Caldwell, Kansas, to Ft. Reno and points beyond; from Arkansas City to Nez Perces Agency. There are no fences within two miles of either road. There are no other roads for legitimate travel across these lands. Pastures are supplied with gates for the use of parties traveling through. The fences do not interfere in any manner with legitimate travel or mail routes.
6. What effect has the wire fences on the reservation of destruction of timber on said lands?
Answer: Timber extended only along the water courses, and for miles into the Territory along the state line of Kansas, has been destroyed by parties from Kansas, who have used it for fuel and fencing. Much of this valuable lumber has been taken from the Cimarron River, a distance of sixty miles from the Nation line. Unless this wholesale destruction of timber is stopped, it is safe to state that all timber on these lands will be destroyed within three years.
While the value of this timber to those who steal it is not great, its value to the country can hardly be estimated, and whatever disposition is made of these lands ultimately; the supply of water will determine its value for any purpose.
There is no law in the statutes of the United States to punish for stealing timber from the reservations of any of these five civilized tribes, and it is very evident there never will be any, and these people from the states will continue to destroy this timber as they are are now doing until it is all gone.
Where ranges have been fenced, the cattle men neither cut timber themselves nor do they permit anyone else to do so; and in my judgment, if the fences now on these lands are permitted to remain, and others are permitted to fence under proper instruction, it will put an effective stop to the destruction of the timber on these lands, and as these cattlemen place fire-guards around their ranches, the young growth of timber will add much to the value of the lands.
I respectfully recommend that the fences now on these lands be permitted to remain, and that others desiring to fence their range have permission to do so.
1st. Permission from the Cherokee Nation must be obtained.
2nd. That no fences shall be erected within two miles of any post road.
3rd. If any parties fencing their range cut or permit any timber to be cut within their pastures, they shall be subject to removal from the Territory and the fences destroyed.
4th. All fences shall be removed at once from the Territory whenever those in possession shall be notified to do so by the department.
The effect of a settlement of this matter in this way will be that the Indian office will not be called upon every few months to remove from the Territory cattlemen who refuse to pay tax. The Cherokee National will collect double the tax; the destruction of the timber will be effectually stopped, and the young timber protected from fire.
The only opposition I found to this fencing was from those who claimed that the timber on these lands belonged to anybody that got it, and from those who live in the states and own large herds of cattle on these lands and refuse to pay tax.
The Pennsylvania Oil Company, who attempted to fence without permission from the Cherokee authorities and enclose the ranges and owners of small herds of cattle on which they had paid Cherokee tax, have agreed to settle with those whose ranges they had intended to enclose in their pasture, and obtain permission of the Cherokee authorities, or go else-where for their range.
This arrangement satisfies Mr. Scott and others, who complained to the Department of the action of the Oil Company; and if permitted to do so, will fence their ranges during the coming summer.
Very respectfully, JOHN Q. TUFTS, U. S. Indian Agent.
To Hon H. Price, Commissioner Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 21, 1883.
The Indian War.
Advices from the Creek Indian Nation say Sleeping Rabbit, one of the principal leaders of the Splechie faction, who was arrested some days ago by Gen. Porter, commander of the Chicate party, was killed at Okmulgee last week, while attempting to escape. Two other leaders of the same faction have also been killed. These murders, as they are called, are said to have aroused Splechie’s men to renewed action and 200 of them are reported to be marching on Okmulgee for the purpose of bringing about a fight. Gen. Porter with 200 men has gone out to meet the advancing party and a conflict is expected.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 21, 1883.
A meeting was held in J. R. Musgrove’s store, at Geuda Springs, on the evening of the 3rd inst., to induce the proprietor of the Oklahoma War Chief to locate his paper at that place. Mr. Harris asks a bonus of $500.00, of which $300 was subscribed. Press.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 21, 1883.
A young man named Fletcher stole a team of mules from a railroad contractor, McLean, and traded them to a man named Bunch near Leon, for a span of horses. With these he started for the Indian Territory. Getting stuck in a creek in Cowley County, he abandoned the wagon and team and made his escape. Walnut Valley Times.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 21, 1883.
The Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association was chartered on the 9th inst. Its object is to conduct a general live stock business in Kansas, other States, and the Territory. It is the Cherokee Strip Stockmen’s Association done over. The officers for the first year are Ben. S. Miller, president; M. R. Bennett, treasurer; E. M. Hewins, A. Drum, A. J. Day, M. H. Bennett, Ben S. Miller, J. W. Hamilton, Charles H. Eldred, and E. W. Payne, directors. Its place of business is Caldwell. A copy of the by-laws of this association will be found elsewhere in this issue.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 21, 1883.
By-Laws of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association.
SEC. 1. The name and style of the corporation shall be “The Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association.”
SEC. 2. The object of the Association is to provide for and promote the improvement of the breed of domestic animals by all lawful means, such as providing for the purchase, importation, barter, sale, and exchange thereof, at such place or places, within or without the territorial limits of this State, as shall be, or seem to be, most conducive to the advancement of the interests of the Association in pursuance of the purpose and object of which the same has been and is as aforesaid organized inclusive of the right by which and on behalf of said Association to purchase any and all of whatsoever kind of domestic animals it, the said Association, may see fit or desire to purchase, or in any lawful manner acquire, together with the right to purchase or lease any or all parcels or tracts of land, wheresoever situated, as may be necessary for the holding, keeping, grazing, breeding, handling, selling, bartering, or in any lawful manner whatsoever exchanging any or all of any or all kinds of domestic animals so as aforesaid purchased, imported, handled, bred, grazed, obtained by barter or exchange by or on behalf of said Association.
All persons, corporations, or companies who now occupy undisputed range in the Cherokee Strip, and who agree to pay the assessments which may be hereinafter levied upon them by authority of persons empowered by the Association to make levies for any and all purposes, may be eligible to membership in this Association upon the payment of the membership fees, as hereinafter provided.
All corporations, stock associations, or companies becoming members of this Association; shall do so in the name of the corporation, stock association, or company by which they are known, and in all elections or business which is to or may be decided by votes of members of this Association, such member or representative of any and all other corporations, stock associations, or companies being members of this Association shall be entitled to one vote and no more.
Any party holding an undisputed and prescribed range, whether of one person, a company corporation or pool, shall be entitled to one membership; that is to say, if one person holds a certain prescribed range alone he shall be entitled to one membership, and the same rule as to corporations and companies if, for convenience two or more individuals holding each a prescribed range, and hold such range in common, each of such ranges shall be entitled to one membership, and each membership shall be entitled to one vote. Any person possessing the qualifications hereinbefore mentioned, and desiring to become a member of this association, shall first pay to the treasurer the sum of ten dollars ($10), and take said treasurer’s receipt therefor, and upon presentation of said receipt to the secretary of this Association; provided that persons owning ranges or holding cattle contiguous to the range occupied by the members of this Association in the Indian Territory, may be elected honorary members of this Association upon the recommendation of the board of directors.
All transfer of ranges by purchase or otherwise shall be recorded by the Secretary of this Association in a book to be by him kept for that purpose.
A board of arbitration shall be appointed to consist of three members of the Association, such board to be appointed by the directors, and to hold their office during the pleasure of said board of directors, who shall have power to settle all questions in dispute between members of this Association, and from the decision of such board of arbitration either party in interest may appeal to the board of directors by giving upon the rendition of said decision, immediate notice of his intention to so appeal, and by entering into and undertaking to the opposite party in such sum as said board of arbitrators shall deem sufficient credentials for the payment of all costs and expenses necessarily incurred by reason of such appeal. In the event of the decision of said arbitrators being affirmed by said board of directors, thereupon the chairman of the said board of arbitrators shall immediately notify the board of directors of the pendency of such appeal and state the time and place, when and where said board of directors shall meet to hear and determine the same; which time shall not be less than ten or more than sixty days from the time of taking such appeal, and the time and place of sitting of said board of directors to hear said matter shall be at such point as said board of arbitrators may direct; provided always, that in no event except by consent of parties shall the place of the sitting of said board of directors for such purpose be other than at the city of Caldwell, in Sumner County, Kansas, or at some well-known and convenient ranch upon the grazing lands of the Association; and the chairman of the board of arbitrators upon the giving an acceptance of the appeal, bond hereinbefore provided for, immediately notify the parties in interest of the time when, and the place where, the board of directors shall be called to meet to hear and determine said appeal; and the decision of said board of directors shall be final.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 21, 1883.
Boy’s Pistols.
The new law to suppress the small boy’s pistol reads as follows.
SECTION 1. Any person who shall sell, trade, give, loan, or otherwise furnish any pistol, revolver, or toy pistol by which cartridges or caps may be exploded, or any dirk, bowie knife, brass knuckles, sling shot, or other dangerous weapons to any person of notoriously unsound mind, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, upon conviction before any court of competent jurisdiction, be fined not less than one or more than ten dollars.
SECTION 2. Any minor who shall have in his possession any pistol, by which cartridges may be exploded, or any dirk, bowie-knife, brass knuckles, sling shot, or other dangerous weapons, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction before any court of competent jurisdiction, shall be fined not less than one nor more than ten dollars.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 21, 1883.
Kansas Claims.
Washington, March 15. Ex-Governor Crawford, resident Washington agent of the State of Kansas, today filed at the Interior Department a brief in support of the position taken by the State authorities on sundry long pending questions in regard to the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad land grant, and the case will probably come before the secretary for oral argument at an early day. The brief argues that the adjustment of the grant under the supreme court decision of 1875 concerning it would give the State title to about 800,000 acres of land alleged to have been illegally certified to the railroad company, and in any event the State is now entitled to some 300,000 acres now held by the railroad.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 21, 1883.
[From Medicine Lodge Cresset.]
A reward of $2,000 is offered by the stockmen of the Strip, for the apprehension and conviction of cattle thieves. This means business. If anybody is disposed to appropriate other people’s cattle in the Territory south of us, he will find it a very unhealthy occupation.
We are informed that the eastern part of the county is being rapidly taken up by parties who propose to run their farming business without fences. If this is true, it is a grand mistake. This course will naturally drive stock out of the county, and farming without stock is not the business for this country.
The Cherokee Strip Stockmen have recommended the appointment of A. B. Mayhew as one of the railroad commissioners. It is fair and just that the stockmen of the southwest should have a representative on the commission, and we do not know of a better man for the place than A. B. Mayhew.
We have received the premium list for the first annual Fat Stock show, to be held at Riverview Park, Kansas City, Missouri, from Vol. 1st to 8th, 1883, under the auspices of the K. C. Fat Stock Show Association. A glance over the rules, regulations, and awards, convinces us that Kansas City is not going to be outdone by any of her eastern sisters, and, in our opinion, will give an exhibition worthy of the Great Southwest.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 22, 1883.
The experience of many stockmen on the Cherokee Strip has demonstrated the fact that it pays to feed sufficient, at least, to keep stock in good condition. And now that all matters relating to the occupancy of the Strip have been satisfactorily settled, whatever the weather may be next winter, the majority of the stockmen on the Strip will make an effort to feed, if for no other purpose than to keep their stock in good heart during the hard season. Some will feed to supply beef cattle for the early spring demand, and as all must buy at the nearest home market, it is plain that the farmer on the border who raises corn this year, and plenty of it, will strike a bonanza. Stock raising and stock feeding must be the future policy for this country, and it can only be made so by raising grain for home consumption instead of for shipment.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 22, 1883.
M. H. Bennett and H. W. Timberlake sold their cattle and ranges last week to Messrs. Cragin & Marston, who, we understand, are organized under the firm name of the Philadelphia Cattle Company. The price paid was $95,000 to Bennett and $65,000 to Timberlake. This is one of the largest transactions of the kind which has occurred on the Cherokee Strip for some time.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 22, 1883.
Captain Nipp, the “hoss” man, whose range is in the eastern part of the Strip, was in the city last Monday.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 22, 1883.
Horse Thief Arrested.
Last Sunday, Capt. Nipp and Mr. McIntire came over from Arkansas City, and during the remainder of the day were engaged in very close conversation with Mayor Colson and others. On Monday the party suddenly disappeared, and early the next morning returned to town with Deputy U. S. Marshall Cash Hollister, who had in charge a young fellow going by the name of Frank Hostetter. The circumstanes which led to Hostetter’s arrest are about as follows.
For some time stockmen on the range have been missing their horses, but all efforts to trace the stock were unavailing until one day last week, when Hostetter appeared in Arkansas City and sold a horse which he claimed he had bought from an Indian. After which he left town, and on his way, stole a horse from Mr. Warren and put out.
Capt. Nipp and Mr. McIntire immediately started for Caldwell, and securing the services of Mr. Hollister, started to find the thief. They came upon him near Johnson’s ranch, finding him in company with Jay Wilkinson, another party who has for some time been suspected of being engaged in stealing stock. The latter, however, getting away, taking one of Johnson’s horses to aid him in his escape.
Hostetter was taken to Arkansas City, where he will be examined before the U. S. Commissioner.
As for Mr. Wilkinson, he will yet be taken in. The stock owners on the Strip are determined to break up the system of cattle and horse stealing which has been carried on for some time, and if the thieves don’t have a care, some of them may find themselves at the end of a rope one of these fine spring mornings.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 22, 1883.
Association Brand Book.
Members of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association are hereby notified to at once send a complete description of their stock brands, ear marks, location of range, post office address, etc., to M. H. Bennett, Caldwell, Kansas, for publication in the Association brand book now in press. One cut of animal, no charge; for each additional cut, two dollars must be sent. There is no cost to the individual member for first cut used.
M. H. BENNETT, Chairman, Brand Book Committee.
Caldwell, Kansas, March 14, 1883.
Winfield Courier, March 22, 1883.
The Oklahoma Lands.
We have at hand the decision of the U. S. District Judge, I. C. Parker, in the case of the United States vs. D. L. Payne, relative to the status of the lands in the Indian Territory known as the Oklahoma country. In summing up the court says:
“It was Indian country beyond question while the Creeks and Seminole occupied it. The government obtained it for Indian occupancy. Of course, it could not at the same moment make the treaty and transplant other tribes on the land, but we find it commenced to do so as soon thereafter as possible. It has gone on and treated it as devoted to that purpose, by settling on a large portion of it Indian tribes. It cannot be presumed that for fifteen years the Government has had a tract of country within the very heart of the Indian country, which it has purchased and permitted to remain in such condition, as it might become a place of refuge for criminals and outlaws, who could depredate and prey upon their Indian neighbors and others with immunity from punishment, especially when the government has pledged protection and security from intruders to all the tribes in the Indian country. Yet this is so if this is Indian country, because the laws of the United States would not extend over it, and it would not be within the jurisdiction of any state or territory. It never intended this. It did not by this treaty of purchase with the Seminoles do it. By its act of reservation of this country, situated as it was and being reserved for the purpose it was, it continued still to be Indian country as much as if it had been at that time entirely occupied by Indians. Now, in the estimation of many persons, it may be desirable to open this country to settlement. If so, it must be done by the power that has a right under the constitution and laws to do it. It must not be asked or expected that to accomplish this end the courts will break or even bend the timbers of the law, especially when that power in the government which could act has, time and again, refused to act. The courts do not make the laws. They interpret, construe, and execute them as they find them.
From my views of the law, as applicable to this case, upon the facts set up by the defendant, he is liable for the penalty under the law, and the demurrer to the answer must be sustained.
It is so ordered.
Winfield Courier, March 22, 1883.
A Boston circular says the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe road is now paying quarterly dividends at the rate of 6 percent per year, requiring $3,420,000. In 1882 the net earnings on 1,820 miles were $6,150,000. Even if the earnings for 1883 should not show an increase, a surplus is expected of $4,000,000 after paying all interest and sinking-fund charges. The bonded debt of the company including all leases and guarantees representing 2,620 miles, excepting nearly $3,000,000 land grant bonds, is $45,780,500. The amount properly chargeable against the income account for interest and sinking-fund on the present outstanding bonds is $2,248,500 per year. After paying fixed charges and the dividend, the surplus for last year will be about $700,000.
Winfield Courier, March 22, 1883.
The land commission at Washington has decided to send a special agent to Southern Kansas to report upon fraudulent entries in that section and also upon the number of acres of public land that have been fenced in by trespassers. It will take two or three months to make a thorough investigation. A large number of the fraudulent entries have been made on the Osage tract, and it is claimed that similar entries of several thousand acres of land have been made in Southern Kansas. The papers of those making settlements have been correct, but so called settlers have failed to make the improvements required by law. These entries in many cases have been made by cowboys, who have afterward rented the land to cattle men. A lengthy report from the chiefs of the Cherokee Nation was submitted to the secretary of the interior. It is in answer to the recent report of Agent Tuft, who recommended that cattle men be allowed to fence large tracts in the Indian Territory, the agent claiming that it would be to the advantage of the Indians. The report of the chiefs opposes the erection of fences. It refers also to the subject of leasing lands, and says that the council has not granted a single lease, but that those granted have been made by individual Indians under the treaty with the Indians. The chiefs say these leases cannot be recognized. The treaty provides that leases must be ratified by the Indian council. Commissioner Price says the position taken by the chiefs is the proper one.
Winfield Courier, March 22, 1883.
A company of cattle men have leased all the land the Indians will rent in the western end of the Indian Territory. It is understood that this tract embraces fifty or sixty miles square. Secretary Teller refuses to approve the lease, and the cattle company have decided to take their chances in renting from the Indians. A letter from the West states that those making this lease are known as Plumb & Co. Senator Plumb denies any connection with the company. It is thought the lease of so large a tract by the company will result in driving small dealers in cattle from that part of the Territory. Western congressmen are opposed to such a procedure.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 28, 1883.
Secretary Teller has decided that the cattle ranch capitalists who have been putting up wire fences in the Indian Territory must either come to an amicable and satisfactory agreement with the Cherokee authorities or remove their fences. Over 1,000 miles of fencing have been built and come within the terms of the Secretary’s decision. Agent Tufts, who is making himself quite numerous, reported recently in favor of the claims of the cattlemen. The Secretary, in a letter to Tufts, rebuked the latter severely, by declaring that his report is at variance with the facts. St. Louis Republican.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 28, 1883.
Gov. Glick’s Reply.
The following reply to the telegram sent to Governor Glick by the Cherokee Live Stock Association will, no doubt, be duly appreciated by them.
Ben S. Miller, Esq., Caldwell, Kansas.
MY DEAR SIR: Your telegram requesting the appointment of Hon. A. B. Mayhew, of Wellington, Kansas, is at hand. I have no control over the appointment of railroad commissioners. Mr. Mayhew, by his vote, with his party, took the appointing power out of the hands of the Executive, whereby in precedent and decency it properly belonged. The politicians are now running the machine for the benefit of the Republican party, and they expect to make the railroad commissioners a potent engine in favor of a party organization, instead of being an organization for the protection of the people against the wrongs committed by the railroads upon them. Mr. Mayhew’s vote contributed to that result, and his appointment as a commissioner would simply be perpetuating it. I am, sir, your obedient servant.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 28, 1883.
Capt. Payne & Harris, of the War Chief, were in the city Monday.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 28, 1883.
We understand it is a settled fact that the War Chief will shortly be published at Geuda Springs.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 28, 1883.
We understand that Mr. Drury Warren lost some half a dozen head of stock during a recent prairie fire.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 28, 1883.
Major Drumm says the cattle on the range look like the d , or words to that effect—
that there are lots of dead ones and more that will die. Post.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 28, 1883.
M. H. Bennett and Timberlake & Hall sold their Indian Territory ranches, 5,000 cattle, and 35 horses to the Cragin Cattle Company, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, for $155,000.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 28, 1883.
Owing to the old road to Ayres’ mill being somewhat changed by the laying of the switch track, parties having business at the said mill should keep straight south until the R. R. is crossed, and then along the south side of the switch track to the mill. This ensures a good road.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 28, 1883.
[From Barbour County Index.]
O. Thompson, who is holding cattle with Greever, Houghton & Co., came in from his home at Liberty, Missouri, Wednesday. After the stock meeting, he will try the waters of the Cimarron for awhile.
David Tomlinson hs contracted with Gregory, Eldred & Co., to erect wire fence around their range in the Territory. The fence is to be 60 miles in length. The posts and wire are all on the ground.
Reports from the range are that cattle are causing some trouble by getting mired in the mud along the streams, and dying before assistance could reach them. Many of the animals are poor and weak, and when they are in search of water, and get in the mud, they have not sufficient strength to get out.
It will be seen from the published report of the cattle inspector for the Cherokee Strip, there were recovered for the Association at Kansas City, during the shipping season of 1882, 207 head of cattle, valued at $7,500, while quite a number were caught at St. Louis and the agency. This is a matter of the greatest importance to the cattlemen of this section, and should not be overlooked at the meeting at this place on the 28th and 29th inst., as nearly all the cattle from this section goes to or by the way of Kansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 28, 1883.
Several of the Ringleaders of the Gang Now in Limbo.
For some time past a gang of horse thieves have been plying their vocation in the Territory, but up to within a few weeks past succeeded in eluding all efforts made to discover their mode of operation or whereabouts.
The circumstance which has led to the demoralization of the outfit was the purchase of a pony by Capt. Nipp of a cowboy named Jay Wilkinson some three weeks since, which pony Capt. Nipp afterwards discovered, had been stolen from the Territory. With this information Deputy McIntire and a Mr. Phipps started out in search of Wilkinson, whom they learned was in the vicinity of the Cimarron River. Hearing that Wilkinson and several of his companions had fled to a dug-out, and were fixing for a fight, Mr. McIntire deemed it advisable to return to Caldwell for reinforcements, and being joined by Deputy U. S. Marshal Hollister and another officer, the four returned, and after considerable reconnoitering and a lively chase, succeeded in missing their men, but captured one Hostetler, another member of the gang, with whom they started to the State, where Hostetler was committed to the Winfield jail to await the next term of U. S. Court at Wichita, not being able to give the $500 bail required. Wilkinson, who had been dodging around trying to swap for a fresh horse, was gathered in by the boys at Johnson Ranch, who carried him to Caldwell and turned him over to Deputy Hollister, who straightway telegraphed to Messrs. McIntire and Nipp the fact of his possession and declared the intention of leaving for this place, requesting these gentlemen to meet him, which they did, bringing Wilkinson to town where he had an examination, and was committed to jail with Hostetler. Another of the gang, known as Mulvane George, was also arrested, but gave $500 bail and is now at large.
Deputy McIntire informs us he expects shortly to have more of the gang in his clutches, in which we hope he may not be mistaken.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 28, 1883.
Tufts Report to Interior Secretary Relative Wire Fences.
The following synopsis of Agent Tufts’ report to the Secretary of the Interior on the question of Wire Fences in the Territory, will doubtless be of interest to many of our readers.
It is estimated that 300,000 head of cattle are being herded on the Strip, 100,000 of which do not pay taxes to the Cherokees. There are 950 miles of fencing belonging in the main to citizens of the United States, and all of which has been put up in the past year. These parties are supplied with gates for traveling through, so that they do not interfere with legitimate travel or mail routes. Agent Tufts thinks that these fences will be of incalculable good in restraining the cutting of timber which has been ruthlessly going on in the past, and therefore says: “I respectfully recommend that the fences now on these lands be permitted to remain, and other parties desiring to fence be permitted to do so subject to the following conditions.”
“1st. Permission from the Cherokee Nation must be obtained.
“2nd. That no fences shall be erected within two miles of any post road.
“3rd. If any parties fencing their range cut or permit any timber to be cut within their pastures, shall be subject to removal from the Territory and the fences destroyed.
“4th. All fences shall be removed at once from the Territory whenever those in possession shall be notified to do so by the department.
“The effect of a settlement of this matter in this way will be that the Indian office will not be called upon every few months to remove from the Territory cattlemen who refuse to pay tax. The Cherokee Nation will collect double the tax; the destruction of the timber will be effectually stopped, and the young timber protected from fire.
“The only opposition I found to this fencing was from those who claimed that the timber on these lands belonged to anybody that got it, and from those who live in the States and own large herds of cattle on these lands and refuse to pay taxes. The Pennsylvania Oil Company, who attempted to fence without permission from the Cherokee authorities and enclose the ranges, and owners of small herds of cattle on which they had paid Cherokee tax, have agreed to settle with those whose ranges they had intended to enclose in their pasture, and obtain permission of the Cherokee authorities, or go elsewhere for their range.
“This arrangement satisfies Mr. C. M. Scott, and others, who complained to the Department of the action of the Oil Company, and if permitted to do so, will fence their ranges during the coming summer.”
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 29, 1883.
Now that the Cherokees have received their $300,000 for lands sold to the Pawnees and other Indians, they are in a big stew as to how the money shall be disposed of. It must be distributed per capita, but the grave question is as to who are entitled to citizenship.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 29, 1883.
The strike of the cowboys in the Panhandle seems to be more serious than was at first thought. The boys threaten to prevent men taking their places. It is thought a compromise will be effected. Cowboys have some knowledge of the immense profits cattle owners are making, and it should not be at all surprising if they asked fair wages for what is the hardest kind of hard work.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 29, 1883.
Another Tragedy.
An unfortunate and tragical affair occurred in this city last Thursday afternoon, in the shooting of Charles Everhart by Dr. W. A. Noble. Shorn of all details, the facts are that the Doctor had been drinking, and while in McChesney’s “Place,” took offense at Everhart, who attends the lunch counter in the “Place.” Of the cause of the offense—real or supposed—no exact information could be obtained, but it appears that the Doctor suddenly drew a self-cocking pistol, and began firing at Everhart. The first shot missed. The second shot struck Everhart in the left breast, an inch or two above the nipple, and passed out at his back, just below the shoulder blade. The third shot seems to have been fired as Everhart turned to get out of the way, for the third ball struck him in the back, ranged up and passed out in front a little above the collar bone and about four inches above the place where the first ball entered.
Before the Doctor could fire another shot, the pistol was wrenched from his hand, and he was taken in charge by Assistant City Marshal Wheeler. Meantime Everhart had fallen to the floor, and Drs. Hume and Robertson were called in.
It was at first thought that Everhart could not live, but under the treatment and care which have been given him, he seems in a fair way to recover.
An examination of Dr. Noble before Justice of the Peace T. H. B. Ross, was called on Friday, but the case was continued, and the defendant held in $10,000 for his appearance on Wednesday, March 28, at 1 p.m. Bail was promptly furnished.
The unhappy affair is a source of regret, not only to the Doctor, but to his numerous friends, by whom he is held in high regard, both as a physician and a man. He is a man of a generous nature, but impulsive, and while strong in his likes and dislikes, we do not believe he bore malice toward anyone. He certainly had none for Everhart, and his attack upon the latter can only be accounted for upon the ground of his mental condition previous to and at the time of the occurrence.
Yesterday, at the trial set, Mr. George, deputy county attorney, appeared and requested a continuance. The continuance was granted until April 6th, and a new bond filed.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 29, 1883.
Editor Comments About Dr. Noble.
The tragedy which occurred in this city last Thursday, speaks in loud tones for the enactment of two very important laws. The first, prescribing that whiskey insanity shall be no excuse for crime, and the second, that where one makes an attempt upon the life of another with a deadly weapon, and it can be proven that the assailant has been in the habit of carrying said weapon concealed, such fact shall be prima facia evidence of an intention to commit murder.
This, at first glance, may seem hard. But can adequate reasons be given why a prominent citizen or a so-called “respected member of society,” in this or any other well organized community in Kansas should habitually carry double-action revolvers, or for that matter, dangerous weapons of any kind?
With no desire to prejudice the case or add to the misery of the chief participant in last Thursday’s affair, it must be honestly confessed that had not Dr. Noble been armed with a weapon upon which he could rely and the merits of which he had undoubtedly tested, no matter to what extent his intoxication, he would have thought twice before making any war-like demonstrations upon anyone, especially upon a man who was in no wise his enemy.
There should be no mawkish sentimentality regarding any man, however high his stand-ing, or whatever his wealth or social position may be, who, habituated to going armed in a civilized community, under a fit of alcoholic insanity makes use of a weapon. The law should be as strictly enforced in his case as in the case of any cowboy who comes off the range and, unacquainted with the customs and regulations of the town, fails or refuses to lay aside his arms.
Treat all alike, prince or peasant, rich or poor, citizen or stranger, and make no rule in one case that will not be applicable to all other cases under like circumstances.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 29, 1883.
The following is published in the Cherokee Advocate of the 23rd inst. The letter bears date of March 16th, and it is somewhat singular that it never found its way into print until the 23rd. It reads very much as if the Honorable Secretary was making an effort to carry water on both shoulders.
To the Commissioner of Indian Affairs: SIR: I have considered your letter of the 15th inst., submitting with other papers the report of Agent Tufts on the subject of fences put up by cattle men on the lands in the Indian Territory west of 96 degrees west longitude, of which the Cherokee Indians have jurisdiction under the provisions of the treaty of 1868, between the United States and those Indians.
The Agent’s statement, that “where ranges have been fenced, the cattlemen neither cut timber themselves nor do they permit anyone to do so,” is not sustained by what appears to be the facts in the case, since the large quantity of posts required for nearly 1,000 miles of fencing already constructed, have nearly, if not all, been cut from those lands without authority and without payment therefor. No further fences will be permitted to remain except with the consent of and under proper and satisfactory arrangement with the Cherokee National authorities, to be secured within reasonable time to be fixed by you; failing in which, the order heretofore given for the removal of the fences will be at once enforced. Any person found cutting timber from these lands will be removed therefrom at once.
Very respectfully, H. M. TELLER, Secretary.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 29, 1883.
It would seem, if the letters of Major Lipe, Treasurer of the Cherokee Nation, are any criterion, that the so-called Pennsylvania Oil Company are not the only parties endeavoring to get the best of previous occupants on the Cherokee Strip. The St. Joseph Cattle Company, an organization of capitalists who went on the Strip last year, attempted to run out Peter Stewart, who held a range and had paid his taxes in a scope of country which the St. Joseph Cattle Company desired to take in. At first, the company sang low and soft to Mr. Stewart, and he was lulled into fancied security by their sweet music, until one fine morning they informed Stewart that his room was better than his company, and that the St. Joseph Cattle Company wanted all the range within the bounds of their fence.
Mr. Stewart, being one of those hard headed Scotchmen, would not submit to the imposition, stood upon his rights, and communicated at once with the Cherokee authorities. The result was a letter to Mr. Stewart stating that he had the first right, and would be upheld in maintaining his range. The St. Joseph Cattle Company will therefore have to let Mr. Stewart severely alone, or fare worse.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 29, 1883.
The Ikards and the Harrold Brothers, of Texas, have sold to the Franklin Land and Cattle Company of New York, composed of a representative of the Cunard Line of steamships and other prominent capitalists. The number of cattle is 75,000, and the price paid was nearly $2,000,000. This is the largest transaction of the kind which has taken place in the United States, and shows most forcibly that if cowboys, mechanics, and others would only put their little savings together, and invest them on the same plan adopted by large capitalists, they might be able to compete with what the Poles call “thieves or the sons of thieves.”
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 29, 1883.
More Thieves Captured.
Last Thursday J. B. Johnson came up from his ranch, bringing with him Jay Wilkinson, one of the gang of thieves for some time past engaged in stealing horses from stockmen on the Strip and farmers in this and Cowley County. Wilkinson gave himself up to U. S. Marshal Hollister, and was taken over to Arkansas City.
About the same time, G. H. McIntire, who has also been on the hunt after the thieves, caught Hatfield at Arkansas City, and when Hollister arrived at that place with his prisoner, he found the town considerably stirred up over the arrests. Loper was another of the thieves circulating around, evidently under the impression that he was not known as belonging to the party and unaware of his name being connected with illegitimate horse trading. Hollister slipped the handcuffs on him and took him to Winfield, where he was locked up in jail.
Wilkinson, it seems, had stolen a horse belonging to the Carnegie & Frazier outfit, and took it into the state and turned it over to Loper to sell, with the understanding that Loper was to give one-half the proceeds to Wilkinson’s wife, who lives in Arkansas City. Loper sold the horse at Mulvane, but refused to divide, and his course induced Wilkinson to inform on him. Mr. Hollister also informs us that Loper, previous to his arrest, had obtained an interview with him shortly after the latter’s arrival in charge of the deputy marshal, and took occasion to say to Wilkinson that if the latter informed on him, he (Loper) would shoot him at the first opportunity.
Loper’s father is a farmer living near Mulvane, and he is said to be the most dangerous man of the crowd. As there is ample evidence to convict him of the crime with which he is charged, it is more than likely that Loper will not have an opportunity for several years to carry out the threat he made to Wilkinson.
Besides the parties arrested so far, there are others living on the southern border of Cowley County who are suspected of being engaged in stock stealing, but as yet there is no direct evidence against them. They will have to leave the country, or it will be but a short time before Hollister and McIntire round them up.
Winfield Courier, March 29, 1883.
Many people in this section of the state have been wondering what induced Hon. D. C. Haskell to introduce a bill in Congress to punish white settlers for entering upon the lands of the Indian Territory. In order to know his reason for such action, the editor of the Columbus Courier addressed a letter to Mr. Haskell on the subject, and the following is the reply.
DEAR SIR: Yours is at hand having reference to a bill for the punishment of trespassers on Indian lands, which was recently introduced by me in the House of Representatives. The bill you refer to was introduced at the request of the President of the United States, coming to me as Chairman of the Committee on Indian Affairs, through the Secretary of the Interior. I favor such an adjustment of Indian title to lands as shall make it wise policy to open the unused and unoccupied lands of the Territory to settlement. It is not now lawful to settle in the Indian Territory, and, therefore, no attempt should be made to invade the Territory, and those who do invade and trespass upon Indian lands should be punished. I hope that a legal way may soon be opened to the settlement of that country. I think the day is not far distant.
Respectfully, D. C. HASKELL.
Winfield Courier, March 29, 1883.
Secretary Teller does not approve of Indian Agent Tuft’s report, which recommended that fences be allowed to remain in the Indian Territory. He will shortly issue a second order prohibiting the building of fences, and promptly ordering all fences now existing torn down. He says the Indians are opposed to fences, and their opposition ought to be recognized. If they had consented, the Secretary would have offered no objection.
Winfield Courier, March 29, 1883.
Arkansas City Correspondence.
Mr. (Drury) Warren lost several head of cows and calves in a prairie fire last week in the Territory.
Burt Thompson, working with Stedman Bros., gunsmiths, shot himself in the second toe while putting cartridges in a revolver. He hobbles around on one foot now.
The rain of Saturday last was not as heavy in the Territory below here as at this place. Grass needed rain very much and it will be the saving of many wheat fields.
The arrest of Wilkinson and Hatfield for stealing horses, caused considerable comment last week, and will enable some farmers along the line to sleep more soundly at night.
C. M. Scott will soon begin fencing his 2,500 acres, twelve miles east of this place on the state line, to hold his cattle in next winter. It is one of the best ranches for fine stock in Kansas, being easy of access, well watered, and with canyons for shelter.
Winfield Courier, March 29, 1883.
George McIntire, Deputy U. S. Marshal, captured several horse thieves at Arkansas City and in the edge of the Territory last week. They are now confined in jail here. George has been on the track of this gang for some time and has at last succeeded in breaking it up.
Winfield Courier, March 29, 1883.
The Horse Thief Particulars.
We clip the following account of the capture of two horse thieves by Deputy U. S. Marshal McIntire, mentioned in another column, from the Arkansas City Democrat.
About three weeks ago a young man by the name of Jay Wilkinson, a well known cowboy of the Indian Territory, sold a pony to Capt. J. B. Nipp of this city, and a few days afterward the Captain found out that the pony had been stolen from a ranchman in the Territory, and informed Deputy U. S. Marshal McIntire of the fact, who, in company with a gentleman by the name of Phipps, started out to capture Wilkinson, whom they learned was at Smithey’s ranch on the Cimarron River in the Indian Territory. Upon arriving at the ranch, they found out that Wilkinson had been informed by some of his confederates in this city in regard to the movements of Deputy McIntire, and with two of his companions had proceeded to an old dug-out some ten miles from the ranch, armed and equipped with provision and ammunition, with the intention of standing the officers off. George and Mr. Phipps made a careful survey of the situation, and found that the boys were too well fortified to attempt an attack by themselves, so they quietly pulled out for Caldwell, where they secured the services of Deputy U. S. Marshal Hollister and another gentleman and returned for their game. When they arrived at the dug-out, they found it deserted, but the indications were that the boys had made a hasty exit, as they left behind a shot-gun, revolver, and a number of other articles, and upon looking around they discovered Wilkinson and his two companions just disappearing over a hill some two miles distant. They immediately mounted their horses and started in pursuit, and had a lively chase for twenty miles, when they arrived at Johnson’s ranch, where they found Jack Martin sick in bed and the only one at the camp, who informed them that Wilkinson and one of his gang had been there about half an hour before them, and had left their ponies and taken two of the best horses at the ranche and struck out in a northerly direction.
Just as the officers and posse were getting ready to leave, a young man by the name of Frank Hostetter, whom they had spotted as one of the gang, rode up and they placed him under arrest, and left one man to guard him, while the remainder of the party struck out after Wilkinson, whom they followed for about forty miles in the direction of the State, but finally lost track of him, and returned to the ranch after Hostetter. Hostetter was brought up to the city and taken before Commissioner Bonsall for preliminary examination, and bound over in the sum of $500 to appear at the next term of the U. S. Court at Wichita; being unable to give the required bond, he was taken to Winfield and placed in the county jail to await trial.
Wednesday, the same day the officers arrived in this city with Hostetter, Wilkinson rode into Johnson’s ranch with the intention of again swapping horses, but as Smithey and John-son happened to be at the camp at the time they persuaded him, with a couple of double-barreled shot-guns to give himself up, and the next day took him to Caldwell and turned him over to Deputy U. S. Marshal Hollister, who telegraphed to George McIntire that he had started for this place with the prisoner, and to meet him in the Territory so there would be no trouble; and George, in company with Marshal Sinnott, Patterson, Nipp, and Rarick, started out and met Hollister about twelve miles from the City and escorted him in. Wilkinson had his preliminary examination on Saturday and was sent up to the county jail to await his trial at the next term of the U. S. Court.
There are four or five others connected with the gang whom the officers are laying in wait for, and the indications are that they will bring them to tow before many days.
LATER. Since writing the above the officers arrested another young man known as Mulvane George, whom they have good reasons to believe is connected with the gang. His bond was fixed at $500 and his father, who resides at Mulvane, was telegraphed to and came down and fixed it up.
Winfield Courier, March 29, 1883.
The County Treasurer has been notified of the intended consolidation of the Caldwell, Arkansas City and Newton branches of the Santa Fe railroad. Our stock will be taken up and consolidated stock issued instead. The matter will be brought up at the April meeting of the Board of Commissioners.
Winfield Courier, March 29, 1883.
Agent Branham of the K. C., L. & S. is one of the most popular railroad officials we have ever had. He is just the reverse of his predecessors, in being gentlemanly, obliging, and accommodating. One can now transact business at the K. C. L. & S. Depot without fear of being insulted and abused.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 4, 1883.
The Caldwell Post, speaking of the capture of J. Wilkinson and other members of the same gang, has this to say of the gentlemen who succeeded in capturing them.
“The officers should be highly commended for their promptness in gathering in this young gang of outlaws so soon after their depredations came to light. Cash Hollister and George McIntire are a pair of marshals that will do to draw to every time, and Caldwell and Arkansas City are proud of them.”
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 4, 1883.
The session of Congress just closed appropriated $300,000 to the Cherokees as payment for the lands now occupied by the Nez Perces, Pawnees, Poncas, and Otoes, which land was formerly owned by the Cherokees.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 4, 1883.
Stockmen say that the only grass to be found yet is grass meadows, and they are not very abundant.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 4, 1883.
Reports from the various ranges east, south, and west of us are that the whole country is beginning to look quite green. On the lower Washita range the grass is already two inches high, but rain is needed just now to make it grow with further rapidity. The losses on that range and on the Texas line is the same as in this section, and west of us—comparatively light and confined to through cattle and yearlings that were in thin flesh, at the commence-ment of winter. Stockmen generally are congratulating themselves that the losses sustained were no heavier after enduring the severe winter just passed. Transporter.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 4, 1883
[Items from Barbour County Index.].
F. Y. Ewing is up from his ranch and says the wintered cattle are doing well, though thin, and should a storm come many would die. Many through cattle have died, and it will test the endurance of many horses to pull through in shape for work.
Henry Johnson, cattle inspector at Kansas City during the past season of the Cherokee Stock Association, came in yesterday from Maj. Drumm’s ranch. He is now on his way to Kansas City to fill the same position for the association the coming summer.
R. B. Clark is up from the Cimarron and reports cattle thin, but says he has seen but a few dead ones. The new crop of grass is coming nicely and there is a great number of young calves that are looking nicely, he reports.
An extensive strike among the cowboys in the Panhandle of Texas is progressing and trouble is apprehended. They demand an increase from $30 to $50 per month, which so far stockmen refuse to pay. Violence is threatened to new men if they commence work. Stockmen threaten to call on the State forces.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 4, 1883.
[Items from Geuda Herald.]
The Oklahoma War Chief came out last week headed Geuda Springs, and we understand the editor expects to buy an outfit and start to work here in a few days.
It seems that the Law Enforcement Club has done some good here as we are informed that it is now impossible to get a drink of whiskey in town, except for medical, scientifical, and mechanical purposes.
Oklahoma Payne was in our city a few days last week. We understand he intends moving here with his family and making this place Oklahoma headquarters. Democrat.
Capt. Payne is here with his family, and intends starting from here with his colony about the 1st of May. Geuda Springs is now the headquarters of Payne’s Oklahoma Colony.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 4, 1883.
The Six-Shooter Again.
This time that unnecessary, infernal machine, the six-shooter, was in the hands of one of the most prominent physicians and citizens of the county; the result is a blasted name, a heart-broken family, and the life of a young man of fine education and fair habits hanging upon a thread, while the friends of the assaulting party are bowed with grief and shame at the possible ending of this sad affair.
On last Thursday, at about 3:30 p.m., Dr. W. A. Noble, while under the influence of liquor, shot, with a six-calibre six-shot revolver, C. C. Everhart, in the Roberts saloon. Three shots were fired almost instantly, and when the smoke cleared away Everhart was found to have been hit twice. One ball entered the left breast just below the collar bone, and, ranging downward, passed through the upper part of the left lung and came out at the back. The other ball entered on the right of the spinal column, and came out through the fleshy part of the shoulder. Being but a flesh wound, it is not dangerous. The other wound may prove fatal, although Everhart may live three or four months, or may die in a week. Dr. Noble was arrested immediately after the shooting, and was brought before Justice Ross Saturday morning, and was admitted to bail in the sum of $100,000 for his appearance before the same officer yesterday morning. The bail bond was signed by ten of our citizens. This case is likely to come up before a jury of citizens of this county, and we refrain from making further comments upon the subject. Caldwell Post.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 4, 1883.
Not Cow Boys.
For several weeks a number of “boys” who have put in a month or two on a cattle ranch, have been loitering around town in a semi-intoxicated condition, making themselves generally obnoxious to everyone by their boisterous and profane language. It is a slur on the real “cow-boy” to give them that name, which they pride themselves in being called, for they are not “cow-boy,” and never have been known to herd more than a day’s ride from town, and then only a month at one time. There is some excuse for a man that has been on the range all winter to get a little off when he reaches the settlements, but for these town loafers who are too lazy to work on a farm, and are no account on a ranch, to be continually disturbing the peace of this community, there is no excuse whatever, and their demonstrations should be stopped at once.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 5, 1883.
WASHINGTON, March 21, 1883.
SIR: Referring to the subject of wire fences on the Cherokee lands west of 96 degrees, I have to say that your report of the 2nd inst., was duly received and submitted by this office to the Department.
I now enclose for your information a copy of the Hon. Secretary’s reply, dated the 16th inst., from which you will perceive that all further fencing on these lands is strictly prohibited, and that those constructed will not be permitted to remain except with consent of, and under proper and satisfactory arrangements, with the Cherokee national authorities, to be secured within a reasonable time, and to be fixed by this office, failing in which, the order heretofore given for the removal of the fences will be at once enforced.
In an interview had here with Chief Bushyhead yesterday, he promises to call an early session of the National Council to consider the subject and to report the same to this office. Upon hearing from him the time within which arrangements are to be made with the Cherokees will be at once fixed, and you will be advised thereof. In the meantime the existing status will not be disturbed, but you will take such measures as you may deem necessary to prevent the construction of any more fences on the lands. The 47th congress closed without action by the house upon the bill which has already passed the senate to prevent timber depredations on these lands, hence the only remedy at present consists in the continued removal of trespassers. Very Respectfully, H. PRICE, Com.
To John H. Tufts, U. S. Indian Agent, Union Agency, Indian Territory.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 5, 1883.
The Inside of the Oklahoma Boom.
To the Editor of the Eagle: DEAR SIR: I desire to give the reason why Capt. Payne does not open Oklahoma, and help many parties come to a full conclusion, who think they were sold out on the last trip.
I will state that last May, while at Hunnewell, Cap came to me and said: “Nugent, there are parties here who want to buy me out, and there are but two men I can trust, you and Berry Eastas, and as Berry is not here, I will fetch them to you and introduce them to talk to you about it. And you tell them that Capt. Payne will not trouble them providing they will pay $200,000. If they won’t give that, come down to $160,000, but no less. Now I want you to do this for me, for I won’t dare to sell to them myself.”
I said, “No, Cap; for if the colony was to find it out, they would hang you sure.”
“Well,” said Cap; “You catch my meaning.”
I then said, “Cap, what are you going to do with the parties that have suffered, worked, spent their money and time as much as you have?”
“Oh,” said Payne, “I can easily satisfy them, but I shan’t be seen for a few days.”
I took from that, that he would not be seen at all.
He said, “Would you be afraid to do it?”
Now this I told in one of the colony meetings, and Cap acknowledged it. This being the case we would naturally suppose that he sold out this last time, as many have concluded who was with him. On this account I have never gone with him any more, and I blame myself for not telling it, to have saved lots of others; but I thought he would surely prove true when he had such a large crowd as he had this last trip. I am told he was the first man to surrender. And as the old adage is, that it is never too late to do good, I tell this, that people may not be fooled by him any more. Although he says now, (as of old), that he is going to stay this time sure, this he does from raid to raid, to get all the money he can. I know he will come back as usual. There are many more things about the man that citizens of Wichita know, and that every man ought to know, such as his borrowing money from all he can, and never paying it back. The money he gets for a certificate, he must always spend in the saloons. He has lived with an unmarried woman here for years, who has a boy nine or ten years old. And Cap took these parties with him to Oklahoma this last trip. And as it has been said to me, he is certainly the best educated dead beat in the State. E. H. NUGENT.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 5, 1883.
The next time a brand book is to be published, it would be an excellent plan for our local stockmen to give notice in advance that the man who can do and say the meanest things about Caldwell shall be given its publication and all the money he wants.
Winfield Courier, April 5, 1883.
Last Saturday, March 31st, the executive council in session at Topeka elected the three railroad commissioners as provided by the law passed by the legislature. The hundred candi-dates had narrowed down to about a dozen. Out of this number choice was made and the lucky men are:
L. L. Turner, of Sedan, Chautauqua County.
Judge James Humphrey, of Junction City, Davis County.
Henry Hopkins, of Lansing, Leavenworth County.
They will serve one, two, and three years in the order named, Hopkins having the longest term and Turner the shortest. Of these three Humphrey is the only Democrat. Each commissioner was chosen by unanimous vote.
Turner was endorsed by Senators Hackney, Long, and Sluss, Hon. B. W. Perkins, and the entire southwest delegation. . . .
Turner is a wealthy banker, worth $75,000; has never been in politics, but is a sagacious businessman and a fine accountant. He used to be in the United States land office, of Humboldt. . . .
Winfield Courier, April 5, 1883.
The Texas cattle drive for the coming spring is estimated at 220,000 head of which 140,000 will be yearling steers, and 25,000 three-year-old steers, cows and heifers. Of the total amount to be driven, not more than 120,000 will be put upon the market for shipment.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 11, 1883.
Advance sheets of the annual report of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe shows that the system now comprises 2,630 miles. The net earnings were $6,421,000, to which added receipts, rentals, land grants, and income bonds made the aggregate net receipts $7,280,000. Dividends paid $3,325,000. Surplus for the year, $1,288,800. Of the 2,630 miles nearly 1,700 are laid with steel rails. The equipment is 10,000 passenger cars and 348 locomotives. There is no floating debt.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 11, 1883.
El Dorado Times: Dr. Noble shot a man at Caldwell, the other night. Noble came into a saloon flourishing a revolver and threatening to kill the bartender. A friend of Noble took the revolver from him in order to prevent trouble, but the irate doctor procured another, and fired three shots into the body of his too solicitous friend, dangerously, if not fatally wounding him.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 11, 1883.
“Farmer” Scott sold two fat hogs last week weighing 765 lbs. for 6-1/2 cents, per lb. C. M. says there is more money in raising hogs than running a newspaper.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 11, 1883.
Messrs. A. A. Wiley and Cal. Dean, two of our well-known cattlemen, have gone into partnership, and will henceforth range together. We wish the boys success in whatever they undertake.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 11, 1883.
Hostetler and Wilkinson, arrested for horse stealing, had a preliminary examination before Judge Bonsall last week; and in default of $1,000 bail each, were committed to jail in Wichita till the fall term of the U. S. Court.
Winfield Courier, April 12, 1883.
The mail carrier on the Winfield and Dexter route has been raising considerable disturbance along the line lately. He carries a revolver and shoots promiscuously through schoolhouses, cripples, dogs, and does often reckless and peculiar things. Aside from this he has been known to stop at houses along the line an unusual amount of time. Several residents on the road he travels have become tired of his antics and one of them came in Tuesday to hunt up U. S. Commissioner Webb and have him taken in hand. If Uncle Sam gets hold of him, it will be but a short time till he is tamed.
Winfield Courier, April 12, 1883.
The Cowley, Sumner and Ft. Smith R. R. stock was exchanged for stock in the consolidated company.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 12, 1883.
Just as we go to press, Dan Frank, one of the employees of the Kansas City Cattle company, came in and reported that John Neal was murdered and robbed last Saturday at the Cottonwood camp on the range of the above company. No trace of the murderer could be found. Mr. Neal was on the police force here last summer under Marshal Brown. Full particulars will be given next week.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 12, 1883.
Payne’s lieutenant—we have forgotten his name—is organizing an Oklahoma boom on his own hook. Perhaps it has crawled through his head by this time that he might as well make the outside lucre as Payne.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 12, 1883.
Hostetler and Hatfield, the two horse thieves taken by Deputy Marshals Hollister and McIntire, had an examination at Wellington last week, and were committed to the Wichita jail for trial at the September term of the U. S. District Court. Loper, who appears to be the worst pill in the box, will not have his examination for a week or two. Three of the horses stolen from the Carnegie & Frazier ranch were recovered.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 12, 1883.
Peter Stewart bought the Jones & Prescott cattle the other day, paying $12,500. On Tuesday last, he shipped three car loads of beeves out of the herd, and made a contract with Mr. Mitchell, north of town and near the Chikaskia, to feed the balance of the herd, which consists principally of she cattle. We have not been able to ascertain what Jones & Prescott made out of the sale, but we are satisfied Mr. Stewart’s ultimate profits on the transaction will be something handsome.
Winfield Courier, April 12, 1883.
The Kansas railroad commission met Saturday, and organized by electing Henry Hopkins president, and E. J. Turner, member of the legislature from Sheridan County, secretary.
Winfield Courier, April 12, 1883.
Ranchmen in the Arkansas valley are quite desperate over the frequency of prairie fires.
The Dodge City Globe says that all reports are to the effect that stock has suffered very little the past winter, and that young calves are beginning to show up all over the range, looking vigorous and strong, and that there will be a larger percentage than in the years 1881 and 1882; also that from present reports the Texas drive this season will be between 200,000 and 240,000 head of cattle.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 18, 1883.
A decision has been rendered in the United States circuit court, at Chicago, which will result in breaking the barbed wire monopoly, and subject the manufacture of barbed wire to a wholesome competition.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 18, 1883.
Railroad Meeting.
There was a call for the businessmen of the city and country to meet at McLaughlin’s Hall at 4 o’clock, April 13th, to take into consideration the building of a railroad from Arkansas City, Kansas, to Coffeyville, Kansas, and west as far as Caldwell, and farther, if desired.
Meeting called to order by Dr. Chapel; T. H. McLaughlin appointed Chairman and Wm. Blakeney, Secretary. Chair called for remarks.
James Hill being asked to state, in full, the object of the meeting, spoke in a clear and forcible manner of the great advantages that a railroad would do us, as a city and country, running along so near the Territory line, making a direct road from this city to St. Louis, thereby saving much time and expense in getting our stock and grain to a good market. Mr. Hill also stated that if we were not up and doing, other cities would take all the things of advantage to themselves, building up their cities and counties, and we would be left out in the cold.
Rev. Fleming spoke on the question with much earnestness, advising that whatever was done be done at once. Many spoke very freely on the question, all taking a deep interest in doing something to help make our city a better city and our county a better county.
After the project being understood, a committee, comprising James Hill and Dr. Chapel, was appointed to solicit bonds, along the line, from the cities and counties. Another committee was also appointed to solicit funds to meet the expense of surveying. Committee: James Huey, E. D. Eddy, N. T. Snyder, and Wm. Sleeth. Motion made to adjourn.
WM. BLAKENEY, Secretary.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 18, 1883.
By a unanimous vote of the convention of Texas and Kansas cattle men held at Dodge City, it was decided to exclude six-shooters from the ranges.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 18, 1883.
John Butler came up from the range Sunday, and reports heel flies worse this spring than he has ever seen on our ranges, although his experience extends through ten springs. Post.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 18, 1883.
A western cattle breeder reports that the greatest profit is in the first year’s growth of an animal. This is increased, but in less proportion the second year. If kept a year longer, not only is there no profit, but all the clear gain on the second year is wasted. This is a striking commentary on the advantage of early maturity.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 18, 1883.
Mr. L. D. Harkleroad, of Silverdale, sold to Ira Barnett yesterday, ninety-seven head of fat cattle, which averaged 1,172 pounds each. This is undoubtedly one of the fattest bunches of cattle ever shipped from this point. Mr. Barnett left with the stock for Kansas City yesterday.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 18, 1883.
Report: Killed by Indians.
A gentleman who came up from Walnut Grove in the Territory this week says the report there was that one day last week two of the boys working on T 5 range were killed by Cheyenne Indians, and that all the men had left the southern line and gone to headquarters camp. He could not give any further particulars. This range belongs to the Kansas City Cattle Company, and is about 90 miles south of this place.
Since the above was put in type, we learn from Col. Brand, who came up from there yesterday, that there was but one man killed, and not by Indians. The man whose name we did not learn was alone in camp, and seems to have been sitting down when someone came up behind him and split his head open with a hatchet. It is supposed he was murdered for money. When discovered his money and watch were both gone. The other man who was reported as having been killed was out on the range when he was taken suddenly sick, in consequence of which he turned his horse loose, so it would go to camp, and by doing this it would cause his comrades to go out and search for him, which they did, and found him as stated above. Index.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 18, 1883.
[From Cheyenne Transporter.]
The principal Creek Chief notifies the Cherokees of the law passed by the last Creek council confiscating all Cherokee cattle found in the Creek Nation, but it is thought that the law will not be enforced until after the spring round-up.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 19, 1883.
The Caldwell COMMERCIAL was a little too fast last week in stating that George Loper, of Mulvane, had been arrested in our city for horse stealing and locked up in jail. The arresting part was all right, but George gave bail and is walking the streets as free as anyone. And further, the COMMERCIAL says, that “Mr. Loper’s father is a desperate man.” Now this is uncalled for, as we understand that Mr. Loper is a respected citizen of Mulvane, and has no blemish upon his name, and why the COMMERCIAL should abuse him, we cannot see. The son may have done wrong, and if he has, we hope he will be punished, but we see no reason why Mr. Loper should be abused for the actions of his son. Arkansas City Democrat.
We find the above in the Arkansas City Democrat of last week, and feel constrained to say that that paper is off wrong. The COMMERCIAL did not say anything against George Loper’s father. It did say, however, that the aforesaid George was a hard case, and said so on information derived from reliable men. So far as Mr. Loper, senior, is concerned, we have good reason to believe that all the Democrat says in regard to him is strictly true, and we have no desire to abuse him because his son has gone off wrong.
Winfield Courier, April 19, 1883.
[From the Traveler.]
“Farmer” Scott sold two fat hogs last week weighing 765 pounds for 6-1/2 cents per pound. C. M. says there is more money in raising hogs than running a newspaper.
Hostettler and Wilkinson, arrested for horse-stealing, had a preliminary examination before Judge Bonsall last week and in default of $1,000 bail each were committed to jail at Wichita till the fall term of the U. S. Court.
Winfield Courier, April 19, 1883.
The mail carrier on the Dexter route, whom we alluded to last week as shooting along the road, skipped out with a hundred dollars of his employers’ money. No clue can be obtained to his whereabouts.
Winfield Courier, April 19, 1883.
Encourage the Boys.
Yesterday morning Mr. Geo. W. Miller, capitalist and prominent stock dealer, came into the Winfield Bank and made a present of a five dollar gold piece each to James Lorton, C. E. Fuller, and E. J. McMullen, employees, in testimonial of their uniform courtesy, gentlemanly deportment, and correct, neat, and prompt manner of keeping accounts and paying checks.
Winfield, Courier, April 19, 1883.
J. C. Fuller, cashier of the Winfield Bank, left for Kansas City Monday. He will return by way of Topeka, where he has been delegated by the Board of Commissioners to complete the exchange of Cowley County’s stock in the Cowley, Sumner and Fort Smith railroad for consolidated stock, and also represent the county at the annual stockholders’ meeting to be held in that city on the 19th inst.
Winfield Courier, April 19, 1883.
Horse Thief Hunt.
We clip the following account of a big catch in horse thieves made by the officers of Sumner County. The fellows seemed to have gone into the horse stealing business systematically and on the wholesale plan. The only fault we find is that there were too many live ones captured. A dead horse thief is worth a dozen live ones. The Press gives the following account of the capture.
About two weeks ago an old man named J. W. Ross, from Clay County, Texas, went into camp about five miles southeast of Hunnewell, with a herd of horses and mules, which were placed on sale. On the 13th ult., he was joined by his sons, Samuel Ross and James Ross. This party was followed by a man named J. W. Herring, who had had three horses and a mule stolen. Mr. Herring started out on the first inst., on foot, but secured a horse upon reaching a cow camp and when he arrived at Fort Reno, telegraphed to Caldwell for the authorities to look out for the outfit.
Yesterday morning, the 11th inst., a posse consisting of C. M. Hollister, deputy U. S. Marshal, L. W. Thralls, of this city, Henry Brown and Ben Wheeler of Caldwell, John Hunnewell, J. W. Herring, and three others, whose names we failed to learn, rode out from Hunnewell to the Ross camp. Four horsemen were sent around on the opposite side and just at daybreak the other seven approached on foot. When within about thirty yards of the camp, the Ross boys opened fire and commenced retreating. The fire was returned, of course. Samuel Ross ran about fifty yards, firing as he went, and then took shelter in a thick clump of bushes. He was soon shot through the head and heart and died instantly. James Ross ran about one hundred yards. His right hand was shot nearly off and he was wounded in both legs above the knees. The old man surrendered without resistance.
Before leaving Hunnewell, L. W. Thralls presented a young man from Wichita, who gave his name as Pettigo, with a pair of bracelets. Pettigo held an order from one M. F. Cornelious on J. W. Ross for “that sorrel horse.” He described the horse and pointed him out without any trouble.
The dead man, the wounded man, Ross, the father, and Pettigo were all brought to this city on the noon train and are in the county jail at this writing. Cornelious will be arrested probably before morning.
There were twenty-one mules and twenty-five horses in the camp. These are now in the hands of the sheriff. The wounded man confessed that a large part of them are stolen.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 19, 1883.
One Killed, and One Dangerously Wounded.
Last Sunday, J. H. Herrin, of Clay County, Texas, came into town and hunted up Deputy U. S. Marshal Hollister, to whom he stated that he wanted some assistance in capturing a band of horse thieves he had followed from Texas. The thieves had stolen two mules and two horses from Mr. Herrin, besides a lot of other stock from other parties.
Hollister started out with Herrin, and ran foul of the party a few miles southeast of Hunnewell. The party consisted of a man named Ross, his wife, daughter, two sons, daughter-in-law, and her child. There was another party camped close by. The family, while not apparently connected with the Ross outfit, had been their traveling companions.
Hollister, finding he could do nothing alone, returned on Tuesday, and securing the services of Henry Brown and his assistant, Ben. Wheeler, the party left about 11 o’clock a.m. At Hunnewell, the party picked up Jackson, day marshal of that place, and Wes. Hamils.
From Hunnewell the party struck out for the camp of the outlaws, and just at the gray dawn surrounded the outfit.
The Ross party, in reply to a demand to surrender, opened fire with their Winchesters. The shooting lasted for about half an hour, when it was found that the oldest Ross boy was killed and the younger one dangerously wounded in two or three places. The latter, after the capture, made a statement regarding the stealing of the stock they had with them, and also stated that two of the original party had left for Wichita on Sunday with some of the stock. From the wounded boy’s statement, it is supposed that the party left Texas with about forty head of horses and mules, among the number a fine stallion, for which a reward of $500 is offered. The dead Ross was taken to Hunnewell, and the other members of the party to Wellington.
Messrs. Herrin and Wheeler returned to Caldwell about 11 o’clock yesterday morning, and from them we gathered the above particulars. They also gave us some intimate details of the fight, which time and space will not permit publishing at this time.
Telegrams, describing the three men who passed through South Haven, were sent to Wellington and Wichita, and on Wednesday afternoon the three were taken in at Wichita.
The entire party of men consisted of J. W. Ross, his sons, Sam and James, Sam being killed and the latter wounded, Frank Cornelius, Marion Horton, and Ben Merrill. Mr. Herrin thinks the two latter are brothers. Both are desperated men, and one of them attempted to shoot Marshal Cairns of Wichita, when the latter went to arrest him.
Cornelius had been working for the past year in Herrin’s neighborhood, and when the latter found that Cornelius had gone as well as Herrin’s stock, Herrin at once came to the conclusion that he was the thief.
As for the Ross tribe, they did not appear to have any local habitation, but drifted around from one camping place to another, doubtless making a business of stealing stock.
Mr. Herrin speaks in the highest terms of the commanding officers at Forts Sill and Reno, and says that they gave him every assistance possible.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 19, 1883.
The women of the Ross family, accompanied by another camping outfit, drove into town yesterday afternoon and halted a short time on Main street in front of the Stock Exchange Bank. Mrs. Ross, the wife of J. W. and the mother of the Ross boys, went into the bank and deposited about $1,800 in gold. The party then drove off and went into camp on Bluff Creek, where it is likely they will stay until some disposition is made of the prisoners, who are now confined in the Wellington jail. They will be taken to Texas as soon as a requisition can be received.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 19, 1883.
Last Saturday a portion of the stolen stock found with the Ross party was brought here and put into the corral of George Kalbdesch. The animals were considerably used up, showing they had been driven hard and badly treated. The remainder of the stock has been put at pasture, and a list of the brands will be advertised.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 26, 1883.
On Tuesday evening we met Mr. S. W. Herrin, of Clay County, Texas, the gentlemen who so vigorously followed and secured the capture of the Ross gang of horse thieves. He gave us an interesting account of his experience, of which we can only give a mere outline.
On the morning of April 1st, Mr. Herrin went to his stable and found that his two horses and two mules had been stolen. He immediately started out on foot, and followed north to Acer’s ranch on the side of the Big Washita, where he secured a pony. At the river he found where a mule dragging a rope had crossed the stream. This threw him off the trail, which he did not find again until after sundown that evening.
The next day Mr. Herrin crossed Red River above the mouth of Cache Creek, and about the middle of the afternoon he again struck the trail, leading to Arbuckle mountains, which he followed until he came to the old Fort Sill road, and found no trouble in tracking the stock to within eight miles of Sill, when he discoverewd that the trail left the road and turned east. Mr. Herrin then went to Sill for assistance, and secured the services of Jack Mullins and Comanche Jack. Starting out with them the next morning, the track of the thieves was found about twelve miles east of the Fort. This was followed until the old Chisholm trail was reached. Following that trail until he arrived at Mumford Johnson’s ranch on the Canadian, Mr. Herrin there found that the pursued had continued on up the trail. They had made lively time, and it seems that after crossing Red River, they had only stopped once on the road between the stream and Johnson’s ranch.
Leaving Johnson’s, Herrin went to Fort Reno, where he telegraphed to Caldwell, Dodge, and other places, and the next day took the buckboard and came to this place, arriving here on Sunday, the 8th. Here he found that the Ross party had camped near the stockyards, on the Thursday previous, and that some of the men had come into town and got dinner. He also learned that after leaving the stockyards, the outfit started east in the direction of Hunnewell.
On Saturday evening Mr. Herrin and Deputy U. S. Marshal Hollister started for Arkansas City, and on arriving there could not find any trace of the fugitives. Returning the next day, they ascertained at South Haven that three men, having four horses with them, had passed north. A description of the stock satisfied Herrin that one of his horses was among the number. Herrin and Hollister then went to Hunnewell, and ascertaining the location of the Ross camp, assistance was secured, and on Wednesday morning the camp was taken, with the result as stated in the COMMERCIAL.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 26, 1883.
Chief Bushyhead, of the Cherokee Nation, has issued a proclamation calling a special meeting of the Cherokee National Council, to be held at Tahlequah, on the 30th inst., to act upon such special matters and things as shall be submitted to their deliberation.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 26, 1883.
If the Creek cattle law is strictly enforced, it will be a hard matter for cattlemen to drive to the terminus of the Atlantic and Pacific, on the Arkansas River, for the purpose of shipping over that road. The Creeks evidently don’t want cattle owned by outside parties to come into their territory under any circumstances.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 26, 1883.
That eminent confidence operator, D. L. Payne, is out with an ill-connected mess of garbage. He has undoubtedly paid the Eagle for publishing it with money beat out of Oklahoma suckers, but as it affords him some comfort and indicts no harm upon a living soul, it is not worthwhile to find fault with Payne or his senseless twaddle. Like all others of his class, the fellow can’t comprehend the fact that he is a fool as well as a fraud.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 26, 1883.
A special to the Dallas News states that the cowboys now on a strike in the Panhandle district are becoming more violent. One hundred well-armed cowboys are encamped at Las Corza, Oldham County, under the leadership of one Harris, and make open threats of violence against those who may come to take their places.
It cannot be denied that the cowboys are entitled to an increase of wages, but a resort to violence on their part for the purpose of forcing cattle owners to accede to their demands will result in no benefit. Pursuing a peaceable course, the boys will have the sympathy of the public. A contrary course will make everyone anxious to suppress them.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 26, 1883.
The Barbed Wire Fence Law.
The following is the law, passed by the last legislature, prescribing how a barbed wire fence must be constructed to constitute a legal fence.
SECTION 1. That in addition to the fence now declared by law to be a legal fence, the following shall be a legal fence: A barbed wire fence, of not less than three wires, with third wire from the ground not less than forty-four inches, nor more than forty-eight inches, from the ground, and bottom wire not more than twenty-four inches nor less than eighteen inches from the ground, with center wire equi-distant, or nearly so, between upper and lower wires; said wires to be well stretched and barbed; barbs to average not more than nine inches apart; said barbed wire to be composed of two wires not smaller than No. 13, or one wire not smaller than No. 9 wire, to be securely fastened to posts, which shall not be more than two rods apart, and not less than twenty inches in the ground, and set in a workmanlike manner; or the posts may be not more than forty-eight feet apart, with slats placed perpendicularly, not more than twelve feet apart, between the posts, and fastened to the wires by staples, or with holes in the slats: Provided, That in townships or counties where hogs are allowed to run at large, there shall be three additional barbed wires, the lower one of which shall not be more than four inches from the ground, the other two to be placed an equal distance apart, or nearly so, between this and the lower wire as required above.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 26, 1883.
Another Cattle Deal.
A private dispatch from Topeka informs us that on the 20th inst., Peter Stewart, of Wellington, bought the McKnight, Albro & Spaulding cattle, paying therefor the sum of $40,500. If Mr. Stewart keeps on at the rate which he has started in, he will soon own sufficient cattle to satisfy the ambition of any man.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 26, 1883.
A Fort Worth, Texas, special says “three or four hundred cowboys on ranches in the Panhandle are on a strike for an increase from $30 to $50 a month and board. The men are well armed and threaten to kill any new men, fire ranches, and make general trouble. Some of the largest companies have signified their unwillingness to meet the demands, and are now taking steps to secure United States troops or Texas rangers to protect their property.
Winfield Courier, April 26, 1883.
A special train came down on the Santa Fe road on Tuesday, carrying Gen. Manager Wheeler, Superintendent Touzlin, Gen. Freight Agent Goddard, and Gen. Engineer Robinson on a tour of inspection.
Winfield Courier, April 26, 1883.
Stock Notes.
Mr. Tomlin will arrive from the east in a few days with 300 head of fine stock.
Taylor and Platter have sold their 2 and 3 year old grade Galloway bulls, weights 1200 and 1360 pounds, to go to Wellington.
Vermilye Bros. are in the east looking for the best imported Clydesdale Stallion in the United States. Price will be no object with them if they can find one that suits. Go ahead; bring on full bloods, boys.
Judge McDonald, having fenced his ranche on Silver Creek, has made his first purchases, which arrived Saturday. The Judge proposes to do in stock as in law—put in his best licks. He has bought something over 100 head of grade short-horn heifers and a registered 3 year old short-horn bull, but the cream of his purchase, we understand, is his 2 year Galloway bull. The Judge wants to double the number of heifers if he can get those of a right grade at a fair price.
In driving through Pleasant Valley and Beaver Townships this week, we were pleased to note the tendency of farmers in these localities to combine stock with grain raising. Almost every farm has a wire or hedge pasture, with a good number of cattle therein. Besides, we noticed many sheep and hogs, the latter becoming more numerous as you approach the Arkansas. Where a farmer has a good pasture, the expense in the summer of raising cattle, horses, and sheep is almost nothing, while in the winter grain can thus be utilized with much more profit than when sold in the market. We hope this tendency of our farmers may increase until every farm in Cowley can show a good herd of cattle and sheep, as well as of hogs. Then will the profits of farming be greatly enhanced.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, May 2, 1883.
Secretary Teller has given notice to all parties concerned that no more fences must be built on, or for enclosing government lands, and that wherever built no citizen shall respect them as enclosures.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 2, 1883.
There is no mistaking C. M. Scott’s cattle, as they all bear the name of their owner on their sides, with the exception of one letter, Thus, S C O T.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 2, 1883.
L. D. W. Bushyhead, principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation, issued a call for a special meeting of the National Council, to be held at Tahlequah on Monday, April 30th, 1883.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 2, 1883.
It is said that the Oil Company will brand their stock O I L on the side. Everybody will know who it belongs to. But it occurs to us that this is Moffits & Co.’s brand at Kiowa, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 2, 1883.
Tell W. Walton has severed his connection with the Caldwell Post,and the new proprietor, H. S. Lane, took charge of the office last Monday. We wish the retiring as well as the incoming editor success in the future.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 2, 1883.
The Courier says Indians frighten horses and make them smash up buggies. Also that the great cattle man, Geo. Miller, has gone into the show business, and is exhibiting a three-horned steer. And that Major Crowell has been nosing around.
Winfield Courier, May 3, 1883.
From reliable information we can announce that a long felt need will soon be supplied, namely, an east and west railroad through Prescott and southern Linn. The proposed route from Rich Hill to Winfield, via Prescott, Mapleton, and Iola, is a very feasible one, and one which can be built at a very moderate amount of money owing to the smoothness of the country through which it will traverse. A practical engineer has gone over this route from Prescott fifty miles southwest, in a direct line of Winfield, who says that a road on this line can be cheaply built, and estimates only one and a half feet grade from this point to the Osage River, which is about fifteen miles southwest of Prescott. The point on that stream by this survey can be spanned by a short and inexpensive bridge; thence westerly few, if any, serious obstructions lie in the way.
The proposed route penetrates a fertile valley that is densely populated by thrifty farmers who have a large surplus of stock and grain for which they need an eastern outlet to market. In southern Linn we will not only be benefitted by increased facilities of shipping their grain and stock, and also our own, of which we produce an abundance, but our extensive coal fields will be developed, which will be the means of adding millions of dollars to our other resources and giving employment to hundreds of men; besides, it will open up the way for industrious men in the north, east, and south, with a limited capital, to procure for themselves cheap and comfortable homes in sunny Kansas, where every man is justly rewarded with bountiful crops for his honest toil.
Along this route for twenty miles, from the Kansas and Missouri line, we have rich coal fields underlying almost every section, varying in thickness from two to four feet, and that too, of the best bituminous quality, the present market price of which [at the bank] being only five cents per bushel. Passing northeast from Prescott, the road will traverse a splendid agricultural and grazing region which is thickly settled with an enterprising class of farmers, and where it will tap the vast coal deposits of Rich Hill, the “Infant Wonder”—the pride of the west! From this point east it will strike the great mineral regions where untold mines of wealth lie buried underneath the surface awaiting the hands of Kansas railroad men to develop and bring it into commercial use.
As stated above, the indications are good for a railroad through this proposed route; and believing that our people will do everything within their power that is reasonable to obtain it, and that the gentlemen who are working up the project are men of capital and enterprise and know no such word as fail, the road is certain to be built. Then let us all work together in harmony for the consummation of that end. Prescott Eagle.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, May 3, 1883.
With this number the existence of the Caldwell Post and THE Caldwell COMMERCIAL ends, and THE CALDWELL JOURNAL takes their place, making its first appearance next week.
It is unnecessary to detail how this change has been brought about. This much can be said, however, that the various interests in and about Caldwell deem it the best policy to have one substantial newspaper, and with that object in view the two papers have been united under the control of the “Caldwell Printing and Publishing Company.”
The officers of the company are Ben S. Miller, President; and John W. Nyce, Secretary and Treasurer.
W. B. Hutchison has been selected as editor, and Halsey S. Lane as Business Manager. Of the former little need be said. His editorial ability can only be judged by the manner in which he has conducted the COMMERCIAL for the past three years. Aided by men interested in the enterprise, he will give his best efforts and such talents as he may possess, to making the JOURNAL a paper useful to every interest which it seeks to represent and an honor to Southwestern Kansas. Of Mr. Lane it can be said, that in addition to his practical knowledge of printing, he has a thorough business education, an experience and a reputation which will guarantee a successful financial management of the JOURNAL. He will have entire charge of all matters relating to the business of the office, and the time will be when he will be recognized as one of the best businessmen in this city.
The Post and the COMMERCIAL served their purpose. They were excellent papers, above the average of country journals, and while their names will be no more used in connection with the Caldwell of the future, yet they will be remembered for the singleness of purpose with which they labored for its advancement against many adverse circumstances. They did their work well, and only the varied interests of the community made it necessary that they should give way to one journal that should fill the place of both.
We ask for the new enterprise the united support of the stockman, the farmer, the mechanic, the laborer, and the businessman. With this support the JOURNAL can be made one of the best papers in the Southwest, and, as a representative of all our interests, do a work of which the benefits will be far reaching to this portion of Kansas.
BEN S. MILLER, President. JNO. W. NYCE, Secretary.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, May 3, 1883.
The Kansas City Times announces that our highly interesting friend, Capt. D. L. Payne, started last Tuesday night on a lecture tour through the large towns in Illinois. The Times quaintly adds that “being now without money, he takes the lecture field in order to raise funds to pay the necessary expenses to secure an injunction against the Secretary of War, thus restraining him from issuing further orders for the arrest of persons who may be found upon the lands.” Of course, Payne is out of money. He always is, whenever there is an opportunity to raise a dollar without working for it. He will give the suckers a fine game of taffy, but if he leaves them with buzzards in his pouch, it will be for the reason that his borrowing racket is more successful than the lecture.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, May 3, 1883.
West of 96—Leasing It Proposed.
[From April 27, 1883, Vinita Chieftain.]
We are reliably informed of offers being on hand for the leasing of the land lying west of 96, and it is quite likely the matter may be presented to Council at its called session to see what the opinion of the Cherokee people may be. It is understood the Secretary of the Interior will endorse leases for five years or under in case the Cherokees see fit to grant them. Now the question is, is it wise for the Cherokees to do so? Will they gain in any way? Will they lose in any way? If they lease the land they can get at least $75,000 a year instead of $42,000, the best figure ever obtained. They will financially gain at least $30,000 a year and lose the jealousy existing against those who have had the profits of collecting under the old law.
They will gain strong friends in the Western Cattlemen, friends the strongest of all, the friends of self-interest, who will labor to keep out the squatters and timber thieves for their cattle’s sake. Our interests are the same as the interests of the cattlemen and if the squatter and timber thief is kept out, we are greatly the gainers. We gain protection of our property.
The influence of the millions invested in cattle are strong enough in Washington to insure what seems to be already the policy of the U. S. Government, to-wit: the settlement of no more friendly Indians on these lands. If this can be done, the operation of the 16th Article of the Treaty of 1866 can be removed by act of congress and we can secure undisputed and absolute possession in fee of these lands. We can sell them for $5.00 an acre in that event instead of for 47 cents. We can get $30,000,000 instead of being refused $3,000,000, which would be a clear gain of over $1,000 a piece to every man, woman, and child in the Cherokee Nation. If it is deemed wise to sell it, this is the plan to secure a good price. If we wish to settle it ourselves, this is the only feasible way of getting it in our unconditional possession in order that we can do so. Leasing it will settle the pasture business and remove the jealousy existing against those who have made pastures there. Many people seriously think the pastures are wrong, although not forbidden by a law, and condemn them. It is well to remove this objection and restore good feeling by using the land so it will be of equal benefit to the whole people.
The points should be noted. What do we gain by leasing.
1st. We will be able to sell this land for $30,000,000 or, at least, a very much larger sum than we can now.
2nd. We will add at least $30,000 a year to our income.
3rd. We will offer a checkmate to the Oklahoma boomer.
4th. We will save our timber, etc., and starve the Kansas wood thief.
5th. We will remove the jealousy and ill feeling existing on account of the pastures and restore the harmonious feeling among our people.
6th. The people will then be equally benefitted by this country and no citizen will enjoy greater benefits from it than another.
If anyone sees a good reason why we should not lease, let him speak. We will publish it.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, May 3, 1883.
Wholesale Horse Stealing.
Deputy U. S. Marshal Hollister received a postal card Saturday stating that fifty head of ponies and four mules had been stolen from the Pawnee reservation by three thieves on Tuesday of last week. The thieves shot the colts that were with the mares. On Monday Deputy U. S. Marshal Matthews arrived here, having followed the track of the thieves to where it crossed the Arkansas City trail leading into the Reno road, and finding that the party were making their way west as fast as possible. Matthews came into Caldwell and took the train for Dodge, from which point he will strike across the country and endeavor to head off the thieves before they can reach the Panhandle.
It is more than likely the thieves will be taken by the time we go to press.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 9, 1883. [From New York Sun.]
The Cherokee Indians.
William P. Ross, the present chief of the Cherokee Indians, is a graduate of an Eastern college, remarkable for intelligence and culture, and a fine orator. The tribe occupies a reservation of 4,000,000 acres, bounded on the north and east by Kansas, Missouri, and Arkansas. The Cherokees of pure and mixed blood number 20,336, about one-half of which speak the English language, the only language taught in the schools. In the entire male population there are but sixty whose occupation is given in the last census as hunters and five fishermen, the great majority being farmers. There are 107 schools supported by the nation, a male and female seminary for advanced pupils, and an orphan asylum. There is a regularly constituted government and an adequate administration of justice. In short, the Cherokee nation is not to be distinguished from a frontier State, except in the character of its inhabitants, their relation to the general Government, and their system of holding the land in common, which affords an interesting example of practical communism.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 9, 1883.
Railroad Meeting.
In accordance with notice duly given a number of our citizens gathered at McLaughlin’s Hall last Monday evening to talk over railroad matters in general, and to take the necessary steps towards securing an east and west railroad to this point in particular. The meeting was called to order and T. H. McLaughlin was called to take the Chair, and N. T. Snyder to act as Secretary of the meeting. About the first thing brought before the attention of the meeting was a proposition from Winfield stating what they desired in order to enable them to work with us in securing county bonds in aid of an eastern road. The proposition, which was signed by several leading citizens of Winfield, was in substance as follows.
“That Winfield would do all in her power to aid us in working for said road and in securing county bonds in aid of the enterprise, provided that said road should enter the county in the vicinity of Cedarvale, then running on the most practicable route to WINFIELD from there to GEUDA SPRINGS and then to Arkansas City.”
This proposition was received with tremendous cheers, but after quite a lengthy talk, failing to elicit whether it was submitted as a joke or in sober earnest, it was unanimously resolved by the meeting that it be tabled. Mr. A. A. Newman then submitted a resolution in substance as follows.
Resolved. That the citizens of Arkansas City would pledge themselves to do all in their power to secure county aid in bonds to a railroad which would enter the county from the east in the vicinity of Cedarvale, thence proceed towards Dexter, near which, and at a point equidistant from Winfield and Arkansas City, the road should divide into two branches, one of which should go to each town, both towns to be named as temporary terminal points, and the further westward course of the road, whether from Winfield or Arkansas City, to be decided by the interests of the road as developed in the future.
The resolution was unanimously adopted by the meeting, and Messrs. James Hill and Wm. P. Sleeth were appointed as a committee to lay the same before the citizens of Winfield at an early day. It was further taken as the sentiment of the meeting that no time be lost in prosecuting the matter towards securing an east and west railroad, and the two gentlemen last named were delegated to see that all steps necessary to be taken, with this end in view, be promptly attended to. The meeting also authorized a per centum of the money subscribed for a preliminary survey to be appropriated for the payment of the incidental expenses of the committee. The meeting adjourned after being in session about two hours.
Winfield Courier, May 10, 1883.
The big cow, “Kansas Queen,” raised by Mr. Cottingham of this county, is now owned by Forepaugh and could not be bought for ten thousand dollars.
Winfield Courier, May 10, 1883.
More Fine Stock Imported.
We again have occasion to note the importation into the county of some fine stock by the Vermilye brothers. Mr. R. H. Vermilye returned on Thursday last from a three week’s trip, bringing with him the fine little imported Galloway bull, “Plowman,” that he purchased at the Matthews & Geary sale on the 11th ult., in Kansas City, and the stallion, full blooded and pedigreed imported English draft, “Prince of the Valley,” that he bought of the Powell Brothers at their celebrated stock farm, “Shadeland,” near Springboro, Crawford County, Pennsylvania. This horse, six years old this spring, is a perfect beauty in form, according to all the accepted models for strength and durability. He weighs 1750 pounds and is of a steel gray color.
Some few weeks ago we credited Vermilye Brothers with bringing in two car loads of pure blooded short horns with two pedigreed bulls, but in this we were somewhat inaccurate, as they took only one car load of cows and heifers, the other car load being divided into the two herds we mentioned; and the one herd, headed by the bull, “Alonzo,” going to Col. Jos. Mac, of Liberty Township; the other herd, headed by “Red Bad,” going to the care of H. T. Shivvers and son, of Pleasant Valley.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, May 16, 1883.
The Grass Leases.
On Monday, the 30th ult., was made the first payment on the grass leases recently made by the Cheyennes and Arapahos. The payment, amounting to $6,500, was made by Wm. E. Malaley, in behalf of the lessees, and was unanimously accepted by the Indians in council, who, after receipting for the same, requested that it be placed to their credit at the Emporia National Bank as they wished the lease money to accumulate in a larger sum before making a division among themselves. The council was the largest ever held by these tribes—the commissary being crowded and jammed by the Indians in attendance. They signified them-selves to be well pleased with the bargain they had made to graze their lands, and made a formal request to the post commander and their agent to unite in ejecting all intruders occupying or encroaching upon the ranges leased, and to give the lessees full possession. It is conceded by men high in Indian circles that these tribes have secured a valuable source of revenue by these leases, which provide them with a yearly income of over sixty thousand dollars. Cheyenne Transporter.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, May 16, 1883.
Bent’s Buffalo: Last of Its Race.
One of the attractions of the Cheyenne and Arapaho reservation is George Bent’s buffalo, which for the past five years or more has been with his herd of cattle. The animal was captured while a calf some six years ago near Camp Supply by Wm. Frass, who brought it down and presented it to George Bent’s daughter, Ada. It has been ever since a prominent object in the herd, and now is a solitary specimen of its kind, which some years ago covered this country by the tens of thousands. The Indians take great interest in the unwieldy brute, and show it to their children as a specimen of the animal which but a short time ago was their main dependence for subsistence. On account of this association, George would not sell the buffalo cow at any price. The animal is handled the same as the rest of the cattle, and is perfectly familiar with men on horseback—but at times it becomes pugnacious, and will not allow a wheeled vehicle to approach. Transporter.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 16, 1883.
The fifty head of ponies stolen from the Osages April 24th by Dick Vanderbourg, Wm. Simms, and Bob Allesey, were overtaken at Stafford, Kansas, on May 10th by Deputy Marshal Ed. Matthews and taken without a shot. They were stopping at a hotel and were awakened one at a time when the officers presented shot guns and pistols to their heads and they threw up their hands. It is said the men worked for a cattleman, below this point, all winter, by the name of Crutchfield. The Osages gave $250 per head for the capture of the thieves and one-half of the stolen property.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 16, 1883.
The Democrat remarks that Capt. Payne is going to make another “rade” into the Indian Territory. About the same time we presume the “great offender” will make another “rade” into the Democrat columns. That paper displays great originality when Capt. Payne is around.
The Caldwell Journal, May 17, 1883.
The examination of Dr. Noble was concluded last Saturday, and he was held in $2,000 bonds for his appearance at the next term of the District Court. The defense was ably managed by W. A. McDonald, Wellington, and, previous to the decision of Justice Ross, the general impression was that the defendant would be discharged. In view of the fact that Everhart skipped out on the night of the first day’s examination, and has not been heard of since, it is our opinion, and the opinion of many who cannot be accused of being biased toward the Doctor, that he should have been discharged. We understand that an attachment has been issued for Everhart, but that’s all the good it will do, and the county will only be put to an extra expense for no corresponding benefit.
The Caldwell Journal, May 17, 1883.
From John A. Blair, Wm. Corzine, and others who came up from the range on Saturday, we learn that the local round-ups have progressed in a very satisfactory manner, the gatherings being far in excess of all anticipations. So far one-half to two-thirds of the cattle have already been picked up. Cattle have not shed off as early this year as usual, and in consequence no estimate of the loss on the range for the past year can be formed until after the general round-up, which begins the 21st, inst.
The late rains make the Territory cowmen feel pretty good—so good, in fact, that they are determined to hold until prices suit them, no matter what the through drive may be.
The Caldwell Journal, May 17, 1883.
Our friend, T. L. Lemons, writes us from Fort Reno regarding an accident which occurred to G. W. Gorton, of Gorton Bros., whose ranch is on Preacher Creek. Owing to a lack of space we can only give a summary of his interesting letter, to the effect that while eating breakfast on the morning of the third inst., the vulcanized rubber plate to which an upper set of teeth were attached, became broken, and was accidently swallowed by Mr. Gorton. The piece was of triangular shape and about one inch in length, and lodged in the throat. Mr. Gorton immediately started for Fort Reno, and consulted Dr. Legard, Post Surgeon, and his assistant, Dr. G. A. Thompson, who used every means to remove the obstacle, but without effect. Dr. Hodge, surgeon at the Cheyenne Agency, was called in consultation, and it was decided that the obstruction could only be removed through an external opening in the throat, and the operation was successfully accomplished by Dr. Legard, with the assistance of Drs. Thompson and Hodge. Mr. Gorton has continued to improve since the operation, and, our correspondent says, will be able to return to his ranch in a few days.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1883.
The Missouri Pacific railroad is owned and controlled by a syndicate, by which Jay Gould is the head by virtue of his brains and ownership of long lines of stock. The present system is the result of railway consolidation brought about by Mr. Gould. A few years ago all the lines composing it were separate, independent, and in some cases competing lines. One thread after another was gathered up by Mr. Gould until at last the whole was woven into one grand consolidation system. Then the Missouri Pacific steered its bark around reefs and off shouls with never a thought or care for the M. K. & T., Iron Mountain, or any other line. Those were the good old days when big railway men were trained up in the way railway men should go. But the eastern idea of consolidation finally penetrated the west, and the railway maps began to change. The Missouri Pacific swallowed a half dozen big lines and grew fat on the food. The Union Pacific and the Wabash did the same, but the latter did not grow fat. It swallowed too much and could not assimilate its food. It grew dyspeptic and thin. Then was inaugurated still another step in the railway system. It was a huge meal, and many are inclined to believe that while the Missouri Pacific can hold its victuals, it will, like a boa constrictor, be compelled to take a long nap before it can fully digest them.
The Missouri Pacific system now contains 9,588 miles of railway line. Very few people, railway men included, comprehend the magnitude of this corporation. In the United States, according to the best authorities, there are 113,000 miles of railway. The Missouri Pacific, therefore, has more than one-twelfth the entire mileage of this country. In Canada there are 8,500 miles; Mexico, 2,100 miles; and South America, 7,000 miles; or a total of 130,600. The Missouri Pacific has, therefore, nearly one-thirteenth of the entire mileage of the American continent and one-fourteenth of the western hemisphere. It has 1,588 miles more road than all of Asia, and four and one-third times as much as all Africa. The world has 253,000 miles and the Missouri Pacific, therefore, has little less than one twenty-sixth of the total mileage.
It can now be called a grand system. After awhile some other system will swallow a system and will become a grand system. Then the Missouri Pacific will swallow this grand system and will have to be called a double, or super or hyper grand system. The field is limitless for speculation. The consolidations, however, still progress.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1883.
Mr. F. W. McClellan has fenced in with wire a large pasture at the Saffold mound and put up his new windmill, and finds that it pumps as fast as a hundred cattle can drink. His Poland Chinas and short horns will have a good time there.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1883.
Tomlin and Webb’s range, which is situated on the Arkansas River and Coon Creek, west of the Kaw Agency, is one of the finest ranges in the Territory. They have some eight or nine hundred head of fine cattle including forty-five calves just added to their herd. Mr. Tomlin, who is now in the Territory, divides his time between Winfield and his ranch, looking after the interests of his cattle. He is a whole-souled gentleman, such as is a pleasure for one to come in contact with.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1883.
W. R. Peabody, General Agent of the A. T. & S. F. Railroad paid our city a visit last Tuesday.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
A wealthy firm known as Heed and Hurst of California are opening up in the south-western part of New Mexico one of the largest cattle ranches in the world. In addition to about 1,300,000 acres in that territory, they have purchased 200,000 acres of the Mexican government and intend to stock the same with 100,000 head of cattle.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
At Dodge City, where no law seems to be respected, where crime is frequent and law breaking is a lucrative business, a man named Luke Short was driven from the city because the city government considered him much worse than the other fellows. He visits the governor of the state and demands protection in his right to carry on his nefarious business in that city. He complains that because he is more successful in violating law than the city officers, keeps a finer saloon, and sells more rot whiskey than they, keeps more bawdy women than they, women who can sing better than theirs, runs more gambling tables and robs more greenhorns than they, these city officers have driven him out of the city. Whereupon the governor without authority of law orders the sheriff of Ford County to organize a posse and protect said Short in his business. This is a pretty comment on our democratic governor.
This is in keeping with another of his fiascoes. A man in Wamego was convicted of continued violations of the prohibition law and Judge John Martin pronounced the moderate sentence, considering the offenses, of one hundred dollars fine and 150 days in jail. The governor promptly remitted all but five dollars of the fine and 30 days of the imprisonment. The governor seems to think that his principal duty is to protect criminals in the violation of law.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
The first herd of Texas through cattle arrived at Hunnewell last week. There were 1,300 two and three year old steers, brought up by Wooten & Fidler, of Fort Worth.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
J. W. McWilliams has placed for record with the register of deeds of this Chase County a deed from the Santa Fe Railroad Company to the Western Land and Cattle Company of London, England, for over 18,000 acres of land in townships eighteen and nineteen, ranges six and seven, the consideration being over $44,000. Besides this, the company owns 24,000 acres more land in the same ranges. All this land is being fenced and it is proposed to have at least 3,000 head grazing on the land this season. The free pasture lands of Chase County are going fast. Chase County Leader.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
Engine, Tender, and One Car Precipitated Into the Arkansas River.
Engineer Killed, Fireman Seriously Injured.
Assistant Train Dispatcher Injured.
Last Saturday morning as freight train No. 12 was crossing the bridge over the Arkansas River at Oxford, the trestles gave way and the engine, tender, and one car were plunged into the stream. The engineer, Howard Finley, has not been recovered. It is believed he is crushed between the engine and tender far beneath the murky waters. The fireman, James Kelly, was also pinched between the engine and tender, but was released beneath the water when the engine’s downward course was arrested. When he came up, he seized a timber and floated on it downstream a quarter of a mile to a bank, where he crawled out and escaped. He is now at the Brettun House, is badly bruised up about the chest, and injured internally, how seri-ously is not known. Messenger, the assistant train dispatcher, was in the cab when it went down, but the cab broke off and floated away, and he broke through the window, got out, seized a floating tie, and floated down to the bar and escaped. He is considerably cut and scratched about his face. The car which went down had seven horses in it. Four of them were lost and three rescued. Another car hung on the end of a standing trestle, partly over, but did not go down. The balance of the train was hauled back to the Oxford side a car at a time.
The passenger train at 5:30 in the morning crossed the bridge, and this trestle works swayed and settled and the conductor observed that as the train left it, that section rose up again about ten inches, and the track was left curved about eight inches out of line. He and agent Lockwood telegraphed back to Oxford to allow no train to cross the bridge, as it was dangerous in the extreme, and Lockwood was to prevent trains leaving here for the west. But the section hands at Oxford examined the bridge, took up the rails in the curve, and spiked them down again, making the track straight, and when No. 12 came from the west, they pronounced the bridge safe.
Engineer Finley moved onto the bridge slowly and carefully, stopped and examined the trestle before moving onto it, found the track straight and apparently safe, moved forward again slowly, and the trestle suddenly gave way, the tender and engine slid backward down into the stream, with the result above stated.
Howard Finley has been one of the best and most careful engineers on the road. He leaves a wife and five children, living at Cherryvale, who have the warm sympathies of this whole community in their terrible affliction. Fortunately for them, he had recently taken a life insurance for $5,000.
Immediately after the accident Geo. Rembaugh went over on a hand car to get the particulars, and we got the above report from him.
Probably more than a thousand people visited the scene of the disaster the next day, Sunday. Men went from here in omnibuses, buggies, and wagons. Wellington turned out in numbers, and the whole surrounding country on both sides of the river was represented. The late heavy rains had swollen the river to a volume scarcely ever reached before, and the wreck could not be reached from this side on account of the overflow. The smokestack of the engine was sticking out above the water and the freight car was still hanging on the ragged edge.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
Last Thursday when the passenger train went down on the Wellington branch, when approaching the Ninnescah River, which was much swollen by the rains, the bridge appeared to be all right and sound, but the cautious engineer stopped the train and went forward to examine it. He found the track all right, but the sub-structure had been carried away. His caution saved the train. The trains then ran from Mulvane to Wellington by way of Winfield until Saturday, when the Oxford bridge gave way. By that time the Ninnescah bridge had been repaired and since then the trains for Wellington and Winfield have run by way of Mulvane.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
The horse thief brought over from Grenola last week goes by the name of Dennis T. Smith. His mother is a resident of this place. Mr. Smith has suffered an experience not unknown to many dilligent and industrious horse thieves, but with more gratifying results than usually follow such wayward actions. He was taken away from the officers by a mob, conducted to a railroad bridge and strung up. After hanging a minute, he was taken down, given a short rest, and elevated again. After the second rest, he became very mellow, and when given to understand that the next raise would be the last one, confessed, gave his pals away, and swore that he would never do so anymore. He was then taken back and turned over to the constable, who brought him here. He is very nervous and apprehensive, and seems to feel that he has been just as close to the other world as he cares to get at present.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
A corps of Santa Fe engineers are in the city running preliminary lines to the stone quarries and with a view to the establishment of a union depot here. Where this depot will be located is as yet a matter of conjecture. The engineers are not disposed to talk much on the subject, if indeed they know anything of the intentions of the powers that be.
The Caldwell Journal, May 24, 1883.
The fastest time ever made in this country by a freight train was that of the St. Louis tobacco train, which left St. Louis last Thursday night for San Francisco. It consisted of ten cars loaded to their utmost capacity, and the average time was twenty miles an hour during the entire trip. The train passed over the lines of the St. Louis & San Francisco, Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, and the Southern Pacific. No stops were made except for coal and water and for the purpose of oiling the engine and trucks.
The Caldwell Journal, May 24, 1883.
Cherokee Lease.
An Act to amend an Act to tax stock grazing upon Cherokee Lands West of the 96th meridian.
WHEREAS, The unoccupied lands belonging to the Cherokee Nation, lying west of the 96th meridian, held for Indian settlement under the provisions of the 16th article of the treaty of July 19th, 1866, and set apart to produce revenue from grazing by the act to which this act is amendatory, and
WHEREAS, The authorities of the United States have called upon the authorities of the Cherokee Nation for the enactment of more complete regulations to prevent abuses thereon, and
WHEREAS, It is desirable that these lands should produce revenue nearly equal to their real value so long as they remain in possession of, and under the jurisdiction of, the Cherokee Nation, therefore
Be it Enacted by the National Council, That the Principal Chief be and he is hereby authorized and directed, to execute a lease for all the unoccupied lands of the Cherokee Nation being and lying west of the Arkansas river, to E. M. Hewins, J. W. Hamilton, A. J. Day, S. Tuttle, M. H. Bennett, Ben S. Miller, A. Drumm, E. W. Payne, and Charles H. Eldred, Directors in trust for the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, for the term of five years, with the privilege of renewal in consideration of a yearly rental of one hundred thousand dollars for the entire tract.
Be it Further Enacted, That the said E. M. Hewins, J. W. Hamilton, A. J. Day, S. Tuttle, M. H. Bennett, Ben S. Miller, A. Drumm, E. W. Payne, and Charles H. Eldred, Directors in trust for the aforesaid Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, entering into the lease, obligate themselves that there shall be no permanent improvements on any portion of the lands so leased, and only such temporary structures as may be absolutely required for the safe and profitable grazing of the stock thereon, and that all such temporary improvements, including corrals or wire fences, are hereby declared and held to be property of the Cherokee Nation; and the said lease may be terminated on six months’ notice being given, in case the said land shall be disposed of by the Cherokee Nation. And the said parties leasing shall obli-gate themselves not to cut, use, or take any timber or other material from these lands but by agreement with the authorities of the Cherokee Nation, and in all cases to faithfully observe the Intercourse Laws of the United States, and that they shall do all in their power to prevent the stealing or removal of any timber or material from the lands so leased, by any other person or persons whomsoever, and further, that the tract herein leased shall not obstruct any mail or stage line or other necessary public highway; and said lease shall also contain a provision that on failure of said party leasing to meet all payments required by the lease, or in any other manner violating its express terms or conditions, the said lease shall be void, and may be so declared by the Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation, which failure shall work forfeiture of any and all rights or interests therein; Provided, That none of the three salines reserved to the Cherokee Nation by act of Congress, or the land reserved therewith, shall be included in such lease, but shall be especially excepted therefrom.
Be it Further Enacted, That a perfect record of the lease authorized under the provisions of this act shall be kept in the office of Principal Chief, who is charged with the execution of said lease, and one in the office of the Treasurer of the Cherokee Nation, and a report thereof shall be submitted to the Council of the Cherokee Nation, at each annual session.
Be it Further Enacted, That should the lease herein granted be declared by the Principal Chief vacant by default, a fresh lease may be executed to any responsible company in accordance with the provisions of this act. And provided, That in default of any and all payments which may be due, the lease shall terminate, and all rights, privileges, or interests in any portion of such, or temporary improvements thereon shall cease.
Be it Further Enacted, That no person not a member of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association shall be permitted to graze any kind of stock upon any of the Cherokee lands, lying west of the Arkansas river, without the consent of said association, and the Principal Chief is hereby authorized to cause the removal of all such persons as intruders.
Be it Further Enacted, That said Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association by any or either of the before named directors shall within thirty days, after the approval of this act, by the Principal Chief, file with him in the Executive Department of the Cherokee Nation, their acceptance of the same; whereupon the Principal Chief shall cause to be issued to the said E. M. Hewins, J. W. Hamilton, A. J. Day, S. Tuttle, M. H. Bennett, Ben S. Miller, A. Drumm, E. W. Payne, and Charles H. Eldred, directors in trust for the aforesaid Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association a lease in accordance with the provisions of this act.
Be it Further Enacted, That all acts or parts of acts in conflict with the provisions of the foregoing act is hereby repealed.
The Caldwell Journal, May 24, 1883.
The National party of the Cherokee Nation have nominated Hon. D. W. Bushyhead for re-election as Principal Chief. Chief Bushyhead has made an excellent officer, and the services he has rendered his people should be recognized by an unanimous election.
The Caldwell Journal, May 24, 1883.
Luke Short, about whom the fuse at Dodge City was kicked up, arrived here on Monday. Mr. Short is a quiet, unassuming man, with nothing about him to lead one to believe him the desperado the Dodge mob picture him to be. He says the whole trouble arose from business jealousy on the part of Webster Nixon and others. As to his plans, he has nothing to say, but he is determined to take all legal measures possible to secure his rights.
The Caldwell Journal, May 24, 1883.
Sheriff King, of Clay County, Texas, writes to Sheriff Thralls that he had got through in good shape with the thieves captured in the Ross party and a few days after his arrival, he took in Jim Youngblood and Mose Copeland, two more thieves. Youngblood was wounded in attempting to escape.
The Caldwell Journal, May 24, 1883.
Notice. There will be a meeting of the directors of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association at Caldwell on Tuesday, May 29th. Business of importance with regard to concluding the lease of the Cherokee Strip will be presented. BEN S. MILLER, President.
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1883.
A diver from St. Louis was taken over to Oxford Sunday to try and recover the body of the missing engineer. Work will be begun at once to raise the submerged engine.
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1883.
Numerous attempts were made Sunday by the K. C., L. & S. wrecking train to clear the engine and tender out of the Arkansas River at Oxford, but without avail. The whole thing is covered with sand and ten feet of water, and as fast as the sand was taken out, the hole was drifted full again. Hawsers were attached, but broke as fast as the strain was put upon them. The diver traveled around over the wreck but could do nothing. It looks as if the body of Finley would never be recovered.
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1883.
The railroad surveyors ran lines all around over the city and surrounding country. As they set more stakes along the second street east of the schoolhouse than anywhere else, residents about there seem confident that a track will be run from the K. C. L. & S. Depot around through the east part of town, down through Loomis’ addition, striking the Santa Fe near the south bridge.
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1883.
The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe road will probably operate the Atlantic & Pacific as soon as it is completed to the Colorado River. This will give our road a short and direct route to San Francisco and the Pacific coast, which must soon become a very popular one.
Jay Gould has one bit of philosophy which is worth more to him than half his fortune. He says: “I long ago learned not to get mad. The man who gets mad hurts himself more than anybody else. He destroys his digestion, and is unhappy.”
The Caldwell Journal, May 31, 1883.
The following named gentlemen constitute the new board of directors of the Atlantic and Pacific railway: W. B. Strong, A. E. Touzalin, Thos. Nickerson, Levi C. Wade, and H. C. Nutt of Boston; and C. P. Huntington, Jay Gould, Jesse Seligman, Edward F. Winslow, James D. Fish, and William F. Buckley of New York. The only change is the substitution of Mr. Touzalin for I. T. Burr. The following named officers were elected by the directors: H. C. Nutt, president, Boston; E. F. Winslow, vice-president, New York; C. S. Tuckerman, secretary and treasurer, Boston; D. L. Gallup, auditor, Boston; S. A. Williamson, land commissioner and general solicitor.
The Caldwell Journal, May 31, 1883.
The Muskogee Journal of the 24th says that J. Milton Turner passed north Friday on his way to Oklahoma. He has persuaded 125 Choctaw negroes to emigrate to that country, and he goes to look over the ground.
The Caldwell Journal, May 31, 1883.
Vinita Chieftain says: “The St. Louis & San Francisco railroad is under contract for completion to Albuquerque, New Mexico, by the first of November.” Would respectfully ask the Chieftain, In November of what year?
The Caldwell Journal, May 31, 1883.
Capt. Sommers met Payne on the train last Saturday. Payne had but recently returned from his lecturing tour in Illinois and Indiana. He did not say what success he had. He said, however, that he was going to celebrate the Fourth of July in Oklahoma. Probably in company with those Choctaw negroes J. Hamilton Turner is taking there.
The Caldwell Journal, May 31, 1883.
The Ranges to be Surveyed.
The board of directors of the Association met in this city on Tuesday afternoon, and appointed A. M. Colson chairman of the Board of Arbitration, vice H. W. Timberlake, resigned.
On motion it was ordered that the lands leased from the Cherokee Nation be divided into three divisions under the supervision of the Board of Directors, for the purpose of surveying, to ascertain the amount of territory occupied by members.
M. H. Bennett and J. W. Hamilton will have the supervision and power to employ a surveyor for the Eastern division, from the 96th meridian on the east to the Chisholm trail on the west, and from the state line on the north to the southern line of the Cherokee Territory.
Major A. Drumm and Ben S. Miller will have the supervision and power to employ a surveyor, and supervise the same, from the Chisholm trail on the east to a line running north and south on the west line of the Texas Land and Cattle company on the west.
Chas. H. Eldred and E. W. Payne will have power to employ a surveyor and superintend the same, from the line running north and south on the west line of the Texas Land and Cattle company, to the 100th meridian west, and from the south line of Kansas on the north to the south line of the Cherokee country.
The expenses of surveying each range must be paid for at the time the surveying is done, by the person occupying the range.
No other business of importance to the public was transacted. We understand the work of surveying the ranges will begin at as early a day as possible.
The Caldwell Journal, May 31, 1883.
Notice of Arbitration.
The Board of Arbitration of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association will meet at Caldwell, Kansas, on the 12th day of June, 1883, to settle any differences between members of the association in regard to lines of ranges. The parties feeling aggrieved and who intend to apply for settlement of any differences shall notify the chairman of the board, A. M. Colson of Caldwell, Kansas, as well as the party with whom they are in controversy, in writing, on or before the 10th day of June, 1883. The Board of Arbitration shall each receive the sum of $5.00 per day and all necessary traveling expenses for the time necessarily occupied by them. The expenses shall be paid by the parties arbitrating.
A. M. COLSON, Chairperson.
The Caldwell Journal, June 7, 1883.
Major Lipe, treasurer and tax collector of the Cherokee Nation, and one of nature’s noblemen, accompanied by James Keyes, arrived in Caldwell on Saturday and returned home Tuesday. By reference to a notice published elsewhere, it will be seen that Major Lipe or his agent will be here on or about the first of next month to settle with those indebted to the Cherokee Nation.
NOTICE. All persons holding cattle on the “Cherokee Strip,” are hereby notified that I, or my legal representative, will be in Caldwell on or about the 1st day of July, to collect taxes due the Cherokee Nation up to the date that the lease to the Association takes effect October 1st, 1883. D. W. LIPE, Treasurer, Cherokee Nation.
Winfield Courier, June 7, 1883.
All familiar with the management of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad know of the very competent chief engineer, Mr. A. A. Robinson, and those personally acquainted with him will be much gratified to learn of his promotion to assistant general superintendent. As the official circular states, “he will have entire charge of the operations of this railroad and leased lines, also of the Manhattan, Alma & Burlingame and Leavenworth, Topeka & South-western railways, and the New Mexico & Arizona railroad, with headquarters at Topeka, Kansas. Heads of departments and division superintendents will report to and be governed by his order from date named. Mr. Robinson still retains the title and will continue to perform the duties of chief engineer.”
To avoid misunderstanding we will state that Mr. Allen, recently promoted to assistant general superintendent, remains such, in charge specially of the financial interests of the road. Capital.
Winfield Courier, June 7, 1883.
[Arkansas City Correspondence.]
Several herds of Texas horses are held for sale near this place at prices ranging from $25 to $40.
Captain Payne is trying the virtues of Geuda Springs. He is suffering from rheumatism.
Cattle are passing through town at an average of about three droves per day; all going to the Territory, where the range is already crowded.
One Mr. Evans, formerly of Logan County, Illinois, crowded 75 head of cattle on the Arkansas River Bridge last Thursday, which were met at the south end by two wagons, causing a blockade. The cattle rushed back so violently that the south span of the new bridge fell, precipitating 30 head into the river and killing five of them. The township assessor attached his stock for damages, and the matter was compromised by his paying $400. It will be ten days before the bridge will be repaired.
Winfield Courier, June 14, 1883. Editorial Notes.
A commercial traveler who knows the country says it is always safer to listen than to talk at Dodge City.
The woods are full of chaps wanting ranges on the Cherokee strip, now that it is settled that the Stock Association have secured a lease.
The board of directors of the live stock association met at Caldwell on Tuesday, and decided to have the leased strip from the Cherokee nation surveyed and made into three divisions. The board of arbitration of this strip will meet at Caldwell on the twelfth to settle difference between members of the association. The board will receive $5 per day and all necessary traveling expenses for the time necessarily occupied by them, to be paid by the parties arbitrating.
Winfield Courier, June 14, 1883.
Drury Warren and J. J. Beach had a set to with carving knives at Hodges and Stewarts ranch in the Territory Tuesday evening. Drury had his shoulder and part of the muscle of his left arm cut, but not seriously.
The Caldwell Journal, June 14, 1883.
The Board of Arbitration of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, began its sessions in this city on Tuesday at 11 o’clock. The board is composed of A. M. Colson, chairman; Wm. Corzine; and D. R. Streeter.
The Caldwell Journal, June 14, 1883.
The Grass Leases.
On January 8th, 1883, the Indians of this agency, the Cheyennes and Arapahos, in full council and representing the two tribes, leased the western portion of their reservation for grazing purposes for a term of ten years, at an annual rental of two cents per acre, payable to the tribes in cash and cattle. Approximation of acres leased are as follows.
Ed Fenton, Leavenworth, Kansas.564,480 acres
Wm. E. Malaley, Caldwell, Kansas.564,480 acres
H. H. Denman, Washington, D. C.575,600 acres
J. S. Morrison, Darlington, Ind. Ter.138,240 acres
L. M. Criggs, Muscotah, Kansas.168,180 acres
A. G. Evans, St. Louis, Missouri.606,900 acres
R. D. Hunter, St. Louis, Missouri.500,000 acres
This yields a yearly revenue of $62,357.60 to the Indians for a term of ten years, and is in every way as advantageous a lease to the Indians as is the Cherokee Strip lease. As a public enterprise, it is one of the most important moves made in cattle circles this season, and its success will result in the Indians eventually becoming self-supporting with cattle herds of their own. Cheyenne Transporter.
The Caldwell Journal, June 14, 1883.
We find the following items in the Cheyenne Transporter of the 10th, last.
George Washington, a Caddo, well known and respected among the whites from Texas to the north line of the old Osage reservation in Kansas, died week before last at his home on the South Canadian, at the age of 73 years.
George left considerable property, but for all that and his adoption of many of the white man’s ways, the Transporter says he was buried in true Caddo style.
The Caldwell Journal, June 14, 1883.
The three race horses, Cow Pony, Long Branch, and Bulger, stolen last fall from George Bent, were captured on the Panhandle a couple of weeks ago, and were delivered to George last week. He valued these horses highly, and paid a reward of $100 each for their return. They were stolen by a member of the Kutch gang of stock thieves, and the thief is now jailed at Henrietta, Texas. Transporter.
The Caldwell Journal, June 14, 1883.
The rate on cattle has been fixed by the Frisco road at $60 per car from Vinita, $65 from Tulsa, and $67.50 from Red Fork, the station across the river. Western cattlemen are said to laugh at the expectations of heavy shipments, as there is so much wooded country to pass through that the losses from strays would be very heavy. Indian Journal.
The Journal is quite right regarding the wooded country and laughing business.
The Caldwell Journal, June 14, 1883.
J. S. Morter, who stretched the wire for S. Tuttle & Co., writes to Mr. Tuttle, from Gainesville, under date of June 6th, as follows.
“If you can get me a good job of work, I would be very thankful. I have a contract for 70 miles in the Chickasaw Nation, but Gov. Overton is cutting the wire between every post. He has cut down several large pastures of wire within forty miles of Gainesville. He fired the rail fence of Mr. Roff, a native, in fifty places yesterday. Washingtons are cutting down their fence today with 100 men, in order to save the wire.”
The Caldwell Journal, June 14, 1883.
Wm. Van Hook, in charge of the Geo. Miller ranch, was in town Tuesday and gave the JOURNAL the benefit of his smile.
The Caldwell Journal, June 14, 1883.
The following stockmen are here in attendance upon the Arbitration committee: T. H. Stevens, O. F. Casteen, C. C. Clark, O. S. Northrup, of Anthony; Fin. Ewing, F. H. Shelly, M. Strong, of Medicine Lodge; Charles W. Moore, M. J. Lane, Sam T. Ishmael, J. W. Carter, of Eagle Chief; N. B. Roberts, J. H. Windsor, A. D. Windsor, of Titusville, Pennsylvania (the two former are accompanied by their wives); John W. Blair, of Pond Creek; Ben Garland, city; John Tucker, Wichita; W. J. Hodge and J. H. Tornberien, Winfield; Capt. Nipp, C. M. Crocker, D. F. Fagins, Tipton Brothers, Arkansas City; W. Wicks, Hunnewell; Pink Fouts, Willow Springs; and a number of others whose names our reporter failed to obtain.
Winfield Courier, June 21, 1883.
So far in her history, Erie has been unfortunate in having all the railroads in the country to miss her, but it now seems that Neosho’s favorite but much slighted town is at last to have not only the advantage of railroad facilities but of railroad competition also. Since the Girard, Iola & Topeka railroad went into the hands of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe company, it is generally understood that the latter company will extend the line from Walnut to Earlton by that place and there intersect the K. C. L. & S. K. Railroad, also under the management of the A., T. & S. F. Company. Now news reaches us that a consolidation is about to be effected with the Kansas Railway Company, who now own the Memphis & Northwestern grade from Thayer to Fredonia, built in 1871, with other interests, whereby a road can be built from Fort Scott to Winfield by way of Erie to Thayer, and on above mentioned grade to Fredonia and from there to Howard and on to Winfield. It is the intention in a few years to extend this line of road from Winfield to Camp Supply and on Southwestwardly to the coast. The people of Erie are perfectly elated over the prospect of either having access to the Fort Scott, Chicago & St. Louis, or a direct connection in the way of a southwestern branch from Ft. Scott to Winfield. If built, this will be one of the most valuable pieces of railroad property in all the southwest.
Winfield Courier, June 21, 1883.
John Ambler Smith, on behalf of the colored citizens of the Cherokee Nation, has filed a protest with the secretary of the interior against the payment to Bushyhead and associates of $300,000 for lands ceded to the government by the Cherokees. The secretary will give the matter careful consideration.
Winfield Courier, June 21, 1883.
The Telegram does Mr. Ed. Nicholson an injustice in its account of his horse-thief capture last week. He was not “sent out” by Sheriff Gary. He was on his way home, and took in the thieves on his own account. Instead of being “sent out” by Mr. Gary, he “sent in” for the said Gary post haste, the messenger being Captain Stubblefield, with the information that he had two horse thieves surrounded and desired the Sheriff to come out and assist in the capture. The “sheriff” never put in an appearance until the thieves were safe at the jail doors —probably because he was too busy to go himself and had no one to “send.” Our Sheriff evidently prefers “sending someone out” to getting in the way of trouble himself. His administration reminds us of that of one of Cowley’s early sheriffs who, when fleeing from an irate citizen who was attempting to caress him with a club, looked back over his shoulder and wailed, “Don’t strike! Don’t strike!! If you strike, I’ll bring the majesty of the law to bear upon you!” The citizen struck, but only caught the tail of a coat as it whipped around the corner.
The Caldwell Journal, June 21, 1883.
The Oklahoma Pilgrim, is the title of a newspaper started at Burrton, Harvey County, by W. H. Osburn, Payne’s private secretary and right bower in several raids made into the Territory. The farce last February was too much for Osburn and he gives Payne the “shake,” for reasons which he sets forth in the following article. Mr. Osburn’s article confirms what we have stated heretofore, and coming from one of Payne’s confidential advisers, it should have some weight with those who still believe that Payne is able or willing to carry out all the hifalutin promises he has made and is still making.
“Many will criticize me and my colony for the step we are taking. Now I will say (and no one can dispute it), that so long as Payne acted in good faith for the opening of Oklahoma, I worked hard with him. I never grumbled at his drinking and borrowing of money, which he never paid back, as some have, I considering that outside of our business; but when I became fully satisfied that he was not for the opening of Oklahoma, then I was done with him, for I want a home there and want all the colonists, and others that see fit to go, to have homes, and have taken the course we are now pursuing to help accomplish that end. It probably is necessary for me to give some reason for coming to the conclusion that Payne does not want to open Oklahoma. I have many very plain demonstrations of that fact, but of course cannot give them all here. I think the captain’s conduct on our last trip, which many know about, is sufficient to prove my views. It will be remembered by all, that our arrangements were to go to Oklahoma, and go to stay; as we hauled out and as we went some 700 strong, it was thought we would stay. On our road down the captain would give us a speech occasionally, always assuring us the victory was ours, that all that was necessary was for us to stay by him, that he would suffer his throat cut from ear to ear, and his arms torn from his body sooner than surrender; that if a negro soldier laid hands on him, that negro was to be laid low, or at least get the full force of Payne’s muscle. Well, let us see how the thing came out. We finally got safely camped on the North Canadian, when about 80 to 100 soldiers came, pitched their camp nearby, and after a time the lieutenant came into our camp and had a private talk of about one half hour with Captain Payne, and in a few minutes Captain Payne went with the lieutenant to their camp and gave themselves up without any resistance what-ever. He gave the colony no chance to protect him. Captain had never organized his men, and, of course, when he was gone the whole camp was demoralized, and men began to say I am sold, I am ready to go home, and away they went.
“Now why did he demoralize his men in this way? We think it was because he knew if he stayed with his men that Oklahoma was open and that would not suit him. Now it may be we judge wrong, and if Payne can give any reason for doing as he did, we will be glad to hear from him. Now Payne had surrendered and returned home time and again, and of course knew that no good could result from that way of doing. And as he had six or seven men to one soldier, so he could stay, how can it be only as we have it? But we are ready for an explanation.
The Caldwell Journal, June 21, 1883.
Decisions Rendered.
The Board of Arbitrators of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, convened on the 12th, inst., adjourned on Friday, and on Monday resumed the task of settling disputes over ranges and range lines.
The first case before the Board was that of J. A. Hammers & Co., against Northrup & Co. After a portion of the evidence had been given, the parties, by advice of the Board, settled the dispute among themselves, and to the satisfaction of all concerned.
The next one was the Salt Fork and Eagle Chief Pool vs. Broadwell & Co. This case occupied the entire day, the decision of the Board being that Broadwell was entitled to a range of 15,000 acres.
The next one was the Salt Fork & Eagle Chief Pool of the Texas Land and Cattle Company. This was a dispute about water on Sand Creek, and the Board, after hearing the statements from both sides, divided the creek equally between the two.
The case of Windsor & Roberts vs. Hodges & Stewart, owing to the absence of the defendants, was continued until the next meeting of the Board.
The case of B. H. Campbell vs. Bates A. Thompson was continued until the next meeting.
The case of John Love & Son vs. Standard Oil Co., P. Fouts, Manager, was next heard. Plaintiff moved for a continuance. Motion refused, and the Board decided that as plaintiff had no tax receipt, or other evidence that they had paid for range privileges, and there being nothing to show that they had a range, therefore, plaintiffs had no rights before the Board. The representatives of the defendants protested against the name “Standard Oil Co.” It was therefore ordered by the Board that the same should be changed to “Roberts & Windsor.”
The case of Crocker vs. Hollenback was reported as compromised.
The case of P. J. Burroughs vs. Richmond was decided by giving Burroughs a strip of two miles bordering on the Nez Perces reservation and claimed by Richmond.
On Friday morning the case of Colson & McAtee vs. Reese & Stoller was called and continued until next regular meeting.
The Board then adjourned until Monday, June 18.
On Monday, June 18, the Board reassembled and remained in session until Tuesday afternoon, and adjourned to meet at the call of the President. The cases disposed of were Casteen & McDonald vs. J. W. Hammers & Co. The decision of the Board was that Casteen’s range be as follows: “Commencing on the State line one fourth of a mile west of the sheep camp on Middle Crooked Creek; thence south to the old Manning & Nicholson fire guard; thence west on line of the guard to Rhodes east line.”
The case of M. Blair & Co. vs. Windsor Bros. was continued until next meeting of the Board.
Only two appeals were filed with the Board: that of Broadwell against the decision of the Board in the case of the Salt Fork & Eagle Chief Pool vs. Broadwell; the other the appeal of J. P. Richmond in the case of Burroughs vs. Richmond. With the exception of these two cases, all the decisions of the Board have given satisfaction so far as we can learn.
The Caldwell Journal, June 21, 1883.
The Leases Settled.
The following is from the Vinita Chieftain of the 15th inst.
Just as we go to press the following message was handed to us.
WASHINGTON, D. C., June 14th, 1883.
EDITOR CHIEFTAIN, Vinita, I. T. Conveyances for occupied lands west of ninety-six degrees signed today. Money to be expended under act of council.
(Signed) D. W. BUSHYHEAD, Principal Chief.
The Caldwell Journal, June 21, 1883.
Last Saturday the stage coach brought in from the Cheyenne and Arapaho Agency eight Indian police, dressed in their uniforms, but having on at the same time various ornaments suited to the red man’s peculiar notions of personal adornment. Their mission here was to act as an escort to Wm. Malaley, who left on Saturday night with the money to be paid the Cheyennes and Arapahos for the lease of the western portion of their reservation. The names of the Indians were given us by Mr. J. A. Covington, and they are as follows: Black Wolf, Bear’s Lariat, Coming Horseback, and Medicine Pipe, Arapahos; Prairie Chief, Bird Chief, Brass Hat, and Red Bird, Cheyennes. Black Wolf is a Lieutenant of Police, and Prairie Chief a Sergeant. They were rather a fine looking lot of Indians, and seemed to feel the importance of their mission.
The Caldwell Journal, June 28, 1883.
A Trail to Dodge.
Complaints have been made to us that the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association has not made suitable provisions for a trail between Caldwell and Dodge City. The stock men composing the Association have received at the hands of the citizens of Caldwell every assistance and every courtesy which could be expected, and a spirit of just reciprocity on their part would seem to dictate a course beneficial to the interests of the former. By having an open trail between the two places, drovers would not be compelled to rely upon one market. If Dodge didn’t suit them, they could come to Caldwell, and vice versa. We mention the matter at this time, in order that the Board of Directors, at their next meeting, may give it due consideration, and if possible, remove all cause for dissatisfaction upon the part of through drovers and the businessmen of Caldwell.
Winfield Courier, June 28, 1883.
Oklahoma Boomers.
It is stated that the Oklahoma boomers, consisting of Dave Payne and his dupes, are gathered along the line and will make a raid on Oklahoma tomorrow or next day. The troops are also on hand and will march the raiders out again with a quick step and Dave will have the money and a good excuse for not succeeding in settling them on the Oklahoma lands. In a few months Dave will gather together another lot of guys who will pay him to conduct them to the promised land, and will get fired out and left in the same way. Dave gets fined heavily, but he is execution proof, and the law does not provide for imprisonment as a punishment for such raids. It is certainly time that congress attended to this matter, and if it fails next winter, it will be a disgrace to the government.
Winfield Courier, June 28, 1883.
It was rumored on the streets Monday evening that the body of Engineer Finley had been found under the tender of the buried engine. This report proves to be false. The engine was taken out Saturday, but the tender has not yet been recovered. However, the wreckers have explored sufficiently to find that he is not beneath the tender.
Winfield Courier, June 28, 1883.
A Shooting Raid.
Last Friday a young man rode hurriedly in town and reported that he had been robbed at Limbocker’s ford on Dutch Creek by two men. On receipt of the news, Sheriff Gary became greatly excited. Here, at least, was a chance to achieve fame and glory, and show the world that he was in truth and in fact a valiant and active officer, by starting out at once and bringing in the robbers, alone and single handed. But hold! As he buckles on his trusty revolvers and girds about his loins a fresh belt of cartridges, a change comes over the spirit of his dream. He remembers that robbers are bold, bad men, and he remembers reading in a dime novel in the long years ago about bandits who laid in ambush for their pursuers and sometimes captured them and carried them away into the fastnesses to die of starvation. As he thought on these things and wondered what raven would feed the widow and orphans when he was gone, he grew sad, until finally he decided to raise a “posse” to defend him in case the robbers refused to be arrested peaceably. No sooner was the decision made than it was carried into effect—and right here was brought actively into play our sheriff’s wonderful power as an organizer. In less than two hours he had fourteen men, seven double-barreled shot guns, and twenty-two revolvers on their way to the scene of the robbery, three miles out. The order of march was as follows.
Frank Finch, with hand cuffs and shackles.
Charlie Limbocker, accompanied by a double-barreled shot gun.
Ben Herrod ditto.
F. M. Burge ditto.
A. B. Taylor, deputy sheriff, carrying in addition to his own, part of the Sheriff’s armory.
Johnny Riley, double-barreled shot gun and two revolvers.
W. J. Hodges and Johnny Hudson, Aids-de-camp to Sheriff and Ex-Captain S. G. Gary.
Ammunition wagon.
Owing to the limited time and the absence of Capt. Haight, the battery was not called out, but “held in reserve.” Arriving at the scene of action, the “posse” was halted and Sheriff Gary advanced cautiously to the front, where he discovered Constable Siverd with the alleged victim.
Mr. Siverd had been on the ground some time, examined for tracks, found none, and concluded that the robbery was a canard. He so informed the doughty sheriff, which seemed to revive his drooping spirits and the “posse” was allowed to disperse while the Sheriff returned to Winfield by way of New Salem.
It was an active and valiant struggle to defend the rights of an injured citizen, and we take pleasure in commending Sheriff Gary for his energy, and for the rare power of organization he displayed in getting such a large force of men, fully equipped and on the road in such a short space of time. We tremble for the result should a bonafide robbery occur within his jurisdiction. The expenses of conveying the “posse” were only $12.50, which the county can well afford to pay.
“Because Sheriff Gary performs the duties of his office in an energetic but quiet and unostentatious manner, Greer becomes disgruntled and wants the Sheriff to make more noise and fuss. Capt. Gary is not that kind of man, Ed.” Telegram.
The Caldwell Journal, July 5, 1883.
The Secretary of War has transmitted to the Interior Department the following telegram from General Pope. “Ft. Leavenworth, June 25. To the Secretary of War, Washington, D. C.: David L. Payne has applied to the United States circuit court today for an injunction against yourself and me, restraining us from interfering with his entrance to and occupation of the Oklahoma districts in the Indian Territory. This application brings up for decision the whole question of the status of the Oklahoma district. I sent the papers served on you and myself jointly to the United States District Attorney for Kansas, who requested that we report the facts to Washington, in order that instructions may be sent him. The case needs immediate attention, and I request that the District Attorney for Kansas be telegraphed to at once to attend to the case.”
Secretary Lincoln adds that he has furnished a copy of the telegram to the Attorney General, with a request that he take the necessary measures to meet the application.
The Caldwell Journal, July 5, 1883.
Hunter & Hill finished Malaley & Musgrove’s wire fence of twenty miles on Thursday of last week, doing the work in eight days. On Friday they began work on Marion Blair’s pasture.
The Caldwell Journal, July 5, 1883.
Major D. W. Lipe, accompanied by his brother, C. C. Lipe, and Dave Faulkner, arrived last Friday, and is prepared to receive taxes for holding stock on the Strip.
The Caldwell Journal, July 12, 1883.
On the first page will be found the lease made by and between the Cherokee Nation and the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association. If there is anything in legal verbiage, it is strong enough to hold both sides up to the scratch (no reference to wire fences) under any and all circumstances. Those who are hunting around for a range on the Strip will do well to give the lease a careful perusal.
The Caldwell Journal, July 12, 1883.
A Full and Correct Copy.
Duly Signed by the Contracting Parties.
THIS INDENTURE made this fifth day of July, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three (1883), by and between Dennis W. Bushyhead, Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation, for and on behalf of said nation, party of the first part, and
E. M. Hewins, J. W. Hamilton, A. J. Day, S. Tuttle, M. H. Bennett, Ben S. Miller, A. Drumm, E. W. Payne, and Charles H. Eldred, Directors in trust, for and on behalf of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Kansas, for themselves as directors in trust, their successors in trust, and assigns, parties of the second part, Witnesseth:
That the said party of the first part for and in consideration of the rents, covenants, and agreements hereinafter mentioned, reserved and contained on the part, and in behalf of the party of the second part, and their successors in trust, and assigns, to be well and faithfully kept and performed, doth by authority of law in him vested, as Principal Chief, by and through an act of the National Council, which said Act is entitled, “An Act to amend an Act to tax stock grazing upon Cherokee Lands west of the 96th meridian, approved in special session May 19th, A. D. 1883, which said act is specially referred to, and made part of these presents, does by these presents, lease for grazing purposes only, unto the aforesaid E. M. Hewins, J. W. Hamilton, A. J. Day, S. Tuttle, M. H. Bennett, Ben S. Miller, A. Drumm, E. W. Payne, and Charles H. Eldred, directors in trust as aforesaid, their successors and assigns, parties of the second part, all and singular, the unoccupied lands of, and belonging to the Cherokee Nation, being and lying west of the 96th meridian, and west of the Arkansas river, not including any portion occupied, sold, and conveyed to the Pawnee, Poncas, Nez Perces, Otoes, and Missouris, Osages, and Kansas Indians, or the Salines, set apart to be leased separately under act of Congress, approved August 7th, A. D., 1882, as hereinafter set forth; the said portion herein leased for grazing purposes containing six million (6,000,000 acres) of acres of land, more or less, and lying east of the one hundredth meridian (100 meridian) and the said hereinbefore named parties of the second part, their successors and assigns, shall, for the purposes herein set forth, have and hold the above mentioned and described premises from and after the first day of October, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three (1883) for, and during the term and period of five years, thence next ensuing from said date, subject to the qualifications, restrictions, and forfeitures, hereinafter provided for, and upon yielding and paying for the same, the amount of money as hereinafter provided for. And the parties of the second part, the said E. M. Hewins, J. W. Hamilton, A. J. Day, S. Tuttle, M. H. Bennett, Ben S. Miller, A. Drumm, E. W. Payne, and Charles H. Eldred, directors in trust, as aforesaid, hereby covenant and agree on behalf of themselves, as such directors in trust for said Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, their successors in trust and assigns, and not otherwise, in consideration hereof and of the leasing aforesaid, to pay on the order of the Principal Chief aforesaid, into the Treasure of the Cherokee Nation; at Tahlequah, Indian Territory, yearly, and for each and every one of said five years, the annual sum of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) lawful money of the United States, the same to be paid in two equal, semi-annual payments, to be made, and so paid in advance, to wit: on the first day of October and first day of April, in each and every year during the said term. Provided always, and it is further covenanted and agreed between the said parties hereto, that if the said semi-annual payment in advance or any part thereof shall remain unpaid after the expiration of thirty days after the date, the same shall become due as herein agreed to be paid, or if default shall be made in any of the covenants hereinbefore or hereinafter set forth, or as contained and required by the act of the National Council, approved May 19th, A. D., 1883, aforesaid, on the part and in behalf of the said parties of the second part, then and from thence forth it may be lawful, and is agreed that said Principal Chief, or his successors in office may declare this lease to be forfeit and annulled, and the said party of the first part may enter into and resume possession of the premises herein leased.
And it is further agreed, in accordance with the act of said Cherokee Council, that in case the lands herein before described, or any part of them included in the terms of this lease, shall be disposed of under present existing laws or laws hereafter to be passed by the Congress of the United States, by the said Cherokee Nation, that on the party of the first part giving six months notice thereof to the party of the second part, that then and in that event, the terms and conditions of this lease, and the lease thereoof shall terminate, on the expiration of the said six months from the date of said notice, to all or any portion of said tract of unoccupied Cherokee land, thus sold or disposed of, and the parties to whom the said lands or any portion of them should then be disposed of or sold to, may enter into and take possession of the same, but then, and in that event the said party of the second part, their successors and assigns, shall not be chargeable with rent on the lands so sold, but shall be allowed a rebate on all subsequent payments; made on account of this lease at the rate of one and two-thirds (1-2/3) cents per acre per annum on the lands so sold or disposed of.
Further, it shall be the privilege of said party of the second part, their successors and assigns, to erect on said lands such fences, corrals, and other improvements as may be neces-sary, and proper, and convenient for the carrying on of their business, and for utilizing said lands for the purpose for which they are leased.
And in case this lease shall be terminated as to all or any part of said lands, by the disposal of the same as heretofore provided and set out, the said party of the second part shall have the right to remove all of said improvements, fences, and corrals, except such portions thereof as may be made from the timber or other property of the Cherokee Nation, or timber for which has been obtained from the aforesaid tract.
It shall further be the privilege of said party of the second part, their successors and assigns, to cut from the territory herein leased, such timber as may be necessary for building the fences, corrals, and improvements heretofore authorized to be erected on said leased premises, and to cut from said lands such timber as may be necessary for firewood and fuel, but not otherwise, and to commit no waste thereon.
And the said party of the second part doth further covenant and agree with the said Dennis W. Bushyhead, as aforesaid, and as parts and conditions of this lease or contract, well and truly, and without deduction or delay, to make all payments as required in the foregoing, in the manner limited and prescribed; and in case of any failure as aforesaid, the said party of the second part agrees that they will peaceably surrender the premises herein leased, and all improvements and erections thereon. And the said party of the second part, their suc-cessors and assigns, further agree and obligate themselves, and this is one of the conditions of this lease, to make no permanent improvements (the improvements, the right to make which is hereinbefore granted, being temporary improvements) on the aforesaid premises or leased tract, and only temporary improvements, as authorized by the act of the Cherokee Council approved May 19, 1883, hereinbefore referred to; and on the expiration of the lease, or its being declared forfeited by default in the payment, as hereinbefore provided, then, and in either event, all improvements, structures, or erections thereon shall be and become the property of the Cherokee Nation, and said Nation shall have possession of the same, and all and singular of such erections and improvements shall absolutely revert to, and become the property of, said Cherokee Nation, party of the first part.
And the said party of the second part further covenants and agrees with the said party of the first part, as one of the conditions of this lease, that they will cut no timber for removal from said lands, or take or remove any material or property being part of the premises so leased, or remove or ship material therefrom, and that they will use all due dilligence to prevent the cutting or removing of any timbers or other material therefrom, and that they will faithfully observe the Intercourse laws of the United States; that they will obstruct no mail or stage line, and that they will not interfere with the Salines, located, or to be located, under the provisions of the act of Congress before mentioned, approved August 7, A. D. 1882.
And it is agreed between the parties of the first and second parts, that the grounds excepted and reserved from, and not included in, the terms of this lease, necessary for the manufacture of salt at the said Salines, may and shall not exceed in the aggregate, for said Salines and all of them, one hundred thousand acres, with a right of way to and from said Salines, such as may be required properly to work them. And the party of the second part do hereby obligate themselves, for themselves as directors in trust aforesaid, their successors and assigns, well and truly to observe and faithfully execute all and singular of the foregoing agreements and covenants, which are declared to be part of the agreement in consideration of which this lease is granted.
And the said party of the first part, Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation, in accordance with the act of the National Council as aforesaid, and on condition of the faithful payment of the sums of money, as hereinbefore stipulated, in the manner and with the conditions hereinbefore prescribed, and as the further condition that the said party of the second part will well and truly fulfill all the conditions, covenants, and agreements herein set forth, doth covenant and agree by these presents that the said E. M. Hewins, J. W. Hamilton, A. J. Day, S. Tuttle, M. H. Bennett, Ben S. Miller, A. Drumm, E. W. Payne, and Charles H. Eldred, directors in trust for the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, their successors in trust and assigns, shall, and may at all times during the said term, subject to the conditions as aforesaid, peaceably hold and enjoy all the privileges of lease on the said premises, free, clear, and harmless, from any let or hindrance whatsoever, together with all privileges and rights of said party of the first part in reference to the same according to law and treaty stipulation.
Signed and sealed this 5th day of July, A. D. 1883.
D. W. BUSHYHEAD, Principal Chief of Cherokee Nation.
E. M. HEWINS, J. W. HAMILTON, A. J. DAY, S. TUTTLE, M. H. BENNETT, ANDREW DRUMM, BEN S. MILLER, E. W. PAYNE, CHARLES H. ELDRED, Directors of Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association.
The Caldwell Journal, July 12, 1883.
Payne, it seems, is determined that the troops at Reno shall not enjoy an inglorious ease, while he exists, as he is making preparations to take into Oklahoma the half dozen followers who still think he is the greatest man on earth.
The Caldwell Journal, July 12, 1883.
Some interesting sinner with more affection for railroads than regard for the rights of the people, has induced the Vinita Chieftain to publish an article slobbering over the A. T. & S. F. Railroad company. The Chieftainfails to understand the fact that John Jones, Peter Ludgruber, Sam Sawbones, and Rev. Plumpkins of Boston don’t invest their inherited millions in railroads for Kansas or any other country for simple amusement. Neither do they send out their sons, sons-in-law, nephews, or their wives’ able bodied relatives to manage their investments simply because the atmosphere of Kansas is salubrious and the nights so refreshing that blankets are a necessity to enjoy a comfortable sleep. Oh, no. They put their money in Kansas railroads because it pays. Because they get land grants, because they get local subsidies, and because they can form coal, freight, and other rings of which some of the innocent stockholders know nothing about.
Were we to venture a word of advice to the Chieftain, we would say: Don’t waste any of your tender-hearted exuberance upon any railroad company in Kansas. They are not suffering for it, and while their managers may commend your innate kindness, at the same time they will quietly throw a wink on one side and go on reaping the harvest lying almost to their hands. They will do more. So soon as they find another St. John, they will make use of him to distract the attention of the people from the unjust discriminations made by rail-roads against persons and places. But enough of this for the present. Next week we shall endeavor to find space for the Chieftain’s article and a review of it from data in our possession.
The Caldwell Journal, July 12, 1883.
Keeling & Co., have at their store one of the finest saddles we have ever seen. It was made by P. H. Sharpe & Son, the well-known saddle manufacturers at Omaha, Nebraska, on special order sent by Mr. H. C. Keeling, and cost $100. It is a California saddle, full-rigged, of California leather, and with raised stamped work all done by hand. The principal design is that of a horseman lassoing a Texas steer, the lasso extending across the entire skirt, and the figures stamped on the corners. A child’s head ornaments the cantle, and the fenders are adorned with a figure of a horse and in profusion. The cinches are leathered and stamped to match the saddle. The leggins and bridle that go with the saddle are valued at $25. Taking the rig altogether, it is one which any cattleman might be happy to own. Messrs. Sharpe & Son deserve great credit for turning out so elegant a specimen of the saddler’s art.
The Caldwell Journal, July 12, 1883.
Meeting of Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association began its session on Monday afternoon, and adjourned until Tuesday. Up to the time of going to press no decision had been made on the appeals before the Board.
Among other business the following was transacted by the Board.
We, the directors of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, now in session, request all members of this Association owing taxes to the Cherokee Nation for grazing on said strip, up to the 1st day of October, 1882, to pay the same at their earliest convenience, to D. W. Lipe, treasurer and collector of said Nation, at Caldwell, Kansas.
Resolved, That what is now known and mapped out by the committee on quarantine grounds, as quarantine land, south of Caldwell, Kansas, be and the same is by this Board of Directors declared to be for the use of shippers of marketable cattle, and that no member of this Association or other person shall fence or be permitted to fence on said land for any other purpose than the purpose herein mentioned.
Moved and carried that the trail heretofore known as the Fort Griffin and Dodge City trail, running north through the western portion of the Cherokee Strip be, and the same is hereby fixed at three miles of an average in width through the Strip, and that members of this Association who fence their ranges joining on this trail shall leave one and a half mile on an average, to each side from the center of the trail.
The action of the board, on the quarantine grounds, and the trail to Dodge City and the Fort Griffin trail is highly commendable, and will give great satisfaction to through drovers. It shows that the Association is determined to respect the rights of all parties engaged in the cattle business, and affords every facility for marketing stock at such points, as owners may deem proper for their best interests.
The case of Windsor & Roberts vs. Love & Son, on appeal of the latter from the decision of the Board of Arbitration, the Board of Directors sustained the decision of the Arbitators, to the effect that Love & Son, having failed or refused to pay taxes to the Cherokee Nation for pasture privileges, had no range rights.
The case of Burroughs vs. Gardenhire, next claimed the attention of the Board, the Arbitrators having decided that Burroughs was entitled to a strip two miles wide adjoining the west side of the Nez Perces reservation. The testimony before the Board of Directors was to the effect that Burroughs had obtained a grazing permit from the Cherokee Tax Collector, but through misrepresentation. The decision of the Arbitrators was therefore reversed; thus leaving Burroughs without a range.
The Caldwell Journal, July 12, 1883.
Second Session.
The Board met on the 5th day of July. The first case, Windsor & Roberts vs. Hodges & Stewart, compromised.
Next in order was the continued case of Blair, Battin & Cooper vs. Windsor Bros. The board decided that the plaintiffs were entitled to all the lands in controversy.
The case of Colson & McAtee vs. Campbell Lynch. Mr. Colson being an interested party, withdrew from the Board and Mr. D. Donovan was appointed in his place pro tem. After hearing the testimony, the Board divided the ground in dispute equally between the two parties.
P. S. Burroughs vs. G. W. Gardenhire. The Board gave Burroughs a strip about two miles wide, considerably less than he claimed.
Cases No. 6, 7, 8, and 9, being those of J. V. Andrews vs. R. H. Campbell, Conner, Tucker, Mills, Blackstone, Sterns, Kennedy & Co., and Creswell & Co. The defendants failed to appear on two adjournments, and ample notice. The Board therefore decided that defendants were not entitled to any rights on range claimed by Andrews.
The next in order was the case of H. Hoskirk vs. McLain & Foss. Settled by agreement.
Next case was that of B. H. Campbell vs. Bates & Co. The Board decided that Bates & Co., were not entitled to any of the range in controversy outside of their present pasture fence, and that the defendants were entitled to all range inside their fence.
C. Lynch vs. Crane & Larimer, next occupied the attention of the Board. The decision was to the effect that Mr. Lynch was entitled to all the range claimed.
The following cases were continued, until next meeting of the Board.
Bridge & Wilson vs. Windsor Bros.
Robert Estock vs. Rees & Stoller.
Mr. Chambers vs. Windsor & Roberts.
The case of Lynch vs. Crane & Larimer was appealed to the Board of Directors.
The Board practically closed its work today for the present session, and adjourned to meet again on the 23rd inst., notice of which is given in another column.
The last case decided was that of F. Y. Ewing vs. The Salt Fork and Eagle Chief Pool. The decision of the Board was to the effect that the fence between the Pool and Ewing should be the permanent line between the ranges of the parties in contest.
The following cases before the Board were continued until its next meeting.
1. Windsor & Roberts vs. Beach & Welch.
2. Same vs. W. W. Wicks.
3. Same vs. Estes & Bros.
4. Same vs. Tomlinson & Webb.
5. Peter Stewart vs. The Wyeth & St. Jo. Cattle Co., E. M. Ford, Manager.
6. O. D. & H. H. Halsell vs. E. M. Ford.
The Caldwell Journal, July 12, 1883.
Notice to Contestants.
The Board of Arbitration of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association will meet in adjourned session on the 23rd day of July. All parties interested in new or continued cases are hereby notified to appear at that time, with their witnesses or statements bearing upon the points in dispute. By order of the Board. A. M. COLSON, Chairman.
Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.
The largest cattle ranch in the world is said to be that of Charles Goodnight, at the head of Red River, in Texas. He began buying land four years ago, securing 270,000 acres at 35 cents per acre. In the meantime, the price has advanced from $1 to $2 per acre, but he is still buying, and controls 700,000 acres. To enclose his landed possessions 250 miles of fencing is required. Mr. Goodnight has a herd of 40,000 cattle.
Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.
The body of Howard Finley was recovered last Saturday. It was found floating in the Arkansas River, ten miles below the Kaw Agency, and was identified by a stencil plate on a key ring in the pocket, bearing his name. The remains were badly decomposed, and were interred on the spot.
Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.
A party of gentlemen from the K. C. L. & S. K. railroad went down Saturday and brought up the remains of engineer Howard Finley, and they were taken east Monday morning. The body was found partly uncovered and the bones stripped of flesh by buzzards. He was identified by his boots and a bit of paper in his pocket-book bearing his name.
Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.
We are informed by the Telegram that Mr. Gary has not charged the county up with the $12.50 expense bill contracted in his remarkable raid on the highwaymen, reported in these columns a few weeks ago. This is all wrong. When a bold and fearless officer goes out in the discharge of his duty, he should be afforded every facility that will secure success. In this case the Sheriff’s plans were carefully laid, and none but experienced men were selected. Of course, in such a large company, it was necessary to enlist some few persons who had never been under fire; but they were brave men, and with veterans to the right and left of them would have fought like tigers. The only reason that the robbers were not captured was because there had been no robbery. It was not the sheriff’s place to see that the robbery came off all right. This part of the program belonged to the robbers, and because they failed to carry it out, our sheriff should not be compelled to pay the $12.50, and we do not think our citizens will permit it. They will pay it by private subscription first.
Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.
Cyclopedia of Live Stock.
Mr. Arthur Pomeroy has shown us a volume entitled the American Cyclopedia of Live Stock, which he will offer for sale to the farmers and stock growers of this county. It is a large volume of 1156 pages and illustrated by about 600 engravings, showing all the varieties of the best blooded and graded stock and all the varieties of care, attention, and management useful to the stock raiser. It gives a description of the diseases and their cures and a vast amount of information valuable to those raising any kind of stock. It is edited by men celebrated for their success as veterinarians and stock raisers, and it seems to us that it fills a long felt want in this county.
Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.
Public Sale of Short Horns. The famous Spring Creek herd of Short Horns, consisting of three yearling heifers, one two year old bull, two grown bulls, and six cows with calves, will be sold at Public Auction on the Public Square in Winfield on Saturday, July 21st, at 1 o’clock p.m. This is the premium herd of Short Horns in the county. A. HURST.
The Caldwell Journal, July 19, 1883.
We find the following description of the cowboy going the rounds without any credit. It is the best one of many we have read.
“The genuine cowboy is worth describing. In many respects he is a wonderful creature. He endures hardships that would take the lives of most men, and is, therefore a perfect type of physical manhood. He is the finest horseman in the world, and excels in all the rude sports of the field. He aims to be a dead shot, and universally is. Constantly during the herding season he rides seventy miles a day, and a majority of the year sleeps in the open air. His life in the saddle makes him worship his horse, and it, with a rifle and six-shooter, complete his happiness. Of vice in the ordinary sense, he knows nothing. He is a rough, uncouth, brave, and generous creature, who never lies or cheats. It is a mistake to imagine that cowboys are a dangerous set. Anyone is as safe with a cowboy as with any people in the world, unless he steals a horse or is hunting for a fight. In his eyes death is a mild punishment for horse stealing. Indeed it is the very highest crime known to the unwritten law of the ranch.
“Their life, habits, education, and necessities breed this feeling in cowboys. But with all this disregard of human life, there are less murderers and cut-throats graduated from the cowboys, than from among the better class of the east, who come out here for venture or gain. Cowboys delight in appearing rougher than they are. To a tender foot, as they call an eastern man, they love to tell blood curdling stories and impress him with the dangers on the frontier. But no man need get in a quarrel with them unless he seeks it, or gets harmed, unless he seeks some crime. They very often own an interest in the herd they are watching, and very frequently become owners of ranches. The slang of the range they always use to perfection, and in season or out of season.
“Unless you wish to insult him, never offer a cowboy pay for any little kindness he has done you, or for a share of his rude meal. If the changes that are coming to stock raising should take the cowboy from the ranch, its most interesting feature will be gone.”
The Caldwell Journal, July 19, 1883.
The Board of Directors of the Live Stock Association sustained the decision made by the Arbitrators in favor of Lynch, in the case of Crane & Farringer vs. Lynch, and then adjourned until the first Monday in September.
The Caldwell Journal, July 19, 1883.
Board of Arbitrators.
The Board of Arbitrators of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association continued in session until last Saturday, when it adjourned until Monday, July 23rd. The following cases decided and not reported last week were furnished us by Mark Miller, clerk of the Board.
P. M. Chase vs. Ewing & Lamont. Decision in favor of Chase, and notice of appeal filed by Ewing.
Northrup & Stevens vs. Ben Garland. Decision in favor of Garland. In this case the new order of the Board of Directors went into effect, and the testimony was taken down in writing.
Northrup & Stevens vs. I. B. Gilmore. Decision favorable to plaintiffs, which leaves Mr. Gilmore without a range.
The Caldwell Journal, July 19, 1883.
Major Lipe, Mr. Faulkner, Jake Lipe, and Capt. John Scrimpsher left for their homes in the Cherokee Nation last Sunday. Major Lipe will not return until September, when he will finish the work of collecting the grazing taxes due the Nation.
The Caldwell Journal, July 26, 1883.
Trouble on the Range.
Reports come to us to the effect that parties have been killing sheep and driving stock off the range of Roberts & Windsor, on Willow Creek, south of Arkansas City. Tuesday afternoon Mr. Fouts, manager of the above firm, received a telegram stating that a party of men had driven the stock off the range. If these reports are correct, the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association will be compelled to take some action for their own protection, for the reason that if lawlessness of that kind can go unpunished in one single instance, it will be but a very short time before others will suffer, and the fact of being a member of the Association will be no protection whatever.
It would seem now that the Strip is made a part of the U. S. District of Kansas, there should be some way of punishing those who commit depredations upon the property of persons occupying the Strip in accordance with the laws and regulations of the United States and the Cherokee Nation. If not, a range on the Strip is not worth a song, and if any man undertake to hold one, he will have to do so through force. No argument is necessary to show that if such a condition of affairs is brought about, the Strip will become a strip of terror, where no man’s life or property will be safe for a single moment.
Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.
Mr. Dempsey Elliott is in receipt of a letter from Senator Plumb regarding the Oklahoma lands, in which he says that the lands can never be occupied without consent of the general government, and that many have already spent enough time trying to get in to make them an excellent Kansas home. There is lots of clear cut sense in the letter.
Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.
The Caldwell Journal says certain parties are wantonly killing sheep and cattle in the Indian Territory and calls upon the authorities to punish these villains. Strange as it may appear, some of the very best lawyers in the State claim that there is no law in the United States statute books covering these cases. If there is any law of this kind, we ask our lawyers to point it out.
The Caldwell Journal, August 2, 1883.
Taxing Cattle Driven Through the Indian Territory.
K. C. Live Stock Indicator.
Mr. C. W. Rogers, vice-president of the St. Louis & San Francisco railroad, in June, addressed a letter to Hon. J. C. Parker, United States District Judge at Fort Smith, Arkansas, informing him that parties driving cattle through the Creek nation to that road, and to points on it in the Cherokee nation, are required by the Creeks to pay a tax of one dollar per head per month for the right to drive their cattle through the Creek nation, and asking the judge whether they have any right to charge this tax. Friday, Mr. Rogers received a reply from Judge Parker, who stated that he had already in a law of the Cherokee nation similar to this one of the Creeks providing for the assessment and collection of tax upon cattle or stock of any kind passing through the nation, decided that it was void. Congress alone had the right to legislate upon and negotiate inter-state commerce, and legislation upon the subject by any other power vested exclusively in Congress. If persons took cattle into the Creek country to graze them, they had a right to collect a grazer’s tax, but if cattle are passing over their country to market, they had no right to collect any tax for such transit.
The Caldwell Journal, August 2, 1883.
The communication of “Widows Child” published in the JOURNAL of last week had the effect of stirring up our own citizens and also other parties interested in a projected line seeking connection with this portion of the state. On Tuesday, Mr. James Hill, of Arkansas City, and a representative of the Missouri, Winfield & Southwestern Railroad, came to Caldwell for the purpose of enlisting our people in aid of the enterprise, and after consultation with some of our most prominent businessmen, a meeting was held at the opera house yesterday morning.
I. N. Cooper was called to the chair and W. B. Hutchison appointed secretary. Mr. Hill was then introduced and stated the object of his visit and the intentions of the company he represented. He said that the company was independent of either the Gould or the Santa Fe combinations, and that while it expected aid from the localities through which the line would run, at the same time it was not backed by Mr. Gould or any other railroad magnate. The aid asked would only be $2,500 per mile, and it was the intention of the company to build to Caldwell within the next year.
After the close of Mr. Hills’ talk, it was resolved that Caldwell needed another railroad, and that the city would extend any suitable aid for a competing line.
On motion I. N. Cooper, I. B. Gilmore, John W. Nyce, A. M. Colson, S. P. G. Lewis, and T. H. B. Ross were appointed a railroad committee with power to take all needful action in case everything was satisfactory.
The chairman notified the committee to meet at the Stock Exchange Bank next Saturday afternoon at 3 o’clock, after which the meeting adjourned.
The committee is composed of some of our most energetic citizens, and we are confident that it will do its work faithfully, carefully guarding the rights of Caldwell Township in case of any agreement with the M. W. & S. W. Company.
The Caldwell Journal, August 2, 1883.
Arkansas City Democrat: The indications are now that there will be trouble in the Indian Territory between the “small stockmen” and Pennsylvania Oil Company. Already things are assuming a war-like appearance; so far we have been unable to learn any facts in regard to affairs, but next week we will try to give our readers some light.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 8, 1883.
The Wichita Eagle received intelligence from Red Fork, Indian Territory, the present headquarters of the Oklahoma Invaders, under date of August 2, which says that at that time there were about 600 people located at that point. The Eagle informant on the frontier writes that the officers at Ft. Reno have orders to let the settlers remain, or at least that is the impression of the settlers.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 8, 1883.
Oklahoma has been the principal topic for the past week on our streets.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 8, 1883.
Our old friend, M. P. Johnson, spent three days of the past week in the city attending to stock biz and shaking hands with the boys. Mote has a stock ranch near Cedarvale, where he is at present holding stock. “Mode” Johnson, known throughout Kansas and Texas as one of the most experienced of stockmen, has, in addition to his large farm in Texas, two stock ranges in the Territory, and a deeded range of 2,000 acres on Rock Creek, in Cowley County, which he is now fencing.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 8, 1883.
This week W. W. Cook purchased of J. P. Elsea 60 head of two-year-old steers at $30 per head, to be delivered August 1st. He also purchased of Jas. Wilson 150 head of ones and twos, half-breeds and natives, at $20 and $30 per head. Also of Lockard and McGrath 75 native two-year-olds for $30 per head. Barber County Index.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 8, 1883.
Notice to Cattlemen. Cattlemen holding ranges on the Cherokee Strip will please take notice that I, or my legal representative, will be in Caldwell on or about the 5th day of September, 1883, to collect the tax due the Cherokee Nation up to the 1st day of October, 1883. D. W. LIPE, Treasurer, Cherokee Nation.
The Caldwell Journal, August 9, 1883.
Uncle Bill Corzine took it into his head last week to ship a few beeves to Kansas City. Under the care of Ben Garland, he got through all right until the return trip, when, to put on a few airs, because he was an alderman of his native village, he loaded himself into a Pullman sleeper for the home trip. Then his trouble began. The darkey on the car played all sorts of games on him, all of which Uncle Bill stood without a complaint until, as he says, “the darned nigger blacked my boots, so that I wouldn’t know them.” “Now,” says Bill, “I want to ask you, as a newspaper man, what kind of a job is that to put up on us old fellars? Well, I got my boots because I knowed ‘em by the slant on their heels; but blame me if I don’t believe that nigger meant to steal them.” Colson, Johnny Blair, Milt Bennett, and even Cooper endeavored to assure him that it was customary for the porter on a Pullman to black the boots of the guests; but the old man turned away in disgust, insisting, at the same time, that Cooper didn’t know any more about blacked boots than the rest of the Caldwell fellers.
Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.
W. B. Hutchinson, of the Journal, I. B. Gilmore, and I. N. Cooper came over from Caldwell Tuesday as a committee to consult with the Missouri, Winfield, & Southwestern people on railroad matters. They were highly pleased with Winfield.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 15, 1883.
Barbour County Index: A trade was this week consummated by which a valuable property changed hands. Gregory Eldred & Co., bought of Mayhew & Elsworth, their ranch, range, cattle, saddle horses, wagons, outfits, etc., for the sum of $150,000.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 15, 1883.
The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe company, in paying its stock dividend, August 15, will use 7564 checks. This shows that the number of stockholders in this corporation has increased 629 since the last quarter. This dividend is 1-1/2 percent, and it will take $853,601 to pay it.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 15, 1883.
HUTCHINSON, August 13. The city was thrown into a turmoil of excitement yesterday at noon by the murder of a baker named Denger, by one Emmerson, alias Texas Bill. As far as can be learned it was a cold blooded affair. Threats were freely made to lynch him immediately afterwards, but such threats were not attempted until 11 last night, at which time sixty masked men went to the jail, hammered down the doors, and would have succeeded in their undertaking but for the timely arrival of the sheriff and his posse. Although baffled in their first attempt, the lynchers declared they would string him up before morning. Emmer-son is credited with having killed several men during his lifetime. He is 53 years old.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 15, 1883.
Important Decisions.
Two important decisions have been made by the railroad commissioners; the first being in regard to discriminating rates for track facilities by the A. T. & S. F., the other of excessive charges for the transfer of freight by the St. Louis, Fort Scott & Wichita road. In the first, J. J. Hiddleston, of Eudora, was charged two cents more per hundred pounds on grain consigned to the Zenith mills at Kansas City, than if consigned to an elevator. The commissioners hold that the charge is illegal, and that while the company is not obliged to furnish side tracks for cars to wait upon, they have a right to charge parties for unreasonable delay in loading or unloading. No delay having occurred in Mr. Hiddleston’s case, he cannot be charged extra rates. In the second case, G. R. Anderson, of Mohon, was charged five dollars per car by the Missouri Pacific, for switching coal over a half mile of track at Ft. Scott, from the junction of the Missouri Pacific with the Kansas City, Fort Scott & Gulf of the St. Louis, Fort Scott & Wichita railway, while for the same services, at the same place, the charge of fifty cents per car is made for the transfer of stock, and one dollar for the transfer of fence posts. The board found that the charge of five dollars had been made as alleged in the complaint, and that no extra power or force had been employed by the M. P. to perform the service, in addition to that of operating the usual freight trains on their line. The commission-ers ruled that an amount not to exceed two dollars per car for such transfer of coal to be a reasonable and proper charge to make by the M. P. Railroad. Why any more should be charged for transferring a car load of coal than of live stock or posts, the commissioners failed to say. Journal.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 15, 1883.
Railroad Meeting.
There will be a meeting of the citizens of this city on the evening of Tuesday, August 21, to consider the construction of a line of railroad from Eureka to this point. A number of gentlemen connected with the Missouri, Winfield and Southwestern railroad will be present.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 15, 1883.
Matters at Willow Springs have assumed a quiet attitude again for a short time.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 15, 1883.
The board of arbitration, to settle disputed ranges in the territory, meet at Caldwell again next week.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 15, 1883.
Obituary. DIED, at his residence in this city, on Friday, August 10, 1883, after an illness of but three days, James E. Miller, in the 37th year of his age.
The deceased was the son of Lucius and Hannah Miller, of Waterford, Pennsylvania, at which place he was born November 7, 1816, and where he resided till the breaking out of the war. When but fifteen years of age, he enlisted as a drummer boy in company C, 83 infantry regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, the records of which show his enlistment as taking place July 16, 1862, and he received an honorable discharge May 29, 1865. While in the service he was a general favorite among both officers and men, and made many lasting friendships among the “boys in blue.” From the years 1865 to 1873 he occupied a responsible clerkship in the treasury department at Washington, D. C., and upon his marriage on July 9, 1873, to Lizzie, daughter of the Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Julia A. Forrester, of Chicago, he received an appointment in the U. S. Internal Revenue Department, at that city, where he resided for several years, until he entered the service of the A. T. & S. F. Railroad in 1879, where he remained until his death acting as passenger conductor upon the branch from Mulvane to Arkansas City, where he made hosts of friends by the uniform geniality and gentlemanly manner in which he discharged his onerous duties. The deceased had just returned from a trip east, where he had left his wife and family, and was taken sick on Wednesday of last week; and despite the best medical attention, by Drs. Chapel and Reed, he rapidly sank, expiring at nine o’clock a.m. on Friday last. The remains were incased in a handsome casket by the sorrowing friends and on Saturday, after a short service by Rev. Fleming at the house, were escorted by the A. F. & A. M. Lodge, of this city, a delegation of the A. F. & A. M. Lodge of Mulvane, of which the deceased was a member, and the G. A. R. Post of this city, to the depot, where in the presence of a large crowd of assembled friends and acquaintances all that was mortal of our friend and brother started on their last earthly journey to Waterford, Pennsylvania, where they will rest side by side with relatives who preceded him to the better land. The widow and fatherless little girl have the deepest sympathy the heart can give, and we trust that “He who doeth all things well” will mercifully help them in this their hour of trial.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 15, 1883.
The railroad company is to be thanked for the removal of the prostitutes from the stock yards where there has been perfect hell the past sixty days.
Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.
The following sensible letter written by Senator Plumb to a citizen of Winfield, who made inquiry of him concerning lands in the Indian Territory, is published by the Atchison Champion.
DEAR SIR: I have yours of the 19th. To my mind there is no use of going to Oklahoma until the government has in some way declared the land open for settlement.
If each and every man who has been ejected from the Territory had faithfully applied his time and money lost to opening a farm elsewhere, he would be fairly well off. Payne has spent time enough to have paid for a farm in Kansas—but I suppose he has spent the money of others.
Of course in time, all public lands—all balances of military reservations and of Indian reservations—will be opened for settlement. Meanwhile there are plenty of public lands for those who have none, and will be for some time. But really, should a man who has a farm in Kansas complain that the government don’t give him another? Wouldn’t it be better to save some of the land for the perishing thousands who have none? P. B. PLUMB.
Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.
Messrs. Washington, Zimmerman, and Slaughter, large stock men from the Territory, were up Tuesday enjoying the hospitalities of Geo. W. Miller.
Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.
Geo. W. Miller has shipped eighty car loads of fat cattle this week. They were all from his pastures in the Territory, and he has purchased thirty-five hundred head of through cattle to take the places of those shipped. George swaps dollars at the rate of about a hundred thousand a week now-a-days.
Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.
Cowboys took the town of Hunnewell Monday, and the citizens were compelled to telephone to Wellington for assistance. A train was placed at the disposal of Sheriff Thralls and posse, when they rolled into Hunnewell without whistling, surrounded the town, and arrested eight cowboys without firing a shot. The desperadoes now languish in jail at Wellington.
Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.
One Dergan was killed at Hutchinson on the 12th inst., by Emerson, alias Texas Bill. It was a cold-blooded affair, and an attempt was made to lynch the murderer, but was unsuccessful. Emerson is a professional man-killer and will doubtless be strung up yet by lynchers.
The Caldwell Journal, August 16, 1883.
The triumph of the Bushyhead party in the Cherokee election gives the quietus to the gee string party and settles the question of the Cherokee lease.
At the Cherokee election held last week, D. W. Bushyhead was elected Principal Chief by about 500 majority. John G. Scrimpscher was elected senator from his district.
The Caldwell Journal, August 16, 1883.
We are informed that about 250 boomers left Arkansas City on Friday of last week, for the Oklahoma lands. Payne was in Arkansas City at the time, but gave out that he did not intend to accompany the expedition. We learn that, in conversation with others, he stated it to be his intention to keep still pending the trial of his case before the U. S. Circuit Court, and that he thought inasmuch as he had adopted that course, the War and Interior departments should also maintain a neutral position and permit anyone who chose to settle upon the Oklahoma lands.
The fellow don’t seem to understand that such a course on the part of the government would be a virtual abandonment of its claims, and one is sometimes at a loss to know whether he is a fool or a knave. Perhaps a close analyzation of his character would develop both elements, each alternately predominating as circumstances seem to require.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 22, 1883.
United States Attorney Hallowell has filed his reply as attorney for Secretary Lincoln and General Pope in the David Payne injunction case.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 22, 1883.
At the Cherokee election held last week, D. W. Bushyhead was elected principal chief by about 500 majority. John G. Schrimpscher was elected senator from his district.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 22, 1883.
The Missouri, Winfield & Southwestern Railroad.
A full description of the proposition sought to be submitted to the voters of the county by the above corporation will be found in this issue in the report of last Monday evening’s railroad meeting, so need not be repeated here, nevertheless a few remarks as to the benefits to be derived from its construction will be decidedly apropos. It is a fact that the proposed line will save a distance of between sixty and seventy-five miles between this point and Kansas City, which fact alone carries great weight to all interested in shipping produce or stock as it means a corresponding reduction in car rates, such rates being fixed by law at so much per mile, thus making the shortest the cheapest route to ship over. Another feature that at first strikes the taxpayer is the voting of additional bonds, but this view is not tenable as the present roads are assessed at a valuation that brings to the county, in taxes, not only the amount of interest on their bonds but a round sum annually to go towards paying off the principal of said bonds. These facts can be verified by the records in the county offices at Winfield by anyone who will take the trouble to examine them. Thus it will be seen that the voting of these bonds, instead of adding to the taxes, will really help to pay the taxes, to say nothing of the other advantages it will give us in the way of cheaper rates and securing to us a share of the cattle that are yearly shipped from the immense grazing grounds south of us. The road will be under the Gould management, which assures us a road that will be fully competent to compete with the A. T. & S. F., thus securing the lowest paying freight and passenger rates to all points. This is a matter we hope our readers will give deep considera-tion as we believe it will be to the benefit of the county at large, and Arkansas City and Bolton Township in particular to help all in their power to build this road.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 22, 1883.
Railroad Meeting.
Pursuant to notice given a number of our citizens gathered at McLaughlin’s Hall last Monday evening to discuss railroad matters. Dr. A. J. Chapel was called to the chair, and N. T. Snyder to the secretary’s desk. The chairman introduced Mr. Hill, who enlarged upon the advantages to be gained by our city and county by the construction of the proposed Missouri, Winfield & Southwestern railroad through our county. Mr. Henry Asp was then called upon to read the proposition, the main points of which we will briefly state, as our space precludes us from publishing it in full this week. It asks the county to take capital stock to the amount of $100,000, to be paid for in county bonds. Each mile of road constructed in the county is to cost not more than $2,800 per mile. As soon as ten miles of road have been constructed in the county, bonds to the amount of $12,000 shall be paid to the company, and each succeeding five miles constructed shall entitle the company to receive an additional $12,000. This rate of payment will entitle the company to receive, upon the completion of its line and when cars are running to the south line of the state, the residue of the bonds, or $20,000. To put the above in few words, it is proposed to build a road from the north to the south line of the county for one hundred thousand dollars, of which over 25 percent, or $26,000, are not to be paid until the road is actually running to the south line of the state in Bolton Township. Said road is to issue to the county in return for its bonds $100,000 of fully paid up stock. The road is to be completed in two years from the date of issuance of the bonds. The probable point of junction of the proposed railroad with the St. Louis, Fort Scott & Wichita railroad will be at Eureka, which will cause the road to enter Cowley near the northeast corner of the county, and run via Winfield and Arkansas City to a point south or southwest of this city in Bolton Township, thus giving us advantages that no other road could give us in securing the territory cattle trade. Those present were asked to sign the petition to the county commissioners calling for an election, nearly all responding. It was also moved and carried that those parties who had subscribed for the expenses of a preliminary survey on the east and west road should transfer their subscriptions to the M. W. & S. R. R. instead, after which the meeting adjourned.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 22, 1883.
Railroad Meeting.
There will be a meeting of the citizens of Bolton Township at the Bland schoolhouse on the evening of Monday, August 27, to consider the proposition of the Missouri, Winfield and Southwestern Railroad company, which company propose to build a road through Cowley County from the northeast line to a point on the territory line somewhere in Bolton Township.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 22, 1883.
Interview with Dave Payne, Boomer.
DE VERA, in Kansas City Journal.
At Arkansas City I met Capt. Dave Payne, the Oklahoma boomer. The captain has his office and headquarters in Arkansas City, over which he proudly floats the stars and stripes. Quite a number of intended “Invaders” were camped near town ready to move forward at any moment when the signs came. I had a brief conversation with the irrepressible Dave and learned he was awaiting the decision of Judge McCrary regarding his injunction proceedings. The captain said that he and his attorneys were promptly on hand at Keokuk, ready for business, but that the United States district attorney wanted to make a five days’ argument, but was informed by the judge that the weather was too warm. He therefore gave the parties until the 10th of the present month, in which to file their briefs and arguments, the whole to be printed, at which time something must be done. Capt. Payne is of the opinion that the case will be decided favorably and that there will be no more arbitrary arrests and removals, all of which he considers have been made heretofore without any warrant of law whatever and in direct violation of the plainest provisions of the constitution. The briefs and arguments submitted in the case by the complainant are ably drawn and reflect much credit on the attorneys retained by Capt. Payne. The argument certainly is an ingenious one and will set the military department of the government to thinking at least.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 22, 1883.
C. M. Scott went to Caldwell Monday to appear before the board of arbitration of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 22, 1883.
The Caldwell Journal says the triumph of the Bushyhead party in the Cherokee election gives the quietus to the gee string party and settles the question of the Cherokee lease.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 22, 1883.
Master Walter Osage Florer, of Osage Agency, and Martin Stillwell, of Newton, Kansas, paid the TRAVELER a call yesterday. Walter is a son of J. M. Florer, of Osage Agency, and was the first white child born in the Osage Nation.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 22, 1883.
The cattle held by the Comanche County pool are estimated at 50,000 head, and the aggregate value of the pool property, including cattle, land, etc., is probably $2,000,000. The members of the pool, with very few if any exceptions, started in poor. Six years of remark-able success have made them a wealthy body of men. Cresset.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 22, 1883.
The cow-punchers have been having a high old time for several weeks past running Hunnewell in the most approved style of the art, but last week Sheriff Thralls got on to the situation and arrested Bob Mitchell, A. T. Mitchell, J. W. Guinn, Harry Halsell, J. F. McClusky, T. A. Standard, Dick Wetson, and Powell Wood. It cost them about $400 for their fun, but had they been imprisoned awhile as well as fined, we believe it would have made more impression upon them.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 22, 1883.
Texas fever has made its appearance along the south limit of the county, and many valuable cows have been lost. Plenty of salt and saltpeter is recommended as a preventative, also carbolic acid 12 ounces, glycerine 4 ounces, and bi-carbonate of soda 12 ounces, added to four gallons of water and given to drink is the preventative recommended by the govern-ment inspectors. Turning the cattle into a corn field is also said to be about as effectual as anything, but in spite of any and all things many die.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 22, 1883.
Cure for Texas Fever.
Mr. John R. Hoxie, who owns one of the largest and finest farms in Texas, situated in Williamson County, claims to have discovered an antidote for Texas or Spanish fever. For some years past he is reported to have sent a large number of thoroughbred Short-horn and Hereford cattle to his farm for breeding purposes, and claims that since he commenced using this remedy, he has not lost a single animal. The following is his own report of his work, and he is reported in every respect a reliable man.
“I give each animal a dose of belladonna, upon the first appearance of fever. This usually comes about a month after the stock reaches Texas, but not infrequently six weeks or even two months pass before they show signs of disease.
“Almost every month of the year, I have sent cattle to Williamson County, and since I began using belladonna, have lost none during the acclimatization. Nor do I fear I will lose any so long as I use the drug. I give from a teaspoonful to a tablespoonful at a dose, age of the animal and condition of the fever regulating the size of the dose. I have have never needed to give more than three doses to any animal and often one is enough.
“It should be given clear and not mixed with other matter. Soon after taking the dose, the animal will throw up a white froth, which will be quite warm, almost at fever heat, in fact, but no harm comes from that.”
All interested in the matter of introducing the best breeds of cattle in all parts of the country will be sincerely glad to see this remedy firmly established by full experiment, as a sovereign one in all cases where cattle are attacked by Spanish fever, or as a preventive where cattle are becoming acclimated to Texas. The risk involved is not so great per head as where grown animals are taken, and some parties claim that young cattle get through the acclimating process easier than those of mature age do. Rural World.
Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.
The Arkansas City Traveler tells the following story of the course taken by a bullet.
“A bullet shot from a Winchester rifle, in the hands of one of the cooks at the Central Avenue Hotel, killed the cat at which it was aimed; passed through the board fence, glanced on the stone sidewalk, and, crossing the street, entered the residence of Dr. Alexander, passing over the heads of Dr. and Mrs. Alexander, struck the middle wall and rebounding from that in an opposite direction, struck a picture and fell at the Doctor’s feet. All of which goes to prove that if a bullet is backed by a sufficiency of conserved energy, it is an uncertain quantity, and not at all desirable to be tearing around in the quiet of the family circle.”
Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.
The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe road is earning an annual surplus of one million, in addition to paying a dividend on the stock.
Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.
Mr. C. C. Wheeler, general manager of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railway, states that there is no truth in the report that his company purchased the Fort Scott & Wichita road. That road, he says, has been purchased by the Gould syndicate.
Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.
We have a sensational report from Cherryvale about the robbery, and burning, about two weeks ago, of the residence of Conductor Titus. Last Saturday Dr. Moore, a dentist and prominent citizen, and Mrs. Titus, the conductor’s wife, were both arrested and committed to jail charged with the robbery and arson. The money, $900, has been found buried in the yard and it is stated that plenty of proof has been discovered of a liaison and conspiracy between the two prisoners.
The Caldwell Journal, August 23, 1883.
The troubles between the two factions of the Creek Nation have been amicably settled through the commissioners representing the United States and a compact signed by the chief men of both parties, which, it is hoped, will put an end to the outrages which have prevailed in the Creek country for some time. A new constitution is to be adopted and those who have had their property destroyed are to be indemnified.
The Caldwell Journal, August 23, 1883.
The Last Boomer’s Raid Comes to Grief.
Word was brought in on Tuesday, by Capt. C. M. Scott, who came over from Arkansas City, to the effect that Capt. Carroll, of the U. S. Army, had captured the boomers on the Oklahoma lands, taking their wagons and stock.
About seven of the boomers escaped, and footed it all the way into Arkansas City. It is also stated that the boomers, previous to their capture, had run short of provisions, and sent a courier to Schiffbauer to forward flour and other provisions to them. Schiffbauer filled the order, and before the teams reached the grounds the flour, provisions, teams, and drivers were captured by the troops. A courier, sent down from Arkansas City with a dispatch to one of the boomers, had his horse taken from him and was compelled to hoof it back to his starting point.
What disposition will be made of the boomers, is not known. They will likely be held until orders are received from Washington.
Thus ends the latest attempt to make a location on the Oklahoma lands. Some people never learn anything from the experience of others, and it is more than likely a number of the stupids may be induced to make another attempt before winter sets in.
The Caldwell Journal, August 23, 1883.
The Muskogee Journal of the 16th gives an account of the killing of Foster, the murderous Creek who killed Robert Poisal, and afterwards killed a Deputy U. S. Marshal. About July 27th, Foster, with a companion, went to the house of Nathan and Lewis Bruner, on Deep Fork, southwest of Okmulgee. The Bruner boys were eating supper and invited Foster to take a part. When about half through the meal, he got up, and, going behind Nathan, fired three shots into his neck, killing him instantly. He then turned his attention to Lewis, who had started to run, and shot him three times in the back. Lewis ran about 150 yards into a corn field and died, his body being found next day. Foster then went back and robbed the house. The Bruner boys’ friends determined on revenge, and after a hunt, three of them came on Foster in the brush. They represented to him that they were outlaws and wanted him to join forces with them. He consented, and after getting in a lonely spot, they riddled him with bullets. Foster was a bad man, having killed four men. His first was at Shawneetown, for which he was arrested and started toward Fort Smith, but he succeeded in killing the marshal and escaped. He was a young man, but old in crime, and his taking off is a good riddance.
Note: A follow-up to above story occurred in the following publication in 1884.
Arkansas City Republican, February 16, 1884.
The Lawless Indian.
The law makers of a nation which boasts of the supremacy of law over the land have allowed to remain on their statute book until the year of our Lord 1884, the following:
Section 2145. The general laws of the United States as to punishment of crimes committed in any place within the sole and exclusive jurisdiction of the United States, except the district of Columbia, shall except the Indian country.
Section 2146. The preceding section, shall not be construed to extend to crimes committed by one Indian against the person or property of another Indian, or to any Indian committing an offense in the Indian country who has been punished by the local laws of the tribe.
A year ago last September, an Arapaho half-breed, named Robert Poisal, returning from a trip in the Indian Territory, in which he had just placed his children, was shot dead by Johnson Foster, a Creek Indian, no motive but plunder being assignable. The murderer was arrested by mounted police of the Seminole nation; and to prevent “the carrying out of tribunal laws and customs,” in the way of summary vengeance, he was turned over for safekeeping to the military authorities at Fort Reno. On request of the Interior Department, the attorney general ordered the trial of the prisoner before the United States court at Fort Smith, Arkansas, but on further consideration and correspondence, he decided that there was too much doubt as to jurisdiction of the United States in the matter to justify incurring the expense of removing the prisoner and trying the case.
The war department wearied of the custody of Foster and asked to be relieved; the Interior department urged that a dismissal should be made, and reluctantly the attorney general consented. Meantime since it had appeared that complaints of horse stealing and other offenses were pending against Foster in the United States court at Fort Smith, the United States deputy marshal, with a strong guard of troops, undertook to remove him from Fort Reno thither. Within the first fifteen miles, a party of Arapahos nearly succeeded in capturing him, and before half the journey was completed, Foster had murdered the Marshal’s assistant and made his escape. He is now at large. Now that he has murdered a white man, the majesty of the law can be manifested provided he is recaptured.
How much longer will congress turn a deaf ear to the entreaties of government officials, teachers, missionaries, and other philanthropists, religious societies, and institutions, even the “guards” themselves, that Indians be made amenable to law? Apparently hopeless of adequate legislation in his day, Commissioner Price suggests a partial remedy for the evil, which, like Captain Seller’s window sash “will keep out the coarsest of cold.” He recommends that, when new states are admitted into the union, their constitutions shall extend over Indian reservations the jurisdiction of territorial courts. This is a wise suggestion, which should be borne in mind by legislators who can spend days on revision of rules, but cannot give an hour to the erasure of one blot from our statutes. The following indignant protest, made by Bishop Hare in 1866, has added weight and force each year.
“Civilization has loosened in some places, broken the bonds which regulate and hold together Indian society in its wild state, and has failed to give the people laws and officers of justice in their place. This evil still continues unabated. Women are brutally beaten and outraged; men are murdered in cold blood; the Indians who are friendly to schools and churches are intimidated and preyed upon by the evil disposed; children are molested on their way to school, and schools are dispersed by bands of vagabonds; but there is no redress. This accursed condition of things is an outrage upon the One Lawgiver. It is a disgrace to our land. It should make every man who sits in the national halls of legislators blush. And wish well to the Indians as we may, and do for them what we will, the efforts of civil agents, teachers, and missionaries are like the struggles of drowning men weighed with lead, as long as, by the absence of law, Indian society is left without a base. Independent.”
Now, going back to Date Order. MAW
The Caldwell Journal, August 23, 1883.
NOTICE! Cattlemen on Cherokee Strip. I, or my legal representative, will be in Caldwell on or about the 5th day of September, 1883, to collect the tax due the Cherokee Nation up to the 1st day of October, 1883. I respectfully request that everyone who owes any tax will be on hand promptly at that date. D. W. LIPE, Treasurer, Cherokee Nation.
The Caldwell Journal, August 23, 1883.
“Undisputed Ranges.”
This term contains the essence of all disputes between claimants for sub-leases. Some ill-advised persons absurdly maintain that physical possession of the range gives the “undisputed range” required for membership, and that this alone entitles a man to a sub-lease. If this were true, men who were strong enough, could speedily acquire the ranges of smaller men by driving them off, and the smaller men, not having possession, would have no right. This is the argument of monopoly.
But the proposition is not true. Before the Cherokee Nation took cognizance of her ranges here, everybody held by squatter right, or right of prior occupation. Big men would squeeze out small ones, and one man would take a range justly held by another, because might made right where none had a legal title. If not strong enough to shove the holder aside, the range would be bought.
Then it was true that physical possession gave right of range to one squatter against another squatter. But none of them had any right against the owner.
The Cherokee Nation is the owner in the case before us. It alone can give “undisputed range” and indisputable range thereon. It has given such to those who have paid the legal tax, and issued to them a sealed contract known as a license. Those not receiving such license are intruders, subject to expulsion, to seizure of cattle, and a fine of $1 per head on cattle so seized. (See section 2117, etc., United States Revised Statutes.) It is evident from the law authorizing the lease, and the lease itself, that the Cherokees had in contemplation the members of the Association as persons with undisputed ranges, or licensed persons, and meant to lease to them; certainly not to intruders, who were violating U. S. Law and Cherokee Law, evading its tax and defrauding its treasury. The Directors could not have asked such a thing, and the Cherokees would not have granted it, if asked.
To have the intruder now come and ask the Directors to do a deliberate wrong to remedy the intruder’s deserved loss, to disregard the licenses of the Nation and the Intercourse laws, and acknowledge their claim as squatters as superior to the legal title of the Nation vesting in license, is simply preposterous.
The Directors in trust cannot do anything contrary to law without rendering the Association liable for damages. They cannot disregard the Cherokee licenses, the Intercourse laws, and the terms of the lease, without raising a row with the Cherokee Nation, with whom the Association must be on good terms or lose the benefits of the lease. Whatever claim the intruder may have, by personal friendship or business relation, on the Directors, he should be too considerate to ask the Directors to put themselves and the Association in such a position.
The Board of Arbitrators and the Board of Directors have decided the question in the case of Love & Son. These gentlemen held range in the Strip, had cattle on it, but no authority from the Cherokee Nation. In this case, the Board of Arbitrators and Board of Directors both decided that no person whatever, without license from the Cherokee Nation, has any range rights.
The officers decided this matter according to law and equity. They have made a just and wise decision, as we have endeavored to show, and as all thinking and unbiased men agree. Those who lose range claims by this decision can blame only their own negligence in their evasion or refusal to recognize the only power capable of giving “undisputed range.”
The Caldwell Journal, August 23, 1883.
Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of Arbitration met on Monday. Mr. Colson not being able to serve at present, Ben. Garland was appointed in his place pro tem. The first case called was that of Peter Stewart vs. The St. Joseph Cattle Co., E. M. Ford, manager. Monday and Tuesday was consumed in taking testimony, and Tuesday night the Board decided in favor of Mr. Stewart, giving him the range claimed, being six by seven miles.
The decisions of the Board in this case is regarded as a righteous one, and gives general satisfaction.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 29, 1883.
The board of arbitration, recently in session at Caldwell, allowed Mr. Chambers his range on the state line, but cut the Estus brothers’ range down nearly one-half, as they also did that of Mr. Wicks. Mr. Beach was allowed nearly all of his. We learn that several of the cases will be appealed to the board of directors.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 29, 1883.
A herd of Chickasaw cattle recently attempted to cross Mr. John Florer’s range at the mouth of Salt Fork, but Mr. Florer succeeded in keeping them off. These Chickasaws are through Texans that are driven into the Chickasaw and Choctaw Nations, and after being held a few months, are driven north. Stockmen are beginning to see that the loss from fever has been great enough this year to justify them in combining to prevent the drive. It is thought the herd will cross the Arkansas River east of Ponca Agency.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 29, 1883.
Notice to Cattlemen. Cattlemen holding ranges on the Cherokee Strip will please take notice that I, or my legal representative, will be in Caldwell on or about the 5th day of September, 1883, to collect the tax due the Cherokee Nation up to the 1st day of October, 1883. D. W. LIPE, Treasurer, Cherokee Nation.
The Caldwell Journal, August 30, 1883.
EDITOR JOURNAL. In an article (headed communicated) in your last issue, with one grain of truth is mixed nearly a bushel of nicely rounded commodities that have but little value in this market. The Board of Arbitrators have never considered, in any shape or manner, the question of intruders. Neither have they consulted the United States revised statutes, Interior Dept. Decisions, or Indian treaties. They have simply, as businessmen, of at least common hard horse sense, decided who, in their estimation, had the best right to any “range” in dispute between such parties as have agreed to leave the settlement of such disputes to the Board of Arbitration. To those who are on the “inside,” the reference to the case of Love & Son is a “dead give away,” and your correspondent has lugged in as a decision something that the Board never decided The Board of Arbitration have never decided “that no person whatever without a license from the Cherokee Nation has any range rights.” They, in the Love & Son case, gave their decision upon the grounds quoted and other causes. To have this or some future Board decided as per your correspondent’s decision, is the African in the winter fence. M.
The Caldwell Journal, August 30, 1883.
The Oklahoma boomers, captured by Capt. Carrol, week before last, are on their way up under an escort of some of the colored troops who fought nobly. The boomers will reach Caldwell about Friday or Saturday.
The Caldwell Journal, August 30, 1883.
A friend who visited Geuda Springs the other day informs us that efforts are being made to issue another number of the Oklahoma War Chief. Payne has had a picture made representing him at his supposed home in Oklahoma. He is supposed to be standing at the end of his log cabin, leaning on an axe. On a tree close by hangs a revolver and a belt full of cartridges, while his trusty and death-dealing rifle is braced up against the cabin. Our informant stated that while he and several others were looking at the picture, one of the party remarked: “It’s a good picture. That’s about the only position you could find Payne in with an axe—leaning on it.” The silence which followed the remark seemed to give consent.
The Caldwell Journal, August 30, 1883.
Arbitration Notes.
Since our last issue, the Board of Arbitration have decided the following cases.
St. Jo. Cattle Company vs. E. M. Ford, manager. Board decided that to the St. Jo. Cattle Company belonged all the range north of Red Rock 4D pasture, except such range heretofore given to Peter Stewart. Ford to be paid for the fence.
Bridge & Wilson vs. Windsor Bros. Board gave all the range in controversy to Bridge & Wilson.
M. Chambers vs. Roberts & Windsor. Settled by compromise, defendants giving plaintiff all the range he claimed.
Roberts & Windsor vs. Beach and Welch. The latter were given a range 3-1/2 by 4 miles on the head of Wolf Creek.
Roberts & Windsor vs. W. W. Wicks and same against Estes Bros. The Board gave defendants in these two cases a combined range of 24,000 acres.
Northrup & Stevens vs. Doubleday & Co. Board decided in favor of plaintiffs. The defendants gave notice of appeal to Board of Directors.
The case of Roberts & Windsor vs. Tomlin & Webb was compromised.
R. R. Owens vs. Andrews, A. Gorham, J. M. Day, Spencer & Drew, H. Kollar, Reed, Ward, and Byler, continued to Thursday, August 30th.
The Caldwell Journal, August 30, 1883.
Notice to Appellants. At the meeting of Board of Directors of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, to be held in Caldwell, September 3, 1883, no arbitration cases will be considered. BEN S. MILLER, President Board.
The Caldwell Journal, August 30, 1883.
The Cowley County folks are considering a proposition to vote $100,000 in county bonds for the construction of a railroad from some point on the St. Louis, Fort Scott and Wichita road to Winfield and Arkansas City.
Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.
In December 1878 when this county had before it the proposition to vote not exceeding $144,000 in bonds to the A., T. & S. F., or rather to the C. S. & F. S. railroad, the COURIER said in support of the proposition that in case the stock, which the county would get for the bonds, should prove utterly valueless, and though we should not take into account the great advantage it would certainly be in saving the enormous cost of hauling freight and produce to and from Wichita; yet the voting the bonds would be a speculation to the county by reducing the rate of taxation. We stated that the assessment of the county was then about $2,000,000, that the average rate of taxation was then about 40 mills, which should raise about $80,000 in taxes for all purposes; that if the bonds were voted and 36 miles of road built in the county, the bonds would be issued to the amount of $144,000 at 6 percent, and the yearly interest on the bonds would be $8,610; that if we raised $10,000 additional a year by taxation, it would pay that interest and leave $1,360 a year surplus, and this surplus well invested year by year would create a sinking fund which could be applied directly after ten years to reducing the debt and the yearly interest, thus increasing the yearly surplus which would entirely extinguish the debt within the thirty years. We estimated that the railroad would be assessed $216,000, that other property to the amount of $534,000 assessment would come into the county because of the building of the road, in increased stocks of goods, more machinery, cattle, sheep, and other stock, more buildings, new towns, increased value of town lots, etc.; together raising the assessment rolls from $2,000,000 to $2,750,000 with-out considering the increased value it would give to farm lands and without increasing their assessments. That on this assessment of $2,750,000 a rate of 33 mills would raise the $10,000 for interest and sinking fund in addition to the $80,000 for general purposes, and therefore the voting of the bonds would reduce the rate of taxation from 40 mills to 33 mills, a saving to the then present taxpayers of near 7 mills on the dollar per year for ten years and a still greater saving thereafter.
Now we will see how nearly the estimates then made are confirmed by the facts which have since transpired. We voted the bonds to the C. S. & F. S., and $128,000 of them were issued up to December 30, 1879. We also voted $68,000 to the S. K. & W. railroad, which were issued in February and March, 1880. The total assessed valuation of the county for that year was $2,945,381, of which $357,895 was railroad property. In 1881 the total assessment was $3,094,070, of which $384,898 was railroad property. In 1883 the total assessment is $3,518,145, of which $470,983 is railroad property. If you examine carefully, you will find that there has been no raise in the assessed value of lands generally, on account of the general advance in price, and that other property is assessed lower than it was four years ago. Property generally that would sell for $400 is valued now no higher than property that would only bring $300 three years ago, if our observation is correct. Then we must remember that in 1880-1881 we had failure in crops and great depression, causing a great falling off in population and the removal of much property besides depressing values. So it is fair to say that besides the $470,000 railroad property valuation, near a million of other property has come into the county because of the railroads, that our railroads have increased our assessment rolls over a million and a half and nearly double what our estimate in December 1879 was for the one road. But it does not need to be nearly double to justify our estimate before the roads were built, for though we were to get two roads, both are under the same control and for competitive purposes they are scarcely better than one road. But to be liberal, we will admit it to be equal to a road and a half. Then taking one and a half times $750,000, our then estimated increase for one road, we have $1,125,000 increase added to the $2,000,000 of 1878 gives $3,125,000 for present assessment and leaves $400,000 to the account of other causes. Therefore, it appears to us that our estimates of December 1873 were too low rather than too high.
Now of the $196,000 bonds we issued for the two roads, the S. K. & W. stock has taken up $38,000 bonds and leaves money in the treasury to take up $8,000 more, leaving the rail-road indebtedness $150,000. Of this $128,000 runs at 6 percent or $7,680 a year, and the remaining $22,000 draws 7 percent, or $1,540 a year, amounting to $9,220 annual railroad interest. If we sell no more stock, $10,750 a year raised by taxation will pay the interest and create a sinking fund which will pay off the principal, and a 3 mill tax will nearly raise the amount this year and will more than do it in after years. And while the county is paying this $10,750 a year, the $470,000 railroad property is paying a 25 mill tax for county and school purposes, amounting to $10,750, which makes even and costs the other taxpayers nothing, while the other property brought here because of the railroads, still further reduces the taxes on the people.
Now we have no competing road and the county is asked to vote $100,000 six percent, ten thirty year bonds to secure a competing road of 45 or more miles in the county. But placing it at 45 miles, the least that is estimated, and count the assessment at same rate per mile as the present roads are valued, and it would be assessed at $270,000. It is fair to estimate that $430,000 other property at assessor’s valuation would come into the county because of the road, making $700,000 increase of property and raising the assessment rolls from $3,500,000 to $4,200,000. Whatever increase from other causes there might be would raise the amount still higher. The interest on the $100,000 bonds would be $6,000 a year and $1,000 for sinking fund, which added to $91,000 would make $98,000 to be raised by taxation, and it would take only a 23-1/4 mill tax to raise the amount whereas now it would take 26 mills to raise $91,000. So it is evident that voting the bonds would reduce the rate of taxation in this county at least 2-3/4 mills per annum for 30 years and reduce it more thereafter when the entire indebtedness caused thereby would be canceled.
As we are now situated, the present railroads pay one-eighth of our taxes, and must pay the same proportion of the taxes on bonds to secure a rival road and it will make the R. R. property $700,000 of the $4,200,000 or one-sixth of the whole, and the railroads would then have to pay one sixth of all our taxes.
Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.
Missouri, Winfield and Southwestern Railroad Company.
This company has not been blowing in the newspapers of what they were doing or trying to do, but have quietly kept at work, have interested eastern capitalists in the scheme, and have the assurance that as soon as the townships in Greenwood, Butler, and Cowley Counties have voted the bonds, the money will be forthcoming to build the road. Bond elections have been called in Eureka City, and Eureka and Otter Creek Townships in Greenwood County, and in Hickory and Union Townships in Butler County.
Mr. Morehead, an experienced railroad engineer, from Pennsylvania, well known in rail-road circles, has been in the field for three weeks, and has found the easiest and best pass through the flint hills yet discovered and has already completed a careful survey of the line from Eureka to Winfield. The route does not vary three miles from an air line and is favor-able. Another line will be run between Winfield and the north line of the county that may prove even more favorable.
In case of a failure to vote the bonds in any of the townships of Greenwood and Butler, we have two other routes in view, on both of which the people are anxious to vote the needed aid. The company is in the first place to make a connection with the St. Louis, Ft. Scott and Wichita railroad, which is a Gould road, and is being operated by the Missouri Pacific company. When the line is built to Winfield, the Missouri Pacific will run the road. Next to Eureka the company prefer Toronto in Woodson County as the point of intersection with the Fort Scott and Wichita road as that is in the direction of the Walnut coal fields near the Marais Des Cygne and the Missouri state line. The distance from Winfield to Toronto by way of Severy or Twin Falls is about 70 miles and the people all along the line in Greenwood are anxious for the road.
Another connection with the Fort Scott and Wichita is to run through directly to Rosalia. This has, in favor of it, the shortest distance to the connection.
Among the three, little or no doubt exists that the subsidies will be voted on one of them and if Cowley County comes to time with the subsidies, the road will be built as soon there-after and as fast as men and money can do it.
It is asked that Cowley County shall vote its bonds and take stock in the road to the amount of $100,000. Petitions are in circulation to call the election to vote on the proposition. The proposition provided that no bonds shall be delivered until the road is completed and running from a connection with the St. Louis, Fort Scott and Wichita railroad north or northeast of this county to the north line of this county and into this county ten miles. Then only $12,000 of the bonds shall be delivered and thereafter $12,000 whenever five additional miles are completed; and finally the balance of the $100,000 when the road shall be completed to the county line near the southwest corner of the county. This balance kept back will be $28,000.
No better proposition for this county could be conceived. It binds the road to the Gould system of roads and makes it a competing road beyond all question and for all time until the Gould system is sold out at least. There is at least as much danger that the Gould syndicate will buy out the Santa Fe system as that the Santa Fe will buy out the Gould.
We hope our readers will be prepared to sign the petition promptly when presented.
In another article we present some reasons for the petition.
Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.
The Kansas City, Winfield & Southern Railroad.
There is a project on foot to build a railroad from Winfield to Kansas City, the prelimi-nary survey of a portion of which is now being made from Winfield to Eureka. Our citizens should investigate this matter. The road will, in all probability, be built, and it seems to us that if the proper encouragement were given, we might secure it. A direct line from Winfield to Kansas City will not miss either Eureka, Burlington, Ottawa, or Olathe three miles. These are all good towns and are all county seats, and it would seem that it would be to the interest of the road to pass through instead of around them. If this road is to be built, we hope our people will make an effort to secure it. Burlington Republican.
Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.
Last Monday a delegation from Butler County consisting of J. W. Watson and M. Campbell, of Leon, and A. D. Lee and A. W. Dennison, of Douglass, visited the director of the M., W. & S. W. railroad at Winfield to urge the construction of the road up the Walnut Valley to Douglass, and up the Little Walnut Valley to Leon and a connection with the Ft. Scott & Wichita road at Rosalia. They say that the townships in Butler along this line are enthusiastic for this road and will vote liberal subsidies.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 5, 1883.
The injunction asked for by Payne and upon the granting of which he rested all his hopes of a settlement upon Oklahoma, has been refused.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 5, 1883.
The Oklahoma boomers captured by Capt. Carrol, week before last, are on their way up under the escort of some of the colored troops who fought nobly. The boomers will reach Caldwell about Friday or Saturday. Caldwell Journal.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 5, 1883.
Another herd of cattle supposed to be a through herd from Texas passed along the State line, south of Chilocco Creek, last Friday, and created considerable uneasiness among the stockmen holding cattle in that vicinity. The cattle belonged to Osage Brown, and were being driven into the Osage country. There is considerable doubt as to this herd being a through herd, as the cattle were in good condition and there were none lame. The herders were reckless in driving, however, and paid no attention to ranges; driving through bed [?] grounds and among cattle on the range. The herd that drove through some two months ago drove along the state line, while this last herd drove three miles south of the line.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 5, 1883.
At the meeting of the board of directors of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, to be held in Caldwell, September 3, 1883, no arbitration cases will be considered.
BEN S. MILLER, President Board. Caldwell, August 27, 1883.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 5, 1883.
Mr. Thos. E. Berry and R. E. Grubbs were on the passenger train which collided with a freight train at Osage City, last week. The engineer and fireman were badly injured, and a baggage and express car demolished, but otherwise no damage was done. This was indeed a narrow escape for Arkansas City’s two representatives.
The Caldwell Journal, September 6, 1883.
Judge McCrary Renders a Decision in Effect Against the Oklahoma Colonists.
The following opinion rendered by Judge McCrary a few days ago will be read with interest by all persons who contemplated moving to Oklahoma.
In the Circuit Court of the United States, District of Kansas, August, 1883.
David L. Payne, complainant, vs. Robert T. Lincoln and John Pope. In equity.
The complainant alleges that he is a citizen of the United States, and that he served as a soldier of the United States during the war of the rebellion, and was honorably discharged; that he is entitled to settle upon certain territory described in the bill for the purpose of taking a homestead and of obtaining and keeping his home, residence, and his citizenship therein; that he has been attempting by all means in his power to enter upon said territory for that purpose and would have done so were it not for the acts of the defendant, who is a major-general in the army of the United States, having command of a large body of United States soldiers, and who, under orders from the president, has by force prevented complainant from entering upon said territory, and thus unlawfully deprived him of a right guaranteed to him by the constitution and laws of the United States. The bill avers that the territory in question is public land of the United States and open to settlement under the laws hereof.
The particular territory in controversy is described as follows, in the bill.
“Being that portion of the so-called Indian Territory lying south of the State of Kansas and west of the State of Arkansas, and being that portion thereof situate and lying between the North Fork of the Canadian river on the north, and the Canadian river on the south, and extending from the Indian meridian on the east, which meridian nearly corresponds with the sixth principal meridian traversing the state line of Kansas from north to south to the north and south township line between townships seven and eight to the west of said Indian meridian, as will more fully appear by reference to the United States survey thereof.”
The prayer of the bill is for an injunction to restrain the defendants from molesting, interfering with, seizing, imprisoning, detaining, or prevent complainant and others similarly situated accompanying him from going to or remaining upon said territory.
There is no service upon the defendant, Robert T. Lincoln, and the present order is only asked as against the defendant, John Pope.
The motion is submitted upon the allegations of the bill in connection with the statutes and treaties applicable to the controversy.
S. N. Wood and Waters & Ensminger, for complainant.
J. R. Hallowell, United States attorney for General Pope.
McGraw, Circuit Judge.
Is the land under question subject to enter under the pre-emption and homestead laws of the United States? This is the controlling question in the case. It is, to say the least, a question of doubt, and one concerning which there is a serious dispute. The executive branch of the government after the investigation, and being advised by the attorney general of the United States, has decided it in the negative, and have accordingly issued orders to the defendant, John Pope, who, as major-general of the army, has military control of the Indian Territory, to prevent by force the occupation of the disputed territory by white settlers. Under such circumstances, all that this court can at present be reasonably asked to do is to preserve the status quo until the final adjudication of the controversy. Were the parties at issue upon a question of legal right, and an injunction is necessary for the purpose of preserving all existing rights until final hearing, a preliminary injunction will generally be granted; but in the present case the existing status would be destroyed, not preserved, by granting the writ. The sole purpose for which the injunction is granted in advance of a final hearing in such cases, is to preserve the rights of the parties pending the suit, so as to leave the subject matter intact, to be dealt with by the court in the final decree. It is to compel the party against whom it is granted to maintain his status merely until the matter in dispute shall by due process of the court be determined.
Hight on injunctions, sec. 8, Mammoth Vein Coal Company’s appeal, 54 Pa. St. 182. To grant the preliminary writ to this case would be in advance of hearing upon the merits, to open up the disputed territory by settlement, and this in effect to predetermine the controversy as well as to destroy the present situation.
To refuse this writ is to preserve, or at least not to disturb, the existing status. Without, therefore, considering other questions, the motion for preliminary injunction is overruled upon this ground.
The Caldwell Journal, September 6, 1883.
Shot Through the Head.
DODGE CITY, KANSAS, September 2. News has just reached this city by telegraph from Camp Supply, Indian Territory, of a murder committed on Wolf Creek, near there, last evening. G. C. Smith, of Oxford, Alabama, boss of the Dominion Cattle Company’s outfit, was shot through the head and instantly killed by Al Thurman, foreman for the Jackson Cattle Company, in a dispute about a stock range. A warrant has been issued. A deputy United States marshal started tonight to arrest Thurman.
The Caldwell Journal, September 6, 1883.
Serious Charges.
Special to the Kansas City Times.
ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS, August 31. The greatest excitement that has ever been known in this country exists now. The Oklahoma War Chief, a paper published in Geuda Springs, in this county, makes charges of not only a serious nature, but criminal in character, against Hon. P. B. Plumb, United States senator from Kansas, and Secretary of the Interior Teller. Right on top of this some buck the men driven out of Oklahoma by the United States army. These men are desperate and say, as all now believe, that Judge McCrary was improperly dealt with by these syndicates in Oklahoma. In a word, that McCrary knew that these lands were or were not public lands; that there is no excuse for this delay. The War Chief claims to be able to prove that Hood, a banker in Emporia, and partner to Senator Plumb, has men now taking up these lands, and that the settlers are held back that the syndicates may get hold of all the best lands. Certain it is that there are men now surveying, and taking up land there, and that they have the support of the United States army while all men not in the rings are driven out.
The Caldwell Journal, September 6, 1883.
Oklahoma Boomers.
Sergeant Wilson, with a detachment of the 9th U. S. Cavalry, arrived last Friday from Fort Reno with a party of Oklahoma boomers, captured the week previous. The boomers numbered 125 and had 38 wagons. A few of them went through town while the others went to Hunnewell and Arkansas City. Our interviewer failed to get hold of any of the party, and consequently we can’t give their opinions regarding the unprofitable trip they made.
Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.
Southeast Cowley.
The greatest sensation of the day is the shooting of Milt Tompkins, some three miles from Cedarvale and one-half mile from Cowley County line, on Sunday night, whilst at home, asleep on a bed just outside of his house. He was shot with a small calibre revolver, just over his left eye. He is not dead yet. Henderson, County Attorney, and Sheriff Boyd came over from Sedan Tuesday and had a young man by the name of Bacon arrested and taken at once and confined in the jail at Sedan for fear of mob violence. The community is greatly worked up over the matter. Was told today that Bacon and Tompkins have been on too intimate terms for several years and this was the cause of the assassination.
Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.
DIED. A Mr. Tompkins, living at the mouth of Cedar Creek near Cedarvale, in Chautauqua County, was murdered in cold blood by a pistol shot on Saturday evening the 25th ult. He was shot in the head while lying asleep on the porch of his house. His brains were protruding and he was lying insensible at last accounts, but death was certain shortly. Suspicion fell upon his wife and one Wirt Bacon. A week after the shooting some of the neighbors told Mrs. Tompkins that Wirt Bacon had given the whole thing away and accused her of being the guilty party. This so confused her that she told the whole story. She had made arrangements with Bacon by which he was to kill Tompkins and afterwards marry her. On the 25th they went together to Cedarvale, where he bought a pistol and loaded it. Together they went to Tompkins’ house and found him asleep on the porch. She held the dog to keep him still, while Bacon crept up and fired into the sleeping man’s head. Immediately after this revelation Bacon was arrested, and hurried off to Sedan to keep him out of the hands of the mob. This is the report as it comes to us on pretty good authority. If true, it is one of the most satanic crimes that ever occurred in Southern Kansas.
Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.
The petitions to call an election to vote aid to the M., W. & W. road are being signed rapidly.
Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.
Messrs. Wright and Durham, of Douglass, were down last week looking up the railroad situation. They want the Missouri, Winfield & Southwestern railroad for Douglass if it is possible to secure it.
Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.
The surveyors on the M., W. & S. road have been working in Cowley for the past week and will be in today. The profiles of the road, plats, etc., will then be made up by Chief Engineer Morehead at his headquarters here.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 12, 1883. Editorial Page.
The M., W. & S. R. R.
The petition in the matter of the above railroad now circulating for signers and to be presented to the board of commissioners asking that an election be called to vote aid to the above enterprise in the sum of $100,000, is lacking in so many important particulars that we would be sorry to see it brought before the people as it could not carry, and would thus be an unnecessary expense upon the county. One of the most important of its defects is an absence of all matter relating to the location of side tracks, depots, etc., the result of which would be that each city or township desiring such convenience would have to pay the road an additional bounty therefor in addition to the county aid asked. At the meeting in this city last week, the honest inquirers were put off with the excuse that their demands would be recognized in a supplemental contract to be given by the company, whoever they may be. This is too gauzy; all these points should be included in and provided for in the petition presented to the commissioners and unless so provided for, the people will be at the mercy of the corporation for the most trivial accommodations. We in common with the citizens of Arkansas City and vicinity are in favor of, and will do all things reasonable to assist such road, when an acceptable proposition is submitted, but we believe the $100,000 asked from the county should give us the road and necessary conveniences for the transaction of busi-ness, free of all other demands whatever.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 12, 1883.
A few Oklahomaites still linger about their headquarters, loth to leave the promised land, yet restrained from entering therein by the decision of Judge McCrary.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 12, 1883.
The widow of H. E. Finley, the engineer who lost his life in the Oxford Bridge accident, last week received a check for $2,000 from the A. O. U. W., of which order deceased was a member.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 12, 1883.
It was rumored on the street last Saturday that unless our town subscribed $1,000 to the preliminary survey of the M. K., W. & S. E. R. R., it would be switched over to Geuda Springs. Isn’t this rather an infantile monopoly to thus crack its whip?
Arkansas City Traveler, September 12, 1883.
Sergeant Wilson, with a detachment of the 9th U. S. Cavalry, arrived last Friday from Fort Reno with a party of Oklahoma boomers, captured the week previous. The boomers numbered 125 and had thirty-eight wagons. A few of them went through town, while the others went to Hunnewell and Arkansas City. Our interviewer failed to get hold of any of the party, and consequently we can’t give their opinions regarding the unprofitable trip they made. Caldwell Journal.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 12, 1883.
We learn of a brutal murder that was committed near the eastern line of this county about a week ago. It appears that a man named Bacon was suspected of looking after the interests of Mrs. Thompkins a little too closely to suit the prejudices of Mr. Thompkins, who discharged Mr. Bacon from his employ. Thompkins was afterward shot while asleep, and it is reported that Mrs. Thompkins has confessed that Bacon killed him, and that while she knew that he would do so, she did not think he would kill him so soon.
Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.
WHERE IS PAYNE? Judge McCrary has decided that the Secretary of War is a bigger man than Dave Payne. It is intimated that Dave will take an appeal.
The Caldwell Journal, September 13, 1883.
Payne Skipped Out.
The Geuda Springs Herald says the JOURNAL was mistaken about Payne going to Oklahoma, and states that the boys got all ready to start, but Payne skipped out for Wichita, and they are still awaiting his return.
The Caldwell Journal, September 13, 1883.
Tell W. Walton returned on Saturday, having completed his job of surveying the ranges in the middle division of the Cherokee Strip. Tell has done his work satisfactorily to the stockmen, and has only to make a plat of the country surveyed, in order that the Live Stock Association may know how much each one holding in that division will have to pay.
The Caldwell Journal, September 13, 1883.
Robbed and Cruelly Beaten by Highwaymen.
[From Arkansas City Democrat, September 11.]
A gentleman by the name of James T. Watson, called at our office last Wednesday evening, and informed us that he had been robbed and beaten by highwaymen near Elgin on Monday the 3rd inst., and by request gave us an account of the affair, which is as follows.
He said, “I reside near Sun City, Barber County, and left home three weeks ago last Saturday, for Baxter Springs, at which place I had some business matters to settle up which placed me in possession of something over $1,200. When I got ready to return home I placed $700 in a pocket inside my shirt, and the remainder, about $500, in my pocket book. I did not apprehend any danger and consequently was unarmed. Just before sundown last Monday I stopped at a farm house some eight or ten miles the other side of Elgin and asked to stay overnight; they told me the family was sick and they could not keep me, so I thought I would ride on to Elgin. It soon commenced to get dark, and I noticed two men on horseback in the road about three hundred yards behind me, and thinking it would be pleasant to have company, if not only for a short distance, I waited for them to come up. When they got along side of me, I saw they were both armed to the teeth, but as they looked and appeared like gentlemen, I felt no apprehension.
“One of them asked me if I was a stranger in those parts, and I told him that I was, and that I wanted to make Elgin that night. He said, there is where we are going, and we will pilot you through. We rode along and chatted pleasantly for about a mile until we came to a little creek and stopped to let our horses drink, when they drew their revolvers and told me to hand over my money, or they would shoot my d d brains out. I told them I had no money and started to ride on, when one of them struck me over the head with a loaded quirt, and knocked me off my horse. They then dismounted and pounded me with their revolvers until I was unconscious. When I came to, my pocket book and watch were gone, but they did not find the $700 inside my shirt, and my faithful ‘cow pony’ had not deserted me, and I mounted him and rode about two miles to a farm house, where I was taken in and cared for, and after hearing my story a number of cowboys who were stopping there mounted their ponies and started out, and did not return until the next morning, but found no trace of the ruffians.”
We have no reason to believe but what the above story is correct, as Mr. Watson had a very bad looking phiz, and unquestionably had been very badly dealt with. He has probably arrived at his home in Barber by this time, a wiser if not a richer man.
The Caldwell Journal, September 13, 1883.
S. Jackson, manager of the New York Cattle Co., was arrested at Dodge City last Friday and taken to Wichita, charged with complicity in the killing of G. C. Smith, of the Dominion Cattle Company, by Al Thurman, an account of which was given last week. As the Dominion Cattle Company are the successors of the late Millett Cattle Company, which maintained a crowd of killers and cattle thieves, it is barely possible that some of the old Millett crowd still hang around the Dominion range. If such should prove to be the case, the presumption is that Thurman acted in self-defense, and that Jackson had nothing to do with the trouble or its results.
Since the above was put in type, we learn that Thurman was indicted by the U. S. Grand Jury at Wichita, upon his own voluntary statement as to the occurrence resulting in the killing of Smith.
Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.
The petitions for the calling of an election to vote aid to the Missouri, Winfield & Southwestern railroad are being signed up rapidly and will be presented to the board at an early date. The towns of Rosalia, Leon, and Douglass, in Butler County, are making a big effort to get the road down the big and little Walnut Valleys. The securing of this road means another stride forward for Cowley County and thousands of dollars added to the value of her real estate and productions.
Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.
Mr. George H. McIntire has been putting in the past two weeks in attendance on the U. S. Court, now in session at Wichita. During the two months preceding the sitting of this court, Mr. McIntire, in the way of his duties as Deputy U. S. Marshal, captured and lodged in the Wichita jail thirteen criminals. These he captured in the Territory bordering our State, and were made up of murderers, horse thieves, illicit whiskey sellers, and other violators of law and order. Like Phil. Sheridan, he “warmed ’em up all along the line.” As this is the same McIntire who is to be our next sheriff, it shows that the convention “knew its man.” George was Sheriff Shenneman’s trusted assistant during all his term of office, and he will be a worthy successor to that brave officer. The Republicans of Cowley hardly ever fail to find the right man for the right place.
Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.
A prominent railroad officer of this State, in a conversation the other day about Kansas, said that the railroads of the state could not, with their present rolling stock, haul out the products of Kansas for the year 1883 in two full years. He stated that he had made calculations, based on official reports which demonstrated this conclusion. Every railroad in the state has more business offered it than it can haul. It is now even impossible to supply the demands for cars that come in daily, and yet the crops of 1883 hardly commenced to move. None of the corn has been harvested, and vast quantities of wheat, oats, rye, and barley are in the stack.
Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.
Oklahoma Payne has again come to grief. He and his followers were again brought out of the promised land to Caldwell by the troops last week. The Oklahoma War Chief, his mouth organ, has turned up its toes to the daisies and it looks as though his efforts had certainly been wasted on the desert air—unless, possibly, he has salted down a goodly amount of the hard earnings of those he duped into following him.
Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.
Hunnewell, that home of the cowboy, advertises for a school teacher; not one of those delicate youths fresh from an Eastern college, and only waiting around for a call to the chief editorship of one of the big dailies, but a stalwart, broad-shouldered, big-handed man, who can knock down a bullock or shoot the eye-lashes off a fly at ten paces. They offer big wages and a life-insurance premium to one who can manage the school. The Texas steer can’t be having a very civilizing effect on the youth of Hunnewell.
Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.
Two railroads pass through Cowley County. A branch of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe road, connecting with the main line at Newton, traverses the county from its northwest corner to, and having its terminus at, Arkansas City; while an extension of the old Leavenworth, Lawrence & Galveston road from Cherryvale passes through the county from east to west. While these two lines of road are non-competing, both being operated by the same company, yet under the admirable commissioner system of the State, they cannot become too oppressive, and they afford excellent facilities for the shipment of the products of the county to eastern markets. A third line of road is under contemplation and will undoubtedly be built.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, September 19, 1883.
[From the Caldwell Journal.]
The United States grand jury at Wichita failed to find an indictment against Phil McCusker or Col. Manee. There was no evidence to show that either one of them had given or sold whiskey to any Indian in the Cheyenne country.
A regular meeting of the board of directors and of the board of arbitrators will be held in the city of Caldwell on the 27th day of September, 1883, at which time all matters in arbitration will come up. It is expected that every member of the association will be present at that time, in order to enter into lease for their different ranges, and receive their certificates of membership. BEN S. MILLER, President.
Tell W. Walton returned on Saturday, having completed his job of surveying the ranges in the middle division of the Cherokee strip. Tell has done his work satisfactory to the stock men, and has only to make a plat of the country surveyed in order that the Live Stock association may know how much each one holding in that division will have to pay.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 19, 1883.
The last railroad bond proposition does not meet with much favor among the residents in the eastern part of the county. When a farmer has to give one bushel of wheat out of every twenty to pay his taxes, it is time to consider that bonds have to be paid.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 19, 1883.
Milton Thompkins, the man who was shot a week or two since near Cedarvale, lived for over a week after the shooting. A post-mortem examination was held and the fatal bullet was found lodged in against the skull after having passed diagonally through the brain from left to right. Mrs. Thompkins is now confined at Sedan, and the preliminary examination of Bardo, who is charged with the murder, was set for Thursday last.
[Bill: Had article written same day by Winfield Courier and Caldwell Journal. There was a discrepancy between two accounts. Courier had C. B. Culvery as Secretary: Caldwell had G. B. Calvert. [In October Caldwell Journal stated A. B. Calvert was Secretary.] Courier stated arrested at Wichita last Monday: Caldwell stated arrested at Wichita on Wednesday of last week. Both showed United States Attorney as J. R. Hollowell...believe Hallowell is correct. Have rewritten this to incorporate stories from both papers, as follows. MAW]
Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883. The Caldwell Journal, September 20, 1883.
Payne and Other Officers, Oklahoma Company, Arrested.
Last Monday, at Wichita, David L. Payne, President; J. B. Cooper, Treasurer; A. B. Calvert, Secretary; and A. W. Harris, Assistant Secretary, of the Oklahoma Company, an association for the purpose of entering and locating in the Indian Territory, were arrested upon a warrant issued by United States Commissioner, J. F. Sherman, on the complaint of United States Attorney, J. R. Hallowell, charging them with a conspiracy to violate a law of the United States, and to commit an offense against the laws of the United States by settling upon the lands in the Indian Territory, and that Payne and his colonists be expelled therefrom, by order of the President of the United States.
Payne is the individual known as Oklahoma Payne, and was brought before the commission by Mr. Charles Hatton, assistant, and who appears for the Government, and the case was continued till the next day, for the witnesses to appear, but it is not expected that the case will be heard till the 29th. Payne has been costing the government many thousands of dollars annually, for two or three years, and in the face of repeated warnings. It seems that Attorney Hallowell has become tired of so much foolery and is determined on more radical and effectual means.
The arrest is a good thing for Payne, because it relieves him from promises made to his deluded followers, and gives him what he dearly loves above all other things, a little cheap notoriety, and at the same time will enable him to work a new batch of sympathy that will likely aid in replenishing his treasury. Save the above results, and putting the government to an unnecessary expense, we can see no good likely to arise from the arrest of Payne and the men associated with him.
It may be, however, that the U. S. Attorney has taken this step in order to get the case into court in such a way that a decision must be rendered as to the status of the lands in question. But it is claimed that the decision of Judge Parker, of the Western Arkansas district, and the more recent decision of Judge McCrary, practically settles that point, and leave no ground upon which Payne can claim a right to settle upon the Oklahoma lands. Look at the move on the part of the U. S. Attorney from any point we may, it has the appearance to us of being a farce.
The Caldwell Journal, September 20, 1883.
We were in error last week in stating that the Dominion Cattle Company was the outgrowth of the old Millet crowd. The range and cattle now owned by the Dominion Company were sold to them by Doc. Day, who held that range for six years previous to disposing it to the Dominion folks. At the time of the sale, G. C. Smith, the man killed by Al Thurman, foreman of the New York Cattle Company, was in the employ of Mr. Day, and was retained by the Dominion Company, Mr. Day, stipulating that whenever the Company got through with his services, they were to let him go back to his old employer. It is also stated to us upon the most reliable authority that Mr. Smith was one of the most peaceable men employed on the range in the Panhandle, that in no sense was he identified with the “killer” class, and that in all respects he was entitled to the confidence and respect of everybody with whom he came in contact. The taking of his life is regarded by the Dominion Cattle Company and his old friends as nothing less than a cold-blooded and deliberate murder, and they are determined to prosecute the affair to the bitter end. We trust this may prove to be the case, and that if it can be demonstrated that the death of Mr. Smith was the result of a conspiracy, everyone of the guilty parties will be brought to speedy punishment, without regard to their standing or former reputation.
The Caldwell Journal, September 20, 1883.
The Other Side.
[From Mobeetie Panhandle, September 7th.]
On Saturday, September 1st, a dispute about the ownership of a portion of their range on Wolf Creek occurred between G. C. Smith and Al Thurman. Thurman with some friends, approached Smith, who was riding alone, when Thurman said to Smith:
“You must move your ranch.”
Smith replied: “I will not do it.”
Thurman said: “If you don’t move, I’ll move you.”
Smith said: “Don’t do that; it will cause trouble.”
Thurman said: “If you mean trouble between you and me, it may as well begin right here,” and immediately shot Smith through the head, killing him instantly.
Some deputy U. S. Marshals are pursuing, but we have not heard of his being captured.
The Caldwell Journal, September 20, 1883.
Elsewhere will be found a card from Major Lipe, treasurer of the Cherokee Nation, notifying all persons on the strip who are in arrears for taxes to settle by the 26th of this month. Those holding cattle on the strip and claiming ranges, who neglect or refuse to settle with the Cherokee Nation, will be compelled to move out, therefore, for their own good, it is necessary that they give due attention to Major Lipe’s notice.
Notice to Occupants of Cherokee Strip Lands.
All persons not having license in the Cherokee Strip by September 26th will be reported by me to the Interior Department as intruders, and their range rights disputed by me before the Board of Directors of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association.
D. W. LIPE, Treasurer, Cherokee Nation.
The Caldwell Journal, September 20, 1883.
Luke Short, disgusted with the moral reform recently instituted at Dodge, has sold out his saloon and gone to Texas to engage in the cattle business.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, September 26, 1883.
The result of the late elections in the Creek Nation, at which Splechie was elected Chief over Perrimer and Chicate, is a defeat for the progressive party.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 26, 1883.
The Cherokee payment of $300,000 was made last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 26, 1883.
The pasture now being enclosed by Evans, Hunter & Newman on the Cheyenne and Arapaho reservation is an immense affair, taking some 250 miles of barbed wire fence to enclose it. There will be about 150 miles of cross fencing, making in all about 400 miles of fence. The range thus secured is one of the finest in the southwest, having an abundance of fine, pure water, and a luxuriant growth of nutritious grass. This, with their interest in the Comanche pool, will make them the largest cattle owners in this section, and if they have the success that has heretofore met their investments, they will make a mint of money in the next few years. Medicine Lodge Cresset.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 26, 1883.
Notice to Occupants of Cherokee Strip Lands. All persons not having license in the Cherokee Strip by September 26 will be reported by me to the Interior Department as intruders, and their range rights disputed by me before the board of directors of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association. D. W. LIPE, Treasurer, Cherokee Nation.
The Caldwell Journal, September 27, 1883.
Roadway Through the Strip.
The Cherokee Advocate copies an item published in the JOURNAL two or three weeks ago in reference to roadways through the Strip, and makes the following comments.
It would no doubt be a great accommodation to drovers and freighters to have a four miles wide road left, here and there, unfenced, through the lands recently leased by the Cherokees to a company of stockmen. It would probably be good policy for the lucky Company to make some such provision. But, as their obligation to the public to do any such thing, that is a pony of a different color. The Cherokee Nation leased to Cols. Drumm, Hewins, Eldred, and associates, 6,000,000 acres land, more or less, for grazing purposes, with no material restrictions except as to timber and the three salt springs and their approaches. The Company acquired the right to utilize, for their own benefit, every foot of land on which they pay rental; and while of course they would have no right to close up a well established highway—such as a mail or military route, of ordinary width, it is entirely optional with them whether they do more. An open way four miles wide would contain 2,560 acres per mile, or 128,000 acres for 75 miles—a district capable of sustaining upwards of 8,500 grown cattle or horses at the low estimate of 15 acres per head. It is unreasonable to expect the gentlemen who leased these lands, or the Nation who owns them, to contribute, without consideration, so large a district and valuable a franchise simply to public con-venience! It may be good policy for the Stock Association to do so—but we cannot see that it is their duty, unless in securing the lease they gave assurances that certain routes, of certain width, would be held open. In the cattle business as in war and politics, “to the victors belong the spoils.” The Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association are the victors so far as the “Strip” is concerned. They will, in our opinion, work it for every dollar that it is worth. If it pays best to keep wide through routes, they will keep them—if not, they will close up some, and narrow others—and who shall blame them? Not we, while they fulfill all their obligations to the Cherokee Nation.
The Caldwell Journal, September 27, 1883.
Hewins & Titus bought last week twenty-four Galloway cows and heifers and thirteen Polled Angus bulls, cow, and calf. The lot were imported by John McCulloch.
The Caldwell Journal, September 27, 1883.
The work of plowing fire guards around the pastures on the Strip goes on with unabated vigor. Owing to the rank growth of grass this year, cattlemen are making extra efforts to guard against prairie fires.
Winfield Courier, September 27, 1883.
The preliminary trial of Wirt Bacon, charged with the killing of Milton Tompkins, has been continued to the 26th. Milton Bacon, brother of the accused, arrived here from Colorado recently. The evidence against the accused appears very strong, while his parents and relatives who have always borne the reputation of clever and worthy people, have the earnest sympathy of the community.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, October 3, 1883.
Attempted Train Robbery. DODGE CITY, Sept. 29. The “cannon” ball on the A., T. & S. F. was attacked at Coolidge by a gang of cowboys, and the engineer killed outright and the fireman wounded so that he lived but a few hours. The conductor was shot at several times, but escaped injury. The express car was attacked, but the messenger repulsed them. A posse of men are in hot pursuit of the robbers, and a desperate battle will no doubt ensue when they are overhauled.
The body of John Hilton, the engineer killed in the attempted robbery, was brought here this morning. He leaves a wife and four children, who reside here.
Deputy Sheriff Mathers, Nelson Carry, Bill Combs, and others went from here in a special train, and are now in pursuit. The robbers are heavily armed. Parties on the train say they can be identified if caught. Fadle, the fireman, was shot in the mouth, the ball coming out behind the jaw, making a most terrible wound.
On finding the train aroused and themselves likely to be worsted, the robbers beat a retreat, having failed to secure the treasure which they were after. Superintendent Patch, of the Wells Fargo express, received a dispatch from Messenger Peterson confirming the story as already sent.
LATER. Three cowboys have been arrested and brought here on suspicion, but have not been fully identified.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 3, 1883.
AD. WILLOW SPRINGS STOCK RANCH. Sheep, Horses & Cattle. PINK FOUTS, MANAGER. Horse Brand: O I L on left hip. Cattle Brand: O I L on either side. Information given of strays of above brand will be rewarded. P. O. Address, Arkansas City, Ks. Ranch at Willow Springs, Indian Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 3, 1883.
W. B. Roberts, E. T. Roberts, and J. H. Windsor, of Titusville, Pennsylvania, widely known throughout this section as proprietors of the Willow Springs stock ranch, some eighteen miles south of this city, were in the city yesterday, leaving in the afternoon for Willow Springs.
Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.
We see by the Winfield Courier that Geo. H. McIntire has been nominated for Sheriff by the Republicans of Cowley County. George was a faithful soldier during the rebellion, serving in Company C, Eleventh Kansas Cavalry; and though his father and brothers turned into and followed the dark ruts of Democracy, George continued to “vote as he shot.” He lived in Lynn County years ago, and we vividly and pleasantly remember him as a fellow participant in the struggles of the rural lyceums and “spellin’ skules” at the Rinker school-house. Mr. McIntire was an energetic, vigilant, and efficient deputy of the brave and lamented Shenneman, and he will be elected and prove a popular and successful sheriff for the big and growing county of Cowley. Fredonia Citizen.
Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.
Attempt to Rob a Train, Kill the Engineer and Fireman, but are Driven Off.
DODGE CITY, Sept. 29. The Cannonball on the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe was attacked at Coolidge by a gang of cowboys and the engineer killed and the fireman so badly injured that he will die. The conductor was shot at several times but escaped injury. The express car was attacked, but the messenger repulsed them. A posse of men are in hot pursuit of the robbers and a desperate battle will no doubt ensue when they are overhauled.
The body of John Hilton, the engineer killed in the attempted robbing at Coolidge, was brought here this morning and the coroner’s inquest is now being held. Hilton leaves a wife and four children, who reside here. The wife is unconscious as a result of the terrible affair.
The facts concerning the attempted train robbery at Coolidge this morning as obtained from passengers and officials of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe road, are as follows.
The train arrived on time and remained ten minutes at Coolidge. When Conductor Greeley stepped forward to give the signal to go ahead, he saw two men ahead of him, one of whom jumped on the platform between the cars. The other sprang into the side door of the express car, landing on his hands and knees. Greeley stood asking what he was doing there, when the robber half arose and pulled a revolver and shot in his face, so close that the powder burnt it, but did not hit him. The robber then turned and fired at S. S. Peterson, the express messenger, who returned the fire and then built a barricade around him, and the passengers say he continued a lively fusillade, though Peterson says he fired only once. The fellow ran out of the baggage car and escaped, probably with the one who took to the platform. Conductor Greeley then went to the engine and found engineer John Hilton dead with a bullet through his head under the eye, and Fireman Fadle fatally shot in the breast. Fadle stated that a man jumped on the engine and ordered Engineer Hilton to pull out. Hilton answered that he would when he received orders, and the robber then shot him down and then fired at Fadle, with the result above stated. The plan was preconcerted, the wires having been crossed east of Coolidge since September 23.
At half past 5 o’clock this evening it was announced the arrest of two men have been made, one of whom is supposed to have fired at Peterson. The robber is about 5 feet 10 inches in height, stoop-shouldered, and has a long, thin nose. It is believed he can be identified. The remains of Hilton will be taken to Milwaukee tomorrow for interment. He lived at Dodge, where he had a wife and four children. His wife is unconscious. Fifteen hundred dollars reward is offered for the arrest of the parties.
Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.
WICHITA. The preliminary examination of Dave L. Payne and others charged with violating U. S. laws by invading the territory was concluded last week morning and the accused were held for trial on their own recognizances. The defendants are lavish in their praises of Commissioner Sherman before whom the examination was held.
The Caldwell Journal, October 4, 1883.
D. L. Payne, J. B. Cooper, A. W. Harris, and A. B. Calvert, the leaders of the Oklahoma boomers, were bound over last week, at Wichita, by U. S. Commissioner Sherman, in the sum of $1,000 each, for their appearance at the U. S. Court, which meets at Leavenworth on the 8th inst. The prime object of this prosecution is to fully determine the question of the right of white people to occupy the Indian Territory, particularly that portion which the Payne crowd claim to be public lands.
The Caldwell Journal, October 4, 1883.
Meeting of Board of Directors.
Pursuant to notice the Board of Directors of the C. S. L. S. Association met on Thursday of last week to receive the reports of the surveyors selected to run the lines of the pastures in each division, and to fix the amount to be assessed against such holder, and make a levy to raise the first semi-annual payment to the Cherokee Nation.
The report of S. T. Wood, surveyor of the eastern division, the survey being incomplete, showed 1,909,000 acres. Mr. Wood is still at work, but it will require a couple of weeks to finish the job; so as to obtain the exact number of acres in the division.
The middle division surveyed by Tell W. Walton, showed an area of 1,764,446.49 acres. The report also shows that there are 23 ranges in the division, running from 8,500 to 299,526 acres. All but three ranges are entirely enclosed with barbed wire fencing, and the three are fenced on each side.
Mr. C. H. Burgess had the east half of the western division, running west to the V range. West of that was under charge of Fred Erkhart, who has not completed his survey. The district surveyed by Mr. Burgess comprises 1,108,390 acres.
This makes a total of 4,781,865.49 acres surveyed and platted on the Strip. When the surveys are completed on the extreme eastern and western ends of the Strip, it is altogether likely the total acreage will exceed 6,000,000 acres.
From these reports, the Board levied an assessment of two cents an acre upon each occupant, in order to meet the first semi-annual payment to the Cherokee Nation, and to meet other expenses, and on Friday morning the Treasurer, M. H. Bennett, began the collection of the amounts due from each occupant. We did not learn the total sum paid in, but by Friday night there were sufficient funds in the Treasurer’s hands to meet all obligations due the Cherokees, and on Saturday morning he started for Tahlequah to make the first payment in accordance with the terms of the lease.
Since Thursday afternoon the Board has had under consideration cases appealed from the Board of Arbitration. In the case of Broadwell vs. The Eagle Chief Pool, the Board rendered a decision making Broadwell’s west line begin on the southwest corner and run north seven miles, leaving his west fence in a different shape from what he had it built.
In the case of Chase against Ewing, the Board affirmed the decision of the Board of Arbitration, giving Chase his range.
Wednesday morning the Board of Directors adopted the following resolution.
Resolved, That the Caldwell JOURNAL, be and is hereby adopted as the official organ of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association.
Yesterday afternoon the case of the St. Joe Cattle Company vs. E. M. Ford was referred to the parties in contest, and settled by the Wyeth Cattle Co., purchasing all the interest of the St. Joe Company.
In the case of Peter Stewart vs. E. M. Ford, the decision of the Board of Arbitrators was affirmed, giving Stewart nearly all he asked.
The Board meets this morning at 9 o’clock, and will continue in session from day to day until all disputes regarding range are settled.
The Caldwell Journal, October 4, 1883.
Messrs. Burgess & Walton are preparing a map of the ranges on the Cherokee Strip, made up from surveys by the various parties recently engaged in that work. The map will be invaluable to every stock man on the Strip, and no time should be lost in making subscrip-tions, as no extra copies will be published. If the plats made and submitted to the Directors are any criterion, the map will not only be a beauty, but a necessary adjunct to every well governed ranch.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 10, 1883.
Searing & Mead have contracted to supply the A., T. & S. F. Railroad with forty cars of gravel per day for one year, to be used for ballasting the road bed. This will give employment to quite a number of hands through the winter.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 10, 1883.
The chief engineer of the Atlantic and Pacific railroad writes C. M. Scott from Vinita, Indian Territory, that the road is just completed to the Arkansas River and four miles beyond to a stock yard, and that the work will now be suspended until spring, when it will be resumed.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 10, 1883.
Messrs. Florer & Pollock have just completed arrangements with the tribe of Osage Indians, by which they lease over 100,000 acres of good grazing ground in the Osage Nation for a term of ten years, for a yearly consideration of three thousand dollars. We are glad to note this fact, for while it is a good thing for the gentlemen, it is equally good for the Indians, who thus realize a handsome profit from otherwise waste land.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 10, 1883.
Look Out for Ticks. An old stock man says that when cattle are found with large fat ticks on them, it is almost a sure indication the cattle are from the southern country and liable to communicate fever or have been running with cattle that brought the ticks from the south. And further, that any cattle having such ticks on them are almost sure to have Texas fever.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 10, 1883.
McIntire for Sheriff. We see by the Winfield Courier that Geo. H. McIntire has been nominated for sheriff by the Republicans of Cowley County. George was a faithful soldier during the rebellion, serving in Company C, 11th Kansas Cavalry, and though his father and brother turned into and followed the dark ruts of Democracy, George continued to “vote as he shot.” He lived in Lynn County years ago and we vividly and pleasantly remember him as a fellow participant in the struggles of the rural lyceums and “spellin’ skules” at the Rinker schoolhouse. Mr. McIntire was an energetic, vigilant, and efficient deputy of the brave and lamented Shenneman, and he will be elected and prove a popular and successful sheriff for the big and growing county of Cowley. Fredonia Citizen.
The Caldwell Journal, October 11, 1883.
Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association.
The following are the public proceedings of the Board of Directors of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association since the last issue of the JOURNAL.
F. Y. Ewing vs. Salt Fork and Eagle Chief Pool. Board decided the line between Ewing and the Pool to be as follows: Beginning at a point where the present fence crosses Big Boggy, thence direct to the point where the present fence reaches its most southerly point; thence along said fence to the point where said fence joins Streeter’s southwest corner. Also, that F. Y. Ewing shall allow the Salt Fork and Eagle Chief Pool $150.00 expense for moving fence.
The resignation of D. R. Streeter of the Board of Arbitrators was accepted, and Ben. Garland appointed in his place.
I. B. Gilmore vs. Northrop & Stevens. Decision of Board of Arbitrators affirmed, and that Northrop & Stevens are to pay Gilmore $150 per mile for what fence he built.
In the case of Hammers & Co., vs. C. Lynch, decision of Arbitrators affirmed.
Tracy, Doubleday and others, vs. Northrop & Stevens. Decision of Arbitrators affirmed, giving Northrop & Stevens the range claimed by them.
On Friday, the Board adjourned until Nov. 13th, at which time all cases of appeal to the Board will be settled. Parties having appeals must be promptly on hand, as it seems to be the intention of the Board to close up all contest business at their next session.
The Caldwell Journal, October 11, 1883.
M. H. Bennett, treasurer of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, returned on Friday, having completed his mission of paying over to the treasurer of the Cherokee Nation $50,000, being the amount due on the first semi-annual payment on the lease of the Strip.
One week ago last Friday morning, Mr. Bennett commenced receiving the money from the members of the Association, and before night had taken in over $80,000. On Saturday morning, accompanied by City Marshal Henry Brown, he started for Kansas City, where he had a check cashed, and expressed the money to Muskogee, he and Brown going on the same train. Arriving at Muskogee, Mr. Bennett could not find anyone to identify him at the express office, and had to drive over to Tahlequah, where he found Judge Geo. O. Sanders. The latter returned with him to Muskogee, where the cash was received and taken to Tahlequah. The distance between the two places is about 35 miles, over a road none the best, and lined on each side with brush a good portion of the distance. Milt says the trip is the most disagree-able one he ever made in his life, and nothing could induce him to repeat the experience. Notwithstanding the assurance he received that the road was perfectly free from all highwaymen or would-be robbers, all the time he was on the road, a suspicion prevailed in his mind that a half dozen men were liable to jump out of the brush at any time and compel him to throw out the grip containing the money.
The provision in the lease requiring the Association to pay the lease money in cash at the Capital of the Nation is a very foolish one, because the money has to be sent to St. Louis, where it is kept on deposit for the benefit of the Nation. It might just as well be paid in St. Louis at first, thus saving an expense to the Association, and also to the Cherokees.
Winfield Courier, October 11, 1883.
An application for a reduction of freight rates to and from Winfield on both the railroads reaching this place will be made immediately. The matter is before the city council. The rates should be reduced from twenty to twenty-five percent, and since the railroad commissioners have decided they have some power under the law and are using that power as in the Beloit case, we do not doubt that the reduction will be soon effected. That Republican railroad law is a pretty good law after all.
Winfield Courier, October 11, 1883.
The excursion and ceremonies in commemoration of the Northern Pacific Railroad were evidently most imposing, delightful, and satisfactory. Four trains with forty-five Pullman, baggage, and dining cars have been drawn from the Atlantic coast for two thousand miles over the continent, and across three mountain ranges, and they were met by trains coming from the Pacific, at a place called Bullock, 1,198 miles from Lake Superior, 1,200 miles from St. Paul, 847 from Puget Sound, and 700 from Portland in Oregon.
The excursionists were a distinguished company, and as the silver hammer drove the last spike—a spike of gold—in the great northern road which binds the two oceans, the addresses were naturally and properly of an exultant strain. The orators recalled Jefferson’s endeavors, a hundred years ago, to cause John Ledyard to explore the Columbia, and his organization, when president, of the Lewis and Clarke expedition to open a northwest American route to India by the Missouri and Columbia rivers. Less than forty years later the agitation for a Pacific railroad began. Thirty years ago Congress authorized a survey of a route from the Mississippi to the Pacific. The Union and Central road, aided by the government, followed a familiar trail across the continent, and ended at the Golden Gate. But the northern route was regarded as lying in an inaccessible and hopelessly ice-bound region, and the completed work, without national subsidies, except a land grant, which was of possible future value, and in the face of endless obstacles and opposition, is a monument of indomitable American courage, sagacity, and skill.
Winfield Courier, October 11, 1883.
Mr. C. C. Wheeler has resigned the office of general manager of the A., T. & S. F. road. The duties of that office until further notice will be performed by the vice president. Heads of department will report as before to the general manager at Topeka. In conducting the business of the road, the general superintendent will be next in command to the general manager. The superintendents of the four divisions of the road will have full charge on their respective divisions of all employees in matters connected with station service, trains, tracks, buildings, bridges, water service, and fuel. Division superintendents will report directly to the general superintendent. The general manager’s office will be in charge of the general manager’s assistant. The following appointments are made: A. A. Robinson is appointed general superintendent and will continue to perform the duties of chief engineer; Geo. B. Harris is appointed general manager’s assistant. The new arrangement is now fully in effect and promises to give entire satisfaction everywhere. Mr. Wheeler will go to Chicago in a few days.
Winfield Courier, October 11, 1883.
DON’T PROHIBIT. [Editorial by Millington.]
Last week Tuesday, Fort Scott had several sensations. John McClevey, a teamster, in sudden delirium, slashed around frothing at the mouth, and finally cut his own throat slightly and stabbed himself in the bowels fatally.
Wesley McDaniel became quarrelsome and attacked a colored man named May, who struck back. McDaniel then shot May through the hand and through the heel. The two then clasped in a death struggle and May wrenched the pistol from his assailant and shot him in the head and in the chest with fatal effect. The first shot fired by McDaniel through May’s hand also struck Hon. S. S. Brinkerhoff in the back between the tenth and eleventh ribs, inflicting a dangerous and probably fatal wound. Eugene Park, a Fort Scott merchant, was met just out of town by three men, who rolled him of his money, watch, and other valuables.
Mr. Brinkerhoff is one of the two men who visited Winfield with us when Fuller and ourself first came to this place in 1870. He was a very pleasant and intelligent gentleman, and has since occupied the positions of City and County Attorney, we believe. He died from the effect of his wound last Saturday.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 17, 1883.
The men who were arrested for the attempted train robbery and murder at Coolidge were discharged for want of evidence. The man whom the express agent swore was the one who shot at him proved beyond a doubt that he was thirty miles away that night sleeping at the house of a man whose word could not be questioned.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 17, 1883.
J. D. Bingham, Assistant Quartermaster General, U. S. Army, Fort Leavenworth, has advertised for sealed proposals for four million pounds of shelled corn on board the cars at either or all of the following points, viz: Atchison, Valley Falls, Leavenworth, Topeka, Junction City, Council Grove, Burlingame, Emporia, Florence, Newton, Wichita, Caldwell, and Arkansas City, Kansas, and Kansas City, Mo.
Winfield Courier, October 18, 1883.
The Main line of the Santa Fe railroad is doing a tremendous passenger business. The regular morning and evening express trains have each ten to eleven passenger coaches, all full, besides three baggage, express, and mail cars each. The Thunderbolt trains daily usually has four sleeping cars besides baggage and express cars.
Winfield Courier, October 18, 1883.
The M. W. & S. W. Road will be built.
The City of Eureka voted the bonds to the Missouri, Winfield & Southwestern railroad last Wednesday. There was only one vote against the bonds. This is the second lot of bonds which have been voted to this road. Yesterday, Wednesday, elections were held in Hickory and Union Townships in the southeastern corner of Butler County on a proposition in each township to vote $15,000 bonds for the same road. We have not heard the result, as we go to press Wednesday afternoon. If these are carried, a similar proposition will be at once submitted in Otter Creek Township, Greenwood County which, if carried, will locate the road as between Eureka and Winfield in an almost air line over the best pass of the Flint Ridge ever found, which gives a maximum grade of fifteen feet per mile less than either of the other roads. Of course, either Cowley County or the townships the road will pass through will respond with the necessary aid when called on.
The Caldwell Journal, October 18, 1883.
The Leavenworth Times says that Payne is in that city endeavoring to organize another raid into the Territory, provided the case now before the U. S. District results in his favor.
The Caldwell Journal, October 18, 1883.
When we left Leavenworth on Monday, the Grand Jury had not reported an indictment against D. L. Payne and others for conspiracy in attempting to locate on the Oklahoma lands. The probabilities are, no indictment will be found, though both sides seem to be anxious to get the case into court in some shape, in order that the question as to the status of the lands may be settled.
The Caldwell Journal, October 18, 1883.
The switchmen on all the railroads centering in St. Louis and east St. Louis entered upon a general strike for shorter hours and higher wages at noon last Monday. They demand ten hours as a day’s work, extra pay for Sundays, and 30 cents per hour for all time over ten hours, besides $65 per month of twenty-six working days. The strikers number about 600 men in St. Louis and East St. Louis. The strike will probably cause a blockade of freight at East St. Louis. The strikers are determined to hold out, and if they do, the strike will have a most serious effect upon all classes of freights passing through St. Louis. Stockmen shipping to St. Louis will be compelled to hold off or ship their stock to another market.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1883.
Col. Windsor, of the cattle firm of Windsor & Roberts, made his first visit to the Agency this week. His firm is now holding on Preacher Creek, formerly the range of Gorten Bros.Cheyenne Transporter.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1883.
Railroad Accident. An accident occurred on the Santa Fe railroad yesterday, on the switch just this side of Seeley, by which two engines were badly broken up, and two parties slightly injured. It seems that the pay car, which was on its way from this city to Newton, was trying to make Seeley before the down passenger train reached that point, and in so doing the two trains came together at 11:52, in sight of the station. “Little Buttercup,” the engine of the pay car, and the pride of the railroad men, was so badly damaged that it cannot be rebuilt, while its engineer had his arm displaced, and the pay car cook was badly cut by climbing out of the window after the danger was past. No further injuries are reported, and the passenger engine can be repaired. It is not settled who is to blame, as the mail train officials declare they were due at that time, and other parties should not have attempted to use the track.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1883.
Republicans, Take Notice. Mr. Gary, Democratic sheriff of this county, has made arrangements with one Kelser to insert his (Mr. Gary’s) name on the Republican ticket in place of Mr. McIntire. This instance has reference to Silverdale Township, but the same steps are taken with reference to the other voting precincts in this county, and too much care cannot be taken by the Republicans to examine their ticket before voting them. Careful attention will frustrate such despicable fraud, and beat the poor fools.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1883.
Judge Torrance last Friday gave our most efficient (?) Democratic sheriff a very forcible hint to look after his business while he held the office. Asking the officers of the court to remain after adjournment, he told them he had become tired of performing the duties of both judge and sheriff in this county; and that hereafter if the sheriff could not find time to attend to his business, he would appoint one that could. At last account he had not found that worthy Democratic official.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1883.
The federal grand jury at Leavenworth, on Friday last, found a true bill against D. L. Payne, better known as “Oklahoma Payne,” for conspiracy to violate the laws of the United States. Payne says he desires a speedy trial, and declares that there is no case against him, as everything in the way of preparations for entering the Indian Territory and marching to Oklahoma has been heralded, in many ways, and that he invariably notified the United States attorney and asked him to interfere, if he proposed to, when they reached the state line and not wait until arriving at Oklahoma.
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.
The Federal Grand Jury at Leavenworth, on the 19th inst., found a true bill against D. L. Payne, better known as “Oklahoma Payne,” for conspiracy in violating the laws of the United States.
The Caldwell Journal, October 25, 1883.
The Grand Jury of the U. S. District Court, now in session at Leavenworth, have indicted Payne and his three associates on the Oklahoma business. It is barely possible the case may come to trial at this term. Should such be the case, whatever the result may be, the case will be carried on up until it finally reaches the supreme court. By the time that very deliberate body acts upon it, Payne will have been gathered to his fathers, and the Indian Territory, as it exists today, will only be a memory.
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.
The net earnings of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad for the eight months ending August 1st, were $4,821,500, an increase over the corresponding period last year of 37-1/2 percent. The Southern Kansas railroad, a branch of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, for the same period, shows net earnings increased 39-1/2 percent.
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.
Trying to Pass on the Same Track.
Monday forenoon a collision occurred near Seeley, eight miles north of Winfield on the Santa Fe between the regular passenger train and the pay train, which narrowly escaped being a very serious one in loss of life. The conductor of the pay car, Mr. Wells, had orders at Arkansas City to run through to Mulvane regardless of time, but to keep out of the way of the passenger. From Winfield he had eleven minutes to make Seeley, eight miles. He was cautioned to wait, but said he had plenty of time, and ordered the engineer to “let her go.” After this it seems he stopped on the road to pay some section men. Meanwhile the passenger had arrived at Seeley and it is stated that the conductor, Mr. Bell, was there informed by the operator that the pay car was on the way up from Winfield. However, he was entitled to the track and pulled out. The two trains met on a curve about half a mile this side of Seeley. The pay car was running thirty or forty miles an hour and the passenger fifteen. The engineer of the passenger, Mr. Johnson, had presence of mind enough to put on the air brakes and reverse his engine. The pay car engine was not reversed. Both engineers and firemen jumped and the engines came together with terrific force. Both engines were nearly demolished, and the baggage car stoved in. Fireman Dorley, of the passenger, had his arm broken, and the cook on the pay car was bruised. The passengers and train men were badly shook up. The collision occurred just over a bridge. The two passenger cars were standing on the bridge, but were not derailed. Engineer Johnson’s presence of mind and courage in sticking to his engine until the air brakes were set and the engine reversed probably saved the lives of many passengers. The main fault is due, as near as we can learn, to the conductor of the pay car. The passenger was entitled to the track and he had no business getting in its way or taking any risk. He claims that after he stopped to pay the section men, he still had two minutes in which to reach Seeley. The idea of his jeopardizing the lives of fifty people on the theory that his watch was right seems preposterous, but he did. Mr. Bell, of the passenger, is also somewhat to blame in the matter. Although he was entitled to the track, he ought never to have pulled out if he thought another train was coming down upon him. Human life is a precious article to handle, and railroad men should never take the deperate chance which both conductors took in this case. An engine was sent down from Newton and the cars brought in by way of Wellington. Arthur Bangs went up and brought the letter mail in. The track was cleared Tuesday morning in time for the regular passenger.
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.
The Santa Fe freight ran off the track near Mulvane Tuesday evening, delaying the Wednesday mail train two hours. The Santa Fe is having bad luck lately.
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.
The new loan broking firm of McDonald, Jarvis & Co., is creating a big stir in the loan market, with their six percent money. The senior member of the firm is J. Wade McDonald.
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.
From a Democratic Standpoint.
A prominent democrat, one of the “old liners” and one who leads in his township, said to the writer Monday evening: “I shall not vote for Mr. Gary, for several reasons. The first is, because he is no more a democrat than a vulture is an eagle—he is a republican deserter, a greenback deserter, and will remain a democrat only so long as we keep him in office. His main efforts for twenty years back, as near as I can learn, have been directed toward getting a living, some way or other, out of the taxpayers, not caring what party he espoused or what principles he advocated so they brought him office. The second is, because he is a failure as an officer, and hasn’t the courage or the grit to run criminals down. The third is because he is a nincompoop, politically, officially, and personally. I would rather vote for a decent republican than such a man. It’s bitter medicine, but it’s better than the dose a lot of you republicans fixed up for us when you helped to get him appointed, thus saddling him onto our party. I believe that the democrats who have stood by the old party through the hours of her adversity, ought to unite in kicking out the roustabouts who are climbing on deck when victory seems ready to crown her banners.”
Our democratic friends is certainly sound on the question from a political standpoint, but is mistaken in crediting Gary’s appointment to “you republicans.” Gary’s appointment was purely a commercial transaction, secured for him by a few republicans and a few democrats, jointly, as a reward for his sudden, and at the time, inexplicable change of front on an impor-tant matter while a member of the Council of this city. These gentlemen themselves despise Gary for his action in the matter and announce their intention of voting for McIntire. They evidently feel that they have cancelled their obligation to Mr. Gary and are now free to follow the dictates of their own consciences in casting a ballot.
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.
The Sheriff Out of Court.
One of the most notorious evidences of Mr. Gary’s incompetence or utter disregard for the duties of his office, has been displayed all through the term of court now in session. The duties of sheriff in the courtroom are second only to those of the judge. Upon him devolves the carrying out of the rules and orders of the court, the maintenance of order and decorum, and the exaction of that proper and due respect for the court and its proceedings which is all important in impartial administration of law. During Mr. Shenneman’s administration he was never absent from the court room while court was in session, except under circumstances which were positively unavoidable. Several times he has remarked to the writer that he could not attend personally to this or that until “after court,” and at all times he was at his post helping to dispatch the business rapidly and correctly. During the present session of court this is all changed. The sheriff is rarely seen about the courtroom, but is constantly upon the streets canvassing voters and maneuvering for re-election, while the important duties of his position are entrusted to this deputy or that deputy as they may happen to be around. The judge has been impatient about this and several times during the term his disgust at the way matters were being allowed to run at “loose ends” has exhibited itself in both words and actions. This every lawyer who has been in close attendance upon court knows to be true.
Mr. Gary evidently has a wrong conception of what is necessary to secure the support of the people. If he makes a faithful officer and attends carefully to the duties of his position, it will affect them far more than personal solicitation for their votes. The officer who neglects his duties in order to follow men about the streets supplicating for support, can never win either their respect or their suffrages.
Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.
GARY’S POLICY. Awhile after Gary had assumed the office of sheriff, some persons called his attention to some criminals whom Shenneman had traced up and was preparing to swoop down upon, but was prevented by the murderer, and Gary was asked to complete the jobs by making the arrests. Gary answered: “I am not going to set myself up for a target to be shot full of holes. I shall let the criminal business alone and attend to the civil business. There is more money in it and less danger. I am running this office for the money there is in it.” Our informant is a life Democrat of good standing and undoubted veracity. He says he can swear to the above statement and bring two other witnesses who heard Gary make the statement. That Gary has acted on this policy is prominently apparent. Such was his policy when he kept away from where the horse thieves, Carder and Cooper, were supposed to be while Ed. Nicholson, a brave Dexter farmer went and arrested both and brought them in. Gary did not get any bullet holes in his skin, but he got the money which Nicholson earned in making the arrests and he gets his fees for his civil duties, every cent of them, you bet, while he neglects those duties and spends his time soliciting votes. Another Democrat says Gary is so infernal stingy that he will not vote for him. This stinginess is part of the above policy to get all the money there is in it and keep it too.
Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.
SWINDLING TICKET. We have caught on to a large batch of tickets got up by Gary which purports to be the Republican ticket but leaves the place for sheriff blank evidently for the purpose of inserting Gary’s name. It has neither of the Republican candidates given correctly. Don’t vote any ot these tricky tickets. Look out for them. It would seem that Gary has succeeded in hiring some pretended Republicans to peddle such tickets on election day. We are told he has offered ten dollars apiece for them. He seems to be selling out his Democratic colleagues for votes for himself.
Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.
DEMOCRATIC ARGUMENT. We are informed that a former saloonist in this place returned to this city the other day, and on the way stated to a friend that he brought a large amount of money to be expended in securing votes for Gary and other democratic candidates. Whiskey, beer, and bribery are the weapons which the Republicans will have to contend with. It is time they were stirring around.
Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.
Capt. Gary furnished the Telegram last week with the following lie, which it endorsed and published for the benefit of the inventor.
“Some time since a horse was stolen at Arkansas City; the thief was arrested by the authorities at Fayetteville, Arkansas. When McIntire received word that his man had been caught, he engaged Mr. Milks, a resident of Arkansas City, to go with him, also engaging Milk’s team to convey the party. On their return trip, McIntire, between Vinita and Big Cabin, Indian Territory, saw some berries growing by the wayside; the sight was too much for this political gourmand, whose appetite for grub seems to keep pace with his appetite for official ‘pap.’ McIntire laid his revolver on the seat and jumped to the ground; no sooner had he struck the earth than the prisoner grasped the pistol and had the crowd covered. The bold, bad man then demanded Mr. McIntire’s shekels, which were handed over with alacrity and haste. His companions were also persuaded to contribute their mite to the missionary’s fund. These financial negotiations having been brought to a successful termination, this fellow, who had wantonly trifled with the feelings and pocket book of a constable of ten years standing and deputy sheriff to boot, coolly unharnessed Mr. Milks’ best horse and jumping astride, rode off, bidding Mr. George H. McIntire a long, last, sad farewell as he disappeared. The horse that had been ridden off by the thief was shortly recovered, but died from the effects of the hard usage it had received. For this loss Mr. Milks never received a cent. There was a mortgage of $75 on this team and wagon of old man Milks; the remaining horse and the wagon were sold under this mortgage and after it was satisfied, Mr. Milks had $20 left. This man (a republican, by the way) declares that McIntire never paid Milks one cent for his trouble or loss, which he could illy afford, being an old man 50 years of age, and a cripple besides, caused by wounds received in the Army.”
The Telegram was not smart, but published the lie too soon. It should have waited until the morning of the election when it would be too late to get the facts. Now comes the said Milks referred to therein and exposes the lie as follows.
The Telegram, in its last issue in an article purporting to come from an eye witness, charging G. H. McIntire with employing me to go with my team after a horse thief with him into Arkansas, and that he never paid me for the trip. That is a lie. McIntire never employed me to go with him; he never owed me a cent he did not pay. I was employed by J. Martin to go after his horse with McIntire. We found the man and horse at Fayetteville, Arkansas, and when on our way back near Vinita, the man jumped from the buggy. I was guarding the pris-oner at the time. I had McIntire’s revolver under my leg, and the prisoner saw his opportunity and grabbed the revolver and jumped out of the buggy. My horse was being led behind the buggy. I untied him and started to a house to get a gun, and the prisoner, when I was off about fifty yards, started after me and took my horse away from me and rode him off. He never got a cent of money from McIntire and did not seem to want to undertake to unharness the horse that McIntire was holding. I never blamed McIntire for losing my horse, and the man that makes that statement in the Telegram and says he was an eye witness is an unmitigated liar. E. MILKS.
The Caldwell Journal, November 1, 1883.
Indian Commissioner’s Report.
WASHINGTON, D. C., October 26, 1883.
The following is a synopsis of the annual report of Indian Commissioner Price.
A decided advance has been made in the improvement among the Indian tribes, particularly in the matter of industrial school education. Some tribes have been persuaded to send their children to school that heretofore resisted all efforts to induce them to do so. One question may now be considered as settled beyond controversy, and that is, that the Indian must be taught to work for his own support, and to speak in the English language, or give place to a people who do. Among the things needed to secure success and efficiency in solving the Indian problem, are:
1. An appropriation to survey out the boundaries of the Indian reservations, so that both Indian and white men may know where they have rights and where they have none.
2. A law for the punishment of persons who furnish arms and ammunition to the Indians. No such law now exists.
3. More liberal appropriations for the Indian police.
4. An appropriation sufficient to defray the expense of detecting and prosecuting persons who furnish intoxicating liquor to Indians. No ardent spirits should be introduced into the Indian country under any pretense whatever, nor their sale permitted within twenty miles of the Indian reservation, but under existing laws upon the subject, it is a notorious fact that ale, beer, and preparations of alcoholic stimulants, disguised as medicines, are sold at military posts to soldiers and civilians, and although post-traders are not permitted to sell it directly to Indians, yet it is an easy matter for the Indians to obtain it from soldiers and civilians, to whom it is furnished. The punishments imposed by the law for this offense should be made more severe.
The practice of approving by contracts to collect from the government the money due Indians is one that ought not to exist. It has for years been the practice to approve contracts by which outside parties have taken from the government hundreds of thousands of dollars for service which ought not to have cost the Indians one cent. During the last few years agreements have been entered into between Indians and different attorneys by which these attorneys were to receive from the Indians $75,525 for collecting from the government money said to be due to the Indians.
It is the duty of the government to see that wards of the nation receive what is justly due them free of cost, and it is equally the duty of the government to see that no unjust claim is paid. Congress should confer both civil and criminal jurisdiction on the several states and territories over all the Indian reservations within their respective limits, and make the person and property of the Indian amenable to the laws of the state or territory in which he may reside, except in cases where such property is expressly exempted by treaty or act of congress, and give him all rights in the courts enjoyed by other persons.
Allotments in severalty to the number of 116 have been made to Indians during the year with the best results, and the commission will adhere to the policy of allotting lands where the same can be legally done, and the condition is such to warrant it.
The attention of congress is again invited to the necessity of legislation to enable Indians to make entries under the homestead laws without cost to them. It is necessary that the land within certain reservations be subdivided, and it is important in some cases that this be done at once, although there is not a dollar available for the special purpose.
An amendment to the law in reference to intruders, so as to punish by imprisonment as well as fine, is absolutely necessary. An intruder without property has very little to fear of a fine. Notwithstanding his repeated expulsion from the Indian Territory, Payne and his party of Oklahoma colonists have twice, during the present year, made attempts at settlement in that country, requiring the aid of the military, at great expense to the government to effect their removal. The commissioner gives a detailed account of Payne’s operations, and asks that the special attention of congress be called to these aggressive movements on Indian Territory lands as illustrating the urgent necessity for speedy and effective legislation in regard to trespassers.
Recommendations for legislation for the protection of timber on Indian lands are renewed.
During the year there was paid the Indians in cash its annuity and otherwise $745,000. Less than $200,000 of this amount was for the payment of annuities proper, many of which will expire in the near future by limitation in the various treaties.
The increase in accommodations for Indian pupils, which the school appropriations for the last fiscal year made possible, has been followed by a corresponding increase in the attendance of pupils. Exclusive of five or six tribes, the number enrolled during the year just closed, is 5,143, an increase of 650 over last year. Of the 5,143 boarding pupils, 4,396 attend schools on the reservations or in their immediate vicinity. Boarding and day schools on the reservations have made a creditable record. Eight new boarding schools have been opened, making the whole number now in operation, exclusive of training schools, 77.
The Caldwell Journal, November 1, 1883.
The Oklahoma building, which was occupied by Payne and the War Chief, was moved yesterday to Rodolf & Howard’s coal yard, to be used by them for an office. The building was sold at auction a short time ago to satisfy a mortgage. The material of the printing office is stored away in Musgrove’s wareroom, and it will also be sold at mortgage sale in a short time. Geuda Herald.
The Caldwell Journal, November 1, 1883.
Tell W. Walton returned on Saturday, having completed the survey of the various pastures in the central division of the Strip. Tell had a hard time of it, owing to the beastly weather, as the English would say; still he looks none the worse for all his hard work.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 7, 1883.
There is an immense amount of wire fence building going on in the Indian Territory now. Messrs. Howard Bros. sold five car loads of this needful article last week—and this is only a drop in the bucket to what will be needed this winter.
Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.
UDALL. One of Cowley’s Thriving Little Towns.
Last Friday the COURIER reporter visited the little town of Udall, thirteen miles north of Winfield on the A. T. & S. F. railroad. Having never visited the place before, we were surprised at the improvement and amount of business being done. The town was laid out the spring of 1881 by a town company composed of P. W. Smith, James T. Dale, Geo. A. Jennett, Jas. Chenoweth, Jas. H. Bullene, and Jas. Napier. With the exception of Mr. Bullene, all the members of the town company were farmers and residents of the vicinity. The land on which the town was laid out (40 acres) was purchased of P. W. Smith. Since that time three additions have been added to the original plat—two by E. L. Moffit and two by Lewis Fitzsimmons. From the commencement the infant town had an opponent in the Santa Fe railroad. They were not given a depot sidetrack or conveniences of any kind. The station was merely a platform alongside the track. In spite of this, the projectors went to work with a will. Every encouragement was offered to persons desiring to locate. Members of the town company put up buildings and soon the few new and scattered houses grew into a prosperous little town. Then began the struggle for a depot and sidetrack, and through the able assistance of Senator Hackney, these things were soon forthcoming. Today the tracks are lined with coal and grain cars and the railroad company is doing a better business than at any station between Winfield and Wichita. There are still many things that the railroad company should do for the town. They need stock yards properly equipped with water and scales and improvements about the depot. The town now has upwards of fifty buildings. Several large new stores are going up. The businesses of the town are well represented. There are four general merchandising stores, two hotels, two hardware stores, two coal yards, one lumber yard, one harness shop, one tin shop, four physicians, one land office, five grain dealers, one barber shop, one restaurant, a millinery store, a photograph gallery, a billiard hall, and a livery stable. The congregationalist are erecting a neat church at a cost of $2,000. The Baptist are also putting up a church building. The school interests of the town are well looked after. They have a large building with two well furnished rooms. The school is graded and is under the charge of Prof. Campf, with Miss Knickerbocker as assistant. One of the best men for the town is W. B. Norman. He has charge of the town company’s interests and is doing a land and loan business. He has clear business ideas, a wide acquaintance, and exerts every influ-ence that can be brought to bear in favor of Udall. The town is surrounded by a splendid scope of country and the rich valley of the Walnut and Arkansas are tributaries to it. With such advantages it cannot fail to be a good business point.
Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.
The following is a synopsis of the annual report of Indian Commissioner Price.
A decided advance has been made in the march of improvement among the Indian tribes, particularly in the matter of industrial school education. Some tribes have been persuaded to send their children to school that have heretofore resisted all efforts to induce them to do so. One question may now be considered settled beyond controversy and that is that the Indian must be taught to work for his own support and to speak the English language or give place to a people who do. Among the things needed to secure success and efficiency in solving the Indian problem are:
First: An appropriation to survey out the boundaries of Indian reservations, so that both Indians and white men may know where they have rights and where they have none.
Second: A law for the punishment of persons who furnish arms and ammunition to Indians. No such law now exists.
Third: More liberal appropriations for Indian police.
Fourth: An appropriation sufficient to defray the expenses of detecting and prosecuting persons who furnish intoxicating liquor to Indians.
No ardent spirits should be introduced into the Indian country under any pretense whatever, nor their sale permitted within twenty miles of an Indian reservation. But under the existing laws upon the subject it is a notorious fact that ale, beer, and preparations of alcoholic stimulants, disguised as medicines, are sold at military posts to soldiers and civilians, and although post traders are not permitted to sell it directly to Indians, yet it is an easy matter for Indians to obtain it from soldiers and civilians to whom it is furnished. The punishment imposed by law for this offense should be made more severe.
The practice of approving contracts to collect from the government money due Indians is one that ought not to exist. It has for years been the practice to approve contracts by which outside parties have taken from Indians hundreds of thousands of dollars for service which ought not to cost the Indians one cent. During the last four years agreements have been entered into between Indians and different attorneys by which these attorneys were to receive from Indians $75,521 for collecting from the government to see that the wards of the nation receive what is justly due them free of cost, and it is equally the duty of the government to see that no unjust claim is paid. Congress should confer both civil and criminal jurisdiction to the states and territories over all Indian reservations within their respective limits, and make the person and property of the Indian amenable to the laws of the state or territory in which he may reside, except in cases where such property is expressly exempted by treaty or act of congress, and give him all rights in the courts enjoyed by other persons.
Allotments in severalty to the number of 146 have been made to Indians during the year with the best results, and the commissioner will adhere to the policy of allotting lands where the same can be legally done and the condition of the Indians is such as to warrant it. The attention of congress is again invited to the necessity of legislation to enable Indians to make entries under the homestead law without cost to them. It is necessary that lands within certain reservations be subdivided, and it is important in some cases that this be done at once, although there is not a dollar available for this special purpose.
An amendment to the law in reference to the intruders, so as to punish by imprisonment as well as fine, is absolutely necessary. An intruder without property has very little fine. Notwithstanding his repeated expulsion from the Indian Territory, Payne and his party of “Oklahoma colonists” have twice, during the present year, made attempts at settlement in that country, requiring the aid of the military, at great expense to the government, to effect their removal.
The commissioner gives a detailed account of Payne’s operations, and asks that the special attention of congress be called to these aggressive movements on Indian Territory lands as illustrating the urgent necessity for speedy and effective legislation in regard to trespassers.
The recommendations for legislation for the protection of timber on Indian lands are renewed.
During the year there was paid to Indians in cash, as annuity and otherwise, $745,000. Less than $200,000 of this amount was for the payment of annuities proper, many of which will expire in the near future by limitation in various treaties.
The increase in accommodation for Indian pupils, which the school appropriations for the last fiscal year made possible, has been followed by a corresponding increase in the attendance of pupils. Exclusive of five or six tribes, the number enrolled at boarding schools during the year just closed, is 5,143, an increase of 654 over last year. The attendance of day schools has been 5,015, an increase of 748 over the preceding year. Of the 5,143 boarding pupils, 4,306 attended school on the reservations and their immediate vicinity. Boarding and day schools on the reservations have made a creditable record. Eight new boarding schools have been opened, making the whole number now in operation, exclusive of training schools, seventy-seven.
An interesting event in the year has been the education inroad in the Ute tribe. The wild Southern Utes allowed twenty-seven youths to be taken to the Albuquerque boarding school, although not one of the tribe had ever before attended any school of any description. The organization of a system of day schools is meeting with favor among experienced agents, who have large agencies and desire to place all their Indians as speedily as possible under some sort of educational influence. The good results attending the maintenance of training schools at Carlisle, Hampton, and Forest Grove are very manifest and congress is urged to make appropriations for these schools, as each school has exceeded the number of scholars for which the appropriation was made. Training in the industrial and mechanical arts has been kept in the foreground, and the success attained is fully attested by the number of valuable articles manufactured in these workshops for use in the schools, and also by the fact that at Carlisle and Hampton they propose to furnish for the various Indian agents during the current fiscal year 2,000 pairs of shoes, 3,350 dozen articles of tinware, twenty-two dozen bridles and halters, and 450 sets of harness. During the year Carlisle has sent ten spring wagons to Indian agencies. Want of money and want of room compelled the refusal of many applications for admission to Forest Grove school, and it is hoped congress will appropriate at least $25,000 to erect a new building in the vicinity of the schools. Within another year new training schools will be in operation. Stone buildings to accommodate 150 pupils, at Chilocco in the Indian Territory, near the Kansas border and contiguous to a Kansas settlement, will be ready for pupils in December. At Lawrence, Kansas, three large stone buildings for 340 pupils will be completed in January. Near Genoa, Nebraska, the old brick Pawnee school building, standing on what was formerly the Pawnee reservation, is being thoroughly repaired and enlarged so as to furnish room for 150 pupils and will be finished next spring. Under the provision of the appropriation act of 1882 Indian pupils were divided in six different states with entirely satisfactory results, for the purpose, and an appropriation should be made that will enable the office to offer any suitable institution that will furnish buildings, teachers, and all the necessary machinery for the school, a compensation of not less than $28 per annum for each Indian pupil supported and taught therein.
Religious societies contributed $230,555 for educational work among the Indians, but this, the commissioner says, by no means expresses the assistance thus given to Indian education and civilization. The influence of men and women whose lives are devoted to uplifting the degraded and ignorant cannot be measured by dollars and cents. Moreover the fact that he represents a great religious denomination; that a Christian community is his constituency; and that the funds which came into his hands have been consecrated by prayer and self-denial give to a man and his work a moral force and momentum which government patronage does not impart.
The best hope for the Indian lies in bringing him into the closest possible relation with the various religious societies whose sole business consists in working for the elevation of humanity, and who from long experience, are presumably best informed as to the methods, men, and means to be employed in such work. The commissioner again calls attention to the need of a school for the Indians of Alaska.
The building of school houses has progressed fairly. Seven new boarding school buildings were occupied the past year, six more will receive pupils this fall, and four more promise completion the current year. Seven new day school buildings have been completed and another commenced. Much better use could be made of the appropriation for educational purposes, if it were not for the restrictions of the law, which often defeats the ends sought by legislation. A comparison with preceding years shows an increase in the number of cases of sickness treated by agency physicians, but a small percentage mortality. The total number of cases under treatment for the year was 82,024; total number of deaths 1,306, total number of births 1,142. The peculiar custom prevailing among the Indians of maintaining strict secrecy in regard to births and deaths renders the collection of reliable information on these points extremely difficult.
The affairs of the different agencies are reviewed at great length. With reference to the mission Indians of California, the commissioner says he fully agrees with the findings of the inspector sent out to examine their condition and will incorporate them in a bill to be presented to congress.
Concerning the Turtle Mountain Indians of Dakota, he recommends that two townships of the present reservation be reserved as a permanent reservation for those who do not desire to take homesteads.
The Indian tribes of the Indian Territory having failed to adopt freedom into their tribes, as contemplated by the appropriation act of 1882, it is recommended that legislation be asked authorizing their settlement in the Oklahoma district under some well defined jurisdiction and form of government, with power to the secretary of the interior to determine what freedmen should be allowed to settle thereon, or else such stringent laws be passed as will compel the respective tribes to adopt freedmen, as provided in their treaties.
It is also recommended that congress authorize the appointment and provide for the expenses of a commission, whose duty it shall be to visit these nations, consider the points of difference between the Indians and alleged intruders, or non-citizens, and, after determining upon rules of procedure for final adjustment of the question, attend the councils of said nations, and submit said rules for consideration and action, which, when adopted by them and approved by the department, shall be final and conclusive.
The early attention of congress is invited to the deplorable condition of the Indians in Montana, that steps toward assisting them may be taken as soon as possible.
The report concludes with the recital of an agreement signed in this city in July 1st between Chief Moses and the secretary of the interior, which will, the commissioner says, if ratified by congress, restore to the public domain 2,243,300 acres in Washington Territory upon terms favorable to the government and for the best interest of the Indians.
The Caldwell Journal, November 8, 1883.
Grass Lease Payment.
The second semi-annual payment of grass rental on the leases of the Cheyennes and Arapahos took place on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 16th and 17th inst. The original intention of the Indians was to accept cattle instead of money on this payment, but owing to the fact that they had received no annuity goods and were in need of winter supplies of all kinds, they made request of the lessees that the payment due them in December be made beforehand as above, which request, when telegraphed to the lessees, met with a prompt and favorable response. It was understood that the spring payment should be made in stock cattle, as that would be a more favorable time to handle them to advantage, instead of receiving them in the dead of winter. The payment was made as formerly on family ration tickets, and amounted to about five dollars for every man, woman, and child in the tribes, the total amounting to something over $31,000.
The distribution was made in one and two dollar bills, instead of silver, as before. This being novel money to the Indians, they had quite a time counting over their wealth and distributing it among members of the families.
After receiving their money, the Indians made a grand rush on the traders for blankets, shawls, clothing, and heavy winter goods, and for several days kept the stores busy supplying their wants. After receiving their more pressing necessities, they reserved the balance of their money for future wants, and showed considerable policy in waiting until the severe weather should show them what they would need for protection.
The lessees and business associates present during the payment were Ed Fenlon, Esq., Col. H. B. Denman, Wm. E. Malaley, Maj. Hood, F. B. York, and Mr. Parker.
Cheyenne Transporter.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 14, 1883.
The earnings of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad for the nine months ended October 1 were $5,500,000, an increase of 30-4/10 percent over the corresponding period last year. The net earnings of the Southern Kansas road for the same time were $629,000, an increase of 35-6/10 percent.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 14, 1883.
Telephonic. Last week the TRAVELER spoke of a number of new telephones to be put in this week, and of the effort to have a line run to Ponca Agency. In this issue we wish to present the claims of the latter line to the citizens of Arkansas City. It is simply a question of business to the merchants of this city. Mr. P. W. Bossart, superintendent of the Kansas division, and who is expected here daily, says that Hunnewell is alive to the importance of connecting the agencies and cattle ranches south of us with some trading point in the state, and is doing her best to raise the necessary funds. Now the town that gives the most assis-tance to this project is the town that will reap the greatest benefit. The immense advantages thereby resulting to the agency and stockmen are self-evident, and that the Territory people will throw all the trade possible into the city thus reaching out for a closer connection is the only natural conclusion. There is no doubt that Arkansas City can raise more money and re-ceive more support at the hands of Territory residents than any other border town. Mr. J. H. Sherburne, the trader at Ponca, has offered to give $500 to such an enterprise, and we may safely count on a liberal subscription from the various cattlemen around that section whose business interests are connected with those of Arkansas City. This should be met with a corresponding liberality on the part of our businessmen, which will insure telephonic connection with various points in the Indian Territory. A line to Ponca Agency means connection with Willow Springs, Ponca, Otoe, Nez Perce (and in a very short time, Pawnee), the cattle ranches of such men as Sherburne, A. N. Florer, R. A. Houghton, the Dean boys, and others whose interests are identical with ours, besides the various new instruments which will be ordered for parties in town wishing connection with those points. But we must work for this thing, or Hunnewell will step in ahead of us, and we will see the importance of it too late.
Get this enterprise on a business basis, and the telephone company will doubtless make a proposition to the Territory people by which they may lease the line, have their own central office at Ponca, and manage the business for themselves. This can be done, and it will be done. It is only a question of a very short time. Besides forever holding the trade we already have in this direction, it will bring to our doors a large increase in revenue. Let Arkansas City merchants display their wisdom and business sagacity by taking hold of this enterprise and carrying it to a successful issue.
The Caldwell Journal, November 15, 1883.
The Michigan Cattle Company have bought out G. W. Gardenhire’s interest, and appointed S. W. Phoenix, of Winfield, as general manager.
The Caldwell Journal, November 15, 1883.
The following stockmen registered at the JOURNAL office yesterday: J. H. Windsor, Pink Fouts, Arkansas City; J. F. Lyon, Fort Gibson, I. T.; Walter Treadwell, Prospect Park, Harper County; S. Jackson, Camp Supply; S. W. Phoenix, Winfield; Albert Dean, Earl Spencer, M. J. Lane, Eagle Chief Pool; C. H. Vautier, Kiowa; Nick Schlupp, St. Joe, Mo.; Wm. Hobbs and Arthur Gorham, Kinsley, Kansas; Tom Hutton, Ind. Ter.; D. Donovan, Kiowa; A. O. Evans, St. Louis; C. H. Dye, Wellington; Crate Justus, Harper.
The Caldwell Journal, November 15, 1883.
Up to the time of going to press, the Board of Directors of the Live Stock Association had not given any decisions upon the cases presented. The Board of Arbitration, up to noon of today, had rendered a decision on only one case, that of the Dominion Cattle Company against the New York Cattle Company. The decision of the Board was to the effect that the Dominion Cattle Company was entitled to all the range claimed.
The Caldwell Journal, November 15, 1883.
Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association.
The semi-annual meeting of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association was called to order today by President Ben S. Miller. On motion the reading of the minutes of the last meeting was dispensed with.
M. H. Bennett, treasurer of the Association, made the following report.
Collected on membership fees: $1,399.00
Assessment for lease to Cherokee Nation: $105,765.16
Paid on C. N. Lease: $50,000.00
Paid on rewards, Inspectors’ Salaries, etc.: $46,702.60
BALANCE ON HAND: $10,461.56
D. R. Streeter offered the following, which was adopted.
Resolved, That it is the sense of this meeting that the Board of Directors of this Association shall issue an order to the effect that all parties shall pay alike for building and keeping in repair all fences dividing their respective ranges.
E. C. Moderwell offered the following:
Resolved, That the officers of this Association be requested to take such steps as shall effectually prevent the driving of through Texas cattle over the route heretofore used to some extent, extending from Bullfoot Ranch through the Cherokee Strip to Dodge City.
Resolved, That said officers be requested to notify all parties concerned, through the Texas stock papers and otherwise, that said route is fenced, and can no longer be used as a thoroughfare for through cattle.
The resolutions were unanimously adopted.
H. R. Johnson, Inspector at Kansas City, reported that he had caught 108 head, amounting in value to $3,773.95.
There being no further business, on motion the Association adjourned to the second Tuesday in March, 1884.
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.
RECAP: Meeting of the stockholders and directors of the Denver, Memphis & Atlantic Railway Company was held at Topeka November 6, 1883. Elected as a permanent officer (Secretary) was M. L. Read, Winfield, Kansas.
On motion the Secretary was directed to give notice of thirty days for the opening of books at Winfield and Belle Plaine for the subscription of stock.
Communications were read from capitalists, iron manufacturers, and others in the east giving encouraging words to the enterprise.
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.
Cut Rates Via Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad. Parties expecting to go East will do well to take advantage of present low rates. No change of cars via A. T. & S. F., from Winfield to Kansas City, and direct connection made with all through lines. Call on or address W. J. Kennedy, Agent, A. T. & S. F. Railroad, Winfield, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 21, 1883.
Grazing Lands in Indian Territory.
WICHITA, KAN., November 17. Major Griffinstein, of this city, has just returned here from an extended visit to the Indian Territory. While in the Territory Mr. Griffenstein attended an important council of the Pottawatomie Indians. At their council the Pottawatomies annulled an important lease of their surplus land made by George L. Young to prominent cattlemen of this state, and embracing 400,000 acres of land in the Pottawatomie reservation. A committee of five was appointed by the council, with Col. A. F. Mavarre, chairman, and Peter Moose, secretary, for the purpose of leasing these fine grazing lands to the highest bidder of Indian blood. Bids will be received by the committee at the Sacred Heart Mission, in the Indian Territory, until November 28. The leasing of these lands creates an unusual interest among cattlemen, as they are the finest grazing lands on the American continent. The cattle interests of the Indian Territory are growing very rapidly, and pasture fields ten and twenty miles square all under fence are common. Mr. Giffenstein reports the range in the Territory as still good, and cattle in prime condition.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 21, 1883.
Geo. Miller, of Winfield, recently rounded up and branded 5,400 head of cattle at his ranch on Salt Fork south of Hunnewell. He has changed his old brand of LK to 101 on hip and horn.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 21, 1883.
We were favored with a call last Thursday from P. W. Bossart, superintendent Kansas division, and E. L. Smith, general superintendent of the Missouri and Kansas Telephone Company. These gentlemen report a lively interest in the new enterprise of running a line from this city to the agencies and cattle ranches south of us, and will use their influence toward securing this much needed convenience.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 21, 1883.
The Telegram some time ago published an article to the effect that the east and west road had increased their charges for freight, whereupon the Topeka Commonwealth took it upon itself to defend the railroad company by denying such a raise. In last week’s Telegram, however, Brother Black produces letters and statements that will be hard to set aside by those interested on the side of the railway corporation. The Telegram has rather the best of the argument, and is making it warm for the K. C. L. & S. K. This complaint has grown pretty general all over the state, and something will have to be done in favor of the people.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 21, 1883.
The Caldwell Journal complains of ruffianism among cowboys hanging around that town, and not without cause, judging from the following account of the little pleasantries indulged in by these festive youths.
Stopping at the Mayhew schoolhouse, they forced the teacher, young Mr. Beals, to drink whiskey out of a bottle they had. Arriving opposite the next schoolhouse, they fired several shots at it. On the other side of Bluff creek, a few miles of Donaldson’s ford, is the school-house of district No. 144. Here they amused themselves by shooting the knob off the door, filling the door full of bullet holes, and shooting the lights out of several windows. They fired several shots into the next schoolhouse west, doing but little damage.
At the schoolhouse in district No. 72, they gave the teacher, John Lowry, about the same treatment they did Mr. Beals, compelling him to drink their villainous whiskey.
The Caldwell Journal, November 22, 1883.
The report of D. W. Lipe, treasurer of the Cherokee Nation, for the year 1883, shows a balance in the treasury of $100,656.64. Pretty good showing.
The Caldwell Journal, November 22, 1883.
State Agent Crawford is after the Santa Fe company for 15,160.40 acres of lands in the state which that company claims. He is also endeavoring to have restored to the public domain lands already wrongfully certified to the company, and which the company has sold.
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.
The State Railroad Commissioners and the freight managers of the several railroads in the state have been having at Topeka several days of conference, for the purpose of fixing by agreement upon freight schedules for the several roads of the state. It seems however that the principal work of the managers has been to try to show that the thing could not be done. They dwell upon “local rates,” “through rates,” “short haul rates,” “long haul rates,” “differential rates,” “commercial rates,” and various other kinds of rates to show that the work is so complex and difficult that to any uninspired being it would be impossible. . . .
The Commissioners started off right in the Beloit decision. If they persist on the same line and move with a little more velocity so as to get through in a reasonable short time, the law is a success and the commissioners are worthy of their trust. If not, then both are failures and the people will attend to the question of maximum rates next election.
It looks too much as though the Commissioners are weakening. Anyway they seem to have allowed the freight managers to fool with them and delay their action far too much.
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883. [State News.]
It is rumored that the Southern Kansas railroad will put on an extra passenger train between Winfield and Kansas City. The passenger business has increased in the last ten months, until the company find it difficult to accommodate the traveling public with the present number of trains. The new train will go east from this place late in the evening.
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.
Cattle Thieves.
Monday morning two men drove 47 head of cattle into Oxford and prepared to ship them. While they were being loaded, a gentleman who is buying hogs for Mr. Geo. W. Miller at Oxford noticed that the cattle bore Mr. Miller’s brand. On questioning the parties, they said they had bought the cattle of Mr. Miller some days before. The cattle were loaded and came over on the morning train, together with one of the shippers. Mr. Miller’s man also came over. Coming uptown he met George and happened to speak of his having seen two carloads of cattle bearing his brand loaded at Oxford that morning and that they were on the train then standing at the depot. George at once said that he had not sold any cattle and that they were certainly stolen out of his pasture. They then started to the depot on a run. The fellow who had the cattle seemed to be watching and when he saw them coming, jumped off on the opposite side of the train and made for the timber. He was followed by several parties, but up to this time they have failed to capture him. George had the stock switched off here and then went west after the old man with gray hair. He left his pal at Oxford to go east with the cattle while he went another way with the two ponies. The stolen cattle were worth about fifteen hundred dollars.
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.
That New Tariff. We said last week that we did not understand the object of the new schedule of freight rates to take effect January 1, 1884, which is posted in the Southern Kansas Depot in this city, unless it was to induce shippers to hurry up their shipments at present rates, and before rates would have to come down. Agent Brannan informs us that Gen. Agent Hines instructed him that the object is not to advance through rates, but to establish a system of regular rates for short distances between stations, which should be higher than for long distances.
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.
The freight train due here Tuesday evening on the Southern Kansas road ran off the track near New Salem, which detained the west bound passenger until eight o’clock Wednesday morning. The trouble was caused by a coal car breaking down. No one was hurt.
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.
Passenger, going North, 3:14 p.m.
Passenger, going South, 12:37 a.m.
Freight, going North, 3:00 a.m.
Freight, going South, 7:45 p.m.
K. C., L. & S. K. RAILROAD.
(Going East.)
Passenger No. 2, 5:42 a.m.
Freight No. 12, 7:30 a.m.
Freight No. 28, 10:25 a.m.
(Going West.)
Passenger No. 1, 9:58 p.m.
Freight No. 27, 4:05 p.m.
Freight No. 11, 8:35 p.m.
New Meridian time which is 9 minutes faster than former railroad time and 28 minues faster than mean time.
The Caldwell Journal, November 22, 1883.
Fight with a Desperado.
MUSKOGEE, Ind. Ter., November 17. Tonight’s train from the South brought Deputy Marshal Marks and his posse. Hearing that John Greer, a notorious desperado and whiskey peddler, was to be at South Canadian, Marks and posse laid for him. They were in the depot when he came on the porch. West ordered him to surrender, when he jumped under the depot, and as West stepped off, shot him in the leg. Marks and posse returned the fire, put-ting five bullets in him. He then made a run for a neighboring cornfield, firing with his left hand, his right arm being broken as he ran. After climbing over the fence, he fell, and it is supposed that he is dead before this time. West’s wound is bad, but not fatal.
The Caldwell Journal, November 22, 1883.
[Wellington Items from the Wellington Press.]
At a meeting of the Denver, Memphis & Atlantic Railroad Company held in Topeka on the 6th inst., J. J. Burns, of Belle Plaine, was elected its first vice-president, and Thos. Donohue, of Belle Plaine, its treasurer. The subscription books of the company were ordered to be opened at Belle Plaine, and that the work commence there. It was decided, also, to submit bond propositions all along the line. The company announces that it expects to build 200 miles of road during 1884. How much this sounds like the start of several railroads that never got any farther along—in Sumner County.
As has been noted elsewhere in these columns, heretofore, a committee consisting of Dr. P. A. Wood, Mayor J. W. Hamilton, and J. Y. Coffman was sent to Fort Scott for the purpose of prevailing upon the St. Louis, Ft. Scott & Wichita railroad to build through Wellington on its route west. This committee secured a promise that representatives of the company would visit Wellington and investigate the facts in the premises. Accordingly, F. Tiernan, president, and E. R. Stewart, a director, of the company, arrived in Wellington last Saturday night and remained until Monday morning, when they went to Argonia and returned to Wellington Monday evening and remained until Tuesday. They are much pleased with Wellington, and asked for a proposition from the people. Monday afternoon a meeting was held in the courthouse, when it was decided to offer them $4,000 per mile through the county. A conference was held Monday night, during which the whole situation was gone over. Of course, no definite arrangements were made, but we feel confident that the line will be built to Wellington, and thus we will have direct communication to St. Louis and Chicago.
The Caldwell Journal, November 22, 1883.
The Independence (Kansas) Star says: “Among the lessees of the Osage pasture lands, down on the tribal reservation about 80 miles southwest of here, are Messrs. Larimer & Crane, of this city, who take 100,000 acres. John Soderstrom, also of this county, rents 20,000 acres, and our genial friend, John N. Florer, a licensed trader at the agency, 125,000.”
The Caldwell Journal, November 22, 1883.
Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association.
Proceedings of the Board of Directors.
The Board met in Caldwell on Tuesday, November 13th, pursuant to adjournment, and met from day to day until Monday, November 19th.
Present: Ben S. Miller, president, and a full board.
The Board decided as to who were members of the Association, and ordered certificates to be issued to all parties who had paid the first assessment and held undisputed ranges on the Cherokee Strip.
It was also ordered that the treasurer refund the $10 fee paid him by parties not entitled to membership.
In the cases of Windsor & Roberts vs. Estes Bros., and Windsor & Roberts vs. W. W. Wicks, the Board decided as follows.
That the ranges of Estes Bros., and W. W. Wicks shall commence at a point on the north line of the Ponca reservation half way between Bodark and Deer Creek; thence running north, or nearly so, to a point eleven miles north, and half way between Bodark and Deer Creek; thence east to East Bodark, and down East Bodark on the west side to where Miller’s branch empties into East Bodark; thence east to the Ponca trail, and south along said trail to the Ponca reservation; thence along the north line of the reservation to place of beginning; and that the Black Dog trail shall be the dividing line between said Estes Bros., and W. W. Wicks.
The following motion was adopted.
That all parties who may desire to lease a part of what is known as the Salt Fork & Eagle Chief Pool shall produce a written statement, signed by every member of said Pool, stating that they desire that six different leases be executed to six different parties for the range known as the Salt Fork & Eagle Chief Pool, and giving a full description of each range and the number of acres it contains, to the satisfaction of the Board; and that upon the production of said written statement, signed as aforesaid, said lease will be granted.
In the case of Gregory, Eldred & Co., vs. the Comanche County Pool, the decision of the Board of Arbitrators was affirmed, E. W. Payne and Chas. H. Eldred, directors, being interested parties, not voting.
L. Banks Wilson, W. B. Helm, and J. P. Richmond were appointed a board of arbitrators to settle all disputes between Windsor & Roberts and all other parties contesting, and disputing ranges with them, and that all expenses of arbitration shall be paid by the parties in interest, and the arbitrators to view the grounds.
The following was adopted and ordered to be published in the official organ of the Association.
SECTION 8. The Board of Directors of this Association, at any regular, special, or adjourned meeting thereof, shall have full power to make any orders, rules, or regulations, and compel the enforcement of the same so far as the members of this Association are concerned, regarding all range and association matters not provided for in the sub-division of section seven of the by-laws, in relation to arbitration. Any order, rule, or regulation of the Board so made shall be published at least four consecutive times in the official organ of this Association, and when so published shall be and remain in full force and operation as to all the members of this Association until revoked or changed by the Board. Any member of the Association who shall fail, neglect, or refuse to comply with the requirements of any order of the Board so made, after being duly notified thereof in conformity with the orders of the Board of Directors, shall forfeit his membership in the Association, and all rights, privileges, and immunities arising from such membership.
On motion of A. Drumm, seconded by A. J. Day, the following was adopted and ordered to be published in the CALDWELL JOURNAL for four weeks.
In conformity with the provisions of Section 8 of the by-laws of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, it is hereby offered by the Board of Directors of the said Association in regular session this 19th day of November, A. D. 1883, as follows.
That in any case where two or more members of this Association own and occupy adjoin-ing ranges, and it shall become desirable or necessary to construct and maintain division or partition fences between the ranges so adjoining, and the owners or occupants of said adjoining ranges are unable to agree upon the terms of constructing and maintaining such division or partition fences, either of said parties may, by petition filed with the secretary of this Association (which petition shall state, in plain and concise language), the matter in con-troversy or dispute in relation to such fences, to the Board of Directors of the Association.
In any case where any member of this Association shall have already fenced his range, and any other member of the Association coming upon and occupying an adjoining range shall join his fence to or use any portion of the fence already constructed as aforesaid, shall be liable to pay the owner thereof one-half of the cost and maintenance of the same. And if any member of this Association shall refuse to pay for such division fence in the manner aforesaid, the member aggrieved may submit all matters pertaining to the joining and use of such fence to the Board of Directors, as hereinbefore ordered.
The secretary of this Association, at the time of filing any petition under the provisions of this order, shall give notice to the opposite party or parties, in writing, of the time of filing the same, at least thirty days before the hearing of the case, and shall attach to such notice a copy of the petition so filed. If any such petition shall be filed with the secretary within thirty days of the time of holding the next regular meeting of the said Board of Directors, the matter shall be heard and determined by the Board at the said next regular meeting, unless continued by the Board of Directors.
If any such petition shall be filed more than ninety days before the time fixed for holding the next succeeding regular meeting of the Board, the secretary shall immediately fix a time, not less than thirty days nor more than sixty days, for a special meeting of the Board of Directors, and shall give notice of the filing of said petition and the time and place fixed for holding such special meeting, by publication, not less than four weeks, in the official organ of the Association, and also by mailing a copy of such notice, authenticated by the seal of the Association, to the respondent named in such petition, at his nearest post office.
On motion the secretary was ordered to have the following notice published for three months consecutively in the CALDWELL JOURNAL, the Texas Live Stock Journal, the Kansas City Live Stock Indicator, and the San Antonio Express:
This is to notify drovers of Texas and Arkansas cattle, that a trail used in the summer of the years 1881 and 1882, by what are known as through cattle drovers, has been fenced by the members of this Association, and is included in pastures now stocked with domestic cattle, which renders it extremely dangerous to have this trail used by through Texas cattle. Said trail has been known as the eastern trail, or the trail running from Red Fork, Indian Territory, west, crossing Turkey Creek at or near Bullfoot Ranch, and up the Cimarron River to the western trail. The said western trail crosses the Cimarron River south of Dodge City, Kansas, which trail is provided for by the directors of this Association, and is left a width of three miles for the use and benefit of southern drovers.
The trail from Red Fork, Indian Territory, to the Cimarron Crossing, known as the eastern or Red Fork and Dodge City trail, cannot be used in future by persons driving through Texas or Arkansas cattle.
A strip three miles wide has also been left for what has been known as the old Chisholm trail from Red River to the quarantine grounds at Caldwell and Hunnewell, Kansas.
On motion the Board adjourned until the second Tuesday in March, 1884, unless sooner called together, as provided by the by-laws and rules of the Association.
The Caldwell Journal, November 22, 1883.
Board of Arbitration.
The Board of Arbitrators of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association cleared up the docket and closed its labors on Monday.
In the case of Hollenback vs. C. M. Crocker, the Board decided that Crocker was entitled to all the range in dispute.
The case of Gorton & Munger vs. Moores & Weller, the Board disagreed on Saturday night, and on Monday a Board, consisting of Banks Wilson, Asa Overall, and Gid Rowden, was appointed to try the case. After going over the evidence, the Board divided the range in dispute between the two parties.
In the case of Windsor & Roberts vs. N. J. Thompson, the case was settled satisfactorily by the parties in dispute, on the advice of the special board, consisting of Banks Wilson, Helm, and Richmond.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 28, 1883.
A Relic of Barbarism. On last Thursday afternoon Mr. L. D. Skinner, of Bolton Township, well known in this city, became possessed of the very laudable desire to “run the city,” and proceeded to do it in the most approved cowboy style. This has long been a favorite pastime of the gentle Skinner. His effervescent disposition requires more pronounced means than those provided by nature to relieve his cherished carcass of its superabundance of noxious gases, and consequently he has proved a most formidable rival of the moon in the regularity with which he gets full and elevates the residence of Satan. He had one of his “regulars” on last Thursday. For over two hours he rode his pony up and down Summit Street, on the sidewalk whenever it suited the promptings of the bacchanalian spirit of the rider, or wherever the poor brute could be forced to go. His curses were as frequent as could well be expected of a person who must perforce take time to breathe, and what they lacked in refinement was amply supplied by the clearness of their pronunciation amid the indiscriminate manner in which they were applied to ladies and gentlemen alike who were upon the street. Just where our city marshal was during all this time was a question of much moment, but of hopeless solution, and after vainly waiting for his appearance, some of our citizens concluded that the quickest way to find him was for them to arrest Skinner and get him under lock and key. This was done by Ed. Horn, George Wright, George Cunningham, and Jennings Clark, with a suddenness that very nearly unjointed the animated tub of intoxi-cants, and he was soon landed in Bonsall’s office. The object of our citizens was accom-plished; he was arrested and the city marshal was found instantly. Skinner was put under $500 bond for his appearance next day, when he was granted a stay of ten days, he still giving the same bond. His trial takes place next Monday, when it is to be hoped that he will be taught a lesson that will carry with it some weight.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 28, 1883.
Last Friday evening Deputy Sheriff Taylor came down from Winfield, and arrested Mr. Kitchen for selling liquor contrary to the prohibitory law of this state, and on Saturday Sheriff Gary arrested A. W. Patterson and C. U. France on the same grounds of offense. Papers were served on the latter gentlemen more from a desire to sift the matter to the bottom than from any belief that they were at all implicated. Concerning this move, which has more in it than an honest desire to bring these men to justice, we have simply this to say.
Insofar as it is the result of a desire on the part of our county officers and law abiding citizens to protect the dignity of the law and to punish its offenders, we cannot but say amen; but insofar as it springs from an attempt of our city marshal to shield himself from just censure for his neglect of duty on Thursday or from an understanding that effort will be made to lessen the establishment of L. D. Skinner in consideration of his furnishing whatever information he may possess, we hope it will fall flat. Mr. Oldham is suddenly taking a very lively interest in the temperance cause—more than would reasonably be expected from a person of his proclivities; but in his desire to procure witnesses against Mr. Kitchen and direct the public eye away from himself and Skinner, he completely ignores a most valuable witness for the state—himself. He need not have waited until last Friday to become such a shining light with his good work, as by personal observation he long ago possessed all such knowledge necessary. Such a course, however, is but in keeping with the tactics he has pursued for some time in the office of marshal—to hit the game if it is a deer and miss it if it is a calf. The gentlemen who are on Mr. Skinner’s bond have always been conscientious temperance men, ever working against the liquor traffic in any shape. From them the whiskey dealers have never expected anything but uncompromising war; but it was a matter of surprise that such a good consuming though poor paying customer as the city marshal should become so thoroughly converted in so short a time.
While we desire to see the law take its course, we most profoundly hope the offenses against decency, last Thursday, which were witnessed by the entire city, will not be overlooked; and that in the effort to convict one man or set of men of violating the law, the inefficiency of an officer will receive due consideration.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 28, 1883.
L. D. Skinner thought there was not enough people in Arkansas City to hold him, but when Ed. Horn and J. J. Clark embraced him, he began to realize that he was nothing but a man after all—and a poor specimen at that.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 28, 1883.
The law says in so many words that the city marshal shall arrest any man seen drunk on the streets and place him in the calaboose until he is sober. Then why is it that every guilty man is pulled up before the police judge and let off with a small fine, instead of keeping him imprisoned until he sobers off? If the law compels a police judge to accept bail from any culprit offering it, in the name of decency and good order that culprit should be locked up until sober—another item on which the law is equally plain, and wherein a city marshal has no right to exercise his own sweet will. There is too much regard paid to the feelings of a drunken brute and too little respect paid to the ladies and gentlemen who have been insulted by such carrion as was running loose last Thursday.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 28, 1883.
Whoever lodged information leading to the arrest of C. U. France last Saturday was guilty of a cowardly and uncalled for act. Mr. France entered into the hotel business in this city on Monday of last week, and consequently had been in business but five days when summoned to appear in Winfield in answer to a charge of selling liquor. Mr. France never sold a drop of liquor in this or any other town, and such cowardly thrusts as this will only serve to bring him new friends. He is doing everything in his power to make a first-class hotel, and is succeeding. He has in no way, shape, or form been interested in the selling of liquor, as we firmly believe, and we take pleasure in thus setting him right before the people.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 28, 1883.
Among the laws passed at the late session of the Choctaw council was one entitled “An act to prevent the building of railroads and railroad branches without authority from the grand council.”
Arkansas City Traveler, November 28, 1883.
White and Indian hunters in the Territory are causing considerable loss and trouble to the stockmen by letting fires get out, which burn off the ranges. Too much care cannot be ob-served in this matter, as thousands of acres are at stake.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 28, 1883.
Attempted Highway Robbery. Last Saturday evening as Mr. Taft and his son-in-law were going home, they were stopped at the west bridge by two men, who demanded their money. It seems that one of the would-be robbers was a tramp who had previously been employed by Mr. Taft, and who had seen the latter gentleman draw a considerable amount of money from the bank on that afternoon. The other man, who held a large revolver in his hand, was unknown to Mr. Taft. Fortunately, before there was any chance for a more serious disturbance, Mr. Johnson and Mr. Steiver rode up and hostilities ceased. Warrants were issued for the arrest of the tramp and his accomplice, but so far nothing has been heard from them.
The Caldwell Journal, November 29, 1883.
Bent. Murdock, referring to our query regarding the insects under the sunflower which adorns the head of the Republican, gives the following explanation.
“The sunflower flourishes to such an extent in Kansas, that we are coming to be known as the sunflower State. The grasshopper is not intended to represent the red-legged locust, that has, in times past, visited our State in swarms, but the Kansas native; harmless and happy. The vignette, as a whole, represents the flora and fauna of the great sunflower State. An editor who has lived in Kansas twenty-five years ought to know a butterfly from a chinch bug.”
We are satisfied, and have no more to say.
The Caldwell Journal, November 29, 1883.
Two gentlemen from the east went down into the Territory last Wednesday to take a look at our Indian school building, and a number of cowboys, thinking they would have some fun with the “green Yankees,” as they call them, took some blankets and dressed themselves up as Indians, and started out after them. When the “Yanks” were about two miles on the other side of the line, the cowboys gave the war-whoop and started for them in genuine Indian style; but instead of getting up and dusting as the boys expected, the “Yankees” stood their ground, and when they got in range, let drive at them with their shot guns.
The Caldwell Journal, November 29, 1883.
M. H. Bennett returned last Saturday from a trip to the mouth of the Cimarron. He informs us that the Indians have burned off the entire Oklahoma country south of the Cimarron, and thinks that some of the parties who went into that region will be compelled to turn their cattle loose.
The Caldwell Journal, November 29, 1883.
Adam Berg came up from the Volz range last Monday, and reports everything lovely down on the Canadian, except that the Indians have been setting fire to the grass on various ranges. They have burned off considerable of the prairie on the Cimarron, and will likely burn off more.
The Caldwell Journal, November 29, 1883.
Mayor Colson returned last Monday from his trip to Colorado City, Texas On arriving there he found that the meeting of the stockholders of the San Antonio, Colorado City and K. C. Railroad had been adjourned, owing to the inability of the various committees to report. Mr. Colson says that the people of Colorado City and on the projected road, clear to San Antonio, are enthusiastic over the project, and he feels confident that the road will be built to the Territory line within the next year. There is no doubt but what it will be one of the best paying roads in the West, because it will have control of the immense cattle traffic which must have an outlet to Kansas City, now that it is almost impossible to drive large herds through Texas and across the Indian Territory to shipping points on the south border of Kansas Our people should give the project their assistance, if in no other way by urging upon the Kansas members of Congress to support a bill giving the company a right of way across the Indian Territory to Caldwell. A petition to that effect should be drawn up, signed, and forwarded to our delegation, as soon as it can be definitely ascertained at what point the railroad will strike the Territory on the south line, and its general route through that country.
The Caldwell Journal, November 29, 1883.
J. W. Nichols, of Arkansas City, and interested in the cattle business south of that place, called at the JOURNAL office yesterday, at the same time signifying his desire to keep posted on Strip affairs through its columns.
Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.
DIED. Chester Vanmeter, the young fellow who shot at Sheriff Shenneman here once, was killed near Caldwell last week. He had got into an altercation with his wife, beating her, and when her father interposed, turned on him. The officers of Caldwell went out to arrest him. He resisted and was killed. He was one of the “blood-and-thunder” kind of young men, and while in jail here entertained the prisoners with the plaintive melody of “The Outlaw’s Bride,” and kindred compositions. All such men end the same way—beat their wives and die with their boots on.
Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.
Caught Him. One of the cattle thieves, an account of whose exploits was printed last week, was caught by Mr. Geo. W. Miller last week about twelve miles west of Wichita. His name is Hiram McCathalan, and he is an old penitentiary bird. He is the one who helped to load the cattle at Oxford and afterward took the horses away. Mr. Miller struck his trail and followed it all around over the country until he finallly came up with him. He was riding along the road at the time and seemed very much surprised when George rode up, pulled his Winchester down on him, and ordered him to “throw up.” He yielded gracefully, however, and George brought him to Wellington, where he now lies in jail. George is a good thief-catcher.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 5, 1883.
L. D. Skinner was fined $50 and costs, last Monday, by Judge Bonsall, for his little fun two weeks ago.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 5, 1883.
C. T. Hickman, representing the Kansas City Live Stock Indicator, was in the city last week. This is a most valuable journal for stock men.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 5, 1883.
S. T. Wood, an old timer in this country, was in the city last week. He is now surveying the Windsor & Roberts range in the Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 5, 1883.
The United States District Court convened on Monday of last week, and among the cases to be heard was that of Dave Payne. The hero of Oklahoma “bobs up serenely” with a persistency only equaled by the going qualities of Tennyson’s brook. And still the Territory is not opened.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 5, 1883.
Our future county treasurer, Capt. J. B. Nipp, came up from the Territory last Saturday. While down in the Pottawatomie country, he saw the notorious Dick Glass, who has so far evaded the officers of the law. Dick is a full blooded Negro, a hard character of the worst type, and one whom no officer cares to arrest without plenty of backing. He is at all times armed to the teeth, and is ever on the alert.
Winfield Courier, December 6, 1883.
Arkansas City has had a regular cowboy jubilee. One L. D. Skinner, of Bolton Township, filled his hide with poor whiskey and proceeded to ride up and down the sidewalks, swear at and abuse citizens, and perform diverse and sundry other improper acts. As usual, the marshal was not to be found, and after he had kept up the circus some time a posse of citizens took him in. This skinner must be a bad citizen.
The Caldwell Journal, December 13, 1883.
Col. Boudinot has brought a charge against Col. Wm. Phillips, agent and attorney at Washington for the Cherokee Nation, for receiving $22,500 from the Indians, and that Phillips stated this sum went to pay Senators Dawes and Secretary Teller for their influence in securing a large appropriation for the benefit of the Cherokee Nation. Col. Phillips denied the charge. He need not to have put himself to that trouble, for no one (whatever may be his personal or political prejudices) who knows the character of Dawes and Teller, will believe the story for a single moment. However, there are corrupt people who will take any charge made against an officer to be true, no matter how absurd it may be on its face. They seem to take it for granted no man can be honest and fill a public place. The reason is obvious. They would steal or be bribed themselves, and they imagine human nature, in that respect, is the same the world over.
The Caldwell Journal, December 13, 1883.
A special to the Kansas City Times says that a commotion has been caused in Washington by the distribution among senators and representatives of copies of a memorial to Congress on the part of citizens of the Cherokee Nation, protesting against the alleged illegal lease of 6,000,000 acres of their lands to a syndicate of capitalists for grazing pur-poses. It also states that “all the facts will be brought out by the resolution recently introduced by Senator Walker, of Arkansas.”
All the facts were brought out by the JOURNAL long ago, and they are simply that the Cherokees own the land in fee simple and as a common heritage; that, having no use for the lands, they leased them for five years to the men who had been occupying them as grazing lands, for the sum of $100,000 per annum—a sum greater than could have been obtained for their use in any other way.
The antagonism to the lease does not come from the Cherokees, but white men who were unable to secure the lease for their individual benefit. Had those men succeeded in their schemes, the small cattle-holders on the Strip would have been compelled to pay an exorbi-tant rental to those tender-hearten gentlemen who appear to be so distressed over the wrong supposed to have been inflicted upon the Cherokees, or drive their herds off to some more favored locality, if they could find one. So far as we can ascertain, the Cherokees are satisfied with their bargain. That being the case, and the lease having been made in good faith, it is not easy to understand how Congress can interfere with, or set it aside, any more than it can annul a lease of a farm, a house and lot, or a railroad; and we have not the least idea Congress will pay any attention to the matter further, perhaps, than to send Senator Walker’s resolutions to a committee.
The parties who are attempting to interfere with the Cherokees and the stockmen who have leased the lands in question will have ample time to cool their shins at the doors of the capitol before they will be able to induce Congress to even make an attempt at setting aside a contract which both sides had an indubitable right to enter into.
The Caldwell Journal, December 13, 1883.
About the most important information—to the public of Caldwell—we have to communicate this week is the visit, on Monday, of Messrs. Nickerson, Leeds, and Burgess of the Santa Fe road. They came in on Monday’s train, went over to the stock yards, made a thorough examination, and took the return train for the north.
Our hired man was denied the privilege of interviewing the gentlemen, but from what was said on the outside, he learned that the object of the visit was to make some kind of a calculation relative to the reconstruction and enlargement of the stock yards at this place.
It was further intimated that work on the improvements would begin at an early day, and that when the yards were finished, they would be the largest, best arranged, and most com-plete in the State. All this is a consummation devoutly to be wished for, not only by our citizens, but by the stockmen on the Cherokee Strip. They have all along preferred to come here to ship, and the only reason they have not done so heretofore, is because of the bad construction and inconvenience of the yards.
The Caldwell Journal, December 13, 1883.
The Texas Road.
[From Kansas City Live Stock Indicator.]
The Indicator is pleased to observe that the citizens of Caldwell, Kansas, are taking an active interest in the proposed railroad from that city to Colorado City, Texas, as was evinced by the recent visit of Mayor Colson to Colorado City for the purpose of attending the meeting of the stockholders. The country which the proposed railroad would pass through has been already explained in the Indicator, and is familiar to western stockmen, who, holding cattle tributary to the proposed route, are anxious to see it built.
To build railroads, as with every other enterprise, requires money, and particularly a railroad which would pass through the Indian Territory and sparsely settled portions of Texas. No subsidies from Nation, State, city, or county can be expected except the right of way, and therefore there must be an excellent field for trade presented before capital will be forthcoming in sufficient amounts to make the project an assured success.
The citizens of Colorado City, Texas, one of the most enterprising towns of the south-west, took the initiative in this enterprise. They were the first to call a meeting for the purpose of talking the matter over and they are still at work. One town, no matter how enterprising it may be, can do but little either in the way of furnishing sufficient capital or energy and influence to carry the project forward to success.
As has already been stated in the Indicator, what is needed is the active cooperation of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe, the great western stock road, and which is now constructed to Caldwell, Kansas. This is a corporation which is wealthy, well managed, and has the good will of its patrons. Let the right of way through the Indian Territory from Caldwell to the Red River, near Vernon, Wilbarger County, Texas, be secured; and it is safe to say that the road will be built. It is useless to write or talk of disconnected railroad enterprises in these days. This is the era of great railroad systems, and of these western systems the Santa Fe is the most prosperous and the road which can, if it will, make the enterprise successful.
The Caldwell Journal, December 13, 1883.
The Arkansas City Democrat states that A. R. Witmore and John Haygood, while in the Territory after wood last week, found the body of a man with two bullet holes in the back part of his head. All that was found on the body was a new day-book, with the name, John J. Myter, written on the fly leaf, and a letter dated, Uvalda, Texas, Nov. 6th, and evidently written by his wife. The letter urges him to come home, and at the same time congratulates him on the good sale he made of his ponies. The body was so decomposed that the finders could not remove it, so they buried it as best they could.
The Caldwell Journal, December 13, 1883.
Horace, Mr. Cathron, and Wm. Miller, who stole two car loads of cattle from G. W. Miller’s ranch on Salt Fork, last month, have been arrested and are now in jail at Wellington. The first was captured in Sedgwick County and the second at Gainesville, Texas. Miller, after making his escape, stole a horse near Winfield, three in Sedgwick County, three more, with harness, wagon, and load of corn, near Milan, and then lit out for Texas. If Mr. Miller serves a sufficient number of years to pay up for his little eccentricities, he will undoubtedly be too aged to take any interest in cattle or horses.
The Caldwell Journal, December 13, 1883.
Big Cattle Deal.
While Ed. M. Hewins was here the other day, M. H. Bennett, of this city, made a deal with him for the interest of Hewins & Titus in the range at the forks of the Cimarron and Arkansas rivers, Mr. Dunman retaining his interest. The range is one of the best on the Cherokee Strip, and with it goes 12,000 head of cattle, 8,000 head of which are double-wintered beeves.
The price paid is $175,000, the papers for which we have seen. This may seem a large sum for a half interest in the stock and range, but when the character of both is taken into consideration, it will not seem so extravagant.
The new firm will be Bennett & Dunman, and the post office address Caldwell, Kansas.
The Caldwell Journal, December 13, 1883.
Mayor Colson started up the road last Monday, and before he returns will have an interview with the Santa Fe officials regarding railroad matters in which our town is interested.
The Caldwell Journal, December 13, 1883.
E. R. Bates, of the D. T. Beals Cattle Company, dropped in last Monday, on his way from the Panhandle. His trial on the charge of taking cattle not his own has been postponed until next June. To the average person, it will seem queer that the trial should have been postponed by the prosecuting attorney, as it was.
The Caldwell Journal, December 20, 1883.
We learn that Boudinot, in addition to bringing suit against Col. Phillips, has also brought suit against the Directors of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association. Boudinot is an outlaw in his own country; at least, he don’t dare to set a foot inside of the Cherokee Nation, and hasn’t for several years. He is a lobbyist and a sharper, and the suits he has entered are only another tack to replenish his depleted purse. Washington is full of just such harpies.
The Caldwell Journal, December 20, 1883.
Elsie Thralls passed through town last Friday with the horses and wagon stolen by Miller from near Milan. We stated last week that Miller had been captured, but that was a mistake. Miller got away, owing to the want of promptness on the part of the officers at Gainesville. If their course in regard to Miller is anything to judge by, it is no wonder the vicinity of Gainesville has been the scene of frequent robberies during the past six months.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 26, 1883.
Two Pictures.
It appears that Col. Boudinot has “poked up” the animals in and about Washington by instituting suits and preferring charges against those who have seemingly acted crooked with reference to “leased lands” in the Indian country. The Colonel’s “prod pole” is punching in the right direction and while great bellowing will be caused, the “general savage” will be able to ward off any damper that may threaten him. Let him continue in his work and protect the nation’s wards is the general sentiment of the country. Springfield Herald.
We learn that Boudinot, in addition to bringing suit against Col. Phillips, has also brought suit against the directors of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association. Boudinot is an outlaw in his own country; at least he don’t dare to set a foot inside of the Cherokee Nation, and hasn’t for several years. He is a lobbyist and a sharper, and the suits he has entered are only another tack to replenish his depleted purse. Washington is full of just such harpies. Caldwell Journal.
The Caldwell Journal, December 27, 1883.
Notice has been received from Chief Bushyhead that the south line of the Strip extending to Red Fork, and that all the land on the Strip from the Kansas line to the Red Fork is covered by the lease to the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association.
the Cattleman’s Last Frontier.
Elias C. Boudinot first stimulated the homesteaders’ interest in Indian Territory with a series of letters written to newspapers early in 1879. In mid-February he revealed, in the Chicago Times, that the federal government had, after the Civil War, purchased millions of acres of land from tribes in the Territory. By treaties signed in 1866 with the Creeks, Seminoles, Choctaws, and Chickasaws, the government bought approximately 14 million acres for $1,600,530. More than 1 million acres had been assigned to Pottawatomies and Sacs and Foxes, while Wichita held another 743,610 acres under an unratified agreement with Washington. The rest, Boudinot, declared, was public domain. Located west of the 97th meridian and south of the Cherokee Outlet, this land was “well adapted for the production of corn, wheat, and other cereals.” Stimulated by Boudinot’s report, prospective settlers flocked to the Kansas line. Secretary of the Interior Carl Schurz closely followed newspaper accounts of homesteaders’ growing interest in Indian Territory and became alarmed by the situation. He announced that neither the Homestead Act nor any other federal land legislation applied to the purchased acreage. Any settlement in the area would be illegal. Schurz instructed the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to empower Indians to evict intruding farmers.
David L. Payne
Emporia News, May 14, 1869.
THE NINETEENTH KANSAS REGIMENT. Lieut. Col. W. C. Jones, an estimable officer, was, on the first day of May, at Topeka, presented with a valuable gold watch by his brother officers of the Nineteenth cavalry, as a small token of regard, a dinner and complimentary speeches being the concomitants of the presentation.
Col. W. C. Jones was a general favorite in his regiment, and spared no pains in rendering his battalion efficient, while at the same time he had a due regard for the comfort of his men. We understand that Capt. Payne and Lieut. Steele, both of company “H,” had also watches presented to them by members of the same troop. Leavenworth Bulletin.
Emporia News, July 29, 1870.
Capt. D. L. Payne, of Sedgwick County, called on us a few days ago. He has established a ranch in that county, on the road from El Dorado to Wichita, and intends making a big stock farm. Dave fought for his country during the rebellion, and was a Captain in Governor Crawford’s regiment, which went out against the Indians winter before last. We are glad to know that his prospects are bright for the accumulation of a fortune. He certainly deserves success.
Emporia News, September 9, 1870.
Capt. Payne, of Wichita, known in Kansas as “Oxheart,” was in town a day or two this week. Payne’s friends are as numerous as his acquaintances. He is always welcome.
In the spring of 1880, David L. Payne emerged as leader of the farmers who were “booming” for opening the Indian Territory to settlement. Payne, a one-time guide, scout, Kansas legislator, and petty bureaucrat, had met Boudinot in Washington. Both men enjoyed the support of railroads eager to remove barriers to homesteading below Kansas. Boudinot was content to seek lawful means of achieving those ends, but Payne preferred the more direct method of outright invasion. Between May 19, 1880, and August 28, 1882, the boomer leader was four times arrested within Indian Territory—once escorted to its borders and released, and three times jailed, either by Army or civilian authorities. His raids during 1883 occurred with such frequency that the War Department lost count of them. In the military’s view, “The whole history of Payne’s operations is a farce, in which the Government is, of course, at a disadvantage. There is no punishment for Payne and his followers, the law only providing a fine for such transactions—a sort of punishment easily borne by the impecunious crowd which follows this business of intrusion into the Indian Territory.”
Arkansas City Traveler, February 5, 1879.
The bill introduced by Senator Ferry in the Senate a few days ago provided that all able-bodied citizens between the ages of 18 and 45 years, resident within their respective States and Territories, except such as may be exempt by law, shall constitute the militia. The militia are to be divided into two classes—active, to be known as National or State guard, as the legislature of each State may prescribe; and inactive, to be known as Reserve militia. The bill proposes to appropriate one million dollars for the purpose of providing arms, ammunition, and other ordnance and quartermaster stores for active service.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 26, 1879.
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad.
We understand that the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Company have contracted for 80,000 tons of rails, with other material, for the purpose of building a branch, starting at Emporia and running through Greenwood, Elk, and Chautauqua counties to the South line of the State of Kansas, at or near Arkansas City, with a branch from Winfield to Wellington in Sumner County, for which bonds have been voted in Cowley and Sumner counties. This makes about 165 miles of new construction. Subscriptions for the money to build these branches will be offered to the stockholders of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Company during this month. Boston Journal.
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1879
An Editor of the Courier Interviews Gen. W. B. Strong
and is assured that the Santa Fe R. R. will be built from Wichita
to this point at an early day.
The material for the construction of the road has been purchased. The surveyors and engineers are at work. In a few days the Board of Directors will advertise for bids for the grading. Let the people plant corn and rejoice, for the day of our deliverance is at hand. This year's crops will certainly be shipped by rail from Winfield.
“We Told You So!”
When at home two weeks ago we talked with many who feared that the proposed railroad from Wichita to Winfield would not be built within the time agreed upon. We were surprised to find so many residents both of the city and of the country distrustful of the intentions of the Santa Fe company. To all such we stated that on account of their attempt to secure occupants for their immense tracts of land in western Kansas, the company could not afford to advertise our county by beginning the construction of their road into it until the rush of the spring immigration is over, but that we were confident the road would be completed the coming summer.
Last Friday we called upon General Manager Strong, and were assured by him that our statement of the case was entirely correct, and that the engineers were then at work making the survey of the route. Mr. Strong stated that the materials for the construction of the road have already been purchased and that he expected within two weeks to send to the COURIER advertisements for bids for the grading. He says that the work on the extension will be pushed rapidly until the road is completed, and that if we said to do so he would yet put ten thousand dollars into the hands of our county treasurer as a forfeit to the county if he fails to have the cars running to Winfield by the 30th of September next.
Mr. Strong is a frank, outspoken man. He means exactly what he says, and we are just as confident that our “pass” is to be made “good to Winfield” within six months as we would be if the Santa Fe company had a forfeit of one hundred thousand dollars in the hands of our county treasurer.
The construction of this road is assured. It is a thing of which no man in the county should have any doubt. We believe that the ones who have charge of the enterprise will have the cars running to Winfield long before the fall immigration to the State will begin. The same things that cause delay in beginning work are arguments in favor of the rapid construction of the road when it is commenced.
COWLEY COUNTY FARMERS, YOU WILL CERTAINLY MARKET THIS YEAR'S CROPS AT WINFIELD. Cut out these lines and paste them in your hats so that you may refer to them occasionally for encouragement. The same labor that produced and marketed twenty acres of corn last year will double that number this. Instead of being compelled to freight your wheat, forty, fifty, or sixty miles to dispose of it, lying out of doors at night and being exposed in all kinds of weather, you will market your crops at home hereafter and enjoy your evenings with your families.
This spring every available acre of ground should be planted to some kind of paying crop. We should strain every nerve to make our productions as great as possible. The railroad will be of little value to us if we have nothing to ship. This summer breaking plows should be kept moving. (We have taken the advice we give you and shall have every tillable acre of our “points” put into cultivation this season.) Next fall we should sow one hundred and fifty thousand acres of fall wheat. With a home market our surplus from this crop alone will put us almost out of debt. If we continue in the future, industrious and frugal as we have been in the past, we shall find our county just entering upon an era of prosperity and development such as we have not yet known. Let all plans be made and work done as if the road was already constructed, for the highest authority in connection with the enterprise says it shall be pushed rapidly to completion. We give you not hearsay evidence, but the frank, honest statement of the man who controls.
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1879.
General Blair, attorney, and Major Gunn, engineer of the L. L. & G. railroad extension to this place, were in town last Friday and report everything “booming” in relation to their work. Louisburg township, in Montgomery county, voted their bonds by a three-fourths majority. They think that the Elk townships will be carried by even greater majorities. Sumner county is active in the preparation to submit a bond vote and will no doubt put her shoulder to the wheel.
The engineers are out engaged in locating the Cowley, Sumner and Fort Smith railroad, extension of the Wichita branch of the A. T. & S. F. Large amounts of material are in preparation for the work and dirt will soon be flying all along the line from Wichita to Winfield.
Winfield Courier, April 17, 1879.
The letter of Col. E. C. Boudinot gives considerable information in regard to the Indian Territory. Colonel Boudinot is a Cherokee by birth, an orator, and a statesman. His letter shows that 12,000,000 acres of land within the Territory do not belong to any of the tribes, but are absolutely government land.
This would make 75,000 farms of 160 acres each, or enough for 75,000 families of five persons each, making homes therefore for three hundred and seventy-five thousand persons. These lands it will be remembered are entirely exclusive of any and all reservations of whatsoever kind.
Of the remaining 29,000,000 acres of the different reservations, it is proposed to set apart 100 acres for every man, woman, and child. This would require 10,150,480 acres, as the Indian population is only 48,736, whites 876, negroes 5,000. So far providing all these with their 160 acres each, there would still remain within these reservations nearly 19,000,000 acres for white settlement, in addition to the 12,000,000 above referred to. This would make 118,750 farms of 160 acres each, and counting five persons to a family would make homes for 593,750 persons. This would leave all the Indian lands still intact, and to each Indian family of five persons a farm of 800 acres as they would have 160 acres for each man, woman, and child.
It has been suggested that when the Territory is opened for settlement, and the Indians are given their lands in severalty, that it be fixed so that they cannot sell or convey their lands for a certain period of time, say ten or twenty years, in order that they could not be purchased away from them without ample and sufficient consideration. As a large portion of these people are civilized and many of them educated, it is not likely that their best interest can possibly suffer by the new order of things which is likely to take place in the near future.
—Chetopa Advance.
On April 26, 1879, President Rutherford B. Hayes issued a proclamation warning “certain evil-disposed persons” of the inadvisability of nesting on Indian land.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1879. The engineering corps of the A. T. & S. F. road were surveying through Winfield Tuesday. It is said that the company will be throwing dirt on the road to Winfield in less than ten days.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 30, 1879.
Several articles have appeared of late, in the public press, tending to encourage squatter sovereignty in the Indian Territory. A letter from Cornelius Boudinot (who generally flies off at half cock) is also published for the purpose of creating a false impression in the public mind. The act of Congress, establishing the metes and bounds of the Indian Territory, has never been repealed, and is yet the law of the land. That act prescribes that the Territory is set aside for the sole and exclusive use and benefit of Indian tribes, and expressly prohibits the settlement therein of any other race. The statutes of the United States also make it penal offense for any white person not an employee of Government to locate therein without special permit from lawful authority.
Although it is a fact that some of the five nations ceded to Government large tracts of land that they formerly acquired from the same source, the original bill creating the Territory covers every acre within its limits, and the treaties thus made expressly affirm that all these lands shall be used on the part of the United States for settling Indian tribes.
If we turn to the early history of this Territory, we find that less than fifty years ago it was uninhabited by any of the five nations, and was known as the Territory of Arkansas. Indian wars, then so common on this continent, rendered it necessary on the part of the general Government to remove the five nations beyond the encroachment of civilization, and hence this territory was formed.
In the early history of the war of the rebellion, two parties arose among the Indians in the Territory, and the full bloods, or Pins, as they were designated, went into the Federal army, while the half breeds were mustered into McCullock's Southern ranks. In the battles that were fought at Pea Ridge, Flat Rock, Cane Hill, and Prairie Grove, the five nations were auxiliary forces and sent a summons of death into many a soldier.
At the close of the rebellion, the question arose whether the rights of the Rebel Indian in the Territory were not confiscated, and to settle the dispute, the treaty of 1866 was made. That treaty also recites that the Indians shall forever possess and enjoy a perfect right and title to all lands lying within the limits of said Territory.
The ceded lands of twelve or fourteen million acres that squatter sovereignty proposes to cover with her broad wings, cannot be taken for colonization while the Government recognizes the old treaties.
In 1874 Congress passed a law that no more treaties shall be made with any Indian tribe, but left passed treaties undisturbed.
The Forty-fifth Congress passed a law that it shall be unlawful for the Interior Department to remove into the Indian Territory any tribe of Indians from New Mexico or Arizona, the Sioux included. But during all this time it has created no right for white men.
About the time of the first settlement of this reserve, some three thousand people went down onto the “Outlet,” and made settlements. They remained undisturbed a few months only, when Government resolved to put them out, and destroyed all improvements.
With this experience, it looks to us that it is a game of hazard that no wise man will play to settle on lands that can only be held by force, and where the incentive to mob and riot so plainly exists.
Whether the policy of the General Government towards the Indian is wholly right or all wrong has been argued by learned men from opposite standpoints, and the question remains unsettled. That the Indian can be taught, and has mind to comprehend a superior condition far above his crude nature, is no longer a question for argument. But whether his advancement in the next decade will meet the requirements to enable him to cope with white settlements that are pressing him on every side admits of serious doubts. The commerce of the “New West” is reaching out, and is making demands for greater room. Our railroads are asking for a right of way through the Indian lands, and seem determined to open up a new era of things. Of this we feel assured, that if the Government takes no steps this season to remove those now going on to these lands, a general rush will follow after autumn harvest that no Congress will feel disposed to drive out. We shall see.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 7, 1879.
The grand rush for the unassigned lands in the Indian Territory is assuming gigantic proportions. If it should prove to be the method of forcing the Territory open to settlement, it will also demonstrate the fact that a comparative minimum number can set at defense the will of the Government, and throttle its very existence.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 7, 1879 - Front Page.
The following proclamation was issued by the President on the 26th.
WHEREAS, It has become known to me that certain evil disposed persons have, within the Territory and jurisdiction of the United States, begun and set on foot preparations for organized and forcible possession of the settlement upon lands of what is known as the Indian Territory, west of the State of Arkansas, which Territory is designated, organized, and described by treaties and laws of the United States and by executive authorities as the Indian's country, and as such is only subject to occupation by Indian tribes, officers of the Indian department, military posts, and such persons as may be privileged to reside and trade therein under the intercourse laws of the United States; and
WHEREAS, These laws provide for the removal of all persons residing and trading therein without express permission of the Indian department and agents, and also of all persons whom such agents may deem improper persons to reside in the Indian country.
Now, therefore, for the purpose of properly protecting the interests of Indian nations and tribes as well as the United States in said Indian Territory, and of the duty of enforcing the laws governing the same, I, Rutherford B. Hayes, President of the United States, do admonish and warn all such persons so intending or preparing to remove upon said lands, or into said Territory, without permission of the proper agents of the Indian department against any attempt to so remove or settle upon any of the lands of said Territory. I do further warn and notify any and all such persons who may so offend that they will be speedily and immediately removed therefrom by the agent according to laws made and provided, and if necessary the aid and assistance of the military forces of the United States will be invoked to carry into proper execution the laws of the United States herein referred to.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington on this, the 26th day of April, and year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine, and of the independence of the United States one hundred and third. R. B. HAYES.
Wm. R. EVARTS, Secretary of State.
Winfield Courier, May 8, 1879.
Winfield is soon to become an important railroad center. The Cowley, Sumner & Ft. Smith railroad will be built to this place within four or five months, and the Southern Kansas and Western will not be far behind.
Already a city of near 3,000 inhabitants, the population of Winfield will ere long be doubled, etc.
Winfield Courier, May 8, 1879.
The building of the Southern Kansas and Western railroad from Independence to Winfield within the next ten months is assured. The franchises are voted along the whole line. Louisburg township voted the bonds some weeks ago by an overwhelming majority. Last week Tuesday the Elk townships voted bonds to the road.
On the same day Cowley county voted the bonds by 1200 majority. The company has deposited $10,850, which now cannot be withdrawn and which it must forfeit to Cowley County if the road is not in operation to Winfield within ten months. Major Gunn, the engineer, and Gen. Blair both assure us that it will be built long before the time given, even before the year 1879 expires.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 14, 1879.
The General Government is placing military force along the line of the Indian Territory for the purpose of resisting invasion onto the unassigned lands therein. During the last few days quite a number of teams have passed through our city on their way to these lands. Government having arrested the tide of squatters flowing into the Territory via Coffeyville, Chetopa, and other points in the Southeast part of Kansas, there seems to be a preconcerted movement to rendezvous at, or near here, and all move together for the Territory.
This looks to us like a hasty unwise step. The Government is resolved to put all invaders out of the Territory, and we advise all who are not seeking a pitched battle to keep out of there. Those who really desire to test the strength of Uncle Samuel can go in on their muscle and take the consequences.
The old fraud—C. C. Carpenter—who has led so many of our people into this ambush is a sore backed, crooked legged, cross-eyed cuss. Every old Kansan knows his record for the last fifteen years, and they know him to be a fraud from his inception. Now we will say to all readers of the TRAVELER, don't be led off by any such a creature. You can't afford to bring upon yourselves the trouble and loss his followers will surely meet. Carpenter has fled to parts unknown, and is not to be found by the military when his company is so desirable.
Whenever Congress is disposed to pass an enabling act to organize a Territorial Government, it will be time enough to change your residence. Those who go before this event, will surely come to grief.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 7, 1879.
A Scheme of Plunder.
The New York Sun, Democratic, denounces the invasion of the Indian Territory by lawless white men in very bitter language.
It says:
“A scheme of plunder and villainy, greater and bolder, perhaps, than any other that has even been deliberately conceived, perfectly organized, and effectively put in operation since the United States came into existence is now in active progress, with its headquarters at Kansas City, its tools in Washington, both in the lobby and on the floor of Congress, and its agents in every part of the Southwest. The name and purpose of the Oklahoma Ring have been vaguely familiar to the public for several years. The development of this Ring's plan to steal the Indian Territory, to grab millions of acres of Government lands, crowding out the civilized tribes and building colossal private fortunes upon the ruins of Government treaties, has come to that stage where it is necessary that full light be let upon its iniquity.”
The Government declares its intention to maintain the laws and prevent the invasion of the Indian Territory. General Sheridan instead of General Pope as first announced will take active measures to enforce the treaties in accordance with the President's proclamation. Twelve hundred troops will compose this first command. More will be forthcoming if necessary. The Capitol.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 14, 1879.
A squad of soldiers are here to keep the invaders out of the Indian Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 14, 1879.
Camp Detachment U. S. Troops.
ARKANSAS CITY, KANS., May 13th, 1879.
All parties intending to settle in the Indian Territory are hereby notified that such settlement is contrary to law, and if attempted, will be followed by forcible expulsion therefrom. W. W. BARRETT,
Lt. Colonel U. S. A.
Commanding Detachment.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 14, 1879.
We are in receipt of letters from Senator Plumb and Hon. Thomas Ryan expressing views very decidedly against the movement of those who contemplate settlement in the Indian Territory and advising all who wish to avoid trouble to decline going there as it is a direct violation of law.
Winfield Courier, May 22, 1879.
Our friend, C. M. Scott, was in town last week and furnished us with much interesting news. He is much of the time in the saddle under orders from the Governor and watching the uneasy Indians in the Territory, which business he claims to like better than he did the editing of the Traveler.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 22, 1879 - FRONT PAGE.
EDITOR COURIER:—Perhaps a word from the great Indian and cattle region would interest the readers of your paper. I will be brief and give as much news in as little space as possible.
The cattle drive from Texas, north, has just begun. The first herd of 300 head passed Cimarron ranche north of Camp Supply, for Dodge City about May 5th. Many others are on the trail and the drive will be good this year. Stock wintered in the northern part of the Territory and in the western counties of Kansas, are a little thin, owing to the hard winter and dry spring.
At Caldwell officers of the Cherokee Nation represented they were there for the purpose of “collecting a tax” of the stock men for pasturage in the Territory, and the matter is creating considerable comment and general dissatisfaction. If it is carried out, stock men will be compelled to drive to the Pan Handle of Texas or Western Kansas. The pasturage that these Indians want pay for, is never used by the Indians and has been burned off every fall for years.
About half way between Ft. Reno and Camp Supply, near the Post, we saw millions of young grasshoppers, but they were confined to a space of a few miles, and but little fears were entertained of their taking the red man's corn.
The veto of the army appropriation bill caused considerable uneasiness among the military men of the several posts and will be very embarrassing to both officers and soldiers. Some WHITE HORSE THIEVES ran off thirteen head of ponies belonging to the Cheyenne chief, “Stone Calf,” and soldiers were scouring the country to overtake them but failed to find them. All along the line we heard of several cases of horse stealing.
Thousands of Texas ponies will be driven to Kansas this year. Mr. Kincaid, at Caldwell, lately came up with 300 head, followed by James Steen, with 900 head. Brown, Jennings, Malone, and Scott will be here by the middle or latter part of summer, each with from one to five hundred head, and the probability is that ponies will be cheap.
Tom Donnell and Ben Clarke in the U. S. scouts at Ft. Reno, and Amos Chapman and Harry Cooms, a Pawnee, at Camp Supply. These men have made quite a record already in Indian exploits, and will figure extensively this summer if any trouble should arise.
The Comanches and Kiowas near Ft. Sill raided into Texas lately, and the “Rangers” dropped one of them, “Sun Boy” by name, for which the Indians made another raid and killed Joe Clarke. This took place April 12th.
George and Bob Bent, half-breed sons of old Colonel Bent, for whom Bent's fort was named, are both among the Cheyennes now, raising cattle and farming. The boys have a very interesting history.
There are no buffalo in the Territory at this time, but during June and July they will come east of Camp Supply and into western Kansas, probably within 150 miles of Winfield. Deer are plentiful, and antelope can be found in Harper and Barbour counties. On the Cimarron, near Jones' ranche affords good hunting and fishing. One of our party killed one panther and a number of turkeys while there, and we fished until we were tired of catching them. Owing to the recent raid to settle in the Territory, hunting will not be permitted near the Interior of the Nation. I will be going in a few days, again, and will notify you of any matters of interest. Yours, C. M. [C. M. Scott]
Winfield Courier, May 22, 1879.
Mr. Solomon Frazier, of Lazette, called on us last Monday. Mr. Frazier has just returned from the Indian Territory, where he has been to see about the Oklahoma lands, but was ordered back by the U. S. troops stationed there.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 4, 1879.
D. W. BUSHYHEAD, Treasurer of the Cherokee Nation, we are informed, has established an office at Caldwell, for the purpose of collecting taxes on cattle and other stock grazing in the Indian Territory.
We advise the stock men to resist the payment of this tax, and, if necessary, to make a case and test it before Judge Barker, at Fort Smith. We have been through this question, from head to foot, with the Solicitor of the Interior Department, and think we are as well informed on this subject as any agent of the black and tan Cherokee Council. We received a letter from one of our delegation in Congress yesterday morning stating that the agent was already in trouble with the Department, and will not get out soon. Don't pay a cent. We have not space this week, but will say more in our next.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 4, 1879.
It is estimated that there will be 200,000 head of cattle driven from Texas to Kansas this year. The larger part of them are young steers, from one to two years old. They will probably reach the Arkansas valley about the middle of May.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 4, 1879.
[Report from C. M. Scott.]
I have just completed another little jog into the Territory, and will relate what I saw.
Gen. McNeil was at Ponca Agency on the 22nd, and may go down to Oklahoma to advise the settlers on the North Fork. Troops from Camp Supply and Fort Sill have already been there, and the result was settlers were strung out all along the road on their way back, cursing the country, the soldiers, and above all, the Kansas City Times, and its “pal”—Carpenter.
Agent Howarth will not take charge of the Pawnees, but enjoy himself visiting the Agencies all around. A few years wrestling with the ague at Kiowa and Comanche Agency satisfied him that the Territory, generally, is not a healthy location.
About sixty of the Pawnees are out on a buffalo hunt, and forty are visiting the Wichitas.
We cut across the country from Pawnee to Kaw Agency, making the trip in a day's ride. It is a much nearer route to Arkansas City, and fully as good road as by the way of Ponca.
The Osages were counciling, on our arrival, but we did not stop to hear them. They have a great many ponies. Some very fancy; but few for sale.
Gov. Joe's camp is near the mouth of Salt Creek, about five miles from the crossing point of the Arkansas. The Arkansas ford at Salt Creek is a good one, although the water was four feet deep in the channel.
Up Salt Creek we saw millions of the “fourteen year locusts.” In the creek beautiful fish could be seen grabbing at flies as they fell on its surface.
Crops on Grouse creek are looking splendid, and everything has the appearance of thrift.
All cattle men, as well as others, will have to leave the Territory within the next sixty days, in compliance with the order from the Interior Department at Washington. So much for the white settlers rushing in and making fools of themselves, and bringing hardships upon stock men.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 4, 1879.
It is reported that several more companies of soldiers are to be sent to this place in a short time.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 4, 1879.
Rations are being forwarded from Wichita, and other points, to the troops stationed here, and the probability is that they will remain here for some time.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 4, 1879.
A number of emigrants—forty all told—under the leadership of Colonel Bell, Carpenter's right-hand man, who had settled near Ponca Agency, were removed by a detachment of Colonel Barrett's command. They arrived here Friday evening. Bell, in company with some of the other emigrants, returned to get their stock, permission having been obtained from the commanding officer. Should they, or others who have once been removed, enter the Territory again, with a view of settlement, their wagons and utensils will be burned and their stock confiscated. Most of the emigrants are from Missouri.
Winfield Courier, June 5, 1879.
S. A. Morris and Co. have returned from Oklahoma. They report U. S. officers, soldiers, and Indians in abundance, but the settlers cannot remain in the territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 11, 1879.
The raid into the Indian Territory has blown out with the South wind.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 11, 1879.
We notice in the Kansas City Journal that the order for the removal of the cattle from the unassigned lands in the Indian Territory has been revoked.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 11, 1879.
Lieutenant Cushman and a detachment of ten men arrived here from Coffeyville on Sunday last.
Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.
A new town has been started at the junction of the Cowley, Sumner & Ft. Smith railroad.
It is called Mulvane.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 9, 1879.
The Fourth at Arkansas City.
As time rolls his ceaseless course, every twelve months brings around to us the “day we celebrate”—symbolic day of American freedom, not alone for American born, but for those from the uttermost parts as well. In the largest cities and smallest cross-roads there has ever existed a spirit of rivalry on these occasions, each trying to out-do its nearest neighbor in the matter of display and attractions for the multitude.
Our nation’s birthday was probably more generally celebrated this year than in any year since the Centennial; at least this was the case in Cowley county. Patriotism was boiling and seething in every community to such an extent that a union celebration at the county seat was not to be thought of, and extensive preparations were made in four or five localities to honor the memory of the Revolutionary heroes—“every man to his notion, every woman as she wills, and every child as he has been trained.”
Since the organization of this county, Arkansas City has been front and foremost in all public undertakings, and her efforts are always crowned with success. This year proved no exception to the rule. As soon as it was known that Arkansas City would celebrate the Fourth, the people throughout the central and southern portions of the county knew where to come for a good time, and the committee on arrangements went to work, confident that their expectations would be realized. Nor where they disappointed.
On the night of the 3rd, the clouds rolled up from the north and gave us a liberal sprinkling, but our soil soon absorbed all superfluous moisture, making the traveling most delightful. (You see, some towns have mud, from which, good Lord, deliver us.) As early as 7 o'clock the gathering of the clams was foreshadowed by the arrival of people from every direction. They came in carriages, in wagons, on horse, and on foot—“some in rags, some in tags, and some in velvet gowns.” Long before the hour for the procession to form it became evident that there would hardly be sufficient room on the town site in which to form a procession, so great was the crowd of sight-seers.
About 10 o’clock, however, the Arkansas City cornet band struck up a lively air, and started for the grounds, followed by Lieut. Cushman and detachment of U. S. Regulars; carriage with Judge M. S. Adams, of Wichita, as orator of the day; the Masonic order; then a company of ragamuffins, in wagons and on horseback, dressed in the most outlandish costumes imaginable, and making the air resound with the hideous noise produced upon improvised musical (?) instruments; after which came the citizens and people from all parts of the country, making the longest procession ever witnessed in Cowley county.
When half way to the grounds the immense concourse of people paused to witness the skirmish drill by Lieut. Cushman's detachment. This was the prettiest sight of the day, and many an ex-soldier, as he watched this handful of boys in blue, called to mind the days when the cartridges were not blank, and when such performances thinned the number around the camp fires of both the Blue and the Gray. The drill was perfect in every respect, and spoke louder than words of the admirable discipline of the Lieutenant's company.
After reaching the grounds the first thing in order was the speaking. Mr. Amos Walton was the first introduced, and spoke feelingly of those who had laid down their lives that this day might be celebrated. He was followed by Judge M. S. Adams, of Wichita, who gave the main oration of the day. He is an eloquent speaker, and his patriotic utterances found echo in the hearts of his hearers. He has many friends in this city who cherish the warmest regard for him and are ever ready to welcome him to the future city of the border.
In the afternoon the crowd repaired to the race grounds. In the fast running race the first money was won by Patterson's horse, “John Bascom,” the second money by “Tom Thumb,” and the third by a bay horse whose name we failed to learn. This race was followed by fast and slow mule races, which created considerable fun, and by a fat and lean man's race. The former was won by W. S. Vorris, of Bolton township, and the latter by G. W. Maness, of the same township, we believe.
The pyrotechnic display in the evening was also a success, with the exception of the balloon, which burned in the ascent.
The only failure to mar the complete success of the day was the dance after the fire-works. Our citizens were too tired to feel much interest in tripping the “light fantastic,” especially as it was so late before commencing. Hoping the kind folks of Winfield who came down to enjoy the dance will make due allowance for this failure, our citizens extend them a cordial invitation to return in the near future, when Arkansas City's reputation for hospitality and sociability will be redeemed.
All in all, it was a glorious Fourth, and passed off with more order than has been known on any similar day for years. It is impossible to make an accurate estimate of the crowd. Some say as high as 10,000 or 11,000, but our Washingtonian proclivities forbid us to back such an estimate, and we will concluded by saying that at least 7,000 patriotic souls thronged the streets of Arkansas City on this anniversary.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 9, 1879.
Lieutenant Cushman's Dance.
The finest gathering of people witnessed for many years assembled at the grove on the Walnut last night, in response to a general invitation from Lieut. Cushman to enjoy the hospitalities of the soldiers in a moonlight hop.
Owing to the disturbance in the morning, by which a decrepit Indian was sent to the happy hunting grounds, the Lieutenant feared the people would be backward about turning out, and, for a while, almost abandoned the scheme, but our citizens were in a humor to dance, and before 9 o'clock some 200 of them were on the ground.
A platform seventy feet in length had been built, with seats on three sides, and a raised platform for the musicians. Overhead hung three rows of Chinese lanterns, furnishing ample light, and a dressing room had been provided for the convenience of the ladies.
The dancing commenced at 9 o'clock, and for seven hours over one hundred of the lovers of the mazy kept time to the best of music, furnished by Messrs. Sipes, Speers, Steiner, and Balcom, refreshing themselves with ice cream, cake, and lemonade, supplied by Mr. Maricle. The sum of fifty cents a number was charged, merely to help defray the expenses.
It was a decided success, and all join in pronouncing it the most enjoyable affair of the year, and in returning thanks to the Lieutenant and detachment for the perfect order maintained throughout. Those who failed to attend can only regret their action, and hold themselves in readiness to attend the next one, which will probably be given in two weeks time, and to which we invite our Winfield friends.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 16, 1879.
Several parties have been taking advantage of the privilege granted them to herd cattle in the Territory, and have built houses, planted crops (mostly corn), and settled down to farming. This being against the law, Lieut. Cushman recently notified them to move their houses, fences, etc., or he would send his detachment to help them. Last Thursday was the limit fixed for Messrs. Gatliff and Dixon to vacate, but as they had not yet gone, Sergeant Jordan with six men went out to their camp near the old Kickapoo Agency, with orders to bring the parties in and destroy their houses, which they did. This is but the commencement, as there are several other parties now living in the Territory in violation of the law, and the Lieutenant will remove them as fast as he receives his instructions. While such a course falls rather severely on some of the parties, they have themselves only to blame, and must take the consequences. Messrs. Kennedy, Bell, Christy, and others might as well commence breaking up House-keeping on short notice, for their landlord's agents will be around soon.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 16, 1879.
The Semi-Weekly says the Indians are peaceable along the border, which does away with the necessity of U. S. troops at Arkansas City. The Semi-Weekly knows almost as much concerning the object of the troops being stationed here as a hog does about its grandmother. Wouldn't it be a good idea for you newspaper men up in that mud hole to record the disgraceful brawls of your own military men, and not take every occasion to spit your venom at Arkansas City? By getting up early in the morning and attending strictly to business, we hope to make the riffle without any of your kind assistance.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 16, 1879.
On Monday Lieut. Cushman and detachment were in the Territory warning out other parties. Kansas is the place to farm, and the sooner you find it out, the better.
Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.
The U. S. troops at Arkansas City will give another moonlight hop Friday evening, and invitations have been sent to several of our young people. The dance given by them some time ago was the most brilliant affair ever held at the City, and all who attended are loud in their praises of the courteous and gentlemanly manner in which Lieutenant Cushman and his men treated their guests.
Winfield Courier, July 31, 1879.
On Monday evening of this week the construction train on the C. S. & F. S. railroad was at Brown's Dog Creek Ranche, eighteen miles this side of Wichita. As we go to press we learn that twenty miles of track are laid, to within twenty-five miles of Winfield, and track is being laid at the rate of a mile a day. The grading is nearly completed to within four miles of Winfield.
Winfield Courier, July 31, 1879.
Mr. Robert Weekly has been over on the railroad work between here and Independence and reports that the grading is about completed all the way from Independence to Elk Falls, thirty-six miles, that eight miles of grading this side of Elk Falls is nearly completed, and that work is being done all along to the top of the Flint Hills. The bridging and track laying are in progress and not far behind the grading. The track is already laid up to the Elk county line. He thinks that next week the last division will be contracted for and grading be in progress all along the line to Winfield. The cuts and fills in rock ascending the Flint Ridge will be heavy and expensive and it is there where the work will be pushed with the most vigor. This work when done will put the finishing touches on the most magnificent scenery in Kansas.
Winfield Courier, July 31, 1879.
General Manager W. B. Strong, of the A., T. & S. F. railroad, in company with Mr. Savery and Engineer came down on Tuesday last to locate the depots at Winfield and Arkansas City. He held conference with many of our citizens and then passed on to Arkansas City. Yesterday morning (Wednesday) he returned and received propositions from citizens concerning the location, considered them, and finally located the depot on the west side of town. The Arkansas City depot is located southwest of town.
Gen. Strong looks bright and hearty after his long struggle in Colorado in the legal “battle of the giants,” in which he has won a substantial victory against unlimited capital and the most crafty adversaries. Such labors might well have given him an appearance of exhaustion. His name is no misnomer as the Jay Gould outfit has discovered to their cost.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 13, 1879.
We understand that Lieutenant Cushman has made a requisition for horses, and that the infantry now stationed here are to be mounted in order that they may the more effectively carry out their orders with reference to parties in the Territory.
Winfield Courier, August 14, 1879.
The Cowley, Sumner & Ft. Smith railroad commenced laying track in this county Wednesday, Aug. 5th, p.m.
Winfield Courier, August 14, 1879.
Part of the men and machinery for the construction of the railroad bridge across the Walnut below Bliss’ mill have arrived and work was commenced yesterday morning.
[A. T. & S. F.]
Winfield Courier, August 21, 1879.
The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad company is one of the best and sounded corporations in the United States. It has probably more railroad track under its control than any one company. The main line from Atchison to Pueblo is 620 miles divided into three divisions viz: “Eastern, Atchison to Nickerson, 229 miles; middle, Nickerson to Sargent, 242 miles; and western, Sargent to Pueblo, 149 miles.”
There are six branches now on the time table, viz:
Kansas City to Topeka: 67 miles
Pleasant Hill to Cedar Junction: 44 miles
Emporia to Eureka: 47 miles
Florence to Eldorado: 29 miles
Newton to Wichita: 27 miles
La Junta to Las Vegas: 216 miles
Add Atchison to Pueblo: 820 miles
Total miles in operation: 1,050 miles
In addition to the above, there will be put in operation this year:
Wichita to Arkansas City: 56 miles
Mulvane to Caldwell: 36 miles
Eureka to Howard: 35 miles
Florence to McPherson: 50 miles
Las Vegas to Albuquerque: 165 miles
Canon City to Leadville: 108 miles
Amount built in 1879: 450 miles
This will make 1,500 miles of road owned by this company. Besides this the company has leased the Denver & Rio Grande from Denver to Alamosa 210 miles; Pueblo to Canon City, 40 miles; Cucharas to El Moro, 40 miles.
The amount of work that this company under the supervision of General Manager Strong has done this year is incredible, when we consider the difficulties and obstacles it has encountered. Geo. O. Manchester, assistant general manager, has been an invaluable aid. W. F. White, the general passenger and ticket agent, is the right man in the right place, and indeed the whole corps of officers are each especially efficient, otherwise less would have been accomplished.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 27, 1879. Front Page.
It has been about one month since you heard from me, so I write again. You have heard by this time of the murder of the unknown man near Caldwell, at the crossing of the “Shawas-caspah,” on the road to Wellington. He was shot behind the ear with a small pistol, and then placed in a blanket and rolled in the brush. A freighter, happening to break his wagon tongue, went into the thicket to cut a pole, and discovered the body. No clue to the murderer has yet been found.
Caldwell still keeps improving. It is now incorporated as a city of the third-class, with efficient police force to quell the racket of the cowboy. They had their first show last week, being of a minstrel variety, with Van Kelso, formerly cook of the Central Avenue Hotel at Arkansas City, as one of the chief actors. About fifty Arapahos with wagons from Cheyenne Agency passed through town, on their way to Wichita after freight.
We had occasion to go into the Territory, and after a day and a half's journey from Caldwell, brought up at Drum's cattle ranche, at the mouth of Medicine Lodge Creek, where Prof. Norton used to trade with the Indians many years ago. It had been very dry, but since the rain the grass has sprung up like magic, and this section now is one of the finest grazing regions we have seen in all our travels; the grass is the alkali or buffalo, and very nutritious. Mr. Drum has 2,400 head that he holds with two herders. The wages of herders is $25 per month and board. Most cattle men have abandoned night herding, claiming the stock does better, and it is not necessary except in cases of storms. Major Drum's brand is U on the left shoulder. From Medicine Lodge we went to Clay Creek, where we found Mr. Bates, with 900 head of cows and calves, all looking well. He had been compelled to move camp for water, and the rain helped him, so that he can now make a choice of good ground. Mr. Bates is a merchant at Wellington, and leaves the entire care of the cattle to his two men. His brand is a triangle with T attached, placed on the right side of the animal.
From Bates' we went to Johnson's on Eagle Chief Creek. The range here had almost been destroyed for want of rain, and had it been much later would have compelled cattle men to keep out of that section entirely. Mr. Johnson has 1,900 head of stock cattle, and 1,600 more coming up the trail. The Kiowas and Comanches raided his herd as he was coming out of Texas last spring and stole 250 head of large cattle. He will endeavor to have the Agent make them pay for it. He has but three herders with the 1,600 head of cattle, and they seem to get along very well. His brand is 5 with a bar across the top, branded on the hip.
Mr. J. W. Short, on one of the western branches of Turkey Creek, just above where the Ellsworth trail crosses, has forty head of three and four year old cattle, which he offers for $14 per head, and 54 yearlings at $8 each. His two year olds he offers for $12. Here is a bargain for someone wanting to engage in stock. The cattle are half Texan and in good order.
Two men attempted to run off forty head of ponies last week, but were pursued by officers and several shots exchanged. The thieves got in the brush on Salt Fork and made their escape without the ponies.
The blacksmith soldier who deserted from Fort Reno, and took a horse with him, was caught at Wellington. He will probably go to the Leavenworth military prison for five years.
The Dodge City Times was mistaken about the Pawnees killing buffalo on Medicine Lodge Creek. There have been none in that region for more than a year. Deer, antelope, turkeys, and wolves are plentiful, with occasionally a stray elk or bear.
In attempting to cross the North Fork of the Canadian River on the 17th inst., while it was full from bank to bank, our horse mired down in the quicksand and left us to make our way to the shore with gun, saddle bags, etc., on our own back. We landed on the military reserve of Fort Cantonment, the new post, and were accosted by the provost guard, to whom we gave little satisfaction, not being in a humor to talk. He informed us that every person had to have a pass to travel through the Territory. We gently hinted that we preferred to talk with the commanding officer, and were escorted to him. Col. Dodge, being absent, we were not recognized by the new official, but was helped out of the dilemma by the appearance of the Post Scout, Amos Chapman, without producing our papers. Covered with mud and soaking with water, with a small arsenal attached to our person, we well might have been taken for almost any kind of a criminal.
The permanent buildings of the new Post are being erected of stone, on a small mound just north of the temporary post, in a more pleasant and healthy location. There are six companies here of the 23rd Infantry, formerly stationed at Fort Leavenworth. During the absence of Col. Dodge, Capt. George M. Randall, of Co. I, has command. The companies are A, C, D, G, I, and K. The balance of the regiment is at Camp Supply.
Mr. Keating, of Leavenworth, is Post Trader, and has a fine store and stock of goods. They have a saw mill, brick yard, one saloon, one blacksmith, and all the necessary tradesmen here. The health of the soldiers has not been very good, and several deaths have occurred during their short stay. About 23 have deserted this spring, and a number caught and brought back who attempted it. Mr. Bigford of Leavenworth has the hay and wood contract, and is paying laborers $25 per month and board. His contract to furnish wood at the Post is $1.00 per cord, and hay at $7 per ton. Corn retails at one dollar per bushel, and is hard to get. The suttlers say they would buy a quantity if it should be brought in. Board at the citizens' mess house is $5 per week. At the laborers', $2. There is not much amusement here, during the warm weather. In fact the 23rd is not so apt in making amusements as some other regiments. Yours, C. M.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 28, 1879 - Front Page.
Territorial Matters - The New Military Post, etc.
Another Letter from C. M.
FORT CANTONMENT, I. T., August 13, 1879.
FRIEND MILLINGTON: Inasmuch as you have sent me paper and envelopes, I believe you are really anxious to hear from this section, and will endeavor to do my part towards adding to the interest of the COURIER; for I appreciate the fact that you are in earnest in the publication of the best paper in Kansas.
Fort Cantonment is a new military post, established in 1878, and is not completed yet. It is situated on the south side of the North Fork of Canadian River, eight miles below Barrel Springs; twenty miles below Sheridan's Roost, and thirty miles below Cottonwood Grove. It is 130 miles southwest of Winfield, and 160 miles from Wichita.
Fort Cantonment is a six-company Post, commanded by Lieut. Col. Dodge, of the 23rd Infantry. During the Colonel's absence on furlough, Capt. Geo. M. Randall, of Co. I, of Arizona and Indian fame, fills his place. The number of people at the Post, however, will not exceed 700, none of the companies being full; one company having only 27 men.
There are stationed here companies A, C, D, G, I, and K, commanded as follows.
Co. A, 23rd Infantry: Capt. Stilley.
Co. C, 23rd Infantry: Capt. Hallett.
Co. D, 23rd Infantry: Capt. Thos. Smith.
Co. G, 23rd Infantry: Capt. C. Wheatin.
Co. I, 23rd Infantry: Capt. G. W. Randall.
Co. K, 23rd Infantry: Capt. Goodale.
The country about the Post is sandy, with great groves of jack-oaks on the north, and cedar in the canyons, that afford the military wood and lumber. Limestone, building-stone, and sand are also to be found, so that the permanent structure of the Post can be made very substantial at a comparatively low cost.
A telegraph line is being made from Cantonment to Camp Supply and Fort Dodge; also to Fort Reno and Fort Sill. This has long been a “military necessity,” and will greatly facilitate matters in case of Indian troubles.
Corn retails at the sutler's store for $1.00 per bushel, and it is hard to get at that. Beef sells on the block at 5-1/2 cents per lb., and at 6-1/4 cents per lb. where it is cut up to suit purchases. Here and there we notice flour sacks with the brand of the Winfield mills, and quite often your citizens are inquired after.
A number of laborers are employed in making hay and cutting wood, for which they receive $25 per month and board. Mr. Bigford, of Leavenworth, has the hay contract at $7.00 per ton, and the wood contract at $4.90 per cord. A number of Arapaho Indians are engaged in cutting the wood. They were in need of more hands in the hay-field, yet ere this reached you I suppose the demand will be filled, as many parties returning from Leadville and Colorado come by this route to Texas, and are generally in need of money and work.
The sutlers complain of trouble in getting freight from Wichita, for which they pay $1.15 per cwt., for 160 miles of hauling. Most freighters take back a load of bones for which they get $9 per ton at Wichita, giving them a load each way. A ton of buffalo horns is worth $12.
In some sections, where white buffalo hunters operated, these bones are spread over the prairies like snow-flakes. And now that we are on the subject of bones and buffalo, let me give you an idea of the enormous destruction of the red man's cattle.
In the fall, when it is cool enough to keep hides with but little trouble, six or eight men will form a party and locate on the range; generally in the Pan Handle of Texas or south of Red river. They will be armed with Sharp's 16-lb. rifles, calibre 45; that is, the ball will be forty-five one-hundredths of an inch in diameter, and the gun a breech loader, carrying a ball 1700 yards or one mile. They go out regularly every morning and begin the slaughter—for buffalo in that region are always in sight. One man does the shooting and three skin; killing from twenty to forty buffalo a day to the man. When they have a load, they are hauled to Sherman, Texas, and sold for five or six cents a pound. The large bull hides will weigh forty pounds, and net $2.00 each, while those of the cow will weigh but twenty pounds. On an average these men calculate to make $100 per month above all expenses, and many have made that amount in one week, but they generally average $400 each during the four months of the hunting season.
There would have been a fortune for a man to have taken cans to the camps of these hunters, and saved the thousands of beeves left to rot on the prairie. Or if the tallow or tongues had been taken care of, or the meat even dried, it would have paid well and saved it from waste.
Within the past two years there has been comparatively little hunting, as the great mass of buffalo went into New Mexico in the spring of 1877, and have not returned. Old hunters conjecture that when they made the usual attempt to come north in the summer of 1878, it was so dry, and the grass so dried up on the Staked Plains that they could not.
The best hunting now, in the Indian Territory, is on the main Canadian, southwest of Fort Cantonment. There bear, elk, deer, antelope, and turkey are still plentiful, with an occasional buffalo now and then, and panthers, wolves, beaver, and otter. The Indians object to whites hunting in the Territory, and they have no authority to hunt there, yet they do. Yours, C. M.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1879.
Large numbers of our citizens walked up to the railroad last Sunday. About twenty hands are employed on the railroad bridge, and are pushing it along right lively. A large number of railroaders were in town Tuesday and the number of plain drunks were quite numerous. There are some men in town who think that they can afford to wet their whistles fifteen or twenty times a day, consequently the flourishing condition of our wet-goods houses. The track is laid to Schwantes' creek, about 24 miles from town, and the cut is being made through the bluff west of town. Thirty days more will anchor the iron horse at “Winfield station.”
Why don't someone take hold and work up an excursion when the road gets in. The iron horse is within about three miles of town, and if we are going to have a grand blow-out, it is about time to start the thing along. Let us “excurst.”
Arkansas City Traveler, September 3, 1879 - Editorial Page.
Captain Secrist's Murder.
CHETOPA, KANS., Aug. 19, 1879.
Captain Secrist's body has been found. A detail of soldiers, who left Vinita, I. T., in search of Captain Secrist, conductor of the mail route, who has been missing for some weeks, found his body nearly eaten up by wolves about 180 miles southwest of Vinita, and about 20 miles from the stage line. A large bullet wound was discovered in his head. His body was identified by his clothing, and papers scattered near it. While out there the soldiers were told that there was a gang of some fifty desperadoes in the hills in the neighborhood, and they sent the soldiers word that if they wanted to see them, to come on.
If this band of cut-throats and robbers is as large as represented; and we have good reason to believe it is for the Territory is full of escaped horse thieves and murderers, the border towns of Kansas along the southern line are in great danger from frequent raids from them and some protection to these towns ought to be afforded by the United States authorities.
One town, Caneyville, has been successfully pillaged by them already, and if nothing is done to capture or prevent them they will try their hand on other and larger towns. Will the State or the government afford this protection, or shall these outlaws have things their own way and rob and murder at their pleasure?
The soldiers cannot find any trace of the other men who accompanied Captain Secrist. The supposition is they have also been murdered.
Winfield Courier, September 4, 1879.
Judge McDonald's “teaser” will scarcely be able to get into Congress through editorial work of the character he has been doing on the semi-occasionally for the past few weeks. Something else will be required to rescue him from the political oblivion to which the people have consigned him on account of his foolish and disgraceful course when last in the State Legislature. His political activity abroad will hereafter be limited to lying around the State Capital, at his own expense, full of beer during the sessions of the Legislature, for the purpose of “controlling Manning's vote.”
Winfield Courier, September 4, 1879.
The Southwestern Stage Company brought a splendid bus to town last week, which will run between here and the railroad.
Winfield Courier, September 4, 1879.
The depot for the A., T. & S. F. road is being pushed forward as fast as men and money can do it. It must be completed in thirty days.
Winfield Courier, September 4, 1879.
The railroad from the east is progressing rapidly. The heavy cut, in rock, at the summit of the Flint Hills, is well under way, and work is in progress this side of Grouse creek. We are informed that the track is laid nearly to Elk Falls. They will reach Winfield close upon the heels of the Santa Fe, if they continue building at the present rapid rate.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 10, 1879.
Arkansas City—Echoes of the Oklahoma “Boom”—A Live Town
and an Enterprising People.
[Correspondence Kansas City Times.]
ARKANSAS CITY, Aug. 28, 1879.
Fourteen miles by stage brought us to this place, where we arrived at about 8 p.m., and put up at the Central Avenue Hotel. We partook of a very generous supper, doing it ample justice after our evening ride. After supper we strolled up town, where we found our old friend Lieut. Cushman, of the 16th U. S. Infantry, who, with his company, was quartered near the town. From him we obtained much interesting information relative to affairs across the border, and the Oklahoma “boom.” Lieut. Cushman and his company have been acting as a post of observation at this point for several weeks, and have been on several scouts into the interior of the Indian country.
In the morning we perambulated around town, and found it to be a stirring place with plenty of sanguine business men and a sufficiency of business houses. The town is located upon a slight elevation, which has an ascending slope in every direction. The town being situated upon the western frontier, and upon the southern border, contains a migratory element from both the frontier and the Indian country. This element is continually shifting, coming and going.
The permanent inhabitants, however, are of a class which, as law-abiding, peaceable citizens, and wide-awake, enterprising people, are behind the people of no town or city in the land. I found here business men who were energetic and wide awake to the interests of their place. The city has a beautiful and very fertile country surrounding it, and I learned, upon inquiry, that there had never yet been a failure of the wheat crop in this vicinity. The corn crop certainly looks extremely well, and we also saw numerous peach orchards, the trees of which were loaded with fruit.
The A., T. & S. F. R. R. is working toward Arkansas City, and the leading men of the place are positive that the road will be completed and trains running to that point within fifty days. The track is already laid to within two or three miles of Winfield, and the grading contract between Winfield and Arkansas City has already been let, and work will be begun at once. It seems to be the intention of the managers of the road to reach Arkansas City just as soon as possible. To this end, therefore, the bridges, mason, and trestle work along the line of road is progressing rapidly, and it is estimated that just as soon as the grading can be completed, the rails will be laid and the road finished. Arkansas City will then be one of the best—in fact, the best railroad town in Southwestern Kansas. Situated as it is, about the center of the line bordering the cattle district in the Indian Territory, and being easy of access from all points along the line, it has excellent advantages as a cattle shipping point.
A number of streams enter the Arkansas river at this place, just below the town, and in consequence the facilities for obtaining a plentiful supply of excellent water for stock is unsurpassed. The Arkansas river runs just to the west and southwest of the town, within half or three-quarters of a mile, and is skirted with a goodly supply of timber, as is also the Walnut, which runs to the east of the place, and empties into the Arkansas river just below town.
The grazing for miles around is excellent, and thousands of cattle may be herded the year round in close proximity to the place, and the grass supply seems to be inexhaustible. There is no doubt but Arkansas City will also be the main supply depot for the entire southern country just as soon as the railroad reaches it.
A large number of Indian agencies and trading posts lie southerly from here and will in the future be supplied from this point. Even at present large numbers of Indians, cattle men, herders from the Territory, cowboys from Texas, and a mixed floating population, come here for their supplies, and thee is no question but the Indian and other trade will grow surprisingly as soon as the railroad can bring in merchandise and take out cattle. The leading cattle men of the country are awake to the importance of this place as a shipping point, and are already busy making extensive preparations for conducting their business on a large scale.
There are two very fine brick church edifices here, and a school house of which some of the towns farther eastward, and of thrice its size, might well be proud. The place has the appearance of a thrifty but quiet town three times its age.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 17, 1879.
The following letter concerning the advantages of Arkansas City was taken from the Drovers’ Journal, a daily paper published at the Union Stock Yards of Chicago. It is no paid “puff,” but the honest expressions of one who lately visited our city and contributed his views to the columns of the Journal, that his friends might see what he had seen. It is simply a statement of facts.
The following interesting letter describing a trip to the New West is from the pen of a commission merchant that has recently visited the Territory.
“Since my return from Southern Kansas a week ago, I have daily wanted to say to you that few sections of the great New West have advantages that compare with the Arkansas valley in the State of Kansas. The climate is all that could be desired—mild, salubrious, and healthy; soil cannot be excelled in fertility by any other section. The A., T. & S. F. R. R. is pursuing a liberal policy toward the public, who are true Western energetic people. The company is wide awake and pushing lateral lines, or feeders, North and South from their main line. Fine, thrifty farms and cities spring up as if by magic; where the buffalo roamed a few years ago at will unmolested, is now peopled with thousands of happy homes. For energy, thrift, and enterprise every town and city on the A., T. & S. F. R. R. is a worthy example.
“On the branch to Arkansas City, in Cowley County, is situated Sedgwick City, Wichita, and Winfield, all thriving, neat little cities, with a class of buildings for business purposes that would do credit to Illinois cities and towns of five times the age and triple the population. The terminus of this branch of the railroad will be at Arkansas City, near the Indian Territory line, beyond which the company cannot build the road further South until the Congress of the United States and the Indians’ consent is obtained. This fact, together with its fine locality, being situated on a fine, high rise of land, overlooking as fine an agricultural region as is found in America, the trade of the Indian Territory will largely center here. The merchants, bankers, and produce traders are all good, sound, honorable business-men, as a sojourn with them of a day or two fully convinced us; they have that peculiar faculty of making strangers feel at home whenever they meet them. The cattle trade of the Territory and Northern Texas will largely drift to this point for shipment over the A., T. & S. F. R. R., which, with its liberal policy and business foresight, will be a principle factor in the great growing cattle trade of the Southwest. All its appointments are simply first-class for passenger and freight traffic. Much older roads farther East might profit by copying the policy of this star railroad company.”
Arkansas City Traveler, September 17, 1879.
A Bold Robbery.
Mr. James Keith, who lives on Beaver Creek, near the State line, several miles east of Arkansas City, came into town last Thursday night, barefoot and almost worn out, giving evidence of having been pretty roughly used. From him the following story was obtained.
It seems that on Sunday, September 7, Mr. Keith started for home from Wellington, where he had received $500 by express from Eureka, Greenwood County. He rode as far as Grouse Creek that day, and at night stopped with J. O. Wilkinson. In the morning he mounted his horse and started for home. After riding about an hour, as near as he can recollect, a stranger stepped out of some bushes, and walking toward him, held out his hand, exclaiming:
“Why, how are you?”
Mr. Keith supposed he had met the man at some cattle camp, but did not recognize him. Instead of shaking hands, however, the stranger grasped the bridle, and just then a man came up from behind and struck Keith on the back of the head with a gun. Keith knew no more until they had him bound hand and foot in the bushes, where two more men were secreted, and where they kept him the entire day, threatening to blow his brains out in case he made any noise. After night they tied him to the horse, bucked and gagged him, and started toward the Territory. They crossed the Arkansas river, and about midnight, as near as he could judge, they stopped for a few minutes and brought him a piece of warm corn bread. This was the first he had eaten since breakfast at Wilkinson's, and all he ate until he reached town Thursday night. About three or four o'clock Tuesday morning the crossed some creek, which is supposed to be Deer creek. They stopped before daybreak in some timber, and here they kept Mr. Keith two days and nights, turning him loose early Thursday morning, after taking his boots from him and treating him most brutally.
It is needless to say his $500 was taken, together with all the loose change about him, amounting in all to $510. He was weak from long fasting and cruel treatment, and after walking all day in the direction they told him was home, he arrived in Bolton Township Thursday evening, almost dead from fatigue.
Rudolph Hoffmaster, Captain of the Stock Protective Union, started out with a few men Friday morning, and succeeded in finding Mr. Keith's horse on Wolf Creek, but could find no trace of the robbers. Mr. Keith has no idea who the robbers were. He says that only one man knew he had that much money in his possession, but he does not suspect him for a moment.
Steps should be taken to stop the wholesale robbery and plunder practiced by the lawless men who roam in the Territory. Every few weeks we hear of some deed similar to the above, and as yet no one has been captured. There is evidently a gang of these men, with their headquarters in the Territory, who make it a business to rob men in the State and take refuge in the Nation. Should one of them happen to be caught by a Cowley County vigilance committee, there would be fun for the boys.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1879.
The work on the railroad bridge went on at full blast all day Sunday.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1879.
Ye local had the pleasure of a ride behind L. J. Webb's roadsters, last Saturday evening, taking in the depot, railroad bridge, and Bliss mill in the rounds. The south pier of the railroad bridge will be finished by Wednesday, when both gangs will be put on the north pier, and will be worked night and day until it is completed. Mr. Lewis, the contractor, informed us that he intended to have the piers ready for the bridge by the 27th.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1879.
Walnut Valley Fair
Opens at Winfield Fair Grounds on Sept. 30, '79,
Grand Railroad Excursion.
The Cowley, Sumner and Fort Smith railroad will bring in large excusion trains loaded with visitors to celebrate the opening of their road to Winfield.
will be given on the fair grounds on that day, free to the immense crowd that is expected. Toasts and speeches will be in order. Complete arrangements have been made to insure complete success and general enjoyment. Each day of the five days of the fair will have special attractions in trials of speed and in various other ways. On Thursday, the fourth day of the fair,
will deliver the occasional address. One of the attractions of the occasion will be the
It will be the largest balloon in the world, sixty-five feet in diameter and ninety feet in height. It is secured at a very large expense, and the proprietor will come with it from Chicago and superintend the ascension. The day is not yet definitely fixed, but probably Tuesday or Wednesday. It will certainly come off one day of the fair. The officers and managers have worked faithfully, and have left nothing undone to make this fair the grandest affair that ever come off in the
Let everybody turn out and have a grand old time. Arrangements will be made if possible for a free excusion from the fair grounds to Wichita and return on the same day during the fair, possibly Tuesday or Wednesday.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 24, 1879.
Dr. H. J. Minthorn, of Iowa, will locate in Arkansas City about the first of October. The doctor is a thoroughly educated physician, of several years' practice, and we believe will render entire satisfaction in his profession to our people. He is a brother-in-law to Agent Miles, of the Osage Agency, and will prove an excellent citizen.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 24, 1879. Front Page.
George Eaton, who lives 60 miles south of Coffeyville, in the Cherokee Nation, had a valuable mare stolen from on the night of June the 10th last. Last Monday Judge Tibbils saw her passing through the town, and recognizing her, halted the man in possession and took the mare from him. Ample proof of the ownership and larceny was made before Esq. R. M. Ross, and the man who gave his name as D. Logan, and hails from Arkansas City, took his departure, leaving the mare with the Judge. Chautauqua Journal.
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1879.
Something less than a thousand people visited the railroad last Sunday. The sight of the locomotive seemed to fully repay them for their trouble.
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1879.
The excursion from Wichita and Wellington to the opening of our fair promises to be an immense affair. The railroad people are bound to bring all who wish to come, if it takes three locomotives to haul them.
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1879.
Opens at Winfield Fair Grounds on Sept. 30, '79, With a Grand Railroad Excursion.
Winfield to have the Biggest Time Ever Known in the Annals of Cowley Co.
City Authorities of Wichita, Wellington, Arkansas City, other points, will be present.
Excursion for the Cowley County People Leaves at 12:30 P.M.,
Goes to Mulvane and Returns at 4 o'clock P.M.
The committee appointed to make arrangements for the reception of the excursionists next Tuesday, met at the council chamber, Monday. The following is the programme decided upon.
Railroad Trains.
Excursion Trains start at 8 a.m. from Wichita and Wellington, arriving at Winfield at 10 a.m. Excursion Train for Winfield and Cowley County starts at 12:30 p.m., going to Mulvane and back, arriving at Winfield at 4:30 p.m. Return Trains to Wichita and Wellington leave Winfield at 5 p.m.
Carriages will be furnished at the depot to carry excursionists to any part of the City or Fair Grounds as desired. A committee upon the down train will sell Fair tickets and distribute carriage tickets to excursionists.
Free Barbecue Dinner. At the Fair ground at 12 m.
Grand Military Drill. By 15th Co., K. S. M., of Wichita, in full uniform—commanded by Captain L. N. Woodcock, at 11 a.m.
Procession. Will form at Depot and march through the principal streets of the city, and thence to Fair ground.
Order of March.
1. Military Band.
2. Military Company.
3. Wichita Fire Department.
4. Saxe Horn Band.
5. Mayors and Councilmen of Wichita, Wellington,
Arkansas City, and Winfield in carriages.
6. Railroad Officials in carriages.
7. Foreign excursionists in carriages.
8. Citizens of Cowley county in conveyances.
Congratulatory Speech. By Hon. J. Wade McDonald, at 10:45 a.m.
Marshal of the Day. Gen. A. H. Green.
By order of the Executive Com., M. G. TROUP, Chairman. E. C. MANNING, Secretary.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 1, 1879.
Those who are unacquainted with the Texas cattle drive, and the country 20 miles south, know very little of what has been going on near home for the last few months. We advise this class to drive down and view the trails that have been made by the cattle drive from Pond Creek, to Chetopa and Coffeyville. Through that section of the Territory, the trails run parallel, covering an area of miles north and south that will demonstrate to the thoughtful something of the magnitude of this trade. The present season has forced the practical man to the conclusion that the trails to Caldwell and Dodge City are too far west for a good range and abundant water. For some time local interests at these points have sought to cover these facts; but the time has arrived when the question of local interest is but a drop in the bucket when weighed in the balance of this immense traffic. On the completion of the Santa Fe road, and the erection of good stock yards at this place, our town is happily situated to secure this trade. The route from Pond Creek to Arkansas City is abundantly watered, and well supplied with grass. No better range can be found in the Territory than the section south of this, while within the limits of the county exist some of the best corn and wheat lands in the West.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 1, 1879.
We refer our readers to the dispatch stating that the notorious desperado Jim Barker, who, with a small gang of followers, robbed Caneyville some time since, has been captured by a party of Cherokees in the Indian Territory. Now let the Governor fork over the five hundred dollars reward to the brave men who risked their lives in capturing the kind of desperadoes. This will undoubtedly break up the nomadic band of murderers and thieves who have held a high carnival of crime in the Territory for some time past, defying the laws of justice as well as the officers of the Federal Government.
The following dispatch to the Kansas City Times explains itself, and will be glad news to the people all along the border of the Indian Territory.
COFFEYVILLE, Kas., Sept. 26. Jim Barker, the Caneyville robber, has just been brought in. He was taken by a posse of Cherokees. They wounded him before his capture.
COFFEYVILLE, Kas., Sept. 26. A posse of Cherokees have just arrived with the notorious desperado, Jim Barker, who was shot six times on Bird creek, Cherokee Nation. Great excitement exists.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 1, 1879.
Lieut. Barrett's detachment that has been stationed here for some months has been ordered to Ft. Riley.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 1, 1879.
Lieut. Cushman, who went into the Territory some time ago to look after the outlaws, has returned.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1879.
Sedgwick and Sumner Counties Enthuse With Us.
Tuesday was a day long to be remembered by our citizens. Long before the time advertised for the arrival of the excursion train, the ground around the depot was crowded with Cowley's people waiting to welcome the people of Sumner and Sedgwick who were coming to celebrate with us the completion of our first railroad. The city officials were there marshaling their committees to take charge of the ladies, every available vehicle in town being pressed into service to accommodate them. All were on the tip-toe of expectation when the news flashed over the wires that the Wichita train had passed Mulvane, and that there were four hundred ladies and twelve hundred men on board, with the Wellington train just behind with as many more. Then it was that our people realized the full extent of the inundation about to take place. Arrangements had been made to accommodate about five hundred people, but when they began to drop down on us one and two thousand at a time, all these arrangements were upset, and a majority of the people had to get off the train and make their way to town the best way they could.
The procession was formed at the depot, headed by the Wichita Guards and the Wichita Fire Company, followed by a carriage containing the orator of the day, then the city authorities of Wichita, Wellington, and Winfield, followed by the Wichita cornet band and ladies in carriages. The procession was fully a mile long. At the grounds Judge McDonald delivered a speech of welcome, which was highly spoken of by all who heard it, and fully sustained the high reputation which he has won as an orator.
After the speech the crowd dispersed for dinner. A table had been prepared for the militia and fire company, and the crowd repaired to the barbecue, where there was plenty for all. After dinner there was a grand drill by the Wichita Guards under Capt. Woodcock, who acquitted themselves nobly. The dance in the evening, for the benefit of our visitors (?) was well attended, a good many of the Wichita people being present by virtue of an invitation issued by the ball committee that their “uniforms would be their passports,” but which proved to be a pretext for making a dollar a piece out of them. With the exception of the ball, and the change in the time of starting the Cowley county excursion train, everything passed off splendidly.
We are sorry that our space does not admit of a more extended account of all that transpired. The crowd from Wichita and Wellington was estimated at four thousand.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 8, 1879. Editorial Page.
One of the great needs of Southern Kansas is a law giving the Federal court in this State concurrent jurisdiction over the Indian Territory. The inconvenience arising from transporting criminals from the western part of the Territory to Ft. Smith for trial is too great to protect either the Indian or the white man, and as a consequence, hundreds of outlaws are allowed to go unmolested who would otherwise be brought to speedy justice. The old idea that a judicial district created for territorial interests solely, is to our mind, hardly practical as it would be a jump at civilization that the Indian is not qualified to meet. Such a court would frequently call for a trial of the white man as well as the Indian by jury, and would be simply placing a panel of Indians in a jury box to try the white race. Let's make the attempt to secure the enactment of a law to give Kansas concurrent jurisdiction over the Indian Territory. What say you newspaper men?
Arkansas City Traveler, October 8, 1879.
Dr. Minthorn has purchased a tract of ground of Robert Mitchell, Esq., northwest of town, and is building a residence. The Dr.'s card appears in this issue of the TRAVELER.
Office in A. A. Newman's brick building.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 8, 1879.
The Walker Brothers, who have lately established a cattle ranche on Greasy creek, Indian Territory, have lost all of their hay by fire set out by the Indians. This is one of the greatest troubles of cattle men in the Territory.
Winfield Courier, October 9, 1879.
The S. K. & W. railroad bridge across the Walnut is being pushed forward. It will be 200 feet long, set on three piers.
Winfield Courier, October 9, 1879.
On the 10th, tomorrow, we expect the mails will commence to be carried by railroad. This will give us communications with the outer world practically one day earlier than heretofore.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 15, 1879 - FRONT PAGE.
In Southwestern Kansas.
Railroads are penetrating every section of Southwestern Kansas, and in a few months that beautiful and fertile section of our State will be supplied with abundant transportation facilities. The A. T. & S. F. Co. has completed the extension of its Wichita line to Winfield and to Wellington, and these two roads—which branch near the Sumner county line—are being extended southward from Winfield to Arkansas City. The A. T. & S. F. Co. also has a branch completed from Emporia to Eureka, and this line is being extended through Elk County. The L. L. & G. extension from Independence has been completed to Elk Falls, and grading is progressing westward to the Cowley County line. The St. Louis & San Francisco Road is completed from Oswego to Cherryvale, and graded up the Neosho Valley to Fredonia, Wilson County. Work on the Missouri Pacific from Paola, southwest, is being energetically prosecuted, and this company is evidently determined on building a long line through Kansas. It has secured local aid in Miama, Coffey, and Woodson counties, and now has agents in Greenwood and Butler. The completion of all these lines—and they are all legitimate enterprises—will give Southwestern Kansas the best possible transportation facilities. Champion.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 15, 1879.
We acknowledge the receipt of a complimentary to the military hop, on Thursday night at the City Hotel. Lieutenant Cushman and his detachment are renowned for doing whatever they undertake in the best style, and those who attend will be sure of a good time.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 15, 1879.
The following letter from the Acting Commissioner we publish as interesting reading for those who have held adverse opinions. We are advised that the department will also revoke the order granting the privilege of grazing in the Territory.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 23rd, 1879.
H. D. REESE, Tahlequah, C. N., Indian Territory.
SIR: I am in receipt, by your reference, of a communication to you from J. R. Russell and others asking to be informed whether Cherokees are allowed to live on the Cherokee lands west of the Arkansas river, until it is appropriated for the settlement of other Indians.
In reply I have to inform you that the Cherokees will not be permitted to settle and reside in the country west of 96, known as the Cherokee outlet. Very Respectfully,
E. J. BROOKS, Acting Commissioner.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 15, 1879.
The military captured ten desperadoes last Wednesday at the mouth of the Cimarron river. This makes twenty-two of the outfit that have been captured during the last two weeks.
Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879.
A grand military ball is to be given by Lieutenant Cushman's command at Arkansas City, Thursday evening. Many of our young folks will attend, and we predict that all will have a good time, as Lieutenant Cushman knows how to entertain his guests.
Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879.
The County Commissioners on Monday delivered to Joab Mulvane, the first installment of bonds due the C. S. & F. S. railroad company, amounting to seventy-two thousand dollars, and received in exchange therefor seventy-two shares, of one thousand dollars each, of capital stock of that road.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 22, 1879.
Work on the railroad grade is progressing through the bottom north of town.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 22, 1879.
The crossing on the railroad grade southeast of town is in bad condition and should receive the attention of the dads.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 29, 1879.
Dr. Minthorn's family have arrived and settled in their new home northwest of town near Hon. C. R. Mitchell's. The Dr. is a thorough physician, having graduated at the Jefferson college, Pennsylvania, also at the State Medical University of Iowa. Give him a call when you need a physician and he will render you efficient service.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 29, 1879.
We understand that Dr. H. J. Minthorn has decided to make Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas, his home. In leaving this neighborhood of which he has been a member for over twenty years, and in which he practiced his profession for the past six years, the doctor leaves behind him a large circle of friends, who, while they regret to lose him, wish him a large measure of success in his new field of labor. Having been very successful in his practice as well as in building up a large business, we hope a still wider field of usefulness may be opened to him in his chosen locality. West Branch Local Record.
Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.
The postmaster at Winfield is notified by the Department that the mails from Wichita and the East will be delivered at this office by the railroad on and after the 15th of November. The Stage company will then carry the mail between Winfield and Arkansas City; and Oxford will be supplied direct from Winfield.
The mails will close at 7-1/2 o'clock, p.m., and will be distributed ready for delivery at 7-1/2 a.m.
The postmaster desires to call the attention of the patrons of this office to the fact that the hours for attending to Money Order and registry business are from 8 o'clock, a.m., to 4 o'clock, p.m., and while he is desirous to accommodate at other hours, when possible, it occasions him a large amount of extra work by disarranging the balances of the day in the same manner it would the work of a bank.
Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.
The L., L. & G. branch railroad is progressing rapidly. The track is laid several miles west of Elk Falls, the grading is nearly completed to Winfield. The bridge at Winfield is progressing and grading is being done all along to Oxford.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 12, 1879.
The portion of a company of U. S. troops so long quartered here, received marching orders for Ft. Riley in the fore part of the week, and left for that point. The boys made many acquaintances while here, were orderly and well behaved, and go away with the best wishes of our citizens.
Winfield Courier, November 13, 1879.
The line of the east and west road runs through the north cemetery, and yesterday the association was engaged in removing the bodies from that part of the ground comdemned for railroad purposes.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 19, 1879.
The Indian Territory.
While the question of the relation of the government to, and its dealings with the Indians, seems now at this time to be the all absorbing topic, the most interesting question to the states bordering on the Indian Territory today is to know whether treaties made by a government with its own subjects are to be made a pretext to debar States disconnected from each other by such rights as are claimed by these bands of savages, from that international commerce which it is our just right to claim, and which our people emphatically demand.
Below us in a sister state are inexhaustible beds of coal and some of the finest timber in the world. We have a grain raising section exceeded nowhere in the United States. We demand their products, and they demand ours. At the gateway and ready to connect us is a railway company and railway enterprise. But we are told that we cannot reach this desirable end because certain tribes of Indians hold their lands jointly and the government has agreed not to disturb them.
We hold that all parties protected by this government have yielded up certain rights and claims for the good of all. That a treaty of a government with its own subjects is an anomalous thing at best. That Indians or negroes have no more nor less rights than white men under this government, that if the state backed by the power of the United States, can by force under law, appropriate the land of any man in our state, for the good of the state, and of other states, we have the same right to demand that no people, white or black, have any right to bar our trade and commerce with sister states, whose products we need and who are ready to interchange.
Closing we say the people of this grand valley from the mountains to the mouth of the river demand that an outlet shall be opened from the mountains to the sea, that they may be placed upon the grand trunk line from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and they feel that no location of partially civilized Indians, upon particular bodies of land, is a sufficient excuse for the loss to which they are subject.
Winfield Courier, November 20, 1879.
Notwithstanding the very slow time made, it seems that more passengers come to and leave Winfield on the freight trains, which leave about noon and arrive between 5 and 6 o'clock, p.m., than come and go on the regular passenger and express trains. Some intima-tions have been heard of an intention of the railway company to put on another fast train each way daily to accommodate this travel.
To persons who wish to visit Kansas City and places further east, the present passenger trains are exactly what is wanted, for these trains connect with the trains on the roads further east, but for persons who wish to go to any other part of this state, a train which should leave and arrive 12 hours earlier and 12 hours later, and make the same time, would save much time and money. Knowing well the energy and enterprise of the managers of the Santa Fe railroad, we could readily believe that this improvement will be effected in a reasonable time.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 26, 1879.
Dr. Minthorn intends to go to the Ponca Agency to reside, as he has been employed by Agent Whiteman as physician at that place.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 27, 1879 - Front Page.
Outlaws Captured -- Territory Affairs.
ED. COURIER: Matters in the Territory have quieted down, somewhat, since Major Davis, of I Company of 4th Cavalry, stationed at Ft. Sill, made the raid on the outlaws on the Canadian and mouth of the Cimmaron. One desperate, hard-looking character was caught in the brush on the Canadian, near Johnson's store, and two others not far below. Seven were taken in at the dash at the mouth of the Cimmaron, and two escaped. The whole number, giving their names as Milton M. Lukens, Newton Scrimpshire, Andrew W. Woffard, Clay Collins, Lindsey Collins, James Arcena, Eck Ross, Samuel Ryder, and John W. Wilson, were taken to Fort Sill to await identification.
Lieutenant Patch had his leg crushed by his horse shying against a tree, and it had to be amputated. He is now at Pawnee Agency under treatment of the company surgeon.
Hereintofore these men have terrified the residents of the Territory, and as they represented a strong force, no one man cared to interfere with them, but now that they have been routed, the citizens declare that they shall not come back, and have organized and armed a vigilant committee to see that they do not.
The early burns have sprouted up with fresh green grass in the southern part of the Territory, and stock is doing well on it. King's herd of 1,200 ponies are wintering on Pond Creek, near the stage “ranche.” They will be driven to the Nebraska and Iowa market in the spring. It is a mistake about there being no ponies to be driven from Texas next summer, on account of the low prices in the Kansas market. They have to go. Almost all the water privileges in the state are being fenced up and the stock will have to be thinned out. The Trinity, Brazos, and other streams are almost entirely fenced, as well as all the smaller streams. A good rain fell about Oct. 1st, but not enough to swell the streams to last during the winter. C. M. Scott
Arkansas City Traveler, December 3, 1879.
That Bridge.
ED. TRAVELER. I read with great satisfaction the article in last week's TRAVELER relating to the miserable condition of the bridge across the Arkansas. I have heard consider-able comment in Bolton township on this subject, and we all agree that the TRAVELER has expressed our views on this subject exactly. In reading the Democrat last Saturday I noticed a reply to the TRAVELER article by the trustee of Creswell township that looks more like an effort to vindicate his actions while he has been in office than to show that the bridge is sound and safe, which everybody knows it is not.
Now we are ready to give Walton and Sample due praise for all they have done to keep the old thing upon stilts; but the fact is, all the same, that though scores of teams have daily crossed over without damage, the south span is in a very unsafe condition, and it is the judgment of our best mechanics that it has never been safe since the high water, and is liable to fall most any time.
If the trustee will inquire, he will find that able men as represent the Santa Fe railroad company examined the south span of the bridge and reported that it was in a very unsafe condition for even unloaded wagons to pass over, and this less than sixty days ago.
Several teams have nearly been killed on the south span by the floor of the bridge springing up when the team would chance to step upon the center, because the middle stringer had rotted and fell out. No longer ago than July last, the trustee acknowledged the unsafe condition of the bridge by nailing to its timbers in large letters “condemned.”
I do not credit the report that “The trustees are opposed to repairing the bridge and want to see it go down because they have interest west of Arkansas City and want to see the principal crossing of the river on that side of the city.” It is my honest judgment that they have done what they could to keep the crazy old thing from plunging into the depths of the river.
If my communication is not already too long, I would like to add that at a late meeting held in this township to consider the railroad question, a very small number were present, neither did the resolutions express the voice of any respectable number of the township.
Frank Lorry, whom everybody knows, has tried with the sweat of his brow for the last five years to tickle himself into some little notoriety, attempted to run the meeting by pawing and bellowing like an old stag. He got the floor and his terrible wrath soon began to kindle into flame, and the way he went for the people over in Creswell township resembled a flea in a flannel shirt. Frank has a voice that growls like muffled thunder, and whenever he strikes out for a foe, he plunges like the male gender of a Texas calf, and bawls for the sweet pap in the public teat. As soon as he is weaned, we shall hear less of him. More Anon.
E. Bolton Township.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 3, 1879.
ED. TRAVELER. The people of Bolton are under obligations to you for calling attention to that old rotten hulk dominated south end of the bridge. Why the trustees of Bolton and Creswell tolerate an old Bender drop like the old bridge is beyond the comprehension of ordinary mortals. The only solution must be, that they need a little coffee money, and can earn it easier by repairs than any other way. Or, are they influenced by hash money from those who haven't any freighting to do and care nothing for the lives, limbs, or property of the citizens of Bolton and Creswell. Continue in your good work until a new bridge is built and the masses will thank you. A. S.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 3, 1879.
East Creswell.
EDITOR TRAVELER. I notice that the TRAVELER is striking at the unsafe condition of our public bridges and while on this subject I would speak a word about the terrible condition of the floor in the Walnut bridge. The people in East Creswell are all obliged to go to town, more or less, and those who pass over the bridge are obliged to dodge around the holes. The people over here would like to see those whose business it is to look after such matters give it close enough attention so that a man of ordinary size can pass over and not fall through. J. T.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 3, 1879.
Welcome, a hundred welcomes, to the Santa Fe railroad company. The construction train has crossed the south bridge at Winfield and is pushing down to our town at the rate of a mile a day. Now is a good time to take steps for a grand celebration in honor of this occasion. Give the railroad officials a hearty welcome and we will receive their friendship in return.
We are advised that an excursion train will pull out soon after the completion of the road to this city and a crowd of people will embrace the opportunity to come down and see what we are doing. Let's show them that we are a live, progressive people, and that we are building a town here with advantages that invite all avocations to come and share with us.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 3, 1879.
It appears that the township trustees can't endure to have the old bridge criticized, and last week, in the patent innards across the street, give the old fraud a health certificate.
The communications to the TRAVELER this week tend to show that those who pass over the bridge, when compelled to come to town, don't have the confidence in it that a democrat always places in a bologna sausage, and hence the difference of opinion.
We feel an interest in the progress and prosperity of this city and whatever tends to render our highways of travel unsafe should be changed for the better. If this city is to be blessed with a large and healthy trade, every avenue leading here must be accessible to the public.
The railroad company propose to make a liberal donation towards building a new span in place of the old one; not because they are under any compulsion, but for the plain reason that it is the only wise policy for corporations that solicit freight and transportation to render the public the best means of reaching them.
We attach no blame to the trustee for trying to make the bridge passable, and no doubt he has done all that any trustee could do; but what we do say is that the railroad company's offer should be made available and those who expect to reap great advantages from the growth of the town should see that the new span is built.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 3, 1879.
There will be a meeting of the citizens of the town on Thursday night, Dec. 4th, at the office of Mitchell & Huey, for the purpose of taking preliminary action to welcome and celebrate the completion of the Santa Fe railroad. Turn out gentlemen and help enthuse.
Winfield Courier, December 4, 1879.
On Monday evening the council passed a resolution instructing the Marshal to close and keep closed the numerous gambling establishments, which have, since the advent of a railroad, sprung up in our midst.
Winfield Courier, December 4, 1879.
Last Sunday morning W. J. Hodges shipped twenty-five car loads of hogs by special train to Kansas City. This is the largest lot of stock ever shipped from Cowley county at one time.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 10, 1879.
Now that the railroad is completed, it is the part of wisdom to open avenues and make tributary to this point every part that can bring trade to our city. A practical route for freight and mail service should be opened in the most direct line from this place to Fort Sill as well as Osage Agency. Much of the road, as now traveled to the Agency, is rough and rocky and several miles indirect. This can be measurably avoided by leaving the line road about ten miles east of Grouse and crossing Beaver creek at a point where the cattle trail crosses the same. From there to Samuel Beveniew's in a southwest direction is an excellent road.
The road the remainder of the way to the Agency could be greatly improved with very little work, and convenience and comfort secured for the outlay. The supplies that go to the Osage are large and are now mostly freighted via Coffeyville. It is to the interest of this town to turn this travel and freight in this direction and we believe, that with a proper showing, it can be done.
Then again take the route to Ft. Sill. A good road should be opened from this place direct to Jones' ranche on the Cimarron. This would intersect the road running south from Caldwell. The surface of the country on this route is smooth; in fact, it can be made a dry divide road, while wood and water is plenty.
This is a subject worth not only discussion, but prompt action.
With the line of railroad to our town we ought to be able to influence the trade and shipment of most of the supplies that reach Ft. Sill.
There is no reason why other towns should come in and take the lions share in this trade while we possess better advantages than they. If our merchants, mechanics, freighters, and businessmen will come together and discuss these questions, we are sure practical work will come of it. Now is the time to awake from the old Rip Van Winkle slumber and take advantage of opportunities. What say you gentlemen, will you do it?
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 10, 1879.
To the Township Board of Bolton Township.
Messrs. W. B. Skinner, Frank Lorry, and all other citizens of Bolton.
From many conversations with you and from the tone of the resolutions and communications published in the newspapers, I am convinced you wish to be relieved of your liabilities of future repairs, and the erection of a new portion to the south end of the bridge.
I have talked to a great many of the citizens of Arkansas City in regard to this bridge controversy, and I am confident that the city will do what is right and that she will at any time you may choose, meet your township board, and any committee you may select, and at said conference agree in regard to the bridge and the cattle drive. I feel sure by taking this course you can save many dollars in future taxes.
I know if Bolton will permit cattle to be driven at all times of the year, on and over the trail to the Arkansas river, during next summer, or so long as Mr. W. B. Strong may so desire, in that event this city will agree to, and will erect anew, that part at the south end where the old part now stands.
Now, gentlemen of Bolton, what say you? Do you wish to get rid of the old bridge? Will you consent to the cattle drive?
There is no use in so much talk and no action. I mean business, and if you mean business, come over, or if you won't come, and wish us to meet you in Bolton, name the time and place, and let's understand ourselves and settle definitely our present and future interests in this matter, and may there be peace on both sides of the turbulent Arkansas river for many days. M. R. LEONARD.
Arkansas City, Dec. 8th, 1879.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 10, 1879.
Bridge Question.
Editor Traveler:
SIR: I have written some articles lately as an official of Cresswell township, which I deemed necessary in justice to Mr. Sample and myself, and now I wish to offer a few words as a citizen of the southern part of the county, in regard to matters in controversy between a portion of the citizens of Bolton township and Arkansas City; matters which say the Winfield papers are representing as very serious indeed, but which I think will be settled without any of their assistance whatever.
I find in a recent issue of the Semi-Weekly a set of resolutions purporting to represent Bolton Township feeling, handed into the paper by Frank Lorry, with the statement that they were refused by the home papers Let us see now as to the action of the home papers. I myself asked Mr. Dewesse, whose name is appended to the resolutions as chairman, about them. And he said he did not know anything about them, and he would not publish them. He did not believe it was the sentiment of Bolton.
Here is a quotation from a recent issue of the TRAVELER, the writer of which I believe to be one of the most prominent in advocating what he believes to be for the best interests of Bolton.
“If my communication is not already too long, I would like to add that a late meeting held in this township to consider the railroad question, a very small number were present, neither did the resolution express the voice of any respectable number of the township.”
Now this gentleman was at the meeting; and if his statement is true, then what shall we think of the man who rushes to Winfield to do his printing.
Now let us say a few words in regard to a square, honest, manly understanding of the differences in this controversy, and then go to work in a square, manly way to settle the questions I would suggest first, that as full a meeting of the citizens of Bolton as can be called together meet at some central point, that a full delegation of the citizens of this city meet with them, and consider every proposition which they have to make. That in the mean-time the work on the road which has been agreed on be thoroughly prosecuted, that the bridge as it stands be put in shape that there can be no possible quibble about danger in passing over it, and immediate measures be inaugurated for one or more new spans as soon as the city can command the ability to accomplish it.
Let a committee of citizens from both townships take into consideration what will be for the best interests of all knowing it is the intention of the city to do all in her power to induce and hold trade.
I am satisfied that the people of Bolton will only insist upon that which they have a right to demand, and which is their just due if they are forced to come to this side of the river with their produce. Am I right, in the language of the great, “let us have peace.”
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 10, 1879.
Editor Traveler:
What has happened? How or when did Winfield learn that we are to have a railroad down here? Listen to the last Courier. “Track laying on the extension to Arkansas City has commenced, etc.” Why, dear friends, over in Winfield, let us tell you that this railroad started from Wichita to come here and never intended to make anything but a way station of your town, and it was always intended that this city should be the terminus of the road, for a time at least.
To all our Winfield friends we extend an invitation to embrace the first opportunity to visit our beautiful city, and see what a live place it is. We hope none of you will be discouraged thereby, and cease your efforts to build up your own town, because in a few years at farthest, we expect to take you in as one of the suburbs of our growing city. Do not relax your efforts a particle, and then when we are all united in one grand city, you can congratulate yourselves that you did something toward building up the grand city of the southwest.
It is already said you are so wealthy and take such an interest in Bolton township that you have offered to assist the railroad company to build through that township to the state line. No doubt these are slanderous reports gotten up to injure you, but a few men of Bolton have become so excited over the idea of having a railroad in the township that there is a danger that they will do something desperate while under the impression that Winfield will foot all bills. These excited citizens do not wait to consider the impracticability of having cattle pens two or three miles from water, as well as some other bad features in the matter. They ought to know at once that you will not be accountable, peculiarly, for any further trouble or expense and all the world may know that the terminus of the railroad is at Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 10, 1879.
At a bridge meeting held at Spring Side school house, it was resolved that our trustee be requested not to expend any more money on the old part of the bridge, as said bridge is regarded as unsafe and in an unsound condition.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 10, 1879.
The track has been laid south of Winfield towards Arkansas City on the Santa Fe railroad, and will be completed to the terminus about the holidays, as it has only about six miles remaining to be laid.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 10, 1879.
The mechanics are hard at work building the depot, and it will be finished about the 25th. The building is 20 feet by 80, or the same size of those at Wellington and Winfield. The tool house for the section hands is completed.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 10, 1879.
Kansas has 78 townships along the Indian Territory, and measures 468 miles long. It has 25 townships east of the 6th principal meridian and 43 west of it. Arkansas City is four miles west of the 97th meridian and 3 ranges or 18 miles east of the 6th principal meridian.
Camp Supply is 150 miles west of Arkansas City and 36 miles south, or 186 miles distant. It is situated between Wolf and Beaver creeks that make the head of the North Canadian.
Fort Cantonment is ten townships south and sixteen townships west, or one hundred and fifty-six miles distant from Arkansas City.
Fort Reno is 130 miles southwest.
Arkansas City is the supply point for 14,342 Indians, besides the U. S. soldiers at different forts, and the cattlemen and cowboys of the Territory.
Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.
Capt. C. M. Scott returned from an extended trip in the Territory last Thursday. The adventures which the Captain encounters during these scouts would make an interesting novel.
Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.
The trackmen on the A., T. & S. F. are laying rail toward Arkansas City at the rate of a mile a day, Sunday including. They expect to run into the depot at that place by the 15th inst.
Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.
At a business meeting of the “Winfield Rifles,” last Friday evening, a uniform was adopted and committees appointed to make arrangements for a grand ball to be given under the auspices of the company on Christmas night.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 17, 1879.
At a meeting in Bolton township last Friday night, Deacon Skinner introduced resolu-tions that were adopted, whitewashing the action of Frank Lorry on railroad questions, and appointing a committee of conference to consult with citizens of Cresswell township relative to the policy to be passed towards the bridge and other business as may be important to both townships.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 17, 1879.
It is a very common occurrence for men who commit crime in Kansas to make their escape into the Indian Territory. Having reached there, they claim immunity from punishment and are ready for a life of the outlaw. Many of these charmers are secluded in the western part of the Territory, though by far the greater number are making homes among the natives of the Five Nations.
If an intelligent observer should travel through that part of the Territory lying East of the 96 degree of longitude he will be struck with the large number of white population claiming rights in the Territory by virtue of various concessions. Scores of white men are there without authority from the general Government, but claim protection under the local laws of the tribes, prescribing citizenship to those who intermarry with the Indian.
Now, the white race can well afford to spare those who, as a general rule, from choice, adopt the domestic relations of an inferior race, but does the Indian derive any advantage thereby? What can be the scale of society for generations to come that has for its progenitors a vagrant vicious class? It has long been the policy of the Government to keep the Territory intact from the grasp of the white man, but during the elapse of time, he has gone in by stealth, and this element now enacts the local laws of the most important tribes.
The criminal records of the Federal court at Fort Smith bear testimony that more crimes are committed within the territory than can be brought to trial at that renowned bar of justice. No thoughtful man will presume that left to itself, the present condition of things will improve in the Indian Territory. The reader will ask, Is there a remedy for these evils? We believe so. If Congress should pass an act to open this Territory to the actual settler, the problem would soon be solved. But, say some, “This would be doing injustice to the Indian; we can't afford to break faith with the red man; he is our ward and entitled to our protection.” This is pretty logic provided it does no violence to the rights of the white race. We confess that we are of the brotherhood who believe that the white man is as good as any, and entitled to some rights as well as the Indian. We search in vain for authority in the organic law of this government to make treaty with Indian tribes. If the Indian is solely the ward of this government, by what right is he clothed with the importance of a Foreign power and treaties ratified for his special benefit? But if Congress can never get ready to open the Territory to the actual settler, justice to the citizens of Kansas demands that an act be passed prescribing to the Federal Courts of this district concurrent jurisdiction over the Indian Territory.
The large influx of population into southwest Kansas for the last two years will demand, at least, an annual session of the Federal Court on the southern border of the State; and with the Territory attached to this judicial district, no locality offers as many advantages for the business of a Federal Court as Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 17, 1879.
C. C. Carpenter is in St. Louis trying to revive the Oklahoma boom. Those who were so badly sold on this question last spring will be slow to repeat the experiment just now.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 17, 1879.
Lieut. Cushman's ankle was dislocated at Fort Garland, Colorado, and he will return to Fort Riley to remain during the winter.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 17, 1879.
The Santa Fe Railroad.
The Chicago Tribune says, on the authority of Mr. W. B. Strong, vice-president and general manager of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad, who has been in this city during the last few days, we are enabled to say that the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe will within two years from now not only have one line to the Pacific coast, but three, and all attempts of Gould to thwart them in their designs can no longer be of any avail.
The reports that the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe has succeeded in wrestling the St. Louis & San Francisco railroad from the clutches of Gould are confirmed by Mr. Strong. An arrangement has been perfected by which the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad company gets a half interest in the old charter of the Atchison and Pacific railroad, known as the thirty-fifth parallelogram, owned by the St. Louis and San Francisco, and to which a large and valuable land grant is attached.
The two roads will build jointly on this charter from the main line of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railroad at Albuquerque, due west to Los Angeles, and thence north to San Francisco, and the track will be owned jointly by both roads.
The line has been surveyed, and there are no obstacles in the way of this speedy completion. Work is to be commenced at once, and will be pushed forward with all possible speed and energy, and it is expected to have it completed and in running order within two years from date. This line to the Pacific will be considerably shorter than the Union Pacific, and, as it runs through a more southern latitude, will not be blockaded by snow during the winter, but will be in good working order all the year round. Leavenworth Press.
Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.
It is expected that the railroad track will be laid into Arkansas City next week.
Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.
On last Friday eighteen car loads of wheat were shipped from Winfield station.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 24, 1879.
The Railroad is Completed.
The last rail that connects Arkansas City with other railroad towns was laid yesterday [December 23, 1879].
Come, ye who seek new homes, to this promised land. Here you will find a rich soil, good climate, intelligent people, excellent schools, orthodox churches, and stalwart republicans. What more can you wish below the clouds?
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 24, 1879.
W. P. Adair, big little chief of the Cherokee nation, is on the war path against any move-ment towards opening to the actual settler the Indian Territory. He has a large stock of cheap talk and prates about the terrible scenes that will follow the consummation of such an act. He is reported as saying that “The different tribes in the Territory can muster, for actual warfare, 15,000 bucks and that he very much doubts the ability of the United States army to conquer them.”
Adair was a cheap Colonel of bushwhackers during the late unpleasantness and the prowess he exhibits should be viewed from that standpoint. When he talks about the terrible scenes of bloodshed on the border adjoining the States that would follow in case of rupture, he proves his status for real intelligence, to be but a small fractional part of man.
The TRAVELER expresses the opinion of thousands, when it says to W. P. Adair that the present status of the Indian Territory cannot long exist, and that it only remains for Congress to say when the white man may enter there. Whenever that time arrives, the white race will ask no standing army to give protection, but a half dozen counties on the border will volunteer to settle the question in less time than required to mature a bank note. Adair, no doubt, forms his judgment of the fighting capacity of the white race from the late Indian wars with the General Government. This estimate is good for nothing as the Government has generally seen fit to send only squads of soldiers against Indian warfare.
The Creek Indians possess a reservation one hundred miles square, and their numbers nearly equal those of the largest tribes. Yet that nation today is governed by the negro element, while the native is largely in the minority. If we cross the line into the Cherokee reservation we find the full blood, or Pin Indian, and the half breed as opposing parties.
The treaty of 1866 galvanized the rebel Indian, who was generally a half-breed, and restored him to equality, with the full-blood. Each party is extremely jealous of the other, and with a large fund in the U. S. Treasury to stimulate sordid action, a constant strife is maintained.
It has been a custom with the Cherokees for several years to send to Washington a delegation to represent the party in power in their government with full authority to draw exorbitant pay, drink rot gut, and grow fat. Our exchanges announce that W. P. Adair has gone to Washington with a delegation to resist the encroachments of the white man. Sift this statement to the naked fact and it simply means that the delegation have gone to Washington to feather their nest with the school fund. Surely, no congressmen will be bulldozed with the threat of 15,000 Indian warriors on our border, while no community in this latitude will allow its equilibrium to be disturbed with such childish prattle. The day has at last dawned when the white man is as good as the red man, and he will not peaceably submit to be pushed aside and deprived of a home, while the public domain is given to the Indian.
A just and ready solution to this Indian problem is reached by giving to each member of a tribe 160 acres in severalty, with the power to convey until the lapse of one generation. Clothe him with the responsibility of a citizen and give him the privilege of the elective franchise as contingent with his knowledge of the elementary branches of education, and then teach him that “He who toils not, neither shall he reap,” and civilization will soon follow.
Winfield Courier, December 25, 1879.
The railroad has reached Arkansas City. We congratulate our wide awake friends of the seaport. By the way, cannot we have a celebration and go down there and help our neighbors shout.
Winfield Courier, December 25, 1879.
The military ball to be given ty the Winfield Rifles, at the Opera House New Year's Eve, promises to be a grand affair. The committee are sparing no pains to make it a success.
Winfield Courier, January 1, 1880.
Last Tuesday the C. S. & F. S. railroad company received its second installment of Cowley county bonds, $50,000, the amount due on the completion of the road to Arkansas City. This makes the total amount issued to that company $128,000.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1880.
Buyers have commenced to ship hogs via the railroad and this is a great improvement over the old way of driving.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1880.
On every side can be seen new life and the evidence of prosperity in Arkansas City. A town is building here at the terminus of the Cowley, Sumner, and Ft. Smith Rail Road and no matter what rival localities may say, just come and see for yourself.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1880.
The passenger train is crowded with people since the completion of the Road to Arkansas City. Farms are changing hands and large preparations are going forward to open new farms and to put more land in cultivation. Roll in, now is the time to improve the opportunity.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1880.
An editor in Winfield has been so long without a square meal that he howls piteously for the people of Arkansas City to get up a railroad excursion and invite him down to the terminus. Come down, Bro. Allison, we will stuff your belly, and then you will feel friendly, won't you?
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1880.
Eight thousand head of stock cattle are to be furnished the Indians in the Indian Territory by the Government the coming season.
Winfield Courier, January 8, 1880.
New Year's eve the Winfield Rifles held their first grand military ball, which was even more successful than the most sanguine of the members anticipated. The hall was tastefully decorated with flags, with the stage arranged to represent a company encampment. The crowd in attendance was immense, over a hundred tickets being sold.
At 12 o'clock an election for “Daughter of the Regiment” was announced, which was the most exciting feature of the evening. Five ladies were placed in nomination, and after a lively contest of half an hour, the friends of Miss Clara Brass carried the day and their favorite was declared “Daughter of the Regiment.” The receipts of the entertainment amounted to two hundred dollars.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1880.
The A., T. & S. F. railroad company commenced running trains to Arkansas City regu-larly yesterday. This recalls the time when, a few years since, a delegation of pioneers, prominent among whom were Profs. Kellogg and Norton, started from this place to locate a “future great city” somewhere in the Southwest. Arkansas City is the outgrowth of this enterprise, and we are pleased to believe it is destined to be a leading city of Southern Kansas. Emporia News. [Date not given by Emporia paper.]
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1880. Editorial Page.
The Territory of Oklahoma.
Washington, Jan. 15. The Senate Committee on Territories, some days ago, referred to a sub-committee, composed of Senators Vest, Butler, and Logan, the question of the organization of the Indian Territory into a Territorial Government. The sub-committee, after several sessions, directed Senator Vest to prepare a bill providing for the establishment of the Territory of Oklahoma, and the appointment by the President of the usual Territorial officers. The legislative branch of the proposed Territorial Government is to consist of the Council of thirteen members and the house of twenty-six. Representatives are appointed among the several tribes according to the number of qualified voters. Any male Indian twenty-one years of age, who has adopted the customs of civilized life, will be entitled to vote. Lands are to be surveyed, and each person who is a member of a tribe occupying a reservation within the limits of the Territory is entitled to a homestead of 160 acres. Adults can select their own homesteads, and minors by their guardians. The alienation of homesteads is prohibited for twenty years. For an Indian to become a citizen he must be a resident of the United States for five years, a resident of the Territory, and have a good moral character for two years. Such Indians are to be paid the cash value in proportion of the funds of the tribe held in trust by the United States, and the bill also repeals all acts granting lands in the Territory to railroads upon the extinguishment of the Indian title, and sections 16 and 36 are reserved for school purposes. The sub-committee, and, in fact, the full committee, are very doubtful as to the right of Congress to dispossess the Indians of their lands, and they will so frame their bill as to prevent those objections which the Indian tribes within the Territory have hitherto made against the organization of a Territorial form of government, and will endeavor to protect them in their rights by every means within the power of Congress.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1880.
The readers of the TRAVELER who reside on the border will read with interest the status of the bill introduced in Congress for the organization of the Territory of Oklahoma. Several of our exchanges from more northern localities question the wisdom of opening the Indian Territory to settlement, though in this opinion we do not share. With the Territory organized for settlement, our farmers would find an excellent market for their produce, and our towns on the border would receive trade and activity that nothing else can supply. We think it a very selfish view that excludes from settlement a Territory simply because it may drain from localities some of its population. Senator Vest, who introduced this bill, is a Missouri Democrat, and if his party, in Congress, thinks they can gain any political advantage by organizing the Territory for settlement, we feel certain that it will be done before the first day of June. As a party measure it must be utilized before the fall campaign or it will be forever lost to the Democratic party. Momento mori.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1880.
Selling Arms to Indians.
Congressman Beltzhoover has introduced a bill in the House to prevent and punish the sale of arms and ammunition to uncivilized Indians. The measure should be passed without any opposition. More than half of our Indian troubles may be directly attributed to the fact that the Government has heretofore taken no effective steps to prevent the sale of arms and fixed ammunition to savage tribes. The law as it stands prohibits the sale of rifles and cartridges upon the reservations and to hostile tribes while waging war; but even this vague and unsatisfactory law is not executed. In the neighborhood of every reservation there are dealers in arms at all times ready to supply the largest demands of the Indians. The trade is exceedingly profitable, the purchasers usually paying enormous prices in valuable furs for their guns and ammunition.
The officers of the Interior Department know that this traffic is being carried on continually, and it is not unlikely that some of them are permitted to share in its profits as a reward for permitting sales on the reservations. Secretary Schurz maintains that he has no sufficient authority to drive the traders off, and we do not doubt that he is right, though we are far from certain that he would interfere if he could.
The army has no power to meddle with the business. It is inconceivable why this condition of affairs should have been permitted to continue so long; to permit it to continue longer would be little less than criminal. In one sense it is rather late in the day to interfere, because there is hardly an able-bodied savage Indian in the West who is not at present supplied with a small arsenal of the most destructive arms known to modern science.
During the Sioux war two years ago, the red warriors were better armed than the soldiers sent against them. The Utes engaged in the Thornburgh massacre all carried long-range Winchester rifles and an endless supply of metallic cartridges; while the soldiers had only carbines—good arms at close range, but no match for the superior rifles in the hands of their savage foes. It would not be easy to take their trusty breech-loaders away from the Indians, but they might be rendered practically harmless by the enactment and strict enforcement of a well-digested law to prevent and punish the sale of any more fixed ammunition to the uncivilized tribes, either on or off their reservations. Of course, the sale of arms should also be prevented in the same manner.
No civilized Government would think for a moment of permitting the inmates of its penitentiaries and insane asylums to arm themselves with repeating rifles. The savages of the West are even more dangerous to the peace and safety of their civilized neighbors than the same number of convicts and lunatics would be, and the risk of permitting them to be armed with the most approved weapons of modern warfare is far greater.
The Indian traders and sentimentalists of the East will reply that the savages maintain themselves largely by hunting and that they must have arms or die of starvation. This argument should have no weight with any person possessed of common sense. No hunter, either white or red, needs a Winchester rifle in pursuit of game. White hunters do not use that arm at all. It is made for war and not for sport. If the Indians must be permitted to equip themselves for the hunting field, they should be limited in their choice of arms to the shot-gun and the ordinary hunting rifle of small caliber and short range. Their fathers got along very well with bows and arrows, and we have yet to learn that game is more difficult to kill now than it was 50 or 100 years ago. As a matter of fact, the Indians do not buy Winchesters and fixed ammunition for the chase. They do buy both for the purpose of making war upon their white neighbors and the army. They never think of taking the war path until they have purchased a sufficient supply of rifles and cartridges to enable them to carry on a long campaign. For months before the last Ute outbreak the traders who deal with that tribe did a rushing business in the sale of arms and ammunition. They made a great deal of money, and, of course, they will use what influence they have at Washington to prevent the passage of Mr. Beltzhoover's bill. In this they will be aided by the traders who deal with other tribes, but they ought not to have any weight with Congress. Surely if the Government is able to prevent the sale of liquor to the Indians, it can also stop the traffic in arms and ammunition.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1880. Front Page.
ED. COURIER: I have noticed in some of my papers lately, articles written in favor of organizing the Indian Territory into a territory like the other territories of Uncle Sam's domain. It seems to me, and no doubt to thousands of others, that this would be a step in the right direction. Here we have a vast extent of the finest country within the limits of the United States, given over to a pack of landless vagabonds. A country surpassing in the beauty of the climate, the fertility of its soil, and in general features, any State in the federal union, or in the world, abandoned and turned over to make hunting grounds for a few lazy savages. Let us take into consideration the extent of this magnificent country, reveling in the luxuriousness of a semi-tropical climate, and see if there are not homes for every Indian old enough to need one.
The Indian Territory contains 68,991 square miles, or 44,154,240 acres, a larger area, by 410,520 acres than the six New England States together.
The population of the Territory was, in 1870, 68,152.
We find by division, that there are in the Territory 276,964 farms of 160 acres each, or 633 acres for every man, woman, and child in it. Just think of it! 633 acres of the finest land in the world parceled out to one Indian, and you without a foot that you can call your own.
How long is this going to last?
Just so long as the people will let it.
Why not give each Indian 80 acres of land for a home, and let him live on it, or die on it, just as he likes.
There is no provision made to feed and clothe a white man. It seems to us that he must do this himself, or, like the Dutchman's horse, he will die; or, like the man in Winfield, he will be kicked out of doors to lie in the cold, sick or well.
We say, let each Indian have a deed of 80 acres of land; let him make of it a home, just the same as thousands of white people have done and are doing. Do this, and still there are 38,702,080 acres left which might be thrown open for settlement.
The Territory as it is now is a great curse to the law-abiding citizens of the five states which join it. Robbers, cutthroats, and outlaws of all kinds, after committing deviltries of every description in the adjoining states, find a safe and convenient retreat in the territory. It is really the house of a vast number of plug-uglies, thugs, sharpers, swindlers, murderers, and horse-thieves, of every grade and color.
Now if we were telling a lie about this, I would say, hang us for it, but everyone knows that we are telling the unvarnished truth.
I hope someone else will come out on this subject, for or against; let us have the sentiment of the people all around. Remember that a white man must work or die.
Only a few days ago an old man in Wisconsin was taken up as a tramp simply because he was walking along the public highway. That was the only reason the man could give, when asked what he was doing. He was old and careworn. The cold winds of many a hard winter had blown over his poor old head, and had helped to silver his hair. Yes, he was somebody's grandpa, too, very likely, but the merciless tramp-law of that state condemned the innocent old man to be taken to Madison. The rough usage on the road, combined with the cold weather, was too much for the old man. So he died! Oh! What a lasting disgrace this is to the law-making body of Wisconsin! May the curse of Almighty God be on such a law as that, is my prayer; but then, he was a white man, you know. He had $12.00 in his pocket, which was found after his death. The idiots did not have sense enough to ask the old man his condition.
Had he been an Indian he would have been taken in, sheltered, and fed, and sent on his way.
Now, I am not writing this because I hate the Indian. On the contrary, I respect him. But then, I certainly think the white man is as good as an Indian, but the way they are treated now (that is to say, the way the government intends to treat them), I think it a fine thing to be an Indian. Yes, it looks as if they were getting royalty paid them for being Indians. I am certain they would be in far better condition, in a short time, than they are now, were they given this land and made to stay on it, the same as they are on the reservations; then that infernal big fraud and swindle, the Indian Department, would be dead, DEAD! DEAD!!
Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.
The office of the engineer of the S. K. & W. railroad has been established in the old Winfield Bank Building. This road has reached Burden, and the track-layers are pushing this way at the rate of a mile a day.
Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.
A meeting was held at Manning's Hall last Wednesday evening to consider a memorial to Congress asking that a right of way for a railroad be granted through the Indian Territory from Arkansas City to Fort Smith.
Mayor Lynn was called to chair and J. E. Conklin chosen secretary.
A committee, consisting of C. C. Black, C. Coldwell, W. R. Davis, J. L. Horning, and M. L. Robinson, was appointed to prepare a memorial.
Senator Hewson, of Memphis, addressed the meeting, stating the advantages and impor-ance to this section of the country of such a road.
The committee reported a memorial as follows, which was adopted, and the committee instructed to procure signatures and forward.
“The undersigned citizens of Cowley county, in the state of Kansas, would respectfully represent, that this county and the adjacent counties of Kansas are producers of corn, wheat, oats, hay, hogs, and cattle; and that they have large quantities of the commodities named, over and above their own requirements for market; but on account of the present condition of things they are cut off and deprived of their proper and legitimate markets, which should be Memphis, Tennessee; New Orleans, Louisiana; and Little Rock, Arkansas; and the cities and country adjacent to said city. We would further show that our country is almost wholly destitute of timber, while in the state of Arkansas, only a short distance away, there is a superabundance wasting for want of transportation.
We would further show that by building a line of railroad from the line of Kansas at or near Arkansas City, to Fort Smith in the state of Arkansas, relief from all difficulties stated would be obviated.
We would further show that on the 17th day of Dec., 1879, the Hon. H. C. Young of Tennessee, introduced House bill 3032, in which the right of way and charter for said railroad is asked and provided for, and we respectfully request the said bill be enacted into a law and the company or body corporate thereby created be authorized to build a line of railroad and telegraph upon such terms and limitations as Congress may in its wisdom provide.
And we especially solicit and request the support and influence of the Representatives and Senators from the state of Kansas and our sister states, in prefecting and passing this bill.
All of which is most respectfully submitted.”
Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.
The importance to our section of a railroad down the Arkansas river to connect with the Southern railroads at Fort Smith cannot be overestimated. The millers of Little Rock and other cities below want our wheat, and have been paying ten cents a bushel above St. Louis prices. With a railroad connection direct the cost of transportation would be ten to fifteen cents less than it is to St. Louis, and our farmers would get hundreds of thousands of dollars more for their wheat than they would otherwise. Again, our corn, oats, and pork are wanted in the South, and we want their sugar and other products. We now have to pay transportation on all these in the circuitous routes by way of Kansas City and St. Louis, and the difference in freights would be a fortune to our farmers.
The measure proposed is in the right direction, but what should be done is the enactment of a general law of Congress providing for means of procuring right of way for any railroad through the Territory in any part or direction.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 28, 1880. Front Page.
We have been informed since our last issue that Congressman Ryan has a bill already before Congress for a general right-of-way through the Indian Territory, not giving it to any particular company or any particular set of men, and we learn further that the Memphis, Little Rock and Fort Smith road belongs to a Boston company, same as also the A. T. & S. F., and whenever the right-of-way is granted the two companies stand ready to commence at both sides of the Territory and push a road rapidly through it. Eagle.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1880. Editorial Page.
We have a long list of subscribers to a petition asking Congress to create for the Indian Territory an organized government; and all who believe that the Territory should be open to the actual settler, and have not already signed the petition, we hope will come forward promptly and do so.
We wish to return the petition to the committee which drafted it, in a very few days, and right now is just the time to sign it.
Dispatches from Washington report that large parties in Southwestern Kansas are now organized with a view to invade the Territory without the authority of law. Now, while we are emphatic in our opinion that this Territory should be organized for white settlement, and that the question cannot long remain in suspense, we are equally positive that it is unpolitic and unwise to attempt to force the question by squatter sovereignty. We hope that no reader of the Traveler will take it upon himself to organize the Territory for his particular benefit.
Await the action of Congress and do nothing but what the law will sanction. This is the only wise course, and those who pursue it will always be found on the right side.
We have also a petition to Congress asking for the right-of-way to a railway company from Arkansas City to Fort Smith, and we hope our people will give it their endorsement.
If Congress declines to give the Territory an organized government, then the right-of-way to a railroad from here to Fort Smith is the next best outlook, and will add greatly to the general prosperity.
The view promulgated by some that “as this is now the terminus, we should do every-thing possible to keep it so,” is too narrow for a progressive age and, we believe, will fail to receive general endorsement.
A grand trunk line spanning the Territory and connecting Arkansas City with a southern outlet is the aim indispensable to a bright future. We can't remain a town on a bob tail while we see before us the prospect of a live city on a Grand Trunk, reaching from the Pacific into all parts of the South. Let's sign the petition.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1880.
Mr. Thomes, of the Santa Fe Engineer Corps, and C. M. Scott, of this city, left here on Sunday last on a tour of observation through the Territory to Fort Smith in the interest of the railroad company.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1880.
Three U. S. Marshals were in town on Monday last, hunting for parties to put in an appearance at the Fort Smith Federal Court.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1880.
Fort Reno, Indian Territory, January 18, 1880. Paymaster Broodhead, U. S. A., arrived here on the 15th inst. On the 16th a circular was issued from post headquarters announcing that the troops would be paid on the 17th, commencing at 9 o'clock a.m. Promptly at the hour one of these companies was marched to the Adjutant's office, but after waiting some time, was marched back without being paid, and it was whispered that “something was wrong.” Soon the rumors flew thick and fast that “the paymaster had been robbed.” The amount was variously stated at from $500 to $26,000. No payment was made, and it was evident that something indeed was very much wrong. The telegraph was soon flashing the news to department headquarters at Fort Leavenworth; but none, of course, of the outsiders knew just what was the matter. This morning it is stated by those who are presumed to know that the paymaster's safe was robbed of something over $20,000 while in transit from Leavenworth to this place.
It is stated that a board of officers was assembled yesterday, by authority of the Post Commander, Col. Beaumont, to take such measures as were necessary. The aid of our photographer was also invoked, and a number of negatives of the unlucky safe were taken.
There is a general feeling of sympathy for Major Broodhead; but we of the rank and file suppose that he will not be required to make any part of the loss good. Nevertheless, it must result in great and vexatious inconvenience to him. Times.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1880. Editorial Page.
We have received information that Patterson & Bros. will drive nineteen thousand head of cattle from Western Texas to Arkansas City for shipment the coming season. The country south and southwest of this has an unlimited range of excellent grass, while the supply of good, fresh water is ample. We are satisfied that if the cattlemen in Western Texas examine the route to Arkansas City, and the many advantages it has over other points, that the large herds will be driven to these stock yards. The railroad company have looked at this matter closely, and have built on the banks of the Arkansas large and substantial yards for the accommodation of the stock men.
Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.
“The excursion to Wichita by the Winfield Rifles last Thursday evening passed off very pleasantly, barring a few hard characters, not belonging to the company, who got too much liquor aboard. The two coaches chartered by the company were comfortably filled by about 100 ladies and gentlemen. At the Wichita depot the Rifles were met by the Wichita Guards and were escorted to their armory where they stacked arms and dispersed to the various hotels for supper. The Tremont House seemeed to be the favorite with the boys, and A. N. Deming was compelled to enlarge his culinary department to accommodate them.
“After supper, in company with Frank Smith, of the Beacon, we took in the town, visiting the principal business houses, and finally bringing up at the Opera House, the pride and glory of Wichita, which is truly a magnificent building. The building is one-story, with very high ceilings, and will seat about 1,000 people. It has a gallery running about half-way around the building, and a large vestibule with box offices and waiting rooms complete. Last but not least is the stage, which is 40 x 60, and has been furnished regardless of cost. The scenery and fixtures will compare favorably with that of any theatre west of the Mississippi.
“The drama of the ‘Union Spy,’ by the Wichita Guards, was simply immense. We had heard the piece spoken of highly by those who had seen it, but our anticipations were surpassed by the reality of the play. Judge Campbell as ‘Albert Morton,’ in Andersonville prison, brought tears to the eyes of most of the audience, and even Krets, of the Telegram, was suspiciously handy with his pocket-handerchief.
“One of the Winfield boys, who had been through Libby prison, excused this unmanly condition by saying: ‘If you-you'd a b-b-been there like I was, y-y-you'd a cri-cried, too.’ At half-past twelve the train started homeward, and the time was passed very pleasantly in the ladies’ car, with music and singing. Special credit is due Conductor Siverd, of the A. T. & S. F. for his accommodating manners and gentlemanly conduct during the trip, and also the Southwestern Stage Co., which furnished free transportation to and from the depot.”
Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.
The S. K. & W. railroad company has appointed Mr. Carruthers station agent at this place. Mr. Carruthers was formerly in the employ of the Fort Scott & Gulf railroad, and is a thorough railroad man.
Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.
The second railroad will reach us next week, and about that time will come a new crop of land-lookers and homeseekers from the more eastern states. Gen. A. H. Green is preparing for a brisk campaign in the land broker business, and will doubtless sell out his stock of farms readily and want more. He will take a few more farms to sell. Call soon.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1880.
Oklahoma Again.
The Kansas City Journal says: Our Washington specials yesterday gave the information that the President had been informed that another “invasion” of the Indian Territory was contemplated in the spring, and that they were assured the military would receive orders to guard against it. Of course, the Executive cannot do otherwise, for as long as the law is there, it must be enforced.
We do not know on what grounds this complaint is made, but we see in the circumstance only additional reasons for the speedy passage of the bill organizing a territorial government. Affairs have reached that point when troops will have to be sent every year until bye and bye it will assume such dimensions that military interference will be impractical.
We notice petitions circulating praying for the passage of a law organizing the Territory. This is a better way than by raids, for it is perfectly legal and proper. Public policy cannot always be based upon abstract ideas of right and wrong in practical affairs—and that is the state of the Indian Territory question. The practical thing in this case is that all our history from the time of the Puritans and Penn to the Ute troubles, the white man and his methods have come in conflict with the red man and his modes of life. And it is whether one shall stop at an imaginary line, or the other shall conform to the inevitable. It is but one illustration of the law of the survival of the fittest—strongest.
The government cannot afford to maintain this uneasy and lawless condition of affairs. It is lawless in one sense, but then it arises from a perfectly legitimate impulse—the subduing of the earth and cultivating it—which is the fundamental duty of civilization. John Quincy Adams laid down the rule that the earth was given in usufruct to man, and he who tilled it had the right to it, and we have never seen a better title urged.
The Indian Territory has a history that few men today, even our best statesmen, know of or think of. It is one of the earliest fruits of the old slavery question, or the struggle between North and South, and is the fruit of northern victory.
When the Indians were to be removed west of the Mississippi, it was proposed to locate them further north, and had Mr. Calhoun and his partisans succeeded, Iowa and Nebraska would have been dedicated “to the pupilage of the red man,” and appropriated to the use of an Indian museum. But he was defeated, and the Indian Territory was the result.
One of the most remarkable and far-seeing speeches in view of subsequent events that we ever read was delivered on this subject by Samuel F. Vinton, of Ohio, in which it was discussed as a sectional movement on the part of Calhoun to shut out the growth of the free States to the west, and secure the outlet clear for the slave States. It is more than thirty years since we read that speech, but its position and its foresight have been remarkably vindicated.
And now the question returns again, but in a form in which freedom alone is interested—in the work of opening it up to the natural forces of free labor and as homes for men who want to plant there the foundation of a great free State. Congress cannot much longer ignore it, for it is not now a mere question of aboriginal rights, but whether it is to be a barrier to the healthy progress to natural development, in which the legitimate outgrowth of civilization is to be checked and restrained by mere military force—for practically that is the situation today.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1880.
Vest's Oklahoma Bill.
[Special to the Kansas City Times.]
WASHINGTON, Feb. 4. Congressman Frost thinks the House Committee on Territories, of which he is a member, will adopt the Vest Oklahoma bill.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1880. Editorial Page.
The Railway Route to Fort Smith.
Editor Traveler: I have been repeatedly asked since my return regarding the practicability of a railroad route from Arkansas City to Fort Smith, Arkansas, the present terminus of the Little Rock and Ft. Smith railway.
On the 25th of January in company with Mr. John E. Thomes, civil engineer of the A. T. & S. F. railway, we proceeded on horseback to Kaw Agency, a distance of about twenty-five miles, following the Arkansas river to within three miles of the Agency, then crossing through a draw from the Arkansas to Beaver creek; thence down Salt creek about fifteen miles, and up another draw into Hominy creek, then down the latter stream to where it empties into Bird creek, then down Bird creek to the Verdigris river, and down to the Arkansas to Ft. Gibson, a distance of one hundred and ninety miles. On Bird creek and the Verdigris river many bends of the streams were cut off, passing over smooth, high prairie, at an elevation of not more than thirteen hundred feet above the level of the sea, and not to exceed a fifty foot grade.
Along the route was some of the finest farming lands we ever saw; especially in the Verdigris valley, which is frequently more than three miles in width.
The people of Fort Gibson were very anxious to have the road built, and manifested great willingness to take hold of the matter.
Along Bird creek walnut lumber was being cut and sawed to ship to Chicago, for which the contractors were paying $1 per thousand feet in the tree. They could load on about 7,000 feet on one car, and it is said they receive $80 per thousand in Chicago for it. Corn was $1 per bushel at Gibson and it was expected to be $1.50 before corn time next year.
Some of the Cherokees and Creeks were in favor of a railroad while the majority were opposed to it.
Another very good route could be made crossing the Arkansas at this place, then cross back near Kaw Agency, and down from the head of Bird creek by way of Osage Agency. This would necessitate two bridges across the Arkansas at a cost of $20,000, and following the Bird creek valley would make the road a crooked one. C. M. SCOTT.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1880.
C. M. Scott has returned from his trip to Ft. Gibson. He reports that a practical route for a railway through the Territory was found, and now the chief difficulty that exists in the way of connecting us with Ft. Smith is the want of proper legislation in Congress on the subject.
Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.
In the House proceedings of the 5th, we find the following.
Mr. Ryan presented a petition from 1,000 citizens of his State in favor of granting the great lines of railways which are constructed or may hereafter be constructed near the Indian Territory, the right of way through that country. The petitioners here state that they are willing the territory should remain a home for the Indians, but they ask that it should no longer be an obstruction to the commerce between the different States and Territories. The petition was referred to the committee on railways and canals.
Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.
Monday evening the track-layers of the S. K. & W. reached the depot at this place, and Tuesday morning the boarding cars were moved down and placed on the switch. The completion of this road will completely settle the chronic croakers who have been so fearful about the future of Winfield. With a direct outlet to Kansas City or St. Louis, and two competing lines of road, one of which is only waiting for an opportunity to build on through the Territory and give us a direct outlet to the Gulf, we will ere long have facilities for marketing our produce second to no county in the state. This is indeed the dawn of an era of prosperity for the farmers of Cowley county.
Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.
DEXTER, Feb. 9, 1880.
ED. COURIER: Have not the true interests of Cowley county been shamefully ignored by those who have had the locating of towns on our lines of railway? Would it not be of great benefit to the county, to the whole people of the county, to have one good town, say in the neighborhood of the late Udall, and one other good town in the neighborhood of Grouse valley. What is the situation? A switch and a depot are a few miles northwest of Winfield, while there is no stopping place for trains, no shipping point for our products, no point about which capital and population can gather, beyond that station and the county line. This compels a large portion of our people to go far to markets, or else to go out of Cowley county to do their railroad business, and thus help build up a town that contributes not one cent to the wealth of our county. This could have been helped and should have been helped.
How is the situation on the east? Instead of getting one good, enterprising, pushing, thriving, town—a town which would constantly grow in wealth and population—a town that would furnish a good local market for all farm products—a town that would sink no man's capital and smash up no man's business, we have three towns! Who will say that someone will not get scorched by this fire? Who will say that the best interests of eastern Cowley will not suffer by this failure to concentrate the wealth, the population, the trade, and the manufacturing and producing interests of that section in one locality rather than three? We have no interests in any one point more than another along the line of our railroads. The people of the county pay bonds for these roads, and the interests of the people as a whole should be consulted in whatever affects their interests so vitally as does the building up of towns and the consequent concentrations of capital and population. O. T. R.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 18, 1880. Editorial Page.
Mr. Ryan, in the early part of last week, presented a petition to Congress from one thousand citizens of this State in favor of granting the great lines of railways which are constructed or may be hereafter constructed near the Indian Territory, the right of way through that country. The petition favors the Territory remaining the home of the Indians, but asks that it should no longer be an obstruction to the commerce between the different States and Territories. The petition was referred to the committee on railroads and canals.
Mr. Ryan, of Kansas. “Mr. Speaker, I desire to present a memorial of 1,000 citizens of my State, asking that these great lines of commerce which are already constructed to the border of the Indian country shall be granted the right to traverse that Territory. In other words, they ask that that Territory shall be no longer an obstruction to the commerce between the different States and Territories.
“Although that Indian country is the paradise of America, and would make happy homes for millions of people in the east who are homeless, they do not ask to have that Territory opened to settlement, but simply that it shall no longer be allowed to remain an impassable barrier to commerce. They are willing that it shall remain the home for the Indians, and they believe the opening of the lines of commerce will in no wise injure any interest of the Indians, but, on the contrary, will prove a civilizing agency.
“I therefore ask that this memorial be referred to the committee on railways and canals; and I beg to say to that honorable committee that I hope they will give this petition prompt, early, and favorable consideration.”
The Speaker. “The chair hears no objection to the request of this gentleman from Kansas, and the petition will be referred to the committee on railways and canals.”
Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1880.
The right of way for a road through the Indian country, west from Fort Smith to Arkansas City, Kansas, is being asked for and should be granted. No one would be damaged by a railroad through the Nation. The houses could be reversed, so as to have the doors in front, and permit a little gleam of civilization to enter into the hearts of the people. Could this road be built at once, the rising generation, in the nations, along the line would be greatly pleased and benefited. Ft. Smith Elevator.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1880.
The House Committee on Indian affairs have agreed upon the terms of the bill to provide for the punishment of crime in the Indian Territory. At the meeting of the Committee on Friday morning Chairman Scales was instructed to report it to the House. It provides that the laws of the respective States and Territories in which are located Indian reservations, relating to the crimes of murder, manslaughter, arson, rape, burglary, and robbery, shall be deemed and taken to be the law and in force within such reservations; and the district courts of the United States within and for the respective districts in which such reservations may be located in any State, and the territorial courts of the respective territories in which such reservations may be located shall have original jurisdiction over all such offenses which may be committed within such reservations.
In respect to all that portion of the Indian Territory not set apart and occupied by the Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Seminole Indian Tribes, the provisions of the laws of the State of Kansas relating to the crimes of murder, manslaughter, arson, rape, burglary, and robbery shall be deemed and taken to be the law and in force therein; and the United States district court for the western district of the State of Kansas, at Fort Scott, shall have exclusive original jurisdiction over all such offenses arising in said portion of the Indian Territory. The place of punishment of any and all said offenses shall be the same as for other like offenses arising within the jurisdiction of said respective courts.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 18, 1880. Editorial Column.
Dispatches from Washington report that bills have been introduced into both branches of Congress, and favorably reported by sub-committee, to open the Indian Territory to settlement. Both bills are similar and free from the objections that arose to Senator Vest's measure.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 18, 1880. Editorial Column.
One of our exchanges states that a colony is formed at Wichita and Arkansas City to invade the Territory. We have made considerable inquiry on this subject and fail to find that any organization exists for this purpose. While hundreds along the border would rejoice to see Congress take action favorable to the settlement of that boundless waste, we do not believe that a respectable sprinkle of responsible men in this section will be found to invade the Territory in violation of law.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1880. Front Page.
Mr. Ryan has introduced a bill which is designed to take the place of one concerning which I have written you, and the purpose of which is to permit the several railroad companies that have constructed their roads up to the line of the Indian Territory to build through the Territory, to condemn the right of way to the extent of a hundred feet on each side of the track, and also take material from the adjacent lands, sites for depot purposes, etc. This is a sensible and practical measure, and one that ought to become a law. Should the bill become a law, the Santa Fe road would doubtless push its line from Arkansas City through the Territory at an early day. It will receive strong support whatever its ultimate fate may be.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 25, 1880.
While we have advocated the opening of the Indian Territory to settlement, we have always been and still are opposed to any invasion of said Territory, until the proper time or in other words not until Congress has by proper action opened the Territory to settlement. There are at this time several bills and amendments pending before that body which have been partially acted upon. In our opinion it is only a question of time when this far famed and much coveted country will be settled by white men and be made to blossom like the rose, an end to which we believe it was originally created.
We herewith append that part of a proclamation recently issued by the President relative to intruding upon said Territory, which may be of some interest to our readers.
“I, Rutherford B. Hayes, President of the United States, do admonish and warn all such persons so intending or preparing to remove upon said lands or into said Territory, without the permission of the proper agents of the Indians, against any attempt to remove or settle on the lands of said Territory; and I do further warn any and all such persons who may so offend, that they will be speedily and immediately removed therefrom by the agent, according to the laws made, and no effort will be spared to prevent an invasion of said Territory, rumors spread by evil disposed persons to the contrary notwithstanding, and, if necessary, the aid and assistance of the military forces of the United States will be invoked to carry into proper execution the laws of the United States herein referred to. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be fixed.
“Done at the city of Washington on this, the 12th day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty, and of the independence of the United States the one hundred and fourth.
“By the President: R. B. HAYES.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 3, 1880. Editorial Page.
The bill introduced into Congress by Hon. Thomas Ryan, granting the right of way to a railway company through the Indian Territory, is a just and equitable measure. As the Territory is situated today, it is a great blockade to the commerce between the States as well as a refuge for fugitives from justice. Throughout the States and Territories, with the excep-tion of this Indian Country, companies desiring to build railroads can easily secure the right of way, and the commerce between the States is increased and protected; but when railroads reach the boundary lines of the Indian Territory they are brought to a halt that the Indian may preserve more rights than the white race. If we recall the legislation of Congress for the last twenty-five years, enacted in the interest of the Indian tribes, it reads like a legislative body making natural rights of the white race subservient to a bigoted Indian policy. We hope that Mr. Ryan will press this bill at every opportunity, until the right of way to our Railroads is secured, and civilization, law and order will soon follow. Push the iron horse into the wilderness and the problem how to govern the Indian will be as simple as how to govern the white man.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 3, 1880.
One of the numerous Cowboys who infest the Territory South of this place visited the city one day last week. After imbibing freely of tanglefoot, he proceeded to the City Hotel, where he gave a free and unsolicited exhibition of his skill in the use of firearms by discharging the contents of his revolver through the office floor. A night in the cooler took all the crookedness out of him, when he went on his way rejoicing.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 3, 1880.
A late report reaches us, which however lacks confirmation, that the same party was shot and killed by the Marshal at or in the vicinity of Caldwell the day following his visit here. He gave his name as Billy Simms.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 3, 1880.
“Several members of the Winfield Rifles and St. John's Battery were in this city last Friday. The military organizations of Winfield represent some of her most intelligent and enterprising citizens, of which she may well be proud, either as soldier or civilian, or both.”
Arkansas City Traveler, March 3, 1880.
“On Saturday night the people of our little city secured a special train and went to Winfield to witness the renowned Military drama, ‘Union Spy,’ under the auspices of the Winfield Military. Although the night was quite cold, some eighty-five citizens gathered at the depot; and boarding the train at 6:20 o'clock, were in Winfield in twenty-four minutes. So far as we have been able to learn, everyone was well pleased with the drama, and we say most emphatically that great credit is due all who participated in the play. The drill of the Winfield Militia was universally applauded and considering the short time this company has mustered, they have reached a higher grade of perfection than many in other parts of the State. The young men who have come upon the stage of action since the close of the rebellion, and consequently could have taken no part in that bloody conflict, should witness the drama of the ‘Union Spy,’ for though a miniature of those awful events it will bring to the thoughtful the power to distinguish who were enemies of the Government. With Parson McCabe to lecture and sing his war songs and the people of Winfield to play the ‘Union Spy,’ we would almost take the contract to beat the Democracy in South Carolina.”
Arkansas City Traveler, March 3, 1880.
One Brown, who was formerly a roustabout in this city, went to the Territory and played the desperado. He joined three affinities in that “neglected spot” and together they made a raid on Walker's Store in the Chickasaw Nation about the 21st ultimo. There chanced to be present at the time several citizens and a lad who were in the store. He took in the situation at a glance and unnoticed dropped out of the crowd. He went to the neighbors and rallied a force that attacked the robbers, killing two, and capturing the other two. “A little more grape, Capt. Bragg,” will wind up this kind of business.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 10, 1880.
Some two weeks since D. F. Feagins, a resident of Bolton Township, thought he would go into the Territory and bring out a load of bones. The weather being unfavorable at the appointed time for starting, he hired a neighbor known as “Texas John” to drive the team down for him. After a reasonable time had passed and John failed to return, Feagins became suspicious that all was not right, and went in search of his missing team and driver. The search proved fruitless as he failed to find the lost property, and has concluded that Texas John didn't go bone hunting at all, but on the contrary has stolen his team, wagon, and harness. He is offering a liberal reward for the recovery of property and apprehension of the thief.
Winfield Courier, March 11, 1880.
Kansas City, March 4: The Board of Trade Hall was filled to overflowing tonight to listen to speeches by Col. Boudinot, Hon. B. J. Franklin, and others, in favor of opening the Indian Territory to settlement.
United States Marshal Allen, who had received instructions from Attorney General Devens to be present at the meeting and read the President's recent proclamation against the invasion of the Territory, at the opening of the meeting, was required to stand, and he executed the order.
The assemblage was made up of and controlled by the best citizens of Kansas City, gathered together to give the expression of their views in regard to the opening up to peaceable settlement of the Indian Territory, and had no sympathy with the forcible invasion sentiment. The meeting adopted a lengthy memorial to Congress, with the accompanying resolution, embodying some strong points in favor of opening the Territory, and praying Congress to take such action as is consistent with the best interests of all concerned, and will soonest bring about the desired end.
Winfield Courier, March 11, 1880.
A meeting of the citizens of Walnut will be held in the school-house near the brewery on the evening of the 17th inst., at early candle-light, for the purpose of organizing a farmer's stock protective association. Everybody interested in the matter are requested to be present.
W. COWEN, S. CURE, A. B. GRAHAM, JOEL MACK. March 8, 1880.
Arkansas City Traveler,Wednesday, March 17, 1880. Front Page.
WASHINGTON, March 6, 1880.
"The question of
Was again before the Cabinet, on Tuesday. The information received by the Interior department indicates that the movement is very strong and well organized. The question came up as to how far the U. S. troops could go in making arrests. It was decided that they should be first called upon by some officer of the Indian department before arresting would-be squatters; the call to partake of the nature of a formal demand for troops under the President's proclamation. . . ." COWLEY.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 17, 1880.
Lieut. Pardee, 23rd Infantry, is in the city. He is in command of a detachment of soldiers who are on patrol duty between this point and Caldwell. There is likewise a detachment on similar duty between here and Coffeyville. It is the intention of the Government to keep strong patrol guard upon the line between this State and the Territory; and all parties intending an invasion of the Territory are warned to desist from such measures. Otherwise, they will be the losers.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 18, 1880. Front Page.
ED. COURIER: The people of this country make it a rule never to get excited, but if anything could work them up, the bills now before Congress relating to the Territory would so it.
One of them introduced by Hon. Tom Ryan, to allow the railroads now built to the Nation line, right of way through with one hundred feet each side of the track, and timber enough for ties and building purposes, they very naturally object to. If a railroad wants to build through the Nation, why can't it pay for its right of way and timber just as it would have to do in a state?
This Territory was bought and paid for by the five civilized tribes inhabiting it, paid for with lands ten times as valuable as this, and their title ought to be as good as that of any farmer in Cowley county.
It is just as hard to make these people see why they should give a right of way to any railroad without compensation; as it would be to make a Grouse Creeker let the L., L. & G. run corner wise through his bottom farm and pay him no damages. Only last Sunday I had a talk with Col. M. Curtain, the principal chief of the Choctaws, on the subject. Neither he nor many others of the best men in the country would object to any equitable bill allowing railroads right of way, but they do most seriously object to giving a very large something for a very small nothing.
On the sanctioning question the Indians are pretty evenly divided, while the whites residing here are, of course, all for it. The present head of this tribe is in favor of sectionizing, as are many of the principal Indians.
One clause in the bill now before Congress they object to is that forbidding Indians to sell their lands for twenty-one years. They seem to think that if the country is opened to settlers, the class of people who will rush in from the southern states will make it very unhealthy for a few years, and they want to be allowed to sell out so they can move to the states. It is a mistake to suppose the Indians can't compete with the whites. Take the Choctaw Nation right through and the Indians are equal in intelligence and education to the population of any state south of Mason & Dixon's line.
Just now the weather is delightful; grass is springing up in the bottoms and flowers on the prairies. The recent snow storm hardly reached us, only an hour or two of sleet and some rain.
Encouraged by the high price of cotton last year, everyone is preparing to put in a larger crop this spring.
The winter was so mild that but few cattle died, and we may expect flush times as soon as the cow buyers from Kansas and Missouri get down here, usually about April 1st.
But I must bring this letter to a close lest I should crowd out some more interesting writer, or perhaps be thrown out myself.
Anxiously looking for my next COURIER, I am, Yours respectfully, V.
COUNCIL HOUSE, C. N. Mar. 4, 1880.
[Our correspondent should remember that it takes an act of Congress to allow any railroad to build through the Territory. We want an act giving the right of way on terms that would be just to all. ED.]
Winfield Courier, March 18, 1880.
Last week we passed over the K. C., L. & S. railroad between Grenola and Oxford, in the daytime, and had a good opportunity to inspect it. Its rails are all steel, and it is thoroughly well constructed and unusually smooth for a new road.
The rise from Grenola and the Cana valley westward to the top of the Flint ridge is one of the triumphs of engineering skill, and Maj. Gunn and his engineers may well be proud of his success. The rise of between 300 and 400 feet is effected in so strategic a manner that one scarcely realizes that he is riding uphill. In our anxiety about the possibility of building a road from the east to Winfield in past years, we spent considerable time in hunting a pass through the Flint ridge, and finally concluded the one now occupied was the best, but we never dreamed that the difficulties would ever be so completely overcome. The rise from the Grouse to Burden seems to have proved at least as difficult, but here, also, the difficulties have been as completely overcome.
Probably no road in Kansas presents so many romantic and interesting features as does the road between Grenola and Oxford.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 24, 1880. Front Page.
WASHINGTON, March 13, 1880.
“In the House on Tuesday, Mr. Waddill, from the Indian affairs Committee, reported bill for the relief of settlers on absentee Shawnee lands in Kansas. Mr. Johnston, from the same Committee, reported a bill authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to ascertain and report the amount of money expended and indebtedness assumed by the State of Kansas in repelling and suppressing Indian invasions. Both bills were placed on the House calendar.
“The motion made on Tuesday by Senator Thurman, to refer to the Committee on the judiciary the remonstrance of Indian chiefs against the passage of the bill to establish a United States court in the Indian Territory, was taken up on Wednesday. Mr. Vest opposed the motion, saying the Committee on territories, who reported the bill, included several able lawyers, fully competent to draw a bill, and there was no reason to refer this any more than any other bill to the Committee on the judiciary. Mr. Edmunds thought that a bill to establish a United States court in a territory which had been set aside as an independent domain raised such important judicial questions as to make it a proper subject for consideration by the judiciary Committee. Considerable debate occurred between Senators Vest, Edmunds, Garland, and Conklin, the latter ably defending the point he had taken, and the bill was finally referred to the judiciary Committee.”
Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.
The Kansas City Commercial Indicator publishes a special from Texas in reference to the coming drive of cattle from that State to Kansas and other States and Territories this month, which place it at 249,200, the number of cattle each drover will drive being given in detail. Of this number 100,000 have been already disposed of, leaving 200,000 for the open market. The drive will be principally of young cattle. Not more than 29 percent will be beeves.
There have been good rains in southwestern Texas recently. The grass is growing very fast and the prospects for an early drive is excellent. The cattle along the coast are wintering well and are in good condition, but in the more northerly counties, they are thin in flesh.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 31, 1880. Front Page.
It is safe to say that the census to be taken next June will give Kansas a population of at least 1,000,000; in 1860 it was but 107,000. Fifteen years ago the population was 138,807; but that was after four years of cruel war.
There were then 130 miles of railway, now there are 3,000; and Kansas built more new miles last year than any other State.
Five counties now have as many school districts as the State contained in 1865. The school fund, one of “the things” that make Kansas proud, has increased to $1,700,000; and when the school lands are all sold, this sum will amount to $13,000,000.
Ten years ago but a small amount of land was under cultivation; and the vast possibilities of the largest end of the State was not conceived. All western Kansas was supposed to be fit only for grazing buffalo and “long horns” from Texas; but now the shaggy Indian cattle have disappeared with their hunters, and shorthorns have driven out the wild droves that every spring were escorted up to our superior pasturage by the broad-brimmed cowboys from Texas.
Five years ago Kansas made little pretension to wheat growing; but in 1878, a crop of 32,000,000, she took the lead in all the Union. In 1879 Kansas grew over 100,000 bushels of corn; and yearly the Kansas farmers are adding to their cattle, sheep, and hogs, to which they feed their corn.
The growth of the State in wealth keeps pace with her advance in other directions. Five years ago capitalists would not lend money on improved farms west of Salina; now they seek investments 100 miles west of that city. Two years ago there were unorganized counties with less than 100 population, with no plowed ground, where now there are thousands of homesteaders and thousands of acres in wheat.
This mighty change is greatly due to the homestead law, which James Buchanan said “would make this nation a country of movers.” So it has. People have come from all the North, from the border States; the exodists from the South; men and women of worth, of determination; those who love clear skies, good roads, grand scenery; those who have vigor and hope for a competence;— have come and are coming.
Certainly to judge the progress to be made in 1880 by what other years have proved, would not be claiming too much; so we may confidently say that 1880 will be a prosperous one for Kansas. It is to be a year of great increase; a good wheat crop may be already safely predicted, as the winter wheat is now in excellent condition. Next spring the farmers will plant a larger area in corn than ever before; and more of it will be fed out to stock on the farm. The building of school-houses and churches will be continued; money will keep pouring into the State to pay for our produce; and when, at the end of this twelve months, we write the history of 1880, it will be a proud chapter for all Kansas and the friends of Kansas in every land. Kansas Monthly.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 31, 1880. Editorial.
The bill now before Congress gives the above Company authority to build and operate a line of railroad and telegraph through the Indian Territory from Arkansas City, Kansas, to Fort Smith, Arkansas, following as near as practicable the course of the Arkansas River. The capital stock of the Company is limited to $4,300,000, and the provisions of the bill must be accepted by the corporation within sixty days of its passage. It will then have the benefit of the act of 1875, granting the right of way to railroads through public lands. It is to have power to build through any Indian lands or reservation on obtaining the voluntary consent of such tribes owning the same, the Commissioner of Indian Affairs interceding for such consent.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 7, 1880. Editorial.
The proposed railroad from Arkansas City to Fort Smith meets with much favor from all quarters. The Kansas City Price Current has this to say regarding the right of way for the new road.
“One of the most important bills in Congress just now to this section is one asking the permission of the government, by a number of Boston and Kansas capitalists, to build a railroad from Arkansas City, Kansas, down the Arkansas river and through the Indian Nation to Fort Smith, Arkansas.
“There should be no hesitancy in passing this bill. It simply asks the right of way through the Indian country and power to condemn such lands as would be required for their road bed. In the States such power is easily enough obtained and the lands of farmers through which the proposed road passes is condemned with but little ado about it. But the red man, semi-savage, that pays no taxes, but obstructs the march of civilization, must be treated with more consideration, than the tax payers and supporters of the government. The Indians should be allowed the same privileges as the whites and protected in their rights, and that is all. This thing of having two policies, a white man's policy and an Indian policy, is dallying with State affairs in such a manner should never be tolerated by such a government as the United States and must lower us in the eyes of foreign nations.”
Arkansas City Traveler, April 14, 1880. Editorial.
The TRAVELER has persistently advocated the right of way through the Indian Territory for railway connection with the south.
We were the first to bring this subject before the public as of material advantage to our city and the State at large, and we have no reason to regret such a step, although our course was criticized by some of our leading citizens as one which would retard and injure the growth and prosperity of our city.
To show the feeling and interest manifested at other points in this enterprise, we publish the subjoined report of a meeting recently held in Fort Smith, Arkansas, taken from the Elevator.
“The railroad meeting on Tuesday night was composed mostly of representative men, and the business was conducted in order and to the point. The object being to get an expression of the views of our people as to the right of way through the Indian country to Arkansas City, Kansas, and to ask our Representatives and Senators to use their utmost endeavors to have a bill passed to change the present status of the Indian in the territory composing the five tribes west of Arkansas, etc.
“Col. Fishback called the meeting to order and briefly stated its object. Major J. H. McClure was called on to preside, and Mr. S. A. Williams selected to act as Secretary. Col. Fishback was called on and addressed the meeting in his usual eloquent and forcible style. He gave all the information that he had been able to gather as to the proposed road and read a copy of the bill introduced in the U. S. Senate, by Senator Harris, of Tennessee, and now pending before that body; after concluding his remarks, the Colonel introduced the following resolutions.
“Whereas, the vast grain and food-producing regions of Kansas need an outlet to the cotton producing regions of Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi, while our coal, lumber, and early fruit need an outlet to Kansas; and,
“Whereas the Government of the United States claims the right to eminent domain over all its Territories, when a white man's property interests conflict with the public good, and there is no apparent reason why the Indians should be the only inhabitants of the country whose supposed interests are superior to this right of the Government; therefore
“Resolved 1st, That we make no unjust request of the Government in asking that it allow those Railroads which seek to connect these two regions by rail a right of way across the Indian Territory.
“Resolved 2nd, That our Senators and Representatives be requested to vote for the Bill introduced by Senator Harris to grant a right of way across the Indian Territory to the 'Arkansas City and Fort Smith Railway.'
“And Col. John C. Wheeler introduced the following resolutions:
“Whereas, The Government of the United States owes it to the Indians inhabiting the Territory west of us to civilize them; and,
“Whereas, In its experience with the Choctaws, it has had a fair trial of both policies—that of mixing them with the whites and that of segregation; and,
“Whereas, The Choctaw Indians, while living in Mississippi, subject to its laws, intermingling with the whites, and surrounded by their example and influence, were prosperous and happy, and were making rapid strides toward civilization, but upon being removed to their present location and segregated, they have retrograded and are still retrograding; and,
“Whereas, The Cherokees, instead of advancing in civilization, are using the means furnished by the U. S. Government, for the education of their youth, in keeping a few officials in Washington, and in prejudicing the full-blood part of the people against all civilizing agencies; and,
“Whereas, History does not furnish an instance of a people becoming civilized by living in a state of exclusiveness, and common sense furnishes no reason why it should be expected; and,
“Whereas, It is believed that a large majority of the Indians in this Territory, who have intelligence to appreciate their interests, are in favor of dividing their lands in severalty and opening their country to immigration and civilization, but dare not speak out in a community where half a dozen desperadoes are enabled to terrorize an entire community, especially, when urged by those who administer the farce of their local law, and who flourish upon the present condition of affairs; therefore,
“Resolved, That it is the duty of the Government as guardian of these Indians to cut off all railroad claims, make them citizens, and divide their lands to them in severalty.
“Resolved, That our Senators and Representatives be requested to vote for any bill looking to this end.
“Resolved, That the Fort Smith papers be requested to publish.
“On motion of Col. Clendenning the resolutions as read were unanimously adopted amid vociferous applause, and on further motion, it was resolved that the Secretary furnish an engrossed copy of the resolutions.”
Arkansas City Traveler, April 14, 1880.
The Supervising Architect has passed favorably upon the Cowley County stone. It is to be used in the Government buildings at Topeka. This opens up a new industry in our county. Several carloads of flagging have been shipped to Kansas City to be used for sidewalks.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 14, 1880.
The C. S. & Ft. S., and S. K. & W., roads are both pushing rapidly towards the State line. The objective point of the former is Caldwell, while the latter, from the best information we can obtain will strike the line of the Territory nearly midway between this city and Caldwell, on section sixteen, township thirty-four, range one east. The main object in view, apparently, with both roads, is to control the Texas cattle trade, and no doubt there will be a lively competition spring up between the two companies. But as the former will have the advantage of two shipping points, one at this place, and the other at Caldwell, it is evident that it will at least receive its share.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 14, 1880. Editorial.
An order has been made by the war department to remove all the cattlemen from the Territory. This will cause a great sacrifice of property as there are thousands of head of cattle herded there; though without warrant of law, an implied right has been recognized by the Government.
If the Cherokees have a lawful right to collect tax for grazing cattle on the outlet, then it follows that the Government has no authority for removing the cattlemen therefrom.
Our next proposition is that if the Government has jurisdiction over these lands, then it is clear that the Cherokees have no authority for collecting tax from the cattlemen.
If either view of the case is correct, then a wrong has been practiced by the opposite side.
We have heard this question argued by the ablest men in the Government and yet a division of opinion exists. Whatever controversy may spring from the question, the fact remains that the grass on millions of acres annually burns and goes to waste that could be of benefit in pasturing herds and bringing wealth to the country.
If the Government takes the view that the proper way to restrain people from settling in the Territory is to drive all classes therefrom, then in justice to citizens along the line who own herds that graze in the Territory this order should not apply, as these people do not pretend to make settlement on that “sacred soil.” The order simply disputes the rights of the Cherokees to collect a tax while it provides no protection to the cattlemen who have paid a tax.
Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.
The K. C., L. & S. have decided to extend a branch from Oxford to the State line, near South Haven. Three surveys have been made, the line of the road finally located, and the material is on the ground. It will be completed in a very short space of time.
Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.
Notices have been posted up on the K. C., L. & S. depot threatening prosecution to any person defacing the depot building. This is right. Persons who will sit down and whittle away for a half hour on a building worth $4,000, at this season, ought to spend a year or two “resting up” at Leavenworth.
Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.
A few days ago Mr. McKinley, of Ninnescah township, narrowly escaped a collision with a train on the road leading out from town by Bliss' mill. He had gotten out near the bluff and was on the track with his team when a construction train on the K. C. L. & S. road came backing in towards town. Mr. McKinley had time barely to jerk his horses back from the track and to jump from the wagon when the train was pushing by. The shave was a close one, and hereafter Mr. McKinley will come to town by the west bridge.
Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.
The State Board of Railroad Assessors came in last week by a special train over the K. C. L. & S. The following composed the party: James Smith, Secretary of State; John Francis, State Treasurer; Willard Davis, Attorney General; P. I. Bonebrake, State Auditor; and Lieut. Gov. Humphreys. The Board was accompanied by C. C. Baker, of the Commonwealth, Col. O. E. Lenard, of Lawrence; Division Superintendent Barnes; Mr. Ewing of the Thayer Headlight; Mr. Perkins, of the Iola Register, and Mr. Young, of the Independent. They spent the evening looking over the city, taking in the COURIER office in the rounds. They left Thursday morning.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 21, 1880.
At a railroad meeting held in Caldwell on the 15th inst., the citizens subscribed $1,100 in money, 280 acres of land, and 919 town lots as an inducement to secure the branch road of the Southern Kansas and Western railroad.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 21, 1880.
A petition was signed by a large number of stock men of Kansas City last week and forwarded to Senator Vest, at Washington City, protesting against the removal of stock from the Territory, and asking him in connection with Senator Plumb to take such steps as may be necessary to prevent the issuing and carrying into effect of such an order. General Pope stated to Mr. Oaks, General Superintendent of the Kansas City, Ft. Scott & Gulf road, that he knew nothing of such an order and did not think one was to be issued.
Winfield Courier, April 22, 1880.
The extraordinary cut in freights made by the Santa Fe railroad has been the subject of much comment for the past few days. The company is now carrying goods from Kansas City to Winfield and Wellington in car load lots for five cents per hundred, and in broken lots for ten cents. We learn that a pool has already been agreed upon to take effect in a short time. The K. C. L. & S. is making no attempt to compete with the Santa Fe road in rates, and is simply lying low until some adjustment of the matter is reached. The result of this will probably be the establishment of higher rates than have heretofore been charged, and perhaps a discrimination in favor of towns north and east of us which are not touched by both roads, and where each can adjust the tariff to suit themselves. If this proves to be the result of the pool there is fun ahead, for our people will not tamely submit to the dictation of these corporations.
LATER: We learn through Mr. Garvey, agent for the Santa Fe at this place, that the cause of the break was not a desire on their part to force a pool, but solely to protect their shippers from cuts by the K. C., L. & S. to outside parties.
That if a pool is decided upon, he has the word of Mr. Goddard, general freight agent, to the effect that enough of the territory around Winfield will be included in the pool to protect us from discriminations in favor of other towns near us. As the Santa Fe is chiefly interested in Winfield and the management has no favorite town in the vicinity, we may suppose that they will insist on the above conditions.
Winfield Courier, April 22, 1880.
The K. C., L. & S. bridge across the Walnut was finished last week. It is a magnificent iron structure and is a credit to the company.
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.
About forty members were present at the Arkansas Valley Press Asociation meeting held in Winfield April 17th along with a large number of visitors from different parts of the state.
After the meeting adjourned, the guests were shown around the city by the citizens, in carriages. In the evening a grand ball was given by the citizens at Manning's Hall, after which a banquet was served at the Central Hotel, which was a superb affair, the elite of the city being present, and speeches, toasts, and responses by leading citizens were the order of the evening.
Another report: near one hundred members of the press were in attendance. “It is altogether probable that before another year rolls around, the newspapers of southwestern Kansas will be organized and able to protect themselves against the eastern frauds and bummers who have so long lived and grown rich at the country publisher's expense.”
Another report: “Some fifteen or twenty came in on the Santa Fe and were duly taken in and done for; given complimentaries to the De Grasse concert and tickets to bed. Saturday morning, bright and early, they were taken out to see the many improvements, and, of course, the Cowley county stone quarry, courthouse, water mills, cemetery, churches, palatial residences and cottage homes, fine hotels and sidewalks, and last but not least, the two breweries. Oh, ye gods! But was not that fruit for the indigent editor?
The evening was spent very pleasantly in dancing and social converse at the opera house. Promptly at 12 o'clock the music ceased, and the friends were invited to the Central Hotel where three forty-foot tables were groaning under a weight of good things and decked with evergreens and flowers. At 3:40 a.m., the party were safely seated in the cars, their faces turned in the direction of home, everyone wishing they could stay in Winfield forever, etc.
Another report: “After a pleasant ride across to Winfield through as beautiful country as there is to be found in Kansas, we landed in the bright, enterprising, and handsome county town of Cowley. Omnibuses and carriages were in attendance, and all the editors and their friends were soon most hospitably cared for. The programme of the citizens' committee provided a theatrical entertainment for those who arrived on Friday. Carriage drives, boat rides on the small steamer any hour on Saturday, and after the adjournment of the editorial convention, a ball at Manning's splendid opera house followed by a banquet.
The convention met at 2 o'clock p.m., Mr. Hoisington, of the Great Bend Register, president, in the chair; Mr. Walker, of Peabody, Secretary. The introduction of Mr. McDermott, who welcomed the editorial association in behalf of the citizens was done very gracefully by Mr. Black. Mr. McDermott in well chosen witty and eloquent words welcomed the editors and their friends to the City of Winfield, and tendered the hospitalities of their citizens.
The ball in the evening which was attended by the editors, visitors, and many citizens of Winfield was a brilliant success. The fine hall was built by Col. Manning, and is well adapted to large parties. The landord of the Central House deserves special mention for the large variety, excellent character, and great abundance of the good things prepared for his talbe at the banquet announced at 12 o'clock at the conclusion of the ball. Prof. Lemmon, who was master of ceremonies, succeeded in seating the guests, numbering about one hundred and fifty. Major Anderson, Judge Hanback, and irrepressible Pangborn opened the trouble by singing “Carve dat Possum.” Short speeches were made by various parties and the best of feeling prevailed. At 2 o'clock the party broke up and the “good-byes” were reluc-tantly said by the visitors, most of whom left for their homes on the 3:40 morning train.
Another report: “We were greeted as the guests of the city, sumptuously entertained, 'busses and carriages were at the disposal of the editors, and the beautiful city was shown to best advantage, a little steamboat constantly played up and down the Walnut to give the editors what Kansas people seldom enjoy, a steamboat ride—there is fourteen miles of still-water navigation in the Walnut at that place—bands played, and the “crack” military com-pany of the State turned out for dress parade, while flags and banner streamed from housetops.”
Another report: “The editors were met at the depot, placed in carriages, and escorted to the town by the Winfield Guards, who made a handsome appearance in their light uniforms. Winfield with its handsome buildings, and fourteen miles of stone sidewalk, was a wonder to all who never saw the place before. The editors paid a visit to the quarries where the wonderful Cowley County stone comes from. Among others they visited the quarry of Babcock, Sarjeant and Smith, and saw the stone which is going to go into the new Government building at Topeka. The stone is what is known as the magnesian lime stone, but is of much finer texture than either the Junction City or Cottonwood. The editors visited the Winfield foundry by special invitation to witness the casting of a fourteen foot column; they also were taken on an excursion seven miles up the Walnut in a beautiful side wheel steamer, which was gaily decorated for the occasion.
“Notwithstanding the pleasure provided, the editors made time to attend some business. They were in session about five hours and covered considerable ground in their deliberations. Nineteen new members joined the association.”
“The A. V. E. A. held at Winfield on Saturday last proved, as a social gathering, a grand success, the enjoyable features of which far exceeded any former meeting of the association; as a business meeting, it was—well, yes, it was—very pleasant.
“Through the courtesy of the officers of the Santa Fe road, a special train of three coaches, under the charge of Major Tom Anderson, and Ass't Supt. of Newton, was placed at the disposal of ye editors and invited guests.
“Leaving Newton at eight a.m. with the genial Geo. Manchester at the helm, we were soon speeding southward, our engineer throwing gravel in the prairie chickens' faces at a lively rate. A special committee of three, consisting of State Supt. Lemmon, Maj. McDermott, and Lafe Pence, Esq., came up from Winfield on the morning train, and were soon circulating through our train, distributing badges to the fraternity, together with 'bus tickets and hotel and private house billets. All were full of mirth and jollity, and all “went merry as a marriage bell” until we came within about six miles of Wichita, when snap went our bell cord, and looking out, our engine was seen flying down the track enveloped in a dense cloud of steam and fast widening the distance between it and our train. Coming to a halt, it backed slowly up and we found that an engine flue was burst and the boiler was empty. Taking in the situation at a glance, Maj. Anderson started for a farm house, and securing the services of a bareback rider, dispatched an order to Wichita for another 'motor.' While waiting, Dickey undertook the task of supplying the ladies with a yaller nosegay. After securing THREE, begged off on the ground that long understanding and a crick in the back interferred with graceful stooping, and he was excused. After a delay of an hour and a half, we were again in motion, and excepting a 'hot box' and the loss of the train chest, no further accident occurred.
“At Winfield the military company and Winfield cornet band waited at the depot from 9 to 11, and failing to get word of our whereabouts, disbanded. Reaching there about noon, 'busses and carriages were soon filled, and we were whirled to our various destinations in different parts of their beautiful city. Ourself and wife were assigned to the home of the Conklin Bros., of the Monitor, whose mother entertained us right royally and in true Engish style. After a refreshing face bath followed by an excellent dinner, we were driven to the Opera House, where the association assembled for business, the details of which we will leave for the secretary's report.
“During the afternoon all who wished were given a steamboat excursion on the river, which proved very enjoyable. At the close of the afternoon session, carriages were provided and a pleasant ride around the city given to all who desired. The evening session was held at the sanctum of Bro. Millington, of the Courier, after which all repaired to the dress ball, complimentaries to which had been given by Bro. Conklin during the afternoon. The 'beauty and the chivalry' of Winfield were out in force, about one hundred participants taking part. It was one of the most enjoyable events of the kind it was ever our good fortune to attend. Previous to the ball Bro. Allison, of the Telegram, distributed with a lavish hand complimentaries to the banquet, and at low twelve all repaired to the Central, where long lines of tables, loaded with every delicacy, awaited the throng. Prof. Lemmon was master of ceremonies, and in a very happy manner did he conduct them. Maj. Anderson 'carved dat possum' as he only can.
“Sufficient credit cannot be given for the princely manner throughout with which the entire party was entertained, and all returned to their homes with feelings of the highest regard not only for the editors, but for all the citizens of the queen city of the Walnut Valley.
“Winfield as a town was our first love, and we have never ceased feeling a strong regard for the place and its great hearted, liberal citizens. Surrounded by rich bottom lands for farming, and upland where ten thousand, thousand cattle can be grazed; possessing as it does unequaled (in our state) natural advantages, consisting of excellent water power, also timber skirting the streams, and the finest building stone in the world, coupled with the enterprising spirit of its citizens, which has resulted in the erection of magnificent churches and public buildings, business blocks, and numerous palatial residences, which are among the finest in the state, it offers inducements to the immigration of capital and labor which are excelled by no city in our glorious state. And we predict for Winfield a future which shall place it in the front rank of noted cities of the great west.”
Another report: “The Editorial Association held at Winfield on Saturday last was the largest convention of the association that has yet been held, sixty members being in attendance. The convention met in Manning's opera house at 2 p.m., and on behalf of the mayor and citizens was warmly welcomed to the city in an appropriate address by Capt. McDermott, extending the hospitalities of the city. This very able address was responded to on behalf of the editorial association by H. X. Devendorf, of Topeka. Shortly after these formal addresses the convention adjourned until 7 o'clock p.m.”
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.
“On Saturday last at 8 a.m. we boarded the excursion train at the depot in Newton with thirty or forty of our ladies and gentlemen, invited guests to the Press Association at Winfield. The train was in care of Major T. J. Anderson, whom the Santa Fe authorities always select to conduct their first class excursion trains when they propose to capture the good will and commendations of the public. In this position, for social merriment and general good management, Major Anderson has no superior, if any equal, in the United States. Thoroughly posted in the details of such work, including all the wants of human freight, he is ill at ease without he makes every man, woman, and child under his care as happy as himself; and at all times and under all circumstances, he is the embodiment of gentility, wit, and humor and as happy as can be.
“The train moved out on time and kept up its good record until within six miles of Wichita, when one of the flues of the engine gave way, and the train was delayed for about two hours, while a man could be mounted on horseback and sent to Wichita for another engine. Under the guardian eye and self-inspired amusements at once improvised by Major Anderson, every excursionist was made perfectly contented, and the time passed as though only minutes instead of hours were lost.
“Soon with a new iron horse we were again en route for Winfield. About noon our train passed gracefully across the Walnut river on the new and substantial bridge of the Santa Fe road, and was rushed into the depot at Winfield.
“This being our first visit to Cowley county and Winfield, of which we have heard so much, we will give our first impressions of them. The scene at the depot was one of stirring life and animation. The approaches were filled with omnibuses, carriages, etc., and brought together by appropriate and well organized committees, and the editorial fraternity and the other invited guests were carried to all parts of the city, which were freely opened to them. We were driven on Main street where we had a good view of the city and its surroundings.
“To say that we were pleased with the city of Winfield but feebly expresses our feelings. It is laid out a good deal like Newton, and in many respects resembles our city. On a more thorough inspection, we came to the conclusion that, if not the first, it was certainly the second city of the southwest. It is very pleasantly on the south and west banks of the Walnut river at or near its junction with the Timber, gently sloping to the south and east, making drainage easy and natural without grading. It contains a well sustained population of fully three thousand, is most substantially built, and has some of the finest business blocks and palatial residence in the state of Kansas. We have not time to speak of particular buildings, locations, etc., but will on future occasions.
“The city, up to this time, has been built up and sustained by the growing necessities of the surrounding rich and productive country, and when it is remembered that Cowley county has an acreage of over 700,000 acres, 300,000 of which is now in a good state of cultivation, and that the population of the county is over 23,000 and that all these broad acres are the very best in Kansas, it is not to be wondered at that Winfield has become, without any artificial inflation or nourishment, one of the subtstantial and thrifty towns of the state. Such is Winfield today, and such has been her surroundings, and such will be for all time to come.
“Now since she has obtained her present prosperous condition simply through the necessities of her rich surroundings and without the aid of railroads, what may we expect will be her future since she has recently become quite a railroad center, with all the added advantages such thoroughfares bring?
“It is our opinion that she is yet in her infancy, with her splendid water power, her inexhaustible quarries of splendid magnesian limestone and flagging, the abundance of walnut, oak, and other hard wood on the banks of all her surrounding streams, her fine brick clay, and her hundreds of thousands of acres of the best farming-lands in Kansas, she will have in ten years ten thousand wealthy, happy, and prosperous people. And in due course of time, for all these reasons and on account of her central location, and the inevitable opening up of the Indian Territory, that garden spot of America, to settlement and improvement from which she will draw support and tribute, she bids fair to be the great city of southwestern Kansas.”
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.
We never felt so contented with our lot as an editor as we did Saturday, at Winfield. For, thanks to our editorial brethren and the rest of the good people of that beautiful city, every newspaper man who presented himself was made to feel as if he had come among friends who had known him and his grand-daddy—not to speak of the rest of the family—for a century or more. After leaving our magnificent city—we allude to Caldwell—we spent Friday afternoon at Wellington, where we had a good time with the Press and Democrat boys. We took pleasure in looking over the improvements of our county seat.
The Wellington and Caldwell delegation took the 5 o'clock train Saturday morning for Winfield. We were met at the depot by D. A. Millington, of the Courier, in charge of the requisite busses and carriages to transport us to our hotel. Millington would have brought along a couple of brass bands, if he had known that the editor of the Caldwell Post was on the train, but not being informed of that fact, he let the musicians rest, so as to get the necessary wind for the day.
We were escorted to the Central Hotel, the headquarters of the association, and where was assembled the majority of the editors of the valley. Here was assembled as fine an array of genius, wit, and intellect as graced any hotel. The association held three sessions, namely, in the forenoon at 10:30; in the afternoon, and then again in the evening. During the afternoon session the monotony of business transactions was relieved by a very pleasant incident. Miss Mollie Devendorf, a daughter of Mr. H. X. Devendorf, of Topeka, was adopted as the “daughter of the Arkansas Valley Editorial Association.” She is a young lady of very pleasing manners, as “bright as a button” and as “smart as a whip.”
During the day the editors were entertained in every conceivable way. Hauled around in omnibuses and carriages, steaming about on the beautiful Walnut, marched about, waltzed around, toasted, fed, and serenaded. The military company paraded before us and saluted, and every mother's son of us felt as if he was a “bigger man than General Grant.” Then the ladies smiled on us so that our hair stood on end. In the evening a dress ball was given in our honor at the Opera House. By dress ball, we do not mean to say that balls in Winfield generally were conducted without dress, but we intend to state the fact that the editors of the valley on that “auspicious occasion” brought out their best necktie and put on a clean shirt. After the ball a banquet was served at the Central. It was none of your cracker and cheese affairs, we tell you, and wish that our housekeeper would serve up meals like that every day, without calling on us for an additional outlay. We sincerely deplored the necessity of having to depart from our kind hosts, but we were under the painful necessity of escorting some of our Wellington brethren back to the bosoms of their families, for they were too “exuberant” to be left to find their way home all alone.
We sincerely thank our brethren at Winfield for their kind and courteous conduct, and for their royal treatment of us while on our visit, and we pray that they will extend our thanks to the good people of Winfield.
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.
The Arkansas Valley Editorial Association held its regular quarterly meeting at Winfield Saturday. The occasion drew together many besides the editors. Some ten or fifteen went down from Topeka, and others joined the procession at different points. From Newton not less than twenty, fully one-half of whom were ladies, went down on a special train from that place Saturday morning. The special train was run by the A., T. & S. F. railroad to accommodate the editors from the Upper Arkansas Valley, who, by this act of the railroad, saved one day in time. That railroad company, by the way, is all the time doing something to accommodate the public, and we sometimes think that because of their generosity on so many occasions whenever asked, that more is expected of it than from any other railroad company in the state.
There can be no doubt that the A., T. & S. F. do more in the matter of accommodating the public on such occasions than any road in the state, and we guess than any road in the United States.
It was our first visit to Winfield, and while we supposed we were acquainted with the condition of things there, we confess that we were disappointed. We did not suppose it possible for a town over forty miles from a railroad, as Winfield has been till within the past few months, to be built up so substantially and to give such evidence of wealth and solidity as the place shows. Winfield has finer residences than Topeka and the business blocks are fully equal to any here. We presume that our readers in the eastern part of the state will open their eyes wide when they read this, but it is true. There is on every hand signs of wealth and stability that is astonishing to those who stop to remember that it is only about ten years since the first settler went into Cowley county.
The stone quarries, which are just coming into notice, from the fact of the stone from them being accepted with which to build the new post office in Topeka, must take a good deal of money there and help to build up Winfield. The quarry from which the stone is to be brought here is about a mile and a fourth from the depot of the K. C., L. & S. and 1-3/4 from the Santa Fe depot. A track will undoubtedly be laid soon to one or both of these roads. There are in Winfield twelve miles of walk laid with this stone, and it has been used in many buildings in that city. We visited the quarry and should judge that it is inexhaustible and easily got out.
The people of Winfield treated their visitors right royally, taking them over the city and surroundings, giving them boat rides, a ball, and banquet, and opening their houses to them.
It was our good fortune to be cast upon the tender mercy of Frank Williams at the “Williams House,” one of the coziest, cleanest, and most homelike places we have been at for a long time. On the Walnut is a little steamer about twenty-five feet long, with ten feet beam, and a nicely fitted up cabin. This runs with pleasure parties, we believe, up to Arkansas City, some twelve miles. A good many of the editors and their friends took a ride on this steamer, and enjoyed it hugely.
The ball at the Opera House, owned by our old friend. E. C. Manning, was a perfect success. The music was perfect, better than we have heard on similar occasions for a long time. The attendance was large, but not so much so as to be over-crowded. For elegance of dress and appearance, the ladies of Winfield are fully equal to those of any of her sister cities in Kansas. The banquet, which was served at the Central Hotel, was excellent.
State Supt. Lemmon, whose home is in Winfield, was master of ceremonies. We should not neglect to mention that Major T. J. Anderson was with the party from Topeka, and, as usual, kept everyone in a good humor on the way and while at Winfield, especially at the banquet. He was assisted by Judge Hanback and others in story telling and singing.
We would be glad to give a more extended notice of Winfield and her big-hearted generous citizens, but time forbids. We cannot, however, close without returning thanks to W. M. Allison, of the Telegram, and his family, and General Green, for particular favors shown us.
We have given so much space to Winfield that we have little left for the Association. For the present it is enough to say that this meeting was more largely attended than any previous one.
The address of welcome by Mr. McDermott was chuck full of wit and humor. The response on behalf of the Association by H. X. Devendorf was much more than usually well written and eloquently delivered.
The next meeting will be at Wellington, on the 16th of July, and will be held two days, Friday and Saturday.
We shall give the official report when received.
[HON. W. F. WHITE, OF THE A., T. & S. F.]
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.
Hon. W. F. White, general passenger and ticket agent of the A., T. & S. F. road, was in this city yesterday canvassing to learn the sentiments of our people and businessmen in relation to a change of the time table on that road. It is proposed that the regular passenger train leave here at 4 o'clock p.m., connecting at Newton with the regular passenger trains both east and west, and reach Kansas City at 5 o'clock in the morning. Returning, leave Kansas City at 11 o'clock p.m., connecting with the east bound and south bound trains at Newton, and reaching Winfield at noon. We are satisfied that this change will be made and be hailed with joy by all our people. Mr. White is one of the most efficient and gentlemanly young men of this great and popular company, and is making hosts of friends throughout the west.
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.
We availed ourselves of a kind invitation to attend the meeting of the Arkansas Valley Editorial Association at Winfield, Kansas, on the 17th inst. It was a large gathering of the editorial fraternity of the Southwest. We there met the old veteran editors of the Kansas press: F. P. Baker, Geo. W. Martin, C. G. Coutant, J. H. Folkes, Judge Muse, A. J. Hoisington, Mr. Millington, and younger members of the craft with a great deal of pleasure. It was an assemblage of unusually fine looking men. To the editors of Winfield, Messrs. Millington, Allison, and Conklin, the members of the convention, and invited guests, our obligations for their personal attention. Saturday night there was a ball in Manning's hall, and the beauty of Winfield was there in matchless loveliness, and at midnight the assemblage sat down to a splendid banquet at the Central House, the introduction to which was given by Tom. Anderson, of Topeka, with the song of “Carve dat Possum,” and then full justice was done to the magnificent supper.
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.
We arrived at Winfield about noon and were met by a committee of citizens, with half a dozen busses and full a score of carriages in waiting, and were escorted to hotels and private residences, according as the guests had been assigned by the deputation that met us on the train. It was my good fortune to become the guest of Bretton Crapster at the Central Hotel. Messrs. Millington, Conklin, and Allison, the three publishers of the town, as com-mittee, were assiduous in their devotion to the guests. In the afternoon the busses and carriages took us about the city to see the sights.
Winfield is very pleasantly located in the valley of the Walnut, surrounded by hills and old trees, both of respectable height. The town has a substantial thrifty look. It is laid out regularly. The business houses are on several different streets, and are built mainly of stone from the neighboring hills. The sidewalks, of which there is said to be over ten miles in the city, are all made of flagstone. There are many fine residences of stone and brick, though the former predominates The stone is a white limestone, containing very little or no iron, as very little or no discoloration was noticed, even on the oldest buildings. Beautiful and tastefully laid out gardens, abounding in flowers and shrubbery, were to be seen on every hand. Numerous were the gardens containing cherry, plum, apricot, and peach trees, already arrayed in full green, and fairly loaded down with their wealth of white and pink blossoms. Vegetation is fully two weeks in advance of what it is at the Bend.
In the evening I found Leftwich, of the Larned Optic, was very sick; but thanks to Millington of the COURIER, and other citizens, he was well cared for from his arrival. The physician in attendance said he would fix up Mr. Leftwich so that he would be able to ride home with his friends.
At night the guests and citizens assembled early at the opera house to attend a grand dress ball in honor of the guests. This is a hall capable of seating 700 persons. Now it presented a clear floor space of perhaps 50 by 80 ft., on which twelve sets in quadrille danced at one time and had ample room. There were perhaps 125 couples present, and in all, nearly 300 people were at the ball. The music was exceptionally excellent. It was said to be Fero's band from Wichita. It consisted of five pieces: a square piano, bass viol, violin, cornet, and clarionet. This last would be an accession to any band. Its clear, sweet tones were heard so distinctly in every part of that vast hall that there was no danger of missing the time.
At 11:30 the dance ended, and dancers sped home to avoid being caught in a frightful storm that was coming up from the south. It, however, after sprinking a little and blowing much, passed off to the east.
After midnight a banquet was served at the Central House, and participated in by about 150 persons. Supt. Lemmon was master of ceremonies and commenced by inviting Major Anderson to “Kyarve dat Possum,” which was soon done, the company joining largely in the chorus. Speeches were made by other gentlemen, and altogether the occasion was a very enjoyable one.
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.
. . . . In due time an engine arrived, and at half past twelve the train steamed into Winfield, as pretty a little city as lies in Southern Kansas. The band, military company, and citizens, who had awaited our arrival for hours, hearing of the accident to the train, had gone home, but the reception committee were there, with carriages and omnibuses, and in a short time the party were being driven to hotels and private residences, where they had been assigned. It was our good fortune to be placed under the care of Mr. J. P. Short, city clerk, and to him and his excellent lady we owe much for the enjoyment of the day.
At four o'clock the editors, their ladies, and the invited guests, were taken about the city in carriages, and then to the wharf on the Walnut, where was tied up the steamer Necedah, a small steamboat, 31 feet long, built to run on the Walnut. For several hours the little craft was kept busy steaming up and down the river, giving the editors and their ladies an opportunity to try a life on the ocean wave. The Necedah carries twenty passengers and navigates the river fourteen miles above the city.
In the evening a grand ball was given at the opera house, and at 12 o'clock a banquet was tendered the guests at the Central Hotel.
The entertainment of the association by the citizens of Winfield was elaborate. No expense, time, or trouble was spared to make the occasion the happiest and most enjoyable since the inauguration of their quarterly meetings. The work of entertaining was not left alone to the committees, but each citizen appeared to make the day a pleasant one for visitors. Winfield is a city of 3,000 or 3,500 inhabitants, beautifully located in the Walnut valley, surrounded on the north, west, and south by timber and on the east by a range of hills and mounds. The town is built on a slight elevation, just enough to make the drainage good. It has two railroads, the A., T. & S. F., and the K. C., L. & S.; three newspapers, the Daily Telegram, W. M. Allison, editor; the Monitor, J. E. Conklin, editor, and the COURIER, D. A. Millington, editor.
Nearly every branch of mercantile business is represented. Stores, hotels, banks, mills, foundries, and breweries had the appearance of active business. Owing to their quarries of superior building stone, Winfield has in the whole a better class of buildings than most young towns in Kansas. Their walks are laid with flagstone, and altogether there is a little over ten miles of sidewalk in that lively little city.
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.
The K. C., L. & S. is having the main part of the work for the western division done at the Southwestern Machine Works. They claim that they can get it done cheaper and better at Winfield than in any town along the line.
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.
Capt. C. M. Scott was in town last Friday. He was on his way to Harper county to sell the stock belonging to the state, consisting of horses, mules, harnesses, wagons, tents, etc.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 5, 1880.
W. B. Strong, General Manager, accompanied by other officials of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad, and a number of Boston capitalists, came down the road Saturday last. They are on a tour of inspection of the entire line.
Winfield Courier, May 6, 1880.
The first train on the K. C., L. & S. railroad carried a large lot of newspaper seeds in a broken package, and scattered them all along the line. Subsequent rains and warm weather have caused them to sprout up at Elk City, Longton, Elk Falls, Grenola, Burden, and Oxford, with four other stations to hear from. The probable dry weather may cause several of these young newspaper sprouts to wilt down and die, but we do not predict. Go in, boys, and win if possible. We admire your pluck.
Winfield Courier, May 6, 1880.
Capt. C. M. Scott was in town last Tuesday. He is selling the state ponies used by the Patrol Guard last summer.
Winfield Courier, May 13, 1880.
A special meeting of the Board of County Commissioners was held Tuesday afternoon, for the purpose of appointing someone to represent the county at the meeting of the stockholders of the Cowley, Sumner & Ft. Smith railroad, which will be held at Topeka on the 15th inst. General Manager Strong was empowered to cast such vote.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 19, 1880.
Just now the Indian Territory invasion is attracting no little attention. Within a week several army officers and agents have been in Wichita trying to ascertain the bottom facts. The dispatches assure us that an army of squatters have marched upon the forbidden ground. We don't believe a word of it. Capt. Dave Payne, of this place, with several men, have gone down to the Canadian country. Lieut. Steadman, who was in Wichita Saturday, said he had just returned from an extended tour through the Territory, in which he had not met a half dozen teams. The boom is kept up by a few adventurers, which spirit is backed by corporations anxious for the opening of the lands.
From dispatches sent to the editor of this paper from the Department, we are satisfied that the Government will remove every man, peaceably if possible, but remove them at any cost. The special dispatches sent out that the people of Sedgwick County are flocking by hundreds to the Territory are thin canards and without the least foundation in truth.
The Caldwell Commercial says that Captain Pardee with a force of men, conducted by John Meager, had started after Captain Payne's settlement on the Canadian. Wichita Eagle.
We cordially invite the attention of the Kansas City Times to the above.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 19, 1880.
Only one application for cattle license has so far been made to Maj. D. W. Lipe, the treasurer of the Cherokee Nation. Hurry up and pay, gentlemen, and don't keep the Major waiting. Caldwell Post.
The above tax is five cents a head more this year than it was last.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 19, 1880.
The mail carrier from Fort Reno reports the arrival of the first herd of the drive having reached Wild Horse creek, Indian Territory. The herd consisted of two thousand beeves, all through cattle, and all in excellent condition.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 19, 1880.
One of the most important acts of Congress last week to this section was the favorable report of the House Railway Committee, upon the bill incorporating the Cherokee & Arkansas Railroad Company. The bill grants no land except 100 feet on each side of the track for bed way and allows the condemnation of 20 acres for each way station. The route of the proposed road is to be from Arkansas City, in Cowley county, Kansas, down the valley of the Arkansas river to Fort Smith, Arkansas, a distance of about 200 miles. The road will probably cross the M., K. & T. at Muskogee or near Fort Gibson. The completion of such a road will be of vast advantage to our city and this section as it will open up a new southern outlet for western produce and give us a direct line of railroad to Western Arkansas, one of the richest sections of the State. The gentlemen interested in the proposed road are Boston men of large means and credit, and it is thought steps will be taken for its construction as soon as the bill now before Congress becomes a law. Kansas City Price Current.
We are glad the gentlemen of the above paper can see a bonanza for their city in the extension of the Santa Fe road from this place to Fort Smith, but in the abundance of our joy for our enterprising neighbors up the road we would quietly call the attention of businessmen and capitalists to the importance of Arkansas City when this extension is completed. It is a fact that Arkansas City is to be the shipping point for the Santa Fe road in Southern Kansas. We were assured of this no later than last week by an officer of the above road.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 19, 1880.
50,000 head of cattle have passed Fort Worth, Texas, for Kansas. They will be shipped on the new roads on the Kansas border.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 26, 1880. Editorial.
Capt. D. L. Payne, who recently piloted a colony into the Territory for the purpose of occupying the disputed lands of Oklahoma, was arrested by United States troops at Ft. Reno last week. He was acting upon the advice of Hon. Ben Franklin and other eminent jurists in going upon these lands, and claims that he expected nothing less than an arrest in so doing, but thinks it will lead to the judicial settlement of this vexing question. The “judicial settlement” will be nothing more than the ejectment of all parties invading these domains, peaceably if possible, by force if necessary; and the sooner the people accept this view of the case, and turn a deaf ear to the songs of the Kansas City Times and the Hon. Ben Franklin, the better it will be for them. You can't go to stay yet awhile, and you might as well stay away altogether.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 26, 1880.
The Caldwell Post states that there are 40,000 head of cattle west of the Chisholm trail in the Indian Territory. The following herds, held east of the trail, south and west of Arkansas City, will swell the number to 60,000.
Cocanut, on the trail: 2,575
Gilch & Wait: 300
Burress, on Salt Fork: 300
Capt. Nipp, on Shawascaspa: 150
Kincaid, on Thompson creek: 600
Bates & Beale, on Thompson creek: 2,000
Gatliff & Dixon, on Bitter creek: 200
Jas. Hamilton & Co., Pond creek: 3,000
Jas. Estus, on Red Rock: 200
Potter, on Red Rock: 300
Badley, on Red Rock: 160
Dean Bros., on Bear creek: 600
Wiley & Libby, on Bear creek: 400
Musgrove, on Polecat: 600
Malalla, on Pond creek: 2,900
Richmond, on Shawascaspa: 600
Riney, on Inman creek: 400
Manning, on Thompson creek: 600
Dunn & Co., on Deer creek: 700
Cloverdale & Stafford, on Bodoc: 300
R. A. Houghton, on Bodoc: 150
In addition to these there are a number along the State line, and several herds in the Nation, the number of which we did not learn.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 26, 1880.
Cocoanut's herd of through Texas cattle, numbering 2,500 head, are now on the trail immediately south of this city, en route for Baxter Springs to be delivered to the purchaser of the same at that place.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 26, 1880.
Mr. A. A. Wiley, formerly of Maple City, has moved his family to Winfield, having rented his farm. He is now giving his entire attention to stock. He is holding his cattle on Red Rock, in the Territory, and reports plenty of rain and excellent grass in that region.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, May 26, 1880. Front Page.
As was expected Mr. T. J. Coolidge, of Boston, was chosen president of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad company and all its branches, with scarcely a dissenting voice, in the fact Mr. Nickerson retired of his own motion.
The complete list of the directors and officers of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe road now reads as follows:
DIRECTORS: T. Jefferson Coolidge, Alden Speare, I. T. Burr, C. W. Pierce, B. B. Cheney, C. J. Paine, S. L. Thorndike, G. A. Gardner, all of Boston; W. Powell Mason, of Walpole, N. H.; S. A. Kent, of Chicago; C. K. Holliday, of Topeka; B. F. Stringfellow, of Atchison, L. Severy, of Emporia.
OFFICERS: T. J. Coolidge, President; W. B. Strong, Vice-President and General Manager; E. Wilder, Secretary and Treasurer; G. L. Goodwin, Assistant Secretary and Assistant Treasurer; J. P. Whitehead, General Auditor; E. Young, Auditor; B. L. Thorndike, Comptroller; A. S. Johnson, Land Commissioner. Mr. Coolidge is, of course, President of all branches and auxiliaries of the Santa Fe.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 2, 1880.
The A. T. & S. F. R. R. ran their first train into Caldwell on Saturday, of last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 2, 1880.
South Haven has unanimously agreed to vote eighteen thousand dollars in township bonds to secure the extension of the S. K. & W. R. R. from this city. Sumner County Press.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 2, 1880.
Two more companies of cavalry are expected soon. They will patrol the line to keep out Oklahomaists. One company will probably be stationed here. Caldwell Post.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 2, 1880.
Stock men will take notice that Major Lipe is the only Cherokee tax collector and that he has only one deputy, Judge George O. Sanders. No taxes will be collected elsewhere than at Caldwell, and only by the above named gentlemen so that any persons representing themselves as his deputies are not qualified to make such collection.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 2, 1880.
A detachment of Co. I, 4th U. S. Cavalry, numbering some forty-nine men, and under command of Lieut. Budd, were camped on the Arkansas River west of town last Wednesday and Thursday. They were eight days out from Ft. Reno and on their way to Coffeyville, where they expect to make headquarters until further orders. This was the detachment that recently arrested and escorted to the lines at Caldwell Capt. D. L. Payne, of Oklahoma fame.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 2, 1880.
The south end of the Arkansas River bridge has been repaired and is now in good shape. It is in better condition than it has been for six months. That speaks well for our democratic
assessor. Democrat.
Yes, and now we come to remember the Arkansas bridge was washed away about four years ago, when the same democratic assessor was in office. Of course that “speaks well” for the “democratic” official, doesn't it?
Winfield Courier, June 3, 1880.
We are indebted to Mr. Fred Hunt for the following.
The county clerk's figures show the total taxable property, including real, personal, and railroad, to be $2,889,968. This is an increase over last year of $730,821. The railroad property valuation in the county is $322,112, leaving the real increase in personal and real property $408,821. There are in the county 161,374 acres under cultivation; an increase over last year of 23,792 acres; and 72,112 acres are now green with growing wheat. Over a half-million bushels of old corn are cribbed in bins throughout the county. 21,769 sheep roam over the pleasant slopes; 7,300 horses toil in the fertile fields and help eat the 25,062 tons of prairie hay that were cut in 1879. 5,626 cows furnish the milk from which the busy house-wives have made 31,978 pounds of butter. This partly shows the prosperous condition of Cowley, and her steady advancement in wealth and prosperity, all owing, of course, to Republican rule.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 9, 1880.
There was a convention of stock men at Caldwell last Thursday, called for the purpose of taking some action with reference to paying taxes on cattle held in the Territory. After organizing and passing a series of resolutions, they appointed a committee of three to wait on Major Lipe, treasurer of and collector for the Cherokee Nation, informing him that the stock men were willing to pay twenty-five cents per year on every head of cattle held by them in the Territory, but that any heavier tax was considered exorbitant and more than they could afford to pay. Major Lipe, however, refused to entertain their proposition, saying that fifty cents per head was the least he could take, and for all through cattle he should charge at the rate of five cents per head a month. We are informed that this decision will be the cause of many cattle men leaving the Territory: the larger holders driving their cattle further west, while the smaller dealers will probably hold them in some of the border counties, preferring to do a little feeding rather than pay such a high tax. In view of the fact that there is some doubt as to the legality of this tax, and when we think of the great number of cattle on these lands, we think Mr. Lipe will be making money enough at twenty-five cents.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 9, 1880.
L. Kokonut, who recently drove a herd of cattle to Coffeyville, while on the road, came in and purchased a large bill of supplies of Schiffbauer Bros. He expressed himself very much surprised at the showing made by our town and at the accommodations it afforded to all needing supplies of any kind.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 9, 1880. Back Page.
The House Railway Committee agreed, on the 6th, to report favorably a bill to incorporate the Cherokee and Arkansas railroad company with authority to construct and operate a line of railroad and telegraph from Arkansas City, in the State of Kansas, through the Indian Territory, following the general line of the Arkansas river to a point at or near Fort Smith. The capital stock is not to exceed $4,000,000 and shall be divided into shares of $100 each.
Section five of the bill has been amended in the Committee so that no lands shall be granted to the road in aid of this construction through the Indian Territory, except in conformity with existing treaties governing the relations of the United States Government with the Indian tribes living there. The section allows a hundred feet on each side of the track and twenty acres for each way station. It further provides that private property may be condemned in accordance with the law of 1864, relative to the construction of a railroad from the Missouri river to the Pacific Ocean. Ex.
Winfield Courier, June 10, 1880.
Capt. David L. Payne's invasion of the Indian Territory has come to grief, as everybody expected. Payne and his “colonists” have been arrested by a detachment of the Fourth Cavalry, under command of Lieut. Gale. And there was no fight, notwithstanding Payne's vehement declarations that all of the streams of the Indian Territory would run with gore if any attempt was made to interfere with him and his colonists. Sedan Times.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 16, 1880.
A full company of U. S. troops are now in the city, and will remain for a few days.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 16, 1880.
Capt. Robeson, U. S. A., and company, after buying supplies of Schiffbauer Bros., started south yesterday, we presume on the lookout for Oklahomaites.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 16, 1880.
Mr. F. D. Russell, the general western freight and passenger agent of the St. Louis & San Francisco railway, favored us with a call last week. He was canvassing this section of the country in the interest of his road, with a view to securing a portion of the freight traffic, the main inducement offered by this road being a saving of time. Freight from St. Louis is delivered in this county three days sooner than by way of Kansas City, while the rates are just as cheap, if not cheaper. Mr. Russell is a wide-awake, thorough-going businessman. If all the agents and employees are of his stamp, the road is bound to work up a large business.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 23, 1880.
Ten carloads constituted the first shipment of cattle made from Caldwell over the A. T. & S. F. railroad on Tuesday, June 16, 1880.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 23, 1880.
Water is getting scarce in the Territory, and we learn that Driftwood, Salt Fork, and other streams in the Nation will have to be scraped out in order to obtain water for stock.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 23, 1880.
And now South Haven is considerably worked up at the prospect of having a rival town in close proximity. Hunnewell is the new burg’s cognomen, and its location was fixed by the railroad company four miles south of South Haven, on the State line.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 30, 1880.
C. M. Scott brought a young wolf back with him from the Territory, having carried the same in his saddle bag a distance of two hundred miles. This is pretty good for C. M., but a little tough on the wolf—and so young, too.
Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.
Winfield is to be represented in the new town of Hunnewell. Ed. Roland and Bob O'Neal will open a hardware and drug store there next week.
Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.
Several car loads of fat sheep were loaded at the A. T., & S. F. depot Saturday, for shipment to Colorado. They averaged 140 pounds each, and were the finest lot of sheep ever sent out of Cowley.
Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.
A bicyclist was on the streets Tuesday with one of his machines. He is making an effort to introduce them here. The exorbitant price charged is the only thing that deterred several of the boys from purchasing.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 30, 1880.
Capt. C. M. Scott is once more in our midst, after an absence in the Territory of about five weeks. The Captain is looking hearty as usual, as also does his redoubtable aid-de-camp, “Texas Frank,” who yet blooms in all the glory of his Samsonian adornment.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 30, 1880.
We have received a letter from J. H. Sherburne, of Ponca Agency, in which he says he was the party who unhitched Rev. Thompson's horse from the fence surrounding his lots on a recent Sabbath. Mr. Sherburne says he has built a fence around those lots twice, only to have it pulled down by horses hitched thereto during church services. He closes by saying:
“I have kept a notice posted there nine months out of each year for the past two years—long enough for any but a blind man to see. But, then, there are none so blind as those who won't see. I am tired of putting up signs of which no notice will be taken, and put this where all can see it. If you will please be kind enough not to hitch to my fence any more, you will have no trouble in finding your horses. J. H. SHERBURNE.”
Arkansas City Traveler, June 30, 1880.
Let us suggest to the numerous county papers that come to our table that they learn how to spell “Hunnewell.” It is named for a director in the east and west road.
Winfield Courier, July 1, 1880.
Hereafter the K. C. L. & S. will make up all their freight trains at this place.
Winfield Courier, July 1, 1880.
The new town of Hunnewell is still booming badly. Over thirty houses are up and ready for business, conspicuous among them being a large two-story saloon and gambling house, a circus tent used for a dance hall, and other concerns for the entertainment of the festive cowboy. From two to three trains of cattle are being shipped from there daily.
Winfield Courier, July 1, 1880.
Mr. Tim Sullivan is at Hunnewell in charge of Ford & Leonard's new business there. Tim is one of the best boys in Southern Kansas, is a first class businessman, and is fast becoming a necessity to the enterprising firm for whose interests he has worked so faithfully.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 7, 1880.
The best way to build it is from Ft. Smith, on south side Arkansas river to where the M. K. & T. crosses the Arkansas, and then on the same bridge and up Hominy creek or the Arkansas river. The Choctaw people always desired to unite with the first road to Ft. Smith, and aid in its extension, and we believe will do the same yet. Ft. Smith (Arkansas) Elevator.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 7, 1880.
The cattle drive this summer from Texas to Kansas has been largely composed of young cattle that were contracted for last season, to be delivered at Red Fork ranch and along the Kansas line. A few weeks since 2,200 head of yearlings were delivered at $8.50 per head. From June 10 to June 24, 76,232 head of cattle and 3,172 head of ponies came up the trail, consisting of forty cattle herds and six pony herds.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 7, 1880.
There has been plenty of rain in the Territory, and the streams and water holes are well filled.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 7, 1880.
Parties going on a journey through the Territory can reckon the amount of supplies needed from the following basis, which is generally adopted by the army, and consists of the rations required by one man in one day: Bacon, 3/4 lb.; flour, 1-1/3 oz.; rice, 2 oz.; coffee, 2 oz.; sugar, 3 oz.; potatoes, 6 oz.; beef, 1-1/4 lbs.; beans, 3 oz.; tea, 1/3 oz.; vinegar, 1/2 gill; molasses, 1/12 of a gill.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 8, 1880. Front Page.
George Flatt, formerly city marshal of Caldwell, Sumner county, was killed at that place last Saturday night by the friends of two Texan cow-boys, who were killed last summer by the ex-marshal. Junction City Union.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 14, 1880.
BOLTON RANGERS. All members of this military company are requested to meet at the Bland schoolhouse next Saturday, June 17, at 2 p.m., without fail. There is considerable business of utmost importance to transact. It is the intention to draw new arms for the company, also new uniforms. Don't fail to be on hand. R. HOFFMASTER, Captain.
JOHN LEWIS, Lieutenant.
Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.
It is reported that Capt. Payne has again invaded the territory, this time from Arkansas City with twenty-five men, and expects reinforcements. He thinks he is a “bigger man than Uncle Sam.”
Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.
Capt. C. M. Scott came up from the Territory Monday and spent an hour in our sanctum.
He reports “everything quiet on the border.”
Arkansas City Traveler, July 21, 1880. Editorial Page.
St. Louis, July 10. The scheme to settle on Government land in the Indian Territory is gaining strength daily, and quite a boom in its favor is being started here. T. D. Craddock, a lawyer, and one of the Oklahoma Company, came here a few days ago to work up the scheme, and has received telegrams from Effingham, Maroa, and other places in Illinois, stating that a number of persons will be here Monday ready to go to the Territory.
Advices are also received from Western Kansas that hundreds of families, who have suffered from drought in that country, are on their way to Oklahoma.
A letter has been received from H. L. L. Hill, an old scout, who was with Capt. Payne last spring, in which he says the party which left Kansas last Sunday arrived safely at their old headquarters and found the corn and vegetables planted in the spring in fine condition. Jack Bettle, a scout from Texas, was found here, and he stated that a thousand men from Texas would be in the Territory in a few days. Hill wrote from Arkansas City, at which point he telegraphed to numerous parties along the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe and Kansas Pacific railroads, to push on at once. It looks as though the invasion of Territory would be formidable and that if the military are instructed to eject the intruders, there will be a conflict.
The above is published as a sample of the dispatches that have been sent from St. Louis during the past two weeks to eastern papers.
For the benefit of all who contemplate a removal to this land of promise in the Indian Territory, we will state that there is not a word of truth in the foregoing telegram, and parties invading the sacred precincts of Oklahoma will find out to their cost that we speak the truth.
So far as we know, Capt. Payne never was in Arkansas City; certainly not with hundreds of men and an outfit for starting a colony. It is reported that he recently sneaked into the Territory with about thirty men, going by Hunnewell, and a later report says he was captured by a detachment from Ft. Reno. Be that as it may, if he has gone into the Indian Territory again, he will be arrested as soon as the troops can find him, and removed therefrom forthwith, the Kansas City Times and its hirelings to the contrary notwithstanding. The authorities at Washington have a faint idea that they have something to say in this matter.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 21, 1880.
We understand that Taylor Kay and a few other families living near Bitter creek have gone into the Indian Territory, bound for the Oklahoma country. They'll come back.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 21, 1880.
Lieut. Steadman and detachment, stationed at Coffeyville, came in Saturday afternoon, and started on their return trip to Coffeyville, via Kaw and Osage Agencies, Monday evening. Those who think Capt. Payne will not be molested are requested to watch the movements of the troops.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 21, 1880.
Corporal DeLeon, Co. “H,” 19th infantry, was in town Saturday morning with a scouting party of four, having come over from Caldwell in search of information concerning the movements of Capt. Payne, who was reported to have been in this vicinity. He returned to Caldwell Sunday.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 21, 1880.
A Boston company have secured a charter for a railroad from Little Rock, on the south side of the river, to this place, with a view of making connection with the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railway at Arkansas City, Kansas. Ft. Smith Elevator.
Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.
Washington, July 17. General Pope telegraphed to the War Department this morning of the arrest of Payne and 22 of his followers, and asked for instructions as follows. “Am I to understand that the government wishes this gang turned over to the U. S. Marshal at Fort Smith, Arkansas, for trial?” The Secretary of War will order the delivery of Payne and his men to the civil authorities for safe custody, and in the meantime, as some new questions are involved in the case, the matter will be referred to the Attorney General for his opinion as to the mode of civil prosecution to be instituted against them.
Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.
The K. C. L. & S. road is building new stock yards near their bridge on the Walnut. They will also put in a new tank.
Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.
The pool between the two roads at this point has been broken and a “go-as-you-please” rate established. We hope that the differences between the two roads may be speedily adjusted, as the unsettled rates are as disastrous to the consumers as it is to the roads themselves. Let them adopt a fair impartial tariff and stick to it.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 28, 1880.
One Watterman, the thief that stole J. J. Brane's horse on Monday night of last week, was caught by Dan Jones, near Caldwell, last week. The thief was taken to Winfield, and the horse returned to its owner.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 28, 1880.
[Special of the Kansas City Times.]
Wichita, Kansas, July 24. Judge Lanek, Capt. Hays' attorney, has just returned from Pole Cat, Indian Territory, where Col. Payne is held. He has decided to make no move by habeas corpus, as the question of the right of settlement on the ceded lands would not be brought before the courts. He will await the action of the Government to proceed against Payne for trespass, when the whole question can be brought up. He is confident the courts will declare the lands open to settlement.
At a large private meeting of the Oklahoma colony today, it is understood they resolved that in case Payne is turned loose without a trial they will move into Oklahoma at once five thousand strong, and will not again submit to military arrest. Hundreds of letters are received daily at headquarters to join the expedition. One party from Arkansas says they can move fifty strong, fully armed with Winchester rifles.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 28, 1880.
From W. B. Skinner we learn that the Texas fever is getting away with the stock in the southern portion of East Bolton. Mr. Chambers has lost ten head; Mr. Bush seven; and several others one or two, making in all, an aggregate of twenty-five head at this writing.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 28, 1880.
A card from Red Fork Ranch, Indian Territory, dated July 20, reports that the cattle drive is not half so heavy as it was a month ago. Most of the stock herds have gone up, and the beef herds are coming up the trail now. There was plenty of rain and grass at that writing.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 28, 1880.
There are a great many herds of cattle held about Pond Creek, Indian Territory, for sale this summer. Yearlings are held firm at $8.50 and $9.00, and some even as high as $12.00; two-year-olds $13.00 and $15.00. The cost in Texas this year is from six to ten dollars per head. It costs about one dollar per head to drive up a herd of 2,000 or more.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 28, 1880.
Hunnewell has a bank.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 28, 1880.
“Boss” herders throughout the Territory get from $50 to $75 per month, while the hands are paid from $20 to $30.
Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.
The K. C., L. & S. railroad company are fitting up commodious and convenient stock yards near the bridge. The work is done in the superior manner usual for that company.
Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.
We hear of a great mortality among cattle in the territory, twenty dying of Texas fever in one lot.
Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.
Quite a lively freight war has been going on in Cowley and Sumner counties for some time. Cattle have been shipped from Caldwell and Hunnewell in large quantities at $10, $1, and even nothing per car load to Kansas City. Recently common freight rates from Kansas City to Winfield were put at ten cents per 100 pounds. We like competition, but so bitter a war and such spasmodic low rates, besides being damaging to the roads, are really injurious to shippers as placing them in such a state of uncertainty. Steady and fixed rates, as low as is reasonable, are better for everybody concerned.
Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.
If the K. C., L. & S. railroad should ever take a notion to build a branch to Wichita, we suggest that the junction be made at Winfield and go up the Walnut Valley to Douglass, thence to Wichita. The cost would be much less by this route and the necessary aid could be easily raised.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 4, 1880. Front Page.
The government is not dealing justly with Payne and his followers in the attempt of the latter to occupy the public lands in the Indian Territory. These lands are either subject to settlement or they are not, and Payne and his party have either violated the law or they have not.
As they are under arrest by the government they should have a speedy trial and this public land question and the right of the people to occupy those lands should be forever set at rest. The people will hold the authorities to a strict accountability for the manner in which they are dealing with Payne and his followers. All that the friends of the movement ask is that Payne be turned over to the civil authorities and tried without delay, that the rights of the people to occupy the lands in question may be determined.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 4, 1880.
Howard, Rexford & Howard last week discontinued their branch store at Hunnewell, building at that point having about stopped.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 4, 1880.
M. L. Bangs is now in the employ of the K. C., L. & S. railway. M. L. has for many years been connected with the Southwestern Stage Company, and will be missed by the b'hoys.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 4, 1880.
From several persons lately returned, we learn that the Hunnewell boom is decidedly weakening, and scarcely any trade doing but in whiskey and ammunition. Just as we expected.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 4, 1880.
J. P. Musselman, of Grouse, was in town yesterday and informed us that he recently sold all his cattle at good figures. He considered himself fortunate, for cattle both above and below his place are dying with the Texas fever.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 4, 1880.
Will someone who knows please inform the Silverdale Stock Protective Union as to who is secretary of the State Anti-Horse Thief Society? Address Silverdale, Kansas. The sheriff of the county is requested to communicate with the union for mutual benefit in case of need.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 4, 1880.
Another of those incidents with which the “cow boys” ' life is so often illustrated took place at the Salt Fork, Indian Territory, resulting in the shooting, by G. W. Padgett, of W. H. Stephens, who has been employed for some time past as boss herder for Maj. Hood of Emporia.
The circumstances were briefly thus: A dispute had arisen as to some cattle which Stephens had picked up on the trail, and which Padgett claimed to have the right to cut out. Several talks were had, and Stephens became very abusive, and even went so far as to use his quirt upon Padgett, in consequence of which the shooting was done. The statement of a large number of herders is to the effect that Stephens was of a very over-bearing and abusive disposition, and constantly quarreling with his men. The murderer attempted to escape, but was captured and carried to Wellington to be examined before Commissioner Jones of that city. We understand the plea of self-defense will be advanced. It is stated that the home of the murdered man was in Comanche county, Texas, from which state also hails the murderer. The body was interred at Wellington by Hubbell & Co., upon the request of Maj. Hood.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 4, 1880.
[Dr. Minthorn, Agency Physician.]
People who are fond of representing that the Ponca Indians are dying off rapidly are requested to note the fact that during the past eight months only five have died at this Agency, which includes the Nez Perces also. As the two tribes number about nine hundred, we agree with Dr. Minthorn, the Agency physician, that the rate of mortality compares favorably with that of any city in the Union.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 4, 1880.
The Little Rock & Fort Smith railway want to extend their line. They now purpose arranging to build a road from Fort Smith to a junction with the M., K. & T. railway south of the Canadian, use the track of the latter to the north bank of the Arkansas, thence build up the north bank of that stream to the line of Kansas and connect with the A., T. & S. F. railway at Arkansas City. Indian Herald.
Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.
The K. C. L. & S. have the track laid west of Wellington nearly to the Harper county line.
Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.
Under the law as it is understood the school districts through which the railroads run get all the benefit of the railroad taxation, while the greater number of school districts in the county, though paying their proportion of interest and principal on the R. R. bond debt, get none of the benefit of the taxation. This is wrong and should be righted.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1880.
Gibson Station, in the “B. I. T.,” was the scene of excitement and carnage lately. A feud between the Cherokee Indians has been developed and growing in intensity for sometime. Finally it culminated in blood, on an open prairie, in sight of Gibson Station. Two Cherokees met seven armed blacks and a fight immediately ensued. One of the Indians was killed and the other badly wounded, while, on the other side, one colored man was slain and five others dyed the sod with their blood. The excitement is intense. The glitter of revenge gleams from the fierce eye of the Cherokee as he dons his war paint. The cry among them is, that every colored man must leave their reservation or be killed. The colored folks refuse to go. Many of them were born and bred in the Territory and have Indian blood in their veins. They claim a hereditary interest in the soil and propose to fight until death before surrendering it or being driven from their homes. The handful of troops at the Fort will amount to little or nothing in the fray. Things look bloody in that section. Let our colored friends take warning and give the “B. I. T.” a wide berth, at least for the present. Parsons Republican.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1880.
Muskogee, Indian Territory, August 3. The Cherokees to the number of about 300 have been in camp for a week past near Gibson Station, and have only been restrained from attacking the negroes by promises that the murderers of young Cobb should be delivered over to them. The Cherokees agreed to wait until today, and if they were not forthcoming they propose to take them, no matter what they cost. A formal demand was made on Chief Checote, of the Creeks, for their surrender, and today D. W. Bushyhead, principal Chief of the Cherokees, W. H. Adair, Assistant Chief, United States Indian Agent Tufts, and the Assistant Chief of the Creeks and Private Secretary of Chief Checote, held a long consultation. Checote was too ill to attend.
The result of the conference is not yet known, and is of secondary importance now, as it is strongly rumored that the men who are wanted have already escaped from the country. What action the Cherokees will take cannot even be surmised. They may give it up and go home, or they may attack the negroes at any hour. On Saturday the two parties charged on each other, and had got within speaking distance when a blinding rain storm came up and drove them from the field. On Sunday the Cherokees again mounted to a man, and formed a line of battle, but finally yielded to the persuasion of the Chief. Tomorrow will definitely decide whether it is to be peace or war. Cowan is still alive, but very low.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1880.
Just by way of keeping in practice, a man was shot over at Hunnewell last Saturday, and another one on Sunday.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1880.
Al. Burton, who was reported killed in the eastern part of the State last fall, has turned up at Hunnewell, and we understand he is now deputy sheriff of Sumner County.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1880.
The gentle boys have been having some more fun at Hunnewell. On Tuesday of last week a drunken Texas cowboy was setting in front of Schiffbauer's store, and seeing a barrel of coal oil on the sidewalk, he thought it would be so much fun to shoot at it, which he did forthwith. As the oil spurted out he fired again, and continued shooting until the oil was streaming from the barrel in five different places. He then broke three large panes of glass, and rolling his eyes around, declared “he hadn't had so much fun for a year.” The foregoing little pleasantless, together with his losing a new revolver, cost the gentleman the snug sum of $50. Some of these fine days a cowboy will run against the biggest kind of a stump when he attempts to show himself off in the above style. Some men won't tolerate it.
Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.
Capt. Payne and three others who are arrested for the second time have been sent to Fort Smith for trial. Fifteen of the Oklahoma company who had been arrested but once were taken to the state line and ordered to skip.
Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.
“Hackney is a railroad attorney,” is the whine of a few individuals who are engaged in the business of making political capital for Mr. Pyburn.
That the firm of Hackney & McDonald has been employed to transact some legal business for the Kansas City Lawrence and Southern railroad is a fact. The firm was retained for this purpose more than a year ago, long before Mr. Hackney was mentioned as a candidate for the State Senate. The engagement was for an indefinite period and is liable to terminate at any time. It was only for the prosecution of certain special cases. The firm was employed because of its recognized ability and not for any political reason. All who know Mr. Hackney are fully satisfied that such business transactions will not, in the least, influence his action as a legislator. Did they have any influence whatever, it would be to cause him to be more guarded of the people's interests. His ambition and his past fidelity to the public trusts confided to him are a sufficient guarantee of his future faithfulness.
How is it with his Democratic opponent? Was he employed as attorney for the A. T. & S. F. railroad because of his legal ability, or because of his occupying the position of State Senator? Does anyone acquainted with the bar of this city and county believe that this great corporation deliberately selected Mr. Pyburn, from among its members, because of his standing as an attorney? In other words, does one of our readers believe he would ever have been appointed attorney for the Santa Fe railroad at this place, if he had not been our State Senator? He is still our Senator, and while serving in that capacity, receives bread and butter from a railroad corporation. The query is: Did he prostitute his official position for a soft place with a great corporation?
Railroad companies do not employ attorneys because they look wise and are good fellows. It is only after the people have given such fellows the control of sacred interests by putting them into responsible official position that they become valuable to these great corporations.
Now, taking the records of these two men, which is most likely to prove true to the people? Mr. Hackney has never betrayed us, while Mr. Pyburn's position is, at best, a questionable one.
The private citizen, Mr. Hackney, has rendered honorable service as an attorney for both individuals and corporations. He has done this work for compensation. There has been nothing dishonorable in this. It has been such service as every attorney in the county would have been glad to render.
Mr. Hackney has been employed to do that work, because individuals and corporations have had confidence in his ability and integrity. No one can point to a public trust of any kind that he has ever betrayed.
Next winter we shall want just such a man as Mr. Hackney to look after our welfare at Topeka. His interests and ours are identical. He has pledged himself to stand by his constituents.
Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.
Parsons has fifteen saloons, Hunnewell eleven, Wellington nine, Winfield four.
Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.
The Texas cow boys shoot and smash around generally and have their own way at Hunnewell.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1880.
Capt. Scott came in from the west last Monday, looking hale and hearty.
Capt. C. M. Scott has purchased 500 acres of land near the mouth of Grouse creek, with a view of making it a stock ranche.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1880.
Al Burton, of some renown at this place, is one of the marshals at Hunnewell, drawing one hundred dollars per month. Al carries lead in his body from old scores and will probably carry more.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1880.
As the accommodation train was speeding along toward Winfield last Thursday morning, with some eight or nine freight cars in front of the passenger car, a coupling pin broke between the fourth and fifth freight car, when about four miles from Winfield. The engineer did not notice the accident until he had nearly reached Winfield, when he returned for the rest of the train.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1880.
County Surveyor Haight laid out a new town on the L. L. & G. road in this county last Monday. It is situated in range 8, at the locality heretofore known as Grand View Tank. Mr. Haight is now engaged in making a very elaborate county map for the use of the Register of Deeds. [Note: Town became known as Grand View. MAW]
Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1880.
FORT DODGE, August 20, 1880.
Editor Traveler: It is a matter of surprise to see how fast these western counties are settling up. Sumner may be said to be densely populated, still there are hundreds of acres yet unclaimed, and much of that claimed and improved has not been entered. Harper is well settled with a farming class of people, where they should be stock growers.
Along the line of Barbour can now be seen many houses where last year they were few and far between. This is a recognized stock county, and will become wealthy. In Comanche, Clarke, and Meade counties, where only a year ago nothing but "cow camps" could be found, men are now there with their families—some trying to farm, others raising sheep and cattle. Next to the Pan-handle of Texas the latter three counties excel as a sheep country. The grass is alkali or buffalo grass, very nutritious, and remains green the entire year. In all these counties there are thousands of acres of land to be bought at one dollar per acre on the Cherokee Strip, and that on the Osage lands will be sold this fall to the highest bidder. In many instances timber and water can be had.
Most of the stock cattle held about Caldwell have been sold, and the shipping cattle are being driven to Nickerson, on account of the number of native cattle dying with fever in that vicinity.
At Dodge City yearlings were sold at $8 and $8.50 per head, and some offered for $7 per head after they have been picked over. Colorado sheep are offered in any numbers at $2 per head. They are very thin in flesh, yet if well wintered would prove a profitable investment. The sheep mania seems to be universal, and cattle men are becoming alarmed thereat, claiming that where sheep feed the cattle will die, as sheep bite the grass so close that the hot sun strikes into its heart and soon kills it.
During the past two weeks Western Kansas has had an abundance of rain, and the "range" never was better, although grass is too short to make hay.
No one need go west of Barbour County with any intention of farming. There is not rain sufficient to grow corn or wheat. Millet does well, and is a good substitute for corn, and alfalfa or Chinese clover should do equally well. It is a stock country, nothing more.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1880.
Hunne"hell" is the latest pet name for Sumner County's new town.
Winfield Courier, August 26, 1880.
It is said that in the Wichita convention someone stated that J. Wade McDonald was a soldier in the rebel army, and that in response one delegate stated that he would vote for a rebel soldier full as soon as for a union soldier, and another said that he questioned the democracy of any man who would oppose a man because he wore the grey.
Now, we do not propose that his friends shall be allowed to make capital for him among Democrats by making them believe he was a rebel soldier and killed Republicans. We boldly assert that such is not the case, but that J. Wade McDonald was a soldier in the Twentieth Illinois infantry, a regiment whose preserved banner is emblazoned with the names of Fredericktown, Fort Donelson, Shiloh, Corinth, and Vicksburg; that he killed Democrats, that he was discharged from service on account of wounds received, and that he still carries rebel lead in his thigh. We don't believe he will be a popular candidate with his party.
Winfield Courier, August 26, 1880.
W. L. Mullen bought at Caldwell last week five thousand head of Colorado stock wethers. Iowa men bought at the same place seven thousand head at $2.25.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1880. Front Page.
Capt. Payne and five of his comrades, H. H. Stafford, J. K. Jarratt, J. Brophy, A. H. Riggs, and W. H. Smith, were brought in by the military last Friday, after a long detention, and turned over to the U. S. court, at this place. He found here no criminal charge against him, and was set at liberty at once and cited, together with his five comrades, to appear to November term of the U. S. court, to answer charge of going, the second time, into the Indian Territory.
Capt. Payne was very desirous to answer the charge at once, and without delay, but it cannot probably be well attended to by either party—plaintiff or defendant—at present.
It is a very important matter and will, no doubt, be decided by His Honor, Judge Parker, when tried in accordance with the genius of our Republican institutions, consistent with the spirit of the age in which we live, and in the great interests of civilization and advancement, and in the encouragement, as has always been the case, of the hardy, energetic, and bold pioneers of our country, a liberal construction of the law. Ft. Smith Elevator.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, September 1, 1880. Front Page.
If any of our young friends are pining for glory in the field of journalism, we recommend them to read the following letter from the editor of the Indian Journal. It presents a good opening for a young man who would "just as lieve live as die." The writer's name is Albert Harvey, formerly of Erie, Pennsylvania, and writing to one of home friends, he says:
"INDIAN JOURNAL OFFICE, Muskogee, Indian Territory,
July 5, 1880.
"Brother: Muskogee is in the heart of the Creek Nation—the meanest, most treacherous, and murderous savages on the face of the earth. There are about two thousand Indians here, any amount of negroes, and possibly 1,000 whites. The Indians and negroes largely intermarry, notwithstanding it has been stated they hate each other. The community here is almost wholly lawless, but there is better order here now than a short time ago.
"There are three policemen at Muskogee—all Indians. A man is never arrested. If he steals, or commits any crime to amount to anything, he is run down and shot dead. They used to kill about two men a week here, but since the police have been appointed by the government, there is not usually more than one a month, and then it is generally a drunken Indian who defies the police. The latter have no clubs—using but the cheerful revolver. If they think a man is behaving badly so as to warrant interference, they pull down on him their big weapon. If he doesn't weaken right there, his friends are obliged to carry him and bury him.
"I suppose I am considered general superintendent of the Indian Journal office, as the foreman, devil, compositor, pressman, job printer, and editor most of the time. Being the only man employed in the office, I have a good time.
"In the editorial room two short guns ornament one corner, there are two in my bedroom, one in the composing room, and when I am not asleep, I wear a belt containing two revolvers and thirty-four cartridges. Every man is armed, not on the offensive, but because there is no other way here of settling a difficulty.
"I want an associate editor; can you recommend one? ALBERT."
Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1880.
A drunken driver upset the stage coach between Skeleton Ranch and Fort Reno, on last Sunday, in which there were several passengers, among them a Mrs. Looney, who was somewhat injured. The whiskey, our informant says, was furnished by the marshal of Wellington. A fine specimen of a law preserving officer he must be to so far forget himself while off duty for a short time as to pour whiskey down a man who has the lives of others in his hands. The stage company promptly discharged the driver, which was right.
Caldwell Commercial.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1880.
Drury Warren, the well-to-do cattle man of Grouse Creek, made our office a pleasant call last Thursday.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1880.
We had the pleasure of meeting Lieut. Shelley last week, and had quite a chat with him. The Lieutenant was in charge of a squad of men from Coffeyville, who had been scouting for Oklahomaites in the Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1880.
Hunnewell now has a post office of its very own, with Frank Schiffbauer as postmaster. We congratulate Frank upon his appointment, and hope in his case the pay will be commensurate with the work done. We'll be fooled if it does, though.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1880.
Richard Boddinghouse, a private in Company A, 16th infantry, stationed here last summer, was recently promoted to the position of quartermaster's clerk. While at Coffeyville last week he forged orders to the amount of $165 and skipped out with the money thus obtained. The soldiers are after him, but as yet with no success. Before leaving this place he allowed that he was a dead beat. He is a foreigner with a splendid education, but no sense.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1880.
Mr. Hallowell, United States District Attorney, has been quite a frequent visitor to our city lately, owing to the numerous cases brought before the United States Commissioner at this place. He is a most cordial gentleman, and makes new friends at every trip. He is a vigorous prosecutor of crime, but will not lend himself to the prejudices of any parties simply to persecute persons against whom a charge has been manufactured.
Winfield Courier, September 2, 1880.
W. L. Mullen has sold the five thousand sheep he bought at Caldwell.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 8, 1880. Front Page.
The Sioux Chiefs Spotted Tail and Red Cloud have taken their children away from the Indian school at Carlisle, Pennsylvania, because corporeal punishment was inflicted there. “My boys and girls,” said Spotted Tail to the Superintendent, on a recent visit, “shall never be whipped by anyone with my consent. I will not leave them at a school, or any other place, where the whip is used. A whipped boy is apt to grow up a whipped man. Unless he has some spirit or life in him, it is better that he know nothing. A whipped man has neither spirit nor life.”
Arkansas City Traveler, September 8, 1880.
Hunnewell has a large three-story frame hotel just completed, but at this writing it is not occupied. A new grocery and liquor house has just opened out. The more the merrier.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 8, 1880.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schiffbauer of Hunnewell spent Sunday last in the City. Frank reports business in Hunnewell for the past week as pretty good, over ten thousand head of cattle being shipped East from there in that time.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 8, 1880.
Cattle in the Territory are dying at a great rate. Mr. Warren, of Grouse, we understand intends to ship what steers he now has on hand at once. Mr. Green, of Grouse, and the Dean Brothers have also lost heavily—over fifty head each.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 8, 1880.
One Davis, a Texas man, has driven upon the range selected by Mr. Warren and upon which he had put up some 75 tons of hay for consumption this winter. Quite a time is being had, but we presume the difficulty will be amicably adjusted.
Winfield Courier, September 9, 1880.
WINFIELD, Ks., Sept. 7, 1880.
EDS. COURIER: In the Daily Telegram of Monday is an article entitled “Two Edged Swords,” in which among other falsehoods, is the following:
“Hackney during the last legislature spent the full term there. Knowing Pyburn, Hackney suggested to the Santa Fe people his employment.”
This in the personal organ of Senator Pyburn, is peculiarly significant.
I did not go to Topeka as the paid attorney of any railroad company, as this article charges. The people of Cowley had no railroads. Our bonds had been voted to the Santa Fe company on condition that this company should build the road in a limited time. Before the company had effected the loans necessary to raise the money with which to build this road, the legislature met and immediately was commenced a war on the Kansas roads, seeking by legislation to take the control of them from the men who furnished the money with which to build them, and to place it in the hands of men to be appointed by the Governor.
These movements on the part of the legislature had the effect to so intimidate Boston capitalists who were to furnish the money to build our railroads, that they would not invest. The committee which had been appointed by our citizens were notified that this road could not be built if the proposed legislation should be effected.
Thereupon the committee and citizens of Winfield and Cowley county were alarmed, and applied to me to go to Topeka and try to prevent the passage of what was known as the Rigg's bill. Busy as I was at the time, and much as it cost me in the loss of valuable law business, I was prevailed upon to go for ten days. At the expiration of that time I should have returned, but for the personal solicitation of General Manager Strong, who assured me that the pending legislation was having a disastrous effect upon the attempts of the company to raise the money to build our road. At his request, I remained until some time in February, when I met the men who organized the Southwestern Kansas and Western railroad company. I was chosen one of the directors, went to Kansas City, examined into the matter, and became convinced that they meant business and could build the road.
I came home with Gen. Blair, their attorney, and the proposition to vote bonds to the east and west railroad was submitted. The proposed legislation was defeated; both roads have been built, and the people have the benefit. I have never received one nickle for the time and money I expended in securing these roads. I am still a director in the latter, having been re-elected since because, as I suppose, of their faith in my honor.
Before I went to Topeka, our people hauled their wheat and hogs 50 to 75 miles to Wichita, and there paid $45 a car to Kansas City. In consequence of the building of these two roads through the county, for the last two months our farmers have been shipping their wheat, hogs, and corn from home to Kansas City for ten dollars a car, and no hauling to Wichita, and have saved enough already to pay the bonded debt.
Then why this railroad howl against me in the Telegram? It is only to try to beat me by any means, fair or foul.
No railroad corporation or agent of one has ever approached me on the subject of what will be my course with regard to rail roads if elected to the senate. No person, corporation, or firm has ever contributed one cent toward my election or the expenses connected therewith either directly or indirectly, and I never said anything to indicate otherwise. When the impersonal columns of the Telegram or its personal owner says aught to the contrary, it or he simply lies, and I mean this statement to be broad and long enough to cover every charge made in that article and that the shoe shall fit him who asserts and him who circulates these lies, let them be whom they may.
The Telegram says because I knew my man, I could get the Santa Fe people to employ him. Now I assert that Pyburn and I were not divided in opinion but stood on the same platform and acted in concert that winter. I had supposed that the company employed Pyburn because of his ability as an attorney, but the ass-tute manager of the Telegram tells us that such is not the case, but that he was appointed at my request because I knew my man. The Telegram intimates that his employment was not on account of his legal ability but for the purpose of controlling his vote on the pending legislation. This is the only inference that can be drawn from the Telegram article. Verily does Pyburn suffer from this insane zeal to vilify me. It is bad to have a fool-friend. If the Telegram keeps going, it will convince its readers that Senator Pyburn is either a fool or a knave, possibly both. I suppose that Mr. Pyburn attends to such legal business as is entrusted to him by the Santa Fe company. The firm of which I am a member does the same for the K. C. L. & S. company. We do this work for pay just as we work for other clients.
And now I pronounce the fusillade of billingsgate with which the columns of the Telegram have been filled, regarding myself, for weeks and months past, as false, malicious, cowardly, and libelous, and the authors of them characterless hypocrites and malicious scoundrels. I invite the small pack of coyotes who contribute to its columns to do their dirtiest. I expect no favors from them in this campaign and will grant none. My public services are well known to the people of the county; and if again wanted, they will elect me to the Senate in spite of such opposition. If not, I shall be content and henceforth give my individual attention to my business. Respectfully, W. P. HACKNEY.
Winfield Courier, September 9, 1880.
The K. C. L. & S. railroad is completed to Harper.
Winfield Courier, September 9, 1880.
“The cruel war is over.” Last Monday the railroads came to an understanding, and the old rates established. The low rates lasted over two months, during which time thousands of dollars have been saved to the farmers of Cowley county. One firm in Winfield saved on freight alone over twenty-five hundred dollars, and thus been enabled to sell goods about 7 percent lower than they otherwise would. As it was with this firm, so has it been with all the leading firms in Winfield, and today the farmers of Cowley county are getting 7-100 more goods for a dollar than their less fortunate neighbors in Elk and Montgomery counties.
Winfield Courier, September 9, 1880.
The A. T. & S. F. R. R. Co. are building a new round house at Mulvane. It is to be the same size of the one here. Arkansas City Democrat.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 15, 1880.
The Cherokee Indians were recently paid $300,00 on land sales.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 15, 1880.
Captain Scott is on the wing again, having left for Fort Dodge last Saturday, from which point he strikes out for the wilds of Southwestern Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 15, 1880.
Cherokee Jones, who has fenced in Hunnewell, was in town last week. He is now engaged in looking up the coal fields said to exist on the Cherokee strip south of this city.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 15, 1880.
The rates on cattle from Hunnewell to Kansas City are now restored to the old figures—$40 per car. During the “cut” for some weeks past the Santa Fe and K. C., L. & W. roads only charged $10.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 15, 1880.
Mr. Frank Schiffbauer was brought in from Hunnewell last Friday evening, suffering considerably from neuralgia of the bowels. His many friends will be glad to learn that under good medical treatment he is rapidly convalescing.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 15, 1880.
The Arkansas City TRAVELER of last week contains a letter signed “C. M. S.” purporting to have been written at Fort Dodge. Among other things in the aforesaid letter we find the following paragraph, which is as clear and concise a specimen of unmitigated able-bodied lying as we have seen in many a day:
“Most of the stock cattle held about Caldwell have been sold, and shipping cattle are being driven to Nickerson on account of the number of native cattle dying with fever in that vicinity.” Caldwell Commercial, 2d.
The letter signed “C. M. S.” was written at Fort Dodge by a man who knew whereof he spoke, or at least spoke from information he considered reliable. His business necessitates constant traveling throughout the western portion of Kansas, and while it is a matter of perfect indifference to us, we prefer to accept his statements to those made by the thing at the head of the Commercial. C. M. Scott knows more about stock in a day than the Commercial growler ever can learn.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 15, 1880.
The news in regard to the railroad from Arkansas City to Fort Smith is of the most important and encouraging description. As is well known to our readers, all that the Santa Fe asks from Congress is the right of way through the Territory. This came very near being granted at the last session, and the assurances were then made that with the opening of the forty-sixth Congress, one of the earliest acts of the session will be to grant this right. In conversation with agents and traders of the Cherokee Nation, we discover that the Indians are largely reconciled to the building of the road, and that the most important members of the tribe favor it. Another matter is that the Santa Fe is already doing the preliminary work, and that John E. Thomes, division engineer, will be ordered to make the preliminary survey from Arkansas City, commencing sometime this month. In less than three years Cowley county will have a great trunk-line road, uniting the Kansas system of roads with those of the South, bringing to southern Kansas greater prosperity than her citizens ever dreamed of. Winfield Monitor.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 15, 1880.
Parties wishing to attend the fair at Wichita, from the 14th to the 17th of September, inclusive, can purchase tickets over the A. T. & S. F. road at $1.60 for the round trip. Tickets on sale from the 13th to 17th, to be used on or before the 18th.
Those wishing to attend the Stare Fair held at Lawrence, in Bismarck Grove, September 13th to 18th, inclusive, can purchase tickets over the A. T. & S. F. road for one-half fare for round trip. Tickets for sale from the 13th to 17th, to be used on or before the 19th.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 15, 1880.
Messrs. Howard & Rexford have just received a choice selection of firearms, among which are included the Evans magazine gun, a perfect gem for sportsmen, capable of being fired twenty-six times without taking from the shoulder, and the celebrated new patent Merwin & Hulbert revolvers. These goods are in various styles, and cannot fail of giving satisfaction to all who can appreciate a perfect and accurate weapon.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 15, 1880.
Burt Tabler, recently sent to Ft. Smith by the U. S. Commissioner at this place, was discharged by the United States District Attorney for Arkansas at Ft. Smith, on the ground that there was no case against him. Said District Attorney took occasion to remark, in connection with this case, that if half the United States Commissioners in Kansas were dead, the people would be better off. Just so.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 15, 1880.
One Mardrett was arrested and brought here last Monday for trading in the Territory, and will have a hearing before the Commissioner next Friday at noon. This is the man who got away with hides belonging to the Indians lately.
Winfield Courier, September 16, 1880.
Cattle have been dying rapidly, below in the Territory.
Winfield Courier, September 16, 1880.
Ten thousand head of cattle were shipped at Hunnewell last week.
Winfield Courier, September 16, 1880.
Three extra cars were brought down on the Santa Fe Monday for the accommodation of the militia.
Winfield Courier, September 16, 1880.
The Winfield Rifles left Monday afternoon for Wichita to participate in the regimental drill at that place this week.
Winfield Courier, September 16, 1880.
The Humboldt Rifles passed through Winfield Monday on their way to Wichita. They are a fine body of men, well officered, and have the reputation of being the best drilled company in the State.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 22, 1880. Editorial Page.
[Report from C. M. Scott.]
PEARLETTE, Mead [Meade] Co., Kansas, Sept. 15, 1880.
Ed. Traveler: Away out here in Mead [Meade] County, after passing over nearly one hundred miles of only partially settled country, I find a number of settlers on Crooked creek, raising rice or Egyptian corn, sorghum, millet, peanuts, and watermelons, and the crops would all have yielded well had it not been for a hail storm of last week. So long as the farmers confine themselves to the above crops, they will do well enough, but wheat and corn will fail.
In this high, dry, timberless country, good water is obtained at a depth of twenty-five feet.
The grass, although short this year on account of dry weather, remains green the whole year, and it is one of the best stock counties in Kansas. Eighty miles farther west you come to the Colorado line, a vast, sandy, and unsettled country.
The great salt well or “sink” is ten miles below here. A few years ago it covered an acre of surface, and suddenly the ground caved in and three acres dropped down twenty feet. People came forty miles and more to see it. The Salt Plains of the Cimarron are about forty miles southeast.
I have seen all of Kansas, the garden patches of the eastern part, the wheat fields of the north, the well watered, the timbered, the flinty ridges, and the stock counties, and I am glad I live in noble young Cowley. C. M.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 22, 1880.
Lieutenant Wood, in charge of a detachment of cavalry, has been in town the past two days. He is hunting deserters.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 22, 1880.
Our U. S. Commissioner and marshal are making a wholesale business in arresting people. That's right—make hay while the sun shines.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 22, 1880.
The Oklahoma boomers had a tent on the grounds at the Wichita fair last week, with maps, charts, etc., and an agent who supplied all the information asked for.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 22, 1880.
C. M. Scott, writing from Dodge City, Kansas, September 13, says: “Farmers can make more money putting up hay this fall than they can on their corn, considering the amount of labor required.”
Arkansas City Traveler, September 22, 1880.
While the express train was speeding along between Arkansas City and Winfield last Friday, a man was seen standing on the track, eyeing the oncoming train with all the indifference imaginable. Supposing he was an escaped lunatic, the engineer “slowed up,” when the man stepped off the track, grinning as if he thought he had done something smart. A well-directed chunk of coal from the fireman would have served him right.
Winfield Courier, September 23, 1880.
We learn that there is some excitement in this county on account of the belief that Dave Payne has been tried at Fort Smith and acquitted on the ground that the law gives any citizen the right to settle and occupy under the preemption, homestead, and town site acts, any lands which belong to the government; and that under this belief many are making arrangements to invade and occupy that certain tract of 36,000 acres in the Territory immediately south of here, which has not been set apart to any particular tribe of Indians.
None of the above beliefs are true. Payne has not been tried, has not been acquitted. He was taken to Fort Smith and there gave his recognizance to appear for trial at the set time, (In November, we think), and was released. When first found in the Territory, he was arrested, escorted to the line, and told to leave. The second time he was arrested, taken to Fort Smith, and held for trial, as just stated. The next time he will be held in jail for trial.
There is no law to the effect that every tract of land owned by the government is subject to settlement. No one believes that the law gives one a right to settle on the reservations at Leavenworth and other forts. The whole Indian Territory is a reservation for the purpose of establishing the various Indian tribes thereon. Most of it years ago was parceled out to Indian tribes. Within the last ten years five different tribes have been assigned to certain other tracts and what remains is held by law for the purpose of receiving other tribes that may be brought in.
These are the facts in the case and those who go there to settle or speculate will fool away their time and money and get into trouble. Only those who are sharp enough to get away with the money of their dupes will gain anything.
Winfield Courier, September 23, 1880.
The two railroads building west into Harper County have come to an agreement and have quit work in building the roads. The K. C., L. & S. had nearly reached Harper City, and the Santa Fe was within eight miles of Anthony.
Winfield Courier, September 23, 1880.
It is said that J. Wade McDonald will be withdrawn from the race for Congress by the Democratic committee to carry out a plan for general fusion of the Democratic and Greenback parties.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 29, 1880.
Capt Scott came in from the west last Saturday.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 29, 1880.
Jesse Evans was to ship sixteen carloads of cattle from Harper City last week—the first shipped from that place.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 29, 1880.
Dr. Chapel lost three head of cattle from murrain. This disease among cattle is frequently pronounced “Spanish fever.”
Arkansas City Traveler, September 29, 1880.
Sixty-four head of cattle, branded ace of spades, are missing from Shultz’s camp on Sand creek in Clark County, supposed to have been stolen and shipped at Caldwell or Hunnewell.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 29, 1880.
Among the names of those who signed treaties with the Cherokees, we find Pa-hah-sau-ga, meaning broken arm; Gag-qua-no, the amorous man; Lear-he-hosh, the man who weans children too soon; Toyt-sa-ag-tah, the ambitious adulterer.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 6, 1880.
The notorious outlaw, West Brown, broke jail at Henrietta, Texas, last Friday, October 1, and made his escape to the Indian Territory. Sheriff Craig, of Clay county, Texas, offers $1,100 reward for his capture. Brown is well known throughout the Territory and southern Kansas as a fearless, reckless man, and a hard character. He participated in the Caneyville, Kansas, robbery, assisted in the murder of Stockstill and Henderson, stock men, and is thought to have been one of the men implicated in the Cowley County Bank robbery in 1878 at this place. For a number of years he has been roaming along the border of Kansas, making his headquarters at the mouth of the Cimarron. More than $2,000 in rewards had been offered for him before he was captured in New Mexico and taken to Henrietta. On one occasion he traveled four hundred miles to kill a half-breed Indian who had informed an officer of his whereabouts
Winfield Courier, October 7, 1880.
It is said that 125,000 head of Texas cattle will be wintered in the territory south of Sumner county.
Winfield Courier, October 7, 1880.
Our party of Oklahoma boomers started for the territory Tuesday. They will be back in about three days.
Winfield Courier, October 7, 1880.
The Santa Fe lion is gobbling up all the little railroad lambs in this vicinity. They can't bleat without suffering for it.
Winfield Courier, October 7, 1880.
From the reports now current, it seems pretty certain that the Santa Fe company is now, or soon will be, the owner of the K. C. L. & S. road. If this is the case, the Santa Fe road now has complete control of the transportation of Southern Kansas. With its main line running through the central part of the state from East to West, its many feeders reaching out from the main line on every hand, and now possessed of another and the only line from which opposition could come, they certainly are masters of the situation.
Winfield Courier, October 14, 1880.
The reported purchase of the K. C. L. & S. road has been denied. We are glad of this. With competing lines we are sure to have reasonable rates. With both roads in the hands of one corporation, we might fare worse.
Winfield Courier, October 14, 1880.
Caldwell, Kansas, October 9. Frank Hunt, deputy city marshal of Caldwell, was shot and fatally wounded last night, about half past 10 o'clock, by some unknown party. Hunt was sitting in front of a window in the Red Light saloon, talking with some gentlemen, when the dastardly assassin put a large revolver through the open window and placing it close to Hunt's side, fired. The ball passed through his body and lodged in the opposite side. Hunt was at once taken to his home, where he lies in a critical condition, although his physicians have some hope of his recovery. No better or more harmless a person lived in Caldwell, and yet he was the terror of all evil doers, knowing not the word of fear, and the shooting is considered by all a most cowardly murder. Commonwealth.
Most of the early settlers of this county knew Frank Hunt as our first sheriff and the original hardware merchant on the premises now occupied by S. H. Myton in Winfield.
Winfield Courier, October 14, 1880.
Rev. John W. Hunt, of Davis County, Iowa, has been visiting in this county the past week. He is the father of Frank Hunt, Winfield's earliest hardware merchant, now in Caldwell, and of Mrs. J. H. Evans, of Vernon township. He is sixty-seven years old, but is hale, strong, and fine looking, though he has done much work in his calling. Long may he wave.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 20, 1880.
The quiet city of Caldwell was startled by one of her periodical murders recently. Caldwell is a splendid town—to emigrate from.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 20, 1880.
The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe company has bought the Kansas City, Lawrence & Southern, formerly the Leavenworth, Lawrence & Galveston. The Kansas, Lawrence & Southern is one of the old Nettleton roads, and runs from Kansas City and Lawrence in a southwesterly direction to Wellington, Kansas, near the line of the Indian Territory, which branches to Coffeyville and to Hunnewell. The distance from Lawrence to Hunnewell is 225 miles, to Wellington 237 miles. The Kansas City branch to Lawrence is 53 miles long, and the Coffeyville branch 16 miles.
The object of the Santa Fe company in securing this property, was, no doubt, for the purpose of securing a line that will be able to compete with the Missouri, Kansas & Texas, which is controlled by Jay Gould. It is the intention of the Santa Fe people to extend the line as soon as possible through the Indian Territory to a connection with the Texas roads.
Winfield Courier, October 21, 1880.
The coroners jury on the case of Frank Hunt, murdered at Caldwell, found that he was feloniously shot and killed by one David Spear, and that one Loomis was accessory before the fact. Both Spear and Loomis have been apprehended and are in custody. It was a deliberate and atrocious assassination.
Winfield Courier, October 21, 1880.
About 40,000 head of cattle have been shipped over the K. C. L. & S. railroad this season.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 27, 1880.
During his abortive effort at a speech in this city, Charley C. B. seemed very much exercised because our candidate for the State Senate is a personal friend of General Manager Strong, of the Santa Fe railroad. He is not only a personal friend, but he is one of the directors of the company in whose interest a bill is now pending in Congress, giving them the right of way from here to Fort Smith, and our people expect many favors at Hackney's hands in consequence thereof.
Winfield Courier, October 28, 1880.
We were highly entertained last Tuesday for an hour by Col. Miles, agent for the Osages and Kaws. He is a highly cultured, warm hearted, and intelligent gentleman, one who understands the situation perfectly, knows his duty, and will do it. It pains him to be obliged to send home the poor man empty, who, living within the borders of Kansas, having worked hard all the season, his crops failing, suffering for want of wood, and with no means to buy it, goes down into the Territory and cuts a load of wood. He thinks the Territory being adapted to stock raising than anything else and that it would be best for Kansas if stock men only were to settle therein. He has no sympathy with the raids of the Oklahoma boomers who are trying to speculate in town lots at the expense of the ignorant.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1880.
The soldiers are about to leave Caldwell for winter quarters at Fort Leavenworth.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1880.
Beyond doubt some parties are stealing cattle from the different herds in the Territory. Thomas Hill, on Bitter creek, has lost twenty-one head, ten of them branded 0 on the left hip, and eleven with a diamond brand on right hip, and we have heard of a number of others who have sustained losses.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1880.
Two families passed through town last Sunday on their way to Oklahoma. Capt. Payne, the famous projector of this scheme, is at present lying sick in Mulvane.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1880.
From the Fort Smith Elevator we learn that the bill before the Choctaw Council to grant the right of way to a railroad through the Indian Territory from Fort Smith to Paris, Texas, was defeated by a small majority.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1880.
Some parties went into the Territory about two weeks ago, their prairie schooners emblazoned with the motto, “Oklahoma or Bust.” They passed through town last Sunday, their prairie schooners emblazoned with the trite but significant tall piece of their motto, and “Bust” written in every lineament.
Winfield Courier, November 11, 1880.
A private letter from Ft. Reno informs us that two squads of Sumner county Oklahoma boomers were brought into the fort under arrest the first of last week. There were seven men in one squad and ten in the other. A detachment of soldiers is kept in Oklahoma constantly, and the Indians are also aroused against the invaders. We would repeat the advice heretofore given: If you want to settle in the Territory, just wait until Uncle Sam gives you permission. It is a big undertaking to “buck” the United States Government. Wellington Press.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1880.
Captain Payne is still confined to his bed at Mulvane, but the boom goes marching on. There was a meeting of the leaders of the movement yesterday, and definite action was taken in regard to the pending expedition to Oklahoma. The muster rolls of the colony show that a force of from 2,000 to 3,000 men can be relied upon to move at the appointed time. The date of the invasion is not made public, nor the place of rendezvous, but it is surmised that there will be a simultaneous advance from various points on the frontier, moving to a com-mon objective point, and that the colonists will go to stay.
We shall be able to give further information as the facts transpire. It is evident that the boys are in dead earnest, and the dying echoes of the November election will mingle with the resounding slogan of “On to Oklahoma.” Wichita Republican.
Winfield Courier, November 18, 1880.
Capt. Payne, the Oklahoma boomer, is ill with fever at Mulvane.
Winfield Courier, November 18, 1880.
For the last few days there have appeared in this city a hundred or two of excursionists who have strayed from the main channels in which they were directed by the railroad interests. The whole number of visitors to Kansas on these late excursion trains from the east cannot be less than 15,000. The Kansas City Times says that in a single day the Santa Fe sent out sixteen cars loaded with them, the Fort Scott, 22 cars, the Union Pacific, 16. Altogether the Fort Scott has filled about 50 cars, the Santa Fe 60, the Union Pacific 50, and the Missouri Pacific 40, making at least 200.
Winfield Courier, November 18, 1880.
Winfield, Nov. 16, 1880.
This statement I make to show the farmers that I have been handling hogs in this county in very small margin. I have shipped to Kansas City and Chicago the following number of hogs from Cowley county. October 1st 1879 to November 1st, 1880, 18,224 head, 4,268,087 pounds, cost $168,250.85. W. J. HODGES.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 24, 1880. Editorial Page.
A circular received by Cap. Sanford, of this city, yesterday from the headquarters of Payne’s Oklahoma colony at Wichita, under date of November 20, states that the colonists will cross the Territory line on Monday, December 6, and desires all colonists to be on hand at the following places by that time: Caldwell, Arkansas City, and Coffeyville, Kansas; Fort Smith, Arkansas; Dennison, Texas; and such other points as may be most convenient to the objective point—Oklahoma. The circular is signed by D. L. Payne, president, and W. A. Sherman, secretary.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 24, 1880. Editorial Page.
Gen. John Pope has fired off his annual columbine in the form of an official report, reviewing Indian affairs in the Department of the Missouri. The burden of the document is devoted to the late eruption of the Southern Cheyennes and repeated and pending raids of Capt. Payne into Oklahoma. Gen. Pope details the action of the military authorities in twice removing Payne and his followers, and on the last occasion turning them over to the United States district court of Fort Smith. He says it is certain that Payne and his comrades “fully believe in their right to settle in the Oklahoma district, and are anxious to test the question in the United States courts. He also expresses the belief that it is the intention of the colonists to reenter the Territory pending the trial of their case, and under the President’s proclamation it will be necessary to arrest them and repeat the same process. Gen. Pope accordingly urges that the question of their right to settle in the Territory be passed upon as soon as possible by the U. S. court, now in session at Fort Smith.
It is clear from the general tenor of Gen. Pope’s report that he anticipates a formidable raid. He is too well informed not to know that the Oklahoma Colony whose headquarters are in Wichita represents an enlisted force of several thousand men, scattered through Southern Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, and Texas, and that the mass of these recruits will respond to the call for a general movement, advancing simultaneously by front and flank to the heart of Oklahoma.
They commit no trespass upon Indian reservations; they will occupy only the ceded lands, from which the Indian title has been extinguished by Government purchase, and which are designated as “public lands” on the Government maps. It is true also that the executive is prohibited by act of Congress from locating any more Indian tribes upon any public lands, and hence they lie in idleness and implied perpetual isolation from development and civiliza-tion. The position of Capt. Payne and his associates is ably fortified by the elaborate opinion of Col. Broadhead, and Judge Krum and Philips, of the St. Louis bar, a committee appointed to investigate and report upon the subject. What course the executive may pursue in regard to the pending invasion cannot be foreseen. We believe but for the obstinacy of Secretary Schurz, President Hayes, whose first message to the present Congress contained a very decided expression in favor of opening the Indian Territory, would suspend his proclamation and direct Gen. Pope to interpose no further barrier against the settlement of Oklahoma.
But with or without military intervention, we consider the opening of these 14,000,000 acres of public lands a certain and speedy event. It is the public sentiment and temper of the southwest that breech clout barbarism shall no longer block the national highway, and stem the tide of civilization between Kansas and the Gulf. The President could do no wiser act than to order Gen. Pope to suspend offensive operation and give Capt. Payne honorable escort to the public lands.
In any event, we believe before the ides of March are passed, there will 20,000 bona fied settlers tilling the soil and building the capital city of the future State of Oklahoma.
. . .
Arkansas City Traveler, November 24, 1880.
The Caldwell Post says the Oklahoma invaders from that town are on their way back to the line. Uncle Sam. impressed with the dignity and social standing of the outfit, has fur-nished them with a military escort.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 24, 1880.
Capt. D. L. Payne, of Oklahoma fame, who has been lying ill for some time at Mulvane, was removed to Wichita last Friday, where he is now receiving the kind attention of friends. He is convalescing slowly, is considered wholly out of danger, and it is expected will be able to lead the third expedition to the land of Oklahoma, which will probably start about the last of the month or the first of December.
Winfield Courier, November 25, 1880.
W. L. Mullen shipped five car loads of hogs Tuesday.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1880.
Next Monday is the day set for the grand march into Oklahoma. The day for marching out has not been determined upon.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1880.
Captain Robinson, it is currently reported, will be at Caldwell next Saturday, the 4th, with a company of troops, to prevent Southern Kansas from being depopulated by those who fain would recline in the flowery fields of Oklahoma.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1880.
T. H. B. Ross has the merest luck and the worstest of it of any man on the hill. A couple of weeks ago with a few friends he went down into the Territory to have a little hunt and look around a bit—all of which he did, and had arrived at the Cimarron on his return, when he fell in with a party of soldiers, and accepted a very pressing invitation from them to go back to Fort Reno. It was just as well that he did, for he found comfortable quarters until the storm was over, when the line of march north was taken and the party arrived here last Monday. Ross is mad, though, because he didn't corral more soldiers. He only brought up five, but they seemed to take it good naturedly, and Ross let them go as soon as they got to the State line. Caldwell Commercial.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1880.
The signs of the times begin to point unmistakably to an eruption in the near future between some of our Indian Agents and parties hunting in or going through the Territory, the latter claiming that, under the guise of authority, they have been subjected to serious annoyance and inconvenience, which was altogether unjust and uncalled for. It may be out of our province, but it seems to us that parties hunting in the Territory certainly have some rights which even an Indian Agent is bound to respect. It is to be hoped that there will be no difficulty.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1880.
Three carloads of hogs were shipped from this place yesterday morning by Mr. Ira Barnett. Mr. Barnett paid to Drury Warren for hogs yesterday $561. We are glad to see that one of our own citizens has taken this matter in his own hands, as heretofore shipments have been mostly made from Winfield instead of Arkansas City.
Winfield Courier, December 2, 1880.
Major Powell has eight parties in the field engaged in making a study of the North American Indians: their condition, their habits of life, their languages, their history, etc., as well as taking a census of them. These parties, who are roughing it with tents, mule teams, etc., are scattered throughout California, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona, and Major Powell is going to visit them all to ascertain personally how they are progressing with their work; he will probably be absent about two months. The taking of the Indian census was begun October 1st, and will probably not be finished until next spring, owing to the scattered locations of the various tribes. The name of every Indian is written out in full, together with his age, sex, etc., and other statistics are obtained, just the same as of the civilized citizens of the United States, as far as practicable. Besides these eight ethnological parties who are doing this work, there are special agents of the census bureau, who are assisting with the various Indian agents. It is estimated that the total number of Indians in the United States will foot up over 300,000. One of Major Powell's parties has just discovered in New Mexico and Arizona a number of old ruins and pueblos, which means old Indian villages. These are now being carefully explored. In New Mexico they have discovered, west of Santa Fe, the largest collection of ruins ever found on this continent.
Winfield Courier, December 2, 1880.
Capt. Dave Payne and other boomers do not succeed very well in getting up such a grand rush to the Indian Territory as to overpower the government as they assert was done at the Black Hills. Concluding that their inability to repeat the Black Hill experiment arises from the lack of a gold excitement, there are now in circulation canards about the discovery of gold, silver, and lead in the Wichita Mountains, and the boomers are being organized into mining companies.
Winfield Courier, December 2, 1880.
The directors of the following named roads have made an arrangement to consolidate their stocks into one corporation and management called The Kansas City, Topeka and Western Railroad company. The terms of the consolidation are, that the stock of the Kansas City, Lawrence and Southern is to be taken up at 95 cents on the dollar, the stock of the Southern Kansas and Western at 75 cents on the dollar, and the stock of the Sumner county at 75 cents, and the stock of the Kansas City, Topeka and Western substituted therefor at par. This latter stock is to be taken at par and paid for by secured 5 percent 40 year bonds of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railroad company. The present Lawrence, Topeka and Western railroad is the line from Kansas City to Topeka which has been operated by the A., T. & S. F. under a lease. The K. C., L. & S. is the road from Lawrence (and we think from Olathe) to Independence and Coffeyville.
The S. K. & W. is the road from Independence via Winfield to Harper; and the Sumner county is the branch from Wellington to Hunnewell. It is the S. K. & W. in which Cowley county owns $68,000 of stock. The proposition so far as it affects this county substantially involves the sale of our $68,000 of stock for $51,000 A. T. & S. F. five percent 40 year bonds.
We are inclined to think that this would be a good operation for this county. The bonds would doubtless sell at any time at par in cash while the railroad stock may never be worth more than 75 cents on the dollar and in case of a financial revulsion, it might go down to next to nothing.
There never was a time when railroad stocks were so much in demand as they are at present. The scramble of Jay Gould and several great corporations to get control of so many railroad lines by buying in a majority of their stocks has so inflated railroad stocks that they sell much above their real value. How long this state of things is going to continue cannot now be seen but it is probable that some of these operators will before long get so heavily loaded that there will be a magnificent failure like that of Jay Cook in 1873 when the bubble will burst and railroad stock such as ours will not sell for ten cents on the dollar. At the same time first mortgage and other well secured railroad bonds will be but little affected by the money stringency that would ensue for they must first be paid. The sale of a road to pay such bonds has usually frozen out the stock
entirely and rendered it worthless.
We suppose the consolidation will be affected by the directors, whether our county as a stockholder in one of the roads consents or not; but we suppose the exchange of our stock for the bonds cannot be made without a vote of the people. A proposition in relation to the matter has been sent to J. S. Hunt, county clerk, to be laid before the commissioners for their action. We do not know what will be done about it, but presume the commissioners would wish to have the matter laid before the people, and would desire to have an expression from as many as possible in relation to the matter.
Winfield Courier, December 2, 1880.
The K. C., L. & S. are about putting up a wind machine to pump water for their tank at this place.
Winfield Courier, December 2, 1880.
A new warehouse for storing grain is in progress of building at the K. C., L. & S. depot. S. A. Brown & Co., are the proprietors.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 8, 1880. Front Page.
Editor Wichita Eagle:
I wish through your paper to give my views of Payne’s raid upon Oklahoma. My purpose is to do what I can to save a few honest, hard working men from being entrapped in a scheme that is not intended for their benefit, and can end only in loss to anyone who has anything to lose, and trouble and difficulty to all who go to Oklahoma in opposition to the national authorities.
I echo the sentiments of a large majority of the solid businessmen and farmers of this city and county when I say that no honest laboring man can afford to be used by these Oklahoma boomers. And it is the wish of all such that their scheme shall fail, as it certainly will. There is a sense of justice and honor and a disposition to abide by the law characteristic of the American people that, when the test comes, will knock the wadding out of all such business.
Payne and his coadjutors pretend that there is no act of Congress against his going into the Oklahoma country, so called. But the law is too plain to be explained away on a flimsy technicality. The law prohibits anyone going into the Indian country without leave, and makes it the duty of the President to remove all intruders, and for that purpose to use the army if necessary. A second intrusion subjects the intruder to a penalty of one thousand dollars. The phrase “Indian country,” is one of long use and well understood meaning, and includes Oklahoma as much as it does any Indian reservation within the limits of the Indian Territory.
Payne and his crowd laugh at the penalty inasmuch as it is merely a civil liability, and does not subject them to imprisonment. But before they can succeed in this business, they must have the cooperation of men who are not indifferent to such matters. The only hope they have of success is to precipitate into the country such numbers that the army will be powerless to remove them until Congress shall be forced to recognize and legalize their occupancy. If they could find the precious metals to tempt the cupidity of man, their scheme, lawless as it is, might succeed. But when you ask a man to risk his little all and go to hard work, plowing in the ground, he is in no great haste to do so. The average Oklahoma boomer is little given to plowing, except by proxy. He expects to reap a rich harvest by the sweat of other men's brows, and unless they delude a sufficient number of poor workingmen into the idea that by joining the expedition they can better their condition and obtain a valuable homestead in this promised land, their speculations will prove fruitless.
If asked to give the best reason for opposing the Oklahoma raid, I answer, because it is not right. It sets at defiance the laws and treaties of the national government, and the Presi-dent cannot, under his oath of office, permit it to be done, but is charged by every consideration of honor, good faith, and duty to prevent it, by the whole power of the army if necessary.
Much has been said and written derogatory to the policy of treating with the Indians as an independent people, and it is urged that we should regard them as citizens, and subject them to all the duties and responsibilities of other citizens. This sounds very well from our standpoint, and if no other right but ours intervened, there could be no objection to it. But they were an independent people before they came under our jurisdiction.
So far as the Indians immediately interested are concerned, the policy of recognizing and treating with them as a sovereign independent people originated with the Kingdom of Spain, and while they occupied Spanish dominions. In this relation they became possessed of cer-tain rights. Spain ceded her dominions known as the Territory of Louisiana to France, subject to the treaty rights of the Indians, and in turn the same territory was ceded by France to the United States, by the great Napoleon who required as part of the consideration by which we obtained this magnificent empire, a solemn promise “that we would execute such treaties and articles as may have been agreed upon between Spain and the tribes and nations of Indians, until by mutual consent of the United States and the said tribes or nations other suitable articles shall have been agreed upon.”
We have the power and, if we will, may disregard this stipulation, but not without dishonor. We have certainly gone as far in that direction as fairness will permit. We com-pelled the Indian to submit to extermination or the alternative of a settlement in the Indian Territory. He chose the latter with a promise, on our part, that it should be held sacred to him forever.
By treaty certain divisions of territory were set apart for certain tribes and nations, and the remainder, including Oklahoma, reserved for the future settlement of other Indians.
The act of Congress prohibiting the settlement of any more Indians in the Indian Territory is a violation of this agreement and ought to be repealed.
If we would civilize the Indian, let us give him an example of truth and justice, as practiced by civilized people. If we would teach him to obey the law, let us show him how law can protect him in the enjoyment of his rights. The Indian is no fool, if he is a barbarian. He knows that the settlement of Oklahoma by whites in the manner proposed is the entering wedge that shall eventually send him adrift, with his papoose and squaw, with no spot on earth that he can call home. He is naturally opposed to it, and he will doubtless resist it with all the force of his savage nature.
Much has been accomplished toward the enlightenment of the Indian during the last twenty years, and much more may be accomplished by pursuing an enlightened and Christian policy. But it is vain to offer him courts and laws while we exhibit an utter disregard of to him the highest law; to offer him bible and schools while we rob and drive him from his home.
The principal objection the Indian has to white civilization is on account of his appre-hension that it means death to him, and unfortunately the experience of the past is poorly calculated to remove this apprehension.
His rights are as dear to him as ours to us, and he feels his wrongs as we do ours. Perhaps it is very stupid and unreasonable in him to do so. Perhaps he should consider it very kind of our Paynes to force him to sacrifice his traditions, tastes, habits, and prejudices in the interests of commerce and agriculture.
This is not the first time the people have been called on to vindicate the national honor. Good faith with the Indian is not necessarily antagonistic to the interests of commerce. Convince him that we do not mean a conquest of his country and a destruction of his prosperity, and there will be little trouble in gaining his consent to run railroads through the Territory. It is not necessary to rob him in order to give him the benefits of courts and laws.
We need to give him schools and churches adapted to his nature and surroundings, and thus gradually fit him for citizenship, when he will accept the new relation from choice.
I favor every legitimate means of opening up the highways of trade through the Territory; the settlement of all the Indians in the Territory who will go there voluntarily; the establish-ment of courts with special legislation intended to protect the Indian from imposition, and to secure him exclusive control of the soil; the building of schools and railroads at Govern-ment expense, and the use of every other means of encouragement to the Indian to work out the problem of his own civilization.
With such encouragement and security he will, in time, himself build towns and cities, and invite immigration and enterprise. I would like to see the Government, the consent of the Indians being first obtained, construct a double track railroad from Arkansas City through the Territory so as to connect with the southern system of railroads, and give all companies the right to run their cars over it that will comply with such salutary regulations and conditions as may be imposed.
But whatever is done, let it be done on the principle of rigid justice and good faith to the Indians, they being the judge of what is justice and good faith.
Very respectfully, W. P. CAMPBELL.
Kansas and New Orleans. Railroad Connections and Trade Relations
With the Great West.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 8, 1880. Editorial Page.
Yesterday morning a States reporter, in his perambulations, called upon Mr. J. L. Gubernator, a well-known citizen of New Orleans, and who has returned to the city after a sojourn of several months in Kansas.
Mr. Gubernator passed most of his time in Kansas with his brother at McPherson, in the southern portion of the State, on a branch of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railroad.
The Southern or New Orleans branch [these designates are used in order to make the situation clearer] of the Atchison and Topeka leaves the main line at Newton, and has been completed as far south at Arkansas City near the northern boundary of the Indian Territory. This branch is designed to be a great road. At Mulvane, we believe, it sends one branch to run Southwesterly through the cattle regions of Texas, the other is to traverse the Indian Territory to make a junction at Texarkana with the Texas Pacific and over that with the New Orleans Pacific.
This branch has been, as has been said, completed to Arkansas City, and the only reason that it is not pushed immediately through the Indian Territory to Texarkana, via Fort Smith, is that, so far, owing to a treaty with the Indians, it has been impossible to obtain the right of way. Hence, in the interest of a few half vagabonds, a great enterprise of vast interest to the civilization and trade of Louisiana and Tennessee are also sufferers from the same treaty, as the Little Rock and Fort Smith railroad, completed between these two points, is at the latter point, on the eastern boundary of the Indian Territory, at a stand still.
From Mr. Gubernator it was learned that, though the great majority of the people of the portions of Kansas in which he sojourned are hostile—even bitter—toward the democratic party, they are anxious to open up commercial relations with New Orleans. They understand fully that New Orleans is the nearest seaport in America to them, and little more distant than St. Louis or Chicago, and when they get their produce to the latter places they are still many hundreds of miles from the sea.
The farmers of Kansas and other Northwestern regions are now paying fifty-two cents per bushel to transport their wheat to New York; and as soon as the canals and rivers are frozen over, they expect freights to a still higher figure and thus absorb very nearly the results of the labor and investments of the farmers.
On the other hand the farmers of Kansas assume that so soon as they have rail connection with New Orleans, their grain will be transported to the sea for twenty-five cents per bushel.
They also desire access to the great lumber regions of Louisiana and Texas, from which they will be able to obtain an abundance of cheaper and better lumber than they now buy in Wisconsin, and that they can get on cheaper rates of freight.
These are the facts gleaned from a man of close observation and intelligence, and they are only a very few of the multitude of facts which indicate that New Orleans is to become the great metropolis of the magnificent empire lying west of the Mississippi, and richer in resources than the now rich regions to the east of that mighty stream. New Orleans State.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 8, 1880.
Lieut. Mason, in command of Company H, 4th cavalry, is now camped in the city, waiting the arrival of Captain Payne and his great invading army. Caldwell Post, 2nd.
It was one of Mason's men who shot Big Snake during Whiteman's administration at Ponca Agency, in the fall of 1879. Mason is a good officer, a man of courage, and will carry out his instructions to the letter. Added to this he is one of the most gentlemanly officers it was ever our pleasure to meet. From the above paper we learn that fifty head of cavalry horses were shipped over the Santa Fe road to Caldwell last week, for the use of Company H. [NOTE: BELIEVE THIS ITEM WAS IN VOL 2, ABOUT INDIANS.]
Arkansas City Traveler, December 8, 1880. Editorial.
Our own views on this Oklahoma business are withheld this week. In Judge Campbell's and Mr. Bloss' articles, both sides of the question are stated. We are for the material advancement of this country, but do not favor the trampling down of law and justice to accomplish this or any other end. If the Government gives its consent, we are with you, but, however earnestly you may believe in the justness of your cause, you must admit that many of the best legal minds are honestly opposed to this scheme, as well as Government officials. That it should be settled by the courts, and immediately, is evident, and this is all that is asked by Capt. Payne, who is every inch a gentleman.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 8, 1880.
A mass meeting was held last evening in front of the Central Avenue hotel, addressed by Capt. Payne, Major Bloss, and others. The Oklahoma spirit was thoroughly aroused, and an address to the President, presented by one of our citizens, was adopted, asking that the federal troops be not permitted to molest or interfere with the intending settlers. The feeling of our people is that the opening of the Indian Territory will make Arkansas City an emporium and supply point, and everybody shouts: “On to Oklahoma.”
Arkansas City Traveler, December 8, 1880.
Editor Arkansas City Traveler:
I would like to occupy some of your valuable space in replying to Judge Campbell's article in the Wichita Eagle of last week.
Against Judge Campbell personally I have nothing to say, although I believe he is on record as approving of the so-called invasion of Oklahoma.
I have read very carefully his communication to the Eagle, and find nothing therein in the way of argument on the main question that affects seriously our proposition of entering the public lands of Oklahoma. He indulges in that vein of sentimentalism peculiar to men who have never examined the question or who, knowing, persist in ignoring the stalwart facts. He says nothing whatever of the laws, the treaties, and the statutes relating to the Oklahoma lands.
By a treaty in 1866 about twelve million acres of the Indian lands were purchased of the Indians, and the Indian title thereby extinguished. In the treaty of purchase the Government indicated that it bought these lands for the purpose of locating upon them freedmen and friendly Indians. By a law of Congress “freedmen” were made citizens, and thereby that part of the treaty was abrogated and annulled. And repeatedly since 1866 Congress has refused to allow any Indians to be put upon these lands—friendly or unfriendly—and a resolution was adopted declaring that no Indians should ever be placed on these lands, except by a special act of Congress first granting permission.
Hence, here are public lands, surveyed and sectionized, not “reserved” for any purpose under heaven; not occupied by either savage or civilized; not set apart by any existing treaty or law; held by the Government exactly and for no higher or better purpose than that which animated the dog in the manger in his proclamation about the hay therein.
Judge Campbell, like Mr. Schurz, knows nothing about this Oklahoma question—or knowing, wilfully perverts the facts and testimony. Campbell, like Schurz, knows only the Fennimore Cooper tribe, while we of Kansas have met the infernal beasts that murdered and outraged the Meeker family. One is the real savage, the other the dream of the novelist— truth and fiction. It is very easy to roll up a hypocritical eye to heaven and talk lugubriously about the original inheritor of the soil;—the same had as well be said for the tiger or ana-conda in their native jungles—especially when you come to talk to the matter-of-fact pioneer who has had to wrest this fair land from the Atlantic to the Pacific from the beast and savage.
Capt. Payne's crusade is a righteous crusade, and it is bound to win. If Judge Campbell and the people who do not understand the question could put away from the minds this mis-take—this total misapprehension of the subject—then it would not be a very difficult matter for them to see that all this country is deeply interested in the success of Capt. Payne's effort to reclaim from waste this magnificent empire, and add it to the wealth of the country.
Mr. Editor, I have trespassed too far already upon your space, but at some future time I hope to be able to write more fully and more satisfactorily in regard to the Oklahoma question. We are going into the public lands of Oklahoma, and we are going to stay.
Respectfully yours, W. W. BLOSS.
Winfield Courier, December 9, 1880.
Though we have had occasion to say some unpleasant things of Judge W. P. Campbell, as a fair and impartial journalist we should say good things of him when we think he deserves it. We expressed our admiration of his course two years ago when he had the manliness to assert his clear and sound views of the currency question in the face of general popular clamor. He now exhibits the same clear, strong sense in an article in the Eagle on the Oklahoma boom. We give an extract. Read it. It will do good.
“To the Editor of the Eagle:
I wish, through the Eagle, to give my views of Payne's raid upon Oklahoma. My purpose is to do what I can to save a few honest, hard-working men from being entrapped into a scheme that is not intended for their benefit, and can only end in loss to anyone who has anything to lose, and trouble and difficulty to all who go to Oklahoma in opposition to the National authorities.
I echo the sentiments of a large majority of the solid businessmen and farmers of this city and county, when I say that no honest laboring man can afford to be used by these Oklahoma boomers. And it is the wish of all such that their scheme will fail, as it certainly will. There is a sense of justice and honor and a disposition to abide by the law characteristic of the American people that when the test comes, will knock the wadding out of all such business.
Payne and his coadjutors pretend that there is no act of Congress against his going into the Oklahoma country, so called. But the law is too plain to be explained away on a flimsy technicality. The law prohibits anyone going into the Indian country without leave, and makes it the duty of the President to remove all intruders, and for that purpose to use the army if necessary. A second intrusion subjects the offender to a fine of one thousand dollars. The phrase “Indian country” is one of long and well understood meaning and includes Oklahoma as much as it does any Indian reservation, within the limits of the Indian Territory. Payne and his crowd laugh at this penalty inasmuch as it is merely a civil liability, and does not subject them to imprisonment. But before they can succeed in this movement, they must have the cooperation of men who are not indifferent about such matters. The only hope they have of success is to precipitate into the country such numbers that the army will be powerless to remove them until Congress shall be forced to recognize and legalize their occupancy.
If they could find the precious metals to tempt the cupidity of man, their scheme, lawless as it is, might succeed. But when you ask a man to risk his little all, and go to hard work, plowing in the ground, he is in no haste to do so. The average Oklahoma boomer is little given to plowing, except by proxy. He expects to reap a rich harvest from the sweat of other men's brows, and unless they delude a significant number of poor workingmen into the idea that by joining the expedition they can better their condition and obtain a valuable homestead in this promised land, their speculations will prove fruitless.
If asked to give the best reasons for opposing the Oklahoma raid, I answer, because it is not right. It sets at defiance the laws and treaties of the National Government, and the President cannot, under his oath of office, permit it to be done, and is charged by every consideration of honor, good faith, and duty, to prevent it, by the whole power of the army, if necessary.
Winfield Courier, December 9, 1880.
The county Commissioners met last Tuesday to consider the proposition to change the stock in the Southern Kansas and Western railroad belonging to this county at seventy-five cents on the dollar for Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe five percent forty year bonds at par. After a full discussion of the matter, they decided that they were not authorized to make any disposition of the stock without first submitting the question to a vote of the people, giving thirty days notice, and that it was impossible to do this in the limited time given. They however determined to investigate the matter to ascertain what our stock can be sold for, and to ascertain the value and security of the bonds offered, and then determine what is best to be done. The general feeling was that we should accept a cash offer or an offer of the bonds of our county at seventy-five cents on the dollar for the stock or even a considerable less. The commissioners desire an expression of the people as to whether they shall call an election in the matter and under what circumstances.
We would ask some friend in every township and neighborhood to ascertain the sentiment about him and inform us by letter or postal card.
Winfield Courier, December 9, 1880.
Speculation is rife among our people as to what the Santa Fe will do with its two roads at this point. The seeming object of the company in getting possession of the L., L. & G. was to relieve their main line, which is already overburdened with Colorado and New Mexico business. By running some of their trains from Newton down over the L., L. & G. into Kansas City, they would relieve two hundred and fifty miles of the main line. If this prediction proves true, through trains from Kansas City to California may yet go west via Winfield. It is also rumored that the Santa Fe will extend its line from Harper City and connect with the main line at Dodge City, thereby making a more direct route via Winfield to Kansas City for such trains as they desire to run that way. If this is the intention of the company, it will make the old L., L. & G. stock much more valuable than it is at present, which perhaps accounts for their desire to exchange 5 percent bonds for such stock. The dividends on the stock would be more than interest on their bonds.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 15, 1880. Editorial Page.
Everything has been “Oklahoma” during the past week, and the movements of the Payne colony have been watched with a deep interest by all classes—those in favor of opening the Territory and those advocating the holding of this strip sacred to the rights of the Indians.
It has been known for several days throughout the Eastern States, by means of the metropolitan dailies, that the Oklahoma boomers were to enter the Indian Territory from Arkansas City, on Monday, December 6, the number of colonists being variously stated from two hundred to two thousand. The telegraph has likewise transmitted the important sequel to this intended move—that for quite obvious reasons these hardy pioneers have postponed their invasion indefinitely, and are now very peacefully traveling back and forth along the State line, casting a wistful eye into the Territory—their actions very much resembling those of a wild animal glaring through the bars of his cage at a coveted piece of meat.
After leaving this city last Saturday morning, the Oklahoma colony moved west to Hunnewell, Lieut. Mason's company of cavalry escorting them to see that they kept within prescribed limits. Lieut. Mason's orders are to turn them back in case an attempt is made to enter the Territory, and if any resistance is made, to shoot their horses and destroy their wagons. At this order the Oklahomaites are very indignant, and declare that such a step will provoke a bloody conflict. But in this these people are headstrong, and doubtless say a good deal for the sake of talk. They don't mean fight.
The rank and file of this Oklahoma army are honest in this business. They believe these lands are public property, and that it is their right and privilege to settle upon them. But their zeal and pluck exceed their judgment. So long as the title to these lands is unsettled, Capt. Payne and his men have no right to make a forcible entry thereon in opposition to the Government. Call it Oklahoma or what you will, when you resist U. S. troops, you are doing wrong. If the law is wrong, have it changed, which can surely be done if clearly proven.
We favor the opening of the Territory as strongly as Capt. Payne or any of those inter-ested in this movement, but we do not countenance any armed resistance to the Government.
It is to the interest of Kansas that this blockade to commerce known as the Indian Territory shall be at least opened to railroads if not to actual settlement, and so far as the settlement of Oklahoma would lead to this result, we are solidly in favor of it. Kansas needs a Southern outlet for her products. We are hopelessly at the mercy of the east and west railroads for transportation to a market whose prices are fixed by Eastern capitalists, and from whose rulings we have no appeal. It is not a local question, but one in which the entire State of Kansas is interested—and equally concerned are the Southern States, where a revival of business is evidenced by a disposition to explore new channels of commerce. To this end do we second the cry to Congress to act speedily on this question—not for the purpose of depriving the Indians of any rights, nor for the furtherance of any pet schemes; but solely for the advancement of the commercial interests of the West and South.
We have no interest in Oklahoma as a speculation—are not even the owner of a gratui-tous certificate of membership in the Oklahoma Town Company, though many of our citi-zens have been more favored in this respect. But we want to see railroads running through the Indian Territory from the border towns of Kansas and Texas, the same as from the cities of Illinois to those of Ohio, through Indiana. And there is no just reason why it should not be done.
We do not care whether such a step necessitates the settlement of Oklahoma or any other country. That is not the point with the people of Kansas so much as the securing of a direct Southern outlet for the millions of bushels of grain that they produce.
In our humble opinion, a large portion of Oklahoma backing would drop off if railroads were only allowed to run from any point in Kansas through the Territory below us. Many persons have joined this move in the belief that it is the quickest and surest way to reach a Southern market. If the settlement of Oklahoma is the only way by which this can be done, Congress will be doing a lasting good by giving permission to the Oklahoma boomers to move forward. At all events, let us have railroads through the Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 15, 1880.
Some U. S. transportation wagons and mule teams came in on Monday night's freight train, for the use of the troops in this vicinity.
Winfield Courier, December 16, 1880.
The reports from the boomers along the line of the Indian Territory were so conflicting all last week that on Saturday the COURIER sent a reporter to the field of operation to get the facts.
On Monday the boomers began to arrive and go into camp near Arkansas City. Capt. Dave Payne was on hand and in command. He impressed strangers as a large, good looking gentleman not very talkative, but evidently having a strong purpose, which he meant to carry out as effectively as possible without resisting the troops. Beside them were camped about thirty U. S. cavalrymen under Lieut. Mason. Gen. C. H. Smith, of Gen. Pope's staff was also present. On Tuesday evening the boomers held a meeting with bonfires and illuminations, and Capt. Payne addressed the assembly in a moderate speech. Mayor W. W. Bloss, of the Chicago Times was present and made a few remarks. A petition to the president was read.
On Thursday the boomers had accumulated to the number of about eighty men and twenty-five wagons and they broke camp and started on their expedition. They moved on Westward and camped on Bitter Creek on the Kansas side of the line, the troops following in the wake.
It was given out that they would cross the line the next morning. Gen. Smith informed them that his orders were to arrest the “whole outfit” and take them to Fort Reno and there hold them prisoners until released by the government. Friday morning Capt. Payne did not move as was expected. He was inclined to avoid a collision with the troops. The boomers were hot and dissatisfied. They wanted to fight and called Capt. Payne a coward. They held a meeting and deposed Payne and elected Major Mains, of Wichita, as their general and leader.
On Saturday morning they took up their line of march, but instead of entering the territory they marched westward and camped at Shoo Fly creek near Hunnewell close to the state line. The troops camped close by, just across the line in the Territory. Col. Coppinger arrived and took command. Accessions to the boomers arrived from Caldwell and other points so that on Sunday there were in camp about fifty wagons and one hundred and eighty men. They are organized in eight military companies under eight captains with Mains at the head.
In a conversation with Col. Coppinger and Lt. Smith, Maj. Mains said they should disregard the president's orders and enter the territory at every hazard unless forbidden by Congress. The horses of the troops are in good condition, but those of the boomers present a scrawny woe begone appearance.
Major Randall with two more companies of cavalry was expected to join Col. Mason on Monday the 13th. One company of cavalry is occupying the Oklahoma town site and picking up stragglers. Other companies are watching the threatened incursions from Texas and other points. It was told at Hunnewell that considerable numbers of boomers had already entered the territory from Caldwell and other points, probably for the purpose of stimulating those at Hunnewell to desperation. Statements of persons who should know show that these reports were not true. Our reporter found both opposing forces in camp at the place near Hunnewell, and first visited the boomer camp where was found about 180 rough but apparently earnest, hardworking men with about fifty wagons.
The reporter was escorted by a gay company of young people, consisting of a versatile reporter for the Monitor, who amused the company on the route with speeches and songs. Mr. Ed. Rolland, Mr. J. Houston, a young attorney, Miss Grace Scoville, and Miss May Roland, Mr. and Mrs. Lem Cook, and Miss Summers were down from Caldwell to see the battle. These visitors together first paid their respects to the boomer camp, and were invited to remain and attend their religious services.
The visitors attended and furnished a part of the music for the occasion. The congregation united in singing, “Hold the fort for we are coming, Oklahoma still. Waive the answer back to Kansas, By thy grace we will.” The sermon was delivered by the colony chaplain, supplemented by remarks from another boomer. The reporter forgets their names. A large flag was floating over the camp and the congregation sang, “Rally 'round the flag.” Capt. Payne was called on and made a few remarks. The general and Lieutenant from the other camp attended the service by special inviation. After services the visitors were invited to partake of refreshments with the boomers, which they did with great relish, for camp life was new and interesting at least to the ladies.
Capt. Payne and others, including Major Bloss, treated the visitors with cordial coutesy, and made their visit very pleasant. They visited the camp of the troops where they were courteously received. There was found everything orderly and neat. There were a dozen tents looking trim, forty fine horses standing ready to be saddled and mounted on a moment's notice, and forty well clad and equipped soldier boys ready for action on like notice. One of the saddlers was asked how they expected to cope with so many boomers. He answered that the boomers were not well equipped or disciplined, and that no serious difficulty was expected. He did not think they would attempt to cross the line; but if they did, they would be easily disposed of. Some of the soldiers were practicing shooting at a red handkerchief on a bush, but all were civil and quiet. The contrast between the two camps was very great.
Our reporter thought Hunnewell a hard place to get anything to eat and in other respects. At about 4 o'clock p.m. the visitors left for Arkansas City, where they arrived at 8 o'clock in the evening, returning to Winfield the next day. The conclusion arrived at, is that the stories and press reports afloat about the boom are grossly exaggerated.
Winfield Courier, December 16, 1880.
Our stockmen have had a great deal of trouble with their cattle during the late cold snap, through the stock straying off. The Estus brothers lost over one hundred head and other herds are in the same fix. GRANGER.
[GEN. STRONG AND THE A., T. & S. F. R. R.]
Winfield Courier, December 16, 1880.
The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe, whether it ever makes the C., B. & Q. and Vanderbilt combinations or not, is about the biggest institution in the country. In ten years from the C. K., Holiday engine No. 1, and an old second hand passenger coach of the I. L. C. R. R., running over 27 miles of road, she now runs hundreds of engines and passenger coaches over a line of road more than a thousand miles in length, besides a half dozen branches which are themselves important lines. The road is operated independent of stock jobs or politics, being run purely as a matter of business and on business principles. The earnings of the road for the last half of November amounted to $510,000, and the company has ordered fifty new engines, forty new passenger coaches, and two thousand five hundred new freight cars. Gould and Vanderbilt have a match in General Strong, the manager of the A., T. & S. F. railroad. In the absence of all consolidations or combinations, the road under the lead of Gen. Strong's genius, will in five years be one of the most gigantic enter-prises known to civilization. Upon the other hand, a consolidation of the Santa Fe and Burlington will establish a system of roads that will serve a community of interests embracing the entire western half of the United States. It would have lines from Chicago to all principal eastern points, including all the Missouri river cities. Such a consolidation would give a line from Chicago to Denver and the Pacific via the Plattmouth bridge; another from St. Louis via the St. L. & S. F. and Wichita, and from Atchison and Kansas City to the Pacific coast by their own road, which will soon be completed.
This will give them two lines to Gould's one; but the last line possesses immense advantages, in that it reaches Guayamas, on the Gulf of California, shortening up the line to Japan, Australia, and South America, by one thousand miles. And still this is not all. Arrangements have been made with the authorities of our sister Republic for the extension of this line to the capital of old Mexico. The magnificent and wonderful results that will follow the completion of the last named line cannot be computed. Eagle.
Winfield Courier, December 16, 1880.
Is it possible that the Winfield Rifles and the St. John Battery are to have free passes to Washington to participate in the ceremonies of inaugurating President Garfield on May 4th? Such is the outlook of the following communication to Adjt. Gen. Noble, of the Kansas State militia.
WASHINGTON, D. C., Dec. 2, 1880.
To the Adjutant General, State of Kansas, Topeka, Kansas:
SIR: I have the honor to request that you will furnish this committee with a complete list of all military organizations known to you within your state, as we desire extending to each an invitation to be with us and participate in the parade and festivities in the city on the 4th of March next.
We hope to have an organization from each state in the Union, and shall appreciate any effort on your part to secure a handsome representation from your state.
I have the honor, to be very respectfully your obedient servant,
H. C. CORRIN, Assistant Adjt. Gen. U. S. Army
and Cor. Sec. of Executive Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies.
Winfield Courier, December 16, 1880.
It is the evident intention of the Missouri Pacific railway company under the direction of Jay Gould to extend the branch now built to Leroy, Coffey County, by way of Winfield, to the west line of the state at an early day, and probably to continue it through New Mexico to the Pacific.
That company has executed a mortgage on their road to John F. Dillon, of New York, to secure its bonds to the amount of thirty millions of dollars, covering the main line of its road from St. Louis to the Kansas line, 284 miles; the branch to Carondelet, 12 miles; the Booneville branch, 80 miles; the Lexington branch, 55 miles; a branch to be built called the Lexington & Southern, 200 miles; the branch to Atchison, 47 miles; a branch from the state line via Ottawa to Topeka, 200 miles, partly built; and last, but not least, a branch from the east line of Kansas through the counties of Miami, Franklin, Anderson, Coffee, Woodson, Wilson, Elk, Cowley, Sumner, Harper, Barbour, Comanche, Clarke, Meade, Seward, Stevens and Kansas, the entire length of the state, 430 miles. This mortgage is being placed on record in the various counties. A copy of it is on record in the office of Register of Deeds of Cowley county, and covers over thirty pages in the book of records. It covers in the aggregate 1,108 miles of road, built or to be built.
This road will be of great interest to the people of this county as giving us competing lines, a more direct route to the east and to the west, and placing us on the most direct through route between the Atlantic and the Pacific.
It is intimated that Jay Gould does not intend to ask for county or other municipal bonds, on the ground that the stock of the company will be worth as much as any county bonds and he does not wish to exchange stock for bonds.
Winfield Courier, December 16, 1880.
We have been informed that a move is under consideration in the Gould circles to extend the Leroy branch of the Missouri Pacific to Winfield.
Winfield Courier, December 16, 1880.
Stafford Rowell, of Silverdale, made us a pleasant call last Tuesday. He has been a resident of that township for two years and is getting up a herd of short horn, thoroughbred cattle, which will be valuable in improving the stock of his neighborhood.
Winfield Courier, December 16, 1880.
We object to the articles in a late Telegram on the value of water for cows. So long as the milk is well watered, who cares a nickel whether or not the cows get water! Then water is so scarce! Give the cows a rest, the milk-men will look after the water.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 22, 1880. Front Page.
The following extracts, taken from the regulations furnished by the U. S. Government to the various agents in the Indian Territory, will explain themselves, and we trust all parties having occasion to travel in the Territory will see the advisability of conforming thereto, and thus save the agents the necessity of enforcing duties which, however, unpleasant, they have no option but to discharge to the letter.
Section 269. Hereafter no authority will be granted or white person permitted, under any circumstances, to graze cattle or other stock upon Indian reservations without having first obtained the consent of the Indians and the approval of the agent thereto, and in such cases only upon such terms and conditions, and subject to the payment of such rate of compensation for the privilege, as may be prescribed by the agent with the approval of this Department. Agents will notify all unauthorized persons now grazing stock upon their respective reservations that all such stock must be removed at once; and in case such removal is not made within thirty days, the names of such persons, together with the names of witnesses and all material facts in connection therewith, should be reported to this office [i. e., Washington], that proper legal action may be taken in the premises; and like reports should be made in cases where white persons hereafter drive or otherwise convey stock to range and feed upon Indian reservations without consent and approval as aforesaid.
Section 270. Where provision is made by treaty for the establishment of cattle trails across Indian reservations, and such trails have been established with the consent of the Indians and the approval of the Department, cattle men will be permitted to cross such reservations, care being taken by the agent that the established route is not deviated from and that unnecessary time is not consumed upon the reservation.
Section 271. Hereafter, with the above exceptions no white person or persons will be permitted to drive stock across Indian reservations or Indian country without first having obtained the consent of the Indians and the approval of this office. Any violation of this rule should be reported with all the facts in the case to this office in order that appropriate action may be had in the premises.
Section 2184. U. S. Revised Statutes—Every foreigner who shall go into the Indian country without a passport from the Department of the Interior, Superintendent, agent, or sub-agent of Indian Affairs, or officer of the United States commanding the nearest military post on the frontiers, or who shall remain intentionally thereon after the expiration of such passport, shall be liable to a penalty of one thousand dollars. Every such passport shall express the object of such person, the time he is allowed to remain, and the route he is to travel.
Section 2137. Every person other than an Indian who, within the limits of any tribe with whom the United States has existing treaties, hunts or traps or takes and destroys any peltries or game, except for subsistence in the Indian country, shall forfeit all the traps, guns, and ammunition in his possession used or procured to be used for that purpose, and all peltries so taken, and shall be liable in addition to a penalty of five hundred dollars.
Section 2147. The Superintendent of Indian Affairs and the Indian agents and sub agents shall have authority to remove from the Indian country all persons found there contrary to law, and the President is authorized to direct the military force to be employed in such removal.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 22, 1880. Editorial Page.
Caldwell, Kansas, December 18. Two teams and ten recruits joined the colony today from Montgomery County. The couriers from the western counties returned this morning with instructions to make no move at present. Nothing can be learned as to what was done at the secret meeting last night.
At a colony meeting held today, everybody was excluded from camp except members. It is understood to prevent parties from going into the Territory tapping claims.
It was expected that the opposition of the army would have broken up the colony and sent them back to their families, but it seems to have had the opposite effect and they think Congress will soon act and then it will be a race for choice of claims.
Major Randall said today that there need be no fear of an Indian outbreak if the settlers went in by the permission of the Government but that there would be danger if the settlers forced their way in, and the troops attempted to put them out. The Indians would rise, thinking they were helping the Government.
Col. Coppinger left last evening for Leavenworth, leaving Major Randall in command.
The excitement was increased in the camp by the arrival of B. F. Overton, Governor of the Chickasaw Nation; O. N. C. Ducon, of the Cherokees, and G. W. Grayson, of the Creeks. These gentlemen would never be taken for Indians, as they have only a sixteenth of Indian blood in their veins. They registered from Iowa to conceal their identity, but they soon found this unnecessary, as the colonists were glad to see them. Thos. Cloud, a full-blood, represents the Seminoles. They say that if the Government permits the colony to go to Oklahoma, their people will raise an army of 5,000 and drive them out. They are very bitter.
Mr. Grayson said to the colonists: “We are doing all we can to prevent the opening of the country, and you had just as well go home, for we have bought, and can buy, your Congressmen like so many sheep and cattle.”
They denounced Col. Boudinot as the Benedict Arnold of the Indian race.
A severe norther is blowing, and the staying qualities of the colony is being put to a severe test.
Washington, Dec. 18. Dr. Robert M. Wilson, representative of Capt. Payne’s Oklahoma colonists, arrived today. He expects to call upon the President Monday and urge that his proclamation of last spring be so qualified as to give the colonists a military escort through the Cherokee strip, and permit them to settle upon the Government land in which the Indian title is extinguished by purchases.
We have no words at our command strong enough to express our condemnation of the men who have fostered what has been lightly called the “Oklahoma boom,” until it has involved a large number of people in a fruitless crusade which must be productive of absolute suffering and want.
If the telegraphic reports be correct, a body of men, women, and children, in the month of December, exposed to the sudden and sometimes frightful changes of weather common to the Kansas winter, are encamped on the State line, inspired by what seems a fanatical desire to invade the Indian Territory. These people are described as, for the most part, very poor. They are starved out of the western counties. What have they, then, to gain by going to Oklahoma, an unsettled wilderness? They do not need land; they have too much land now. They left their homesteads which they legally possess, only, at the best, to secure other homesteads, but with an alarming probability of losing what they have, and securing nothing. If they stay where they are, they will starve unless fed by the Government or by charity; and if they move to Oklahoma, they will not help the matter. They will make it worse.
One settler could test the question whether Oklahoma is or is not open to settlement as well as a thousand. It needs no “colonizing” in the face of express orders to the contrary, and in defiance of the United States troops. If the disputed territory is open to settlement, there is a way to find it out much more reasonable than that of these poor people.
When Mr. Dave Payne began this business, we stated that the conqueror of a territory was not wrapped up in his pantaloons. Our prediction has been abundantly fulfilled. When it came to facing the troops, Mr. Payne disappeared from the command of the “army of occupation.” Whether he resigned or was deposed is immaterial.
It is said the Oklahoma colonists have a chaplain. If that gentleman believes in the efficacy of his own petitions, he would do well, after a suitable thanksgiving for the disappearance of Payne, to ask that the colonists may escape from the clutches of the men who have been deceiving them; that they may return to their homes, or make new ones in Kansas, and possess their souls in patience until such time as Congress shall decide whether Oklahoma is open to settlement or otherwise. Champion.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 22, 1880.
Payne is a huge fellow and a professional colonist. He is an American and a typical frontiersman. His reputation was made by leading a colony into the Black Hills on the very heels of the surveying party sent in by the Government. It was a dangerous undertaking. He undertook the work in the pay of railroads chiefly, and the men who paid him live in Chicago today.
Payne penetrated the country at the head of a couple of hundred miners, adventurers, and men gathered from the street corners in the large Western cities. Had not the soldiers gone to the rescue, the whole party would have been annihilated. This was eight years ago.
Then Payne dropped out of sight. He was met in Southern Kansas, peddling corn salve. It was not possible for him to stop anywhere very long. The Black Hills had no attraction for him. No Indian was ever more of a nomad. Finally, he brought up at Fort Scott, so destitute that, it is said, he stole a pair of shoes, was arrested, and imprisoned thirty days for the theft.
Payne is a schemer: bold, unprincipled, and venal. He has adopted the extraordinary pro-fession of a colonist, and has no competitor in the vocation he has chosen. When a railroad or a company of speculators want a party led through a new country, or want reserved Indian lands stolen, or want a wild, dangerous country broken through, they know of no one save Payne to do it for them. It is his profession.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 22, 1880.
The Santa Fe company is putting up ice at Florence, Kansas, at the rate of four carloads per day.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 22, 1880.
Hassard Bros. sold about one thousand sheep in this vicinity last week, moving the remainder to Howard City, where they are feeding some six thousand wethers.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 22, 1880.
Three men came in from Oklahoma last Saturday. In interviewing them we inquired as to the number of people in the Oklahoma country, there having been rumors circulated to the effect that colonists were pouring in from other quarters. One of them replied that there were several people there. If his memory served him rightly, he thought there were fully four companies on the ground, but he believed they were paid to make this move—not by the railroads, but by Uncle Sam, who had fitted them out with horses, blue suits, and plenty of ammunition, with instructions to remain there and receive all new comers. Our home-bound friends had been “received” and escorted to Fort Reno, where the North Star was pointed out to them and the information vouchsafed that it was healthier up this way. They thought so, too.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
We have conversed with a great many citizens in relation to the railroad stock owned by this county and the expression so far is almost unanimous that an election should be called to vote on a proposition to authorize the county commissioners to sell our stock in the Southern Kansas and Western and in the Cowley, Sumner and Fort Smith, either or both, at not less than sixty-five cents on the dollar in cash or in the bonds of this county. Of course, they desire to sell at the highest possible rate, but think it better to take even 65 cents than to hold on long for a higher price. If on a close examination of the law, it shall be held that it means that the precise price to be sold at shall be named in the proposition and that it could not legally be sold, at a higher price, it would be necessary to find the highest price that could be obtained; but if, as seems most reasonable, the intent of the law is merely to prohibit the sale of the stock at a lower price than that named in the proposition, but allowing the commissioners to sell at as much higher price as they can after the vote authorizing the sale is carried, then there is no need of any delay in calling the election.
In reply to a letter of inquiry sent to capitalists in Boston by Capt. J. S. Hunt for the commissioners, he received a letter offering sixty-five cents on the dollar for the S. K. & W. stock.
Col. M. L. Robinson has a letter from Robert H. Weems, the bond man of the great financial firm of Donnell, Lawson & Co., which we copy below. From this it will be seen that the writer quotes the K. C., L. & S. stock at 91 to 92. In the consolidation the same stock is rated at 95. The S. K. & W. stock which we hold is put into the consolidation at 75. We presume if put on the N. Y. market, it would be quoted at about 72. The letter quotes the A. T. & S. F. bonds offered for our stock at 99.
If we should trade our $68,000 stock at 75 for these bonds and then sell the bonds at 99, it would realize us $50,490 in cash or 74-1/4 cents on the dollar in cash for our stock.
Another idea is that the calling of the election if done during this month need not cost the county but little extra, for the regular township elections are to be held on the first Tuesday in February and the stock elections could be held at the same time and with the same officers of elections.
The following is the letter above mentioned.
Mr. M. L. Robinson, Cashier, Winfield, Kansas.
Dear Sir: Yours of the 9th was duly received, and in reply we beg leave to state that the stock of the Kansas City, Lawrence & Southern R. R. is worth from 91 to 92. The 40 year 5 percent bonds of the A., T. & S. F. R. R. are worth 99 and interest. The consolidation you mention has appeared here in the various papers and as stated by you. This would result in the county securing $54,000 in 5 percent bonds, which are worth par, and we do not think that they will be worth less in the future. The county can undoubtedly trade them off to the Cowley, Sumner and Ft. Smith road. The 7 percent bonds issued by your county will be hard to get, as they are more scattered.
I will be pleased to hear from you further regarding this matter, and anything which I can do for you or for the county will be done most cheerfully and faithfully.
Yours truly, ROBT. H. WEEMS.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
Further advices from the boomers say that they are camped at Caldwell 180 strong, or rather weak. That the troops are camped near them, that their “forward or fight” principles have not rushed them into the territory yet, that the new commander, Maidt, is no more anxious for a fight than Dave Payne, that the leaders are spending their time selling shares in the Oklahoma Town Company at $25 each, and in telegraphing exaggerated accounts of their strength, courage, and determination to the associated press, and that they are awaiting the effect of these dispatches on congress.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
A correspondent of the Globe Democrat predicts an Indian raid from the territory that will penetrate as far as Topeka. If the Indian raid is not more penetrating than the boomer raid on the territory, it will not be dangerous.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
The U. S. Senate rather “sat down on” the Oklahoma boom on Tuesday. Senator Cockrell presented the petition of the boomers, and after discussion as to whether it should be referred to the committee on territories or to committee on Indian affairs, it was ordered to lie on the table.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
While in Arkansas City, Monday, we had the pleasure of meeting W. Heimke, quarter master general. He is a graduate of West Point, and as is usual with West Pointers, he has secured for a wife one of the most handsome women we ever met. Gen. Heimke was down on business in regard to the Oklahoma boom.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
Hon. J. R. Hallowell, U. S. district attorney for Kansas, in company with Capt. Smith, deputy U. S. marshal, honored our city with their presence on last Tuesday. Two livelier, whole-souled fellows cannot be found in Kansas.
The situation is still unchanged in regard to the Oklahoma raiders. They are still at Hunnewell, and the expedition is a failure: more for reason of brave intelligent leadership than anything else. Payne is nothing more than a drunken blatherskite.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
It is claimed by some that the Santa Fe proposition to extend the El Dorado Branch is made at this time for the purpose of heading off the Fort Scott road, and to prevent the county voting bonds to aid its construction through this county, with a branch down the valley to Winfield. No man knows, outside the Fort Scott Company itself, whether they have the money to build or not.
This company, not having the money itself, may have secured the control of this line with the hope of being able to induce capitalists to take hold and build the road; they may be working it up with a view of selling out to some other corporation, or they may have the money to build. It is impossible to tell what they will or will not do until the line is completed to Humboldt, where it will connect with the Missouri, Kansas & Texas road, and until a reasonable amount of work is actually done on the line west of the last named place.
While it is claimed that this company intends building a branch line from El Dorado to Newton, in addition to the direct line to Wichita, it has never been claimed that they intended to build down the valley. “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush,” and it is fair to presume that the people of the southern portion of the county will take up with the Santa Fe proposition, regardless of any other that may be made. There is nothing in the future as sure as that the El Dorado branch will be extended, if the franchises are voted as specified in the proposition.
Having had some experience with “paper” railroads, we are not willing to believe the Fort Scott road is coming until we can actually see the smoke of the construction engine “on the top of the Flint Hills,” or somewhere else in that immediate vicinity. Eldorado Times.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
Boys! Read This and Consider.
Some years ago a boy in Beloit, Wisconsin, longed for an education, which he was too poor to get even at the price furnished in a Western college. He took a commercial course, and applied himself to strict rules of business.
He enjoyed fun and a “good time” as heartily as any of his fellows; but abstemiousness was his highest feast, and he had not time to “fool away,” as he expressed it.
He determined to make the most of himself, and took for his motto, “Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well.” He pasted this motto in his hat, and as long as the motto stuck to the hat he stuck to the motto. He learned to operate a telegraph instrument at odd moments; but he learned it thoroughly. Mastering these two things, common bookkeeping and telegraphy, he applied for and obtained the agency for a small and obscure station far out on the railroads in the Northwest. His accurate reports and careful attention to details attracted the attention of his superiors, and he was soon promoted to a better station.
It was frequently noted that he was not merely working for a salary, but for character and standing among men. He has his reward. He has never forgotten his motto. One promotion followed another solely on his merit, as he had no influential friends to push him into office.
He became Assistant Division Superintendent of the road for which he had worked as an obscure station agent. He rose to the position of Superintendent of another railroad, and was in demand by these great corporations. He made himself a necessity. For some years he has been General Manager of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad, and controls millions of dollars in that gigantic enterprise. He knows all the details of the fifteen hundred miles of railroad under him from the grading of the road bed and laying of a tie to the manipulation of giant corporations in the interest of a thoroughfare to the great Wonderland of the Southwest toward the going down of the sun in the Pacific.
Modest, unassuming, conscientious to a scruple, yet tireless in his energy, William B. Strong stands as a hero in his calling, and will take his place in history among the mighty men who subdue the wilderness by steam, and civilize a land by the locomotive.
Chicago Advance.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
The item of ice alone, is no inconsiderable one, to the A., T. & S. F. Railroad Company, which will be seen by a glance at the following figures, which were given our reporter by Mr. F. M. Smith, purchasing agent of the road.
The Company is storing ice along the entire length of the road, as follows: 700 tons at Lawrence, 500 tons at Topeka, 400 tons at Atchison, 450 tons at Emporia, 500 tons at Florence, 1,500 tons at Florence storehouse, 450 tons at Newton, 400 tons at Sargent, 500 tons at La Junta, 250 tons at Pueblo, 400 tons at Las Vegas, 350 tons at Pueblo, 400 tons at Las Vegas, 350 tons at Gallisteo Junction, 450 tons at Albuquerque, and 400 tons at San Marcial, or a total of 7,200 tons. This ice is to be used for the comfort of passengers by the Santa Fe. Commonwealth.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
Items of Interest Gathered at the State Departments.
The Judges of the Supreme Court will meet next Monday for the purpose of consultation and to file opinions.
Articles of consolidation were filed in the office of the Secretary of State, yesterday, by the officers of the Kansas City, Lawrence & Southern Railroad, the Southern, Kansas & Western Railroad, and the Sumner County Railroad. The name of the Company will be the Kansas City, Lawrence & Southwestern Railroad. The articles are signed by H. H. Hunnewell, President, and Chas. Merriam, Secretary, for the S. K. & W., and Geo. H. Nettleton, President and Jas. S. Ford, Secretary, for the Sumner County road.
Commonwealth, 16th.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
A correspondent of the Globe Democrat predicts an Indian raid from the territory that will penetrate as far as Topeka. If the Indian raid is not more penetrating than the boomer raid on the territory, it will not be dangerous.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
The U. S. Senate rather “sat down on” the Oklahoma boom on Tuesday. Senator Cockrell presented the petition of the boomers, and after discussion as to whether it should be referred to the committee on territories or to committee on Indian affairs, it was ordered to lie on the table.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
The first effort of “consolidating” will probably be about January 1st, when the chief telegraph office will be moved from the Santa Fe to the K. C., L. & S. depot.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
The question of railroad transportation is exciting much attention over the country at present. A convention of farmers has been called to meet at Topeka and take the matter into consideration.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
The county commissioners meet on the 24th to consider propositions to purchase the stock in the S. K. & W. railroad. The offer to give A., T. & S. F. bonds at par for the stock at 75 cents is to be held open until February 15th.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
John E. Thomas, engineer for the Santa Fe, spent Tuesday evening in our city. It is his opinion there will be more miles of railroad built the coming year than in any previous one excepting 1872, when there were seven thousand miles of new track laid.
While in Arkansas City, Monday, we had the pleasure of meeting W. Heimke, quarter master general. He is a graduate of West Point, and as is usual with West Pointers, he has secured for a wife one of the most handsome women we ever met. Gen. Heimke was down on business in regard to the Oklahoma boom.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
Hon. J. R. Hallowell, U. S. district attorney for Kansas, in company with Capt. Smith, deputy U. S. marshal, honored our city with their presence on last Tuesday. Two livelier, whole-souled fellows cannot be found in Kansas.
The situation is still unchanged in regard to the Oklahoma raiders. They are still at Hunnewell, and the expedition is a failure: more for reason of brave intelligent leadership than anything else. Payne is nothing more than a drunken blatherskite.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
VERNON CENTRE, Dec. 10, 1880.
EDS. COURIER: You request an expression of opinion as to what is best to do with the railroad bonds. I have taken some pains to learn the prevailing sentiment of the people in this vicinity in regard to that matter, and find that they very generally, almost unanimously, would prefer $51,000 cash, or its equivalent, to the stock the company now holds. If time is not too precious, the spring election is near at hand and without additional expense the will of the people might find expression there. This seems to be the better way.
Respectfully yours, E. D. SKINNER.
Winfield Courier, December 30, 1880.
There is some excitement over the combination of the Santa Fe and East and West railroads.
Winfield Courier, December 30, 1880.
The commissioners of this county have called a special election to be held on Tuesday, the first day of February, A. D. 1881, to vote upon two propositions: the one authorizing the sale of the Cowley, Sumner and Fort Smith railroad stock, at not less than 65 cents on the dollar, and the other authorizing the sale of the Southern Kansas and Western railroad stock at or above same limits. This call is made in response to a general expression of the people as far as heard from favoring the submission of the proposition on the terms named.
This expression is not quite unanimous, for at least one of our citizens, whose financial opinions are entitled to as much weight as those of any man in this community, objects decidedly to holding the election, and considers it very imprudent to vote such authority to sell. He holds that the S. K. & W. stock is going to advance and is likely to go up to par, and that the principal object which any parties can have in making propositions to buy this stock is to make a large speculation on it. He thinks it wrong to expose the commissioners to the offers of personal advantage which will be sure to be made to them by parties anxious to buy, and that it will be time enough to vote authority to sell when we have an offer nearly equivalent to par in cash. He does not think that the C. S. & F. S. stock can be sold as high as 65 cents for a long time to come and that it is useless to vote authority to sell at present.
The idea of others with whom we have conversed and of the commissioners is, that with a limited authority to sell they are not required to sell at once, but can hold until it is evident that the best offer is made and the right time to sell has come, and that when such offer comes, it may require so prompt action to avail ourselves of it that there will not be time to submit it to a vote to acquire the authority to sell.
During the time up to the election, on February first, the market will be canvassed as thoroughly as possible, and all the facts in relation to the value and prospects of the stock that can be obtained will be. At the same time offers will be made. If it is thought best, we can then delay for months for more information and more offers.
If the offer of the K. C., T. & W. and the A. T. & S. F. already made should finally be found to be the best, if it shall be found that the bonds offered can be sold at par for cash, the intermediate trades of S. K. & W. stock at 75 for consolidated stock at par for Santa Fe bonds at par, could be made, provided that they were contingent on the sale of the bonds at par for cash or county bonds are delivered. This would yield the county $51,000 cash for its $68,000 stock on the S. K. & W.
The A., T. & S. F. offer stands until February 15th. By that time we can know more of the value and prospects of the stock, and can then decide whether it is best to accept that offer.
The highest offer yet received in cash direct is 65 cents. We have no fears of the result. We favored the calling of the election. It being called on the day for township elections will not be attended with much extra expense. There is no danger of it being carried against the will of the people, for the law requires a two-thirds vote for either proposition to carry it. If it is best that it be defeated, there are five weeks before the election in which to convince one-third of the voters of such fact.
Our columns will be open to those opposed to present their views in reasonable length. For ourselves we believe it best to vote the authority to sell and shall so advocate until otherwise convinced. We want the taxes reduced in any judicious way that can be devised, and do not wish to miss any chance to reduce our county debt as much as possible.
Winfield Courier, December 30, 1880.
Adjutant General Noble has received another letter from the Inaugural Committee in regard to bringing the Kansas militia to Washington, March 14th. The letter states that the militia will have to pay half fare and furnish their own provisions. This will perhaps settle the matter, for no company in the state can afford to go and pay its own expenses.
Winfield Courier, December 30, 1880.
The Telegram has commenced war against the Santa Fe railroad.
Major Tom Anderson has resigned his position with the Santa Fe to go into the wholesale boot and shoe business. We esteem this resignation quite a loss to the Santa Fe, as Major Tom is blessed with as large a stock of good common sense as any man in the state of Kansas.
The Santa Fe has had their engineer go over the ground and report the cost of a road from Eldorado through Douglass to Winfield. If the people want to vote the necessary aid, they can have the road. Such a road would build up Little Dutch and Rock, and at the expense of Winfield.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 5, 1881. Editorial Page.
Wichita, Kansas, December 31, 1880. It is reported here today, on reliable authority, that Maj. Bloss, of the Oklahoma colonists, sent a peremptory challenge to Lieut. Wood, at Caldwell, yesterday. Capt. Parry is there as the second of Maj. Bloss, who also carried the message.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 5, 1881.
Fort Smith, Arkansas, December 31. David L. Payne, of Oklahoma fame, by his attorneys, Baker, Krum and Boudinot, of St. Louis, today filed his answer to the suit pending against him in the United States court, for unlawfully entering and remaining in the Indian Territory.
By his answer he avers that he was not at the time charged in the complaint in any part of the Indian country owned or occupied by any Indian tribe at the time charged in the complaint, and for some time prior thereto, he, as a citizen of the United States, was located on lands belonging to the United States exclusively, within the limits of the Indian Territory, and to which no Indian or Indian tribe had any right or title whatever; that his location and settlement was made upon lands purchased by the United States from the Creek and Seminole Indians by a treaty ratified in August, 1866, and that said lands are a part of the public domain. He denies that he was removed from any part of the Indian country embracing lands belonging to any tribe of Indians or to which any tribe of Indians had any right whatever, but claims that he has been wrongfully and unlawfully ejected from his said settlement upon the public domain by the military forces of the United States, and claims damages in the sum of $20,000.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 5, 1881.
Lieut. Wood, in command of a detachment of soldiers, arrived in town last Monday, and is now encamped on the Walnut near Harmon's ford. He expects to be reinforced shortly.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 5, 1881.
An election has been called by the county commissioners for the purpose of voting on the proposition to sell the county's stock in the Cowley, Sumner & Fort Smith and Southern Kansas & Western railroads—the proceeds to be applied to the payment or purchase of the outstanding bonds of this county. Tuesday, February 1, is the day designated for the election. We understand the county is offered seventy-five cents on the dollar for this stock, which is everywhere considered an exceptionally good offer.
Winfield Courier, January 6, 1881.
A new move is being organized to settle the Oklahoma lands. This is to colonize the exodusters there. It is claimed that under the terms of the treaties, these freedmen have a special right to settle on these lands. They say that they have been outraged and driven from the south, that these lands were purchased for them, that they are farther south than Kansas or Indiana, and the climate is more congenial to them, and there is no reason that they should not occupy the land. If on examination their position is found to be correct, they will not be interfered with by the government we suppose.
Winfield Courier, January 6, 1881.
Dr. Wilson has called on the president and is perfectly astounded by the ignorance of the president concerning the rights of the Oklahoma boomers.
Dr. Wilson's journey to Washington on behalf of the Oklahoma boomers has proved a complete failure. There is now nothing left for them but to fight or disperse.
Winfield Courier, January 6, 1881.
Conductor Goodyear, of the Caldwell branch of the A. T. & S. F., was in Winfield several days last week.
Winfield Courier, January 6, 1881.
The Santa Fe railroad comes to the front in a most benevolent manner with a splendid gift to the poor of Winfield. They propose to carry free of charge from the mines in Trinidad, Colorado, to Winfield two cars of coal. The freight on the coal would amount to $147.20. Is is a large gift, and shows a disposition on the part of the management to extend all the favors possible to the people along their lines. It will certainly bring warmth and gladness to the hearts of many poor families in our city. Mr. Garvey laid the matter before General Freight Agent Goddard, and it was through his efforts that the donation was made.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 12, 1881. Editorial Page.
Yesterday afternoon our citizens assembled to hear the agents of Jay Gould make a proposition to this township for another railroad—the extension of the M., K. & T. from Independence to this point. It is their plan to build this road by township aid alone, and to complete it to Arkansas City by January 1, 1882. The amount of aid asked for is very small. We shall speak at length on this subject next week.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 12, 1881.
A Payne-killer is wanted in Southern Kansas, warranted to remove Payne for good on short notice.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 12, 1881.
From a letter to one of our citizens, we learn that Capt. Payne will be here with the Oklahoma boomers some time this week. He may come, and he may not.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 12, 1881.
Some of the soldier boys had a “bit of a time” last Monday, trying to get up a corner on whiskey. After they had sobered off somewhat, the Lieutenant let them carry logs by way of amusement.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 12, 1881.
We understand Secretary Schurz has instructed Agent Miles to order all white herders off the Osage reservation, and to issue permits only to those who may be employed by widows and orphans.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 12, 1881.
Two gamblers from Caldwell, named Kinney and Philips, came over to this city last Friday, for the purpose of playing the soldiers out of their money. Lieut. Wood notified the authorities of their scheme, and on last Monday night the gentlemen were “pulled” at their game by Marshall Sinnott, and on Tuesday the Mayor called for $50 and costs from them. Good for our Mayor. If the game is repeated, they will get a heavier dose next time.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 12, 1881. Page Four.
Most of the Oklahoma boys are at home again. Fourteen of these enterprising gentlemen were looking for the editor of the Eagle, headed by chaplain Weaver. For three days we did our principal traveling through alleys and side streets. Maj. Bloss had challenged Lieut. Wood on Friday, and we heard that Payne was a regular peripatetic arsenal. As good luck would have it, we were caught by a divided squad, and, of course, no seven boomers could get away with us. The boys are a jolly set, socially, bright and brave, but the U. S. army is too many for them.
It is said that Dr. Wilson, who went to Washington in behalf of the Oklahoma settlers to try to induce the President to espouse their cause, met with a repulse. President Hayes refused to order or modify his position, and has told Wilson that if the colonists attempted to enter the Indian Territory they will be considered as violators of the law, and treated as such.
However that may be, a secret and confidential circular was sent out on the 28th over Payne’s fist, announcing that, for the time being, they had been stopped and that the next move would be to concentrate five thousand men on the lands before planting time. Our opinion is, and it is the advice for which we charge nothing, that until Congress takes some favorable action it is time and wind thrown away—as for money the boys had none to squander in the first place. Wichita Eagle.
Winfield Courier, January 13, 1881.
Ed. Brown, one of the best engineers on the Gould roads, and Hon. A. J. Mathewson were in town this week en route through the western counties looking over the ground for the new Pacific railroad to be built in the Gould interest from Parsons through Labette, Montgomery, Elk, Cowley, and the counties west to the State line. It is talked that another branch will be built from Leroy by way of Wichita to connect with the road through this county at some point west of here.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 19, 1881. Editorial Page.
Respecting the new railroad project, of which we made brief mention last week, there have been no further developments. Messrs. Brown and Matthewson, two prominent men in railroad circles, have been through the southern tier of counties in this State on a tour of observation—their object being to feel the public pulse and report to their chief, Mr. J. Gould. They were not authorized to make any contracts with the townships along the line, but could give the people an idea of what their company would expect or ask in the way of aid.
The projected road is to leave the M., K. & T. at Parsons, and proceed westward as near the State line as possible, township aid being asked the entire distance. For the miles of road built in this county, they will want about $75,000 in township bonds, the road to be completed by the 1st of January, 1882.
Some thirteen miles of railroad will be built in this township, for which they only ask $30,000. In obedience to the request of Winfield parties, Messrs. Brown and Matthewson visited our county seat and listened to a proposition from them, but said their instructions were to go to Arkansas City; and consequently they could not entertain a proposition from Winfield.
It is not the purpose of the company to build to Winfield if they can secure the aid asked for from the southern townships. Our farmers will do well to think and talk of this matter among themselves, that they may be prepared to act intelligently upon the question whenever it is presented for their action. We will gladly publish views on this question from the farmers.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 19, 1881. Editorial Page.
The proposed operations of corporations are always involved in more or less of doubt and mystery. Managers of great lines are very reticent and very slow to give information. When the development of a new project has reached a certain stage, then an intelligent editor with that beginning, and scattered information that he can pick up, may be able to outline projects which appear mysterious.
During the past week Gould, through his officers, has obtained charters for two new roads. One running from Le Roy, the present terminus of the Missouri Pacific, through the counties of Coffey, Woodson, Greenwood, Butler, Sedgwick, Kingman, then southwest through Harper, and then west. The other road starts at Parsons, in Labette county, which is the junction of the old M., K. & T., running southwest through the counties of Labette, Montgomery, Chautauqua, Cowley, Sumner, Harper, where it will probably join the first mentioned line.
Last Monday, Ed. B. Brown, who is now president of the Lexington and Southern railroad, and Angell Matthewson, president of Matthewson & Co.'s bank at Parsons, were in this county in the interest of the latter road. Their instructions were to avoid Winfield and proceed directly to Arkansas City. This was done. A meeting was held in that town, and seventy-five thousand dollars of township bonds promised the road from the south tier of townships.
Here you have certain facts, what are the conclusions? It is evident that Gould intends pushing his system of roads west, so as to share with the Santa Fe the rich traffic of the mineral regions. Next, he wants to be as close to the Territory line as possible, so that when it is opened he can go south from any point. It will also give him a larger scope of unoccupied territory.
Our last conclusion is that both these roads are going to be built, and Winfield will not get either, no matter what amount of bonds we may promise. We can go ahead with our meetings and do “our level best,” but “the eyes of the animal is sot.” Monitor.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 19, 1881.
The soldiers are gone, and our city is without protection.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 19, 1881.
One of Lieut. Wood's soldiers received his discharge in this city on the 16th, having served five years in the regular army.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 19, 1881.
The great march into Oklahoma has not only come to a decided halt, but the columns of the sturdy boomers are fast breaking to pieces, and one by one they are returning to their homes. In consequence of this the military situation has been changed. Co. G, 4th cavalry, Lieut. Wood commanding, left this city last Saturday morning for the Oklahoma country and Fort Reno; Co. H, 4th cavalry, Lieut. Mason commanding, has left Caldwell for Reno, while Co. F, 4th cavalry, Lieut. Martin, will be stationed at some point on the road for a short time.
Winfield Courier, January 20, 1881.
A Payne-killer is wanted in Southern Kansas, warranted to remove Payne for good on short notice.
From a letter to one of our citizens, we learn that Capt. Payne will be here with the Oklahoma boomers sometime this week. He may come, and he may not.
Some of the soldier boys had a “bit of a time” last Monday, trying to get up a corner on whiskey. After they had sobered off somewhat, the Lieutenant let them carry logs by way of amusement.
Two gamblers from Caldwell, named Kinney and Phillips, came over to this city last Friday for the purpose of playing the soldiers out of their money. Lieut. Wood notified the authorities of their scheme, and on last Monday night the gentlemen were “pulled” at their game by Marshal Sinnott, and on Tuesday the Mayor called for fifty dollars and costs from them. Good for our Mayor. If the game is repeated, they will get a heavier does next time.
Winfield Courier, January 20, 1881.
We are under obligation to W. F. White, general passenger and ticket agent of the Santa Fe, for a new paper in the interest of that road, and called the Santa Fe Trail, and also a map of the United States and Mexico, showing the completion and proposed lines of this vast corporation. Any of our readers desiring the Trail, can be placed on the subscription list free by addressing the editor, Chas. S. Gleed, Topeka.
Winfield Courier, January 20, 1881.
On Tuesday the first day of February is the election for township officers and also the election on the proposition to authorize the county commissioners to sell our railroad stock at not less than 65 cents on the dollar cash.
It is our opinion that the electors of this county should vote in favor of that proposition. The best offer that has been made in cash direct so far is 65 cents for the $68,000 stock in the S. K. & W. road; but the offer to exchange our stock at 75 for consolidated stock of the K. C. T. & W., and the consolidated stock at par for A. T. & S. F. bonds, is thought to be equivalent to 75 cents cash for our stock because the A. T. & S. F. bonds are said to be worth their face. The commissioners could not make this trade unless in the same transaction a purchaser should take the Santa Fe bonds at cash so that in effect the cash would be received when the stock was delivered.
It is possible that still better offers will be made before the stock would be sold. At worst the act of voting the authority would not compel the commissioners to sell at once, or to sell at all for that matter. They could hold until the best offer they could expect was made and then close. Of course, we should expect them to act judiciously and do the best for the county, but we would not advise them to hold so long as to lose the opportunity to avail themselves of the best offer. It is our opinion that if it is found on a thorough investigation that 65 cents cash is the best we can do, we had better sell even at that. There are too many chances that railroad stocks, such as these, may go down in the market to warrant us in holding too long for a better offer than 65.
We urge our readers to consider this matter carefully and vote understandingly, but to vote by all means and let their opinions be felt at the polls.
If the authority is voted, it will probably realize the county about $50,000 in cash for the S. K. & W. stock. There is no offer for the Cowley, Sumner & Fort Smith stock, $128,000. We have out $33,000 ten percent refunding bonds, which will come due in two years, and the proceeds of the sale can soon be used to stop this big interest. The railroad bonds of the county are said to be worth about 97 cents on the dollar in the market, and we can doubtless get all we can pay for at par or less. The S. K. & W. bonds only draw 6 percent, and they are the bonds we should leave for the last.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1881.
Hunnewell wants a newspaper.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1881.
Our railroad stock: to sell, or not to sell?
Not to sell, and don't for a moment forget it.
Vote against the proposition to sell our railroad stock.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1881.
Coal is in good demand—or would be if there were any in town.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1881.
We are informed that the surveyors are now at work on the proposed line of the Gould railroad from Parsons to this city.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1881.
Don't forget that the election for township officers, and to vote for or against the sale of our railroad stock, will be held the same day—Tuesday, February 1, 1881.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1881.
Editors Traveler: The proposed route for this new railroad is certainly a good one, and may be of great benefit to us. Besides giving us a direct line to St. Louis, it will give us another western market. But there is something more. They want $75,000 in township bonds from the southern tier of townships in this county—$15,000 from Bolton, $30,000 from Creswell, and $30,000 from the townships further east. Everybody in this section of country, but more especially in Creswell and Bolton townships, is interested in having a good bridge across the Arkansas river. Should we have high waters this spring, we may wake up some fine morning to a knowledge of the fact that we are minus a bridge. Now, we are already heavily in debt, and if we add to this the bonds this railroad asks, and our bridge should happen to leave us, what will we do? What can we do? Either do without a bridge, or go down into our pockets hunting for the money to build another one.
Now for a suggestion. Let the Boards of the two townships come together and make a proposition to Jay Gould’s agents to this effect. If we vote the bonds to this company, they must bind themselves to build us, in connection with the railroad bridge across the Arkansas, a good wagon bridge, which shall be free. It will cost them perhaps $3,000 extra, but that is very little out of the $45,000 wanted from us. If it would cost $5,000, it would still be but one-ninth of the bonds wanted. This, in addition to the benefits we may derive from the railroad, will give us a good substantial crossing for our own accommodation. BOLTON.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1881.
Remember, if not a vote is cast against the proposition to sell our railroad stock, it will still require 2,920 votes in its favor to carry it. At the last election there were 4,379 votes polled in Cowley County for Congressional candidates. In an election of this nature the law stipulates that two-thirds of the votes in the county shall be cast in the affirmative. The only object in voting against it is to prevent any fraudulent practice at the polls.
Winfield Courier, January 27, 1881.
This is the last issue of the COURIER before the election of Tuesday, February first, at which the two propositions to authorize the sale of the railroad stock owned by this county will be carried or defeated. We have conversed with a great number of voters from all parts of the county and the expression has been almost unanimous in favor of the propositions. Yet though there should not be a single vote polled against either proposition, there is great danger that both will be defeated. The affirmative vote of two thirds of the electors of the county is required to carry the propositions and there is great danger that less than two thirds of the voters will appear at the polls and vote. . . .
There is not reasonable doubt that it is the best thing that can be done; that now, while railroad stocks are inflated more than ever before, is the time to sell, and not wait for a panic which will make our stocks of even less value than we expected when we voted the bonds.
There is little doubt but we shall be able to realize at least $50,000 for our $68,000 of S. K. & W. stock, and we can take up the 7 percent bonds at par or less, to the extent we desire after providing for canceling our $33,000 of 10 percent bonds.
This will reduce our county debt $50,000, and our yearly interest $4,490, which is a big item in the line of reducing our taxes. Under the same election the time will probably come when we can sell our $128,000 of C. S. & F. S. stock for $83,000 or more, and this will take up the remaining $51,000 of 7 percent bonds and $32,000 of our 6 percent bonds, making a further reduction of our annual interest of $5,490 and leaving us in debt only $96,000 at 6 percent, an annual interest of only $5,760 in place of the $15,740 which we are now paying.
Let every taxpayer turn out and work for both propositions.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1881. Editorial Page.
Washington, Jan. 27. The bill reported favorably by the Senate committee on railroads to incorporate the Cherokee and Arkansas railroad company, is in the nature of a substitute for the entire bill as originally introduced. It gives the company the right of way through the public lands and Indian reservations, subject to existing treaties, 100 feet wide, with twenty acres at each station, not nearer than ten miles of each other, from Arkansas City to Ft. Smith. The capital and stock is not to exceed $4,300,000, in shares of $100. The company must file its acceptance of the terms of the charter in sixty days from the passage of the act, and begin its line within six months and finish it within two years.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1881.
On last Thursday Mr. Leander Finley bought of Mr. McDougall, of Wichita, a fine thoroughbred short-horn bull, ten months old, for which he paid $75. He is of the noted herds of Pickerel & Sons of Illinois, and the Rochester herds, of Rochester, New York. Mr. Finley has about twenty high-grade cows, three of which are registered, and has sold several fine calves this season.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1881.
The Wichita Eagle says that “Captain Dave Payne returned from the border boom rendezvous last week looking particularly hale. Since their chaplain left the boys have suffered greatly for spiritual consolation, which want, combined with cold weather and the prohibitory amendment, conspired to dampen their ardor much more than the mere menace of Uncle Sam's troops.” It just now occurs to us that during the holidays a subscription of something over $100 was raised in this town to induce the boomers' return to Arkansas City. They didn't come back. Did they get the money?
Winfield Courier, February 3, 1881.
TO THE CITIZENS OF WINFIELD AND VICINITY: Having resigned the agency of the Adams Express Company at this place, I will, on February 4th, open an office for the Wells Fargo Express Company in Winfield, at the old room in Manning's building, rear of post office. The Wells Fargo Express Co. will on that date put service on the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe R. R., and all its branches, and connect by this line with the Southern Pacific R. R. in New Mexico, making a direct route to San Francisco, California. At Kansas City it will have a joint office with the American Express Co., which company now has a line extending to Boston, Massachusetts, and Portland, Maine. The Wells Fargo Co. will make arrangements with the American Express and with the D. & G. Express Co. in Colorado to waybill direct to all points in their territory, so that the old and popular Wells Fargo Express will control a through line from the Pacific to the Atlantic ocean, and can offer unequaled shipping facilities.
Ship by the Wells Fargo, and order your goods sent by this company from the west, or the American Express if from the east, and you will insure quick and cheap transportation and save trouble and expense. As agent of this company, I shall endeavor to so accommodate the public as to make it a pleasure to deal with the company.
G. H. ALLEN, Agent Wells Fargo Ex. Co.
Winfield Courier, February 3, 1881.
The election of last Tuesday, in which so large a number of electors voted against the sale of the railroad stock belonging to this county, affords the most powerful argument in favor of locating the idiot asylum in this county.
Winfield Courier, February 3, 1881.
The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railroad company has purchased the Burlington and Santa Fe railroad for $212,000. This road runs from Ottawa to Burlington and is the one known as the “Schofield road.”
Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1881.
The bill incorporating the road from Arkansas City to Fort Smith has been recommended for passage, * * * * There is a good prospect that the bill will pass at this session of Congress. If it does, then Cowley County will boom. Monitor.
This is probably one of the many agencies to be used by the gods in “destroying” Arkansas City, whose doom, according to Conklin, was “foretold centuries ago.” We'll take all this kind of doom they can furnish us, Joe.
Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.
Commonwealth: The Cherokee Indians will tax horses and cattle 40 cents per year in that portion of the Indian Territory where their title has not been extinguished, being all that portion west of the Arkansas River and North of the Cimarron, excepting the Pawnee, Ponca, and Nez Perces reserves.
Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.
On Monday morning the county commissioners again called an advisory meeting of the citizens to consider the matter of selling the S. K. & W. stock.
Met at the office of Jennings & Buckman at 11 a.m., about forty citizens being present. Col. J. M. Alexander was chosen chairman and C. C. Black secretary.
It appeared that only two offers were before the commissioners, that of W. N. Coler & Co., of New York, of 65 cents for the stock, in the county 7 percent, bonds at par, and that of Edwards & Bo., of St. Louis, of 68 cents in cash for the stock.
A long discussion ensued, in which was discussed the relative merits of the two offers, the probability of getting better, and of loss by delay, in which many citizens took part. Finally the meeting passed the following resolution almost unanimously and adjourned.
Resolved, That this meeting advises the county board to sell the $68,000 stock to-day at 68 cents cash or Cowley 7 per cent, bonds at par (unless a better offer is made) to such parties as it shall deem best.
The commissioners then met and agreed to sell the stock to W. N. Coler & Co. for 68 cents cash, amounting to $46,240, the exchange to be made at Read's Bank in Winfield without expense to the county, the bank becoming security that the purchaser shall consummate the trade immediately. As this arrangement saves the county all expense for exchange, transmission, etc., it is an advance over the St. Louis offier.
The treasurer drew on W. N. Coler & Co. for $46,240, accompanied with the stock, and Read's Bank gave a receipt on deposits to the credit of the county of $46,240 in New York exchange. It is known, we believe, that N. Y. exchange is generally at a premium; never sells for less than par.
Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.
Since the vote on the propositions to sell our stock, it is claimed that the idiot asylum ought to be located at Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1881.
The sale of $68,000 of K. C., L. & S. railroad stock held by this county was finally disposed of by the commissioners to Messrs. W. N. Coler & Co., of New York, for 68 cents on the dollar, cash. The sale and transfer of the stock were made through Read's bank, and a certificate of deposit was given to the county treasurer.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1881.
Messrs. Hill and Bonsall started to meet the surveyors on the proposed Missouri Pacific extension last Thursday, but were prevented by the severe storm from going further than Maple City. The surveyors are at Sedan, and will be here as soon as the weather permits. The people in the townships east of us are largely in favor of the road.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1881.
We are informed that Mr. P. F. Endicott, one of the oldest settlers in this vicinity, has received for hogs during the past few months the neat little sum of $1,153.85. They were raised on his farm southeast of town, and were shipped to Kansas City by our stock buyer, Mr. Ira Barnett. These facts are submitted to the attention of our farmer friends for their consideration, with the injunction “Go thou and do likewise.”
Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1881.
Mr. O. Ingersoll, the genial agent of the Santa Fe railroad at this point, is also agent for the Wells, Fargo express company, which bills direct to all points west of Kansas City, and will soon perfect arrangements to bill to all eastern points. Mr. Ingersoll has arranged with Mr. Dunn to transfer all express matter to and from his office, which is at the depot. The names of the company and their agent are safe guarantees of satisfaction to all who may favor them with their business.
Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.
We hear that in some parts of the county there is great discontent because the county commissioners sold the stock without at the same time taking up our bonds in exchange therefor. It is complained that the money received for the stock is laying idle while interest is accruing on our bonds, if indeed the money is not being stolen, lost, or squandered.
As we offered in a public meeting the resolution on which the commissioners have acted, and as we advised them to act as they have done, we may as well state the reasons for such action for the benefit of our readers.
In the first place, there is no danger of the money being stolen, lost, or squandered. The proceeds of the stock is in the hands of county treasurer Harden, where the law requires it to be, and he is responsible on his bond that it shall be appropriated according to law. The law requires that it shall be applied to pay the bonded debt of the county on the orders of the commissioners and if he should pay it out for anything else, he and his securities must make it good.
In the next place it was much more important that the stock should be sold at once than that the bonds should be bought in at once. The price at which the railroad stock could be sold was very precarious and uncertain at best.
Some of this same stock had sold as low as twenty-five cents on the dollar, but the temporary demand for it, caused by the consolidation of the roads, the desire to get up this stock for consolidation stock for the Santa Fe company, caused the stock to advance. Seventy five cents on the dollar was offered for it in 5 percent Santa Fe unsecured bonds, which we did not want nor had any legal right to trade for, bonds which might now be worth 90 cents to par, but are liable to take a grand tumble on the first money stringency or financial panic that should occur.
But a few weeks ago some townships in Sumner County sold through a financial agent some of this same stock at 70-1/2 cents, but paid the agent a commission, so that the stock netted scarcely 69. Since that sale it has been impossible to get an offer of more than 68 cents. In fact, the tendency is evidently to decline; and had we not sold until now, it is doubtful if we could have got more than 65. Should a stringency or panic take place, this stock would go down, down, perhaps to 25 cents again, perhaps to mere nothing.
There is little probability that it will go higher than 68 and it is almost certain that sooner or later it will go down. But we are out of trouble about the future of this stock, for we have sold out for $68,000 of it at 68 cents on the dollar, and have got the money for it, $46,240, safe in the county treasury. If stocks should tumble now, instead of losing we should make money by it. A panic now would help us amazingly about paying our bonded debt, however damaging it would be to all our other interests.
The reason that the commissioners did not take up our bonded debt at once with the money was that the parties buying stock had an option on some $45,000 of our 7 percent 30 year bonded debt and would not sell it to us for less than 104-6/10 cents on the dollar. Our 6 percent bonds were offered at par, but it was better to take up 7 percent at par or what would be still better, get our old ten percent at par or any premium under 12 percent. If we should let the money lay idle a month and then have to take our 7 percent at 104, we should lose nothing for the 6/10 would pay the interest accrued on the bonds during the month. But we shall do better. Already we are offered our 7 percent and 6 percent half and half at par. This, if we accept, is a gain of 2-3/10 percent, sufficient to pay more than four months interest on the bonds. But we do not advise that this offer be accepted. We should reject it promptly. We fully believe that we shall next get an offer of the 7 percent at par, perhaps we may soon get 10 percent at a small premium.
There is not the slightest need of rushing things now. There is no danger that our bonds will advance. There is much more probability of a panic or a financial change that will cause stocks and bonds to go down. We are ready for it; we are in the market to buy, and if our bonds decline, we shall make money by it. Our $46,250 cash will only buy $44,200 of our bonds at the rate the buyers of our stock asked for them. Should our 7 percent decline to 90 cents, we could with our money take up $51,377. of them.
Please be easy, gentlemen. Things are working well. Winfield chaps are not smart enough to steal this money. They cannot give it to Jay Gould for another railroad. It is not so much money as to send our $227,000 of bonded debt up above our reach. Those fellows who bought our 7 percent at 85 will consider how little of our debts this money can pay at best and will not know that it will not be stolen or paid to Jay Gould by these border barbarians. They do know that this is drouthy Kansas and that some of the best counties in the state have scaled down their debts fifty percent. They will no doubt think they have done well if they sell even at 90 cents, having got their interest and five percent profit besides.
Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.
The Kansas City, Lawrence & Southern Railroad now completed to Winfield, is 30 miles the shortest, 2 hours the quickest, and the only line running through trains between Winfield and Kansas City. It is the best route to all points east. Close connections are made with all trains at Union Depot, Kansas City. Trains on this line are always on time, thus making connections sure. Through tickets to all points are on sale at the Company's office in Winfield, at lowest rates. If any of your Eastern friends are coming West, write them to purchase tickets via the Through Route, the Kansas City, Lawrence & Southern R. R.
Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.
The L. L. & G. has put up a water tank near the stock yards, and now have it in running order.
Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.
“BUCKING SNOW” is what the railroad boys call it, and it certainly was “bucking” on a big scale. Through the courtesy of Superintendent Barnes, we were permitted to ride out to the scene and witness the engines and men at work. The cuts were level full of snow, so solidly packed that it would hold a person up. The largest engine was placed in front to do the “butting.” It would get back a half mile, take a run, and dive into the snow at the rate of forty miles an hour. It would generally dig through the snow about two hundred yards, when men were sent in with shovels to loosen it up. The other four engines would come up behind and after much puffing and blowing, the huge engine would be drawn back, ready for another dive.
The sight was one never to be forgotten. The engineer on the front engine was an old Kansas Pacific man, was used to blockades, and was as fearless at Satan. He knew the engine which he controlled, and felt his power to govern it. The cut just on the backbone of the divide where the road crosses from the Walnut slope to the Arkansas is about twenty feet deep. The snow here was more solid than usual, and so deep that it reached the headlight of the engine. They reached this last cut about eight o'clock at night, and after examining it, a consultation was held with the engineer as to whether he was willing to attempt to force it as he had the others. He debated the matter for some time and at last told them to “clear the track” and ordered the firemen to “fill her up with coal.”
The start was to be made from the crossing, about a mile back. We took our stand opposite the cut on top of a mound about fifty feet above the track. The moon was almost full, and the track shone bright and glistening way down nearly to the crossing where the giant locomotive stood, with the grim engineer watching the finger of the dial plate on the steam gauge crawl slowly around as the two firemen shoveled in the coal. They were all ready, the finger on the dial showed one hundred and twenty pounds of steam, and the engineer, with one hand on the throttle, gave the signal that he was coming—and he did come! We saw a puff of smoke, and in an instant the locomotive shot down the track toward us. The next thing we knew we were covered with snow from head to foot, with the engine just opposite buried in the drift up to its smoke stack.
It took nearly an hour shoveling and pulling by the other engines before she was released from her snowy prison. We were tendered an invitation from Supt. Barnes to ride in with the engineer on his next dive, but owing to a “very bad cold,” we were compelled to forego the pleasure of such an excursion.
Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.
Last week Cowley County and Southern Kansas was visited by the severest snow storm ever before known. It commenced snowing Thursday evening; the wind was very high, and the snow soon drifted so that travel was completely blocked. The storm continued all day Friday and Friday night. The passenger train on the L., L. & G. came in all right Thursday night, but failed to get through to Wellington, getting stuck in a snow bank about two miles this side. Friday afternoon two large engines passed the depot going west to the rescue of the passengers. They found the train scattered along all the way from Oxford to Wellington, first digging out a coach, then a baggage car, and finally the engine stuck fast in a ten foot snow bank. Altogether, there were five engines and two trains snow bound between Winfield and Wellington, a distance of twenty-five miles. The Friday morning freight on the Santa Fe left Winfield all right, but failed to get through, as did the passenger coming down. No train came in on the Santa Fe until Tuesday. The passenger train came through from Wellington Monday morning, and also the train from Kansas City on the Monday night. This was the first mail from the east since the 10th.
Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.
The past week has been a rough one on business of all kinds, with no shipments of grain or stock, owing to the blockaded condition of the roads. Businessmen and tradesmen have felt the effects of bad weather to a great extent. Prices have undergone no change. We quote wheat at 60 to 68 cents; corn 30 to 33 cents; oats 22 to 25 cents. The produce market is dull. Butter is plenty at 12½ to 15 cents. Hogs are more plenty, at 15 cents. Potatoes, 75 to 81 cents; sweet potatoes, $1. Poultry, no demand; live chickens, $1.25 to $1.50 per dozen; dressed chickens and ducks 5 cents per lb.; turkey, 8 to 9 cents. Hides, but few offering, with prices as follows: Green, 6 cents; green salt, 7 cents; dry flint, 12 cents; dry salt, 9 cents; bulls and stags one-half off. Pelts and furs in good demand at fair prices. Wood, dry, $4.55 to $5.55; green, $4; very little on the market. Coal, soft, $6.50 to $7; hard, $15; market entirely out. Hay, receipts exceedingly light: price $4.50 to $6. The stock market is still supplied for butchers' use, who are paying from 2¼ to 2½ cents per pound for cows; and 3 to 3½ cents per pound for steers. The hog market is quiet on account of none shipping; prices are lower than last week ranging from $4 to $4.25. Telegram.
Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.
For seventy-two hours Winfield was isolated from the rest of the world, and to many it seemed like an age. We have become so accustomed to daily communication with the outside world that a return to the days of the stage-coach and four-day-old papers would be unendurable. It is such occasions as these that make us realize the value of railroads and telegraph wire.
Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.
In making out the papers for the sale and transfer of the stock in the S. K. & W. railroad from the county to the purchaser, there were some errors which made the transfer defective and the papers were sent back for correction.
Commissioners Gale and Bullington met at the county clerk's office on Monday of this week and made the proper correction. It is said that they also sent Messrs. James Harden, treasurer, and M. L. Robinson to New York and Boston to buy bonds.
These two gentlemen started east on Monday eve, but we suppose on their own expense and for their own purposes for the Commissioners have no power or authority to put the county to any expense for such a mission. They probably have gone to see the inauguration of the president and other sights and can well afford to do so, but the idea that they expect the county to pay their expenses is preposterous. The idea that they would be of any particular use to the county in finding and buying bonds at a low rate is equally absurd. The state has a financial agency in New York and the bankers of that institution live in the midst of bonds and stocks and know now more about our bonds, where to get them and what they are worth, than two new men could learn in six months. All our Commissioners need to do is to send the funds to the financial agency and instruct them to buy our bonds to the best advantage for the interests of the county. The idea of sending men from here to do the business is absurd and ridiculous.
We suppose that the howl raised in some quarters because the bonds were not bought in when the stock was sold, might have worried the commissioners some and made them feel that they ought to hurry up the matter of buying in the bonds in some way, so that when asked to send these experienced intelligent men east to hurry up the matter, without looking up the law or considering the use of sending them, they in their individual capacity and not as commissioners told them to go. But the story soon got out that the commissioners had sent them on this wild goose errand at the expense of the county and then commenced a howl indeed. Almost every man we met made either an angry comment in condemnation or a ridiculous comment in disapproval.
We would ask the people interested to keep cool and not to get excited. The commissioners are trying to do the best thing for the interests of the county and will not pay out the people’s money for any expenses not warranted by law.
The gentlemen named have a right to go east and buy bonds for that matter just as we fellows who stay at home have the same right.
Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.
Treasurer Harden and M. L. Robinson, the committee appointed to buy our bonds, left on Monday’s train for New York and Boston. If bonds are to be had, they will get them.
Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.
J. W. Nichols, Esq., a route agent of Wells, Fargo & Co.’s Express, was in the city over Sunday, having come here to visit their office in the place and post Mr. Allen, their agent, in the affairs of the company and arrange facilities for the accommodation of their flourishing business, which is prospering finely under the hands of Mr. Allen. Mr. Nichols is an old expressman of many years experience and represents a company which is noted for its liberality to both its employees and patrons, and for fair and honest dealing with the public. Wells, Fargo & Co.’s Express Company has a thirteen years’ lease of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad and all its branches, and hopes by square dealing and close attention to business to win the confidence and patronage of the people in this section of country as it has elsewhere.
Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.
We are very much surprised at an editorial in this week’s COURIER in relation to the subject, “Our Stock and Bonds.”
The following is the official action of the commissioners, and we want to say for Messrs. Gale and Bullington that neither of them were to blame for the necessity that caused the board to take the action detailed below.
On Feb. 21, 1881, the Board of county commissioners met in official session. Present: G. L. Gale, chairman, L. B. Bullington, member, and J. S. Hunt, county clerk.
The board directed the county clerk to correct the journal entry of February 4th and February 7th, 1881. Said entries were accordingly corrected. These errors were informalities in regard to the transfer of the stock of the Southern, Kansas and Western railroad.
On motion of the chairman it was resolved that James Harden, county treasurer of Cowley county, and M. L. Robinson be appointed and empowered as a special committee to take the corrected papers relating to the special election, held February 1st, 1881, and AT THE EXPENSE OF COWLEY COUNTY, proceed to Kansas City, Missouri, and have the same approved by Wallace Pratt, attorney, to whom the original papers had been referred by Charles Merriam, trustee; then proceed to New York and Boston and purchase for and in behalf of Cowley County, Kansas, forty-six thousand two hundred and forty dollars worth of the outstanding bonds of the said Cowley County, Kansas, provided the seven percent bonds of the said Cowley County can be purchased at a commission or premium of not more than two and one-half percent; the six percent bonds of said Cowley County at not more than par and accrued interest, and the ten percent bonds of the said Cowley County at a rate correspondingly beneficial to the interests of said county, or any of said specified bonds to the amount of forty-six thousand two hundred and forty dollars worth at as much better rates for the interest of said county as possible. And if the present purchase can be made at such rates or at most one percent of such rates, this committee shall ascertain as much as possible in relation to whom the holders are of such bonds at what rate and the lowest rate any of said bonds can be purchased, etc., and make a full report of all of said items on their return.
Board adjourned.
J. S. HUNT, County Clerk.
We clip the above from the last Monitor and will remark that when we wrote the editorial in the COURIER alluded to and when we went to press we had not been furnished a copy of the commissioners’ proceedings, and as they are usually furnished the county paper by the clerk, we had not been to the records to examine them. We had heard rumors on the street concerning the proceedings, which struck us as improbable for the reasons then given. Now that we have a copy of the official proceedings, we make the correction by publishing them as above.
We do not wish to do injustice to any parties connected with this matter and are disposed to give to all the credit of desiring in their action to accomplish the best interests of the county. We know that the commissioners would act in no other way but for the interests of the county according to their best judgment; but we must be permitted to dissent from the course taken and to hold that there was no use in sending delegates east to buy bonds, and that there is no law to authorize the payment of the expenses of such delegates out of the county treasury. We think a mistake has been made in trying to rush this matter and still believe that a considerable sum of money might be saved for the county by waiting awhile for the holders of our bonds to discover that we are not going to take the first offers at any price, and that they must come down in their prices to value or they cannot sell to us. We believe that we can do better than to pay par and expenses for our 7 percent bonds.
Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.
On last Tuesday, Feb. 25, there was a panic in Wall street, resulting from the opposition of the national banks to the funding bill and their attempts to coerce the government, and stocks declined largely, ranging from two to seventeen percent decline. Messrs. Robinson and Harden must have arrived in New York at a good time, for we suppose there must have been a pressure to sell our Cowley 7 percent bonds as well as other bonds. If they have chanced upon a time when they could buy at 95, it may not be so bad a scheme after all.
Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.
Bill Passed the House. Tom Ryan Ahead.
The Cherokee and Arkansas River railroad bill passed the House on the night of the 21st, under a suspension of the rules by the necessary two-thirds vote, but it was a tight squeeze. It went through, however, in good shape. It has yet to pass the Senate, but this will give it such an impetus that we think it will pass the Senate and become a law.
It grants the right of way to the Cherokee and Arkansas river railroad company through the Indian Territory from Arkansas City down the Arkansas river to Fort Smith. It provides for a right of way 200 feet wide with necessary land for depots, shops, switches, etc., to be obtained by methods in harmony with the existing treaties and regulations with the Indian tribes.
Work must commence within six months and must be completed within two years. The enterprise is for the purpose of extending the C. S. & F. S., or in fact, the Santa Fe road to intersect with the Arkansas system of roads and furnish this section of country with a southern and southeastern outlet. The importance of this road to Cowley county cannot be overestimated.
In fact, it will be of the greatest consequence to all the southern and southwestern counties and of great value to the whole State. It will open up an easy and near market for our wheat, corn, pork, and other products for higher prices in the south and will give us easy access to southern seaports and to Europe. At the same time it will reduce the cost of transportation on our sugar, molasses, rice, coffee, and various other southern products which we have to buy. It will give us a new market nearer and better than the east and the west.
The credit of this is due to Hon. Thos. Ryan. It was his bill and he has put in more than two years of hard energetic work to secure its passage. He has met all kinds of opposition and hostility from the Gould and other railroad interests, and from various other sources; and it has needed all his tact, his personal popularity, energy, and perseverance, but in his bright lexicon, “there is no such word as fail.” The fight was a long and hard one and he has won the battle in the House and added another to his many laurels.
Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.
It will not do to buy the Cowley County 7 percent bonds for more than par for the people will never believe the thing well managed if a higher rate is paid at present. If Coler & Co. have a temporary control of these bonds, as they claim, they may easily prvent the sale at less than 2-1/2 percent premium; but if the County refuses to pay it, the bonds will soon be out of their control and the holders will then sell for what they are worth. Even if they then should refuse to take par or less, there are the ten percents and the six percents to the amount of about $160,000 from which enough can be found to employ our funds and not stand a grab game. There is no need of a rush about it; give a little time for the holders of the different bonds to get anxious and we shall save money by it.
Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.
The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Company expected to make a connection with the Southern Pacific by the 1st of March, but, owing to the unusual inclemency of the weather and other obstacles encountered, the connection cannot be completed until about the 15th. The connection will be made at Rio Mimbres, a few miles west of Florida Pass. The point is sixty miles southwest from Fort Thorn, where the Santa Fe road leaves the Rio Grande, and some sixty-five miles northeast of El Paso.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 9, 1881.
The following is Senate concurrent resolution No. 17, by Mr. Hackney, as it passed the Senate:
WHEREAS, A bill incorporating the Cherokee and Arkansas Railroad Company, and giving that company the right to construct and operate a railroad from Arkansas City in Kansas through the Indian Territory to Fort Smith in Arkansas, has passed the lower house of Congress; and
WHEREAS, The commercial and industrial interests of this State demand that such line of railroad be constructed at once; therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Senate of Kansas, the House of Representatives concurring therein, that our Senators in Congress are requested to support said bill and use all honorable means to secure its passage.
Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.
We get the following information from Col. M. L. Robinson, who, with Treasurer James Harden, returned from the east Monday night.
The prices paid for Cowley 7 percents, were $15,000 at par and $29,000 additional at par with 2 ½ percent commission to be paid if we keep the bonds, and with an option of the county to return this last $20,000 at any time within six months and receive the cash and accrued interest.
This gives the county a chance to buy $20,000 of other bonds at any time within six months in case they can be had at such rates that it would be a saving of money to return these on which we have the option.
The situation is that if the county, at the end of six months, decides to return the bonds and take par and accrued interest, it saves $700 interest for the six months; but if it concludes to keep the bonds, it must pay $500 commission, and in that case, it saves $200, net of interest over and above the commission, thus giving the county the vantage ground, all the option and six months to figure for better terms.
Before they left for New York, the best offer we had was $1.05. At that rate the $35,000 now bought would have cost us $36,750, but it has actually cost us only $35,000, a saving of $1,250.
There is still left of the proceeds of the stock $10,740 in cash in the hands of the county treasurer which will be used as fast as may be in buying any bonds which may be picked up at reasonable rates. At present it is impossible to buy more 7 percents at less than $1.05; but by watching for chances, it is thought the amount of $10,740 at less rates. Donnell, Lawson & Co., had $50,000 of our 6 percents for which they asked par but it would be a saving to the county to buy 7 percents at 5 percent premium rather than to pay more than 90 for 6 percents.
It appears that our 7 percents are straight 30 year bonds, while the vote which authorized the issue provided for 10-30s, that is, subject to call after ten years. This mistake in issuing would have proved quite serious had ten years run and were we now able to sell 5 percents at par, for by calling the 7 percents, we could save 2 percent per annum for 20 years or 40 percent, equal to $27,200.
We have not time now before going to press to find out whether the same mistake is true of our $128,600 of six percents. From the above we conclude that Messrs. Robinson and Harden have done well and fully justified the commissioners in sending them.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 16, 1881. Editorial Page.
Little Rock, Ark., March 9. The case of Capt. Payne, for alleged violation of the intercourse law in the Indian Territory, was begun before United States Judge Parker, at Fort Smith, yesterday, Judge Baker, of St. Louis, defending. Judge Parker defers his decision until May.
Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.
While the 5-20 three percent, funding bill, requiring national banks to deposit only three percents for security of their circulation, was pending, after having passed the senate and before and after it passed the house, the national banks, for the purpose of raising a scare to defeat the bill made a rush to deposit greenbacks in the treasury to retire their own circulation. The amount thus deposited in a few days was about seventeen millions of dollars.
Whatever effect this movement might have had on the action of President Hayes, he vetoed the bill; and then the banks wanted to withdraw their seventeen millions of green-backs and not retire their circulation. The question arose whether they could be permitted to do so and was discussed in a meeting of Garfield’s new cabinet, and it was decided that it should not be done; that if the banks wanted to increase their circulation again, the law provided a way and they must go through the whole formula again.
Now, as M. L. Robinson says, we do not understand finance as well as we do some other things, and do not know but the best thing for Hayes to do was to veto the bill; but we do not sympathize with the banks in their bulldozing efforts to scare the house and the president to defeat the bill, and we are glad that they got picked up at their game.
It would be a dangerous precedent to allow them to deposit millions of treasury notes for the purpose of affecting legislation and then withdraw their funds as soon as the object was accomplished or defeated. Perhaps now that they find it is not so easy to get their money back, they will not be in so great a hurry to surrender their circulation and create a scare the next time.
Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.
The track connecting the Santa Fe and K. C., L. & S. is almost finished.
Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.
The Santa Fe company is building a “Y” in the junction of the Santa Fe and the K. C., L. & S. west of town. This is done so that trains may be run from one road to the other.
Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.
The K. C., L. & S. railroad have put elegant reclining chair cars on their through trains, running from Wellington to Kansas City. We had the pleasure of riding in one of them from Elk Falls to Winfield last week. They are models of neatness and comfort and make the trip to Kansas City a pleasure rather than a bore, as it has heretofore been.
Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.
The last sad remains of the Oklahoma boom were found frozen to death last week, near the late site of that ill-starred colony. All else but him had fled. It is likely that the “colony” will never more assemble, unless the lands are lawfully open to settlement.
Arkansas City Democrat.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 23, 1881. Front Page.
For seven months past well executed maps of Oklahoma, the prospective capital of the prospective territory of Oklahoma, have been posted in conspicuous places in various parts of the city. The site of the town was claimed by the Oklahoma colonization company, of which D. L. Payne is President, and other parties prominently connected with the recent invasion of the Indian Territory were officers.
A Globe Democrat reporter met an officer of the company, and, in a general conversation, asked him where the Oklahoma company expected to get its title to Oklahoma, as the company would have no more right to land embraced in the prospective limits of the town than any other settler, should the Territory be declared by the Government subject to settlement.
“That is fixed,” said the enthusiastic Oklahoman.
“How fixed?” asked the reporter.
“The railroads have assured us the land.”
Further conversation disclosed the fact that the officers of the colony have adopted a new scheme to obtain possession of the coveted land site. They claim that according to the construction placed upon a late decision of the Supreme Court, certain railroads will be allowed to construct their lines through the Indian Territory. One of the lines is to pass through the land laid out on the map for Oklahoma. The programme of the colony now is to follow the railroad to Oklahoma, build up the town, and then commence settlements along the line of the road on land claimed by the road. As a matter of information to the colonists, however, it might be stated that the railroad has not yet been constructed. Globe Democrat.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 23, 1881.
Payne’s trial at Fort Smith has taken place, and the prevailing belief in that vicinity is that the decision will be against him. Payne now tells a very different story regarding his attempted invasion of the Indian Territory, claiming that he did not know anything about the legality of his actions, but simply took the people there to test the matter.
Winfield Courier, March 24, 1881.
W. C. Garvey, station agent at the Santa Fe depot, has now on sale tickets to all principal points in California and Oregon, via the A., T. & S. F. and Southern Pacific. This new route to the “Golden Gate” was opened to the traveling public on Thursday inst., the 17th. Passengers with first and second class tickets are taken through to San Francisco in four and three-quarters days. There is also an emigrant train which makes the time in about eight days. The express train leaving Winfield at 3:55 p.m., makes connections at Newton, with only two changes for the whole distance, at the latter point and at Deming, where the Santa Fe makes connection with the Southern Pacific. This new route is destined to become immensely popular, and will prove a great convenience to parties in this vicinity who may wish to go to California or Oregon.
Winfield Courier, March 24, 1881.
The station here does more business than any other town on the K. C., L. & S., outside of Winfield. Mr. C. S. Jenkins has furnished us the following, showing the amount of business done since the first day of March, 1881, up to Thursday, the 17th. It is now in order for our neighboring towns to produce figures that will beat these or forever hold their peace.
Number pounds freight received: 121,275, forwarded, 13,275.
Amount of cash received: $380.50.
The citizens of Torrance shipped last Saturday a carload of rock to Kansas City, to be inspected by stone masons at that place; and if found saleable rock, we understand the railroad company has promised Torrance a side track, provided they will make to the railroad company a good bond as a guarantee that one hundred carloads of rock will be shipped from that point in one year from date of contract. They have worked hard for railroad accommo-dations, and if they succeed by fair means, no one has a right to complain.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 30, 1881.
The above is the title of a communication from “The Banshee” that appeared in last week’s Monitor, and which, if the true status of the recent sale of stock made by our county commissioners is given, reflects very unfavorably upon our county clerk.
While we cannot vouch for the statements made, yet we would, but for want of space, publish it intact this week. This matter is one in which all are interested, and a summary of “Banshee’s” article will appear in our next, as well as any new feature that transpires in this matter.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 30, 1881.
In the last three weeks some ten men have left our city for Texas, with a view to pur-chasing cattle: James Henderson, A. M. Smythia, Jack Gilbert, Harry Genthner, Lincoln Small, the Fairclo brothers, Bill Henderson, and Messrs. Tyner and Pond.
Winfield Courier, March 31, 1881.
Gould will extend his LeRoy road to Winfield, where he will connect with his newly acquired air line to St. Louis. Of course, the repair shops will be located here also.
Winfield Courier, March 31, 1881.
In addition to the report that Gould has purchased the K. C., L. & S. railroad, comes the report that he has withdrawn his proposition from Chautauqua county. The proposition was to be voted on yesterday (Tuesday) and had every prospect of carrying. If he has withdrawn on the eve of a favorable election, it means something; and that something cannot be favorable to Winfield and Cowley county.
Winfield Courier, March 31, 1881.
A report is current that Jay Gould has purchased the K. C., L. & S. railroad. The report is not yet authenticated, but is believed to be true by most of the employees of the road. If this is a fact, our Arkansas City friends will look down their noses for some time to come. However, we will not kill the fatted calf until Jay tells us something about it himself.
Winfield Courier, March 31, 1881.
A special train passed through on the K. C., L. & S., Monday. It was made up of a dining car, two sleepers, and a reclining chair car, and contained General Manager Strong and President Coolidge of the Santa Fe, and General Manager Nettleton of the K. C., L. & S., with their families. They were out on an inspection of the road.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 6, 1881.
The sale of our stock in the S. K. & W. R. R., sometime since, has resulted in quite a rumpus between the newspapers at the county seat, consequent upon alleged mistakes, or to say the least, in formalities committed by a certain county official. It is not our funeral, but if we read the signs of the times aright, the funeral knell to the hopes of some aspirants for county office in the future, have boomed loud and deep. In order that the TRAVELER’s readers may know what is transpiring in this matter, we insert the following from the Monitor, of March 26, 1881, which appeared over the signature of “BANSHEE,” and will sufficiently explain itself.
Editor Monitor: There seems to be a premeditated attempt on the part of the Courier, and those most interested in the success of certain county officers, to cover up the real delinquencies which jeopardized the sale of stock held by this county in the Southern Kansas & Western railroad. This attempt on the part of the Courier is two fold.
First, to vent its spleen against Read’s bank in the interest of McMullen, Fuller, Millington, and company.
Second, to shield Captain Hunt.
The Courier, blindly and in an unscrupulous spirit of hate toward M. L. Robinson, sought to attract the attention of the public from the real delinquent, Capt. Hunt, by attacking the county commissioners for sending James Harden and M. L. Robinson East to protect the interests of Cowley county.
It is true that in the first article in the Courier, in regard to this subject, they did not abuse the commissioners in express terms; but they published an editorial stating that it was reported on the street, and that great excitement existed among the people in consequence thereof, that the board of county commissioners had sent Messrs. Harden and Robinson East to perfect the sale of the stock held by the county in the Southern, Kansas & Western railroad, and that such statement was false, and that if they had gone East for such purpose, it was at their own expense and volition, and that the commissioners of Cowley county, being honorable men, would never be guilty of doing such a thing.
With a characteristic cheek which serves the senior editor of that paper so well in times of emergencies, he stated to a guileless public, if such order was made, it was with the understanding that the committee would pay their own expenses as they had the right and were well able to do; when such editor well knew that the order was not only to send such committee East but also to pay their expenses.
Then the Monitor, true to the facts in defense of the action of the county commissioners, published the official order made by the board of county commissioners, attested by Captain Hunt, county clerk, showing that said committee not only went on order of the board, but also at the expense of Cowley county.
After the committee had returned from the successful trip, wherein they saved to the taxpayers of this county fifty-six thousand dollars, then it was the venerable old fossil of the Courier ate his own words, devoured his own offspring, turned tail on his former publication, and published to the world the action of the county commissioners and justified the same.
In this justification, every man in Cowley county, who is familiar with the facts, will heartily join. In order that the public may know the real status of the case, the writer of this article will state the facts. The people of the county by their votes ordered the commissioners to sell the stock, and they, in pursuance of such order, did sell such stock for sixty-eight cents, and Read’s bank gave to the county treasurer a certificate of deposit for the amount, for which they had Coler & Co.’s draft, and here is where the trouble began.
The county clerk in making out the papers showing the vote, and order of sale, failed to show affirmatively that the sale was legal. This may not have been his fault, for he is not a lawyer, neither has he had the necessary business experience to fill the position he holds, which is unfortunate for him and deplorable as regards the best interests of this county; but worse than all, instead of certifying the order of the board selling our stock in said railroad company, as he should have done, and as any ordinarily careful clerk would have done, he made out the certificate showing that we had sold our stock in the “Southern, Kansas & Fort Smith” railroad company.
These papers went East with the application for the transfer of the stock to Coler & Co., and, of course, were rejected on the ground that there was no such railroad as the “Southern, Kansas & Fort Smith,” and that the sale of the stock of the “Southern, Kansas & Fort Smith” railroad would not transfer the stock of the Southern, Kansas & Western railroad; hence, the rejection of Coler & Co.’s application, and having failed to obtain what they purchased, they threw back the stock upon the hands of Cowley county.
The time was up for the transfer of this stock, the Southern, Kansas & Western railroad company had ceased to exist, and the stock held by Cowley county was utterly worthless. The contest for the control of the same on the part of Gould on one hand, and the Santa Fe on the other, which gave it its fictitious value, being ended by the success of the Santa Fe company, and the stock was of no further value.
At this juncture, M. L. Read’s bank, the wealthiest and largest tax-paying institution of the county, promptly took a hand to save the county; and M. L. Robinson, being one of the directors of the Cowley, Sumner & Fort Smith railroad, and being on intimate and friendly terms with the General Manager Strong, of the Santa Fe, went to Topeka and Kansas City, procured an order, delaying the closing of the books of the old Southern, Kansas & Western railroad company—now defunct—until the egregious blunder of our county clerk could be rectified.
Robinson came home, a meeting of the county commissioners was convened, and the necessary papers, under the advice of Judge McDonald, of Winfield, and Wallace Pratt, of Kansas City, were made out and the committee sent East, as heretofore stated, to save this county from great financial loss.
Instead of Mr. Robinson being abused in connection with this matter, he is entitled to the heart-felt thanks of all honest men in Cowley county; and but for the insane jealousy of the unfortunate occupants on the corner, they would be the first to accord the praise.
In conclusion, I have to state that I have no fight to make on Captain Hunt; I charge him with no criminal negligence, unless it be criminal negligence for a county official to be derelict in duty, either from want of knowledge or criminal carelessness. Certain it is that in this case, but for the prompt action by M. L. Robinson, the county would have absolutely lost fifty-six thousand dollars, as a direct result of Captain Hunt’s gross carelessness.
I have not been a supporter of Mr. Troup of late years; I, in common with many others, fell into the foolish notion that, because a man made a good officer, and held the office a long time, was no reason for his further retention; hence, I voted for Captain Hunt and against Troup, but I am forced to admit that Mr. Troup’s official record is without a blemish, and I, with others who thought as I did, regret the day that saw him step down and out. Certain it is, that the blunders now charged to the county commissioners, and which, if really chargeable at all, are chargeable to the inefficiency of the county clerk; and never would have happened had Mr. Troup retained his old position.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 6, 1881. Editorial Page.
At the meeting of stockmen held at Caldwell, in March last, the privilege of driving through Texas cattle west of the west line of the Nez Perce Agency, and in any direction to shipping points upon the strip of country lying north of that Agency and south of the State line, was accorded.
This action throws our entire State line on the south open to the drive of Texas stock, and as will be readily seen works a great injustice to all owning native stock in the vicinity of the Territory.
Had the “dead line” been placed ten miles south of the State line, with a drive limited to
one mile in width, and leading directly north to the various shipping points, this danger would to a great extent have been avoided.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 6, 1881.
Arkansas City is saved again. We congratulate our little sister that the construction of the Gould road which was to build along the state line three miles south of here has been abandoned. Gould has taken our advice and bought up the S. K. & W. R. R. He said, come to think about it, he could not afford to run around Winfield. Monitor.
Lucky you spoke, Joe, but seeing as how the world is going to end this year anyhow, it ain’t such a narrow escape after all. Thanks.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 6, 1881.
The cattlemen of the Territory have divided their several ranges into districts, and each district is under the immediate supervision of a captain, who will take entire charge thereof. This is a good move, and will materially aid in the rounding up and the tracing of stray cattle.
Winfield Courier, April 7, 1881.
Why don’t the Santa Fe give us a decent express car? Winfield sends out twice as much matter as the Caldwell branch, yet they luxuriate in a carved and painted car, while we have to put up with an improvised cattle car. Why is this thusly?
Arkansas City Traveler, April 13, 1881. Editorial Page.
The following explanation was sent to us with a request that we publish, and wishing that our readers should be able to judge advisedly in this matter, it will be found below.
WINFIELD, KAN., MAR. 29, 1881.
Editor Monitor: I have read the article over the signature of “Banshee” in last week’s issue of your paper, and will briefly reply, even though “Banshee’s” article seems to be devoid of honesty or courtesy, and to have been written with anything but a honorableness of purpose. I wish simply to say, without comment or discussion, that the interests of Cowley county have not been jeopardized to the value of a cent by any certificates that I have made. The certificate in question was not a county but a private matter, and did not affect the county in the sale of the stock. That sale had been consummated in all its details before the certificates were made; the contract of sale had been entered into; the stock had been delivered to Read’s bank for W. N. Coler & Co., in accordance with the contract, and the stock had been paid for by a certificate of deposit of that bank to the amount of $46,240, and which certificate the county treasurer held in his possession.
The county treasurer had receipted for the money to W. N. Coler & Co., which receipt was filed in this office according to law. The sale was not, and could not have been, made on my certificate.
The attorney of W. N. Coler & Co. was here; and all the records of the stock election, on the legality and correctness of which the validity of the sale of the stock alone depended, had been carefully examined by that attorney, together with the county attorney, and found to be legal and correct.
The certificate in question, together with three or four others, was made for the use of W. N. Coler & Co., and was made at the request and dictation of their attorney, for which he offered to pay me, and for which I charged him nothing. The certificates were made in the hurry of the departure of Coler’s agent and attorney on the train, and were not even proofread. In one of the certificates was a simple clerical error of one word, and this is the mole-hill out of which “Banshee” has, for obvious and disreputable reasons, made a seeming mountain.
I will not speak of the almost savageness of what can only be an attack, of the evident intention, and the double disgrace of its being under a nom de plume. The article should be its own condemnation.
J. S. HUNT, County Clerk.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 13, 1881.
M. L. Read and the banking concern, of which he is the head, has been the recipient of much taffy at the hands of “Banshee,” but feeling assured, upon further inquiry, that in this matter said correspondent was at fault, we give publicity to certain items from the Courier in reference thereto, which, we think, will enable our readers to judge intelligently. We have no feeling in this matter, more than to see that the general interests of our county are well looked to and to give the news; having done which, we leave the case on its merits.
The items referred to above are as follows.
“The ponderous mass of taffy and soft soap with which “Banshee” deluges M. L. about his tremendous power and influence with W. B. Strong, the Santa Fe, and the bears and bulls of Wall street, about his overwhelming patriotism, illustrated by his superhuman efforts to save the county from a loss of fifty six thousand dollars, by first rushing to Topeka and then to New York, is wonderfully translucent. The county was in no danger of being swallowed up by the defaulting shark, Coler & Co. The county had no interest in the matter, and had no occasion to pay M. L.’s expenses to either place. It was Read’s bank that was in danger, and it was for that institution for which he exerted his wonderful powers, which was all right and praiseworthy.
“‘Banshee’ says that M. L. Read’s bank is the ‘wealthiest and largest tax-paying institution in the county.’ Read’s bank is indeed a very wealthy and large tax-paying institution, and ‘Banshee’ is so near the truth in this instance that we will only call it an error, and correct it by stating that the Winfield bank paid, in this county for the year 1880, some $300 more than Read’s bank, and that the former bank and McMullen and Fuller pay $626.25 more taxes than the latter bank with Read and the three Robinsons together. The total taxes of the Winfield bank and the two men is $2,371.08; that of Read’s bank and the four men is $1,744.45. This is a good showing for both and we repeat what we have often said, that Winfield has two of the solidest and soundest banks in Kansas.”
Arkansas City Traveler, April 13, 1881.
Tell Walton, founder of the Mulvane Herald, and an irrepressible newspaper man, this week assumes the control of the Caldwell Post, having purchased the same of Mr. J. H. Sain.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 13, 1881.
May 4th is the day appointed for a mass meeting to be held at Winfield of all those who are in any way interested in the question of raising and handling sheep. All the sheep owners in the county will be there, and it is expected that a fine collection of sheep will be on the ground, one of the features of the meeting being prizes to the owners of the best animals. Several shearing machines of different patterns will be on the ground and be publicly tested as to their efficiency.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 13, 1881.
The Caldwell Commercial is publishing a stock and brand book, containing the laws and rules of the Stock Association, of the Indian Territory; with cuts of all the brands, and the location of the cattle camps of the western part of the Indian Territory, and with the post office address of the owners.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 13, 1881.
The A. T. & S. F., last Monday, put a new passenger coach on the road between this city and Mulvane. It was much needed and will materially add to the pleasure, or rather, relieve the tediousness of traveling.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 20, 1881. Editorial Page.
It was decided by the convention of stockmen at Caldwell that the round up would commence on the first day of May, at Monfort Johnson’s ranch on the Canadian. The range was divided into six districts, the following account of which we take from the Commercial’s report.
District No. 1—
includes the country on the North and South Canadians. Tony Day, Captain.
District No. 2—
includes the range of the Kansas City company, Quinlan & Crawford, Greene & Co., Mahone, Stiff & Watkins. R. F. Crawford, captain.
District No. 3—
includes the range of Wilson & Zummerman, Snow, Hatfield, Wood, Hutton, McClellan, and Stewart, the country east of Arkansas City and Chisholm trail road, and as far north as Red Rock. Thos. Hutton, captain.
District No. 4—
includes the range of Messrs. Malaley, Hamilton, Bennett, & Blair; Blair & Battin, Kincaid, B. F. Buzzard, colored; Manning, Rock & Sandborn; Stoller & Reese; Flitch, Birchfield, Warlo & Garland; Beard & Day; Raymond & Lewis; Cooper, and B. Campbell. H. H. Bennett, captain.
District No. 5—
includes the range of Messrs. Pryor, Miller, Drumm, Timberlake & Hall, Schlopp & Billenger, Jewell Bros., Streeter, Erwin Bros., Green & Preston, Blackstone and Campbell. A. Wilson, captain.
District No. 6—
includes the range at Elm Springs and that of Hunter & Evans. J. B. Doyle, captain.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 20, 1881. Editorial Page.
The Independence Tribune says “we have as yet no proof or reason to believe that the Gould road extensions in Kansas (three of them, and about 250 miles), have been abandoned, or that the Gould road has purchased the Kansas City, Lawrence & Southern railroad, west from Cherryvale, or that this corporation and the Santa Fe company have pooled, and the former drawn from this county. They are rumors, and only rumors so far.
“The postponement, we have reason to believe, is occasioned by the desire of the Gould management to outrival the Santa Fe company and reach certain points in Old Mexico first, and thereby obtain the franchises, which are very large. The contractors, who were to supply the steel rails, are six months behind in filling contracts. All the steel rail factories are running at their full capacity, and every ship from England brings over loads of rails, nevertheless the demand is now over the supply. Six days may change the market, and materials be plenty.”
Winfield Courier, April 21, 1881.
Quite a jolly party left on the A. T. & S. F. Tuesday afternoon on a pleasure trip to Topeka and Kansas City. The party was composed of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bahntge, Mrs. Dr. Emerson, Mrs. A. T. Spotswood and children, and Miss Smith. They will be absent several days. M. L. will stop over in Topeka to attend the directors’ meeting of the A. T. & S. F. M. L. Robinson was selected by the commissioners to vote the Cowley county stock.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 27, 1881.
Hunnewell is now a city, the first election having been held on the 13th inst., resulting in the election of J. A. Hughes as Mayor, and a full complement of other municipal authorities.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 4, 1881.
The situation in the Chickasaw Nation is approaching a crisis. The Indian agent at Muskogee has promulgated the following.
To whom it may concern:
In compliance with a command from B. F. Overton, that stock belonging to persons not citizens of the Chickasaw or Choctaw Nations be removed from the Chickasaw country, the Hon. Commissioner of Indian Affairs has issued the following instructions to this office.
“Notify cattle men that they must remove their stock from the Chickasaw country on or before the first day of June next, unless permitted to remain longer by the authorities of the Nation. E. M. MARBLE,
Parties interested will take notice, and govern themselves accordingly.
U. S. Indian Agent,
Union Agency, Muskogee, Indian Territory.
April 8, 1881.
A squad of United States soldiers have been ordered from Fort Sill to proceed to the Nation to be used in the enforcement of Overton’s edicts. Caldwell Post.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 4, 1881.
Stockmen in this vicinity are talking up the holding of a meeting for the purpose of protecting native cattle from the Texas drive in the Territory. It is much needed.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 4, 1881.
The first work in the regular order on this spring’s “round ups”, in the Territory, commenced May 1st. Some preparations have been made to facilitate the work, and the boys will doubtless have a high time during the present month.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 4, 1881.
Capt. C. M. Scott writes us from Red Fork Ranch, Indian Territory, under date of the 22nd ult., as follows. “Only one herd has come up the trail this spring, and that was eighty head of saddle ponies, for Hunter & Evans, on Eagle Chief creek. They drove from Fort Worth, Texas, on the grass without grain. The grass on Skeleton creek and Cimarron is four inches high, and some steers are beef fat.”
Arkansas City Traveler, May 4, 1881.
The sale of condemned U. S. Cavalry horses, at Ft. Reno, Indian Territory, on Monday, April 25th, attracted a number of cattle men to the “Post,” and the stock was sold for actually more than it could have been sold for in Kansas. One old black horse, with its sides continually thumping, sold for $11, while the remaining ten had were bid in from $40 to $80.
Many improvements have been made at the “Post,” the most noticeable being the water works.
The ground is thoroughly soaked with water, and the buffalo wallows and water holes are all filled, enabling the cattle to range far out on the prairie.
The range on Skeleton creek is exceedingly fine, and some steers are beef fat already.
Fifty thousand head of cattle have left Texas for Kansas, and will “come up with the grass.”
The drive of horses from the Rio Grand river will commence early this season. Most of the animals are in poor condition.
The “round up” on the South Canadian was held at Manford Johnson’s, May 1st.
The Transporter, published by W. A. Eaton, at Cheyenne Agency, is becoming a valuable medium of advertising the brands of cattle men in the Indian Nation.
Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.
Hackney & McDonald sold their 3,140 acres of Cherokee strip of land in Spring Creek township last Tuesday for $2.50 per acre, spot cash. It was purchased by Illinois bankers, who will probably hold it for speculative purposes. Messrs. Hackney & McDonald purchased the land over a year ago at Government sale for $1.00 per acre.
Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.
Cowley county stock men are largely represented on Red Rock and Black Bear creeks in the Territory. Among the number are: Wiley, Eaton, Potter, Estus, Tribby, and Warren; while in other parts of the Territory are Houghton, Henderson, Nipp, Walker Bros., Berry Bros., Dean Bros., Shriver, and others.
Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.
New Salem is situated ten miles northeast of Winfield on the K. C., L. & S. railroad, and consists of two grocery stores, a post-office, blacksmith shop, and several dwellings. There is a splendid opening for a store of general merchandise.
Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.
J. J. Estus came up from Red Rock, Indian Territory, last week, and reports grass is coming up slowly, many cattle dying, especially cows and calves. After such a severe winter, they were in poor condition for such a cold backward spring and as a consequence cattle men will lose heavily. The round ups begin this week. SCHOOL BOY.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 11, 1881. Front Page.
WASHINGTON, April 25. The attention of the secretary of the interior was recently called to a circular issued by the Freedmen’s Oklahoma association, of St. Louis, J. Milton Turner, president, and Hannibal C. Carter, general manager.
The circular promised 160 acres of land to every freedman who would go and occupy the public lands of Oklahoma.
Secretary Kirkwood at once referred the circular to the commissioner of the general land office, who, in his report says there has never been a period of time since the acquisition by the United States of the territory ceded by France that any lands embraced within the limits of the present Indian Territory have been open to settlement or entry by any person whom-soever, under any said public land law.
In one of the Indian treaties, that with the Seminoles, in March, 1866, about 2,100,000 acres of land were ceded to the United States to locate other Indians and freedmen thereon. The freedmen referred to, the commissioner states, were former slaves of Indian tribes. Miscellaneous emigration even by intended beneficiaries would be unauthorized and illegal.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 11, 1881. Editorial Page.
The time is not far distant when the question of brands will be forcibly brought to the notice of the stockmen holding cattle and horses in the Territory south of us. The same brands are in several instances used by different men, unknowingly, it is true, but it nevertheless results in vexatious losses and troubles, which could be avoided by the adoption of a brand, and the publication of the same in some journal having a general circulation among cattle men. There is no law providing for the registration of brands in the Territory, so the necessary steps toward this end must be taken by themselves.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 11, 1881. Editorial Page.
The Santa Fe company, last Sunday, had all its available forces to work tearing up the road west of Wellington, known as the Anthony extension; and in a very short time, the whole of the railroad portable property, in the way of iron, ties, etc., was removed from that section of Kansas. The Wellington people are much excited over this proceeding.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 11, 1881. Editorial Page.
Parsons, Kansas, May 7. Word has reached here that the surveyors on the Muskogee & Ft. Smith branch of the Missouri Pacific have been driven off by the Cherokees. Assistant Kelso, of this city, upon the order of General Manager Talmage, left last night for the scene of the difficulty. The Indians are reported as determined. It is not doubted that the Missouri Pacific folks will assert their right to build the road. The later rains have greatly benefited the crops which were never better in this section. Wheat is immense.
Parsons, Kansas, May 7. Judge Kelso, assistant attorney of the Missouri Pacific railroad, has returned from the Indian Territory, having just had an interview with the Cherokees concerning the building of the Muskogee & Ft. Smith Branch. He asks that the preliminary survey might be made, leaving the question of building the road to be determined in the future. Chief Bushyhead, of the Cherokees, said he would take the matter under advisement and answer next week.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 11, 1881. Editorial Page.
Fort Smith, Ark., May 3. Judge Parker, of the United States district court, has rendered a judgment for the government in the suit of the United States vs. David C. Payne, charged with unlawfully invading the Indian Territory. The penalty under the statutes is $1,000. Six other cases of the same nature were decided in favor of the government.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 11, 1881. Editorial Page.
There is not a solitary occupant on the townsite of Oklahoma. A detachment of U. S. soldiers and Indian scouts are camped about five miles above the site, waiting for some one to come, when they will be escorted to the Texas line and turned loose. If they come from Texas, they will be escorted to Kansas, and released; the object being, to have them to see all of the Territory they desire. The trail from Arkansas City is very good and very plain, with crossings on Red Rock, Black Bear, and other creeks. After crossing the Cimarron river, the trail is divided into a hundred or more wagon roads, evidently to prevent the authorities from discovering their whereabouts. The country is beautiful, but the location of the townsite dreary, as it is located in a valley, or draw, with scattering jack oaks all about. One mile further south, or about six miles south of the North Canadian river, on a high, prominent prairie mound, would have made a much prettier location.
Oklahoma—“Home of the Red Man,” is just 150 miles from Arkansas City. By going four miles south, 24 miles west, and 108 miles due south, you reach the desired spot, but the deviations on the road makes it foot up 150 miles, or six days drive with a team. The only Indians seen on the route are the Nez Perces, and some Otoes, camped on the Cimarron, until you are greeted by the Cheyenne scouts, who will be glad to meet you, and even care for you.
Some Otoe Indians hunting on the Cimarron river cut down a tree with an eagle’s nest on it, and caught five of the young birds.
The recent rains extended through the Territory, as far as 150 miles south. None of the large streams were impassible up to the fifth of this month, but the Cimarron river was rising rapidly.
Thomas E. Berry has been reappointed Indian trader at Pawnee Agency, for another year. The appointment is a good one, and will be satisfactory to both the whites and Indians.
C. M. Scott.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 11, 1881.
Hackney and McDonald will test the case of whether the county can tax cattle in the Territory, belonging to citizens of Kansas, when they pay a tax where the cattle are. Mr. Wiley & Libby, on Red Rock creek, Indian Territory, bring the suit.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 11, 1881.
All cattle below Salt Fork will be rounded up and cut out by the 15th of this month. Owing to the number of cattle on the range, it will require more time to do the work this year than it did last, but it is expected the round-ups will be completed by the first of June.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 11, 1881.
Messrs. Hackney & McDonald recently sold to Mr. Alex Fuller, acting as agent for Illinois parties, their tract of Cherokee land, in the southern part of the county, being 3,154 acres, for which they received $2.50 per acre cash. The purchasers propose to buy more land in the same neighborhood, fence and stock it with short horned cattle.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 11, 1881.
The keeping of stock in the Indian Territory has, of late years, assumed quite considerable importance as a business, many of our best citizens being engaged therein. Among the Cowley County men now holding stock in the Territory, we may mention the following: On Red Rock and Black Bear creeks are Messrs. Eaton, Potter, Estus, Libby, Wiley, and Warren; while in other parts of the Territory are Houghton, Henderson, Nipp, Walker Bros., Berry Bros., Dean Bros., Shriver, and others.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 11, 1881.
The attention of all parties holding or interested in the stock interests of this section is called to the fact that a meeting of the prominent stockmen of this vicinity will be held on Saturday in the Benedict building, May 21, 1881, for the purpose of taking steps to protect themselves from the Texas drive (the coming season), by the location of a dead line, etc.
Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.
Some of our friends would believe as long ago as last summer that Dave Payne had been tried in the U. S. court at Fort Smith for trespassing on the Indian lands and acquitted. We informed them that such was not the case, but that he was awaiting his trial. That trial has recently taken place and he was found guilty and fined one thousand dollars and costs. Several other trespassers were found guilty.
Thus dies the Oklahoma boom just as all sensible persons were sure it would end. We do not think that Payne is very badly beaten. He and his clique probably made a good thing off the stupid fellows who were green enough to pay two dollars each for membership dues and those more stupid chaps who paid $25.00 each for a share in the Oklahoma town company.
Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.
For several days railroad officials in and around Wellington have been very active, and the people of Anthony, in Harper county, were led to believe that this activity meant the extension of the Wellington branch to that place. The Santa Fe company on Saturday congregated about 1,500 of their workmen at Wellington. The force were under secret orders not to be opened till noon Saturday. At that time the men were ordered to begin taking up the track from the Harper line to Wellington as fast as possible, and remove the ties, rails, etc., to the main line. This work was completed Sunday evening, and nothing was left of the fourteen miles of Harper county railroad but the dirt roadbed. It is probable that the secrecy and haste in which the work was done was to avoid injunctions or legal process to restrain them from so doing. The Wellington and Harper county people are greatly excited over the matter. Some efforts were made to stop the destruction of the track, but without effect. This will be almost a death-blow to Anthony.
Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881. The first work in the regular order on the spring’s “round ups” in the Territory, commenced May 1st. Some preparations have been made to facilitate the work, and the boys will doubtless have a high time during the present month.
Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881. The sale of condemned U. S. cavalry horses, at Fort Reno, Indian Territory, on Monday, April 25th, attracted a number of cattle men to the “Post,” and the stock was sold for actually more than it could have been sold for in Kansas. One old black horse, with its sides contin-ually thumping, sold for $11, while the remaining ten head were bid in from $40 to $80.
Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881. Capt. C. M. Scott writes us from Red Rock Ranch, Indian Territory, under date of the 22nd. ult., as follows: “Only one herd has come up this spring, and that was eighty head of saddle ponies, for Hunter & Evans, on Eagle Chief creek. They drove from Fort Worth, Texas, on the grass without grain. The grass on Skeleton creek and Cimarron is four inches high, and some steers are beef fat.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 18, 1881.
The gross earnings of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad for the past year were $8,556,975.
The Denver and Rio Grande road is laying a third rail from Denver to Pueblo to admit Santa Fe cars.
An official of the Denver and Rio Grande road announces that his company will import ten thousand French laborers, and a corps of engineers, to work on the extension.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 18, 1881.
It will be noticed that in another column mention is made of a meeting to be held by the prominent stockholders of this vicinity at the Canal office in this city next Saturday at 2 p.m. All interested in this business are requested to attend, and give the matter of protecting their herds from the contamination consequent upon the driving of Texas cattle promiscuously over the range occupied by domestic stock due attention.
Action on this matter is rendered necessary by the declaration of the stockmen’s convention, held at Caldwell, that “through Texas cattle could be driven anywhere west of the Nez Perce Agency, and anywhere along the State line north of that reservation.” This, as will readily be seen, works a great hardship upon men holding domestic graded stock in the Territory; in fact, virtually renders it impossible, no man being willing to run the risks of infection from the through cattle.
It is talked of locating the dead line west of the Nez Perce reservation, and north to the State line, but whether this would best subserve the varied interests of this vicinity, it is hard to determine; yet everyone admits that something must be done, and, to this end and purpose, the meeting alluded to above was called.
This will give all interested an opportunity to attend and help in the manner tht seems best for the mutual interests involved.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 18, 1881. Editorial Page.
New Orleans, May 14. The Democrat’s Little Rock special says Gov. Overton, of the Chickasaw Nation, has gathered together an army of 300 men, and has issued orders to the effect that Texas cattle raisers, and white men generally, must leave the country before June 1st, or force will be used. A similar situation prevails in the Choctaw Nation. Gov. McCurtin has instructed the sheriffs to immediately organize and arm a militia company to assist in driving out the whites.
The trouble in the Chickasaw Nation is said to have grown out of the refusal of Texans to pay more than twelve and a half cents per head for grazing cattle therein, Gov. Overton demanding twenty-five cents per head.
In the Choctaw Nation the trouble is chiefly in regard to the law allowing white men to live in that country, the Indians holding that nearly all the white population are there without proper authority.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 18, 1881.
Carbolic sheep dip will cure Texas itch on horses.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 18, 1881.
The following table was handed to us with a request to publish. It is claimed to be a correct copy from the books of the County Clerk, and will explain itself.
Railroad valuation, in Cowley County, Kansas, as appears from the records, of the County Clerk, of said county, is $357,895.31.
State tax on same: $1,938.38.
County tax on same: $3,578.89.
County Bond on same: $447.37.
Rail Road: $2,505.23.
Township: $926.30.
Arkansas City: $66.58.
School, and School bond tax: $3,854.41.
TOTAL TAX ON SAME: $13,417.16.
The levy to pay interest, on R. R. bonds, is 7 mills—and the total amount of tax raised, by said levy, is $20,520.05.
Winfield, Kansas, March 1st, 1881.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 18, 1881.
The attention of all parties holding or interested in the stock interests of this section is called to the fact that a meeting of the prominent stockmen, of this vicinity, will be held on Saturday at the canal office at 2 p.m., May 21, 1881, for the purpose of taking steps to protect themselves from the Texas drive (the coming season), by the location of a dead line, etc. etc.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 18, 1881.
Estimated drive of cattle from Northwestern Texas this season, 253,000. Cattle are scarce and very high; they are in fair flesh, yet thinner than most people supposed they would be, owing to the continual wet weather which rotted a great deal of grass.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 18, 1881.
With regard to the contemplated extension of the Santa Fe railroad, from El Dorado to Winfield, the Press says, under date of the 12th inst.:
“Rails and other building material in large quantities have been shipped in, and a large force is now engaged in unloading this material. Grading has not commenced, but is liable to very soon.”
Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.
Messrs. Kirby & Libby, of Red Rock creek, Indian Territory, bring a suit to determine whether citizens of Kansas are obliged to pay a tax on cattle that are kept in the Territory. The case is in the hands of Hackney & McDonald, and the decision will be looked for with great interest by the people of border counties. The present interests are immense and will grow greater each year. Monitor.
Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.
Winfield is shipping beef cattle to Denver.
Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.
Before the Santa Fe railroad was opened up to Colorado and New Mexico, every spring our farmers were compelled to sell eggs at four or five cents a dozen, butter at seven or eight cents a pound, and chickens, lettuce, radishes, rhubarb, peas, potatoes, and other kinds of garden vegetables for almost nothing, and take pay in groceries at much higher prices than are asked now, because they could not get one cent of cash for their produce. Now mark the difference.
All fresh butter that is brought into Winfield finds a ready market at not less than 12-1/2 cents cash, eggs not less than 8-1/2 cents per dozen. Chickens, $2.60 per dozen; peas in pod, $1.75 per bushel, turkeys, dressed poultry, rhubarb, gooseberries, strawberries, onions, potatoes, radishes, lettuce, and other vegetables find ready market at high prices, and a large amount of money is being distributed among the farmers for truck that was formerly comparatively valueless.
A single firm in the city, Snyder & Spotswood, have shipped to Colorado and New Mexico within the last two months, 24,275 dozen eggs. 7,043 pounds of fresh butter, 250 dozen chickens, and quantities of all the other kinds of produce above mentioned.
J. P. Baden & Co., have shipped similar amounts, and others have shipped more or less.
During the summer large quantities of peaches, melons, cherries, grapes, blackberries, etc., will be shipped.
The Santa Fe railroad has created this market for us besides making a new and valuable market for hundreds of carloads of flour, corn, bacon, lard, and hay. This road is the principal factor in making Cowley and other counties rich and independent. It is a nice thing to have money coming in all the year round for all these things for which our county is so peculiarly adapted.
It is in some quarters the style to grumble at this road, to want to “kill the goose that lays these golden eggs,” but when we consider the value of this road to us, the liberality with which it deals with us, the obliging spirit it manifests, the courteous treatment we always receive at the hands of all its officers and employees and the grandeur of its enterprise and its achievements, we feel that we cannot give this corporation with a soul, too much praise.
Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.
Last Tuesday we noticed four drays loaded down with express matter, wending their way toward the depot, and concluded that it would be a good idea to find out how much produce our merchants were sending out. We forthwith proceeded to gather the facts, and learned enough to astonish even a newspaper reporter.
Messrs. Snyder and Spotswood were first visited. They reported the following shipments, with as much more on hand and not shipped, because of lack of express facilities: 600 dozen eggs, 621 pounds of butter, eight dozen chickens, and 100 pounds of vegetables.
J. P. Baden was next interviewed. He reported shipment of 1,750 pounds of butter, 1,200 dozen eggs, 24 dozen chickens, and 40 baskets of vegetables. While talking with Mr. Baden he remarked that he had paid out, on Monday, over eight hundred dollars for butter and eggs alone. We were inclined to scoff at this assertion, until Mr. Baden brought out his books and showed us stubs in his check book for $761.38 cash paid out, and charges for over $100 in goods. We count this a pretty good day’s work. The total amount of eggs shipped Tuesday was 1,800 dozen, for which our farmers received $180. The total number of pounds of butter was 2,371, worth $308; thirty dozen chickens, worth $75, and eighty baskets of vegetables, worth $50. Total cash value of shipments, $613, and this was only an average day for butter and eggs.
Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.
Messrs. M. L. Read, S. C. Smith, Captain Lowry, and M. L. Robinson have purchased the grove west of town, known as Lowry’s Grove, and will improve and throw it open for the benefit of the public as a park.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 1, 1881.
Messrs. M. H. Bennett and Marion Blair came in from the round-up in the Territory last Saturday.
The general round-up was commenced on the North Fork of the Canadian, about twenty-five miles east of the Cheyenne Agency, and then worked up to Cantonment, one party working on west of Cantonment and the other swinging over north onto the Cimaron, where they will camp until the other party works up the upper Canadian country, then they will all work down the Canadian, cross over to the Red Rock country, work that up, and return to the Salt Fork and west to the Medicine country. The boys only found about 1,500 cattle south of the Canadian. The cattle are doing finely and are strong enough to stand the racket in good shape. Saddle horses and men are feeling as gay as a Vassar girl on commencement day. Very few dead cattle were found—less than was expected by the most sanguine.
The method obtained by the captains is to gather about three or four thousand head together, then divide them into five bunches, then each district take a bunch, cut out all brands belonging to that district, then exchange with some other district, and go through it in the same way, until each party has gone through the different bunches of cattle, thereby getting all the cattle that belong to each district together.
Mr. Bennett thinks it will take to the first or fifteenth of August to complete the work before them.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 1, 1881.
Maj. D. W. Lipe, treasurer of the Cherokee Nation, attended the stock meeting, at this place, last Saturday.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 1, 1881.
Dr. H. J. Minthorn, of Ponca Agency, was in town yesterday with his wife and family. Mrs. Minthorn and children left on the afternoon train for Iowa, where they will spend the summer months.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 1, 1881.
The meeting of stockmen, called for last Saturday, met at 2:30 p.m. in the canal office, and organized by electing Dr. J. T. Shepard chairman of the meeting and Dr. S. F. Curry, of Bitter creek, secretary. Owing to the press of business consequent upon the round ups now going on in the Territory, the meeting was not as largely attended as could be desired, yet considerable business matters were talked over, and a committee, consisting of Messrs. J. C. Withers, S. J. Rice, and Dr. Z. Carlisle were appointed to confer with the Texas cattle men upon the matter in hand. Their report will be submitted at the next meeting. The meeting then adjourned to meet at the same time and place on Saturday, June 11th, 1881.
Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.
Railroad valuation in Cowley County, Kansas, as appears from the records of the County Clerk, of said county, is $357,895.31.
State tax on same: $ 1,938.38
County tax on same: $ 3,578.89
County bond on same: $ 447.87
Railroad Bond on same: $ 2,505.23
Township tax on same: $ 926.30
Arkansas City tax on same: $ 66.58
School, and school bond tax: $ 3,854.41
Total tax on same: $13,417.16
The levy to pay interest, on R. R. bonds, is 7 mills: and the total amount of tax raised by said levy, is $20,502.05.
We take the above statement from the Traveler. When you take the above showing $20,502.05 as paid by the people in bond tax for R. R., and $13,417.16 paid by the R. R. in tax, you find the balance as paid by the people to be $7,102.89 in excess of what the R. R. pays in. There have been statements going the round of the press and among the people, that the R. R. was paying more into the county treasury than the people were paying out in interest on R. R. bonds. If the above showing is correct, the people need enlightenment. If not correct, who can rectify it? Arkansas City Democrat.
We can throw a little light upon that subject. The interest for one year on the $128,000 of Cowley, Sumner and Fort Smith indebtedness of this county amounted to $7,680, and one year interest on the $68,000 of Southern Kansas and Western $4,760. Total railroad bond interest: $12,440. Last year the county commissioners made a levy for a year and an additional half year to pay the interest up to July 1, 1881, which required $6,220 more and a total of $18,000 to pay the interest for the year and a half.
The 7 mills, if all collected, would raise $1,842 more than was needed, but that allowance was made for possible failures to collect. It turns out that $35,000 of the 7 percent, S. K. & W. bonds were taken up and interest stopped thereon four months before July 1, 1881, which saves the county in interest covered by last year’s assessment: $816.33.
The levy this year will be for only one year’s interest, and the total amount of interest and the total amount of interest for the year will not exceed $10,398.33, while the total assessment will probably reach $3,100,000.
A levy of 3-1/2 mills, or half as much as last year’s levy, will produce $10,950 or $550 more than is needed, if all should be collected.
If we add to this the $816, saved by stopping interest under last year’s assessment and a probable collection of at least one half of the allowance of $1,842, to help on the year ending July 1, 1882, a levy of 3 mills this year will pay the railroad bond interest up to that time and give a margin of $789.00 for failure to collect the tax.
We must bear in mind that there is no failure to collect any part of the tax on the railroads and no part of the allowance for non-collection is on their account.
The actual amount of taxes they pay on their property in this county is $13,417.16 and the total interest paid on railroad bonds for the current year is $11,623.67. They paid taxes on this property $1,798.49 in excess of what the county pays in interest on the railroad bonds.
Of this tax $1,988.38 is state tax and benefits this county only as it does the balance of the state, say about $145.00, which added to the balance of the tax, $11,478.78, will make the amount of the taxes paid by the railroads, which goes entirely to the benefit of this county, fully equal to the interest the county pays on its railroad bonds for the same time.
In the coming years the yearly interest will not exceed $9,290.00, though we should continue to hold our C. S. & F. S. stock, and though the rate of taxation should be reduced, the railroads will pay taxes for the benefit of the county yearly more money than that sum.
Should we sell our C. S. & S. F. stock anytime within the first ten years of the run of the bonds at not less than 40 cents on the dollar, and apply the proceeds and the interest saved thereby to the sinking of the debt, principal and interest will not have cost our county one cent. We shall have had all the benefits of two railroads which have made us ready markets for our produce at one fourth of our former cost of getting to market, all for a temporary loan of the credit of the county without the expense of a nickel.
We say this much because we have heard grumbling in some parts of the county because of the bond tax and because the COURIER urged people to vote for the bonds. We said then that the railroads would pay in taxes nearly as much as the county would pay in interest; and we are highly gratified by being able to show that our predictions are more than realized.
Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.
The K. C. Journal in speaking of the egg market of this section says: “Winfield and Wichita hens are having a contest as to which barn yard society can produce the most eggs for the market. At present the score stands, Winfield hens, 48,360 dozen; Wichita hens, 20,640 dozen.
Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.
Long trains of Texas cattle are being pulled over the East and West Road, from Hunnewell this week.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 8, 1881.
The recent contracts for Indian supplies, awarded to citizens of this town, has resulted in the A. T. & S. F. Company’s putting up additional warehouses for the storing of goods at their depot.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 8, 1881.
N. J. Smith, principal Chief of the North Carolina Cherokees, has been notified that the Government of the United States has made arrangements with the Southern & Ohio and Mississippi R. R. to transport such of the North Carolina Cherokees as desire to emigrate to the Indian Territory from London, Tennessee, to Muscogee, Indian Territory, and Chief Smith has been directed by the Department of the Interior to proceed to London, Tennessee, and ascertain that those emigrating as Indians are actually such.
The United States Indian Agent at Muscogee, Hon. J. Q. Tufts, has been notified of the arrangement made for transportation, etc., and has been directed to ascertain how many adults and children arrive at Muscogee as emigrating North Carolina Cherokees. The Agent at Muscogee will be notified of the departure from London and arrival at Vinita. Cherokee Advocate.
Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.
Last Wednesday evening Mr. Adin Post, of Pleasant Valley township, had his team stolen. Thursday morning the captain of the Stock Protective Association of that township was notified of the fact and in a short time sixteen well mounted men were on the trail. The party was divided up, taking different roads. On Friday the party which took the Wichita road captured the thief near El Paso. He had an extra horse, which was afterward found to have been stolen from W. S. Marshall Marks, of the Territory. The thief gave his name as James Jackson. Messrs. J. L. Hon, Burt Eastman, Jerry Smith, and Mirian Croak were the parties who captured him. This is the second time the Pleasant Valley Stock Protective Union has caught their man. Horse thieves will give that neighborhood a wide berth.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 15, 1881.
W. B. Strong & Son went up the Santa Fe Sunday evening, taking with them their outfit and the last vestige of the Wellington & Western railroad. Peace to its ashes.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 15, 1881.
Twenty-five herds of horses and cattle have gone up the trail this summer for points in Colorado, Kansas, and Nebraska. The largest herd of cattle was King’s—2,700—and the largest herd of horses was Jenson’s—640. In all 13,500 cattle and 1,750 horses have gone north. Most of the above go to Caldwell.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 15, 1881.
Mr. John W. Ledlie, late of Winfield, called on us last Thursday on his way to the county seat. He had just returned from Texas, where he has been purchasing stock which he is now holding south of here. He reports having made a successful trip; stock being found cheap and in good order, and the weather being favorable, the drive was made without any loss or damage to speak of.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 15, 1881.
L. W. Marks, U. S. Deputy Marshal, and Ed. Mathews passed through the city last Thursday with John Anderson, a Territory cattle man, in charge, whom they were taking to Fort Smith. The trouble arose about some cattle killed by the Indians last year, in which transaction Anderson in some way is said to have been connected.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 15, 1881.
The man who recently escaped from Deputy U. S. Marshal Marks, in the Territory, and afterwards stole a team of horses from A. Post, in this county, will be tried in the State, by which arrangement he will receive, if found guilty, a much more severe punishment than if he were taken to Fort Smith on the charges made against him in the Territory. Satisfactory arrangements were made as to the payment of the reward offered for his arrest.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 15, 1881.
Three horse herds have passed up the trail within the past few days. One herd for Dodge City, of four hundred head, and two herds for Caldwell, of four hundred and two hundred and twenty each.
The round-up parties are on Black Bear, having completed the counting south of that creek.
The rivers have all lowered down to their usual low water mark, and travel is not impeded.
Flies and mosquitoes are fearful, and more numerous than ever before at this season of the year.
Only three herds of cattle have as yet passed up the trail, but a number are on the way.
James Hamilton came very near being drowned while crossing one of the rivers below here. He was in a “buckboard” and the harness needed fixing, and he got out to attend to it, when his horse struck him on the head with its fore feet, knocking him senseless. He floated down the stream some distance before he was rescued by some friends who had remained on the bank.
Many cattle men have changed their camps; leaving their “dug-outs” and tenting on higher grounds. LONE STAR.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 22, 1881. Editorial Page.
Little Rock, Ark., June 13. Chief L. W. Bushyhead, of the Cherokee Nation, has issued a proclamation for a general election August 1st. Forty members of the national council, together with judge, solicitor, sheriff, and clerk from each district are to be chosen. Two factions, one styling itself the Union party, the other the National party, have tickets in the field, and the canvass is conducted with great bitterness. Several murders are reported and others anticipated. The most brutal of these was that of D. B. Adair, who was canvassing Flint district as a candidate for solicitor, and who, meeting three Indians upon the highway, chatted for awhile with them and complied with their request to take a drink. When in the act of raising the flask of liquor to his lips, one of the party shot him, the ball entering his side and ranging upward to the heart. Adair fell dead on the roadside without uttering a word. The Indians fastened the dead body to Adair’s horse, turned it loose, and the animal carried the ghastly burden to the dead man’s wife and children. It is claimed that friends of the opposing candidate instigated the murder.
The rumor that the independent candidate for sheriff in the same district had been assassinated is denied, a telegram from Fort Smith announcing his safety having been received this morning.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 22, 1881.
Quite a herd of ponies from Texas were brought to town last week, and held for sale at the Stanton Bros.’ Stable. The prices asked were very reasonable, and the animals being a little above the average, a number of sales were effected.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 22, 1881.
R. A. Houghton returned from the Territory last Thursday, where he has been for some time attending to the rounding up of his stock. He reports quite a rushing time, but so far has not recovered his full number by some forty head. These, however, he thinks will turn up shortly.
Winfield Courier, June 23, 1881, and June 30, 1881.
ED. COURIER: It is now customary, I believe, when a party makes a trip anywhere, especially to the Indian Territory, for someone of the number to furnish an account of the same to the newspapers. As one of a squad of nine, who recently made a pilgrimage to the land of the Kaw, I will try to inform your readers of some of the matters and things connected therewith.
The party consisted of F. S. Jennings, Judge Tom Soward, W. R. Stivers, J. H. Albro, Will Whitney, L. H. Webb, E. P. Greer, James Kelly, and last but by no means least, Sol Burkhalter. The latter gentleman furnished the rigs and was of course wagon-master.
Grouse Creek was reached by noon of the first day, said day being, curiously enough, Thursday, June 9th, 1881, which should have been mentioned sooner.
Here a halt was called for dinner, and here also the verdancy of the party began to crop out. The temporary camp was made in a dense jungle on the lee side of a hill with a perpendicular front some twenty or thirty feet high. Underbrush, weeds, nettles, vines: pooh [?], but wasn’t it hot! Not a breath of air stirred a leaf in that miserable forest. Yes, it was hot, and some of us thought that spot would compare favorably with a modified hades according to the new version. But we had the shade.
While some of us built a fire and got dinner, Mr. Jennings, Judge Soward, and Will Stivers went in quest of game. Soon word was sent to send another gun and more ammunition, which request being speedily complied with, such a roar of musketing opened out as I’ll wager, the waters of the Grouse had not heard for many a day. Presently the mighty nimrods returned.
“Where’s your game?” chorused we of the bread and butter stay-at-home brigade.
“It crumbled in a hole,” mourned the Judge, “but I think it’s certainly wounded.”
“By the bones of my grandfather,” howled Webb (he never swears), “if those three big stout men with two double barreled shotguns and a rifle, haven’t been banging away at a poor little squirrel.
After dinner the company was formally organized by electing Jim Kelly to the office of . Brother Greer made the point that this being a civil company, the title should be “president.” This however was promptly rejected. “What?” said the Judge “Suppose we have trouble with the redskins, which is more than likely, how would it sound to say our President marched us up the hill and then marched us down again. I move it be Captain.” But here the beneficiary declared that would be no miserable captain and unless he be at once made Colonel, he would resign and leave the company to its fate. This settled it and the train moved out after dinner in the following order.
1. The elegant three-seated barouche containing the colonel, the major, the judge, Dr. Webb, Sergeant Whitney, and wagon-master Burkhalter, followed by the baggage wagon in which on the seat were Captain Albro and Chaplain Greer, with Will Stivers behind to look after things generally. Brother Greer drove the team, that is he drove it to the foot of the first hill, when the team stopped and would not be driven any further. We all got round the wagon, however, and pushed it up the hill notwithstanding the remonstrance of the team.
This Grouse Creek, I verily believe, is enchanted, or at least this company was, for all at once we couldn’t agree as to which side of the stream we were on. Of course, it made no difference, only it depended on a proper solution of this confounding mystery whether we were going up or down, towards or away from the Territory. Finally we came to a standstill and waited for two gentlemen who were plowing in a field to come to the end of their rows, which were headed off by the road, or more properly cow-path, we were then on. But our consternation was only increased when on inquiring, we found those gentlemen seemed to be as much at a loss as we were ourselves. One said we were on this side of the Grouse and would have to cross over to arrive at our destination; the other said as he had been in the country but a short time and was, unfortunately, from Missouri, really knew nothing about it. Just here a bright intelligent looking girl with a hoe in her hand, cut the miserable knot, not with the hoe, however. She explained by saying that dame nature had, right there, succeeded in reversing the old order, and made the bed so crooked that for a full half mile the water actually ran up stream. But I think if we could have told these good people where we wanted to go lucidly and plainly, they could have told us how to get there. But we couldn’t. (To be Continued.)
That Trip to the Territory (continued from last week)...
June 30, 1881.
The caravan here parted in the middle, Chaplain Greer believing as he could successively steer the local columns of the COURIER, he certainly ought to be able to steer a two-horse wagon to the mouth of Grouse Creek. So he left us and drove out of sight into the wilderness. We, that is the other rig, took the opposite course. We drove into a pasture fenced with brush; out of that into a cornfield fenced with stone, and traveled down a row of corn about two miles—so we thought—let down a pair of bars and brought up in a cowpen. We were, however, more fortunate here for we found a man who could and would not only tell us where to go, but could actually tell us where we at that moment ought to be, instead of driving over his corn and garden patch, as we had done. Will Whitney, however, very adroitly mentioned “that those were the finest hogs he had seen in a long time,” which somewhat mollified the old man, who then told us how to get out. Thus, you see, kind words never die; and a little taffy, which Mr. Whitney after told us, was cheap, applied to the slab sides and ungainly snouts of the old man’s hogs, and got us out of an embarrassing dilemma.
In a short time after bidding good bye to the old man of the good hogs, we arrived at the house of Drury Warren, a gentleman well and favorably known to some of our crowd. Mr. Warren, however, was absent in the territory at the big “round up,” he having some six hundred head of cattle on the range on Black Bear Creek.
Having heard Mr. Warren speak favorably of some of us, and representing ourselves as “some of our best citizens of Winfield, we soon got into the good graces of kindly Mrs. Warren: to about half a bushel of onions, and permission to drive through the field, thus cutting off some three miles of long, hilly road. Let me here remark that Mr. Warren has one of the most valuable farms in Cowley county, or I might say, in the state. He has 520 acres in a body. Two-thirds of it lies in the rich bottom at the very mouth of Grouse Creek, which is in corn, and such corn! The like of which is duly seen on the Illinois and Sangamon river bottoms, and there but seldom.
Here we passed out at the south gate of the state and entered the Territory when Messrs. Greer, Albro, and Stivers caught up with us and when your correspondent shot a squirrel, found a nice spring of water, and where we camped for the first night.
Nothing of any importance happened to us except the bites of some huge mosquitos, which happened rather often.
The next morning we tried fishing in the raging Arkansas with but poor success. An old blood-thirsty villain of a fisherman, who I have no doubt now was anxious to get us away from there, told us of a good place where he said we would find bass in abundance, well on toward the Kaw agency. Here trouble commenced. Some wanted to pull up stakes and go at once, some wanted to send a scouting party first to spy out the land and report. But the goers-at-once being in the majority, carried the point, so strike the tent, hitch up, and pull out was the order.
Sometime that afternoon we overtook an Indian afoot, leading a dog. Someone of our party asked him some questions, which he wouldn’t answer. Then someone asked him what he intended doing with the dog. He then very politely told us to go to hades, saying, however, the old version pronunciation of that word.
We pitched our tents on the banks of the Arkansas River that night. Another meeting was held at noon to determine whether or not we would move again. The colonel, by virtue of his office, of course, presided. The debate was long, learned, and dignified. Greer, Webb, Stivers, Whitney, and Albro, for the move, ably presented their side of the case.
“You see, gentlemen,” said Webb, “that we are on the very verge of starvation. No water, nothing to eat.”
“That shows,” said Jennings, “that you do not know what you are talking about. Here we are on one of the most delightful spots the sun ever shone upon. Look at that mighty river and tell me that there is no water. Look at the countless turkey tracks, and tell me there is no game, nothing to eat. Why, we are here in the very bowels of plenty, and I, for one, won’t move a peg.”
The motion was, however, put and carried, so move it was. That same evening the company arrived at the mouth of Otter Creek, where it empties into the Grouse, and once more the tent was pitched. The next morning, it being Sunday, it was agreed that no fishing, hunting, or euchre be indulged in but that this Sabbath be spent quietly and reverently as became our best citizens.
After breakfast some of the boys thought they would have some fun at the expense of the others. Word was accordingly passed along that a meeting would be held to consider the propriety of returning to the camp vacated the day before. The president being in the seat of course, proclaimed and made known that a meeting would be held at once. Every member being present the trouble began.
“Now, may the devil take me,” said Chaplain Greer, “if this move don’t beat all the moves I ever heard of.”
“I opposed coming here in the first place, but now that we are here, I propose to stay,” said Jennings.
“Me too,” said Judge Soward, “let go who will, I shan’t.”
“Question! Question!” shouted the mob.
The motion being put, the chair declared it carried unanimously. That was a straw too much.
“Give me my blanket,” groaned Greer, “I can hire a farmer to take me home.”
“Give me my things,” howled Jennings, “I can walk.”
“Don’t take my gun,” yellowed Judge Soward, “I won’t budge an inch.”
Seeing that the joke had gone far enough, the boys were informed of the “sell” and soon all was again serene.
Monday morning, Mr. Greer, having been really in bad health when he started, was found to be much worse. It was accordingly decided to send him home. He was taken by Mr. Burkhalter to Arkansas City, put aboard the train, and we saw him no more.
And, now to conclude, for every good writer must conclude, I have endeavored to chronicle events just as they transpired. If perchance there may be a few little things that didn’t happen exactly as I have said, I certainly cannot be held responsible.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 29, 1881.
Little Rock, June 25. Intelligence from the Indian Nation states that affairs have reached a crisis. The United States cavalry at Fort Sill have been ordered to report to U. S. Agent Tufts, at Muskogee, to cooperate with the Choctaw militia, under Governor McCurtain, in driving white intruders from the country.
All those not Indians, or intermarried with Indians, are classed as intruders under the law. Although many of them have permits to dwell in the Nation, it is asserted that their papers were illegally issued, and they will be forced to leave.
The Indian militia are in camp near Scuddyvill, three or four hundred strong, and are under orders to effect a junction with the United States troops at Fort McCollister. The greatest terror and distress exists. More than three hundred families are said to have crossed the border in the past ten days, having abandoned their cabins to the flames, their growing crops to destruction, and their stock on the range.
Some of the whites decline to leave, claiming that they hold genuine permits, and will protect themselves if force is used to eject them.
A number of Texans, who have big herds of cattle in the Cherokee Nation, have compromised with Gov. Overton, paying him $15,000 for the privilege of grazing stock until July 15th.
An appeal has been made to the Secretary of the Interior to interfere and protect the whites.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 29, 1881.
A special train, having on board several railroad officials on a tour of inspection, came into our depot about 2 p.m., last Wednesday, and pulled out again after about one hour’s stay.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 29, 1881.
A new parlor car has been put on this run by the Santa Fe company. This adds somewhat to the convenience of travelers, but makes the appearance of the train rather outre, on account of each of the three cars generally run on the passenger train being all of different gauges and colors. The company evidently didn’t go much on appearances in the make-up of this train.
Winfield Courier, June 30, 1881.
Tell W. Walton makes in the last number of his paper, the Caldwell Post, the following statement.
“Last Saturday night, while enroute to Oxford from this city, we were compelled to patronize the K. C. L. & S. road from Winfield to Oxford. We applied at the ticket office for two tickets to Oxford, and tendered our money, a ten dollar bill. After marking the tickets and passing them over the counter, he found he could not make the change; so he said to get on the train and pay the conductor, or get the tickets after we had arrived at Oxford.
“Thinking it would be all right, and having his assurance that it would be, we boarded the train, and after we got out three-fourths of a mile from the station, the conductor came through the car collecting tickets. We tendered our money a second time, but he refused to even look at it or hear an explanation of any kind, but stopped the train and compelled us to get off where we were, causing us, with our wife and child, to walk nearly a mile over the rough roads and cross the prairie back to the depot. We had some baggage with us, which we were obliged to carry too, or leave on the prairie. . . .
“This * * on the same evening beat a poor, lone woman out of the last cent she had, in making change for a ticket. She gave him a silver dollar, the last she had, and in return got a ticket for Oxford, costing forty cents, and ten cents in money. He claimed that she only gave him a half dollar, but the bystanders would swear that she gave him a dollar.”
John R. McGuire, of Tisdale, says that the other day he applied to the ticket office at Cherryvale for a ticket to Independence, the price of which was forty cents, and offered a half dollar piece, which was refused as not being the exact change. A feeble woman with two small children just then applied for a ticket to Independence, but failed for the same reason. Just then the train for Independence came along and McGuire and the woman got on board. The conductor came along and demanded tickets. The half dollars were offered and refused on the ground that the conductor would not take money but must have tickets. No amount would do. The only alternative was tickets or get off. The train was stopped and McGuire and the woman and her children were put out on the prairie two miles from Cherryvale, to which place they had to walk back. The woman could scarcely walk and her exertions would have been fatal had not McGuire been there to carry her small children.
The conductor of this train was not the same man with whom Tell Walton had to deal; but both are brutes, if these statements are true, which we cannot doubt, being made by men of undoubted veracity. We do not now give the names of these conductors because we wish to give them an opportunity to tell their versions of these stories. It is no excuse for them that they were ordered at headquarters not to take money but only tickets for fare, no more than it would excuse them for assassinating a man because he had been ordered to do so. If these conductors believe that such acting is required of them by the company, they are venal hirelings or they would not work for such a company.
We do not believe the managers of this road desire such brutality on the part of their employees. We believe they are accommodating and obliging gentlemen who require their employees to be reasonable and obliging in carrying out such rules as are deemed necessary for the protection of the company and would discharge such brutes as these are alleged to be. Here were civil persons able and anxious to pay their fare and making due efforts to comply with all known rules of the company, and were treated worse than these same conductors would have dared to treat a party of Thugs who had attempted to rob the whole crowd. We do not blame the company for not daring to trust such men to solicit money, but we do blame them if they keep such in their employ knowing what they were.
We think that if the outraged parties should apply to Gen. Nettleton, stating the facts, the cases would be righted as far as possible.
Winfield Courier, June 30, 1881.
Commonwealth: W. F. White, the enterprising and indefatigable passenger agent of the A., T. & S. F. Railroad Company, has devised a scheme and perfected arrangements by which through tickets are now sold at most stations on the line of the A., T. & S. F. to nearly all the minor stations of the east. By the old coupon system, tickets were sold only to important places, and the traveler had to pay local fare from such point or buy a through ticket to some large station beyond his destination, and stop off at his intermediate station, thus paying for more than he received. All this trouble, annoyance, and loss is obviated by the new system. Passengers are ticketed clear through to their destination. The form of tickets is extremely simple, and easily understood, and the most careless traveler will be less likely to be diverted from his route than by the attempted study of the complicated forms heretofore in use. The Santa Fe is always foremost in inaugurating improvements which are likely to contribute to the convenience and profit of the traveling public.
Winfield Courier, June 30, 1881.
A freight train and caboose was over the west part of the K. C. L. & S. road Saturday evening picking up section hands to go over to Moline and repair the track torn out by the floods. The rains that fell in that direction Saturday morning were very heavy.
Winfield Courier, June 30, 1881.
Hugh M. Holmes on Tuesday was crossing the railroad about two and a half miles south of the city with a span of mules and mowing machine, when a train suddenly came in view around a bend. Holmes whipped up his mules and they jumped forward suddenly, separating themselves from the machine, leaving it on the track. The train ground the machine very fine. No other damage done.
Winfield Courier, June 30, 1881.
The Santa Fe road has put on reclining chair cars between Caldwell and Kansas City, and a parlor car between Arkansas City and Mulvane. This makes travel over that road pleasant and easy. The chair cars are models of neatness and comfort, and one can rest in them as comfortably as in a sleeper.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 6, 1881. Front Page.
Nearly 40,000 head of cattle await shipment at Hunnewell.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 6, 1881.
One of the principal blocks in Hunnewell was wiped out by fire.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 6, 1881. Editorial Page.
Washington, D. C., June 27. The Secretary of the Interior today received from the Attorney General his opinion upon the legislative questions involved in the settlement of the troubles growing out of the threatened enforcement by the authorities of the “permit” laws of the Indian Territory. The question as to who are to be considered intruders upon Choctaw and Chickasaw lands, and whether it is the duty of the department of the Indian authorities to remove them, is now definitely settled, as the Secretary has adopted the Attorney General’s opinion. The following telegram, which embraces the main points of the Attorney General’s opinion, was sent by Secretary Kirkwood to U. S. Indian Agent Tufts, at Muscogee, Indian Territory, today.
“The Attorney General expresses the opinion that it is the duty of the department, not of the Indians, to remove intruders from the Choctaw and Chickasaw lands; that all persons other than Choctaws and Chickasaws, by birth or adoption, comprised within some one of the excepted classes described in article 7, treaty of 1835, and article 43 of 1866, are intruders; that those excepted are Government employees, their families and servants, employees of Internal improvement companies, travelers, temporary sojourners, holders of permits from the Choctaw and Chickasaw authorities and white persons who are employed under the laws of said Indians as teachers, mechanics, and skilled agriculturist; all others are intruders; that the permit laws are valid, and the right to remain expires with the termination of the permit.
“Promptly notify interested parties and advise them that measures will be speedily taken to execute the laws as construed by the Attorney General. You will be further fully instructed by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs at an early day. Suspend removals until such instructions are received.”
Arkansas City Traveler, July 6, 1881.
The Cherokees have the right to collect tax on Stock in the Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 6, 1881.
It will be seen by the letter from Hon. H. Price, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, that the Cherokee Government has the right to impose and collect a tax on cattle, sheep, and horses grazing in the Indian Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 6, 1881.
James C. Henderson advertises his cattle brand in this issue, which you cannot fail to see. It represents the animal with the brand as it appears on all his stock, which, in less than one week, will be seen by more than one thousand persons. The cost of the “cut” engraving, with the TRAVELER for one year, and the advertisement in it, is $10, which will be more than doubly made up on the first critter found. We have room for a few more, and would be glad to favor any of our Territory friends, if they will give us a call.
P. O. Arkansas City, Cowley Co., Kansas. Cattle Brand, “J. C. H.,” on left side.
Horse brand C. on left hip. Bill of Sale given with all Stock Sold.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 6, 1881.
A meeting of those holding sheep along the line of the Territory will be held at Hunnewell on Tuesday, the 9th of July, for the purpose of “discussing and deciding what to do in regard to the tax imposed on sheep men by the Cherokee Nation.”
Arkansas City Traveler, July 6, 1881.
On Thursday of last week, says the Anthony Republican, a charter was filed for an organization to build and equip a railroad over the southern survey, made by Gould last winter, from Parsons to Medicine Lodge, through the southern tier of counties, with a branch from Wichita to Anthony. Ex-Lieut. Gov. Humphreys is one of the directors, and the Republican says the scheme is backed by eastern capitalists.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 6, 1881.
WASHINGTON, D. C., June 30, 1881.
Thomas S. Parvin, Esq., Arkansas City, Kansas.
Sir: In reply to your letter of the 28th ult., addressed to the Hon. Secretary of the Interior, and by him referred to this office, inquiring whether the Cherokee National authorities have the right to collect, from U. S. citizens, tax on cattle, sheep, etc., grazing in the Indian Territory south of Arkansas City, I have to state that such right has been fully recognized by Congress, and by this Department, and that the properly constituted Cherokee collectors or agents can lawfully collect such tax. In the event of the imposition of any unreasonable or oppressive tax by the Cherokees, the United States will intervene and afford the necessary relief, but so long as the tax is reasonable, and does not exceed the penalty imposed by the act of June 30, 1834, for grazing stock on the Indian lands (which is $1.00 per head), it is considered that the Cherokee Indians are fully justified in imposing it, and should be sustained by this Department. Very respectfully, H. PRICE, Commissioner.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 7, 1881 - Front Page.
Judge Parker’s opinion in the case of the United States vs. D. L. Payne sets forth at length the legal status of the land, which it has been claimed, was open to pre-emption as the nucleus of the future state of Oklahoma. Payne, it will be remembered, was expelled from the Indian Territory by the United States military forces, and on re-entering the Territory, was expelled again. This second entry being punishable under the laws of the United States, an action was brought against Payne, who in his answer, denied that he was in the Indian Territory, or any part thereof; averred that the land from which he was expelled was the property of the United States, and subjected to pre-emption, like other public lands, and that he had settled on it under the pre-emption and homestead laws. The question presented for decision was, therefore, “Was the land on which Payne claimed to have settled a part of or within the Indian Territory?”
Judge Parker begins by inquiring whether Payne had the right to pre-empt any of the lands conveyed by the Seminole treaty of 1866, which was the treaty under which the Government acquired its title to them. The homestead and pre-emption laws provide that any lands which have been reserved by any treaty, law, or proclamation of the president, are no part of the public lands of the United States subject to those laws, so long as such reservation continues. The power to reserve may be exercised by treaty, law, or executive proclamation. The third article of the Seminole treaty, the judge holds, clearly reserves these lands for the purpose of locating on them other Indians and freedmen. He treats this portion of the question at considerable length, and explains why the government wanted to locate other Indians and freedmen there. The Indian branch of the inquiry involves nothing not generally known, but the privilege of freedmen to enter on the land at will, is not so well understood.
Judge Parker holds the intention of the government to have been to provide a place for the settlement of the liberated slaves of the Indians. The tribes of the Indian Territory held colored people in slavery, and when these were set free, it was not known whether the several Indian tribes who held them to slavery would observe their pledges to secure them the same rights which the Indians themselves enjoyed.
It was fear that the prejudice growing out of their former condition as slaves would be so strong against them that, in order to protect them, it might become necessary to settle them in a colony by themselves. This purpose of the government was manifested by the terms of the treaty with the Choctaws, and in making the treaty with the Seminoles, it sought to provide a home for freedmen as had been held in slavery by the Indians in the Indian Territory, to which they might be removed, should it be necessary in order to secure them in their rights. The government intended to locate there those freedmen who had been slaves in the Indian Territory, and none others; and these could only be settled on this land by the authority and permission of the government. Colored persons who were never held as slaves in the Indian country, but who may have been slaves elsewhere, are like other citizens of the United States, and have no more right in the Indian country than other citizens.
If this land is open to pre-emption settlement, it has been so ever since the treaty of 1866, with the Seminoles. Yet the government has never attached it to any land district, so that settlers could take the necessary preliminary step to perfect their titles. That it has not done so, shows how it has construed the treaty, which is a contract to which it is one of the parties. It is a matter of public notoriety that the Seminoles have similarly construed the treaty; and in this case, the construction upon which both parties to the treaty agree is the proper one to be adopted by the courts.
Treaties, like statutes, must be construed, if possible, to give them effect. The judge disposes of the claim that the right to pre-empt these lands is granted by a clause in a railroad charter. The supreme court has held that “whenever a tract of land has been appropriated to the public use, it has been severed from the mass of public domain, and subsequent laws of sale are not construed to embrace it, though they do not in terms express it.” This land, having been reserved prior to the passage of the railroad grant and charter, and the charter being general in its terms, and not making any special reference to this land, cannot be held to embrace it. This railroad grant was what the counsel of Payne mainly relied on to sustain their case, but the law, as expounded by Judge Parker, seems to show that it was of no value whatever.
He next decides that the land is a part of the Indian Territory because, if it is not, the laws of the United States do not extend over it. Payne was therefore clearly an intruder by the law, and is liable for the penalty.
This exhaustive opinion puts a complete quietus upon all schemes for colonizing the Indian Territory until it shall be opened for settlement by the proper authorities. Especially does it deprive the Hon. J. Milton Turner of the advantages arising from a previous condition of servitude, and we trust the freedmen whom he is exhorting to follow him to Oklahoma will be advised in time. This is one of the instances in which the United States seems to have the power to observe its treaty and obligations with the Indian, and the finest of Indian reservations appears to be beyond the reach of raiders. Globe Democrat.
Winfield Courier, July 7, 1881.
WASHINGTON, D. C., June 28. Instructions were mailed today from the Indian office to the United States Indian Agent Tufts, at Muskogee, Indian Territory, directing him how to proceed in the settlement of the trouble growing out of the threatened enforcement of the Choctaw and Chickasaw local permit-laws. Agent Tufts is directed; conformable with the decision of the attorney-general, to give notice to all parties interested that a reasonable time—say thirty days from July 1st—will be allowed, within which time they can make arrangements to comply with the Choctaw and Chickasaw permit-law or leave the country. Such as refuse or neglect within that period to take out the necessary permits, and who do not come within the excepted classes mentioned in the attorney general’s opinion, will be directed to remove from the limits of the Indian counttry, using for this purpose such police force as he has at his disposal. Should the police force prove insufficient, he is directed to notify the department, in which event assistance will be furnished.
The letter concludes as follows.
“You will also perceive that, under the laws and treaties, the duty and power of removal of intruders resides in the department of the interior, and hence you, as a representative of the department subordinate to this office, will be expected to enforce most vigorously, yet as humanely as possible, in this respect.”
Secretary Kirkwood today requested the secretary of war to direct the proper military command to render military aid to Agent Tufts should it be needed to secure the prompt removal of intruders.
Winfield Courier, July 7, 1881.
County Treasurer Harden has bought $3,000 of our county 7 percent bonds at par with accrued interest. This we learn from a letter addressed by Mr. Harden from Topeka to Capt. Hunt, our County clerk.
This proves that our position was correct, that our seven percents, are not, and have not been worth more than par in the market only as bulled by the rush of sending men east to buy them up. Had we rested quietly, we have not the least doubt that we should long ago have bought the $46,000 we were able to take, at par or less.
Winfield Courier, July 7, 1881.
The Kansas City, Lawrence & Southern has put on a train which they call the “stock express.” It is for the shipment of stock, and makes the run from here to Kansas City in eighteen hours. It leaves at 11:15 a.m.
Winfield Courier, July 7, 1881.
Mr. Geo. Schroeter has invested in another enterprise that will be of much benefit to our citizens. Aside from furnishing time by bell, he has put up on the sidewalk in front of his jewelry store a stone column and pedestal in which is set two clocks, one registering Santa Fe time and the other K. C. L. & S.
George’s public spirit is commendable and he understands the principal that looking out for the wants of the public always brings its own reward.
Winfield Courier, July 7, 1881.
Charles Colson, foreman of the section hands stationed near the summit of the Flint Hills divide near the eastern line of this county on the K. C. L. & S. railroad, was terribly, probably fatally injured, by a hand car last Friday morning, caused by an obstruction placed upon the track by some scoundrelly assassin, for the purpose of wrecking the morning train going east.
Colson with his hands started early in the morning, to repair a culvert a mile or two east, before the train should arrive; and in passing around a curve in a cut rapidly on a hand car, they suddenly encountered a pile of rock placed carefully on the track so as to surely throw the train in the ravine.
The collision threw the hands forward upon the track and the car struck and passed over them, wounding the foreman in the most terrible manner, cutting through the flesh on the upper part of the thigh and stripping it to the bone downward a distance of more than twelve inches.
He was taken to Grenola and Dr. Mendenhall of that place has been attending him. He has borne his dreadful calamity and distress in the most heroic manner. It is possible that he may recover, but his chances are still against it. The hands received less serious injuries.
Efforts have been made to discover the scoundrel or scoundrels who perpetrated the deed, but so far without success. Had they succeeded as they intended, probably several lives would have been lost and many would have been seriously injured.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 13, 1881.
At a meeting of Eastern men at Judge Kelley’s office, July 4, 1881, it was decided to meet at Mr. Flitch’s ranch, about twelve miles below the Malaley ranch, and there divide into two parties, one working on the north side of Salt Fork, and the other on the south side; the parties on the south side to work Red Rock, Black Bear, Skeleton, and Turkey Creeks; the parties on the north side to work the State line, and the parties reaching Crooked Creek first will work that. The cattle will be sent home, and the Eastern will cooperate with the Western men.
It was further decided to meet on Saturday, July 9th, at Flitch’s ranch, and there organize. The members present decided to appoint Mr. John Hamilton stock inspector at Hunnewell, and also determined to send a man as inspector to Kansas City and also to St. Louis.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 13, 1881.
All stockmen desiring to send in their individual brands and have them looked after by the inspectors appointed can do so by sending them to Mr. A. M. Colson, of Caldwell, together with $20, for the months of July, August, September, and October. In all cases the money must accompany the brands, else there will be no attention paid them. All brands must be accompanied by a power of attorney. BEN S. MILLER, Sec. Caldwell Post.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 13, 1881.
Mr. J. W. Chastain came in from Reno and the new trail last Saturday evening. He reports things about even, but very dry in the country around Reno and west of there. Several herds are now on the new trail from below to this point. The beef herds have just started from the ranges in Northwest Texas to market, and before many weeks they will reach this point for shipment. Mr. Chastain will remain in this city a greater portion of the summer.
Caldwell Post.
Winfield Courier, July 14, 1881 - Front Page.
Though but a few months have passed since the Santa Fe railroad has opened up a vast region that was practically three years ago a terra incognita in settlement and the civilization of the nineteenth century, yet, already hundreds of letters have been sent back by the new settler and traveler, and New Mexico letters have become almost as common as country correspondents.
While New Mexico is not by any means “written up,” yet correspondents have gone so often over the same ground that the victimized reader looks with a great deal of suspicion upon one of these letters.
My late trip was made mostly for pleasure. I went to see, and as I traveled only during daylight, I had unusual opportunities of gratifying that sense. I visited some localities out of the beaten track, and I may be able to make a letter of the same kind.
At LA JUNTA (pronounced La Hoonta) I corrected my first wrong impression. I thought the road branched at Pueblo 63 miles farther west. La Junta is where the main line diverges and goes southwest over the Raton mountains. From Trinidad, Colorado, we crawled up the mountains at an inclined plain of 180 feet to the mile, and near the top plunged through a tunnel 2,000 feet in length, and came to light of day in New Mexico. Through this rocky gate we enter into the old civilization that Cortez—nay, older; that of those mysterious people whom the Aztecs found in possession and conquered.
At a little past noon, we glided into the city of LAS VEGAS. Here are two towns, the new representing American thrift and enterprise and the old representing the life and habits of people who lived as they did hundreds of years ago. I am interested in the old and as I step across the stream that separates the two towns, I find to me, a new, strange, and interesting civilization. The first place I visit is the church of Madre de Dolores. There is one nice custom about all these old Catholic churches, and that is, the door stands open and the worshiper and sight-seer are always welcome. An old sexton, bowed down with the weight of many years, greets me and gives such information as he can.
I am much interested in a cross that I see back of the town and after much questioning, I gained its history. It was erected by a queer sect, an offshoot from the Roman Catholic church called the PENITENTS. They inhabit a cluster of adobe shanties on the road to Las Vegas called The Placita, meaning little village, and belonged to an order of Flagellants. Ordinarily they conduct themselves like other people of their race; but whenever one of them has committed a sin, he scourges himself and others scourge him in proportion to this transgression.
During Passion week the whole community crawl on their bare knees over sharp stones some six miles from their village to this cross, and there lash themselves with the terrible thoray cactus until the blood runs in streams down their lacerated backs.
This cross is not very old and dates its origin from the time when a member of this order of Flagellants, who was an actor, came to Las Vegas to die. He refused to accept the sacrament from the present presiding priest and when his friends came to bury him, the priest refused his services and would not let him be placed in consecrated ground, whereupon he was buried outside the pale of the church; and the Pentitents thereupon erected this cross with this legend thereon: “Jesus by the shedding of his blood on Calvary, was consecrated for the whole world.” This cross and inscription justifies this very peculiar sect in their estimation for their scourging, and is also a protest against the exclusiveness of the Roman church.
On my return from the church, I saw a number of Mexicans manufacturing adobe. They are made of common earth, straw, and water; and are cast in moulds 18 inches long, 9 inches broad, and 4 inches thick, and then dried in the sun. It is a perfect non-conductor and the best form of building material conceivable for the Territory. With cement, plaster, and paint, it can be rendered as handsome as brick or stone.
After leaving Las Vegas, I was much interested in watching STARVATION ROCK, and hearing an account of the tragedy that gave it such an ominous title. The “rock” itself is 1,125 feet above the railroad track; its sides are practically covered with pine, and a vast escarpment—240 feet of perpendicular stone—renders it inaccessible excepting at a narrow pass on the east side. From the railroad cars it is in sight for more than an hour, and at the closest point good eyes can discern a number of corners. The top is an elevated plain or mesa that embraces thirty acres. In 1848 a company of Mexicans was attacked by a largely superior force of Indians and fled to the summit of this rock, where they kept the Indians from coming up; but the latter knew a better game, and they kept the Mexicans from coming down, and the entire company of Mexicans perished from thirst and starvation. The rock, decorated with its little crosses, is both grave and monument.
My next resting place was ALBUQUERQUE, which is the initial point of the Atlantic and Pacific railroad; and the railroad is already 200 miles on its way to San Francisco. This road forms part of the Santa Fe system. Shops, warehouses, and offices are now being built at this thriving place.
Like Las Vegas, Albuquerque is composed of an old and new town, which are united by a line of street railway; but unlike its rival, the new town here is immensely in advance of the old. Building, business, and speculation of every kind is at fever heat. Lots purchased today are sold at a big advance in less than a month. A would be purchaser is staggered when told that the price of such a business lot is $2,000; but at the end of a month, he is mad because he did not buy, for it has been sold for $2,500.
In less than an hour, I fully realized that Albuquerque was a “red-hot-town.” The town was all stirred up over the arrest of the celebrated Allison gang, a band of thieves and murderers. I felt more than unusually interested, for Lewis Perkins, one of the gang, was a Cowley county boy. For Allison the reward was $2,500, and all gang members had just been captured and were under guard at a livery stable.
While standing here making inquiries, I heard the report of a revolver, quickly followed by a dozen other shots, and then the rapid running of a man telling the guards to get ready as a party of desperadoes werre about to attempt a rescue of the prisoners. As I was not traveling on my fighting qualities, I made myself safe in another direction. The cause of the difficulty was a stray pistol shot. The marshal heard it and ordered the man whom he thought fired “to hold up his hands,” and before the man could turn, the marshal commenced firing and killed him in his tracks. The man was a Kansas carpenter by the name of Campbell, and was unarmed.
On Monday morning upwards of 200 mechanics attended the funeral, and I was in hopes of seeing that marshal hanged, but the job was delayed. This was the second man he had killed in three months, but the people excused him for the first murder because the victim was “a bad man.”
Here as everywhere else in New Mexico, I found lots of Winfield men. Some are traveling, others are in business, and many others working at their trades; but wherever I saw them, they were all doing well. The universal report was that when they made their “stake,” they were coming back to Winfield to live.
Our town is widely known through the enterprise of its merchants. As a supply point for butter, eggs, poultry, and vegetables, Winfield today is sending more of these products into New Mexico than any other city. In groceries and commission houses, it appeared to me that at least two-thirds of all the boxes and pails carrying such goods bore the familiar imprint of J. P. Baden or Spotswood & Snyder. I will have more to say about this trade in my closing letter.
I commenced with the intention of making but one letter; but my visit to the Black Range and Old Mexico will require another. Up to this point my companion had been Dr. Mendenhall, but to my sorrow he was obliged to return home from Albuquerque and I completed the trip alone. J. E. CONKLIN.
Winfield Courier, July 14, 1881.
Conductor McBeth passed last Sunday in this city, and said to a Wellingtonian reporter, “It was shameful and cowardly in the Caldwell Post and Winfield COURIER, to attack a man without warning, as they have attacked me. They did not want to hear my side of the story, which would have put an entirely different face on the matter. I am acting under instructions of the General Superintendent, and any violation of the same will cause my discharge; and I cannot afford to take the bread from my wife and children to oblige the public. Wellingtonian.
Mr. McBeth is reminded that we did not give his name, but suggested that the case might look different when the conductors told their story, and our columns were open for their side. The COURIER is reputed to be extremely careful to avoid injustice to anyone, giving all a chance to be set right. He has no grounds of complaint against us, unless he denies us the right to comment upon alleged wrongs in the community, a right which we shall insist on for it is just what we are here for.
Winfield Courier, July 14, 1881.
It is real nice now to go north and east by the Santa Fe road. We have a fine parlor car on this branch from Arkansas City to Mulvane, and then a Horton reclining chair car from there to Kansas City.
Winfield Courier, July 14, 1881.
Under instructions of the Hon. Commissioner of the General Land Office, soldiers on the Osage Indian Trust and Diminished Reserve Lands will be required to comply with the pre-emption law in regard to residence, filing and giving notice of intention to make proof. Hereafter, no entries will be allowed until notice by publication has been given.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 20, 1881.
Word was received here late last evening of an important railway change. Mr. T. Jefferson Colledge has been acting until recently as president of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe road. The latter position was not filled until yesterday, when a meeting was held in Boston, and Mr. W. B. Strong, general manager of the road, was chosen president, with a handsome increase in salary.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 20, 1881.
Capt. Geo. W. Peters, of Winfield, Kansas, is on the trail with 1640 head of the finest beeves that have been driven this season. His cattle are all in fine condition, some reaching the enormous weight of 2,200 lbs.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 27, 1881. Front Page.
The Santa Fe company have made satisfactory arrangements with the St. Louis and San Francisco management, and on Monday extended their El Dorado branch across the track of the latter road at Augusta.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 27, 1881.
The Cherokee Indians, still in North Carolina, and numbering 2,300, are to be planted in the Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 27, 1881.
“Oklahoma Payne” is now in Texas declaring and trying to get up another colony of dupes to again enter upon the lands in the Indian Territory, notwithstanding the decision of the U. S. Judge, J. C. Parker, and the law department of the United States Government, that there are no lands there subjected to entry and settlement by citizens of the United States. Payne is plentifully supplied with money, and promised the Denison Tribune pay for its influence in helping to get up a boom, which they to their honor, be it said, declined. We are informed, however, he was successful in another direction. He is a plausible talker, and being well supplied with maps, showing the disputed Territory, and claiming, as he does, that Judge Parker did not decide the question of the right to settle those lands by United States citizens, but only decided the “demurrer,” and having also plenty of money furnished by railroads or other parties, he will undoubtedly secure some “gudgeons” to join him.
Indian Journal.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 27, 1881.
We received a call on Monday last from Mr. Joe G. McCoy, the authorized agent of D. W. Lipe, Treasurer of the Cherokee Nation, to collect taxes due the Cherokees from cattle men holding stock in the Territory, east of Hunnewell and north of Chicaskia. Mr. McCoy also informs us that he is authorized to accept one-half of the assessed rates for sheep from men living on the line, and presumably holding their sheep in the State part of the time. In connection with this we copy the following from the Caldwell Commercial, of last week.
“For the past two months the agents of the Cherokee Nation, at this place, have made every effort to induce parties holding cattle on the Cherokee strip to come forward and pay their taxes. From the best information we can obtain, there are at least 200 persons holding cattle on the strip, and out of that number not to exceed forty have complied with the law or shown any disposition to do so.
“The agents of the Nation have acted with great leniency toward the cattle men, giving them all the time that could reasonably be expected, but having become satisfied that some of the graziers are determined not to pay under any circumstances, they have made up a list of such to the number of 100, and in accordance with instructions forwarded the same to Chief Bushyhead. The Chief will send it through the Interior Department, to Agent Tuffs, at Muskogee, and the instructions to him are, when such a list is placed in his hands, to cause every man, whose name appears thereon, to be removed from the strip. To do this he can call upon the military, if necessary.
“It is but recently that cattle men have been driven from the Choctaw lands for refusing to pay a grazing tax to that Nation. They were removed as intruders with no recourse what-
ever, and so it will be with those on the Cherokee strip who fail or refuse to pay the tax assessed by the Nation. As to the right of the Nation to levy this tax, there can be no question, and of this no cattle man can plead ignorance. Every effort has been made by Major Lipe, Treasurer of the Nation, to furnish them all the information on the subject necessary for a clear understanding of their position as occupants of the Cherokee lands, and now, if they are compelled to leave the Territory, and the enjoyment of privileges, which no money can buy elsewhere, they will have no one to blame but themselves.”
Arkansas City Traveler, August 3, 1881.
The people of Cowley, Sumner, and adjoining counties are just wakening up to the fact that the “Geuda Mineral Springs,” near Salt City, Kansas, are fast becoming quite a popular health resort. The history of these springs is, that the s. w. 1/4 of Sec. 6, R. 34, Tp. 3, on the west line of Cowley county, was purchased of the government by a Mr. Walpole when the Osage lands first came into market, supposing it to be quite valuable on account of a large salt marsh and some very clear water springs that were on the land, since which time the land has passed through several hands.
The quarter section opposite this tract was at about the same time purchased by other parties for the famous salt spring on that tract, and for over two years salt was manufactuered there, but on account of the vats being constructed of inferior lumber, and because there was no transportation for the salt produced, the manufacture was abandoned until this summer, when James Hill & Co. got a ten year’s lease of the land and have commenced to manufac-ture again, and the salt produced is of the very best quality, equal to any salt we have ever seen, and it is claimed that the water produces 1-3/4 pounds to the gallon, being equal to the great Syracuse salt well, at Syracuse, New York, heretofore claimed to be the strongest salt water in the world.
Messrs. Hill & Co. are under contract to manufacture 500,000 pounds of this salt the coming year, and at least 1,000,000 per year for the balance of the term of their lease.
As the water is almost inexhaustible, the prospects for an extensive salt manufactory appears to be good.
The clear water springs on the other tract were, for several years, supposed to be of no particular value, as the water in most of the springs had a very strong taste of mineral, and, to a person unaccustomed to drinking mineral water, was very disagreeable to taste.
Robert Mills, Esq., however, an old resident of Salt City, was seriously afflicted with the rheumatism, and, having tried about everything else, concluded to try the water of these springs, and in a short time all symptoms of rheumatism disappeared.
At about the same time, or soon after, others began to use the water for different diseases, and almost invariably found relief. The people in the near neighborhood soon had a great deal of faith in the curative properties of the water, but it was not publicly known or generally used until Messrs. Hackney & McDonald, of Winfield, Kansas, purchased the land, and Judge McDonald, who was very seriously afflicted with eruptions on his face, which he had been unable to get cured, concluded to try the use of his own medicine, and to his surprise, he was cured up by using the waters for a very short time by bathing his face.
Then Dr. James Allen, who had been at most of the watering places in the United States for his health and finding no relief (he being afflicted very badly with diabetes, and also catarrh—so much so, in fact, that he was unable to even walk), came to try the benefits of these waters, and in a few month’s time was entirely cured.
The news spread until the people generally in the counties of Cowley, Sumner, and some of the adjoining counties, would afterward, when afflicted, go to Salt City for their health; and there being no accommodations whatever at the springs, they were compelled to camp out.
During the summer and fall of 1879 there were often 8 or 10 tents to be seen near the springs, occupied by persons in search of health.
Messrs. Hackney & McDonald, being attorneys with a very lucrative practice, were not in a situation to improve the springs and sold the same to Messrs. Newman & Mitchell, of our town, for $4,000 cash, and in a short time, probably the best bath house in the State was erected near the springs, and during the summer and fall of 1880, on Saturdays and Sundays, from one to three hundred persons would visit the springs; generally going out of curiosity, but now it has become so popular a place for health that it is impossible to accommodate all who go.
The springs, so far as we are able to learn, have never yet failed to cure ulcerations and other diseases of the uterus, rheumatism, skin and blood diseases, dyspepsia, diabetes, catarrh, and diseases of the liver, kidneys, and digestive organs in general, and are especially effective in female diseases, rheumatism, and affections of the skin and blood.
We have, heretofore, always been skeptical about cures of such magnitude as claimed here, “but seeing is believing,” and we have personally known of at least fifty persons who have been undoubtedly cured by the use of these waters, and we are told that at least five hundred persons have been cured, and we do not doubt it in the least.
Most of our people who have been talking of an expensive trip to Hot Springs, Saratoga, or Colorado, are now going to Geuda Springs. The springs themselves are a natural curiosity. There are seven of them, and they each contain a different kind of mineral, and are within a circle of twenty-five feet in diameter, and it does not require a chemical analysis to detect the difference, as it is readily distinguished by the taste. There are two of these within eight feet of each other that taste as different as does common rainwater and vinegar. It is well worth a trip to anyone who has never seen them to make the trip for that purpose alone.
The ancients supposed that such springs that were of a healing nature, were manipulated by spirits of ghosts—Bethesda, Siloam, and others are instances of such belief. Modern scientists, however, have, by chemical analyses, discovered that the curative properties of such springs consists in the different kinds of minerals contained in the waters, and the minerals found in this state are undoubtedly natures purest remedies.
A qualitative analysis of the Geuda Springs shows that they contain the bicarbonates of iron, soda, magnesia, and calcium; sulphates of ammonia and magnesia; chlorides of sodium and potassium; iodide of sodium, bromide of potassium, sulphur and silica, and are strongly charged with carbonic gas.
The name “Geuda” is taken from the Indian name “Ge-u-da,” meaning healing, and, al-though not euphonious, is very appropriate. We say this because we have personally tested many of the mineral springs of this country and Europe, and have never known any, in our opinion, to equal their healing and curative properties. The letter “G” in this name has the hard sound, as in the word “get.”
We are informed that a joint stock company is about to be formed, called “Geuda Springs Co.,” and that it is the intention to build a new hotel, and make other improvements which are greatly needed, as not more than half the people, who now want to go there, can be accommodated with boarding. If we mistake not, by the time next spring opens, Salt City and Geuda Springs will experience a boom, such as it never before thought of, and all she will need is a railroad, connecting her with the commercial world, which in time will be built. A narrow gauge road connecting it with our town can easily be built if taken hold of right, and thus be a great benefit to both places.
There is also a large quantity of excellent salt water, or more properly brine, there running to waste, which, if here, might just as well as not be manufactured into salt. We see no good reason why pipes should not be laid and this water conveyeed here in the near future. By this means it could be utilized not only to the benefit of our town, but to Cowley county, and the adjacent counties. We believe there is some hostility to this enterprise, but if the people in the neighborhood of these springs cannot manufacture it themselves, it is certainly a dog in the manger policy to object to others doing so, especially when they would be equally benefitted by the undertaking.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 3, 1881.
The Hunnewell Independent gives 9,376 as the number of cattle shipped from Hunnewell, from July 1st to 23rd, an average of over four hundred head per day.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 3, 1881.
The marshal of Hunnewell gives notice to the world that hereafter the carrying of firearms, concealed or unconcealed, in that thriving city will not be tolerated.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 3, 1881.
Mr. O. Glendenning was here on Saturday, from Hunnewell. He is the first cattle man to adopt branding on the horn, and putting brass knobs on the horns of Texas cattle. Mr. Glendenning says it is worth just one dollar per head to put the brass knobs on, but he has the satisfaction of knowing his cattle at sight.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 3, 1881.
A small herd of Indian ponies, belonging to Mr. Bearss, ran into the barbed wire fence just opposite the Harmon ford on the Walnut, and some of the animals were fearfully cut. The wire wound around one and did not lack much of cutting it in two. This wire is directly across the old road, and having no board on top of the wire cannot be seen, making it extremely dangerous. We learn that a team near Searing’s mill were frightfully cut, last week, by the horses becoming unmanageable. The owner hitched onto the wire afterwards and tore the fence in pieces.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 3, 1881.
George R. Bearss shipped a carload of twenty-three Indian ponies last Monday morning to Logansport, Indiana. They were all well broke to saddle, gentle and kind, and cost him from $20 to $60 each, averaging $30 each. The freight from this point to Kansas City is $40, and from Kansas City to Logansport $67, and the “salting” of the ponies at Kansas City, St. Louis, and at some point in Illinois, will cost him 25 cents per head, besides the feed, making the cost of transportation, etc., nearly $10 per head. He will have to get good figures to make anything.
Winfield Courier, August 4, 1881.
Charlie Hodges has accepted a position with the K. C. L. & S. railroad as baggage master at this station.
Winfield Courier, August 4, 1881.
Tell Walton and many other admiring friends will regret to learn that Jim Shannon has been given the “grand bounce” by the K. C. L. & S. company and that his vinegar visage will no longer haunt travelers over that road.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 10, 1881.
The number of cars of cattle shipped from this place during the month of July, amounts to 525, with an average of 23 head to the car, making a grand total of 11,025 head of cattle.
Hunnewell Independent.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 10, 1881.
Col. McCoy informs us that a letter has been received from Chief Bushyhead, in which it is stated that the list of non-paying occupants of the Cherokee strip has been sent to the U. S. Indian Agent, at Muskogee, and a written demand made by the Chief for their immediate expulsion. The letter concluded by saying that the Agent would act promptly and use the military. A little business sense and prudence on the part of the grazers in question might have prevented all this. Caldwell Commercial.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 10, 1881.
J. W. Hamilton arrived on Salt Fork the latter part of last week with 5,000 head of Hewins & Titus’ cattle, which he was compelled to hold there on account of high water. He is marking the cattle, by sawing off the points of their horns and cutting off the ends of their tails, in lieu of branding. They will hold part of these cattle till they fatten up a bit. Some, however, will be shipped at once from this point, as will be all of the 10,000 head recently purchased by Mr. Hamilton in Texas for this company. Caldwell Post.
Winfield Courier, August 11, 1881.
The Santa Fe was completed to Douglass in Butler county last week and the citizens indulged in a grand jubilee. The next thing in order is paying the interest on their bonds.
Winfield Courier, August 18, 1881.
Conductor J. E. Miller is one of the most accommodating and courteous employees of the Santa Fe company. With Will Garvey at the ticket window and Conductor Miller wielding the punch, the Santa Fe is ably represented.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 24, 1881.
To the State Fair and back, over the A. T. & S. F., for $4.75.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 24, 1881.
Arkansas City is the home of a number of cattle and sheep men, whose herds are in the Territory and along the State line.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 24, 1881.
Woodruff, the man arrested for stealing a steer from Deer Creek ranch, has been bound over in the sum of $500 to appear at the next term of court at Fort Smith, Arkansas. He will be tried for drawing a revolver on Capt. Will Whiting. The examination took place before U. S. Commissioner Webb, at Winfield, last week. The cattle Woodruff obtained from the Whiting Bros. are in the sheriff’s hands, under an attachment issued in favor of the Whiting Bros., who sold him the stock.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 24, 1881.
The farmers in and about Maple City sowed large quantities of millet, and will realize largely on the crop. Stock men from Missouri, Arkansas, and the Territory will drive in stock this winter to feed on it. On Grouse creek the stock men have bought every ton that could be purchased. They paid $2.50 per ton for millet hay.
Winfield Courier, August 25, 1881.
We call the attention of all old soldiers to the low rates made on the Santa Fe for attending the old soldiers’ reunion at Topeka Sept. 15th. Mr. White, general ticket agent, has kindly made a rate of $3 to all the old soldiers on the main line or branches, provided that a muster roll of not less than ten names be forwarded to Mr. White by the 10th of September, stating name, company, and regiment of the soldier, upon the receipt of which, station agents will be authorized to sell tickets for the round trip at $6 to the parties named.
This is indeed liberal on the part of the Santa Fe, and we hope the old soldiers in this vicinity will take this opportunity of visiting our State Fair and attending the reunion at the same time. Muster rolls may be left with Mr. Garvey, agent at Winfield, or sent direct to Mr. W. P. White, Topeka, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 7, 1881. Editorial Page.
“What is the status of your plans for colonizing negroes on the Oklahoma lands?” J. Milton Turner was asked recently.
The colonizer shook his head rather regretfully as he said:
“In status quo. There is no likelihood of doing anything till fall. If you recollect, I told the Post Dispatch just before the Fourth of July that I was then making arrangements to go to Washington and that my prospects were very encouraging. It was so.
“Then came the shooting of Garfield, to whom we were looking for countenance of our plans, and we were obliged to stop short. The question of the occupancy of the lands by negroes had, after a good deal of correspondence, resolved itself into definite shape. All that was needed to be done was the issue of an executive order from the President, and the Territory would be opened to settlement by negroes. We were full expecting this action from Mr. Garfield when he was stricken down. Indeed, we had an assurance which satisfied us that this would be done, and I hoped to be able to declare all obstacles in our colonization plan removed when I got back from Washington.”
The position which Mr. Turner had taken regarding these lands of Oklahoma, and which, he believed, was about to be recognized by the administration, was very briefly this.
These lands were ceded back by the Indians shortly after the war to the Government on the understanding that freedmen were to be colonized on them. Mr. Turner holds that they are made by the terms of the transfer from the Indian tribes to the Government, the heritage of the negroes, and that justice requires that the right of the negroes to acquire homesteads on the lands should now be recognized. All that is wanting to bring this about is the executive order spoken of. Post Dispatch.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 7, 1881.
An Arkansas City man is holding a herd of several hundred yearlings and two-year-olds near Maple City, which he asks $12 and $14 per head for. Feed and water are scarce, and he will probably have to winter them.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 14, 1881.
Go to the State Fair, it will only cost you $4.75 both ways on the A. T. & S. F. R. R.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 14, 1881.
Lieut. Shoemaker and Gov. Jack McCurtain, of the Choctaw Nation, are hard at work removing intruders, and such a set. The effects of a dozen families could all be placed in one wagon with room to spare, but the 12 men and 12 women have 144 red-headed, tow-headed, shock-headed urchins of all sizes, tagging along after them barefooted, and more also. There being no provisions visible, it is a wonder how they lived. They have remained there because forbidden to do so—if ordered by the United States to remain, they would all have skipped out in one night. It’s no wonder the Arkansas papers howl over the enforced exodus from the Indian country if that State is to be afflicted with such a class of shiftless emigrants. Muskogee Journal.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 14, 1881.
W. N. Hubbell has been authorized by the local stock men to offer a reward of one hundred dollars for the apprehension of the party or parties who set the prairie on fire in the Indian Territory about six miles southeast of Caldwell on the night of August 30th, and also on Thursday last. Evidently the fire was started by someone intent on destroying the range in a certain locality; and we can see no reason for such dastardly work, unless it is to keep Territory cattle from water in Bluff Creek near the State line. If the fire was set out by anyone holding cattle along the line for the purpose of keeping Territory cattle from encroaching on the range, it shows a low, contemptible, disposition, and one that will land him in the pen before many years, if he does not die with his boots on. A man, or thing that would do such a deed, would steal, and should be branded on the forehead with a curry comb brand. It will not be healthy for anyone caught by the stock men of these parts setting out fire in the Territory. Caldwell Post.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 14, 1881.
An execution was issued last month by the U. S. District Court at Fort Smith, Arkansas, against Oklahoma Payne, et al., for the collection of the $1,000 fine assessment against them last winter.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 28, 1881.
All doubtful Cherokees have to appear before Chief Bushyhead this month and prove their citizenship; otherwise, they will be removed from the Cherokee Nation and the Indian Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 28, 1881.
Jesse Cochran, Sheriff of Coo-wee-a-ko-wee District, Cherokee Nation, advertises in the Advocate to sell sixteen head of stray horses, fourteen head of stray cattle, and three stray hogs. The animals are sold at the courthouses in each district. Redbird Smith, Sheriff at Illinois District, advertises sixteen horses and twelve head of cattle. They are sold on the range as they run. Terms cash. About 500 head of strays are advertised to be sold every few months, and it might pay some stock man to go down and buy a few.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 28, 1881.
The Cherokee Government have asked, from the Judicial Department at Washington, that the Nation be protected against the timber depredations that are constantly going on. Judge
I. C. Parker thinks an amendment should be made to the law governing timber depredations before it will be entirely effective.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 28, 1881.
The driving of cattle from Texas to Kansas has almost been abandoned during the past two months on account of the scarcity of water and the range being nearly all burned off. There will be a large drive late in the fall, after grass gets a start again.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 5, 1881. Editorial Page.
The Doubtful-Citizen Cherokees.
Conventions will soon be called by “doubtful citizens” in the Cherokee Nation, at an early date, for the purpose of ascertaining the number of people in the Nation who are classed under that head, and for selecting representatives to go before the Department of the Interior and advocate their claims. These people who are called doubtful citizens are Indians who are allowed no rights of franchise in the Nation. They claim that they should have equal rights with other citizens and there is no doubt but their disabilities will be removed at an early date. Cherokee Advocate.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 5, 1881. Editorial Page.
Lieutenant Shoemaker, the officer in command of the company of U. S. soldiers, acting under the instructions of Indian Agent Tufts, in the Choctaw Nation, spent Sunday in the city. His company and a body of Indian militia under Gov. McCurtain, are going through the Nation issuing orders to all white settlers, who have not yet paid the license fee to the Choctaw authorities, to quit the country immediately. Much hardship will result therefrom we opine. Advocate.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 5, 1881.
Cattle men are in every day for supplies. It will soon be time to lay in all they want for winter.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 5, 1881.
D. S. Burress and his son, Sam, sold all their cattle on the range, at Salt Fork, and will go to Texas this winter to contract for more to drive in the spring.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 5, 1881.
A decision has been rendered by the United States authorities to the effect that the saw-mill, owned by non-citizens, and seized by the Cherokee Nation, has been confiscated to the benefit of the Cherokees, and that the order of confiscation extends to all logs cut or held by non-citizens.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 5, 1881.
Wedding Bells at Ponca Agency.
We are often told that “the good times are coming,” and we really begin to believe it, for every now and again some of them, like angelic visitors, or peripatetic book-peddlers, pop in and make us happy. It was our privilege to participate in one of these peculiar pleasant occasions a few days ago at Ponca Agency, Indian Territory.
It seems that on September 24th, ten years ago, Dr. and Mrs. Minthorn were married, and both being high esteemed by the good people of Ponca, and Nez Perce—to whom he ministers in medical things—it was suggested that the tenth anniversary of that happy event should be celebrated by a general jollification, and the musical tin tin abulation of a tin wedding. So preparations were made, invitations sent out, and at 3 p.m., of the 24th, about seventy well pleased guests were gathered in and around the Doctor’s house.
Among them were U. S. Indian Inspector Pollock, Agent Miles and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Edmonson, of Osage, Mr. and Mrs. Kellar and daughter, of Kaw, Rev. R. B. Lawyer and wife, Mr. James Reuben, Chief Huses Kute and wife, from Nez Perces, together with the Agent, missionary, principal Chiefs, and all the employees and families at Ponca, making altogether, a pleasing picture as they strolled over the lawn, or collected in groups, chatting and making themselves generally agreeable. The bride and bridegroom, decorated in artistically designed tin ornaments that caught and reflected the rays of the setting sun, mingled in the merry crowd and received the congratulations of their friends with becoming bashfulness.
After partaking of a repast that for get up, elegance, and quality reflected the highest credit on the ladies of Ponca, the bridal presents were arranged in order and the guests invited to look at them. At first sight it seemed as if we had stepped into a Ponca branch of Charlie Sipe’s tin store, or that the Doctor had serious intentions of competing with our worthy trade in the tin department, for everything was there, from a tin whistle, to the most costly article usually to be found in a well assorted stock of tinware.
After a few hours of delightful social intercourse, the company separated, with many hearty wishes for the future welfare of our worthy friends, and a hope that when their golden wedding comes round we may be there to see. J. W.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 5, 1881.
Throughout the entire South West and Mexico the enquiry for young cattle for next spring’s drive, and for the cattle for our home market is general. Prices have advanced everywhere until, in most localities, buyers have quit trying to make contracts, and will wait further developments. We cannot quote one and two year old cattle, they range from $8.50 @ $10 for yearlings, and from $10.50 @ $12 for two year olds. She cattle higher than steer cattle. No she cattle selling even at fancy prices. Fort Worth Live Stock Journal.
Winfield Courier, October 6, 1881.
The 10 o’clock train on the K. C., L. & S. Thursday night struck a cyclone just east of this place. It damaged the roof of the baggage car and came near blowing the train from the track.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 12, 1881.
Lieut. Shoemaker, in command of a part of company F, U. S. troops, was in the city last Friday. The Lieutenant is acting under orders from the Indian Agent at Muskogee, and is engaged in putting in force the recent regulations with reference to the payment of tax to the Cherokee Indians. As we understand it now “no pay tax, no stay.”
Arkansas City Traveler, October 12, 1881.
Messrs. Blair & Williamson have recently purchased, from Malaley, of Pond Creek, some 2,500 fine cattle. They will hold them in the vicinity of Pond Creek. These gentlemen thoroughly understand the stock business, as their success hitherto attests.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 19, 1881.
The longest deed on record in Cowley County is that of James S. Hunt, County Clerk, to C. M. Scott for 90 lots in Arkansas City, which covered forty-two pages of the record book, and embraces 13,734 words. It cost nearly fifty dollars to have the deed written and recorded. The most lengthy mortgage is on the Gould railroad.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 19, 1881. Editorial Page.
Gould in the Territory.
The following special appears in the Globe-Democrat of the 6th inst. Our readers can draw their own conclusions from it but to us it seems that a war is about to open between the various railroad companies in regard to building through the Territory.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS, Oct. 5. A telegram from the Indian Territory says that considerable feeling is being manifested among the Creek and Cherokee Indians, owing to the effort which Jay Gould is making to secure the right of way for a railroad running east and west through the Cherokee and Creek Nations. The Councils of these nations have the power to grant the privileges asked for, and a strong pressure is being brought to bear to induce them to do so. The Cherokee Council meets the first Monday in November, when immediate steps will be taken for the introduction and passage of some such measure. A. A. Talmage is managing Gould’s interest in the matter, and has written to the members of the Council and to all the prominent Indians in the nations named, setting forth the wishes of the railway company and the advantages to the country of the proposed road. There is, however, no little opposition to granting the right of way, many leading Indians holding that such a step would be the entering wedge for the future dismemberment of the Indian country. It is doubtful, therefore, whether the Indians will permit the road to be built, as the antagonism toward it appears to be growing in strength and bitterness. The projected road would give Gould almost absolute control of the trade of the Southwest, and place the St. Louis & San Francisco company, and other roads which are now striving for the trade of that section, completely at Gould’s mercy.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 19, 1881.
Taxing Stock in the Indian Territory.
Caldwell, October 14. There is great excitement here, and all over the Cherokee strip today. The strip extends from where the Arkansas River strikes the Indian Territory, to the Panhandle of Texas, and is 57½ miles wide. On this it is estimated there are 300,000 head of cattle on which the Indians levy a tax of one dollar per head, they having that right according to the decision of the Department at Washington. About one-half of these cattle have paid the tax, the owners of the other half refuse to do so. Indian Agent Tufts, with United States soldiers, leave here today to drive the cattle off the strip. Many owners of cattle, this morning and yesterday, offered to pay the tax, but were told it was too late. The Agent says, not only that the Indians will not receive the tax of those who have heretofore refused to pay, but that these recalcitrant men will not in the future be allowed to herd their cattle on the Cherokee strip.
The cattle now on the strip are not in a condition to ship to market, and as they cannot be driven to the south on the Indian reservations nor to the north, because of the law of Kansas, the owners are forced to sell them at such prices as they can get for them. These cattle are actually worth $15 per head on an average, or an aggregate of $1,500,000.
Cattle buyers who have heretofore paid the taxes enforced by the Cherokees, will be allowed, if they purchase these, to keep them on the “strip.”
Speculators and others are raising all the money they can with which to make purchases. Men started last night for Emporia and other money centers to raise money to buy cattle with. Many are willing to mortgage farms and everything else they have to get money.
The last train of cars loaded with cattle to be shipped this year started today, cattle shipping being mostly over for this year. Commonwealth.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 19, 1881.
It is reported that Agent Tufts, with the U. S. Troops, is at Caldwell—moving all cattle men who refused to pay the cattle tax to the Cherokee Government, and that they refuse to take payment now, and will not be granted permits hereafter. This will compel many to sell their entire herds, and cattle can be purchased low in consequence thereof.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 26, 1881. Front Page.
It is stated that Cowley County will have a hundred thousand tons of hay for sale this season.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 26, 1881.
Wild horses are reported more numerous than for years upon the plains forty miles and onward to the northwest of Cimarron, this season, says the New West.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 26, 1881.
Messrs. J. D. Harkleroad and G. B. Green, of Silverdale, with six hands, started for Arkansas yesterday morning for the purpose of purchasing stock. They will be absent about three months and will probably return via the Oklahoma country.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 26, 1881.
The following “ad” is from the Fort Worth Journal.
FOR SALE. One of the best stocks in Texas, numbering about 11,000 head, located in Curry County on one of the best ranges in the State, together with about 100 good cow ponies, ranches, ranch privileges, etc. Price: $115,000; one half cash, balance in 12 months.
Here is a good chance for some of our young men to engage in the stock business.
Winfield Courier, October 27, 1881.
Among the changes to occur in local or minor offices of the Santa Fe road, will be that of W. C. N. Garvey, from the ticket office at Winfield to be station agent at Topeka. We understand that Mr. Garvey will assume his new duties on November 1st. Commonwealth.
We were aware last week that such a change was contemplated, but Mr. Garvey requested us not to mention it unless the change should actually took place, so we said nothing. We have always observed that the Santa Fe company has had the sagacity to employ not only men of ability but real gentlemen who are obliging and will make themselves and the road popular; and when they get one who is eminently so, they know when to promote him to higher places. Will Garvey is one of the best of these and his promotion will give pleasure to his many warm friends here.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 2, 1881. Editorial Page.
The application by the managers of the Frisco and Texas roads to the Secretary of the Interior for permission to ask the Council of the Choctaw Nation to grant the right of way through the Nation, has been decided favorably. It is thought that the Council will pass at once a measure allowing railroads to build through the Choctaw country.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 2, 1881.
Messrs. Hackney & McDonald, one day last week, disposed of 3,154 acres of land in Spring Creek Township for the neat consideration of $7,569.60.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 2, 1881.
Cal. Dean, of Dean’s ranch, called on us this week for a talk. The Dean boys have the reputation of having the finest herd of short horn cattle in the Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 2, 1881.
We see that a railroad company has been chartered to build a road from Arkansas City through Geuda Springs and on west to the west line of the state. The capital stock of the company is $200,000 and the estimated length of the road is 200 miles.
Caldwell Commercial.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 2, 1881.
We are reliably informed that contracts for spring delivery are now being made in Southern Texas at $10 for yearlings, $12 to $15 for two year olds and other ages and classes in proportion. These look like big prices for that country but we believe that the climax or top prices have not yet been reached, but that cattle in Texas will advance twenty-five percent from the present valuation in the next six months. Livestock Journal.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 2, 1881.
The surveyors of the Fort Scott & Wichita road have made their survey to Eureka, and are making preliminary surveys to determine whether they shall pass north or south of the City. The location of the depot will depend on which end of town it can raise the biggest bonus.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 2, 1881.
In old times the Indian Territory extended as far as the Missouri River, and remained so until the passage of the Kansas and Nebraska bill in Congress, offered by Stephen A. Douglas in 1854. The present northern line was then established as it is now. The Indians settled the west in very early times, when it was French territory. The Shawnee and Delawares as early as 1793, by permission of the Spanish authorities, settled where Cape Girardeau is now. The Cherokees settled first on the St. Francis River in 1809, or perhaps earlier. Cherokee Advocate.
Winfield Courier, November 3, 1881.
A railroad company has been organized to build a road from Arkansas City to Geuda Springs and westward. The directors are H. B. Pruden of Ohio, J. W. Devoire, of Indiana, W. P. Hackney, James Huey, Maj. O’Gradey, C. R. Mitchell, and W. M. Berkey, of Cowley county. The capital stock is $250,000 in shares of $100 each.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 9, 1881.
Mr. John S. Nichols has been extensively engaged in the shipment of cattle and hogs of late. At his last shipment, two weeks since, he paid out, for hogs, $1,578.76, and for cattle $428.00. The latter were purchased of Mr. Drury Warren, of Grouse Creek.
Winfield Courier, November 10, 1881.
The St. Louis and San Francisco company are negotiating with the Choctaws for a right of way through the Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 16, 1881. Front Page.
Wellington Press: A charter has been granted for the construction of a railroad from Arkansas City to Dodge City. The road has long been talked of and the growth of the country demands its construction. Such direct connection with the south will be of great benefit to this portion of Kansas. We will speak more at length in the future.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 16, 1881.
The Choctaw Council have granted the right of way through their country to the St. Louis & San Francisco railroad. This has been approved by President Arthur and Secretary Kirkwood. The road will extend in a southwesterly direction to the Panhandle of Texas.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 16, 1881.
Mr. Thompson, our energetic livery man, contracted for his hay on Grouse Creek, to be delivered in Arkansas City at $4 per ton. It is good, bright hay, such as is hard to get this year. A few miles this side of the creek forty stacks can be seen within a range of two miles.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 16, 1881.
Thirty-nine head of Polled Angus cattle passed through Larned, recently, en route from Scotland to Lee & Reynold’s ranch near Camp Supply, Indian Territory. They cost $35,000, and are said to be the finest drove of cattle in this western country. Larned Optic.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 16, 1881.
Elk Falls has it fixed up beautifully now. The Santa Fe Co. will straighten up the branch from Emporia south, which will leave Howard about two miles west, and in order to sorter console that place, Eureka will also be left out about two miles. Thus the company will have a direct line from Emporia, via. Madison, Gould, and Elk Falls to Peru. Sedan will also be “left out in the west.” Oh, gosh! Signal.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 16, 1881.
Along in the summer the Chief ordered some hundreds of thousands of feet of valuable walnut logs to be attached for the Nation as common property that certain parties had prepared and were preparing to float down the Arkansas River. It is now reliably asserted that the logs have gone down sure enough, and the Nation has been deprived of thousands of dollars. The Council should appoint a committee to thoroughly investigate the subject and contrive some means to prevent such wholesale robbery in the future. Cherokee Advocate.
Winfield Courier, November 17, 1881.
Al Requa has gone into the employ of the Santa Fe as master of baggage at the Topeka depot. Another recognition of worth and merit.
Winfield Courier, November 17, 1881.
Wilber Dever has taken the position of cashier for the Santa Fe company at the Topeka depot. This is a very responsible position and we congratulate Wilber on his good fortune in securing it. He will honor the position as much as it honors him. Wilber is one of Cowley’s brightest boys, and his rapid advancement is no surprise to his many friends here. He is bound to go up, and no one can prevent it.
Cowley County Courant, November 17, 1881.
Two companies of the 9th Cavalry, Capt. Parker in command, arrived from New Mexico on Saturday. One company goes to Fort Reno and the other to Cantonment. Three more companies of the 9th will be along in a few days, and then the Territory will be garrisoned exclusively by colored troops. Caldwell Commercial.
Cowley County Courant, November 17, 1881.
The Santa Fe folks are making some substantial improvements about their depot. A stone gutter has been run under the track and the spaces between the tracks filled up on Court House street (we want to call it Park street in the future). They have also put in a stone crossing to connect with the sidewalk leading to the park.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 23, 1881.
The subject of fencing material is one that has occupied the attention of our farmers for several years. Wood being scarce, a hedge or wire fence seemed to be the only available material. A recent invention does away with the wooden posts, and it is now claimed that a good barbed wire fence and posts wholly of iron can be put up at a cost of fifty cents a rod for short distances and somewhat less for long distances. This fence consists of three doubled and twisted barbed wires, and posts of inch-iron gas-pipe five and a half feet long, furnished with flanges, and these with triangular wings, which, set a rod apart, keep it in place. A mile of three-wire fence complete (so the inventors say) weighs less than a ton, and may be put into a common wagon, and set up by two men and a pair of horses in a comparatively short time.
Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.
Conductor Miller had the address last Saturday evening to make 35 passengers, packed in a box car from Mulvane, feel comfortable and happy. His best passenger car was sent to Caldwell for troops.
Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.
MR. GEO. W. MILLER has bought the Lindsay property in this city and located here as a permanent home. He is one of the leading cattle kings of this country and has now about 5,000 head of cattle on the range in the Territory. He has selected Winfield as his headquarters, because it has good society, churches, and schools, and a wide awake people, making it the most desirable place for his family, consisting of a wife and four children.
Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.
We noticed two or three drays unloading barbed wire in front of Horning, Robinson & Co.’s hardware store Tuesday. They had just received a carload of wire alone. By the way, this extensive establishment is this fall laying in a stock of hardware and cutlery that is simply immense and is far ahead of anything we have seen in the state. They have jugs full of pocket knives and as much as twelve bushels of table knives, forks, butcher knives, and spoons of the most approved pattern. While investigating the knife business, we sat down to rest and happened to light on the edge of one of the “Old ‘76" axes; and if our endorsement will add any to their fame, we can safely say they are the keenest cutters we have ever come in contact with. We are glad to say that Messrs. Horning, Robinson & Co. are realizing their fondest expectations regarding brisk trade. If it keeps up much longer, we are afraid the boys will never live to enjoy the fruits of their labors. Men who work eighteen hours a day always die early. However, it is a pleasure to deal with them for a customer always receives prompt and courteous attention and the fairest treatment.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 30, 1881. Front Page.
The capital stock of the Santa Fe is $68,000,000.
Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.
A new stock exchange bank has been started at Caldwell with $100,000 capital, John E. Woods, president, and Ed Hewins, vice president.
Cowley County Courant, December 1, 1881.
Business was lively around the K. C., L. & S. depot today. Allen Johnson is putting up a large crib for corn, a half dozen cars are loading with corn, several cars of coal and wood were being unloaded, three cars of hogs were shipped, and the regular freight pulled out with two locomotives and thirty-three cars.
Cowley County Courant, December 1, 1881.
The Caldwell Post says the Indians that have been causing the cattle men so much trouble near the Cimarron lately, have been corralled at last, and taken to Fort Reno. It remarked that a killing bee would have done a power of good about the time they were setting fire to the ranges on the Cherokee strip. The cattle men pay their tax for the privilege of this range, and should be protected from other bands roaming around and burning off the ranges.
Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.
The old fraud and public demoralizer, Dave Payne, has gone to the Indian Nation alone and unattended.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 7, 1881.
Capt. Dave Payne’s Oklahoma crowd will start or attempt to start from Oswego this time.
Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.
Captain Payne and a large body of followers crossed the Red River into Oklahoma last Sunday.
A dispatch from Denison, Texas, says Capt. Payne, with a large party, crossed at Red River at the mouth of the Little Wichita, on Sunday, and is en route for Oklahoma.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 14, 1881. Editorial.
A body of soldiers are in Oklahoma in anticipation of Payne’s threatened raid from Gainesville. Others are within call, and the intruders, if they should make an effort to abide in the forbidden land, will have an interesting time of it.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 21, 1881.
The U. S. troops are already in Oklahoma waiting for Dave Payne and his colony.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 21, 1881.
A number of stockmen of this vicinity will leave for Texas during the month of January. We won’t have the pleasure of greeting them again until next summer.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 21, 1881.
The Medicine Lodge (Kansas) Index is of the opinion that the success of the St. Louis and San Francisco railroad in securing the right-of-way through the Choctaw Nation, is not only an important step towards the opening of the Territory to white settlement, but is the death knell of Caldwell, Medicine Lodge, Hunnewell, Arkansas City, and other border Kansas towns.
It will be a death knell we are all anxious to hear. Arkansas City with its water power on the Walnut canal from the Arkansas, with mills and factories already looming up all round, will be the supply point for half the Territory. Let her open.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 21, 1881.
A proposition has been received from the Bell Telephone company to put up their wires and instruments in Winfield, if twenty-five subscribers can be secured. The prices at which instruments are put is $50 per year for one in a business house, and $30 in a private house. Wichita has an excellent exchange, and the people are delighted with it. It is a splendid thing, and if we once get it people would not part with the privilege for twice fifty dollars a year. Let every businessman take hold of this idea, hire an instrument, and in a few weeks we can sit in our offices and transact business, etc. Courier.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 21, 1881.
[From the Cheyenne Transporter.]
Major Davis, of the 4th Cavalry, camped at Reno, Wednesday night. He was in command of companies C and F, 4th Cavalry, en route for New Mexico.
The transportation outfit that accompanied Captain Thompson on his trip with Little Chief arrived at Reno last Saturday. They made the trip in good time and lost but little stock. Their return gives the Post its usual transportation facilities.
Mr. C. D. Bickford, military freight contractor of Caldwell, was down last week with a train headed for Reno. He seems to have trouble in getting freighters to move the supplies as fast as received. He asked Agent Miles to send him every team he could procure and stated that it would take 200 wagons to move the freight already accumulated. The Agent tells us that he intends to send every wagon obtainable when the annuity issue is over. Mr. Bickford offers the Indians 89 cents per hundred, which is the price received by him from the Government.
There are three companies of the 9th Cavalry, three companies of the 13th Infantry, and one company of the 4th Cavalry stationed at Fort Cummings, New Mexico, also two companies of Indian scouts composed of Uwas, Tonto, and Los Carlos Apaches.
The companies of the 9th will leave for Riley and Hays as soon as F Co., 4th Cav., arrives at Fort Cummings.
Lt. Col. Forsayth, 4th Cav., is commanding officer, and L. A. Howard, 9th Cav., A. A. Q. M. & A. U. S.
The sutler store is owned by Mr. Carpenter.
The A. T. & S. F. railroad passes within six miles of the Post and the S. F. R. R. within 18 miles.
Cowley County Courant, December 22, 1881.
The new townsite of Salem has just been surveyed eight miles east of this city on the K. C., L. & S. road, and work has commenced on a depot there.
Cowley County Courant, December 22, 1881.
We sincerely hope our citizens will take hold of the telephone proposition, which we place before them today. If any particulars are required further than we give, Mr. Whitney or Mr. Kretsinger will give them. Fourteen have already subscribed and only eleven more are needed to secure the placing of the instruments. Wichita has placed sixty-three telephones and the company are still at work. The central office here would be at the Brettun House.
Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.
Caldwell has been laboring under another excitement during the last few days. Last Friday night a party of cowboys, among whom were Ike Sherman, more familiarly known as Jim Talbot, and one of the most desperate on the border; and Robert Mersey, Jim Morton, and Sam Lowe, were on a high jamboree, which lasted clear through the night and into the morning.
The effort made by the police, whose force had been increased by the addition of several specials, to maintain quiet, at first seemed successful; but in the afternoon the row again commenced. Talbot, who had a grudge against Mike Meagher, the marshal of the city, hid behind a building; and as the latter came along, not suspecting anything, Talbot shot him with deadly aim, Meagher being instantly killed. Meagher was one of the bravest men in the West, and had he been given half a chance, would not have allowed his cowardly assassin to have his shot without getting one in return.
One of the gang of cowboys was shot dead by a citizen as he was mounting his horse. By this time the town was fairly ablaze, and the cowboys seeing there was trouble ahead for them, secured horses and left town, closely pursued by the citizens. It was the aim of the cowboys to get into the Indian Territory, where they would be reasonably safe from pursuit; but the citizens were too quick for them, and corralled five of them a few miles south of there. One citizen was shot and mortally wounded in the fight there.
Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.
The road bed of the Santa Fe is being put in first-class shape from one end of the state to the other.
John M. Steele, of Wichita, is after the cowboys with fifteen men. Four cowboys are under arrest at Caldwell, one is dead, and five are being pursued, two of whom are wounded.
It is reported that the cowboys who were besieged in the dugout south of Caldwell have escaped, and that the citizens of Caldwell have offered $1,000 reward for their bodies dead or alive.
Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.
Through tickets at Kansas City cut rates to all points in the East for sale at the A., T. & S. F. depot. W. J. Kennedy, Agent.
Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.
Gen. John Pope, commanding the department of Missouri, informs the interior department that the story published to the effect that Capt. Payne had entered the Oklahoma Territory was unfounded. Gen. Pope intimates that the stories of Payne are published to keep up excitement, and the less notice taken of them by the interior department, the better.
Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.
Coroner John H. Folks, accompanied by County Attorney Charles Willsie and Dr. E. P. West, went to Caldwell last Saturday and during Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, held inquest on the dead bodies of Mike Meagher and George Spear. The jury in the Meagher case returned a verdict that the deceased came to his death from a gun shot wound inflicted by Jim Talbot, and held Jim Martin, Bob Munson, Doug. Hill, Bob Bigtree, Dick Eddleman, and Tom Love responsible as accessories to the crime. The verdict in the Spear case was that he was shot by some unknown person. Wellington Press.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 4, 1882. Editorial Page.
From Cheyenne Agency.
A small party of boomers were brought to Reno, lately.
Gen. Pope informs the interior department that the rumor that Payne has settled in Oklahoma is unfounded. He thinks that the stories are published to keep up excitement.
Some complaints have recently been made by stockmen on the Cherokee strip that Indians were depredating on their cattle. As matters now stand, there is no way of preventing this trouble. The country belongs to the Cheyennes and Arapahos, the Cherokees having only a rent right until it is actually occupied by the former tribes.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 4, 1882.
Several parties from Grouse Creek are in Arkansas buying cattle. Stock of all kinds is cheaper there than in Texas, but it is not considered as good as Texas stock.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 4, 1882.
The Cherokee Council at their last session passed a law that: “The funds derived from the grazing of cattle west of the Arkansas River shall be and is hereby devoted to the support of the Male and Female Seminaries and the Primary Departments thereof.”
They also passed an act: “To pay W. A. Phillips $1,500 for services as Special Agent and Attorney at Washington, D. C.”
Arkansas City Traveler, January 4, 1882.
The suit that was carried to the Supreme Court, in reference to taxing cattle in the Territory, was decided in favor of the cattle men. George Green owned and held cattle in Kansas on the first day of March and then drove and kept them in the Indian Territory for two years thereafter. The cattle were assessed during the three years, as Mr. Green still held his residence in Kansas. The court ruled that the cattle were subject to taxation for the first year, as they were in the State on the first day of March and the tax could be collected of him, but for the two years following, they were not legally taxable in Kansas. This has long been a vexed question, and having been decided, will put money in the pockets of the cattle men, yet deplete the treasury of the townships. It is expected that suits will now be instituted against the county and townships to recover taxes paid in years previous.
The Winfield Courier, January 5, 1882.
Capt. Dave Payne and a few of his followers entered the land of Oklahoma from the south some weeks since. Gen. Pope’s idea of letting them alone was adopted. Consequently, they came up through Caldwell last week going home.
The Winfield Courier, January 5, 1882.
Jake Keffer and Mr. Hostetter, of Pleasant Valley, brought in the five horses the Caldwell rowdies rode away into Caldwell last Sunday. Jake says he saw the horses tied to a bush, crept up in the middle of the night, and stole them away. Another man came in and said that Talbot turned the horses over to Jake at Siber’s ranch and instructed him to take them to Caldwell, saying that they had promised to send them back in six days and they proposed to do it. Jake did not get any reward for bringing in the horses. He and Mr. Hostetter had lost three horses and were looking for them when they met the outlaws, and they have not found their own horses yet.
Cowley County Courant, January 5, 1882.
We clip the following from the Caldwell Commercial, which has some connection with the escaped cowboys, but more particularly to a W. J. Keffer, who, if we mistake not, resides in this county and is well known to many of our citizens.
Last Sunday about dusk W. J. Keffer, a freighter between Caldwell and Cantonment, arrived at Gilmore’s stable with the five horses which the Talbot gang had taken from the Harmons on the night of the 12th inst. Early on Monday morning we sought Mr. Keffer for the purpose of interviewing him as to where and how he obtained possession of the stock. Keffer at first declined to be interviewed, but a vigorous pressure of the reportorial thumb-screws finally extorted his version of the affair which we condense as closely as possible.
According to Keffer’s story, he had lost three head of horses on the Friday night previous to the shooting in town. The next day he started on a hunt for them. On Monday or Tuesday of last week, he heard of the loss sustained by the Harmons, and obtained a description of their stock. Last Friday afternoon, while riding on the bluffs on the other side of Big Turkey creek, north of the Cantonment trail, he saw a party of men riding towards the creek, and having several horses besides those they rode. They entered the timber and disappeared from sight. He then crossed the creek, and in the brush he discovered three of the horses taken from the freighters, and one gray and one black horse, all tied up. There were other loose horses around, but he did not care to stop and examine them at that time. About a mile and a half from where the horses were tied, he met two men riding two of Harmon’s large bay horses. He describes one of them as a tall, dark man, with black whiskers, and a little bald on the front part of his head; the other appeared to be a medium sized man, light complexion, and face shaved with the exception of whiskers and mustache.
Keffer says he did not appear to notice them, but went on to his camp. Keffer says when he met the men, one of them, whom he thinks was Talbot from the description he had of him, dropped behind and asked if he was looking for horses. Keffer answered that he was. The men then rode on without saying anything further. On Saturday morning about 3 o’clock, Keffer says he went to where he had seen the horses tied, and found all five of them, including the two he had seen the two men riding the day before. These five he untied, led out, and started for town. Reached Pond Creek ranch on Saturday evening, where he met one of the Harmons, and came into Caldwell on Sunday evening as before stated.
Two freighters who passed Wilson’s camp on Turkey Saturday, arriving here on Sunday night, say that Wilson told them the desperadoes stayed at his place on Friday night, and on Saturday morning. They sent the horses back, saying they intended to keep their word, if they did get into a shooting scrape.
This, of course, contradicts Keffer’s story; but as the latter is an old resident of Cowley County, and has been engaged for a number of years in freighting, he may have told the whole truth and nothing but the truth regarding the manner of obtaining possession of the stock.
Since the above was written, facts have come to our knowledge which go to show that Keffer lied, wholesale and retail, when he made his statement to us. We are informed that the ruffians went to the stage station on the Cantonment road, last Thursday, and stated that they wanted to find a man by whom they could send back the horses they had taken from the freighters. Not finding anyone, they left, and on Friday returned, and finding Keffer there, they turned the horses over to him with instructions to take them to Caldwell. This, we believe to be the bottom facts. Keffer sought to make it appear that he was a great hero and a brave man; hence he invented the yarn about stealing the horses from under the noses of the desperadoes. As a picturesque liar, Keffer has failed miserably.
Cowley County Courant, January 5, 1882.
Caldwell has closed her saloons.
Cowley County Courant, January 5, 1882.
It is rumored that the A. T. & S. F. R. R. assumed control of the K. C. L. & S. R. R. last Monday.
Cowley County Courant, January 5, 1882.
Last Wednesday morning the conductor of the east bound passenger train informed us that above Pierceville they ran into a lot of railroad ties piled up on the track. No one was seen about the track, the night being quite dark, but the supposition is that it was the work of train wreckers. Fiends who would thus endanger numbers of human lives, whether they succeed or not, ought to hang for their terrible intentions, and some law meting out such punishment ought to be enacted. Train robbing is growing too common.
Arkansas Valley Democrat.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 11, 1882.
Ex-Governor S. J. Crawford writes from Washington to George Cutler, at Hunnewell, that the grazing lands in the Territory, known as the Cherokee Strip, is not the property of the Cherokees; that it was merely set apart by the Government for their use as an outlet, and that the Cherokees have no right to collect a tax for grazing cattle on it. Gov. Sam. is undoubtedly mistaken in this. The strip is part of the Cherokee domain, has been so regarded by the General Government, and was conditionally purchased from the Cherokees. When the Government pays for it, the Cherokees will have no right to collect taxes for its use. Until that time, they have full control over it, and authority to make every man pay who occupies it as a grazing ground. Caldwell Commercial.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 11, 1882.
We hear it rumored in connection with the A. T. & S. F. R. R.’s taking charge of the K. C. L. & Southern R. R. on the 1st inst., that it is the intention to take the track up between Mulvane and Wellington, running the K. C. & L. train through to Caldwell and the A. T. & S. F. trains from Newton to Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 11, 1882.
Mayor Burress, of Caldwell, has received warning to resign as follows:
Dec. 29th, 1881, Caldwell, Ks.
Case Burress:
We think that you had better take a tumble to yourself, if we let you go on you will imagine that you are a King. Our advice to you would be for you to resign from office. We will give you 24 hours to either remove those last ordinances No. 14, No. 15, No. 16, or resign your office. If within 24 hours, you have not complied with either, we will find some mode to remove you that won’t be very satisfactory to your hide.
From the K. K. K. Committee.
The Caldwell Commercial says “Hell would be a cool place alongside of Caldwell for the writer if he was known.”
The Winfield Courier, January 12, 1882.
Mr. John R. Cochran has sold his ranch on Deer Creek in the Territory to Dr. Belmont. John had gathered together quite a bunch of cattle and was fast becoming a bloated landholder. He does not intend to rest, but will re-invest his means in the cattle business.
Cowley County Courant, January 12, 1882.
The Traveler says the suit that was carried to the Supreme Court, in reference to taxing cattle in the Territory, was decided in favor of the cattle men.
George Green owned and held cattle in Kansas on the first day of March, and then drove and kept them in the Indian Territory for two years thereafter. The cattle were assessed during the three years, as Mr. Green still held his residence in Kansas. The court ruled that the cattle were subject to taxation for the first year, as they were in the State on the first day of March and the tax could be collected of him, but for the two years following, they were not legally taxable in Kansas.
This has long been a vexed question, and having been decided, will put money in the pockets of the cattle men, yet deplete the treasury of the townships. It is expected that suits will now be instituted against the county and townships to recover taxes paid in years previous.
Cowley County Courant, January 12, 1882.
A new schedule of rates has been adopted by the Western Union telegraph company, taking effect January 1. The new rates are somewhat lower for day messages but night messages instead of being “half rate” as heretofore will cost about two-thirds of day rate. Messages which are charged twenty-five, thirty, and thirty-five cents during the day for the first ten words and two cents for each additional word, will be charged for at the rate of twenty-five cents for the first ten words at night, and one cent for each additional word.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 18, 1882.
Instruction to Agents.
The Secretary of the Interior has prepared a letter of instruction to Indian agents with regard to the employment of the military to capture criminals. He instructs agents that they have power to put intruders off of reservations, and they may call out the military to assist them, not as a posse comitatus, but simply as a force to enable them to maintain their authority. This may be a precaution to prevent an invasion of the Indian Territory, by persons who have in view a settlement on these lands. Agents are instructed also that they may arrest criminals who have escaped from any State or Territory, but they must notify the authorities of the State or territory from which the captured criminals have escaped, and at what time and place the latter will be delivered.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 18, 1882.
The Cherokee Advocate, published at Tahlequah, Indian Territory, commenting on ex-Governor Crawford’s letter regarding tax on the Cherokee outlet, says:
“Uncle Sam stands by the Cherokees in this matter, and those stock men who have stock on the Cherokee Strip, and who are kicking against paying taxes to the Cherokee authorities, are simply cutting their own throats—in other words ‘no pay no stay.’
“Our authorities are backed by the plain law, and have the consent and backing of the U. S. Government, and propose to collect the taxes as long as we hold the Strip, as we now do. So the stock men who are on the Strip might as well understand this now, and be ready, and more than willing, to pay their tax when called upon by our National Treasurer.”
Cowley County Courant, January 19, 1882.
The Wichita correspondent of the Kansas City Times says Captain David Payne has the papers prepared and will bring suit in the District Court of Sedgwick County against General Pope for his arrest and ejectment from Oklahoma Territory. This suit will involve the question of the right of settlement in that territory.
Cowley County Courant, January 19, 1882.
On Tuesday the Adams express carried from this market 37 cases of eggs, 150 pounds of butter, and 2 barrels of poultry, all consigned to Leadville parties. Pretty good shipment for a winter’s day. Wellingtonian.
That is a fair day’s showing for a small town like Wellington, and is about the average of Pete Baden’s daily shipments. Saturday the Adams express company here [Winfield] sent out 54 cases (1,620 dozen) of eggs, 276 pounds of butter, and a quantity of game and poultry. The produce shipments of the two express companies on that day amounted to 54 cases of eggs, 585 pounds of butter, 117 of poultry, and 212 of game. In addition to the above there were several packages of poultry, etc., for the eating houses on the Santa Fe road which were not expressed.
The Winfield Courier, January 19, 1882.
In a case where cattle were driven into the Indian Territory March 1st, remaining two years and assessed taxes in Kansas, supreme court holds taxes only collectible first year.
The Winfield Courier, January 19, 1882.
The Chickasaws and Choctaws are violently opposed to the building of the Atlantic and Pacific road through their country in the Indian Territory, and have sent a delegation to Washington to secure the cooperation of the President in their behalf.
The Winfield Courier, January 19, 1882. It is wonderful the amount of game—deer, turkey, etc., that is shipped from this place. The cattle men on the Cimarron River declare the hunting must be stopped, as it frightens their cattle and makes the festive steer run wild. Where one deer is slain, a dozen are wounded and left to die, and not one turkey out of fifty killed, reaches the State before it spoils.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 25, 1882.
We have just received a carload of barbed wire, which we will sell by the rod instead of by the pound, so that an exact estimate of what is needed can be made beforehand. We have in stock both the galvanized and painted wire. Howard Brothers.
Winfield Courier, January 26, 1882.
Gov. Bushyhead of the Cherokee Nation is the only governor who has dared to even express sympathy for St. John in the position he has taken, and a letter from Gov. Bushyhead was read, strongly supporting the cause of temperance. Prohibition is absolutely a success among the Cherokees; and the governor of that nation thought the policy that is good for the Indians cannot possibly be very bad for the white man.
St. John has labored under the impression all his life that a white man was just as good as an Indian as long as he behaved himself. A violation of the prohibition laws of the Cherokee Nation not only forfeits citizenship, but the property of the violator is confis-cated—in fact, for the enforcement of this, law mobbing is sanctioned. The plea that a certain class of drunkards could not live without their accustomed dram was proven to be absurd by the fact that those criminals who had served a term of imprisonment in the penitentiary, many of whom were habitual drunkards, never died in prison, but on the contrary came out robust and hearty, and intemperance is not permitted inside the prison walls. The statute gives protection to buzzards, dogs, and other animals, and prohibits racing on the highway, but does not afford the slightest protection to boys against the evils arising from the rum traffic. Governor St. John’s proclamation was assailed only by the leading daily press of the State, because of the fact that they are subsidized by the whiskey element. A large majority of the newspapers—and to their credit—are in favor of prohibition. He had as much right to issue the proclamation as had Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation, and to the power that—the will of the people—sustained the latter he was willing to submit his vindication. The policy of sending missionaries to the Indians and heathen should be reversed.
The Governor declared that he had taken a firm stand in the cause of temperance, would give no quarters, and asked none.
The revenue derived from the sale of liquor as a means of paying off the national debt was no argument in favor of intemperance; and it should make one blush to think of sacrificing honor and happiness to pay the debt in such a way.
A fence is now around the liquor traffic, and future legislation would make it a barbed wire fence. The Governor read some statistics of Maine to illustrate the force of his arguments, which space forbids giving. In Edwards County, Illinois, there are only four mortgages under prohibition, and it has a population of 17,000. The sum total realized from the sale of liquor in Kansas in 1880 was $4,000,000. This amount is sufficient to build the west wing of the State Capitol, costing $500,000, and leave a liberal appropriation of $160,000 for each of the chief public institutions of the State, and leave a handsome sum to be placed to the credit of the paupers of the State. If the voices of the people decided that the cause of temperance was too low and degrading for a Governor to engage in, he was willing to abide by their decision. He closed his sensible and practical lecture by an earnest appeal to young men, which was full of pathos, feeling, and good advice. The writer can conscientiously toss his hat in the air and raise his gentle voice to make the “welkin ring” for Governor St. John and prohibition.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 1, 1882.
J. R. Rogers, Division Supt., A. T. & S. F., was down last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 1, 1882.
Edward Haten, of Topeka, Western Passenger Agent of the A. T. & S. F., spent a day in town last week. He went over with C. R. Mitchell to take in Geuda Springs.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 1, 1882.
Spring Meeting of Stockmen.
Notice is hereby given that the annual spring meeting of Stockmen on the Cherokee Strip will be held in Caldwell, Kansas, on Wednesday, March 1st, 1882, at 10 o’clock, a.m., for the purpose of making arrangements for the spring round up and to transact such other business as may advance the stock interests of this section.
By order S. S. BURCHFIELD, Chairman.
R. F. CRAWFORD, Secretary,
Caldwell, Kansas, January 24th, 1882.
Winfield Courier, February 2, 1882.
Captain Dave Payne proposes to bring suit against Gen. Pope for causing his arrest and ejectment from the Territory. He had better employ Porter, McClellan & Co., to assist him, for they once succeeded in beating Gen. Pope at the second battle of Bull Run.
Cowley County Courant, February 2, 1882. Editorial Page.
D. L. Payne, of Oklahoma notoriety, filed suit in the district court against Gen. H. Pope, commander of the department of the Missouri, for ejecting him from Oklahoma, in the Indian Territory, on the 15th of June and 7th of August, 1881. In his petition Payne alleges that Oklahoma is United States land subject to settlement, and which he had a right to occupy as a citizen and a bona fide settler. The plaintiff asks $25,000 for ejectment. This suit will determine in the court the status of Oklahoma, and whether it is subject to settlement as government land or not.
Cowley County Courant, February 2, 1882.
Oklahoma boomers are still outfitting at Wichita, and a few of them have already started for the Indian Territory.
Cowley County Courant, February 2, 1882.
Train men on the M. K. & T. on the Indian Territory run are greatly alarmed at the frequent attempts to derail trains. An engineer was shot at the other day, and there are daily evidences that the outlaws, so numerous there, mean mischief to the trains.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 8, 1882.
The A. T. & S. F. R. R. have contracted for 400,000 cords of rock to be used for ballasting purposes. Mr. Henry Hill has the contract, and is working a large force of hands at his quarries north of town.
Winfield Courier, February 9 and 16, 1882. [Letter in two editions of paper.]
EDS. COURIER: On Oct. 10th, 1881, I stepped on board the train at Winfield for the Great Colorado Valley, the wonders and fertility of which I had heard much.
Being by nature of a timid and retiring disposition, my presence was rarely indicated by my voice. My ears carried impressions to my consciousness, if my voice carried none to that of others. I was to enter the Indian Service on my arrival at this agency as physician. Of course, I was interested in Indian affairs. The Apaches were creating some interest about that time. The Indian question was discussed. Many commonplace ideas were presented by various gentlemen. One assertion was boldly made which struck me as worthy of investigation. It was to the effect that contractors furnishing the agencies were almost wholly responsible for the Indian outbreaks. Was that assertion the result of knowledge, or a desire to say some-thing indicating knowledge? We will answer that in the future.
In Newton the noise and bustle of business was dull, compared with two years ago. The class of buildings had improved decidedly, however. I boarded the train at Newton about midnight, so could not take an inventory of car contents until morning. Slept well. Arose late. Applied myself diligently to the business of the day. Permit me to say here that I was on board an—no, I must not make such an admission—the thought is dreadful—what! On board an—dare me! How can I? But I despise deception—I cannot tell a lie, father—I was on board an emigrant train! There, I’ve said it. I breathe easier now. Courage is a good thing; moral courage in particular. Always have courage to tell the truth. Seat No. 1 contained an elderly woman with a pale, wrinkled face, and her son. The son was tall, broad shouldered, and fine looking; very attentive to his mother. He was not ashamed to extend to that plain woman the affection of his manly heart, and every service necessary to make her journey pleasant and comfortable. How unlike the narrow souled fop who is ashamed of the old man and woman if they are plain. “Honor thy father and mother that thy days may be long.” This worthy lady and son were Kansas people en route for California.
Hard by was a Frenchman of fine conversational powers and a liberal education. He was vain, however, and gloried in his own greatness and exploits. He seemed proud of the fact that he had won three wives and had been divorced from the same number. He had won riches by questionable means according to his own story. His wit and humor, his liberalism and education poorly compensated for the lack of honor and fidelity. If a nation’s greatness and honor depend to a great extent upon the number and purity of its homes, such men must constitute sources of weakness and decay. The young need to be strongly fortified against the insidious attacks of such minds. They poison, corrupt, and lead to dishonor.
A young man direct from Germany next attracted my attention. His destination, I soon learned, was Hermasillo, Sonoro, which is said to be a beautiful town. It is situated on the Sonoro R. R., now building between Benton on the Southern Pacific R. R., and Guymas on the Gulf of California. He proved to be a short hand writer, liberal in princi-ple, and I conceived him to be a fair representative of the Republican element in Germany, an element which is furnishing America with a large number of excellent citizens; many of whom are more thoroughly Republican than those born on American soil. The rigor of the institutions which gall and fret them at home make them more thoroughly liberal. We learn many things by comparison. The man who has never experienced the pangs of hunger and thirst can form no just conception of their torture. He who has felt the fetters can appreciate the bliss of freedom. Despotism tends to produce anarchy. The “Golden Mean” in temper, desire, government, and in all the relations of life is probably the better pathway, and leads to the best results. Our German companion, however, could take no middle ground. He had been hampered and now he is free. His bold, restless, energetic spirit had ventured; the extremities must be investigated, enjoyed, endured. Fortunate indeed will he be if he falls under the care and guidance of older and more experienced minds, who will have it in their power to save him from much of the suffering and chagrin which are the heritage of those whose methods of action and thought are extreme. Respectfully, C. G. SMITH.
Cowley County Courant, February 9, 1882.
To the Kansas City Sunday Times:
We have noticed through the columns of your paper the account of the so-called cut-throats. You are aware of the fact that every story has two sides, so we wish to inform the readers of the Times that we have been very basely misrepresented. In the first place, we were not drunk at the time of the fight. In the next place, we never rode into the city of Caldwell. We had been in town about one month and had always abided by its laws, and as far as helping ourselves to anything, it is false. We never molested anything that was not our own.
As for Meagher, when he was killed, we were not mounted. He had two six shooters in his hands at the time he was shot; and more, he went to Hubbell’s store and borrowed the pistols. It seems to be the general opinion that Meagher was a leading man in Caldwell. Do you know his business? He was nothing more than a saloon keeper and ran a keno table. Just a few days before the row, he was arrested and had to give bond for selling whiskey in Caldwell.
It has been published that the row grew out of the killing of George Flat, this is also false. It never entered our minds. The very reason that the row came up was that the honorable Marshal of Caldwell, John Wilson, was on a protracted drunk and stationed a posse of men in the Exchange saloon and told them to shoot every man that moved: that is, cowboys. Then arming himself with two pistols and throwing them down on everyone of the cowboys, telling them to throw up their hands, which they refused to do. He then withdrew his weapons and proceeded to organize a mob to take or kill us. We went and got our guns and marched to the front and engaged in a fight, which lasted about an hour. We then went and got our horses and started to leave the town, and then we were fired on from every and all concealed places imaginable.
The second skirmish lasted about thirty minutes and then we were forced to ride. We were pursued by about 100 armed men. They at length got us rounded up in a washout and there we stayed until night; then we got together and left. After the mob had dispersed Wilson turned to shoot one of the boys in the back, and this is why the row came up. George Spears was shot by the town mob. He was a friend to the cowboys and that was the cause of his death. He was just as honorable a citizen as Caldwell had. The assistant marshal acknowledged that Wilson was drunk, and that if he (Wilson) had let things alone, everything would have been all right and there would have been no row.
We did take the freighters’ horses and told them that we would return their horses in six or eight days, and on the seventh day we took them back. They told us that if they were situated in the same position that they would do the same thing and did not blame us. Caldwell citizens seem to think that Talbot was one of Billy the Kid’s gang. This is a bare falsehood, as he has never seen the kid and has never had any acquaintance with him whatever. We notice that it was stated we had a fight at a ranch on Wagon Creek; this is a mistake. We never was at Wagon Creek and took any horses and saddles. We never took any horses but the freighters’. We are willing to go and stand our trial if we thought we could get justice, but this we know we cannot get. This is the true facts of the row.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 15, 1882. Front Page.
According to history (Wilder’s Annals), the first iron for a railroad was laid on Kansas soil March 20, 1860, at Elwood, Doniphan County, the first whistle of a locomotive was heard April 23, 1860; and the first railroad celebration, “with accompaniments,” was held at Wathena, July 19, 1860, on the completion of road from Elwood to Wathena. Thus it will be seen that Kansas when admitted had a railroad, although only about five miles long.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 15, 1882.
Jake Musgrove, of South Haven, shipped the other day from that little village 100,000 pounds of corn to the Territory, two cars of cattle, and three cars of grain north, and it wasn’t a good day for shipping either. Ex.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 15, 1882.
Mr. W. E. Malaley, of the Indian Territory, is branching out in the cattle business. He has purchased the open “A” brand of horses from Jim Hamilton. He will purchase a few jacks and go into the mule-raising business, as well as long-horns. There is money in the mule business as surely as there is in the cattle business on this range.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 15, 1882.
Spring Meeting of Stockmen.
Notice is hereby given that the annual spring meeting of Stockmen on the Cherokee Strip, will be held in Caldwell, Kansas, on Wednesday, March 1st, 1882, at 10 o’clock, a.m., for the purpose of making arrangements for the spring round up and to transact such other business as may advance the stock interests of this section.
By order, S. S. BURCHFIELD, Chairman.
R. F. CRAWFORD, Sec’y., Caldwell, Kas., Jan. 24th, 1882.
Winfield Courier, February 16, 1882.
The annual spring meeting of Stockmen on the Cherokee Strip will be held in Caldwell, Kansas, on Wednesday, March 1, 1882, at 10 o’clock a.m., for the purpose of making arrangements for the spring round-up and to transact such other business as may advance the stock interests of this section.
Cowley County Courant, February 16, 1882.
D. L. Payne is again in the Territory with a party of Oklahoma boomers. He went in last week, and is probably on the North Fork by this time. We wouldn’t advise anyone to rush into the Territory on the strength of this announcement as the probability is that Payne and his party will be bounced as soon as the military are aware of his presence upon the forbidden ground. Caldwell Commercial.
Cowley County Courant, February 16, 1882.
Capt. C. M. Scott, founder of the Arkansas City Traveler, and postmaster there for many years, was in town several days this week, and made us a pleasant call. Mr. Scott has abandoned his first love, and taken to stock. He owns 1,000 sheep, near Anthony, and was looking after them. The Captain is one of the cleverest gentlemen we have met in many a day, and we were pleased to make his acquaintance. Anthony Republican.
Winfield Courier, February 16, 1882.
Ad. I must have a large lot of dressed poultry, butter, and eggs, and will pay highest prices in cash for all that is brought in. Ship all you can as soon as you see this. This poultry and produce goes to furnish the eating houses along the Santa Fe road and must be furnished daily. If you can’t dress the poultry, I will buy and dress it myself.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 22, 1882.
L. C. Norton shipped three carloads of fat cattle to Kansas City last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 22, 1882.
The mounted scrapers, for use in filling the gravel contracts with the A. T. & S. F., were received yesterday by the Schiffbauer Bros. They are a novel but effective looking craft.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 22, 1882.
The construction train on the Santa Fe road was down last Monday to perform work along the line. Mr. Cline was in charge.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 22, 1882.
C. M. Scott says he came out all right this time on chartering special trains on the railroad, but he don’t want to follow it for a livelihood.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 22, 1882.
We acknowledge the receipt of a tasty invitation to attend a grand Banquet and Ball, to be given by the citizens of Caldwell, on March 2nd, 1882, in honor of the meeting of Stockmen of the Cherokee Strip. Caldwell people know how to do the right thing in the right way, and the above entertainment will doubtless make many friends for Caldwell among the Stockmen. We hope a right good time may be had.
Cowley County Courant, February 23, 1882.
We are in receipt of a dainty invitation to attend the grand ball and banquet in honor of the meeting of the stockmen of the Cherokee Strip, to be given by the citizens of Caldwell, March 2nd. We have no doubt but that Caldwell will give the stockmen a “square deal” such as the boys appreciate, and make lots of friends in doing it. Stockmen make the best friends in the world and are never guilty of ingratitude. We hope Caldwell will treat the boys royally.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1882.
Mr. Helm, one of the cattle kings of the Indian Territory, whose ranch used to be on the North Ford of Canadian, a short distance above the proposed town site of Oklahoma, was in town last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1882.
Mr. A. A. Wiley, one of the TRAVELER’s oldest friends, and a prominent stockman, favored us with a call last Saturday, he being en route for Winfield from his ranch in the Territory, south of this city, where he is wintering some 1,200 head of cattle, which he reports as in fine condition. He also states that stock have not been injured to any extent by the late storm, which was much lighter down South than with us; in fact, it gave no further trouble than covering up the feed for a couple of days.
Cowley County Courant, March 2, 1882.
We understand the telephone company have the greater portion of their material in the city, and that the instruments and wires will be put up as soon as possible. Those who fail to have a telephone of their own will be disconnected with their neighbors, as it were, or so to speak.
Winfield Courier, March 2, 1882.
EDS. COURIER: After leaving the Kansas line, the points of interest are Granada, La Junta, where you change cars for New Mexico, Trinidad, where two engines are attached to the train to gain the Raton Tunnel, which is twenty-two hundred feet long and eight thousand feet above the sea. When you enter the east end of the tunnel you are in Colorado, when you make your exit at the west end, you are in New Mexico.
In passing through Colorado the huge mounds of sand and scrub cedar were the chief natural objects. The Raton mountain was passed in the night, much to the disappointment of all our party. On entering New Mexico, Las Vegas was the first point of interest. It is a busy, thriving town. Albuquerque and Socorro are both mining centers and are said to be steadily improving. San Marcial, near Fort Craig, is marked on the railroad maps in large letters, but is a very miserable town. The location is very unhealthy and the society very scarce. Deming, the point of junction for the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe and Southern Pacific Railroads, has a very fine depot, and that is all that can be said in its favor, except its baker, who is a first-class bread-maker. At Deming we took the S. P. R. R. for Yuma. Our emigrant car was attached to the express train. We were told it was on account of the Indian out-break. We passed soldiers at several points. The Indians and their depredations were the chief topics of the day; but we looked out over the broad plains of New Mexico, not for Indians, but a mirage. Whoever crossed those plains without seeing one? I felt injured when the sun sank in splendor, after a day of anxious watching and no mirage appeared. I have since talked with many old timers who have spent from ten to twenty-five years on those plains without having feasted their eyes on a wonder so often described, but seldom seen. My harrowed feelings have accordingly been soothed.
Yuma was reached, on the 17th at 5 o’clock a.m. The town is adobe. The R. R. Hotel is a fine structure, modern in all its equipments, and would make a very agreeable home during the winter for those who desire to be free from the regions of a cold climate. The town is on the Arizona side of the Colorado River. The fort is on the California side. Respectfully, C. G. SMITH.
Winfield Courier, March 2, 1882.
Railroad Transactions. Santa Fe Versus Gould.
A letter received just as we go to press, from an intelligent gentleman who always “has his ears and eyes open,” states that Gould has been secretly at the bottom of the Fort Scott and Wichita road buying its mortgage bonds of $15,000 a mile issued as often as ten miles were completed. Getting evidence of this, the Santa Fe company bought out the stock of the road of the managers, who were on the sell for speculation, and will discontinue the building of the road; making Toronto its permanent terminus.
Winfield Courier, March 2, 1882.
The gravel and stone contract with the Santa Fe railroad will give employment for nearly 200 laboring men at Arkansas City, and add another item to the resources of Cowley County. A side track will be built to the Walnut River about one mile below the bridge, and work begins within a few weeks. There seems to be an almost inexhaustible bed of gravel more than one mile in length and several feet deep. [O., Arkansas City.]
Winfield Courier, March 2, 1882.
The letter of Dr. C. G. Smith of the U. S. Signal Service in Arizona is quite racy and interesting this week and we expect more of them. We have received from him by mail one of the most curious of the cacti family, which he lassoed down from a high cleft in the perpendicular side of a rocky gorge where the sun rarely shines. For this unique present, the Dr. has our cordial thanks.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 8, 1882.
The meeting of the Stockmen on the Cherokee Strip, held at Caldwell last week, was largely attended, and most of the stock owners were represented. They decided to have a brand book published, and will set the time for the spring “round-up.” The following newspapermen were present:
W. P. Brush, of the K. C. Indicator, Tell W. Walton, Caldwell Post, W. B. Hutchison, Caldwell Commercial, T. A. McNeal, Medicine Lodge Cresset, Will Eaton, Cheyenne Transporter, J. H. Carter, Hunnewell Independent, W. M. Allison, Wellingtonian, J. C. Richards, Wellington Press, W. P. Tomlinson, Topeka Commonwealth, Tom Richardson, cor., Leavenworth Times, and Halsey Lane, cor., Texas Live Stock Journal.
Winfield Courier, March 9, 1882.
EDS. COURIER: I found that boats for points up the Colorado would not leave Yuma for three weeks. The stage was going out at nine o’clock, so I determined to take that. After a hasty breakfast I barely found time to see to my baggage when I was called upon to walk a mile to the Gila River, which enters the Colorado on the West just above Yuma. By the river side were waiting some Mexicans and Indians. After being ferried over, we were com-pelled to wait for our team to be harnessed and baggage to be disposed of in the immense coach. With a four horse team we moved out. The movement was slow. The hoofs of the horses, and the felloes of the wagon were buried by the sand until we reached the table land. The road on the mesa was rough, and that on the bottom was sandy.
At Castle Dome landing we ate dinner, prepared by a greasy looking Chinaman, for which we paid one dollar. We reached Silent at seven p.m. At nine without any supper I mounted a mule and rode until two a.m., Tuesday. The Mexican mail rider shared his torteo with me, and we laid down on the sand with the mail pouch for a pillow and slept one hour. I did not dream of the expressions of love and hatred, joy and sorrow, honesty and dishonesty contained in that pouch. My eyes turned not to the starry splendor above. No thought of the treacherous character of the Mexican, the chilly night air I heeded not, but slept until my companion aroused me. I could not understand one word he uttered, but he pointed to a saddle mule, which I mounted, and we rode until three p.m., when Ehrenburgh was reached. Here we met Mr. Malloy, a former agent of this place, and S. Frank, a Jew doing business at Ehrenburgh. Mr. Frank was genial, talkative, and entertained me in a generous whole souled way, known only to those who have traveled in the Western Wilds. Just as the sun was shedding its last ray over the ragged peaks of San Bernardino, I mounted a fresh horse and at 2 a.m., Wednesday, I had made fifty miles without dismounting. To say I was weary would be very tame language. I had traveled in thirty-nine hours fifty miles by wagon and one hundred and thirty on horse back, had during that time slept one hour and eaten 3 square meals. Respectfully, C. G. SMITH.
Winfield Courier, March 9, 1882.
EDS. COURIER: I found that boats for points up the Colorado would not leave Yuma for three weeks. The stage was going out at nine o’clock, so I determined to take that. After a hasty breakfast I barely found time to see to my baggage when I was called upon to walk a mile to the Gila River, which enters the Colorado on the West just above Yuma. By the river side were waiting some Mexicans and Indians. After being ferried over, we were com-pelled to wait for our team to be harnessed and baggage to be disposed of in the immense coach. With a four horse team we moved out. The movement was slow. The hoofs of the horses, and the felloes of the wagon were buried by the sand until we reached the table land. The road on the mesa was rough, and that on the bottom was sandy.
At Castle Dome landing we ate dinner, prepared by a greasy looking Chinaman, for which we paid one dollar. We reached Silent at seven p.m. At nine without any supper I mounted a mule and rode until two a.m., Tuesday. The Mexican mail rider shared his torteo with me, and we laid down on the sand with the mail pouch for a pillow and slept one hour. I did not dream of the expressions of love and hatred, joy and sorrow, honesty and dishonesty contained in that pouch. My eyes turned not to the starry splendor above. No thought of the treacherous character of the Mexican, the chilly night air I heeded not, but slept until my companion aroused me. I could not understand one word he uttered, but he pointed to a saddle mule, which I mounted, and we rode until three p.m., when Ehrenburgh was reached. Here we met Mr. Malloy, a former agent of this place, and S. Frank, a Jew doing business at Ehrenburgh. Mr. Frank was genial, talkative, and entertained me in a generous whole souled way, known only to those who have traveled in the Western Wilds. Just as the sun was shedding its last ray over the ragged peaks of San Bernardino, I mounted a fresh horse and at 2 a.m., Wednesday, I had made fifty miles without dismounting. To say I was weary would be very tame language. I had traveled in thirty-nine hours fifty miles by wagon and one hundred and thirty on horse back, had during that time slept one hour and eaten 3 square meals. Respectfully, C. G. SMITH.
Winfield Courier, March 9, 1882.
Figures That Talk.
Few people, either in the private or public walks of life, have any very adequate conception of the amount of money disbursed in any given community for any given time, by such a railway company as the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, the general offices of which are in this city. All know in a general way that railroads are big things, but all are more inclined to remember the times they have paid passenger fares or freight charges than to remember the amount of money which must be taken in order that employees may be paid and supplies purchased, to say nothing of furnishing stockholders a fair interest on their in-vestment. We are led to make these remarks by a glance at some of the annual footings of the operating or construction department of the road above mentioned. For instance, we find that in Kansas alone, in 1881, there were expended for the single item of new buildings the following named sums.
On the main line, at Topeka, for roundhouse number two: $51,956.68.
At Emporia, for roundhouse and other buildings: $28,280.27.
At Florence, for depot, coal chute, and other buildings: $10,049.99.
At Newton, for roundhouse, engine house number two, and other buildings: $24,119.72.
At Nickerson, for engine house, coal chute, and other buildings: $36,201.00.
At Dodge City, for roundhouse and other building: $12,712.50.
At Coolidge, for engine house, tenement houses, coal chute and other buildings: $83,099.21.
At sundry other points on the main line for miscellaneous buildings, $58,584.94, making a total on the main line for miscellaneous buildings, $305,000.30.
On leased lines in Kansas:
At Kansas City, coal chute and other buildings: $8,006.32.
At Argentine, for roundhouse, coal chute, and other buildings: $29,385.62.
At sundry other points on Kansas City branch for miscellaneous buildings: $5,788.35.
At sundry points on the K. C., E. & S., K. C. & O., P. H. & D., S., W. & S. W., F. & W. V., and the M. & McP., $68,657.23, making a grand total for new buildings in Kansas in 1881 of $426,840.73.
In addition to the foregoing may be mentioned the expenditures in Kansas in 1881 for bridges, rails, and stone ballast. The item reads as follows:
For new steel rails, main line: $1,407,055.60.
Kansas City branch: $34,987,29.
Marion and McPherson line: $82,562.26.
Kansas City and Olathe: $12,407.40.
Harvey County: $53,534.18.
Grand Total: $1,640,546.73.
For stone ballast on Kansas lines: $42,058.76.
A resume of the above shows that in 1881 the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad Company disbursed in Kansas alone, for the four items (buildings, iron bridges, steel rails, and rock ballast) the royal sum of $1,788,327.13.
These figures require little comment. They show what a giant factor in the business fabric of the State, this road is, and how little either the road or the people can afford to have any serious unpleasantness existing between them.
In this connection it will be proper to state that similar expenses for the current year will be much greater than for last year. The improvements to be made in Topeka alone will amount to over $300,000, and other points on the line are to be proportionately well treated.
Topeka Commonwealth.
Cowley County Courant, March 9, 1882.
Dave Payne and his Oklahoma boomers, have sent to Wichita for seed corn, stating that they are hard at work plowing in Oklahoma.
Cowley County Courant, March 9, 1882.
As the accommodation train on the Santa Fe was passing Pleasant Valley between here and Arkansas City last Saturday evening about eight o’clock, a lot of roughs, who seemed to have no fear of God, man, the devil, or a railroad company in their hearts, made a cowardly attack upon the train, throwing stones through the windows of the coach, and firing pistols in a very reckless manner. No one was hurt so far as we have been able to learn, and so far there have been no arrests made, but it is thought that several of the roughs have already been identified and that the whole outfit will be taken in.
We truly hope none engaged in the villainous work are residents of Cowley County, for if there is anything we pride ourselves on, it is the moral tone of our citizens and the absence of that class of men who would get so low in the scale of degradation as to engage in rowdyism of this kind.
Cowley County Courant, March 9, 1882.
The convention held at Caldwell Wednesday and Thursday of the stockmen of the Cherokee Strip was one of the largest, most enthusiastic, and pleasant gatherings we have ever attended in Kansas. Upon the assembling of the convention, Ben S. Miller was elected president and John A. Blair Secretary for the ensuing year. All the newspapermen present, about eighteen in number, were elected as assistant secretaries. W. E. Campbell and H. C. Manning were elected vice presidents, and M. H. Bennett, Treasurer. The organization was made as perfect as it was possible to make it at such a meeting, and we never remember seeing as large a body of men called together who so universally agreed upon every question of interest to their particular business, and where there were more evidences of intelligence and business tact than there was to be found among the stockmen in this convention.
The objects of the convention were to discuss the better plans of operation in the stock business, and the interchange of ideas proved interesting and will no doubt be beneficial to all who were in attendance.
A number of important measures were discussed and resolutions adopted among which was a resolution offered by Hon. E. M. Hewins, the king among the cattle men of the west, requesting that the revolver be abandoned by the cow boys so far as the carrying of it when in towns or cities of Kansas.
Hereafter the cow boys do not bring with them to town their six shooters, even if it is necessary to carry them while on the range. This we think will prove one of the best moves ever made by the stock men. The cow boys are a good set of fellows, and never have any trouble while sober and at their posts of duty; but it is just as natural for them to visit towns and have their fun as it is for anybody else; consequently, those of them who indulge in drink, and after getting to town and coming under the influence of liquor when armed with a pistol, they are liable to use it when there is really no cause. These crimes on the frontier have been committed every year, which will never be known under the new order of things.
The entire meeting seemed to be one grand social ovation, and the people of Caldwell comprised one large committee of reception. The grand ball given at the opera house in the evening was a dazzling success, but the banquet at the Leland Hotel was a failure in every way possible. Any ordinary Cherokee Indian could have furnished better accommodations to the crowd than did the proprietors of the Leland, and there seemed to be no cause for it, either.
Cowley County Courant, March 9, 1882.
The delay in putting up the telephone exchange in this city is occasioned by the failure in the arrival of the instruments. A number of wires are already up awaiting the instruments, which are looked for by every train. So far there are only four connections outside of the central office: THE COURANT office, the two express offices, and A. H. Doane & Co.’s coal office.
Cowley County Courant, March 9, 1882.
Mr. A. A. Wiley, one of the Traveler’s oldest friends, and a prominent stockman, favored us with a call last Saturday, he being en route for Winfield from his ranch in the Territory, south of this city, where he is wintering some 1,200 head of cattle, which he reports as in fine condition. He also states that stock has not been injured to any extent by the late storm, which was much lighter down South than with us, in fact, it gave no further trouble than covering up the feed for a couple of days. A. C. Traveler.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 15, 1882.
Senator Plumb has introduced in the Senate a bill to require the Secretary of the Interior to state an account of the number of acres of land in the Indian Territory belonging to the Cherokee Nation, lying west of the Arkansas River, and to certify to the Secretary of the Treasury the amount of such valuation as remains due and unpaid on such lands. The bill then proposes the appropriation of a sum of money equal to the amount so verified to pay for the lands; $500,000 of which sum is to be invested as a permanent seminary fund of said Nation, under the provisions of the act of 1889, for the investment of Indian funds, and the remainder to be subject to the order and jurisdiction of the Cherokee National Council, as other moneys belonging to said Nation.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 15, 1882.
Major Drumm is proposing to enclose an immense pasture for a cattle range, in the Indian Territory, provided he can get a permit from the Cherokee authorities. The fence will be built out of cedar posts and barbed wire; will be between fifty and sixty miles in length; will require seventy tons of wire, and will enclose about 24,000 acres.
Cowley County Courant, March 16, 1882.
The Wells, Fargo & Co.’s Express will run over the K. C. L. & S. K. railroad about the first of April. We think this will be a good move.
Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.
The Santa Fe has finished building the line from Olathe to Kansas City. It is also announced that the Wells, Fargo Express will be put on the K. C. L. & S., by April first. These moves indicate something.
Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.
The Attack on the Santa Fe Train.
There is a deep feeling all over Pleasant Valley and Beaver townships against the parties who disturbed the neighborhood by shooting and carousing on the evening of March 4th. The disturbance seems to have been made by three young men who resided in Beaver Township, all of them under twenty years of age. Warrants were got out for their arrest Monday, but they had left the county. The parents of the boys, as good citizens as we have in the county, were in Monday to see what course to pursue. The boys will have to appear and pay their fines, which cannot exceed $100. These boys have been going the downward road rapidly for some time and if this fiasco brings them to their senses, it will be the best thing that has ever happened to them.
Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.
F. V. Rowland wants every farmer and stockman in Cowley County interested in breed-ing and raising of stock to call at the post office and get a sample copy of the Breeders’ Gazette, the best weekly stock journal published in America.
Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.
Texas Cattle.
For the benefit of those of our readers interested in Texas cattle, we clip the following from Texas newspapers regarding the prices and condition of stock there this spring.
James Livingston sold to Flippen & Hudson 1,000 head one and two year old steers at $10.50 and $14, to be delivered in the spring. Austin News.
We learn yearlings are being sold now at $10.50, and two year olds at $14.50. These are high prices: still, cattle are worth all they are selling for. Rockport Transcript.
Messrs. Smith and Thurmond of this place sold 1,300 head of cattle, ones, twos, and cows and calves, at $10 for yearlings, $14 for twos, and $20 for cows and calves, delivered 1st of May. Live Stock Journal.
Cowley County Courant, March 23, 1882.
The Santa Fe Company is putting iron bridges across the stream on the Walnut Valley Branch.
Cowley County Courant, March 23, 1882.
Thomas Poar, Milo Hare, and Harry Lester were brought before Justice George H. Buck-man charged with “shooting and throwing stones and making boisterous and contemptuous noises.” These are the young men who made the attack on the Santa Fe train in Pleasant Valley township, and were arrested on complaint of conductor Miller. Poar and Lester were fined $20 each and costs, and Milo Hare $10 and costs. The amusement cost the boys $92.45. The young men are well known in the neighborhood and two of them are the sons of highly respected citizens. We are sorry that such a thing occurred, and the boys are sorry them-selves, having promised never to appear in such an aspect again. Liquor was probably the cause of the disgraceful act.
Cowley County Courant, March 23, 1882.
The Cherokee Indians, the most civilized nation in the Indian Territory, number twenty thousand actual citizens. It supports one hundred and seven schools, in which the instruction is given in English, a boys' high school, a girls' high school, an orphan asylum, an asylum for the insane, blind, and indigent, and other public institutions. Out of five thousand one hundred and sixty-nine men over eighteen years of age, only sixteen are hunters and five fishermen, three thousand five hundred and forty-six are farmers, and the rest are pro-fessional men, merchants, mechanics, and laborers. It will not do to call the fellows savages. A. C. Democrat.
Cowley County Courant, March 23, 1882.
The Union depot at Wichita turns out to be a very tame affair, only to be a small building to be put up by the Santa Fe folks to take the place of the old one worn out in years gone by. The freight stored there and consigned to and from Winfield aided much in rocking the old structure.
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.
EDS. COURIER: The religion of the Mohave Indians is worthy of attention; it deter-mines many of their customs. All human beings, it is generally believed, have their religion, Robert Ingersoll not excepted. Having formed the acquaintance of Hookerow, or “Fast beat,” I began cautiously to enquire regarding their customs and ideas. They are very taciturn about their dead. To gain his confidence and draw him out, I explained the burial customs of the “HICO,” or whites. He listened with marked interest, and after a profound silence of several moments, he began.
“We burn because our God tells us to do so. If we disobey, the dead are no more. If they are burned, they live and are happy always. We consider it a sacred duty to perform this service for the dead; we, in our turn, will need it performed.
“The camp blanket, dog, horse are all sacrificed on the altar of love. Immortality does not depend on the burning of those things, but we love our friends and do not wish to look on anything that will remind us of them. Their names are never mentioned after death.
“The earth and sky always existed; earth is the mother, sky the father of God. God made all men. He made the Mohave last and so he is naked; the other races took all the clothes. God had a son and daughter. The son took a stick, went to the Rocky Mountains, made a hole in the side of the mountain, and the Colorado River flowed forth. He then made fishes, then birds when the sky stretches to give the birds room to fly. The animals he made next, after which came forth the sun, moon, and stars. God’s daughter cannot be seen, but sometimes heard. She tells the medicine man how to cure, she tells the witches how to kill or cure. The witches know good and bad. Those who do bad we kill. We also kill our medicine men when they follow the advice of a bad witch. In heaven there is plenty to eat, and many beautiful maidens.”
The worst fate of a Mohave is to be no more after death. This belief deters them from war. Respectfully, C. G. SMITH.
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.
Gould Shows Up.
Rumors have been freely circulated that Jay Gould was short of money, and was selling out his stocks in order to keep his head above water.
That gentleman on Monday last called into his office a half dozen New York millionaires, and made a display before them of a portion of his wealth, which amounted to $53,000,000. Of this enormous wealth there was $23,000,000 in Western Union stock, $12,000,000 in Missouri Pacific, and the balance in Wabash stock. None of this stock was indorsed by Gould, but consists of the original certificates issued to him. Of course, he has a vast amount of other property. The exhibit shows him to be the richest man in the United States, except Vanderbilt. Gould has determined to prosecute the men who have circulated false stories to injure his credit.
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.
A Chapter That Details Some Important Operations
In Which Kansas People Are Largely Interested.
There is no question that so readily enlists the interest of the intelligent reader of today as that of railroads, and the chief reason is, that the property interests of the county are so closely identified with them that on the success or failure of the men directing the operations of our particular lines depends our prosperity. To make clear this statement, the Santa Fe for the past three years has been trying to secure the right of way through the Indian Territory from Arkansas City to Fort Smith; and when success seemed well nigh certain, the sinister influence of rival interests defeated the measure, and today the accomplishment of the project appears more distant and uncertain than ever before. While we know and understand why we feel such an interest, yet our knowledge of their schemes and operations are only obtained after results are reached. What is said previous to that, as a rule, is only guess-work.
At this time the country west of the Mississippi is the theater of the most important railroad events that the world ever saw. There are two great rival interests. The first is the Santa Fe, backed by Boston capital; and the other is the Gould syndicate, backed by New York and foreign capital. Their interests are separate and distinct, and as long as they are controlled by rival monied interests, so long must they be antagonistic. The rival heads are, like generals, engaged in mighty strife. They each use every means to further their road’s interest and defeat their rival. The attentive observer watches the various moves, and at one time it would seem as if the Santa Fe was going to win; and then again the victory appears to be with Gould. To cease being general, we will make mention of some of the later opera-tions in which our section of the State is more particularly interested.
At the time when the Santa Fe purchased an interest in the St. Louis & San Francisco road, the stock was quite low; but with the prospect of its near completion to Wichita, it was advancing in value. For several years subsequent to the panic of 1873, the stock of this road had been valueless, but the rapid revival of business in 1879 gave it worth. The Santa Fe, fearing rivalry, purchased one-half of the stock, but it never did have a controlling interest.
With the completion of the Santa Fe to Albuquerque, New Mexico, it was determined by these two roads in common to build the Atlantic & Pacific west to the Pacific. The board of directors of this proposed road was composed of thirteen men, six of whom were Santa Fe and six Frisco; and one was a capitalist who held a block of a thousand shares of stock and who cast the controlling vote in case of a difference arising between the principal parties.
A very important difference did arise, which resulted in many changes of interest. The Frisco road wanted to complete their line from Vinita west across the Indian Territory to Albuquerque, to connect with the A. & P. This was plainly not to the interest of the Santa Fe, for if such connection was made, the continental traffic instead of passing over the Santa Fe, would seek the more direct road east from Albuquerque over the Frisco road, and the Santa Fe would only share in the benefit of the traffic. This ended the pleasant relations between the companies.
Gould, who controlled the eastern roads and Huntington the west, concluded it would be a good scheme to buy the Frisco stock that was not held by the Santa Fe, which was done as far as possible. Gould and Huntington then made a division. As Gould owned all the roads into St. Louis, excepting the Frisco, he naturally took the east and Huntington the west.
The Santa Fe management during this time was not asleep; they early saw their danger and made haste to buy the odd block of a thousand shares of Atlantic & Pacific stock, by which purchase they were enabled to control the latter road. It was the intention of Huntington to cease building further west; but when it came to a vote, it was seven in favor of building and six against. The road is now being built west as rapidly as energy, intelli-gence, and money will do it, and what is more, on the original line; and Huntington is completely “scooped” and is placed in the very unpleasant position of being obliged to furnish nearly half the money to build a road that will be the most dangerous rival to the Southern Pacific, which he controls. Gould made a good trade, Huntington a bad one.
As the interests of the Santa Fe and Gould were necessarily opposed to each other, the former determined that Gould should either buy or sell, and the result was that Gould bought all of the Santa Fe’s Frisco stock at a large advance over what the Santa Fe had paid, which accounts for the immense sum that the Santa Fe now has in its treasury. It will be seen from this that the Santa Fe has been entirely successful, and it was the other fellows that were “checkmated.”
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.
Work on the Atlantic & Pacific road west of Vinita, Indian Territory, is progressing.
The St. Louis and San Francisco railroad will have the right of way through the Nation.
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.
A branch railroad is being built from Arkansas City to the gravel beds two miles away.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 29, 1882.
We would call the attention of our readers to the “Notice to Stockmen,” which appears in this issue, and would recommend them to read the same with attention, and in the case of stockmen, would suggest that a compliance with the same would best subserve their interests. As we understand it, the Indian Department intends to enforce the levying of the tax, and will see that non-complying stockmen are ejected and punished for trespass, etc. The penalty in this case is such fine as the court may direct, and an additional penalty of $1 per head for all stock the trespassing stockman may have in the Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 29, 1882. Editorial Page.
Stockmen Attention.
It will be seen by the advertisement elsewhere in this issue that Major D. W. Lipe, the authorized agent of the Cherokee Council for the collection of the tax for holding stock on the Cherokee Strip, in the Indian Territory, is at present at Caldwell for the purpose of collecting said tax from parties liable. Although the time mentioned in the “Notice to Stockmen” expired yesterday, yet, we presume the Major will not leave Caldwell right away.
For the benefit of parties having doubts as to the power of the Cherokees to enforce the tax, we append the following sections from the Revised Statutes of the United States, directly bearing upon this matter.
SEC. 2117. Every person who drives or otherwise conveys any stock of horses, mules, or cattle, to range and feed, on any land belonging to any Indian or Indian tribe, without the consent of such tribe, is liable to a penalty of one dollar for each animal of such stock.
SEC. 2147. The superintendent of Indian affairs, and the Indian agents and sub-agents, shall have authority to remove from the Indian country all persons found thereon conttrary to law, and the President is authorized to direct the military force to be employed in such removal.
SEC. 2149. The Commissioner of Indian Affairs is authorized and required, with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, to remove from any tribal reservation any person being therein without authority of law, or whose presence within the limits of the reservation may, in the judgment of the Commissioner, be detrimental to the peace and welfare of the Indians, and may employ for the purpose such force as may be necessary to enable the agent to effect the removal of such person.
SEC. 2150. The military forces of the United States may be employed in such manner and under such regulations as the President may direct.
First. In the apprehension of every person who may be in the Indian country in violation of law; and in conveying him immediately from the Indian country, by the nearest convenient and safe route, to the civil authority of the Territory or judicial district in which such person shall be found, to be proceeded against in due course of law;
Second. In the examination and seizure of stores, packages, and boats, authorized by law;
Third. In preventing the introduction of persons and property into the Indian country contrary to law; which persons and property shall be proceeded against according to law;
Fourth. And also in destroying and breaking up any distillery for manufacturing ardent spirits set up or continued within the Indian country.
Holding Cattle on the Cherokee Strip
Notice is hereby given to all parties holding cattle, sheep, horses, hogs, or other stock in that strip of country, known as the Cherokee Outlet, being part of the Indian Territory, that they are intruders and trespassers under the intercourse act.
To remain they must have license for so doing from the Cherokee Council, and without such license, properly obtained, they shall be promptly removed in such manner as shall be
directed by the Hon. Secretary of the Interior, by whose order I give this notice. Six days from the date of this notice will be given for parties to settle with the authorized agent of the Council, Major D. W. Lipe, who will be at Caldwell to attend to this.
At the end of the above named time all the delinquents will be reported for removal.
JOHN M. NEAL, U. S. Indian Inspector.
Caldwell, March 23rd, 1882.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 29, 1882.
Gen. John McNeil, U. S. Indian Inspector, came over from Caldwell last week to give notice that parties grazing stock on Cherokee lands must come before Major Lipe, at Caldwell, and pay their tax. They had notices for most of the cattle and sheep men along the line south of this place.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 29, 1882.
Dan W. Jones, a former resident of this city, and now one of the few Caldwell police left over from the killing jamborees, spent Sunday last in our burg and of course paid the TRAVELER a pleasant call.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 29, 1882.
A prominent stock man says that cattle, in the Territory, are now doing fine, are getting enough to eat, are well distributed over the ranges, are quiet and not bunching or drifting. He says that the pea vine is growing rapidly and will satisfy the cattle in a few days. In his whole drive and looking after thousands of cattle, he only saw one dead, and that one had bogged. This stamps the past winter as exceptionally favorable to stock.
Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.
The trains of the Santa Fe will stop at Newton for meals after the 1st of May.
In the Indian Territory, a playful cowboy drove two of his companions out of camp, killed a third who was not able to travel, and then stole the impediments.
Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.
The telephone is a great convenience, but from a careful perusal of the iron-clad contracts the telephone company furnishes, it looks all one-sided. It looks to us as if the fellow who pays his money is the one who should demand stipulations.
Cowley County Courant, April 6, 1882.
Mr. Moorehouse starts for his ranch in the Territory tomorrow. The cattlemen are having a good deal of trouble on account of the big prairie fires which burned off the range.
Cowley County Courant, April 6, 1882.
A gravel train is now running daily between Arkansas City and Newton over the Santa Fe road, hauling gravel from Arkansas City to the road on the main line. It makes a round trip every twenty-four hours.
Cowley County Courant, April 6, 1882.
Cowley County has long been famous for the excellent quality of building stone taken from her quarries and shipped to all the principal towns in the state, and now she is getting quite a name for her excellent gravel beds upon which the Santa Fe company is now drawing upon daily for a train load.
Cowley County Courant, April 6, 1882.
All persons who are not subscribers to the telephone exchange and have no instrument of their own, are prohibited from sending messages of any kind over the telephone line, unless they call at the central office, where they can send all such messages the same as from a telegraph office. FRED P. WHITNEY, Manager.
Cowley County Courant, April 6, 1882.
Mr. Kennedy, the gentlemanly agent for the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe company, says there will soon have to be additional help added to his force at this place, if business over their road continues to increase.
Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.
EDS. COURIER: Late in the week I took a trip a few hours down the river which brought me in the presence of a man and his family whose history is of the romantic turn. The family consisted of father, mother, and daughter. Thirty years ago the man, a Mr. Brown, left his wife in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. When he doubled Cape Horn, a daughter was added to his family. On reaching San Francisco he heard of the event after patient waiting. Seven years passed away before he set eyes on his loved ones again. He then spent a winter in the land of snow and ice, but it was very severe after enjoying the sunny clime of the Pacific. In the spring he returned to the coast and engaged in prospecting and mining. He was one of the first who discovered the Comstock and sold his claim for a song. He then wandered to Colo-rado where he has been struggling for an existence ever since. He has gained a reputation which is an honor to any man, and he has also a good ranch and a herd of 200 cattle. Three years ago the father of his wife died, when she and her daughter determined to visit their far away loved one, who had regularly sent them money to maintain them in comfortable circumstances. After a separation of eighteen years they met. The man is happy here and is willing to end his days by the great Colorado. The habits of the wife and daughter have conformed to the conservatism of the far East. They are unhappy. They have seen two white women in two years and those only for a short time. They were very much pleased to talk of the maritime provinces, their religion, politics, geography, shipping, etc., with one who had been there. The two hours visit passed away too soon for any of the party. Old thoughts broke the fountains of feeling. I here draw the curtain. C. G. SMITH.
Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.
Opening of the New Railroad Hotel.
W. H. White, general passenger and ticket agent of the A. T. & S. F., has just issued the following circular.
The opening of the Montezuma Hotel at the Las Vegas Hot Springs will take place April 15, 1882. This hotel, with its bath house, summer cottages, auxiliary hotel, is located at the hot springs of Las Vegas, New Mexico, on the line of the A. T. & S. F. Railroad. The new building has 200 rooms, a splendid water supply, and every modern convenience for insuring the comfort and safety of guests. The old hotel has been renovated and refurnished and the immediate management entirely reorganized. The bath house has a capacity of six hundred baths a day, and is first class in every respect. The entire hot springs property is owned and controlled by the A. T. & S. F. Railroad Company.
The hotels are under the management of Mr. Fred Harvey, manager of the A. T. & S. F. Hotel and eating-house system.
The Montezuma is under the immediate management of Mr. Clark D. Frost, for many years well known as manager of the Lindell Hotel, St. Louis. The working force of hotels and bath houses will be of the best talent obtainable in the country. The hot springs are 22 in number. Their temperature varies from 100 degrees to 130 degrees Fahrenheit. They are of a highly medical and curative character. Their location is a beautiful one, and the imme-diate attractions of the place are greatly enhanced by the arts of the engineer, the architect, and the gardener.
The climate of New Mexico has a southern softness, and a rare purity, peculiar to the Rocky Mountains altitude. It is absolutely the most beautiful climate in America. The most attractive portions of New Mexico—the “Old Curiosity Shop” of America—are easy of access from the Hot Springs. Santa Fe, the oldest and most curious city, being within only a half day’s ride by rail. No other region in America presents so many attractions to the lover of the quaint and the remarkable. Ruined cities and antique costumes tell the tourist of a civilization that was old when New England was young. In the vicinity of the Hot Springs, the sportsmen will find fish and game worthy of their most devoted attention. The Galinas and other streams are stocked with trout and other members of the finny tribe. Parties desiring to take families to the Montezuma for the summer can make satisfactory arrange-ments by application to Mr. Clark E. Frost, Hot Springs, Las Vegas. Excursion tickets at comparatively low rate will be sold throughout the season.
Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.
Quite a shooting scrape occurred in Silver Creek Township last week. Early surveys established a line between the farms of Henry H. Cansey and Ben Saunders, on which a hedge was growing. Another survey established the line farther over on Cansey’s land and left the hedge on Saunder’s. Last week Saunders went on the strip given him by the last survey to plow, when Cansey came out with a gun and ordered him off. Saunders refused to go and, after some words, Cansey blasted away, filling Saunder’s legs with fine bird shot. He then came to town and gave himself up to the authorities. His preliminary examination was held Monday. He was held over to bail in $1,000 for his appearance at court.
Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.
A good story comes to us on a farmer in Windsor Township, who doesn’t take news-papers. While passing along the road he picked up part of a paper he found lying in the hedge. It contained an item to the effect that a bull painted by Rosa Bonheur sold for $5,000. After reading it carefully he remarked to his wife that he didn’t see how a coat of paint could so greatly enhance the value of an animal, but if Rosa wouldn’t charge more than ten dollars, he would go down to Winfield and get her to paint his bull in the spring. His economical wife replied that she thought he might paint it himself and save the ten dollars. The indica-tions are now that the bull will be painted.
Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.
The Santa Fe company are building a new roundhouse at Newton and have eleven tracks laid and are also to have the trains stop there for meals.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 12, 1882.
The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe road has 308 locomotives and is constantly buying new ones.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 12, 1882.
Caldwell will undoubtedly be the best market for Texas cattle in the state this year, as it is the terminus of the great Chisholm trail, over which three-fourths of the Texas cattle are driven, and easily accessible to the great distributing points, Kansas City, Chicago, and St. Louis, by rail and by telegraph.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 12, 1882.
Through the Indian Country.
Late dispatches say the House Committee on Indian Affairs decided by a majority vote to report to the House with favorable recommendation the bill recently reported to the Senate by the railroad committee granting the right of way to the St. Louis & San Francisco Railway Company through the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations. The minority, two members, will submit a statement in opposition to the passage of the bill.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 12, 1882.
Gen. McNeil's Instructions.
The following is a true copy of the instructions issued to Gen. McNeil, Indian Inspector, by the Secretary of Interior, in reference to the collection of tax due for grazing cattle on Cherokee lands, and for the removal of those who refuse to pay. As we have before stated, these instructions will be carried out to the letter, and those in arrears should be wise and pay up before it is too late.
WASHINGTON, MAR. 11, 1882.
Gen. John McNeil, U. S. Indian Inspector.
SIR: Upon receipt of this communication you will proceed to the lands of the Cherokees west of 96 degrees in the Indian Territory for the purpose of making an investigation into matters of complaint upon the part of the Cherokees growing out of the refusal of parties grazing cattle upon these lands in the ceded district who refuse to pay the tax levied by the Cherokee National authorities for the privilege.
A letter of Messrs. Ross and Wolfe, Cherokee delegates in Washington, with a list of cattle men who have not paid the tax, have no permits, and refuse to pay the tax, is enclosed herewith. The list gives the location of the parties and will aid you in your researches. I also enclose a communication from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs in relation to this matter, showing action heretofore recommended.
Upon arrival in the Territory, you will consult with the U. S. Indian Agent, Mr. Tufts, and obtain from him such information as he may be able to communicate. You will ascertain who of the parties found within the grazing district are there without permits from the Cherokee authorities, and who have not paid the tax levied by the Cherokee law, and who refuse to pay such tax. Upon establishing these facts, you will demand from the delinquents the amount due, and upon their refusal, notify them that they must leave immediately, and if they refuse, notify the Department at once and authority will be obtained from the War Department for the use of the military in their removal.
It would be advisable if the matter can be arranged to take with you to the grazing lands, where these trespassers are stated to be, an officer of the Cherokee Nation who is authorized to issue permits, so that in cases where parties desire to pay the tax and conform to the requirements of the law, an opportunity can be offered. S. J. KIRKWOOD, Secretary.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 12, 1882.
Our cattle men, who went to Arkansas to make purchases, returned without buying. Cattle were too high priced and too scarce to gather.
Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.
The A. T. & S. F. Company says that there is more freight shipped to Arkansas City than any town on their line in Southern Kansas. How high is dot, eh? Democrat.
Vell, dot ish yoost so high as von big lie. Vot you tink?
Cowley County Courant, April 13, 1882.
Cowley County is always ahead in everything good. She now comes to the front with the largest heifer in the world. This fine heifer belongs to our fellow townsman, W. L. Mullen, and is the finest specimen of the bovine specie we have ever seen, heard of, or read about. She was raised by Mr. R. S. Stevens on Timber creek about seven miles northeast of Winfield, and is now four years old, clear white, and weighs three thousand pounds. Her form is perfect, and as smooth as an artist could paint a picture. She is five feet eleven inches high, eleven feet around girth, thirty-six inches across the hips, twenty-six inches around the fore-arm, and twelve feet long. Mr. Mullen purchased this heifer last fall, and has given her the best of care. During the past five months she has gained in weight six hundred pounds, an average of four pounds per day, and is still increasing in the same proportion. Stockmen from every direction have visited Winfield to see this extraordinary animal, and now Mr. Mullen has an offer of $1,500.00 for her delivered in Chicago. He has contracted with the Santa Fe company for a special car, fixed up to accommodate her, and will start east in a few days, stopping at different places to exhibit her as the “Cowley County Calf,” and thinks now, he will accept the Chicago offer for her, should he not be able to do better.
He will only travel for a short distance at a time, in order that she may have ample opportunity to rest up, and not became fatigued from the journey east. In this, he evidently treats her with more consideration than many men do their wives. “Kansas Queen,” as Mr. Mullen calls our fine heifer, is a wonderful animal, and we are proud to record her as a Cowley County production.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 19, 1882.
Indian Lands.
The following report in regard to the status of lands in the Indian Territory was recently made by the Secretary of the Interior. It effectually disposes of the Oklahoma business.
1st. There are no lands in the Indian Territory open to settlement or entry by freedmen or any other person, under any of the public land laws of the United States.
2nd. There has never been a period of time since the acquisition by the United States of the territory ceded by France, that any of the lands embraced within the limits of the present Indian Territory have been open to settlement or entry by any person whosoever, under any of the said public land laws.
3rd. The lands to which the United States holds legal title within the Indian Territory are reserved lands by treaty stipulations and acts of congress and are not and never have been subject to general occupation.
4th. The entire Indian Territory, including the lands therein to which the United States holds paramount title is “Indian country,” as defined by the first section of the act of congress of June 30, 1854, which act prohibits the unauthorized settlement in such country, and provides for the employment of the military forces to prevent the introduction of persons and property contrary to law, and for the apprehension of every person who may be in such Territory in violation of law.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 19, 1882.
Oklahoma Tactics.
“Capt. Payne still holds the fort on the Canadian river within the Oklahoma lands. There are no outstanding military camps, all troops having been retired to Fort Reno. If any arrests are made in the future, it will only be done by the U. S. Marshal and his deputies. In this case a warrant will be necessary in every arrest. The question of opening the Oklahoma country is thus virtually settled.”
It is difficult to tell where items of the above stamp originate, but it is certain they are copied with semiendorsement by a number of Kansas newspapers. The entire statement is false.
Payne is not in Oklahoma, and if he has been there since the last time he was bounced, he has kept well concealed. Troops from Reno are constantly scouting in the forbidden land, and if there are any boomers there, they would be arrested, and no written warrant would be needed. The Agent's order is sufficient to remove any and all trespassers from within the limits of the country which he controls. Besides, Major Randall has a special order to remove all intruders from Oklahoma. As to Payne, he is probably bumming wherever he can get his grub free and find a few loafers who will listen to his twaddle. The decisions of the Secretary of the Interior, published in this issue, settle the Oklahoma business.
Cheyenne Transporter.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 19, 1882.
We are pleased to learn that Dr. Chapel has been appointed by the A. T. & S. F. to look after and manage the gravel train now running from this place. Doctor is a thoroughly competent and energetic businessman, and will efficiently discharge all duties entrusted to him.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 19, 1882.
That the demand for good stock is rapidly on the increase is evidenced by the fact that the large cattlemen are paying every attention to the improvement of their grade of stock. The Dean Brothers have during the past month added twelve pedigree bulls to their herd in the Territory, and are still intending to purchase more. We are glad to see this, for the improvement in grade works a benefit to all concerned.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 19, 1882.
Mr. A. Dean returned to the city on Monday last from a trip to Butler and Sedgwick counties in search of fine stock. He reports stock in bad shape, and came back to Cowley, where he succeeded in purchasing several fine animals; one a yearling bull, purchased of A. T. Shenneman and raised by McClintock, of Paris, Kentucky, is a perfect picture of a thoroughbred short-horn, and will weigh, at the present time, over 1,100 pounds.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 19, 1882.
Indians in the Territory are much dissatisfied because Jay Gould has secured the St. Louis & San Francisco line, running through that country, and vow vengeance. A brakeman recently, while on top of a car, was shot by several bullets while the train was going through a ravine near Muscogee. A few days after another brakeman shared the same fate. Sheriff Williams, who went to hunt the offenders, has not been heard of since, and he is believed to have been murdered. An engineer on the train from Muscogee reports an attempt to wreck his train and the firing of several shots into his engine. The ruffians escaped. Such experi-ences are reported almost weekly from that section.
Winfield Courier, April 20, 1882.
STATE NEWS. The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe road has 308 locomotives, and is constantly buying new ones.
Winfield Courier, April 20, 1882.
The subject of the location of a new union depot for both roads is now being vigorously discussed. It is probable that the Santa Fe will do something in the matter at their directors’ meeting, which takes place soon, hence the present activity. Some want it across the river at the junction, others directly west on Ninth Avenue, while others hope to get the road from Douglass extended to this point and locate a depot for the three on Van Deventers’ place, north of town.
Winfield Courier, April 20, 1882.
Sheep Matters.
BOLTON TOWNSHIP, April 17, 1882.
EDS. COURIER: Thousands of sheep are being driven to the state line and Indian Territory for the purpose of grazing them in the Nation. The Cherokees, who control all the lands west of the Arkansas River, north of the Cimarron River, and as far west as the Pan Handle of Texas, charge the sheep men 15 cents per head for grazing privilege, and cattle owners but 50 cents. The sheep men in consequence thereat are complaining, inasmuch as a cow or steer requires ten acres to one for a sheep. The Cherokee authorities don’t seem to heed the complaints and order them to pay or leave, and many will leave, for when 15 cents a head is added to 15 cents more of Kansas tax, it makes a considerable sum on from two to four thousand sheep. (About $600, or $1,200). Grass is abundant and affords good feed for all kinds of stock. It contains much nutriment this year, owing to the slow and steady growth before the late rains. Water is plentiful and the buffalo wallows and small streams are full.
People living along the state line who refused to pay the Cherokee tax last year will be indicted for trespass and tried before the U. S. Court. A list of the offenders has been sent Hon. W. A. Phillips, their attorney, also a list to the Interior Department at Washington, and to the U. S. Marshal at Fort Smith. There are now, within a radius of ten miles of Arkansas City, over 25,000 sheep, which will give on an average four pounds of wool each, making 100,000 pounds of wool to be sold in this market. A little understanding exists among the large flock owners to hold for a fair price, or combine and ship to the best market.
The late cold rains destroyed the chinch bugs, but had a chilling effect on the thousands of young lambs only a few days old, that were out on the prairies unprotected. Many will die in consequence thereof.
Let me say, while talking of sheep, the remarks from Father Meech a few weeks since were worth reading. Have him write again. C. M. SCOTT.
Cowley County Courant, April 20, 1882.
The Kansas Queen, or Cowley County calf, was shipped over the Santa Fe today by her owner, Mr. Mullen. She will be taken off the train at Wichita for the purpose of exhibiting her and resting her up. She weighed on the Santa Fe scales this morning, we are informed by Mr. Kennedy, the railroad agent, 3,660 pounds.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1882.
The earnings of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railroad company for March were $1,115,000, as against $902,000 last year; a gain of $248,000, or of 27 percent. Since January 1st the road has gained about $1,000,000 in gross earnings.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1882.
We learn that the officials of the A., T. & S. F. railroad have notified the management of the K. C., L. & S. K. that they will take control of that road on the first of May.
The probability is that nearly all the old employees of the K. C., L. & S. K. road will be retained by the new management, as the changes in the general offices will only be promotion as a general rule.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1882.
The First Herd of the Season.
The first herd of the season of 1882 arrived at this point Saturday, from Gonzales county, Texas. It is a herd of saddle and stock horses numbering 160, J. S. Tate, owner and driver. Mr. Tate says his stock came through in good shape; grass good all the way up; had no runs. He will hold at the stockyards till he closes out. Dodge City will please make a note of this: Caldwell gets the first herd! This herd was started for Dodge City, but Mr. Tate learned that Caldwell was the best market, and so drove here. Caldwell Post.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1882.
Stock Men on the Cherokee Strip.
LITTLE ROCK, Ark., April 18. Advices from the Cherokee nation say that a company of United States soldiers have begun removing the stockmen on the Cherokee Strip who have failed to pay the tax levied by the Cherokees on cattle grazed on the land. There is a great deal of excitement and some talk of resistance, but it is believed that owners of cattle who are not able to pay will remove their stock without making trouble. The Cherokee authorities are determined to enforce their rights, and Agent Tufts has directed the commander of the company to see that the tax is paid or the intruders removed. When the tax is settled and necessary removal made, the company of soldiers has been ordered to Eufaula, where there are a number of invaders, whom the Cherokees demand shall be driven out of the Territory.
Winfield Courier, April 27, 1882.
Mr. W. J. Kennedy, the Santa Fe agent here, is the oldest employee, in point of service, now on the road. He began with the company in 1871 at Cottonwood Falls and followed the road westward, being the first agent to open and operate the depot at Wichita. He slept in the depot there one night before it was enclosed, with $10,000 of the Company’s money in his pocket, and that when the town was overrun with desperadoes. During this eleven years of service he has ever been faithful to the interests of the company, and justly merits the confi-dence reposed in him by the management.
Winfield Courier, April 27, 1882.
W. L. Mullen has had on exhibition a heifer in this city, which for size eclipses all that we have ever heard or read of. She is a creamy white of perfect form and weighs three thousand pounds, and no one will ever regret going to see her. She measures seventeen feet from nose to tip of tail, ten feet in the girth, and stands seventeen hands high. She is simply a magnificent beauty. She was raised in Cowley County and is four years old. When lying down the tips of her horns are as high as a man’s head. She will be taken to Chicago and other eastern cities and will be a good advertisement for Kansas. Wichita Eagle.
Cowley County Courant, April 27, 1882.
Father Mullen still has his Kansas Queen at Wichita, and has been making money exhibiting her. He has been offered $2,500 for the Cowley County calf delivered in Kansas, any time within two weeks.
Winfield Courier, April 27, 1882.
M. L. Robinson received quite a compliment from the Santa Fe management by his election as a director of the Cowley, Sumner & Fort Smith road at the recent annual meeting in Topeka.
Winfield Courier, May 4, 1882.
Cowley County Stock—Tally One More for Kansas.
This morning we had the pleasure of a long talk with Col. W. L. Mullen, who arrived in the city last night with the “Kansas Queen,” supposed to be the largest cow in the United States. This animal is but four years old, stands seventeen hands high, measures ten feet around the girth, and weighs the moderate sum of 3,000 pounds. She is three-fourths English Durham, and was bred by Capt. Stephens of Cowley County, who disposed of her to the present owner. Col. Mullen is on his way to New York and other eastern points with her, to show the people of the east that Kansas can breed equally as large cattle as grasshoppers, and when they see the “Queen,” we opine they will not question the assumption. The Colonel proposes to exhibit this mammoth bovine in the towns and cities along his route, and to pay traveling expenses, an admission of 25 and 15 cents will be charged. She will be on exhibition in a tent on Commercial Street, in this city, until next Monday. None of our stock raisers should fail to see this animal. She is a Kansas bred and reared cow, and like most Kansas productions she will bear close scrutiny. She is compactly and squarely built, is of a clear white color, and is thoroughly kind and docile. The Colonel has been offered $5,000 for her, but expects to do better, and we hope he will. Emporia News.
Winfield Courier, May 4, 1882.
The Cherokee cattle tax has been collected from Kansas cattle owners for three successive years. In 1879 not one dollar ever reached the treasury of the Cherokees, in 1880 there was a partial divy, the treasury getting some; in 1881 about $50,000 was collected, and claims are made for five or more thousands of delinquencies. This tender-footed permission given some nabob of the tribe to squeeze the cattle interest constitutes the only act of juris-diction pretended to by the council of the nation over the strip since the treaty of 1866. Commonwealth.
Winfield Courier, May 4, 1882.
The wire fence mania has seized many of the noble stock men in the Indian Territory. There are three mammoth pastures in course of construction on that forbidden ground at the present writing, and a half dozen more under contemplation.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1882.
The round-up in the Territory is nearly finished. It shows that the loss of stock the past winter was but 1 percent; the cattle were never in better condition at this season, and will reach the market a month earlier than usual. The increase in herds surprises the veteran stockmen.
Cowley County Courant, May 4, 1882.
The Lawrence & Southern road will not be amalgamated with the rest of the Santa Fe system, but will be operated independently.
Cowley County Courant, May 4, 1882.
The K. C. L. & S. road will soon commence the erection of a depot building at Torrance. The site has been surveyed and the preliminary arrangements made for the erection of the building. The boys there have waited long and patiently for this improvement, and we congratulate them upon their success in at last gaining their point.
Cowley County Courant, May 4, 1882.
Advices from the Cherokee Nation say that a company of United States soldiers have begun removing the stockmen on the Cherokee Strip, who have failed to pay the tax levied by the Cherokees on cattle grazed on the land. There is a good deal of excitement and some talk of resistance; but it is believed that owners of cattle who are not able to pay, will remove their stock without making trouble. The Cherokee authorities are determined to enforce their rights, and Agent Tufts has directed the commander of the company to see that the tax is paid or the intruders removed. When the tax is settled and necessary removals made, the company of soldiers has been ordered to Eufaula, where there are a number of invaders, whom the Cherokees demand shall be driven out of the Territory.
Winfield Courier, May 11, 1882.
The cattle men in the Territory south of Caldwell, Kansas, are now engaged in their annual spring round-up of stock, preparatory to driving to market. The grass on the range is better than at this time last year, and grass-fed cattle can be placed on the market fully a month earlier.
Winfield Courier, May 11, 1882.
The earnings of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad company for this month will probably be $1,200,000 against $918,478 in April of 1881. It seems almost impossible for the Atchison earnings to be ever less than $1,000,000 per month. The first month that the Atchison earned $1,000,000 was in May, 1881, and the gross monthly earnings have not since fallen below this amount.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1882.
The Cowley, Sumner & Fort Smith railroad has been assessed at $4,000 per mile; The Kansas City, Lawrence & Southern railroad at $5,000 per mile.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1882.
Word has been received here that a party of Oklahoma boomers crossed the Kansas line on Monday, and on Tuesday Major Randall, with his usual courtesy, sent out a reception committee to meet them. From appearances Capt. Payne will have but a short time to tend that “truck patch” we have all been reading about before he is again fired out. Transporter.
Winfield Courier, May 18, 1882.
In the convention last Saturday the motion to instruct for Hackney for Congressman at large, was greeted with tremendous and prolonged applause and was carried without a dissenting voice. When, after being sent for, he was brought in, the applause and cheering was renewed. When it had subsided, Mr. Hackney made a short speech, thanking the convention for the high compliment and marks of confidence it had bestowed on him, and remarked that if he was nominated for Congress, he should be as surprised as anybody, but should go to work for his state and section with a will, that one of the things he should try to do would be to demolish the Chinese wall in the Indian Territory which prevents Kansans from getting at their best markets in the south and the southern seaboard by preventing the construction of railroads through the Territory.
Winfield Courier, May 18, 1882.
Col. Dave Payne is coming into notice again. It is given out that with ten wagons and sixty-five men from Wichita and Wellington, he has crossed the Kansas line at Caldwell en route to Oklahoma. He will be joined by fourteen wagons and fifty-five men from Parsons, and if attempts are made to remove the invaders, they will claim to be on government land and raise the question of title. If the title is in the United States, as Payne claims, it does not follow that anyone may settle on these lands. The military reservations are government lands, but Payne may not settle on them because Congress has not opened them for settlement. For the same reason Oklahoma is not open for settlement, and Dave Payne has no more right there than on a military reserve. We think Payne will get fired out again, but the poor fellows who follow him are those who will suffer the losses. Payne will make money out of it.
Winfield Courier, May 18, 1882.
The law firm of Hackney & McDonald has been dissolved by mutual consent.
Winfield Courier, May 18, 1882.
Dissolution Notice.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, May 16, 1882.
The partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, under the firm name of Hackney & McDonald has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. McDonald succeeds to the business of every kind and character of the late firm, and assumed all the liabilities and duties resting on said late firm. All persons interested will take notice and govern themselves accordingly. W. P. HACKNEY, J. WADE McDONALD.
Winfield Courier, May 18, 1882.
John Crenshaw returned from Kansas City last week. He brought back with him the finest short-horn bull that has ever seen Kansas soil. The bull is “Clinton Duke,” is twenty months old, and weighs about 1,600 lbs. He was bred by W. H. Renick, and John bought him from the Hamilton’s.
Cowley County Courant, May 18, 1882.
The largest heifer in the world, “Kansas Queen,” the property of Col. W. L. Mullen, of Winfield, Kansas, and weighing 3,000 pounds, will be on exhibition on Commercial street until next Thursday. After that date the animal will be sent to New York. Atchison Globe.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1882.
The Cherokee Advocate says that “our delegation” are hopeful of defeating, in the lower house, the right of way bills for two or three railroads, which have passed the senate. The following item, in another column of the same issue, is in a good deal less hopeful vein: “Agent Tufts, who has just returned from Washington, says that there is a different atmosphere around there regarding Indians than he ever noticed before. His opinion is that the lower house is worse than the senate—in fact, Mr. Tufts says our people had better be putting their houses in order.”
Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1882.
We hear talk about the organizing of a joint stock company in this city having for its object the raising and selling of cattle. There's millions in it.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1882.
The first through herd of cattle, says the Caldwell Post, arrived on the Salt Fork last week. They were driven by Mr. Graham, and numbered 1,200 two- and three-year old steers.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1882.
The most nonsensical piece of business we know of are the facilities for sending a telegram from here to Winfield. You can send a boy on foot with the message and get returns quicker than sending by telegraph. It appears that they either send the message from here to Kansas City or Wellington and thence to Winfield. We suggest that they either take down their wire or try to accommodate their customers, especially when they charge for it.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1882.
The Round-Up.
The “Round-Up,” now in progress in the Indian Territory south of this city, has so far passed off very quietly. Latest information shows work in the Northern Division now in progress, on the Salt Fork east of the Chisholm trail; in the Middle Division, on Turkey Creek, southwest of Pawnee Agency; and in the Southern Division, on the North and South Canadian rivers. The work is not taking so long a time as was expected, and the stock, as a rule, are in excellent condition.
Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.
A fast train has been put on the Santa Fe R. R., between Kansas City and Pueblo. It will make the distance of 630 miles in 26 hours, including all stoppages.
An attempt was made a few nights ago to assassinate Governor Overton, of the Chickasaw Indian Nation, by firing into his house. A squad of Indian militia followed the trail of the party that did the shooting and overtook one of them, named Starrs, and killed him.
Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.
Archie Stewart has been appointed boss mason of the A. T. & S. F. Railroad on the main line from Newton to Pueblo and the Caldwell and Arkansas City branches. This is a good position and Archie is fully capable of filling it.
Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.
Large herds of Texas ponies are coming in. One of 200 head has been on exhibition at Enright’s stable yards this week. There are some very fine horses in the herd. A gentleman bought a handsome pair of grays Saturday for $125. They were caught with a lasso, thrown down, and the harness put on them and in a short time Hank Paris, who was bossing the job, was driving them around like old stagers.
Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.
John Allison and wife, of Illinois, conveyed the old Hackney & McDonald Cherokee Strip lands, comprising 3,154 acres, to D. W. Fuller, of Ohio, and Henry V. Louie, H. L. Bennion, and Alexander Fuller, of Grundy Co., Illinois. Consideration: $8,460. The purchasers will fence the track for stock-raising.
Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.
It is rumored that the Adams Express Company will withdraw from the Santa Fe road, leaving the express business in the hands of the Wells Fargo. This will transfer agent McRorey to other fields. He is certainly one of the most energetic and faithful of the Adam’s
Cowley County Courant, May 25, 1882.
The stock express will soon be put on the K. C., L. & S. K. again, and the thousands of head of Texas cattle which will be shipped this season will be the attraction.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1882.
Major Randall is expected in today with Capt. (?) Payne and twenty boomers, captured on the forbidden grounds of Oklahoma. Cheyenne Transporter.
Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.
Railroad Taxation.
In another place we give the comments of the Topeka Capital on an article in the Kansas Educationist written by Prof. R. C. Story on the subject of the distribution of the taxes paid by railroads. We have for some time been fully impressed with the injustice of taxing the whole county equally to pay the interest and principle of railroad bonds and then giving the benefit of school and township taxes which are collected of the railroad, only to those school districts and townships through which the road passes, and we had determined to air this subject well during the coming canvass with the view of securing such legislation in relation to these matters as shall be just and fair to all the districts and townships in the county.
Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.
In the last number of the Educationist, Prof. R. C. Story, superintendent of public instruction for Cowley County, discusses a new amendment proposed by him regarding the payment of taxes applied for the maintenance of the schools. His idea is that whenever a municipality, city, township, or county shall, by the voting of bonds, create a property upon which taxes are levied, such property shall be taxed for the benefit of the public schools; that all property now in counties, townships, or cities which has been brought into the same by reason of the voting of bonds shall be taxed for the benefit of the public schools of the cor-poration voting the bonds. An amendment to the State constitution embodying the above is what Prof. Story wants, and further than that, he would compel officials to turn all fines and forfeitures into the school fund of the county; he also favors the levy of a State tax of two mills for the support of these common schools.
Prof. Story gives some interesting figures, which are worth its inclusion. In February last, for example, California disbursed State school fund to the amount of $1,482,883, or over $7 per pupil. In the month following Kansas apportioned $125,882, being thirty-six cents to each pupil. California in 1880 spent $18.06 upon each scholar enrolled; Massachusetts, $16.86. In 1870 Kansas’ expenditure for each scholar enrolled was $10.644; in 1875, $6.98; in 1880, $6.45; in 1881, $8.01. The writer wants to know, if in the light of these facts, Kansas is moving in the right direction, and intimates strongly that she is not. If the expendi-ture in either California or Massachusetts be taken as a standard, ours falls far below it. But then it should be remembered that the conditions differ in different states. From the old Bay State has often come the cry that education there was too costly; that other States who paid less secured for their children as good an education in every way. Then again, the question might be asked, how much better an education does the Massachusetts child get for $16.86 per year than the Kansas child for $6.45? The writer correctly says that taxes in Kansas are sufficiently high, and school taxes are generously levied by the people of the State. Our school fund, when it reaches the ten million period, will yield large returns; yet it should be remembered that at the same time the school population of the State will be proportionately larger. The question Prof. Story asks is, how can we secure an ample school fund without increasing the burdens of taxation and waiting fifty years to attain the results.
Another subject discussed in connection with the main question is the inequality of taxation, particularly as it effects the various townships in those counties which vote for railroad bonds. At the present time there is railroad property in Kansas valued at over $25,000,000, upon which taxes were paid to the amount of $740,786.57 in 1881. This money was distributed through sixty-three counties. While in many instances, the railroads were secured by the counties themselves voting bonds, in many other cases they were voted by townships and cities. On July 1st, 1880, the bonded indebtedness of the counties of the State, in the main created by the voting of railroad bonds, was $7,339,666. Here is brought forward the unjust feature in this matter, and the writer takes Cowley County as an example, which will do for all the other counties of the State where township bond voting has been the rule. In that county twenty-eight school districts secure the taxes on railroad property, while one hundred and thirty-four pay the bonds and the interest thereon. One-fourth of the districts of the county get the benefit of this property, while all help alike in bearing the burden of the bonds. Thirteen townships get taxes on his property, while eleven do not see a single cent of it. In nearly every railroad county in the State, therefore, one-fourth of the school districts reap a fruitful harvest from railroad property, while the other three-fourths help pay the bonds and get no benefit whatever therefrom. Prof. Story considers this to be a situation of affairs for which there is neither excuse nor justification and to remedy this is his idea in bringing forward the amendment quoted in the first part of this article. It is a subject that merits careful consideration. Topeka Capital.
Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.
STATE NEWS. It is rumored that Capt. Payne and his Oklahoma band have been arrested by United States authorities.
A party of 100 men left Concordia to join Capt. Payne in the Indian Territory. They are well equipped, and say they apprehend no difficulty.
Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.
Secretary Lincoln has information that Payne and twenty other colonists, while attempting to invade the Indian Territory, were captured by troops sent out from Fort Reno, and taken back to Kansas. The authorities had not decided what disposition to make of them.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1882.
Captain Payne and a few of his followers were passed kindly but firmly out of the B. I. T. at Hunnewell Friday last by the military power of the U. S. The boomers were camped on Shoofly, a mile east of Hunnewell, Sunday, and the soldiers on the town site. So endeth the boom of this spring. Caldwell Post.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1882.
A cattleman in the Indian Territory, who has been holding a herd of 2,000 head of cattle, called in his neighbors on the general round-up to come on his range and “cut out” the strays. This they did with the surprising result that 1,800 of the cattle proved to belong to outside parties, and less than a hundred belonging to the owner of the range. Drovers' Journal.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1882.
Mr. A. J. Gilbert, of Bolton Township, has had a revelation in the way of an enclosure for hogs, the result of which is that he now claims to have a fence that even his chickens won't go through. Mr. Gilbert set out posts 16 feet apart, and upon them fastened four barbed wires, the first 4 inches from the ground, the second 10 inches, the third 18 inches, and the fourth 30 inches, which is the height of the fence. The wire used was the Chicago Galvanized Barbed Wire, and was purchased of the Howard Bros., of this city. Mr. Gilbert says it is the best fence in every way that he ever saw, and recommends it to all as cheaper and more efficient than lumber or rail fences.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1882.
The Santa Fe Pay car recently ran over and killed the valuable bull and injured another belonging to Mr. H. H. Davidson, of Wellington. It will be well for those owning valuable stock on the line of the R. R. to remember that they have no recourse in such cases against the railroads in counties where the herd law is in force. The law requires each man to fence his own stock in and off of the railroad track, of course. Neither an individual nor the railroads are required to fence against another's live stock.
Cowley County Courant, June 8, 1882.
Kansas City, Lawrence & Southern Kansas Railroad Company, Office of the General Manager, Kansas City, May 23, 1882. Mr. C. C. Wheeler having been appointed General Manager of this Company, will assume the duties of that office on June 1st, next. On and after that date all officers and employees will report as directed by him.
GEO. H. NETTLETON, General Manager.
WM. B. STRONG, President.
Cowley County Courant, June 8, 1882.
Kansas City, Lawrence & Southern Kansas Railroad Company, Office of the Superintendent, Lawrence, Kansas, June 1st, 1882. The following appointments have been made and will take effect this day: J. H. Hill, Superintendent of Telegraph, office at Lawrence, Kansas; J. D. Hildebrand, Road Master, office at Lawrence, Kansas; T. J. Whisenand, Chief Train Dispatcher, office at Ottawa, Kansas; T. D. Volk, Master Mechanic, office at Ottawa, Kansas. J. L. BARNES, Superintendent.
Cowley County Courant, June 8, 1882.
Kansas City, Lawrence & Southern Kansas Railroad Company, General Manager's Office, Topeka, Kansas, June 1st, 1882. Mr. H. C. Whitehead is this day appointed Auditor of this Railroad, with headquarters at Lawrence, Kansas. Mr. Whitehead will have charge of all matters pertaining to the Accounting Department, and employees will respect his orders accordingly. C. C. WHEELER, General Manager.
Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.
The Kansas City, Lawrence & Southern railway went into control of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe company on June 1st, with the following general officers with head-quarters at Lawrence, Kansas.
Gen. J. L. Barnes, Superintendent; H. C. Whitehead, Auditor; S. B. Hynes, Gen. Freight Agent; B. A. Ambler, Cashier and Paymaster; Capt. Geo. R. Peck is appointed General Solicitor with headquarters at Topeka.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1882.
We understand that the Santa Fe company wants to get Geuda Springs into their possession, and have offered Mr. Mitchell $26,000 therefor. If the Santa Fe company gets hold of these springs, they will become a noted watering place in a few years.
Wellington Press.
Cowley County Courant, June 15, 1882.
TO THE PUBLIC: Under an agreement with Wells, Fargo & Co., Adams Express Co. will on and after June 1st, 1882, discontinue its distinctive service on the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railroad, and after June 1st, the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railroad will be operated by Wells, Fargo & Co., in the joint interest of itself and Adams Express Co. Rumors that Adams Express Co. are going to withdraw from K. C., L. & S. or Southern Kansas are entirely without foundation, and I would like to say to the public and especially to my friends, that we are still on Kansas City, Lawrence and Southern railroad and our rates to Kansas City, and all eastern points, are still as low if not lower than any competing line. Orders for goods of any kind will be promptly attended to. Order all your goods by Adams Express Co. J. W. McROREY, Agent.
[McRorey has proven himself an excellent man, and we doubt very much if the Adams folks have a better man anywhere. While he has only been in Winfield a year and a half, his fair dealing and gentlemanly manners have won for him a warm place in the hearts of all who have made his acquaintance. ED.]
Arkansas City Traveler, June 21, 1882.
Important to Stockmen.
Major D. W. Lipe, treasurer of the Cherokee nation, has opened an office upstairs over the Stock Exchange bank, in Caldwell, where his only authorized agents, P. N. Blackstone and George Sanders, will receive and receipt for taxes on livestock grazed on the Cherokee strip. No grazing permit will be recognized by the proper authorities unless bearing the seal of the Cherokee nation and signed by D. W. Lipe.
Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.
NOT A FOOL. Dave Payne is said to be getting up another expedition to Oklahoma. Dave is not a fool. The same cannot be said of his followers.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 28, 1882.
Captain Dave Payne is organizing another company for Oklahoma.
Cowley County Courant, June 29, 1882.
The fact that the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad is not becoming a one-man power is shown by the increase in its stockholders from 1,700 in 1881 to 4,280 at present.
Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882. [Editorial Notes.]
The railways running into Denver have reduced the rate from the Missouri River to Denver and return from $38 to $30.
Arrangements have been made for a twenty-five hour train between New York and Chicago over the Central and Lake Shore roads, to commence in July.
The latest discovery in oil wells in Pennsylvania is a bore that yields one hundred barrels an hour. Nature seems to be bearing the electric light market.
Last April a well was bored in Washington County, Pennsylvania, by the Niagara Oil Company, and the Scientific American considers it to be the greatest “gasser” of modern drilling days. Contrary to expectation, the sands at first were not found to be regular or of an oil bearing description. Drilling was continued, however, for six months to a depth of 2,200 feet. Then a fissure was struck containing gas of most extraordinary volume and pressure. Tools weighing more than 800 pounds were thrown out of the hole more than fifty feet above the derrick, with a noise which rendered conversation impossible within 300 yards of the works.
Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.
DIED. Geo. Brown, the Marshal of Caldwell, was shot and instantly killed by a cowboy in that city on Thursday night of last week. Some men had raised a disturbance at a bawdy house and Brown went to arrest them. While attempting to disarm one of the party, he threw a revolver up to Brown’s face and shot him over the left eye, scattering his brains all over the floor. Caldwell is greatly excited, and it is probable that after this latter experience some steps will be taken to prevent the recurrence of such scenes by disarming cowboys as soon as they enter the limits of the city. The guilty party, as usual, escaped to the Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 5, 1882.
City Marshal Brown was shot through the brain by a cowboy who he was attempting to arrest at Caldwell on the 22nd inst. The murderer escaped to the Indian Territory. This is the third marshal that has met his death at Caldwell by the bullet.
Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.
Kansas is bound to lead in remarkable productions. Our exchanges from that State abound in flattering comments on the “Kansas Queen,” a four-year-old cow bred by Capt. Stevens, of Cowley County, and weighing 3,000 pounds. This wonderful cow, which is now the property of Col. W. L. Mullen, of Winfield, Kansas, is being exhibited at the principal towns along the Hannibal road, and is described by a reliable correspondent as pure white, with a symmetrical form, rich creamy skin, erect head, medium sized waxy horns, mild, intelligent eye, clean limbs, fine upper and lower lines, and well-developed beefy quarters. She is 17 hands high, 10 feet around the girth, and 16 feet in length. Her grandsire was an imported Booth short-horn, and her dam a high grade short-horn.. She has a well-rounded form and other marked traits of the Booth family, and in the opinion of the correspondent, will tip the beam at 4,000 pounds before she is six years. Col. Mullen, who has a standing offer of $3,000 for the “Queen,” will visit the principal towns on the Burlington route between Quincy and Chicago, affording many readers of the Argo an opportunity to see the best formed cow of her size and unquestionably the largest cow of her age in the world.
Modern Argo.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 12, 1882.
Two hundred and twenty-eight cars of stock have been shipped from our yards in the last sixteen days. Caldwell Post.
Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.
Col. Mullen returned from the East last week, having sold his big heifer, “Kansas Queen,” to a gentleman in Quincy, Illinois, for $2,500. He exhibited her in many of the towns of Kansas and Missouri, and made quite a speculation out of it. “Kansas Queen” was bred by Capt. Stephens, up on Timber Creek. Her grandsire was imported from England, a short-horn Durham, of the noted Boothe family. Her dam, a half-bred short-horn. She is pure white, and very finely proportioned in all her points. Weight, one year old, 1,000 lbs.; two years old, 1,800; three years old, 2,300; four years old, 3,000 lbs., and it is said by good judges that she will probably weigh 4,000 lbs. when six years old. The present owners intend exhibiting her in Kansas next winter.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 19, 1882.
Captain Payne announces that on July 20th a large colony will enter Indian Territory. He seems to think that the invasion will be countenanced by Secretary Teller, and that is just where he will miss it.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 26, 1882.
Wm. B. Strong, President of the A. T. & S. F. R. R., who has been sick for some time at Boston, is reported to be slowly but surely on the improve.
A late special from President Strong reports him in a very critical condition.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 26, 1882.
The safe in the depot at Belle Plaine was robbed last week of $100 in money, $75 of which belonged to the A. T. & S. F. company and the remainder to the depot agent. The safe was unlocked by the burglars.
Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.
The various railroad freight agents have had a meeting in Chicago and have agreed upon an advance of freight rates. The advance on wheat from Chicago to New York is five cents per 100 pounds, raising the rates to 30 cents; from the Missouri River to Chicago, it will be 27 cents, making 57 cents from Kansas City to New York, and if we add 18 cents from Winfield to Kansas City, it makes 75 cents from Winfield to New York, or the equivalent of 45 cents per bushel. To this add 10 cents for elevator fees, waste, commissions and stealings, and the farmer gets 55 cents less than is paid for it in New York.
The patent object of this movement is to reap a big profit from the tremendous crop of wheat raised in Kansas and the west this year. This move will take from the farmers of this state a million of dollars for increased freight rates on wheat alone, $25,000 of which will be from the farmers of this county. Added to this the advance on other commodities would double the total amount and this at a time when the great railway thoroughfares between here and New York are making large dividends and ought to have reduced the rates as much as they have advanced them.
It is time that these matters were regulated on just principles. As it is evident that this state cannot reach but little of the extortion, congress should take the matter in hand and do what it can do to prevent unjust charges for freight and fares. Our senators and representatives should be instructed in this matter and will no doubt do what they can to carry out the express wishes of their constituents.
Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.
“Regrets will be universal among our readers who know Wm. B. Strong, president of the Atchison and Santa Fe railway, to learn that he is probably slowly dying in Boston from a cancerous disease of the eye. Reports from him are so discouraging as to make his recovery little more than barely possible, and the probabilities are that his disease, which is located in such close proximity to the brain, will prove fatal. It certainly will so prove if the trouble is a cancer, and this is what has been feared from the outset. Mr. Strong underwent a heroic operation for the removal of the tumor in which the disease first made its appearance, which shows the critical character of the case, since no Boston surgeon to whom Mr. Strong would be likely to intrust it would perform such an operation on his eye without doing it as a dernier resort. A special telegram says that while his recovery is possible, it is regarded as doubtful. Omaha paper.”
Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.
EDS. COURIER: A gradual rain set in yesterday morning and continued without ceasing until ten o’clock, followed by showers interspersed from that time until evening. This gives us another corn crop, and makes the grass grow so that it will be in splendid condition for hay in the fall. Already contracts have been let for several hundred tons at $1.50 per ton delivered at the ranches.
The supply of oats will be large and will meet a ready market at the military posts south of us. A number of cattle driven in from Arkansas meet with ready sale at good profits to the first purchasers. There seems to be a mania for cattle this year, and many farmers are mort-gaging their farms and borrowing money at ten percent to invest in cattle, claiming it pays fifty percent on the investment. More than two-thirds of the land sold in this section this year has been purchased by stock men for pasturage. The Territory south of this place is crowded with stock and more is coming in.
Most of the sheep men have sold their wool to local buyers at from 15 to 23 cents; yet some of the larger flock owners are holding to ship to Philadelphia. Mr. Pink Fouts has 10,000 pounds and Scott & Topliff about 8,000. C. M.
Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.
“Oklahoma” Payne has recently returned to Kansas from a visit to Washington. He was there told by the authorities what he might expect if he led another lot of invaders into the Indian Territory. Payne will probably now subside. He has lived off his dupes for several years. K. C. Journal.
Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.
EDS. COURIER: After a year’s absence, and having traveled nearly six thousand miles, I again find myself in Cowley County, the fairest portion of the Empire State of the west.
On June 30th I left Colorado Springs for a tour over the D. & R. G. Railway, to the southwest. We went as far as Durango, then the terminus of that railway in southwestern Colorado, and distant from the above city 375 miles. On the way we made the ascent of the wonderful Veta Pass, and a hundred miles below Veta Pass we entered the still more wonderful Toltec Gorge, which in sublimity is equal to the greatest objects of scenic interest we have ever seen. Before reaching Durango we saw something of northern New Mexico, down into which the road dips in its passage through the mountains. On the 6th of July in company with a friend, we made the ascent of Pike’s Peak, enjoying lung expansion at a height of 14,326 feet, and in so rarified an atmosphere that eggs boiled 12 minutes are still soft. This is what the very obliging keeper of the Signal Station told us while we were drinking with him at his most earnest request a remarkably strong cup of coffee.
On the 9th inst., we left Colorado Springs for Kansas City. Here we find in a splendid business our old friend, Jarvis, who has shown himself one of Kansas biggest brained, most energetic, sagacious, and cordial businessmen.
Left Kansas City on the 17th for home where having duly and safely arrived, we have been luxuriating among the best of friends, in a land favored of heaven beyond all others we have seen anywhere else at any time.
In conclusion, allow us to thank you for copies of the COURIER, which have been with us all along the line, and which paper we gladly pronounce after the fullest opportunities for comparison with other journals, “bright among the brightest.” Yours truly, C. M. ALEY.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 9, 1882.
The stock men on the Cherokee strip are talking of another round-up to recover stray cattle. It will commence about September 1st, if at all.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882.
The Santa Fe road announces a five cent reduction on freight to El Paso and Southern points between Yuma and Deming.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882. Editorial Notes.
President Strong, of the A. T. & S. F., has so far recovered that he will probably be able to visit his office next week.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882.
But few people know that Winfield is now virtually the end of a passenger division of the K. C., L. & S. Road. The passenger trains going east and west change crews here, and the Brettun is becoming the home of lots of railroad men. This is the first wedge. Let us have a sure-enough division, with roundhouses and machine shops, and we’ll ask no more—this year. But hold on! There’s one other thing we want, and that is a switch from one of the main lines to the stone quarries on Badger Creek. If these quarries could have been connected with the main line, Wellington would have used four hundred car loads of our stone this spring. Wichita wants three hundred cars now, but it can’t be handled profitably until the switch is built. It seems to us that there is a bonanza in the way of freights to the railroad company in our inexhaustible quarries of finest stone.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882.
George Miller returned from his cattle ranch Saturday and gives us an account of a killing at one of his camps last Thursday. Two of the boys had gone out to drive up a bunch of cattle and got into an altercation over who should drive them in. One of them pulled out his revolver and shot the other dead. The boy killed was a beardless fellow, unarmed, and had only been in George’s employ ten days.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 16, 1882. Front Page.
Caldwell Commercial: On Saturday Milt. Bennet closed one of the heaviest stock transactions that has taken place so far this season, having purchased Rock & Sanborn's herd of stock cattle together with their range on Wagon creek. The herd consists of 1,300 head, 150 of which are beef steers, the remainder being cows and young stock.
The price paid was $35 per head all around, which seems enormous in view of the present price of cattle on the eastern market. But then Mr. Bennet obtains an excellent range
adjoining Timberlake's. The two will fence together making one of the best ranges on the strip.
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1882.
Sheriff Shenneman captured two negro horse thieves Monday. They had stolen horses from the Territory and sold them to Patterson, of Arkansas City. As soon as Shenneman got his eyes on them, he knew they were horse thieves, and took them in. He raked in another man Tuesday. It was the one who stole Mr. Raymond’s ponies and Mr. Hurd’s buggy some weeks ago. Some think it is Tom Quarles, who will be remembered by early settlers as a pretty bad case. He was living with a woman at Independence and had in his possession Hurd’s buggy and harness, one of Raymond’s horses, and a horse that was stolen from L. C. Norton at Arkansas City. Shenneman is a terror to horse thieves.
Winfield Courier, August 24, 1882.
STATE NEWS. About 400,000 head of young cattle have been driven north from this state during the past season. This vast army of cattle gave employment of 2,000 men, and brought into the state for disbursement by the stock raisers over $5,000,000, not counting the profits of the drive.
Winfield Courier, August 24, 1882.
George Miller, our cattle king, has made his residence very attractive by the addition of fences, paint, and additional room, and has built one of the prettiest barns in the city. George intends making a permanent home in Winfield for his family, and it will be a good one.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 30, 1882.
Howard Bros. sold to the Dean boys last Monday over 45,000 rods of barbed wire, which will be used to fence in their stock range south of here in the Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 30, 1882.
A private letter informs us that Payne is on Dry Creek, near the North Canadian, with a small party; that they are putting up buildings, and Payne has written to parties in Wichita to come on at once. It is possible that the Military do not know that Payne is in the Territory.
Caldwell Commercial.
Yes, “it is possible,” but not at all probable, though.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 6, 1882.
If the Oklahoma boomers, passing through our streets every day, would lend a hand, or go to work with their teams and put up hay, they would benefit themselves, as well as helping others.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 6, 1882.
Corn buyers seem to be afraid to contract for corn in bulk at present prices, and the farmers are slow to sell. A great many exaggerated stories are afloat, but little has been contracted. The mills offer twenty-five cents per bushel, and some stockmen are paying as high as forty cents, delivered.
Winfield Courier, September 7, 1882.
A Notorious Character.
Confined within the Cowley County jail at present is a negro whose career is as deeply stained with crime as human hands are often found to be, and whose deeds of murder and lawlessness compare favorably with those of the notorious Jesse James.
From Deputy U. S. Marshal Addison Beck we received a partial account of his doings that were enough to make the blood run cold. He has for the past five or six years made the Indian Territory his home and was married into the Creek tribe of Indians, and is named Glass. His hands have been reddened with the blood of perhaps a dozen men, killed on different horse-stealing excursions, and one crime even more horrible than this, is laid to his hands. Sometime last fall a lone woman and little child applied at a house in the Territory for something to eat. She said her husband had left her and she was trying to make her way back to Missouri with her child. She was given something to eat, and started on over the prairie afoot. Some time after, the negro was seen riding up the gulch in the direction the woman had taken, and a few days afterward the bodies of the woman and child were found with their throats cut from ear to ear. This was but one of the many terrible crimes laid at his door.
Once he and two others stole a herd of twenty-nine ponies. They were followed by fourteen well armed men, who overtook them in the night. They found the horses grazing on the prairie, and after driving them to a safe place, returned and surrounded the place where the three thieves were sleeping. In the morning they rose up out of the grass and began firing, and after an hour’s battle two of the thieves, Shenneman’s ward and another, escaped, leaving their companion and four of the pursuers dead on the ground.
In his own country Glass is a terror, but no open enemy is tolerated. His enemies died, one way and another, and all died early. He is as quick as lightning with a six-shooter, and handles two of them with as much ease as a lady would handle a knife and fork. Those who know him best in the Territory never provoke his wrath, as the crack of his pistol meant death, quick and certain.
In personal appearance Glass is tall, slim, and not overly dark, with a large scar on his face, and is covered all over with pistol wounds.
When Shenneman captured him, he was in a barber’s chair and had his revolvers wrapped in a paper and laid on a table. Before he knew what was up, our Sheriff had him under the muzzle of his big revolver.
Chief Bushyhead, of the Cherokee Nation, offers a reward of $500 for the delivery of Glass at Vinita, and, as soon as the necessary arrangements are made, he will be taken there. At present, he is strongly shackled and the jail is guarded.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, September 7, 1882.
We are informed by parties recently up from Fort Reno, that Capt. Payne and some of his men are still held at Reno, awaiting orders from Washington as to what disposition shall be made of the party. It seems queer that the “wisest and best government on earth” don’t know how to tackle and settle that Oklahoma business.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, September 7, 1882.
The livestock business with railroads at present is immense. During the month of August, 2,800 cars were handled at Kansas City, and since June over 2,500 have passed through the city, making an average of over 100 per day. Soon after Mr. Moore’s appointment as general agent of the Southwestern pool, he made a calculation that 10,000 cars would be needed to transfer cattle this year. He now finds that it will take 13,000 or more.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 13, 1882.
Schiffbauer Brothers sold, last Saturday, to Messrs. McClellan & Powel, who are fencing a 20 by 18 mile range in the Territory south of the Otoe Agency, over 51,760 pounds of wire and three wagons.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 13, 1882.
The Status of Indian Territory.
I am in receipt of your letter of the 18th inst., requesting an answer to the following.
1. Is there any land in the Indian Territory within or without the tribal limits, which is open to settlement by whites under United States land laws or any other laws?
2. If so, where is it, and what are the provisions of law governing settlement?
3. Is there any foundation for Payne's latest assertions that he has explained matters at Washington, and can now “move in” without being interfered with?
In reply to your first inquiry, I have to advise you that all the land in the Indian Territory is set apart for the exclusive use and occupancy of Indians, and that no part of said Territory has been brought under the operations of general laws so as to make them subject to settlement as public lands. The above renders an answer to the second query unnecessary. In reply to your third question, I will state that there is no foundation for Payne's assertion that he can now “move in” without molestation. The government will prevent the occupancy of said Territory by white settlers. Yours Respectfully,
L. HARRISON, Acting Commissioner.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 13, 1882.
Sheep Ranch Burnt.
At Messrs. Scott & Topliff's sheep ranche on the State line last Saturday evening some dastardly villain set fire to the stables which were connected with the sheep sheds and a large quantity of hay. However, owing to a fortunate change in the direction of the wind, the fire was kept under control and beyond the loss of the stables and a considerable damage to the sheep sheds, no great loss resulted. The loss is covered by insurance.
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1882.
Capt. Payne and twenty Oklahoma boomers were arrested and brought into Fort Reno, Sept. 1st, and placed in the guard-house, awaiting to be taken to Fort Smith. He resisted and fought like a tiger, and was bound hand and foot and hauled in. We trust that the doughty Captain will now be put where he will boom no more, and that this will be the last of a fool who tried to buck Uncle Sam single handed.
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1882.
Sheriff Shenneman left for the Cherokee Nation, Monday, with Dick Glass, the noted negro murderer and criminal. Governor St. John issued a requisition for his delivery to the Cherokee authorities. Sheriff Shenneman will secure the reward of six hundred dollars.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, September 14, 1882.
C. M. Scott, employed as government scout in the Territory, passed through Caldwell on last Saturday on his way to Arkansas City. He had returned from Dodge and the western part of the state, where he had been sent to investigate the Dodge City reports regarding an Indian outbreak. After traveling about 500 miles and chasing down all sorts of wild rumors, Mr. Scott ascertained that a party of eighteen Cheyennes had started out on a hunt, and while out had killed one yearling heifer, which they devoured, and stole seven head of horses from some cattle ranch in the Territory south of Dodge.
The Indians have returned to the Cheyenne and Arapaho reservation and have no more idea of going on the war path than those Dodge City chaps who are so extremely anxious to have Fort Dodge re-established as a military post.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, September 14, 1882.
Lease of the Salt Plains.
The following advertisement appears in the Cherokee Advocate of the 8th inst.
The letting is to be on the fifteenth of this month. Of course, the whole thing is a job, put up and arranged who shall be the lessees long before the lease of the plains.
Being authorized by act of Cherokee legislation and act of Congress, approved August 7th, 1882, we will receive and consider until September 15, 1882, proposals to lease one or more of the three great Salines on our lands west of the Arkansas river; the leases to run twenty years. The Salines include the great salt marsh; also deposits of fine rock salt. The act requires royalty of no less than ($1) one dollar per ton to be paid Cherokee Nation. Address delegates, D. H. Ross and R. M. Wolfe, Tahlequah, Indian Territory. Proposals will be acted on at Fort Gibson September 16th. Parties may also correspond with Wm. A. Phillips, Business Agent and Counsel, Cherokee Nation, Washington, D. C.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, September 14, 1882.
Big Stock Sale.
One of the largest cattle transactions which has occurred in this part of the county was consummated last week, being no more or less than the sale of the Wilson & Zimmerman herd and range to Ed. W. Hewins for the round sum of $200,000. The range is located between the Cimarron and Salt Fork, and east of the Fort Reno road, and contains 25 miles square of pasture fenced in with barbed wire, and is considered one of the best, if not the best, range on the strip. The herd numbers about 7,000 head of cattle. Messrs. Wilson & Zimmerman go away on foot, but they can afford to do so, because the purchase money which they carry with them represents the earnings of but a few years in the cattle business, but during that time they gave their undivided attention to the work in hand, and now they are able to retire from trials, troubles, worry, and isolation with a sufficient amount to take life in a more easy manner, but we have no idea they will remain out of the business any length of time. It has become their second nature and we shall not be surprised at any time to learn that they have put their clamp upon another bunch of stock in some portion of this great west.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 20, 1882. Editorial Page.
From the Cheyenne Transporter.
The Frisco railroad is almost completed to the Arkansas river.
The Agency peach trees are loaded down at present with ripe peaches, and the yield has been tremendous.
The Cheyennes are having a Sun dance, and have made their medicine camp north of the river, below twelve mile point.
There must be several gangs of horse-thieves at work in Kansas—judging from the notices daily received by Postmaster Connell.
J. V. Andrews recently declined an offer of $300,000 for his range and stock of cattle near Camp Supply. His herd numbers 13,000.
The U. S. Court is now in session at Ft. Smith, Arkansas.
Gov. McCurtain has received a two-third majority vote for governor of the Choctaw Nation.
The Muskogee fair takes place on the 26th and 27th of this month. Two thousand dollars of premiums will be given away.
Major Bennett is ranking commander of Ft. Reno since the departure of Major Randall, and is giving perfect satisfaction to all concerned.
Rob. Bent and Ed. Guerrier started for West Los Animas on the 27th ult. They will spend several weeks looking over their old stamping grounds in Colorado, where they have property.
Agent Miles, of the Osage Agency, has issued an order for all the U. S. citizens to move off the Osage reservation, immediately after the first of November.
In response to the enquiry made of the Indian office, Agent Miles has ascertained that the Cheyennes and Arapahos will obtain their annuities as usual this fall—the deficiency bill having passed Congress.
Col. Boudinot is responsible for the statement that J. N. McCurtain, recently elected governor of the Choctaw nation, was elected on a railroad issue, and is in favor of railroads.
Capt. Payne and “outfit” were taken to Ft. Smith last Saturday, in charge of military. Payne will learn after awhile that his Territory trips are unprofitable—but that will never be as long as he can dupe poor fools of farmers out of their hard earned money by his “rights,” “shares,” stocks, and privileges he sells them. Payne and “Co.” make money hand over fist by their boomer schemes.
On the 23rd ult. a detachment went off to Oklahoma to drive off the settlers there, Lieut. Taylor, of Co. F, 9th Cav., in command. They captured Capt. Oklahoma Payne on the 30th, with a few settlers. The outlaws are now in camp on the southwest side of the Fort, and are under close guard night and day, until Co. D of the 20th Inf., will take them to Ft. Smith, where they will have to right themselves before the U. S. court.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 20, 1882.
Mr. Ed. Hewins has purchased Wilson & Zimmerman's stock and range on Skeleton creek, Indian Territory, paying the enormous sum of $200,000.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 20, 1882.
Cattlemen will soon hie to the lands where cattle aboundeth. A number of outfits will leave for Texas and Arkansas during November and December.
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1882.
Glass, Noted Desperado, Escapes from Shenneman and Thralls.
Last week as Sheriff Shenneman and Joe Thralls, Sheriff of Sumner County, were taking Dick Glass through the Territory, overland to the Cherokee Nation, he jumped from the wagon and escaped. It was their third night out, and just as they drove up to a ranch to put up, Glass sprang from the wagon and rushed for a thick patch of underbrush near the road. It was about nine o’clock and very dark. The prisoner was shackled hand and foot and, as the sheriffs thought, perfectly secure. He was sitting between them, and his actions were so quick that he was two rods away before they got their revolvers on him. They fired twice each, but failed to bring him down; and nothing more was heard of him. He left a part of the shackles in the wagon and an examination showed that he had filed them nearly in two between the jams before leaving the jail, and had, by rubbing his feet together, broken them apart. It was also found upon examination that Quarles and Vanmeter, the two in jail here now, also had their shackles filed and the three were to have made a grand rush for liberty on the self-same night that Glass was taken away. Glass has accomplished a feat that few men would care to attempt. The chances were desperate, but the man was equal to the attempt, and escaped from two of the shrewdest and bravest officers in this or any other state. Sheriff Shenneman feels badly over losing the prisoner and the six hundred dollar reward which he was to get.
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1882.
Monday night of last week two men boarded, north of Vinita, Indian Territory, the Missouri Pacific train going north, and meeting Conductor Warner on the forward platform of the forward passenger car, presented revolvers and ordered him to hold up his hands, which he did. Rice, a route agent sitting just inside the car, fired at one of the robbers, and the other shot the conductor in the face, causing him to fall off the train. The man who shot the conductor was immediately riddled with bullets by Rice and others. The other robber was secured, the conductor was picked up, and the train moved away. It was found that other robbers were to help in going through the train, but they seemed to conclude that discretion was better than valor. The conductor was badly wounded and hurt by his fall, but it is hoped that he will recover.
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1882. Editorial by D. A. Millington.
A. T. & S. F. ROAD.
This road is the best conducted road that we know of anywhere. The “cannon ball” train, though running from Kansas City to Denver, 900 miles in 26 hours, moves as smoothly and safely as any of the slower trains on other roads, and one has the sense of exhilaration and pleasure as he glides over the plains without a jar. It is indeed a luxury to slide down from Denver to Newton in 19-12 hours, during which you have plenty of time to eat at the well-spread tables of Fred Harvey’s eating houses, and to sleep in the finest palace sleeping cars. The train men are gentlemanly and accommodating and every attention is paid, and any required information given.
The Denver & Rio Grande railroad is the great Colorado institution and is the best conducted of all the narrow gauge roads. Happy is the Colorado traveler who takes passage on this road to Denver, to Durango, to Silverton, or to Leadville, It passes through and over the most stupendous and beautiful scenery in nature, and the tourist for pleasure or on busi-ness should not fail to avail himself of this road.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 27, 1882.
Deputy Sheriff McIntire arrested Bill Burke, Marshal at Hunnewell, in Winfield yester-day, on a charge of stealing cattle. After being arrested Burke asked permission to step to the rear end of Miller's store, which privilege he was granted; but was followed by the officer, who observed Burke reach for a revolver. Before Burke could get it in shape, he was covered by George's pistol and dropped the “werpin.” The preliminary examination was postponed and he was bound over in the sum of $1,000.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 27, 1882.
Scott & Topliff's sheep ranche, on the State line, six miles from Arkansas City, was fired again last Sunday evening just after sundown, in the same manner and at about the same hour that it was fired two weeks ago. Both gentlemen went over and before morning had the guilty party, who acknowledged the crime, and on account of his age, was permitted to have his liberty. It is understood, and the boy states it, that he was influenced by other parties, and did it under promise of reward.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, September 28, 1882.
Sixty thousand miles of wire fencing were put up in 1881 at a cost of $40,000,000.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, September 28, 1882.
Lieut. C. W. Taylor, 9th U. S. Cavalry, with a squad of ten men, arrived at Fort Smith on the 21st inst., with Capt. Dave Payne and his party consisting of the following persons: W. P. Miller, A. P., A. L., and E. Lewis, A. C. McCord, M. Hatfield, P. W. Odell, M. Rumman, H. A. Weatherby, W. H. Osburn, wife and child, and Miss Dicy Dixon. The entire party were served with summons to appear at the November term of the U. S. District Court at Fort Smith, and then released. Payne and his party were taken from Fort Reno, via Henrietta, Texas, and in that place Payne served out a writ of habeas corpus, which Lieut. Taylor resisted all attempts to serve. While it makes little or no difference what becomes of Payne, Lieut. Taylor ought to be made to understand that the military are subservient to the civil authorities, and any attempt on the part of a Lieutenant, or any other officer, to resist civil law, makes him just as liable to punishment as Payne can possibly be for his attempt to settle upon the Oklahoma lands. That young man Taylor needs a lesson on the firm of the United States government.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, September 28, 1882.
The Cherokee Advocate fails to state what disposition was made of the bids received for the lease of the Salt Plains on the Cherokee lands west of this place. From a private source we learn that several bids were made, some of them very advantageous to the Cherokee nation; but Col. Phillips had them all thrown out because he did not think the bidders responsible. The fact of the business is that the whole scheme of leasing the Salt Plains is a gringo game, by which a few men of the Bill Phillips’ stripe expect to make a big thing. The Cherokee nation has too many cunning white men and half breeds among its population, men whom it ought to watch a heep closer than Oklahoma Payne.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, September 28, 1882.
The St. Louis & San Francisco railroad is now completed to the Arkansas River, about sixty-five miles west of this place. Another hundred miles will at once be surveyed, and the contract for building will be let in about sixty days. Vinita Chieftain.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, September 28, 1882.
Lieut. Taylor of the 9th U. S. Cavalry with a squad of ten men arrived on the noon train yesterday from Fort Smith, to which place he had taken Payne and his party, and left on the stage for Fort Reno. Taylor, from what others report to us, feels “bigger than old Grant” because he stood off the civil authorities of Henrietta, Texas, when they came at him with a writ of habeas corpus for Payne. If the facts as reported in the daily papers and as stated by himself are true, Taylor ought to be court martialed at once and dishonorably dismissed from the service. For if subalterns like him can openly set at defiance laws enacted for the protection of the people against the military tyranny of such upstarts, what might not a commanding officer do, and with impunity, to subvert our liberties? Admitting that Payne is the great criminal in the country, he was entitled to the writ of habeas corpus to be examined under it, and if Taylor understood his duties as a soldier and a citizen of the U. S., it was his province to obey the writ without any grumbling or the ruffing up of his young military pin feathers. It is just such men as Taylor that creates in the mind of the average old Kansan a huge disgust for the regular army and the average freshly hatched West Point lieutenant.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 4, 1882.
The depot at Burden, which was destroyed by fire last week, will be immediately rebuilt.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 4, 1882.
Messrs. George O. Saunders and Jordan were in our city several days of the past week. These gentlemen are the authorized agents for the Cherokee Nation to collect the tax due the Cherokees for holding stock on the strip in the Territory south of the State line.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, October 5, 1882.
Col. W. A. Phillips is very much disgusted with the manner in which Payne is treated by the Interior Department, and demands that that sleepy old concern shall wake up and empty its vials of wrath upon Payne’s band. Col. Phillips makes from $5,000 to $10,000 per year by weeping over the wrongs of the poor Indian, and he can afford to be indignant over Payne’s operations and the lax measures of the Interior Department.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, October 5, 1882.
Stuck away off in an obscure corner of the Topeka Commonwealth of the 30 ult., we find the following letter from one of Payne’s party. “If the statements made by Mr. Osburn are true, then Lieut. Taylor exhibited in the light of not only a mere military tyrant, but a brute, unworthy to wear the uniform of a servant of the American People.
“Osburn’s story is rather disoriented, but it bears on the face of it a desire to give the cold hard facts. If he has filed in that particular, Lieut. Taylor owes it to the service, the people, and himself, to show wherein Osburn is wrong or has misrepresented. False military ethics may require him to keep silent, in order perhaps, to screen a superior officer; but Mr. Taylor should remember that he is an American citizen as well as an inferior officer in the military arm of the government of the people, and as such he owes to his fellow citizens an explanation of his conduct as one of their servants.
“But read Osburn’s letter.”
FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS, September 26, 1882.
Special Correspondence to the Commonwealth.
Capt. Payne requests me to write you a sketch of our Oklahoma business, which I will do by saying that on Aug. 3rd we left Hunnewell, Kansas, for our new homes, about twenty-five in number. We arrived in three days’ drive, and commenced selecting our new homes, which we did until we were all satisfied, which was about August 12th, when we began building houses and digging wells, which we engaged in until August 26th, when the troops came and ordered us to load and move. This we did not agree to at all, but Lieut. Taylor, commanding the troops, tied us, hitched our teams, loaded our wagons, and then loaded us and carried us to Fort Reno, where we were held prisoners about twenty hours, without any-thing to eat, our teams faring as well. After holding us there without any accommodations, in rain and sun, for eight days, they sent a tent and stove, after thirty-six hours’ rain and still raining, and after eleven days they sent a Jesse James gang and stole our property, consisting of teams, wagons, and outfits for traveling, and took them to I don’t know where. Enough to say we were robbed of them and they are gone.
We were pitched into government wagons and started on our road to Fort Smith, Arkansas, via Henrietta, Texas, Texarkana, and Little Rock. On our second day, on account of the rough traveling, the two ladies and a child in the crowd got sick and asked for a rest, but none was granted, and when we reached Fort Sill the child was very sick, as was also Mrs. Osburn, the mother of the sick child; but no rest was to be had, although they had to ride each day in a wagon, drawn by six mules, loaded with freight and from eight to twelve persons. When we reached Henrietta, Texas, the eighth day, the physician, Dr. McGee, said the child was very sick and told the lieutenant that he endangered the life of the child by traveling, that he must let them rest a day or two. But no; so we tried to stop him by a writ of habeas corpus, but he defied the civil laws, and intimidated the sheriff with firearms. So we came on, meeting with very bad usage from Lieutenant Taylor, in charge, but Sergeant Mason and the soldiers were perfect gentlemen, to whom we shall always be thankful for kindness. We arrived here Sept. 20th, and were taken to the courthouse and guarded until the morning of the 21st, at which time the court served a summons on us to appear at the next term of court, to answer the charges brought against us, for invading the Indian Territory, they being too cowardly to give us a trial at the present term. No more at present.
I remain yours as ever, W. H. OSBURN, Secretary.
The following is another side of the story, as published in a special to the New York Herald. It appears to have been written by someone interested in making as favorable a showing as possible for Lieut. Taylor. Read between the lines, it simply means that Taylor was acting under instructions from others higher in authority, instructions given for the sole purpose of preventing a legal decision upon the question between Payne and the government.
“Captain Payne and party were being escorted by Lieutenant Taylor and six well armed soldiers of the eighth cavalry. Yesterday evening at Henrietta, on the Indian Territory border, Taylor narrowly escaped serious trouble. Payne pretended to fear passing overland eastward from Fort Reno, in the Territory, to Fort Smith, in Arkansas, saying the Indians would attempt to lynch him or do him bodily harm, and he demanded that Lieutenant Taylor escort him south to Texas and thence to Fort Smith by rail Of course, Lieutenant Taylor granted the request. On arriving at Henrietta, Texas, Payne caused to be procured a writ of habeas corpus in the Texas District Court. Lieutenant Taylor refused to surrender his prisoner to the civil authorities, whereupon a writ was issued, commanding his arrest and that of Payne and party also. Taylor took his soldiers and captives, barricaded the car, and held the fort, so to speak, refusing admission to any of the state officers, and when the Fort Worth and Denver railway train left on which he and his party were, they all accompanied it. Lieutenant Taylor justifies his course on the ground that Payne and his party were United States prisoners and he had an authority to surrender them.”
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, October 5, 1882.
Bill Burke, late city marshal of Hunnewell, is under arrest at Winfield, charged with some crooked transaction, the purport of which we have not been able to ascertain.
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1882. Editorials.
Forepaugh, the showman always alert for new attractions, now has that wonderful heifer, the Kansas Queen, as part of his great show which is exhibiting in St. Louis.
Since the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad has assumed control of the Kansas City, Lawrence & Southern Kansas, the business of this road has greatly improved, and it is now doing a heavier traffic than ever before. For three months (June, July, and August) the road shows an increase over the same time in 1881 of about sixty percent.
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1882.
Hon. and Mrs. Geo. Ordway and Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Baker left last Monday night for Winfield, Kansas. They have not as yet decided whether they will make that place their future home but will remain there for the present. Mr. Ordway expects shortly to take a trip into New Mexico on business and pleasure. Mr. and Mrs. Ordway are among the oldest residents of Waterloo and have seen the growth of the city from 7,000 inhabitants. We trust that they may become pleasantly located and that their future may be a prosperous one.
Waterloo (Iowa) Courier.
The above named Mr. and Mrs. Ordway arrived at Winfield from New Mexico yesterday morning. They were on the east bound train into which the cannon ball train ran Monday evening on the prairie five miles east of Nickerson. He says that the shock of the concussion was fearful and the two engineers, the two firemen, and one baggage man were killed out-right and mutilated almost beyond recognition. Two passengers in the smoking car were mutilated so that they will probably die and many other passengers were injured, among which were Mrs. Ordway. Mr. Ordway will now make this place his permanent home and this will be a valuable accession to our society. Mrs. Baker is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ordway and Mr. Baker is cashier in Huey’s bank at Arkansas City, where they will reside.
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1882.
Mr. R. S. Smith has been appointed agent on the K., C. L. & S. Road to fill Mr. Car-ruther’s place, and arrived and assumed his duties Tuesday. Mr. Carruthers goes to the Fort Scott & Gulf road.
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1882.
Another attempt to break out of the County jail was nipped in the bud Tuesday. Quarles and Vanmeter had sawed the staples which held the locks of their cell doors and proposed to break them in the night, seize the guard and take his keys, compelling the outside guard to open the outer door to save the life of the former, then make a break for liberty. The plan was discovered in time. Tom Quarles is a hard one.
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1882.
Died at his residence in Winfield on Saturday morning, September 30th, of consumption, Samuel W. Greer, in the fifty-seventh year of his age. He had been suffering from this dread disease for twelve years or more and for the last year he has been so feeble as to scarcely be able to be out of doors but a short time. His death was not unexpecxted, indeed, he lived much longer than his friends had reason to hope for. He preserved his clear reason and intelligence to the last and made directions for the funeral and burial.
Samuel W. Greer was born in Alleghany County, Pennsylvania, near West Newton, June 2nd, 1826. In 1853 he moved to Oskaloosa, Iowa, where in 1855 he was married to Clotilda Hilton. He came to Leavenworth, Kansas, in October 1856. In October, 1858, he was elected Territorial Superintendent of Public Instructions. That campaign was the first free state triumph at the polls. This office he held for three years, till 1861, by reason of the time of election being altered by the legislature. During this time he made three reports. The recommendations of his second report are almost literally carried out in the formation of our present school system.
He entered the Army April 14th, 1861, in Washington City as a private in the Frontier Guards. He was armed, equipped, and drilled in the east room of the White House. He assisted in protecting the White House until other troops were transported, when he returned to Kansas and was enrolling officer at Ft. Leavenworth for a time, after which Gov. Carney gave him a commission of Second Lieutenant as a recruiting officer, and he recruited Company I, 15th vol. Cav., after which he was unanimously elected captain and commissioned by the Governor, in which capacity he served until mustered out in October, 1865.
He was engaged in active business in Leavenworth until 1871. In January of that year he came to Cowley County and has permanently resided here since. He leaves a family consisting of a wife and six children, four boys and two girls.
Mr. Greer was a man of clear, strong mind, well balanced. In the days of his vigorous manhood, before the fatal disease had debilitated him and set its prohibition on excessive effort both physical and mental, he was one of the most active and influential men of the territory and young State of Kansas. He entered enthusiastically into the struggles of the early history of this young state and did noble work in helping to shape its future destinies. His active work and sound judgment were of great value and were recognized and honored. He was one of the men who have made Kansas what she is today. When the war of the rebellion broke out, he was one of those who volunteered early to fight or work in any place where he could do the most good and it was during the exposure and hardships of that war that he contracted pneumonia and it became so deeply seated that he was never able to recover but has declined until the end. His life was just as surely sacrificed on the altar of his country as were those who fell on the field of battle. He was a noble, generous, self-sacrificing man, cultured, and strong mentally, one whose usefulness was cut short in the days of middle life.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, October 12, 1882.
Capt. Samuel W. Greer, one of the early Free State men of Kansas, and an old settler of Cowley County, died at Winfield on the 20th ult., at the age of 57. Capt. Greer was a native of Alleghany Co., Pa. In October 1856 he settled in Leavenworth. In 1858 he was elected Territorial Superintendent of Public Instruction, at the first victory of the Free State men won at the polls in Kansas. In 1872 he raised Co. I of the 15th Kans. Cavalry, was mustered in as Captain, serving in that capacity until the close of the war. It was our good fortune to have a personal acquaintance with Capt. Greer in the early days, when such as he were struggling to make Kansas a free state, and knew him to be a man in every way worthy of the respect and confidence of his fellow man. A true man, he has gone to his rest after a life of usefulness to his fellow men.
Winfield Courier, October 12, 1882.
Tom Quarles and Vanmeter cut their shackles again last Friday. They were cut between the jaws, just as Dick Glass had cut his. While making his usual morning examination of the jail and prisoners, Sheriff Shenneman detected the cut in the shackles, which was neatly filled with soap and blackened with charcoal. Quarles is one of the worst prisoners ever confined in our jail, and it takes watching to hold him.
Winfield Courier, October 12, 1882.
Sheriff Shenneman has discovered another saw in the jail, used by prisoners in sawing off irons. It was made of the tongue to a jews harp.
Winfield Courier, October 12, 1882.
The Cowley County Jail contains a female who proclaims herself a horse thief and wants to go to the penitentiary. She claims to be Tom Quarles’ wife and wants to go where he does. She presented herself and demanded to be incarcerated.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, October 12, 1882.
[Editorial by W. B. Hutchison, Publisher.]
Col. E. C. Boudinot Gives an Explanation of the Oklahoma Plans
As Appearing from an Indian Standpoint.
Chicago Inter Ocean.
“What about Oklahoma Payne?”
“Capt. Payne is a man of more sense than the press generally gives him credit for; he is generally regarded as a reckless dare-devil who persists in intruding on an Indian reservation; this is a mistake, he is a typical frontiersman, about forty years of age, and as fine a specimen of physical manhood as there is in the country. He has examined the status of the land he has been trying to settle, and has satisfied himself that though they are within that tract of country called the ‘Indian Territory,’ they are the absolute property of the United States, and compose no part of the Indian reservation In the view of the matter I concur; there is no doubt in my mind but he is right.”
“Don’t all the lands in the Indian territory belong to Indians?”
“They do not; a large portion of the lands in the territory are occupied by Indian tribes, whose reservations are distinctly defined by treaty. Previous to treaties of 1866 all the lands in the territory belonged to the five civilized tribes I have before named, but in these treaties the Creeks, Seminoles, Choctaws, and Chickasaws sold about ten or twelve million acres to the United States for a stated consideration. The Creeks sold to the United States (the language of the treaty is ‘cede and convey’) 3,250,500 acres for the sum of $975,168.
“The Seminoles were foolish enough to cede and convey to the United States their entire reservation, consisting of 2,169,080 acres, for the paltry sum of $325,362. They literally sold themselves out of house and home. The Choctaws and Chickasaws sold what was called the ‘leased lands,’ lying west of 98 degrees west longitude, for $300,000. This tract contains about seven million acres.
“There is a piece of sharp practice connected with the purchase of these lands from the Creeks and Seminoles, which this government ought to be ashamed of. The United States paid the Creeks 30 cents per acre for their lands, and paid the Seminoles but 15 cents an acre. Having closed the trade with the Seminoles, this great government said to them:‘Now you have got no house; we will sell you 20,000 acres which we have just bought from the Creeks, at 50 cents per acre;’ and this Yankee bargain was actually closed. Lands which the United States bought of the Creeks in July, 1866, for 30 cents per acre; and even after driving this sharp bargain, they put the Seminoles on the lands of the Creeks, which the government hadn’t bought at all.
“Since the purchase by the United States of these lands in the Territory, about 3,000,000 acres of them have been assigned as reservations for wild Indians. It was the original intention of the government to use all these purchased lands for the purpose of settling other Indians and freedmen upon them, but members of Congress from the border states vigorously opposed this policy, and in 1877 an act of congress was passed prohibiting the department from settling any more Indians in the Indian Territory. But for this act of congress, the Indians of New Mexico and Arizona would have been removed to the Indian Territory and settled on these ceded lands. The lands which were bought and paid for by the United States in this Territory, and which are unoccupied by any tribe, and which under the law cannot be used for any Indian reservation, compose a scope of country larger than the state of Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island, and it is these lands alone Capt. Payne is trying to form a settlement upon.
“The charge that he has intruded on Indian lands is utterly without foundation.
“The supposition that Capt. Payne is the agent of Jay Gould or in the employ of the St. Louis and San Franciso railroad is absurd. The Tribune, of this city, is all at sea concerning the matter. Speaking of the ‘Frisco’ road, the Tribune said a few days ago:
‘Its present terminus is at Tulsa, on the Arkansas river, in the Indian Territory. Here the reservations of the various Indian tribes commence and thus far it has been unable to obtain the right to extend its line through these reservations further west. The matter of granting the right of way through these reservations, as well as through the western portion of the Territory, against which Capt. Payne directs his attacks, and which he wants to be set apart as a separate territory, to be known as ‘Oklahoma,’ has been repeatedly before congress, but has always been defeated for some reason or other.’
“It would be difficult to group as many misstatements again in so short a space as are contained in this extract from the Tribune article. Instead of the Indian reservations commencing at Tulsa, the present western terminus of the ‘Frisco’ road, those reservations almost end there. To reach Tulsa the road had to be built through 100 miles of Indian reservations, and sixty miles more will carry the road through all the Indian reservations on its route. The right of way has long ago been granted to the Atlantic & Pacific, which is the same road, so far as the building through the territory is concerned, as the St. Louis and San Francisco.
“Capt. Payne has only anticipated the inevitable settlement of these ceded lands by a few years. The St. Louis and San Francisco road will run about 300 miles through the lands I have mentioned as being ceded and conveyed to the United States, and which have not, and cannot, without violating an act of congress, be used for the settlement of any Indians. Under the terms of the charter granted the Atlantic and Pacific road in 1866, a grant of twenty alternate sections of land on each side of the road in the Indian Territory was made, to take effect on the construction of the road, when the Indian title was extinguished. Now the Indian title has been extinguished to those lands, and when the road is built into them, which will be in the course of a year from this time, the road will be entitled to a patent from the United States to the alternate sections of land, which have already been surveyed. When those patents are issued, how are you going to keep the land from being settled? So far from Payne being an agent for the railroad, he is acting rather in antagonism to it, for the railroad company, it seems to me, would not relish the premature settlement of lands so soon to belong to them.”
Arkansas City Traveler, October 18, 1882.
The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe will begin running through trains to Guayamas, Mexico, about November 1st. It will then be the longest railroad in the world.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, October 19, 1882.
A special meeting of the stockmen of the Cherokee Strip will be held in Caldwell on Tuesday, Oct. 24th, at 10 a.m. BEN S. MILLER, Chairman, Stockmen’s Association
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, October 19, 1882.
It seems to have required a dozen or more Cherokees and sub-Cherokees to collect the cattle tax this season. How they succeeded, we have failed to learn, but some envious people do say that red and white Cherokees alike made a good thing out of locating cattle ranges. We shall investigate the number and give the readers of the COMMERCIAL, and perhaps some of the Cherokees left out in the cold, the benefit thereof.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, October 19, 1882.
The first copy of the Cheyenne Transporter our eyes have beheld for two months arrived yesterday, and is dated the 13th inst. We see by it that Agent Miles has placed Bob Bent in charge of the abandoned post at Cantonment and that the teams and wagons taken from Payne’s party have been sent north to be delivered to the owners. It strikes us that the last operation is a queer one to say the least. The Transporter also announces the death at Fort Sill, of Mrs. Capt. Leggett, of diphtheria. Her death has occasioned the deepest sorrow among an extensive acquaintance of admiring friends.
Caldwell, October 10, 1882.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, October 26, 1882.
Special Meeting of the Cherokee Strip Stockmen’s Association.
In accordance with the call issued by the President, the Cherokee Strip Stockmen’s Association met in Caldwell at 10 a.m., on Tuesday, the 24th, inst.
President Ben S. Miller called the association to order. The regular secretary being absent, W. B. Hutchison was appointed to act as secretary pro tem.
Ed. M. Hewins stated the meeting was called for the purpose of taking such action as would prevent the stealing of stock from members of the association, and where stock was stolen to bring the thieves to prompt punishment. Mr. Hewins closed his remarks by offering the following resolution.
Resolved, That A. M. Colson, chairman of the Inspection Committee, be and is hereby empowered to offer a reward of $1,000 for the arrest and conviction of any person or persons stealing stock from members of this association.
The resolution was adopted by a unanimous vote.
Mr. Hewins also moved that the Inspection Committee be empowered to employ detectives, whenever it may deem necessary to aid in the detection and capture of parties engaged in stealing stock from members of this association. Carried.
On motion the following was adopted.
Resolved, That any member or members of this association who fails or refuses to pay his or their proportion of an assessment made by the duly authorized Inspection Committee of this association, of which A. M. Colson is chairman, be debarred from all the rights and privileges of this association.
Col. J. H. Windsor and Major J. Gore were elected members of the Cherokee Strip Asso-ciation upon paying the requisite admission fee.
On motion of Mr. Colson, the proceedings of the meeting were ordered to be published in the Caldwell and Anthony papers, and in the Kansas City Indicator and Price Current.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.
BEN S. MILLER, President
W. B. HUTCHISON, Secretary, pro tem.
Winfield Courier, October 19, 1882.
People are swarming over the state in search of cattle ranches.
Kansas has furnished 400,000 head of fat cattle for market this year.
Mrs. Mary Wellman, of Winfield, has written for the State Historical Society a biographical sketch of her husband, the late Libbeus F. Wellman, who was killed by an accident near Winfield June 14th last. Mr. Wellman was the author of the History of the Twenty-Fourth Indiana Veteran Volunteers.
Speaking of the late state fairs, the Atchison Champion says: “Both these fairs were run by railroad companies. The Santa Fe was the backer of the Topeka, and the Union Pacific of the Bismarck institution. The Santa Fe was most successful because it had the earliest date, and because it is a Kansas railroad, and its managers have an interest in Kansas that the other road, run by capitalists who never come here and who care nothing about the state, cannot be expected to feel. Then the Santa Fe was liberal, plucky, advertised well, and did business on a broad-gauge principle; while the Union Pacific—so gentlemen connected with the Bismarck fair have told us—was slow, niggardly and penurious. The varying results were what might have been expected.”
Articles of consolidation of the Wichita and Southwestern, the Cowley, Sumner and Ft. Smith railway, and the Harvey County railroad have been filed with State Secretary Smith. The name of the consolidated company is the “Wichita & Southwestern Railway.” Also articles of consolidation of the Marion & McPherson railway and Marion & McPherson Extension railway company. The consolidated road will be know as the Marion & McPherson. Also articles of consolidation of the Kansas City, Emporia & Southern railway company. All these roads are operated by the A. T. & S. F. Railway Company.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1882.
The way of the transgressor is hard. The two Green brothers who killed the marshall of Caldwell last spring while he was trying to quiet them in the famous “Red Lights,” have at last run their course as outlaws. One of them was killed and the other badly wounded by Texas officers while resisting arrest last week. The authorities here received a telegram at once notifying them of the fact, and Frank Evans at once started down to identify them. He telegraphed back last Tuesday that the two men were undoubtedly the Green brothers. As soon as the wounded man is able to travel, he will be brought to Sumner county for trial.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1882.
The Oklahoma papers along the border are venting considerable spleen on Lieut. Taylor, of Ft. Reno, who recently refused to surrender Payne to the civil authorities while en route to Ft. Smith. It is amusing to note the ridiculous lengths to which they carry their tirades. Payne never will appreciate the leniency with which he has been treated, and the military authorities should give the bummer a lesson by setting him to pounding rock at Fort Reno. About two months of this invigorating exercise would probably revolutionize the whole “Oklahoma question.” Transporter, Oct. 13th, 1882.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1882.
A New Cattle Company.
From the Caldwell Post we learn that last week a charter for the Southern Kansas Border Land and Live Stock Company was forwarded to the Secretary of the State of Kansas for filing. The incorporators of this new company are J. G. Woods, A. B. Mayhew, J. L. Kellogg, J. R. Messerly, and S. P. Flint. Their general office will be Wellington, and ranch and range, Pond Creek, Indian Territory. The capital stock is $200,000, divided into shares of $1,000 each. $113,000 worth of stock is already taken and some $15,000 or $20,000 worth spoken for. Their range (the old Hamilton range) will be fenced in this fall and winter, and what cattle can be picked up at a bargain placed in the pasture. Next spring the company will stock the range with the cattle almost exclusively, only run a sufficient number of beeves to pay running expenses the first three years. The old open A brand will be kept up as the ranch brand.
Winfield Courier, October 26, 1882.
It will be remembered that J. Gould assumed control of the Missouri Pacific railroad in the early part of 1881, since which time the great influence he possesses has been plainly shown by the increased earnings of the road, especially on through traffic. On Tuesday last Mr. J. C. Burnett, agent of the road, received instructions to prepare by Friday noon a complete statement showing every pound of freight that has been transferred from this road to the A. T. & S. F. at their junction at Emporia since January, 1881. To do this within the allotted time required an unusual amount of work. Mr. Burnett and four assistants worked almost constantly night and day and sent the statement off in good shape.
Before Gould took hold of the road, the earnings for the freight transferred at this point were about $400 a month. For July this year the figures are over $20,000, and for August over $14,000. The number of pounds transferred in January, 1881, was 300,954; in August, 1882, 6,000,696. The total number of pounds transferred in 1881 was 48,283,094 or 2,415 car-loads, upon which the earnings were $116,089.81, and the pounds transferred for the first eight months of this year was 47,293.81, or 2,394 car-loads, amounting to $109,341.50. The great bulk of this business results from the transfer of freight from the Missouri Pacific to the Santa Fe road at Emporia instead of at Atchison and Kansas City, as formerly.
Emporia Republican.
Winfield Courier, October 26, 1882.
The name of the Cowley, Sumner and Ft. Smitth railroad has been changed to the Wichita & Southwestern railroad.
Winfield Courier, October 26, 1882.
It is not generally known that all railroad property, including lands and right of way, is recognized as personal property under the state law.
Winfield Courier, October 26, 1882.
Mr. Ed. T. Cartlidge, tax agent of the A. T. & S. F. Railroad, was in the city Tuesday looking up the taxes on his road. He is one of the most pleasant, intelligent gentlemen we have ever met, and is as thoroughly competent in his branch of the work as one could possi-bly be. He visits every county seat in every state and territory through which the road runs and figures up his taxes from the assessment rolls. He pays our county clerk a handsome compliment by saying that our records are in as good shape as those of any county on the road.
Winfield Courier, October 26, 1882.
A. A. Jackson called to see us Tuesday. He has received his back pension for being shot at Shiloh and was feeling good. In fact, he always is in good spirits, just such a man as the Santa Fe company likes for a station agent.
Winfield Courier, October 26, 1882.
Murderer Captured.
Friday night’s train carried through to Wellington one Jas. Bean, a Texan who killed the Marshal of Caldwell in June last. He was captured in Texas after having sixteen bullets put into his body. Through the kindness of Conductor C. H. Penny and Deputy Sheriff Evans, we were permitted to visit the prisoner in the baggage car, where he was stretched out on a cot. It was hard to believe that a man could live after being as completely riddled with bullets as he was. He had five balls through the body, several in his legs, one arm broken, and a terrible scar on the head where a large ball had grazed. He was in great pain and as the air brakes would be applied and the train pull up suddenly, it seemed as if his body was racked with a thousand tortures. The circumstances of the arrest and shooting were about as follows. Bean and his brother went into Caldwell, took a glass of beer, and started for a dance house. On the way they stopped and loaded their revolvers. A citizen saw them and reported to the marshal, who went down and demanded their arms. Instead of giving him the pistols, one of them gave him the contents, killing him on the spot. They then escaped to Texas. Sheriff Thralls followed the criminal unrelentingly and put the constables and others in Texas on his track. Some time ago they got track of him and a constable and posse went out to make the arrest. They found the brothers together and after severe firing were forced to retreat with one of their number wounded. A larger posse was then collected and the brothers were followed, overtaken in the night, and surrounded. In the morning they rose from their blankets firing, and the posse closed in on them, delivered a raking fire, which killed the brother and filled the prisoner quite full of cold lead. Deputy sheriff Frank Evans brought the prisoner through from Texas. He seems to think he will recover from his wounds.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, October 26, 1882.
Col. J. M. Windsor and Major J. Gore of the Pennsylvania Oil Cattle Company, were in attendance at the meeting of the Cherokee Strip Stock Association on Tuesday. The company have their ranch south of Arkansas City, and sufficient pasture room for 10,000 head of cattle. The company’s brand will be P on left shoulder, O on the side, and Co on left hip. Senator Roberts, of Pennsylvania, is a member of the P. O. Company, and takes a great interest in it. It is perhaps unnecessary to add that the company, with commendable fore-thought, made arrangements to have a copy of the COMMERCIAL every week.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1882.
Schiffbauer Bros. have contracted over seven carloads of wire to be delivered to parties in the Territory who are fencing in ranges.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1882.
Cold Blooded Murder.
Our city was thrown into a state of much excitement about 1 o'clock p.m. of last Thurs-day by the report that a shooting affray had taken place some two miles east of town in which one A. Noele, an old settler, had been fatally shot by a woman named Mary Freylinger. An officer was at once dispatched to the scene of the tragedy and found the report to be only too true.
The causes leading to the terrible act with the circumstances attending its perpetration are in substance as follows.
John and Mary Freylinger, husband and wife, had been living for some time past, as rent-ers, upon A. Noele's place, and a disagreement arose between them two months ago which culminated in an assault, since which time litigation and ill feeling between them has existed.
On the morning of the shooting Mr. Noele, accompanied by Mrs. Hanson, drove from Mr. Hanson's place over to his, Noele's place, in order to get some things he needed, and while at the place, Mr. Freylinger, being out in the field at work, Noele had some talk about some wheat he claimed, which Mrs. Freylinger refused to allow him to take. More words ensued, but Noele finally decided to let the grain stay, and started towards the log hut he had occupied to get some household goods he needed.
As his back was turned, Mrs. Freylinger reached for a shot gun, and taking aim, fired, when the unfortunate victim instantly fell wounded to death, the full charge of large shot having entered his body.
Mr. Jerry Tucker was nearby at the time, and although not an actual eye-witness to the shooting, came to town and reported the crime, when the proper officer went out and met the murderess on her way to town, as she said, “to pay her little fine and get back to her work.” She was taken in custody, but waived a preliminary examination and was taken to the jail at Winfield on Saturday night, where she now lies awaiting her trial for the heinous crime she has committed. The murdered man was buried on Friday, and although quite well off, is without friends in this vicinity, his wife being in the insane asylum, though we understand he has relations in St. Louis.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1882.
Last Friday morning the body of Henry H. Foster, a cattleman, was brought to the city from the Territory where he had committed suicide, by shooting, the day previous.
The deceased has been engaged for the past year, in the cattle business with Mr. Shurtz, of Bolton township, and the terrible deed was committed at their ranch, in the Territory, about thirty-five miles south of this place. The particulars of the sad affair, as related by the man who brought the body to town, are about as follows.
For several days the unfortunate man had appeared downcast and troubled in mind, yet conveyed no idea of having so dread a purpose in view as the taking of his own life; in fact, his troubles were for the most part imaginary, as the firm owned nearly seven hundred herd of good cattle. There were two tents in the camp, in one of which, at the time of the shooting, was a herder, while Foster was in the other. The tents were close together, and just before the shot came, Foster was heard to exclaim: “Lord have mercy on my soul.” This was imme-diately followed by the report of a pistol, and upon rushing to the tent the deceased was found dead with a bullet wound in his head. The body was immediately brought to town, where the evidence at the inquest and a letter written by the deceased fully proved it a case of self-murder.
The remains were taken care of, and were taken to Coshocton, Ohio, on the Friday 3 o'clock train, where we understand the wife and family of the deceased reside. Foster was well known in our city, and respected both as a businessman and as a citizen.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1882.
The stockmen of the Cherokee strip held a meeting last Monday at Willow Springs to take steps to protect themselves from the monopoly that proposes to fence in twenty-four miles square south of the State line and west of the Arkansas river. The men deem it unjust, and believe the Cherokee Nation will protect them in their rights, since they have held the range for years and always paid the license.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1882.
Yesterday being the first day of November, and the quarantine law against Texas or Indian cattle having expired, thousands were shoved across the line into the State. There were several bunches in this vicinity brought over and sent to farms, where they will be wintered. The frosts of late, we think, have cut native stock out of danger of infection, yet it would be a good policy to keep native and through Texas cattle in separate herds for a few days longer, and by that means avoid all bad effects and possible loss. Post.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1882.
Deputy U. S. Marshal Marks recently captured in the Osage Nation a noted desperado and horse thief named Starr, at the same time taking in Mrs. Starr who, at one time was a member of the Younger gang. The prisoners were taken to Ft. Smith, where her bail was fixed at $1,000.
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1882.
Sheriff Shenneman brought in another horse thief last week—one Bob Herriott, who was a member of Tom Quarles’ gang of horse thieves and stole L. C. Norton’s horse at Arkansas City.
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1882.
Little Folks’ Party.
A large number of little folks gathered together at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Pryor Monday afternoon to celebrate with little Mamie her third birthday. The crowd was the jolliest and liveliest we have seen and each of the little folks seemed to take in the full measure of enjoyment. A splendid repast was set for them which they attacked with a relish. Little Mamie received a large number of elegant presents from her young friends. The following is a list of the presents and of those present: 1 silver set knife, fork, and spoon; 2 Majolica plates; 2 gold sash pins; 1 gold ring; 1 child’s decorated china wash stand set; 1 child’s dinner castor; 1 hand painted mug; 1 porte-monnaie; 5 China cups and saucers; 2 China mugs; 1 glass mug; 1 doll’s parlor suite; 1 autograph album; 1 photograph album; 1 wood tea set combination table and cupboard; 1 Brittania tea set; 2 child’s glass sets; sugar bowl; butter dish, etc.; 3 dolls; 2 doll’s canopy top phaetons; 1 doll and carriage; 2 picture books; 1 flat iron and stand; 1 bell cart and span of goats; 1 bouquet; 1 basket of flowers; 1 satin puff box; 1 panorama egg; 6 elegant birthday cards; 1 little brown jug; 1 necklace of pearl beads; 1 shell box; 1 photograph with frame; 2 China match safes; 2 bottles perfumery; 1 card receiver (Kalo Meda); 2 handkerchiefs (embroidered); 1 collar; 1 tooth-pick holder.
Present: Misses Birdie Wright, Edna Glass, Blanche Bliss, Blanche Troup, Stella Buckman, Mamie Black, Frankie Black, Mary Spotswood, Maggie Pryor, Edna Pryor, Muriel Covert, Annie McDonald, Clara Austin, Pearl E. Snyder, Maggie Johnson, Emma Johnson, Bernice Bullen, Beryl Johnston, Nina Nelson, Nona Nelson, Luhe Myton, Josie Myton, Ethel Carruthers, Mary Brotherton, Bell Brotherton, Nina Harter, May Harter, Maud Miller, Gertie Lynn, Effie Lynn, Edna Short, Alma Miller, Mollie Trezise, Lillie Trezise, Fannie Bryan, Flossie Bullen, Ollie Newcomb, Edna Fitch, Maud Cooper, Daisy Clark.
Masters Eddie Greer, Eddie Thorp, Ralph Brown, Roy Robinson, Bertie Silliman, Vere Hollenbeck, Charles F. Green, Charlie Sydal, Henrion McDonald, Dolphi Green, Clare Bullen, Bruce Carruthers, Edgar Powers, Charlie Lynn, Paul Bedilion, Codie Waite, Zack Miller, Willie Trezise, Carl Farringer, Walter Baird, and Willis Young.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1882.
James Bear, the Texas desperado who was brought to Caldwell recently charged with killing City Marshal Brown, died in his cell Monday, the 6th inst., from the effects of his wounds.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1882.
The demand for cattle ranges is growing every day. Last week parties were here from Kansas City to purchase land along the State line in large bodies, but could not find enough in one body to suit them. It won't be many years before every man will have to own every foot of ground he grazes on.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1882.
Sowing rye, for winter pasture, is fast growing in favor with farmers and stockmen. It is claimed that it pays to sow it for the pasture and straw alone. Mr. Callison and John Scott, of Bolton township, pastured a piece all last winter, and harvested a good crop besides. Mr. Andrews, of Grouse Creek, did the same, and this year put in more than ever. Scott & Topliff have forty acres, for their sheep, that is doing well.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
Tom Quarles and his wife plead guilty before the court Tuesday to stealing Hurd’s buggy. They have not yet been sentenced.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1882.
The heaviest cattle transaction this season, as regards price per head, came off last week on the Cherokee Strip, near Caldwell. Mr. Peyton Montgomery sold to Mr. Ed. Hewins, 1,059 head of wintered beeves at an average price per head of $54.28.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1882.
The Caldwell Post has this to say in regard to the fencing in of ranges now in progress in the Indian Territory:
“Our opinion is that some action should be taken at once by our stockmen and citizens to prevent, as far as possible, the fencing up of any more of this quarantine ground, at least for two or three years. We think it within the power of the Cherokee authorities to stop this matter where it is, and that it is their duty to do so, in justice to the taxpayers on their lands.”
Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1882.
Will Johnson, better known as “I bar Johnson,” was up from the range on Tuesday. He informs us that as himself and Richards—of the Harper Sentinel—were hunting in a canyon below the Cimarron, they ran afoul of a huge panther. “I bar” had a fair opportunity to shoot the animal, but Richards was on the other side of the beast and he did not dare to shoot for fear of hitting him. The panther did not seem frightened, but walked leisurely into the brush and disappeared. Cresset.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1882.
Wire Fencing.
We know not what views are entertained, and what policy will be pursued by our National Council, regarding the question of “Wire Fencing” west and east of “Ninety-Six,” but with our present light, we cannot adopt the leader on that subject, which appeared in the Advocate two weeks since in our absence on the plains. We believe that the whole thing is wrong, and will not stand the test of rigid scrutiny. The non-citizen cattle king certainly has no right by himself to fence in a foot of land. Has he the right in the name of an adopted citizen or native, to fence in forty by fifty miles, aggregating upwards of a million acres—using cedar from the soil to do it with? We trust that our National Council will bravely and wisely handle this subject, and for the good of all. Tahlequah Advocate.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
The jury in the Vanmeter case brought in a verdict of not guilty Monday after having been out about forty-eight hours. The verdict was rendered on a technicality, the prosecution neglecting to prove Man-walking-above’s name. The facts of the stealing were clearly proven, but the law steps in and clears the culprit. The result will be that he must be tried on a new case at a heavy additional cost to the county. The workings of law to the unintiated are very queer.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
The Cheyenne Indians, Man-walking-above and Lone-Dog, who have been attending court as witnesses in the Vanmeter case, are remarkably fine looking, well dressed fellows. Their blankets are of fine texture and their trappings gaudy. The interpreter who accompanied them was Ed Carter, a noted character, and for years one of Custer’s main scouts. He is a half-breed, a fine looking man, and seemingly very intelligent.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
George Miller came up from his ranche Monday. He has his little pasture of one hundred thousand acres enclosed with a three wire fence, and is ready for winter.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, November 23, 1882.
Fencing on the Strip: Chief Bushyhead’s Message.
We see by the Cherokee Advocate, that Chief Bushyhead has called attention in his message to the fencing of ranges in the Territory. He makes no objection to fencing, but in plain and pointed language enters a protest against a few individual Cherokees parceling out the Strip to their personal advantage. In this, the COMMERCIAL heartily concurs with the chief. The Strip is the common property of the Cherokee Nation, and while there ought not to be any objection to the Nation making such use of the land as will inure to the benefit of the Cherokee people as a body, nothing like monopoly upon the part of the shrewder mem-bers of the Nation should be tolerated. This thing of John Jones, Dick Dunbar, Big Hand, and Little Finger coming to the Strip, laying out patches of ten to twenty-five miles square, and then selling the right to occupy them, putting the money in their own pockets, is an outrage upon the poorer members of the Nation. If a railroad company should attempt anything half as vicious, not only the Cherokee Nation but the Interior Department at Washington would be in arms against it.
The proper way for the Cherokee council to do, is to pass a law giving the stockmen the privilege of fencing in a reasonably sized range for a consideration that will be equitable to both parties, the money to be placed in the treasury for the benefit of the whole Nation. The council should also provide that the ranges shall be of uniform size, taking into consideration a fair supply of water, etc., but no man or organization should be allowed such a range as would give him or them advantages over individuals of smaller means. Treat all alike, and if one takes a range for 10,000 head of stock, make him pay for that number. If he takes a range for 5,000 head, make him pay for that number, and so on.
And to the extent of range to be allowed, we have no suggestions to make. We can only say that the best policy would seem to be, both for the interest of the Cherokees and the cattlemen, to make the ranges as small as possible without destroying the profits of the business.
Another thing, the council should unite upon a system of fencing that would leave a free roadway from all ranges to shipping points on the Kansas line. Without some such arrangement, trouble will arise among the cattlemen, and their last state will be worse than their first.
As to the stockmen, we have no advice to give them. They probably know their own business better than any newspaper scribbler can tell them, but at the same time we can’t refrain from suggesting to them the propriety of having, through representatives chosen from among their own number, a free, full, and frank conference with the Cherokee council while it is in session, and among other things make arrangements for holding grounds adjacent to the shipping points on the Kansas line.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, November 23, 1882. Editorial.
The stockmen on the Strip should make some kind of an arrangement with the Cherokees whereby a fair sized strip of country can be held open for the exclusive use of cattle shippers. In order to do this they should at once set down upon those fellows who are selling ranges for their own advantage. Our advice would be, give not a dime to any man, full blood, half white, or brevet Cherokee, for the privilege of occupying a range. Pay honestly and faithfully every dollar due the Cherokee nation for the privilege of holding stock on the strip, but not one cent for a shark to put in his pocket. In other words:
“Millions for de fence,
Not one cent for tribute.”
Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1882.
President W. B. Strong, of the A. T. & S. F. R. R., will spend a six months vacation visiting New Orleans and California, where it is hoped he may entirely recover from the effects of his late protracted illness.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1882.
Courier Clippings.
Henry E. Asp has been remarkably successful in his cases recently. Two of his clients, Basenwater and Vanmeter, were cleared at this term of court.
Mr. Isaac E. Shurtz was appointed administrator of the partnership estate of the late firm of Foster & Shurtz. Mr. Foster is the gentlemen who committed suicide in the Territory recently.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
Judge Torrance entertained Man-walking-above, Crow-dog, and another Cheyenne Indian at his residence Monday. His sister, who is visiting with him, had never seen an Indian, and the Judge, after many inducements, got them down to his house. Man-walking-above insisted that he had holes in his moccasins and was therefore not presentable.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
This term of court has been an exceedingly slow one. But little business has been done. The Bassewater, Vanmeter, and Colegate cases have taken up the term so far, with the exception of a few divorce and foreclosure cases. At this rate it will take years to get all the cases now on the docket to trial.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1882. Editorial.
There is an enterprise going on below us in the Indian Territory that is bound to interest every farmer and stockman along the entire line of the State, from the Arkansas river to the west line of Sumner county. We allude to the fencing of nearly 200,000 acres of land that is now claimed by stockmen as their range, and for which they have paid the Cherokee Nation a tax for the privilege.
Looking at the matter as a disinterested party in so far as our patrons and friends are concerned, it does seem to us where the parties have held the range for years, and for which they have never refused to pay, that they should have the first preference, if any privilege or preference is given, and the matter should be acted on at once if the parties interested mean to do anything to protect themselves.
We have heard many violent and determined threats that if the rights they have paid for are ignored, that the posts and wire will be torn up and the whole country fired, the latter having already been carried into execution, and mile after mile of nicely cured grass has gone to the flames.
We condemn this act as infamous beyond expression, for while it did not materially in-jure the monopoly that is causing the trouble, it damaged numbers of stockmen within the limits who were not in sympathy with the movement in any manner.
Better come together like men and adjust the matter, if it can be adusted; and if not, then go to work legally to test the authority of the men who claim the right.
Unless the Cherokee Council decide that the wire is an “improvement,” the fence is illegally there, and from the tenor of the Chief's message to the Council, we think it is not an “improvement,” and believe it what the Chief terms it, “an unbridled enterprise of some citizens that have led them into error, and requires the interposition of the Council to defend the common rights.”
Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1882.
The prairie fires which raged in the Territory south of here the latter part of last week did an incalculable amount of damage to stock range alone as well as consuming a large amount of hay and other feed. It will necessitate the removal of about 400 head of cattle to other ranges.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1882. Editorial.
It is claimed by parties who are putting up wire fences in the Territory that the fence will make no difference as there will be plenty of gates put in. Even with gates through the wire fence, how is a man to get a herd of cattle, horses, or sheep through them when the herd is spread out, and one animal sees the other through and on the opposite side of the fence? Wire fences are bad enough in the State when you drive alongside of them, but a great deal worse in the Indian Territory, where you have to drive through them. Besides the TRAVELER does not see that it is giving the farmers along the line a fair shake, and hence does not take kindly to it. It may be all right, and we hope it is, only it does not look that way. We like to see capi-tal and Eastern men coming in, but we don't like to see them override the men who have been here from the start, and had a hard time to get what little they have. If the fence was placed four miles below the line, as first proposed, the farmers couldn't object, and wouldn't object. Kansas farmers, and especially those in Bolton township, are about as fair and honest men as one generally meets, and we think the fence should go four miles below, and then the Oil Company would still have plenty of room.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1882.
Territory Items.
The Cherokees, through their agent, Major Lipe, collected $33,000 grazing tax from the cattlemen of the strip during the past season.
John Carmack has been appointed Inspector at this and the Wichita Agency to look after the brands of the Cherokee strip stock association. He has been on duty several weeks.
News has been received that the A. & P. railroad have let the contract for bridging the Arkansas river, which looks as if they intend coming through in time to get the next year's cattle drive.
A telegram has been received by Agent Miles from the department, stating that the Mennonites had been authorized to occupy the buildings at Cantonment (recently turned over by the war department) for educational purposes.
Chief Bushyhead, in his recent message to the Cherokee council, asks for action toward defining the rights of citizens of the Cherokee nation in fencing in ranges on the strip. The matter being thus brought before the public, has given rise to a general discussion, and the Caldwell papers and the Indian Journal and Cherokee Advocate discussed the matter at considerable lengths in their last issues. Cheyenne Transporter.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, December 7, 1882.
We see by a special to the Kansas City Times, dated at Vinita, Indian Territory, November 30th, that the necessary arrangements have been made for the completion of the St. Louis and San Francisco railroad through the Territory. We copy the following.
“The St. Louis and San Francisco railway has accepted the terms of the Choctaws, and will prepare to construct their road through the nation at once. The Indians are becoming reconciled to railroads.”
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, December 7, 1882.
Concerning Fencing.
The following is a part of the bill passed by the Cherokee council in convention assembled at Tahlequah, in regard to wire fencing on the Cherokee Strip west of 96 degrees, and has been sent to Chief Bushyhead for his signature. We would have published the bill in full if space could have been spread, but the part copied is what interests our citizens most.
“Be it further enacted. That all fencing, of whatever character, done or that may be hereafter done on the herein before mentioned lands for purpose of pasturage by citizens of the Cherokee Nation, or persons claiming to be citizens of the same or in the names and on account of such persons by citizens of the United States, under whatever pretense, are hereby declared to be illegal and unauthorized, and the owners and claimants of such fences, whether of wire and posts or other material, are required to remove the same within six months from the date hereof, or the same shall become the public property of the Cherokee Nation and be sold subject to removal by the Sheriff of Cooweescoowee District or his law-ful Deputy, after he shall have publicly advertised the same in the Cherokee Advocate and one other newspaper, published in the town of Caldwell, Kansas, for the space of thirty days immediately preceding said sale. Provided, That wherein it may be made to appear, that posts or other wood and material used in the construction of said wire or other fences, have been obtained from the lands aforesaid of the Cherokee Nation—the same shall be taken possession of in the name and on the behalf of said Nation and sold in the manner above provided, in the first instances, and shall not be subjected to sale or removal by owners or claimants. Provided further, That this act shall not be so construed as to prevent licensed stockmen from constructing such lots at their usual headquarters, not exceeding twenty acres in extent, as may be necessary for the better management of their stock.”
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
An Interesting Reminiscence of That Historic Organization.
The Troy Chief notices the death of Hon. Samuel W. Greer, of Winfield, and alludes to the fact that “he was a member of the company formed in Washington in April, 1861, known as the ‘Frontier Guard,’ and which occupied the east rooms of the White House as a barrack.”
Hon. D. H. Bailey, late consul-general to China, who was a member of that famous company, happening to be in this city, we called his attention to the death of Mr. Greer and asked him for some reminiscence of that celebrated organization. He has kindly furnished us with the following.
A large number of Kansans were in Washington City at the time of the fall of Fort Sumpter. General James H. Lane, then recently elected United States Senator from Kansas, was, of course, the central figure of this group.
His rooms were at Williard’s hotel, and were constantly filled with excited and determined men who were gravely considering the events then taking place. On the 18th of April, the anniversary of the battle of Lexington, the Sixth Massachusetts regiment was attacked by a rebel mob in Baltimore, the railway tracks were torn up, and all communication between Washington and the north—either by rail or telegraph—was cut off. The capital of the nation was completely environed and filled with secessionists everywhere—on the streets, in the hotels, in saloons, in private residences; and in the public offices, secession was rampant. It was a period of infinite danger to the beleagured capital, and the excitement was more intense than can be described.
Little knots of Union men gathered here and there, and although hemmed in and scowled upon on all sides, moved quickly about, if with blanched cheeks, yet with steady purpose and firm resolve. On the day following the attack upon the 6th Massachusetts, Major David Hunter (then on Gen. Scott’s staff) called upon Gen. Lane and informed him that by direction of Gen. Scott and Secretary of War Cameron, he was instructed to inform Gen. Lane that owing to the turbulent condition of the populace and the very few troops then in the city, as well as from secret information, there were serious apprehensions of an attempt to seize the president and overturn the government; and therefore General Lane was asked to immedi-ately form a company of Kansans for the especial protection of the president. He also said that as the men of Kansas had been tried “under fire,” and were known to be true and brave, that they, with Gen. Lane at their head, would be a tower of strength in the crisis then existing at the capital. Lane with his wonderful energy and fiery soul unhesitatingly assumed the task. Immediately runners were sent out in every direction requesting all Kansans to report at once at Gen. Lane’s rooms.
Within twelve hours one hundred and eighty names were enrolled and the Frontier Guard was organized with Lane as captain. That night at about 9 o’clock the company marched out of Williard’s hotel and proceeding direct to the White House, filed into the east room. In a few minutes case after case of Enfield rifles with sword bayonet, ammunition, and accoutre-ments were placed in the blue, red, and green rooms, and the work of arming commenced.
Many amusing incidents occurred. Senator Pomeroy, who was large of girth, was in great perturbation about a belt long enough to reach around his aldermanic proportions, and many a laugh was had at his expense until the writer came to his relief with a bit of leather, which enabled him to look as true a soldier as ever was Sir John Falstaff.
By 12 o’clock at night the company was fully equipped, and after surrounding the White House and its grounds with trusty sentinels, the men stacked arms in the east room, each member lying down with head to the wall, touching elbows, without covering, to dream of “war and rumors of war.” Sentinels were placed at each door.
The writer was stationed at the north door of the east room. At about 1 o’clock in the morning, there was a rap on the door. It was opened and President Lincoln and the Secretary of War walked in. Silence reigned; it was a weird scene. The lights turned down were dim, and shadows of gloom seemed to flit over that historic room. The men were asleep and breathing heavily; the glistening of the polished steel under the sombre light; the tramp of sentinels in the halls and on the outer flagstones, gave ominous token of the great drama of blood then coming on. Not a word was spoken for some minutes. The president was wrapt in his own thoughts and there passed across his face a sad, weary look, an expression of deep but troubled thought, as if he were trying to solve the great problem before him. He stood in the midst of a military camp in the Executive Mansion of the nation; but while there was dread portent in these surroundings, he seemed to feel a sense of security in the presence of these loyal Kansans on whom he had placed his reliance and confidence in calling them so near to his person.
The spell was broken by Gen. Lane coming forward. A short conversation was held by these three men, and the president and secretary withdrew. The next morning the company retired from the White House and in the afternoon was again marched to the east room, where the president made a short, felicitous address, and the company was formally recog-nized as in the military service for a temporary emergency.
That night we were assigned to the Winder building, opposite the war department, where we had our rendezvous until we were discharged.
A day or two after the organization of the Frontier Guard, Cassius M. Clay, of Kentucky, organized a similar company, nearly equal in numbers.
Our company was the first to capture a rebel flag. It came about in this way: A report came that the rebels would make an attempt to capture the bridge across the East Branch of the Potomac. We were ordered out one night in April. Marching down Pennsylvania Avenue, we were joined by Clay’s company and marched thence to the navy yard. After a short halt the Frontier Guard filed out of the east gate across a ravine, and soon came in sight of the bridge. The moon was shining brightly and in the distance could be plainly seen a brass cannon near the draw. The writer, happening to be in the front ranks, went forward with pal-pitating heart expecting every moment to be cut down with grape and canister, but pride kept us all in line, although our knees smote together. At last, coming full on the cannon, we discovered to our immense relief that it was a gun of Pennsylvania battery, and it was point-ing toward the Maryland shore. This inspired us with courage. We urged Lane to have the draw lowered so that we might cross the river and scout for the enemy. Finally he assented and a detail of twelve or fifteen was sent across. Dividing the squad, we pushed out on differ-ent roads and scouted the country for three or four hours. No hostile foes were found. One squad (led, I think, by Harry Fields) discovered a rebel flag flying on a pole in front of a house. The owner was aroused and ordered to haul the flag down. This he refused to do, but doggedly gave them permission to take it down if they wanted to do so. The flag was imme-diately hauled down, brought back with considerable exultation, and the next day it was stretched across the avenue opposite Williard’s hotel, with a great placard inscribed: “Captured by the Frontier Guards.” The prowess was not great, but the thing captured was a trophy.
Soon after this Ben Butler arrived at Annapolis with the Eighth Massachusetts, and the work of opening up communication with the north via Annapolis, the Chesapeake Bay, and Perryville (at the mouth of the Susquehanna) went forward under his energetic management with extraordinary rapidity. Union troops came pouring into the Capital in an unbroken line and Washington resounded with the pageantry of war.
The exigency which had called the Frontier Guard into existence had happily passed away, and on the 3rd of May the “Guards” filed into the east room for the last time. It was received by the president, surrounded by a portion of his cabinet. Gen. Lane in a short speech said, in substance, that the crisis which led to the formation of the company having termi-nated by reason of the arrival of large bodies of troops in Washington, he requested per-mission to discharge the men in due form. Mr. Lincoln in very appropriate words, thanked the company for its exceptional services, and expressed, with warmth of feeling, his deep sense of personal obligation for the prompt manner in which it had rallied to his support in an hour of great peril.
The discharges issued a few days afterward, dated “Headquarters Frontier Guards,” Exec-utive Mansion, Washington, D. C., signed by and containing the thanks of A. Lincoln, Simon Cameron, and Jas. H. Lane, are no doubt highly prized by those who hold them as memen-toes of a period fraught with tremendous issues to the nation.
Among the names now remembered as on the roster were Senator Pomeroy, Judge Thos. Ewing, Marcus J. Parrot, A. C. Wilder, D. R. Anthony, Uncle George Keller, R. McBratney, Judge Burrris, Job. B. Stockton, Col. John C. Vaughan, S. W. Greer, Maj. Dan McCook, father of the “fighting McCooks,” Harry Field, Gordon, Wm. Tholen, Ed. McCook, and Geo. H. Weaver. These are a few of the names hastily recalled on the moment. Many others who sealed their devotion by giving their lives for the nation have a more enduring fame al-ready written in brighter records. It is to be hoped that a full list of all the members will soon be published. Capt. Job. B. Stockton, who resides somewhere in Colorado, is supposed to have all the necessary data for a full history of the Guards.
It may be safely said that the members of the Frontier Guards were not actuated with selfish motives, for they neither asked nor received at that time or since, pay or rations for their service.
The dates here given may be in error two or three days, one way or the other, but they will not vary from the records of the company more than that.
Some of the members of the company belonged to other states than Kansas, but the prestige of the Frontier Guards, and it was very great at a critical time in Washington, was derived from its Kansas paternity.
It is to be hoped that the surviving members will soon take some action looking to a reunion, and to the preservation of the records of an organization which is destined to hold a place in history. Emporia News.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
The Santa Fe company is ballasting its road between Florence and Kansas City and Atchison at the rate of 500 yards per day.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
Reports are in circulation in the Indian Territory that the military have been ordered to arrest Dave Payne, put a ball and chain to his leg, and set him to work on the rock pile, if caught again in the Territory. This will put an end to the Oklahoma boom.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
J. F. Goddard, for years general freight agent of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, has been promoted to the position of general traffic manager of the same road, the appointment taking effect last week. Jim Goddard is one of the most popular railroad men in the West. He has all the polish of a general passenger agent, with the keenest knowledge of freight matters.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
The Murder Case.
Mrs. Freylinger was found guilty of murder in the second degree Saturday evening for the killing of Noella, an account of which appeared in this paper at the time. The facts as brought out in the evidence showed the act to be decidedly cold-blooded and repulsive. Mrs. Freylinger is over fifty years old and brutally ignorant. Her ignorance and vindictiveness make her a dangerous person in any community, and the sooner she is confined within the walls of the penitentiary, the safer will neighbors feel. From the evidence it seems that she and her husband and Noella had been having a family row. That she suspected Noella of stealing her cabbage, and put poison on them; that Noella suspected her of stealing his cabbage, and also put out poison, and that finally Freylinger’s horse got some cabbage and died, and the old lady claimed that it was Noella’s cabbage that the horse ate. After this the Freylinger’s made it so warm for Noella that he got afraid to stay around there, and left. After this, according to the testimony of the old lady herself, she and her husband watched many nights for him to return—she watching half the night and he the other half—with a gun, intending, as she said, to “shoot him shoost like a rabbit.” He finally did come back, in the day time, and she carried out her threat and shot him like a rabbit, killing him instantly. There was no row or words previous to the shooting, as in fact Noella was afraid of her and when she appeared he retreated. It was the most cold-blooded affair we have knowledge of. The ignorance and natural fierceness of the old woman’s nature are the only palliating features of the case.
The Court sentenced her to the penitentiary for the balance of her natural life.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
The Court sentenced Mrs. Quarles to the penitentiary for three years; Tom Quarles for three years.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1882.
The stock of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad company is owned by 5,750 persons, of whom 5,600 reside in Boston or its immediate vicinity.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1882.
Stockmen Take Notice.
A meeting of the Stockmen of this vicinity will be held in this city on Monday next, Dec. 18th, 1882, at 12 o'clock, m., to which all interested in the stock business are earnestly invited to attend. As business of the greatest importance to Stockmen will come before the meeting, it is hoped all who can will be present. By Order.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1882.
From Bolton Township.
Editor Traveler:
I read your article of the 6th inst., on fencing in the Territory with considerable interest, and more especially that part which speaks of its near approach to the State line. As the story goes—the gentleman who claims to be a “Noble Red Man,” and is peddling himself out as a cats paw for the Oil Co., had in the first place designed putting the fence four miles from the State line, and he assigns as a reason for the change that some person, either real or imaginary, had made some threats about the fence, which, he claims, is sufficient reason for the change. He further states that he will show the people along the line that he will put the fence where he pleases, and after a certain time no man shall pass through that fence to get wood; and further, to enforce all these things, he will bring a Cherokee police force sufficient to put a man at each post. In short, he is going to do many other great things, for he, even HE, is a great man.
Now, Mr. Editor, we will state first that by this change our range for which we took and paid license, from the Cherokee Agent, are cut in two, and some of them are cut off entirely from water for the stock. Not only is every range along the line in Bolton bought and paid for, but we were promised these ranges from year to year so long as the Cherokees had control of the land, and now he will run the fence where he pleases. He throws down the gauntlet, gives us a banter, and defies us with a threat; and also draws a barbed wire under the nose of every man who has bought a range of the Cherokees for his stock. If we do not peaceably abandon our ranges and stand quietly by and see our ranges taken from us, after paying for them, we are to have Cherokee police flourishing Cherokee revolvers in our faces to teach us that we are cowards and the truckling vassals of an Oil Company's cats paw.
Now gentlemen, in conclusion, I am opposed to monopolies, and am strongly in favor of peace, and have hoped that Uncle Sam or the Cherokee Council will come to our aid in protecting the rights we have paid for, but should they not, I imagine that every Bolton man, who is interested in the range, would be inclined to go in for making things lively. C. Z.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, December 14, 1882.
While on our visit to Cheyenne Agency and Fort Reno, we ascertained that the stories published regarding the treatment of Payne and his party by the military were, to say the least gross exaggeration. The facts, so far as we could learn from a variety of sources were as follows.
Payne and his party, when captured by the military, had to be tied and put in the wagons and were taken directly to Fort Reno. On arriving there, they were placed under guard, but properly cared for, being furnished with wood and provisions. Payne stated to the commanding officer that all he wanted was to have a trial, and that he was perfectly willing to go to Fort Smith, promising at the same time that neither he nor any member of his party would make any attempt to escape or give any trouble to the officer in command of the military guard detailed to conduct them to Fort Smith. The party was placed under charge of Lieut. Taylor, and by him taken to Henrietta, Texas, that being the nearest railroad point. On arriving at Henrietta, Payne requested and received permission to go about town. An hour or so afterward, and about the time the train was ready to start, Payne returned, accompanied by the sheriff with a writ of habeas corpus. Lieut. Taylor stated that his orders were to take the party to Fort Smith, where Payne had said he was more than anxious to go; that he did not consider it his duty to obey the writ, as the party were United States prisoners, and that he would not respect it.
The sheriff then left to obtain a posse to take the prisoners by force, but before he returned the train pulled out with the entire party on board. Payne then endeavored to try the bluff game on Taylor, but the latter wouldn’t stand it, and the former finally subsided.
This is an unadorned statement of the case; and of the truth in every particular, we have not the least doubt. Under the circumstances, the attempt, on the part of Payne, to cast any reflection upon Capt. Bennett, commander at Fort Reno, and Lieut. Taylor, who took the party to Fort Smith, is both mean and contemptible.
The military endeavored to treat the party with every consideration possible under a strict observance of orders from headquarters, but their efforts in that line were not appreciated by Payne, and it is safe to predict that the next time he is caught in the Territory, he will fare far different from what he did at any other time.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, December 14, 1882.
We find the following paragraph floating around among the papers. If the location of the road is as stated in the paragraph, the engineers have selected a very rough country to run through. It will cost more to grade the road on that line than it will to tie and iron it.
“The Atlantic and Pacific is now completed to the Arkansas river, and new contracts are being let for its extension. The new route, as recently adopted, follows the Red Fork and en-ters the Oklahoma lands at the northeast corner of the Sac and Fox reservation, six miles north of the thirty-sixth line of latitude; thence the line bears south and west until it reaches the North Fork of the Canadian river, which it follows westward until it reaches a point on the river six miles south of the thirty-sixth degree of latitude, when it strikes for the South Fork of the Canadian; thence along the valley of the South Canadian to the Texas Panhandle. The evident object in changing the original route is to secure to the road the alternate sections of land under the provisions of its charter, granted by congress in 1866, lying in the public lands. The Atlantic and Pacific is but an extension westward of the Vinita branch of the St. Louis and San Francisco company to meet the Atlantic and Pacific, whose eastern terminus is now at Albuquerque, New Mexico.”
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, December 14, 1882.
One way to solve the Indian question in the western part of the Indian Territory, is to place the Indians upon smaller reservations and lease the remainder of the land for stock purposes, the proceeds to be devoted to the support of the Indians. If a plan of this kind could
be put into good shape and properly presented to congress, there is not the least doubt but it would be adopted. The benefit of its adoption would be incalculable to Indians, while at the same time the money received from the rental of the lands for stock purposes would relieve the government of a heavy tax, and the Indian at the same time, would be better fed and clothed than he is now. If our stockmen are wise, they will carefully consider this proposition, and after so doing, we are confident they will heartily approve of it and support it.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, December 14, 1882.
Chief Bushyhead has vetoed the bill annulling the contracts made between cattlemen on the Cherokee Strip and citizens of the Cherokee Nation, and also the bill to lease the Strip to a combination of members of the Nation. His veto messages have not been received, but it is safe to say that in both vetoes, the chief was eminently correct.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882..
Trouble Below.
It seems that the Indian authorities are causing the cattle men along the Cherokee strip some trouble, and last Friday night a party of stock dealers from south of Sumner County passed through Oswego on their way to Tahlequah to try to adjust matters. The party owns in round numbers 300,000 head of cattle.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Fencing the Territory.
The matter of fencing the Territory below Arkansas City and Caldwell is a subject of general conversation among stock men, and it is the prevailing opinion that the small stock owners are being shamefully outraged by it. Below Arkansas City the entire country for twenty miles south, and twenty-five east and west is being fenced by parties from Pennsylvania to the exclusion of men who have been there for years and paid the tax regularly to the Cherokee Nation, under the assurance that they would be permitted to remain there as long as the Cherokees had control of the lands. It will prove not only a great detriment to the farmers along the State line, but to every mode of travel, as gates will have to be opened and closed, and in time of high waters when different routes have to be taken where there are no gates. The matter should be brought before the proper authorities and some action taken.
S. M. C.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
A Dark and Mysterious Deed Committed in the Territory.
The Case A Sad One.
From parties lately up from the Territory we learn the particulars of another of those terrible murders of which that country is so often the scene. This one is peculiarly horrible. From the Arkansas City Democrat, we clip the following account.
“Mr. S. L. Typton, who has a cattle ranch on the Cimarron River, about eighty-five miles south of this city in the Indian Territory, was in the city last Tuesday and gave us the following particulars of another dark deed in the Indian Territory. He said, ‘Last Sunday morning, in company with one of my cowboys, I started out to hunt up some stray stock, and after traveling some twenty miles up the river, it being about noon, we came to the conclusion to stop and eat our dinner, and were riding into the timber for that purpose when we discovered an old wagon in the bushes a short distance from the river bank, and thinking someone was camped there, we hitched our horses and went to the wagon, but were somewhat taken back when we discovered the bed was covered with blood. It was evident that a foul murder had been committed, and we commenced to look around for further developments and soon found where a body had been dragged through the sand, and following the trail about three hundred yards, we discovered the body of a man with an old butcher knife buried to the hilt in his heart. The man had evidently been dead for eight or ten days, as his body was in a putrid condition. I remained with the dead man and sent my cowboy to a ranch, about eight miles distant, and in about three hours he returned with Mr. Haygood. After Mr. Haygood arrived, we made a thorough investigation, and found three wounds on the man’s head, which apparently had been made with a club or some blunt instrument, and the knife wound, which must have been inflicted after the man was stunned by the blows upon the head, as the garments were torn away and the knife placed directly between his ribs and driven through his heart. On the body we found a small two bladed knife, ten cents in silver, and a letter which was evidently from his wife. It read as follows:
‘DEAR SAM: As you said you would pass through Arkansas City, Kansas, I thought I would write to you there, as I would not have another chance until you reached Texas. The children are all well, I am feeling much better, and will start for home next week, and remain until you send for me, which I hope will not be long. I have sold all our household goods and Fred’s pony and put the money in the bank with what you left me. I wish you had left all your money here, as I am afraid that man you took with you will do you mischief. He knows you have money on your person. I shall feel uneasy until I hear from you. Don’t fail to write as soon as you get to Texas. As soon as you find a location that suits you, I will come. Fred says you must buy him another pony so he can learn to ride like the cowboys when he goes to Texas. I don’t think of anything more this time. If you don’t write on the road direct in care of father, as I will be at home before another letter could reach me. Good bye. FLORA.
‘P. S.: Mary is 13 months old today and said ‘papa.’ F.’”
No other clue than the above could be found to show the dead man’s identity. The body was buried near the spot where it was found. These Territory murders are becoming so frequent of late that it seems as if something should be done to rid out the nest of thieves and cut throats which infest it. If a man commits a crime in the state, he immediately flees to the Territory, where he follows a career of carnage and rapine unhindered by the arm of the law. If ever there was a case for a shrewd, determined officer to do his duty in, it is to ferret out the perpetrator of this deed and bring him to justice.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, December 14, 1882.
Payne’s case against Gen. Pope has been postponed for thirty days. That case may finally come to trial, but if it should, it will be after the necessity for it—so far as Payne is concerned—shall have gone glimmering in the great past.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 20, 1882.
Arthur Gorham, of Kinsley, has purchased the Hi Kollar ranch and range at the mouth of Bluff creek on the Cimarron, paying $100,000 for the outfit. Mr. Kollar had about 3,000 head of cattle on the range.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 20, 1882.
The new public library building now being erected in the state house grounds by the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe road, under the supervision of Mr. E. Wilder, will cost when completed $39,000. It will be handsomest building in the state.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 20, 1882. Editorial Page.
Territory Items.
The Canadian river cattle company have bought the Bugbee ranch, with 12,000 head of cattle, and the Turkey Track ranch, with 11,000, both adjoining the double H of Horseshoe ranch, in the Panhandle, already owned by the aforesaid company, and the three are now consolidated, making the whole a herd of about 35,000 cattle.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 20, 1882.
About thirty stockmen were present at the stock meeting, at the Central Avenue, last Monday. Particulars of the meeting will be found elsewhere.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 20, 1882.
Capt. Haight informs us that he was called into the Territory a short time ago to settle a boundary line between two large pastures. One of them, just south of Arkansas City, contains 190,000 acres, and is being fenced with barbed wire. This is being done by Col. Windsor, of Titusville, Pennsylvania, under the cover of the names of two Cherokee Indians. The other is being fenced by Mills and Stevens. Telegram.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 20, 1882.
Stockmen's Meeting.
ARKANSAS CITY, Dec. 18th, 1882.
Pursuant to notice published, calling a stockmen's meeting at the Central Avenue, on Monday last, about thirty stockmen responded, and the meeting was called to order at 1 o'clock p.m. Mr. Hodges was called to the chair, and O. O. Clendenning was appointed Secretary. The Chairman then read an article from a Cherokee paper, stating what the Cherokee Council had done to prevent Eastern Companies from fencing, and thus depriving the stockmen of the several ranges for which they had paid and held license to in the Indian Territory.
Mr. J. E. Snow, Attorney of Winfield, then read a series of resolutions prepared by him-self and W. P. Hackney, the acting attorneys for the stockmen. The resolutions are too lengthy to be inserted here, but the sum and substance was that the stockmen there assembled pledged themselves to abide by and aid each other to the utmost extremity in resisting the action of the fencing monopolies which are attempting to illegally force them from their ranges.
The resolutions were adopted and signed; and the following gentlemen, Messrs. F. M. Stewart, D. Warren, and W. H. Dunn, were appointed a committee to act in the premises and decide as to the action necessary to be taken to enforce the resolutions as adopted.
A motion was put and carried that the minutes of the meeting be published after which the meeting adjourned subject to a call of the committee.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 20, 1882.
Stockholders’ Meeting.
The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Highland Hall Co., of Arkansas City, will be held in the Cowley County Bank, on January 2nd, 1883, at 7 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of electing five directors to serve for the ensuing year. H. P. FARRAR, Secretary.
Arkansas City, Kas., Dec. 2, 1882.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
The Register and Receiver of the United States Land Office at Wichita are in receipt of an order issued by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, suspending all cash entries made by single men on the Osage Indian lands in Kansas, since June 23, 1881, where the lands lie in the counties of Sumner, Harper, Kingman, and Comanche. This order is the result of land frauds and fraudulent entries of startling magnitude in connection with these lands, perpetrated by cowboys preempting lands in the interest of stockmen, for range purposes.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
It has been well said that the crying evil of our land system is the locking up of vast bodies of land by the great railroad corporations. The Union Pacific company receives patents for about 12,000,000 acres; the Central Pacific for about 8,000,000. These lands are sold in driblets, trusting to future scarcity to enliven prices. Thus about 17,000,000 acres, nominally assigned to these companies, have been virtually withdrawn from market because the companies will not go to the expense of surveying them. For these lands no patents are issued, and on them no taxes are paid. In the meantime, the supreme court, by its decision that the failure to complete a land grant railroad within the time fixed in the grant does not forfeit the lands promised, helps also to withhold these lands from market, to the injury of the actual settlers, and to the detriment of the public generally. Congress has power to remedy this crying evil. It should compel these great corporations to pay taxes on the lands withheld from market.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
The bill introduced in the house by Representative McCord to provide for the regulation of inter-state commerce provides each railway shall on the first of March each year publish a schedule of rates. Fifty percent of the schedule of rates shall be the minimum of rates, and 50 percent above the maximum allowed to be charged in any case. These rates are to be charged for loading, a mileage rate for hauling, and are to be fixed upon the principle of impartial service for a fair corporate profit from honest public service. Consolidating, discriminating, pooling, etc., are prohibited and punished. A committee of nine members, one from each judicial circuit in the United States, shall be appointed by each congress to supervise, investigate, and report to congress as to the management and control of railroads under the law, and recommend amendments thereto.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
Mr. Tom Wright says that the man murdered in the Territory, an account of which appeared in last week’s paper, must certainly have been Samuel Covington, a gentleman who was for some time in partnership with him in the pony business. His wife’s name was Flora, and he had a little boy, Fred, and a baby. He left here with eighteen hundred dollars, intending to go to Texas while his wife went to Eureka, Arkansas. This is probably a solution of one step in the dark deed.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, December 21, 1882.
Payne, in a letter to the Kansas City Oklahoma Colony, claims that the organization he represents has taken up a piece of country fifty miles square on the Oklahoma strip If being chased over the territory by the military and scouts entitles a party to the land they have traversed in their run, then Payne and his party may stand some show of getting that fifty miles square, otherwise not.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, December 21, 1882.
From Caldwell, Kansas.
EDITOR INDIAN CHIEFTAIN: As you have an outspoken people’s paper, I send you a few lines upon matters west of 96 degrees.
The spirit of invading Oklahoma is on the boom, and they threaten to march about the middle of February in strength, and hold by force. If a rope and tree could be furnished the leaders, the cause would end.
After looking over our delegates’ report to the council and seeing so much bosh from the U. S. Indian department, I feel it my duty to defend Cherokee rights. We have 6,500,000 acres of beautiful, rich land unsold west of 96 degrees, and we ought to control it like men, and quit begging thieving officials who always act in favor of those who pay the most for their influence—it is ours until sold and title conveyed. They claim a right to control by a clause of the treaty of 1866, which says, “the government may locate friendly Indians, etc.,” which clause conveys no title and is abrogated by a provision to remove no more Indians from their homes, etc. Doing, and failing to do, are different things. Then they claim a set price of 50 cents per acre, dated 1878, when the treaty provides for a commission to value all lands sold. Admitting that a price was fixed in 1878 for such land at 50 cents per acre, to hold before sale and regardless of increased value, shows fraud which annuls the whole proceeding. They have bought and paid for the Oklahoma ceded lands, and have room there for more Indians than there is to locate. Such a sale of our land works an evil instead of good, it furnishes fusions instead of homes for other tribes, and gives land sharks an excuse to move and rob them of their homes at our expense. This country was provided by our parents, and we should hold it sacred as a headright for the Cherokee blood, and not ruin our inheritance by blind and corrupt legislation, as has been done with our homestead east of 96 degrees, where parties ignore Cherokee rights to buy foreign votes. If we have 15,000 Cherokees, a division of this land will give 433½ acres per head, and with an individual title placed on the market would bring from $3 to $40 per acre, and at a low average of $5 per acre, would give $2,166.83 per capita, enough to end our cry for bread money that politicians so eagerly take advantage of to make voting stock.
Fencing stock pastures west of 96 degrees, I will state, was a means of self-defense adopted by stockmen, and guaranteed by individual enterprise of Cherokees, upon common right.
Our land unsold begins east at the Arkansas River, and runs west to the Panhandle of Texas, being 178 miles long by 57½ wide, and joins Kansas on the south in length. Under the old mode of herding, no one could afford to hold stock nearer than 10 to 20 miles of the state line; they would ramble or be driven to Kansas pens, and to recover them, owners have to pay a fine, damages to crops, and other expenses, as per herd law. The result was that licensed herds left about one-third of our range vacant, which was covered by men living on the line with sheep and other stock on which they paid no taxes. Most of said range is being reclaimed by men fencing and stocking pastures, thereby saving the range and timber and creating more revenue for the Nation and establishing Cherokee rights by fencing squatters out.
It is true, some of our people abuse the cause by covering stock from tax or taking more range than is needed. Our treasurer has the right to tax all stock west of 96 degrees, and cover all extra range with stock, which will stop the swindle and greed. J. W. JORDAN.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
A Washington special says that Capt. Scott, of Arkansas City, Kansas, is there to consult with the interior department respecting the conflicting leases of land in the Indian Territory made by the Cherokee Nation to various cattle men of Kansas and Missouri for grazing purposes. This is the inauguration of a big fight between the original lessees, who are small cattle owners, and the large companies, who are striving to acquire control of these lands to their prejudice.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, December 28, 1882.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 22. Captain Scott, of Arkansas City, Kansas, is here to consult with the interior department respecting the conflicting leases of lands in the Indian Territory, made by the Cherokee Nation to various cattle men of Kansas and Missouri for grazing purposes. This is the inauguration of a big fight between the original lessees, who are small cattle owners, and the large companies who are striving to acquire control of these lands to their prejudice.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, December 28, 1882.
Of Interest to Cattle Men.
LEAVENWORTH, Dec. 23. John Volz, of this city, who has a cattle ranch in the Indian Territory, near the Cantonment, has just received information from there that a council has been called by the head chiefs of the Cheyennes. The propositions to be discussed are:
1. The organization of a government similar to a territorial one.
2. The election of a Governor and Council, or Legislature.
3. The levying of taxes pro rata upon cattle ranges and herders. Mr. Volz favored the scheme, and thinks it will tend to shut out the larger cattle dealers, who are trying to freeze out the lesser ones, or at any rate give small herders a chance.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, December 28, 1882.
The doughty Captain Payne has turned himself loose again in some of his choice English. We have no time this week to give him the attention he seems to require, but shall endeavor to impress upon his mind in the near future that it is neither good sense nor good policy to “fool with the buzz saw while in moshun.”
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
Last Wednesday Mr. Smith, the agent of the K. C., L. & S. Railroad at this place, was arrested by the Company, charged with embezzling eight hundred and thirty-five dollars of the Company’s funds. He is now in jail in default of fifteen hundred dollars bail. Mr. Smith has heretofore borne an excellent reputation and has been a trusted employee of the Company for ten years. After coming here he got into the habit of gambling and had associated with him one Chambers, the telegraph operator, who evidently conspired to rob him in this way. Chambers has since jumped the town.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, December 28, 1882.
Indian Troubles.
Mr. A. L. Raymond returned yesterday from a trip in the Indian Territory over the M. K. & T. Road, leaving Muskogee on Monday last. From him we gather a few items regarding the late outbreak among the Creeks. It appears the trouble arises from an old feud antedating the war. On one side is the National party, headed by Chicate; and the other, the tribal party, headed by Splechie. The former is in favor of a government similar to the Cherokees, while the latter wants to maintain the old tribal relation, with bands governed by petty chiefs. Trouble has been brewing between the factions for some time, culminating last week in both sides arming and organizing to kill off or drive out the other.
Mr. Raymond states that the factions were concentrating at a point near Okmulgee, and it was expected, unless interfered with by two companies of U. S. Troops sent from Fort Gibson, they would have a fight on Tuesday. Mr. Raymond thinks the troops could not reach the place in time, and that a fight must have taken place, although he has failed to learn anything further regarding the treaties since leaving Muskogee.
The excitement is great all through that section, and it is feared that unless both sides are disarmed, they will slaughter each other without mercy and perhaps carry their operations so far as to murder others in no wise interested in their quarrel. On the other hand, if dis-armed, there will be a reign of assassination throughout the Creek country.
The Creeks are a bad mixture of Indian, negro and white blood, revengeful, and treacher-ous as only such a class can be, and if they could be penned in and allowed to have a regular Kilkenny cat fight, it would result greatly to the advantage of the peace of other tribes and the civilization of the survivors, if there should be any.
[Note: Names differ in newspapers, some having Splechie, Spieche, Spleiche; Chicate is sometimes given as Chicote.]
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, December 28, 1882.
Depredations in the Indian Territory.
MUSKOGEE, INDIAN TERRITORY, December 25. The party of Splechies who were previously reported as having crossed the Arkansas river, passed through town yesterday, in full war paint, under the command of the notorious Dick Glass. They went west in pursuit of the band of Chicate men who killed one of their party the day before yesterday, but returned in the evening not having been able to find them. United States Agent Tufts has notified them that he would disarm both parties on the committal of an open act of war. The company of United States troops arrived at Muskogee last night from Fort Gibson under the command of Lieutenant Crane, to protect the lives and property of United States citizens. Another squad will come to Muskogee today. The Chicate party is said to have seized, and are now guarding, all ferries on the Arkansas river, to prevent reinforcements from the northern part of the nation joining the Splechies. Dispatches give no explanation as to why these Indians are roaming about in armed bands, nor is anything regarding the matter known here.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, January 4, 1883.
Last week the Wellington Press returned to its proposition for Sumner County to sell its stock in the Cowley, Sumner & Fort Smith Railroad, and undertakes, in a lengthy article, to show wherein the county would be benefitted by such a course. It urges that because Sedg-wick County sold its railroad stock to advantage, Sumner County can do the same thing. And perhaps it could, if there were any parties anxious to purchase and at the same time willing to pay a fair price for it.
At present the stock is not worth the bonds issued to pay for it, and until it reaches that point, or, as in the case of Sedgwick County, two or more parties need it in their business, it is not good policy in throwing it upon the market. We will admit that under the present situation of affairs, the stock is practically valueless; but the bonds issued for its purchase are not a burden upon the taxpayers of the county, for the reason that the taxes collected from the road pays the interest upon the bonds and leaves a margin of $9,000 to be applied upon the principal. The stock will also increase in value, because, now that the Wichita & South-western and the C. S. & F. S. have been consolidated, in the very nature of railroad manage-ment the time will shortly come when some other stockholder will want our stock in order to give him the standing in the company to which he aspires.
Taking all these things into consideration, it is not worthwhile to be overly anxious about selling our railroad stock.
Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.
Dick Glass, the negro who was captured and escaped from Sheriff Shenneman, has been heard from. We clip the following dispatch in relation to the matter from the Kansas City Journal.
“A dispatch from Muskogee, Indian Territory, says that forty of Splechie’s men, who were previously reported as having crossed the Arkansas River, passed through town yester-day in full war paint under command of the notorious Dick Glass. They went west in pursuit of the band of Chicate’s men, who killed one of their party day before yesterday, but returned in the evening, not having been able to find them. United States Agent Tufts has notified them that he will disarm both parties on the committal of any open act of war. A company of United States troops arrived at Muskogee last evening from Fort Gibson, under command of Lieutenant Irons, to protect the lives and property of United States citizens. Another squad will go to Muskogee today. The Chicate party are said to have seized and are guarding all ferries on the Arkansas River to prevent reinforcements from the northern part of the Nation joining Splechie. Dispatches from the Territory give no explanation as to why these Indians are roaming about in armed bands, nor is anything regarding the matter known here.”
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, January 4, 1883.
Important to Stockmen.
The Globe-Democrat of last Sunday publishes the following special from Washington, which may or not be of interest to stockmen on the “outlet,” according as they view it. It is dated Dec. 30, 1882.
Reports have reached the Indian Bureau from Cherokee County, Indian Territory, to the effect that the white men are erecting buildings and fencing off pastures in the “Cherokee Outlet.” Commissioner Price today addressed a letter to Agent Tufts at Muskogee to warn the white herders to remove with their stock from off the reservation, allowing twenty days for the exit. If the herders fail to get out at time, the agent is authorized to call on the military to eject them.
If we understand the above rightly, the attempt will be made to remove the stockmen from the strip, or “outlet,” as it is termed in the dispatch. Should such be the case, the move will be an outrage upon the stockmen, for which no excuse whatever can be offered. For they have paid taxes to the Cherokee Nation and received a permit therefor to hold their stock on the strip. In addition to paying taxes, many of them have also bought and paid for such right as the Cherokees could give to fence their pastures and to erect suitable buildings for the shelter and accommodation of their employees. They, therefore, have an equitable right to remain undisturbed so long as they do not violate the laws of the United States and the regulations of the Cherokee Nation governing the occupancy of the lands.
But, it will be urged, the Cherokee have no right to grant pasture-fencing privileges on the Strip. Why not? It is not worthwhile to quote extracts from their treaties at this time, for they have been published so often as to be familiar to everybody who has taken the least interest in the Territory affairs. It is only sufficient to state that these treaties convey to the Cherokees, in fee simple, the lands in question, and that, until paid for by the United States, the Cherokees have the sole control of the lands, with the undoubted right to secure from them the largest revenue possible. No one who thoroughly understands the full merits of the question will argue differently. Therefore, it seems to us that if complaint has been made against the stockmen, it comes from envious or malicious parties, parties who cannot occupy the country themselves and are not willing to allow others to do so.
The stockmen, in their own interests, should take steps to ascertain the full meaning of the dispatch, and if there is anything in it, adopt a course that will protect their rights.
Since the above was put in type, we have discovered the following in the Washington letter of the Kansas City Times.
“By the Cherokee law each Indian has been allowed to appropriate a given quantity of land suitable for grazing purposes in the Indian Territory. It appears that the rich and powerful corporation known as the ‘Standard Oil Corporation’ have gone into the speculation of cattle raising, and the better to serve a monopoly, have hired Cherokee Indians at nominal rates to take up grazing lands for the benefit of the company. Heretofore, the people of Missouri, Kansas, and Texas have been able to graze their cattle in the Indian Territory by paying so much a head, but the plan of the Standard Oil Company is to drive out all those engaged in raising cattle in a small way. The leases or contracts made with these Indians by the Standard Oil Company have been submitted to Secretary Teller, and to his credit, be it said, he has peremptorily declined to approve them. This evidences the fact that the Secretary appreciates the interests and wants of the western people, and is not to be dragooned into injustice even by so powerful a corporation as the Standard Oil Company.”
This, we think, accounts for the Globe-Democrat’s special.
It is well enough to restrain monopolists, but we venture the assertion that the parties who are objecting to the Standard Oil Company’s leases are stock owners on the Kansas border, who have been in the habit of holding cattle in the Territory without paying one cent of taxes on them to the Cherokees or the state of Kansas. In their way, they were monopolists as well as the Standard Oil Company.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, January 11, 1883.
The Schemes of Monopolists.
Last week the COMMERCIAL published a statement regarding the flurry created by an order, issued by the Secretary of the Interior, for the removal of stockmen from the Cherokee Strip. On Friday last, Mr. Tuttle, of this city, received a telegram stating that the order had been rescinded, and on Saturday the following appeared in the Globe-Democrat.
WASHINGTON, D. C., Jan. 5. B. H. Campbell, representing a syndicate of Chicago capitalists, is negotiating with the Secretary of the Interior for a lease of a tract of land thirty miles square in the Indian Territory belonging to the Cherokee and Cheyenne Indians. They propose using it for grazing cattle, and agree to cut only such timber as is necessary to provide posts for wire fences to enclose the land. They offer $50,000 rental for the land. The Indians are represented as being anxious to enter into the arrangement.
B. H. Campbell has evidently experienced a change of heart since he quit editing a green-back paper in Iowa. Then, his soul was harrowed by the privileges granted monopolists and their encroachments upon the rights of the people. Now, he is only too anxious to be enrolled in the ranks of that hated class.
Letting Mr. Campbell rest for the presnt, it is well enough to state here, that
1. The Cheyennes do not control any lands in the Indian Territory.
2. Even if they do, neither they nor the Cherokees, jointly or seperately, have anything to say about leasing lands in the Territory for grazing purposes.
3. Secretary Teller has no authority to lease lands in the Territory for any purpose whatever.
But even if he has that authority, and chooses to exercise it in favor of a cattle syndicate or an individual who desires to engage in the stock business, then he may also lease a tract or tracts to colonies or individuals for agricultural or mining purposes.
Furthermore, to acknowledge the authority of the Secretary to give a lease to Mr. Camp-bell’s Chicago syndicate, is practically an assertion that the land in question belongs to the government, and therefore is subject to settlement. Certainly no one assumes that to be the case.
In the above we do not wish to be understood as objecting to leasing the lands in the Territory, west of 96 degrees, and not absolutely required for the use of the Indians now occupying them, for grazing purposes. On the contrary, the COMMERCIAL has been the first to advocate such a course, believing it would be beneficial to the Indians, a great saving to the country, and put at rest—for a time, at least—all attempts to force the Territory open to settlement. But this must be by the authority of Congress, and under such regulations as will not permit the entire country to be absorbed by two or three combinations like the one represented by Mr. B. H. Campbell. And it is well to remark right here, if the attempts being made to place the control of the grazing lands, in the Territory, into the hands of a few men, or any combination of capitalists, is persisted in, the results will be that in less than one year the land in question will be dotted with claim houses instead of cattle. A little reflection on this point may possibly save some useless and likewise expensive trips to the national capital.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, January 11, 1883.
Notice was received from Agent Tufts, on Monday, to publish the order notifying stockmen on the Strip to remove fences and improvements. Yesterday morning a dispatch was received from him countermanding the notice to publish. It would seem, from this, that the order issued by the Indian Bureau had been suspended until the condition of affairs on the Strip are thoroughly investigated. Should this prove to be the case, the stockmen need not fear any further trouble, as such an investigation will undoubtedly convince the Interior Department that no cause exists for interfering with them.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, January 11, 1883.
The southern branch of the St. Louis & San Francisco railroad is now running through trains to Fort Smith, Arkansas, giving the west the shortest railroad route to that point. Parties wishing to go to Fort Smith can take the “Frisco Line” at Wichita and go through to Eureka Springs or Fort Smith with only one change of cars.
Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.
In order to give the reader a slight idea of the amount of shipments from this city by car load, we will say that the A. T. & S. F. R. R. shipped during the year 1882: 20 car loads of flour, 20 car loads of brick, 2 cars of broom corn, 15 cars of cattle, 104 cars of corn, 205 cars of stone (much of the stone was used in erecting the Government building at Topeka), 265 cars of wheat. While our other road, the Kansas City, Lawrence & Southern Kansas shipped during the same time the following: 1 car flax seed, 1 car wagons, 1 car beans, 1 car timber, 1 car mill feed, 2 cars horses, 5 cars of coal, 13 cars of brick, 15 cars of sheep, 17 cars of cattle, 23 cars of flour, 81 cars of stone (these were shipped to different towns over the state and to Kansas City; this together with the shipments over the other road of these stone will enable the reader to form some idea as to the extent of the demand there already exists for our fine magnesian limestone for building and sidewalk purposes); 91 cars of corn, 138 cars of hogs, 307 cars of wheat, making a total of the leading articles as follows: Corn, 195 cars; hogs, 136; wheat, 572, and stone, 285 cars.
About an equal number of cattle held in the county by the owners are shipped from each of the seven smaller towns in the county. Owners usually ship from their nearest railroad station. However, this showing is but a drop in the bucket compared with the number of cattle shipped over the K. C., L. & S. K. R. R. This road has a branch running to Hunnewell, a small town on the Territory line. At this point they get the most of their cattle shipments. In the Territory are found hundreds of owners of large herds running in numbers from five to twenty thousand head, while at the same time a very great many of our own county cattle men hold their herds in the Territory and of course ship from the point nearest the south line of the state. Many hundred car loads of cattle loaded at Hunnewell are shipped over the latter named line of road each season.
Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.
Down With the Wire Fences.
Some weeks ago Capt. C. M. Scott went to Washington in the interests of the small stock herders along the Territory line to try and stop the immense fencing monopolies which were fencing up the whole country to the exclusion of small herders who had paid their tax for grazing, and were being frozen out by the larger groups.
How well he succeeded is attested by the following order, which was issued by the United States Indian Service from the Union Agency, Muskogee, Indian Territory, on January 8, 1883.
To whom it may concern:
I am directed by the Hon. Commissioner of Indian Affairs to notify all persons who have material on the ground or who have made improvements of any character in any part of the Cherokee country in the Indian Territory west of the Arkansas river, that all such improve-ments and material must be removed from the lands referred to before the first day of February, 1883, and that in the event of failure or neglect to remove the same before that date, the removal will be made by the military. Parties interested will please take notice and govern themselves accordingly.
J. Q. TUFTS, U. S. Indian Agent.
Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.
Mr. A. A. Wiley and Mr. Drury Warren were up from the Territory the past week. They have large cattle interests down southwest of the Ponca’s tract, and were intending to fence the land they have been occupying.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, January 11, 1883.
An Oklahoma Meeting.
Pursuant to notice previously given by bills scattered over the town, about sixty persons, men and boys, assembled in the Christian Church building on Tuesday night, with the expectation of hearing something from Capt. D. L. Payne, the Oklahoma boomer. The Captain failed to put in an appearance, and the assembled multitude seemed to be at a loss how to proceed.
Finally, old man Haley took the chair and called the meeting to order, and requested that, as the room was used for worship by the Christian Church, no one present spit upon the floor or use profane language. Just then, some boomer ejaculated what sounded very much like “d n it!” And a coterie of other boomers threw out about a quart of tobacco juice upon the floor, while the not overly fragrant aroma from “stinkers” and pipes floated lazily toward the ceiling.
After this came a long, serious pause, during which the entire audience wore a look of indefinite curiosity as to what would happen next. This unpleasant state was relieved by someone moving that T. H. B. Ross act as secretary of the meeting, which motion prevailed. Mr. Ross, in assuming the duties of the position, stated that the object of the meeting was to organize a colony to join Capt. Payne’s Oklahoma colony. He said it was expected that Payne would be there to address the meeting, but from some cause he had not arrived. The speaker went on to say that several parties had been organized to accompany Payne, that they would go from Wichita, Kansas City, Independence, Rich Hill, Missouri, and other points, to the number of 1,000 men, all of whom would assemble at Arkansas City on or about the 1st of February, and gaily slip into Oklahoma like a sore foot into an old slipper. Mr. Ross also stated that the colony had the newspaper material, and the men to run it, at Wichita, and a saw mill, all of which would move with the colony.
[This is some kind of taffy Payne has been giving the public for the last three years. ED.]
The speaker stated that Payne said he would start his colony from Caldwell, if it were not that the newspapers here were against him.
[If we remember rightly, Payne used to give as a reason for not concentrating his vast forces here that the people of Caldwell were opposed to him and his scheme. ED.]
At the close of Mr. Ross’ remarks an opportunity was given those present to sign the roll, and after a long wait, two, more bold than the rest, walked up and signed the paper entitling them to the privilege of being taken in on the Oklahoma lands by U. S. Troops. Emboldened by the example of the two braves, about twenty-five others put down their names. Notice was then given that a meeting would be held on Wednesday night, when only those who had signed the roll would be admitted. The meeting was undoubtedly held, but as the COMMERCIAL reporter was not entitled to be present, we are unable to even give a hint of its deliberations.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, January 11, 1883.
The COMMERCIAL office had a pleasant call on last Saturday from A. W. Harris, formerly of Council Grove. Mr. Harris is making arrangements to go into Oklahoma with Payne, when the latter makes his next raid, advertised to take place on or about the first of February. Mr. Harris appears to be a man fully competent to run a newspaper, but we venture the prediction that if he waits to begin the newspaper business until Payne opens up the Oklahoma lands to settlement, he will never know the joys or sorrows incident to the life of a country publisher.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, January 11, 1883.
The COMMERCIAL office had a pleasant call on last Saturday from A. W. Harris, formerly of Council Grove. Mr. Harris is making arrangements to go into Oklahoma with Payne, when the latter makes his next raid, advertised to take place on or about the first of February. Mr. Harris appears to be a man fully competent to run a newspaper, but we venture the prediction that if he waits to begin the newspaper business until Payne opens up the Oklahoma lands to settlement, he will never know the joys or sorrows incident to the life of a country publisher.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, January 11, 1883.
Stockmen’s Meeting at Topeka.
We see by the Commonwealth that a special meeting of stockmen belonging to the Stockmen’s Association of the Cherokee Strip, was held in Topeka on Monday. M. H. Bennett was elected chairman pro tem., and after a free and full discussion of the order issued by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs removing all improvements from the Strip, on motion Hon. E. M. Hewins and Maj. A. Drumm were appointed to wait upon the Secretary of the Interior and request a thorough investigation of the intentions of the stockmen in erecting enclosures and making the improvements complained of. Also, to request a suspension of the execution of the order until the investigation is made.
The meeting adopted the following preamble and resolutions.
WHEREAS, We have an association known as the Cherokee Strip Stockmen’s Association, whose members own over ninety percent of all livestock grazed upon the Cherokee Strip, Indian Territory, and all difficulties heretofore arising between members of this association have been amicably settled by themselves, and
WHEREAS, We, as stockmen of the Indian Territory, claim no right whatever in said Territory, only as guaranteed us by virtue of paying a grazing tax on stock to the Cherokee nation; therefore, be it
Resolved, That we would respectfully request the Secretary of the Interior to make a full and complete investigation of the interest and purposes of the stockmen on the Cherokee Strip in the Indian Territory, as regards their improvements further than to simply protect their stock from trespassing upon the ranges of their fellow stockmen.
Resolved, That we are opposed to any company or individual monopolizing any part on the Territory that infringes upon the rights of any person or persons that have paid the grazing tax upon their cattle and have grazing ground allotted and set apart for the benefit of the cattle upon which said tax has been paid.
Resolved, That we unanimously disapprove of the Standard Oil Company or any other corporation or company of individuals, in fencing up the grounds known as the “quarantine grounds,” said grounds having been set apart by the association, by and with the consent of the Cherokee authorities, for the benefit and use of persons driving cattle from Texas and other points for shipment.
Resolved, That we, as members of this association, will use our utmost endeavors to prevent all trespassing upon the timber lands of the Cherokee Strip by whomsoever it may be. We do also insist upon all persons holding stock upon the Cherokee Strip preserving order and quietly submitting to all the laws and decisions of the governing power of the hour.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, January 11, 1883.
The Commonwealth: The Chicago capitalists who are negotiating with the Secretary of the Interior for a lease of 2,400,000 acres of land in the Indian Territory, are under the leadership of B. H. Campbell, late United States marshal for the northern district of Illinois. They offer the magnificent sum of two cents an acre for the richest land in the west. The scheme goes on all fours with Uncle Rufus Hatch’s offer to take the Yellowstone Park off the government’s hands for a hotel site, or that other proposition of the Standard Oil Company to “freeze out” all the small cattle men in the Territory.
Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.
We are a little dubious about the advantages to Winfield of having the Institute for the feeble minded located here. We could get along well enough with the ordinary run of idiots, but it looks now that we should get large numbers of Oklahoma idiots from Wichita and that kind would be a curse to any asylum. We observe that they are so numerous and strong at Wichita that they get up enthusiastic invasion meetings and have started an idiot paper called the “Oklahoma War-Chief.” What in thunder do they want of another? Won’t the Times fill the bill?
Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.
Last day—Resolutions Demanding Direct Railroad Legislation.
The report of the committee on resolutions was read, and after a thorough discussion was adopted as follows.
We, the farmers of the state of Kansas, in convention assembled, do adopt the following preamble and resolutions:
WHEREAS, The people and especially the farmers of this state are greatly oppressed by unjust discriminations and extortionate charges on the part of railroads and other corporations, and
WHEREAS, This convention is called for the especial purpose of demanding railroad regulation by our present legislature. Therefore be it
Resolved, That we respectfully request and demand the consideration of the railroad question immediately upon their organization, and the passage of a direct law, fixing a schedule of freight and passenger charges, which shall be reasonable and just both for the railroad companies and their patrons; preventing pooling and discrimination, and providing suitable penalties for the violation of the same.
Resolved, That we denounce the railroad commissioner system, and believe the effort to embody it in a railroad law to be passed at this session of our legislature is a miserable subterfuge, devised by the monopolists to defeat genuine railroad legislation, and create fat places for a few men whom they can control in their own interests.
Resolved, That the people of Kansas are thoroughly aroused in regard to their oppression by railroad companies, and that we pledge our hearty support to all of our legislators who will vote and work in our interest, and that we warn all who violate their solemn pledges to the people and betray their interest, that they need never again ask the people of Kansas for their votes.
Resolved, That we cordially endorse the Farmers’ alliance, the Grange, and kindred organizations, the objects and work, and we earnestly recommend the farmers all over the state to keep up their present organizations and organize as many new ones as possible to the end that unity may prevail in our counsels and equal and exact justice to all be secured in our legislature.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to each member of the legislature and to the Topeka papers for publication.
F. A. A. WILLIAMS, Cowley County,
WILSON KEYS, Rice County,
W. E. RICHEY, Wabaunsee County,
On motion of Mr. Keys that part of Governor Glick’s message which refers to railroads and the transportation question was unanimously endorsed by the convention.
The convention was called to order at 2 p.m.
On motion of Martin Allen, of Ellis County, the following resolution was adopted.
Resolved, That in connection with the regulation of freights and fares upon the various lines of railroad in Kansas that we would also most respectfully call the attention of our legislators to the question of demurrage and the time of transit as being matters of much importance that should be regulated by law.
Mr. Williams, of Cowley County, moved the adoption of the following resolution.
Resolved, That this convention endorse the plan for the listing of livestock proposed by Mr. Keys, of Rice County, and we respectfully request our legislature to consider the said plan and substitute it for the present one. Motion prevailed.
On motion of Mr. Williams, the following resolution was adopted.
Resolved, That we believe farmers, as a class, need more education on the subjects pertaining to the interests of agricultural pursuits, and we recommend the Kansas Farmer as one of the best mediums by which the agricultural classes of Kansas can obtain such information on all such subjects, pertaining to our interests, and containing, as it does, able suggestions on all subjects pertaining to our business, and giving the privilege of full discussion on such subjects.
On motion of Mr. Smith, of Ellis County, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted.
Resolved, That we tender the thanks of this convention to the various railroad companies which have granted the delegates reduced rates over the lines.
Resolved, That we condemn the action of the Missouri Pacific railroad company, it being the only line of road in the state which refused to give delegates reduced rates.
Resolved, That we tender our thanks to the daily papers that have made reports of our proceedings.
On motion the convention adjourned sine die.
Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.
The Mystery Unveiled and the Murderer Captured.
Some interesting facts have recently been brought to light regarding the mysterious murder committed in the Territory a few weeks ago, an account of which appeared in the COURIER at that time. We gist the particulars from a Territory correspondence in the A. V. Democrat. The father-in-law of the murdered man, a Mr. Cooper of Sterling, Missouri, saw an account of the sad affair while looking over the exchanges in a printing office of that place. He at once surmised something was wrong, and took the paper containing the account home and showed the article to his daughter—Mrs. Leaman—who at once recognized the letter as being the one she had written to her husband just before leaving Eureka Springs, Arkansas. This satisfied Mr. Cooper that the murdered man was his son-in-law, and that the murderer was a man by the name of James McGull, who had started for Texas with the deceased. Mr. Cooper got out postal cards offering $500 reward for the murderer, and sent them all over the state of Texas, and as soon as arrangements could be made, started for the Territory, accompanied by his son, for the remains. They arrived at S. L. Typton’s ranch on the Cimarron River, in the vicinity of the murder, about January 1st, and were accompanied by Mr. Typton to the spot where the wagon still stood. Mr. Cooper recognized the wagon at once and felt confident that there could be no mistake. They then proceeded to the place where the body was buried. The remains were found in about the same condition as when buried, and they were placed in a metallic casket which had been brought along for that purpose, and returned to the ranch. The next morning Mr. Cooper and son started for their home in Missouri. Mr. Cooper seemed very much grieved over the sad affair, and said that his daughter took it very hard and had been confined to her bed ever since receiving the news. A man answering the description of James McGull, the murderer, given on the postal cards sent out by Mr. Cooper, has been arrested in Austin, Texas. He claims that his name is Peter Hook, and that he just arrived in that city from New Mexico, but the officers feel sure that they have the right man. Sheriff Shenneman is now in correspondence with the authorities who have him in charge.
Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.
The Oklahoma boomers will camp in the vicinity of Arkansas City and start from there for “the promised land” about February first.
Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.
Payne’s Oklahoma colonists now have an official organ in the Oklahoma War Chief, a paper published at Wichita in their interests, by one A. W. Harris. The initial number is before us and contains many items of interest in regard to that “Garden of Eden.” Just where the editor expects his patronage from, we don’t know. Payne’s followers are hardly numerous enough to support a paper, and its advertising patronage is very slim to start with. Should the paper receive patronage enough for sustenance, it will be of great benefit to the colony in accomplishing its object.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, January 18, 1883.
The Commonwealth of the 14th informs us that “stockmen in the Indian Territory are much pleased over the news that they are not to be removed until an investigation is held by the Interior Department.”
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, January 18, 1883.
Elsewhere will be found the law relating to pastures and fencing the same, passed by the Cherokee Council at its last session, and approved December 9, 1882.
On the face of it, the law was intended to apply only to that portion of the Cherokee country east of the 96th meridian, yet if it means anything, it means that all fenced pastures on the Strip must also be reduced to fifty acres, and that those who have erected fences enclosing a greater number of acres, must remove the same immediately after the first of March next.
If this is the construction to be placed upon the law, then it is only fair to characterize it as a piece of bad faith on the part of the Cherokee Nation toward the stockmen who have fenced ranges on the Strip. By virtue of the laws of their nation, Cherokee citizens had taken those ranges and authorized the parties occupying them to build fences and such other improvements as would make them complete stock ranches within the meaning of those laws. That being the case, the stockmen acted in good faith, with no intention of wronging the Cherokee or assuming rights to which they were not entitled.
And this was fully explained to the Cherokee Senate by Mr. P. N. Blackstone, one of its members, in the discussion on the sweeping confiscation act introduced by Mr. Ross, and which failed to receive the approval of the Principal Chief. Mr. Blackstone, to his honor be it said, stated at that time, that he and other citizens of the Cherokee Nation were alone responsible for the course pursued by the stockmen, and if any punishment was to be meted out to parties for encroaching upon the rights of the nation, he and others, who had taken possession of the lands in question, should suffer and not the innocent stockmen. In this course Mr. Blackstone gave an example of manliness, moral courage, and a sense of honesty and justice deserving of all credit, and which might be advantageously imitated by the Cherokee Nation.
The COMMERCIAL stated when the fencing began, and so believes now, that it would be an injury to the men engaging in it and the stock interests on the Strip, but it has been adopted by many, at a great expense, under what was ample authority, and now they should not be disturbed without just cause.
If they are now compelled to remove the fences, it is only right that some compensation should be made them in return for the expense which they have incurred through no fault on their part. At all events, there should be no such thing as total confiscation or destruction of their property, such as seems to be contemplated in the law of December 9.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, January 18, 1883.
The status of that strip of land lying between Kansas and Texas, bounded on the east by the Indian Territory and on the west and north by New Mexico and Colorado, having been brought to the attention of the Interior Department, Commissioner McFarland, of the general land office, has decided that it is not a part of the Indian Territory, “which” the commissioner says “is protected from disposal by the government by existing treaty stipulations.” The commissioner therefore thinks that the said Strip, composing an area of about 165 miles in length and 40 miles in width, while not surveyed and platted, is open to settlement.
Now here is a chance for Captain Payne, and the fellows he has induced to put in from $2 upwards toward his Oklahoma colonization scheme to secure “free homes” and to wrestle with the coyote and prairie dog for the possession of an inheritance which shall descend to their children’s children.
Personally we know nothing of the character of this “No Man’s Land,” but from the best information obtainable, we have no hesitancy in stating that it is fully equal for agricultural purposes to the famed but unattainable Oklahoma region. It is said to be well watered, has excellent grass, and many claim that it has coal veins running through it, and other valuable mineral deposits.
To those of a scientific turn of mind, this “No Man’s Land” offers peculiar advantages for studying the flora and fauna, in petrified forms, of the ages when the arctic regions were the home of the tropical plants, and mammoths. For, if we may believe the late Prof. Mudge, this “No Man’s Land” was the great dumping ground of the drift sent down from the north on the great ice floes and arctic currents which swept over this part of the continent ere the Rocky mountains reared their peaks above the surrounding waste of waters and glaciers.
If Payne really wants to do great good for humanity, and likewise enroll his name among the savants of the age, he will direct the steps of his colony to this favored land and there, with pick and shovel, delve among those rich deposits of a pre-historic time, thereby adding to the information of this and succeeding generations and at the same time keeping himself out of mischief, and, perhaps, his name off the guard house book at Fort Reno.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, January 18, 1883.
Leasing Indian Land: Secretary Teller’s Statements.
WASHINGTON, D. C., January 5. There have been repeated efforts of late on the part of different syndicates to lease large tracts of land in the Indian Territory. Among the applicants is B. H. Campbell, of Aurora, Illinois. Upon applying to Secretary Teller tonight for information, he said that he has not yet considered the application of B. H. Campbell and others for a confirmation of a lease with certain tribes of the Indian Territory, which is for a tract of land thirty miles square. The secretary stated tonight that he is not unfamiliar with the subject, as it was brought before his attention last summer in the form of complaints from the Wichita tribe of Indians that stockmen had come into the Territory and made contracts with the Indians, imposing on their ignorance, and giving them hardly enough consideration to justly warrant the application of the term. The secretary stated that the War Department was called upon at the time to drive these men and their cattle out of the Territory, but was unable to do it. He had no doubt that today there were many of these men who have made contracts with the more ignorant tribes for the lease of large tracts of lands, where the consideration allowed the Indians was a mere trifle. “This,” he stated, “is especially the case along the northern boundary of the Indian Territory, where the dishonest cattle raisers in the southern part of Kansas have imposed on the Indians most shamefully.”
The Secretary explained that he had no authority to lease the land, but that he could only confirm or reject a lease made by the Indians. He stated that Mr. B. H. Campbell presented his case to the department, and he understood it was to lease a tract thirty miles square; this in round numbers would be about one million acres, and the price proposed was two cents per acre per annum, which is the price paid for grazing land in Texas. The Secretary did not know whether or not he would be in favor of issuing such a large tract to one party, and was inclined to think two cents too small a figure. He thought, however, that the gentleman referred to would pay more than two cents per acre. He called attention to the Cherokee reservation, in which there are 6,000,000 acres, which leased at two cents an acre, would amount to a rental of $120,000 per annum. This, the secretary said, was more than could be realized from any other use of the land, as it is not arable except in occasional spots.
Besides the small price offered for the land, the Secretary thought that another objection was the promiscuous crowd allowed to enter the Territory under these contracts, such as cowboys, who, he thought, had a demoralizing effect upon the Indians. This, he said, it was proposed to remedy by selecting one-half of the herders from among the Indians, which, he thought, would be a check, especially in view of the effort now being made to disarm the cowboys.
The Secretary summed up his statement by saying that, if a fair price was offered for the land, and the Indians agree to the contract, he thought that to lease it in tracts of reasonable size, with certain restrictions, would be a benefit to the Indian. He stated that there were several cases of this character before the department. One from Mr. Babbitt, of St. Louis, and one from a Mr. Duncan, of the same place, were the only two names he could recall, though all of the applicants were stockmen of the West. He stated that he would probably take up the cases early next week.
The above is copied from the Kansas City Indicator, not for its intrinsic worth, but to show that all the humorists or fools have not put the wild, rushing Mississippi between themselves and the surges of the Atlantic coast, and for the further purpose of giving our readers an idea of the misinformation which can be put into circulation with the aid of lightning and printer’s ink.
A careful perusal of this artistically constructed dispatch will naturally impress upon the mind of the average citizen of this section that the writer of it, whoever he may be, has attempted—to use a vulgarism of the day—to put it upon the venerable Secretary of the Interior, or that he means to create the impression that the aforesaid venerable is as innocent of all knowledge regarding affairs in the Indian Territory as a high salaried editor of an eastern daily or an intellectually pale student of a theological seminary. Contemplate for a few seconds the idea of Indians, singly or in tribes, leasing any portion of the Territory! And then the inference that the Indian
“Whose untutored mind
Clothes him in front and leaves him bare behind.”
save when he adorns himself with the picturesque “gee string,” is a higher order of Mammalia than the white herder employed in the cattle camps of the Territory. Well, it is too rich for anything.
Notice, too, the oracular way in which the Honorable Secretary is made to class the stockmen on the Cherokee Strip as a set of thieves. It must, of course, be highly flattering to such men as Andy Drumm, Ed. Hewins, Tuttle, Milt. Bennett, Ben Miller, Tony Day, Charley Moore, Johnny Blair (the editor of the Post), and even Barbecue Campbell. While we haven’t the least doubt that these men would for a moment hesitate to take in out of the wet anything they might see lying around loose, it seems impossible to believe that they could concoct any scheme whereby the poor Indian would come off second best. At all events, the Indian is ahead, so far.
To sum up, if the Honorable Secretary of the Interior did unburthen himself in the above manner, it must have been all Barbecue could do, with all his gall, to refrain from stuffing his “wipe” into his mouth. It is a safe bet, that so soon as B. Q. could do so, he withdrew and sought the friendly shade of some elegant Washington bar, and there drowned his risibilities in the beverage of the age A rare joker is—B. Q.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, January 18, 1883.
Probably it is a fair thing to rob the poor Indian whenever opportunity offers, still we can’t help thinking that some steps should be taken toward stopping the wholesale stealing of timber from the Territory. Caldwell Commercial.
Can the Commercial tell us whether the fencing in of the Cherokee Strip is serving any good purpose as a barrier against timber thieves—or does the wholesale stealing of timber from the Territory go on regardless of the barrier of posts and barbed wire?
Cherokee Advocate.
Yes. Where the timber is fenced in, the timber thieves are barred out, and compelled to seek localities where barbed wire is not. We do not regard fencing as any great benefit to the stockmen on the Strip. On the contrary, we think it has been and always will be an injury to them under existing circumstances. But it is of great benefit to the Cherokee Nation, in protecting the timber and keeping out parties who have been in the habit of using the Strip, and taking timber from it, without paying one cent into the Cherokee treasury. If the nation consulted its own interests, it would have the entire Strip occupied and fenced by responsible parties On the other hand, we believe that if the stock men consult their own interests, they will have as little fencing as possible. That’s about the situation, Mr. Advocate, and it will be realized by the Cherokees when it is perhaps too late.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, January 25, 1883.
Agent Tufts has been appointed by the Secretary of the Interior to investigate the occupa-tion of the Cherokee Strip by cattlemen and the fence question. Mr. Tufts is general agent for the Cherokees, Creeks, Choctaws, Chickasaws, and Seminoles. While we believe he will act impartially in making his investigation, we are at the same time convinced that it would have been better for all concerned if the Secretary had selected someone in no wise con-nected with either side. No information is given as to when Agent Tufts will enter upon the discharge of his duties, but it is presumed that he will make his report in time for the Secre-tary of the Interior to lay the whole matter before congress, should such a course be deemed necessary.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, January 25, 1883.
R. M. Allen, of the Standard Cattle company, returned on Saturday and went below on Monday to see about the situation of affairs on the company’s range in the Territory.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, January 25, 1883.
It is stated that Oklahoma boomers are gathering along the line, preparatory to a grand rush across the Cherokee Strip. They had better go west and grow up with “No Man’s Land.”
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, February 1, 1883.
West of 96.
Hon. John Q. Tufts, our excellent agent at Muskogee, has very properly been chosen by the Secretary of the Interior as special agent to investigate the rights of the Cherokees and cattlemen in this fencing of the land west of 96. He is the right man in the right place. We are confident he will make an honest and fair report of the matter, and that the rights of the Cherokee Nation in the premises will be protected as far as his report can do so.
There is something in this matter beside the wire fences belonging to Dick, Tom, and Harry, and in sueing for their destruction by the hands of the U. S. Government, the rights of the Cherokee Nation are disregarded. The Secretary of the Interior has no more right to order a fence torn down west of 96 by virtue of his right, or of that of the U. S. Government, than he has to tear them down east of 96. The land west of 96 is ours; we own it under patent; we have never alienated it; we have never sold it, but have only agreed to do so when the government wants to settle friendly Indians and is ready to pay for it, and when thus sold and occupied, we yield “possession and jurisdiction,” which we have especially retained in this agreement. (See treaty of 1866, Art. 16.) But if it is not sold or occupied, we do retain possession and jurisdiction, and we make every man but our own citizens pay for grazing there—no man can use it without paying our Nation tax or rent money. Have we the right to demand and collect rent money and yet no right to protect ourselves in using this property? Have we a right to the field and yet no right to protecxt it from intrusion? Can we rent or use this grazing farm and yet have no right to fence it? This seems to be the Secretary’s idea, as he endorses the communication of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, from which we quote.
“Neither have the Cherokees, in their national capacity, the right to make settlement and improvement, or to authorize the same, on the lands in question. This right, I understand, the Cherokee authorities do not claim, and that they have not authorized such settlement and improvement.”
The Cherokee National authorities have never disclaimed the right of settlement and improvement there, though they have taken no action authorizing it. They do have, however, unquestionably, the right to settle it and improve it, according to the treaty, but if the government of the United States wants to settle friendly Indians there, the improvements and settlements will have to be vacated so as to make operative the promise made by the Cherokee people in the treaty. Until that time they have the right, and will maintain it. The opinion of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs seems to be guided by the contemptible opinion of Chas. Devens, Esq., while acting as attorney general. We heard some time since a distinguished gentleman, who had occupied the executive chair of a great state, define an attorney general as a man of legal attainments, who was salaried to furnish legal grounds for the course the executive wishes to pursue. Mr. Devens seems to have been such an attorney general, for it is unquestionably expedient that in view of future settlement of friendly Indians on this land, no settlement of a substantial kind should be made by Cherokees. And this was doubtless the executive wish. Mr. Devens makes his legal opinion, which is a poor pretext, uphold this wish. He does as he is paid to do and the world rolls on.
If the government were to want to remove these fences in response to our request, as a Nation, it would be all right, but when the government desires to move the fences of its own motion, we cry stop! If you can destroy fencing of your own motion west of 96, you can do it east of 96! We object to such a precedent.
Some of our dignified citizens who are, under ordinary circumstances, fairly good thinkers, have rather rejoiced at the recent action of the secretary; quite overlooking, in their eagerness to destroy these leases, the dangerous precedent. There is a principle in this business; let us bring it to light and stand by it. If we want to destroy these fences, let us do it as a government as our right, but do not let us call on the United States to do it as their right, lest when the precedent is established, the government think it well to lay down our eastern fences and have them run north and south, and east and west on section lines.
The above is from the Indian Chieftain, published at Vinita, C. N. The position taken by the Chieftain is the same advocated by the COMMERCIAL for the past three years, viz: that the Cherokees had the sole control of the Strip, and that neither congress nor the interior department had the right to dictate how the Cherokees should manage it, or what use they should make of it.
Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.
A Chance for Payne and His Boomers.
The status of that strip of land lying between Kansas and Texas, bounded on the east by the Indian Territory and north by New Mexico and Colorado, having been brought to the attention of the Interior Department, Commissioner McFarland, of the general land office, has decided that it is not a part of the Indian Territory, “which,” the commissioner says, “is protected from disposal by the government by existing treaty stipulations.” The commissioner therefore thinks that the said strip, composing an area of about 165 miles in length and 40 miles in width, while not surveyed or plated, is open for settlement.
Now here is a chance for Captain Payne and his followers, who have been induced to put in from $2 upwards toward his Oklahoma colonization scheme, to secure “free homes,” and to wrestle with the coyote and prairie dog for the possession of an inheritance which shall descend to their children’s children’s children.
Personally we know nothing of this “No Man’s Land,” but from the best information obtainable, we have no hesitancy in stating that it is full equal for agricultural purposes to the famed but unattainable Oklahoma region. It is said to be well watered, has excellent grass, and many claim that it has coal veins running through it and other valuable mineral deposits.
To those of a scientific turn of mind this “No Man’s Land” offers peculiar advantages for studying the flora and fauna, in petrified forms, of the ages when the arctic regions were the home of the tropical plants and mammoths. For, if we may believe the late Prof. Mudge, this “No Man’s Land” was the great dumping ground of the drift sent down from the north on the great ice floes and arctic currents which swept over this part of the continent ere the Rocky Mountains reared their peaks above the surrounding waste of waters and glaciers.
If Payne really wants to do great good for poor humanity, and likewise enroll his name among the savants of the age, he will direct the steps of the colony to this favored land and there with pick and shovel delve among those rich deposits of a prehistoric time, thereby adding to the information of this and succeeding generations and at the same time keeping himself out of mischief, and, perhaps, his name off the guard house book at Fort Reno.
Caldwell Commercial.
Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.
The legislature has instituted a commission of two senators and three representatives to investigate the methods, frauds, and stealings of the stock yards at Kansas City, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.
The big fight against the Standard Oil Company fencing the Territory is likely to increase in the agitation toward opening it up for settlement.
Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.
Messrs. Tomlin & Webb, our enterprising grocers, have purchased the Greenlee ranche and cattle in the Territory, and also several other small bunches from other persons, which they have consolidated into one herd. Mark Greenlee will have charge of their stock.
Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.
One of Payne’s Oklahoma boomers has written to the Kansas City Journal a letter, in which he gives a glowing and rose-tinted picture of that earthly paradise, in striking contrast with the views of Inspector Benedict. He says there are portions of that truly wonderful region that is adapted to farming, and will perhaps grow a larger diversity of crops than any other country in the United States. The statement that there are various kinds of coal in the Territory, and excellent indications of oil, is no doubt true of Oklahoma, as it certainly is of the Cherokee country. When, however, this sanguine writer touches the mineral question, he waxes eloquent and informs us that there are mountains in the western portion that contain millions in gold, both in rock and placer mining. There is also silver and lead. In another locality he found gray copper ore in large quantities. The country is rich in these minerals and they are there in paying quantities, and when properly opened up, they will prove the richest ever discovered. If this were really true, we imagine that the miners would crowd into that country and compel the government to open it for settlement as speedily as they did the Black Hills regions.
Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.
During the week there have been three cases of accidental shooting in the county, and all will probably result fatally. A boy by the name of Alger, on Grouse Creek, while attempting to throw a pistol around by the guard, as he had seen the cowboys do, discharged it into his stomach, and will die. One of Mr. Burt’s boys shot himself through the leg while playing with a loaded pistol, near Searing & Mead’s Mill, at Arkansas City, inflicting a wound that will probably prove fatal. The third was Wm. Drury, formerly a police officer at Wellington, but latterly tending bar in a saloon at Geuda Springs. Someone in the saloon asked him to show his pistol, and while putting it back into the holster, it fell to the floor and was dis-charged, the ball taking effect in his groin, ranging upward, and producing death almost instantaneously. It is indeed a strange coincidence that all these tragedies should occur so near together.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, February 1, 1883.
Hon. John Q. Tufts, by advice of the 15th inst., has been directed to report substantially on the following points on the lands west of 96:
1st. How much fencing has been done on the lands in question?
2nd. To whom do the fences belong?
3rd. Name of each individual company or organization, claiming to own such fences and the quantity claimed by each.
4th. How long since fencing was commenced?
5th. What effect has such fencing had upon legitimate trade and travel, and also upon mail routes?
6th. What effect upon preservation or destruction of timber on said lands?
The agent was directed to suspend all further operations under office letter of the 30th ult., until a full report as called for above is made and action has thereon been taken by the Indian department and communicated to him. Vinita Chieftain.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, February 1, 1883.
Oklahoma—National Highway.
The following resolutions were offered in the lower house of the legislature on Monday. They are of considerable interest to the people of Caldwell, especially the one relating to the national highway across the Indian Territory. The proposition comes from Dodge City, and if it should be carried out, it would practically shut out this vicinity from any benefit of the drive from Texas.
WHEREAS, There are certain lands in the Indian Territory known as “Oklahoma,” to which the Indian title has been extinguished since 1866, and the same is now in the United States, and the said lands are part of the public domain, and subject to the homestead and pre-emption laws of the United States, therefore, be it
Resolved, the Senate concurring, That our senators be instructed and our representatives in congress be requested to use their influence in securing the passage of either a resolution or a law forbidding the exercise of arbitrary power, by any department of the government, in preventing the settlement of said lands by citizens of the United States.
Resolved, the Senate concurring, That our senators are hereby instructed and our representatives in congress be requested to use all proper means to secure the location and establishment by the government of the United States of a national highway or cattle trail through the Indian Territory, Kansas, and Nebraska, to convenient railroad points in the two last named states; said highway or cattle trail to be located west of the more densely settled portion of the last named states, and as near as may be to the route now traveled by herds seeking a northern market.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, February 1, 1883.
U. S. Troops Waiting to Receive Them.
Reliable reports are to the effect that the threatened raid upon Oklahoma is about to take place. Boomers are concentrating at Arkansas City, Coffeyville, and various other points along the line. There seems to be two factions. One under D. L. Payne, and another under a Kansas City management. All claim to be well fixed, with all the appliances necessary to establish a strong and good working colony upon the lands in question.
It is certain, however, that they will not be allowed to go in. Information comes to us, from reliable sources, that two companies of cavalry and one of infantry are ready to receive the boomers when they cross the line, and, in accordance with orders, drive them out. Of course, loud threats are made by the boomers that they will not submit to military resistance in carrying out their designs. But that is all bosh. When they get sight of the blue coats, the boomers will retire with the best grace possible.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, February 1, 1883.
Official Report of Proceedings.
A special meeting of the Cherokee Strip Stock Association was held in Caldwell, Kansas, January 27, 1883.
The meeting was called to order by W. E. Campbell, vice-president of the association; John A. Blair, Secretary.
The object of the meeting was stated by the chair and letters were read by Mr. Walton from E. M. Hewins concerning matters pertaining to the vital interests of the association.
On motion a committee of five was appointed by the chair to draft resolutions. Messrs. M. H. Bennett, A. McClain, S. Tuttle, Marion Blair, and O. Ewell were appointed as such committee.
On motion, a committee of five was appointed on reception of Major John Q. Tufts upon his arrival in this city, February 7th, 1883. E. M. Hewins, I. S. Ballinger, S. Tuttle, J. W. Hamilton, and M. H. Bennett were appointed as such committee. On motion the committee was increased to eight and A. McClain, Ben S. Miller, and A. M. Colson were appointed as such additional committeemen.
The following resolution was adopted.
Resolved, That a committee of five be appointed to make a draft of the Cherokee Strip, showing the quarantine grounds, trails, fencing, etc., and report the same to the annual meeting of the Association on March 6th, 1883, together with such recommendations as they may deem best for the interests of the association.
Messrs. A. M. Colson, M. H. Bennett, J. A. Blair, H. Hodgson, and S. Tuttle were appointed as such committee.
The committee on resolutions submitted, through its chairman, the following report, which was adopted.
WHEREAS, It is to the interest of every person, company, or corporation grazing cattle on the Cherokee Strip, that that scope of country known as the quarantine grounds be left open for the use of Texas cattle drovers and local shippers, and that the trails across said Cherokee Strip used by Texas cattle drovers and local ranchmen be left open and free from all barriers of any kind. Therefore, be it
Resolved, That it is the sense of this meeting that all the trails across the Cherokee Strip, leading to all shipping points in Kansas and the northwest be left open and free from all barrier, such as wire fences, board fences, or any kind of fences whatever.
Resolved, That we, as an association and as individuals, deprecate and discountenance the actions of any person, company, or corporation in building any wire fences or other barriers upon the ground set apart as quarantine grounds for through Texas cattle or for shipment of Territory cattle, and that we will use our individual efforts to discourage any further occupancy of the said grounds for ranch purposes by local stockmen.
Resolved, That this association recognizes the rights of the Cherokee Nation in collecting a grazing tax upon cattle grazed on Cherokee lands in the Indian Territory, and that under the permits issued by the Cherokee Nation is our only legal right in said Cherokee country.
Resolved, That it is the earnest wish of this association that the title and control of the said Cherokee Strip be definitely settled and the unquestionable legal control of it be determined that we may be the better enabled to conform to all the laws governing it.
Resolved, That this association fully endorses the action of the official meeting of the association held at Topeka, Kansas, on January 8, 1883, and that we re-affirm the resolutions there adopted as the sense of this meeting.
Resolved, That the thanks of this association are due and are hereby tendered Hon. E. M. Hewins and Major A. Drumm, for the able and efficient manner in which they represented our interests before the Secretary of the Interior, and that we full endorse their actions and statements in the matter; and that the association is entirely satisfied with the action of the Secretary of the Interior Department in appointing a special agent to investigate fencing matters on the Cherokee lands, and will give said agent all the assistance in our power to arrive at an equitable conclusion in the matter. M. H. BENNETT, Chairman.
There being no further business before the meeting, a motion to adjourn prevailed.
W. E. CAMPBELL, President.
J. A. BLAIR, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.
Capt. Payne with about 50 teams and 150 followers left Arkansas City February 1st to go to the North Fork of Canadian River, in the Indian Territory, about 130 miles south of this place, to the land known as Oklahoma. The colonists were well provided with food and arms. A few hours after their departure someone telegraphed the Secretary of the Interior, who made a requisition for troops, and Gen. Pope ordered Major Bennett, Commander of Fort Reno, Indian Territory, to send all the available troops to the Oklahoma country to intercept them. The cavalry started so as to meet the “boomers” on the ground, for the purpose of ejecting them.
Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.
The report came up Tuesday that Mark Greenlee and another young man had frozen to death in the Territory at the Jones cattle camp. The person who brought the news said that the boys had been riding their range, got very cold, and returned to the dugout, where they found the fire out and no matches, and finally becoming exhausted, laid down and were frozen, and their bodies were found next day. Mr. Greenlee, Mark’s father, thinks the rumor a mistake as Mark is not at the Jones ranch but at Tomlin & Webb’s camp. Joe Greenlee went down to learn the facts Monday night.
Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.
Joe went down and found Mark Greenlee all right and looking very lively and active for a dead man. The rumor of his having frozen to death was without foundation.
Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.
Tell W. Walton, of the Caldwell Post, and Marion Blair, a jolly cattle man, left their autographs on our table Monday, together with one of the most wretched-looking, ungainly conglomerations of curved lines we have ever seen. The boys said it was a pencil sketch of a range-fed Texas steer. It looked as if it had been subsisting on a cockleburr and barbed wire during the winter, and that the melancholy days of its existence were fast drawing to a close.
Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.
New Salem Pencilings.
Mr. Pixley is suffering with the fever but it is not dangerous. It is of the “Oklaho” type. Several others are just as bad, and some since they heard the soldiers would drive them out are better or may be considered convalescent. OLIVIA.
Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.
Officials at the Indian Bureau assert that Captain Payne’s raids upon Oklahoma lands in the Indian Territory have already cost the government $200,000, and this expenditure might have been saved if Congress had adopted the repeated recommendations of the Commissioners, providing punishment for trespassers upon public lands.
Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.
Dick Glass, the noted desperado whom our late Sheriff Shenneman arrested here last fall and who escaped from him when he was being escorted to Fort Smith to be delivered up to the authorities for trial, is still at large and committing murders and depredations in the Territory. He was one of the leaders of the Splechie party in the late outbreak, and in the amnesty arrangement which followed, he was not included. Now both parties are agreed that he should be killed on sight.
Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.
Dick Glass, the noted desperado, has been captured by the U. S. Marshal at Fort Smith, and will possibly be held for keeps this time.
Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.
A dispatch from Muskogee, Indian Territory, says there are strong indications of a renewal of hostilities between the contending bands of Creeks. George Parker has been appointed commander of the Chicate faction, and has called in all available men, and, it is said, will attack the consolidated forces of the Splechie, now camped about fifteen miles from Okmulgee, as soon as the weather is favorable. Both parties are buying all the Winchester rifles and other weapons and ammunition they can obtain, and it looks as though trouble may result.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, February 15, 1883.
Some newspaper men with detective instincts should get on the inside of the Oklahoma boom. Capt. Dave Payne does not prosecute his expeditions merely for the sake of doing something foolish. He is backed by somebody, for he has no money of his own. Who is that Somebody?
Without professing to know anything about the matter, we guess that if it is investigated, it will be found that some railroad company or companies are banking Payne. There are a number of railroads anxious to build through the Territory, and those that have already secured the right complain that their lines there are like lines through a tunnel. Champion.
We not only profess to know, but we do know for a fact, that no railroad company has been banking Payne. True, he has no money of his own, neither has he expended a dollar of money earned by himself during the past four years. He has depended entirely upon selling Oklahoma Colony certificates and stock in his so-called town company. He has also gathered in considerable money from gullible parties to whom he represented that the Territory was bound to be open at a certain time; and in consideration of said parties paying him $25 in coin, he has agreed to select and build for them a quarter section on the Oklahoma lands, they thereby being relieved from accompanying any of the raiding expeditions. In all the raids he has made, the supplies have been furnished by the people accompanying him or by a few individuals who have put up their money in full confidence that Payne was honest and would do the fair thing. In this last raid, we are credibly informed that he sold at Arkansas City fifty-six hundred colony certificates at $2 each. This is exclusive of the number sold between the time of his release last fall and the assembling of the boomers at Arkansas City on the 1st, inst.
The fact is, Payne belongs to the adventurer class. He is particularly anxious to make money without work, but he would starve rather than not see his name in print. His egotism is insufferable, and his inability to comprehend the beauties of truth, combine to make him an instrument no shrewd railroad man would use in furthering a scheme like that of breaking down the legal walls which surround the Indian Territory. The Champion can take our word for it, that no railroad company is fooling away any time or money on D. L. Payne.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, February 15, 1883.
Cherokee Interests West of 96.
[From the Vinita Chieftain.]
The editor of the Chieftain has said well and truly that “some of our dignified citizens who are under ordinary circumstances, fairly good thinkers, have rather rejoiced at the recent action of the Secretary, quite overlooking in their eagerness to destroy these fences, the dangerous precedent. There is a principle in this business, let us bring it to light and stand by it.” The principle in this business is that some of our people cannot tolerate individual enterprise even should it save them half of their territory; while they look on in silence and indifference at the violation of their treaty on the part of U. S. Government in appointing a commission of its own (in which the Nation has no representation) to put a price on their land of not one third of its value, while the Nation as a party in interest had the right to aid in fixing the price.
Another consideration is, the Cherokee Nation can protect its interests better, where its citizens have actual possession, than when the country and land are in the possession of persons that have no legal control over it.
The necessity of fencing and owning the range is becoming more and more apparent, and should be acted upon boldly by men advanced in their ideas, yet no further advanced than the times.
Propositions will be made to the Cherokee Nation, by Texas and New Mexico, to com-bine in raising cattle, then the goose that lays the golden egg will be found. Let Kansas and Arkansas stop their depredations and encourage the Cherokees in locating ranches where their best grain producing countries are, and where improved farms in their states on the Territorial line can be bought from $10 to $15 per acre. Encourage the fencing of all the desirable places in the Indian Territory; especially where grass, water, and shade trees can be found. Yes, encourage the breeding of cattle in Texas and New Mexico. In the spring those men on the southern ranches start for the northern ranches located in the Indian Territory. Prepare your millet, stock fields, and corn for feeding next winter. Stockmen have found out one thing, that it pays better to feed than to starve. It is better to unite our efforts, so the interests of all concerned will be served. S. S. S.
The above article of Mr. S. S. Stephens presents a new idea to us, to wit: “That the U. S. Government expected Cherokees would settle” west of 96. We think, however, the writer is in error in his view, because the treaty provides that the land taken for the settlement of friendly Indians should be taken in a “compact form.” This condition precludes the idea of permanent settlement and in fact when the Osages were settled west of 96, the Cherokee government endorsed this interpretation by moving her citizens and paying them damages. Permanent settlements do not seem to have been contemplated in the treaty, and the Nation by her subsequent actions seems to have thought permanent settlement inconsistent with the rights of the U. S. Government.
The statement that the government of the United States abrogated the 16th article of our treaty in 1878, is erroneous. This act referred to, doubtless, is that providing that no more Indians shall be settled west of 96, without an act of congress authorizing it. It was simply an act limiting the power of the Interior Department.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, February 15, 1883.
The Fence Question.
Major John Q. Tufts, special agent of the Interior Department to investigate the fencing business on the Cherokee Strip, arrived on Thursday of last week, remaining here as the guest of C. F. Summer until Sunday, when he started for the range to make a personal examination of fenced pastures, and gather such other information as would enable him to make a full report of the situation to the Department at Washington. It is expected that he will return in time to take the train today for Arkansas City and the range immediately south of that place, after which he will make out his report at as early a date as possible.
During his stay here, Major Tufts was called upon by many of our citizens, who were pleased to make his acquaintance, and speak of him as a most affable gentleman, and one who will do his whole duty regardless of consequences. Owing to unfavorable circumstance, we failed to meet the Major, but from what we have learned of his character through those who have known him for years, we feel satisfied that in his mission he brings with him no preconceived notions, and will be actuated solely by a desire to deal justly with all parties concerned.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, February 15, 1883.
The Boomers.
T. H. B. Ross received a letter on Tuesday from J. H. Miller, dated the 8th inst., in which it was stated that a squad of troops under Lieut. Stevens, had arrested Payne and a few others, but that the main force of the boomers had refused to pay any attention to the troops. The letter is dated February 6th, and was sent by a courier to Arkansas City. Since its receipt, we learn that troops from Sill and Reno had been sent out and the entire party of boomers captured. One thing is certain, that the entire outfit will be taken in and removed from the Territory, and the poor dupes who have spent their time and money in following D. L. Payne, will find themselves out to that extent, even if they are not punished otherwise.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, February 22, 1883.
The right of way has been granted the St. Louis and San Francisco Railroad company through the Ft. Smith military reservation.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, February 22, 1883.
Advice to Payne’s Followers.
The following from the New York Sun shows the sentiment of that great journal in regard to any undertaking not strictly lawful. The advice emanating from whence it does is undoubtedly good and Payne’s followers would find it very healthy to take a little of it. The Sun received one of Payne’s circulars through a correspondent, and comments as follows upon it.
“The language of Payne’s circular glows with adjectives and promises. The beautiful land of Oklahoma is ‘the garden spot, the Eden of modern times.’ ‘Come,’ says Payne, ‘and go with us to this beautiful land and secure for yourselves and children homes in the richest, most beautiful, and best country that the great Creator, in his goodness, has made for man.’
“But the circular fails to convey, with sufficient clearness, that this garden spot is no more open to settlement by Payne and his colonists than are the Central Park and Boston Common. The Territory belongs to the Indians, and is secured to them by treaties. Payne has been taken by the nape of the neck already, and pitched out of the Territory. If he carries out his announced determination, and the government does its duty, he will be pitched out again; and the foolish citizens who allow themselves to be inveigled into an unlawful enterprise by his firm promises will get into serious trouble.”
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, February 22, 1883.
The Oklahomaites.
On last Saturday and Sunday, the Oklahoma boomers who went from here began returning and still they keep coming back from the “promised land.” Some of the boomers expressed themselves as thinking the expedition was an entire failure, as far as results are concerned at present, owing to the fact that there was no unison of action, and therefore each separate colony from the different parts of the country had their own ideas and notions regarding the mode of procedure and acted accordingly. One McPherson County man advanced the idea that it would take a greater number of soldiers to keep the boomers in Oklahoma than it would to put them out. The boomers are getting out of that region as fast as circumstances will permit, but find it no easy task to dodge the U. S. Troops that are picking them up wherever found. One thing is certain, we believe, this will be the last raid that will take place for many a day, at least until congress takes some action regarding the disposition of the same.
Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.
Pleasant Valley Pencilings.
The countenances of returning Oklahoma boomers are strongly expressive of gloom, sadness, and disappointment.
Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.
A bill providing for the removal of negroes from the Cherokee Nation to Oklahoma land will be offered as an amendment to the sundry civil bill in the senate.
Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.
Mr. Campbell, of Illinois, a prominent cattle man in the Indian Territory, has been in Washington for several days trying to lease a tract of thirty miles square in the Cherokee Nation. He offers $50,000 annually for fifteen years. The Secretary of the Interior refuses to grant the lease.
The question has been raised whether or not the Indians have the right to let their lands to white men, and it is said a decision will be made in the interior department which will prevent them. New leases are made and approved by the secretary if he feels so disposed.
Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.
It is reported that Capt. D. L. Payne, the great warrior who proposes to conquer the Indian Territory and the United States, has been brought a prisoner to Wichita in company with a few of his most prominent followers, and that he gives an account of the late expedition as follows.
“They at first made a determined stand upon their chosen grounds; having been met by United States troops before reaching their destination and being ordered back, but refusing to go, and taking the troops with them on to Oklahoma. The troops, however, were reinforced, and Payne, with several of the oldest aggressors, placed under arrest. Capt. Osborn, the secretary of the colony, refusing to submit to an arrest, a rope was produced, and fearing lynching, he surrendered. At this juncture the colonists became demoralized, and many abandoned further efforts to make a stand and went home. One of the party was arrested for selling liquor openly and without any concealment, but the federal authorities, fearing that his prosecution on this charge would bring in issue the question as to the right of colonists upon these lands, he was summarily discharged, and all were once more escorted to the Kansas line. Payne states that there were five women and six hundred men in this raid, and they suffered but slightly from the cold, being well provided for such. He acknowledged that his last raid was a failure, many of the colonists being wholly discouraged in consequence of his utter failure, but firmly says that although they were routed this time, they will try it again.”
Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.
The engineer who was sent down by the Santa Fe management to look over the ground for our switches reported that we had the finest and most abundant rock quarries in the state, and urged that a switch be built from each road to the quarries. The railroad company will need two hundred car loads of fragments. The switches will undoubtedly be put in. The quarries will then furnish employment for several hundred laborers.
Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.
An accident occurred on the K. C., L. & S. Railroad last Friday morning, near Elk City. The passenger train going east was caught by a broken rail on a down grade. Two of the cars were thrown from the track and rolled down an embankment, mixing the passengers up and injuring several, though not fatally. The cars were damaged badly. Several Winfield people were on the train but none of them were hurt.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 1, 1883.
The following, which we clip from the Globe-Democrat, will be of interest to stockmen in the Territory. The land which Mr. Campbell wants to lease, does not belong to the Cherokees, and even if it did, the Secretary of the Interior has no more authority to lease it than he has to lease a farm belonging to any man in the United States. As to preventing the Cherokees from deriving a revenue from their lands in any way they may see proper, except by selling it to other parties than the government, it is hard to understand whence the Secretary derives any authority to interfere. One thing is plain, however, to the people in this section, and that is, if the Cherokees have no right to the control of their lands, known as the Strip or outlet, and can be prevented from allowing cattlemen to occupy them, it will be understood that the lands belong to the United States, and they will be settled upon before the Honorable Secretary can bat an eye. So long as the lands in question can be used for stock, there will be little objection to them remaining in their present status, but drive out the cattlemen and the farmers will at once take possession of them. Perhaps it would be well for some of our leading stockmen to impress this idea upon the Secretary’s mind.
“WASHINGTON, Feb. 21. Mr. Campbell, of Illinois, a prominent cattleman in the Indian Territory, has been here several days, trying to lease a tract thirty miles square, in the Indian Territory. He offered $50,000 immediately for fifteen years. The Secretary of the Interior refused to grant the lease. Mr. Campbell is in receipt of a letter, which says a Western Congressman and a number of friends are trying to lease the same tract and additional land, offering a greater rental. Unless the Secretary changes his opinion, the lease will not be granted. The Cherokees are anxious to have the land leased. The question has been raised whether or not the Indians have a right to let their lands to white men, and it is said a division will be made in the Interior Department which will prevent them. Now the leases are made, and ratified, by the Secretary, if he feels so disposed.”
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 1, 1883.
Payne, and sixteen men who had made former raids with him, were brought up from Fort Reno last week, under a cavalry escort, and turned loose at the line last Thursday. We learn that at first it was the intention to take Payne and his party to Fort Smith, but orders were received to escort the outfit to the Territory line and let them loose. The entire party took the afternoon train for the north, Payne stopping off at Wichita. We have heard, however, that he is now at Arkansas City organizing another party to go into the Territory again.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 1, 1883.
We met one of the Kansas City boomers last Monday, who had arrived and went into camp on the creek last Saturday. He was about the most disgusted man we have run across in a long time, and is loud in his denunciations of Payne and his misrepresentations regarding the country. The Kansas City man said he would not give one-quarter section in Kansas for the entire Oklahoma country for farming purposes. The soil is thin and poor, he claims, and the country rough and broken. Some of the bottoms along the streams look very nice, but the soil is poor. K. C. said he had enough of Oklahoma, and no man could induce him to go there again.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 7, 1883.
There is now in Washington a delegation of colored men from the Indian Territory, who were former slaves of the Indians, and who are seeking legislation for appropriating money and lands agreeably to the treaty between the Choctaws and Chickasaws and the government in 1866. The Department of the Interior was surprised to hear that there are 30,000 negroes in the Territory who have never cast a vote, and who have been denied access to the schools and to the courts, being incompetent as witnesses or jurors. The delegation is asking the government, agreeably to the stipulations of the treaty, to remove them from among the Indians and settle them on the Oklahoma lands, which Payne and his followers are now trying to obtain possession of. Secretary Teller has caused the Indian Commissioner to draw up a bill providing for the requested relief, and it has been transmitted with strong recommendations to have it incorporated in the deficiency appropriation bill. The bill provides 160 acres of land for every head of a family, eighty acres for every unmarried person over 21 years of age, and sufficient money for the expenses of removal and settlement on the land.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 7, 1883.
Capt. David Payne and Harris, the Chief man, are around our city every once in awhile.
The Vinita Chieftain has changed hands. Major Lipe is the new business manager, and Messrs. Owens and Hollingsworth its editors.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 7, 1883.
The loss of cattle on the Cherokee Strip this winter will not be worth talking about, if we may believe the reports of the stockmen. It would be policy on their part to exaggerate losses, in order to bull the market, and as they don’t see fit to do so, those who don’t own cattle and want to buy, may feel assured that there are numerous herds left on the Strip from which to draw a supply. Caldwell Commercial.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 7, 1883.
Our Arkansas City friends, the stockmen, had a meeting at that point last week, and adopted a few resolutions setting forth their wishes, and their needs, in the matter of quarantine grounds, etc., which will be found on the second page of this paper. They propose to join the association, and wish to be recognized in its deliberations. We think the association can assist these parties materially in settling their disputes, if it so desires, and we are confident that a majority of the members of the association desire to treat all fair and just. Caldwell Post.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 7, 1883.
A bridge should be constructed across the Walnut River at Harmon’s Ford to enable stockmen to drive to the railroad stock pens, as well as to let the farmers into the canal mills, and into town without driving half a dozen miles out of the way.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 7, 1883.
Someone set fire to the prairie grass east of the Arkansas River on the State Line last week, and the fire ran north, destroying hay and considerable property. Mr. Ketcham had his barn burned and barely saved his corn in the crib close by.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 8, 1883.
Muskogee Journal: Col. Tufts has received a complete map of the Cherokee Strip, showing the location and size of all the pastures on the Strip. There are about 20 pastures in all, aggregating 700 miles of fence. The largest pasture is 20 miles square.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 8, 1883.
Stock Buyers in Indian Territory.
All non-citizens who contemplate buying stock in the Creek Nation are hereby notified that they must execute a bond to the U. S. Indian agent, and pay the taxes required by law before engaging in said business. All former U. S. citizens of other Indian Nations by inter-marriage, are considered non-citizens in the Nation, and are, hence, subject to taxation. See laws of the Creek Nation. All non-citizens who have complied with the laws, and are buying stock legitimately, are requested to report the names of such as buy stock without license. The law taxing stock buyers was passed as a protection to honest and well-intended stock buyers, and it is to their interest to see that no one competes with them except such as have paid their taxes. Joshua Ross, of Muskogee, has been authorized to receive taxes from stock buyers, and receipt for the same in the name of the tax collector. The same will be attended to by addressing the undersigned at Okmulgee.
A. P. McKELLOP, National Tax Collector, C. N.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 8, 1883.
J. J. Jewett, of the Kansas City Indicator, is in the city in attendance upon the stockmen’s convention. He represents a livestock paper and one that has long been recognized as one of the leading stock papers of the west.
Several of the lower country folks came up last Saturday to attend the stock meeting. Among them were Lafe Merritt of the Cheyenne Transporter, Tom Donnell, the well known scout; Ben. Goode and Mr. Walker, all of whom reported at the COMMERCIAL office and received passes to go where they pleased.
On Tuesday afternoon President Miller read a dispatch from Dodge City, stating that owing to the prevalence of small-pox in that city, the stockmen’s convention has been postponed from March 28th to April 7th.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 8, 1883.
No Show for Monopolists.
The third annual meeting of the Cherokee Strip Stockmen’s Association met in the Opera House on Tuesday, March 6, 1883, at 11 a.m., and was called to order by the president, Ben S. Miller, who made the following remarks.
It becomes my painful duty to call this Association to order again. Painful, because it will be a rehash of what we have done, the past year, some of which has come to light, and some of which may never show up. On looking to my right, I miss the face of one who, in life, was one of the best supporters the chair had, and whose council and suggestions were always so timely. I refer with sorrow to our friend and brother, A. H. Johnson, who was stricken down in the prime of life last summer, without a moment’s warning, by the Power that controls the elements. He has gone to a place where “scattering,” “gatherings,” and “round-ups” are no more. Whether to a range that is fenced or open, we know not; but we do know that if it is fenced, no Congress, Secretary of the Interior, or Indian Commission can tear it down at their pleasure.
The roll was called and the following officers reported.
Ben S. Miller, president.
John A. Blair, secretary.
M. H. Bennett, treasurer.
The reading of the minutes of the previous meetings was on motion dispensed with.
M. H. Bennett, treasurer of the Association, presented his report, showing the receipts to be $3,645.16; expenditures, $1,537.12, leaving a balance in the treasury of $2,108.04. Report accepted.
On motion, Messrs. W. E. Bridge, T. F. Pryor, P. Carnagie, J. W. Carter, and Cid. Eldridge were appointed as committee on membership.
On motion, Messrs. Hodson, Eldridge, Drumm, Hewins, and Tuttle were appointed a committee on permanent organization.
On motion the president appointed W. S. Snow, James Hamilton, and Ed. Hewins a committee on constitution and by-laws.
Mr. Hewins moved that the president appoint a sergeant at arms, whose duty it shall be to see that bonafide members of the Association are seated together and apart from spectators. Carried.
The Association then adjourned to meet at 2 p.m.
On re-assembling at 2 p.m., the committee on credentials reported the following list of new members, which report was accepted.
D. R. Streeter, Northup & Stephens, C. W. Blaine, F. M. Stewart, R. B. Clark, R. H. Campbell, W. J. Hodges, G. A. Thompson, S. A. Garth, W. H. Harrelston, W. M. Dunn, G. B. Mote, Crutchfield & Carpenter, Walworth, Walton & Rhodes, W. B. Lee, W. W. Wicks, J. A. Emmerson, John Myrtle, J. H. Hill, A. J. Snider, A. G. Evans, R. W. Phillips, E. W. Payne, Tomlin & Webb, H. W. Roberts, E. P. Fouts, W. W. Stephens, A. Mills, C. M. Scott, H. P. Standley, Lafe Merritt, J. N. Florer, D. W. Roberts, C. H. Dye, M. W. Brand, Drury Warren, W. P. Herring, S. T. Tuttle, E. W. Rannols, N. J. Thompson, W. H. Dunn, E. A. Hereford, J. Love, Johnston & Housner, S. T. Mayor, D. A. Streeter, M. H. Snyder, P. S. Burress, C. C. Clark, K. C. Weathers, G. V. Collins, and H. H. Campbell.
The committee on permanent organization reported the following officers.
President, Ben S. Miller.
Secretary, John A. Blair.
Assistant Secretary, Tell W. Walton.
Treasurer, M. H. Bennett.
Report adopted.
Mr. Hamilton from committee on constitution and by-laws, asked for further time. Granted.
The committee on membership reported names received as temporary members until the constitution and by-laws were adopted. Report accepted.
On motion of Mr. Cooper, the report of committee on permanent organization was adopted. Whereupon Mr. Ben S. Miller thanked the convention for their united confidence in him as a presiding officer, and without any flourish, announced that the next order of busi-ness would be the appointment of a sergeant-at-arms, and therefore appointed Marion Blair.
On motion, the Association resolved itself into a committee of the whole, and on motion of Major Drumm, the following committee on round-ups was appointed.
A. Drumm, W. E. Campbell, Marion Blair, H. W. Timberlake, Syl. Fitch, J. W. Carter, Tony Day, M. K. Krider, Oliver Ewell, Pat Carnegie, and E. W. Payne.
On motion, W. B. Hutchison, Caldwell COMMERCIAL; H. P. Standley, Arkansas City Traveler; T. A. McNeal, Cresset; E. W. Payne, Index, Medicine Lodge; H. A. Heath, Kansas Farmer, Topeka; J. J. Jewett, Kansas City Indicator; H. H. Heath, Kansas City Price Current; R. L. Owen, Indian Chieftain, Vinita, Indian Territory; Lafe Merritt, Transporter, Cheyenne, Indian Territory; J. C. Richards, Press; C. T. Hickman, Democrat, Wellington; were elected assistant secretaries of the convention.
Report of H. B. Johnson, inspector at Kansas City, was read and accepted. The report sets forth that Mr. Johnson has caught 207 cattle wrongfully shipped.
A vote of thanks was tendered Mr. Johnson, and various other inspectors, for their efficient work on behalf of the Association.
On motion the following gentlemen were appointed as a committee on programme for tomorrow’s work: Ben. Miller, Carnegie, Bridge, Hodgson, Hamilton, and John Blair.
Messrs. John Reese and John Volz were instructed to furnish the Association with an exhibit of expenses incurred in pursuing cattle thieves.
A telegram dated Kansas City, March 6, to W. B. Hutchison, from Agent Miles, was read as follows: “Agent Tufts recommends that fences be permitted to remain and others with the consent of the Cherokees.”
The convention adjourned until ten o’clock Wednesday morning.
Convention called to order at 11 a.m., on Wednesday morning by President Miller.
Mr. Hamilton, chairman from committee on constitution and by-laws reported progress.
The following report of committee on round-ups was presented by its chairman and on motion of Mr. Hodgson was adopted.
We, the assigned committee on round-ups, appointed by the Convention of the Cherokee Strip Stock Association, held in Caldwell on March 6th, 1883, herewith submit the following report.
Division No. 1. To be composed of what is known as Red Rock and Salt Fork country, including the teritory of, and then to the south line of Kansas, and thence west, including all tributaries of the Salt Fork, in the west line of the Comanche County Pool. Said division to meet at the Red Rock crossing of the Arkansas City road, and Thomas Wilson to be appointed as Captain of said division.
Division No. 2. To be composed of the country lying south of division No. 1, and extend as far south as the division between the Cimarron and the North Fork of the Canadian, and to commence work at McClellen’s pasture, and, if necessary, to work on the North Fork, east of the crossing of the Chisholm trail, and work west as far as the west line of the Comanche County Pool. This division to meet where the Arkansas City wagon road crosses the Skeleton Creek, and Howard Capper to be appointed captain of said division.
Division No. 3. To be composed of the country lying south of division No. 2, and as far south as the Washita River; and to extend as far west as A. J. Day’s range. Said division to meet at the Chisholm trail crossing of the North Fork of the Canadian, and H. W. Timberlake to be appointed captain.
We also recommend that the captains of the several divisions be empowered to discharge all parties not doing their duty or refusing to obey orders, and that the said captains be authorized to employ other men to fill vacancies, at the expense of the parties who were represented by the parties discharged.
We also recommend that Marion Blair, A. J. Day, W. E. Campbell, J. W. Carter, H. W. Timberlake, and J. W. Hamilton be appointed as a committee to confer with the round-up committee appointed by the stock meeting to be held at Medicine Lodge on the 28th and 29th of the present month, and that the joint communities then decide upon a date for the beginning of the spring round-up, together with such other recommendations as they may desire to proffer; and that the report be published in the Caldwell, Anthony, and Medicine Lodge papers. A. DRUMM, Chairman.
The President read a communication from W. W. Cook, chairman of the Barbour County Stockmen’s Association, inviting the stockmen of the Cherokee Strip, and all others, to attend their meeting to be held at Medicine Lodge, March 28 and 29, 1883.
The committee on credentials reported several new names for membership, which report was received and the members admitted.
Mr. H. S. Lane, inspector at St. Louis, reported 105 head picked up, which sold at an average of $75 per head.
The bill of Stoller & Reese, amounting to $213.00, and of John Volz for $216.00, for expenses in recovering stolen stock and prosecuting thieves, were referred to committee on finance.
The questions of continuing the reward offered by the inspection committee for the conviction of stock thieves was discussed by Messrs. Buzard, Snow, Heran, McDowell, and others—the general feeling being that the reward ought to be increased.
Mr. Hodges asked leave to file paper for consideration of the convention at the proper time concerning Oil Company troubles. Paper was read and discussed.
Mr. Gore, representing the Company, supposed to be the Pennsylvania Oil Company, stated that it was not a part of said company, but was a private enterprise, and that they were willing to agree to anything reasonable concerning the ranges.
Mr. Hewins thought the paper should go to the committee on arbitration.
The following resolution was read and adopted.
Resolved, That as the Kansas Legislature has adopted a railroad bill providing for commissioners, the stockmen of Southwestern Kansas request that in the appointment of said commissioners, the stock interests of the State shall be taken into consideration; we, therefore, request that Hon. A. B. Mayhew, of Sumner County, be appointed as a member of said commission.
The convention was called to order at 11 o’clock a.m.
James W. Hamilton from the committee on organization, reported that articles of incor-poration had been adopted and filed with the secretary of state as the Cherokee Live Stock Association, that the board of directors for the first year were Ben S. Miller, A. Drumm, John A. Blair, S. Tuttle of Caldwell; W. Payne of Medicine Lodge; and Charles H. Eldred, of Carrolton, Illinois; and others. The committee also reported a code of by-laws.
The report was read at length, and after a warm discussion, adopted; and the convention adjourned until three o’clock p.m.
At the three o’clock session seventy-three stock men came forward and paid their membership fee of $10, after which a meeting of the board of directors was called, the names passed upon, and then adjourned until Friday morning.
Just at this point, we desire to say that the new organization is a move in the right direction. Through it, the rights of the smallest stockman in the Territory will be as fully protected as those of the powerful combinations. In fact, it makes of all parties one complete organization, wherein the weak will have a show for the capital they may have invested.
Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.
The Atchison Champion said, a short time ago, that some newspaper man with detective instincts should find out the inspiration of Dave Payne’s Oklahoma raids, and intimated that some railroad interests might be behind them. The Caldwell Commercial, published on the border of the Territory, says this supposition is not correct; that it knows no railroad company has had anything to do with the raids. Payne, it says, has no money himself. It gives this account of Payne’s operations. “He has depended entirely upon selling Oklahoma colony certificates and stock in his so-called town company. He has also gathered in considerable money from gullible parties to whom he represented that the territory was bound to be opened up at a certain time, and in consideration of said parties paying him twenty-five dollars in cash, he has agreed to select and hold for them a quarter-section of the Oklahoma lands, they thereby being relieved from accompanying any of the raiding expeditions. In all the raids he has made, the supplies have been furnished by the people accompanying him, or by a few individuals who have put up their money. In this last raid we are credibly informed that he sold at Arkansas City full six hundred certificates at two dollars each.”
Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.
The Hartford Courant wants to know if this farce of employing United States troops to capture “Oklahoma” Payne and turn him over to the civil authorities, only to see him walk out of jail and begin preparations for a new raid, hasn’t lasted long enough. It seems to be fun for Mr. Payne.
Of course it is fun for Payne. One thousand dupes per trip who pay him three dollars each to conduct them to the promised land would pay him very well without such perquisite as sales of shares in Oklahoma City at twenty-five dollars each. The only strange thing about it is that he should find many “guys.”
Arkansas City Traveler, March 14, 1883.
If we read the signs aright, the days of the small cattlemen in the Indian Territory are numbered.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 14, 1883.
Stockmen’s Meeting.
The Cherokee Strip Stockmen’s Association held at Caldwell, last week, held several meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday, but did not come to a permanent organization till Thursday at 10 a.m., and we understand that the latest action taken put the association upon a totally different basis to what was anticipated, and rendered all action taken at the meetings of Tuesday and Wednesday ineffective. We will give full facts in our next.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 14, 1883.
Caldwell’s Glory.
The stock meeting at Caldwell last week, at which we had the honor of being present, was attended by an immense crowd of parties interested in the business, and the accommodating capacity of the hotels were totally inadequate to meet the requirements; but thanks to the efforts of the private citizens, who came nobly to the rescue, all strangers were made comfortable and welcome. The Ball and Banquet given by the citizens to the stockmen was a glorious success, and well attended and enjoyed, while the Banquet at the Leland Hotel was simply immense. The affair was one of the most notable events of the season and cannot help but do Caldwell’s citizens great credit for the enterprise shown.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 14, 1883.
A Desirable Stock Farm.
The two thousand acres of land on the State Line twelve miles east of this place, known as Scott’s range, is one of the most desirable locations for stock that we know of in this or any other section of country, and we are glad to know that gentleman will stock it with the best of cattle and horses. Adjoining it on the south is the Kaw Indian Reserve, where stock can roam at will. We know of no more beautiful sight than to see the herds grazing undisturbed on this elevated plain, when the earth is covered with a carpet of green for miles around. It is the home of the stockmen and land of the free. A little figuring will soon convince anyone that stock pays, and that too, largely accounts for the large number that are engaging in it. A cow worth $25 brings a calf worth $10 in one year, at a cost of only $3 for keeping the cow. A calf at $10 in one year is worth $20. In two years it is worth $30; and in three years brings from $40 to $60, which has cost not to exceed $10. There are losses, of course, but in many cases no occasion for it. Hold the cattle in the State during the winter where hay, corn, and fodder can be had and shelter provided; and it will pay forty percent on the money invested, from one year to another.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 15, 1883.
The Vinita Chieftain is making a hot war upon the Atlantic and Pacific road, for the general cussedness of its management in the Indian Territory. The management of that road may yet find out that it pays to act half white and part human.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 15, 1883.
Note: Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association attempted to get A. B. Mayhew, of Sumner County, on the Board of Railroad Commissioners. Governor Glick sent the following letter to Miller, President of Association, in response to this request.
TOPEKA, March 12, 1883.
Ben S. Miller, Esq., Caldwell, Kansas. MY DEAR SIR: Your telegram requesting the appointment of Hon. A. B. Mayhew, of Wellington, Kansas, as railroad commissioner, is at hand. I have no control over the appointment of railroad commissioners. Mr. Mayhew, by his vote, with his party, took the appointing power out of the hands of the Executive, whereby in precedent and decency it properly belonged. The politicians are now running the machine for the benefit of the Republican party, and they expect to make the railroad commission a potent engine in favor of a party organization, instead of being an organization for the protection of the people against the wrongs committed by the railroads upon them. Mr. Mayhew’s vote contributed to that result, and his appointment as a commissioner would simply be perpetuating it. I am sir, your obedient servant. G. W. GLICK.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 15, 1883.
This resolution adopted by the Live Stock Association, thanking Messrs. Plumb and Ryan, could have been very properly amended by striking out that portion relating to the Pennsylvania Oil Company. That company took their range on the same plan and under similar conditions to other cattlemen who had fenced. It did not attempt to take any advantage of those rightfully holding cattle on the range which they had hired; on the contrary, the company had offered to buy out all such parties, if said parties would sell. Those who did not want to sell were given to understand that they could remain, without interference on the part of the company, so long as the Cherokee authorities were satisfied.
The whole hue and cry against the Pennsylvania Oil Company came from men who had for years held cattle upon the grounds leased by the company without paying one cent to the Cherokee Nation, or to any other government. Under the laws of the United States and the Cherokee Nation, they had no right to occupy one foot of the ground in question, and therefore their howls about monopolies, etc., should never have received the least attention or support from stockmen who had acted in good faith to the Cherokees.
It is the fashion just now to howl against corporations and men of large capital, and therefore any defense of the Pennsylvania Oil Company will meet with but little consideration. Notwithstanding all this, the COMMERCIAL claims that the company and its managers are entitled to fair treatment, especially at the hands of those whose right to hold a range and fence it is not one whit better than that of the above named company.
Since the above was put in type, we have learned that there is no such organization as the “Standard Oil Company” or the “Pennsylvania Oil Company” laying any claim to a range or doing any business on the Cherokee Strip. The firm all the fuss has been kicked up about is composed of W. B. Roberts and J. H. Windsor, and their cattle business has no connection in any way with any oil company on the face of the globe. As individuals, they have put their own money into the stock business, secured a defined range from the Cherokee Nation, and they have not sought in any way to infringe upon the rights of others. When they obtained the privileges of the range they now hold, Messrs. Roberts & Co., were informed by Major Lipe that the range was unoccupied, or if it was, the parties so occupying it were intruders, because they had never paid any tax to the Cherokee Nation. Now, if Messrs. Roberts and Windsor are treated fair, as they should be under the circumstances, they will do what is right by all parties concerned. But if there should be any attempt to coerce them, or trample upon their rights, they are not the men we take them to be if they quietly submit. Give them a fair deal, and the rights of all will be strengthened thereby.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 15, 1883.
From the St. Joe Gazette.
A reporter for the Gazette met Col. A. M. Saxton yesterday, and the following conversation ensued.
“I understand, colonel, you have been to the Indian Territory to a cattle meeting?”
“Yes; I went there to a meeting of cattle raisers. We have a yearly convention, and met as heretofore at Caldwell, Kansas, which is about two miles from the Territory. There were several hundred cattle owners there from the different states, and perhaps a thousand employees and resident Territory ranchmen present. In fact, the streets of Caldwell were thronged. It was estimated that the owners of two millions of cattle were there. Great harmony prevailed, and I think I never saw a more stalwart, intelligent body of men. I made a great blunder this time. You see, I went from home Sunday night after church, took the night train, and wore my Sunday-go-to-meeting clothing, plug hat, umbrella, and all. I was the only man there wearing a plug hat and umbrella, which had been telegraphed ahead, I suspect, for when I walked up from the depot I was met by a half dozen men, or cowboys, as they call them, on horseback. I thought they were awful polite, as they halted me and gave me a grand salute in broken Indian and fired in the air their pistols and waved their broad brims high. One man dismounted from his horse and insisted on my accepting his hospitality. I got up of course and took the reins; in an instant he bounced on behind and put spurs to the beast and reached as far round my stomach as his arms would go and we came pell mell up to the hotel with all the broad brims and mustangs following, and cheering. I saw five kegs of beer at the saloon door. I took in the situation, and in behalf of my plug hat and umbrella, I ordered the landlord to tap the whole lot and ‘set ’em up.’ Having no firearms, I could not fight in any other strategic way. That is part of what my Sunday clothes cost me that fore-noon. At night they escorted me to the opera house to witness the play entitled ‘Our Boy.’ I accepted the invitation on the condition that the tallest ranchman should change hats with me and walk arm in arm. I wore his broad brim and he my stove pipe, which covered his head and neck. I have seen myself heretofore in a silver spoon and that is the way I was mashed beside my tall chaperone. The next day we witnessed foot races, wrestling matches, and target shooting. I put up my hat and umbrella and got them papered with bullets. We had lots of fun, and if our boys enjoyed it better than I, why, then I’ve no more to say. Don’t let this get into print. I went there to attend to business and had fun with it too.”
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 15, 1883.
Charter and By-Laws.
The meeting was called to order by President Miller at 9 o’clock a.m.
President Miller announced the appointment of the following committes as having been appointed by the Board of Directors on the evening previous at its meeting.
BRAND BOOKS. M. H. Bennett and W. E. Bridge.
FINANCE. M. H. Bennett, S. Tuttle, and J. W. Hamilton.
ARBITRATION. H. W. Timberlake, W. M. Corzine, and D. R. Streeter.
TRAILS, POST ROAD, AND QUARANTINE GROUNDS. H. Hodgson, W. B. Helm, O. Ewell, W. J. Hodges, and John A. Blair.
INSPECTION. A. M. Colson, J. Will Carter, and Marion Blair.
ASSESSMENT AND TAXATION. M. H. Bennett, A. M. Colson, W. P. Herring, A. Drumm, and E. W. Payne.
CLAIMS. S. Tuttle, Ben Garland, and Charles H. Moore.
Mr. Payne offered the following resolution, which was adopted and upon motion of Mr. Hewins, second by Mr. Hamilton, was ordered telegraphed to Governor Glick at the Association’s expense, which was done.
CALDWELL, KANSAS, March 3, 1883.
To the Honorable George W. Glick and the Executive Council, Topeka, Kansas.
SIR: We the cattlemen of Southwestern Kansas and the Territory, now in convention assembled, considering the vast importance of our shipping interests, do respectfully request that by the way of recognition, you do appoint as one of the Board of Railroad Commissioners, the Hon. A. B. Mayhew of Wellington, Kansas, a man in every way suited and fully competent to fill that position, and for which we will ever pray.
[Signed] BEN S. MILLER, President. JOHN A. BLAIR, Secretary.
Mr. Payne offered a resolution tending a vote of thanks to the citizens of Caldwell for kind treatment while in the city, for the use of the hall, elegant banquet, and pleasant entertainments provided for the stockmen. Adopted.
Mr. Collins offered the following resolution, which was adopted and ordered spread upon the journals.
Resolved, That this convention tender their thanks to Messrs. Plumb and Ryan for the able manner in which they defended the rights of the cattle men on the Cherokee strip, and sat down on the Pennsylvania Oil Co., and all other monopolies.
Mr. Hamilton read a telegram concerning telephone connection between this city and Wellington. A few resolutions were offered upon the subject, which were adopted.
On motion of Mr. Hewins, a vote of thanks was tendered the members of the press present for courtesies shown the Association and interest manifested in the same by the newspaper men of the state.
On motion of Mr. Herring, a vote of thanks was tendered Messrs. Bennett, Drumm, Hewins, Hamilton, and others for work done in the interests of the Association.
Mr. Hamilton offered the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted.
Resolved, That this Association offer a standing reward of two thousand dollars for the arrest and conviction of any person or persons stealing any animals belonging to any member of this Association.
Mr. Hewins moved that hand bills printed on muslin be issued offering the reward of $2,000 as provided for in resolution. Carried.
The convention having completed its labors, on motion of Mr. Payne, adjourned to meet in Caldwell on the 13th day of November, 1883, thereupon President Miller declared the convention adjourned to the date named. J. A. BLAIR, Secretary.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 15, 1883.
We, the undersigned persons of competent age, do hereby associate ourselves together for the purpose of forming a private corporation under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Kansas, the purpose of which is and shall be “the improvement of the breed of domestic animals,” by the importation, grazing, breeding, sale, barter, and exchange thereof.
The name of such corporation shall be “The Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association.”
SECOND. The purpose for which the corporation is formed is the improvement of the breed of domestic animals by the importation, grazing, breeding, sale, barter, and exchange thereof.
THREE. The principal office and place of business of the corporation shall be at the city of Caldwell, in Sumner County, Kansas, but its place or places of and for holding, breeding, grazing, selling, bartering, and exchanging the domestic animals for the improvement of the breed of which the corporation is as aforesaid organized shall be wherever the same can be in the opinion of the directors or such other body of the stockholders or members of such corporation as may be authorized to act for the corporation most advantageously located.
FOURTH. The terms for which the corporation is to exist shall be for forty years.
FIFTH. The number of the directors of the corporation shall be nine, and the following named stockholders are appointed directors for the first year, viz:
E. M. Hewins, whose residence is Cedarvale, Kansas.
J. W. Hamilton, whose residence is Wellington, Kansas.
A. J. Day, whose residence is Caldwell, Kansas.
S. Tuttle, whose residence is Caldwell, Kansas.
M. H. Bennett, whose residence is Caldwell, Kansas.
Andrew Drumm, whose residence is Caldwell, Kansas.
Ben S. Miller, whose residence is Caldwell, Kansas.
E. W. Payne, whose residence is Medicine Lodge, Kansas.
Chas. H. Eldred, whose residence is Carrollton, Illinois.
Which said charter was on said date duly transmitted, postage pre-paid to the Honorable Secretary of State at Topeka, Kansas, and on said date the by-laws for the regulation of the business of said corporation were by your said committee formulated, and that thereafter to-wit: On the 8th day of March, 1883, the board of directors of said corporation, met in pursuance of the provisions of said charter and in conformity of law elected Ben S. Miller, one of said board of directors, president of said corporation, and at the same time appointed John A. Blair as secretary and M. H. Bennett as treasurer thereof, and duly ratified and accepted the by-laws herein before referred to, wherefore we respectfully suggest that our action in and about the matter aforesaid, be approved and accepted as the fulfillment of the duties by you imposed upon us as your committee for the purposes aforesaid, and that we be now discharged from further duty.
SECTION 1. The name and style of the corporation shall be “The Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association.”
SECTION 2. The object of the Association is to provide for and promote the improvement of the breed of domestic animals by all lawful means, such as providing for the purchase, importation, barter, sale, and exchange thereof, at such place or places, within or without the territorial limits of this State, as shall be or seem to be, most conducive to the advancement of the interests of the Association; in pursuance of the purpose and object of which the same has been and is as aforesaid organized inclusive of the right by which and on behalf, of said Association to purchase any and all of whatsoever kind of domestic animals it, the said Association, may see fit or desire to purchase, or in any lawful manner acquire, together with the right to purchase or lease any or all parcels or tracts of land, where-soever situated, as may be necessary for the holding, keeping, grazing, breeding, handling, selling, bartering, or in any lawful manner whatsoever exchanging any or all of any or all kinds of domestic animals so as aforesaid purchased, imported, handled, bred, grazed, obtained by barter or exchange by or on behalf of said Association.
All persons, corporations, or companies who now occupy undisputed range in the Cherokee Strip, and who agree to pay the assessments to which may be hereinafter levied upon them by authority of persons empowered by the Association to make levies for any and all purposes, may be eligible to membership in this Association upon the payment of the membership fees, as hereinafter provided.
All corporations, stock associations, or companies becoming members of this Association, shall do so in the name of the corporation, stock association, or company by which they are known, and in all elections or business which is to or may be decided by votes of members of this Association, such member or representative of any and all other corporations, stock associations, or companies being members of this Association shall be entitled to one vote, and no more.
Any party holding an undisputed and prescribed range, whether of one person, a company, corporation, or pool, shall be entitled to one membership; that is to say, if one person holds a certain prescribed range alone, he shall be entitled to one membership, and the same rule as to corporations and companies if, for convenience, two or more individuals hold each a prescribed range, and hold such range in common, each of such ranges shall be entitled to one membership, and each membership shall be entitled to one vote. Any person possessing the qualifications hereinbefore mentioned, and desiring to become a member of this Association, shall first pay to the treasurer the sum of ten dollars ($10), and take said treasurer’s receipt therefor, and upon presentation of said receipt to the secretary of this Association, and subscribing to the by-laws, shall be entitled to a certificate of membership, which said certificate shall thereupon be issued in the name of this Association; provided that persons owning ranges or holding cattle contiguous to the range occupied by the members of this Association in the Indian Territory, may be elected honorary members of this Association upon the recommendation of the board of directors.
All transfer of ranges by purchase or otherwise shall be recorded by the Secretary of this Association in a book to be by him kept for that purpose.
All members of this Association are required within thirty days from their admission to membership to furnish to the secretary a plain and accurate description of the “marks and brands” of all domestic animals owned or held by such member; which said description of said marks and brands shall be plainly and fully recorded by said secretary in a book to be by him kept for such purpose.
A board of arbitration shall be appointed, to consist of three members of the Association, such board to be appointed by the directors and to hold their office during the pleasure of said board of directors, who shall have power to settle all questions in dispute between members of this Association, and from the decision of such board of arbitration either party in interest may appeal to the board of directors by giving, upon the rendition of said decision, immediate notice of his intention to so appeal, and by entering into and undertaking to the opposite party in such sum as said board of arbitrators shall deem sufficient credentials for the payment of all costs and expenses necessarily incurred by reason of such appeal. In the event of the decision of said arbitrators being affirmed by said board of directors, thereupon the chairman of said board of arbitrators shall immediately notify the board of directors of the pendency of such appeal and state the time and place when and where said board of directors shall meet to hear and determine the same; which time shall not be less than ten nor more than sixty days from the time of taking such appeal, and the time and place of sitting of said board of directors to hear said matter shall be at such point as said board of arbitrators may direct; provided, always, that in no event except by consent of parties shall the place of the sitting of said board of directors for such purpose be other than at the city of Caldwell, in Sumner County, Kansas, or at some well-known and convenient ranch upon the grazing lands of the Association; and the chairman of the board of arbitrators upon the giving an acceptance of the appeal bond hereinbefore provided for, immediately notify the parties in interest of the time when, and the place where, the board of directors shall be called to meet to hear and determine and appeal; and the decision of said board of directors shall be final.
The following are the names of members of the Association so far as we have been able to obtain them.
Blair, Battin & Cooper
E. W. Payne, for Comanche County Pool
T. F. Pryor & Co.
S. T. Tuttle, S & Z Tuttle
R. B. Clark
W. H. Harrelston
H. Hodgson & Co.
John Myrtle
McClellen Cattle Company
Johnstone & Horsmer
G. A. Thompson
C. M. Crocker
Robert Eatock
Wm. Corzine
M. J. Lane
Hammers Clark & Co.
McGredy & Harlen
Walworth, Walton & Rhodes
D. P. Robinson & Northup
Windsor Bros.
H. A. Todd
Wicks, Corbin & Streeter
W. B. Helm
N. J. Thompson
Bates & Payne
E. W. Rannells
P. S. Burres
W. W. Wicks
Dean & Broderick
Shattuck Bros. & Co.
H. H. Campbell
Briggs & Wilson
John Love & Son
J. C. Weathers & Sons
Ewell & Justis
A. M. Colson
W. S. & T. Snow
Dominion Cattle Company
Theo Horsley & Co.
Southern Kansas Border Live Stock Company, J. W. Hamilton, manager.
G. W. Miller (W. M. Vanhook in charge)
B. H. Campbell
Drury Warren
L. Musgrove
A. A. Wiley
Tomlin & Webb
Geo. V. Collins
J. F. Conner & Co.
Cobb & Hutton
A. J. & C. P. Day
Moore & Rohrer
Carnegie & Fraser
M. K. Krider
Texas Land and Cattle Company (limited)
W. C. Quinlon
Ben Garland
Ballenger & Schlupp
A. T. & T. P. Wilson
A. Mills
H. W. Timberlake & Hall
Stewart & Hodges
Drumm & Snider
Williamson Blair & Co.
Charles Collins
Ben S. Miller
Gregory, Eldred & Co.
W. R. Terwilliger
M. H. Bennett
Barfoot & Santer
Hewins & Tims
Sylvester Flitch
D. A. Greever
Stoller & Rees
Crane & Larimer
Dickey Bros.
McClain & Foss
E. M. Ford & Co.
Dornblazer & Dole
J. C. Pryor & Co.
HONORARY MEMBERS: W. E. Campbell, L. C. Bidwell.
Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.
A grand surprise was in store for a number of cattle men at Caldwell, March 8th, when the Cherokee Strip Stockmen’s association was called to order, and the report of the committee on constitution and bylaws, through its chairman, submitted its report in the shape of articles of the incorporation, accompanied by the constitution and bylaws. The board of directors and a full set of officers were elected and sworn in. The charter was filed with the secretary of state, of Kansas, on Friday morning. This corporation is chartered to conduct a general live stock business in Kansas and other states and territories, to lease lands, etc. A motion to adopt the committee’s report was ably discussed and finally adopted by a vote of sixty-five to nine by the old association, and, upon the announcement of the vote by the president the association known as the Cherokee Strip Stockmen’s association died, and in its place the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association arose from the ashes, with E. M. Hewin, of Cedarvale; A. Drennan, of Kansas City; A. J. Day, M. H. Bennett, Ben S. Miller, Caldwell; J. W. Hamilton, Wellington; Charles H. Eldred, Carrollton, Illinois; and E. W. Payne, Medicine Lodge, as a board of directors. Ben S. Miller is president; John A. Blair, secretary, and M. H. Bennett, treasurer. Seventy-three members were taken into the corporation on payment of a $10 fee. An undisputed stock ranch on the Cherokee Strip in the Indian Territory constitutes the qualification of a member. A board of arbitration is provided for in the bylaws that will settle all disputed lines of ranchmen of ranches on these lands. No firm, corporation, or company can have but one vote in the deliberations of the corporation so that the member who holds 200 cattle on the range has just the same voice in all things as the ranchman who has 20,000 head of stock.
The corporations and monopolies are outwitted in this deal, and the ranchmen who have worked faithfully the past years on their ranges and gathered up a few cattle have the same show as their more powerful neighbors. The small stockmen are rushing into this corporation pellmell, while the strong companies are more careful, but finally have to come under the sway of its workings.
A meeting of the board of directors is in session discussing the appointing of the various committees and preparing for future work. The corporation proposes leasing the Cherokee Strip if it can legally be done from the Cherokees direct. . . .
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 15, 1883.
Messrs. Hays and Fouts have sold the Willow Springs Ranch to Roberts & Co. The latter firm will run the stage station at the Springs, and in addition build a bridge across the stream at that point for the accommodation of travel. Willow Springs is out of our bailiwick, being directly south of Arkansas City, still we are glad of the change because it will make travel more convenient in the eastern portion of the Strip.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 15, 1883.
Agent Tufts’ Report to Commissioner of Indian Affairs.
SIR: Referring to cattle letter dated January 6, 1883, I have the honor to report that I have visited the lands known as Cherokee land, west of 96 degrees, and find there a large number of cattle, estimated to be 300,000, ranging on the Strip. About 200,000 are there by and with the consent of the Cherokees, and on which there was paid a grazing tax to the Cherokee authorities of about $41,000 during the year. About 100,000 cattle on these lands belong to citizens of Kansas, who turn them loose on these lands and pay no tax.
After a careful investigation, I have to answer the questions submitted in the above official letter as follows.
1. How much fencing has been done?
Answer: 950 miles.
2. To whom do the fences belong?
Answer: To citizens of the United States and a few citizens of the Cherokee Nation.
3. Name each and all companies or organizations claiming to own fences and the quantity of wire in each.
Comanche pool, 55 miles.
Bollinger & Schlupp, 60 miles.
Drumm & Snyder, 50 miles.
Miller & Pryor, 45 miles.
B. H. Campbell, 30 miles.
George Thompson, 40 miles.
S. & Z. Tuttle, 58 miles.
Bridge & Wilson, 45 miles.
Bates & Co., 33 miles.
Hewins & Titus, 60 miles.
Cobb & Hutton, 56 miles.
C. H. Moore, 24 miles.
George Miller, 72 miles.
H. Hodgson, 35 miles.
Dean Bros., 40 miles.
E. M. Ford, 87 miles.
C. H. McClellan, 72 miles.
G. Greever, 60 miles.
T. Mayhew, 37 miles.
4. How long since fencing was commenced?
Answer: During the spring of 1882.
5. What effect has such fencing had upon legitimate travel and upon mail routes?
Answer: There are but two mail routes through the land in question: from Caldwell, Kansas, to Ft. Reno and points beyond; from Arkansas City to Nez Perces Agency. There are no fences within two miles of either road. There are no other roads for legitimate travel across these lands. Pastures are supplied with gates for the use of parties traveling through. The fences do not interfere in any manner with legitimate travel or mail routes.
6. What effect has the wire fences on the reservation of destruction of timber on said lands?
Answer: Timber extended only along the water courses, and for miles into the Territory along the state line of Kansas, has been destroyed by parties from Kansas, who have used it for fuel and fencing. Much of this valuable lumber has been taken from the Cimarron River, a distance of sixty miles from the Nation line. Unless this wholesale destruction of timber is stopped, it is safe to state that all timber on these lands will be destroyed within three years.
While the value of this timber to those who steal it is not great, its value to the country can hardly be estimated, and whatever disposition is made of these lands ultimately; the supply of water will determine its value for any purpose.
There is no law in the statutes of the United States to punish for stealing timber from the reservations of any of these five civilized tribes, and it is very evident there never will be any, and these people from the states will continue to destroy this timber as they are are now doing until it is all gone.
Where ranges have been fenced, the cattle men neither cut timber themselves nor do they permit anyone else to do so; and in my judgment, if the fences now on these lands are permitted to remain, and others are permitted to fence under proper instruction, it will put an effective stop to the destruction of the timber on these lands, and as these cattlemen place fire-guards around their ranches, the young growth of timber will add much to the value of the lands.
I respectfully recommend that the fences now on these lands be permitted to remain, and that others desiring to fence their range have permission to do so.
1st. Permission from the Cherokee Nation must be obtained.
2nd. That no fences shall be erected within two miles of any post road.
3rd. If any parties fencing their range cut or permit any timber to be cut within their pastures, they shall be subject to removal from the Territory and the fences destroyed.
4th. All fences shall be removed at once from the Territory whenever those in possession shall be notified to do so by the department.
The effect of a settlement of this matter in this way will be that the Indian office will not be called upon every few months to remove from the Territory cattlemen who refuse to pay tax. The Cherokee National will collect double the tax; the destruction of the timber will be effectually stopped, and the young timber protected from fire.
The only opposition I found to this fencing was from those who claimed that the timber on these lands belonged to anybody that got it, and from those who live in the states and own large herds of cattle on these lands and refuse to pay tax.
The Pennsylvania Oil Company, who attempted to fence without permission from the Cherokee authorities and enclose the ranges and owners of small herds of cattle on which they had paid Cherokee tax, have agreed to settle with those whose ranges they had intended to enclose in their pasture, and obtain permission of the Cherokee authorities, or go else-where for their range.
This arrangement satisfies Mr. Scott and others, who complained to the Department of the action of the Oil Company; and if permitted to do so, will fence their ranges during the coming summer.
Very respectfully, JOHN Q. TUFTS, U. S. Indian Agent.
To Hon H. Price, Commissioner Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 21, 1883.
The Indian War.
Advices from the Creek Indian Nation say Sleeping Rabbit, one of the principal leaders of the Splechie faction, who was arrested some days ago by Gen. Porter, commander of the Chicate party, was killed at Okmulgee last week, while attempting to escape. Two other leaders of the same faction have also been killed. These murders, as they are called, are said to have aroused Splechie’s men to renewed action and 200 of them are reported to be marching on Okmulgee for the purpose of bringing about a fight. Gen. Porter with 200 men has gone out to meet the advancing party and a conflict is expected.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 21, 1883.
A meeting was held in J. R. Musgrove’s store, at Geuda Springs, on the evening of the 3rd inst., to induce the proprietor of the Oklahoma War Chief to locate his paper at that place. Mr. Harris asks a bonus of $500.00, of which $300 was subscribed. Press.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 21, 1883.
A young man named Fletcher stole a team of mules from a railroad contractor, McLean, and traded them to a man named Bunch near Leon, for a span of horses. With these he started for the Indian Territory. Getting stuck in a creek in Cowley County, he abandoned the wagon and team and made his escape. Walnut Valley Times.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 21, 1883.
The Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association was chartered on the 9th inst. Its object is to conduct a general live stock business in Kansas, other States, and the Territory. It is the Cherokee Strip Stockmen’s Association done over. The officers for the first year are Ben. S. Miller, president; M. R. Bennett, treasurer; E. M. Hewins, A. Drum, A. J. Day, M. H. Bennett, Ben S. Miller, J. W. Hamilton, Charles H. Eldred, and E. W. Payne, directors. Its place of business is Caldwell. A copy of the by-laws of this association will be found elsewhere in this issue.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 21, 1883.
By-Laws of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association.
SEC. 1. The name and style of the corporation shall be “The Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association.”
SEC. 2. The object of the Association is to provide for and promote the improvement of the breed of domestic animals by all lawful means, such as providing for the purchase, importation, barter, sale, and exchange thereof, at such place or places, within or without the territorial limits of this State, as shall be, or seem to be, most conducive to the advancement of the interests of the Association in pursuance of the purpose and object of which the same has been and is as aforesaid organized inclusive of the right by which and on behalf of said Association to purchase any and all of whatsoever kind of domestic animals it, the said Association, may see fit or desire to purchase, or in any lawful manner acquire, together with the right to purchase or lease any or all parcels or tracts of land, wheresoever situated, as may be necessary for the holding, keeping, grazing, breeding, handling, selling, bartering, or in any lawful manner whatsoever exchanging any or all of any or all kinds of domestic animals so as aforesaid purchased, imported, handled, bred, grazed, obtained by barter or exchange by or on behalf of said Association.
All persons, corporations, or companies who now occupy undisputed range in the Cherokee Strip, and who agree to pay the assessments which may be hereinafter levied upon them by authority of persons empowered by the Association to make levies for any and all purposes, may be eligible to membership in this Association upon the payment of the membership fees, as hereinafter provided.
All corporations, stock associations, or companies becoming members of this Association; shall do so in the name of the corporation, stock association, or company by which they are known, and in all elections or business which is to or may be decided by votes of members of this Association, such member or representative of any and all other corporations, stock associations, or companies being members of this Association shall be entitled to one vote and no more.
Any party holding an undisputed and prescribed range, whether of one person, a company corporation or pool, shall be entitled to one membership; that is to say, if one person holds a certain prescribed range alone he shall be entitled to one membership, and the same rule as to corporations and companies if, for convenience two or more individuals holding each a prescribed range, and hold such range in common, each of such ranges shall be entitled to one membership, and each membership shall be entitled to one vote. Any person possessing the qualifications hereinbefore mentioned, and desiring to become a member of this association, shall first pay to the treasurer the sum of ten dollars ($10), and take said treasurer’s receipt therefor, and upon presentation of said receipt to the secretary of this Association; provided that persons owning ranges or holding cattle contiguous to the range occupied by the members of this Association in the Indian Territory, may be elected honorary members of this Association upon the recommendation of the board of directors.
All transfer of ranges by purchase or otherwise shall be recorded by the Secretary of this Association in a book to be by him kept for that purpose.
A board of arbitration shall be appointed to consist of three members of the Association, such board to be appointed by the directors, and to hold their office during the pleasure of said board of directors, who shall have power to settle all questions in dispute between members of this Association, and from the decision of such board of arbitration either party in interest may appeal to the board of directors by giving upon the rendition of said decision, immediate notice of his intention to so appeal, and by entering into and undertaking to the opposite party in such sum as said board of arbitrators shall deem sufficient credentials for the payment of all costs and expenses necessarily incurred by reason of such appeal. In the event of the decision of said arbitrators being affirmed by said board of directors, thereupon the chairman of the said board of arbitrators shall immediately notify the board of directors of the pendency of such appeal and state the time and place, when and where said board of directors shall meet to hear and determine the same; which time shall not be less than ten or more than sixty days from the time of taking such appeal, and the time and place of sitting of said board of directors to hear said matter shall be at such point as said board of arbitrators may direct; provided always, that in no event except by consent of parties shall the place of the sitting of said board of directors for such purpose be other than at the city of Caldwell, in Sumner County, Kansas, or at some well-known and convenient ranch upon the grazing lands of the Association; and the chairman of the board of arbitrators upon the giving an acceptance of the appeal, bond hereinbefore provided for, immediately notify the parties in interest of the time when, and the place where, the board of directors shall be called to meet to hear and determine said appeal; and the decision of said board of directors shall be final.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 21, 1883.
Boy’s Pistols.
The new law to suppress the small boy’s pistol reads as follows.
SECTION 1. Any person who shall sell, trade, give, loan, or otherwise furnish any pistol, revolver, or toy pistol by which cartridges or caps may be exploded, or any dirk, bowie knife, brass knuckles, sling shot, or other dangerous weapons to any person of notoriously unsound mind, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, upon conviction before any court of competent jurisdiction, be fined not less than one or more than ten dollars.
SECTION 2. Any minor who shall have in his possession any pistol, by which cartridges may be exploded, or any dirk, bowie-knife, brass knuckles, sling shot, or other dangerous weapons, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction before any court of competent jurisdiction, shall be fined not less than one nor more than ten dollars.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 21, 1883.
Kansas Claims.
Washington, March 15. Ex-Governor Crawford, resident Washington agent of the State of Kansas, today filed at the Interior Department a brief in support of the position taken by the State authorities on sundry long pending questions in regard to the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad land grant, and the case will probably come before the secretary for oral argument at an early day. The brief argues that the adjustment of the grant under the supreme court decision of 1875 concerning it would give the State title to about 800,000 acres of land alleged to have been illegally certified to the railroad company, and in any event the State is now entitled to some 300,000 acres now held by the railroad.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 21, 1883.
[From Medicine Lodge Cresset.]
A reward of $2,000 is offered by the stockmen of the Strip, for the apprehension and conviction of cattle thieves. This means business. If anybody is disposed to appropriate other people’s cattle in the Territory south of us, he will find it a very unhealthy occupation.
We are informed that the eastern part of the county is being rapidly taken up by parties who propose to run their farming business without fences. If this is true, it is a grand mistake. This course will naturally drive stock out of the county, and farming without stock is not the business for this country.
The Cherokee Strip Stockmen have recommended the appointment of A. B. Mayhew as one of the railroad commissioners. It is fair and just that the stockmen of the southwest should have a representative on the commission, and we do not know of a better man for the place than A. B. Mayhew.
We have received the premium list for the first annual Fat Stock show, to be held at Riverview Park, Kansas City, Missouri, from Vol. 1st to 8th, 1883, under the auspices of the K. C. Fat Stock Show Association. A glance over the rules, regulations, and awards, convinces us that Kansas City is not going to be outdone by any of her eastern sisters, and, in our opinion, will give an exhibition worthy of the Great Southwest.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 22, 1883.
The experience of many stockmen on the Cherokee Strip has demonstrated the fact that it pays to feed sufficient, at least, to keep stock in good condition. And now that all matters relating to the occupancy of the Strip have been satisfactorily settled, whatever the weather may be next winter, the majority of the stockmen on the Strip will make an effort to feed, if for no other purpose than to keep their stock in good heart during the hard season. Some will feed to supply beef cattle for the early spring demand, and as all must buy at the nearest home market, it is plain that the farmer on the border who raises corn this year, and plenty of it, will strike a bonanza. Stock raising and stock feeding must be the future policy for this country, and it can only be made so by raising grain for home consumption instead of for shipment.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 22, 1883.
M. H. Bennett and H. W. Timberlake sold their cattle and ranges last week to Messrs. Cragin & Marston, who, we understand, are organized under the firm name of the Philadelphia Cattle Company. The price paid was $95,000 to Bennett and $65,000 to Timberlake. This is one of the largest transactions of the kind which has occurred on the Cherokee Strip for some time.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 22, 1883.
Captain Nipp, the “hoss” man, whose range is in the eastern part of the Strip, was in the city last Monday.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 22, 1883.
Horse Thief Arrested.
Last Sunday, Capt. Nipp and Mr. McIntire came over from Arkansas City, and during the remainder of the day were engaged in very close conversation with Mayor Colson and others. On Monday the party suddenly disappeared, and early the next morning returned to town with Deputy U. S. Marshall Cash Hollister, who had in charge a young fellow going by the name of Frank Hostetter. The circumstanes which led to Hostetter’s arrest are about as follows.
For some time stockmen on the range have been missing their horses, but all efforts to trace the stock were unavailing until one day last week, when Hostetter appeared in Arkansas City and sold a horse which he claimed he had bought from an Indian. After which he left town, and on his way, stole a horse from Mr. Warren and put out.
Capt. Nipp and Mr. McIntire immediately started for Caldwell, and securing the services of Mr. Hollister, started to find the thief. They came upon him near Johnson’s ranch, finding him in company with Jay Wilkinson, another party who has for some time been suspected of being engaged in stealing stock. The latter, however, getting away, taking one of Johnson’s horses to aid him in his escape.
Hostetter was taken to Arkansas City, where he will be examined before the U. S. Commissioner.
As for Mr. Wilkinson, he will yet be taken in. The stock owners on the Strip are determined to break up the system of cattle and horse stealing which has been carried on for some time, and if the thieves don’t have a care, some of them may find themselves at the end of a rope one of these fine spring mornings.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 22, 1883.
Association Brand Book.
Members of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association are hereby notified to at once send a complete description of their stock brands, ear marks, location of range, post office address, etc., to M. H. Bennett, Caldwell, Kansas, for publication in the Association brand book now in press. One cut of animal, no charge; for each additional cut, two dollars must be sent. There is no cost to the individual member for first cut used.
M. H. BENNETT, Chairman, Brand Book Committee.
Caldwell, Kansas, March 14, 1883.
Winfield Courier, March 22, 1883.
The Oklahoma Lands.
We have at hand the decision of the U. S. District Judge, I. C. Parker, in the case of the United States vs. D. L. Payne, relative to the status of the lands in the Indian Territory known as the Oklahoma country. In summing up the court says:
“It was Indian country beyond question while the Creeks and Seminole occupied it. The government obtained it for Indian occupancy. Of course, it could not at the same moment make the treaty and transplant other tribes on the land, but we find it commenced to do so as soon thereafter as possible. It has gone on and treated it as devoted to that purpose, by settling on a large portion of it Indian tribes. It cannot be presumed that for fifteen years the Government has had a tract of country within the very heart of the Indian country, which it has purchased and permitted to remain in such condition, as it might become a place of refuge for criminals and outlaws, who could depredate and prey upon their Indian neighbors and others with immunity from punishment, especially when the government has pledged protection and security from intruders to all the tribes in the Indian country. Yet this is so if this is Indian country, because the laws of the United States would not extend over it, and it would not be within the jurisdiction of any state or territory. It never intended this. It did not by this treaty of purchase with the Seminoles do it. By its act of reservation of this country, situated as it was and being reserved for the purpose it was, it continued still to be Indian country as much as if it had been at that time entirely occupied by Indians. Now, in the estimation of many persons, it may be desirable to open this country to settlement. If so, it must be done by the power that has a right under the constitution and laws to do it. It must not be asked or expected that to accomplish this end the courts will break or even bend the timbers of the law, especially when that power in the government which could act has, time and again, refused to act. The courts do not make the laws. They interpret, construe, and execute them as they find them.
From my views of the law, as applicable to this case, upon the facts set up by the defendant, he is liable for the penalty under the law, and the demurrer to the answer must be sustained.
It is so ordered.
Winfield Courier, March 22, 1883.
A Boston circular says the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe road is now paying quarterly dividends at the rate of 6 percent per year, requiring $3,420,000. In 1882 the net earnings on 1,820 miles were $6,150,000. Even if the earnings for 1883 should not show an increase, a surplus is expected of $4,000,000 after paying all interest and sinking-fund charges. The bonded debt of the company including all leases and guarantees representing 2,620 miles, excepting nearly $3,000,000 land grant bonds, is $45,780,500. The amount properly chargeable against the income account for interest and sinking-fund on the present outstanding bonds is $2,248,500 per year. After paying fixed charges and the dividend, the surplus for last year will be about $700,000.
Winfield Courier, March 22, 1883.
The land commission at Washington has decided to send a special agent to Southern Kansas to report upon fraudulent entries in that section and also upon the number of acres of public land that have been fenced in by trespassers. It will take two or three months to make a thorough investigation. A large number of the fraudulent entries have been made on the Osage tract, and it is claimed that similar entries of several thousand acres of land have been made in Southern Kansas. The papers of those making settlements have been correct, but so called settlers have failed to make the improvements required by law. These entries in many cases have been made by cowboys, who have afterward rented the land to cattle men. A lengthy report from the chiefs of the Cherokee Nation was submitted to the secretary of the interior. It is in answer to the recent report of Agent Tuft, who recommended that cattle men be allowed to fence large tracts in the Indian Territory, the agent claiming that it would be to the advantage of the Indians. The report of the chiefs opposes the erection of fences. It refers also to the subject of leasing lands, and says that the council has not granted a single lease, but that those granted have been made by individual Indians under the treaty with the Indians. The chiefs say these leases cannot be recognized. The treaty provides that leases must be ratified by the Indian council. Commissioner Price says the position taken by the chiefs is the proper one.
Winfield Courier, March 22, 1883.
A company of cattle men have leased all the land the Indians will rent in the western end of the Indian Territory. It is understood that this tract embraces fifty or sixty miles square. Secretary Teller refuses to approve the lease, and the cattle company have decided to take their chances in renting from the Indians. A letter from the West states that those making this lease are known as Plumb & Co. Senator Plumb denies any connection with the company. It is thought the lease of so large a tract by the company will result in driving small dealers in cattle from that part of the Territory. Western congressmen are opposed to such a procedure.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 28, 1883.
Secretary Teller has decided that the cattle ranch capitalists who have been putting up wire fences in the Indian Territory must either come to an amicable and satisfactory agreement with the Cherokee authorities or remove their fences. Over 1,000 miles of fencing have been built and come within the terms of the Secretary’s decision. Agent Tufts, who is making himself quite numerous, reported recently in favor of the claims of the cattlemen. The Secretary, in a letter to Tufts, rebuked the latter severely, by declaring that his report is at variance with the facts. St. Louis Republican.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 28, 1883.
Gov. Glick’s Reply.
The following reply to the telegram sent to Governor Glick by the Cherokee Live Stock Association will, no doubt, be duly appreciated by them.
Ben S. Miller, Esq., Caldwell, Kansas.
MY DEAR SIR: Your telegram requesting the appointment of Hon. A. B. Mayhew, of Wellington, Kansas, is at hand. I have no control over the appointment of railroad commissioners. Mr. Mayhew, by his vote, with his party, took the appointing power out of the hands of the Executive, whereby in precedent and decency it properly belonged. The politicians are now running the machine for the benefit of the Republican party, and they expect to make the railroad commissioners a potent engine in favor of a party organization, instead of being an organization for the protection of the people against the wrongs committed by the railroads upon them. Mr. Mayhew’s vote contributed to that result, and his appointment as a commissioner would simply be perpetuating it. I am, sir, your obedient servant.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 28, 1883.
Capt. Payne & Harris, of the War Chief, were in the city Monday.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 28, 1883.
We understand it is a settled fact that the War Chief will shortly be published at Geuda Springs.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 28, 1883.
We understand that Mr. Drury Warren lost some half a dozen head of stock during a recent prairie fire.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 28, 1883.
Major Drumm says the cattle on the range look like the d , or words to that effect—
that there are lots of dead ones and more that will die. Post.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 28, 1883.
M. H. Bennett and Timberlake & Hall sold their Indian Territory ranches, 5,000 cattle, and 35 horses to the Cragin Cattle Company, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, for $155,000.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 28, 1883.
Owing to the old road to Ayres’ mill being somewhat changed by the laying of the switch track, parties having business at the said mill should keep straight south until the R. R. is crossed, and then along the south side of the switch track to the mill. This ensures a good road.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 28, 1883.
[From Barbour County Index.]
O. Thompson, who is holding cattle with Greever, Houghton & Co., came in from his home at Liberty, Missouri, Wednesday. After the stock meeting, he will try the waters of the Cimarron for awhile.
David Tomlinson hs contracted with Gregory, Eldred & Co., to erect wire fence around their range in the Territory. The fence is to be 60 miles in length. The posts and wire are all on the ground.
Reports from the range are that cattle are causing some trouble by getting mired in the mud along the streams, and dying before assistance could reach them. Many of the animals are poor and weak, and when they are in search of water, and get in the mud, they have not sufficient strength to get out.
It will be seen from the published report of the cattle inspector for the Cherokee Strip, there were recovered for the Association at Kansas City, during the shipping season of 1882, 207 head of cattle, valued at $7,500, while quite a number were caught at St. Louis and the agency. This is a matter of the greatest importance to the cattlemen of this section, and should not be overlooked at the meeting at this place on the 28th and 29th inst., as nearly all the cattle from this section goes to or by the way of Kansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 28, 1883.
Several of the Ringleaders of the Gang Now in Limbo.
For some time past a gang of horse thieves have been plying their vocation in the Territory, but up to within a few weeks past succeeded in eluding all efforts made to discover their mode of operation or whereabouts.
The circumstance which has led to the demoralization of the outfit was the purchase of a pony by Capt. Nipp of a cowboy named Jay Wilkinson some three weeks since, which pony Capt. Nipp afterwards discovered, had been stolen from the Territory. With this information Deputy McIntire and a Mr. Phipps started out in search of Wilkinson, whom they learned was in the vicinity of the Cimarron River. Hearing that Wilkinson and several of his companions had fled to a dug-out, and were fixing for a fight, Mr. McIntire deemed it advisable to return to Caldwell for reinforcements, and being joined by Deputy U. S. Marshal Hollister and another officer, the four returned, and after considerable reconnoitering and a lively chase, succeeded in missing their men, but captured one Hostetler, another member of the gang, with whom they started to the State, where Hostetler was committed to the Winfield jail to await the next term of U. S. Court at Wichita, not being able to give the $500 bail required. Wilkinson, who had been dodging around trying to swap for a fresh horse, was gathered in by the boys at Johnson Ranch, who carried him to Caldwell and turned him over to Deputy Hollister, who straightway telegraphed to Messrs. McIntire and Nipp the fact of his possession and declared the intention of leaving for this place, requesting these gentlemen to meet him, which they did, bringing Wilkinson to town where he had an examination, and was committed to jail with Hostetler. Another of the gang, known as Mulvane George, was also arrested, but gave $500 bail and is now at large.
Deputy McIntire informs us he expects shortly to have more of the gang in his clutches, in which we hope he may not be mistaken.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 28, 1883.
Tufts Report to Interior Secretary Relative Wire Fences.
The following synopsis of Agent Tufts’ report to the Secretary of the Interior on the question of Wire Fences in the Territory, will doubtless be of interest to many of our readers.
It is estimated that 300,000 head of cattle are being herded on the Strip, 100,000 of which do not pay taxes to the Cherokees. There are 950 miles of fencing belonging in the main to citizens of the United States, and all of which has been put up in the past year. These parties are supplied with gates for traveling through, so that they do not interfere with legitimate travel or mail routes. Agent Tufts thinks that these fences will be of incalculable good in restraining the cutting of timber which has been ruthlessly going on in the past, and therefore says: “I respectfully recommend that the fences now on these lands be permitted to remain, and other parties desiring to fence be permitted to do so subject to the following conditions.”
“1st. Permission from the Cherokee Nation must be obtained.
“2nd. That no fences shall be erected within two miles of any post road.
“3rd. If any parties fencing their range cut or permit any timber to be cut within their pastures, shall be subject to removal from the Territory and the fences destroyed.
“4th. All fences shall be removed at once from the Territory whenever those in possession shall be notified to do so by the department.
“The effect of a settlement of this matter in this way will be that the Indian office will not be called upon every few months to remove from the Territory cattlemen who refuse to pay tax. The Cherokee Nation will collect double the tax; the destruction of the timber will be effectually stopped, and the young timber protected from fire.
“The only opposition I found to this fencing was from those who claimed that the timber on these lands belonged to anybody that got it, and from those who live in the States and own large herds of cattle on these lands and refuse to pay taxes. The Pennsylvania Oil Company, who attempted to fence without permission from the Cherokee authorities and enclose the ranges, and owners of small herds of cattle on which they had paid Cherokee tax, have agreed to settle with those whose ranges they had intended to enclose in their pasture, and obtain permission of the Cherokee authorities, or go elsewhere for their range.
“This arrangement satisfies Mr. C. M. Scott, and others, who complained to the Department of the action of the Oil Company, and if permitted to do so, will fence their ranges during the coming summer.”
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 29, 1883.
Now that the Cherokees have received their $300,000 for lands sold to the Pawnees and other Indians, they are in a big stew as to how the money shall be disposed of. It must be distributed per capita, but the grave question is as to who are entitled to citizenship.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 29, 1883.
The strike of the cowboys in the Panhandle seems to be more serious than was at first thought. The boys threaten to prevent men taking their places. It is thought a compromise will be effected. Cowboys have some knowledge of the immense profits cattle owners are making, and it should not be at all surprising if they asked fair wages for what is the hardest kind of hard work.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 29, 1883.
Another Tragedy.
An unfortunate and tragical affair occurred in this city last Thursday afternoon, in the shooting of Charles Everhart by Dr. W. A. Noble. Shorn of all details, the facts are that the Doctor had been drinking, and while in McChesney’s “Place,” took offense at Everhart, who attends the lunch counter in the “Place.” Of the cause of the offense—real or supposed—no exact information could be obtained, but it appears that the Doctor suddenly drew a self-cocking pistol, and began firing at Everhart. The first shot missed. The second shot struck Everhart in the left breast, an inch or two above the nipple, and passed out at his back, just below the shoulder blade. The third shot seems to have been fired as Everhart turned to get out of the way, for the third ball struck him in the back, ranged up and passed out in front a little above the collar bone and about four inches above the place where the first ball entered.
Before the Doctor could fire another shot, the pistol was wrenched from his hand, and he was taken in charge by Assistant City Marshal Wheeler. Meantime Everhart had fallen to the floor, and Drs. Hume and Robertson were called in.
It was at first thought that Everhart could not live, but under the treatment and care which have been given him, he seems in a fair way to recover.
An examination of Dr. Noble before Justice of the Peace T. H. B. Ross, was called on Friday, but the case was continued, and the defendant held in $10,000 for his appearance on Wednesday, March 28, at 1 p.m. Bail was promptly furnished.
The unhappy affair is a source of regret, not only to the Doctor, but to his numerous friends, by whom he is held in high regard, both as a physician and a man. He is a man of a generous nature, but impulsive, and while strong in his likes and dislikes, we do not believe he bore malice toward anyone. He certainly had none for Everhart, and his attack upon the latter can only be accounted for upon the ground of his mental condition previous to and at the time of the occurrence.
Yesterday, at the trial set, Mr. George, deputy county attorney, appeared and requested a continuance. The continuance was granted until April 6th, and a new bond filed.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 29, 1883.
Editor Comments About Dr. Noble.
The tragedy which occurred in this city last Thursday, speaks in loud tones for the enactment of two very important laws. The first, prescribing that whiskey insanity shall be no excuse for crime, and the second, that where one makes an attempt upon the life of another with a deadly weapon, and it can be proven that the assailant has been in the habit of carrying said weapon concealed, such fact shall be prima facia evidence of an intention to commit murder.
This, at first glance, may seem hard. But can adequate reasons be given why a prominent citizen or a so-called “respected member of society,” in this or any other well organized community in Kansas should habitually carry double-action revolvers, or for that matter, dangerous weapons of any kind?
With no desire to prejudice the case or add to the misery of the chief participant in last Thursday’s affair, it must be honestly confessed that had not Dr. Noble been armed with a weapon upon which he could rely and the merits of which he had undoubtedly tested, no matter to what extent his intoxication, he would have thought twice before making any war-like demonstrations upon anyone, especially upon a man who was in no wise his enemy.
There should be no mawkish sentimentality regarding any man, however high his stand-ing, or whatever his wealth or social position may be, who, habituated to going armed in a civilized community, under a fit of alcoholic insanity makes use of a weapon. The law should be as strictly enforced in his case as in the case of any cowboy who comes off the range and, unacquainted with the customs and regulations of the town, fails or refuses to lay aside his arms.
Treat all alike, prince or peasant, rich or poor, citizen or stranger, and make no rule in one case that will not be applicable to all other cases under like circumstances.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 29, 1883.
The following is published in the Cherokee Advocate of the 23rd inst. The letter bears date of March 16th, and it is somewhat singular that it never found its way into print until the 23rd. It reads very much as if the Honorable Secretary was making an effort to carry water on both shoulders.
To the Commissioner of Indian Affairs: SIR: I have considered your letter of the 15th inst., submitting with other papers the report of Agent Tufts on the subject of fences put up by cattle men on the lands in the Indian Territory west of 96 degrees west longitude, of which the Cherokee Indians have jurisdiction under the provisions of the treaty of 1868, between the United States and those Indians.
The Agent’s statement, that “where ranges have been fenced, the cattlemen neither cut timber themselves nor do they permit anyone to do so,” is not sustained by what appears to be the facts in the case, since the large quantity of posts required for nearly 1,000 miles of fencing already constructed, have nearly, if not all, been cut from those lands without authority and without payment therefor. No further fences will be permitted to remain except with the consent of and under proper and satisfactory arrangement with the Cherokee National authorities, to be secured within reasonable time to be fixed by you; failing in which, the order heretofore given for the removal of the fences will be at once enforced. Any person found cutting timber from these lands will be removed therefrom at once.
Very respectfully, H. M. TELLER, Secretary.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 29, 1883.
It would seem, if the letters of Major Lipe, Treasurer of the Cherokee Nation, are any criterion, that the so-called Pennsylvania Oil Company are not the only parties endeavoring to get the best of previous occupants on the Cherokee Strip. The St. Joseph Cattle Company, an organization of capitalists who went on the Strip last year, attempted to run out Peter Stewart, who held a range and had paid his taxes in a scope of country which the St. Joseph Cattle Company desired to take in. At first, the company sang low and soft to Mr. Stewart, and he was lulled into fancied security by their sweet music, until one fine morning they informed Stewart that his room was better than his company, and that the St. Joseph Cattle Company wanted all the range within the bounds of their fence.
Mr. Stewart, being one of those hard headed Scotchmen, would not submit to the imposition, stood upon his rights, and communicated at once with the Cherokee authorities. The result was a letter to Mr. Stewart stating that he had the first right, and would be upheld in maintaining his range. The St. Joseph Cattle Company will therefore have to let Mr. Stewart severely alone, or fare worse.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 29, 1883.
The Ikards and the Harrold Brothers, of Texas, have sold to the Franklin Land and Cattle Company of New York, composed of a representative of the Cunard Line of steamships and other prominent capitalists. The number of cattle is 75,000, and the price paid was nearly $2,000,000. This is the largest transaction of the kind which has taken place in the United States, and shows most forcibly that if cowboys, mechanics, and others would only put their little savings together, and invest them on the same plan adopted by large capitalists, they might be able to compete with what the Poles call “thieves or the sons of thieves.”
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 29, 1883.
More Thieves Captured.
Last Thursday J. B. Johnson came up from his ranch, bringing with him Jay Wilkinson, one of the gang of thieves for some time past engaged in stealing horses from stockmen on the Strip and farmers in this and Cowley County. Wilkinson gave himself up to U. S. Marshal Hollister, and was taken over to Arkansas City.
About the same time, G. H. McIntire, who has also been on the hunt after the thieves, caught Hatfield at Arkansas City, and when Hollister arrived at that place with his prisoner, he found the town considerably stirred up over the arrests. Loper was another of the thieves circulating around, evidently under the impression that he was not known as belonging to the party and unaware of his name being connected with illegitimate horse trading. Hollister slipped the handcuffs on him and took him to Winfield, where he was locked up in jail.
Wilkinson, it seems, had stolen a horse belonging to the Carnegie & Frazier outfit, and took it into the state and turned it over to Loper to sell, with the understanding that Loper was to give one-half the proceeds to Wilkinson’s wife, who lives in Arkansas City. Loper sold the horse at Mulvane, but refused to divide, and his course induced Wilkinson to inform on him. Mr. Hollister also informs us that Loper, previous to his arrest, had obtained an interview with him shortly after the latter’s arrival in charge of the deputy marshal, and took occasion to say to Wilkinson that if the latter informed on him, he (Loper) would shoot him at the first opportunity.
Loper’s father is a farmer living near Mulvane, and he is said to be the most dangerous man of the crowd. As there is ample evidence to convict him of the crime with which he is charged, it is more than likely that Loper will not have an opportunity for several years to carry out the threat he made to Wilkinson.
Besides the parties arrested so far, there are others living on the southern border of Cowley County who are suspected of being engaged in stock stealing, but as yet there is no direct evidence against them. They will have to leave the country, or it will be but a short time before Hollister and McIntire round them up.
Winfield Courier, March 29, 1883.
Many people in this section of the state have been wondering what induced Hon. D. C. Haskell to introduce a bill in Congress to punish white settlers for entering upon the lands of the Indian Territory. In order to know his reason for such action, the editor of the Columbus Courier addressed a letter to Mr. Haskell on the subject, and the following is the reply.
DEAR SIR: Yours is at hand having reference to a bill for the punishment of trespassers on Indian lands, which was recently introduced by me in the House of Representatives. The bill you refer to was introduced at the request of the President of the United States, coming to me as Chairman of the Committee on Indian Affairs, through the Secretary of the Interior. I favor such an adjustment of Indian title to lands as shall make it wise policy to open the unused and unoccupied lands of the Territory to settlement. It is not now lawful to settle in the Indian Territory, and, therefore, no attempt should be made to invade the Territory, and those who do invade and trespass upon Indian lands should be punished. I hope that a legal way may soon be opened to the settlement of that country. I think the day is not far distant.
Respectfully, D. C. HASKELL.
Winfield Courier, March 29, 1883.
Secretary Teller does not approve of Indian Agent Tuft’s report, which recommended that fences be allowed to remain in the Indian Territory. He will shortly issue a second order prohibiting the building of fences, and promptly ordering all fences now existing torn down. He says the Indians are opposed to fences, and their opposition ought to be recognized. If they had consented, the Secretary would have offered no objection.
Winfield Courier, March 29, 1883.
Arkansas City Correspondence.
Mr. (Drury) Warren lost several head of cows and calves in a prairie fire last week in the Territory.
Burt Thompson, working with Stedman Bros., gunsmiths, shot himself in the second toe while putting cartridges in a revolver. He hobbles around on one foot now.
The rain of Saturday last was not as heavy in the Territory below here as at this place. Grass needed rain very much and it will be the saving of many wheat fields.
The arrest of Wilkinson and Hatfield for stealing horses, caused considerable comment last week, and will enable some farmers along the line to sleep more soundly at night.
C. M. Scott will soon begin fencing his 2,500 acres, twelve miles east of this place on the state line, to hold his cattle in next winter. It is one of the best ranches for fine stock in Kansas, being easy of access, well watered, and with canyons for shelter.
Winfield Courier, March 29, 1883.
George McIntire, Deputy U. S. Marshal, captured several horse thieves at Arkansas City and in the edge of the Territory last week. They are now confined in jail here. George has been on the track of this gang for some time and has at last succeeded in breaking it up.
Winfield Courier, March 29, 1883.
The Horse Thief Particulars.
We clip the following account of the capture of two horse thieves by Deputy U. S. Marshal McIntire, mentioned in another column, from the Arkansas City Democrat.
About three weeks ago a young man by the name of Jay Wilkinson, a well known cowboy of the Indian Territory, sold a pony to Capt. J. B. Nipp of this city, and a few days afterward the Captain found out that the pony had been stolen from a ranchman in the Territory, and informed Deputy U. S. Marshal McIntire of the fact, who, in company with a gentleman by the name of Phipps, started out to capture Wilkinson, whom they learned was at Smithey’s ranch on the Cimarron River in the Indian Territory. Upon arriving at the ranch, they found out that Wilkinson had been informed by some of his confederates in this city in regard to the movements of Deputy McIntire, and with two of his companions had proceeded to an old dug-out some ten miles from the ranch, armed and equipped with provision and ammunition, with the intention of standing the officers off. George and Mr. Phipps made a careful survey of the situation, and found that the boys were too well fortified to attempt an attack by themselves, so they quietly pulled out for Caldwell, where they secured the services of Deputy U. S. Marshal Hollister and another gentleman and returned for their game. When they arrived at the dug-out, they found it deserted, but the indications were that the boys had made a hasty exit, as they left behind a shot-gun, revolver, and a number of other articles, and upon looking around they discovered Wilkinson and his two companions just disappearing over a hill some two miles distant. They immediately mounted their horses and started in pursuit, and had a lively chase for twenty miles, when they arrived at Johnson’s ranch, where they found Jack Martin sick in bed and the only one at the camp, who informed them that Wilkinson and one of his gang had been there about half an hour before them, and had left their ponies and taken two of the best horses at the ranche and struck out in a northerly direction.
Just as the officers and posse were getting ready to leave, a young man by the name of Frank Hostetter, whom they had spotted as one of the gang, rode up and they placed him under arrest, and left one man to guard him, while the remainder of the party struck out after Wilkinson, whom they followed for about forty miles in the direction of the State, but finally lost track of him, and returned to the ranch after Hostetter. Hostetter was brought up to the city and taken before Commissioner Bonsall for preliminary examination, and bound over in the sum of $500 to appear at the next term of the U. S. Court at Wichita; being unable to give the required bond, he was taken to Winfield and placed in the county jail to await trial.
Wednesday, the same day the officers arrived in this city with Hostetter, Wilkinson rode into Johnson’s ranch with the intention of again swapping horses, but as Smithey and John-son happened to be at the camp at the time they persuaded him, with a couple of double-barreled shot-guns to give himself up, and the next day took him to Caldwell and turned him over to Deputy U. S. Marshal Hollister, who telegraphed to George McIntire that he had started for this place with the prisoner, and to meet him in the Territory so there would be no trouble; and George, in company with Marshal Sinnott, Patterson, Nipp, and Rarick, started out and met Hollister about twelve miles from the City and escorted him in. Wilkinson had his preliminary examination on Saturday and was sent up to the county jail to await his trial at the next term of the U. S. Court.
There are four or five others connected with the gang whom the officers are laying in wait for, and the indications are that they will bring them to tow before many days.
LATER. Since writing the above the officers arrested another young man known as Mulvane George, whom they have good reasons to believe is connected with the gang. His bond was fixed at $500 and his father, who resides at Mulvane, was telegraphed to and came down and fixed it up.
Winfield Courier, March 29, 1883.
The County Treasurer has been notified of the intended consolidation of the Caldwell, Arkansas City and Newton branches of the Santa Fe railroad. Our stock will be taken up and consolidated stock issued instead. The matter will be brought up at the April meeting of the Board of Commissioners.
Winfield Courier, March 29, 1883.
Agent Branham of the K. C., L. & S. is one of the most popular railroad officials we have ever had. He is just the reverse of his predecessors, in being gentlemanly, obliging, and accommodating. One can now transact business at the K. C. L. & S. Depot without fear of being insulted and abused.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 4, 1883.
The Caldwell Post, speaking of the capture of J. Wilkinson and other members of the same gang, has this to say of the gentlemen who succeeded in capturing them.
“The officers should be highly commended for their promptness in gathering in this young gang of outlaws so soon after their depredations came to light. Cash Hollister and George McIntire are a pair of marshals that will do to draw to every time, and Caldwell and Arkansas City are proud of them.”
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 4, 1883.
The session of Congress just closed appropriated $300,000 to the Cherokees as payment for the lands now occupied by the Nez Perces, Pawnees, Poncas, and Otoes, which land was formerly owned by the Cherokees.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 4, 1883.
Stockmen say that the only grass to be found yet is grass meadows, and they are not very abundant.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 4, 1883.
Reports from the various ranges east, south, and west of us are that the whole country is beginning to look quite green. On the lower Washita range the grass is already two inches high, but rain is needed just now to make it grow with further rapidity. The losses on that range and on the Texas line is the same as in this section, and west of us—comparatively light and confined to through cattle and yearlings that were in thin flesh, at the commence-ment of winter. Stockmen generally are congratulating themselves that the losses sustained were no heavier after enduring the severe winter just passed. Transporter.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 4, 1883
[Items from Barbour County Index.].
F. Y. Ewing is up from his ranch and says the wintered cattle are doing well, though thin, and should a storm come many would die. Many through cattle have died, and it will test the endurance of many horses to pull through in shape for work.
Henry Johnson, cattle inspector at Kansas City during the past season of the Cherokee Stock Association, came in yesterday from Maj. Drumm’s ranch. He is now on his way to Kansas City to fill the same position for the association the coming summer.
R. B. Clark is up from the Cimarron and reports cattle thin, but says he has seen but a few dead ones. The new crop of grass is coming nicely and there is a great number of young calves that are looking nicely, he reports.
An extensive strike among the cowboys in the Panhandle of Texas is progressing and trouble is apprehended. They demand an increase from $30 to $50 per month, which so far stockmen refuse to pay. Violence is threatened to new men if they commence work. Stockmen threaten to call on the State forces.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 4, 1883.
[Items from Geuda Herald.]
The Oklahoma War Chief came out last week headed Geuda Springs, and we understand the editor expects to buy an outfit and start to work here in a few days.
It seems that the Law Enforcement Club has done some good here as we are informed that it is now impossible to get a drink of whiskey in town, except for medical, scientifical, and mechanical purposes.
Oklahoma Payne was in our city a few days last week. We understand he intends moving here with his family and making this place Oklahoma headquarters. Democrat.
Capt. Payne is here with his family, and intends starting from here with his colony about the 1st of May. Geuda Springs is now the headquarters of Payne’s Oklahoma Colony.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 4, 1883.
The Six-Shooter Again.
This time that unnecessary, infernal machine, the six-shooter, was in the hands of one of the most prominent physicians and citizens of the county; the result is a blasted name, a heart-broken family, and the life of a young man of fine education and fair habits hanging upon a thread, while the friends of the assaulting party are bowed with grief and shame at the possible ending of this sad affair.
On last Thursday, at about 3:30 p.m., Dr. W. A. Noble, while under the influence of liquor, shot, with a six-calibre six-shot revolver, C. C. Everhart, in the Roberts saloon. Three shots were fired almost instantly, and when the smoke cleared away Everhart was found to have been hit twice. One ball entered the left breast just below the collar bone, and, ranging downward, passed through the upper part of the left lung and came out at the back. The other ball entered on the right of the spinal column, and came out through the fleshy part of the shoulder. Being but a flesh wound, it is not dangerous. The other wound may prove fatal, although Everhart may live three or four months, or may die in a week. Dr. Noble was arrested immediately after the shooting, and was brought before Justice Ross Saturday morning, and was admitted to bail in the sum of $100,000 for his appearance before the same officer yesterday morning. The bail bond was signed by ten of our citizens. This case is likely to come up before a jury of citizens of this county, and we refrain from making further comments upon the subject. Caldwell Post.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 4, 1883.
Not Cow Boys.
For several weeks a number of “boys” who have put in a month or two on a cattle ranch, have been loitering around town in a semi-intoxicated condition, making themselves generally obnoxious to everyone by their boisterous and profane language. It is a slur on the real “cow-boy” to give them that name, which they pride themselves in being called, for they are not “cow-boy,” and never have been known to herd more than a day’s ride from town, and then only a month at one time. There is some excuse for a man that has been on the range all winter to get a little off when he reaches the settlements, but for these town loafers who are too lazy to work on a farm, and are no account on a ranch, to be continually disturbing the peace of this community, there is no excuse whatever, and their demonstrations should be stopped at once.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 5, 1883.
WASHINGTON, March 21, 1883.
SIR: Referring to the subject of wire fences on the Cherokee lands west of 96 degrees, I have to say that your report of the 2nd inst., was duly received and submitted by this office to the Department.
I now enclose for your information a copy of the Hon. Secretary’s reply, dated the 16th inst., from which you will perceive that all further fencing on these lands is strictly prohibited, and that those constructed will not be permitted to remain except with consent of, and under proper and satisfactory arrangements, with the Cherokee national authorities, to be secured within a reasonable time, and to be fixed by this office, failing in which, the order heretofore given for the removal of the fences will be at once enforced.
In an interview had here with Chief Bushyhead yesterday, he promises to call an early session of the National Council to consider the subject and to report the same to this office. Upon hearing from him the time within which arrangements are to be made with the Cherokees will be at once fixed, and you will be advised thereof. In the meantime the existing status will not be disturbed, but you will take such measures as you may deem necessary to prevent the construction of any more fences on the lands. The 47th congress closed without action by the house upon the bill which has already passed the senate to prevent timber depredations on these lands, hence the only remedy at present consists in the continued removal of trespassers. Very Respectfully, H. PRICE, Com.
To John H. Tufts, U. S. Indian Agent, Union Agency, Indian Territory.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 5, 1883.
The Inside of the Oklahoma Boom.
To the Editor of the Eagle: DEAR SIR: I desire to give the reason why Capt. Payne does not open Oklahoma, and help many parties come to a full conclusion, who think they were sold out on the last trip.
I will state that last May, while at Hunnewell, Cap came to me and said: “Nugent, there are parties here who want to buy me out, and there are but two men I can trust, you and Berry Eastas, and as Berry is not here, I will fetch them to you and introduce them to talk to you about it. And you tell them that Capt. Payne will not trouble them providing they will pay $200,000. If they won’t give that, come down to $160,000, but no less. Now I want you to do this for me, for I won’t dare to sell to them myself.”
I said, “No, Cap; for if the colony was to find it out, they would hang you sure.”
“Well,” said Cap; “You catch my meaning.”
I then said, “Cap, what are you going to do with the parties that have suffered, worked, spent their money and time as much as you have?”
“Oh,” said Payne, “I can easily satisfy them, but I shan’t be seen for a few days.”
I took from that, that he would not be seen at all.
He said, “Would you be afraid to do it?”
Now this I told in one of the colony meetings, and Cap acknowledged it. This being the case we would naturally suppose that he sold out this last time, as many have concluded who was with him. On this account I have never gone with him any more, and I blame myself for not telling it, to have saved lots of others; but I thought he would surely prove true when he had such a large crowd as he had this last trip. I am told he was the first man to surrender. And as the old adage is, that it is never too late to do good, I tell this, that people may not be fooled by him any more. Although he says now, (as of old), that he is going to stay this time sure, this he does from raid to raid, to get all the money he can. I know he will come back as usual. There are many more things about the man that citizens of Wichita know, and that every man ought to know, such as his borrowing money from all he can, and never paying it back. The money he gets for a certificate, he must always spend in the saloons. He has lived with an unmarried woman here for years, who has a boy nine or ten years old. And Cap took these parties with him to Oklahoma this last trip. And as it has been said to me, he is certainly the best educated dead beat in the State. E. H. NUGENT.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 5, 1883.
The next time a brand book is to be published, it would be an excellent plan for our local stockmen to give notice in advance that the man who can do and say the meanest things about Caldwell shall be given its publication and all the money he wants.
Winfield Courier, April 5, 1883.
Last Saturday, March 31st, the executive council in session at Topeka elected the three railroad commissioners as provided by the law passed by the legislature. The hundred candi-dates had narrowed down to about a dozen. Out of this number choice was made and the lucky men are:
L. L. Turner, of Sedan, Chautauqua County.
Judge James Humphrey, of Junction City, Davis County.
Henry Hopkins, of Lansing, Leavenworth County.
They will serve one, two, and three years in the order named, Hopkins having the longest term and Turner the shortest. Of these three Humphrey is the only Democrat. Each commissioner was chosen by unanimous vote.
Turner was endorsed by Senators Hackney, Long, and Sluss, Hon. B. W. Perkins, and the entire southwest delegation. . . .
Turner is a wealthy banker, worth $75,000; has never been in politics, but is a sagacious businessman and a fine accountant. He used to be in the United States land office, of Humboldt. . . .
Winfield Courier, April 5, 1883.
The Texas cattle drive for the coming spring is estimated at 220,000 head of which 140,000 will be yearling steers, and 25,000 three-year-old steers, cows and heifers. Of the total amount to be driven, not more than 120,000 will be put upon the market for shipment.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 11, 1883.
Advance sheets of the annual report of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe shows that the system now comprises 2,630 miles. The net earnings were $6,421,000, to which added receipts, rentals, land grants, and income bonds made the aggregate net receipts $7,280,000. Dividends paid $3,325,000. Surplus for the year, $1,288,800. Of the 2,630 miles nearly 1,700 are laid with steel rails. The equipment is 10,000 passenger cars and 348 locomotives. There is no floating debt.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 11, 1883.
El Dorado Times: Dr. Noble shot a man at Caldwell, the other night. Noble came into a saloon flourishing a revolver and threatening to kill the bartender. A friend of Noble took the revolver from him in order to prevent trouble, but the irate doctor procured another, and fired three shots into the body of his too solicitous friend, dangerously, if not fatally wounding him.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 11, 1883.
“Farmer” Scott sold two fat hogs last week weighing 765 lbs. for 6-1/2 cents, per lb. C. M. says there is more money in raising hogs than running a newspaper.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 11, 1883.
Messrs. A. A. Wiley and Cal. Dean, two of our well-known cattlemen, have gone into partnership, and will henceforth range together. We wish the boys success in whatever they undertake.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 11, 1883.
Hostetler and Wilkinson, arrested for horse stealing, had a preliminary examination before Judge Bonsall last week; and in default of $1,000 bail each, were committed to jail in Wichita till the fall term of the U. S. Court.
Winfield Courier, April 12, 1883.
The mail carrier on the Winfield and Dexter route has been raising considerable disturbance along the line lately. He carries a revolver and shoots promiscuously through schoolhouses, cripples, dogs, and does often reckless and peculiar things. Aside from this he has been known to stop at houses along the line an unusual amount of time. Several residents on the road he travels have become tired of his antics and one of them came in Tuesday to hunt up U. S. Commissioner Webb and have him taken in hand. If Uncle Sam gets hold of him, it will be but a short time till he is tamed.
Winfield Courier, April 12, 1883.
The Cowley, Sumner and Ft. Smith R. R. stock was exchanged for stock in the consolidated company.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 12, 1883.
Just as we go to press, Dan Frank, one of the employees of the Kansas City Cattle company, came in and reported that John Neal was murdered and robbed last Saturday at the Cottonwood camp on the range of the above company. No trace of the murderer could be found. Mr. Neal was on the police force here last summer under Marshal Brown. Full particulars will be given next week.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 12, 1883.
Payne’s lieutenant—we have forgotten his name—is organizing an Oklahoma boom on his own hook. Perhaps it has crawled through his head by this time that he might as well make the outside lucre as Payne.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 12, 1883.
Hostetler and Hatfield, the two horse thieves taken by Deputy Marshals Hollister and McIntire, had an examination at Wellington last week, and were committed to the Wichita jail for trial at the September term of the U. S. District Court. Loper, who appears to be the worst pill in the box, will not have his examination for a week or two. Three of the horses stolen from the Carnegie & Frazier ranch were recovered.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 12, 1883.
Peter Stewart bought the Jones & Prescott cattle the other day, paying $12,500. On Tuesday last, he shipped three car loads of beeves out of the herd, and made a contract with Mr. Mitchell, north of town and near the Chikaskia, to feed the balance of the herd, which consists principally of she cattle. We have not been able to ascertain what Jones & Prescott made out of the sale, but we are satisfied Mr. Stewart’s ultimate profits on the transaction will be something handsome.
Winfield Courier, April 12, 1883.
The Kansas railroad commission met Saturday, and organized by electing Henry Hopkins president, and E. J. Turner, member of the legislature from Sheridan County, secretary.
Winfield Courier, April 12, 1883.
Ranchmen in the Arkansas valley are quite desperate over the frequency of prairie fires.
The Dodge City Globe says that all reports are to the effect that stock has suffered very little the past winter, and that young calves are beginning to show up all over the range, looking vigorous and strong, and that there will be a larger percentage than in the years 1881 and 1882; also that from present reports the Texas drive this season will be between 200,000 and 240,000 head of cattle.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 18, 1883.
A decision has been rendered in the United States circuit court, at Chicago, which will result in breaking the barbed wire monopoly, and subject the manufacture of barbed wire to a wholesome competition.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 18, 1883.
Railroad Meeting.
There was a call for the businessmen of the city and country to meet at McLaughlin’s Hall at 4 o’clock, April 13th, to take into consideration the building of a railroad from Arkansas City, Kansas, to Coffeyville, Kansas, and west as far as Caldwell, and farther, if desired.
Meeting called to order by Dr. Chapel; T. H. McLaughlin appointed Chairman and Wm. Blakeney, Secretary. Chair called for remarks.
James Hill being asked to state, in full, the object of the meeting, spoke in a clear and forcible manner of the great advantages that a railroad would do us, as a city and country, running along so near the Territory line, making a direct road from this city to St. Louis, thereby saving much time and expense in getting our stock and grain to a good market. Mr. Hill also stated that if we were not up and doing, other cities would take all the things of advantage to themselves, building up their cities and counties, and we would be left out in the cold.
Rev. Fleming spoke on the question with much earnestness, advising that whatever was done be done at once. Many spoke very freely on the question, all taking a deep interest in doing something to help make our city a better city and our county a better county.
After the project being understood, a committee, comprising James Hill and Dr. Chapel, was appointed to solicit bonds, along the line, from the cities and counties. Another committee was also appointed to solicit funds to meet the expense of surveying. Committee: James Huey, E. D. Eddy, N. T. Snyder, and Wm. Sleeth. Motion made to adjourn.
WM. BLAKENEY, Secretary.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 18, 1883.
By a unanimous vote of the convention of Texas and Kansas cattle men held at Dodge City, it was decided to exclude six-shooters from the ranges.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 18, 1883.
John Butler came up from the range Sunday, and reports heel flies worse this spring than he has ever seen on our ranges, although his experience extends through ten springs. Post.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 18, 1883.
A western cattle breeder reports that the greatest profit is in the first year’s growth of an animal. This is increased, but in less proportion the second year. If kept a year longer, not only is there no profit, but all the clear gain on the second year is wasted. This is a striking commentary on the advantage of early maturity.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 18, 1883.
Mr. L. D. Harkleroad, of Silverdale, sold to Ira Barnett yesterday, ninety-seven head of fat cattle, which averaged 1,172 pounds each. This is undoubtedly one of the fattest bunches of cattle ever shipped from this point. Mr. Barnett left with the stock for Kansas City yesterday.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 18, 1883.
Report: Killed by Indians.
A gentleman who came up from Walnut Grove in the Territory this week says the report there was that one day last week two of the boys working on T 5 range were killed by Cheyenne Indians, and that all the men had left the southern line and gone to headquarters camp. He could not give any further particulars. This range belongs to the Kansas City Cattle Company, and is about 90 miles south of this place.
Since the above was put in type, we learn from Col. Brand, who came up from there yesterday, that there was but one man killed, and not by Indians. The man whose name we did not learn was alone in camp, and seems to have been sitting down when someone came up behind him and split his head open with a hatchet. It is supposed he was murdered for money. When discovered his money and watch were both gone. The other man who was reported as having been killed was out on the range when he was taken suddenly sick, in consequence of which he turned his horse loose, so it would go to camp, and by doing this it would cause his comrades to go out and search for him, which they did, and found him as stated above. Index.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 18, 1883.
[From Cheyenne Transporter.]
The principal Creek Chief notifies the Cherokees of the law passed by the last Creek council confiscating all Cherokee cattle found in the Creek Nation, but it is thought that the law will not be enforced until after the spring round-up.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 19, 1883.
The Caldwell COMMERCIAL was a little too fast last week in stating that George Loper, of Mulvane, had been arrested in our city for horse stealing and locked up in jail. The arresting part was all right, but George gave bail and is walking the streets as free as anyone. And further, the COMMERCIAL says, that “Mr. Loper’s father is a desperate man.” Now this is uncalled for, as we understand that Mr. Loper is a respected citizen of Mulvane, and has no blemish upon his name, and why the COMMERCIAL should abuse him, we cannot see. The son may have done wrong, and if he has, we hope he will be punished, but we see no reason why Mr. Loper should be abused for the actions of his son. Arkansas City Democrat.
We find the above in the Arkansas City Democrat of last week, and feel constrained to say that that paper is off wrong. The COMMERCIAL did not say anything against George Loper’s father. It did say, however, that the aforesaid George was a hard case, and said so on information derived from reliable men. So far as Mr. Loper, senior, is concerned, we have good reason to believe that all the Democrat says in regard to him is strictly true, and we have no desire to abuse him because his son has gone off wrong.
Winfield Courier, April 19, 1883.
[From the Traveler.]
“Farmer” Scott sold two fat hogs last week weighing 765 pounds for 6-1/2 cents per pound. C. M. says there is more money in raising hogs than running a newspaper.
Hostettler and Wilkinson, arrested for horse-stealing, had a preliminary examination before Judge Bonsall last week and in default of $1,000 bail each were committed to jail at Wichita till the fall term of the U. S. Court.
Winfield Courier, April 19, 1883.
The mail carrier on the Dexter route, whom we alluded to last week as shooting along the road, skipped out with a hundred dollars of his employers’ money. No clue can be obtained to his whereabouts.
Winfield Courier, April 19, 1883.
Encourage the Boys.
Yesterday morning Mr. Geo. W. Miller, capitalist and prominent stock dealer, came into the Winfield Bank and made a present of a five dollar gold piece each to James Lorton, C. E. Fuller, and E. J. McMullen, employees, in testimonial of their uniform courtesy, gentlemanly deportment, and correct, neat, and prompt manner of keeping accounts and paying checks.
Winfield, Courier, April 19, 1883.
J. C. Fuller, cashier of the Winfield Bank, left for Kansas City Monday. He will return by way of Topeka, where he has been delegated by the Board of Commissioners to complete the exchange of Cowley County’s stock in the Cowley, Sumner and Fort Smith railroad for consolidated stock, and also represent the county at the annual stockholders’ meeting to be held in that city on the 19th inst.
Winfield Courier, April 19, 1883.
Horse Thief Hunt.
We clip the following account of a big catch in horse thieves made by the officers of Sumner County. The fellows seemed to have gone into the horse stealing business systematically and on the wholesale plan. The only fault we find is that there were too many live ones captured. A dead horse thief is worth a dozen live ones. The Press gives the following account of the capture.
About two weeks ago an old man named J. W. Ross, from Clay County, Texas, went into camp about five miles southeast of Hunnewell, with a herd of horses and mules, which were placed on sale. On the 13th ult., he was joined by his sons, Samuel Ross and James Ross. This party was followed by a man named J. W. Herring, who had had three horses and a mule stolen. Mr. Herring started out on the first inst., on foot, but secured a horse upon reaching a cow camp and when he arrived at Fort Reno, telegraphed to Caldwell for the authorities to look out for the outfit.
Yesterday morning, the 11th inst., a posse consisting of C. M. Hollister, deputy U. S. Marshal, L. W. Thralls, of this city, Henry Brown and Ben Wheeler of Caldwell, John Hunnewell, J. W. Herring, and three others, whose names we failed to learn, rode out from Hunnewell to the Ross camp. Four horsemen were sent around on the opposite side and just at daybreak the other seven approached on foot. When within about thirty yards of the camp, the Ross boys opened fire and commenced retreating. The fire was returned, of course. Samuel Ross ran about fifty yards, firing as he went, and then took shelter in a thick clump of bushes. He was soon shot through the head and heart and died instantly. James Ross ran about one hundred yards. His right hand was shot nearly off and he was wounded in both legs above the knees. The old man surrendered without resistance.
Before leaving Hunnewell, L. W. Thralls presented a young man from Wichita, who gave his name as Pettigo, with a pair of bracelets. Pettigo held an order from one M. F. Cornelious on J. W. Ross for “that sorrel horse.” He described the horse and pointed him out without any trouble.
The dead man, the wounded man, Ross, the father, and Pettigo were all brought to this city on the noon train and are in the county jail at this writing. Cornelious will be arrested probably before morning.
There were twenty-one mules and twenty-five horses in the camp. These are now in the hands of the sheriff. The wounded man confessed that a large part of them are stolen.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 19, 1883.
One Killed, and One Dangerously Wounded.
Last Sunday, J. H. Herrin, of Clay County, Texas, came into town and hunted up Deputy U. S. Marshal Hollister, to whom he stated that he wanted some assistance in capturing a band of horse thieves he had followed from Texas. The thieves had stolen two mules and two horses from Mr. Herrin, besides a lot of other stock from other parties.
Hollister started out with Herrin, and ran foul of the party a few miles southeast of Hunnewell. The party consisted of a man named Ross, his wife, daughter, two sons, daughter-in-law, and her child. There was another party camped close by. The family, while not apparently connected with the Ross outfit, had been their traveling companions.
Hollister, finding he could do nothing alone, returned on Tuesday, and securing the services of Henry Brown and his assistant, Ben. Wheeler, the party left about 11 o’clock a.m. At Hunnewell, the party picked up Jackson, day marshal of that place, and Wes. Hamils.
From Hunnewell the party struck out for the camp of the outlaws, and just at the gray dawn surrounded the outfit.
The Ross party, in reply to a demand to surrender, opened fire with their Winchesters. The shooting lasted for about half an hour, when it was found that the oldest Ross boy was killed and the younger one dangerously wounded in two or three places. The latter, after the capture, made a statement regarding the stealing of the stock they had with them, and also stated that two of the original party had left for Wichita on Sunday with some of the stock. From the wounded boy’s statement, it is supposed that the party left Texas with about forty head of horses and mules, among the number a fine stallion, for which a reward of $500 is offered. The dead Ross was taken to Hunnewell, and the other members of the party to Wellington.
Messrs. Herrin and Wheeler returned to Caldwell about 11 o’clock yesterday morning, and from them we gathered the above particulars. They also gave us some intimate details of the fight, which time and space will not permit publishing at this time.
Telegrams, describing the three men who passed through South Haven, were sent to Wellington and Wichita, and on Wednesday afternoon the three were taken in at Wichita.
The entire party of men consisted of J. W. Ross, his sons, Sam and James, Sam being killed and the latter wounded, Frank Cornelius, Marion Horton, and Ben Merrill. Mr. Herrin thinks the two latter are brothers. Both are desperated men, and one of them attempted to shoot Marshal Cairns of Wichita, when the latter went to arrest him.
Cornelius had been working for the past year in Herrin’s neighborhood, and when the latter found that Cornelius had gone as well as Herrin’s stock, Herrin at once came to the conclusion that he was the thief.
As for the Ross tribe, they did not appear to have any local habitation, but drifted around from one camping place to another, doubtless making a business of stealing stock.
Mr. Herrin speaks in the highest terms of the commanding officers at Forts Sill and Reno, and says that they gave him every assistance possible.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 19, 1883.
The women of the Ross family, accompanied by another camping outfit, drove into town yesterday afternoon and halted a short time on Main street in front of the Stock Exchange Bank. Mrs. Ross, the wife of J. W. and the mother of the Ross boys, went into the bank and deposited about $1,800 in gold. The party then drove off and went into camp on Bluff Creek, where it is likely they will stay until some disposition is made of the prisoners, who are now confined in the Wellington jail. They will be taken to Texas as soon as a requisition can be received.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 19, 1883.
Last Saturday a portion of the stolen stock found with the Ross party was brought here and put into the corral of George Kalbdesch. The animals were considerably used up, showing they had been driven hard and badly treated. The remainder of the stock has been put at pasture, and a list of the brands will be advertised.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 26, 1883.
On Tuesday evening we met Mr. S. W. Herrin, of Clay County, Texas, the gentlemen who so vigorously followed and secured the capture of the Ross gang of horse thieves. He gave us an interesting account of his experience, of which we can only give a mere outline.
On the morning of April 1st, Mr. Herrin went to his stable and found that his two horses and two mules had been stolen. He immediately started out on foot, and followed north to Acer’s ranch on the side of the Big Washita, where he secured a pony. At the river he found where a mule dragging a rope had crossed the stream. This threw him off the trail, which he did not find again until after sundown that evening.
The next day Mr. Herrin crossed Red River above the mouth of Cache Creek, and about the middle of the afternoon he again struck the trail, leading to Arbuckle mountains, which he followed until he came to the old Fort Sill road, and found no trouble in tracking the stock to within eight miles of Sill, when he discoverewd that the trail left the road and turned east. Mr. Herrin then went to Sill for assistance, and secured the services of Jack Mullins and Comanche Jack. Starting out with them the next morning, the track of the thieves was found about twelve miles east of the Fort. This was followed until the old Chisholm trail was reached. Following that trail until he arrived at Mumford Johnson’s ranch on the Canadian, Mr. Herrin there found that the pursued had continued on up the trail. They had made lively time, and it seems that after crossing Red River, they had only stopped once on the road between the stream and Johnson’s ranch.
Leaving Johnson’s, Herrin went to Fort Reno, where he telegraphed to Caldwell, Dodge, and other places, and the next day took the buckboard and came to this place, arriving here on Sunday, the 8th. Here he found that the Ross party had camped near the stockyards, on the Thursday previous, and that some of the men had come into town and got dinner. He also learned that after leaving the stockyards, the outfit started east in the direction of Hunnewell.
On Saturday evening Mr. Herrin and Deputy U. S. Marshal Hollister started for Arkansas City, and on arriving there could not find any trace of the fugitives. Returning the next day, they ascertained at South Haven that three men, having four horses with them, had passed north. A description of the stock satisfied Herrin that one of his horses was among the number. Herrin and Hollister then went to Hunnewell, and ascertaining the location of the Ross camp, assistance was secured, and on Wednesday morning the camp was taken, with the result as stated in the COMMERCIAL.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 26, 1883.
Chief Bushyhead, of the Cherokee Nation, has issued a proclamation calling a special meeting of the Cherokee National Council, to be held at Tahlequah, on the 30th inst., to act upon such special matters and things as shall be submitted to their deliberation.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 26, 1883.
If the Creek cattle law is strictly enforced, it will be a hard matter for cattlemen to drive to the terminus of the Atlantic and Pacific, on the Arkansas River, for the purpose of shipping over that road. The Creeks evidently don’t want cattle owned by outside parties to come into their territory under any circumstances.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 26, 1883.
That eminent confidence operator, D. L. Payne, is out with an ill-connected mess of garbage. He has undoubtedly paid the Eagle for publishing it with money beat out of Oklahoma suckers, but as it affords him some comfort and indicts no harm upon a living soul, it is not worthwhile to find fault with Payne or his senseless twaddle. Like all others of his class, the fellow can’t comprehend the fact that he is a fool as well as a fraud.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 26, 1883.
A special to the Dallas News states that the cowboys now on a strike in the Panhandle district are becoming more violent. One hundred well-armed cowboys are encamped at Las Corza, Oldham County, under the leadership of one Harris, and make open threats of violence against those who may come to take their places.
It cannot be denied that the cowboys are entitled to an increase of wages, but a resort to violence on their part for the purpose of forcing cattle owners to accede to their demands will result in no benefit. Pursuing a peaceable course, the boys will have the sympathy of the public. A contrary course will make everyone anxious to suppress them.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 26, 1883.
The Barbed Wire Fence Law.
The following is the law, passed by the last legislature, prescribing how a barbed wire fence must be constructed to constitute a legal fence.
SECTION 1. That in addition to the fence now declared by law to be a legal fence, the following shall be a legal fence: A barbed wire fence, of not less than three wires, with third wire from the ground not less than forty-four inches, nor more than forty-eight inches, from the ground, and bottom wire not more than twenty-four inches nor less than eighteen inches from the ground, with center wire equi-distant, or nearly so, between upper and lower wires; said wires to be well stretched and barbed; barbs to average not more than nine inches apart; said barbed wire to be composed of two wires not smaller than No. 13, or one wire not smaller than No. 9 wire, to be securely fastened to posts, which shall not be more than two rods apart, and not less than twenty inches in the ground, and set in a workmanlike manner; or the posts may be not more than forty-eight feet apart, with slats placed perpendicularly, not more than twelve feet apart, between the posts, and fastened to the wires by staples, or with holes in the slats: Provided, That in townships or counties where hogs are allowed to run at large, there shall be three additional barbed wires, the lower one of which shall not be more than four inches from the ground, the other two to be placed an equal distance apart, or nearly so, between this and the lower wire as required above.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 26, 1883.
Another Cattle Deal.
A private dispatch from Topeka informs us that on the 20th inst., Peter Stewart, of Wellington, bought the McKnight, Albro & Spaulding cattle, paying therefor the sum of $40,500. If Mr. Stewart keeps on at the rate which he has started in, he will soon own sufficient cattle to satisfy the ambition of any man.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 26, 1883.
A Fort Worth, Texas, special says “three or four hundred cowboys on ranches in the Panhandle are on a strike for an increase from $30 to $50 a month and board. The men are well armed and threaten to kill any new men, fire ranches, and make general trouble. Some of the largest companies have signified their unwillingness to meet the demands, and are now taking steps to secure United States troops or Texas rangers to protect their property.
Winfield Courier, April 26, 1883.
A special train came down on the Santa Fe road on Tuesday, carrying Gen. Manager Wheeler, Superintendent Touzlin, Gen. Freight Agent Goddard, and Gen. Engineer Robinson on a tour of inspection.
Winfield Courier, April 26, 1883.
Stock Notes.
Mr. Tomlin will arrive from the east in a few days with 300 head of fine stock.
Taylor and Platter have sold their 2 and 3 year old grade Galloway bulls, weights 1200 and 1360 pounds, to go to Wellington.
Vermilye Bros. are in the east looking for the best imported Clydesdale Stallion in the United States. Price will be no object with them if they can find one that suits. Go ahead; bring on full bloods, boys.
Judge McDonald, having fenced his ranche on Silver Creek, has made his first purchases, which arrived Saturday. The Judge proposes to do in stock as in law—put in his best licks. He has bought something over 100 head of grade short-horn heifers and a registered 3 year old short-horn bull, but the cream of his purchase, we understand, is his 2 year Galloway bull. The Judge wants to double the number of heifers if he can get those of a right grade at a fair price.
In driving through Pleasant Valley and Beaver Townships this week, we were pleased to note the tendency of farmers in these localities to combine stock with grain raising. Almost every farm has a wire or hedge pasture, with a good number of cattle therein. Besides, we noticed many sheep and hogs, the latter becoming more numerous as you approach the Arkansas. Where a farmer has a good pasture, the expense in the summer of raising cattle, horses, and sheep is almost nothing, while in the winter grain can thus be utilized with much more profit than when sold in the market. We hope this tendency of our farmers may increase until every farm in Cowley can show a good herd of cattle and sheep, as well as of hogs. Then will the profits of farming be greatly enhanced.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, May 2, 1883.
Secretary Teller has given notice to all parties concerned that no more fences must be built on, or for enclosing government lands, and that wherever built no citizen shall respect them as enclosures.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 2, 1883.
There is no mistaking C. M. Scott’s cattle, as they all bear the name of their owner on their sides, with the exception of one letter, Thus, S C O T.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 2, 1883.
L. D. W. Bushyhead, principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation, issued a call for a special meeting of the National Council, to be held at Tahlequah on Monday, April 30th, 1883.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 2, 1883.
It is said that the Oil Company will brand their stock O I L on the side. Everybody will know who it belongs to. But it occurs to us that this is Moffits & Co.’s brand at Kiowa, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 2, 1883.
Tell W. Walton has severed his connection with the Caldwell Post, and the new proprietor, H. S. Lane, took charge of the office last Monday. We wish the retiring as well as the incoming editor success in the future.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 2, 1883.
The Courier says Indians frighten horses and make them smash up buggies. Also that the great cattle man, Geo. Miller, has gone into the show business, and is exhibiting a three-horned steer. And that Major Crowell has been nosing around.
Winfield Courier, May 3, 1883.
From reliable information we can announce that a long felt need will soon be supplied, namely, an east and west railroad through Prescott and southern Linn. The proposed route from Rich Hill to Winfield, via Prescott, Mapleton, and Iola, is a very feasible one, and one which can be built at a very moderate amount of money owing to the smoothness of the country through which it will traverse. A practical engineer has gone over this route from Prescott fifty miles southwest, in a direct line of Winfield, who says that a road on this line can be cheaply built, and estimates only one and a half feet grade from this point to the Osage River, which is about fifteen miles southwest of Prescott. The point on that stream by this survey can be spanned by a short and inexpensive bridge; thence westerly few, if any, serious obstructions lie in the way.
The proposed route penetrates a fertile valley that is densely populated by thrifty farmers who have a large surplus of stock and grain for which they need an eastern outlet to market. In southern Linn we will not only be benefitted by increased facilities of shipping their grain and stock, and also our own, of which we produce an abundance, but our extensive coal fields will be developed, which will be the means of adding millions of dollars to our other resources and giving employment to hundreds of men; besides, it will open up the way for industrious men in the north, east, and south, with a limited capital, to procure for themselves cheap and comfortable homes in sunny Kansas, where every man is justly rewarded with bountiful crops for his honest toil.
Along this route for twenty miles, from the Kansas and Missouri line, we have rich coal fields underlying almost every section, varying in thickness from two to four feet, and that too, of the best bituminous quality, the present market price of which [at the bank] being only five cents per bushel. Passing northeast from Prescott, the road will traverse a splendid agricultural and grazing region which is thickly settled with an enterprising class of farmers, and where it will tap the vast coal deposits of Rich Hill, the “Infant Wonder”—the pride of the west! From this point east it will strike the great mineral regions where untold mines of wealth lie buried underneath the surface awaiting the hands of Kansas railroad men to develop and bring it into commercial use.
As stated above, the indications are good for a railroad through this proposed route; and believing that our people will do everything within their power that is reasonable to obtain it, and that the gentlemen who are working up the project are men of capital and enterprise and know no such word as fail, the road is certain to be built. Then let us all work together in harmony for the consummation of that end. Prescott Eagle.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, May 3, 1883.
With this number the existence of the Caldwell Post and THE Caldwell COMMERCIAL ends, and THE CALDWELL JOURNAL takes their place, making its first appearance next week.
It is unnecessary to detail how this change has been brought about. This much can be said, however, that the various interests in and about Caldwell deem it the best policy to have one substantial newspaper, and with that object in view the two papers have been united under the control of the “Caldwell Printing and Publishing Company.”
The officers of the company are Ben S. Miller, President; and John W. Nyce, Secretary and Treasurer.
W. B. Hutchison has been selected as editor, and Halsey S. Lane as Business Manager. Of the former little need be said. His editorial ability can only be judged by the manner in which he has conducted the COMMERCIAL for the past three years. Aided by men interested in the enterprise, he will give his best efforts and such talents as he may possess, to making the JOURNAL a paper useful to every interest which it seeks to represent and an honor to Southwestern Kansas. Of Mr. Lane it can be said, that in addition to his practical knowledge of printing, he has a thorough business education, an experience and a reputation which will guarantee a successful financial management of the JOURNAL. He will have entire charge of all matters relating to the business of the office, and the time will be when he will be recognized as one of the best businessmen in this city.
The Post and the COMMERCIAL served their purpose. They were excellent papers, above the average of country journals, and while their names will be no more used in connection with the Caldwell of the future, yet they will be remembered for the singleness of purpose with which they labored for its advancement against many adverse circumstances. They did their work well, and only the varied interests of the community made it necessary that they should give way to one journal that should fill the place of both.
We ask for the new enterprise the united support of the stockman, the farmer, the mechanic, the laborer, and the businessman. With this support the JOURNAL can be made one of the best papers in the Southwest, and, as a representative of all our interests, do a work of which the benefits will be far reaching to this portion of Kansas.
BEN S. MILLER, President. JNO. W. NYCE, Secretary.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, May 3, 1883.
The Kansas City Times announces that our highly interesting friend, Capt. D. L. Payne, started last Tuesday night on a lecture tour through the large towns in Illinois. The Times quaintly adds that “being now without money, he takes the lecture field in order to raise funds to pay the necessary expenses to secure an injunction against the Secretary of War, thus restraining him from issuing further orders for the arrest of persons who may be found upon the lands.” Of course, Payne is out of money. He always is, whenever there is an opportunity to raise a dollar without working for it. He will give the suckers a fine game of taffy, but if he leaves them with buzzards in his pouch, it will be for the reason that his borrowing racket is more successful than the lecture.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, May 3, 1883.
West of 96—Leasing It Proposed.
[From April 27, 1883, Vinita Chieftain.]
We are reliably informed of offers being on hand for the leasing of the land lying west of 96, and it is quite likely the matter may be presented to Council at its called session to see what the opinion of the Cherokee people may be. It is understood the Secretary of the Interior will endorse leases for five years or under in case the Cherokees see fit to grant them. Now the question is, is it wise for the Cherokees to do so? Will they gain in any way? Will they lose in any way? If they lease the land they can get at least $75,000 a year instead of $42,000, the best figure ever obtained. They will financially gain at least $30,000 a year and lose the jealousy existing against those who have had the profits of collecting under the old law.
They will gain strong friends in the Western Cattlemen, friends the strongest of all, the friends of self-interest, who will labor to keep out the squatters and timber thieves for their cattle’s sake. Our interests are the same as the interests of the cattlemen and if the squatter and timber thief is kept out, we are greatly the gainers. We gain protection of our property.
The influence of the millions invested in cattle are strong enough in Washington to insure what seems to be already the policy of the U. S. Government, to-wit: the settlement of no more friendly Indians on these lands. If this can be done, the operation of the 16th Article of the Treaty of 1866 can be removed by act of congress and we can secure undisputed and absolute possession in fee of these lands. We can sell them for $5.00 an acre in that event instead of for 47 cents. We can get $30,000,000 instead of being refused $3,000,000, which would be a clear gain of over $1,000 a piece to every man, woman, and child in the Cherokee Nation. If it is deemed wise to sell it, this is the plan to secure a good price. If we wish to settle it ourselves, this is the only feasible way of getting it in our unconditional possession in order that we can do so. Leasing it will settle the pasture business and remove the jealousy existing against those who have made pastures there. Many people seriously think the pastures are wrong, although not forbidden by a law, and condemn them. It is well to remove this objection and restore good feeling by using the land so it will be of equal benefit to the whole people.
The points should be noted. What do we gain by leasing.
1st. We will be able to sell this land for $30,000,000 or, at least, a very much larger sum than we can now.
2nd. We will add at least $30,000 a year to our income.
3rd. We will offer a checkmate to the Oklahoma boomer.
4th. We will save our timber, etc., and starve the Kansas wood thief.
5th. We will remove the jealousy and ill feeling existing on account of the pastures and restore the harmonious feeling among our people.
6th. The people will then be equally benefitted by this country and no citizen will enjoy greater benefits from it than another.
If anyone sees a good reason why we should not lease, let him speak. We will publish it.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, May 3, 1883.
Wholesale Horse Stealing.
Deputy U. S. Marshal Hollister received a postal card Saturday stating that fifty head of ponies and four mules had been stolen from the Pawnee reservation by three thieves on Tuesday of last week. The thieves shot the colts that were with the mares. On Monday Deputy U. S. Marshal Matthews arrived here, having followed the track of the thieves to where it crossed the Arkansas City trail leading into the Reno road, and finding that the party were making their way west as fast as possible. Matthews came into Caldwell and took the train for Dodge, from which point he will strike across the country and endeavor to head off the thieves before they can reach the Panhandle.
It is more than likely the thieves will be taken by the time we go to press.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 9, 1883. [From New York Sun.]
The Cherokee Indians.
William P. Ross, the present chief of the Cherokee Indians, is a graduate of an Eastern college, remarkable for intelligence and culture, and a fine orator. The tribe occupies a reservation of 4,000,000 acres, bounded on the north and east by Kansas, Missouri, and Arkansas. The Cherokees of pure and mixed blood number 20,336, about one-half of which speak the English language, the only language taught in the schools. In the entire male population there are but sixty whose occupation is given in the last census as hunters and five fishermen, the great majority being farmers. There are 107 schools supported by the nation, a male and female seminary for advanced pupils, and an orphan asylum. There is a regularly constituted government and an adequate administration of justice. In short, the Cherokee nation is not to be distinguished from a frontier State, except in the character of its inhabitants, their relation to the general Government, and their system of holding the land in common, which affords an interesting example of practical communism.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 9, 1883.
Railroad Meeting.
In accordance with notice duly given a number of our citizens gathered at McLaughlin’s Hall last Monday evening to talk over railroad matters in general, and to take the necessary steps towards securing an east and west railroad to this point in particular. The meeting was called to order and T. H. McLaughlin was called to take the Chair, and N. T. Snyder to act as Secretary of the meeting. About the first thing brought before the attention of the meeting was a proposition from Winfield stating what they desired in order to enable them to work with us in securing county bonds in aid of an eastern road. The proposition, which was signed by several leading citizens of Winfield, was in substance as follows.
“That Winfield would do all in her power to aid us in working for said road and in securing county bonds in aid of the enterprise, provided that said road should enter the county in the vicinity of Cedarvale, then running on the most practicable route to WINFIELD from there to GEUDA SPRINGS and then to Arkansas City.”
This proposition was received with tremendous cheers, but after quite a lengthy talk, failing to elicit whether it was submitted as a joke or in sober earnest, it was unanimously resolved by the meeting that it be tabled. Mr. A. A. Newman then submitted a resolution in substance as follows.
Resolved. That the citizens of Arkansas City would pledge themselves to do all in their power to secure county aid in bonds to a railroad which would enter the county from the east in the vicinity of Cedarvale, thence proceed towards Dexter, near which, and at a point equidistant from Winfield and Arkansas City, the road should divide into two branches, one of which should go to each town, both towns to be named as temporary terminal points, and the further westward course of the road, whether from Winfield or Arkansas City, to be decided by the interests of the road as developed in the future.
The resolution was unanimously adopted by the meeting, and Messrs. James Hill and Wm. P. Sleeth were appointed as a committee to lay the same before the citizens of Winfield at an early day. It was further taken as the sentiment of the meeting that no time be lost in prosecuting the matter towards securing an east and west railroad, and the two gentlemen last named were delegated to see that all steps necessary to be taken, with this end in view, be promptly attended to. The meeting also authorized a per centum of the money subscribed for a preliminary survey to be appropriated for the payment of the incidental expenses of the committee. The meeting adjourned after being in session about two hours.
Winfield Courier, May 10, 1883.
The big cow, “Kansas Queen,” raised by Mr. Cottingham of this county, is now owned by Forepaugh and could not be bought for ten thousand dollars.
Winfield Courier, May 10, 1883.
More Fine Stock Imported.
We again have occasion to note the importation into the county of some fine stock by the Vermilye brothers. Mr. R. H. Vermilye returned on Thursday last from a three week’s trip, bringing with him the fine little imported Galloway bull, “Plowman,” that he purchased at the Matthews & Geary sale on the 11th ult., in Kansas City, and the stallion, full blooded and pedigreed imported English draft, “Prince of the Valley,” that he bought of the Powell Brothers at their celebrated stock farm, “Shadeland,” near Springboro, Crawford County, Pennsylvania. This horse, six years old this spring, is a perfect beauty in form, according to all the accepted models for strength and durability. He weighs 1750 pounds and is of a steel gray color.
Some few weeks ago we credited Vermilye Brothers with bringing in two car loads of pure blooded short horns with two pedigreed bulls, but in this we were somewhat inaccurate, as they took only one car load of cows and heifers, the other car load being divided into the two herds we mentioned; and the one herd, headed by the bull, “Alonzo,” going to Col. Jos. Mac, of Liberty Township; the other herd, headed by “Red Bad,” going to the care of H. T. Shivvers and son, of Pleasant Valley.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, May 16, 1883.
The Grass Leases.
On Monday, the 30th ult., was made the first payment on the grass leases recently made by the Cheyennes and Arapahos. The payment, amounting to $6,500, was made by Wm. E. Malaley, in behalf of the lessees, and was unanimously accepted by the Indians in council, who, after receipting for the same, requested that it be placed to their credit at the Emporia National Bank as they wished the lease money to accumulate in a larger sum before making a division among themselves. The council was the largest ever held by these tribes—the commissary being crowded and jammed by the Indians in attendance. They signified them-selves to be well pleased with the bargain they had made to graze their lands, and made a formal request to the post commander and their agent to unite in ejecting all intruders occupying or encroaching upon the ranges leased, and to give the lessees full possession. It is conceded by men high in Indian circles that these tribes have secured a valuable source of revenue by these leases, which provide them with a yearly income of over sixty thousand dollars. Cheyenne Transporter.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, May 16, 1883.
Bent’s Buffalo: Last of Its Race.
One of the attractions of the Cheyenne and Arapaho reservation is George Bent’s buffalo, which for the past five years or more has been with his herd of cattle. The animal was captured while a calf some six years ago near Camp Supply by Wm. Frass, who brought it down and presented it to George Bent’s daughter, Ada. It has been ever since a prominent object in the herd, and now is a solitary specimen of its kind, which some years ago covered this country by the tens of thousands. The Indians take great interest in the unwieldy brute, and show it to their children as a specimen of the animal which but a short time ago was their main dependence for subsistence. On account of this association, George would not sell the buffalo cow at any price. The animal is handled the same as the rest of the cattle, and is perfectly familiar with men on horseback—but at times it becomes pugnacious, and will not allow a wheeled vehicle to approach. Transporter.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 16, 1883.
The fifty head of ponies stolen from the Osages April 24th by Dick Vanderbourg, Wm. Simms, and Bob Allesey, were overtaken at Stafford, Kansas, on May 10th by Deputy Marshal Ed. Matthews and taken without a shot. They were stopping at a hotel and were awakened one at a time when the officers presented shot guns and pistols to their heads and they threw up their hands. It is said the men worked for a cattleman, below this point, all winter, by the name of Crutchfield. The Osages gave $250 per head for the capture of the thieves and one-half of the stolen property.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 16, 1883.
The Democrat remarks that Capt. Payne is going to make another “rade” into the Indian Territory. About the same time we presume the “great offender” will make another “rade” into the Democrat columns. That paper displays great originality when Capt. Payne is around.
The Caldwell Journal, May 17, 1883.
The examination of Dr. Noble was concluded last Saturday, and he was held in $2,000 bonds for his appearance at the next term of the District Court. The defense was ably managed by W. A. McDonald, Wellington, and, previous to the decision of Justice Ross, the general impression was that the defendant would be discharged. In view of the fact that Everhart skipped out on the night of the first day’s examination, and has not been heard of since, it is our opinion, and the opinion of many who cannot be accused of being biased toward the Doctor, that he should have been discharged. We understand that an attachment has been issued for Everhart, but that’s all the good it will do, and the county will only be put to an extra expense for no corresponding benefit.
The Caldwell Journal, May 17, 1883.
From John A. Blair, Wm. Corzine, and others who came up from the range on Saturday, we learn that the local round-ups have progressed in a very satisfactory manner, the gatherings being far in excess of all anticipations. So far one-half to two-thirds of the cattle have already been picked up. Cattle have not shed off as early this year as usual, and in consequence no estimate of the loss on the range for the past year can be formed until after the general round-up, which begins the 21st, inst.
The late rains make the Territory cowmen feel pretty good—so good, in fact, that they are determined to hold until prices suit them, no matter what the through drive may be.
The Caldwell Journal, May 17, 1883.
Our friend, T. L. Lemons, writes us from Fort Reno regarding an accident which occurred to G. W. Gorton, of Gorton Bros., whose ranch is on Preacher Creek. Owing to a lack of space we can only give a summary of his interesting letter, to the effect that while eating breakfast on the morning of the third inst., the vulcanized rubber plate to which an upper set of teeth were attached, became broken, and was accidently swallowed by Mr. Gorton. The piece was of triangular shape and about one inch in length, and lodged in the throat. Mr. Gorton immediately started for Fort Reno, and consulted Dr. Legard, Post Surgeon, and his assistant, Dr. G. A. Thompson, who used every means to remove the obstacle, but without effect. Dr. Hodge, surgeon at the Cheyenne Agency, was called in consultation, and it was decided that the obstruction could only be removed through an external opening in the throat, and the operation was successfully accomplished by Dr. Legard, with the assistance of Drs. Thompson and Hodge. Mr. Gorton has continued to improve since the operation, and, our correspondent says, will be able to return to his ranch in a few days.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1883.
The Missouri Pacific railroad is owned and controlled by a syndicate, by which Jay Gould is the head by virtue of his brains and ownership of long lines of stock. The present system is the result of railway consolidation brought about by Mr. Gould. A few years ago all the lines composing it were separate, independent, and in some cases competing lines. One thread after another was gathered up by Mr. Gould until at last the whole was woven into one grand consolidation system. Then the Missouri Pacific steered its bark around reefs and off shouls with never a thought or care for the M. K. & T., Iron Mountain, or any other line. Those were the good old days when big railway men were trained up in the way railway men should go. But the eastern idea of consolidation finally penetrated the west, and the railway maps began to change. The Missouri Pacific swallowed a half dozen big lines and grew fat on the food. The Union Pacific and the Wabash did the same, but the latter did not grow fat. It swallowed too much and could not assimilate its food. It grew dyspeptic and thin. Then was inaugurated still another step in the railway system. It was a huge meal, and many are inclined to believe that while the Missouri Pacific can hold its victuals, it will, like a boa constrictor, be compelled to take a long nap before it can fully digest them.
The Missouri Pacific system now contains 9,588 miles of railway line. Very few people, railway men included, comprehend the magnitude of this corporation. In the United States, according to the best authorities, there are 113,000 miles of railway. The Missouri Pacific, therefore, has more than one-twelfth the entire mileage of this country. In Canada there are 8,500 miles; Mexico, 2,100 miles; and South America, 7,000 miles; or a total of 130,600. The Missouri Pacific has, therefore, nearly one-thirteenth of the entire mileage of the American continent and one-fourteenth of the western hemisphere. It has 1,588 miles more road than all of Asia, and four and one-third times as much as all Africa. The world has 253,000 miles and the Missouri Pacific, therefore, has little less than one twenty-sixth of the total mileage.
It can now be called a grand system. After awhile some other system will swallow a system and will become a grand system. Then the Missouri Pacific will swallow this grand system and will have to be called a double, or super or hyper grand system. The field is limitless for speculation. The consolidations, however, still progress.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1883.
Mr. F. W. McClellan has fenced in with wire a large pasture at the Saffold mound and put up his new windmill, and finds that it pumps as fast as a hundred cattle can drink. His Poland Chinas and short horns will have a good time there.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1883.
Tomlin and Webb’s range, which is situated on the Arkansas River and Coon Creek, west of the Kaw Agency, is one of the finest ranges in the Territory. They have some eight or nine hundred head of fine cattle including forty-five calves just added to their herd. Mr. Tomlin, who is now in the Territory, divides his time between Winfield and his ranch, looking after the interests of his cattle. He is a whole-souled gentleman, such as is a pleasure for one to come in contact with.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1883.
W. R. Peabody, General Agent of the A. T. & S. F. Railroad paid our city a visit last Tuesday.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
A wealthy firm known as Heed and Hurst of California are opening up in the south-western part of New Mexico one of the largest cattle ranches in the world. In addition to about 1,300,000 acres in that territory, they have purchased 200,000 acres of the Mexican government and intend to stock the same with 100,000 head of cattle.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
At Dodge City, where no law seems to be respected, where crime is frequent and law breaking is a lucrative business, a man named Luke Short was driven from the city because the city government considered him much worse than the other fellows. He visits the governor of the state and demands protection in his right to carry on his nefarious business in that city. He complains that because he is more successful in violating law than the city officers, keeps a finer saloon, and sells more rot whiskey than they, keeps more bawdy women than they, women who can sing better than theirs, runs more gambling tables and robs more greenhorns than they, these city officers have driven him out of the city. Whereupon the governor without authority of law orders the sheriff of Ford County to organize a posse and protect said Short in his business. This is a pretty comment on our democratic governor.
This is in keeping with another of his fiascoes. A man in Wamego was convicted of continued violations of the prohibition law and Judge John Martin pronounced the moderate sentence, considering the offenses, of one hundred dollars fine and 150 days in jail. The governor promptly remitted all but five dollars of the fine and 30 days of the imprisonment. The governor seems to think that his principal duty is to protect criminals in the violation of law.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
The first herd of Texas through cattle arrived at Hunnewell last week. There were 1,300 two and three year old steers, brought up by Wooten & Fidler, of Fort Worth.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
J. W. McWilliams has placed for record with the register of deeds of this Chase County a deed from the Santa Fe Railroad Company to the Western Land and Cattle Company of London, England, for over 18,000 acres of land in townships eighteen and nineteen, ranges six and seven, the consideration being over $44,000. Besides this, the company owns 24,000 acres more land in the same ranges. All this land is being fenced and it is proposed to have at least 3,000 head grazing on the land this season. The free pasture lands of Chase County are going fast. Chase County Leader.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
Engine, Tender, and One Car Precipitated Into the Arkansas River.
Engineer Killed, Fireman Seriously Injured.
Assistant Train Dispatcher Injured.
Last Saturday morning as freight train No. 12 was crossing the bridge over the Arkansas River at Oxford, the trestles gave way and the engine, tender, and one car were plunged into the stream. The engineer, Howard Finley, has not been recovered. It is believed he is crushed between the engine and tender far beneath the murky waters. The fireman, James Kelly, was also pinched between the engine and tender, but was released beneath the water when the engine’s downward course was arrested. When he came up, he seized a timber and floated on it downstream a quarter of a mile to a bank, where he crawled out and escaped. He is now at the Brettun House, is badly bruised up about the chest, and injured internally, how seri-ously is not known. Messenger, the assistant train dispatcher, was in the cab when it went down, but the cab broke off and floated away, and he broke through the window, got out, seized a floating tie, and floated down to the bar and escaped. He is considerably cut and scratched about his face. The car which went down had seven horses in it. Four of them were lost and three rescued. Another car hung on the end of a standing trestle, partly over, but did not go down. The balance of the train was hauled back to the Oxford side a car at a time.
The passenger train at 5:30 in the morning crossed the bridge, and this trestle works swayed and settled and the conductor observed that as the train left it, that section rose up again about ten inches, and the track was left curved about eight inches out of line. He and agent Lockwood telegraphed back to Oxford to allow no train to cross the bridge, as it was dangerous in the extreme, and Lockwood was to prevent trains leaving here for the west. But the section hands at Oxford examined the bridge, took up the rails in the curve, and spiked them down again, making the track straight, and when No. 12 came from the west, they pronounced the bridge safe.
Engineer Finley moved onto the bridge slowly and carefully, stopped and examined the trestle before moving onto it, found the track straight and apparently safe, moved forward again slowly, and the trestle suddenly gave way, the tender and engine slid backward down into the stream, with the result above stated.
Howard Finley has been one of the best and most careful engineers on the road. He leaves a wife and five children, living at Cherryvale, who have the warm sympathies of this whole community in their terrible affliction. Fortunately for them, he had recently taken a life insurance for $5,000.
Immediately after the accident Geo. Rembaugh went over on a hand car to get the particulars, and we got the above report from him.
Probably more than a thousand people visited the scene of the disaster the next day, Sunday. Men went from here in omnibuses, buggies, and wagons. Wellington turned out in numbers, and the whole surrounding country on both sides of the river was represented. The late heavy rains had swollen the river to a volume scarcely ever reached before, and the wreck could not be reached from this side on account of the overflow. The smokestack of the engine was sticking out above the water and the freight car was still hanging on the ragged edge.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
Last Thursday when the passenger train went down on the Wellington branch, when approaching the Ninnescah River, which was much swollen by the rains, the bridge appeared to be all right and sound, but the cautious engineer stopped the train and went forward to examine it. He found the track all right, but the sub-structure had been carried away. His caution saved the train. The trains then ran from Mulvane to Wellington by way of Winfield until Saturday, when the Oxford bridge gave way. By that time the Ninnescah bridge had been repaired and since then the trains for Wellington and Winfield have run by way of Mulvane.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
The horse thief brought over from Grenola last week goes by the name of Dennis T. Smith. His mother is a resident of this place. Mr. Smith has suffered an experience not unknown to many dilligent and industrious horse thieves, but with more gratifying results than usually follow such wayward actions. He was taken away from the officers by a mob, conducted to a railroad bridge and strung up. After hanging a minute, he was taken down, given a short rest, and elevated again. After the second rest, he became very mellow, and when given to understand that the next raise would be the last one, confessed, gave his pals away, and swore that he would never do so anymore. He was then taken back and turned over to the constable, who brought him here. He is very nervous and apprehensive, and seems to feel that he has been just as close to the other world as he cares to get at present.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
A corps of Santa Fe engineers are in the city running preliminary lines to the stone quarries and with a view to the establishment of a union depot here. Where this depot will be located is as yet a matter of conjecture. The engineers are not disposed to talk much on the subject, if indeed they know anything of the intentions of the powers that be.
The Caldwell Journal, May 24, 1883.
The fastest time ever made in this country by a freight train was that of the St. Louis tobacco train, which left St. Louis last Thursday night for San Francisco. It consisted of ten cars loaded to their utmost capacity, and the average time was twenty miles an hour during the entire trip. The train passed over the lines of the St. Louis & San Francisco, Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, and the Southern Pacific. No stops were made except for coal and water and for the purpose of oiling the engine and trucks.
The Caldwell Journal, May 24, 1883.
Cherokee Lease.
An Act to amend an Act to tax stock grazing upon Cherokee Lands West of the 96th meridian.
WHEREAS, The unoccupied lands belonging to the Cherokee Nation, lying west of the 96th meridian, held for Indian settlement under the provisions of the 16th article of the treaty of July 19th, 1866, and set apart to produce revenue from grazing by the act to which this act is amendatory, and
WHEREAS, The authorities of the United States have called upon the authorities of the Cherokee Nation for the enactment of more complete regulations to prevent abuses thereon, and
WHEREAS, It is desirable that these lands should produce revenue nearly equal to their real value so long as they remain in possession of, and under the jurisdiction of, the Cherokee Nation, therefore
Be it Enacted by the National Council, That the Principal Chief be and he is hereby authorized and directed, to execute a lease for all the unoccupied lands of the Cherokee Nation being and lying west of the Arkansas river, to E. M. Hewins, J. W. Hamilton, A. J. Day, S. Tuttle, M. H. Bennett, Ben S. Miller, A. Drumm, E. W. Payne, and Charles H. Eldred, Directors in trust for the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, for the term of five years, with the privilege of renewal in consideration of a yearly rental of one hundred thousand dollars for the entire tract.
Be it Further Enacted, That the said E. M. Hewins, J. W. Hamilton, A. J. Day, S. Tuttle, M. H. Bennett, Ben S. Miller, A. Drumm, E. W. Payne, and Charles H. Eldred, Directors in trust for the aforesaid Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, entering into the lease, obligate themselves that there shall be no permanent improvements on any portion of the lands so leased, and only such temporary structures as may be absolutely required for the safe and profitable grazing of the stock thereon, and that all such temporary improvements, including corrals or wire fences, are hereby declared and held to be property of the Cherokee Nation; and the said lease may be terminated on six months’ notice being given, in case the said land shall be disposed of by the Cherokee Nation. And the said parties leasing shall obli-gate themselves not to cut, use, or take any timber or other material from these lands but by agreement with the authorities of the Cherokee Nation, and in all cases to faithfully observe the Intercourse Laws of the United States, and that they shall do all in their power to prevent the stealing or removal of any timber or material from the lands so leased, by any other person or persons whomsoever, and further, that the tract herein leased shall not obstruct any mail or stage line or other necessary public highway; and said lease shall also contain a provision that on failure of said party leasing to meet all payments required by the lease, or in any other manner violating its express terms or conditions, the said lease shall be void, and may be so declared by the Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation, which failure shall work forfeiture of any and all rights or interests therein; Provided, That none of the three salines reserved to the Cherokee Nation by act of Congress, or the land reserved therewith, shall be included in such lease, but shall be especially excepted therefrom.
Be it Further Enacted, That a perfect record of the lease authorized under the provisions of this act shall be kept in the office of Principal Chief, who is charged with the execution of said lease, and one in the office of the Treasurer of the Cherokee Nation, and a report thereof shall be submitted to the Council of the Cherokee Nation, at each annual session.
Be it Further Enacted, That should the lease herein granted be declared by the Principal Chief vacant by default, a fresh lease may be executed to any responsible company in accordance with the provisions of this act. And provided, That in default of any and all payments which may be due, the lease shall terminate, and all rights, privileges, or interests in any portion of such, or temporary improvements thereon shall cease.
Be it Further Enacted, That no person not a member of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association shall be permitted to graze any kind of stock upon any of the Cherokee lands, lying west of the Arkansas river, without the consent of said association, and the Principal Chief is hereby authorized to cause the removal of all such persons as intruders.
Be it Further Enacted, That said Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association by any or either of the before named directors shall within thirty days, after the approval of this act, by the Principal Chief, file with him in the Executive Department of the Cherokee Nation, their acceptance of the same; whereupon the Principal Chief shall cause to be issued to the said E. M. Hewins, J. W. Hamilton, A. J. Day, S. Tuttle, M. H. Bennett, Ben S. Miller, A. Drumm, E. W. Payne, and Charles H. Eldred, directors in trust for the aforesaid Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association a lease in accordance with the provisions of this act.
Be it Further Enacted, That all acts or parts of acts in conflict with the provisions of the foregoing act is hereby repealed.
The Caldwell Journal, May 24, 1883.
The National party of the Cherokee Nation have nominated Hon. D. W. Bushyhead for re-election as Principal Chief. Chief Bushyhead has made an excellent officer, and the services he has rendered his people should be recognized by an unanimous election.
The Caldwell Journal, May 24, 1883.
Luke Short, about whom the fuse at Dodge City was kicked up, arrived here on Monday. Mr. Short is a quiet, unassuming man, with nothing about him to lead one to believe him the desperado the Dodge mob picture him to be. He says the whole trouble arose from business jealousy on the part of Webster Nixon and others. As to his plans, he has nothing to say, but he is determined to take all legal measures possible to secure his rights.
The Caldwell Journal, May 24, 1883.
Sheriff King, of Clay County, Texas, writes to Sheriff Thralls that he had got through in good shape with the thieves captured in the Ross party and a few days after his arrival, he took in Jim Youngblood and Mose Copeland, two more thieves. Youngblood was wounded in attempting to escape.
The Caldwell Journal, May 24, 1883.
Notice. There will be a meeting of the directors of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association at Caldwell on Tuesday, May 29th. Business of importance with regard to concluding the lease of the Cherokee Strip will be presented. BEN S. MILLER, President.
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1883.
A diver from St. Louis was taken over to Oxford Sunday to try and recover the body of the missing engineer. Work will be begun at once to raise the submerged engine.
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1883.
Numerous attempts were made Sunday by the K. C., L. & S. wrecking train to clear the engine and tender out of the Arkansas River at Oxford, but without avail. The whole thing is covered with sand and ten feet of water, and as fast as the sand was taken out, the hole was drifted full again. Hawsers were attached, but broke as fast as the strain was put upon them. The diver traveled around over the wreck but could do nothing. It looks as if the body of Finley would never be recovered.
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1883.
The railroad surveyors ran lines all around over the city and surrounding country. As they set more stakes along the second street east of the schoolhouse than anywhere else, residents about there seem confident that a track will be run from the K. C. L. & S. Depot around through the east part of town, down through Loomis’ addition, striking the Santa Fe near the south bridge.
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1883.
The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe road will probably operate the Atlantic & Pacific as soon as it is completed to the Colorado River. This will give our road a short and direct route to San Francisco and the Pacific coast, which must soon become a very popular one.
Jay Gould has one bit of philosophy which is worth more to him than half his fortune. He says: “I long ago learned not to get mad. The man who gets mad hurts himself more than anybody else. He destroys his digestion, and is unhappy.”
The Caldwell Journal, May 31, 1883.
The following named gentlemen constitute the new board of directors of the Atlantic and Pacific railway: W. B. Strong, A. E. Touzalin, Thos. Nickerson, Levi C. Wade, and H. C. Nutt of Boston; and C. P. Huntington, Jay Gould, Jesse Seligman, Edward F. Winslow, James D. Fish, and William F. Buckley of New York. The only change is the substitution of Mr. Touzalin for I. T. Burr. The following named officers were elected by the directors: H. C. Nutt, president, Boston; E. F. Winslow, vice-president, New York; C. S. Tuckerman, secretary and treasurer, Boston; D. L. Gallup, auditor, Boston; S. A. Williamson, land commissioner and general solicitor.
The Caldwell Journal, May 31, 1883.
The Muskogee Journal of the 24th says that J. Milton Turner passed north Friday on his way to Oklahoma. He has persuaded 125 Choctaw negroes to emigrate to that country, and he goes to look over the ground.
The Caldwell Journal, May 31, 1883.
Vinita Chieftain says: “The St. Louis & San Francisco railroad is under contract for completion to Albuquerque, New Mexico, by the first of November.” Would respectfully ask the Chieftain, In November of what year?
The Caldwell Journal, May 31, 1883.
Capt. Sommers met Payne on the train last Saturday. Payne had but recently returned from his lecturing tour in Illinois and Indiana. He did not say what success he had. He said, however, that he was going to celebrate the Fourth of July in Oklahoma. Probably in company with those Choctaw negroes J. Hamilton Turner is taking there.
The Caldwell Journal, May 31, 1883.
The Ranges to be Surveyed.
The board of directors of the Association met in this city on Tuesday afternoon, and appointed A. M. Colson chairman of the Board of Arbitration, vice H. W. Timberlake, resigned.
On motion it was ordered that the lands leased from the Cherokee Nation be divided into three divisions under the supervision of the Board of Directors, for the purpose of surveying, to ascertain the amount of territory occupied by members.
M. H. Bennett and J. W. Hamilton will have the supervision and power to employ a surveyor for the Eastern division, from the 96th meridian on the east to the Chisholm trail on the west, and from the state line on the north to the southern line of the Cherokee Territory.
Major A. Drumm and Ben S. Miller will have the supervision and power to employ a surveyor, and supervise the same, from the Chisholm trail on the east to a line running north and south on the west line of the Texas Land and Cattle company on the west.
Chas. H. Eldred and E. W. Payne will have power to employ a surveyor and superintend the same, from the line running north and south on the west line of the Texas Land and Cattle company, to the 100th meridian west, and from the south line of Kansas on the north to the south line of the Cherokee country.
The expenses of surveying each range must be paid for at the time the surveying is done, by the person occupying the range.
No other business of importance to the public was transacted. We understand the work of surveying the ranges will begin at as early a day as possible.
The Caldwell Journal, May 31, 1883.
Notice of Arbitration.
The Board of Arbitration of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association will meet at Caldwell, Kansas, on the 12th day of June, 1883, to settle any differences between members of the association in regard to lines of ranges. The parties feeling aggrieved and who intend to apply for settlement of any differences shall notify the chairman of the board, A. M. Colson of Caldwell, Kansas, as well as the party with whom they are in controversy, in writing, on or before the 10th day of June, 1883. The Board of Arbitration shall each receive the sum of $5.00 per day and all necessary traveling expenses for the time necessarily occupied by them. The expenses shall be paid by the parties arbitrating.
A. M. COLSON, Chairperson.
The Caldwell Journal, June 7, 1883.
Major Lipe, treasurer and tax collector of the Cherokee Nation, and one of nature’s noblemen, accompanied by James Keyes, arrived in Caldwell on Saturday and returned home Tuesday. By reference to a notice published elsewhere, it will be seen that Major Lipe or his agent will be here on or about the first of next month to settle with those indebted to the Cherokee Nation.
NOTICE. All persons holding cattle on the “Cherokee Strip,” are hereby notified that I, or my legal representative, will be in Caldwell on or about the 1st day of July, to collect taxes due the Cherokee Nation up to the date that the lease to the Association takes effect October 1st, 1883. D. W. LIPE, Treasurer, Cherokee Nation.
Winfield Courier, June 7, 1883.
All familiar with the management of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad know of the very competent chief engineer, Mr. A. A. Robinson, and those personally acquainted with him will be much gratified to learn of his promotion to assistant general superintendent. As the official circular states, “he will have entire charge of the operations of this railroad and leased lines, also of the Manhattan, Alma & Burlingame and Leavenworth, Topeka & South-western railways, and the New Mexico & Arizona railroad, with headquarters at Topeka, Kansas. Heads of departments and division superintendents will report to and be governed by his order from date named. Mr. Robinson still retains the title and will continue to perform the duties of chief engineer.”
To avoid misunderstanding we will state that Mr. Allen, recently promoted to assistant general superintendent, remains such, in charge specially of the financial interests of the road. Capital.
Winfield Courier, June 7, 1883.
[Arkansas City Correspondence.]
Several herds of Texas horses are held for sale near this place at prices ranging from $25 to $40.
Captain Payne is trying the virtues of Geuda Springs. He is suffering from rheumatism.
Cattle are passing through town at an average of about three droves per day; all going to the Territory, where the range is already crowded.
One Mr. Evans, formerly of Logan County, Illinois, crowded 75 head of cattle on the Arkansas River Bridge last Thursday, which were met at the south end by two wagons, causing a blockade. The cattle rushed back so violently that the south span of the new bridge fell, precipitating 30 head into the river and killing five of them. The township assessor attached his stock for damages, and the matter was compromised by his paying $400. It will be ten days before the bridge will be repaired.
Winfield Courier, June 14, 1883. Editorial Notes.
A commercial traveler who knows the country says it is always safer to listen than to talk at Dodge City.
The woods are full of chaps wanting ranges on the Cherokee strip, now that it is settled that the Stock Association have secured a lease.
The board of directors of the live stock association met at Caldwell on Tuesday, and decided to have the leased strip from the Cherokee nation surveyed and made into three divisions. The board of arbitration of this strip will meet at Caldwell on the twelfth to settle difference between members of the association. The board will receive $5 per day and all necessary traveling expenses for the time necessarily occupied by them, to be paid by the parties arbitrating.
Winfield Courier, June 14, 1883.
Drury Warren and J. J. Beach had a set to with carving knives at Hodges and Stewarts ranch in the Territory Tuesday evening. Drury had his shoulder and part of the muscle of his left arm cut, but not seriously.
The Caldwell Journal, June 14, 1883.
The Board of Arbitration of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, began its sessions in this city on Tuesday at 11 o’clock. The board is composed of A. M. Colson, chairman; Wm. Corzine; and D. R. Streeter.
The Caldwell Journal, June 14, 1883.
The Grass Leases.
On January 8th, 1883, the Indians of this agency, the Cheyennes and Arapahos, in full council and representing the two tribes, leased the western portion of their reservation for grazing purposes for a term of ten years, at an annual rental of two cents per acre, payable to the tribes in cash and cattle. Approximation of acres leased are as follows.
Ed Fenton, Leavenworth, Kansas. 564,480 acres
Wm. E. Malaley, Caldwell, Kansas. 564,480 acres
H. H. Denman, Washington, D. C. 575,600 acres
J. S. Morrison, Darlington, Ind. Ter. 138,240 acres
L. M. Criggs, Muscotah, Kansas. 168,180 acres
A. G. Evans, St. Louis, Missouri. 606,900 acres
R. D. Hunter, St. Louis, Missouri. 500,000 acres
This yields a yearly revenue of $62,357.60 to the Indians for a term of ten years, and is in every way as advantageous a lease to the Indians as is the Cherokee Strip lease. As a public enterprise, it is one of the most important moves made in cattle circles this season, and its success will result in the Indians eventually becoming self-supporting with cattle herds of their own. Cheyenne Transporter.
The Caldwell Journal, June 14, 1883.
We find the following items in the Cheyenne Transporter of the 10th, last.
George Washington, a Caddo, well known and respected among the whites from Texas to the north line of the old Osage reservation in Kansas, died week before last at his home on the South Canadian, at the age of 73 years.
George left considerable property, but for all that and his adoption of many of the white man’s ways, the Transporter says he was buried in true Caddo style.
The Caldwell Journal, June 14, 1883.
The three race horses, Cow Pony, Long Branch, and Bulger, stolen last fall from George Bent, were captured on the Panhandle a couple of weeks ago, and were delivered to George last week. He valued these horses highly, and paid a reward of $100 each for their return. They were stolen by a member of the Kutch gang of stock thieves, and the thief is now jailed at Henrietta, Texas. Transporter.
The Caldwell Journal, June 14, 1883.
The rate on cattle has been fixed by the Frisco road at $60 per car from Vinita, $65 from Tulsa, and $67.50 from Red Fork, the station across the river. Western cattlemen are said to laugh at the expectations of heavy shipments, as there is so much wooded country to pass through that the losses from strays would be very heavy. Indian Journal.
The Journal is quite right regarding the wooded country and laughing business.
The Caldwell Journal, June 14, 1883.
J. S. Morter, who stretched the wire for S. Tuttle & Co., writes to Mr. Tuttle, from Gainesville, under date of June 6th, as follows.
“If you can get me a good job of work, I would be very thankful. I have a contract for 70 miles in the Chickasaw Nation, but Gov. Overton is cutting the wire between every post. He has cut down several large pastures of wire within forty miles of Gainesville. He fired the rail fence of Mr. Roff, a native, in fifty places yesterday. Washingtons are cutting down their fence today with 100 men, in order to save the wire.”
The Caldwell Journal, June 14, 1883.
Wm. Van Hook, in charge of the Geo. Miller ranch, was in town Tuesday and gave the JOURNAL the benefit of his smile.
The Caldwell Journal, June 14, 1883.
The following stockmen are here in attendance upon the Arbitration committee: T. H. Stevens, O. F. Casteen, C. C. Clark, O. S. Northrup, of Anthony; Fin. Ewing, F. H. Shelly, M. Strong, of Medicine Lodge; Charles W. Moore, M. J. Lane, Sam T. Ishmael, J. W. Carter, of Eagle Chief; N. B. Roberts, J. H. Windsor, A. D. Windsor, of Titusville, Pennsylvania (the two former are accompanied by their wives); John W. Blair, of Pond Creek; Ben Garland, city; John Tucker, Wichita; W. J. Hodge and J. H. Tornberien, Winfield; Capt. Nipp, C. M. Crocker, D. F. Fagins, Tipton Brothers, Arkansas City; W. Wicks, Hunnewell; Pink Fouts, Willow Springs; and a number of others whose names our reporter failed to obtain.
Winfield Courier, June 21, 1883.
So far in her history, Erie has been unfortunate in having all the railroads in the country to miss her, but it now seems that Neosho’s favorite but much slighted town is at last to have not only the advantage of railroad facilities but of railroad competition also. Since the Girard, Iola & Topeka railroad went into the hands of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe company, it is generally understood that the latter company will extend the line from Walnut to Earlton by that place and there intersect the K. C. L. & S. K. Railroad, also under the management of the A., T. & S. F. Company. Now news reaches us that a consolidation is about to be effected with the Kansas Railway Company, who now own the Memphis & Northwestern grade from Thayer to Fredonia, built in 1871, with other interests, whereby a road can be built from Fort Scott to Winfield by way of Erie to Thayer, and on above mentioned grade to Fredonia and from there to Howard and on to Winfield. It is the intention in a few years to extend this line of road from Winfield to Camp Supply and on Southwestwardly to the coast. The people of Erie are perfectly elated over the prospect of either having access to the Fort Scott, Chicago & St. Louis, or a direct connection in the way of a southwestern branch from Ft. Scott to Winfield. If built, this will be one of the most valuable pieces of railroad property in all the southwest.
Winfield Courier, June 21, 1883.
John Ambler Smith, on behalf of the colored citizens of the Cherokee Nation, has filed a protest with the secretary of the interior against the payment to Bushyhead and associates of $300,000 for lands ceded to the government by the Cherokees. The secretary will give the matter careful consideration.
Winfield Courier, June 21, 1883.
The Telegram does Mr. Ed. Nicholson an injustice in its account of his horse-thief capture last week. He was not “sent out” by Sheriff Gary. He was on his way home, and took in the thieves on his own account. Instead of being “sent out” by Mr. Gary, he “sent in” for the said Gary post haste, the messenger being Captain Stubblefield, with the information that he had two horse thieves surrounded and desired the Sheriff to come out and assist in the capture. The “sheriff” never put in an appearance until the thieves were safe at the jail doors —probably because he was too busy to go himself and had no one to “send.” Our Sheriff evidently prefers “sending someone out” to getting in the way of trouble himself. His administration reminds us of that of one of Cowley’s early sheriffs who, when fleeing from an irate citizen who was attempting to caress him with a club, looked back over his shoulder and wailed, “Don’t strike! Don’t strike!! If you strike, I’ll bring the majesty of the law to bear upon you!” The citizen struck, but only caught the tail of a coat as it whipped around the corner.
The Caldwell Journal, June 21, 1883.
The Oklahoma Pilgrim, is the title of a newspaper started at Burrton, Harvey County, by W. H. Osburn, Payne’s private secretary and right bower in several raids made into the Territory. The farce last February was too much for Osburn and he gives Payne the “shake,” for reasons which he sets forth in the following article. Mr. Osburn’s article confirms what we have stated heretofore, and coming from one of Payne’s confidential advisers, it should have some weight with those who still believe that Payne is able or willing to carry out all the hifalutin promises he has made and is still making.
“Many will criticize me and my colony for the step we are taking. Now I will say (and no one can dispute it), that so long as Payne acted in good faith for the opening of Oklahoma, I worked hard with him. I never grumbled at his drinking and borrowing of money, which he never paid back, as some have, I considering that outside of our business; but when I became fully satisfied that he was not for the opening of Oklahoma, then I was done with him, for I want a home there and want all the colonists, and others that see fit to go, to have homes, and have taken the course we are now pursuing to help accomplish that end. It probably is necessary for me to give some reason for coming to the conclusion that Payne does not want to open Oklahoma. I have many very plain demonstrations of that fact, but of course cannot give them all here. I think the captain’s conduct on our last trip, which many know about, is sufficient to prove my views. It will be remembered by all, that our arrangements were to go to Oklahoma, and go to stay; as we hauled out and as we went some 700 strong, it was thought we would stay. On our road down the captain would give us a speech occasionally, always assuring us the victory was ours, that all that was necessary was for us to stay by him, that he would suffer his throat cut from ear to ear, and his arms torn from his body sooner than surrender; that if a negro soldier laid hands on him, that negro was to be laid low, or at least get the full force of Payne’s muscle. Well, let us see how the thing came out. We finally got safely camped on the North Canadian, when about 80 to 100 soldiers came, pitched their camp nearby, and after a time the lieutenant came into our camp and had a private talk of about one half hour with Captain Payne, and in a few minutes Captain Payne went with the lieutenant to their camp and gave themselves up without any resistance what-ever. He gave the colony no chance to protect him. Captain had never organized his men, and, of course, when he was gone the whole camp was demoralized, and men began to say I am sold, I am ready to go home, and away they went.
“Now why did he demoralize his men in this way? We think it was because he knew if he stayed with his men that Oklahoma was open and that would not suit him. Now it may be we judge wrong, and if Payne can give any reason for doing as he did, we will be glad to hear from him. Now Payne had surrendered and returned home time and again, and of course knew that no good could result from that way of doing. And as he had six or seven men to one soldier, so he could stay, how can it be only as we have it? But we are ready for an explanation.
The Caldwell Journal, June 21, 1883.
Decisions Rendered.
The Board of Arbitrators of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, convened on the 12th, inst., adjourned on Friday, and on Monday resumed the task of settling disputes over ranges and range lines.
The first case before the Board was that of J. A. Hammers & Co., against Northrup & Co. After a portion of the evidence had been given, the parties, by advice of the Board, settled the dispute among themselves, and to the satisfaction of all concerned.
The next one was the Salt Fork and Eagle Chief Pool vs. Broadwell & Co. This case occupied the entire day, the decision of the Board being that Broadwell was entitled to a range of 15,000 acres.
The next one was the Salt Fork & Eagle Chief Pool of the Texas Land and Cattle Company. This was a dispute about water on Sand Creek, and the Board, after hearing the statements from both sides, divided the creek equally between the two.
The case of Windsor & Roberts vs. Hodges & Stewart, owing to the absence of the defendants, was continued until the next meeting of the Board.
The case of B. H. Campbell vs. Bates A. Thompson was continued until the next meeting.
The case of John Love & Son vs. Standard Oil Co., P. Fouts, Manager, was next heard. Plaintiff moved for a continuance. Motion refused, and the Board decided that as plaintiff had no tax receipt, or other evidence that they had paid for range privileges, and there being nothing to show that they had a range, therefore, plaintiffs had no rights before the Board. The representatives of the defendants protested against the name “Standard Oil Co.” It was therefore ordered by the Board that the same should be changed to “Roberts & Windsor.”
The case of Crocker vs. Hollenback was reported as compromised.
The case of P. J. Burroughs vs. Richmond was decided by giving Burroughs a strip of two miles bordering on the Nez Perces reservation and claimed by Richmond.
On Friday morning the case of Colson & McAtee vs. Reese & Stoller was called and continued until next regular meeting.
The Board then adjourned until Monday, June 18.
On Monday, June 18, the Board reassembled and remained in session until Tuesday afternoon, and adjourned to meet at the call of the President. The cases disposed of were Casteen & McDonald vs. J. W. Hammers & Co. The decision of the Board was that Casteen’s range be as follows: “Commencing on the State line one fourth of a mile west of the sheep camp on Middle Crooked Creek; thence south to the old Manning & Nicholson fire guard; thence west on line of the guard to Rhodes east line.”
The case of M. Blair & Co. vs. Windsor Bros. was continued until next meeting of the Board.
Only two appeals were filed with the Board: that of Broadwell against the decision of the Board in the case of the Salt Fork & Eagle Chief Pool vs. Broadwell; the other the appeal of J. P. Richmond in the case of Burroughs vs. Richmond. With the exception of these two cases, all the decisions of the Board have given satisfaction so far as we can learn.
The Caldwell Journal, June 21, 1883.
The Leases Settled.
The following is from the Vinita Chieftain of the 15th inst.
Just as we go to press the following message was handed to us.
WASHINGTON, D. C., June 14th, 1883.
EDITOR CHIEFTAIN, Vinita, I. T. Conveyances for occupied lands west of ninety-six degrees signed today. Money to be expended under act of council.
(Signed) D. W. BUSHYHEAD, Principal Chief.
The Caldwell Journal, June 21, 1883.
Last Saturday the stage coach brought in from the Cheyenne and Arapaho Agency eight Indian police, dressed in their uniforms, but having on at the same time various ornaments suited to the red man’s peculiar notions of personal adornment. Their mission here was to act as an escort to Wm. Malaley, who left on Saturday night with the money to be paid the Cheyennes and Arapahos for the lease of the western portion of their reservation. The names of the Indians were given us by Mr. J. A. Covington, and they are as follows: Black Wolf, Bear’s Lariat, Coming Horseback, and Medicine Pipe, Arapahos; Prairie Chief, Bird Chief, Brass Hat, and Red Bird, Cheyennes. Black Wolf is a Lieutenant of Police, and Prairie Chief a Sergeant. They were rather a fine looking lot of Indians, and seemed to feel the importance of their mission.
The Caldwell Journal, June 28, 1883.
A Trail to Dodge.
Complaints have been made to us that the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association has not made suitable provisions for a trail between Caldwell and Dodge City. The stock men composing the Association have received at the hands of the citizens of Caldwell every assistance and every courtesy which could be expected, and a spirit of just reciprocity on their part would seem to dictate a course beneficial to the interests of the former. By having an open trail between the two places, drovers would not be compelled to rely upon one market. If Dodge didn’t suit them, they could come to Caldwell, and vice versa. We mention the matter at this time, in order that the Board of Directors, at their next meeting, may give it due consideration, and if possible, remove all cause for dissatisfaction upon the part of through drovers and the businessmen of Caldwell.
Winfield Courier, June 28, 1883.
Oklahoma Boomers.
It is stated that the Oklahoma boomers, consisting of Dave Payne and his dupes, are gathered along the line and will make a raid on Oklahoma tomorrow or next day. The troops are also on hand and will march the raiders out again with a quick step and Dave will have the money and a good excuse for not succeeding in settling them on the Oklahoma lands. In a few months Dave will gather together another lot of guys who will pay him to conduct them to the promised land, and will get fired out and left in the same way. Dave gets fined heavily, but he is execution proof, and the law does not provide for imprisonment as a punishment for such raids. It is certainly time that congress attended to this matter, and if it fails next winter, it will be a disgrace to the government.
Winfield Courier, June 28, 1883.
It was rumored on the streets Monday evening that the body of Engineer Finley had been found under the tender of the buried engine. This report proves to be false. The engine was taken out Saturday, but the tender has not yet been recovered. However, the wreckers have explored sufficiently to find that he is not beneath the tender.
Winfield Courier, June 28, 1883.
A Shooting Raid.
Last Friday a young man rode hurriedly in town and reported that he had been robbed at Limbocker’s ford on Dutch Creek by two men. On receipt of the news, Sheriff Gary became greatly excited. Here, at least, was a chance to achieve fame and glory, and show the world that he was in truth and in fact a valiant and active officer, by starting out at once and bringing in the robbers, alone and single handed. But hold! As he buckles on his trusty revolvers and girds about his loins a fresh belt of cartridges, a change comes over the spirit of his dream. He remembers that robbers are bold, bad men, and he remembers reading in a dime novel in the long years ago about bandits who laid in ambush for their pursuers and sometimes captured them and carried them away into the fastnesses to die of starvation. As he thought on these things and wondered what raven would feed the widow and orphans when he was gone, he grew sad, until finally he decided to raise a “posse” to defend him in case the robbers refused to be arrested peaceably. No sooner was the decision made than it was carried into effect—and right here was brought actively into play our sheriff’s wonderful power as an organizer. In less than two hours he had fourteen men, seven double-barreled shot guns, and twenty-two revolvers on their way to the scene of the robbery, three miles out. The order of march was as follows.
Frank Finch, with hand cuffs and shackles.
Charlie Limbocker, accompanied by a double-barreled shot gun.
Ben Herrod ditto.
F. M. Burge ditto.
A. B. Taylor, deputy sheriff, carrying in addition to his own, part of the Sheriff’s armory.
Johnny Riley, double-barreled shot gun and two revolvers.
W. J. Hodges and Johnny Hudson, Aids-de-camp to Sheriff and Ex-Captain S. G. Gary.
Ammunition wagon.
Owing to the limited time and the absence of Capt. Haight, the battery was not called out, but “held in reserve.” Arriving at the scene of action, the “posse” was halted and Sheriff Gary advanced cautiously to the front, where he discovered Constable Siverd with the alleged victim.
Mr. Siverd had been on the ground some time, examined for tracks, found none, and concluded that the robbery was a canard. He so informed the doughty sheriff, which seemed to revive his drooping spirits and the “posse” was allowed to disperse while the Sheriff returned to Winfield by way of New Salem.
It was an active and valiant struggle to defend the rights of an injured citizen, and we take pleasure in commending Sheriff Gary for his energy, and for the rare power of organization he displayed in getting such a large force of men, fully equipped and on the road in such a short space of time. We tremble for the result should a bonafide robbery occur within his jurisdiction. The expenses of conveying the “posse” were only $12.50, which the county can well afford to pay.
“Because Sheriff Gary performs the duties of his office in an energetic but quiet and unostentatious manner, Greer becomes disgruntled and wants the Sheriff to make more noise and fuss. Capt. Gary is not that kind of man, Ed.” Telegram.
The Caldwell Journal, July 5, 1883.
The Secretary of War has transmitted to the Interior Department the following telegram from General Pope. “Ft. Leavenworth, June 25. To the Secretary of War, Washington, D. C.: David L. Payne has applied to the United States circuit court today for an injunction against yourself and me, restraining us from interfering with his entrance to and occupation of the Oklahoma districts in the Indian Territory. This application brings up for decision the whole question of the status of the Oklahoma district. I sent the papers served on you and myself jointly to the United States District Attorney for Kansas, who requested that we report the facts to Washington, in order that instructions may be sent him. The case needs immediate attention, and I request that the District Attorney for Kansas be telegraphed to at once to attend to the case.”
Secretary Lincoln adds that he has furnished a copy of the telegram to the Attorney General, with a request that he take the necessary measures to meet the application.
The Caldwell Journal, July 5, 1883.
Hunter & Hill finished Malaley & Musgrove’s wire fence of twenty miles on Thursday of last week, doing the work in eight days. On Friday they began work on Marion Blair’s pasture.
The Caldwell Journal, July 5, 1883.
Major D. W. Lipe, accompanied by his brother, C. C. Lipe, and Dave Faulkner, arrived last Friday, and is prepared to receive taxes for holding stock on the Strip.
The Caldwell Journal, July 12, 1883.
On the first page will be found the lease made by and between the Cherokee Nation and the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association. If there is anything in legal verbiage, it is strong enough to hold both sides up to the scratch (no reference to wire fences) under any and all circumstances. Those who are hunting around for a range on the Strip will do well to give the lease a careful perusal.
The Caldwell Journal, July 12, 1883.
A Full and Correct Copy.
Duly Signed by the Contracting Parties.
THIS INDENTURE made this fifth day of July, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three (1883), by and between Dennis W. Bushyhead, Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation, for and on behalf of said nation, party of the first part, and
E. M. Hewins, J. W. Hamilton, A. J. Day, S. Tuttle, M. H. Bennett, Ben S. Miller, A. Drumm, E. W. Payne, and Charles H. Eldred, Directors in trust, for and on behalf of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Kansas, for themselves as directors in trust, their successors in trust, and assigns, parties of the second part, Witnesseth:
That the said party of the first part for and in consideration of the rents, covenants, and agreements hereinafter mentioned, reserved and contained on the part, and in behalf of the party of the second part, and their successors in trust, and assigns, to be well and faithfully kept and performed, doth by authority of law in him vested, as Principal Chief, by and through an act of the National Council, which said Act is entitled, “An Act to amend an Act to tax stock grazing upon Cherokee Lands west of the 96th meridian, approved in special session May 19th, A. D. 1883, which said act is specially referred to, and made part of these presents, does by these presents, lease for grazing purposes only, unto the aforesaid E. M. Hewins, J. W. Hamilton, A. J. Day, S. Tuttle, M. H. Bennett, Ben S. Miller, A. Drumm, E. W. Payne, and Charles H. Eldred, directors in trust as aforesaid, their successors and assigns, parties of the second part, all and singular, the unoccupied lands of, and belonging to the Cherokee Nation, being and lying west of the 96th meridian, and west of the Arkansas river, not including any portion occupied, sold, and conveyed to the Pawnee, Poncas, Nez Perces, Otoes, and Missouris, Osages, and Kansas Indians, or the Salines, set apart to be leased separately under act of Congress, approved August 7th, A. D., 1882, as hereinafter set forth; the said portion herein leased for grazing purposes containing six million (6,000,000 acres) of acres of land, more or less, and lying east of the one hundredth meridian (100 meridian) and the said hereinbefore named parties of the second part, their successors and assigns, shall, for the purposes herein set forth, have and hold the above mentioned and described premises from and after the first day of October, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three (1883) for, and during the term and period of five years, thence next ensuing from said date, subject to the qualifications, restrictions, and forfeitures, hereinafter provided for, and upon yielding and paying for the same, the amount of money as hereinafter provided for. And the parties of the second part, the said E. M. Hewins, J. W. Hamilton, A. J. Day, S. Tuttle, M. H. Bennett, Ben S. Miller, A. Drumm, E. W. Payne, and Charles H. Eldred, directors in trust, as aforesaid, hereby covenant and agree on behalf of themselves, as such directors in trust for said Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, their successors in trust and assigns, and not otherwise, in consideration hereof and of the leasing aforesaid, to pay on the order of the Principal Chief aforesaid, into the Treasure of the Cherokee Nation; at Tahlequah, Indian Territory, yearly, and for each and every one of said five years, the annual sum of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) lawful money of the United States, the same to be paid in two equal, semi-annual payments, to be made, and so paid in advance, to wit: on the first day of October and first day of April, in each and every year during the said term. Provided always, and it is further covenanted and agreed between the said parties hereto, that if the said semi-annual payment in advance or any part thereof shall remain unpaid after the expiration of thirty days after the date, the same shall become due as herein agreed to be paid, or if default shall be made in any of the covenants hereinbefore or hereinafter set forth, or as contained and required by the act of the National Council, approved May 19th, A. D., 1883, aforesaid, on the part and in behalf of the said parties of the second part, then and from thence forth it may be lawful, and is agreed that said Principal Chief, or his successors in office may declare this lease to be forfeit and annulled, and the said party of the first part may enter into and resume possession of the premises herein leased.
And it is further agreed, in accordance with the act of said Cherokee Council, that in case the lands herein before described, or any part of them included in the terms of this lease, shall be disposed of under present existing laws or laws hereafter to be passed by the Congress of the United States, by the said Cherokee Nation, that on the party of the first part giving six months notice thereof to the party of the second part, that then and in that event, the terms and conditions of this lease, and the lease thereoof shall terminate, on the expiration of the said six months from the date of said notice, to all or any portion of said tract of unoccupied Cherokee land, thus sold or disposed of, and the parties to whom the said lands or any portion of them should then be disposed of or sold to, may enter into and take possession of the same, but then, and in that event the said party of the second part, their successors and assigns, shall not be chargeable with rent on the lands so sold, but shall be allowed a rebate on all subsequent payments; made on account of this lease at the rate of one and two-thirds (1-2/3) cents per acre per annum on the lands so sold or disposed of.
Further, it shall be the privilege of said party of the second part, their successors and assigns, to erect on said lands such fences, corrals, and other improvements as may be neces-sary, and proper, and convenient for the carrying on of their business, and for utilizing said lands for the purpose for which they are leased.
And in case this lease shall be terminated as to all or any part of said lands, by the disposal of the same as heretofore provided and set out, the said party of the second part shall have the right to remove all of said improvements, fences, and corrals, except such portions thereof as may be made from the timber or other property of the Cherokee Nation, or timber for which has been obtained from the aforesaid tract.
It shall further be the privilege of said party of the second part, their successors and assigns, to cut from the territory herein leased, such timber as may be necessary for building the fences, corrals, and improvements heretofore authorized to be erected on said leased premises, and to cut from said lands such timber as may be necessary for firewood and fuel, but not otherwise, and to commit no waste thereon.
And the said party of the second part doth further covenant and agree with the said Dennis W. Bushyhead, as aforesaid, and as parts and conditions of this lease or contract, well and truly, and without deduction or delay, to make all payments as required in the foregoing, in the manner limited and prescribed; and in case of any failure as aforesaid, the said party of the second part agrees that they will peaceably surrender the premises herein leased, and all improvements and erections thereon. And the said party of the second part, their suc-cessors and assigns, further agree and obligate themselves, and this is one of the conditions of this lease, to make no permanent improvements (the improvements, the right to make which is hereinbefore granted, being temporary improvements) on the aforesaid premises or leased tract, and only temporary improvements, as authorized by the act of the Cherokee Council approved May 19, 1883, hereinbefore referred to; and on the expiration of the lease, or its being declared forfeited by default in the payment, as hereinbefore provided, then, and in either event, all improvements, structures, or erections thereon shall be and become the property of the Cherokee Nation, and said Nation shall have possession of the same, and all and singular of such erections and improvements shall absolutely revert to, and become the property of, said Cherokee Nation, party of the first part.
And the said party of the second part further covenants and agrees with the said party of the first part, as one of the conditions of this lease, that they will cut no timber for removal from said lands, or take or remove any material or property being part of the premises so leased, or remove or ship material therefrom, and that they will use all due dilligence to prevent the cutting or removing of any timbers or other material therefrom, and that they will faithfully observe the Intercourse laws of the United States; that they will obstruct no mail or stage line, and that they will not interfere with the Salines, located, or to be located, under the provisions of the act of Congress before mentioned, approved August 7, A. D. 1882.
And it is agreed between the parties of the first and second parts, that the grounds excepted and reserved from, and not included in, the terms of this lease, necessary for the manufacture of salt at the said Salines, may and shall not exceed in the aggregate, for said Salines and all of them, one hundred thousand acres, with a right of way to and from said Salines, such as may be required properly to work them. And the party of the second part do hereby obligate themselves, for themselves as directors in trust aforesaid, their successors and assigns, well and truly to observe and faithfully execute all and singular of the foregoing agreements and covenants, which are declared to be part of the agreement in consideration of which this lease is granted.
And the said party of the first part, Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation, in accordance with the act of the National Council as aforesaid, and on condition of the faithful payment of the sums of money, as hereinbefore stipulated, in the manner and with the conditions hereinbefore prescribed, and as the further condition that the said party of the second part will well and truly fulfill all the conditions, covenants, and agreements herein set forth, doth covenant and agree by these presents that the said E. M. Hewins, J. W. Hamilton, A. J. Day, S. Tuttle, M. H. Bennett, Ben S. Miller, A. Drumm, E. W. Payne, and Charles H. Eldred, directors in trust for the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, their successors in trust and assigns, shall, and may at all times during the said term, subject to the conditions as aforesaid, peaceably hold and enjoy all the privileges of lease on the said premises, free, clear, and harmless, from any let or hindrance whatsoever, together with all privileges and rights of said party of the first part in reference to the same according to law and treaty stipulation.
Signed and sealed this 5th day of July, A. D. 1883.
D. W. BUSHYHEAD, Principal Chief of Cherokee Nation.
E. M. HEWINS, J. W. HAMILTON, A. J. DAY, S. TUTTLE, M. H. BENNETT, ANDREW DRUMM, BEN S. MILLER, E. W. PAYNE, CHARLES H. ELDRED, Directors of Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association.
The Caldwell Journal, July 12, 1883.
Payne, it seems, is determined that the troops at Reno shall not enjoy an inglorious ease, while he exists, as he is making preparations to take into Oklahoma the half dozen followers who still think he is the greatest man on earth.
The Caldwell Journal, July 12, 1883.
Some interesting sinner with more affection for railroads than regard for the rights of the people, has induced the Vinita Chieftain to publish an article slobbering over the A. T. & S. F. Railroad company. The Chieftain fails to understand the fact that John Jones, Peter Ludgruber, Sam Sawbones, and Rev. Plumpkins of Boston don’t invest their inherited millions in railroads for Kansas or any other country for simple amusement. Neither do they send out their sons, sons-in-law, nephews, or their wives’ able bodied relatives to manage their investments simply because the atmosphere of Kansas is salubrious and the nights so refreshing that blankets are a necessity to enjoy a comfortable sleep. Oh, no. They put their money in Kansas railroads because it pays. Because they get land grants, because they get local subsidies, and because they can form coal, freight, and other rings of which some of the innocent stockholders know nothing about.
Were we to venture a word of advice to the Chieftain, we would say: Don’t waste any of your tender-hearted exuberance upon any railroad company in Kansas. They are not suffering for it, and while their managers may commend your innate kindness, at the same time they will quietly throw a wink on one side and go on reaping the harvest lying almost to their hands. They will do more. So soon as they find another St. John, they will make use of him to distract the attention of the people from the unjust discriminations made by rail-roads against persons and places. But enough of this for the present. Next week we shall endeavor to find space for the Chieftain’s article and a review of it from data in our possession.
The Caldwell Journal, July 12, 1883.
Keeling & Co., have at their store one of the finest saddles we have ever seen. It was made by P. H. Sharpe & Son, the well-known saddle manufacturers at Omaha, Nebraska, on special order sent by Mr. H. C. Keeling, and cost $100. It is a California saddle, full-rigged, of California leather, and with raised stamped work all done by hand. The principal design is that of a horseman lassoing a Texas steer, the lasso extending across the entire skirt, and the figures stamped on the corners. A child’s head ornaments the cantle, and the fenders are adorned with a figure of a horse and in profusion. The cinches are leathered and stamped to match the saddle. The leggins and bridle that go with the saddle are valued at $25. Taking the rig altogether, it is one which any cattleman might be happy to own. Messrs. Sharpe & Son deserve great credit for turning out so elegant a specimen of the saddler’s art.
The Caldwell Journal, July 12, 1883.
Meeting of Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association began its session on Monday afternoon, and adjourned until Tuesday. Up to the time of going to press no decision had been made on the appeals before the Board.
Among other business the following was transacted by the Board.
We, the directors of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, now in session, request all members of this Association owing taxes to the Cherokee Nation for grazing on said strip, up to the 1st day of October, 1882, to pay the same at their earliest convenience, to D. W. Lipe, treasurer and collector of said Nation, at Caldwell, Kansas.
Resolved, That what is now known and mapped out by the committee on quarantine grounds, as quarantine land, south of Caldwell, Kansas, be and the same is by this Board of Directors declared to be for the use of shippers of marketable cattle, and that no member of this Association or other person shall fence or be permitted to fence on said land for any other purpose than the purpose herein mentioned.
Moved and carried that the trail heretofore known as the Fort Griffin and Dodge City trail, running north through the western portion of the Cherokee Strip be, and the same is hereby fixed at three miles of an average in width through the Strip, and that members of this Association who fence their ranges joining on this trail shall leave one and a half mile on an average, to each side from the center of the trail.
The action of the board, on the quarantine grounds, and the trail to Dodge City and the Fort Griffin trail is highly commendable, and will give great satisfaction to through drovers. It shows that the Association is determined to respect the rights of all parties engaged in the cattle business, and affords every facility for marketing stock at such points, as owners may deem proper for their best interests.
The case of Windsor & Roberts vs. Love & Son, on appeal of the latter from the decision of the Board of Arbitration, the Board of Directors sustained the decision of the Arbitators, to the effect that Love & Son, having failed or refused to pay taxes to the Cherokee Nation for pasture privileges, had no range rights.
The case of Burroughs vs. Gardenhire, next claimed the attention of the Board, the Arbitrators having decided that Burroughs was entitled to a strip two miles wide adjoining the west side of the Nez Perces reservation. The testimony before the Board of Directors was to the effect that Burroughs had obtained a grazing permit from the Cherokee Tax Collector, but through misrepresentation. The decision of the Arbitrators was therefore reversed; thus leaving Burroughs without a range.
The Caldwell Journal, July 12, 1883.
Second Session.
The Board met on the 5th day of July. The first case, Windsor & Roberts vs. Hodges & Stewart, compromised.
Next in order was the continued case of Blair, Battin & Cooper vs. Windsor Bros. The board decided that the plaintiffs were entitled to all the lands in controversy.
The case of Colson & McAtee vs. Campbell Lynch. Mr. Colson being an interested party, withdrew from the Board and Mr. D. Donovan was appointed in his place pro tem. After hearing the testimony, the Board divided the ground in dispute equally between the two parties.
P. S. Burroughs vs. G. W. Gardenhire. The Board gave Burroughs a strip about two miles wide, considerably less than he claimed.
Cases No. 6, 7, 8, and 9, being those of J. V. Andrews vs. R. H. Campbell, Conner, Tucker, Mills, Blackstone, Sterns, Kennedy & Co., and Creswell & Co. The defendants failed to appear on two adjournments, and ample notice. The Board therefore decided that defendants were not entitled to any rights on range claimed by Andrews.
The next in order was the case of H. Hoskirk vs. McLain & Foss. Settled by agreement.
Next case was that of B. H. Campbell vs. Bates & Co. The Board decided that Bates & Co., were not entitled to any of the range in controversy outside of their present pasture fence, and that the defendants were entitled to all range inside their fence.
C. Lynch vs. Crane & Larimer, next occupied the attention of the Board. The decision was to the effect that Mr. Lynch was entitled to all the range claimed.
The following cases were continued, until next meeting of the Board.
Bridge & Wilson vs. Windsor Bros.
Robert Estock vs. Rees & Stoller.
Mr. Chambers vs. Windsor & Roberts.
The case of Lynch vs. Crane & Larimer was appealed to the Board of Directors.
The Board practically closed its work today for the present session, and adjourned to meet again on the 23rd inst., notice of which is given in another column.
The last case decided was that of F. Y. Ewing vs. The Salt Fork and Eagle Chief Pool. The decision of the Board was to the effect that the fence between the Pool and Ewing should be the permanent line between the ranges of the parties in contest.
The following cases before the Board were continued until its next meeting.
1. Windsor & Roberts vs. Beach & Welch.
2. Same vs. W. W. Wicks.
3. Same vs. Estes & Bros.
4. Same vs. Tomlinson & Webb.
5. Peter Stewart vs. The Wyeth & St. Jo. Cattle Co., E. M. Ford, Manager.
6. O. D. & H. H. Halsell vs. E. M. Ford.
The Caldwell Journal, July 12, 1883.
Notice to Contestants.
The Board of Arbitration of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association will meet in adjourned session on the 23rd day of July. All parties interested in new or continued cases are hereby notified to appear at that time, with their witnesses or statements bearing upon the points in dispute. By order of the Board. A. M. COLSON, Chairman.
Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.
The largest cattle ranch in the world is said to be that of Charles Goodnight, at the head of Red River, in Texas. He began buying land four years ago, securing 270,000 acres at 35 cents per acre. In the meantime, the price has advanced from $1 to $2 per acre, but he is still buying, and controls 700,000 acres. To enclose his landed possessions 250 miles of fencing is required. Mr. Goodnight has a herd of 40,000 cattle.
Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.
The body of Howard Finley was recovered last Saturday. It was found floating in the Arkansas River, ten miles below the Kaw Agency, and was identified by a stencil plate on a key ring in the pocket, bearing his name. The remains were badly decomposed, and were interred on the spot.
Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.
A party of gentlemen from the K. C. L. & S. K. railroad went down Saturday and brought up the remains of engineer Howard Finley, and they were taken east Monday morning. The body was found partly uncovered and the bones stripped of flesh by buzzards. He was identified by his boots and a bit of paper in his pocket-book bearing his name.
Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.
We are informed by the Telegram that Mr. Gary has not charged the county up with the $12.50 expense bill contracted in his remarkable raid on the highwaymen, reported in these columns a few weeks ago. This is all wrong. When a bold and fearless officer goes out in the discharge of his duty, he should be afforded every facility that will secure success. In this case the Sheriff’s plans were carefully laid, and none but experienced men were selected. Of course, in such a large company, it was necessary to enlist some few persons who had never been under fire; but they were brave men, and with veterans to the right and left of them would have fought like tigers. The only reason that the robbers were not captured was because there had been no robbery. It was not the sheriff’s place to see that the robbery came off all right. This part of the program belonged to the robbers, and because they failed to carry it out, our sheriff should not be compelled to pay the $12.50, and we do not think our citizens will permit it. They will pay it by private subscription first.
Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.
Cyclopedia of Live Stock.
Mr. Arthur Pomeroy has shown us a volume entitled the American Cyclopedia of Live Stock, which he will offer for sale to the farmers and stock growers of this county. It is a large volume of 1156 pages and illustrated by about 600 engravings, showing all the varieties of the best blooded and graded stock and all the varieties of care, attention, and management useful to the stock raiser. It gives a description of the diseases and their cures and a vast amount of information valuable to those raising any kind of stock. It is edited by men celebrated for their success as veterinarians and stock raisers, and it seems to us that it fills a long felt want in this county.
Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.
Public Sale of Short Horns. The famous Spring Creek herd of Short Horns, consisting of three yearling heifers, one two year old bull, two grown bulls, and six cows with calves, will be sold at Public Auction on the Public Square in Winfield on Saturday, July 21st, at 1 o’clock p.m. This is the premium herd of Short Horns in the county. A. HURST.
The Caldwell Journal, July 19, 1883.
We find the following description of the cowboy going the rounds without any credit. It is the best one of many we have read.
“The genuine cowboy is worth describing. In many respects he is a wonderful creature. He endures hardships that would take the lives of most men, and is, therefore a perfect type of physical manhood. He is the finest horseman in the world, and excels in all the rude sports of the field. He aims to be a dead shot, and universally is. Constantly during the herding season he rides seventy miles a day, and a majority of the year sleeps in the open air. His life in the saddle makes him worship his horse, and it, with a rifle and six-shooter, complete his happiness. Of vice in the ordinary sense, he knows nothing. He is a rough, uncouth, brave, and generous creature, who never lies or cheats. It is a mistake to imagine that cowboys are a dangerous set. Anyone is as safe with a cowboy as with any people in the world, unless he steals a horse or is hunting for a fight. In his eyes death is a mild punishment for horse stealing. Indeed it is the very highest crime known to the unwritten law of the ranch.
“Their life, habits, education, and necessities breed this feeling in cowboys. But with all this disregard of human life, there are less murderers and cut-throats graduated from the cowboys, than from among the better class of the east, who come out here for venture or gain. Cowboys delight in appearing rougher than they are. To a tender foot, as they call an eastern man, they love to tell blood curdling stories and impress him with the dangers on the frontier. But no man need get in a quarrel with them unless he seeks it, or gets harmed, unless he seeks some crime. They very often own an interest in the herd they are watching, and very frequently become owners of ranches. The slang of the range they always use to perfection, and in season or out of season.
“Unless you wish to insult him, never offer a cowboy pay for any little kindness he has done you, or for a share of his rude meal. If the changes that are coming to stock raising should take the cowboy from the ranch, its most interesting feature will be gone.”
The Caldwell Journal, July 19, 1883.
The Board of Directors of the Live Stock Association sustained the decision made by the Arbitrators in favor of Lynch, in the case of Crane & Farringer vs. Lynch, and then adjourned until the first Monday in September.
The Caldwell Journal, July 19, 1883.
Board of Arbitrators.
The Board of Arbitrators of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association continued in session until last Saturday, when it adjourned until Monday, July 23rd. The following cases decided and not reported last week were furnished us by Mark Miller, clerk of the Board.
P. M. Chase vs. Ewing & Lamont. Decision in favor of Chase, and notice of appeal filed by Ewing.
Northrup & Stevens vs. Ben Garland. Decision in favor of Garland. In this case the new order of the Board of Directors went into effect, and the testimony was taken down in writing.
Northrup & Stevens vs. I. B. Gilmore. Decision favorable to plaintiffs, which leaves Mr. Gilmore without a range.
The Caldwell Journal, July 19, 1883.
Major Lipe, Mr. Faulkner, Jake Lipe, and Capt. John Scrimpsher left for their homes in the Cherokee Nation last Sunday. Major Lipe will not return until September, when he will finish the work of collecting the grazing taxes due the Nation.
The Caldwell Journal, July 26, 1883.
Trouble on the Range.
Reports come to us to the effect that parties have been killing sheep and driving stock off the range of Roberts & Windsor, on Willow Creek, south of Arkansas City. Tuesday afternoon Mr. Fouts, manager of the above firm, received a telegram stating that a party of men had driven the stock off the range. If these reports are correct, the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association will be compelled to take some action for their own protection, for the reason that if lawlessness of that kind can go unpunished in one single instance, it will be but a very short time before others will suffer, and the fact of being a member of the Association will be no protection whatever.
It would seem now that the Strip is made a part of the U. S. District of Kansas, there should be some way of punishing those who commit depredations upon the property of persons occupying the Strip in accordance with the laws and regulations of the United States and the Cherokee Nation. If not, a range on the Strip is not worth a song, and if any man undertake to hold one, he will have to do so through force. No argument is necessary to show that if such a condition of affairs is brought about, the Strip will become a strip of terror, where no man’s life or property will be safe for a single moment.
Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.
Mr. Dempsey Elliott is in receipt of a letter from Senator Plumb regarding the Oklahoma lands, in which he says that the lands can never be occupied without consent of the general government, and that many have already spent enough time trying to get in to make them an excellent Kansas home. There is lots of clear cut sense in the letter.
Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.
The Caldwell Journal says certain parties are wantonly killing sheep and cattle in the Indian Territory and calls upon the authorities to punish these villains. Strange as it may appear, some of the very best lawyers in the State claim that there is no law in the United States statute books covering these cases. If there is any law of this kind, we ask our lawyers to point it out.
The Caldwell Journal, August 2, 1883.
Taxing Cattle Driven Through the Indian Territory.
K. C. Live Stock Indicator.
Mr. C. W. Rogers, vice-president of the St. Louis & San Francisco railroad, in June, addressed a letter to Hon. J. C. Parker, United States District Judge at Fort Smith, Arkansas, informing him that parties driving cattle through the Creek nation to that road, and to points on it in the Cherokee nation, are required by the Creeks to pay a tax of one dollar per head per month for the right to drive their cattle through the Creek nation, and asking the judge whether they have any right to charge this tax. Friday, Mr. Rogers received a reply from Judge Parker, who stated that he had already in a law of the Cherokee nation similar to this one of the Creeks providing for the assessment and collection of tax upon cattle or stock of any kind passing through the nation, decided that it was void. Congress alone had the right to legislate upon and negotiate inter-state commerce, and legislation upon the subject by any other power vested exclusively in Congress. If persons took cattle into the Creek country to graze them, they had a right to collect a grazer’s tax, but if cattle are passing over their country to market, they had no right to collect any tax for such transit.
The Caldwell Journal, August 2, 1883.
The communication of “Widows Child” published in the JOURNAL of last week had the effect of stirring up our own citizens and also other parties interested in a projected line seeking connection with this portion of the state. On Tuesday, Mr. James Hill, of Arkansas City, and a representative of the Missouri, Winfield & Southwestern Railroad, came to Caldwell for the purpose of enlisting our people in aid of the enterprise, and after consultation with some of our most prominent businessmen, a meeting was held at the opera house yesterday morning.
I. N. Cooper was called to the chair and W. B. Hutchison appointed secretary. Mr. Hill was then introduced and stated the object of his visit and the intentions of the company he represented. He said that the company was independent of either the Gould or the Santa Fe combinations, and that while it expected aid from the localities through which the line would run, at the same time it was not backed by Mr. Gould or any other railroad magnate. The aid asked would only be $2,500 per mile, and it was the intention of the company to build to Caldwell within the next year.
After the close of Mr. Hills’ talk, it was resolved that Caldwell needed another railroad, and that the city would extend any suitable aid for a competing line.
On motion I. N. Cooper, I. B. Gilmore, John W. Nyce, A. M. Colson, S. P. G. Lewis, and T. H. B. Ross were appointed a railroad committee with power to take all needful action in case everything was satisfactory.
The chairman notified the committee to meet at the Stock Exchange Bank next Saturday afternoon at 3 o’clock, after which the meeting adjourned.
The committee is composed of some of our most energetic citizens, and we are confident that it will do its work faithfully, carefully guarding the rights of Caldwell Township in case of any agreement with the M. W. & S. W. Company.
The Caldwell Journal, August 2, 1883.
Arkansas City Democrat: The indications are now that there will be trouble in the Indian Territory between the “small stockmen” and Pennsylvania Oil Company. Already things are assuming a war-like appearance; so far we have been unable to learn any facts in regard to affairs, but next week we will try to give our readers some light.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 8, 1883.
The Wichita Eagle received intelligence from Red Fork, Indian Territory, the present headquarters of the Oklahoma Invaders, under date of August 2, which says that at that time there were about 600 people located at that point. The Eagle informant on the frontier writes that the officers at Ft. Reno have orders to let the settlers remain, or at least that is the impression of the settlers.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 8, 1883.
Oklahoma has been the principal topic for the past week on our streets.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 8, 1883.
Our old friend, M. P. Johnson, spent three days of the past week in the city attending to stock biz and shaking hands with the boys. Mote has a stock ranch near Cedarvale, where he is at present holding stock. “Mode” Johnson, known throughout Kansas and Texas as one of the most experienced of stockmen, has, in addition to his large farm in Texas, two stock ranges in the Territory, and a deeded range of 2,000 acres on Rock Creek, in Cowley County, which he is now fencing.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 8, 1883.
This week W. W. Cook purchased of J. P. Elsea 60 head of two-year-old steers at $30 per head, to be delivered August 1st. He also purchased of Jas. Wilson 150 head of ones and twos, half-breeds and natives, at $20 and $30 per head. Also of Lockard and McGrath 75 native two-year-olds for $30 per head. Barber County Index.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 8, 1883.
Notice to Cattlemen. Cattlemen holding ranges on the Cherokee Strip will please take notice that I, or my legal representative, will be in Caldwell on or about the 5th day of September, 1883, to collect the tax due the Cherokee Nation up to the 1st day of October, 1883. D. W. LIPE, Treasurer, Cherokee Nation.
The Caldwell Journal, August 9, 1883.
Uncle Bill Corzine took it into his head last week to ship a few beeves to Kansas City. Under the care of Ben Garland, he got through all right until the return trip, when, to put on a few airs, because he was an alderman of his native village, he loaded himself into a Pullman sleeper for the home trip. Then his trouble began. The darkey on the car played all sorts of games on him, all of which Uncle Bill stood without a complaint until, as he says, “the darned nigger blacked my boots, so that I wouldn’t know them.” “Now,” says Bill, “I want to ask you, as a newspaper man, what kind of a job is that to put up on us old fellars? Well, I got my boots because I knowed ‘em by the slant on their heels; but blame me if I don’t believe that nigger meant to steal them.” Colson, Johnny Blair, Milt Bennett, and even Cooper endeavored to assure him that it was customary for the porter on a Pullman to black the boots of the guests; but the old man turned away in disgust, insisting, at the same time, that Cooper didn’t know any more about blacked boots than the rest of the Caldwell fellers.
Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.
W. B. Hutchinson, of the Journal, I. B. Gilmore, and I. N. Cooper came over from Caldwell Tuesday as a committee to consult with the Missouri, Winfield, & Southwestern people on railroad matters. They were highly pleased with Winfield.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 15, 1883.
Barbour County Index: A trade was this week consummated by which a valuable property changed hands. Gregory Eldred & Co., bought of Mayhew & Elsworth, their ranch, range, cattle, saddle horses, wagons, outfits, etc., for the sum of $150,000.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 15, 1883.
The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe company, in paying its stock dividend, August 15, will use 7564 checks. This shows that the number of stockholders in this corporation has increased 629 since the last quarter. This dividend is 1-1/2 percent, and it will take $853,601 to pay it.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 15, 1883.
HUTCHINSON, August 13. The city was thrown into a turmoil of excitement yesterday at noon by the murder of a baker named Denger, by one Emmerson, alias Texas Bill. As far as can be learned it was a cold blooded affair. Threats were freely made to lynch him immediately afterwards, but such threats were not attempted until 11 last night, at which time sixty masked men went to the jail, hammered down the doors, and would have succeeded in their undertaking but for the timely arrival of the sheriff and his posse. Although baffled in their first attempt, the lynchers declared they would string him up before morning. Emmer-son is credited with having killed several men during his lifetime. He is 53 years old.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 15, 1883.
Important Decisions.
Two important decisions have been made by the railroad commissioners; the first being in regard to discriminating rates for track facilities by the A. T. & S. F., the other of excessive charges for the transfer of freight by the St. Louis, Fort Scott & Wichita road. In the first, J. J. Hiddleston, of Eudora, was charged two cents more per hundred pounds on grain consigned to the Zenith mills at Kansas City, than if consigned to an elevator. The commissioners hold that the charge is illegal, and that while the company is not obliged to furnish side tracks for cars to wait upon, they have a right to charge parties for unreasonable delay in loading or unloading. No delay having occurred in Mr. Hiddleston’s case, he cannot be charged extra rates. In the second case, G. R. Anderson, of Mohon, was charged five dollars per car by the Missouri Pacific, for switching coal over a half mile of track at Ft. Scott, from the junction of the Missouri Pacific with the Kansas City, Fort Scott & Gulf of the St. Louis, Fort Scott & Wichita railway, while for the same services, at the same place, the charge of fifty cents per car is made for the transfer of stock, and one dollar for the transfer of fence posts. The board found that the charge of five dollars had been made as alleged in the complaint, and that no extra power or force had been employed by the M. P. to perform the service, in addition to that of operating the usual freight trains on their line. The commission-ers ruled that an amount not to exceed two dollars per car for such transfer of coal to be a reasonable and proper charge to make by the M. P. Railroad. Why any more should be charged for transferring a car load of coal than of live stock or posts, the commissioners failed to say. Journal.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 15, 1883.
Railroad Meeting.
There will be a meeting of the citizens of this city on the evening of Tuesday, August 21, to consider the construction of a line of railroad from Eureka to this point. A number of gentlemen connected with the Missouri, Winfield and Southwestern railroad will be present.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 15, 1883.
Matters at Willow Springs have assumed a quiet attitude again for a short time.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 15, 1883.
The board of arbitration, to settle disputed ranges in the territory, meet at Caldwell again next week.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 15, 1883.
Obituary. DIED, at his residence in this city, on Friday, August 10, 1883, after an illness of but three days, James E. Miller, in the 37th year of his age.
The deceased was the son of Lucius and Hannah Miller, of Waterford, Pennsylvania, at which place he was born November 7, 1816, and where he resided till the breaking out of the war. When but fifteen years of age, he enlisted as a drummer boy in company C, 83 infantry regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, the records of which show his enlistment as taking place July 16, 1862, and he received an honorable discharge May 29, 1865. While in the service he was a general favorite among both officers and men, and made many lasting friendships among the “boys in blue.” From the years 1865 to 1873 he occupied a responsible clerkship in the treasury department at Washington, D. C., and upon his marriage on July 9, 1873, to Lizzie, daughter of the Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Julia A. Forrester, of Chicago, he received an appointment in the U. S. Internal Revenue Department, at that city, where he resided for several years, until he entered the service of the A. T. & S. F. Railroad in 1879, where he remained until his death acting as passenger conductor upon the branch from Mulvane to Arkansas City, where he made hosts of friends by the uniform geniality and gentlemanly manner in which he discharged his onerous duties. The deceased had just returned from a trip east, where he had left his wife and family, and was taken sick on Wednesday of last week; and despite the best medical attention, by Drs. Chapel and Reed, he rapidly sank, expiring at nine o’clock a.m. on Friday last. The remains were incased in a handsome casket by the sorrowing friends and on Saturday, after a short service by Rev. Fleming at the house, were escorted by the A. F. & A. M. Lodge, of this city, a delegation of the A. F. & A. M. Lodge of Mulvane, of which the deceased was a member, and the G. A. R. Post of this city, to the depot, where in the presence of a large crowd of assembled friends and acquaintances all that was mortal of our friend and brother started on their last earthly journey to Waterford, Pennsylvania, where they will rest side by side with relatives who preceded him to the better land. The widow and fatherless little girl have the deepest sympathy the heart can give, and we trust that “He who doeth all things well” will mercifully help them in this their hour of trial.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 15, 1883.
The railroad company is to be thanked for the removal of the prostitutes from the stock yards where there has been perfect hell the past sixty days.
Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.
The following sensible letter written by Senator Plumb to a citizen of Winfield, who made inquiry of him concerning lands in the Indian Territory, is published by the Atchison Champion.
DEAR SIR: I have yours of the 19th. To my mind there is no use of going to Oklahoma until the government has in some way declared the land open for settlement.
If each and every man who has been ejected from the Territory had faithfully applied his time and money lost to opening a farm elsewhere, he would be fairly well off. Payne has spent time enough to have paid for a farm in Kansas—but I suppose he has spent the money of others.
Of course in time, all public lands—all balances of military reservations and of Indian reservations—will be opened for settlement. Meanwhile there are plenty of public lands for those who have none, and will be for some time. But really, should a man who has a farm in Kansas complain that the government don’t give him another? Wouldn’t it be better to save some of the land for the perishing thousands who have none? P. B. PLUMB.
Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.
Messrs. Washington, Zimmerman, and Slaughter, large stock men from the Territory, were up Tuesday enjoying the hospitalities of Geo. W. Miller.
Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.
Geo. W. Miller has shipped eighty car loads of fat cattle this week. They were all from his pastures in the Territory, and he has purchased thirty-five hundred head of through cattle to take the places of those shipped. George swaps dollars at the rate of about a hundred thousand a week now-a-days.
Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.
Cowboys took the town of Hunnewell Monday, and the citizens were compelled to telephone to Wellington for assistance. A train was placed at the disposal of Sheriff Thralls and posse, when they rolled into Hunnewell without whistling, surrounded the town, and arrested eight cowboys without firing a shot. The desperadoes now languish in jail at Wellington.
Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.
One Dergan was killed at Hutchinson on the 12th inst., by Emerson, alias Texas Bill. It was a cold-blooded affair, and an attempt was made to lynch the murderer, but was unsuccessful. Emerson is a professional man-killer and will doubtless be strung up yet by lynchers.
The Caldwell Journal, August 16, 1883.
The triumph of the Bushyhead party in the Cherokee election gives the quietus to the gee string party and settles the question of the Cherokee lease.
At the Cherokee election held last week, D. W. Bushyhead was elected Principal Chief by about 500 majority. John G. Scrimpscher was elected senator from his district.
The Caldwell Journal, August 16, 1883.
We are informed that about 250 boomers left Arkansas City on Friday of last week, for the Oklahoma lands. Payne was in Arkansas City at the time, but gave out that he did not intend to accompany the expedition. We learn that, in conversation with others, he stated it to be his intention to keep still pending the trial of his case before the U. S. Circuit Court, and that he thought inasmuch as he had adopted that course, the War and Interior departments should also maintain a neutral position and permit anyone who chose to settle upon the Oklahoma lands.
The fellow don’t seem to understand that such a course on the part of the government would be a virtual abandonment of its claims, and one is sometimes at a loss to know whether he is a fool or a knave. Perhaps a close analyzation of his character would develop both elements, each alternately predominating as circumstances seem to require.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 22, 1883.
United States Attorney Hallowell has filed his reply as attorney for Secretary Lincoln and General Pope in the David Payne injunction case.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 22, 1883.
At the Cherokee election held last week, D. W. Bushyhead was elected principal chief by about 500 majority. John G. Schrimpscher was elected senator from his district.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 22, 1883.
The Missouri, Winfield & Southwestern Railroad.
A full description of the proposition sought to be submitted to the voters of the county by the above corporation will be found in this issue in the report of last Monday evening’s railroad meeting, so need not be repeated here, nevertheless a few remarks as to the benefits to be derived from its construction will be decidedly apropos. It is a fact that the proposed line will save a distance of between sixty and seventy-five miles between this point and Kansas City, which fact alone carries great weight to all interested in shipping produce or stock as it means a corresponding reduction in car rates, such rates being fixed by law at so much per mile, thus making the shortest the cheapest route to ship over. Another feature that at first strikes the taxpayer is the voting of additional bonds, but this view is not tenable as the present roads are assessed at a valuation that brings to the county, in taxes, not only the amount of interest on their bonds but a round sum annually to go towards paying off the principal of said bonds. These facts can be verified by the records in the county offices at Winfield by anyone who will take the trouble to examine them. Thus it will be seen that the voting of these bonds, instead of adding to the taxes, will really help to pay the taxes, to say nothing of the other advantages it will give us in the way of cheaper rates and securing to us a share of the cattle that are yearly shipped from the immense grazing grounds south of us. The road will be under the Gould management, which assures us a road that will be fully competent to compete with the A. T. & S. F., thus securing the lowest paying freight and passenger rates to all points. This is a matter we hope our readers will give deep considera-tion as we believe it will be to the benefit of the county at large, and Arkansas City and Bolton Township in particular to help all in their power to build this road.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 22, 1883.
Railroad Meeting.
Pursuant to notice given a number of our citizens gathered at McLaughlin’s Hall last Monday evening to discuss railroad matters. Dr. A. J. Chapel was called to the chair, and N. T. Snyder to the secretary’s desk. The chairman introduced Mr. Hill, who enlarged upon the advantages to be gained by our city and county by the construction of the proposed Missouri, Winfield & Southwestern railroad through our county. Mr. Henry Asp was then called upon to read the proposition, the main points of which we will briefly state, as our space precludes us from publishing it in full this week. It asks the county to take capital stock to the amount of $100,000, to be paid for in county bonds. Each mile of road constructed in the county is to cost not more than $2,800 per mile. As soon as ten miles of road have been constructed in the county, bonds to the amount of $12,000 shall be paid to the company, and each succeeding five miles constructed shall entitle the company to receive an additional $12,000. This rate of payment will entitle the company to receive, upon the completion of its line and when cars are running to the south line of the state, the residue of the bonds, or $20,000. To put the above in few words, it is proposed to build a road from the north to the south line of the county for one hundred thousand dollars, of which over 25 percent, or $26,000, are not to be paid until the road is actually running to the south line of the state in Bolton Township. Said road is to issue to the county in return for its bonds $100,000 of fully paid up stock. The road is to be completed in two years from the date of issuance of the bonds. The probable point of junction of the proposed railroad with the St. Louis, Fort Scott & Wichita railroad will be at Eureka, which will cause the road to enter Cowley near the northeast corner of the county, and run via Winfield and Arkansas City to a point south or southwest of this city in Bolton Township, thus giving us advantages that no other road could give us in securing the territory cattle trade. Those present were asked to sign the petition to the county commissioners calling for an election, nearly all responding. It was also moved and carried that those parties who had subscribed for the expenses of a preliminary survey on the east and west road should transfer their subscriptions to the M. W. & S. R. R. instead, after which the meeting adjourned.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 22, 1883.
Railroad Meeting.
There will be a meeting of the citizens of Bolton Township at the Bland schoolhouse on the evening of Monday, August 27, to consider the proposition of the Missouri, Winfield and Southwestern Railroad company, which company propose to build a road through Cowley County from the northeast line to a point on the territory line somewhere in Bolton Township.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 22, 1883.
Interview with Dave Payne, Boomer.
DE VERA, in Kansas City Journal.
At Arkansas City I met Capt. Dave Payne, the Oklahoma boomer. The captain has his office and headquarters in Arkansas City, over which he proudly floats the stars and stripes. Quite a number of intended “Invaders” were camped near town ready to move forward at any moment when the signs came. I had a brief conversation with the irrepressible Dave and learned he was awaiting the decision of Judge McCrary regarding his injunction proceedings. The captain said that he and his attorneys were promptly on hand at Keokuk, ready for business, but that the United States district attorney wanted to make a five days’ argument, but was informed by the judge that the weather was too warm. He therefore gave the parties until the 10th of the present month, in which to file their briefs and arguments, the whole to be printed, at which time something must be done. Capt. Payne is of the opinion that the case will be decided favorably and that there will be no more arbitrary arrests and removals, all of which he considers have been made heretofore without any warrant of law whatever and in direct violation of the plainest provisions of the constitution. The briefs and arguments submitted in the case by the complainant are ably drawn and reflect much credit on the attorneys retained by Capt. Payne. The argument certainly is an ingenious one and will set the military department of the government to thinking at least.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 22, 1883.
C. M. Scott went to Caldwell Monday to appear before the board of arbitration of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 22, 1883.
The Caldwell Journal says the triumph of the Bushyhead party in the Cherokee election gives the quietus to the gee string party and settles the question of the Cherokee lease.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 22, 1883.
Master Walter Osage Florer, of Osage Agency, and Martin Stillwell, of Newton, Kansas, paid the TRAVELER a call yesterday. Walter is a son of J. M. Florer, of Osage Agency, and was the first white child born in the Osage Nation.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 22, 1883.
The cattle held by the Comanche County pool are estimated at 50,000 head, and the aggregate value of the pool property, including cattle, land, etc., is probably $2,000,000. The members of the pool, with very few if any exceptions, started in poor. Six years of remark-able success have made them a wealthy body of men. Cresset.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 22, 1883.
The cow-punchers have been having a high old time for several weeks past running Hunnewell in the most approved style of the art, but last week Sheriff Thralls got on to the situation and arrested Bob Mitchell, A. T. Mitchell, J. W. Guinn, Harry Halsell, J. F. McClusky, T. A. Standard, Dick Wetson, and Powell Wood. It cost them about $400 for their fun, but had they been imprisoned awhile as well as fined, we believe it would have made more impression upon them.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 22, 1883.
Texas fever has made its appearance along the south limit of the county, and many valuable cows have been lost. Plenty of salt and saltpeter is recommended as a preventative, also carbolic acid 12 ounces, glycerine 4 ounces, and bi-carbonate of soda 12 ounces, added to four gallons of water and given to drink is the preventative recommended by the govern-ment inspectors. Turning the cattle into a corn field is also said to be about as effectual as anything, but in spite of any and all things many die.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 22, 1883.
Cure for Texas Fever.
Mr. John R. Hoxie, who owns one of the largest and finest farms in Texas, situated in Williamson County, claims to have discovered an antidote for Texas or Spanish fever. For some years past he is reported to have sent a large number of thoroughbred Short-horn and Hereford cattle to his farm for breeding purposes, and claims that since he commenced using this remedy, he has not lost a single animal. The following is his own report of his work, and he is reported in every respect a reliable man.
“I give each animal a dose of belladonna, upon the first appearance of fever. This usually comes about a month after the stock reaches Texas, but not infrequently six weeks or even two months pass before they show signs of disease.
“Almost every month of the year, I have sent cattle to Williamson County, and since I began using belladonna, have lost none during the acclimatization. Nor do I fear I will lose any so long as I use the drug. I give from a teaspoonful to a tablespoonful at a dose, age of the animal and condition of the fever regulating the size of the dose. I have have never needed to give more than three doses to any animal and often one is enough.
“It should be given clear and not mixed with other matter. Soon after taking the dose, the animal will throw up a white froth, which will be quite warm, almost at fever heat, in fact, but no harm comes from that.”
All interested in the matter of introducing the best breeds of cattle in all parts of the country will be sincerely glad to see this remedy firmly established by full experiment, as a sovereign one in all cases where cattle are attacked by Spanish fever, or as a preventive where cattle are becoming acclimated to Texas. The risk involved is not so great per head as where grown animals are taken, and some parties claim that young cattle get through the acclimating process easier than those of mature age do. Rural World.
Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.
The Arkansas City Traveler tells the following story of the course taken by a bullet.
“A bullet shot from a Winchester rifle, in the hands of one of the cooks at the Central Avenue Hotel, killed the cat at which it was aimed; passed through the board fence, glanced on the stone sidewalk, and, crossing the street, entered the residence of Dr. Alexander, passing over the heads of Dr. and Mrs. Alexander, struck the middle wall and rebounding from that in an opposite direction, struck a picture and fell at the Doctor’s feet. All of which goes to prove that if a bullet is backed by a sufficiency of conserved energy, it is an uncertain quantity, and not at all desirable to be tearing around in the quiet of the family circle.”
Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.
The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe road is earning an annual surplus of one million, in addition to paying a dividend on the stock.
Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.
Mr. C. C. Wheeler, general manager of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railway, states that there is no truth in the report that his company purchased the Fort Scott & Wichita road. That road, he says, has been purchased by the Gould syndicate.
Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.
We have a sensational report from Cherryvale about the robbery, and burning, about two weeks ago, of the residence of Conductor Titus. Last Saturday Dr. Moore, a dentist and prominent citizen, and Mrs. Titus, the conductor’s wife, were both arrested and committed to jail charged with the robbery and arson. The money, $900, has been found buried in the yard and it is stated that plenty of proof has been discovered of a liaison and conspiracy between the two prisoners.
The Caldwell Journal, August 23, 1883.
The troubles between the two factions of the Creek Nation have been amicably settled through the commissioners representing the United States and a compact signed by the chief men of both parties, which, it is hoped, will put an end to the outrages which have prevailed in the Creek country for some time. A new constitution is to be adopted and those who have had their property destroyed are to be indemnified.
The Caldwell Journal, August 23, 1883.
The Last Boomer’s Raid Comes to Grief.
Word was brought in on Tuesday, by Capt. C. M. Scott, who came over from Arkansas City, to the effect that Capt. Carroll, of the U. S. Army, had captured the boomers on the Oklahoma lands, taking their wagons and stock.
About seven of the boomers escaped, and footed it all the way into Arkansas City. It is also stated that the boomers, previous to their capture, had run short of provisions, and sent a courier to Schiffbauer to forward flour and other provisions to them. Schiffbauer filled the order, and before the teams reached the grounds the flour, provisions, teams, and drivers were captured by the troops. A courier, sent down from Arkansas City with a dispatch to one of the boomers, had his horse taken from him and was compelled to hoof it back to his starting point.
What disposition will be made of the boomers, is not known. They will likely be held until orders are received from Washington.
Thus ends the latest attempt to make a location on the Oklahoma lands. Some people never learn anything from the experience of others, and it is more than likely a number of the stupids may be induced to make another attempt before winter sets in.
The Caldwell Journal, August 23, 1883.
The Muskogee Journal of the 16th gives an account of the killing of Foster, the murderous Creek who killed Robert Poisal, and afterwards killed a Deputy U. S. Marshal. About July 27th, Foster, with a companion, went to the house of Nathan and Lewis Bruner, on Deep Fork, southwest of Okmulgee. The Bruner boys were eating supper and invited Foster to take a part. When about half through the meal, he got up, and, going behind Nathan, fired three shots into his neck, killing him instantly. He then turned his attention to Lewis, who had started to run, and shot him three times in the back. Lewis ran about 150 yards into a corn field and died, his body being found next day. Foster then went back and robbed the house. The Bruner boys’ friends determined on revenge, and after a hunt, three of them came on Foster in the brush. They represented to him that they were outlaws and wanted him to join forces with them. He consented, and after getting in a lonely spot, they riddled him with bullets. Foster was a bad man, having killed four men. His first was at Shawneetown, for which he was arrested and started toward Fort Smith, but he succeeded in killing the marshal and escaped. He was a young man, but old in crime, and his taking off is a good riddance.
Note: A follow-up to above story occurred in the following publication in 1884.
Arkansas City Republican, February 16, 1884.
The Lawless Indian.
The law makers of a nation which boasts of the supremacy of law over the land have allowed to remain on their statute book until the year of our Lord 1884, the following:
Section 2145. The general laws of the United States as to punishment of crimes committed in any place within the sole and exclusive jurisdiction of the United States, except the district of Columbia, shall except the Indian country.
Section 2146. The preceding section, shall not be construed to extend to crimes committed by one Indian against the person or property of another Indian, or to any Indian committing an offense in the Indian country who has been punished by the local laws of the tribe.
A year ago last September, an Arapaho half-breed, named Robert Poisal, returning from a trip in the Indian Territory, in which he had just placed his children, was shot dead by Johnson Foster, a Creek Indian, no motive but plunder being assignable. The murderer was arrested by mounted police of the Seminole nation; and to prevent “the carrying out of tribunal laws and customs,” in the way of summary vengeance, he was turned over for safekeeping to the military authorities at Fort Reno. On request of the Interior Department, the attorney general ordered the trial of the prisoner before the United States court at Fort Smith, Arkansas, but on further consideration and correspondence, he decided that there was too much doubt as to jurisdiction of the United States in the matter to justify incurring the expense of removing the prisoner and trying the case.
The war department wearied of the custody of Foster and asked to be relieved; the Interior department urged that a dismissal should be made, and reluctantly the attorney general consented. Meantime since it had appeared that complaints of horse stealing and other offenses were pending against Foster in the United States court at Fort Smith, the United States deputy marshal, with a strong guard of troops, undertook to remove him from Fort Reno thither. Within the first fifteen miles, a party of Arapahos nearly succeeded in capturing him, and before half the journey was completed, Foster had murdered the Marshal’s assistant and made his escape. He is now at large. Now that he has murdered a white man, the majesty of the law can be manifested provided he is recaptured.
How much longer will congress turn a deaf ear to the entreaties of government officials, teachers, missionaries, and other philanthropists, religious societies, and institutions, even the “guards” themselves, that Indians be made amenable to law? Apparently hopeless of adequate legislation in his day, Commissioner Price suggests a partial remedy for the evil, which, like Captain Seller’s window sash “will keep out the coarsest of cold.” He recommends that, when new states are admitted into the union, their constitutions shall extend over Indian reservations the jurisdiction of territorial courts. This is a wise suggestion, which should be borne in mind by legislators who can spend days on revision of rules, but cannot give an hour to the erasure of one blot from our statutes. The following indignant protest, made by Bishop Hare in 1866, has added weight and force each year.
“Civilization has loosened in some places, broken the bonds which regulate and hold together Indian society in its wild state, and has failed to give the people laws and officers of justice in their place. This evil still continues unabated. Women are brutally beaten and outraged; men are murdered in cold blood; the Indians who are friendly to schools and churches are intimidated and preyed upon by the evil disposed; children are molested on their way to school, and schools are dispersed by bands of vagabonds; but there is no redress. This accursed condition of things is an outrage upon the One Lawgiver. It is a disgrace to our land. It should make every man who sits in the national halls of legislators blush. And wish well to the Indians as we may, and do for them what we will, the efforts of civil agents, teachers, and missionaries are like the struggles of drowning men weighed with lead, as long as, by the absence of law, Indian society is left without a base. Independent.”
Now, going back to Date Order. MAW
The Caldwell Journal, August 23, 1883.
NOTICE! Cattlemen on Cherokee Strip. I, or my legal representative, will be in Caldwell on or about the 5th day of September, 1883, to collect the tax due the Cherokee Nation up to the 1st day of October, 1883. I respectfully request that everyone who owes any tax will be on hand promptly at that date. D. W. LIPE, Treasurer, Cherokee Nation.
The Caldwell Journal, August 23, 1883.
“Undisputed Ranges.”
This term contains the essence of all disputes between claimants for sub-leases. Some ill-advised persons absurdly maintain that physical possession of the range gives the “undisputed range” required for membership, and that this alone entitles a man to a sub-lease. If this were true, men who were strong enough, could speedily acquire the ranges of smaller men by driving them off, and the smaller men, not having possession, would have no right. This is the argument of monopoly.
But the proposition is not true. Before the Cherokee Nation took cognizance of her ranges here, everybody held by squatter right, or right of prior occupation. Big men would squeeze out small ones, and one man would take a range justly held by another, because might made right where none had a legal title. If not strong enough to shove the holder aside, the range would be bought.
Then it was true that physical possession gave right of range to one squatter against another squatter. But none of them had any right against the owner.
The Cherokee Nation is the owner in the case before us. It alone can give “undisputed range” and indisputable range thereon. It has given such to those who have paid the legal tax, and issued to them a sealed contract known as a license. Those not receiving such license are intruders, subject to expulsion, to seizure of cattle, and a fine of $1 per head on cattle so seized. (See section 2117, etc., United States Revised Statutes.) It is evident from the law authorizing the lease, and the lease itself, that the Cherokees had in contemplation the members of the Association as persons with undisputed ranges, or licensed persons, and meant to lease to them; certainly not to intruders, who were violating U. S. Law and Cherokee Law, evading its tax and defrauding its treasury. The Directors could not have asked such a thing, and the Cherokees would not have granted it, if asked.
To have the intruder now come and ask the Directors to do a deliberate wrong to remedy the intruder’s deserved loss, to disregard the licenses of the Nation and the Intercourse laws, and acknowledge their claim as squatters as superior to the legal title of the Nation vesting in license, is simply preposterous.
The Directors in trust cannot do anything contrary to law without rendering the Association liable for damages. They cannot disregard the Cherokee licenses, the Intercourse laws, and the terms of the lease, without raising a row with the Cherokee Nation, with whom the Association must be on good terms or lose the benefits of the lease. Whatever claim the intruder may have, by personal friendship or business relation, on the Directors, he should be too considerate to ask the Directors to put themselves and the Association in such a position.
The Board of Arbitrators and the Board of Directors have decided the question in the case of Love & Son. These gentlemen held range in the Strip, had cattle on it, but no authority from the Cherokee Nation. In this case, the Board of Arbitrators and Board of Directors both decided that no person whatever, without license from the Cherokee Nation, has any range rights.
The officers decided this matter according to law and equity. They have made a just and wise decision, as we have endeavored to show, and as all thinking and unbiased men agree. Those who lose range claims by this decision can blame only their own negligence in their evasion or refusal to recognize the only power capable of giving “undisputed range.”
The Caldwell Journal, August 23, 1883.
Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of Arbitration met on Monday. Mr. Colson not being able to serve at present, Ben. Garland was appointed in his place pro tem. The first case called was that of Peter Stewart vs. The St. Joseph Cattle Co., E. M. Ford, manager. Monday and Tuesday was consumed in taking testimony, and Tuesday night the Board decided in favor of Mr. Stewart, giving him the range claimed, being six by seven miles.
The decisions of the Board in this case is regarded as a righteous one, and gives general satisfaction.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 29, 1883.
The board of arbitration, recently in session at Caldwell, allowed Mr. Chambers his range on the state line, but cut the Estus brothers’ range down nearly one-half, as they also did that of Mr. Wicks. Mr. Beach was allowed nearly all of his. We learn that several of the cases will be appealed to the board of directors.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 29, 1883.
A herd of Chickasaw cattle recently attempted to cross Mr. John Florer’s range at the mouth of Salt Fork, but Mr. Florer succeeded in keeping them off. These Chickasaws are through Texans that are driven into the Chickasaw and Choctaw Nations, and after being held a few months, are driven north. Stockmen are beginning to see that the loss from fever has been great enough this year to justify them in combining to prevent the drive. It is thought the herd will cross the Arkansas River east of Ponca Agency.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 29, 1883.
Notice to Cattlemen. Cattlemen holding ranges on the Cherokee Strip will please take notice that I, or my legal representative, will be in Caldwell on or about the 5th day of September, 1883, to collect the tax due the Cherokee Nation up to the 1st day of October, 1883. D. W. LIPE, Treasurer, Cherokee Nation.
The Caldwell Journal, August 30, 1883.
EDITOR JOURNAL. In an article (headed communicated) in your last issue, with one grain of truth is mixed nearly a bushel of nicely rounded commodities that have but little value in this market. The Board of Arbitrators have never considered, in any shape or manner, the question of intruders. Neither have they consulted the United States revised statutes, Interior Dept. Decisions, or Indian treaties. They have simply, as businessmen, of at least common hard horse sense, decided who, in their estimation, had the best right to any “range” in dispute between such parties as have agreed to leave the settlement of such disputes to the Board of Arbitration. To those who are on the “inside,” the reference to the case of Love & Son is a “dead give away,” and your correspondent has lugged in as a decision something that the Board never decided The Board of Arbitration have never decided “that no person whatever without a license from the Cherokee Nation has any range rights.” They, in the Love & Son case, gave their decision upon the grounds quoted and other causes. To have this or some future Board decided as per your correspondent’s decision, is the African in the winter fence. M.
The Caldwell Journal, August 30, 1883.
The Oklahoma boomers, captured by Capt. Carrol, week before last, are on their way up under an escort of some of the colored troops who fought nobly. The boomers will reach Caldwell about Friday or Saturday.
The Caldwell Journal, August 30, 1883.
A friend who visited Geuda Springs the other day informs us that efforts are being made to issue another number of the Oklahoma War Chief. Payne has had a picture made representing him at his supposed home in Oklahoma. He is supposed to be standing at the end of his log cabin, leaning on an axe. On a tree close by hangs a revolver and a belt full of cartridges, while his trusty and death-dealing rifle is braced up against the cabin. Our informant stated that while he and several others were looking at the picture, one of the party remarked: “It’s a good picture. That’s about the only position you could find Payne in with an axe—leaning on it.” The silence which followed the remark seemed to give consent.
The Caldwell Journal, August 30, 1883.
Arbitration Notes.
Since our last issue, the Board of Arbitration have decided the following cases.
St. Jo. Cattle Company vs. E. M. Ford, manager. Board decided that to the St. Jo. Cattle Company belonged all the range north of Red Rock 4D pasture, except such range heretofore given to Peter Stewart. Ford to be paid for the fence.
Bridge & Wilson vs. Windsor Bros. Board gave all the range in controversy to Bridge & Wilson.
M. Chambers vs. Roberts & Windsor. Settled by compromise, defendants giving plaintiff all the range he claimed.
Roberts & Windsor vs. Beach and Welch. The latter were given a range 3-1/2 by 4 miles on the head of Wolf Creek.
Roberts & Windsor vs. W. W. Wicks and same against Estes Bros. The Board gave defendants in these two cases a combined range of 24,000 acres.
Northrup & Stevens vs. Doubleday & Co. Board decided in favor of plaintiffs. The defendants gave notice of appeal to Board of Directors.
The case of Roberts & Windsor vs. Tomlin & Webb was compromised.
R. R. Owens vs. Andrews, A. Gorham, J. M. Day, Spencer & Drew, H. Kollar, Reed, Ward, and Byler, continued to Thursday, August 30th.
The Caldwell Journal, August 30, 1883.
Notice to Appellants. At the meeting of Board of Directors of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, to be held in Caldwell, September 3, 1883, no arbitration cases will be considered. BEN S. MILLER, President Board.
The Caldwell Journal, August 30, 1883.
The Cowley County folks are considering a proposition to vote $100,000 in county bonds for the construction of a railroad from some point on the St. Louis, Fort Scott and Wichita road to Winfield and Arkansas City.
Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.
In December 1878 when this county had before it the proposition to vote not exceeding $144,000 in bonds to the A., T. & S. F., or rather to the C. S. & F. S. railroad, the COURIER said in support of the proposition that in case the stock, which the county would get for the bonds, should prove utterly valueless, and though we should not take into account the great advantage it would certainly be in saving the enormous cost of hauling freight and produce to and from Wichita; yet the voting the bonds would be a speculation to the county by reducing the rate of taxation. We stated that the assessment of the county was then about $2,000,000, that the average rate of taxation was then about 40 mills, which should raise about $80,000 in taxes for all purposes; that if the bonds were voted and 36 miles of road built in the county, the bonds would be issued to the amount of $144,000 at 6 percent, and the yearly interest on the bonds would be $8,610; that if we raised $10,000 additional a year by taxation, it would pay that interest and leave $1,360 a year surplus, and this surplus well invested year by year would create a sinking fund which could be applied directly after ten years to reducing the debt and the yearly interest, thus increasing the yearly surplus which would entirely extinguish the debt within the thirty years. We estimated that the railroad would be assessed $216,000, that other property to the amount of $534,000 assessment would come into the county because of the building of the road, in increased stocks of goods, more machinery, cattle, sheep, and other stock, more buildings, new towns, increased value of town lots, etc.; together raising the assessment rolls from $2,000,000 to $2,750,000 with-out considering the increased value it would give to farm lands and without increasing their assessments. That on this assessment of $2,750,000 a rate of 33 mills would raise the $10,000 for interest and sinking fund in addition to the $80,000 for general purposes, and therefore the voting of the bonds would reduce the rate of taxation from 40 mills to 33 mills, a saving to the then present taxpayers of near 7 mills on the dollar per year for ten years and a still greater saving thereafter.
Now we will see how nearly the estimates then made are confirmed by the facts which have since transpired. We voted the bonds to the C. S. & F. S., and $128,000 of them were issued up to December 30, 1879. We also voted $68,000 to the S. K. & W. railroad, which were issued in February and March, 1880. The total assessed valuation of the county for that year was $2,945,381, of which $357,895 was railroad property. In 1881 the total assessment was $3,094,070, of which $384,898 was railroad property. In 1883 the total assessment is $3,518,145, of which $470,983 is railroad property. If you examine carefully, you will find that there has been no raise in the assessed value of lands generally, on account of the general advance in price, and that other property is assessed lower than it was four years ago. Property generally that would sell for $400 is valued now no higher than property that would only bring $300 three years ago, if our observation is correct. Then we must remember that in 1880-1881 we had failure in crops and great depression, causing a great falling off in population and the removal of much property besides depressing values. So it is fair to say that besides the $470,000 railroad property valuation, near a million of other property has come into the county because of the railroads, that our railroads have increased our assessment rolls over a million and a half and nearly double what our estimate in December 1879 was for the one road. But it does not need to be nearly double to justify our estimate before the roads were built, for though we were to get two roads, both are under the same control and for competitive purposes they are scarcely better than one road. But to be liberal, we will admit it to be equal to a road and a half. Then taking one and a half times $750,000, our then estimated increase for one road, we have $1,125,000 increase added to the $2,000,000 of 1878 gives $3,125,000 for present assessment and leaves $400,000 to the account of other causes. Therefore, it appears to us that our estimates of December 1873 were too low rather than too high.
Now of the $196,000 bonds we issued for the two roads, the S. K. & W. stock has taken up $38,000 bonds and leaves money in the treasury to take up $8,000 more, leaving the rail-road indebtedness $150,000. Of this $128,000 runs at 6 percent or $7,680 a year, and the remaining $22,000 draws 7 percent, or $1,540 a year, amounting to $9,220 annual railroad interest. If we sell no more stock, $10,750 a year raised by taxation will pay the interest and create a sinking fund which will pay off the principal, and a 3 mill tax will nearly raise the amount this year and will more than do it in after years. And while the county is paying this $10,750 a year, the $470,000 railroad property is paying a 25 mill tax for county and school purposes, amounting to $10,750, which makes even and costs the other taxpayers nothing, while the other property brought here because of the railroads, still further reduces the taxes on the people.
Now we have no competing road and the county is asked to vote $100,000 six percent, ten thirty year bonds to secure a competing road of 45 or more miles in the county. But placing it at 45 miles, the least that is estimated, and count the assessment at same rate per mile as the present roads are valued, and it would be assessed at $270,000. It is fair to estimate that $430,000 other property at assessor’s valuation would come into the county because of the road, making $700,000 increase of property and raising the assessment rolls from $3,500,000 to $4,200,000. Whatever increase from other causes there might be would raise the amount still higher. The interest on the $100,000 bonds would be $6,000 a year and $1,000 for sinking fund, which added to $91,000 would make $98,000 to be raised by taxation, and it would take only a 23-1/4 mill tax to raise the amount whereas now it would take 26 mills to raise $91,000. So it is evident that voting the bonds would reduce the rate of taxation in this county at least 2-3/4 mills per annum for 30 years and reduce it more thereafter when the entire indebtedness caused thereby would be canceled.
As we are now situated, the present railroads pay one-eighth of our taxes, and must pay the same proportion of the taxes on bonds to secure a rival road and it will make the R. R. property $700,000 of the $4,200,000 or one-sixth of the whole, and the railroads would then have to pay one sixth of all our taxes.
Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.
Missouri, Winfield and Southwestern Railroad Company.
This company has not been blowing in the newspapers of what they were doing or trying to do, but have quietly kept at work, have interested eastern capitalists in the scheme, and have the assurance that as soon as the townships in Greenwood, Butler, and Cowley Counties have voted the bonds, the money will be forthcoming to build the road. Bond elections have been called in Eureka City, and Eureka and Otter Creek Townships in Greenwood County, and in Hickory and Union Townships in Butler County.
Mr. Morehead, an experienced railroad engineer, from Pennsylvania, well known in rail-road circles, has been in the field for three weeks, and has found the easiest and best pass through the flint hills yet discovered and has already completed a careful survey of the line from Eureka to Winfield. The route does not vary three miles from an air line and is favor-able. Another line will be run between Winfield and the north line of the county that may prove even more favorable.
In case of a failure to vote the bonds in any of the townships of Greenwood and Butler, we have two other routes in view, on both of which the people are anxious to vote the needed aid. The company is in the first place to make a connection with the St. Louis, Ft. Scott and Wichita railroad, which is a Gould road, and is being operated by the Missouri Pacific company. When the line is built to Winfield, the Missouri Pacific will run the road. Next to Eureka the company prefer Toronto in Woodson County as the point of intersection with the Fort Scott and Wichita road as that is in the direction of the Walnut coal fields near the Marais Des Cygne and the Missouri state line. The distance from Winfield to Toronto by way of Severy or Twin Falls is about 70 miles and the people all along the line in Greenwood are anxious for the road.
Another connection with the Fort Scott and Wichita is to run through directly to Rosalia. This has, in favor of it, the shortest distance to the connection.
Among the three, little or no doubt exists that the subsidies will be voted on one of them and if Cowley County comes to time with the subsidies, the road will be built as soon there-after and as fast as men and money can do it.
It is asked that Cowley County shall vote its bonds and take stock in the road to the amount of $100,000. Petitions are in circulation to call the election to vote on the proposition. The proposition provided that no bonds shall be delivered until the road is completed and running from a connection with the St. Louis, Fort Scott and Wichita railroad north or northeast of this county to the north line of this county and into this county ten miles. Then only $12,000 of the bonds shall be delivered and thereafter $12,000 whenever five additional miles are completed; and finally the balance of the $100,000 when the road shall be completed to the county line near the southwest corner of the county. This balance kept back will be $28,000.
No better proposition for this county could be conceived. It binds the road to the Gould system of roads and makes it a competing road beyond all question and for all time until the Gould system is sold out at least. There is at least as much danger that the Gould syndicate will buy out the Santa Fe system as that the Santa Fe will buy out the Gould.
We hope our readers will be prepared to sign the petition promptly when presented.
In another article we present some reasons for the petition.
Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.
The Kansas City, Winfield & Southern Railroad.
There is a project on foot to build a railroad from Winfield to Kansas City, the prelimi-nary survey of a portion of which is now being made from Winfield to Eureka. Our citizens should investigate this matter. The road will, in all probability, be built, and it seems to us that if the proper encouragement were given, we might secure it. A direct line from Winfield to Kansas City will not miss either Eureka, Burlington, Ottawa, or Olathe three miles. These are all good towns and are all county seats, and it would seem that it would be to the interest of the road to pass through instead of around them. If this road is to be built, we hope our people will make an effort to secure it. Burlington Republican.
Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.
Last Monday a delegation from Butler County consisting of J. W. Watson and M. Campbell, of Leon, and A. D. Lee and A. W. Dennison, of Douglass, visited the director of the M., W. & S. W. railroad at Winfield to urge the construction of the road up the Walnut Valley to Douglass, and up the Little Walnut Valley to Leon and a connection with the Ft. Scott & Wichita road at Rosalia. They say that the townships in Butler along this line are enthusiastic for this road and will vote liberal subsidies.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 5, 1883.
The injunction asked for by Payne and upon the granting of which he rested all his hopes of a settlement upon Oklahoma, has been refused.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 5, 1883.
The Oklahoma boomers captured by Capt. Carrol, week before last, are on their way up under the escort of some of the colored troops who fought nobly. The boomers will reach Caldwell about Friday or Saturday. Caldwell Journal.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 5, 1883.
Another herd of cattle supposed to be a through herd from Texas passed along the State line, south of Chilocco Creek, last Friday, and created considerable uneasiness among the stockmen holding cattle in that vicinity. The cattle belonged to Osage Brown, and were being driven into the Osage country. There is considerable doubt as to this herd being a through herd, as the cattle were in good condition and there were none lame. The herders were reckless in driving, however, and paid no attention to ranges; driving through bed [?] grounds and among cattle on the range. The herd that drove through some two months ago drove along the state line, while this last herd drove three miles south of the line.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 5, 1883.
At the meeting of the board of directors of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, to be held in Caldwell, September 3, 1883, no arbitration cases will be considered.
BEN S. MILLER, President Board. Caldwell, August 27, 1883.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 5, 1883.
Mr. Thos. E. Berry and R. E. Grubbs were on the passenger train which collided with a freight train at Osage City, last week. The engineer and fireman were badly injured, and a baggage and express car demolished, but otherwise no damage was done. This was indeed a narrow escape for Arkansas City’s two representatives.
The Caldwell Journal, September 6, 1883.
Judge McCrary Renders a Decision in Effect Against the Oklahoma Colonists.
The following opinion rendered by Judge McCrary a few days ago will be read with interest by all persons who contemplated moving to Oklahoma.
In the Circuit Court of the United States, District of Kansas, August, 1883.
David L. Payne, complainant, vs. Robert T. Lincoln and John Pope. In equity.
The complainant alleges that he is a citizen of the United States, and that he served as a soldier of the United States during the war of the rebellion, and was honorably discharged; that he is entitled to settle upon certain territory described in the bill for the purpose of taking a homestead and of obtaining and keeping his home, residence, and his citizenship therein; that he has been attempting by all means in his power to enter upon said territory for that purpose and would have done so were it not for the acts of the defendant, who is a major-general in the army of the United States, having command of a large body of United States soldiers, and who, under orders from the president, has by force prevented complainant from entering upon said territory, and thus unlawfully deprived him of a right guaranteed to him by the constitution and laws of the United States. The bill avers that the territory in question is public land of the United States and open to settlement under the laws hereof.
The particular territory in controversy is described as follows, in the bill.
“Being that portion of the so-called Indian Territory lying south of the State of Kansas and west of the State of Arkansas, and being that portion thereof situate and lying between the North Fork of the Canadian river on the north, and the Canadian river on the south, and extending from the Indian meridian on the east, which meridian nearly corresponds with the sixth principal meridian traversing the state line of Kansas from north to south to the north and south township line between townships seven and eight to the west of said Indian meridian, as will more fully appear by reference to the United States survey thereof.”
The prayer of the bill is for an injunction to restrain the defendants from molesting, interfering with, seizing, imprisoning, detaining, or prevent complainant and others similarly situated accompanying him from going to or remaining upon said territory.
There is no service upon the defendant, Robert T. Lincoln, and the present order is only asked as against the defendant, John Pope.
The motion is submitted upon the allegations of the bill in connection with the statutes and treaties applicable to the controversy.
S. N. Wood and Waters & Ensminger, for complainant.
J. R. Hallowell, United States attorney for General Pope.
McGraw, Circuit Judge.
Is the land under question subject to enter under the pre-emption and homestead laws of the United States? This is the controlling question in the case. It is, to say the least, a question of doubt, and one concerning which there is a serious dispute. The executive branch of the government after the investigation, and being advised by the attorney general of the United States, has decided it in the negative, and have accordingly issued orders to the defendant, John Pope, who, as major-general of the army, has military control of the Indian Territory, to prevent by force the occupation of the disputed territory by white settlers. Under such circumstances, all that this court can at present be reasonably asked to do is to preserve the status quo until the final adjudication of the controversy. Were the parties at issue upon a question of legal right, and an injunction is necessary for the purpose of preserving all existing rights until final hearing, a preliminary injunction will generally be granted; but in the present case the existing status would be destroyed, not preserved, by granting the writ. The sole purpose for which the injunction is granted in advance of a final hearing in such cases, is to preserve the rights of the parties pending the suit, so as to leave the subject matter intact, to be dealt with by the court in the final decree. It is to compel the party against whom it is granted to maintain his status merely until the matter in dispute shall by due process of the court be determined.
Hight on injunctions, sec. 8, Mammoth Vein Coal Company’s appeal, 54 Pa. St. 182. To grant the preliminary writ to this case would be in advance of hearing upon the merits, to open up the disputed territory by settlement, and this in effect to predetermine the controversy as well as to destroy the present situation.
To refuse this writ is to preserve, or at least not to disturb, the existing status. Without, therefore, considering other questions, the motion for preliminary injunction is overruled upon this ground.
The Caldwell Journal, September 6, 1883.
Shot Through the Head.
DODGE CITY, KANSAS, September 2. News has just reached this city by telegraph from Camp Supply, Indian Territory, of a murder committed on Wolf Creek, near there, last evening. G. C. Smith, of Oxford, Alabama, boss of the Dominion Cattle Company’s outfit, was shot through the head and instantly killed by Al Thurman, foreman for the Jackson Cattle Company, in a dispute about a stock range. A warrant has been issued. A deputy United States marshal started tonight to arrest Thurman.
The Caldwell Journal, September 6, 1883.
Serious Charges.
Special to the Kansas City Times.
ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS, August 31. The greatest excitement that has ever been known in this country exists now. The Oklahoma War Chief, a paper published in Geuda Springs, in this county, makes charges of not only a serious nature, but criminal in character, against Hon. P. B. Plumb, United States senator from Kansas, and Secretary of the Interior Teller. Right on top of this some buck the men driven out of Oklahoma by the United States army. These men are desperate and say, as all now believe, that Judge McCrary was improperly dealt with by these syndicates in Oklahoma. In a word, that McCrary knew that these lands were or were not public lands; that there is no excuse for this delay. The War Chief claims to be able to prove that Hood, a banker in Emporia, and partner to Senator Plumb, has men now taking up these lands, and that the settlers are held back that the syndicates may get hold of all the best lands. Certain it is that there are men now surveying, and taking up land there, and that they have the support of the United States army while all men not in the rings are driven out.
The Caldwell Journal, September 6, 1883.
Oklahoma Boomers.
Sergeant Wilson, with a detachment of the 9th U. S. Cavalry, arrived last Friday from Fort Reno with a party of Oklahoma boomers, captured the week previous. The boomers numbered 125 and had 38 wagons. A few of them went through town while the others went to Hunnewell and Arkansas City. Our interviewer failed to get hold of any of the party, and consequently we can’t give their opinions regarding the unprofitable trip they made.
Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.
Southeast Cowley.
The greatest sensation of the day is the shooting of Milt Tompkins, some three miles from Cedarvale and one-half mile from Cowley County line, on Sunday night, whilst at home, asleep on a bed just outside of his house. He was shot with a small calibre revolver, just over his left eye. He is not dead yet. Henderson, County Attorney, and Sheriff Boyd came over from Sedan Tuesday and had a young man by the name of Bacon arrested and taken at once and confined in the jail at Sedan for fear of mob violence. The community is greatly worked up over the matter. Was told today that Bacon and Tompkins have been on too intimate terms for several years and this was the cause of the assassination.
Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.
DIED. A Mr. Tompkins, living at the mouth of Cedar Creek near Cedarvale, in Chautauqua County, was murdered in cold blood by a pistol shot on Saturday evening the 25th ult. He was shot in the head while lying asleep on the porch of his house. His brains were protruding and he was lying insensible at last accounts, but death was certain shortly. Suspicion fell upon his wife and one Wirt Bacon. A week after the shooting some of the neighbors told Mrs. Tompkins that Wirt Bacon had given the whole thing away and accused her of being the guilty party. This so confused her that she told the whole story. She had made arrangements with Bacon by which he was to kill Tompkins and afterwards marry her. On the 25th they went together to Cedarvale, where he bought a pistol and loaded it. Together they went to Tompkins’ house and found him asleep on the porch. She held the dog to keep him still, while Bacon crept up and fired into the sleeping man’s head. Immediately after this revelation Bacon was arrested, and hurried off to Sedan to keep him out of the hands of the mob. This is the report as it comes to us on pretty good authority. If true, it is one of the most satanic crimes that ever occurred in Southern Kansas.
Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.
The petitions to call an election to vote aid to the M., W. & W. road are being signed rapidly.
Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.
Messrs. Wright and Durham, of Douglass, were down last week looking up the railroad situation. They want the Missouri, Winfield & Southwestern railroad for Douglass if it is possible to secure it.
Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.
The surveyors on the M., W. & S. road have been working in Cowley for the past week and will be in today. The profiles of the road, plats, etc., will then be made up by Chief Engineer Morehead at his headquarters here.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 12, 1883. Editorial Page.
The M., W. & S. R. R.
The petition in the matter of the above railroad now circulating for signers and to be presented to the board of commissioners asking that an election be called to vote aid to the above enterprise in the sum of $100,000, is lacking in so many important particulars that we would be sorry to see it brought before the people as it could not carry, and would thus be an unnecessary expense upon the county. One of the most important of its defects is an absence of all matter relating to the location of side tracks, depots, etc., the result of which would be that each city or township desiring such convenience would have to pay the road an additional bounty therefor in addition to the county aid asked. At the meeting in this city last week, the honest inquirers were put off with the excuse that their demands would be recognized in a supplemental contract to be given by the company, whoever they may be. This is too gauzy; all these points should be included in and provided for in the petition presented to the commissioners and unless so provided for, the people will be at the mercy of the corporation for the most trivial accommodations. We in common with the citizens of Arkansas City and vicinity are in favor of, and will do all things reasonable to assist such road, when an acceptable proposition is submitted, but we believe the $100,000 asked from the county should give us the road and necessary conveniences for the transaction of busi-ness, free of all other demands whatever.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 12, 1883.
A few Oklahomaites still linger about their headquarters, loth to leave the promised land, yet restrained from entering therein by the decision of Judge McCrary.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 12, 1883.
The widow of H. E. Finley, the engineer who lost his life in the Oxford Bridge accident, last week received a check for $2,000 from the A. O. U. W., of which order deceased was a member.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 12, 1883.
It was rumored on the street last Saturday that unless our town subscribed $1,000 to the preliminary survey of the M. K., W. & S. E. R. R., it would be switched over to Geuda Springs. Isn’t this rather an infantile monopoly to thus crack its whip?
Arkansas City Traveler, September 12, 1883.
Sergeant Wilson, with a detachment of the 9th U. S. Cavalry, arrived last Friday from Fort Reno with a party of Oklahoma boomers, captured the week previous. The boomers numbered 125 and had thirty-eight wagons. A few of them went through town, while the others went to Hunnewell and Arkansas City. Our interviewer failed to get hold of any of the party, and consequently we can’t give their opinions regarding the unprofitable trip they made. Caldwell Journal.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 12, 1883.
We learn of a brutal murder that was committed near the eastern line of this county about a week ago. It appears that a man named Bacon was suspected of looking after the interests of Mrs. Thompkins a little too closely to suit the prejudices of Mr. Thompkins, who discharged Mr. Bacon from his employ. Thompkins was afterward shot while asleep, and it is reported that Mrs. Thompkins has confessed that Bacon killed him, and that while she knew that he would do so, she did not think he would kill him so soon.
Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.
WHERE IS PAYNE? Judge McCrary has decided that the Secretary of War is a bigger man than Dave Payne. It is intimated that Dave will take an appeal.
The Caldwell Journal, September 13, 1883.
Payne Skipped Out.
The Geuda Springs Herald says the JOURNAL was mistaken about Payne going to Oklahoma, and states that the boys got all ready to start, but Payne skipped out for Wichita, and they are still awaiting his return.
The Caldwell Journal, September 13, 1883.
Tell W. Walton returned on Saturday, having completed his job of surveying the ranges in the middle division of the Cherokee Strip. Tell has done his work satisfactorily to the stockmen, and has only to make a plat of the country surveyed, in order that the Live Stock Association may know how much each one holding in that division will have to pay.
The Caldwell Journal, September 13, 1883.
Robbed and Cruelly Beaten by Highwaymen.
[From Arkansas City Democrat, September 11.]
A gentleman by the name of James T. Watson, called at our office last Wednesday evening, and informed us that he had been robbed and beaten by highwaymen near Elgin on Monday the 3rd inst., and by request gave us an account of the affair, which is as follows.
He said, “I reside near Sun City, Barber County, and left home three weeks ago last Saturday, for Baxter Springs, at which place I had some business matters to settle up which placed me in possession of something over $1,200. When I got ready to return home I placed $700 in a pocket inside my shirt, and the remainder, about $500, in my pocket book. I did not apprehend any danger and consequently was unarmed. Just before sundown last Monday I stopped at a farm house some eight or ten miles the other side of Elgin and asked to stay overnight; they told me the family was sick and they could not keep me, so I thought I would ride on to Elgin. It soon commenced to get dark, and I noticed two men on horseback in the road about three hundred yards behind me, and thinking it would be pleasant to have company, if not only for a short distance, I waited for them to come up. When they got along side of me, I saw they were both armed to the teeth, but as they looked and appeared like gentlemen, I felt no apprehension.
“One of them asked me if I was a stranger in those parts, and I told him that I was, and that I wanted to make Elgin that night. He said, there is where we are going, and we will pilot you through. We rode along and chatted pleasantly for about a mile until we came to a little creek and stopped to let our horses drink, when they drew their revolvers and told me to hand over my money, or they would shoot my d d brains out. I told them I had no money and started to ride on, when one of them struck me over the head with a loaded quirt, and knocked me off my horse. They then dismounted and pounded me with their revolvers until I was unconscious. When I came to, my pocket book and watch were gone, but they did not find the $700 inside my shirt, and my faithful ‘cow pony’ had not deserted me, and I mounted him and rode about two miles to a farm house, where I was taken in and cared for, and after hearing my story a number of cowboys who were stopping there mounted their ponies and started out, and did not return until the next morning, but found no trace of the ruffians.”
We have no reason to believe but what the above story is correct, as Mr. Watson had a very bad looking phiz, and unquestionably had been very badly dealt with. He has probably arrived at his home in Barber by this time, a wiser if not a richer man.
The Caldwell Journal, September 13, 1883.
S. Jackson, manager of the New York Cattle Co., was arrested at Dodge City last Friday and taken to Wichita, charged with complicity in the killing of G. C. Smith, of the Dominion Cattle Company, by Al Thurman, an account of which was given last week. As the Dominion Cattle Company are the successors of the late Millett Cattle Company, which maintained a crowd of killers and cattle thieves, it is barely possible that some of the old Millett crowd still hang around the Dominion range. If such should prove to be the case, the presumption is that Thurman acted in self-defense, and that Jackson had nothing to do with the trouble or its results.
Since the above was put in type, we learn that Thurman was indicted by the U. S. Grand Jury at Wichita, upon his own voluntary statement as to the occurrence resulting in the killing of Smith.
Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.
The petitions for the calling of an election to vote aid to the Missouri, Winfield & Southwestern railroad are being signed up rapidly and will be presented to the board at an early date. The towns of Rosalia, Leon, and Douglass, in Butler County, are making a big effort to get the road down the big and little Walnut Valleys. The securing of this road means another stride forward for Cowley County and thousands of dollars added to the value of her real estate and productions.
Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.
Mr. George H. McIntire has been putting in the past two weeks in attendance on the U. S. Court, now in session at Wichita. During the two months preceding the sitting of this court, Mr. McIntire, in the way of his duties as Deputy U. S. Marshal, captured and lodged in the Wichita jail thirteen criminals. These he captured in the Territory bordering our State, and were made up of murderers, horse thieves, illicit whiskey sellers, and other violators of law and order. Like Phil. Sheridan, he “warmed ’em up all along the line.” As this is the same McIntire who is to be our next sheriff, it shows that the convention “knew its man.” George was Sheriff Shenneman’s trusted assistant during all his term of office, and he will be a worthy successor to that brave officer. The Republicans of Cowley hardly ever fail to find the right man for the right place.
Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.
A prominent railroad officer of this State, in a conversation the other day about Kansas, said that the railroads of the state could not, with their present rolling stock, haul out the products of Kansas for the year 1883 in two full years. He stated that he had made calculations, based on official reports which demonstrated this conclusion. Every railroad in the state has more business offered it than it can haul. It is now even impossible to supply the demands for cars that come in daily, and yet the crops of 1883 hardly commenced to move. None of the corn has been harvested, and vast quantities of wheat, oats, rye, and barley are in the stack.
Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.
Oklahoma Payne has again come to grief. He and his followers were again brought out of the promised land to Caldwell by the troops last week. The Oklahoma War Chief, his mouth organ, has turned up its toes to the daisies and it looks as though his efforts had certainly been wasted on the desert air—unless, possibly, he has salted down a goodly amount of the hard earnings of those he duped into following him.
Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.
Hunnewell, that home of the cowboy, advertises for a school teacher; not one of those delicate youths fresh from an Eastern college, and only waiting around for a call to the chief editorship of one of the big dailies, but a stalwart, broad-shouldered, big-handed man, who can knock down a bullock or shoot the eye-lashes off a fly at ten paces. They offer big wages and a life-insurance premium to one who can manage the school. The Texas steer can’t be having a very civilizing effect on the youth of Hunnewell.
Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.
Two railroads pass through Cowley County. A branch of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe road, connecting with the main line at Newton, traverses the county from its northwest corner to, and having its terminus at, Arkansas City; while an extension of the old Leavenworth, Lawrence & Galveston road from Cherryvale passes through the county from east to west. While these two lines of road are non-competing, both being operated by the same company, yet under the admirable commissioner system of the State, they cannot become too oppressive, and they afford excellent facilities for the shipment of the products of the county to eastern markets. A third line of road is under contemplation and will undoubtedly be built.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, September 19, 1883.
[From the Caldwell Journal.]
The United States grand jury at Wichita failed to find an indictment against Phil McCusker or Col. Manee. There was no evidence to show that either one of them had given or sold whiskey to any Indian in the Cheyenne country.
A regular meeting of the board of directors and of the board of arbitrators will be held in the city of Caldwell on the 27th day of September, 1883, at which time all matters in arbitration will come up. It is expected that every member of the association will be present at that time, in order to enter into lease for their different ranges, and receive their certificates of membership. BEN S. MILLER, President.
Tell W. Walton returned on Saturday, having completed his job of surveying the ranges in the middle division of the Cherokee strip. Tell has done his work satisfactory to the stock men, and has only to make a plat of the country surveyed in order that the Live Stock association may know how much each one holding in that division will have to pay.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 19, 1883.
The last railroad bond proposition does not meet with much favor among the residents in the eastern part of the county. When a farmer has to give one bushel of wheat out of every twenty to pay his taxes, it is time to consider that bonds have to be paid.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 19, 1883.
Milton Thompkins, the man who was shot a week or two since near Cedarvale, lived for over a week after the shooting. A post-mortem examination was held and the fatal bullet was found lodged in against the skull after having passed diagonally through the brain from left to right. Mrs. Thompkins is now confined at Sedan, and the preliminary examination of Bardo, who is charged with the murder, was set for Thursday last.
[Bill: Had article written same day by Winfield Courier and Caldwell Journal. There was a discrepancy between two accounts. Courier had C. B. Culvery as Secretary: Caldwell had G. B. Calvert. [In October Caldwell Journal stated A. B. Calvert was Secretary.] Courier stated arrested at Wichita last Monday: Caldwell stated arrested at Wichita on Wednesday of last week. Both showed United States Attorney as J. R. Hollowell...believe Hallowell is correct. Have rewritten this to incorporate stories from both papers, as follows. MAW]
Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883. The Caldwell Journal, September 20, 1883.
Payne and Other Officers, Oklahoma Company, Arrested.
Last Monday, at Wichita, David L. Payne, President; J. B. Cooper, Treasurer; A. B. Calvert, Secretary; and A. W. Harris, Assistant Secretary, of the Oklahoma Company, an association for the purpose of entering and locating in the Indian Territory, were arrested upon a warrant issued by United States Commissioner, J. F. Sherman, on the complaint of United States Attorney, J. R. Hallowell, charging them with a conspiracy to violate a law of the United States, and to commit an offense against the laws of the United States by settling upon the lands in the Indian Territory, and that Payne and his colonists be expelled therefrom, by order of the President of the United States.
Payne is the individual known as Oklahoma Payne, and was brought before the commission by Mr. Charles Hatton, assistant, and who appears for the Government, and the case was continued till the next day, for the witnesses to appear, but it is not expected that the case will be heard till the 29th. Payne has been costing the government many thousands of dollars annually, for two or three years, and in the face of repeated warnings. It seems that Attorney Hallowell has become tired of so much foolery and is determined on more radical and effectual means.
The arrest is a good thing for Payne, because it relieves him from promises made to his deluded followers, and gives him what he dearly loves above all other things, a little cheap notoriety, and at the same time will enable him to work a new batch of sympathy that will likely aid in replenishing his treasury. Save the above results, and putting the government to an unnecessary expense, we can see no good likely to arise from the arrest of Payne and the men associated with him.
It may be, however, that the U. S. Attorney has taken this step in order to get the case into court in such a way that a decision must be rendered as to the status of the lands in question. But it is claimed that the decision of Judge Parker, of the Western Arkansas district, and the more recent decision of Judge McCrary, practically settles that point, and leave no ground upon which Payne can claim a right to settle upon the Oklahoma lands. Look at the move on the part of the U. S. Attorney from any point we may, it has the appearance to us of being a farce.
The Caldwell Journal, September 20, 1883.
We were in error last week in stating that the Dominion Cattle Company was the outgrowth of the old Millet crowd. The range and cattle now owned by the Dominion Company were sold to them by Doc. Day, who held that range for six years previous to disposing it to the Dominion folks. At the time of the sale, G. C. Smith, the man killed by Al Thurman, foreman of the New York Cattle Company, was in the employ of Mr. Day, and was retained by the Dominion Company, Mr. Day, stipulating that whenever the Company got through with his services, they were to let him go back to his old employer. It is also stated to us upon the most reliable authority that Mr. Smith was one of the most peaceable men employed on the range in the Panhandle, that in no sense was he identified with the “killer” class, and that in all respects he was entitled to the confidence and respect of everybody with whom he came in contact. The taking of his life is regarded by the Dominion Cattle Company and his old friends as nothing less than a cold-blooded and deliberate murder, and they are determined to prosecute the affair to the bitter end. We trust this may prove to be the case, and that if it can be demonstrated that the death of Mr. Smith was the result of a conspiracy, everyone of the guilty parties will be brought to speedy punishment, without regard to their standing or former reputation.
The Caldwell Journal, September 20, 1883.
The Other Side.
[From Mobeetie Panhandle, September 7th.]
On Saturday, September 1st, a dispute about the ownership of a portion of their range on Wolf Creek occurred between G. C. Smith and Al Thurman. Thurman with some friends, approached Smith, who was riding alone, when Thurman said to Smith:
“You must move your ranch.”
Smith replied: “I will not do it.”
Thurman said: “If you don’t move, I’ll move you.”
Smith said: “Don’t do that; it will cause trouble.”
Thurman said: “If you mean trouble between you and me, it may as well begin right here,” and immediately shot Smith through the head, killing him instantly.
Some deputy U. S. Marshals are pursuing, but we have not heard of his being captured.
The Caldwell Journal, September 20, 1883.
Elsewhere will be found a card from Major Lipe, treasurer of the Cherokee Nation, notifying all persons on the strip who are in arrears for taxes to settle by the 26th of this month. Those holding cattle on the strip and claiming ranges, who neglect or refuse to settle with the Cherokee Nation, will be compelled to move out, therefore, for their own good, it is necessary that they give due attention to Major Lipe’s notice.
Notice to Occupants of Cherokee Strip Lands.
All persons not having license in the Cherokee Strip by September 26th will be reported by me to the Interior Department as intruders, and their range rights disputed by me before the Board of Directors of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association.
D. W. LIPE, Treasurer, Cherokee Nation.
The Caldwell Journal, September 20, 1883.
Luke Short, disgusted with the moral reform recently instituted at Dodge, has sold out his saloon and gone to Texas to engage in the cattle business.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, September 26, 1883.
The result of the late elections in the Creek Nation, at which Splechie was elected Chief over Perrimer and Chicate, is a defeat for the progressive party.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 26, 1883.
The Cherokee payment of $300,000 was made last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 26, 1883.
The pasture now being enclosed by Evans, Hunter & Newman on the Cheyenne and Arapaho reservation is an immense affair, taking some 250 miles of barbed wire fence to enclose it. There will be about 150 miles of cross fencing, making in all about 400 miles of fence. The range thus secured is one of the finest in the southwest, having an abundance of fine, pure water, and a luxuriant growth of nutritious grass. This, with their interest in the Comanche pool, will make them the largest cattle owners in this section, and if they have the success that has heretofore met their investments, they will make a mint of money in the next few years. Medicine Lodge Cresset.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 26, 1883.
Notice to Occupants of Cherokee Strip Lands. All persons not having license in the Cherokee Strip by September 26 will be reported by me to the Interior Department as intruders, and their range rights disputed by me before the board of directors of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association. D. W. LIPE, Treasurer, Cherokee Nation.
The Caldwell Journal, September 27, 1883.
Roadway Through the Strip.
The Cherokee Advocate copies an item published in the JOURNAL two or three weeks ago in reference to roadways through the Strip, and makes the following comments.
It would no doubt be a great accommodation to drovers and freighters to have a four miles wide road left, here and there, unfenced, through the lands recently leased by the Cherokees to a company of stockmen. It would probably be good policy for the lucky Company to make some such provision. But, as their obligation to the public to do any such thing, that is a pony of a different color. The Cherokee Nation leased to Cols. Drumm, Hewins, Eldred, and associates, 6,000,000 acres land, more or less, for grazing purposes, with no material restrictions except as to timber and the three salt springs and their approaches. The Company acquired the right to utilize, for their own benefit, every foot of land on which they pay rental; and while of course they would have no right to close up a well established highway—such as a mail or military route, of ordinary width, it is entirely optional with them whether they do more. An open way four miles wide would contain 2,560 acres per mile, or 128,000 acres for 75 miles—a district capable of sustaining upwards of 8,500 grown cattle or horses at the low estimate of 15 acres per head. It is unreasonable to expect the gentlemen who leased these lands, or the Nation who owns them, to contribute, without consideration, so large a district and valuable a franchise simply to public con-venience! It may be good policy for the Stock Association to do so—but we cannot see that it is their duty, unless in securing the lease they gave assurances that certain routes, of certain width, would be held open. In the cattle business as in war and politics, “to the victors belong the spoils.” The Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association are the victors so far as the “Strip” is concerned. They will, in our opinion, work it for every dollar that it is worth. If it pays best to keep wide through routes, they will keep them—if not, they will close up some, and narrow others—and who shall blame them? Not we, while they fulfill all their obligations to the Cherokee Nation.
The Caldwell Journal, September 27, 1883.
Hewins & Titus bought last week twenty-four Galloway cows and heifers and thirteen Polled Angus bulls, cow, and calf. The lot were imported by John McCulloch.
The Caldwell Journal, September 27, 1883.
The work of plowing fire guards around the pastures on the Strip goes on with unabated vigor. Owing to the rank growth of grass this year, cattlemen are making extra efforts to guard against prairie fires.
Winfield Courier, September 27, 1883.
The preliminary trial of Wirt Bacon, charged with the killing of Milton Tompkins, has been continued to the 26th. Milton Bacon, brother of the accused, arrived here from Colorado recently. The evidence against the accused appears very strong, while his parents and relatives who have always borne the reputation of clever and worthy people, have the earnest sympathy of the community.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, October 3, 1883.
Attempted Train Robbery. DODGE CITY, Sept. 29. The “cannon” ball on the A., T. & S. F. was attacked at Coolidge by a gang of cowboys, and the engineer killed outright and the fireman wounded so that he lived but a few hours. The conductor was shot at several times, but escaped injury. The express car was attacked, but the messenger repulsed them. A posse of men are in hot pursuit of the robbers, and a desperate battle will no doubt ensue when they are overhauled.
The body of John Hilton, the engineer killed in the attempted robbery, was brought here this morning. He leaves a wife and four children, who reside here.
Deputy Sheriff Mathers, Nelson Carry, Bill Combs, and others went from here in a special train, and are now in pursuit. The robbers are heavily armed. Parties on the train say they can be identified if caught. Fadle, the fireman, was shot in the mouth, the ball coming out behind the jaw, making a most terrible wound.
On finding the train aroused and themselves likely to be worsted, the robbers beat a retreat, having failed to secure the treasure which they were after. Superintendent Patch, of the Wells Fargo express, received a dispatch from Messenger Peterson confirming the story as already sent.
LATER. Three cowboys have been arrested and brought here on suspicion, but have not been fully identified.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 3, 1883.
AD. WILLOW SPRINGS STOCK RANCH. Sheep, Horses & Cattle. PINK FOUTS, MANAGER. Horse Brand: O I L on left hip. Cattle Brand: O I L on either side. Information given of strays of above brand will be rewarded. P. O. Address, Arkansas City, Ks. Ranch at Willow Springs, Indian Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 3, 1883.
W. B. Roberts, E. T. Roberts, and J. H. Windsor, of Titusville, Pennsylvania, widely known throughout this section as proprietors of the Willow Springs stock ranch, some eighteen miles south of this city, were in the city yesterday, leaving in the afternoon for Willow Springs.
Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.
We see by the Winfield Courier that Geo. H. McIntire has been nominated for Sheriff by the Republicans of Cowley County. George was a faithful soldier during the rebellion, serving in Company C, Eleventh Kansas Cavalry; and though his father and brothers turned into and followed the dark ruts of Democracy, George continued to “vote as he shot.” He lived in Lynn County years ago, and we vividly and pleasantly remember him as a fellow participant in the struggles of the rural lyceums and “spellin’ skules” at the Rinker school-house. Mr. McIntire was an energetic, vigilant, and efficient deputy of the brave and lamented Shenneman, and he will be elected and prove a popular and successful sheriff for the big and growing county of Cowley. Fredonia Citizen.
Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.
Attempt to Rob a Train, Kill the Engineer and Fireman, but are Driven Off.
DODGE CITY, Sept. 29. The Cannonball on the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe was attacked at Coolidge by a gang of cowboys and the engineer killed and the fireman so badly injured that he will die. The conductor was shot at several times but escaped injury. The express car was attacked, but the messenger repulsed them. A posse of men are in hot pursuit of the robbers and a desperate battle will no doubt ensue when they are overhauled.
The body of John Hilton, the engineer killed in the attempted robbing at Coolidge, was brought here this morning and the coroner’s inquest is now being held. Hilton leaves a wife and four children, who reside here. The wife is unconscious as a result of the terrible affair.
The facts concerning the attempted train robbery at Coolidge this morning as obtained from passengers and officials of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe road, are as follows.
The train arrived on time and remained ten minutes at Coolidge. When Conductor Greeley stepped forward to give the signal to go ahead, he saw two men ahead of him, one of whom jumped on the platform between the cars. The other sprang into the side door of the express car, landing on his hands and knees. Greeley stood asking what he was doing there, when the robber half arose and pulled a revolver and shot in his face, so close that the powder burnt it, but did not hit him. The robber then turned and fired at S. S. Peterson, the express messenger, who returned the fire and then built a barricade around him, and the passengers say he continued a lively fusillade, though Peterson says he fired only once. The fellow ran out of the baggage car and escaped, probably with the one who took to the platform. Conductor Greeley then went to the engine and found engineer John Hilton dead with a bullet through his head under the eye, and Fireman Fadle fatally shot in the breast. Fadle stated that a man jumped on the engine and ordered Engineer Hilton to pull out. Hilton answered that he would when he received orders, and the robber then shot him down and then fired at Fadle, with the result above stated. The plan was preconcerted, the wires having been crossed east of Coolidge since September 23.
At half past 5 o’clock this evening it was announced the arrest of two men have been made, one of whom is supposed to have fired at Peterson. The robber is about 5 feet 10 inches in height, stoop-shouldered, and has a long, thin nose. It is believed he can be identified. The remains of Hilton will be taken to Milwaukee tomorrow for interment. He lived at Dodge, where he had a wife and four children. His wife is unconscious. Fifteen hundred dollars reward is offered for the arrest of the parties.
Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.
WICHITA. The preliminary examination of Dave L. Payne and others charged with violating U. S. laws by invading the territory was concluded last week morning and the accused were held for trial on their own recognizances. The defendants are lavish in their praises of Commissioner Sherman before whom the examination was held.
The Caldwell Journal, October 4, 1883.
D. L. Payne, J. B. Cooper, A. W. Harris, and A. B. Calvert, the leaders of the Oklahoma boomers, were bound over last week, at Wichita, by U. S. Commissioner Sherman, in the sum of $1,000 each, for their appearance at the U. S. Court, which meets at Leavenworth on the 8th inst. The prime object of this prosecution is to fully determine the question of the right of white people to occupy the Indian Territory, particularly that portion which the Payne crowd claim to be public lands.
The Caldwell Journal, October 4, 1883.
Meeting of Board of Directors.
Pursuant to notice the Board of Directors of the C. S. L. S. Association met on Thursday of last week to receive the reports of the surveyors selected to run the lines of the pastures in each division, and to fix the amount to be assessed against such holder, and make a levy to raise the first semi-annual payment to the Cherokee Nation.
The report of S. T. Wood, surveyor of the eastern division, the survey being incomplete, showed 1,909,000 acres. Mr. Wood is still at work, but it will require a couple of weeks to finish the job; so as to obtain the exact number of acres in the division.
The middle division surveyed by Tell W. Walton, showed an area of 1,764,446.49 acres. The report also shows that there are 23 ranges in the division, running from 8,500 to 299,526 acres. All but three ranges are entirely enclosed with barbed wire fencing, and the three are fenced on each side.
Mr. C. H. Burgess had the east half of the western division, running west to the V range. West of that was under charge of Fred Erkhart, who has not completed his survey. The district surveyed by Mr. Burgess comprises 1,108,390 acres.
This makes a total of 4,781,865.49 acres surveyed and platted on the Strip. When the surveys are completed on the extreme eastern and western ends of the Strip, it is altogether likely the total acreage will exceed 6,000,000 acres.
From these reports, the Board levied an assessment of two cents an acre upon each occupant, in order to meet the first semi-annual payment to the Cherokee Nation, and to meet other expenses, and on Friday morning the Treasurer, M. H. Bennett, began the collection of the amounts due from each occupant. We did not learn the total sum paid in, but by Friday night there were sufficient funds in the Treasurer’s hands to meet all obligations due the Cherokees, and on Saturday morning he started for Tahlequah to make the first payment in accordance with the terms of the lease.
Since Thursday afternoon the Board has had under consideration cases appealed from the Board of Arbitration. In the case of Broadwell vs. The Eagle Chief Pool, the Board rendered a decision making Broadwell’s west line begin on the southwest corner and run north seven miles, leaving his west fence in a different shape from what he had it built.
In the case of Chase against Ewing, the Board affirmed the decision of the Board of Arbitration, giving Chase his range.
Wednesday morning the Board of Directors adopted the following resolution.
Resolved, That the Caldwell JOURNAL, be and is hereby adopted as the official organ of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association.
Yesterday afternoon the case of the St. Joe Cattle Company vs. E. M. Ford was referred to the parties in contest, and settled by the Wyeth Cattle Co., purchasing all the interest of the St. Joe Company.
In the case of Peter Stewart vs. E. M. Ford, the decision of the Board of Arbitrators was affirmed, giving Stewart nearly all he asked.
The Board meets this morning at 9 o’clock, and will continue in session from day to day until all disputes regarding range are settled.
The Caldwell Journal, October 4, 1883.
Messrs. Burgess & Walton are preparing a map of the ranges on the Cherokee Strip, made up from surveys by the various parties recently engaged in that work. The map will be invaluable to every stock man on the Strip, and no time should be lost in making subscrip-tions, as no extra copies will be published. If the plats made and submitted to the Directors are any criterion, the map will not only be a beauty, but a necessary adjunct to every well governed ranch.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 10, 1883.
Searing & Mead have contracted to supply the A., T. & S. F. Railroad with forty cars of gravel per day for one year, to be used for ballasting the road bed. This will give employment to quite a number of hands through the winter.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 10, 1883.
The chief engineer of the Atlantic and Pacific railroad writes C. M. Scott from Vinita, Indian Territory, that the road is just completed to the Arkansas River and four miles beyond to a stock yard, and that the work will now be suspended until spring, when it will be resumed.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 10, 1883.
Messrs. Florer & Pollock have just completed arrangements with the tribe of Osage Indians, by which they lease over 100,000 acres of good grazing ground in the Osage Nation for a term of ten years, for a yearly consideration of three thousand dollars. We are glad to note this fact, for while it is a good thing for the gentlemen, it is equally good for the Indians, who thus realize a handsome profit from otherwise waste land.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 10, 1883.
Look Out for Ticks. An old stock man says that when cattle are found with large fat ticks on them, it is almost a sure indication the cattle are from the southern country and liable to communicate fever or have been running with cattle that brought the ticks from the south. And further, that any cattle having such ticks on them are almost sure to have Texas fever.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 10, 1883.
McIntire for Sheriff. We see by the Winfield Courier that Geo. H. McIntire has been nominated for sheriff by the Republicans of Cowley County. George was a faithful soldier during the rebellion, serving in Company C, 11th Kansas Cavalry, and though his father and brother turned into and followed the dark ruts of Democracy, George continued to “vote as he shot.” He lived in Lynn County years ago and we vividly and pleasantly remember him as a fellow participant in the struggles of the rural lyceums and “spellin’ skules” at the Rinker schoolhouse. Mr. McIntire was an energetic, vigilant, and efficient deputy of the brave and lamented Shenneman, and he will be elected and prove a popular and successful sheriff for the big and growing county of Cowley. Fredonia Citizen.
The Caldwell Journal, October 11, 1883.
Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association.
The following are the public proceedings of the Board of Directors of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association since the last issue of the JOURNAL.
F. Y. Ewing vs. Salt Fork and Eagle Chief Pool. Board decided the line between Ewing and the Pool to be as follows: Beginning at a point where the present fence crosses Big Boggy, thence direct to the point where the present fence reaches its most southerly point; thence along said fence to the point where said fence joins Streeter’s southwest corner. Also, that F. Y. Ewing shall allow the Salt Fork and Eagle Chief Pool $150.00 expense for moving fence.
The resignation of D. R. Streeter of the Board of Arbitrators was accepted, and Ben. Garland appointed in his place.
I. B. Gilmore vs. Northrop & Stevens. Decision of Board of Arbitrators affirmed, and that Northrop & Stevens are to pay Gilmore $150 per mile for what fence he built.
In the case of Hammers & Co., vs. C. Lynch, decision of Arbitrators affirmed.
Tracy, Doubleday and others, vs. Northrop & Stevens. Decision of Arbitrators affirmed, giving Northrop & Stevens the range claimed by them.
On Friday, the Board adjourned until Nov. 13th, at which time all cases of appeal to the Board will be settled. Parties having appeals must be promptly on hand, as it seems to be the intention of the Board to close up all contest business at their next session.
The Caldwell Journal, October 11, 1883.
M. H. Bennett, treasurer of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, returned on Friday, having completed his mission of paying over to the treasurer of the Cherokee Nation $50,000, being the amount due on the first semi-annual payment on the lease of the Strip.
One week ago last Friday morning, Mr. Bennett commenced receiving the money from the members of the Association, and before night had taken in over $80,000. On Saturday morning, accompanied by City Marshal Henry Brown, he started for Kansas City, where he had a check cashed, and expressed the money to Muskogee, he and Brown going on the same train. Arriving at Muskogee, Mr. Bennett could not find anyone to identify him at the express office, and had to drive over to Tahlequah, where he found Judge Geo. O. Sanders. The latter returned with him to Muskogee, where the cash was received and taken to Tahlequah. The distance between the two places is about 35 miles, over a road none the best, and lined on each side with brush a good portion of the distance. Milt says the trip is the most disagree-able one he ever made in his life, and nothing could induce him to repeat the experience. Notwithstanding the assurance he received that the road was perfectly free from all highwaymen or would-be robbers, all the time he was on the road, a suspicion prevailed in his mind that a half dozen men were liable to jump out of the brush at any time and compel him to throw out the grip containing the money.
The provision in the lease requiring the Association to pay the lease money in cash at the Capital of the Nation is a very foolish one, because the money has to be sent to St. Louis, where it is kept on deposit for the benefit of the Nation. It might just as well be paid in St. Louis at first, thus saving an expense to the Association, and also to the Cherokees.
Winfield Courier, October 11, 1883.
An application for a reduction of freight rates to and from Winfield on both the railroads reaching this place will be made immediately. The matter is before the city council. The rates should be reduced from twenty to twenty-five percent, and since the railroad commissioners have decided they have some power under the law and are using that power as in the Beloit case, we do not doubt that the reduction will be soon effected. That Republican railroad law is a pretty good law after all.
Winfield Courier, October 11, 1883.
The excursion and ceremonies in commemoration of the Northern Pacific Railroad were evidently most imposing, delightful, and satisfactory. Four trains with forty-five Pullman, baggage, and dining cars have been drawn from the Atlantic coast for two thousand miles over the continent, and across three mountain ranges, and they were met by trains coming from the Pacific, at a place called Bullock, 1,198 miles from Lake Superior, 1,200 miles from St. Paul, 847 from Puget Sound, and 700 from Portland in Oregon.
The excursionists were a distinguished company, and as the silver hammer drove the last spike—a spike of gold—in the great northern road which binds the two oceans, the addresses were naturally and properly of an exultant strain. The orators recalled Jefferson’s endeavors, a hundred years ago, to cause John Ledyard to explore the Columbia, and his organization, when president, of the Lewis and Clarke expedition to open a northwest American route to India by the Missouri and Columbia rivers. Less than forty years later the agitation for a Pacific railroad began. Thirty years ago Congress authorized a survey of a route from the Mississippi to the Pacific. The Union and Central road, aided by the government, followed a familiar trail across the continent, and ended at the Golden Gate. But the northern route was regarded as lying in an inaccessible and hopelessly ice-bound region, and the completed work, without national subsidies, except a land grant, which was of possible future value, and in the face of endless obstacles and opposition, is a monument of indomitable American courage, sagacity, and skill.
Winfield Courier, October 11, 1883.
Mr. C. C. Wheeler has resigned the office of general manager of the A., T. & S. F. road. The duties of that office until further notice will be performed by the vice president. Heads of department will report as before to the general manager at Topeka. In conducting the business of the road, the general superintendent will be next in command to the general manager. The superintendents of the four divisions of the road will have full charge on their respective divisions of all employees in matters connected with station service, trains, tracks, buildings, bridges, water service, and fuel. Division superintendents will report directly to the general superintendent. The general manager’s office will be in charge of the general manager’s assistant. The following appointments are made: A. A. Robinson is appointed general superintendent and will continue to perform the duties of chief engineer; Geo. B. Harris is appointed general manager’s assistant. The new arrangement is now fully in effect and promises to give entire satisfaction everywhere. Mr. Wheeler will go to Chicago in a few days.
Winfield Courier, October 11, 1883.
DON’T PROHIBIT. [Editorial by Millington.]
Last week Tuesday, Fort Scott had several sensations. John McClevey, a teamster, in sudden delirium, slashed around frothing at the mouth, and finally cut his own throat slightly and stabbed himself in the bowels fatally.
Wesley McDaniel became quarrelsome and attacked a colored man named May, who struck back. McDaniel then shot May through the hand and through the heel. The two then clasped in a death struggle and May wrenched the pistol from his assailant and shot him in the head and in the chest with fatal effect. The first shot fired by McDaniel through May’s hand also struck Hon. S. S. Brinkerhoff in the back between the tenth and eleventh ribs, inflicting a dangerous and probably fatal wound. Eugene Park, a Fort Scott merchant, was met just out of town by three men, who rolled him of his money, watch, and other valuables.
Mr. Brinkerhoff is one of the two men who visited Winfield with us when Fuller and ourself first came to this place in 1870. He was a very pleasant and intelligent gentleman, and has since occupied the positions of City and County Attorney, we believe. He died from the effect of his wound last Saturday.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 17, 1883.
The men who were arrested for the attempted train robbery and murder at Coolidge were discharged for want of evidence. The man whom the express agent swore was the one who shot at him proved beyond a doubt that he was thirty miles away that night sleeping at the house of a man whose word could not be questioned.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 17, 1883.
J. D. Bingham, Assistant Quartermaster General, U. S. Army, Fort Leavenworth, has advertised for sealed proposals for four million pounds of shelled corn on board the cars at either or all of the following points, viz: Atchison, Valley Falls, Leavenworth, Topeka, Junction City, Council Grove, Burlingame, Emporia, Florence, Newton, Wichita, Caldwell, and Arkansas City, Kansas, and Kansas City, Mo.
Winfield Courier, October 18, 1883.
The Main line of the Santa Fe railroad is doing a tremendous passenger business. The regular morning and evening express trains have each ten to eleven passenger coaches, all full, besides three baggage, express, and mail cars each. The Thunderbolt trains daily usually has four sleeping cars besides baggage and express cars.
Winfield Courier, October 18, 1883.
The M. W. & S. W. Road will be built.
The City of Eureka voted the bonds to the Missouri, Winfield & Southwestern railroad last Wednesday. There was only one vote against the bonds. This is the second lot of bonds which have been voted to this road. Yesterday, Wednesday, elections were held in Hickory and Union Townships in the southeastern corner of Butler County on a proposition in each township to vote $15,000 bonds for the same road. We have not heard the result, as we go to press Wednesday afternoon. If these are carried, a similar proposition will be at once submitted in Otter Creek Township, Greenwood County which, if carried, will locate the road as between Eureka and Winfield in an almost air line over the best pass of the Flint Ridge ever found, which gives a maximum grade of fifteen feet per mile less than either of the other roads. Of course, either Cowley County or the townships the road will pass through will respond with the necessary aid when called on.
The Caldwell Journal, October 18, 1883.
The Leavenworth Times says that Payne is in that city endeavoring to organize another raid into the Territory, provided the case now before the U. S. District results in his favor.
The Caldwell Journal, October 18, 1883.
When we left Leavenworth on Monday, the Grand Jury had not reported an indictment against D. L. Payne and others for conspiracy in attempting to locate on the Oklahoma lands. The probabilities are, no indictment will be found, though both sides seem to be anxious to get the case into court in some shape, in order that the question as to the status of the lands may be settled.
The Caldwell Journal, October 18, 1883.
The switchmen on all the railroads centering in St. Louis and east St. Louis entered upon a general strike for shorter hours and higher wages at noon last Monday. They demand ten hours as a day’s work, extra pay for Sundays, and 30 cents per hour for all time over ten hours, besides $65 per month of twenty-six working days. The strikers number about 600 men in St. Louis and East St. Louis. The strike will probably cause a blockade of freight at East St. Louis. The strikers are determined to hold out, and if they do, the strike will have a most serious effect upon all classes of freights passing through St. Louis. Stockmen shipping to St. Louis will be compelled to hold off or ship their stock to another market.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1883.
Col. Windsor, of the cattle firm of Windsor & Roberts, made his first visit to the Agency this week. His firm is now holding on Preacher Creek, formerly the range of Gorten Bros. Cheyenne Transporter.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1883.
Railroad Accident. An accident occurred on the Santa Fe railroad yesterday, on the switch just this side of Seeley, by which two engines were badly broken up, and two parties slightly injured. It seems that the pay car, which was on its way from this city to Newton, was trying to make Seeley before the down passenger train reached that point, and in so doing the two trains came together at 11:52, in sight of the station. “Little Buttercup,” the engine of the pay car, and the pride of the railroad men, was so badly damaged that it cannot be rebuilt, while its engineer had his arm displaced, and the pay car cook was badly cut by climbing out of the window after the danger was past. No further injuries are reported, and the passenger engine can be repaired. It is not settled who is to blame, as the mail train officials declare they were due at that time, and other parties should not have attempted to use the track.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1883.
Republicans, Take Notice. Mr. Gary, Democratic sheriff of this county, has made arrangements with one Kelser to insert his (Mr. Gary’s) name on the Republican ticket in place of Mr. McIntire. This instance has reference to Silverdale Township, but the same steps are taken with reference to the other voting precincts in this county, and too much care cannot be taken by the Republicans to examine their ticket before voting them. Careful attention will frustrate such despicable fraud, and beat the poor fools.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1883.
Judge Torrance last Friday gave our most efficient (?) Democratic sheriff a very forcible hint to look after his business while he held the office. Asking the officers of the court to remain after adjournment, he told them he had become tired of performing the duties of both judge and sheriff in this county; and that hereafter if the sheriff could not find time to attend to his business, he would appoint one that could. At last account he had not found that worthy Democratic official.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1883.
The federal grand jury at Leavenworth, on Friday last, found a true bill against D. L. Payne, better known as “Oklahoma Payne,” for conspiracy to violate the laws of the United States. Payne says he desires a speedy trial, and declares that there is no case against him, as everything in the way of preparations for entering the Indian Territory and marching to Oklahoma has been heralded, in many ways, and that he invariably notified the United States attorney and asked him to interfere, if he proposed to, when they reached the state line and not wait until arriving at Oklahoma.
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.
The Federal Grand Jury at Leavenworth, on the 19th inst., found a true bill against D. L. Payne, better known as “Oklahoma Payne,” for conspiracy in violating the laws of the United States.
The Caldwell Journal, October 25, 1883.
The Grand Jury of the U. S. District Court, now in session at Leavenworth, have indicted Payne and his three associates on the Oklahoma business. It is barely possible the case may come to trial at this term. Should such be the case, whatever the result may be, the case will be carried on up until it finally reaches the supreme court. By the time that very deliberate body acts upon it, Payne will have been gathered to his fathers, and the Indian Territory, as it exists today, will only be a memory.
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.
The net earnings of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad for the eight months ending August 1st, were $4,821,500, an increase over the corresponding period last year of 37-1/2 percent. The Southern Kansas railroad, a branch of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, for the same period, shows net earnings increased 39-1/2 percent.
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.
Trying to Pass on the Same Track.
Monday forenoon a collision occurred near Seeley, eight miles north of Winfield on the Santa Fe between the regular passenger train and the pay train, which narrowly escaped being a very serious one in loss of life. The conductor of the pay car, Mr. Wells, had orders at Arkansas City to run through to Mulvane regardless of time, but to keep out of the way of the passenger. From Winfield he had eleven minutes to make Seeley, eight miles. He was cautioned to wait, but said he had plenty of time, and ordered the engineer to “let her go.” After this it seems he stopped on the road to pay some section men. Meanwhile the passenger had arrived at Seeley and it is stated that the conductor, Mr. Bell, was there informed by the operator that the pay car was on the way up from Winfield. However, he was entitled to the track and pulled out. The two trains met on a curve about half a mile this side of Seeley. The pay car was running thirty or forty miles an hour and the passenger fifteen. The engineer of the passenger, Mr. Johnson, had presence of mind enough to put on the air brakes and reverse his engine. The pay car engine was not reversed. Both engineers and firemen jumped and the engines came together with terrific force. Both engines were nearly demolished, and the baggage car stoved in. Fireman Dorley, of the passenger, had his arm broken, and the cook on the pay car was bruised. The passengers and train men were badly shook up. The collision occurred just over a bridge. The two passenger cars were standing on the bridge, but were not derailed. Engineer Johnson’s presence of mind and courage in sticking to his engine until the air brakes were set and the engine reversed probably saved the lives of many passengers. The main fault is due, as near as we can learn, to the conductor of the pay car. The passenger was entitled to the track and he had no business getting in its way or taking any risk. He claims that after he stopped to pay the section men, he still had two minutes in which to reach Seeley. The idea of his jeopardizing the lives of fifty people on the theory that his watch was right seems preposterous, but he did. Mr. Bell, of the passenger, is also somewhat to blame in the matter. Although he was entitled to the track, he ought never to have pulled out if he thought another train was coming down upon him. Human life is a precious article to handle, and railroad men should never take the deperate chance which both conductors took in this case. An engine was sent down from Newton and the cars brought in by way of Wellington. Arthur Bangs went up and brought the letter mail in. The track was cleared Tuesday morning in time for the regular passenger.
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.
The Santa Fe freight ran off the track near Mulvane Tuesday evening, delaying the Wednesday mail train two hours. The Santa Fe is having bad luck lately.
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.
The new loan broking firm of McDonald, Jarvis & Co., is creating a big stir in the loan market, with their six percent money. The senior member of the firm is J. Wade McDonald.
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.
From a Democratic Standpoint.
A prominent democrat, one of the “old liners” and one who leads in his township, said to the writer Monday evening: “I shall not vote for Mr. Gary, for several reasons. The first is, because he is no more a democrat than a vulture is an eagle—he is a republican deserter, a greenback deserter, and will remain a democrat only so long as we keep him in office. His main efforts for twenty years back, as near as I can learn, have been directed toward getting a living, some way or other, out of the taxpayers, not caring what party he espoused or what principles he advocated so they brought him office. The second is, because he is a failure as an officer, and hasn’t the courage or the grit to run criminals down. The third is because he is a nincompoop, politically, officially, and personally. I would rather vote for a decent republican than such a man. It’s bitter medicine, but it’s better than the dose a lot of you republicans fixed up for us when you helped to get him appointed, thus saddling him onto our party. I believe that the democrats who have stood by the old party through the hours of her adversity, ought to unite in kicking out the roustabouts who are climbing on deck when victory seems ready to crown her banners.”
Our democratic friends is certainly sound on the question from a political standpoint, but is mistaken in crediting Gary’s appointment to “you republicans.” Gary’s appointment was purely a commercial transaction, secured for him by a few republicans and a few democrats, jointly, as a reward for his sudden, and at the time, inexplicable change of front on an impor-tant matter while a member of the Council of this city. These gentlemen themselves despise Gary for his action in the matter and announce their intention of voting for McIntire. They evidently feel that they have cancelled their obligation to Mr. Gary and are now free to follow the dictates of their own consciences in casting a ballot.
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.
The Sheriff Out of Court.
One of the most notorious evidences of Mr. Gary’s incompetence or utter disregard for the duties of his office, has been displayed all through the term of court now in session. The duties of sheriff in the courtroom are second only to those of the judge. Upon him devolves the carrying out of the rules and orders of the court, the maintenance of order and decorum, and the exaction of that proper and due respect for the court and its proceedings which is all important in impartial administration of law. During Mr. Shenneman’s administration he was never absent from the court room while court was in session, except under circumstances which were positively unavoidable. Several times he has remarked to the writer that he could not attend personally to this or that until “after court,” and at all times he was at his post helping to dispatch the business rapidly and correctly. During the present session of court this is all changed. The sheriff is rarely seen about the courtroom, but is constantly upon the streets canvassing voters and maneuvering for re-election, while the important duties of his position are entrusted to this deputy or that deputy as they may happen to be around. The judge has been impatient about this and several times during the term his disgust at the way matters were being allowed to run at “loose ends” has exhibited itself in both words and actions. This every lawyer who has been in close attendance upon court knows to be true.
Mr. Gary evidently has a wrong conception of what is necessary to secure the support of the people. If he makes a faithful officer and attends carefully to the duties of his position, it will affect them far more than personal solicitation for their votes. The officer who neglects his duties in order to follow men about the streets supplicating for support, can never win either their respect or their suffrages.
Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.
GARY’S POLICY. Awhile after Gary had assumed the office of sheriff, some persons called his attention to some criminals whom Shenneman had traced up and was preparing to swoop down upon, but was prevented by the murderer, and Gary was asked to complete the jobs by making the arrests. Gary answered: “I am not going to set myself up for a target to be shot full of holes. I shall let the criminal business alone and attend to the civil business. There is more money in it and less danger. I am running this office for the money there is in it.” Our informant is a life Democrat of good standing and undoubted veracity. He says he can swear to the above statement and bring two other witnesses who heard Gary make the statement. That Gary has acted on this policy is prominently apparent. Such was his policy when he kept away from where the horse thieves, Carder and Cooper, were supposed to be while Ed. Nicholson, a brave Dexter farmer went and arrested both and brought them in. Gary did not get any bullet holes in his skin, but he got the money which Nicholson earned in making the arrests and he gets his fees for his civil duties, every cent of them, you bet, while he neglects those duties and spends his time soliciting votes. Another Democrat says Gary is so infernal stingy that he will not vote for him. This stinginess is part of the above policy to get all the money there is in it and keep it too.
Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.
SWINDLING TICKET. We have caught on to a large batch of tickets got up by Gary which purports to be the Republican ticket but leaves the place for sheriff blank evidently for the purpose of inserting Gary’s name. It has neither of the Republican candidates given correctly. Don’t vote any ot these tricky tickets. Look out for them. It would seem that Gary has succeeded in hiring some pretended Republicans to peddle such tickets on election day. We are told he has offered ten dollars apiece for them. He seems to be selling out his Democratic colleagues for votes for himself.
Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.
DEMOCRATIC ARGUMENT. We are informed that a former saloonist in this place returned to this city the other day, and on the way stated to a friend that he brought a large amount of money to be expended in securing votes for Gary and other democratic candidates. Whiskey, beer, and bribery are the weapons which the Republicans will have to contend with. It is time they were stirring around.
Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.
Capt. Gary furnished the Telegram last week with the following lie, which it endorsed and published for the benefit of the inventor.
“Some time since a horse was stolen at Arkansas City; the thief was arrested by the authorities at Fayetteville, Arkansas. When McIntire received word that his man had been caught, he engaged Mr. Milks, a resident of Arkansas City, to go with him, also engaging Milk’s team to convey the party. On their return trip, McIntire, between Vinita and Big Cabin, Indian Territory, saw some berries growing by the wayside; the sight was too much for this political gourmand, whose appetite for grub seems to keep pace with his appetite for official ‘pap.’ McIntire laid his revolver on the seat and jumped to the ground; no sooner had he struck the earth than the prisoner grasped the pistol and had the crowd covered. The bold, bad man then demanded Mr. McIntire’s shekels, which were handed over with alacrity and haste. His companions were also persuaded to contribute their mite to the missionary’s fund. These financial negotiations having been brought to a successful termination, this fellow, who had wantonly trifled with the feelings and pocket book of a constable of ten years standing and deputy sheriff to boot, coolly unharnessed Mr. Milks’ best horse and jumping astride, rode off, bidding Mr. George H. McIntire a long, last, sad farewell as he disappeared. The horse that had been ridden off by the thief was shortly recovered, but died from the effects of the hard usage it had received. For this loss Mr. Milks never received a cent. There was a mortgage of $75 on this team and wagon of old man Milks; the remaining horse and the wagon were sold under this mortgage and after it was satisfied, Mr. Milks had $20 left. This man (a republican, by the way) declares that McIntire never paid Milks one cent for his trouble or loss, which he could illy afford, being an old man 50 years of age, and a cripple besides, caused by wounds received in the Army.”
The Telegram was not smart, but published the lie too soon. It should have waited until the morning of the election when it would be too late to get the facts. Now comes the said Milks referred to therein and exposes the lie as follows.
The Telegram, in its last issue in an article purporting to come from an eye witness, charging G. H. McIntire with employing me to go with my team after a horse thief with him into Arkansas, and that he never paid me for the trip. That is a lie. McIntire never employed me to go with him; he never owed me a cent he did not pay. I was employed by J. Martin to go after his horse with McIntire. We found the man and horse at Fayetteville, Arkansas, and when on our way back near Vinita, the man jumped from the buggy. I was guarding the pris-oner at the time. I had McIntire’s revolver under my leg, and the prisoner saw his opportunity and grabbed the revolver and jumped out of the buggy. My horse was being led behind the buggy. I untied him and started to a house to get a gun, and the prisoner, when I was off about fifty yards, started after me and took my horse away from me and rode him off. He never got a cent of money from McIntire and did not seem to want to undertake to unharness the horse that McIntire was holding. I never blamed McIntire for losing my horse, and the man that makes that statement in the Telegram and says he was an eye witness is an unmitigated liar. E. MILKS.
The Caldwell Journal, November 1, 1883.
Indian Commissioner’s Report.
WASHINGTON, D. C., October 26, 1883.
The following is a synopsis of the annual report of Indian Commissioner Price.
A decided advance has been made in the improvement among the Indian tribes, particularly in the matter of industrial school education. Some tribes have been persuaded to send their children to school that heretofore resisted all efforts to induce them to do so. One question may now be considered as settled beyond controversy, and that is, that the Indian must be taught to work for his own support, and to speak in the English language, or give place to a people who do. Among the things needed to secure success and efficiency in solving the Indian problem, are:
1. An appropriation to survey out the boundaries of the Indian reservations, so that both Indian and white men may know where they have rights and where they have none.
2. A law for the punishment of persons who furnish arms and ammunition to the Indians. No such law now exists.
3. More liberal appropriations for the Indian police.
4. An appropriation sufficient to defray the expense of detecting and prosecuting persons who furnish intoxicating liquor to Indians. No ardent spirits should be introduced into the Indian country under any pretense whatever, nor their sale permitted within twenty miles of the Indian reservation, but under existing laws upon the subject, it is a notorious fact that ale, beer, and preparations of alcoholic stimulants, disguised as medicines, are sold at military posts to soldiers and civilians, and although post-traders are not permitted to sell it directly to Indians, yet it is an easy matter for the Indians to obtain it from soldiers and civilians, to whom it is furnished. The punishments imposed by the law for this offense should be made more severe.
The practice of approving by contracts to collect from the government the money due Indians is one that ought not to exist. It has for years been the practice to approve contracts by which outside parties have taken from the government hundreds of thousands of dollars for service which ought not to have cost the Indians one cent. During the last few years agreements have been entered into between Indians and different attorneys by which these attorneys were to receive from the Indians $75,525 for collecting from the government money said to be due to the Indians.
It is the duty of the government to see that wards of the nation receive what is justly due them free of cost, and it is equally the duty of the government to see that no unjust claim is paid. Congress should confer both civil and criminal jurisdiction on the several states and territories over all the Indian reservations within their respective limits, and make the person and property of the Indian amenable to the laws of the state or territory in which he may reside, except in cases where such property is expressly exempted by treaty or act of congress, and give him all rights in the courts enjoyed by other persons.
Allotments in severalty to the number of 116 have been made to Indians during the year with the best results, and the commission will adhere to the policy of allotting lands where the same can be legally done, and the condition is such to warrant it.
The attention of congress is again invited to the necessity of legislation to enable Indians to make entries under the homestead laws without cost to them. It is necessary that the land within certain reservations be subdivided, and it is important in some cases that this be done at once, although there is not a dollar available for the special purpose.
An amendment to the law in reference to intruders, so as to punish by imprisonment as well as fine, is absolutely necessary. An intruder without property has very little to fear of a fine. Notwithstanding his repeated expulsion from the Indian Territory, Payne and his party of Oklahoma colonists have twice, during the present year, made attempts at settlement in that country, requiring the aid of the military, at great expense to the government to effect their removal. The commissioner gives a detailed account of Payne’s operations, and asks that the special attention of congress be called to these aggressive movements on Indian Territory lands as illustrating the urgent necessity for speedy and effective legislation in regard to trespassers.
Recommendations for legislation for the protection of timber on Indian lands are renewed.
During the year there was paid the Indians in cash its annuity and otherwise $745,000. Less than $200,000 of this amount was for the payment of annuities proper, many of which will expire in the near future by limitation in the various treaties.
The increase in accommodations for Indian pupils, which the school appropriations for the last fiscal year made possible, has been followed by a corresponding increase in the attendance of pupils. Exclusive of five or six tribes, the number enrolled during the year just closed, is 5,143, an increase of 650 over last year. Of the 5,143 boarding pupils, 4,396 attend schools on the reservations or in their immediate vicinity. Boarding and day schools on the reservations have made a creditable record. Eight new boarding schools have been opened, making the whole number now in operation, exclusive of training schools, 77.
The Caldwell Journal, November 1, 1883.
The Oklahoma building, which was occupied by Payne and the War Chief, was moved yesterday to Rodolf & Howard’s coal yard, to be used by them for an office. The building was sold at auction a short time ago to satisfy a mortgage. The material of the printing office is stored away in Musgrove’s wareroom, and it will also be sold at mortgage sale in a short time. Geuda Herald.
The Caldwell Journal, November 1, 1883.
Tell W. Walton returned on Saturday, having completed the survey of the various pastures in the central division of the Strip. Tell had a hard time of it, owing to the beastly weather, as the English would say; still he looks none the worse for all his hard work.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 7, 1883.
There is an immense amount of wire fence building going on in the Indian Territory now. Messrs. Howard Bros. sold five car loads of this needful article last week—and this is only a drop in the bucket to what will be needed this winter.
Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.
UDALL. One of Cowley’s Thriving Little Towns.
Last Friday the COURIER reporter visited the little town of Udall, thirteen miles north of Winfield on the A. T. & S. F. railroad. Having never visited the place before, we were surprised at the improvement and amount of business being done. The town was laid out the spring of 1881 by a town company composed of P. W. Smith, James T. Dale, Geo. A. Jennett, Jas. Chenoweth, Jas. H. Bullene, and Jas. Napier. With the exception of Mr. Bullene, all the members of the town company were farmers and residents of the vicinity. The land on which the town was laid out (40 acres) was purchased of P. W. Smith. Since that time three additions have been added to the original plat—two by E. L. Moffit and two by Lewis Fitzsimmons. From the commencement the infant town had an opponent in the Santa Fe railroad. They were not given a depot sidetrack or conveniences of any kind. The station was merely a platform alongside the track. In spite of this, the projectors went to work with a will. Every encouragement was offered to persons desiring to locate. Members of the town company put up buildings and soon the few new and scattered houses grew into a prosperous little town. Then began the struggle for a depot and sidetrack, and through the able assistance of Senator Hackney, these things were soon forthcoming. Today the tracks are lined with coal and grain cars and the railroad company is doing a better business than at any station between Winfield and Wichita. There are still many things that the railroad company should do for the town. They need stock yards properly equipped with water and scales and improvements about the depot. The town now has upwards of fifty buildings. Several large new stores are going up. The businesses of the town are well represented. There are four general merchandising stores, two hotels, two hardware stores, two coal yards, one lumber yard, one harness shop, one tin shop, four physicians, one land office, five grain dealers, one barber shop, one restaurant, a millinery store, a photograph gallery, a billiard hall, and a livery stable. The congregationalist are erecting a neat church at a cost of $2,000. The Baptist are also putting up a church building. The school interests of the town are well looked after. They have a large building with two well furnished rooms. The school is graded and is under the charge of Prof. Campf, with Miss Knickerbocker as assistant. One of the best men for the town is W. B. Norman. He has charge of the town company’s interests and is doing a land and loan business. He has clear business ideas, a wide acquaintance, and exerts every influ-ence that can be brought to bear in favor of Udall. The town is surrounded by a splendid scope of country and the rich valley of the Walnut and Arkansas are tributaries to it. With such advantages it cannot fail to be a good business point.
Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.
The following is a synopsis of the annual report of Indian Commissioner Price.
A decided advance has been made in the march of improvement among the Indian tribes, particularly in the matter of industrial school education. Some tribes have been persuaded to send their children to school that have heretofore resisted all efforts to induce them to do so. One question may now be considered settled beyond controversy and that is that the Indian must be taught to work for his own support and to speak the English language or give place to a people who do. Among the things needed to secure success and efficiency in solving the Indian problem are:
First: An appropriation to survey out the boundaries of Indian reservations, so that both Indians and white men may know where they have rights and where they have none.
Second: A law for the punishment of persons who furnish arms and ammunition to Indians. No such law now exists.
Third: More liberal appropriations for Indian police.
Fourth: An appropriation sufficient to defray the expenses of detecting and prosecuting persons who furnish intoxicating liquor to Indians.
No ardent spirits should be introduced into the Indian country under any pretense whatever, nor their sale permitted within twenty miles of an Indian reservation. But under the existing laws upon the subject it is a notorious fact that ale, beer, and preparations of alcoholic stimulants, disguised as medicines, are sold at military posts to soldiers and civilians, and although post traders are not permitted to sell it directly to Indians, yet it is an easy matter for Indians to obtain it from soldiers and civilians to whom it is furnished. The punishment imposed by law for this offense should be made more severe.
The practice of approving contracts to collect from the government money due Indians is one that ought not to exist. It has for years been the practice to approve contracts by which outside parties have taken from Indians hundreds of thousands of dollars for service which ought not to cost the Indians one cent. During the last four years agreements have been entered into between Indians and different attorneys by which these attorneys were to receive from Indians $75,521 for collecting from the government to see that the wards of the nation receive what is justly due them free of cost, and it is equally the duty of the government to see that no unjust claim is paid. Congress should confer both civil and criminal jurisdiction to the states and territories over all Indian reservations within their respective limits, and make the person and property of the Indian amenable to the laws of the state or territory in which he may reside, except in cases where such property is expressly exempted by treaty or act of congress, and give him all rights in the courts enjoyed by other persons.
Allotments in severalty to the number of 146 have been made to Indians during the year with the best results, and the commissioner will adhere to the policy of allotting lands where the same can be legally done and the condition of the Indians is such as to warrant it. The attention of congress is again invited to the necessity of legislation to enable Indians to make entries under the homestead law without cost to them. It is necessary that lands within certain reservations be subdivided, and it is important in some cases that this be done at once, although there is not a dollar available for this special purpose.
An amendment to the law in reference to the intruders, so as to punish by imprisonment as well as fine, is absolutely necessary. An intruder without property has very little fine. Notwithstanding his repeated expulsion from the Indian Territory, Payne and his party of “Oklahoma colonists” have twice, during the present year, made attempts at settlement in that country, requiring the aid of the military, at great expense to the government, to effect their removal.
The commissioner gives a detailed account of Payne’s operations, and asks that the special attention of congress be called to these aggressive movements on Indian Territory lands as illustrating the urgent necessity for speedy and effective legislation in regard to trespassers.
The recommendations for legislation for the protection of timber on Indian lands are renewed.
During the year there was paid to Indians in cash, as annuity and otherwise, $745,000. Less than $200,000 of this amount was for the payment of annuities proper, many of which will expire in the near future by limitation in various treaties.
The increase in accommodation for Indian pupils, which the school appropriations for the last fiscal year made possible, has been followed by a corresponding increase in the attendance of pupils. Exclusive of five or six tribes, the number enrolled at boarding schools during the year just closed, is 5,143, an increase of 654 over last year. The attendance of day schools has been 5,015, an increase of 748 over the preceding year. Of the 5,143 boarding pupils, 4,306 attended school on the reservations and their immediate vicinity. Boarding and day schools on the reservations have made a creditable record. Eight new boarding schools have been opened, making the whole number now in operation, exclusive of training schools, seventy-seven.
An interesting event in the year has been the education inroad in the Ute tribe. The wild Southern Utes allowed twenty-seven youths to be taken to the Albuquerque boarding school, although not one of the tribe had ever before attended any school of any description. The organization of a system of day schools is meeting with favor among experienced agents, who have large agencies and desire to place all their Indians as speedily as possible under some sort of educational influence. The good results attending the maintenance of training schools at Carlisle, Hampton, and Forest Grove are very manifest and congress is urged to make appropriations for these schools, as each school has exceeded the number of scholars for which the appropriation was made. Training in the industrial and mechanical arts has been kept in the foreground, and the success attained is fully attested by the number of valuable articles manufactured in these workshops for use in the schools, and also by the fact that at Carlisle and Hampton they propose to furnish for the various Indian agents during the current fiscal year 2,000 pairs of shoes, 3,350 dozen articles of tinware, twenty-two dozen bridles and halters, and 450 sets of harness. During the year Carlisle has sent ten spring wagons to Indian agencies. Want of money and want of room compelled the refusal of many applications for admission to Forest Grove school, and it is hoped congress will appropriate at least $25,000 to erect a new building in the vicinity of the schools. Within another year new training schools will be in operation. Stone buildings to accommodate 150 pupils, at Chilocco in the Indian Territory, near the Kansas border and contiguous to a Kansas settlement, will be ready for pupils in December. At Lawrence, Kansas, three large stone buildings for 340 pupils will be completed in January. Near Genoa, Nebraska, the old brick Pawnee school building, standing on what was formerly the Pawnee reservation, is being thoroughly repaired and enlarged so as to furnish room for 150 pupils and will be finished next spring. Under the provision of the appropriation act of 1882 Indian pupils were divided in six different states with entirely satisfactory results, for the purpose, and an appropriation should be made that will enable the office to offer any suitable institution that will furnish buildings, teachers, and all the necessary machinery for the school, a compensation of not less than $28 per annum for each Indian pupil supported and taught therein.
Religious societies contributed $230,555 for educational work among the Indians, but this, the commissioner says, by no means expresses the assistance thus given to Indian education and civilization. The influence of men and women whose lives are devoted to uplifting the degraded and ignorant cannot be measured by dollars and cents. Moreover the fact that he represents a great religious denomination; that a Christian community is his constituency; and that the funds which came into his hands have been consecrated by prayer and self-denial give to a man and his work a moral force and momentum which government patronage does not impart.
The best hope for the Indian lies in bringing him into the closest possible relation with the various religious societies whose sole business consists in working for the elevation of humanity, and who from long experience, are presumably best informed as to the methods, men, and means to be employed in such work. The commissioner again calls attention to the need of a school for the Indians of Alaska.
The building of school houses has progressed fairly. Seven new boarding school buildings were occupied the past year, six more will receive pupils this fall, and four more promise completion the current year. Seven new day school buildings have been completed and another commenced. Much better use could be made of the appropriation for educational purposes, if it were not for the restrictions of the law, which often defeats the ends sought by legislation. A comparison with preceding years shows an increase in the number of cases of sickness treated by agency physicians, but a small percentage mortality. The total number of cases under treatment for the year was 82,024; total number of deaths 1,306, total number of births 1,142. The peculiar custom prevailing among the Indians of maintaining strict secrecy in regard to births and deaths renders the collection of reliable information on these points extremely difficult.
The affairs of the different agencies are reviewed at great length. With reference to the mission Indians of California, the commissioner says he fully agrees with the findings of the inspector sent out to examine their condition and will incorporate them in a bill to be presented to congress.
Concerning the Turtle Mountain Indians of Dakota, he recommends that two townships of the present reservation be reserved as a permanent reservation for those who do not desire to take homesteads.
The Indian tribes of the Indian Territory having failed to adopt freedom into their tribes, as contemplated by the appropriation act of 1882, it is recommended that legislation be asked authorizing their settlement in the Oklahoma district under some well defined jurisdiction and form of government, with power to the secretary of the interior to determine what freedmen should be allowed to settle thereon, or else such stringent laws be passed as will compel the respective tribes to adopt freedmen, as provided in their treaties.
It is also recommended that congress authorize the appointment and provide for the expenses of a commission, whose duty it shall be to visit these nations, consider the points of difference between the Indians and alleged intruders, or non-citizens, and, after determining upon rules of procedure for final adjustment of the question, attend the councils of said nations, and submit said rules for consideration and action, which, when adopted by them and approved by the department, shall be final and conclusive.
The early attention of congress is invited to the deplorable condition of the Indians in Montana, that steps toward assisting them may be taken as soon as possible.
The report concludes with the recital of an agreement signed in this city in July 1st between Chief Moses and the secretary of the interior, which will, the commissioner says, if ratified by congress, restore to the public domain 2,243,300 acres in Washington Territory upon terms favorable to the government and for the best interest of the Indians.
The Caldwell Journal, November 8, 1883.
Grass Lease Payment.
The second semi-annual payment of grass rental on the leases of the Cheyennes and Arapahos took place on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 16th and 17th inst. The original intention of the Indians was to accept cattle instead of money on this payment, but owing to the fact that they had received no annuity goods and were in need of winter supplies of all kinds, they made request of the lessees that the payment due them in December be made beforehand as above, which request, when telegraphed to the lessees, met with a prompt and favorable response. It was understood that the spring payment should be made in stock cattle, as that would be a more favorable time to handle them to advantage, instead of receiving them in the dead of winter. The payment was made as formerly on family ration tickets, and amounted to about five dollars for every man, woman, and child in the tribes, the total amounting to something over $31,000.
The distribution was made in one and two dollar bills, instead of silver, as before. This being novel money to the Indians, they had quite a time counting over their wealth and distributing it among members of the families.
After receiving their money, the Indians made a grand rush on the traders for blankets, shawls, clothing, and heavy winter goods, and for several days kept the stores busy supplying their wants. After receiving their more pressing necessities, they reserved the balance of their money for future wants, and showed considerable policy in waiting until the severe weather should show them what they would need for protection.
The lessees and business associates present during the payment were Ed Fenlon, Esq., Col. H. B. Denman, Wm. E. Malaley, Maj. Hood, F. B. York, and Mr. Parker.
Cheyenne Transporter.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 14, 1883.
The earnings of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad for the nine months ended October 1 were $5,500,000, an increase of 30-4/10 percent over the corresponding period last year. The net earnings of the Southern Kansas road for the same time were $629,000, an increase of 35-6/10 percent.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 14, 1883.
Telephonic. Last week the TRAVELER spoke of a number of new telephones to be put in this week, and of the effort to have a line run to Ponca Agency. In this issue we wish to present the claims of the latter line to the citizens of Arkansas City. It is simply a question of business to the merchants of this city. Mr. P. W. Bossart, superintendent of the Kansas division, and who is expected here daily, says that Hunnewell is alive to the importance of connecting the agencies and cattle ranches south of us with some trading point in the state, and is doing her best to raise the necessary funds. Now the town that gives the most assis-tance to this project is the town that will reap the greatest benefit. The immense advantages thereby resulting to the agency and stockmen are self-evident, and that the Territory people will throw all the trade possible into the city thus reaching out for a closer connection is the only natural conclusion. There is no doubt that Arkansas City can raise more money and re-ceive more support at the hands of Territory residents than any other border town. Mr. J. H. Sherburne, the trader at Ponca, has offered to give $500 to such an enterprise, and we may safely count on a liberal subscription from the various cattlemen around that section whose business interests are connected with those of Arkansas City. This should be met with a corresponding liberality on the part of our businessmen, which will insure telephonic connection with various points in the Indian Territory. A line to Ponca Agency means connection with Willow Springs, Ponca, Otoe, Nez Perce (and in a very short time, Pawnee), the cattle ranches of such men as Sherburne, A. N. Florer, R. A. Houghton, the Dean boys, and others whose interests are identical with ours, besides the various new instruments which will be ordered for parties in town wishing connection with those points. But we must work for this thing, or Hunnewell will step in ahead of us, and we will see the importance of it too late.
Get this enterprise on a business basis, and the telephone company will doubtless make a proposition to the Territory people by which they may lease the line, have their own central office at Ponca, and manage the business for themselves. This can be done, and it will be done. It is only a question of a very short time. Besides forever holding the trade we already have in this direction, it will bring to our doors a large increase in revenue. Let Arkansas City merchants display their wisdom and business sagacity by taking hold of this enterprise and carrying it to a successful issue.
The Caldwell Journal, November 15, 1883.
The Michigan Cattle Company have bought out G. W. Gardenhire’s interest, and appointed S. W. Phoenix, of Winfield, as general manager.
The Caldwell Journal, November 15, 1883.
The following stockmen registered at the JOURNAL office yesterday: J. H. Windsor, Pink Fouts, Arkansas City; J. F. Lyon, Fort Gibson, I. T.; Walter Treadwell, Prospect Park, Harper County; S. Jackson, Camp Supply; S. W. Phoenix, Winfield; Albert Dean, Earl Spencer, M. J. Lane, Eagle Chief Pool; C. H. Vautier, Kiowa; Nick Schlupp, St. Joe, Mo.; Wm. Hobbs and Arthur Gorham, Kinsley, Kansas; Tom Hutton, Ind. Ter.; D. Donovan, Kiowa; A. O. Evans, St. Louis; C. H. Dye, Wellington; Crate Justus, Harper.
The Caldwell Journal, November 15, 1883.
Up to the time of going to press, the Board of Directors of the Live Stock Association had not given any decisions upon the cases presented. The Board of Arbitration, up to noon of today, had rendered a decision on only one case, that of the Dominion Cattle Company against the New York Cattle Company. The decision of the Board was to the effect that the Dominion Cattle Company was entitled to all the range claimed.
The Caldwell Journal, November 15, 1883.
Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association.
The semi-annual meeting of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association was called to order today by President Ben S. Miller. On motion the reading of the minutes of the last meeting was dispensed with.
M. H. Bennett, treasurer of the Association, made the following report.
Collected on membership fees: $1,399.00
Assessment for lease to Cherokee Nation: $105,765.16
Paid on C. N. Lease: $50,000.00
Paid on rewards, Inspectors’ Salaries, etc.: $46,702.60
BALANCE ON HAND: $10,461.56
D. R. Streeter offered the following, which was adopted.
Resolved, That it is the sense of this meeting that the Board of Directors of this Association shall issue an order to the effect that all parties shall pay alike for building and keeping in repair all fences dividing their respective ranges.
E. C. Moderwell offered the following:
Resolved, That the officers of this Association be requested to take such steps as shall effectually prevent the driving of through Texas cattle over the route heretofore used to some extent, extending from Bullfoot Ranch through the Cherokee Strip to Dodge City.
Resolved, That said officers be requested to notify all parties concerned, through the Texas stock papers and otherwise, that said route is fenced, and can no longer be used as a thoroughfare for through cattle.
The resolutions were unanimously adopted.
H. R. Johnson, Inspector at Kansas City, reported that he had caught 108 head, amounting in value to $3,773.95.
There being no further business, on motion the Association adjourned to the second Tuesday in March, 1884.
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.
RECAP: Meeting of the stockholders and directors of the Denver, Memphis & Atlantic Railway Company was held at Topeka November 6, 1883. Elected as a permanent officer (Secretary) was M. L. Read, Winfield, Kansas.
On motion the Secretary was directed to give notice of thirty days for the opening of books at Winfield and Belle Plaine for the subscription of stock.
Communications were read from capitalists, iron manufacturers, and others in the east giving encouraging words to the enterprise.
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.
Cut Rates Via Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad. Parties expecting to go East will do well to take advantage of present low rates. No change of cars via A. T. & S. F., from Winfield to Kansas City, and direct connection made with all through lines. Call on or address W. J. Kennedy, Agent, A. T. & S. F. Railroad, Winfield, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 21, 1883.
Grazing Lands in Indian Territory.
WICHITA, KAN., November 17. Major Griffinstein, of this city, has just returned here from an extended visit to the Indian Territory. While in the Territory Mr. Griffenstein attended an important council of the Pottawatomie Indians. At their council the Pottawatomies annulled an important lease of their surplus land made by George L. Young to prominent cattlemen of this state, and embracing 400,000 acres of land in the Pottawatomie reservation. A committee of five was appointed by the council, with Col. A. F. Mavarre, chairman, and Peter Moose, secretary, for the purpose of leasing these fine grazing lands to the highest bidder of Indian blood. Bids will be received by the committee at the Sacred Heart Mission, in the Indian Territory, until November 28. The leasing of these lands creates an unusual interest among cattlemen, as they are the finest grazing lands on the American continent. The cattle interests of the Indian Territory are growing very rapidly, and pasture fields ten and twenty miles square all under fence are common. Mr. Giffenstein reports the range in the Territory as still good, and cattle in prime condition.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 21, 1883.
Geo. Miller, of Winfield, recently rounded up and branded 5,400 head of cattle at his ranch on Salt Fork south of Hunnewell. He has changed his old brand of LK to 101 on hip and horn.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 21, 1883.
We were favored with a call last Thursday from P. W. Bossart, superintendent Kansas division, and E. L. Smith, general superintendent of the Missouri and Kansas Telephone Company. These gentlemen report a lively interest in the new enterprise of running a line from this city to the agencies and cattle ranches south of us, and will use their influence toward securing this much needed convenience.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 21, 1883.
The Telegram some time ago published an article to the effect that the east and west road had increased their charges for freight, whereupon the Topeka Commonwealth took it upon itself to defend the railroad company by denying such a raise. In last week’s Telegram, however, Brother Black produces letters and statements that will be hard to set aside by those interested on the side of the railway corporation. The Telegram has rather the best of the argument, and is making it warm for the K. C. L. & S. K. This complaint has grown pretty general all over the state, and something will have to be done in favor of the people.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 21, 1883.
The Caldwell Journal complains of ruffianism among cowboys hanging around that town, and not without cause, judging from the following account of the little pleasantries indulged in by these festive youths.
Stopping at the Mayhew schoolhouse, they forced the teacher, young Mr. Beals, to drink whiskey out of a bottle they had. Arriving opposite the next schoolhouse, they fired several shots at it. On the other side of Bluff creek, a few miles of Donaldson’s ford, is the school-house of district No. 144. Here they amused themselves by shooting the knob off the door, filling the door full of bullet holes, and shooting the lights out of several windows. They fired several shots into the next schoolhouse west, doing but little damage.
At the schoolhouse in district No. 72, they gave the teacher, John Lowry, about the same treatment they did Mr. Beals, compelling him to drink their villainous whiskey.
The Caldwell Journal, November 22, 1883.
The report of D. W. Lipe, treasurer of the Cherokee Nation, for the year 1883, shows a balance in the treasury of $100,656.64. Pretty good showing.
The Caldwell Journal, November 22, 1883.
State Agent Crawford is after the Santa Fe company for 15,160.40 acres of lands in the state which that company claims. He is also endeavoring to have restored to the public domain lands already wrongfully certified to the company, and which the company has sold.
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.
The State Railroad Commissioners and the freight managers of the several railroads in the state have been having at Topeka several days of conference, for the purpose of fixing by agreement upon freight schedules for the several roads of the state. It seems however that the principal work of the managers has been to try to show that the thing could not be done. They dwell upon “local rates,” “through rates,” “short haul rates,” “long haul rates,” “differential rates,” “commercial rates,” and various other kinds of rates to show that the work is so complex and difficult that to any uninspired being it would be impossible. . . .
The Commissioners started off right in the Beloit decision. If they persist on the same line and move with a little more velocity so as to get through in a reasonable short time, the law is a success and the commissioners are worthy of their trust. If not, then both are failures and the people will attend to the question of maximum rates next election.
It looks too much as though the Commissioners are weakening. Anyway they seem to have allowed the freight managers to fool with them and delay their action far too much.
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883. [State News.]
It is rumored that the Southern Kansas railroad will put on an extra passenger train between Winfield and Kansas City. The passenger business has increased in the last ten months, until the company find it difficult to accommodate the traveling public with the present number of trains. The new train will go east from this place late in the evening.
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.
Cattle Thieves.
Monday morning two men drove 47 head of cattle into Oxford and prepared to ship them. While they were being loaded, a gentleman who is buying hogs for Mr. Geo. W. Miller at Oxford noticed that the cattle bore Mr. Miller’s brand. On questioning the parties, they said they had bought the cattle of Mr. Miller some days before. The cattle were loaded and came over on the morning train, together with one of the shippers. Mr. Miller’s man also came over. Coming uptown he met George and happened to speak of his having seen two carloads of cattle bearing his brand loaded at Oxford that morning and that they were on the train then standing at the depot. George at once said that he had not sold any cattle and that they were certainly stolen out of his pasture. They then started to the depot on a run. The fellow who had the cattle seemed to be watching and when he saw them coming, jumped off on the opposite side of the train and made for the timber. He was followed by several parties, but up to this time they have failed to capture him. George had the stock switched off here and then went west after the old man with gray hair. He left his pal at Oxford to go east with the cattle while he went another way with the two ponies. The stolen cattle were worth about fifteen hundred dollars.
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.
That New Tariff. We said last week that we did not understand the object of the new schedule of freight rates to take effect January 1, 1884, which is posted in the Southern Kansas Depot in this city, unless it was to induce shippers to hurry up their shipments at present rates, and before rates would have to come down. Agent Brannan informs us that Gen. Agent Hines instructed him that the object is not to advance through rates, but to establish a system of regular rates for short distances between stations, which should be higher than for long distances.
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.
The freight train due here Tuesday evening on the Southern Kansas road ran off the track near New Salem, which detained the west bound passenger until eight o’clock Wednesday morning. The trouble was caused by a coal car breaking down. No one was hurt.
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.
Passenger, going North, 3:14 p.m.
Passenger, going South, 12:37 a.m.
Freight, going North, 3:00 a.m.
Freight, going South, 7:45 p.m.
K. C., L. & S. K. RAILROAD.
(Going East.)
Passenger No. 2, 5:42 a.m.
Freight No. 12, 7:30 a.m.
Freight No. 28, 10:25 a.m.
(Going West.)
Passenger No. 1, 9:58 p.m.
Freight No. 27, 4:05 p.m.
Freight No. 11, 8:35 p.m.
New Meridian time which is 9 minutes faster than former railroad time and 28 minues faster than mean time.
The Caldwell Journal, November 22, 1883.
Fight with a Desperado.
MUSKOGEE, Ind. Ter., November 17. Tonight’s train from the South brought Deputy Marshal Marks and his posse. Hearing that John Greer, a notorious desperado and whiskey peddler, was to be at South Canadian, Marks and posse laid for him. They were in the depot when he came on the porch. West ordered him to surrender, when he jumped under the depot, and as West stepped off, shot him in the leg. Marks and posse returned the fire, put-ting five bullets in him. He then made a run for a neighboring cornfield, firing with his left hand, his right arm being broken as he ran. After climbing over the fence, he fell, and it is supposed that he is dead before this time. West’s wound is bad, but not fatal.
The Caldwell Journal, November 22, 1883.
[Wellington Items from the Wellington Press.]
At a meeting of the Denver, Memphis & Atlantic Railroad Company held in Topeka on the 6th inst., J. J. Burns, of Belle Plaine, was elected its first vice-president, and Thos. Donohue, of Belle Plaine, its treasurer. The subscription books of the company were ordered to be opened at Belle Plaine, and that the work commence there. It was decided, also, to submit bond propositions all along the line. The company announces that it expects to build 200 miles of road during 1884. How much this sounds like the start of several railroads that never got any farther along—in Sumner County.
As has been noted elsewhere in these columns, heretofore, a committee consisting of Dr. P. A. Wood, Mayor J. W. Hamilton, and J. Y. Coffman was sent to Fort Scott for the purpose of prevailing upon the St. Louis, Ft. Scott & Wichita railroad to build through Wellington on its route west. This committee secured a promise that representatives of the company would visit Wellington and investigate the facts in the premises. Accordingly, F. Tiernan, president, and E. R. Stewart, a director, of the company, arrived in Wellington last Saturday night and remained until Monday morning, when they went to Argonia and returned to Wellington Monday evening and remained until Tuesday. They are much pleased with Wellington, and asked for a proposition from the people. Monday afternoon a meeting was held in the courthouse, when it was decided to offer them $4,000 per mile through the county. A conference was held Monday night, during which the whole situation was gone over. Of course, no definite arrangements were made, but we feel confident that the line will be built to Wellington, and thus we will have direct communication to St. Louis and Chicago.
The Caldwell Journal, November 22, 1883.
The Independence (Kansas) Star says: “Among the lessees of the Osage pasture lands, down on the tribal reservation about 80 miles southwest of here, are Messrs. Larimer & Crane, of this city, who take 100,000 acres. John Soderstrom, also of this county, rents 20,000 acres, and our genial friend, John N. Florer, a licensed trader at the agency, 125,000.”
The Caldwell Journal, November 22, 1883.
Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association.
Proceedings of the Board of Directors.
The Board met in Caldwell on Tuesday, November 13th, pursuant to adjournment, and met from day to day until Monday, November 19th.
Present: Ben S. Miller, president, and a full board.
The Board decided as to who were members of the Association, and ordered certificates to be issued to all parties who had paid the first assessment and held undisputed ranges on the Cherokee Strip.
It was also ordered that the treasurer refund the $10 fee paid him by parties not entitled to membership.
In the cases of Windsor & Roberts vs. Estes Bros., and Windsor & Roberts vs. W. W. Wicks, the Board decided as follows.
That the ranges of Estes Bros., and W. W. Wicks shall commence at a point on the north line of the Ponca reservation half way between Bodark and Deer Creek; thence running north, or nearly so, to a point eleven miles north, and half way between Bodark and Deer Creek; thence east to East Bodark, and down East Bodark on the west side to where Miller’s branch empties into East Bodark; thence east to the Ponca trail, and south along said trail to the Ponca reservation; thence along the north line of the reservation to place of beginning; and that the Black Dog trail shall be the dividing line between said Estes Bros., and W. W. Wicks.
The following motion was adopted.
That all parties who may desire to lease a part of what is known as the Salt Fork & Eagle Chief Pool shall produce a written statement, signed by every member of said Pool, stating that they desire that six different leases be executed to six different parties for the range known as the Salt Fork & Eagle Chief Pool, and giving a full description of each range and the number of acres it contains, to the satisfaction of the Board; and that upon the production of said written statement, signed as aforesaid, said lease will be granted.
In the case of Gregory, Eldred & Co., vs. the Comanche County Pool, the decision of the Board of Arbitrators was affirmed, E. W. Payne and Chas. H. Eldred, directors, being interested parties, not voting.
L. Banks Wilson, W. B. Helm, and J. P. Richmond were appointed a board of arbitrators to settle all disputes between Windsor & Roberts and all other parties contesting, and disputing ranges with them, and that all expenses of arbitration shall be paid by the parties in interest, and the arbitrators to view the grounds.
The following was adopted and ordered to be published in the official organ of the Association.
SECTION 8. The Board of Directors of this Association, at any regular, special, or adjourned meeting thereof, shall have full power to make any orders, rules, or regulations, and compel the enforcement of the same so far as the members of this Association are concerned, regarding all range and association matters not provided for in the sub-division of section seven of the by-laws, in relation to arbitration. Any order, rule, or regulation of the Board so made shall be published at least four consecutive times in the official organ of this Association, and when so published shall be and remain in full force and operation as to all the members of this Association until revoked or changed by the Board. Any member of the Association who shall fail, neglect, or refuse to comply with the requirements of any order of the Board so made, after being duly notified thereof in conformity with the orders of the Board of Directors, shall forfeit his membership in the Association, and all rights, privileges, and immunities arising from such membership.
On motion of A. Drumm, seconded by A. J. Day, the following was adopted and ordered to be published in the CALDWELL JOURNAL for four weeks.
In conformity with the provisions of Section 8 of the by-laws of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, it is hereby offered by the Board of Directors of the said Association in regular session this 19th day of November, A. D. 1883, as follows.
That in any case where two or more members of this Association own and occupy adjoin-ing ranges, and it shall become desirable or necessary to construct and maintain division or partition fences between the ranges so adjoining, and the owners or occupants of said adjoining ranges are unable to agree upon the terms of constructing and maintaining such division or partition fences, either of said parties may, by petition filed with the secretary of this Association (which petition shall state, in plain and concise language), the matter in con-troversy or dispute in relation to such fences, to the Board of Directors of the Association.
In any case where any member of this Association shall have already fenced his range, and any other member of the Association coming upon and occupying an adjoining range shall join his fence to or use any portion of the fence already constructed as aforesaid, shall be liable to pay the owner thereof one-half of the cost and maintenance of the same. And if any member of this Association shall refuse to pay for such division fence in the manner aforesaid, the member aggrieved may submit all matters pertaining to the joining and use of such fence to the Board of Directors, as hereinbefore ordered.
The secretary of this Association, at the time of filing any petition under the provisions of this order, shall give notice to the opposite party or parties, in writing, of the time of filing the same, at least thirty days before the hearing of the case, and shall attach to such notice a copy of the petition so filed. If any such petition shall be filed with the secretary within thirty days of the time of holding the next regular meeting of the said Board of Directors, the matter shall be heard and determined by the Board at the said next regular meeting, unless continued by the Board of Directors.
If any such petition shall be filed more than ninety days before the time fixed for holding the next succeeding regular meeting of the Board, the secretary shall immediately fix a time, not less than thirty days nor more than sixty days, for a special meeting of the Board of Directors, and shall give notice of the filing of said petition and the time and place fixed for holding such special meeting, by publication, not less than four weeks, in the official organ of the Association, and also by mailing a copy of such notice, authenticated by the seal of the Association, to the respondent named in such petition, at his nearest post office.
On motion the secretary was ordered to have the following notice published for three months consecutively in the CALDWELL JOURNAL, the Texas Live Stock Journal, the Kansas City Live Stock Indicator, and the San Antonio Express:
This is to notify drovers of Texas and Arkansas cattle, that a trail used in the summer of the years 1881 and 1882, by what are known as through cattle drovers, has been fenced by the members of this Association, and is included in pastures now stocked with domestic cattle, which renders it extremely dangerous to have this trail used by through Texas cattle. Said trail has been known as the eastern trail, or the trail running from Red Fork, Indian Territory, west, crossing Turkey Creek at or near Bullfoot Ranch, and up the Cimarron River to the western trail. The said western trail crosses the Cimarron River south of Dodge City, Kansas, which trail is provided for by the directors of this Association, and is left a width of three miles for the use and benefit of southern drovers.
The trail from Red Fork, Indian Territory, to the Cimarron Crossing, known as the eastern or Red Fork and Dodge City trail, cannot be used in future by persons driving through Texas or Arkansas cattle.
A strip three miles wide has also been left for what has been known as the old Chisholm trail from Red River to the quarantine grounds at Caldwell and Hunnewell, Kansas.
On motion the Board adjourned until the second Tuesday in March, 1884, unless sooner called together, as provided by the by-laws and rules of the Association.
The Caldwell Journal, November 22, 1883.
Board of Arbitration.
The Board of Arbitrators of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association cleared up the docket and closed its labors on Monday.
In the case of Hollenback vs. C. M. Crocker, the Board decided that Crocker was entitled to all the range in dispute.
The case of Gorton & Munger vs. Moores & Weller, the Board disagreed on Saturday night, and on Monday a Board, consisting of Banks Wilson, Asa Overall, and Gid Rowden, was appointed to try the case. After going over the evidence, the Board divided the range in dispute between the two parties.
In the case of Windsor & Roberts vs. N. J. Thompson, the case was settled satisfactorily by the parties in dispute, on the advice of the special board, consisting of Banks Wilson, Helm, and Richmond.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 28, 1883.
A Relic of Barbarism. On last Thursday afternoon Mr. L. D. Skinner, of Bolton Township, well known in this city, became possessed of the very laudable desire to “run the city,” and proceeded to do it in the most approved cowboy style. This has long been a favorite pastime of the gentle Skinner. His effervescent disposition requires more pronounced means than those provided by nature to relieve his cherished carcass of its superabundance of noxious gases, and consequently he has proved a most formidable rival of the moon in the regularity with which he gets full and elevates the residence of Satan. He had one of his “regulars” on last Thursday. For over two hours he rode his pony up and down Summit Street, on the sidewalk whenever it suited the promptings of the bacchanalian spirit of the rider, or wherever the poor brute could be forced to go. His curses were as frequent as could well be expected of a person who must perforce take time to breathe, and what they lacked in refinement was amply supplied by the clearness of their pronunciation amid the indiscriminate manner in which they were applied to ladies and gentlemen alike who were upon the street. Just where our city marshal was during all this time was a question of much moment, but of hopeless solution, and after vainly waiting for his appearance, some of our citizens concluded that the quickest way to find him was for them to arrest Skinner and get him under lock and key. This was done by Ed. Horn, George Wright, George Cunningham, and Jennings Clark, with a suddenness that very nearly unjointed the animated tub of intoxi-cants, and he was soon landed in Bonsall’s office. The object of our citizens was accom-plished; he was arrested and the city marshal was found instantly. Skinner was put under $500 bond for his appearance next day, when he was granted a stay of ten days, he still giving the same bond. His trial takes place next Monday, when it is to be hoped that he will be taught a lesson that will carry with it some weight.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 28, 1883.
Last Friday evening Deputy Sheriff Taylor came down from Winfield, and arrested Mr. Kitchen for selling liquor contrary to the prohibitory law of this state, and on Saturday Sheriff Gary arrested A. W. Patterson and C. U. France on the same grounds of offense. Papers were served on the latter gentlemen more from a desire to sift the matter to the bottom than from any belief that they were at all implicated. Concerning this move, which has more in it than an honest desire to bring these men to justice, we have simply this to say.
Insofar as it is the result of a desire on the part of our county officers and law abiding citizens to protect the dignity of the law and to punish its offenders, we cannot but say amen; but insofar as it springs from an attempt of our city marshal to shield himself from just censure for his neglect of duty on Thursday or from an understanding that effort will be made to lessen the establishment of L. D. Skinner in consideration of his furnishing whatever information he may possess, we hope it will fall flat. Mr. Oldham is suddenly taking a very lively interest in the temperance cause—more than would reasonably be expected from a person of his proclivities; but in his desire to procure witnesses against Mr. Kitchen and direct the public eye away from himself and Skinner, he completely ignores a most valuable witness for the state—himself. He need not have waited until last Friday to become such a shining light with his good work, as by personal observation he long ago possessed all such knowledge necessary. Such a course, however, is but in keeping with the tactics he has pursued for some time in the office of marshal—to hit the game if it is a deer and miss it if it is a calf. The gentlemen who are on Mr. Skinner’s bond have always been conscientious temperance men, ever working against the liquor traffic in any shape. From them the whiskey dealers have never expected anything but uncompromising war; but it was a matter of surprise that such a good consuming though poor paying customer as the city marshal should become so thoroughly converted in so short a time.
While we desire to see the law take its course, we most profoundly hope the offenses against decency, last Thursday, which were witnessed by the entire city, will not be overlooked; and that in the effort to convict one man or set of men of violating the law, the inefficiency of an officer will receive due consideration.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 28, 1883.
L. D. Skinner thought there was not enough people in Arkansas City to hold him, but when Ed. Horn and J. J. Clark embraced him, he began to realize that he was nothing but a man after all—and a poor specimen at that.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 28, 1883.
The law says in so many words that the city marshal shall arrest any man seen drunk on the streets and place him in the calaboose until he is sober. Then why is it that every guilty man is pulled up before the police judge and let off with a small fine, instead of keeping him imprisoned until he sobers off? If the law compels a police judge to accept bail from any culprit offering it, in the name of decency and good order that culprit should be locked up until sober—another item on which the law is equally plain, and wherein a city marshal has no right to exercise his own sweet will. There is too much regard paid to the feelings of a drunken brute and too little respect paid to the ladies and gentlemen who have been insulted by such carrion as was running loose last Thursday.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 28, 1883.
Whoever lodged information leading to the arrest of C. U. France last Saturday was guilty of a cowardly and uncalled for act. Mr. France entered into the hotel business in this city on Monday of last week, and consequently had been in business but five days when summoned to appear in Winfield in answer to a charge of selling liquor. Mr. France never sold a drop of liquor in this or any other town, and such cowardly thrusts as this will only serve to bring him new friends. He is doing everything in his power to make a first-class hotel, and is succeeding. He has in no way, shape, or form been interested in the selling of liquor, as we firmly believe, and we take pleasure in thus setting him right before the people.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 28, 1883.
Among the laws passed at the late session of the Choctaw council was one entitled “An act to prevent the building of railroads and railroad branches without authority from the grand council.”
Arkansas City Traveler, November 28, 1883.
White and Indian hunters in the Territory are causing considerable loss and trouble to the stockmen by letting fires get out, which burn off the ranges. Too much care cannot be ob-served in this matter, as thousands of acres are at stake.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 28, 1883.
Attempted Highway Robbery. Last Saturday evening as Mr. Taft and his son-in-law were going home, they were stopped at the west bridge by two men, who demanded their money. It seems that one of the would-be robbers was a tramp who had previously been employed by Mr. Taft, and who had seen the latter gentleman draw a considerable amount of money from the bank on that afternoon. The other man, who held a large revolver in his hand, was unknown to Mr. Taft. Fortunately, before there was any chance for a more serious disturbance, Mr. Johnson and Mr. Steiver rode up and hostilities ceased. Warrants were issued for the arrest of the tramp and his accomplice, but so far nothing has been heard from them.
The Caldwell Journal, November 29, 1883.
Bent. Murdock, referring to our query regarding the insects under the sunflower which adorns the head of the Republican, gives the following explanation.
“The sunflower flourishes to such an extent in Kansas, that we are coming to be known as the sunflower State. The grasshopper is not intended to represent the red-legged locust, that has, in times past, visited our State in swarms, but the Kansas native; harmless and happy. The vignette, as a whole, represents the flora and fauna of the great sunflower State. An editor who has lived in Kansas twenty-five years ought to know a butterfly from a chinch bug.”
We are satisfied, and have no more to say.
The Caldwell Journal, November 29, 1883.
Two gentlemen from the east went down into the Territory last Wednesday to take a look at our Indian school building, and a number of cowboys, thinking they would have some fun with the “green Yankees,” as they call them, took some blankets and dressed themselves up as Indians, and started out after them. When the “Yanks” were about two miles on the other side of the line, the cowboys gave the war-whoop and started for them in genuine Indian style; but instead of getting up and dusting as the boys expected, the “Yankees” stood their ground, and when they got in range, let drive at them with their shot guns.
The Caldwell Journal, November 29, 1883.
M. H. Bennett returned last Saturday from a trip to the mouth of the Cimarron. He informs us that the Indians have burned off the entire Oklahoma country south of the Cimarron, and thinks that some of the parties who went into that region will be compelled to turn their cattle loose.
The Caldwell Journal, November 29, 1883.
Adam Berg came up from the Volz range last Monday, and reports everything lovely down on the Canadian, except that the Indians have been setting fire to the grass on various ranges. They have burned off considerable of the prairie on the Cimarron, and will likely burn off more.
The Caldwell Journal, November 29, 1883.
Mayor Colson returned last Monday from his trip to Colorado City, Texas On arriving there he found that the meeting of the stockholders of the San Antonio, Colorado City and K. C. Railroad had been adjourned, owing to the inability of the various committees to report. Mr. Colson says that the people of Colorado City and on the projected road, clear to San Antonio, are enthusiastic over the project, and he feels confident that the road will be built to the Territory line within the next year. There is no doubt but what it will be one of the best paying roads in the West, because it will have control of the immense cattle traffic which must have an outlet to Kansas City, now that it is almost impossible to drive large herds through Texas and across the Indian Territory to shipping points on the south border of Kansas Our people should give the project their assistance, if in no other way by urging upon the Kansas members of Congress to support a bill giving the company a right of way across the Indian Territory to Caldwell. A petition to that effect should be drawn up, signed, and forwarded to our delegation, as soon as it can be definitely ascertained at what point the railroad will strike the Territory on the south line, and its general route through that country.
The Caldwell Journal, November 29, 1883.
J. W. Nichols, of Arkansas City, and interested in the cattle business south of that place, called at the JOURNAL office yesterday, at the same time signifying his desire to keep posted on Strip affairs through its columns.
Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.
DIED. Chester Vanmeter, the young fellow who shot at Sheriff Shenneman here once, was killed near Caldwell last week. He had got into an altercation with his wife, beating her, and when her father interposed, turned on him. The officers of Caldwell went out to arrest him. He resisted and was killed. He was one of the “blood-and-thunder” kind of young men, and while in jail here entertained the prisoners with the plaintive melody of “The Outlaw’s Bride,” and kindred compositions. All such men end the same way—beat their wives and die with their boots on.
Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.
Caught Him. One of the cattle thieves, an account of whose exploits was printed last week, was caught by Mr. Geo. W. Miller last week about twelve miles west of Wichita. His name is Hiram McCathalan, and he is an old penitentiary bird. He is the one who helped to load the cattle at Oxford and afterward took the horses away. Mr. Miller struck his trail and followed it all around over the country until he finallly came up with him. He was riding along the road at the time and seemed very much surprised when George rode up, pulled his Winchester down on him, and ordered him to “throw up.” He yielded gracefully, however, and George brought him to Wellington, where he now lies in jail. George is a good thief-catcher.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 5, 1883.
L. D. Skinner was fined $50 and costs, last Monday, by Judge Bonsall, for his little fun two weeks ago.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 5, 1883.
C. T. Hickman, representing the Kansas City Live Stock Indicator, was in the city last week. This is a most valuable journal for stock men.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 5, 1883.
S. T. Wood, an old timer in this country, was in the city last week. He is now surveying the Windsor & Roberts range in the Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 5, 1883.
The United States District Court convened on Monday of last week, and among the cases to be heard was that of Dave Payne. The hero of Oklahoma “bobs up serenely” with a persistency only equaled by the going qualities of Tennyson’s brook. And still the Territory is not opened.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 5, 1883.
Our future county treasurer, Capt. J. B. Nipp, came up from the Territory last Saturday. While down in the Pottawatomie country, he saw the notorious Dick Glass, who has so far evaded the officers of the law. Dick is a full blooded Negro, a hard character of the worst type, and one whom no officer cares to arrest without plenty of backing. He is at all times armed to the teeth, and is ever on the alert.
Winfield Courier, December 6, 1883.
Arkansas City has had a regular cowboy jubilee. One L. D. Skinner, of Bolton Township, filled his hide with poor whiskey and proceeded to ride up and down the sidewalks, swear at and abuse citizens, and perform diverse and sundry other improper acts. As usual, the marshal was not to be found, and after he had kept up the circus some time a posse of citizens took him in. This skinner must be a bad citizen.
The Caldwell Journal, December 13, 1883.
Col. Boudinot has brought a charge against Col. Wm. Phillips, agent and attorney at Washington for the Cherokee Nation, for receiving $22,500 from the Indians, and that Phillips stated this sum went to pay Senators Dawes and Secretary Teller for their influence in securing a large appropriation for the benefit of the Cherokee Nation. Col. Phillips denied the charge. He need not to have put himself to that trouble, for no one (whatever may be his personal or political prejudices) who knows the character of Dawes and Teller, will believe the story for a single moment. However, there are corrupt people who will take any charge made against an officer to be true, no matter how absurd it may be on its face. They seem to take it for granted no man can be honest and fill a public place. The reason is obvious. They would steal or be bribed themselves, and they imagine human nature, in that respect, is the same the world over.
The Caldwell Journal, December 13, 1883.
A special to the Kansas City Times says that a commotion has been caused in Washington by the distribution among senators and representatives of copies of a memorial to Congress on the part of citizens of the Cherokee Nation, protesting against the alleged illegal lease of 6,000,000 acres of their lands to a syndicate of capitalists for grazing pur-poses. It also states that “all the facts will be brought out by the resolution recently introduced by Senator Walker, of Arkansas.”
All the facts were brought out by the JOURNAL long ago, and they are simply that the Cherokees own the land in fee simple and as a common heritage; that, having no use for the lands, they leased them for five years to the men who had been occupying them as grazing lands, for the sum of $100,000 per annum—a sum greater than could have been obtained for their use in any other way.
The antagonism to the lease does not come from the Cherokees, but white men who were unable to secure the lease for their individual benefit. Had those men succeeded in their schemes, the small cattle-holders on the Strip would have been compelled to pay an exorbi-tant rental to those tender-hearten gentlemen who appear to be so distressed over the wrong supposed to have been inflicted upon the Cherokees, or drive their herds off to some more favored locality, if they could find one. So far as we can ascertain, the Cherokees are satisfied with their bargain. That being the case, and the lease having been made in good faith, it is not easy to understand how Congress can interfere with, or set it aside, any more than it can annul a lease of a farm, a house and lot, or a railroad; and we have not the least idea Congress will pay any attention to the matter further, perhaps, than to send Senator Walker’s resolutions to a committee.
The parties who are attempting to interfere with the Cherokees and the stockmen who have leased the lands in question will have ample time to cool their shins at the doors of the capitol before they will be able to induce Congress to even make an attempt at setting aside a contract which both sides had an indubitable right to enter into.
The Caldwell Journal, December 13, 1883.
About the most important information—to the public of Caldwell—we have to communicate this week is the visit, on Monday, of Messrs. Nickerson, Leeds, and Burgess of the Santa Fe road. They came in on Monday’s train, went over to the stock yards, made a thorough examination, and took the return train for the north.
Our hired man was denied the privilege of interviewing the gentlemen, but from what was said on the outside, he learned that the object of the visit was to make some kind of a calculation relative to the reconstruction and enlargement of the stock yards at this place.
It was further intimated that work on the improvements would begin at an early day, and that when the yards were finished, they would be the largest, best arranged, and most com-plete in the State. All this is a consummation devoutly to be wished for, not only by our citizens, but by the stockmen on the Cherokee Strip. They have all along preferred to come here to ship, and the only reason they have not done so heretofore, is because of the bad construction and inconvenience of the yards.
The Caldwell Journal, December 13, 1883.
The Texas Road.
[From Kansas City Live Stock Indicator.]
The Indicator is pleased to observe that the citizens of Caldwell, Kansas, are taking an active interest in the proposed railroad from that city to Colorado City, Texas, as was evinced by the recent visit of Mayor Colson to Colorado City for the purpose of attending the meeting of the stockholders. The country which the proposed railroad would pass through has been already explained in the Indicator, and is familiar to western stockmen, who, holding cattle tributary to the proposed route, are anxious to see it built.
To build railroads, as with every other enterprise, requires money, and particularly a railroad which would pass through the Indian Territory and sparsely settled portions of Texas. No subsidies from Nation, State, city, or county can be expected except the right of way, and therefore there must be an excellent field for trade presented before capital will be forthcoming in sufficient amounts to make the project an assured success.
The citizens of Colorado City, Texas, one of the most enterprising towns of the south-west, took the initiative in this enterprise. They were the first to call a meeting for the purpose of talking the matter over and they are still at work. One town, no matter how enterprising it may be, can do but little either in the way of furnishing sufficient capital or energy and influence to carry the project forward to success.
As has already been stated in the Indicator, what is needed is the active cooperation of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe, the great western stock road, and which is now constructed to Caldwell, Kansas. This is a corporation which is wealthy, well managed, and has the good will of its patrons. Let the right of way through the Indian Territory from Caldwell to the Red River, near Vernon, Wilbarger County, Texas, be secured; and it is safe to say that the road will be built. It is useless to write or talk of disconnected railroad enterprises in these days. This is the era of great railroad systems, and of these western systems the Santa Fe is the most prosperous and the road which can, if it will, make the enterprise successful.
The Caldwell Journal, December 13, 1883.
The Arkansas City Democrat states that A. R. Witmore and John Haygood, while in the Territory after wood last week, found the body of a man with two bullet holes in the back part of his head. All that was found on the body was a new day-book, with the name, John J. Myter, written on the fly leaf, and a letter dated, Uvalda, Texas, Nov. 6th, and evidently written by his wife. The letter urges him to come home, and at the same time congratulates him on the good sale he made of his ponies. The body was so decomposed that the finders could not remove it, so they buried it as best they could.
The Caldwell Journal, December 13, 1883.
Horace, Mr. Cathron, and Wm. Miller, who stole two car loads of cattle from G. W. Miller’s ranch on Salt Fork, last month, have been arrested and are now in jail at Wellington. The first was captured in Sedgwick County and the second at Gainesville, Texas. Miller, after making his escape, stole a horse near Winfield, three in Sedgwick County, three more, with harness, wagon, and load of corn, near Milan, and then lit out for Texas. If Mr. Miller serves a sufficient number of years to pay up for his little eccentricities, he will undoubtedly be too aged to take any interest in cattle or horses.
The Caldwell Journal, December 13, 1883.
Big Cattle Deal.
While Ed. M. Hewins was here the other day, M. H. Bennett, of this city, made a deal with him for the interest of Hewins & Titus in the range at the forks of the Cimarron and Arkansas rivers, Mr. Dunman retaining his interest. The range is one of the best on the Cherokee Strip, and with it goes 12,000 head of cattle, 8,000 head of which are double-wintered beeves.
The price paid is $175,000, the papers for which we have seen. This may seem a large sum for a half interest in the stock and range, but when the character of both is taken into consideration, it will not seem so extravagant.
The new firm will be Bennett & Dunman, and the post office address Caldwell, Kansas.
The Caldwell Journal, December 13, 1883.
Mayor Colson started up the road last Monday, and before he returns will have an interview with the Santa Fe officials regarding railroad matters in which our town is interested.
The Caldwell Journal, December 13, 1883.
E. R. Bates, of the D. T. Beals Cattle Company, dropped in last Monday, on his way from the Panhandle. His trial on the charge of taking cattle not his own has been postponed until next June. To the average person, it will seem queer that the trial should have been postponed by the prosecuting attorney, as it was.
The Caldwell Journal, December 20, 1883.
We learn that Boudinot, in addition to bringing suit against Col. Phillips, has also brought suit against the Directors of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association. Boudinot is an outlaw in his own country; at least, he don’t dare to set a foot inside of the Cherokee Nation, and hasn’t for several years. He is a lobbyist and a sharper, and the suits he has entered are only another tack to replenish his depleted purse. Washington is full of just such harpies.
The Caldwell Journal, December 20, 1883.
Elsie Thralls passed through town last Friday with the horses and wagon stolen by Miller from near Milan. We stated last week that Miller had been captured, but that was a mistake. Miller got away, owing to the want of promptness on the part of the officers at Gainesville. If their course in regard to Miller is anything to judge by, it is no wonder the vicinity of Gainesville has been the scene of frequent robberies during the past six months.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 26, 1883.
Two Pictures.
It appears that Col. Boudinot has “poked up” the animals in and about Washington by instituting suits and preferring charges against those who have seemingly acted crooked with reference to “leased lands” in the Indian country. The Colonel’s “prod pole” is punching in the right direction and while great bellowing will be caused, the “general savage” will be able to ward off any damper that may threaten him. Let him continue in his work and protect the nation’s wards is the general sentiment of the country. Springfield Herald.
We learn that Boudinot, in addition to bringing suit against Col. Phillips, has also brought suit against the directors of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association. Boudinot is an outlaw in his own country; at least he don’t dare to set a foot inside of the Cherokee Nation, and hasn’t for several years. He is a lobbyist and a sharper, and the suits he has entered are only another tack to replenish his depleted purse. Washington is full of just such harpies. Caldwell Journal.
The Caldwell Journal, December 27, 1883.
Notice has been received from Chief Bushyhead that the south line of the Strip extending to Red Fork, and that all the land on the Strip from the Kansas line to the Red Fork is covered by the lease to the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association.